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So many souls to play with, so little time, would you agree?
» I Am God » and other quotes.
Sonic Exe, also known as X, which is his real name, is a fan — character for oue Universe made by JC the Hyena. He is a character of fiction for our Universe. Out there, in the Multiverse, many Universes exist. Sonic Exe lives in a parallel Universe, and connected his world to ours via haunting video — games. His real intention is enslave our world and absorb all our souls to become stronger, then rule us as a god. His most used phrase is » l Am God ». His laugh is Kefka’s laugh. Some say he is the son of Zalgo and Ayin. Sonic Exe is super strong, in fact, he is about twice as strong as the greek deity Artemis.
Alternate text[]
Sonic E.X.E, also called X, is a demon born from the dark matter of the Universe and one of the avatars of the tulpa Zalgo. He is an eldritch entity taking on the form of Sonic the Hedgehog that sends out a haunted game disc featuring the creature killing the main Sonic characters, eventually leading him to rip out the soul of his victim and making them his slave. His new goal/target/victim is Artemis.
I Am God and other quotes.
Main History[]
Sonic Exe was created by JC the Hyena as a fan — character for our Universe. He had a video — game made by MysticCrimson. However, Sonic Exe from his world was able to connect his world with ours by haunting the video — game.
In his world, X views himself as a god, which he actually is, he created his world and is completely immortal. The main story of Sonic. exe centers around a young detective named Derek Green investigating the murders committed by an unknown entity. Throughout the entire murder case, each murder has been investigated by Detective Derek Green and his sister, Chelsea. After Chelsea got captured by Exe, Derek was dropped out of the case for unknown reasons, but that didn’t stop him from pursuing his sister’s captor. As he secretly investigated each murder that Exe commits, Derek slowly becomes more and more paranoid to the point where he believes everyone is working for the Cult. Through a mysterious contact named «Cole», Derek discovered that the Cult was behind the conspiracy and that Chelsea was trapped in Exe’s world. Eventually, Derek got captured by the Cult and confronted by one of the Cult Leaders, Shannon Goldman. Derek believed that by destroying the disk (which he did), that would once and for all stop Exe from tormenting humanity, but Shannon proved his efforts pointless and revealed that the Cult made multiple copies of the game disk in case anything happened to one of them. Shannon then summoned Exe who then proceeded to steal Derek’s soul. 3 weeks later after Exe stole Derek’s soul, Derek’s boss, Bob Richardson received a message from Cole who filled him in on what happened.
Later on, a young man named Tom, who was a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, especially the older games, claimed that he had not played any glitchy or hacked games before, though he admitted that he didn’t want to after an experience he had. He then proceeded to recount his experience, saying how he received a CD and an accompanying letter from his friend Kyle, begging him to destroy the disc before it’s «too late» and not to play the game.
Ignoring his friend’s warnings, Tom played the game and began to encounter odd, somewhat disturbing phenomena, from a title card featuring an evil-looking Sonic with bloody eyes and glowing pupils with a wide smile to the presence of a file select screen similar to that of the one in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, with a red background and chilling music playing. As he picked the only available character, Tails and began the first stage, titled «HILL ACT 1″, Tom continued to find more evidence that there was something wrong with the game, namely the copious amounts of dead animals, all murdered in gruesome ways and eventually encountering » Sonic » at the end of the level, standing completely still and with his eyes closed.
Right before killing Tails
When Tails attempted to get his attention during a cutscene by tapping him on the shoulder, » Sonic’s » eyes opened, identical to the » Sonic » on the title screen before cutting to black, with the message «Hello. Do you want to play with me?» In the next level, «HIDE AND SEEK», Tom witnessed » Sonic » chasing Tails, the latter flying despite an inability to do so without a Super form, before disappearing, teleporting in front of the distraught fox and killing him and cutting to black.
Right before killing Eggman, video game by MYSTCrimson Game over scene of the main video game.
Shocked, Tom reads the next message, «YOU’RE TOO SLOW. WANT TO TRY AGAIN?». After playing as Knuckles and losing a supposed «boss battle» with Sonic, Tom decided to take a break from the game. However, his rest was plagued by nightmares featuring the corrupted Tails and Knuckles, and the demon Sonic, with him waking in a cold sweat. Returning to the game, Tom picked Robotnik from the file select screen and continued with the game. At the end of the level, » Sonic » teleported in front of Robotnik, before the screen cut to red static. Then, a «hyper-realistic» image of » Sonic » appeared on the screen, with the words «I AM GOD!». After the game ended, Tom turned around to find, to his utter horror, a bloodied Sonic plushie on his bed. Tom’s fate is ambiguous (though the official sequel reveals that Tom committed suicide to escape from the entity using Sonic’s likeness).
His true form, pure Dark Matter
The real X isn’t Sonic, he is a god / demon made out of Dark Matter. His real creation was kind of weird. The Bible says that when God started creating the Multiverse and all, in our Universe, when his power was spread all around, it created the Greek gods like Uranus and Gaia, the Norse gods, like Ymir, and all the other gods. So the Greek gods, like the Primordials, the Olympians and the Titans, as well as the Norse Gods, and basically all the other gods from all historical mythologies were ‘ children ‘ of God. This likely means that the mythological god Khaos and the God of Christianity are the same person. Khaos is omni — potent, at least as a symbol, as he is probably the christian God. In another dimension, when his divine power was spread all around, some of God’s divine power was connected to a piece of pure Dark Matter. This primordial Dark Matter sort of ‘ gave life ‘ to the primordial energy, creating alive Dark Matter. The creature’s name was X. However, maybe it wasn’t God who created by a total accident Sonic Exe, but maybe it was Zalgo and Ayin. Yet, it was possibly God.
Sonic.EXE looks exactly like his idol, Sonic the Hedgehog, except there are several noticeable differences to his appearance. Exe’s fur and quills are a darker blue and less smooth and more unkempt, his skin a sickly pale color, with a black color fading into his forearms, hands, forelegs, and feet, symbolizing Exe’s dark matter in a way. His claws are sharp and pitch black (though sometimes they’re also a bright purple). Exe’s mouth is often unnaturally wide when he smiles and it’s always fanged and yellow (Sir JC explained that the yellow on his teeth is not a result of tooth decay but one of the few side effects when his body was first made), and his eyes are pitch black, with two glowing red dots as irises with very tiny pupils. For some reason, Exe seems to always produce blood under his eyes even when he’s not actually crying, though this is a major birthmark (when he was born, Exe’s eyes hurt greatly). When Exe isn’t crying blood, one can see a faint but noticeable rash under his eyes from crying so much blood.
- Humanity and Sonic
Exe desires nothing more than to enslave all of humanity and have Sonic all to himself. He finds that humanity is purely fascinating on all accounts, he loves the good in it, the bad in it, humans are basically the ultimate toy to Exe, and as such he believes that the humans only exist to give him infinite satisfaction and joy. Exe greatly idolizes Sonic the Hedgehog to the point of unstable fanaticism, willing to do whatever it takes to have him all to himself when he rules. Whenever Sonic acts the opposite of the hedgehog Exe loves, Exe expresses great disappointment. Exe’s idolization of Sonic is what inspired Exe to look like him and even create a world that has elements related to Sonic’s world.
- Sonic.exe’s «Godhood»
Due to Exe’s immense powers, he views himself as a god, which he technically is since he created his world. This pride of his tends to get him in trouble whenever he gets humbled in a game, since the resulting rage-quit forces him into sleep mode.
- The Cult of X
Exe really likes the Cult of X due to how loyal they are of him, and thus he trusts his minions whole-heartedly However, just like the Cult, he doesn’t like double-crossers or rebels and does not hesitate to punish them.
- His Guardians and the Game Disk
Exe has something of a small symbiotic relationship with his seven guardians and his game disk, this is most likely due to Exe using his dark matter to create them. Games
- Due to his psychotic and sadistic personality, Exe has something of a childish mindset, and as such he really enjoys playing games with people, horrifying or otherwise. Notable games he enjoys playing are Hide-and-Seek and video games (mostly the Sonic ones).
- Meatball Marinara and Pickles
Sir JC revealed that Sonic.exe’s favorite food is a bowl of meatballs with tomato sauce and sliced pickles as a side humor for his character. When asked about the pickles, JC explained that it was mainly based on Mr. Krab’s description of a soul in the Spongebob Halloween Episode.
Just as there are things Exe really likes, there are also things that Exe really hates.
- «Haters»
While Exe loves humanity, he does seem to deeply resent those who seem to do nothing with their life but rage and hate about him (such people are called «Haters»). As such, whenever Exe captures a Hater, he sees to it that they get the most torment than the rest. Exe’s motto is «Haters gonna bleed. HARD.»
- Not getting his way:
Exe’s temper is also his Judas. While Exe does enjoy a good fair game and does except losing once in a while, sometimes outright losing or not getting his way all the time is what really sets him off. Get Exe angry enough times, he’ll rage-quit and leave you alone….for now.
- Amy Rose:
Sonic.exe hates Amy Rose with a fiery passion. He sees her as a threat to him having Sonic all to himself, and will not hesitate to put her in her place. He also dislikes anyone who likes Amy Rose, as he made two slaves resemble her.
- Death:
Exe dislikes death in the human world in several ways. Despite viewing it as a basic part of nature, Exe often expresses great disappointment at the death of a human being, claiming that it is a waste to such a good toy. Exe also has never actually murdered anyone before in his life, mainly because he doesn’t want to kill anyone, again thinking that human death is a waste. However he is perfectly fine if the Cult of X kill someone for him, though he still expresses disappointment at the death.
While Sonic.exe is powerful and evil and beyond terrifying, there are some very comical and odd features about him, and Sir JC has confirmed several of the quirks to Exe’s character. One major quirk of Exe’s is that he tends to act incredibly goofy (or «Derps») sometimes, one example of Exe’s «derpiness» is when he was naming one of the «rooms» in his world, according to JC. Another quirk is his love for meatball marinara and pickles and another noticeable quirk is that Exe tends to express what he says with his arms, over-dramatizing his hand gestures whenever speaking, even flexing and twitching his fingers in an unusual manner, as if itching to grab something. Sir JC stated that the flexing of Exe’s fingers is supposed to show how both deranged and eccentric Exe is.
