На экзамене предлагается отрывок из письма от вашего возможного друга по переписке. В письме содержится некая новость и несколько вопросов, где у вас спрашивают мнения, совета и т.п.
Требуется написать письмо-ответ, начиная с вашего краткого обратного адреса в верхнем правом углу, даты под адресом, приветствия и заканчивая прощальной фразой и именем.
Прежде всего, чтобы написать письмо, нужно знать правила орфографии и пунтуации английского языка и стараться им следовать – тому, кому вы адресовали письмо, будет приятно читать грамотно составленное письмо.
Одним из заданий по английскому языку как в ЕГЭ, так и в ОГЭ является написание личного письма в ответ на письмо “англоговорящего друга по переписке”. Оно входит в часть C, как и написание сочинения по английскому языку. При этом, если в ЕГЭ объем письма – 100-140 слов, то в ОГЭ установлен лимит в 100-120 слов, т.к. в ЕГЭ дается задание задать 3 вопроса, а в ОГЭ – просто ответить на письмо, хотя, в любом случае, если вы напишете вопросы, то это будет плюсом.
Написание письма на иностранном языке является несложным заданием, которое необходимо выполнить максимально быстро, чтобы оставить время на выполнение других заданий. Итак, рассмотрим единые правила написания личного письма. Чтобы было легче всё понять, посмотрите специально отобранное 5-ege.ru видео:
В правом верхнем углу укажите адрес в следующем порядке (порядок обратный российскому):
- квартира
- номер дома, название улицы
- город
- страна
Допускается указывать адрес в кратком виде, например:
Под адресом, пропустив строку, необходимо написать дату письма:
June 4th, 2012
4 June 2012
или менее формально:
Письмо начинается с неофициального обращения. Если в задании имя вашего собеседника не указано, его следует придумать:
Dear Tim,
Dear Rebecca,
После обращения нужно поставить запятую!
Разделите текст письма на несколько логических абзацев, каждый из которых начните с красной строки.
1. В первом абзаце вам следует поблагодарить своего друга за его письмо:
Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter.
Your last letter was a real surprise.
I was glad to get your letter.
It was great to hear from you! / It was great to hear that… / I was happy to hear…
Вы можете также извиниться за то, что не писали раньше:
Sorry I haven’t written for so long but …/ Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long.
I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.
и/или упомянуть какой-либо факт из полученного письма:
I’m glad you passed your History test!
Sounds like you had a great time in London!
Great news about your…!
2. Основная часть письма (2–3 абзаца). В ней вы должны раскрыть все аспекты, указанные в задании. Не забудьте задать необходимые вопросы.
Предполагается, что письмо должно быть написано в неформальном стиле, поэтому вы можете использовать неформальные слова-связки, такие как well, by the way, anyway, so, разговорные выражения типа Guess what? Или Wish me luck!, а также восклицательные знаки.
3. В последнем параграфе объясните, почему вы заканчиваете письмо:
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.
Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up.
I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show.
и упомяните о дальнейших контактах:
Write (back) soon!
Take care and keep in touch!
Drop me a letter when you can.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I can’t wait to hear from you!
В конце письма на отдельной строке указывается завершающая фраза-клише, которая зависит от того, насколько близки автор и адресат. После нее всегда ставится запятая! Ниже приводятся возможные варианты от наименее формального (1) к более формальному (8):
- Love,
- Lots of love,
- All my love,
- All the best,
- Best wishes,
- With best wishes,
- Yours,
- Warm regards,
На следующей строке под завершающей фразой указывается имя автора (без фамилии!). Например:
Andy или Kate
Таким образом, письмо к другу имеет следующий вид:
Адрес пишущего (указывается в правом верхнем углу)
Дата письма (под адресом)
В начале письма автор обычно а) благодарит адресата за ранее полученную корреспонденцию; б) извиняется, что не писал раньше.
Основная часть письма (2—3 абзаца). В ней должны быть раскрыты
все аспекты, указанные в задании.
Не забудьте задать все необходимые вопросы.
В конце письма автор обычно упоминает о причине окончания письма, а также о дальнейших контактах (используются фразы-клише).
Завершающая фраза,
Подпись автора (имя)
Шаблон для написания письма на английском языке
13 Ostozhenka street
I was so happy to get your letter! I can’t wait to meet you in July! I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.
You asked me to tell you about… Well, …
By the way, …? …? …?
Unfortunately, I’d better go now as I’ve got loads of homework to do (as always). Take care and keep in touch!
All the best,
Пример личного письма
You have received a letter from your English- speaking pen-friend who writes
…All in all, my birthday party was great! However, one of my friends came to the party in casual clothes. Just jeans and a T-shirt! Of course I didn’t say anything but she felt a bit left out. I was really sorry for her! And what do you usually wear when you go to a birthday party? Is it important in Russia to wear smart clothes at parties? What would you do if you were me?
I’ve got to go now as I have loads of homework to do. Drop me a line when you can.
Lots of love,
Write a letter to Patricia.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her birthday presents
13 Gagarina Street
Dear Patricia,
Thanks for your letter. I’m glad your birthday party was a great success!
Well, in Russia we don’t pay much attention to clothes but of course everybody wants to look great! Actually, any clothes will do if a person feels comfortable. As for me, I usually wear a skirt and a smart blouse. You were quite right not to take any notice of your friend’s clothes. If I were you, I would have done the same. It’s not the clothes that count, after all.
By the way, what birthday presents did you get? Did your parents give you what you wanted? What presents did you like most of all? As for me, I prefer books.
I’d better go now. Mum wants me to help with the housework. Take care and stay in touch!
Lots of love,
Что означает имя Ролекс? Что обозначает имя Ролекс? Что значит имя Ролекс для человека? Какое значение имени Ролекс, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Ролекс? Как переводится имя Ролекс? Как правильно пишется имя Ролекс? Совместимость c именем Ролекс — подходящий цвет, камни обереги, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Ролекс и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.
Анализ имени Ролекс
Имя Ролекс состоит из 6 букв. Имена из шести букв обычно принадлежат особам, в характере которых доминируют такие качества, как восторженность, граничащая с экзальтацией, и склонность к легкому эпатажу. Они уделяют много времени созданию собственного имиджа, используя все доступные средства для того, чтобы подчеркнуть свою оригинальность. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Ролекс можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.
Значение имени Ролекс в нумерологии
Нумерология имени Ролекс может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Ролекс в нумерологии — 3. Девиз имени Ролекс и троек по жизни: «Сделаю все, чтобы вы обратили на меня внимание!»
- Планета-покровитель для имени Ролекс — Юпитер.
- Знак зодиака для имени Ролекс — Стрелец.
- Камни-талисманы для имени Ролекс — янтарь, аметист, авантюрин, хризопаз, доломит, бриллиант Геркмайера, ляпис лаузрь, морганит, пирит, рубин, розовый сапфир, сардоникс, сугилит, голубой топаз, черный турмалин, цаворит.
Присутствие «тройки» среди чисел нумерологического ядра указывает на особое видение, позволяющее определить, чего именно недостает миру для совершенства. И настоятельную потребность восполнить этот недостаток, потребность, которая становится основой мотивации и главной движущей силой для каждого шага по жизни.
«Тройка» в числах имени Ролекс – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – определяет наличие творческих способностей, то есть – врожденного умения создавать новое и предрасположенности к занятиям такого рода. Цифра 3 в нумерологии означает наличие явных или скрытых талантов и неординарных способностей. Тройки по имени Ролекс удачливы, как никто другой. По натуре своей обычно это оптимистичные люди, не опускающие руки даже при столкновении с самыми сложными жизненными испытаниями. Часто они талантливы, легко обучаются любому ремеслу, общительны и нравятся людям, имеют много друзей. Тройку как будто берегут высшие силы. Это число везения и удачливости. Другой стороной характера Тройки является стремление к духовности. Тройка с именем Ролекс чаще всего богата интеллектом, но очень хитра. Тройка добра, оптимистична, любит путешествовать и философствовать. Тройке трудно сосредоточиться на каком-либо одном занятии, ее рассеянность несет трудности. Любит наслаждаться жизнью, все время пытается испытать удачу. Самый большой страх Тройки по имени Ролекс — не везде успеть, упустить хорошую возможность. Тройка любит и умеет учиться, потому что любознательна, обладает пытливым умом. Тройка Ролекс — настоящий борец за справедливость, адвокат для всех знаков зодиака и хороший друг. Порадовать Тройку можно, если предоставить ей полную свободу действий.
- Влияние имени Ролекс на профессию и карьеру. Что значит число 3 в выборе рода занятий? Способы профессиональной самореализации для людей, имеющих «тройку» в нумерологическом ядре – бесчисленны, а возможности в этом плане – практически неограниченны. Подходящие профессии: все творческие профессии, особенно писатели, артисты.
- Влияние имени Ролекс на личную жизнь. Личная жизнь «тройки» с именем Ролекс никогда не бывает простой, и очень редко становится «эталоном» гармонии и счастья. Тройки – оптимисты, которые становятся душой компании, для них важно быть в центре внимания. Поэтому им идеально подойдет партнер, который будет смотреть на мир так же, как они сами. Число 3 совместимо с единицами, тройками, девятками и шестерками.
Планета покровитель имени Ролекс
Число 3 для имени Ролекс значит планету Юпитер. Планета Юпитер наделяет людей с именем Ролекс оптимизмом. Они уважительно относятся к окружающим и ждут такого же отношения к себе. Люди с именем Ролекс, как магнит, притягивают к себе счастье и гармонию. Они не напористы, но умеют добиваться своего. Обладатели имени Ролекс склонны к самокопанию, и это приводит к неплохим результатам. Они достаточно неплохо разобрались в себе и могут верно оценивать личность буквально с первого момента встречи. Понимая, что человек не идеален, они стремятся к самоусовершенствованию, но не требуют того же от других. Заступаются за тех и помогают тем, кто требует помощи или поддержки, бескорыстны, склонны к путешествиям. Хорошо гармонируют носители имени Ролекс с людьми своего, шестого или девятого типов.
