Как пишется стайлз стилински на английском

In Wolf Moon, Stiles went to the McCall House to inform his best friend Scott McCall about the body that the Sheriff’s Department had found in the woods, specifically the fact that they had only found half of it. He then insisted that Scott come with him to the Beacon Hills Preserve to try to find the body before his father, Sheriff Stilinski, and his men found it first.

While the two were walking through the woods, Stiles saw flashlights ahead of them, causing them both to duck down and size up the situation. Believing that someone else had found the bodies, Stiles leaped forward to check it out, leaving Scott, who was out of breath and needed to use his inhaler, struggling to catch up with him. Just as Stiles was caught by his father and forced to go home, Scott, who had stopped to try to find his lost inhaler, managed to find the other half of the dead female body before he was then attacked and bitten by an Alpha Werewolf, though Scott did not immediately know what animal bit him.

The next day, Stiles met up with Scott at school and expressed his excitement that Scott had found the other half of the body before he asked to see his bite, which Scott showed him. However, when Scott remarked that he thought he was bitten by a wolf, Stiles scoffed and said there hadn’t been wolves in California for decades.

Just then, Lydia Martin arrived at school and walked past them, and Stiles, who obviously had romantic feelings for her, tried to greet her, only to be ignored and rebuffed. Embarrassed, Stiles blamed this brush-off as being due to Scott «dragging him down to his nerd-depths.» At afternoon lacrosse practice, Stiles resumed his usual position of benchwarmer while try-outs went underway, and was both shocked and gleeful when he saw Scott’s uncharacteristically athletic display of kill on the field.

After practice, Scott and Stiles went back to the preserve to once again try to find Scott’s lost inhaler while Stiles questioned him on what caused his stellar lacrosse performance earlier. Scott admitted that his physical abilities and his senses seemed to be overwhelmingly heightened (to the point where he could even smell a single piece of mint-mojito-flavored gum in Stiles’ jacket pocket) before worrying aloud that his animal bite could be infected and causing his body to flood with adrenaline. Stiles jokingly pointed out that he thought he had heard of Scott’s condition before and informed him it was «lycanthropy.»

When Scott didn’t know what this meant, Stiles fake-howled like a wolf, before joking he’d need to melt down all of his silver into bullets in preparation for the full moon on Friday. They made it to the edge of the woods near the ruins of the Hale House, where they were confronted by a scowling young man who gruffly informed them that they were on private property. The boys nervously informed him that they were just looking for something, leading the man to throw Scott his inhaler before turning and walking away. Once Derek was out of earshot, Stiles reminded Scott that the man was Derek Hale, whose entire family had died in a fire several years earlier.

The next day, before lacrosse practice, Stiles excitedly ran up to Scott to inform him of the newest developments on the murder case, namely that the Sheriff’s department thought that the woman had been killed by a wolf. However, Scott was too amped up from his recent confrontation with Jackson Whittemore and his desire to make first line on the team to pay much attention to him. Stiles once again watched from the bench as Scott performed extraordinary gymnastic feats on the field and realized that something serious was truly happening to Scott. After practice, Stiles went home and immediately began doing research, both online and with various books, where he eventually learned more about lycanthropy and materials that could be used against Werewolves.

Stiles then called Scott to his house to explain what he had learned—namely, that Scott really had been turned into a Werewolf through the bite he received in the woods, and that both the full moon and strong emotions could trigger his bloodlust and violent tendencies. He then told Scott he needed to cancel his date with Allison Argent on Friday, which happened to be the night of the full moon, due to the risk caused by his impending first transformation.

When Scott, who thought Stiles was messing with him, was resistant to this advice, Stiles even tried to grab Scott’s phone in order to text Allison to cancel for him, which, just as Stiles predicted, caused Scott so overwhelmed by anger that he inadvertently pinned Stiles against the wall and nearly punched him. Realizing what he was about to do, Scott became horrified and let go of Stiles, apologizing briefly before running out of the room, visibly embarrassed and unsettled by this out-of-control behavior. Once he was gone, Stiles noticed several long claw gashes down the back of his desk chair and became even more concerned about his best friend.

Scott ultimately went to the party with Allison anyway, as did Stiles. As the full moon rose, Scott began to feel so sick that he was forced to leave the party, just as Stiles feared, though he luckily did so before he could harm anyone. When Scott rushed back to his house, he immediately took off his shirt and got into the bathtub, where he turned on the hot water in an attempt to make him feel better. However, when he looked in the mirror, he realized that he was starting to grow claws and fangs, and his eyes were turning gold.

Stiles arrived moments later and pounded on his bedroom door with his fist, insisting that he could help, but Scott instead told Stiles to go check on Allison, as he believed Derek, who had taken Allison home after Scott bailed on her, was the Werewolf who bit him and was putting her in danger. Stiles then rushed over to the Argent House, where Victoria Argent answered the door and listened to Stiles ramble awkwardly for a moment before revealing that Allison was perfectly fine and had returned home safely.

The next morning at sunrise, Stiles found Scott, who was still recovering from the events of the previous night and the effects of his first full moon, walking on the side of the road along the Beacon Hills Preserve and picked him up in his Jeep. When Scott lamented the fact that he likely screwed up his chances with Allison, Stiles, while agreeing that he would need an awesome excuse, still promised to help Scott through his new life as a Werewolf.

In Second Chance at First Line, Stiles found Scott panicking in the locker room before lacrosse practice and asked him what was going on, leading Scott to inform him that he had just learned that Allison’s father, Chris Argent, was the Hunter who shot him with an arrow on the full moon in the previous episode. Stiles was visibly unnerved by this information but assured him that Allison’s dad likely didn’t recognize him due to it being dark and Scott being transformed at the time, and suggested that they just focus on lacrosse practice for now.

However, after both Jackson Whittemore and Coach Finstock gave Scott a lot of grief on the field, his resulting anger caused Scott to start to shift on the field, forcing Stiles to rush him into the locker room while, unbeknownst to them, Derek Hale was lurking in the shadows of the nearby woods and watched them.

In the locker room, Scott fully transformed and tried to attack Stiles, who, at a loss for options, grabbed the nearby fire extinguisher and sprayed Scott with it to turn him back into human form. Scott once again was horrified by his behavior, and after Stiles informed him that he nearly tried to kill him again, he reminded his best friend that anger and an increased heart rate causes Scott to shift. He then insisted that Scott not play lacrosse until he learned control over his transformations, much to Scott’s disappointment.

That night, Stiles video-chatted with Scott on the computers in their respective bedrooms, where he became alarmed upon seeing Derek lurking in the dark corner of Scott’s bedroom. Though the slow internet connection caused Scott’s computer to freeze up, Stiles managed to briefly warn Scott of his presence before the older Werewolf lunged forward and confronted Scott about almost exposing himself (and, by extension, Derek) as a Werewolf in front of everyone.

In the hallway at school the next day, Stiles called Scott over and asked him to use his Werewolf hearing to eavesdrop on a conversation Sheriff Stilinski was having with their principal. When Scott informed him that Sheriff was instituting a curfew as a result of the body they found in the woods, Stiles scoffed at the fact that his father was too busy looking for a rabid animal to realize that it was actually Derek who was likely the killer, since both Scott and Stiles were still believed two things—that Derek had bitten and turned Scott into a Werewolf, and that Derek was the person who killed the still-unknown woman found cut in half in the woods.

After school, Scott called Stiles over to his house to inform him that when he went to seek Derek’s advice at the Hale House, he smelled blood, which caused him to think they may be able to find evidence that Derek was the killer at the ruins of his family’s home.

The two went to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, where Stiles stood guard while Scott sneaked into the morgue to get a scent off the body the deputies found in the preserve. While he was waiting, he saw Lydia Martin waiting for Jackson in the waiting room and struck up a conversation with her, admitting that he always felt like they had a connection and that it might be nice if they got to know each other. Much to Stiles’ embarrassment, Lydia was in the middle of a phone call on her Bluetooth headset and had missed everything that he had said to her. When she asked him if it was worth repeating, Stiles lost his nerve and said it wasn’t.

Moments later, Scott returned and told him that the scent on the body was the same as what he smelled at the Hale House, leading Stiles to wonder aloud if Derek had buried the other half of the body on his property. Stiles decided they needed to find evidence of this that they could use against Derek, but asked Scott if his motivation was out of a desire to stop a killer, or if he was just mad that Derek forbade him from playing lacrosse and wanted to get back at him. However, when Scott replied that there were bite marks all over the girl’s legs, Stiles determined that stopping Derek should be their priority before stating that they needed to find a shovel.

After nightfall, Stiles and Scott hid out near the Hale House and waited until Derek left in his Camaro before going over to the side of the house toward a recently-dug-up patch of earth. They immediately started digging, and after a few minutes, they found a burlap-covered bundle buried in the dirt that was tied up with twine. When Stiles finally untied the knots, they found, to their surprise, that there was actually the front half of a large wolf inside the bundle and not the top half of the female human body Scott found in the woods several nights earlier.

Stiles then realized that there was a purple flower planted nearby that he identified as a strain of wolfsbane and scoffed in exasperation when Scott neither knew what it was nor how it could negatively affect Werewolves. The plant was discovered to be tied to another length of twine wrapped in a spiral around the body, and when Stiles unraveled it, the front half of the dead wolf turned into the top half of the dead girl that Scott found in the woods, revealing that the dead young woman was a Werewolf as well, specifically one capable of fully-shifting into an actual wolf.

The next morning, Scott and Stiles watched Sheriff Stilinski and his deputies as they arrested Derek for the murder of the woman in the woods. When the deputies weren’t looking, Stiles sneaked into the front seat to talk to Derek; he first stated that he wasn’t afraid of Derek, but all it took was one scowl from Derek for Stiles to take back this statement. Stiles then pointed out that the girl he allegedly killed was a Werewolf like Derek and Scott, but, at the same time, she was also different since she could turn into a real wolf, which he knew Scott couldn’t do.

Instead of answering Stiles’ question, Derek retorted that Stiles was wasting his time worrying about him when he should be worrying about Scott, since if Scott transformed on the lacrosse field, it would end badly for all of them. Derek then went on to say that while its obvious that Scott won’t listen to him, he would listen to Stiles, and he insisted that Stiles talk him out of playing in the upcoming game.

Just then, Stilinski realized what Stiles was doing and yanked him out of the car before Stiles could question Derek further. When the Stilinski demanded to know how Stiles found the buried half of the missing body in the first place, Stiles lied and stated that they were out looking for Scott’s inhaler, not realizing until it was too late that he had just exposed his earlier lie in Wolf Moon, when he said that Scott wasn’t with him in the woods. Stilinski ordered Stiles to leave, so he quickly returned to his Jeep where Scott was waiting for him. While they drive back into town, Scott looked through Stiles’ books on Werewolves in an attempt to learn more about Wolfsbane, but was forced to stop when he suddenly became sick and woozy.

This discomfort led to Scott to lose his temper in response to Stiles’ general excitement about him being a Werewolf (a turn of events that Scott felt was a curse rather than a blessing) before he started to have an asthma attack, leading him to realize that he was feeling sick because Stiles had put the wolfsbane plant in his backpack, which was sitting on Scott’s lap. Scott then threw Stiles’ backpack out the window before opening the door and running away, leaving Stiles terrified that Scott was going to transform and possibly hurt someone. He frantically called the emergency dispatch to ask if there were any calls about wild animals roaming around, but the dispatcher sternly reminded Stiles that he wasn’t allowed to call in on a whim, per the Sheriff’s instructions, before hanging up.

That night at the game, Stiles reluctantly agreed to not give Scott grief for deciding to take his spot on first-line after all, though he did remark that he hoped Scott knew what he was doing. When Scott replied that he just wanted a semi-normal life, Stiles instructed him not to worry too much on the field to avoid transforming, which ultimately did little to help Scott’s nerves when he brought up the fact that Allison’s father, who was attending the game with Allison and Lydia, was a Hunter who wanted to kill him.

Near the end of the game, Stiles was on the bench when he noticed that Scott was starting to lose control and began to panic; however, when Scott heard Allison saying «You can do it, Scott,» in the stands, Scott was able to hold it together long enough to score the game-winning goal before rushing into the locker room to try to resist his transformation. During this time, Stiles was approached by his father at the end of the game, who seemed to have bad news.

After talking to his dad off-screen, Stiles rushed into the locker room several minutes later to find Scott kissing Allison, and waited politely until they were finished before approaching Scott. Scott, in his afterglow, excitedly explained that not only did Allison kiss him, but he was able to keep himself from shifting and believed that maybe being a Werewolf wasn’t going to be so bad. Stiles, not wanting to ruin Scott’s good mood, offered to talk to him later, but Scott insisted that Stiles tell him what was going on.

Stiles then grimly replied that the medical examiner was finally able to do an autopsy on the body after they found the other half, which led them to realize that the girl was killed by an animal, not a human. He went on to say that since, as far as the Sheriff’s department knew, Derek was a human and not an animal, they were forced to release him from jail, and, to make matters even more complicated, they were also able to learn the identity of the victim— Laura Hale, Derek’s older sister.

In Pack Mentality, Stiles met up with Scott at school in the morning, where his best friend told him about a dream he had about Allison in which he lost control over his transformation and violently mauled her to death. Though Scott stated he knew it was a dream, he insisted that it felt too real and wondered if it was a warning that he could lose control and rip her throat out during their date the next night. Stiles agreed that this could be the case, but complimented Scott on how well he was handling his transformation into a Werewolf, joking that there was no «Lycanthropy for Beginners» class that he could take to help him out.