Lord X
Sonic.EXE is the complete opposite of Sonic the Hedgehog, he is a wrathful, tyrannical, malevolent, sadistic, cruel, and twisted monster who takes glee in repeatedly killing anyone’s life, even his own slaves, showing him as the definition of pure evil. Exe views humanity to be the perfect plaything and desires to one day have it all to himself for eternity, and believes himself to be a god thanks to his reality-controlling powers. Exe’s arrogance and sadism appear to stem from his creative side, so it’s possible that he also uses his powers to torture humans just to see what he can do with them, not just because it gives him great pleasure and power over them. Aside from his insatiable love for humans and his sadistic and creative need to play with them, Exe also idolizes Sonic the Hedgehog, which inspired Exe to create a body for himself similar to his idol’s and also create a world that has many aspects from Sonic’s world, and hopes to one day have Sonic all to himself as he rules over humanity. While Exe does truly admire Sonic to the point of possible homosexuality and fanaticism, he also shows great disappointment whenever Sonic doesn’t act like the Sonic he idolizes. He also sees himslef as Lord X.
Sonic Exe hates all gods that are stronger than him. In addition to Exe’s arrogance, Exe greatly dislikes God and the Devil, believing that they both are unfit to rule over Humanity. In fact, JC stated that the «SEGA 666» on the first Sonic.exe story was Exe’s way of making fun of both God and the Devil, which in X’s dimension is a funny game.
Powers and abilities[]
X shape — shifting from normal Dark Matter to Sonic’s form.
As shown from the original story, Sonic.EXE is able to fly and levitate off the ground, teleport from place to place in a cloud of black smoke, travel through the game and manipulate its code, create dark, ghostly illusions in order to confuse and torment his enemies, and shape-shift in order to look exactly like his idol Sonic. In the second story, he’s shown to be highly manipulative and charismatic, able to lead an entire cult to believe he is doing good for the world. Exe is able to twist and alter reality in any way he likes, he is completely omnipotent and immortal, and cannot be killed by normal means, but cannot last too long in the real world, which would presumably kill him for good. Exe is also able to create and manipulate dark matter, the very substance he’s made of, which he can use it to change form so he can look exactly like his idol, Sonic the Hedgehog, or like a normal Sonic Exe. Apart from that, he can also wield a large black hole inside his mouth that he uses when he gets bored of a slave which would completely evaporate their soul and erase them from existence (at least according to him). Well. he actually uses the black hole only when he gets bored of a slave, (he never gets bored of one) but has never actually used it, showing doubt to his claim that he is able to do so. Ironically, if he uses it, it might take the slave away from him forever, something he doesn’t want too, as he wants as many slaves, as possible, so also because of that, doesn’t use the black hole.
The black hole is arguably considered as Exe’s most gruesome and most dangerous ability ever, and he never even uses it. If Exe ever gets bored with a slave (he never gets bored of one), he opens up his mouth and also opens up a black hole inside. When Exe sucks up a soul with the black hole, the soul shrinks into a singularity and then vanishes, and is thus lost forever, completely erased from existence. Exe hates having to use the black hole in his mouth because he doesn’t want to erase anyone from existence. The only times Exe has ever used his black hole is when he made Eggman.exe look into it (the result caused Eggman.exe to become a mindless vegetable), and when he used it to frighten Tom.
Sonic Exe X is fully made entirely out of Dark Matter. He lives off of it and can use it to use his powers. Just like a soul, Exe’s Dark Matter is eternal, and as such, he can never be killed by normal means. He can also remove pieces of his Dark Matter to use however he deems neccessary, such as sending a piece to the programmer in order to complete the disk and creating the Seven Guardians. Removing the Dark Matter piece by piece has no real effect on Exe’s psyche. Exe is a very skilled programmer and hacker, considering how he’s able to take full control of a PC once his game disk is in and how he manipulates what goes on in the game to show the player what’s going on in his world. Exe has the ability to fly, as shown in the Creepypasta when he chased after Tails. Sir JC explained that his ability to levitate is caused by his boots, which are used to cause anti-gravity.
Sonic.EXE is incredibly strong and is immortal, he can’t be damaged and can’t be killed. When damaged, he can simply heal himself instantly, as he is a god. He can’t be killed by normal beings, the only things that can kill him are gods of equal or higher power. It would still be hard, as Sonic Exe is both a god, both actual primordial energy, and also Dark Matter, which is actually said to be completely ‘ indestructible ‘. Exe actually has multiple forms, all of them usually resembling Sonic. As Classic Sonic, he looks just like the original Sonic the Hedgehog only with the same dark, bleeding eyes and wide fanged grin. The Sonic Plushie (which acts as a spy for Exe) looks like any other ordinary Sonic plush doll, except there are bloodstains under the eyes and if one looked closely, they could see a faint red glow within the black pupils.
Exe’s body is merely a shell for the real beast, however. What Exe truly looks like is a giant shapeless mass of pure Dark Matter, giving him a black and purple thundercloudy appearance, with two glowing red dots for eyes. Exe’s default form is severely damaging to the touch, and is considered his most dangerous form despite being the weakest. Exe is made entirely out of Dark Matter. He lives off of it and can use it to use his powers. Just like a soul, Exe’s Dark Matter is eternal, and as such, he can never be killed by normal means. He can also remove pieces of his Dark Matter to use however he deems neccessary, such as sending a piece to the programmer in order to complete the disk and creating the Seven Guardians. Removing the Dark Matter piece by piece has no real effect on Exe’s psyche.
Sonic Exe has the powers and abilities to do many things, as he is a real god. In fact, his strength is higher than many other gods. He isn’t as strong as most Primordials, only stronger than a few, but is possibly stronger than the Titans, except for maybe Cronus, and is also stronger than most Olympians, except for Hades, Zeus and Poseidon. Sonic Exe is about twice as strong as Artemis, which is actually the 4th strongest Olympian, after the big three. He is probably stronger than the Norse primordials. And he is also stronger than Satan too. He is however weaker than Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu, Leviathan and the Pre-existential Entities, which are entities preceding the Primordials, while some others like God, Khaos ( actually the same person ) and Azathoth preceed even the Pre-existentials. All the normal gods and their sub — gods too are actually known as Highests, whereas the even inferior gods, are called Demons, which was actually a word meant to mean god, but the word ‘ demon ‘ not carrying a negative meaning is accidentally through the ages used to mean inferior and sometimes evil deities. ( But that’s actually a mistake, but we are obliged to reffer to them like that, although instead they should be called, maybe monsters or fallen angels, or black angels ). Also, for the info above, Gods and Demons wiki aren’t a real life wiki, they alter reality a bit, and to them, God and Khaos are 2 entities. In real life however God and Chaos are the same entity.
Bratwurst’s Sonic Exe[]
X’s appearance
Sonic.EXE of Bratwurst is the titular main antagonist of the animated Youtube series of the same name created by Bratwurst. He appears as the main antagonist of the Sonic.exe Trilogy and the main antagonist of the Sally.exe Trilogy. A demonic, sadistic being filled with pure malice, Sonic.EXE is a ruthless killing machine who slays all those that encounter him and steals the souls of his victims which he uses to become more and more powerful, having targeted Sonic’s friends and taken their lives to fulfill his enigmatic, dark goals. He is voiced by Bratwurst.
A demonic, murderous incarnation of the blue blur, Sonic.EXE is ruthless, violent, sadistic, and monstrous, especially in his methods of killing his victims, preferring to perform horrible acts of mutilation or prolonging their inevitable deaths just for the sake of it. Completely devoid of remorse or empathy, Sonic.EXE had slaughtered many innocent animals prior to Tails’ demise and even relishes in the fear he instills within his victims, much like his murder of Tails, screeching demonically at him before proceeding to cut him clean in half.
Earlier on in his killing spree, Sonic.EXE was far more animalistic and unhinged, often seen with his mouth agape and tilting his head when confronting his prey. It’s possible that this is a façade to mask his true evil and self-aware nature. Ultimately, Sonic.EXE is an arrogant being primarily concerned with gaining power, forcing the souls of his victims into becoming his power-source to transform him into numerous transformative states so he can become the most powerful being in the world. Sonic.EXE is not above torturing and using the brainwashed husks of his victims to do his bidding, treating the reanimated Amy as a mere pawn and is instead focused on stealing the souls of his victims.
The logo of the first trilogy, where X kills the first trinity, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman.
Bratwurst’s Sonic Exe Series is a fan — made series about Sonic Exe. It is made by Bratwurst. It is based on mainly the first game of MYSTCrimson, but also all the nightmare games, like Sonic & Exe, Sonic.exe: Nightmare Beginning, Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell, Sonic.exe: Tower of Millenium and it contains parts and references to all the games. Diana is currently not seen in the series, but she might be seen as a character as the series continues. We don’t know yet. Also, it is unknown whether or not X is out of Sonic’s body. So maybe he has Sonic’s form, or maybe he is inside him and controls him. The series is not complete yet. It is unknown when it will be complete. At first it was just simply fun, not intended to become a series, but has recently been one. One of the few serieses about Sonic Exe and probably the most famous and viewed the most of them all.
Let’s do a small synopsis. Tails mistakens X for Sonic. X chases him. Tails tries to defend himself but X cuts him in half. Then he goes after Knuckles. In the chemical floating town he attacks him and while Knuckles tries to hide, X turns a tree into stakes and kills Knuckles. Then he tries to kill Dr. Eggman, who shoots him with a laser. Dr. Eggman goes to an old castle where Sonic EXE surprise attacks him and kills him too. In the 4th episode, X kills Amy like he breaks a puppet. He killed Cream in the 5th episode, but now we are waiting to see the potential death of Sally as well as the potential continuation of the series. There is also a prequel to the series.
Episode 1: Tails’s Demise[]
The first Episode in the series. Tails flies around, looking for Sonic. He finds someone, looks closer and sees Sonic’s body. But when he approaches him, all of sudden, the sky turns red and thuders cause loud noises that scare Tails, who sees dead animals while approaching X disguised as Sonic. He touches him in the shoulder. X in Sonic’s form smiles and Tails smiles back, but X shows that he is not Sonic and that he is in his body or at least uses his physical form. He turns into Sonic Exe. Tails gets scared and tries to fly away but X chases him. Tails sees a broken bone and tries to stab X in the head, thinking that this guy is Sonic. He sees that the bone did no damage and that the wound faded away instantly. That’s because X is a Demon and consequently a God and can’t be damaged, nor can be killed. Then he screams at Tails to scare him and disappears. Tails closes his eyes for a bit and touches his head, as he was starting to get a little bit dizzy, and then starts to think that all of this was a nightmare, but sees Exetior behind him, who cuts Tails in half. Exetior then plays with Tails’s head and uses it like a ball. He says »So many souls to play with, so little time, don’t you agree?», laughs and disappears and then we see an icon that says »l Am God» with Exetior having the mouth open with an evil smile. That’s X’s phase which he uses all the time, »l Am God».
