Написание имен на английском языке — тема довольно непростая. Именно поэтому необходимость транслитерации ставит многих в непроходимый ступор. В помощь всем, кто сталкивается с такой трудностью, была написана эта статья. Узнайте и запомните правила, которые определяют, как пишутся ваши фамилия и имя по английски.
Часто люди начинают погружаться в изучение нового языка именно с написания своего имени. Или же эти знания необходимы для оформления документов, например, загранпаспорта. Всё же английское написание русских имён часто создаёт людям трудности. Это происходит по причине того, что не существует единственного набора правил, который бы регулировал эти вопросы. Есть набор принципов. С ними мы вас сейчас и ознакомим.
Принципы перевода
В первую очередь обратите, пожалуйста, внимание, что употреблять русские имена и фамилии на английском языке ни в коем случае не значит переводить их. Особенно если вы ведёте переписку делового характера или оформляете документы. Забудьте о подборе иноязычных аналогов. Настю не следует называть Stacy, а Машу — Mary. Для правильной передачи информации лучше подойдёт транслитерация имени, то есть способ написатьрусские имена английскими буквами. В этом нелёгком деле вам поможет специально разработанная таблица соответствия, приведенная ниже:
А |
A |
Aleksey (Алексей) |
Б |
B |
Bogdan (Богдан) |
В |
V |
Vladimir (Владимир) |
Г |
G |
Gleb (Глеб) |
Д |
D |
Dmitry (Дмитрий) |
Е |
Ye/E |
Yegor, Egor (Егор) |
Ё |
Yo/E |
Pyotr, Petr (Петр) |
Ж |
Zh |
Zhanna (Жанна) |
З |
Z |
Zinaida (Зинаида) |
И |
I |
Inna (Инна) |
И́ |
Y |
Nikolay (Николай) |
К |
K |
Kirill (Кирилл) |
Л |
L |
Larisa (Лариса) |
М |
M |
Marina (Марина) |
Н |
N |
Nadezhda (Надежда) |
О |
О |
Oleg (Олег) |
П |
P |
Pavel (Павел) |
Р |
R |
Roman (Роман) |
С |
S |
Sergey (Сергей) |
Т |
T |
Tamara (Тамара) |
У |
U |
Ulyana (Ульяна) |
Ф |
F |
Filipp (Филипп) |
Х |
Kh |
Khariton (Харитон) |
Ц |
Ts |
Tsarev (Царев) |
Ч |
Ch |
Chaykin (Чайкин) |
Ш |
Sh |
Sharov (Шаров) |
Щ |
Shch |
Shchepkin (Щепкин) |
Ы |
Y |
Myskin (Мыскин) |
Э |
E |
Eldar (Эльдар) |
Ю |
Yu |
Yury (Юрий) |
Я |
Ya |
Yaroslava (Ярослава) |
Однако случаются ситуации за пределами описанных выше, когда трудно понять, как именно стоит написать имена по английски. Это приводит нас к следующим принципам:
1. Наверняка, вы заметили, что в таблице отсутствовали буквы Ь и Ъ. Их не было там поскольку они не имеют латинских аналогов. Некоторые, пытаясь передать буквы русские на английском языке, делают попытки заменить их апострофом (‘). Однако языковеды не рекомендуют так поступать. В итоге соответственные русские имена по-английски будут писаться следующим образом: Дарья латинскими буквами будет Darya, Ольга — Olga, а Игорь — Igor.
2. Следующая тенденция, которую можно проследить в таблице — передача буков Ы и Й одной и той же английской буквой Y. Соответственно, Андрей латинскими буквами будет Andrey, а Валерий латиницей — Valeriy. В фамилиях прослеживается ты же тенденция: Быков — Bykov, Мансырова — Mansyrova.
3. Все фамилии, заканчивающиеся на “-ый”, в английском будут заканчиваться на “-y”: Чёрный — Cherny.
4. Все имена и фамилии, содержащие звук “х” также претерпевают изменения. Дело в том, что буква “h”, которая фактически обозначает этот звук, по одиночке в английском никогда не читается. Поэтому такие русские имена по английски будут содержать буквосочетание KH. Для примера вот вам перевод двух известных фамилий: Рахманинов — Rakhmaninov, Ахматова — Akhmatova.
5. Спешим разочаровать тех, кто всегда переводил КС как X. Это как раз тот случай, когда стоит просто передатьрусские буквы английскими буквами. Поэтому Ксения латинскими буквами будет Ksenia, а Александр латинскими буквами будет Aleksandr.
6. Когда дело касается буквы Е, стоит определить, сколько звуков она обозначает. Если один (пример: Вера), то такиеимена латиницей будут содержать букву E (Vera). Если же два, например, после мягкого знака, её передают буквосочетанием YE: Astapyev. Стоит также упомянуть, что если буква Е стоит первой, можно использовать любой вариант. Для примера в вышеупомянутой таблице указаны два варианта написания имени Елена латиницей.
7. Часто подписывая тетради детям в школу родители и учителя мучаются, пытаясь вспомнить, как по английски будет ё. Обычно Ё на английском пишется так же, как и Е. Но в случаях, когда нужно подчеркнуть произношение, такие имена латинскими буквами пишут через YO: Fyodor (Фёдор), Pyotr (Пётр).
8. Буква Щ тоже имеет альтернативы в написании. Возможен вариант SCH, однако если вы собираетесь посетить Германию, учтите: немцы прочтут этот звук как “ш”. Исходя из этой особенности, мы искренне советуем писать такиерусские имена на латинице через SHCH. На первый взгляд это буквосочетание кажется непроизносимым, но если разобраться, первые две буквы читаются “ш”, а вторые — “ч”. Вместе “шч” — чистая украинская аналогия буквы “щ”.
9. Окончание “-ия”, так часто встречающееся в русских именах, обычно передают как -IA или -IYA. Как же тогда определить, как написать, например, “Мария” латинскими буквами? Тут действует принцип избавления от лишней громоздкости букв, поэтому Y можно не писать. Соответственно, перевод упомянутого имени — Maria. Другой пример — Валерия транслитерация имени которой будет выглядеть так: Valeria.
Как правильно написать имя на английском при оформлении документов?
Когда ещё задаваться вопросом “как написать имя на английском”, если не во время оформления документов для выезда за границу? Важно помнить, что правила перевода каждого слова в тексте для заграничных паспортов меняется очень часто. С 2015 года и по сегодняшний день действуют обновленные правила. Мы приведем отличные от приведенной таблицы случаи:
● e — e — Elena (Елена);
● ё — e — Petr (Пётр);
● й — i — Timofei (Тимофей);
● ъ (твёрдый знак) — ie — Podieiachii (Подъячий);
● ю — iu — Iury (Юрий);
● я — ia — Iaroslav (Ярослав).
До этого, когда писали имя по английски, руководствовались принципами из ГОСТ Р 52535.1-2006, которые ввели в 2010 году.
Если существует необходимость получения новых выездных документов с отличным от предыдущего способом написания данных, кто-то может думать: “мне нравится моё имя на английском и я не хочу его менять”. Существует возможность оставить все как есть! Обратитесь к органу выдачи и напишите необходимое заявление с должным основанием вашего желания. К заявлению обязательно стоит приложить документы со старым способом написания. Подойдёт паспорт, вид на жительство, виза, диплом, регистрационные или банковские документы, в том числе и кредитные карты.
При этом важно помнить, что оформляя документы, необходимо придерживаться принципа единообразия. Ярослав латинскими буквами может выглядеть как Yaroslav или Iaroslav, аАндрей английскими буквами может писаться как Andrey или Andrei. Оба варианта будут верными в грамматическом плане, однако это разные имена с юридической точки зрения. Поэтому здесь стоит быть внимательным и использовать один и тот же вариант имени всюду, где это необходимо.
Итак, теперь вы знаете, как пишется имя на английском. Мы разобрали, как по английски пишется буква Ё, какие существуют варианты написания букв Е и Щ, а также как следует оформлять международные документы. Если у вас остались вопросы, например “буква у по английски как пишется” или “как пишется Валерий по английски” — перечитайте, пожалуйста, статью ещё раз. Для более сложных ситуаций мы оставили на сайте свои контактные данные. Пишите нам, мы всегда онлайн, чтобы помочь вам разобраться!
SCP Foundation
Logo |
Type of site |
Collaborative fiction project |
Available in | English and 15 other languages[note 1] |
URL | scp-wiki.wikidot.com |
Registration | Optional[note 2] |
Launched |
Current status | Active |
Content license |
CC-BY-SA-3.0[3] |
The SCP Foundation[note 3] is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative-writing wiki project of the same name. Within the website’s shared universe, the Foundation is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena unexplained by science (known as «anomalies» or «SCPs»), while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of human society.
The collaborative writing project operates on a wiki-like website, and includes elements of many genres such as horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. The majority of works on the SCP Wiki consist of thousands of SCP files: mock confidential scientific reports that document various SCPs and associated containment procedures. The website also contains «Foundation Tales», short stories featuring various characters and settings in the SCP universe. The wiki’s literary works have been praised for their ability to convey horror through a quasi-scientific and academic writing style, as well as for their high standards of quality.
The SCP universe has inspired numerous fan-made adaptations in widely varying forms of media, including novels, video games, and short films (both animated and live-action).
The fictional setting centers around the findings and activities of the SCP Foundation: an international secret society consisting of a scientific research institution with a paramilitary intelligence agency to support their goals. Despite their extremely secretive nature, the Foundation is entrusted by governments around the world to capture and contain various unexplained phenomena that defy the known laws of nature (referred to as «anomalies», «SCP objects», «SCPs», or informally as «skips»). They include living beings and creatures, artifacts and objects, locations and places, abstract concepts, and incomprehensible entities which display supernatural abilities or other extremely unusual properties. If left uncontained, many of the more dangerous anomalies will pose a serious threat to humans or even all life on Earth. Information on SCPs and the Foundation is strictly withheld from the general public in order to prevent mass hysteria that would supposedly occur if they were leaked, and allow human civilization to «continue functioning normally».[5]
When an SCP anomaly is discovered, teams of undercover Foundation agents (often called Mobile Task Forces) are deployed to either collect and transport the object to a Foundation facility, or to contain it at its location of discovery if transportation is not possible. If an anomaly is too widespread, elusive, or otherwise inaccessible, containment usually consists of suppressing all knowledge of the SCP from the public. This is accomplished through censorship of mass media and dosing eyewitnesses with amnestic drugs, which erase their memories of anomalous events.[5]
Contained SCPs are studied and researched by scientists in order to improve containment methods for them. The Foundation also acquires human test subjects, usually convicts from prisons, forcing them to take part in experiments involving certain SCPs. Considered to be disposable, these «D-class» personnel are used in experiments with particularly dangerous SCPs to avoid risking the safety of Foundation employees themselves. The Foundation maintains documentation for all SCPs which they are aware of, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents describe the SCPs and include instructions for keeping them safely contained, as well as supplementary incident reports or experimentation logs.[5]
Apart from the Foundation itself, there are numerous rival organizations (referred to as Groups of Interest) which deal with SCPs for various purposes. Examples of major Groups of Interest include the Chaos Insurgency, a terrorist splinter group consisting of ex-Foundation defectors who attempt to weaponize SCPs; the Global Occult Coalition (GOC), a secret paramilitary agency of the United Nations which specializes in destroying supernatural threats instead of containing them; and the Serpent’s Hand, a militant group which advocates for the rights of anomalous beings, resisting both the Foundation’s and GOC’s efforts to suppress paranormal activity worldwide. Other Groups of Interest seek to exploit anomalies by producing or selling them for monetary profit; or using them to serve their own religious, political, or ideological goals.[5]
Examples of SCPs
SCP-087, with SCP-087-1 in the background
- SCP-055 is an information autosuppressor known as an «antimeme» that causes anyone who examines it to forget its characteristics, thus making it indescribable except in terms of what it is not.[6]
- SCP-087 is a staircase that appears to descend infinitely and inhibits any light within its space.[7] The staircase is inhabited by SCP-087-1 and SCP-087-2, described as a face without a mouth, pupils or nostrils.[8]
- SCP-108 is a Nazi bunker system that is accessible only through a portal found in a woman’s nose.[9][6]
- SCP-173 is a humanoid statue composed of rebar, concrete and Krylon spray paint.[6] It is immobile when directly observed, but it attacks people and breaks their neck when line of sight with it is broken. It is extremely fast, to the point where it can move multiple meters while the observer is blinking.[7]
- SCP-294 is a coffee vending machine that can dispense anything that does or can exist in liquid form—including, on occasion, abstract concepts. Regardless of the properties of the substance chosen, the machine’s polystyrene cups appear to suffer no damage from the substances dispensed into them.[7][6]
- SCP-426 is a toaster that can only be referred to in the first person.[7]
- SCP-999 is a gelatinous slime mold-like creature that smells similar to whatever is most comforting to the person it makes contact with. It has a friendly personality and is known to induce positive emotions on contact with humans and other organisms. Therefore, it is sometimes used as a tool by the SCP Foundation.[10]
- SCP-1171 is a home whose windows are covered in condensation; by writing in the condensation on the glass, it is possible to communicate with an extra-dimensional entity whose windows are likewise covered in condensation. This entity bears significant enmity towards humans but does not know that the Foundation members are humans.[6]
- SCP-1609 is a wood chip mulch that teleports into the lungs of individuals displaying aggressive behavior towards it.[11] Previously a benevolent chair that teleported to nearby individuals who needed to sit down, it became aggressive after being destroyed in a woodchipper by the Global Occult Coalition.[6]
- SCP-3008 is an IKEA store whose interior is a seemingly infinite, labyrinthine pocket dimension designated SCP-3008-1. Prospective customers trapped within the building have formed rudimentary civilizations, and must defend themselves against hostile creatures known as SCP-3008-2: tall, faceless humanoids wearing IKEA employee uniforms that become violently aggressive towards other entities in SCP-3008-1 when the lights are turned off.[12]
Writing style
On the SCP Wiki, the majority of works are stand-alone articles detailing the «Special Containment Procedures» of a given SCP object.[6] In a typical article, an SCP object is assigned a unique identification number[13] and a «containment class»[note 4] based on the difficulty of containing it.[14][15][16] The documentation then outlines proper containment procedures and safety measures before describing the SCP object in question.[6] Addenda (such as images, research data, interviews, history, or status updates) may also be attached to the document. The reports are written in a scientific tone and often censor words with black bars (ex. █████) and [DATA EXPUNGED] markings.[17] As of August 2021, articles exist for nearly 6,600 SCP objects;[18][note 5] new articles are frequently written by contributors.[6]
The SCP Wiki contains over 4,200 short stories referred to as «Foundation Tales».[6][19] The stories are set within the larger SCP universe, and often focus on the exploits of various Foundation staff members, SCP entities and objects, among other recurring characters and settings.[20] Gregory Burkart, writing for Blumhouse Productions, noted that some of the Foundation Tales had a dark and bleak tone, while others were «surprisingly light-hearted».[14]
The SCP universe has neither a central canon nor the ability to establish one due to its community-oriented nature,[6] but stories on the wiki are often linked together to create larger narratives.[21] Contributors have the ability to create «canons», which are clusters of SCPs and Foundation Tales with similar locations, characters, or central plots; many of these canons have hub pages that explain their basic concept and provide information such as timelines and character lists.[22]
The genres of the SCP Wiki have variously been described as science fiction, urban fantasy, horror and creepypasta.[5][23][24]
The SCP Wiki’s original logo while on EditThis.[25]
The SCP Foundation originated in the «paranormal» /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007, where the very first SCP file, SCP-173, was posted by an anonymous user (later identified as Moto42),[26] accompanied by an image of the sculpture «Untitled 2004» by Japanese artist Izumi Kato. Although displeased with the unlicensed use of his art, Kato allowed the use of the photo explicitly for the noncommercial purposes of the community.[27] Initially a stand-alone short story, many additional SCP files were created shortly after; these new SCPs copied SCP-173’s style and were set within the same fictional universe.[6] A stand-alone wiki was created in January 2008 on the EditThis wiki hosting service to display the SCP articles. The EditThis website did not have moderators, or the ability to delete articles. Members communicated through individual article talk pages and the /x/ board; the website lacked a central discussion forum. In July 2008, the SCP Wiki was transferred to its current Wikidot website after EditThis switched to a paid model.[6][28][2] «Untitled 2004» was removed from the entry for SCP-173 in 2022.[29][30]
The current Wikidot website contains numerous standard wiki features such as keyword searches and article lists. The wiki also contains a news hub, guides for writers and a central discussion forum.[21] The wiki is moderated by staff teams; each team is responsible for a different function such as community outreach and discipline.[31] Wikidot users are required to submit an application before they are allowed to post content.[6] Every article on the wiki is assigned a discussion page, where members can evaluate and provide constructive criticism on submitted stories. The discussion pages are frequently used by authors to improve their stories.[21] Members also have the ability to «upvote» articles they like and to «downvote» articles they dislike; articles that receive too many net downvotes are deleted.[32][33] Writers from the Daily Dot and Bustle have noted that the website maintains strict quality control standards, and that sub-par content tends to be quickly removed.[6][34]
The Wikidot website routinely holds creative writing contests to encourage submissions.[35] For example, in November 2014, the SCP Wiki held a «Dystopia Contest» in which its members were encouraged to submit writings about the Foundation set in a bleak or degraded world.[36] The website has also held seven themed contests for the opening of new Series, wherein the most-upvoted submission is listed at the beginning of the Series and the submissions of runner-ups are listed under an available number of their authors’ choosings. As of Series VIII, the contest themes have covered urban legends,[37] science fiction,[38] eldritch horror,[39] history,[40] mystery,[41] nature,[42] and luck.[43]
Apart from the original English wiki, 15 official foreign language branches exist, and some of their articles have been translated into English.[1][14][note 1] The Wanderer’s Library is a sister site and spin-off of the SCP Wiki. It uses the same setting as the SCP universe, but is made up of fantastical stories rather than scientific reports.[44] The SCP community also maintains a role-playing site, a forum on Reddit, and accounts on Facebook and Twitter.[6][45][46]
The SCP Foundation has received largely positive reviews. Michelle Starr of CNET praised the creepy nature of the stories.[7] Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, writing for the Daily Dot, praised the originality of the wiki and described it as the «most uniquely compelling horror writing on the Internet».[6] She noted that the series rarely contained gratuitous gore. Rather, the horror of the series was often established through the reports’ «pragmatic» and «deadpan» style, as well as through the inclusion of detail.[6] Lisa Suhay, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, also noted the SCP Wiki’s «tongue-in-cheek style».[36]
Alex Eichler, writing for io9, noted that the series had varying levels of quality and that some of the reports were dull or repetitive. However, he praised the SCP stories for not becoming overly dark, and for containing more light-hearted reports. Additionally, he praised the wide variety of concepts covered in the report and said that the wiki contained writings that would appeal to all readers.[9] Leigh Alexander, writing for The Guardian, noted that the wiki’s voting system allows readers to easily locate content which «the community thinks are best and most scary.»[47]
Winston Cook-Wilson, writing for Inverse, compared the SCP stories to the writings of American author H. P. Lovecraft. Like Lovecraft, SCP casefiles generally lack action sequences and are written in a pseudo-academic tone. Cook-Wilson argued that both Lovecraft’s works and those of the SCP Wiki were strengthened by the tensions between their detached scientific tone and the unsettling, horrific nature of the stories being told.[48]
Bryan Alexander, writing in The New Digital Storytelling, stated that the SCP Foundation is possibly «the most advanced achievement of wiki storytelling» due to the large-scale and recurring process through which the wiki’s user-base creates literary content.[49]
Cultural impact
The works present on the SCP Foundation website have been the subject of numerous independent adaptations and inspired some original works:
Films and videos
- SCP: Overlord is a 35-minute live action thriller short film, directed by Stephen Hancock and written by Evan Muir.[50][51] The film was pitched on Kickstarter in January of 2020 as an independently-produced horror piece set in the SCP universe. It received $23,497 in funding from 609 backers over the course of 30 days. The short was released for free in November of 2020 on the YouTube channel Evan Royalty.[52]
- SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking-Glass is a light novel series written by Akira and illustrated by Sidu. The book focuses on a boy who is kidnapped by the SCP Foundation after he sees a picture of Iris Thompson, a woman designated SCP-105, in every book he opens; the boy and Iris are forced to cooperate to escape the Foundation. The novel series began publication in Japan in September 2018, and was released by Seven Seas Entertainment in North America in January 2020.[53]
- SCP-5000 WHY — The Graphic Novel is a 120-page graphic novel adaptation of SCP-5000 — Why? (a contest-winning entry) written by Tanhony and illustrated by DRDOBERMANN. The novel focuses on technician Pietro Wilson surviving in an alternate universe where, for unknown reasons, the SCP Foundation has declared war against humanity and is releasing SCP objects to assure human extinction.[54] Funded through Kickstarter, the novel was published by Discordia Publishing in August 2021, with promotional items including bookmarks, mini prints, and jigsaw puzzles made available.[55]
- There Is No Antimemetics Division is a novel written and self-published by Sam «qntm» Hughes, an author from the SCP Foundation website. The novel is an anthology of works Hughes uploaded to the site from 2008 to 2020, including SCP-055, the There Is No Antimemetics Division storyline, and its sequel Five Five Five Five Five. The novel focuses on the concept of «antimemes», ideas and entities that censor themselves through memory loss, data corruption, and other anomalous means, and more specifically the invasion of an antimemetic entity inimical to human life. The novel was published June 2021.[56][57][failed verification]
Live performances
- In October 2014, a stage play entitled Welcome to the Ethics Committee was performed in Dublin at the Smock Alley Theatre. The play focused on the SCP Foundation’s Ethics Committee, a body that tries to limit unethical containment procedures.[58]
- In mid-2016, the Glasgow New Music Expedition under conductor Jessica Cottis performed works inspired by the SCP Foundation at the 10th annual Plug festival of contemporary music.[59]
Video games
- SCP – Containment Breach, one of the most popular games based on the SCP Foundation,[6][17] was released by Finnish developer Joonas Rikkonen in 2012.[60][61] The player character is D-9341, an unarmed D-class who attempts to escape from a containment facility while evading armed Foundation guards and escaped SCPs, including SCP-173.[62] The game includes a blink function, which makes the player close their eyes but allows SCP-173 to approach.[6]
- SCP: Secret Laboratory is a multiplayer game based on Containment Breach. Players have the option of playing as a breached SCP, an escaping scientist, a D-class, a Mobile Task Force Operative or the attacking Chaos Insurgency.[63]
- SCP: Pandemic is a multiplayer co-op first-person shooter in development by Affray Interactive.[64] Set in the alternate universe of SCP-5000 — Why?, players perform missions on behalf of various factions against the Foundation, which has become genocidal and seeks the annihilation of humanity. The game is currently available on Steam as an open alpha.[65][66]
- SCP: Secret Files is an episodic horror adventure game in development by GameZoo Studios. The player plays through chapters that each cover different excursions into the SCP Foundation’s operations with the bizarre and abnormal. A demo was released for Steam Next Fest; the chapter centered around the Euclid-class anomaly SCP-701, a The King In Yellow-esque stageplay titled The Hanged King’s Tragedy.[67][68]
- Control, a video game created by Remedy Entertainment, was first revealed at E3 2018 and released in August 2019.[69] The video game was heavily influenced by the SCP Foundation, with the game centered on a fictional Federal Bureau of Control that collects mundane objects imbued with paranormal influence to study and keep secure.[70][71]
- Lobotomy Corporation, a management video game by Project Moon, was released in April 2018. Inspired by the SCP Foundation, the titular Lobotomy Corporation contains and harvests energy from supernatural «Abnormalities», and handling containment breaches is a major aspect of the gameplay.[72][73]
- Other video games include SCP-3008 (a planned multiplayer game set in SCP-3008)[61] and SCP-087 (a short horror game about walking down SCP-087.)[74]
See also
- Creepypasta
- Slender Man
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Official foreign language branches of the SCP Foundation exist in German, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Thai, Spanish, Polish, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Czech, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese.[1]
- ^ Registration is only required to submit works and projects, or to leave comments and vote upon existing works. The site is free to view to people without an account.