This led Scott to realize that, while the class doesn’t exist, there was a potential teacher, and when Stiles figured out that Scott was talking about Derek Hale, he immediately reminded his friend that they got Derek tossed in jail for murder and that he doubted the fellow Werewolf would be willing to help him out. Just then, the two turned the corner to find that the bus Scott dreamed about the previous night, where the back door was wrenched off of its hinges, it was covered in smears of blood, and was surrounded by Sheriff’s deputies and police crime scene tape, revealing that Scott’s dream may not have been just a dream at all.

Stiles and Scott then made their way into the school, where Scott began freaking out that Allison may have truly been killed the previous night. Stiles assured him that Allison was likely just fine and that it must all be a coincidence, but Scott wasn’t so sure, as Allison hadn’t responded to any of his tests. The two then split up in hopes of finding Allison faster, and fortunately, Scott eventually bumped into Allison, proving that she was alive, though it only led to more questions about what really happened in the bus.

Stiles and Scott went to chemistry class, where they continued to unpack what they had learned about the attack on the bus. Stiles suggested that the blood they saw could have been animal blood, and when Scott questioned him, he added that maybe Scott ate a rabbit while he was prowling around. Mr. Harris then caught the two talking and forced them to sit on opposite sides of the room in hopes of getting them to focus. Unfortunately, this was quickly proven to be a pointless endeavor, as the class noticed the paramedics wheeling out a victim in the attack on a gurney through the window, revealing a man who was clearly mauled by an animal and who was so frightened that he began shouting at whomever could hear him.

At lunch, Stiles once again met up with Scott at a table to try to figure out what exactly happened last night and how Scott was involved. Stiles reassured Scott that it couldn’t have been that bad, since the man who was attacked was still alive, before asking him how he thought Derek could possibly help him with this problem. Scott pointed out that when he saw Derek on his first full moon, he was completely human, indicating that there was a way he could learn to perfectly control his Werewolf side as well.

Before they could discuss this further, Allison, Lydia, Jackson, and Danny sat down at the table with Stiles and Scott, preventing them from discussing the matter further. However, the group continued to gossip about the attack and their theories as to what happened, with Danny suggesting that the man was attacked by a cougar. Jackson argued that he heard the man was attacked by a mountain lion, only for Lydia to pipe up that a cougar is a mountain lion, leading everyone at the table to look at her curiously due to this surprisingly intelligent display, forcing Lydia to downplay her intelligence as part of her persona as a ditzy mean-girl. Stiles then got a news alert on his phone and read it to the others, revealing that the victim was named Garrison Myers, whom Scott recognized as a bus driver for the school. The topic of conversation was then changed by Lydia to Allison, Scott, Lydia, and Jackson’s plans for the next night, excluding Stiles and Danny from the discussion.

After lunch, Stiles called Scott out regarding his plans to go on a double date to the bowling alley, reminding him that he is a terrible bowler, a an argument with which Scott totally agreed. Stiles remained appalled at Scott’s attempt to ruin his chances with Allison before changing the topic of conversation to Danny, whom Stiles believed didn’t like him, causing him to worry that he is not attractive to gay guys. Scott, more worried about the «animal attack,» ignored Stiles in favor of rushing to work at the animal clinic.

That night, after Scott met with Derek, who advised him to go back to the scene of the crime and use his senses to remember what happened, he and Stiles went to the high school’s bus bay to investigate. Stiles balked when Scott asked him to be the look-out, pouting and remarking that it was starting to feel like he was Robin and Scott was Batman, but ultimately agreed to keep watch while Scott went into the bus. It was there that Scott had flashbacks to that night, where he realized that he had been called out in the middle of the night by another Werewolf, who was the one who attacked Garrison Myers while Scott tried to defend the latter, getting injured in the process, though it healed overnight.

When Stiles saw Sheriff’s deputy cruisers approaching the school, he frantically honked the horn of his Jeep to alert Scott of their presence. Scott quickly fled toward the Jeep and got in so Stiles could speed away before they were seen by the police. On their way home, Stiles asked Scott if their plan worked, and Scott explained what he saw, adding that he believed Derek was the other Werewolf that he was fighting.

Confused, Stiles wondered why Derek would tell Scott to do this if it would implicate him, but Scott stated that he didn’t understand it, either. Stiles assumed that killing together is a type of pack initiation but pointed out that since Scott didn’t give in, he’s not a killer; Scott was thrilled by the fact that this meant he could go on his date with Allison without worry, but Stiles was more relieved by the fact that Scott would not be killing him.

The next night, Stiles was in the process of climbing into Scott’s room through the window when Melissa McCall burst into the room, armed with a baseball bat. She was mid-swing when she realized the «intruder» was Stiles and stopped just before she could hit him, exasperatedly demanding to know what the hell he was doing there. Stiles, equally exasperated, asked her if she and Scott even played baseball, just as Scott returned home from his date.

When Melissa asked if either of them cared that there was a town-wide curfew, and when Stiles and Scott both answered «No,» Melissa rolled her eyes and declared she was going to bed. Once she was gone, Scott asked Stiles what was going on, and Stiles informed him that he just talked to his father, Sheriff Stilinski, who told him that Garrison had «succumbed to his wounds,» leading Scott to grimly realize that the victim was now dead.

In Magic Bullet, Stiles and Scott McCall were in class as Scott updated him on what he had learned the previous night during his fight with Derek Hale; namely, that Derek was not the Werewolf who turned him, nor did he kill his sister Laura Hale, and that the true culprit was a powerful Werewolf known as an Alpha (who ranked above Beta Werewolves such as Derek and Scott). Stiles immediately began peppering his best friend with questions, including «If Derek isn’t the Alpha, who is?», «Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?», and «Does Allison’s dad know about the Alpha?», but Scott doesn’t have any more answers than Stiles does.

When the classes tests were handed back and Stiles saw Scott’s uncharacteristically low score of a D-, he joked that Scott needed to study more before offering to help him himself. Scott revealed that he was planning on studying with Allison after school, and Stiles immediately takes this to mean they would be hooking up and insisted that Scott not squander his opportunity to get laid, as Stiles needed to live vicariously through him.

After school, Stiles was about to leave in his Jeep when suddenly, a pale, sickly-looking Derek (who had been shot with a Wolfsbane-laced bullet the night prior by Kate Argent) appeared in front of him to stop him, and Scott, who was about to ride his bike to the Argent House, rushed over to assist before anyone could see the three of them together.

When Scott demanded to know what he was doing there, Derek explained how he had been poisoned and he needed a special bullet of Kate’s to cure himself; since Derek had overheard that Scott was going to the Argents’ home, he insisted that Scott find the bullet for him. Scott immediately questioned this request until Derek reminded him that he was as good as dead if he died, which forced Scott and Stiles to help him. Derek was left in Stiles’ care while Scott headed to Allison’s house in search for the bullet.

Meanwhile, Stiles began driving Derek toward the Hale House, admonishing him for bleeding on his seats, but when Derek realized where they were going, he made it clear that he couldn’t go home, as he was too weak to defend himself and Hunters could easily come back for him there. Stiles, overwhelmed and frustrated, bluntly asked Derek if he was dying, and Derek implied that he would be if Scott couldn’t get him the «magic bullet» in time.

He then rolled up the sleeve to his injured arm, revealing that the wound itself was bleeding black blood and had darkened the blood vessels around it, a disturbing sight that nearly caused Stiles to vomit on him before ordering him to get out of the car. Derek threatened to rip his throat out with his teeth if he didn’t start the car and drive somewhere else, and though Stiles initially threatened to leave him for dead in the woods, he eventually did as he was told.

By the time Derek and Stiles made it to the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic to hide out, Scott had found the bullet they needed and discovered the wolfsbane inside was a rare form known as Nordic Blue Monkshood, forcing him to steal the bullet in order to cure Derek. Stiles watched in horror as Derek stripped off his shirt, revealing the blackened blood vessels were now traveling up his shoulder toward his chest, and began gagging nauseously as Derek made it clear that if it came down to it, Stiles was going to have to use a bone saw to amputate his arm if it meant saving his life.

When Derek began vomiting black blood, it became clear that his time was running out, and Stiles began panicking at the thought of cutting Derek’s arm off; fortunately for the human boy, Scott arrived with the bullet just before amputation became necessary, sparing Stiles the trauma.

Both boys watched as Derek passed out and dropped the bullet onto the floor, where it rolled into a vent, forcing Scott and Stiles to split up; Scott focused on retrieving the bullet while Stiles punched and slapped Derek over and over until he woke up. They then stood awestruck as Derek wrenched open the bullet with his teeth, poured the wolfsbane onto the table, burned it to ashes, and applied the ashes to his open wound, curing his infection, though the process was excruciatingly painful.

Afterward, Scott insisted that, since Derek now owed them a life debt, he had to leave them alone, going so far as to threaten to tell Argent everything if he didn’t comply, Derek was appalled that Scott would trust the Hunters over his own people and introduced him to his comatose uncle Peter Hale, who had been burned nearly to death in the Hale house fire set by the Argent Family (specifically Kate Argent).

In The Tell, Stiles was eating dinner with his father Stilinski in his cruiser, where the latter was complaining about Stiles’ rule against him eating curly fries. Suddenly, the police radio turns on with a dispatch report of a 1-8-7, or a homicide, at Video 2*C. Stiles accompanied Sheriff Stilinski to the scene of the crime and was surprised to find that Jackson Whittemore and Lydia Martin, who were renting a movie, were the witnesses to the murder, though his dad forbid him from getting out of the car.

The next day at school, Stiles was in chemistry class, where Mr. Harris began berating him for the fact that he was highlighting large sections of texts in his book. When Harris asked if anyone had seen Scott McCall, Stiles’ best friend, Stiles became concerned, but he was reminded of the murder that occurred the previous night once Harris assured Jackson that he could leave class if it became too stressful for him.

He then leaned over toward Danny Mahealani and asked him if Lydia was in homeroom, to which Danny answered in the negative. Stiles went on to ask if he knew what happened to Jackson and Lydia the previous night, Danny, not wanting to share his own best friend’s business, hesitantly replied that Jackson was too shaken up to tell him what he saw, which Stiles found difficult to believe. On a roll, Stiles asked Danny a third question—is he hot to gay guys?— and when Danny didn’t respond, he leaned over in his chair so far that he fell onto the floor.

Intent to figure out what really happened at the video store, Stiles went to the Martin House after school to visit Lydia Martin and see how she was doing after the ordeal. Her mother, Natalie Martin, walked into Lydia’s room and informed her that there was a «Stiles» there to see her, leading Lydia to mumble, «What the hell is a ‘Stiles?'», further confirming how little Lydia thought of him. Undeterred by Lydia’s behavior, Stiles looked at Natalie, who assured him that Lydia was just given medication for her nerves before leaving to allow them to talk.

When Lydia asked him why he was there, Stiles stated that he was only there to make sure that she was okay before asking her what it was that she saw the previous night. For a moment, she looked as though she was generally scared before slurring that she saw a mountain lion. After a few more attempts at questions, Stiles figured out that Lydia was just high on her medication and was parroting the police’s theory on the incident. Stiles was about to leave when Lydia flirtatiously asked him to stay, causing him to become overwhelmed by excitement at the thought of hanging out with his long-time crush.

However, when she leaned forward as though she was going to kiss him, she called Stiles «Jackson,» which was the final straw in Stiles’ attempt to win her over. Right as Lydia passed out, her phone beeped, and Stiles offered to get it for her; when he picked up her phone, he found the brief video Lydia got of the Alpha breaking through the glass windows while escaping following his murder of the cashier, Leveque.

Stiles immediately contacted Scott for advice on how to handle this, but since he had skipped school to spend the day with Allison Argent, his phone was turned off to ensure his full attention. Stiles ultimately decided to send himself the video and then delete it off of Lydia’s phone.

That afternoon, Stiles had returned to the Stilinski House, while he continued to try to get a hold of Scott as he paced around his room. He was soon interrupted by his father, Stilinski, who begged him to say that the evening’s parent-teacher conference was going to involve him learning Stiles had all A’s and no behavioral issues, but Stiles wryly stated that he shouldn’t get too optimistic. Once Stilinski left, Stiles, tired of waiting on Scott, decided to delete the video from his own phone.

In Heart Monitor, Stiles was sitting in class when Scott came to sit in front of him, but he remained silent, still upset with Scott for the fact that he saved Allison from being hit by a car that ultimately hit his father, Stilinski, instead. Stiles continued to give him the silent treatment even after Scott acknowledged that Stiles wasn’t talking to him, asked how his father was doing, and expressed his guilt for what happened to him.

Realizing that the only way to get Stiles to engage was to appeal to his sense of curiosity regarding the supernatural world and his distrust of Derek Hale by admitting that he was trying to get control over his lycanthropy and went to Derek for help. This caught Stiles’ attention, and he gritted his teeth before responding that if he was talking to Scott, he would say he was an idiot for trusting him before petulantly adding that he obviously wasn’t speaking to him. Scott, knowing Stiles would be unable to resist learning more about what happened, remained silent until Stiles finally broke down and asked him what Derek said.

Scott filled Stiles in off-screen, and they were seen walking down the hallway while Stiles processed this update. He was exasperated by the fact that Derek encouraged Scott to «tap into his animal side and get angry,» sarcastically adding, «All right, well, correct me if I’m wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone is usually me

Scott sighed and agreed with Stiles, stating that this was why Derek was unsure if he could even teach him to control it due to the difference between born and bitten Werewolves. Stiles asked how Derek planned to teach him, and Scott admitted that he wasn’t sure, and he didn’t think Derek even knew, either.

After learning that Derek planned to have another training session with Scott following his shift at the animal clinic that evening, Stiles decided that this would give him until the end of the school day to teach Scott how to control his lycanthropy himself, clearly not trusting Derek to be able to do so.

