- super |ˈsuːpər| — супер, супербоевик, первоклассный товар, лишний человек
супер-шмидт — super scattering
супер партнёр — super affiliate
супер оператор — super operator
супер-рельефный — super defined
супер видео-графический адаптер — super video graphic adapter
универсальное тракторное масло супер — super tractor oil universal
ещё 3 примера свернуть
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супер-арбитр — super-arbitrator
супер-станция — distant signal importation
супер смарт-карта — super-smart card
супер-магниторезистивность — giant magneto-resistive
супер-гетеродинный приёмник — beat-frequency receiver
становиться супер-рельефным — get super-ripped
супер пластификатор; суперпластификатор — high-range water reducer
становящийся супер-рельефным; становление супер-рельефным — getting super-ripped
Supercell Oy — компания, занимающаяся разработкой игр для мобильных устройств. Основана 14 мая 2010 года в Хельсинки, Финляндия. Главный исполнительный директор — Илкка Паананен[3].
История[править | править код]
Компания Supercell была основана Илккой Паананеном и Микко Кодисойей, ранее работавших в мобильной игровой компании Sumea. Кодисойя был одним из основателей Sumea в 1999 году, Илкка Паананен был принят на работу в качестве генерального директора компании в 2000 году. В 2004 году Sumea приобрела компания American Digital Chocolate, разместив в Финляндии свою европейскую штаб-квартиру. Паананен стал управляющим американской компании в Европе, Кодисойя сохранил должность креативного директора. В 2010 году оба покинули компанию[4].
Паананен вначале работал в финансовой компании Lifeline Ventures, но затем решил стать предпринимателем. В 2010 году он, Кодисойя, Петри Стурман, Ласси Леппинен (главный программист в Sumea и Digital Chocolate), Виса Форстен и Нико Дером основали в Нииттюкумпу, районе города Эспоо, свою игровую компанию, в которой руководители не должны были вмешиваться в работу разработчиков игр[5]. Кодисойя и Паананен инвестировали в новую компанию 250 000 евро из своих сбережений, сделанных за время работы в Sumea. Кроме того, им удалось получить кредит в размере 400 000 евро от финского агентства по финансированию технологических инноваций Tekes. Ещё одним инвестором стала Lifeline Ventures. Вскоре Supercell привлекла ещё 750 000 евро от нескольких инвесторов, среди которых были London Ventures Partner и Initial Capital.
21 июня 2016 года, Tencent, китайский телеком гигант, владеющий WeChat, выкупает контрольный пакет акций Supercell у японцев из SoftBank. Стоимость — 8.57 миллиарда долларов при оценке компании в 10.2 миллиарда.
Первые игры[править | править код]
Первой игрой Supercell стала MMOG Gunshine, в которую можно было играть в Facebook как на компьютере, используя браузер, так и на мобильных устройствах. Прототип игры был готов через восемь месяцев[5]. В мае 2011 года, после завершения Gunshine, Accel Partners инвестировала 8 млн евро в компанию[6], а её акционер Кевин Комолли стал членом совета директоров Supercell[7]. На пике популярности в Gunshine играло примерно полмиллиона игроков.
В ноябре 2011 года Supercell отказалась от Gunshine по трём причинам: игра не могла достаточно долго удерживать интерес игроков, в неё было слишком трудно играть, не было мобильной версии. Поняв, что компания не смогла догнать компанию-лидера Facebook-игр Zynga, было решено сосредоточиться на играх для IPad, прекратив уже начатую разработку ещё одной игры для Facebook. Изменение направления развития Supercell не оттолкнуло от неё инвесторов, но Паананену пришлось сделать более подробные отчёты о деятельности компании для инвесторов[5].
Компания одновременно разработала пять игр. Первой была выпущена Pets vs. Orcs. Она оказалась не очень успешной, после чего была приостановлена разработка игры Tower. В мае 2012 года свет увидела игра HayDay, ставшая первой игрой Supercell, выпущенной на международном уровне[5]. HayDay представляла собой симулятор фермы, своего рода видение Supercell успешной игры Zynga Facebook FarmVille. Игра была опубликована в середине лета 2012 года и сразу добилась успеха, из-за чего мощности сервера оказалось недостаточно, чтобы поддерживать всех игроков. За первые четыре месяца HayDay стала одной из самых прибыльных игр в App Store в США и в течение 2,5 лет была одной из самых прибыльных в мире. Игра получала регулярные обновления до 2016 года. Позже разработка была временно приостановлена и возобновлена только в декабре 2016.
Clash of Clans[править | править код]
Ведущий продюсер Supercell Лассе Лаухенто (ранее работал в Bloodhouse) и проектный руководитель Ласси Леппинен хотели сделать стратегическую игру, в которую можно было бы просто и приятно играть, используя сенсорный экран. На создание Clash of Clans ушло шесть месяцев. Игра была выпущена в августе 2012 года. За три месяца она стала самым прибыльным приложением в США. Согласно App Annie, в 2013 и 2014 годы Clash of Clans была самой прибыльной мобильной игрой в мире[8].
Летом 2013 года Supercell начал сотрудничество в области маркетинга с японской GungHo, компании собирались продвигать игры друг друга на своих собственных рынках. В результате Clash of Clans стало одним из самых скачиваемых приложений в Японии. Председатель совета GungHo Тайзо Сон познакомил Паананен со своим братом Масаеси Соном, генеральный директор SoftBank Corporation. Вскоре финнам предложили продать их компанию. Сделка состоялась в октябре 2013 года. SoftBank и GungHo купили 51 % акций Supercell за 1,1 млрд евро[9], что стало крупнейшей в истории ценой, заплаченной за финскую частную компанию. За шесть месяцев стоимость Supercell утроилась, так как ещё весной того же 2013 года компания продала 16,7 % своих акций за 100 млн евро[10].
Выпустив летом 2012 года Clash of Clans и HayDay, Supercell не предлагала на рынке новых игр почти два года. Разработка игры Boom Beach началась осенью 2012 года, но выпущена она была только в 2014 году. Новая стратегическая игра была очень успешной в США сразу же после выпуска в марте, но не смогла надолго задержаться на вершине хит-парадов. Тем не менее, благодаря дорогостоящей маркетинговой кампании, начатой Supercell в декабре 2014 года, Boom Beach смогла войти топ-30 самых скачиваемых приложений для iPhone, а в 2015 году превзошла Hay Day в чартах[11].
1 июня 2015 года Softbank приобрел ещё 22,7 % акций SuperCell, доведя свою долю в компании до 73,2 % и став единственным внешним акционером[12]. Илкке Паананену принадлежит 6 % акций, Микко Кодисойе — 5,4 %.
В марте 2016 года Supercell выпустила новую игру, Clash Royale . Clash Royale стала главным «конкурентом» Clash of Clans по популярности, и к 2016 году обошла её, став самой прибыльной. Между выпусками Boom Beach и Clash Royale Supercell прекратила девять игровых проектов, в том числе два в фазе испытания. Один из них, Smash Land, разрабатывала команда из 4-5 человек в течение 10 месяцев[13]. Игра Battle Buddies была изъята из магазина игр из-за плохой монетизации, несмотря на получение положительных отзывов от критиков[14].
В июне 2017 года Supercell запустила в Канаде игру Brawl Stars. Геймплей игры напоминает геймплей Battle Buddies, но с аналогом сундуков из Clash Royale. Во всём мире игра была выпущена 12 декабря 2018 года. В России же, игра вышла раньше, 8 декабря 2018 года.
Clash of Clans, Hay Day и Boom Beach являются freemium-играми и оказались очень успешными для компании, принося ей в 2013 году ежедневно доход в среднем по 2,5 млн долл.[15].
Игры[править | править код]
Название | Год | Доступность | Описание |
Gunshine.net (позже переименована в Zombies Online) | 2011 | Первая игра и единственная немобильная игра Supercell[16]. Являлась браузерной игрой, была выпущена в 2011 году. Её серверы были закрыты 30 ноября 2012 года[17]. | |
Pets vs Orcs | 2012 | Pets vs Orcs была первой мобильной игрой компании. В 2012 году её можно было загрузить чуть больше месяца[18]. | |
Battle Buddies | 2012 | Вторая мобильная игра компании, Battle Buddies, была запущена в ряде стран в 2012 году, однако разработка была прекращена позже в том же году[19]. Она была закрыта из-за плохой монетизации, несмотря на положительные отзывы критиков[20]. | |
Hay Day | 2012 | 21 июня 2012 года Supercell выпустили Hay Day на iOS и 30 ноября 2013 года на Android. | |
Clash of Clans | 2012 | 2 августа 2012 года Supercell выпустили Clash of Clans на iOS и 7 октября 2013 года на Android. | |
Boom Beach | 2014 | 26 марта 2014 года Supercell выпустили Boom Beach на iOS и Android[21]. | |
Spooky Pop | 2014 | Spooky Pop был выпущен Supercell в декабре 2014 года, а его поддержка прекращена в марте 2015 года[22]. 9 февраля 2015 года приложение было удалено из канадского App Store[23]. 10 марта 2015 года игра была полностью закрыта[24]. | |
Smash Land | 2015 | Smash Land был запущен в Канаде и Австралии 1 апреля 2015 года[25]. Однако 1 июля того же года Supercell объявили на своём официальном форуме, что решили отменить разработку игры[26]. Smash Land оставался доступным для загрузки до 1 сентября, после чего он был окончательно удалён со всех платформ[26]. | |
Clash Royale | 2016 | 4 января 2016 года Supercell запустили Clash Royale на iOS, а 16 февраля 2016 года на Android для Канады, Гонконга, Австралии, Швеции, Норвегии, Дании, Исландии, Финляндии и Новой Зеландии. 2 марта 2016 года Supercell запустили глобальную версию[27]. | |
Brawl Stars | 2018 | 14 июня 2017 года Supercell анонсировали Brawl Stars. На следующий день игра была запущена в Канаде[28]. Версия для Android была выпущена 26 июня 2018 года в Канаде, Финляндии, Швеции, Норвегии, Дании, Ирландии, Сингапуре и Малайзии[29]. Глобальная версия была запущена 12 декабря 2018 года[30]. | |
Rush Wars | 2019 | 26 августа 2019 года была запущена бета-версия Rush Wars в Канаде, Австралии и Новой Зеландии[31]. 5 ноября 2019 года стало известно, что сервера игры отключат 30 ноября[32]. | |
Hay Day Pop | 2020 | 16 марта 2020 года была запущена бета-версия Hay Day Pop. Игра была доступна в Финляндии, Канаде, Норвегии и других странах[33]. 30 ноября 2020 года Supercell анонсировали, что Hay Day Pop будет закрыта. Игра была отключена 1 февраля 2021 года[34]. | |
Clash Quest | 2021 | 2 апреля 2021 года Supercell анонсировали 3 новые игры, одной из них является Clash Quest[35]. 6 апреля она стала доступной в Финляндии, Швеции, Норвегии, Исландии и Дании на iOS и Android[36]. 6 мая игра стала доступной на Филиппинах[37]. | |
Clash Mini | 2021 | 2 апреля 2021 года Supercell анонсировали 3 новые игры, включая Clash Mini[35]. 8 ноября 2021 года бета-версия игры стала доступна в Финляндии, Швеции, Норвегии, Исландии, Дании и Канаде для iOS и Android[38]. | |
Clash Heroes | 2021 | будет выпущена позже | 2 апреля 2021 года Supercell анонсировали 3 новые игры, включая Clash Heroes[35]. |
Everdale | 2021 | 23 августа 2021 года в Канаде, Швейцарии, Великобритании, Скандинавии, Австралии, Новой Зеландии, Сингапуре, Гонконге, Филиппинах и Малайзии была выпущена бета-версия градостроительной мобильной игры[39]. |
Награды[править | править код]
В 2012 году Supercell была признана лучшей скандинавской стартап-компанией[40] и выбрана в качестве финского разработчика мобильных игр года[41].
В следующем году Supercell выиграла конкурс Finnish Teknologiakasvattaja 2013 (Technology Educator 2013)[42], и была выбрана в качестве предпринимателя года в сфере разработки программного обеспечения.
В 2014 году научно-консалтинговое агентство T-Media признала Supercell как наиболее уважаемую компанию Финляндии в своём докладе Luottamus&Maine (Trust&Reputation)[43].
Литература[править | править код]
- Lappalainen, Elina. Pelien valtakunta. Miten suomalaiset peliyhtiöt valloittivat maailman. — Atena, 2015. — 300 с. ISBN 9789523001169
Примечания[править | править код]
- ↑ 1 2 Supercell revenues take a big dip in 2018 — to $5.6 billion and profits of $635 million (англ.). venturebeat.com (12 февраля 2019). Дата обращения: 11 января 2020.
- ↑ Our Story (англ.). Supercell. Дата обращения: 16 марта 2021.
- ↑ Karsten Strauss. Is This The Fastest-Growing Game Company Ever? (англ.). Forbes (7 апреля 2013). Дата обращения: 22 апреля 2016.
- ↑ Lappalainen, 2015, pp. 167−168.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Lappalainen, 2015, pp. 169−171.
- ↑ Breaking: Supercell Raises $12M from Accel Partners (англ.) (недоступная ссылка). ArcticStartup. Дата обращения: 25 декабря 2015. Архивировано 30 декабря 2015 года.
- ↑ Lappalainen, 2015, p. 172.
- ↑ Lappalainen, 2015, pp. 183−187.
- ↑ Dredge, Stuart Clash of Clans студии Supercell raises $1.5 bn to become the next Nintendo (англ.). The Guardian (15 октября 2015). Дата обращения: 25 декабря 2015.
- ↑ Lappalainen, 2015, pp. 209−210.
- ↑ Lappalainen, 2015, pp. 195−199.
- ↑ Lunden, Ingrid SoftBank Ups Its Stake In Supercell To 73% As Sole External Shareholder (англ.). TechCrunch. Дата обращения: 25 декабря 2015.
- ↑ Kris Graft. Quality is worth killing for: Supercell’s ruthless approach to production (англ.). Gamasutra (16 марта 2016). Дата обращения: 17 марта 2016.
- ↑ A first look at Supercell’s tablet-only combat title Battle Buddies (англ.). www.adweek.com. Дата обращения: 25 декабря 2015.
- ↑ The $2.4 Million-Per-Day Company: Supercell (англ.). Forbes. Дата обращения: 25 декабря 2015.
- ↑ Vilpponen, Antti Supercell Combines The Very Best In Finnish Gaming. ArcticStartup (16 February 2011). Дата обращения: 04.05.2022.
- ↑ Zombies Online/Gunshine.net Shutdown notice. Gunshine.net. Дата обращения: 8 апреля 2015.
- ↑ Seufert, Eric Benjamin What is Supercell’s strategy with Boom Beach?. Mobile Dev Memo (6 January 2014). Дата обращения: 8 апреля 2015.
- ↑ Lappalainen, Elina Epäonnistumistakin voi juhlia – Hittipeliyhtiö Supercell hautasi floppinsa samppanjalla (фин.). Talouselämä. Talentum (29 November 2012). Дата обращения: 8 апреля 2015. Архивировано 13 апреля 2015 года.
- ↑ A first look at Supercell’s tablet-only combat title Battle Buddies 7 March 2012
- ↑ Boom Beach is one of the most popular game on Google Play Store.
