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packet call
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radiated RF
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Dannon yogurt
English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Dannon yogurt
См. также в других словарях:
Danone — (entreprise française) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Danone (homonymie). Pour l entreprise fondée par Isaac Carasso, voir Danone (entreprise espagnole) … Wikipédia en Français
Danone — Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft ISIN FR0000120644 Gründung 1919 Sitz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Danone — Groupe Danone Тип Акционерное общество … Википедия
danone — {{#}}{{LM D11467}}{{〓}} {{[}}danone{{]}} ‹da·no·ne› {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} {{※}}col.{{¤}} → {{↑}}yogur{{↓}}. {{★}}{{\}}ETIMOLOGÍA:{{/}} Extensión del nombre de la marca comercial Danone® … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Danone (groupe) — Danone (entreprise française) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Danone (homonymie). Pour l entreprise fondée par Isaac Carasso, voir Danone (entreprise espagnole) … Wikipédia en Français
Danone (yaourt) — Danone Yaourt Logo de la société. Danone est le nom d une société, spécialisée dans les produits laitiers, du groupe agroalimentaire du même nom, Danone ex BSN. Elle est en 2005 le numéro un mondial des produits laitiers, de l eau en bouteille et … Wikipédia en Français
Danone Yahourt — Danone Yaourt Logo de la société. Danone est le nom d une société, spécialisée dans les produits laitiers, du groupe agroalimentaire du même nom, Danone ex BSN. Elle est en 2005 le numéro un mondial des produits laitiers, de l eau en bouteille et … Wikipédia en Français
Danone (Homonymie) — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Industrie Danone est un groupe agroalimentaire français. Danone est le nom d une entreprise française spécialisée dans les produits laitiers. Danone est l … Wikipédia en Français
Danone Hardcourt Championships — Defunct tennis tournament Created 1987 Ended 1994 Event name Jason 2000 Classic (1987) Ariadne Classic (1988) Danone Hardcourt Championships (1989–94) Tour WTA Tour (1987–94) … Wikipedia
Danone (entreprise française) — Ne doit pas être confondu avec Danone (entreprise espagnole). Création 1966 … Wikipédia en Français
Danone (entreprise espagnole) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Danone (homonymie). Ne doit pas être confondu avec Danone (entreprise française). Danone est une entreprise agroalimentaire espagnole[1] … Wikipédia en Français
Оба изображения йогуртов — правильные не в одном нет ошибки. Верхний — продукт, с полок европейских магазинов. Нижний — из США. Чтобы понять почему — стоит вернуться в самое начало истории бренда.
В конце XIX века Исаак Карасу был турецким подданым и проживал в Салониках (ныне Греция, а тогда Османская империя). Родственники Исаака входили в число лидеров партии «Младотурки» и когда в 1912 году в Греции вспыхнуло восстание, Карасу увез свою жену и троих детей в Испанию, на родину предков.
Исаак Карасу, живя в Европе сменил фамилию на Карассо. Будучи доктором, по опыту жизни в Греции, знакомый с полезными свойствами йогурта, он хорошо понимал пользу продукта как для взрослых, так и для детей. При этом, он был поражен уровнем недоедания и болезней ЖКТ среди детей в Испании. Такая же проблема возникла и у его сына Даниэля.
Вдохновленный исследованиями биолога и лауреата Нобелевской премии Ильи Мечникова в области молочных заквасок в Институте Пастера, Исаак начал производить и продавать йогурт в фарфоровых горшочках, которые доставлял в аптеки по всей Барселоне. Болгарскую палочку Исаак получал прямо из лаборатории Мечникова в Пастеровском институте.
Ретро-упаковки Danone. Источник — сайт компании
После стремительного роста популярности продукта, Карассо решил зарегистрировать бренд. И вот тут история немного расходится. Официально Исаак выбрал уменьшительное имя своего сына Даниэля — «Danon’. Он добавил букву «е» в слове Danone, поскольку в то время было немыслимо назвать продукт в честь человека!
Также есть история о том, что Даниэля Карассо дома называли Danone, от Dan + One.
Два десятилетия спустя Даниэль отправился во Францию, чтобы продолжить учебу в бизнес-школе в Марселе, а затем поступить в Институт Пастера. Даниэль открыл первую торговую точку на улице Андре Мессажер в Париже, представив йогурт Danone людям по всей Франции. В 1939 году Исаак Карассо скончался. Вместе отец и сын успешно развили свой проект от простого йогурта до глобального бизнеса. Им удалось популяризировать йогурт как продукт домашнего потребления под брендом Danone в Европе.
В 1941 году Даниэль и его жена поселились по ту сторону Атлантики в Нью-Йорке. С помощью американских друзей он купил небольшой магазин йогуртов у пожилой греческой пары в Бронксе. В 1942 году он столкнулся с чередой трудностей: йогурт еще не был известен в США, а его естественная кислинка была чужда американским вкусам. Более того, в те времена увлечение здоровой пищей в Штатах считалось уделом людей с чудинкой.
Источник фото: https://www.6sqft.com/
Кроме того, американцы неверно произносили название бренда на свой манер как «Day-no-nee».
Для правильности в произношении наименования Даниэлю пришла идея изменить его в Dannon, имя, которое скоро станет нарицательным, и которое положило начало натуральным йогуртам с добавлением фруктовых джемов. Первая новинка была с клубникой. А слоган тогда изменился с «Врачи рекомендуют…» на «Прекрасная закуска — вкусный десерт». Еще позднее появился в ассортименте и обезжиренный йогурт. К 1960-м продукты компании стали национальным достоянием.
Фото из открытых источников
Компания пережила самые разные повороты, постепенно превращаясь в научного и пищевого гиганта, производящего не только йогурты, но и воду, снэки, лекарства, детское питание и даже (был такой период в истории) — пиво.
Вот только некоторые факты: в 1948 году Даниэль Карассо покинул США, а в 1959 году продал компанию чикагскому производителю продуктов Beatrice Foods Co.
Последняя активно внедряла автоматизированные системы в производство.
Автоматизация резко увеличила показатели, но основной метод приготовления йогурта оставался неизменным. Бережное заквашивание молока.
Отгрузочные склады были открыты в Бостоне, Детройте, Филадельфии и Вашингтоне, а Dannon, утверждала, что стала первой компанией, добившейся распространения скоропортящихся продуктов по всей стране, не доверяя доставку своей продукции никому другому.
Чтобы расширить свою клиентскую базу, Dannon добавила рок-н-ролльные шоу в свое продвижение и раздала школьникам значки «Go Yogurt». Запускались самолеты с плакатами о йогурте, позже Dannon снял первый американский телевизионный рекламный ролик, сделанный в Советском Союзе. В нем 89-летний уроженец Грузии ест йогурт Dannon, а фоновый голос говорит: «Его мать очень любит йогурт. Ей 114 лет».
В 1981 американская Dannone вошла в состав BSN-Gervais-Danone — конгломерат семьи Карассо, который позднее вернулся после всех слияний и поглощений к своему изначальному названию — Danone Group.
Значение слова «ДАНОН» найдено в 2 источниках
- Данон
молочный напиток (йогурт). Название – уменьшительное имя от Даниэль (так звали сына Исаака Карассо, создателя этого напитка).
Исаак Карассо — Isaac Carasso (1874–1939)
детский врач, создатель и первый производитель молочного йогурта «Данон». Родился в городе Салоники в еврейской сефардской семье. В 1912 г. переехал в Барселону. Предложил использовать для лечения задержек в физическом и гормональном развитии подростков йогурт, который сам же и начал изготовлять по известным ему балканским рецептам. В 1919 г. создал компанию по производству йогурта «Данон», который назвал так в честь своего сына Даниэля. Даниэль Карассо, когда вырос, организовал производство нового продукта в Испании, Франции и США, положив начало крупной компании.
