Как пишется ревматология

Значение слова «ревматология»

Ревматология (от ревматизм) — специализация внутренней медицины, занимается диагностикой и лечением ревматических заболеваний. Сам термин «ревматология» происходит от греч. ρεύμα, означающего «поток, река», и логос, означающего «изучение».

Все значения слова «ревматология»

Предложения со словом «ревматология»

  • Чтобы с вами такого курьёза не произошло, я приглашаю вас пройти начальный курс ревматологии и артрологии: специальный ликбез для «чайников».

  • Выделение большого числа так называемых ревматических болезней, объединённых по принципу преимущественного поражения опорно-двигательного аппарата, способствовало формированию современной ревматологии в качестве самостоятельного раздела медицины.

  • Защитил диссертационную работу в области ревматологии (по системным васкулитам).

  • (все предложения)

Синонимы к слову «ревматология»

  • гериатрия
  • гастроэнтерология
  • анестезиология
  • иглорефлексотерапия
  • рентгенотерапия
  • (ещё синонимы…)


  • Склонение
    существительного «ревматология»
  • Разбор по составу слова «ревматология»

РЕВМАТОЛОГИЯ как пишется, правописание, орфография

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Quotes of the Day
Цитаты дня на английском языке

«The more refined and subtle our minds, the more vulnerable they are.»

Paul Tournier

«Everything has been figured out, except how to live.»

Jean-Paul Sartre

«The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.»

Horace Walpole

«Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it.»

Lewis Carroll

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Ревматология как пишется?


ревматология — существительное, именительный п., жен. p., ед. ч.

Часть речи: существительное

Единственное число Множественное число


















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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


System Musculoskeletal, Immune
Significant diseases Autoimmune disease Inflammation, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Gout, Osteoporosis
Significant tests Joint aspirate, Musculoskeletal exam, X-ray
Specialist Rheumatologist

Rheumatology (Greek ῥεῦμα, rheûma, flowing current) is a branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and management of disorders whose common feature is inflammation in the bones, muscles, joints, and internal organs.[1] Rheumatology covers more than 100 different complex diseases, collectively known as rheumatic diseases, which includes many forms of arthritis as well as lupus and Sjögren’s syndrome.[1] Doctors who have undergone formal training in rheumatology are called rheumatologists.

Many of these diseases are now known to be disorders of the immune system, and rheumatology has significant overlap with immunology, the branch of medicine that studies the immune system.



Names Doctor, Medical Specialist

Occupation type


Activity sectors


Education required

  • Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
  • Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS/MBChB)

Fields of

Hospitals, Clinics

A rheumatologist is a physician who specializes in the field of medical sub-specialty called rheumatology. A rheumatologist holds a board certification after specialized training. In the United States, training in this field requires four years undergraduate school, four years of medical school, and then three years of residency, followed by two or three years additional Fellowship training. The requirements may vary in other countries. Rheumatologists are internists who are qualified by additional postgraduate training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. Many Rheumatologists also conduct research to determine the cause and better treatments for these disabling and sometimes fatal diseases. Treatment modalities are based on scientific research, currently, practice of rheumatology is largely evidence based.[2]

Rheumatologists treat arthritis, autoimmune diseases, pain disorders affecting joints, and osteoporosis.[3] There are more than 200 types of these diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus, back pain, osteoporosis, and tendinitis. Some of these are very serious diseases that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. They treat soft tissue problems related to musculoskeletal system sports related soft tissue disorders.


Diseases diagnosed or managed by rheumatologists include:

Degenerative arthropathies[edit]

  • Osteoarthritis

Inflammatory arthropathies[edit]

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Spondyloarthropathies
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Reactive arthritis (reactive arthropathy)
    • Psoriatic arthropathy
    • Enteropathic arthropathy
  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
  • Crystal arthropathies: gout, pseudogout
  • Septic arthritis

Systemic conditions and connective tissue diseases[edit]

Medical laser for the treatment of rheumatism.

  • Lupus
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  • Sjögren’s syndrome
  • Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis)
  • Polymyositis
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Mixed connective tissue disease
  • Relapsing polychondritis
  • Adult-onset Still’s disease
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Vasculitis
    • Microscopic polyangiitis
    • Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
    • Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
    • Polyarteritis nodosa
    • Henoch–Schönlein purpura
    • Serum sickness
    • Giant cell arteritis, Temporal arteritis
    • Takayasu’s arteritis
    • Behçet’s disease
    • Kawasaki disease (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome)
    • Thromboangiitis obliterans
  • Hereditary periodic fever syndromes

Soft tissue rheumatism[edit]

Local diseases and lesions affecting the joints and structures around the joints including tendons, ligaments capsules, bursae, stress fractures, muscles, nerve entrapment, vascular lesions, and ganglia. For example:

  • Low back pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Olecranon bursitis


Physical examination[edit]

Following are examples of methods of diagnosis able to be performed in a normal physical examination.