Episode 2: A Requiem for Knuckles[]
The second episode in the series. Knuckles flies in the air. X puts Tails’s head in a stake and puts it close to the edge of a cliff. Then he sees Knuckles gliding looking for Tails. While Knuckles reaches the chemical town, the sign that says »Chemical plant» changes into a sign that says »Trun Back». Sonic Exe appears behind Knuckles with purely black eyes. Then he lights up the red color of his glowing dark red »pupils». Knuckles says »Sonic?», not knowing that the the figure in front of him is not Sonic. X shows the dead head of Tails and Knuckles becomes sad. Then he becomes very angry and charges at X attempting to hit him with a punch, which X easily avoids. Then, X scratches Knuckles in his head, blinding his right eye. Knuckles flies away and hides behind a tree but X turns another tree into multiple stakes and shoots them at Knuckles. After that, one last stake hits Knuckles in the head, opening a big hole that throws Knuckles’s brain out of his head. The brain is stuck on the stake’s tip. Exetior then evily laughs and sees Eggman behind him. X says »The doctor, is in». Then evily laughs again and suddenly, through an open sky of red clouds and a very big, big Moon, X appears violently at the center of the video screen, screaming demonically, as he is a demon.
Episode 3: Dr Eggman checks out[]
Sonic Exe form 2
This the third and longest episode of all 5 so far. Dr. Eggman flies with his small ship while X shouts »EEEEEEEEEEGMAAAAAAAAAAN», to say Eggman. Eggman turns around and sees X , who says with gestures that he will take his head off his body. Eggman looks scared and angry and boosts the speed of his vehicle. X laughs very loudly with a scary evil laugh and then says »NOT SO FAST» with a very loud and incredibly deep voice. He then turns his arm into ‘Kraken’ like tentacles and then graps Eggman, about to kill him, but Eggman presses the red button and his vehicle shoots a beam at X, injuring him severely. X is pissed. Eggman then reaches a castle with a sign that says »Do not enter» and Eggman enters anyway, with X appearing behind him, and Eggman not noticing him. X is very angry. Eggman walks through the castle and takes one torch so he can light his way and X appears as a black shadow with red eyes before the entrance to the room. X quickly outruns Eggman and Eggman accidentally throws his torch out of fear, but the fire is out because of X’s speed that put it out. Eggman sees a light in the way and the stairs lead down to it. X appears as a shadow behind Eggman and then scares Eggman causing him to fall down the stairs. Eggman is injured. X steps on his fat body, causing Eggman to spit blood. X says »lt’s a very sad day for you, isn’t it doctor?». Eggman is pissed off and shoots X with a small laser, opening 4 small holes in X’s torso. X then falls to the ground pretending to have been killed by these shots. When X sees that Eggman thinks he is dead, he says the following lines: »You just don’t get it, do you? Your pride and self admiration is your greatest weakness doctor. Years and years of your life you spent deploying your pathetic contraptions in attempts to defeat me, were just all for nothing weren’t they? No matter what improvements you made, no matter how much you tinkered with your liitle toys, it just all ends with failure». X basically pretends to be Sonic, speaking about Sonic’s past and present. Then his speach and lines continue: »You know why? Because l am the Universe, l am the Ultimate Life Form, l am Life and Death.», then he graps Eggman. His eyes turn purely glowing red as demons cause them to and he puts Eggman in the air saying »l» and grabs harder with one hand, »Am» and graps harder with another hand, »GOD» and cuts Eggman in half. Then he laughs again. After that, he heals himself form the injuries and absorbs the souls of Tails, Knuckles and Eggman and reaches his second form.
Episode 4: Master of puppets[]
Demonized Amy
The fourth episeode where Amy gets tricked by X who disguises himself as Sonic once more, like he did to Tails. X uses an illusion of his fourth form to scare Amy and blinds her in her left eye, then he makes her a puppet. She tries to approach him, thinking that he is Sonic, and then X pulls hard to her limbs and cuts them off one by one, fiirst cuts off her right arm and then cuts off her left leg, and then cuts off her entire head. Then he laughs and turns Amy into his slave. Amy screams evilly.
Episode 5: Whiplash[]
Sonic Exe form 3
Cream is lost in floating colorful roads and X secretly gives her a speed runner power — up which allows Cream to run much faster. She completely passes through all the roads and runs with a lot of joy around, but she almost hits the large spiked wall, which was a trap set by X to kill Cream. Then, X pushes her towards the spikes as Cream albeit barely managed to not get hit by the spikes, and then he tells Amy to give him Cream’s soul. X abrosbs Cream’s soul and reaches his third form. Then, he knowns that he only has one more victim before he can reach his fourth form, and that is Sally. He then charges at the screen, possibly trying to search for Sally.
Episode 6: Unknown name of the episode[]
The episode where X potentially kills Sally and uses her soul to reach his fourth form. He has already his third form and now all he needs is Sally. After that, X potentially goes on to kill the rest of the people of mobius too, icluding the freedom fighters, Sally being one of them. It’s possible that after that he gains the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds and becomes Super and Hyper and possibly completely invincible (, at most at least).
Potential continuation of the series[]
The series might continue after the sixth episode but we don’t know whether it will or not.
Original form Initial creation
It is a prequel to the entire series and it’s called »Before The Massacre…». We see someone working on the computer and inside a tank we see the shape of Sonic, but then we see a liquid thing taking over Sonic’s body, then takes Sonic’s form, that thing was possibly X. Then, the figure powers — up and breaks the tank and opens his eyes, we see Sonic EXE and a dark figure with white eyes is behind him, that figure is Eggman. X switches off the red light of his puppils and attacks Eggman who falls back in a tank and bleeds a little bit from his head and mouth. Then, Sonic EXE leaves and flies away and we see Eggman revealing himself. The thing inside the tank was either Sonic and X took his body, or it was a fake copy with cells of Sonic and Exetior took control over it. Either way, X became Sonic Exe.
Not sure why Bratwurst used this image.
- Part 4: Master of puppets: https://youtu.be/HtyIvzqNeWc
- Part 5: Whiplash: https://youtu.be/TQXr7KGCSP0
- Episode 6 and potential future content is yet to be released.
- Sally.EXE FINALE TEASER: https://youtu.be/haqgCagniag
The series is a fan — made series of simple animated videos. Although it is based on the games, and contains many references to them, in the series, Exetior simply kills everyone and possibly achieves his goals.
The Tulpa of Despair and Evil
Battle with Artemis[]
Sonic Exe and Artemis have been fighting in some video — games that X haunts and connects his Universe to ours. Luckily for Artemis, the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds protected her. Sonic Exe is stronger than Artemis, about twice as strong, it’s almost impossible for her to defeat him.
So many souls to play with, so little time, would you agree?
Sonic Exe X
Ready for Round 2, (Tom)?
To Tom and to other for round 2.
Found You, you can’t run, you’re too slow!
To Tails, players and users, 3 quotes of Sonic Exe.
AHHH!!!! FAKER!!!!
Sonic to Sonic Exe
You cannot defeat me!
Sonic Exe to Artemis
You utter abomination. You hurt these innocent animals, people and so much more for what.
Artemis tp Sonic Exe
Why I did it? Well, for one, to kill them for fun, two, to make them my slaves and take their powers, and three, it was get you attention since you are my next target. I knew you wouldn’t ignore this so I decided to call you with some death and despair.
Sonic Exe to Artemis
Sonic Exe Artemis, greek deity
Artemis |
You utter abomination. You hurt these innocent animals, people and so much more for what. |
Sonic.exe |
lt was for one, to have fun, two, to get stronger, three, to make these creatures my slaves, and four to get your attention small little deity, you are my next target. I knew you wouldn’t ignore this so I decided to call you with some death and despair. It’s a TON of fun!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! |
Artemis |
My attention? You did for my attention? You killed innocent animals and people for NOTHING? Fine, you have it. Along with my wrath. |
Sonic.exe |
Do you think you can kill me? or even defeat me in a fight? Well, try to then. |
Artemis | |
Sonic Exe |
Sorry to say it, but you don’t stand a chance! |
Artemis | |
Sonic Exe |
Ah, l am sure we will, bring it on little kitty cat! |
You just don’t get it, do you? Your pride, your self admiration, is your greatest weakness, Doctor. Years and years of your life spent deploying your pathetic contraptions in an attempt to defeat me, were just all for nothing, weren’t they? No matter what improvements you made, no matter how much you tinkered with your little toys… It just all ends in failure. And why? Because I AM the Universe. I AM the Ultimate Life-Form. I am Life!… And Death… I… Am… GOD!
Sonic.EXE’s infamous monologue to Eggman before killing him.
Other Sonic Exe’s[]
Exetior, one of the major other Sonic Exe’s
Sonic. EXE has commonly been thought to be a demon possessing Sonic’s body, his first and most well-known fan-made origin, despite the two canonically being separate entities. Many fan — made stories and different incarnations of the character have existed. There are, apart from X, other Sonic Exe’s too, like Exetior, Sark, Exeller, Executor, Exegod, Exezar, Phaton etc. are A LOT of demons / gods taking on the form of Sonic. But there is no Sonic Exe who is actually Sonic. Also, canonically, there is no Sonic Exe who actually is evil, apart from Sark and Executor, who aren;t even that evil, but the one and only real villain here is X.
Thumbnail of Bratwurst’s Sonic Exe trilogy.
- trilogy parts 1, 2 and 3: 17:07
- part 4: 4:01
- part 5: 5:28
- Finale teaser: 2:32
- My demons: 3:59
- Creepypasta story: 33:50
- This is halloween Marylin Manson: 3:24
- Sonic Exe’s original voice: 1:36
- Villains Fanon Wiki: https://villainsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic.exe_(disambiguation)
- Villains Fanon Wiki Bratwurst: https://villainsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic.EXE_(Bratwurst)
- Gods and Demons WIki: https://gods-and-demons.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_Exe
- His confirmed birthday is November 7th, but it is strongly overpowered by his creation date, June 23rd, 1991, which seems to be his real date of birth and actual birtday.
New Wiki: https://ultra-cosmic-hyper-space-meta.fandom.com/wiki/Ultra_Cosmic_Hyper_Space_Meta_Wiki
So many souls to play with, so little time, would you agree?
» I Am God » and other quotes.
Sonic Exe, also known as X, which is his real name, is a fan — character for oue Universe made by JC the Hyena. He is a character of fiction for our Universe. Out there, in the Multiverse, many Universes exist. Sonic Exe lives in a parallel Universe, and connected his world to ours via haunting video — games. His real intention is enslave our world and absorb all our souls to become stronger, then rule us as a god. His most used phrase is » l Am God ». His laugh is Kefka’s laugh. Some say he is the son of Zalgo and Ayin. Sonic Exe is super strong, in fact, he is about twice as strong as the greek deity Artemis.
Alternate text[]
Sonic E.X.E, also called X, is a demon born from the dark matter of the Universe and one of the avatars of the tulpa Zalgo. He is an eldritch entity taking on the form of Sonic the Hedgehog that sends out a haunted game disc featuring the creature killing the main Sonic characters, eventually leading him to rip out the soul of his victim and making them his slave. His new goal/target/victim is Artemis.
