Как пишется слово диор

  • DIOR (C.) — DIOR CHRISTIAN (1905 1957) Christian Dior a apporté à la mode le new look, qui a marqué la période de l’après guerre. D’un caractère discret, introverti, Christian Dior, le couturier sans doute le plus célèbre du XXe siècle, connaît de 1947 à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dior — ist der Familienname oder Künstlername folgender Personen: Adel Dior, Pseudonym von Adel Hafsi (* 1971), Techno Musikproduzent Christian Dior (1905–1957), französischer Modeschöpfer und Unternehmer Christian Dior (Unternehmen), französischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dior — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Dior puede referirse a: Christian Dior, un diseñador de moda francés; Christian Dior, S.A., la empresa fundada por el diseñador anterior y gestora actual de la marca; Dior Eluchíl, personaje de ficción del …   Wikipedia Español

  • Dior — n. m. PEDOL Sol ferrugineux non lessivé de la zone sahélienne, favorable à la culture de l arachide et du petit mil. Dior (Christian) (1905 1957) couturier français …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dior —   [di̯ɔːr], Christian, französischer Modeschöpfer, * Granville (Département Manche) 21. 1. 1905, ✝ Montecatini Terme 24. 10. 1957; begann 1928 als Kunsthändler, veröffentlichte im »Figaro« Modeskizzen; arbeitete seit 1938 als Modellist, seit 1947 …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Dior — (izg. diȏr), Christian (1905 1957) DEFINICIJA francuski modni kreator, posebno cijenjen u prvoj deceniji poslije 2. svjetskog rata …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Dior — Dior, Christian …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Dior — [dē ôr′; ] Fr [ dē ō̂r′] 1905 57; Fr. couturier …   English World dictionary

  • Dior — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Dior est un nom porté notamment par : Christian Dior (1905 1957), couturier français fondateur de Christian Dior (entreprise). Françoise Dior (1932… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dior —    (Steward of Gondor)  / Dior    The ninth Ruling Steward of Gondor.    Dior s grandfather Hador was the last truly long lived of the Stewards, and ruled Gondor for one hundred and seventeen years. This meant that his son Barahir, and his… …   J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth glossary

  • Dior — n. family name; Christian Dior (1905 1957), French fashion designer …   English contemporary dictionary

  • английский




    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    It was her idea to take you to dior.

    Это была ее идея привести тебя к Диор.

    Cartier watch, Tiffany locket, Dior brooch…

    Часы картье, медальон Тиффани, брошь Диор

    Natalie Portman stars in the new Miss Dior ad

    Натали Портман в волшебном видео Miss Dior

    The display included clothes from fashion houses like Dior, Patou, Lanvin, Cardin, with flower prints and subtle tones.

    Она состояла из предметов гардероба от домов мод Dior, Patou, Lanvin, Cardin с цветочными принтами и нежными оттенками.

    But I want a dress from Dior and I want a date with a royal.

    Но я хочу платье от Диор и свидание с членом королевской семьи.

    See, it says Dior but our people can’t read.

    Смотрите, тут Диор написано, но у нас люди неграмотные.

    Flat skirt, Dior pleats in corners with buttons (1,2,3)

    Ровная оборка со складками Dior в углах и пуговицей (1,2,3)

    From the car park, near Sidi Ben Sliman Mosk you follow Riad Dior

    С автостоянки, недалеко от Сиди Бен Sliman Моск вы следуете Риада Dior

    She has also been invited to various haute couture events, such as Dior Spring/ Summer 2013 at Paris Fashion Week.

    Её часто приглашают на показы мод, такие как Dior Spring/ Summer 2013 на парижской неделе моды.

    Gucci, Chanel, Dior… Gloria, I I didn’t mean that.

    Гуччи, Шанель, Диор… Глория, я не хотела…

    Dior… no, no, no, Halston.

    Диор… нет, нет, Хальстон.

    «Guys»? Have you seen yourself in the mirror, Lady Dior?

    Ты видел себя в зеркале, леди Диор?

    «A fashion photographer’s job is to create dreams, but Dior Haute Couture is already a dream.»

    Работа модного фотографа — создавать мечту, а Dior Haute Couture — это уже мечта.

    Take your time to look through our catalogue and find the best price on Dior Shoes ever, with the money-saving promotions and deals listed below each section of Styledrops store.

    Не спешите, посмотрите наш каталог и поищите лучшие цены на обувь Dior в соответствии с акциями по скидкам и со списком по каждой секции Интернет-магазина Styledrops.

    One can shop at lavish stores such as Louis Vuitton, Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Tiffany & Co., Prada, Chanel, Dior and so many more.

    Можно пройтись по таким прекрасным магазинам, как Луи Виттон, Джорджио Армани, Гуччи, Тиффани и Ко, Прада, Шанель, Диор и многим другим.

    Perfume with printed logos of famous companies Chanel, Dior, Lacoste, Voss, D & G, Versace, Gucci were sold in one of the city stores.

    Духи с нанесенными логотипами известных фирм Chanel, Dior, Lacoste, Воss, D&G, Versace, Gucci реализовывались в одном из городских магазинов.

    Paula told the students how she managed to create furniture brands in such a short period. These brands have won multiple international awards and are used to furnish Dior boutiques around the world.

    Паоло рассказала студентам, как ей за такой короткий срок удалось создать бренды мебели, которые не раз становились лауреатами международных премий и используются в бутиках Dior по всему миру.

    Thanks to the site professional cosmetics (Benefit, Ardell, MAC, Dior Backstage, TIGI, Charlotte Tilbury, Miss Claire) have become much available to every citizen of our country.

    Благодаря сайту, профессиональные косметические средства (Benefit, Ardell, MAC, Dior Backstage, TIGI, Charlotte Tilbury, Miss Claire) стали намного доступны каждому жителю нашей страны.

    He has done campaigns for DKNY jeans, Lacoste, Armani Exchange, Etro, Dior, DSquared² and Mavi Jeans.

    Также он являлся лицом кампаний DKNY jeans, Lacoste, Armani Exchange, Etro, Dior, DSquared и Mavi Jeans.

    Head to Chanel or Swarovski for jewelry and watches, or pick up some of the latest fashions at Prada, Dior, Gucci, and many more of the world’s leading fashion outlets.

    Загляните в отделы Chanel и Swarovski, чтобы выбрать часы или ювелирные украшения, а за новинками сезона отправляйтесь в Prada, Dior, Gucci и магазины других модных брендов.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 78. Точных совпадений: 78. Затраченное время: 87 мс


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    Транскрипция и произношение слова «dior» в британском и американском вариантах. Подробный перевод и примеры.

    «Tell a person you’ve been disappointed in him, and he’ll prove straight away that not in vain.» — Скажи человеку, что ты в нем разочаровался и он сразу докажет, что не зря

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    • Dior

      Dior, Christian /ˈdiːɔːʳ $ diːˈɔːr/ ‘British English’ ‘American English’

      (1905–57) a French fashion designer, whose company, Christian Dior, is known for making expensive clothes and ↑perfumes. His famous collection of clothes in 1947 was called the ‘New Look’.

    dior перевод - dior русский как сказать


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    Diesel, Dior, Hokey Pokey, Gap and Bloomingdale.

    Дизель, Диор, Уки Пуки, Гэп и Блумингдейл.



    Diesel, Dior, Hokey Pokey, Gap and Bloomingdale.
    Дизель, Диор, Уки Пуки, Гэп и Блумингдейл.

    he offered her a heart-shaped pink diamond ring by Dior, she offered him a Swiss watch.
    он подарил ей бриллиантовое кольцо в виде сердца от «Диор«, а она подарила ему швейцарские часы.

    The couple exchanged significant tokens of their mutual affection: he offered her a heart-shaped pink diamond ring by Dior, she offered him a Swiss watch.
    Пара обменялась значимыми знаками своей взаимной любви: он подарил ей бриллиантовое кольцо в виде сердца от «Диор», а она подарила ему швейцарские часы.

    And you see someone at CVS or — not CVS — at Christian Dior or something, and then .
    Вы встречаете кого-нибудь в CVS или не в CVS, а Christian Dior или где-то ещё, и тогда .

    But, then again, £50,000 is a lot of money for one of those Dior couture dresses, until I learned that over 2,000 hours of immaculate handiwork goes into making it.
    Но, опять же, $77,000 многовато за модельное платье Dior, пока я не узнал, что более 2,000 часов безупречной ручной работы уходит на его изготовление.


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    Christian Dior SE

    Dior Logo 2022.svg
    Christian Dior, 30 Avenue Montaigne, Paris 2016.jpg

    Headquarters in Paris, France

    Type Public (Societas Europaea)[1]

    Traded as

    • Euronext Paris: CDI
    • Euronext 100 component
    ISIN FR0000130403
    Industry Luxury goods
    Founded 16 December 1946; 76 years ago
    Founder Christian Dior
    Headquarters 30 Avenue Montaigne
    Paris, France[2]

    Number of locations


    Area served


    Key people

    Delphine Arnault (chairman)
    Antoine Arnault (vice-chairman & CEO)[3]
    Maria Grazia Chiuri (creative director)
    Kim Jones (creative director)[4]
    Products Clothing, cosmetics, fashion accessories, jewelry, perfumes, spirits, watches, wines
    Services Department stores
    Revenue Increase €53.67 billion (2019)[5]

    Operating income

    Increase €11.43 billion (2019)[5]

    Net income

    Increase €7.78 billion (2019)[5]
    Total assets Increase €93.83 billion (2019)[5]
    Total equity Decrease €35.71 billion (2019)[5]

    Number of employees

    163,309 (2019)[5]
    • Christian Dior Cosmetics
    • Dior Homme
    • Parfums Christian Dior
    • Christian Dior Couture[6]
    • LVMH (42.36%)
    Website dior.com

    Christian Dior SE (French: [kʁistjɑ̃ djɔʁ]),[1] commonly known as Dior (stylized DIOR), is a European multinational luxury fashion house[2] controlled and chaired by French businessman Bernard Arnault, who also heads LVMH. Dior holds 42.36% shares and 59.01% of voting rights within LVMH.[7][8]

    The company was founded in 1946 by French fashion designer Christian Dior, who was originally from Normandy. This brand sells only shoes and clothing that can only be bought in Dior stores. Haute couture is under the Christian Dior Couture division. Delphine Arnault has been the CEO of Christian Dior Couture since 2023.[9]



    The House of Dior was established on 16 December 1946[10][6] at 30 Avenue Montaigne in Paris. However, the current Dior corporation celebrates «1947» as the opening year.[6] Dior was financially backed by wealthy businessman Marcel Boussac.[6][11] Boussac had originally invited Dior to design for Philippe et Gaston, but Dior refused, wishing to make a fresh start under his own name rather than reviving an old brand.[12] The new couture house became a part of «a vertically integrated textile business» already operated by Boussac.[11] Its capital was at FFr 6 million and workforce at 80 employees.[11] The company was really a vanity project for Boussac and was a «majorly owned affiliate of Boussac Saint-Freres S.A. Nevertheless, Dior was allowed a then-unusual great part in his namesake label (legal leadership, a non-controlling stake in the firm, and one-third of pretax profits) despite Boussac’s reputation as a «control freak». Dior’s creativity also negotiated him a good salary.[11]

    «New Look» [edit]

    «Bar» suit, 1947, displayed in Moscow, 2011

    On 12 February 1947, Christian Dior launched his first fashion collection for Spring–Summer 1947. The show of «90 models of his first collection on six mannequins» was presented in the salons of the company’s headquarters at 30 Avenue Montaigne.[6] Originally, the two lines were named «Corolle» and «Huit».[6] However, the new collection went down in fashion history as the «New Look» after the editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Carmel Snow exclaimed, «It’s such a new look!»[6][11] The New Look was a revolutionary era for women at the end of the 1940s.[13] When the collection was presented, the editor in chief also showed appreciation by saying; «It’s quite a revolution, dear Christian!»[13] The debut collection of Christian Dior is credited with having revived the fashion industry of France.[14] Along with that, the New Look brought back the spirit of haute couture in France as it was considered glamorous and young-looking.[15] «We were witness to a revolution in fashion and to a revolution in showing fashion as well.»[16]
    The silhouette was characterized by a small, nipped-in waist and a full skirt falling below mid-calf length, which emphasized the bust and hips, as epitomized by the «Bar» suit from the first collection.[17][18] The collection overall showcased more stereotypically feminine designs in contrast to the popular fashions of wartime, with full skirts, tight waists, and soft shoulders. Dior retained some of the masculine aspects, as they continued to hold popularity through the early 1940s, but he also wanted to include more feminine style.[19]

    The New Look became extremely popular, its full-skirted silhouette influencing other fashion designers well into the 1950s, and Dior gained a number of prominent clients from Hollywood, the United States, and the European aristocracy. As a result, Paris, which had fallen from its position as the capital of the fashion world after World War II, regained its preeminence.[20][21] The New Look was welcomed in western Europe as a refreshing antidote to the austerity of wartime and de-feminizing uniforms, and was embraced by stylish women such as Princess Margaret in the UK.[citation needed] According to Harold Koda, Dior credited Charles James with inspiring The New Look.[22] Dior’s designs from the «New Look» did not only affect the designers in the 1950s, but also more recent designers in the 2000s, including Thom Browne, Miuccia Prada, and Vivienne Westwood. Dior’s evening dresses from that time are still referred to by many designers, and they have been seen in different wedding themed catwalks with multiple layers of fabric building up below the small waist (Jojo, 2011). Examples include Vivienne Westwood’s Ready-to-Wear Fall/Winter 2011 and Alexander McQueen’s Ready to Wear Fall/Winter 2011 (Jojo, 2011).[citation needed]

    Not everyone was pleased with the New Look, however. Some considered the amount of material to be wasteful, especially after years of cloth rationing.[23] Feminists in particular were outraged, feeling that these corseted designs were restrictive and regressive, and that they took away a woman’s independence.[24] There were several protest groups against the designs including, the League of Broke Husbands, made up of 30,000 men who were against the costs associated with the amount of fabric needed for such designs. Fellow designer Coco Chanel remarked, «Only a man who never was intimate with a woman could design something that uncomfortable.»[21] Despite such protests, the New Look was highly influential, continuing to inform the work of other designers and fashion well into the 21st century.[14] For the 60th anniversary of the New Look in 2007, John Galliano revisited it for his Spring-Summer collection for Dior.[25] Galliano used the wasp waist and rounded shoulders, modernised and updated with references to origami and other Japanese influences.[25] In 2012 Raf Simons revisited the New Look for his debut haute couture collection for Dior, wishing to update its ideas for the 21st century in a minimalist but also sensual and sexy manner.[14][26] Simons’s work for Dior retained the luxurious fabrics and silhouette, but encouraged self-respect for the woman’s body and liberation of expression.[26] The design process for this collection, which was produced in only eight weeks, is documented in Dior and I, presenting Simons’s use of technology and modernist re-interpretations.[27]


    Available references contradict themselves whether Christian Dior Parfums was established in 1947 or 1948. The Dior corporation lists the founding of Christian Dior Parfums as 1947, with the launch of its first perfume, Miss Dior.[6] Dior revolutionized the perfumery industry with the launch of the highly popular Miss Dior parfum, which was named after Catherine Dior (Christian Dior’s sister).[6] Christian Dior Ltd owned 25%, manager of Coty perfumes held 35%, and Boussac owned 40% of the perfume business, headed by Serge Heftler Louiche.[6] Pierre Cardin was made head of the Dior workshop from 1947 until 1950. In 1948, a New York City Christian Dior Parfums branch was established—this could be the cause of establishment-date issue.[6] The modern Dior corporation also notes that «a luxury ready-to-wear house is established in New York at the corner of 5th Avenue and 57th Street, the first of its kind,» in 1948.[6] In 1949, the «Diorama» perfume is released and[6] by 1949, the New Look line alone made a profit FFr 12.7 million.[11]

    Expansion, and death of Christian Dior[edit]

    Expansion from France began by the end of 1949 with the opening of a Christian Dior boutique in New York City. By the end of the year, Dior fashions made up 75% of Paris’s fashion exports and 5% of France’s total export revenue.[11]

    In 1949, Douglas Cox from Melbourne, Australia, travelled to Paris to meet with Christian Dior to discuss the possibility of having Dior pieces made for the Australian market. Christian Dior and Douglas Cox signed a contract for Dior to produce original designs and for Douglas Cox to create them in his Flinders Lane workshop.[28] A young Jill Walker, still in her mid teens, was one of the many workers for Douglas Cox, a couture label now in the headlines in Australian newspapers almost daily. Jill would go onto forming a couture legacy in Melbourne with popular labels such as Jinoel and Marti with husband Noel Kemelfield.[29] The agreement between Dior and Douglas Cox really put Australian dressmaking on the global stage, yet ultimately the 60 Dior models proved to be too avant-garde for the conservative Australian taste. Douglas Cox was unable to continue the contract beyond the single 1949 season making these Dior-Cox couture pieces some of the most rare collectors items in Australian couture.[30]

    In 1950, Jacques Rouët, the general manager of Dior Ltd, devised a licensing program to place the now-renowned name of «Christian Dior» visibly on a variety of luxury goods.[11] It was placed first on neckties[6] and soon was applied to hosiery, furs, hats, gloves, handbags, jewelry, lingerie, and scarves.[11] Members of the French Chamber of Couture denounced it as a degrading action for the haute-couture image. Nevertheless, licensing became a profitable move and began a trend to continue «for decades to come»,[11] which all couture houses followed.[6]

    Also in 1950, Christian Dior was the exclusive designer of Marlene Dietrich’s dresses in the Alfred Hitchcock film Stage Fright. In 1951, Dior released his first book, Je Suis Couturier (I am a Couturier) through publishers Editions du Conquistador. Despite the company’s strong European following, more than half of its revenue was generated in the United States by this time.[11] Christian Dior Models Limited was created in London in 1952.[6] An agreement was made between the Sydney label House of Youth for Christian Dior New York models.[6] Los Gobelinos in Santiago, Chile, made an agreement with Dior for Christian Dior Paris Haute Couture.[6] The first Dior shoe line was launched in 1953 with the aid of Roger Vivier. The company operated firmly established locations in Mexico, Cuba, Canada, and Italy by the end of 1953.[11] As popularity of Dior goods grew, so did counterfeiting.[11] This illegal business was supported by women who could not afford the luxury goods.