Знаки зодиака имени Ролекс
Для имени Ролекс подходят следующие знаки зодиака:
Цвет имени Ролекс
Жёлтый цвет имени Ролекс. Люди с именем Ролекс, носящие желтый цвет, как показывает нумерология, солнечные и позитивные, энергичные и логичные, с ними чувствуешь себя всегда комфортно и уютно. Так как точно знаешь, что они никогда не подставят. Владельцы имени Ролекс обладают твёрдым характером и практичностью, что вносит некий дискомфорт в семейные отношения. Так как они не привыкли вести расточительный образ жизни и того же требуют и от своих близких людей. Положительные черты характера имени Ролекс – коммуникабельные, открытые и активные. Отрицательные черты характера для имени Ролекс – прижимистость и твердолобость.
Как правильно пишется имя Ролекс
В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Ролекс. В английском языке имя Ролекс может иметь следующий вариант написания — Roleks.
Видео значение имени Ролекс
Вы согласны с описанием и значением имени Ролекс? Какую судьбу, характер и национальность имеют ваши знакомые с именем Ролекс? Каких известных и успешных людей с именем Ролекс вы еще знаете? Будем рады обсудить имя Ролекс более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях ниже.
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Sokrat personal > ролекс
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > ролекс
корпус часов Ойстер фирмы Ролекс
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > корпус часов Ойстер фирмы Ролекс
См. также в других словарях:
Ролекс — Логотип Rolex Rolex SA швейцарская часовая компания, выпускающая наручные часы и аксессуары под торговой маркой Ролекс. Компания является крупнейшим потребителем золота в Швейцарии. В год ROLEX выпускает от полумиллиона часов. Некоторые авторы… … Википедия
Ролекс (торговая марка) — Логотип Rolex Rolex SA швейцарская часовая компания, выпускающая наручные часы и аксессуары под торговой маркой Ролекс. Компания является крупнейшим потребителем золота в Швейцарии. В год ROLEX выпускает от полумиллиона часов. Некоторые авторы… … Википедия
Rolex — SA Тип Ч … Википедия
Часовая промышленность — отрасль приборостроения, включающая производство приборов измерения времени бытового назначения, к которым относятся Часы наручные и карманные, будильники, часы настольные, настенные и напольные, часы общественного пользования для зданий… … Большая советская энциклопедия
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Евгений Лукьяненко
на голосовании
8 лет назад
Дополнен 8 лет назад
Всем спасибо!
Голосование за лучший ответ
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
Lecks? O_o
Или Leks
8 лет назад
Sebastyan Pereyro
8 лет назад
Добрый день.
Сайт «Рамблер» давно существует в России. Свое существование он начал еще в 1996 году, тогда он был первым поисковым порталом в России.
Поисковая система существовала до 2011 года, после чего он стал медийно-сервисным интернет-порталом, который в настоящее время является очень популярным.
А если вы не знаете, как пишется слово «Рамблер» на английском языке, то это узнать просто.
Правильно пишется слово «Рамблер» по-английски: «rambler».
Coordinates: 46°11′34″N 6°08′01″E / 46.19284°N 6.13349°E
Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland |
Formerly |
Type | Private |
Industry | Watchmaking |
Founded | 1905; 118 years ago in London |
Founders |
Headquarters |
Geneva , Switzerland |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Jean-Frederic Dufour (CEO) |
Products | Watches |
Production output |
1.05 million pieces (2021)[1] |
Revenue | $13 billion (2021)[2] |
Operating income |
$0 (NPO) |
Owner | Hans Wilsdorf Foundation |
Number of employees |
30,000 |
Subsidiaries | Montres Tudor SA |
Website | rolex.com |
Rolex SA () is a British-founded Swiss watch designer and manufacturer based in Geneva, Switzerland.[3] Founded in 1905 as Wilsdorf and Davis by Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis in London, the company registered Rolex as the brand name of its watches in 1908 and became Rolex Watch Co. Ltd. in 1915.[4][5][6][7] After World War I, the company moved its base of operations to Geneva because of the unfavorable economy in the United Kingdom. In 1920, Hans Wilsdorf registered Montres Rolex SA in Geneva as the new company name (montre is French for wristwatch); it later became Rolex SA.[3][5][8][9] Since 1960, the company has been owned by the Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, a private family trust.[6][10][11]
Rolex SA and its subsidiary Montres Tudor SA design, make, distribute, and service wristwatches sold under the Rolex and Tudor brands.
Early history
Alfred Davis and his brother-in-law Hans Wilsdorf founded Wilsdorf and Davis, the company that would eventually become Rolex SA, in London in 1905.[12] Wilsdorf and Davis’s main commercial activity at the time involved importing Hermann Aegler’s Swiss movements to England and placing them in watch cases made by Dennison and others. These early wristwatches were sold to many jewellers, who then put their own names on the dial. The earliest watches from Wilsdorf and Davis were usually hallmarked «W&D» inside the caseback.
In 1908, Wilsdorf registered the trademark «Rolex», which became the brand name of watches from Wilsdorf and Davis. He opened an office in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.[5][12][13] Wilsdorf wanted the brand name to be easily pronounceable in any language, and short enough to fit on the face of a watch.[4][14] He also thought that the name «Rolex» was onomatopoeic, sounding like a watch being wound.[4][14]
In November 1915, the company changed its name to Rolex Watch Co. Ltd.[7] In 1919, Hans Wilsdorf moved the company from England to Geneva, Switzerland, because of heavy post-war taxes levied on luxury imports and high export duties on the silver and gold used for the watch cases. In 1920 the company’s name was officially changed to Montres Rolex SA and later to Rolex SA[9][11][12]
With administrative worries attended to, Wilsdorf turned the company’s attention to a marketing challenge: the infiltration of dust and moisture under the dial and crown, which damaged the movement. To address this problem, in 1926 a third-party casemaker produced a waterproof and dustproof wristwatch for Rolex, giving it the name «Oyster». The original patent attributed to Paul Perregaux and Georges Peret, that allowed the watch to be adjusted while maintaining protection from water ingress was purchased – not invented – by Rolex and heavily marketed.[15] The watch featured a hermetically sealed case which provided optimal protection for the movement.[16]
As a demonstration, Rolex submerged Oyster models in aquariums, which it displayed in the windows of its main points of sale. In 1927, British swimmer Mercedes Gleitze swam the English Channel with an Oyster on her necklace, becoming the first Rolex ambassador. To celebrate the feat, Rolex published a full-page advertisement on the front page of the Daily Mail for every issue for a whole month proclaiming the watch’s success during the ten hour plus swim.[16]
In 1931, Rolex patented a self-winding mechanism called a Perpetual rotor, a semi-circular plate that relies on gravity to move freely. In turn, the Oyster watch became known as the Oyster Perpetual.[16]
Upon the death of his wife in 1944, Wilsdorf established the Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, a private trust, in which he left all of his Rolex shares, ensuring that some of the company’s income would go to charity. Wilsdorf died in 1960, and since then the trust has owned and run Rolex SA.[11]
Recent development
The Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, which privately owns Rolex SA, is a registered Swiss charitable foundation and pays a lower tax rate.[17] In 2011, a spokesman for Rolex declined to provide evidence regarding the amount of charitable donations made by the Wilsdorf Foundation, which brought up several scandals due to the lack of transparency.[17] In Geneva where the company is based, it is said to have gifted, among many things, two housing buildings to social institutions of Geneva.[18]
According to the 2017 Brand Z report, the brand value is estimated at $8.053 billion.[5] Rolex watches continue to have a reputation as status symbols.[19][20][21][22] The company produces more than 1,000,000 timepieces each year.[23] It is said that «The power of the Crown is never more felt than when trying to negotiate space in a retail environment for the product of another brand».[24]
Tudor SA
Wristwatch Tudor Prince Date Day (ref. 76200)
Rolex SA offers products under the Rolex and Tudor brands. Montres Tudor SA has designed, manufactured and marketed Tudor watches since 6 March 1946.[25] Rolex founder Hans Wilsdorf conceived Tudor to create a product for authorized Rolex dealers to sell that offered the reliability and dependability of a Rolex, but at a lower price.[26] The number of Rolex watches was limited by the rate that they could produce in-house Rolex movements, thus Tudor watches were originally equipped with off-the-shelf movements while using similar quality cases and bracelets.[27]
Historically, Tudor watches have been manufactured by Montres Tudor SA using movements supplied by ETA SA. Since 2015, Tudor has begun to manufacture watches with in-house movements. The first model introduced with an in-house movement was the Tudor North Flag. Following this, updated versions of the Tudor Pelagos and Tudor Heritage Black Bay have also been fitted with an in-house caliber.[28][27]
Tudor watches are marketed and sold in most countries around the world. Montres Tudor SA discontinued sales of Tudor-branded watches in the United States in 2004, but Tudor returned to the United States market in the summer of 2013 and to the UK in 2014.[29][30]
Watch manufacturing
While Rolex mostly produces mechanical watches, it also participated in development of the original quartz watch movements. Although Rolex has made very few quartz models for its Oyster line, the company’s engineers were instrumental in design and implementation of the technology during the late 1960s and early 1970s. In 1968, Rolex collaborated with a consortium of 16 Swiss watch manufacturers to develop the Beta 21 quartz movement used in their Rolex Quartz Date 5100 alongside other manufactures including the Omega Electroquartz watches.[31] Within about five years of research, design, and development, Rolex created the «clean-slate» 5035/5055 movement that would eventually power the Rolex Oysterquartz.[32]
Material-wise, Rolex first used its «Cerachrom» ceramic bezel on the GMT-Master II in 2005, and has since then implemented ceramic bezel inserts across the range of professional sports watches. They are available on the Submariner, Sea Dweller, Deepsea, GMT Master II, and Daytona models. In contrast to the aluminum bezel which it replaced, the ceramic bezel color does not wear out from exposure to UV-light and is scratch resistant.[33]
Rolex uses 904L grade stainless-steel; in contrast, most Swiss watches are made with 316L grade steel. Rolex uses the higher grade, as it is more resistant to corrosion and when polished, leaves a more beautiful luster.[33]
Rolex serial numbers
Each Rolex comes with a unique serial number, which can help indicate its approximate production period. Serial numbers were first introduced in 1926 and were issued sequentially, until 1954, when Rolex restarted from #999,999 to #0. In 1987, there was an addition of one letter to a 6-digit serial number and in 2010, to the present date Rolex introduced random serial numbers.[34]
Notable inventions
Among the company’s innovations are:
- In 1910, the first watchmaker to earn chronometer certification for a small lady wristwatch.[11]
- In 1926, produced the Oyster case, the first reliable waterproof wristwatch case that was based on a screw-down crown. To this end, Rolex acquired the Perragaux-Perret screw-down patent, added a clutch and combined the screw-down crown with a threaded case back and bezel.[35] Wilsdorf even had a specially made Rolex watch (the watch was called the «DeepSea») attached to the side of Trieste, which went to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The watch survived and tested as having kept perfect time during its descent and ascent. This was confirmed by a telegram sent to Rolex the following day saying «Am happy to confirm that even at 11,000 metres your watch is as precise as on the surface. Best regards, Jacques Piccard».[11] Earlier waterproof watches such as the «Submarine Watch» by Tavannes used other means to seal the case.
