Как пишется салли кромсали

Сал Фишер, известный также как «Салли-кромсали» (англ. Sal Fisher) — является титульным главным героем игры. Сын Генри и Дианы Фишер. В детстве на него напал Сектант, в результате чего погибла его мать, а на его лице остались шрамы, из-за чего он вынужден носить протез. Через несколько лет после этого происшествия Сал вместе с отцом переехал в город Нокфелл, чтобы начать жизнь заново, и поселился в комнате 402 квартиры Апартаментов Эддисона.

В центре игры — несколько событий из жизни Сала, сосредоточенных на его расследовании зловещих тайн, окружающих его новый дом, и его попытках остановить Пожирателей Бога.

Внешний вид

Наиболее заметной чертой Сала является его протезная маска, которая в основном белого цвета со светло-розовым пятном над правым глазом. У него голубые глаза, правый — глазной протез. Из того, что удалось разглядеть на его лице: у него большой шрам, который проходит по диагонали через правую сторону рта, рассекая губы и обнажая зубы; шрам на левой щеке, а также несколько других более мелких шрамов, разбросанных по всему лицу; вмятина на правой стороне нижней челюсти; хрящ носа полностью отсутствует. У него ярко-синие волосы длиной до плеч, которые он обычно завязывает в косичку, и два пирсинга в каждом ухе. Он заметно невысокого роста и является вторым по росту среди своих друзей.

В подростковом возрасте Сал носил чёрный свитер, рваные красные джинсы и сине-белые кроссовки. В эпизоде «Скверна» он носил чёрную толстовку, пару синих перчаток без пальцев и зелёные наушники, когда гулял по снегу.

Во взрослом возрасте он носит одежду, идентичную той, которую носил в подростковом возрасте, и прическу. Его чёлка выросла асимметрично, причем правая сторона закрывает правый глаз. На его протезе теперь есть кусочки клейкой ленты, которые, предположительно, держат части вместе. После ареста на нём был надет изорванный оранжевый тюремный комбинезон с номером заключенного «081486».


Сал был авантюрным подростком. Он казался находчивым и умел сохранять спокойствие в стрессовых ситуациях, что видно по его общению с призраками. Он казался дружелюбным и вежливым, несмотря на грубые или испуганные ответы, которые он мог получить от людей, реагирующих на его протез, и был откровенно ласков со своими друзьями. Сал часто предлагал выслушать или сказать доброе слово другим, даже тем, кто был недружелюбно настроен по отношению к нему, как показано в «Колбасном инциденте», когда он утешал плачущего Трэвиса в мужском туалете. Его сострадание и готовность помочь людям, независимо от их внешнего вида или отстраненного поведения, демонстрировались снова и снова. Хотя он был добрым человеком, Сал был способен огрызаться на тех, кто пытался его обидеть, используя сарказм.

В «Колбасном инциденте» его остроумие было продемонстрировано в ответах на издевательства Трэвиса. Однако Сал не сообщил о полученном ударе по лицу от него и не исправил замечания, сделанные в его адрес по незнанию, а не по злому умыслу (например, когда мисс Розенберг неправильно назвала его по имени), что говорит о том, что ему не нравятся конфликты. Похоже, он также не одобряет насилие, поскольку протестовал, когда его друзья в шутку угрожали убить Трэвиса за издевательства над Салом.

Несмотря на то, что Сал — мужского пола, его, похоже, не волнует, как люди воспринимают его или традиционные гендерные роли, о чём свидетельствует его традиционно женственная прическа и то, как он не потрудился поправить мисс Розенберг, когда она при встрече назвала Сэла девушкой. Кроме того, при первой встрече с Меган она говорит ему: «Косички — это для девочек, дурачок», на что он отвечает, что никто никогда не говорил, что только девочки могут носить волосы в косичках и что ему тоже нравится такой стиль.

Повзрослев, Сал стал значительно более раздражительным и менее доверчивым по отношению к окружающим и открывался другим с большой нерешительностью.



1 мая 1982 года семья Фишеров отправилась на пикник в живописное и солнечное место, где маленький Сал обнаружил собаку и захотел её погладить. После некоторых уговоров его мать разрешает Салу погладить животное. Однако выясняется, что «собака» на самом деле была человеком в маске собаки (предположительно Кеннет Фелпс) и с ружьём в руках. Его целью было покончить с жизнью мальчика, так как в пророчестве было предсказано, что мальчик сорвет планы «Пожирателей Бога». Мальчик выжил, но ценой жизни своей матери. Все последующие годы Сал утверждал, что его мать убил человек, а не дикое животное, даже если его психиатр и отец не верили ему.

После рокового визита в больницу Салу пришлось приспосабливаться к новой жизни с протезом лица, и он получил прозвище, которое позже дали ему хулиганы: Салли-Кромсали.

Переезд в апартаменты Эддисон

Неизвестные обстоятельства вырвали двух оставшихся членов семьи Фишер из Нью-Джерси в таинственную обитель «Апартаментов Эддисона», комнату 402.

На полпути к распаковке вещей Сал решил сделать перерыв и, поделившись с отцом своими переживаниями по поводу переезда, отправился исследовать комплекс. Познакомившись с очаровательной Лизой Джонсон, Сал был представлен сыну Лизы, любителю хэви-метала Ларри Джонсону, который быстро подружился с новоприбывшим.

После того как Ларри рассказал Салу подробности убийства миссис Сандерсон от рук Чарли Мэнсфилда, парень поспешил предложить свою помощь. Разработав план действий и получив от Ларри рацию, Сал возвращается в свою комнату, чтобы дождаться сигнала друга.

После того, как офицеров отвлекают фальшивым сообщением об ограблении, Сал входит в комнату 403 и становится свидетелем кровавой расправы, учиненной Мэнсфилдом, очертаний тела Сандерсона и пустого пространства между двумя поняшками-блестяшками.

Вернувшись к Ларри, они решают, что должны вернуть украденный у Чарли пони Глиттер и сдать его властям. Быстрый визит в комнату Чарли дал Салу понять, что коллекционер и близко не подпустит его к своим игрушкам, поэтому ему пришлось искать другой способ.

Посетив пятый этаж, Сал находит в ванной комнате номера 504 старое слабительное и призрак молодой Меган Холмс, но сверхъестественное существо слишком напугано, чтобы долго разговаривать с Саллом. Несмотря на это, Сал продолжает осуществлять свой план.

Добавив снотворное в чашку чая Эддисон, Сал сумел заставить Чарли отказаться от присмотра за любимой коллекцией, чтобы заняться более насущными делами в уборной. Сал выхватывает игрушку и передает её детективу на втором этаже. Мэнсфилда арестовывают и увозят.

Когда Сал выходит из квартиры, чтобы проводить Чарли, любопытство тянет его к фургону коронера, где лежит разлагающийся труп миссис Сандерсон, упакованный в пакет и ожидающий обработки.


Через несколько месяцев после того, как Сал поселился в квартире Эддисона, его начали мучить кошмары. В одном конкретном сне он оказался на пикнике, где была убита его мать, а позже переместился на место Ларри, когда тот чинил унитаз для Сэнди Сандерсон в день ее смерти.

После того, как его поглотил унитаз, Сал встречает пони, которого он использовал для уличения Чарли, просящего воды. Когда водопровод восстановлен, Блестящий пони раздувается, служа мостом для Сала, чтобы вернуться на «поверхность» и увидеть, как Мэнсфилд убивает Сандерсона. Следы окровавленных ног приводят к сидящему Чарли Мэнсфилду, который упрекает Сала за его действия. Сала вырывает из сна, когда кожа Чарли отслаивается, и перед ним появляется угольно-черный демон с красными глазами.

Сал рассказывает подробности своего последнего видения Ларри, который скептически относится ко всему этому. Несмотря на это, Ларри берет Сала в свой домик на дереве, чтобы рассказать ему историю своего прошлого. Сал сразу же узнает красноглазого демона из рассказа Ларри (он видел его на кухне в квартире в первый день своего пребывания) и предлагает помочь снять его «проклятие». Взяв загадочную коробку с головоломками из сундука, в котором хранились вещи отца Ларри Джима Джонсона, двое возвращаются в дом.

После неудачной попытки вызвать Меган Холмс из ванной комнаты квартиры 504, Ларри направляет Сала к Тодду Моррисону, мозгоправу и верующему в непознанное. Сал, желая доказать Ларри, что духи существуют, без колебаний наносит визит Тодду.

Войдя в квартиру Тодда под номером 202, Сал встречает Эшли Кэмпбелл. Тодд соглашается помочь Салу, модифицировав его Gear Boy для лучшего обнаружения сверхъестественной активности. После того, как Сал пожертвовал антенной Ларри и своей рацией, устройство было готово к тестированию в туалете Тодда. Именно здесь они нашли плачущий призрак Грега Монтегю, которого быстро отпугнул красноглазый демон.

Тодд оправляется от первоначального шока, вызванного сверхъестественными явлениями, и советует Салу провести дальнейшие испытания, пока он будет копаться в истории убийств в Апартаментах Эддисона. В результате тестов Сала обнаруживаются различные уровни таинственной игры по всему жилому комплексу и фантом Джима Джонсона. Сал не делится своими открытиями с друзьями.

Когда Меган осталась скрытой даже с усовершенствованным устройством слежения, Сал вернулся к Тодду и узнал, что офицеры, арестовавшие Чарли, не были зарегистрированы в полицейской базе данных, а арестованный Чарли Мэнсфилд совсем не похож на того, которого они знали. Кроме того, в старых отчетах о том, что труп Меган был найден у озера Вендиго, есть фотографии девушки, когда она была еще жива.

Сал извлекает ожерелье Меган из той же коробки потерянных вещей, где хранился картридж Super Gear Boy, возвращает Ларри в ванную комнату квартиры 504 и использует Super Gear Boy и ожерелье с крестом, чтобы успешно выманить Меган Холмс.

После еще одного короткого взаимодействия, которое выявило дружеские отношения между Джимом Джонсоном и отцом Меган Люком Холмсом, она пугается демона, оставляя позади потрясенных Ларри и Сала. Они оба согласились, что комната в квартире заслуживает дальнейшего расследования. Ларри оставил Сала забрать лом у Дэвида, бывшего наркомана, а сам вернулся ухаживать за больной матерью.

Посещение квартиры 302 Дэвида привело Сала к обнаружению недостающего фрагмента коробки с головоломкой Джима Джонсона. Прежде чем вернуть ломик Ларри, Сал раскрывает коробку и обнаруживает внутри странный компьютерный чип. Когда чип соединяется с компьютером Тодда, Призрак передает Салу запутанное сообщение о «красном шаре». Когда видение заканчивается, Сал обнаруживает, что чип каким-то образом был заменен кубиком Рубика, причем ни Тодд, ни Ларри ничего не помнят об этом предмете.

Используя ломик для взлома квартиры 403, Сал коротко пообщался с духом недавно умершей миссис Сандерсон, после чего ее тоже отпугнул демон.

Вернувшись в квартиру 504, Сал наконец смог войти в спальню и вызвать призрак Стейси Холмс, которая ничего не сказала и исчезла. Далее в спальне Сал обнаружил отверстие в стене, ведущее в другую комнату. Войдя в дыру, Сал вызвал висящий призрак Люка Холмса. Когда Сал попытался заговорить с ним, призрак сбросил кожу и превратился в возбужденного красноглазого демона. Прежде чем демон смог что-то сделать, он был удален с помощью специального устройства, созданного Тоддом и использованного вмешавшимся Ларри.

Когда угроза миновала, Сал утешил убитого горем Ларри за то, что его «бросил» отец.

Колбасный инцидент

Большинство событий после исчезновения красноглазого демона были для Сала, ставшего хорошим другом Тодда, Эшли, Чага и Клена, вполне нормальными (если не считать исчезновения нескольких учеников). События вернулись к паранормальным в тот день, когда Сэлу предстоял экзамен по математике.

Салл, сдав экзамен по математике намного раньше остальных учеников класса, отвлекся на каракули и задремал. Его неожиданно будит миссис Пакертон, которая уверяет его, что он хорошо справился с тестом, чем вызывает гнев хулигана: Трэвиса Фелпса. Когда урок подходит к концу, Трэвис сталкивается с Саллом и Эшли в коридоре и бьет первого по лицу, пуская кровь. Салл отклоняет все предложения своих товарищей поквитаться с Тревисом, настаивая на том, что это только ухудшит ситуацию с ним.

На следующий день во время обеда Салл замечает, что колбаса, которую ему подают, на вкус хуже, чем обычно, что заставляет его друзей высказать свои предположения о происхождении мяса. Вместо того чтобы оставить этот вопрос загадкой, Салл решил провести расследование, и его группа (за исключением Пыха и Мэйпл) согласилась помочь.

Получив грубый отказ от обедающей Ким Яззи, Салл обращается к альтернативным решениям. Подозревая, что Ким ответственна за состояние колбасы, Салл объединился с Ларри и сфотографировал досье женщины. Поскольку Ким Яззи была в прошлом фотографом-любителем, Салл сфотографировал птицу и передал снимок Ким, которая согласилась передать мальчику образец колбасы и информацию о поставщике школы: Миссис Пакертон.

Возвращаясь в лабораторию, чтобы проверить образцы колбасы, Салл встречает в туалете плачущего Тревиса. Хотя Тревис угрожает Саллу, мальчик остается и утешает его, уверяя, что если ему когда-нибудь понадобится друг, то стоит только попросить.

После осмотра колбасы группа Салла пришла к выводу, что им нужно больше информации о том, где Пакертон взяла колбасу. До окончания обеденного перерыва Салл и Ларри проникли в класс Пакертон и, открыв ящик ее стола, обнаружили множество культовых предметов, в том числе предмет, похожий на коробку с головоломкой Джима Джонсона. Вскоре после этого Салл снова видит Призрака, который передает неразборчивое сообщение и исчезает.

Расследование в комнате 201

Вечером, пока Пакертон не было дома, Салл и Ларри проникли в ее квартиру и обнаружили отрубленную голову козы в холодильнике и две запертые двери. За одной из дверей находился мистер Пакертон, подключенный к аппарату жизнеобеспечения и находящийся в вегетативном состоянии. Салл использует Super Gear Boy, чтобы вызвать призрака мистера Пакертона. Дух отрицает, что знает о происхождении колбасы, и просит об эвтаназии. Салл подчиняется и вынимает вилку из розетки.