- ^ SCP officially stands for «Special Containment Procedures» in the organization’s name; the organization also has the backronym motto «Secure, Contain, Protect».[4]
- ^ Commonly used object classes include:[14][15]
- Safe: SCPs tame enough to be trivially contained, such as most inanimate objects.
- Euclid: SCPs requiring substantial effort to contain, such as living organisms.
- Keter: Difficult or dangerous SCPs that either cannot be fully contained or that require overly complex and elaborate procedures to contain.
- Thaumiel: SCPs used to contain other SCPs and/or are beneficial to the Foundation.
- Neutralized: SCPs that are either destroyed or cease anomalous behavior.
Several hundred SCPs use an unofficial classification system that displays information in addition to containment difficulty.[16]
- ^ Including deliberately humorous «joke» SCP objects, SCP objects that were archived or decommisioned in lieu of deletion, and translations of SCPs from foreign language branches.
- ^ a b SCP Foundation Staff (24 July 2008). Main Page: «International Sites» table. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
- ^ a b Roget (17 February 2013). History Of The Universe: Part One. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
- ^ DrClef (12 December 2012). Licensing Guide. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 May 2015.
- ^ «Glossary Of Terms». SCP Foundation. 17 March 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b c d e Aelanna (17 March 2014). About the SCP Foundation. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 February 2015
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Baker-Whitelaw, Gavia (9 January 2014). «Meet the secret foundation that contains the world’s paranormal artifacts». The Daily Dot. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ a b c d e Starr, Michelle (11 August 2013). SCP Foundation web series coming to YouTube. CNET. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Zaeyde (10 December 2009). «SCP-087 — The Stairwell». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 17 May 2015.
- ^ a b Eichler, Alex (21 February 2010). «Enter the SCP Foundation’s Bottomless Catalog of the Weird». io9. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «What Is The SCP Foundation? 10 Best Pieces Every New Fan Should Read». ScreenRant. 3 January 2022. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
- ^ Rioghail (28 May 2012). «SCP-1609». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 December 2020.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (29 June 2017). «Brilliant short story about being trapped in an infinite IKEA». Boing Boing. Retrieved 5 August 2017.
- ^ Newsom, p.152
- ^ a b c d Burkart, Gregory (29 October 2015). «CREEPYPASTA: The Story Behind «The SCP Foundation»«. Blumhouse Productions. Archived from the original on 6 November 2017. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
- ^ a b Aelanna; SCP Foundation Staff (23 April 2014). «Object Classes». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 January 2018.
- ^ a b Woedenaz (20 August 2019). «Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Retrieved 20 January 2022.
- ^ a b Dinicola, Nick (1 December 2014). «Creepypasta Gaming: Where the Internet «Learns Our Fears»«. PopMatters. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ List of pages tagged with scp, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ List of pages tagged with tale, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 122
- ^ a b c Alexander, p. 72
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 122–123
- ^ Varonas, Nico (4 February 2012). SCP-087: Escaleras a lo desconocido. NeoTeo. Retrieved 26 March 2015. «Esta es una comunidad de usuarios y de fanáticos del sci-fi y el terror…» (translation: «This is a community of users and of sci-fi and horror fans…»)
- ^ Ong, Alexis (20 August 2020). The Unsung Muse of Speculative Fiction Is a Wikipedia Community. Tor.com. Retrieved 15 November 2020.
- ^ WhiteGuard (4 July 2021). «Interviewing Icons — The Administrator, FritzWillie». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 6 May 2022.
- ^ Scott, Jason (8 October 2018). «SCP-173 (found 4chan post; 2007)». Retrieved 21 February 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ «Internet Horror Legend Sees Incredible Reimagining After Over A Decade Of Tensions». Kotaku. 16 February 2022. Retrieved 3 March 2022.
- ^ Pedullà, Lorenzo (25 July 2017) Cos’è la SCP Foundation?, Fantascienza.com. Retrieved 18 August 2017.
- ^ «Announcement Regarding The Removal of SCP-173’s Image». SCP Foundation. 1 February 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ O’Connor, Alice (2 February 2022). «Iconic Internet monster SCP-173 is losing its look». Rock Paper Shotgun. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ SCP Foundation Staff, Staff Structure. 05 Command. Retrieved 21 May 2018.
- ^ Newsom, p. 154
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 117–118
- ^ Peters, Lucia (13 October 2014). «The 10 Scariest Urban Legends on the Internet to Bring a Shiver to Your Spine This Halloween». Bustle. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Tapscott, p.118
- ^ a b Suhay, Lisa (10 November 2014). «Urban Druid writing contest: What’s behind the dark-side fiction?». The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 17 March 2015.
- ^ AdminBright (27 July 2011). «Contest for 1000!». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ AdminBright (28 October 2013). «SCP-2000 «Science Fiction» Contest Hub». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ RJB_R (5 March 2017). «SCP-3000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (20 June 2018). «SCP-4000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (21 December 2019). «SCP-5000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (25 August 2021). «SCP-6000 Contest Hub». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ Aiken Drum; WhiteGuard (26 June 2022). «SCP-7000 Contest Hub». Retrieved 30 June 2022.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 115
- ^ Sitterson, Aubrey (16 February 2016). «The 11 weirdest subreddits». Geek. Archived from the original on 25 July 2016. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
- ^ Links. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Alexander, Leigh (5 May 2016)._9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9: the mysterious tale terrifying Reddit.The Guardian. Retrieved 25 August 2018.
- ^ Cook-Wilson, Winston (28 October 2015). «Scare Season: SCP, the Creepypasta for ‘X-Files’ and H.P. Lovecraft Fans». Inverse. Retrieved 31 October 2015.
- ^ Alexander p. 73
- ^ Hancock, Stephen (14 November 2020), SCP: Overlord (Short, Thriller), Retro Digital Media, retrieved 21 September 2022
- ^ «Art House Extra | Inside the Making of ‘SCP: Overlord’«. 11 December 2020. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
- ^ «Evan Royalty — YouTube». www.youtube.com. Retrieved 21 September 2022.
- ^ Loo, Egan (18 April 2018). Seven Seas Licenses Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? & My Father is a Unicorn Manga, SCP Foundation: Iris of the Mirror World Novel. Anime News Network. Retrieved 7 May 2019.
- ^ Tanhony (14 January 2020). «SCP-5000 — Why?». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (12 June 2021). «Graphic novel about one of the most epic SCP Foundation entries». Boing Boing. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Hughes, Sam (19 June 2021). «There Is No Antimemetics Division». Amazon.com. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Adee, Sally (6 April 2022). «Sci-fi is starting to exploit the infectious horrors of memes». New Scientist. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Power, Una (8 October 2014). Welcome to the Ethics Committee. Belfield FM/UCD Student Radio. Archived from the original on 11 August 2015.
- ^ Molleson, Kate (3 May 2016) Plug in to a feast of new music in Glasgow. Herald Scotland. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
- ^ Diver, p. 4 of chap. 5
- ^ a b Chan, Stephanie (8 December 2017). SCP-3008 is survival horror in an unending Ikea purgatory. Venture Beat. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Boring Aloof Gamer, The (27 June 2013). Cute Little Things- SCP: Containment Breach Review. Game Skinny. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Clark, Dean. SCP Secret Laboratory First Impression: Great Game, If You Can Get it Working. Game Tyrant. Retrieved 31 December 2018.
- ^ «Affray — Affray LLC». Affray. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernom, Ross (March 2022). «Tactical Horror Shooter SCP: PANDEMIC Out Now On Early Access». GameTyrant. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernon, Ross (April 2022). «SCP: PANDEMIC First Impression: Clearly An Alpha». GameTyrant. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ tinwatchman (27 March 2009). «SCP-701 — The Hanged King’s Tragedy». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ James, Archer (13 June 2022). «SCP: Secret Files looks like the most ambitious SCP game yet, and there’s a Steam Next Fest demo». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Gach, Ethan (26 August 2019), Control: The Kotaku Review. Kotaku. Retrieved 2 September 2019.
- ^ «Preview: Control is a Stunning Action Game for Fans of Annihilation and the SCP Foundation». Gamecrate. Archived from the original on 17 February 2021. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Twinfinite Staff (3 July 2018), Remedy’s Control Shares Eerie Similarities with the SCP CreepyPasta Site. Twinfinite. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Wood, Austin (13 April 2018). «Manage monsters and inevitably get eaten in Lobotomy Corporation». PC Gamer. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Meer, Alec (17 April 2018). «Wot I Think: Lobotomy Corporation». Rock Paper Shotgun. Gamer Network Limited. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Smith, Adam (21 February 2012). «The Neverending Stairway: SCP-087». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 7 February 2015.
General and cited references
- Alexander, Bryan (2017). New Digital Storytelling, The: Creating Narratives with New Media—Revised and Updated Edition, 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-4408-4961-9. Retrieved 1 August 2017.
- Diver, Mike (2016). Indie Games: The Complete Introduction to Indie Gaming. Michael O’Mara Books. ISBN 978-1-910552-35-3. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- Newsom, Eric Thomas (2013). Participatory storytelling and the new folklore of the digital age (PhD). Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved 10 August 2021.
- Tapscott, Alan (2017). Perceived Consistency and Coherence in Collaborative Story World (PhD). Pompeu Fabra University. hdl:/10803/441755.
External links
- Official website
- Text-only archive of the earliest-known SCP-173 post on 4chan, obtained from the 4Chan Threads Text Archive
SCP Foundation
Logo |
Type of site |
Collaborative fiction project |
Available in | English and 15 other languages[note 1] |
URL | scp-wiki.wikidot.com |
Registration | Optional[note 2] |
Launched |
Current status | Active |
Content license |
CC-BY-SA-3.0[3] |
The SCP Foundation[note 3] is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative-writing wiki project of the same name. Within the website’s shared universe, the Foundation is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena unexplained by science (known as «anomalies» or «SCPs»), while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of human society.
The collaborative writing project operates on a wiki-like website, and includes elements of many genres such as horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. The majority of works on the SCP Wiki consist of thousands of SCP files: mock confidential scientific reports that document various SCPs and associated containment procedures. The website also contains «Foundation Tales», short stories featuring various characters and settings in the SCP universe. The wiki’s literary works have been praised for their ability to convey horror through a quasi-scientific and academic writing style, as well as for their high standards of quality.
The SCP universe has inspired numerous fan-made adaptations in widely varying forms of media, including novels, video games, and short films (both animated and live-action).
The fictional setting centers around the findings and activities of the SCP Foundation: an international secret society consisting of a scientific research institution with a paramilitary intelligence agency to support their goals. Despite their extremely secretive nature, the Foundation is entrusted by governments around the world to capture and contain various unexplained phenomena that defy the known laws of nature (referred to as «anomalies», «SCP objects», «SCPs», or informally as «skips»). They include living beings and creatures, artifacts and objects, locations and places, abstract concepts, and incomprehensible entities which display supernatural abilities or other extremely unusual properties. If left uncontained, many of the more dangerous anomalies will pose a serious threat to humans or even all life on Earth. Information on SCPs and the Foundation is strictly withheld from the general public in order to prevent mass hysteria that would supposedly occur if they were leaked, and allow human civilization to «continue functioning normally».[5]
When an SCP anomaly is discovered, teams of undercover Foundation agents (often called Mobile Task Forces) are deployed to either collect and transport the object to a Foundation facility, or to contain it at its location of discovery if transportation is not possible. If an anomaly is too widespread, elusive, or otherwise inaccessible, containment usually consists of suppressing all knowledge of the SCP from the public. This is accomplished through censorship of mass media and dosing eyewitnesses with amnestic drugs, which erase their memories of anomalous events.[5]
Contained SCPs are studied and researched by scientists in order to improve containment methods for them. The Foundation also acquires human test subjects, usually convicts from prisons, forcing them to take part in experiments involving certain SCPs. Considered to be disposable, these «D-class» personnel are used in experiments with particularly dangerous SCPs to avoid risking the safety of Foundation employees themselves. The Foundation maintains documentation for all SCPs which they are aware of, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents describe the SCPs and include instructions for keeping them safely contained, as well as supplementary incident reports or experimentation logs.[5]
Apart from the Foundation itself, there are numerous rival organizations (referred to as Groups of Interest) which deal with SCPs for various purposes. Examples of major Groups of Interest include the Chaos Insurgency, a terrorist splinter group consisting of ex-Foundation defectors who attempt to weaponize SCPs; the Global Occult Coalition (GOC), a secret paramilitary agency of the United Nations which specializes in destroying supernatural threats instead of containing them; and the Serpent’s Hand, a militant group which advocates for the rights of anomalous beings, resisting both the Foundation’s and GOC’s efforts to suppress paranormal activity worldwide. Other Groups of Interest seek to exploit anomalies by producing or selling them for monetary profit; or using them to serve their own religious, political, or ideological goals.[5]
Examples of SCPs
SCP-087, with SCP-087-1 in the background
- SCP-055 is an information autosuppressor known as an «antimeme» that causes anyone who examines it to forget its characteristics, thus making it indescribable except in terms of what it is not.[6]
- SCP-087 is a staircase that appears to descend infinitely and inhibits any light within its space.[7] The staircase is inhabited by SCP-087-1 and SCP-087-2, described as a face without a mouth, pupils or nostrils.[8]
- SCP-108 is a Nazi bunker system that is accessible only through a portal found in a woman’s nose.[9][6]
- SCP-173 is a humanoid statue composed of rebar, concrete and Krylon spray paint.[6] It is immobile when directly observed, but it attacks people and breaks their neck when line of sight with it is broken. It is extremely fast, to the point where it can move multiple meters while the observer is blinking.[7]
- SCP-294 is a coffee vending machine that can dispense anything that does or can exist in liquid form—including, on occasion, abstract concepts. Regardless of the properties of the substance chosen, the machine’s polystyrene cups appear to suffer no damage from the substances dispensed into them.[7][6]
- SCP-426 is a toaster that can only be referred to in the first person.[7]
- SCP-999 is a gelatinous slime mold-like creature that smells similar to whatever is most comforting to the person it makes contact with. It has a friendly personality and is known to induce positive emotions on contact with humans and other organisms. Therefore, it is sometimes used as a tool by the SCP Foundation.[10]
- SCP-1171 is a home whose windows are covered in condensation; by writing in the condensation on the glass, it is possible to communicate with an extra-dimensional entity whose windows are likewise covered in condensation. This entity bears significant enmity towards humans but does not know that the Foundation members are humans.[6]
- SCP-1609 is a wood chip mulch that teleports into the lungs of individuals displaying aggressive behavior towards it.[11] Previously a benevolent chair that teleported to nearby individuals who needed to sit down, it became aggressive after being destroyed in a woodchipper by the Global Occult Coalition.[6]
- SCP-3008 is an IKEA store whose interior is a seemingly infinite, labyrinthine pocket dimension designated SCP-3008-1. Prospective customers trapped within the building have formed rudimentary civilizations, and must defend themselves against hostile creatures known as SCP-3008-2: tall, faceless humanoids wearing IKEA employee uniforms that become violently aggressive towards other entities in SCP-3008-1 when the lights are turned off.[12]
Writing style
On the SCP Wiki, the majority of works are stand-alone articles detailing the «Special Containment Procedures» of a given SCP object.[6] In a typical article, an SCP object is assigned a unique identification number[13] and a «containment class»[note 4] based on the difficulty of containing it.[14][15][16] The documentation then outlines proper containment procedures and safety measures before describing the SCP object in question.[6] Addenda (such as images, research data, interviews, history, or status updates) may also be attached to the document. The reports are written in a scientific tone and often censor words with black bars (ex. █████) and [DATA EXPUNGED] markings.[17] As of August 2021, articles exist for nearly 6,600 SCP objects;[18][note 5] new articles are frequently written by contributors.[6]
The SCP Wiki contains over 4,200 short stories referred to as «Foundation Tales».[6][19] The stories are set within the larger SCP universe, and often focus on the exploits of various Foundation staff members, SCP entities and objects, among other recurring characters and settings.[20] Gregory Burkart, writing for Blumhouse Productions, noted that some of the Foundation Tales had a dark and bleak tone, while others were «surprisingly light-hearted».[14]
The SCP universe has neither a central canon nor the ability to establish one due to its community-oriented nature,[6] but stories on the wiki are often linked together to create larger narratives.[21] Contributors have the ability to create «canons», which are clusters of SCPs and Foundation Tales with similar locations, characters, or central plots; many of these canons have hub pages that explain their basic concept and provide information such as timelines and character lists.[22]
The genres of the SCP Wiki have variously been described as science fiction, urban fantasy, horror and creepypasta.[5][23][24]
The SCP Wiki’s original logo while on EditThis.[25]
The SCP Foundation originated in the «paranormal» /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007, where the very first SCP file, SCP-173, was posted by an anonymous user (later identified as Moto42),[26] accompanied by an image of the sculpture «Untitled 2004» by Japanese artist Izumi Kato. Although displeased with the unlicensed use of his art, Kato allowed the use of the photo explicitly for the noncommercial purposes of the community.[27] Initially a stand-alone short story, many additional SCP files were created shortly after; these new SCPs copied SCP-173’s style and were set within the same fictional universe.[6] A stand-alone wiki was created in January 2008 on the EditThis wiki hosting service to display the SCP articles. The EditThis website did not have moderators, or the ability to delete articles. Members communicated through individual article talk pages and the /x/ board; the website lacked a central discussion forum. In July 2008, the SCP Wiki was transferred to its current Wikidot website after EditThis switched to a paid model.[6][28][2] «Untitled 2004» was removed from the entry for SCP-173 in 2022.[29][30]
The current Wikidot website contains numerous standard wiki features such as keyword searches and article lists. The wiki also contains a news hub, guides for writers and a central discussion forum.[21] The wiki is moderated by staff teams; each team is responsible for a different function such as community outreach and discipline.[31] Wikidot users are required to submit an application before they are allowed to post content.[6] Every article on the wiki is assigned a discussion page, where members can evaluate and provide constructive criticism on submitted stories. The discussion pages are frequently used by authors to improve their stories.[21] Members also have the ability to «upvote» articles they like and to «downvote» articles they dislike; articles that receive too many net downvotes are deleted.[32][33] Writers from the Daily Dot and Bustle have noted that the website maintains strict quality control standards, and that sub-par content tends to be quickly removed.[6][34]
The Wikidot website routinely holds creative writing contests to encourage submissions.[35] For example, in November 2014, the SCP Wiki held a «Dystopia Contest» in which its members were encouraged to submit writings about the Foundation set in a bleak or degraded world.[36] The website has also held seven themed contests for the opening of new Series, wherein the most-upvoted submission is listed at the beginning of the Series and the submissions of runner-ups are listed under an available number of their authors’ choosings. As of Series VIII, the contest themes have covered urban legends,[37] science fiction,[38] eldritch horror,[39] history,[40] mystery,[41] nature,[42] and luck.[43]
Apart from the original English wiki, 15 official foreign language branches exist, and some of their articles have been translated into English.[1][14][note 1] The Wanderer’s Library is a sister site and spin-off of the SCP Wiki. It uses the same setting as the SCP universe, but is made up of fantastical stories rather than scientific reports.[44] The SCP community also maintains a role-playing site, a forum on Reddit, and accounts on Facebook and Twitter.[6][45][46]
The SCP Foundation has received largely positive reviews. Michelle Starr of CNET praised the creepy nature of the stories.[7] Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, writing for the Daily Dot, praised the originality of the wiki and described it as the «most uniquely compelling horror writing on the Internet».[6] She noted that the series rarely contained gratuitous gore. Rather, the horror of the series was often established through the reports’ «pragmatic» and «deadpan» style, as well as through the inclusion of detail.[6] Lisa Suhay, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, also noted the SCP Wiki’s «tongue-in-cheek style».[36]
Alex Eichler, writing for io9, noted that the series had varying levels of quality and that some of the reports were dull or repetitive. However, he praised the SCP stories for not becoming overly dark, and for containing more light-hearted reports. Additionally, he praised the wide variety of concepts covered in the report and said that the wiki contained writings that would appeal to all readers.[9] Leigh Alexander, writing for The Guardian, noted that the wiki’s voting system allows readers to easily locate content which «the community thinks are best and most scary.»[47]
Winston Cook-Wilson, writing for Inverse, compared the SCP stories to the writings of American author H. P. Lovecraft. Like Lovecraft, SCP casefiles generally lack action sequences and are written in a pseudo-academic tone. Cook-Wilson argued that both Lovecraft’s works and those of the SCP Wiki were strengthened by the tensions between their detached scientific tone and the unsettling, horrific nature of the stories being told.[48]
Bryan Alexander, writing in The New Digital Storytelling, stated that the SCP Foundation is possibly «the most advanced achievement of wiki storytelling» due to the large-scale and recurring process through which the wiki’s user-base creates literary content.[49]
Cultural impact
The works present on the SCP Foundation website have been the subject of numerous independent adaptations and inspired some original works:
Films and videos
- SCP: Overlord is a 35-minute live action thriller short film, directed by Stephen Hancock and written by Evan Muir.[50][51] The film was pitched on Kickstarter in January of 2020 as an independently-produced horror piece set in the SCP universe. It received $23,497 in funding from 609 backers over the course of 30 days. The short was released for free in November of 2020 on the YouTube channel Evan Royalty.[52]
- SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking-Glass is a light novel series written by Akira and illustrated by Sidu. The book focuses on a boy who is kidnapped by the SCP Foundation after he sees a picture of Iris Thompson, a woman designated SCP-105, in every book he opens; the boy and Iris are forced to cooperate to escape the Foundation. The novel series began publication in Japan in September 2018, and was released by Seven Seas Entertainment in North America in January 2020.[53]
- SCP-5000 WHY — The Graphic Novel is a 120-page graphic novel adaptation of SCP-5000 — Why? (a contest-winning entry) written by Tanhony and illustrated by DRDOBERMANN. The novel focuses on technician Pietro Wilson surviving in an alternate universe where, for unknown reasons, the SCP Foundation has declared war against humanity and is releasing SCP objects to assure human extinction.[54] Funded through Kickstarter, the novel was published by Discordia Publishing in August 2021, with promotional items including bookmarks, mini prints, and jigsaw puzzles made available.[55]
- There Is No Antimemetics Division is a novel written and self-published by Sam «qntm» Hughes, an author from the SCP Foundation website. The novel is an anthology of works Hughes uploaded to the site from 2008 to 2020, including SCP-055, the There Is No Antimemetics Division storyline, and its sequel Five Five Five Five Five. The novel focuses on the concept of «antimemes», ideas and entities that censor themselves through memory loss, data corruption, and other anomalous means, and more specifically the invasion of an antimemetic entity inimical to human life. The novel was published June 2021.[56][57][failed verification]
Live performances
- In October 2014, a stage play entitled Welcome to the Ethics Committee was performed in Dublin at the Smock Alley Theatre. The play focused on the SCP Foundation’s Ethics Committee, a body that tries to limit unethical containment procedures.[58]
- In mid-2016, the Glasgow New Music Expedition under conductor Jessica Cottis performed works inspired by the SCP Foundation at the 10th annual Plug festival of contemporary music.[59]
Video games
- SCP – Containment Breach, one of the most popular games based on the SCP Foundation,[6][17] was released by Finnish developer Joonas Rikkonen in 2012.[60][61] The player character is D-9341, an unarmed D-class who attempts to escape from a containment facility while evading armed Foundation guards and escaped SCPs, including SCP-173.[62] The game includes a blink function, which makes the player close their eyes but allows SCP-173 to approach.[6]
- SCP: Secret Laboratory is a multiplayer game based on Containment Breach. Players have the option of playing as a breached SCP, an escaping scientist, a D-class, a Mobile Task Force Operative or the attacking Chaos Insurgency.[63]
- SCP: Pandemic is a multiplayer co-op first-person shooter in development by Affray Interactive.[64] Set in the alternate universe of SCP-5000 — Why?, players perform missions on behalf of various factions against the Foundation, which has become genocidal and seeks the annihilation of humanity. The game is currently available on Steam as an open alpha.[65][66]
- SCP: Secret Files is an episodic horror adventure game in development by GameZoo Studios. The player plays through chapters that each cover different excursions into the SCP Foundation’s operations with the bizarre and abnormal. A demo was released for Steam Next Fest; the chapter centered around the Euclid-class anomaly SCP-701, a The King In Yellow-esque stageplay titled The Hanged King’s Tragedy.[67][68]
- Control, a video game created by Remedy Entertainment, was first revealed at E3 2018 and released in August 2019.[69] The video game was heavily influenced by the SCP Foundation, with the game centered on a fictional Federal Bureau of Control that collects mundane objects imbued with paranormal influence to study and keep secure.[70][71]
- Lobotomy Corporation, a management video game by Project Moon, was released in April 2018. Inspired by the SCP Foundation, the titular Lobotomy Corporation contains and harvests energy from supernatural «Abnormalities», and handling containment breaches is a major aspect of the gameplay.[72][73]
- Other video games include SCP-3008 (a planned multiplayer game set in SCP-3008)[61] and SCP-087 (a short horror game about walking down SCP-087.)[74]
See also
- Creepypasta
- Slender Man
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Official foreign language branches of the SCP Foundation exist in German, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Thai, Spanish, Polish, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Czech, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese.[1]
- ^ Registration is only required to submit works and projects, or to leave comments and vote upon existing works. The site is free to view to people without an account.