Danone head office in Paris, July 2010 |
Type | Société anonyme |
Traded as |
Euronext Paris: BN CAC 40 Component |
ISIN | FR0000120644 |
Industry | Food processing |
Founded | Barcelona, Spain (1919; 104 years ago) |
Founder | Isaac Carasso |
Headquarters | Boulevard Haussmann 9th arrondissement, Paris, France (Operational) Hoofddorp, Netherlands (Global)[1] |
Key people |
Franck Riboud (Honorary Chairman) Gilles Schnepp (Chairman) Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique (CEO) |
Products | Baby food, coffee, dairy products, dairy-free products, bottled water, dietary supplements[2] |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Owners |
Number of employees |
102,449 (2019)[3] |
Subsidiaries | Danone North America[5] |
Website | danone.com |
Danone S.A. (French pronunciation: [danɔn]) is a French multinational food-products corporation based in Paris. It was founded in 1919 in Barcelona,[6] Spain. It is listed on Euronext Paris where it is a component of the CAC 40 stock market index. Some of the company’s products are branded Dannon in the United States.[7]
As of 2018, Danone sold products in 120 markets, and had sales in 2018 of €24.65 billion.[8] In the first half of 2018,[9] 29% of sales came from specialized nutritional preparations, 19% came from branded bottled water, and 52% came from dairy and plant-based products (including yogurt).[10]
Isaac Carasso, founder of Danone
Danone was founded by Isaac Carasso (born İzak Karasu), a Salonica-born Sephardic Jewish physician from the Ottoman Empire, who began producing yogurt in Barcelona, Spain in 1919.[11] The brand was named Danone, which translates to «little Daniel», after his son Daniel Carasso.[12][13]
In 1929, Isaac Carasso moved the company from Spain to France, opening a plant in Paris.[14] In 1942, Daniel Carasso moved the company to New York.[15] In the United States, Daniel Carasso partnered with the Swiss-born Spaniard Juan Metzger and changed the brand name to Dannon to sound more American.[16]
In 1951, Daniel Carasso returned to Paris to manage the family’s businesses in France and Spain, and the American business was sold to Beatrice Foods in 1959; it was repurchased by Danone in 1981.[17][18] In Europe in 1967, Danone merged with Gervais, the leading fresh cheese producer in France, and became Gervais Danone. In 1973, the company merged with bottle maker BSN. The company changed its name to Groupe Danone in 1983.[18]
Strategic reorientation[edit]
The acquisitions initially took the shape of vertical integration, with BSN acquiring Alsatian brewer Kronenbourg and Evian branded mineral water who were the glassmaker’s largest customers. This move provided content with which to fill the factory’s bottles.[19] In 1973, the company merged with Gervais Danone and began to expand internationally, including a rebranding of the Dannon yogurt brand in the U.S. and a successful ad campaign In Soviet Georgia. In 1979, the company abandoned glassmaking by disposing of Verreries Boussois. In 1987, Gervais Danone acquired European biscuit manufacturer Général Biscuit, owners of the LU brand, and, in 1989, it bought out the European biscuit operations of Nabisco,[20] The operation included UK manufacturers Huntley and Palmers, Peek Frean, and Jacob’s, which had previously merged to form Associated Biscuits Ltd.[21][22]
In 1994, BSN changed its name to Groupe Danone, adopting the name of the group’s best-known international brand. Franck Riboud succeeded his father, Antoine, as the company’s chairman and chief executive officer in 1996 when Riboud senior retired. Under Riboud junior, the company continued to pursue its focus on three product groups (dairy, beverages, and cereals) and divested itself of several activities which had become non-core including Amora, Liebig, and Maille brands.[23][24]
In 1999 and 2003, the group sold 56% and 44% respectively of its glass-containers business. In 2000, the group also sold most of its European beer activities (the brand Kronenbourg and the brand 1664 were sold to Scottish & Newcastle for £1.7 billion;[25] its Italian cheese and meat businesses (Egidio Galbani Spa) were sold in March 2002;[26] as were its beer producing activities in China. The company’s British (Jacob’s) and Irish biscuit operations were sold to United Biscuits in September 2004.[27] In August 2005, the Group sold its sauces business in the United Kingdom and in the United States (HP Foods),[28] in January 2006, its sauces business in Asia (Amoy Food) was sold to Ajinomoto.[29] Despite these divestitures, Danone continues to expand internationally in its three core business units, emphasising health and well-being products.[30]
In July 2007, it was announced that Danone had reached agreement with Kraft Foods Inc (now Mondelēz International) to sell most of its biscuits division, including the LU and Prince brands but excluding Latin American (Bagley) and Indian (Britannia Industries) units, for around €5.3 billion.[31][32] Also in July 2007, a €12.3 billion cash offer by Danone for the Dutch baby food and clinical nutrition company Numico was agreed to by both boards,[33] creating the world’s second-largest manufacturer of baby food.
In 2009, the company changed its name from Groupe Danone to Danone.[34]
Danone acquired the Unimilk group’s companies in Russia in 2010 and the Wockhardt group’s nutrition activities in India in 2012.[35][36] In mid-February 2013 Danone announced their intention to cut 900 jobs or about 3.3 percent of their 27,000 person European workforce.[37]
Since 2013, Danone has grown on the African continent, notably with the acquisition of a controlling interest in Centrale Danone in Morocco and equity interests in Fan Milk in West Africa and Brookside in Kenya.
In 2014, Emmanuel Faber became CEO.[2]
Global locations of Danone factories
Danone was present in 130 markets and generated sales of US$25.7 billion in 2016, with more than half in developing countries. In 2015, fresh dairy products represented 50% of the group’s total sales, baby food 22%, branded water 21%, and medical nutrition 7%.[38] In 2017, Franck Riboud became honorary chairman and Faber became chairman as well as retaining his CEO position.[2]
In 2018, Danone rebranded its DanoneWave subsidiary, formed after the 2017 acquisition of WhiteWave Foods (Alpro), into Danone North America.[5]
In 2020, Danone announced that It would cut up to 2,000 jobs as part of a reorganization. This amounted to about 2% of its workforce.[39]
In late 2020, the entry of the London-based hedge fund Bluebell Capital as a shareholder of Danone put Emmanuel Faber’s position into question. In a letter sent to all shareholders in November 2020, they qualified Danone’s stock market performance under the presidency of Emmanuel Faber of overall “disappointing”, arguing that “the right balance between shareholder value creation and sustainability issues” had not been struck under his tenure.[40]
After the publication of only slightly comforting 2020 results and disappointing first trimester turnover figures, Bluebell Capital’s activism paid off and Faber was ousted in mid-March 2021.[41]
On May 16, 2021, the arrival of Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique as the next CEO of Danone is announced, to be effective on September 15.[42]
Corporate governance[edit]
Head office[edit]
Danone’s head office has been located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris since 2002.[43][44]
Executives and board[edit]
Danone is led by a CEO and chairman as well as a board of directors.[45] As of 26 April 2018 the 16 members of the Board of Directors are:[46]
- Antoine de Saint-Affrique – CEO[47]
- Franck Riboud – Honorary Chairman[48]
- Guido Barilla
- Frédéric Boutebba
- Cécile Cabanis
- Gregg L. Engles
- Clara Gaymard
- Michel Landel
- Gaëlle Olivier
- Benoît Potier
- Isabelle Seillier
- Jean-Michel Severino
- Virginia A. Stallings
- Bettina Theissig
- Serpil Timuray
- Lionel Zinsou-Derlin
As of 2021 the members of the executive committee are as follows:[49]
- Antoine de Saint-Affrique (CEO)
- Juergen Esser (Chief Financial, Technology and Data Officer)
- Laurent Sacchi (General Secretary)
- Bertrand Austruy(Chief Human Resources Officer)
- Véronique Penchienati-Bosetta (Chief Executive Officer International)
- Vikram Agarwal (Chief Operating Officer end-to-end design to delivery)
- Shane Grant (Chief Executive Officer North America)
- Nigyar Makhmudova (Chief Growth Officer)
- Henri Bruxelles (Chief Sustainability and Strategic Business Development Officer)
- Floris Wesseling (President Europe)
Main brands[edit]
Danone’s dairy brand logo
Danone’s brand portfolio includes both international brands and local brands. In 2018, Danone’s international brands include:[9] Activia, Actimel, Alpro, Aptamil, Danette, Danimals, Danio, Dannon, Danonino, Evian, Nutricia, Nutrilon, Volvic. Local or regional brands include: AQUA (Indonesia), Blédina (France), Bonafont (Mexico and Brazil), Cow & Gate (UK), Happy Family (USA), Horizon Organic (USA), Mizone (China and Indonesia), Oikos (North America, Chile), Prostokvashino (Russia), Silk (USA) and Damavand (Iran).
Ownership of Danone is split as follows: 43% is owned by American investors, 19% by French investors, followed by the UK (10%), Switzerland (6%), Germany (5%) and the rest of Europe (17%).[50]
Joint ventures[edit]
In some areas, Danone has adopted a strategy of growth through joint ventures, particularly in fast-growing emerging markets which represent over 50% of its sales.[51]
Danone signed joint ventures with Al Safi in Saudi Arabia (2001),[52] Yakult in India (2005) and Vietnam (2006), Alquería in Colombia (2007), and Mengniu in China (2013–2014).[51]
In November 2005, Franck Riboud met Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and later winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. The two men discussed at length their ideas on the development of poor countries and found that their areas of expertise were complementary.[53] As a result, in 2006, the Grameen Bank and Danone formed a company called Grameen Danone Foods, a social business in Bangladesh.[54]
Grameen Danone Foods Ltd. produces a yoghurt called Shokti Doi containing protein, vitamins, iron, calcium, zinc, and other micronutrients aimed to fill nutritional deficits of children in Bangladesh. Shokti Doi is sold for six euro cents, a price that studies found to be affordable for the poorest families. Its pursuit of profitability is based solely on criteria such as improving public health, creating jobs, reducing poverty and protecting the environment.[promotional language] Profits earned by the company are re-invested in expanding and running the business.
Dedicated to bringing health through food to as many people as possible, Danone started its nutrition business in India in 2012 through the acquisition of the nutrition portfolio from Wockhardt Group.[55] Danone India offers a range of specialized products across life stages that includes pregnancy, infants, young children as well as adults, under recognized Indian and global brands like Aptamil, Neocate, Farex, Protinex, Dexolac and Nusobee. Headquartered in Mumbai, Danone strives to address the local nutritional needs of Indian consumers through innovation and science that supports healthier choices.[56][better source needed] In 2018, Danone reduced its product portfolio and discontinued some dairy SKUs to bring a sharper focus on its nutrition offerings.[57]
In March 1996 Danone signed an agreement to purchase 20 percent of the Strauss Group, Israel’s second largest food manufacturer. Since the 1970s, Strauss Dairies had a series of partnership and knowledge agreements with Danone.[58]
Danone has invested in China since 1987 with the joint venture with Fengxing Milk in Guangzhou. It is one of Danone’s top 5 markets.[citation needed]
Bright Dairy[edit]
In 2001, Danone acquired a 5% stake in Bright Dairy and, in March 2005, doubled its shareholding,[59] and again, to 20%, in April 2006, becoming the third largest shareholder after Shanghai Milk Group and S.I. Food.