После того как Эшли, которого они приняли за Пакертона, заставил спрятаться, Ларри находит ключ от следующей комнаты: мясной лавки, испачканной кровью, украшенной газетными вырезками о пропавших детях, и украшенного пентаграммой холодильника на ножках. Салл открывает морозильную камеру и обнаруживает обглоданную плоть своих пропавших одноклассников.

Отвращенные, но довольные тем, что происхождение обеденного мяса раскрыто, они решают уйти и придумать, как разобраться с Пакертоном. Прежде чем они смогли завершить свой побег, Эшли обнаруживает скрытый мусоропровод за изображением фермы и случайно падает в недра многоквартирного дома. Охваченные паникой, мальчики начинают действовать быстро, чтобы спасти своего друга.


Салл и Ларри вызволяют Тодда и входят в комнату в подвале, скрытую полками с находками. Хотя комната по большей части пуста, Салл обнаруживает дверь в подвал, ведущую еще глубже под землю. Они входят в храм Пожирателей Бога и ставят Тодда у входа, чтобы держать входные ворота открытыми. Пройдя через лабиринт храма и ворота с нажимными пластинами, Салл и Ларри натыкаются на постамент перед очередными воротами.

Сал поместил украденную у Пакертона деталь в пьедестал, который открыл ворота, ведущие в комнату, заполненную грудами костей жертв Культа. Чудесным образом Эшли осталась невредимой и была обнаружена просто без сознания на одной из куч.

После того как Эшли благополучно извлекли из храма, группа захотела узнать, что им делать, чтобы Пакертон больше никому не смогла причинить вреда. К ужасу Салла, его друзья предложили убить её. Салл убедил их поспать над этим, но на следующее утро они узнали, что предпринимать никаких действий не нужно, так как Пакертон была убита пьяным водителем по дороге домой.

Пять лет спустя

После смерти Пакертон жизнь Салла и его компании вернулась в нормальное русло. После свадьбы Генри и Лизы Салл стал сводным братом Ларри, Эшли поступила в художественную школу, а Тодд и Нил построили дом, который друзья могли делить в годы учебы в колледже.

Но это было недолго. Кошмары Салла вернулись, а призраки Апартаментов Эддисона исчезли. Эти события побудили Сала и его сводного брата в последний раз исследовать проклятое здание, прежде чем Ларри официально переедет туда вместе с остальными «Призрачными похитителями».

Пообщавшись с жителями и исследовав храм Пожирателей Бога, Сэл отправился на свидание с Эшли на озеро Вендиго. Вдвоем они выясняли отношения, и Салл рассказал ей подробности своих возвращающихся кошмаров и продолжающегося расследования местного культа.

Заражение Бесконечного

Когда Салл вернулся домой, он получил тревожные текстовые сообщения от Ларри. Когда его сводный брат не ответил на звонок, Салл поспешил в домик на дереве за домом, где нашел предсмертную записку Ларри, в которой подробно описывалась цель его поступка: тьма начала заражать его.

Позже, согласно тому, что Эшли рассказала на суде над Салом, Эш пришла к Салу и подумала, что он пьян. Она впервые поссорилась с ним и дала понять Генри и Лизе, что с Саллом не все в порядке. Позже она пожалела, что не осталась с Саллом.

Надев гитару Некролайт и попросив помощи Тодда, Салл обследовал дом на дереве и обнаружил на полу одну пустую бутылку из-под алкоголя. Прежде чем было проведено надлежащее расследование, Салл был телепортирован призраком Элисон Розенберг на крышу многоквартирного дома, прямо к столбу.

С помощью призрака Ларри Салл разрушил столб и (временно) освободил жителей от власти Бесконечного.

Войдя в комнату Терренса Эддисона, Салл узнал правду. Бесконечный уже пытался заразить это здание, и ему удалось овладеть всеми членами клана Эддисонов, но его остановил только молодой Терренс, который смог сопротивляться его влиянию достаточно долго, чтобы зарезать свою семью и не дать ему распространиться. Бесконечный проявился внутри Терренса и десятилетиями боролся за контроль над ним.

Используя гитару Некролайт, Салл убил Бесконечного и ненадолго встретился с настоящим Терренсом Эддисоном, который дал ему самое страшное задание: Убей всех, кто был заражен Тьмой, иначе тени поглотят еще больше людей. После долгих раздумий Сал уступил и убил всех жителей многоквартирного дома, включая собственного отца.

После того как дело было сделано, Салл покинул здание, где его встретили ужаснувшаяся Эшли Кэмпбелл и полицейский департамент Нокфелла.


Через неопределенное время Салли Фишер, которого СМИ окрестили «Убийцей Салли-кромсали», был заключен под стражу и ожидал суда. Суд назначил Салу психиатра доктора Энона, чтобы определить, не является ли он жертвой собственной психической нестабильности. Энон вскрыл его мозг, желая узнать подробности странных снов и историй осужденного и надеясь, что они объяснят, почему Сал совершил массовое убийство.

Во время предпоследнего сеанса перед судом Салл рассказал Энону о своем сне в больнице и о том, что нашел труп своей матери. Энон списал это на «интересный сон» и попросил, чтобы Салл рассказал подробности своего первого дня в Эддисон Апартментс. Салл подчиняется, но поначалу не желает разглашать никаких подробностей, касающихся Ларри Джонсона после окончания средней школы, а когда он был готов говорить, сеанс уже закончился.

На последнем сеансе Салл поделился своими встречами с красноглазым демоном и призраками Эддисон Апартментс с Эноном, который отвергает идею о сверхъестественном участии в жизни своего пациента. Когда время сеанса снова истекло, Сала увели, пока тот кричал, чтобы Энон исследовал домик Ларри на дереве с обещанием, что там его ждут ответы.

За три дня до интервью Сэла с ведущей Faux News Клэр Крапивницей (или культистом, который ее заменил), ему снова приснился Призрак, на этот раз говорящий понятными предложениями. Затем Салл узнал, что Энон мёртв и у него осталось 73 часа.

Когда Салл встретился с Клэр, он утверждает, что ему не нужен адвокат и в предстоящем судебном процессе он будет представлять себя сам. Клэр сообщает Саллу, что самым популярным вопросом о нем был его отказ есть колбасу. Салл неохотно делится всеми подробностями Колбасного инцидента при двух условиях: история выйдет в эфир без редактирования, и ему сообщат о состоянии Тодда Моррисона. Клэр выполняет свою часть сделки и сообщает Саллу об ухудшении состояния его друга. Салл умоляет увидеть его, утверждая, что знает, в чем дело.

Во время суда Салл рассказывает о событиях того рокового дня, которые привели к массовому убийству.


С горой свидетельских показаний, замененным доктором Эноном и обеспокоенной Эшли Кэмпбелл против него, Салл был признан виновным, несмотря на все его усилия предупредить население о деятельности культа и распространении «Красноглазого демона». Он был приговорен к смертной казни (решение, против которого Эшли решительно боролась) и отправлен на электрический стул три года спустя с расстроенной Эшли Кэмпбелл в качестве единственного свидетеля.

Воспоминания и сны

Когда Эш проверяет могилу Салла, на ней написано следующее: «Сын Генри и Дианы Фишер. 1976 — 2004.», и Эш комментирует: «Как бы я хотел, чтобы ты был здесь, Сал…».

Пока девушка делится с ним подробностями своих попыток сорвать планы культа, Салл принимает меры, чтобы вернуться на физический план, собрав воедино фрагменты своей души, которые были рассеяны по множеству реальностей после его смерти. Во время своих путешествий он вспоминает свое прошлое, начиная с первого дня в школе и заканчивая вечером в кино со своим сводным братом.

С помощью Джима Джонсона и Эшли Кэмпбелл Салл вернулся на физический план в виде духа и прикрепился к умирающей форме последней, наделив ее уникальными способностями, которые могли навредить Темному. Вдвоем они вернулись в храм Фелпса и обнаружили, что центральные покои забаррикадированы.

В поисках способа деактивации блокировки Салл нашла записи Джима Джонсона о его пребывании в рядах культа и переходе обратно на спектральный план.

Войдя в центральную камеру, Салл встречает отца Трэвиса — Кеннета Фелпса. После короткого общения культисты и Чума теней нападают на Эшли и Салла (на спектральном плане). Салла почти настигают тени, но его спасает состарившийся сводный брат Ларри. Совместными усилиями всех троих Пустота была побеждена, а Тени остановлены.

Момент победы недолго длился среди старых друзей, так как Ларри исчез из существования, но Салл никогда не прекратит свои попытки найти его.

Интересные факты

  • Хотя его зовут Сал, люди часто называют его «Салли» или «Салли-Кромсали» — имена, которые Сал получил от своих бывших обидчиков.
  • Изначально Сал был задуман как мальчик с пришитым лицом девочки.
  • У Сала есть кот по имени Гизмо.
  • Подтверждено, что Сал принимает лекарства (которые можно увидеть в его комнате) от тревоги, депрессии и мигрени.
  • Подразумевается, что Сал испытывает романтические чувства к Эшли.
  • В эпизоде «Скверна» стеклянный глаз Сала можно увидеть в стакане с водой на прикроватной тумбочке после того, как он пробуждается от кошмара.
  • Свой неестественный цвет волос Сал унаследовал от отца, так как его мать была блондинкой.
  • Сал играет на электрогитаре, о чём свидетельствует гитара и усилитель в его комнате.
  • Любимые виды музыки Сала — рок и металл, хотя ему нравится всего понемногу.
  • Лучший друг Сала — Ларри.
  • Его знак зодиака — Стрелец. Учитывая это, его камнем при рождении может быть либо топаз, либо голубой циркон.
  • В связи с событиями, произошедшими во флешбеке в начале «Скверны», сильно намекается, что обезображивание лица Сала могло быть вызвано нападением D.O.G.
  • Во сне «Воспоминания и сны» выяснилось, что его лицо было изуродовано выстрелом из дробовика, когда его мать пыталась защитить его.
  • На русский язык прозвище Сала «Sally Face» перевели как «Салли-кромсали», что буквально означает «Искалеченный Салли».
  • Сал никогда не снимает маску на публике, поскольку ему не нравится мысль о том, что другие могут увидеть его лицо. Стив Габри приравнивает ощущение, когда его протез снимают на публике, к ощущению, когда на публике снимают штаны. Кроме того, Сал наслаждается моментами, когда он может снять маску и поесть наедине с собой, не беспокоясь о том, что другие люди будут смотреть на него.
    • Во время еды он расстегивает нижние ремни, ничего не обнажая. Стив Габри сказал, что любимым фруктом Сала было бы яблочное пюре, так как его было бы легко есть в маске.
    • У Сала нет любимых блюд, поскольку он привык есть все, что удобно. Однако если бы у него было любимое блюдо, то это, вероятно, был бы яблочный пирог.
  • Известно, что его настоящее лицо видели только Генри Фишер, Эшли Кэмпбелл, Тодд Мориссон, Ларри Джонсон и доктор Энон.
  • Сал должен был снять свой протез, чтобы сделать фотографии для опознания.
  • Стив Габри, разработчик «Sally Face», во время интервью сказал, что Сал — его любимый персонаж в игре.
  • По словам Эш во время «Испытания», Сал однажды сказал ей, что боится пить, потому что в его семье есть зависимость, и он не хочет быть алкоголиком.
  • В эпизоде «Суд» выясняется, что Сал не любит кофе.
  • Протез лица Сала появляется в качестве пасхалки в IMMURE, видеоигре, над которой также работал Стив Габри.
  • Во время вопросов и ответов в Twitter, проведенных 25 августа 2019 года, разработчик Стив Габри раскрыл несколько фактов о Сале:
    • Сал родом из Южного Нью-Джерси. Его акцент не сильный, заметен только в произношении некоторых слов.
    • Он надевает платья и другую женскую одежду на формальные мероприятия и иногда просто так.
    • Его сексуальная ориентация намеренно оставлена неопределенной, чтобы игрок мог спроецировать её на персонажа, а также потому, что романтика не является основным фактором в сюжете.
    • Идея протезирования лица Сала, вероятно, возникла из кошмара, который приснился Стиву. Кроме того, хронические кошмары Сала были навеяны ночными кошмарами, которые Стив пережил в детстве.
    • Крик Сала в эпизоде «Суд» — это бесплатный звук, который был немного изменён. Плач Сала в том же эпизоде был записан Стивом самостоятельно, поскольку он не смог найти подходящий звук плача.
    • В какой-то момент протез Сала был сломан, поэтому над его правым глазом находится обесцвеченная часть.
  • Призрак Сала, появляющийся в эпизоде «Воспоминания и сны», напоминал внешность Джима Джонсона в эпизоде «Негодяй».


Episode One- Strange Neighbors 02

Сал разговаривает с псом в своем сне

Это твоя вина

Это твоя вина.

Sal and mom

Сал замечает труп своей матери в морге

Салли заметил тень на кухне у Ларри.

Салли замечает демона в квартире у Ларри

766049707 preview 01

Салли, когда говорит о протезе.


Салли на месте убийства Миссис Сандерсон.

Без названия

Салли без протеза на приёме у психолога.


Заключённый Салли, в конце демо-версии.


Сал в детстве на пикнике.

Sal and Diane

Сал со своей матерью на пикнике.

Sal-blood ep2

Сал с окровавленным лицом


Сал, проснувшийся от кошмара


Сал зимой на улице


Салли в квартире у Дэвида.

Салли с Меган

Салли с Меган

Gizmo watching TV

Салли с Гизмо

Салли и Тодд

Тизер на котором Салли вместе с Тоддом.


Салли собирает пентаграммы возле 501 квартиры.

IMG 216 1аааа02248

Салли, закрывающий лицо руками.


Салли уводят охранники.

Салли взрослый в полный рост

Взрослый Салли в полный рост.

Sal speaks

Сал в репортаже


Сала ударил Тревис

Эш растёгивает маску

Эшли расстегивает протез Сала, чтобы вытереть кровь с лица.

Эш кривится

Эш вытирает кровь с лица Салли

Эш улыбается

Эш улыбается, глядя на Салли.


Сал со своими сверстниками обедает в столовой

Салли, Ларри, Эшли, Тодд

Сал со своими друзьями в столовой.

Sal7s Locker

Шкафчик Сала

Dead potato

Сал нарисовал Рисунок на мольберте Ларри


Сал и Ларри спрятались за комодом.

Ларри защищает Салли от Пакертон.

