Как пишется саймон райли на английском

SJtr.png Mw2ghosttr.png MW2icontr.png MW3.png CoDO Icon.png Codghostsicon.png Ghosts Extinction icon.png IW icon.png Heroestopright.png MWRtr.png CoDMobile icon.png WZTopRight.png Mw2cr-ico.png

Возможно, вы искали капрала Скотта Райли из United Offensive или собаку по кличке Райли из Call of Duty: Ghosts?
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Саймон Райли
Mw2 ghost infobox.png
Появляется в

Операция «Кингфиш»
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (фотографии)
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Call of Duty: Heroes
Call of Duty: Online
Call of Duty: Mobile
Call of Duty: Warzone
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered




Faction SAS.png 22-й полк SAS
TF-141.png ОТГ-141


Первый лейтенант Лейтенант



Место рождения

Флаг Великобритании Великобритания


189 см

Цвет глаз



15 августа 2016

Место смерти

Российско-грузинская граница


Генерал Шепард с помощью .44 Magnum


MK46 (Операция «Кингфиш»), M4A1, ACR, G18, M1911, M9, MP5K


Флаг Великобритании Крэйг Фэйрбрасс
Флаг России Александр Баринов (основная озвучка)
Флаг России Пётр Иващенко (частичное)
Флаг России Олег Куценко (частичное)

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Чёрт, нам надрали задницу!
— Провал спецоперации.

Саймон Райли (более известен как Гоуст) — боец ОТГ-141. Участвовал во многих операциях и диверсиях.


Call of Duty: Online

Вместе с Руком искал информацию об Альберто Васкесе.

Операция «Кингфиш»

2013 год. Гоуст, Роуч, Прайс, Соуп, Сэндман и Фрост были отправлены на операцию «Кингфиш», где должны были поймать Макарова, но здание, в котором должен был быть Макаров, было заминировано. Гоуст зачистил несколько комнат и убил бойца в комнате управления. Прайс заметил бомбу в комнате, произошёл взрыв, но все спаслись, и им ничего не оставалось как эвакуироваться к самолёту, но МакТавиша ранили, и Сэндман приказал Роучу оттащить «Соупа» к вертолёту. В это время Прайс и Гоуст прикрывают отход, но Прайс приказывает Гоусту отступать вместе с остальными. Когда все сели в вертолёт, Прайс прикрывал отход бойцов и был ранен, а позже был схвачен и отправлен в ГУЛаг.

Операция в Рио-де-Жанейро

2016 год. 13-ого августа, спустя день после теракта в аэропорту Москвы, ОТГ-141 отправляется в Бразилию, чтобы поймать Алехандро Рохаса — лидера бразильских боевиков, который имел связи с Макаровым. Однако его местоположение оставалось неизвестным, и для начала требовалось схватить его компаньона. Подъехав к месту его нахождения, отряд разделился на две группы: группа МакТавиша следила за ним из машины, а группа Гоуста находилась на соседней улице на случай погони. Помощник Рохаса обнаруживает слежку и открывает огонь по машине, в которой находилась группа капитана МакТавиша, и убивает водителя. Роуч и МакТавиш отправляются в погоню. На другой улице к ним присоединяются Гоуст, Мит и Ройс. Роучу удаётся ранить помощника и поймать его. Гоуст лично пытает его электротоком, а затем участвует в поисках самого Рохаса. Позже он эвакуировался вместе с остальными на вертолёте Николая.

Диверсия на нефтяных вышках и штурм ГУЛага

14 августа Гоуст на SVD направляется к нефтяной вышке. На вышке он с отрядом зачищает несколько комнат, прорывается на последний уровень, где попадает в засаду с использованием дымовых шашек. Справившись с ней, Гоуст зачищает последнюю комнату и садится в вертолёт, который направляется в ГУЛаг.

Следующее задание: спасти заключённого №627

Подлетев к ГУЛагу, вертолёт сел, и Гоуст с отрядом направляется в здание колонии. Встретив по пути сильное сопротивление, отряд справляется с ними и идут дальше. Гоуст, сев за пульт управления, ведёт Соупа и Роуча к заключенному №627. После вызволения заключённого Гоуст и вся команда эвакуируется из ГУЛага.

Операция в Петропавловске

Буквально через пол дня после спасения Джона Прайса назначают лидером ОТГ, после чего, команда десантируется в Петропавловске. Отряд разделился на две группы: группа Прайса (Прайс и Роуч) и группа Гоуста. Обе группы идут к подлодке. По пути Прайс и Роуч убивают патруль и идут дальше. Джона и Гари замечает вражеский БТР, и они несутся в лес. Пройдя все лесные патрули, они выходят на скалу. Спустившись со скалы и объединившись с Гоустом, отряд добирается до базы. Пройдя базу, Гоуст доходит до сторожевой будки и организовывает прикрытие Прайса вместе с «Роучем» и остальными бойцами. Далее Гоуст наблюдает запуск ЭМИ-ракеты.

Штурм убежища Макарова

15 августа Роуч под командованием Гоуста отправляются на Российско-грузинскую границу, где, вероятно, находится Владимир Макаров. Гари продвигается вперед и натыкается на прыгающие мины-«лягушки», но успевает, как и Гоуст, среагировать и лечь на землю, а после их группа попадает в засаду, в которой будет убита почти вся ударная группа. Вчетвером (Роуч, Гоуст, Озон и Скэркроу) они добираются до дома Макарова, где Роуч по приказу Гоуста зачищает два этажа и подвал, а после ставит ЗУ на компьютер Макарова.

Шепард убивает Гоуста

Начинается массированная атака сил Макарова на дом, в ходе которой выживают только Сандерсон с Гоустом. После завершения скачки Гари берет ЗУ и через многочисленные толпы противника прорывается к точке эвакуации. Но под самый конец пути он подрывается на мине, и Гоуст тащит его к вертолёту на себе. Шепард лично забирает ЗУ у Гоуста, а затем стреляет в Роуча из своего револьвера. Гоуст приходит в замешательство, затем соображает, что Шепард предал их, но уже поздно — он получает пулю в район грудины и умирает. После этого тела Гоуста и Роуча сжигают бойцы «Шэдоу компани».



Iw4sp 2011-12-30 19-07-30-92

Гоуст за компьютером в миссии Колония


Обои с Гоустом в меню игры


Тело Гоуста выбрасывают

Simon Riley MW2G

Гоуст 54

Аватар на Xbox


Интересные факты

  • «Гоуст» с английского переводится как «Призрак».
  • Гоуст и Гас во многом схожи: их обоих в английской версии озвучивал Крэйг Фэйрбрасс (оригинальная версия), они оба являются помощниками капитана группы, оба были убиты из крупнокалиберного пистолета на шестой день игровых событий (в своих играх) и оба служили в SAS.
  • После выхода MW2 был выпущен комикс, который раскрывал прошлое Гоуста и смысл его маски.
  • Маска Гоуста нарисована вручную им самим. Также, согласно комиксам, у него несколько таких масок.
    • Также на протяжении всей одиночной игры MW2 можно заметить, что, несмотря на одинаковый рисунок черепа, Гоуст ходит в разных масках.
  • У Гоуста, как и у Макарова, центральная гетерохромия. Саймон и Макаров, единственные известные персонажи во всей серии CoD, у которых наблюдалось это отклонение. Что символично, они оба на данный момент мертвы.
  • В английской версии Гоуст является комментатором ОТГ-141 в мультиплеере, а и в русской, и в английской версиях он также является комментатором в спецоперациях.
  • В спецоперации Прятки фразу Гоуста: «Осторожно, избегайте зараженных участков!..» озвучивает по ошибке другой человек.
  • В 2010 году вышел небольшой пародийный сериал Modern War Gears Solid, в котором роль Гоуста исполнил Брайан Ли, а персонаж был озвучен Эндрю Комстоком. Сериал повествует о Гоусте и его друге — Снейке из игры «Metal Gear Solid».
  • В феврале 2011 Гоуст был включен в список «Лучших героев компьютерных игр» по версии Книги рекордов Гиннеса.
  • До событий MW2 Гоуст был знаком с капралом Данном и сержантом Фоули.
  • Гоуст познакомился с Сэндманом и Фростом во время операции «Кингфиш».
  • Васкес, Гоуст и Волкер — единственные лейтенанты в серии Modern Warfare.
  • Из дневника Соупа, можно узнать, что иногда Соуп копировал фразу капитана Прайса: «Да-а… Что у тебя за имя такое дурацкое, Соуп?«, но употреблял эту фразу против Гоуста, говоря: «Да-а… Что у тебя за имя такое дурацкое, Гоуст?«.
  • Возможно, Гоуст изображен на прозвище «Специалист» (дающееся за получение бонуса специалиста 8 раз). На это указывают носовые упоры, которые очень смахивают на «часть» очков Гоуста, так же глаза на изображении имеют разный цвет, что указывают на гетерохромию героя.
  • На жетоне из режима мультиплеера — Хищник, написаны имя, фамилия и позывной Гоуста.
  • Гоуст поступил на службу в SAS 23 января 2011 года.
  • В честь Гоуста, вероятно, была названа собака из Call of Duty: Ghosts.
  • На веб-сайте Infinity Ward «Гоуст» был выбран как любимый новый персонаж в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
  • В 6 сезоне Call of Duty: Mobile появляется моделька «Гоуста» (Cowboy Ghost) с использованием маски из перезапуска, только в отличии от оригинала на лице у «Гоуста» так же присутствуют очки и ковбойская шляпа.


Персонажи Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 и Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered

ОТГ-141 Шепард · Джон «Соуп» МакТавиш · Джон Прайс · Гари «Роуч» Сандерсон · Саймон «Гоуст» Райли · Николай · Мерлин · Ройс · Мит · Уорм · Кемо · Рокет · Арчер · Тоуд · Озон · Скэркроу · Рук
Рейнджеры Шепард · Фоули · Данн · Джозеф Аллен · Рамирес · Маршалл · МакКорд · Уэйд · Арнетт · Фейхи · Локвуд · Самнерс · Уэллс · Морган · Сэндлер · Голден · Китинг · Слэйбак · Хадсон · Мэйси · Воган
АНР Петров · Владимир
Красный спецназ Владимир Макаров · Виктор · Анатолий · Лев · Кирилл · Водитель
Remastered: Юрий
Шэдоу компани Шепард · Винсон · Ламберт
Ополчение Алехандро Рохас · Сообщник Рохаса
Морские котики Робот · Зак · Пизант · Командир «Далласа»
АНА Хамед
Прочие Астро-1 · Рэптор · VIP · Президент Кропоткин · Борис Воршевский · МКС · Начальник службы безопасности · Командующий «Хьюстона» · Уильям Каллен · Второстепенные персонажи · Гражданские

См. также Персонажи Modern Warfare 2


Персонажи Call of Duty: Online

ОТГ-141 Рук · Джон «Соуп» МакТавиш · Джон Прайс · Саймон «Гоуст» Райли · Уинстон Харкер · Ньюкасл · Мак · Тини Мэн
Ополчение Альберто Васкес · Гектор Ортис
Кибер-Зомби Лав Бу · Ковбой · Триггер · Сержант · Мэдмэн · Кортекс · Фокстрот
Сетевая игра Блэк Лили · Спейд Кью · Юрий · Андрей · Сантьяго «Чудовище» Эрнандес · Вэй · Джон · Соколиный глаз · Владимир · Наташа · Маркус · Война · Ковбой · Медуза · Без тени · Герцог · Пастушка · Джиу · Биохимический сумасшедший · Защитник

См. также Персонажи

The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The subject of this article appeared in Modern Warfare 2: Ghost. The subject of this article appeared in Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The subject of this article appeared in Soap's Journal The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty Online The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Ghosts The subject of this article appears in Extinction mode The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Heroes The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered This article was previously featured

For other uses, see Riley and Ghost.
For the character of the same name within the reboot, see Simon «Ghost» Riley (Reboot).
«Another keeper: Ghost. Can’t get over the name though. What the hell kind of name is Ghost?«
— John «Soap» MacTavish

Lieutenant Simon «Ghost» Riley is a British special forces operator, and a prominent member of Task Force 141, known for his iconic skull-patterned balaclava, headset, and dark red sunglasses.

Ghost appears as a main character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 2: Ghost, Call of Duty: Online, Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish, Call of Duty: Heroes, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered. He also appears as a customization option in Call of Duty: Ghosts and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.




Simon Riley had a very traumatic childhood while growing up in Manchester, England because of his heartless father. His father often brought dangerous animals back to their home and taunted him with them, even going so far as to force Simon to kiss a snake. When he and his younger brother Tommy grew older, Tommy would always wear a skull-mask at night to scare Simon. Simon’s father would sometimes take him to the Bone Lickers concerts. At one concert, his father made him laugh at the death of a prostitute who had overdosed on drugs.

Joining the Military

Simon used to be an apprentice butcher at a grocery but joined the military after the September 11 attacks occurred. He eventually was accepted into the Special Air Service.

Return from the Military

Returning home on leave in January 2003, Simon found his mother and brother had hit rock bottom. His brother, Tommy, was addicted to drugs and had been stealing from their mother to support his habit. Simon chose to not return to the military until he had straightened things out for his family. He worked to help Tommy overcome his drug addiction and, in March 2004, beat his father and threw him out of the house for all the abuse he had inflicted on Riley and his mother. By June 2006, Tommy had been clean for some time and married a woman named Beth. Riley served as the best man at Tommy’s wedding. Beth also gave birth to a young boy named Joseph who would become Riley’s nephew.

Going after Manuel Roba

Simon Riley after killing Roba.

Simon was pulled from shipping out for an operation in Iran and was attached to an American team tasked with taking down the Zaragoza Drug Cartel headed by Manuel Roba. When he and his team made their move on the Day of the Dead, the team’s commanding officer, Major Vernon, betrayed them to the enemy. Riley and his teammates were brought to a brainwashing facility and tortured for months. Despite the torture, Vernon was Unable to fully break Riley. Roba had Vernon killed for his failure and later buried Riley alive in Vernon’s casket, leaving him to die. Using the jawbone from Vernon’s rotted corpse, Riley was able to break through the casket, claw his way to freedom, and somehow make it back across the border to Texas.

After four months, his injuries had healed but he still suffered from temper-management issues, which prevented him from returning to active duty. After meeting up with the other two former teammates from that mission, Kevin Sparks and Marcus Washington, he realized that Roba had broken and brainwashed them both. He attempted to kill Sparks but was forced to flee when Washington turned up unexpectedly. Fleeing, he returned home to find Washington had killed his mother, brother Tommy, sister-in-law Beth, and nephew Joseph (alternately referred to as Jacob).

He killed Sparks and Washington before returning to Mexico to take down Roba once and for all. Riley ambushed Roba’s right-hand man, Gilberto and tortured Roba’s location out of him. Arriving at Roba’s compound, he methodically eliminated Roba’s guard patrols before assaulting the mansion itself and, after a prolonged gunfight, killing Roba. Armed with information on Roba’s contacts and business dealings, he prepared to leave but was approached by General Shepherd who recruited him into Task Force 141.

Task Force 141


Ghost being held hostage in Ukraine.

At one point, he was sent to deal with terrorists who had taken hostages at a grade school in Ukraine. He deliberately let himself be caught and told the terrorists and the children about his past before the rest of his team arrived to free him and the children. One girl asked him if the story of Simon «Ghost» Riley was true and if Riley was Ghost. He responded saying «true enough to that lot».

Operation Kingfish

On October 8, 2013, a joint Task Force 141/Delta Force operation codenamed Operation Kingfish was launched. Ghost worked alongside John Price, John «Soap» MacTavish, Gary «Roach» Sanderson, Sandman and Derek «Frost» Westbrook as they hunted down Vladimir Makarov. They assaulted the main compound and were able to recover some intel, but got ambushed by a bomb, forcing the team to evacuate. During the evac, Soap was wounded by an RPG and was partially knocked out. An AC-130 tried to defend the team as they sprinted toward their evac point, but was shot down, leaving the team completely vulnerable. Price selflessly stayed behind to facilitate the team’s escape and was wounded and captured.

Hunting Rojas

Following Makarov’s massacre at Zakhaev International Airport, Ghost assisted in the operation in Rio de Janeiro to locate and capture Alejandro Rojas, the man who supplied Makarov with weapons and ammunition, maintaining radio contact with Captain MacTavish and Roach while they searched for Rojas’ assistant. After MacTavish and Roach began pursuing the assistant, Ghost met up with them at the Hotel Rio and joined the chase. Once the assistant was taken down by Roach, Ghost prepared to interrogate him through torture. Ghost was heard via radio for the rest of the mission as he attempted to pursue Rojas through the favela. After the capture of Rojas, Ghost was heard requesting extraction from Command, but to no avail. Despite this, Ghost managed to narrowly escape the favela with Captain MacTavish and Roach aboard Nikolai’s helicopter.

Infiltration of the Russian Oil Rig / Rescuing Prisoner 627

Ghost at the oil rig.