At lunch, Stiles teased Scott for his attempts to avoid Allison on Derek’s orders, which involved hiding behind a textbook at their table. When Scott asked if Stiles had a plan yet, Stiles stated that he did, leading Scott to ask him if this meant Stiles didn’t hate him anymore.

Stiles rolled his eyes and retorted, «No. But your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it. Plus, I’m a better Yoda than Derek.» Scott, nodding in agreement and told Stiles to teach him, and Stiles was unable to resist imitating Yoda («Your Yoda I will be!»), though he added that he still hated Scott for not understanding the reference.

During their free period, Stiles brought Scott onto the lacrosse field, where he instructed him to put on a heart rate monitor belonging to Coach Finstock, briefly bickering over the terminology as to how Stiles acquired it (Stiles originally said «borrowed,» which Scott assumed meant «stole» before Stiles corrected him once again with «temporarily misappropriated»).

Stiles explained that Coach used the device to monitor his heart rate when he ran and that Scott would be wearing it for the rest of the day so that Stiles could monitor his heart rate on Coach’s phone, which Stiles openly admitted to stealing.

Stiles went on to explain that whenever Scott’s heart rate increases, he «goes wolf,» such as when he’s hooking up with Allison, when he gets angry or overwhelmed during lacrosse practice, which led Stiles to believe that if Scott could learn to control his heart rate, he could control his transformations. Scott excitedly asked if this meant he was like the Incredible Hulk, which Stiles, clearly jealous, reluctantly agreed was true before insisting that Scott put on the heart monitor.

The test Stiles had devised seemed to also serve as a way for him to get a bit of payback against Scott for what happened to his father, as it involved duct-taping Scott’s hands together and launching lacrosse balls at Scott while he tried to keep his heart rate steady. After being hit several times, Scott finally started to transform for a brief moment, allowing him to break through the duct tape binding his wrists before falling to his knees and reeling himself back in.

Stiles, impressed, remarked that Scott had started to transform but didn’t complete it, and Scott admitted that not only did the anger cause the change, but it also felt as though the more angry he became, the stronger he became. Stiles reluctantly admitted that Derek was indeed right about how Scott will have to control himself, but Scott glumly stated that this meant he couldn’t be with Allison. Stiles assumed that this was because she made him happy, but Scott lamented that it was actually because she made him weak.

Back inside in the boy’s locker room, Stiles assured Scott that he would be able to stay away from Allison for a few days, but Scott pointed out the problem— was it just for a few days, or was it forever? Stiles scoffed and retorted that the «women make you weak»-thing was «a little too Spartan warrior for [him]» and suggested that maybe this was just part of the learning process. Scott replied that Derek was a total loner and wondered if this meant Scott could never be with Allison again, Stiles pointed out that if it meant Scott survived, it may not be a bad thing, though Scott insisted that he would rather be dead.

Stiles sighed and reassured Scott that he wasn’t going to end up like Derek and that they would figure it out before suggesting that they leave. Scott agreed, stating that something smelled terrible in the room anyway, leading Stiles to retort that something smelling gross in a boys locker room was not exactly a new occurrence. Scott insisted that this was something else, describing the scent as being like a rotting or dying smell, not realizing that he was picking up the scent of Jackson Whittemore, who was suffering from wolfsbane poisoning after being stabbed in the neck with Derek’s wolfsbane-coated claws. Magic Bullet«)

Stiles’ next class was economics, taught by Coach Finstock, which he shared with Scott and Allison, who sat next to him. He became concerned when Coach started berating Scott in front of the whole class for not doing the assigned reading despite having a D-average in the class.

As this went on for several long minutes, Stiles pulled out the phone he stole from the Coach and watched as Scott’s heartbeat increased nearly to the point where Scott normally began to transform. However, much to Stiles’ surprise, Scott’s pulse eventually began to slow down seemingly out of nowhere, and when Stiles looked over at him, he saw that it was because Allison had grabbed Scott’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly, causing him to realize the key to Scott’s control issues.

After class, Stiles informed him that he had figured it out—Allison was the key to Scott maintaining control over his lycanthropy. He then laid out the evidence: during Scott’s first full moon, when he was able to control himself out of a desire to protect her from Derek; during their first lacrosse game of the season, when Scott heard Allison’s voice, bringing him back enough to be able to score; and after the game, when he was able to change himself back before he saw Allison to ensure that he wouldn’t hurt her.

Scott wasn’t sure about this, pointing out that this didn’t seem to happen whenever they were fooling around, but Stiles argued that it was different, because during those times, Scott was «just another horny teenager thinking about sex» before admonishing him for beginning to think about sex at the sound of the word.

Stiles summarized his hypothesis by explaining that when Allison was holding Scott’s hand in the classroom, he was able to reign himself in, which led him to believe that Allison didn’t make him weak, she actually gave him control, making her like an anchor to his humanity.

Scott asked if this was because he loved her, and Stiles watched in amusement as Scott gaped in shock at the fact that Scott had said he was in love with her. Stiles then brought the subject back to the task at hand, bringing up the main problem to this theory—Scott can’t be with Allison every second of every day, so they need a plan to deal with his transformations.

When Scott asked what he needed to do, Stiles admitted that he wasn’t sure yet, but it was clear that he was already formulating a plan in his head as they spoke. Scott recognized the facial expression that indicated he had gotten an idea and asked Stiles two questions: «Is this idea gonna get me in trouble?» (to which Stiles said «maybe»), and «Is this idea gonna cause me physical pain?» (to which Stiles replied, «Yeah, definitely.»)

Stiles dragged Scott out into the parking lot, where he then began using the keys to his Jeep to scratch up the paint of a nearby truck. He then instructed Scott to stand right next to the car as he put the keys in Scott’s hands and hand him hold them up so it would look as though Scott did it.

Just as the owner of the car was walking out of the school, Stiles instructed Scott to think of Allison and try to find her voice, regardless of what happened. The owner of the car, a male student, confronted Scott and demanded to know what he did to his truck, eventually leading him and his friend to begin viciously assaulting Scott while Stiles watched and winced, once again getting slight enjoyment at the payback he was getting for Scott’s misdeeds against him. Stiles monitored Scott’s heart rate using Coach’s phone and held it up in satisfaction when Scott was able to find Allison’s voice and lower his heart rate to sixty beats per minute just as Adrian Harris appeared and broke up the fight.

Harris sentenced the two to after-school detention, where they were forced to sit in silence for thirty minutes before Scott sheepishly brought up the fact that he was supposed to be at work and didn’t want to get fired. When Harris said nothing, Scott quietly began putting together the pieces of Stiles’ plans throughout the day— he knew Scott would heal from the assault on him due to keying the truck, and that while this was meant to help him learn, it was also meant to punish him, which Stiles gleefully confirmed.

Scott sadly replied that Stiles was his best friend and that he couldn’t have him being angry with him, leading Stiles to assure him that he was no longer angry before getting to the point: «Look, you have something, Scott, okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things nobody else can do. So, that means you don’t have a choice anymore— it means you have to do something.» Scott nodded in agreement and assured him that he knew and that he would, just as Harris reluctantly allowed Stiles and Scott to leave detention.

When Scott arrived at work to find Derek interrogating a restrained Alan Deaton, he realized that Derek believed Deaton was the Alpha and demonstrated his new-found control when he stopped Derek from physically harming Deaton any further. He then immediately called Stiles, who wasted no time in pointing out that Scott’s plan to prove Deaton wasn’t the Alpha was a terrible idea.

Scott asked Stiles if he had a better idea, to which Stiles anxiously retorted, «Well, personally, I’m a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually, it just goes away…» before Scott instructed Stiles to ensure that they could get inside the school. When Derek arrived at the school with Deaton tied up in the trunk of his Camaro, Scott’s plan became clear—he intended to summon the Alpha through a howl, which would prove that Deaton was not the Alpha.

Inside the school’s administrative office, Stiles asked Scott what he planned to do if the Alpha showed up, and Scott sheepishly confessed that he didn’t know. Stiles went on to ask if summoning him meant that Scott was part of his pack, Scott stated that he hoped not, to which Stiles wholeheartedly agreed. Stiles turned on the PA system’s microphone and gave it to Scott, who tried his best to howl but sounded more like a cat dying, much to Derek and Stiles’ annoyance.

Stiles then began psyching Scott up, advising him to be a Werewolf, not a teen wolf, giving Scott the motivation he needed to roar loudly enough for anyone in town to hear them. When the two went back outside to meet up with Derek, Derek began berating them for not thinking through their plan when suddenly, the Alpha appeared behind Derek and clawed him in the back so severely that Derek began coughing up blood and appeared to be dead.

In Night School, Stiles and Scott ran into the school for safety after seeing the Alpha seemingly kill Derek right before their eyes. Now focused only on surviving this situation, Stiles made it clear that he now agreed with Derek that the Alpha was Alan Deaton, since he had vanished without a trace from Derek’s trunk just before the Alpha showed up to attack Derek.

Stiles then attempted to come up with a plan to get them out of there safely in his Jeep, but the Alpha, apparently listening to their conversation, replied by throwing the Jeep’s transmission through the window, landing on the floor in front of them in the hallway where they were sitting on the floor, under the windows and out of sight.
At a loss for other options, Scott and Stiles decide that their best course of action would be to hide in the locker room, since it has the least amount of windows. However, shortly after they took refuge there, they were terrified by the sound of footsteps approaching them and stuff themselves into nearby lockers to hide, only to be found by the janitor, who attempted to kick them out of the building, stating that they were not allowed inside after hours.

Meanwhile, Allison, Lydia, and Jackson arrive at the school looking for Scott, as he was meant to hang out with Allison and was over a half-hour late to their date, and Jackson, who was seemingly romantically interested in Allison, invited himself and Lydia along when Allison mysteriously received a text message to meet him at the school, not knowing that Scott’s phone had been stolen by the Alpha.

While this was going on, Stiles decided to use his keys as part of a trap to lure the Alpha into the boiler room, managing to successfully lock the Werewolf inside. However, though the Alpha was unable to get out through the thick metal door, he was able to break through the ceiling tiles by climbing into the crawlspace and getting back into the hallways.

In the parking lot, Jackson noticed Stiles’ «crappy car looked even more crappy than usual» and Lydia, already creeped out, insisted that she wouldn’t stay in the car if she was left by herself, as Allison had already gone inside to find Scott. The two then decided to go inside and find Allison to make sure she was okay, and when Lydia went into the restroom, Jackson saw the Alpha in the hallway, initially believing it to be Scott before it started walking on all fours.

Elsewhere in the school, Scott heard the sound of Allison’s cell phone’s ringtone and realized she must be inside and asked Stiles to use his phone to call her. They all end up meeting up together in the entrance hall, where Scott discovered that the Alpha had used his stolen phone to lure Allison (and, by extension, Jackson and Lydia) there, though he cannot tell anyone else this. This makes everything much more difficult when Scott and Stiles hear the Alpha in the vents above them and tell the others to run, but can’t explain why they’re in danger without exposing the supernatural to them.

They move into a classroom and start using chairs to cover the door so it can’t be breached, with everyone ignoring Stiles, who keeps trying to interrupt them until finally he shouts that while they did a good job locking the door, they should be paying more attention to the large row of huge windows behind them that are easily accessible.

Allison, Lydia, and Jackson all understandably have questions about what is going on and why they’re currently in so much danger, but since Scott can’t tell them the truth, they both struggle to come up with an effective lie until finally, left with no other options and assuming that Derek’s death makes it not matter either way, Scott informed them that they’re being pursued by Derek, stating that he is a serial killer and has been behind all of the recent murders and is trying to kill them now as well.

They then begin to argue over the merits of calling the police— Stiles doesn’t want to put his father, Sheriff Stilinski, in danger, and Scott doesn’t want any more people involved in this supernatural debacle, but the others don’t understand why they wouldn’t want the police to come back them up. Lydia ultimately ended up calling, only for the operator to inform her that they were already warned that prank calls about an attack on the school and hung up on her.

Concerned about finding a safe way out of the school, Stiles remembered that there was a door leading to a fire escape, but that it was locked, leading Scott to volunteer to get the keys off of the janitor’s body. Lydia decided to help out with weapons and made a self-igniting Molotov cocktail from the ingredients in the chemistry closet, but Jackson was the one handing her ingredients and was not paying close attention to what he was handing her.

Armed with the Molotov cocktail, Scott left the others in search of the janitor’s body by using his superhuman sense of smell to locate the janitor’s body, which he eventually found under the bleachers in the auditorium. He’s then nearly smashed when the bleachers start folding into the wall, forcing him to escape at the last moment and allowing him to be caught by the Alpha. When Scott threw the cocktail at him, it broke without exploding and did nothing to harm the Alpha, who jumped on him and roared at him with such force that Scott’s Werewolf eyes briefly flash red. Somehow, Jackson was able to hear the howl in the classroom, and the sound of it caused him to collapse on his knees, and the claw gashes inflicted on him by Derek in Magic Bullet began glowing.

The howl triggered some sort of violent impulse in Scott, but just as he was about to go into the classroom to attack his friends, he is stricken by flashbacks of his love for Allison that breaks him out of the Alpha’s control, causing him to break the key in the lock of the door so that they can’t escape and be harmed.

Suddenly, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, and Jackson heard police sirens and saw through the windows that police cruisers are filing into the parking lot.

When Stiles walked out of the school with his dad and Scott, the Sheriff asked Scott if he was sure that Derek was behind the killings. Still thinking Derek was dead, Scott nodded in agreement, and Stiles backed him up by saying he saw him as well. Both boys were confused when Stilinski informed them that the janitor’s body was not found where Scott said he last saw it and assured them that the deputies were still looking for it.

