Морис Уилкс, англичанин, создатель Ленд Ровер, как известно из истории, очень любил свой Джип. Но он понимал, что рано или поздно любимец сломается и починить его будет трудно. Так родилась сначала идея внедорожника со своими особенностями, немного позже – сам внедорожник с английским происхождением – Land Rover.
Долгое время Ленд Ровер не мог пробиться на рынок США. Несмотря на то, что конструкция и дизайн Ленд Ровер постоянно обновлялись и совершенствовались, и сам автомобиль при этом отличался выносливостью и простотой в управлении, американцы очень холодно приняли его в свои ряды. Джип продолжал быть царем на американских дорогах. А Ленд Ровер оставил первую попытку покорить США. Причиной также были строгие ограничения в отношении экологичности автомобилей, а Ленд Ровер еще не мог позволить себе растрачиваться на более дорогостоящие модели.
И вот, в 1970 году, на свет появляется Ленд Ровер с новой концепцией и в новом образе – Рендж Ровер! Легким 8-цилиндровый двигатель, полный привод и новаторский дизайн сделали свое дело. Так что же значит «Рендж Ровер (Range Rover)»? Увы, история не сохранила памятного момента имянаречения новой машины. Зато, имея под рукой словарь, мы можем понять ход мыслей создателя этой модели. О том, как переводится Land Rover – читайте тут.
«Rover» с английского переводится как «пират, скиталец, бродяга, странник или разбойник», а «Range» на русский язык переводится не только существительными, а также прилагательными и глаголами. Так «Range» означает «степенный, аккуратный, любящий порядок. И это вполне соответствует реальности. Получив много наград, британец Range Rover признан шедевром автомобильного искусства.
Еще один вариант перевода на русский «Рендж Ровер» может звучать как «странствующий бродяга». Он покорил новые неизведанные маршруты – пустыню Сахару, Дарьенский пробел в Панаме, были освоены дикие места от Аляски до Арктики. Так эта модель авто проявила свои ходовые качества.
И вот, настала очередь привнести в конструкцию больше роскоши и лоска. Инженеры произвели модель Рендж Ровер с набором функций, которые даже не снились другим внедорожникам. В 1987 году Range Rover показал все свои новшества: регулируемые сидения, электроприводные замки и стеклоподъемники, люк, отделка кожей и деревом, даже стереосистема! Он вернулся в Америку и завоевал признание по всему миру. И как один из возможных вариантов перевода с английского на русский «Рендж Ровер» может подразумевать глагол «присоединяться, примыкать». Английский странник смог конкурировать со многими другими внедорожниками, к примеру, Тойота Ленд Крузер.
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PROMT.One бесплатно переводит онлайн с английского на азербайджанский, арабский, греческий, иврит, испанский, итальянский, казахский, китайский, корейский, немецкий, португальский, татарский, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, украинский, финский, французский, эстонский и японский.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Внедорожник range rover sport svr 2015 оборудован двухступенчатой системой электронного активного контроля над выхлопами.
Among other things, the Range Rover Sport CPV has been equipped with a 2-stage electronic active emission control system.
Правоохранители разыскивают водителя автомобиля Range Rover.
Essex Police are still looking for the driver of the Range Rover.
Range Rover нового поколения обладает уникальным дизайном, спутать его с каким-то другим представителем класса просто невозможно.
The new generation Range Rover has a unique design, confusing it with some other representative of a class is simply impossible.
Первый Range Rover разрабатывался в 60-е годы.
The first Range Rover was designed in the 1950s.
Но принципы, на которых основан автомобиль Range Rover, остались неизменными.
But the principles on which the Range Rover car is based have remained unchanged.
В результате обстрела автомобиля Range Rover погиб трехлетний мальчик.
As a result of shelling a Range Rover car, a three-year-old boy died.
Оформление передней панели здесь больше напоминает старшие модели Range Rover.
Making front panel is more reminiscent of the older model Range Rover.
Velar — это новое измерение привлекательности и элегантности в семействе Range Rover.
Velar brings a new dimension of glamour, modernity and elegance to the Range Rover family.
Новый Range Rover может комплектоваться одним из трех двигателей.
The all new Range Rover can be specified with any of four engines.
Вместо логотипа, на капоте новой машины увесистыми буквами были размещены слова RANGE ROVER.
Instead of the logo, the words RANGE ROVER were placed on the bonnet of a new car in heavy letters.
Range Rover — флагман этого модельно ряда и самый роскошный полноприводный автомобиль в мире.
Range Rover — the flagship of this model series and most luxurious four-wheel drive vehicle in the world.
Новый Range Rover будет представлен на 170 рынках.
The all-new Range Rover will be introduced in 170 markets worldwide.
Отметим, что Range Rover 001 был полностью восстановлен и достоин рассмотрения серьезных автолюбителей.
While under their care, Range Rover #001 has been completely restored and is worthy of consideration by serious motor car enthusiasts.
Если вам нужен высокий внедорожник, купите дизель Range Rover.
If you need a tall off-road car, buy a Range Rover diesel.
Является самой доступной моделью в линейке Range Rover.
And yet it’s the most affordable model in the Range Rover line-up.
Дизайн этого автомобиля был взят как образец последующих моделей Range Rover.
The design of this car was taken as an example of subsequent models Range Rover.
Теперь она является владельцем массивного, розового Range Rover.
She is now the owner of a massive, customized pink Range Rover.
Работе с автомобилями Range Rover предшествовало детальное изучение продукции бренда.
Working with range Rover cars was preceded by a detailed study of the brand’s products.
17 июня 1970 года принято считать началом производства Range Rover.
June 17, 1970 is considered to be the beginning of production Range Rover.
Базовый Range Rover является более дорогим, около $ 90000.
The base Range Rover is the more expensive one at around $90,000.
Предложения, которые содержат range rover
Результатов: 1255. Точных совпадений: 1255. Затраченное время: 82 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Meaning of RANGE ROVER in English
ˈRange ˌRover BrE AmE trademark
a type of large expensive car made in the UK by the Rover company. Range Rovers are strongly built, like Land Rover s , so they can be driven on rough ground, but they are more comfortable. In the UK, Range Rovers are considered a status symbol and are typically owned by wealthy people who live in the country.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
Longman — Словарь современного английского языка.
- Английские словари
→ - Longman — Словарь современного английского языка
Еще значения слова и перевод RANGE ROVER с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях и с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.
More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «RANGE ROVER» in dictionaries.
- RANGE ROVER — a make of car first produced by Rover in 1970. It is a large, high vehicle, designed for use over …
- ROVER — talibud
English-Visayan vocabulary - ROVER — I. noun see: reave Date: 14th century pirate , II. noun Date: 1531 a random or long-distance mark in archery, …
Толковый словарь английского языка — Merriam Webster
- ROVER — I. ro·ver ˈrōvə(r) noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch rover robber, plunderer, from roven to rob …
- RANGE — I. ˈrānj noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Old French renge, from …
Webster»s New International English Dictionary
- ROVER — (v. i.) A sort of arrow.
Английский словарь Webster
- ROVER — rover 1 /roh»veuhr/ , n. 1. a person who roves; wanderer. 2. Archery. a. a mark selected at random, as …
- RANGE — /raynj/ , n., adj., v., ranged, ranging . n. 1. the extent to which or the limits between which variation …
Random House Webster»s Unabridged English Dictionary
- ROVER — vi a sort of arrow. 2. rover ·vi hence, a fickle, inconstant person. 3. rover ·vi casual marks at uncertain …
Webster English vocab - RANGE — v a kitchen grate. 2. range ·v ·see range of cable, below. 3. range ·v a bolting sieve to sift …
Webster English vocab - ROVER — ~ 1 ■ noun 1》 a person who spends their time wandering. 2》 (in various sports) a player not restricted …
Concise Oxford English vocab - ROVER — rover, Rover BrE AmE ˈrəʊv ə AmE ˈroʊv ə r ▷ rover|s, ~»s z
Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
- RANGE — / reɪndʒ; NAmE / noun , verb ■ noun VARIETY 1. [ C , usually sing. ] range (of sth) …
Oxford Advanced Learner»s English Dictionary
- ROVER — I. Rover 1 BrE AmE trademark a type of car that used to be made by the MG Rover car …
- RANGE — I. range 1 S1 W1 AC /reɪndʒ/ BrE AmE noun [ Date: 1200-1300 ; Language: Old French ; Origin: renge …
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- ROVER — n. a sea robber, a pirate.
