Как пишется слово брэд питт

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

брэд питт

1 Брэд Питт

См. также в других словарях:

Брэд Питт — Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Брэд Питт — Биография Брэда Питта Американский киноактер и продюсер Брэд Питт (Уильям Бредли Питт, William Bradley Pitt) родился 18 декабря 1963 года в городе Шавни (штат Оклахома, США) в семье представителей среднего класса. Детство актера прошло в городе… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

Питт Брэд — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Питт, Бред — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Питт Б. — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

ПИТТ Брэд — (р. 18 декабря 1963, Шоуни), американский актер. Настоящие имя и фамилия Уильям Бредли. Уроженец небольшого американского городка, Уильям учился в университете Миссури на факультете журналистики и рекламного дела, но вскоре его бросил и уехал в… … Энциклопедия кино

ПИТТ Брэд — ПИТТ (Pitt) Брэд (пол. имя Уильям Бредли Питт) (р. 1964), американский киноактер. Приобрел известность, снимаясь в телевизионных сериалах «Иной мир» и «Даллас». Кино открыло Питта как эмоционального и способного к безграничному перевоплощению… … Энциклопедический словарь

Питт, Брэд — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Питт … Википедия

Питт, Брэд (боксёр) — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Питт. В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с именем Питт, Брэд. Брэд Питт … Википедия

Питт — (англ. Pitt) может означать: географический объект Питт остров в архипелаге Чатем. Питт остров у Тихокевнского побережья Британской Колумбии (Канада). Питт округ в штате Северная Каролина Фамилия Питт, Брэд (род.… … Википедия


Брэд Питт

Брэд Питт

Уильям Брэдли Питт

Брэд Питт (при рождении Уильям Брэдли Питт (англ. William Bradley Pitt ; род. 18 декабря, 1963, Шауни, Оклахома, США) — американский актёр. Лауреат премии «Золотой глобус» (1996).



Начальный этап

Уильям Брэдли Питт родился в городе Шауни (США, штат Оклахома), вырос в образцовой американской семье, очень порядочной и очень религиозной. Его отец, Уильям Питт, работал менеджером в компании, занимавшейся грузоперевозками, мать, Джейн Этта Хиллхаус — преподавательницей в местной школе. Он, его брат Дуг Питт и сестра Джулия Питт, росли в Спрингфилде, штат Миссури, куда семья переехала вскоре после его рождения. В школе Питт занимался спортом, состоял в дебатном клубе, музыкальной секции и участвовал в студенческом самоуправлении. После школы Уильям поступил в университет Миссури-Колумбии, где изучал журналистику и рекламное дело. Однако после окончания университета по профессии работать он не пошёл, а отправился в Голливуд с целью начать актёрскую карьеру. Там он сменил своё имя на «Брэд Питт», но число предлагаемых ему ролей от этого не увеличилось.


Прежде чем к нему пришел актерский успех, Питт работал водителем, перевозчиком мебели и даже зазывалой в сети ресторанов «El Pollo Loco» и должен был в костюме гигантского цыпленка приглашать прохожих посетить их заведение. Параллельно с этим он посещал актерские курсы. Профессиональная карьера началась, после того как ему повезло получить роль в телесериале «Даллас». Он стал играть небольшие роли в различных сериалах и кино. В 1988 г. он наконец получил ведущую роль в фильме «Тёмная сторона Солнца». Однако пока этот фильм редактировали, гражданская война охватила ту часть Югославии, где проходили съемки. Большая часть отснятого материала была потеряна до 1998 г., когда фильм наконец вышел на экраны.

В 1991 Питт снялся в успешном фильме «Тельма и Луиза». Затем последовали успешные роли в фильмах «Там, где течет река», «Легенды осени», «Интервью с вампиром» и «Семь». Он был номинирован на Оскар за Лучшую мужскую роль второго плана в фильме 1995 г. «Двенадцать обезьян».

В 1995 г. он был включён журналом Empire в список 25 самых сексуальных звезд в истории кино. Питт был дважды назван Самым Сексуальным Мужчиной Среди Живых журналом People, став единственным человеком, кто более одного раза удостоился такой чести. Он постоянно присутствует в списке самых сексуальных мужчин по результатам опросов женщин по всему миру.

В 1997 г. вышел фильм «Семь лет в Тибете», в котором рассказывается о вторжении Китая в Тибет. В результате Брэд Питт, как и его партнер по фильму Дэвид Тьюлис, были навсегда лишены права приезжать в Китай.

В 1999 г. Питт сыграл одну из своих самых известных ролей в культовом фильме Бойцовский Клуб по роману Чака Паланика. После этого он снялся во многих фильмах, включая «Мистер и миссис Смит» (2005) вместе со своей нынешней спутницей жизни Анджелиной Джоли.

Личная жизнь

Нa съемках триллера «Семь» в 1995 году, в котором партнером Питта стал Морган Фримэн, Брэд сошелся с Гвинет Пэлтроу, которая по фильму играла его жену, и у них завязался продолжительный роман. Однако, когда уже стали поговаривать o грядущей свадьбе возлюбленных (помолвка состоялась в декабре 1996 г.), они совершенно неожиданно заявили o разрыве отношений (в июне 1997 года). Все прошло без скандала, без обвинений в адрес друг друга и без каких-либо объяснений причин расставания

Питт женился на актрисе Дженнифер Энистон 29 июля 2000 г. Они расстались 25 марта 2005 г. Ходили слухи о том, что причиной расставания было нежелание Энистон иметь детей от Питта, однако сама Энистон это опровергает. Ещё до оформления развода у Брэда начались отношения с его партнершей по фильму «Мистер и миссис Смит» Анджелиной Джоли. После долгих опровержений, 11 января 2006 г. пара подтвердила, что Джоли ждет ребенка от Питта. 27 мая 2006 года в Намибии у пары родилась дочь Шайло Нувель, а 12 июля 2008 года во Франции двойня — мальчик Нокс Леон и девочка Вивьен Маршелин. Все биологические дети Питта и Джоли появились на свет посредством кесарева сечения.


Брэд питт как пишется на английском

Brad Pitt (Брэд Питт)

Брэд Питт
Brad Pitt

Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара
Имя при рождении:

In the picture you can see a man.

На картинке вы можете видеть мужчину.

He is around 50 years old.

His hair is brown colored and combed back.

Его волосы коричневого цвета и зачесаны назад.

His forehead is sloped.

У него голубые глаза.

You can see a few wrinkles under his eyes.

Вы можете увидеть несколько морщин под глазами.

His nose is straight.

He has a square face.

У него квадратное лицо.

His temples are shaved.

His ears are square.

У него квадратные уши.

His has a square chin.

У него квадратный подбородок.

He has a barely visible mustache and he is wearing a 5 o’clock beard.

У него едва заметные усы и он носит короткую бороду (легкая щетина).

Он выглядит стильно.

About Brad Pitt (краткие биографические сведения)

William Bradley Pitt was born on the 18th of December, 1963, in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Brad was raised (1) in a very religious American family. His father William Pitt was a manager in a company. His mother was a school teacher. He has a brother and sister, Douglas and Julie. After graduating high school Brad entered the University of Missouri at Columbia where he studied journalism and advertising. Two weeks before getting his degree (2) he moved to Los Angeles, to follow his dream of becoming an actor.

Before becoming an actor Brad worked as a driver, drummed up (3) customers for a restaurant, and did other odd (4) jobs. At the same time he was attending (5) acting courses. After starring as the vampire in the horror film “Interview with the Vampire” (1994), Brad became famous.

One of his favorite movies was “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” (1998). After his successful starring in the cult film “Fighting Club” (1999) Brad went to Guy Ritchie and asked for a part in his next movie. Brad got a role of an Irish Gipsy boxer Mickey in a film called “Snatch” (2000).

Vocabulary (используйте карточки для слов, которые сложно запоминаются):


брэд питт

1 Brad Pitt

См. также в других словарях:

Брэд Питт — Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Брэд Питт — Биография Брэда Питта Американский киноактер и продюсер Брэд Питт (Уильям Бредли Питт, William Bradley Pitt) родился 18 декабря 1963 года в городе Шавни (штат Оклахома, США) в семье представителей среднего класса. Детство актера прошло в городе… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

Питт Брэд — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Питт, Бред — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Питт Б. — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

ПИТТ Брэд — (р. 18 декабря 1963, Шоуни), американский актер. Настоящие имя и фамилия Уильям Бредли. Уроженец небольшого американского городка, Уильям учился в университете Миссури на факультете журналистики и рекламного дела, но вскоре его бросил и уехал в… … Энциклопедия кино

ПИТТ Брэд — ПИТТ (Pitt) Брэд (пол. имя Уильям Бредли Питт) (р. 1964), американский киноактер. Приобрел известность, снимаясь в телевизионных сериалах «Иной мир» и «Даллас». Кино открыло Питта как эмоционального и способного к безграничному перевоплощению… … Энциклопедический словарь

Питт, Брэд — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Питт … Википедия

Питт, Брэд (боксёр) — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Питт. В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с именем Питт, Брэд. Брэд Питт … Википедия

Питт — (англ. Pitt) может означать: географический объект Питт остров в архипелаге Чатем. Питт остров у Тихокевнского побережья Британской Колумбии (Канада). Питт округ в штате Северная Каролина Фамилия Питт, Брэд (род.… … Википедия


брэд питт

1 Брэд Питт

См. также в других словарях:

Брэд Питт — Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Брэд Питт — Биография Брэда Питта Американский киноактер и продюсер Брэд Питт (Уильям Бредли Питт, William Bradley Pitt) родился 18 декабря 1963 года в городе Шавни (штат Оклахома, США) в семье представителей среднего класса. Детство актера прошло в городе… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров

Питт Брэд — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Питт, Бред — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

Питт Б. — Брэд Питт Brad Pitt Брэд Питт на вручении Оскара Имя при рождении: Уильям Брэдли Питт Дата рождения … Википедия

ПИТТ Брэд — (р. 18 декабря 1963, Шоуни), американский актер. Настоящие имя и фамилия Уильям Бредли. Уроженец небольшого американского городка, Уильям учился в университете Миссури на факультете журналистики и рекламного дела, но вскоре его бросил и уехал в… … Энциклопедия кино

ПИТТ Брэд — ПИТТ (Pitt) Брэд (пол. имя Уильям Бредли Питт) (р. 1964), американский киноактер. Приобрел известность, снимаясь в телевизионных сериалах «Иной мир» и «Даллас». Кино открыло Питта как эмоционального и способного к безграничному перевоплощению… … Энциклопедический словарь

Питт, Брэд — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Питт … Википедия

Питт, Брэд (боксёр) — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Питт. В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с именем Питт, Брэд. Брэд Питт … Википедия

Питт — (англ. Pitt) может означать: географический объект Питт остров в архипелаге Чатем. Питт остров у Тихокевнского побережья Британской Колумбии (Канада). Питт округ в штате Северная Каролина Фамилия Питт, Брэд (род.… … Википедия


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Брэд питт как пишется на английском, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Брэд питт как пишется на английском», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt at the premiere of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' in 2019.

Pitt in 2019


William Bradley Pitt

December 18, 1963 (age 59)[1]

Shawnee, Oklahoma, U.S.

Alma mater University of Missouri
  • Actor
  • film producer
Years active 1987–present
Works Full list
  • Jennifer Aniston

    (m. 2000; div. 2005)​

  • Angelina Jolie

    (m. 2014; div. 2019)​


Children 6
Relatives Douglas Pitt (brother)
Awards Full list

William Bradley Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. He is the recipient of various accolades, including two Academy Awards, two British Academy Film Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, and a Primetime Emmy Award. As a public figure, Pitt has been cited as one of the most powerful and influential people in the American entertainment industry.

Pitt first gained recognition as a cowboy hitchhiker in the Ridley Scott road film Thelma & Louise (1991). His first leading roles in big-budget productions came with the drama films A River Runs Through It (1992) and Legends of the Fall (1994), and the horror film Interview with the Vampire (1994). He gave critically acclaimed performances in David Fincher’s crime thriller Seven (1995) and the science fiction film 12 Monkeys (1995). The latter earned him a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and his first Academy Award nomination.

Pitt found greater commercial success starring in Steven Soderbergh’s heist film Ocean’s Eleven (2001), and reprised his role in its sequels. He cemented his leading man status starring in blockbusters such as the historical epic Troy (2004), the romantic crime film Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), the horror film World War Z (2013), and the action film Bullet Train (2022). Pitt also starred in the critically acclaimed films Fight Club (1999), Babel (2006), The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007), Burn After Reading (2008), Inglourious Basterds (2009), The Tree of Life (2011), and The Big Short (2015). Pitt received Academy Award nominations for his performances in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) and Moneyball (2011), and he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for playing a stuntman in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019).

In 2001, Pitt co-founded the production company Plan B Entertainment.[3] He produced The Departed (2006), 12 Years a Slave (2013), and Moonlight (2016), all of which won the Academy Award for Best Picture, while others such as The Tree of Life (2011), Moneyball (2011), Selma (2014), and The Big Short (2015) were nominated for the award.

For many years, he was cited as the world’s most attractive man by various media outlets, and his personal life is the subject of wide publicity. He is divorced from actresses Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. Pitt has six children with Jolie, three of whom were adopted internationally.