    By the mid-1950s, the House of Dior operated a well-respected fashion empire.[11] The first Dior boutique was established in 1954 at 9 Counduit Street. In honour of Princess Margaret and the Duchess of Marlborough, a Dior fashion show was held at the Blenheim Palace in 1954 as well. Christian Dior launched more highly successful fashion lines between the years of 1954 and 1957.[11] However, none came as close to the profound effect of the New Look.[11] Dior opened the Grande Boutique on the corner between Avenue Montaigne and Rue François Ier in 1955.[6] The first Dior lipstick was also released in 1955.[6] 100,000 garments had been sold by the time of the company’s 10th anniversary in 1956.[11] Actress Ava Gardner had 14 dresses created for her in 1956 by Christian Dior for the Mark Robson film The Little Hut.

    Christian Dior appeared on the cover of TIME dated 4 March 1957. The designer soon afterwards died from a third heart attack on 24 October 1957.[6][11] The captivating impact of Dior’s creative fashion genius earned him recognition as one of history’s greatest fashion figures.[11] Kevin Almond for Contemporary Fashion wrote that «by the time Dior died his name had become synonymous with taste and luxury.»[11]

    Dior without Christian Dior: 1957 through the 1970s[edit]

    The death of the head designer left the House of Dior in chaos, and general manager Jacques Rouët considered shutting down operation worldwide. This possibility was not received graciously by Dior licensees and the French fashion industry; the Maison Dior was too important to the financial stability of the industry to allow such an action. To bring the label back on its feet, Rouët promoted the 21-year-old Yves Saint-Laurent to Artistic Director the same year.[11] Laurent had joined the House’s family in 1955 after being personally picked out by the original designer for the position of the first ever and only Head Assistant.[6][11] Laurent initially proved to have been the most appropriate choice after the debut of his first collection for Dior (the mention of Dior from this moment on refers to the company) in 1958.[11] The clothes were as meticulously made and perfectly proportioned as Dior’s in the same exquisite fabrics, but their young designer made them softer, lighter and easier to wear. Saint Laurent was hailed as a national hero. Emboldened by his success, his designs became more daring, culminating in the 1960 Beat Look inspired by the existentialists in the Saint-Germain des Près cafés and jazz clubs. His 1960 bohemian look was harshly criticized, and even more in Women’s Wear Daily.[11] Marcel Boussac was furious, and in the spring, when Saint Laurent was forced to leave the house of Dior, having been called up to join the French army, the Dior management raised no objection. Saint-Laurent left after the completion of six Dior collections.[6]

    Christian Dior Haute Couture suit designed by Marc Bohan, spring/summer 1973.
    Adnan Ege Kutay Collection

    Laurent was replaced at Dior by designer Marc Bohan in late 1960. Bohan instilled his conservative style on the collections. He was credited by Rebecca Arnold as the man who kept the Dior label «at the forefront of fashion while still producing wearable, elegant clothes,» and Women’s Wear Daily, not surprisingly, claimed that he «rescued the firm.»[11] Bohan’s designs were very well esteemed by prominent social figures. Actress Elizabeth Taylor ordered twelve Dior dresses from Bohan’s Spring-Summer 1961 collection featuring the «Slim Look». The Dior perfume «Diorling» was released in 1963 and the men’s fragrance «Eau Sauvage» was released in 1966.[6] Bohan’s assistant Philippe Guibourgé launches the first French ready-to-wear collection «Miss Dior» in 1967. This is not to be confused with the already existing New York Ready-to-Wear store established in 1948. Designed by Bohan, «Baby Dior» opens its first boutique in 1967 at 28 Avenue Montaigne. The Christian Dior Coordinated Knit line is released in 1968 and management of the Fashion Furs Department of Christian Dior is taken by Frédéric Castet.[6] This year as well, Dior Parfums was sold to Moët-Hennessy (which would itself become LVMH) due to Boussac’s ailing textile company (the still-owner of Dior).[6][11] This, however, had no effect on the House of Dior operations, and so the Christian Dior Cosmetics business was born in 1969 with the creation of an exclusive line.

    Following this, Bohan launched the first Christian Dior Homme clothing line in 1970. A new Dior boutique at Parly II was decorated by Gae Aulenti and the «Diorella» perfume was released in 1972. Christian Dior Ready-to-Wear Fur Collection was created in France in 1973, and then manufactured under license in the United States, Canada, and Japan.[6] The first Dior watch «Black Moon» was released in 1975 in collaboration with licensee Benedom. Dior haute-couture graced the bodies of Princess Grace of Monaco, Nicaraguan First Lady Hope Portocarrero, Princess Alexandra of Yugoslavia, and Lady Pamela Hicks (Lord Mountbatten of Burma’s younger daughter) for the wedding of The Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. In 1978, the Boussac Group filed for bankruptcy and so its assets (including those of Christian Dior) were purchased by the Willot Group under the permission of the Paris Trade Court.[6] The perfume «Dioressence» was released in 1979.[6]

    Arrival of businessman Arnault[edit]

    A simple Dior Haute Couture evening gown designed by Marc Bohan, from the Spring 1983 collection

    In 1980, Dior released the men’s fragrance «Jules».[6] After the Willot Group went into bankruptcy in 1981, Bernard Arnault and his investment group purchased it for «one symbolic franc» in December 1984.[6][11] The Dior perfume «Poison» was launched in 1985. That same year, Arnault became chairman, chief executive officer, and managing director of the company.[6] On assuming leadership, Arnault did away with the company’s mediocre textile operations, to focus on the Bon Marché department store and Christian Dior Couture. Operations for Christian Dior drastically changed for the better under Arnault. He repositioned it as the holding company Christian Dior S.A. of the Dior Couture fashion business.[11] On the 40th anniversary of Dior’s first collection, the Paris Fashion Museum dedicated an exhibition to Christian Dior.[6] In 1988, Arnault’s Christian Dior S.A.’s took a 32% equity stake into the share capital of Moët-Hennessy • Louis Vuitton through its subsidiary Jacques Rober, creating what would become one of the leading and most influential luxury goods companies in the world. Under this milestone merger, the operations of Christian Dior Couture and Christian Dior Parfums were once again united. Italian-born Gianfranco Ferré replaced Bohan as head designer in 1989.[11] The first such non-Frenchman, Ferré left behind traditional Dior associations of flirtation and romance, and introduced concepts and a style described as «refined, sober and strict.»[11] Ferré headed design for Haute Couture, Haute Fourrure, Women’s Ready-to-Wear, Ready-to-Wear Furs and Women’s Accessories collections. His first collection was awarded the Dé d’Or in 1989.[6] That year, a boutique was opened in Hawaii and the LVMH stake by Jacques Rober rose to 44%.[6]

    Further Dior boutiques were opened in 1990 in upscale New York City, Los Angeles, and Tokyo shopping districts. The stake in LVMH rose again, to 46%.[6] Another collection of watches named «Bagheera» – inspired by the round design of the «Black Moon» watches – was also released in 1990. Having fired the company’s managing executive Beatrice Bongbault in December 1990, Arnault took up that position until September 1991, when he placed former Bon Marché president Phillipe Vindry at the post.[11] In 1991, Christian Dior was listed on the spot market and then on the Paris Stock Exchange’s monthly settlement market, and the perfume «Dune» was launched.[6] Vindry dropped ready-to-wear prices by 10%. Still, a wool suit from Dior would come with a price label of USD 1,500.[11] 1990 revenue for Dior was USD 129.3 million, with a net income of $22 million.[11] Dior was now reorganized into three categories: 1) women’s ready-to-wear, lingerie, and children’s wear 2) accessories and jewelry 3) menswear. Licensees and franchised boutiques were starting to be reduced, to increase the company’s control over brand product. Licensing was in fact reduced by nearly half because Arnault and Vindry opted «for quality and exclusivity over quantity and accessibility.»[11] Wholly company-owned boutiques now opened in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Cannes, and Waikiki, adding to its core stores located in New York City, Hawaii, Paris and Geneva. This held a potential to increase direct sales and profit margins while maintaining high-profile locations.»[11] In 1992, Dior Homme was placed under the artistic direction of Patrick Lavoix, and the «Miss Dior» perfume was relaunched.[6] Francois Baufume succeeded Vindry in 1993 and continued to reduce licenses of the Dior name.[11]

    Leather gloves by Christian Dior

    The production of Dior Haute Couture was spun off into a subsidiary named Christian Dior Couture in 1995.[6] Also, the «La Parisienne» watch model was released – embodied in the watch «Parisian Chic». By that year, revenue for the label rose to USD 177 million, with a net income of USD 26.9 million.[11] Under the influence of Anna Wintour, editor and chief of Vogue, CEO Arnault appointed British designer John Galliano to replace Gianfranco Ferré in 1997 (Galliano on CBS News: «without Anna Wintour I would certainly not be at the house of Dior»).[6][31] This choice of a British designer, once again instead of a French one, is said to have «ruffled some French feathers». Arnault himself stated that he «would have preferred a Frenchman», but that «talent has no nationality».[11] He even compared Galliano to Christian Dior himself, noting that «Galliano has a creative talent very close to that of Christian Dior. He has the same extraordinary mixture of romanticism, feminism, and modernity that symbolised Monsieur Dior. In all of his creations – his suits, his dresses – one finds similarities to the Dior style.»[11] Galliano sparked further interest in Dior with somewhat controversial fashion shows, such as «Homeless Show» (models dressed in newspapers and paper bags) or «S&M Show».[11] Meanwhile, Dior licenses were being reduced further by new president and CEO Sidney Toledano.[11] On 15 October 1997, the Dior headquarters store on Avenue Montaigne was reopened –it had been closed and remodeled by Peter Marino – in a celebrity-studded event including Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore and Jacques Chirac. That year, Christian Dior Couture also took over all thirteen boutique franchises from Japan’s Kanebo.[6]

    In May 1998, another Dior boutique was opened in Paris. This time the store opened its doors on the Left Bank, Place Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Also this year, Victoire de Castellane became lead designer of Dior Fine Jewellery and the first Dior Fine Jewellery boutique opened in New York City. Paris itself would witness the opening of the first Parisian Dior Fine Jewellery boutique the following year, at 28 Avenue Montaigne.[6] The perfume «J’adore» was released in 1999,[6] and on 5 October 1999, Galliano released the Dior Spring-Summer 2000 ready-to-wear fashion show, debuting the new Saddle bag. In the same year, Dior’s long watch partner Benedom joined the LVMH group. In 2000, Galliano’s leadership was extended to Ready to wear, accessories, advertising and communications. The first campaign under his leadership was photographed by Nick Knight and featured two women simulating intercourse.

    While other brands in the late 1990s, notably Gucci,[32] had resorted to porn chic as a mean to draw attention, Dior ads had such an impact that porn chic became a trend in most fashion ads. Galliano ignited the escalation of porno chic advertisements, which culminated with Ungaro’s zoophilic ads,[33] shot by Mario Sorrenti, and Gucci’s ads, which featured a model with pubic hair shaped like the signature Gucci logo. As a matter of fact, it is considered that Galliano had revolutionized Dior more through his advertising campaigns than through his designs.[34][35]

    On 17 July 2000, Dior Homme lead designer Patrick Lavoix was replaced by Hedi Slimane. Notable Dior releases that year were watches such as the distinctive «Malice», which features bracelets made of «CD» links, as well as the «Riva». Hedi left Dior Homme in 2007 and replaced by Kris Van Assche.

    21st century[edit]

    In 2001, the Dior Homme boutique on 30 Avenue Montaigne reopened with a new «contemporary masculine concept» instilled by its designer Hedi Slimane. Slimane used this concept in the creation of his first Dior Homme collection.[6] Soon, Dior Homme gained prominent male clientele including Brad Pitt and Mick Jagger.[11]

    John Galliano then began to release his own Dior watches in 2001, beginning with the «Chris 47 Aluminum» line, marking a new era in Dior watch design. Next, the «Malice» and «Riva» watches were redesigned with precious stones to create the «Malice Sparkling» and «Riva Sparkling» spin-off collections. Inspired by the Spring-Summer 2002 Ready-to-Wear collection, Dior released the «Dior 66» watch, breaking many feminine traditional expectations in design.

    The Dior flagship boutique in the upscale Ginza shopping district of Tokyo. First opened in 2004.

    The men’s fragrance «Higher» was released in 2001, followed by the perfume «Addict» in 2002. The company then opened Milan’s first Dior Homme boutique on 20 February 2002. By 2002, 130 locations were in full operation.[11] On 3 June 2002, Slimane was presented with the «International Designer of the Year» award by the CFDA. Until 2002, Kanebo was the Christian Dior ready-to-wear license holder in Japan and, when the license expired, Christian Dior was able to profitable directly sell its ready-to-wear and accessories in its own boutiques.[36] The «Chris 47 Steel» watch was released in 2003 as a cousin of the original «Chris 47 Aluminum». Bernard Arnault, Hélène Mercier-Arnault, and Sidney Toledano witnessed the opening of the Dior flagship boutique in the Omotesandō district of Tokyo on 7 December 2003. The second Dior flagship store was opened in the upscale Ginza shopping district of Tokyo in 2004.[6] An exclusive Dior Homme boutique was opened also that year in Paris on Rue Royale, and it presented the entire Dior Homme collection. A second Dior Fine Jewelry boutique in Paris was opened at 8 Place Vendôme.[6] A Christian Dior boutique was opened in Moscow after the company took control of licensed operations of its Moscow agent.[6]

    The designer of Dior Fine Jewelry Victoire de Castellane launched her own watch named «Le D de Dior» (French: «The D of Dior»). signifying the entrance of Dior watches into its collection of fine Jewelry. This watch was designed for women but made use of many design features which are typically thought of as masculine. Slimane next released a watch for the Dior Homme collection called «Chiffre Rouge.» This special watch included the signature look of Dior Homme: «Watch design and technology match each other inseparably, to create the perfect expression of Dior Homme’s artistic excellence and to increase the watchmaking legitimacy of Dior timepieces.» De Castellane then launched her second line of watches called «La Baby de Dior». The design for this line was meant to be more feminine with more of a «jewelry look.»

    The «Miss Dior Chérie» perfume and the «Dior Homme» fragrance were released in 2005.[6] Galliano released his «Dior Christal» watches in which he combined steel and blue sapphires to create a «creative and innovative collection.» Christian Dior S.A. then celebrated the 13th anniversary of Dior Watches in 2005, and, in April of that year, its «Chiffre Rouge» collection was recognized by the World Watches and Jewelry Show in Basel, Switzerland. Also in the year, the fashion house also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birthday of designer Christian Dior.[6] An exhibition, «Christian Dior: Man of the Century,» was held in the Dior Museum in Granville, Normandy.

    In 2006, the Dior watch booth was dedicated to the Dior Canework. This pattern was made by designer Christian Dior and based on the Napoleon III chairs used in his fashion shows.

    In 2007, Kris Van Assche was appointed as the new artistic director of Dior Homme. Van Assche presented his first collection later that year.[6] The 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Maison Dior was officially celebrated in 2007 as well.[6]

    By February 2011, the House of Dior was in scandal after accusations of John Galliano making anti-Semitic remarks made international headlines: the company found itself in a «public relations nightmare.»[37] Galliano was fired in March and the scheduled presentation of his Fall-Winter 2011/2012 ready-to-wear collection went ahead without him, amid the controversy, on 4 March.[38] Before the start of the show, chief executive Sydney Toledano gave a sentimental speech on the values of Christian Dior and alluded to the family’s ties to The Holocaust.[39] The show closed with the staff of the atelier coming out to accept applause in the absence of their artistic director. (The previous January 2011 presentation of Spring-Summer 2011 haute-couture was the last appearance of Galliano on the Dior runway.) The company went on ahead and appointed Bill Gaytten as head designer interim in absence of artistic director.[40] Gaytten had worked under Galliano for Dior and for the John Galliano label. The first haute-couture collection (for the Fall-Winter 2011 season) under Gaytten’s management was presented in July and was received with mainly negative reviews.[41][42] Meanwhile, speculation remained for months as it was unknown who would be selected to replace Galliano. During its 13-month period of having no artistic director, Dior began undergoing subtle changes in its designs as the influence of the theatrical and flamboyant Galliano faded. The all-new resigned dior.com was launched in late 2011.

    There is a subtext to this New New Look that goes beyond respect for the house’s esteemed founder. In one fell swoop, John Galliano has been all but removed from the Dior history books. By making a visual connection between his era and that of Christian Dior himself, Raf Simons has redrawn the line of succession. The unimpeachable codes of Dior are illustrated for a new generation; the bias-cut dresses and Kabuki styling of Galliano downgraded to a footnote.

    —Critic surmising the meaning of Simons’ premier collection for Dior[43]

    On 23 January 2012, Gaytten presented his second haute-couture collection (for the Spring-Summer 2012 season) for Dior and it was much better received than his first collection.[44]

    Belgian designer Raf Simons was announced, on 11 April 2012, as the new artistic director of Christian Dior. Simons was known for his minimalist designs,[43] and this contrasted against the dramatic previous designs of Dior under Galliano. Furthermore, Simons was seen to have emerged as a «dark horse» amid the names of other designers who were considered high contenders.[37] To emphasize the appropriate choice of Simons as the right designer, the company ostentatiously made comparisons between Simons and the original designer Christian Dior.[45] Reportedly, Bernard Arnault and fellow executives at Dior and LVMH were keen to move Dior from the Galliano years.[37] Simons spent much time in the Dior archives[46] and familiarizing himself with haute-couture (as he had no previous background in that niche of fashion).[37] Simons was then scheduled to debut his designs in July. Meanwhile, Gaytten’s Spring-Summer 2012 haute-couture collection was presented as the first Dior haute-couture show ever to be held in China on 14 April in Shanghai;[47] and it was a mark of the company’s devotion to its presence in the Chinese market.