The parties announced in October 2007 that Danone would divest its stake by selling it to the other two main shareholders at a small profit.[60] Bright Dairy said Danone would pay 330m yuan (€31m) to terminate the existing distribution and production agreement with it.[61]
The Hangzhou Wahaha Group, the largest beverage producer in China,[62] and Danone entered into a dairy products joint venture in 1996, in which Danone held 51%. It was hailed by Forbes magazine as a «showcase» joint venture.[63]
Yet in 2005, Danone noted that alongside the 39 structures of the joint venture, 60 factories and distribution companies produce and sell beverages illegally under the Wahaha brand. Danone made several attempts to take a stake in the Wahaha companies external to the joint venture, but was rebuffed by Wahaha’s General Manager Zong Qinghou.[64] Danone and Zong Qinghou had signed a deal in December 2006 allowing Danone to buy a majority stake in these non-JV operations. However, Zong had second thoughts about the deal and reneged, claiming the offer was underpriced and held out for a higher price from Danone.[65]
The dispute took on the shape of a trademark dispute, and Danone filed for arbitration in Stockholm on 9 May 2007.[60] On 4 June,[66] Danone filed suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against Ever Maple Trading and Hangzhou Hongsheng Beverage Co Ltd, companies controlled by Zong, his wife, and daughter.[67]
In 2009, an agreement was reached between the two parties. Danone left the Danone-Wahaha joint venture and sold its shares (51%) to its former Chinese partner.
On 20 May 2013, Danone announced a strategic investment (4.0%) in Mengniu, the top dairy products company in China, through an agreement with COFCO (the state-owned largest food company in China a majority shareholder in Mengniu). Later on, Danone raised its interest in Mengniu from 4.0% to 9.9%. In 2016, Danone is Mengniu’s second shareholder.[68]
In addition, in May 2013, a joint-venture was created between Danone and Mengniu to grow the fresh dairy product category.[69]
On 31 October 2014, Danone, Mengniu and Yashili announced that they had signed an agreement allowing Danone to take part in a private placement by Yashili totalling €437 million, at a price of HK$3.70 per share. Upon completion of the subscription, Mengniu and Danone respectively held 51.0% and 25.0% equity interest in Yashili.[70]
On 18 June 2010, Danone partnered with Unimilk, one of Russia’s main milk producers. Danone and Unimilk merged their fresh dairy products activities in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The joint-venture gave birth to the number one dairy products company in this region. Russia became one of the five most important markets for Danone.[71]
In October 2022, Danone announced the start of the process of transferring its Russian segment to new owners. By this point, Russia provided about 5% of the company’s total revenue.[72]
In June 2012, Danone raised its interest in Centrale Laitière (leader of the dairy products market in Morocco) to 67.0%. Centrale Laitière is Danone’s first franchise ever: the companies have worked together since 1953.[73]
In October 2013, Danone teamed up with Abraaj Group to acquire FanMilk International, the leading manufacturer and distributor of frozen dairy products and juices in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Benin and Ivory Coast.[74]
In July 2014, Danone announced the acquisition of a 40% interest in Kenya’s Brookside, East Africa’s leading dairy products group.[75]
In Octobee 2014, Danone partnered with Universal Robina to build a beverage production and distribution business in the Philippines.[76]
Danone operates several funds including: danone.communities, created in 2007 to finance social business,[77] the Danone Ecosystem Fund, created in 2009 to provide support to Danone partners including farmers, subcontractors, and vendors,[78] and Livelihoods, created in 2011 in order to finance environment-related projects (such as peasant agriculture, deforestation, access to energy in emerging countries) and in return provide investors with carbon credits with strong social intensity.[79]
Danone’s corporate social responsibility programs were influenced by former CEO, Antoine Riboud, and a speech he gave on 25 October 1972 known as the «Marseilles speech».[80][81]
In this speech, he stated that growth should not take place without corporate social responsibility. He was the first CEO to publicly state that human and environment aspects of a company should be take into account.[81] These ideas laid the ground to Danone’s dual project (economic and social).[81]
Danone Institute[edit]
The Danone Institute is a non-profit organization established to promote research, information and education about nutrition, diet and public health. One of the organization’s main objectives was to increase nutrition knowledge amongst medical professionals, educators and parents.[82]
The company set up its first Institute in 1991 in Paris, France, and officially launched as a private non-profit organization in 1997.[82]
The institute is led by nutrition experts and Danone company executives.[82]
Danone Institutes around the world[edit]
Danone factory in Bieruń, Poland, pictured in 2006
Danone Building in Barcelona, 2012
By 2007, Danone had set up 18 institutes in countries around the world to develop programs that address local public health issues.[82] The institutes are located in Belgium, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Spain, the United States, and Turkey.[84]
They operate under the aegis of the Danone Institute International. The Danone Institute International is responsible for steering the network, and encouraging a continual exchange between the various countries.
Today,[when?] more than 200 experts in diet and nutrition are involved in this international network.[84]
Each institute is composed of a board of directors and a scientific council.[82] Each board includes 8 members.[82] The board members are responsible for setting the strategic direction and budget for the organization.[82] The scientific council that is composed of from 6 to 10 members, takes future programmatic decisions.[82]
The institutes develop educational programs in their countries to deal with local health and nutrition issues.[82] Each institute therefore develops its own program in order to be relevant in their environment.[84] For instance, the Czech Danone Institute provides a fund to support research, development and education in nutrition, and scholarships abroad.[85]
Each local Danone Institute develops specific programs including:[84]
- Support research programs: scholarships, grants, awards, prizes
- Publications of research findings relating to health and nutrition
- Organization of scientific conferences
- Publication of newsletters and books for professionals (e.g., health care professionals, educators, journalists)
- Organization of workshops, training and educational sessions for professionals
- Production of pedagogic material, booklets, television and radio programs, PC games for parents, children…
- Spread the knowledge to the public
Throughout the world, the Danone Institutes continue to be non-profit organizations.[84]
The Danone Institutes gather internationally renowned scientists in diet and nutrition from independent organizations (e.g.: universities, research centers).[84]
From 1991 to 2006, more than 40 prizes and awards have been attributed for more than €600,000. Over 140 events have gathered more than 30,000 health care professionals. And 75 publications have been published. More than 70 programs towards the public have been organized.[84]
To date,[when?] Danone Institutes have funded more than 900 research projects.[84] This represents a global budget of €16 million. They have set up dozens of educational programs. 100 symposia have been launched.
Danone Institute International[edit]
The Danone Institute International was established in 2004 to gather together the 18 Danone Institutes. Its goal is to develop large-scale international programs. It also aims at encouraging the sharing of the knowledge between the local institutes. It facilitates cooperation, collaboration and exchange between scientists.[82]
Danone Institute International is a non-profit organization[86] originally established with funding from Danone. The association promotes the exchange of information related to the relationship between diet, nutrition and health.[87]
The Danone Institute International comprises more than 220 scientific experts, and may be considered as a think tank. This international network gathers renowned scientists from various fields such as clinical nutrition, pediatric medicine, microbiology, gastroenterology, and psychology.[82]
The Danone Institute International produces publications, supports research via grants, programs and a prize. The DII also organizes international academic conferences and symposia.[82]
The Danone International Prize For Nutrition is a cornerstone in the work of the Danone Institute International.[87]
Danone International Prize for Nutrition[edit]
The Danone International Prize for Nutrition is an award established in 1997 by the Danone Institute International, presented every two years to honour individuals or teams that have advanced the science of human nutrition.
The prize aims at encouraging nutrition research and promoting the public’s understanding of the importance of this field.
This award is one of the most respected awards within the field of nutritional research.[88] Many leading scientists received this award, that recognizes their accomplishments.
The Danone International Prize for Nutrition is worth €120,000. The prize is awarded every two years by the Danone Institute International and organized with the support of the French organization Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.[86][89]
The Danone International Prize for Nutrition recognizes a single researcher or a research team as leading a major step in nutrition, developing novel concepts, including research fields with potential application for populations.[89]
The jury consists of up to nine members, including one member of the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale. 50% of the jury members come from the Danone Institute International or the Danone Institutes. The jury selects one winner by a secret vote. In case of a tie, the chair’s vote counts as two votes.[89]
Danone Institute International selected in 2007 Friedman through a process involving more than 650 applicants worldwide.[88] Candidates must be employed by a not-for-profit institution and actively involved in research.[89] Laureates are chosen after an independent and international selection procedure.[86]
This prize has been renamed the Danone International Prize for Alimentation in 2018.[90]
Prize winners:
Source: Danone International
- 2016 Philip Calder, for his outstanding work on nutrition and immunity.
- 2013 Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, Harvard School of Public Health, for his outstanding research in immunology and metabolic diseases.[91]
- 2011 Jeffery I. Gordon, Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, for his outstanding contribution to scientific research on the human gut microbiome, diet and nutritional status.[92]
- 2009 Johan Auwerx, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, for his research in molecular nutrition.[93]
- 2007 Jeffrey M. Friedman, Rockefeller University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute; for research on the role of genetics and leptin, a hormone he discovered, in body-weight regulation.[94]
- 2005 David J. P. Barker, epidemiologist at the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Division Research Centre of Southampton University, UK and at the Heart Research Centre, Oregon Health and Science University, US, for the Barker Early Origins Hypothesis, also known as the fetal origins hypothesis or the thrifty phenotype hypothesis.