Ларри защищает Салли от Пакертон.

Гитара Сала

Салли с гитарой


Салли в 504 квартире рядом с алфавитом сатаны.

Салли в апартаментах

Салли с гитарой в апартаментах Эддисона.

Эшли Кемпбелл

Взрослый Салли с Эшли Кемпбелл

Эшли и Салли

Сал обнимается с Эш


Сал звонит Ларри


Сал бежит к Ларри


Сал разговаривает с призраком Розенберг


Сал сражается с бесконечным

Без названия

Сал и Теренсом Эддисоном


Сал с ножом

Gibson Murdered

Сал зарезал Миссис Гибсон

Ray and Janis Murdered

Сал зарезал Рея и Янис

Chug and Sod7s Murder

Сал зарезал Чака и Соду

David's Murder

Сал зарезал Девида

College kids murdered

Сал зарезал СиДжея, Сиерру и Азарию

Robert Murdered

Сал зарезал Роберта

Henry and Lisa Murdered

Сал зарезал своих родителей


Сала ведут на казнь

Скриншот 04-12-2018 235723

Часть настоящего лица Салли во время казни.

Sal7s Death

Смерть Сала

Sal7s grave

Надгробие Сала

Group Photo

Сал на фотографии со своими друзьями в параллельном мире


Сал надевает свою первую маску.


Неудачная попытка Эшли воскресить Сала.

Dimforts Sally

Диана обнимает Сала в воспоминаниях


Сал дает силу руке Эш


Диана предупреждает Сала, чтобы он не шел к псу


Диана пожертвовала собой, чтобы защитить Сала от выстрела Кеннета.


Сал сражается с культом 1


Сал сражается с культом 2


Сал сражается с культом 3


Сал сражается с культом 4


Сал сражается с культом 5


Сал, Ларри и Эшли побеждают культ


Сал со своими друзьями после разрушения церкви


Информация о Сале в эпилоге

Sally kid

Спрайт Салли в детстве

Sally kidblood

Спрайт Сала с окровавленным лицом

Hospital sally

Спрайт Салли до/после операции

Sal Teen Sprite

Спрайт Салли в подростковом возрасте

Sal Adult Sprite

Спрайт Салли в Молодости


Спрайт Салли в тюремной форме

Broken Sal

Спрайт фантома Сала

Broken Sal Guitar

Спрайт фантома Сала с гитарой

Clay Sal

Спрайт Сала из параллельного мира

Pixel Sal

Спрайт пиксельного Сала

1474218315 preview SF coverAnim2

Превью в Стиме

IMG 20170716 102344

Информация о Салли


» — Какая у Салли фамилия? » » — Фишер»

IMG 9281

» — А сколько сережек носит Салли?» » — Всего четыре, по две на каждое ухо.


» — Почему у Сала и Генри голубые волосы? » » — Потому что они родились именно так «

Sal Funko

Фигурка Сала

Sally Face Mask

Официальные парик и маска Салли


  1. https://stevegabry.tumblr.com/post/166919208760/is-sal-short-for-salvador-or-is-it-just-sal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sally Face
Developer(s) Portable Moose
Publisher(s) Portable Moose
Engine Unity
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
  • Windows, macOS, Linux
  • August 16, 2016
  • Nintendo Switch
  • January 21, 2021
  • Playstation
  • 2022
Genre(s) Adventure, mystery, horror
Mode(s) Single-player

Sally Face is an indie adventure game created by Steve Gabry a.k.a. Portable Moose. The game follows the titular main character Sal Fisher (otherwise known as Sally Face), a boy with a prosthetic face, who investigates local murders with his friends. The game consists of 5 episodes that were released between 2016–2019. Sally Face was also released on Nintendo Switch in 2021 and later on Playstation 4 and 5 in 2022.[1] Sally Face is an online game that includes characters such as Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson, Todd Morrison, Ashley Campbell, Travis Phelps and more.


Sally Face is a point-and-click adventure game that includes narrative, exploration, and puzzle-solving, combined with the direct control of the player via sidescrolling. Players are encouraged to talk to game characters and explore the environments to uncover hidden parts of the story and can return to environments in later timelines to see how things have changed. Each episode of Sally Face contains optional puzzles that reveal more of the story. The game also includes various minigames that break up the regular gameplay.


Note: This summary is told linearly, in-game the main plot of the first four episodes are told as flashbacks recounted by an older Sal.

Episode 1: Strange Neighbors

Sal Fisher, a 15-year-old boy with a prosthetic face moves with his father to the Addison Apartments building in the town of Nockfell. The day before their arrival one of the other residents, Mrs. Sanderson, was murdered. Sal explores and meets the other tenants, including Larry Johnson, who reveals he witnessed the murder. Sal helps Larry find evidence that the murderer was one of the other tenants, Charley Mansfield. They present the evidence to the police and he is arrested. In the present, Sal recounts the story to his therapist, Dr. Enon, as he is on death row for mass murder.

Episode 2: The Wretched

Several months later Larry tells Sal that he feels he has been cursed by a demon in the building. Sal promises to help him and goes to Todd Morrison, a tenant their age who creates gadgets. Todd modifies Sal’s «Gear Boy» to be able to detect supernatural spots and the three of them explore the building. On the top floor, which is under renovation, Sal enters a secret room, where he encounters the demon. Larry steps in to save Sal and eliminates the demon with a gadget made by Todd. In the present, Sal is taken away while Enon visits the treehouse, where he is scared by the ghost of Larry and is killed after he falls from the tree, breaking his neck.

Episode 3: The Bologna Incident

More than a year later Sal and his friends decide to investigate the strange-tasting bologna at their school. After discovering that it is produced by the math teacher Mrs. Packerton, who lives in Addison Apartments, Sal and Larry decide to break into her apartment. Here they find that the bologna is being made of human meat and that Mrs. Packerton’s husband is possessed by an unknown entity, who they euthanize. Their friend Ashley Campbell discovers a hidden trash chute but falls down it. Sal, Larry, and Todd find that the chute leads to an occult temple underneath the building, where they save Ashley. Mrs. Packerton is killed in a car crash.

Episode 4: The Trial

Five years later a now-adult Sal lives with Todd in a house down the road from Addison Apartments, where they have spent the last years investigating the cult. Ashley comes to visit and she and Sal meet at a lake. That night, Sal receives strange messages from Larry and rushes to the apartments, only to find that Larry has committed suicide. Sal and Larry’s ghost together work their way through the apartment building, where it is shown in the otherworld that all the residents are overgrown with a strange growth. When Sal reaches Terrence Addison, the owner of the building who never leaves his room, he finds that a fleshy green mass has possessed him since he was a child. Sal defeats the mass but an apparition of Terrence tells him he must kill all the infected tenants to end the infestation for good. Reluctantly, Sal obliges and murders all the residents. In the Lobby, he finds Todd, who has been possessed by the demon. Ashley had arrived at the apartment complex moments before, and upon opening the door she unveils a covered-in-blood Sal and calls the authorities. Sal is immediately arrested as they come.

Two years later Sal is put on trial and, despite Ashley’s best efforts, sentenced to death. Ashley later finds proof of Sal’s story in the form of a picture of Larry’s ghost but arrives too late to save Sal, witnessing his death.

Episode 5: Memories and Dreams

After Sal’s death, Ashley continues Todd’s investigations of the cult. She places explosives in the main cult temple, however, she is unable to bring herself to detonate them. Believing Sal is destined to destroy the cult she begins a ritual to revive him, and slits her wrist to become a physical host for his spirit, temporarily keeping her alive and giving her special abilities. They go to the temple, where Ashley, Sal’s spirit, and the ghost of Larry defeat «The Endless», the core entity of the cult, saving Todd from the cult’s possession. Larry’s ghost vanishes, leaving the others to grieve him. Even after the group’s best efforts to save the world from the cult, it is later revealed in the unlockable epilogue, that 33% of the planet’s population had been consumed by darkness.


Sally Face was developed by the indie game studio Portable Moose, composed of solo developer Steve Gabry. The game took five years to develop.[2] It was developed using the Unity game engine. While Steve first invented the concept and world of Sally Face around 2006/2007, development on the game didn’t officially start until 2015. Steve cites 90s cartoons and personal nightmares as his main inspiration.[3] In 2016, an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, netting the game $13,697, allowed Steve Gabry to start working on Sally Face full-time. Sally Face, Episode One: Strange Neighbors was released August 16, 2016, on itch.io and December 14 on Steam. Episode Two: The Wretched was released July 7, 2017. Episode Three: The Bologna Incident was released on February 10, 2018. Episode Four: The Trial was released on November 30, 2018. Episode Five: Memories and Dreams was the final episode and was released on December 13, 2019.


Sally Face has been overall positively received by critics. Gamers Decide website put Sally Face in their Top 10 Best Indie Narrative Games.[4] Nerdvana called it «a psychological horror masterpiece» and praised the game for evoking strong emotions.[5] Adventure Gamers critiques Sally Face for being convoluted and for hiding important story elements behind optional puzzles but ultimately said it’s «is a worthwhile and wholly unique gaming experience that has to be played to be believed.»[6]


Winner, «Indie of the Year 2018» — IndieDB[7]

Finalist, «Indie — Digital» — Let’s Play PA 2017[8]

Top 100, «Indie of the Year» — IndieDB[9]


  1. ^ Stockdale, Henry (January 12, 2021). «You Can Talk To The Dead Via Your Game Boy In Indie Horror Sally Face, Launching On Switch Next Week». Nintendo Life.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ Hentschke, Ted (December 9, 2019). «Sally Face Concludes Five Year Journey On December 13th». DreadXP.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ «Sally Face getting a physical release on Switch». Nintendo Everything. March 4, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ «[Top 10] Best Indie Narrative Games». Gamers Decide. October 16, 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ Houston, Madison (July 10, 2017). «Sally Face Episode 2: ‘The Wretched’ – A tear-jerking adventure». Nerdvana.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. ^ Aickman, Will (February 17, 2020). «Sally Face». Adventure Gamers.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ «Indie of the Year Top 10». IndieDB. December 27, 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  8. ^ «2017 Award Winners». Lets Play PA. 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ «2017 Indie of the Year Awards». IndieDB.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sally Face
Developer(s) Portable Moose
Publisher(s) Portable Moose
Engine Unity
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
  • Windows, macOS, Linux
  • August 16, 2016
  • Nintendo Switch
  • January 21, 2021
  • Playstation
  • 2022
Genre(s) Adventure, mystery, horror
Mode(s) Single-player

Sally Face is an indie adventure game created by Steve Gabry a.k.a. Portable Moose. The game follows the titular main character Sal Fisher (otherwise known as Sally Face), a boy with a prosthetic face, who investigates local murders with his friends. The game consists of 5 episodes that were released between 2016–2019. Sally Face was also released on Nintendo Switch in 2021 and later on Playstation 4 and 5 in 2022.[1] Sally Face is an online game that includes characters such as Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson, Todd Morrison, Ashley Campbell, Travis Phelps and more.


Sally Face is a point-and-click adventure game that includes narrative, exploration, and puzzle-solving, combined with the direct control of the player via sidescrolling. Players are encouraged to talk to game characters and explore the environments to uncover hidden parts of the story and can return to environments in later timelines to see how things have changed. Each episode of Sally Face contains optional puzzles that reveal more of the story. The game also includes various minigames that break up the regular gameplay.


Note: This summary is told linearly, in-game the main plot of the first four episodes are told as flashbacks recounted by an older Sal.

Episode 1: Strange Neighbors

Sal Fisher, a 15-year-old boy with a prosthetic face moves with his father to the Addison Apartments building in the town of Nockfell. The day before their arrival one of the other residents, Mrs. Sanderson, was murdered. Sal explores and meets the other tenants, including Larry Johnson, who reveals he witnessed the murder. Sal helps Larry find evidence that the murderer was one of the other tenants, Charley Mansfield. They present the evidence to the police and he is arrested. In the present, Sal recounts the story to his therapist, Dr. Enon, as he is on death row for mass murder.

Episode 2: The Wretched

Several months later Larry tells Sal that he feels he has been cursed by a demon in the building. Sal promises to help him and goes to Todd Morrison, a tenant their age who creates gadgets. Todd modifies Sal’s «Gear Boy» to be able to detect supernatural spots and the three of them explore the building. On the top floor, which is under renovation, Sal enters a secret room, where he encounters the demon. Larry steps in to save Sal and eliminates the demon with a gadget made by Todd. In the present, Sal is taken away while Enon visits the treehouse, where he is scared by the ghost of Larry and is killed after he falls from the tree, breaking his neck.

Episode 3: The Bologna Incident

More than a year later Sal and his friends decide to investigate the strange-tasting bologna at their school. After discovering that it is produced by the math teacher Mrs. Packerton, who lives in Addison Apartments, Sal and Larry decide to break into her apartment. Here they find that the bologna is being made of human meat and that Mrs. Packerton’s husband is possessed by an unknown entity, who they euthanize. Their friend Ashley Campbell discovers a hidden trash chute but falls down it. Sal, Larry, and Todd find that the chute leads to an occult temple underneath the building, where they save Ashley. Mrs. Packerton is killed in a car crash.

Episode 4: The Trial

Five years later a now-adult Sal lives with Todd in a house down the road from Addison Apartments, where they have spent the last years investigating the cult. Ashley comes to visit and she and Sal meet at a lake. That night, Sal receives strange messages from Larry and rushes to the apartments, only to find that Larry has committed suicide. Sal and Larry’s ghost together work their way through the apartment building, where it is shown in the otherworld that all the residents are overgrown with a strange growth. When Sal reaches Terrence Addison, the owner of the building who never leaves his room, he finds that a fleshy green mass has possessed him since he was a child. Sal defeats the mass but an apparition of Terrence tells him he must kill all the infected tenants to end the infestation for good. Reluctantly, Sal obliges and murders all the residents. In the Lobby, he finds Todd, who has been possessed by the demon. Ashley had arrived at the apartment complex moments before, and upon opening the door she unveils a covered-in-blood Sal and calls the authorities. Sal is immediately arrested as they come.

Two years later Sal is put on trial and, despite Ashley’s best efforts, sentenced to death. Ashley later finds proof of Sal’s story in the form of a picture of Larry’s ghost but arrives too late to save Sal, witnessing his death.