Английский основной разговорный словарь
- ROVER — n. a sea robber, a pirate. [ ME f. MLG, MDu. rover f. roven rob, rel. to REAVE ]
- ROVER — n. 1 a roving person; a wanderer. 2 Croquet a a ball that has passed all the hoops but not …
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
- ROVER — 1. n.1 a roving person; a wanderer. 2 Croquet a a ball that has passed all the hoops but not …
Oxford English vocab - RANGE — (ranges, ranging, ranged) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A range …
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner»s English Dictionary
- RANGE — I. noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a bewildering variety/array/range ▪ a bewildering variety of choices a broad range ▪ Sport …
Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
- ROVER — Synonyms and related words: Ahasuerus, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Blackbeard, Captain Hook, Captain Kidd, Flying Dutchman, Goliard, Henry Morgan, Jean …
Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
- ROVER — n. Function: noun one who roams habitually FF1C; he spent most of his life as a rover always on the …
- ROVER — n. Function: noun Synonyms: PIRATE , buccaneer, corsair, freebooter, picaroon, sea dog, sea robber, sea rover, sea wolf
Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
- ROVER — I. noun Synonyms: pirate , buccaneer, corsair, freebooter, picaroon, sea dog, sea robber, sea rover, sea wolf II. noun one …
Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
- ROVER — a former British company that made cars, especially large, expensive ones. Two of its best-known cars were the Land Rover …
Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
- ROVER — I. «Роувер» (марка дорогого легкового автомобиля компании «Бритиш Лейланд» (British Leyland) II»Роувер» (еженедельный журнал для подростков и юношей; печатал рассказы …
Англо-Русский словарь Britain
- ROVER — n. wanderer, bird of passage, itinerant, traveller, rolling stone, nomad, gypsy, wayfarer, gadabout, sojourner, tourist; drifter, tramp, vagabond, vagrant, US …
Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
- ROVER — I сущ. 1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn: sea-robber, pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn: privateer, a …
Большой Англо-Русский словарь
- RANGE — range.ogg _I 1. reındʒ n 1. 1> ряд, линия (зданий и т. п.); цепь, вереница range work — …
Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики — Сборник из лучших словарей
- RANGE — 1) диапазон; интервал; пределы 2) зона; область 3) амплитуда, размах (колебаний) || колебаться в пределах 4) вчт. семейство; …
Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь
- RANGE — 1) диапазон; интервал; пределы 2) зона; область 3) амплитуда, размах (колебаний) || колебаться в пределах 4) вчт. семейство; множество значений; область значений 5) рлк …
Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь — РУССО
- RANGE — 1) амплитуда 2) дальнобойность 3) дальность 4) диапазон 5) дистанция 6) досягаемость 7) зона
измерять 9) интервал 10) область 11) пределы измерения 12) пробег 13) простираться 14) радиус 15) разброс 16) размах 17) ранг 18) ранжировать 19) …
Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь
- ROVER — I сущ.1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn:sea-robber, pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn:privateer, a pirate ship 2) устар. вор, …
Англо-Русский словарь Tiger
- RANGE — range сущ.1) а) ряд, линия, цепь (каких-л. однородных объектов — домов, гор, учеников и т. д.) mountain range — гряда …
Англо-Русский словарь Tiger
- ROVER — _I ʹrəʋvə n 1. см. rove1 II + -er 2. скиталец, бродяга 3. старший бойскаут (тж. rover scout) 4. …
- RANGE — _I 1. reındʒ n 1. 1> ряд, линия (зданий и т. п.); цепь, вереница range work — стр. …
Большой новый Англо-Русский словарь
- ROVER — I ˈrəuvə сущ. 1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn: sea-robber , pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn: privateer , …
- RANGE — 1. сущ. 1) а) ряд, линия, цепь (каких-л. однородных объектов — домов, гор, учеников и т. д.) mountain …
Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике
- ROVER — I [«Ї†Ќђ†] сущ. 1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn: sea-robber, pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn: privateer, a pirate ship 2) уст. вор, грабитель, похититель, разбойник Syn: robber, marauder II сущ. 1) …
- RANGE — 1. сущ. 1) а) ряд, линия, цепь (каких-л. однородных объектов — домов, гор, учеников и т. д.) mountain range — гряда гор, горная …
Англо-Русский словарь общей лексики
- ROVER — в соч. — robot rover
- RANGE — 1) ряд; линия; серия; гамма (напр. станков) 2) диапазон; область; предел, пределы 3) расстояние; длина; радиус действия 4) …
Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства 2
- ROVER — в соч. — robot rover
- RANGE — 1) ряд; линия; серия; гамма (напр. станков) 2) диапазон; область; предел, пределы 3) расстояние; длина; радиус действия 4) амплитуда; размах 5) сортамент; номенклатура (изделий) 6) …
Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства
- RANGE — 1) ряд 2) сфера, зона, область 3) размах; диапазон, интервал; биом. вариационный размах 4) ареал; область распространения (растения); район обитания (животного) 5) пастбище 6) период …
Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии
- RANGE — 1) ряд 2) сфера, зона, область 3) размах; диапазон, интервал; биом. вариационный размах 4) ареал; область распространения (растения) …
Новый Англо-Русский биологический словарь
- RANGE — 1) ряд; серия; линия; шкала; зона 2) диапазон действия; радиус действия; дальность; интервал; пределы; расстояние; дистанция 3) амплитуда 4) створ 5) очаг; плита 6) решётка; …
Англо-Русский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям
- RANGE — 1. диапазон; интервал; пределы 2. дистанция 3. ассортимент; номенклатура (изделий) — bit weight range — driving range of crane — elastic range — feed …
Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу
- RANGE — 1. сущ. 1) ряд, цепь, линия 2) группа 3) собрание, коллекция, ассортимент, номенклатура 4) область распространения, зона, круг; диапазон 5) предел 6) изменение, колебание 7) движение (цен, …
Англо-Русский словарь по экономике
- RANGE — 1) область; диапазон; интервал 2) блок, совокупность 3) амплитуда; размах 4) широта распределения. — address range — balanced error range — byte range — class C address …
- RANGE — 1. сущ. 1) а) ряд, линия, цепь (каких-л. однородных объектов — домов, гор и т. д.) mountain range ≈ гряда …
Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь
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Англо-русский перевод ROVER
transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈrəuvə
1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn: sea-robber, pirate
1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn: privateer, a pirate ship
2) уст. вор, грабитель, похититель, разбойник Syn: robber, marauder II сущ.
1) скиталец, странник, бродяга (о человеке или животном, постоянно перемещающемся с места на место) Syn: wanderer, traveller
2) старший бойскаут (член старшей возрастной группы организации бойскаутов)
3) (тж. Rover) ленд-ровер (легковой автомобиль «вездеход») Syn: land-rover
4) разбойник (в крокете)
5) тех. ровер, вездеход, мобильный аппарат, исследовательский мобильный аппарат rover operator ≈ человек-оператор мобильного робота, оператор мобильного робота III сущ.; текст.
1) банкаброш, ровничная машина
2) работающий на ровничной машине
скиталец, бродяга старший бойскаут (тж. * scout) (устаревшее) морской разбойник, пират (устаревшее) пиратское судно (военное) произвольно выбранная цель разбойник (в крокете) ровер (вид велосипеда)
rover пират, морской разбойник ~ разбойник (в крокете) ~ скиталец; странник
Big English-Russian dictionary .
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Еще значения слова и перевод ROVER с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях и с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.
More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «ROVER» in dictionaries.
- ROVER — talibud
English-Visayan vocabulary - ROVER — I. noun see: reave Date: 14th century pirate , II. noun Date: 1531 a random or long-distance mark in archery, …
Толковый словарь английского языка — Merriam Webster
- ROVER — I. ro·ver ˈrōvə(r) noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch rover robber, plunderer, from roven to rob …
Webster»s New International English Dictionary
- ROVER — (v. i.) A sort of arrow.
Английский словарь Webster
- ROVER — rover 1 /roh»veuhr/ , n. 1. a person who roves; wanderer. 2. Archery. a. a mark selected at random, as …
- ROVER — vi a sort of arrow. 2. rover ·vi hence, a fickle, inconstant person. 3. rover ·vi casual marks at uncertain …
Webster English vocab - ROVER — ~ 1 ■ noun 1》 a person who spends their time wandering. 2》 (in various sports) a player not restricted …
Concise Oxford English vocab - ROVER — rover, Rover BrE AmE ˈrəʊv ə AmE ˈroʊv ə r ▷ rover|s, ~»s z
Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
- ROVER — I. Rover 1 BrE AmE trademark a type of car that used to be made by the MG Rover car …
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- ROVER — n. a sea robber, a pirate.