- In 1931, released a wristwatch winding mechanism featuring a rotor, a full 360 degrees rotating weight to power the watch by the movement of the wearer’s arm.[36] As well as making watch winding unnecessary, it also kept the power from the mainspring more consistent, resulting in more reliable timekeeping. Fully rotating weights later became part of the standard winding mechanism of self-winding wristwatches. A preceding self-winding mechanism by Harwood instead used a weight that moved in a 270 degrees arc hitting buffer springs on both sides.[37]
- In 1945, introduced the first chronometer wristwatch with an automatically changing date on the dial (Rolex Datejust Ref. 4467).[14] An earlier wristwatch with a date changing mechanism by Mimo was not chronometer certified.
- In 1953, released a case waterproof to 100 m (330 ft) (Rolex Oyster Perpetual Submariner Ref.6204, 1953). Although this has been commonly publicized as the first diving watch, Omega made 21 years earlier, in 1932, the Marine, which could stand 135mts, 35mts more than the 1953 Rolex Submariner, and also Blancpain produced before Rolex their Fifty Fathoms in 1953, 10 months before Rolex.[38]
- In 1954, produced a wristwatch which showed two time zones at once (Rolex GMT Master ref.6542, 1954).[39] Yet again, it was not the first company to do so, as the Longines DualTime preceded the GMT by a full quarter of a century.
- In 1956, made a wristwatch with an automatically changing day and date on the dial (Rolex Day-Date, 1956).[40]
Rolex watches are frequently counterfeited and often illegally sold on the street and online. Counterfeit Rolex watches vary in quality: some use cheap movements, while others use automatic movements, and some use an ETA movement. O. J. Simpson wore a counterfeit Rolex during his 1994 murder trial.[41][42]
Notable models
In general, Rolex has three watch lines: Oyster Perpetual, Professional and Cellini (the Cellini line is Rolex’s line of «dress» watches). The primary bracelets for the Oyster line are named Jubilee, Oyster, President, and Pearlmaster. The watch straps on the models are usually either stainless steel, yellow gold, white gold, or rose gold. In the United Kingdom, the retail price for the stainless steel ‘Pilots’ range (such as the GMT Master II) starts from GBP 5,600. Diamond inlay watches are more expensive. The book Vintage Wristwatches by Antiques Roadshow‘s Reyne Haines listed a price estimate of vintage Rolex watches that ranged between US$650 and US$75,000, while listing vintage Tudors between US$250 and US$9,000.[43]
Most expensive pieces
- On October 26, 2017, a Rolex Daytona (Ref. 6239) wristwatch, manufactured in 1968, was sold by Phillips in its New York auction for US$17.75 million.[44][45][46] The watch was originally purchased by Joanne Woodward in 1968 and was given by Joanne to her husband Paul Newman as a gift.[47] The auction price set a record at $15.5 million, plus buyer’s premium of 12.5%, for a final price of $17,752,500 in New York City.[48] As of 2018, it is the most expensive wristwatch and the second most expensive watch ever sold at auction.[49][46][50] Notably, «[a]t the time that Newman gave the watch to James Cox [as a gift], the watch was selling for about $200.»[51][52]
- On May 28, 2018, a Rolex Daytona «Unicorn» Ref. 6265 was sold in auction by Phillips for US$5.937 million in Geneva, making it the second most expensive Rolex timepiece ever sold at auction (as of 2018).[53][54]
- The most expensive Rolex (in terms of retail price) ever produced by the Rolex factory was the GMT Ice reference 116769TBR with a retail price of US$485,350. A Forbes magazine article on the Swiss watch industry compared the retail value of Rolex to that of competing brands Corum, Universal Genève and IWC.[55]
Rolex founder Hans Wilsdorf created the Air — Prince line to honor RAF pilots of the Battle of Britain, releasing the first model in 1958. By 2007, the 1142XX iteration of the Air-King featured a COSC-certified movement in a 34mm case, considered by some a miniaturized variant of the 39mm Rolex Explorer as both watches featured very similar styling cues; the 34mm Air-King lineup was the least expensive series of Oyster Perpetual. In 2014 the Air-King was dropped, making the Oyster Perpetual 26/31/34/36/39 the entry-level Rolex line. In 2016 Rolex reintroduced the Air-King, available as a single model (number 116900), largely similar to its predecessors but with a larger 40mm case, and a magnetic shield found on the Rolex Milgauss; indeed the new 40mm Air-King is slightly cheaper than the 39mm Explorer (the Explorer lacks the magnetic shield but its movement has Paraflex shock absorbers that are not found in the Air-King’s movement).[56][57][58][59][60]
Rolex mural watch, Dubai Airport
Oyster Perpetual
The name of the watch line in catalogs is often «Rolex Oyster ______» or «Rolex Oyster Perpetual ______»; Rolex Oyster and Oyster Perpetual are generic names and not specific product lines, except for the Oyster Perpetual 26/31/34/36/39/41 and Oyster Perpetual Date 34. The Rolex Oyster Perpetual watch is a direct descendant of the original watertight Rolex Oyster watch created in 1926.
Within the Oyster Perpetual lineup, there are three different movements; the 39 features the Calibre 3132 movement with the Parachrom hairspring and Paraflex shock absorbers (the Oyster Perpetual 39 is a variant of the Rolex Explorer 39mm, sharing the same case, bracelet and clasp, bezel, and movement, with a different dial and different hands), while the 34 and 36 models have the Caliber 3130 featuring the Parachrom hairspring, and the smallest 28 and 31 models have Calibre 2231.[61][62] The Oyster Perpetual Date 34 (or simply Date 34) adds a date display and date movement, plus the options of a white gold fluted bezel and diamonds on the dial.
Certain models from the Date and Datejust ranges are almost identical, however the Datejust have 36 mm and 41 mm cases paired with a 20 mm bracelet, compared with the Date’s 34 mm case and 19 mm bracelet. Modern versions of the Oyster Perpetual Date and Datejust models share Rolex’s 3135 movement, with the most recent change to the 3135 movement being introduction of Rolex’s «parachrom bleu» hairspring, which provides increased accuracy. As the Date and Datejust share a movement, both have the ability to adjust the date forward one day at a time without adjusting the time; this feature is not confined to the Datejust. Compared with the Date, the Datejust has a much wider range of customization options, including other metals beyond stainless steel, various materials for the dial, and optional diamonds on the dial and bezel. The Datejust II, which was released in 2009, has a bigger case (41mm diameter) than the standard Datejust and features an updated movement, being only available in steel with white, yellow or rose gold on an Oyster bracelet.[63] In 2016, Rolex released the Datejust 41, which has the same 41mm diameter case as the Datejust II, however the Datejust 41 has smaller indexes and a thinner bezel compared to the Datejust II.[64]
Professional collections
Rolex produced specific models suitable for the extremes of deep-sea diving, caving, mountain climbing, polar exploration, and aviation. Early professional models included the Rolex Submariner (1953) and the Rolex Sea Dweller (1967). The latter watch has a helium release valve, co-invented with Swiss watchmaker Doxa, to release helium gas build-up during decompression.
The Explorer (1953) and Explorer II (1971) were developed specifically for explorers who would navigate rough terrain, such as the world-famous Mount Everest expeditions. Indeed, the Rolex Explorer was launched to celebrate the successful ascent of Everest in 1953 by the expeditionary team led by Sir John Hunt.
The 39 mm Rolex Explorer was designed as a «tool watch» for rugged use, hence its movement has Paraflex shock absorbers which give them higher shock resistance than other Rolex watches.[60] The 42mm Rolex Explorer II has some significant differences from the 39mm Explorer; the Explorer II adds a date function, and an orange 24-hour hand which is paired with the fixed bezel’s black 24-hour markers[65] for situations underground or around the poles where day cannot be distinguished from night.
