Как пишется слово рикотта

Рикотта (итал. ricotta) — традиционный итальянский молочный продукт. Часто рикотту именуют сыром, однако формально это неверно: рикотта приготавливается не из молока, а из сыворотки, остающейся после приготовления моцареллы или других сыров. Таким образом, белковой основой рикотты является не казеин, а альбумин (точнее, лактальбумин).

Все значения слова «рикотта»

  • Самыми известными сывороточными сырами являются итальянская рикотта, норвежский сыр гейтост и один из сортов корсиканского сыра броччио.

  • Она решила не протирать рикотту через сито – ей хотелось, чтобы в сыре остались комочки.

  • Пропустите рикотту через сито, добавьте остальные ингредиенты и по одному введите яйца.

  • (все предложения)
  • ксилит
  • разрыхлитель
  • маскарпоне
  • томат-паста
  • сахарозаменитель
  • (ещё синонимы…)


Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]

падеж ед. ч. мн. ч.
Им. рико́тта рико́тты
Р. рико́тты рико́тт
Д. рико́тте рико́ттам
В. рико́тту рико́тты
Тв. рико́ттой
Пр. рико́тте рико́ттах


Существительное, неодушевлённое, женский род, 1-е склонение (тип склонения 1a по классификации А. А. Зализняка).

Корень: -рикотт-; окончание: .


Семантические свойства[править]

Цукини (слева) и рикотта [1] (справа)


  1. гастрон. итальянский сыр, приготавливаемый из сыворотки, а не из молока ◆ Лакомиться спагетти с соусом из чернил осьминога, и ещё слоёнными пирожками с рикоттой, и ещё пирожками с финиками ― просто с ума можно сойти! «Неспящая Мальта» // «Домовой», 2002 г. [НКРЯ] ◆ Смешать шпинат с рикоттой, добавить перец и цедру, завернуть в слоёное тесто и запечь в духовке при 180 °C в течение 15 мин. А. А. Антонова, «Домашний сыр, творог и йогурт. Делаем сами», 2013 г.





Родственные слова[править]

Ближайшее родство


Происходит от итал. ricotta, далее от ??

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]


Список переводов


  • окартит, оттирка


  • Шагалова Е. Н. Словарь новейших иностранных слов (конец XX — начало XXI вв.): более 3000 слов и словосочетаний. — М. : АСТ: Астрель, 2010. — 943, [1] с. — (Biblio). — ISBN 978-5-17-061488-2, ISBN 978-5-17-061488-2.



     (ит. ricotta). Итальянский сыр, приготавливаемый из сыворотки, а не из молока. В зависимости от местности имеются небольшие вариации во вкусе этого сыра, который всегда именуется по провинции: рикотта сицилиано, рикотта романо, рикотта пьемонтезе и т.д. Кроме того, сыр рикотта различают по плотности — рикотта дольче (без соли), рикотта молитерно (подсоленный, суховатый), рикотта форте (не выдержанный, мягкий). Рикотта используется в итальянской кухне как творог в начинки пирогов, в вареники, в ленивые вареники (по-итальянски — gnocchetti di ricotto).

(Кулинарный словарь В.В. Похлебкина, 2002)

* * *

итальянский творожный сыр, сделанный из сыворотки, образующейся при изготовлении сыров из коровьего и козьего молока; сыр без корочки, с зернистой, рассыпчатой текстурой. Рикотта используется в кулинарии на канапе и в сэндвичах, в салатах, в начинках для блинчиков, в соусах для пасты, в фаршах и в кляре или в качестве ингредиента для ньёкки. Рикотта употребляют и как десерт с сахаром и вареньем или смешивают с марсалой или с уксусной приправой. Рикотта служит ингредиентом двух итальянских специалитетов: кассата, пирожное с шоколадом «рикотта» и засахаренным фруктом, и кростата ди рикотта – пирожок с начинкой из рикотта, тертого апельсина и лимонной стружки, сахара, изюма, миндаля, кедровых орехов, засахаренных апельсиновых корок и яичного желтка.

* * *

     Итальянский белый, похожий на творог сыр. Бывает соленым, несоленым, кисловатым, в виде мягкой массы с добавлением трав. Его жирность от 35 до 48% Изготавливают из коровьего молока или смеси молока коровы и буйволицы, из овечьего молока.