I Am God and other quotes.
Main History[]
Sonic Exe was created by JC the Hyena as a fan — character for our Universe. He had a video — game made by MysticCrimson. However, Sonic Exe from his world was able to connect his world with ours by haunting the video — game.
In his world, X views himself as a god, which he actually is, he created his world and is completely immortal. The main story of Sonic. exe centers around a young detective named Derek Green investigating the murders committed by an unknown entity. Throughout the entire murder case, each murder has been investigated by Detective Derek Green and his sister, Chelsea. After Chelsea got captured by Exe, Derek was dropped out of the case for unknown reasons, but that didn’t stop him from pursuing his sister’s captor. As he secretly investigated each murder that Exe commits, Derek slowly becomes more and more paranoid to the point where he believes everyone is working for the Cult. Through a mysterious contact named «Cole», Derek discovered that the Cult was behind the conspiracy and that Chelsea was trapped in Exe’s world. Eventually, Derek got captured by the Cult and confronted by one of the Cult Leaders, Shannon Goldman. Derek believed that by destroying the disk (which he did), that would once and for all stop Exe from tormenting humanity, but Shannon proved his efforts pointless and revealed that the Cult made multiple copies of the game disk in case anything happened to one of them. Shannon then summoned Exe who then proceeded to steal Derek’s soul. 3 weeks later after Exe stole Derek’s soul, Derek’s boss, Bob Richardson received a message from Cole who filled him in on what happened.
Later on, a young man named Tom, who was a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, especially the older games, claimed that he had not played any glitchy or hacked games before, though he admitted that he didn’t want to after an experience he had. He then proceeded to recount his experience, saying how he received a CD and an accompanying letter from his friend Kyle, begging him to destroy the disc before it’s «too late» and not to play the game.
Ignoring his friend’s warnings, Tom played the game and began to encounter odd, somewhat disturbing phenomena, from a title card featuring an evil-looking Sonic with bloody eyes and glowing pupils with a wide smile to the presence of a file select screen similar to that of the one in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, with a red background and chilling music playing. As he picked the only available character, Tails and began the first stage, titled «HILL ACT 1″, Tom continued to find more evidence that there was something wrong with the game, namely the copious amounts of dead animals, all murdered in gruesome ways and eventually encountering » Sonic » at the end of the level, standing completely still and with his eyes closed.
Right before killing Tails
When Tails attempted to get his attention during a cutscene by tapping him on the shoulder, » Sonic’s » eyes opened, identical to the » Sonic » on the title screen before cutting to black, with the message «Hello. Do you want to play with me?» In the next level, «HIDE AND SEEK», Tom witnessed » Sonic » chasing Tails, the latter flying despite an inability to do so without a Super form, before disappearing, teleporting in front of the distraught fox and killing him and cutting to black.
Right before killing Eggman, video game by MYSTCrimson Game over scene of the main video game.
Shocked, Tom reads the next message, «YOU’RE TOO SLOW. WANT TO TRY AGAIN?». After playing as Knuckles and losing a supposed «boss battle» with Sonic, Tom decided to take a break from the game. However, his rest was plagued by nightmares featuring the corrupted Tails and Knuckles, and the demon Sonic, with him waking in a cold sweat. Returning to the game, Tom picked Robotnik from the file select screen and continued with the game. At the end of the level, » Sonic » teleported in front of Robotnik, before the screen cut to red static. Then, a «hyper-realistic» image of » Sonic » appeared on the screen, with the words «I AM GOD!». After the game ended, Tom turned around to find, to his utter horror, a bloodied Sonic plushie on his bed. Tom’s fate is ambiguous (though the official sequel reveals that Tom committed suicide to escape from the entity using Sonic’s likeness).
His true form, pure Dark Matter
The real X isn’t Sonic, he is a god / demon made out of Dark Matter. His real creation was kind of weird. The Bible says that when God started creating the Multiverse and all, in our Universe, when his power was spread all around, it created the Greek gods like Uranus and Gaia, the Norse gods, like Ymir, and all the other gods. So the Greek gods, like the Primordials, the Olympians and the Titans, as well as the Norse Gods, and basically all the other gods from all historical mythologies were ‘ children ‘ of God. This likely means that the mythological god Khaos and the God of Christianity are the same person. Khaos is omni — potent, at least as a symbol, as he is probably the christian God. In another dimension, when his divine power was spread all around, some of God’s divine power was connected to a piece of pure Dark Matter. This primordial Dark Matter sort of ‘ gave life ‘ to the primordial energy, creating alive Dark Matter. The creature’s name was X. However, maybe it wasn’t God who created by a total accident Sonic Exe, but maybe it was Zalgo and Ayin. Yet, it was possibly God.
Sonic.EXE looks exactly like his idol, Sonic the Hedgehog, except there are several noticeable differences to his appearance. Exe’s fur and quills are a darker blue and less smooth and more unkempt, his skin a sickly pale color, with a black color fading into his forearms, hands, forelegs, and feet, symbolizing Exe’s dark matter in a way. His claws are sharp and pitch black (though sometimes they’re also a bright purple). Exe’s mouth is often unnaturally wide when he smiles and it’s always fanged and yellow (Sir JC explained that the yellow on his teeth is not a result of tooth decay but one of the few side effects when his body was first made), and his eyes are pitch black, with two glowing red dots as irises with very tiny pupils. For some reason, Exe seems to always produce blood under his eyes even when he’s not actually crying, though this is a major birthmark (when he was born, Exe’s eyes hurt greatly). When Exe isn’t crying blood, one can see a faint but noticeable rash under his eyes from crying so much blood.
- Humanity and Sonic
Exe desires nothing more than to enslave all of humanity and have Sonic all to himself. He finds that humanity is purely fascinating on all accounts, he loves the good in it, the bad in it, humans are basically the ultimate toy to Exe, and as such he believes that the humans only exist to give him infinite satisfaction and joy. Exe greatly idolizes Sonic the Hedgehog to the point of unstable fanaticism, willing to do whatever it takes to have him all to himself when he rules. Whenever Sonic acts the opposite of the hedgehog Exe loves, Exe expresses great disappointment. Exe’s idolization of Sonic is what inspired Exe to look like him and even create a world that has elements related to Sonic’s world.
- Sonic.exe’s «Godhood»
Due to Exe’s immense powers, he views himself as a god, which he technically is since he created his world. This pride of his tends to get him in trouble whenever he gets humbled in a game, since the resulting rage-quit forces him into sleep mode.
- The Cult of X
Exe really likes the Cult of X due to how loyal they are of him, and thus he trusts his minions whole-heartedly However, just like the Cult, he doesn’t like double-crossers or rebels and does not hesitate to punish them.
- His Guardians and the Game Disk
Exe has something of a small symbiotic relationship with his seven guardians and his game disk, this is most likely due to Exe using his dark matter to create them. Games
- Due to his psychotic and sadistic personality, Exe has something of a childish mindset, and as such he really enjoys playing games with people, horrifying or otherwise. Notable games he enjoys playing are Hide-and-Seek and video games (mostly the Sonic ones).
- Meatball Marinara and Pickles
Sir JC revealed that Sonic.exe’s favorite food is a bowl of meatballs with tomato sauce and sliced pickles as a side humor for his character. When asked about the pickles, JC explained that it was mainly based on Mr. Krab’s description of a soul in the Spongebob Halloween Episode.
Just as there are things Exe really likes, there are also things that Exe really hates.
- «Haters»
While Exe loves humanity, he does seem to deeply resent those who seem to do nothing with their life but rage and hate about him (such people are called «Haters»). As such, whenever Exe captures a Hater, he sees to it that they get the most torment than the rest. Exe’s motto is «Haters gonna bleed. HARD.»
- Not getting his way:
Exe’s temper is also his Judas. While Exe does enjoy a good fair game and does except losing once in a while, sometimes outright losing or not getting his way all the time is what really sets him off. Get Exe angry enough times, he’ll rage-quit and leave you alone….for now.
- Amy Rose:
Sonic.exe hates Amy Rose with a fiery passion. He sees her as a threat to him having Sonic all to himself, and will not hesitate to put her in her place. He also dislikes anyone who likes Amy Rose, as he made two slaves resemble her.
- Death:
Exe dislikes death in the human world in several ways. Despite viewing it as a basic part of nature, Exe often expresses great disappointment at the death of a human being, claiming that it is a waste to such a good toy. Exe also has never actually murdered anyone before in his life, mainly because he doesn’t want to kill anyone, again thinking that human death is a waste. However he is perfectly fine if the Cult of X kill someone for him, though he still expresses disappointment at the death.
While Sonic.exe is powerful and evil and beyond terrifying, there are some very comical and odd features about him, and Sir JC has confirmed several of the quirks to Exe’s character. One major quirk of Exe’s is that he tends to act incredibly goofy (or «Derps») sometimes, one example of Exe’s «derpiness» is when he was naming one of the «rooms» in his world, according to JC. Another quirk is his love for meatball marinara and pickles and another noticeable quirk is that Exe tends to express what he says with his arms, over-dramatizing his hand gestures whenever speaking, even flexing and twitching his fingers in an unusual manner, as if itching to grab something. Sir JC stated that the flexing of Exe’s fingers is supposed to show how both deranged and eccentric Exe is.
Lord X
Sonic.EXE is the complete opposite of Sonic the Hedgehog, he is a wrathful, tyrannical, malevolent, sadistic, cruel, and twisted monster who takes glee in repeatedly killing anyone’s life, even his own slaves, showing him as the definition of pure evil. Exe views humanity to be the perfect plaything and desires to one day have it all to himself for eternity, and believes himself to be a god thanks to his reality-controlling powers. Exe’s arrogance and sadism appear to stem from his creative side, so it’s possible that he also uses his powers to torture humans just to see what he can do with them, not just because it gives him great pleasure and power over them. Aside from his insatiable love for humans and his sadistic and creative need to play with them, Exe also idolizes Sonic the Hedgehog, which inspired Exe to create a body for himself similar to his idol’s and also create a world that has many aspects from Sonic’s world, and hopes to one day have Sonic all to himself as he rules over humanity. While Exe does truly admire Sonic to the point of possible homosexuality and fanaticism, he also shows great disappointment whenever Sonic doesn’t act like the Sonic he idolizes. He also sees himslef as Lord X.
Sonic Exe hates all gods that are stronger than him. In addition to Exe’s arrogance, Exe greatly dislikes God and the Devil, believing that they both are unfit to rule over Humanity. In fact, JC stated that the «SEGA 666» on the first Sonic.exe story was Exe’s way of making fun of both God and the Devil, which in X’s dimension is a funny game.