Another iconic model is the Rolex GMT Master (1955), originally developed at the request of Pan Am Airways to provide its crews with a dual-time watch that could be used to display local time and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which was the international time standard for aviation at that time (and still is in its modern variant of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) or Zulu Time) and was needed for astronavigation (celestial navigation) during longer flights.[11]
Historic events
POWs and the Great Escape
By the start of World War II, Royal Air Force pilots were buying Rolex watches to replace their inferior standard-issue watches; however, when captured and sent to prisoner of war (POW) camps, their watches were confiscated.[14] When Hans Wilsdorf heard of this, he offered to replace all watches that had been confiscated and not require payment until the end of the war, if the officers would write to Rolex and explain the circumstances of their loss and where they were being held. Wilsdorf was in personal charge of the scheme.[66][67] As a result of this, an estimated 3,000 Rolex watches were ordered by British officers in the officer camp Oflag VII-B in Bavaria alone.[66] This had the effect of raising the morale among the allied POWs because it indicated that Wilsdorf did not believe that the Axis powers would win the war.[66][68] American servicemen heard about this when stationed in Europe during WWII and this helped open up the American market to Rolex after the war.[14]
On 10 March 1943, while still a prisoner of war, Corporal Clive James Nutting, one of the organizers of the Great Escape, ordered a stainless steel Rolex Oyster 3525 Chronograph (valued at a current equivalent of £1,200) by mail directly from Hans Wilsdorf in Geneva, intending to pay for it with money he saved working as a shoemaker at the camp.[66][68][69] The watch (Rolex watch no. 185983)[69][70] was delivered to Stalag Luft III on 10 July that year along with a note from Wilsdorf apologising for any delay in processing the order and explaining that an English gentleman such as Corporal Nutting «should not even think» about paying for the watch before the end of the war.[66][68] Wilsdorf is reported to have been impressed with Nutting because, although not an officer, he had ordered the expensive Rolex 3525 Oyster chronograph while most other prisoners ordered the much cheaper Rolex Speed King model which was popular because of its small size.[66] The watch is believed to have been ordered specifically to be used in the Great Escape when, as a chronograph, it could have been used to time patrols of prison guards or time the 76 ill-fated escapees through tunnel ‘Harry’ on 24 March 1944.[66][68][71] Eventually, after the war, Nutting was sent an invoice of only £15 for the watch, because of currency export controls in England at the time.[68] The watch and associated correspondence between Wilsdorf and Nutting were sold at an auction for £66,000 in May 2007, while at an earlier auction in September 2006 the same watch fetched A$54,000.[68][70] Nutting served as a consultant for both the 1950 film The Wooden Horse and the 1963 film The Great Escape.[66]
In a famous murder case, the Rolex on Ronald Platt’s wrist eventually led to the arrest of his murderer, Albert Johnson Walker—a financial planner who had fled from Canada when he was charged with 18 counts of fraud, theft, and money laundering. When the body was found in the English Channel in 1996 by a fisherman named John Coprik,[72] a Rolex wristwatch was the only identifiable object on the body.[72] Since the Rolex movement had a serial number and was engraved with special markings every time it was serviced, British police traced the service records from Rolex and identified the owner of the watch as Ronald Platt. In addition, British police were able to determine the date of death by examining the date on the watch calendar. Since the Rolex movement was fully waterproof and had a reserve of two days of operation when inactive, they were able to determine the time of death within a small margin of error.[72][73]
Also, in Singapore, on 20 April 1998, Jonaris Badlishah, a 23-year-old Malaysian freelance photographer, wielded a hammer to attack 42-year-old beautician Sally Poh Bee Eng, and killed her by inflicting more than ten blows on her head, leaving behind several fatal skull fractures. After killing Poh, Jonaris stole her Rolex watch, which he later gifted to his Thai prostitute girlfriend as a birthday gift (this was also his motive for murdering Poh). The case, which became known as the «Rolex watch murder» made headlines and shocked the whole of Singapore. Jonaris was later arrested and after a 19-day trial, he was sentenced to death in December 1998 for murder, and later executed after losing his appeal.[74]
Rolex sponsors several celebrities to wear and advertise their watches. Rolex is the top spender in advertising and marketing in the watch industry since 2000 after they overtook Timex for the number 1 spot.
Rolex has also been the official timekeeper to the Le Mans 24 Hours motor race since 2001.[75] Former Formula 1 driver Jackie Stewart has advertised Rolex since 1968. Others who have done so for some years include Gary Player, Arnold Palmer, Roger Penske, Jean-Claude Killy, and Kiri Te Kanawa.[76] It is also the sponsor of the Rolex International Jumping Riders Club Top 10 Final competition.[77]
Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh had a specially designed experimental Rolex Oyster Perpetual Deep-Sea Special strapped to the outside of their bathyscaphe during the 1960 Challenger Deep dive to a world-record depth of 10,916 metres (35,814 ft).[78] When James Cameron conducted a similar dive in 2012, a specially designed and manufactured Rolex Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller Deep Sea Challenge watch was being «worn» by his submarine’s robotic arm.[79]
Mercedes Gleitze was the first British woman to swim the English Channel on 7 October 1927. However, as John E. Brozek (author of The Rolex Report: An Unauthorized Reference Book for the Rolex Enthusiast) points out in his article «The Vindication Swim, Mercedes Gleitze and Rolex take the plunge», some doubts were cast on her achievement when a hoaxer claimed to have made a faster swim only four days later. Hence Gleitze attempted a repeat swim with extensive publicity on 21 October, dubbed the «Vindication Swim». For promotional purposes, Wilsdorf offered her one of the earliest Rolex Oysters if she would wear it during the attempt. After more than 10 hours, in water that was much colder than during her first swim, she was pulled from the sea semi-conscious seven miles short of her goal. Although she did not complete the second crossing, a journalist for The Times wrote, «Having regard to the general conditions, the endurance of Miss Gleitze surprised the doctors, journalists and experts who were present, for it seemed unlikely that she would be able to withstand the cold for so long. It was a good performance.» As she sat in the boat, the same journalist made a discovery and reported it as follows: «Hanging round her neck by a ribbon on this swim, Miss Gleitze carried a small gold watch, which was found this evening to have kept good time throughout.» When examined closely, the watch was found to be dry inside and in perfect condition. One month later, on 24 November 1927, Wilsdorf launched the Rolex Oyster watch in the United Kingdom with a full front page Rolex advertisement in the Daily Mail.
See also
- Boule de Genève
- List of watch manufacturers
- Rolex Tower
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- ^ a b «Review: The New Rolex Explorer -«. 1 May 2016. Archived from the original on 29 January 2017. Retrieved 28 January 2017.
- ^ Jens Koch (24 April 2017). «A Watch for All Seasons: Rolex Oyster Perpetual 39». www.watchtime.com. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 8 February 2017.
- ^ «Hands-on Review – The 2015 Rolex Oyster Perpetual 39mm Ref. 114300 – specs & price». monochrome-watches.com. 24 April 2015. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 8 February 2017.
- ^ «Rolex Datejust Watch — Rolex Swiss Luxury Watches». Rolex. Archived from the original on 18 January 2017. Retrieved 17 January 2017.
- ^ «Full Review – The new Rolex Datejust 41 from Baselworld 2016, with new case, new 3235 movement and comeback of the Jubilee (live pics & price)». monochrome-watches.com. 12 April 2016. Archived from the original on 22 October 2021. Retrieved 28 January 2017.
- ^ «Rolex Explorer II Watch: 904L steel — 216570». Rolex. Archived from the original on 18 January 2017. Retrieved 17 January 2017.
- ^ a b c d e f g h Ernesto Gavilanes. «Antiquorum information release through Internet Archive». Antiquorum.com. Archived from the original on 12 December 2008. Retrieved 4 March 2011.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) - ^ Time on your hands Archived 26 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine by James Cockington, The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 September 2006
- ^ a b c d e f Times online Archived 29 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine For sale: Rolex sent by mail order to Stalag Luft III by Bojan Pancevski in Vienna 12 May 2007
- ^ a b «Picture of the watch and Rolex certificate with Nutting’s name». Archived from the original on 7 July 2011. Retrieved 14 January 2010.
- ^ a b Australian auction house Through Internet Archive
- ^ Madoff ‘Prisoner’ Rolex Sale Won’t Calm Swiss Time Town’s Ire Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine Quote: «The prisoners involved in the mass breakout from Stalag Luft III in March 1944, depicted in the Steve McQueen film «The Great Escape», may have used the watches to time the movements of guards as they dug tunnels out of the camp, Antiquorum said.»
- ^ a b c D’Arcy Jenish, Edward Davenport (15 December 2013). «Walker Money Hunt». The Canadian Encyclopedia. Maclean’s, 1998. Archived from the original on 17 August 2019. Retrieved 17 August 2019.
- ^ Discovery Channel Documentary on Ronald Platt’s murder
- ^ «Guilty As Charged: Jonaris Badlishah killed to get a Rolex for girlfriend». The Straits Times. Singapore. 16 May 2016. Archived from the original on 15 May 2016. Retrieved 26 September 2021.
- ^ «24 Hours of Le Mans | ACO — Automobile Club de l’Ouest». 24h-lemans.com. Archived from the original on 29 March 2016. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
- ^ «Video: Racing Legend Sir Jackie Stewart Talks Rolex At Pebble Beach 2014» Archived 29 August 2014 at the Wayback Machine. Quill & Pad. 27 August 20014.
- ^ «Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping event set to get underway in the Netherlands». Archived from the original on 11 April 2019. Retrieved 11 April 2019.
- ^ Belt, Don. «Trieste: The deepest dive». Rolex. Archived from the original on 29 July 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2022.
- ^ «Journey to the bottom of the sea». Rolex. Archived from the original on 2 July 2022. Retrieved 6 April 2022.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Rolex.
- Official website
Coordinates: 46°11′34″N 6°08′01″E / 46.19284°N 6.13349°E
Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland |
Formerly |
Type | Private |
Industry | Watchmaking |
Founded | 1905; 118 years ago in London |
Founders |
Headquarters |
Geneva , Switzerland |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Jean-Frederic Dufour (CEO) |
Products | Watches |
Production output |
1.05 million pieces (2021)[1] |
Revenue | $13 billion (2021)[2] |
Operating income |
$0 (NPO) |
Owner | Hans Wilsdorf Foundation |
Number of employees |
30,000 |
Subsidiaries | Montres Tudor SA |
Website | rolex.com |
Rolex SA () is a British-founded Swiss watch designer and manufacturer based in Geneva, Switzerland.[3] Founded in 1905 as Wilsdorf and Davis by Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis in London, the company registered Rolex as the brand name of its watches in 1908 and became Rolex Watch Co. Ltd. in 1915.[4][5][6][7] After World War I, the company moved its base of operations to Geneva because of the unfavorable economy in the United Kingdom. In 1920, Hans Wilsdorf registered Montres Rolex SA in Geneva as the new company name (montre is French for wristwatch); it later became Rolex SA.[3][5][8][9] Since 1960, the company has been owned by the Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, a private family trust.[6][10][11]
Rolex SA and its subsidiary Montres Tudor SA design, make, distribute, and service wristwatches sold under the Rolex and Tudor brands.
