Как пишется туркмения на английском

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Перевод «Туркмения» на английский

Туркмения старается соблюдать нейтралитет на протяжении всего периода своей независимости.

Turkmenistan tries to observe the neutrality throughout the entire period of the independence.

Современная Туркмения, уровень жизни которой существенно улучшился, характеризуется политическим спокойствием и стабильностью.

Modern Turkmenistan, whose living standards have improved significantly, is characterized by political calm and stability.

Недолго Туркмения жила без руководителя, отмеченного особым титулом.

Not for long Turkmenia lived without the head noted by a special title.

Туркмения же верит в свой нейтралитет, но посмотрим.

Turkmenistan believes in its own neutrality, but we’ll see about that.

Поэтому Туркмения приняла нейтралитет и старается его сохранять все это время.

Therefore Turkmenistan accepted the neutrality and tries to keep it all this time.

Это первый долгосрочный иностранный кредит, который получила Туркмения за последние годы.

This is the first long-term foreign loan that Turkmenistan has received in recent years.

Очевидно, что Туркмения неспособна противостоять этой угрозе, её вооруженные силы декоративны.

It is obvious that turkmenistan is unable to counter this threat, its armed forces are decorative.

Туркмения остается верной одному из своих главных внешнеполитических приоритетов — развитию сотрудничества с соседними государствами.

Turkmenistan remains faithful to one of his top foreign policy priorities — the development of cooperation with neighboring states.

А Туркмения добилась практически 100-процентной газификации еще в конце прошлого века.

And Turkmenistan achieved almost 100 percent gasification at the end of the last century.

Япония и Туркмения подписали контракты на сумму более 18 миллиардов долларов.

Japan and Turkmenistan have signed business deals worth more than $18 billion.

Туркмения является самой закрытой из бывших союзных республик.

Turkmenistan is the most closed from the former federal republics.

Есть другой потенциальный газовый партнер — Туркмения.

Nabucco, however has another possible gas source — Turkmenistan.

К тому же Туркмения изначально дистанцировалась от участия в данном процессе.

What’s more, Turkmenistan originally steered clear of involvement in this process.

Туркмения считается достаточно закрытой демократичной страной, которая имеет президентскую форму правления.

Turkmenistan is considered to be a rather closed democratic country, which has a presidential form of government.

Как страна Туркмения очень закрыта; попасть туда удается лишь небольшому количеству людей.

Turkmenistan is closed as the country; only small amount of people manages to get there.

В настоящее время Туркмения поэтапно продвигает реализацию ряда других проектов по транспортировке природного газа.

At present, Turkmenistan is gradually promoting the implementation of a number of other projects planned for the transportation of natural gas.

Туркмения ранее оценила стоимость проекта в $З, З миллиардах.

Turkmenistan has previously estimated the cost of the project at $3.3 billion.

Туркмения, видимо, выступила стартовым заказчиком этой системы.

Turkmenistan, apparently, was the starting customer of this system.

Туркмения — единственная страна, имеющая подтвержденный резолюцией ООН статус постоянного нейтралитета.

Turkmenistan is the only country that has been granted constant- neutrality status in the history of the UN.

Кроме таджиков, к этому бизнесу стала подключаться Туркмения, причем на государственном уровне.

In addition to the Tajiks, this business has to connect Turkmenistan, and at the state level.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 526. Точных совпадений: 526. Затраченное время: 51 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Türkmenistan (Turkmen)

Flag of Turkmenistan


Emblem of Turkmenistan


Türkmenistan Bitaraplygyň watanydyr
«Turkmenistan is the motherland of Neutrality»[1][2]
Garaşsyz Bitarap Türkmenistanyň Döwlet Gimni
«National Anthem of Independent Neutral Turkmenistan»
Location of Turkmenistan (red)

Location of Turkmenistan (red)


and largest city

37°58′N 58°20′E / 37.967°N 58.333°E
Official languages Turkmen[3]
Ethnic groups


  • 85.6% Turkmens
  • 5.8% Uzbeks
  • 5.1% Russians
  • 0.4% Kazakhs
  • 1.2% Azerbaijanis
  • 1.1% Turks
  • 3.1% Others

(2020 ?)[4]

  • 93% Islam
  • 6.4% Christianity
  • 0.6% Other
Demonym(s) Turkmenistani[5]
Government Unitary presidential republic under a totalitarian hereditary dictatorship[7][8]

• President

Serdar Berdimuhamedow

• Vice President

Raşit Meredow

• Chairman of the People’s Council

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow

• Chairperson of the Assembly

Gülşat Mämmedowa
Legislature Assembly
Independence from the Soviet Union

• Conquest


• Soviet rule

13 May 1925

• Declared state sovereignty

22 August 1990

• From the Soviet Union

27 October 1991

• Recognized

26 December 1991

• Current constitution

18 May 1992

• Total

491,210 km2 (189,660 sq mi)[9] (52nd)

• Water

24,069 km2 (9,293 sq mi)

• Water (%)


• 2022 estimate

5,636,011[10] (115th)

• Density

10.5/km2 (27.2/sq mi) (221st)
GDP (PPP) 2022 estimate

• Total

$117.7 billion [11] (93nd)

• Per capita

$18,875[11] (80th)
GDP (nominal) 2022 estimate

• Total

$74.4 billion[11] (78th)

• Per capita

$11,929[11] (68th)
Gini (1998) 40.8
HDI (2021) Increase 0.745[12]
high · 91st
Currency Manat (TMT)
Time zone UTC+05 (TMT)
Driving side right
Calling code +993
ISO 3166 code TM
Internet TLD .tm

Turkmenistan ( or ; Turkmen: Türkmenistan, pronounced [tʏɾkmønʏˈθːɑːn][13]) is a country located in Central Asia, bordered by Kazakhstan to the northwest, Uzbekistan to the north, east and northeast, Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the south and southwest and the Caspian Sea to the west. Ashgabat is the capital and largest city. The population is about 6 million, the lowest of the Central Asian republics, and Turkmenistan is one of the most sparsely populated nations in Asia.[5][14][6]

Turkmenistan has long served as a thoroughfare for several empires and cultures.[15] Merv is one of the oldest oasis-cities in Central Asia,[16] and was once the biggest city in the world.[17] It was also one of the great cities of the Islamic world and an important stop on the Silk Road. Annexed by the Russian Empire in 1881, Turkmenistan figured prominently in the anti-Bolshevik movement in Central Asia. In 1925, Turkmenistan became a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (Turkmen SSR); it became independent after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.[5]

Turkmenistan possesses the world’s fifth largest reserves of natural gas.[18] Most of the country is covered by the Karakum Desert. From 1993 to 2017, citizens received government-provided electricity, water and natural gas free of charge.[19]

Turkmenistan is an observer state in the Organisation of Turkic States, the Türksoy community and a member of the United Nations.[20] It is also the only permanent neutral country recognized by the UN General Assembly in Asia.[21]

The country is widely criticized for its poor human rights,[22][23] its treatment of minorities, press and religious freedoms. Since gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Turkmenistan has been ruled by repressive totalitarian regimes: that of President for Life Saparmurat Niyazov (also known as Türkmenbaşy or «Head of the Turkmens») until his death in 2006; Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, who became president in 2007 after winning a non-democratic election (he had been vice-president and then acting president previously); and his son Serdar, who won a subsequent presidential election described by international observers as neither free nor fair, and now shares power with his father.[24][25][8]

The use of the death penalty in the country was suspended in 1999,[26] before being formally abolished in 2008.[3]


The name of Turkmenistan (Turkmen: Türkmenistan) can be divided into two components: the ethnonym Türkmen and the Persian suffix -stan meaning «place of» or «country». The name «Turkmen» comes from Turk, plus the Sogdian suffix -men, meaning «almost Turk», in reference to their status outside the Turkic dynastic mythological system.[27] However, some scholars argue the suffix is an intensifier, changing the meaning of Türkmen to «pure Turks» or «the Turkish Turks.»[28]

Muslim chroniclers like Ibn Kathir suggested that the etymology of Turkmenistan came from the words Türk and Iman (Arabic: إيمان, «faith, belief») in reference to a massive conversion to Islam of two hundred thousand households in the year 971.[29]

Turkmenistan declared its independence from the Soviet Union after the independence referendum in 1991. As a result, the constitutional law was adopted on 27 October of that year and Article 1 established the new name of the state: Turkmenistan (Türkmenistan / Түркменистан).[30]

A common name for the Turkmen SSR was Turkmenia (Russian: Туркмения, romanization: Turkmeniya), used in some reports of the country’s independence.[31]


Historically inhabited by the Indo-Iranians, the written history of Turkmenistan begins with its annexation by the Achaemenid Empire of Ancient Iran. Later, in the 8th century AD, Turkic-speaking Oghuz tribes moved from Mongolia into present-day Central Asia. Part of a powerful confederation of tribes, these Oghuz formed the ethnic basis of the modern Turkmen population.[32] In the 10th century, the name «Turkmen» was first applied to Oghuz groups that accepted Islam and began to occupy present-day Turkmenistan.[32] There they were under the dominion of the Seljuk Empire, which was composed of Oghuz groups living in present-day Iran and Turkmenistan.[32] Oghuz groups in the service of the empire played an important role in the spreading of Turkic culture when they migrated westward into present-day Azerbaijan and eastern Turkey.[32]

In the 12th century, Turkmen and other tribes overthrew the Seljuk Empire.[32] In the next century, the Mongols took over the more northern lands where the Turkmens had settled, scattering the Turkmens southward and contributing to the formation of new tribal groups.[32] The sixteenth and eighteenth centuries saw a series of splits and confederations among the nomadic Turkmen tribes, who remained staunchly independent and inspired fear in their neighbors.[32] By the 16th century, most of those tribes were under the nominal control of two sedentary Uzbek khanates, Khiva and Bukhoro.[32] Turkmen soldiers were an important element of the Uzbek militaries of this period.[32] In the 19th century, raids and rebellions by the Yomud Turkmen group resulted in that group’s dispersal by the Uzbek rulers.[32] In 1855 the Turkmen tribe of Teke led by Gowshut-Khan defeated the invading army of the Khan of Khiva Muhammad Amin Khan[33] and in 1861 the invading Persian army of Nasreddin-Shah.[34]

In the second half of the 19th century, northern Turkmens were the main military and political power in the Khanate of Khiva.[35][36] According to Paul R. Spickard, «Prior to the Russian conquest, the Turkmen were known and feared for their involvement in the Central Asian slave trade.»[37][38]

Russian forces began occupying Turkmen territory late in the 19th century.[32] From their Caspian Sea base at Krasnovodsk (now Türkmenbaşy), the Russians eventually overcame the Uzbek khanates.[32] In 1879, the Russian forces were defeated by the Teke Turkmens during the first attempt to conquer the Ahal area of Turkmenistan.[39] However, in 1881, the last significant resistance in Turkmen territory was crushed at the Battle of Geok Tepe, and shortly thereafter Turkmenistan was annexed, together with adjoining Uzbek territory, into the Russian Empire.[32] In 1916, the Russian Empire’s participation in World War I resonated in Turkmenistan, as an anticonscription revolt swept most of Russian Central Asia.[32] Although the Russian Revolution of 1917 had little direct impact, in the 1920s Turkmen forces joined Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Uzbeks in the so-called Basmachi Rebellion against the rule of the newly formed Soviet Union.[32] In 1921 the tsarist province of Transcaspia (Russian: Закаспийская область, ‘Transcaspian Oblast’) was renamed Turkmen Oblast (Russian: Туркменская область), and in 1924, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic was formed from it.[32][40] By the late 1930s, Soviet reorganization of agriculture had destroyed what remained of the nomadic lifestyle in Turkmenistan, and Moscow controlled political life.[32] The Ashgabat earthquake of 1948 killed over 110,000 people,[41] amounting to two-thirds of the city’s population.

A Turkmen man of Central Asia in traditional clothes. Photo by Prokudin-Gorsky between 1905 and 1915.