    The show was the last presentation by Gaytten for Dior, and he remained as head designer for the John Galliano label.[48]

    On 3 May, the Dior: Secret Garden — Versailles promotional film was launched.[49] It was highly buzzed about throughout various industry and social media sources as it was a display of Dior through its transition. Simons presented his first-ever collection for the company — the Fall-Winter 2012 haute-couture collection — on 2 July. A major highlight of the fall-winter 2012 haute-couture shows,[37][46][50] the collection was called by the company as «the new couture» and made reference to the start of a new Dior through the work of Simons «wiping the [haute couture] slate clean and starting again from scratch.»[51] The designer’s collection «made more references to Mr. Dior than to the house of Dior»[43] with pieces harkening back to themes Dior’s post-World War II designs introduced to fashion.[37] Simons, who rarely makes himself available for interviews, gave an interview published by the company through its Dior Mag online feature.[52] While previous runway presentations under Galliano were held at the Musée Rodin, Simons’ show was held at a private residence, near the Arc de Triomphe, with the address only disclosed to select top-clients, celebrities, journalists, and other personnel exclusively invited in a discreet affair.[53] High-profile figures in attendance included designers Azzedine Alaïa,[37][46] Pierre Cardin,[37][54] Alber Elbaz (Lanvin designer),[37][43][46] Diane von Fürstenberg,[37][43][54] Marc Jacobs,[37][43][54] Christopher Kane,[37][43] Olivier Theyskens,[46] Riccardo Tisci,[37][54] Donatella Versace;[37][43][46][54] and Princess Charlene of Monaco,[37] actresses Marion Cotillard,[37] Mélanie Laurent,[37] Jennifer Lawrence,[37] Sharon Stone; film producer Harvey Weinstein;[46] and Dior chairman Arnault with his daughter.[37] Live satellite feed of the show was provided on DiorMag online and Twitter was also implemented for real time communication.[53] By then, it was also known that the company had purchased the Parisian embroidery firm Maison Vermont sometime earlier in 2012.[43]

    In March 2015 it was announced that Barbadian singer, actress and businesswoman Rihanna was chosen as the official spokeswoman for Dior; this makes her the first black woman to take the spokeswoman position at Dior.[55] In 2015, Israeli model Sofia Mechetner was chosen to be the new face of Dior.[56]

    In 2016, Maria Grazia Chiuri was named the women’s artistic director for Dior.[57]

    In April 2016 a new Dior flagship boutique opened in San Francisco, with a party hosted by Jaime King.[58]

    In 2017, Dior renovated and expanded its Madrid store. The brand celebrated the opening of the new boutique in a masked ball attended by a number of Spanish celebrities like Alejandro Gómez Palomo.[59]

    In March 2018, Kim Jones was named the men’s artistic director for the house.[60] Under his management Dior has made several high profile streetwear collaborations. Jones first show for Dior featured American artist and designer Brian Donnelly, a.k.a. KAWS. Thereafter followed collaborations with Raymond Pettibon, 1017 ALYX 9SM, Yoon Ahn, Hajime Sorayama, Daniel Arsham, Sacai and most recently Shawn Stussy, creator of the legendary streetwear brand Stüssy.[61]

    In October 2019, Dior apologized to China for using a map of China that excluded Taiwan.[62]

    On 11 March 2022, 30 Avenue Montaigne has once again opened its doors to the public.[63] The property was closed for two years for a major renovation led by architect Peter Marino.[63] Historically, 30 Avenue Montaigne is the place where Christian Dior showcased his first collection.[63]

    In January 2023, it was announced Delphine Arnault would assume the role of chairperson and CEO, beginning in February.[64]

    Celebrity ambassadors[edit]

    Dior has created strong partnerships with Hollywood celebrities and social media influencers, working closely with these individuals to reach more demographics and re-establish its identity as a new, modern brand, despite the fact that it has been around for a while.[65] This has allowed the brand to portray a more populist image and attract a wider audience.[66] The brand has worked with and dressed contemporary style icons like Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyong’o, who may resonate with millennials.[67] Dior has effectively implemented social media into their marketing communication strategy, in which images and videos from campaigns are shared on both the official Dior profile, and on the celebrity ambassadors’ social media pages.

    An example of this success is seen in the Secret Garden campaign featuring Rihanna.[68] In this campaign, Rihanna is seen dancing to a song from her album (Only If For a Night) through a hall of mirrors.[69] By being associated with Rihanna’s song, the company created a sense of association with her brand, which was beneficial to the company as she was ranked as the most marketable celebrity in 2016.[70] Despite the reach not being completely suitable to the Dior target audience, collaborating with the likes of Rihanna allowed the company to engage with more of the market, as Rihanna’s social media following is four times larger than that of the fashion house.[66]

    Below are some of the celebrity ambassadors who have fronted Dior campaigns:

    • Isabelle Adjani: Poison perfume (1985–1990s)[71]
    • Carla Bruni: Lady Dior handbag (1996)[72]
    • Milla Jovovich: Hypnotic Poison perfume (1999–2000)[73]
    • Charlize Theron: J’Adore Dior perfume (2004–present)
    • Sharon Stone: Capture skincare (2005–present)[74]
    • Monica Bellucci: Dior cosmetics (2006–2010),[75][76] Lady Dior handbag (2006–2007), Hypnotic Poison perfume (2009–2010)[77]
    • Eva Green: Midnight Poison (2007–2008)[78]
    • Marion Cotillard: Lady Dior handbag (2008–2017),[79][80] Miss Dior handbag (2011)[81]
    • Jude Law: Dior Homme fragrance (2008–2012)[82]
    • Natalie Portman: Miss Dior fragrance, Dior cosmetics (2010–present)[83][84]
    • Mélanie Laurent: Hypnotic Poison perfume (2011–present)[85]
    • Mila Kunis: Miss Dior handbag (2012)[86]
    • Jennifer Lawrence: Miss Dior handbag (2012–present),[87] Joy by Dior fragrance (2018–present)[88]
    • Robert Pattinson: Dior Homme fragrance (2013–present)[89]
    • Rihanna: Diorama bag, J’adore Dior perfume, Dior sunglasses (2015–present)[90][91]
    • Johnny Depp: Dior Sauvage fragrance (2015–present)[92]
    • Angelababy: DiorAmour collection (2017–present)[93]
    • Cara Delevingne: DIOR Addict Stellar Shine Lipstick. BE DIOR. BE PINK. (2019)[94][95]
    • Kim Jisoo: Dior Global Fashion Muse (2020–present); Dior Global Ambassador for Fashion and Beauty (2021–present)[96]
    • Yara Shahidi: Dior Global Brand Ambassador (2021–present); Face of Dior for Fashion and Cosmetics (2021–present)[97][98]
    • Oh Se-hun: Face of Dior for Fashion (2021–present)[99][better source needed]
    • Kylian Mbappé: brand ambassador of the men’s collection including Sauvage fragrance[100]
    • Cha Eun-woo: Dior Beauty Global ambassador for Dior Capture Totale the new Serum (2023–present) [101][102]
    • Park Jimin: Dior Global Ambassador (2023–present)[103]

    Fashion shows[edit]

    Fashion show Date Models in order of appearance Soundtrack Theme Creative director
    Spring 2020 Ready-to-Wear 20 January 2020 Maria Grazia Chiuri
    Pre-Fall 2020 11 December 2019
    Spring 2017 Ready-to-Wear 30 September 2016
    Resort 2017 31 May 2016 Serge Ruffieux & Lucie Meier
    Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear 4 March 2016
    Spring 2003 Couture 19 January 2003 John Galliano
    Spring 2001 Ready-to-Wear
    Fall 2000 Couture 28 July 2000
    Fall 2000 Ready-to-Wear 28 February 2000
    Spring 2000 Ready-to-Wear
    Fall 1999 Couture 19 July 1999
    Spring 1998 Couture

    Financial data[edit]

    Financial data in € millions[104]

    Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
    Revenue 29.881 30.984 35.081 37.968 43.666
    Net Income 3.926 3.883 6.165 4.164 5.753
    Assets 55.555 61.161 60.030 62.904 72.762
    Employees 2535 2780 3033 3100 3800



    In 2000, Galliano’s collection inspired by homeless people drew criticism, but also attention, to the house of Dior.[105]


    In early 2011, scandal arose when John Galliano was accused of making anti-semitic comments after drinking in Paris. Footage was released of the designer under the influence of alcohol saying «I love Hitler» and «People like you would be dead today. Your mothers, your forefathers would be fucking gassed and dead» to a non-Jewish woman.[106] In France, it is against the law to make anti-semitic remarks, and is punishable by up to six months in prison.[106] On 1 March 2011, Christian Dior officially announced that it had fired Galliano amidst the controversy.[107]

    Plagiarism and cultural appropriation controversies[edit]


    In 2017, Dior was accused of cultural appropriation by directly plagiarizing a Bihor coat, a traditional Romanian vest, by using the same colour and patterns in its pre-fall collection; Dior had presented it as their original designs without giving any credit to the people of Bihor nor crediting the Romanian people as source of inspiration.[108][109] As a result, Romanian people were outraged and to fight against this cultural appropriation, a compaign was launched by Romanian fashion magazine Beau Monde who then recruited native craftsmen and fashion designers from Bihor to create a new line of fashion.[108] The cover of the Beau Monde magazine read:[109]

    Don’t let traditions go out of stock. Support the fashion from Bihor and buy authentic creations from Bihorcouture.com

    — Beau Monde

    Thus, the online platform named Bihor Couture was launched; Bihor Couture also publicly shamed Dior for «theft» and sold original artisan-made versions of the traditional Romanian vest.[108]


    In April 2022, Dior released a new midi-skirt in Seoul, Dior’s art director Maria Grazia Chiuri described the 2022 Fall collection design was inspired by school uniform (including pleated skirts), also in honour of Catherine Dior.[110] This new skirt was plain black wrap-around skirt which was made of two panels of fabric which was sewn to the waistband of the skirt; it featured four flat panels with no pleats (one at each side of each panel of fabric) and pleats; it was constructed in an overlapping fashion such that there was two overlapping flat surface at the back and front and side pleats when worn.[111][110] On its official website page, this skirt was described as «a hallmark Dior silhouette, the mid-length skirt is updated with a new elegant and modern variation […]».[112]

    Three month later, this skirt was noticed by some Hanfu enthusiasts, who criticized it as being created by copying the mamianqun design.[113] They also indicated that this skirt have the exact same cut and construction as the mamianqun with only its length being the difference from the orthodox-style and historical mamianqun of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644 AD).[110][114] It was, however, noted by Chinese netizens that the 21st modified, modern version of the mamianqun, also included midi-mamianqun, had been designed in the past years by Chinese Hanfu designers.[115][114]

    Dior decided to stop this sale in Mainland China to avoid controversy. On July 23, about 50 Chinese overseas students in Paris, France, made a protest in front of a Dior flagship store at the Champs-Élysée,[116][117] they used the slogan «Dior, Stop Cultural Appropriation» and «This is a traditional Chinese dress» written with a mixture of French and English;[118] they also called for other overseas students from the United Kingdom and the United States for relay, the Communist Youth League of China also expressed support for this protest.[119] There are also more than 10 Chinese democratic activists lifted banners writing «Skirt Rights Is Bigger Than Human Rights» etc. for anti-ptotest. And both sides started a conflict with each other. Chinese news media initially have no mention for anti-protest but focused on cultural embezzling accuse.[120] Chinese network also spread a theory that the democracy activists were composed by Taiwanese.[121]

    Some French news media commented this was largely due to Dior does not describe its origin for sale with transparency, most criticize views argued that Dior did not respect to Chinese traditions.[122] According to the Journal du Luxe, a French news media, the adoption of the mamianqun cut and construction design by Dior was not the main issue of the debate and critics but rather on the absence of transparency surrounding the origins of the inspirations behind the skirt design.[122] Some Chinese netizens also criticized Dior on Weibo with comments, such as «Was Dior inspired by Taobao?»[123] while another Instagram user commented on the official Dior account:[122]

    «Les références culturelles à notre pays [Chine] sont plus que bienvenues mais cela ne signifie pas pour autant que vous pouvez détourner notre culture et nier le fait que cette jupe est chinoise!»
    [transl. »Taking cultural references from our country [China] is more than welcomed; however, this does not meaning that you can appropriate our culture and deny the fact that this skirt is Chinese!»].

    — Instagram user, in Journal du Luxe

    Dior was accused of cultural appropriation for a second time in July 2022 for due to its usage of pattern print which looks like the huaniaotu (Chinese: 花鸟图; lit. ‘bird-and-flower painting’) into its 2022 autumn and winter ready-to-wear collection having introduced it as being Dior’s signature motif Jardin d’Hiver, which was inspired by Christian Dior’s wall murals;[124] the huaniaotu is a traditional Chinese painting theme which belong to the Chinese scholar-artist style in Chinese painting and originated in the Tang dynasty.[125]

    Ownership and shareholdings[edit]

    At the end of 2010, the only declared major shareholder in Christian Dior S.A. was Groupe Arnault SAS, the family holding company of Bernard Arnault. The group’s control amounted to 69.96% of Dior’s stock and 82.86% of its voting rights.[126] The remaining shares are considered free float.[126]

    Christian Dior S.A. held 42.36% of the shares of LVMH and 59.01% of its voting rights at the end of 2010. Arnault held an additional 5.28% of shares and 4.65% of votes directly.[7]

    Creative directors[edit]

    • Christian Dior – 1946–1957
    • Yves Saint Laurent – 1957–1960
    • Marc Bohan – 1960–1989
    • Gianfranco Ferré – 1989–1997
    • John Galliano – 1997–2011
    • Bill Gaytten – 2011–2012
    • Raf Simons – 2012–2015
    • Serge Ruffieux & Lucie Meier 2015–2016
    • Maria Grazia Chiuri (women’s) – 2016–present
    • Hedi Slimane (men’s) – 2000–2007
    • Kris Van Assche (men’s) – 2007–2018
    • Kim Jones (men’s) – 2018–present

    Retail locations[edit]

    The company operates a total of 210 locations as of September 2010[citation needed]:

    • Asia: 109
    • Africa: 1 (Casablanca, Morocco)
    • Caribbean: 1 (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
    • Europe: 45
    • Central America (Panama): 1
    • Middle East: 8
    • North America (Canada, Mexico, and the United States): 48
    • Oceania: 6
    • South America (Brazil, Argentina): 4

    See also[edit]


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    121. ^ 汉良 (24 July 2022). «巴黎中国留学生抗议迪奥抄袭 反示威者讽刺:裙子比人权重要?». 马来西亚诗华日报新闻网 (in Chinese).
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    126. ^ a b «Annual Report 2010» (PDF). Christian Dior. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 October 2011. Retrieved 29 May 2011. Shareholdings p. 33; employees p. 57; financials pp. 100–102.

    Further reading[edit]

    • Jackson, Lesley. The New Look: Design in the Fifties. London: Thames & Hudson, 1991. ISBN 0-500-27644-7.

    External links[edit]

    • Official website
    • Dior – brand and company profile at Fashion Model Directory
    • Christian Dior at Chicago History Museum Digital Collections Archived 15 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine
    • «Interactive timeline of couture houses and couturier biographies». Victoria and Albert Museum. 29 July 2015.
    • Christian Dior, exhibition catalog fully online as PDF from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
    Christian Dior SE

    Dior Logo 2022.svg
    Christian Dior, 30 Avenue Montaigne, Paris 2016.jpg

    Headquarters in Paris, France

    Type Public (Societas Europaea)[1]

    Traded as

    • Euronext Paris: CDI
    • Euronext 100 component
    ISIN FR0000130403
    Industry Luxury goods
    Founded 16 December 1946; 76 years ago
    Founder Christian Dior
    Headquarters 30 Avenue Montaigne
    Paris, France[2]

    Number of locations


    Area served


    Key people

    Delphine Arnault (chairman)
    Antoine Arnault (vice-chairman & CEO)[3]
    Maria Grazia Chiuri (creative director)
    Kim Jones (creative director)[4]
    Products Clothing, cosmetics, fashion accessories, jewelry, perfumes, spirits, watches, wines
    Services Department stores
    Revenue Increase €53.67 billion (2019)[5]

    Operating income

    Increase €11.43 billion (2019)[5]

    Net income

    Increase €7.78 billion (2019)[5]
    Total assets Increase €93.83 billion (2019)[5]
    Total equity Decrease €35.71 billion (2019)[5]

    Number of employees

    163,309 (2019)[5]
    • Christian Dior Cosmetics
    • Dior Homme
    • Parfums Christian Dior
    • Christian Dior Couture[6]
    • LVMH (42.36%)
    Website dior.com

    Christian Dior SE (French: [kʁistjɑ̃ djɔʁ]),[1] commonly known as Dior (stylized DIOR), is a European multinational luxury fashion house[2] controlled and chaired by French businessman Bernard Arnault, who also heads LVMH. Dior holds 42.36% shares and 59.01% of voting rights within LVMH.[7][8]

    The company was founded in 1946 by French fashion designer Christian Dior, who was originally from Normandy. This brand sells only shoes and clothing that can only be bought in Dior stores. Haute couture is under the Christian Dior Couture division. Delphine Arnault has been the CEO of Christian Dior Couture since 2023.[9]



    The House of Dior was established on 16 December 1946[10][6] at 30 Avenue Montaigne in Paris. However, the current Dior corporation celebrates «1947» as the opening year.[6] Dior was financially backed by wealthy businessman Marcel Boussac.[6][11] Boussac had originally invited Dior to design for Philippe et Gaston, but Dior refused, wishing to make a fresh start under his own name rather than reviving an old brand.[12] The new couture house became a part of «a vertically integrated textile business» already operated by Boussac.[11] Its capital was at FFr 6 million and workforce at 80 employees.[11] The company was really a vanity project for Boussac and was a «majorly owned affiliate of Boussac Saint-Freres S.A. Nevertheless, Dior was allowed a then-unusual great part in his namesake label (legal leadership, a non-controlling stake in the firm, and one-third of pretax profits) despite Boussac’s reputation as a «control freak». Dior’s creativity also negotiated him a good salary.[11]

    «New Look» [edit]

    «Bar» suit, 1947, displayed in Moscow, 2011

    On 12 February 1947, Christian Dior launched his first fashion collection for Spring–Summer 1947. The show of «90 models of his first collection on six mannequins» was presented in the salons of the company’s headquarters at 30 Avenue Montaigne.[6] Originally, the two lines were named «Corolle» and «Huit».[6] However, the new collection went down in fashion history as the «New Look» after the editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Carmel Snow exclaimed, «It’s such a new look!»[6][11] The New Look was a revolutionary era for women at the end of the 1940s.[13] When the collection was presented, the editor in chief also showed appreciation by saying; «It’s quite a revolution, dear Christian!»[13] The debut collection of Christian Dior is credited with having revived the fashion industry of France.[14] Along with that, the New Look brought back the spirit of haute couture in France as it was considered glamorous and young-looking.[15] «We were witness to a revolution in fashion and to a revolution in showing fashion as well.»[16]
    The silhouette was characterized by a small, nipped-in waist and a full skirt falling below mid-calf length, which emphasized the bust and hips, as epitomized by the «Bar» suit from the first collection.[17][18] The collection overall showcased more stereotypically feminine designs in contrast to the popular fashions of wartime, with full skirts, tight waists, and soft shoulders. Dior retained some of the masculine aspects, as they continued to hold popularity through the early 1940s, but he also wanted to include more feminine style.[19]