- ↑ Supercell Cancels Spooky Pop.
- ↑ Spooky Pop, Supercell’s match-three puzzler, has been cancelled.
- ↑ Clash of Clans. Clash of Clans. Дата обращения: 12 августа 2015.
- ↑ Clash of Clans Maker Supercell soft-Launches ‘Smash Land’ in Canada (4 May 2015).
- ↑ 1 2 Smash Land Announcement.
- ↑ Clash Royale Soft Launch Announcement 4 January 2016
- ↑ Callaham, John Clash of Clans developer Supercell reveals new game, Brawl Stars. Android Authority (14 June 2017). Дата обращения: 3 апреля 2021.
- ↑ Sholtz, Matthew Brawl Stars is finally coming to Android, with limited access starting today. Android Police (26 June 2018). Дата обращения: 3 апреля 2021.
- ↑ Minotti, Mike Supercell’s Brawl Stars launches on iOS and Android. VentureBeat (12 декабря 2018). Дата обращения: 3 апреля 2021. Архивировано 18 апреля 2021 года.
- ↑ Supercell teases new mobile game Rush Wars.
- ↑ Rush Wars Closing (англ.). Supercell.
- ↑ Welcome to the Neighborhood! × Supercell (англ.). Supercell. Дата обращения: 9 июня 2020.
- ↑ Hay Day Pop [HayDayPop]. Unfortunately, we have made the hard decision to end the development of Hay Day Pop.
Thank you for being an amazing community; we could not be more grateful. ❤️ You can find more information here 👇 supr.cl/TheFinalGoodbye. [твит]. Твиттер (30 November 2020). Дата обращения: 23 января 2021. - ↑ 1 2 3 Announcing Three Unique New Clash Games in Development × Supercell (англ.). Supercell. Дата обращения: 2 апреля 2021.
- ↑ Supercell’s Clash Quest has been released in selected countries. Mobile Gaming Hub (6 April 2021). Дата обращения: 6 апреля 2021.
- ↑ Ahmed, Wasif New Supercell game, Clash Quest is now available in the Philippines. Dot Esports (6 May 2021). Дата обращения: 11 мая 2021.
- ↑ Clash Mini Reaches Beta & More Clash News × Supercell (англ.). Supercell. Дата обращения: 4 декабря 2021.
- ↑ Takahashi, Dean Supercell launches beta for Everdale and unveils 3 new Clash of Clans games (англ.). VentureBeat (23 августа 2021). Дата обращения: 23 августа 2021.
- ↑ Leena Laakso. Supercell voitggrti startup-kilpailun (фин.). Kauppalehti (10 декабря 2012). Дата обращения: 26 марта 2016.
- ↑ Maria Rautio. Vuoden suomalainen pelinkehittäjä valittiin — lahjoitti koko summan Movemberille (фин.). YleX (2 ноября 2012). Дата обращения: 24 марта 2015.
- ↑ Supercell voitti, Vexvelle kunniaa (фин.) (недоступная ссылка). Talotekniikka (10 октября 2013). Дата обращения: 24 марта 2015. Архивировано 2 апреля 2015 года.
- ↑ Juha-Matti Mäntylä. Suomen hyvämaineisimmat: Supercell, Kone ja… kolmatta et muuten arvaa (фин.). Talouselämä (12 сентября 2014). Дата обращения: 16 марта 2015.
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Below are some best practices from our partner, Supercell, on how to best leverage Facebook pages for your apps.
Ниже представлено несколько советов, касающихся использования Страниц Facebook для рекламы, от нашего партнера — компании Supercell.
Until September 2008, when the transmission towers were disabled, Rwandacell phones could operate on their Supercell sister network that operated in Masisi and Rutshuru (Democratic Republic of the Congo).
До сентября 2008 года, когда трансмиссионные вышки были выведены из строя, телефоны “Rwandacell” могли работать через связанную с ней сеть “Supercell”, действовавшую в Масиси и Рутшуру (Демократическая Республика Конго).
The same article stated that he was in talks with JPMorgan Chase about fundraising at a valuation of more than $3 billion, which would match the $3 billion valuation Supercell reached with funding from Japan’s SoftBank.
В той же статье утверждалось, что он ведет переговоры с JPMorgan Chase о финансировании в размере более трех миллиардов долларов, совпадающего с тремя миллиардами, собранными Supercell с помощью японского Soft Bank.
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«Music Group supercell Holds Auditions for Next Album».
Музыкальная группа Supercell проведет прослушивание для следующего альбома (англ.).
These type of storms are stronger than the single-cell storm, yet much weaker than the supercell storm.
Данный тип грозы обычно более интенсивен, чем одноячейковая гроза, но много слабее суперъячейковой грозы.
The standard definition given above is referred to as the Classic supercell.
In 2012, Supercell was awarded as the best Nordic start-up company and chosen as the Finnish game developer of the year.
В 2012 году Supercell была признана лучшей скандинавской стартап-компанией и выбрана в качестве финского разработчика игр года.
For more information see Supercell‘s Fan Content Policy.
Для дополнительной информации смотри Правила Supercell для фанатского контента.
Between the releases of Boom Beach and Clash Royale, Supercell had discontinued nine game projects, two in their test release phase.
Между выпусками Воом Beach и Clash Royale Supercell прекратила девять игровых проектов, в том числе два в фазе испытания.
In 2014, the research and consultancy agency T-Media chose Supercell as Finland’s most reputable company in their Luottamus&Maine (Trust&Reputation) report.
В 2014 году научно-консалтинговое агентство T-Media признала SuperCell как наиболее уважаемую компанию Финляндии в своем докладе Luottamus&Maine (Trust&Reputation).
In six months, Supercell‘s value had tripled, since in spring 2013 the company had sold 16.7% of its shares for 100 million euros.
За шесть месяцев стоимость SuperCell утроилась, так как ещё весной того же 2013 года компания продала 16,7% своих акций за 100 млн евро.
In summer 2013, Supercell started marketing collaboration with the Japanese GungHo: the companies cross-marketed each other’s games in their own games in their own markets.
Летом 2013 года Supercell начал сотрудничество в области маркетинга с японской GungHo, компании собирались продвигать игры друг друга на своих собственных рынках.
In May 2012, Hay Day was published and eventually became Supercell‘s first internationally released game.
В мае 2012 года свет увидела игра HayDay, ставшая первой игрой Supercell, выпущенной на международном уровне.
In the following October, Supercell raised 750,000 euros through seed funding from for example London Venture Partners and Initial Capital.
Вскоре Supercell привлекла ещё 750000 евро от нескольких инвесторов, среди которых были London Ventures Partner и Initial Capital.
SoftBank and GungHo bought 51% of Supercell‘s shares for 1.1 billion euros which is the largest price for a Finnish private company in history.
SoftBank и GungHo купили 51 % акций SuperCell за 1,1 млрд евро, что стало крупнейшей в истории ценой, заплаченной за финскую частную компанию.
Until September 2008, when the transmission towers were disabled, Rwandacell phones could operate on their Supercell sister network that operated in Masisi and Rutshuru. CNDP regularly buys or is sent credit for these telephones through representatives in Rwanda.
До сентября 2008 года, когда трансмиссионные вышки были выведены из строя, телефоны «Rwandacell» могли работать через связанную с ней сеть «Supercell«, действовавшую в Масиси и Рутшуру. НКЗН регулярно покупает или получает кредит в связи с этими телефонами через представителей в Руанде.
From May 25 to June 19, 2011, Ryo of Supercell held auditions for the vocalist on the band’s third album Zigaexperientia (2013).
В этом же году с 25 мая по 19 июня Supercell проводили прослушивание в поисках вокалиста для третьего студийного альбома, который был назван Zigaexperientiaruen (2013).
On 1 June 2015, SoftBank acquired additional 22.7% stake in Supercell, increasing its total stake to 73.2% and becoming the sole external shareholder of the company.
1 июня 2015 года Softbank приобрел ещё 22,7 % акций SuperCell, доведя свою долю в компании до 73,2 % и став единственным внешним акционером.
After Gunshine’s completion, Accel Partners also invested 8 million euros in the company in May 2011, and shareholder Kevin Comolli became a member of Supercell‘s board of directors.
В мае 2011 года, после завершения Gunshine, Accel Partners инвестировала 8 млн евро в компанию, а её акционер Кевин Комолли стал членом совета директоров SuperCell.
Both Clash of Clans and Hay Day were released in the summer 2012, and Supercell did not release a new game in almost two years.
Выпустив летом 2012 года Clash of Clans и HayDay, и Supercell не предлагала на рынке новых игр почти два года.
In November 2011, Supercell abandoned Gunshine for three reasons: it did not interest players for long enough, it was too difficult to play, and the mobile version did not work as well as the browser version.
В ноябре 2011 года Supercell отказалась от Gunshine по трем причинам: игра не могла достаточно долго удерживать интерес игроков, в неё было слишком трудно играть, не было мобильной и также браузерной версий.
In a review by Stephen Habermann (IGN) he noted that it seemed like a modern version of Clash of Clans, another video game by Supercell.
Стивен Хаберманн (IGN) отметил, что это современная версия Clash of Clans, но она еще одна игра от Supercell.
Investors like De Rubertis listen to entrepreneur pitches, meet with them one-on-one, and watch presentations in their search for the next Supercell, the phenomenal Finnish gaming company that has been valued at 2.2 billion euros by Japanese investors.
Инвесторы, подобные Де Рубертису, выслушивают представление бизнес-плана, встречаются с предпринимателями один на один и смотрят презентации в поисках следующей Supercell — феноменальной 3-летней финской игровой компании, в которую было вложено японскими инвесторами 22 миллиарда евро.
Результатов: 25. Точных совпадений: 25. Затраченное время: 40 мс
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > supercell
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > supercell
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supercell
English-Russian meteorological dictionary > supercell
supercell hailstorm
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supercell hailstorm
supercell thunderstorm
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supercell thunderstorm
multicell [supercell] hailstorm
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > multicell [supercell] hailstorm
model supercell
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > model supercell
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > сверхъячейка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > сверхъячейка
См. также в других словарях:
Supercell — Datos generales Origen Japón Información artística Género(s) J pop … Wikipedia Español
Supercell — bezeichnet: Supercell (Unternehmen), ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo Supercell (Band), eine japanische Band Supercell (Album), das Debütalbum dieser Band Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell — ██████████90 … Wikipédia en Français
Supercell — A supercell is a severe thunderstorm with a deep, continuously rotating updraft (a mesocyclone). [ [http://www.stormchasers.au.com/lemon7.htm 12B ] ] Of the four classifications of thunderstorms (supercell, single cell, multi cell, and squall… … Wikipedia
Supercell (Album) — Supercell Studioalbum von Supercell feat. Hatsune Miku Veröffentlichung 2009 Label Sony Music Direct Format … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (Unternehmen) — Supercell SPRL ist ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in Nordkivu in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Die ursprünglich regional beschränkte Konzession wurde später in eine nationale Konzession umgewandelt,[1] eine Expansion außerhalb Kivus scheint bis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (crystal) — In solid state physics and crystallography, when describing crystal structure, a supercell is a repeating unit cell of the crystal that contains several primitive cells. In some cases, these primitive cells of the underlying crystal are perturbed … Wikipedia
supercell — noun A severe thunderstorm with updrafts and downdrafts that are in near balance, allowing the storm to maintain itself for several hours. Supercells often produce large hail, powerful downpours, very strong winds and sometimes tornadoes … Wiktionary
supercell — /ˈsupəsɛl/ (say soohpuhsel) noun a severe thunderstorm with a persistent rotating updraft, its clouds being massed in a large circle … Australian-English dictionary
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Supercell’s headquarters in Jätkäsaari |
Type | Subsidiary |
Industry | Mobile games |
Founded | 14 May 2010; 12 years ago |
Founder |
Headquarters |
Helsinki , Finland |
Key people |
Ilkka Paananen (CEO)[1] |
Products | See § Games |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Number of employees |
340[3] (2021) |
Parent | Tencent (81.4%; 2016–present) |
Subsidiaries | Space Ape Games (62%; 2017–present) |
Website | supercell.com |
Supercell Oy is a Finnish mobile game development company based in Helsinki. Founded on 14 May 2010,[4] the company’s debut game was the browser game Gunshine.net, and after its release in 2011, Supercell started developing games for mobile devices. Since then, the company has fully released five mobile games: Hay Day, Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars, which are freemium fast-paced games and have been very successful for the company, the first two generating revenue of €2 million a day in 2013.[5]
Following its rapid growth, Supercell opened additional offices in Tokyo, Shanghai, San Francisco, and Seoul. In 2016, the company was bought out by Chinese conglomerate Tencent holdings, taking an 81.4% stake in the company valued at €8.4 billion.[6]
Business model[edit]
Supercell focuses on the development of free-to-play games that yield profits through the in-game micropayments. The company’s objective is to focus on the successful games that stay popular for years. The focus has not been on revenue, but on the principle «just design something great, something that users love.»[7] Game development focuses around «cells» of five to seven people which start with idea generation and an initial review by CEO Paananen.[7] The team subsequently develops the idea into a game, which the rest of the company’s employees get to play-test, followed by play-testing in Canada’s App store; if the Canada reception is good, the next step is global rollout (App Store).[7] Successful failures are celebrated by employees.[7] One of the games that was cancelled well into development was Battle Buddies, which had also been rated well in the test market, but the number of players was still too small. The final decision for cancelling a project is done by the development team themselves.