Английский основной разговорный словарь
- ROVER — n. a sea robber, a pirate. [ ME f. MLG, MDu. rover f. roven rob, rel. to REAVE ]
- ROVER — n. 1 a roving person; a wanderer. 2 Croquet a a ball that has passed all the hoops but not …
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
- ROVER — 1. n.1 a roving person; a wanderer. 2 Croquet a a ball that has passed all the hoops but not …
Oxford English vocab - ROVER — Synonyms and related words: Ahasuerus, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Blackbeard, Captain Hook, Captain Kidd, Flying Dutchman, Goliard, Henry Morgan, Jean …
Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
- ROVER — n. Function: noun one who roams habitually FF1C; he spent most of his life as a rover always on the …
- ROVER — n. Function: noun Synonyms: PIRATE , buccaneer, corsair, freebooter, picaroon, sea dog, sea robber, sea rover, sea wolf
Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
- ROVER — I. noun Synonyms: pirate , buccaneer, corsair, freebooter, picaroon, sea dog, sea robber, sea rover, sea wolf II. noun one …
Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
- ROVER — a former British company that made cars, especially large, expensive ones. Two of its best-known cars were the Land Rover …
Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
- ROVER — I. «Роувер» (марка дорогого легкового автомобиля компании «Бритиш Лейланд» (British Leyland) II»Роувер» (еженедельный журнал для подростков и юношей; печатал рассказы …
Англо-Русский словарь Britain
- ROVER — n. wanderer, bird of passage, itinerant, traveller, rolling stone, nomad, gypsy, wayfarer, gadabout, sojourner, tourist; drifter, tramp, vagabond, vagrant, US …
Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики — Сборник из лучших словарей
- ROVER — I сущ.1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn:sea-robber, pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn:privateer, a pirate ship 2) устар. вор, …
Англо-Русский словарь Tiger
- ROVER — _I ʹrəʋvə n 1. см. rove1 II + -er 2. скиталец, бродяга 3. старший бойскаут (тж. rover scout) 4. …
Большой новый Англо-Русский словарь
- ROVER — I ˈrəuvə сущ. 1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn: sea-robber , pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn: privateer , …
Англо-Русский словарь по общей лексике
- ROVER — I [«Ї†Ќђ†] сущ. 1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn: sea-robber, pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn: privateer, a pirate ship 2) уст. вор, грабитель, похититель, разбойник Syn: robber, marauder II сущ. 1) …
Англо-Русский словарь общей лексики
- ROVER — в соч. — robot rover
Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства 2
- ROVER — в соч. — robot rover
Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства
- ROVER — I [«Ї†Ќђ†] «Роувер» (марка дорогого легкового автомобиля компании «Бритиш Лейланд» ) II [«Ї†Ќђ†] «Rover» «Роувер» (еженедельный журнал для подростков и юношей; печатал рассказы …
Великобритания — Лингвострановедческий словарь
- ROVER — I сущ. 1) а) морской разбойник, пират Syn: sea-robber, pirate 1. б) пиратское судно, капер Syn: privateer, a …
Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь
Английский словарь Webster
- ROVER — (v. i.) A ball which has passed through all the hoops and would go out if it hit the stake …
Английский словарь Webster
Английский словарь Webster
Английский словарь Webster
Английский словарь Webster
- ROVER — (v. i.) One who wanders about by sea or land; a wanderer; a rambler.
- ROVER — (v. i.) One who practices robbery on the seas; a pirate.
Webster»s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
- ROVER — (v. i.) Hence, a fickle, inconstant person.
Webster»s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
- ROVER — (v. i.) Casual marks at uncertain distances.
Webster»s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
- ROVER — (v. i.) A sort of arrow.
Webster»s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
- ROVER — (v. i.) A ball which has passed through all the hoops and would go out if it hit …
Webster»s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
- ROVER — /roh»veuhr/ , n. a familiar name for a dog.
Random House Webster»s Unabridged English Dictionary
- ROVER — n. wanderer, roamer, one who meanders; machine that stretches and twists fibers to prepare them for spinning; operator of a …
Толковый словарь английского языка — Редакция bed
- ROVER — I. ro·ver ˈrō-vər noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch, from roven to rob; akin to Old English rēafian to …
Merriam-Webster»s Collegiate English vocabulary
- ROVER — n. Pronunciation: » r ō -v ə r Function: noun Date: 1531 1: a random or long-distance mark in …
- ROVER — n. Pronunciation: » r ō -v ə r Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch, from roven to rob; …
Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Столкнулся со своей четвертой женой, только на этот раз бампер моего Рендж Ровера не причем.
Ran into my fourth ex-wife, only this time it wasn’t with the moose bumper on my Range Rover.
Что на счет Рендж Ровера Зевлоса?
Другие результаты
Рендж-ровер и фуру бросили через полмили.
Range Rover and trailer were dumped a half mile away.
Мы не можем взятьтвой Рендж Ровер.
Мы покажем вам Рендж Ровер Евок.
Я вожу велик, не Рендж Ровер.
Трекер на Рендж Ровере тоже нужен.
We’ll need a tracker on the Range Rover, too.
А сейчас на моем месте стоит рендж ровер.
Не может быть, чтобы выхлопная система на Рендж Ровере сломалась бы за несколько лет.
There’s no way the exhaust system on a Range Rover would go after just few years.
Каллен, Сэм, Кромби в рендж-ровере нет. Сэм.
Это было разбросано на полу рендж-ровера, который они бросили.
Она покупала Рендж Роверы, лошадей, каждые пару недель отправлялась на шоппинг.
She’d buy Range Rovers, horses, go shopping every couple of weeks.
«Рендж Ровер» — 120 тысяч.
Я проверила гараж, он уехал рано утром на сером Рендж Ровере.
I checked the garage and he left this morning in a grey Range Rover.
Руководство По Ремонту Рендж Ровер Описание &амп; система работы 2002 — руководство по ремонту, техническое обслуживание…
Range Rover Workshop Manual System Description & Operation 2002 — manual repair, maintenance…
Руководство эксплуатация, ремонт, техническое обслуживание, и техническое описание Ленд Ровер Рендж Ровер.
Manual operation, repair, maintenance, and technical description of the Land Rover Range Rover.
Рендж Ровер вдохновил Форд на создание Эксплорера, который является самой продаваемой машиной в своем классе и самой успешной моделью Форда в этом году.
Range Rover inspired the Explorer a bestseller and Ford’s biggest success in years.
Ты имеешь в виду Рендж Ровер Васила?
Как оказалось, малыш Рендж Ровер отлично чувствовал себя на песке.
Автолюбители могут с наслаждением пользоваться большим автопарком роскошных британских автомобилей, предоставляемых No11, в том числе и Роллс-Ройсом Фантом, Бентли Таун Кар и Рендж Ровер, каждый из которых можно взять напрокат с водителями (при наличии).
Car enthusiasts will enjoy No11’s fleet of luxury British cars, including a Rolls Royce Phantom, Bentley Town Car and Range Rover, each of which is available for hire with chauffeurs (subject to availability).
Результатов: 28. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 59 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Land Rover Range Rover | |
2016 Land Rover Range Rover Vogue (L405, fourth generation, Australia) |
Overview | |
Manufacturer |
Also called | Range Rover Vogue (1981-2022) Range Rover Autobiography (1994-present) Range Rover First Edition (2022-present) |
Production | 1969–present |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) Australia: Enfield[1] (BMC Australia; 1979–1983) |
Body and chassis | |
Class | Full-size luxury 4×4 |
Layout | Front-engine, four-wheel-drive |
The Land Rover Range Rover (generally known simply as the Range Rover) is a 4×4 motor car produced by Land Rover, a marque and sub-brand of Jaguar Land Rover. The Range Rover line was launched in 1970 by British Leyland and is now in its fifth generation.
Additional models have been launched under the Range Rover name, including the Range Rover Sport, Range Rover Evoque, and Range Rover Velar.
The Rover Company (originator of the Land Rover marque) was experimenting with a larger model than the Land Rover Series in 1951, when the Rover P4-based two-wheel-drive «Road Rover» project was developed by Gordon Bashford.[2] This was shelved in 1958 and the idea lay dormant until 1966, when engineers Spen King and Bashford set to work on a new model.[3]
The first Range Rover prototype was built in 1967 with plate number SYE 157F. The design of the Range Rover was finalised in 1969. Twenty-six Velar-badged engineering development vehicles were built between 1969 and 1970 and were road registered with the number plates YVB151H through to YVB177H.[4]
Though being chassis no. 3, YVB 153H is believed to have been the first off the production line as a vehicle in that colour was urgently required for marketing. (The Range Rover with chassis no. 1 was a green model with the registration «YVB 151H»,[5] and is now on exhibition at Huddersfield Land Rover Centre, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire). The Velar name was derived from the Italian «velare» meaning to veil or to cover.[6] Range Rover development engineer Geof Miller used the name as a decoy for registering pre-production Range Rovers. The Velar company was registered in London and produced 40 pre-production vehicles that were built between 1967 and 1970.[6]
The Range Rover was launched in 1970. In the early 1970s, the Musée du Louvre in Paris exhibited a Range Rover as an «exemplary work of industrial design».[7]
In 1971, ex-Cream drummer Ginger Baker used the unproven Range Rover to drive from Algeria to Lagos, Nigeria to set up a recording studio and jam with Fela Kuti. Predating the Paris-Dakar rally the subsequent documentary is replete with such terrain, documenting the vehicle’s endurance.[8]
In 1972, the British Trans-Americas Expedition became the first vehicle-based expedition to traverse the Americas from north-to-south, including traversing the roadless Darién Gap. The specially modified Range Rovers used for this expedition are now on display in the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust collection at Gaydon, Warwickshire.
Range Rover sub-brands have been launched. In 2004, Land Rover debuted the Range Rover Sport, based on the Land Rover Discovery platform. Later models received the latest Range Rover platform. In 2011 came the Range Rover Evoque, and in 2017 the Range Rover Velar (re-using the name of the very first, pre-production Range Rovers).
Range Rover in North America[edit]
From 1970 until 1987, the Range Rover was only available to American consumers through unofficial grey market import channels.[9] Its popularity via these imports prompted official U.S. sales to begin on 16 March 1987.[10] From that time until 1993, the U.S. marketing was all in the name of Range Rover, because it was the only model offered in the American market. In 1993, with the arrival of the Defender 110 and the imminent arrival of the Land Rover Discovery, the company’s U.S. sales were under the name «Land Rover North America».
