Как пишется турнир трех волшебников

Турнир Трёх Волшебников[1] (англ. Triwizard Tournament) — старинное состязание юных магов, в котором участвуют по одному представителю от трёх известнейших магических школ: Хогвартса, Дурмстранга и Шармбатона. Представителей школ, называемых «чемпионами школы», выбирает Кубок Огня. Далее «чемпионы» состязаются в трёх турах.

Интервал между турами может быть до нескольких месяцев. На каждом туре «чемпионы» получают одно и то же магическое и часто смертельно опасное задание. В соответствии с качеством и быстротой выполнения каждый участник получает некое количество очков. Набравший во всех турах самое большое число баллов становится победителем.

История Турнира

В 1994 году Альбус Дамблдор на праздничном пиру в честь начала нового учебного года рассказывает историю Турнира:

«Турнир Трёх Волшебников был основан примерно семьсот лет назад как товарищеское соревнование между тремя крупнейшими европейскими школами волшебства — Хогвартсом, Шармбатоном и Дурмстрангом. Каждую школу представлял выбранный чемпион, и эти три чемпиона состязались в трёх магических заданиях. Школы постановили проводить Турнир каждые пять лет, и было общепризнано, что это наилучший путь налаживания дружеских связей между колдовской молодёжью разных национальностей — и так шло до тех пор, пока число жертв на этих соревнованиях не возросло настолько, что Турнир пришлось прекратить.»[2]

Изначально не было никаких ограничений для участников, кроме того, что участвовать могли лишь студенты вышеперечисленных школ.

Задания были очень сложными. На Турнире 1792 года участники ловили кокатриса [3], тот вышел из под контроля, судьям пришлось помогать, при этом сами судьи получили увечья. Чемпионы погибали на Турнирах. Однако, когда количество смертей стало слишком уж большим, Турнир закрыли.

Понадобилось несколько веков и усилия трёх министерств магии, чтобы Турнир Трёх Волшебников возобновили. В Турнире, проведённом в 1994-1995 учебном году, задания были строго сверены со школьной программой и введено возрастное ограничение: участвовать в состязании могут лишь те, кому на момент избрания «чемпионов» исполнится 17 лет.

Чемпионы школ на Турнире Трёх Волшебников 1994 года

Первоначальные три участника, Pottermore

В отборе участвовали студенты последних курсов волшебных учебных заведений Хогвартс, Шармбатон и Дурмстранг. Кубок огня выбрал следующих чемпионов:

  • Школа чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс — Седрик Диггори
  • Академия магии Шармбатон — Флёр Делакур
  • Институт Дурмстранг — Виктор Крам

Совершенно неожиданно для всех Гарри Поттер, которому исполнилось только 14, был избран Кубком Огня четвёртым «чемпионом».

Как выяснилось позже, Барти Крауч-младший, скрывавшийся под внешностью Грозного Глаза Грюма, навёл на Кубок заклятия «Конфундус» и заставил магический предмет забыть, что школ всего-то три. Гарри Поттер был заявлен от некоей четвёртой школы, и, не имея альтернативы, Кубок выбрал именно его как представителя этой мифической четвёртой школы.


Турниры Трёх Волшебников всегда судили директора трёх школ-участниц.

Турнир 1994-1995 гг. оценивала судейская бригада из пяти человек. Трое из них были директорами участвующих школ, и двое — организаторы турнира из британского Министерства магии, они разработали инструкции к состязаниям. За тур каждый из судей выставлял свои оценки по десятибалльной шкале, затем они суммировались.

  • Мадам Олимпия Максим, директор Шармбатона
  • Бартемиус Крауч, глава Отдела международного сотрудничества
  • Профессор Альбус Дамблдор, директор Хогвартса
  • Людовик Бэгмен, глава Отдела магических игр и спорта
  • Профессор Игорь Каркаров, директор Дурмстранга

После нестандартной ситуации с выбором двух чемпионов от Хогвартса, директор Дурмстранга потребовал «переиграть» избрание: зажечь Кубок снова, чтобы участники других школ могли повторно бросить свои имена, и Кубок выбрал бы по второму участнику. Иначе Каркаров грозился объявить бойкот этому Турниру и отозвать своего участника. Однако Кубок огня уже погас, новый разожгут только к следующему Турниру. А все участники остались скрепленными обязательным магическим контрактом.