Background and founding[edit]
Before Supercell, two of its founders, Mikko Kodisoja and Ilkka Paananen, worked at Sumea, a mobile game company. Kodisoja co-founded Sumea in 1999, and Paananen was hired as the company’s CEO in 2000. In 2003, Sumea made a profit of €1.2 million. In the following year, the American Digital Chocolate bought Sumea and made the company its Finnish headquarters and Paananen the European manager. Kodisoja, the firm’s creative director left the company in 2010, followed soon after by Paananen.[8]
Paananen moved to venture capital company Lifeline Ventures, but wanted to create a game company where executives would not disturb the work of the game developers. Together, Paananen, Kodisoja, Petri Styrman, Lassi Leppinen, Visa Forstén, and Niko Derome who had known each other through work connections, founded Supercell in 2010. The company started its business in the Niittykumpu district of Espoo.[9]
Kodisoja and Paananen invested €250,000 in the company. Tekes, the Finnish funding agency for technology innovation loaned them a further €400,000 and Lifeline Ventures also invested in Supercell. The following October, Supercell raised €750,000 through seed funding, including from London Venture Partners and Initial Capital. The first game Supercell started to develop was the massive multiplayer online game Gunshine that could be played on Facebook with a browser or on mobile platforms. The game prototype was ready in eight months.[9] After Gunshine’s completion, Accel Partners also invested €8 million in the company in May 2011, and shareholder Kevin Comolli became a member of Supercell’s board of directors. Accel also invested in Rovio, among others.[10]
Change of strategies[edit]
In November 2011, Supercell abandoned Gunshine for three reasons: it did not interest players for long enough, it was too difficult to play, and the mobile version did not work as well as the browser version. At best, the game had approximately half a million players. Supercell considered Zynga’s market leadership in games on the Facebook platform insurmountable and so decided to focus on iPad games, cancelling a Facebook game it was developing. In order to ease concerns of Supercell’s investors due to the change of direction, Paananen increased the detail of progress reports.[9]
The company simultaneously developed five games and the first to be released for public testing was Pets vs Orcs. This game and Tower were abandoned. In May 2012, Hay Day was published and eventually became Supercell’s first internationally released game.[9] Hay Day was Supercell’s version of Zynga’s successful Facebook game FarmVille, an easy-to-play farm simulator. Supercell added to their farming simulator the ability to refine products, a production chain, and touch screen properties. The social aspect of the game was emphasised as well. In four months, the game became one of the most profitable games in Apple’s App Store in the US, and was one of the most profitable in the world for two and a half years. The game receives regular updates and is maintained by a team of 14 people.[11]
Development of Clash of Clans[edit]
Lasse Louhento had started at Bloodhouse, and Lassi Leppinen was the chief programmer at Sumea and Digital Chocolate. Their team had spent months on a fantasy themed Facebook game when Supercell changed strategies. Leppinen and Louhento wanted to make a strategy game that would use a touch screen so playing would be as simple and pleasant as possible. The development of Clash of Clans took six months, and the game was released on 2 August 2012. In three months, it became the most profitable app in the US. According to App Annie, in the years 2013 and 2014 Clash of Clans was the most profitable mobile game in the world. The eponymous battle between the clans was added to the game as late as 2014.[12]
In summer 2013, Supercell began a marketing collaboration with the Japanese video game company GungHo: the companies cross-marketed each other’s games in their own markets. As a result, Clash of Clans became one of the most downloaded apps in Japan. GungHo’s chairman of the board Taizo Son flew to Finland to thank Paananen and later introduced him to his brother Masayoshi Son, the CEO of the SoftBank Corporation. Soon, they proposed a corporate acquisition which indeed happened on 7 October 2013. SoftBank and GungHo bought 51% of Supercell’s shares for 1.1 billion euros which is the largest price for a Finnish private company in history. In six months, Supercell’s value had tripled, since in spring 2013 the company had sold 16.7% of its shares for 100 million euros.[13]
Development of games after Clash of Clans[edit]
Both Clash of Clans and Hay Day were released in summer 2012,[7] and Supercell did not release a new game in almost two years. The design of the third game Boom Beach started in the autumn of 2012, and it was released in 2014. The new strategy game was released to the test market at the end of 2013, after which it went through large changes. The game was very successful in the US right after its release in March, but it did not stay at the top of the download charts for very long. However, it rose to the top 30 of the most downloaded iPhone apps after Supercell started an expensive marketing campaign in December 2014. In 2015, the game surpassed Hay Day in the charts.[14]
In March 2016, Supercell released its fourth supported game, Clash Royale, which uses similar characters from Clash of Clans. Between the releases of Boom Beach and Clash Royale, Supercell had discontinued multiple game projects, two in their test release phase. One of them was Smash Land which had been developed by 4 to 5 people for 10 months.[15]
In December 2018, Supercell released Brawl Stars globally, which was their fifth supported game and took 18 months to develop from its original release.[16]
On December 15, 2021, Supercell announced that they are opening a new game studio in North America to make games for other platforms like PC and consoles.[17]
Accel Partners and Index Ventures invested $12 million in the Series A of Supercell in 2011.[18] In October 2013 it was announced that the Japanese company GungHo Online Entertainment and its parent SoftBank had acquired 51% of the company for a reported $1.51 billion.[19] On 1 June 2015, SoftBank acquired an additional 22.7% stake in Supercell, which brought their total stake to 73.2% of the company and made them the sole external shareholder.[20] In 2016, Supercell reported annual revenues of around €2.11 billion.[21] In three years, the company’s revenues have grown a total of 800 percent, from 78.4 million (2012).[21][22][23]
In June 2016, Halti S.A., a Luxembourg-based consortium founded that month, acquired 81.4% of Supercell for $8.6 billion.[24][25] At the time, Japan’s SoftBank valued Supercell at $10.2 billion.[24] Halti S.A. was 50%-owned by Chinese technology company Tencent; in October 2019, Tencent increased its stake in the consortium to 51.2% by acquiring shares worth $40 million as part of a convertible bond.[25][26]
Space Ape Games[edit]
In 2017, Supercell acquired 60% of Space Ape Games, a mobile game developer based in London.[27] In February 2021, it was announced that Space Ape will collaborate with Supercell to make Beatstar, which led to Supercell ID becoming available on Beatstar.[28] In late 2021, Space Ape developed Boom Beach: Frontlines, a spin-off of Boom Beach with Supercell. It was soft-launched in Canada on 19 October 2021 and was released to selected countries. On 30 November 2022, the game was announced to be discontinued with servers shutting down in January 2023.
Title | Year | Availability | Description |
Gunshine.net (later Zombies Online) | 2011 | Gunshine.net (later known as Zombies Online) was Supercell’s first game and only non-mobile game. It was a browser game that released in 2011.[29] The servers were shut down on 30 November 2012.[30] | |
Pets vs Orcs | 2012 | Pets vs Orcs was the company’s first mobile game. It was downloadable for a little over a month in 2012.[31] | |
Battle Buddies | 2012 | The company’s second mobile game, Battle Buddies was soft-launched in a number of countries in 2012, but was discontinued later in the same year.[32] The game was pulled out of market due to poor monetization, despite gaining positive reviews from critics.[33] | |
Hay Day | 2012 (iOS) and 2013 (Android) | On 21 June 2012, Supercell released Hay Day on iOS and on 20 November 2013 on Android. | |
Clash of Clans | 2012 (iOS) and 2013 (Android) | On 2 August 2012, Supercell worldwide released Clash of Clans on iOS and on 7 October 2013 on Android. The online strategy game where players build defenses and train troops to attack other players’ bases, is the top grossing app of iOS and Android of all time. Clash of Clans has also received positive reviews from global audience. It has a score of 9/10 by Pocket Gamer and 4.5/5 stars from Gamezebo. | |
Boom Beach | 2014 | On 26 March 2014, Supercell released Boom Beach on iOS and Android.[34] | |
Spooky Pop | 2014 | The Canadian soft-launch of Supercell’s addition to its mobile line-up, Spooky Pop, was released in December 2014 and discontinued in March 2015.[35] On 9 February 2015, the app was removed from the Canadian App Store and those with previously downloaded copies trying to access the game were met with a pop-up message of the discontinuance. On 10 March 2015, the game was fully shut down.[36] Supercell has since been described as conservative on the release of titles after the successes of Clash of Clans and Boom Beach as opposed to many other mobile-development companies.[37] | |
Smash Land | 2015 | Smash Land was launched on a limited basis in Canada and Australia on 1 April 2015.[38] However, on 1 July of that year, Supercell announced on its official forum that it had decided to cancel development of the game.[39] Smash Land remained available for download until 1 September, at which point it was permanently removed from online distribution platforms.[39] | |
Clash Royale | 2016 | On 4 January 2016, Supercell soft-launched Clash Royale on iOS and also on 16 February 2016, Supercell soft-launched the game on Android in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and New Zealand. On 2 March 2016, Supercell launched the game globally for iOS and Android.[40] | |
Brawl Stars | 2018 | On 14 June 2017, Supercell announced Brawl Stars via a video on YouTube. It received an iOS soft launch in the Canadian App Store the following day.[41] It was released in the Finland, Sweden and Norway App Stores on 19 January 2018. The Android version was released on 26 June 2018 in Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Singapore and Malaysia.[42] The game was globally released on 12 December 2018, one and a half years after the beta release.[16] | |
Rush Wars | 2019 | On 26 August 2019, a beta version of Rush Wars was launched in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.[43] On 5 November 2019, it was announced that the game would not be continued, and would shut down on 30 November.[44] | |
Hay Day Pop | 2020 | On 16 March 2020, Hay Day Pop was released in beta. The game is only available to certain countries such as Finland, Canada, Norway and others.[45] On 30 November 2020, Supercell announced that they will discontinue Hay Day Pop. The servers were shut down on 1 February 2021.[46] | |
Clash Quest | 2021 | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Quest.[47] On 6 April 2021, Clash Quest became available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Denmark on iOS and Android.[48] On 6 May 2021, the game became available in the Philippines.[49] On 17 August 2022, the Clash Quest Twitter account announced that the development of the game has been discontinued.[50][51] The servers were shut down on 29 September 2022.[52] | |
Clash Mini | 2021 | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Mini.[47] On 8 November 2021, Clash Mini became available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and Canada on iOS and Android.[53] | |
Clash Heroes | – | Unreleased | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Heroes.[47] |
Everdale | 2021 | On 23 August 2021, a beta version of the world-building mobile game Everdale was launched in Canada, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Nordics, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines and Malaysia.[54] On 3 October 2022, Supercell announced ending of the development of Everdale. The servers were shut down on 31 October 2022.[55] | |
Boom Beach: Frontlines | 2022 | A game within the Boom Beach universe — the game by Space Ape Games soft launched in Canada on October 19th, 2021. It would later expand into 18 more regions on August 3rd, 2022. The game would eventually have it’s servers taken offline on January 16th, 2023 after Space Ape Games announced it was ending development. [56] The game was discontinued on 30 November of the same year, with servers shutting down in January 2023.[57] | |
Squad Busters | 2023 | The game was announced on 1 Feb 2023. It was available from 6 Feb 2023 to 16 Feb 2023 only in Canada, only on Android and only for selected participants.[58] |
During Super Bowl XLIX in February 2015, Supercell spent $9 million for a 60-second runtime in front of 118.5 million viewers. According to The Guardian, the Clash of Clans advertisement was one of the most popular advertisements of the 61 spots aired on NBC.[59] The commercial, dubbed «Revenge», featured Liam Neeson parodying his character from the Taken film series by seeking revenge in a coffee shop for a random player destroying his village. The commercial has reached a total of 165 million[60] views on the game’s official YouTube channel so far,[61] and it was the most watched commercial on YouTube in 2015.[62] Despite the success of the commercial, Supercell has seen only a marginal increase in downloads following the advertisement.[63] In 2020, Supercell collaborated with an animation production studio Psyop, produced a short film Lost & Crowned, was uploaded on 12 September 2020 and qualified for Oscars recognition in December.
In 2012, Supercell was awarded as the best Nordic start-up company[64] and chosen as the Finnish game developer of the year.[65] The following year, Supercell won the Finnish Teknologiakasvattaja 2013 (Technology Educator 2013) contest,[66] and the company was chosen as the software entrepreneur of the year. In 2014, the research and consultancy agency T-Media chose Supercell as Finland’s most reputable company in their Luottamus&Maine (Trust&Reputation) report.[67]
- ^ Takahashi, Dean (15 May 2020). «The DeanBeat: Supercell CEO’s 10 takeaways from 10 years of mobile games». GamesBeat. VentureBeat. Archived from the original on 16 May 2020. Retrieved 23 January 2021.
- ^ a b «Are Our Best Days Behind Us or Ahead of Us?». Supercell. 15 February 2022. Retrieved 27 February 2022.
- ^ «Our story». Supercell. Archived from the original on 25 December 2014. Retrieved 23 January 2021.
- ^ Swan, Eva (14 May 2020). «Supercell, the mobile game hit-maker, celebrates 10-year anniversary». Dot Esports. Archived from the original on 2 May 2021. Retrieved 7 April 2021.
- ^ Strauss, Karsten (18 April 2013). «The $2.4 Million-Per-Day Company: Supercell». Forbes. Archived from the original on 21 November 2018. Retrieved 23 January 2021.
- ^ Perez, Matt (23 October 2019). «Tencent Buys Majority Stake in ‘Clash Of Clans’ Developer Supercell». Forbes. Archived from the original on 5 January 2021. Retrieved 23 January 2021.
- ^ a b c d e Strauss, Karsten (6 May 2013). «Is This the Fastest-Growing Game Company Ever?». Technology. Forbes (Paper). pp. 50, 52. Archived from the original on 4 August 2017. Retrieved 15 September 2017.
- ^ Lappalainen, p. 167–168
- ^ a b c d Lappalainen, p. 169–171
- ^ Lappalainen, p. 172
- ^ Lappalainen, p. 176–182
- ^ Lappalainen, p. 183–187
- ^ Lappalainen, p. 209–210
- ^ Lappalainen, p. 195–199
- ^ Graft, Kris (16 March 2016). «Quality is worth killing for: Supercell’s ruthless approach to production» Archived 20 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine, Gamasutra. Retrieved 17 March 2016.
- ^ a b Minotti, Mike (12 December 2018). «Supercell’s Brawl Stars launches on iOS and Android». VentureBeat. Archived from the original on 18 April 2021. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
- ^ «We Are Opening a Game Studio in North America to Make Games You Might Not Expect From Us × Supercell». Supercell. Retrieved 30 December 2021.
- ^ «Supercell Raises $12M from Accel Partners». Business Wire. 25 May 2011. Archived from the original on 1 November 2016. Retrieved 31 October 2016.
- ^ Clash of Clans maker Supercell raises $1.5bn to become the next Nintendo Archived 2 December 2016 at the Wayback Machine 15 October 2013
- ^ Lunden, Ingrid. «SoftBank Ups Its Stake In Supercell To 73% As Sole External Shareholder». Archived from the original on 22 December 2015. Retrieved 15 September 2017.
- ^ a b Pietarila, Päivikki (9 March 2016). «Supercelliltä hurjat luvut: liikevaihto harppasi 2,1 miljardiin». Kauppalehti (in Finnish). Archived from the original on 14 May 2016. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
- ^ Pietarila, Päivikki (24 March 2015). «Supercell meni kirkkaasti yli miljardirajan». Kauppalehti (in Finnish). Archived from the original on 2 April 2015. Retrieved 24 March 2015.
- ^ «Supercell Oy – Taloustiedot». Fonecta Finder (in Finnish). Archived from the original on 9 March 2016. Retrieved 9 March 2016.
- ^ a b Osawa, Juro; Needleman, Sarah E. (21 June 2016). «Tencent Seals Deal to Buy ‘Clash of Clans’ Developer Supercell for $8.6 Billion». Wall Street Journal. ISSN 0099-9660. Archived from the original on 21 June 2016. Retrieved 1 August 2016.
- ^ a b Tencent (21 October 2019). «Acquisition of Additional Equity Voting Interest in the Consortium Holding a Majority Interest in Supercell Oy» (PDF). Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Archived (PDF) from the original on 23 October 2019. Retrieved 23 October 2019.
- ^ Taylor, Haydn (23 October 2019). «Tencent takes majority control over Supercell». GamesIndustry.biz. Archived from the original on 23 October 2019. Retrieved 23 October 2019.
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- ^ «Supercell ID Is Expanding to New Games × Supercell». Supercell. Retrieved 23 October 2021.
- ^ Vilpponen, Antti (16 February 2011). «Supercell Combines The Very Best In Finnish Gaming». ArcticStartup. Archived from the original on 27 January 2021. Retrieved 23 March 2021.
- ^ «Zombies Online/Gunshine.net Shutdown notice». Gunshine.net. Archived from the original on 18 June 2019. Retrieved 8 April 2015.
- ^ Seufert, Eric Benjamin (6 January 2014). «What is Supercell’s strategy with Boom Beach?». Mobile Dev Memo. Archived from the original on 9 June 2019. Retrieved 8 April 2015.