* * *

(Источник: «Объединенный словарь кулинарных терминов»)


Рикотта — для южной кухни обязательна несоленая, похожая на творог рикотта, которую еще называют — свежие сырные сливки. Ее делают главным образом в областях Пекорино, на островах Сицилия и Сардиния, а также в провинции Латиум.

В Северной и Центральной Италии рикотту делают из коровьего и из смеси молока коровы и буйволицы. Жирность рикотты из коровьего молока — 35%, ниже чем из овечьего (48%), и не достигает тонкого характерного вкуса последнего. Рикотта из овечьего молока продается на юге Италии весной и в начале лета, она является составной частью многих традиционных пасхальных блюд, например, Кассата сицилиана. Рикотту для салата делают из коровьего молока, солят и кладут под пресс, потому она такая крепкая. Ее едят с хлебом или салатом, используют в качестве начинки. Она продается в копченом и печеном видах. Другие виды рикотты из овечьего молока подают с хлебом или трут на блюдо.

Словарь кулинарных терминов.




Смотреть что такое «рикотта» в других словарях:

  • РИКОТТА — (ит.). Род итальянского сыра, приготовляемого из вскипяченных сливок, в которые выдавливается лимон и кладется сахар. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. РИКОТТА итал. Пресный итальянский сыр.… …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • рикотта — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • сыр (79) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Рикотта — Свежая рикотта. Рикотта (итал. ricotta)  традиционный итальянский молочный продукт. Часто рикотту именуют сыром, однако формально …   Википедия

  • РИКОТТА —          (ит. ricotta). Итальянский сыр, приготавливаемый из сыворотки, а не из молока. В зависимости от местности имеются небольшие вариации во вкусе этого сыра, который всегда именуется по провинции: рикотта сицилиано, рикотта романо, рикотта… …   Большая энциклопедия кулинарного искусства

  • Анари (Рикотта) — Сыр Анари (Рикотта)  традиционный кипрский сыр, произведенный из сыворотки смеси козьего, овечьего и коровьего молока. Содержание 1 Виды 2 Вкусовые особенности …   Википедия

  • Салат из ветчины и макарон под соусом рикотта — Тип блюда: Категория: Рецепт приготовления …   Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов

  • Сыр Рикотта с кресс-салатом (кухня: Итальянская) — Тип блюда: Категория: Продукты: Рецепт приготовления: В текущей категории (Кондитерские изделия): | | | | …   Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов

  • — Тип блюда: Категория: Рецепт приготовления …   Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов

  • Пицца рустика — Тип блюда: Категория: Время приготовления (минуты): 2 Рецепт приготовления …   Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов

  • СЫР — молочный продукт, получаемый обычно из творога. Молоко представляет собой природную водную суспензию множества веществ, которая сворачивается при воздействии на нее осаждающих факторов (тепла, молочной кислоты и сычужного фермента) и отделяется… …   Энциклопедия Кольера

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Finished homemade ricotta!.jpg
Country of origin Italy
Source of milk Sheep, cows, goats, or Italian water buffalo
Texture Dependent on variety, fresh soft to aged semisoft
Aging time None or up to a year for aged varieties
Related media on Commons

Ricotta (pronounced [riˈkɔtta] in Italian) is an Italian whey cheese made from sheep, cow, goat, or Italian water buffalo milk whey left over from the production of other cheeses. Like other whey cheeses, it is made by coagulating the proteins that remain after the casein has been used to make cheese, notably albumin and globulin.

Ricotta (literally meaning «recooked», «refined») protein can be harvested if the whey is first allowed to become more acidic by additional fermentation (by letting it sit for 12–24 hours at room temperature). Then the acidified whey is heated to near boiling. The combination of low pH and high temperature denatures the protein and causes it to flocculate, forming a fine curd. Once cooled, it is separated by passing the liquid through a fine cloth, leaving the curd behind.

Ricotta curds are creamy white in appearance, and slightly sweet in taste. The fat content varies depending on the milk used.[1][2] In this form, it is somewhat similar in texture to some fresh cheese variants, though considerably lighter. It is highly perishable. However, ricotta is also made in aged varieties which are preservable for much longer.