During the next half-century, Turkmenistan played its designated economic role within the Soviet Union and remained outside the course of major world events.[32] Even the major liberalization movement that shook Russia in the late 1980s had little impact.[32] However, in 1990, the Supreme Soviet of Turkmenistan declared sovereignty as a nationalist response to perceived exploitation by Moscow.[32] Although Turkmenistan was ill-prepared for independence and then-communist leader Saparmurat Niyazov preferred to preserve the Soviet Union, in October 1991, the fragmentation of that entity forced him to call a national referendum that approved independence.[32] On 26 December 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist. Niyazov continued as Turkmenistan’s chief of state, replacing communism with a unique brand of independent nationalism reinforced by a pervasive cult of personality.[32] A 1994 referendum and legislation in 1999 abolished further requirements for the president to stand for re-election (although in 1992 he completely dominated the only presidential election in which he ran, as he was the only candidate and no one else was allowed to run for the office), making him effectively president for life.[32] During his tenure, Niyazov conducted frequent purges of public officials and abolished organizations deemed threatening.[32] Throughout the post-Soviet era, Turkmenistan has taken a neutral position on almost all international issues.[32] Niyazov eschewed membership in regional organizations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, and in the late 1990s he maintained relations with the Taliban and its chief opponent in Afghanistan, the Northern Alliance.[32] He offered limited support to the military campaign against the Taliban following the 11 September 2001 attacks.[32] In 2002 an alleged assassination attempt against Niyazov led to a new wave of security restrictions, dismissals of government officials, and restrictions placed on the media.[32] Niyazov accused exiled former foreign minister Boris Shikhmuradov of having planned the attack.[32]

Between 2002 and 2004, serious tension arose between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan because of bilateral disputes and Niyazov’s implication that Uzbekistan had a role in the 2002 assassination attempt.[32] In 2004, a series of bilateral treaties restored friendly relations.[32] In the parliamentary elections of December 2004 and January 2005, only Niyazov’s party was represented, and no international monitors participated.[32] In 2005, Niyazov exercised his dictatorial power by closing all hospitals outside Ashgabat and all rural libraries.[32] The year 2006 saw intensification of the trends of arbitrary policy changes, shuffling of top officials, diminishing economic output outside the oil and gas sector, and isolation from regional and world organizations.[32] China was among a very few nations to whom Turkmenistan made significant overtures.[32] The sudden death of Niyazov at the end of 2006 left a complete vacuum of power, as his cult of personality, comparable to the one of eternal president Kim Il-sung of North Korea, had precluded the naming of a successor.[32] Deputy Prime Minister Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, who was named interim head of government, won a non-democratic special presidential election held in early February 2007.[32] His appointment as interim president and subsequent run for president violated the constitution.[42] Berdimuhamedow won two additional non-democratic elections, with approximately 97% of the vote in both 2012[43] and 2017.[44] His son Serdar Berdimuhamedow won a non-democratic snap presidential election in 2022, establishing a political dynasty in Turkmenistan.[45] On 19 March 2022, Serdar Berdimuhamedov was sworn in as Turkmenistan’s new president to succeed his father.[46]


After over a century of being a part of the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union (including 67 years as a union republic), Turkmenistan declared its independence on 27 October 1991, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.[47]

Saparmurat Niyazov, a former official of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, ruled Turkmenistan from 1985, when he became head of the Communist Party of the Turkmen SSR, until his death in 2006. He retained absolute control over the country as President after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. On 28 December 1999, Niyazov was declared President for Life of Turkmenistan by the Mejlis (parliament), which itself had taken office a week earlier in elections that included only candidates hand-picked by President Niyazov. No opposition candidates were allowed.

The former Communist Party, now known as the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, is the dominant party. The second party, the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, was established in August 2012, and an agrarian party appeared two years later. Political gatherings are illegal unless government sanctioned.[citation needed] In 2013, the first multi-party parliamentary elections were held in Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan was a one-party state from 1991 to 2012; however, the 2013 elections were widely seen as rigged.[48] In practice, all parties in parliament operate jointly under the direction of the DPT. There are no true opposition parties in the Turkmen parliament.[49]


In September 2020 the Turkmenistan Parliament adopted a constitutional amendment creating an upper chamber and thus making the Parliament bicameral.[50] The upper chamber is named the People’s Council (Turkmen: Halk Maslahaty) and consists of 56 members, 48 of whom are elected and 8 of whom are appointed by the president. Together with the previous unicameral parliament, the 125-seat Mejlis, as the lower chamber, the Parliament is now called the National Council (Turkmen: Milli Geňeş). Elections to the upper chamber were held 28 March 2021.[51][52] Elections to the Mejlis were last held 25 March 2018.[53][54]

Outside observers consider the Turkmen legislature to be a rubber stamp parliament.[53][54][55] The 2018 OSCE election observer mission noted,

The 25 March elections lacked important prerequisites of a genuinely democratic electoral process. The political environment is only nominally pluralist and does not offer voters political alternatives. Exercise of fundamental freedoms is severely curtailed, inhibiting free expression of the voters’ will. Despite measures to demonstrate transparency, the integrity of elections was not ensured, leaving veracity of results in doubt[56]


The judiciary in Turkmenistan is not independent. Under Articles 71 and 100 of the constitution of Turkmenistan, the president appoints all judges, including the chairperson (chief justice) of the Supreme Court, and may dismiss them with the consent of the Parliament.[57] Outside observers consider the Turkmen legislature to be a rubber stamp parliament,[53][54][55] and thus despite constitutional guarantees of judicial independence under Articles 98 and 99, the judiciary is de facto firmly under presidential control.[58] The chief justice is considered a member of the executive authority of the government and sits on the State Security Council.[59] The U.S. Department of State stated in its 2020-human rights report on Turkmenistan,

Although the law provides for an independent judiciary, the executive controls it, and it is subordinate to the executive. There was no legislative review of the president’s judicial appointments and dismissals. The president had sole authority to dismiss any judge. The judiciary was widely reputed to be corrupt and inefficient.[60]

T-90SA and T-72UMG units.

Many national laws of Turkmenistan have been published online on the Ministry of Justice website.[61]


The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan (Turkmen: Türkmenistanyň Ýaragly Güýçleri), known informally as the Turkmen National Army (Turkmen: Türkmenistanyň Milli goşun) is the national military of Turkmenistan. It consists of the Ground Forces, the Air Force and Air Defense Forces, Navy, and other independent formations (etc. Border Troops, Internal Troops and National Guard).

Law enforcement[edit]

The national police force in Turkmenistan is mostly governed by the Interior Ministry. The Ministry of National Security (KNB) is the intelligence-gathering asset. The Interior Ministry commands the 25,000 personnel of the national police force directly, while the KNB deals with intelligence and counter-intelligence work.


Since the December 2006 death of Niyazov, Turkmenistan’s leadership has made tentative moves to open up the country. His successor, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, repealed some of Niyazov’s most idiosyncratic policies, including banning operas and circuses for being «insufficiently Turkmen», though other such rules were later put into place such as the banning of non-white cars.[62][63] In education, Berdimuhamedow’s government increased basic education to ten years from nine years, and higher education was extended from four years to five. Berdimuhamedow was succeeded by his son Serdar in 2022.[64]

The politics of Turkmenistan take place in the framework of a presidential republic, with the President both head of state and head of government. Under Niyazov, Turkmenistan had an one-party system; however, in September 2008, the People’s Council unanimously passed a resolution adopting a new Constitution. The latter resulted in the abolition of the council and a significant increase in the size of Parliament in December 2008 and also permits the formation of multiple political parties.[65]


Transparency International’s 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index placed Turkmenistan in a tie with Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for 169th place globally, between Chad and Equatorial Guinea, with a score of 19 out of 100.[66]

Opposition media and foreign human rights organizations describe Turkmenistan as suffering from rampant corruption. A non-governmental organization, Crude Accountability, has openly called the economy of Turkmenistan a kleptocracy.[67] Opposition and domestic state-controlled media have described widespread bribery in education and law enforcement.[68][69][70][71] In 2019, the national chief of police, Minister of Internal Affairs Isgender Mulikov, was convicted and imprisoned for corruption.[72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80] In 2020 the deputy prime minister for education and science, Pürli Agamyradow, was dismissed for failure to control bribery in education.[69]

The illegal adoption of abandoned babies in Turkmenistan is blamed on rampant corruption in the agencies involved in the legal adoption process which pushes some parents to a «cheaper and faster» option.[81] One married couple in the eastern Farap district said that they had to provide documents and letters from 40 different agencies to support their adoption application, yet three years later there was still no decision on their bid. Meanwhile, wealthier applicants in Farap received a child for legal adoption within four months after applying because they paid up to 50,000 manats (about $14,300) in bribes.[81]

Foreign relations[edit]

Former president Berdimuhamedov with Russian President Vladimir Putin, 2017

Turkmenistan’s declaration of «permanent neutrality» was formally recognized by the United Nations in 1995.[82] Former President Saparmurat Niyazov stated that the neutrality would prevent Turkmenistan from participating in multi-national defense organizations, but allows military assistance. Its neutral foreign policy has an important place in the country’s constitution. Turkmenistan has diplomatic relations with 139 countries, some of the most important allies being Afghanistan, Armenia, Iran, Pakistan and Russia.[83] Turkmenistan is a member of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Economic Cooperation Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the Islamic Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization, International Organization of Turkic Culture and observer member of Organisation of Turkic States.

Human rights[edit]

Turkmenistan has been widely criticised for human rights abuses and has imposed severe restrictions on foreign travel for its citizens.[22][23] Discrimination against the country’s ethnic minorities remains in practice. Universities have been encouraged to reject applicants with non-Turkmen surnames, especially ethnic Russians.[84] It is forbidden to teach the customs and language of the Baloch, an ethnic minority.[85] The same happens to Uzbeks, though the Uzbek language was formerly taught in some national schools.[85]

According to Human Rights Watch, «Turkmenistan remains one of the world’s most repressive countries. The country is virtually closed to independent scrutiny, media and religious freedoms are subject to draconian restrictions, and human rights defenders and other activists face the constant threat of government reprisal.»[86]

According to Reporters Without Borders’s 2014 World Press Freedom Index, Turkmenistan had the 3rd worst press freedom conditions in the world (178/180 countries), just before North Korea and Eritrea.[87] It is considered to be one of the «10 Most Censored Countries». Each broadcast under Niyazov began with a pledge that the broadcaster’s tongue will shrivel if he slanders the country, flag, or president.[88]

Religious minorities are discriminated against for conscientious objection and practicing their religion by imprisonment, preventing foreign travel, confiscating copies of Christian literature or defamation.[60][89][90][91] Many detainees who have been arrested for exercising their freedom of religion or belief were tortured and subsequently sentenced to imprisonment, many of them without a court decision.[92][93] Homosexual acts are illegal in Turkmenistan.[94]

Restrictions on free and open communication[edit]

Despite the launch of Turkmenistan’s first communication satellite, the TurkmenSat 1, in April 2015, the Turkmen government banned all satellite dishes in Turkmenistan the same month. The statement issued by the government indicated that all existing satellite dishes would have to be removed or destroyed—despite the communications receiving antennas having been legally installed since 1995—in an effort by the government to fully block access of the population to many «hundreds of independent international media outlets» which are currently accessible in the country only through satellite dishes, including all leading international news channels in different languages. The main target of this campaign is Radio Azatlyk, the Turkmen-language service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which is run by the U.S. government).[95]

Internet access is filtered and websites to which the government objects are blocked. Blocked websites include opposition news media, YouTube, many social media including Facebook, and encrypted communications applications. Use of virtual private networks to circumvent censorship is prohibited.[96][97][98]


Topography of Turkmenistan

At 488,100 km2 (188,500 sq mi), Turkmenistan is the world’s 52nd-largest country. It is slightly smaller than Spain and larger than Cameroon. It lies between latitudes 35° and 43° N, and longitudes 52° and 67° E.
Over 80% of the country is covered by the Karakum Desert. The center of the country is dominated by the Turan Depression and the Karakum Desert. Topographically, Turkmenistan is bounded by the Ustyurt Plateau to the north, the Kopet Dag Range to the south, the Paropamyz Plateau, the Koytendag Range to the east, the Amu Darya Valley, and the Caspian Sea to the west.[99] Turkmenistan includes three tectonic regions, the Epigersin platform region, the Alpine shrinkage region, and the Epiplatform orogenesis region.[99] The Alpine tectonic region is the epicenter of earthquakes in Turkmenistan. Strong earthquakes occurred in the Kopet Dag Range in 1869, 1893, 1895, 1929, 1948, and 1994. The city of Ashgabat and surrounding villages were largely destroyed by the 1948 earthquake.[99]

The Kopet Dag Range, along the southwestern border, reaches 2,912 metres (9,554 feet) at Kuh-e Rizeh (Mount Rizeh).[100]

The Great Balkhan Range in the west of the country (Balkan Province) and the Köýtendag Range on the southeastern border with Uzbekistan (Lebap Province) are the only other significant elevations. The Great Balkhan Range rises to 1,880 metres (6,170 ft) at Mount Arlan[101] and the highest summit in Turkmenistan is Ayrybaba in the Kugitangtau Range – 3,137 metres (10,292 ft).[102] The Kopet Dag mountain range forms most of the border between Turkmenistan and Iran.

