Как пишется салат оливье на английском

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Перевод «салат оливье» на английский

Русским салатом испанцы называют салат оливье.

Например, один мой знакомый очень любит салат оливье.

почему салат оливье называют оливье

Также пробовала делать салат оливье.

Самый большой салат оливье — весом 1841 килограмм — был приготовлен в Оренбурге в декабре 2012 года.

The biggest Olivier salad, weighing 1841 kg, was prepared in December 2012 in Orenburg.

В настоящий момент его изучают до 20 человек», — объяснил он и добавил, что на изучение также «вдохновляют русские женщины и салат оливье».

Up to 20 people are learning it now, he explained adding that they are inspired by Russian women and Olivier salad.

С одной стороны вы правы: салат оливье на столе, мандаринки в корзинке и «Ирония Судьбы, или с Легким Паром» по телевизору.

On the one hand you are right: Olivier salad on the table, like tangerines in a basket and «Irony of Fate or with Light Steam» on TV.

«Конечно, я хочу пойти в русский магазин, купить салат оливье, купить торт «Наполеон», — сказала однажды Милла российским СМИ.

«Of course, I want to go to a Russian shop, buy an Olivier salad, buy a Napoleon cake,» Milla said once told the Russian media.

Почему салат оливье так называется?

Одним из самых важных блюд на столе до сих пор считается всем известный салат Оливье.

One of the most important dishes on the table is still considered the well-known Olivier salad.

Этот салат стали называть «Салат Оливье».

Салат Оливье — это обязательный герой новогоднего русского стола.

Olivier salad is a mandatory preparation on Russian New Year Table.

Бутерброды с икрой — такой же символ Нового года в России, как шампанское, мандарины и салат Оливье.

Sandwiches with caviar — a symbol of New year in Russia as champagne, tangerines and Olivier salad.

Типичными новогодними блюдами являются салат Оливье, сельдь под шубой и множество других разных салатов, которые сделаны в таких объемах, что их можно с удовольствием съесть через пару дней после новогоднего застолья.

The typical New Year’s dishes for Russians are Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat, and many other different salads, which are made in such volumes that you can happily eat them a couple of days after the New Year’s feast.

Мир: Салат Оливье: история и секреты приготовления

Случались и казусы: однажды, не согласовав меню для чаепития, все принесли салат оливье — получился конкурс на лучший салат.

There are some amazing things: once, not having agreed beforehand about the menu for refreshments, everyone brought olive salad — there was a competition for the best salad.

Такие элементы как салат оливье и бутылка шампанского уже стали традиционной, неотъемлемой частью праздника, ну а дальше все зависит только от фантазии.

Items such as salad and a bottle Champagne has become traditional, integral part of the holiday, well, then everything depends only on the imagination.

Такие исконно, на наш взгляд, российские продукты, как холодец, селедка, сало, блины, салат оливье — всё это распространенные блюда французской или итальянской кухни, просто имеют другие названия.

These age-old, in our opinion, the Russian products, such as jelly, herring, bacon, pancakes, salad — all common dishes of French or Italian cuisine, just have different names.

Русские убеждены, что салат оливье — французский, а вот французы называют его «Русский салат».

Russians call this same dish Olivier Salad, and Germans call it Italian salad.

Она учит его русскому языку, и благодаря ей он полюбил борщ, салат оливье и другие блюда русской и украинской кухни.

Thanks to her, he now loves the borsch, Russian salad and other Russian and Ukrainian cuisine.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 25. Точных совпадений: 25. Затраченное время: 75 мс


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Пишем рецепты русской кухни на английском языке.
Сегодня в нашем меню классический рецепт Салат «Оливье»
Кому интересно, в конце этой статьи, я разместила историю салата Оливье на английском языке.

Сlassic Olivier salad

Классический салат Оливье

Today we are making extremely common and favorite salad in Russia – Oliver Salad.
It’s easy to prepare.
Сегодня готовим очень распространенный и любимый многими салат в России — Салат Оливье.
Готовится очень легко.

