Как пишется счетчик гейгера

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Geiger–Müller counter

Geiger counter.jpg

A «two-piece» bench-type Geiger–Müller counter using a cylindrical end-window detector connected to an electronics module with analogue readout.

Other names Geiger Counter
Inventor Hans Geiger,
Walther Müller
Related items Geiger–Müller tube

The sound of a geiger counter

A Geiger counter (also known as a Geiger–Müller counter) is an electronic instrument used for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation. It is widely used in applications such as radiation dosimetry, radiological protection, experimental physics, and the nuclear industry.

It detects ionizing radiation such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays using the ionization effect produced in a Geiger–Müller tube, which gives its name to the instrument.[1] In wide and prominent use as a hand-held radiation survey instrument, it is perhaps one of the world’s best-known radiation detection instruments.

The original detection principle was realized in 1908 at the University of Manchester,[2] but it was not until the development of the Geiger–Müller tube in 1928 that the Geiger counter could be produced as a practical instrument. Since then, it has been very popular due to its robust sensing element and relatively low cost. However, there are limitations in measuring high radiation rates and the energy of incident radiation.[3]

Principle of operation[edit]

Diagram of a Geiger counter using an «end window» tube for low penetration radiation. A loudspeaker is also used for indication

A Geiger counter consists of a Geiger–Müller tube (the sensing element which detects the radiation) and the processing electronics, which displays the result.

The Geiger–Müller tube is filled with an inert gas such as helium, neon, or argon at low pressure, to which a high voltage is applied. The tube briefly conducts electrical charge when a particle or photon of incident radiation makes the gas conductive by ionization. The ionization is considerably amplified within the tube by the Townsend discharge effect to produce an easily measured detection pulse, which is fed to the processing and display electronics. This large pulse from the tube makes the Geiger counter relatively cheap to manufacture, as the subsequent electronics are greatly simplified.[3] The electronics also generate the high voltage, typically 400–900 volts, that has to be applied to the Geiger–Müller tube to enable its operation. This voltage must be carefully selected, as too high a voltage will allow for continuous discharge, damaging the instrument and invalidating the results. Conversely, too low a voltage will result in an electric field that is too weak to generate a current pulse.[4] The correct voltage is usually specified by the manufacturer. To stop the discharge in the Geiger–Müller tube a small amount of halogen gas or organic material (alcohol) is added to the gas mixture.


There are two types of detected radiation readout: counts and radiation dose.

  • The counts display is the simplest, and shows the number of ionizing events detected: displayed either as a count rate, such as «counts per minute» or «counts per second», or as a total number of counts over a set time period (an integrated total). The counts readout is normally used when alpha or beta particles are being detected.
  • More complex to achieve is a display of radiation dose rate, displayed in units such as the sievert, which is normally used for measuring gamma or X-ray dose rates. A Geiger–Müller tube can detect the presence of radiation, but not its energy, which influences the radiation’s ionizing effect. Consequently, instruments measuring dose rate require the use of an energy compensated Geiger–Müller tube, so that the dose displayed relates to the counts detected.[3] The electronics will apply known factors to make this conversion, which is specific to each instrument and is determined by design and calibration.

The readout can be analog or digital, and modern instruments offer serial communications with a host computer or network.

There is usually an option to produce audible clicks representing the number of ionization events detected. This is the distinctive sound associated with handheld or portable Geiger counters. The purpose of this is to allow the user to concentrate on manipulation of the instrument while retaining auditory feedback on the radiation rate.


There are two main limitations of the Geiger counter:

  1. Because the output pulse from a Geiger–Müller tube is always of the same magnitude (regardless of the energy of the incident radiation), the tube cannot differentiate between radiation types.[3]
  2. The tube is less accurate at high radiation rates, because each ionization event is followed by a «dead time», an insensitive period during which any further incident radiation does not result in a count. Typically, the dead time will reduce indicated count rates above about 104 to 105 counts per second, depending on the characteristic of the tube being used.[3] While some counters have circuitry which can compensate for this, for accurate measurements ion chamber instruments are preferred for high radiation rates.

Types and applications[edit]

Geiger counter with pancake type probe

Laboratory use of a Geiger counter with end-window probe to measure beta radiation

The intended detection application of a Geiger counter dictates the tube design used. Consequently, there are a great many designs, but they can be generally categorized as «end-window», windowless «thin-walled», «thick-walled», and sometimes hybrids of these types.

Particle detection[edit]

The first historical uses of the Geiger principle were to detect α- and β-particles, and the instrument is still used for this purpose today. For α-particles and low energy β-particles, the «end-window» type of a Geiger–Müller tube has to be used, as these particles have a limited range and are easily stopped by a solid material. Therefore, the tube requires a window which is thin enough to allow as many as possible of these particles through to the fill gas. The window is usually made of mica with a density of about 1.5–2.0 mg/cm2.[1]

α-particles have the shortest range, and to detect these the window should ideally be within 10 mm of the radiation source due to α-particle attenuation.[1] However, the Geiger–Müller tube produces a pulse output which is the same magnitude for all detected radiation, so a Geiger counter with an end window tube cannot distinguish between α- and β-particles.[3] A skilled operator can use varying distance from a radiation source to differentiate between α- and high energy β-particles.

The «pancake» Geiger–Müller tube is a variant of the end-window probe, but designed with a larger detection area to make checking quicker. However, the pressure of the atmosphere against the low pressure of the fill gas limits the window size due to the limited strength of the window membrane.

Some β-particles can also be detected by a thin-walled «windowless» Geiger–Müller tube, which has no end-window, but allows high energy β-particles to pass through the tube walls. Although the tube walls have a greater stopping power than a thin end-window, they still allow these more energetic particles to reach the fill gas.[1]

End-window Geiger counters are still used as a general purpose, portable, radioactive contamination measurement and detection instrument, owing to their relatively low cost, robustness and relatively high detection efficiency; particularly with high energy β-particles.[3][5] However, for discrimination between α- and β-particles or provision of particle energy information, scintillation counters or proportional counters should be used.[6] Those instrument types are manufactured with much larger detector areas, which means that checking for surface contamination is quicker than with a Geiger counter.