  • Schober’s test tests the flexion of the lower back.
  • Multiple joint inspection
  • Musculoskeletal Examination
    • Screening Musculoskeletal Exam (SMSE) — a rapid assessment of structure and function
    • General Musculoskeletal Exam (GMSE) — a comprehensive assessment of joint inflammation
    • Regional Musculoskeletal Exam (RMSE) — focused assessments of structure, function and inflammation combined with special testing


  • Laboratory tests (e.g. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Rheumatoid Factor, Anti-CCP (Anti-citrullinated protein antibody), ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody) )
  • X-rays, Ultrasounds, and other imaging methods of affected joints
  • Cytopathology and chemical pathology of fluid aspirated from affected joints (e.g. to differentiate between septic arthritis and gout)


Most rheumatic diseases are treated with analgesics, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), steroids (in serious cases), DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), monoclonal antibodies, such as infliximab and adalimumab, the TNF inhibitor etanercept, and methotrexate for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.[4] The biologic agent rituximab (anti-B cell therapy) is now licensed for use in refractory rheumatoid arthritis.[5]
Physiotherapy is vital in the treatment of many rheumatological disorders. Occupational therapy can help patients find alternative ways for common movements that would otherwise be restricted by their disease. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis often need a long term, coordinated and a multidisciplinary team approach towards management of individual patients. Treatment is often tailored according to the individual needs of each patient which is also dependent on the response and the tolerability of medications.

Beginning in the 2000s, the incorporation of biopharmaceuticals (which include inhibitors of TNF-alpha, certain interleukins, and the JAK-STAT signaling pathway) into standards of care is one of the paramount developments in modern rheumatology.[6]


Rheumasurgery (or rheumatoid surgery) is a subfield of orthopedics occupied with the surgical treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases.[7] The purpose of the interventions is to limit disease activity, soothe pain and improve function.[8]

Rheumasurgical interventions can be divided in two groups. The one is early synovectomies, that is the removal of the inflamed synovia in order to prevent spreading and stop destruction. The other group is the so-called corrective intervention, i.e. an intervention done after destruction has taken place.[9] Among the corrective interventions are joint replacements, removal of loose bone or cartilage fragments, and a variety of interventions aimed at repositioning and/or stabilizing joints,[10] such as arthrodesis.

Research directions[edit]

Recently, a large body of scientific research deals with the background of autoimmune disease, the cause of many rheumatic disorders. Also, the field of osteoimmunology has emerged to further examine the interactions between the immune system, joints, and bones. Epidemiological studies and medication trials are also being conducted. The Rheumatology Research Foundation is the largest private funding source of rheumatology research and training in the United States.


Rheumasurgery emerged in the cooperation of rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons in Heinola, Finland, during the 1950s.[11]

In 1970 a Norwegian investigation estimated that at least 50% of patients with rheumatic symptoms needed rheumasurgery as an integrated part of their treatment.[12]

The European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society (ERASS) was founded in 1979.[13]

Around the turn of the 21st century, focus for treatment of patients with rheumatic disease shifted, and pharmacological treatment became dominant, while surgical interventions became rarer.[14][15]


  1. ^ a b «Explore Rheumatology». www.rheumatology.org. Retrieved 2022-09-28.
  2. ^ «What is a Rheumatologist?». www.rheumatology.org.
  3. ^ «Rheumatology Specialty Description». American Medical Association.
  4. ^ «Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis». Arthritis.about.com. Retrieved 2013-06-24.
  5. ^ Edwards J; Szczepanski L; Szechinski J; Filipowicz-Sosnowska A; et al. (2004). «Efficacy of B-cell-targeted therapy with rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis». N Engl J Med. 350 (25): 2572–2581. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa032534. PMID 15201414.
  6. ^ Upchurch Katherine S., Kay Jonathan (2012). «Evolution of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis». Rheumatology. 51 (suppl 6): vi28–vi36. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kes278. PMID 23221584.
  7. ^ «Norsk forening for revmakirurgi — Med hovedbase på Diakonhjemmet» LB Johannessen Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2004; 124:3110 Nr. 23 – 2. December 2004
  8. ^ Rheumakirurgi Archived 2016-01-18 at the Wayback Machine. Arne Skredderstuen November 2000
  9. ^ Den sykehusmessige revmatikeromsorgen i Norge (Kåss and Stene 1970), page 24.
  10. ^ «Surgery for Rheumatic Diseases» Cedars Sinai (http://www.cedars-sinai.edu)
  11. ^ Revmatisme: Gamle plager — ny viten (Munthe and Larsen 1987), page 49.
  12. ^ Den sykehusmessige revmatikeromsorgen i Norge (Kåss and Stene 1970), pages 24-25.
  13. ^ Rydholm, U «Reumakirurgiens uppgång, stabilisering og nedgång ur ett sydsvenskt perspektiv» 2013
  14. ^ Trender i revmakirurgisk behandling av pasienter med leddgikt og andre kronisk inflammatoriske leddsykdommer Archived 2016-01-29 at the Wayback Machine, Norsk Rheumabulletin 4/2012, pages 16-17.
  15. ^ Nikiphorou E, Carpenter L, Morris S; et al. (2014). «Hand and foot surgery rates in rheumatoid arthritis have declined from 1986 to 2011, but large-joint replacement rates remain unchanged: results from two UK inception cohorts». Arthritis Rheumatol. 66 (5): 1081–9. doi:10.1002/art.38344. PMID 24782174. S2CID 25813985.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