- ^ Lappalainen, Elina (29 November 2012). «Epäonnistumistakin voi juhlia – Hittipeliyhtiö Supercell hautasi floppinsa samppanjalla». Talouselämä (in Finnish). Talentum. Archived from the original on 13 April 2015. Retrieved 8 April 2015.
- ^ A first look at Supercell’s tablet-only combat title Battle Buddies 7 March 2012
- ^ «Boom Beach is one of the most popular game on Google Play Store». Archived from the original on 14 May 2015. Retrieved 9 May 2015.
- ^ «Supercell Cancels Spooky Pop». Archived from the original on 11 June 2019. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
- ^ «Spooky Pop, Supercell’s match-three puzzler, has been cancelled». Archived from the original on 14 February 2015. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
- ^ «Clash of Clans». Clash of Clans. Archived from the original on 30 September 2017. Retrieved 12 August 2015.
- ^ «Clash of Clans Maker Supercell soft-Launches ‘Smash Land’ in Canada». 4 May 2015. Archived from the original on 9 June 2019. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
- ^ a b «Smash Land Announcement». Archived from the original on 1 July 2015. Retrieved 1 July 2015.
- ^ Clash Royale Soft Launch Announcement Archived 14 August 2016 at the Wayback Machine 4 January 2016
- ^ Callaham, John (14 June 2017). «Clash of Clans developer Supercell reveals new game, Brawl Stars». Android Authority. Archived from the original on 29 April 2021. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
- ^ Sholtz, Matthew (26 June 2018). «Brawl Stars is finally coming to Android, with limited access starting today». Android Police. Archived from the original on 20 April 2021. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
- ^ «Supercell teases new mobile game Rush Wars». Archived from the original on 25 August 2019. Retrieved 25 August 2019.
- ^ «Rush Wars Closing». Supercell. Archived from the original on 5 November 2019. Retrieved 5 November 2019.
- ^ «Welcome to the Neighborhood! × Supercell». Supercell. Archived from the original on 7 April 2020. Retrieved 9 June 2020.
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- ^ «Supercell’s Clash Quest has been released in selected countries». Mobile Gaming Hub. 6 April 2021. Archived from the original on 6 April 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2021.
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- ^ «Clash Mini Reaches Beta & More Clash News × Supercell». Supercell. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
- ^ Takahashi, Dean (23 August 2021). «Supercell launches beta for Everdale and unveils 3 new Clash of Clans games». VentureBeat. Retrieved 23 August 2021.
- ^ «Everdale Ending Development × Supercell». Supercell. Retrieved 20 November 2022.
- ^ «Boom Beach Frontlines: data di lancio, pre-registrazione e informazioni» (in Italian). 2 August 2022. Retrieved 30 November 2022.
- ^ Botadkar, Tanish (30 November 2022). «Boom Beach: Frontlines is ending development with servers shutting down in January 2023». Retrieved 30 November 2022.
- ^ «Supercell reveals crossover game Squad Busters with characters from various IPs». 1 February 2023. Retrieved 6 February 2023.
- ^ «Clash of Clans mobile game was most popular Super Bowl ad in 2015». Archived from the original on 18 January 2017. Retrieved 16 December 2016.
- ^ Clash of Clans: Revenge (Official Super Bowl TV Commercial) on YouTube
- ^ «‘Clash of Clans’ Is One Huge Hit». Archived from the original on 14 February 2015. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
- ^ Juvonen, Anna (31 December 2015). «Suomalaisyrityksen mainos vuoden katsotuin YouTubessa». Kauppalehti (in Finnish). Archived from the original on 3 January 2016. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
- ^ «Forget Liam Neeson and Kate Upton — even the ‘worst’ Super Bowl game ad worked». 12 February 2015. Archived from the original on 11 June 2017. Retrieved 15 September 2017.
- ^ Laakso, Leena (10 December 2012). «Supercell voitti startup-kilpailun» Archived 23 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Kauppalehti (in Finnish). Retrieved on 26 March 2016.
- ^ Rautio, Maria (2 November 2012). «Vuoden suomalainen pelinkehittäjä valittiin – lahjoitti koko summan Movemberille» Archived 23 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine, YleX (in Finnish). Retrieved on 24 March 2015.
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External links[edit]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Supercell’s headquarters in Jätkäsaari |
Type | Subsidiary |
Industry | Mobile games |
Founded | 14 May 2010; 12 years ago |
Founder |
Headquarters |
Helsinki , Finland |
Key people |
Ilkka Paananen (CEO)[1] |
Products | See § Games |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Number of employees |
340[3] (2021) |
Parent | Tencent (81.4%; 2016–present) |
Subsidiaries | Space Ape Games (62%; 2017–present) |
Website | supercell.com |
Supercell Oy is a Finnish mobile game development company based in Helsinki. Founded on 14 May 2010,[4] the company’s debut game was the browser game Gunshine.net, and after its release in 2011, Supercell started developing games for mobile devices. Since then, the company has fully released five mobile games: Hay Day, Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars, which are freemium fast-paced games and have been very successful for the company, the first two generating revenue of €2 million a day in 2013.[5]
Following its rapid growth, Supercell opened additional offices in Tokyo, Shanghai, San Francisco, and Seoul. In 2016, the company was bought out by Chinese conglomerate Tencent holdings, taking an 81.4% stake in the company valued at €8.4 billion.[6]
Business model[edit]
Supercell focuses on the development of free-to-play games that yield profits through the in-game micropayments. The company’s objective is to focus on the successful games that stay popular for years. The focus has not been on revenue, but on the principle «just design something great, something that users love.»[7] Game development focuses around «cells» of five to seven people which start with idea generation and an initial review by CEO Paananen.[7] The team subsequently develops the idea into a game, which the rest of the company’s employees get to play-test, followed by play-testing in Canada’s App store; if the Canada reception is good, the next step is global rollout (App Store).[7] Successful failures are celebrated by employees.[7] One of the games that was cancelled well into development was Battle Buddies, which had also been rated well in the test market, but the number of players was still too small. The final decision for cancelling a project is done by the development team themselves.
Background and founding[edit]
Before Supercell, two of its founders, Mikko Kodisoja and Ilkka Paananen, worked at Sumea, a mobile game company. Kodisoja co-founded Sumea in 1999, and Paananen was hired as the company’s CEO in 2000. In 2003, Sumea made a profit of €1.2 million. In the following year, the American Digital Chocolate bought Sumea and made the company its Finnish headquarters and Paananen the European manager. Kodisoja, the firm’s creative director left the company in 2010, followed soon after by Paananen.[8]
Paananen moved to venture capital company Lifeline Ventures, but wanted to create a game company where executives would not disturb the work of the game developers. Together, Paananen, Kodisoja, Petri Styrman, Lassi Leppinen, Visa Forstén, and Niko Derome who had known each other through work connections, founded Supercell in 2010. The company started its business in the Niittykumpu district of Espoo.[9]
Kodisoja and Paananen invested €250,000 in the company. Tekes, the Finnish funding agency for technology innovation loaned them a further €400,000 and Lifeline Ventures also invested in Supercell. The following October, Supercell raised €750,000 through seed funding, including from London Venture Partners and Initial Capital. The first game Supercell started to develop was the massive multiplayer online game Gunshine that could be played on Facebook with a browser or on mobile platforms. The game prototype was ready in eight months.[9] After Gunshine’s completion, Accel Partners also invested €8 million in the company in May 2011, and shareholder Kevin Comolli became a member of Supercell’s board of directors. Accel also invested in Rovio, among others.[10]
Change of strategies[edit]
In November 2011, Supercell abandoned Gunshine for three reasons: it did not interest players for long enough, it was too difficult to play, and the mobile version did not work as well as the browser version. At best, the game had approximately half a million players. Supercell considered Zynga’s market leadership in games on the Facebook platform insurmountable and so decided to focus on iPad games, cancelling a Facebook game it was developing. In order to ease concerns of Supercell’s investors due to the change of direction, Paananen increased the detail of progress reports.[9]
The company simultaneously developed five games and the first to be released for public testing was Pets vs Orcs. This game and Tower were abandoned. In May 2012, Hay Day was published and eventually became Supercell’s first internationally released game.[9] Hay Day was Supercell’s version of Zynga’s successful Facebook game FarmVille, an easy-to-play farm simulator. Supercell added to their farming simulator the ability to refine products, a production chain, and touch screen properties. The social aspect of the game was emphasised as well. In four months, the game became one of the most profitable games in Apple’s App Store in the US, and was one of the most profitable in the world for two and a half years. The game receives regular updates and is maintained by a team of 14 people.[11]
Development of Clash of Clans[edit]
Lasse Louhento had started at Bloodhouse, and Lassi Leppinen was the chief programmer at Sumea and Digital Chocolate. Their team had spent months on a fantasy themed Facebook game when Supercell changed strategies. Leppinen and Louhento wanted to make a strategy game that would use a touch screen so playing would be as simple and pleasant as possible. The development of Clash of Clans took six months, and the game was released on 2 August 2012. In three months, it became the most profitable app in the US. According to App Annie, in the years 2013 and 2014 Clash of Clans was the most profitable mobile game in the world. The eponymous battle between the clans was added to the game as late as 2014.[12]
In summer 2013, Supercell began a marketing collaboration with the Japanese video game company GungHo: the companies cross-marketed each other’s games in their own markets. As a result, Clash of Clans became one of the most downloaded apps in Japan. GungHo’s chairman of the board Taizo Son flew to Finland to thank Paananen and later introduced him to his brother Masayoshi Son, the CEO of the SoftBank Corporation. Soon, they proposed a corporate acquisition which indeed happened on 7 October 2013. SoftBank and GungHo bought 51% of Supercell’s shares for 1.1 billion euros which is the largest price for a Finnish private company in history. In six months, Supercell’s value had tripled, since in spring 2013 the company had sold 16.7% of its shares for 100 million euros.[13]
Development of games after Clash of Clans[edit]
Both Clash of Clans and Hay Day were released in summer 2012,[7] and Supercell did not release a new game in almost two years. The design of the third game Boom Beach started in the autumn of 2012, and it was released in 2014. The new strategy game was released to the test market at the end of 2013, after which it went through large changes. The game was very successful in the US right after its release in March, but it did not stay at the top of the download charts for very long. However, it rose to the top 30 of the most downloaded iPhone apps after Supercell started an expensive marketing campaign in December 2014. In 2015, the game surpassed Hay Day in the charts.[14]
In March 2016, Supercell released its fourth supported game, Clash Royale, which uses similar characters from Clash of Clans. Between the releases of Boom Beach and Clash Royale, Supercell had discontinued multiple game projects, two in their test release phase. One of them was Smash Land which had been developed by 4 to 5 people for 10 months.[15]
In December 2018, Supercell released Brawl Stars globally, which was their fifth supported game and took 18 months to develop from its original release.[16]
On December 15, 2021, Supercell announced that they are opening a new game studio in North America to make games for other platforms like PC and consoles.[17]
Accel Partners and Index Ventures invested $12 million in the Series A of Supercell in 2011.[18] In October 2013 it was announced that the Japanese company GungHo Online Entertainment and its parent SoftBank had acquired 51% of the company for a reported $1.51 billion.[19] On 1 June 2015, SoftBank acquired an additional 22.7% stake in Supercell, which brought their total stake to 73.2% of the company and made them the sole external shareholder.[20] In 2016, Supercell reported annual revenues of around €2.11 billion.[21] In three years, the company’s revenues have grown a total of 800 percent, from 78.4 million (2012).[21][22][23]
In June 2016, Halti S.A., a Luxembourg-based consortium founded that month, acquired 81.4% of Supercell for $8.6 billion.[24][25] At the time, Japan’s SoftBank valued Supercell at $10.2 billion.[24] Halti S.A. was 50%-owned by Chinese technology company Tencent; in October 2019, Tencent increased its stake in the consortium to 51.2% by acquiring shares worth $40 million as part of a convertible bond.[25][26]
Space Ape Games[edit]
In 2017, Supercell acquired 60% of Space Ape Games, a mobile game developer based in London.[27] In February 2021, it was announced that Space Ape will collaborate with Supercell to make Beatstar, which led to Supercell ID becoming available on Beatstar.[28] In late 2021, Space Ape developed Boom Beach: Frontlines, a spin-off of Boom Beach with Supercell. It was soft-launched in Canada on 19 October 2021 and was released to selected countries. On 30 November 2022, the game was announced to be discontinued with servers shutting down in January 2023.
Title | Year | Availability | Description |
Gunshine.net (later Zombies Online) | 2011 | Gunshine.net (later known as Zombies Online) was Supercell’s first game and only non-mobile game. It was a browser game that released in 2011.[29] The servers were shut down on 30 November 2012.[30] | |
Pets vs Orcs | 2012 | Pets vs Orcs was the company’s first mobile game. It was downloadable for a little over a month in 2012.[31] | |
Battle Buddies | 2012 | The company’s second mobile game, Battle Buddies was soft-launched in a number of countries in 2012, but was discontinued later in the same year.[32] The game was pulled out of market due to poor monetization, despite gaining positive reviews from critics.[33] | |
Hay Day | 2012 (iOS) and 2013 (Android) | On 21 June 2012, Supercell released Hay Day on iOS and on 20 November 2013 on Android. | |
Clash of Clans | 2012 (iOS) and 2013 (Android) | On 2 August 2012, Supercell worldwide released Clash of Clans on iOS and on 7 October 2013 on Android. The online strategy game where players build defenses and train troops to attack other players’ bases, is the top grossing app of iOS and Android of all time. Clash of Clans has also received positive reviews from global audience. It has a score of 9/10 by Pocket Gamer and 4.5/5 stars from Gamezebo. | |
Boom Beach | 2014 | On 26 March 2014, Supercell released Boom Beach on iOS and Android.[34] | |
Spooky Pop | 2014 | The Canadian soft-launch of Supercell’s addition to its mobile line-up, Spooky Pop, was released in December 2014 and discontinued in March 2015.[35] On 9 February 2015, the app was removed from the Canadian App Store and those with previously downloaded copies trying to access the game were met with a pop-up message of the discontinuance. On 10 March 2015, the game was fully shut down.[36] Supercell has since been described as conservative on the release of titles after the successes of Clash of Clans and Boom Beach as opposed to many other mobile-development companies.[37] | |
Smash Land | 2015 | Smash Land was launched on a limited basis in Canada and Australia on 1 April 2015.[38] However, on 1 July of that year, Supercell announced on its official forum that it had decided to cancel development of the game.[39] Smash Land remained available for download until 1 September, at which point it was permanently removed from online distribution platforms.[39] | |
Clash Royale | 2016 | On 4 January 2016, Supercell soft-launched Clash Royale on iOS and also on 16 February 2016, Supercell soft-launched the game on Android in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and New Zealand. On 2 March 2016, Supercell launched the game globally for iOS and Android.[40] | |
Brawl Stars | 2018 | On 14 June 2017, Supercell announced Brawl Stars via a video on YouTube. It received an iOS soft launch in the Canadian App Store the following day.[41] It was released in the Finland, Sweden and Norway App Stores on 19 January 2018. The Android version was released on 26 June 2018 in Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Singapore and Malaysia.[42] The game was globally released on 12 December 2018, one and a half years after the beta release.[16] | |
Rush Wars | 2019 | On 26 August 2019, a beta version of Rush Wars was launched in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.[43] On 5 November 2019, it was announced that the game would not be continued, and would shut down on 30 November.[44] | |
Hay Day Pop | 2020 | On 16 March 2020, Hay Day Pop was released in beta. The game is only available to certain countries such as Finland, Canada, Norway and others.[45] On 30 November 2020, Supercell announced that they will discontinue Hay Day Pop. The servers were shut down on 1 February 2021.[46] | |
Clash Quest | 2021 | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Quest.[47] On 6 April 2021, Clash Quest became available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Denmark on iOS and Android.[48] On 6 May 2021, the game became available in the Philippines.[49] On 17 August 2022, the Clash Quest Twitter account announced that the development of the game has been discontinued.[50][51] The servers were shut down on 29 September 2022.[52] | |
Clash Mini | 2021 | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Mini.[47] On 8 November 2021, Clash Mini became available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and Canada on iOS and Android.[53] | |
Clash Heroes | – | Unreleased | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Heroes.[47] |
Everdale | 2021 | On 23 August 2021, a beta version of the world-building mobile game Everdale was launched in Canada, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Nordics, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines and Malaysia.[54] On 3 October 2022, Supercell announced ending of the development of Everdale. The servers were shut down on 31 October 2022.[55] | |
Boom Beach: Frontlines | 2022 | A game within the Boom Beach universe — the game by Space Ape Games soft launched in Canada on October 19th, 2021. It would later expand into 18 more regions on August 3rd, 2022. The game would eventually have it’s servers taken offline on January 16th, 2023 after Space Ape Games announced it was ending development. [56] The game was discontinued on 30 November of the same year, with servers shutting down in January 2023.[57] | |
Squad Busters | 2023 | The game was announced on 1 Feb 2023. It was available from 6 Feb 2023 to 16 Feb 2023 only in Canada, only on Android and only for selected participants.[58] |
During Super Bowl XLIX in February 2015, Supercell spent $9 million for a 60-second runtime in front of 118.5 million viewers. According to The Guardian, the Clash of Clans advertisement was one of the most popular advertisements of the 61 spots aired on NBC.[59] The commercial, dubbed «Revenge», featured Liam Neeson parodying his character from the Taken film series by seeking revenge in a coffee shop for a random player destroying his village. The commercial has reached a total of 165 million[60] views on the game’s official YouTube channel so far,[61] and it was the most watched commercial on YouTube in 2015.[62] Despite the success of the commercial, Supercell has seen only a marginal increase in downloads following the advertisement.[63] In 2020, Supercell collaborated with an animation production studio Psyop, produced a short film Lost & Crowned, was uploaded on 12 September 2020 and qualified for Oscars recognition in December.