Gamma and X-ray detection[edit]

A Radhound Geiger counter measuring radiation emitted by a tree in Chernobyl

Geiger counters are widely used to detect gamma radiation and X-rays collectively known as photons, and for this the windowless tube is used. However, detection efficiency is low compared to alpha and beta particles.
The article on the Geiger–Müller tube carries a more detailed account of the techniques used to detect photon radiation. For high energy photons the tube relies on the interaction of the radiation with the tube wall, usually a high Z material[clarification needed] such as chrome steel of 1–2 mm thickness to produce electrons within the tube wall. These enter and ionize the fill gas.[3]

This is necessary as the low-pressure gas in the tube has little interaction with higher energy photons. However, as photon energies decrease to low levels there is greater gas interaction, and the direct gas interaction increases. At very low energies (less than 25 keV) direct gas ionisation dominates, and a steel tube attenuates the incident photons. Consequently, at these energies, a typical tube design is a long tube with a thin wall which has a larger gas volume, to give an increased chance direct interaction of a particle with the fill gas.[1]

Above these low energy levels, there is a considerable variance in response to different photon energies of the same intensity, and a steel-walled tube employs what is known as «energy compensation» in the form of filter rings around the naked tube, which attempts to compensate for these variations over a large energy range.[1] A chrome steel Geiger-Müller tube is about 1% efficient over a wide range of energies.[1]

Neutron detection[edit]

Geiger tube filled with BF3 for detection of thermal neutrons

A variation of the Geiger tube is used to measure neutrons, where the gas used is boron trifluoride or helium-3 and a plastic moderator is used to slow the neutrons. This creates an alpha particle inside the detector and thus neutrons can be counted.

A modern one-piece Geiger-Müller counter, including Geiger-Müller tube type 70 019 (at the top)

Gamma measurement—personnel protection and process control[edit]

While «Geiger counter» is practically synonymous with the hand-held variety, the Geiger principle is in wide use in installed «area gamma» alarms for personnel protection, as well as in process measurement and interlock applications. The processing electronics of such installations have a higher degree of sophistication and reliability than those of hand-held meters.

Physical design[edit]

Pancake G-M tube used for alpha and beta detection; the delicate mica window is usually protected by a mesh when fitted in an instrument.

For hand-held units there are two fundamental physical configurations: the «integral» unit with both detector and electronics in the same unit, and the «two-piece» design which has a separate detector probe and an electronics module connected by a short cable.

In the 1930s a mica window was added to the cylindrical design allowing low-penetration radiation to pass through with ease.[7]

The integral unit allows single-handed operation, so the operator can use the other hand for personal security in challenging monitoring positions, but the two piece design allows easier manipulation of the detector, and is commonly used for alpha and beta surface contamination monitoring where careful manipulation of the probe is required or the weight of the electronics module would make operation unwieldy. A number of different sized detectors are available to suit particular situations, such as placing the probe in small apertures or confined spaces.

Gamma and X-Ray detectors generally use an «integral» design so the Geiger–Müller tube is conveniently within the electronics enclosure. This can easily be achieved because the casing usually has little attenuation, and is employed in ambient gamma measurements where distance from the source of radiation is not a significant factor. However, to facilitate more localised measurements such as «surface dose», the position of the tube in the enclosure is sometimes indicated by targets on the enclosure so an accurate measurement can be made with the tube at the correct orientation and a known distance from the surface.

There is a particular type of gamma instrument known as a «hot spot» detector which has the detector tube on the end of a long pole or flexible conduit. These are used to measure high radiation gamma locations whilst protecting the operator by means of distance shielding.

Particle detection of alpha and beta can be used in both integral and two-piece designs. A pancake probe (for alpha/beta) is generally used to increase the area of detection in two-piece instruments whilst being relatively light weight. In integral instruments using an end window tube there is a window in the body of the casing to prevent shielding of particles. There are also hybrid instruments which have a separate probe for particle detection and a gamma detection tube within the electronics module. The detectors are switchable by the operator, depending the radiation type that is being measured.

Guidance on application use[edit]

In the United Kingdom the National Radiological Protection Board issued a user guidance note on selecting the best portable instrument type for the radiation measurement application concerned.[6] This covers all radiation protection instrument technologies and includes a guide to the use of G-M detectors.


An early alpha particle counter designed by Rutherford and Geiger.

Early Geiger–Müller tube made in 1932 by Hans Geiger for laboratory use

In 1908 Hans Geiger, under the supervision of Ernest Rutherford at the Victoria University of Manchester (now the University of Manchester), developed an experimental technique for detecting alpha particles that would later be used to develop the Geiger–Müller tube in 1928.[8] This early counter was only capable of detecting alpha particles and was part of a larger experimental apparatus. The fundamental ionization mechanism used was discovered by John Sealy Townsend between 1897 and 1901,[9] and is known as the Townsend discharge, which is the ionization of molecules by ion impact.

It was not until 1928 that Geiger and Walther Müller (a PhD student of Geiger) developed the sealed Geiger–Müller tube which used basic ionization principles previously used experimentally. Small and rugged, not only could it detect alpha and beta radiation as prior models had done, but also gamma radiation.[7][10] Now a practical radiation instrument could be produced relatively cheaply, and so the Geiger counter was born. As the tube output required little electronic processing, a distinct advantage in the thermionic valve era due to minimal valve count and low power consumption, the instrument achieved great popularity as a portable radiation detector.