Episode 5: Memories and Dreams

After Sal’s death, Ashley continues Todd’s investigations of the cult. She places explosives in the main cult temple, however, she is unable to bring herself to detonate them. Believing Sal is destined to destroy the cult she begins a ritual to revive him, and slits her wrist to become a physical host for his spirit, temporarily keeping her alive and giving her special abilities. They go to the temple, where Ashley, Sal’s spirit, and the ghost of Larry defeat «The Endless», the core entity of the cult, saving Todd from the cult’s possession. Larry’s ghost vanishes, leaving the others to grieve him. Even after the group’s best efforts to save the world from the cult, it is later revealed in the unlockable epilogue, that 33% of the planet’s population had been consumed by darkness.


Sally Face was developed by the indie game studio Portable Moose, composed of solo developer Steve Gabry. The game took five years to develop.[2] It was developed using the Unity game engine. While Steve first invented the concept and world of Sally Face around 2006/2007, development on the game didn’t officially start until 2015. Steve cites 90s cartoons and personal nightmares as his main inspiration.[3] In 2016, an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, netting the game $13,697, allowed Steve Gabry to start working on Sally Face full-time. Sally Face, Episode One: Strange Neighbors was released August 16, 2016, on itch.io and December 14 on Steam. Episode Two: The Wretched was released July 7, 2017. Episode Three: The Bologna Incident was released on February 10, 2018. Episode Four: The Trial was released on November 30, 2018. Episode Five: Memories and Dreams was the final episode and was released on December 13, 2019.


Sally Face has been overall positively received by critics. Gamers Decide website put Sally Face in their Top 10 Best Indie Narrative Games.[4] Nerdvana called it «a psychological horror masterpiece» and praised the game for evoking strong emotions.[5] Adventure Gamers critiques Sally Face for being convoluted and for hiding important story elements behind optional puzzles but ultimately said it’s «is a worthwhile and wholly unique gaming experience that has to be played to be believed.»[6]


Winner, «Indie of the Year 2018» — IndieDB[7]

Finalist, «Indie — Digital» — Let’s Play PA 2017[8]

Top 100, «Indie of the Year» — IndieDB[9]


  1. ^ Stockdale, Henry (January 12, 2021). «You Can Talk To The Dead Via Your Game Boy In Indie Horror Sally Face, Launching On Switch Next Week». Nintendo Life.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ Hentschke, Ted (December 9, 2019). «Sally Face Concludes Five Year Journey On December 13th». DreadXP.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ «Sally Face getting a physical release on Switch». Nintendo Everything. March 4, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ «[Top 10] Best Indie Narrative Games». Gamers Decide. October 16, 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ Houston, Madison (July 10, 2017). «Sally Face Episode 2: ‘The Wretched’ – A tear-jerking adventure». Nerdvana.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. ^ Aickman, Will (February 17, 2020). «Sally Face». Adventure Gamers.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ «Indie of the Year Top 10». IndieDB. December 27, 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  8. ^ «2017 Award Winners». Lets Play PA. 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ «2017 Indie of the Year Awards». IndieDB.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

Sally Face — Episode One

Buy Sally Face, Episode One: Strange Neighbors


“Wholly unique gaming experience that has to be played to be believed”

“A psychological horror masterpiece”

“A staggeringly creative horror experience that absolutely needs to be on your radar”
Rue Morgue

About This Game


Delve into an unsettling adventure following the boy with a prosthetic face and a tragic past. In the first episode, Strange Neighbors, Sally Face and his father move into an apartment filled with odd tenants and an unfortunate crime scene. Little did they know what misfortune still awaits…

Unravel the sinister mysteries of Sally’s world to find the truth that lies hidden beneath the shadows.


  • Intriguing narrative will linger in your thoughts
  • Speak with the dead, using handheld video game system, the Gear Boy
  • Handcrafted by a solo dev: including art, design and music
  • Inspired by 1990s cartoons and personal nightmares
  • Bizarre characters, ponies, headbanging and more


The game is composed of five episodes in total. The first episode offers a short introduction to Sally Face, which the subsequent episodes greatly expand upon.


In this story-driven adventure game, players will interact with Sal’s world and his nightmares. The main path typically requires casual effort. However, there are hidden layers to be uncovered that will invoke a bit of head-scratching, for those players up to the challenge.

For Support, email me at portablemoose@gmail.com

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

Strong Language, Violence, Blood and Gore

System Requirements



SteamOS + Linux


    • OS: Win 7
    • Processor: 2GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Storage: 600 MB available space

    • OS: MacOS X 10.8
    • Processor: 2GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Storage: 600 MB available space

    • OS: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
    • Processor: 2GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Storage: 600 MB available space

Copyright © 2016 by Portable Moose LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Sal Fisher, otherwise known as «Sally Face«, is the titular main protagonist of the game. The son of Henry and Diane Fisher, a tragic accident during his childhood resulted in the death of his mother and left his face severely scarred, requiring him to wear a prosthetic face. Years following this incident, Sal and his dad moved to the town of Nockfell for a fresh start, residing in Room 402 of Addison Apartments.

The game centers around several events throughout Sal’s life, focusing on his investigation into the sinister mysteries that surround his new home and his attempts to stop the Devourers of God.


Sal’s most prominent feature is his prosthetic face mask, which is primarily white with a light pink patch over the right eye. He has blue eyes, the right one being an ocular prosthesis. From what has been seen of his face: he has a large scar that runs diagonally across the right side of his mouth, splitting his lips and exposing his teeth; a scar on his left cheek, as well as several other smaller scars scattered across the rest of his face; a dent on the right side of his lower jaw; and the cartilage of his nose is completely missing. He has shoulder length bright blue hair which he usually keeps tied up in pigtails and two piercings in each ear. He is noticeably short, being the second shortest among his friend group.

As a teenager, Sal wore a black sweater, ripped red jeans, and blue and white sneakers. In «The Wretched» he wore a black hoodie, a pair of blue fingerless gloves, and green earmuffs while out in the snow.

As an adult, he wears an outfit identical to the one he wore as a teenager and his hair down. His fringe has grown asymmetrically, with the right side covering his right eye. His prosthetic now has what are presumably pieces of adhesive tape holding the pieces together. Following his arrest, he wears a tattered orange prison jumpsuit with the inmate number 081486.


Sal was an adventurous teenage boy. He seemed to be resourceful and had the ability to keep his cool during stressful situations, as seen through his interactions with ghosts. He came off as friendly and polite regardless of rude or frightened responses he may get from people who are reacting to his prosthetic and was openly affectionate of his friends. Sal frequently offered a listening ear or kind word to others, even to those who have been unfriendly to him, as evidenced in «The Bologna Incident» when he comforted a crying Travis in the boy’s bathroom. His compassion and willingness to help people regardless of their appearance or standoffish behavior was demonstrated time and again. Though he was a kind person, Sal was capable of snapping back at those who try to hurt him through the use of sarcasm.

In «The Bologna Incident», his quick wit was demonstrated in response to bullying from Travis. He did not report the resulting punch in the face from Travis, however, and he did not correct comments made towards him out of ignorance rather than malice (such as when Miss Rosenberg misgenders him), suggesting that he didn’t like confrontation. He also didn’t seem to approve of violence, as he protested when his friends even jokingly threatened to kill Travis for bullying Sal.

Whilst Sal is male, he doesn’t seem to care how people perceive him, or about traditional gender roles, as evidenced by his traditionally feminine hairstyle, and how he didn’t bother to correct Miss Rosenberg when she referred to Sal as a girl upon meeting him. In addition, upon meeting Megan for the first time, she tells him, «Pigtails are for girls, silly!» to which he responds that nobody ever said only girls could wear their hair in pigtails and that he likes the style, too.

As an adult, Sal appeared to be significantly more jaded and less trusting of others and opened himself to others with great hesitation.



On August 16th 1984, the Fisher family went on a picnic to a scenic and sunny location, where a young Sal finds a dog and is eager to pet it. After some prodding, his mother allows Sal to visit the animal. However, it’s revealed that the «dog» was, in fact, a man wearing a dog mask (presumably Kenneth Phelps) and wielding a shotgun. His intent was to end the boy’s life due to the prophecy foretelling that a young boy would foil the Devourers Of God’s plans. The boy survived the encounter but at the cost of his mother’s life. For the years to come, Sal would maintain that his mother was killed by a man, not a wild animal, even if his psychiatrist and father didn’t believe him.

After a fateful visit to the hospital, Sal had to adapt to a new life with his prosthetic face and internalized the nickname bullies would later give him: Sally Face.

Move to Addison Apartments

Unknown circumstances ripped the two remaining members of the Fisher family from New Jersey and into the mysterious abode of Addison Apartments Room 402.

Halfway through unpacking, Sal decided to take a break, and, after sharing his feelings about the move to his father, left to explore the complex. After meeting the lovely Lisa Johnson, Sal is introduced to Lisa’s heavy metal loving son Larry Johnson, who quickly became friends with the newcomer.

After Larry confided within Sal the details of Mrs. Sanderson’s murder at the hands of Charley Mansfield, the boy is quick to offer his assistance. After devising a plan of action and receiving a walkie-talkie from Larry, Sal returns to his room to await his friend’s signal.

After the officers are pulled away by a fake report of a robbery, Sal enters Room 403 and witnesses the carnage committed by Mansfield, the body outline of Sanderson, and an empty space between two Glitter Ponies.

Upon returning to Larry, they decided that they had to retrieve the stolen Glitter Pony from Charley and turn it into the authorities. A quick visit to Charley’s room made it clear to Sal that the collector wouldn’t let him anywhere near his toys, so he had to find another way.

When visiting the fifth floor, Sal finds old laxatives in the bathroom of Room 504 and the ghost of the young Megan Holmes, but the supernatural being is too scared to speak to Sal for long. Regardless, Sal continued with his plan.

After adding the laxatives to a cup of Addison Tea, Sal managed to get Charley to abandon his watch over his beloved collection to attend to more pressing concerns in the restroom. Sal snags the toy and turns it into the Detective on the first floor. Mansfield is arrested and hauled away.

When Sal leaves the apartment to see Charley off, curiosity pulls him towards a coroner’s van, where Mrs. Sanderson’s decaying corpse lay, bagged, and awaiting processing.

The Curse

A few months into Sal’s stay at Addison Apartments, he began to become plagued by nightmares. One particular dream places him at the picnic where his mother was murdered, and later shifted into Larry’s shoes when he was fixing the toilet for Sandy Sanderson on the day of her demise.

After being devoured by the toilet, Sal meets the Glitter Pony he used to incriminate Charley, begging for water. When the plumbing is restored, the Glitter Pony becomes bloated, serving as a bridge for Sal to return to the «surface» to witness Mansfield murder Sanderson. A trail of bloodied footprints leads to a seated Charley Mansfield, admonishing Sal for his actions. Sal is jolted from sleep when Charley’s skin peels off to reveal a coal-black demon with red eyes.

Sal confides the details of his most recent vision in Larry, who is skeptical of the whole thing. Despite this, Larry takes Sal to his tree house to tell him the story of his past. Sal immediately recognizes the Red-Eyed Demon from Larry’s story (having seen it in the apartment’s kitchen on his first day) and offers to help lift his «curse». After retrieving an enigmatic Puzzle Box from a trunk containing the possessions of Larry’s father Jim Johnson, the two return indoors.

After a failed attempt to summon Megan Holmes from the bathroom of room 504, Larry refers Sal to Todd Morrison, the resident brainiac, and believer in the unknown. Sal, eager to show Larry that spirits do exist, doesn’t hesitate to pay Todd a visit.

Upon entering Todd’s apartment Room 202, Sal meets Ashley Campbell. Todd agrees to help Sal by modifying his Gear Boy to better detect supernatural activity. After cannibalizing Larry’s radio antennae and Walkie Talkie, the device was ready for testing in Todd’s restroom. It was here that they drew out the weeping ghost of Greg Montague who is quickly scared away by the Red-Eyed Demon.

Todd recovers from the initial shock of the supernatural occurrences and advises Sal to test it further while he does some digging into the history of the murders in Addison Apartments. Sal’s tests lead to the discovery of various levels of a mysterious game throughout the apartment complex and the Phantom of Jim Johnson. Sal doesn’t share any of his discoveries with his friends.

When Megan remained hidden, even with the improved tracking device, Sal returned to Todd and learned that the officers that arrested Charley were not registered in the police database and the Charley Mansfield that was arrested looked nothing like the one they knew. Additionally, old reports of Megan’s corpse being found by Lake Wendigo shows pictures of the girl when she was still alive.

Sal retrieves Megan’s necklace from the same lost found that held the Super Gear Boy Cartridge, brings Larry back to Room 504, and uses the Super Gear Boy and cross necklace to successfully draw out Megan Holmes.

After yet another brief interaction that revealed a friendship between Jim Johnson and Megan’s father Luke Holmes, she is scared away by the demon, leaving an awestruck Larry and Sal behind. They both agreed that the apartment room warranted further investigation. Larry left Sal to retrieve a crowbar from David, a former drug addict, while he returned to care for his sick mother.

A visit inside of David’s Room 302 led Sal to the discovery of the missing piece to Jim Johnson’s Puzzle Box. Before returning the crowbar to Larry, Sal solved the box to discover an odd Computer Chip inside. When the chip merges with Todd’s computer, the Phantom gives Sal a garbled message about a «red ball». When the vision ends, Sal finds the chip has somehow been replaced by a Rubix cube, with neither Todd nor Larry having any memory of the item.

Using the crowbar to break into Room 403, Sal conversed briefly with the spirit of the recently deceased Mrs. Sanderson, before she too was frightened away by the demon.

Returning to Room 504, Sal was finally able to enter the bedroom and summon the ghost of Stacy Holmes, who says nothing before disappearing. Further in the bedroom, Sal found a hole in the wall leading to another room. Upon entering the hole, Sal summoned the hanging ghost of Luke Holmes. When Sal attempted to speak to him, the ghost shed its skin to reveal an agitated Red-Eyed Demon. Before the demon could do anything it was removed with a special device created by Todd and used by an intervening Larry.

When the threat had clearly passed, Sal comforted a grief-stricken Larry for the «abandonment» of his father.

The Bologna Incident

Most of the events following the disappearance of the Red-Eyed Demon proved mostly normal for Sal, (sans the disappearance of multiple students) who had become good friends with Todd, Ashley, Chug, and Maple. Events returned to the paranormal the day Sal had a math test.