Early life

William Bradley Pitt was born on December 18, 1963, in Shawnee, Oklahoma, to William Alvin Pitt, the proprietor of a trucking company, and Jane Etta (née Hillhouse), a school counselor.[4] The family soon moved to Springfield, Missouri, where he lived together with his younger siblings, Douglas Mitchell (born 1966) and Julie Neal (born 1969).[5] Born into a conservative Christian household,[6][7] he was raised as Southern Baptist and later «oscillate[d] between agnosticism and atheism.»[8] He later reconciled his belief in spirituality.[9] Pitt has described Springfield as «Mark Twain country, Jesse James country,» having grown up with «a lot of hills, a lot of lakes.»[10]

Pitt attended Kickapoo High School, where he was a member of the golf, swimming and tennis teams.[11] He participated in the school’s Key and Forensics clubs, in school debates, and in musicals.[12] Following his graduation from high school, Pitt enrolled in the University of Missouri in 1982, majoring in journalism with a focus on advertising.[13] As graduation approached, Pitt did not feel ready to settle down. He loved films—»a portal into different worlds for me»—and, since films were not made in Missouri, he decided to go to where they were made.[14][15] Two weeks short of completing the coursework for a degree, Pitt left the university and moved to Los Angeles, where he took acting lessons and worked odd jobs.[14] He has named Gary Oldman, Sean Penn, and Mickey Rourke as his early acting heroes.[16]


Early work (1987–1993)

While struggling to establish himself in Los Angeles, Pitt took lessons from acting coach Roy London.[12][17] His acting career began in 1987, with uncredited parts in the films No Way Out (1987), No Man’s Land (1987) and Less than Zero (1987).[12][18] In May 1987, he made his television debut in a two-episode role on the NBC soap opera Another World.[19] In November of the same year, Pitt had a guest appearance on the CBS sitcom Trial and Error[20][21] and the ABC sitcom Growing Pains.[22] He appeared in four episodes of the CBS primetime series Dallas between December 1987 and February 1988 as Randy, the boyfriend of Charlie Wade (played by Shalane McCall).[23] Later in 1988, Pitt made a guest appearance on the Fox police drama 21 Jump Street.[24] In the same year, the Yugoslavian–U.S. co-production The Dark Side of the Sun (1988) was his first leading film role, starring as a young American taken by his family to the Adriatic to find a remedy for a skin condition. The film was shelved at the outbreak of the Croatian War of Independence, and was not released until 1997.[12] Pitt made two motion picture appearances in 1989: the first in a supporting role in the comedy Happy Together; the second a featured role in the horror film Cutting Class, the first of Pitt’s films to reach theaters.[22] He made guest appearances on television series Head of the Class, Freddy’s Nightmares, Thirtysomething, and (for a second time) Growing Pains.[25]

Pitt was cast as Billy Canton, a drug addict who takes advantage of a young runaway (played by Juliette Lewis) in the 1990 NBC television movie Too Young to Die?, the story of an abused teenager sentenced to death for a murder. Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly wrote: «Pitt is a magnificent slimeball as her hoody boyfriend; looking and sounding like a malevolent John Cougar Mellencamp, he’s really scary.»[26] The same year, Pitt co-starred in six episodes of the short-lived Fox drama Glory Days and took a supporting role in the HBO television film The Image.[27] His next appearance came in the 1991 film Across the Tracks; Pitt portrayed Joe Maloney, a high school runner with a criminal brother, played by Rick Schroder.[28] The same year he featured in a Levi’s jeans TV commercial based around the song «20th Century Boy» which played in the background.[29] After years of supporting roles in film and frequent television guest appearances, Pitt attracted wider recognition in his supporting role in Ridley Scott’s 1991 road film Thelma & Louise.[27] He played J.D., a small-time criminal who befriends Thelma (Geena Davis). His love scene with Davis has been cited as the event that defined Pitt as a sex symbol.[22][30] After Thelma & Louise, Pitt starred in the 1991 film Johnny Suede, a low-budget picture about an aspiring rock star,[31] and the 1992 live-action/animated fantasy film Cool World,[22] although neither furthered his career, having poor reviews and box office performance.[32][33]

Pitt took on the role of Paul Maclean in the 1992 biographical film A River Runs Through It, directed by Robert Redford.[34] His portrayal of the character was described by Peoples Janet Mock as a career-making performance,[35] proving that Pitt could be more than a «cowboy-hatted hunk.»[36] He has admitted to feeling under pressure when making the film[5] and thought it was one of his «weakest performances … It’s so weird that it ended up being the one that I got the most attention for.»[5] Pitt believed that he benefited from working with such a talented cast and crew. He compared working with Redford to playing tennis with a superior player, saying «when you play with somebody better than you, your game gets better.»[35][36] In 1993, Pitt reunited with Juliette Lewis for the road film Kalifornia. He played Early Grayce, a serial killer and the abusive husband of Lewis’ character, in a performance described by Peter Travers of Rolling Stone as «outstanding, all boyish charm and then a snort that exudes pure menace.»[37] Pitt also garnered attention for a brief appearance in the cult hit True Romance as a stoner named Floyd, providing comic relief to the action film.[38] He capped the year by winning a ShoWest Award for Male Star of Tomorrow.[39]

Breakthrough (1994–1998)

In 1994, Pitt portrayed the vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac in the horror film Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, based on Anne Rice’s 1976 novel of the same name.[40] He was part of an ensemble cast that included Tom Cruise, Kirsten Dunst, Christian Slater, and Antonio Banderas.[40] Despite his winning two MTV Movie Awards at the 1995 ceremony,[41] his performance was poorly received. According to the Dallas Observer, «Brad Pitt […] is a large part of the problem [in the film]. When directors play up his cocky, hunkish, folksy side […] he’s a joy to watch. But there’s nothing about him that suggests inner torment or even self-awareness, which makes him a boring Louis.»[42] Following the release of Interview with the Vampire, Pitt starred in Legends of the Fall (1994),[43] based on a novel by the same name by Jim Harrison, set in the American West during the first four decades of the twentieth century. Portraying Tristan Ludlow, son of Colonel William Ludlow (Anthony Hopkins) a Cornish immigrant,[44] Pitt received his first Golden Globe Award nomination, in the Best Actor category.[45] Aidan Quinn and Henry Thomas co-starred as Pitt’s brothers. Although the film’s reception was mixed,[46] many film critics praised Pitt’s performance. Janet Maslin of The New York Times said, «Pitt’s diffident mix of acting and attitude works to such heartthrob perfection it’s a shame the film’s superficiality gets in his way.»[47] The Deseret News predicted that Legends of the Fall would solidify Pitt’s reputation as a lead actor.[48]

In 1995, Pitt starred alongside Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kevin Spacey in the crime thriller Seven, playing a detective on the trail of a serial killer who preys on people he considers guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins.[49] Pitt called it a great movie and declared the part would expand his acting horizons.[50] He expressed his intent to move on from «this ‘pretty boy’ thing […] and play someone with flaws.»[51] His performance was critically well received, with Variety saying that it was screen acting at its best, further remarking on Pitt’s ability to turn in a «determined, energetic, creditable job» as the detective.[52] Seven earned $327 million at the international box office.[32] Following the success of Seven, Pitt played psychotic anarchist Jeffrey Goines in Terry Gilliam’s 1995 science fiction film 12 Monkeys. The movie received predominantly positive reviews, with Pitt praised in particular. Janet Maslin of The New York Times called Twelve Monkeys «fierce and disturbing» and remarked on Pitt’s «startlingly frenzied performance», concluding that he «electrifies Jeffrey with a weird magnetism that becomes important later in the film.»[53] He won a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film[45] and received his first Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.[54]

The following year, he appeared in the legal drama Sleepers (1996), based on Lorenzo Carcaterra’s novel of the same name.[55] The film received mixed reviews.[56] In the 1997 film The Devil’s Own Pitt starred, opposite Harrison Ford, as Irish Republican Army terrorist Rory Devany,[57] a role for which he was required to learn an Irish accent.[58] Critical opinion was divided on his accent; «Pitt finds the right tone of moral ambiguity, but at times his Irish brogue is too convincing – it’s hard to understand what he’s saying», wrote the San Francisco Chronicle.[59] The Charleston Gazette opined that it had favored Pitt’s accent over the movie.[60] The Devil’s Own grossed $140 million worldwide,[32] but was a critical failure. Later that year, he led as Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer in the Jean-Jacques Annaud film Seven Years in Tibet.[61] Pitt trained for months for the role, which demanded significant mountain climbing and trekking practice, including rock climbing in California and the European Alps with his co-star David Thewlis.[62] Pitt had the lead role in 1998’s fantasy romance film Meet Joe Black. He portrayed a personification of death inhabiting the body of a young man to learn what it is like to be human.[63] The film received mixed reviews, and many were critical of Pitt’s performance. According to Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle, Pitt was unable to «make an audience believe that he knows all the mysteries of death and eternity.»[64] Roger Ebert remarked, «Pitt is a fine actor, but this performance is a miscalculation.»[65]

Rise to prominence (1999–2003)

In 1999, Pitt portrayed Tyler Durden in Fight Club,[66][67] a film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel of the same name, directed by David Fincher.[68] Pitt prepared for the part with lessons in boxing, taekwondo, and grappling.[69] To look the part, Pitt consented to the removal of pieces of his front teeth which were restored when filming ended.[70] While promoting Fight Club, Pitt said that the film explored not taking one’s aggressions out on someone else but to «have an experience, take a punch more and see how you come out on the other end.»[71] Fight Club premiered at the 1999 Venice International Film Festival.[72] Despite divided critical opinion on the film as a whole,[73][74] Pitt’s performance was widely praised. Paul Clinton of CNN noted the risky yet successful nature of the film,[75] while Variety remarked upon Pitt’s ability to be «cool, charismatic and more dynamically physical, perhaps than […] his breakthrough role in Thelma and Louise«.[76] In spite of a worse-than-expected box office performance, Fight Club became a cult classic after its DVD release in 2000.[77]

Pitt was cast as an Irish Traveller boxer with a barely intelligible accent in Guy Ritchie’s 2000 gangster film Snatch.[78] Several reviewers were critical of Snatch; however, most praised Pitt.[79] Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle said Pitt was «ideally cast as an Irishman whose accent is so thick even Brits can’t understand him», going on to say that, before Snatch, Pitt had been «shackled by roles that called for brooding introspection, but recently he has found his calling in black comic outrageousness and flashy extroversion;»[80] while Amy Taubin of The Village Voice claimed that «Pitt gets maximum comic mileage out of a one-joke role».[81] The following year Pitt starred opposite Julia Roberts in the romantic comedy The Mexican,[82] a film that garnered a range of reviews[83] but enjoyed box office success.[32] Pitt’s next role, in 2001’s $143 million-grossing Cold War thriller Spy Game,[32] was as Tom Bishop, an operative of the CIA’s Special Activities Division, mentored by Robert Redford’s character.[84] Mark Holcomb of Salon.com enjoyed the film, although he noted that neither Pitt nor Redford provided «much of an emotional connection for the audience».[85]

On November 22, 2001, Pitt made a guest appearance in the eighth season of the television series Friends, playing a man with a grudge against Rachel Green, played by Jennifer Aniston, to whom Pitt was married at the time.[86] For this performance he was nominated for an Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series.[87] In December 2001, Pitt played Rusty Ryan in the heist film Ocean’s Eleven, a remake of the 1960 Rat Pack original. He joined an ensemble cast including George Clooney, Matt Damon, Andy García, and Julia Roberts.[88] Well received by critics, Ocean’s Eleven was highly successful at the box office, earning $450 million worldwide.[32] Pitt appeared in two episodes of MTV’s reality series Jackass in February 2002, first running through the streets of Los Angeles with several cast members in gorilla suits,[89] and in a subsequent episode participating in his own staged abduction.[90] In the same year, Pitt had a cameo role in George Clooney’s directorial debut Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.[91] He took on his first voice-acting roles in 2003, speaking as the titular character of the DreamWorks animated film Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas[92] and playing Boomhauer’s brother, Patch, in an episode of the animated television series King of the Hill.[93]

Worldwide recognition (2004–2008)

Pitt had two major film roles in 2004, starring as Achilles in Troy, and reprising his role, Rusty Ryan, in the sequel Ocean’s Twelve. He spent six months sword training before the filming of Troy, based on the Iliad.[94] An on-set injury to his Achilles tendon delayed production on the picture for several weeks.[95] Stephen Hunter of The Washington Post stated that Pitt excelled at such a demanding role.[96] Troy was the first film produced by Plan B Entertainment, a film production company he had founded two years earlier with Jennifer Aniston and Brad Grey, CEO of Paramount Pictures.[97] Ocean’s Twelve earned $362 million worldwide,[32] and Pitt and Clooney’s dynamic was described by CNN’s Paul Clinton as «the best male chemistry since Paul Newman and Robert Redford.»[98] In 2005, Pitt starred as John Smith in the Doug Liman-directed action comedy Mr. & Mrs. Smith, in which a bored married couple discover that each is an assassin sent to kill the other. The feature received reasonable reviews but was generally lauded for the chemistry between Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who played his character’s wife Jane Smith. The Star Tribune noted that «while the story feels haphazard, the movie gets by on gregarious charm, galloping energy and the stars’ thermonuclear screen chemistry».[99] Mr. & Mrs. Smith earned $478 million worldwide, making it one of the biggest hits of 2005.[100]

For his next film, Pitt starred opposite Cate Blanchett in Alejandro González Iñárritu’s multi-narrative drama Babel (2006).[101] Pitt’s performance was critically well-received, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said that he was credible and gave the film visibility.[102] Pitt later said he regarded taking the part as one of the best decisions of his career.[103] The film was screened at a special presentation at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival[104] and was later featured at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival.[105] Babel received seven Academy and Golden Globe award nominations, winning the Best Drama Golden Globe, and earned Pitt a nomination for the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe.[45] That same year, Pitt’s company Plan B Entertainment produced The Departed, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Pitt was credited on-screen as a producer; however, only Graham King was ruled eligible for the Oscar win.[106]

Reprising his role as Rusty Ryan in a third picture, Pitt starred in 2007’s Ocean’s Thirteen.[107] While less lucrative than the first two films, this sequel earned $311 million at the international box office.[32] Pitt’s next film role was as American outlaw Jesse James in the 2007 Western drama The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, adapted from Ron Hansen’s 1983 novel of the same name.[108] Directed by Andrew Dominik and produced by Pitt’s company Plan B Entertainment, the film premiered at the 2007 Venice Film Festival,[109] with Pitt playing a «scary and charismatic» role, according to Lewis Beale of Film Journal International,[110] and earning Pitt the Volpi Cup award for Best Actor at the 64th Venice International Film Festival.[111] He eventually collected the award one year later at the 2008 festival.[112] As of January 2019, it was his own favorite of his films.[113]

Pitt’s next appearance was in the 2008 black comedy Burn After Reading, his first collaboration with the Coen brothers. The film received a positive reception from critics, with The Guardian calling it «a tightly wound, slickly plotted spy comedy»,[114] noting that Pitt’s performance was one of the funniest.[114] He was later cast as Benjamin Button, the lead in David Fincher’s 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a loosely adapted version of a 1921 short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The story follows a man who is born an octogenarian and ages in reverse,[115] with Pitt’s «sensitive» performance making Benjamin Button a «timeless masterpiece», according to Michael Sragow of The Baltimore Sun.[116] The performance earned Pitt his first Screen Actors Guild Award nomination,[117] as well as a fourth Golden Globe and second Academy Award nomination,[45][118] all in the category for Best Actor. The film received thirteen Academy Award nominations, and grossed $329 million at the box office worldwide.[32]

Established actor (2009–present)

A Caucasian male has long brown hair pushed back and a short brown beard. He wears a black suit jacket and a white shirt.