Modern versions of the Geiger counter use the halogen tube invented in 1947 by Sidney H. Liebson.[11] It superseded the earlier Geiger–Müller tube because of its much longer life and lower operating voltage, typically 400-900 volts.[12]


  • Use of a "hot spot" detector on a long pole to survey waste casks.

    Use of a «hot spot» detector on a long pole to survey waste casks.

  • G-M pancake detector (right) feeding a microcontroller data-logger (left) sending data to a PC via bluetooth. A radioactive rock was placed on the detector causing the graph (in background) to rise.

    G-M pancake detector (right) feeding a microcontroller data-logger (left) sending data to a PC via bluetooth. A radioactive rock was placed on the detector causing the graph (in background) to rise.

  • G-M counters being used in the search for debris of satellite Kosmos 954

    G-M counters being used in the search for debris of satellite Kosmos 954

See also[edit]

  • Becquerel, the SI unit of the radioactive decay rate of a quantity of radioactive material
  • Civil defense Geiger counters, handheld radiation monitors, both G-M and ion chambers
  • Counting efficiency the ratio of radiation events reaching a detector and the number it counts
  • Dosimeter, a device used by personnel to measure what radiation dose they have received
  • Ionization chamber, the simplest ionising radiation detector
  • Gaseous ionization detector, an overview of the main gaseous detector types
  • Geiger–Müller tube, provides a more detailed description of Geiger–Müller tube operation and types
  • Geiger plateau, the correct operating voltage range for a Geiger–Müller tube
  • Photon counting
  • Radioactive decay, the process by which unstable atoms emit radiation
  • Safecast (organization), use of Geiger–Müller counter technology in citizen science
  • Scintillation counter, a gasless radiation detector
  • Sievert, the SI unit of effects of low levels of radiation on the human body


  1. ^ a b c d e f g ’’Geiger Muller Tubes; issue 1’’ published by Centronics Ltd, UK.
  2. ^ E. Rutherford and H. Geiger (1908) «An electrical method of counting the number of α particles from radioactive substances,» Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), Series A, vol. 81, no. 546, pages 141–161.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Glenn F Knoll. Radiation Detection and Measurement, third edition 2000. John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-07338-5
  4. ^ Siegel, Peter; Eskandari, Sephir. «Introduction to Geiger Counters» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-02-21.
  5. ^ «G-M detector function and measuring methods». Retrieved 2017-03-07.
  6. ^ a b [1] Archived 2018-07-30 at the Wayback Machine Selection, use and maintenance of portable monitoring instruments. UK HSE
  7. ^ a b Korff, SNTM (2012) 20: 271. doi:10.1007 / s00048-012-0080-y
  8. ^ E. Rutherford and H. Geiger (1908) «An electrical method of counting the number of α particles from radioactive substances,» Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), Series A, vol. 81, no. 546, pages 141–161.
  9. ^ John S. Townsend (1901) «The conductivity produced in gases by the motion of negatively charged ions,» Philosophical Magazine, series 6, 1 (2) : 198-227.
  10. ^ See:
    • H. Geiger and W. Müller (1928), «Elektronenzählrohr zur Messung schwächster Aktivitäten» (Electron counting tube for the measurement of the weakest radioactivities), Die Naturwissenschaften (The Sciences), vol. 16, no. 31, pages 617–618.
    • Geiger, H. and Müller, W. (1928) «Das Elektronenzählrohr» (The electron counting tube), Physikalische Zeitschrift, 29: 839-841.
    • Geiger, H. and Müller, W. (1929) «Technische Bemerkungen zum Elektronenzählrohr» (Technical notes on the electron counting tube), Physikalische Zeitschrift, 30: 489-493.
    • Geiger, H. and Müller, W. (1929) «Demonstration des Elektronenzählrohrs» (Demonstration of the electron counting tube), Physikalische Zeitschrift, 30: 523 ff.

  11. ^ Liebson, S. H. (1947). «The Discharge Mechanism of Self-Quenching Geiger–Mueller Counters» (PDF). Physical Review. 72 (7): 602–608. Bibcode:1947PhRv…72..602L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.72.602. hdl:1903/17793. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-09-21.
  12. ^ «History of Portable Radiation Detection Instrumentation from the period 1920–60». Archived from the original on 2009-01-13. Retrieved 2008-07-15.

External links[edit]

Media related to Geiger counters at Wikimedia Commons

  • How a Geiger counter works.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Geiger–Müller counter

Geiger counter.jpg

A «two-piece» bench-type Geiger–Müller counter using a cylindrical end-window detector connected to an electronics module with analogue readout.

Other names Geiger Counter
Inventor Hans Geiger,
Walther Müller
Related items Geiger–Müller tube

The sound of a geiger counter

A Geiger counter (also known as a Geiger–Müller counter) is an electronic instrument used for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation. It is widely used in applications such as radiation dosimetry, radiological protection, experimental physics, and the nuclear industry.

It detects ionizing radiation such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays using the ionization effect produced in a Geiger–Müller tube, which gives its name to the instrument.[1] In wide and prominent use as a hand-held radiation survey instrument, it is perhaps one of the world’s best-known radiation detection instruments.

The original detection principle was realized in 1908 at the University of Manchester,[2] but it was not until the development of the Geiger–Müller tube in 1928 that the Geiger counter could be produced as a practical instrument. Since then, it has been very popular due to its robust sensing element and relatively low cost. However, there are limitations in measuring high radiation rates and the energy of incident radiation.[3]

Principle of operation[edit]

Diagram of a Geiger counter using an «end window» tube for low penetration radiation. A loudspeaker is also used for indication

A Geiger counter consists of a Geiger–Müller tube (the sensing element which detects the radiation) and the processing electronics, which displays the result.