In 2012, Supercell was awarded as the best Nordic start-up company[64] and chosen as the Finnish game developer of the year.[65] The following year, Supercell won the Finnish Teknologiakasvattaja 2013 (Technology Educator 2013) contest,[66] and the company was chosen as the software entrepreneur of the year. In 2014, the research and consultancy agency T-Media chose Supercell as Finland’s most reputable company in their Luottamus&Maine (Trust&Reputation) report.[67]
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- ^ «Welcome to the Neighborhood! × Supercell». Supercell. Archived from the original on 7 April 2020. Retrieved 9 June 2020.
- ^ Hay Day Pop [@HayDayPop] (30 November 2020). «Unfortunately, we have made the hard decision to end the development of Hay Day Pop. Thank you for being an amazing community; we could not be more grateful. ❤️ You can find more information here 👇 supr.cl/TheFinalGoodbye» (Tweet). Retrieved 23 January 2021 – via Twitter.
- ^ a b c «Announcing Three Unique New Clash Games in Development × Supercell». Supercell. Archived from the original on 2 April 2021. Retrieved 2 April 2021.
- ^ «Supercell’s Clash Quest has been released in selected countries». Mobile Gaming Hub. 6 April 2021. Archived from the original on 6 April 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2021.
- ^ Ahmed, Wasif (6 May 2021). «New Supercell game, Clash Quest is now available in the Philippines». Dot Esports. Archived from the original on 11 May 2021. Retrieved 11 May 2021.
- ^ Clash Quest [@ClashQuest] (17 August 2022). «Hello Captains, We’ve made the difficult decision to discontinue development of Clash Quest. Thank you for supporting our game, sharing your feedback, and for being an amazing community for the past year. You can find more information here: https://supr.cl/3pqzJx2» (Tweet). Retrieved 17 August 2022 – via Twitter.
- ^ Khayyat, Mehrdad (17 August 2022). «Supercell Discontinues The Development Of Clash Quest Before A Full Launch». DualShockers. Retrieved 18 August 2022.
- ^ «Clash Quest Ending Development × Supercell». Supercell. Retrieved 20 November 2022.
- ^ «Clash Mini Reaches Beta & More Clash News × Supercell». Supercell. Retrieved 11 November 2021.
- ^ Takahashi, Dean (23 August 2021). «Supercell launches beta for Everdale and unveils 3 new Clash of Clans games». VentureBeat. Retrieved 23 August 2021.
- ^ «Everdale Ending Development × Supercell». Supercell. Retrieved 20 November 2022.
- ^ «Boom Beach Frontlines: data di lancio, pre-registrazione e informazioni» (in Italian). 2 August 2022. Retrieved 30 November 2022.
- ^ Botadkar, Tanish (30 November 2022). «Boom Beach: Frontlines is ending development with servers shutting down in January 2023». Retrieved 30 November 2022.
- ^ «Supercell reveals crossover game Squad Busters with characters from various IPs». 1 February 2023. Retrieved 6 February 2023.
- ^ «Clash of Clans mobile game was most popular Super Bowl ad in 2015». Archived from the original on 18 January 2017. Retrieved 16 December 2016.
- ^ Clash of Clans: Revenge (Official Super Bowl TV Commercial) on YouTube
- ^ «‘Clash of Clans’ Is One Huge Hit». Archived from the original on 14 February 2015. Retrieved 14 February 2015.
- ^ Juvonen, Anna (31 December 2015). «Suomalaisyrityksen mainos vuoden katsotuin YouTubessa». Kauppalehti (in Finnish). Archived from the original on 3 January 2016. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
- ^ «Forget Liam Neeson and Kate Upton — even the ‘worst’ Super Bowl game ad worked». 12 February 2015. Archived from the original on 11 June 2017. Retrieved 15 September 2017.
- ^ Laakso, Leena (10 December 2012). «Supercell voitti startup-kilpailun» Archived 23 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Kauppalehti (in Finnish). Retrieved on 26 March 2016.
- ^ Rautio, Maria (2 November 2012). «Vuoden suomalainen pelinkehittäjä valittiin – lahjoitti koko summan Movemberille» Archived 23 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine, YleX (in Finnish). Retrieved on 24 March 2015.
- ^ (10 October 2013). «Supercell voitti, Vexvelle kunniaa», Talotekniikka (in Finnish). Retrieved on 24 March 2015.
- ^ Mäntylä, Juha-Matti (12 September 2014). «Suomen hyvämaineisimmat: Supercell, Kone ja… kolmatta et muuten arvaa» Archived 22 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Talouselämä (in Finnish). Retrieved on 16 March 2015.
- Lappalainen, Elina (2015). Pelien valtakunta: miten suomalaiset peliyhtiöt valloittivat maailman? [Game empire: how the Finnish gaming companies conquered the world? Google Translate] (in Finnish). Atena. OCLC 918792916.
External links[edit]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Supercell’s headquarters in Jätkäsaari |
Type | Subsidiary |
Industry | Mobile games |
Founded | 14 May 2010; 12 years ago |
Founder |
Headquarters |
Helsinki , Finland |
Key people |
Ilkka Paananen (CEO)[1] |
Products | See § Games |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Number of employees |
340[3] (2021) |
Parent | Tencent (81.4%; 2016–present) |
Subsidiaries | Space Ape Games (62%; 2017–present) |
Website | supercell.com |
Supercell Oy is a Finnish mobile game development company based in Helsinki. Founded on 14 May 2010,[4] the company’s debut game was the browser game Gunshine.net, and after its release in 2011, Supercell started developing games for mobile devices. Since then, the company has fully released five mobile games: Hay Day, Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars, which are freemium fast-paced games and have been very successful for the company, the first two generating revenue of €2 million a day in 2013.[5]
Following its rapid growth, Supercell opened additional offices in Tokyo, Shanghai, San Francisco, and Seoul. In 2016, the company was bought out by Chinese conglomerate Tencent holdings, taking an 81.4% stake in the company valued at €8.4 billion.[6]
Business model[edit]
Supercell focuses on the development of free-to-play games that yield profits through the in-game micropayments. The company’s objective is to focus on the successful games that stay popular for years. The focus has not been on revenue, but on the principle «just design something great, something that users love.»[7] Game development focuses around «cells» of five to seven people which start with idea generation and an initial review by CEO Paananen.[7] The team subsequently develops the idea into a game, which the rest of the company’s employees get to play-test, followed by play-testing in Canada’s App store; if the Canada reception is good, the next step is global rollout (App Store).[7] Successful failures are celebrated by employees.[7] One of the games that was cancelled well into development was Battle Buddies, which had also been rated well in the test market, but the number of players was still too small. The final decision for cancelling a project is done by the development team themselves.
Background and founding[edit]
Before Supercell, two of its founders, Mikko Kodisoja and Ilkka Paananen, worked at Sumea, a mobile game company. Kodisoja co-founded Sumea in 1999, and Paananen was hired as the company’s CEO in 2000. In 2003, Sumea made a profit of €1.2 million. In the following year, the American Digital Chocolate bought Sumea and made the company its Finnish headquarters and Paananen the European manager. Kodisoja, the firm’s creative director left the company in 2010, followed soon after by Paananen.[8]
Paananen moved to venture capital company Lifeline Ventures, but wanted to create a game company where executives would not disturb the work of the game developers. Together, Paananen, Kodisoja, Petri Styrman, Lassi Leppinen, Visa Forstén, and Niko Derome who had known each other through work connections, founded Supercell in 2010. The company started its business in the Niittykumpu district of Espoo.[9]
Kodisoja and Paananen invested €250,000 in the company. Tekes, the Finnish funding agency for technology innovation loaned them a further €400,000 and Lifeline Ventures also invested in Supercell. The following October, Supercell raised €750,000 through seed funding, including from London Venture Partners and Initial Capital. The first game Supercell started to develop was the massive multiplayer online game Gunshine that could be played on Facebook with a browser or on mobile platforms. The game prototype was ready in eight months.[9] After Gunshine’s completion, Accel Partners also invested €8 million in the company in May 2011, and shareholder Kevin Comolli became a member of Supercell’s board of directors. Accel also invested in Rovio, among others.[10]
Change of strategies[edit]
In November 2011, Supercell abandoned Gunshine for three reasons: it did not interest players for long enough, it was too difficult to play, and the mobile version did not work as well as the browser version. At best, the game had approximately half a million players. Supercell considered Zynga’s market leadership in games on the Facebook platform insurmountable and so decided to focus on iPad games, cancelling a Facebook game it was developing. In order to ease concerns of Supercell’s investors due to the change of direction, Paananen increased the detail of progress reports.[9]
The company simultaneously developed five games and the first to be released for public testing was Pets vs Orcs. This game and Tower were abandoned. In May 2012, Hay Day was published and eventually became Supercell’s first internationally released game.[9] Hay Day was Supercell’s version of Zynga’s successful Facebook game FarmVille, an easy-to-play farm simulator. Supercell added to their farming simulator the ability to refine products, a production chain, and touch screen properties. The social aspect of the game was emphasised as well. In four months, the game became one of the most profitable games in Apple’s App Store in the US, and was one of the most profitable in the world for two and a half years. The game receives regular updates and is maintained by a team of 14 people.[11]
Development of Clash of Clans[edit]
Lasse Louhento had started at Bloodhouse, and Lassi Leppinen was the chief programmer at Sumea and Digital Chocolate. Their team had spent months on a fantasy themed Facebook game when Supercell changed strategies. Leppinen and Louhento wanted to make a strategy game that would use a touch screen so playing would be as simple and pleasant as possible. The development of Clash of Clans took six months, and the game was released on 2 August 2012. In three months, it became the most profitable app in the US. According to App Annie, in the years 2013 and 2014 Clash of Clans was the most profitable mobile game in the world. The eponymous battle between the clans was added to the game as late as 2014.[12]
In summer 2013, Supercell began a marketing collaboration with the Japanese video game company GungHo: the companies cross-marketed each other’s games in their own markets. As a result, Clash of Clans became one of the most downloaded apps in Japan. GungHo’s chairman of the board Taizo Son flew to Finland to thank Paananen and later introduced him to his brother Masayoshi Son, the CEO of the SoftBank Corporation. Soon, they proposed a corporate acquisition which indeed happened on 7 October 2013. SoftBank and GungHo bought 51% of Supercell’s shares for 1.1 billion euros which is the largest price for a Finnish private company in history. In six months, Supercell’s value had tripled, since in spring 2013 the company had sold 16.7% of its shares for 100 million euros.[13]
Development of games after Clash of Clans[edit]
Both Clash of Clans and Hay Day were released in summer 2012,[7] and Supercell did not release a new game in almost two years. The design of the third game Boom Beach started in the autumn of 2012, and it was released in 2014. The new strategy game was released to the test market at the end of 2013, after which it went through large changes. The game was very successful in the US right after its release in March, but it did not stay at the top of the download charts for very long. However, it rose to the top 30 of the most downloaded iPhone apps after Supercell started an expensive marketing campaign in December 2014. In 2015, the game surpassed Hay Day in the charts.[14]
In March 2016, Supercell released its fourth supported game, Clash Royale, which uses similar characters from Clash of Clans. Between the releases of Boom Beach and Clash Royale, Supercell had discontinued multiple game projects, two in their test release phase. One of them was Smash Land which had been developed by 4 to 5 people for 10 months.[15]
In December 2018, Supercell released Brawl Stars globally, which was their fifth supported game and took 18 months to develop from its original release.[16]
On December 15, 2021, Supercell announced that they are opening a new game studio in North America to make games for other platforms like PC and consoles.[17]
Accel Partners and Index Ventures invested $12 million in the Series A of Supercell in 2011.[18] In October 2013 it was announced that the Japanese company GungHo Online Entertainment and its parent SoftBank had acquired 51% of the company for a reported $1.51 billion.[19] On 1 June 2015, SoftBank acquired an additional 22.7% stake in Supercell, which brought their total stake to 73.2% of the company and made them the sole external shareholder.[20] In 2016, Supercell reported annual revenues of around €2.11 billion.[21] In three years, the company’s revenues have grown a total of 800 percent, from 78.4 million (2012).[21][22][23]
In June 2016, Halti S.A., a Luxembourg-based consortium founded that month, acquired 81.4% of Supercell for $8.6 billion.[24][25] At the time, Japan’s SoftBank valued Supercell at $10.2 billion.[24] Halti S.A. was 50%-owned by Chinese technology company Tencent; in October 2019, Tencent increased its stake in the consortium to 51.2% by acquiring shares worth $40 million as part of a convertible bond.[25][26]
Space Ape Games[edit]
In 2017, Supercell acquired 60% of Space Ape Games, a mobile game developer based in London.[27] In February 2021, it was announced that Space Ape will collaborate with Supercell to make Beatstar, which led to Supercell ID becoming available on Beatstar.[28] In late 2021, Space Ape developed Boom Beach: Frontlines, a spin-off of Boom Beach with Supercell. It was soft-launched in Canada on 19 October 2021 and was released to selected countries. On 30 November 2022, the game was announced to be discontinued with servers shutting down in January 2023.