The production of ricotta in the Italian peninsula dates back to the Bronze Age. In the second millennium BC, ceramic vessels called milk boilers started to appear frequently and were apparently unique to the peninsula. These were designed to boil milk at high temperatures and prevent the milk from boiling over. The fresh acid-coagulated cheeses produced with these boilers were probably made with whole milk.[3]

However, the production of rennet-coagulated cheese overtook the production of fresh whole-milk cheeses during the first millennium BC. Bronze cheese graters found in the graves of the Etruscan elite prove that hard-grating cheeses were popular with the aristocracy. Cheese graters were also commonly used in ancient Roman kitchens.[3] Unlike the fresh acid-coagulated cheese, aged rennet-coagulated cheese could be preserved for much longer.[4]

The increased production of rennet-coagulated cheese led to a large supply of sweet whey as a byproduct. Cheesemakers then started using a new recipe, which used a mixture of whey and milk to make the traditional ricotta as it is known today.[3]

The ancient Romans made ricotta, but writers on agriculture such as Cato the Elder, Marcus Terentius Varro, and Columella do not mention it. They described the production of rennet-coagulated cheese but did not write about milk boilers or acid-coagulated cheese. A likely reason is that ricotta was not profitable because its very short shelf life did not allow distribution to urban markets. Ricotta was most likely consumed by the shepherds who made it. Even so, evidence from paintings and literature indicates that ricotta was known and likely eaten by Roman aristocrats as well.[3]

Ceramic milk boilers were still used by Apennine shepherds to make ricotta in the 19th century AD. Today, metal milk boilers are used, but production methods have changed little since ancient times.[3]

Manufacturing process[edit]

Whey protein is a kind of milk protein[5] but there are numerous other milk proteins.[6] Whey itself comprises less than 1% of total milk protein, by weight. Accordingly, ricotta production requires large volumes of input milk. The production process entails the use of heat and acid to coagulate whey protein from whey solution. The whey solution is heated to a near-boiling temperature, much hotter than during the production of the original cheese, of which the whey is a remnant.[7]

Fresh variants[edit]

Ricotta di Bufala Campana and Ricotta Romana are notable varieties produced in Italy and protected by the European Union’s Protected Designation of Origin regulation. Ricotta di Bufala Campana is made from the whey left over after the production of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, a protected variety of buffalo mozzarella. Ricotta Romana is made from the whey of sheep milk.

Aged variants[edit]

Ricotta salata is a firm, salted variety of ricotta.

Ricotta forte is a very soft variety from Apulia sold in jars.

Fresh ricotta can be subject to extra processing to produce variants which have a much longer shelf life. These production methods include salting, baking, smoking, and further fermentation.

Ricotta salata is a pressed, salted, dried, and aged variety of the cheese. It is milky-white and firm and used for grating or shaving. Ricotta salata is sold in wheels, decorated by a delicate basket-weave pattern.

Ricotta infornata (baked ricotta) is produced by placing a large lump of soft ricotta in the oven until it develops a brown, lightly charred crust, sometimes even until it becomes sandy brown all the way through. Ricotta infornata is popular primarily in Sardinia and Sicily, and is sometimes called ricotta al forno.

Ricotta affumicata (smoked ricotta) is similar to ricotta infornata and is produced by placing a lump of soft ricotta in a smoker until it develops a grey crust and acquires a charred wood scent, usually of oak or chestnut wood, although, in Friuli, beech wood is used, with the addition of juniper and herbs.[9]

Ricotta forte, also known as ricotta scanta, is produced from leftovers of any combination of cow, goat, or sheep milk ricotta. These are allowed to age for about a year, during which salt is added and the cheese mixed every two or three days to prevent the growth of mold. The end result is a soft and creamy brown paste which has a very pungent and piquant taste.[10][11] It is produced in the southern part of the Province of Lecce and sold in glass jars. It is smeared on bread, mixed with tomato sauces for pasta, or added to vegetable dishes.

Common culinary uses[edit]

Like mascarpone in northern Italian cuisine, ricotta is a favorite component of many Italian desserts, such as cheesecakes and cannoli. Also, a variety of different cookies include ricotta as an ingredient.

Ricotta can be beaten smooth and mixed with condiments, such as sugar, cinnamon, orange flower water, strawberries, and occasionally chocolate shavings, and served as a dessert. This basic combination (often with additions such as citrus and pistachios) also features prominently as the filling of the Sicilian cannoli and layered with slices of cake in Palermo’s cassata.

Combined with eggs and cooked grains, then baked firm, ricotta is also a main ingredient in Neapolitan pastiera, one of Italy’s many «Easter pies».[12]

Ricotta is also commonly used in savory dishes, including pasta, calzone, stromboli, pizza, manicotti, lasagne, and ravioli.