Powers and abilities[]
X shape — shifting from normal Dark Matter to Sonic’s form.
As shown from the original story, Sonic.EXE is able to fly and levitate off the ground, teleport from place to place in a cloud of black smoke, travel through the game and manipulate its code, create dark, ghostly illusions in order to confuse and torment his enemies, and shape-shift in order to look exactly like his idol Sonic. In the second story, he’s shown to be highly manipulative and charismatic, able to lead an entire cult to believe he is doing good for the world. Exe is able to twist and alter reality in any way he likes, he is completely omnipotent and immortal, and cannot be killed by normal means, but cannot last too long in the real world, which would presumably kill him for good. Exe is also able to create and manipulate dark matter, the very substance he’s made of, which he can use it to change form so he can look exactly like his idol, Sonic the Hedgehog, or like a normal Sonic Exe. Apart from that, he can also wield a large black hole inside his mouth that he uses when he gets bored of a slave which would completely evaporate their soul and erase them from existence (at least according to him). Well. he actually uses the black hole only when he gets bored of a slave, (he never gets bored of one) but has never actually used it, showing doubt to his claim that he is able to do so. Ironically, if he uses it, it might take the slave away from him forever, something he doesn’t want too, as he wants as many slaves, as possible, so also because of that, doesn’t use the black hole.
The black hole is arguably considered as Exe’s most gruesome and most dangerous ability ever, and he never even uses it. If Exe ever gets bored with a slave (he never gets bored of one), he opens up his mouth and also opens up a black hole inside. When Exe sucks up a soul with the black hole, the soul shrinks into a singularity and then vanishes, and is thus lost forever, completely erased from existence. Exe hates having to use the black hole in his mouth because he doesn’t want to erase anyone from existence. The only times Exe has ever used his black hole is when he made Eggman.exe look into it (the result caused Eggman.exe to become a mindless vegetable), and when he used it to frighten Tom.
Sonic Exe X is fully made entirely out of Dark Matter. He lives off of it and can use it to use his powers. Just like a soul, Exe’s Dark Matter is eternal, and as such, he can never be killed by normal means. He can also remove pieces of his Dark Matter to use however he deems neccessary, such as sending a piece to the programmer in order to complete the disk and creating the Seven Guardians. Removing the Dark Matter piece by piece has no real effect on Exe’s psyche. Exe is a very skilled programmer and hacker, considering how he’s able to take full control of a PC once his game disk is in and how he manipulates what goes on in the game to show the player what’s going on in his world. Exe has the ability to fly, as shown in the Creepypasta when he chased after Tails. Sir JC explained that his ability to levitate is caused by his boots, which are used to cause anti-gravity.
Sonic.EXE is incredibly strong and is immortal, he can’t be damaged and can’t be killed. When damaged, he can simply heal himself instantly, as he is a god. He can’t be killed by normal beings, the only things that can kill him are gods of equal or higher power. It would still be hard, as Sonic Exe is both a god, both actual primordial energy, and also Dark Matter, which is actually said to be completely ‘ indestructible ‘. Exe actually has multiple forms, all of them usually resembling Sonic. As Classic Sonic, he looks just like the original Sonic the Hedgehog only with the same dark, bleeding eyes and wide fanged grin. The Sonic Plushie (which acts as a spy for Exe) looks like any other ordinary Sonic plush doll, except there are bloodstains under the eyes and if one looked closely, they could see a faint red glow within the black pupils.
Exe’s body is merely a shell for the real beast, however. What Exe truly looks like is a giant shapeless mass of pure Dark Matter, giving him a black and purple thundercloudy appearance, with two glowing red dots for eyes. Exe’s default form is severely damaging to the touch, and is considered his most dangerous form despite being the weakest. Exe is made entirely out of Dark Matter. He lives off of it and can use it to use his powers. Just like a soul, Exe’s Dark Matter is eternal, and as such, he can never be killed by normal means. He can also remove pieces of his Dark Matter to use however he deems neccessary, such as sending a piece to the programmer in order to complete the disk and creating the Seven Guardians. Removing the Dark Matter piece by piece has no real effect on Exe’s psyche.
Sonic Exe has the powers and abilities to do many things, as he is a real god. In fact, his strength is higher than many other gods. He isn’t as strong as most Primordials, only stronger than a few, but is possibly stronger than the Titans, except for maybe Cronus, and is also stronger than most Olympians, except for Hades, Zeus and Poseidon. Sonic Exe is about twice as strong as Artemis, which is actually the 4th strongest Olympian, after the big three. He is probably stronger than the Norse primordials. And he is also stronger than Satan too. He is however weaker than Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu, Leviathan and the Pre-existential Entities, which are entities preceding the Primordials, while some others like God, Khaos ( actually the same person ) and Azathoth preceed even the Pre-existentials. All the normal gods and their sub — gods too are actually known as Highests, whereas the even inferior gods, are called Demons, which was actually a word meant to mean god, but the word ‘ demon ‘ not carrying a negative meaning is accidentally through the ages used to mean inferior and sometimes evil deities. ( But that’s actually a mistake, but we are obliged to reffer to them like that, although instead they should be called, maybe monsters or fallen angels, or black angels ). Also, for the info above, Gods and Demons wiki aren’t a real life wiki, they alter reality a bit, and to them, God and Khaos are 2 entities. In real life however God and Chaos are the same entity.
Bratwurst’s Sonic Exe[]
X’s appearance
Sonic.EXE of Bratwurst is the titular main antagonist of the animated Youtube series of the same name created by Bratwurst. He appears as the main antagonist of the Sonic.exe Trilogy and the main antagonist of the Sally.exe Trilogy. A demonic, sadistic being filled with pure malice, Sonic.EXE is a ruthless killing machine who slays all those that encounter him and steals the souls of his victims which he uses to become more and more powerful, having targeted Sonic’s friends and taken their lives to fulfill his enigmatic, dark goals. He is voiced by Bratwurst.
A demonic, murderous incarnation of the blue blur, Sonic.EXE is ruthless, violent, sadistic, and monstrous, especially in his methods of killing his victims, preferring to perform horrible acts of mutilation or prolonging their inevitable deaths just for the sake of it. Completely devoid of remorse or empathy, Sonic.EXE had slaughtered many innocent animals prior to Tails’ demise and even relishes in the fear he instills within his victims, much like his murder of Tails, screeching demonically at him before proceeding to cut him clean in half.
Earlier on in his killing spree, Sonic.EXE was far more animalistic and unhinged, often seen with his mouth agape and tilting his head when confronting his prey. It’s possible that this is a façade to mask his true evil and self-aware nature. Ultimately, Sonic.EXE is an arrogant being primarily concerned with gaining power, forcing the souls of his victims into becoming his power-source to transform him into numerous transformative states so he can become the most powerful being in the world. Sonic.EXE is not above torturing and using the brainwashed husks of his victims to do his bidding, treating the reanimated Amy as a mere pawn and is instead focused on stealing the souls of his victims.
The logo of the first trilogy, where X kills the first trinity, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman.
Bratwurst’s Sonic Exe Series is a fan — made series about Sonic Exe. It is made by Bratwurst. It is based on mainly the first game of MYSTCrimson, but also all the nightmare games, like Sonic & Exe, Sonic.exe: Nightmare Beginning, Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell, Sonic.exe: Tower of Millenium and it contains parts and references to all the games. Diana is currently not seen in the series, but she might be seen as a character as the series continues. We don’t know yet. Also, it is unknown whether or not X is out of Sonic’s body. So maybe he has Sonic’s form, or maybe he is inside him and controls him. The series is not complete yet. It is unknown when it will be complete. At first it was just simply fun, not intended to become a series, but has recently been one. One of the few serieses about Sonic Exe and probably the most famous and viewed the most of them all.
Let’s do a small synopsis. Tails mistakens X for Sonic. X chases him. Tails tries to defend himself but X cuts him in half. Then he goes after Knuckles. In the chemical floating town he attacks him and while Knuckles tries to hide, X turns a tree into stakes and kills Knuckles. Then he tries to kill Dr. Eggman, who shoots him with a laser. Dr. Eggman goes to an old castle where Sonic EXE surprise attacks him and kills him too. In the 4th episode, X kills Amy like he breaks a puppet. He killed Cream in the 5th episode, but now we are waiting to see the potential death of Sally as well as the potential continuation of the series. There is also a prequel to the series.
Episode 1: Tails’s Demise[]
The first Episode in the series. Tails flies around, looking for Sonic. He finds someone, looks closer and sees Sonic’s body. But when he approaches him, all of sudden, the sky turns red and thuders cause loud noises that scare Tails, who sees dead animals while approaching X disguised as Sonic. He touches him in the shoulder. X in Sonic’s form smiles and Tails smiles back, but X shows that he is not Sonic and that he is in his body or at least uses his physical form. He turns into Sonic Exe. Tails gets scared and tries to fly away but X chases him. Tails sees a broken bone and tries to stab X in the head, thinking that this guy is Sonic. He sees that the bone did no damage and that the wound faded away instantly. That’s because X is a Demon and consequently a God and can’t be damaged, nor can be killed. Then he screams at Tails to scare him and disappears. Tails closes his eyes for a bit and touches his head, as he was starting to get a little bit dizzy, and then starts to think that all of this was a nightmare, but sees Exetior behind him, who cuts Tails in half. Exetior then plays with Tails’s head and uses it like a ball. He says »So many souls to play with, so little time, don’t you agree?», laughs and disappears and then we see an icon that says »l Am God» with Exetior having the mouth open with an evil smile. That’s X’s phase which he uses all the time, »l Am God».
Episode 2: A Requiem for Knuckles[]
The second episode in the series. Knuckles flies in the air. X puts Tails’s head in a stake and puts it close to the edge of a cliff. Then he sees Knuckles gliding looking for Tails. While Knuckles reaches the chemical town, the sign that says »Chemical plant» changes into a sign that says »Trun Back». Sonic Exe appears behind Knuckles with purely black eyes. Then he lights up the red color of his glowing dark red »pupils». Knuckles says »Sonic?», not knowing that the the figure in front of him is not Sonic. X shows the dead head of Tails and Knuckles becomes sad. Then he becomes very angry and charges at X attempting to hit him with a punch, which X easily avoids. Then, X scratches Knuckles in his head, blinding his right eye. Knuckles flies away and hides behind a tree but X turns another tree into multiple stakes and shoots them at Knuckles. After that, one last stake hits Knuckles in the head, opening a big hole that throws Knuckles’s brain out of his head. The brain is stuck on the stake’s tip. Exetior then evily laughs and sees Eggman behind him. X says »The doctor, is in». Then evily laughs again and suddenly, through an open sky of red clouds and a very big, big Moon, X appears violently at the center of the video screen, screaming demonically, as he is a demon.