After escaping South America, Ghost joined the rest of Task Force 141 as they prepared a counterattack with the US 6th Fleet against the Russians. Using information recovered from Rojas, they learn that Prisoner 627, the only man Makarov hated worse than the Americans, was locked away in a gulag, though the path leading to the prison was blocked by oil rigs, which were captured by the Russians and turned into makeshift SAM sites. Targeting the least-defended rig, Ghost and the rest of the 141 and Navy SEALs infiltrated and cleared the rig of hostiles and rescued several hostages in order to safely deactivate the SAM sites. Following the mission, Ghost joined the attack on the gulag holding Prisoner 627, where he would take control of gulag’s security systems and guide his allies to the prisoner, who was soon revealed to be Captain John Price.

The Contingency

With Captain Price back in their ranks, he soon devised a contingency plan to end the war in America by infiltrating a Russian submarine base. Though Ghost and his team were initially separated from Price and Roach following their insertion, they would later meet up and converge on the Russian base, where Price took control of a Russian sub. However, Ghost was shocked when Price launched an ICBM at Washington D.C. where the Russian-American war raged on. Ghost contacted Command about Code Black, which was the statement that a threat of a nuclear weapon was launched and must be disposed of immediately. It was possible that he retracted this though after he learned about Price’s intention.

The Search for Vladimir Makarov and Death

General Shepherd killing Ghost in «Loose Ends».

Using resources from his blank check, Shepherd deduced the last two safe havens for Makarov and his men at a safehouse on the Georgian-Russian Border and an airplane boneyard in Afghanistan. Knowing they have to be at two different places at once, Ghost nominates himself and Roach, along with a bulk of Task Force 141, to take the safehouse, while Soap and Price investigate the boneyard. After raiding the safehouse however, Makarov was nowhere to be found, though the safehouse was loaded («A bloody gold mine» as Ghost said) with intel. Ghost, along with Roach, Ozone and Scarecrow, with sniper support from Archer and Toad, protected a DSM from Makarov’s men while it downloaded sensitive information regarding Makarov’s operations. After finishing the download, the team headed to the LZ that was set up by Shepherd, though Ozone and Scarecrow were both gunned down by enemy mortars, and Roach was injured. Ghost managed to get Roach to the LZ, but both were ultimately betrayed by Shepherd, who fatally shot the two in the chest at point-blank range with a .44 Magnum, just before Ghost could use his ACR. After Shepherd retrieved the DSM from Roach, Ghost’s body was thrown into a ditch and set on fire along with Roach’s.

Call of Duty: Heroes

He also appears in Call of Duty: Heroes in an update, purchased for 1,000 Celerium Icon CoDH.png or 800 Medal Icon CoDH.png.

Battle Aura: Increase Critical Chance by 5.5%

Killstreaks: Gunship, AT4 Launcher, EMP Artillery.

Statue: 750 Celerium Icon CoDH.png.


. «Mission failed, we’ll get ’em next time!»

  • «The Russians ain’t gonna let this massacre go unanswered. It’s gonna get bloody.»
  • «And they’re killing a thousand Americans for every dead civilian in Moscow. Looks like we’re all out of friends.»
  • «Let’s do this!»
  • «All we got out of Rojas, is that the only guy Makarov hates worse than Americans is locked up in a gulag.
  • «Bloody yanks! I thought they were the good guys!»
  • «We have a nuclear missile launch! Missile in the air! Missile in the air! Code Black! Code Black!»https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/File:Code_Black_Simon_Ghost_Riley_Contingency_MW2.ogg
  • «Copy. Any sign of Rojas’ right hand man?»
  • «We got it, sir!»
  • «NO!»

Call of Duty: Mobile

Ghost appears in Call of Duty: Mobile and was added as part of the Season 1 Battle Pass. Ghost has also a prominent role in the Mobile Comics.

In some Desert in the Texas state, Ghost attacked a hideout used by a group of mercenaries and killed them off swiftly. He then goes into the basement along with his team, where he discovers that Makarov was using the lab to try and recreate Nova Gas, and was also using it as a missile silo that had missiles containing the replicated Nova Gas. The team is then ambushed by Makarov, who releases the gas and a team of mercenaries in Hazmat Suits. Ghost barely makes it out while his whole team is killed. Makarov then remotely launches the missiles, and Ghost can do nothing to stop them.

Ghost arrives in one of the cities Makarov targeted with Tank Dempsey, noting that it looked like the end of the world. As they search for clues, Tank notes that there was no tactical reason to target the city, but Ghost pulls him into cover as they are ambushed. Ghost kills the ambusher, a clown, and Tank picks up his weapon, noting that it was probably supplied from somewhere. The duo then finds an abandoned Gulag that was used as a hideout for Krueger and Mace. As Tank engages Krueger, Ghost engages Mace. Ghost throws a grenade, disarming Mace, which lead them fighting in the Showers hand to hand. As they were fighting, Tank arrives after failing to take down Krueger and fires at Mace, causing him to retreat. The two then descend down a staircase and encounter Reznov, who is in his early hundreds.

After taking a moment, Reznov tells Ghost and Tank what he did during his time in the Soviet Armed Forces. He tells them that he was on a covert mission to a secret facility belonging to the Germans. He and his team rush forward an assault on the base. Despite the overwhelming gunfire, Reznov manages to survive the slaughter and enters the facility, encountering the gas Nova 6. After executing all of the scientists in the facility, he retrieved the gas for the Russians, and they hid them in bunkers. Reznov then reveals that he is one of the few people who knows where the bunkers are. After Ghost extracts the information from Reznov, he calls Mara to locate Makarov and stop him.

Disappointed with the recent mission failure, Ghost contemplates of how they gathered next to no intel about their enemies. Mace in disguise attacks a building with his team of mercenaries then goes to Alcatraz to meet with an underground criminal magnate named Hidora Kai. Mace and Hidora start to plan out their next moves, disabling all electronic devices in the world, including military radio towers, communication centers, Mara and Soap’s convoy and even the plane Ghost and Tank were flying in, using the EMP launched earlier. Ghost and Tank manage to survive and meet the other operators at The Club.

Ghost admits that the group has no way to fight Hidora and Mace, along with no way to locate them. Russell Adler appears and says that they do have ways to combat the new threat. After Ghost asks who he is, Price introduces Adler, and officially states the group is now a part of the United Anti-Terrorism Coalition, ending the introduction with «Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going dark.»

Adler and the rest of the team start to plan out their assault on Five Knights locations. When asked on how they would coordinate or even reach those locations, Adler presents the team with Swiss mechanical watches, which are unaffected by EMPs. Price also notes that Adler is not the only Cold War relic in operational state in the bunker, indicating an old helicopter.

Ghost and Tank strike a production facility in Hackney Yard, as part of their assault on key Five Knight locations. Meanwhile, Tank comes across Mace, who knocks Tank down and snatches his weapon, and opens fire at him. Ghost comes too late to save him. Enraged, Ghost then starts beating up Mace, ultimately subduing and arresting him.

Later, Price, Ghost and Adler discuss the aftermath of their joint operation; Mace is in a Black Site facing interrogation, Templar and Hidora are in the wind, Soap is injured but will be battle ready within a few weeks. It is further revealed that Mara made it out alive, but was wounded badly and is in a coma. Ghost admits that they won the battle and takes an oath that he will «Win the War.»

As Ghost expresses grief for not being able to save Tank and the fact that they don’t have enough time and intel, Adler comforts him by saying that they do have intel and mentions that there is a place in Siberia from where Makarov possibly got the Nova Gas from. He then says that it’s coming all around the same way like it did during his days, and narrates his story. Some time during the Cold War, Adler led a small team into a Soviet facility in Siberia along with his friend Stansfield. They had found out crucial information about something that the Five Knights could also have gotten their hands on, and eventually carried out. However, when tried to exfil, they were surrounded by a large group of enemies, and Stansfield stayed behind to cover their escape, only to be shot dead, which Adler could do nothing but watch in horror. Back in present day, Adler finishes his story by saying that both Stansfield and Tank knew what they were doing, and so should Ghost. When Ghost questions if the research facility is of any more importance, Adler says that there might be something left in there, although it will be a long shot. Ghost agrees and says that he will take it, to which Adler responds that they will have to wait, and Ghost must not rush for revenge. Ghost in response says that this is not about revenge, and they must get the intel before the Five Knights do. Adler replies that they cannot risk to lose any more men as the Five Knights already hit other bases hard, and tells Ghost that he must be patient. Ghost takes it for an excuse to do nothing and walks away, much to Adler’s dismay.

Overridden with guilt, Ghost comes to visit the still comatose Mara and expresses grief for not being able to save them. He then promises that he will end this for all and places Tank’s dog tag on her palms and leaves. When Price cannot find Ghost, he comes to Soap asking for his whereabouts. Adler comes to them saying that he knows where Ghost is, and he is «doing something stupid». When Price asks what Adler has done, he replies that he told Ghost about the operation in Siberia.

Ghost arrives via Snowmobile at the Soviet base Adler told him about and begins to investigate. He realizes that someone has been here recently as he finds recently opened canned food and a map which is dated around the present. He is then startled by a voice saying: «The enemy of my enemy….is my friend». The man turns out to me none other than Makarov. Ghost is shocked to see Makarov still alive, since Mara had confirmed he had been shot in the head. Makarov explains that Mace also saw him die but «appearances are deceiving» and that he needed to fake his death since their goals had diverged. Makarov also states that he knows that Ghost has arrived to seek information on how to defeat The Five Knights and that he has said information. When questioned about their identity and goals, Makarov says that the Knights consist of 5 individuals with different goals who were useful to each other as he was useful to them, and proceeds to list them off. Rorke heads the mercenaries, Hidora, who is looking for corporate profits, Mace, only wanting the downfall of the government, Raul Menendez, who wants control of the system by hijacking it, and a fifth member whose identity Makarov says will keep secret, unless Ghost takes him in.

Ghost agrees, and as they exit the facility, Templar appears, blowing up Ghost’s snowmobile. Ghost tells Makarov to run and fires at Templar. Unfortunately, the bullets cannot penetrate his armor and he mocks Ghost that he should have «brought bigger bullets», disabling and then breaking Ghost’s gun. When Ghost asks who he is, Templar introduces himself, then stabs Ghost in the wrist with one of his throwing knives. When Ghost tries to retaliate, Templar performs a coup de grace on him, downing him. Templar then inspects Ghost’s body, stating that he expected a more equal individual to fight with. He then takes Ghost’s balaclava as a souvenir before leaving, saying «That’s one less loose end.»

Some time later, Price and Soap arrive at the Soviet base, remarking on Ghost’s rashness, and start searching the area. They soon find a folded paper on the bloodied ground, and as Price opens it, he finds Ghost’s dog tag. It is then revealed that Makarov took Ghost’s body, as he is seen dragging it towards a cliff. There, he rendezvous with a team of Ghosts led by Captain Merrick, and hands them over Ghost’s body.

In a twist of events at a later time, Ghost is revealed to be still alive (likely brought back to life by the Ghosts through unknown means). He arrives in Texas after Price and his team were ambushed by Templar, Cecilia «Dame» Perrin and Rorke. He is also accompanied by the Ghosts’ German Shepherd Riley.

Ghost then tells Templar that they have a score to settle—so Templar throws his knife at him, but he manages to swivel it around his wrist and throw it back, hitting Rorke in his forearm. He then tells his fellow Ghosts to secure Rorke and the facility while he deals with Templar.

Ghost then engages Templar in a vicious duel. During the duel, Ghost mentions something about a «Dark Covenant», and that he knows the Frenchman’s real name is «Edouard», which infuriates the latter. Soon after, Mace joins the fight as well, double teaming Templar with Ghost. However, he manages to fend them off by throwing knives into Mace’s forearms but is thwarted by Ghost before he can do the same to him. He manages to throw Templar to the ground and attempts to perform the same «coup de grace» on him, but it fails, and Templar kicks him away, although Ghost swiftly recovers and proceeds to stab the Frenchman in his leg, but then gets swiped across his face by the latter’s wristblades. Mace is struggling to move his arms due to Templar having struck his nerve clusters, meaning Ghost is on his own against Templar.

Templar then attempts to stab Ghost in the head, but he instead blocks it with his palm and manages to grab Templar’s knife-wielding arm and break it. Ghost then subdues the mercenary in a submission hold and prepares to kill him, but Dame arrives suddenly and kicks Ghost away. As Dame had kicked Ghost in the gut where he was stabbed previously, he is unable to recover in time to prevent her from carrying the wounded Templar away. Adler comes to Ghost’s aid with Riley, although the pair was already gone and Rorke had escaped in his helicopter. Ghost laments that the mercenaries have gotten away, although Adler states that the fight isn’t over yet. As they head outside, Ghost tells Adler to find Price and the others.

As they head further up, they stumble upon the body of Mara. Ghost is horrified by the sight and is in disbelief and grief. Price tries to console him, saying that it’s part of their job.

Ghost later notes that Rorke and his crew are getting away and are attempting to lose them. However, they fail to catch up to them as the Five Knights drop mines to delay them. Adler says that he has reached out old school to his contacts in South America & notes that there is only one place where Rorke could be headed.

Later on, Ghost is revealed to have covered Rosa on her mission in Panama, helping her to exfil after she escapes from Rott and his men. Ghost admits that he’s impressed by her skills, to which she replies that she got to have some fun.

Time passes on, and Ghost is eventually assigned to Price & his team to go to Blackout to hunt down the remnants of the Five Knights & their operators. As they arrive on the island, Ghost splits up from the rest of the group as he notes that he lost contact with Delta Squad, and ventures into a secret tunnel further up. He looks over several dead soldiers and suspects that Templar may be involved, as he is known for leaving a swath of bodies in his wake.

Just as he enters, he is ambushed by a guard in hiding but quickly kills him. He then overhears Templar and Dame talking about recent developments. Apparently, he wants to leave the Dark Covenant after he’s done with his business, and also take his daughter Sophia away with him, and that he served in the Covenant for the sake of Sophia. Dame, however, shoots down the idea, saying that Sophia is an asset to the Dark Covenant and that she will not be handed over to him so easily. This in turn, prompts Templar to slice Dame’s throat open with his wrist blades, killing her and he goads the rest of the Covenant members into fighting him.

Afterwards, Templar has defeated the rest of the Covenant members (although he had sustained some damage as well, notably his torn off cape, scratch marks on his torso, and a cracked visor revealing his right eye) and then meets up with Ghost. Rather than attacking him, he instead says that they both would’ve been great allies in another life, but not in this one. Templar then hands Ghost a key card, saying “he is behind the bookshelf”, revealing the location of the 5th Knight who’s on the premises.

Ghost asks why he’s doing this, to which Templar replies that it’s not his war anymore and walks away. He then asks what he’s going to do now that he has abandoned the Five Knights, to which Templar than replies that he’s going to burn the Dark Covenant to the ground.

Ghost found the location Templar was describing, uses the card to find a surveillance room behind a bookshelf where there are multiple camera feeds, along with someone watching it all in a chair. They comment they were able to control the outcome of the war, though they were not able to control Ghost, as «You were always a wildcard, son.»

The 5th Knight is revealed to be none other than Adler himself. Ghost is in utter disbelief, to which Adler tells him that it may be a hard pill to swallow, but it was always for the greater good. Ghost is angered as he realizes that Adler had apparently betrayed them and their country. But Adler insists that all of what he did was for the sake of his country.

He then goes on to state that it was a “false flag”; a scenario where a country makes an attack on itself disguised as the enemy to start a war. Adler then claims that the Soviets are still a present and active threat, and that his goal was to defeat Makarov and other Russian threats. When Ghost retorts that his actions caused numerous deaths and the crippling of civilization, Adler replies that it was for the country to get back on its feet stronger than before. He then reveals that he had hired Mace to kill Makarov, which he was able to, though Makarov had managed to use a body double to deceive them all. He also notes that he sent Ghost to Siberia with the same goal in mind, and Templar would kill Makarov if Ghost somehow failed. Instead, Ghost and Templar fought each other, Ghost being left gravely wounded as Templar was unable to find Makarov.

Finally, Adler notes the 30000 men on Blackout, and he comments each one of them are heroes. He then throws a cigarette as he mentions that Ghost himself is a hero, as he begins to pull something out of his jacket, he says that if Adler asked Ghost for one more sacrifice, Ghost would make it. As Adler turns, Ghost shoots him, and he falls off the cliff, revealing that he had pulled a lighter out of his jacket. As Adler tumbles off the cliff, Ghost is contacted by Price, who informs Ghost of nuclear bombs being launched by the Five Knights. As Ghost demands clarification, Blackout erupts into a mushroom cloud as the missile hits. As Ghost stares in shock and horror, Adler mutters «I’ve won, Perseus.»

Shepherd debriefs Ghost, exclaiming that 30000 men died on the island, while the world just watched, and that Ghost could have done more to prevent the disaster.

Shepherd then states that because of what Ghost did, someone has to “pay the bills”. Ghost asks what he means, about whether Shepherd thinks he had something to do with the nuclear attack. Shepherd then tells Ghost to tie up loose ends, or he will. Price informs Ghost that they are not questioning his loyalty or his judgement, but they are in the dark as they don’t know whether the Five Knights are really all dead and they also don’t know anything about the Dark Covenant.

Ghost interjects saying that Adler mentioned Hudson, as part of the last thing he said. Shepherd however is still angry and leaves before Ghost can continue, dismissing what he said as “bullshit”. Price however, pleads with Shepherd to let Ghost finish, stating that they are listening. Ghost says that Adler stated that Hudson was funding their operations, directing money from intelligence slush funds. He then asks if it means anything to them, Price replies that it doesn’t mean anything to him, but he knows someone that might be interested in it.