It also is used as a mayonnaise substitute in traditional egg or tuna salad[citation needed] and as a sauce thickener.

Similar non-Italian cheeses[edit]

In the United States, American ricotta is almost always made of cow’s milk whey, as opposed to Italian ricotta which is typically made from the whey of sheep, cow, goat, or Italian water buffalo milk. While both types are low in fat and sodium, the Italian version is naturally sweet, while the American is a little saltier and moister.

In France, ricotta is known as recuite and can be made from cow, sheep or goat milk. The name and technique of preparation change according to the region where it is produced: it is called Greuil,[13] Breuil[14] or Sérou in Gascony, Zenbera in the Basque country, Brousse in Provence, Brocciu in Corse and Sérac in the Alps.

In Tunisia, the rigouta from the city of Béja is a close relative to the ricotta, except that it is always fresh-soft and is not aged. It is exclusively made from the whey of Sicilo-Sarda sheep’s milk.[15] Rigouta is also used as the basis of several preparations and dishes of Tunisian cuisine.

In Spanish, ricotta is known as requesón. It can be salted or sweetened for cooking purposes. It was brought to Mexico by the Spaniards, although it is not as commonly used as queso fresco. It is sometimes used as filling for tlacoyos and tacos dorados, and in the central west area (Jalisco, Michoacán, and Colima) it is spread over tostadas or bolillos, or served as a side to beans. In Portugal and Brazil, a similar product is called requeijão.

In the Balkans, Romanian urdă (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈurdə]), Macedonian urda (урда) and Bulgarian izvara (извара) are made by reprocessing the whey drained from any type of cheese. Urdă is thus similar to fresh ricotta as its fabrication implies the same technological process.[16][17] However, Romanian urdă is neither smoked nor baked in the oven like some variants of the Italian ricotta. Urdă has been produced by Romanian shepherds for centuries[18] and is consequently regarded by Romanians as a Romanian traditional product.[19]

In Greece, very similar to ricotta are anthotyros (ανθότυρο) and manouri (μανούρι), made from sheep or goat milk. Similarly in Cyprus, anari (αναρή) is made from the same types of milk.

See also[edit]

  • List of cheeses
  • List of smoked foods
  • Hyblean ricotta


  1. ^ «Sargento® Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese». sargento.com. 13 January 2015. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  2. ^ www.weightlossresources.co.uk (2016-04-29). «Calories in Ricotta Cheese». Weight Loss Resources. Retrieved 2018-09-17.
  3. ^ a b c d e Kindstedt, Paul (2012). Cheese and Culture: A History of Cheese and its Place in Western Civilization. Chelsea Green Publishing. ISBN 978-1-60358-412-8.
  4. ^ M. E. Johnson, C. M. Chen, J. J. Jaeggi (2001). «Effect of Rennet Coagulation Time on Composition, Yield, and Quality of Reduced-Fat Cheddar Cheese». Journal of Dairy Science. 84 (5): 1027–1033. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(01)74562-6. PMID 11384028. S2CID 28322732.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ «Whey Protein». Examine. 28 September 2022.
  6. ^ «Milk Composition – Proteins». Illinois.edu.
  7. ^ «Formaggi tipici italiani: Ricotta Romana DOP» (in Italian). Agraria.org – Istruzione Agraria online.
  8. ^ «Official Journal of the European Union». ec.europa.eu. European Commission: Agriculture and Rural Development. 4 February 2004. Retrieved 3 February 2017.
  9. ^ MondoFriuli (in Italian) (click on Formaggi)
  10. ^ Herbst, Sharon T.; Herbst, Ron (2010). The Cheese Lover’s Companion: The Ultimate A-to-Z Cheese Guide with More Than 1,000 Listings for Cheeses and Cheese-Related Terms. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-201155-8.
  11. ^ Beresford, T.; Williams, A. (2004). «The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening». In Fox, Patrick F.; McSweeney, Paul L. H.; Cogan, Timothy M.; et al. (eds.). Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. Vol. 1 (Third ed.). Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-08-050093-5.
  12. ^ Locatelli, Giorgio (2011). Made in Italy: Food and Stories. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-204727-4.
  13. ^ «Le Greuil – Estives du Béarn». www.estives-bearn.com/ (in French). Retrieved 2021-08-15.
  14. ^ «Breuil fermier: c’est la saison ! — Producteurs et produits fermiers pays basque qualité Idoki». www.producteurs-fermiers-pays-basque.fr. Retrieved 2021-08-15.
  15. ^ «Les filières lait en Méditerranée : enjeux pour un futur durable], Hammamet, Tunisia-Hammamet 26-28 octobre 2000, EAAP publication n°99, 2003, p.102 [117″ (PDF). eaap.org. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  16. ^ «dexonline». dexonline.ro.
  17. ^ Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene – in the Romanian version of the Official Journal of the EU ricotta is translated by urdă (page 4, subchapter 5.3.).
  18. ^ Ph.D, Timothy G. Roufs; Roufs, Kathleen Smyth (2014-07-29). Sweet Treats around the World: An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture: An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-61069-221-2.
  19. ^ Official site of the Directia pentru Agricultura si Dezvoltare Rurala Sibiu Archived 2010-06-03 at the Wayback Machine — Urdă is presented as a traditional dairy product.