After the Sheriff went to talk to the others, Stiles admitted his pride for Scott in being able to outlast the Alpha’s machinations. Scott, having realized the point of this entire situation, explained that the Alpha could have killed them at any point during the night, but he didn’t, and he thought it was because the Alpha wanted Scott to kill his old «pack»— Stiles, Allison, Lydia, even Jackson— before joining his new one, which horrified Stiles.

In Lunatic, after learning that Scott made out with Lydia, Stiles takes pleasure in locking Scott up on the full moon. Alison’s father Chris Argent wonders whether or not Stiles is the second Beta they were hunting.

In Wolf’s Bane, Stiles helps Derek hide from both the police and the Hunters. He and Derek soon discover who the Alpha Werewolf is.

In Co-Captain, Stiles plies his dad with whiskey in an attempt to get him drunk enough to share information about the «animal attacks.» Stiles later helps Scott stop Scott’s mother Melissa’s date with Peter Hale, the recently revealed Alpha Werewolf who intended to turn her in order to gain Scott’s allegiance.

In Formality, Allison convinces Lydia to attend the Winter Formal as Stiles’ date. Stiles soon impresses Lydia by knowing how smart she really is and they dance. Not long after Lydia left to find Jackson, Stiles ran onto the lacrosse field to find Peter had viciously mauled and bitten Lydia. He begs Peter not to kill her, and Peter forces him to help him find Derek in exchange for Lydia’s life.

In Code Breaker, Stiles helps Peter find Derek. Peter offers him the Bite but Stiles refuses. Stiles and Jackson team up to help Scott but are stopped by Chris Argent, who questions them. Arriving at the Hale House in the middle of Scott’s fight with the Alpha, Stiles tosses a Molotov cocktail at the transformed Peter, which Allison shot with an arrow to ignite it. When Peter shifted back to human form due to the pain of being burned over his entire body, Stiles, Scott, Allison, Jackson, and Chris watch in horror as Derek claws out Peter’s throat and becomes the new Alpha.

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In The Last Chimera,

In Damnatio Memoriae,

In Codominance,

In The Sword and the Spirit,

In Amplification,

In Lie Ability,

In A Credible Threat, Stiles is driving in the Jeep with Scott and Liam when they get word from Chris Argent that Jordan Parrish had gone into Hellhound-mode and was on the move. They then drove to the high school, where they met up with Chris, who informed them that he had lost track of Parrish because he was moving too fast. When Liam saw a mauled teenager in the distance, Stiles, Scott, and Chris followed Liam through the catwalk, where they tracked the spilled blood on the ground to the bus bay where dozens of teenagers had been mauled to death.

One of the students, a young man, pleaded for help, but when they tried to help, Parrish (whose body was in the control of Cerberus) appeared and told them to stand down, as the young man was beyond saving. Just then, the man’s body was ripped in half, and Stiles, Scott, Liam, and Chris all looked horrified when they saw that the Beast of Gevaudan was in the bus with his victim. Stiles instantly backed away and claimed that the others never told him how big the Beast was, but Liam insisted that he did as they watched the Beast take off for the woods with Parrish/Cerberus chasing after him.

The next day at school, Stiles met up with Scott, Liam, and the recently recovered Lydia in the library, where they discussed what they had learned about the Beast, both due to their experience the previous night and Mason Hewitt’s recent theory that the Dread Doctors have been using frequencies to force the Beast to shift. Stiles listened as Scott explained his theory that the frequencies weren’t just to get it to shift, but to also help it get stronger and remember more and more about who it really is, which led Liam to suggest that the fact that Parrish had been fighting it at night had increased the Doctors’ urgency.

Stiles then revealed that they had one clue as to the identity of the Beast’s vessel, which was the sneaker print that had been left behind at the hospital in The Sword and the Spirit. However, though Stiles added that it was only a partial print, which meant they couldn’t determine what brand of shoe the person was wearing, there was only one shoe out there with Parrish’s blood on the sole. The likelihood that the TV news vans at the charity lacrosse game that night would trigger the Beast’s transformation led Stiles and the others to decide that they should really try to get the game cancelled in hopes of preventing more deaths.

This led Stiles to visit Sheriff Stilinski at the Sheriff’s station, where he pleaded with his dad to cancel the game. However, the Sheriff insisted that he didn’t have the authority to cancel the game without evidence of a credible threat, since, as a charity game that raised thousands of dollars for the school, it was an important event. After Stiles argued that the Beast causing the deaths of hundreds of people was actually an incredible threat, Sheriff stated that he would double the amount of deputies in attendance before suggesting that Stiles find Coach Finstock, who had been in rehab for months, in hopes that he could forfeit the game for them.

Scott and Stiles then went to the Stepping Stones Rehabilitation Center, where they found Coach Finstock sitting as though he was catatonic on the couch. Stiles reminded him that he was in rehab, not in the hospital with a lobotomy, but was unable to rouse Coach until he tried to move one of the checkers on the board in front of him. When Scott brought up the fact that they knew Coach was fine, Stiles looked appalled as Coach remarked that he had an extreme phobia of being shot in the stomach with an arrow and claimed it was a legitimate medical condition. Stiles only became more exasperated when Coach confessed to having exaggerated the seriousness of his alcoholism each month when he was about to be discharged so that they would continue to allow him to stay there.

When the boys begged him to come back to work so he could coach the lacrosse game, Coach immediately refused, claiming that charity games were meaningless and mocking the fact that the charity in question was to raise money for cancer research. He went on to insist that there was no way he would ever coach at Beacon Hills High School ever again, but when Scott and Stiles informed him that they didn’t need him to coach, just to forfeit, he seemed to change his tune.

That night, Stiles, Scott, Liam, Malia and Kira gathered in an empty classroom before the lacrosse match to discuss their plan for that night. After Scott detailed the fact that Mason and Corey would be searching the Devenford Prep bus for clues as to whether the Beast’s Chimera host was one of the players while Malia disabled the cables on the TV news vans, Stiles explained that Coach Finstock would be forfeiting the game before the whistle, and that the rest of them would be keeping an eye out for a size 10 shoe with Parrish’s blood on the sole.

When Malia worried that the plan could fail and pointed out that Scott was still healing from Theo’s attempt to kill him, Scott lifted up his shirt and revealed that he had healed as soon as Lydia was rescued from Eichen House and the pack was reunited. Stiles looked extremely relieved by this news, and nodded in agreement when Scott insisted that since the Beast didn’t have a pack like they do, they were going to make sure that no one else got hurt that night.

Right before the referee was about to blow the whistle before the game, Stiles approached Coach Finstock and reminded him that he needed to forfeit the game, Coach just ignored him and pointed out that he had never forfeited a game and never would, revealing that he was going to allow the game to go on as scheduled. Though Stiles was concerned about this change in plans, Scott insisted that they would just have to adapt and tasked Stiles with helping Lorilee Rohr look for a bloody size 10 shoe in the stands while Scott, Kira, and Liam kept an eye on things on the field.

Stiles walked to the parking lot to update his dad on what was going on and suggested that maybe they call in a bomb threat, but after Sheriff Stilinski reminded him what happened during a similar threat at the airport several weeks earlier, Stiles realized it would just attract more media to the scene and changed his mind.

While Stiles was checking everyone’s shoes in the stands, he realized that his classmate, Sydney, seemed to be wearing a black pair of Chuck Taylor high-tops that could be the ones they were looking for, but when he tried to get a better look, she inadvertently kicked him in the head and briefly knocked him unconscious. While Malia was disabling the cables on the news vans, she was interrupted by her mother, the Desert Wolf, who tried to figure out why Malia was so intent on saving everyone from the Beast and eventually determined she was trying to protect her ex-boyfriend Stiles, leading Malia to worry that her mother would try to kill him to get to her.

Despite Malia’s best efforts to disable the vans, the frequency still ended up being released, causing the Beast to transform and descend upon the crowd. When Liam saw it, he became intent to try to take it down himself, and when he started running toward it with his gold Werewolf eyes glowing, Stiles tried his best to stop him, to no avail.

In Maid of Gévaudan, Stiles, along with Hayden, helped bring Liam into the school, where they laid him on top of a desk in an empty classroom so they could treat the serious wounds he sustained from his battle against the Beast of Gevaudan. Hayden, horrified by the fact that Liam’s chest had been ripped open and that he was writhing in pain on the desk, frantically asked what the pack usually did in situations like this. However, Stiles, who was starting to get woozy, retorted that he usually passed out, and when he saw Hayden removing the bloody and shredded remains of Liam’s jersey to look at his wounds better, he added that he still might do so.

Hayden exasperatedly snapped at him to get himself together, so Stiles steeled himself before pointing out that Scott had taught him that pain keeps shapeshifters human, a tip of which Hayden seemed extremely skeptical due to the immense amount of pain Liam was already experiencing. Fortunately, Stiles’ comment did cause Hayden to remember how Liam used his werewolf powers to take her pain through a kiss, and since Hayden was a part-werewolf Chimera, she tried to do the same. Stiles looked shocked when he saw that Hayden was able to completely take Liam’s pain through a kiss in the exact same way, and once Liam had quieted down thanks to her pain relief, Stiles joked that next time, he would just kiss Liam, which made her laugh.

In The Beast of Beacon Hills, Stiles went with Liam, Kira, Malia, and Braeden to the McCall House after the battle with the Beast at the high school so that they could get the extremely-injured Scott home in order to heal. Stiles went into Scott’s bedroom to check on him and found Scott and Kira kissing goodnight before Scott got the rest he needed in order to heal, and when Kira turned around and saw Stiles, she nodded in a silent confirmation that everything was okay, leading Stiles to shut the bedroom door to give them some privacy.

In the hallway, he was approached by Braeden and Malia, where Braeden insisted that Malia tell Stiles what was going on. Malia then hesitantly informed Stiles that she believed her mother, the Desert Wolf, was not only trying to kill her but was also trying to kill Stiles as well, which understandably concerned Stiles. However, when Stiles suggested that he should have a gun with which to defend himself, Stiles and Malia looked over at Braeden, who immediately insisted that she would not be giving Stiles a weapon.

After Stiles reminded her that both Braeden and the Desert Wolf, who was trying to kill him, had guns, Malia gave Braeden a look that led her to sigh and agree to his request. Unfortunately for Stiles, this agreement came with a test, which involved Braeden removing the clip from her spare Sig Sauer 9mm before tossing it toward him, and instead of simply catching it, Stiles comically fumbled with the gun for a long few moments before he accidentally dropped the gun on the ground. After Braeden gave him a look that said, «I told you so,» Stiles reluctantly agreed that he should probably not have a gun.

The next morning, Stiles, Malia, Kira, Liam, and Lydia gathered around the table to discuss their current issues while they waited for Scott to wake up, the most important of which involved locating Mason Hewitt, who they had just learned the previous evening was the host for the Beast of Gevaudan. Stiles informed them that his dad had an APB out for Mason before Scott, now fully healed, joined them and added that his mother could check the rest of the hospitals in the county.

When Lydia asked where else they could look for Mason, Stiles and the others were shocked when Scott replied that they should ask Corey before yanking him seemingly out of thin air, revealing that Corey had been using his supernatural camouflage powers to spy on them their entire conversation. With Corey’s confession that the Dread Doctors had knocked him out and taken Mason, Stiles and the others immediately put their plans into action.

Stiles and Lydia went back to the Sheriff’s station to discuss their next move with Sheriff Stilinski, where Stiles admitted he had yet to receive any news from Scott and Liam, who had contacted Theo Raeken and Tracy Stewart, as they believed they were desperate enough to be able to use their help if they had any. When Lydia asked him if he was sure that working with Theo and Tracy was a good idea, Stiles pointed out that no one thought it was a good idea.

Sheriff seemed surprised that they were willing to trust Theo after everything he had done, but Stiles insisted that they were simply using him, though he did acknowledge that Theo using them in return was probably a given. Stiles went on to tell them the rest of the plan so far, which included stationing pack members and allies at any location where Mason could show up: Braeden and Malia at the McCall House, Melissa at the hospital, and Hayden and Corey at the school.

Later that afternoon, Stiles was seen comically running into the door to his father’s office just as Lydia was on the phone with Malia, who insisted she should be there to ensure that Stiles was safe, though Lydia assured her that Stiles would be fine despite his clumsiness. Stiles went on to nap in the office until Lydia came in and waked up him by poking him in the forehead, causing Stiles to flail upright and ask who died, though Lydia informed him that no one had… yet. They both checked their phones to make sure that they hadn’t missed any calls or texts, but when they realized that they had yet to be updated by anyone else, they both sighed impatiently.

Lydia, noticing Stiles’ anxiety, asked him if he was okay, which led Stiles to admit that he was still trying to figure out how Mason could have been the Dread Doctors’ success since he wasn’t even on the genetic chimera list. Just then, Melissa arrived and informed them that he was now because she had gone through Mason’s medical records and learned that he was born with twin embolization syndrome, much to Stiles’ shock and confusion, meaning that Mason absorbed his twin in utero, giving him two sets of DNA. Stiles then called Malia to warn her about what they had just learned, though the arrival of the Desert Wolf kept her from doing anything about it.

In Apotheosis, Stiles came to the animal clinic to talk to Alan Deaton and get his help with Mason being the vessel for the Beast of Gevaudan and having transformed into Sebastien Valet, the original Beast. When Stiles asked him if this was his area of expertise, Deaton grimly informed him that it wasn’t exactly, but before they could discuss it further, Scott and Liam arrived with The Surgeon, who had been badly wounded by Mason/the Beast.