Notified by an old friend, Price then sends Ghost to a remote house. Ghost raids the house, but finds the place dark, rummaged & seemingly empty, before finding Hudson lying dead on a table, with an open bottle of pills beside his head. While searching for evidence, Ghost then finds a piece of paper with the word “Stansfield” written on it.

Reporting back to base, Ghost then tells Price & Shepherd about Stansfield: Adler’s operator partner in the past who was apparently killed by Russian soldiers during a mission to Siberia. He wonders why Hudson would write the name of an operator who’s been dead for 30 years, to which Price replies that maybe their friend can shed some light on it. At the moment, Reznov walks in, commenting about how he’s apparently useful again. Reznov then tells his story about Stansfield, one of his inmates in Vorkuta. Ghost then informs them that while they don’t have a lead on Stansfield, they do have a lead on the Dark Covenant.

Ghost’s lead is referring to Edouard, stating that he must go alone as it’s between him and Edouard. As he’s no longer affiliated with the Five Knights or the Dark Covenant, Edouard is essentially a knight without a lord to serve. Ghost then finds Edouard re-forging his helmet in an abandoned castle. Edouard states that Ghost’s footsteps aren’t as light as he thinks as he finds him, to which Ghost replies that it wasn’t hard to find him, noting he left quite a trail of bodies. Edouard states that, since the Dark Covenant have gone to ground, he went on a hunt for information in the criminal underground. He also mentions that he cannot be blamed if said criminals were not willing to talk without any sort of persuasion. He then brings up a past subject, the fact that Ghost and himself still have a score to settle. Ghost agrees, and Templar whips around to throw a knife at Ghost.

After a short fight, Templar tells Ghost that he joined the French army at 17, ambitious, aggressive, and young, which drove his teammates to see him as a sadistic and insane soldier. During his time, he worked extensively with Dame, who was his commanding officer at the time and fought several times under her command, but she was soon discharged. After Dame was recruited into the Dark Covenant, Templar joined alongside her in hopes of a peaceful life for his daughter, one that he never had. He then definitely promises to find her, but Ghost intervenes, grasping his hand, saying that they will both find her, and Templar finally says that they would hunt down the Dark Covenant.

Ghost and Templar begin to ambush the Dark Covenant members, their first target being Witch Doctor. As Witch Doctor notices that Ghost and Templar have found him, Templar crashes through the window, having not used his parachute like Ghost did, drop-kicking a nearby guard in the process, and greets Witch Doctor. As Templar approaches the Doctor, Ghost calls him a «Fucking maniac». Templar manages to overpower Witch Doctor, and, with one of his knives in his hand, asks if the Doctor likes surgery. Witch Doctor’s fate is left ambiguous.

The next member they ambush is Kryptis, who dodges an incoming Ghost who misses with his pistol, and drives towards Templar. Kryptis calls Templar a traitor as he attempts to gun him down with a KAP-40, and Templar retaliates with a wave of knives. He manages to spin out Kryptis’ motorcycle and apprehends him. Kryptis insists he won’t betray his comrades, but Templar assures him that he will.

His next target is Dark Shepherd, who’s on a hovercraft out in the sea. Despite his guard telling him that no one is following them, Dark Shepherd doubts it & when he discovers the duo making their way up, he throws the guard off in anger.

Ghost attempts to apprehend Dark Shepherd but the latter holds him at gunpoint. When he then asks where Templar is, he responds by putting his knife to Dark Shepherd’s throat. Not wanting to die, Dark Shepherd states that he’ll talk, to which Templar answers in the affirmative.

The last target they track down is Artery, who’s apparently interrogating a man in a hotel room. Ghost busts into the room interrupting her, stating he & Edouard like to have a word with her. Artery however attempts to escape by jumping out the window, but is caught by Edouard by the foot & left dangling off the window ledge. She attempts to convince Edouard to rejoin them, telling him that Ghost is just using him & will backstab once he’s done. But Edouard is not convinced & instead tells her that he’s going to take his chances; he gives her a choice to either talk or take her chances as well, to which Artery then begrudgingly relents, telling him Stansfield’s location in Alaska, giving an address ending with 584S. Edouard then thanks her before he lets go of her foot, dropping her to her supposed demise. Ghost then asks if it was really necessary to drop her, to which Edouard replies that she’ll live, but even if she didn’t he’d have done a favor for the world.

Later on, the duo are preparing for their mission to Alaska, on board a plane. Edouard reminds Ghost that it’s a one way mission & that they may not make it. But if they do, they’ll require an exit plan; Edouard has already contacted an old friend to help with that. Ghost sarcastically replies that Edouard has friends, but he then tells him that the old friend is Nikto, if they succeed in their mission, he will be their extraction. Ghost then informs Edouard that he has brought backup as well; the backup comprising of Soap, Alex and Sliver.

The pilot then asks if they’re ready for take off, to which Edouard replies that they have one more person coming; the one more being Vagr Modir, accompanied by her pet wolf. Edouard tells her she’s right on time, to which she replies that she wouldn’t miss the fun as he killed her employer Rorke. Soap & Alex feel uneasy about having Modir with them, which she takes notice of and asks them if they have any hard feelings, to which Soap replies that they won’t have any so long as her wolf does not attack them again.

The plane is later seen midair. Sliver is seen sitting down with an arrow in her hand, Vagr Modir is sleeping with her wolf, and Alex and Soap are playing card games. Édouard calls Simon’s name and gives him back the mask he took from him in Siberia. Upon receiving the mask, Simon claims that he totally forgot about the mask and that one act of kindness isn’t enough to erase all of Édouard’s sins. Édouard agrees, and tells Simon to promise him that if anything happens to Édouard, Simon will take care of his daughter, Sophia, with Simon responding «Okay.»

As the plane touches down in Alaska, Ghost and Templar make a final agreement on their deal, retrieving both Sophia and a DSM. As the bay doors open and Ghost and Templar get out, Firebreak, along with Dark Covenant soldiers, arrive to ambush the group. Firebreak consequently uses his Purifier to torch the area surrounding the plane, separating the group. As Ghost and Templar flee the scene to continue their mission, the remaining passengers begin to hold off the Dark Covenant. Ghost and Templar infiltrate the Alaskan facility, and they split up, with Ghost making his way to Stansfield, and Templar seeking a data terminal for the DSM and his daughter. Ghost finds Stansfield, and they exchange words, Stansfield comparing Ghost as his «new» self, claiming Ghost enjoys the thrill of battle. The two consequently fight, and Ghost gouges Stansfields’ eyes out, also snapping his neck, declaring that no more «half-measures» would be used to deal with threats like Stansfield.

As Templar abandons his exfil to help Vagr Modir, Ghost arrives with reinforcements, and as Templar confirms that Stansfield is dead, Ghost asks if he obtained the DSM. Templar confirms, and Ghost pulls a pistol on Templar and Vagr, instantly killing Vagr and briefly incapacitating Templar by shooting him in his helmet. He then pulls the DSM off Templar and hands it to Shepherd, who comments «Good job, kid.» As Shepherd boards the Osprey, Ghost surveys the area behind him, seeing all of the corpses left in the wake of the battle. As he walks back towards the Osprey, he thinks to himself that Templar was right, and that «There’s nothing here but ghosts.»

Some time later, Ghost is shown to be part of Task Force 141 alongside Captain Price, Alex, Charly and Gaz, heading to Lisbon to liberate a group of hostages supposedly held by Nikto. Price asks if Ghost knows Nikto, he confirms that he does as he and Nikto worked together taking apart the Five Knights. Price affirms that he did it after he killed Templar, though Ghost insists that he did what was necessary. Price asks if that’s going to be a problem, which Ghost denies. The group eventually splits, with Charly, Gaz and Alex on one end and Ghost with Price on the other.

Unknown to Ghost, his teammates, especially Charly, begin to distrust Ghost as she knows everyone who trusted him ended up paying for it.

Ghost and Price infiltrate the building’s atrium and neutralize the guards, but find no trace of the hostages, nor Nikto, which they find concerning. Charly’s team have secured the garage but also find nothing. They do, however, find a load of explosives in an elevator, forcing them to get clear. Meanwhile, Ghost and Price head down a lower level, where Ghost is then ambushed by Cipher.

Price attempts to help Ghost but has his gun kicked away. While Ghost duels Cipher, he tells Price to go find Nikto, which Price initially refuses, believing Ghost to have gotten a death wish from Templar. But Ghost is adamant, so Price reluctantly leaves. Cipher declares Ghost will die there, but he doesn’t think so.

Afterwards, when the building explodes, Ghost is shown carrying an unconscious Cipher on his shoulders. Unknown to him, Foxtrot has Ghost in her sights. Ghost realizes that he knows who Cipher is and that he should be dead; Foxtrot is also alarmed at the sight of this.

Ghost accompanies Price and his UAC convoy with Cipher in an ambulance to the hospital, with Foxtrot following close behind. In the meantime, Ghost tells Price about Cipher, he knew him but doesn’t know what he is anymore, making Price wonder if there’re other surprises in store. Upon reaching the hospital, Ghost is concerned about things happening that they can’t see. Gaz tells them about a dozen bombings that have taken place recently, besides the one in Lisbon, and that they are being attributed to the «People’s Covenant». Ghost believes Cipher is the key, and they need him alive, and cooperative.

Just then, suited UAC agents arrive at the hospital to collect Cipher. Although Ghost is skeptical, he is taken surprise by Cipher yet again, who has an orderly at knifepoint. The agents try to secure Cipher, but he fends them off. Ghost enters a standoff with Cipher, asking if he remembers him. Before Cipher can answer, he is struck by Price with a fire extinguisher. Foxtrot, disguised as a nurse, intervenes and injects Cipher with anesthesia, promising to «fix this». As the agents wheel away the unconscious Cipher on a gurney, Ghost insists he be allowed to follow them.

Ghost accompanies TF141 to the Figuig Desert black site in Morocco, with a comatose Cipher in tow. When the group arrives, they are denied escort by the on site agents, but are then greeted by Roach and Farah, who offer to do so. While Price is overjoyed to see Roach again, Ghost has a rather uneasy reunion with Roach.

While en route to the black site, the convoy comes under attack by Phantom as well as Spectre. While Foxtrot arrives to fight Phantom, Spectre swiftly kills all of the agents after ambushing them. Ghost is then ordered to secure a hill, while Roach accompanies Price and Gaz, along with Farah, request for backup and evac.

Ghost ventures alone, and soon encounters Foxtrot fighting Phantom. She kicks him down the hill they were fighting on, and Ghost catches Phantom before confronting Foxtrot. A short while later, he rendezvouses with Price, who is recovering from an attack by Spectre, notifying him of Foxtrot.


Simon Riley Father MW2G

Simon and his father at the Bone Lickers concert.

Simon Riley 2 MW2G

Riley before going on a mission

Ghost Concept Art

Early concept art of Ghost

Ghost close-up MW2

Close up of Ghost

Ghost M4A1 Hornet's nest MW2

Ghost using an M4A1


Ghost wearing a Multicam & gray outfit from the «Loose Ends» exhibit in «Museum»

Ghost Black


MW2 ghost wounds

Ghost before being burned by Shepherd’s men

Ghost Spark

Ghost preparing to torture Rojas’s assistant


Ghost in the Gulag

Kill Confirmed Dog Tags MW3

Operation Kingfish 2013 group crop

Ghost, as seen on Modern Warfare 2′s campaign menu


Simon "Ghost" Riley head personalization choice CoDG

Simon ''Ghost'' Riley MP character holding Lynx CoDG

Another view of Riley in Ghosts, here holding Lynx sniper rifle

Ghost Skills Reveal Announcement CoDH

The announcement revealing Ghost’s killstreaks in Call of Duty: Heroes

Ghost Profile Heroes


Ghost in the Live-Action Fan film: Operation: Kingfish.

Ghost Phantom Head IW

Ghost’s head as a customization option for Phantom.

Ghost Promo MW2CR

Shepherd kills Ghost MW2R

Ghost being shot in the chest by General Shepherd in Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered.

Ghost in Loose Ends contacting Shepherd and Price MW2R

Ghost radioing Shepherd and Price from Makarov’s safe house in in Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered.

CoD Warzone Classic Ghost Bundle

Classic Ghost Skin MW2019

Classic Ghost skin as seen in Modern Warfare and Warzone.

ClassicGhost ConceptArt MW

Call of Duty: Mobile

Ghost Default CODM

Ghost with Default Uniform.

Ghost Stealth CODM

Ghost with Stealth Uniform.

Ghost Plasma CODM

Ghost with Plasma Uniform.

Ghost Cowboy CODM

Ghost with Cowboy Uniform.

Ghost Hazmat CODM

Ghost with Hazmat Uniform.

Ghost Loose Ends CODM

Ghost with Loose Ends Uniform.

Ghost Jawbone CODM

Ghost with Jawbone Uniform. Note: It is considered a outfit for the Classic Ghost and is not the same Ghost of Modern Warfare Reboot.

Ghost Dark Vision CODM

Ghost with Dark Vision Uniform.

Ghost MW2019 Retribution Skin CODM

Ghost with Retribution Uniform.

Ghost Taskforce in-game CODM

Ghost with the Taskforce Uniform in-game.

CODM Ghost

Ghost in the Comics.

CODM Hazmat Ghost

Ghost in the Comics with Hazmat uniform witnessing Makarov’s missile launch.

Price calling Ghost CODM

Price calling Ghost.

Price giving Jawbone uniform for Ghost CODM

Price giving Jawbone uniform for Ghost.

The COD Mobile Group

Ghost along with the members of the «United Anti-Terrorism Coalition».

CODM Skull-Mask Ghost

Ghost in the Comics with Jawbone uniform.

CODM Templar Bossfight ending

Templar shanks Ghost.

CODM Loose End 5

Templar leaves Ghost’s lifeless body.

CODM Loose End 6

Ghost's dog tag

Ghost’s dog-tag found by Price.

Ghost Corpse

Makarov with Ghost’s corpse as a ship belonging to the Ghosts arrive.

Ghost revealing that still alive CODM

Ghost revealing that still alive.

You can't kill a Ghost CODM

«You can’t kill a Ghost»

CODM Ghost using Throwing Knife


Main article: Simon «Ghost» Riley/Trivia


  1. @craigfairbrass — «Just finished first session on CALL OF DUTY the new online game for Asia — GHOST is back!» https://twitter.com/craigfairbrass/status/255771589960929280
  2. http://gyazo.com/71f668ec8a77564ac51fdf0630da167d
  3. https://twitter.com/PlayCODMobile/status/1367172923090493444

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Characters of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered

Task Force 141

John «Soap» MacTavish · John Price · Simon «Ghost» Riley · Gary «Roach» Sanderson · Joseph Allen · Nikolai · Merlin · Meat · Royce · Rocket · Chemo · Zach · Robot · Peasant · Worm · Archer · Toad · Ozone · Scarecrow · Rook

Army Rangers

Shepherd · Hunter Two-One (Foley · James Ramirez · Joseph Allen · Dunn · Morgan · Macey · Wade · Sandler)
Marshall · McCord · Arnett · Fahey · Keating · Kuhn · Lockwood · McCoy · Slayback · Sumners · Vaughan · Walden · Wells

Russian Federation

Petrov · Boris Vorshevsky

Inner Circle

Vladimir Makarov · Viktor · Anatoly · Lev · Kiril · Getaway Driver · Joseph Allen
Remastered Only: Yuri

Shadow Company

Shepherd · Disciple · Butcher · Oxide · Vinson · Lambert · Excalibur

Brazilian Militia

Alejandro Rojas · Rojas’ assistant

Afghan National Army


U.S. Government

William Cullen

US Military

Overlord · Punisher · Warlord · Sub Commander
Sierra Delta · Sand Bravo · Zulu X-Ray 6


Sat1 · Raptor · High Value Individual

v  d  e

Characters of Modern Warfare 2: Ghost


Simon Riley · Hawkins

United States Army

Vernon · Kevin Sparks · Marcus Washington · Sykes · Cumberland · Barber

Zaragoza Drug Cartel

Manuel Roba · Gilberto



Task Force 141


v  d  e

Characters of Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish

Task Force 141

Simon «Ghost» Riley · John Price · John «Soap» MacTavish · Gary «Roach» Sanderson · Shepherd · Spectre 6-4

Delta Force

Sandman · Derek «Frost» Westbrook

Inner Circle

Vladimir Makarov

v  d  e

Characters of Call of Duty Online

Task Force 141

Rook · John Price · John «Soap» MacTavish · Simon «Ghost» Riley · Winston Harker · Newcastle · Mac · Tiny Man

Brazilian Militia

Alberto Vasquez · Hector Ortiz


Yuri · Andrea · Santiago «Beast» Hernandez · Black Lily · Spade Q · Wei · John · Hawkeye · Vladimir · Marcus · War · Cowgirl · Medusa · Shadowless · Duke · Naomi «Manta Ray» Mizushima · Biochemical Madman · Defender
Cowboy · Trigger · Sergeant · Lv Bu · Madman · Cortex · Foxtrot