Further reading[edit]

  • Fabiano, Guatteri (2012). Formaggi. Conoscere e riconoscere le migliori produzioni dell’Italia e dell’Europa (in Italian). De Agostini. ISBN 978-8-84-187697-8.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ricotta.

  • Ingredients, nutritional and product information.
  • Ricotta cheese composition and characteristics from the Canadian Dairy Commission.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Finished homemade ricotta!.jpg
Country of origin Italy
Source of milk Sheep, cows, goats, or Italian water buffalo
Texture Dependent on variety, fresh soft to aged semisoft
Aging time None or up to a year for aged varieties
Related media on Commons

Ricotta (pronounced [riˈkɔtta] in Italian) is an Italian whey cheese made from sheep, cow, goat, or Italian water buffalo milk whey left over from the production of other cheeses. Like other whey cheeses, it is made by coagulating the proteins that remain after the casein has been used to make cheese, notably albumin and globulin.

Ricotta (literally meaning «recooked», «refined») protein can be harvested if the whey is first allowed to become more acidic by additional fermentation (by letting it sit for 12–24 hours at room temperature). Then the acidified whey is heated to near boiling. The combination of low pH and high temperature denatures the protein and causes it to flocculate, forming a fine curd. Once cooled, it is separated by passing the liquid through a fine cloth, leaving the curd behind.

Ricotta curds are creamy white in appearance, and slightly sweet in taste. The fat content varies depending on the milk used.[1][2] In this form, it is somewhat similar in texture to some fresh cheese variants, though considerably lighter. It is highly perishable. However, ricotta is also made in aged varieties which are preservable for much longer.


The production of ricotta in the Italian peninsula dates back to the Bronze Age. In the second millennium BC, ceramic vessels called milk boilers started to appear frequently and were apparently unique to the peninsula. These were designed to boil milk at high temperatures and prevent the milk from boiling over. The fresh acid-coagulated cheeses produced with these boilers were probably made with whole milk.[3]

However, the production of rennet-coagulated cheese overtook the production of fresh whole-milk cheeses during the first millennium BC. Bronze cheese graters found in the graves of the Etruscan elite prove that hard-grating cheeses were popular with the aristocracy. Cheese graters were also commonly used in ancient Roman kitchens.[3] Unlike the fresh acid-coagulated cheese, aged rennet-coagulated cheese could be preserved for much longer.[4]

The increased production of rennet-coagulated cheese led to a large supply of sweet whey as a byproduct. Cheesemakers then started using a new recipe, which used a mixture of whey and milk to make the traditional ricotta as it is known today.[3]

The ancient Romans made ricotta, but writers on agriculture such as Cato the Elder, Marcus Terentius Varro, and Columella do not mention it. They described the production of rennet-coagulated cheese but did not write about milk boilers or acid-coagulated cheese. A likely reason is that ricotta was not profitable because its very short shelf life did not allow distribution to urban markets. Ricotta was most likely consumed by the shepherds who made it. Even so, evidence from paintings and literature indicates that ricotta was known and likely eaten by Roman aristocrats as well.[3]

Ceramic milk boilers were still used by Apennine shepherds to make ricotta in the 19th century AD. Today, metal milk boilers are used, but production methods have changed little since ancient times.[3]

Manufacturing process[edit]

Whey protein is a kind of milk protein[5] but there are numerous other milk proteins.[6] Whey itself comprises less than 1% of total milk protein, by weight. Accordingly, ricotta production requires large volumes of input milk. The production process entails the use of heat and acid to coagulate whey protein from whey solution. The whey solution is heated to a near-boiling temperature, much hotter than during the production of the original cheese, of which the whey is a remnant.[7]

Fresh variants[edit]

Ricotta di Bufala Campana and Ricotta Romana are notable varieties produced in Italy and protected by the European Union’s Protected Designation of Origin regulation. Ricotta di Bufala Campana is made from the whey left over after the production of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana, a protected variety of buffalo mozzarella. Ricotta Romana is made from the whey of sheep milk.