- 2003 Ricardo Bressani, for his life-time commitment to maximise the understanding of the nutritional potential and limitations of local basic foods
- 2001 Alfred Sommer and team from the School of Hygiene and Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, for his work on Vitamin A deficiency
- 1999 Leif Hallberg, for his work on iron metabolism
- 1997 Vernon R. Young, for his work on protein and amino acids metabolism
Global summit on the health effects of yogurt[edit]
In 2012, the Danone Institute International in collaboration with the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) organized an international working group to examine the health effects of yogurt. They communicated their scientific conclusion to health care professionals and the public.[95] One year later, the ASN and the Danone Institute International joined forces to launch the first global summit on the health effects of yogurt.
This event aims at evaluating the state of science as concerns yogurt consumption and public health.[96]
The first summit took place in 2013 in Boston. It featured international experts in medicine and nutrition.[96] Since that time, summits have been held every year.[95]
Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet[edit]
In 2013, the Danone Institute International, the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and the Nutrition Society (NS) launched the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet. This program aims at examining the health effects of yogurt, encouraging research around yogurt as part of a healthy diet and communicating scientific information toward health care professionals and the public.[97]
Through this project, the Danone Institute International plans to organize worldwide conferences to share researchers’ findings.[97] From 2013, the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet co-organizes every year Global Summit on the Health Effects of Yogurt.[98]
The Danone Institute International in collaboration with the American Society for Nutrition and the International Osteoporosis Foundation also organizes the Yogurt in Nutrition Award. This prize is offered by the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet. This award, valued at US$30,000, supports projects focused on the role of yogurt in the prevention and management of diseases. It finances research programs for two years. It recognizes individuals or research teams from public organizations, universities or hospitals.[99]
2005–2006: the PepsiCo acquisition case[edit]
Due to its narrow focus and relatively small size, Danone is potentially an attractive takeover target for its competitors, namely Nestlé and Kraft Foods. In mid-July 2005, the share price of Danone rose 20% within two weeks on rumours of a bid approach by PepsiCo, although this intention was denied.[100] Upon realising that a takeover of a national treasure such as Danone by a foreign company was indeed possible in the capital markets, the «economically patriotic»[101] French government stepped in by drafting a law to protect companies in «strategic industries» such as Danone[102] from takeover. This has been dubbed the «Danone Law».[103]
Speculation was renewed once again in mid-2006, when PepsiCo declared its intention to grow significantly in France through a sizeable non-hostile acquisition,[104] and Kraft was also reported in Le Figaro, a French daily newspaper, as not having ruled out an acquisition on French soil.[105] The stock market apparently marked down the possibility of a bid by PepsiCo following Danone’s acquisition of Numico.[106]
In the 2010s, reports indicated that Danone engaged in unethical marketing of infant formula in China,[107] Indonesia,[108] Turkey,[109] and India.[110][111]
In the early 2010s, Nutricia India (Danone) purchased Wockhardt which thereby provided Danone with an entry to India’s infant nutrition market. Nutricia later ordered and scheduled an external audit of payments made and invoices received from March through August 2013 and found no payments to doctors. However, critics contended the company directed the course of the audit, and more importantly, scheduled the audit so that it did not cover the crucial handover period. In fact, it was scheduled nearly a year after the purchase. A policy director for Baby Milk Action stated that Nutricia «seems to be using the audit as a cover.»[110]
India passed a law pertaining to Infant Milk Substitutes (IMS) in 1992 and strengthened this law in 2003. These prohibit any kind of advertisement of infant formula for children 0–2, as well as prohibit monetary benefits to doctors for recommending formula. Still, major companies including Danone have been criticized for sponsoring such things as nutritional conferences and web platforms for doctors. (Other companies include Nestle, Abbott, and Mead Johnson.)[111]
Dexolac is the name of Danone’s infant milk substitute product. Overall in India, approximately 50% of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed, and 50% are not.[111]
In October 2012, a Save the Children survey was conducted in the cities of Hohhot, Beijing, Jinan, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Shenzhen. Sixty mothers of infants 0–6 months were interviewed in each city. 40% of the mothers interviewed said they had received formula samples. Of these, 60% were provided by company representatives, and over one-third by healthcare workers. The mothers reported that samples were provided by (in order of frequency): Dumex (Danone, and since May 2016 Yashili), Enfamil (Mead Johnson), Wyeth, Abbott, Nestlé, Friso, Ausnutria and Bei-yin-mei.[107] The overall 2013 Save the Children report which includes this 2012 survey states, «If new mothers are given free samples to feed to their babies it can start a vicious circle that undermines their own ability to breastfeed. An infant satiated with formula may demand less breast milk, so the mother produces less, and that can result in her losing confidence in her ability to breastfeed.»[107]
Indonesia subsidiary[edit]
In February 2013 The Guardian reported that up until 2011, Danone subsidiary Sari Husada had midwives sign contracts to receive financial payments for selling a certain number of boxes of baby formula. According to Danone, this no longer happens, and has been replaced by a scheme which runs training for midwives. However, the main difference appears to be a change from cash to merchandise such as televisions or laptops, and often including items which are needed in the midwives’ practices, such as oxygen canisters, TENS machines, and nebulisers. The Guardian has seen a spreadsheet detailing the number of new mothers contacted, the amount of 0–6 months formula sold, and the proportion of their target this represents. Danone commented: «That may still be happening, that’s something we need to address.»[108]
This same article reported that Sari Husada (Danone) had links throughout the Indonesian medical system. For example, Sari Husada sponsored professional associations, paid doctors for running seminars for midwives, and even sponsored midwifery awards which were then presented by the Indonesian Minister for Women’s Empowerment and the Protection of Children.[108]
There are two potential harms to promoting infant formula in poorer communities: (1) the parents and families may not have dependable access to clean water, and (2) the ongoing cost is such a significant part of the family budget that parents are highly motivated to attempt to «stretch» the product, with risk of malnourishment to infant or child. An Indonesian paediatrician stated, «Selling formula is like the killing fields, in my opinion. The babies will die of diarrhoea and they will die of malnutrition.»[108]
Turkey marketing campaign[edit]
In June 2013 the organisation was accused in Turkey of «misleading mothers with a marketing campaign that warned they might not be providing enough breast milk to their babies [and suggesting] mothers use its powdered baby milk to make up any shortfall.» Danone responded that it «based its advice on WHO guidance» and claimed that both the WHO and UNICEF «endorsed the campaign.» The WHO said Danone did not have permission to use its logo and asked Danone to remove its name from the company’s marketing materials within 14 days while Ayman Abulaban, the UNICEF representative for Turkey, said: «The Unicef Turkey office has not endorsed this campaign.» UNICEF also requested that their name be removed from marketing materials.[109]
Fonterra New Zealand alert[edit]
Following a statement by the New Zealand government and Fonterra on 2 August 2013 warning that batches of ingredients supplied by Fonterra to four Danone plants in Asia-Pacific might be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum bacteria,[113] Danone recalled selected infant formula products from sale in eight markets (New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand) as a precautionary measure.
The alert was lifted on 28 August when New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries concluded after several weeks of tests that there was no Clostridium botulinum in any of the batches concerned. None of the many tests conducted by Danone before and after this period showed any contamination.[114]
On 8 January 2014, Danone announced its decision to terminate its existing supply contract with Fonterra and make any further collaboration contingent on a commitment by its supplier to full transparency and compliance with the food safety procedures applied to all products supplied to Danone.[115] Danone won damages of €105 million from Fonterra.[116]
Danone products
Yogurt parfait
Yogurt parfait
Yogurt with confections (Japan)
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- ^ a b c d Baby health crisis in Indonesia as formula companies push products Archived 2 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine, The Guardian, 15 February 2013
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- ^ a b Danone Group ‘trying to whitewash’ Nutricia India marketing practices: BMA (Baby Milk Action) Archived 28 September 2020 at the Wayback Machine, Dairy Reporter, Mark Astley, 29 April 2014. Danone’s «Green Book» includes the company’s ethics and code of conduct, such as disallowing payments to doctors for recommending formula. More fully, it is entitled Danone Policy for the Marketing of Foods for Infants and Young Children.
- ^ a b c Despite ban, marketing of breast-milk substitutes continues Archived 22 October 2020 at the Wayback Machine, The Times of India, Rupali Mukherjee, 17 May 2018.
- ^ A Danone spokesperson said that Docplexus is an online platform for doctors only, no consumers have access to this information, and thus it is not a violation of India’s 2003 IMS Act.
- ^ NZ’s Fonterra finds botulism bacteria in dairy ingredient. Reuters, 3 August 2013.
- ^ Danone wants full compensation from Fonterra after recall. Reuters, 2 October 2013.
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- ^ «Fonterra in talks with Nutricia owners — Story — Business — 3 News». Archived from the original on 4 October 2013. Retrieved 2 October 2013.
- Gazel, Neil R. (1990). Beatrice: From Buildup Through Breakup. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0252017293.