Unreleased Characters

Natasha · Yong

v  d  e

Units in Call of Duty: Heroes


Assault · Juggernaut · Sniper · Special Ops · RPG Trooper · FTL Trooper


Dragonfire · A.G.R. · RD1 · A.S.A.M. · CLAW

Heavy Machine

AST Goliath · Siege Bot · VTOL Warbird · Quad Tank · Hunter Tank · Zombie Drop Pod


Infector Zombie · Sniper Zombie · Tank Zombie


Price · Yuri · Wallcroft · Soap · Harper · Ghost · Ilona · Gideon · Reaper · Outrider · Menendez · ETH.3n


G.I. Unit · Vulture

v  d  e

Characters in Call of Duty: Mobile

Original Characters

Death Angel Alice (Season 4) · Captain Park (Season 4) · Urban Tracker (Season 4) · Anna «Artery» Buckler (Season 6) · Witch Doctor (Season 7) · Hazmat Bomber (Season 7) · Vanguard (Season 7) · Naomi «Manta Ray» Mizushima (Season 8) · Emma Victorova (Season 9) · Tengu (Season 9) · American Bulldog (Season 9) · Scylla (Season 10) · Siren (Season 10) · Hidora Kai (Season 11) · Édouard «Templar» Couteau (Season 12) · Stansfield (Season 13) · Ether (2021 Season 1) · Alias (2021 Season 2) · Rosa (2021 Season 3) · Vagr Modir (2021 Season 3) · Cecilia «Dame» Perrin (2021 Season 4) · Rott (2021 Season 6) · Cassius (2021 Season 6) · Hakan «Demir» Pala (2021 Season 7) · Kryptis (2021 Season 7) · Lazarus (2021 Season 10) · Nyx (2021 Season 10) · Sliver (2021 Season 10) · Sophia Couteau (2021 Season 11) · Yuri (2022 Season 1) · Denise «Foxtrot» McDaniels (2022 Season 2) · Alexander «Cipher» McDaniels (2022 Season 2) · Trevor «Killgore» Dangle (2022 Season 3) · Agent Miller (2022 Season 3) · Kui Ji (2022 Season 3) · Denise «Rampage» Michaels (2022 Season 5) · Strongarm (2022 Season 7) · Kestrel (2022 Season 7) · Sparrowhawk (2022 Season 7) · The Director (2022 Season 8) · Tempest (2022 Season 8) · Samael (2022 Season 8) · Shadowfall (2023 Season 1) · Tiangu (2023 Season 1) · Deadman (2023 Season 2) · The Marshal (2023 Season 2)

Modern Warfare Series

Original: Ghost (Season 1) · Price (Season 1) · Gaz (Season 2) · Soap (Season 4) · Vladimir Makarov (Season 7) · Vasquez (Season 8) · Kamarov (Season 9) · Shepherd (2021 Season 2) · Roach (2021 Season 8)
Reboot: Nikto (Season 6) · Krueger (Season 7) · Golem (Season 8) · Mace (Season 8) · Mara (Season 10) · Otter (Season 10) · UDT Frogman (Season 10) · Raines (Season 10) · Yegor (Season 10) · Grinch (Season 10) · Price (Season 12) · Ghost (Season 12) · Velikan (Season 12) · Gaz (Season 12) · Roze (Season 12) · Charly (Season 12) · Alex (2021 Season 2) · Lerch (2021 Season 2) · Domino (2021 Season 3) · Morte (2021 Season 4) · Ronin (2021 Season 4) · Griggs (2021 Season 7) · Minotaur (2021 Season 7) · Rodion (2021 Season 7) · Farah (2021 Season 8) · Iskra (2021 Season 9) · Alice (2021 Season 10) · D-Day (2021 Season 11) · Azur (2022 Season 1) · Zane (2022 Season 1) · Wyatt (2022 Season 1) · Bale (2022 Season 3) · Syd (2022 Season 4)

Black Ops Series

Battery (Season 1) · Outrider (Season 1) · Prophet (Season 1) · Ruin (Season 1) · Terrance Brooks (Season 1) · Alex Mason (Season 2) · Spectre (Season 2) · Tank Dempsey (Season 2) · Nomad (Season 2) · Lev Kravchenko (Season 2) · Firebreak (Season 3) · Seraph (Season 3) · Tian Zhao (Season 3) · Reaper (Season 5) · David Mason (Season 5) · Zero (Season 5) · Recon (Season 6) · Scarlett Rhodes (Season 6) · Javier Salazar (Season 6) · T.E.D.D. (Season 7) · Battle Hardened (Season 8) · Reznov (Season 9) · Richtofen (Season 9) · Nikolai Belinski (Season 9) · Takeo (Season 9) · Adler (Season 11) · Ajax (Season 11) · Cosmic Silverback (Season 11) · Frank Woods (Season 12) · Helen Park (Season 13) · Raul Menendez (Season 13) · Competitor (2021 Season 3) · High Priest of Chaos (2021 Season 3) · Blackjack (2021 Season 7) · Misty (2021 Season 9) · Torque (2021 Season 11) · Crash (2022 Season 3) · Baker (2022 Season 3) · Portnova (2022 Season 3) · Maxis (2022 Season 4) · Rivas (2022 Season 5) · Naga (2022 Season 5) · Jackal (2022 Season 5) · Wolf (2022 Season 5) · Wraith (2022 Season 6) · Stitch (2022 Season 6) · Stryker (2022 Season 7) · Hunter (2022 Season 7) · Beck (2022 Season 7) · Kitsune (2022 Season 7) · Stone (2022 Season 8) · Bulldozer (2022 Season 10)


Elite PMC (Season 1) · Gabriel T. Rorke (Season 13) · Thomas A. Merrick (2021 Season 1) · Logan Walker (2021 Season 1) · Riley (2021 Season 4) · Alex V. «Ajax» Johnson (2021 Season 5) · Keegan (2021 Season 5)

Advanced Warfare

Sentinel Recon (Season 4) · Gunzo (Season 8) · Bathysphere (Season 9) · Proton (2021 Season 1)

Infinite Warfare

Phantom (Season 3) · FTL (Season 3) · Merc Combat Rig (Season 12) · Ethan (2021 Season 1) · Reyes (2022 Season 6) · Synaptic (2022 Season 11)


Carver Butcher (Season 9) · Vivian Harris (Season 9) · Dark Shepherd (Season 9) · Bailout (Season 9) · Wicht Warden (Season 9)


Arthur Kingsley (2021 Season 7) · Lucas Riggs (2021 Season 9)


John Rambo (2021 Season 3) · John McClane (2021 Season 3) · Ferg (2021 Season 11) · BobbyPlays (2021 Season 11) · HawksNest (2021 Season 11) · Snoop Dogg (2022 Season 3) · Motoko Kusanagi (2022 Season 7) · Togusa (2022 Season 7) · Batou Buttetsu (2022 Season 7) · Paul Pogba (2022 Season 10) · Neymar Jr (2022 Season 10) · Lionel Messi (2022 Season 10)

The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The subject of this article appeared in Modern Warfare 2: Ghost. The subject of this article appeared in Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The subject of this article appeared in Soap's Journal The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty Online The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Ghosts The subject of this article appears in Extinction mode The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Heroes The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered This article was previously featured

For other uses, see Riley and Ghost.
For the character of the same name within the reboot, see Simon «Ghost» Riley (Reboot).
«Another keeper: Ghost. Can’t get over the name though. What the hell kind of name is Ghost?«
— John «Soap» MacTavish

Lieutenant Simon «Ghost» Riley is a British special forces operator, and a prominent member of Task Force 141, known for his iconic skull-patterned balaclava, headset, and dark red sunglasses.

Ghost appears as a main character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 2: Ghost, Call of Duty: Online, Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish, Call of Duty: Heroes, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered. He also appears as a customization option in Call of Duty: Ghosts and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.




Simon Riley had a very traumatic childhood while growing up in Manchester, England because of his heartless father. His father often brought dangerous animals back to their home and taunted him with them, even going so far as to force Simon to kiss a snake. When he and his younger brother Tommy grew older, Tommy would always wear a skull-mask at night to scare Simon. Simon’s father would sometimes take him to the Bone Lickers concerts. At one concert, his father made him laugh at the death of a prostitute who had overdosed on drugs.

Joining the Military

Simon used to be an apprentice butcher at a grocery but joined the military after the September 11 attacks occurred. He eventually was accepted into the Special Air Service.

Return from the Military

Returning home on leave in January 2003, Simon found his mother and brother had hit rock bottom. His brother, Tommy, was addicted to drugs and had been stealing from their mother to support his habit. Simon chose to not return to the military until he had straightened things out for his family. He worked to help Tommy overcome his drug addiction and, in March 2004, beat his father and threw him out of the house for all the abuse he had inflicted on Riley and his mother. By June 2006, Tommy had been clean for some time and married a woman named Beth. Riley served as the best man at Tommy’s wedding. Beth also gave birth to a young boy named Joseph who would become Riley’s nephew.

Going after Manuel Roba

Simon Riley after killing Roba.

Simon was pulled from shipping out for an operation in Iran and was attached to an American team tasked with taking down the Zaragoza Drug Cartel headed by Manuel Roba. When he and his team made their move on the Day of the Dead, the team’s commanding officer, Major Vernon, betrayed them to the enemy. Riley and his teammates were brought to a brainwashing facility and tortured for months. Despite the torture, Vernon was Unable to fully break Riley. Roba had Vernon killed for his failure and later buried Riley alive in Vernon’s casket, leaving him to die. Using the jawbone from Vernon’s rotted corpse, Riley was able to break through the casket, claw his way to freedom, and somehow make it back across the border to Texas.

After four months, his injuries had healed but he still suffered from temper-management issues, which prevented him from returning to active duty. After meeting up with the other two former teammates from that mission, Kevin Sparks and Marcus Washington, he realized that Roba had broken and brainwashed them both. He attempted to kill Sparks but was forced to flee when Washington turned up unexpectedly. Fleeing, he returned home to find Washington had killed his mother, brother Tommy, sister-in-law Beth, and nephew Joseph (alternately referred to as Jacob).

He killed Sparks and Washington before returning to Mexico to take down Roba once and for all. Riley ambushed Roba’s right-hand man, Gilberto and tortured Roba’s location out of him. Arriving at Roba’s compound, he methodically eliminated Roba’s guard patrols before assaulting the mansion itself and, after a prolonged gunfight, killing Roba. Armed with information on Roba’s contacts and business dealings, he prepared to leave but was approached by General Shepherd who recruited him into Task Force 141.

Task Force 141


Ghost being held hostage in Ukraine.

At one point, he was sent to deal with terrorists who had taken hostages at a grade school in Ukraine. He deliberately let himself be caught and told the terrorists and the children about his past before the rest of his team arrived to free him and the children. One girl asked him if the story of Simon «Ghost» Riley was true and if Riley was Ghost. He responded saying «true enough to that lot».

Operation Kingfish

On October 8, 2013, a joint Task Force 141/Delta Force operation codenamed Operation Kingfish was launched. Ghost worked alongside John Price, John «Soap» MacTavish, Gary «Roach» Sanderson, Sandman and Derek «Frost» Westbrook as they hunted down Vladimir Makarov. They assaulted the main compound and were able to recover some intel, but got ambushed by a bomb, forcing the team to evacuate. During the evac, Soap was wounded by an RPG and was partially knocked out. An AC-130 tried to defend the team as they sprinted toward their evac point, but was shot down, leaving the team completely vulnerable. Price selflessly stayed behind to facilitate the team’s escape and was wounded and captured.

Hunting Rojas

Following Makarov’s massacre at Zakhaev International Airport, Ghost assisted in the operation in Rio de Janeiro to locate and capture Alejandro Rojas, the man who supplied Makarov with weapons and ammunition, maintaining radio contact with Captain MacTavish and Roach while they searched for Rojas’ assistant. After MacTavish and Roach began pursuing the assistant, Ghost met up with them at the Hotel Rio and joined the chase. Once the assistant was taken down by Roach, Ghost prepared to interrogate him through torture. Ghost was heard via radio for the rest of the mission as he attempted to pursue Rojas through the favela. After the capture of Rojas, Ghost was heard requesting extraction from Command, but to no avail. Despite this, Ghost managed to narrowly escape the favela with Captain MacTavish and Roach aboard Nikolai’s helicopter.

Infiltration of the Russian Oil Rig / Rescuing Prisoner 627

Ghost at the oil rig.

After escaping South America, Ghost joined the rest of Task Force 141 as they prepared a counterattack with the US 6th Fleet against the Russians. Using information recovered from Rojas, they learn that Prisoner 627, the only man Makarov hated worse than the Americans, was locked away in a gulag, though the path leading to the prison was blocked by oil rigs, which were captured by the Russians and turned into makeshift SAM sites. Targeting the least-defended rig, Ghost and the rest of the 141 and Navy SEALs infiltrated and cleared the rig of hostiles and rescued several hostages in order to safely deactivate the SAM sites. Following the mission, Ghost joined the attack on the gulag holding Prisoner 627, where he would take control of gulag’s security systems and guide his allies to the prisoner, who was soon revealed to be Captain John Price.

The Contingency

With Captain Price back in their ranks, he soon devised a contingency plan to end the war in America by infiltrating a Russian submarine base. Though Ghost and his team were initially separated from Price and Roach following their insertion, they would later meet up and converge on the Russian base, where Price took control of a Russian sub. However, Ghost was shocked when Price launched an ICBM at Washington D.C. where the Russian-American war raged on. Ghost contacted Command about Code Black, which was the statement that a threat of a nuclear weapon was launched and must be disposed of immediately. It was possible that he retracted this though after he learned about Price’s intention.

The Search for Vladimir Makarov and Death

General Shepherd killing Ghost in «Loose Ends».

Using resources from his blank check, Shepherd deduced the last two safe havens for Makarov and his men at a safehouse on the Georgian-Russian Border and an airplane boneyard in Afghanistan. Knowing they have to be at two different places at once, Ghost nominates himself and Roach, along with a bulk of Task Force 141, to take the safehouse, while Soap and Price investigate the boneyard. After raiding the safehouse however, Makarov was nowhere to be found, though the safehouse was loaded («A bloody gold mine» as Ghost said) with intel. Ghost, along with Roach, Ozone and Scarecrow, with sniper support from Archer and Toad, protected a DSM from Makarov’s men while it downloaded sensitive information regarding Makarov’s operations. After finishing the download, the team headed to the LZ that was set up by Shepherd, though Ozone and Scarecrow were both gunned down by enemy mortars, and Roach was injured. Ghost managed to get Roach to the LZ, but both were ultimately betrayed by Shepherd, who fatally shot the two in the chest at point-blank range with a .44 Magnum, just before Ghost could use his ACR. After Shepherd retrieved the DSM from Roach, Ghost’s body was thrown into a ditch and set on fire along with Roach’s.

Call of Duty: Heroes

He also appears in Call of Duty: Heroes in an update, purchased for 1,000 Celerium Icon CoDH.png or 800 Medal Icon CoDH.png.

Battle Aura: Increase Critical Chance by 5.5%

Killstreaks: Gunship, AT4 Launcher, EMP Artillery.

Statue: 750 Celerium Icon CoDH.png.


. «Mission failed, we’ll get ’em next time!»

  • «The Russians ain’t gonna let this massacre go unanswered. It’s gonna get bloody.»
  • «And they’re killing a thousand Americans for every dead civilian in Moscow. Looks like we’re all out of friends.»
  • «Let’s do this!»
  • «All we got out of Rojas, is that the only guy Makarov hates worse than Americans is locked up in a gulag.
  • «Bloody yanks! I thought they were the good guys!»
  • «We have a nuclear missile launch! Missile in the air! Missile in the air! Code Black! Code Black!»https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/File:Code_Black_Simon_Ghost_Riley_Contingency_MW2.ogg
  • «Copy. Any sign of Rojas’ right hand man?»
  • «We got it, sir!»
  • «NO!»

Call of Duty: Mobile

Ghost appears in Call of Duty: Mobile and was added as part of the Season 1 Battle Pass. Ghost has also a prominent role in the Mobile Comics.

In some Desert in the Texas state, Ghost attacked a hideout used by a group of mercenaries and killed them off swiftly. He then goes into the basement along with his team, where he discovers that Makarov was using the lab to try and recreate Nova Gas, and was also using it as a missile silo that had missiles containing the replicated Nova Gas. The team is then ambushed by Makarov, who releases the gas and a team of mercenaries in Hazmat Suits. Ghost barely makes it out while his whole team is killed. Makarov then remotely launches the missiles, and Ghost can do nothing to stop them.

Ghost arrives in one of the cities Makarov targeted with Tank Dempsey, noting that it looked like the end of the world. As they search for clues, Tank notes that there was no tactical reason to target the city, but Ghost pulls him into cover as they are ambushed. Ghost kills the ambusher, a clown, and Tank picks up his weapon, noting that it was probably supplied from somewhere. The duo then finds an abandoned Gulag that was used as a hideout for Krueger and Mace. As Tank engages Krueger, Ghost engages Mace. Ghost throws a grenade, disarming Mace, which lead them fighting in the Showers hand to hand. As they were fighting, Tank arrives after failing to take down Krueger and fires at Mace, causing him to retreat. The two then descend down a staircase and encounter Reznov, who is in his early hundreds.