Aged variants[edit]

Ricotta salata is a firm, salted variety of ricotta.

Ricotta forte is a very soft variety from Apulia sold in jars.

Fresh ricotta can be subject to extra processing to produce variants which have a much longer shelf life. These production methods include salting, baking, smoking, and further fermentation.

Ricotta salata is a pressed, salted, dried, and aged variety of the cheese. It is milky-white and firm and used for grating or shaving. Ricotta salata is sold in wheels, decorated by a delicate basket-weave pattern.

Ricotta infornata (baked ricotta) is produced by placing a large lump of soft ricotta in the oven until it develops a brown, lightly charred crust, sometimes even until it becomes sandy brown all the way through. Ricotta infornata is popular primarily in Sardinia and Sicily, and is sometimes called ricotta al forno.

Ricotta affumicata (smoked ricotta) is similar to ricotta infornata and is produced by placing a lump of soft ricotta in a smoker until it develops a grey crust and acquires a charred wood scent, usually of oak or chestnut wood, although, in Friuli, beech wood is used, with the addition of juniper and herbs.[9]

Ricotta forte, also known as ricotta scanta, is produced from leftovers of any combination of cow, goat, or sheep milk ricotta. These are allowed to age for about a year, during which salt is added and the cheese mixed every two or three days to prevent the growth of mold. The end result is a soft and creamy brown paste which has a very pungent and piquant taste.[10][11] It is produced in the southern part of the Province of Lecce and sold in glass jars. It is smeared on bread, mixed with tomato sauces for pasta, or added to vegetable dishes.

Common culinary uses[edit]

Like mascarpone in northern Italian cuisine, ricotta is a favorite component of many Italian desserts, such as cheesecakes and cannoli. Also, a variety of different cookies include ricotta as an ingredient.

Ricotta can be beaten smooth and mixed with condiments, such as sugar, cinnamon, orange flower water, strawberries, and occasionally chocolate shavings, and served as a dessert. This basic combination (often with additions such as citrus and pistachios) also features prominently as the filling of the Sicilian cannoli and layered with slices of cake in Palermo’s cassata.

Combined with eggs and cooked grains, then baked firm, ricotta is also a main ingredient in Neapolitan pastiera, one of Italy’s many «Easter pies».[12]

Ricotta is also commonly used in savory dishes, including pasta, calzone, stromboli, pizza, manicotti, lasagne, and ravioli.

It also is used as a mayonnaise substitute in traditional egg or tuna salad[citation needed] and as a sauce thickener.

Similar non-Italian cheeses[edit]

In the United States, American ricotta is almost always made of cow’s milk whey, as opposed to Italian ricotta which is typically made from the whey of sheep, cow, goat, or Italian water buffalo milk. While both types are low in fat and sodium, the Italian version is naturally sweet, while the American is a little saltier and moister.

In France, ricotta is known as recuite and can be made from cow, sheep or goat milk. The name and technique of preparation change according to the region where it is produced: it is called Greuil,[13] Breuil[14] or Sérou in Gascony, Zenbera in the Basque country, Brousse in Provence, Brocciu in Corse and Sérac in the Alps.

In Tunisia, the rigouta from the city of Béja is a close relative to the ricotta, except that it is always fresh-soft and is not aged. It is exclusively made from the whey of Sicilo-Sarda sheep’s milk.[15] Rigouta is also used as the basis of several preparations and dishes of Tunisian cuisine.

In Spanish, ricotta is known as requesón. It can be salted or sweetened for cooking purposes. It was brought to Mexico by the Spaniards, although it is not as commonly used as queso fresco. It is sometimes used as filling for tlacoyos and tacos dorados, and in the central west area (Jalisco, Michoacán, and Colima) it is spread over tostadas or bolillos, or served as a side to beans. In Portugal and Brazil, a similar product is called requeijão.