Title | Year | Availability | Description |
Gunshine.net (later Zombies Online) | 2011 | Gunshine.net (later known as Zombies Online) was Supercell’s first game and only non-mobile game. It was a browser game that released in 2011.[29] The servers were shut down on 30 November 2012.[30] | |
Pets vs Orcs | 2012 | Pets vs Orcs was the company’s first mobile game. It was downloadable for a little over a month in 2012.[31] | |
Battle Buddies | 2012 | The company’s second mobile game, Battle Buddies was soft-launched in a number of countries in 2012, but was discontinued later in the same year.[32] The game was pulled out of market due to poor monetization, despite gaining positive reviews from critics.[33] | |
Hay Day | 2012 (iOS) and 2013 (Android) | On 21 June 2012, Supercell released Hay Day on iOS and on 20 November 2013 on Android. | |
Clash of Clans | 2012 (iOS) and 2013 (Android) | On 2 August 2012, Supercell worldwide released Clash of Clans on iOS and on 7 October 2013 on Android. The online strategy game where players build defenses and train troops to attack other players’ bases, is the top grossing app of iOS and Android of all time. Clash of Clans has also received positive reviews from global audience. It has a score of 9/10 by Pocket Gamer and 4.5/5 stars from Gamezebo. | |
Boom Beach | 2014 | On 26 March 2014, Supercell released Boom Beach on iOS and Android.[34] | |
Spooky Pop | 2014 | The Canadian soft-launch of Supercell’s addition to its mobile line-up, Spooky Pop, was released in December 2014 and discontinued in March 2015.[35] On 9 February 2015, the app was removed from the Canadian App Store and those with previously downloaded copies trying to access the game were met with a pop-up message of the discontinuance. On 10 March 2015, the game was fully shut down.[36] Supercell has since been described as conservative on the release of titles after the successes of Clash of Clans and Boom Beach as opposed to many other mobile-development companies.[37] | |
Smash Land | 2015 | Smash Land was launched on a limited basis in Canada and Australia on 1 April 2015.[38] However, on 1 July of that year, Supercell announced on its official forum that it had decided to cancel development of the game.[39] Smash Land remained available for download until 1 September, at which point it was permanently removed from online distribution platforms.[39] | |
Clash Royale | 2016 | On 4 January 2016, Supercell soft-launched Clash Royale on iOS and also on 16 February 2016, Supercell soft-launched the game on Android in Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and New Zealand. On 2 March 2016, Supercell launched the game globally for iOS and Android.[40] | |
Brawl Stars | 2018 | On 14 June 2017, Supercell announced Brawl Stars via a video on YouTube. It received an iOS soft launch in the Canadian App Store the following day.[41] It was released in the Finland, Sweden and Norway App Stores on 19 January 2018. The Android version was released on 26 June 2018 in Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Singapore and Malaysia.[42] The game was globally released on 12 December 2018, one and a half years after the beta release.[16] | |
Rush Wars | 2019 | On 26 August 2019, a beta version of Rush Wars was launched in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.[43] On 5 November 2019, it was announced that the game would not be continued, and would shut down on 30 November.[44] | |
Hay Day Pop | 2020 | On 16 March 2020, Hay Day Pop was released in beta. The game is only available to certain countries such as Finland, Canada, Norway and others.[45] On 30 November 2020, Supercell announced that they will discontinue Hay Day Pop. The servers were shut down on 1 February 2021.[46] | |
Clash Quest | 2021 | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Quest.[47] On 6 April 2021, Clash Quest became available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Denmark on iOS and Android.[48] On 6 May 2021, the game became available in the Philippines.[49] On 17 August 2022, the Clash Quest Twitter account announced that the development of the game has been discontinued.[50][51] The servers were shut down on 29 September 2022.[52] | |
Clash Mini | 2021 | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Mini.[47] On 8 November 2021, Clash Mini became available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and Canada on iOS and Android.[53] | |
Clash Heroes | – | Unreleased | On 2 April 2021, Supercell announced three new games in development, including Clash Heroes.[47] |
Everdale | 2021 | On 23 August 2021, a beta version of the world-building mobile game Everdale was launched in Canada, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Nordics, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines and Malaysia.[54] On 3 October 2022, Supercell announced ending of the development of Everdale. The servers were shut down on 31 October 2022.[55] | |
Boom Beach: Frontlines | 2022 | A game within the Boom Beach universe — the game by Space Ape Games soft launched in Canada on October 19th, 2021. It would later expand into 18 more regions on August 3rd, 2022. The game would eventually have it’s servers taken offline on January 16th, 2023 after Space Ape Games announced it was ending development. [56] The game was discontinued on 30 November of the same year, with servers shutting down in January 2023.[57] | |
Squad Busters | 2023 | The game was announced on 1 Feb 2023. It was available from 6 Feb 2023 to 16 Feb 2023 only in Canada, only on Android and only for selected participants.[58] |
During Super Bowl XLIX in February 2015, Supercell spent $9 million for a 60-second runtime in front of 118.5 million viewers. According to The Guardian, the Clash of Clans advertisement was one of the most popular advertisements of the 61 spots aired on NBC.[59] The commercial, dubbed «Revenge», featured Liam Neeson parodying his character from the Taken film series by seeking revenge in a coffee shop for a random player destroying his village. The commercial has reached a total of 165 million[60] views on the game’s official YouTube channel so far,[61] and it was the most watched commercial on YouTube in 2015.[62] Despite the success of the commercial, Supercell has seen only a marginal increase in downloads following the advertisement.[63] In 2020, Supercell collaborated with an animation production studio Psyop, produced a short film Lost & Crowned, was uploaded on 12 September 2020 and qualified for Oscars recognition in December.
In 2012, Supercell was awarded as the best Nordic start-up company[64] and chosen as the Finnish game developer of the year.[65] The following year, Supercell won the Finnish Teknologiakasvattaja 2013 (Technology Educator 2013) contest,[66] and the company was chosen as the software entrepreneur of the year. In 2014, the research and consultancy agency T-Media chose Supercell as Finland’s most reputable company in their Luottamus&Maine (Trust&Reputation) report.[67]
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- ^ Rautio, Maria (2 November 2012). «Vuoden suomalainen pelinkehittäjä valittiin – lahjoitti koko summan Movemberille» Archived 23 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine, YleX (in Finnish). Retrieved on 24 March 2015.
- ^ (10 October 2013). «Supercell voitti, Vexvelle kunniaa», Talotekniikka (in Finnish). Retrieved on 24 March 2015.
- ^ Mäntylä, Juha-Matti (12 September 2014). «Suomen hyvämaineisimmat: Supercell, Kone ja… kolmatta et muuten arvaa» Archived 22 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Talouselämä (in Finnish). Retrieved on 16 March 2015.
- Lappalainen, Elina (2015). Pelien valtakunta: miten suomalaiset peliyhtiöt valloittivat maailman? [Game empire: how the Finnish gaming companies conquered the world? Google Translate] (in Finnish). Atena. OCLC 918792916.
External links[edit]
Морфемный разбор слова:
Однокоренные слова к слову:
1 supercell
2 сверхочаговый
3 сверхъячейка
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5 сверхъячейка
См. также в других словарях:
Supercell — Datos generales Origen Japón Información artística Género(s) J pop … Wikipedia Español
Supercell — bezeichnet: Supercell (Unternehmen), ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo Supercell (Band), eine japanische Band Supercell (Album), das Debütalbum dieser Band Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell — ██████████90 … Wikipédia en Français
Supercell — A supercell is a severe thunderstorm with a deep, continuously rotating updraft (a mesocyclone). [ [http://www.stormchasers.au.com/lemon7.htm 12B ] ] Of the four classifications of thunderstorms (supercell, single cell, multi cell, and squall… … Wikipedia
supercell — noun A severe thunderstorm with updrafts and downdrafts that are in near balance, allowing the storm to maintain itself for several hours. Supercells often produce large hail, powerful downpours, very strong winds and sometimes tornadoes … Wiktionary
supercell — /ˈsupəsɛl/ (say soohpuhsel) noun a severe thunderstorm with a persistent rotating updraft, its clouds being massed in a large circle … Australian-English dictionary
supercell — … Useful english dictionary
Supercell (Album) — Supercell Studioalbum von Supercell feat. Hatsune Miku Veröffentlichung 2009 Label Sony Music Direct Format … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (Unternehmen) — Supercell SPRL ist ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in Nordkivu in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Die ursprünglich regional beschränkte Konzession wurde später in eine nationale Konzession umgewandelt,[1] eine Expansion außerhalb Kivus scheint bis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (crystal) — In solid state physics and crystallography, when describing crystal structure, a supercell is a repeating unit cell of the crystal that contains several primitive cells. In some cases, these primitive cells of the underlying crystal are perturbed … Wikipedia
Supercell (Band) — … Deutsch Wikipedia
1 supercell
2 supercell
3 supercell
4 supercell
См. также в других словарях:
Supercell — Datos generales Origen Japón Información artística Género(s) J pop … Wikipedia Español
Supercell — bezeichnet: Supercell (Unternehmen), ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo Supercell (Band), eine japanische Band Supercell (Album), das Debütalbum dieser Band Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell — ██████████90 … Wikipédia en Français
Supercell — A supercell is a severe thunderstorm with a deep, continuously rotating updraft (a mesocyclone). [ [http://www.stormchasers.au.com/lemon7.htm 12B ] ] Of the four classifications of thunderstorms (supercell, single cell, multi cell, and squall… … Wikipedia
supercell — noun A severe thunderstorm with updrafts and downdrafts that are in near balance, allowing the storm to maintain itself for several hours. Supercells often produce large hail, powerful downpours, very strong winds and sometimes tornadoes … Wiktionary
supercell — /ˈsupəsɛl/ (say soohpuhsel) noun a severe thunderstorm with a persistent rotating updraft, its clouds being massed in a large circle … Australian-English dictionary
supercell — … Useful english dictionary
Supercell (Album) — Supercell Studioalbum von Supercell feat. Hatsune Miku Veröffentlichung 2009 Label Sony Music Direct Format … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (Unternehmen) — Supercell SPRL ist ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in Nordkivu in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Die ursprünglich regional beschränkte Konzession wurde später in eine nationale Konzession umgewandelt,[1] eine Expansion außerhalb Kivus scheint bis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (crystal) — In solid state physics and crystallography, when describing crystal structure, a supercell is a repeating unit cell of the crystal that contains several primitive cells. In some cases, these primitive cells of the underlying crystal are perturbed … Wikipedia
Supercell (Band) — … Deutsch Wikipedia
Как пишется суперселл по английски
Our first game was called Gunshine.net. It was a real-time massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Remember, our original vision was to create cross-platform gaming services, so the idea was that one day players would be able to enter the world of Gunshine via desktop web, Facebook, tablet and mobile. That said, we had to start from somewhere, and the most logical place was the platform with the widest reach. And at that time, that platform was desktop web and Facebook, so we started to build the game on top of Flash technology.
We managed to launch the private beta version of Gunshine in February 2011, and the open beta launched a few months later. We also started to plan a mobile/tablet version of the game. At its peak in the summer of 2011, Gunshine had around half a million monthly players.
Unfortunately, we slowly started to realize that Gunshine just wasn’t delivering on our original product vision. There were three reasons why.
Most importantly, despite their initial excitement, players were getting bored with the game after a month or two. The sad truth was that this was not a game that anyone would play for years.
It was too hard to get into the game if you hadn’t played similar types of games before. This game would never become a mass-market phenomenon; a game that would have an impact on the lives of millions of people. Despite all our hard work, we realized Gunshine just wasn’t going to be the game we had dreamed of.
Falling in love with mobile
When we started planning a mobile version of Gunshine, it quickly became clear that the experience wouldn’t be great on the mobile platform. It was too hard to try to replicate the mouse/keyboard experience on touch screens. Also, we realized people play differently on desktop than they do on mobile. Mobile games have to be fun even if you only have a few minutes to play. Gunshine wasn’t.
It also became clear that our problem wasn’t just with Gunshine. We had a big problem with our product strategy, too.
One day, when playing around with some iPads we had ordered to the office, we noticed how all of us had fallen in love with this device. We started to call it “the ultimate games platform”. And we started to understand just how different this platform truly was; if we really wanted to create the best possible games for this platform we could focus on nothing else.
To make matters even more complicated, we had already begun developing the next wave of games, which were still aligned with our original cross-platform strategy.
The time had come to make some hard decisions. We decided to kill all ongoing productions for web and Facebook and bet the entire company on a strategy that we started to call “tablet first”. We started by perfecting the game for iPad. We would modify it later for smartphones. As time passed, we shifted our strategy to “mobile first” as smartphones have grown and it became increasingly difficult to distinguish them from tablets. Today it’s clear that this was the right decision, but in the fall of 2011 it was less obvious.
Probably the hardest decision at the time was killing a game with the codename Magic. We had a passionate five-member team working on that game day and night for nearly six months straight, and we were all really excited about it. It looked amazing, and it was a game that had never been seen before on Facebook. But in the end we killed it and started to work on something new for tablets. What makes this story a classic is that it was the Magic team that ultimately developed Clash of Clans, which, funnily enough, was also codenamed Magic before getting its official name.
Promising betas
By early 2012, we had five small teams working on new games, all for tablets and mobile. We knew that one of those games would have to be at least moderately successful for the company to have a future.
We’d learned a lot since Gunshine failed, and one of the most important lessons was this: It’s usually better to kill games earlier rather than later. If it starts to feel like the game isn’t going to work or isn’t fun enough, it’s usually a sign that you should have already killed it. In keeping with this thinking, we killed our first mobile game, Pets vs. Orcs, back in February. And we killed a game codenamed “Tower” later in the spring.
Another game was a farming game codenamed Soil, which would later be named Hay Day. Our goal was to develop a next generation farming game, specifically designed for touch and mobile from the ground up. There were two things we really wanted to focus on. The first was user interface; we wanted to the most of swipe and other controls specific to touch. The second was social, which lead us to design a real-time trading mechanism where players could buy and sell ingredients amongst themselves.
The Hay Day beta went live in Canada in May 2012. Until this point, every single beta launch we’d had as a company had been lukewarm at best and had eventually led us to kill the game later on. A few of them had garnered some initial interest, but player engagement soon started to wane. But Hay Day was different. The engagement was crazy from day one, and it just kept growing. Slowly we started to realize that perhaps, finally, we were onto something.
The game launched globally on June 21st. Everyone who worked at Supercell at that time will definitely remember this exact date because it happened to be Midsummer’s Eve, one of the biggest public celebrations in Finland. We had almost no player support at that time, simply because we never even imagined we’d have that kind of success. So practically everyone who worked at Supercell was online at their summer cottages answering player support tickets while enjoying the beautiful Midsummer celebrations. After that, we decided to stay away from launching major games on Midsummer’s Eve or other national holidays 🙂
Just before the start of summer vacations in Finland in July we released another new game to beta in Canada. Its codename was. Magic; a codename that later gave the name Clash of Clans, as you know. Many of us were fans of real-time strategy games and had played them online and on other platforms. With Magic, our original goal was make this type of game play accessible to the widest possible audience. And we wanted to use some of the unique characteristics of the touch interface to create a very special gaming experience on tablets. We also wanted to make the game as social as possible.