After taking a moment, Reznov tells Ghost and Tank what he did during his time in the Soviet Armed Forces. He tells them that he was on a covert mission to a secret facility belonging to the Germans. He and his team rush forward an assault on the base. Despite the overwhelming gunfire, Reznov manages to survive the slaughter and enters the facility, encountering the gas Nova 6. After executing all of the scientists in the facility, he retrieved the gas for the Russians, and they hid them in bunkers. Reznov then reveals that he is one of the few people who knows where the bunkers are. After Ghost extracts the information from Reznov, he calls Mara to locate Makarov and stop him.

Disappointed with the recent mission failure, Ghost contemplates of how they gathered next to no intel about their enemies. Mace in disguise attacks a building with his team of mercenaries then goes to Alcatraz to meet with an underground criminal magnate named Hidora Kai. Mace and Hidora start to plan out their next moves, disabling all electronic devices in the world, including military radio towers, communication centers, Mara and Soap’s convoy and even the plane Ghost and Tank were flying in, using the EMP launched earlier. Ghost and Tank manage to survive and meet the other operators at The Club.

Ghost admits that the group has no way to fight Hidora and Mace, along with no way to locate them. Russell Adler appears and says that they do have ways to combat the new threat. After Ghost asks who he is, Price introduces Adler, and officially states the group is now a part of the United Anti-Terrorism Coalition, ending the introduction with «Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going dark.»

Adler and the rest of the team start to plan out their assault on Five Knights locations. When asked on how they would coordinate or even reach those locations, Adler presents the team with Swiss mechanical watches, which are unaffected by EMPs. Price also notes that Adler is not the only Cold War relic in operational state in the bunker, indicating an old helicopter.

Ghost and Tank strike a production facility in Hackney Yard, as part of their assault on key Five Knight locations. Meanwhile, Tank comes across Mace, who knocks Tank down and snatches his weapon, and opens fire at him. Ghost comes too late to save him. Enraged, Ghost then starts beating up Mace, ultimately subduing and arresting him.

Later, Price, Ghost and Adler discuss the aftermath of their joint operation; Mace is in a Black Site facing interrogation, Templar and Hidora are in the wind, Soap is injured but will be battle ready within a few weeks. It is further revealed that Mara made it out alive, but was wounded badly and is in a coma. Ghost admits that they won the battle and takes an oath that he will «Win the War.»

As Ghost expresses grief for not being able to save Tank and the fact that they don’t have enough time and intel, Adler comforts him by saying that they do have intel and mentions that there is a place in Siberia from where Makarov possibly got the Nova Gas from. He then says that it’s coming all around the same way like it did during his days, and narrates his story. Some time during the Cold War, Adler led a small team into a Soviet facility in Siberia along with his friend Stansfield. They had found out crucial information about something that the Five Knights could also have gotten their hands on, and eventually carried out. However, when tried to exfil, they were surrounded by a large group of enemies, and Stansfield stayed behind to cover their escape, only to be shot dead, which Adler could do nothing but watch in horror. Back in present day, Adler finishes his story by saying that both Stansfield and Tank knew what they were doing, and so should Ghost. When Ghost questions if the research facility is of any more importance, Adler says that there might be something left in there, although it will be a long shot. Ghost agrees and says that he will take it, to which Adler responds that they will have to wait, and Ghost must not rush for revenge. Ghost in response says that this is not about revenge, and they must get the intel before the Five Knights do. Adler replies that they cannot risk to lose any more men as the Five Knights already hit other bases hard, and tells Ghost that he must be patient. Ghost takes it for an excuse to do nothing and walks away, much to Adler’s dismay.

Overridden with guilt, Ghost comes to visit the still comatose Mara and expresses grief for not being able to save them. He then promises that he will end this for all and places Tank’s dog tag on her palms and leaves. When Price cannot find Ghost, he comes to Soap asking for his whereabouts. Adler comes to them saying that he knows where Ghost is, and he is «doing something stupid». When Price asks what Adler has done, he replies that he told Ghost about the operation in Siberia.

Ghost arrives via Snowmobile at the Soviet base Adler told him about and begins to investigate. He realizes that someone has been here recently as he finds recently opened canned food and a map which is dated around the present. He is then startled by a voice saying: «The enemy of my enemy….is my friend». The man turns out to me none other than Makarov. Ghost is shocked to see Makarov still alive, since Mara had confirmed he had been shot in the head. Makarov explains that Mace also saw him die but «appearances are deceiving» and that he needed to fake his death since their goals had diverged. Makarov also states that he knows that Ghost has arrived to seek information on how to defeat The Five Knights and that he has said information. When questioned about their identity and goals, Makarov says that the Knights consist of 5 individuals with different goals who were useful to each other as he was useful to them, and proceeds to list them off. Rorke heads the mercenaries, Hidora, who is looking for corporate profits, Mace, only wanting the downfall of the government, Raul Menendez, who wants control of the system by hijacking it, and a fifth member whose identity Makarov says will keep secret, unless Ghost takes him in.

Ghost agrees, and as they exit the facility, Templar appears, blowing up Ghost’s snowmobile. Ghost tells Makarov to run and fires at Templar. Unfortunately, the bullets cannot penetrate his armor and he mocks Ghost that he should have «brought bigger bullets», disabling and then breaking Ghost’s gun. When Ghost asks who he is, Templar introduces himself, then stabs Ghost in the wrist with one of his throwing knives. When Ghost tries to retaliate, Templar performs a coup de grace on him, downing him. Templar then inspects Ghost’s body, stating that he expected a more equal individual to fight with. He then takes Ghost’s balaclava as a souvenir before leaving, saying «That’s one less loose end.»

Some time later, Price and Soap arrive at the Soviet base, remarking on Ghost’s rashness, and start searching the area. They soon find a folded paper on the bloodied ground, and as Price opens it, he finds Ghost’s dog tag. It is then revealed that Makarov took Ghost’s body, as he is seen dragging it towards a cliff. There, he rendezvous with a team of Ghosts led by Captain Merrick, and hands them over Ghost’s body.

In a twist of events at a later time, Ghost is revealed to be still alive (likely brought back to life by the Ghosts through unknown means). He arrives in Texas after Price and his team were ambushed by Templar, Cecilia «Dame» Perrin and Rorke. He is also accompanied by the Ghosts’ German Shepherd Riley.

Ghost then tells Templar that they have a score to settle—so Templar throws his knife at him, but he manages to swivel it around his wrist and throw it back, hitting Rorke in his forearm. He then tells his fellow Ghosts to secure Rorke and the facility while he deals with Templar.

Ghost then engages Templar in a vicious duel. During the duel, Ghost mentions something about a «Dark Covenant», and that he knows the Frenchman’s real name is «Edouard», which infuriates the latter. Soon after, Mace joins the fight as well, double teaming Templar with Ghost. However, he manages to fend them off by throwing knives into Mace’s forearms but is thwarted by Ghost before he can do the same to him. He manages to throw Templar to the ground and attempts to perform the same «coup de grace» on him, but it fails, and Templar kicks him away, although Ghost swiftly recovers and proceeds to stab the Frenchman in his leg, but then gets swiped across his face by the latter’s wristblades. Mace is struggling to move his arms due to Templar having struck his nerve clusters, meaning Ghost is on his own against Templar.

Templar then attempts to stab Ghost in the head, but he instead blocks it with his palm and manages to grab Templar’s knife-wielding arm and break it. Ghost then subdues the mercenary in a submission hold and prepares to kill him, but Dame arrives suddenly and kicks Ghost away. As Dame had kicked Ghost in the gut where he was stabbed previously, he is unable to recover in time to prevent her from carrying the wounded Templar away. Adler comes to Ghost’s aid with Riley, although the pair was already gone and Rorke had escaped in his helicopter. Ghost laments that the mercenaries have gotten away, although Adler states that the fight isn’t over yet. As they head outside, Ghost tells Adler to find Price and the others.

As they head further up, they stumble upon the body of Mara. Ghost is horrified by the sight and is in disbelief and grief. Price tries to console him, saying that it’s part of their job.

Ghost later notes that Rorke and his crew are getting away and are attempting to lose them. However, they fail to catch up to them as the Five Knights drop mines to delay them. Adler says that he has reached out old school to his contacts in South America & notes that there is only one place where Rorke could be headed.

Later on, Ghost is revealed to have covered Rosa on her mission in Panama, helping her to exfil after she escapes from Rott and his men. Ghost admits that he’s impressed by her skills, to which she replies that she got to have some fun.

Time passes on, and Ghost is eventually assigned to Price & his team to go to Blackout to hunt down the remnants of the Five Knights & their operators. As they arrive on the island, Ghost splits up from the rest of the group as he notes that he lost contact with Delta Squad, and ventures into a secret tunnel further up. He looks over several dead soldiers and suspects that Templar may be involved, as he is known for leaving a swath of bodies in his wake.

Just as he enters, he is ambushed by a guard in hiding but quickly kills him. He then overhears Templar and Dame talking about recent developments. Apparently, he wants to leave the Dark Covenant after he’s done with his business, and also take his daughter Sophia away with him, and that he served in the Covenant for the sake of Sophia. Dame, however, shoots down the idea, saying that Sophia is an asset to the Dark Covenant and that she will not be handed over to him so easily. This in turn, prompts Templar to slice Dame’s throat open with his wrist blades, killing her and he goads the rest of the Covenant members into fighting him.

Afterwards, Templar has defeated the rest of the Covenant members (although he had sustained some damage as well, notably his torn off cape, scratch marks on his torso, and a cracked visor revealing his right eye) and then meets up with Ghost. Rather than attacking him, he instead says that they both would’ve been great allies in another life, but not in this one. Templar then hands Ghost a key card, saying “he is behind the bookshelf”, revealing the location of the 5th Knight who’s on the premises.

Ghost asks why he’s doing this, to which Templar replies that it’s not his war anymore and walks away. He then asks what he’s going to do now that he has abandoned the Five Knights, to which Templar than replies that he’s going to burn the Dark Covenant to the ground.

Ghost found the location Templar was describing, uses the card to find a surveillance room behind a bookshelf where there are multiple camera feeds, along with someone watching it all in a chair. They comment they were able to control the outcome of the war, though they were not able to control Ghost, as «You were always a wildcard, son.»

The 5th Knight is revealed to be none other than Adler himself. Ghost is in utter disbelief, to which Adler tells him that it may be a hard pill to swallow, but it was always for the greater good. Ghost is angered as he realizes that Adler had apparently betrayed them and their country. But Adler insists that all of what he did was for the sake of his country.

He then goes on to state that it was a “false flag”; a scenario where a country makes an attack on itself disguised as the enemy to start a war. Adler then claims that the Soviets are still a present and active threat, and that his goal was to defeat Makarov and other Russian threats. When Ghost retorts that his actions caused numerous deaths and the crippling of civilization, Adler replies that it was for the country to get back on its feet stronger than before. He then reveals that he had hired Mace to kill Makarov, which he was able to, though Makarov had managed to use a body double to deceive them all. He also notes that he sent Ghost to Siberia with the same goal in mind, and Templar would kill Makarov if Ghost somehow failed. Instead, Ghost and Templar fought each other, Ghost being left gravely wounded as Templar was unable to find Makarov.

Finally, Adler notes the 30000 men on Blackout, and he comments each one of them are heroes. He then throws a cigarette as he mentions that Ghost himself is a hero, as he begins to pull something out of his jacket, he says that if Adler asked Ghost for one more sacrifice, Ghost would make it. As Adler turns, Ghost shoots him, and he falls off the cliff, revealing that he had pulled a lighter out of his jacket. As Adler tumbles off the cliff, Ghost is contacted by Price, who informs Ghost of nuclear bombs being launched by the Five Knights. As Ghost demands clarification, Blackout erupts into a mushroom cloud as the missile hits. As Ghost stares in shock and horror, Adler mutters «I’ve won, Perseus.»

Shepherd debriefs Ghost, exclaiming that 30000 men died on the island, while the world just watched, and that Ghost could have done more to prevent the disaster.

Shepherd then states that because of what Ghost did, someone has to “pay the bills”. Ghost asks what he means, about whether Shepherd thinks he had something to do with the nuclear attack. Shepherd then tells Ghost to tie up loose ends, or he will. Price informs Ghost that they are not questioning his loyalty or his judgement, but they are in the dark as they don’t know whether the Five Knights are really all dead and they also don’t know anything about the Dark Covenant.

Ghost interjects saying that Adler mentioned Hudson, as part of the last thing he said. Shepherd however is still angry and leaves before Ghost can continue, dismissing what he said as “bullshit”. Price however, pleads with Shepherd to let Ghost finish, stating that they are listening. Ghost says that Adler stated that Hudson was funding their operations, directing money from intelligence slush funds. He then asks if it means anything to them, Price replies that it doesn’t mean anything to him, but he knows someone that might be interested in it.

Notified by an old friend, Price then sends Ghost to a remote house. Ghost raids the house, but finds the place dark, rummaged & seemingly empty, before finding Hudson lying dead on a table, with an open bottle of pills beside his head. While searching for evidence, Ghost then finds a piece of paper with the word “Stansfield” written on it.

Reporting back to base, Ghost then tells Price & Shepherd about Stansfield: Adler’s operator partner in the past who was apparently killed by Russian soldiers during a mission to Siberia. He wonders why Hudson would write the name of an operator who’s been dead for 30 years, to which Price replies that maybe their friend can shed some light on it. At the moment, Reznov walks in, commenting about how he’s apparently useful again. Reznov then tells his story about Stansfield, one of his inmates in Vorkuta. Ghost then informs them that while they don’t have a lead on Stansfield, they do have a lead on the Dark Covenant.

Ghost’s lead is referring to Edouard, stating that he must go alone as it’s between him and Edouard. As he’s no longer affiliated with the Five Knights or the Dark Covenant, Edouard is essentially a knight without a lord to serve. Ghost then finds Edouard re-forging his helmet in an abandoned castle. Edouard states that Ghost’s footsteps aren’t as light as he thinks as he finds him, to which Ghost replies that it wasn’t hard to find him, noting he left quite a trail of bodies. Edouard states that, since the Dark Covenant have gone to ground, he went on a hunt for information in the criminal underground. He also mentions that he cannot be blamed if said criminals were not willing to talk without any sort of persuasion. He then brings up a past subject, the fact that Ghost and himself still have a score to settle. Ghost agrees, and Templar whips around to throw a knife at Ghost.

After a short fight, Templar tells Ghost that he joined the French army at 17, ambitious, aggressive, and young, which drove his teammates to see him as a sadistic and insane soldier. During his time, he worked extensively with Dame, who was his commanding officer at the time and fought several times under her command, but she was soon discharged. After Dame was recruited into the Dark Covenant, Templar joined alongside her in hopes of a peaceful life for his daughter, one that he never had. He then definitely promises to find her, but Ghost intervenes, grasping his hand, saying that they will both find her, and Templar finally says that they would hunt down the Dark Covenant.

Ghost and Templar begin to ambush the Dark Covenant members, their first target being Witch Doctor. As Witch Doctor notices that Ghost and Templar have found him, Templar crashes through the window, having not used his parachute like Ghost did, drop-kicking a nearby guard in the process, and greets Witch Doctor. As Templar approaches the Doctor, Ghost calls him a «Fucking maniac». Templar manages to overpower Witch Doctor, and, with one of his knives in his hand, asks if the Doctor likes surgery. Witch Doctor’s fate is left ambiguous.

The next member they ambush is Kryptis, who dodges an incoming Ghost who misses with his pistol, and drives towards Templar. Kryptis calls Templar a traitor as he attempts to gun him down with a KAP-40, and Templar retaliates with a wave of knives. He manages to spin out Kryptis’ motorcycle and apprehends him. Kryptis insists he won’t betray his comrades, but Templar assures him that he will.

His next target is Dark Shepherd, who’s on a hovercraft out in the sea. Despite his guard telling him that no one is following them, Dark Shepherd doubts it & when he discovers the duo making their way up, he throws the guard off in anger.

Ghost attempts to apprehend Dark Shepherd but the latter holds him at gunpoint. When he then asks where Templar is, he responds by putting his knife to Dark Shepherd’s throat. Not wanting to die, Dark Shepherd states that he’ll talk, to which Templar answers in the affirmative.

The last target they track down is Artery, who’s apparently interrogating a man in a hotel room. Ghost busts into the room interrupting her, stating he & Edouard like to have a word with her. Artery however attempts to escape by jumping out the window, but is caught by Edouard by the foot & left dangling off the window ledge. She attempts to convince Edouard to rejoin them, telling him that Ghost is just using him & will backstab once he’s done. But Edouard is not convinced & instead tells her that he’s going to take his chances; he gives her a choice to either talk or take her chances as well, to which Artery then begrudgingly relents, telling him Stansfield’s location in Alaska, giving an address ending with 584S. Edouard then thanks her before he lets go of her foot, dropping her to her supposed demise. Ghost then asks if it was really necessary to drop her, to which Edouard replies that she’ll live, but even if she didn’t he’d have done a favor for the world.

Later on, the duo are preparing for their mission to Alaska, on board a plane. Edouard reminds Ghost that it’s a one way mission & that they may not make it. But if they do, they’ll require an exit plan; Edouard has already contacted an old friend to help with that. Ghost sarcastically replies that Edouard has friends, but he then tells him that the old friend is Nikto, if they succeed in their mission, he will be their extraction. Ghost then informs Edouard that he has brought backup as well; the backup comprising of Soap, Alex and Sliver.