Перед началом Турнира был дополнительно приглашён специалист по проверке волшебных палочек — Гаррик Олливандер. В присутствии всех пяти судей он произвел осмотр палочек участников, т. к. это был их главный и единственный инструмент в состязаниях.

Этапы Турнира Трёх Волшебников 1994 года

Первый этап

Для этого задания специально были доставлены драконы четырёх пород, которые были разыграны между чемпионами с помощью жеребьевки.

  • 24 ноября Сражение с драконом. Каждый участник должен был забрать у «своей» драконихи золотое яйцо, в котором было закодированное описание второго задания.
    1. Седрик Диггори и Шведский тупорылый дракон. Диггори превратил камень в собаку, чтобы отвлечь внимание драконихи, но она в последний момент кинулась всё же на юношу и обожгла его (но не сильно). Судьи поставили 38 баллов.
    2. Флёр Делакур ввела валлийского зелёного дракона в транс, но дракон всхрапнул огнём и опалил юбку девушке.
    3. Виктор Крам наложил заклятие Коньюнктивитус на самку породы Китайский огненный шар. Золотое яйцо он забрал без проблем, но дракониха заметалась от боли и передавила половину настоящих яиц. Оценка судей — 40 баллов.
    4. Гарри Поттер и Венгерская хвосторога. С помощью манящих чар Гарри вызвал метлу и в результате нескольких отвлекающих манёвров сумел выхватить золотое яйцо прямо у неё из-под носа. Хвосторога успела нанести по касательной удар хвостом, и Поттер получил небольшую травму. Оценка судей — 40 очков.

Второй этап

  • 24 февраля Спасение узника. В озере на территории Хогвартса были помещены друзья или родственники каждого из участников. «Чемпионам» давался один час, чтобы найти «своего» узника и освободить его.
    1. Флёр Делакур применила заклинание головного пузыря, но не смогла прорваться через засаду гриндилоу и сошла с дистанции, так и не добравшись до своего «пленника» — младшей сестры Габриэль Делакур. Оценка за это задание — 25 очков.
    2. Седрик Диггори также воспользовался заклинанием головного пузыря и освободил Чжоу Чанг на минуту позже установленного срока. Его оценка — 47 баллов.
    3. Виктор Крам продемонстрировал неполное превращение в акулу и освободил Гермиону Грейнджер намного позже отведённого времени. Оценка судей — 40 очков.
    4. Гарри Поттер воспользовался жаброслями и прибыл в деревню русалок первым, но поспорил с местным населением, собираясь непременно освободить не только своего, но всех «пленников». В итоге, он освободил Рона Уизли и Габриэль Делакур. Все судьи, за исключением Игоря Каркарова, сочли это проявлением благородства натуры и поставили 45 очков.

Третий этап

Огромный живой лабиринт. Задание: дойти до центра

  • 24 июня Прохождение Лабиринта. На поле для квиддича были выращены живые изгороди, образовавшие стены лабиринта. Кроме запутанных ходов, в лабиринте были различные магические ловушки и магические существа. Кубок Турнира поместили в центре лабиринта. Тот, кто первым дотронется до Кубка, получал больше всего очков[5]. В лабиринт участники заходили по очереди: у кого было набрано больше очков по итогам предыдущих заданий, тот шёл раньше.

Виктор Крам под действием заклятия «Империус»

  • В ходе прохождения лабиринта из состязания выбыла Флёр Делакур, на которую под действием заклятия «Империус» напал Виктор Крам.
    • Заставшие эту сцену Седрик Диггори и Гарри Поттер оглушили Крама и послали красные искры, давая знак патрулировавшим периметр преподавателям о том, что Флёр и Виктору нужна помощь.
    • На поляну в центре лабиринта, где стоял Кубок, Седрик и Гарри вышли одновременно. Но на Седрика напал гигантский паук, и Гарри бросился на помощь. В этой схватке Гарри повредил ногу и не мог состязаться в быстроте с пуффендуйцем.
    • Седрик отказался брать Кубок: ведь Поттер только что спас ему жизнь. Тогда Гарри предложил взять Кубок вдвоём. «Это не только наша победа, — сказал он, — но и победа Хогвартса».
    • Мальчики взялись за Кубок одновременно… Но Кубок оказался порталом и перенёс обоих на кладбище Литтл-Хэнглтона, где произошли события, которые уже не имели отношения к Турниру Трёх Волшебников.
    • Однако, в результате этих событий Седрик Диггори был убит и, когда Гарри удалось вернуться обратно к выходу из лабиринта, он вернулся с телом Седрика.