    The New Look became extremely popular, its full-skirted silhouette influencing other fashion designers well into the 1950s, and Dior gained a number of prominent clients from Hollywood, the United States, and the European aristocracy. As a result, Paris, which had fallen from its position as the capital of the fashion world after World War II, regained its preeminence.[20][21] The New Look was welcomed in western Europe as a refreshing antidote to the austerity of wartime and de-feminizing uniforms, and was embraced by stylish women such as Princess Margaret in the UK.[citation needed] According to Harold Koda, Dior credited Charles James with inspiring The New Look.[22] Dior’s designs from the «New Look» did not only affect the designers in the 1950s, but also more recent designers in the 2000s, including Thom Browne, Miuccia Prada, and Vivienne Westwood. Dior’s evening dresses from that time are still referred to by many designers, and they have been seen in different wedding themed catwalks with multiple layers of fabric building up below the small waist (Jojo, 2011). Examples include Vivienne Westwood’s Ready-to-Wear Fall/Winter 2011 and Alexander McQueen’s Ready to Wear Fall/Winter 2011 (Jojo, 2011).[citation needed]

    Not everyone was pleased with the New Look, however. Some considered the amount of material to be wasteful, especially after years of cloth rationing.[23] Feminists in particular were outraged, feeling that these corseted designs were restrictive and regressive, and that they took away a woman’s independence.[24] There were several protest groups against the designs including, the League of Broke Husbands, made up of 30,000 men who were against the costs associated with the amount of fabric needed for such designs. Fellow designer Coco Chanel remarked, «Only a man who never was intimate with a woman could design something that uncomfortable.»[21] Despite such protests, the New Look was highly influential, continuing to inform the work of other designers and fashion well into the 21st century.[14] For the 60th anniversary of the New Look in 2007, John Galliano revisited it for his Spring-Summer collection for Dior.[25] Galliano used the wasp waist and rounded shoulders, modernised and updated with references to origami and other Japanese influences.[25] In 2012 Raf Simons revisited the New Look for his debut haute couture collection for Dior, wishing to update its ideas for the 21st century in a minimalist but also sensual and sexy manner.[14][26] Simons’s work for Dior retained the luxurious fabrics and silhouette, but encouraged self-respect for the woman’s body and liberation of expression.[26] The design process for this collection, which was produced in only eight weeks, is documented in Dior and I, presenting Simons’s use of technology and modernist re-interpretations.[27]


    Available references contradict themselves whether Christian Dior Parfums was established in 1947 or 1948. The Dior corporation lists the founding of Christian Dior Parfums as 1947, with the launch of its first perfume, Miss Dior.[6] Dior revolutionized the perfumery industry with the launch of the highly popular Miss Dior parfum, which was named after Catherine Dior (Christian Dior’s sister).[6] Christian Dior Ltd owned 25%, manager of Coty perfumes held 35%, and Boussac owned 40% of the perfume business, headed by Serge Heftler Louiche.[6] Pierre Cardin was made head of the Dior workshop from 1947 until 1950. In 1948, a New York City Christian Dior Parfums branch was established—this could be the cause of establishment-date issue.[6] The modern Dior corporation also notes that «a luxury ready-to-wear house is established in New York at the corner of 5th Avenue and 57th Street, the first of its kind,» in 1948.[6] In 1949, the «Diorama» perfume is released and[6] by 1949, the New Look line alone made a profit FFr 12.7 million.[11]

    Expansion, and death of Christian Dior[edit]

    Expansion from France began by the end of 1949 with the opening of a Christian Dior boutique in New York City. By the end of the year, Dior fashions made up 75% of Paris’s fashion exports and 5% of France’s total export revenue.[11]

    In 1949, Douglas Cox from Melbourne, Australia, travelled to Paris to meet with Christian Dior to discuss the possibility of having Dior pieces made for the Australian market. Christian Dior and Douglas Cox signed a contract for Dior to produce original designs and for Douglas Cox to create them in his Flinders Lane workshop.[28] A young Jill Walker, still in her mid teens, was one of the many workers for Douglas Cox, a couture label now in the headlines in Australian newspapers almost daily. Jill would go onto forming a couture legacy in Melbourne with popular labels such as Jinoel and Marti with husband Noel Kemelfield.[29] The agreement between Dior and Douglas Cox really put Australian dressmaking on the global stage, yet ultimately the 60 Dior models proved to be too avant-garde for the conservative Australian taste. Douglas Cox was unable to continue the contract beyond the single 1949 season making these Dior-Cox couture pieces some of the most rare collectors items in Australian couture.[30]

    In 1950, Jacques Rouët, the general manager of Dior Ltd, devised a licensing program to place the now-renowned name of «Christian Dior» visibly on a variety of luxury goods.[11] It was placed first on neckties[6] and soon was applied to hosiery, furs, hats, gloves, handbags, jewelry, lingerie, and scarves.[11] Members of the French Chamber of Couture denounced it as a degrading action for the haute-couture image. Nevertheless, licensing became a profitable move and began a trend to continue «for decades to come»,[11] which all couture houses followed.[6]

    Also in 1950, Christian Dior was the exclusive designer of Marlene Dietrich’s dresses in the Alfred Hitchcock film Stage Fright. In 1951, Dior released his first book, Je Suis Couturier (I am a Couturier) through publishers Editions du Conquistador. Despite the company’s strong European following, more than half of its revenue was generated in the United States by this time.[11] Christian Dior Models Limited was created in London in 1952.[6] An agreement was made between the Sydney label House of Youth for Christian Dior New York models.[6] Los Gobelinos in Santiago, Chile, made an agreement with Dior for Christian Dior Paris Haute Couture.[6] The first Dior shoe line was launched in 1953 with the aid of Roger Vivier. The company operated firmly established locations in Mexico, Cuba, Canada, and Italy by the end of 1953.[11] As popularity of Dior goods grew, so did counterfeiting.[11] This illegal business was supported by women who could not afford the luxury goods.

    By the mid-1950s, the House of Dior operated a well-respected fashion empire.[11] The first Dior boutique was established in 1954 at 9 Counduit Street. In honour of Princess Margaret and the Duchess of Marlborough, a Dior fashion show was held at the Blenheim Palace in 1954 as well. Christian Dior launched more highly successful fashion lines between the years of 1954 and 1957.[11] However, none came as close to the profound effect of the New Look.[11] Dior opened the Grande Boutique on the corner between Avenue Montaigne and Rue François Ier in 1955.[6] The first Dior lipstick was also released in 1955.[6] 100,000 garments had been sold by the time of the company’s 10th anniversary in 1956.[11] Actress Ava Gardner had 14 dresses created for her in 1956 by Christian Dior for the Mark Robson film The Little Hut.

    Christian Dior appeared on the cover of TIME dated 4 March 1957. The designer soon afterwards died from a third heart attack on 24 October 1957.[6][11] The captivating impact of Dior’s creative fashion genius earned him recognition as one of history’s greatest fashion figures.[11] Kevin Almond for Contemporary Fashion wrote that «by the time Dior died his name had become synonymous with taste and luxury.»[11]

    Dior without Christian Dior: 1957 through the 1970s[edit]

    The death of the head designer left the House of Dior in chaos, and general manager Jacques Rouët considered shutting down operation worldwide. This possibility was not received graciously by Dior licensees and the French fashion industry; the Maison Dior was too important to the financial stability of the industry to allow such an action. To bring the label back on its feet, Rouët promoted the 21-year-old Yves Saint-Laurent to Artistic Director the same year.[11] Laurent had joined the House’s family in 1955 after being personally picked out by the original designer for the position of the first ever and only Head Assistant.[6][11] Laurent initially proved to have been the most appropriate choice after the debut of his first collection for Dior (the mention of Dior from this moment on refers to the company) in 1958.[11] The clothes were as meticulously made and perfectly proportioned as Dior’s in the same exquisite fabrics, but their young designer made them softer, lighter and easier to wear. Saint Laurent was hailed as a national hero. Emboldened by his success, his designs became more daring, culminating in the 1960 Beat Look inspired by the existentialists in the Saint-Germain des Près cafés and jazz clubs. His 1960 bohemian look was harshly criticized, and even more in Women’s Wear Daily.[11] Marcel Boussac was furious, and in the spring, when Saint Laurent was forced to leave the house of Dior, having been called up to join the French army, the Dior management raised no objection. Saint-Laurent left after the completion of six Dior collections.[6]

    Christian Dior Haute Couture suit designed by Marc Bohan, spring/summer 1973.
    Adnan Ege Kutay Collection

    Laurent was replaced at Dior by designer Marc Bohan in late 1960. Bohan instilled his conservative style on the collections. He was credited by Rebecca Arnold as the man who kept the Dior label «at the forefront of fashion while still producing wearable, elegant clothes,» and Women’s Wear Daily, not surprisingly, claimed that he «rescued the firm.»[11] Bohan’s designs were very well esteemed by prominent social figures. Actress Elizabeth Taylor ordered twelve Dior dresses from Bohan’s Spring-Summer 1961 collection featuring the «Slim Look». The Dior perfume «Diorling» was released in 1963 and the men’s fragrance «Eau Sauvage» was released in 1966.[6] Bohan’s assistant Philippe Guibourgé launches the first French ready-to-wear collection «Miss Dior» in 1967. This is not to be confused with the already existing New York Ready-to-Wear store established in 1948. Designed by Bohan, «Baby Dior» opens its first boutique in 1967 at 28 Avenue Montaigne. The Christian Dior Coordinated Knit line is released in 1968 and management of the Fashion Furs Department of Christian Dior is taken by Frédéric Castet.[6] This year as well, Dior Parfums was sold to Moët-Hennessy (which would itself become LVMH) due to Boussac’s ailing textile company (the still-owner of Dior).[6][11] This, however, had no effect on the House of Dior operations, and so the Christian Dior Cosmetics business was born in 1969 with the creation of an exclusive line.

    Following this, Bohan launched the first Christian Dior Homme clothing line in 1970. A new Dior boutique at Parly II was decorated by Gae Aulenti and the «Diorella» perfume was released in 1972. Christian Dior Ready-to-Wear Fur Collection was created in France in 1973, and then manufactured under license in the United States, Canada, and Japan.[6] The first Dior watch «Black Moon» was released in 1975 in collaboration with licensee Benedom. Dior haute-couture graced the bodies of Princess Grace of Monaco, Nicaraguan First Lady Hope Portocarrero, Princess Alexandra of Yugoslavia, and Lady Pamela Hicks (Lord Mountbatten of Burma’s younger daughter) for the wedding of The Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. In 1978, the Boussac Group filed for bankruptcy and so its assets (including those of Christian Dior) were purchased by the Willot Group under the permission of the Paris Trade Court.[6] The perfume «Dioressence» was released in 1979.[6]

    Arrival of businessman Arnault[edit]

    A simple Dior Haute Couture evening gown designed by Marc Bohan, from the Spring 1983 collection

    In 1980, Dior released the men’s fragrance «Jules».[6] After the Willot Group went into bankruptcy in 1981, Bernard Arnault and his investment group purchased it for «one symbolic franc» in December 1984.[6][11] The Dior perfume «Poison» was launched in 1985. That same year, Arnault became chairman, chief executive officer, and managing director of the company.[6] On assuming leadership, Arnault did away with the company’s mediocre textile operations, to focus on the Bon Marché department store and Christian Dior Couture. Operations for Christian Dior drastically changed for the better under Arnault. He repositioned it as the holding company Christian Dior S.A. of the Dior Couture fashion business.[11] On the 40th anniversary of Dior’s first collection, the Paris Fashion Museum dedicated an exhibition to Christian Dior.[6] In 1988, Arnault’s Christian Dior S.A.’s took a 32% equity stake into the share capital of Moët-Hennessy • Louis Vuitton through its subsidiary Jacques Rober, creating what would become one of the leading and most influential luxury goods companies in the world. Under this milestone merger, the operations of Christian Dior Couture and Christian Dior Parfums were once again united. Italian-born Gianfranco Ferré replaced Bohan as head designer in 1989.[11] The first such non-Frenchman, Ferré left behind traditional Dior associations of flirtation and romance, and introduced concepts and a style described as «refined, sober and strict.»[11] Ferré headed design for Haute Couture, Haute Fourrure, Women’s Ready-to-Wear, Ready-to-Wear Furs and Women’s Accessories collections. His first collection was awarded the Dé d’Or in 1989.[6] That year, a boutique was opened in Hawaii and the LVMH stake by Jacques Rober rose to 44%.[6]

    Further Dior boutiques were opened in 1990 in upscale New York City, Los Angeles, and Tokyo shopping districts. The stake in LVMH rose again, to 46%.[6] Another collection of watches named «Bagheera» – inspired by the round design of the «Black Moon» watches – was also released in 1990. Having fired the company’s managing executive Beatrice Bongbault in December 1990, Arnault took up that position until September 1991, when he placed former Bon Marché president Phillipe Vindry at the post.[11] In 1991, Christian Dior was listed on the spot market and then on the Paris Stock Exchange’s monthly settlement market, and the perfume «Dune» was launched.[6] Vindry dropped ready-to-wear prices by 10%. Still, a wool suit from Dior would come with a price label of USD 1,500.[11] 1990 revenue for Dior was USD 129.3 million, with a net income of $22 million.[11] Dior was now reorganized into three categories: 1) women’s ready-to-wear, lingerie, and children’s wear 2) accessories and jewelry 3) menswear. Licensees and franchised boutiques were starting to be reduced, to increase the company’s control over brand product. Licensing was in fact reduced by nearly half because Arnault and Vindry opted «for quality and exclusivity over quantity and accessibility.»[11] Wholly company-owned boutiques now opened in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Cannes, and Waikiki, adding to its core stores located in New York City, Hawaii, Paris and Geneva. This held a potential to increase direct sales and profit margins while maintaining high-profile locations.»[11] In 1992, Dior Homme was placed under the artistic direction of Patrick Lavoix, and the «Miss Dior» perfume was relaunched.[6] Francois Baufume succeeded Vindry in 1993 and continued to reduce licenses of the Dior name.[11]

    Leather gloves by Christian Dior

    The production of Dior Haute Couture was spun off into a subsidiary named Christian Dior Couture in 1995.[6] Also, the «La Parisienne» watch model was released – embodied in the watch «Parisian Chic». By that year, revenue for the label rose to USD 177 million, with a net income of USD 26.9 million.[11] Under the influence of Anna Wintour, editor and chief of Vogue, CEO Arnault appointed British designer John Galliano to replace Gianfranco Ferré in 1997 (Galliano on CBS News: «without Anna Wintour I would certainly not be at the house of Dior»).[6][31] This choice of a British designer, once again instead of a French one, is said to have «ruffled some French feathers». Arnault himself stated that he «would have preferred a Frenchman», but that «talent has no nationality».[11] He even compared Galliano to Christian Dior himself, noting that «Galliano has a creative talent very close to that of Christian Dior. He has the same extraordinary mixture of romanticism, feminism, and modernity that symbolised Monsieur Dior. In all of his creations – his suits, his dresses – one finds similarities to the Dior style.»[11] Galliano sparked further interest in Dior with somewhat controversial fashion shows, such as «Homeless Show» (models dressed in newspapers and paper bags) or «S&M Show».[11] Meanwhile, Dior licenses were being reduced further by new president and CEO Sidney Toledano.[11] On 15 October 1997, the Dior headquarters store on Avenue Montaigne was reopened –it had been closed and remodeled by Peter Marino – in a celebrity-studded event including Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore and Jacques Chirac. That year, Christian Dior Couture also took over all thirteen boutique franchises from Japan’s Kanebo.[6]

    In May 1998, another Dior boutique was opened in Paris. This time the store opened its doors on the Left Bank, Place Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Also this year, Victoire de Castellane became lead designer of Dior Fine Jewellery and the first Dior Fine Jewellery boutique opened in New York City. Paris itself would witness the opening of the first Parisian Dior Fine Jewellery boutique the following year, at 28 Avenue Montaigne.[6] The perfume «J’adore» was released in 1999,[6] and on 5 October 1999, Galliano released the Dior Spring-Summer 2000 ready-to-wear fashion show, debuting the new Saddle bag. In the same year, Dior’s long watch partner Benedom joined the LVMH group. In 2000, Galliano’s leadership was extended to Ready to wear, accessories, advertising and communications. The first campaign under his leadership was photographed by Nick Knight and featured two women simulating intercourse.

    While other brands in the late 1990s, notably Gucci,[32] had resorted to porn chic as a mean to draw attention, Dior ads had such an impact that porn chic became a trend in most fashion ads. Galliano ignited the escalation of porno chic advertisements, which culminated with Ungaro’s zoophilic ads,[33] shot by Mario Sorrenti, and Gucci’s ads, which featured a model with pubic hair shaped like the signature Gucci logo. As a matter of fact, it is considered that Galliano had revolutionized Dior more through his advertising campaigns than through his designs.[34][35]

    On 17 July 2000, Dior Homme lead designer Patrick Lavoix was replaced by Hedi Slimane. Notable Dior releases that year were watches such as the distinctive «Malice», which features bracelets made of «CD» links, as well as the «Riva». Hedi left Dior Homme in 2007 and replaced by Kris Van Assche.

    21st century[edit]

    In 2001, the Dior Homme boutique on 30 Avenue Montaigne reopened with a new «contemporary masculine concept» instilled by its designer Hedi Slimane. Slimane used this concept in the creation of his first Dior Homme collection.[6] Soon, Dior Homme gained prominent male clientele including Brad Pitt and Mick Jagger.[11]

    John Galliano then began to release his own Dior watches in 2001, beginning with the «Chris 47 Aluminum» line, marking a new era in Dior watch design. Next, the «Malice» and «Riva» watches were redesigned with precious stones to create the «Malice Sparkling» and «Riva Sparkling» spin-off collections. Inspired by the Spring-Summer 2002 Ready-to-Wear collection, Dior released the «Dior 66» watch, breaking many feminine traditional expectations in design.