The pilot then asks if they’re ready for take off, to which Edouard replies that they have one more person coming; the one more being Vagr Modir, accompanied by her pet wolf. Edouard tells her she’s right on time, to which she replies that she wouldn’t miss the fun as he killed her employer Rorke. Soap & Alex feel uneasy about having Modir with them, which she takes notice of and asks them if they have any hard feelings, to which Soap replies that they won’t have any so long as her wolf does not attack them again.

The plane is later seen midair. Sliver is seen sitting down with an arrow in her hand, Vagr Modir is sleeping with her wolf, and Alex and Soap are playing card games. Édouard calls Simon’s name and gives him back the mask he took from him in Siberia. Upon receiving the mask, Simon claims that he totally forgot about the mask and that one act of kindness isn’t enough to erase all of Édouard’s sins. Édouard agrees, and tells Simon to promise him that if anything happens to Édouard, Simon will take care of his daughter, Sophia, with Simon responding «Okay.»

As the plane touches down in Alaska, Ghost and Templar make a final agreement on their deal, retrieving both Sophia and a DSM. As the bay doors open and Ghost and Templar get out, Firebreak, along with Dark Covenant soldiers, arrive to ambush the group. Firebreak consequently uses his Purifier to torch the area surrounding the plane, separating the group. As Ghost and Templar flee the scene to continue their mission, the remaining passengers begin to hold off the Dark Covenant. Ghost and Templar infiltrate the Alaskan facility, and they split up, with Ghost making his way to Stansfield, and Templar seeking a data terminal for the DSM and his daughter. Ghost finds Stansfield, and they exchange words, Stansfield comparing Ghost as his «new» self, claiming Ghost enjoys the thrill of battle. The two consequently fight, and Ghost gouges Stansfields’ eyes out, also snapping his neck, declaring that no more «half-measures» would be used to deal with threats like Stansfield.

As Templar abandons his exfil to help Vagr Modir, Ghost arrives with reinforcements, and as Templar confirms that Stansfield is dead, Ghost asks if he obtained the DSM. Templar confirms, and Ghost pulls a pistol on Templar and Vagr, instantly killing Vagr and briefly incapacitating Templar by shooting him in his helmet. He then pulls the DSM off Templar and hands it to Shepherd, who comments «Good job, kid.» As Shepherd boards the Osprey, Ghost surveys the area behind him, seeing all of the corpses left in the wake of the battle. As he walks back towards the Osprey, he thinks to himself that Templar was right, and that «There’s nothing here but ghosts.»

Some time later, Ghost is shown to be part of Task Force 141 alongside Captain Price, Alex, Charly and Gaz, heading to Lisbon to liberate a group of hostages supposedly held by Nikto. Price asks if Ghost knows Nikto, he confirms that he does as he and Nikto worked together taking apart the Five Knights. Price affirms that he did it after he killed Templar, though Ghost insists that he did what was necessary. Price asks if that’s going to be a problem, which Ghost denies. The group eventually splits, with Charly, Gaz and Alex on one end and Ghost with Price on the other.

Unknown to Ghost, his teammates, especially Charly, begin to distrust Ghost as she knows everyone who trusted him ended up paying for it.

Ghost and Price infiltrate the building’s atrium and neutralize the guards, but find no trace of the hostages, nor Nikto, which they find concerning. Charly’s team have secured the garage but also find nothing. They do, however, find a load of explosives in an elevator, forcing them to get clear. Meanwhile, Ghost and Price head down a lower level, where Ghost is then ambushed by Cipher.

Price attempts to help Ghost but has his gun kicked away. While Ghost duels Cipher, he tells Price to go find Nikto, which Price initially refuses, believing Ghost to have gotten a death wish from Templar. But Ghost is adamant, so Price reluctantly leaves. Cipher declares Ghost will die there, but he doesn’t think so.

Afterwards, when the building explodes, Ghost is shown carrying an unconscious Cipher on his shoulders. Unknown to him, Foxtrot has Ghost in her sights. Ghost realizes that he knows who Cipher is and that he should be dead; Foxtrot is also alarmed at the sight of this.

Ghost accompanies Price and his UAC convoy with Cipher in an ambulance to the hospital, with Foxtrot following close behind. In the meantime, Ghost tells Price about Cipher, he knew him but doesn’t know what he is anymore, making Price wonder if there’re other surprises in store. Upon reaching the hospital, Ghost is concerned about things happening that they can’t see. Gaz tells them about a dozen bombings that have taken place recently, besides the one in Lisbon, and that they are being attributed to the «People’s Covenant». Ghost believes Cipher is the key, and they need him alive, and cooperative.

Just then, suited UAC agents arrive at the hospital to collect Cipher. Although Ghost is skeptical, he is taken surprise by Cipher yet again, who has an orderly at knifepoint. The agents try to secure Cipher, but he fends them off. Ghost enters a standoff with Cipher, asking if he remembers him. Before Cipher can answer, he is struck by Price with a fire extinguisher. Foxtrot, disguised as a nurse, intervenes and injects Cipher with anesthesia, promising to «fix this». As the agents wheel away the unconscious Cipher on a gurney, Ghost insists he be allowed to follow them.

Ghost accompanies TF141 to the Figuig Desert black site in Morocco, with a comatose Cipher in tow. When the group arrives, they are denied escort by the on site agents, but are then greeted by Roach and Farah, who offer to do so. While Price is overjoyed to see Roach again, Ghost has a rather uneasy reunion with Roach.

While en route to the black site, the convoy comes under attack by Phantom as well as Spectre. While Foxtrot arrives to fight Phantom, Spectre swiftly kills all of the agents after ambushing them. Ghost is then ordered to secure a hill, while Roach accompanies Price and Gaz, along with Farah, request for backup and evac.

Ghost ventures alone, and soon encounters Foxtrot fighting Phantom. She kicks him down the hill they were fighting on, and Ghost catches Phantom before confronting Foxtrot. A short while later, he rendezvouses with Price, who is recovering from an attack by Spectre, notifying him of Foxtrot.


Simon Riley Father MW2G

Simon and his father at the Bone Lickers concert.

Simon Riley 2 MW2G

Riley before going on a mission

Ghost Concept Art

Early concept art of Ghost

Ghost close-up MW2

Close up of Ghost

Ghost M4A1 Hornet's nest MW2

Ghost using an M4A1


Ghost wearing a Multicam & gray outfit from the «Loose Ends» exhibit in «Museum»

Ghost Black


MW2 ghost wounds

Ghost before being burned by Shepherd’s men

Ghost Spark

Ghost preparing to torture Rojas’s assistant


Ghost in the Gulag

Kill Confirmed Dog Tags MW3

Operation Kingfish 2013 group crop

Ghost, as seen on Modern Warfare 2′s campaign menu


Simon "Ghost" Riley head personalization choice CoDG

Simon ''Ghost'' Riley MP character holding Lynx CoDG

Another view of Riley in Ghosts, here holding Lynx sniper rifle

Ghost Skills Reveal Announcement CoDH

The announcement revealing Ghost’s killstreaks in Call of Duty: Heroes

Ghost Profile Heroes


Ghost in the Live-Action Fan film: Operation: Kingfish.

Ghost Phantom Head IW

Ghost’s head as a customization option for Phantom.

Ghost Promo MW2CR

Shepherd kills Ghost MW2R

Ghost being shot in the chest by General Shepherd in Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered.

Ghost in Loose Ends contacting Shepherd and Price MW2R

Ghost radioing Shepherd and Price from Makarov’s safe house in in Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered.

CoD Warzone Classic Ghost Bundle

Classic Ghost Skin MW2019

Classic Ghost skin as seen in Modern Warfare and Warzone.

ClassicGhost ConceptArt MW

Call of Duty: Mobile

Ghost Default CODM

Ghost with Default Uniform.

Ghost Stealth CODM

Ghost with Stealth Uniform.

Ghost Plasma CODM

Ghost with Plasma Uniform.

Ghost Cowboy CODM

Ghost with Cowboy Uniform.

Ghost Hazmat CODM

Ghost with Hazmat Uniform.

Ghost Loose Ends CODM

Ghost with Loose Ends Uniform.

Ghost Jawbone CODM

Ghost with Jawbone Uniform. Note: It is considered a outfit for the Classic Ghost and is not the same Ghost of Modern Warfare Reboot.

Ghost Dark Vision CODM

Ghost with Dark Vision Uniform.

Ghost MW2019 Retribution Skin CODM

Ghost with Retribution Uniform.

Ghost Taskforce in-game CODM

Ghost with the Taskforce Uniform in-game.

CODM Ghost

Ghost in the Comics.

CODM Hazmat Ghost

Ghost in the Comics with Hazmat uniform witnessing Makarov’s missile launch.

Price calling Ghost CODM

Price calling Ghost.

Price giving Jawbone uniform for Ghost CODM

Price giving Jawbone uniform for Ghost.

The COD Mobile Group

Ghost along with the members of the «United Anti-Terrorism Coalition».

CODM Skull-Mask Ghost

Ghost in the Comics with Jawbone uniform.

CODM Templar Bossfight ending

Templar shanks Ghost.

CODM Loose End 5

Templar leaves Ghost’s lifeless body.

CODM Loose End 6

Ghost's dog tag

Ghost’s dog-tag found by Price.

Ghost Corpse

Makarov with Ghost’s corpse as a ship belonging to the Ghosts arrive.

Ghost revealing that still alive CODM

Ghost revealing that still alive.

You can't kill a Ghost CODM

«You can’t kill a Ghost»

CODM Ghost using Throwing Knife


Main article: Simon «Ghost» Riley/Trivia


  1. @craigfairbrass — «Just finished first session on CALL OF DUTY the new online game for Asia — GHOST is back!» https://twitter.com/craigfairbrass/status/255771589960929280
  2. http://gyazo.com/71f668ec8a77564ac51fdf0630da167d
  3. https://twitter.com/PlayCODMobile/status/1367172923090493444

v  d  e

Characters of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered

Task Force 141

John «Soap» MacTavish · John Price · Simon «Ghost» Riley · Gary «Roach» Sanderson · Joseph Allen · Nikolai · Merlin · Meat · Royce · Rocket · Chemo · Zach · Robot · Peasant · Worm · Archer · Toad · Ozone · Scarecrow · Rook

Army Rangers

Shepherd · Hunter Two-One (Foley · James Ramirez · Joseph Allen · Dunn · Morgan · Macey · Wade · Sandler)
Marshall · McCord · Arnett · Fahey · Keating · Kuhn · Lockwood · McCoy · Slayback · Sumners · Vaughan · Walden · Wells

Russian Federation

Petrov · Boris Vorshevsky

Inner Circle

Vladimir Makarov · Viktor · Anatoly · Lev · Kiril · Getaway Driver · Joseph Allen
Remastered Only: Yuri

Shadow Company

Shepherd · Disciple · Butcher · Oxide · Vinson · Lambert · Excalibur

Brazilian Militia

Alejandro Rojas · Rojas’ assistant

Afghan National Army


U.S. Government

William Cullen

US Military

Overlord · Punisher · Warlord · Sub Commander
Sierra Delta · Sand Bravo · Zulu X-Ray 6


Sat1 · Raptor · High Value Individual

v  d  e

Characters of Modern Warfare 2: Ghost


Simon Riley · Hawkins

United States Army

Vernon · Kevin Sparks · Marcus Washington · Sykes · Cumberland · Barber

Zaragoza Drug Cartel

Manuel Roba · Gilberto



Task Force 141


v  d  e

Characters of Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish

Task Force 141

Simon «Ghost» Riley · John Price · John «Soap» MacTavish · Gary «Roach» Sanderson · Shepherd · Spectre 6-4

Delta Force

Sandman · Derek «Frost» Westbrook

Inner Circle

Vladimir Makarov

v  d  e

Characters of Call of Duty Online

Task Force 141

Rook · John Price · John «Soap» MacTavish · Simon «Ghost» Riley · Winston Harker · Newcastle · Mac · Tiny Man

Brazilian Militia

Alberto Vasquez · Hector Ortiz


Yuri · Andrea · Santiago «Beast» Hernandez · Black Lily · Spade Q · Wei · John · Hawkeye · Vladimir · Marcus · War · Cowgirl · Medusa · Shadowless · Duke · Naomi «Manta Ray» Mizushima · Biochemical Madman · Defender
Cowboy · Trigger · Sergeant · Lv Bu · Madman · Cortex · Foxtrot

Unreleased Characters

Natasha · Yong

v  d  e

Units in Call of Duty: Heroes


Assault · Juggernaut · Sniper · Special Ops · RPG Trooper · FTL Trooper


Dragonfire · A.G.R. · RD1 · A.S.A.M. · CLAW

Heavy Machine

AST Goliath · Siege Bot · VTOL Warbird · Quad Tank · Hunter Tank · Zombie Drop Pod


Infector Zombie · Sniper Zombie · Tank Zombie


Price · Yuri · Wallcroft · Soap · Harper · Ghost · Ilona · Gideon · Reaper · Outrider · Menendez · ETH.3n


G.I. Unit · Vulture

v  d  e

Characters in Call of Duty: Mobile

Original Characters

Death Angel Alice (Season 4) · Captain Park (Season 4) · Urban Tracker (Season 4) · Anna «Artery» Buckler (Season 6) · Witch Doctor (Season 7) · Hazmat Bomber (Season 7) · Vanguard (Season 7) · Naomi «Manta Ray» Mizushima (Season 8) · Emma Victorova (Season 9) · Tengu (Season 9) · American Bulldog (Season 9) · Scylla (Season 10) · Siren (Season 10) · Hidora Kai (Season 11) · Édouard «Templar» Couteau (Season 12) · Stansfield (Season 13) · Ether (2021 Season 1) · Alias (2021 Season 2) · Rosa (2021 Season 3) · Vagr Modir (2021 Season 3) · Cecilia «Dame» Perrin (2021 Season 4) · Rott (2021 Season 6) · Cassius (2021 Season 6) · Hakan «Demir» Pala (2021 Season 7) · Kryptis (2021 Season 7) · Lazarus (2021 Season 10) · Nyx (2021 Season 10) · Sliver (2021 Season 10) · Sophia Couteau (2021 Season 11) · Yuri (2022 Season 1) · Denise «Foxtrot» McDaniels (2022 Season 2) · Alexander «Cipher» McDaniels (2022 Season 2) · Trevor «Killgore» Dangle (2022 Season 3) · Agent Miller (2022 Season 3) · Kui Ji (2022 Season 3) · Denise «Rampage» Michaels (2022 Season 5) · Strongarm (2022 Season 7) · Kestrel (2022 Season 7) · Sparrowhawk (2022 Season 7) · The Director (2022 Season 8) · Tempest (2022 Season 8) · Samael (2022 Season 8) · Shadowfall (2023 Season 1) · Tiangu (2023 Season 1) · Deadman (2023 Season 2) · The Marshal (2023 Season 2)

Modern Warfare Series

Original: Ghost (Season 1) · Price (Season 1) · Gaz (Season 2) · Soap (Season 4) · Vladimir Makarov (Season 7) · Vasquez (Season 8) · Kamarov (Season 9) · Shepherd (2021 Season 2) · Roach (2021 Season 8)
Reboot: Nikto (Season 6) · Krueger (Season 7) · Golem (Season 8) · Mace (Season 8) · Mara (Season 10) · Otter (Season 10) · UDT Frogman (Season 10) · Raines (Season 10) · Yegor (Season 10) · Grinch (Season 10) · Price (Season 12) · Ghost (Season 12) · Velikan (Season 12) · Gaz (Season 12) · Roze (Season 12) · Charly (Season 12) · Alex (2021 Season 2) · Lerch (2021 Season 2) · Domino (2021 Season 3) · Morte (2021 Season 4) · Ronin (2021 Season 4) · Griggs (2021 Season 7) · Minotaur (2021 Season 7) · Rodion (2021 Season 7) · Farah (2021 Season 8) · Iskra (2021 Season 9) · Alice (2021 Season 10) · D-Day (2021 Season 11) · Azur (2022 Season 1) · Zane (2022 Season 1) · Wyatt (2022 Season 1) · Bale (2022 Season 3) · Syd (2022 Season 4)

Black Ops Series

Battery (Season 1) · Outrider (Season 1) · Prophet (Season 1) · Ruin (Season 1) · Terrance Brooks (Season 1) · Alex Mason (Season 2) · Spectre (Season 2) · Tank Dempsey (Season 2) · Nomad (Season 2) · Lev Kravchenko (Season 2) · Firebreak (Season 3) · Seraph (Season 3) · Tian Zhao (Season 3) · Reaper (Season 5) · David Mason (Season 5) · Zero (Season 5) · Recon (Season 6) · Scarlett Rhodes (Season 6) · Javier Salazar (Season 6) · T.E.D.D. (Season 7) · Battle Hardened (Season 8) · Reznov (Season 9) · Richtofen (Season 9) · Nikolai Belinski (Season 9) · Takeo (Season 9) · Adler (Season 11) · Ajax (Season 11) · Cosmic Silverback (Season 11) · Frank Woods (Season 12) · Helen Park (Season 13) · Raul Menendez (Season 13) · Competitor (2021 Season 3) · High Priest of Chaos (2021 Season 3) · Blackjack (2021 Season 7) · Misty (2021 Season 9) · Torque (2021 Season 11) · Crash (2022 Season 3) · Baker (2022 Season 3) · Portnova (2022 Season 3) · Maxis (2022 Season 4) · Rivas (2022 Season 5) · Naga (2022 Season 5) · Jackal (2022 Season 5) · Wolf (2022 Season 5) · Wraith (2022 Season 6) · Stitch (2022 Season 6) · Stryker (2022 Season 7) · Hunter (2022 Season 7) · Beck (2022 Season 7) · Kitsune (2022 Season 7) · Stone (2022 Season 8) · Bulldozer (2022 Season 10)


Elite PMC (Season 1) · Gabriel T. Rorke (Season 13) · Thomas A. Merrick (2021 Season 1) · Logan Walker (2021 Season 1) · Riley (2021 Season 4) · Alex V. «Ajax» Johnson (2021 Season 5) · Keegan (2021 Season 5)

Advanced Warfare

Sentinel Recon (Season 4) · Gunzo (Season 8) · Bathysphere (Season 9) · Proton (2021 Season 1)

Infinite Warfare

Phantom (Season 3) · FTL (Season 3) · Merc Combat Rig (Season 12) · Ethan (2021 Season 1) · Reyes (2022 Season 6) · Synaptic (2022 Season 11)


Carver Butcher (Season 9) · Vivian Harris (Season 9) · Dark Shepherd (Season 9) · Bailout (Season 9) · Wicht Warden (Season 9)


Arthur Kingsley (2021 Season 7) · Lucas Riggs (2021 Season 9)


John Rambo (2021 Season 3) · John McClane (2021 Season 3) · Ferg (2021 Season 11) · BobbyPlays (2021 Season 11) · HawksNest (2021 Season 11) · Snoop Dogg (2022 Season 3) · Motoko Kusanagi (2022 Season 7) · Togusa (2022 Season 7) · Batou Buttetsu (2022 Season 7) · Paul Pogba (2022 Season 10) · Neymar Jr (2022 Season 10) · Lionel Messi (2022 Season 10)

from the Call of Duty Wiki

Lieutenant Simon «Ghost» Riley was a British character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 graphic novel comic series Modern Warfare 2: Ghost. He is the second in command of Task Force 141 who is known as the «silent killer» in MacTavish’s squad. Ghost is seen wearing red sunglasses and a skull patterned balaclava.


