Как пишется товер дефенс на английском

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Компания Amazon заявляет, что Air Patriots — это игра из разряда «Tower Defence совершенно нового типа».

Prime World: Defenders — это игра в жанре Tower Defence с элементами коллекционной карточной игры.

Prime World: Defenders is what you get when you mash a tower defense game with a collectible card game.

Огромное количество разнообразных внутриигровых активностей: от обычных миссий и подземелий до метаморфов и режима tower defence.

A lot of other in-game activities and modes: from classic missions and dungeons to metamorphs and tower defence.

Эпичный шутер, сочетающий в себе тайм-менеджмент, tower defence и элементы RPG.

An epic shooter with time management, tower defence and RPG elements.

Игра будет представлять собой смесь RTS и Tower Defence.

Sanctum 2 — продолжение игры, совмещающей в себе шутер от первого лица и стратегию (Tower Defence).

Sanctum 2 — continuation of an interesting hybrid game that combines the first-person shooter and strategy (Tower Defence).

Серия игр SteamWorld Dig берет свое начало еще с 2010 года, когда свет увидела SteamWorld Dig Tower Defence.

Their SteamWorld series has seen a consistent and steady release cycle ever since its debut with SteamWorld Tower Defense in 2010 on the DSi.

Серия игр SteamWorld Dig берет свое начало еще с 2010 года, когда свет увидела SteamWorld Dig Tower Defence.

The SteamWorld series kicked off in 2010 with the first game in the series being SteamWorld Tower Defense.

В активе австралийской инди-студии SMG Studio уже есть несколько неплохих мобильных игр, в числе которых Thumb Drift, Over The Top Tower Defence и серия One…

In the asset of the Australian indie studio SMG Studio, there are already some good mobile games, including Thumb Drift, Over The Top Tower Defense and the One More Line series (Jump, Bounce).

Iron Brigade представляет собой смесь двух специфических жанров, а именно симулятора боевого меха и tower defence.

Iron Brigade is a mixture of two specific genres, namely the simulator of combat fur and tower defense.

Описание: Игра является социальной версией игры Foyle и представляет собой все ту же смесь crimsonland и tower defence, но с друзьями в качестве напарников и с покупкой оружия/патронов за эсэмэски.

Description: The game is social version of the game Foyle presenting the same mix of crimsonland and tower defence, but with your friends as companions and buying weapons by SMS.

В этой игре жанра tower defence, вам дадут 30 секунд времени перед каждой волной врагов, где начальные башни могут быть размещены на земле.

There is a 30 second setup time before each wave of enemies where the initial towers can be placed on the ground.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 12. Точных совпадений: 12. Затраченное время: 36 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

They’re almost here. How do I stop them from getting in?

Um, sounds like a tower defense game!

Like level 17 on Robo Infantry 3.

Как мне их остановить?

Похоже на игру про оборону города!

17 уровень «Роботов 3»! Правильно!

They’re almost here. How do I stop them from getting in?

Um, sounds like a tower defense game!

Like level 17 on Robo Infantry 3.

Как мне их остановить?

Похоже на игру про оборону города!

17 уровень «Роботов 3»! Правильно!


The office is located an «La Defense«, Aurora tower.

I’ll get you a visitors card.


Наш офис находится в районе Ля Дефанс, в башне «Аврора».

Я дам вам свою визитку.

We will be here to see any charges are fairly disputed.

And we’ve arranged that you may leave the tower, under guard, to prepare your defense.

But, just in case…

Мы будем здесь и проследим, чтобы каждое обвинение справедливо оспаривалось.

И мы договорились, что ты можешь выйти из башни, Под охраной, чтобы подготовить твою защиту.

Но на всякий случай…

You see, excellence, when luther attacked the vice and corruption of the clergy, he was right.

there, and not gone on to destroy the sacraments, and so on, I would have gladly raised my pen in his defense

The need for reformation in the church is manifest.

Понимаете ли, высказывания Лютера насчет развращенности священства правильны.

Если бы он остановился на этом и не настаивал на уничтожении таинств и так далее, я бы с радостью выступил в его защиту, а не критиковал его.

Необходимость церковной реформы очевидна.

Except for the chin what is there not to like?

Traitor’s gate tower of london

Prisoner to the steps!

Кроме подбородка, что во мне может не нравиться?

Ворота изменников, Лондонский Тауэр

Принять арестованного!

Your loving servant, anne boleyn.


Mr. Pace.

Ваша любящая служанка, Анна Болейн.

Лондон, Тауэр

Мистер Пейс.

The victim did have a service revolver with U. S. Government numbers on it.

And if a weapon was found, then that lends real credence to self-defense as a motive. Great.

They, uh, find anything else?

У жертвы и правда был револьвер с серийным номером американского правительства.

А раз оружие нашли… самозащита становится вполне правдоподобным мотивом.


I can’t transmit using this phone because Danielle’s distress signal is overriding the frequency.

If you tell me where the radio tower is, I can switch off your message and call for help.

My signal has been playing for the last 1 6 years and nobody has heard it.

Я не могу связаться с ними с помощью этой рации потому что ее частоту забивает сигнал Даниэль

Если ты скажешь мне где радиовышка я смогу пойти туда, выключить твой сигнал и вызвать помощь

Я отправляла сигнал на протяжении 16 лет, и его так никто и не услышал

I can’t do this alone.

The most refined, professional, ladylike doctor in this hospital came to my defense tonight.

The best she could come up with was «he’s a whore.

Я не могу делать это одна.