The Geiger–Müller tube is filled with an inert gas such as helium, neon, or argon at low pressure, to which a high voltage is applied. The tube briefly conducts electrical charge when a particle or photon of incident radiation makes the gas conductive by ionization. The ionization is considerably amplified within the tube by the Townsend discharge effect to produce an easily measured detection pulse, which is fed to the processing and display electronics. This large pulse from the tube makes the Geiger counter relatively cheap to manufacture, as the subsequent electronics are greatly simplified.[3] The electronics also generate the high voltage, typically 400–900 volts, that has to be applied to the Geiger–Müller tube to enable its operation. This voltage must be carefully selected, as too high a voltage will allow for continuous discharge, damaging the instrument and invalidating the results. Conversely, too low a voltage will result in an electric field that is too weak to generate a current pulse.[4] The correct voltage is usually specified by the manufacturer. To stop the discharge in the Geiger–Müller tube a small amount of halogen gas or organic material (alcohol) is added to the gas mixture.


There are two types of detected radiation readout: counts and radiation dose.

  • The counts display is the simplest, and shows the number of ionizing events detected: displayed either as a count rate, such as «counts per minute» or «counts per second», or as a total number of counts over a set time period (an integrated total). The counts readout is normally used when alpha or beta particles are being detected.
  • More complex to achieve is a display of radiation dose rate, displayed in units such as the sievert, which is normally used for measuring gamma or X-ray dose rates. A Geiger–Müller tube can detect the presence of radiation, but not its energy, which influences the radiation’s ionizing effect. Consequently, instruments measuring dose rate require the use of an energy compensated Geiger–Müller tube, so that the dose displayed relates to the counts detected.[3] The electronics will apply known factors to make this conversion, which is specific to each instrument and is determined by design and calibration.

The readout can be analog or digital, and modern instruments offer serial communications with a host computer or network.

There is usually an option to produce audible clicks representing the number of ionization events detected. This is the distinctive sound associated with handheld or portable Geiger counters. The purpose of this is to allow the user to concentrate on manipulation of the instrument while retaining auditory feedback on the radiation rate.


There are two main limitations of the Geiger counter:

  1. Because the output pulse from a Geiger–Müller tube is always of the same magnitude (regardless of the energy of the incident radiation), the tube cannot differentiate between radiation types.[3]
  2. The tube is less accurate at high radiation rates, because each ionization event is followed by a «dead time», an insensitive period during which any further incident radiation does not result in a count. Typically, the dead time will reduce indicated count rates above about 104 to 105 counts per second, depending on the characteristic of the tube being used.[3] While some counters have circuitry which can compensate for this, for accurate measurements ion chamber instruments are preferred for high radiation rates.

Types and applications[edit]

Geiger counter with pancake type probe

Laboratory use of a Geiger counter with end-window probe to measure beta radiation

The intended detection application of a Geiger counter dictates the tube design used. Consequently, there are a great many designs, but they can be generally categorized as «end-window», windowless «thin-walled», «thick-walled», and sometimes hybrids of these types.

Particle detection[edit]

The first historical uses of the Geiger principle were to detect α- and β-particles, and the instrument is still used for this purpose today. For α-particles and low energy β-particles, the «end-window» type of a Geiger–Müller tube has to be used, as these particles have a limited range and are easily stopped by a solid material. Therefore, the tube requires a window which is thin enough to allow as many as possible of these particles through to the fill gas. The window is usually made of mica with a density of about 1.5–2.0 mg/cm2.[1]

α-particles have the shortest range, and to detect these the window should ideally be within 10 mm of the radiation source due to α-particle attenuation.[1] However, the Geiger–Müller tube produces a pulse output which is the same magnitude for all detected radiation, so a Geiger counter with an end window tube cannot distinguish between α- and β-particles.[3] A skilled operator can use varying distance from a radiation source to differentiate between α- and high energy β-particles.

The «pancake» Geiger–Müller tube is a variant of the end-window probe, but designed with a larger detection area to make checking quicker. However, the pressure of the atmosphere against the low pressure of the fill gas limits the window size due to the limited strength of the window membrane.

Some β-particles can also be detected by a thin-walled «windowless» Geiger–Müller tube, which has no end-window, but allows high energy β-particles to pass through the tube walls. Although the tube walls have a greater stopping power than a thin end-window, they still allow these more energetic particles to reach the fill gas.[1]

End-window Geiger counters are still used as a general purpose, portable, radioactive contamination measurement and detection instrument, owing to their relatively low cost, robustness and relatively high detection efficiency; particularly with high energy β-particles.[3][5] However, for discrimination between α- and β-particles or provision of particle energy information, scintillation counters or proportional counters should be used.[6] Those instrument types are manufactured with much larger detector areas, which means that checking for surface contamination is quicker than with a Geiger counter.

Gamma and X-ray detection[edit]

A Radhound Geiger counter measuring radiation emitted by a tree in Chernobyl

Geiger counters are widely used to detect gamma radiation and X-rays collectively known as photons, and for this the windowless tube is used. However, detection efficiency is low compared to alpha and beta particles.
The article on the Geiger–Müller tube carries a more detailed account of the techniques used to detect photon radiation. For high energy photons the tube relies on the interaction of the radiation with the tube wall, usually a high Z material[clarification needed] such as chrome steel of 1–2 mm thickness to produce electrons within the tube wall. These enter and ionize the fill gas.[3]

This is necessary as the low-pressure gas in the tube has little interaction with higher energy photons. However, as photon energies decrease to low levels there is greater gas interaction, and the direct gas interaction increases. At very low energies (less than 25 keV) direct gas ionisation dominates, and a steel tube attenuates the incident photons. Consequently, at these energies, a typical tube design is a long tube with a thin wall which has a larger gas volume, to give an increased chance direct interaction of a particle with the fill gas.[1]

Above these low energy levels, there is a considerable variance in response to different photon energies of the same intensity, and a steel-walled tube employs what is known as «energy compensation» in the form of filter rings around the naked tube, which attempts to compensate for these variations over a large energy range.[1] A chrome steel Geiger-Müller tube is about 1% efficient over a wide range of energies.[1]

Neutron detection[edit]

Geiger tube filled with BF3 for detection of thermal neutrons

A variation of the Geiger tube is used to measure neutrons, where the gas used is boron trifluoride or helium-3 and a plastic moderator is used to slow the neutrons. This creates an alpha particle inside the detector and thus neutrons can be counted.