Modern Warfare 2: Ghost[]

The comic miniseries tells of Ghost’s exploits before and up to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 conflict. The first mission depicted in the series has a captured Special Ops soldier wearing a skull-patterned balaclava in a classroom filled with children of a Ukrainian school that has been taken over by terrorists (who threaten to kill one child each hour if their demands are not met). The soldier passes the time by telling a story of his friend, Simon «Ghost» Riley on a mission in Mexico. The SAS loaned «Ghost» to USSOCOM to bust a heroin cartel that has recently begun smuggling terrorists into the U.S. This mission takes place on the Mexican holiday, «Day of the Dead», when Riley and the others wear skull facepaint and skeleton costumes to blend in with the celebrating crowd at the party in which the leader of the Heroin Cartel is throwing. This is presumed at this time to be where he dons his signature skull-patterned balaclava as Riley is shot and assumed dead at the end of Modern Warfare 2: Ghost #1.

During Modern Warfare 2: Ghost #2 it is revealed that Ghost and his team are captured by the Mexican cartel, and during their captivity they endure continuous torture and brainwashing techniques in order to be used as hired guns for various criminal and terrorist groups. Throughout this ordeal the reader sees flashbacks of Riley’s early life, from his childhood and how he had to endure an abusive fiend of a father. To his early years in the SAS and how he, after coming back from his first tour of duty in Afghanistan on January of 2003, takes care of his abused mother and helps clean up his drug-addicted younger brother named Tommy. In March of 2004 he finally puts an end to his father and in June of 2006 Riley is seen as best man at his brother Tommy’s wedding, who is now completely free of drugs. During these flashbacks, many of Riley’s adversaries are seen wearing «ghostly» makeup (presumably a hallucination of Riley) of similar style to that worn by participants in the Day of the Dead celebration. Eventually, the USSOCOM members Sparks and Washington are able to escape, having learned that the Mexican cartel plan to kill them due to the fact they can not break them down, but are forced to leave Riley behind. Moments later, Riley is buried alive with the decaying corpse of Major Pezz.

At the start of Modern Warfare 2: Ghost #3 By using Vernon’s lower jaw bone Riley digs himself up from the grave, which took him thirteen hours, and later found by a Texas sheriff. The story then jumps to December 18th 2010, Riley is being debriefed about his experience to his superiors. Physically Riley is fine, but his superiors fear that his mental state is still in question. Riley has nightmares everytime he sleeps, with Roba haunting and taunting him. While spending Christmas with his family, Riley gets a surprised visit from Sparks. While having a beer together at a local pub, Sparks and Riley rehash old times and their experience during those hellish months in Mexico. Sparks tells Riley that he and Washington are getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan. As they are walking back home Sparks approaches a young woman he previously saw at the pub and tries to sweet talker to bed, the young woman is not impressed. Angrily Sparks knocks the woman out, and orders Riley to help him get her inside her house so that they can rape her. Riley secretly calls the police, and they arrive just before any harm could be done to the woman, forcing Riley and Sparks to retreat. Once they both arrive at Spark’ hotel room, Riley suspects that Sparks is up to something and when he finally pieces together the clues Sparks points a gun at Riley’s head. Riley immediately disarms Sparks, and interrogates him. Sparks reveals that he and Washington have been working for Roba, showing that they had been successfully brainwashed, but before Riley could get any more information Washington arrives from a task and attempts to gun down Riley. Riley escapes by jumping through Sparks’ hotel window, slightly injuring his leg, and steals a cab to make his get away. Remembering what Roba said about his family, Riley speeds towards his family’s home and witnesses a shocking display. His mother, brother Tom, Tom’s wife Beth, and his nephew Joseph have all been executed, no doubt by Washington himself. In the end Riley claims that he will kill them all; Sparks, Washington, Roba and his entire organization. Character played by: Daniel Angel Fuentes

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2[]

Lt. Simon «Ghost» Riley is first seen in Takedown talking to Captain MacTavish via radio while they search for Rojas’s assistant. After Soap and Roach begin pursuing the assistant, Ghost meets up with them at the Hotel Rio and joins the chase. Once the assistant is taken down by Roach, he is seen with MacTavish preparing to interrogate him. Ghost is then heard via radio for the rest of the mission as he attempts to pursue Rojas through the Favela. After the capture of Rojas, Ghost is heard requesting extraction from Command but to no avail.

Ghost appears in the mission The Hornet’s Nest where Task Force 141 attempts to escape Rio de Janiero while being pursued by the Brazilian Militia. He manages to escape with Captain MacTavish and Roach aboard Nikolai’s helicopter. He then takes part in the infiltration of the Russian oil rig, which is being used as a makeshift SAM (Surface-to-Air-Missile) site in The Only Easy Day…Was Yesterday. After clearing the oil rig, Ghost takes part in the operation to rescue John Price from The Gulag. He takes control of the gulag’s security systems and guides Soap and Roach to the prisoner.

Ghost does not reappear until Contingency where he helps Captain Price infiltrate a Russian submarine base along with other Task Force 141 members. However, he is shocked after Price launches an ICBM at Washington DC where the Russian-American war rages on. Ghost’s final appearance is in Loose Ends where he leads a strike-team to search for Vladimir Makarov at his safehouse on the Georgian-Russian border. However, Makarov is nowhere to be seen but the safehouse is rich with intel. Ghost along with Roach, Ozone and Scarecrow with sniper support from Archer and Toad, protect the DSM while it downloads information regarding Makarov’s operations. As the team head to the LZ set up by Shepherd, Ozone and Scarecrow are killed by enemy mortars and Roach is injured. Ghost manages to get Roach to the LZ but Roach is betrayed by Shepherd who shoots Ghost, before he could level his ACR, in the chest at point-blank range with a .44 Magnum. Ghost is last seen being thrown into a ditch along with Roach. Although the player only sees Roach being covered in gasoline and set on fire, Ghost is undoubtedly lit on fire along with him (the soldiers would not have left unless they were sure they both were dead).


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Task Force 141 (Technical Specialist and Assistant Field Commander)

  • Rio De Janeiro, Brazil — Caught Rojas, Tortured Rojas and Rojas’ right-hand man and escaped on Nikolai’s PaveLow helicopter.
  • Vikorevkha 36 Oil Platform — Secured hostages and the oil rig. Phase one of Prisoner Extraction operation.
  • Petropavslok, Russia — Assisted Task Force 141 in the rescue of Prisoner #627. Phase two of Prisoner Extraction operation.
  • 140 Miles East of Petropavslok, Russia — Raided a submarine base with Captain Price and Roach.
  • Georgian-Russian Border — Secured a DSM on Makarov’s intel. Betrayed along with Roach and killed by General Shepherd.


  • Ghost gets his headgear from one of his first missions in the S.A.S., where he must kill a rogue drug dealer, known as Roba, however most of his team are killed, as he shoots his way out of trouble, but is nearly killed by Roba himself.
  • Craig Fairbrass (who voiced Gaz in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare) provides the voice of Ghost.
  • Like Gaz, the two have had great time in the running course, Gaz having 19 seconds and Ghost having 18 seconds.
  • Ghost is somehow able to use a SCUBA mask during the oil rig mission, despite wearing a mask and having no mouth hole cut out for the breathing apparatus.
  • Ghost’s ever rising popularity has even prompted people to make their own balaclavas based off of Ghost’s.
  • In military terms, a «ghost» is someone who is undetectable and is nearly impossible to follow.
  • On the side of Ghost’s ‘s Avatar clothing’s headphones, it says «11/10/09»; a reference to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s release date, which was November 10th, 2009.
  • Ghost’s face is never actually seen in the campaign.
  • There is an achievement/trophy named «Ghost», though it actually has nothing to do with the character himself.
  • Ghost is the multiplayer announcer for Task Force 141, and is the announcer for most (but not all, such as «Time Trial») Special Ops missions.
  • On Infinity Ward’s website Ghost was voted favorite (new) character in: Modern Warfare 2.
  • His outfit can be bought and worn by Xbox Live Avatars for 400 Microsoft points.
  • In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized, almost all of the SAS dress like Ghost, but without the skull design on the balaclava.
  • Ghost is the only member of Task Force 141 (apart from Price) who refers to Captain MacTavish as «Soap».
  • Due to his past career in the S.A.S. and his calling of MacTavish by his old nickname, he may have worked alongside Soap before joining Task Force 141, and maybe even Price.
  • Ghost wears many different balaclavas, all with different colors, but they maintain the same exact skull pattern.
  • One of Ghost’s melee takedowns is exactly as the one in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare when Roycewicz is taken down and killed by an OpFor soldier in «The Bog».
  • An article on IGN has revealed that Infinity Ward is discussing a spin-off game for Ghost; possibly a prequel for him. It has been highly speculated that Ghost’s rumored game will be featured as Downloadable Content, and that it will take place in the events of his comic series Modern Warfare 2: Ghost.
  • It is strange how voice actor Craig Fairbrass referred to him as being «like the head of the whole S.A.S.» in his interview at the London Premiere of : Modern Warfare 2, while both Captain MacTavish and Captain Price outrank him.
  • The player can overhear two Rangers talking about how Ghost completed the training course in 18.28 seconds with only an M1911, far faster than any of the Rangers.
  • On a more ironic note, though Ghost is known as the «silent killer,» he is very vocal throughout the missions he appears in, to the point to be told to «cut the chatter» in The Gulag.
  • It’s odd how Ghost is always referred as a Sergeant in several places (including the first comic book information on DC Comics site), even though he is said to be a Lieutenant in the first comic book.
  • In an Interview with IGN Robert Bowling was asked if there is a possibility that Ghost is still alive and he stated «Ghost… isn’t exactly dead… but you’ll see what I mean soon.» This means that in the game for Ghost that it might take place after «Loose Ends» or explain what happened to him after the end of «Loose Ends». This could be true because if you watch when the man pours gasoline on them, it only goes on Roach and not Ghost. Or it could be figurative language as it might mean there will be a game with Ghost taking place before his death. But it’s not known if Ghost is really dead yet or not. Alternatively it could mean that Ghost-as a character is dead, but as part of the Call of Duty franchise he will live on; this is more likely, given X-Box magazine’s alleged confirmation of his own game and the fact he has a six part comic series.
  • According to X-Box magazine, Ghost will be getting his own DLC.
  • If you watch the video below you can see two separate fires, one on yourself (Roach) and the other on Ghost (Or where his body should be lieing from your viewpoint)
  • In some levels, Ghost’s M4A1 can be seen with a foregrip. However, if the player watches Ghost firing the weapon, he uses the standard offhand stance, without using the grip.
  • Ghost has brown/hazel eyes in the comic, but blue eyes in the actual game.
  • It might be said Ghost is a computer hacker, as in The Gulag, he hacks the system to help Soap and Roach find Captain Price, Just like Gaz did.
  • In the reveal trailer for : Modern Warfare 2, one of the scenes in which Soap prepares to interrogate and torture Rojas’ assistant, there is someone else holding and sparking the jumper cables. In the game, Ghost would be performing those actions with the jumper cables. This may be the true face of Ghost, but it is most likely just a placeholder character model. However, this isn’t too special, as we’ve already seen Ghost’s face in the comic. That is, assuming that Ghost truly is Simon Riley.
  • On the level «The Only Easy Day was Yesterday», you can see a knife strapped to Ghost’s suit with the word «Titanium» written on it.
  • Ghost may be an homage to Gaz from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare’, as both characters are the right hand of the Squad Leader (Cpt. Price and Soap), both of them got killed by the main antagonists (Zakhaev and Shepherd), both were shot with a high-caliber sidearm, both are more vocal throughout the game compared to the other soldiers in their squad, and both of them were voiced by Craig Fairbass.
  • Neither Captain MacTavish or Captain Price notice any shared characteristics Ghost has to Gaz as both Captain MacTavish and Captain Price has served alongside Gaz.
  • Ghost always has his glasses on, even underwater or in dark places.

from the Call of Duty Wiki

Lieutenant Simon «Ghost» Riley was a British character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 graphic novel comic series Modern Warfare 2: Ghost. He is the second in command of Task Force 141 who is known as the «silent killer» in MacTavish’s squad. Ghost is seen wearing red sunglasses and a skull patterned balaclava.


Modern Warfare 2: Ghost[]

The comic miniseries tells of Ghost’s exploits before and up to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 conflict. The first mission depicted in the series has a captured Special Ops soldier wearing a skull-patterned balaclava in a classroom filled with children of a Ukrainian school that has been taken over by terrorists (who threaten to kill one child each hour if their demands are not met). The soldier passes the time by telling a story of his friend, Simon «Ghost» Riley on a mission in Mexico. The SAS loaned «Ghost» to USSOCOM to bust a heroin cartel that has recently begun smuggling terrorists into the U.S. This mission takes place on the Mexican holiday, «Day of the Dead», when Riley and the others wear skull facepaint and skeleton costumes to blend in with the celebrating crowd at the party in which the leader of the Heroin Cartel is throwing. This is presumed at this time to be where he dons his signature skull-patterned balaclava as Riley is shot and assumed dead at the end of Modern Warfare 2: Ghost #1.

During Modern Warfare 2: Ghost #2 it is revealed that Ghost and his team are captured by the Mexican cartel, and during their captivity they endure continuous torture and brainwashing techniques in order to be used as hired guns for various criminal and terrorist groups. Throughout this ordeal the reader sees flashbacks of Riley’s early life, from his childhood and how he had to endure an abusive fiend of a father. To his early years in the SAS and how he, after coming back from his first tour of duty in Afghanistan on January of 2003, takes care of his abused mother and helps clean up his drug-addicted younger brother named Tommy. In March of 2004 he finally puts an end to his father and in June of 2006 Riley is seen as best man at his brother Tommy’s wedding, who is now completely free of drugs. During these flashbacks, many of Riley’s adversaries are seen wearing «ghostly» makeup (presumably a hallucination of Riley) of similar style to that worn by participants in the Day of the Dead celebration. Eventually, the USSOCOM members Sparks and Washington are able to escape, having learned that the Mexican cartel plan to kill them due to the fact they can not break them down, but are forced to leave Riley behind. Moments later, Riley is buried alive with the decaying corpse of Major Pezz.