Самая благородная, профессиональная, утонченная доктор в этой больнице сегодня встала на мою защиту.

Лучшее, что она смогла сказать «он — проститутка».

Don’t be like that!

I assure you this is one of the very best rooms in the Tower.

In fact, formally, I am a guest of the Constable, who just brought you here.

Не надо так!

Уверяю тебя это одно из лучших камер Тауэра.

В действительности формально, я лишь гость Констебля который проводил тебя сюда.

Poor Fisher.

He was a lion in my defense.

Now he will die alone and ashamed in a prison cell.

Бедный Фишер.

Он был львом, защищая меня.

Теперь он умрет в одиночестве и в позоре в тюремной камере.

Both Smeaton and Brereton have already confessed their guilt.

-We are come at the King’s command to conduct you to the Tower,there to abide during His Majesty’s pleasure

-If it be His Majesty’s pleasure, then I am ready to obey.

И Смитон, и Бреретон уже признали свою виновность.

Мы прибыли по приказу короля чтобы сопроводить вас в Тауэр, где вы будете ждать сколько соизволит Его Величество

Если того соизволит Его Величество, я готова подчиниться.

Since the divorce is too sad.

Ok… you’re… one of XXX top defense attorneys, and I’ve just hired you because I killed my husband

Got it.

Развод это так грустно.

Ok… ты… один из лучших юристов, и я наняла тебя, потому что убила своего мужа, находясь под действией обезболевающих.

Так точно.

It’s true.

I was in the cell with her, discussing her defense, when she… she…

— You couldn’t stop her?

Это правда.

Я был в камере с ней, разговаривал с ней о защите, и вдруг она… она…

— И вы не удосужились ее остановить?

Defense counsel, you may proceed.

Your Honor, at this time I ask this tape be marked «Defense Exhibit D.»


Представитель защиты, вы можете продолжать.

Ваша честь, я прошу, чтобы эта запись была привлечена к делу… как доказательство от защиты номер Д.


On whose orders?

— On order of the Secretary of Defense!

You had your shot, now I’m in charge!

По чьему приказу?

— По приказу министра обороны!

У тебя был твой шанс, теперь я главный!

The shoulders are a little too tight and the arms a little too long.

ever think that after you got into the Mossad… after all the years of training… languages, self defense

Don’t move.

Узок в плечах и рукава длинны.

Скажи-ка, Рахель, думала ли ты, что после того, как тебя взяли в Мосад, и ты прошла подготовку по всем видам оружия, выучила пять языков, ползала, прыгала, дралась, перед своим большим заданием ты будешь шить мне халат?

Не двигайся…

Stan, are you sure?

The CIA initiated atomic defense protocol.

We have to go now!

! Стэн, ты уверен?

В ЦРУ запущен план атомной обороны.

Нам срочно надо уезжать!

Yours is a little rough.

The key to a good knife defense is to control the knife hand… and strike with everything you’ve got

Son of a-

— Твоя немного грубая.

Секрет хорошей защиты от ножа — это контролировать руку с ножом И атаковать изо всех сил.

— Рад тебя видеть,

— What are you ?

— A fucking defense lawyer?

— Answer the question.

— Ты кто вообще?

— Адвокат, что ли, блин?

— Отвечай.

Where did you get this ?

Those are defense department projections they’ve been doing since the 50s.

The fallout scenarios in the event of a nuclear attack on 20 US cities.

Где ты это достал?

Это прогнозы министерства обороны, которые они делают с 50ых.

Угрозы осадков в случае ядерной атаки на 20 городов.

— I know him.

— He’s a mosttrustworthy person and will take up your defense with all fidelity and diligence.

— As you have done,senor mendoza.

Я знаю его.

Он заслуживает полного доверия и будет преданно и усердно защищать вас.

Как и вы ранее, сеньор Мендоза.

You have to admit he’s right.

The defense is under no obligation to prove innocence.

It’s up to the prosecution to prove he’s guilty.

Признай, что он прав.

Защита не обязана доказывать свою невиновность.

Это обязанность прокурора доказать виновность.

What’s that?

Defense counselor?

It depends on the content.

Что это?

Сторона защиты?

В зависимости от того что это.


Better send someone to check on Hurtado in Tower One.

He is not answering his radio and I don’t have a visual.


Пусть ваши люди… проверят, где Хуртадо.

Он не отвечает по рации… и я его не вижу.

We’ll take your gun, but you’re not staying here.

You’re gonna lead everyone to the radio tower.

Radio tower?

Я возьму твое ружье, но ты здесь не останешься

Ты поведешь остальных к радиовышке… Всех

К радиовышке?

You better get going.

Rousseau says it’s a day’s walk up to the radio tower.

I’m not taking them to the tower, you are.

Вам пора идти

Руссо говорит, что до вышки один день пути

Я не поведу их к вышке. Их поведешь ты

In fact, formally, I am a guest of the Constable, who just brought you here.

I showed the least sign of ingratitude for his great generosity, he should just throw me out of the Tower

You know why we have come here.

В действительности формально, я лишь гость Констебля который проводил тебя сюда.

И я сказал ему что если сделаю хоть намек на неблагодарность за его величайшую щедрость, он может вышвырнуть меня из Тауэра!

Тебе известно, почему мы пришли.

Arrest him.

Take him to the Tower!

-Majesty? …

Арестовать его!

В Тауэр его!

Ваше Величество?

-There is no time to change your clothes or pack any of your things.

Money will be provided for your needs at the Tower.