When they started to discuss what to do with the Dread Doctor, Scott insisted that they needed to keep him alive, while Liam was more interested in interrogating him. Stiles was more in favor of Liam’s idea and pointed out that they don’t utilize torture enough, but their discussion was interrupted by Sebastien’s arrival. When they heard Sebastien summoning The Surgeon to him, the Dread Doctor bolted upright despite his injuries and used his powers to create a frequency to incapacitate Deaton, Stiles, Scott, and Liam before walking out of the exam room. He then used his electromagnetic powers to turn all of the metal furniture in the room into an electrified barrier in front of the door so they couldn’t follow him, though it only held until The Surgeon informed Sebastien about the Argent’s pike and subsequently died.

Stiles and the others then began to discuss their current predicament once again, including the fact that Mason was a genetic chimera due to having a vanishing twin in utero. When Deaton insisted that, though the Chimeras broke many of the rules of the supernatural, there are some rules that won’t break, which meant that Mason must still exist in some form, whether it was simply DNA, energy, or a flicker of a memory.

This led Stiles to remember that Liam had mentioned Mason’s last words before he turned into Sebastien, and Liam explained that Mason had said: «That’s not my name.» Scott and Stiles realized that this was due to Sebastien’s punishment of damnatio memoriae, which forced the Beast to remember his true identity before Mason could become Sebastien. When Deaton reminded them of the myth of what happened to werewolves who were called by their Christian name, Liam seemed skeptical that one of them could just call Sebastien «Mason» to turn him back, but Stiles pointed out that it couldn’t just be anyone—it had to be Lydia, due to her Banshee powers.

Stiles tried to text Sheriff Stilinski to let him know what he and the others had figured out, but Sheriff was too busy dealing with a confrontation with Sebastien at the Sheriff’s station. It was during this confrontation that Sebastien lunged for Lydia, who was able to use her Banshee scream to throw him backward, but whose throat was still cut by Sebastien’s claws in the process. Sometime later, Stiles went to visit Lydia at the hospital and squeezed her hand. When she awoke, she weakly asked Stiles if they found a way to save Mason, and Stiles sadly admitted that they did and that it was her, though the fact that her voice had been affected by her injuries made it unlikely that it would work at this point. However, after Scott listened to a pep talk voicemail message Kira left for him, he got an idea on how to make their plan work.

Stiles, Scott, and Liam were with Lydia in her hospital room when Melissa McCall entered with a syringe in her hand and insisted that they needed to keep this procedure between them since she could get fired for it. Scott explained that they were going to give Lydia a cortisone injection to relieve the inflammation in her vocal cords, but when Melissa uncovered Lydia’s neck wounds and indicated she would have to inject the cortisone into her throat, Stiles immediately became woozy and insisted that he needed to leave. However, when Melissa ordered him to stay and hold Lydia’s hand while she gave her the shot, Stiles relented, though he warned her that he may still pass out. Despite Stiles’ warning, he managed to stay conscious through the procedure, though the same could not be said about Liam.

Stiles, Scott, and Liam helped Lydia out of her room and down to the ground floor to prepare to locate and save Mason. However, Scott pulled a package wrapped in brown paper and handed it to Stiles before instructing him to make sure Malia got it. When Stiles asked him if it was Plan B, Scott stated that it was actually Plan A and assured him that it would be successful when Stiles argued that Plan A never worked. Stiles rushed to the McCall House, but as soon as he walked through the door, the Desert Wolf instantly aimed her gun at him, causing him to mutter, «Oh, damn…» before Malia, concerned about Stiles, jumped in and began fighting her mother to ensure that Stiles remained safe, eventually tackling each other and smashing the glass coffee table in the living room. When Stiles saw the Desert Wolf going after Malia, he angrily jumped over the couch to try to attack her, but she easily threw him onto the ground, where a large shard of glass impaled him in the shoulder.

He watched in horror as the Desert Wolf shot Malia repeatedly in the abdomen to weaken her, and as Malia was cornered by her mother, Stiles quietly shouted at her to get her attention before throwing the package Scott gave him earlier, which was the jar that contained Belasko’s talons. Just as the Desert Wolf sneered that it was close enough to the full moon to kill Malia and take her powers back, Malia slipped the talons onto her fingertips so that once her mother impaled her in the stomach with her claws, Malia could return the favor. Once Malia stole the Desert Wolf’s powers, Braeden appeared and knocked her out, Stiles looked relieved and gave them a moment to take a breather before anxiously asking them if they could help him get the shard of glass out of his chest.

Once the Desert Wolf was locked up, the Beast was killed, and Mason was returned to his normal self, Stiles went to visit Sheriff Stilinski at the Sheriff’s station. Sheriff was very proud Stiles’ role in helping save the town and pointed out that helping his friends and fellow citizens must have felt pretty good, and though Stiles said it did for a while, he admitted that it didn’t really last. This led Sheriff to suggest that if Stiles wanted to continue feeling good about making a difference, then he would thrive in his future career in law enforcement, implying that Stiles would be joining the police force after he graduated high school.

Some time later, Stiles and Lydia were talking in the hallway at school while they were walking toward the library when Lydia brought up the fact that Kira, who had returned to Shiprock to be trained by the Skinwalkers, would have to return, since she still needed to graduate. Stiles admitted that he didn’t know for sure, but that it didn’t matter, because despite how worried he had been so far in senior year about everyone ending up in the same place after graduation, he knew that regardless of what happened, they would end up finding each other, just like they always do.

He then brought up the fact that even Allison continued to help them, which confused Lydia and led him to realize that she didn’t know the full story of Scott’s survival against Sebastien/the Beast. Stiles went on to explain that Sebastien had choked Scott with his hand and accidentally impaled his claws in spine, which allowed him to see Scott’s memories; since Scott was afraid that he was about to die, his mind flooded with memories of Allison, which shocked Sebastien due to Allison’s resemblance to his sister, Marie-Jeanne Valet, the very first Argent Hunter. Sebastien was so stunned by Scott’s memories that he let go of Scott, allowing him to finish the Beast off for good.

Lydia brought up the fact that Allison and Marie-Jeanne must have looked similar, or possibly identical, and Stiles agreed before insisting that Allison saved Scott’s life. Stiles and Lydia then joined Scott in the library, where they sat together at a table and studied, leaving a seat open to the spirit of Allison, who was gone but not forgotten.

My favorite character Stiles Stilinski. He is from the TV series teen Wolf. His real name is Dylan Obrien.Stiles is very beautiful. He has Kariyas eyes. Hair color is dark. Stiles kind. He is very smart. But sometimes clumsy . Stiles always tells the truth. He is a brave . I could trust him

P.S тоже люблю этот сериал :3

Для меня это Больше, чем просто Чувство вины. Такое чувство, как будто я что-то потерял… И это уже не Вернуть…

№ 434912   Добавил MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 07:06

— Стайлз, это всегда будет с тобой, ты часто будешь чувствовать себя как-то не так, Пока не перевернёшь чашу весов.
— Это как же?
— Когда вместо того, чтобы забрать Жизнь, тебе удаётся её спасти.

№ 434909   Добавил MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 06:57

— А Если я скажу, что хотел его смерти?
— Я бы поверил. А ещё я знаю, что хотеть кого-то убить, и убить — это совсем не одно и то же.

№ 434908   Добавил MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 06:54

— Стайлз, я не смогу Тебя защитить, Если не буду знать правду. Ты Правда считал, что Мне не стоит рассказывать?
— Я никому не мог рассказать.
— Ты думаешь, я бы не поверил, что это была Самооборона?
— А если не была? А если я скажу, что хотел его смерти?
— Я бы поверил. А ещё я знаю, что хотеть кого-то убить, и убить — это совсем не одно и то же.
— А что, если судья так не думает?
— Тогда к чёрту судью! Стайлз, это была самооборона! И я бы, уничтожил любое Доказательство, опровергающее это! Я бы спалил полицейский участок до тла!
— А как же соблюдение закона? А как же Кира?
— С Кирой я допустил ошибку. Похоже, я начинаю с большим пониманием относиться к происходящему.
— И что? Всё вот так и закончится?
— Не для тебя. Проблема в том, как ты будешь нести это Бремя. Такого рода Вещи — не редкость в правоохранительных органах. Роковые Ошибки… напарник, который умирает… или становится парализованным… Стайлз, это всегда будет с тобой, ты часто будешь чувствовать себя как-то не так, Пока не перевернёшь чашу весов.
— Это как же?
— Когда вместо того, чтобы забрать Жизнь, тебе удаётся её спасти. И такое может помочь, возможно, всего на Мгновение, но настоящая Борьба Сейчас происходит между твоей головой, и твоим сердцем. Головой… Головой ты понимаешь, что только совершив Преступление, ты смог выжить. А вот сердцем… Ты думаешь, что это Было Убийство. Поэтому, я предлагаю тебе Слушать своё Сердце, чтобы понять голову.
— Для меня это Больше, чем просто Чувство вины. Такое чувство, как будто я что-то потерял… И это уже не Вернуть…
— Так и Есть… Но не совсем… Хоть немного, но ты вернёшь себя, если простишь себя. Если тебе удастся это сделать, то возможно, ты научишься прощать и остальных. Возможно, кто-то в этом очень нуждается.
— Кто-то как Скотт…

Пояснение к цитате: Шериф узнает, что обороняясь, Стайлз случайно убил Донати Донована.

- Стайлз, я не смогу тебя защитить, если не буду знать...

№ 434907   Добавил MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 06:51

Когда тонешь, ты стараешься не вдохнуть воду до тех пор, Пока не начнешь терять Сознание. Это называется «добровольное апноэ». Неважно, насколько ты сумасшедший, Инстинкт, не позволяющий воде попасть внутрь, так силен, что ты борешься, пока мозги не закипят от удушья. Тогда, когда ты наконец вдохнешь, Боль прекратится. Больше не будет страшно. Это Один из видов умиротворения…

Пояснение к цитате: Стайлз на приёме у психолога

№ 434443   Добавил Viker 26-01-2022 / 18:36

— Ты же знаешь, что они проверяют, да? Это называется височно-лобной деменцией. Отдельные участки мозга начинают сжиматься. У мамы так Было. Это Единственная Форма слабоумия, которая возможна у подростка. И это не лечится.
— Стайлз, Если у Тебя это найдут, мы что-нибудь придумаем. Я что-нибудь придумаю.

№ 402852   Добавил MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 15:45

— Когда Дверь — не дверь?
— Когда приоткрыта.

№ 402851   Добавил MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 15:42

— А ты знаешь Загадки, Стайлз?
— Немного.
— Что становится Больше, чем больше у неё отбираешь?
— Дыра.
— Что становится более мокрым, чем больше ты высыхаешь?
— Полотенце.
— Когда Дверь — не дверь?
— Когда приоткрыта.
— Это у всех Есть, но Никто не может потерять. Что это?
— Я не знаю!

№ 402850   Добавил MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 15:39

— Это открывает двери по периметру, это от хранилища улик, а это от кабинета моего отца.
— Ты же их не украл, да?
— Нет. Я их скопировал, с помощью эмулятора.
— А разве это не хуже кражи?
— Это умнее.

Пояснение к цитате: Скотту и Кире нужно пробраться в полицейский участок. Стайлз передаёт им ключи.

№ 402840   Добавил MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 15:09

— И что значат Эти цветные нитки?
— Это просто Разные этапы расследования. Зелёные — это раскрытые, жёлтые — расследуются, а синие просто красиво.
— А красные?
— Не раскрытые.
— Так тут одни красные.
— Да, я знаю, Спасибо.

№ 402839   Добавил MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 15:06

— Мы пришли поговорить.
— О, вот это что-то новенькое! Обычно же вы издеваетесь, колечите и убиваете.

№ 402837   Добавил MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 15:00

— Короче, Есть четверо.
— Четверо подозреваемых?!
— Да, хотя сперва Было десять… Вообще-то девять, просто я Дерека два раза посчитал.

№ 402268   Добавил MegaMozg 10-08-2020 / 00:30

Видишь, в этом-то и Проблема. Тебя не волнует, что ты можешь пострадать. А знаешь, что я чувствую? Я опустошён! И Если ты умрёшь, я буквально сойду с ума. Пойми, Смерть не случается с тобой, Лидия, Она случается со всеми вокруг тебя, понятно? Со всеми людьми, которые стоят на твоих похоронах, которые пытаются понять, как им Жить остаток Жизни, уже без тебя!

№ 401908   Добавил MegaMozg 02-08-2020 / 03:21

— Если Речь идёт о выживании, разве немного мучений не стоят того?
— А если становится только хуже? Что Делать, если Эти временные Муки потом превратятся в настоящий ад?
— Тогда вспомни Слова Уинстона Черчилля: «Когда идёшь через ад, не останавливайся».

№ 401886   Добавил MegaMozg 02-08-2020 / 01:18

— Я не должна никому рассказывать.
— Да ладно. Обычно тот, Кто говорит: «Я не должен никому рассказывать», ужасно хочет кому-нибудь рассказать. Так что расскажи Мне.

№ 401875   Добавил MegaMozg 01-08-2020 / 21:54

Материал из Циклопедии

Актёр Дилан О’Брайен
Первое появление 01 сезон 01 серия
Последнее появление 6 сезон

20 серия

Мечислав (Стайлз) Стилински — главный герой телесериала «Волчонок» и лучший друг Скотта Маккола. Вес 147 фунтов.

[править] Биография

Отец Стайлза — шериф Ноа Стилински, мать — Клаудия Стилински. Умерла, когда Стайлзу было 10, и из-за болезни винила его, поэтому Стайлз считает себя виновным в её смерти.

С 1 класса был влюблен в Лидию Мартин. Он единственный, кто знал, какая она на самом деле.

На момент 4 сезона встречается с Малией Тейт. Но в середине 5 сезона расстается с ней по неизвестным причинам.