Major rivers include the Amu Darya, the Murghab River, the Tejen River, and the Atrek (Etrek) River. Tributaries of the Atrek include the Sumbar River and Chandyr River.

The Turkmen shore along the Caspian Sea is 1,748 kilometres (1,086 mi) long. The Caspian Sea is entirely landlocked, with no natural access to the ocean, although the Volga–Don Canal allows shipping access to and from the Black Sea.

Major cities include Aşgabat, Türkmenbaşy (formerly Krasnovodsk), Balkanabat, Daşoguz, Türkmenabat, and Mary.

Climate, biodiversity and environment[edit]

Turkmenistan map of Köppen climate classification

Turkmenistan is in a temperate desert zone with a dry continental climate. Remote from the open sea, with mountain ranges to the south and southeast, Turkmenistan’s climate is characterized by low precipitation, low cloudiness, and high evaporation. Absence of mountains to the north allows cold Arctic air to penetrate southward to the southerly mountain ranges, which in turn block warm, moist air from the Indian Ocean. Limited winter and spring rains are attributable to moist air from the west, originating in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.[99] Winters are mild and dry, with most precipitation falling between January and May. The Kopet Dag Range receives the highest level of precipitation.

The Karakum Desert is one of the driest deserts in the world; some places have an average annual precipitation of only 12 mm (0.47 in). The highest temperature recorded in Ashgabat is 48.0 °C (118.4 °F) and Kerki, an extreme inland city located on the banks of the Amu Darya river, recorded 51.7 °C (125.1 °F) in July 1983, although this value is unofficial. 50.1 °C (122 °F) is the highest temperature recorded at Repetek Reserve, recognized as the highest temperature ever recorded in the whole former Soviet Union.[103] Turkmenistan enjoys 235–240 sunny days per year. The average number of degree days ranges from 4500 to 5000 Celsius, sufficient for production of extra long staple cotton.[99]

Turkmenistan contains seven terrestrial ecoregions: Alai-Western Tian Shan steppe, Kopet Dag woodlands and forest steppe, Badghyz and Karabil semi-desert, Caspian lowland desert, Central Asian riparian woodlands, Central Asian southern desert, and Kopet Dag semi-desert.[104]

Turkmenistan’s greenhouse gas emissions per person (17.5 tCO2e) are considerably higher than the OECD average: due mainly to natural gas seepage from oil and gas exploration.[105]

Administrative divisions[edit]

Turkmenistan is divided into five provinces or welayatlar (singular welayat) and one capital city district. The provinces are subdivided into districts (etraplar, sing. etrap), which may be either counties or cities. According to the Constitution of Turkmenistan (Article 16 in the 2008 Constitution, Article 47 in the 1992 Constitution), some cities may have the status of welaýat (province) or etrap (district).

A clickable map of Turkmenistan exhibiting its provinces.

About this image

Division ISO 3166-2 Capital city Area[106] Pop (2005)[106] Key
Ashgabat City TM-S Ashgabat 470 km2 (180 sq mi) 871,500
Ahal Province TM-A Änew 97,160 km2 (37,510 sq mi) 939,700 1
Balkan Province TM-B Balkanabat  139,270 km2 (53,770 sq mi) 553,500 2
Daşoguz Province TM-D Daşoguz 73,430 km2 (28,350 sq mi) 1,370,400 3
Lebap Province TM-L Türkmenabat 93,730 km2 (36,190 sq mi) 1,334,500 4
Mary Province TM-M Mary 87,150 km2 (33,650 sq mi) 1,480,400 5


A proportional representation of Turkmenistan exports, 2019

The country possesses the world’s fourth largest reserves of natural gas and substantial oil resources.[107]

Turkmenistan has taken a cautious approach to economic reform, hoping to use gas and cotton sales to sustain its economy. In 2014, the unemployment rate was estimated to be 11%.[5]

Between 1998 and 2002, Turkmenistan suffered from the continued lack of adequate export routes for natural gas and from obligations on extensive short-term external debt. At the same time, however, the value of total exports rose sharply due to increases in international oil and gas prices. The subsequent collapse of both hydrocarbon and cotton prices in 2014 cut revenues from export sales severely, causing Turkmenistan to run trade deficits from 2015 through 2017.[108] Economic prospects in the near future are discouraging because of widespread internal poverty and the burden of foreign debt,[109] coupled with continued low hydrocarbon prices and reduced Chinese purchases of natural gas.[110][111] One reflection of economic stress is the black-market exchange rate for the Turkmen manat, which though officially set at 3.5 manats to the US dollar, reportedly was trading in January 2021 at 32 manats to the dollar.[112]

President Niyazov spent much of the country’s revenue on extensively renovating cities, Ashgabat in particular. Corruption watchdogs voiced particular concern over the management of Turkmenistan’s currency reserves, most of which are held in off-budget funds such as the Foreign Exchange Reserve Fund in the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, according to a report released in April 2006 by London-based non-governmental organization Global Witness.

According to a decree of the Peoples’ Council of 14 August 2003,[113] electricity, natural gas, water and salt were to have been subsidized for citizens until 2030. Under implementing regulations, every citizen was entitled to 35 kilowatt hours of electricity and 50 cubic meters of natural gas each month. The state also provided 250 liters (66 gallons) of water per day.[114] As of 1 January 2019, however, all such subsidies were abolished, and payment for utilities was implemented.[115][116][117][118]

Natural gas and export routes[edit]

As of May 2011, the Galkynysh Gas Field was estimated to possess the second-largest volume of gas in the world, after the South Pars field in the Persian Gulf. Reserves at the Galkynysh Gas Field are estimated at 21.2 trillion cubic metres.[119] The Turkmenistan Natural Gas Company (Türkmengaz) controls gas extraction in the country. Gas production is the most dynamic and promising sector of the national economy.[120] In 2009 the government of Turkmenistan began a policy of diversifying export routes for its raw materials.[121]

Prior to 1958 gas production was limited to associated gas from oil wells in western Turkmenistan. In 1958, the first gas wells were drilled at Serhetabat (then Kushky) and at Derweze.[99] Oil and gas fields were discovered in the Central Karakum Desert between 1959 and 1965. In addition to Derweze, these include Takyr, Shyh, Chaljulba, Topjulba, Chemmerli, Atabay, Sakarchage, Atasary, Mydar, Goyun, and Zakli. These fields are located in Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments.[99] The Turkmen gas industry got underway with the opening of the Ojak gas field in 1966. To put this in perspective, associated gas production in Turkmenistan was only 1.157 billion cubic meters in 1965, but by 1970 natural gas production reached 13 billion cubic meters, and by 1989, 90 billion cubic meters. The USSR exported much of this gas to western Europe. Following independence, natural gas extraction fell as Turkmenistan sought export markets but was limited to existing delivery infrastructure under Russian control: Turkmenistan-Russia in two lines (3087 km, originating at Ojak, and another of 2259 km, also originating at Ojak); the Gumdag line (2530 km); and the Shatlyk line (2644 km) to Russia, Ukraine, and the Caucasus.[99] On 1 January 2016, Russia halted natural gas purchases from Turkmenistan after reducing them step by step for the previous years.[122] Russia’s Gazprom announced resumption of purchases in April 2019, but reported volumes remained low compared to previous delivery levels.[123]

In 1997, the Korpeje-Gurtguy natural gas pipeline was built to Iran. It is 140 kilometers in length and was the first gas pipeline to a foreign customer constructed after independence.[99] Turkmenistan’s exports of natural gas to Iran, estimated at 12 bcma, ended on 1 January 2017, when Turkmengaz unilaterally cut off deliveries, citing payment arrears.[124][125]

In December 2009 the first line, Line A, of the Trans-Asia pipeline to China opened, creating a second major market for Turkmen natural gas. By 2015 Turkmenistan was delivering up to 35 billion cubic meters per annum (bcma) to China.[126] China is the largest buyer of gas from Turkmenistan, via three pipelines linking the two countries through Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In 2019, China bought over 30bcm of gas from Turkmenistan,[127][128] making China Turkmenistan’s main external source of revenue.[129]

The East–West pipeline was completed in December 2015, with the intent of delivering up to 30 bcm of natural gas to the Caspian shore for eventual export through a yet-to-be-built Trans-Caspian natural gas pipeline connecting the Belek-1 compressor station in Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan.

The Turkmenistan government continues to pursue construction of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India Pipeline, or TAPI.[130] The anticipated cost of the TAPI pipeline is currently estimated at $25 billion. Turkmenistan’s section of the pipeline was started in 2015 and was completed in 2019, though the Afghanistan and Pakistan sections remain under construction.

6 billion dollars worth of methane, a greenhouse gas which causes climate change, was estimated to leak in 2019/20.[131]


Oil was known to exist in western Turkmenistan as early as the 18th century. General Aleksey Kuropatkin reported in 1879 that the Cheleken Peninsula had as many as three thousand oil sources.[132] Turkmen settlers in the 19th century extracted oil near the surface and shipped it to Astrakhan by ship and to Iran by camel caravan. Commercial oil drilling began in the 1890s. The oil extraction industry grew with the exploitation of the fields in Cheleken in 1909 (by Branobel) and in Balkanabat in the 1930s. Production leaped ahead with the discovery of the Gumdag field in 1948 and the Goturdepe field in 1959. By 1940 production had reached two million tons per year, by 1960 over four million tons, and by 1970 over 14 million tons. Oil production in 2019 was 9.8 million tons.[99][108]

Oil wells are mainly found in the western lowlands. This area also produces associated natural gas. The main oilfields are Cheleken, Gonurdepe, Nebitdag, Gumdag, Barsagelmez, Guyujyk, Gyzylgum, Ordekli, Gogerendag, Gamyshlyja, Ekerem, Chekishler, Keymir, Ekizek, and Bugdayly. Oil is also produced from offshore wells in the Caspian Sea.[99] Most oil is extracted by the Turkmenistan State Company (Concern) Türkmennebit from fields at Goturdepe, Balkanabat, and on the Cheleken Peninsula near the Caspian Sea, which have a combined estimated reserve of 700 million tons. Much of the oil produced in Turkmenistan is refined in the Türkmenbaşy and Seydi refineries. Some oil is exported by tanker vessel across the Caspian Sea en route to Europe via Baku and Makhachkala.[133][134][135] Foreign firms involved in offshore oil extraction include Eni S.p.A. of Italy, Dragon Oil of the United Arab Emirates, and Petronas of Malaysia.