Early history
Alfred Davis and his brother-in-law Hans Wilsdorf founded Wilsdorf and Davis, the company that would eventually become Rolex SA, in London in 1905.[12] Wilsdorf and Davis’s main commercial activity at the time involved importing Hermann Aegler’s Swiss movements to England and placing them in watch cases made by Dennison and others. These early wristwatches were sold to many jewellers, who then put their own names on the dial. The earliest watches from Wilsdorf and Davis were usually hallmarked «W&D» inside the caseback.
In 1908, Wilsdorf registered the trademark «Rolex», which became the brand name of watches from Wilsdorf and Davis. He opened an office in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.[5][12][13] Wilsdorf wanted the brand name to be easily pronounceable in any language, and short enough to fit on the face of a watch.[4][14] He also thought that the name «Rolex» was onomatopoeic, sounding like a watch being wound.[4][14]
In November 1915, the company changed its name to Rolex Watch Co. Ltd.[7] In 1919, Hans Wilsdorf moved the company from England to Geneva, Switzerland, because of heavy post-war taxes levied on luxury imports and high export duties on the silver and gold used for the watch cases. In 1920 the company’s name was officially changed to Montres Rolex SA and later to Rolex SA[9][11][12]
With administrative worries attended to, Wilsdorf turned the company’s attention to a marketing challenge: the infiltration of dust and moisture under the dial and crown, which damaged the movement. To address this problem, in 1926 a third-party casemaker produced a waterproof and dustproof wristwatch for Rolex, giving it the name «Oyster». The original patent attributed to Paul Perregaux and Georges Peret, that allowed the watch to be adjusted while maintaining protection from water ingress was purchased – not invented – by Rolex and heavily marketed.[15] The watch featured a hermetically sealed case which provided optimal protection for the movement.[16]
As a demonstration, Rolex submerged Oyster models in aquariums, which it displayed in the windows of its main points of sale. In 1927, British swimmer Mercedes Gleitze swam the English Channel with an Oyster on her necklace, becoming the first Rolex ambassador. To celebrate the feat, Rolex published a full-page advertisement on the front page of the Daily Mail for every issue for a whole month proclaiming the watch’s success during the ten hour plus swim.[16]
In 1931, Rolex patented a self-winding mechanism called a Perpetual rotor, a semi-circular plate that relies on gravity to move freely. In turn, the Oyster watch became known as the Oyster Perpetual.[16]
Upon the death of his wife in 1944, Wilsdorf established the Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, a private trust, in which he left all of his Rolex shares, ensuring that some of the company’s income would go to charity. Wilsdorf died in 1960, and since then the trust has owned and run Rolex SA.[11]
Recent development
The Hans Wilsdorf Foundation, which privately owns Rolex SA, is a registered Swiss charitable foundation and pays a lower tax rate.[17] In 2011, a spokesman for Rolex declined to provide evidence regarding the amount of charitable donations made by the Wilsdorf Foundation, which brought up several scandals due to the lack of transparency.[17] In Geneva where the company is based, it is said to have gifted, among many things, two housing buildings to social institutions of Geneva.[18]
According to the 2017 Brand Z report, the brand value is estimated at $8.053 billion.[5] Rolex watches continue to have a reputation as status symbols.[19][20][21][22] The company produces more than 1,000,000 timepieces each year.[23] It is said that «The power of the Crown is never more felt than when trying to negotiate space in a retail environment for the product of another brand».[24]
Tudor SA
Wristwatch Tudor Prince Date Day (ref. 76200)
Rolex SA offers products under the Rolex and Tudor brands. Montres Tudor SA has designed, manufactured and marketed Tudor watches since 6 March 1946.[25] Rolex founder Hans Wilsdorf conceived Tudor to create a product for authorized Rolex dealers to sell that offered the reliability and dependability of a Rolex, but at a lower price.[26] The number of Rolex watches was limited by the rate that they could produce in-house Rolex movements, thus Tudor watches were originally equipped with off-the-shelf movements while using similar quality cases and bracelets.[27]
Historically, Tudor watches have been manufactured by Montres Tudor SA using movements supplied by ETA SA. Since 2015, Tudor has begun to manufacture watches with in-house movements. The first model introduced with an in-house movement was the Tudor North Flag. Following this, updated versions of the Tudor Pelagos and Tudor Heritage Black Bay have also been fitted with an in-house caliber.[28][27]
Tudor watches are marketed and sold in most countries around the world. Montres Tudor SA discontinued sales of Tudor-branded watches in the United States in 2004, but Tudor returned to the United States market in the summer of 2013 and to the UK in 2014.[29][30]
Watch manufacturing
While Rolex mostly produces mechanical watches, it also participated in development of the original quartz watch movements. Although Rolex has made very few quartz models for its Oyster line, the company’s engineers were instrumental in design and implementation of the technology during the late 1960s and early 1970s. In 1968, Rolex collaborated with a consortium of 16 Swiss watch manufacturers to develop the Beta 21 quartz movement used in their Rolex Quartz Date 5100 alongside other manufactures including the Omega Electroquartz watches.[31] Within about five years of research, design, and development, Rolex created the «clean-slate» 5035/5055 movement that would eventually power the Rolex Oysterquartz.[32]
Material-wise, Rolex first used its «Cerachrom» ceramic bezel on the GMT-Master II in 2005, and has since then implemented ceramic bezel inserts across the range of professional sports watches. They are available on the Submariner, Sea Dweller, Deepsea, GMT Master II, and Daytona models. In contrast to the aluminum bezel which it replaced, the ceramic bezel color does not wear out from exposure to UV-light and is scratch resistant.[33]
Rolex uses 904L grade stainless-steel; in contrast, most Swiss watches are made with 316L grade steel. Rolex uses the higher grade, as it is more resistant to corrosion and when polished, leaves a more beautiful luster.[33]
Rolex serial numbers
Each Rolex comes with a unique serial number, which can help indicate its approximate production period. Serial numbers were first introduced in 1926 and were issued sequentially, until 1954, when Rolex restarted from #999,999 to #0. In 1987, there was an addition of one letter to a 6-digit serial number and in 2010, to the present date Rolex introduced random serial numbers.[34]
Notable inventions
Among the company’s innovations are:
- In 1910, the first watchmaker to earn chronometer certification for a small lady wristwatch.[11]
- In 1926, produced the Oyster case, the first reliable waterproof wristwatch case that was based on a screw-down crown. To this end, Rolex acquired the Perragaux-Perret screw-down patent, added a clutch and combined the screw-down crown with a threaded case back and bezel.[35] Wilsdorf even had a specially made Rolex watch (the watch was called the «DeepSea») attached to the side of Trieste, which went to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The watch survived and tested as having kept perfect time during its descent and ascent. This was confirmed by a telegram sent to Rolex the following day saying «Am happy to confirm that even at 11,000 metres your watch is as precise as on the surface. Best regards, Jacques Piccard».[11] Earlier waterproof watches such as the «Submarine Watch» by Tavannes used other means to seal the case.
- In 1931, released a wristwatch winding mechanism featuring a rotor, a full 360 degrees rotating weight to power the watch by the movement of the wearer’s arm.[36] As well as making watch winding unnecessary, it also kept the power from the mainspring more consistent, resulting in more reliable timekeeping. Fully rotating weights later became part of the standard winding mechanism of self-winding wristwatches. A preceding self-winding mechanism by Harwood instead used a weight that moved in a 270 degrees arc hitting buffer springs on both sides.[37]
- In 1945, introduced the first chronometer wristwatch with an automatically changing date on the dial (Rolex Datejust Ref. 4467).[14] An earlier wristwatch with a date changing mechanism by Mimo was not chronometer certified.
- In 1953, released a case waterproof to 100 m (330 ft) (Rolex Oyster Perpetual Submariner Ref.6204, 1953). Although this has been commonly publicized as the first diving watch, Omega made 21 years earlier, in 1932, the Marine, which could stand 135mts, 35mts more than the 1953 Rolex Submariner, and also Blancpain produced before Rolex their Fifty Fathoms in 1953, 10 months before Rolex.[38]
- In 1954, produced a wristwatch which showed two time zones at once (Rolex GMT Master ref.6542, 1954).[39] Yet again, it was not the first company to do so, as the Longines DualTime preceded the GMT by a full quarter of a century.