    The Dior flagship boutique in the upscale Ginza shopping district of Tokyo. First opened in 2004.

    The men’s fragrance «Higher» was released in 2001, followed by the perfume «Addict» in 2002. The company then opened Milan’s first Dior Homme boutique on 20 February 2002. By 2002, 130 locations were in full operation.[11] On 3 June 2002, Slimane was presented with the «International Designer of the Year» award by the CFDA. Until 2002, Kanebo was the Christian Dior ready-to-wear license holder in Japan and, when the license expired, Christian Dior was able to profitable directly sell its ready-to-wear and accessories in its own boutiques.[36] The «Chris 47 Steel» watch was released in 2003 as a cousin of the original «Chris 47 Aluminum». Bernard Arnault, Hélène Mercier-Arnault, and Sidney Toledano witnessed the opening of the Dior flagship boutique in the Omotesandō district of Tokyo on 7 December 2003. The second Dior flagship store was opened in the upscale Ginza shopping district of Tokyo in 2004.[6] An exclusive Dior Homme boutique was opened also that year in Paris on Rue Royale, and it presented the entire Dior Homme collection. A second Dior Fine Jewelry boutique in Paris was opened at 8 Place Vendôme.[6] A Christian Dior boutique was opened in Moscow after the company took control of licensed operations of its Moscow agent.[6]

    The designer of Dior Fine Jewelry Victoire de Castellane launched her own watch named «Le D de Dior» (French: «The D of Dior»). signifying the entrance of Dior watches into its collection of fine Jewelry. This watch was designed for women but made use of many design features which are typically thought of as masculine. Slimane next released a watch for the Dior Homme collection called «Chiffre Rouge.» This special watch included the signature look of Dior Homme: «Watch design and technology match each other inseparably, to create the perfect expression of Dior Homme’s artistic excellence and to increase the watchmaking legitimacy of Dior timepieces.» De Castellane then launched her second line of watches called «La Baby de Dior». The design for this line was meant to be more feminine with more of a «jewelry look.»

    The «Miss Dior Chérie» perfume and the «Dior Homme» fragrance were released in 2005.[6] Galliano released his «Dior Christal» watches in which he combined steel and blue sapphires to create a «creative and innovative collection.» Christian Dior S.A. then celebrated the 13th anniversary of Dior Watches in 2005, and, in April of that year, its «Chiffre Rouge» collection was recognized by the World Watches and Jewelry Show in Basel, Switzerland. Also in the year, the fashion house also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birthday of designer Christian Dior.[6] An exhibition, «Christian Dior: Man of the Century,» was held in the Dior Museum in Granville, Normandy.

    In 2006, the Dior watch booth was dedicated to the Dior Canework. This pattern was made by designer Christian Dior and based on the Napoleon III chairs used in his fashion shows.

    In 2007, Kris Van Assche was appointed as the new artistic director of Dior Homme. Van Assche presented his first collection later that year.[6] The 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Maison Dior was officially celebrated in 2007 as well.[6]

    By February 2011, the House of Dior was in scandal after accusations of John Galliano making anti-Semitic remarks made international headlines: the company found itself in a «public relations nightmare.»[37] Galliano was fired in March and the scheduled presentation of his Fall-Winter 2011/2012 ready-to-wear collection went ahead without him, amid the controversy, on 4 March.[38] Before the start of the show, chief executive Sydney Toledano gave a sentimental speech on the values of Christian Dior and alluded to the family’s ties to The Holocaust.[39] The show closed with the staff of the atelier coming out to accept applause in the absence of their artistic director. (The previous January 2011 presentation of Spring-Summer 2011 haute-couture was the last appearance of Galliano on the Dior runway.) The company went on ahead and appointed Bill Gaytten as head designer interim in absence of artistic director.[40] Gaytten had worked under Galliano for Dior and for the John Galliano label. The first haute-couture collection (for the Fall-Winter 2011 season) under Gaytten’s management was presented in July and was received with mainly negative reviews.[41][42] Meanwhile, speculation remained for months as it was unknown who would be selected to replace Galliano. During its 13-month period of having no artistic director, Dior began undergoing subtle changes in its designs as the influence of the theatrical and flamboyant Galliano faded. The all-new resigned dior.com was launched in late 2011.

    There is a subtext to this New New Look that goes beyond respect for the house’s esteemed founder. In one fell swoop, John Galliano has been all but removed from the Dior history books. By making a visual connection between his era and that of Christian Dior himself, Raf Simons has redrawn the line of succession. The unimpeachable codes of Dior are illustrated for a new generation; the bias-cut dresses and Kabuki styling of Galliano downgraded to a footnote.

    —Critic surmising the meaning of Simons’ premier collection for Dior[43]

    On 23 January 2012, Gaytten presented his second haute-couture collection (for the Spring-Summer 2012 season) for Dior and it was much better received than his first collection.[44]

    Belgian designer Raf Simons was announced, on 11 April 2012, as the new artistic director of Christian Dior. Simons was known for his minimalist designs,[43] and this contrasted against the dramatic previous designs of Dior under Galliano. Furthermore, Simons was seen to have emerged as a «dark horse» amid the names of other designers who were considered high contenders.[37] To emphasize the appropriate choice of Simons as the right designer, the company ostentatiously made comparisons between Simons and the original designer Christian Dior.[45] Reportedly, Bernard Arnault and fellow executives at Dior and LVMH were keen to move Dior from the Galliano years.[37] Simons spent much time in the Dior archives[46] and familiarizing himself with haute-couture (as he had no previous background in that niche of fashion).[37] Simons was then scheduled to debut his designs in July. Meanwhile, Gaytten’s Spring-Summer 2012 haute-couture collection was presented as the first Dior haute-couture show ever to be held in China on 14 April in Shanghai;[47] and it was a mark of the company’s devotion to its presence in the Chinese market.

    The show was the last presentation by Gaytten for Dior, and he remained as head designer for the John Galliano label.[48]

    On 3 May, the Dior: Secret Garden — Versailles promotional film was launched.[49] It was highly buzzed about throughout various industry and social media sources as it was a display of Dior through its transition. Simons presented his first-ever collection for the company — the Fall-Winter 2012 haute-couture collection — on 2 July. A major highlight of the fall-winter 2012 haute-couture shows,[37][46][50] the collection was called by the company as «the new couture» and made reference to the start of a new Dior through the work of Simons «wiping the [haute couture] slate clean and starting again from scratch.»[51] The designer’s collection «made more references to Mr. Dior than to the house of Dior»[43] with pieces harkening back to themes Dior’s post-World War II designs introduced to fashion.[37] Simons, who rarely makes himself available for interviews, gave an interview published by the company through its Dior Mag online feature.[52] While previous runway presentations under Galliano were held at the Musée Rodin, Simons’ show was held at a private residence, near the Arc de Triomphe, with the address only disclosed to select top-clients, celebrities, journalists, and other personnel exclusively invited in a discreet affair.[53] High-profile figures in attendance included designers Azzedine Alaïa,[37][46] Pierre Cardin,[37][54] Alber Elbaz (Lanvin designer),[37][43][46] Diane von Fürstenberg,[37][43][54] Marc Jacobs,[37][43][54] Christopher Kane,[37][43] Olivier Theyskens,[46] Riccardo Tisci,[37][54] Donatella Versace;[37][43][46][54] and Princess Charlene of Monaco,[37] actresses Marion Cotillard,[37] Mélanie Laurent,[37] Jennifer Lawrence,[37] Sharon Stone; film producer Harvey Weinstein;[46] and Dior chairman Arnault with his daughter.[37] Live satellite feed of the show was provided on DiorMag online and Twitter was also implemented for real time communication.[53] By then, it was also known that the company had purchased the Parisian embroidery firm Maison Vermont sometime earlier in 2012.[43]

    In March 2015 it was announced that Barbadian singer, actress and businesswoman Rihanna was chosen as the official spokeswoman for Dior; this makes her the first black woman to take the spokeswoman position at Dior.[55] In 2015, Israeli model Sofia Mechetner was chosen to be the new face of Dior.[56]

    In 2016, Maria Grazia Chiuri was named the women’s artistic director for Dior.[57]

    In April 2016 a new Dior flagship boutique opened in San Francisco, with a party hosted by Jaime King.[58]

    In 2017, Dior renovated and expanded its Madrid store. The brand celebrated the opening of the new boutique in a masked ball attended by a number of Spanish celebrities like Alejandro Gómez Palomo.[59]

    In March 2018, Kim Jones was named the men’s artistic director for the house.[60] Under his management Dior has made several high profile streetwear collaborations. Jones first show for Dior featured American artist and designer Brian Donnelly, a.k.a. KAWS. Thereafter followed collaborations with Raymond Pettibon, 1017 ALYX 9SM, Yoon Ahn, Hajime Sorayama, Daniel Arsham, Sacai and most recently Shawn Stussy, creator of the legendary streetwear brand Stüssy.[61]

    In October 2019, Dior apologized to China for using a map of China that excluded Taiwan.[62]

    On 11 March 2022, 30 Avenue Montaigne has once again opened its doors to the public.[63] The property was closed for two years for a major renovation led by architect Peter Marino.[63] Historically, 30 Avenue Montaigne is the place where Christian Dior showcased his first collection.[63]

    In January 2023, it was announced Delphine Arnault would assume the role of chairperson and CEO, beginning in February.[64]

    Celebrity ambassadors[edit]

    Dior has created strong partnerships with Hollywood celebrities and social media influencers, working closely with these individuals to reach more demographics and re-establish its identity as a new, modern brand, despite the fact that it has been around for a while.[65] This has allowed the brand to portray a more populist image and attract a wider audience.[66] The brand has worked with and dressed contemporary style icons like Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyong’o, who may resonate with millennials.[67] Dior has effectively implemented social media into their marketing communication strategy, in which images and videos from campaigns are shared on both the official Dior profile, and on the celebrity ambassadors’ social media pages.

    An example of this success is seen in the Secret Garden campaign featuring Rihanna.[68] In this campaign, Rihanna is seen dancing to a song from her album (Only If For a Night) through a hall of mirrors.[69] By being associated with Rihanna’s song, the company created a sense of association with her brand, which was beneficial to the company as she was ranked as the most marketable celebrity in 2016.[70] Despite the reach not being completely suitable to the Dior target audience, collaborating with the likes of Rihanna allowed the company to engage with more of the market, as Rihanna’s social media following is four times larger than that of the fashion house.[66]

    Below are some of the celebrity ambassadors who have fronted Dior campaigns:

    • Isabelle Adjani: Poison perfume (1985–1990s)[71]
    • Carla Bruni: Lady Dior handbag (1996)[72]
    • Milla Jovovich: Hypnotic Poison perfume (1999–2000)[73]
    • Charlize Theron: J’Adore Dior perfume (2004–present)
    • Sharon Stone: Capture skincare (2005–present)[74]
    • Monica Bellucci: Dior cosmetics (2006–2010),[75][76] Lady Dior handbag (2006–2007), Hypnotic Poison perfume (2009–2010)[77]
    • Eva Green: Midnight Poison (2007–2008)[78]
    • Marion Cotillard: Lady Dior handbag (2008–2017),[79][80] Miss Dior handbag (2011)[81]
    • Jude Law: Dior Homme fragrance (2008–2012)[82]
    • Natalie Portman: Miss Dior fragrance, Dior cosmetics (2010–present)[83][84]
    • Mélanie Laurent: Hypnotic Poison perfume (2011–present)[85]
    • Mila Kunis: Miss Dior handbag (2012)[86]
    • Jennifer Lawrence: Miss Dior handbag (2012–present),[87] Joy by Dior fragrance (2018–present)[88]
    • Robert Pattinson: Dior Homme fragrance (2013–present)[89]
    • Rihanna: Diorama bag, J’adore Dior perfume, Dior sunglasses (2015–present)[90][91]
    • Johnny Depp: Dior Sauvage fragrance (2015–present)[92]
    • Angelababy: DiorAmour collection (2017–present)[93]
    • Cara Delevingne: DIOR Addict Stellar Shine Lipstick. BE DIOR. BE PINK. (2019)[94][95]
    • Kim Jisoo: Dior Global Fashion Muse (2020–present); Dior Global Ambassador for Fashion and Beauty (2021–present)[96]
    • Yara Shahidi: Dior Global Brand Ambassador (2021–present); Face of Dior for Fashion and Cosmetics (2021–present)[97][98]
    • Oh Se-hun: Face of Dior for Fashion (2021–present)[99][better source needed]
    • Kylian Mbappé: brand ambassador of the men’s collection including Sauvage fragrance[100]
    • Cha Eun-woo: Dior Beauty Global ambassador for Dior Capture Totale the new Serum (2023–present) [101][102]
    • Park Jimin: Dior Global Ambassador (2023–present)[103]

    Fashion shows[edit]

    Fashion show Date Models in order of appearance Soundtrack Theme Creative director
    Spring 2020 Ready-to-Wear 20 January 2020 Maria Grazia Chiuri
    Pre-Fall 2020 11 December 2019
    Spring 2017 Ready-to-Wear 30 September 2016
    Resort 2017 31 May 2016 Serge Ruffieux & Lucie Meier
    Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear 4 March 2016
    Spring 2003 Couture 19 January 2003 John Galliano
    Spring 2001 Ready-to-Wear
    Fall 2000 Couture 28 July 2000
    Fall 2000 Ready-to-Wear 28 February 2000
    Spring 2000 Ready-to-Wear
    Fall 1999 Couture 19 July 1999
    Spring 1998 Couture

    Financial data[edit]

    Financial data in € millions[104]

    Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
    Revenue 29.881 30.984 35.081 37.968 43.666
    Net Income 3.926 3.883 6.165 4.164 5.753
    Assets 55.555 61.161 60.030 62.904 72.762
    Employees 2535 2780 3033 3100 3800



    In 2000, Galliano’s collection inspired by homeless people drew criticism, but also attention, to the house of Dior.[105]


    In early 2011, scandal arose when John Galliano was accused of making anti-semitic comments after drinking in Paris. Footage was released of the designer under the influence of alcohol saying «I love Hitler» and «People like you would be dead today. Your mothers, your forefathers would be fucking gassed and dead» to a non-Jewish woman.[106] In France, it is against the law to make anti-semitic remarks, and is punishable by up to six months in prison.[106] On 1 March 2011, Christian Dior officially announced that it had fired Galliano amidst the controversy.[107]

    Plagiarism and cultural appropriation controversies[edit]


    In 2017, Dior was accused of cultural appropriation by directly plagiarizing a Bihor coat, a traditional Romanian vest, by using the same colour and patterns in its pre-fall collection; Dior had presented it as their original designs without giving any credit to the people of Bihor nor crediting the Romanian people as source of inspiration.[108][109] As a result, Romanian people were outraged and to fight against this cultural appropriation, a compaign was launched by Romanian fashion magazine Beau Monde who then recruited native craftsmen and fashion designers from Bihor to create a new line of fashion.[108] The cover of the Beau Monde magazine read:[109]

    Don’t let traditions go out of stock. Support the fashion from Bihor and buy authentic creations from Bihorcouture.com

    — Beau Monde

    Thus, the online platform named Bihor Couture was launched; Bihor Couture also publicly shamed Dior for «theft» and sold original artisan-made versions of the traditional Romanian vest.[108]


    In April 2022, Dior released a new midi-skirt in Seoul, Dior’s art director Maria Grazia Chiuri described the 2022 Fall collection design was inspired by school uniform (including pleated skirts), also in honour of Catherine Dior.[110] This new skirt was plain black wrap-around skirt which was made of two panels of fabric which was sewn to the waistband of the skirt; it featured four flat panels with no pleats (one at each side of each panel of fabric) and pleats; it was constructed in an overlapping fashion such that there was two overlapping flat surface at the back and front and side pleats when worn.[111][110] On its official website page, this skirt was described as «a hallmark Dior silhouette, the mid-length skirt is updated with a new elegant and modern variation […]».[112]

    Three month later, this skirt was noticed by some Hanfu enthusiasts, who criticized it as being created by copying the mamianqun design.[113] They also indicated that this skirt have the exact same cut and construction as the mamianqun with only its length being the difference from the orthodox-style and historical mamianqun of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644 AD).[110][114] It was, however, noted by Chinese netizens that the 21st modified, modern version of the mamianqun, also included midi-mamianqun, had been designed in the past years by Chinese Hanfu designers.[115][114]

    Dior decided to stop this sale in Mainland China to avoid controversy. On July 23, about 50 Chinese overseas students in Paris, France, made a protest in front of a Dior flagship store at the Champs-Élysée,[116][117] they used the slogan «Dior, Stop Cultural Appropriation» and «This is a traditional Chinese dress» written with a mixture of French and English;[118] they also called for other overseas students from the United Kingdom and the United States for relay, the Communist Youth League of China also expressed support for this protest.[119] There are also more than 10 Chinese democratic activists lifted banners writing «Skirt Rights Is Bigger Than Human Rights» etc. for anti-ptotest. And both sides started a conflict with each other. Chinese news media initially have no mention for anti-protest but focused on cultural embezzling accuse.[120] Chinese network also spread a theory that the democracy activists were composed by Taiwanese.[121]

    Some French news media commented this was largely due to Dior does not describe its origin for sale with transparency, most criticize views argued that Dior did not respect to Chinese traditions.[122] According to the Journal du Luxe, a French news media, the adoption of the mamianqun cut and construction design by Dior was not the main issue of the debate and critics but rather on the absence of transparency surrounding the origins of the inspirations behind the skirt design.[122] Some Chinese netizens also criticized Dior on Weibo with comments, such as «Was Dior inspired by Taobao?»[123] while another Instagram user commented on the official Dior account:[122]

    «Les références culturelles à notre pays [Chine] sont plus que bienvenues mais cela ne signifie pas pour autant que vous pouvez détourner notre culture et nier le fait que cette jupe est chinoise!»
    [transl. »Taking cultural references from our country [China] is more than welcomed; however, this does not meaning that you can appropriate our culture and deny the fact that this skirt is Chinese!»].