Sal, having completed his math examination well ahead of the rest of his class, distracted himself with doodles before dozing off. He is abruptly awoken by Mrs. Packerton who assures him that he did well on his test, earning ire from the bully: Travis Phelps. When the class reaches its conclusion, Travis confronts Sal and Ashley in the halls and punches the former in the face, and draws blood in the process. Sal declines all offers from his companions to get even with Travis, insisting that it would only worsen the situation with him.

The following day during lunch, Sal notes that the bologna being served tasted funnier than it usually did, causing his friends to spew their speculation over the meat’s origin. Instead of leaving the matter a mystery, Sal opted to investigate and his group (excluding Chug and Maple) agreed to help.

After being harshly turned away by the lunch lady Kim Yazzie, Sal turns to alternate solutions. Suspecting that Kim was responsible for the bologna’s condition, Sal teamed up with Larry and took a picture of the woman’s file. As Kim Yazzie was a former Amateur Nature Photographer, Sal took a picture of a bird and presented it to Kim who was then willing to give the boy a sample of the bologna and the identity of the school’s supplier: Mrs. Packerton.

On his way back to the labs to test the bologna samples, Sal meets a weeping Travis in the restroom. Although Travis threatens Sal, the boy stays and comforts him, assuring him that if he ever needed a friend all he had to do was ask.

After the bologna was examined, Sal’s group concluded that they needed more information on where Packerton got the bologna. Before the lunch period was over, Sal and Larry broke into Packerton’s classroom and opened her desk drawer to find many cult-like objects, including an item similar to Jim Johnson’s puzzle box. Not long after Sal is plagued with another vision of The Phantom who delivers an indecipherable message before fading away.

Investigating Room 201

That evening while Packerton was away, Sal and Larry broke into her apartment to find the severed head of a goat in the refrigerator and two locked doors. Behind one of the doors was Mr. Packerton, hooked up to a life support machine and stuck in a vegetative state. Sal uses the Super Gear Boy to summon Mr. Packerton as a ghost. The spirit denies knowledge of the bologna’s origins and instead begs to be euthanized. Sal complies and pulls the plug.

After being forced into hiding by Ashley, whom they had mistaken for Packerton, Larry found a key to the next room: a butcher shop stained with blood, decorated with newspaper clippings of missing children, and a pentagram-decorated footlocker fridge. Sal opens the freezer to find the deboned flesh of his missing classmates.

Disgusted, but satisfied that the origin of the lunchmeat had been uncovered they decided to leave and devise a way to deal with Packerton. Before they could complete their escape, Ashley discovers a hidden trash chute behind a picture of a farm and accidentally falls down into the bowels of the apartment building. Stricken with panic, the two boys act fast to save their friend.

The Temple

Sal and Larry retrieve Todd and enter a room in the basement concealed by the Lost and Found shelves. Although the room is vacant, for the most part, Sal discovers a cellar door leading deeper below ground. They enter the temple of the Devourers of God and station Todd at the entrance to keep the entrance gate open. After navigating through the temple’s maze and pressure plate puzzle gates, Sal and Larry come across a pedestal before another gate.

Sal placed the piece he stole from Packerton into the pedestal which opened the gate, leading to a room filled with piles of bones from the Cult’s victims. Miraculously, Ashley was unharmed and was discovered merely unconscious atop one of the piles.

After safely extracting Ashley from the temple, the group wanted to know what they should do to ensure Packerton can’t harm anyone else. Much to Sal’s horror, his friends suggest killing her. Sal convinced them to sleep on it, but the next morning they learned that there was no need to take action as Packerton was killed by a drunk driver on her way home.

Five years later

After Packerton’s death, life returned to normalcy for Sal and his gang. Following Henry and Lisa’s wedding, Sal became Larry’s stepbrother, Ashley left for art school, and Todd and Neil set up a home for the friends to share during their years in college.

But it was not to last. Sal’s nightmares returned and the ghosts of Addison Apartments vanished. These events prompted Sal and his step-brother to investigate the cursed building one last time before Larry officially moved in with the rest of the “Ghostnabbers”.

After catching up with the residents and investigating the temple of the Devourers of God, Sal left on a date with Ashley to Lake Wendigo. The two caught up on life and Sal confided in her the details of his returning nightmares and the ongoing investigation on the local cult.

The Endless One’s Infection

When Sal returned home, he received disturbing text messages from Larry. When his step-brother didn’t answer his cell phone, Sal rushed to the treehouse behind the apartment building, only to find Larry’s suicide note detailing the purpose of his actions: the darkness was starting to infect him.

Later, according to what Ashley said in Sal’s trial, Ash came to see Sal and thought he was drunk. She argued with him for the first time and let Henry and Lisa know that Sal was not okay. She later regrets not staying with Sal.

Donning the Necrolight Guitar and requesting the assistance of Todd, Sal investigated the treehouse to find a single, empty alcohol bottle on the floor. Before a proper investigation could be made, Sal was teleported to the roof of the Apartment building, right by the Pillar by Alyson Rosenberg’s Ghost.

With the help of Larry’s Ghost, Sal destroyed the pillar and (temporarily) freed the residents from the Endless One’s grasp.

Upon entering the room of Terrence Addison, Sal learned the truth. The Endless One had made an effort to infect the building before, and succeeded in possessing all the members of the Addison clan and was halted only by a young Terrence who was able to fight off his influence long enough to slaughter his family and prevent him from spreading. The Endless One manifested inside Terrence and had been fighting to control him for decades.

Using the Necrolight Guitar, Sal killed the Endless One and briefly met the real Terrence Addison who gave him a most dreadful mission: Kill all who were infected by the Dark or the shadows will consume more people. After great deliberation, Sal conceded and killed every single resident of the apartment building, including his own father.

After the deed was done, Sal left the building to be greeted by a horrified Ashley Campbell and the Nockfell Police Department.

The Trial

An unspecified amount of time later, Sal Fisher, branded by the media as «The Sally Face Killer», was held in custody and awaiting trial. Sal was assigned Dr. Enon as a psychiatrist by the courts to determine whether or not he was a victim of his own mental instability. Sal had his brain picked by Enon, eager to learn details of the convict’s strange dreams and stories, and hopeful that they would explain why Sal committed mass murder.

During the penultimate session before his trial, Sal told Enon of his dream in the hospital and finding the corpse of his mother. Enon writes it off as an «interesting dream» and requested that Sal shares the details of his first day at Addison Apartments. Sal complies but is initially unwilling to divulge any details regarding Larry Johnson after high school, but when he was willing to talk the session had ended.

In his last session, Sal shared his encounters with the Red-Eyed Demon and the ghosts of Addison Apartments with Enon who rejects the idea of supernatural involvement in his patient’s life. When session time had elapsed again, Sal was dragged away shouting for Enon to investigate Larry’s tree house with the promise of answers waiting there.

Three days before Sal’s interview with Faux News Anchor Clare Nettles (or the cultist who replaced her), he experiences another dream of The Phantom, this time speaking in understandable sentences. Sal then learned that Enon was dead and he had 73 hours left.

When Sal met with Clare, he affirms that he didn’t want a lawyer and would be representing himself in the coming trial. Sal is told by Clare that the most popular question about him was his refusal to eat bologna. Sal reluctantly shares the full details of the Bologna Incident under two conditions: that the story would be aired unedited, and he would be told of the condition of Todd Morrison. Clare honors her end of the bargain and informs Sal of his friend’s worsening condition. Sal begs to see him, claiming to know what was wrong.

During his trial, Sal recounts the events that of that fateful day, leading up to the mass murder.

The Verdict

With a mountain of testimonies, a replaced Dr. Enon, and a concerned Ashley Campbell against him, Sal was deemed guilty despite his best efforts to warn the populace of the cult’s activities and the spread of Red Eyes. He was sentenced to death (a ruling that Ashley strongly fought against) and sent to the electric chair three years later with a distraught Ashley Campbell as his only witness.

Memories and Dreams

When Ash checks Sal’s tomb, it is written with the following: «Son of Henry and Diane Fisher. 1976 — 2004.», and Ash comments, «I wish you were here, Sal…»

As the young woman shares with him the details of her efforts to derail the plans of the cult, Sal took measures to return to the physical, assembling the fragments of his soul that were scattered across multiple realities upon his death. During his travels, he recounts old memories of his past, going as far back as to his first day of school and as recently as a movie night he enjoyed with his stepbrother.

With aid from Jim Johnson and Ashley Campbell, Sal returned to the physical plane as a spirit and latched himself onto the dying form of the latter, granting her unique abilities that could hurt The Dark. The two, now one, returned to the Phelps Temple to find the center chambers to be barricaded.

While searching for a means of deactivating the lockdown, Sal found the notes of Jim Johnson from his time among the cult’s ranks and passage back to the spectral plane.

Upon entering the center chamber, Sal meets the father of Travis: Kenneth Phelps. After a brief interaction, the cultists and the Plague of Shadows assault Ashley and Sal (on the spectral plane). Sal is almost overtaken by the shadows but is saved by the aged form of his stepbrother, Larry. With the combined efforts of the three, the Void was vanquished and the Plague of Shadows was stopped.

The moment of victory is short-lived among the old friends as Larry vanished from existence, however, Sal would never stop his efforts to find him.


  • Whilst his name is Sal, people frequently call him «Sally» or «Sally Face», names which Sal reclaimed from his former bullies.
  • Sal was originally envisioned as a boy with a girl’s face sewn on.[2]
  • Sal has a cat named Gizmo.
  • It is confirmed that Sal takes medication (which is seen in his room) for anxiety, depression, and migraines.
  • It is heavily implied that Sal has romantic feelings for Ashley.

    Sal’s glass eye in «The Wretched»

  • In «The Wretched», Sal’s glass eye can be seen in a glass of water on his bedside table after he awakens from a nightmare.
  • Sal inherited his unnatural hair color from his father, since his mother was blonde.
  • Sal plays electric guitar, as shown by the guitar and amp in his room.
  • Sal’s favorite types of music are rock and metal, though he likes a little bit of everything.
  • Sal’s best friend is Larry.
  • His zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Considering this, his birthstone could either be topaz or blue zircon.
  • It is heavily implied that Sal’s facial disfigurement may have been caused by D.O.G. attack due to the events that transpired in the flashback at the beginning of «The Wretched».
    • In the dream of «Memories and Dreams», it revealed that his face was mauled from the shotgun while his mother attempted to protect him.
  • In Russian, Sal’s nickname «Sally Face» is translated as «Salli-kromsali», which literally means «mangled Sally».
  • Sal never takes off his mask in public since he doesn’t like the idea of others seeing his face. Steve Gabry equated the feeling of his prosthesis being taken off in public to the feeling of your pants being removed in public. In addition, Sal enjoys the moments where he is able to unmask himself and eat his food in private without having to worry about other people looking at him. [3]
    • When eating, he unbuckles the bottom straps, without revealing anything. Steve Gabry said that Sal’s favorite fruit would be applesauce since it would be easy for him to eat with his mask on.[3]
    • Sal doesn’t specifically have any favorite foods as he has grown accustomed to eating whatever is convenient. However, if he were to have a favorite then it would probably be pizza.[3]
  • The only people that are known to have seen his real face are Henry Fisher, Ashley Campbell, Larry Johnson, and Dr. Enon.
  • Sal would have to remove his prosthetic in order to take ID photos.[3]
  • Steve Gabry, the developer of «Sally Face«, said that Sal is his favorite character in the game during an interview.[3]
  • According to Ash during «The Trial», Sal once told her that he was afraid to drink because addiction runs in his family and he didn’t want to be an alcoholic.

Sal’s mask as it appears in IMMURE

  • In «The Trial», it’s revealed that Sal hates coffee.
  • Sal’s prosthetic face appears as an easter egg in IMMURE, a video game that Steve Gabry has also worked on.
  • During a Twitter Q&A hosted on August 25, 2019, developer Steve Gabry revealed several facts about Sal:
    • Sal is from Northern New Jersey. His accent wouldn’t be strong, only being noticeable in his pronunciation of certain words.
    • He wears dresses to formal events and occasionally just for fun.
    • His sexual orientation is intentionally left ambiguous so the player can project on to the character and because romance is not a major factor in the story.
    • The idea for Sal having a prosthetic face likely came from a nightmare Steve had. Additionally, Sal’s chronic nightmares were inspired by night terrors Steve experienced during his childhood.
    • Sal’s scream in «The Trial» is a royalty-free sound that was modified slightly. Sal’s crying in the same episode was recorded by Steve himself since he could not find a suitable crying sound.
    • At some point, Sal’s prosthetic was broken, hence the discolored piece over his right eye.
  • Sal’s Ghost that appears in «Memories and Dream» resembled how Jim Johnson looks in «The Wretch».
  • The Matrix was the last movie that Sal and Larry have watched together. They loved it so much so they saw it twice in the theater. [4]


Strange Neighbors

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 01

Young Sal at the beginning of «Strange Neighbors»

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 02

Young Sal and a dog in his dream

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 03

Young Sal in his dream

Sal and Henry

Sal and his dad, Henry, in his dream

Sal and mom

Sal and his mom in his dream

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 04

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 05

Henry and Sal moving in

Sal and Gizmo

Sal and his cat, Gizmo

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 06

Sal exploring a room in Addison Apartments

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 07

Sal and Larry in Larry’s bedroom


Sal and Larry listening to Sanity’s Fall


Sal at the end of «Strange Neighbors»


Sal as seen in the Trailer

The Wretched

Sal and Diane

Sal in his youth with his mom, Diane Fisher


The close-up image of Young Sal

Sal-blood ep2

Sal with a bloody face before entering the ambulance

Sally Face 4

Sal after waking up


Sal while out in the snow


Sal while self-defending

Sal and Larry hug

Sal consoling Larry

Sal urges Enon

Sal urging Dr. Enon to visit the tree house

The Bologna Incident


Sal at the beginning of «The Bologna Incident»

The White Room

Sal decoding the White Room

Sal speaks

Sal speaking to Clare Nettles


Sal in the game


Sal, getting punched by Travis Phelps


Ash, larry, todd, and sal

Ash, Larry, Todd, and Sal in the school cafeteria

Sal's Locker

Sal’s Locker

Dead potato

Sally next to his painting.