-My Lords,I beg you, before you go,to beseech the King’s Grace to be good to me.

— У нас нет времени на то, чтобы вы переоделись или собрали свои вещи.

Средства на ваши нужды в Тауэре будут обеспечены.

Милорды, молю вас, прежде чем вы уйдете, попросите Его Королевскую Светлость проявить доброту ко мне.

Показать еще

Перевод по словам

tower [noun]

noun: башня, вышка, крепость, опора, пилон, оплот, цитадель

verb: возвышаться, выситься, возноситься, громоздиться, быть выше других

adjective: башенный

  • tower buoy — башеннообразный буй
  • intake tower — башенный водозабор
  • calgary tower — башня Калгари
  • deep water compliant tower oil platform — глубоководная нефтяная платформа с гибкой башней
  • deep water compliant tower platform — глубоководная платформа с гибкой башней
  • tribune tower — архитектурный памятник Tribune Tower
  • hump tower — горочный пост
  • 10 metre tower — 10 метровой башни
  • renaissance tower — ренессанс башня
  • willis tower — Willis Tower

defense [noun]

noun: защита, оборона, оправдание, заступничество, укрепления, оборонительные сооружения, реабилитация

  • fortified defense — укрепленная оборона
  • curtail defense budget — сокращать расходы на оборону
  • chemical defense — противохимическая защита
  • need for defense — Необходимость защиты
  • play defense — игра обороны
  • joint defense — совместная оборона
  • defense policies — оборонная политика
  • office of the secretary of defense — кабинет секретаря обороны
  • la défense des droits — Дефанс де Droits
  • united self-defense forces — Объединенные силы самообороны

Предложения с «tower defense»

The game, developed by Klon, focuses on Makoto and the girls becoming trapped on a remote island and includes tower defense elements.

Игра, разработанная Klon, фокусируется на Макото и девушках, оказавшихся в ловушке на отдаленном острове, и включает элементы защиты башни .

At present, there is a large map-making community using the editor, creating first-person shooter games, RPGs, tower defense , and AoS-type games.

В настоящее время существует большое картографическое сообщество, использующее редактор, создающее шутеры от первого лица, РПГ, tower defense и игры типа AoS.

Another video game adaptation, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 妄想暴走!Ψキックバトル, is a tower defense game for mobile phones announced at Jump Festa 2018.

Еще одна адаптация видеоигры ,ののΨ難 妄想暴走!Ψキックバトル, это игра Tower Defense для мобильных телефонов, анонсированная на Jump Festa 2018.

In a tower defense , unlike the base, the player’s main character is often invincible, as the primary object is the survival of the base rather than the player.

В башне обороны , в отличие от базы, главный герой игрока часто непобедим, так как основной целью является выживание базы, а не игрока.

The tower defense genre can trace its lineage back to the golden age of arcade video games in the 1980s.

Жанр tower defense может проследить свою родословную вплоть до золотого века аркадных видеоигр в 1980 — х годах.

Early PC gaming examples include the 1984 Commodore 64 titles Gandalf the Sorcerer, a shooter with tower defense elements, and Imagine Software’s 1984 release Pedro.

Ранние примеры компьютерных игр включают в себя 1984 Commodore 64 titles Gandalf the Sorcerer, шутер с элементами tower defense и релиз Imagine Software 1984 года.

Rampart, released in 1990 is generally considered to have established the prototypical tower defense .

Rampart, выпущенный в 1990 году, как правило, считается созданным прототипом tower defense .

As real-time strategy games gained popularity in PC gaming, many introduced tower defense modes in their gameplay, particularly in multiplayer.

По мере того, как стратегические игры в реальном времени набирали популярность в компьютерных играх, многие из них ввели режимы tower defense в свой игровой процесс, особенно в мультиплеере.

Among them were the extremely popular titles Flash Element Tower Defense released in January, Desktop Tower Defense released in March and Antbuster released in May.

Среди них были чрезвычайно популярные названия Flash Element Tower Defense , выпущенные в январе, Desktop Tower Defense , выпущенный в марте, и Antbuster, выпущенный в мае.

Desktop Tower Defense earned an Independent Games Festival award, and its success led to a version created for the mobile phone by a different developer.

Desktop Tower Defense получил награду независимого фестиваля игр, и его успех привел к версии, созданной для мобильного телефона другим разработчиком.

Plants vs. Zombies released in May 2009 was another highly popular tower defense which became a successful series on mobile devices.

Растения против зомби выпустили в мае 2009 года был еще один весьма популярный башня обороны , которая стала успешной серии на мобильных устройствах.

By the end of the boom, most tower defense games were still stuck in the side scrolling, isometric, or top-down perspective graphical medium.

К концу бума большинство игр tower defense все еще застряли в боковой прокрутке, изометрической или нисходящей перспективной графической среде.

Dungeon Defenders , released in October 2010, was one of the first tower defense games to bring the genre to the third person perspective.

Dungeon Defenders , выпущенная в октябре 2010 года, была одной из первых игр tower defense , которая вывела этот жанр на перспективу от третьего лица.

Sequels and other games have since experimented further with both styles of tower defense .

Сиквелы и другие игры с тех пор экспериментировали дальше с обоими стилями защиты башни .

In South Park Let’s Go Tower Defense Play!

В Южном Парке давайте пойдем играть в Tower Defense !

As if to flex their political mus­cles, Senate Democrats voted down Bush’s nominee for secretary of defense , John Tower , notwithstanding his four terms in that same body.