The classic recipe contains the following ingredients:
Классический рецепт содержит следующие ингредиенты:

• Cooked sausage – 150-200 gr;
• Carrots – 1 ;
• Spring onions — 100 gr;
• Potatoes – 1;
• Pickled cucumbers – 3-4 ;
• Canned peas – 0.5;
• Eggs – 3 ;
• Mayonnaise — two table spoons,
• Salt – to taste.
• Вареная колбаса — 150-200 гр;
• Морковь — 1;
• Зеленый лук — 100 гр;
• Картофель — 1;
• Соленые огурцы — 3-4;
• Зеленый горошек — 0,5;
• Яйца — 3;
• Майонез — две столовые ложки,
• Соль по вкусу.

Для простоты и удобства все предложения рецепта я написала кратко на русском и английском.
Чем проще, тем лучше.

Method Способ приготовления
1. Boil the carrots, potatoes and the eggs.
Let them cool down and then peel them.
1. Отвариваем морковь, картофель и яйца.
Даем им остыть, а затем очищаем.
2. Now, slice all ingredients into small cubes.
Focus on the size of the green pea.
2. Теперь, порежьте все ингредиенты мелким кубиком.
Ориентируйтесь на размер зеленого горошка.
3. Place all sliced ingredients into a bowl, mix them well.
Season with salt to taste.
3. Помещаем все нарезанные ингредиенты в миску, хорошо перемешайте.
Соль по вкусу.
4. Add mayo to the salad exactly before the serving.
Garnish with dill.
Майонез добавляем перед подачей на стол.
Украшаем укропом.
Приятного аппетита!

А как называется такой же салат, но с курицей или говядиной?

Почему-то многие его так же называют Оливье.
Это не так.

Салат с мясом курицы называется — «Столичный».
Салат с мясом говядины — «Московский».

От себя скажу:
Все пропорции индивидуальны, т.к. всё берется по личному вкусу. Например, я не люблю в салате много картошки, поэтому, беру её чуть-чуть.

Соленые огурцы можно заменить свежими, получите другой вкус, тоже очень вкусно. Пробуйте.
А так же, посмотрите другие мои рецепты на английском языке: пирожки, пельмени, салат с морковкой и чесноком, щи, курица на соли и т.д.

История салата Оливье на английском языке

The original version of the salad was invented in the 1860s by a cook of Belgian origin,Lucien Olivier, the chef of the Hermitage, one of Moscow’s most celebrated restaurants. Olivier’s salad quickly became immensely popular with Hermitage regulars, and became the restaurant’s signature dish.

The exact recipe — particularly that of the dressing — was a jealously guarded secret, but it is known that the salad contained grouse, veal tongue, caviar, lettuce, crayfish tails, capers, and smoked duck, although it is possible that the recipe was varied seasonally. The original Olivier dressing was a type of mayonnaise, made with French wine vinegar, mustard, and Provençal olive oil; its exact recipe, however, remains unknown.

At the turn of the 20th century, one of Olivier’s sous-chefs, Ivan Ivanov, attempted to steal the recipe. While preparing the dressing one evening in solitude, as was his custom, Olivier was suddenly called away on some emergency. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Ivanov sneaked into Olivier’s private kitchen and observed his mise en place, which allowed him to make reasonable assumptions about the recipe of Olivier’s famed dressing. Ivanov then left Olivier’s employ and went to work as a chef for Moskva, a somewhat inferior restaurant, where he began to serve a suspiciously similar salad under the name «capital salad» (Russian: столичный, tr. stolichny). It was reported by the gourmands of the time, however, that the dressing on the stolichny salad was of a lower quality than Olivier’s, meaning that it was «missing something.»

Later, Ivanov sold the recipe for the salad to various publishing houses, which further contributed to its popularization. Due to the closure of the Hermitage restaurant in 1905, and the Olivier family’s subsequent departure from Russia, the salad could now be referred to as «Olivier.»

One of the first printed recipes for Olivier salad, by Aleksandrova, appearing in 1894, called for half a hazel grouse, two potatoes, one small cucumber (or a large cornichon), 3-4 lettuce leaves, 3 large crayfish tails, 1/4 cup cubed aspic, 1 teaspoon of capers, 3–5 olives, and 1 1⁄2 tablespoon Provençal dressing (mayonnaise).