- ^ SCP officially stands for «Special Containment Procedures» in the organization’s name; the organization also has the backronym motto «Secure, Contain, Protect».[4]
- ^ Commonly used object classes include:[14][15]
- Safe: SCPs tame enough to be trivially contained, such as most inanimate objects.
- Euclid: SCPs requiring substantial effort to contain, such as living organisms.
- Keter: Difficult or dangerous SCPs that either cannot be fully contained or that require overly complex and elaborate procedures to contain.
- Thaumiel: SCPs used to contain other SCPs and/or are beneficial to the Foundation.
- Neutralized: SCPs that are either destroyed or cease anomalous behavior.
Several hundred SCPs use an unofficial classification system that displays information in addition to containment difficulty.[16]
- ^ Including deliberately humorous «joke» SCP objects, SCP objects that were archived or decommisioned in lieu of deletion, and translations of SCPs from foreign language branches.
- ^ a b SCP Foundation Staff (24 July 2008). Main Page: «International Sites» table. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
- ^ a b Roget (17 February 2013). History Of The Universe: Part One. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
- ^ DrClef (12 December 2012). Licensing Guide. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 May 2015.
- ^ «Glossary Of Terms». SCP Foundation. 17 March 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b c d e Aelanna (17 March 2014). About the SCP Foundation. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 February 2015
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Baker-Whitelaw, Gavia (9 January 2014). «Meet the secret foundation that contains the world’s paranormal artifacts». The Daily Dot. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ a b c d e Starr, Michelle (11 August 2013). SCP Foundation web series coming to YouTube. CNET. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Zaeyde (10 December 2009). «SCP-087 — The Stairwell». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 17 May 2015.
- ^ a b Eichler, Alex (21 February 2010). «Enter the SCP Foundation’s Bottomless Catalog of the Weird». io9. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «What Is The SCP Foundation? 10 Best Pieces Every New Fan Should Read». ScreenRant. 3 January 2022. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
- ^ Rioghail (28 May 2012). «SCP-1609». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 December 2020.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (29 June 2017). «Brilliant short story about being trapped in an infinite IKEA». Boing Boing. Retrieved 5 August 2017.
- ^ Newsom, p.152
- ^ a b c d Burkart, Gregory (29 October 2015). «CREEPYPASTA: The Story Behind «The SCP Foundation»«. Blumhouse Productions. Archived from the original on 6 November 2017. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
- ^ a b Aelanna; SCP Foundation Staff (23 April 2014). «Object Classes». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 January 2018.
- ^ a b Woedenaz (20 August 2019). «Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Retrieved 20 January 2022.
- ^ a b Dinicola, Nick (1 December 2014). «Creepypasta Gaming: Where the Internet «Learns Our Fears»«. PopMatters. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ List of pages tagged with scp, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ List of pages tagged with tale, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 122
- ^ a b c Alexander, p. 72
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 122–123
- ^ Varonas, Nico (4 February 2012). SCP-087: Escaleras a lo desconocido. NeoTeo. Retrieved 26 March 2015. «Esta es una comunidad de usuarios y de fanáticos del sci-fi y el terror…» (translation: «This is a community of users and of sci-fi and horror fans…»)
- ^ Ong, Alexis (20 August 2020). The Unsung Muse of Speculative Fiction Is a Wikipedia Community. Tor.com. Retrieved 15 November 2020.
- ^ WhiteGuard (4 July 2021). «Interviewing Icons — The Administrator, FritzWillie». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 6 May 2022.
- ^ Scott, Jason (8 October 2018). «SCP-173 (found 4chan post; 2007)». Retrieved 21 February 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ «Internet Horror Legend Sees Incredible Reimagining After Over A Decade Of Tensions». Kotaku. 16 February 2022. Retrieved 3 March 2022.
- ^ Pedullà, Lorenzo (25 July 2017) Cos’è la SCP Foundation?, Fantascienza.com. Retrieved 18 August 2017.
- ^ «Announcement Regarding The Removal of SCP-173’s Image». SCP Foundation. 1 February 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ O’Connor, Alice (2 February 2022). «Iconic Internet monster SCP-173 is losing its look». Rock Paper Shotgun. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ SCP Foundation Staff, Staff Structure. 05 Command. Retrieved 21 May 2018.
- ^ Newsom, p. 154
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 117–118
- ^ Peters, Lucia (13 October 2014). «The 10 Scariest Urban Legends on the Internet to Bring a Shiver to Your Spine This Halloween». Bustle. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Tapscott, p.118
- ^ a b Suhay, Lisa (10 November 2014). «Urban Druid writing contest: What’s behind the dark-side fiction?». The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 17 March 2015.
- ^ AdminBright (27 July 2011). «Contest for 1000!». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ AdminBright (28 October 2013). «SCP-2000 «Science Fiction» Contest Hub». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ RJB_R (5 March 2017). «SCP-3000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (20 June 2018). «SCP-4000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (21 December 2019). «SCP-5000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (25 August 2021). «SCP-6000 Contest Hub». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ Aiken Drum; WhiteGuard (26 June 2022). «SCP-7000 Contest Hub». Retrieved 30 June 2022.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 115
- ^ Sitterson, Aubrey (16 February 2016). «The 11 weirdest subreddits». Geek. Archived from the original on 25 July 2016. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
- ^ Links. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Alexander, Leigh (5 May 2016)._9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9: the mysterious tale terrifying Reddit.The Guardian. Retrieved 25 August 2018.
- ^ Cook-Wilson, Winston (28 October 2015). «Scare Season: SCP, the Creepypasta for ‘X-Files’ and H.P. Lovecraft Fans». Inverse. Retrieved 31 October 2015.
- ^ Alexander p. 73
- ^ Hancock, Stephen (14 November 2020), SCP: Overlord (Short, Thriller), Retro Digital Media, retrieved 21 September 2022
- ^ «Art House Extra | Inside the Making of ‘SCP: Overlord’«. 11 December 2020. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
- ^ «Evan Royalty — YouTube». www.youtube.com. Retrieved 21 September 2022.
- ^ Loo, Egan (18 April 2018). Seven Seas Licenses Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? & My Father is a Unicorn Manga, SCP Foundation: Iris of the Mirror World Novel. Anime News Network. Retrieved 7 May 2019.
- ^ Tanhony (14 January 2020). «SCP-5000 — Why?». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (12 June 2021). «Graphic novel about one of the most epic SCP Foundation entries». Boing Boing. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Hughes, Sam (19 June 2021). «There Is No Antimemetics Division». Amazon.com. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Adee, Sally (6 April 2022). «Sci-fi is starting to exploit the infectious horrors of memes». New Scientist. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Power, Una (8 October 2014). Welcome to the Ethics Committee. Belfield FM/UCD Student Radio. Archived from the original on 11 August 2015.
- ^ Molleson, Kate (3 May 2016) Plug in to a feast of new music in Glasgow. Herald Scotland. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
- ^ Diver, p. 4 of chap. 5
- ^ a b Chan, Stephanie (8 December 2017). SCP-3008 is survival horror in an unending Ikea purgatory. Venture Beat. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Boring Aloof Gamer, The (27 June 2013). Cute Little Things- SCP: Containment Breach Review. Game Skinny. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Clark, Dean. SCP Secret Laboratory First Impression: Great Game, If You Can Get it Working. Game Tyrant. Retrieved 31 December 2018.
- ^ «Affray — Affray LLC». Affray. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernom, Ross (March 2022). «Tactical Horror Shooter SCP: PANDEMIC Out Now On Early Access». GameTyrant. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernon, Ross (April 2022). «SCP: PANDEMIC First Impression: Clearly An Alpha». GameTyrant. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ tinwatchman (27 March 2009). «SCP-701 — The Hanged King’s Tragedy». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ James, Archer (13 June 2022). «SCP: Secret Files looks like the most ambitious SCP game yet, and there’s a Steam Next Fest demo». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Gach, Ethan (26 August 2019), Control: The Kotaku Review. Kotaku. Retrieved 2 September 2019.
- ^ «Preview: Control is a Stunning Action Game for Fans of Annihilation and the SCP Foundation». Gamecrate. Archived from the original on 17 February 2021. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Twinfinite Staff (3 July 2018), Remedy’s Control Shares Eerie Similarities with the SCP CreepyPasta Site. Twinfinite. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Wood, Austin (13 April 2018). «Manage monsters and inevitably get eaten in Lobotomy Corporation». PC Gamer. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Meer, Alec (17 April 2018). «Wot I Think: Lobotomy Corporation». Rock Paper Shotgun. Gamer Network Limited. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Smith, Adam (21 February 2012). «The Neverending Stairway: SCP-087». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 7 February 2015.
General and cited references
- Alexander, Bryan (2017). New Digital Storytelling, The: Creating Narratives with New Media—Revised and Updated Edition, 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-4408-4961-9. Retrieved 1 August 2017.
- Diver, Mike (2016). Indie Games: The Complete Introduction to Indie Gaming. Michael O’Mara Books. ISBN 978-1-910552-35-3. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- Newsom, Eric Thomas (2013). Participatory storytelling and the new folklore of the digital age (PhD). Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved 10 August 2021.
- Tapscott, Alan (2017). Perceived Consistency and Coherence in Collaborative Story World (PhD). Pompeu Fabra University. hdl:/10803/441755.
External links
- Official website
- Text-only archive of the earliest-known SCP-173 post on 4chan, obtained from the 4Chan Threads Text Archive
SCP Foundation
Logo |
Type of site |
Collaborative fiction project |
Available in | English and 15 other languages[note 1] |
URL | scp-wiki.wikidot.com |
Registration | Optional[note 2] |
Launched |
Current status | Active |
Content license |
CC-BY-SA-3.0[3] |
The SCP Foundation[note 3] is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative-writing wiki project of the same name. Within the website’s shared universe, the Foundation is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena unexplained by science (known as «anomalies» or «SCPs»), while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of human society.
The collaborative writing project operates on a wiki-like website, and includes elements of many genres such as horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. The majority of works on the SCP Wiki consist of thousands of SCP files: mock confidential scientific reports that document various SCPs and associated containment procedures. The website also contains «Foundation Tales», short stories featuring various characters and settings in the SCP universe. The wiki’s literary works have been praised for their ability to convey horror through a quasi-scientific and academic writing style, as well as for their high standards of quality.
The SCP universe has inspired numerous fan-made adaptations in widely varying forms of media, including novels, video games, and short films (both animated and live-action).
The fictional setting centers around the findings and activities of the SCP Foundation: an international secret society consisting of a scientific research institution with a paramilitary intelligence agency to support their goals. Despite their extremely secretive nature, the Foundation is entrusted by governments around the world to capture and contain various unexplained phenomena that defy the known laws of nature (referred to as «anomalies», «SCP objects», «SCPs», or informally as «skips»). They include living beings and creatures, artifacts and objects, locations and places, abstract concepts, and incomprehensible entities which display supernatural abilities or other extremely unusual properties. If left uncontained, many of the more dangerous anomalies will pose a serious threat to humans or even all life on Earth. Information on SCPs and the Foundation is strictly withheld from the general public in order to prevent mass hysteria that would supposedly occur if they were leaked, and allow human civilization to «continue functioning normally».[5]
When an SCP anomaly is discovered, teams of undercover Foundation agents (often called Mobile Task Forces) are deployed to either collect and transport the object to a Foundation facility, or to contain it at its location of discovery if transportation is not possible. If an anomaly is too widespread, elusive, or otherwise inaccessible, containment usually consists of suppressing all knowledge of the SCP from the public. This is accomplished through censorship of mass media and dosing eyewitnesses with amnestic drugs, which erase their memories of anomalous events.[5]
Contained SCPs are studied and researched by scientists in order to improve containment methods for them. The Foundation also acquires human test subjects, usually convicts from prisons, forcing them to take part in experiments involving certain SCPs. Considered to be disposable, these «D-class» personnel are used in experiments with particularly dangerous SCPs to avoid risking the safety of Foundation employees themselves. The Foundation maintains documentation for all SCPs which they are aware of, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents describe the SCPs and include instructions for keeping them safely contained, as well as supplementary incident reports or experimentation logs.[5]
Apart from the Foundation itself, there are numerous rival organizations (referred to as Groups of Interest) which deal with SCPs for various purposes. Examples of major Groups of Interest include the Chaos Insurgency, a terrorist splinter group consisting of ex-Foundation defectors who attempt to weaponize SCPs; the Global Occult Coalition (GOC), a secret paramilitary agency of the United Nations which specializes in destroying supernatural threats instead of containing them; and the Serpent’s Hand, a militant group which advocates for the rights of anomalous beings, resisting both the Foundation’s and GOC’s efforts to suppress paranormal activity worldwide. Other Groups of Interest seek to exploit anomalies by producing or selling them for monetary profit; or using them to serve their own religious, political, or ideological goals.[5]
Examples of SCPs
SCP-087, with SCP-087-1 in the background
- SCP-055 is an information autosuppressor known as an «antimeme» that causes anyone who examines it to forget its characteristics, thus making it indescribable except in terms of what it is not.[6]
- SCP-087 is a staircase that appears to descend infinitely and inhibits any light within its space.[7] The staircase is inhabited by SCP-087-1 and SCP-087-2, described as a face without a mouth, pupils or nostrils.[8]
- SCP-108 is a Nazi bunker system that is accessible only through a portal found in a woman’s nose.[9][6]
- SCP-173 is a humanoid statue composed of rebar, concrete and Krylon spray paint.[6] It is immobile when directly observed, but it attacks people and breaks their neck when line of sight with it is broken. It is extremely fast, to the point where it can move multiple meters while the observer is blinking.[7]
- SCP-294 is a coffee vending machine that can dispense anything that does or can exist in liquid form—including, on occasion, abstract concepts. Regardless of the properties of the substance chosen, the machine’s polystyrene cups appear to suffer no damage from the substances dispensed into them.[7][6]
- SCP-426 is a toaster that can only be referred to in the first person.[7]
- SCP-999 is a gelatinous slime mold-like creature that smells similar to whatever is most comforting to the person it makes contact with. It has a friendly personality and is known to induce positive emotions on contact with humans and other organisms. Therefore, it is sometimes used as a tool by the SCP Foundation.[10]
- SCP-1171 is a home whose windows are covered in condensation; by writing in the condensation on the glass, it is possible to communicate with an extra-dimensional entity whose windows are likewise covered in condensation. This entity bears significant enmity towards humans but does not know that the Foundation members are humans.[6]
- SCP-1609 is a wood chip mulch that teleports into the lungs of individuals displaying aggressive behavior towards it.[11] Previously a benevolent chair that teleported to nearby individuals who needed to sit down, it became aggressive after being destroyed in a woodchipper by the Global Occult Coalition.[6]
- SCP-3008 is an IKEA store whose interior is a seemingly infinite, labyrinthine pocket dimension designated SCP-3008-1. Prospective customers trapped within the building have formed rudimentary civilizations, and must defend themselves against hostile creatures known as SCP-3008-2: tall, faceless humanoids wearing IKEA employee uniforms that become violently aggressive towards other entities in SCP-3008-1 when the lights are turned off.[12]
Writing style
On the SCP Wiki, the majority of works are stand-alone articles detailing the «Special Containment Procedures» of a given SCP object.[6] In a typical article, an SCP object is assigned a unique identification number[13] and a «containment class»[note 4] based on the difficulty of containing it.[14][15][16] The documentation then outlines proper containment procedures and safety measures before describing the SCP object in question.[6] Addenda (such as images, research data, interviews, history, or status updates) may also be attached to the document. The reports are written in a scientific tone and often censor words with black bars (ex. █████) and [DATA EXPUNGED] markings.[17] As of August 2021, articles exist for nearly 6,600 SCP objects;[18][note 5] new articles are frequently written by contributors.[6]
The SCP Wiki contains over 4,200 short stories referred to as «Foundation Tales».[6][19] The stories are set within the larger SCP universe, and often focus on the exploits of various Foundation staff members, SCP entities and objects, among other recurring characters and settings.[20] Gregory Burkart, writing for Blumhouse Productions, noted that some of the Foundation Tales had a dark and bleak tone, while others were «surprisingly light-hearted».[14]
The SCP universe has neither a central canon nor the ability to establish one due to its community-oriented nature,[6] but stories on the wiki are often linked together to create larger narratives.[21] Contributors have the ability to create «canons», which are clusters of SCPs and Foundation Tales with similar locations, characters, or central plots; many of these canons have hub pages that explain their basic concept and provide information such as timelines and character lists.[22]
The genres of the SCP Wiki have variously been described as science fiction, urban fantasy, horror and creepypasta.[5][23][24]
The SCP Wiki’s original logo while on EditThis.[25]
The SCP Foundation originated in the «paranormal» /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007, where the very first SCP file, SCP-173, was posted by an anonymous user (later identified as Moto42),[26] accompanied by an image of the sculpture «Untitled 2004» by Japanese artist Izumi Kato. Although displeased with the unlicensed use of his art, Kato allowed the use of the photo explicitly for the noncommercial purposes of the community.[27] Initially a stand-alone short story, many additional SCP files were created shortly after; these new SCPs copied SCP-173’s style and were set within the same fictional universe.[6] A stand-alone wiki was created in January 2008 on the EditThis wiki hosting service to display the SCP articles. The EditThis website did not have moderators, or the ability to delete articles. Members communicated through individual article talk pages and the /x/ board; the website lacked a central discussion forum. In July 2008, the SCP Wiki was transferred to its current Wikidot website after EditThis switched to a paid model.[6][28][2] «Untitled 2004» was removed from the entry for SCP-173 in 2022.[29][30]
The current Wikidot website contains numerous standard wiki features such as keyword searches and article lists. The wiki also contains a news hub, guides for writers and a central discussion forum.[21] The wiki is moderated by staff teams; each team is responsible for a different function such as community outreach and discipline.[31] Wikidot users are required to submit an application before they are allowed to post content.[6] Every article on the wiki is assigned a discussion page, where members can evaluate and provide constructive criticism on submitted stories. The discussion pages are frequently used by authors to improve their stories.[21] Members also have the ability to «upvote» articles they like and to «downvote» articles they dislike; articles that receive too many net downvotes are deleted.[32][33] Writers from the Daily Dot and Bustle have noted that the website maintains strict quality control standards, and that sub-par content tends to be quickly removed.[6][34]
The Wikidot website routinely holds creative writing contests to encourage submissions.[35] For example, in November 2014, the SCP Wiki held a «Dystopia Contest» in which its members were encouraged to submit writings about the Foundation set in a bleak or degraded world.[36] The website has also held seven themed contests for the opening of new Series, wherein the most-upvoted submission is listed at the beginning of the Series and the submissions of runner-ups are listed under an available number of their authors’ choosings. As of Series VIII, the contest themes have covered urban legends,[37] science fiction,[38] eldritch horror,[39] history,[40] mystery,[41] nature,[42] and luck.[43]
Apart from the original English wiki, 15 official foreign language branches exist, and some of their articles have been translated into English.[1][14][note 1] The Wanderer’s Library is a sister site and spin-off of the SCP Wiki. It uses the same setting as the SCP universe, but is made up of fantastical stories rather than scientific reports.[44] The SCP community also maintains a role-playing site, a forum on Reddit, and accounts on Facebook and Twitter.[6][45][46]
The SCP Foundation has received largely positive reviews. Michelle Starr of CNET praised the creepy nature of the stories.[7] Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, writing for the Daily Dot, praised the originality of the wiki and described it as the «most uniquely compelling horror writing on the Internet».[6] She noted that the series rarely contained gratuitous gore. Rather, the horror of the series was often established through the reports’ «pragmatic» and «deadpan» style, as well as through the inclusion of detail.[6] Lisa Suhay, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, also noted the SCP Wiki’s «tongue-in-cheek style».[36]
Alex Eichler, writing for io9, noted that the series had varying levels of quality and that some of the reports were dull or repetitive. However, he praised the SCP stories for not becoming overly dark, and for containing more light-hearted reports. Additionally, he praised the wide variety of concepts covered in the report and said that the wiki contained writings that would appeal to all readers.[9] Leigh Alexander, writing for The Guardian, noted that the wiki’s voting system allows readers to easily locate content which «the community thinks are best and most scary.»[47]
Winston Cook-Wilson, writing for Inverse, compared the SCP stories to the writings of American author H. P. Lovecraft. Like Lovecraft, SCP casefiles generally lack action sequences and are written in a pseudo-academic tone. Cook-Wilson argued that both Lovecraft’s works and those of the SCP Wiki were strengthened by the tensions between their detached scientific tone and the unsettling, horrific nature of the stories being told.[48]
Bryan Alexander, writing in The New Digital Storytelling, stated that the SCP Foundation is possibly «the most advanced achievement of wiki storytelling» due to the large-scale and recurring process through which the wiki’s user-base creates literary content.[49]
Cultural impact
The works present on the SCP Foundation website have been the subject of numerous independent adaptations and inspired some original works:
Films and videos
- SCP: Overlord is a 35-minute live action thriller short film, directed by Stephen Hancock and written by Evan Muir.[50][51] The film was pitched on Kickstarter in January of 2020 as an independently-produced horror piece set in the SCP universe. It received $23,497 in funding from 609 backers over the course of 30 days. The short was released for free in November of 2020 on the YouTube channel Evan Royalty.[52]
- SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking-Glass is a light novel series written by Akira and illustrated by Sidu. The book focuses on a boy who is kidnapped by the SCP Foundation after he sees a picture of Iris Thompson, a woman designated SCP-105, in every book he opens; the boy and Iris are forced to cooperate to escape the Foundation. The novel series began publication in Japan in September 2018, and was released by Seven Seas Entertainment in North America in January 2020.[53]
- SCP-5000 WHY — The Graphic Novel is a 120-page graphic novel adaptation of SCP-5000 — Why? (a contest-winning entry) written by Tanhony and illustrated by DRDOBERMANN. The novel focuses on technician Pietro Wilson surviving in an alternate universe where, for unknown reasons, the SCP Foundation has declared war against humanity and is releasing SCP objects to assure human extinction.[54] Funded through Kickstarter, the novel was published by Discordia Publishing in August 2021, with promotional items including bookmarks, mini prints, and jigsaw puzzles made available.[55]
- There Is No Antimemetics Division is a novel written and self-published by Sam «qntm» Hughes, an author from the SCP Foundation website. The novel is an anthology of works Hughes uploaded to the site from 2008 to 2020, including SCP-055, the There Is No Antimemetics Division storyline, and its sequel Five Five Five Five Five. The novel focuses on the concept of «antimemes», ideas and entities that censor themselves through memory loss, data corruption, and other anomalous means, and more specifically the invasion of an antimemetic entity inimical to human life. The novel was published June 2021.[56][57][failed verification]
Live performances
- In October 2014, a stage play entitled Welcome to the Ethics Committee was performed in Dublin at the Smock Alley Theatre. The play focused on the SCP Foundation’s Ethics Committee, a body that tries to limit unethical containment procedures.[58]
- In mid-2016, the Glasgow New Music Expedition under conductor Jessica Cottis performed works inspired by the SCP Foundation at the 10th annual Plug festival of contemporary music.[59]
Video games
- SCP – Containment Breach, one of the most popular games based on the SCP Foundation,[6][17] was released by Finnish developer Joonas Rikkonen in 2012.[60][61] The player character is D-9341, an unarmed D-class who attempts to escape from a containment facility while evading armed Foundation guards and escaped SCPs, including SCP-173.[62] The game includes a blink function, which makes the player close their eyes but allows SCP-173 to approach.[6]
- SCP: Secret Laboratory is a multiplayer game based on Containment Breach. Players have the option of playing as a breached SCP, an escaping scientist, a D-class, a Mobile Task Force Operative or the attacking Chaos Insurgency.[63]
- SCP: Pandemic is a multiplayer co-op first-person shooter in development by Affray Interactive.[64] Set in the alternate universe of SCP-5000 — Why?, players perform missions on behalf of various factions against the Foundation, which has become genocidal and seeks the annihilation of humanity. The game is currently available on Steam as an open alpha.[65][66]
- SCP: Secret Files is an episodic horror adventure game in development by GameZoo Studios. The player plays through chapters that each cover different excursions into the SCP Foundation’s operations with the bizarre and abnormal. A demo was released for Steam Next Fest; the chapter centered around the Euclid-class anomaly SCP-701, a The King In Yellow-esque stageplay titled The Hanged King’s Tragedy.[67][68]
- Control, a video game created by Remedy Entertainment, was first revealed at E3 2018 and released in August 2019.[69] The video game was heavily influenced by the SCP Foundation, with the game centered on a fictional Federal Bureau of Control that collects mundane objects imbued with paranormal influence to study and keep secure.[70][71]
- Lobotomy Corporation, a management video game by Project Moon, was released in April 2018. Inspired by the SCP Foundation, the titular Lobotomy Corporation contains and harvests energy from supernatural «Abnormalities», and handling containment breaches is a major aspect of the gameplay.[72][73]
- Other video games include SCP-3008 (a planned multiplayer game set in SCP-3008)[61] and SCP-087 (a short horror game about walking down SCP-087.)[74]
See also
- Creepypasta
- Slender Man
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Official foreign language branches of the SCP Foundation exist in German, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Thai, Spanish, Polish, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Czech, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese.[1]
- ^ Registration is only required to submit works and projects, or to leave comments and vote upon existing works. The site is free to view to people without an account.