Итоги Турнира 1994 года

Из-за смерти Седрика Диггори никаких торжественных мероприятий не проводилось. Приз в тысячу галлеонов министр магии Корнелиус Фадж отдал Гарри Поттеру чуть ли не приватно, когда посетил мальчика в больничном крыле Хогвартса.

Министерство магии пыталось скрыть истинную причину гибели Диггори, представив всё как несчастный случай. Однако на заключительном пиру Альбус Дамблдор заявил всем присутствующим, что Седрик был убит по приказу возродившегося Волан-де-Морта.

Отличия фильмов от книг

  • В фильме на Турнире всего четверо судей, а не пять. Отсутствует Людо Бэгмен.
  • В фильме мадам Максим собиралась подавать протест по поводу второго участника от Хогвартса. В книге протест намеревался подать Игорь Каркаров.


  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня (Первое появление)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня (игра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (игра) (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Принц-полукровка (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти (Только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть I (игра)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book (На иллюстрациях)
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: Персонажи Волшебного Мира
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: Построй свой Волшебный Мир
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер: годы 1-4
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер (серия)
  • Гарри Поттер для Kinect
  • Wizarding World (Только упоминание)


  1. Сокращение для редактирования — ТТВ. См. также: Список сокращений.
  2. «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» — Глава 12. Турнир Трёх Волшебников
  3. При переводе книги четвёртой от издательства «РОСМЭН» книги допущена ошибка: кокатриса заменили на василиска.
  4. «Гарри Поттер и Кубок Огня» — Глава 19. Венгерская хвосторога
  5. В переводе «Росмэн» сказано, что тот, кто первым дотронется до Кубка, побеждает, но это ошибка.


Турнир Трёх Волшебников · 1994

Коллегия судей Альбус Дамблдор · Барти Крауч · Игорь Каркаров · Корнелиус Фадж · Людовик Бэгмен · Олимпия Максим Books chapterart gof 16.jpg
Школы Дурмстранг · Хогвартс · Шармбатон
Чемпионы Виктор Крам · Гарри Поттер · Седрик Диггори · Флёр Делакур
Турнир Первый этап · Второй этап · Третий этап
Существа Акромантул · Боггарт · Василиск · Гриндилоу · Дементор · Драконы · Русалки и тритоны · Сфинкс
Пленники второго этапа Габриэль Делакур · Гермиона Грейнджер · Рон Уизли · Чжоу Чанг
Объекты Золотое яйцо · Кубок Огня · Кубок Турнира


«The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest European schools of wizardry: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. A champion was selected to represent each school, and the three champions competed in three magical tasks. The schools took it in turns to host the tournament once every five years, and it was generally agreed to be a most excellent way of establishing ties between young witches and wizards of different nationalities — until, that is, the death toll mounted so high that the tournament was discontinued.«
— Albus Dumbledore explaining the tournament[src]

The Triwizard Tournament was a magical contest held between the three largest wizarding schools of Europe: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, each school being represented by one champion.

Selected champions compete in three tasks — traditionally judged by the Headmasters or Headmistresses of the competing schools — designed to test magical ability, intelligence, and courage. Champions competed for the honour and glory of winning the Tournament, for the Triwizard Cup, and a monetary prize. The first Tournament was held sometime around the late 13th century.[1][3]

The Tournament was notorious for being extremely dangerous: many champions died while competing, and it was discontinued at some point in or after 1792, due to the high death toll.[1]

In 1994, the Tournament was revived with restrictions in place in an attempt to stop potential deaths.[1] One of these restrictions was that all applicants had to be over the wizarding age of majority (which is 17), or else they would not be allowed to apply to be champion.[2] The 1994 Triwizard Tournament is famous for having had four competing champions instead of three,[2] and for also having ended in tragedy with the death of Cedric Diggory and for the Rebirth of Lord Voldemort.[4] No subsequent tournaments were held following Cedric’s death.[5]


«As you know, three champions compete in the tournament, one from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the Tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire.«
— Dumbledore explains the rules and the selection process[src]