На момент рассказа Стайлзу 16 лет, он непопулярный ученик, сидит на скамейке запасных игроков в лакросс.

[править] 1 сезон

Стайлз, прослушивая телефонные разговоры отца, узнает, что в лесу была найдена половина расчленённой девушки, и предлагает своему лучшему другу Скотту отправиться её искать. В результате Скотта кусает странное животное, похожее на волка, в результате чего Скотт становится оборотнем, и Стайлз первым об этом узнаёт. Стилински помогает ему учиться самоконтролю, несмотря даже на то, что иногда очень сильно злится на друга.

В это время происходят убийства, и отец Стайлза выясняет, что все пострадавшие были причастны к поджегу дома Хейлов.

Стайлз придумывает план, как найти Альфу. После неудачи, друзья оказываются запертыми в школе вместе с Лидией, Джексоном и Эллисон. Но им удаётся выбраться живым.

Стилински узнает от Дэнни, что Альфа был в больнице. Вместе с Дереком они приезжают туда, и Стайлза чуть не убивает Питер Хейл — дядя Дерека, пробывший в коме 6 лет.

В школе устраивают дискотеку. Стайлз идёт с Лидией, где на неё нападает Питер Хейл. Чтобы спасти Лидию, Стайлз определяет местоположение Дерека. Когда в благодарность Питер предлагает Стилински укус, он отказывается. Хейл лишает Стайлза джипа, но Джексон разрешает взять его машину. Они прибывают к дому Хейлов вовремя, и кидают в Питера коктейлями Молотова, тем самым выигрывая битву.

— Что ты здесь делаешь?
— Ты имеешь в виду, что я здесь делаю? А что? Это же клуб, мы тусовались в клубе.
— Этот клуб не для таких, как ты.
— Ну… Что ж, пап, нам нужно серьёзно поговорить.
— Ты не гей!
— Но я могу им быть.
— Не в этой одежде.

Пояснение к цитате: 

Возле гей-клуба.

Волчонок / Оборотень (Teen Wolf)

Стайлз Стилински

Шериф Стилински

Добавила Onuyme 30.03.15

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Stiles Stilinski

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Mieczyslaw “Stiles” Stilinski is one of the main characters on MTV’s Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf: Search for a Cure.

He is the son of Sheriff Stilinski and Scott McCall’s best friend. He was the first member of the Teen Wolf Pack and continued to help Scott throughout high school as he faced the various complications of being a young werewolf.

After high school, Stiles left Beacon Hills for an internship with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, attending a six-month program at Quantico, Virginia.

He is portrayed by Dylan O’Brien.


His name, Mieczyslaw, was his maternal grandfather’s name. Young Stiles had difficulty pronouncing Mieczyslaw. The closest he could come was «Mischief.» His mother called him by that nickname but the rest of the world referred to him as «Stiles» which is also his paternal grandfather’s nickname.


Teen Wolf Quick Click Canon What’s the Deal with Stiles’ Real Name?

His mother, Claudia Stilinski, died when he was a child. He was present when she passed and has never gotten over her death. For some unknown reason, Stiles blames himself.

Stiles is sarcastic, funny and outspoken. He is extremely clever and has led the way in working through many of the mysteries in Beacon Hills. At times, he was frustrated that Scott’s new abilities cast him as Robin to Scott’s Batman, but he is a solid friend and loyal to a fault.

From the time Stiles was in 3rd grade, he loved fellow classmate Lydia Martin. It was, for the most part, an unrequited love until their relationship grew from a strong friendship to genuine affection and then deep love for one another.

While they have a typically combative parent/teenager relationship, Stiles loves his father very much and often worries about his safety.

Stiles relationship with Derek Hale is awkward and adversarial. Scenes featuring the two characters offer some of the show’s funniest moments.

Six Favorite Stiles Scenes

Stiles apparently lost his virginity during a brief stay at a mental institution (See Echo House) with werecoyote Malia Tate. They were a couple for a while and Malia still considers Stiles to be the «anchor» to her humanity despite their ended relationship.

Stiles’ life became more complicated after «dying» as a surrogate sacrifice. Waking dreams and lost time caused him to believe he might be losing his mind. The incident led to his being fully possessed by a Nogitsune. With the help of his friends, he was able to break free of the void and fully recover.

After seeing the Ghost Riders, Stiles is removed from everyone’s memory and is trapped in limbo with hundreds of other forgotten souls. Lydia is able to hold onto his memory and he’s brought back by the love of his friends in Riders on the Storm.

After graduation, Stiles moves to Virginia to participate in an internship with the FBI. He teams up with Derek and returns to Beacon Hills to face the Anuk-Ite. He is last seen — at some point in the future — still working with the pack to help the supernatural world.

Season 1

Stiles helps his best friend deal with The Alpha Werewolf after Scott is bitten and turns into a werewolf. (Read More…)

Season 2

Stiles saves Derek and helps protect Lydia after Jackson transforms into a Kanima. (Read More…)

Season 3

Stiles dies and comes back in order to save his father from the Darach.

He is then possessed by a Nogitsune and wreaks havoc on his friends. (Read More…)

Season 4

Stiles and Malia have become closer. He’s been teaching her to be more human. (Read More…)

Season 5

He goes through an internal crisis of morals after killing Donovan.

Stiles’ friendship with Scott nearly dies but they make up before the Dread Doctors’ success destroys the town. (Read More…)

Season 6

Determined to find a young boy’s parents, Stiles encounters the Ghost Riders. The riders erase him from the memories of his family and friends and then take him away. (Read More…)

Stiles is heard in Lydia’s mind when her subconscious relives the memory of Stiles being taken by the Ghost Riders. (Read More…)

Stiles makes several attempts at escaping the train station, with each attempt as unsuccessful as the last. He manages to get in contact with Scott and Lydia through an old ham radio. He tells them to find Canaan. (Read More…)

Stiles appears in several flashbacks as Scott and Malia enter the cooling chamber, and Lydia undergoes hypnosis. It is then that a rift is created and from that, someone appears. (Read More…)

Stiles returns just as Garrett Douglas begins merging Ghost Rider limbo with the real world. He reunites with his friends, declares his love for Lydia and talks of heading off to college at George Washington University in Washington D.C. (Read More…)

Shortly after arriving at FBI headquarters in Quantico, for his internship, Stiles discovers that Derek is the target of the FBI’s crisis response team. He is supposedly wanted for mass murder. (Read More…)

He returns to Beacon Hills with Derek after rescuing him from the FBI manhunt for him and provides the Mountain Ash that is used to destroy the Anuk-Ite. (Read More…)

Teen Wolf: The Movie

Stiles does not appear in the movie but is frequently mentioned and his jeep is later given to Eli Hale.

Stiles’ Shirt

Starting in Episode 313, Stiles is seen wearing the same shirt in three successive episodes.

The blue and white ringer t-shirt is the first thing Stiles puts on when he finally «wakes up» in Anchors. He wears it again the day after he and Scott discover Malia’s Den in More Bad Than Good.

Then, in Galvanize, an apparent production glitch places him in the shirt for less than a minute in the middle of a scene. One second he is wearing another shirt — he then is seen wearing the ringer t-shirt — in the next shot he’s back to his original wardrobe.

There is, as of the end of Season 3, no explanation for this phenomenon.

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 13 Anchors ringer t-shirt


Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 14 More Bad Than Good Ringer t-shirt

More Bad Than Good

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 15 Galvanize ringed t-shirt


The Name

This character’s name was, for years, the source of confusion and dispute.
In the Season 5 episode Ouroboros a student ID showed the name «M. Stilinski» this was reinforced onscreen by an MTV suggested hashtag #MStilinski.

In the Season 6 episode Superposition, Lydia’s automatic writing of the word «Mischief» creates a word cloud image of the letters «S T I L E S.» Teen Wolf creator Jeff Davis says this is «a clue, it’s a definite clue» and «that word was not chosen randomly.»

In Blitzkrieg, his name is revealed to be Mieczyslaw which is a combination of the Polish words for «Sword» and «Glory.» As a child, Stiles had trouble pronouncing his name and instead called himself «mischief» which his mother adopted as a nickname.

History of Confusion

Early publicity for the show[1] identified him as “Stan Stilinsky” as did the pilot cast list for “Wolf Moon” at IMDB.

During the episode The Tell, a very brief shot of his school records showed his last name spelled “Stilinski”. MTV also uses this as the character name on their website.

Complicating the question of Stiles’ surname further is the fact that his father was identified as “Sheriff Stilinsky” in all episode cast lists[2], the main cast list for the show[3] and in much of the publicity surrounding the show. In Formality we see, for the first time, the name tag on the sheriff’s uniform which says “Stilinski” (see images).

Later listings of the cast have the character name as simply “Stiles” and this is the nickname all characters use when addressing him on the show.[4]

Further complicating the name issue, is the fact that his father is identified in the credits for theSeason 2 episode Omega as «Sheriff Stalinski».

During The Tell, Coach Bobby Finstock made fun of Stiles’ first name. He said it amounted to child abuse.

The joke was revived in the Season 3 episode Riddled when the doctor performing the MRI says he’s unsure how to pronounce Stiles’ first name or believes it to be a misspelling.

Tyler Posey told the Comic Con 2011 panel that viewers will learn his first name and will “crack up” when they do. 

On the August 19th episode of The Fantastic Show, Jeff Davis said «A lot of people think that he doesn’t have a first name, that I don’t know what it is but I do… and it’s very difficult to pronounce.» He refused to reveal the name saying «Maybe in the last episode of our series… the series finale maybe.»

Fans were kept waiting for five years, until Season 6, for the answer.


8 stiles

Stiles and lyrdia

Stiles and dad

Stiles after attack

Stiles feeling unattractive

Scott and Stiles Search for a Cure

Stiles gets dad drunk





Sheriff Tag


Stiles Eating


Stiles at the party

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 6 Motel California Dylan O'Brien Stiles Tears

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 14 More Bad Than Good Dylan Obrien Stiles Stilinski Panick Attack

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 13 Anchors Dylan O'Brien Stiles dreams the Nemeton

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 12 Lunar Ellipse Stiles and Nemeton Memory

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 13 Anchors Tyler Posey Dylan O'brien Scott and Stiles with plastic horse

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 16 Illuminated Dylan OBrien Stiles Stilinski Challenging Mr McCall

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Stiles Honeybadger look

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Stiles Left Foot Trap

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Scream Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled THE HUG Scott and Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Stiles After

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Arden Cho Stiles and Kira at Yukimuras Residence

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Arden Cho Holland Roden Tyler Posey Stiles Scott Lydia Kira Nogitsune Illusion

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles And Two Oni At The Hospital

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles And Two Oni At The Highschool

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles Screaming

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles Shell Breaking

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 401 The Dark Moon boney claw that stopped Stiles Jeep

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 3 Muted Stiles exhausted

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles Concentrates

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Malia and Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles tracks down the illness

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles with gun to his head

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles blood spray

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 5 IED Stiles murder photos in class

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 4 The Benefactor Stiles helps Malia control

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 9 Perishable Brunski knows Lydia and Stiles know about him

Captured by Brunski

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 10 Monstrous Stiles turns off the computer

Shutting of the dead pool

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 11 A Promise to the Dead Malia and Stiles Kiss

Malia waking him up

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 12 Smoke & Mirrors Stiles Malia Liam carbonite

«Really? You haven’t seen Star Wars?»

Teen Wolf News Scott Stiles Jeep Bro Time

Teen wolf news Stiles and Malia Kiss

Teen Wolf Season05 Episode02 Parasomnia Stiles in front of his detective board

Teen Wolf Season05 Episode 1 creatures of the night Stiles Stilinski senior ritual at bhhs library

Teen Wolf Season05 Episode02 Parasomnia Liam and Stiles following Theo

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 4 Condition Terminal Stiles and Malia Infront of Mystery Board

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 4 Condition Terminal Study Break

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 4 Condition Terminal Stiles attacked

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 5 Stiles and Lydia hiding

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 5 Donovan pulling Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 5 Stiles board

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 6 Required Reading Stiles starting to see stuff

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 7 Strange Frequencies Stiles Is Hurt

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 Stiles feel fine

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 Stiles in the elevator with his dad

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 M.Stilinski

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 Stiles knows who is taking the bodies

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of omission Stiles on nemeton hunt

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of Omission Stiles bloody wrench

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of Omission Stiles and Scott break up

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 10 Status Asthmaticus Stiles breaks his window

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of Omission Dead stiles hallucination

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 11 The Last Chimera Stiles and The Sheriff

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 11 The Last Chimera Young Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 11 The Last Chimera Stiles Unconscious

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 12 Damnatio Memoriae Stiles talks to his dad

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 12 Damnatio Memoriae Stiles and Josh

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 12 Damnatio Memoriae The Sherrif and Stiles





  • No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body!” — Stiles to Scott in Wolf Moon
  • Hey, Lydia! You look like — you’re gonna ignore me.” — Stiles to Lydia in Wolf Moon
  • Come on, if I have to, I’ll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you, live, mice. I had a boa once. I can do it.” — Stiles to Scott in Wolf Moon
  • I define it as… as reclining your body in a horizontal position.” — Stiles to his dad in Second Chance at First Line
  • Am I attractive to gay guys?” — Stiles asks Scott in Pack Mentality
  • You’re a horrible person.” — Danny to Stiles in Wolf’s Bane.
  • I know. It keeps me awake at night.” — Stiles to Danny in Wolf’s Bane
  • If I’m harboring your fugitive ass. My house, my rules buddy.” — Stiles to Derek in Wolf’s Bane
  • “You mean like ‘Hey Dad! Derek Hale’s in my room..bring your gun’”” — Stiles to Derek in Wolf’s Bane
  • No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven.” — Stiles to Scott in Pack Mentality
  • Why’s it starting to feel like you’re Batman and I’m Robin? I don’t wanna be Robin all the time!” — Stiles to Scott in Pack Mentality.
  • No, a unicorn… dumbass.” — Stiles to Jackson about Lydia transforming in Omega
  • If you harm one perfect, strawberry-blonde hair on her head, I’m gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present.” — Stiles to Isaac in Venomous
  • You’re killing people…to death!” — Stiles to Jackson in Frenemy
  • Scott, come on. I’m 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense. ” — Stiles to Scott in Frenemy
  • This new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you.” — Stiles to Scott McCall in Ice Pick
  • Abominable snowman. But it’s more of a «wintertime» thing. You know, seasonal.” — Stiles to Matt in Fury
  • Matt’s head. I sit behind him in history. He’s got a very distinct cranium.” — Stiles to his dad in Fury
  • Can someone kill him again please?” — Stiles to Peter Hale in Chaos Rising
  • Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking…” — Stiles starting to threaten Ethan in The Girl Who Knew Too Much
  • You know next time I put my lips to your mouth you better be awake” — Stiles talking to the unconscious but breathingCora in The Overlooked




  1. tvfanatic.com — Teen Wolf Exclusive: Dylan O’Brien on Reinventing an Icon (2011-08-09)
  2. [1] (2011-08-09)
  3. [2] (2011-08-09)
  4. IMDB.com — Teen Wolf — Night School (2011-08-09)

Mieczyslaw “Stiles” Stilinski is one of the main characters on MTV’s Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf: Search for a Cure.