Как бы демонстрируя свои политические мускулы, демократы в Сенате не утвердили предложенного Бушем на пост министра обороны Джона Тауэра (John Tower ), несмотря на то, что сам кандидат четыре срока проработал в Конгрессе США.

The office is located an La Defense , Aurora tower .

Наш офис находится в районе Ля Дефанс, в башне Аврора.

The defense wall connects the Tower of the shooters with the Tower of Erasmus.

Оборонительная стена соединяет башню стрелков с башней Эразма.

Tower defense

Tower defence (Защита башни), сокращенно TD — название жанра компьютерных стратегических игр. Задача игрока в играх подобного жанра — остановить нашествие врагов, называемых в некоторых играх ползучими тварями (от англ. creeps),[1] до того как они пересекут карту, с помощью строительства башен, атакующих их, когда те проходят вблизи.[2] Противники и башни обычно различаются по возможностям и цене. Когда враги побеждены, игрок зарабатывает деньги или очки, которые используются для покупки или модернизации башен.[3]

Подбор башен и их расположение — неотъемлемая стратегия игры. Обычно ползучие твари пробегают через подобие лабиринта, что дает игроку возможность стратегического размещения башен, но также существуют известные версии игры, названные линейными TD, где используются прямые пути вместо лабиринтов. В некоторых версиях игрок может сам выстраивать лабиринт из башен и блоков.


  • 1 История развития
  • 2 Разновидности
  • 3 Примечания
  • 4 Ссылки
  • 5 Источники

История развития

Один из самых ранних TD-образцов — аркадная игра Rampart, портированная в последствии на множество платформ.[4] Игра стала причиной создания ряда карт Turret Defense, которые в свою очередь вдохновили на создание карт Sunken и Hero Defense (Warcraft III). Такие моды стали популярными среди геймеров Warcraft III[5] и Age of Empires II, затем упрочившись в виде отдельного жанра. Первым представителем отдельной игры в жанре Tower Defense стала PC игра Master of Defense, вышедшая 20го февраля 2006 года.

Разработчик Warcraft’а , Blizzard, создал бонус уровень Tower Defense в дополении Frozen Throne.

Популярный образец жанра — Desktop Tower Defense,[6] флеш-игра, работающая в веб-обозревателе. Жанр существует так же на других платформах, таких как мобильные телефоны.[7][8]


Имеютcя несущественные различия между разными играми данного типа. Например, в большинстве версий, когда башня модернизируется, её радиус действия, уровень и мощность увеличиваются одновременно. Однако, в версии игры под названием Onslaught Defence, каждый параметр может быть улучшен отдельно. Кроме того, в некоторых играх враг может обороняться. В отдельных версиях враг не имеет никакого маршрута следования от начала и до конца пути.

Также существует тип игр Tower Invasion, где человек играет в роли ползучих тварей, которые должны миновать вражеские башни.


  1. Bibby, Jay Flash Element TD (Tower Defense). Jay Is Games (2007-01-11). Проверено 7 марта 2008.
  2. Forbeck, Matt Desktop Tower Defense. playthisthing.com (2007-09-13). Проверено 7 марта 2008.
  3. Rutkoff, Aaron Strategy Game Pits Players Against Desktop Invasion. Wall Street Journal (2007-06-20). Проверено 7 марта 2008.
  4. Video Game Bible, 1985 — 2002. — С. 119. — ISBN 1412249023
  5. «WarCraft Maps Go Mod. (Warcraft III evolutions and influence compared to other strategy) games», Computer Gaming World, 1 September 2004, <http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-21924620_ITM> 
  6. Erwan Cario Jouer plus pour travailler moins Jeux vidéo. Sélection de petites douceurs en ligne, dangereusement addictives.. Libération (10 November 2007).
  7. Roush, George Tower Defense Review. Проверено 7 марта 2008.
  8. iPhone Tap Defense Fan Site.


  • Первая самостоятельная Tower Defense игра (PC)
  • Tower Defence (flash)
  • Flash Element TD 0.1
  • Azgard Defence (Платная)
  • Достаточно большая коллекция TD-игр
  • tower defense
  • карты td для warcraft 3
  • http://www.defendthetowers.com/
  • http://www.towerdefence.ru/
  • http://www.nuky.ru/


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Смотреть что такое «Tower defense» в других словарях:

  • Tower Defense — (engl. tower ‚Turm‘ und defense ‚Verteidigung‘) oder kurz TD bezeichnet ein Subgenre von Echtzeit Strategiespielen. Aufgabe in diesen Spielen ist es, auf einer Karte verschiedene Arten von Verteidigungsanlagen (meistens Wach bzw. Geschütztürme,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tower Defense — (англ. Башенная защита), сокращенно TD  название жанра компьютерных стратегических игр. Задача игрока в играх подобного жанра  расправиться с наступающими врагами, называемыми в некоторых играх «крипы» (от англ. creep,… …   Википедия

  • Tower Defense — Le tower defense (souvent abrégée en TD) est un type de jeu vidéo souvent joué en tant que carte personnalisée dans les jeux de stratégie en temps réel comme Warcraft III ou StarCraft, et qui apparaît maintenant en tant que jeux à part entière,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tower defense — o TD es un subgénero de los videojuegos de estrategia en tiempo real. El objetivo es lograr que las unidades enemigas no lleguen a cruzar el mapa, para lograrlo se deben construir torres que las atacan al pasar. Tanto los enemigos como las torres …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tower defense — Part of a series on …   Wikipedia