- ^ SCP officially stands for «Special Containment Procedures» in the organization’s name; the organization also has the backronym motto «Secure, Contain, Protect».[4]
- ^ Commonly used object classes include:[14][15]
- Safe: SCPs tame enough to be trivially contained, such as most inanimate objects.
- Euclid: SCPs requiring substantial effort to contain, such as living organisms.
- Keter: Difficult or dangerous SCPs that either cannot be fully contained or that require overly complex and elaborate procedures to contain.
- Thaumiel: SCPs used to contain other SCPs and/or are beneficial to the Foundation.
- Neutralized: SCPs that are either destroyed or cease anomalous behavior.
Several hundred SCPs use an unofficial classification system that displays information in addition to containment difficulty.[16]
- ^ Including deliberately humorous «joke» SCP objects, SCP objects that were archived or decommisioned in lieu of deletion, and translations of SCPs from foreign language branches.
- ^ a b SCP Foundation Staff (24 July 2008). Main Page: «International Sites» table. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
- ^ a b Roget (17 February 2013). History Of The Universe: Part One. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
- ^ DrClef (12 December 2012). Licensing Guide. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 May 2015.
- ^ «Glossary Of Terms». SCP Foundation. 17 March 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b c d e Aelanna (17 March 2014). About the SCP Foundation. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 February 2015
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Baker-Whitelaw, Gavia (9 January 2014). «Meet the secret foundation that contains the world’s paranormal artifacts». The Daily Dot. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ a b c d e Starr, Michelle (11 August 2013). SCP Foundation web series coming to YouTube. CNET. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Zaeyde (10 December 2009). «SCP-087 — The Stairwell». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 17 May 2015.
- ^ a b Eichler, Alex (21 February 2010). «Enter the SCP Foundation’s Bottomless Catalog of the Weird». io9. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «What Is The SCP Foundation? 10 Best Pieces Every New Fan Should Read». ScreenRant. 3 January 2022. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
- ^ Rioghail (28 May 2012). «SCP-1609». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 December 2020.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (29 June 2017). «Brilliant short story about being trapped in an infinite IKEA». Boing Boing. Retrieved 5 August 2017.
- ^ Newsom, p.152
- ^ a b c d Burkart, Gregory (29 October 2015). «CREEPYPASTA: The Story Behind «The SCP Foundation»«. Blumhouse Productions. Archived from the original on 6 November 2017. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
- ^ a b Aelanna; SCP Foundation Staff (23 April 2014). «Object Classes». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 January 2018.
- ^ a b Woedenaz (20 August 2019). «Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Retrieved 20 January 2022.
- ^ a b Dinicola, Nick (1 December 2014). «Creepypasta Gaming: Where the Internet «Learns Our Fears»«. PopMatters. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ List of pages tagged with scp, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ List of pages tagged with tale, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 122
- ^ a b c Alexander, p. 72
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 122–123
- ^ Varonas, Nico (4 February 2012). SCP-087: Escaleras a lo desconocido. NeoTeo. Retrieved 26 March 2015. «Esta es una comunidad de usuarios y de fanáticos del sci-fi y el terror…» (translation: «This is a community of users and of sci-fi and horror fans…»)
- ^ Ong, Alexis (20 August 2020). The Unsung Muse of Speculative Fiction Is a Wikipedia Community. Tor.com. Retrieved 15 November 2020.
- ^ WhiteGuard (4 July 2021). «Interviewing Icons — The Administrator, FritzWillie». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 6 May 2022.
- ^ Scott, Jason (8 October 2018). «SCP-173 (found 4chan post; 2007)». Retrieved 21 February 2022.
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- ^ Pedullà, Lorenzo (25 July 2017) Cos’è la SCP Foundation?, Fantascienza.com. Retrieved 18 August 2017.
- ^ «Announcement Regarding The Removal of SCP-173’s Image». SCP Foundation. 1 February 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
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: CS1 maint: url-status (link) - ^ SCP Foundation Staff, Staff Structure. 05 Command. Retrieved 21 May 2018.
- ^ Newsom, p. 154
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 117–118
- ^ Peters, Lucia (13 October 2014). «The 10 Scariest Urban Legends on the Internet to Bring a Shiver to Your Spine This Halloween». Bustle. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Tapscott, p.118
- ^ a b Suhay, Lisa (10 November 2014). «Urban Druid writing contest: What’s behind the dark-side fiction?». The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved 17 March 2015.
- ^ AdminBright (27 July 2011). «Contest for 1000!». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ AdminBright (28 October 2013). «SCP-2000 «Science Fiction» Contest Hub». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ RJB_R (5 March 2017). «SCP-3000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (20 June 2018). «SCP-4000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (21 December 2019). «SCP-5000 Contest». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (25 August 2021). «SCP-6000 Contest Hub». Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ Aiken Drum; WhiteGuard (26 June 2022). «SCP-7000 Contest Hub». Retrieved 30 June 2022.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 115
- ^ Sitterson, Aubrey (16 February 2016). «The 11 weirdest subreddits». Geek. Archived from the original on 25 July 2016. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
- ^ Links. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Alexander, Leigh (5 May 2016)._9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9: the mysterious tale terrifying Reddit.The Guardian. Retrieved 25 August 2018.
- ^ Cook-Wilson, Winston (28 October 2015). «Scare Season: SCP, the Creepypasta for ‘X-Files’ and H.P. Lovecraft Fans». Inverse. Retrieved 31 October 2015.
- ^ Alexander p. 73
- ^ Hancock, Stephen (14 November 2020), SCP: Overlord (Short, Thriller), Retro Digital Media, retrieved 21 September 2022
- ^ «Art House Extra | Inside the Making of ‘SCP: Overlord’«. 11 December 2020. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
- ^ «Evan Royalty — YouTube». www.youtube.com. Retrieved 21 September 2022.
- ^ Loo, Egan (18 April 2018). Seven Seas Licenses Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? & My Father is a Unicorn Manga, SCP Foundation: Iris of the Mirror World Novel. Anime News Network. Retrieved 7 May 2019.
- ^ Tanhony (14 January 2020). «SCP-5000 — Why?». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (12 June 2021). «Graphic novel about one of the most epic SCP Foundation entries». Boing Boing. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Hughes, Sam (19 June 2021). «There Is No Antimemetics Division». Amazon.com. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Adee, Sally (6 April 2022). «Sci-fi is starting to exploit the infectious horrors of memes». New Scientist. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Power, Una (8 October 2014). Welcome to the Ethics Committee. Belfield FM/UCD Student Radio. Archived from the original on 11 August 2015.
- ^ Molleson, Kate (3 May 2016) Plug in to a feast of new music in Glasgow. Herald Scotland. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
- ^ Diver, p. 4 of chap. 5
- ^ a b Chan, Stephanie (8 December 2017). SCP-3008 is survival horror in an unending Ikea purgatory. Venture Beat. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Boring Aloof Gamer, The (27 June 2013). Cute Little Things- SCP: Containment Breach Review. Game Skinny. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Clark, Dean. SCP Secret Laboratory First Impression: Great Game, If You Can Get it Working. Game Tyrant. Retrieved 31 December 2018.
- ^ «Affray — Affray LLC». Affray. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernom, Ross (March 2022). «Tactical Horror Shooter SCP: PANDEMIC Out Now On Early Access». GameTyrant. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernon, Ross (April 2022). «SCP: PANDEMIC First Impression: Clearly An Alpha». GameTyrant. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ tinwatchman (27 March 2009). «SCP-701 — The Hanged King’s Tragedy». SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ James, Archer (13 June 2022). «SCP: Secret Files looks like the most ambitious SCP game yet, and there’s a Steam Next Fest demo». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Gach, Ethan (26 August 2019), Control: The Kotaku Review. Kotaku. Retrieved 2 September 2019.
- ^ «Preview: Control is a Stunning Action Game for Fans of Annihilation and the SCP Foundation». Gamecrate. Archived from the original on 17 February 2021. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Twinfinite Staff (3 July 2018), Remedy’s Control Shares Eerie Similarities with the SCP CreepyPasta Site. Twinfinite. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Wood, Austin (13 April 2018). «Manage monsters and inevitably get eaten in Lobotomy Corporation». PC Gamer. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Meer, Alec (17 April 2018). «Wot I Think: Lobotomy Corporation». Rock Paper Shotgun. Gamer Network Limited. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Smith, Adam (21 February 2012). «The Neverending Stairway: SCP-087». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 7 February 2015.
General and cited references
- Alexander, Bryan (2017). New Digital Storytelling, The: Creating Narratives with New Media—Revised and Updated Edition, 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-4408-4961-9. Retrieved 1 August 2017.
- Diver, Mike (2016). Indie Games: The Complete Introduction to Indie Gaming. Michael O’Mara Books. ISBN 978-1-910552-35-3. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- Newsom, Eric Thomas (2013). Participatory storytelling and the new folklore of the digital age (PhD). Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved 10 August 2021.
- Tapscott, Alan (2017). Perceived Consistency and Coherence in Collaborative Story World (PhD). Pompeu Fabra University. hdl:/10803/441755.
External links
- Official website
- Text-only archive of the earliest-known SCP-173 post on 4chan, obtained from the 4Chan Threads Text Archive
Каждой твари — по одиночной камере.
Люди в чёрном, инициатива XCOM, да хоть Ночной дозор — в современной фантастике полным-полно организаций, тайно противостоящих угрозам, о которых широкой публике знать нельзя.
Но их всех легко затыкает за пояс одна-единственная организация, придуманная не командой авторов или сценаристов, а толпой анонимов из интернета — SCP. Этот вымышленный фонд превосходит любой другой и по масштабам работы, и по жестокости, и уж тем более — по чудовищности тех явлений, с которыми приходится работать. Рассказываем его историю.
Коллективное сознательное
В нашем мире Фонд SCP — это огромная wiki-база, которую постепенно заполняют люди со всего мира. И не одна база, ведь во многих странах есть свои версии, в которых записаны данные как оригинальной wiki, так и собственного сочинения.
Статьи в SCP описывают тысячи объектов, собранных вымышленным Фондом в своих стенах. Всё началось с SCP-173, деревянной уродливой фигуры, движущейся лишь тогда, когда её не видят. В будущем «Скульптура» стала маскотом Фонда и неким эталоном хорошей крипипасты. Её придумали ещё в 2007 году где-то в недрах 4chan, но идея быстро вышла за рамки одной имиджборды.
Суть SCP — сухое документирование «крипипасты», городской легенды или любой другой выдумки, превращение традиционно расплывчатого хоррор-фольклора в наукообразные wiki-статьи.
Уже в 2008 году SCP оформилась в виде полноценной базы, её объемы росли с пугающей скоростью. Туда тащили всё: изощрённые концепции из фантастики, известные сказки и страшилки, всяких созданий из массовой культуры. Наконец, туда несли самое ценное — собственные идеи, которые, как правило, оказывались самыми тревожными и нетривиальными приобретениями Фонда.
Свыше четырёх тысяч объектов сейчас находится в особых условиях содержания, а значит — и в статьях. В этот момент путём конкурса решается, что же за тварь (или предмет?) получит юбилейный код SCP-4000. Впрочем, четыре тысячи — лишь верхушка айсберга. Во-первых, номера после этого уже заполняются, во-вторых — в черновиках «погибло» ещё больше объектов, а каждый региональный филиал считает своим долгом содержать свою собственную базу.
В среде SCP-фанатов принято разделять эпохи, точнее — тысячи объектов, и это вполне рациональная классификация. Для первой тысячи характерна некая традиционность. Например, самый страшный «Кетер» (класс объектов, проявляющих явную враждебность к людям) в первой тысяче — это SCP-682, «Неуязвимая рептилия», злобная тварь с невероятной регенерацией.
Среди других примеров — разумный вирус, биологическая материнская плата, агрессивная биомасса, библейский персонаж, убивающий всё на своём пути. Все они хорошо прописаны с помощью отчётов об экспериментах: именно такие документы лучше всего проявляют аномальные свойства, их пределы и границы, в том числе те, которые нарушать нельзя.
Ко второй тысяче самые доступные «залежи» идей оказались выработаны, и пытливые умы стали усложнять свои творения. Зачастую объекты второй тысячи избегают банального членовредительства и применяют небанальное (либо вообще никакое). Катапульта, бросающая случайных жертв в стены, скелет-конструктор, летающая хищная кожа — кажется, тогда все поняли, что объект SCP должен пугать не эффективностью убийства, а его хитроумностью.
Третья тысяча объектов отличается тем, что их почти невозможно описать двумя словами, настолько мудрёные особенности их поведения. Например, там есть сущность, способная принимать любую форму, чтобы напугать как можно больше людей. Однако её познания об ужасах остановились на дешёвых хоррорах середины прошлого века и только поэтому она пока что безвредна. Ещё есть вход в параллельное измерение, где все организмы, в том числе неорганические, погибли в 3 часа ночи 20 апреля 2016 года. Сигнал неизвестного происхождения, транслирующий вроде бы пытку вроде бы гуманоидного существа.
Четвёртая тысяча — эра постмодернизма и нелепых аномалий, не несущих вреда, не имеющих смысла и, к несчастью, плохо продуманных. Лучший пример — одеяло, которое призывает к спящему под ним ребёнку пылающего скелета в косухе и цепях. Скелет желает ребёнку спокойной ночи и исчезает. Может, в SCP теперь записывать и резиновых уточек? Хотя, стойте, они там уже есть.
Такова обратная сторона популярности — огромный процент «брака», то есть статей, автор которых не удосужился проявить фантазию и пошёл по одной из проторенных троп. Список клише висит на сайте SCP: порталы в иные измерения, сводящие с ума предметы обихода, бесформенные массы плоти, смертоносные болезни и ещё ряд штампов, которые удивят разве что совсем далёкого от фантастики человека, а модераторов и завсегдатаев фэндома уже давно утомили.
Благодаря растущей популярности фэндом SCP начал страдать и другими болячками, которые свойственны фанатским сообществам. Так, статьи «ветеранов» фэндома нередко избегают объективной критики, и на сайт попадает то высоколобая чушь, написанная научным языком, то банальщина.
Из-за придирчивости и занудства других участников сообщества в SCP постоянно меняются критерии классов: «Евклид» (объекты, свойства которых не до конца понятны) приписывался даже тем объектам, которые спокойно лежат на хранении, а «Кетер» — явлениям, чья угроза слишком потенциальна и недостаточно реальна.
Библиотеку SCP можно считать уникальной формой фольклора, благодаря общедоступности интернета получившей шанс на появление и развитие. А документальный стиль лишь усиливает эффект от чтения: многие подробности в тексте замазаны цензурой и пугают неизвестностью, сухая констатация аномалий и трагедий щекочет нервы не хуже, чем ставшие стандартом в жанре ужасов отрывочные описания.
Как любое народное творчество, статьи SCP служат источником вдохновения для отдельных творческих личностей. Правда, сейчас к базе обращаются редко, а большой кинематограф и игровая индустрия вообще не видят богатства, лежащего перед ними.
Что же они упускают?
«Сверхъестественное» здорового человека
Во вселенной, о которой мы говорим, Фонд SCP ищет и обезвреживает существ, явления или предметы, чьи свойства необъяснимы с точки зрения официальной науки. Однако такие объекты не уничтожают: Фонд любыми средствами захватывает их и запирает в одном из бесчисленных бункеров, а если такое невозможно — огораживает саму зону обнаружения, пусть даже там окажется целый город.
Отсюда и название SCP, которое можно расшифровать и как Secure, Contain, Protect (Обезопасить, Удержать, Сохранить), и как Special Containment Procedures (Особые Условия Содержания). В большинстве случаев создание и сохранение этих «особых условий» обходится тяжелее и дороже, чем поимка объекта.
Структуру Фонда трудно с чем-то сравнить. У него есть полномочия на любые действия, выданные всеми государствами мира, огромные бюджеты, позволяющие организовать предприятие любой дороговизны, и сотни тысяч, если не миллионы человек персонала. Фонду удаётся сохранять анонимность несмотря на исполинскую величину — соблюдение абсолютной тайны остаётся одним из главных приоритетов.
Фонд содержит несколько отделов самой разной направленности, а потому избегает пользоваться услугами людей за пределами организации. Мобильные оперативные группы — отряды исключительных по своим способностям солдат, готовых обезвредить любую хоть немного уязвимую угрозу. Понятно, что против неуязвимой сущности нет смысла выставлять хоть целую дивизию бойцов.
Научный отдел изучает все доступные аномалии, чтобы разработать методы их удержания в четырёх стенах. Зачастую наука не может объяснить, с чем именно столкнулась, но путём экспериментов всё равно выясняет, где лежат границы опасности объекта.
Отдел внешних связей создаёт прикрытие для всех ветвей Фонда, нанимает персонал, стирает упоминания и воспоминания о Фонде, а если нужно — то и самих свидетелей. В стенах организации этим занимается Отдел внутренней безопасности: он вычисляет как предателей, работающих на кого-то за пределами Фонда, так и просто бестолковых людей, чья беспечность может погубить всех.
Есть ряд других отделов, но самый важный из них — это Инженерно-техническая служба. Именно её сотрудники проектируют, строят, улучшают и чинят все камеры содержания. Ловля и доставка объекта, стирание памяти и заметание следов — всё это не менее важные задачи, только по времени они занимают считанные месяцы, если не меньше. Совсем другое — держать очередную аномалию в заточении десятки лет, а потенциально — целую вечность.