Pitt’s next leading role came in 2009 with the Quentin Tarantino-directed war film Inglourious Basterds, which premiered at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.[119] Pitt played Lieutenant Aldo Raine, an American resistance fighter battling Nazis in German-occupied France.[120] The film was a box office hit, taking $311 million worldwide,[32] and garnered generally favorable reviews.[121] The film received multiple awards and nominations, including eight Academy Award nominations and seven MTV Movie Award nominations, including Best Male Performance for Pitt.[122][123] He next voiced the superhero character Metro Man in the 2010 animated feature Megamind.[124] Pitt produced and appeared in Terrence Malick’s experimental drama The Tree of Life, co-starring Sean Penn, which won the Palme d’Or at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.[125] In a performance that attracted strong praise, he portrayed the Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane in the drama Moneyball, which is based on the 2003 book of the same name written by Michael Lewis.[126] Moneyball received six Academy Award nominations including Best Picture and Best Actor for Pitt.[127]

His next role was as mob hitman Jackie Cogan in Andrew Dominik’s 2012 Killing Them Softly, based on the novel Cogan’s Trade by George V. Higgins.[128] In 2013, Pitt starred in World War Z, a thriller about a zombie apocalypse, based on Max Brooks’s novel of the same name. Pitt also produced the film.[129] World War Z grossed $540 million at the box office worldwide,[32] becoming Pitt’s highest grossing picture.[130] Next in 2013, he produced, and played a small role in, 12 Years a Slave, a historical drama based on the autobiography of Solomon Northup.[131] The film received critical acclaim[132] and was nominated for nine Academy Awards, winning three, including Best Picture.[133] Also in 2013, Pitt had a supporting role in Ridley Scott’s The Counselor.[134] Plan B Entertainment landed its first television series on the 2013–2014 schedule, as their joint venture with ABC Studios, the sci-fi/fantasy drama Resurrection, was picked up by ABC.[135]

Pitt starred in Fury, a World War II film directed and written by David Ayer, and co-starring Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Jon Bernthal, Michael Peña, and Jason Issacs.[136][137][138] The film was released on October 17, 2014.[136] By the end of its run, Fury proved to be a commercial and critical success; it grossed more than $211 million worldwide[32] and received highly positive reviews from critics.[139] In 2015, Pitt starred opposite his wife, Jolie, in her third directorial effort, By the Sea, a romantic drama about a marriage in crisis, based on her screenplay. The film was their first collaboration since 2005’s Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Pitt’s next role came with the biographical comedy-drama The Big Short, which he also produced and also co-starred alongside Christian Bale, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling. The film was a commercial and critical success. It went on to gross over $102 million worldwide[140] and received positive reviews from critics.[141][142] The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, earning Pitt his third Academy Award nomination as producer. In 2016, Pitt starred in Robert Zemeckis’s romantic thriller Allied, in which he plays an assassin who falls in love with a French spy (played by Marion Cotillard) during a mission to kill a German official in World War II.[143][144] In 2017, he starred in the Netflix satirical war comedy War Machine,[145] which he also produced.[146] Pitt played a recurring role as a weatherman on the late-night talk show The Jim Jefferies Show throughout 2017.[147]

A 2017 sequel to World War Z was in announced in 2016,[148] before the film was briefly delayed, then confirmed to be directed by David Fincher and then ultimately shelved due to budget issues.[149][150] Pitt starred as Cliff Booth, a stunt double, opposite Leonardo DiCaprio, in Quentin Tarantino’s 2019 film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, reuniting with DiCaprio after The Departed, which Pitt produced and DiCaprio starred in.[151] For his performance in the film, he received awards for Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, BAFTA Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and Critics’ Choice Movie Awards.[152] This is the second Academy Award for Brad Pitt, his first that he received for acting.[153] In 2019, he also starred in James Gray’s deep space epic Ad Astra, in which he played Roy McBride, a space engineer searching the galaxy for his father.[154] Pitt’s performance was praised as one of his career-best turn,[155][156] delivering a performance «that weaponizes passivity into a lethal form of self-defense».[157] On April 25, 2020 Pitt portrayed Dr. Anthony Fauci in the cold open on Saturday Night Live earning a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series nomination.

In 2021, Pitt entered the recording business by creating a company with French record producer Damien Quintard. Set in Pitt’s Chateau Miraval in South of France, Miraval Studios will re-open in 2022 after two decades of inactivity. The previous version of the studio was one of the most iconic studios in the world, producing the records for Pink Floyd, the Cranberries, AC/DC, Sade and Muse, among others.[158]

In 2022, Pitt starred in Bullet Train, directed by David Leitch,[159] and reunited with his Once Upon a Time in Hollywood co-star Margot Robbie in Babylon, directed by Damien Chazelle.[160] In September 2021, it was revealed that he will reteam with George Clooney in a thriller film written and directed by Jon Watts.[161] On January 5, 2022, he signed a deal with Apple to create a racing film on Formula One, directed by Joseph Kosinski,[162] for which he will earn $30 million.[163]

Humanitarian and political causes

Pitt visited the University of Missouri campus in October 2004 to encourage students to vote in the 2004 U.S. presidential election,[164] in which he supported John Kerry.[164][165] Later in October, he publicly supported the principle of public funding for embryonic stem-cell research. «We have to make sure that we open up these avenues so that our best and our brightest can go find these cures that they believe they will find», he said.[166] In support of this he endorsed Proposition 71, a California ballot initiative intended to provide state government funding for stem-cell research.[167]

Pitt at the ‘Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict’ in 2014

Pitt supports One Campaign, an organization aimed at combating AIDS and poverty in the developing world.[168][169] He narrated the 2005 PBS public television series Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge, which discusses current global health issues.[170] The following year Pitt and Jolie flew to Haiti, where they visited a school supported by Yéle Haïti, a charity founded by Haitian-born hip hop musician Wyclef Jean.[171] In May 2007, Pitt and Jolie donated $1 million to three organizations in Chad and Sudan dedicated to those affected by the crisis in the Darfur region.[172] Along with Clooney, Damon, Don Cheadle, David Pressman, and Jerry Weintraub, Pitt is one of the founders of Not On Our Watch, an organization that focuses global attention on stopping «mass atrocities».[173]

Pitt has a sustained interest in architecture,[174] even taking time away from film to study computer-aided design at the Los Angeles offices of renowned architect Frank Gehry.[175] He narrated e2 design, a PBS television series focused on worldwide efforts to build environmentally friendly structures through sustainable architecture and design.[176] In 2000, he co-authored an architectural book on the Blacker House with the architects Thomas A. Heinz and Randell Makinson.[177] In 2006, he founded the Make It Right Foundation, organizing housing professionals in New Orleans to finance and construct 150 sustainable, affordable new houses in New Orleans’s Ninth Ward following the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.[178][179]

The project involves 13 architectural firms and the environmental organization Global Green USA, with several of the firms donating their services.[180][181] Pitt and philanthropist Steve Bing have each committed $5 million in donations.[182] The first six homes were completed in October 2008,[183] and in September 2009 Pitt received an award in recognition of the project from the U.S. Green Building Council, a non-profit trade organization that promotes sustainability in how buildings are designed, built and operated.[184][185] Pitt met with U.S. President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in March 2009 to promote his concept of green housing as a national model and to discuss federal funding possibilities.[186]

In September 2006, Pitt and Jolie established a charitable organization, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, to aid humanitarian causes around the world.[187] The foundation made initial donations of $1 million each to Global Action for Children and Doctors Without Borders,[188] followed by an October 2006 donation of $100,000 to the Daniel Pearl Foundation, an organization created in memory of the late American journalist Daniel Pearl.[189] According to federal filings, Pitt and Jolie invested $8.5 million into the foundation in 2006; it gave away $2.4 million in 2006[190] and $3.4 million in 2007.[191] In June 2009, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation donated $1 million to a U.N. refugee agency to help Pakistanis displaced by fighting between troops and Taliban militants.[192] In January 2010, the foundation donated $1 million to Doctors Without Borders for emergency medical assistance to help victims of the Haiti earthquake.[193][194]

Pitt is a supporter of same-sex marriage.[195] In an October 2006 interview with Esquire, Pitt said that he would marry Jolie when everyone in America is legally able to marry.[196] In September 2008, he donated $100,000 to the campaign against California’s 2008 ballot proposition Proposition 8, an initiative to overturn the state Supreme Court decision that had legalized same-sex marriage.[197] In March 2012, Pitt was featured in a performance of Dustin Lance Black’s play, 8 – a staged reenactment of the federal trial that overturned California’s Prop 8 ban on same-sex marriage – as Judge Vaughn Walker.[198]

In September 2012, Pitt reaffirmed his support for Obama, saying, «I am an Obama supporter and I’m backing his U.S. election campaign.»[199] In October 2020, he narrated an advertisement for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.[200]

Personal life


A Caucasian man and woman in the foreground of the image, while others are visible behind them. The woman has brown hair, which is tied back. The man has his dark brown hair parted. He is wearing a black suit and bow-tie with a white shirt.

From the late 1980s to early 1990s, Pitt was romantically involved with several of his co-stars, including Robin Givens (Head of the Class),[201] Jill Schoelen (Cutting Class),[201] and Juliette Lewis (Too Young to Die? and Kalifornia).[35] Subsequently, Pitt had a much-publicized romance and engagement to his Seven co-star, Gwyneth Paltrow, whom he dated from 1994 to 1997.[201]

Pitt met actress Jennifer Aniston in 1998; they married in a private wedding ceremony in Malibu on July 29, 2000.[202] In January 2005, Pitt and Aniston announced they had decided to separate. Two months later, Aniston filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.[203] Pitt and Aniston’s divorce was finalized by the Los Angeles Superior Court on October 2, 2005.[203] Despite media reports that Pitt and Aniston had an acrimonious relationship, Pitt said in a February 2009 interview that he and Aniston «check in with each other», adding that they were both big parts of each other’s lives.[204]

During Pitt’s divorce proceedings, his involvement with his Mr. & Mrs. Smith co-star Angelina Jolie attracted media attention. Jolie and Pitt stated that they fell in love on the set[205][206] and that there was no infidelity.[205] In April 2005, one month after Aniston filed for divorce, a set of paparazzi photographs emerged showing Pitt, Jolie, and her son Maddox at a beach in Kenya; the press interpreted the pictures as evidence of a relationship between Pitt and Jolie. Throughout 2005, the two were seen together with increasing frequency, and the entertainment media dubbed the couple «Brangelina».[207] On January 11, 2006, Jolie confirmed to People that she was pregnant with Pitt’s child, thereby publicly acknowledging their relationship for the first time.[208] Pitt and Jolie announced their engagement in April 2012 after seven years together.[209] They were legally married on August 14, 2014, in Los Angeles. They had their wedding in a private ceremony in Château Miraval, France on August 23, 2014.[210] On September 19, 2016, Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt, citing irreconcilable differences.[211] On April 12, 2019, the court declared Jolie and Pitt legally single.[212]

In 2022, Pitt began dating Ines de Ramon, a jewelry designer who is 29 years younger than him.[213]


In July 2005, Pitt accompanied Jolie to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where she adopted her second child, Zahara Marley.[214][215] On December 3, 2005, Pitt was in the process of becoming the adoptive father of Zahara, and Jolie’s first adopted child, Maddox Chivan.[216] On January 19, 2006, a California judge granted Jolie’s request to change the children’s surnames from «Jolie» to «Jolie-Pitt».[217] The adoptions were finalized soon after.[218]

Jolie gave birth to daughter Shiloh Nouvel in Swakopmund, Namibia, on May 27, 2006. Pitt confirmed that their newborn daughter would qualify for a Namibian passport.[219] The couple sold the first pictures of Shiloh through the distributor Getty Images; the North American rights were purchased by People for over $4.1 million, while Hello! obtained the British rights for approximately $3.5 million. The proceeds from the sale were donated to charities serving African children.[220] Madame Tussauds in New York unveiled a wax figure of two-month-old Shiloh; it marked the first time an infant was recreated in wax by Madame Tussauds.[221]

On March 15, 2007, Jolie adopted three-year-old Pax Thien from an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.[222] Pitt adopted Pax in the United States on February 21, 2008.[223]

At the Cannes Film Festival in May 2008, Jolie confirmed that she was expecting twins.[224] She gave birth to son Knox Léon and daughter Vivienne Marcheline on July 12, 2008 in Nice, France.[225] The rights for the first images of Knox and Vivienne were jointly sold to People and Hello! for $14 million—the most expensive celebrity pictures ever taken.[226][227] The couple donated the proceeds to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation.[226][228]

In September 2016, the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services investigated Pitt for child abuse following an incident on a plane, where Pitt was accused by an anonymous person of being «verbally abusive» and «physical» towards one of his children.[229] In its final report on the investigation, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services ruled that Pitt did not physically abuse any of his children. Pitt was also cleared by the FBI of any wrongdoing.[230]

Since Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt on September 19, 2016, they have been embroiled in a custody battle over their children. Jolie had full custody until May 2021 when Pitt was granted joint custody, over four and a half years after proceedings began.[231] However, in July, Los Angeles superior court judge John W. Ouderkirk was removed from the case due to concerns over his impartiality as he did not sufficiently disclose business relationships with Pitt’s lawyers. This resulted in the custody arrangement reverting to a previous November 2018 agreement where Jolie has primary physical custody while Pitt has «custodial time» with their minor children.[232][233]


In September 2016, Pitt got sober and began attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.[234] In December 2019, he wrote an article for Interview in which he talked with his Legends of the Fall and Meet Joe Black costar and fellow recovering alcoholic Anthony Hopkins about their experiences with addiction and recovery.[235]

Cannabis use

Pitt has admitted to using cannabis in the late ’90s as a way to deal with his increasing fame.[236][237] According to Pitt: «I was hiding out from the celebrity thing; I was smoking way too much dope; I was sitting on the couch and just turning into a doughnut.»[236][237][238] He reduced his cannabis use and focused on his work after a trip to Morocco, where he witnessed extreme poverty and suffering.[236][237]


In 2022, Pitt said that he had struggled for years to recognize people’s faces due to prosopagnosia (face blindness).[239] In a 2013 interview, he said that his inability to recognize people’s faces had become so severe that he often wanted to stay home.[240] Formally, however, Pitt has not been diagnosed with prosopagnosia.[239][241]


Pitt has an interest in art, learned pottery,[242] and has created sculptures. Nine of his sculptures were exhibited together with works by musician Nick Cave and artist Thomas Houseago at the Sara Hildén Art Museum in Tampere, Finland in 2022-2023.[243][244]

Public image

A male with dyed blonde hair is being interviewed. He is wearing a black suit and tie, with a white shirt, and is standing on a red carpet. People standing behind barricades are visible in the background, while microphones are visible in the foreground.