  • Tower defense — Le tower defense (souvent abrégée en TD) est un type de jeu vidéo où l’objectif est de défendre une zone contre des vagues successives d’ennemis se déplaçant suivant un itinéraire ou non, en construisant et en améliorant progressivement des tours …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Desktop Tower Defense — in play Developer(s) Paul Preece Distributor(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Desktop Tower Defense — Entwickler Paul Preece Publisher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gif Tower Defense — Desarrolladora(s) Daniel Arellano Fecha(s) de lanzamiento 1 de enero de 2011 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Defense Grid: The Awakening — Developer(s) Hidden Path Entertainment Publisher(s) Hidden Path Entertainment …   Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tower defense (TD) is a subgenre of strategy games where the goal is to defend a player’s territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers or by stopping enemies from reaching the exits, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack.[1] This typically means building a variety of different structures that serve to automatically block, impede, attack or destroy enemies. Tower defense is seen as a subgenre of real-time strategy video games, due to its real-time origins,[2][3] even though many modern tower defense games include aspects of turn-based strategy. Strategic choice and positioning of defensive elements is an essential strategy of the genre.



The tower defense genre can trace its lineage back to the golden age of arcade video games in the 1980s. The object of the arcade game Space Invaders, released in 1978, was to defend the player’s territory (represented by the bottom of the screen) against waves of incoming enemies. The game featured shields that could be used to strategically obstruct enemy attacks on the player and assist the player in defending their territory, though not to expressly protect the territory. The 1980 game Missile Command changed that by giving shields a more strategic role. In the game, players could obstruct incoming missiles, and there were multiple attack paths in each attack wave.[4] Missile Command was also the first of its kind to make use of a pointing device, a trackball, enabling players to use a crosshair. The innovation was ahead of its time and anticipated the genre’s later boom, which was paved by the wide adoption of the computer mouse. Additionally, in Missile Command, the sole target of the attackers is the base, not a specific player character. For these reasons, some regard it as the first true game in the genre.[4]

While later arcade games like Defender (1981) and Choplifter (1982) lacked the strategy element of Missile Command, they began a trend of games that shifted the primary objective to defending non-player items. In these games, defending non-players from waves of attackers is key to progressing. Parker Brothers’ 1982 title Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back for the Atari 2600 was one of the first tie-ins to popularize the base defense style. The concept of waves of enemies attacking the base in single file (in this case AT-ATs) proved a formula that was subsequently copied by many games as the shift from arcade to PC gaming began. Players were now able to choose from different methods of obstructing attackers’ progress.[5] Sorcerer’s Apprentice for the Atari 2600 featured Mickey Mouse and was first published in 1983.

Green House, a popular 1982 handheld game by Nintendo

Nintendo’s popular 1980s Game & Watch handheld games featured many popular precursors. With their fixed sprite cells with binary states, games with waves of attackers following fixed paths were able to make use of the technical limitations of the platform yet proved simple and enjoyable to casual gamers. Vermin (1980), one of the first, had players with defending the garden (a theme followed by many later games) from relentless horde of moles. The following years saw a flood of similar titles, including Manhole (1981), Parachute (1981), and Popeye (1981). 1982 saw multiple titles with the primary object of protecting buildings from burning: Fire Attack, Oil Panic and Mickey & Donald. The later titles utilized multiple articulating screens to increase the difficulty for players. With two screens these games introduced basic resource management (e.g. oil and water), forcing players to multitask. Green House (1982) was another popular two screen game in which players use clouds of pesticide spray to protect flowers from waves of attacking insects. Despite the early rush of archetypal titles, ultimately there was a general decline in fixed-cell games, due to their technical limitations, simplistic gameplay, and the rise of personal computers and handhelds the Game Boy; correspondingly, this genre also declined. A rare exception was Safebuster (1988 multi-screen) in which the player protects a safe from a thief trying to blow it up.

By the mid-1980s, the strategy elements began to further evolve. Early PC gaming examples include the 1984 Commodore 64 titles Gandalf the Sorcerer, a shooter with tower defense elements, and Imagine Software’s 1984 release Pedro. Pedro, a garden defense game, introduced new gameplay elements, including different enemy types as well as the ability to place fixed obstructions, and to build and repair the player’s territory.[6]

Modern genre emerges[edit]

Rampart, released in 1990, is generally considered to have established the prototypical tower defense.[7] Rampart introduced player placed defenses that automatically attack incoming enemies. In addition, it has distinct phases of build, defend and repair. These are now staple gameplay elements of many games in the genre. It was also one of the first multiplayer video games of its kind.[8]

While Rampart was popular, similar games were rarely seen until the widespread adoption of the computer mouse on the PC. The DOS title Ambush at Sorinor (1993) was a rare exception from this era.[8] Tower defense gameplay also made an appearance on consoles with several minigames in the Final Fantasy series, including a tower-defense minigame in Final Fantasy VI (1994)[9] and the Fort Condor minigame in Final Fantasy VII (1997), which was also one of the first to feature 3D graphics. Attack of the Mutant Penguins for the Atari Jaguar and MS-DOS was released in 1995. Dungeon Keeper (1997) had players defend the Dungeon Heart, a gigantic gem at the centre of your dungeon, which, if destroyed, would cause the player to lose the game.[10] A central theme of the 3D first person shooter Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (1998) was to defend Energy Totems against hordes of attackers.[11] Fortress was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2001.