First generation (1969)[edit]
Range Rover «Classic» | |
The Range Rover was introduced as a 3-door model in 1969 – a five-door wasn’t added until 1981. |
Overview | |
Production | 1969–1996 |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) Australia: Enfield[1] |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 3-door 4×4 5-door 4×4 |
Chassis | body-on-frame |
Related | Land Rover Discovery |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 3.5 L V8 127 hp carburettor 3.5 L V8 155 hp 3.9 L V8 182 hp 4.2 L V8 200 hp Diesel: 2.4 L 112 hp VM turbodiesel 2.5 L 119 hp VM turbodiesel 2.5 L 111 hp 200Tdi turbodiesel 2.5 L 111 hp 300Tdi turbodiesel |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 100.0 in (2,540 mm) (standard) 108.0 in (2,743 mm) (Vogue LSE) |
Length | 175 in (4,445 mm) (SWB) 183 in (4,648 mm) (LWB) |
Width | 70.1 in (1,781 mm) |
Height | 70.9 in (1,801 mm) (1970–1980) 70.1 in (1,781 mm) (1980 onwards) |
Land Rover Range Rover 3-door estate (Australia)
Land Rover Range Rover 5-door estate (Australia)
The first-generation Range Rover was produced between 1969 and 1996. It was available only in a 2-door body until 1981. (Before then, 4-door models had been produced by specialist firms).
Unlike other 4x4s such as the Jeep Wagoneer, the original Range Rover was not designed as a luxury vehicle. It was up-market compared to preceding Land Rover models, but the early Range Rovers had fairly basic, utilitarian, interiors with vinyl seats and plastic dashboards that were designed to be washed down with a hose. Convenience features such as power steering, carpeted floors, air conditioning, cloth/leather seats, and wooden interior trim were fitted later.
The Range Rover was a body-on-frame design with a box section ladder type chassis, like the contemporary Series Land Rovers. The Range Rover used coil springs as opposed to leaf springs, permanent four-wheel drive, and four-wheel disc brakes. The Range Rover was originally powered by various Rover V8 engines and diesel engines.
Originally, the Range Rover was fitted with a detuned 127 hp (95 kW) version of the Buick-derived Rover V8 engine. In 1984, the engine was fitted with Lucas fuel injection, boosting power to 155 hp (116 kW). The 3.5-litre (3,528 cc) engine was bored out to a displacement of 3.9 litres (3,947 cc) for the 1990 model year, and 4.2-litre (4,215 cc) in 1992 (1993 model year) for the 108-inch Long Wheelbase Vogue LSE (County LWB [long wheelbase] in North America). One of the first significant changes came in 1981, with the introduction of a four-door body. Shortly after twin thermo fan technology was introduced to reduce significant overheating problems 1970s models experienced in Australia. In 1988, LR introduced a 2.4-litre turbodiesel (badged Vogue Turbo D) with 112 bhp (84 kW), manufactured by Italian VM Motori. The same engine was available in the Rover SD1 passenger car. The diesel project was codenamed project Beaver. During the project, 12 world records were broken, including the fastest diesel off-roader to reach 100 mph (160 km/h), and the furthest a diesel off-roader has travelled in 24 hours. In 1990 project Otter was unveiled. This was a mildly tuned 2.5-litre, 119 bhp (89 kW) version of the ‘Beaver’ 2.4. In 1992, Land Rover finally introduced their own diesel engines in the Range Rover, beginning with the 111 bhp (83 kW) 200TDi, first released in the Land Rover Discovery and following in 1994, the 300 TDi, again with 111 bhp.
The first generation was known as the Range Rover until almost the end of its production when Land Rover introduced the name Range Rover Classic to distinguish it from its successors.[11] The original model served as the basis for the 1989 introduced 1st generation Discovery (directly based on the standard (short) wheelbase Range Rover), and for the 2nd generation Range Rover, based on the LWB chassis of the Classic.
Australian assembly[edit]
Jaguar-Rover-Australia began assembly of the Range Rover from CKD kits at its Enfield plant, in New South Wales, Australia in 1979. Government increases in the tariff on parts led to the discontinuation of Australian assembly in 1983.[1]
Utility vehicles[edit]
YAM Range Rover Airport Fire Tender
The first-generation Range Rover served as the base for specialist utility vehicles. These included the Carmichaels International six-wheel Fire Tender. This was a two-door model with an extended chassis and a third «lazy» axle added. Designed for small airfield use, it had a water-pump mounted on the front bumper driven directly by the V8’s crankshaft. The MoD purchased them for the RAF, this version was called the TACR2. Carmichaels was contracted to supply the modified chassis and the fire-fighting body was supplied and mounted by Gloster-Saro. These were four-door versions using an internally mounted water-pump driven by a gearbox PTO. At least one of these (at Duxford IWM) has been converted into a full 6×6 by linking a drive-through unit to the two rear axles’ differentials.
Second generation (1994)[edit]
Range Rover (P38A) | |
Overview | |
Production | 1994–2002 |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door 4×4 |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 4.0 L Rover V8 4.6 L Rover V8 Diesel: 2.5 L BMW M51 turbodiesel I6 |
Transmission | 5-speed manual 4-speed automatic |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 108.1 in (2,746 mm) |
Length | 185.5 in (4,712 mm) |
Width | 74.4 in (1,890 mm) |
Height | 71.6 in (1,819 mm) |
Land Rover Range Rover 4.6 HSE estate (Australia)
Twenty-five years after the introduction of the original Range Rover, the second-generation (model-designation P38A) was introduced for the 1995 model year, based on the LWB chassis of the model, with an updated version of the Rover V8 engine or a 2.5-litre BMW six-cylinder turbo-diesel with a Bosch injection pump. This was the first diesel injection with electronic controls in a Land Rover, before common rails were introduced. This was a result of BMW’s subsequent ownership of Rover Group and hence the Land Rover brand.
This model was the last to use the Rover V8 and interior leather supplied by Connolly who went out of business in 2002. It was the first model to feature Satellite Navigation as an option.
Third generation (2001)[edit]
Range Rover (L322) | |
Overview | |
Production | 2002–2012 |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door 4×4 |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 4.2 L Jaguar AJ-V8 Supercharged (2005–2009) 4.4 L BMW M62 V8 (2001–2005) 4.4 L Jaguar AJ-V8 (2005–2009) 5.0 L Jaguar AJ-V8 (2010–2012) 5.0 L Jaguar AJ-V8 Supercharged (2009–2012) Diesel: 3.0 L BMW M57 turbodiesel I6 (2001–2006) 3.6 L Ford Lion V8 turbodiesel (2006–2010) 4.4 L Ford TD turbodiesel V8 (2010–2012) |
Transmission | 5-speed automatic (2001–2005) 6-speed automatic (2005–2012) 8-speed ZF 8HP automatic[12] (2010–2012, only non-NAS markets) |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 113.4 in (2,880 mm) |
Length | 194.9 in (4,950 mm) (2001–2005) 195.7 in (4,971 mm) (since 2006) 195.9 in (4,976 mm) |
Width | 75.7 in (1,923 mm) (2001–2009) 76.1 in (1,933 mm) (since 2010) |
Height | 73.3 in (1,862 mm) (2001–2005) 74.9 in (1,902 mm) (2006–2009) 73.9 in (1,877 mm) (since 2010) |
In 2001, the third-generation model was introduced,[13][14] which saw the model move further upmarket. Planned and developed under BMW ownership the third generation shared components and systems (electronics, core power units etc.) with the BMW 7 Series (E38). The 7 Series electronics system was being phased out during the development of the third-generation Range Rover and being replaced with the electronics from the BMW 5 Series (E39).
There were three «Generations» of the L322. First, from 2001 until 2005, was the 4.4 litre M62 BMW V8 with ZF 5HP-24 transmission. (The manual transmission was dropped, leaving only the automatic). Then, from 2006 until 2009 a 4.4-litre Jaguar-derived engine or a 4.2-litre supercharged variant of the Jaguar engine partnered with the ZF 6HP-26 transmission. and thirdly, in 2010 Land Rover fitted the newly-designed AJ133 5.0 N/A and Supercharged engine with ZF 6HP-26 until the 2012 model year, the end of L322 production. (This summary does not give diesel options).
From 2001-2004 the L322 used a standard BMW E39 electrics system. From 2005-2009 the L322 saw an updated Jaguar-derived electrical system with fibre optics and Bluetooth. From 2010-2012 the L322 used updated Jaguar-derived electrics, the first «modern feeling» system, replacing the gear lever with a rotary dial.
In MY06 the first exterior update was applied with a face-lift of the front fascia, tail lamps (orange/red now became red/red), side vents (from two «gills» to three), clear indicator side-repeaters. Some other slight differences can be found on the «Supercharged» variant (rear lamps became clear/clear). The second exterior update was in 2010, bringing an even more modern feel to the L322 with a new fascia, tail lamps, side grills, and clear side markers.
The interiors stayed relatively the same until 2006.5, (NAS 2007). A major change came in 2010: a range of new engines was offered, with 5-litre versions of the petrol V8 in standard and supercharged forms, and revision of the exterior front and rear profiles.