Pitt has been cited as a sex symbol by many sources, including Empire, who named him one of the 25 sexiest stars in film history in 1995.[12][245][246] The same year, he was named Peoples Sexiest Man Alive, an accolade he received again in 2000.[245][247] Pitt appeared on Forbes annual Celebrity 100 list of the 100 most powerful celebrities from 2006 to 2008 placing at numbers 20, 5 and 10, respectively.[248][249][250] In 2007, he appeared on the Time 100 list, a compilation of the 100 most influential people in the world, as selected annually by Time magazine.[251] The magazine credited Pitt for using «his star power to get people to look [to where] cameras don’t usually catch».[251] He was again included on the Time 100 in 2009, this time in the «Builders and Titans» list.[252]

Beginning in 2005, Pitt’s relationship with Angelina Jolie became one of the world’s most reported celebrity stories. After Jolie was confirmed to be pregnant in early 2006, the intense media hype surrounding the couple reached what Reuters, in a story titled «The Brangelina fever,» called «the point of insanity».[253] To avoid media attention, the couple flew to Namibia for the birth of their daughter Shiloh, which was described by a paparazzi blog as «the most anticipated baby since Jesus Christ.»[254] Similarly, intense media interest greeted the announcement of Jolie’s second pregnancy two years later; for the two weeks Jolie spent in a seaside hospital in Nice, reporters and photographers camped outside on the promenade to report on the birth.[255]

In a 2006 global industry survey by ACNielsen in 42 international markets, Pitt, together with Jolie, were found to be the favorite celebrity endorsers for brands and products worldwide.[256] Pitt has appeared in several television commercials. For the U.S. market, he starred in a Heineken commercial aired during the 2005 Super Bowl; it was directed by David Fincher, who had directed Pitt in Seven, Fight Club, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.[257] Other commercial appearances came in television spots including Acura Integra, in which he was featured opposite Russian model Tatiana Sorokko,[258] as well as SoftBank, and Edwin Jeans.[259] In 2014, Pitt’s stylish villain roles inspired Vijay in playing a similar character in Indian film Kaththi.
[260] On June 2, 2015, the minor planet 29132 Bradpitt was named in his honor.[261]


Awards and nominations


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External links

  • Brad Pitt at Curlie
  • Brad Pitt at IMDb
  • Brad Pitt at Biography
  • Brad Pitt at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Brad Pitt on Charlie Rose
  • Brad Pitt at Huffington Post
  • Works by or about Brad Pitt in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
  • Brad Pitt collected news and commentary at The New York Times
  • Brad Pitt collected news and commentary at The Guardian Edit this at Wikidata

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt at the premiere of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' in 2019.

Pitt in 2019


William Bradley Pitt

December 18, 1963 (age 59)[1]

Shawnee, Oklahoma, U.S.

Alma mater University of Missouri
  • Actor
  • film producer
Years active 1987–present
Works Full list
  • Jennifer Aniston

    (m. 2000; div. 2005)​

  • Angelina Jolie

    (m. 2014; div. 2019)​


Children 6
Relatives Douglas Pitt (brother)
Awards Full list

William Bradley Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. He is the recipient of various accolades, including two Academy Awards, two British Academy Film Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, and a Primetime Emmy Award. As a public figure, Pitt has been cited as one of the most powerful and influential people in the American entertainment industry.

Pitt first gained recognition as a cowboy hitchhiker in the Ridley Scott road film Thelma & Louise (1991). His first leading roles in big-budget productions came with the drama films A River Runs Through It (1992) and Legends of the Fall (1994), and the horror film Interview with the Vampire (1994). He gave critically acclaimed performances in David Fincher’s crime thriller Seven (1995) and the science fiction film 12 Monkeys (1995). The latter earned him a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and his first Academy Award nomination.

Pitt found greater commercial success starring in Steven Soderbergh’s heist film Ocean’s Eleven (2001), and reprised his role in its sequels. He cemented his leading man status starring in blockbusters such as the historical epic Troy (2004), the romantic crime film Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), the horror film World War Z (2013), and the action film Bullet Train (2022). Pitt also starred in the critically acclaimed films Fight Club (1999), Babel (2006), The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007), Burn After Reading (2008), Inglourious Basterds (2009), The Tree of Life (2011), and The Big Short (2015). Pitt received Academy Award nominations for his performances in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) and Moneyball (2011), and he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for playing a stuntman in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019).

In 2001, Pitt co-founded the production company Plan B Entertainment.[3] He produced The Departed (2006), 12 Years a Slave (2013), and Moonlight (2016), all of which won the Academy Award for Best Picture, while others such as The Tree of Life (2011), Moneyball (2011), Selma (2014), and The Big Short (2015) were nominated for the award.

For many years, he was cited as the world’s most attractive man by various media outlets, and his personal life is the subject of wide publicity. He is divorced from actresses Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. Pitt has six children with Jolie, three of whom were adopted internationally.

Early life

William Bradley Pitt was born on December 18, 1963, in Shawnee, Oklahoma, to William Alvin Pitt, the proprietor of a trucking company, and Jane Etta (née Hillhouse), a school counselor.[4] The family soon moved to Springfield, Missouri, where he lived together with his younger siblings, Douglas Mitchell (born 1966) and Julie Neal (born 1969).[5] Born into a conservative Christian household,[6][7] he was raised as Southern Baptist and later «oscillate[d] between agnosticism and atheism.»[8] He later reconciled his belief in spirituality.[9] Pitt has described Springfield as «Mark Twain country, Jesse James country,» having grown up with «a lot of hills, a lot of lakes.»[10]

Pitt attended Kickapoo High School, where he was a member of the golf, swimming and tennis teams.[11] He participated in the school’s Key and Forensics clubs, in school debates, and in musicals.[12] Following his graduation from high school, Pitt enrolled in the University of Missouri in 1982, majoring in journalism with a focus on advertising.[13] As graduation approached, Pitt did not feel ready to settle down. He loved films—»a portal into different worlds for me»—and, since films were not made in Missouri, he decided to go to where they were made.[14][15] Two weeks short of completing the coursework for a degree, Pitt left the university and moved to Los Angeles, where he took acting lessons and worked odd jobs.[14] He has named Gary Oldman, Sean Penn, and Mickey Rourke as his early acting heroes.[16]


Early work (1987–1993)

While struggling to establish himself in Los Angeles, Pitt took lessons from acting coach Roy London.[12][17] His acting career began in 1987, with uncredited parts in the films No Way Out (1987), No Man’s Land (1987) and Less than Zero (1987).[12][18] In May 1987, he made his television debut in a two-episode role on the NBC soap opera Another World.[19] In November of the same year, Pitt had a guest appearance on the CBS sitcom Trial and Error[20][21] and the ABC sitcom Growing Pains.[22] He appeared in four episodes of the CBS primetime series Dallas between December 1987 and February 1988 as Randy, the boyfriend of Charlie Wade (played by Shalane McCall).[23] Later in 1988, Pitt made a guest appearance on the Fox police drama 21 Jump Street.[24] In the same year, the Yugoslavian–U.S. co-production The Dark Side of the Sun (1988) was his first leading film role, starring as a young American taken by his family to the Adriatic to find a remedy for a skin condition. The film was shelved at the outbreak of the Croatian War of Independence, and was not released until 1997.[12] Pitt made two motion picture appearances in 1989: the first in a supporting role in the comedy Happy Together; the second a featured role in the horror film Cutting Class, the first of Pitt’s films to reach theaters.[22] He made guest appearances on television series Head of the Class, Freddy’s Nightmares, Thirtysomething, and (for a second time) Growing Pains.[25]

Pitt was cast as Billy Canton, a drug addict who takes advantage of a young runaway (played by Juliette Lewis) in the 1990 NBC television movie Too Young to Die?, the story of an abused teenager sentenced to death for a murder. Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly wrote: «Pitt is a magnificent slimeball as her hoody boyfriend; looking and sounding like a malevolent John Cougar Mellencamp, he’s really scary.»[26] The same year, Pitt co-starred in six episodes of the short-lived Fox drama Glory Days and took a supporting role in the HBO television film The Image.[27] His next appearance came in the 1991 film Across the Tracks; Pitt portrayed Joe Maloney, a high school runner with a criminal brother, played by Rick Schroder.[28] The same year he featured in a Levi’s jeans TV commercial based around the song «20th Century Boy» which played in the background.[29] After years of supporting roles in film and frequent television guest appearances, Pitt attracted wider recognition in his supporting role in Ridley Scott’s 1991 road film Thelma & Louise.[27] He played J.D., a small-time criminal who befriends Thelma (Geena Davis). His love scene with Davis has been cited as the event that defined Pitt as a sex symbol.[22][30] After Thelma & Louise, Pitt starred in the 1991 film Johnny Suede, a low-budget picture about an aspiring rock star,[31] and the 1992 live-action/animated fantasy film Cool World,[22] although neither furthered his career, having poor reviews and box office performance.[32][33]

Pitt took on the role of Paul Maclean in the 1992 biographical film A River Runs Through It, directed by Robert Redford.[34] His portrayal of the character was described by Peoples Janet Mock as a career-making performance,[35] proving that Pitt could be more than a «cowboy-hatted hunk.»[36] He has admitted to feeling under pressure when making the film[5] and thought it was one of his «weakest performances … It’s so weird that it ended up being the one that I got the most attention for.»[5] Pitt believed that he benefited from working with such a talented cast and crew. He compared working with Redford to playing tennis with a superior player, saying «when you play with somebody better than you, your game gets better.»[35][36] In 1993, Pitt reunited with Juliette Lewis for the road film Kalifornia. He played Early Grayce, a serial killer and the abusive husband of Lewis’ character, in a performance described by Peter Travers of Rolling Stone as «outstanding, all boyish charm and then a snort that exudes pure menace.»[37] Pitt also garnered attention for a brief appearance in the cult hit True Romance as a stoner named Floyd, providing comic relief to the action film.[38] He capped the year by winning a ShoWest Award for Male Star of Tomorrow.[39]

Breakthrough (1994–1998)

In 1994, Pitt portrayed the vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac in the horror film Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles, based on Anne Rice’s 1976 novel of the same name.[40] He was part of an ensemble cast that included Tom Cruise, Kirsten Dunst, Christian Slater, and Antonio Banderas.[40] Despite his winning two MTV Movie Awards at the 1995 ceremony,[41] his performance was poorly received. According to the Dallas Observer, «Brad Pitt […] is a large part of the problem [in the film]. When directors play up his cocky, hunkish, folksy side […] he’s a joy to watch. But there’s nothing about him that suggests inner torment or even self-awareness, which makes him a boring Louis.»[42] Following the release of Interview with the Vampire, Pitt starred in Legends of the Fall (1994),[43] based on a novel by the same name by Jim Harrison, set in the American West during the first four decades of the twentieth century. Portraying Tristan Ludlow, son of Colonel William Ludlow (Anthony Hopkins) a Cornish immigrant,[44] Pitt received his first Golden Globe Award nomination, in the Best Actor category.[45] Aidan Quinn and Henry Thomas co-starred as Pitt’s brothers. Although the film’s reception was mixed,[46] many film critics praised Pitt’s performance. Janet Maslin of The New York Times said, «Pitt’s diffident mix of acting and attitude works to such heartthrob perfection it’s a shame the film’s superficiality gets in his way.»[47] The Deseret News predicted that Legends of the Fall would solidify Pitt’s reputation as a lead actor.[48]

In 1995, Pitt starred alongside Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kevin Spacey in the crime thriller Seven, playing a detective on the trail of a serial killer who preys on people he considers guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins.[49] Pitt called it a great movie and declared the part would expand his acting horizons.[50] He expressed his intent to move on from «this ‘pretty boy’ thing […] and play someone with flaws.»[51] His performance was critically well received, with Variety saying that it was screen acting at its best, further remarking on Pitt’s ability to turn in a «determined, energetic, creditable job» as the detective.[52] Seven earned $327 million at the international box office.[32] Following the success of Seven, Pitt played psychotic anarchist Jeffrey Goines in Terry Gilliam’s 1995 science fiction film 12 Monkeys. The movie received predominantly positive reviews, with Pitt praised in particular. Janet Maslin of The New York Times called Twelve Monkeys «fierce and disturbing» and remarked on Pitt’s «startlingly frenzied performance», concluding that he «electrifies Jeffrey with a weird magnetism that becomes important later in the film.»[53] He won a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film[45] and received his first Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.[54]

The following year, he appeared in the legal drama Sleepers (1996), based on Lorenzo Carcaterra’s novel of the same name.[55] The film received mixed reviews.[56] In the 1997 film The Devil’s Own Pitt starred, opposite Harrison Ford, as Irish Republican Army terrorist Rory Devany,[57] a role for which he was required to learn an Irish accent.[58] Critical opinion was divided on his accent; «Pitt finds the right tone of moral ambiguity, but at times his Irish brogue is too convincing – it’s hard to understand what he’s saying», wrote the San Francisco Chronicle.[59] The Charleston Gazette opined that it had favored Pitt’s accent over the movie.[60] The Devil’s Own grossed $140 million worldwide,[32] but was a critical failure. Later that year, he led as Austrian mountaineer Heinrich Harrer in the Jean-Jacques Annaud film Seven Years in Tibet.[61] Pitt trained for months for the role, which demanded significant mountain climbing and trekking practice, including rock climbing in California and the European Alps with his co-star David Thewlis.[62] Pitt had the lead role in 1998’s fantasy romance film Meet Joe Black. He portrayed a personification of death inhabiting the body of a young man to learn what it is like to be human.[63] The film received mixed reviews, and many were critical of Pitt’s performance. According to Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle, Pitt was unable to «make an audience believe that he knows all the mysteries of death and eternity.»[64] Roger Ebert remarked, «Pitt is a fine actor, but this performance is a miscalculation.»[65]