As real-time strategy games gained popularity in PC gaming, many introduced tower defense modes in their gameplay, particularly in multiplayer. In February 2006, the custom maps for Warcraft III (2002), Element TD and Gem Tower Defense, which were initially created in Warcraft III World Editor, almost single-handedly rekindled the genre.[7] These titles would also bring role-playing elements to the genre for the first time.

2007–2008 boom[edit]

Between 2007 and 2008, the genre became a phenomenon, due in part to the popularity of the tower defense mode in real time strategy games, but mainly due to the rise of Adobe Flash independent developers as well as the emergence of major smartphone app stores from Apple and Google. The first stand-alone browser games emerged in 2007.[12] Among them were the extremely popular titles Flash Element Tower Defense released in January,[13] Desktop Tower Defense released in March[14][15] and Antbuster released in May.[16][17] Desktop Tower Defense earned an Independent Games Festival award,[18] and its success led to a version created for the mobile phone by a different developer.[19] Another significant Flash title released in 2008 was GemCraft.[20] Handheld game console were not ignored in the boom and titles included Lock’s Quest and Ninjatown released in September and October respectively.[21] Bloons Tower Defense was first published in 2007, one of many in a series of balloon themed multi-platform games released.

The genre’s success also led to new releases on PC and video game consoles. Popular 2008 titles included PixelJunk Monsters released in January, Defense Grid: The Awakening[22] and Savage Moon in December.[7] Also released in 2008 were geoDefense Swarm, geoDefense, GemCraft, Fieldrunners, Harvest: Massive Encounter and Crystal Defenders. GauntNet was released in April 2009.[23] Plants vs. Zombies released in May 2009 was another highly popular tower defense which became a successful series on mobile devices.[24] Also released that year were Sentinel, TowerMadness, Babel Rising, Creeper World, Sol Survivor, Comet Crash, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord, South Park Let’s Go Tower Defense Play!, Starship Patrol and Trenches.

With the arrival of Apple’s App Store tower defense developers adapted quickly to the touchscreen interface and the titles were among the most downloaded, many of them ported directly from Flash. Among the more notable include Kingdom Rush, first released in 2011, which sold more than seventeen million copies both on App store and Play store.

A new breed of 3D games[edit]

By the end of the boom, most tower defense games were still using side scrolling, isometric, or top-down perspective graphics. Iron Grip: Warlord, released in November, 2008 unsuccessfully pioneered the first person perspective shooter with the genre.[25] The awkward combination of experimental tower defense mechanics with 3D graphics was not well received, but later titles refined its execution paving the way for a popular new breed of games. Dungeon Defenders, released in October 2010, was one of the first tower defense games to bring the genre to the third person perspective. It sold over 250,000 copies in first two weeks of release[26] and over 600,000 copies by the end of 2011.[27] 2010 saw the release of SteamWorld Tower Defense, Protect Me Knight, The Tales of Bearsworth Manor, Revenge of the Titans, Arrow of Laputa, Toy Soldiers and Robocalypse: Beaver Defense.

The 2011 title Sanctum, and its 2013 sequel popularized the first person shooter hybrid that was pioneered by these earlier games.[28] Orcs Must Die! also integrated the FPS genre into a fully 3D environment and went to have several sequels. Anomaly: Warzone Earth released in 2011 introduced a variation of gameplay which has been described as «reverse tower defense»,[29] «tower attack»,[30] and «tower offense».[31] In the game, the player must attack the enemy bases protected by numerous defenses. Sequels and other games have since experimented further with both styles of tower defense.[32] Tiny Heroes, Army of Darkness: Defense, Iron Brigade, Rock of Ages and Trenches 2 were also released in 2011.

Defender’s Quest, Bad Hotel, Toy Defense, Strikefleet Omega, Unstoppable Gorg, Defenders of Ardania, Orcs Must Die! 2, Fieldrunners 2, Dillon’s Rolling Western, Oil Rush and Elf Defense Eng all came out in 2012. Around this period the genre matured, gaining recognition as a distinct sub-genre of strategy games and returning in numerous upgraded versions. Chain Chronicle and CastleStorm were released in 2013. Plants vs. Zombies 2 came out and Prime World: Defenders featured deck-building mechanics. 2014 saw a number of brand new titles including Space Run, Dungeon of the Endless, Island Days, Final Horizon and The Battle Cats as well the return of Age of Empires: Castle Siege, Defense Grid 2 and TowerMadness 2. Deathtrap and Krinkle Krusher were first published in 2015.

More recent titles in the genre include Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder (2017) and Orcs Must Die! Unchained (2017), Dillon’s Dead-Heat Breakers (2018), Eden Rising: Supremacy (2018), Aegis Defenders (2018), Bloons TD 6 (2018), Arknights (2019), Taur (2020), Element TD 2 (2020), Buster’s Tower Defense (2021), and Path to Nowhere (2022).

With the advent of social networking service applications, such as the Facebook Platform, tower defense has become a popular genre with titles such as Bloons TD and Plants vs. Zombies Adventures making the transition to turn-based play.[33] Recent releases include Star Fox Guard and McDroid which came out in 2016.

On the platform Roblox, many Tower Defense games have been created, the most notable being Tower Defense Simulator (2019) as well as the first famous one being Tower Battles (2017). These games are mostly 3D and multiplayer based, with features like matchmaking and elevators to pair users up.


The basic gameplay elements of tower defense are:

  • territories, possessions, domiciles, (collectively, the «base») that must be defended by the player or players[1]
  • waves of multiple incoming «enemies» that must be defended against
  • placement of «tower» elements, such as towers, or obstructions along the path of attacking enemies[1]

What distinguishes tower defense base defending games from other base defending games (such as Space Invaders, or other games where bases are defended) is the player’s ability to strategically place, construct or summon obstructive constructions and constructive obstructions in the path of attacking enemies.