Land Rover Range Rover Vogue (Australia)
Fourth generation (2012)[edit]
Range Rover (L405) | |
Overview | |
Production | 2012[15]–2021 |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) |
Designer | Gerry McGovern (2006) |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door mid-size 4×4 SUV 5-door full-size extended 4×4 SUV |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 3.0 L supercharged V6 3.0 L turbo I6 MHEV 5.0 L V8[16] Diesel: 3.0 L V6 turbodiesel 4.4 L V8 turbodiesel |
Transmission | 8-speed ZF 8HP automatic |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 2,922 mm (115.0 in)[16] |
Length | 4,999 mm (196.8 in)[16] |
Width | 1,984 mm (78.1 in) (body) 2,073 mm (81.6 in) (mirrors folded)[16] |
Height | 1,835 mm (72.2 in)[16] |
2013 Range Rover Vogue (Latvia)
The fourth generation Range Rover, codenamed L405, was exhibited in September 2012 at the 2012 Paris Motor Show.[17]
It uses an all-aluminium monocoque unitary body structure, instead of the third generation’s steel unibody — making it the first production 4×4 SUV to do so, resulting in a reduction of 420 kg (926 lb) compared to its predecessor.
The Range Rover Hybrid is diesel-powered hybrid electric model unveiled at the 2013 Frankfurt Motor Show. The ordering process began in September 2013, and retail deliveries in Europe were slated to start in early 2014.[18]
Plug-in Hybrid[edit]
The Range Rover Plug-in Hybrid is petrol-powered PHEV model unveiled at the 2018.
Fifth generation (2022)[edit]
Range Rover (L460) | |
Overview | |
Production | 2022–present |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door SUV |
Powertrain | |
Engine |
2022 Range Rover SE P440e
The fifth generation Range Rover was revealed on 26 October 2021 by the Jaguar Land Rover Chief Creative Officer and the car’s designer, Gerry McGovern, at the Royal Opera House in London.[19][20][21] As well as two PHEV, three diesel and two petrol JLR 3.0 L Ingenium I6 engine options, the car will be the first from JLR to use an engine developed under the combustion and electrified powertrain partnership agreed between JLR and BMW in 2019, as a 4.4L BMW/JLR V8 engine is also an option.[22][23] It was launched with a range of mild hybrid diesel and petrol engines, with plug-in hybrids due in early 2022 and an all-electric model in 2024.[24]
The success of Jaguar Land Rover since its formation in 2008 is reflected largely in the rising sales of the Range Rover. In 2009, as a severe recession took hold, just over 22,000 were sold. Four years later, it sold more than twice as many units, with more than 45,000 being sold. By 2015, Range Rover sales worldwide exceeded 60,000.
This table excludes Range Rover Sport, Evoque, and Velar. The total figure is from 2009, excluding those sold prior to that year.
Year | Sales |
2009 | 22,001 |
2010 | 23,602 |
2011 | 29,626 |
2012 | 27,496 |
2013 | 45,077 |
2014 | 53,738 |
2015 | 60,226 |
2016 | 55,728 |
Total | 317,494 |
A Range Rover was used to win the 1979 inaugural and 1981 Paris–Dakar Rally, completing a race distance in each case of approx 10,000 km.[26] Range Rovers also competed in the East African Safari Rally throughout the 1980s.[27]
Expanded line[edit]
Range Rover Sport[edit]
Range Rover Sport (first generation)
Range Rover Sport (first generation)
Range Rover Sport (second generation)
Range Rover Sport (second generation)
On 26 November 2004, Land Rover released the first photographs of the Range Rover Sport, a new model it planned to show to the public for the first time at the 2004 North American International Auto Show. The Range Rover Sport is a production car development of the Range Stormer concept vehicle the company showcased in the 2004 North American International Auto Show. Though called the Range Rover Sport «L320», it was not merely a new specification within the Range Rover line-up, but rather an adapted Discovery «L319», or T5 Platform Discovery/LR3 with Range Rover exterior styling and Range Rover interior seating and dash forms, a shortened wheelbase, smaller luggage capacity and a single rather than split tailgate which was angled back for styling improvements. With entry model pricing close to upper Discovery models, the Sport became the biggest seller of all the Land Rover products. This model was released for sale in late 2004 as a 2004 model.
In 2013 a redesigned version was released for sale as a 2014 model year «L494». Unlike the original and current Discovery, it does not have steel chassis rails, but is based on the new D7u alloy Platform, which much more resembles the current flagship Range Rover with closer equipment levels and capabilities in a smaller body style. Hence the L494 Range Rover Sport is around 400 kg lighter than the previous generation and benefits in performance due to its weight reduction.
Range Rover Evoque[edit]
Range Rover Evoque five-door
Range Rover Evoque five-door
The Range Rover Evoque, which went into production in July 2011, has its roots in the Land Rover LRX concept car which it resembles. It is available with either a three-door or five-door hatchback body, front-wheel drive or four-wheel drive, and with a 2-litre turbocharged petrol engine or one of two different power output 2.0-litre turbo-diesel engines.
In 2012, at the Geneva Motor Show, Land Rover unveiled a convertible concept, which featured four seats and a drop-down tailgate.[28]
Range Rover Velar[edit]
Land Rover unveiled a mid-size crossover using the Range Rover name in March 2017. Named the Range Rover Velar, it has a roofline running away on its bodywork and uses the same platform as the Jaguar F-Pace, which serves as the basis for its design.
A song titled «I Found a Place in My Heart» and «Find Your Heaven», co-written by Dom James and Tommy Antonio for Range Rover commercials, is sung by Emma Smith.[29]
The Range Rover brand has attracted some controversy,[30] particularly from those concerned with the potential negative environmental impact of large, luxury vehicles. In 2005, members of Greenpeace temporarily disrupted Range Rover production at the Land Rover plant in Solihull.[31]
In 2004, Spen King criticised owners of off-roaders who drove their vehicles in urban areas, saying that vehicles like the Range Rover he created were «never intended as a status symbol but later incarnations of my design seem to be intended for that purpose.»[32]
In 2014 it was reported that Range Rovers could be opened and started using hand-held equipment readily available from eBay. High levels of theft led The Times to report that «High-end motor insurers are refusing to cover new Range Rovers in London after a series of thefts.»[33]
Range Rovers, according to AutoTrader, «can be complicated, costly vehicles, and are loaded with very expensive parts.»[34] Reliability issues are common complaints.[35] J.D. Power rankings for the Land Rover are in the lowest category — known as «The Rest» — for quality overall, dependability, sales satisfaction, and customer service, with the cars only earning a «Better than Most» rank in the performance and design overall category.[36] The Land Rover brand has «a legacy of quality problems» and ranks «at the bottom of the J.D. Power reliability ratings for three-year-old vehicles».[37] The JD Power 2014 U.S. Customer Service Index (CSI) study ranked Land Rover last in overall customer satisfaction.[38] However, one Motor Trend review of a 2014 Range Rover after 22,830 miles (36,741 km) turned up only two things that went wrong with the car.[39] According to an automotive journalist, «Land Rover doesn’t care about JD Power ratings because it doesn’t need to care» since people «still line up for months to pay full sticker.»[40][41]
- ^ a b c «Range Rover Dateline». RoverTrax. Retrieved 23 April 2014.
- ^ «The best of the British car industry». AROnline. Archived from the original on 29 October 2017. Retrieved 12 November 2011.
- ^ Maag, Christopher (3 July 2010). «Charles S. King, Range Rover Designer, Dies at 85». The New York Times. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ Shephard, Dave. «The History of the Range Rover Marque». Archived from the original on 3 March 2006. Retrieved 30 March 2016.
- ^ Turkus, Brandon (12 August 2014). «Range Rover #1 headed to auction block». Autoblog.com. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ a b The Range Rover Register. «Velar History». Archived from the original on 13 April 2006. Retrieved 16 March 2004.
- ^ «Charles S. King, Range Rover Designer, Dies at 85». The New York Times. 3 July 2010. Retrieved 18 July 2011.
- ^ Ginger Baker in Africa (1971) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80LfQZUxeP0
- ^ «1970-1986 Range Rover US — Grey Market import». Retrieved 4 June 2021.
- ^ «The History of Land Rover». iFixit. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ Official Land Rover documentation collections for both 1970–85 (LHP1, v1.1) and 1986–94 (LHP2, v1.1) Range Rovers, for example, refers to the vehicles as «Range Rover Classic», despite never being called that when they were originally built.
- ^ «Range Rover: Birthday Child with new Transmission Technology». Archived from the original on 19 January 2011. Retrieved 24 August 2010.
- ^ Range Rover: A History — Featured Articles – Land Rover
- ^ 50 Years of Range Rover – heritage-landrover.co.uk
- ^ «Range Rover Mk4». Auto Express. Retrieved 1 January 2013.
- ^ a b c d e «Range_Specifications». Land Rover. Archived from the original on 1 October 2012.
- ^ Holloway, Hilton. «Radical new Range Rover revealed». Autocar. Retrieved 24 July 2012.
- ^ Ewing, Steven J. (11 September 2013). «Land Rover debuts Range Rover Hybrid, not bound for US». Autoblog.com. Retrieved 11 September 2013.
- ^ Page, Felix (26 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover begins reinvention of Land Rover». Autocar. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- ^ Pollard, Tim (26 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover revealed: an electric 4×4 with a conscience». Car. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- ^ Horrell, Paul (26 October 2021). «This is the brand new, fifth-generation Range Rover». Top Gear. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
- ^ Burgess, Rachael (6 August 2019). «New 2021 Range Rover spotted with BMW V8 engine». Autocar. Retrieved 29 October 2021.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ Carson, Sean (27 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover arrives with plug-in hybrid power and seven seats». Auto Express. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
- ^ Page, Felix (26 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover begins reinvention of Land Rover». Autocar. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- ^ «Archived copy». Archived from the original on 31 July 2017. Retrieved 13 August 2017.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ «History of Dakar – retrospective 1979–2007» (PDF). Dakar. Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 June 2010. Retrieved 7 January 2009.