Episode 3: Dr Eggman checks out[]
Sonic Exe form 2
This the third and longest episode of all 5 so far. Dr. Eggman flies with his small ship while X shouts »EEEEEEEEEEGMAAAAAAAAAAN», to say Eggman. Eggman turns around and sees X , who says with gestures that he will take his head off his body. Eggman looks scared and angry and boosts the speed of his vehicle. X laughs very loudly with a scary evil laugh and then says »NOT SO FAST» with a very loud and incredibly deep voice. He then turns his arm into ‘Kraken’ like tentacles and then graps Eggman, about to kill him, but Eggman presses the red button and his vehicle shoots a beam at X, injuring him severely. X is pissed. Eggman then reaches a castle with a sign that says »Do not enter» and Eggman enters anyway, with X appearing behind him, and Eggman not noticing him. X is very angry. Eggman walks through the castle and takes one torch so he can light his way and X appears as a black shadow with red eyes before the entrance to the room. X quickly outruns Eggman and Eggman accidentally throws his torch out of fear, but the fire is out because of X’s speed that put it out. Eggman sees a light in the way and the stairs lead down to it. X appears as a shadow behind Eggman and then scares Eggman causing him to fall down the stairs. Eggman is injured. X steps on his fat body, causing Eggman to spit blood. X says »lt’s a very sad day for you, isn’t it doctor?». Eggman is pissed off and shoots X with a small laser, opening 4 small holes in X’s torso. X then falls to the ground pretending to have been killed by these shots. When X sees that Eggman thinks he is dead, he says the following lines: »You just don’t get it, do you? Your pride and self admiration is your greatest weakness doctor. Years and years of your life you spent deploying your pathetic contraptions in attempts to defeat me, were just all for nothing weren’t they? No matter what improvements you made, no matter how much you tinkered with your liitle toys, it just all ends with failure». X basically pretends to be Sonic, speaking about Sonic’s past and present. Then his speach and lines continue: »You know why? Because l am the Universe, l am the Ultimate Life Form, l am Life and Death.», then he graps Eggman. His eyes turn purely glowing red as demons cause them to and he puts Eggman in the air saying »l» and grabs harder with one hand, »Am» and graps harder with another hand, »GOD» and cuts Eggman in half. Then he laughs again. After that, he heals himself form the injuries and absorbs the souls of Tails, Knuckles and Eggman and reaches his second form.
Episode 4: Master of puppets[]
Demonized Amy
The fourth episeode where Amy gets tricked by X who disguises himself as Sonic once more, like he did to Tails. X uses an illusion of his fourth form to scare Amy and blinds her in her left eye, then he makes her a puppet. She tries to approach him, thinking that he is Sonic, and then X pulls hard to her limbs and cuts them off one by one, fiirst cuts off her right arm and then cuts off her left leg, and then cuts off her entire head. Then he laughs and turns Amy into his slave. Amy screams evilly.
Episode 5: Whiplash[]
Sonic Exe form 3
Cream is lost in floating colorful roads and X secretly gives her a speed runner power — up which allows Cream to run much faster. She completely passes through all the roads and runs with a lot of joy around, but she almost hits the large spiked wall, which was a trap set by X to kill Cream. Then, X pushes her towards the spikes as Cream albeit barely managed to not get hit by the spikes, and then he tells Amy to give him Cream’s soul. X abrosbs Cream’s soul and reaches his third form. Then, he knowns that he only has one more victim before he can reach his fourth form, and that is Sally. He then charges at the screen, possibly trying to search for Sally.
Episode 6: Unknown name of the episode[]
The episode where X potentially kills Sally and uses her soul to reach his fourth form. He has already his third form and now all he needs is Sally. After that, X potentially goes on to kill the rest of the people of mobius too, icluding the freedom fighters, Sally being one of them. It’s possible that after that he gains the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds and becomes Super and Hyper and possibly completely invincible (, at most at least).
Potential continuation of the series[]
The series might continue after the sixth episode but we don’t know whether it will or not.
Original form Initial creation
It is a prequel to the entire series and it’s called »Before The Massacre…». We see someone working on the computer and inside a tank we see the shape of Sonic, but then we see a liquid thing taking over Sonic’s body, then takes Sonic’s form, that thing was possibly X. Then, the figure powers — up and breaks the tank and opens his eyes, we see Sonic EXE and a dark figure with white eyes is behind him, that figure is Eggman. X switches off the red light of his puppils and attacks Eggman who falls back in a tank and bleeds a little bit from his head and mouth. Then, Sonic EXE leaves and flies away and we see Eggman revealing himself. The thing inside the tank was either Sonic and X took his body, or it was a fake copy with cells of Sonic and Exetior took control over it. Either way, X became Sonic Exe.
Not sure why Bratwurst used this image.
- Part 4: Master of puppets: https://youtu.be/HtyIvzqNeWc
- Part 5: Whiplash: https://youtu.be/TQXr7KGCSP0
- Episode 6 and potential future content is yet to be released.
- Sally.EXE FINALE TEASER: https://youtu.be/haqgCagniag
The series is a fan — made series of simple animated videos. Although it is based on the games, and contains many references to them, in the series, Exetior simply kills everyone and possibly achieves his goals.
The Tulpa of Despair and Evil
Battle with Artemis[]
Sonic Exe and Artemis have been fighting in some video — games that X haunts and connects his Universe to ours. Luckily for Artemis, the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds protected her. Sonic Exe is stronger than Artemis, about twice as strong, it’s almost impossible for her to defeat him.
So many souls to play with, so little time, would you agree?
Sonic Exe X
Ready for Round 2, (Tom)?
To Tom and to other for round 2.
Found You, you can’t run, you’re too slow!
To Tails, players and users, 3 quotes of Sonic Exe.
AHHH!!!! FAKER!!!!
Sonic to Sonic Exe
You cannot defeat me!
Sonic Exe to Artemis
You utter abomination. You hurt these innocent animals, people and so much more for what.
Artemis tp Sonic Exe
Why I did it? Well, for one, to kill them for fun, two, to make them my slaves and take their powers, and three, it was get you attention since you are my next target. I knew you wouldn’t ignore this so I decided to call you with some death and despair.
Sonic Exe to Artemis
Sonic Exe Artemis, greek deity
Artemis |
You utter abomination. You hurt these innocent animals, people and so much more for what. |
Sonic.exe |
lt was for one, to have fun, two, to get stronger, three, to make these creatures my slaves, and four to get your attention small little deity, you are my next target. I knew you wouldn’t ignore this so I decided to call you with some death and despair. It’s a TON of fun!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! |
Artemis |
My attention? You did for my attention? You killed innocent animals and people for NOTHING? Fine, you have it. Along with my wrath. |
Sonic.exe |
Do you think you can kill me? or even defeat me in a fight? Well, try to then. |
Artemis | |
Sonic Exe |
Sorry to say it, but you don’t stand a chance! |
Artemis | |
Sonic Exe |
Ah, l am sure we will, bring it on little kitty cat! |
You just don’t get it, do you? Your pride, your self admiration, is your greatest weakness, Doctor. Years and years of your life spent deploying your pathetic contraptions in an attempt to defeat me, were just all for nothing, weren’t they? No matter what improvements you made, no matter how much you tinkered with your little toys… It just all ends in failure. And why? Because I AM the Universe. I AM the Ultimate Life-Form. I am Life!… And Death… I… Am… GOD!
Sonic.EXE’s infamous monologue to Eggman before killing him.
Other Sonic Exe’s[]
Exetior, one of the major other Sonic Exe’s
Sonic. EXE has commonly been thought to be a demon possessing Sonic’s body, his first and most well-known fan-made origin, despite the two canonically being separate entities. Many fan — made stories and different incarnations of the character have existed. There are, apart from X, other Sonic Exe’s too, like Exetior, Sark, Exeller, Executor, Exegod, Exezar, Phaton etc. are A LOT of demons / gods taking on the form of Sonic. But there is no Sonic Exe who is actually Sonic. Also, canonically, there is no Sonic Exe who actually is evil, apart from Sark and Executor, who aren;t even that evil, but the one and only real villain here is X.
Thumbnail of Bratwurst’s Sonic Exe trilogy.
- trilogy parts 1, 2 and 3: 17:07
- part 4: 4:01
- part 5: 5:28
- Finale teaser: 2:32
- My demons: 3:59
- Creepypasta story: 33:50
- This is halloween Marylin Manson: 3:24
- Sonic Exe’s original voice: 1:36
- Villains Fanon Wiki: https://villainsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic.exe_(disambiguation)
- Villains Fanon Wiki Bratwurst: https://villainsfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic.EXE_(Bratwurst)
- Gods and Demons WIki: https://gods-and-demons.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_Exe
- His confirmed birthday is November 7th, but it is strongly overpowered by his creation date, June 23rd, 1991, which seems to be his real date of birth and actual birtday.
NOTE: This article is about the original counterpart of Sonic.exe from the classic duology. You can find information on other versions on the disambiguation page.
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This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Fanon Wiki’s Complete Monster Proposals Thread. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile «heroic» attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being |
This article’s content is marked as Mature Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Sonic.exe (original) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you’re 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
X, better known as Sonic.exe (sometimes stylized as Sonic.EXE), is the titular main antagonist of the infamous Creepypasta of the same name and its sequel Round 2.
He is an anomalous, interdimensional energy-based entity driven by an instinctive lust for destruction and pain. Becoming completely obsessed with enslaving the human race, X took the form of Sonic the Hedgehog and created a haunted copy of the original Sega Genesis game that acted as a portal separating his dimension from Earth. Since then, he’s been using his cult to pass down the game from victim to victim, hoping to one day use it to merge the two realms together and rule the human world and other worlds as a god.
In the video game adaptation of the story, he is voiced by SheyGrell.
“ | This Sonic was a monster, a pure evil, sadistic, all-powerful, nightmarish, demented monster… And all of his victims, including Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik and possibly Kyle, are just his little toys, and the game is the very gateway into his chaotic, nightmarish world and the very Hell his victims are trapped in. | „ |
~ Tom describing Sonic.exe. |
The personification and literal physical incarnation of insanity and evil itself, Sonic.exe is warped, vicious, sadistic, ruthless, heartless and incredibly cruel. An anarchist by nature, Sonic.exe strays from the original Sonic the Hedgehog’s jovial and heroic personality and instead being known for his unrelenting sadism and psychopathic nature, preferring to mentally torture and degrade his victims before robbing them of their souls and freedom. A literal and metaphorical monster, Sonic.exe’s overall goal is to conquer everything in sight no matter how many innocent lives he has to sacrifice in order to achieve what he wants. He takes sadistic pleasure in creating chaos and misery, as well as tormenting and abusing his victims, torturing them in their sleep by invading their dreams to warn them of his coming presence. Sonic.exe is also a master manipulator, as he was able to manipulate both Kyle and Tom into playing the game, as well as being the leader of the Cult of X, pointing to him being quite charismatic as well. However, he can use Sonic’s real form whenever he feels like to give his victims a false sense of security.