He is the son of Sheriff Stilinski and Scott McCall’s best friend. He was the first member of the Teen Wolf Pack and continued to help Scott throughout high school as he faced the various complications of being a young werewolf.

After high school, Stiles left Beacon Hills for an internship with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, attending a six-month program at Quantico, Virginia.

He is portrayed by Dylan O’Brien.


His name, Mieczyslaw, was his maternal grandfather’s name. Young Stiles had difficulty pronouncing Mieczyslaw. The closest he could come was «Mischief.» His mother called him by that nickname but the rest of the world referred to him as «Stiles» which is also his paternal grandfather’s nickname.


Teen Wolf Quick Click Canon What’s the Deal with Stiles’ Real Name?

His mother, Claudia Stilinski, died when he was a child. He was present when she passed and has never gotten over her death. For some unknown reason, Stiles blames himself.

Stiles is sarcastic, funny and outspoken. He is extremely clever and has led the way in working through many of the mysteries in Beacon Hills. At times, he was frustrated that Scott’s new abilities cast him as Robin to Scott’s Batman, but he is a solid friend and loyal to a fault.

From the time Stiles was in 3rd grade, he loved fellow classmate Lydia Martin. It was, for the most part, an unrequited love until their relationship grew from a strong friendship to genuine affection and then deep love for one another.

While they have a typically combative parent/teenager relationship, Stiles loves his father very much and often worries about his safety.

Stiles relationship with Derek Hale is awkward and adversarial. Scenes featuring the two characters offer some of the show’s funniest moments.

Six Favorite Stiles Scenes

Stiles apparently lost his virginity during a brief stay at a mental institution (See Echo House) with werecoyote Malia Tate. They were a couple for a while and Malia still considers Stiles to be the «anchor» to her humanity despite their ended relationship.

Stiles’ life became more complicated after «dying» as a surrogate sacrifice. Waking dreams and lost time caused him to believe he might be losing his mind. The incident led to his being fully possessed by a Nogitsune. With the help of his friends, he was able to break free of the void and fully recover.

After seeing the Ghost Riders, Stiles is removed from everyone’s memory and is trapped in limbo with hundreds of other forgotten souls. Lydia is able to hold onto his memory and he’s brought back by the love of his friends in Riders on the Storm.

After graduation, Stiles moves to Virginia to participate in an internship with the FBI. He teams up with Derek and returns to Beacon Hills to face the Anuk-Ite. He is last seen — at some point in the future — still working with the pack to help the supernatural world.

Season 1

Stiles helps his best friend deal with The Alpha Werewolf after Scott is bitten and turns into a werewolf. (Read More…)

Season 2

Stiles saves Derek and helps protect Lydia after Jackson transforms into a Kanima. (Read More…)

Season 3

Stiles dies and comes back in order to save his father from the Darach.

He is then possessed by a Nogitsune and wreaks havoc on his friends. (Read More…)

Season 4

Stiles and Malia have become closer. He’s been teaching her to be more human. (Read More…)

Season 5

He goes through an internal crisis of morals after killing Donovan.

Stiles’ friendship with Scott nearly dies but they make up before the Dread Doctors’ success destroys the town. (Read More…)

Season 6

Determined to find a young boy’s parents, Stiles encounters the Ghost Riders. The riders erase him from the memories of his family and friends and then take him away. (Read More…)

Stiles is heard in Lydia’s mind when her subconscious relives the memory of Stiles being taken by the Ghost Riders. (Read More…)

Stiles makes several attempts at escaping the train station, with each attempt as unsuccessful as the last. He manages to get in contact with Scott and Lydia through an old ham radio. He tells them to find Canaan. (Read More…)

Stiles appears in several flashbacks as Scott and Malia enter the cooling chamber, and Lydia undergoes hypnosis. It is then that a rift is created and from that, someone appears. (Read More…)

Stiles returns just as Garrett Douglas begins merging Ghost Rider limbo with the real world. He reunites with his friends, declares his love for Lydia and talks of heading off to college at George Washington University in Washington D.C. (Read More…)

Shortly after arriving at FBI headquarters in Quantico, for his internship, Stiles discovers that Derek is the target of the FBI’s crisis response team. He is supposedly wanted for mass murder. (Read More…)

He returns to Beacon Hills with Derek after rescuing him from the FBI manhunt for him and provides the Mountain Ash that is used to destroy the Anuk-Ite. (Read More…)

Teen Wolf: The Movie

Stiles does not appear in the movie but is frequently mentioned and his jeep is later given to Eli Hale.

Stiles’ Shirt

Starting in Episode 313, Stiles is seen wearing the same shirt in three successive episodes.

The blue and white ringer t-shirt is the first thing Stiles puts on when he finally «wakes up» in Anchors. He wears it again the day after he and Scott discover Malia’s Den in More Bad Than Good.

Then, in Galvanize, an apparent production glitch places him in the shirt for less than a minute in the middle of a scene. One second he is wearing another shirt — he then is seen wearing the ringer t-shirt — in the next shot he’s back to his original wardrobe.

There is, as of the end of Season 3, no explanation for this phenomenon.

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 13 Anchors ringer t-shirt


Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 14 More Bad Than Good Ringer t-shirt

More Bad Than Good

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 15 Galvanize ringed t-shirt


The Name

This character’s name was, for years, the source of confusion and dispute.
In the Season 5 episode Ouroboros a student ID showed the name «M. Stilinski» this was reinforced onscreen by an MTV suggested hashtag #MStilinski.

In the Season 6 episode Superposition, Lydia’s automatic writing of the word «Mischief» creates a word cloud image of the letters «S T I L E S.» Teen Wolf creator Jeff Davis says this is «a clue, it’s a definite clue» and «that word was not chosen randomly.»

In Blitzkrieg, his name is revealed to be Mieczyslaw which is a combination of the Polish words for «Sword» and «Glory.» As a child, Stiles had trouble pronouncing his name and instead called himself «mischief» which his mother adopted as a nickname.

History of Confusion

Early publicity for the show[1] identified him as “Stan Stilinsky” as did the pilot cast list for “Wolf Moon” at IMDB.

During the episode The Tell, a very brief shot of his school records showed his last name spelled “Stilinski”. MTV also uses this as the character name on their website.

Complicating the question of Stiles’ surname further is the fact that his father was identified as “Sheriff Stilinsky” in all episode cast lists[2], the main cast list for the show[3] and in much of the publicity surrounding the show. In Formality we see, for the first time, the name tag on the sheriff’s uniform which says “Stilinski” (see images).

Later listings of the cast have the character name as simply “Stiles” and this is the nickname all characters use when addressing him on the show.[4]

Further complicating the name issue, is the fact that his father is identified in the credits for theSeason 2 episode Omega as «Sheriff Stalinski».

During The Tell, Coach Bobby Finstock made fun of Stiles’ first name. He said it amounted to child abuse.

The joke was revived in the Season 3 episode Riddled when the doctor performing the MRI says he’s unsure how to pronounce Stiles’ first name or believes it to be a misspelling.

Tyler Posey told the Comic Con 2011 panel that viewers will learn his first name and will “crack up” when they do. 

On the August 19th episode of The Fantastic Show, Jeff Davis said «A lot of people think that he doesn’t have a first name, that I don’t know what it is but I do… and it’s very difficult to pronounce.» He refused to reveal the name saying «Maybe in the last episode of our series… the series finale maybe.»

Fans were kept waiting for five years, until Season 6, for the answer.


8 stiles

Stiles and lyrdia

Stiles and dad

Stiles after attack

Stiles feeling unattractive

Scott and Stiles Search for a Cure

Stiles gets dad drunk





Sheriff Tag


Stiles Eating


Stiles at the party

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 6 Motel California Dylan O'Brien Stiles Tears

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 14 More Bad Than Good Dylan Obrien Stiles Stilinski Panick Attack

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 13 Anchors Dylan O'Brien Stiles dreams the Nemeton

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 12 Lunar Ellipse Stiles and Nemeton Memory

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 13 Anchors Tyler Posey Dylan O'brien Scott and Stiles with plastic horse

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 16 Illuminated Dylan OBrien Stiles Stilinski Challenging Mr McCall

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Stiles Honeybadger look

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Stiles Left Foot Trap

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Scream Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled THE HUG Scott and Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 18 Riddled Stiles After

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Arden Cho Stiles and Kira at Yukimuras Residence

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Arden Cho Holland Roden Tyler Posey Stiles Scott Lydia Kira Nogitsune Illusion

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles And Two Oni At The Hospital

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles And Two Oni At The Highschool

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles Screaming

Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 24 The Divine Move Dylan Obrien Nogitsune-Stiles Shell Breaking

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 401 The Dark Moon boney claw that stopped Stiles Jeep

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 3 Muted Stiles exhausted

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles Concentrates

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Malia and Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles tracks down the illness

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles with gun to his head

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 7 Weaponized Stiles blood spray

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 5 IED Stiles murder photos in class

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 4 The Benefactor Stiles helps Malia control

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 9 Perishable Brunski knows Lydia and Stiles know about him

Captured by Brunski

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 10 Monstrous Stiles turns off the computer

Shutting of the dead pool

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 11 A Promise to the Dead Malia and Stiles Kiss

Malia waking him up

Teen Wolf Season 4 Episode 12 Smoke & Mirrors Stiles Malia Liam carbonite

«Really? You haven’t seen Star Wars?»

Teen Wolf News Scott Stiles Jeep Bro Time

Teen wolf news Stiles and Malia Kiss

Teen Wolf Season05 Episode02 Parasomnia Stiles in front of his detective board

Teen Wolf Season05 Episode 1 creatures of the night Stiles Stilinski senior ritual at bhhs library

Teen Wolf Season05 Episode02 Parasomnia Liam and Stiles following Theo

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 4 Condition Terminal Stiles and Malia Infront of Mystery Board

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 4 Condition Terminal Study Break

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 4 Condition Terminal Stiles attacked

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 5 Stiles and Lydia hiding

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 5 Donovan pulling Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 5 Stiles board

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 6 Required Reading Stiles starting to see stuff

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 7 Strange Frequencies Stiles Is Hurt

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 Stiles feel fine

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 Stiles in the elevator with his dad

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 M.Stilinski

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 8 Stiles knows who is taking the bodies

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of omission Stiles on nemeton hunt

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of Omission Stiles bloody wrench

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of Omission Stiles and Scott break up

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 10 Status Asthmaticus Stiles breaks his window

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9 Lies of Omission Dead stiles hallucination

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 11 The Last Chimera Stiles and The Sheriff

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 11 The Last Chimera Young Stiles

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 11 The Last Chimera Stiles Unconscious

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 12 Damnatio Memoriae Stiles talks to his dad

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 12 Damnatio Memoriae Stiles and Josh

Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 12 Damnatio Memoriae The Sherrif and Stiles





  • No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body!” — Stiles to Scott in Wolf Moon
  • Hey, Lydia! You look like — you’re gonna ignore me.” — Stiles to Lydia in Wolf Moon
  • Come on, if I have to, I’ll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you, live, mice. I had a boa once. I can do it.” — Stiles to Scott in Wolf Moon
  • I define it as… as reclining your body in a horizontal position.” — Stiles to his dad in Second Chance at First Line
  • Am I attractive to gay guys?” — Stiles asks Scott in Pack Mentality
  • You’re a horrible person.” — Danny to Stiles in Wolf’s Bane.
  • I know. It keeps me awake at night.” — Stiles to Danny in Wolf’s Bane
  • If I’m harboring your fugitive ass. My house, my rules buddy.” — Stiles to Derek in Wolf’s Bane
  • “You mean like ‘Hey Dad! Derek Hale’s in my room..bring your gun’”” — Stiles to Derek in Wolf’s Bane
  • No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven.” — Stiles to Scott in Pack Mentality
  • Why’s it starting to feel like you’re Batman and I’m Robin? I don’t wanna be Robin all the time!” — Stiles to Scott in Pack Mentality.
  • No, a unicorn… dumbass.” — Stiles to Jackson about Lydia transforming in Omega
  • If you harm one perfect, strawberry-blonde hair on her head, I’m gonna turn your little werewolf ass into a fur coat and give it to her as a birthday present.” — Stiles to Isaac in Venomous
  • You’re killing people…to death!” — Stiles to Jackson in Frenemy
  • Scott, come on. I’m 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense. ” — Stiles to Scott in Frenemy
  • This new-found heroism is making me very attracted to you.” — Stiles to Scott McCall in Ice Pick
  • Abominable snowman. But it’s more of a «wintertime» thing. You know, seasonal.” — Stiles to Matt in Fury
  • Matt’s head. I sit behind him in history. He’s got a very distinct cranium.” — Stiles to his dad in Fury
  • Can someone kill him again please?” — Stiles to Peter Hale in Chaos Rising
  • Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking…” — Stiles starting to threaten Ethan in The Girl Who Knew Too Much
  • You know next time I put my lips to your mouth you better be awake” — Stiles talking to the unconscious but breathingCora in The Overlooked




  1. tvfanatic.com — Teen Wolf Exclusive: Dylan O’Brien on Reinventing an Icon (2011-08-09)
  2. [1] (2011-08-09)
  3. [2] (2011-08-09)
  4. IMDB.com — Teen Wolf — Night School (2011-08-09)

Наконец-то! Создатели «Волчонка» раскрыли полное имя Стайлза

Осторожно, спойлеры!