- ^ Safari Rally: The First forty Years, Roger Barnard, Westholme Publishing 1992, ISBN 0 9519781 0 1
- ^ Hardy, Sam (6 March 2012). «Range Rover Evoque Convertible». Auto Express. Retrieved 23 July 2012.
- ^ Heldenfels, Rich (13 June 2019). «Mailbag: Why is there no Channel 1?». Akron Beacon Journal. Retrieved 18 June 2019.
- ^ Madslien, Jorn (16 May 2005). «Business | Range Rover: Beauty or beast?». BBC News. Retrieved 24 February 2010.
- ^ «Business | 15 arrested in Land Rover protest». BBC News. 16 May 2005. Retrieved 24 February 2010.
- ^ ««4×4 Drivers Are Stupid And Pompous; Mini-driving Range Rover designer raps school run cars», Annie Brown, Scottish Daily Record & Sunday, 28 June 2004″. 28 June 2004. Retrieved 5 September 2011.
- ^ Hipwell, Deirdre; Lea, Robert (27 October 2014). «Insurance companies run for cover as thieves target new Range Rovers». The Times. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ «Buying a Used Range Rover: Everything You Need to Know». Autotrader. May 2015. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ DeMuro, Doug (26 February 2013). «Land Rover and JD Power». The Truth About Cars. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ «Land Rover Car Models, Pricing & Reviews». JD Power. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ Taylor III, Alex (12 December 2013). «The remarkable staying power of Land Rover». Fortune. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ Youngs, Jeff (9 April 2014). «2014 U.S. Customer Service Index (CSI) Study Results». JD Power. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ MacKenzie, Angus (8 January 2015). «2014 Land Rover Range Rover Long-Term Verdict». Motor Trend. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ DeMuro, Doug (12 May 2014). «Here’s Why Land Rover Doesn’t Care About JD Power Ratings». dougdemuro.kinja. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ DeMuro, Doug (4 September 2015). «If Range Rovers Are So Unreliable, Why Do People Still Buy Them?». Jalopnik. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
External links[edit]
Media related to Land Rover Range Rover at Wikimedia Commons
- Official website
Land Rover Range Rover | |
2016 Land Rover Range Rover Vogue (L405, fourth generation, Australia) |
Overview | |
Manufacturer |
Also called | Range Rover Vogue (1981-2022) Range Rover Autobiography (1994-present) Range Rover First Edition (2022-present) |
Production | 1969–present |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) Australia: Enfield[1] (BMC Australia; 1979–1983) |
Body and chassis | |
Class | Full-size luxury 4×4 |
Layout | Front-engine, four-wheel-drive |
The Land Rover Range Rover (generally known simply as the Range Rover) is a 4×4 motor car produced by Land Rover, a marque and sub-brand of Jaguar Land Rover. The Range Rover line was launched in 1970 by British Leyland and is now in its fifth generation.
Additional models have been launched under the Range Rover name, including the Range Rover Sport, Range Rover Evoque, and Range Rover Velar.
The Rover Company (originator of the Land Rover marque) was experimenting with a larger model than the Land Rover Series in 1951, when the Rover P4-based two-wheel-drive «Road Rover» project was developed by Gordon Bashford.[2] This was shelved in 1958 and the idea lay dormant until 1966, when engineers Spen King and Bashford set to work on a new model.[3]
The first Range Rover prototype was built in 1967 with plate number SYE 157F. The design of the Range Rover was finalised in 1969. Twenty-six Velar-badged engineering development vehicles were built between 1969 and 1970 and were road registered with the number plates YVB151H through to YVB177H.[4]
Though being chassis no. 3, YVB 153H is believed to have been the first off the production line as a vehicle in that colour was urgently required for marketing. (The Range Rover with chassis no. 1 was a green model with the registration «YVB 151H»,[5] and is now on exhibition at Huddersfield Land Rover Centre, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire). The Velar name was derived from the Italian «velare» meaning to veil or to cover.[6] Range Rover development engineer Geof Miller used the name as a decoy for registering pre-production Range Rovers. The Velar company was registered in London and produced 40 pre-production vehicles that were built between 1967 and 1970.[6]
The Range Rover was launched in 1970. In the early 1970s, the Musée du Louvre in Paris exhibited a Range Rover as an «exemplary work of industrial design».[7]
In 1971, ex-Cream drummer Ginger Baker used the unproven Range Rover to drive from Algeria to Lagos, Nigeria to set up a recording studio and jam with Fela Kuti. Predating the Paris-Dakar rally the subsequent documentary is replete with such terrain, documenting the vehicle’s endurance.[8]
In 1972, the British Trans-Americas Expedition became the first vehicle-based expedition to traverse the Americas from north-to-south, including traversing the roadless Darién Gap. The specially modified Range Rovers used for this expedition are now on display in the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust collection at Gaydon, Warwickshire.
Range Rover sub-brands have been launched. In 2004, Land Rover debuted the Range Rover Sport, based on the Land Rover Discovery platform. Later models received the latest Range Rover platform. In 2011 came the Range Rover Evoque, and in 2017 the Range Rover Velar (re-using the name of the very first, pre-production Range Rovers).
Range Rover in North America[edit]
From 1970 until 1987, the Range Rover was only available to American consumers through unofficial grey market import channels.[9] Its popularity via these imports prompted official U.S. sales to begin on 16 March 1987.[10] From that time until 1993, the U.S. marketing was all in the name of Range Rover, because it was the only model offered in the American market. In 1993, with the arrival of the Defender 110 and the imminent arrival of the Land Rover Discovery, the company’s U.S. sales were under the name «Land Rover North America».
First generation (1969)[edit]
Range Rover «Classic» | |
The Range Rover was introduced as a 3-door model in 1969 – a five-door wasn’t added until 1981. |
Overview | |
Production | 1969–1996 |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) Australia: Enfield[1] |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 3-door 4×4 5-door 4×4 |
Chassis | body-on-frame |
Related | Land Rover Discovery |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 3.5 L V8 127 hp carburettor 3.5 L V8 155 hp 3.9 L V8 182 hp 4.2 L V8 200 hp Diesel: 2.4 L 112 hp VM turbodiesel 2.5 L 119 hp VM turbodiesel 2.5 L 111 hp 200Tdi turbodiesel 2.5 L 111 hp 300Tdi turbodiesel |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 100.0 in (2,540 mm) (standard) 108.0 in (2,743 mm) (Vogue LSE) |
Length | 175 in (4,445 mm) (SWB) 183 in (4,648 mm) (LWB) |
Width | 70.1 in (1,781 mm) |
Height | 70.9 in (1,801 mm) (1970–1980) 70.1 in (1,781 mm) (1980 onwards) |
Land Rover Range Rover 3-door estate (Australia)
Land Rover Range Rover 5-door estate (Australia)
The first-generation Range Rover was produced between 1969 and 1996. It was available only in a 2-door body until 1981. (Before then, 4-door models had been produced by specialist firms).
Unlike other 4x4s such as the Jeep Wagoneer, the original Range Rover was not designed as a luxury vehicle. It was up-market compared to preceding Land Rover models, but the early Range Rovers had fairly basic, utilitarian, interiors with vinyl seats and plastic dashboards that were designed to be washed down with a hose. Convenience features such as power steering, carpeted floors, air conditioning, cloth/leather seats, and wooden interior trim were fitted later.
The Range Rover was a body-on-frame design with a box section ladder type chassis, like the contemporary Series Land Rovers. The Range Rover used coil springs as opposed to leaf springs, permanent four-wheel drive, and four-wheel disc brakes. The Range Rover was originally powered by various Rover V8 engines and diesel engines.
Originally, the Range Rover was fitted with a detuned 127 hp (95 kW) version of the Buick-derived Rover V8 engine. In 1984, the engine was fitted with Lucas fuel injection, boosting power to 155 hp (116 kW). The 3.5-litre (3,528 cc) engine was bored out to a displacement of 3.9 litres (3,947 cc) for the 1990 model year, and 4.2-litre (4,215 cc) in 1992 (1993 model year) for the 108-inch Long Wheelbase Vogue LSE (County LWB [long wheelbase] in North America). One of the first significant changes came in 1981, with the introduction of a four-door body. Shortly after twin thermo fan technology was introduced to reduce significant overheating problems 1970s models experienced in Australia. In 1988, LR introduced a 2.4-litre turbodiesel (badged Vogue Turbo D) with 112 bhp (84 kW), manufactured by Italian VM Motori. The same engine was available in the Rover SD1 passenger car. The diesel project was codenamed project Beaver. During the project, 12 world records were broken, including the fastest diesel off-roader to reach 100 mph (160 km/h), and the furthest a diesel off-roader has travelled in 24 hours. In 1990 project Otter was unveiled. This was a mildly tuned 2.5-litre, 119 bhp (89 kW) version of the ‘Beaver’ 2.4. In 1992, Land Rover finally introduced their own diesel engines in the Range Rover, beginning with the 111 bhp (83 kW) 200TDi, first released in the Land Rover Discovery and following in 1994, the 300 TDi, again with 111 bhp.