External links[edit]
- Official website
Danone head office in Paris, July 2010 |
Type | Société anonyme |
Traded as |
Euronext Paris: BN CAC 40 Component |
ISIN | FR0000120644 |
Industry | Food processing |
Founded | Barcelona, Spain (1919; 104 years ago) |
Founder | Isaac Carasso |
Headquarters | Boulevard Haussmann 9th arrondissement, Paris, France (Operational) Hoofddorp, Netherlands (Global)[1] |
Key people |
Franck Riboud (Honorary Chairman) Gilles Schnepp (Chairman) Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique (CEO) |
Products | Baby food, coffee, dairy products, dairy-free products, bottled water, dietary supplements[2] |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Owners |
Number of employees |
102,449 (2019)[3] |
Subsidiaries | Danone North America[5] |
Website | danone.com |
Danone S.A. (French pronunciation: [danɔn]) is a French multinational food-products corporation based in Paris. It was founded in 1919 in Barcelona,[6] Spain. It is listed on Euronext Paris where it is a component of the CAC 40 stock market index. Some of the company’s products are branded Dannon in the United States.[7]
As of 2018, Danone sold products in 120 markets, and had sales in 2018 of €24.65 billion.[8] In the first half of 2018,[9] 29% of sales came from specialized nutritional preparations, 19% came from branded bottled water, and 52% came from dairy and plant-based products (including yogurt).[10]
Isaac Carasso, founder of Danone
Danone was founded by Isaac Carasso (born İzak Karasu), a Salonica-born Sephardic Jewish physician from the Ottoman Empire, who began producing yogurt in Barcelona, Spain in 1919.[11] The brand was named Danone, which translates to «little Daniel», after his son Daniel Carasso.[12][13]
In 1929, Isaac Carasso moved the company from Spain to France, opening a plant in Paris.[14] In 1942, Daniel Carasso moved the company to New York.[15] In the United States, Daniel Carasso partnered with the Swiss-born Spaniard Juan Metzger and changed the brand name to Dannon to sound more American.[16]
In 1951, Daniel Carasso returned to Paris to manage the family’s businesses in France and Spain, and the American business was sold to Beatrice Foods in 1959; it was repurchased by Danone in 1981.[17][18] In Europe in 1967, Danone merged with Gervais, the leading fresh cheese producer in France, and became Gervais Danone. In 1973, the company merged with bottle maker BSN. The company changed its name to Groupe Danone in 1983.[18]
Strategic reorientation[edit]
The acquisitions initially took the shape of vertical integration, with BSN acquiring Alsatian brewer Kronenbourg and Evian branded mineral water who were the glassmaker’s largest customers. This move provided content with which to fill the factory’s bottles.[19] In 1973, the company merged with Gervais Danone and began to expand internationally, including a rebranding of the Dannon yogurt brand in the U.S. and a successful ad campaign In Soviet Georgia. In 1979, the company abandoned glassmaking by disposing of Verreries Boussois. In 1987, Gervais Danone acquired European biscuit manufacturer Général Biscuit, owners of the LU brand, and, in 1989, it bought out the European biscuit operations of Nabisco,[20] The operation included UK manufacturers Huntley and Palmers, Peek Frean, and Jacob’s, which had previously merged to form Associated Biscuits Ltd.[21][22]
In 1994, BSN changed its name to Groupe Danone, adopting the name of the group’s best-known international brand. Franck Riboud succeeded his father, Antoine, as the company’s chairman and chief executive officer in 1996 when Riboud senior retired. Under Riboud junior, the company continued to pursue its focus on three product groups (dairy, beverages, and cereals) and divested itself of several activities which had become non-core including Amora, Liebig, and Maille brands.[23][24]
In 1999 and 2003, the group sold 56% and 44% respectively of its glass-containers business. In 2000, the group also sold most of its European beer activities (the brand Kronenbourg and the brand 1664 were sold to Scottish & Newcastle for £1.7 billion;[25] its Italian cheese and meat businesses (Egidio Galbani Spa) were sold in March 2002;[26] as were its beer producing activities in China. The company’s British (Jacob’s) and Irish biscuit operations were sold to United Biscuits in September 2004.[27] In August 2005, the Group sold its sauces business in the United Kingdom and in the United States (HP Foods),[28] in January 2006, its sauces business in Asia (Amoy Food) was sold to Ajinomoto.[29] Despite these divestitures, Danone continues to expand internationally in its three core business units, emphasising health and well-being products.[30]
In July 2007, it was announced that Danone had reached agreement with Kraft Foods Inc (now Mondelēz International) to sell most of its biscuits division, including the LU and Prince brands but excluding Latin American (Bagley) and Indian (Britannia Industries) units, for around €5.3 billion.[31][32] Also in July 2007, a €12.3 billion cash offer by Danone for the Dutch baby food and clinical nutrition company Numico was agreed to by both boards,[33] creating the world’s second-largest manufacturer of baby food.
In 2009, the company changed its name from Groupe Danone to Danone.[34]
Danone acquired the Unimilk group’s companies in Russia in 2010 and the Wockhardt group’s nutrition activities in India in 2012.[35][36] In mid-February 2013 Danone announced their intention to cut 900 jobs or about 3.3 percent of their 27,000 person European workforce.[37]
Since 2013, Danone has grown on the African continent, notably with the acquisition of a controlling interest in Centrale Danone in Morocco and equity interests in Fan Milk in West Africa and Brookside in Kenya.
In 2014, Emmanuel Faber became CEO.[2]
Global locations of Danone factories
Danone was present in 130 markets and generated sales of US$25.7 billion in 2016, with more than half in developing countries. In 2015, fresh dairy products represented 50% of the group’s total sales, baby food 22%, branded water 21%, and medical nutrition 7%.[38] In 2017, Franck Riboud became honorary chairman and Faber became chairman as well as retaining his CEO position.[2]
In 2018, Danone rebranded its DanoneWave subsidiary, formed after the 2017 acquisition of WhiteWave Foods (Alpro), into Danone North America.[5]
In 2020, Danone announced that It would cut up to 2,000 jobs as part of a reorganization. This amounted to about 2% of its workforce.[39]
In late 2020, the entry of the London-based hedge fund Bluebell Capital as a shareholder of Danone put Emmanuel Faber’s position into question. In a letter sent to all shareholders in November 2020, they qualified Danone’s stock market performance under the presidency of Emmanuel Faber of overall “disappointing”, arguing that “the right balance between shareholder value creation and sustainability issues” had not been struck under his tenure.[40]
After the publication of only slightly comforting 2020 results and disappointing first trimester turnover figures, Bluebell Capital’s activism paid off and Faber was ousted in mid-March 2021.[41]
On May 16, 2021, the arrival of Antoine Bernard de Saint-Affrique as the next CEO of Danone is announced, to be effective on September 15.[42]
Corporate governance[edit]
Head office[edit]
Danone’s head office has been located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris since 2002.[43][44]
Executives and board[edit]
Danone is led by a CEO and chairman as well as a board of directors.[45] As of 26 April 2018 the 16 members of the Board of Directors are:[46]
- Antoine de Saint-Affrique – CEO[47]
- Franck Riboud – Honorary Chairman[48]
- Guido Barilla
- Frédéric Boutebba
- Cécile Cabanis
- Gregg L. Engles
- Clara Gaymard
- Michel Landel
- Gaëlle Olivier
- Benoît Potier
- Isabelle Seillier
- Jean-Michel Severino
- Virginia A. Stallings
- Bettina Theissig
- Serpil Timuray
- Lionel Zinsou-Derlin
As of 2021 the members of the executive committee are as follows:[49]
- Antoine de Saint-Affrique (CEO)
- Juergen Esser (Chief Financial, Technology and Data Officer)
- Laurent Sacchi (General Secretary)
- Bertrand Austruy(Chief Human Resources Officer)
- Véronique Penchienati-Bosetta (Chief Executive Officer International)
- Vikram Agarwal (Chief Operating Officer end-to-end design to delivery)
- Shane Grant (Chief Executive Officer North America)
- Nigyar Makhmudova (Chief Growth Officer)
- Henri Bruxelles (Chief Sustainability and Strategic Business Development Officer)
- Floris Wesseling (President Europe)
Main brands[edit]
Danone’s dairy brand logo
Danone’s brand portfolio includes both international brands and local brands. In 2018, Danone’s international brands include:[9] Activia, Actimel, Alpro, Aptamil, Danette, Danimals, Danio, Dannon, Danonino, Evian, Nutricia, Nutrilon, Volvic. Local or regional brands include: AQUA (Indonesia), Blédina (France), Bonafont (Mexico and Brazil), Cow & Gate (UK), Happy Family (USA), Horizon Organic (USA), Mizone (China and Indonesia), Oikos (North America, Chile), Prostokvashino (Russia), Silk (USA) and Damavand (Iran).
Ownership of Danone is split as follows: 43% is owned by American investors, 19% by French investors, followed by the UK (10%), Switzerland (6%), Germany (5%) and the rest of Europe (17%).[50]
Joint ventures[edit]
In some areas, Danone has adopted a strategy of growth through joint ventures, particularly in fast-growing emerging markets which represent over 50% of its sales.[51]
Danone signed joint ventures with Al Safi in Saudi Arabia (2001),[52] Yakult in India (2005) and Vietnam (2006), Alquería in Colombia (2007), and Mengniu in China (2013–2014).[51]
In November 2005, Franck Riboud met Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and later winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. The two men discussed at length their ideas on the development of poor countries and found that their areas of expertise were complementary.[53] As a result, in 2006, the Grameen Bank and Danone formed a company called Grameen Danone Foods, a social business in Bangladesh.[54]
Grameen Danone Foods Ltd. produces a yoghurt called Shokti Doi containing protein, vitamins, iron, calcium, zinc, and other micronutrients aimed to fill nutritional deficits of children in Bangladesh. Shokti Doi is sold for six euro cents, a price that studies found to be affordable for the poorest families. Its pursuit of profitability is based solely on criteria such as improving public health, creating jobs, reducing poverty and protecting the environment.[promotional language] Profits earned by the company are re-invested in expanding and running the business.