As often happens with gourmet recipes which become popular, the ingredients that were rare, expensive, seasonal, or difficult to prepare were gradually replaced with cheaper and more readily available foods.

Sourse: https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_salad

Перевод «салат оливье» на английский

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салат оливье



салаты оливье


Порубить тебя на салат оливье, мерзавец!
I should make you into an egg salad sandwich!

В результате повышения эффективности, «сланцевая полоса» — ценовой диапазон, при котором добыча остается прибыльной — упала примерно на 10 долларов с прошлого года до 45-55 долларов за баррель, сказал Оливье Якоб, управляющий директор в Petromatrix GmbH.
As a result of efficiency gains, the “shale band” – the price range that allows output to be profitable – has fallen by about $10 since last year to $45-$55 a barrel, said Olivier Jakob, managing director at consultant Petromatrix GmbH, who originated the term.

Том попросил Мэри принести салат на вечеринку.
Tom asked Mary to bring a salad to the party.

В своей написанной в 2008 году работе об «Аль-Каиде» как о молодежном движении эксперт по исламу Оливье Рой (Olivier Roy) отмечал:
In a 2008 paper on Al Qaeda as a youth movement, Islam expert Olivier Roy wrote:

Лори ела салат.
Laurie ate the salad.


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Основные варианты перевода слова «оливье» на английский

- Olivier salad  — Оливье

Смотрите также

салат-оливье — salade russe
первый способ Оливье — i indirect generating method
метод косвенного обката; первый способ Оливье — indirect generating method

Родственные слова, либо редко используемые варианты перевода

- salad |ˈsæləd|  — салат, зелень

салат-оливье с курицей — chicken salad

- Oliver  — Оливер

салат оливье

  • 1

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > салат-оливье

  • 2
    салат Оливье

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > салат Оливье

  • 3

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > салат-оливье

  • 4
    салат-оливье с курицей

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > салат-оливье с курицей

  • 5

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > винегрет

См. также в других словарях:

  • салат оливье — См. Оливье …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • Салат Оливье — Советский салат Оливье Салат Оливье  очень популярный в России и странах СНГ салат, считающийся праздничным (особенно новогодним). Название получил а честь своего создателя, шеф повара Люсьена Оливье, державшего в Москве в начале 60 х годов XIX… …   Википедия

  • Салат «Оливье» — Тип блюда: Категория: Продукты: Рецепт приготовления …   Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов

  • Салат «Оливье копченый» — Тип блюда: Категория: Продукты: Рецепт приготовления: В текущей категории (Блюда из мяса птицы): | | | …   Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов

  • Салат оливье — популярное в России праздничное угощение (название – по имени Л. Оливье); за рубежом известен как «русский салат». Люсьен Оливье Lucien Olivier повар французского или бельгийского происхождения, державший в Москве в начале 1860 х гг. ресторан… …   Судьба эпонимов. Словарь-справочник

  • оливье — нескл., м. Olivier. Во Франции салат такой неизвестен, предполагается происхождение от имени фр. шеф повара, работавшего в России. Салат оливье. Курица, раки, картофелины, огурцы, яйца, соль, перец, прованское масло, салат зеленый. Неженцева 1911 …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • Оливье — Оливье  имя и фамилия французского происхождения. Известные носители: Оливье, Гийом Антуан (1756 1814)  французский натуралист, энтомолог и ботаник. Оливье, Жозеф (1874 1901)  французский регбист, чемпион летних Олимпийских игр… …   Википедия

  • салат д’бёф — * salade de boeuf. Он <Оливье> ввел в знаменитый парижский салат с майонезом говядину (салат д беф), или жареную дичь (салат оливье , названный впоследствии столичным ). ПИО 1999 5 30 …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • Салат (кулинария) — Салат Салат (блюдо) (от итал. Salato, Salata, т. е. соленое) холодное блюдо, приготовляемое из различных овощей (собственно листья салата, различная зелень, корнеплоды, грибы, картофель, огурцы, бобы, фрукты, зеленые листья эндивия, водяного… …   Википедия