The first generation was known as the Range Rover until almost the end of its production when Land Rover introduced the name Range Rover Classic to distinguish it from its successors.[11] The original model served as the basis for the 1989 introduced 1st generation Discovery (directly based on the standard (short) wheelbase Range Rover), and for the 2nd generation Range Rover, based on the LWB chassis of the Classic.
Australian assembly[edit]
Jaguar-Rover-Australia began assembly of the Range Rover from CKD kits at its Enfield plant, in New South Wales, Australia in 1979. Government increases in the tariff on parts led to the discontinuation of Australian assembly in 1983.[1]
Utility vehicles[edit]
YAM Range Rover Airport Fire Tender
The first-generation Range Rover served as the base for specialist utility vehicles. These included the Carmichaels International six-wheel Fire Tender. This was a two-door model with an extended chassis and a third «lazy» axle added. Designed for small airfield use, it had a water-pump mounted on the front bumper driven directly by the V8’s crankshaft. The MoD purchased them for the RAF, this version was called the TACR2. Carmichaels was contracted to supply the modified chassis and the fire-fighting body was supplied and mounted by Gloster-Saro. These were four-door versions using an internally mounted water-pump driven by a gearbox PTO. At least one of these (at Duxford IWM) has been converted into a full 6×6 by linking a drive-through unit to the two rear axles’ differentials.
Second generation (1994)[edit]
Range Rover (P38A) | |
Overview | |
Production | 1994–2002 |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door 4×4 |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 4.0 L Rover V8 4.6 L Rover V8 Diesel: 2.5 L BMW M51 turbodiesel I6 |
Transmission | 5-speed manual 4-speed automatic |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 108.1 in (2,746 mm) |
Length | 185.5 in (4,712 mm) |
Width | 74.4 in (1,890 mm) |
Height | 71.6 in (1,819 mm) |
Land Rover Range Rover 4.6 HSE estate (Australia)
Twenty-five years after the introduction of the original Range Rover, the second-generation (model-designation P38A) was introduced for the 1995 model year, based on the LWB chassis of the model, with an updated version of the Rover V8 engine or a 2.5-litre BMW six-cylinder turbo-diesel with a Bosch injection pump. This was the first diesel injection with electronic controls in a Land Rover, before common rails were introduced. This was a result of BMW’s subsequent ownership of Rover Group and hence the Land Rover brand.
This model was the last to use the Rover V8 and interior leather supplied by Connolly who went out of business in 2002. It was the first model to feature Satellite Navigation as an option.
Third generation (2001)[edit]
Range Rover (L322) | |
Overview | |
Production | 2002–2012 |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door 4×4 |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 4.2 L Jaguar AJ-V8 Supercharged (2005–2009) 4.4 L BMW M62 V8 (2001–2005) 4.4 L Jaguar AJ-V8 (2005–2009) 5.0 L Jaguar AJ-V8 (2010–2012) 5.0 L Jaguar AJ-V8 Supercharged (2009–2012) Diesel: 3.0 L BMW M57 turbodiesel I6 (2001–2006) 3.6 L Ford Lion V8 turbodiesel (2006–2010) 4.4 L Ford TD turbodiesel V8 (2010–2012) |
Transmission | 5-speed automatic (2001–2005) 6-speed automatic (2005–2012) 8-speed ZF 8HP automatic[12] (2010–2012, only non-NAS markets) |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 113.4 in (2,880 mm) |
Length | 194.9 in (4,950 mm) (2001–2005) 195.7 in (4,971 mm) (since 2006) 195.9 in (4,976 mm) |
Width | 75.7 in (1,923 mm) (2001–2009) 76.1 in (1,933 mm) (since 2010) |
Height | 73.3 in (1,862 mm) (2001–2005) 74.9 in (1,902 mm) (2006–2009) 73.9 in (1,877 mm) (since 2010) |
In 2001, the third-generation model was introduced,[13][14] which saw the model move further upmarket. Planned and developed under BMW ownership the third generation shared components and systems (electronics, core power units etc.) with the BMW 7 Series (E38). The 7 Series electronics system was being phased out during the development of the third-generation Range Rover and being replaced with the electronics from the BMW 5 Series (E39).
There were three «Generations» of the L322. First, from 2001 until 2005, was the 4.4 litre M62 BMW V8 with ZF 5HP-24 transmission. (The manual transmission was dropped, leaving only the automatic). Then, from 2006 until 2009 a 4.4-litre Jaguar-derived engine or a 4.2-litre supercharged variant of the Jaguar engine partnered with the ZF 6HP-26 transmission. and thirdly, in 2010 Land Rover fitted the newly-designed AJ133 5.0 N/A and Supercharged engine with ZF 6HP-26 until the 2012 model year, the end of L322 production. (This summary does not give diesel options).
From 2001-2004 the L322 used a standard BMW E39 electrics system. From 2005-2009 the L322 saw an updated Jaguar-derived electrical system with fibre optics and Bluetooth. From 2010-2012 the L322 used updated Jaguar-derived electrics, the first «modern feeling» system, replacing the gear lever with a rotary dial.
In MY06 the first exterior update was applied with a face-lift of the front fascia, tail lamps (orange/red now became red/red), side vents (from two «gills» to three), clear indicator side-repeaters. Some other slight differences can be found on the «Supercharged» variant (rear lamps became clear/clear). The second exterior update was in 2010, bringing an even more modern feel to the L322 with a new fascia, tail lamps, side grills, and clear side markers.
The interiors stayed relatively the same until 2006.5, (NAS 2007). A major change came in 2010: a range of new engines was offered, with 5-litre versions of the petrol V8 in standard and supercharged forms, and revision of the exterior front and rear profiles.
Land Rover Range Rover Vogue (Australia)
Fourth generation (2012)[edit]
Range Rover (L405) | |
Overview | |
Production | 2012[15]–2021 |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) |
Designer | Gerry McGovern (2006) |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door mid-size 4×4 SUV 5-door full-size extended 4×4 SUV |
Powertrain | |
Engine | Petrol: 3.0 L supercharged V6 3.0 L turbo I6 MHEV 5.0 L V8[16] Diesel: 3.0 L V6 turbodiesel 4.4 L V8 turbodiesel |
Transmission | 8-speed ZF 8HP automatic |
Dimensions | |
Wheelbase | 2,922 mm (115.0 in)[16] |
Length | 4,999 mm (196.8 in)[16] |
Width | 1,984 mm (78.1 in) (body) 2,073 mm (81.6 in) (mirrors folded)[16] |
Height | 1,835 mm (72.2 in)[16] |
2013 Range Rover Vogue (Latvia)
The fourth generation Range Rover, codenamed L405, was exhibited in September 2012 at the 2012 Paris Motor Show.[17]
It uses an all-aluminium monocoque unitary body structure, instead of the third generation’s steel unibody — making it the first production 4×4 SUV to do so, resulting in a reduction of 420 kg (926 lb) compared to its predecessor.
The Range Rover Hybrid is diesel-powered hybrid electric model unveiled at the 2013 Frankfurt Motor Show. The ordering process began in September 2013, and retail deliveries in Europe were slated to start in early 2014.[18]
Plug-in Hybrid[edit]
The Range Rover Plug-in Hybrid is petrol-powered PHEV model unveiled at the 2018.
Fifth generation (2022)[edit]
Range Rover (L460) | |
Overview | |
Production | 2022–present |
Assembly | United Kingdom: Solihull (Solihull plant) |
Body and chassis | |
Body style | 5-door SUV |
Powertrain | |
Engine |
2022 Range Rover SE P440e
The fifth generation Range Rover was revealed on 26 October 2021 by the Jaguar Land Rover Chief Creative Officer and the car’s designer, Gerry McGovern, at the Royal Opera House in London.[19][20][21] As well as two PHEV, three diesel and two petrol JLR 3.0 L Ingenium I6 engine options, the car will be the first from JLR to use an engine developed under the combustion and electrified powertrain partnership agreed between JLR and BMW in 2019, as a 4.4L BMW/JLR V8 engine is also an option.[22][23] It was launched with a range of mild hybrid diesel and petrol engines, with plug-in hybrids due in early 2022 and an all-electric model in 2024.[24]
The success of Jaguar Land Rover since its formation in 2008 is reflected largely in the rising sales of the Range Rover. In 2009, as a severe recession took hold, just over 22,000 were sold. Four years later, it sold more than twice as many units, with more than 45,000 being sold. By 2015, Range Rover sales worldwide exceeded 60,000.
This table excludes Range Rover Sport, Evoque, and Velar. The total figure is from 2009, excluding those sold prior to that year.
Year | Sales |
2009 | 22,001 |
2010 | 23,602 |
2011 | 29,626 |
2012 | 27,496 |
2013 | 45,077 |
2014 | 53,738 |
2015 | 60,226 |
2016 | 55,728 |
Total | 317,494 |
A Range Rover was used to win the 1979 inaugural and 1981 Paris–Dakar Rally, completing a race distance in each case of approx 10,000 km.[26] Range Rovers also competed in the East African Safari Rally throughout the 1980s.[27]
Expanded line[edit]
Range Rover Sport[edit]
Range Rover Sport (first generation)
Range Rover Sport (first generation)
Range Rover Sport (second generation)
Range Rover Sport (second generation)
On 26 November 2004, Land Rover released the first photographs of the Range Rover Sport, a new model it planned to show to the public for the first time at the 2004 North American International Auto Show. The Range Rover Sport is a production car development of the Range Stormer concept vehicle the company showcased in the 2004 North American International Auto Show. Though called the Range Rover Sport «L320», it was not merely a new specification within the Range Rover line-up, but rather an adapted Discovery «L319», or T5 Platform Discovery/LR3 with Range Rover exterior styling and Range Rover interior seating and dash forms, a shortened wheelbase, smaller luggage capacity and a single rather than split tailgate which was angled back for styling improvements. With entry model pricing close to upper Discovery models, the Sport became the biggest seller of all the Land Rover products. This model was released for sale in late 2004 as a 2004 model.