Clash of Clans launched globally in August 2012. People often ask us if there was a specific moment when we realized we had two hits on our hands. The truth is there wasn’t. Both Clash and Hay Day grew steadily from day one. It took Clash three months from launch to become the #1 top grossing game in the U.S.
The fifth game we’d been working on was called Battle Buddies, a player vs. player tactical shooting game inspired by games such as UFO: Enemy Unknown. Unfortunately, the game never garnered enough player interest to move out of beta, so we had to kill it too.
Как пишется суперселл по английски
Supercell ID
Supercell ID
Keep your Supercell ID games safe and stay connected
Setting up a Supercell ID is free and easy. Just enter your game’s settings and tap the button under ”Supercell ID” to get started. You can find it in all Supercell games, and it’s also available in select games by partner developers.
Safeguard Your Games
Whether you’re hopping back into games after time away or reinstalling on a new device, Supercell ID will always bring you right back where you left off. Supercell ID also lets you jump into your game on all of your mobile devices, including tablets.
Connect Your Supercell ID Games
We made it easy to connect all Supercell’s games to one Supercell ID. Start by creating a Supercell ID in one game and then connect the rest. It’s as simple as that.
Easily Switch Between Multiple Supercell ID Accounts
Supercell ID makes it easy to switch between multiple accounts of the same game on a single device. Perfect for sharing the fun with others or giving yourself a fresh start.
Supercell ID Friends
With Supercell ID, you can connect with other players and friends. Supercell ID Friends you’ve connected with in one game will show up in other Supercell ID games that they play, too. If you can’t find a Friends section in your Supercell ID game, it means the feature will arrive in an update soon.
Looking for Supercell ID Frequently Asked Questions? Find FAQs for your games below:
For Parents
Parents, are you looking for something that you didn’t find on this page? Check out our Parents Guide for more detailed information that may be more relevant to your needs.
Как пишется суперселл по английски
Legal Stuff
Terms of Service
Effective Date: April 15, 2021
The terms of this agreement («Terms of Service») govern the relationship between you and Supercell Oy, a Finnish company (business ID 2336509-6) having its registered office at JГ¤tkГ¤saarenlaituri 1, 00180 Helsinki, Finland, (hereinafter «Supercell» or «Us» or «We») regarding your use of Supercell’s games, store, sites and related services (the «Service»). Use of the Service is also governed by Supercell’s Privacy Policy and other relevant policies, which are incorporated herein by reference.
Before accessing or using the Service, including browsing any Supercell website or accessing a game, you must agree to these Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. A guest account may be created for you for the use of the Service and you may also be required to register an account on the Service (collectively «Account»). These Accounts include, for example, game Accounts and Supercell ID. By using or registering for an Account or otherwise using the Service, you affirm that you are the legal age of majority in your country of residence. If you are not, your legal guardian must review and agree to these Terms of Service.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For U.S. and Canadian residents, you also agree that disputes with Supercell must be resolved on an individual basis through final and binding arbitration as described in Section 8 (“Dispute Resolution”).
Supercell reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Terms of Service, its Privacy Policy and other relevant Supercell policies at any time by posting the amended terms on the Service. You will be deemed to have accepted such changes by continuing to use the Service. If at any point you do not agree to any portion of the then-current version of our Terms of Service, the Supercell Privacy Policy, or any other Supercell policy, rules or codes of conduct relating to your use of the Service, your right to use the Service shall immediately terminate, and you must immediately stop using the Service.
1. Using the Service
1.1. Your Right to Use the Service
Subject to your agreement and continuing compliance with these Terms of Service and any other relevant Supercell policies, you have a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable and limited right to access and use the Service for your own non-commercial entertainment purposes. You agree not to use the Service for any other purpose.
The following restrictions apply to the use of the Service:
Login information and Your Account
You may be required to select a password for your Account or you may also use other credentials to access the Account («Login Information»). You shall not share the Account or the Login Information, nor let anyone else access your Account or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your Account. In the event you become aware of or reasonably suspect any breach of security, including without limitation any loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of the Login Information, you must immediately notify Supercell and modify your Login Information. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Login Information, and you will be responsible for all uses of the Login Information, including purchases, whether or not authorized by you. You are responsible for anything that happens through your Account.
Supercell reserves the right to remove or reclaim any usernames at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to claims by a third party that a username violates the third party’s rights.
Unless you are using Supercell ID, the Service supports only one Account per game on a supported device.
Any use of the Service in violation of these Use Limitations is strictly prohibited, can result in the immediate revocation of your limited right and may subject you to liability for violations of law.
You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:
Supercell reserves the right to determine what conduct it considers to be in violation of the rules of use or otherwise outside the intent or spirit of these Terms of Service or the Service itself. Supercell reserves the right to take action as a result, which may include terminating your Account and prohibiting you from using the Service in whole or in part.
1.2. Suspension and Termination of Account and Service
Supercell reserves the right to stop offering and/or supporting the Service or a particular game or part of the Service at any time, at which point your right to use the Service or a part thereof will be automatically terminated. In such event, Supercell shall not be required to provide refunds, benefits or other compensation to users in connection with such discontinued Service. Termination of your Account can include disabling your access to the Service or any part thereof including any content you submitted or others submitted.
You may terminate your Account at any time and for any reason by following the process described on our support page located at https://support.supercell.com/ informing Supercell that you wish to terminate your Account.
2.1. Games and Service
All rights, title and interest in and to the Service (including without limitation any games, titles, computer code, themes, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogue, catch phrases, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, documentation, in-game chat transcripts, character profile information, recordings of games played using a Supercell game client, and the Supercell game clients and server software) are owned by Supercell. Supercell reserves all rights, including without limitation, all intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, in connection with its games and the Service.
2.3. Virtual Content
Supercell owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to use all of the content that appears in the Service or in Supercell games. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein, you agree that you have no right or title in or to any content that appears in the Service, including without limitation the virtual items, content, features, goods, services or currency appearing or originating in any Supercell game, whether earned in a game or purchased from Supercell, or any other attributes associated with an Account or stored on the Service.
3.1. Submission of User Content
«User Content» means any communications, images, sounds, and all the material, data, and information that you upload or transmit through a Supercell game client or the Service, or that other users upload or transmit, including without limitation any chat text. By transmitting or submitting any User Content while using the Service, you affirm, represent and warrant that such transmission or submission is (a) accurate and not confidential or misleading; (b) not in violation of any laws, contractual restrictions or other third party rights, and that you have permission from any third party whose personal information or intellectual property is comprised in the User Content; (c) free of viruses, adware, spyware, worms or other malicious code; and (d) you acknowledge and agree that any of your personal information within such content will at all times be processed by Supercell in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
3.1.1. Content Screening
Supercell assumes no responsibility for the conduct of any user submitting any User Content, and assumes no responsibility for monitoring the Service for inappropriate content or conduct. We do not, and cannot, pre-screen or monitor all User Content. Your use of the Service is at your own risk. By using the Service, you may be exposed to User Content that is offensive, indecent or otherwise not in line with your expectations. You bear all risks associated with the use of any User Content available in connection with the Service. At our discretion, our representatives or technology may monitor and/or record your interaction with the Service or communications (including without limitation chat text) when you are using the Service.
By entering into these Terms of Service, you hereby provide your irrevocable consent to such monitoring and recording. You acknowledge and agree that you have no expectation of privacy concerning the transmission of any User Content, including without limitation chat text or voice communications.
Supercell reserves the right in its sole discretion to review, monitor, prohibit, edit, delete, disable access to or otherwise make unavailable any User Content (including without limitation your User Content) without notice for any reason or for no reason at any time. If at any time Supercell chooses, in its sole discretion, to monitor the Service, Supercell nonetheless assumes no responsibility for User Content and assumes no obligation to modify or remove any inappropriate User Content. We have the right, but not the obligation, in our sole discretion to edit, refuse to post, or remove any User Content.
3.2. Information Use by Other Members of the Service
3.2.1. Public Discourse
The Service may include various forums, blogs and chat features where you can post User Content, including your observations and comments on designated topics. Supercell cannot guarantee that other members will not use the ideas and information that you share. Therefore, if you have an idea or information that you would like to keep confidential and/or don’t want others to use, do not post it on the Service. Supercell shall have no responsibility to evaluate, use or compensate you for any ideas or information you may choose to submit.
3.2.2. Responsible For Your Own Content
You are solely responsible for the information that you post on, through or in connection with the Service and that you provide to others. Supercell may reject, refuse to post or delete any User Content for any or no reason, including, but not limited to, User Content that in the sole judgment of Supercell violates these Terms of Service.
3.2.3. Your License to Supercell
You hereby grant to Supercell an irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, fully paid-up, royalty-free, worldwide license (including the right to sublicense and assign to third party) and right to copy, reproduce, fix, adapt, modify, create derivative works from, manufacture, commercialize, publish, distribute, sell, license, sublicense, transfer, lease, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, or provide access to electronically, broadcast, communicate to the public by telecommunication, display, perform, enter into computer memory, and use and practice, in any way, your User Content as well as all modified and derivative works thereof in connection with our provision of the Service, including marketing and promotions of the Service. You also hereby grant to Supercell the right to authorize others to exercise any of the rights granted to Supercell under these Terms of Service. You further hereby grant to Supercell the unconditional, irrevocable right to use and exploit your name, likeness and any other information or material included in any User Content and in connection with any User Content, without any obligation to you. Except as prohibited by law, you waive any rights of attribution and/or any moral rights you may have in your User Content, regardless of whether your User Content is altered or changed in any manner. Supercell does not claim any ownership rights in your User Content and nothing in these Terms of Service is intended to restrict any rights that you may have to use and exploit your User Content. Supercell has no obligation to monitor or enforce your intellectual property rights in or to your User Content.
3.3. User Interactions
You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users of the Service and any other parties with whom you interact through the Service and/or Supercell games. Supercell reserves the right, but has no obligation, to become involved in any way with these disputes. You will fully cooperate with Supercell to investigate any suspected unlawful, fraudulent or improper activity, including, without limitation, granting Supercell access to any password-protected portions of your Account.
If you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.
4. Fees and Purchase Terms
In the Service you may purchase, with «real world» money, a limited, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable right to use (a) virtual currency, including but not limited to virtual cash or diamonds, all for use in Supercell games; (b) virtual in-game items, content or features; and (c) other goods or services (points a – c are jointly referred to as «Virtual Items»). You are only allowed to purchase Virtual Items from us or our authorised partners through the Service, and not in any other way.
Supercell may manage, regulate, control, modify or eliminate Virtual Items at any time, with or without notice. Supercell shall have no liability to you or any third party in the event that Supercell exercises any such rights.
The transfer of Virtual Items is prohibited except where expressly authorized in the Service. Other than as expressly authorized in the Service, you shall not sell, purchase, redeem or otherwise transfer Virtual Items to any person or entity or attempt any of the aforesaid, including but not limited to Supercell, another user or any third party.
The provision of Virtual Items for use in Supercell games is a service provided by Supercell that commences immediately upon acceptance by Supercell of your purchase.
4.2. Payment of Fees
You agree to pay all fees and applicable taxes incurred by you or anyone using an Account registered to you. Supercell may revise the pricing for the Virtual Items offered through the Service at any time. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SUPERCELL IS NOT REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A REFUND FOR ANY REASON, AND THAT YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE MONEY OR OTHER COMPENSATION FOR UNUSED VIRTUAL ITEMS WHEN AN ACCOUNT IS CLOSED, WHETHER SUCH CLOSURE WAS VOLUNTARY OR INVOLUNTARY.
5. Updates to the Service
You understand that the Service is an evolving one. Supercell may require that you accept updates to the Service and to Supercell’s games you have installed on your device or computer. You acknowledge and agree that Supercell may update the Service and Supercell games, with or without notifying you. You may need to update third party software from time to time in order to receive the Service and play Supercell games.
6. Disclaimer of Warranties
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties. Accordingly, some of the above disclaimers may not apply to you.
7. Limitation of Liability; Sole and Exclusive Remedy; Indemnification
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Supercell (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) harmless from any claim, demand, damages or other losses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, asserted by any third-party resulting from or arising out of your use of the Service, or any breach by you of these Terms of Service, however the foregoing does not apply if the infringement of rights is not attributable to your intentional or negligent behavior.
8. Dispute Resolution
You and Supercell agree that the processes for dispute resolution described in this agreement will apply to any dispute or claims related to these Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, or the Service. Disputes include any claims of any kind, including but not limited to legal, equitable, or statutory claims. Processes for dispute resolution will apply even if you stop using your Account, delete your Account, or stop using the Service. They will also apply to disputes that arose before we entered into this agreement.
Sections 8.1 to 8.6 apply to you if you are a resident of the United States or Canada. They do not apply to you if you are a resident of any other country.
8.1. Informal Dispute Resolution
You must try to informally resolve any dispute directly with Supercell for at least thirty (30) days before you start an arbitration. The informal dispute resolution process starts when you give Supercell written notice of the dispute through legal-requests@supercell.com.
8.2. Arbitration Agreement
You and Supercell agree to resolve any disputes exclusively in final and binding arbitration as follows:
Either you or Supercell may choose to submit any dispute for resolution exclusively by final and binding arbitration unless the claim is within the exceptions described below. If you or Supercell brings a claim in court that can be resolved by arbitration under this section, then either party can ask the court to order the parties to resolve the claim by arbitration. The arbitrator will have the exclusive authority to decide whether any portion of Section 8 (“Dispute Resolution”) is valid or enforceable, or whether it applies to a claim.
An arbitration proceeding will be held before a neutral arbitrator. This means you and Supercell agree to give up the right to resolve the dispute in a trial before a judge or jury. Arbitration has different rules than more formal lawsuits. For example, the ability to force the other side to share information may be more limited than the process called discovery in formal lawsuits. After the arbitrator decides the outcome, that decision will be final. You or Supercell can ask the arbitrator to put a decision or award and the reasons for it in writing. Either of us can ask a court to confirm or enter the arbitrator’s final decision or award, which will make it the same as a court judgment. You and Supercell will generally not be able to change the outcome of arbitration through courts outside of very limited circumstances.
8.3. Arbitration Process
The arbitration will be run by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”). AAA’s rules and procedures will be used for the arbitration, including the Consumer Arbitration Rules. But if there is a conflict between these Terms of Service and AAA’s rules and procedures, then we will follow these Terms of Service. To review AAA’s Rules or to start arbitration, you can go to AAA’s website. If either of us decide to start arbitration, we agree to provide the other party with a written Demand for Arbitration as specified in the AAA Rules.
The fees for arbitration will be determined by AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules. If the arbitrator decides that those fees are excessive, Supercell will pay the fees. Each side will pay their own attorneys’ fees and costs unless the claims allow for to the prevailing party to recover attorneys’ fees and costs, in which case the arbitrator may award them under the applicable law. If either party unsuccessfully challenges the validity of the arbitrator’s decision or award through a subsequent court case, the unsuccessful party shall pay the opposing party’s costs and attorneys’ fees associated with the challenge.
The arbitration will take place either in San Francisco, California, USA or in the county or province where you reside.