On 21 January 2021, the governments of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan signed a memorandum of understanding to develop jointly an oil field in the Caspian Sea that straddles the nations’ border. Known previously as Kyapaz in Azeri and Serdar in Turkmen, the oil field, now called Dostluk («friendship» in both languages), potentially has reserves of up to 60 million tons of oil as well as associated natural gas.[136][137][138]


The generators of the Hindukush hydro power plant

Turkmenistan’s first electrical power plant was built in 1909 and went into full operation in 1913. As of 2019 it was still in operation. The original triple-turbine Hindukush hydroelectric plant, built by the Austro-Hungarian company Ganz Works[139] on the Murghab River, was designed to produce 1.2 megawatts at 16.5 kilovolts.[140][141] Until 1957, however, most electrical power in Turkmenistan was produced locally by small diesel generators and diesel-electric locomotives.[141]

In 1957 Soviet authorities created a republic-level directorate for power generation, and in 1966 Turkmenistan entered the first phase of connecting its remote regions to the regional Central Asian electrical grid. By 1979 all rural areas of Turkmenistan were brought on line. Construction of the Mary thermal power plant began in 1969, and by 1987 the eighth and final generator block was completed, bringing the plant to its design capacity of 1.686 gigawatts. In 1998 Turkmenenergo commissioned its first gas-turbine power plant, using GE turbines.[141]

As of 2010 Turkmenistan featured eight major power plants operating on natural gas, in Mary, Ashgabat, Balkanabat, Buzmeyin (suburb of Ashgabat), Dashoguz, Türkmenbaşy, Turkmenabat, and Seydi.[99] As of 2013, Turkmenistan had 10 electrical power plants equipped with 32 turbines, including 14 steam-driven, 15 gas powered, and 3 hydroelectric.[142] Power output in 2011 was 18.27 billion kWh, of which 2.5 billion kWh was exported.[142] Major power generating installations include the Hindukush Hydroelectric Station,[143] which has a rated capacity of 350 megawatts, and the Mary Thermoelectric Power Station,[144] which has a rated capacity of 1,370 megawatts. In 2018, electrical power production totaled more than 21 billion kilowatt-hours.[145]

Since 2013, additional power plants have been constructed in Mary and Ahal province, and Çärjew District of Lebap province. The Mary-3 combined cycle power plant, built by Çalık Holding with GE turbines, commissioned in 2018, produces 1.574 gigawatts of electrical power and is specifically intended to support expanded exports of electricity to Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Zerger power plant built by Sumitomo, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, and Rönesans Holding in Çärjew District has a design capacity of 432 megawatts from three 144-megawatt gas turbines and was commissioned in September 2021.[146] It is also primarily intended for export of electricity. The Ahal power plant, with capacity of 650 megawatts, was constructed to power the city of Ashgabat and in particular the Olympic Village.[147][148][149][150]

Turkmenistan is a net exporter of electrical power to Central Asian republics and southern neighbors. In 2019, total electrical energy generation in Turkmenistan reportedly totaled 22,521.6 million kilowatt-hours (22.52 terawatt-hours).[151]


Following independence in 1991, Soviet-era collective- and state farms were converted to «farmers associations» (Turkmen: daýhan birleşigi).[99] Virtually all field crops are irrigated due to the aridity of the climate. The top crop in terms of area planted is wheat (761 thousand hectares in 2019), followed by cotton (551 thousand hectares in 2019).[108]

Turkmenistan is the world’s tenth-largest cotton producer.[152] Turkmenistan started producing cotton in the Murghab Valley following conquest of Merv by the Russian Empire in 1884.[153] According to human rights organizations, public sector workers, such as teachers and doctors, are required by the government to pick cotton under the threat of losing their jobs if they refuse.[154]

During the 2020 season, Turkmenistan reportedly produced roughly 1.5 million tons of raw cotton. In 2012, around 7,000 tractors, 5,000 cotton cultivators, 2,200 sowing machines and other machinery, mainly procured from Belarus and the United States, were used. Prior to imposition of a ban on export of raw cotton in October 2018, Turkmenistan exported raw cotton to Russia, Iran, South Korea, United Kingdom, China, Indonesia, Turkey, Ukraine, Singapore and the Baltic states. Beginning in 2019, the Turkmenistan government shifted focus to export of cotton yarn and finished textiles and garments.[155][156][157]


Turkmenistan reported arrival of 14,438 foreign tourists in 2019.[108] Turkmenistan’s international tourism has not grown significantly despite creation of the Awaza tourist zone on the Caspian Sea.[158] Every traveler must obtain a visa before entering Turkmenistan (see Visa policy of Turkmenistan). To obtain a tourist visa, citizens of most countries need visa support from a local travel agency. For tourists visiting Turkmenistan, organized tours exist providing visits to historical sites in and near Daşoguz, Konye-Urgench, Nisa, Ancient Merv, and Mary, as well as beach tours to Avaza and medical tours and holidays in the sanatoria in Mollagara, Bayramaly, Ýylysuw and Archman.[159][160][161]

In January 2022 President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow ordered that the fire at the Darvaza gas crater, known informally as the country’s «Gateway to Hell», and one of Turkmenistan’s most popular tourist attractions, should be extinguished.[162] Many believe that the crater formed when a Soviet drilling operation went wrong in 1971, but Canadian explorer George Kourounis examined it in 2013 and discovered that no-one actually knows how it started.[163]


Automobile transport[edit]

Prior to the 1917 Russian Revolution only three automobiles existed in Turkmenistan, all of them foreign models in Ashgabat. No automobile roads existed between settlements. After the revolution, Soviet authorities graded dirt roads to connect Mary and Kushky (Serhetabat), Tejen and Sarahs, Kyzyl-Arvat (Serdar) with Garrygala (Magtymguly) and Chekishler, i.e., with important border crossings. In 1887–1888 the Gaudan Highway (Russian: Гауданское шоссе) was built between Ashgabat and the Persian border at Gaudan Pass, and Persian authorities extended it to Mashhad, allowing for easier commercial relations. Municipal bus service began in Ashgabat in 1925 with five routes, and taxicab service began in 1938 with five vehicles. The road network was extended in the 1970s with construction of republic-level highways connecting Ashgabat and Kazanjyk (Bereket), Ashgabat and Bayramaly, Nebit Dag (Balkanabat) and Krasnovodsk (Türkmenbaşy), Çärjew (Turkmenabat) and Kerki, and Mary and Kushka (Serhetabat).[164]

The primary west–east motor route is the M37 highway linking the Turkmenbashy International Seaport to the Farap border crossing via Ashgabat, Mary, and Turkmenabat. The primary north–south route is the Ashgabat-Dashoguz Automobile Road (Turkmen: Aşgabat-Daşoguz awtomobil ýoly), built in the 2000s. Major international routes include European route E003, European route E60, European route E121, and Asian Highway (AH) routes AH5, AH70, AH75, AH77, and AH78.[165]

A new toll motorway is under construction between Ashgabat and Turkmenabat by «Turkmen Awtoban» company, which will construct the 600-km highway in three phases: Ashgabat-Tejen by December 2020, Tejen-Mary by December 2022 and Mary-Turkmenabat by December 2023. A sister project to link Türkmenbaşy and Ashgabat was suspended when the Turkish contractor, Polimeks, walked away from the project, reportedly because of non-payment.[166]

As of 29 January 2019, the Turkmen Automobile Roads state concern (Turkmen: Türkmenawtoýollary) was subordinated by presidential decree to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, and responsibility for road construction and maintenance was shifted to provincial and municipal governments.[167][168] Operation of motor coaches (buses) and taxicabs is the responsibility of the Automobile Services Agency (Turkmen: Türkmenawtoulaglary Agentligi) of the Ministry of Industry and Communication.[169]

Air transport[edit]

Air service began in 1927 with a route between Çärjew (Turkmenabat) and Tashauz (Dashoguz), flying German Junkers 13 and Soviet K-4 aircraft, each capable of carrying four passengers. In 1932 an aerodrome was built in Ashgabat on the site of the current Howdan neighborhoods, for both passenger and freight service, the latter mainly to deliver supplies to sulfur mines near Derweze in the Karakum Desert.[170]

Airports serving the major cities of Ashgabat, Dashoguz, Mary, Turkmenabat, and Türkmenbaşy, which are operated by Turkmenistan’s civil aviation authority’s airline, Türkmenhowaýollary, feature scheduled domestic commercial air service.[171][172] Under normal circumstances international scheduled commercial air service is limited to Ashgabat. During the COVID-19 pandemic, however, international flights take off from and land at Turkmenabat, where quarantine facilities have been established.[173][174]

State-owned Turkmenistan Airlines is the only Turkmen air carrier. Turkmenistan Airlines’ passenger fleet is composed of Boeing and Bombardier Aerospace aircraft.[175] Air transport carries more than two thousand passengers daily in the country.[176] Under normal conditions, international flights annually transport over half a million people into and out of Turkmenistan, and Turkmenistan Air operates regular flights to Moscow, London, Frankfurt, Birmingham, Bangkok, Delhi, Abu Dhabi, Amritsar, Kyiv, Lviv, Beijing, Istanbul, Minsk, Almaty, Tashkent, and St. Petersburg.

Small airfields serve industrial sites near other cities, but do not feature scheduled commercial passenger service. Airfields slated for modernization and expansion include those serving Garabogaz, Jebel, and Galaýmor.[177][178][179][180][181] The new Turkmenabat International Airport was commissioned in February 2018.[182] In June 2021, an international airport was opened in Kerki.

Maritime transport[edit]

Workers in the service of Maritime and River Transport of Turkmenistan

Since 1962, the Turkmenbashy International Seaport has operated a passenger ferry to the port of Baku, Azerbaijan as well as rail ferries to other ports on the Caspian Sea (Baku, Aktau). In recent years tanker transport of oil to the ports of Baku and Makhachkala has increased.

In May 2018 construction was completed of a major expansion of the Turkmenbashy seaport.[183][184] Cost of the project was $1.5 billion. The general contractor for the project was Gap Inşaat, a subsidiary of Çalık Holding of Turkey. The expansion added 17 million tons of annual capacity, making total throughput including previously existing facilities of over 25 million tons per year. The international ferry and passenger terminals will be able to serve 300,000 passengers and 75,000 vehicles per year, and the container terminal is designed to handle 400,000 TEU (20-foot container equivalent) per year.[185][186][187]

Railway transport[edit]

Turkmen diesel locomotive

The first rail line in Turkmenistan was built in 1880, from the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to Mollagara. By October 1881 the line was extended to Kyzyl-Arvat, by 1886 had reached Çärjew. In 1887 a wooden rail bridge was built over the Amu Darya, and the line was continued to Samarkand (1888) and Tashkent (1898).[188] Rail service in Turkmenistan began as part of Imperial Russia’s Trans-Caspian Railway, then of the Central Asian Railway. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the railway network in Turkmenistan was transferred to and operated by the state-owned Türkmendemirýollary. The rail gauge is the same as the Russian (and former Soviet) one-1520 millimeters.

The total length of railways is 3181 km. Only domestic passenger service is available, except for special trains operated by tour operators.[189] The railway carries approximately 5.5 million passengers and moves nearly 24 million tons of freight per year.[108][190][191]

Turkmen Railways is currently constructing a rail line in Afghanistan to connect Serhetabat to Herat.[192] Upon completion, it may connect to the proposed rail line to connect Herat to Khaf, Iran.[193]


The last census to be published was held in 1995. Results of every census since then have been kept secret. Available figures indicate that most of Turkmenistan’s citizens are ethnic Turkmens with sizeable minorities of Uzbeks and Russians. Smaller minorities include Kazakhs, Tatars, Ukrainians, Kurds (native to the Kopet Dagh mountains), Armenians, Azeris, Balochs and Pashtuns. The percentage of ethnic Russians in Turkmenistan dropped from 18.6% in 1939 to 9.5% in 1989. The CIA World Factbook estimated the ethnic composition of Turkmenistan in 2003 as 85% Turkmen, 5% Uzbek, 4% Russian and 6% other.[5] According to official data announced in Ashgabat in February 2001, 91% of the population were Turkmen, 3% were Uzbeks and 2% were Russians. Between 1989 and 2001 the number of Turkmen in Turkmenistan doubled (from 2.5 to 4.9 million), while the number of Russians dropped by two-thirds (from 334,000 to slightly over 100,000).[194][195] As of 2021, the number of Russians in Turkmenistan was estimated at 100,000.[196]
Opposition media reported that some results of the 2012 census had been surreptitiously released, including a total population number of 4,751,120. According to this source, as of 2012 85.6% of the population was ethnically Turkmen, followed by 5.8% ethnic Uzbek and 5.1% ethnic Russian. In contrast, an official Turkmen delegation reported to the UN in January 2015 some different figures on national minorities, including slightly under 9% ethnic Uzbek, 2.2% ethnic Russian, and 0.4% ethnic Kazakh. The 2012 census reportedly counted 58 different nationalities.[197][198][199]

Official population estimates of 6.2 million are likely too high, given known emigration trends.[200] Population growth has been offset by emigration in search of permanent employment.[201] In July 2021 opposition media reported, based on three independent anonymous sources, that the population of Turkmenistan was between 2.7 and 2.8 million.[202]