Dedicated to bringing health through food to as many people as possible, Danone started its nutrition business in India in 2012 through the acquisition of the nutrition portfolio from Wockhardt Group.[55] Danone India offers a range of specialized products across life stages that includes pregnancy, infants, young children as well as adults, under recognized Indian and global brands like Aptamil, Neocate, Farex, Protinex, Dexolac and Nusobee. Headquartered in Mumbai, Danone strives to address the local nutritional needs of Indian consumers through innovation and science that supports healthier choices.[56][better source needed] In 2018, Danone reduced its product portfolio and discontinued some dairy SKUs to bring a sharper focus on its nutrition offerings.[57]
In March 1996 Danone signed an agreement to purchase 20 percent of the Strauss Group, Israel’s second largest food manufacturer. Since the 1970s, Strauss Dairies had a series of partnership and knowledge agreements with Danone.[58]
Danone has invested in China since 1987 with the joint venture with Fengxing Milk in Guangzhou. It is one of Danone’s top 5 markets.[citation needed]
Bright Dairy[edit]
In 2001, Danone acquired a 5% stake in Bright Dairy and, in March 2005, doubled its shareholding,[59] and again, to 20%, in April 2006, becoming the third largest shareholder after Shanghai Milk Group and S.I. Food.
The parties announced in October 2007 that Danone would divest its stake by selling it to the other two main shareholders at a small profit.[60] Bright Dairy said Danone would pay 330m yuan (€31m) to terminate the existing distribution and production agreement with it.[61]
The Hangzhou Wahaha Group, the largest beverage producer in China,[62] and Danone entered into a dairy products joint venture in 1996, in which Danone held 51%. It was hailed by Forbes magazine as a «showcase» joint venture.[63]
Yet in 2005, Danone noted that alongside the 39 structures of the joint venture, 60 factories and distribution companies produce and sell beverages illegally under the Wahaha brand. Danone made several attempts to take a stake in the Wahaha companies external to the joint venture, but was rebuffed by Wahaha’s General Manager Zong Qinghou.[64] Danone and Zong Qinghou had signed a deal in December 2006 allowing Danone to buy a majority stake in these non-JV operations. However, Zong had second thoughts about the deal and reneged, claiming the offer was underpriced and held out for a higher price from Danone.[65]
The dispute took on the shape of a trademark dispute, and Danone filed for arbitration in Stockholm on 9 May 2007.[60] On 4 June,[66] Danone filed suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against Ever Maple Trading and Hangzhou Hongsheng Beverage Co Ltd, companies controlled by Zong, his wife, and daughter.[67]
In 2009, an agreement was reached between the two parties. Danone left the Danone-Wahaha joint venture and sold its shares (51%) to its former Chinese partner.
On 20 May 2013, Danone announced a strategic investment (4.0%) in Mengniu, the top dairy products company in China, through an agreement with COFCO (the state-owned largest food company in China a majority shareholder in Mengniu). Later on, Danone raised its interest in Mengniu from 4.0% to 9.9%. In 2016, Danone is Mengniu’s second shareholder.[68]
In addition, in May 2013, a joint-venture was created between Danone and Mengniu to grow the fresh dairy product category.[69]
On 31 October 2014, Danone, Mengniu and Yashili announced that they had signed an agreement allowing Danone to take part in a private placement by Yashili totalling €437 million, at a price of HK$3.70 per share. Upon completion of the subscription, Mengniu and Danone respectively held 51.0% and 25.0% equity interest in Yashili.[70]
On 18 June 2010, Danone partnered with Unimilk, one of Russia’s main milk producers. Danone and Unimilk merged their fresh dairy products activities in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The joint-venture gave birth to the number one dairy products company in this region. Russia became one of the five most important markets for Danone.[71]
In October 2022, Danone announced the start of the process of transferring its Russian segment to new owners. By this point, Russia provided about 5% of the company’s total revenue.[72]
In June 2012, Danone raised its interest in Centrale Laitière (leader of the dairy products market in Morocco) to 67.0%. Centrale Laitière is Danone’s first franchise ever: the companies have worked together since 1953.[73]
In October 2013, Danone teamed up with Abraaj Group to acquire FanMilk International, the leading manufacturer and distributor of frozen dairy products and juices in Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Benin and Ivory Coast.[74]
In July 2014, Danone announced the acquisition of a 40% interest in Kenya’s Brookside, East Africa’s leading dairy products group.[75]
In Octobee 2014, Danone partnered with Universal Robina to build a beverage production and distribution business in the Philippines.[76]
Danone operates several funds including: danone.communities, created in 2007 to finance social business,[77] the Danone Ecosystem Fund, created in 2009 to provide support to Danone partners including farmers, subcontractors, and vendors,[78] and Livelihoods, created in 2011 in order to finance environment-related projects (such as peasant agriculture, deforestation, access to energy in emerging countries) and in return provide investors with carbon credits with strong social intensity.[79]
Danone’s corporate social responsibility programs were influenced by former CEO, Antoine Riboud, and a speech he gave on 25 October 1972 known as the «Marseilles speech».[80][81]
In this speech, he stated that growth should not take place without corporate social responsibility. He was the first CEO to publicly state that human and environment aspects of a company should be take into account.[81] These ideas laid the ground to Danone’s dual project (economic and social).[81]
Danone Institute[edit]
The Danone Institute is a non-profit organization established to promote research, information and education about nutrition, diet and public health. One of the organization’s main objectives was to increase nutrition knowledge amongst medical professionals, educators and parents.[82]
The company set up its first Institute in 1991 in Paris, France, and officially launched as a private non-profit organization in 1997.[82]
The institute is led by nutrition experts and Danone company executives.[82]
Danone Institutes around the world[edit]
Danone factory in Bieruń, Poland, pictured in 2006
Danone Building in Barcelona, 2012
By 2007, Danone had set up 18 institutes in countries around the world to develop programs that address local public health issues.[82] The institutes are located in Belgium, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Spain, the United States, and Turkey.[84]
They operate under the aegis of the Danone Institute International. The Danone Institute International is responsible for steering the network, and encouraging a continual exchange between the various countries.
Today,[when?] more than 200 experts in diet and nutrition are involved in this international network.[84]
Each institute is composed of a board of directors and a scientific council.[82] Each board includes 8 members.[82] The board members are responsible for setting the strategic direction and budget for the organization.[82] The scientific council that is composed of from 6 to 10 members, takes future programmatic decisions.[82]
The institutes develop educational programs in their countries to deal with local health and nutrition issues.[82] Each institute therefore develops its own program in order to be relevant in their environment.[84] For instance, the Czech Danone Institute provides a fund to support research, development and education in nutrition, and scholarships abroad.[85]
Each local Danone Institute develops specific programs including:[84]
- Support research programs: scholarships, grants, awards, prizes
- Publications of research findings relating to health and nutrition
- Organization of scientific conferences
- Publication of newsletters and books for professionals (e.g., health care professionals, educators, journalists)
- Organization of workshops, training and educational sessions for professionals
- Production of pedagogic material, booklets, television and radio programs, PC games for parents, children…
- Spread the knowledge to the public
Throughout the world, the Danone Institutes continue to be non-profit organizations.[84]
The Danone Institutes gather internationally renowned scientists in diet and nutrition from independent organizations (e.g.: universities, research centers).[84]
From 1991 to 2006, more than 40 prizes and awards have been attributed for more than €600,000. Over 140 events have gathered more than 30,000 health care professionals. And 75 publications have been published. More than 70 programs towards the public have been organized.[84]
To date,[when?] Danone Institutes have funded more than 900 research projects.[84] This represents a global budget of €16 million. They have set up dozens of educational programs. 100 symposia have been launched.
Danone Institute International[edit]
The Danone Institute International was established in 2004 to gather together the 18 Danone Institutes. Its goal is to develop large-scale international programs. It also aims at encouraging the sharing of the knowledge between the local institutes. It facilitates cooperation, collaboration and exchange between scientists.[82]
Danone Institute International is a non-profit organization[86] originally established with funding from Danone. The association promotes the exchange of information related to the relationship between diet, nutrition and health.[87]
The Danone Institute International comprises more than 220 scientific experts, and may be considered as a think tank. This international network gathers renowned scientists from various fields such as clinical nutrition, pediatric medicine, microbiology, gastroenterology, and psychology.[82]
The Danone Institute International produces publications, supports research via grants, programs and a prize. The DII also organizes international academic conferences and symposia.[82]
The Danone International Prize For Nutrition is a cornerstone in the work of the Danone Institute International.[87]
Danone International Prize for Nutrition[edit]
The Danone International Prize for Nutrition is an award established in 1997 by the Danone Institute International, presented every two years to honour individuals or teams that have advanced the science of human nutrition.
The prize aims at encouraging nutrition research and promoting the public’s understanding of the importance of this field.
This award is one of the most respected awards within the field of nutritional research.[88] Many leading scientists received this award, that recognizes their accomplishments.