Rise to prominence (1999–2003)

In 1999, Pitt portrayed Tyler Durden in Fight Club,[66][67] a film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel of the same name, directed by David Fincher.[68] Pitt prepared for the part with lessons in boxing, taekwondo, and grappling.[69] To look the part, Pitt consented to the removal of pieces of his front teeth which were restored when filming ended.[70] While promoting Fight Club, Pitt said that the film explored not taking one’s aggressions out on someone else but to «have an experience, take a punch more and see how you come out on the other end.»[71] Fight Club premiered at the 1999 Venice International Film Festival.[72] Despite divided critical opinion on the film as a whole,[73][74] Pitt’s performance was widely praised. Paul Clinton of CNN noted the risky yet successful nature of the film,[75] while Variety remarked upon Pitt’s ability to be «cool, charismatic and more dynamically physical, perhaps than […] his breakthrough role in Thelma and Louise«.[76] In spite of a worse-than-expected box office performance, Fight Club became a cult classic after its DVD release in 2000.[77]

Pitt was cast as an Irish Traveller boxer with a barely intelligible accent in Guy Ritchie’s 2000 gangster film Snatch.[78] Several reviewers were critical of Snatch; however, most praised Pitt.[79] Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle said Pitt was «ideally cast as an Irishman whose accent is so thick even Brits can’t understand him», going on to say that, before Snatch, Pitt had been «shackled by roles that called for brooding introspection, but recently he has found his calling in black comic outrageousness and flashy extroversion;»[80] while Amy Taubin of The Village Voice claimed that «Pitt gets maximum comic mileage out of a one-joke role».[81] The following year Pitt starred opposite Julia Roberts in the romantic comedy The Mexican,[82] a film that garnered a range of reviews[83] but enjoyed box office success.[32] Pitt’s next role, in 2001’s $143 million-grossing Cold War thriller Spy Game,[32] was as Tom Bishop, an operative of the CIA’s Special Activities Division, mentored by Robert Redford’s character.[84] Mark Holcomb of Salon.com enjoyed the film, although he noted that neither Pitt nor Redford provided «much of an emotional connection for the audience».[85]

On November 22, 2001, Pitt made a guest appearance in the eighth season of the television series Friends, playing a man with a grudge against Rachel Green, played by Jennifer Aniston, to whom Pitt was married at the time.[86] For this performance he was nominated for an Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series.[87] In December 2001, Pitt played Rusty Ryan in the heist film Ocean’s Eleven, a remake of the 1960 Rat Pack original. He joined an ensemble cast including George Clooney, Matt Damon, Andy García, and Julia Roberts.[88] Well received by critics, Ocean’s Eleven was highly successful at the box office, earning $450 million worldwide.[32] Pitt appeared in two episodes of MTV’s reality series Jackass in February 2002, first running through the streets of Los Angeles with several cast members in gorilla suits,[89] and in a subsequent episode participating in his own staged abduction.[90] In the same year, Pitt had a cameo role in George Clooney’s directorial debut Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.[91] He took on his first voice-acting roles in 2003, speaking as the titular character of the DreamWorks animated film Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas[92] and playing Boomhauer’s brother, Patch, in an episode of the animated television series King of the Hill.[93]

Worldwide recognition (2004–2008)

Pitt had two major film roles in 2004, starring as Achilles in Troy, and reprising his role, Rusty Ryan, in the sequel Ocean’s Twelve. He spent six months sword training before the filming of Troy, based on the Iliad.[94] An on-set injury to his Achilles tendon delayed production on the picture for several weeks.[95] Stephen Hunter of The Washington Post stated that Pitt excelled at such a demanding role.[96] Troy was the first film produced by Plan B Entertainment, a film production company he had founded two years earlier with Jennifer Aniston and Brad Grey, CEO of Paramount Pictures.[97] Ocean’s Twelve earned $362 million worldwide,[32] and Pitt and Clooney’s dynamic was described by CNN’s Paul Clinton as «the best male chemistry since Paul Newman and Robert Redford.»[98] In 2005, Pitt starred as John Smith in the Doug Liman-directed action comedy Mr. & Mrs. Smith, in which a bored married couple discover that each is an assassin sent to kill the other. The feature received reasonable reviews but was generally lauded for the chemistry between Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who played his character’s wife Jane Smith. The Star Tribune noted that «while the story feels haphazard, the movie gets by on gregarious charm, galloping energy and the stars’ thermonuclear screen chemistry».[99] Mr. & Mrs. Smith earned $478 million worldwide, making it one of the biggest hits of 2005.[100]

For his next film, Pitt starred opposite Cate Blanchett in Alejandro González Iñárritu’s multi-narrative drama Babel (2006).[101] Pitt’s performance was critically well-received, and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said that he was credible and gave the film visibility.[102] Pitt later said he regarded taking the part as one of the best decisions of his career.[103] The film was screened at a special presentation at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival[104] and was later featured at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival.[105] Babel received seven Academy and Golden Globe award nominations, winning the Best Drama Golden Globe, and earned Pitt a nomination for the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe.[45] That same year, Pitt’s company Plan B Entertainment produced The Departed, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Pitt was credited on-screen as a producer; however, only Graham King was ruled eligible for the Oscar win.[106]

Reprising his role as Rusty Ryan in a third picture, Pitt starred in 2007’s Ocean’s Thirteen.[107] While less lucrative than the first two films, this sequel earned $311 million at the international box office.[32] Pitt’s next film role was as American outlaw Jesse James in the 2007 Western drama The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, adapted from Ron Hansen’s 1983 novel of the same name.[108] Directed by Andrew Dominik and produced by Pitt’s company Plan B Entertainment, the film premiered at the 2007 Venice Film Festival,[109] with Pitt playing a «scary and charismatic» role, according to Lewis Beale of Film Journal International,[110] and earning Pitt the Volpi Cup award for Best Actor at the 64th Venice International Film Festival.[111] He eventually collected the award one year later at the 2008 festival.[112] As of January 2019, it was his own favorite of his films.[113]

Pitt’s next appearance was in the 2008 black comedy Burn After Reading, his first collaboration with the Coen brothers. The film received a positive reception from critics, with The Guardian calling it «a tightly wound, slickly plotted spy comedy»,[114] noting that Pitt’s performance was one of the funniest.[114] He was later cast as Benjamin Button, the lead in David Fincher’s 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a loosely adapted version of a 1921 short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The story follows a man who is born an octogenarian and ages in reverse,[115] with Pitt’s «sensitive» performance making Benjamin Button a «timeless masterpiece», according to Michael Sragow of The Baltimore Sun.[116] The performance earned Pitt his first Screen Actors Guild Award nomination,[117] as well as a fourth Golden Globe and second Academy Award nomination,[45][118] all in the category for Best Actor. The film received thirteen Academy Award nominations, and grossed $329 million at the box office worldwide.[32]

Established actor (2009–present)

A Caucasian male has long brown hair pushed back and a short brown beard. He wears a black suit jacket and a white shirt.

Pitt’s next leading role came in 2009 with the Quentin Tarantino-directed war film Inglourious Basterds, which premiered at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.[119] Pitt played Lieutenant Aldo Raine, an American resistance fighter battling Nazis in German-occupied France.[120] The film was a box office hit, taking $311 million worldwide,[32] and garnered generally favorable reviews.[121] The film received multiple awards and nominations, including eight Academy Award nominations and seven MTV Movie Award nominations, including Best Male Performance for Pitt.[122][123] He next voiced the superhero character Metro Man in the 2010 animated feature Megamind.[124] Pitt produced and appeared in Terrence Malick’s experimental drama The Tree of Life, co-starring Sean Penn, which won the Palme d’Or at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.[125] In a performance that attracted strong praise, he portrayed the Oakland Athletics general manager Billy Beane in the drama Moneyball, which is based on the 2003 book of the same name written by Michael Lewis.[126] Moneyball received six Academy Award nominations including Best Picture and Best Actor for Pitt.[127]

His next role was as mob hitman Jackie Cogan in Andrew Dominik’s 2012 Killing Them Softly, based on the novel Cogan’s Trade by George V. Higgins.[128] In 2013, Pitt starred in World War Z, a thriller about a zombie apocalypse, based on Max Brooks’s novel of the same name. Pitt also produced the film.[129] World War Z grossed $540 million at the box office worldwide,[32] becoming Pitt’s highest grossing picture.[130] Next in 2013, he produced, and played a small role in, 12 Years a Slave, a historical drama based on the autobiography of Solomon Northup.[131] The film received critical acclaim[132] and was nominated for nine Academy Awards, winning three, including Best Picture.[133] Also in 2013, Pitt had a supporting role in Ridley Scott’s The Counselor.[134] Plan B Entertainment landed its first television series on the 2013–2014 schedule, as their joint venture with ABC Studios, the sci-fi/fantasy drama Resurrection, was picked up by ABC.[135]

Pitt starred in Fury, a World War II film directed and written by David Ayer, and co-starring Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Jon Bernthal, Michael Peña, and Jason Issacs.[136][137][138] The film was released on October 17, 2014.[136] By the end of its run, Fury proved to be a commercial and critical success; it grossed more than $211 million worldwide[32] and received highly positive reviews from critics.[139] In 2015, Pitt starred opposite his wife, Jolie, in her third directorial effort, By the Sea, a romantic drama about a marriage in crisis, based on her screenplay. The film was their first collaboration since 2005’s Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Pitt’s next role came with the biographical comedy-drama The Big Short, which he also produced and also co-starred alongside Christian Bale, Steve Carell, and Ryan Gosling. The film was a commercial and critical success. It went on to gross over $102 million worldwide[140] and received positive reviews from critics.[141][142] The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, earning Pitt his third Academy Award nomination as producer. In 2016, Pitt starred in Robert Zemeckis’s romantic thriller Allied, in which he plays an assassin who falls in love with a French spy (played by Marion Cotillard) during a mission to kill a German official in World War II.[143][144] In 2017, he starred in the Netflix satirical war comedy War Machine,[145] which he also produced.[146] Pitt played a recurring role as a weatherman on the late-night talk show The Jim Jefferies Show throughout 2017.[147]

A 2017 sequel to World War Z was in announced in 2016,[148] before the film was briefly delayed, then confirmed to be directed by David Fincher and then ultimately shelved due to budget issues.[149][150] Pitt starred as Cliff Booth, a stunt double, opposite Leonardo DiCaprio, in Quentin Tarantino’s 2019 film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, reuniting with DiCaprio after The Departed, which Pitt produced and DiCaprio starred in.[151] For his performance in the film, he received awards for Best Supporting Actor at the Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, BAFTA Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and Critics’ Choice Movie Awards.[152] This is the second Academy Award for Brad Pitt, his first that he received for acting.[153] In 2019, he also starred in James Gray’s deep space epic Ad Astra, in which he played Roy McBride, a space engineer searching the galaxy for his father.[154] Pitt’s performance was praised as one of his career-best turn,[155][156] delivering a performance «that weaponizes passivity into a lethal form of self-defense».[157] On April 25, 2020 Pitt portrayed Dr. Anthony Fauci in the cold open on Saturday Night Live earning a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series nomination.

In 2021, Pitt entered the recording business by creating a company with French record producer Damien Quintard. Set in Pitt’s Chateau Miraval in South of France, Miraval Studios will re-open in 2022 after two decades of inactivity. The previous version of the studio was one of the most iconic studios in the world, producing the records for Pink Floyd, the Cranberries, AC/DC, Sade and Muse, among others.[158]

In 2022, Pitt starred in Bullet Train, directed by David Leitch,[159] and reunited with his Once Upon a Time in Hollywood co-star Margot Robbie in Babylon, directed by Damien Chazelle.[160] In September 2021, it was revealed that he will reteam with George Clooney in a thriller film written and directed by Jon Watts.[161] On January 5, 2022, he signed a deal with Apple to create a racing film on Formula One, directed by Joseph Kosinski,[162] for which he will earn $30 million.[163]

Humanitarian and political causes

Pitt visited the University of Missouri campus in October 2004 to encourage students to vote in the 2004 U.S. presidential election,[164] in which he supported John Kerry.[164][165] Later in October, he publicly supported the principle of public funding for embryonic stem-cell research. «We have to make sure that we open up these avenues so that our best and our brightest can go find these cures that they believe they will find», he said.[166] In support of this he endorsed Proposition 71, a California ballot initiative intended to provide state government funding for stem-cell research.[167]

Pitt at the ‘Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict’ in 2014

Pitt supports One Campaign, an organization aimed at combating AIDS and poverty in the developing world.[168][169] He narrated the 2005 PBS public television series Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge, which discusses current global health issues.[170] The following year Pitt and Jolie flew to Haiti, where they visited a school supported by Yéle Haïti, a charity founded by Haitian-born hip hop musician Wyclef Jean.[171] In May 2007, Pitt and Jolie donated $1 million to three organizations in Chad and Sudan dedicated to those affected by the crisis in the Darfur region.[172] Along with Clooney, Damon, Don Cheadle, David Pressman, and Jerry Weintraub, Pitt is one of the founders of Not On Our Watch, an organization that focuses global attention on stopping «mass atrocities».[173]

Pitt has a sustained interest in architecture,[174] even taking time away from film to study computer-aided design at the Los Angeles offices of renowned architect Frank Gehry.[175] He narrated e2 design, a PBS television series focused on worldwide efforts to build environmentally friendly structures through sustainable architecture and design.[176] In 2000, he co-authored an architectural book on the Blacker House with the architects Thomas A. Heinz and Randell Makinson.[177] In 2006, he founded the Make It Right Foundation, organizing housing professionals in New Orleans to finance and construct 150 sustainable, affordable new houses in New Orleans’s Ninth Ward following the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.[178][179]