External links[edit]

  • Association des medecins rhumatologues du Quebec
  • American College of Rheumatology
  • European League Against Rheumatism
  • Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of North America, Inc.
  • British Society for Rheumatology
  • Canadian Rheumatology Association
  • Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals
  • German Society for Rheumatology

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


System Musculoskeletal, Immune
Significant diseases Autoimmune disease Inflammation, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Gout, Osteoporosis
Significant tests Joint aspirate, Musculoskeletal exam, X-ray
Specialist Rheumatologist

Rheumatology (Greek ῥεῦμα, rheûma, flowing current) is a branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and management of disorders whose common feature is inflammation in the bones, muscles, joints, and internal organs.[1] Rheumatology covers more than 100 different complex diseases, collectively known as rheumatic diseases, which includes many forms of arthritis as well as lupus and Sjögren’s syndrome.[1] Doctors who have undergone formal training in rheumatology are called rheumatologists.

Many of these diseases are now known to be disorders of the immune system, and rheumatology has significant overlap with immunology, the branch of medicine that studies the immune system.



Names Doctor, Medical Specialist

Occupation type


Activity sectors


Education required

  • Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
  • Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS/MBChB)

Fields of

Hospitals, Clinics

A rheumatologist is a physician who specializes in the field of medical sub-specialty called rheumatology. A rheumatologist holds a board certification after specialized training. In the United States, training in this field requires four years undergraduate school, four years of medical school, and then three years of residency, followed by two or three years additional Fellowship training. The requirements may vary in other countries. Rheumatologists are internists who are qualified by additional postgraduate training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. Many Rheumatologists also conduct research to determine the cause and better treatments for these disabling and sometimes fatal diseases. Treatment modalities are based on scientific research, currently, practice of rheumatology is largely evidence based.[2]

Rheumatologists treat arthritis, autoimmune diseases, pain disorders affecting joints, and osteoporosis.[3] There are more than 200 types of these diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus, back pain, osteoporosis, and tendinitis. Some of these are very serious diseases that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. They treat soft tissue problems related to musculoskeletal system sports related soft tissue disorders.


Diseases diagnosed or managed by rheumatologists include:

Degenerative arthropathies[edit]

  • Osteoarthritis

Inflammatory arthropathies[edit]

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Spondyloarthropathies
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Reactive arthritis (reactive arthropathy)
    • Psoriatic arthropathy
    • Enteropathic arthropathy
  • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
  • Crystal arthropathies: gout, pseudogout
  • Septic arthritis

Systemic conditions and connective tissue diseases[edit]

Medical laser for the treatment of rheumatism.

  • Lupus
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  • Sjögren’s syndrome
  • Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis)
  • Polymyositis
  • Dermatomyositis
  • Polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Mixed connective tissue disease
  • Relapsing polychondritis
  • Adult-onset Still’s disease
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Vasculitis
    • Microscopic polyangiitis
    • Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
    • Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
    • Polyarteritis nodosa
    • Henoch–Schönlein purpura
    • Serum sickness
    • Giant cell arteritis, Temporal arteritis
    • Takayasu’s arteritis
    • Behçet’s disease
    • Kawasaki disease (mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome)
    • Thromboangiitis obliterans
  • Hereditary periodic fever syndromes

Soft tissue rheumatism[edit]

Local diseases and lesions affecting the joints and structures around the joints including tendons, ligaments capsules, bursae, stress fractures, muscles, nerve entrapment, vascular lesions, and ganglia. For example:

  • Low back pain
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • Olecranon bursitis


Physical examination[edit]

Following are examples of methods of diagnosis able to be performed in a normal physical examination.