The Danone International Prize for Nutrition is worth €120,000. The prize is awarded every two years by the Danone Institute International and organized with the support of the French organization Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.[86][89]
The Danone International Prize for Nutrition recognizes a single researcher or a research team as leading a major step in nutrition, developing novel concepts, including research fields with potential application for populations.[89]
The jury consists of up to nine members, including one member of the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale. 50% of the jury members come from the Danone Institute International or the Danone Institutes. The jury selects one winner by a secret vote. In case of a tie, the chair’s vote counts as two votes.[89]
Danone Institute International selected in 2007 Friedman through a process involving more than 650 applicants worldwide.[88] Candidates must be employed by a not-for-profit institution and actively involved in research.[89] Laureates are chosen after an independent and international selection procedure.[86]
This prize has been renamed the Danone International Prize for Alimentation in 2018.[90]
Prize winners:
Source: Danone International
- 2016 Philip Calder, for his outstanding work on nutrition and immunity.
- 2013 Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, Harvard School of Public Health, for his outstanding research in immunology and metabolic diseases.[91]
- 2011 Jeffery I. Gordon, Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, for his outstanding contribution to scientific research on the human gut microbiome, diet and nutritional status.[92]
- 2009 Johan Auwerx, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, for his research in molecular nutrition.[93]
- 2007 Jeffrey M. Friedman, Rockefeller University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute; for research on the role of genetics and leptin, a hormone he discovered, in body-weight regulation.[94]
- 2005 David J. P. Barker, epidemiologist at the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Division Research Centre of Southampton University, UK and at the Heart Research Centre, Oregon Health and Science University, US, for the Barker Early Origins Hypothesis, also known as the fetal origins hypothesis or the thrifty phenotype hypothesis.
- 2003 Ricardo Bressani, for his life-time commitment to maximise the understanding of the nutritional potential and limitations of local basic foods
- 2001 Alfred Sommer and team from the School of Hygiene and Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, for his work on Vitamin A deficiency
- 1999 Leif Hallberg, for his work on iron metabolism
- 1997 Vernon R. Young, for his work on protein and amino acids metabolism
Global summit on the health effects of yogurt[edit]
In 2012, the Danone Institute International in collaboration with the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) organized an international working group to examine the health effects of yogurt. They communicated their scientific conclusion to health care professionals and the public.[95] One year later, the ASN and the Danone Institute International joined forces to launch the first global summit on the health effects of yogurt.
This event aims at evaluating the state of science as concerns yogurt consumption and public health.[96]
The first summit took place in 2013 in Boston. It featured international experts in medicine and nutrition.[96] Since that time, summits have been held every year.[95]
Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet[edit]
In 2013, the Danone Institute International, the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and the Nutrition Society (NS) launched the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet. This program aims at examining the health effects of yogurt, encouraging research around yogurt as part of a healthy diet and communicating scientific information toward health care professionals and the public.[97]
Through this project, the Danone Institute International plans to organize worldwide conferences to share researchers’ findings.[97] From 2013, the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet co-organizes every year Global Summit on the Health Effects of Yogurt.[98]
The Danone Institute International in collaboration with the American Society for Nutrition and the International Osteoporosis Foundation also organizes the Yogurt in Nutrition Award. This prize is offered by the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet. This award, valued at US$30,000, supports projects focused on the role of yogurt in the prevention and management of diseases. It finances research programs for two years. It recognizes individuals or research teams from public organizations, universities or hospitals.[99]
2005–2006: the PepsiCo acquisition case[edit]
Due to its narrow focus and relatively small size, Danone is potentially an attractive takeover target for its competitors, namely Nestlé and Kraft Foods. In mid-July 2005, the share price of Danone rose 20% within two weeks on rumours of a bid approach by PepsiCo, although this intention was denied.[100] Upon realising that a takeover of a national treasure such as Danone by a foreign company was indeed possible in the capital markets, the «economically patriotic»[101] French government stepped in by drafting a law to protect companies in «strategic industries» such as Danone[102] from takeover. This has been dubbed the «Danone Law».[103]
Speculation was renewed once again in mid-2006, when PepsiCo declared its intention to grow significantly in France through a sizeable non-hostile acquisition,[104] and Kraft was also reported in Le Figaro, a French daily newspaper, as not having ruled out an acquisition on French soil.[105] The stock market apparently marked down the possibility of a bid by PepsiCo following Danone’s acquisition of Numico.[106]
In the 2010s, reports indicated that Danone engaged in unethical marketing of infant formula in China,[107] Indonesia,[108] Turkey,[109] and India.[110][111]
In the early 2010s, Nutricia India (Danone) purchased Wockhardt which thereby provided Danone with an entry to India’s infant nutrition market. Nutricia later ordered and scheduled an external audit of payments made and invoices received from March through August 2013 and found no payments to doctors. However, critics contended the company directed the course of the audit, and more importantly, scheduled the audit so that it did not cover the crucial handover period. In fact, it was scheduled nearly a year after the purchase. A policy director for Baby Milk Action stated that Nutricia «seems to be using the audit as a cover.»[110]
India passed a law pertaining to Infant Milk Substitutes (IMS) in 1992 and strengthened this law in 2003. These prohibit any kind of advertisement of infant formula for children 0–2, as well as prohibit monetary benefits to doctors for recommending formula. Still, major companies including Danone have been criticized for sponsoring such things as nutritional conferences and web platforms for doctors. (Other companies include Nestle, Abbott, and Mead Johnson.)[111]
Dexolac is the name of Danone’s infant milk substitute product. Overall in India, approximately 50% of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed, and 50% are not.[111]
In October 2012, a Save the Children survey was conducted in the cities of Hohhot, Beijing, Jinan, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Shenzhen. Sixty mothers of infants 0–6 months were interviewed in each city. 40% of the mothers interviewed said they had received formula samples. Of these, 60% were provided by company representatives, and over one-third by healthcare workers. The mothers reported that samples were provided by (in order of frequency): Dumex (Danone, and since May 2016 Yashili), Enfamil (Mead Johnson), Wyeth, Abbott, Nestlé, Friso, Ausnutria and Bei-yin-mei.[107] The overall 2013 Save the Children report which includes this 2012 survey states, «If new mothers are given free samples to feed to their babies it can start a vicious circle that undermines their own ability to breastfeed. An infant satiated with formula may demand less breast milk, so the mother produces less, and that can result in her losing confidence in her ability to breastfeed.»[107]
Indonesia subsidiary[edit]
In February 2013 The Guardian reported that up until 2011, Danone subsidiary Sari Husada had midwives sign contracts to receive financial payments for selling a certain number of boxes of baby formula. According to Danone, this no longer happens, and has been replaced by a scheme which runs training for midwives. However, the main difference appears to be a change from cash to merchandise such as televisions or laptops, and often including items which are needed in the midwives’ practices, such as oxygen canisters, TENS machines, and nebulisers. The Guardian has seen a spreadsheet detailing the number of new mothers contacted, the amount of 0–6 months formula sold, and the proportion of their target this represents. Danone commented: «That may still be happening, that’s something we need to address.»[108]
This same article reported that Sari Husada (Danone) had links throughout the Indonesian medical system. For example, Sari Husada sponsored professional associations, paid doctors for running seminars for midwives, and even sponsored midwifery awards which were then presented by the Indonesian Minister for Women’s Empowerment and the Protection of Children.[108]
There are two potential harms to promoting infant formula in poorer communities: (1) the parents and families may not have dependable access to clean water, and (2) the ongoing cost is such a significant part of the family budget that parents are highly motivated to attempt to «stretch» the product, with risk of malnourishment to infant or child. An Indonesian paediatrician stated, «Selling formula is like the killing fields, in my opinion. The babies will die of diarrhoea and they will die of malnutrition.»[108]
Turkey marketing campaign[edit]
In June 2013 the organisation was accused in Turkey of «misleading mothers with a marketing campaign that warned they might not be providing enough breast milk to their babies [and suggesting] mothers use its powdered baby milk to make up any shortfall.» Danone responded that it «based its advice on WHO guidance» and claimed that both the WHO and UNICEF «endorsed the campaign.» The WHO said Danone did not have permission to use its logo and asked Danone to remove its name from the company’s marketing materials within 14 days while Ayman Abulaban, the UNICEF representative for Turkey, said: «The Unicef Turkey office has not endorsed this campaign.» UNICEF also requested that their name be removed from marketing materials.[109]
Fonterra New Zealand alert[edit]
Following a statement by the New Zealand government and Fonterra on 2 August 2013 warning that batches of ingredients supplied by Fonterra to four Danone plants in Asia-Pacific might be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum bacteria,[113] Danone recalled selected infant formula products from sale in eight markets (New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand) as a precautionary measure.
The alert was lifted on 28 August when New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries concluded after several weeks of tests that there was no Clostridium botulinum in any of the batches concerned. None of the many tests conducted by Danone before and after this period showed any contamination.[114]
On 8 January 2014, Danone announced its decision to terminate its existing supply contract with Fonterra and make any further collaboration contingent on a commitment by its supplier to full transparency and compliance with the food safety procedures applied to all products supplied to Danone.[115] Danone won damages of €105 million from Fonterra.[116]
Danone products
Yogurt parfait
Yogurt parfait
Yogurt with confections (Japan)
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- ^ a b c SUPERFOOD FOR BABIES: How overcoming barriers to breastfeeding will save children’s lives Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Save the Children (UK version), 2013, Ch. 6 «breast-milk substitute companies facing conflict of interest,» page 35 (47 in PDF), footnote 31 describing the survey includes » . . Within each city, 60 mothers of infants aged 0–6 months were interviewed (through randomised selection within the waiting areas) in one MCH Hospital, one level-3 comprehensive (the highest level in China) hospital MCH Division, one level-2 comprehensive hospital MCH Division – ie, 20 mothers with babies 0–6 months old from each facility were interviewed.»