Sal and Larry attempting to hide


Sal and Larry brace themselves


Sal, Larry & Ash after opening the freezer


Sal at the ending of «The Bologna Incident»

The Trial


Sal at the beginning of «The Trial”


Sal before he becoming ‘Sally Face Killer’


Sal and Larry at Addison Apartments for their investigation


Sal and Ash meet after her return to Nockfell


Sal and Ash hug each other


Sal riding the motorcycle with Ash driving


Sal and Ash relaxing at the lake


Sal and Ash screaming


Sal trying to call Larry


Sal rushing to find Larry


Sal using his guitar


Sal and the Ghost of Alyson Rosenburg


Sal meets the Ghost of Larry


The option to switch to Sal, if the Player is playing as Larry’s ghost



Sal carrying the Guitar on his back


Sal vs. The Endless One


Sally Face Killer

The Trial

Sal’s Trial


Sal being lead to his execution


Ash trying her best to help Sal


Sal, a moment before being executed

Sal's Death

Sal’s execution

Ashley Distraught

Ash witnessing Sal’s execution

Memories and Dreams

Sal's grave

Sal’s Gravestone


Sal’s mask


Sal meets Jim


Sal’s ghost (skeleton form)


Sal’s ghost (half revived)


Sal’s ghost (fully revived)


Sal suffering the revival failure


Sal forced to watch Ash make a sacrifice


Sal and Ash merged


«Don’t wander so far, Sally»


Diane sacrificing herself to protect Sal from Kenneth’s shot

Sal's First Mask

Sal puts on his first mask.


Sal seeing Larry


Sal and Larry hugging


Larry gives Sal the guitar


Sal fighting against Endless’ red eyes


Sal fighting against Endless’ mouths


Sal fighting against Endless’ tentacles


Sal fighting against Endless’ eyes, alternative form


Sal fighting against Endless’ innards


Sal defeating Endless


Sal, Ash and Larry attacking Endless


Sal, Ash, Todd and Larry in the end


Larry saying goodbye…


…and he’s gone

Reality Shifting

Concept Art

Concept art 01

Sal’s first redesign


Concepts for Sal’s second redesign

Sal Concept Art 2

Concepts for Sal’s color palette

Pixel Sal

Sal in pixel style with his guitar during «Memories and Dreams»

Clay Sal

Sal Fisher in Clay during «Memories and Dream»

Broken Sal Guitar

Sal’s shattering souls mashing together with his guitar equipped during «Memories and Dreams»

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 5.16.05 PM

Sal Fisher in modern art style during «Memories and Dreams»

Group Photo

Modern Art Group Photo


Sal Funko

Sal Funko Pop

Sally Face Mask

Official Sally Face Mask sold by Trick or Treat Studios


  1. https://twitter.com/PortableMoose/status/1630932544639188993
  2. The Complicated History of Sally Face
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 http://tolma4team.ru/steve_gabry_interview/
  4. Ciabatta — Facts About Sally Face


v  d  e

Sally Face characters

{G} denotes Ghost, † denotes Deceased in certain episode, Italics denotes a character being playable in certain episodes, (Flashback) denotes a character being part of Sal’s memory, (GT) denotes a character engraved on the Grave Tomb seen in Episode 5

Sal Fisher(in TT){G}(in MAD)

Strange Neighbors

Charley Mansfield | Chug Cohen | Cop | Detective | Diane Fisher | Dr. Enon | Gizmo | Henry Fisher | Larry Johnson | Lisa Johnson | Mr. Addison | Mrs. Gibson | Mrs. Sanderson{G} | Red-Eyed Demon | Unknown Man{G}

The Wretched

Ashley Campbell | Azaria | Charley Mansfield | Chug Cohen | CJ | David | Diane Fisher | Dr. Enon† | Gizmo | Greg Montague{G} | Henry Fisher | Jim Johnson | Larry Johnson | Lisa Johnson | Megan Holmes{G} | Mr. Addison | Mrs. Sanderson{G} | Red-Eyed Demon | Stacy Holmes{G} | The Pony† | Todd Morrison

The Bologna Incident

Ashley Campbell | Clare Nettles | Chug Cohen | David | Diane Fisher† (Mentioned) | Gizmo | Henry Fisher (Mentioned) | Janis Morrison | Jim Johnson | Kim Yazzie | Larry Johnson | Lisa Johnson | Maple | Miss Rosenberg{G} | Mr. Addison | Mr. Dood El | Mr. Packerton† | Mrs. Gibson | Mrs. Packerton† | Ray Morrison | Red-Eyed Demon | Robert | Travis Phelps

The Trial

Ashley Campbell | Azaria† | Beelzebub | Chug Cohen† | Clare Nettles | CJ† | David† | Dr. Enon’s Imposter | Evelyn | Gizmo | Henry Fisher† | Her Fate | Janis Morrison† | Larry and his ghost version{G} | Lisa Johnson† | Maple Cohen | Mr. Addison† | Mrs. Gibson† | Neil | Peering Eyes | Ray Morrison† | Robert† | Soda† | The Phantom | Their Sins | Todd Morrison | Trapanrot | Travis Phelps | Unknown Man{G}

Memories and Dreams

Ashley Campbell | Cassandra Sanderson† (GT) | Chug Cohen† (GT) | Diane Fisher† (Flashback) | Evelyn (Mentioned) | Gizmo | Herman Sanderson† (GT) Henry Fisher† (Flashback) | The Vestige of Jim Johnson† | Kenneth Phelps† | The Ghost of Larry{G} | Lisa Johnson-Fisher† (GT) | Luke Holmes† (GT) | Maple Cohen† (GT) | Megan Holmes† (GT) | Morrison (GT) | Neil† | Robert Silva† (GT) | Tala Grey (Third Pyramid) | Terrence (Mentioned) | The Devourers of God† | Todd Morrison | Travis Phelps†

In Seeking Providence

Miss Rosenberg (Chapter 1) | The Phantom (Chapter 2) | Greg Montague (Chapter 3) | Stacy Holmes (Chapter 4) | Megan Holmes (Chapter 5) | Young Occultist (Chapter 6) | Luke Holmes (Chapter 7) | Sandy Sanderson (Chapter 8)

Sal Fisher, otherwise known as «Sally Face«, is the titular main protagonist of the game. The son of Henry and Diane Fisher, a tragic accident during his childhood resulted in the death of his mother and left his face severely scarred, requiring him to wear a prosthetic face. Years following this incident, Sal and his dad moved to the town of Nockfell for a fresh start, residing in Room 402 of Addison Apartments.

The game centers around several events throughout Sal’s life, focusing on his investigation into the sinister mysteries that surround his new home and his attempts to stop the Devourers of God.


Sal’s most prominent feature is his prosthetic face mask, which is primarily white with a light pink patch over the right eye. He has blue eyes, the right one being an ocular prosthesis. From what has been seen of his face: he has a large scar that runs diagonally across the right side of his mouth, splitting his lips and exposing his teeth; a scar on his left cheek, as well as several other smaller scars scattered across the rest of his face; a dent on the right side of his lower jaw; and the cartilage of his nose is completely missing. He has shoulder length bright blue hair which he usually keeps tied up in pigtails and two piercings in each ear. He is noticeably short, being the second shortest among his friend group.

As a teenager, Sal wore a black sweater, ripped red jeans, and blue and white sneakers. In «The Wretched» he wore a black hoodie, a pair of blue fingerless gloves, and green earmuffs while out in the snow.

As an adult, he wears an outfit identical to the one he wore as a teenager and his hair down. His fringe has grown asymmetrically, with the right side covering his right eye. His prosthetic now has what are presumably pieces of adhesive tape holding the pieces together. Following his arrest, he wears a tattered orange prison jumpsuit with the inmate number 081486.


Sal was an adventurous teenage boy. He seemed to be resourceful and had the ability to keep his cool during stressful situations, as seen through his interactions with ghosts. He came off as friendly and polite regardless of rude or frightened responses he may get from people who are reacting to his prosthetic and was openly affectionate of his friends. Sal frequently offered a listening ear or kind word to others, even to those who have been unfriendly to him, as evidenced in «The Bologna Incident» when he comforted a crying Travis in the boy’s bathroom. His compassion and willingness to help people regardless of their appearance or standoffish behavior was demonstrated time and again. Though he was a kind person, Sal was capable of snapping back at those who try to hurt him through the use of sarcasm.

In «The Bologna Incident», his quick wit was demonstrated in response to bullying from Travis. He did not report the resulting punch in the face from Travis, however, and he did not correct comments made towards him out of ignorance rather than malice (such as when Miss Rosenberg misgenders him), suggesting that he didn’t like confrontation. He also didn’t seem to approve of violence, as he protested when his friends even jokingly threatened to kill Travis for bullying Sal.

Whilst Sal is male, he doesn’t seem to care how people perceive him, or about traditional gender roles, as evidenced by his traditionally feminine hairstyle, and how he didn’t bother to correct Miss Rosenberg when she referred to Sal as a girl upon meeting him. In addition, upon meeting Megan for the first time, she tells him, «Pigtails are for girls, silly!» to which he responds that nobody ever said only girls could wear their hair in pigtails and that he likes the style, too.

As an adult, Sal appeared to be significantly more jaded and less trusting of others and opened himself to others with great hesitation.



On August 16th 1984, the Fisher family went on a picnic to a scenic and sunny location, where a young Sal finds a dog and is eager to pet it. After some prodding, his mother allows Sal to visit the animal. However, it’s revealed that the «dog» was, in fact, a man wearing a dog mask (presumably Kenneth Phelps) and wielding a shotgun. His intent was to end the boy’s life due to the prophecy foretelling that a young boy would foil the Devourers Of God’s plans. The boy survived the encounter but at the cost of his mother’s life. For the years to come, Sal would maintain that his mother was killed by a man, not a wild animal, even if his psychiatrist and father didn’t believe him.

After a fateful visit to the hospital, Sal had to adapt to a new life with his prosthetic face and internalized the nickname bullies would later give him: Sally Face.

Move to Addison Apartments

Unknown circumstances ripped the two remaining members of the Fisher family from New Jersey and into the mysterious abode of Addison Apartments Room 402.

Halfway through unpacking, Sal decided to take a break, and, after sharing his feelings about the move to his father, left to explore the complex. After meeting the lovely Lisa Johnson, Sal is introduced to Lisa’s heavy metal loving son Larry Johnson, who quickly became friends with the newcomer.

After Larry confided within Sal the details of Mrs. Sanderson’s murder at the hands of Charley Mansfield, the boy is quick to offer his assistance. After devising a plan of action and receiving a walkie-talkie from Larry, Sal returns to his room to await his friend’s signal.

After the officers are pulled away by a fake report of a robbery, Sal enters Room 403 and witnesses the carnage committed by Mansfield, the body outline of Sanderson, and an empty space between two Glitter Ponies.

Upon returning to Larry, they decided that they had to retrieve the stolen Glitter Pony from Charley and turn it into the authorities. A quick visit to Charley’s room made it clear to Sal that the collector wouldn’t let him anywhere near his toys, so he had to find another way.

When visiting the fifth floor, Sal finds old laxatives in the bathroom of Room 504 and the ghost of the young Megan Holmes, but the supernatural being is too scared to speak to Sal for long. Regardless, Sal continued with his plan.

After adding the laxatives to a cup of Addison Tea, Sal managed to get Charley to abandon his watch over his beloved collection to attend to more pressing concerns in the restroom. Sal snags the toy and turns it into the Detective on the first floor. Mansfield is arrested and hauled away.

When Sal leaves the apartment to see Charley off, curiosity pulls him towards a coroner’s van, where Mrs. Sanderson’s decaying corpse lay, bagged, and awaiting processing.

The Curse

A few months into Sal’s stay at Addison Apartments, he began to become plagued by nightmares. One particular dream places him at the picnic where his mother was murdered, and later shifted into Larry’s shoes when he was fixing the toilet for Sandy Sanderson on the day of her demise.

After being devoured by the toilet, Sal meets the Glitter Pony he used to incriminate Charley, begging for water. When the plumbing is restored, the Glitter Pony becomes bloated, serving as a bridge for Sal to return to the «surface» to witness Mansfield murder Sanderson. A trail of bloodied footprints leads to a seated Charley Mansfield, admonishing Sal for his actions. Sal is jolted from sleep when Charley’s skin peels off to reveal a coal-black demon with red eyes.

Sal confides the details of his most recent vision in Larry, who is skeptical of the whole thing. Despite this, Larry takes Sal to his tree house to tell him the story of his past. Sal immediately recognizes the Red-Eyed Demon from Larry’s story (having seen it in the apartment’s kitchen on his first day) and offers to help lift his «curse». After retrieving an enigmatic Puzzle Box from a trunk containing the possessions of Larry’s father Jim Johnson, the two return indoors.

After a failed attempt to summon Megan Holmes from the bathroom of room 504, Larry refers Sal to Todd Morrison, the resident brainiac, and believer in the unknown. Sal, eager to show Larry that spirits do exist, doesn’t hesitate to pay Todd a visit.

Upon entering Todd’s apartment Room 202, Sal meets Ashley Campbell. Todd agrees to help Sal by modifying his Gear Boy to better detect supernatural activity. After cannibalizing Larry’s radio antennae and Walkie Talkie, the device was ready for testing in Todd’s restroom. It was here that they drew out the weeping ghost of Greg Montague who is quickly scared away by the Red-Eyed Demon.

Todd recovers from the initial shock of the supernatural occurrences and advises Sal to test it further while he does some digging into the history of the murders in Addison Apartments. Sal’s tests lead to the discovery of various levels of a mysterious game throughout the apartment complex and the Phantom of Jim Johnson. Sal doesn’t share any of his discoveries with his friends.

When Megan remained hidden, even with the improved tracking device, Sal returned to Todd and learned that the officers that arrested Charley were not registered in the police database and the Charley Mansfield that was arrested looked nothing like the one they knew. Additionally, old reports of Megan’s corpse being found by Lake Wendigo shows pictures of the girl when she was still alive.

Sal retrieves Megan’s necklace from the same lost found that held the Super Gear Boy Cartridge, brings Larry back to Room 504, and uses the Super Gear Boy and cross necklace to successfully draw out Megan Holmes.

After yet another brief interaction that revealed a friendship between Jim Johnson and Megan’s father Luke Holmes, she is scared away by the demon, leaving an awestruck Larry and Sal behind. They both agreed that the apartment room warranted further investigation. Larry left Sal to retrieve a crowbar from David, a former drug addict, while he returned to care for his sick mother.