  • Оливье (салат) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Оливье. Салат оливье Салат оливье  популярный в странах бывшего СССР салат, считающийся праздничным и традиционным …   Википедия

  • Салат из куриных окорочков «Оливье» — Тип блюда: Категория: Рецепт приготовления …   Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов

gen. Salade Olivier (Salade Olivier (салат Оливье in Russian) is a salad composed of diced potatoes, vegetables and meats bound in mayonnaise. This salad is often incorrectly called Russian salad, although the term Russian salad (or more commonly salade russe in French) is used by professional chefs to refer to the salad called in Russian. wiki Alexander Demidov); Russian salad (Russian salad (Russian: Салат Оливье, Russian pronunciation: [sa.lat oli.vje]) is a traditional salad dish from Russia, which is also popular in many other European countries, Iran and Israel. It is made with diced potatoes, vegetables, eggs, and sometimes ham and is dressed with mayonnaise. Worldwide, the dish is commonly referred to as Russian salad, although this term can connote with Vinegret. A cheaper variation called Stolichny salad (Russian: Салат Столичный) and also known as Moscovian salad exists, but is less popular in culture. In many Russophone communities, the salad has become one of the main courses served during New Year celebrations (along with cold-cut turkey and champagne). WK Alexander Demidov); Olivier salad (wikipedia.org Himera)
Olivier salad

Салат Оливье 03.jpg
Alternative names Russian salad, Stolichny salad
Type Salad
Course Zakuski
Place of origin Russia
Created by
Main ingredients Potatoes, vegetables, eggs, meat, mayonnaise
  •   Media: Olivier salad

Olivier salad (Russian: салат Оливье, tr. salat Olivye pronunciation (help·info)) is a traditional salad dish in Russian cuisine, which is also popular in other post-Soviet countries and around the world. In different modern recipes, it is usually made with diced boiled potatoes, carrots and brined dill pickles (or cucumber), together with optional vegetable or fruit ingredients such as green peas, eggs, celeriac, onions and apples, optional meat ingredients such as diced boiled chicken, bologna sausage, ham, or hot dogs, with salt, pepper and mustard sometimes added to enhance flavor, and dressed with mayonnaise. In many countries, the dish is commonly referred to as Russian salad, in Brazil it is called Maionese, in a few Scandinavian countries (Denmark and Norway) it is called italiensk salat (Italian salad, for the colours of the italian flag are in the salad[citation needed]) and in Dutch it is called huzarensalade (hussars’ salad). In former Yugoslavian countries it is called ruska salata (Russian salad) or francuska salata (French salad). In Romania it is known as «salata (de) boeuf.»[1]

In Russia and other post-Soviet states, as well as in Russophone communities worldwide, the salad has become one of the main dishes on zakuski tables served during New Year’s Eve («Novy God») celebrations.[citation needed]


Hermitage restaurant in the 20th century

The original version of the salad was invented in the 1860s by a cook of Belgian origin, Lucien Olivier, the chef of the Hermitage, one of Moscow’s most celebrated restaurants. Olivier’s salad quickly became immensely popular with Hermitage regulars, and became the restaurant’s signature dish.[citation needed]

Olivier salad prepared with the Hermitage restaurant’s recipe

At the turn of the 20th century, one of Olivier’s sous-chefs, Ivan Ivanov, attempted to steal the recipe. While preparing the dressing one evening in solitude, as was his custom, Olivier was suddenly called away. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Ivanov sneaked into Olivier’s private kitchen and observed his mise en place, which allowed him to make reasonable assumptions about the recipe of Olivier’s famed dressing. Ivanov then left Olivier’s employ and went to work as a chef for Moskva, a somewhat inferior restaurant, where he began to serve a suspiciously similar salad under the name «metropolitan salad» (Russian: Столичный, tr. Stolichny). It was reported by the gourmands of the time, however, that the dressing on the «Stolichny» salad was of a lower quality than Olivier’s, meaning that it was «missing something.»[citation needed]

Later, Ivanov sold the recipe for the salad to various publishing houses, which further contributed to its popularization. Due to the closure of the Hermitage restaurant in 1905, and the Olivier family’s subsequent departure from Russia, the salad could now be referred to as «Olivier.»