The project involves 13 architectural firms and the environmental organization Global Green USA, with several of the firms donating their services.[180][181] Pitt and philanthropist Steve Bing have each committed $5 million in donations.[182] The first six homes were completed in October 2008,[183] and in September 2009 Pitt received an award in recognition of the project from the U.S. Green Building Council, a non-profit trade organization that promotes sustainability in how buildings are designed, built and operated.[184][185] Pitt met with U.S. President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in March 2009 to promote his concept of green housing as a national model and to discuss federal funding possibilities.[186]

In September 2006, Pitt and Jolie established a charitable organization, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, to aid humanitarian causes around the world.[187] The foundation made initial donations of $1 million each to Global Action for Children and Doctors Without Borders,[188] followed by an October 2006 donation of $100,000 to the Daniel Pearl Foundation, an organization created in memory of the late American journalist Daniel Pearl.[189] According to federal filings, Pitt and Jolie invested $8.5 million into the foundation in 2006; it gave away $2.4 million in 2006[190] and $3.4 million in 2007.[191] In June 2009, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation donated $1 million to a U.N. refugee agency to help Pakistanis displaced by fighting between troops and Taliban militants.[192] In January 2010, the foundation donated $1 million to Doctors Without Borders for emergency medical assistance to help victims of the Haiti earthquake.[193][194]

Pitt is a supporter of same-sex marriage.[195] In an October 2006 interview with Esquire, Pitt said that he would marry Jolie when everyone in America is legally able to marry.[196] In September 2008, he donated $100,000 to the campaign against California’s 2008 ballot proposition Proposition 8, an initiative to overturn the state Supreme Court decision that had legalized same-sex marriage.[197] In March 2012, Pitt was featured in a performance of Dustin Lance Black’s play, 8 – a staged reenactment of the federal trial that overturned California’s Prop 8 ban on same-sex marriage – as Judge Vaughn Walker.[198]

In September 2012, Pitt reaffirmed his support for Obama, saying, «I am an Obama supporter and I’m backing his U.S. election campaign.»[199] In October 2020, he narrated an advertisement for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.[200]

Personal life


A Caucasian man and woman in the foreground of the image, while others are visible behind them. The woman has brown hair, which is tied back. The man has his dark brown hair parted. He is wearing a black suit and bow-tie with a white shirt.

From the late 1980s to early 1990s, Pitt was romantically involved with several of his co-stars, including Robin Givens (Head of the Class),[201] Jill Schoelen (Cutting Class),[201] and Juliette Lewis (Too Young to Die? and Kalifornia).[35] Subsequently, Pitt had a much-publicized romance and engagement to his Seven co-star, Gwyneth Paltrow, whom he dated from 1994 to 1997.[201]

Pitt met actress Jennifer Aniston in 1998; they married in a private wedding ceremony in Malibu on July 29, 2000.[202] In January 2005, Pitt and Aniston announced they had decided to separate. Two months later, Aniston filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.[203] Pitt and Aniston’s divorce was finalized by the Los Angeles Superior Court on October 2, 2005.[203] Despite media reports that Pitt and Aniston had an acrimonious relationship, Pitt said in a February 2009 interview that he and Aniston «check in with each other», adding that they were both big parts of each other’s lives.[204]

During Pitt’s divorce proceedings, his involvement with his Mr. & Mrs. Smith co-star Angelina Jolie attracted media attention. Jolie and Pitt stated that they fell in love on the set[205][206] and that there was no infidelity.[205] In April 2005, one month after Aniston filed for divorce, a set of paparazzi photographs emerged showing Pitt, Jolie, and her son Maddox at a beach in Kenya; the press interpreted the pictures as evidence of a relationship between Pitt and Jolie. Throughout 2005, the two were seen together with increasing frequency, and the entertainment media dubbed the couple «Brangelina».[207] On January 11, 2006, Jolie confirmed to People that she was pregnant with Pitt’s child, thereby publicly acknowledging their relationship for the first time.[208] Pitt and Jolie announced their engagement in April 2012 after seven years together.[209] They were legally married on August 14, 2014, in Los Angeles. They had their wedding in a private ceremony in Château Miraval, France on August 23, 2014.[210] On September 19, 2016, Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt, citing irreconcilable differences.[211] On April 12, 2019, the court declared Jolie and Pitt legally single.[212]

In 2022, Pitt began dating Ines de Ramon, a jewelry designer who is 29 years younger than him.[213]


In July 2005, Pitt accompanied Jolie to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where she adopted her second child, Zahara Marley.[214][215] On December 3, 2005, Pitt was in the process of becoming the adoptive father of Zahara, and Jolie’s first adopted child, Maddox Chivan.[216] On January 19, 2006, a California judge granted Jolie’s request to change the children’s surnames from «Jolie» to «Jolie-Pitt».[217] The adoptions were finalized soon after.[218]

Jolie gave birth to daughter Shiloh Nouvel in Swakopmund, Namibia, on May 27, 2006. Pitt confirmed that their newborn daughter would qualify for a Namibian passport.[219] The couple sold the first pictures of Shiloh through the distributor Getty Images; the North American rights were purchased by People for over $4.1 million, while Hello! obtained the British rights for approximately $3.5 million. The proceeds from the sale were donated to charities serving African children.[220] Madame Tussauds in New York unveiled a wax figure of two-month-old Shiloh; it marked the first time an infant was recreated in wax by Madame Tussauds.[221]

On March 15, 2007, Jolie adopted three-year-old Pax Thien from an orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.[222] Pitt adopted Pax in the United States on February 21, 2008.[223]

At the Cannes Film Festival in May 2008, Jolie confirmed that she was expecting twins.[224] She gave birth to son Knox Léon and daughter Vivienne Marcheline on July 12, 2008 in Nice, France.[225] The rights for the first images of Knox and Vivienne were jointly sold to People and Hello! for $14 million—the most expensive celebrity pictures ever taken.[226][227] The couple donated the proceeds to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation.[226][228]

In September 2016, the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services investigated Pitt for child abuse following an incident on a plane, where Pitt was accused by an anonymous person of being «verbally abusive» and «physical» towards one of his children.[229] In its final report on the investigation, the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services ruled that Pitt did not physically abuse any of his children. Pitt was also cleared by the FBI of any wrongdoing.[230]

Since Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt on September 19, 2016, they have been embroiled in a custody battle over their children. Jolie had full custody until May 2021 when Pitt was granted joint custody, over four and a half years after proceedings began.[231] However, in July, Los Angeles superior court judge John W. Ouderkirk was removed from the case due to concerns over his impartiality as he did not sufficiently disclose business relationships with Pitt’s lawyers. This resulted in the custody arrangement reverting to a previous November 2018 agreement where Jolie has primary physical custody while Pitt has «custodial time» with their minor children.[232][233]


In September 2016, Pitt got sober and began attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.[234] In December 2019, he wrote an article for Interview in which he talked with his Legends of the Fall and Meet Joe Black costar and fellow recovering alcoholic Anthony Hopkins about their experiences with addiction and recovery.[235]

Cannabis use

Pitt has admitted to using cannabis in the late ’90s as a way to deal with his increasing fame.[236][237] According to Pitt: «I was hiding out from the celebrity thing; I was smoking way too much dope; I was sitting on the couch and just turning into a doughnut.»[236][237][238] He reduced his cannabis use and focused on his work after a trip to Morocco, where he witnessed extreme poverty and suffering.[236][237]


In 2022, Pitt said that he had struggled for years to recognize people’s faces due to prosopagnosia (face blindness).[239] In a 2013 interview, he said that his inability to recognize people’s faces had become so severe that he often wanted to stay home.[240] Formally, however, Pitt has not been diagnosed with prosopagnosia.[239][241]


Pitt has an interest in art, learned pottery,[242] and has created sculptures. Nine of his sculptures were exhibited together with works by musician Nick Cave and artist Thomas Houseago at the Sara Hildén Art Museum in Tampere, Finland in 2022-2023.[243][244]

Public image

A male with dyed blonde hair is being interviewed. He is wearing a black suit and tie, with a white shirt, and is standing on a red carpet. People standing behind barricades are visible in the background, while microphones are visible in the foreground.

Pitt has been cited as a sex symbol by many sources, including Empire, who named him one of the 25 sexiest stars in film history in 1995.[12][245][246] The same year, he was named Peoples Sexiest Man Alive, an accolade he received again in 2000.[245][247] Pitt appeared on Forbes annual Celebrity 100 list of the 100 most powerful celebrities from 2006 to 2008 placing at numbers 20, 5 and 10, respectively.[248][249][250] In 2007, he appeared on the Time 100 list, a compilation of the 100 most influential people in the world, as selected annually by Time magazine.[251] The magazine credited Pitt for using «his star power to get people to look [to where] cameras don’t usually catch».[251] He was again included on the Time 100 in 2009, this time in the «Builders and Titans» list.[252]

Beginning in 2005, Pitt’s relationship with Angelina Jolie became one of the world’s most reported celebrity stories. After Jolie was confirmed to be pregnant in early 2006, the intense media hype surrounding the couple reached what Reuters, in a story titled «The Brangelina fever,» called «the point of insanity».[253] To avoid media attention, the couple flew to Namibia for the birth of their daughter Shiloh, which was described by a paparazzi blog as «the most anticipated baby since Jesus Christ.»[254] Similarly, intense media interest greeted the announcement of Jolie’s second pregnancy two years later; for the two weeks Jolie spent in a seaside hospital in Nice, reporters and photographers camped outside on the promenade to report on the birth.[255]

In a 2006 global industry survey by ACNielsen in 42 international markets, Pitt, together with Jolie, were found to be the favorite celebrity endorsers for brands and products worldwide.[256] Pitt has appeared in several television commercials. For the U.S. market, he starred in a Heineken commercial aired during the 2005 Super Bowl; it was directed by David Fincher, who had directed Pitt in Seven, Fight Club, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.[257] Other commercial appearances came in television spots including Acura Integra, in which he was featured opposite Russian model Tatiana Sorokko,[258] as well as SoftBank, and Edwin Jeans.[259] In 2014, Pitt’s stylish villain roles inspired Vijay in playing a similar character in Indian film Kaththi.
[260] On June 2, 2015, the minor planet 29132 Bradpitt was named in his honor.[261]


Awards and nominations


  1. ^ «Encyclopædia Britannica». Retrieved July 25, 2022.
  2. ^ «Win for Angelina Jolie as court disqualified judge in Brad Pitt divorce case». The Guardian. Associated Press. July 23, 2021. Retrieved July 25, 2021. The judge already ruled the pair divorced, but separated the child custody issues.» […] «They were declared divorced in April 2019, after their lawyers asked for a judgment that allowed a married couple to be declared single while other issues remained, including finances and child custody.
  3. ^ «Oscar Movies Brad Pitt Has Produced Over the Years — from Minari to Moonlight». People. Retrieved July 2, 2022.
  4. ^ Bunbury, Stephanie (December 14, 2008). «The business of being Brad». Sydney Morning Herald. Archived from the original on June 3, 2009. Retrieved May 13, 2009.
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External links

  • Brad Pitt at Curlie
  • Brad Pitt at IMDb
  • Brad Pitt at Biography
  • Brad Pitt at Rotten Tomatoes
  • Brad Pitt on Charlie Rose
  • Brad Pitt at Huffington Post
  • Works by or about Brad Pitt in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
  • Brad Pitt collected news and commentary at The New York Times
  • Brad Pitt collected news and commentary at The Guardian Edit this at Wikidata

Есть более полная статья

У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Питт.

Брэд Питт
Brad Pitt
Брэд Питт на 65-м Каннском кинофестивале, май 2012
Имя при рождении:

Уильям Брэдли Питт

Дата рождения:

18 декабря 1963 (49 лет)

Место рождения:

Шауни, Оклахома, США


Flag of the United States.svg США




1987 — наст. время


«Золотой глобус» (1995)
«Сатурн» (1996)


ID 0000093

Уильям Брэдли Питт (англ. William Bradley Pitt; род. 18 декабря 1963, Шауни, Оклахома, США), более известный как Брэд Питт (англ. Brad Pitt) — американский актёр и продюсер. Лауреат премии «Золотой глобус» за 1995 год («Двенадцать обезьян»), четырежды номинировался на премию «Оскар» (1996, 2009 и дважды в 2012).


  • 1 Биография
    • 1.1 Начальный этап
    • 1.2 Карьера
    • 1.3 Личная жизнь
  • 2 Фильмография
  • 3 Примечания
  • 4 Ссылки


Начальный этап

Уильям Брэдли Питт родился в городе Шауни (США, штат Оклахома), вырос в очень религиозной американской семье. Его отец, Уильям Питт, работал менеджером в компании, занимавшейся грузоперевозками, мать, Джейн Этта Хиллхаус, — преподавателем в местной школе. Он, его брат Дуг Питт и сестра Джулия Питт, росли в Спрингфилде, штат Миссури, куда семья переехала вскоре после его рождения. В школе Питт занимался спортом, состоял в дебатном клубе, музыкальной секции и участвовал в студенческом самоуправлении. После школы Уильям поступил в университет Миссури — Колумбия, где изучал журналистику и рекламное дело. Однако после окончания университета по профессии работать он не пошёл, а отправился в Голливуд с целью начать актёрскую карьеру. Там он сменил своё имя на «Брэд Питт», но число предлагаемых ему ролей от этого не увеличилось.


Прежде чем к нему пришел актёрский успех, Питт работал водителем, перевозчиком мебели и даже зазывалой в сети ресторанов «El Pollo Loco» и должен был в костюме гигантского цыпленка приглашать прохожих посетить их заведение. Параллельно с этим он посещал актёрские курсы. Профессиональная карьера началась после того, как ему повезло получить роль в телесериале «Даллас». Он стал играть небольшие роли в различных сериалах и кино. В 1988 году он наконец получил ведущую роль в фильме «Тёмная сторона Солнца». Однако пока этот фильм редактировали, гражданская война охватила ту часть Югославии, где проходили съемки. Большая часть отснятого материала считалась утерянной до 1998 года, когда фильм, наконец, вышел на экраны.