Уровни допуска
Фонд SCP — очень хрупкая организация. Во-первых — некоторые объекты содержания без проблем могут её похоронить, а заодно разрушить несколько вселенных разом. Во-вторых — сама информация о подобных явлениях опасна. Поэтому Фонд строжайше соблюдает уровни доступа по принципу минимально необходимой информации.
Уровень 0, для общего пользования. Его получают сотрудники, далёкие от объектов как физически, так и в плане работы. Канцелярия, бухгалтерия, логистика, сисадмины, уборщики — эти работники Фонда вообще ничего не знают об аномалиях и не имеют понятия, с чем работают на самом деле.
Уровень 1, для служебного пользования. Если сотрудник предыдущей категории работает достаточно близко к одному из объектов, хотя и никак с ним не взаимодействует, он получает такой уровень доступа.
Уровень 2, для ограниченного пользования. Сотрудник обладает базовой информацией об объекте, с которым работает. В эту категорию попадают научные сотрудники, полевые исследователи, охранники, инженеры, поддерживающие камеры содержания в порядке.
Уровень 3, секретный. Подробности обнаружения и поимки объекта, а также дальнейшие планы — всё, что нужно для координации работы целых отделов. Таким уровнем доступа наделены начальники охраны и кураторы научных исследований, а ещё — оперативники мобильных групп.
Уровень 4, совершенно секретно. Он подразумевает данные по целым филиалам и группам объектов. Соответственно, такого доверия заслуживают лишь высшие руководители Фонда — директор по безопасности, командиры мобильных групп и начальники отделов.
Уровень 5, Таумиэль. Доступна любая информация, какая только есть у Фонда. Столь высокий уровень доступа назначен только членам совета О5, который управляет всем Фондом. Сам факт существования О5 оспаривается, благо сотрудникам с низким уровнем доступа о совете даже не говорят.
Незаменимых нет
Уровень доступа — важный показатель для понимания работы Фонда, но не самый увлекательный. В отличие от кадровой структуры SCP, где сотрудники ранжируются по степени контакта с объектами.
Класс А — настолько ценный персонал, что ему нельзя приближаться к аномалиям. Им запрещено находиться в тех комплексах, где содержатся объекты SCP. Высший совет О5 как раз и принадлежит к этой группе.
Класс B — допускается только к тем объектам, которые прошли карантин и не оказывают никакого воздействия на разум.
Класс C — допускается к любым объектам, если те не проявляют враждебности и не угрожают ничьей безопасности (по крайней мере — здесь и сейчас).
Наконец, класс D — расходный материал. Именно благодаря персоналу класса D Фонд SCP остаётся самой жестокой тайной организацией. Работников класса D набирают из числа преступников, отдавая приоритет приговорённым к смертной казни.
Если бы они могли выбирать сами — выбрали бы электрический стул, ведь именно их будут отправлять в камеры содержания к враждебным и опасным объектам. Не из кровожадности: многие объекты — живые существа, которым нужна еда и за которыми нужно убирать отходы. Есть и такие, которым требуется регулярно кого-то убивать, истязать или творить совсем безобразные вещи. Персонал класса D для того и нужен.
Впрочем, Фонд на самом деле кровожаден. Каждый месяц сотрудников класса D либо обрабатывают амнезиаками (средствами для стирания памяти), либо убивают. Если нарушится герметичность одной из камер содержания — их тоже убьют. Случится авария — убьют.
Сколько сотрудников класса D ежедневно «тратится» на содержание объектов — одному совету известно. Бывает, что привычные источники смертников не справляются, и таковых набирают из обычных граждан. А то и сотрудника рангом повыше за провинность разжалуют в D.
Вообще-то есть ещё и класс E, но это временное обозначение для персонала, который ещё не определили в одну из других категорий.
Сорта катастрофы
Наконец, классификации подверглись и сами аномалии. Так велика оказалась тяга интернет-сообщества к ранжированию по категориям. Впрочем, в случае с объектами названия классов кратко и ёмко описывают степень угрозы, что достаточно важно для понимания.
Для простоты участники фэндома придумали «правило коробки». Оно не отражает потенциальный вред от объекта, зато идеально описывает его склонность к нанесению этого вреда.
Безопасные объекты не могут навредить окружающим самостоятельно. Их аномальные свойства сами по себе безопасны, но могут повредить при злонамеренном их использовании.
Если положить объект в коробку, убрать подальше, и ничего не случится, то перед вами «Безопасный» объект.
Объекты класса «Евклид» не отличаются той же пассивностью, что и «Безопасные» объекты. Им свойственна нестабильность, резкая смена состояний, каждое из которых нужно контролировать особо, а некоторые ещё и самостоятельны.
Если положить объект в коробку, убрать подальше, и вы не знаете, что случится, то перед вами «Евклид».
Наконец, класс «Кетер». В отличие от первых двух групп, объекты класса «Кетер» целенаправленно применяют свои свойства для нанесения вреда, либо способны нанести ущерб всемирного масштаба. Целью могут быть как отдельные люди, так и само мироздание. Ещё их отличает наивысшая сложность содержания: даже самые многоуровневые и защищённые системы лишь откладывают неизбежный выход объекта класса «Кетер» из-под контроля. Поэтому такие аномалии стараются уничтожить, а не содержать — и сохраняют в случае невозможности уничтожения.
Если положить объект в коробку, убрать подальше, и в результате случится катастрофа с немыслимыми жертвами, то это «Кетер».
Природа объектов класса «Таумиэль» строго противоположна. Невероятно мощные и редкие аномалии, способные поглотить эффекты «Кетера», обратить их вспять или восстановить всё заново.
Если объект и есть коробка, то это «Таумиэль».
Кроме основных классов, есть и парочка служебных. Нейтрализованные объекты — с ними всё ясно, их свойства исчезли, либо сам объект был физически уничтожен. Обоснованные объекты — это те аномалии, которые получили объяснение, либо распространились настолько широко, что стали нормой. Одна из них — Его Величество SCP-MDLXI, корона из чистого золота самой искусной работы. Всякий смертный, кто узнает об Его Величестве и осмелится молвить вслух речь об её ослепительном сиянии или письмом вознесёт хвалу величайшей из корон, сможет живописать Его Величество лишь высоким слогом и ни слова дурного не сумеет против Его Величества произнести. Поздравляем, теперь вы один из нас.
Окно в кунсткамеру
Итак, теперь вы немного представляете себе, как работает Фонд. Разведка изучает слухи, находит след и узнаёт точное местонахождение нового объекта. Научный отдел изучает известные свойства аномалии и составляет список мер, необходимых для нейтрализации объекта. Инженеры проектируют камеру, способную удержать нового гостя, а также подключают систему ликвидации на случай бегства.
На место вылетает мобильная оперативная группа и ценой многих жертв обезвреживает существо (или забирает его без сопротивления — бывает и такое). Агенты Фонда устраняют все последствия операции, стирают память случайным свидетелям и пускают в СМИ легенду, объясняющую любые подозрительные изменения. Объект запирают в камере на долгие годы, а учёные готовятся к бесконечным циклам экспериментов и наблюдений.
Им всем нужно быть готовыми к любому, самому неожиданному «гостю». В том числе такому, которого невозможно запереть в камере. Описать их целиком, даже вкратце — труд бесполезный. Поэтому из огромной базы объектов SCP я отобрал такие, которые сам считаю наиболее оригинальными, пугающими не банальной жестокостью или жаждой убийства, а самой своей сутью.
SCP-1986, «Вымышленная библиотека»
Тип: безопасный
Представляет собой туннель двухметровой ширины и неизвестной глубины. Достоверно известно лишь, что туннель длиннее 274 тысяч километров — таким образом, он далеко выходит за пределы Земли. Вдоль стен располагаются полки, уставленные книгами самого разного происхождения: на живых, мёртвых и несуществующих языках, известные произведения, написанные чуть иначе, труды никогда не живших авторов и аналитика явлений, неизвестных нашей науке.
Судя по найденным в библиотеке изданиям, она представляет собой мысленный эксперимент Хорхе Борхеса, гипотетическую библиотеку, где каждая книга — перебор всех типографских знаков (букв, пробелов и так далее). В таком хранилище должны находиться абсолютно все возможные и невозможные письменные труды. Разница в том, что SCP-1986 хранит только те варианты перебора знаков, из которых складывается хоть немного осмысленный текст.
Поэтому в SCP-1986 можно найти сочинения президента Вудро Вильсона о судьбе Имперских Штатов Америки, советы для юных леди об уместном применении своего хвоста в высшем обществе, историю отношений Марса и Земли, англо-дельфиний словарь и учебник неизвестной нам математики.
Обнаружена в подвале библиотеки, которая ныне действует как прикрытие для работы Фонда.
SCP-1078, «Глаз — похититель зрения»
Тип: Евклид
Примитивный стеклянный протез человеческого глаза. Проявляет аномальные свойства после установки в пустую глазницу, причём неважно — удалено ли яблоко давно или же изъято совсем недавно для эксперимента. Всего за пару часов протез выпускает медные «волоски», которые присоединяются к мозгу. К испытуемому постепенно возвращается зрение (точнее, к протезу, в роли которого выступает SCP-1078) и достигает предельной чёткости, возможной для человеческого глаза.
Через несколько месяцев SCP-1078 медленно ухудшает восприятие отдельных людей, выбранных случайно. Поначалу испытуемый видит их размытыми, а голоса слышит будто из плохо настроенного приёмника. Со временем эти люди пропадают полностью, даже с фотографий и видео, испытуемый способен ощущать их лишь тактильно.
В течение двух лет испытуемый перестаёт видеть вообще всех людей, кроме себя. Позднее носитель SCP-1078 страдает от галлюцинаций и других расстройств психики. Как правило, испытуемый убивает себя либо вырывает протез из глазницы, что приводит к смертельному кровоизлиянию в мозг.
SCP-116, «Хрупкий мальчик»
Тип: Евклид
Выглядит как ребёнок девяти лет, почти весь покрытый шрамами. В его скелете нет ни одного сустава, в сущности — это одна-единственная кость. Ткани костей аномально хрупкие, но любые переломы срастаются за считанные секунды. При любом мышечном усилии кости ломаются, позволяя SCP-116 совершить движение, а потом соединяются вновь до следующей попытки пошевелиться.
Однако класс «Евклид» был назначен не поэтому. Речь SCP-116 звучит как ломаный английский, в котором одни слова заменены случайным образом на другие. Исследователи, говорившие с SCP-116, стремительно теряли когнитивные способности вплоть до слабоумия. После множества неудачных попыток расшифровать бессмыслицу, произносимую объектом, всерьёз рассматривается идея устранить его.
SCP-1812, «Экстралунарный мем»
Тип: Кетер
Астероид диаметром восемь километров, вращающийся по орбите высотой 180 километров вокруг Земли. SCP-1812 невозможно обнаружить до тех пор, пока другой человек, которому известно об астероиде, не расскажет о нём.
Все, кто узнал о существовании SCP-1812, воспринимают мир иначе. Они лучше видят ночью из-за отражённого света астроида. Но важнее другое: приливные циклы для жертв меметического воздействия объекта проходят с учётом влияния SCP-1812, то есть — отливы гораздо ниже, а приливы — выше. А значит, большинство мегаполисов планеты для таких людей — затопленные руины.
Жертва SCP-1812 погибает от удушения, если не может покинуть «подводное» место. Так умер первооткрыватель объекта: он попытался уплыть из окна своей комнаты на самодельной лодке. Несмотря на падение с огромной высоты, причиной смерти стала гипоксия, как от утопления. Поэтому Фонд предпринимает огромные усилия, чтобы информация о SCP-1812 не покидала узкий круг лиц.
SCP-3326, 3 мая 2005 года доктор Тобиас Скрэнтон погиб в автомобильной аварии в 1964 году
Тип: Таумиэль
Фонд долгие годы искал способы обезопасить мир от влияния аномалий, и эти исследования увенчались успехом. В 1993 году доктор Тобиас Скрэнтон разработал так называемый якорь реальности — устройство, блокирующее любые аномальные изменения континуума. Правда, в небольшом радиусе, но и это было триумфом. Фонд построил свыше полутора тысяч якорей реальности Скрэнтона и успешно применял их как в поимке, так и в содержании объектов.
Однако в 2005 году кто-то вмешался в саму историю вселенной. Из-за этого Тобиас Скрэнтон погиб в аварии в 1964 году, а его технология так и не появилась. Поменялись фундаментальные законы физики, потому что пропали экзотические частицы, необходимые для постройки модулей. Все документы, архивы и воспоминания стёрлись, исчезли неактивные якоря реальности. Но те из них, что работали на момент редактуры реальности, продолжили работать и после, блокируя даже такое крупное вмешательство.
Уцелевшие якоря реальности Скрэнтона теперь берегут как зеницу ока, и лишь их собственные поля защищают этот осколок мёртвой вселенной от исчезновения.
К нашему 2018 году многие объекты SCP, придуманные в нулевых, кажутся предсказуемыми и слишком обычными. Подумаешь, тварь шириной в две тысячи километров (это не опечатка), чья спина торчит в Тихом океане! Да и сейчас фантазия порой подводит авторов. Но этот изъян с лихвой компенсируется пользой.
Век культовых писателей-фантастов прошёл, на их поприще едва сводят концы с концами редкие энтузиасты, а в хоррорах настолько боятся новых идей, что даже проверенные интернетом крипипасты умудряются втоптать в грязь. Так кому теперь создавать новые концепции, как не легиону анонимов?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logo |
Type of site |
Collaborative fiction project |
Available in | English and 15 other languages[note 1] |
URL | scp-wiki.wikidot.com |
Registration | Optional[note 2] |
Launched |
Current status | Active |
Content license |
CC-BY-SA-3.0[3] |
The SCP Foundation[note 3] is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative-writing wiki project of the same name. Within the website’s shared universe, the Foundation is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena unexplained by science (known as «anomalies» or «SCPs»), while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of human society.
The collaborative writing project operates on the wiki-like website SCP Wiki, and includes elements of many genres such as horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. The majority of works on the SCP Wiki consist of thousands of SCP files: mock confidential scientific reports that document various SCPs and associated containment procedures. The website also contains «Foundation Tales», short stories featuring various characters and settings in the SCP universe. The wiki’s literary works have been praised for their ability to convey horror through a quasi-scientific and academic writing style, as well as for their high standards of quality.
The SCP universe has inspired numerous fan-made adaptations in widely varying forms of media; including books, comics, video games, animated and live-action short films.
The fictional setting centers around the findings and activities of the SCP Foundation: an international secret society consisting of a scientific research institution with a paramilitary intelligence agency to support their goals. Despite their extremely secretive nature, the Foundation is entrusted by governments around the world to capture and contain various unexplained paranormal phenomena that defy the known laws of nature (referred to as «anomalies», «SCP objects», «SCPs», or informally as «skips»). They include living beings and creatures, artifacts and objects, locations and places, abstract concepts, and incomprehensible entities which display supernatural abilities or other extremely unusual properties. If left uncontained, many of the more dangerous anomalies will pose a serious threat to humans or even all life on Earth. All information regarding the existence of the Foundation and SCPs are strictly withheld from the general public in order to prevent mass hysteria that would supposedly occur if they were leaked, and allow human civilization to continue functioning under a masquerade of «normalcy».[5]
Whenever an SCP anomaly is discovered, teams of undercover Foundation agents (often called Mobile Task Forces, or MTFs) are deployed to either collect and transport the object to one of the organization’s many secret facilities, or to contain it at its location of discovery if transportation is not possible. If an anomaly is too widespread, elusive, or otherwise inaccessible, containment usually consists of suppressing all knowledge of the SCP from the public. This is accomplished through censorship of mass media, and by dosing all eyewitnesses with amnestic drugs which erase their memories of anomalous events.[5]
At the Foundation’s secret facilities, SCPs are studied and researched by scientists in order to improve containment methods for them. The Foundation also acquires disposable human test subjects called «D-class» personnel, who are usually (though not always) convicted criminals taken from prisons around the world; and forces them to take part in experiments with potentially dangerous SCPs, in order to avoid risking the safety of Foundation employees themselves. The Foundation maintains documentation for all SCPs which they are aware of, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents describe the SCPs and include instructions for keeping them safely contained, as well as supplementary incident reports or experimentation logs.[5]
Apart from the Foundation itself, there are numerous rival organizations (collectively referred to as Groups of Interest, or GOIs) which are also actively involved with the paranormal world. Notable examples include the Chaos Insurgency, a terrorist splinter group consisting of ex-Foundation defectors who attempt to capture and weaponize SCPs; the Global Occult Coalition (GOC), a secret paramilitary agency of the United Nations which specializes in destroying supernatural threats instead of containing them; and the Serpent’s Hand, a militant group which advocates for the rights of anomalous beings, resisting both the Foundation’s and GOC’s efforts to suppress paranormal activity worldwide. Other GOIs seek to exploit anomalies by producing or selling them for monetary profit; or using them to serve their own religious, political, or ideological goals.[5]
Examples of SCPs
SCP-087, with SCP-087-1 in the background
- SCP-055 is a mysterious memory-erasing anomaly known as an «antimeme» that causes anyone who examines it to forget its existence, thus making the object’s characteristics indescribable except in terms of what it is not. [6][7]
- SCP-087 is a staircase that appears to descend infinitely and inhibits any light within its space. The staircase is inhabited by an entity known as SCP-087-1, which looks like a disembodied floating face without a mouth, pupils or nostrils, which chases after anyone walking down the stairs. [8][9]
- SCP-108 is a Nazi bunker system that is accessible only through a portal found in a woman’s nose. [10][11][7]
- SCP-173 is a humanoid statue composed of rebar, concrete and Krylon spray paint. It is immobile when directly observed, but it attacks people and breaks their neck when line of sight with it is broken. It is extremely fast, to the point where it can move multiple meters while the observer is blinking. In real life, SCP-173 is notable for being the first SCP ever written. [12][7][9]
- SCP-294 is a coffee vending machine that can dispense anything that does or can exist in liquid form—including, on occasion, abstract concepts. Regardless of the properties of the substance chosen, the machine’s polystyrene cups appear to suffer no damage from the substances dispensed into them. [13][7][9]
- SCP-426 is a toaster that can only be referred to in the first person. [14][9]
- SCP-999 is a gelatinous slime mold-like creature that smells similar to whatever is most comforting to the person it makes contact with. It has a friendly personality and is known to induce positive emotions on contact with humans and other organisms. Therefore, it is sometimes used as a tool by the SCP Foundation. [15][16]
- SCP-1171 is a home whose windows are covered in condensation; by writing in the condensation on the glass, it is possible to communicate with an extra-dimensional entity whose windows are likewise covered in condensation. This entity bears significant enmity towards humans but does not know that the Foundation members are humans. [17][7]
- SCP-1609 is a wood chip mulch that teleports into the lungs of individuals displaying aggressive behavior towards it. Previously a benevolent chair that teleported to nearby individuals who needed to sit down, it became aggressive after being destroyed in a woodchipper by the Global Occult Coalition. [18][7]
- SCP-3008 is an IKEA store with an interior that contains a seemingly infinite, labyrinthine pocket dimension designated SCP-3008-1. Prospective customers trapped within the building have formed rudimentary civilizations, and must defend themselves against hostile creatures known as SCP-3008-2: which are tall, faceless humanoids wearing IKEA employee uniforms that become violently aggressive towards all nearby humans when the lights are turned off. [19][20]
Writing style
On the SCP Wiki, the majority of works are stand-alone articles detailing the «Special Containment Procedures» of a given SCP object.[7] In a typical article, an SCP object is assigned a unique identification number[21] and a «containment class»[note 4] based on the difficulty of containing it.[22][23][24] The documentation then outlines proper containment procedures and safety measures before describing the SCP object in question.[7] Addenda (such as images, research data, interviews, history, or status updates) may also be attached to the document. The reports are written in a scientific tone and often censor words with black bars (ex. █████) and [DATA EXPUNGED] markings.[25] As of August 2021, articles exist for nearly 6,600 SCP objects;[26][note 5] new articles are frequently written by contributors.[7]
The SCP Wiki contains over 4,200 short stories referred to as «Foundation Tales».[7][27] The stories are set within the larger SCP universe, and often focus on the exploits of various Foundation staff members, SCP entities and objects, among other recurring characters and settings.[28] Gregory Burkart, writing for Blumhouse Productions, noted that some of the Foundation Tales had a dark and bleak tone, while others were «surprisingly light-hearted».[22]
The SCP universe has neither a central canon nor the ability to establish one due to its community-oriented nature,[7] but stories on the wiki are often linked together to create larger narratives.[29] Contributors have the ability to create «canons», which are clusters of SCPs and Foundation Tales with similar locations, characters, or central plots; many of these canons have hub pages that explain their basic concept and provide information such as timelines and character lists.[30]
The genres of the SCP Wiki have variously been described as science fiction, urban fantasy, horror and creepypasta.[5][31][32]
The SCP Wiki’s original logo (representing SCP-529, the front half of a cat, which behaves as a normal cat in all ways except in that it lacks a back half) while on EditThis.[33]
The SCP Foundation originated in the «paranormal» /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007, where the very first SCP file, SCP-173, was posted by an anonymous user (later identified as Moto42),[34] accompanied by an image of the sculpture «Untitled 2004» by Japanese artist Izumi Kato. Although displeased with the unlicensed use of his art, Kato allowed the use of the photo explicitly for the noncommercial purposes of the community.[35] Initially a stand-alone short story, many additional SCP files were created shortly after; these new SCPs copied SCP-173’s style and were set within the same fictional universe.[7] A stand-alone wiki was created in January 2008 on the EditThis wiki hosting service to display the SCP articles. The EditThis website did not have moderators, or the ability to delete articles. Members communicated through individual article talk pages and the /x/ board; the website lacked a central discussion forum. In July 2008, the SCP Wiki was transferred to its current Wikidot website after EditThis switched to a paid model.[7][36][2] «Untitled 2004» was removed from the entry for SCP-173 in 2022.[37][38]
The current Wikidot website contains numerous standard wiki features such as keyword searches and article lists. The wiki also contains a news hub, guides for writers and a central discussion forum.[29] The wiki is moderated by staff teams; each team is responsible for a different function such as community outreach and discipline.[39] Wikidot users are required to submit an application before they are allowed to post content.[7] Every article on the wiki is assigned a discussion page, where members can evaluate and provide constructive criticism on submitted stories. The discussion pages are frequently used by authors to improve their stories.[29] Members also have the ability to «upvote» articles they like and to «downvote» articles they dislike; articles that receive too many net downvotes are deleted.[40][41] Writers from the Daily Dot and Bustle have noted that the website maintains strict quality control standards, and that sub-par content tends to be quickly removed.[7][42]
The Wikidot website routinely holds creative writing contests to encourage submissions.[43] For example, in November 2014, the SCP Wiki held a «Dystopia Contest» in which its members were encouraged to submit writings about the Foundation set in a bleak or degraded world.[44] The website has also held seven themed contests for the opening of new Series, wherein the most-upvoted submission is listed at the beginning of the Series and the submissions of runner-ups are listed under an available number of their authors’ choosings. As of Series VIII, the contest themes have covered urban legends,[45] science fiction,[46] eldritch horror,[47] history,[48] mystery,[49] nature,[50] and luck.[51]
Apart from the original English wiki, 15 official foreign language branches exist, and some of their articles have been translated into English.[1][22][note 1] The Wanderer’s Library is a sister site and spin-off of the SCP Wiki. It uses the same setting as the SCP universe, but is made up of fantastical stories rather than scientific reports.[52] The SCP community also maintains a role-playing site, a forum on Reddit, and accounts on Facebook and Twitter.[7][53][54]
The SCP Foundation has received largely positive reviews. Michelle Starr of CNET praised the creepy nature of the stories.[9] Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, writing for the Daily Dot, praised the originality of the wiki and described it as the «most uniquely compelling horror writing on the Internet».[7] She noted that the series rarely contained gratuitous gore. Rather, the horror of the series was often established through the reports’ «pragmatic» and «deadpan» style, as well as through the inclusion of detail.[7] Lisa Suhay, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, also noted the SCP Wiki’s «tongue-in-cheek style».[44]
Alex Eichler, writing for io9, noted that the series had varying levels of quality and that some of the reports were dull or repetitive. However, he praised the SCP stories for not becoming overly dark, and for containing more light-hearted reports. Additionally, he praised the wide variety of concepts covered in the report and said that the wiki contained writings that would appeal to all readers.[11] Leigh Alexander, writing for The Guardian, noted that the wiki’s voting system allows readers to easily locate content which «the community thinks are best and most scary.»[55]
Winston Cook-Wilson, writing for Inverse, compared the SCP stories to the writings of American author H. P. Lovecraft. Like Lovecraft, SCP casefiles generally lack action sequences and are written in a pseudo-academic tone. Cook-Wilson argued that both Lovecraft’s works and those of the SCP Wiki were strengthened by the tensions between their detached scientific tone and the unsettling, horrific nature of the stories being told.[56]
Bryan Alexander, writing in The New Digital Storytelling, stated that the SCP Foundation is possibly «the most advanced achievement of wiki storytelling» due to the large-scale and recurring process through which the wiki’s user-base creates literary content.[57]
Media inspired by the SCP Foundation
The works present on the SCP Foundation website have been the subject of numerous independent adaptations and inspired some original works:
Adaptations of the SCP universe
Films and videos (animation)
- Confinement (2017-present) is an animated black comedy horror web series on YouTube, created by the animator «Lord Bung». The series focuses on the misadventures of Connor, an immortal human SCP prisoner whose ability to instantaneously resurrect himself from any cause of death is frequently exploited by the Foundation, who often use him like a D-class test subject to interact with various highly dangerous SCPs. [58][59][60][61]
Films and videos (live-action)
- SCP: Overlord (2020) is a 35-minute action horror thriller short film on YouTube, directed by Stephen Hancock and written by Evan Muir. The plot involves a team of Foundation agents raiding and investigating a house occupied by a local cult, which performed occult rituals that have resulted in anomalous activity. [62][63][64]
Literature (comics)
- SCP-5000 WHY — The Graphic Novel (2021) is a 120-page graphic novel adaptation of SCP-5000 — Why? (a contest-winning entry) written by Tanhony and illustrated by DRDOBERMANN. The novel focuses on technician Pietro Wilson surviving in an alternate universe where, for unknown reasons, the SCP Foundation has declared war against humanity and is releasing SCP objects to assure human extinction.[65] Funded through Kickstarter, the novel was published by Discordia Publishing in August 2021.[66]
Literature (novels)
- SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking-Glass (2018-2020) is a light novel series written by Akira and illustrated by Sidu. The book focuses on a boy who is kidnapped by the SCP Foundation after he sees a picture of Iris Thompson, a girl designated SCP-105, in every book he opens; the boy and Iris are forced to cooperate to escape the Foundation. The novel series began publication in Japan in September 2018, and was released by Seven Seas Entertainment in North America in January 2020.[67]
- There Is No Antimemetics Division (2021) is a SCP sci-fi horror story written and self-published by Sam «qntm» Hughes. The novel focuses on the concept of «antimemes», ideas and entities that censor themselves through memory loss, data corruption, and other anomalous means, and more specifically the invasion of an antimemetic entity that feeds on information.[68][69]
- Welcome to the Ethics Committee (2014) is a stage play that was performed in Dublin at the Smock Alley Theatre in October 2014. The play focused on the SCP Foundation’s Ethics Committee, a body that tries to limit unethical containment procedures.[70]
Video games
- SCP-087 (2012) is a short horror game about walking down the stairs of SCP-087.[71]
- SCP – Containment Breach (2012), one of the most popular games based on the SCP Foundation,[7][25] was released by Finnish developer Joonas Rikkonen in 2012.[72][73] The player character is D-9341, an unarmed D-class who attempts to escape from a containment facility while evading armed Foundation guards and escaped SCPs, including SCP-173.[74] The game includes a blink function, which makes the player close their eyes but allows SCP-173 to approach.[7]
- SCP: Secret Laboratory (2017) is a multiplayer game based on Containment Breach. Players have the option of playing as a breached SCP, an escaping scientist, a D-class, a Mobile Task Force Operative or the attacking Chaos Insurgency.[75]
- SCP: Pandemic (2022) is a multiplayer co-op first-person shooter in development by Affray Interactive.[76] Set in the alternate universe of SCP-5000 — Why?, players perform missions on behalf of various factions against the Foundation, which has become genocidal and seeks the annihilation of humanity.[77][78]
- SCP: Secret Files (2022) is an episodic horror adventure game in development by GameZoo Studios. The player plays through chapters that each cover different excursions into the SCP Foundation’s operations with the bizarre and abnormal.[79]
Other original works
Video games
- Lobotomy Corporation (2018), a management video game by Project Moon, was released in April 2018. Inspired by the SCP Foundation, the titular Lobotomy Corporation contains and harvests energy from supernatural «Abnormalities», and handling containment breaches is a major aspect of the gameplay.[80][81]
- Control (2019), a video game created by Remedy Entertainment, was first revealed at E3 2018 and released in August 2019.[82] The video game was heavily influenced by the SCP Foundation, with the game centered on a fictional Federal Bureau of Control that collects mundane objects imbued with paranormal influence to study and keep secure.[83][84]
See also
- Creepypasta
- Lovecraftian horror
- Men in Black
- The X-Files
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Official foreign language branches of the SCP Foundation exist in German, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Thai, Spanish, Polish, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Czech, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese.[1]
- ^ Registration is only required to submit works and projects, or to leave comments and vote upon existing works. The site is free to view to people without an account.