One of the first printed recipes for Olivier salad, by Aleksandrova, appearing in 1894, called for half a hazel grouse, two potatoes, one small cucumber (or a large cornichon), 3–4 lettuce leaves, 3 large crayfish tails, 1/4 cup cubed aspic, 1 teaspoon of capers, 3–5 olives, and 112 tablespoon Provençal dressing (mayonnaise).

As often happens with gourmet recipes which become popular, the ingredients which were rare, expensive, seasonal, or difficult to prepare were gradually replaced with cheaper and more readily available foods.[citation needed]


Advertisement for mogul sauce and other condiments by John Burgess & Son

The earliest published recipe known to date appeared in the Russian magazine Наша пища (Nasha pishcha, «Our Food») No. 6 (31 March 1894). This magazine, published from 1891 to 1896 and edited by M. Ignatiev, stated that the original recipe contained «mogul sauce» or «kabul sauce» (similar to Worcestershire sauce), manufactured by John Burgess & Son[Note 1] (the brand he reputedly used) and Crosse & Blackwell.[citation needed]

The book Руководство к изучению основ кулинарного искусства (Rukovodstvo k izucheniyu osnov kulinarnogo iskusstva, «Guide to the Fundamentals of Culinary Arts») (1897) by P. Aleksandrova gave a recipe containing grouse, crayfish, potatoes, cucumber, lettuce, aspic, capers, olives and mayonnaise. The author wrote that veal, partridge or chicken could be substituted but the authentic recipe contained grouse.[citation needed]

In post-revolutionary Russia, cheaper ingredients were substituted for the originals: grouse was replaced by chicken or sausage, crayfish by hard-boiled egg, cucumbers, olives and capers by pickled cucumbers and green peas.

Earlier, it always included cold meat such as ham or veal tongue, or fish. The mid-20th century restaurant version involved not just vegetables, but also pickled tongue, sausage, lobster meat, truffles, etc. garnished with capers, anchovy fillets, etc. Some versions molded it in aspic.

In modern usage, it is usually boiled diced vegetables bound in mayonnaise, with Doktorskaya-type sausage. The most common alternative version, where the sausage is replaced with boiled or smoked chicken, is called Stolichny salad, after Ivanov’s version.

A multitude of other versions, named, unnamed, and even trademarked, exist, but only Olivier and Stolichny salad have entered the common vernacular of post-Soviet states.

Modern Olivier[edit]

Typical Soviet-style Olivier salad

Today’s popular version of Olivier salad—containing boiled potatoes, dill pickles, peas, eggs, carrots, and boiled beef/chicken or bologna, dressed with mayonnaise—is a version of Ivanov’s Stolichny salad, and only faintly resembles Olivier’s original creation. This version was a staple of any Soviet holiday dinner, especially of a Novy God (New Year’s Eve) dinner (to the extent that its presence was considered on a par with Soviet Champagne or mandarin oranges), due to availability of components in winter. Even though more exotic foods are widely available in Russia now, its popularity has hardly diminished: this salad was and maybe still is the most traditional dish for the home New Year celebration for Russian people.[2]

Festive Russian and post-Soviet states’ homemade versions are traditionally at the cook’s whim. While some of the ingredients are considered to be basic and essential, others are either favoured or dismissed as a threat to supposed authenticity.

The biggest Olivier salad, weighing 1841 kg, was prepared in December 2012 in Orenburg.[3][4]

In other countries[edit]

European cafes and delicatessens often provide an entire range of potato salads. Additionally, cafeterias, convenience stores, and truck stops sell a number of sub-par factory packaged or locally made versions, mostly extremely simple, using basic ingredients with cheap mayonnaise-like dressing.[citation needed]

Southeast Europe[edit]

In Serbia Olivier salad is called russian salad and is very common on the New Year and Christmas table.
The salad is widely popular as руска салата (ruska salata) in Bulgaria, Serbia, and North Macedonia, and sallatë ruse in Albania. The Bulgarian version of the salad usually consists of potatoes, carrots, peas, pickles and some sort of salami or ham. In Bosnia and Herzegovina both the ruska salata and francuska salata (which is essentially Russian salad prepared without meat) are very popular, especially during holidays.