В 1991 году Питт снялся в успешном фильме «Тельма и Луиза». Затем последовали успешные роли в фильмах «Там, где течёт река», «Легенды осени», «Интервью с вампиром: Хроника жизни вампира» (c Томом Крузом и Антонио Бандерасом) и «Семь» (с Морганом Фрименом и Кевином Спейси). Он был номинирован на премию «Оскар» за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана за роль в фильме 1995 года «Двенадцать обезьян».

В 1995 году он был включён журналом Empire в список 25 самых сексуальных звезд в истории кино. Питт был дважды назван «Самым сексуальным мужчиной среди живых» журналом People[1], став единственным человеком, кто более одного раза удостоился такой чести. Он постоянно присутствует в списке самых сексуальных мужчин по результатам опросов женщин по всему миру.

В 1997 году вышел фильм «Семь лет в Тибете», в котором рассказывается о вторжении Китая в Тибет. В результате Брэд Питт, как и его партнер по фильму Дэвид Тьюлис, были навсегда лишены права приезжать в Китайскую Народную Республику.

В 1999 году Питт сыграл одну из своих самых известных ролей в культовом фильме «Бойцовский Клуб» Дэвида Финчера по роману Чака Паланика. Но наибольший коммерческий успех и всеобщее признание как секс-символа планеты ему принесла роль Ахиллеса в фильме «Троя». После этого он снялся во многих фильмах, включая комедийный боевик «Мистер и миссис Смит» (2005) вместе со своей нынешней спутницей жизни Анджелиной Джоли.

Среди его последних громких ролей — главный герой фильма «Загадочная история Бенджамина Баттона», который рождается старцем и проживает свою жизнь «наоборот» (третий совместный фильм Питта и Финчера), забавный дурачок Чед Фельдхеймер в «чёрной» комедии Джоэля и Итана Коэнов «После прочтения сжечь» и охотник на нацистов Альдо Апаче в фильме Квентина Тарантино «Бесславные ублюдки». Он также является продюсером фильма Роберта Швентке «Жена путешественника во времени» и фильма Мэттью Вона «Пипец».

В 2002 году Питт основал продюсерскую компанию Plan B Entertainment совместно с Дженнифер Энистон и главой голливудской киностудии Paramount Pictures Брэдом Грэем[2]. В 2005 году его компания продюсировала «Чарли и шоколадная фабрика» с Джонни Деппом в главной роли,[3] а несколько лет спустя — такие фильмы, как «Сильное сердце» с Анджелиной Джоли в главной роли и «Как трусливый Роберт Форд убил Джесси Джеймса»[4]. Компания Plan B была партнером в продюсировании кинофильма «Отступники», получившего «Оскара». Питт также появлялся в телевизионных рекламных роликах. В 2005 году он снялся для американского рынка в рекламе для Heineken[5], а для дальневосточного рынка — в рекламе для Хонды Акуры, в которой он появился вместе с американской супермоделью Татьяной Сорокко[6]. Питт также снялся в японской рекламе для SoftBank и Edwin Jeans[7][8].

Роль бейсбольного менеджера Билли Бина в биографической драме «Человек, который изменил всё» принесла Питту очередные номинации на премии «Оскар», «Золотой глобус» и BAFTA. Выводы критиков насчет его перевоплощения были единодушно благосклонными, некоторые даже называли эту роль лучшей в карьере Питта и сравнивали его актёрскую работу с Грегори Пеком в «Убить пересмешника»[9].

Личная жизнь

На съёмках триллера «Семь» в 1995 году Брэд сошёлся с Гвинет Пэлтроу, которая по фильму играла его жену, и у них завязался продолжительный роман. Однако, когда уже стали поговаривать o грядущей свадьбе возлюбленных (помолвка состоялась в декабре 1996 года), они совершенно неожиданно заявили o разрыве отношений (в июне 1997 года). Всё прошло без скандала, без обвинений в адрес друг друга и без каких-либо объяснений причин расставания.

Питт женился на актрисе Дженнифер Энистон 29 июля 2000 года. Они расстались 25 марта 2005 года после пяти лет совместной жизни. Их брак был официально расторгнут 2 октября 2005 года. Ходили слухи о том, что причиной расставания было нежелание Энистон иметь детей от Питта, однако сама Энистон это опровергает. Ещё до оформления развода у Брэда начались отношения с его партнершей по фильму «Мистер и миссис Смит» Анджелиной Джоли. После долгих опровержений 11 января 2006 года пара подтвердила свои отношения, заявив, что Джоли ждёт ребёнка от Питта.

27 мая 2006 года в Намибии у пары родилась дочь Шайло Нувель, а 12 июля 2008 года во Франции двойня — мальчик Нокс Леон и девочка Вивьен Маршелин. Все биологические дети Питта и Джоли появились на свет посредством кесарева сечения. Кроме этого, Брэд усыновил всех приёмных детей Анджелины. Сейчас у них шестеро детей: сыновья Мэддокс Шиван, Пакс Тьен и Нокс Леон; дочери Захара Марли, Шайло Нувель и Вивьен Маршелин. Все носят фамилию Джоли-Питт.


Жирным шрифтом выделены наиболее значимые фильмы в карьере Брэда Питта


Год Фильм Роль Примечания, номинации и награды
1987 Нет выхода офицер на вечеринке первая роль
1987 Нейтральная полоса официант
1987 Меньше, чем ноль завсегдатай вечеринок
1987 Проблемы роста Джефф телесериал; два эпизода
1987 Даллас Рэнди телесериал; четыре эпизода
1988 Джамп-стрит, 21 Питер телесериал; один эпизод
1988 Тёмная сторона Солнца Рик Клейтон
1989 Счастливы вместе Брайан
1989 Пропуск занятий Дуайт Ингаллс
1989 Президент класса Чак телесериал; один эпизод
1989 Кошмары Фредди Рик Остин телесериал; один эпизод
1990 Картина оператор
1990 Слишком молода, чтобы умереть? Билли Кэнтон
1990 Дни славы Уокер Лавджой телесериал; шесть эпизодов
1991 Гонки по кругу Джо Мэлоуни
1991 Тельма и Луиза Джей Ди
1991 Джонни Замша Джонни Замша
1992 Контакт Кокс
1992 Параллельный мир детектив Фрэнк Харрис
1992 Там, где течёт река Пол Маклин
1993 Калифорния Эрли Грейс
1993 Настоящая любовь Флойд
1994 Услуга Эллиотт Фоулер
1994 Интервью с вампиром: Хроника жизни вампира Луи де Пон дю Лак Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшую мужскую роль
Премия MTV Movie Awards самому соблазнительному актёру
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучший актёрский дуэтсовместно с Томом Крузом
Номинация — Премия «Сатурн» лучшему киноактёру
1994 Легенды осени Тристан Ладлоу Номинация — Премия «Золотой глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль — драма
1995 Семь детектив Дэвид Миллс Премия MTV Movie Awards самому соблазнительному актёру
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучший актёрский дуэтсовместно с Морганом Фрименом
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшую мужскую роль
1995 12 обезьян Джеффри Гоинс Премия «Золотой глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана — Кинофильм
Премия «Сатурн» лучшему киноактёру второго плана
Номинация — Премия «Оскар» за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшую мужскую роль
1996 Спящие Майкл Салливан
1997 Собственность дьявола Фрэнсис «Фрэнки» Остин МакГайр / Рори Дивани
1997 Семь лет в Тибете Генрих Харрер
1998 Знакомьтесь, Джо Блэк Джо Блэк
1999 Бойцовский клуб Тайлер Дёрден
1999 Быть Джоном Малковичем камео
2000 Большой куш Микки О’Нил Номинация — Премия Satellite Awards за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана
2001 Мексиканец Джерри Уэлбах
2001 Шпионские игры Том Бишоп
2001 Одиннадцать друзей Оушена Расти Райан Номинация — Кинонаграда MTV за лучшую актёрскую команду
2001 Друзья Уилл Колберт телесериал; один эпизод
2002 Во всей красе камео
2002 Признания опасного человека Брэд, холостяк № 1
2003 Синдбад: Легенда семи морей Синдбад мультфильм; озвучка
2003 Эбби Сингер камео
2004 Троя Ахиллес Премия Teen Choice Awards лучшему актёру боевика
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшую дракусовместно с Эриком Баной
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшую мужскую роль
2004 Двенадцать друзей Оушена Расти Райан
2005 Мистер и миссис Смит Джон Смит Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшую дракусовместно с Анджелиной Джоли
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучший поцелуйсовместно с Анджелиной Джоли
2006 Вавилон Ричард Номинация — Премия «Золотой глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана — Кинофильм
Номинация — Премия Satellite Awards за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана
Номинация — Премия Гильдии киноактёров США за лучший актёрский состав в игровом кино
2007 Тринадцать друзей Оушена Расти Райан
2007 Как трусливый Роберт Форд убил Джесси Джеймса Джесси Джеймс Кубок Вольпи за лучшую мужскую роль
2008 После прочтения сжечь Чед Фельдхаймер Номинация — Премия BAFTA за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана
2008 Загадочная история Бенджамина Баттона Бенджамин Баттон Номинация — Премия «Оскар» за лучшую мужскую роль
Номинация — Премия BAFTA за лучшую мужскую роль
Номинация — Премия «Золотой глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль — драма
Номинация — Премия «Сатурн» лучшему киноактёру
Номинация — Премия Гильдии киноактёров США за лучшую мужскую роль
Номинация — Премия Гильдии киноактёров США за лучший актёрский состав в игровом кино
2009 Бесславные ублюдки лейтенант Альдо Рейн Премия Гильдии киноактёров США за лучший актёрский состав в игровом кино
Номинация — Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшую мужскую роль
2010 Мегамозг Мачомен мультфильм; озвучка
2011 Древо жизни мистер О’Брайен
2011 Человек, который изменил всё Билли Бин Номинация — «Спутниковая награда» за лучшую мужскую роль — драма
Номинация — Премия Гильдии киноактёров США за лучшую мужскую роль
Номинация — Премия «Золотой глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль — драма
Номинация — Премия BAFTA за лучшую мужскую роль
Номинация — Премия «Оскар» за лучшую мужскую роль
2011 Делай ноги 2 Криль Уилл озвучивание
2012 Ограбление казино Джек Коган
2013 Война миров Z Макс Брукс
2013 Двенадцать лет рабства
2013 Советник Уэстрей


  1. Брэд Питт | Женский журнал Lady.ru
  2. Roger Friedman. Aniston’s Star Shines With and Without Pitt  (англ.), Fox News (November 1, 2005). Проверено 6 декабря 2010.
  3. Gary Susman. Ford Explorer  (англ.), Entertainment Weekly] (March 18, 2004). Проверено 6 декабря 2008.
  4. Lou Lumenick. A Mighty Heart  (англ.), New York Post (June 22, 2007). Проверено 23 марта 2010.
  5. Lucy Kaylin. American Idol  (англ.), GQ (June 2005), стр. 5. Архивировано из первоисточника 23 марта 2010. Проверено 6 декабря 2010.
  6. A.J. Benza; Michael Lewittes. Hot Copy  (англ.), Daily News (New York) (December 22, 1995). Проверено 6 декабря 2010.
  7. Cate Doty. For Celebrities, Ads Made Abroad Shed Some Stigma  (англ.), The New York Times (February 4, 2008). Проверено 26 марта 2009.
  8. Will Brad Pitt ever age?  (англ.), The Sun (January 22, 2008). Проверено 6 декабря 2008.
  9. Скотт Файнберг Does Brad Pitt’s Beane in ‘Moneyball’ = Gregory Peck’s Finch in ‘Mockingbird’?  (англ.). The Hollywood Reporter (1 ноября 2011). Проверено 9 сентября 2012.


commons: Брэд Питт на Викискладе?
  • Брэд Питт  (англ.) на сайте Internet Movie Database
 Просмотр этого шаблона Премия «Золотой глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана — Кинофильм

Джон Гилгуд (1981) • Луис Госсетт-младший (1982) • Джек Николсон (1983) • Хенг С. Нгор (1984) • Клаус Мария Брандауэр (1985) • Том Беренджер (1986) • Шон Коннери (1987) • Мартин Ландау (1988) • Дензел Вашингтон (1989) • Брюс Дэвисон (1990) • Джек Пэланс (1991) • Джин Хэкмен (1992) • Томми Ли Джонс (1993) • Мартин Ландау (1994) • Брэд Питт (1995) · Эдвард Нортон (1996) • Бёрт Рейнольдс (1997) • Эд Харрис (1998) • Том Круз (1999) • Бенисио дель Торо (2000)

Полный список · (1943—1960) · (1961—1980) · (1981—2000) · (2001 — настоящее время)

 Просмотр этого шаблона Премия «Сатурн» лучшему киноактёру второго плана

Марти Фельдман (1976) • Джей Робинсон (1977) • Алек Гиннесс (1978) • Бёрджесс Мередит (1979) • Арте Джонсон (1980)


Скэтмэн Крозерс (1981) • Бёрджесс Мередит (1982) • Ричард Линч (1983) • Джон Литгоу (1984) • Трейси Уолтер (1985) • Родди Макдауэлл (1986) • Билл Пэкстон (1987) • Ричард Доусон (1988) • Роберт Лоджиа (1990)


Томас Ф. Уилсон (1991) • Уильям Сэдлер (1992) • Робин Уильямс (1993) • Лэнс Хенриксен (1994) • Гэри Синиз (1995) • Брэд Питт (1996) • Брент Спайнер (1997) • Винсент Д’Онофрио (1998) • Иэн МакКеллен (1999) • Майкл Кларк Дункан (2000)


Уиллем Дефо (2001) • Иэн МакКеллен (2002) • Энди Серкис (2003) • Шон Астин (2004) • Дэвид Кэррадайн (2005) • Микки Рурк (2006) • Бен Аффлек (2007) • Хавьер Бардем (2008) • Хит Леджер (2009) • Стивен Лэнг (2010)


Эндрю Гарфилд (2011) • Энди Серкис (2012) •

Премия «Сатурн»

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Brad pitt



Brad Pitt is an actor.
Брэд Питт — актёр.