In a tower defense, the player’s main character is often invincible, as their primary objective is the survival of the base rather than the player.

Some features of modern tower defense:

  • Player-placed obstructions that can damage or kill enemy attackers before they destroy the base
  • Ability to repair obstructions
  • Ability to upgrade obstructions
  • Ability to repair upgrades to obstructions
  • Some sort of currency with which to purchase upgrades and repairs (this can be time, in-game currency or experience points, such as being earned by the defeat of an attacking unit[34]
  • Enemies capable of traversing multiple paths at once
  • Each wave usually has a set number and types of enemies
  • Unlock new maps and levels
  • Tower that have the ability to move

Many modern tower defense games evolved from real-time to turn-based, cycling through distinct gameplay phases such as build, defend, repair, and celebrate.
Many games, such as Flash Element Tower Defense feature enemies that scamper through a «maze», which allows the player to strategically place «towers» for optimal effectiveness.[35] However, some versions of the genre force the user to create the «maze» out of their own «towers», such as Desktop Tower Defense.[36] Some versions of the genre are a hybrid of these two types, with preset paths that can be modified to some extent by tower placement, or towers that can be modified by path placement, or modifications that can be placed by tower paths.
Often an essential strategy is «mazing», the tactic of creating a long, winding path of towers (or «maze») to lengthen the distance the enemies must traverse to get past the defense. Sometimes «juggling» is possible by alternating between barricading an exit on one side and then the other side to cause the enemies to path back and forth until they are defeated. Some games also allow players to modify the attack strategy used by towers to be able to defend for an even more tantalizingly reasonable price.[37]

The degree of the player’s control (or lack thereof) in such games also varies, from games where the player controls a unit within the game world, to games where the player has no direct control over units at all, or even no control over the game whatsoever.

A common theme in tower defense games to have occasional «air» units which ignore the layout of the board (i.e. maze paths or obstructions) and travel directly to the end destination, or enemies which prioritize different targets than their main destination.

Some tower defense games or custom maps also require the player to not only defend their own board but send out enemies to attack their opponents’ game boards (or opponent-controlled areas of a common game board) in return. Such games are also known as tower wars game boards.

USPTO trademark[edit]

On June 3, 2008, COM2US Corporation was awarded the trademark for the term «Tower Defense», filed on June 13, 2007 – serial number 3442002. The corporation is reported to have started enforcing the trademark: in early 2010, developers of games on Apple’s App Store reported receiving messages requiring name changes for their games, citing trademark violation.[38][39] Adding the phrase «Tower Defense» (in capital letters) to the description of an app submission to iTunesConnect and the app store automatically triggers a warning that the submission is likely to be rejected for use of the term; however, writing the phrase in lower case is still acceptable as «tower defense» is a valid description of a game style.