In Croatia and Slovenia it is typically prepared without meat, and is usually called francuska salata in Croatian and francoska solata in Slovene, both meaning French salad.

The Romanian variant, called salată de boeuf («beef salad»), is considered a traditional dish. It is a combination of finely chopped beef (or chicken) and root vegetables, folded in mayonnaise and finished with murături, traditional Romanian mixed pickles. It can also be made vegetarian.

In Turkey it is known as Rus salatası («Russian Salad»). The Turkish version consists of boiled and sliced carrots and potatoes, sliced cucumber pickles, boiled peas and mayonnaise and is sometimes decorated with boiled and sliced eggs, black olives and beet root pickles. It is served as meze and is used as a filling for some sandwiches and kumpir (jacket potato). Another Turkish name for Olivier salad is Amerikan salatası («American salad»), a euphemistic misnomer originating from the Cold War period.

Central Europe[edit]

In Slovakia it is called zemiakový šalát («potato salad»). There are several versions; however, it typically consists of boiled and cubed vegetables (potatoes, carrots), finely chopped onions and pickles in a mayonnaise dressing, often with diced hard-boiled eggs and canned green peas. It is seasoned with salt, black pepper and mustard. Some fluid from the pickles may also be added.

In Czech it is called simply bramborový salát («potato salad»). It consists of boiled and cubed vegetables (potatoes, carrots, parsley and celery root), finely chopped onions and pickles in a mayonnaise dressing, often with diced hard-boiled eggs, some kind of soft salami and canned green peas. It is the side-dish of choice to go with schnitzel or breaded carp, staple Christmas meals in the Czech Republic.

Polish sałatka jarzynowa or sałatka warzywna («vegetable salad», often simply called sałatka) is vegetarian, consisting of peas, hard boiled eggs, and the mirepoix, always cut into small cubes, seasoned with mayonnaise, salt, pepper. Recipes usually vary by region (tart apples or pickles can be added) and even by household, sometimes even adding meat (e.g. ham). One such notable exception is szałot (Polish pronunciation: [ˈʂawɔt]), a Silesian variety which may include not only boiled potatoes, carrots, peas and boiled eggs, but also bacon, sausages or pickled herring.[5] Such salads are often served on family celebrations, in particular on Christmas Eve.

In Hungary the meatless version is called «Franciasaláta» (French Salad).» Versions with meat added are called «Orosz hússaláta«[2] (Russian meat salad). With or without meat, it is a popular food all year round.

Southern Europe[edit]

In Greece it can be found on almost any restaurant’s menu and is called ρώσικη σαλάτα (rossiki salata); it usually contains no meat. Ensaladilla rusa («Russian little salad») is widely consumed in Spain and it is served as a tapa in many bars. It typically consists of minced boiled potato, minced boiled carrots, canned tuna, minced boiled eggs, peas, and mayonnaise.[6] In Italy, Insalata russa has the same ingredients. A similar version is also popular in Portugal, where it is called salada russa. It is usually served either as a standalone dish or as a garnish to fish dishes, particularly fish fillets.