Judges graded the champions’ performance on each task. The Heads of the three participating schools were customarily judges.[6][7] The selection of the champions from each participating school was done through a magical object called the Goblet of Fire. Each competing school was allowed one champion to represent them during the Tournament.[2]

Each Tournament consisted of three tasks designed to test the champions’ courage, intelligence, resourcefulness, and magical ability.[8] These tasks were exceedingly dangerous and differ from year to year.[1]

The Goblet was a large, roughly hewn wooden cup, brimming with dancing blue flames.[2] Basically, anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion had to write their name and school upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet.[2] Aspiring champions had twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. On Hallowe’en, the goblet returned the names of the three it had judged most worthy to represent their schools.[2]

The age Line surrounding the Goblet of Fire

The Goblet was placed in the entrance hall the day the visiting schools arrived, where it would be freely accessible to all those who wished to compete.[2] To ensure that no underage student submitted their name, an Age Line was drawn around the Goblet of Fire in 1994.[2] This was apart of the new restrictions that were enacted to decrease the death toll. No one under the age of seventeen was able to cross the line.[2]

Dumbledore also impressed upon those who wished to compete the seriousness of it, how it should not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the tournament through to the end.[2] The placing of a student’s name into the goblet constituted a binding, magical contract.[2] There could be no change of heart once a student was selected as a champion. Dumbledore asked that students «Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name into the goblet».[2]

It was due to Cedric Diggory’s death despite these new safety measures that led the tournament to be cancelled permanently.[5]


«Now then — The Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to — er — let our hair down. But that does NOT mean, that we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way.«
— Minerva McGonagall regarding the purpose of the Yule Bal[src]

Champions were supposed to stand alone during the Tournament. They were suppose to receive no outside help from anyone, including friends and teachers. Cheating was frowned upon, though it had been known to take place several times during the history of the Tournament. Cheating was so common, some people believed it to have been a traditional part of the event.[6]

The Yule Ball, a tradition of the Tournament

The Yule Ball (held on Christmas Day night) was a traditional part of the Tournament.[9][10] The Ball included a feast, and a formal dance where the champions and their partners led the host school in dancing.[10] Students old enough to attend were allowed to bring a friend. Students that were too young to attend might attend if invited by a student old enough to attend the ball.[9][10]

Champion Harry Potter dancing with Parvati Patil

The 1994 Yule Ball was a festive, with music provided by the Weird Sisters.[10] Students dressed in their best formal clothes. Males wore dress robes (which was probably why dress robes were on the 1994 supplies list) and females wore gowns or other formal attire. While students should have had partners for the ball, apparently not all do; Crabbe and Goyle did not seem to have partners.[10]

The four Champions entered the hall last: Cedric Diggory with Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour with Roger Davies, Viktor Krum with Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter with Parvati Patil.[10]

Tournament history

The Triwizard Tournament was established approximately seven-hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the wizarding schools the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and the Durmstrang Institute. Held every five years, the competition would be hosted by each school in turn, the judges for the Tournament comprising the headmasters or headmistresses of the schools.[1]

There had been at least 125 editions of the Tournament: Hogwarts had 63 wins, and Beauxbatons had 62.[3]

The First Task of the 1994 Tournament was incredibly dangerous, involving dragons

Due to the risks involved in overcoming the extremely dangerous tasks, and an increasing number of deaths, the Tournament was eventually discontinued at some point in or after the 1790s. Multiple attempts had been made to revive the Tournament, but none succeeded until the 1994–1995 school year, when it was held at Hogwarts Castle.[1]

Despite a new set of rules imposed to prevent any more deaths, a champion nevertheless died at the end, though this only occurred due to the tournament being sabotaged.[4] Due to this, the tournament had been permanently discontinued.[5]

1792 Triwizard Tournament

«Well, the Heads of the participating schools are always on the panel, because all three of them were injured during the Tournament of 1792, when a cockatrice the champions were supposed to be catching went on the rampage. It’s all in Hogwarts: A History.«
— A description of the Tournament[src]

The Triwizard Tournament was held in 1792, and one of the tasks involved catching a cockatrice. However, the beast went on a rampage and injured three of the judges, the Heads of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The event was recorded in the book Hogwarts, A History, indicating that the 1792 Tournament was possibly held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Tournament was cancelled after this incident, but several unsuccessful attempts were made to resurrect it.[11]

1994 Triwizard Tournament

«Oh, details! They’ve signed, haven’t they? They’ve agreed haven’t they? I bet you anything these kids’ll know soon enough anyway. I mean it’s happening at Hogwarts —«
— Ludo Bagman regarding the tournament[src]

Barty Crouch Snr (Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation) introducing the tournament

A revival of the Tournament occurred in 1994. Barty Crouch Snr, Head of the Ministry of Magic’s Department of International Magical Co-operation, in conjunction with Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, worked with their opposite numbers in other countries to revive the Tournament.