    — Instagram user, in Journal du Luxe

    Dior was accused of cultural appropriation for a second time in July 2022 for due to its usage of pattern print which looks like the huaniaotu (Chinese: 花鸟图; lit. ‘bird-and-flower painting’) into its 2022 autumn and winter ready-to-wear collection having introduced it as being Dior’s signature motif Jardin d’Hiver, which was inspired by Christian Dior’s wall murals;[124] the huaniaotu is a traditional Chinese painting theme which belong to the Chinese scholar-artist style in Chinese painting and originated in the Tang dynasty.[125]

    Ownership and shareholdings[edit]

    At the end of 2010, the only declared major shareholder in Christian Dior S.A. was Groupe Arnault SAS, the family holding company of Bernard Arnault. The group’s control amounted to 69.96% of Dior’s stock and 82.86% of its voting rights.[126] The remaining shares are considered free float.[126]

    Christian Dior S.A. held 42.36% of the shares of LVMH and 59.01% of its voting rights at the end of 2010. Arnault held an additional 5.28% of shares and 4.65% of votes directly.[7]

    Creative directors[edit]

    • Christian Dior – 1946–1957
    • Yves Saint Laurent – 1957–1960
    • Marc Bohan – 1960–1989
    • Gianfranco Ferré – 1989–1997
    • John Galliano – 1997–2011
    • Bill Gaytten – 2011–2012
    • Raf Simons – 2012–2015
    • Serge Ruffieux & Lucie Meier 2015–2016
    • Maria Grazia Chiuri (women’s) – 2016–present
    • Hedi Slimane (men’s) – 2000–2007
    • Kris Van Assche (men’s) – 2007–2018
    • Kim Jones (men’s) – 2018–present

    Retail locations[edit]

    The company operates a total of 210 locations as of September 2010[citation needed]:

    • Asia: 109
    • Africa: 1 (Casablanca, Morocco)
    • Caribbean: 1 (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
    • Europe: 45
    • Central America (Panama): 1
    • Middle East: 8
    • North America (Canada, Mexico, and the United States): 48
    • Oceania: 6
    • South America (Brazil, Argentina): 4

    See also[edit]


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    114. ^ a b Yuanyuan, Zhao (19 July 2022). «Dior accused of appropriating Chinese culture with $3,800 skirt». SupChina. Retrieved 3 August 2022.
    115. ^ Koetse, Manya. «Mamianqun Gate: Dior Accused of Cultural Appropriation for Copying Design of Traditional Chinese Skirt». Retrieved 3 August 2022.
    116. ^ «留法中国学生抗议迪奥»文化挪用»«. Deutsch Welle (in Chinese (China)). 24 July 2022.
    117. ^ 曾婷瑄 (23 July 2022). «巴黎中國留學生抗議Dior抄襲 反示威者:裙子比人權重要?». CNA (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Paris.
    118. ^ Oscar Holland. «Dior accused of ‘culturally appropriating’ centuries-old Chinese skirt». CNN. Retrieved 3 August 2022.
    119. ^ Shamuratov, J; Alimbaev, M (30 May 2022). «The significance of technology in teaching l2». Ренессанс в парадигме новаций образования и технологий в XXI веке (1): 214–216. doi:10.47689/innovations-in-edu-vol-iss1-pp214-216. ISSN 2277-3010. S2CID 249361979.
    120. ^ «중국인 유학생이 파리 ‘디올’ 매장 앞에서 시위하는 이유는?». 서울신문 (in Korean). 25 July 2022.
    121. ^ 汉良 (24 July 2022). «巴黎中国留学生抗议迪奥抄袭 反示威者讽刺:裙子比人权重要?». 马来西亚诗华日报新闻网 (in Chinese).
    122. ^ a b c «Dior : une polémique entre appropriation et transparence culturelle». journalduluxe.fr (in French). 21 July 2022.
    123. ^ «$3,800 Dior Skirt Accused of Appropriating Chinese Culture». www.vice.com. Retrieved 3 August 2022.
    124. ^ Looi, Sylvia (4 August 2022). «In less than a month, French fashion brand Dior accused of cultural appropriation again». Malay Mail. Retrieved 4 August 2022.
    125. ^ «Flower-and-Bird Paintings». en.chinaculture.org. Retrieved 4 August 2022.
    126. ^ a b «Annual Report 2010» (PDF). Christian Dior. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 October 2011. Retrieved 29 May 2011. Shareholdings p. 33; employees p. 57; financials pp. 100–102.

    Further reading[edit]

    • Jackson, Lesley. The New Look: Design in the Fifties. London: Thames & Hudson, 1991. ISBN 0-500-27644-7.

    External links[edit]

    • Official website
    • Dior – brand and company profile at Fashion Model Directory
    • Christian Dior at Chicago History Museum Digital Collections Archived 15 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine
    • «Interactive timeline of couture houses and couturier biographies». Victoria and Albert Museum. 29 July 2015.
    • Christian Dior, exhibition catalog fully online as PDF from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
    • 1

















      Днор, Дэор


      Dictionary of names translation of ‘Lord of the Rings Tolkien > Dior

    • 2

      (proper name), Dior + darling

      рекл. духи фирмы «Диор»

      Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Dior-ling

    • 3
      Christian Dior

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Christian Dior

    • 4
      Christian Dior

      Новый англо-русский словарь > Christian Dior

    • 5
      Christian Dior

      English-Russian media dictionary > Christian Dior

    • 6
      John Galliano

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > John Galliano

    • 7

      English-Russian perfume dictionary > Hedione

    • 8

      1. n христианин; христианка

      2. n прост. крещёный, человек

      3. n примерный христианин, христианская душа; порядочный человек

      Christian era — христианская эра, христианское летосчисление

      4. a христианский

      5. a подобающий христианину

      he behaved in a Christian way to all, even his enemies — он ко всем относился по-христиански, даже к своим врагам

      6. n Кристиан

      7. n ист. Христиан

      Синонимический ряд:

      1. Decorous (adj.) Au fait; Becoming; Befitting; Civilized; Comely; Conforming; Correct; De rigueur; Decent; Decorous; Done; Nice; Proper; Respectable; Right; Seemly

      2. religious (adj.) believing; catholic; evangelical; faithful; gentile; orthodox; pietistic; religious; scriptural

      3. Nazarene (noun) baptist; catholic; convert; faithful; gentile; methodist; Nazarene; professor; true believer

      English-Russian base dictionary > Christian

    См. также в других словарях:

    • DIOR (C.) — DIOR CHRISTIAN (1905 1957) Christian Dior a apporté à la mode le new look, qui a marqué la période de l’après guerre. D’un caractère discret, introverti, Christian Dior, le couturier sans doute le plus célèbre du XXe siècle, connaît de 1947 à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Dior — ist der Familienname oder Künstlername folgender Personen: Adel Dior, Pseudonym von Adel Hafsi (* 1971), Techno Musikproduzent Christian Dior (1905–1957), französischer Modeschöpfer und Unternehmer Christian Dior (Unternehmen), französischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • Dior — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Dior puede referirse a: Christian Dior, un diseñador de moda francés; Christian Dior, S.A., la empresa fundada por el diseñador anterior y gestora actual de la marca; Dior Eluchíl, personaje de ficción del …   Wikipedia Español

    • Dior — n. m. PEDOL Sol ferrugineux non lessivé de la zone sahélienne, favorable à la culture de l arachide et du petit mil. Dior (Christian) (1905 1957) couturier français …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • Dior —   [di̯ɔːr], Christian, französischer Modeschöpfer, * Granville (Département Manche) 21. 1. 1905, ✝ Montecatini Terme 24. 10. 1957; begann 1928 als Kunsthändler, veröffentlichte im »Figaro« Modeskizzen; arbeitete seit 1938 als Modellist, seit 1947 …   Universal-Lexikon

    • Dior — (izg. diȏr), Christian (1905 1957) DEFINICIJA francuski modni kreator, posebno cijenjen u prvoj deceniji poslije 2. svjetskog rata …   Hrvatski jezični portal

    • Dior — Dior, Christian …   Enciclopedia Universal

    • Dior — [dē ôr′; ] Fr [ dē ō̂r′] 1905 57; Fr. couturier …   English World dictionary

    • Dior — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Dior est un nom porté notamment par : Christian Dior (1905 1957), couturier français fondateur de Christian Dior (entreprise). Françoise Dior (1932… …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Dior —    (Steward of Gondor)  / Dior    The ninth Ruling Steward of Gondor.    Dior s grandfather Hador was the last truly long lived of the Stewards, and ruled Gondor for one hundred and seventeen years. This meant that his son Barahir, and his… …   J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth glossary

    • Dior — n. family name; Christian Dior (1905 1957), French fashion designer …   English contemporary dictionary

    Европейская компания моды

    Christian Dior SE

    Dior Logo.svg
    Christian Dior, 30 Avenue Montaigne, Paris 2016.jpg Головной офис Christian Dior в Париже, Франция
    Тип Public (Societas Europaea )
    Торгуется как
    • Euronext Paris : CDI
    • Euronext 100 компонент
    Промышленность Предметы роскоши
    Основан 16 декабря 1946 года; 73 года назад (1946-12-16)
    Основатель Кристиан Диор
    Главный офис 30 Авеню Монтень. Париж, Франция
    Количество мест 210
    Обслуживаемая территория По всему миру
    Ключевые люди Бернар Арно (председатель). Сидни Толедано (вице-президент) -Председатель и генеральный директор). Мария Грация Кьюри (креативный директор). Ким Джонс (креативный директор)
    Продукты Одежда, косметика, модные аксессуары, украшения, духи, духи, часы, ви на
    Услуги Универмаги
    Выручка Увеличить € 53,67 миллиарда (2019)
    Операционная прибыль Увеличить 11,43 евро млрд (2019)
    Чистая прибыль Увеличить 2,93 млрд евро (2019)
    Общие активы Увеличить 93,83 млрд евро (2019)
    Общий капитал Уменьшить 35,71 млрд евро (2019)
    Число сотрудников 163 309 (2019)
    • Christian Dior Cosmetics
    • Dior Homme
    • Parfums Christian Dior
    Дочерние компании
    • Christian Dior Couture
    • LVMH (42,36%)
    Веб- сайт dior.com

    Christian Dior SE (французский: ), широко известный как Dior, французская компания по производству предметов роскоши, управляемая и управляемая французским бизнесменом Бернаром Арно, который также управет LVMH, крупнейшая в мире группа компаний по производству предметов роскоши. Сам Dior владеет 42,36% акций LVMH и 59,01% голосующих акций.

    Компания была основана в 1946 году французским модельером Кристианом Диором. В настоящее время она занимается дизайном и розничной продажей изделий из кожи, модных аксессуаров, обуви, ювелирных изделий, часов, парфюмерии, макияжа и ухода за кожей, сохраняя при этом свои традиции в качестве создателя высокой моды в. рамках подразделения Christian Dior Couture.. Пьетро Беккари является генеральным директором Christian Dior Couture с 2018 года.

    Лейбл Christian Dior по-прежнему предназначен в основном для женских товаров, хотя компания также управляет подразделением Dior Homme для мужчин и новорожденных Dior. этикетка для детской одежды. Продукты продаются во всех розничных магазинов по всему миру, а также в интернет-магазине.


    • 1 История
      • 1.1 Основание
      • 1.2 «Новый взгляд»
      • 1.3 Dior
      • 1.4 Расширение и смерть Dior
      • 1.5 Dior без Christian Dior: с 1957 по 1970-е гг.
      • 1.6 Прибытие бизнесмена Арно
      • 1.7 21 век
      • 1.8 Послы знаменитостей
    • 2 Показы мод
    • 3 Финансовые данные
    • 4 Критика
    • 5 Владение и пакеты акций
    • 6 Креативные директора
    • 7 Розничные магазины
    • 8 См. Также
    • 9 Ссылки
    • 10 Дополнительная литература
    • 11 Внешние ссылки



    Дом Dior была основана 16 декабря 1946 года в «частном доме» по адресу 30 авеню Монтень в Париже. Однако нынешняя корпорация Dior отмечает 1947 год как год открытия. Финансовую поддержку Dior оказывал богатый бизнесмен Марсель Буссак. Изначально Буссак пригласил Dior для создания дизайна для Philippe et Gaston, но Dior отказался, желая начать все сначала под своим именем, а не возродить старый бренд. Новый дом высокой моды частью «вертикально интегрированного текстильного бизнеса», которым уже управляет Boussac. Его капитал составлял 6 миллионов франков, а штат сотрудников — 80 человек. На самом деле компания была тщеславным проектом для Буссака и «основной дочерней компанией Boussac Saint-Freres SA». Тем не менее, Диору было разрешено необычное для того времени большое участие в его одноименном лейбле (юридическое руководство, неконтролирующий пакет акций фирмы, и одна третья прибыль вычета налогов), несмотря на репутацию Буссака «помешанного на контроле». Креативность Диора также обеспечила ему хорошую зарплату.

    «New Look»

    Костюм «Бар», 1947 год, выставлен в Москве, 2011

    12 февраля 1947 года Кристиан Диор представил свою первую модную коллекцию Весна — Лето 1947 года. Показ «90 моделей его первой коллекции на шести манекенах » был представлен в салонах штаб-квартира компании на авеню Монтень, 30. Первоначально две линии назывались Corolle и Huit. Однако новая коллекция вошла в истории моды как «New Look» в честь главного редактора журнала Harper’s Базар Кармел Сноу воскликнула: «Это такой новый образ!» New Look стал революционной эрой для женщин. п в конце 1940-х гг. Когда сборник представлен, главный редактор также выразил признательность, сказав: «Это настоящая революция, дорогой христианин!» Дебютной коллекции Кристиан Диор приписывают возрождение модной индустрии Франции. Вместе с тем New Look вернул во Францию ​​высокой моды, считающейся гламурной и молодой. «Мы были свидетелями революции в моде, а также революции в демонстрации моды». Этот силуэт характеризовался небольшой зауженной талией и широкой юбкой ниже середины икры, что подчеркивает бюст и бедра, как это олицетворяет костюм Бар из первой коллекции. В целом коллекция демонстрирует более стереотипно женственный дизайн в отличие от популярной моды военного времени с широкими юбками, узкой талией и мягкими плечами. Dior сохранил некоторые мужские аспекты, поскольку они продолжали популярность в начале 1940-х годов, но он также хотел включить более женственный стиль.

    New Look стал популярным, его силуэт с полной юбкой Повлиял на других модельеров. В 1950-е годы у Dior появилось множество видных клиентов из Голливуда, США и европейской аристократии. В результате Париж, утративший статус столицы мира моды после Второй мировой войны, вновь обрел свое превосходство. New Look приветствовал в Европе как освежающее противоядие от суровости военного времени и деминизирующей униформы, и была принята такими женщинами, как принцесса Маргарет в Великобритании. Согласно Гарольду Кода, Dior считает, что Чарльз Джеймс вдохновил The New Look. Дизайн Dior из «New Look» повлиял не только на дизайнеров 1950-х, но и на более поздних дизайнеров 2000-х, включая Тома Брауна, Миуччи Прада и Вивьен Вествуд. Вечерние платья Dior до сих пор порождаются дизайнерами, они были замечены различными подиумах свадебной тематики с использованием слоями ткани, построенными ниже тонкой талии (Jojo, 2011). Примеры включают в себя Ready-to-Wear осень / зима 2011 Вивьен Вествуд и Ready to Wear осень / зима 2011 Александра Маккуина (Jojo, 2011).

    Однако не всем понравился New Look. Некоторые считали количество материала расточительным, особенно после многих лет нормирования одежды. Феминистки, в частности, были возмущены, считая, что эти корсетные конструкции были ограничительными и регрессивными и что они лишали женщину независимости. Было несколько протестующих групп против дизайна, в том числе Лига сломленных мужей, состоящая из 30 000 человек. Его коллега-дизайнер Коко Шанель заметила: «Только мужчина, который никогда не был близок с женщиной, мог создать что-то настолько неудобное». Несмотря на такие протесты, New Look был очень влиятельным, продолжая влиять на работы других дизайнеров и в моде даже в 21 веке. К 60-летию New Look в 2007 году Джон Гальяно пересмотрел его в своей весенне-летней коллекции для Dior. Гальяно использовал осиную талию и округлые плечи, модернизированные и обновленные с отправками к оригами и другим японским влияниемм. В 2012 году Раф Симонс пересмотрел New Look для своей дебютной коллекции от кутюр для Dior, желая обновить свои идеи для 21 века в минималистской, но в то же время чувственной и сексуальной манере. Работы Саймонса для Dior сохранилище роскошные ткани и силуэт, но внушили уважение к женскому телу и свободу выражения. Процесс создания этой коллекции, которая была создана всего за восемь недель, задокументировано в Dior и I, где представлено использование Саймонсом технологий и модернистские интерпретации.


    Dior. Магазин в Нью-Йорке (2019)

    Имеющиеся ссылки противоречат сами себе, был ли Christian Dior Parfums создан в 1947 или 1948 году. Сама корпорация Dior указывает, что основание Christian Dior Parfums относится к 1947 году, с запуском своего первого аромата., Мисс Диор. Dior произвел революцию в парфюмерной индустрии, выпустил очень популярный парфюм Miss Dior, названный в честь Катрин Диор (сестры Кристиана Диора). Christian Dior Ltd владела 25%, менеджер парфюмерии Coty — 35%, а Буссак владел 40% парфюмерного бизнеса, управляемого Сержем Хефтлером Луишем. Пьер Карден был назначен главой мастерской Dior с 1947 по 1950 год В 1948 году в Нью-Йорке было основано отделение Christian Dior Parfums — это могло быть причиной проблемы с датой основания. Современная корпорация Dior также отмечает, что «в 1948 году в Нью-Йорке 5-й авеню и 57-й улицы основан роскошный дом готовой одежды». В 1949 году выпущен парфюм «Diorama», и к 1949 году только линия New Look принесла прибыль в размере 12,7 миллиона франков.

    Расширение и смерть Dior

    Евы Перон, первой леди Аргентины и одна из муз Диора, носит обычное вечернее платье в Teatro Colón, 1949 год.

    Выход из Франции начался к концу 1949 года с открытия бутика Christian Dior в Нью-Йорке. К концу года мода Dior составляет 75% модного экспорта Парижа и 5% общей экспортной выручки Франции.