A modern one-piece Geiger-Müller counter, including Geiger-Müller tube type 70 019 (at the top)

Gamma measurement—personnel protection and process control[edit]

While «Geiger counter» is practically synonymous with the hand-held variety, the Geiger principle is in wide use in installed «area gamma» alarms for personnel protection, as well as in process measurement and interlock applications. The processing electronics of such installations have a higher degree of sophistication and reliability than those of hand-held meters.

Physical design[edit]

Pancake G-M tube used for alpha and beta detection; the delicate mica window is usually protected by a mesh when fitted in an instrument.

For hand-held units there are two fundamental physical configurations: the «integral» unit with both detector and electronics in the same unit, and the «two-piece» design which has a separate detector probe and an electronics module connected by a short cable.

In the 1930s a mica window was added to the cylindrical design allowing low-penetration radiation to pass through with ease.[7]

The integral unit allows single-handed operation, so the operator can use the other hand for personal security in challenging monitoring positions, but the two piece design allows easier manipulation of the detector, and is commonly used for alpha and beta surface contamination monitoring where careful manipulation of the probe is required or the weight of the electronics module would make operation unwieldy. A number of different sized detectors are available to suit particular situations, such as placing the probe in small apertures or confined spaces.

Gamma and X-Ray detectors generally use an «integral» design so the Geiger–Müller tube is conveniently within the electronics enclosure. This can easily be achieved because the casing usually has little attenuation, and is employed in ambient gamma measurements where distance from the source of radiation is not a significant factor. However, to facilitate more localised measurements such as «surface dose», the position of the tube in the enclosure is sometimes indicated by targets on the enclosure so an accurate measurement can be made with the tube at the correct orientation and a known distance from the surface.

There is a particular type of gamma instrument known as a «hot spot» detector which has the detector tube on the end of a long pole or flexible conduit. These are used to measure high radiation gamma locations whilst protecting the operator by means of distance shielding.

Particle detection of alpha and beta can be used in both integral and two-piece designs. A pancake probe (for alpha/beta) is generally used to increase the area of detection in two-piece instruments whilst being relatively light weight. In integral instruments using an end window tube there is a window in the body of the casing to prevent shielding of particles. There are also hybrid instruments which have a separate probe for particle detection and a gamma detection tube within the electronics module. The detectors are switchable by the operator, depending the radiation type that is being measured.

Guidance on application use[edit]

In the United Kingdom the National Radiological Protection Board issued a user guidance note on selecting the best portable instrument type for the radiation measurement application concerned.[6] This covers all radiation protection instrument technologies and includes a guide to the use of G-M detectors.


An early alpha particle counter designed by Rutherford and Geiger.

Early Geiger–Müller tube made in 1932 by Hans Geiger for laboratory use

In 1908 Hans Geiger, under the supervision of Ernest Rutherford at the Victoria University of Manchester (now the University of Manchester), developed an experimental technique for detecting alpha particles that would later be used to develop the Geiger–Müller tube in 1928.[8] This early counter was only capable of detecting alpha particles and was part of a larger experimental apparatus. The fundamental ionization mechanism used was discovered by John Sealy Townsend between 1897 and 1901,[9] and is known as the Townsend discharge, which is the ionization of molecules by ion impact.

It was not until 1928 that Geiger and Walther Müller (a PhD student of Geiger) developed the sealed Geiger–Müller tube which used basic ionization principles previously used experimentally. Small and rugged, not only could it detect alpha and beta radiation as prior models had done, but also gamma radiation.[7][10] Now a practical radiation instrument could be produced relatively cheaply, and so the Geiger counter was born. As the tube output required little electronic processing, a distinct advantage in the thermionic valve era due to minimal valve count and low power consumption, the instrument achieved great popularity as a portable radiation detector.

Modern versions of the Geiger counter use the halogen tube invented in 1947 by Sidney H. Liebson.[11] It superseded the earlier Geiger–Müller tube because of its much longer life and lower operating voltage, typically 400-900 volts.[12]


  • Use of a "hot spot" detector on a long pole to survey waste casks.

    Use of a «hot spot» detector on a long pole to survey waste casks.

  • G-M pancake detector (right) feeding a microcontroller data-logger (left) sending data to a PC via bluetooth. A radioactive rock was placed on the detector causing the graph (in background) to rise.

    G-M pancake detector (right) feeding a microcontroller data-logger (left) sending data to a PC via bluetooth. A radioactive rock was placed on the detector causing the graph (in background) to rise.

  • G-M counters being used in the search for debris of satellite Kosmos 954

    G-M counters being used in the search for debris of satellite Kosmos 954

See also[edit]

  • Becquerel, the SI unit of the radioactive decay rate of a quantity of radioactive material
  • Civil defense Geiger counters, handheld radiation monitors, both G-M and ion chambers
  • Counting efficiency the ratio of radiation events reaching a detector and the number it counts
  • Dosimeter, a device used by personnel to measure what radiation dose they have received
  • Ionization chamber, the simplest ionising radiation detector
  • Gaseous ionization detector, an overview of the main gaseous detector types
  • Geiger–Müller tube, provides a more detailed description of Geiger–Müller tube operation and types
  • Geiger plateau, the correct operating voltage range for a Geiger–Müller tube
  • Photon counting
  • Radioactive decay, the process by which unstable atoms emit radiation
  • Safecast (organization), use of Geiger–Müller counter technology in citizen science
  • Scintillation counter, a gasless radiation detector
  • Sievert, the SI unit of effects of low levels of radiation on the human body