  • Schober’s test tests the flexion of the lower back.
  • Multiple joint inspection
  • Musculoskeletal Examination
    • Screening Musculoskeletal Exam (SMSE) — a rapid assessment of structure and function
    • General Musculoskeletal Exam (GMSE) — a comprehensive assessment of joint inflammation
    • Regional Musculoskeletal Exam (RMSE) — focused assessments of structure, function and inflammation combined with special testing


  • Laboratory tests (e.g. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Rheumatoid Factor, Anti-CCP (Anti-citrullinated protein antibody), ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody) )
  • X-rays, Ultrasounds, and other imaging methods of affected joints
  • Cytopathology and chemical pathology of fluid aspirated from affected joints (e.g. to differentiate between septic arthritis and gout)


Most rheumatic diseases are treated with analgesics, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), steroids (in serious cases), DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), monoclonal antibodies, such as infliximab and adalimumab, the TNF inhibitor etanercept, and methotrexate for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.[4] The biologic agent rituximab (anti-B cell therapy) is now licensed for use in refractory rheumatoid arthritis.[5]
Physiotherapy is vital in the treatment of many rheumatological disorders. Occupational therapy can help patients find alternative ways for common movements that would otherwise be restricted by their disease. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis often need a long term, coordinated and a multidisciplinary team approach towards management of individual patients. Treatment is often tailored according to the individual needs of each patient which is also dependent on the response and the tolerability of medications.

Beginning in the 2000s, the incorporation of biopharmaceuticals (which include inhibitors of TNF-alpha, certain interleukins, and the JAK-STAT signaling pathway) into standards of care is one of the paramount developments in modern rheumatology.[6]


Rheumasurgery (or rheumatoid surgery) is a subfield of orthopedics occupied with the surgical treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases.[7] The purpose of the interventions is to limit disease activity, soothe pain and improve function.[8]

Rheumasurgical interventions can be divided in two groups. The one is early synovectomies, that is the removal of the inflamed synovia in order to prevent spreading and stop destruction. The other group is the so-called corrective intervention, i.e. an intervention done after destruction has taken place.[9] Among the corrective interventions are joint replacements, removal of loose bone or cartilage fragments, and a variety of interventions aimed at repositioning and/or stabilizing joints,[10] such as arthrodesis.

Research directions[edit]

Recently, a large body of scientific research deals with the background of autoimmune disease, the cause of many rheumatic disorders. Also, the field of osteoimmunology has emerged to further examine the interactions between the immune system, joints, and bones. Epidemiological studies and medication trials are also being conducted. The Rheumatology Research Foundation is the largest private funding source of rheumatology research and training in the United States.


Rheumasurgery emerged in the cooperation of rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons in Heinola, Finland, during the 1950s.[11]

In 1970 a Norwegian investigation estimated that at least 50% of patients with rheumatic symptoms needed rheumasurgery as an integrated part of their treatment.[12]

The European Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society (ERASS) was founded in 1979.[13]

Around the turn of the 21st century, focus for treatment of patients with rheumatic disease shifted, and pharmacological treatment became dominant, while surgical interventions became rarer.[14][15]


  1. ^ a b «Explore Rheumatology». www.rheumatology.org. Retrieved 2022-09-28.
  2. ^ «What is a Rheumatologist?». www.rheumatology.org.
  3. ^ «Rheumatology Specialty Description». American Medical Association.
  4. ^ «Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis». Arthritis.about.com. Retrieved 2013-06-24.
  5. ^ Edwards J; Szczepanski L; Szechinski J; Filipowicz-Sosnowska A; et al. (2004). «Efficacy of B-cell-targeted therapy with rituximab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis». N Engl J Med. 350 (25): 2572–2581. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa032534. PMID 15201414.
  6. ^ Upchurch Katherine S., Kay Jonathan (2012). «Evolution of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis». Rheumatology. 51 (suppl 6): vi28–vi36. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kes278. PMID 23221584.
  7. ^ «Norsk forening for revmakirurgi — Med hovedbase på Diakonhjemmet» LB Johannessen Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 2004; 124:3110 Nr. 23 – 2. December 2004
  8. ^ Rheumakirurgi Archived 2016-01-18 at the Wayback Machine. Arne Skredderstuen November 2000
  9. ^ Den sykehusmessige revmatikeromsorgen i Norge (Kåss and Stene 1970), page 24.
  10. ^ «Surgery for Rheumatic Diseases» Cedars Sinai (http://www.cedars-sinai.edu)
  11. ^ Revmatisme: Gamle plager — ny viten (Munthe and Larsen 1987), page 49.
  12. ^ Den sykehusmessige revmatikeromsorgen i Norge (Kåss and Stene 1970), pages 24-25.
  13. ^ Rydholm, U «Reumakirurgiens uppgång, stabilisering og nedgång ur ett sydsvenskt perspektiv» 2013
  14. ^ Trender i revmakirurgisk behandling av pasienter med leddgikt og andre kronisk inflammatoriske leddsykdommer Archived 2016-01-29 at the Wayback Machine, Norsk Rheumabulletin 4/2012, pages 16-17.
  15. ^ Nikiphorou E, Carpenter L, Morris S; et al. (2014). «Hand and foot surgery rates in rheumatoid arthritis have declined from 1986 to 2011, but large-joint replacement rates remain unchanged: results from two UK inception cohorts». Arthritis Rheumatol. 66 (5): 1081–9. doi:10.1002/art.38344. PMID 24782174. S2CID 25813985.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