    В 1949 году Дуглас Кокс из Мельбурна, Австралия, поехал в Париж, чтобы встретиться с Кристианом Диором. чтобы обсудить возможность производства изделий Dior для австралийского рынка. Кристиан Диор и Дуглас Кокс подписали контракт с Dior на производство оригинальных дизайнов и с Дугласом Коксом их на создание в своей мастерской на Флиндерс-Лейн. Юная Джилл Уокер, еще один из многих сотрудников, Дуглас Кокс, лейбла высокой моды, который сейчас почти появляется в заголовках австралийских газет. Джилл продолжала формировать наследие от кутюр в Мельбурне такими популярными лейблами, как Jinoel и Marti с мужем Ноэлем Кемельфилдом. Соглашение между Dior и Дугласом Коксом действительно вывело австралийское шитье одежды на мировую арену, но в конечном итоге 60 моделей Dior оказались слишком авангардными для консервативного австралийского вкуса. Дуглас Кокс не смог продлить контракт после единственного сезона 1949 года, что сделало эти модели Dior-Coxи одними из самых редких коллекционных предметов австралийской высокой моды.

    В 1950 году Жак Руэ, генеральный менеджер Dior Ltd, разработала лицензионную программу, чтобы наглядно link теперь известное имя «Christian Dior» на различных предметах роскоши. Сначала он был помещен на галстуки, вскоре стал к работе, мехам, шапкам, перчаткам, сумкам, украшениям, нижнему белью и шарфам. Члены организации осудили это как унизительное действие для имиджа от кутюр. Тем не менее, лицензирование стало прибыльным ходом и положило начало тенденции, продолжающейся «на десятилетия вперед».

    Также в 1950 году Кристиан Диор был эксклюзивным дизайнером Марлен Дитрих в фильме Альфреда Хичкока Stage Fright. В 1951 году Диор выпустил свою первую книгу Je Suis Couturier (Я кутюрье) через издательство Editions du Conquistador. Несмотря на сильную приверженность компании в Европе, к этому времени более половины доходов приходилось на Соединенные Штаты. Компания Christian Dior Models Limited создана в Лондоне в 1952 году. Между сиднейским лейблом было заключено соглашение о моделях Christian Dior New York. в Сантьяго, Чили, заключил договор с Dior на Christian Dior Paris Haute Couture. Первая линия обуви Dior была запущена в 1953 году с помощью Роджера Вивье. К концу 1953 года у компании были стабильные представительства в Мексике, Кубе, Канаде и Италии. По мере роста товаров Dior росла и подделка. Этот незаконный бизнес поддерживали женщины, которые не могли позволить себе предметы роскоши.

    К середине 1950-х у Дома Dior была уважаемая империя моды. Первый бутик Dior открылся в 1954 году в 9. В честь принцессы Маргарет и в 1954 году во дворце Блемхейн был проведен показ мод Dior. В период с 1954 по 1957 год Кристиан Диор запустил более успешные линии моды. Однако ни одна из них не приблизилась к такому значительному эффекту, который оказал New Look. Диор открыл бутик Grande на углу между авеню Монтень и в 1955 году. Первая губная помада Dior была выпущена в 1955 году. К 10-летию компании в 1956 году было продано 100 000 предметов одежды. Актриса У Авы Гарднер было 14 платьев, созданных для нее в 1956 году Кристианом Диором для фильма Марка Робсона Маленькая хижина.

    Кристиан Диор появился на обложке журнала TIME от 4 марта 1957 года. Вскоре дизайнер скончался от сердечного приступа 24 октября 1957 года. Захватывающее влияние творческого гения моды Диора принесло ему признание как одного из величайших моды в истории. Кевин Алмонд для Contemporary Fashion писал, что «к тому времени, как Dior умер, его имя стало синонимом вкуса и роскоши».

    Dior без Christian Dior: 1957–1970-е годы

    Смерть голову дизайнер покинул Дом Dior в хаосе, генеральный директор Жак Руэ подумывал о прекращении производства по всему миру. Лицензиаты Dior и французская модная индустрия не одобрили эту возможность; Maison Dior был слишком важен для финансовой стабильности отрасли, чтобы допустить такое действие. Чтобы вернуть лейблу на ноги, Руэ в том же году назначил 21-летнего Ива Сен-Лорана художественным директором. Лоран присоединился к семье Дома в 1955 году после того, как сам первоначальный дизайнер выбрал его на должность первого и единственного помощника директора. Первоначально Лоран оказался наиболее подходящим после выбора его первой коллекции для Dior (с этого упоминания о Dior относится к компании) в 1958 году. Одежда была так же тщательно сшита и идеально сочетается с пропорциями, как и Dior в той же самой. изысканные ткани, но их молодой дизайнер сделал их мягче, легче и удобнее в носке. Сен-Лоран был провозглашен национальным героем. Ободренный его успехом, его проекты стали более смелыми, кульминацией стал образ 1960 года Beat Смотри, вдохновленный экзистенциалистами из кафе и джаз-клубов Saint-Germain des Près.. Его богемный образ 1960-х годов подвергся резкой критике, и даже больше в Women’s Wear Daily. Марсель Буссак был в ярости, и весной, когда Сен-Лорана призвали присоединиться к французской армии, что вынудило его покинуть Дом Dior, руководство Dior не возражало. Сен-Лоран ушел после завершения шести коллекций Dior.

    Костюм Christian Dior Haute Couture, пример Марком Боханом, весна / лето 1973 года.. Коллекция Аднана Эге Кутая

    Лорана в Dior сменил дизайнер Марк Бохан в конце 1960 года. Бохан привил своим коллекциям свой консервативный стиль. Ребекка Арнольд назвала его человеком, который держал лейбл Dior «в авангарде моды, но при этом производил удобную и элегантную одежду», а женская одежда Daily, что неудивительно, заявлено, что он «спас фирму». Дизайны Бохана очень высоко оценили видные общественные деятели. Актриса Элизабет Тейлор заказала двенадцать платьев Dior из коллекции Bohan Весна-Лето 1961 года с «Slim Look». Духи Dior «Diorling» были выпущены в 1963 году, мужской аромат «Eau Sauvage » — в 1966 году. Помощник Бохана Филипп Гибурже запускает первую французскую коллекцию ready-to-wear «Мисс Диор» в 1967 году. Разработанный Боханом, Baby Dior открывает свой первый бутик в 1967 году на авеню Монтень, 28. Линия Christian Dior Coordinated Knit была выпущена в 1968 году, и руководство отделом модных мехов Christian Dior взял на себя Фредерик Касте. В этом году также Dior Parfums был продан. Moët-Hennessy (который стал LVMH ) из-за тяжелой текстильной компании Boussac (все еще владелец Dior). Дома Dior, и бизнес Christian Dior Cosmetics

    Вслед за этим в 1970 году Бохан запустил первую линию одежды Кристиан Dior Homme. Новый бутик Dior в Parly II был оформлен Гаэ Ауленти, а в 1972 году году был выпущен парфюм Diorella. n Dior Ready-to-Wear была создана во Франции в 1973 году, а затем производилась по лицензии в США, Канаде и Японии. Первые часы Dior Black Moon были выпущены в 1975 году в сотрудничестве с лицензиатом Benedom. Dior haute-couture украсил тела принцессы Монако Грейс, первой леди Никарагуа Хоуп Портокарреро и леди Памелы Хикс (лорд Маунтбеттен из Бирмы младшей дочери) на свадьбе принца Уэльского и леди Дианы Спенсер. В 1978 году группа Boussac объявила о банкротстве, и ее активы (в том числе активы Christian Dior) были приобретены группой Willot с разрешением компании. Духи «Dioressence» были выпущены в 1979 году.

    Приезд бизнесмен Арно

    Простое вечернее платье Dior Haute Couture от дизайнера Марка Бохана из коллекции Весна 1983

    В 1980 году Dior выпустил мужской аромат «Jules». После банкротства Willot Group в 1981 году Бернар Арно и его инвестиционная группа приобрели ее за «один символический франк» в декабре 1984 года. В 1985 году был выпущен парфюм Dior «Poison». В том же году Arnault стал председателем, главным исполнительным директором и управляющим директором компании. Приняв на себя руководство, он отказался от посредников текстовых операций компании и сосредоточился на универмаге Bon Marché и Christian Dior Couture. При Арно операционная деятельность Кристиан Диор резко изменилась к лучшему. Он перепозиционировал ее как холдинговую компанию Christian Dior S.A. модного бизнеса Dior Couture. К 40-летию первой коллекции Dior была посвящена выставке Christian Dior. В 1988 году компания Arnault Christian Dior SA через свою дочернюю компанию приобрела 32% акций в уставном капитале Moët-Hennessy • Louis Vuitton, создав то, что стало одним из ведущих и самых влиятельных предметов роскоши компаний мира. В рамках этого знаменательного слияния операции Christian Dior Couture и Christian Dior Parfums снова были объединены. Уроженец Италии Джанфранко Ферре сменил Бохана на посту главного дизайнера в 1989 году. Первый такой не француз, Ферре оставил позади традиционные ассоциации Dior, связанные с флиртом и романтикой, и представил концепцию и описанный стиль как «изысканный, трезвый и строгий». Феррел дизайн коллекций Haute Couture, Haute Fourrure, Ready-to-Wear, Ready-to-Wear Furs и женских аксессуаров. Его первая коллекция была удостоена награды в 1989 году. В том же году на Гавайях был открыт бутик, и доля LVMH Жака Робера выросла до 44%.

    Другие бутики Dior были открыты в 1990 году в престижном районе Нью-Йорка, Лос-Анджелес. Торговые районы Анхелеса и Токио. Доля LVMH снова выросла до 46%. Другая коллекция часов под названием Bagheera, вдохновленная круглым дизайном часов Black Moon, также выпущена в 1990 году. Уволив в декабре 1990 года управляющего директора компании Беатрис Бонбо, Арно занимал должность до сентября 1991 года, когда он назначил на этот пост бывшего президента Бон Марше Филиппа Виндри. В 1991 году Christian Dior был зарегистрирован на спотовом рынке, а затем на ежемесячном расчетном рынке Парижской фондовой биржи, и был запущен парфюм «Dune». Виндры снизила цены на готовую одежду на 10%. Тем не менее, шерстяной костюм от Dior будет стоить 1500 долларов США. Выручка Dior в 1990 году составила 129,3 миллиона долларов, а чистая прибыль — 22 миллиона долларов. Теперь Dior был реорганизован в три категории: 1) женская одежда, нижнее белье и детская одежда, 2) аксессуары и украшения, 3) мужская одежда. Лицензиаты и франчайзинговые бутики начали сокращаться, чтобы усилить контроль компании над брендовой продукцией. Лицензирование было сокращено почти вдвое, потому что Арно и Виндри предпочли «качество и эксклюзивность количеству и доступности». Бутики, полностью принадлежащие компании, открылись в Гонконге, Сингапуре, Куала-Лумпуре, Каннах и Вайкики, добавив к основным магазинам, расположенным в Нью-Йорке, Гавайи, Париж и Женева. Это способствовало увеличению продаж и прибыльности при сохранении престижных местоположений ». В 1992 году Dior Homme перешел под художественное руководство Патрика Лавуа, и парфюм Miss Dior был перезапущен. В 1993 году Виндри сменил Франсуа Бофюм. и продолжал сокращать количество лицензий на имя Диор.

    Кожаные перчатки от Christian Dior

    Производство Dior Haute Couture было выделено в дочернюю компанию под названием Christian Dior Couture в 1995 году. Кроме того, была представлена ​​модель часов La Parisienne. выпущены — воплощены в часах «Парижский шик». К тому году выручка лейбла выросла до 177 миллионов долларов США, а чистая прибыль составила 26,9 миллиона долларов США. Под редактором Анны руководителя Винтур, генеральный директор Арно назначил Британский дизайнер Джон Гальяно заменил Джанфранко Ферре в 1997 году (Гальяно на CBS News : «без Анны Винтур я бы точно не был в доме Dior »).Этот британский дизайнера снова вместо Frenc. Один, как говорят, «взъерошил несколько французских перьев». Сам Арно заявлено, что «предпочел бы француза», «у таланта нет национальности». Он даже сравнил Гальяно с самим Кристианом Диором, отметив, что «Гальяно обладает творческим талантом, очень близким к творческому таланту Кристиана Диора. В нем та же необычная смесь романтизма, феминизма и современности, которая символизировала месье Диора. Во всех его творениях — его костюмы, его платья — сходство со стилем Dior ». Гальянозначал дополнительный интерес к Dior с помощью нескольких неоднозначных показов мод, таких как «Homeless Show» (модели, одетые в газеты и бумажные пакеты) или «SM Show». Тем временем лицензии Dior были сокращены новым президентом и исполнительным директором Сидни Толедано. 15 октября 1997 года магазин штаб-квартиры Dior на авеню Монтень был вновь открыт — он был закрыт и реконструирован Питером Марино — на мероприятии с участием знаменитостей, в том числе Николь Кидман, Деми Мур и Жак Ширак. В том же году Christian Dior Couture приобрела все тринадцать бутиков у японского Kanebo.

    В мае 1998 года в Париже был открыт еще один бутик Dior. На этот раз магазин открыл свои двери на левом берегу, на площади Сен-Жермен-де-Пре. Также в этом году Виктуар де Кастеллан стал ведущим дизайнером Dior Fine Jewellery и первого бутика Dior Fine Jewellery, открывшегося в Нью-Йорке. Сам Париж станет свидетелем открытия первого парижского бутика Dior Fine Jewellery в следующем году на авеню Монтень, 28. Духи «J’adore » были выпущены в 1999 году, а 5 октября 1999 года Гальяно представил показ коллекции прет-а -порте Dior весна-лето 2000, дебютировав с новой сумкой Saddle. В том же году давний партнер Dior по часам Benedom присоединился к группе LVMH. В 2000 году лидерство Гальяно распространилось на одежду, аксессуары, рекламу и коммуникации. Первая кампания под его руководством сфотографирована Ником Найтом и показала двух женщин, имитирующих половой акт.

    В то время как другие бренды в конце 1990-х годов, в частности Gucci, прибегли к порно шика, как среднее, чтобы привлечь внимание, Диор объявлений такое влияние, что порно шик стала тенденция в большинстве модных объявлений. Гальяно воспламеняется эскалация порно шикарных реклам, которая завершилась с zoophilic объявление Ungaro в, снятом Марио Сорренти и объявления Гуччей, которые показали модель с лобковым волосами в форме, как подпись Gucci логотип. На самом деле считается, что Гальяно произвел революцию в мире благодаря своим рекламным кампаниям, чем дизайну.

    17 июля 2000 года ведущего дизайнера Dior Homme сменил Эди Слиман. Известными выпусками Dior в том году стали такие часы, как отличительная модель Malice с браслетами из звеньев CD, а также Riva. Хеди покинула Dior Homme в 2007 году, и его сменил Крис Ван Аше.

    21 век

    В 2001 году бутик Dior Homme на авеню Монтень 30 вновь открылся с новой «современной мужской концепцией», внедренной его дизайнером. Эди Слиман. Слиман использовал эту концепцию при создании своей первой коллекции Dior Homme. Вскоре у Dior Homme появилась известная мужская клиентура, в том числе Брэд Питт и Мик Джаггер.

    Джон Гальяно, а в 2001 году начал выпускать свои собственные часы Dior, начиная с линии Chris 47 Aluminium. новая эра в дизайне часов Dior. Затем часы Malice и Riva были переработаны с использованием драгоценных камней для создания дополнительных коллекций Malice Sparkling и Riva Sparkling. Вдохновленный коллекцией Ready-to-Wear весна-лето 2002, Dior выпустил часы Dior 66, превзошли многие традиционные женские ожидания в области дизайна.

    Флагманский бутик Dior в престижном торговом районе Гиндза в Токио. Впервые был открыт в 2004 году.

    Мужской аромат Higher был выпущен в 2001 году, за ним последовал аромат Addict в 2002 году. Затем компания открыла первый бутик Dior Homme в Милане 20 февраля 2002 года. К 2002 году 130 точек работали на полную мощность. 3 июня 2002 года Слиман был удостоен награды «Международный дизайнер года» по версии CFDA. До 2002 года был обладателем лицензии Christian Dior прет-а-порте в Японии, и когда срок действия лицензии истек, Christian Dior смог выгодно напрямую продавать свои прет-а-порте и аксессуары в собственных бутиках. Часы Chris 47 Steel были выпущены в 2003 году как двоюродный брат оригинальной модели Chris 47 Aluminium. Бернар Арно и Сидни Толедано стали свидетелями открытия флагманского бутика Dior в районе Омотесандō Токио 7 декабря 2003 года. Второй флагманский магазин Dior был открыт в престижном районе Торговый район Гинза в Токио в 2004 году. В том же году в Париже на Rue Royale был открыт эксклюзивный бутик Dior Homme, в котором была представлена ​​вся коллекция Dior Homme. Второй бутик Dior Fine Jewelry в Париже открылся на Вандомской площади, 8. Бутик Christian Dior был открыт в Москве после того, как компания взяла под контроль лицензионные операции своего московского агента.

    Дизайнер ювелирных изделий Dior Fine Jewelry Виктуар де Кастеллан выпустила собственные часы под названием «Le D de Dior» (фр. «Диор Диор»). знаменуя вход часов Dior в коллекцию ювелирных украшений. Эти часы были разработаны для женщин, но в них использованы многие конструктивные особенности, которые обычно считаются мужскими. Затем Слиман выпустил часы Chiffre Rouge для коллекции Dior Homme. Эти особые часы были выполнены в фирменном стиле Dior Homme: «Дизайн часов и технологии неразрывно связаны друг с другом, чтобы создать идеальное выражение художественного мастерства Dior Homme и повысить легитимность часов Dior». Затем де Кастеллан запустила вторую линию часов под названием La Baby de Dior. Дизайн этой линии должен быть более женственным и более «ювелирным».

    Dior Omotesandō, 2007 Знак Dior в магазине Debenhams в Саттон, Лондон, Англия

    Духи «Miss Dior Chérie» и аромат «Dior Homme» были выпущены в 2005 году. Гальяно выпустил свои часы «Dior Christal», в которых он объединил сталь и синие сапфиры, чтобы создать «творческую и инновационную коллекцию». В 2005 году Christian Dior S.A. отпраздновал 13-ю годовщину создания часов Dior в апреле того же года его коллекция Chiffre Rouge отмечена на Всемирной выставке часов и ювелирных изделий в Базеле, Швейцария. В том же году модный дом отметил 100-летие со дня рождения дизайнера Кристиана Диора. Выставка «Christian Dior: Человек века» проходила в музее Dior в Гранвиле, Нормандия.