In the Balkans, Romanian urdă (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈurdə]), Macedonian urda (урда) and Bulgarian izvara (извара) are made by reprocessing the whey drained from any type of cheese. Urdă is thus similar to fresh ricotta as its fabrication implies the same technological process.[16][17] However, Romanian urdă is neither smoked nor baked in the oven like some variants of the Italian ricotta. Urdă has been produced by Romanian shepherds for centuries[18] and is consequently regarded by Romanians as a Romanian traditional product.[19]

In Greece, very similar to ricotta are anthotyros (ανθότυρο) and manouri (μανούρι), made from sheep or goat milk. Similarly in Cyprus, anari (αναρή) is made from the same types of milk.

See also[edit]

  • List of cheeses
  • List of smoked foods
  • Hyblean ricotta


  1. ^ «Sargento® Part-Skim Ricotta Cheese». sargento.com. 13 January 2015. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  2. ^ www.weightlossresources.co.uk (2016-04-29). «Calories in Ricotta Cheese». Weight Loss Resources. Retrieved 2018-09-17.
  3. ^ a b c d e Kindstedt, Paul (2012). Cheese and Culture: A History of Cheese and its Place in Western Civilization. Chelsea Green Publishing. ISBN 978-1-60358-412-8.
  4. ^ M. E. Johnson, C. M. Chen, J. J. Jaeggi (2001). «Effect of Rennet Coagulation Time on Composition, Yield, and Quality of Reduced-Fat Cheddar Cheese». Journal of Dairy Science. 84 (5): 1027–1033. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(01)74562-6. PMID 11384028. S2CID 28322732.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. ^ «Whey Protein». Examine. 28 September 2022.
  6. ^ «Milk Composition – Proteins». Illinois.edu.
  7. ^ «Formaggi tipici italiani: Ricotta Romana DOP» (in Italian). Agraria.org – Istruzione Agraria online.
  8. ^ «Official Journal of the European Union». ec.europa.eu. European Commission: Agriculture and Rural Development. 4 February 2004. Retrieved 3 February 2017.
  9. ^ MondoFriuli (in Italian) (click on Formaggi)
  10. ^ Herbst, Sharon T.; Herbst, Ron (2010). The Cheese Lover’s Companion: The Ultimate A-to-Z Cheese Guide with More Than 1,000 Listings for Cheeses and Cheese-Related Terms. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-201155-8.
  11. ^ Beresford, T.; Williams, A. (2004). «The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening». In Fox, Patrick F.; McSweeney, Paul L. H.; Cogan, Timothy M.; et al. (eds.). Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology. Vol. 1 (Third ed.). Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-08-050093-5.
  12. ^ Locatelli, Giorgio (2011). Made in Italy: Food and Stories. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-204727-4.
  13. ^ «Le Greuil – Estives du Béarn». www.estives-bearn.com/ (in French). Retrieved 2021-08-15.
  14. ^ «Breuil fermier: c’est la saison ! — Producteurs et produits fermiers pays basque qualité Idoki». www.producteurs-fermiers-pays-basque.fr. Retrieved 2021-08-15.
  15. ^ «Les filières lait en Méditerranée : enjeux pour un futur durable], Hammamet, Tunisia-Hammamet 26-28 octobre 2000, EAAP publication n°99, 2003, p.102 [117″ (PDF). eaap.org. Retrieved 22 March 2018.
  16. ^ «dexonline». dexonline.ro.
  17. ^ Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene – in the Romanian version of the Official Journal of the EU ricotta is translated by urdă (page 4, subchapter 5.3.).
  18. ^ Ph.D, Timothy G. Roufs; Roufs, Kathleen Smyth (2014-07-29). Sweet Treats around the World: An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture: An Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-61069-221-2.
  19. ^ Official site of the Directia pentru Agricultura si Dezvoltare Rurala Sibiu Archived 2010-06-03 at the Wayback Machine — Urdă is presented as a traditional dairy product.

Further reading[edit]

  • Fabiano, Guatteri (2012). Formaggi. Conoscere e riconoscere le migliori produzioni dell’Italia e dell’Europa (in Italian). De Agostini. ISBN 978-8-84-187697-8.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ricotta.

  • Ingredients, nutritional and product information.
  • Ricotta cheese composition and characteristics from the Canadian Dairy Commission.