- ^ SCP officially stands for «Special Containment Procedures» in the organization’s name; the organization also has the backronym motto «Secure, Contain, Protect».[4]
- ^ Commonly used object classes include:[22][23]
- Safe: SCPs tame enough to be trivially contained, such as most inanimate objects.
- Euclid: SCPs requiring substantial effort to contain, such as living organisms.
- Keter: Difficult or dangerous SCPs that either cannot be fully contained or that require overly complex and elaborate procedures to contain.
- Thaumiel: SCPs used to contain other SCPs and/or are beneficial to the Foundation.
- Neutralized: SCPs that are either destroyed or cease anomalous behavior.
Several hundred SCPs use an unofficial classification system that displays information in addition to containment difficulty.[24]
- ^ Including deliberately humorous «joke» SCP objects, SCP objects that were archived or decommissioned in lieu of deletion, and translations of SCPs from foreign language branches.
- ^ a b SCP Foundation Staff (24 July 2008). Main Page: «International Sites» table Archived 2 April 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
- ^ a b Roget (17 February 2013). History Of The Universe: Part One Archived 19 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
- ^ DrClef (12 December 2012). Licensing Guide Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 May 2015.
- ^ «Glossary Of Terms». SCP Foundation. 17 March 2022. Archived from the original on 30 May 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b c d e Aelanna (17 March 2014). About the SCP Foundation Archived 26 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 February 2015
- ^ «SCP-055 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 19 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Baker-Whitelaw, Gavia (9 January 2014). «Meet the secret foundation that contains the world’s paranormal artifacts». The Daily Dot. Archived from the original on 22 October 2018. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «SCP-087 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 19 January 2022. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ a b c d e Starr, Michelle (11 August 2013). SCP Foundation web series coming to YouTube Archived 11 April 2017 at the Wayback Machine. CNET. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «SCP-108 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 21 January 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ a b Eichler, Alex (21 February 2010). «Enter the SCP Foundation’s Bottomless Catalog of the Weird». io9. Archived from the original on 18 January 2022. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «SCP-173 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 14 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-294 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 11 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-426 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 12 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-999 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 6 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «What Is The SCP Foundation? 10 Best Pieces Every New Fan Should Read». ScreenRant. 3 January 2022. Archived from the original on 23 February 2022. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
- ^ «SCP-1171 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 14 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-1609 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 18 January 2022. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-3008 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 20 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (29 June 2017). «Brilliant short story about being trapped in an infinite IKEA». Boing Boing. Archived from the original on 4 August 2017. Retrieved 5 August 2017.
- ^ Newsom, p.152
- ^ a b c d Burkart, Gregory (29 October 2015). «CREEPYPASTA: The Story Behind «The SCP Foundation»«. Blumhouse Productions. Archived from the original on 6 November 2017. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
- ^ a b Aelanna; SCP Foundation Staff (23 April 2014). «Object Classes». SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 2 February 2018. Retrieved 27 January 2018.
- ^ a b Woedenaz (20 August 2019). «Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 19 January 2022. Retrieved 20 January 2022.
- ^ a b Dinicola, Nick (1 December 2014). «Creepypasta Gaming: Where the Internet «Learns Our Fears»«. PopMatters. Archived from the original on 25 June 2018. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ List of pages tagged with scp, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ List of pages tagged with tale, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 122
- ^ a b c Alexander, p. 72
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 122–123
- ^ Varonas, Nico (4 February 2012). SCP-087: Escaleras a lo desconocido Archived 8 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine. NeoTeo. Retrieved 26 March 2015. «Esta es una comunidad de usuarios y de fanáticos del sci-fi y el terror…» (translation: «This is a community of users and of sci-fi and horror fans…»)
- ^ Ong, Alexis (20 August 2020). The Unsung Muse of Speculative Fiction Is a Wikipedia Community Archived 21 August 2020 at the Wayback Machine. Tor.com. Retrieved 15 November 2020.
- ^ WhiteGuard (4 July 2021). «Interviewing Icons — The Administrator, FritzWillie». SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 8 April 2022. Retrieved 6 May 2022.
- ^ Scott, Jason (8 October 2018). «SCP-173 (found 4chan post; 2007)». Archived from the original on 5 June 2022. Retrieved 21 February 2022.
- ^ «Internet Horror Legend Sees Incredible Reimagining After Over A Decade Of Tensions». Kotaku. 16 February 2022. Archived from the original on 10 May 2022. Retrieved 3 March 2022.
- ^ Pedullà, Lorenzo (25 July 2017) Cos’è la SCP Foundation? Archived 26 July 2017 at the Wayback Machine, Fantascienza.com. Retrieved 18 August 2017.
- ^ «Announcement Regarding The Removal of SCP-173’s Image». SCP Foundation. 1 February 2022. Archived from the original on 2 July 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ O’Connor, Alice (2 February 2022). «Iconic Internet monster SCP-173 is losing its look». Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on 10 July 2022. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
- ^ SCP Foundation Staff, Staff Structure Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. 05 Command. Retrieved 21 May 2018.
- ^ Newsom, p. 154
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 117–118
- ^ Peters, Lucia (13 October 2014). «The 10 Scariest Urban Legends on the Internet to Bring a Shiver to Your Spine This Halloween». Bustle. Archived from the original on 24 December 2014. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Tapscott, p.118
- ^ a b Suhay, Lisa (10 November 2014). «Urban Druid writing contest: What’s behind the dark-side fiction?». The Christian Science Monitor. Archived from the original on 12 January 2015. Retrieved 17 March 2015.
- ^ AdminBright (27 July 2011). «Contest for 1000!». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ AdminBright (28 October 2013). «SCP-2000 «Science Fiction» Contest Hub». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ RJB_R (5 March 2017). «SCP-3000 Contest». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (20 June 2018). «SCP-4000 Contest». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (21 December 2019). «SCP-5000 Contest». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (25 August 2021). «SCP-6000 Contest Hub». Archived from the original on 30 June 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ Aiken Drum; WhiteGuard (26 June 2022). «SCP-7000 Contest Hub». Archived from the original on 29 June 2022. Retrieved 30 June 2022.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 115
- ^ Sitterson, Aubrey (16 February 2016). «The 11 weirdest subreddits». Geek. Archived from the original on 25 July 2016. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
- ^ Links Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Alexander, Leigh (5 May 2016)._9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9: the mysterious tale terrifying Reddit Archived 5 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine.The Guardian. Retrieved 25 August 2018.
- ^ Cook-Wilson, Winston (28 October 2015). «Scare Season: SCP, the Creepypasta for ‘X-Files’ and H.P. Lovecraft Fans». Inverse. Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 31 October 2015.
- ^ Alexander p. 73
- ^ «Confinement — YouTube». www.youtube.com. Archived from the original on 21 September 2022. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ Confinement (Animation, Comedy, Fantasy), 3 August 2017, archived from the original on 6 February 2023, retrieved 1 February 2023
- ^ Holmes, Jon (1 November 2019). «Confinement on Youtube: Interview with Creator Lord Bung». FinalBoss. Archived from the original on 1 February 2023. Retrieved 1 February 2023.
- ^ Shuman, Sean (12 February 2023). «Why Now Is the Perfect Time for an SCP Foundation Film». MovieWeb. Archived from the original on 12 February 2023. Retrieved 15 February 2023.
- ^ SCP: OVERLORD, archived from the original on 20 February 2023, retrieved 21 February 2023
- ^ Hancock, Stephen (14 November 2020), SCP: Overlord (Short, Thriller), Retro Digital Media, archived from the original on 21 September 2022, retrieved 21 September 2022
- ^ «Art House Extra | Inside the Making of ‘SCP: Overlord’«. 11 December 2020. Archived from the original on 22 September 2022. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
- ^ Tanhony (14 January 2020). «SCP-5000 — Why?». SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 6 December 2018. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Beschizza, Rob (12 June 2021). «Graphic novel about one of the most epic SCP Foundation entries». Boing Boing. Archived from the original on 12 June 2021. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Loo, Egan (18 April 2018). Seven Seas Licenses Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? & My Father is a Unicorn Manga, SCP Foundation: Iris of the Mirror World Novel Archived 19 April 2019 at the Wayback Machine. Anime News Network. Retrieved 7 May 2019.
- ^ Adee, Sally (6 April 2022). «Sci-fi is starting to exploit the infectious horrors of memes». New Scientist. Archived from the original on 7 April 2022. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Förtsch, Michael (11 June 2022). «Diese Science-Fiction-Romane retten euch durch den Sommer 2022». 1E9 (in German). Retrieved 1 March 2023.
- ^ Power, Una (8 October 2014). Welcome to the Ethics Committee. Belfield FM/UCD Student Radio. Archived from the original on 11 August 2015.
- ^ Smith, Adam (21 February 2012). «The Neverending Stairway: SCP-087». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Archived from the original on 9 May 2021. Retrieved 7 February 2015.
- ^ Diver, p. 4 of chap. 5
- ^ Chan, Stephanie (8 December 2017). SCP-3008 is survival horror in an unending Ikea purgatory Archived 8 December 2017 at the Wayback Machine. Venture Beat. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Boring Aloof Gamer, The (27 June 2013). Cute Little Things- SCP: Containment Breach Review Archived 1 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine. Game Skinny. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Clark, Dean. SCP Secret Laboratory First Impression: Great Game, If You Can Get it Working Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. Game Tyrant. Retrieved 31 December 2018.
- ^ «Affray — Affray LLC». Affray. Archived from the original on 26 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernom, Ross (March 2022). «Tactical Horror Shooter SCP: PANDEMIC Out Now On Early Access». GameTyrant. Archived from the original on 17 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernon, Ross (April 2022). «SCP: PANDEMIC First Impression: Clearly An Alpha». GameTyrant. Archived from the original on 17 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ James, Archer (13 June 2022). «SCP: Secret Files looks like the most ambitious SCP game yet, and there’s a Steam Next Fest demo». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Archived from the original on 13 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Wood, Austin (13 April 2018). «Manage monsters and inevitably get eaten in Lobotomy Corporation». PC Gamer. Archived from the original on 18 August 2022. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Meer, Alec (17 April 2018). «Wot I Think: Lobotomy Corporation». Rock Paper Shotgun. Gamer Network Limited. Archived from the original on 1 March 2021. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Gach, Ethan (26 August 2019), Control: The Kotaku Review Archived 26 August 2019 at the Wayback Machine. Kotaku. Retrieved 2 September 2019.
- ^ «Preview: Control is a Stunning Action Game for Fans of Annihilation and the SCP Foundation». Gamecrate. Archived from the original on 17 February 2021. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Twinfinite Staff (3 July 2018), Remedy’s Control Shares Eerie Similarities with the SCP CreepyPasta Site Archived 4 July 2018 at the Wayback Machine. Twinfinite. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
General and cited references
- Alexander, Bryan (2017). New Digital Storytelling, The: Creating Narratives with New Media—Revised and Updated Edition, 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-4408-4961-9. Retrieved 1 August 2017.
- Diver, Mike (2016). Indie Games: The Complete Introduction to Indie Gaming. Michael O’Mara Books. ISBN 978-1-910552-35-3. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- Newsom, Eric Thomas (2013). Participatory storytelling and the new folklore of the digital age (PhD). Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved 10 August 2021.
- Tapscott, Alan (2017). Perceived Consistency and Coherence in Collaborative Story World (PhD). Pompeu Fabra University. hdl:/10803/441755.
External links
- Official website
- Text-only archive of the earliest-known SCP-173 post on 4chan, obtained from the 4Chan Threads Text Archive
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logo |
Type of site |
Collaborative fiction project |
Available in | English and 15 other languages[note 1] |
URL | scp-wiki.wikidot.com |
Registration | Optional[note 2] |
Launched |
Current status | Active |
Content license |
CC-BY-SA-3.0[3] |
The SCP Foundation[note 3] is a fictional secret organization documented by the collaborative-writing wiki project of the same name. Within the website’s shared universe, the Foundation is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena unexplained by science (known as «anomalies» or «SCPs»), while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of human society.
The collaborative writing project operates on the wiki-like website SCP Wiki, and includes elements of many genres such as horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. The majority of works on the SCP Wiki consist of thousands of SCP files: mock confidential scientific reports that document various SCPs and associated containment procedures. The website also contains «Foundation Tales», short stories featuring various characters and settings in the SCP universe. The wiki’s literary works have been praised for their ability to convey horror through a quasi-scientific and academic writing style, as well as for their high standards of quality.
The SCP universe has inspired numerous fan-made adaptations in widely varying forms of media; including books, comics, video games, animated and live-action short films.