A once-in-a-decade national census was conducted December 17–27, 2022. Opposition media reported that many people claimed not to have been interviewed by census workers, or that census workers merely telephoned respondents, and did not visit them to count residents.[203][204]

Largest cities or towns in Turkmenistan

List of cities in Turkmenistan

Rank Name Province Pop.
1 Ashgabat Capital 947,221 Daşoguz
2 Türkmenabat Lebap 279,765
3 Daşoguz Daşoguz 245,872
4 Mary Mary 126,141
5 Serdar Balkan 93,692
6 Baýramaly Mary 91,713
7 Balkanabat Balkan 90,149
8 Tejen Ahal 79,324
9 Türkmenbaşy Balkan 73,803
10 Magdanly Lebap 68,133


Based on data from receiving countries, MeteoZhurnal estimated that at least 102,346 Turkmenistani citizens emigrated abroad in 2019, 78% of them to Turkey, and 24,206 apparently returned home, for net migration of 77,014.[201] According to leaked results of a 2018 survey, between 2008 and 2018 1,879,413 Turkmenistani citizens emigrated permanently out of an estimated base population of 5.4 million.[205][206]

Turkmen tribes[edit]

The tribal nature of Turkmen society is well documented. The major modern Turkmen tribes are Teke, Yomut, Ersari, Chowdur, Gokleng and Saryk.[207][208] The most numerous are the Teke.[209]


Turkmen is the official language of Turkmenistan (per the 1992 Constitution). Since the late 20th century, the government of Turkmenistan has taken steps to distance itself from the Russian language (which has been seen as a soft power tool for Russian interests). The first step in this campaign was the shift to the Latin alphabet in 1993,[210] and Russian lost its status as the language of inter-ethnic communication in 1996.[211] As of 1999 Turkmen was spoken by 72% of the population, Russian by 12% (349,000), Uzbek by 9%[5] (317,000), and other languages by 7% (Kazakh (88,000), Tatar (40,400), Ukrainian (37,118), Azerbaijani (33,000), Armenian (32,000), Northern Kurdish (20,000), Lezgian (10,400), Persian (8,000), Belarusian (5,290), Erzya (3,490), Korean (3,490), Bashkir (2,610), Karakalpak (2,540), Ossetic (1,890), Dargwa (1,600), Lak (1,590), Tajik (1,280), Georgian (1,050), Lithuanian (224), Tabasaran (180), and Dungan).[212]


According to the CIA World Factbook, Muslims constitute 93% of the population while 6% of the population are followers of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the remaining 1% religion is reported as non-religious.[5] According to a 2009 Pew Research Center report, 93.1% of Turkmenistan’s population is Muslim.[213]

The first migrants were sent as missionaries and often were adopted as patriarchs of particular clans or tribal groups, thereby becoming their «founders.» Reformulation of communal identity around such figures accounts for one of the highly localized developments of Islamic practice in Turkmenistan.[214]

In the Soviet era, all religious beliefs were attacked by the communist authorities as superstition and «vestiges of the past.» Most religious schooling and religious observance were banned, and the vast majority of mosques were closed. However, since 1990, efforts have been made to regain some of the cultural heritage lost under Soviet rule.[215]

Former president Saparmurat Niyazov ordered that basic Islamic principles be taught in public schools. More religious institutions, including religious schools and mosques, have appeared, many with the support of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Turkey. Under Niyazov, religious classes were held in both schools and mosques, with instruction in Arabic language, the Qur’an and the hadith, and history of Islam.[216] At present, the only educational institution teaching religion is the theological faculty of Turkmen State University.

President Niyazov wrote his own religious text, published in separate volumes in 2001 and 2004, entitled the Ruhnama («Book of the Soul»). The Turkmenbashy regime required that the book, which formed the basis of the educational system in Turkmenistan, be given equal status with the Quran (mosques were required to display the two books side by side). The book was heavily promoted as part of the former president’s personality cult, and knowledge of the Ruhnama was required even for obtaining a driver’s license.[217] Quotations from the Ruhnama are inscribed on the walls of the Türkmenbaşy Ruhy Mosque, which many Muslims consider sacrilege.[218]

Most Christians in Turkmenistan belong to Eastern Orthodoxy (about 5% of the population).[219] There are 12 Russian Orthodox churches in Turkmenistan, four of which are in Ashgabat.[220] An archpriest resident in Ashgabat leads the Orthodox Church within the country. Until 2007 Turkmenistan fell under the religious jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox archbishop in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, but since then has been subordinate to the Archbishop of Pyatigorsk and Cherkessia.[221] There are no Russian Orthodox seminaries in Turkmenistan.

There are also small communities of the following denominations: the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, Pentecostal Christians, the Protestant Word of Life Church, the Greater Grace World Outreach Church, the New Apostolic Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jews, and several unaffiliated, nondenominational evangelical Christian groups. In addition, there are small communities of Baháʼís, Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, and Hare Krishnas.[89]

The history of Baháʼí Faith in Turkmenistan is as old as the religion itself, and Baháʼí communities still exist today.[222] The first Baháʼí House of Worship was built in Ashgabat at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was seized by the Soviets in the 1920s and converted to an art gallery. It was heavily damaged in the earthquake of 1948 and later demolished. The site was converted to a public park.[223]

The Russian Academy of Sciences has identified many instances of syncretic influence of pre-Islamic Turkic belief systems on practice of Islam among Turkmen.[224]


Turkmen bakshy – traditional musicians – historically are traveling singers and shamans, acting as healers and spiritual figures, providing music for celebrations of weddings, births, and other important life events.

The Turkmen people have traditionally been nomads and equestrians, and even today after the fall of the USSR attempts to urbanize the Turkmens have not been very successful.[225] They never really formed a coherent nation or ethnic group until they were forged into one by Joseph Stalin in the 1930s. Rather they are divided into clans, and each clan has its own dialect and style of dress.[226] Turkmens are famous for making knotted Turkmen carpets, often mistakenly called Bukhara rugs in the West. These are elaborate and colorful hand-knotted carpets, and these too help indicate the distinctions among the various Turkmen clans. Ethnic groups throughout the region build yurts, circular houses with dome roofs, made of a wooden frame covered in felt from the hides of sheep or other livestock. Horses are an essential ingredient of recreational activities in most of the region, in such games as horseback fighting, in which riders grapple to topple each other from their horses; horse racing.[227]

Turkmen men wear traditional telpek hats, which are large black or white sheepskin hats. Traditional dress for men consists of these high, shaggy sheepskin hats and red robes over white shirts. Women wear long sack-dresses over narrow trousers (the pants are trimmed with a band of embroidery at the ankle). Female headdresses usually consist of silver jewelry. Bracelets and brooches are set with semi-precious stones.

Mass media[edit]

Newspapers and monthly magazines are published by state-controlled media outlets, primarily in Turkmen. The daily official newspaper is published in both Turkmen (Türkmenistan)[228] and Russian (Нейтральный Туркменистан).[229] Two online news portals repeat official content, Turkmenportal and Parahat.info,[230] in addition to the official «Golden Age» (Turkmen: Altyn Asyr, Russian: Золотой век) news website,[231] which is available in Turkmen, Russian, and English. Two Ashgabat-based private news organizations, Infoabad[232] and Arzuw,[233] offer online content.

Articles published by the state-controlled newspapers are heavily censored and written to glorify the state and its leader. Uncensored press coverage specific to Turkmenistan is provided only by news organizations located outside Turkmenistan: Azatlyk Radiosy,[234] the Turkmen service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty based in Prague; Chronicles of Turkmenistan,[235] the Vienna-based outlet of the Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights; Turkmen.news,[236] previously known as Alternative News of Turkmenistan, based in the Netherlands; and Gündogar.[237] In addition, Mediazona Central Asia,[238] Eurasianet[239] and Central Asia News[240] provide some reporting on events in Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan currently broadcasts 7 national TV channels via satellite. They are Altyn Asyr, Ýaşlyk, Miras, Turkmenistan (in 7 languages), Türkmen Owazy (music), Aşgabat and Turkmenistan Sport. There are no commercial or private TV stations. The nightly official news broadcast, Watan (Homeland), is available on YouTube.[241]

External video
video icon Example of Turkmenistan TV News[242]
video icon Turkmen President celebrates Independence Day[243]

Although officially banned,[95] widespread use of satellite dish receivers allows access to foreign programming, particularly outside Ashgabat.[244] Due to the high mutual intelligibility of the Turkmen and Turkish languages, Turkish-language programs have grown in popularity despite official efforts to discourage viewership.[245][246][247][248]

Internet services are the least developed in Central Asia. Access to Internet services is provided by the government’s ISP company, Turkmentelekom. As of 27 January 2021, Turkmenistan reported an estimated 1,265,794 internet users or roughly 21% of the total population.[249][5][250]


Holidays in Turkmenistan are laid out in the Constitution of Turkmenistan. Holidays in Turkmenistan practiced internationally include New Year’s Day, Nowruz, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha. Turkmenistan exclusive holidays include Melon Day, Turkmen Woman’s Day, and the Day of Remembrance for Saparmurat Niyazov.


Turkmeni students in university uniform

Education is universal and mandatory through the secondary level. Under former President Niyazov, the total duration of primary and secondary education was reduced from 10 to 9 years. President Berdimuhamedov restored 10-year education as of the 2007–2008 school year. Effective 2013, general education in Turkmenistan was expanded to three-stages lasting 12 years: elementary school (grades 1–3), high school – the first cycle of secondary education with duration of 5 years (grades 4–8), and secondary school (grades 9–12).[251][252]

At the end of the 2019–20 academic year, nearly 80,000 Turkmen pupils graduated from high school.[253] As of the 2019–20 academic year, 12,242 of these students were admitted to institutions of higher education in Turkmenistan. An additional 9,063 were admitted to the country’s 42 vocational colleges.[254] An estimated 95,000 Turkmen students were enrolled in institutions of higher education abroad as of Autumn 2019.[255]


The tasks for modern Turkmen architecture are diverse application of modern aesthetics, the search for an architect’s own artistic style, and inclusion of the existing historico-cultural environment. Most major new buildings, especially those in Ashgabat, are faced with white marble. Major projects such as Turkmenistan Tower, Bagt köşgi, Alem Cultural and Entertainment Center, Ashgabat Flagpole have transformed the country’s skyline and promote its identity as a modern, contemporary city.


The most popular sport in Turkmenistan is football. The national team has never qualified for the FIFA World Cup but has appeared twice at the AFC Asian Cup, in 2004 and 2019, failing to advance past the group stage at both editions. Another popular sport is archery, Turkmenistan holds league and local competitions for archery. International sports events hosted in Turkmenistan include; the 2021 UCI Track Cycling World Championships, the 2017 Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, and the 2018 World Weightlifting Championships.

See also[edit]

  • Outline of Turkmenistan
  • Index of Turkmenistan-related articles


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Further reading[edit]

  • Abazov, Rafis (2005). Historical Dictionary of Turkmenistan. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-5362-1.
  • Blackwell, Carole (2001). Tradition and Society in Turkmenistan: Gender, Oral Culture and Song. Curzon. ISBN 0-7007-1354-9. Archived from the original on 29 April 2021. Retrieved 14 February 2021.
  • Brummel, Paul (2006). Bradt Travel Guide: Turkmenistan. Bradt Travel Guides. ISBN 978-1-84162-144-9.
  • Clammer, Paul; Kohn, Michael; Mayhew, Bradley (2014). Lonely Planet Guide: Central Asia. Lonely Planet. ISBN 978-1-74179-953-8.
  • Clement, Victoria (2018). Learning to Become Turkmen. University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN 978-0822964636. Archived from the original on 21 April 2022. Retrieved 14 February 2021.
  • Edgar, Adrienne Lynn (2004). Tribal Nation: The Making of Soviet Turkmenistan. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-12799-6. Archived from the original on 21 April 2022. Retrieved 14 February 2021.
  • Hopkirk, Peter (1992). The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia. Kodansha International. ISBN 978-1-56836-022-5.
  • Kaplan, Robert (2001). Eastward to Tartary: Travels in the Balkans, the Middle East, and the Caucasus. Vintage. ISBN 978-0-3757-0576-2.
  • Kropf, John (2006). Unknown Sands: Journeys Around the World’s Most Isolated Country. Dusty Spark Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9763-5651-6.
  • Lobanov-Rostovsky, Andrei (1965). Russia and Asia. Ann Arbor, Michigan: George Wahr Publishing Co. ISBN 978-1-1259-8932-6.
  • Nahaylo, Bohdan; Swoboda, Victor (1990). Soviet Disunion: A History of the Nationalities problem in the USSR. ISBN 0029224012.
  • Rall, Ted (2006). Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?. NBM Publishing. ISBN 978-1-56163-454-5.
  • Rashid, Ahmed (2017). The Resurgence of Central Asia: Islam or Nationalism?.
  • Rasizade, Alec (October 2003). «Turkmenbashi and his Turkmenistan». Contemporary Review. Oxford. 283 (1653): 197–206. Archived from the original on 6 January 2007.
  • Smith, Graham, ed. (1995). The Nationalities Question in the Soviet Union (2nd ed.).
  • Theroux, Paul (28 May 2007). «The Golden Man: Saparmurat Niyazov’s reign of insanity». The New Yorker. Archived from the original on 22 May 2021. Retrieved 2 November 2015.
  • Vilmer, Jean-Baptiste (2009). Turkménistan (in French). Editions Non Lieu. ISBN 978-2352700685.