- ^ a b c d Baby health crisis in Indonesia as formula companies push products Archived 2 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine, The Guardian, 15 February 2013
- ^ a b Newman, Melanie; Wright, Oliver (29 June 2013). «Exclusive: After Nestlé, now Aptamil manufacturer Danone is hit by breast milk scandal Danone accused of misleading mothers and misrepresenting UN». The Independent. London. Archived from the original on 12 November 2020. Retrieved 30 April 2016.
- ^ a b Danone Group ‘trying to whitewash’ Nutricia India marketing practices: BMA (Baby Milk Action) Archived 28 September 2020 at the Wayback Machine, Dairy Reporter, Mark Astley, 29 April 2014. Danone’s «Green Book» includes the company’s ethics and code of conduct, such as disallowing payments to doctors for recommending formula. More fully, it is entitled Danone Policy for the Marketing of Foods for Infants and Young Children.
- ^ a b c Despite ban, marketing of breast-milk substitutes continues Archived 22 October 2020 at the Wayback Machine, The Times of India, Rupali Mukherjee, 17 May 2018.
- ^ A Danone spokesperson said that Docplexus is an online platform for doctors only, no consumers have access to this information, and thus it is not a violation of India’s 2003 IMS Act.
- ^ NZ’s Fonterra finds botulism bacteria in dairy ingredient. Reuters, 3 August 2013.
- ^ Danone wants full compensation from Fonterra after recall. Reuters, 2 October 2013.
- ^ Ford, Richard. «Danone terminates Fonterra supply deal». Thegrocer.co.uk. Retrieved 22 October 2018.
- ^ «Fonterra in talks with Nutricia owners — Story — Business — 3 News». Archived from the original on 4 October 2013. Retrieved 2 October 2013.
- Gazel, Neil R. (1990). Beatrice: From Buildup Through Breakup. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0252017293.
External links[edit]
- Official website
- Подбор слов
- Значения слов
- данон
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с примерами употребления введенного вами слова.
данон в словаре кроссвордиста
- Классический кефир
- «Активиа» от «…»
- Производитель «Растишки»
- Марка йогурта и кефира
- Французский кефир
Данон (фамилия)
Да́нон — еврейская фамилия. Известные носители:
(род. 1986) — сербский хоккеист.
- Данон, Дани (род. 1971) — израильский политик.
(род. 1968) — французская актриса.
- Данон, Марселло (?–1997) — французский кинопродюсер.
- Данон, Моше (род. 1960) — израильский кинопродюсер.
- Данон, Оскар (1913—2009) — сербский и боснийский дирижёр, композитор и педагог.
- Данон, Рами — израильский актёр.
Запрос «Данон» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения.
Danone (произносится «дано́н») — французская продовольственная компания, известный производитель молочных продуктов и других продуктов питания.
Основана в 1919 году фармацевтом Исааком Карассо (1874—1939) в Барселоне, названа им в честь своего сына Даниэля (уменьшительное — Данон)[2].
Во время Второй мировой войны компания была перемещена основателем в Нью-Йорк, где получила американизированное наименование Dannon Milk Products Inc. С 1958 года штаб-квартира компании размещается во Франции, в Париже. В 1973 году компания «Жерве — Данон» объединилась с обществом Boussois — Souchon — Neuvesel, занимающимся стекольным производством и выпуском продуктов питания. В дальнейшем стекольный бизнес был прекращён.
Руководитель компании — Антуан де Сант-Африк.
Основные направления деятельности компании — молочные продукты, детское и медицинское питание, минеральная вода. Продукция выпускается под такими известными марками, как Danone, Активиа, Actimel, Растишка, Fantasia, Danissimo, Evian, Badoit, Volvic, Raumplus и др.
Общая численность персонала — около 102 тыс. человек (2013 год). Выручка компании за 2017 год выросла на 2,5 % (без влияния колебаний курса валют) по сравнению с прошлым годом до € 24,677 млрд, чистая прибыль — € 2,453 млрд[3].
Доля Danone по производству молочных продуктов на мировом рынке составляет 12 %[4].
Danone в России
14 августа 1992 года был открыт фирменный магазин Danone на Тверской улице в Москве, быстро ставший популярным[5]. Магазин был закрыт в 2009 году из-за низкой рентабельности[6].
Промышленная площадка ЗАО «Данон Волга» в Тольятти совместно с АО «Тольяттимолоко» была введена в эксплуатацию в 1994 году и являлась первым заводом, построенным в России этой корпорацией[7].
18 июня 2010 было объявлено о слиянии молочного бизнеса Danone в России и российской молочной компании «Юнимилк». В результате должна быть создана объединённая компания, 57,5 % акций которой будет контролировать Danone, 42,5 % — акционеры «Юнимилка». В 2022 году французы смогут увеличить свою долю до 100 %. В ходе подготовки сделки «Юнимилк» был оценён в 49 с лишним млрд руб.[8] 26 октября 2010 года ФАС одобрила слияние «Данон» и «Юнимилк». В ноябре 2010 года слияние молочных бизнесов «Юнимилк» и Danone в России, на Украине, в Казахстане и Белоруссии было завершено[9].
Помимо этого, Danone (по состоянию на февраль 2008 года) принадлежало 18,36 % российской продовольственной компании «Вимм-Билль-Данн»[10] (летом 2010 года в связи со слиянием с «Юнимилком» была достигнута договорённость о продаже этого пакета акций самой ВБД[11]).
В 2013 году Danone изменила официальное название на «Группа компаний Danone в России». Объём инвестиций Danone с момента начала деятельности в России достиг $1,8 млрд[12].
Производственная база компании в России на 2014 год представлена 20 заводами. Продукция компании в России выпускается под такими торговыми марками как Danone, «Активиа», Actimel, «Простоквашино», Bio Баланс, «Растишка», «Тёма», Danissimo и др.
В 2014 году группа компаний Danone закрыла три завода в России: в Смоленске, Тольятти и Новосибирске. В начале 2016 года закрыты заводы в Томске и Чебоксарах. По словам компании, их закрытие связано с высоким уровнем износа производственных мощностей и низкой рентабельностью[13][14].
Входит в перечень системообразующих организаций России.
Danone прекратила импорт в Россию минеральной воды Evian и продукции растительного происхождения Alpro с 20 апреля 2022 года[15].
Danone в Казахстане
Danone Berkut — первый завод фирмы Danone в Казахстане с производственной мощностью 24 тыс. тонн молочной продукции.
Danone Berkut оказывает поддержку казахстанским поставщикам. Компания сотрудничает с 2,3 тыс. поставщиками, 1,8 тыс. из них являются казахстанскими компаниями, включая десятки фермерских хозяйств.
Предприятие Danone экспортируют продукция в Кыргызстан, Узбекистан, Таджикистан.
В 2013 г. завод Danone Berkut освоил выпуск 58 наименований кисломолочной продукции под брендами «Активиа», «Растишка», Danone, «Простоквашино» и «Био-Баланс»[4].
См. также
- Danone Ecosystem Fund
- Карассо, Эммануил
- ↑ Google Finance - Danone SA (англ.). Дата обращения: 26 декабря 2015. Архивировано 22 января 2016 года.
- ↑ Блау М. Г. Судьба эпонимов. 300 историй происхождения слов: Словарь-справочник
- ↑ Press release: Strong results in 2017 with solid progress on growth and efficiency
- ↑ 1 2 Danone // ElDala.kz
- ↑ «Данон», Кадровая консалтинговая компания «GRP-service» Архивировано 16 августа 2007 года.
- ↑ Danone закрыл фирменный магазин на Тверской. Дата обращения: 19 марта 2018. Архивировано 19 марта 2018 года.
- ↑ ГК Danone закрывает завод в Тольятти. Дата обращения: 25 июня 2014. Архивировано 28 июня 2014 года.
- ↑ Danone и Юнимилк сольются в молоке Архивная копия от 6 января 2012 на Wayback Machine // finmarket.ru (Дата обращения: 18 июня 2010)
- ↑ Ирина Скрынник. Молоко разлили на троих. // Ведомости, 21.04.2011, № 71 (2837). Дата обращения: 21 апреля 2011. Архивировано 23 апреля 2011 года.
- ↑ Александра Иванская, Наелись йогуртов, «Ведомости», № 37 (2059), 29.02.2008 (недоступная ссылка)
- ↑ Ирина Скрынник. Danone выходит из ВБД Архивная копия от 14 августа 2010 на Wayback Machine // vedomosti.ru (Дата обращения: 12 августа 2010)
- ↑ Danone в России. Дата обращения: 2 июня 2014. Архивировано из оригинала 29 апреля 2014 года.
- ↑ Danone оптимизирует производство в Сибирском и Приволжском федеральных округах. Danone (24 декабря 2015). Дата обращения: 26 декабря 2015. Архивировано из оригинала 27 декабря 2015 года.
- ↑ Danone объявила о закрытии двух заводов в России. Lenta.ru (26 декабря 2015). Дата обращения: 26 декабря 2015. Архивировано 27 декабря 2015 года.
- ↑ Danone прекратила импорт в Россию воды Evian и продуктов Alpro. www.kommersant.ru (20 апреля 2022). Дата обращения: 30 апреля 2022. Архивировано 30 апреля 2022 года.
- Официальный сайт компании
- Российский сайт Danone
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