A visit inside of David’s Room 302 led Sal to the discovery of the missing piece to Jim Johnson’s Puzzle Box. Before returning the crowbar to Larry, Sal solved the box to discover an odd Computer Chip inside. When the chip merges with Todd’s computer, the Phantom gives Sal a garbled message about a «red ball». When the vision ends, Sal finds the chip has somehow been replaced by a Rubix cube, with neither Todd nor Larry having any memory of the item.

Using the crowbar to break into Room 403, Sal conversed briefly with the spirit of the recently deceased Mrs. Sanderson, before she too was frightened away by the demon.

Returning to Room 504, Sal was finally able to enter the bedroom and summon the ghost of Stacy Holmes, who says nothing before disappearing. Further in the bedroom, Sal found a hole in the wall leading to another room. Upon entering the hole, Sal summoned the hanging ghost of Luke Holmes. When Sal attempted to speak to him, the ghost shed its skin to reveal an agitated Red-Eyed Demon. Before the demon could do anything it was removed with a special device created by Todd and used by an intervening Larry.

When the threat had clearly passed, Sal comforted a grief-stricken Larry for the «abandonment» of his father.

The Bologna Incident

Most of the events following the disappearance of the Red-Eyed Demon proved mostly normal for Sal, (sans the disappearance of multiple students) who had become good friends with Todd, Ashley, Chug, and Maple. Events returned to the paranormal the day Sal had a math test.

Sal, having completed his math examination well ahead of the rest of his class, distracted himself with doodles before dozing off. He is abruptly awoken by Mrs. Packerton who assures him that he did well on his test, earning ire from the bully: Travis Phelps. When the class reaches its conclusion, Travis confronts Sal and Ashley in the halls and punches the former in the face, and draws blood in the process. Sal declines all offers from his companions to get even with Travis, insisting that it would only worsen the situation with him.

The following day during lunch, Sal notes that the bologna being served tasted funnier than it usually did, causing his friends to spew their speculation over the meat’s origin. Instead of leaving the matter a mystery, Sal opted to investigate and his group (excluding Chug and Maple) agreed to help.

After being harshly turned away by the lunch lady Kim Yazzie, Sal turns to alternate solutions. Suspecting that Kim was responsible for the bologna’s condition, Sal teamed up with Larry and took a picture of the woman’s file. As Kim Yazzie was a former Amateur Nature Photographer, Sal took a picture of a bird and presented it to Kim who was then willing to give the boy a sample of the bologna and the identity of the school’s supplier: Mrs. Packerton.

On his way back to the labs to test the bologna samples, Sal meets a weeping Travis in the restroom. Although Travis threatens Sal, the boy stays and comforts him, assuring him that if he ever needed a friend all he had to do was ask.

After the bologna was examined, Sal’s group concluded that they needed more information on where Packerton got the bologna. Before the lunch period was over, Sal and Larry broke into Packerton’s classroom and opened her desk drawer to find many cult-like objects, including an item similar to Jim Johnson’s puzzle box. Not long after Sal is plagued with another vision of The Phantom who delivers an indecipherable message before fading away.

Investigating Room 201

That evening while Packerton was away, Sal and Larry broke into her apartment to find the severed head of a goat in the refrigerator and two locked doors. Behind one of the doors was Mr. Packerton, hooked up to a life support machine and stuck in a vegetative state. Sal uses the Super Gear Boy to summon Mr. Packerton as a ghost. The spirit denies knowledge of the bologna’s origins and instead begs to be euthanized. Sal complies and pulls the plug.

After being forced into hiding by Ashley, whom they had mistaken for Packerton, Larry found a key to the next room: a butcher shop stained with blood, decorated with newspaper clippings of missing children, and a pentagram-decorated footlocker fridge. Sal opens the freezer to find the deboned flesh of his missing classmates.

Disgusted, but satisfied that the origin of the lunchmeat had been uncovered they decided to leave and devise a way to deal with Packerton. Before they could complete their escape, Ashley discovers a hidden trash chute behind a picture of a farm and accidentally falls down into the bowels of the apartment building. Stricken with panic, the two boys act fast to save their friend.

The Temple

Sal and Larry retrieve Todd and enter a room in the basement concealed by the Lost and Found shelves. Although the room is vacant, for the most part, Sal discovers a cellar door leading deeper below ground. They enter the temple of the Devourers of God and station Todd at the entrance to keep the entrance gate open. After navigating through the temple’s maze and pressure plate puzzle gates, Sal and Larry come across a pedestal before another gate.

Sal placed the piece he stole from Packerton into the pedestal which opened the gate, leading to a room filled with piles of bones from the Cult’s victims. Miraculously, Ashley was unharmed and was discovered merely unconscious atop one of the piles.

After safely extracting Ashley from the temple, the group wanted to know what they should do to ensure Packerton can’t harm anyone else. Much to Sal’s horror, his friends suggest killing her. Sal convinced them to sleep on it, but the next morning they learned that there was no need to take action as Packerton was killed by a drunk driver on her way home.

Five years later

After Packerton’s death, life returned to normalcy for Sal and his gang. Following Henry and Lisa’s wedding, Sal became Larry’s stepbrother, Ashley left for art school, and Todd and Neil set up a home for the friends to share during their years in college.

But it was not to last. Sal’s nightmares returned and the ghosts of Addison Apartments vanished. These events prompted Sal and his step-brother to investigate the cursed building one last time before Larry officially moved in with the rest of the “Ghostnabbers”.

After catching up with the residents and investigating the temple of the Devourers of God, Sal left on a date with Ashley to Lake Wendigo. The two caught up on life and Sal confided in her the details of his returning nightmares and the ongoing investigation on the local cult.

The Endless One’s Infection

When Sal returned home, he received disturbing text messages from Larry. When his step-brother didn’t answer his cell phone, Sal rushed to the treehouse behind the apartment building, only to find Larry’s suicide note detailing the purpose of his actions: the darkness was starting to infect him.

Later, according to what Ashley said in Sal’s trial, Ash came to see Sal and thought he was drunk. She argued with him for the first time and let Henry and Lisa know that Sal was not okay. She later regrets not staying with Sal.

Donning the Necrolight Guitar and requesting the assistance of Todd, Sal investigated the treehouse to find a single, empty alcohol bottle on the floor. Before a proper investigation could be made, Sal was teleported to the roof of the Apartment building, right by the Pillar by Alyson Rosenberg’s Ghost.

With the help of Larry’s Ghost, Sal destroyed the pillar and (temporarily) freed the residents from the Endless One’s grasp.

Upon entering the room of Terrence Addison, Sal learned the truth. The Endless One had made an effort to infect the building before, and succeeded in possessing all the members of the Addison clan and was halted only by a young Terrence who was able to fight off his influence long enough to slaughter his family and prevent him from spreading. The Endless One manifested inside Terrence and had been fighting to control him for decades.

Using the Necrolight Guitar, Sal killed the Endless One and briefly met the real Terrence Addison who gave him a most dreadful mission: Kill all who were infected by the Dark or the shadows will consume more people. After great deliberation, Sal conceded and killed every single resident of the apartment building, including his own father.

After the deed was done, Sal left the building to be greeted by a horrified Ashley Campbell and the Nockfell Police Department.

The Trial

An unspecified amount of time later, Sal Fisher, branded by the media as «The Sally Face Killer», was held in custody and awaiting trial. Sal was assigned Dr. Enon as a psychiatrist by the courts to determine whether or not he was a victim of his own mental instability. Sal had his brain picked by Enon, eager to learn details of the convict’s strange dreams and stories, and hopeful that they would explain why Sal committed mass murder.

During the penultimate session before his trial, Sal told Enon of his dream in the hospital and finding the corpse of his mother. Enon writes it off as an «interesting dream» and requested that Sal shares the details of his first day at Addison Apartments. Sal complies but is initially unwilling to divulge any details regarding Larry Johnson after high school, but when he was willing to talk the session had ended.

In his last session, Sal shared his encounters with the Red-Eyed Demon and the ghosts of Addison Apartments with Enon who rejects the idea of supernatural involvement in his patient’s life. When session time had elapsed again, Sal was dragged away shouting for Enon to investigate Larry’s tree house with the promise of answers waiting there.

Three days before Sal’s interview with Faux News Anchor Clare Nettles (or the cultist who replaced her), he experiences another dream of The Phantom, this time speaking in understandable sentences. Sal then learned that Enon was dead and he had 73 hours left.

When Sal met with Clare, he affirms that he didn’t want a lawyer and would be representing himself in the coming trial. Sal is told by Clare that the most popular question about him was his refusal to eat bologna. Sal reluctantly shares the full details of the Bologna Incident under two conditions: that the story would be aired unedited, and he would be told of the condition of Todd Morrison. Clare honors her end of the bargain and informs Sal of his friend’s worsening condition. Sal begs to see him, claiming to know what was wrong.

During his trial, Sal recounts the events that of that fateful day, leading up to the mass murder.

The Verdict

With a mountain of testimonies, a replaced Dr. Enon, and a concerned Ashley Campbell against him, Sal was deemed guilty despite his best efforts to warn the populace of the cult’s activities and the spread of Red Eyes. He was sentenced to death (a ruling that Ashley strongly fought against) and sent to the electric chair three years later with a distraught Ashley Campbell as his only witness.

Memories and Dreams

When Ash checks Sal’s tomb, it is written with the following: «Son of Henry and Diane Fisher. 1976 — 2004.», and Ash comments, «I wish you were here, Sal…»

As the young woman shares with him the details of her efforts to derail the plans of the cult, Sal took measures to return to the physical, assembling the fragments of his soul that were scattered across multiple realities upon his death. During his travels, he recounts old memories of his past, going as far back as to his first day of school and as recently as a movie night he enjoyed with his stepbrother.

With aid from Jim Johnson and Ashley Campbell, Sal returned to the physical plane as a spirit and latched himself onto the dying form of the latter, granting her unique abilities that could hurt The Dark. The two, now one, returned to the Phelps Temple to find the center chambers to be barricaded.

While searching for a means of deactivating the lockdown, Sal found the notes of Jim Johnson from his time among the cult’s ranks and passage back to the spectral plane.

Upon entering the center chamber, Sal meets the father of Travis: Kenneth Phelps. After a brief interaction, the cultists and the Plague of Shadows assault Ashley and Sal (on the spectral plane). Sal is almost overtaken by the shadows but is saved by the aged form of his stepbrother, Larry. With the combined efforts of the three, the Void was vanquished and the Plague of Shadows was stopped.

The moment of victory is short-lived among the old friends as Larry vanished from existence, however, Sal would never stop his efforts to find him.


  • Whilst his name is Sal, people frequently call him «Sally» or «Sally Face», names which Sal reclaimed from his former bullies.
  • Sal was originally envisioned as a boy with a girl’s face sewn on.[2]
  • Sal has a cat named Gizmo.
  • It is confirmed that Sal takes medication (which is seen in his room) for anxiety, depression, and migraines.
  • It is heavily implied that Sal has romantic feelings for Ashley.

    Sal’s glass eye in «The Wretched»

  • In «The Wretched», Sal’s glass eye can be seen in a glass of water on his bedside table after he awakens from a nightmare.
  • Sal inherited his unnatural hair color from his father, since his mother was blonde.
  • Sal plays electric guitar, as shown by the guitar and amp in his room.
  • Sal’s favorite types of music are rock and metal, though he likes a little bit of everything.
  • Sal’s best friend is Larry.
  • His zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Considering this, his birthstone could either be topaz or blue zircon.
  • It is heavily implied that Sal’s facial disfigurement may have been caused by D.O.G. attack due to the events that transpired in the flashback at the beginning of «The Wretched».
    • In the dream of «Memories and Dreams», it revealed that his face was mauled from the shotgun while his mother attempted to protect him.
  • In Russian, Sal’s nickname «Sally Face» is translated as «Salli-kromsali», which literally means «mangled Sally».
  • Sal never takes off his mask in public since he doesn’t like the idea of others seeing his face. Steve Gabry equated the feeling of his prosthesis being taken off in public to the feeling of your pants being removed in public. In addition, Sal enjoys the moments where he is able to unmask himself and eat his food in private without having to worry about other people looking at him. [3]
    • When eating, he unbuckles the bottom straps, without revealing anything. Steve Gabry said that Sal’s favorite fruit would be applesauce since it would be easy for him to eat with his mask on.[3]
    • Sal doesn’t specifically have any favorite foods as he has grown accustomed to eating whatever is convenient. However, if he were to have a favorite then it would probably be pizza.[3]
  • The only people that are known to have seen his real face are Henry Fisher, Ashley Campbell, Larry Johnson, and Dr. Enon.
  • Sal would have to remove his prosthetic in order to take ID photos.[3]
  • Steve Gabry, the developer of «Sally Face«, said that Sal is his favorite character in the game during an interview.[3]
  • According to Ash during «The Trial», Sal once told her that he was afraid to drink because addiction runs in his family and he didn’t want to be an alcoholic.

Sal’s mask as it appears in IMMURE

  • In «The Trial», it’s revealed that Sal hates coffee.
  • Sal’s prosthetic face appears as an easter egg in IMMURE, a video game that Steve Gabry has also worked on.
  • During a Twitter Q&A hosted on August 25, 2019, developer Steve Gabry revealed several facts about Sal:
    • Sal is from Northern New Jersey. His accent wouldn’t be strong, only being noticeable in his pronunciation of certain words.
    • He wears dresses to formal events and occasionally just for fun.
    • His sexual orientation is intentionally left ambiguous so the player can project on to the character and because romance is not a major factor in the story.
    • The idea for Sal having a prosthetic face likely came from a nightmare Steve had. Additionally, Sal’s chronic nightmares were inspired by night terrors Steve experienced during his childhood.
    • Sal’s scream in «The Trial» is a royalty-free sound that was modified slightly. Sal’s crying in the same episode was recorded by Steve himself since he could not find a suitable crying sound.
    • At some point, Sal’s prosthetic was broken, hence the discolored piece over his right eye.
  • Sal’s Ghost that appears in «Memories and Dream» resembled how Jim Johnson looks in «The Wretch».
  • The Matrix was the last movie that Sal and Larry have watched together. They loved it so much so they saw it twice in the theater. [4]


Strange Neighbors

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 01

Young Sal at the beginning of «Strange Neighbors»

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 02

Young Sal and a dog in his dream

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 03

Young Sal in his dream

Sal and Henry

Sal and his dad, Henry, in his dream

Sal and mom

Sal and his mom in his dream

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 04

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 05

Henry and Sal moving in

Sal and Gizmo

Sal and his cat, Gizmo

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 06

Sal exploring a room in Addison Apartments

Episode One- Strange Neighbors 07

Sal and Larry in Larry’s bedroom


Sal and Larry listening to Sanity’s Fall


Sal at the end of «Strange Neighbors»


Sal as seen in the Trailer

The Wretched

Sal and Diane

Sal in his youth with his mom, Diane Fisher


The close-up image of Young Sal

Sal-blood ep2

Sal with a bloody face before entering the ambulance

Sally Face 4

Sal after waking up


Sal while out in the snow


Sal while self-defending

Sal and Larry hug

Sal consoling Larry

Sal urges Enon

Sal urging Dr. Enon to visit the tree house

The Bologna Incident


Sal at the beginning of «The Bologna Incident»

The White Room

Sal decoding the White Room

Sal speaks

Sal speaking to Clare Nettles


Sal in the game


Sal, getting punched by Travis Phelps


Ash, larry, todd, and sal

Ash, Larry, Todd, and Sal in the school cafeteria

Sal's Locker

Sal’s Locker

Dead potato

Sally next to his painting.