External links[edit]

  • Turkmenistan government information portal
  • Chief of State and Cabinet Members
  • Tourism Committee of Turkmenistan
  • «Chronicles of Turkmenistan». Publication of Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights.
  • Official photo gallery from Turkmenistan and Ashgabat
  • daily news and analysis in Turkish English and Turkmen Archived 3 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine
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    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Turkmenistan

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    Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India

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    Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline

  • 4
    Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan

  • 5

    Русско-английский словарь Wiktionary > Туркмения

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    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > туркменистан

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    Новый русско-английский словарь > Туркменистан

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    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > Туркменистан

  • 9

    Turkmenistan [ˌtə:rkmənɪ’sta:n]

    Американизмы. Русско-английский словарь. > Туркменистан

  • 10

    Banks. Exchanges. Accounting. (Russian-English) > Туркмения

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    газопровод ТАП

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    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > TAP

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    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > TAPI

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    Государственный банк внешнеэкономической деятельности Туркменистана

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Государственный банк внешнеэкономической деятельности Туркменистана

  • 17
    Республика Туркменистан

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Республика Туркменистан

  • 18
    Соглашение между Правительством Российск

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Соглашение между Правительством Российск

  • 19

    3) oil&gas: TAP , TAP pipeline, Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan pipeline

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ТАП

  • 20

    Politics: TAPI, TAPI countries, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, Туркменистан, Афганистан, Пакистан, Индия, страны ТАПИ

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ТАПИ

См. также в других словарях:

  • Turkmenistan — Turkmenistan …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Türkmenistan — Jumhuriyäti Republik Turkmenistan …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Turkménistan — Türkmenistan (tk) Туркмения (ru) Turkménistan …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Turkmenistan — Turkménistan Türkmenistan (tk) Туркмения (ru) Turkménistan …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Türkmenistan — Turkménistan Türkmenistan (tk) Туркмения (ru) Turkménistan …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Turkmenistán — Turkmenistán, es un país en Asia Central, una de las repúblicas constituyentes de la Unión Soviética hasta su disolución en 1991. Comparte fronteras con Afganistán, Iran, Kazajstán y Uzbekistán. Posee salida hacia el Mar Caspio. * * *… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Türkmenistan — Тип Общественно политическая Главный редактор Аманмухаммет Репов[1] Основана 1920 Язык туркменский Главный офис …   Википедия

  • Turkmenistan —    Turkmenistan became independent with the breakup of the Soviet union in 1991. A traditionally Muslim land, Turkmenistan received Eastern Orthodox Christianity over the century of Russian rule.    Protestantism entered Turkmenistan in the 1890s …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Turkménistan — état d Asie centrale, qui s étend d E. en O., de la mer Caspienne à l Amou Daria, et de l Ouzbékistan et du Kazakhstan au N., à l Iran et à l Afghanistan au S.; 488 100 km²; 3 807 000 hab. (Turkmènes 70 %, Russes 9,5 %, Ouzbeks 8,5 %); cap.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Turkmenistán — Forma adaptada a la ortografía y pronunciación españolas del nombre de este país de Asia, antigua república soviética: «Ayer […] hubo en Turkmenistán un sismo de magnitud 7,4» (Nacional [Ven.] 6.2.97). Se desaconseja el uso de la forma… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • Turkmenistan — [tərk men′i stan΄, tərk men′istän΄] 1. TURKMEN SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC 2. country in central Asia, on the Caspian Sea, north of Iran: became independent upon the breakup of the U.S.S.R. (1991): 186,400 sq mi (482,774 sq km); pop. 3,523,000; cap …   English World dictionary

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Азербайджан, Туркмения и Узбекистан уже вернулись к латинскому шрифту.

Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan have already shifted back to Latin script.



Азербайджан, Туркмения и Узбекистан уже вернулись к латинскому шрифту.
Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan have already shifted back to Latin script.

Кроме Индии, Т-90 закупают Алжир, Азербайджан, Туркмения и Уганда.
In addition to India, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uganda have purchased the T-90.

Газом трубопровод должны снабжать Азербайджан, Туркмения и, возможно, Ирак и Египет.
It would be fed by Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and perhaps Iraq and Egypt.

Традиционно азиатские Узбекистан и Туркмения возобновили племенную форму автократии, которую они практиковали на протяжении столетий.
Traditionally Asian Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have resumed the tribal forms of autocracy they practiced throughout the centuries.

Туркмения более десятилетия использует доходы от продаж газа для финансирования строительства, бум в котором изменил лицо столицы страны Ашхабада.
Turkmenistan has for more than a decade been using revenues from gas sales to finance a construction spree that has changed the face of the capital, Ashgabat.