However, due to the dangerous nature of the Tournament, it was decided that some changes were to be made to the rules, with the main one being that no student under the age of seventeen was allowed to enter or compete (some students did try to).[2]

The Tournament preparations were shrouded in secrecy, although Cornelius Fudge was obliged to inform the Muggle Prime Minister that the Ministry would be importing several dragons from Romania, as well as a sphinx from Egypt, for use in the competition.[12]

School Durmstrang Beauxbatons Hogwarts
Headmaster Igor Karkaroff Olympe Maxime Albus Dumbledore
Champion[2] Viktor Krum Fleur Delacour Cedric Diggory Harry Potter
First Task (24 November, 1994[6])
Order of participation[6] 3 2 1 4
Opponent[6] Chinese Fireball Common Welsh Green Swedish Short-Snout Hungarian Horntail
Method[6] Conjunctivitis Curse Bewitched sleep Rock to dog spell Flying (Summoning Charm bringing his Firebolt)
Placement[6] 1 3 2 1
Yule Ball (25 December, 1994)
Date Hermione Granger Roger Davies Cho Chang Parvati Patil
Second Task (24 February, 1995[7])
Hostage[7] Hermione Granger Gabrielle Delacour Cho Chang Ronald Weasley
Method[7] Partial-human to shark spell Bubble-Head Charm Gillyweed
Score[7] 40 25 47 45
Placement[7] 2 3 1
Third Task (24 June, 1995[13])
Order of participation[13] 2 3 1

End of the Tournament

«Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort… The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this… It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory.«
— Dumbledore speaking to students about Voldemort’s return[src]

The Beauxbatons carriage and the Durmstrang ship leaving Hogwarts at the end of the year, side by side

Returning to Hogwarts with Cedric’s body, Harry was promptly whisked away from the crowds by Crouch Jnr, still in the disguise of Professor Moody. As the assembled crowd learned that Cedric was dead, Dumbledore realised that something was amiss with Moody, since the real Moody would never have taken Harry away from the tragic scene.[4]

In Moody’s office, Crouch Jnr started to question Harry about what had happened, and how it felt to stand in the Dark Lord’s presence. Harry, unnerved by Moody’s seeming adoration of Voldemort — something that went against everything he knew about Moody — was shortly rescued by Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. Soon the effects of Crouch Jnr’s Polyjuice Potion wore off, since, in the excitement, he had neglected to take it at the proper time to maintain his cover, and his duplicity was revealed. Under the effects of Veritaserum provided by Professor Snape, Crouch described Lord Voldemort’s plan to resurrect himself and Crouch Jnr’s own involvement in getting Harry to the graveyard.[4]

Dumbledore passed the information of Lord Voldemort’s return to Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, who had been acting as a judge for the Third Task. Because he had been reading Rita Skeeter’s slanderous reports, Fudge insisted that he could not be back. Meanwhile, the minister had a Dementor Kiss Crouch Jnr, effectively eliminating any corroborating testimony of the Dark Lord’s return. In the face of the Ministry’s refusal to accept the truth, Dumbledore reconstituted the Order of the Phoenix to stand against Voldemort.[14]

Memorial for the deceased Cedric Diggory

Despite Cedric’s death, Harry was recorded as the official winner of the Tournament and given the thousand Galleons prize money; there was originally supposed to be an award ceremony, which was cancelled due to the circumstances. He attempted to give it to Cedric’s parents, but they refused it.[15] In the end, he gave the money to Fred and George Weasley,[15] who used it to establish Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.[15][16]

Right after Harry’s victory, two judges of the Tournament fled far away immediately. Karkaroff felt Voldemort’s return and summoning all Death Eaters, and being one who sold out many of his comrades, he abandoned the tournament’s results for the sake of his life. Bagman made a bet against his goblin creditors that Harry would win the tournament, but they accounted that Harry and Cedric won together. Therefore not what Bagman wagered on, Ludo fled to avoid paying a highly increased debt that he could not afford to.[15]