The fictional setting centers around the findings and activities of the SCP Foundation: an international secret society consisting of a scientific research institution with a paramilitary intelligence agency to support their goals. Despite their extremely secretive nature, the Foundation is entrusted by governments around the world to capture and contain various unexplained paranormal phenomena that defy the known laws of nature (referred to as «anomalies», «SCP objects», «SCPs», or informally as «skips»). They include living beings and creatures, artifacts and objects, locations and places, abstract concepts, and incomprehensible entities which display supernatural abilities or other extremely unusual properties. If left uncontained, many of the more dangerous anomalies will pose a serious threat to humans or even all life on Earth. All information regarding the existence of the Foundation and SCPs are strictly withheld from the general public in order to prevent mass hysteria that would supposedly occur if they were leaked, and allow human civilization to continue functioning under a masquerade of «normalcy».[5]
Whenever an SCP anomaly is discovered, teams of undercover Foundation agents (often called Mobile Task Forces, or MTFs) are deployed to either collect and transport the object to one of the organization’s many secret facilities, or to contain it at its location of discovery if transportation is not possible. If an anomaly is too widespread, elusive, or otherwise inaccessible, containment usually consists of suppressing all knowledge of the SCP from the public. This is accomplished through censorship of mass media, and by dosing all eyewitnesses with amnestic drugs which erase their memories of anomalous events.[5]
At the Foundation’s secret facilities, SCPs are studied and researched by scientists in order to improve containment methods for them. The Foundation also acquires disposable human test subjects called «D-class» personnel, who are usually (though not always) convicted criminals taken from prisons around the world; and forces them to take part in experiments with potentially dangerous SCPs, in order to avoid risking the safety of Foundation employees themselves. The Foundation maintains documentation for all SCPs which they are aware of, which can include or link to related reports and files. These documents describe the SCPs and include instructions for keeping them safely contained, as well as supplementary incident reports or experimentation logs.[5]
Apart from the Foundation itself, there are numerous rival organizations (collectively referred to as Groups of Interest, or GOIs) which are also actively involved with the paranormal world. Notable examples include the Chaos Insurgency, a terrorist splinter group consisting of ex-Foundation defectors who attempt to capture and weaponize SCPs; the Global Occult Coalition (GOC), a secret paramilitary agency of the United Nations which specializes in destroying supernatural threats instead of containing them; and the Serpent’s Hand, a militant group which advocates for the rights of anomalous beings, resisting both the Foundation’s and GOC’s efforts to suppress paranormal activity worldwide. Other GOIs seek to exploit anomalies by producing or selling them for monetary profit; or using them to serve their own religious, political, or ideological goals.[5]
Examples of SCPs
SCP-087, with SCP-087-1 in the background
- SCP-055 is a mysterious memory-erasing anomaly known as an «antimeme» that causes anyone who examines it to forget its existence, thus making the object’s characteristics indescribable except in terms of what it is not. [6][7]
- SCP-087 is a staircase that appears to descend infinitely and inhibits any light within its space. The staircase is inhabited by an entity known as SCP-087-1, which looks like a disembodied floating face without a mouth, pupils or nostrils, which chases after anyone walking down the stairs. [8][9]
- SCP-108 is a Nazi bunker system that is accessible only through a portal found in a woman’s nose. [10][11][7]
- SCP-173 is a humanoid statue composed of rebar, concrete and Krylon spray paint. It is immobile when directly observed, but it attacks people and breaks their neck when line of sight with it is broken. It is extremely fast, to the point where it can move multiple meters while the observer is blinking. In real life, SCP-173 is notable for being the first SCP ever written. [12][7][9]
- SCP-294 is a coffee vending machine that can dispense anything that does or can exist in liquid form—including, on occasion, abstract concepts. Regardless of the properties of the substance chosen, the machine’s polystyrene cups appear to suffer no damage from the substances dispensed into them. [13][7][9]
- SCP-426 is a toaster that can only be referred to in the first person. [14][9]
- SCP-999 is a gelatinous slime mold-like creature that smells similar to whatever is most comforting to the person it makes contact with. It has a friendly personality and is known to induce positive emotions on contact with humans and other organisms. Therefore, it is sometimes used as a tool by the SCP Foundation. [15][16]
- SCP-1171 is a home whose windows are covered in condensation; by writing in the condensation on the glass, it is possible to communicate with an extra-dimensional entity whose windows are likewise covered in condensation. This entity bears significant enmity towards humans but does not know that the Foundation members are humans. [17][7]
- SCP-1609 is a wood chip mulch that teleports into the lungs of individuals displaying aggressive behavior towards it. Previously a benevolent chair that teleported to nearby individuals who needed to sit down, it became aggressive after being destroyed in a woodchipper by the Global Occult Coalition. [18][7]
- SCP-3008 is an IKEA store with an interior that contains a seemingly infinite, labyrinthine pocket dimension designated SCP-3008-1. Prospective customers trapped within the building have formed rudimentary civilizations, and must defend themselves against hostile creatures known as SCP-3008-2: which are tall, faceless humanoids wearing IKEA employee uniforms that become violently aggressive towards all nearby humans when the lights are turned off. [19][20]
Writing style
On the SCP Wiki, the majority of works are stand-alone articles detailing the «Special Containment Procedures» of a given SCP object.[7] In a typical article, an SCP object is assigned a unique identification number[21] and a «containment class»[note 4] based on the difficulty of containing it.[22][23][24] The documentation then outlines proper containment procedures and safety measures before describing the SCP object in question.[7] Addenda (such as images, research data, interviews, history, or status updates) may also be attached to the document. The reports are written in a scientific tone and often censor words with black bars (ex. █████) and [DATA EXPUNGED] markings.[25] As of August 2021, articles exist for nearly 6,600 SCP objects;[26][note 5] new articles are frequently written by contributors.[7]
The SCP Wiki contains over 4,200 short stories referred to as «Foundation Tales».[7][27] The stories are set within the larger SCP universe, and often focus on the exploits of various Foundation staff members, SCP entities and objects, among other recurring characters and settings.[28] Gregory Burkart, writing for Blumhouse Productions, noted that some of the Foundation Tales had a dark and bleak tone, while others were «surprisingly light-hearted».[22]
The SCP universe has neither a central canon nor the ability to establish one due to its community-oriented nature,[7] but stories on the wiki are often linked together to create larger narratives.[29] Contributors have the ability to create «canons», which are clusters of SCPs and Foundation Tales with similar locations, characters, or central plots; many of these canons have hub pages that explain their basic concept and provide information such as timelines and character lists.[30]
The genres of the SCP Wiki have variously been described as science fiction, urban fantasy, horror and creepypasta.[5][31][32]
The SCP Wiki’s original logo (representing SCP-529, the front half of a cat, which behaves as a normal cat in all ways except in that it lacks a back half) while on EditThis.[33]
The SCP Foundation originated in the «paranormal» /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007, where the very first SCP file, SCP-173, was posted by an anonymous user (later identified as Moto42),[34] accompanied by an image of the sculpture «Untitled 2004» by Japanese artist Izumi Kato. Although displeased with the unlicensed use of his art, Kato allowed the use of the photo explicitly for the noncommercial purposes of the community.[35] Initially a stand-alone short story, many additional SCP files were created shortly after; these new SCPs copied SCP-173’s style and were set within the same fictional universe.[7] A stand-alone wiki was created in January 2008 on the EditThis wiki hosting service to display the SCP articles. The EditThis website did not have moderators, or the ability to delete articles. Members communicated through individual article talk pages and the /x/ board; the website lacked a central discussion forum. In July 2008, the SCP Wiki was transferred to its current Wikidot website after EditThis switched to a paid model.[7][36][2] «Untitled 2004» was removed from the entry for SCP-173 in 2022.[37][38]
The current Wikidot website contains numerous standard wiki features such as keyword searches and article lists. The wiki also contains a news hub, guides for writers and a central discussion forum.[29] The wiki is moderated by staff teams; each team is responsible for a different function such as community outreach and discipline.[39] Wikidot users are required to submit an application before they are allowed to post content.[7] Every article on the wiki is assigned a discussion page, where members can evaluate and provide constructive criticism on submitted stories. The discussion pages are frequently used by authors to improve their stories.[29] Members also have the ability to «upvote» articles they like and to «downvote» articles they dislike; articles that receive too many net downvotes are deleted.[40][41] Writers from the Daily Dot and Bustle have noted that the website maintains strict quality control standards, and that sub-par content tends to be quickly removed.[7][42]
The Wikidot website routinely holds creative writing contests to encourage submissions.[43] For example, in November 2014, the SCP Wiki held a «Dystopia Contest» in which its members were encouraged to submit writings about the Foundation set in a bleak or degraded world.[44] The website has also held seven themed contests for the opening of new Series, wherein the most-upvoted submission is listed at the beginning of the Series and the submissions of runner-ups are listed under an available number of their authors’ choosings. As of Series VIII, the contest themes have covered urban legends,[45] science fiction,[46] eldritch horror,[47] history,[48] mystery,[49] nature,[50] and luck.[51]
Apart from the original English wiki, 15 official foreign language branches exist, and some of their articles have been translated into English.[1][22][note 1] The Wanderer’s Library is a sister site and spin-off of the SCP Wiki. It uses the same setting as the SCP universe, but is made up of fantastical stories rather than scientific reports.[52] The SCP community also maintains a role-playing site, a forum on Reddit, and accounts on Facebook and Twitter.[7][53][54]
The SCP Foundation has received largely positive reviews. Michelle Starr of CNET praised the creepy nature of the stories.[9] Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, writing for the Daily Dot, praised the originality of the wiki and described it as the «most uniquely compelling horror writing on the Internet».[7] She noted that the series rarely contained gratuitous gore. Rather, the horror of the series was often established through the reports’ «pragmatic» and «deadpan» style, as well as through the inclusion of detail.[7] Lisa Suhay, writing for the Christian Science Monitor, also noted the SCP Wiki’s «tongue-in-cheek style».[44]
Alex Eichler, writing for io9, noted that the series had varying levels of quality and that some of the reports were dull or repetitive. However, he praised the SCP stories for not becoming overly dark, and for containing more light-hearted reports. Additionally, he praised the wide variety of concepts covered in the report and said that the wiki contained writings that would appeal to all readers.[11] Leigh Alexander, writing for The Guardian, noted that the wiki’s voting system allows readers to easily locate content which «the community thinks are best and most scary.»[55]
Winston Cook-Wilson, writing for Inverse, compared the SCP stories to the writings of American author H. P. Lovecraft. Like Lovecraft, SCP casefiles generally lack action sequences and are written in a pseudo-academic tone. Cook-Wilson argued that both Lovecraft’s works and those of the SCP Wiki were strengthened by the tensions between their detached scientific tone and the unsettling, horrific nature of the stories being told.[56]
Bryan Alexander, writing in The New Digital Storytelling, stated that the SCP Foundation is possibly «the most advanced achievement of wiki storytelling» due to the large-scale and recurring process through which the wiki’s user-base creates literary content.[57]
Media inspired by the SCP Foundation
The works present on the SCP Foundation website have been the subject of numerous independent adaptations and inspired some original works:
Adaptations of the SCP universe
Films and videos (animation)
- Confinement (2017-present) is an animated black comedy horror web series on YouTube, created by the animator «Lord Bung». The series focuses on the misadventures of Connor, an immortal human SCP prisoner whose ability to instantaneously resurrect himself from any cause of death is frequently exploited by the Foundation, who often use him like a D-class test subject to interact with various highly dangerous SCPs. [58][59][60][61]
Films and videos (live-action)
- SCP: Overlord (2020) is a 35-minute action horror thriller short film on YouTube, directed by Stephen Hancock and written by Evan Muir. The plot involves a team of Foundation agents raiding and investigating a house occupied by a local cult, which performed occult rituals that have resulted in anomalous activity. [62][63][64]
Literature (comics)
- SCP-5000 WHY — The Graphic Novel (2021) is a 120-page graphic novel adaptation of SCP-5000 — Why? (a contest-winning entry) written by Tanhony and illustrated by DRDOBERMANN. The novel focuses on technician Pietro Wilson surviving in an alternate universe where, for unknown reasons, the SCP Foundation has declared war against humanity and is releasing SCP objects to assure human extinction.[65] Funded through Kickstarter, the novel was published by Discordia Publishing in August 2021.[66]
Literature (novels)
- SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking-Glass (2018-2020) is a light novel series written by Akira and illustrated by Sidu. The book focuses on a boy who is kidnapped by the SCP Foundation after he sees a picture of Iris Thompson, a girl designated SCP-105, in every book he opens; the boy and Iris are forced to cooperate to escape the Foundation. The novel series began publication in Japan in September 2018, and was released by Seven Seas Entertainment in North America in January 2020.[67]
- There Is No Antimemetics Division (2021) is a SCP sci-fi horror story written and self-published by Sam «qntm» Hughes. The novel focuses on the concept of «antimemes», ideas and entities that censor themselves through memory loss, data corruption, and other anomalous means, and more specifically the invasion of an antimemetic entity that feeds on information.[68][69]
- Welcome to the Ethics Committee (2014) is a stage play that was performed in Dublin at the Smock Alley Theatre in October 2014. The play focused on the SCP Foundation’s Ethics Committee, a body that tries to limit unethical containment procedures.[70]
Video games
- SCP-087 (2012) is a short horror game about walking down the stairs of SCP-087.[71]
- SCP – Containment Breach (2012), one of the most popular games based on the SCP Foundation,[7][25] was released by Finnish developer Joonas Rikkonen in 2012.[72][73] The player character is D-9341, an unarmed D-class who attempts to escape from a containment facility while evading armed Foundation guards and escaped SCPs, including SCP-173.[74] The game includes a blink function, which makes the player close their eyes but allows SCP-173 to approach.[7]
- SCP: Secret Laboratory (2017) is a multiplayer game based on Containment Breach. Players have the option of playing as a breached SCP, an escaping scientist, a D-class, a Mobile Task Force Operative or the attacking Chaos Insurgency.[75]
- SCP: Pandemic (2022) is a multiplayer co-op first-person shooter in development by Affray Interactive.[76] Set in the alternate universe of SCP-5000 — Why?, players perform missions on behalf of various factions against the Foundation, which has become genocidal and seeks the annihilation of humanity.[77][78]
- SCP: Secret Files (2022) is an episodic horror adventure game in development by GameZoo Studios. The player plays through chapters that each cover different excursions into the SCP Foundation’s operations with the bizarre and abnormal.[79]
Other original works
Video games
- Lobotomy Corporation (2018), a management video game by Project Moon, was released in April 2018. Inspired by the SCP Foundation, the titular Lobotomy Corporation contains and harvests energy from supernatural «Abnormalities», and handling containment breaches is a major aspect of the gameplay.[80][81]
- Control (2019), a video game created by Remedy Entertainment, was first revealed at E3 2018 and released in August 2019.[82] The video game was heavily influenced by the SCP Foundation, with the game centered on a fictional Federal Bureau of Control that collects mundane objects imbued with paranormal influence to study and keep secure.[83][84]
See also
- Creepypasta
- Lovecraftian horror
- Men in Black
- The X-Files
Explanatory notes
- ^ a b Official foreign language branches of the SCP Foundation exist in German, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Thai, Spanish, Polish, Italian, French, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Czech, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese.[1]
- ^ Registration is only required to submit works and projects, or to leave comments and vote upon existing works. The site is free to view to people without an account.
- ^ SCP officially stands for «Special Containment Procedures» in the organization’s name; the organization also has the backronym motto «Secure, Contain, Protect».[4]
- ^ Commonly used object classes include:[22][23]
- Safe: SCPs tame enough to be trivially contained, such as most inanimate objects.
- Euclid: SCPs requiring substantial effort to contain, such as living organisms.
- Keter: Difficult or dangerous SCPs that either cannot be fully contained or that require overly complex and elaborate procedures to contain.
- Thaumiel: SCPs used to contain other SCPs and/or are beneficial to the Foundation.
- Neutralized: SCPs that are either destroyed or cease anomalous behavior.
Several hundred SCPs use an unofficial classification system that displays information in addition to containment difficulty.[24]
- ^ Including deliberately humorous «joke» SCP objects, SCP objects that were archived or decommissioned in lieu of deletion, and translations of SCPs from foreign language branches.
- ^ a b SCP Foundation Staff (24 July 2008). Main Page: «International Sites» table Archived 2 April 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
- ^ a b Roget (17 February 2013). History Of The Universe: Part One Archived 19 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 12 February 2015.
- ^ DrClef (12 December 2012). Licensing Guide Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 27 May 2015.
- ^ «Glossary Of Terms». SCP Foundation. 17 March 2022. Archived from the original on 30 May 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ a b c d e Aelanna (17 March 2014). About the SCP Foundation Archived 26 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 13 February 2015
- ^ «SCP-055 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 19 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Baker-Whitelaw, Gavia (9 January 2014). «Meet the secret foundation that contains the world’s paranormal artifacts». The Daily Dot. Archived from the original on 22 October 2018. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «SCP-087 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 19 January 2022. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ a b c d e Starr, Michelle (11 August 2013). SCP Foundation web series coming to YouTube Archived 11 April 2017 at the Wayback Machine. CNET. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «SCP-108 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 21 January 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ a b Eichler, Alex (21 February 2010). «Enter the SCP Foundation’s Bottomless Catalog of the Weird». io9. Archived from the original on 18 January 2022. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ «SCP-173 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 14 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-294 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 11 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-426 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 12 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «SCP-999 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 6 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
- ^ «What Is The SCP Foundation? 10 Best Pieces Every New Fan Should Read». ScreenRant. 3 January 2022. Archived from the original on 23 February 2022. Retrieved 23 February 2022.
- ^ «SCP-1171 — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 14 February 2023. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
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- ^ Newsom, p.152
- ^ a b c d Burkart, Gregory (29 October 2015). «CREEPYPASTA: The Story Behind «The SCP Foundation»«. Blumhouse Productions. Archived from the original on 6 November 2017. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
- ^ a b Aelanna; SCP Foundation Staff (23 April 2014). «Object Classes». SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 2 February 2018. Retrieved 27 January 2018.
- ^ a b Woedenaz (20 August 2019). «Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide — SCP Foundation». The SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 19 January 2022. Retrieved 20 January 2022.
- ^ a b Dinicola, Nick (1 December 2014). «Creepypasta Gaming: Where the Internet «Learns Our Fears»«. PopMatters. Archived from the original on 25 June 2018. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ List of pages tagged with scp, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ List of pages tagged with tale, SCP Foundation. Retrieved 24 August 2021. Archived from the original on 24 August 2021.
- ^ Tapscott, p. 122
- ^ a b c Alexander, p. 72
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 122–123
- ^ Varonas, Nico (4 February 2012). SCP-087: Escaleras a lo desconocido Archived 8 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine. NeoTeo. Retrieved 26 March 2015. «Esta es una comunidad de usuarios y de fanáticos del sci-fi y el terror…» (translation: «This is a community of users and of sci-fi and horror fans…»)
- ^ Ong, Alexis (20 August 2020). The Unsung Muse of Speculative Fiction Is a Wikipedia Community Archived 21 August 2020 at the Wayback Machine. Tor.com. Retrieved 15 November 2020.
- ^ WhiteGuard (4 July 2021). «Interviewing Icons — The Administrator, FritzWillie». SCP Foundation. Archived from the original on 8 April 2022. Retrieved 6 May 2022.
- ^ Scott, Jason (8 October 2018). «SCP-173 (found 4chan post; 2007)». Archived from the original on 5 June 2022. Retrieved 21 February 2022.
- ^ «Internet Horror Legend Sees Incredible Reimagining After Over A Decade Of Tensions». Kotaku. 16 February 2022. Archived from the original on 10 May 2022. Retrieved 3 March 2022.
- ^ Pedullà, Lorenzo (25 July 2017) Cos’è la SCP Foundation? Archived 26 July 2017 at the Wayback Machine, Fantascienza.com. Retrieved 18 August 2017.
- ^ «Announcement Regarding The Removal of SCP-173’s Image». SCP Foundation. 1 February 2022. Archived from the original on 2 July 2022. Retrieved 16 May 2022.
- ^ O’Connor, Alice (2 February 2022). «Iconic Internet monster SCP-173 is losing its look». Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on 10 July 2022. Retrieved 10 July 2022.
- ^ SCP Foundation Staff, Staff Structure Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. 05 Command. Retrieved 21 May 2018.
- ^ Newsom, p. 154
- ^ Tapscott, pp. 117–118
- ^ Peters, Lucia (13 October 2014). «The 10 Scariest Urban Legends on the Internet to Bring a Shiver to Your Spine This Halloween». Bustle. Archived from the original on 24 December 2014. Retrieved 6 February 2015.
- ^ Tapscott, p.118
- ^ a b Suhay, Lisa (10 November 2014). «Urban Druid writing contest: What’s behind the dark-side fiction?». The Christian Science Monitor. Archived from the original on 12 January 2015. Retrieved 17 March 2015.
- ^ AdminBright (27 July 2011). «Contest for 1000!». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ AdminBright (28 October 2013). «SCP-2000 «Science Fiction» Contest Hub». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ RJB_R (5 March 2017). «SCP-3000 Contest». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (20 June 2018). «SCP-4000 Contest». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
- ^ ProcyonLotor (21 December 2019). «SCP-5000 Contest». Archived from the original on 31 January 2022. Retrieved 24 January 2022.
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- ^ Tapscott, p. 115
- ^ Sitterson, Aubrey (16 February 2016). «The 11 weirdest subreddits». Geek. Archived from the original on 25 July 2016. Retrieved 21 February 2016.
- ^ Links Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. SCP Foundation. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Alexander, Leigh (5 May 2016)._9MOTHER9HORSE9EYES9: the mysterious tale terrifying Reddit Archived 5 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine.The Guardian. Retrieved 25 August 2018.
- ^ Cook-Wilson, Winston (28 October 2015). «Scare Season: SCP, the Creepypasta for ‘X-Files’ and H.P. Lovecraft Fans». Inverse. Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 31 October 2015.
- ^ Alexander p. 73
- ^ «Confinement — YouTube». www.youtube.com. Archived from the original on 21 September 2022. Retrieved 21 February 2023.
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- ^ SCP: OVERLORD, archived from the original on 20 February 2023, retrieved 21 February 2023
- ^ Hancock, Stephen (14 November 2020), SCP: Overlord (Short, Thriller), Retro Digital Media, archived from the original on 21 September 2022, retrieved 21 September 2022
- ^ «Art House Extra | Inside the Making of ‘SCP: Overlord’«. 11 December 2020. Archived from the original on 22 September 2022. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
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- ^ Beschizza, Rob (12 June 2021). «Graphic novel about one of the most epic SCP Foundation entries». Boing Boing. Archived from the original on 12 June 2021. Retrieved 14 April 2022.
- ^ Loo, Egan (18 April 2018). Seven Seas Licenses Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? & My Father is a Unicorn Manga, SCP Foundation: Iris of the Mirror World Novel Archived 19 April 2019 at the Wayback Machine. Anime News Network. Retrieved 7 May 2019.
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- ^ Power, Una (8 October 2014). Welcome to the Ethics Committee. Belfield FM/UCD Student Radio. Archived from the original on 11 August 2015.
- ^ Smith, Adam (21 February 2012). «The Neverending Stairway: SCP-087». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Archived from the original on 9 May 2021. Retrieved 7 February 2015.
- ^ Diver, p. 4 of chap. 5
- ^ Chan, Stephanie (8 December 2017). SCP-3008 is survival horror in an unending Ikea purgatory Archived 8 December 2017 at the Wayback Machine. Venture Beat. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Boring Aloof Gamer, The (27 June 2013). Cute Little Things- SCP: Containment Breach Review Archived 1 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine. Game Skinny. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- ^ Clark, Dean. SCP Secret Laboratory First Impression: Great Game, If You Can Get it Working Archived 18 January 2022 at the Wayback Machine. Game Tyrant. Retrieved 31 December 2018.
- ^ «Affray — Affray LLC». Affray. Archived from the original on 26 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernom, Ross (March 2022). «Tactical Horror Shooter SCP: PANDEMIC Out Now On Early Access». GameTyrant. Archived from the original on 17 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Vernon, Ross (April 2022). «SCP: PANDEMIC First Impression: Clearly An Alpha». GameTyrant. Archived from the original on 17 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ James, Archer (13 June 2022). «SCP: Secret Files looks like the most ambitious SCP game yet, and there’s a Steam Next Fest demo». Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Archived from the original on 13 June 2022. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
- ^ Wood, Austin (13 April 2018). «Manage monsters and inevitably get eaten in Lobotomy Corporation». PC Gamer. Archived from the original on 18 August 2022. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Meer, Alec (17 April 2018). «Wot I Think: Lobotomy Corporation». Rock Paper Shotgun. Gamer Network Limited. Archived from the original on 1 March 2021. Retrieved 17 August 2022.
- ^ Gach, Ethan (26 August 2019), Control: The Kotaku Review Archived 26 August 2019 at the Wayback Machine. Kotaku. Retrieved 2 September 2019.
- ^ «Preview: Control is a Stunning Action Game for Fans of Annihilation and the SCP Foundation». Gamecrate. Archived from the original on 17 February 2021. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
- ^ Twinfinite Staff (3 July 2018), Remedy’s Control Shares Eerie Similarities with the SCP CreepyPasta Site Archived 4 July 2018 at the Wayback Machine. Twinfinite. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
General and cited references
- Alexander, Bryan (2017). New Digital Storytelling, The: Creating Narratives with New Media—Revised and Updated Edition, 2nd Edition. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-4408-4961-9. Retrieved 1 August 2017.
- Diver, Mike (2016). Indie Games: The Complete Introduction to Indie Gaming. Michael O’Mara Books. ISBN 978-1-910552-35-3. Retrieved 20 May 2018.
- Newsom, Eric Thomas (2013). Participatory storytelling and the new folklore of the digital age (PhD). Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved 10 August 2021.
- Tapscott, Alan (2017). Perceived Consistency and Coherence in Collaborative Story World (PhD). Pompeu Fabra University. hdl:/10803/441755.
External links
- Official website
- Text-only archive of the earliest-known SCP-173 post on 4chan, obtained from the 4Chan Threads Text Archive
эйсипи — перевод на английский
За 5 лет службы ЭйСиПи Виджая Кханны..
This is ACP Vijay Khanna’s 17th transfer..
На лекциях по географии студентов будут просить показать на карте Андры место куда ещё не переводили ЭйСиПи Виджая Кханну.
Students will be questioned in a geography lectures» …to point out a place in Andhra map.. …and tell where ACP Vijay Khanna isn’t transferred.
ЭйСиПи Виджай Кханна.
ACP Vij ay Khan na.
Салам алейкум, господин ЭйСиПи.
Salaam, ACP sir.
Господин ЭйСиПи, это вы тут новичок.
ACP sir, you’re new here.
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Справочная информация по склонению имён существительных и прилагательных, спряжению глаголов, а также морфемному строению слов.
Сайт оснащён мощной системой поиска с поддержкой русской морфологии.
Особенности написания русских букв на английском языке
Каждый, кто изучает английский язык, интересуется следующим вопросом: как, к примеру, должна писаться буква ы? Ведь ее практически не употребляют, но она необходима для передачи заимствованных слов, а также написания славянских имен, фамилий, названий организаций и всего остального, что связано с передачей русских и славянских слов. В этой статье разберем, как записываются некоторые буквы русского алфавита, если они отсутствует в английском языке.