Что Такое рикотта- Значение Слова рикотта


Морфологические и синтаксические свойства

падеж ед. ч. мн. ч.
Им. рико́тта рико́тты
Р. рико́тты рико́тт
Д. рико́тте рико́ттам
В. рико́тту рико́тты
Тв. рико́ттой
Пр. рико́тте рико́ттах


Существительное, неодушевлённое, женский род, 1-е склонение (тип склонения 1a по классификации А. А. Зализняка).

Корень: -рикотт-; окончание: .


Семантические свойства

  1. гастрон. итальянский сыр, приготавливаемый из сыворотки, а не из молока ◆ Лакомиться спагетти с соусом из чернил осьминога, и ещё слоёнными пирожками с рикоттой, и ещё пирожками с финиками ― просто с ума можно сойти! «Неспящая Мальта» // «Домовой», 2002 г. [] ◆ Смешать шпинат с рикоттой, добавить перец и цедру, завернуть в слоёное тесто и запечь в духовке при 180 °C в течение 15 мин. А. А. Антонова, «Домашний сыр, творог и йогурт. Делаем сами», 2013 г.





Родственные слова

Ближайшее родство


Происходит от итал. , далее от ??

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания


Список переводов


    • Шагалова Е. Н. Словарь новейших иностранных слов (конец XX — начало XXI вв.): более 3000 слов и словосочетаний. — М. : АСТ: Астрель, 2010. — 943, [1] с. — (Biblio). — ISBN 978-5-17-061488-2, ISBN 978-5-17-061488-2.


     (ит. ricotta). Итальянский сыр, приготавливаемый из сыворотки, а не из молока. В зависимости от местности имеются небольшие вариации во вкусе этого сыра, который всегда именуется по провинции: рикотта сицилиано, рикотта романо, рикотта пьемонтезе и т.д. Кроме того, сыр рикотта различают по плотности — рикотта дольче (без соли), рикотта молитерно (подсоленный, суховатый), рикотта форте (не выдержанный, мягкий). Рикотта используется в итальянской кухне как творог в начинки пирогов, в вареники, в ленивые вареники (по-итальянски — gnocchetti di ricotto).

(Кулинарный словарь В.В. Похлебкина, 2002)

* * *

итальянский творожный сыр, сделанный из сыворотки, образующейся при изготовлении сыров из коровьего и козьего молока; сыр без корочки, с зернистой, рассыпчатой текстурой.Рикотта используется в кулинарии на канапе и в сэндвичах, в салатах, в начинках для блинчиков, в соусах для пасты, в фаршах и в кляре или в качестве ингредиента для ньёкки. Рикотта употребляют и как десерт с сахаром и вареньем или смешивают с марсалой или с уксусной приправой. Рикотта служит ингредиентом двух итальянских специалитетов: кассата, пирожное с шоколадом «рикотта» и засахаренным фруктом, и кростата ди рикотта – пирожок с начинкой из рикотта, тертого апельсина и лимонной стружки, сахара, изюма, миндаля, кедровых орехов, засахаренных апельсиновых корок и яичного желтка.

* * *

     Итальянский белый, похожий на творог сыр. Бывает соленым, несоленым, кисловатым, в виде мягкой массы с добавлением трав. Его жирность от 35 до 48% Изготавливают из коровьего молока или смеси молока коровы и буйволицы, из овечьего молока.

* * *

(Источник: «Объединенный словарь кулинарных терминов»)


Рикотта — для южной кухни обязательна несоленая, похожая на творог рикотта, которую еще называют — свежие сырные сливки. Ее делают главным образом в областях Пекорино, на островах Сицилия и Сардиния, а также в провинции Латиум.

В Северной и Центральной Италии рикотту делают из коровьего и из смеси молока коровы и буйволицы. Жирность рикотты из коровьего молока — 35%, ниже чем из овечьего (48%), и не достигает тонкого характерного вкуса последнего. Рикотта из овечьего молока продается на юге Италии весной и в начале лета, она является составной частью многих традиционных пасхальных блюд, например, Кассата сицилиана. Рикотту для салата делают из коровьего молока, солят и кладут под пресс, потому она такая крепкая. Ее едят с хлебом или салатом, используют в качестве начинки. Она продается в копченом и печеном видах. Другие виды рикотты из овечьего молока подают с хлебом или трут на блюдо.

Словарь кулинарных терминов.2012.



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