- In 1956, made a wristwatch with an automatically changing day and date on the dial (Rolex Day-Date, 1956).[40]
Rolex watches are frequently counterfeited and often illegally sold on the street and online. Counterfeit Rolex watches vary in quality: some use cheap movements, while others use automatic movements, and some use an ETA movement. O. J. Simpson wore a counterfeit Rolex during his 1994 murder trial.[41][42]
Notable models
In general, Rolex has three watch lines: Oyster Perpetual, Professional and Cellini (the Cellini line is Rolex’s line of «dress» watches). The primary bracelets for the Oyster line are named Jubilee, Oyster, President, and Pearlmaster. The watch straps on the models are usually either stainless steel, yellow gold, white gold, or rose gold. In the United Kingdom, the retail price for the stainless steel ‘Pilots’ range (such as the GMT Master II) starts from GBP 5,600. Diamond inlay watches are more expensive. The book Vintage Wristwatches by Antiques Roadshow‘s Reyne Haines listed a price estimate of vintage Rolex watches that ranged between US$650 and US$75,000, while listing vintage Tudors between US$250 and US$9,000.[43]
Most expensive pieces
- On October 26, 2017, a Rolex Daytona (Ref. 6239) wristwatch, manufactured in 1968, was sold by Phillips in its New York auction for US$17.75 million.[44][45][46] The watch was originally purchased by Joanne Woodward in 1968 and was given by Joanne to her husband Paul Newman as a gift.[47] The auction price set a record at $15.5 million, plus buyer’s premium of 12.5%, for a final price of $17,752,500 in New York City.[48] As of 2018, it is the most expensive wristwatch and the second most expensive watch ever sold at auction.[49][46][50] Notably, «[a]t the time that Newman gave the watch to James Cox [as a gift], the watch was selling for about $200.»[51][52]
- On May 28, 2018, a Rolex Daytona «Unicorn» Ref. 6265 was sold in auction by Phillips for US$5.937 million in Geneva, making it the second most expensive Rolex timepiece ever sold at auction (as of 2018).[53][54]
- The most expensive Rolex (in terms of retail price) ever produced by the Rolex factory was the GMT Ice reference 116769TBR with a retail price of US$485,350. A Forbes magazine article on the Swiss watch industry compared the retail value of Rolex to that of competing brands Corum, Universal Genève and IWC.[55]
Rolex founder Hans Wilsdorf created the Air — Prince line to honor RAF pilots of the Battle of Britain, releasing the first model in 1958. By 2007, the 1142XX iteration of the Air-King featured a COSC-certified movement in a 34mm case, considered by some a miniaturized variant of the 39mm Rolex Explorer as both watches featured very similar styling cues; the 34mm Air-King lineup was the least expensive series of Oyster Perpetual. In 2014 the Air-King was dropped, making the Oyster Perpetual 26/31/34/36/39 the entry-level Rolex line. In 2016 Rolex reintroduced the Air-King, available as a single model (number 116900), largely similar to its predecessors but with a larger 40mm case, and a magnetic shield found on the Rolex Milgauss; indeed the new 40mm Air-King is slightly cheaper than the 39mm Explorer (the Explorer lacks the magnetic shield but its movement has Paraflex shock absorbers that are not found in the Air-King’s movement).[56][57][58][59][60]
Rolex mural watch, Dubai Airport
Oyster Perpetual
The name of the watch line in catalogs is often «Rolex Oyster ______» or «Rolex Oyster Perpetual ______»; Rolex Oyster and Oyster Perpetual are generic names and not specific product lines, except for the Oyster Perpetual 26/31/34/36/39/41 and Oyster Perpetual Date 34. The Rolex Oyster Perpetual watch is a direct descendant of the original watertight Rolex Oyster watch created in 1926.
Within the Oyster Perpetual lineup, there are three different movements; the 39 features the Calibre 3132 movement with the Parachrom hairspring and Paraflex shock absorbers (the Oyster Perpetual 39 is a variant of the Rolex Explorer 39mm, sharing the same case, bracelet and clasp, bezel, and movement, with a different dial and different hands), while the 34 and 36 models have the Caliber 3130 featuring the Parachrom hairspring, and the smallest 28 and 31 models have Calibre 2231.[61][62] The Oyster Perpetual Date 34 (or simply Date 34) adds a date display and date movement, plus the options of a white gold fluted bezel and diamonds on the dial.
Certain models from the Date and Datejust ranges are almost identical, however the Datejust have 36 mm and 41 mm cases paired with a 20 mm bracelet, compared with the Date’s 34 mm case and 19 mm bracelet. Modern versions of the Oyster Perpetual Date and Datejust models share Rolex’s 3135 movement, with the most recent change to the 3135 movement being introduction of Rolex’s «parachrom bleu» hairspring, which provides increased accuracy. As the Date and Datejust share a movement, both have the ability to adjust the date forward one day at a time without adjusting the time; this feature is not confined to the Datejust. Compared with the Date, the Datejust has a much wider range of customization options, including other metals beyond stainless steel, various materials for the dial, and optional diamonds on the dial and bezel. The Datejust II, which was released in 2009, has a bigger case (41mm diameter) than the standard Datejust and features an updated movement, being only available in steel with white, yellow or rose gold on an Oyster bracelet.[63] In 2016, Rolex released the Datejust 41, which has the same 41mm diameter case as the Datejust II, however the Datejust 41 has smaller indexes and a thinner bezel compared to the Datejust II.[64]
Professional collections
Rolex produced specific models suitable for the extremes of deep-sea diving, caving, mountain climbing, polar exploration, and aviation. Early professional models included the Rolex Submariner (1953) and the Rolex Sea Dweller (1967). The latter watch has a helium release valve, co-invented with Swiss watchmaker Doxa, to release helium gas build-up during decompression.
The Explorer (1953) and Explorer II (1971) were developed specifically for explorers who would navigate rough terrain, such as the world-famous Mount Everest expeditions. Indeed, the Rolex Explorer was launched to celebrate the successful ascent of Everest in 1953 by the expeditionary team led by Sir John Hunt.
The 39 mm Rolex Explorer was designed as a «tool watch» for rugged use, hence its movement has Paraflex shock absorbers which give them higher shock resistance than other Rolex watches.[60] The 42mm Rolex Explorer II has some significant differences from the 39mm Explorer; the Explorer II adds a date function, and an orange 24-hour hand which is paired with the fixed bezel’s black 24-hour markers[65] for situations underground or around the poles where day cannot be distinguished from night.
Another iconic model is the Rolex GMT Master (1955), originally developed at the request of Pan Am Airways to provide its crews with a dual-time watch that could be used to display local time and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which was the international time standard for aviation at that time (and still is in its modern variant of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) or Zulu Time) and was needed for astronavigation (celestial navigation) during longer flights.[11]
Historic events
POWs and the Great Escape
By the start of World War II, Royal Air Force pilots were buying Rolex watches to replace their inferior standard-issue watches; however, when captured and sent to prisoner of war (POW) camps, their watches were confiscated.[14] When Hans Wilsdorf heard of this, he offered to replace all watches that had been confiscated and not require payment until the end of the war, if the officers would write to Rolex and explain the circumstances of their loss and where they were being held. Wilsdorf was in personal charge of the scheme.[66][67] As a result of this, an estimated 3,000 Rolex watches were ordered by British officers in the officer camp Oflag VII-B in Bavaria alone.[66] This had the effect of raising the morale among the allied POWs because it indicated that Wilsdorf did not believe that the Axis powers would win the war.[66][68] American servicemen heard about this when stationed in Europe during WWII and this helped open up the American market to Rolex after the war.[14]
On 10 March 1943, while still a prisoner of war, Corporal Clive James Nutting, one of the organizers of the Great Escape, ordered a stainless steel Rolex Oyster 3525 Chronograph (valued at a current equivalent of £1,200) by mail directly from Hans Wilsdorf in Geneva, intending to pay for it with money he saved working as a shoemaker at the camp.[66][68][69] The watch (Rolex watch no. 185983)[69][70] was delivered to Stalag Luft III on 10 July that year along with a note from Wilsdorf apologising for any delay in processing the order and explaining that an English gentleman such as Corporal Nutting «should not even think» about paying for the watch before the end of the war.[66][68] Wilsdorf is reported to have been impressed with Nutting because, although not an officer, he had ordered the expensive Rolex 3525 Oyster chronograph while most other prisoners ordered the much cheaper Rolex Speed King model which was popular because of its small size.[66] The watch is believed to have been ordered specifically to be used in the Great Escape when, as a chronograph, it could have been used to time patrols of prison guards or time the 76 ill-fated escapees through tunnel ‘Harry’ on 24 March 1944.[66][68][71] Eventually, after the war, Nutting was sent an invoice of only £15 for the watch, because of currency export controls in England at the time.[68] The watch and associated correspondence between Wilsdorf and Nutting were sold at an auction for £66,000 in May 2007, while at an earlier auction in September 2006 the same watch fetched A$54,000.[68][70] Nutting served as a consultant for both the 1950 film The Wooden Horse and the 1963 film The Great Escape.[66]
In a famous murder case, the Rolex on Ronald Platt’s wrist eventually led to the arrest of his murderer, Albert Johnson Walker—a financial planner who had fled from Canada when he was charged with 18 counts of fraud, theft, and money laundering. When the body was found in the English Channel in 1996 by a fisherman named John Coprik,[72] a Rolex wristwatch was the only identifiable object on the body.[72] Since the Rolex movement had a serial number and was engraved with special markings every time it was serviced, British police traced the service records from Rolex and identified the owner of the watch as Ronald Platt. In addition, British police were able to determine the date of death by examining the date on the watch calendar. Since the Rolex movement was fully waterproof and had a reserve of two days of operation when inactive, they were able to determine the time of death within a small margin of error.[72][73]
Also, in Singapore, on 20 April 1998, Jonaris Badlishah, a 23-year-old Malaysian freelance photographer, wielded a hammer to attack 42-year-old beautician Sally Poh Bee Eng, and killed her by inflicting more than ten blows on her head, leaving behind several fatal skull fractures. After killing Poh, Jonaris stole her Rolex watch, which he later gifted to his Thai prostitute girlfriend as a birthday gift (this was also his motive for murdering Poh). The case, which became known as the «Rolex watch murder» made headlines and shocked the whole of Singapore. Jonaris was later arrested and after a 19-day trial, he was sentenced to death in December 1998 for murder, and later executed after losing his appeal.[74]
Rolex sponsors several celebrities to wear and advertise their watches. Rolex is the top spender in advertising and marketing in the watch industry since 2000 after they overtook Timex for the number 1 spot.