Sal and Larry attempting to hide


Sal and Larry brace themselves


Sal, Larry & Ash after opening the freezer


Sal at the ending of «The Bologna Incident»

The Trial


Sal at the beginning of «The Trial”


Sal before he becoming ‘Sally Face Killer’


Sal and Larry at Addison Apartments for their investigation


Sal and Ash meet after her return to Nockfell


Sal and Ash hug each other


Sal riding the motorcycle with Ash driving


Sal and Ash relaxing at the lake


Sal and Ash screaming


Sal trying to call Larry


Sal rushing to find Larry


Sal using his guitar


Sal and the Ghost of Alyson Rosenburg


Sal meets the Ghost of Larry


The option to switch to Sal, if the Player is playing as Larry’s ghost



Sal carrying the Guitar on his back


Sal vs. The Endless One


Sally Face Killer

The Trial

Sal’s Trial


Sal being lead to his execution


Ash trying her best to help Sal


Sal, a moment before being executed

Sal's Death

Sal’s execution

Ashley Distraught

Ash witnessing Sal’s execution

Memories and Dreams

Sal's grave

Sal’s Gravestone


Sal’s mask


Sal meets Jim


Sal’s ghost (skeleton form)


Sal’s ghost (half revived)


Sal’s ghost (fully revived)


Sal suffering the revival failure


Sal forced to watch Ash make a sacrifice


Sal and Ash merged


«Don’t wander so far, Sally»


Diane sacrificing herself to protect Sal from Kenneth’s shot

Sal's First Mask

Sal puts on his first mask.


Sal seeing Larry


Sal and Larry hugging


Larry gives Sal the guitar


Sal fighting against Endless’ red eyes


Sal fighting against Endless’ mouths


Sal fighting against Endless’ tentacles


Sal fighting against Endless’ eyes, alternative form


Sal fighting against Endless’ innards


Sal defeating Endless


Sal, Ash and Larry attacking Endless


Sal, Ash, Todd and Larry in the end


Larry saying goodbye…


…and he’s gone

Reality Shifting

Concept Art

Concept art 01

Sal’s first redesign


Concepts for Sal’s second redesign

Sal Concept Art 2

Concepts for Sal’s color palette

Pixel Sal

Sal in pixel style with his guitar during «Memories and Dreams»

Clay Sal

Sal Fisher in Clay during «Memories and Dream»

Broken Sal Guitar

Sal’s shattering souls mashing together with his guitar equipped during «Memories and Dreams»

Screen Shot 2019-12-13 at 5.16.05 PM

Sal Fisher in modern art style during «Memories and Dreams»

Group Photo

Modern Art Group Photo


Sal Funko

Sal Funko Pop

Sally Face Mask

Official Sally Face Mask sold by Trick or Treat Studios


  1. https://twitter.com/PortableMoose/status/1630932544639188993
  2. The Complicated History of Sally Face
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 http://tolma4team.ru/steve_gabry_interview/
  4. Ciabatta — Facts About Sally Face


v  d  e

Sally Face characters

{G} denotes Ghost, † denotes Deceased in certain episode, Italics denotes a character being playable in certain episodes, (Flashback) denotes a character being part of Sal’s memory, (GT) denotes a character engraved on the Grave Tomb seen in Episode 5

Sal Fisher(in TT){G}(in MAD)

Strange Neighbors

Charley Mansfield | Chug Cohen | Cop | Detective | Diane Fisher | Dr. Enon | Gizmo | Henry Fisher | Larry Johnson | Lisa Johnson | Mr. Addison | Mrs. Gibson | Mrs. Sanderson{G} | Red-Eyed Demon | Unknown Man{G}

The Wretched

Ashley Campbell | Azaria | Charley Mansfield | Chug Cohen | CJ | David | Diane Fisher | Dr. Enon† | Gizmo | Greg Montague{G} | Henry Fisher | Jim Johnson | Larry Johnson | Lisa Johnson | Megan Holmes{G} | Mr. Addison | Mrs. Sanderson{G} | Red-Eyed Demon | Stacy Holmes{G} | The Pony† | Todd Morrison

The Bologna Incident

Ashley Campbell | Clare Nettles | Chug Cohen | David | Diane Fisher† (Mentioned) | Gizmo | Henry Fisher (Mentioned) | Janis Morrison | Jim Johnson | Kim Yazzie | Larry Johnson | Lisa Johnson | Maple | Miss Rosenberg{G} | Mr. Addison | Mr. Dood El | Mr. Packerton† | Mrs. Gibson | Mrs. Packerton† | Ray Morrison | Red-Eyed Demon | Robert | Travis Phelps

The Trial

Ashley Campbell | Azaria† | Beelzebub | Chug Cohen† | Clare Nettles | CJ† | David† | Dr. Enon’s Imposter | Evelyn | Gizmo | Henry Fisher† | Her Fate | Janis Morrison† | Larry and his ghost version{G} | Lisa Johnson† | Maple Cohen | Mr. Addison† | Mrs. Gibson† | Neil | Peering Eyes | Ray Morrison† | Robert† | Soda† | The Phantom | Their Sins | Todd Morrison | Trapanrot | Travis Phelps | Unknown Man{G}

Memories and Dreams

Ashley Campbell | Cassandra Sanderson† (GT) | Chug Cohen† (GT) | Diane Fisher† (Flashback) | Evelyn (Mentioned) | Gizmo | Herman Sanderson† (GT) Henry Fisher† (Flashback) | The Vestige of Jim Johnson† | Kenneth Phelps† | The Ghost of Larry{G} | Lisa Johnson-Fisher† (GT) | Luke Holmes† (GT) | Maple Cohen† (GT) | Megan Holmes† (GT) | Morrison (GT) | Neil† | Robert Silva† (GT) | Tala Grey (Third Pyramid) | Terrence (Mentioned) | The Devourers of God† | Todd Morrison | Travis Phelps†

In Seeking Providence

Miss Rosenberg (Chapter 1) | The Phantom (Chapter 2) | Greg Montague (Chapter 3) | Stacy Holmes (Chapter 4) | Megan Holmes (Chapter 5) | Young Occultist (Chapter 6) | Luke Holmes (Chapter 7) | Sandy Sanderson (Chapter 8)

Sally Face is an indie adventure game created by Steve Gabry a.k.a. Portable Moose. The game follows the titular main character Sal Fisher (otherwise known as Sally Face), a boy with a prosthetic face, who investigates local murders with his friends. The game consists of 5 episodes that were released between 2016–2019. Sally Face was also released on Nintendo Switch in 2021 and later on Playstation 4 and 5 in 2022.[1] Sally Face is an online game that includes characters such as Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson, Todd Morrison, Ashley Campbell, Travis Phelps and more.

Sally Face
Developer(s) Portable Moose
Publisher(s) Portable Moose
Engine Unity
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
  • Windows, macOS, Linux
  • August 16, 2016
  • Nintendo Switch
  • January 21, 2021
  • Playstation
  • 2022
Genre(s) Adventure, mystery, horror
Mode(s) Single-player


Sally Face is a point-and-click adventure game that includes narrative, exploration, and puzzle-solving, combined with the direct control of the player via sidescrolling. Players are encouraged to talk to game characters and explore the environments to uncover hidden parts of the story and can return to environments in later timelines to see how things have changed. Each episode of Sally Face contains optional puzzles that reveal more of the story. The game also includes various minigames that break up the regular gameplay.


Note: This summary is told linearly, in-game the main plot of the first four episodes are told as flashbacks recounted by an older Sal.

Episode 1: Strange Neighbors

Sal Fisher, a 15-year-old boy with a prosthetic face moves with his father to the Addison Apartments building in the town of Nockfell. The day before their arrival one of the other residents, Mrs. Sanderson, was murdered. Sal explores and meets the other tenants, including Larry Johnson, who reveals he witnessed the murder. Sal helps Larry find evidence that the murderer was one of the other tenants, Charley Mansfield. They present the evidence to the police and he is arrested. In the present, Sal recounts the story to his therapist, Dr. Enon, as he is on death row for mass murder.

Episode 2: The Wretched

Several months later Larry tells Sal that he feels he has been cursed by a demon in the building. Sal promises to help him and goes to Todd Morrison, a tenant their age who creates gadgets. Todd modifies Sal’s «Gear Boy» to be able to detect supernatural spots and the three of them explore the building. On the top floor, which is under renovation, Sal enters a secret room, where he encounters the demon. Larry steps in to save Sal and eliminates the demon with a gadget made by Todd. In the present, Sal is taken away while Enon visits the treehouse, where he is scared by the ghost of Larry and is killed after he falls from the tree, breaking his neck.

Episode 3: The Bologna Incident

More than a year later Sal and his friends decide to investigate the strange-tasting bologna at their school. After discovering that it is produced by the math teacher Mrs. Packerton, who lives in Addison Apartments, Sal and Larry decide to break into her apartment. Here they find that the bologna is being made of human meat and that Mrs. Packerton’s husband is possessed by an unknown entity, who they euthanize. Their friend Ashley Campbell discovers a hidden trash chute but falls down it. Sal, Larry, and Todd find that the chute leads to an occult temple underneath the building, where they save Ashley. Mrs. Packerton is killed in a car crash.

Episode 4: The Trial

Five years later a now-adult Sal lives with Todd in a house down the road from Addison Apartments, where they have spent the last years investigating the cult. Ashley comes to visit and she and Sal meet at a lake. That night, Sal receives strange messages from Larry and rushes to the apartments, only to find that Larry has committed suicide. Sal and Larry’s ghost together work their way through the apartment building, where it is shown in the otherworld that all the residents are overgrown with a strange growth. When Sal reaches Terrence Addison, the owner of the building who never leaves his room, he finds that a fleshy green mass has possessed him since he was a child. Sal defeats the mass but an apparition of Terrence tells him he must kill all the infected tenants to end the infestation for good. Reluctantly, Sal obliges and murders all the residents. In the Lobby, he finds Todd, who has been possessed by the demon. Ashley had arrived at the apartment complex moments before, and upon opening the door she unveils a covered-in-blood Sal and calls the authorities. Sal is immediately arrested as they come.

Two years later Sal is put on trial and, despite Ashley’s best efforts, sentenced to death. Ashley later finds proof of Sal’s story in the form of a picture of Larry’s ghost but arrives too late to save Sal, witnessing his death.

Episode 5: Memories and Dreams

After Sal’s death, Ashley continues Todd’s investigations of the cult. She places explosives in the main cult temple, however, she is unable to bring herself to detonate them. Believing Sal is destined to destroy the cult she begins a ritual to revive him, and slits her wrist to become a physical host for his spirit, temporarily keeping her alive and giving her special abilities. They go to the temple, where Ashley, Sal’s spirit, and the ghost of Larry defeat «The Endless», the core entity of the cult, saving Todd from the cult’s possession. Larry’s ghost vanishes, leaving the others to grieve him. Even after the group’s best efforts to save the world from the cult, it is later revealed in the unlockable epilogue, that 33% of the planet’s population had been consumed by darkness.


Sally Face was developed by the indie game studio Portable Moose, composed of solo developer Steve Gabry. The game took five years to develop.[2] It was developed using the Unity game engine. While Steve first invented the concept and world of Sally Face around 2006/2007, development on the game didn’t officially start until 2015. Steve cites 90s cartoons and personal nightmares as his main inspiration.[3] In 2016, an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign, netting the game $13,697, allowed Steve Gabry to start working on Sally Face full-time. Sally Face, Episode One: Strange Neighbors was released August 16, 2016, on itch.io and December 14 on Steam. Episode Two: The Wretched was released July 7, 2017. Episode Three: The Bologna Incident was released on February 10, 2018. Episode Four: The Trial was released on November 30, 2018. Episode Five: Memories and Dreams was the final episode and was released on December 13, 2019.


Sally Face has been overall positively received by critics. Gamers Decide website put Sally Face in their Top 10 Best Indie Narrative Games.[4] Nerdvana called it «a psychological horror masterpiece» and praised the game for evoking strong emotions.[5] Adventure Gamers critiques Sally Face for being convoluted and for hiding important story elements behind optional puzzles but ultimately said it’s «is a worthwhile and wholly unique gaming experience that has to be played to be believed.»[6]


Winner, «Indie of the Year 2018» — IndieDB[7]

Finalist, «Indie — Digital» — Let’s Play PA 2017[8]

Top 100, «Indie of the Year» — IndieDB[9]


  1. ^ Stockdale, Henry (January 12, 2021). «You Can Talk To The Dead Via Your Game Boy In Indie Horror Sally Face, Launching On Switch Next Week». Nintendo Life.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ Hentschke, Ted (December 9, 2019). «Sally Face Concludes Five Year Journey On December 13th». DreadXP.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. ^ «Sally Face getting a physical release on Switch». Nintendo Everything. March 4, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ «[Top 10] Best Indie Narrative Games». Gamers Decide. October 16, 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  5. ^ Houston, Madison (July 10, 2017). «Sally Face Episode 2: ‘The Wretched’ – A tear-jerking adventure». Nerdvana.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. ^ Aickman, Will (February 17, 2020). «Sally Face». Adventure Gamers.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ «Indie of the Year Top 10». IndieDB. December 27, 2018.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  8. ^ «2017 Award Winners». Lets Play PA. 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ «2017 Indie of the Year Awards». IndieDB.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

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