Sonic.exe’s primary weakness is his overall childish nature when faced with failure or concepts he disagrees with. His obsession with Sonic has gone as far as to make him despise others who dislike Sonic (though this is quite hypocritical since he dislikes Sonic when he does not act the way Sonic.exe wants him to). This supposed admiration for Sonic is not genuine however as he is only interested in Sonic’s acts of heroism rather than any true care for the hedgehog. On rare occasions has Sonic.exe demonstrated how violent and hostile he can be at times when he doesn’t get his way, often culminating in him throwing a violent, rage-filled tantrum due to not ‘winning’ his games. Sonic.exe is also incredibly egotistical, callous and arrogant. A complete narcissist who sees himself above everyone, Sonic.exe sees humans as disposable puppets he can manipulate and torture for as long as he likes simply because he wields the power to do so.
X was accidentally created in the void during a cataclysm involving multiple forms of primordial energy, indirectly creating a sentient mass of dark matter with two red eyes. The entity floated around the void for a while until he found a window to both the human world and Sonic’s world, in which he became fascinated with Sonic and shaped his body to match his idol’s appearance to store his energy. His first laugh (a la Kefka) gave the world the indication that this creature was evil incarnate. He escaped his birth place and created a world molded around the levels in the video games and started to scheme his plan of world domination.
The Sonic.exe Murders
The original Sonic.exe story centers on Tom, a young man who was a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, especially the older games. He claimed that he had not played any glitched or hacked games before, though he admitted that he did not want to after an experience he had.
He then proceeded to recount his experience, saying how he received a CD and an accompanying letter from his friend Kyle, begging him to destroy the disc before it’s «too late» and not to never play the game.
Ignoring his friend’s warnings, Tom played the game and began to encounter odd, somewhat disturbing phenomena, from a title card featuring an evil-looking Sonic with bloody eyes and glowing pupils with a wide smile to the presence of a file select screen similar to that of the one in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, with a red background and chilling music playing.
As he picked the only available character Tails and began the first stage titled «HILL ACT 1», Tom continued to find more evidence that there was something wrong with the game, namely the copious amounts of dead animals, all murdered in gruesome ways and eventually encountering Sonic at the end of the level, standing completely still and with his eyes closed.
When Tails attempted to get his attention during a cutscene by tapping him on the shoulder, Sonic’s eyes opened, identical to the evil Sonic on the title screen before cutting to black, with the message «Hello. Do you want to play with me?» In the next level, «HIDE AND SEEK», Tom witnessed Sonic chasing Tails, the former flying despite an inability to do so without a Super form, before disappearing, teleporting in front of the distraught fox and killing him and cutting to black. Tails screams as his throat is slit; a splash of blood is seen coming from his neck.
Shocked, Tom reads the next message, «YOU’RE TOO SLOW. WANT TO TRY AGAIN?». After playing as Knuckles and losing a supposed «boss battle» with Sonic, with Knuckles dying the same way as Tails, Tom decided to take a break from the game.
However, his rest was plagued by nightmares featuring the corrupted Tails and Knuckles, and the demonic Sonic, with him waking in a cold sweat. Returning to the game, Tom picked Dr. Robotnik from the file select screen and continued with the game.
At the end of the level, Sonic teleported in front of Robotnik, before the screen cut to red static. Then, a «autentic» image of Sonic appeared on the screen, with the words «I AM GOD!». This Sonic had bleeding black and red eyes, a very wide grin, and sharp bloodstained teeth. After the game ended, Tom turned around to find, to his utter horror, a bloodied Sonic plush doll on his bed. Tom’s fate is ambiguous (though the official sequel reveals that Tom committed suicide to escape from the entity using Sonic’s likeness). Kyle was likely Exe’s previous victim.
Alternate Timeline
Sonic.EXE has been adapted in different ways over the years, here are the most popular timelines.
2017 Reboot
Timeline of the old 2017 remake
- Main article: Sonic.exe (2017 reboot)
PC Port Timeline
Alternate timeline where Sonic.exe became Lord X
- Main article: Lord X
Timeline of MY5TCrimson
Alternate timeline of Sonic.exe from the 2013 game where Sonic.exe is a demonic entity.
- Main article: Sonic.exe (MY5TCrimson)
2021 Reboot
New Sonic.exe canonical restart, now known as Xenophanes
- Main article: Xenophanes
Original Stories
Game Version Exclusive
- He was created by JC the Hyena, who was inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King.
- In August of 2021, JC was exposed for predatory behavior towards minors alongside his ex-girlfriend, Shannon Love, whom he had emotionally abused and conditioned into believing his behavior was acceptable. Since then, both have relinquished their ownership to Astranomicon and JoeDoughBoi, the latter being the creator of Sonic PC Port while the former worked on a new canon.
- Prior to having his origins revealed, it was widely believed that in terms of the lore, Sonic.exe was a demon possessing Sonic the Hedgehog. This turned out to be false, however, as the two are canonically separate entities.
- It is also worth noting that Sonic.exe idolizes Sonic to the point of obsession.
- Sonic.exe’s favorite food is a bowl of meatballs with tomato sauce and sliced pickles. The pickles serve as side humor for his character since it was mainly based on Mr. Krabs’ description of a soul in the Spongebob Halloween Episode «Scaredy Pants».
- Sonic.exe hates Amy Rose with a fiery passion because he sees her as a threat to him having Sonic all to himself.
- He also dislikes anyone who likes Amy Rose as well.
- Though initially well received by the Creepypasta community, the story (along with Sonic.exe himself) has recently met a more negative critical reception, due to the overuse of horror clichés. YouTube channel MichaelLeroi read both the original and the sequel, giving both very bad reviews, in addition to both stories being removed from Creepypasta Wiki for «failing to meet quality standards» and moved to Trollpasta Wiki, which resulted in a slightly controversial reaction from J.C. The Hyena, the author of the stories, was also met with high criticism, which he has since retracted. The story and video feature heavy use of «hyper-realism» and overused shock value and jumpscares, which have become clichés and are now considered a no-no. Stories about «haunted games and videos» are no longer being accepted as a result, due to the typically negative reactions towards these Pastas.
- Sonic.exe is somewhat similar to the Super Sonic of Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic series, being a more powerful but evil, possibly demonic version of the character, though that Super Sonic was still Sonic (making him all that much scarier), whereas Sonic.exe is an entity taking Sonic’s likeness. He is also similar to «Dark Sonic» from the TV series «Sonic X», when Sonic becomes enraged and power-hungry.
- The amount of blood Sonic.exe cries has caused a faint rash under his eyes. It is unknown exactly why his eyes bleed.
- Despite what many think, the cause of Sonic.exe’s yellow teeth is one of the few side effects when his body was made. However, the blood on his mouth strongly implies that he eats the remains of his victims after taking their souls.
- A video of the «game» appeared on YouTube in 2012, with the «sequel» Sally.exe appearing about two years later.
- Although the player has some control over Knuckles, the game will auto-fail and result in each «playable» character’s gruesome demise. The corpses are shown behind TV static on the character selection screen, implying that Sonic.exe has corrupted and enslaved them.
- Even though Sonic.exe is incredibly strong and immortal, his real form is just as strong but weak in defense.
- There are many fan games that are based on him and many different variants. The most popular variation is Exetior, the alternate-reality counterpart of the original and titular main antagonist of the Sonic.exe: Nightmare Beginning series developed by JaizKoys. Another variation based on the original Creepypasta story appeared in the sequel of the bad ending with the name Sark, but these versions are normal demons (Exetior used to be one of the highest) while the real Sonic.exe (despite his similar abilities) isn’t a normal demon, he is a demon made out of Dark Matter created in the Void.
- On January 13th, 2017, the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account tweeted «Watch out for black cats today. No one is immune. #Friday13th», which featured a short video of Sonic transforming into Sonic.exe and the background turning into a bloody version of Green Hill Zone.
- This article was originally going to be in the Villains Wiki but was soon moved here.
- Sonic.EXE is set to appear in the 2023 fan animated film, Sonic Villains as an antagonist.
- His personality and character have undergone some change. Rather than being an obsessive and feral beast, he acts more like a tactical and poise supervillain. He’s also an actual .exe program instead of an extraterrestial.
- After JC was exposed, Crimson, developer of the 2013 Sonic.EXE game, disassociated itself from any connection to the lore made by JC, with the Sonic.EXE in its games now being a distinct entity.
External links
- Sonic.exe on the Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: This article is about the original counterpart of Sonic.exe from the classic duology. You can find information on other versions on the disambiguation page.
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This Villain was proposed and approved by Villains Fanon Wiki’s Complete Monster Proposals Thread. Any act of removing this villain from the category without a Removal Proposal shall be considered vandalism (or a futile «heroic» attempt of redemption) and the user will have high chances of being |
This article’s content is marked as Mature Needlemouse found something very brutal for those with a weak heart. The page Sonic.exe (original) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic images which may be disturbing to some. Mature pages are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you’re 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
X, better known as Sonic.exe (sometimes stylized as Sonic.EXE), is the titular main antagonist of the infamous Creepypasta of the same name and its sequel Round 2.
He is an anomalous, interdimensional energy-based entity driven by an instinctive lust for destruction and pain. Becoming completely obsessed with enslaving the human race, X took the form of Sonic the Hedgehog and created a haunted copy of the original Sega Genesis game that acted as a portal separating his dimension from Earth. Since then, he’s been using his cult to pass down the game from victim to victim, hoping to one day use it to merge the two realms together and rule the human world and other worlds as a god.
In the video game adaptation of the story, he is voiced by SheyGrell.
“ | This Sonic was a monster, a pure evil, sadistic, all-powerful, nightmarish, demented monster… And all of his victims, including Tails, Knuckles, Robotnik and possibly Kyle, are just his little toys, and the game is the very gateway into his chaotic, nightmarish world and the very Hell his victims are trapped in. | „ |
~ Tom describing Sonic.exe. |
The personification and literal physical incarnation of insanity and evil itself, Sonic.exe is warped, vicious, sadistic, ruthless, heartless and incredibly cruel. An anarchist by nature, Sonic.exe strays from the original Sonic the Hedgehog’s jovial and heroic personality and instead being known for his unrelenting sadism and psychopathic nature, preferring to mentally torture and degrade his victims before robbing them of their souls and freedom. A literal and metaphorical monster, Sonic.exe’s overall goal is to conquer everything in sight no matter how many innocent lives he has to sacrifice in order to achieve what he wants. He takes sadistic pleasure in creating chaos and misery, as well as tormenting and abusing his victims, torturing them in their sleep by invading their dreams to warn them of his coming presence. Sonic.exe is also a master manipulator, as he was able to manipulate both Kyle and Tom into playing the game, as well as being the leader of the Cult of X, pointing to him being quite charismatic as well. However, he can use Sonic’s real form whenever he feels like to give his victims a false sense of security.