8.4 Exceptions to Agreement to Arbitrate
You and Supercell agree that the arbitration agreement in Section 8.2 will not apply to the following disputes:
Any dispute not subject to arbitration under these exceptions shall be resolved by a court of competent jurisdiction as described in Section 10 (“Venue for Disputes Not Subject to Arbitration”).
8.5 No Class Actions
You and Supercell agree that we can only bring claims against each other on an individual basis.
If this section (Section 8.5 “No Class Actions”) is found to be unenforceable or invalid, then the entirety of Section 8, including Sections 8.1 to 8.6, shall be void.
8.6 Opt-Out of Arbitration Agreement and No Class Actions Provisions
You can choose to opt out of and not be bound by the Arbitration Agreement and No Class Action provisions above (Sections 8.1 to 8.5) by sending written notice of your decision to opt out to legal-requests@supercell.com with the subject line “ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER OPT-OUT.” You must send us this notice within thirty (30) days of your first use of the Service or availability of this opt-out, whichever is later. If you do not send us a notice within that time, you will be bound to arbitrate disputes in accordance with the terms of these paragraphs. If you opt out of these arbitration provisions, Supercell also will not be bound by them.
9 Applicable Law
If you are a resident of the United States or Canada: (1) the United States Federal Arbitration Act (including its procedural provisions) governs the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement to arbitrate and no class actions provisions of Section 8, and (2) any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, or the Service shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of California, USA without regard to conflict of law provisions.
If you are a resident outside of the United States and Canada, you agree that any claim or dispute arising out of or related to these Terms of Service, the Privacy Policy, or the Service shall be governed by the laws of Finland without regard to conflict of law provisions.
10 Venue for Disputes Not Subject to Arbitration
If you are a resident of the United States or Canada, you agree that any claim or dispute you may have against Supercell that is not subject to arbitration under Section 8 must be resolved exclusively by a federal or state court located in San Francisco, California. You and Supercell consent to venue and personal jurisdiction in San Francisco, California for all such claims or disputes.
If you are a resident outside of the United States and Canada, you agree that any claim or dispute you may have against Supercell must be resolved exclusively by a court located in Helsinki, Finland.
You and Supercell agree that if any portion of these Terms of Service or of the Supercell Privacy Policy is found illegal or unenforceable, in whole or in part by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective solely to the extent of such determination of invalidity or unenforceability without affecting the validity or enforceability thereof in any other manner or jurisdiction and without affecting the remaining provisions of the terms, which shall continue to be in full force and effect.
12. General Provisions
Supercell may assign or delegate these Terms of Service and/or the Supercell Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time with or without your consent. You may not assign or delegate any rights or obligations under the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy without Supercell’s prior written consent, and any unauthorized assignment and delegation by you is ineffective.
12.2. Supplemental Policies
Supercell may publish additional policies related to specific services such as forums, contests or loyalty programs. Your right to use such services is subject to those specific policies and these Terms of Service.
12.3. Entire Agreement
These Terms of Service, any supplemental policies and any documents expressly incorporated by reference herein (including the Supercell Privacy Policy), contain the entire understanding of you and Supercell, and supersede all prior understandings of the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof, whether electronic, oral or written, or whether established by custom, practice, policy or precedent, between you and us with respect to the Service.
The failure of Supercell to require or enforce strict performance by you of any provision of these Terms of Service or the Supercell Privacy Policy or failure to exercise any right under them shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of Supercell’s right to assert or rely upon any such provision or right in that or any other instance.
The express waiver by Supercell of any provision, condition, or requirement of these Terms of Service or the Supercell Privacy Policy shall not constitute a waiver of any future obligation to comply with such provision, condition or requirement.
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Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется суперселл по английски, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется суперселл по английски», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > supercell
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > supercell
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supercell
English-Russian meteorological dictionary > supercell
supercell hailstorm
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supercell hailstorm
supercell thunderstorm
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supercell thunderstorm
multicell [supercell] hailstorm
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > multicell [supercell] hailstorm
model supercell
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > model supercell
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > сверхъячейка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > сверхъячейка
См. также в других словарях:
Supercell — Datos generales Origen Japón Información artística Género(s) J pop … Wikipedia Español
Supercell — bezeichnet: Supercell (Unternehmen), ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo Supercell (Band), eine japanische Band Supercell (Album), das Debütalbum dieser Band Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell — ██████████90 … Wikipédia en Français
Supercell — A supercell is a severe thunderstorm with a deep, continuously rotating updraft (a mesocyclone). [ [http://www.stormchasers.au.com/lemon7.htm 12B ] ] Of the four classifications of thunderstorms (supercell, single cell, multi cell, and squall… … Wikipedia
Supercell (Album) — Supercell Studioalbum von Supercell feat. Hatsune Miku Veröffentlichung 2009 Label Sony Music Direct Format … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (Unternehmen) — Supercell SPRL ist ein Mobilfunkunternehmen in Nordkivu in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Die ursprünglich regional beschränkte Konzession wurde später in eine nationale Konzession umgewandelt,[1] eine Expansion außerhalb Kivus scheint bis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Supercell (crystal) — In solid state physics and crystallography, when describing crystal structure, a supercell is a repeating unit cell of the crystal that contains several primitive cells. In some cases, these primitive cells of the underlying crystal are perturbed … Wikipedia
supercell — noun A severe thunderstorm with updrafts and downdrafts that are in near balance, allowing the storm to maintain itself for several hours. Supercells often produce large hail, powerful downpours, very strong winds and sometimes tornadoes … Wiktionary
supercell — /ˈsupəsɛl/ (say soohpuhsel) noun a severe thunderstorm with a persistent rotating updraft, its clouds being massed in a large circle …
supercell — … Useful english dictionary
Supercell (Band) — … Deutsch Wikipedia
С чего все началось?
Компания Supercell была основана Илккой Паананеном и Микко Кодисойей, ранее работавших в мобильной игровой компании Sumea. В далёком 2010 году мир игровых приложений был не настолько забит мировыми компаниями как сегодня. Не существовало и такой громадной аудитории как сегодня. При всем этом нужна была неплохая идея для того чтобы заинтересовать инвесторов и ворваться в мир игроделов. В чем именно заключалась идея. Руководители не должны были вмешиваться в дела разработчиков. Что это значит? Генерация идеи не должна осуществляться под присмотром руководителей компании. Ето подход до сих пор соблюдается в финской компании Supercell.
Инвестиции и старт компании
Первыми инвесторами компании стали ее основатели Илккой Паананеном и Микко Кодисойей которые вложили в новую компанию 250000 тис. евро из своих сбережений. А также получили кредит в размере 400000 тис. евро от финского агенства по финансированию инновационных технологий Tekes. Вскоре новая компания привлекла ещё более 750000 тис. евро инвестиций.
Первые игры компании Supercell
Сначала компания сосредоточилась на создании так называемых «игр в социальных сетях». Первой их такой игрой стала MMOG Gunshine в которую можно было играть в Facebook как на мобильних устройствах так и компьютере через браузер. Игра не набыла большой популярности, на пике своей популярности в неё играло около пол миллиона игроков, что даже на то время не считалось большим количеством игроков. После того как этой Facebook-игре не удалось перегнать лидера игр в Facebook осенью 2011 года игру от Zynga, в ноябре 2011 года компания полностью сосредоточилась на создании игр под iPad. Как ни удивительно ето не оттолкнуло инвесторов.
Первой по-настоящему успешной игрой компании Supercell стала игра Hay Day которая взорвала рынок мобильных игр в мае 2012 года. Игра была настолько популярна что в первые месяцы после ее релиза сервера начали падать от большого количества игроков, что было свидетельством небывалого успеха игры. Сама идея этой игры витала в воздухе уже достаточно долгое время, а проблема заключалась в её реализации. Компания Zynga уже создала Facebook-игру FarmVille которая особой популярностью не пользовалась. А вся проблема заключалась в том что Facebook изначально не был игровой площадкой и даже не плохая идея «застывала» в ограниченной реализации. Другое дело App Store — само название свидетельствует о том что здесь находится приложения и игры. Большим плюсом была высокая тпопулярность App Store, приблизительно такая как сейчас у Google Play. Вскоре Hay Day запустили в Google Play и там она тоже добилась большой популярности. За более чем 2 года после релиза игра стала хитом и одной из самых популярных игр в мире. Игра обновляется и поддерживается до сих пор.
Clash of clans
Сейчас мало кто не слышал об игре Clash of Clans которая стала мировым хитом и перевершила Hay Day, а также все браузерные игры компании которые она создавала вместе взятые. За основу здесь была взята идея стратегической игры в которую было бы приятно играть используя сенсорный экран. Также в игре не было принципа «pay for win», что также понравилось людям. Не было и серых картинок военной стратегии, вместо них игра была красочной и по графике немного похожая на Hay Day. Игра была создана под интернет-игру с клановыми войнами и широкой коммуникацией игроков. На разработку игры ушло 6 месяцев работы команд разработчиков компании. Релиз игры состоялся в августе 2012 года. Уже через три месяца она стала самой прибыльной игрой в США. В 2013-2014 году она стала самой прибыльной игрой обогнав предыдущее детище компании Supercell, игру Hay Day. В октябре 2013 года Supercell продала большую часть акций(51%) компаниям Softbank и GungHo за 1,1 млрд евро. Вскоре за счёт популярности Clash of Clans и Hay Day стоимость компании утроилась.
Boom Beach
Разработка игры началась осенью 2012 года. Тогда аудитория ещё была захвачена играми Clash of Clans и Hay Day, но вскоре все начали ожидать релиза новой игры, но он затянулся аж на 2 года в итоге игра была выпущена в марте 2014 года. Игра основана на игровом процессе Clash of Clans с уклоном под вторую мировую войну, но также как и предыдущая игра без мрачных картинок войны и попадала в категорию 7+. Также с натяжкой можно сказать что эта игра современный Clash of Clans. Основной экран игры — это военная карта с множеством островов на одном из которых размещается база игрока. Тут уже можно встретить некую сюжетную линию. Игра также включает в себя онлайн бой с другими игроками, а также концепцию клана. Игра вошла в топ 10 игр в 22 странах во время первого запуска. Игра не надолго привлекла внимание аудитории геймеров но не стала популярние Clash of Clans, а именно не ответила на вопрос: «почему я должен играть в эту игру если я уже имею похожую?». Игра не имела даже 25% популярности Clash of Clans. Все же Boom Beach принес ещё большую популярность играм от Supercell.
Clash Royale
Уже через два года в марте 2016 компания Supercell выпустила новую игру основанную на вселенной Clash of Clans — игру Clash Royale. Геймплей основан на интерактивной карточной игре с полем боя. В отличие от Clash of Clans в игре не нужно строить себе базу и улучшать сооружения, а нужно просто собрать колоду карт для боя. Игра получила массу позитивных откликов и собирала вокруг себя большую аудиторию игроков. Игра также была многопользовательской стратегией но с жанром RTS и элементами ККИ. Бои происходят быстро и динамично, нужно уничтожать вражеские башни, а также отражать атаки. За бои можно получить трофеи которые показывают рейтинг игрока. Игра также получила много негативных отзывов из-за принципа «pay for win» в своей игре. Ярким примером этого является ввод в игру билета Pass Royale с которым игрок получает гигантское преимущество над другими игроками. Уже через год после релиза прибыль разработчиков от игры составила больше миллиарда долларов США. А к 2020 году доход от игры составил более 3 млрд долларов. Игра была избавлена от застарелой технологии «енергий» которая отбивала у многих игроков желание играть дальше. Также здесь был реализован псевдослучайный принцип открытия сундуков который заключался в цикле из более чем 230 сундуков который можно посмотреть в DeckShop. Особое место было уделено кланам и клановым воинам. Интерес к игре также поддерживают испытания. Основная игровая валюта — монеты, премиум-валюта — кристаллы. За монеты покупаются улучшения, а за кристаллы монеты. Монеты что даются в игре покрывают только 60% необходимых затрат по улучшению карт. Пик популярности игры припал на 2016 год. По данным Google Play Awards игра Clash Royale признана лучшей игрой первой половины 2016 года. Не смотря на значительную аудиторию игры всё же шансов обогнать Clash of Clans по популярности у Clash Royale очень мало. Судите по количеству скачиваний(2022 год): Clash Royale — 100 млн скачиваний, Clash of Clans — 500 млн скачиваний. Доля активных пользователей тоже пока клониться в сторону Clash of Clans.
Brawl Stars
Релиз игры состоялся 12 декабря 2018 года. И снова Supercell взрывает рынок мобильных игр своим новым хитом – Brawl Stars. Цель игры – продвигаться по игровой трофейной дороге и соревноваться с игроками со всего мира. Игра отошла от от концепции игрового мира Clash of Clans, вместо него здесь присутствует живой игровой мир. Нашлось здесь место и игровым сундукам которые были реализованы впервые в игре Clash Royale. Правда сундук здесь можно открыть сразу основная забота игрока – добыть сундук. Геймплей основан в большей степени на командной игре. Каждый персонаж имеет свои способности, суперсилы и параметры. Каждый игрок отнесён к своему классу и имеет определенную редкость. В мае 2020 года в игру был добавлен Brawl Pass — аналог Royal Pass. В итоге игра получила свой уникальный дизайн, а также была легче в прохождении чем Clash Royal и Clash of Clans. Принцип «pay for win» был отодвинут на второй план. Как и в Clash of Clans здесь можно найти игрока в топе который ни копейки не потратил на игру. Игровая валюта здесь особенная – жетоны. Жетоны это что-то среднее между монетами и кубками в Clash Royale. С одной стороны они разблокируют сундуки, с другой позволяют продвигаться к другому сундуку(подобие DeskShop в Clash Royale). Чтобы сделать игру интереснее в игре сделали множество режимов таких как: 1) столкновение (одиночное/парное); 2) захват кристаллов; 3) броубол; 4) ограбление;
и другие. Поле боя основано на 2.5D графике что придаёт особую изюминку игре. С 2018 года много времени стекло и игроки начинали жаловаться на излишнюю простоту игры говорят мол сундуки выбиваются легко и т.п. Сейчас(2022 год) рейтинг игры в Google Play составляет 2,7 звёзд но это на общую картину не влияет, Brawl Stars по количеству скачиваний уже перегоняет Clash Royale, а по количеству активных пользователей вскоре может перегнать даже Clash of Clans.
Компания Supercell уже 10 лет определяет движение мирового геймдейва. Созданы десятки клонов её известных игр но почти ни одна из них не добилась сильного успеха. Залог успеха игровой компании не количество денег вложенных в разработку, а сама идея игры. Отличным примером являются игры корпорации EA(Electronic Arts). При намного больших капиталовложений чем в Supercell, у игр от EA намного худший рейтинг и количество активных пользователей(мобильный рынок) намного меньше чем у Supercell. Количество скачиваний примерно одинаковые(100 млн+) в Google Play при практически одинаковой рекламной кампании. «Золотая пятерка» компании Supercell: Clash of Clans, Hay Day, Clash Royale, Boom Beach, Brawl Stars. Эти игры наверное навсегда вошли в историю мобильных игр.
В какую игру от Supercell вы играете больше всего?
Clash of Clans
Clash Royal
Brawl Stars
Boom Beach
Hay Day
Ничего из вышеперечисленного
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