  1. ^ a b c d e f g ’’Geiger Muller Tubes; issue 1’’ published by Centronics Ltd, UK.
  2. ^ E. Rutherford and H. Geiger (1908) «An electrical method of counting the number of α particles from radioactive substances,» Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), Series A, vol. 81, no. 546, pages 141–161.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Glenn F Knoll. Radiation Detection and Measurement, third edition 2000. John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-07338-5
  4. ^ Siegel, Peter; Eskandari, Sephir. «Introduction to Geiger Counters» (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-02-21.
  5. ^ «G-M detector function and measuring methods». Retrieved 2017-03-07.
  6. ^ a b [1] Archived 2018-07-30 at the Wayback Machine Selection, use and maintenance of portable monitoring instruments. UK HSE
  7. ^ a b Korff, SNTM (2012) 20: 271. doi:10.1007 / s00048-012-0080-y
  8. ^ E. Rutherford and H. Geiger (1908) «An electrical method of counting the number of α particles from radioactive substances,» Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), Series A, vol. 81, no. 546, pages 141–161.
  9. ^ John S. Townsend (1901) «The conductivity produced in gases by the motion of negatively charged ions,» Philosophical Magazine, series 6, 1 (2) : 198-227.
  10. ^ See:
    • H. Geiger and W. Müller (1928), «Elektronenzählrohr zur Messung schwächster Aktivitäten» (Electron counting tube for the measurement of the weakest radioactivities), Die Naturwissenschaften (The Sciences), vol. 16, no. 31, pages 617–618.
    • Geiger, H. and Müller, W. (1928) «Das Elektronenzählrohr» (The electron counting tube), Physikalische Zeitschrift, 29: 839-841.
    • Geiger, H. and Müller, W. (1929) «Technische Bemerkungen zum Elektronenzählrohr» (Technical notes on the electron counting tube), Physikalische Zeitschrift, 30: 489-493.
    • Geiger, H. and Müller, W. (1929) «Demonstration des Elektronenzählrohrs» (Demonstration of the electron counting tube), Physikalische Zeitschrift, 30: 523 ff.

  11. ^ Liebson, S. H. (1947). «The Discharge Mechanism of Self-Quenching Geiger–Mueller Counters» (PDF). Physical Review. 72 (7): 602–608. Bibcode:1947PhRv…72..602L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.72.602. hdl:1903/17793. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-09-21.
  12. ^ «History of Portable Radiation Detection Instrumentation from the period 1920–60». Archived from the original on 2009-01-13. Retrieved 2008-07-15.

External links[edit]

Media related to Geiger counters at Wikimedia Commons

  • How a Geiger counter works.

Что такое счетчик Гейгера и как он работает?



обновлено 20.03.2022

В случае ядерного взрыва, аварии на атомной электростанции или другой подобной катастрофы, окружающая среда будет отравлена радиацией. Когда ионизирующее излучение воздействует на организмы людей и животных, возникает отравление радиацией. Тяжесть последствий напрямую зависит от уровня облучения. Если он небольшой, человек ощутит недомогания вроде головокружения и усталости. В случае, если доза облучения была большой, организм получает серьезные неврологические повреждения и умирает в течение 48 часов. Чтобы узнать, выделяет ли окружающая среда ионизирующее излучение, используется счетчик Гейгера. В случае, если от окружающей среды или какого-либо определенного объекта исходит радиация, он начинает трещать. Давайте разберемся, как работает этот простой и дешевый прибор.

Что такое счетчик Гейгера и как он работает? Счетчик Гейгера может на 100% определить наличие радиации. Фото.

Счетчик Гейгера может на 100% определить наличие радиации

История создания счетчика Гейгера

Счетчик Гейгера был изобретен в 1908 году, немецким физиком Хансом Вильгельмом Гейгером. Изначально устройство, которое предназначено для выявления радиации, было очень простым и имело множество недоработок. В 1928 году, во время работы с Гейгером, прибор значительно улучшил его коллега Вальтер Мюллер. В частности, он разработал несколько модификаций устройства — каждая из версий обнаруживала разный тип излучения. Из-за этого, измерительный прибор также называют счетчиком Гейгера-Мюллера.

История создания счетчика Гейгера. Немецкий физик Ханс Гейгер. Фото.

Немецкий физик Ханс Гейгер

Прибор был разработан как раз в период активного изучения ядерной физики, атомной энергетики и создания ядерного оружия. Счетчик Гейгера стал максимально простым инструментом для регистрации и измерения интенсивности распада радиоактивных веществ. Сегодня он является частью дозиметров — более навороченных устройств, которые не только регистрируют наличие радиации, но и показывают точные данные о его уровне. Раньше такие измерительные приборы использовались в военной сфере и атомных электростанциях, но сегодня купить счетчик Гейгера может любой желающий.

История создания счетчика Гейгера. Схема простейшего счетчика Гейгера. Фото.

Схема простейшего счетчика Гейгера

У нас есть статья о том, какой бывает радиация и как от нее защититься. Вот ссылка.

Как работает счетчик Гейгера?

Конструкция счетчика Гейгера очень проста. По сути, это конденсатор, внутри которого находится инертный газ: неон, аргон и так далее. Так называются летучие вещества, которые участвуют в очень малом количестве химических реакций. Чтобы заставить их вступить в реакцию, нужно искусственно ионизировать каждый атом. Когда внутрь цилиндрического конденсатора попадает ионизирующее излучение, газ вступает в реакцию и возникает электрический ток. Именно из-за того, что внутри счетчика Гейгера возникают электрические разряды, в случае обнаружения радиации прибор и издает треск.

Как работает счетчик Гейгера? Счетчик Гейгера, подключенный к радиометру. Фото.