Even Jennifer Aniston, whom Brad Pitt left because she did not want kids, now sighs in interviews, as she nears 42, that she has stopped waiting for Prince Charming, and that she, too, could be ready to adopt and go it alone.
Даже Дженифер Анистон, которую Брэд Питт оставил из-за того, что она не хотела заводить детей, сейчас, приближаясь к 42 годам, вздыхает в интервью, что уже не ждёт прекрасного принца и что, возможно, она тоже готова усыновить ребёнка и справляться в одиночку.

Mm, eat your heart out, Brad Pitt.
Удавись слюной, Бред Питт.

So, effectively we created a digital puppet that Brad Pitt could operate with his own face.
Вообщем, фактически мы создали цифровую марионетку, которой Брэд Пит мог управлять с помощью своего лица.

Brad Pitt: Well, I heard momma and Tizzy whisper, and they said I was gonna die soon, but . maybe not.
Брэд Пит: Ну, я слышал, как мамуля и Тиззи шептались, и они говорили, что я должен вскоре умереть. Но. может быть нет.


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Брэд Питт
англ. Brad Pitt
Брэд Питт в 2007 году
Брэд Питт в 2007 году
Имя при рождении Уильям Брэдли Питт
Дата рождения 18 декабря 1963 (59 лет)
Место рождения Шони, Оклахома, США
Гражданство  США
Профессия актёр, кинопродюсер
Карьера 1987 — настоящее время
Награды «Оскар» (2014, 2020)
«Золотой глобус» (1996, 2020)
BAFTA (2014, 2020)
«Эмми» (2014)
Кубок Вольпи за лучшую мужскую роль Венецианского кинофестиваля (2007)
Премия Гильдии киноактёров США (2010, 2020)
IMDb nm0000093
Commons-logo.svg Медиафайлы на Викискладе

Брэд Питт (род. 18 декабря 1963 года, город Шони, штат Оклахома) — американский актер и продюсер[1]. За свою кинокарьеру Брэд Питт исполнил свыше 70 ролей. Обладатель премий «Оскар» и «Золотой глобус»[2].


Уильям Брэдли Питт родился 18 декабря 1963 года в городе Шони в штате Оклахома. Его отец, Уильям Питт, был менеджером грузоперевозок. Мать, Джейн Питт, работала школьным психологом-консультантом[3]. Семья была достаточно религиозной[4].

Помимо будущего актера, в семье было еще двое детей[1]. После рождения старшего сына, семья переехала в город Спрингфилд, штат Миссури. Там Питт учился в школе «Kickapoo High School»[3].

В школе Уильям Брэдли Питт увлекался спортивными и музыкальными занятиями. После завершения обучения в школе, Питт поступил в университет Миссури и стал изучать журналистику, но диплом так и не получил. Он решил бросить обучение для того, чтобы стать актером, переехал в Голливуд и решил называться не Уильямом Брэдли Питтом, а Брэдом Питтом[1]. Сам Питт позже заявлял, что его решение бросить учебу стало для него судьбоносным и кардинально изменило его жизнь. Переехав в Лос-Анджелес, Брэд Питт стал посещать актерские курсы, работая при этом и водителем, и перевозчиком мебели[3]. На момент переезда в Лос-Анджелес с собой у него было 325 долларов, родителям он сказал, что решил перевестись в колледж искусств в Пасадене[5].

В 1987 году Брэд Питт стал сниматься в эпизодах сериалов «Проблемы роста», «Даллас», «Другой мир». Также он сыграл роли в картинах «Меньше, чем ноль» и «Нейтральная полоса»[1].

Эпизодическая роль в фильме «Тельма и Луиза», который был выпущен в 1991 году, стала ключевой для его актерской карьеры и в целом, переломным моментом[1]. На финальном этапе отбора на роль Джей Ди в фильме «Тельма и Луиза» претендовало четыре актера, среди которых был и Брэд Питт. Другими кандидатами были Марк Руффало, Гранд Шоу и Джордж Клуни. По воспоминаниям актрисы Джины Дэвис Брэд Питт был так красив, что она испортила его пробы, потому что просто забывала произносить свои реплики. Когда мнением актрисы поинтересовался режиссер, она назвала имя Питта и так он был утвержден[6].

За съемки в этом фильме гонорар актера составил всего лишь 6 тысяч долларов[7].

Вскоре последовали роли в других проектах: «Параллельный мир» и «Джонни-замша». Брэд Питт снялся в фильме «Настоящая любовь» режиссера Тони Скотта, а сценарий для фильма написал Квентин Тарантино[1].

В 1994 году Брэд Питт исполнил роли в фильмах «Интервью с вампиром» и в «Легендах осени». За роль в «Легендах осени» Питт был номинирован на «Золотой глобус» как «Лучший актер»[1]. За роль в фильме «Интервью с вампиром» актер одержал победу в номинациях «Самый желанный мужчина» и «Лучшая мужская роль» премии «MTV Movie Awards», но также получил и антипремию «Золотая малина» за свою игру с Томом Крузом в номинации «Худший экранный дуэт»[3].

В 1995 году Брэд Питт получил «Золотой глобус» и был номинирован на «Оскар» за роль в фильме «12 обезьян» режиссера Терри Гиллиама[1]. Эта же роль принесла ему премию «Сатурн» в номинации «Лучший актер второго плана»[3].

В 1996 году Брэд Питт снялся в драме «Спящие», в 1997 году в фильме «Собственность дьявола», в 1998 году сыграл роль в фильме «Знакомьтесь, Джо Блэк». За этими фильмами последовали съемки в картине «Бойцовский клуб», которая после выхода была неоднозначно встречена критиками[1].

Брэд Питт в 2001 году снялся в эпизоде популярного телесериала «Друзья», одну из главных ролей в котором исполнила его супруга Дженнифер Энистон. Это был единственный раз, когда Питт и Энистон снялись вместе в одном проекте. Брэду Питту досталась роль персонажа, который ненавидит Рейчел — героиню Энистон. По воспоминаниям самого актера этот опыт съемок был достаточно необычным для него, потому что он больше привык сниматься в полнометражных фильмах. Персонаж Питта — Уилл Колберт — по сюжету учился вместе с Рейчел и Моникой в школе, причем именно Рейчел сделала школьные годы Уилла невыносимыми. Актер Джеймс Майкл Тайлер, который играл официанта Гантера, очень тепло отзывался о работе с Питтом на одной площадке. А сам Питт вспоминал, что перед съемкой этой серии, во время репетиционного прогона, он перепутал слова в своей реплике[8].

Питт снимался в таких картинах, как комедия «Большой куш» Гая Риччи, фильмы «Мексиканец» и «Шпионские игры». В 2001 году он сыграл в фильме «Одиннадцать друзей Оушена», в 2004 году исполнил роль Ахиллеса в драматическом фильме «Троя». В том же году он сыграл в фильме «Двенадцать друзей Оушена». В 2005 году Брэд Питт снялся в фильме «Мистер и миссис Смит»[9]. В прокате фильм собрал 478 миллионов долларов[3].

В 2006 году вышел фильм «Вавилон», в котором Брэд Питт сыграл вместе с Кейт Бланшетт. Снялся в «Тринадцати друзьях Оушена» и «Загадочной истории Бэнджамина Баттона»[1]. Фильм «Загадочная история Бэнджамина Баттона» стала одной из самых высокооплачиваемых среди его киноработ[9].

В 2014 году Питт сыграл роль сержанта Дона Колльера в историческом фильме «Ярость»[3].

В 2020 году Брэд Питт получил «Оскар» за роль в фильме «Однажды в Голливуде» в номинации «Лучший актер второго плана». Его конкурентами в этой номинации были Аль Пачино и Джо Пеши[2].

Состояние Брэда Питта на сегодняшний день оценивается в 240 миллионов долларов[9].

В честь Брэда Питта была названа паразитическая оса, которую открыли в ЮАР ученые из Индии и Таиланда[10].


Со временем Брэд Питт стал продюсировать фильмы. Он был исполнительным продюсером таких кинолент: «Человек, который изменил все», «12 лет рабства», «Ярость», «Древо жизни»[1].

Дженнифер Энистон — первая жена Брэда Питта

Во время своего брака с Дженнифер Энистон, актер вместе с супругой и Брэдом Грэйем организовали собственную продюсерскую компанию «Plan B Entertainment». После развода с Энистон в 2005 году, компания досталась Питту. По собственному заявлению Питта, ему нравится быть продюсером картин, в которых у него либо нет ролей, либо есть всего лишь небольшая роль[3].

Личная жизнь

Работая над фильмом «Слишком молод, чтобы умереть» Брэд Питт сошелся с актрисой Джульет Льюис. Роман актеров длился на протяжении трех лет[11].

В 1995 году на съемках фильма «Семь» Брэд Питт познакомился с актрисой Гвинет Пэлтроу и актеры начали встречаться. В 1996 году пара объявила о своей помолвке, но в 1997 году последовал разрыв отношений, причина этого неизвестна[1]. Питт и Пэлтроу были достаточно разными людьми, и ходили слухи, что в отношения пары часто вмешивались родители актрисы[12].

В 2000 году Брэд Питт женился на актрисе Дженнифер Энистон[1]. Свадьба состоялась в Малибу. Пара познакомилась еще в 1994 году через их менеджеров, которые поддерживали дружеские отношения. По воспоминаниям Энистон, в то время Питт показался ей самым обычным парнем из Миссури. И только через четыре года, после расставания с Гвинет Пэлтроу, состоялось их первое свидание[13]. Молодожены приобрели дом в Беверли-Хиллз[14].

В 2004 году актер познакомился с Анджелиной Джоли, с которой вместе играл в фильме «Мистер и миссис Смит». Актеры начали встречаться и в 2005 году Брэд Питт развелся с Дженнифер Энистон[1]. В декабре 2005 года Брэд Питт решил усыновить приемных детей Анджелины Джоли и подал соответствующие документы об этом, в январе 2006 года его ходатайство было удовлетворено[3]. После развода с Энистон, Питт приобрел дом на севере от Лос-Анджелеса, где стал жить вместе с Анджелиной[15].

По состоянию на 2006 год, Брэд Питт и Анджелина Джоли старались соблюдать национальные традиции их приемных детей и отмечали Рождество трижды в год, потому что, например, в родной стране их дочери Захары Рождество отмечают 8 января[16].

В 2006 году у Брэда Питта и Анджелины Джоли родилась дочь Шайло Нувель. В марте 2007 года пара усыновила вьетнамского мальчика Пакса Тьена. Спустя пару лет появились еще дети: двойняшки Нокс Леон и Вивьен Маршелин. В 2014 году актеры связали себя узами брака в часовне замка на юге Франции. Перед бракосочетанием пара заключила брачный контракт. В 2016 году супруга актера подала на развод, который официально завершился в 2019 году. Среди причин развода Анджелина Джоли назвала непримиримые разногласия. После бракоразводного процесса Джоли хотела стать единственным опекуном детей после развода, сохранив за Питтом возможность навещать их[1][3].


Вместе с Анджелиной Джоли, Брэд Питт в 2006 году стал занимался реализацией благотворительных проектов. Он принял участие в строительстве крупного центра в Камбодже, который объединил несколько деревень, находящихся в полуразрушенном состоянии, с больницей, школой и дорогами. Также в СМИ была информация о том, что Питт планировал заняться основанием центра милосердия в Эфиопии, откуда родом его приемная дочь. Эта деятельность стала частью программы фонда, который актеры создали в 2006 году. Ими было пожертвовано полтора миллиона долларов на строительство общественных туалетов, школ и больниц[16].

Брэд Питт вместе со своей бывшей женой Анджелиной Джоли решили продать фотографии своей только что родившейся дочери Шило Нувель, а деньги, полученные от продажи фото, направить на благотворительность и помочь детям, которые в этом нуждаются[17].

Вместе с солистом группы U2 Боно, Брэд Питт проводил благотворительную компанию для борьбы с бедностью в странах Африки[15].

В 2022 году появилась информация о том, что благотворительный фонд Брэда Питта выделит помощь в размере 20,5 миллионов долларов людям, которые пострадали от урагана «Катрина». Организация занималась строительством жилья для пострадавших людей, однако спустя время стало ясно, что предоставленное жилье не особо качественное — оно стало плесневеть. Компенсация составила 25 тысяч долларов, всего пострадавших владельцев — 107. Решение о помощи людям, которые пострадали от урагана, Брэд Питт принял в 2007 году. Люди, получившие такие дома, стали массово жаловаться на то, что здания, в которых они живут, построенные не качественно. Помимо плесени, в этих домах перекашиваются дверные проемы, а крыши протекают. Работники благотворительного фонда согласились с теми претензиями, которые выдвинули жильцы и заявили, что во всем виноваты поставщики строительных материалов. В 2018 году количество людей, у которых были жалобы из-за домов, значительно увеличилось и они направили коллективный иск против фонда Брэда Питта[18].


  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 Новости Брэд Питт.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Брэд Питт получил «Оскар» за лучшую мужскую роль второго плана.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 3,9 Брэд Питт (Brad Pitt).
  4. Скляренко В. М., 2014, с. 67.
  5. Скляренко В. М., 2014, с. 68.
  6. Geena Davis reveals actor who hated Brad Pitt for landing ‘Thelma & Louise’ role.
  7. Кто из актеров получил мизерные гонорары за роли в культовых фильмах.
  8. Брэд Питт признался, что совершил ошибку, снявшись в эпизодической роли в “Друзьях” 18 лет назад.
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 Персона.
  10. Новый вид паразитических ос был назван в честь Брэда Питта.
  11. Скляренко В. М., 2014, с. 69.
  12. Скляренко В. М., 2014, с. 70.
  13. Мы все еще любим пересматривать совместные фотографии Дженнифер Энистон и Брэда Питта.
  14. Скляренко В. М., 2014, с. 71.
  15. 15,0 15,1 Скляренко В. М., 2014, с. 74.
  16. 16,0 16,1 Эволюция межкультурного диалога в американских семьях в 1970 -2000 годах.
  17. Анжелина Джоли и Брэд Питт продают фото дочери ради спасения детей.
  18. Брэд Питт выплатит жертвам «Катрины» $20,5 млн за некачественные дома.


  • Скляренко В. М., Евминова С., Иовлева Т., Мирошникова В. В. 50 знаменитых чудаков. — Directmedia, 2014. — 510 с. — ISBN 9660335784, 9789660335783.

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