Rolex has also been the official timekeeper to the Le Mans 24 Hours motor race since 2001.[75] Former Formula 1 driver Jackie Stewart has advertised Rolex since 1968. Others who have done so for some years include Gary Player, Arnold Palmer, Roger Penske, Jean-Claude Killy, and Kiri Te Kanawa.[76] It is also the sponsor of the Rolex International Jumping Riders Club Top 10 Final competition.[77]
Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh had a specially designed experimental Rolex Oyster Perpetual Deep-Sea Special strapped to the outside of their bathyscaphe during the 1960 Challenger Deep dive to a world-record depth of 10,916 metres (35,814 ft).[78] When James Cameron conducted a similar dive in 2012, a specially designed and manufactured Rolex Oyster Perpetual Sea-Dweller Deep Sea Challenge watch was being «worn» by his submarine’s robotic arm.[79]
Mercedes Gleitze was the first British woman to swim the English Channel on 7 October 1927. However, as John E. Brozek (author of The Rolex Report: An Unauthorized Reference Book for the Rolex Enthusiast) points out in his article «The Vindication Swim, Mercedes Gleitze and Rolex take the plunge», some doubts were cast on her achievement when a hoaxer claimed to have made a faster swim only four days later. Hence Gleitze attempted a repeat swim with extensive publicity on 21 October, dubbed the «Vindication Swim». For promotional purposes, Wilsdorf offered her one of the earliest Rolex Oysters if she would wear it during the attempt. After more than 10 hours, in water that was much colder than during her first swim, she was pulled from the sea semi-conscious seven miles short of her goal. Although she did not complete the second crossing, a journalist for The Times wrote, «Having regard to the general conditions, the endurance of Miss Gleitze surprised the doctors, journalists and experts who were present, for it seemed unlikely that she would be able to withstand the cold for so long. It was a good performance.» As she sat in the boat, the same journalist made a discovery and reported it as follows: «Hanging round her neck by a ribbon on this swim, Miss Gleitze carried a small gold watch, which was found this evening to have kept good time throughout.» When examined closely, the watch was found to be dry inside and in perfect condition. One month later, on 24 November 1927, Wilsdorf launched the Rolex Oyster watch in the United Kingdom with a full front page Rolex advertisement in the Daily Mail.
See also
- Boule de Genève
- List of watch manufacturers
- Rolex Tower
- ^ Williams, Alex (24 March 2022). «Why Are Rolex Watches Even More Expensive Right Now?». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 17 October 2022.
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- ^ «1905 — 1919». Rolex. Archived from the original on 24 November 2018. Retrieved 23 November 2018.
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- ^ a b c d e f Stone, Gene (2006). The Watch. Harry A. Abrams. ISBN 0-8109-3093-5. OCLC 224765439.
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- ^ «The Complete Guide on Rolex Serial Numbers». The Watch Standard. 24 December 2020. Archived from the original on 1 March 2021. Retrieved 10 March 2021.
- ^ «It’s What’s Inside that Counts… but Packaging Matters! A Survey of Notable Wristwatch Case Designs». Mitka, August 2021. 8 August 2021. Archived from the original on 26 February 2022. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
- ^ «Mécanisme de remontoir pour montres (Self-winding Rotor Patent in French)». Espacenet. Archived from the original on 12 April 2022. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
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- ^ Haines, Reyney (12 April 2010). Vintage Wristwatches (Rolex price listing pages 188–204; Tudor price listing pages 221–222). Krause Publications. ISBN 978-1-4402-0409-8.
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{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) - ^ Time on your hands Archived 26 January 2016 at the Wayback Machine by James Cockington, The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 September 2006
- ^ a b c d e f Times online Archived 29 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine For sale: Rolex sent by mail order to Stalag Luft III by Bojan Pancevski in Vienna 12 May 2007
- ^ a b «Picture of the watch and Rolex certificate with Nutting’s name». Archived from the original on 7 July 2011. Retrieved 14 January 2010.
- ^ a b Australian auction house Through Internet Archive
- ^ Madoff ‘Prisoner’ Rolex Sale Won’t Calm Swiss Time Town’s Ire Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine Quote: «The prisoners involved in the mass breakout from Stalag Luft III in March 1944, depicted in the Steve McQueen film «The Great Escape», may have used the watches to time the movements of guards as they dug tunnels out of the camp, Antiquorum said.»
- ^ a b c D’Arcy Jenish, Edward Davenport (15 December 2013). «Walker Money Hunt». The Canadian Encyclopedia. Maclean’s, 1998. Archived from the original on 17 August 2019. Retrieved 17 August 2019.
- ^ Discovery Channel Documentary on Ronald Platt’s murder
- ^ «Guilty As Charged: Jonaris Badlishah killed to get a Rolex for girlfriend». The Straits Times. Singapore. 16 May 2016. Archived from the original on 15 May 2016. Retrieved 26 September 2021.
- ^ «24 Hours of Le Mans | ACO — Automobile Club de l’Ouest». 24h-lemans.com. Archived from the original on 29 March 2016. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
- ^ «Video: Racing Legend Sir Jackie Stewart Talks Rolex At Pebble Beach 2014» Archived 29 August 2014 at the Wayback Machine. Quill & Pad. 27 August 20014.
- ^ «Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping event set to get underway in the Netherlands». Archived from the original on 11 April 2019. Retrieved 11 April 2019.
- ^ Belt, Don. «Trieste: The deepest dive». Rolex. Archived from the original on 29 July 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2022.
- ^ «Journey to the bottom of the sea». Rolex. Archived from the original on 2 July 2022. Retrieved 6 April 2022.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Rolex.
- Official website
Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > ролекс
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промывная машина с отжимными валами
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > промывная машина с отжимными валами
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См. также в других словарях:
Rolex — SA Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft Gründung 1905 Sitz Genf … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rolex — SA Тип Ч … Википедия
Rolex — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rolex Eslogan A Crown For Every Achievement Fundación 1905 Administración Bruno Meier Productos Relojes … Wikipedia Español
Rolex 12 — is the collective name of twelve of the closest and most powerful advisers of President Ferdinand Marcos during the martial law years in the Philippines from 1972 to 1981.During the latter years of his second elected term, Marcos conspired with… … Wikipedia
Rolex™ — [Rolex] a type of expensive watch of high quality, first made in 1908 by the Swiss company Montres Rolex. Rolex watches are often regarded as a sign of success or wealth • They beat him up and stole his Rolex … Useful english dictionary
Rolex — UK [ˈrəʊleks] US [ˈroʊˌleks] [singular Rolex plural Rolexes] trademark a type of expensive watch that is considered to be of very good quality http://www.macmillandictionary.com/med2cd/weblinks/rolex.htm … Useful english dictionary
Rolex — proprietary name of a make of watches, trademark reg. 1908 by Ger. businessman Hans Wilsdorf, with Wilsdorf & Davis, London. Invented name. Company moved out of Britain 1912 for tax purposes and now is headquartered in Geneva … Etymology dictionary
Rolex — Infobox Company name = Rolex SA type = Privately held company foundation = 1905 by Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis in London location city = Geneva location country = Switzerland location = locations = key people = Patrick Heiniger, CEO area… … Wikipedia
Rolex — Logo de Rolex Création 1905 Personnages clés Hans Wilsdorf (fondateur) André, Patric … Wikipédia en Français
Rolex 12 — Als Rolex 12[1] wurde auf den Philippinen eine Gruppe von Ferdinand Marcos engsten Vertrauten in seiner Regierung bezeichnet. Zu dem Namen kam es, da Marcos jedem dieser Vertrauten persönlich eine Rolex übergeben haben soll. Dies wurde zwar immer … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rolex{™} — a type of expensive watch of high quality, first made in 1908 by the Swiss company Montres Rolex. Rolex watches are often regarded as a sign of success or wealth: They beat him up and stole his Rolex. * * * … Universalium
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And yet my Rolex is keeping perfect time.
Тем не менее — мой Ролекс показывает точное время.
Wealthy people in Singapore also use ValueMax outlets, pawning gold bars or Rolex watches, which can command up to 60 per cent of their purchase price in cash.
Богатые люди в Сингапуре также используют отделения ValueMax, закладывая золотые слитки или часы Rolex, которые могут давать до 60 процентов от их покупной стоимости наличными.
Couple of Dolce & Gabbana suits, Gucci loafers and a Rolex.
Пара костюмов Дольче и Габана, туфли от Гучи и Ролекс.
So just a month ago, on January 29th, we unveiled this vehicle for the very first time to the public at the world-famous Daytona International Speedway during the Rolex 24 racing event.
Итак, всего месяц назад 29-го января мы впервые представили этот автомобиль публике на всемирно известном Daytona International Speedway во время гонки Rolex 24.
So, for our first anniversary, I bought him a knock-off Rolex in Time Square.
Поэтому на первую годовщину, я купила ему копию Ролекса на Таймс Сквер.
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Я не ожидаю, что уйду с часами Rolex, которые дают победителям.
I don’t expect will go away with a Rolex, which give to the winners.
Rolex, в частности, является синонимом богатства и роскоши.
Rolex, in particular, is synonymous with affluence and luxury.
Богатые люди в Сингапуре также используют отделения ValueMax, закладывая золотые слитки или часы Rolex, которые могут давать до 60 процентов от их покупной стоимости наличными.
Wealthy people in Singapore also use ValueMax outlets, pawning gold bars or Rolex watches, which can command up to 60 per cent of their purchase price in cash.
С этой точки зрения непревзойдённым лидером будет швейцарская компания Rolex, которую любят видные мужи мира.
From this point of view, the unsurpassed leader will be the Swiss company Rolex, which is loved by prominent men of the world.
Каждый раз, когда я надеваю часы Rolex, я вспоминаю об этих великих моментах.
‘Every time I put on my Rolex, it reminds me of those great moments.
Потребители дали высшую оценку продукции и сервисам Rolex, тогда как Apple (10 место) отметили за инновационность и инициативность.
Consumers gave the highest rating to the products and services Rolex, while Apple (20) noted for innovativeness and initiative.
Данный рекордный результат является свидетельством исторической важности и продолжения наследия этого Rolex, который знаменует собой создание совершенно нового рынка и вдохновение для коллекционеров нового поколения.