19 января 2017

Мы долго ждали – и вот дождались. В последнем невероятно трогательном эпизоде «Волчонка» шериф Стилински изо всех сил пытался вспомнить хоть что-то о своей жизни. В конце серии он вспомнил все, в том числе настоящее имя сына:

«У меня есть сын. Его зовут Мечислав. Но мы называем его Стайлз».

Далее шериф объясняет, что в детстве Стайлзу не удавалось правильно выговорить свое имя (ну еще бы, англоговорящие фанаты сериала до сих пор в шоке), поэтому все стали называет его Стайлзом.

Ты спросишь: «Как такое вообще могло прийти в голову?». Сценарист «Волчонка» Джефф Дэвис рассказал Entertainment Weekly: «Несколько лет назад я понял, что рано или поздно мне придется раскрыть имя Стайлза. Я стал искать польское имя, которое было бы очень сложно писать и произносить. Мечислав звучит как «mischief» (озорник). Мне показалось, что это слово идеально описывает Стайлза – это и озорной ребенок, и взрослый, который плохо себя ведет».


Имя состоит из двух слов: «меч» и «слава». Как думаешь, может в нем кроется какая-то разгадка? А вдруг меч – это то, что спасет Стайлза и поможет ему вернуться в Бейкон Хиллс?

«Это мы после просмотра «Волчонка»».

«Спустя 6 лет мы узнали имя Стайлза… Но я все равно не могу его произнести!»

170946 original


16 (S1-S3A), 17 (S3B-S5), 18 (S5/6)

«Scott, … you’re not no one. You’re my best friend. Scott, you’re my brother.» — Stiles to Scott McCall

«What if telling him gets him killed … Scott, I can’t — I can’t lose both my parents, okay.» — Stiles to Scott about his dad

«Scott and I have been through this. Okay? More than once. It’s always better when they know.» — Stiles to Liam Dunbar


Mieczyslaw «Stiles» Stilinski is the son of Sheriff Noah Stilinski of Beacon County, whom he is closest to after his mother Claudia’s death, and the best friend of Scott McCall. In Season 1, Stiles finds out Scott has been changed into a werewolf. In Season 1 and Season 2, Stiles does his best to support Scott in coming to grips with his new identity, navigate their new supernatural world and keep the people they care for safe and fight back against a slew of enemies. He harbors an intense, unrequited crush on Lydia Martin. By Season 3, Stiles has let go of his infatuation with Lydia and they instead develop a close friendship. He undergoes a Druid sacrifice to take his father’s place as a Guardian which reawakens the Nemeton. As a consequence of the sacrifice, Stiles is possessed by a Nogitsune. He has himself institutionalized at Eichen House to protect everyone around him and he starts a romantic relationship with Malia Tate. With the Pack’s help, Stiles is finally exorcised of Void Stiles. In Season 4, Stiles struggles with the darkness inside him as a result of the Nogitsune’s possession. He and Lydia investigate who’s behind the Deadpool. In Season 5, Stiles is attacked by the Chimera Donovan Donati and in fear for his life, causes his death by accident which damages his psyche. He is then manipulated by Theo Raeken who uses this to in turn manipulate Scott and his non-lethal policy to take over Scott’s pack and this leads to Scott casting Stiles out of the pack and Stiles ending his romance with Malia. Upon saving his father’s life after Theo’s treachery and with the pack’s support, Stiles regains his confidence, overcomes his trauma, repairs his brotherly bond with Scott and helps pull their shattered pack back together. Stiles works with the pack to save his friends Lydia and Malia’s lives from both Gabriel Valack and the Desert Wolf, and put a stop to the revived la Bête du Gevaudan. In Season 6, Stiles realizes he is about to be taken by the Wild Hunt and tries to say his goodbyes to the people he loves before he is erased from reality. He is taken to the phantom realm where he finds Peter Hale who had been taken months before (although originally he was meant to find Derek). Stiles manages to communicate to the real world through his jeep’s radio. Peter risks his life to bring an artifact of Stiles’ back to the real world to help people remember him. With the help of Lydia, his friends and family do eventually remember him and work to restore him to reality. Stiles, along with the rest of Beacon Hills’ community is saved when the Hunt is diverted by Scott’s Pack, he and Lydia begin a romantic relationship, and he enrolls in a pre-FBI program at George Washington University. Stiles learns that Derek Hale is on the run, wanted for murder and seeks him out. It is implied that Stiles and Lydia are still together at the end of the series, but during a Q&A stream Holland Roden said that it was left vague enough to be open to interpretation for people who are not Stydia fans.


«What did you find?! How did you find it?! Where did you find it?! And yes, I’ve had a lot of Adderall.»

Stiles is constantly described as overly anxious and curious, particularly towards criminology and mysteries. He is extremely hyperactive, outspoken and immensely intelligent, has a quick mind for puzzles and research, but is prone to distraction and flailing due in part to his ADHD. He has an extreme penchant for sarcastic quips. Despite his scatterbrained shenanigans, he is well-meaning and very protective of those he cares for, particularly his best friend Scott and his father.

«I’m 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense.»

Over the series, Stiles comes to demonstrate he is an extremely headstrong, stout-hearted individual with an undying loyalty and camaraderie to those close to him. He will go out out of his way to help said people even it causes him trouble or the situation poves to be life-threatening. His eagerly caring nature can be seen in his helping Scott come to terms with being a new werewolf, keeping him grounded, as well as fixing problems and solving cases alongside his dad and preparing plans for he and his circle of supernatural friends in their mission to do good and protect their town. He is willing to give up his life for those he loves, even having once had a gun held at his forehead by an assassin, refusing to give up his friends’ location.

» … him looking at me like that. He’s trying to kill me.»

«It’s all you. It’s you, Stiles. You killed your mother. … You killed her. And now you’re killing me.»  — Stiles’ thoughts on his dad and his late mom

Underneath his near constant sarcasm, Stiles is haunted with grief and guilt over his mother’s death due to being with her when she passed away and harbors a deep rooted fear that his father blames him for it. Ever since becoming further apart of the supernatural world, Stiles’ generalized anxiety and internal strife has only become worse in dealing with the fear he could lose someone else dear to him. Furthermore, he felt severe horror and further guilt over the actions he was completely aware of while under the Nogitsune’s possession of him, including the bloodbath that occurred, twisting an Oni’s sword in Scott, his best friend’s gut in particular, and he felt responsible for the death of his good friend Allison Argent. As he grows and matures into a young man, Stiles eventually grows past his intense crush for Lydia, resolving it into becoming a close friendship, as well as moving past his experience as ‘Void Stiles’.

«I remember everything that I did. And the worst part is I remember liking it … feeling powerful … and most of all in control … But, when I came through it, I learned something else— Control is overrated.» — Stiles to Malia about his possession

Similar to his experience with Scott, Stiles naturally takes on the role of human anchor for Malia and Liam, as well as the source of knowledge for his supernatural friends. Despite everything that Stiles has been through, and though he was once offered the Bite from Peter and no matter how tempted he was to have supernatural abilities, he ultimately declined. Due to his knowledge of the law, being the son of a police officer, as well as his aptitude for analysis, deduction, solving mysteries and his natural intelligence being his greatest asset, Stiles takes satisfaction in following the clues and gathering evidence that leads him to identifying enemies and solving problems facing the pack.

«We need to think like Stiles. … Like a detective.» — Malia to Derek about Stiles

Due to his fear of losing people close to him after his mom’s death, Stiles is slow to trust people, being highly suspicious to the point he can be paranoid. He also tends to be more cynical and pragmatic in contrast to Scott’s more passionate and idealistic views. Even so, Stiles’ instincts have proven to be remarkably accurate. This is shown especially when Stiles persistently investigates Theo Raeken, instinctively convinced the charming newcomer wasn’t as forthcoming as he presented himself to be, protesting that Scott is too trusting, and his suspicions were proven to be correct later on. When Donovan Donati accidentally dies as Stiles tries to escape him, he becomes ever more emotionally fragile over the concept of having killed someone. He also expresses his fear that Scott would reject him for his taking a life. With the advice and support of his father, Stiles resolves his internal conflict and forgives himself for Donovan’s death.

«You saved their lives. … That’s gotta feel pretty good. … But it’s something you want to feel again.»

«Yeah. Yeah, I think so.»

«Welcome to your future career in law enforcement.» — Stiles and his dad


«Stiles» Stilinski was born to Noah Stilinski and his wife, Claudia Stilinski. His first name was his maternal grandfather’s name.

In grade school at least, Stiles became best friends with Scott McCall. They came to consider each other brothers+. He and Scott got into a history of mischievousness, of which Stiles is the instigator.

Stiles once had a boa as a pet+.

When Stiles was in grade school, seven years approx before the start of the series, his mother Claudia came down with frontotemporal dementia+.

One time, when Stiles was 10, Claudia suffered from an onset of her illness. In her dementia, she became convinced that Stiles was trying to kill her, resulting in her attacking him at one point+. The experience had a deep emotional effect on Stiles. 

Eventually Claudia succumbed to her illness. Stiles had been with her when she passed away+. Her death greatly affected Stiles. He developed anxiety problems and panic attacks afterwards+.

In the beginning of the series, Stiles is a sophomore at Beacon Hills High School. He is a bench warmer for the Cyclones lacrosse team. Stiles has ADHD, and takes Adderall for it. Stiles harbours a deep love for Lydia Martin, having been crushing on her since the third grade+. Stiles has his driving license and drives a jeep which he is very attached to+.

So far, Stiles’s real first name is a secret. It is supposedly difficult to say because it’s Polish. The only clues we have so far are what was written on his file during the parent teacher conference, -ienim, and the letter M on his ID card. 

58747 original

In Season 1:

  • English, with Scott and Allison
  • Biology, with Scott. Sits behind Lydia.
  • Chemistry, with Scott and Jackson.
  • World History, with Scott.
  • Economics, with Scott

Season 2:

  • Economics, with Jackson, Lydia, and Scott
  • Chemistry, with Lydia, Scott, Erica, and Isaac
  • World History, with Scott, Matt, Lydia, and Allison

Season 3:

  • English, with Scott, Allison, Lydia, Ethan, and Aiden
  • History, with Scott and Kira
  • Lunch follows History

Wolf Moon

As seems to be a recurring theme in their lives, Stiles comes to Scott with a plan. He’s eavesdropped on


Stiles has been staying in the hospital to keep an eye on Lydia while she recovers from the


Stiles goes with Scott to get a tattoo, though he’s afraid of needles and doesn’t like the design Scott got.

The Dark Moon

Stiles and Lydia bicker as they walk around a nameless Mexican town on top of a plateau. Lydia

Stiles Stilinski is a fictional character appearing in Teen Wolf and portrayed by Dylan O’Brien.

Character Bio

Stiles Stilinski (officially Mieczysław «Stiles» Stilinski) is Scott’s best friend, he and Scott consider each other brothers, as well as a member of his pack. Stiles is very sarcastic, but has a very quick mind, being intelligent and clever if somewhat impractical.[1]


Season 1

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
1 Wolf Moon thrown into wall whumplists

Season 2

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
4 Abomination paralyzed whumplists
10 Fury paralyzed whumplists
12 Master Plan kidnapped, beaten whumplists

Season 3a

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
11 Alpha Pact panic attack whumplists

Season 3b

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
12 Lunar Ellipse car crash, head wound whumplists
13 Anchors night terrors whumplists
14 More Bad than Good panic attack whumplists
17 Silverfinger exhaustion, sweet scene w/Mama McCall whumplists
18 Riddled hypothermia, leg in a bear trap, hospital whumplists
19 Letharia Vulpina poisoned, knocked out, collapse whumplists
20 Echo House institutionalized, poisoned, manhandled, sleep deprivation, hallucinations, tied up, drugged whumplists
22 De-Void possession, cuts stomach open, tied up whumplists
23 Insatiable collapses, weak, fatigue, passes out whumplists
24 The Divine Move faints, collapses whumplists

Season 4

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
7 Weaponized illness, held at gunpoint whumplists
9 Perishable tased, tied up, punched whumplists

Season 5

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
2 Parasomnia punches jeep, hurts hand whumplists
4 Condition Terminal attacked, bitten whumplists
5 A Novel Approach attacked, fights with donovan whumplists
7 Strange Frequencies jeep flips, unconscious, head wound whumplists
11 The Last Chimera knocked out multiple times whumplists
12 Damnatio Memoriae paralyzed whumplists
16 Lie Ability bleeds from the ear whumplists


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Teen_Wolf_characters

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