At the start of Modern Warfare 2: Ghost #3 By using Vernon’s lower jaw bone Riley digs himself up from the grave, which took him thirteen hours, and later found by a Texas sheriff. The story then jumps to December 18th 2010, Riley is being debriefed about his experience to his superiors. Physically Riley is fine, but his superiors fear that his mental state is still in question. Riley has nightmares everytime he sleeps, with Roba haunting and taunting him. While spending Christmas with his family, Riley gets a surprised visit from Sparks. While having a beer together at a local pub, Sparks and Riley rehash old times and their experience during those hellish months in Mexico. Sparks tells Riley that he and Washington are getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan. As they are walking back home Sparks approaches a young woman he previously saw at the pub and tries to sweet talker to bed, the young woman is not impressed. Angrily Sparks knocks the woman out, and orders Riley to help him get her inside her house so that they can rape her. Riley secretly calls the police, and they arrive just before any harm could be done to the woman, forcing Riley and Sparks to retreat. Once they both arrive at Spark’ hotel room, Riley suspects that Sparks is up to something and when he finally pieces together the clues Sparks points a gun at Riley’s head. Riley immediately disarms Sparks, and interrogates him. Sparks reveals that he and Washington have been working for Roba, showing that they had been successfully brainwashed, but before Riley could get any more information Washington arrives from a task and attempts to gun down Riley. Riley escapes by jumping through Sparks’ hotel window, slightly injuring his leg, and steals a cab to make his get away. Remembering what Roba said about his family, Riley speeds towards his family’s home and witnesses a shocking display. His mother, brother Tom, Tom’s wife Beth, and his nephew Joseph have all been executed, no doubt by Washington himself. In the end Riley claims that he will kill them all; Sparks, Washington, Roba and his entire organization. Character played by: Daniel Angel Fuentes

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2[]

Lt. Simon «Ghost» Riley is first seen in Takedown talking to Captain MacTavish via radio while they search for Rojas’s assistant. After Soap and Roach begin pursuing the assistant, Ghost meets up with them at the Hotel Rio and joins the chase. Once the assistant is taken down by Roach, he is seen with MacTavish preparing to interrogate him. Ghost is then heard via radio for the rest of the mission as he attempts to pursue Rojas through the Favela. After the capture of Rojas, Ghost is heard requesting extraction from Command but to no avail.

Ghost appears in the mission The Hornet’s Nest where Task Force 141 attempts to escape Rio de Janiero while being pursued by the Brazilian Militia. He manages to escape with Captain MacTavish and Roach aboard Nikolai’s helicopter. He then takes part in the infiltration of the Russian oil rig, which is being used as a makeshift SAM (Surface-to-Air-Missile) site in The Only Easy Day…Was Yesterday. After clearing the oil rig, Ghost takes part in the operation to rescue John Price from The Gulag. He takes control of the gulag’s security systems and guides Soap and Roach to the prisoner.

Ghost does not reappear until Contingency where he helps Captain Price infiltrate a Russian submarine base along with other Task Force 141 members. However, he is shocked after Price launches an ICBM at Washington DC where the Russian-American war rages on. Ghost’s final appearance is in Loose Ends where he leads a strike-team to search for Vladimir Makarov at his safehouse on the Georgian-Russian border. However, Makarov is nowhere to be seen but the safehouse is rich with intel. Ghost along with Roach, Ozone and Scarecrow with sniper support from Archer and Toad, protect the DSM while it downloads information regarding Makarov’s operations. As the team head to the LZ set up by Shepherd, Ozone and Scarecrow are killed by enemy mortars and Roach is injured. Ghost manages to get Roach to the LZ but Roach is betrayed by Shepherd who shoots Ghost, before he could level his ACR, in the chest at point-blank range with a .44 Magnum. Ghost is last seen being thrown into a ditch along with Roach. Although the player only sees Roach being covered in gasoline and set on fire, Ghost is undoubtedly lit on fire along with him (the soldiers would not have left unless they were sure they both were dead).


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Task Force 141 (Technical Specialist and Assistant Field Commander)

  • Rio De Janeiro, Brazil — Caught Rojas, Tortured Rojas and Rojas’ right-hand man and escaped on Nikolai’s PaveLow helicopter.
  • Vikorevkha 36 Oil Platform — Secured hostages and the oil rig. Phase one of Prisoner Extraction operation.
  • Petropavslok, Russia — Assisted Task Force 141 in the rescue of Prisoner #627. Phase two of Prisoner Extraction operation.
  • 140 Miles East of Petropavslok, Russia — Raided a submarine base with Captain Price and Roach.
  • Georgian-Russian Border — Secured a DSM on Makarov’s intel. Betrayed along with Roach and killed by General Shepherd.


  • Ghost gets his headgear from one of his first missions in the S.A.S., where he must kill a rogue drug dealer, known as Roba, however most of his team are killed, as he shoots his way out of trouble, but is nearly killed by Roba himself.
  • Craig Fairbrass (who voiced Gaz in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare) provides the voice of Ghost.
  • Like Gaz, the two have had great time in the running course, Gaz having 19 seconds and Ghost having 18 seconds.
  • Ghost is somehow able to use a SCUBA mask during the oil rig mission, despite wearing a mask and having no mouth hole cut out for the breathing apparatus.
  • Ghost’s ever rising popularity has even prompted people to make their own balaclavas based off of Ghost’s.
  • In military terms, a «ghost» is someone who is undetectable and is nearly impossible to follow.
  • On the side of Ghost’s ‘s Avatar clothing’s headphones, it says «11/10/09»; a reference to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s release date, which was November 10th, 2009.
  • Ghost’s face is never actually seen in the campaign.
  • There is an achievement/trophy named «Ghost», though it actually has nothing to do with the character himself.
  • Ghost is the multiplayer announcer for Task Force 141, and is the announcer for most (but not all, such as «Time Trial») Special Ops missions.
  • On Infinity Ward’s website Ghost was voted favorite (new) character in: Modern Warfare 2.
  • His outfit can be bought and worn by Xbox Live Avatars for 400 Microsoft points.
  • In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized, almost all of the SAS dress like Ghost, but without the skull design on the balaclava.
  • Ghost is the only member of Task Force 141 (apart from Price) who refers to Captain MacTavish as «Soap».
  • Due to his past career in the S.A.S. and his calling of MacTavish by his old nickname, he may have worked alongside Soap before joining Task Force 141, and maybe even Price.
  • Ghost wears many different balaclavas, all with different colors, but they maintain the same exact skull pattern.
  • One of Ghost’s melee takedowns is exactly as the one in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare when Roycewicz is taken down and killed by an OpFor soldier in «The Bog».
  • An article on IGN has revealed that Infinity Ward is discussing a spin-off game for Ghost; possibly a prequel for him. It has been highly speculated that Ghost’s rumored game will be featured as Downloadable Content, and that it will take place in the events of his comic series Modern Warfare 2: Ghost.
  • It is strange how voice actor Craig Fairbrass referred to him as being «like the head of the whole S.A.S.» in his interview at the London Premiere of : Modern Warfare 2, while both Captain MacTavish and Captain Price outrank him.
  • The player can overhear two Rangers talking about how Ghost completed the training course in 18.28 seconds with only an M1911, far faster than any of the Rangers.
  • On a more ironic note, though Ghost is known as the «silent killer,» he is very vocal throughout the missions he appears in, to the point to be told to «cut the chatter» in The Gulag.
  • It’s odd how Ghost is always referred as a Sergeant in several places (including the first comic book information on DC Comics site), even though he is said to be a Lieutenant in the first comic book.
  • In an Interview with IGN Robert Bowling was asked if there is a possibility that Ghost is still alive and he stated «Ghost… isn’t exactly dead… but you’ll see what I mean soon.» This means that in the game for Ghost that it might take place after «Loose Ends» or explain what happened to him after the end of «Loose Ends». This could be true because if you watch when the man pours gasoline on them, it only goes on Roach and not Ghost. Or it could be figurative language as it might mean there will be a game with Ghost taking place before his death. But it’s not known if Ghost is really dead yet or not. Alternatively it could mean that Ghost-as a character is dead, but as part of the Call of Duty franchise he will live on; this is more likely, given X-Box magazine’s alleged confirmation of his own game and the fact he has a six part comic series.
  • According to X-Box magazine, Ghost will be getting his own DLC.
  • If you watch the video below you can see two separate fires, one on yourself (Roach) and the other on Ghost (Or where his body should be lieing from your viewpoint)
  • In some levels, Ghost’s M4A1 can be seen with a foregrip. However, if the player watches Ghost firing the weapon, he uses the standard offhand stance, without using the grip.
  • Ghost has brown/hazel eyes in the comic, but blue eyes in the actual game.
  • It might be said Ghost is a computer hacker, as in The Gulag, he hacks the system to help Soap and Roach find Captain Price, Just like Gaz did.
  • In the reveal trailer for : Modern Warfare 2, one of the scenes in which Soap prepares to interrogate and torture Rojas’ assistant, there is someone else holding and sparking the jumper cables. In the game, Ghost would be performing those actions with the jumper cables. This may be the true face of Ghost, but it is most likely just a placeholder character model. However, this isn’t too special, as we’ve already seen Ghost’s face in the comic. That is, assuming that Ghost truly is Simon Riley.
  • On the level «The Only Easy Day was Yesterday», you can see a knife strapped to Ghost’s suit with the word «Titanium» written on it.
  • Ghost may be an homage to Gaz from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare’, as both characters are the right hand of the Squad Leader (Cpt. Price and Soap), both of them got killed by the main antagonists (Zakhaev and Shepherd), both were shot with a high-caliber sidearm, both are more vocal throughout the game compared to the other soldiers in their squad, and both of them were voiced by Craig Fairbass.
  • Neither Captain MacTavish or Captain Price notice any shared characteristics Ghost has to Gaz as both Captain MacTavish and Captain Price has served alongside Gaz.
  • Ghost always has his glasses on, even underwater or in dark places.

Прозвище Гоуст
Появляется в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2″>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Звание Лейтенант
Подразделение(я) 22-й полк SAS
Оперативно-тактическая Группа 141
Место рождения Великобритания
Смерть День 6, 2016
Оружие MP5K
Glock 18


Родился в Великобритании. В середине 2000-х был принят в SAS, где провёл ряд успешных операции и был повышен в звании до лейтенанта. В октябре 2016 попадает в новое спецподразделение НАТО — Оперативно-тактическую группу 141. После теракта в аэропорту им. Захаева в Москве, ОТГ-141 отправляется в Бразилию, где ловит Алехандро Рохаса — вероятного заказчика теракта. Гоуст лично пытал помощника Рохаса, а потом участвовал в поимке и допросе самого Рохаса. После этого командование ОТГ-141 отправляет их в Россию, где они должны спасти из плена заключённого 627 (которым оказался капитан Прайс). Однако на пути находились нефтяные вышки, служившие огневыми точками и мешавшими авиации. Гоуст в составе группы МакТавиша проникает на вышку и участвует в её зачистке. Сразу же после этого они садятся на вертолёты и направляются в колонию, где держали Прайса. Во время штурма крепости Гоуст управляет захваченным пультом управления охраны, чем помогает остальным добраться до Прайса.

24 октября он под командованием капитана Прайса десантируется недалеко от Петропавловска и позже участвует в прорыве к русской подводной лодке, а потом прикрывает Прайса, пока тот запускал ядерную ракету.

На следующий день, бойцы ОТГ-141 разделяются и направляются в два разных убежища Макарова. Гоуст и Роуч вместе со своей группой отправляются в южную Россию, где штурмуют штаб-квартиру Диверсонно-террористической группы, но Макарова не находят. До прибытия подкрепления они держат оборону и в конце концов в живых остаются только он и Роуч. Однако прибывший генерал Шепард убивает обоих и забирает главную улику-записывающее устройство Макарова, которую бойцы нашли в его доме. Тело Саймона было сожжено солдатами Теневой кампании.

Интересные факты

  • В сети был мем, что Гоуст умудрился выжить, потому как получил болевой шок, но верится с трудом и это равносильно тому, что Гас с пулей 50-го калибра в спине и голове появится в Modern Warfare 3Modern Warfare 3 (такой страницы не существует)»>Modern Warfare 3.
  • В миссии «Д. Д. Б. Т.» рейнджеры разговаривают о «парне, с лыжной маской в виде черепа» который прошёл полосу препятствии за 19 секунд. Вероятнее всего, это Гоуст.
  • Гоуст и Гас во многом схожи — их обоих озвучивал Крэйг Фэйрбрасс, они оба являются помощниками капитана группы, оба были убиты на шестой день (в своих частях) и оба служили в SAS»>SAS.
  • Гоуст и МакТавиш — друзья. Вероятнее всего они познакомились в SAS.
  • Гоуст прошел полосу препятствий (Д.Д.Б.Т) за 19 секунд, Странно то что Гас прошел полосу тоже за 19 секунд (новобранец)

Смерть Гоуста



Aliases Ghost
Rank Lieutenant
Affiliations 22nd SAS Regiment
Task Force 141
Hotel Team
Shadow Company (Reboot Timeline)
Nationality British 🇬🇧
Status K.I.A
Killed By General Shepherd with a .44 Magnum and/or by incineration
Death August 15th, 2016
Georgian-Russian Border, Caucasus Mountains
Gender Male
Height 6’2 (1.89 m)
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Race Caucasian
Weapons ACR, AT4, G18, M4A1, M9, MK46, M1911 .45, Thumper, Intervention, MP5K, MP5, Browning HP, Desert Eagle, Micro Uzi, SCAR-L
Equipment Knife, Throwing Knife, Gernades
Timeline Modern Warefare 2 (Original)
Birth (Unknown Date) Manchester, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇬🇧



Simon Riley had a very traumatic childhood while growing up in Manchester, England because of his heartless father. His father often brought dangerous animals back to their home and taunted him with them, even going so far as to force Simon to kiss a snake. When he and his younger brother Tommy grew older, Tommy would always wear a skull-mask at night to scare Simon. Simon’s father would sometimes take him to the Bone Lickers concerts. At one concert, his father made him laugh at the death of a prostitute who had overdosed on drugs.

Joining The Military

Simon used to be an apprentice butcher at a grocery store, but joined the military after the September 11 attacks occurred, he eventually was accepted into the Special Air Service.

Return From The Military

Returning home on leave in January 2003, Simon found his mother and brother had hit rock bottom. His brother, Tommy, was addicted to drugs and had been stealing from their mother to support his habit. Simon chose to not return to the military until he had straightened things out for his family. He worked to help Tommy overcome his drug addiction and, in March 2004, beat his father and threw him out of the house for all the abuse he had inflicted on Riley and his mother. By June 2006, Tommy had been clean for some time and married a woman named Beth. Riley served as the best man at Tommy’s wedding. Beth also gave birth to a young boy named Joseph who would become Riley’s nephew.

Going After Manuel Roba

Simon was pulled from shipping out for an operation in Iran and was attached to an American team tasked with taking down the Zaragoza Drug Cartel headed by Manuel Roba. When he and his team made their move on the Day of the Dead, the team’s commanding officer, Major Vernon, betrayed them to the enemy. Riley and his teammates were brought to a brainwashing facility and tortured for months. Despite the torture, Vernon was Unable to fully break Riley. Roba had Vernon killed for his failure and later buried Riley alive in Vernon’s casket, leaving him to die. Using the jawbone from Vernon’s rotted corpse, Riley was able to break through the casket, claw his way to freedom, and somehow make it back across the border to Texas.

Simon “Ghost” Riley-[CB] Biography

[CB] Pre-Military 

[C] Simon Riley had a very traumatic childhood while growing up in Ma

Simon Riley after killing Roba.

Task Force 141: Ukraine 🇺🇦

At one point, he was sent to deal with terrorists who had taken hostages at a grade school in Ukraine. He deliberately let himself be caught and told the terrorists and the children about his past before the rest of his team arrived to free him and the children. One girl asked him if the story of Simon «Ghost» Riley was true and if Riley was Ghost. He responded saying «true enough to that lot».

Operation Kingfish :crown: :tropical_fish:

On October 8, 2013, a joint Task Force 141/Delta Force operation codenamed Operation Kingfish was launched. Ghost worked alongside John Price, John «Soap» MacTavish, Gary «Roach» Sanderson, Sandman and Derek «Frost» Westbrook as they hunted down Vladimir Makarov. They assaulted the main compound and were able to recover some intel, but got ambushed by a bomb, forcing the team to evacuate. During the evac, Soap was wounded by an RPG and was partially knocked out. An AC-130 tried to defend the team as they sprinted toward their evac point, but was shot down, leaving the team completely vulnerable. Price selflessly stayed behind to facilitate the team’s escape and was wounded and captured.

Timeskip: “Loose Ends”/August 2016 Incident

Using resources from his blank check, Shepherd deduced the last two safe havens for Makarov and his men at a safehouse on the Georgian-Russian Border and an airplane boneyard in Afghanistan. Knowing they have to be at two different places at once, Ghost nominates himself and Roach, along with a bulk of Task Force 141, to take the safehouse, while Soap and Price investigate the boneyard. After raiding the safehouse however, Makarov was nowhere to be found, though the safehouse was loaded («A bloody gold mine» as Ghost said) with intel. Ghost, along with Roach, Ozone and Scarecrow, with sniper support from Archer and Toad, protected a DSM from Makarov’s men while it downloaded sensitive information regarding Makarov’s operations. After finishing the download, the team headed to the LZ that was set up by Shepherd, though Ozone and Scarecrow were both gunned down by enemy mortars, and Roach was injured. Ghost managed to get Roach to the LZ, but both were ultimately betrayed by Shepherd, who fatally shot the two in the chest at point-blank range with a .44 Magnum, just before Ghost could use his ACR. After Shepherd retrieved the DSM from Roach, Ghost’s body was thrown into a ditch and set on fire along with Roach’s.

Simon “Ghost” Riley-[CB] Biography

[CB] Pre-Military 

[C] Simon Riley had a very traumatic childhood while growing up in Ma

Ghost being shot by General Shepard

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