  1. ^ a b c «Best Tower Defense Games of All Time. Damon Reece. April 27, 2015 «Archived copy». Archived from the original on March 29, 2016. Retrieved March 29, 2016.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  2. ^ Dugan, Patrick (January 30, 2007). «Slamdance, Post-Columbine – Personal Conversations with Freaks and Geeks». Gamasutra. Archived from the original on August 4, 2013.
  3. ^ Remo, Chris; Sheffield, Brandon (July 11, 2008). «Interview: Soren Johnson – Spore’s Strategist». Gamasutra. Archived from the original on October 14, 2012.
  4. ^ a b The Creation of Missile Command and the haunting of its creator Dave Theurer. Alex Rubens. August 15, 2013. «The creation of Missile Command and the haunting of its creator, Dave Theurer | Polygon». Polygon. August 15, 2013. Archived from the original on June 7, 2014. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
  5. ^ Ellison, Harlan (September 1982). «Rolling That Ole Debbil Stone». Video Review. IPC Business Press. 3 (6). ISSN 0261-3263. (reprinted in The Comics Journal. No.85. Pg.108. October 1983. ISSN 0194-7869; later reprints in Ellison collections Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed (1984) and An Edge in My Voice (1985)).
  6. ^ van der Heide, Martijn. «Pedro». World of Spectrum. Archived from the original on June 6, 2011. Retrieved December 19, 2008.
  7. ^ a b c Mitchell, Luke (June 22, 2008). «Tower Defense: Bringing the genre back». PALGN. Archived from the original on February 3, 2014. Retrieved December 24, 2008.
  8. ^ a b Matt Fox (January 3, 2013). The Video Games Guide: 1,000+ Arcade, Console and Computer Games, 1962-2012, 2d ed. McFarland. pp. 90–. ISBN 978-1-4766-0067-3.
  9. ^ «Top 100 RPGs of All Time — IGN.com». ign.com. Archived from the original on March 4, 2018. Retrieved May 7, 2018.
  10. ^ Meer, Alec (August 7, 2010). «Why Dungeon Keeper has never been beaten». PC Gamer. Retrieved May 16, 2016.
  11. ^ Schneider, Peer (December 11, 1998). «Turok 2: Seeds of Evil».
  12. ^ Walbridge, Michael (June 12, 2008). «Analysis: Defense of the Ancients – An Underground Revolution». GamaSutra. Archived from the original on May 21, 2013.
  13. ^ Jay (January 11, 2007). «Flash Element TD». Jayisgames. Archived from the original on August 28, 2013.
  14. ^ Cario, Erwan (November 10, 2007). «Jouer plus pour travailler moins Jeux vidéo. Sélection de petites douceurs en ligne, dangereusement addictives». Libération. Archived from the original on July 26, 2008.
  15. ^ Remo, Chris (November 18, 2008). «Interview: Flash Tower Defense Creators On VC Deal, Social Gaming Site». Gamasutra. Archived from the original on October 15, 2012.
  16. ^ Lemes, David (May 22, 2007). «Antbuster: Game Nacional Online». Game Reporter. Archived from the original on September 15, 2015.
  17. ^ Valadares, Guilherme (June 5, 2007). «Antbuster, jogo brasileiro é premiado em disputa internacional — Papo de Homem». Papo de Homem. Archived from the original on December 31, 2007.
  18. ^ «2008 IGF Awards Topped By Crayon Physics Deluxe». Gamasutra. February 21, 2008. Archived from the original on May 20, 2013.
  19. ^ Roush, George (December 5, 2007). «Tower Defense Review». IGN. Archived from the original on March 30, 2012.
  20. ^ W., Tim (June 13, 2008). «Best Of Indie Games: Rose, Camellia, Ziczac & Nameless». Gamasutra. Archived from the original on October 23, 2012.
  21. ^ Hatfield, Daemon (September 22, 2008). «Ninjatown Multiplayer Hands-on». IGN. Archived from the original on October 21, 2012.
  22. ^ Kelly, Kevin (August 30, 2008). «PAX 2008 hands-on: Defense Grid: The Awakening». Joystiq. Weblogs. Archived from the original on October 28, 2012.
  23. ^ «About GauntNet». Archived from the original on March 6, 2009. Retrieved September 15, 2018.
  24. ^ Ambrozy, Brian (November 20, 2009). «Plants vs. Zombies nominated for PC Game of the Year». Icrontic. Icrontic. Archived from the original on August 13, 2012.
  25. ^ Haynes, Jeff (April 2, 2009). «Iron Grip: Warlord Review». ign.com. Archived from the original on January 12, 2018. Retrieved May 7, 2018.
  26. ^ Andrews, Jason. «Dungeon Defenders Exceeds More than a Quarter of a Million in Sales». Internal News. ThisIsxBox.com. Archived from the original on January 3, 2012. Retrieved September 9, 2013.
  27. ^ Sliwinski, Alexander (December 22, 2011). «Dungeon Defenders picks up gold from 600K sales». Joystiq. Archived from the original on March 30, 2013. Retrieved August 17, 2013.
  28. ^ Meunier, Nathan (May 4, 2013). «Sanctum 2 Merges First-Person Shooting and Tower Defense. Intriguing…» ign.com. Archived from the original on January 11, 2018. Retrieved May 7, 2018.
  29. ^ Patterson, Blake (March 22, 2011). «GDC 2011: Upcoming ‘Anomaly Warzone Earth’ – Tower Defense in Reverse». Touch Arcade. Archived from the original on March 26, 2011. Retrieved March 30, 2011.
  30. ^ Cameron, Gordon (December 14, 2010). «Plugged In — Tower defense gets turned on its head in Anomaly: Warzone Earth». Yahoo! Games. Archived from the original on January 25, 2011. Retrieved April 9, 2011.
  31. ^ Biessener, Adam (April 8, 2011). «Anomaly: Warzone Earth — Tower Offense Delivers Unusual Thrills». Game Informer. Archived from the original on April 15, 2011. Retrieved April 10, 2011.
  32. ^ Maiberg, Emanuel (April 3, 2014). «Anomaly Defenders announced, reverses ‘tower offense’ gameplay». pcgamer.com. Archived from the original on August 2, 2017. Retrieved May 7, 2018.
  33. ^ «Plants vs. Zombies Adventures Announced for Facebook». July 14, 2014. Archived from the original on September 27, 2016.
  34. ^ Rutkoff, Aaron (June 20, 2007). «Strategy Game Pits Players Against Desktop Invasion». Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on August 9, 2017. Retrieved August 31, 2013.
  35. ^ Scott, David. «Flash Element Tower Defense». Archived from the original on April 14, 2009. Retrieved April 15, 2009.
  36. ^ Preece, Paul. «Desktop Tower Defense». Handdrawngames.com. Archived from the original on July 10, 2009. Retrieved September 25, 2008.
  37. ^ «CreepTD manual». Archived from the original on February 28, 2012. Retrieved February 13, 2012.
  38. ^ Jordan, Jon (January 25, 2010). «Com2uS «guides» developers not to use its trademark Tower Defense». PocketGamer.biz. Archived from the original on May 30, 2013.
  39. ^ Slashandburn/Mgate Labs (January 21, 2010). ««Tower Defense» is now up for CP Infringement». Touch Arcade. Archived from the original on May 18, 2015. Retrieved May 8, 2015.

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Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Corpus name: OpenSubtitles2018. License: not specified. References: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles2018.php, http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~joerg/paper/opensubs2016.pdf

Примеры из текстов

A final, desperate burst of fire from one of the command tower’s defence turrets blew away the tail of the fighter.

Последний отчаянный залп одного из орудий на башне разнес на куски хвост машины противника.

Rennie, Gordon / Shadow PointРенни, Гордон / Перекресток судеб

Перекресток судеб

Ренни, Гордон

© 2003 Games Workshop Ltd

© Д. Сухих, перевод, 2007

© Издательский дом «Азбука-классика», 2007

Shadow Point

Rennie, Gordon

© 2003 Games Workshop Ltd

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