External links[edit]

  • Association des medecins rhumatologues du Quebec
  • American College of Rheumatology
  • European League Against Rheumatism
  • Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of North America, Inc.
  • British Society for Rheumatology
  • Canadian Rheumatology Association
  • Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals
  • German Society for Rheumatology

Quotes of the Day
Цитаты дня на английском языке

«The more refined and subtle our minds, the more vulnerable they are.»

Paul Tournier

«Everything has been figured out, except how to live.»

Jean-Paul Sartre

«The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well.»

Horace Walpole

«Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it.»

Lewis Carroll

Разбор слова «ревматология»: для переноса, на слоги, по составу

Объяснение правил деление (разбивки) слова «ревматология» на слоги для переноса.
Онлайн словарь Soosle.ru поможет: фонетический и морфологический разобрать слово «ревматология» по составу, правильно делить на слоги по провилам русского языка, выделить части слова, поставить ударение, укажет значение, синонимы, антонимы и сочетаемость к слову «ревматология».

Деление слова ревматология

Слово ревматология по слогам


  • 1 Как перенести слово «ревматология»
  • 2 Морфологический разбор слова «ревматология»
  • 3 Разбор слова «ревматология» по составу
  • 4 Сходные по морфемному строению слова «ревматология»
  • 5 Предложения со словом «ревматология»
  • 6 Значение слова «ревматология»
  • 7 Как правильно пишется слово «ревматология»
  • 8 Ассоциации к слову «ревматология»

Как перенести слово «ревматология»


Морфологический разбор слова «ревматология»

Часть речи:

Имя существительное


часть речи: имя существительное;
одушевлённость: неодушевлённое;
род: женский;
число: единственное;
падеж: именительный;
отвечает на вопрос: (есть) Что?

Начальная форма:


Разбор слова «ревматология» по составу

ревмат корень
о соединительная
лог корень
и суффикс
я окончание


Сходные по морфемному строению слова «ревматология»

Сходные по морфемному строению слова

  • археология
  • астрология
  • гинекология
  • идеология
  • кардиология
  • Предложения со словом «ревматология»

    Чтобы с вами такого курьёза не произошло, я приглашаю вас пройти начальный курс ревматологии и артрологии: специальный ликбез для «чайников».

    Ирина Калюжнова, Подагра.

    Выделение большого числа так называемых ревматических болезней, объединённых по принципу преимущественного поражения опорно-двигательного аппарата, способствовало формированию современной ревматологии в качестве самостоятельного раздела медицины.

    С. Н. Филимонов, Клиника, диагностика и лечение основных ревматических болезней, 2014.

    Защитил диссертационную работу в области ревматологии (по системным васкулитам).

    И. О. Смитиенко, Как лечить спину и суставы.

    Значение слова «ревматология»

    Ревматология (от ревматизм) — специализация внутренней медицины, занимается диагностикой и лечением ревматических заболеваний. Сам термин «ревматология» происходит от греч. ρεύμα, означающего «поток, река», и логос, означающего «изучение». (Википедия)

    Как правильно пишется слово «ревматология»

    Правописание слова «ревматология»
    Орфография слова «ревматология»

    Правильно слово пишется: ревматоло́гия

    Нумерация букв в слове
    Номера букв в слове «ревматология» в прямом и обратном порядке:

    • 12
    • 11
    • 10
    • 9
    • 8
    • 7
    • 6
    • 5
    • 4
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1

    Ассоциации к слову «ревматология»

    • Хирургия

    • Реабилитация

    • Терапия

    • Нии

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  • Как пишется ребятенок или ребетенок

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