Счетчик Гейгера, подключенный к радиометру

Благодаря максимально простой конструкции, счетчики Гейгера стоят дешево. Поэтому их активно используют в случаях, когда нужно фиксировать всплески радиации на больших территориях — иногда приборами покрывают десятки, а временами даже сотни квадратных метров. Точность счетчика Гейгера равна 100%, потому что для возникновения электрического разряда разряда внутри конденсатора достаточно одной электрон-ионной пары.

Читайте также: Что будет после ядерной войны?

Что такое дозиметр?

Как уже было отмечено выше, счетчики Гейгера являются составными частями дозиметров. В то время как счетчик определяет наличие ионизирующего излучения, дозиметр определяет накопленную дозу ионизирующего излучения. Не стоит путать дозиметр с радиометр — второй показывающий мощность дозы радиации я в данный момент времени, в определенной точке.

Что такое дозиметр? Разные модели дозиметров. Фото.

Разные модели дозиметров

Дозиметры часто используются в быту, для проверки на наличие ионизирующего излучения помещений, предметов и продуктов питания. Дозы облучения оцениваются в микрорентгенах в час (мкР/ч). Допустимая норма гамма-фона для Москвы и других городов составляет от 10 до 30 микрорентген в час. Если дозиметр показывает более высокие показатели — необходимо звать спасателей, покинуть опасное место или отойти подальше от радиоактивного объекта.

Если вам интересны новости науки и технологий, подпишитесь на наш Telegram-канал. Там вы найдете анонсы свежих новостей нашего сайта!

О том, насколько радиация опасна для человеческого организма, многие из вас наверняка уже знают. Но мало кто понимает, как именно ионизирующее излучение разрушает человеческий (и не только!) организм. О смертельной дозе радиации и возможности выжить после радиационного излучения мы подробно писали в этом материале. Также рекомендую почитать статью о правилах выживания в случае ядерного взрыва.

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    (Гейгера — Мюллера счётчик), газоразрядный детектор, срабатывающий при прохождении через его объём заряж. ч-ц. Величина сигнала (импульса тока) не зависит от энергии ч-ц (прибор работает в режиме самостоят. разряда). Г. с. изобретён в 1908 нем. физиком X. Гейгером совместно с англ. физиком Э. Резерфордом, затем усовершенствован Гейгером и нем. физиком В. Мюллером. Г. с. сыграли важную роль в яд. физике в 20—40 гг. Они продолжают применяться, в частности, в дозиметрии.


    Рис. 1. Счётчик Гейгера.

    В Г. с. рабочий объём — газоразрядный промежуток с сильно неоднородным электрич. полем. Чаще всего применяют коаксиальные цилиндрич. электроды; внеш. цилиндр — катод, тонкая нить, натянутая вдоль его оси, анод (рис. 1). Электроды заключены в герметич. резервуар, наполненный газом до давления 100—200 мм рт. ст.


    Рис. 2. Схема регистрирующего устройства со счётчиком Гейгера.

    К электродам прикладывается напряжение в неск. сотен вольт. При попадании ионизирующей ч-цы в резервуар в газе образуются свободные эл-ны, к-рые движутся к нити. Вблизи нити напряжённость электрич. поля велика, и эл-ны ускоряются настолько, что начинают в свою очередь ионизовать газ. По мере приближения к нити число эл-нов лавинообразно нарастает. Возникает коронный разряд, распространяющийся вдоль нити. Этот разряд обрывается включением большого сопротивления R=108—109 Ом (несамогасящийся Г. с., рис. 2) либо с введением спец. состава газовой смеси инертного газа с примесью паров спирта или др. многоат. газа и галогенов (с а м о г а с я щ и й с я Г. с.). Временное разрешение самогасящихся Г. с. =10-6 с. Время восстановления их чувствительности определяется временем дрейфа ионов к катоду и составляет ок. 10-4 с.

    Электрич. импульсы во внеш. цепи, возникающие при вспышках разряда в Г. с., усиливаются и регистрируются. Зависимость числа N регистрируемых в ед. времени импульсов от приложенного к счётчику напряжения V


    Рис. 3. Счётная хар-ка счётчика Гейгера.

    наз. счётной хар-кой Г. с. (рис. 3). Рабочий участок хар-ки (плато) имеет протяжённость от неск. десятков вольт до неск. сотен вольт. На плато число отсчётов практически равно числу ионизирующих ч-ц, попадающих в счётчик. Гамма-кванты регистрируются по вторичным заряж. ч-цам — фотоэлектронам, комптоновским эл-нам, электронно-позитронным парам (см. ГАММА-ИЗЛУЧЕНИЕ); нейтроны — по ядрам отдачи и продуктам яд. реакций, возникающих в газе счётчика.

    Физический энциклопедический словарь. — М.: Советская энциклопедия.



    Смотреть что такое «ГЕЙГЕРА СЧЁТЧИК» в других словарях:

    • Гейгера счётчик — Гейгера счетчик ГЕЙГЕРА СЧЁТЧИК, газоразрядный детектор частиц. Срабатывает при попадании в его объем частицы или g кванта. Изобретен в 1908 немецким физиком Х. Гейгером и усовершенствован им совместно с немецким физиком В. Мюллером. Гейгера… …   Иллюстрированный энциклопедический словарь

    • ГЕЙГЕРА СЧЁТЧИК — ГЕЙГЕРА СЧЁТЧИК, газоразрядный детектор частиц. Срабатывает при попадании в его объем частицы или g кванта. Изобретен в 1908 немецким физиком Х. Гейгером и усовершенствован им совместно с немецким физиком В. Мюллером. Гейгера счетчик применяются… …   Современная энциклопедия

    • Гейгера — Мюллера счётчик —         газоразрядный прибор для обнаружения и исследования различного рода радиоактивных и др. ионизирующих излучений: α и β частиц, γ kвантов, световых и рентгеновских квантов, частиц высокой энергии в космических лучах (См. Космические лучи) и …   Большая советская энциклопедия