Northern Europe[edit]

In Norway, Iceland and Denmark it is called russisk salat, and contains carrots and green peas in mayonnaise dressing. It may also include small shrimp.[7] Often the salad is paired with smoked meat on bread. A similar but distinct salad known as italiensk salat is also available in Scandinavian countries, consisting of shredded cabbage and carrots in a mayonnaise dressing. The two salads, russisk salat and italiensk salat, are often confused.[8] In Finland, the regional salad italiansalaatti contains carrots, peas and ham in mayonnaise dressing but replaces potatoes with spaghetti or macaroni. In the Netherlands there is a similar salad called Huzarensalade («Hussar Salad»), but this salad already existed in the 1840s. Its name probably derives from the Dutch hussar regiments, and refers to the original ingredient of horsemeat.[9]


Olivier salad (Persian: الويه) is popular in Iran, where it is known as salad Olivieh and usually made with potatoes, eggs, Persian pickled cucumbers, carrots, chicken, peas and mayonnaise, and is frequently a sandwich filler.[10]

It is a popular salad in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India as well, where it is usually made with potatoes, peas, apples or pineapples, and mayonnaise and is frequently used as a side dish in cafes. Another version of Russian salad is also very popular in Pakistan which bears no resemblance to Olivier salad and instead is a cabbage and apple slaw.

Japanese potato salad (potesara, ポテサラ), is often said to be a yoshoku version of the Olivier salad, differing in a semi-mashed consistency of the potato, chopped ham as a main meat ingredient (instead of traditional poultry) and a liberal use of rice vinegar and karashi mustard in its dressing.

Olivier salad is believed to have been introduced as a «Capital salad» or «Niislel salad» in Mongolia during the Soviet period. It usually consists of minced ham and carrots, minced boiled eggs, minced boiled carrots, and potatoes dressed with mayonnaise. It is widely popular amongst Mongolians, especially during the festive seasons.[citation needed]

Latin America[edit]

Argentinian ensalada rusa

The dish is also very popular in many Latin American countries where it is called ensalada rusa and has been reduced to its minimum: minced boiled potatoes and carrots, green beans and abundant mayonnaise-based dressing. In Argentina it is usually served on its own as a first course, or with a very thinly sliced beef wrapping called matambre, in a dish called matambre con rusa. Argentinians of Eastern European Jewish origin may make the salad with tuna. In Peru, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela and Argentina it is a traditional Christmas side dish. In Dominican Republic, “salad russe” is made of diced boiled vegetables including beets, carrots, potatoes and sometimes corn, mixed with mayonnaise and spices. It is often served as a side dish.[citation needed]

See also[edit]

  • List of chicken dishes
  • List of Russian dishes
  • List of salads
  • Mimosa salad
  • Chicken salad
  • Egg salad
  • Potato salad


  1. ^ Now owned by the Greencore Group [1] Archived 2012-08-14 at the Wayback Machine


  1. ^ «A salad that no nation wants to call their own». tasteatlas.com. Retrieved 2023-01-04.
  2. ^ Russian Salad (Olivier)
  3. ^ «Самый большой салат «Оливье» [The largest Olivier salad]» (in Russian). The book of records of Russia. 2012-12-16.
  4. ^ «Мировой рекорд по приготовлению салата «Оливье» установлен в Оренбурге» (in Russian). RIA Novosti. 2012-12-16. Archived from the original on 2012-12-19.
  5. ^ Marek Szołtysek, Kuchnia śląska, Wydawnictwo Śląskie ABC, Rybnik 2003, ISBN 83-88966-07-3 (in Polish)
  6. ^ «ensaladilla-rusa-recipe-russian-potato-salad». spanishsabores.com. 4 April 2013. Retrieved 2014-12-29.
  7. ^ «Delikat Russisk Rekesalat». Delikat (in Norwegian Bokmål). Retrieved 2022-06-05.
  8. ^ «Mærkelige madnavne: Hvorfor hedder det italiensk salat og russisk salat? | Samvirke». samvirke.dk (in Danish). Retrieved 2022-06-06.
  9. ^ Nicoline van der Sijs (2022-10-01). «Etymologica: de huzarensalade». Neerlandistiek.nl.
  10. ^ Salad Olivieh — My Persian Kitchen

Further reading[edit]

  • Alan Davidson, The Oxford Companion to Food, Oxford, 1999. ISBN 0-19-211579-0.
  • Anna Kushkova, «At the Center of the Table: The Rise and Fall of the Olivier Salad», Russian Studies in History 50:1:44-96 (Summer 2011) publisher’s page (pay)

External links[edit]

  • Media related to Olivier salad at Wikimedia Commons

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