In 2013 a redesigned version was released for sale as a 2014 model year «L494». Unlike the original and current Discovery, it does not have steel chassis rails, but is based on the new D7u alloy Platform, which much more resembles the current flagship Range Rover with closer equipment levels and capabilities in a smaller body style. Hence the L494 Range Rover Sport is around 400 kg lighter than the previous generation and benefits in performance due to its weight reduction.
Range Rover Evoque[edit]
Range Rover Evoque five-door
Range Rover Evoque five-door
The Range Rover Evoque, which went into production in July 2011, has its roots in the Land Rover LRX concept car which it resembles. It is available with either a three-door or five-door hatchback body, front-wheel drive or four-wheel drive, and with a 2-litre turbocharged petrol engine or one of two different power output 2.0-litre turbo-diesel engines.
In 2012, at the Geneva Motor Show, Land Rover unveiled a convertible concept, which featured four seats and a drop-down tailgate.[28]
Range Rover Velar[edit]
Land Rover unveiled a mid-size crossover using the Range Rover name in March 2017. Named the Range Rover Velar, it has a roofline running away on its bodywork and uses the same platform as the Jaguar F-Pace, which serves as the basis for its design.
A song titled «I Found a Place in My Heart» and «Find Your Heaven», co-written by Dom James and Tommy Antonio for Range Rover commercials, is sung by Emma Smith.[29]
The Range Rover brand has attracted some controversy,[30] particularly from those concerned with the potential negative environmental impact of large, luxury vehicles. In 2005, members of Greenpeace temporarily disrupted Range Rover production at the Land Rover plant in Solihull.[31]
In 2004, Spen King criticised owners of off-roaders who drove their vehicles in urban areas, saying that vehicles like the Range Rover he created were «never intended as a status symbol but later incarnations of my design seem to be intended for that purpose.»[32]
In 2014 it was reported that Range Rovers could be opened and started using hand-held equipment readily available from eBay. High levels of theft led The Times to report that «High-end motor insurers are refusing to cover new Range Rovers in London after a series of thefts.»[33]
Range Rovers, according to AutoTrader, «can be complicated, costly vehicles, and are loaded with very expensive parts.»[34] Reliability issues are common complaints.[35] J.D. Power rankings for the Land Rover are in the lowest category — known as «The Rest» — for quality overall, dependability, sales satisfaction, and customer service, with the cars only earning a «Better than Most» rank in the performance and design overall category.[36] The Land Rover brand has «a legacy of quality problems» and ranks «at the bottom of the J.D. Power reliability ratings for three-year-old vehicles».[37] The JD Power 2014 U.S. Customer Service Index (CSI) study ranked Land Rover last in overall customer satisfaction.[38] However, one Motor Trend review of a 2014 Range Rover after 22,830 miles (36,741 km) turned up only two things that went wrong with the car.[39] According to an automotive journalist, «Land Rover doesn’t care about JD Power ratings because it doesn’t need to care» since people «still line up for months to pay full sticker.»[40][41]
- ^ a b c «Range Rover Dateline». RoverTrax. Retrieved 23 April 2014.
- ^ «The best of the British car industry». AROnline. Archived from the original on 29 October 2017. Retrieved 12 November 2011.
- ^ Maag, Christopher (3 July 2010). «Charles S. King, Range Rover Designer, Dies at 85». The New York Times. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ Shephard, Dave. «The History of the Range Rover Marque». Archived from the original on 3 March 2006. Retrieved 30 March 2016.
- ^ Turkus, Brandon (12 August 2014). «Range Rover #1 headed to auction block». Autoblog.com. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ a b The Range Rover Register. «Velar History». Archived from the original on 13 April 2006. Retrieved 16 March 2004.
- ^ «Charles S. King, Range Rover Designer, Dies at 85». The New York Times. 3 July 2010. Retrieved 18 July 2011.
- ^ Ginger Baker in Africa (1971) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80LfQZUxeP0
- ^ «1970-1986 Range Rover US — Grey Market import». Retrieved 4 June 2021.
- ^ «The History of Land Rover». iFixit. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ Official Land Rover documentation collections for both 1970–85 (LHP1, v1.1) and 1986–94 (LHP2, v1.1) Range Rovers, for example, refers to the vehicles as «Range Rover Classic», despite never being called that when they were originally built.
- ^ «Range Rover: Birthday Child with new Transmission Technology». Archived from the original on 19 January 2011. Retrieved 24 August 2010.
- ^ Range Rover: A History — Featured Articles – Land Rover
- ^ 50 Years of Range Rover – heritage-landrover.co.uk
- ^ «Range Rover Mk4». Auto Express. Retrieved 1 January 2013.
- ^ a b c d e «Range_Specifications». Land Rover. Archived from the original on 1 October 2012.
- ^ Holloway, Hilton. «Radical new Range Rover revealed». Autocar. Retrieved 24 July 2012.
- ^ Ewing, Steven J. (11 September 2013). «Land Rover debuts Range Rover Hybrid, not bound for US». Autoblog.com. Retrieved 11 September 2013.
- ^ Page, Felix (26 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover begins reinvention of Land Rover». Autocar. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- ^ Pollard, Tim (26 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover revealed: an electric 4×4 with a conscience». Car. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- ^ Horrell, Paul (26 October 2021). «This is the brand new, fifth-generation Range Rover». Top Gear. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
- ^ Burgess, Rachael (6 August 2019). «New 2021 Range Rover spotted with BMW V8 engine». Autocar. Retrieved 29 October 2021.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ Carson, Sean (27 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover arrives with plug-in hybrid power and seven seats». Auto Express. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
- ^ Page, Felix (26 October 2021). «New 2022 Range Rover begins reinvention of Land Rover». Autocar. Retrieved 26 October 2021.
- ^ «Archived copy». Archived from the original on 31 July 2017. Retrieved 13 August 2017.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ^ «History of Dakar – retrospective 1979–2007» (PDF). Dakar. Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 June 2010. Retrieved 7 January 2009.
- ^ Safari Rally: The First forty Years, Roger Barnard, Westholme Publishing 1992, ISBN 0 9519781 0 1
- ^ Hardy, Sam (6 March 2012). «Range Rover Evoque Convertible». Auto Express. Retrieved 23 July 2012.
- ^ Heldenfels, Rich (13 June 2019). «Mailbag: Why is there no Channel 1?». Akron Beacon Journal. Retrieved 18 June 2019.
- ^ Madslien, Jorn (16 May 2005). «Business | Range Rover: Beauty or beast?». BBC News. Retrieved 24 February 2010.
- ^ «Business | 15 arrested in Land Rover protest». BBC News. 16 May 2005. Retrieved 24 February 2010.
- ^ ««4×4 Drivers Are Stupid And Pompous; Mini-driving Range Rover designer raps school run cars», Annie Brown, Scottish Daily Record & Sunday, 28 June 2004″. 28 June 2004. Retrieved 5 September 2011.
- ^ Hipwell, Deirdre; Lea, Robert (27 October 2014). «Insurance companies run for cover as thieves target new Range Rovers». The Times. Retrieved 23 February 2016.
- ^ «Buying a Used Range Rover: Everything You Need to Know». Autotrader. May 2015. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ DeMuro, Doug (26 February 2013). «Land Rover and JD Power». The Truth About Cars. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ «Land Rover Car Models, Pricing & Reviews». JD Power. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ Taylor III, Alex (12 December 2013). «The remarkable staying power of Land Rover». Fortune. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ Youngs, Jeff (9 April 2014). «2014 U.S. Customer Service Index (CSI) Study Results». JD Power. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ MacKenzie, Angus (8 January 2015). «2014 Land Rover Range Rover Long-Term Verdict». Motor Trend. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ DeMuro, Doug (12 May 2014). «Here’s Why Land Rover Doesn’t Care About JD Power Ratings». dougdemuro.kinja. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
- ^ DeMuro, Doug (4 September 2015). «If Range Rovers Are So Unreliable, Why Do People Still Buy Them?». Jalopnik. Retrieved 27 February 2016.
External links[edit]
Media related to Land Rover Range Rover at Wikimedia Commons
- Official website
рендж ровер — перевод на английский
Рендж Ровер вдохновил Форд на создание Эксплорера, который является самой продаваемой машиной в своем классе и самой успешной моделью Форда в этом году.
Range Rover inspired the Explorer a bestseller and Ford’s biggest success in years.
Это Рендж Ровер
He… it’s a Range Rover,
— Рендж Ровер. — Мило, безопасно.
Oh, I have a Range Rover.
Мы покажем вам Рендж Ровер Евок.
We’ll show you the Range Rover Evoque.
Машина — Рендж Ровер.
Car’s a Range Rover.
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