This record result is a testament to the historic importance and continued legacy of this Rolex, which is responsible for creating an entirely new market and inspiring a new generation of collectors.
Помимо этого, как и все дайверские часы Rolex, модель оборудована запатентованной системой тройной герметизации TRIPLOCK.
In addition, as the entire dive watches Rolex, the model is equipped with a patented triple-sealing Triplock.
Сотрудничество с Rolex, где точность и превосходство в сроках также имеет первостепенное значение, подчеркивает постоянное привлечение разных швейцарских часовых компаний к миру автомобильных видов спорта.
The connection with Rolex, where precision and excellence in timing is also paramount, underscores the Swiss watch brand’s ongoing commitment to the world of motor sports.
Этот блеск может не поражение Rolex, но достаточно хорош для похвастаться, особенно cmobined с функцией плюс USB Flash.
This shiny look may not defeat Rolex, but good enough for brag, especially cmobined with the plus usb flash function.
Однако Ганс Вильсдорф, основатель Rolex, по-прежнему хотел создавать часы хорошего качества, которые были бы, к тому же, доступными.
But Hans Wilsdorf, the founder of Rolex, still wanted to create good quality watches that were affordable.
Примерно в то же время один из производственных партнеров компании Panerai, швейцарская компания Rolex, занимался разработками в области водонепроницаемых часов.
On a parallel plane of the watch industry, one of Panerai’s Swiss manufacturing partners, Rolex, was making its name in the waterproof watch sector.
Категорию возглавляют уникальные часы Patek Philippe 1518 и две модели наручных часов Rolex, принадлежавших лидерам поствоенного времени.
The category is headed by the unique watch Patek Philippe Clarin Mustad 1518 and two models of watches Rolex, belonged to the leaders of post-war time.
Основатель компании Rolex, Ганс Вилсдорф, не был потомственным часовщиком.
Hans Wilsdorf, the founder of Rolex, was never a watchmaker.
Rolex, Patek Philippe и Panerai — в такой последовательности — возглавляют список наивысшей стоимости перепродажи среди часов.
Rolex, Patek Philippe, and Panerai, in that order, top the list of best resale value in watches.
Недаром TAG Heuer наряду с Rolex, Cartier и Omega входит в четверку мировых лидеров по продажам.
Not for nothing TAG Heuer, along with Rolex, Cartier and Omega is one of four world leaders in sales.
Штаб-квартиры многих ведущих фирм, включая SwissPost, Swatch и Rolex, находятся в Берне.
Headquarters of many leading firms, including Swiss Post, Swatch and Rolex, are based in Bern.
В Биле расположены производства Rolex, Movado, Mikron, Omega и многих других брендов.
Biel houses the production of Rolex, Movado, Mikron, Omega and many other brands.
Контракт с Adidas является самым крупным в портфолио немецкой теннисистки, среди её спонсоров также находятся Porsche, Rolex, SAP и Yonex.
Adidas is the biggest endorsement deal for the German tennis ace, and she also counts Generali, Porsche, Rolex, SAP and Yonex among her sponsors.
Производством руководит команда русских и щвейцарских специалистов, включая одного из бывших директоров Rolex, Жан-Клода Кене.
Raketa’s team is managed by Russian and Swiss experts, including one of Ex-directors of Rolex, Jean-Claude Kene.
Предложения, которые содержат Rolex,
Результатов: 1953. Точных совпадений: 272. Затраченное время: 286 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Результатом поисков Rolex стали часы Rolex Milgauss- первые часы такого рода, созданные в 1956 году.
Rolex’s solution was the Rolex Milgauss,
created in 1956, the first watch of its kind.
Стремление Rolex к совершенству берет начало у самых истоков.
Rolex’s commitment to excellence begins at the source.
История Rolex тесно переплетается с историей швейцарского часового дела.
The history of Rolex and Swiss watchmaking are inextricably linked.
Вся история Rolex неразрывно связана с дальновидностью ее основателя Ганса Вильсдорфа.
The history of Rolex is inextricably linked to the visionary spirit
Hans Wilsdorf,
its founder.
Естественно, и стратегически реклама А+ Rolex подходит блестящей бумаге, чем странице переворачивающей одним щелчком.
Naturally, and strategically the advertizing A+rolex suits brilliant paper, than page overturning one click.
Покупка Rolex не должно быть таинственным и сложным.
Buying a Rolex shouldn’t be mysterious or complicated.
Продавать и предоставлять сервисное обслуживание часов Rolex разрешено только официальным дистрибьюторам Rolex.
Only official
retailers are allowed to sell and
Он оснащен застежкой Oysterlock и удлиняющим звеном Easylink-
эксклюзивная разработка Rolex.
It is equipped with an Oysterclasp and the Easylink comfort extension link,
Все наименования, логотипы и торговые знаки, представленные на Сайте, являются собственностью Rolex.
All names,
logos and trademarks which appear on the Website are the property of Rolex.
Калибр 2231 с автоматическим подзаводом полностью разработан и
изготовлен мастерами Rolex.
Calibre 2231 is a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and
Корпус Oyster является важнейшей частью истории Rolex.
The Oyster case is a central part of Rolex’s history.
Рассказала, как подарила ему» Rolex.
Они просто так дали тебе Rolex?
Его появление стало возможным, благодаря сотрудничеству Rolex Geneva с Euro- Asia, эксклюзивным израильским представительством Rolex.
The store was established by
Geneva in association with Euro-Asia,
Интернет- магазин AuthenticWatches- здесь можно купить часы Rolex, Gucci, Rado и других известных производителей,
наличие постоянных скидок США.
AuthenticWatches- here you can buy watches from Rolex, Gucci, Rado and so on, permanent discounts;
Браслет также оснащен быстро удлиняющим звеном Easylink:
эта запатентованная разработка Rolex 1996 года позволяет легко увеличить
длину браслета примерно на 5 мм для большего комфорта при ношении.
The bracelet includes the Easylink rapid extension system,
patented by Rolex in 1996, that allows the wearer to easily increase
the bracelet length
approximately 5 mm for additional comfort.
Модель Rolex Datejust- это современный эталон классических наручных часов как
в плане непреходящего дизайна, так и в плане функциональности.
The Rolex Datejust is
modern archetype of
classic watch,
thanks to aesthetics and functions that transcend changes in fashion.
Безель оснащен черным диском Cerachrom, запатентованным и изготовленным Rolex из особо прочной керамики, устойчивой к появлению царапин.
It is equipped with a patented black Cerachrom bezel insert manufactured by Rolex in a virtually scratchproof ceramic whose colour is
ultraviolet rays.
Линза, запатен тованная Rolex в 1953 году, которая уве личивает характерный показатель даты на часах Datejust.
A magnifying lens patented by Rolex in 1953 to enlarge the emblematic date of the Datejust.
Безель оснащен черным диском Cerachrom, запатентованным и изготовленным Rolex из особо прочной керамики, устойчивой к появлению царапин.
It is equiped with a patented black Cerachrom bezel insert manufactured by Rolex in a virtually scratchproof ceramic whose colour is
ultraviolet rays.
Учебный центр Rolex, построенный в Лозанне в Швейцарии по проекту Рюэ Нисидзавы
и Кадзуе Сэдзимы из архитектурного бюро SANAA, широко известен как легендарный пример современного дизайна.
The Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne, Switzerland, by Ryūe Nishizawa and Kazuyo
Sejima of SANAA, is widely considered to be an icon of modern design.
Микроскопические следы крови Эда на внутренней стороне ремешка Rolex а так же на штанах мелкого уродца Анди.
Microscopic traces
Ed’s blood inside
strap of the Rolex and on Andy the-little-twat’s trainers.
Исследователь вдохновлен Rolex в многолетним опытом в Гималаях, и воздает должное первого успешного восхождения на Эверест в 1953 году экспедицию, оснащенного Rolex Oyster Perpetual хронометров.
The Explorer is inspired by Rolex’s decades of experience in the Himalayas,
and pays tribute to the first successful ascent of Mount Everest in 1953 by an expedition equipped with Rolex Oyster Perpetual chronometers.
Этот надежный, точный и
надежный профессиональный модель представила в 2008 году иллюстрирует мастерство Rolex о водонепроницаемости, накопленный за десятилетия реальный опыт
уходящие в период расцвета подводных исследований.
This robust,
precise and reliable Professional model unveiled in 2008 illustrates Rolex’s mastery of waterproofness, acquired over decades of real-life experience stretching
back to the heyday of underwater exploration.
Точность хода часов и их водонепроницаемость тщательно тестируются,
чтобы гарантировать ожидаемый от Rolex уровень качества и надежности.
Timekeeping accuracy and water-resistance are rigorously tested to guarantee the level of quality and
reliability you naturally expect from a Rolex watch.
В модели Cosmograph Daytona установлен калибр 4130-
механизм с автоматическим подзаводом, полностью разработанный и изготовленный Rolex.
The Cosmograph Daytona is equipped with calibre 4130,
a self-winding mechanical chronograph movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex.
Осциллятор- подлинное сердце часов- оснащен синей
спиралью баланса Parachrom, изготовленной Rolex из особого парамагнитного сплава.
The oscillator, the true heart of the watch,
has a blue Parachrom hairspring manufactured by Rolex in an exclusive paramagnetic alloy.
Модель Day‑ Date 40 оснащена механизмом нового поколения: калибром 3255,
полностью разработанным и изготовленным Rolex для максимального улучшения характеристик часов.
The Day-Date 40 is equipped with a new-generation movement, calibre 3255,
entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex for a superlative level of performance.
Он оснащен застежкой Oysterlock с раскладывающейся пряжкой, предупреждающей случайное расстегивание, а также удлиняющим звеном Easylink-
эксклюзивная разработка Rolex.
It is equipped with an Oysterlock folding clasp, which prevents accidental opening and the Easylink comfort extension link,