Sonic.exe’s primary weakness is his overall childish nature when faced with failure or concepts he disagrees with. His obsession with Sonic has gone as far as to make him despise others who dislike Sonic (though this is quite hypocritical since he dislikes Sonic when he does not act the way Sonic.exe wants him to). This supposed admiration for Sonic is not genuine however as he is only interested in Sonic’s acts of heroism rather than any true care for the hedgehog. On rare occasions has Sonic.exe demonstrated how violent and hostile he can be at times when he doesn’t get his way, often culminating in him throwing a violent, rage-filled tantrum due to not ‘winning’ his games. Sonic.exe is also incredibly egotistical, callous and arrogant. A complete narcissist who sees himself above everyone, Sonic.exe sees humans as disposable puppets he can manipulate and torture for as long as he likes simply because he wields the power to do so.
X was accidentally created in the void during a cataclysm involving multiple forms of primordial energy, indirectly creating a sentient mass of dark matter with two red eyes. The entity floated around the void for a while until he found a window to both the human world and Sonic’s world, in which he became fascinated with Sonic and shaped his body to match his idol’s appearance to store his energy. His first laugh (a la Kefka) gave the world the indication that this creature was evil incarnate. He escaped his birth place and created a world molded around the levels in the video games and started to scheme his plan of world domination.
The Sonic.exe Murders
The original Sonic.exe story centers on Tom, a young man who was a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, especially the older games. He claimed that he had not played any glitched or hacked games before, though he admitted that he did not want to after an experience he had.
He then proceeded to recount his experience, saying how he received a CD and an accompanying letter from his friend Kyle, begging him to destroy the disc before it’s «too late» and not to never play the game.
Ignoring his friend’s warnings, Tom played the game and began to encounter odd, somewhat disturbing phenomena, from a title card featuring an evil-looking Sonic with bloody eyes and glowing pupils with a wide smile to the presence of a file select screen similar to that of the one in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, with a red background and chilling music playing.
As he picked the only available character Tails and began the first stage titled «HILL ACT 1», Tom continued to find more evidence that there was something wrong with the game, namely the copious amounts of dead animals, all murdered in gruesome ways and eventually encountering Sonic at the end of the level, standing completely still and with his eyes closed.
When Tails attempted to get his attention during a cutscene by tapping him on the shoulder, Sonic’s eyes opened, identical to the evil Sonic on the title screen before cutting to black, with the message «Hello. Do you want to play with me?» In the next level, «HIDE AND SEEK», Tom witnessed Sonic chasing Tails, the former flying despite an inability to do so without a Super form, before disappearing, teleporting in front of the distraught fox and killing him and cutting to black. Tails screams as his throat is slit; a splash of blood is seen coming from his neck.
Shocked, Tom reads the next message, «YOU’RE TOO SLOW. WANT TO TRY AGAIN?». After playing as Knuckles and losing a supposed «boss battle» with Sonic, with Knuckles dying the same way as Tails, Tom decided to take a break from the game.
However, his rest was plagued by nightmares featuring the corrupted Tails and Knuckles, and the demonic Sonic, with him waking in a cold sweat. Returning to the game, Tom picked Dr. Robotnik from the file select screen and continued with the game.
At the end of the level, Sonic teleported in front of Robotnik, before the screen cut to red static. Then, a «autentic» image of Sonic appeared on the screen, with the words «I AM GOD!». This Sonic had bleeding black and red eyes, a very wide grin, and sharp bloodstained teeth. After the game ended, Tom turned around to find, to his utter horror, a bloodied Sonic plush doll on his bed. Tom’s fate is ambiguous (though the official sequel reveals that Tom committed suicide to escape from the entity using Sonic’s likeness). Kyle was likely Exe’s previous victim.
Alternate Timeline
Sonic.EXE has been adapted in different ways over the years, here are the most popular timelines.
2017 Reboot
Timeline of the old 2017 remake
- Main article: Sonic.exe (2017 reboot)
PC Port Timeline
Alternate timeline where Sonic.exe became Lord X
- Main article: Lord X
Timeline of MY5TCrimson
Alternate timeline of Sonic.exe from the 2013 game where Sonic.exe is a demonic entity.
- Main article: Sonic.exe (MY5TCrimson)
2021 Reboot
New Sonic.exe canonical restart, now known as Xenophanes
- Main article: Xenophanes
Original Stories
Game Version Exclusive
- He was created by JC the Hyena, who was inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King.
- In August of 2021, JC was exposed for predatory behavior towards minors alongside his ex-girlfriend, Shannon Love, whom he had emotionally abused and conditioned into believing his behavior was acceptable. Since then, both have relinquished their ownership to Astranomicon and JoeDoughBoi, the latter being the creator of Sonic PC Port while the former worked on a new canon.
- Prior to having his origins revealed, it was widely believed that in terms of the lore, Sonic.exe was a demon possessing Sonic the Hedgehog. This turned out to be false, however, as the two are canonically separate entities.
- It is also worth noting that Sonic.exe idolizes Sonic to the point of obsession.
- Sonic.exe’s favorite food is a bowl of meatballs with tomato sauce and sliced pickles. The pickles serve as side humor for his character since it was mainly based on Mr. Krabs’ description of a soul in the Spongebob Halloween Episode «Scaredy Pants».
- Sonic.exe hates Amy Rose with a fiery passion because he sees her as a threat to him having Sonic all to himself.
- He also dislikes anyone who likes Amy Rose as well.
- Though initially well received by the Creepypasta community, the story (along with Sonic.exe himself) has recently met a more negative critical reception, due to the overuse of horror clichés. YouTube channel MichaelLeroi read both the original and the sequel, giving both very bad reviews, in addition to both stories being removed from Creepypasta Wiki for «failing to meet quality standards» and moved to Trollpasta Wiki, which resulted in a slightly controversial reaction from J.C. The Hyena, the author of the stories, was also met with high criticism, which he has since retracted. The story and video feature heavy use of «hyper-realism» and overused shock value and jumpscares, which have become clichés and are now considered a no-no. Stories about «haunted games and videos» are no longer being accepted as a result, due to the typically negative reactions towards these Pastas.
- Sonic.exe is somewhat similar to the Super Sonic of Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic series, being a more powerful but evil, possibly demonic version of the character, though that Super Sonic was still Sonic (making him all that much scarier), whereas Sonic.exe is an entity taking Sonic’s likeness. He is also similar to «Dark Sonic» from the TV series «Sonic X», when Sonic becomes enraged and power-hungry.
- The amount of blood Sonic.exe cries has caused a faint rash under his eyes. It is unknown exactly why his eyes bleed.
- Despite what many think, the cause of Sonic.exe’s yellow teeth is one of the few side effects when his body was made. However, the blood on his mouth strongly implies that he eats the remains of his victims after taking their souls.
- A video of the «game» appeared on YouTube in 2012, with the «sequel» Sally.exe appearing about two years later.
- Although the player has some control over Knuckles, the game will auto-fail and result in each «playable» character’s gruesome demise. The corpses are shown behind TV static on the character selection screen, implying that Sonic.exe has corrupted and enslaved them.
- Even though Sonic.exe is incredibly strong and immortal, his real form is just as strong but weak in defense.
- There are many fan games that are based on him and many different variants. The most popular variation is Exetior, the alternate-reality counterpart of the original and titular main antagonist of the Sonic.exe: Nightmare Beginning series developed by JaizKoys. Another variation based on the original Creepypasta story appeared in the sequel of the bad ending with the name Sark, but these versions are normal demons (Exetior used to be one of the highest) while the real Sonic.exe (despite his similar abilities) isn’t a normal demon, he is a demon made out of Dark Matter created in the Void.
- On January 13th, 2017, the official Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account tweeted «Watch out for black cats today. No one is immune. #Friday13th», which featured a short video of Sonic transforming into Sonic.exe and the background turning into a bloody version of Green Hill Zone.
- This article was originally going to be in the Villains Wiki but was soon moved here.
- Sonic.EXE is set to appear in the 2023 fan animated film, Sonic Villains as an antagonist.
- His personality and character have undergone some change. Rather than being an obsessive and feral beast, he acts more like a tactical and poise supervillain. He’s also an actual .exe program instead of an extraterrestial.
- After JC was exposed, Crimson, developer of the 2013 Sonic.EXE game, disassociated itself from any connection to the lore made by JC, with the Sonic.EXE in its games now being a distinct entity.
External links
- Sonic.exe on the Pure Evil Wiki
У крипипасты и видеоигр были странные отношения за годы существования в Интернете. Между ними всегда был эффект чехарды, когда одно вдохновляло другое, и наоборот. Sonic.EXE — одна из тех сумасшедших интернет-историй типа «курица или яйцо», в которых всплыла крипипаста-версия любимого игрового талисмана и приобрела собственную известность, порождая новые фанатские творения. ;
До сих пор ведутся споры о том, что появилось раньше — крипипаста или отредактированный образ демонического Соника. В любом случае одно вдохновило другое, и вскоре родился жуткий мем. История, опубликованная где-то в 2011 году, рассказывает о проклятом или преследуемом CD-ROM, на котором было написано только «Sonic.EXE». Затем история гласит, что когда вы пытаетесь играть в игру, сначала она кажется нормальной, но что-то пойдет не так, и все станет демоническим. В частности, Соник на титульном экране превратится в знаменитую версию крипипасты с черными кровоточащими глазами, красными зрачками и острой ухмылкой. Оттуда история идет в предсказуемом направлении крипипасты, но этот образ Соника с годами стал культовым в Интернете. Естественно, у Демонического Соника есть неуклюжие цитаты, которые стали основными среди постеров крипипасты в Интернете, такие как «Я БОГ!» или «Привет, не хочешь поиграть со мной?» который он спрашивает Тейлза, когда впервые обнаруживает его в истории, или даже супер-трихард: «Ты слишком медленный. Хотите попробовать еще раз?»
Игра основана на Sonic.EXE
Of Конечно, если крипипаста получит известность, за ней последует игра. И это имеет вдвойне больше смысла, когда речь идет о крипипасте, основанной в первую очередь на игре. Фан-игра Sonic.EXE вышла в 2012 году, всего через год после оригинальной истории. В этой игре вы играете за некоторых известных персонажей Соника, пока они пытаются выжить против Демонического Соника. Несмотря на свое происхождение, это довольно приличная фан-игра сама по себе, и ее стоит попробовать хотя бы ради любопытства.