Написание некоторых букв
Достаточно интересная буква в плане написания на английском языке. В отличии от Ш, примеров употребления звука Ц найти не получится, ибо передавать его приходится исходя из похожести некоторых сбуквосочетаний. Зачастую передача звука осуществляется в виде TS, реже применяются TZ или TC. В качестве примера выступают Vysotskiy, Tsvetaeva, Trubetzkoy и так далее.
Одна из самых трудных букв для написания на английский манер. Лучше всего передается с помощью Y. Причем догадаться о том, что это Ы, можно из контекста. Чаще всего это фамилии, как-то: Krylov, Davydova, Krym, vydra и многое другое.
Очень похожа по транслитерации на Ы. Очень часто передается как Y. Но есть одно отличие: Й встречается обычно на конце слова для обозначения фамилии, прилагательного, городов и т. д. Но все равно возникает путаница между Ы и Й, которой не возникало при обозначении с помощью звука J. Тем не менее, именно так пишутся Yogurt, Tolstoy, Borovoy и тому подобное.
Для англичан Щ представляет особые трудности. Из-за отсутствия схожих звуков среди английского алфавита Щ передают с помощью словосочетания shch. Это обусловлено схожестью между такими звуками, как Щ и Ш. Это особенно ярко проявляется при написании русских фамилий по типу SHCHedrin, SHCHerbakova, GoloSHCHekin.
Общие правила литерации сложных звуков
Не все русские звуки имеют схожие в английском языке. Из-за этого процесс написания фамилии в каждом случае индивидуален. Следует учитывать и фонетические, и орфоэпические особенности написания.
Фонетические заключаются в максимальной схожести между русскими и английскими словами и наоборот. Это меняет и отображение слова. В качестве примера: еще в прошлом веке фамилию Huxley писали на русском как Гексли, а сегодня в литературе такую же фамилию пишут как Хаксли, что естественным образом вызывает путаницу и недопонимание.
Поэтому не стоит поддаваться современным веяниям в фонетических обозначениях. Желание передать красоту звучания не должно идти вразрез с правильностью написания.
Итак, рассмотрим некоторые особенности передачи звуков, когда производится перевод на русский язык.
Теперь нам стало понятно, как стоит писать русские буквы, если необходимо перейти к латинской транскрипции. Подведем итоги.
Написать букву Ы или любую другую непростую букву русского алфавита по-английски не очень сложно. Главное — знать основные стандарты написания и подбирать удобный вариант в каждом конкретном случае. Если же вам хочется красиво написать свою фамилию, то делать это надлежит без противоречий с основными правилами. В особо сложных случаях стоит обратиться за помощью к хорошо разбирающимся людям, которые помогут написать ваше имя или фамилию правильно. Удачи в деле записи латиницей русских слов, поскольку это может действительно пригодиться!
Это видео поможет вам лучше разобраться в тонкостях транслитерации.
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Почему английские слова читаются не так, как пишутся?
В начале обучения английский язык кажется сложным, потому что не получается правильно читать слова – многие читаются совсем не так, как пишутся. Вроде есть несколько правил чтения, но исключений оказывается больше! Одни из те же звуки записываются десятками разных буквосочетаний. Давайте разберемся, почему в английском языке написание не совпадает с произношением. Почему английские слова читаются не так, как пишутся?
Орфография любого языка строится на одном из трех принципов: фонетическом, морфологическом или историческом. Первый – когда на письме полностью отражается звуковой состав слова, как в латинском языке. Второй – когда письмо частично передает звуки, как в русском. А исторический принцип – это когда написание слова обусловлено традицией и не похоже на произношение, как в английском. Только посмотрите на эти примеры, как прочитает эти слова человек, который встречает их в первый раз и не видел транскрипцию:
Как же научиться читать по-английски, если сами англичане подшучивают над своей орфографией: «Пишется Манчестер, читается Ливерпуль»? Мы рекомендуем больше читать, проверяя транскрипцию всех незнакомых слов в словаре. Больше практики – и вы поймете закономерности и запомните исключения.
Пишем адрес на английском языке: подробное руководство
В эпоху интернета необходимость написать адрес на английском языке возникает нечасто, но у многих вызывает трудности. Как правило, это нужно для отправки официальной корреспонденции, посылки, для указания адреса доставки в интернет-магазине или для учебного задания. Ничего сложного в этом нет, задача несложная даже для начинающих. Главный принцип: почтовые работники должны понять, куда им доставить письмо.
Пишем адрес получателя на английском языке
Мы привыкли писать адрес от большего к меньшему: индекс, область или край, город, улица, дом, квартира (если многоквартирный дом), фамилия и имя адресата. Если вы отправляете письмо в США или Великобританию, то адрес на английском языке пишется наоборот. Вот примеры адресов в США:
Пройдите тест на уровень английского:
Joyce Price (имя получателя)
44 Cedar Avenue (номер дома, название улицы)
Arcadia Bay (город)
Oregon 97141 (штат, индекс)
Также в США часто сокращают названия штатов, в адресе ниже DE значит Delaware:
Tyler Durden (имя получателя)
420 Paper St (номер дома, название улицы)
Wilmington (город)
DE 19886 (штат, индекс)
«St» — это сокращенно от «Street». Список сокращений в американских адресах, включая штаты, можно посмотреть в приложении в конце этой статьи.
Не все живут в домах («houses»), многие живут в квартирах («apartment» в США, «flat» в Великобритании).
Sheldon Cooper & Leonard Hofstadter
Apt 4B 2311 North Los Robles Avenue (4B — номер квартиры, 2311 — номер дома)
California 91108
Обычно сначала пишут номер квартиры, потом номер дома, потом улицу, как в примере выше. Иногда номер квартиры пишут после улицы и дома, выделяя его значком #
2311 North Los Robles Avenue, #Apt 4B
Бывает даже, что квартиру пишут отдельной строкой, если есть место:
Apt 4B
2311 North Los Robles Avenue
В примерах выше я написал все адреса строчными и прописными буквами (как в обычном тексте) — обычно так и пишут.
Кадр из игры «Life is Strange»
Однако конверты, открытки, посылки желательно подписывать прописными буквами, не используя точки и запятые. Такие рекомендации дает, в частности, почтовая служба USPS.
Изображение с сайта www.usps.com
Примеры выше касаются адресов в США. В Великобритании система практически такая же, только не забывайте, что квартира в британском варианте — это «flat», а не «apartment».
Mr. Bean
Flat 2
12 Arbour Road
North London
Важное примечание: «Почта России» рекомендует в международных письмах дублировать название страны на русском. Видимо, для того, чтобы сортировщик почты наверняка понял, в какую страну отправляется письмо:
Tyler Durden
420 Paper St
DE 19886
USA, США (название страны продублировано по-русски)
Как писать обратный адрес на письме за границу?
Начнем с того, зачем на конверте нужен обратный адрес. Причины две:
«Почта России» рекомендует писать обратный адрес по-русски, дублируя на английском названия страны и города.
Фото с www.russianpost.ru.
Логика, видимо, такая. Предположим вы написали из Москвы в Нью-Йорк, указав «Moscow, Russia» вдобавок к обратному адресу на русском. Американский адрес, разумеется, на английском (с пометкой «США» для наших почтовых работников). Далее происходит следующее:
Недостаток этого подхода в том, что адресату трудно будет написать вам ответ, переписав адрес из «Откуда». Для англичанина или американца кириллица — это примерно как иероглифы, особенно если вы напишете адрес не печатными буквами. В таком случае можно либо написать ваш адрес на латинице в самом письме, либо заполнить «Откуда» на латинице.
Как написать российский адрес на английском языке
Российский адрес пишется в обычной для нашей почты последовательности: страна, индекс, область, город, улица, дом, квартира, фамилия и имя получателя. Вообще, в почтовых службах мира, насколько я знаю, принято, что обратный адрес пишется в традициях страны-отправителя, а «Куда» — в традициях страны-получателя.
Адрес нужно писать транслитом (транслитерация — передача знаков одного языка знаками другого), то есть вы не переводите слова «край», «область» и даже «город», «улица», а пишете эти слова английскими буквами: krai, oblast, gorod, ulitsa. Это делается для того, чтобы наши почтальоны поняли куда доставить письмо.
Не нужно пытаться переводить «область» как «region» или «district», «переулок» как «lane» или «drive», а «шоссе» как «highway». Пощадите почтальона, который будет искать «хайвэй Энтузиастов».
Единственное, что нужно писать обязательно в переводе — название страны: Russia, также можно перевести названия некоторых городов, у которых есть устоявшийся общеизвестный перевод на английский (Moscow, St. Petersburg).
ul. Lesnaya, d. 5, kv. 176
Pupkin Ivan
Как написать российский адрес доставки на английском языке для интернет-магазина (на примере AliExpress)
Расскажу также о еще одной частой проблеме с адресом. Сейчас многие заказывают товары в иностранных интернет-магазинах и, делая это в первый раз, испытывают трудности с заполнением анкеты с адресом доставки. Тут все просто: все данные пишутся латиницей, слова вроде «край», «область» транслитерируются. Все в точности как в пункте выше про написание российского адреса латиницей на конверте.
Возьмем для примера магазин AliExpress, в последние пару лет ставший очень популярным в России. В «Алиэкспресс» типичная анкета с адресом доставки, в нее входят поля:
- Имя получателя — заполняется транслитом, например: Pupkin Igor Ivanovich. Странарегион — выбирается из выпадающего списка. Улицадомквартира — транслитом, например: ulitsa Lenina, dom 12, kvartira 7 (или ul. Lenina, d. 12, kv. 7) Крайобластьрегион — выбирается из выпадающего списка. Город — транслитом, например: Voronezh, Murmansk, Vladivostok. Почтовый индекс.
Если нажать на строку, где указывается край, область или регион, вы увидите, что они тоже написаны транслитом, например: Magadan Oblast, Altai Krai. По сути все поля, кроме названия страны, нужны не иностранным почтальонам, а российским, поэтому транслит — лучший вариант.
Как выкать в английском языке: градация слова «you»
В английском нет слова «ты». Вернее, оно есть, но используется только в литературе и религии.
Английское «you» используют и вместо «ты», и вместо «вы» как обращения к одному человеку, и вместо «вы» как обращения к нескольким людям, и даже «Вы» как особо уважительного обращения.
Поэтому встает вопрос, как правильно использовать «you», чтобы избежать недоразумений.
Понятно, что во фразе «Hey you, motherf*cker!» уважительным обращением даже не пахнет. Но нюансов английского выканья все же хватает. О них сегодня и расскажем.
Почему в английском все обращаются на «вы»
Мало того, что в среднеанглийском количество местоимений было куда больше, чем в современном языке, так они еще и склонялись по падежам. Грамматическая структура языка была довольно похожа на современный немецкий.
Среднеанглийский был еще очень сильно связан лексически и грамматически с другими европейскими языками.
Начиная с XVI века структура английского языка стала упрощаться. Постепенно выходят из употребления падежи, а разнообразие местоимений сильно сокращается.
Местоимение «thou», которое обозначает второе лицо единственного числа, тоже стали употреблять реже. Причина проста — местоимения «ye» и «you» стали использовать и для обращения к одной персоне.
«You» превратилось в обращение к вышестоящей особе — именно поэтому говорят «your majesty». И «thou» тоже поменяло исконное значение — теперь оно стало обращением к нижестоящей особе. К примеру, слуге или простолюдину. Называть друг друга на «ты» стало некультурным, потому такое обращение стало неуважительным.
Но есть исключение. В английской религиозной традиции в молитвах ко Всевышнему обращаются только «thou», но зачастую с большой буквы. Таким образом передается близость высших сил к человеку.
Сегодня слово «thou» вышло из употребления. Именно из-за негативного контекста, которое оно приобрело во время развития английского. Его активно используют только квакеры — религиозная христианская община, которая проповедует пацифизм, отрицает крещение и причастие как христианские таинства.
Градации слова «you»
Из-за такого причудливого исторического поворота, «you» может использоваться одновременно и как вежливое обращение, и как невежливое. Поэтому важную роль играет интонация и контекст.
По сути из-за того, что местоимение «you» осталось единственным, оно перестало обозначать уважительное отношение к человеку. Сейчас слово «you» одинаково используется как для формальных ситуаций, так и для неформальных, где уважение даже рядом не стояло.
Excuse me, sir, could you please help me? — Простите, сэр, не могли бы вы мне помочь, пожалуйста?
Hey you, come here and help me. — Эй ты, иди сюда и помоги мне.
Слово используется одно, но контекст абсолютно разный. Здесь это заметно, потому что в первом предложении используются вежливые слова «sir», «please», а во втором — не слишком корректное «hey you» и повелительное наклонение.
Но есть случаи, когда с помощью интонации можно кардинально поменять значение фразы.
Если произнести ее мягким тоном, подчеркивая интонацией только «please» и «door», то это будет вполне вежливая просьба — «Вы могли бы придержать дверь, пожалуйста?».
Если же сказать ее раздражительным тоном, акцентируя каждое слово, то получится издевка-приказание — «Придержи эту дверь». Причем в довольно уничижительном смысле. В этом варианте «please» играет сугубо декоративную роль и означает именно указание, а не просьбу.
Как обращаться к нескольким людям, чтобы не было путаницы
Сейчас же слово «you» стало понемногу терять свой смысл как местоимение множественного числа. Что добавило неразберихи в повседневные ситуации.
Давайте представим ситуацию, что к вам в гости пришел друг с девушкой. И вы как рачительный хозяин их приветствуете:
— Good to see you! I’m so glad you’re here.
К кому относится эта фраза? Одновременно к другу и девушке? Или только к другу, а девушку вы не рады видеть? Слово «you» не дает ясности.
Чтобы было абсолютно понятно, нужно сказать так:
— Good to see you! I’m so glad you both are here.
Тогда будет сразу ясно, что вы рады видеть и друга, и его избранницу.
Собственно, именно поэтому при обращении к нескольким людям форма «you» — это не единственный возможный вариант. Куда чаще говорят «you all», «y’all» или «you guys».
Всего существует около десятки разных плюральных форм слова «you». Если не считать, что оно и так во множественном числе.
«You-unz» и его сокращенный вариант «yinz» родом из кельтских языков. Его используют преимущественно в Ирландии и Шотландии, а также в некоторых регионах США, где проживает большое количество этнических ирландцев и шотландцев.
«You guys» — самый распространенный вариант в США, который используют две трети страны. Интересно, что слово «guys» здесь не имеет пола. Поэтому словосочетание применяется и к группам девушек. Правда, в последнее время феминистские сообщества настаивают, чтобы вместо него использовать «you all» как более гендерно-нейтральный вариант. Но против традиций не попрешь, поэтому «you guys» все еще в ходу.
«You lot» — британский вариант «you guys», который распространен именно в Англии. А еще один вариант «yous» популярен в англоязычной Африке.
Иногда используются совсем уж дикие варианты вроде «all y’all» и «youse guys», но это уже индивидуальный инструмент разнообразить свой язык и повсеместно это не принято.
В разных городах и регионах могут быть привычны разные обращения. Вот как эти обращения распределяются по популярности в США:
История иногда делает интересные кунштюки. Ведь по сути попытки средневековых англичан звучать более вежливо привели к тому, что из употребления полностью выпало местоимение «thou». А из-за этого в свою очередь «you» потеряло свой уважительный лоск и стало звучать обычно.
В итоге все выкают, но джентльменов больше не стало, только проблем добавилось настолько, что пришлось изобретать велосипед, чтобы обращаться к нескольким людям.
Английский — это легко, говорили они. В английском есть логика, говорили они. А потом мы познакомились с английским юмором и поняли, в чем фишка. Прикол засчитан.
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Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется слово исипи по английски, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется слово исипи по английски», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
Фонд SCP (англ. The SCP Foundation) — секретная организация, занимающаяся содержанием и изучением аномальных предметов и существ.
Акроним «SCP» расшифровывается как «Special Containment Procedures» (рус. Особые Условия Содержания) или как неофициальный девиз «Secure, Contain, Protect» (рус. Обезопасить, Удержать, Сохранить). Вместе эти аббревиатуры суммируют цели и методы действий Фонда.
Политика Фонда
Каждому объекту Фонд присваивает особый класс (от «Безопасного» до «Кетера» или «Таумиэля») и идентификационный номер по типу SCP-XXX (начиная с 1000-х — SCP-XXXX). SCP-объектами (в некоторых контекстах именуются просто как «SCP» или «объект») могут стать как различные паранормальные явления и монстры — от отдельно взятых существ (например, SCP-058) до целых локаций (SCP-354), — так и обычные люди, предметы и животные, которые, тем не менее, имеют аномальные свойства.
Каждый документ, описывающий SCP-объект, после указания класса безопасности объекта описывает процедуры сдерживания, необходимые для данного конкретного объекта. Эта часть документа обязательна и озаглавлена как «Особые условия содержания». Кроме содержания и изучения, Организация ставит своей задачей обезопасить человечество от данных объектов. Задачи, которые ставит Фонд, отражены в его девизе — «Обезопасить. Удержать. Сохранить».
Несмотря на то, что своей целью Фонд ставит защиту человечества, политика Фонда предусматривает жестокое и негуманное отношение к отдельным людям в случаях, в которых это идёт на благо человечеству. В связи с этим процедуры тестирования SCP-объектов допускают использование людей в опасных, либо даже заведомо смертельных испытаниях объектов. Процедуры восстановления условий содержания некоторых объектов предполагают принесение человеческих жертв (например, протокол возврата RP-106-N). В случаях серьёзных нарушений условий содержания допускаются применения ядерного оружия против объектов, что тоже предусматривает человеческие потери.
Структура Фонда
Персонал SCP разделён по 6 уровням допуска[1]:
- Уровень 0 — низшая ступень сотрудников SCP. Доступ к любым объектам запрещён под страхом смерти.
- Уровень 1 — сотрудники (необязательно научные), обслуживающие определённый объект. Обычно в удостоверениях прописывается номер объекта (например, Уровень 1/173).
- Уровень 2 — научные сотрудники, допущенные до обслуживания нескольких объектов. Номера Объектов прописываются в удостоверениях через дефис (например, Уровень 2/173-847-423).
- Уровень 3 — присваивается сотрудникам службы безопасности Зон, разрешён доступ к любым объектам уровня ниже «Кетер», находящимся в обслуживаемой Зоне.
- Уровень 4 — исследовательско-командный состав. Разрешён доступ к информации по любым объектам уровня ниже «Кетер», однако работают они с ними нечасто.
- Уровень 5 — администрация Фонда, именуемая Советом О5. Им разрешён доступ к информации по любым объектам, однако в целях личной безопасности прямой контакт с объектами или посещение Зон исключается. При назначении сотрудника новым «смотрителем» все упоминания и воспоминания о нём уничтожаются.
Помимо этого, в Фонде присутствует 5 классов персонала[2]:
- Класс Е — временный класс; назначается всему персоналу, работающему над обеспечением условий содержания новых объектов. После проведения данных мероприятий персоналу класса Е присваиваются уровни соответственно их планируемым обязанностям.
- Класс D — расходный материал Фонда, в который входят как тюремные заключённые, так и персонал, разжалованный из-за серьёзного нарушения дисциплины. Несмотря на то, что в случаях нарушения условий содержания могут пострадать любые сотрудники Организации, намеренная трата квалифицированных ресурсов является нерациональной; с этой целью и был создан данный класс. Формально, они не входят в структуру Фонда, однако их использование достаточно важно для Организации.
- Класс C — присваивается сотрудникам с прямым доступом к большинству аномалий, не представляющих опасности или не проявляющих враждебности.
- Класс B — сотрудники, которые считаются важными для локальных операций Фонда.
- Класс A — сотрудники, которые считаются жизненно важными для стратегических операций Фонда, вследствие чего им запрещён какой-либо прямой доступ к аномальным объектам.
В игре
В SCP: Containment Breach встречаются (или упоминаются) следующие службы Фонда:
- Административная служба;
- Научная служба;
- Служба безопасности;
- Инженерно-техническая служба;
- D-Класс.
По сюжету, игрок нанят Фондом в качестве сотрудника D-Класса. Он оказывается в Зоне-███████, где и происходит действие игры.
Заглавная страница сайта (скриншот от 21.05.2017) Русский филиал (скриншот от 21.05.2017)
«База данных» Фонда SCP находится на сайте scp-wiki.net (русская версия — scpfoundation.ru). Сайт представляет собой вики-проект, посвящённый вселенной SCP и выражающийся в коллективном творчестве в научно-фантастическом жанре. Примечательной особенностью проекта является стилизация основной части его статей под научный стиль, как если бы это были секретные документы о различных аномальных объектах или существах (хотя присутствуют и рассказы в обычном формате).
На данный момент проект включает в себя в совокупности более 6000 статей. Со временем статьи, утратившие популярность, могут быть переписаны или удалены полностью. Нередко их сохраняют на память, для чего существует «Архив» и даже отдельный сайт.
Любой желающий может пополнить проект своим творчеством в соответствующем стиле. Минимальные требования к написанию статей, помимо собственно описания объектов и условий их сдерживания — наличие оригинальных исследований (описание экспериментов, интервью с «очевидцами» или самими SCP) и (по возможности) фотографий. Каждая статья имеет рейтинг, составляемый на основе оценок читателей. Статьи со слишком низким рейтингом могут быть удалены.
Примерная реконструкция той самой картинки с Двача
Изначально сайт «SCP Foundation» зародился на англоязычных имиджбордах, однако на сегодня существуют его филиалы на русском, французском, польском, испанском, китайском, тайском, корейском, японском, немецком, итальянском и украинском языках, каждый из которых занимается переводами статей других филиалов и создаёт свои. В России проект получил популярность благодаря Двачу, где в 2010 году активно продвигалась картинка с SCP-173 и подписью «Обернись!». Вскоре в разделе /sn/ начались переводы текстов с английского сайта — оттуда впоследствии и вырос русский филиал.
- ↑ Уровни допуска персонала — Краткое описание
- ↑ Уровни допуска персонала — Классы персонала
Карты Фонда
Карта Нучнога Руководителя Открывает Скульптуру 173 SCP 914
Карта Менеджера Зоны Открывает Exit A Exit B SCP 914
Карта Охраника Открывает Exit A Exit B SCP 914
Карта Мобильной Оперативной Группы Открывает Exit A Exit B SCP 914 Gate A Gate B
Карта Мобильной Оперативной Группы Летинанта Открывает Оружейную Exit A Exit B SCP 914 Gate A Gate B Офисная Зона Лайт Зону
Карта Уровня 5 Открывает Exit A Exit B SCP 914 Офисную Зону Лайт Зону
Чёрная Карта SCP 173 SCP 914 Exit A Exit B Gate A Gate B Оружнйную Офисная Зону Лайт Зону
Плата Карта Хаоса Всё
Игры Про Фонд
Игра Номер 1 SCP Contaminant Breach Игра Номер 2 SCP Uniti Игра Номер 3 SCP Secret Laboratory
Связанные Организации
Повстанцы Хауса