    . В 2006 году часовая будка Dior была посвящена Dior Canework. Этот узор был создан дизайнером Кристианом Диором на основе стульев Наполеон III, используемом на его показах мод.

    В 2007 году Крис Ван Аше был назначен новым художественным руководителем Dior Homme. Позднее в том же году Ван Аше представил свою первую коллекцию. 60-летие основания Дома Dior также было официально принято в 2007 году.

    К февралю 2011 года Дом Dior разразился скандалом из-за обвинений Джона Гальяно в антисемитских высказываниях, попавших в заголовки международных газет: Компания оказалась в «кошмаре связей с общественностью». Гальяно был уволен в марте, запланированная презентация его коллекции prêt-à-porter осень-зима 2011/2012 прошла без него, что вызвало разногласия, 4 марта. Перед началом исполнительный директор Сидней Толедано произнес сентиментальную речь о ценностях Кристиан Диор и представнул о связи семьи с Холокостом. Шоу завершилось тем, что сотрудники ателье вышли под аплодисменты в отсутствие художественного руководителя. (Предыдущая презентация коллекции haute couture Весна-Лето 2011 с января 2011 года была последним созданием Гальяно на подиуме Dior.) Компания пошла дальше и назначила Билла Гайттена временным главным дизайнером в отсутствие художественного руководителя. Гайттен работал под руководством Гальяно для Dior и для лейбла Джона Гальяно. Первая коллекция от кутюр (сезона осень-зима 2011) под руководством Гайттена была представлена ​​в июле и получила в основном негативные отзывы. Между тем предположения оставлены в течение нескольких месяцев, поскольку неизвестно, кто будет выбран на замену Гальяно. За 13 месяцев отсутствия художественного руководителя Dior начал претерпевать незначительные изменения в своем дизайне, поскольку влияние театрального и яркого Гальяно исчезло. Совершенно новый смирившийся сайт dior.com был запущен в конце 2011 года.

    В этом New New Look есть подтекст, выходящий за рамки уважения к уважаемому основателю дома. Одним махом Джон Гальяно был почти удален из книг по истории Dior. Установив визуальную связь между его эпохой и эпохой самого Кристиана Диора, Раф Симонс изменил линию преемственности. Безупречный код Dior проиллюстрирован для нового поколения; косые платья и стиль Кабуки Гальяно понижены до сноски.

    — Критики, догадывающиеся о значении главной коллекции Саймонса для Dior

    23 января 2012 года Гайттен представил свою вторую коллекцию высокой моды (для весны -Летний сезон 2012) для Dior, и она была принята гораздо лучше, чем его первая коллекция.

    Бельгийский дизайнер Раф Симонс был объявлен 11 апреля 2012 года новым художественным директором Christian Dior.. Саймонс был известен своим минималистичным дизайном, что контрастировало с драматическими предыдущими дизайнами Dior под руководством Гальяно. Более того, Саймонс был замечен как «темная лошадка» среди имен других дизайнеров, которые считались сильными соперниками. Чтобы подчеркнуть правильный выбор Саймонса как подходящего дизайнера, компания демонстративно сравнила Саймонса с оригинальным дизайнером Кристианом Диором. Как сообщается, Бернар Арно и его коллеги из Dior и LVMH стремились перенести Dior из времен Гальяно. Саймонс проводил много времени в архивах Dior, знакомясь с высокой модой (поскольку у него не было опыта работы в этой нише моды). В июле Саймонс должен был представить свои проекты. Между тем, коллекция haute-couture Весна-Лето 2012 Гайттен была представлена ​​как первый показ высокой моды Dior, который когда-либо проходил в Китае 14 апреля в Шанхае; и это был знак преданности компании своему присутствию на китайском рынке.

    Прилавок косметики в Новой Зеландии универмаг Smith Caughey’s в Окленде, Новая Зеландия

    Эта выставка стала последней презентацией Гайттен для Dior, и он оставался главным дизайнером бренда John Galliano.

    3 мая был запущен рекламный фильм Dior: Secret Garden — Versailles. Об этом много говорили в различных отраслевых источниках и в социальных сетях, поскольку это была демонстрация Dior в период его перехода. 2 июля Саймонс представил свою первую коллекцию для компании — коллекцию haute-couture осень-зима 2012. Ярким событием осенне-зимних показов 2012 от кутюр, эта коллекция была названа компанией «новой модой» и отсылала к началу нового Dior благодаря работе Саймонса, протирая сланец [от кутюр] чистым и начинаем заново с нуля «. В коллекции дизайнера «больше отсылок к мистеру Диору, чем к дому Диора», а предметы интерьера восходят к темам, которые Dior привнес в моду после Второй мировой войны. Саймонс, который редко появляется для интервью, дал интервью, опубликованное компанией через онлайн-версию Dior Mag. В то время как предыдущие презентации под руководством Гальяно проводились в Musée Rodin, шоу Симонса проводилось в частной резиденции, недалеко от Триумфальной арки, адрес был раскрыт только для избранных клиенты, знаменитости, журналисты и другой персонал, приглашенный исключительно на конфиденциальные мероприятия. Среди видных деятелей были дизайнеры Аззедин Алайя, Пьер Карден, Альбер Эльбаз (дизайнер Lanvin), Дайан фон Фюрстенберг, Марк Джейкобс, Кристофер Кейн, Оливье Тейскенс, Риккардо Тиши, Донателла Версаче ; и принцесса Монако Шарлен, актрисы Марион Котийяр, Мелани Лоран, Дженнифер Лоуренс, Шэрон Стоун ; кинопродюсер Харви Вайнштейн ; и председатель Dior Арно с дочерью. Прямая спутниковая трансляция шоу была представлена ​​на сайте DiorMag в Интернете, а Twitter также был реализован для общения в режиме реального времени. К тому времени также было известно, что в начале 2012 года компания приобрела парижскую вышивальную фирму Maison Vermont.

    В марте 2015 года было объявлено, что Рианна была выбрана официальным представителем Dior; это делает ее первой чернокожей женщиной, занявшей должность пресс-секретаря в Dior. В 2015 году израильская модель София Мечетнер была выбрана новым лицом Dior.

    . В 2016 году Мария Грация Кьюри была названа женским лицом. художественный директор Dior.

    В апреле 2016 года в Сан-Франциско открылся новый флагманский бутик Dior, на вечеринке, устроенной Хайме Кингом.

    В 2017 году Dior обновил и расширил свой магазин в Мадриде. Бренд отпраздновал открытие нового бутика на балу-маскараде, на котором присутствовали такие испанские знаменитости, как Алехандро Гомес Паломо.

    В марте 2018 года Ким Джонс был назначен художественным руководителем мужской одежды дом. Под его руководством Dior осуществил несколько громких коллабораций в области уличной одежды. В первом показе Джонса для Dior участвовал американский художник и дизайнер Брайан Доннелли, он же KAWS. После этого последовало сотрудничество с Raymond Pettibon, 1017 ALYX 9SM, Yoon Ahn, Hajime Sorayama, Daniel Arsham и совсем недавно Шоном Стасси, создателем легендарного бренда уличной одежды Stüssy.

    В октябре 2019 года компания Dior принесла извинения Китаю за использование карты Китая, на которой исключены Тайвань.

    послы знаменитостей

    Dior установил прочные партнерские отношения с Голливудом. знаменитости и влиятельные лица в социальных сетях, тесно сотрудничающие с этими людьми, чтобы охватить больше демографических групп и восстановить свою идентичность как новый современный бренд, несмотря на то, что он существует уже некоторое время. Это позволило бренду создать более популистский образ и привлечь более широкую аудиторию. Бренд работал с такими иконами современного стиля, как Дженнифер Лоуренс и Лупита Нионго, которые могут найти отклик у миллениалов. Dior эффективно внедрил социальные сети в свою стратегию маркетинговых коммуникаций, в которой изображения и видео из кампаний публикуются как в официальном профиле Dior, так и на страницах в социальных сетях послов знаменитостей.

    Примером этого успеха является кампания Secret Garden с участием Рианны. В этой кампании Рианна танцует под песню из своего альбома (Only If For a Night) через зеркальный зал. Будучи связанной с песней Рианны, компания создала чувство ассоциации со своим брендом, что было выгодно для компании, поскольку она была признана самой продаваемой знаменитостью в 2016 году. Несмотря на то, что охват не полностью соответствовал целевой аудитории Dior, сотрудничество с такими, как Рианна, позволяет компании взаимодействовать с большей частью рынка, поскольку количество подписчиков Рианны в социальных сетях в четыре раза больше, чем у модного дома.

    Ниже представлены некоторые из послов знаменитостей, которые возглавляли кампании Dior :

    • Изабель Аджани : Духи Poison (1985–1990-е)
    • Карла Бруни : Сумочка Lady Dior (1996)
    • Милла Йовович : Духи Hypnotic Poison (1999–2000)
    • Шарлиз Терон : Духи J’Adore Dior (2004 – настоящее время)
    • Шэрон Стоун : Capture Skincare (2005 – настоящее время)
    • Моника Беллуччи : косметика Dior (2006–2010), сумочка Lady Dior (2006–2007), духи Hypnotic Poison (2009–2010)
    • Eva Green : Midnight Poison (2007– 2008)
    • Марион Котийяр : сумка Lady Dior (2008–2017), сумка Miss Dior (2011)
    • Джуд Лоу : аромат Dior Homme (2008–2012)
    • Натали Портман : аромат Miss Dior, косметика Dior (2010 – настоящее время)
    • Мелани Лоран : духи Hypnotic Poison (2011 – настоящее время)
    • Мила Кунис : сумка Miss Dior (2012)
    • Дженнифер Лоуренс : сумка Miss Dior (2012 – настоящее время), аромат Joy by Dior (2018 – настоящее время)
    • Роберт Паттинсон : аромат Dior Homme (2013 – настоящее время)
    • Рианна : сумка Diorama, духи J’adore Dior, солнцезащитные очки Dior (2015 – настоящее время)
    • Джонни Депп : аромат Dior Sauvage (2015 – настоящее время)
    • Angelababy : коллекция DiorAmour (2017 – настоящее время))
    • Кара Делевинь : Помада DIOR Addict Stellar Shine Lipstick. BE DIOR. БЫТЬ РОЗОВЫМ. (2019)

    Показы мод

    Показ мод Дата Модели в порядке появления Саундтрек Тема Креативный директор
    Spring 2020 Ready-to-Wear 20 января 2020 г. Мария Грация Кьюри
    Pre-Fall 2020 11 декабря 2019 г.
    Весна 2017 Ready-to-Wear 30 сентября 2016
    Resort 2017 31 мая 2016 Serge Ruffieux Lucie Meier
    Fall 2016 Ready-to-Wear 4 марта 2016 г.
    Весна 2003 г. Котур 19 января 2003 г. Джон Гальяно
    Весна 2001 г. Прет-а-порте
    Осень 2000 г. Котур 28 июля 2000 г.
    Осень 2000 г. Прет-а-порте 28 февраля 2000 г.
    Прет-а-порте весна 2000 г.
    Осень 1999 г. Котур 19 июля, 1999
    Весна 1998 Cotoure

    Финансовые данные

    Финансовые данные в миллионах евро

    Год 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
    Выручка 29,881 30,984 35,081 37,968 43,666
    N et Income 3,926 3,883 6,165 4,164 5,753
    Активы 55,555 61,161 60.030 62.904 72.762
    Сотрудники 2535 2780 3033 3100 3800


    В 2000 году коллекция Гальяно, вдохновленная бездомными людьми, вызвала не только критику, но и внимание к дому Dior.

    В начале 2011 года скандал возник, когда Джон Гальяно был обвинен в антисемитских комментариях после выпивки в Париже. Были выпущены кадры, на которых дизайнер под воздействием алкоголя сказал еврейской женщине: «Я люблю Гитлера» и «Такие люди, как ты, были бы сегодня мертвы. Ваши матери, ваши предки были бы убиты газом и умерли». Во Франции запрещено делать антисемитские высказывания подобного рода и наказываться лишением свободы на срок до шести месяцев. 1 марта 2011 года Christian Dior официально объявил об увольнении Гальяно в разгар разногласий.

    Собственность и пакеты акций

    В конце 2010 года единственным заявленным крупным акционером Christian Dior SA была Groupe. Arnault SAS, семейная холдинговая компания Бернара Арно. Группа контролировала 69,96% акций Dior и 82,86% голосующих акций. Оставшиеся акции считаются находящимися в свободном обращении.

    Christian Dior SA владел 42,36% акций LVMH и 59,01% прав голоса на конец 2010 года. Арно владел дополнительными 5,28% акций и 4,65% голосов.

    Креативный директор

    • Кристиан Диор — 1946–1957
    • Ив Сен-Лоран — 1957–1960
    • Марк Бохан — 1960–1989
    • Джанфранко Ферре — 1989–1997
    • Джон Гальяно — 1997–2011
    • — 2011–2012
    • Раф Саймонс — 2012–2015
    • 2015 –2016
    • Мария Грация Кьюри (женщины) — 2016 – настоящее время
    • Хеди Слиман (мужчины) — 2000–2007 годы
    • Крис Ван Аше (мужчины) — 2007–2018
    • Ким Джонс (мужчины) — 2018 г. — настоящее время

    Розничные магазины

    Бутик Dior в Буэнос-Айресе, Аргентина

    В общей сложности компания управляет 210 точками продаж. на сентябрь 2010 г.:

    • Азия: 109
    • Африка: 1 (Касабланка, Марокко)
    • Карибский бассейн : 1 (Сан-Хуан, Пуэрто-Рико )
    • Европа: 45
    • Центральная Америка (Панама): 1
    • Ближний Восток: 8
    • Северная Америка (Канада, Мексика и США): 48
    • Океания: 6
    • Южная Америка (Бразилия, Аргентина): 4

    См. Также


    Дополнительная литература

    • Джексон, Лесли. Новый взгляд: дизайн пятидесятых. Лондон: Thames Hudson, 1991. ISBN 0-500-27644-7.

    Внешние ссылки

    • Официальный сайт
    • Dior — профиль бренда и компании в Fashion Model Directory
    • Christian Dior в цифровых коллекциях Чикагского исторического музея
    • Yahoo! — Профиль компании Christian Dior SA
    • Обзор показа с показа в честь 60-летия Dior haute couture
    • «Интерактивная хронология домов высокой моды и биографий кутюрье». Музей Виктории и Альберта.
    • Кристиан Диор, каталог выставки полностью онлайн в формате PDF из Музея искусств Метрополитен

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    Dior was middle-aged when he achieved fame.

    Диор был в расцвете лет, когда он достиг славы.

    And she was only one of a fabulous team of larger-than-life females with whom Dior surrounded himself.

    И она была единственной участницей сказочной команды невероятных женщин, которую Диор впускал в свое окружение.

    This controversy proved costly for his career and he was dismissed by Dior.

    Этот спор оказался дорогостоящим для его карьеры, и он был уволен Диором.

    The win of the DIOR project further confirms the leading positions of LNBE and NRNU MEPhI in biomedicine, and it is not an overestimation to say that its implementation will make it possible to save many lives.

    Победа проекта ДИОР лишний раз подтверждает ведущие позиции ЛНБИ и НИЯУ МИФИ в области биомедицины, а его реализация позволит, без преувеличения, спасти много человеческих жизней.

    At first, Dior started searching for work in administration, banking, or simply in an office.

    Первым делом Диор начинает поиск работы в администрации, банке или просто офисе.

    On 8 December 1946 Dior founded his fashion house.

    8 декабря 1946 года, с поддержки Буссака, Диор создал собственный дом моды.

    When you look at Chanel and Dior they really got interested in their archives in the ’80s.

    Когда вы смотрите на Шанель и Диор, они действительно заинтересовались своими архивами в 80-х».

    I like to look at designers who are not just your basic Dior, Prada, Gucci thing.

    Мне нравится смотреть на дизайнеров, которые не просто ваш основной Диор, Прада, Гуччи вещь.

    I was intimidated by the big labels — Prada, Gucci and Dior.

    «Я был запуган крупными брендами, такими как Прада, Гуччи и Диор.

    Dior was an internationally recognized fashion designer preparing to release his latest House of Dior collection.

    На тот момент Диор был всемирно признанным дизайнером мод и готовился выпустить свою новейшую коллекцию от дома Диор.

    The design theme of this newly renovated apartment is «DIOR GREY» — with natural white and cream colours throughout all rooms.

    Тема дизайна этой недавно отремонтированной квартиры — «DIOR GREY» — с натуральными белыми и кремовыми цветами во всех комнатах.

    Part of the VIP GROUP consists of 16 boutiques and 5 corners, including the DIOR corner.

    В состав сети VIP GROUP входят 16 бутиков и 5 корнеров, включая корнер DIOR.

    Jennifer Lawrence introduced a new collection DIOR

    Дженнифер Лоуренс представила новую коллекцию сумок Dior

    The girl began her career immediately from the cover of the magazine VOGUE, followed by the shows CHANEL, DIOR, OSCAR DE LA RENTA, TOM FORD and VALENTINO.

    Девушка начала свою карьеру сразу с обложки журнала Vogue, за которой последовали показы Chanel, Dior, Oscar de la Renta, Tom Ford и Valentino.

    Nikolai walked and closed the DIOR Homme Pre-Fall 2019 show in Tokyo.

    Датский принц Николай закрыл модный показ Dior Homme Pre-Fall 2019 в Токио

    Cara Delevingne for DIOR‘s Capture Youth line

    Новая линия ухода за кожей Dior Capture Youth

    A complete catalog of «Douglas Rivoli» consists of 450 brands, among them the world’s best sellers — CHANEL, LANCOME, DIOR, YSL, Estee Lauder, SHISEIDO, GUERLAIN and many others.

    А полный каталог «Дуглас Риволи» состоит из 450 брендов, среди которых и мировые лидеры продаж — CHANEL, LANCOME, DIOR, YSL, Estee Lauder, SHISEIDO, GUERLAIN и многие другие.

    Jennifer Lawrence new photoshoots for DIOR

    Дженнифер Лоуренс: новые снимки для Dior

    We personally strongly dislike what’s happening at Dior now.

    И да, я глубоко сожалею о том, что происходит в Динамо сейчас.

    I got some beautiful Dior dresses.

    Слушай, у меня есть красивые платья от Диора.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 1371. Точных совпадений: 1371. Затраченное время: 89 мс


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