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Абхазия Республика Абхазия Abkhazia AB ABH 895 Азия Закавказье Австралия Australia AU AUS 036 Океания Австралия и Новая Зеландия Австрия Австрийская Республика Austria AT AUT 040 Европа Западная Европа Азербайджан Республика Азербайджан Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031 Азия Западная Азия Албания Республика Албания Albania AL ALB 008 Европа Южная Европа Алжир Алжирская Народная Демократическая Республика Algeria DZ DZA 012 Африка Северная Африка Американское Самоа American Samoa AS ASM 016 Океания Полинезия Ангилья Anguilla AI AIA 660 Америка Карибский бассейн Ангола Республика Ангола Angola AO AGO 024 Африка Центральная Африка Андорра Княжество Андорра Andorra AD AND 020 Европа Южная Европа Антарктида Antarctica AQ ATA 010 Антарктика Антигуа и Барбуда Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028 Америка Карибский бассейн Аргентина Аргентинская Республика Argentina AR ARG 032 Америка Южная Америка Армения Республика Армения Armenia AM ARM 051 Азия Западная Азия Аруба Aruba AW ABW 533 Америка Карибский бассейн Афганистан Переходное Исламское Государство Афганистан Afghanistan AF AFG 004 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Багамы Содружество Багамы Bahamas BS BHS 044 Америка Карибский бассейн Бангладеш Народная Республика Бангладеш Bangladesh BD BGD 050 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Барбадос Barbados BB BRB 052 Америка Карибский бассейн Бахрейн Королевство Бахрейн Bahrain BH BHR 048 Азия Западная Азия Беларусь Республика Беларусь Belarus BY BLR 112 Европа Восточная Европа Белиз Belize BZ BLZ 084 Америка Карибский бассейн Бельгия Королевство Бельгии Belgium BE BEL 056 Европа Западная Европа Бенин Республика Бенин Benin BJ BEN 204 Африка Западная Африка Бермуды Bermuda BM BMU 060 Америка Северная Америка Болгария Республика Болгария Bulgaria BG BGR 100 Европа Восточная Европа Боливия, Многонациональное Государство Многонациональное Государство Боливия Bolivia, plurinational state of BO BOL 068 Америка Южная Америка Бонайре, Саба и Синт-Эстатиус Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ BES 535 Америка Карибский бассейн Босния и Герцеговина Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070 Европа Южная Европа Ботсвана Республика Ботсвана Botswana BW BWA 072 Африка Южная часть Африки Бразилия Федеративная Республика Бразилия Brazil BR BRA 076 Америка Южная Америка Британская территория в Индийском океане British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086 Океания Индийский океан Бруней-Даруссалам Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Буркина-Фасо Burkina Faso BF BFA 854 Африка Западная Африка Бурунди Республика Бурунди Burundi BI BDI 108 Африка Восточная Африка Бутан Королевство Бутан Bhutan BT BTN 064 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Вануату Республика Вануату Vanuatu VU VUT 548 Океания Меланезия Венгрия Венгерская Республика Hungary HU HUN 348 Европа Восточная Европа Венесуэла Боливарианская Республика Боливарийская Республика Венесуэла Venezuela VE VEN 862 Америка Южная Америка Виргинские острова, Британские Британские Виргинские острова Virgin Islands, British VG VGB 092 Америка Карибский бассейн Виргинские острова, США Виргинские острова Соединенных Штатов Virgin Islands, U.S. VI VIR 850 Америка Карибский бассейн Вьетнам Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам Vietnam VN VNM 704 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Габон Габонская Республика Gabon GA GAB 266 Африка Центральная Африка Гаити Республика Гаити Haiti HT HTI 332 Америка Карибский бассейн Гайана Республика Гайана Guyana GY GUY 328 Америка Южная Америка Гамбия Республика Гамбия Gambia GM GMB 270 Африка Западная Африка Гана Республика Гана Ghana GH GHA 288 Африка Западная Африка Гваделупа Guadeloupe GP GLP 312 Америка Карибский бассейн Гватемала Республика Гватемала Guatemala GT GTM 320 Америка Центральная Америка Гвинея Гвинейская Республика Guinea GN GIN 324 Африка Западная Африка Гвинея-Бисау Республика Гвинея-Бисау Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624 Африка Западная Африка Германия Федеративная Республика Германия Germany DE DEU 276 Европа Западная Европа Гернси Guernsey GG GGY 831 Европа Северная Европа Гибралтар Gibraltar GI GIB 292 Европа Южная Европа Гондурас Республика Гондурас Honduras HN HND 340 Америка Центральная Америка Гонконг Специальный административный регион Китая Гонконг Hong Kong HK HKG 344 Азия Восточная Азия Гренада Grenada GD GRD 308 Америка Карибский бассейн Гренландия Greenland GL GRL 304 Америка Северная Америка Греция Греческая Республика Greece GR GRC 300 Европа Южная Европа Грузия Georgia GE GEO 268 Азия Западная Азия Гуам Guam GU GUM 316 Океания Микронезия Дания Королевство Дания Denmark DK DNK 208 Европа Северная Европа Джерси Jersey JE JEY 832 Европа Северная Европа Джибути Республика Джибути Djibouti DJ DJI 262 Африка Восточная Африка Доминика Содружество Доминики Dominica DM DMA 212 Америка Карибский бассейн Доминиканская Республика Dominican Republic DO DOM 214 Америка Карибский бассейн Египет Арабская Республика Египет Egypt EG EGY 818 Африка Северная Африка Замбия Республика Замбия Zambia ZM ZMB 894 Африка Восточная Африка Западная Сахара Western Sahara EH ESH 732 Африка Северная Африка Зимбабве Республика Зимбабве Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716 Африка Восточная Африка Израиль Государство Израиль Israel IL ISR 376 Азия Западная Азия Индия Республика Индия India IN IND 356 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Индонезия Республика Индонезия Indonesia ID IDN 360 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Иордания Иорданское Хашимитское Королевство Jordan JO JOR 400 Азия Западная Азия Ирак Республика Ирак Iraq IQ IRQ 368 Азия Западная Азия Иран, Исламская Республика Исламская Республика Иран Iran, Islamic Republic of IR IRN 364 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Ирландия Ireland IE IRL 372 Европа Северная Европа Исландия Республика Исландия Iceland IS ISL 352 Европа Северная Европа Испания Королевство Испания Spain ES ESP 724 Европа Южная Европа Италия Итальянская Республика Italy IT ITA 380 Европа Южная Европа Йемен Йеменская Республика Yemen YE YEM 887 Азия Западная Азия Кабо-Верде Республика Кабо-Верде Cape Verde CV CPV 132 Африка Западная Африка Казахстан Республика Казахстан Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Камбоджа Королевство Камбоджа Cambodia KH KHM 116 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Камерун Республика Камерун Cameroon CM CMR 120 Африка Центральная Африка Канада Canada CA CAN 124 Америка Северная Америка Катар Государство Катар Qatar QA QAT 634 Азия Западная Азия Кения Республика Кения Kenya KE KEN 404 Африка Восточная Африка Кипр Республика Кипр Cyprus CY CYP 196 Азия Западная Азия Киргизия Киргизская Республика Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Кирибати Республика Кирибати Kiribati KI KIR 296 Океания Микронезия Китай Китайская Народная Республика China CN CHN 156 Азия Восточная Азия Кокосовые (Килинг) острова Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166 Океания Индийский океан Колумбия Республика Колумбия Colombia CO COL 170 Америка Южная Америка Коморы Союз Коморы Comoros KM COM 174 Африка Восточная Африка Конго Республика Конго Congo CG COG 178 Африка Центральная Африка Конго, Демократическая Республика Демократическая Республика Конго Congo, Democratic Republic of the CD COD 180 Африка Центральная Африка Корея, Народно-Демократическая Республика Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика Korea, Democratic People’s republic of KP PRK 408 Азия Восточная Азия Корея, Республика Республика Корея Korea, Republic of KR KOR 410 Азия Восточная Азия Коста-Рика Республика Коста-Рика Costa Rica CR CRI 188 Америка Центральная Америка Кот д’Ивуар Республика Кот д’Ивуар Cote d’Ivoire CI CIV 384 Африка Западная Африка Куба Республика Куба Cuba CU CUB 192 Америка Карибский бассейн Кувейт Государство Кувейт Kuwait KW KWT 414 Азия Западная Азия Кюрасао Curaçao CW CUW 531 Америка Карибский бассейн Лаос Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика Lao People’s Democratic Republic LA LAO 418 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Латвия Латвийская Республика Latvia LV LVA 428 Европа Северная Европа Лесото Королевство Лесото Lesotho LS LSO 426 Африка Южная часть Африки Ливан Ливанская Республика Lebanon LB LBN 422 Азия Западная Азия Ливийская Арабская Джамахирия Социалистическая Народная Ливийская Арабская Джамахирия Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY LBY 434 Африка Северная Африка Либерия Республика Либерия Liberia LR LBR 430 Африка Западная Африка Лихтенштейн Княжество Лихтенштейн Liechtenstein LI LIE 438 Европа Западная Европа Литва Литовская Республика Lithuania LT LTU 440 Европа Северная Европа Люксембург Великое Герцогство Люксембург Luxembourg LU LUX 442 Европа Западная Европа Маврикий Республика Маврикий Mauritius MU MUS 480 Африка Восточная Африка Мавритания Исламская Республика Мавритания Mauritania MR MRT 478 Африка Западная Африка Мадагаскар Республика Мадагаскар Madagascar MG MDG 450 Африка Восточная Африка Майотта Mayotte YT MYT 175 Африка Южная часть Африки Макао Специальный административный регион Китая Макао Macao MO MAC 446 Азия Восточная Азия Малави Республика Малави Malawi MW MWI 454 Африка Восточная Африка Малайзия Malaysia MY MYS 458 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Мали Республика Мали Mali ML MLI 466 Африка Западная Африка Малые Тихоокеанские отдаленные острова Соединенных Штатов United States Minor Outlying Islands UM UMI 581 Океания Индийский океан Мальдивы Мальдивская Республика Maldives MV MDV 462 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Мальта Республика Мальта Malta MT MLT 470 Европа Южная Европа Марокко Королевство Марокко Morocco MA MAR 504 Африка Северная Африка Мартиника Martinique MQ MTQ 474 Америка Карибский бассейн Маршалловы острова Республика Маршалловы острова Marshall Islands MH MHL 584 Океания Микронезия Мексика Мексиканские Соединенные Штаты Mexico MX MEX 484 Америка Центральная Америка Микронезия, Федеративные Штаты Федеративные штаты Микронезии Micronesia, Federated States of FM FSM 583 Океания Микронезия Мозамбик Республика Мозамбик Mozambique MZ MOZ 508 Африка Восточная Африка Молдова, Республика Республика Молдова Moldova MD MDA 498 Европа Восточная Европа Монако Княжество Монако Monaco MC MCO 492 Европа Западная Европа Монголия Mongolia MN MNG 496 Азия Восточная Азия Монтсеррат Montserrat MS MSR 500 Америка Карибский бассейн Мьянма Союз Мьянма Burma MM MMR 104 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Намибия Республика Намибия Namibia NA NAM 516 Африка Южная часть Африки Науру Республика Науру Nauru NR NRU 520 Океания Микронезия Непал Королевство Непал Nepal NP NPL 524 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Нигер Республика Нигер Niger NE NER 562 Африка Западная Африка Нигерия Федеративная Республика Нигерия Nigeria NG NGA 566 Африка Западная Африка Нидерланды Королевство Нидерландов Netherlands NL NLD 528 Европа Западная Европа Никарагуа Республика Никарагуа Nicaragua NI NIC 558 Америка Центральная Америка Ниуэ Республика Ниуэ Niue NU NIU 570 Океания Полинезия Новая Зеландия New Zealand NZ NZL 554 Океания Австралия и Новая Зеландия Новая Каледония New Caledonia NC NCL 540 Океания Меланезия Норвегия Королевство Норвегия Norway NO NOR 578 Европа Северная Европа Объединенные Арабские Эмираты United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784 Азия Западная Азия Оман Султанат Оман Oman OM OMN 512 Азия Западная Азия Остров Буве Bouvet Island BV BVT 074 Южный океан Остров Мэн Isle of Man IM IMN 833 Европа Северная Европа Остров Норфолк Norfolk Island NF NFK 574 Океания Австралия и Новая Зеландия Остров Рождества Christmas Island CX CXR 162 Азия Индийский океан Остров Херд и острова Макдональд Heard Island and McDonald Islands HM HMD 334 Индийский океан Острова Кайман Cayman Islands KY CYM 136 Америка Карибский бассейн Острова Кука Cook Islands CK COK 184 Океания Полинезия Острова Теркс и Кайкос Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796 Америка Карибский бассейн Пакистан Исламская Республика Пакистан Pakistan PK PAK 586 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Палау Республика Палау Palau PW PLW 585 Океания Микронезия Палестинская территория, оккупированная Оккупированная Палестинская территория Palestinian Territory, Occupied PS PSE 275 Азия Западная Азия Панама Республика Панама Panama PA PAN 591 Америка Центральная Америка Папский Престол (Государство — город Ватикан) Holy See (Vatican City State) VA VAT 336 Европа Южная Европа Папуа-Новая Гвинея Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598 Океания Меланезия Парагвай Республика Парагвай Paraguay PY PRY 600 Америка Южная Америка Перу Республика Перу Peru PE PER 604 Америка Южная Америка Питкерн Pitcairn PN PCN 612 Океания Полинезия Польша Республика Польша Poland PL POL 616 Европа Восточная Европа Португалия Португальская Республика Portugal PT PRT 620 Европа Южная Европа Пуэрто-Рико Puerto Rico PR PRI 630 Америка Карибский бассейн Республика Македония Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of MK MKD 807 Европа Южная Европа Реюньон Reunion RE REU 638 Африка Восточная Африка Россия Российская Федерация Russian Federation RU RUS 643 Европа Восточная Европа Руанда Руандийская Республика Rwanda RW RWA 646 Африка Восточная Африка Румыния Romania RO ROU 642 Европа Восточная Европа Самоа Независимое Государство Самоа Samoa WS WSM 882 Океания Полинезия Сан-Марино Республика Сан-Марино San Marino SM SMR 674 Европа Южная Европа Сан-Томе и Принсипи Демократическая Республика Сан-Томе и Принсипи Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678 Африка Центральная Африка Саудовская Аравия Королевство Саудовская Аравия Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682 Азия Западная Азия Святая Елена, Остров вознесения, Тристан-да-Кунья Saint Helena, Ascension And Tristan Da Cunha SH SHN 654 Африка Западная Африка Северные Марианские острова Содружество Северных Марианских островов Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP 580 Океания Микронезия Сен-Бартельми Saint Barthélemy BL BLM 652 Америка Карибский бассейн Сен-Мартен Saint Martin (French Part) MF MAF 663 Америка Карибский бассейн Сенегал Республика Сенегал Senegal SN SEN 686 Африка Западная Африка Сент-Винсент и Гренадины Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT 670 Америка Карибский бассейн Сент-Китс и Невис Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA 659 Америка Карибский бассейн Сент-Люсия Saint Lucia LC LCA 662 Америка Карибский бассейн Сент-Пьер и Микелон Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666 Америка Северная Америка Сербия Республика Сербия Serbia RS SRB 688 Европа Южная Европа Сейшелы Республика Сейшелы Seychelles SC SYC 690 Африка Восточная Африка Сингапур Республика Сингапур Singapore SG SGP 702 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Синт-Мартен Sint Maarten SX SXM 534 Америка Карибский бассейн Сирийская Арабская Республика Syrian Arab Republic SY SYR 760 Азия Западная Азия Словакия Словацкая Республика Slovakia SK SVK 703 Европа Восточная Европа Словения Республика Словения Slovenia SI SVN 705 Европа Южная Европа Соединенное Королевство Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии United Kingdom GB GBR 826 Европа Северная Европа Соединенные Штаты Соединенные Штаты Америки United States US USA 840 Америка Северная Америка Соломоновы острова Solomon Islands SB SLB 090 Океания Меланезия Сомали Сомалийская Республика Somalia SO SOM 706 Африка Восточная Африка Судан Республика Судан Sudan SD SDN 729 Африка Северная Африка Суринам Республика Суринам Suriname SR SUR 740 Америка Южная Америка Сьерра-Леоне Республика Сьерра-Леоне Sierra Leone SL SLE 694 Африка Западная Африка Таджикистан Республика Таджикистан Tajikistan TJ TJK 762 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Таиланд Королевство Таиланд Thailand TH THA 764 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Тайвань (Китай) Taiwan, Province of China TW TWN 158 Азия Восточная Азия Танзания, Объединенная Республика Объединенная Республика Танзания Tanzania, United Republic Of TZ TZA 834 Африка Восточная Африка Тимор-Лесте Демократическая Республика Тимор-Лесте Timor-Leste TL TLS 626 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Того Тоголезская Республика Togo TG TGO 768 Африка Западная Африка Токелау Tokelau TK TKL 772 Океания Полинезия Тонга Королевство Тонга Tonga TO TON 776 Океания Полинезия Тринидад и Тобаго Республика Тринидад и Тобаго Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780 Америка Карибский бассейн Тувалу Tuvalu TV TUV 798 Океания Полинезия Тунис Тунисская Республика Tunisia TN TUN 788 Африка Северная Африка Туркмения Туркменистан Turkmenistan TM TKM 795 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Турция Турецкая Республика Turkey TR TUR 792 Азия Западная Азия Уганда Республика Уганда Uganda UG UGA 800 Африка Восточная Африка Узбекистан Республика Узбекистан Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Украина Ukraine UA UKR 804 Европа Восточная Европа Уоллис и Футуна Wallis and Futuna WF WLF 876 Океания Полинезия Уругвай Восточная Республика Уругвай Uruguay UY URY 858 Америка Южная Америка Фарерские острова Faroe Islands FO FRO 234 Европа Северная Европа Фиджи Республика островов Фиджи Fiji FJ FJI 242 Океания Меланезия Филиппины Республика Филиппины Philippines PH PHL 608 Азия Юго-Восточная Азия Финляндия Финляндская Республика Finland FI FIN 246 Европа Северная Европа Фолклендские острова (Мальвинские) Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK FLK 238 Америка Южная Америка Франция Французская Республика France FR FRA 250 Европа Западная Европа Французская Гвиана French Guiana GF GUF 254 Америка Южная Америка Французская Полинезия French Polynesia PF PYF 258 Океания Полинезия Французские Южные территории French Southern Territories TF ATF 260 Индийский океан Хорватия Республика Хорватия Croatia HR HRV 191 Европа Южная Европа Центрально-Африканская Республика Central African Republic CF CAF 140 Африка Центральная Африка Чад Республика Чад Chad TD TCD 148 Африка Центральная Африка Черногория Республика Черногория Montenegro ME MNE 499 Европа Южная Европа Чешская Республика Czech Republic CZ CZE 203 Европа Восточная Европа Чили Республика Чили Chile CL CHL 152 Америка Южная Америка Швейцария Швейцарская Конфедерация Switzerland CH CHE 756 Европа Западная Европа Швеция Королевство Швеция Sweden SE SWE 752 Европа Северная Европа Шпицберген и Ян Майен Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ SJM 744 Европа Северная Европа Шри-Ланка Демократическая Социалистическая Республика Шри-Ланка Sri Lanka LK LKA 144 Азия Южная часть Центральной Азии Эквадор Республика Эквадор Ecuador EC ECU 218 Америка Южная Америка Экваториальная Гвинея Республика Экваториальная Гвинея Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226 Африка Центральная Африка Эландские острова Åland Islands AX ALA 248 Европа Северная Европа Эль-Сальвадор Республика Эль-Сальвадор El Salvador SV SLV 222 Америка Центральная Америка Эритрея Eritrea ER ERI 232 Африка Восточная Африка Эсватини Королевство Эсватини Eswatini SZ SWZ 748 Африка Южная часть Африки Эстония Эстонская Республика Estonia EE EST 233 Европа Северная Европа Эфиопия Федеративная Демократическая Республика Эфиопия Ethiopia ET ETH 231 Африка Восточная Африка Южная Африка Южно-Африканская Республика South Africa ZA ZAF 710 Африка Южная часть Африки Южная Джорджия и Южные Сандвичевы острова South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239 Южный океан Южная Осетия Республика Южная Осетия South Ossetia OS OST 896 Азия Закавказье Южный Судан South Sudan SS SSD 728 Африка Северная Африка Ямайка Jamaica JM JAM 388 Америка Карибский бассейн Япония Japan JP JPN 392 Азия Восточная Азия