    • Гейгера — Мюллера счётчик — газоразрядный прибор для обнаружения ионизирующих излучений (a – и b частиц, g квантов, световых и рентгеновских квантов, частиц космического излучения и т. п.). Счётчик Гейгера – Мюллера представляет собой герметично запаянную стеклянную трубку …   Энциклопедия техники

    • ГЕЙГЕРА — МЮЛЛЕРА СЧЁТЧИК — [по имени нем. физиков X. Гейгера (Н. Geiger; 1882 1945) и В. Мюллера (W. Muller; 1905 79)] газоразрядный детектор радиоактивных и др. ионизирующих излучений (а и бета частиц, у квантов, световых и рентгеновских квантов, частиц космич. излучения… …   Большой энциклопедический политехнический словарь

    • Счётчик Гейгера — СИ 8Б (СССР) со слюдяным окошком для измерения мягкого β излучения. Окно прозрачно, под ним можно разглядеть спиральный проволочный электрод, другим электродом является корпус прибора …   Википедия

    • ИСКРОВОЙ СЧЁТЧИК — прибор для регистрации заряж. ч ц, принцип действия к рого основан на возникновении искрового разряда в газе при попадании в него заряж. ч цы. Даёт информацию о прошедшей ч це в виде электрич. импульса (с амплитудой неск. кВ) и яркой искры вблизи …   Физическая энциклопедия

    • Счётчик — Счётчик  устройство для счёта чего либо. Счётчик (электроника)  устройство для подсчета количества событий, следующих друг за другом (напр. импульсов) с помощью непрерывного суммирования, или для определения степени накопления какой… …   Википедия

    • гейгеровский счётчик — детектор частиц. Представляет собой газонаполненный диод (обычно цилиндрический) с тонкой нитью в качестве анода. Действие основано на возникновении в газе в результате его ионизации (при пролёте частицы) электрического разряда (коронного).… …   Энциклопедический словарь

    • счётчик Гейгера-Мюллера — Geigerio ir Miulerio skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Geiger Müller counter; Geiger Müller counter tube vok. Geiger Müller Zählrohr, n; GM Zählrohr, n rus. счётчик Гейгера Мюллера, m pranc. compteur de Geiger Müller, m; tube …   Fizikos terminų žodynas


    • 1 Русский
      • 1.1 Тип и синтаксические свойства сочетания
      • 1.2 Произношение
      • 1.3 Семантические свойства
        • 1.3.1 Значение
        • 1.3.2 Синонимы
        • 1.3.3 Антонимы
        • 1.3.4 Гиперонимы
        • 1.3.5 Гипонимы
        • 1.3.6 Холонимы
        • 1.3.7 Меронимы
      • 1.4 Этимология
      • 1.5 Перевод


    Тип и синтаксические свойства сочетания[править]

    счётчик Гейгера

    Устойчивое сочетание.


    • МФА: [ˈɕːɵt͡ɕːɪɡ ˈɡʲeɪ̯ɡʲɪrə]

    Семантические свойства[править]

    Счётчик Гейгера


    1. то же, что счётчик Гейгера-Мюллера; газоразрядный прибор для подсчёта числа попавших в него ионизирующих частиц ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).




    1. устройство, прибор



    1. дозиметр, радиометр




    Список переводов

    В (1908) году немецкий физик Ганс Гейгер изобрёл счётчик радиоактивных частиц, названный его именем. В (1928) году Вальтер Мюллер, работая под руководством Гейгера, усовершенствовал и реализовал на практике несколько модификаций прибора, которые отличались друг от друга конструктивно в зависимости от вида регистрируемого излучения.


    Рисунок (1). Ганс Гейгер

    Назначение прибора
    Газоразрядный счётчик Гейгера используют в основном для регистрации β-частиц, но существуют модели для регистрации и гамма-излучений.

    Устройство прибора
    Счётчик Гейгера состоит из металлического цилиндра, являющегося отрицательно заряженным электродом (катодом), и натянутой вдоль его оси тонкой проволоки — положительно заряженного электрода (анода).

    Источник напряжения подаёт (200)-(1000) В. Поэтому между катодом и анодом возникает электрическое поле высокой напряжённости. Вся система электродов помещена в стеклянную колбу, заполненную аргоном.

    PIC-398 Asset 1.svg

    Принцип работы
    Пока газ не ионизирован, ток в цепи источника напряжения отсутствует.

    Как только частица радиоактивного изотопа проникает через стенки прибора, сталкиваясь с атомами газа, выбивает из них электроны и создаёт положительные ионы. Под действием электрического поля электроны и положительные ионы двигаются по направлению к аноду и катоду соответственно, приобретая при этом довольно большую энергию, и ионизируют другие атомы.

    Когда заряженная частица с высокой энергией сталкивается с корпусом или катодом, она выбивает электроны. Под действием ускоряющего напряжения эти электроны устремляются к аноду, ионизируя молекулы газа и выбивая вторичные электроны. Лавинообразное увеличение носителей зарядов становится условием электрического разряда между анодом и катодом. Сопротивление разряда мало. Происходит скачок напряжения. Счётчик фиксирует импульс напряжения, по которому наблюдатель судит о попадании частицы в прибор.

    Чтобы счётчик снова мог регистрировать частицу, лавинный разряд нужно погасить. Это происходит автоматически. Сопротивление большого значения (около (10^9) Ом) обеспечивает падение напряжения между анодом и катодом, поэтому разряд прекращается по причине недостаточной разности потенциалов для образования электронно-ионных пар. Можно начинать новый цикл регистрации частиц.

    Сравнительно лёгкий способ определить наличие (отсутствие) радиации.


    1. Счётчик не позволяет идентифицировать частицу.
    2. Не имеет возможности определять характеристики частицы.


    Рисунок 1. Ганс Гейгер.

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