Произношение Туркмения
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио

Туркмения – 10 результатов перевода

Бёрт Рейнольдс.


нацистские крысиные тропы.

I want lo say Bun Reynolds!


Odessa. You know, the ratlines?

То есть, меня зовут «NB.

Итак, Дара, что начинается на «Б» и запрещено в Туркмении?

— Может, «Бездна пчёл», которые…

There’s a B, there’s an N. As if my name is, roughly, ‘NB Diarrhoea.’

So, Dara, what begins with a B, and is illegal in Turkmenistan?

— Begins with a B, yes. Well, presumably a plague of bees would be…

— Может, «Бездна пчёл», которые…

В Туркмении есть город Мери.

— Странное название.

— Begins with a B, yes. Well, presumably a plague of bees would be…

Would begin with one bee.

There is a town in Turkmenistan called Mary.

Это «он»?

Да, есть очень странный человек, Сапармурад Ниязов глава Туркмении, вот он.

Он родом из Мери?

— Is that a man?

There is a very, very odd man indeed, called Saparmurat Niyazov, who is the head of this country, Turkmenistan. — And there he is.

— Is he from Mary?

Его лицо на каждом стаканчике йогурта.

Купите йогурт в Туркмении, на стаканчике будет его лицо. — Что за ерунда?

— Вот именно.

His face appears on millions of yoghurt pots.

If you buy yoghurt pots in Turkmenistan, his face will be on it.

— What’s the point of that?

Мы организуем демонстрации против распространения войны в Азию.

1 августа в Берлине во время специального саммита по вопросу Туркмении.

Когда демонстрация обострится, несколько молодых людей должны будут быть застрелены полицией.

We’ll organize demonstrations against extending the war to Asia.

On August 1 in Berlin for the special summit on Turkmenistan.

When the demos escalate, a few young people will be shot dead by the police.

Эта война не может быть оправдана международным правом.

Эта война грубо нарушает суверенитет Туркмении.

Мы не хотим войны!

This war cannot be justified by international law.

This war violates the sovereignty of Turkmenistan.

We don’t want war!

— Ты пойдешь?

Базирование немецких войск в Туркмении официально утверждено.

Это означает вторжение на территорию независимого государства с единственной целью взять под свой контроль расположенные там месторождения природного газа.

Are you coming along?

The stationing of Germantroops in Turkmenistan was officially approved.

This means invading a sovereign state with the sole aim of securing the gas reserves located there.

Почему бы тебе не вздремнуть?

присутствующим солдатам и офицерам по какой цене ты уже распродал права на разработку месторождений в Туркмении


Why don’t you take a nap?

— Tell the officers and soldiers here for what price you’ve already sold off the mining rights in Turkmenistan so that they can go and sacrifice their young asses.


У прикаспийских стран есть общая сейсмологическая программа.

Узбекистан, Казахстан, Туркмения и, главное, Иран.

Значит Моссад нацелился на Иран?

There is a program of seismological cooperation… between countries of the Caspian Sea.

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan… but especially Iran.

Is Mossad’s operation for Iran?

Показать еще

Хотите знать еще больше переводов Туркмения?

Мы используем только переведенные профессиональными переводчиками фразы Туркмения для формирования нашей постоянно обновляющейся базы. Это позволяет максимально точно переводить не просто слова, но и целые фразы, учитывая контекст и особенности их использования.

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Türkmenistan  (Turkmen)[1]

Flag of Turkmenistan


Emblem of Turkmenistan


Motto: Türkmenistan Bitaraplygyň watanydyr
(«Turkmenistan is the motherland of Neutrality»)[2][3]
Anthem: Garaşsyz Bitarap Türkmenistanyň Döwlet Gimni
(«State Anthem of Independent, Neutral Turkmenistan»)
Location of  Turkmenistan  (red)

Location of  Turkmenistan  (red)


and largest city

37°58′N 58°20′E / 37.967°N 58.333°E
Official languages Turkmen[4]
Language of inter-ethnic communication Russian
Other languages Uzbek • Kazakh • Eastern Armenian • Azerbaijani • Baluji • Kurmanji • Ukrainian • Persian and others
Ethnic groups


  • 78.6% Turkmens
  • 9.3% Uzbeks
  • 3.2% Russians
  • 2.7% Kazakhs
  • 1.1% Tatars
  • 1.0% Armenians
  • 0.7% Azerbaijanis
  • 0.4% Balujs
  • 0.3% Kurds
  • 0.2% Ukrainians
  • 0.2% Persians
  • 0.1% Lezgins
  • 0.1% Bashkirs
  • 2.1% Others
  • 93.7% Muslims
  • 6.1% Christians
  • 0.2% Unknown
Demonym(s) Turkmenistani
Government Unitary dominant-party presidential republic

• President

Serdar Berdimuhamedow

• Vice President

Raşit Meredow

• Chairman of the Assembly

Gülşat Mämmedowa
Legislature Assembly (Mejlis)[6]
Independence from Russia

• Conquest


• Soviet rule

13 May 1925

• Declared state sovereignty

22 August 1990

• From the Soviet Union

27 October 1991

• Recognized

26 December 1991

• Current constitution

18 May 1992

• Total

491,210 km2 (189,660 sq mi)[7] (52nd)

• Water (%)


• 2020 estimate

6,031,187 [8] (113th)

• Density

10.5/km2 (27.2/sq mi) (221st)
GDP (PPP) 2018 estimate

• Total

$112.659 billion[9]

• Per capita

GDP (nominal) 2018 estimate

• Total

$42.764 billion[9]

• Per capita

Gini (1998) 40.8
HDI (2019) Increase 0.715[10]
high · 111th
Currency Turkmen new manat (TMT)
Time zone UTC+05 (TMT)
Driving side right
Calling code +993
ISO 3166 code TM
Internet TLD .tm

Turkmenistan ( or ; Turkmen: Türkmenistan, pronounced [tʏɾkmønʏˈθːɑːn];[11]), also known as Turkmenia, is a country in South-Central Asia. It has borders with Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. It has no ocean but it is on the Caspian Sea to the west. The capital of Turkmenistan is Ashghabat.[12]
The majority of the country is Muslim at 93%.

Turkmenistan is a non-aligned and fully neutral country.

History[change | change source]

Turkmenistan was part of the Soviet Union since its creation, in 1922. At first, Turkmenistan was an autonomous republic within Russian SFSR. In 1925 it was promoted to a Soviet republic. Turkmenistan is an independent country since 1991, after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Saparmurat Niyazov became Turkmenistan’s first president in 1991.

Provinces[change | change source]

Turkmenistan is divided into five provinces and one capital city district. The provinces are divided into districts which may be either counties or cities.

Division ISO 3166-2 Capital city Area[13] Pop (2005)[13] Key
Turkmenistan Ashgabat 470 km2 (180 sq mi) 871,500
Ahal Province TM-A Anau 97,160 km2 (37,510 sq mi) 939,700 1
Balkan Province TM-B Balkanabat  139,270 km2 (53,770 sq mi) 553,500 2
Daşoguz Province TM-D Daşoguz 73,430 km2 (28,350 sq mi) 1,370,400 3
Lebap Province TM-L Türkmenabat 93,730 km2 (36,190 sq mi) 1,334,500 4
Mary Province TM-M Mary 87,150 km2 (33,650 sq mi) 1,480,400 5

Climate[change | change source]

Turkmenistan is one of the driest desert areas in the world. Some places have an average annual precipitation of only 12 mm (0.47 in). The highest temperature recorded in Ashgabat is 48.0 °C (118.4 °F). Kerki, an extreme inland city located on the banks of the Amu Darya river, recorded 51.7 °C (125.1 °F) in July 1983, but this value is unofficial. 50.1C is the highest temperature recorded at Repetek Reserve, recognized as the highest temperature ever recorded in the whole former Soviet Union.

Geography[change | change source]

Turkmenistan is the world’s 52nd-largest country. It is slightly smaller than Spain and somewhat larger than the US state of California. Over 80% of the country is covered by the Karakum Desert.

The Turkmen shore along the Caspian Sea is 1,768 kilometres (1,099 mi) long. The Caspian Sea is entirely landlocked, with no access to the ocean.

The major cities include Aşgabat, Türkmenbaşy (formerly Krasnovodsk) and Daşoguz.

Turkmenistan has a humid climate. Annual rainfall is low, particularly in summer. Winters are dry and mild. The wettest region in Turkmenistan is Köýtendağ Range. Köýtendağ is in southeastern Turkmenistan on the borders with Uzbekistan.

References[change | change source]

  1. Hambly, Gavin R.G.; et al. «Turkmenistan». Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 24 May 2020.
  2. ««Turkmenistan is the motherland of Neutrality» is the motto of 2020 | Chronicles of Turkmenistan». En.hronikatm.com. Archived from the original on 2020-06-08. Retrieved 2020-05-26.
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  4. «Turkmenistan’s Constitution of 2008» (PDF).
  5. «Dual Citizenship». Ashgabat: U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan. Retrieved 23 May 2020.
  6. «Turkmenistan approves new constitution to increase president’s powers». 26 September 2008.
  7. Государственный комитет Туркменистана по статистике : Информация о Туркменистане : О Туркменистане Archived 7 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine : Туркменистан — одна из пяти стран Центральной Азии, вторая среди них по площади (491,21 тысяч км2), расположен в юго-западной части региона в зоне пустынь, севернее хребта Копетдаг Туркмено-Хорасанской горной системы, между Каспийским морем на западе и рекой Амударья на востоке.
  8. «World Population Prospects — Population Division — United Nations».
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 «Turkmenistan». International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 2 June 2016.
  10. Human Development Report 2020 The Next Frontier: Human Development and the Anthropocene (PDF). United Nations Development Programme. 15 December 2020. pp. 343–346. ISBN 978-92-1-126442-5. Retrieved 16 December 2020.
  11. Clark, Larry (1998). Turkmen Reference Grammar. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 50.
  12. «Turkmenistan». Central Intelligence Agency — The World Factbook. Retrieved 2009-09-04.[permanent dead link]
  13. 13.0 13.1 Statistical Yearbook of Turkmenistan 2000-2004, National Institute of State Statistics and Information of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, 2005.

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