Because of the Ministry’s denials that Lord Voldemort had returned, Cedric’s death was labelled a tragic accident.[17] The true cause would not be made public until a year later when Fudge saw Voldemort with his own eyes.[18]

As a result of Cedric’s death, the Triwizard Tournament was permanently discontinued, and no further plans were made to reinstate it, despite the new safety regulations imposed.[5]

Behind the scenes

  • It is likely that the Triwizard Tournament could be viewed as the Wizarding equivalent to the Olympic Games. Champions, all representing their respective schools/nations, compete for honour and glory in games designed to test their abilities, with each Champion’s respective school supporting that champion even if they do not like the individual student (shades of the fans of the Olympics supporting their home countries athletes, with no regard for personal favour of any one athlete). Even the judges of the Triwizard Tournament sit in booths and hover their scores over their heads like Olympic judges.
  • The likely date for the first Triwizard Tournament differs depending on the source. From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 12 (The Triwizard Tournament) «The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago …» 1994 — 700 = 1294 (or so). However, Pottermore notes that Hogwarts has 63 wins, Beauxbaton has 62, so a minimum of 125 tournaments have been held (if Durmstrang has no wins). 125 tournaments *5 years = 625 years. Taking the last traditional Triwizard Tournament in 1794 — 625 = 1169. Even if some of the wins accounted for on Pottermore are from modern-day tournaments (1994 and after) the latest date possible for the first tournament is around 1194. Of course, it is possible that on some occasions, the Tournaments were held more often than every five years, for unknown reasons.
  • During the 1994-1995 tournament, the prize was 1000 Galleons. It is not stated if the prize value has been consistent throughout the tournament’s history. According to Quidditch Through the Ages, 1000 Galleons in the 13th century would have amounted to several million in modern currency.
  • J. K. Rowling revealed that at some point during the writing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Triwizard Tournament went by the name of «Doomspell Tournament».[19]
  • Hagrid says in the book that he never thought he’d live to see the Triwizard Tournament played again. However, the Tournament was supposed to be cancelled in 1792. This can be assumed to be another unsuccessful attempt to resurrect it.
  • The Dutch translation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire erroneously states that the incident at the 1792 tournament was caused by a basilisk, rather than a cockatrice. This is an error, as the breeding of basilisks was banned since medieval times, and using one in the Triwizard Tournament would be far too dangerous since its gaze alone could kill the entire audience. This error is probably caused by the fact that the mythology behind cockatrices and basilisks is so similar that many people use their names interchangeably.


  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (First appearance)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (play)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book (Various mentions; depiction of Harry evading Hungarian Horntail to obtain Golden Egg)
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World
  • LEGO Harry Potter
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
  • LEGO Harry Potter
  • Pottermore
  • Wizarding World
  • Harry Potter for Kinect
  • Harry Potter: The Character Vault
  • Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Appears in the spell book)
  • Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells

Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 12 (The Triwizard Tournament)
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 16 (The Goblet of Fire)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Beauxbatons Academy of Magic» at Wizarding World
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 35 (Veritaserum)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 20 (The First Task)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 26 (The Second Task)
  8. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 17 (The Four Champions)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 22 (The Unexpected Task)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 23 (The Yule Ball)
  11. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 15 (Beauxbatons and Durmstrang)
  12. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 1 (The Other Minister)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 28 (The Madness of Mr Crouch)
  14. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 36 (The Parting of the Ways)
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 37 (The Beginning)
  16. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 6 (The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black)
  17. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 12 (Professor Umbridge)
  18. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 36 (The Only One He Ever Feared)
  19. Comic Relief live chat transcript, March 2001
The Triwizard Tournament

Triwizard Cup.png

Objects & Locations: Goblet of Fire • Casket • Golden egg • Hedge Maze • Triwizard Cup
Schools: Beauxbatons • Durmstrang • Hogwarts
1994-1995 Triwizard Champions: Fleur Delacour • Viktor Krum • Cedric Diggory • Harry Potter


«The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest European schools of wizardry: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. A champion was selected to represent each school, and the three champions competed in three magical tasks. The schools took it in turns to host the tournament once every five years, and it was generally agreed to be a most excellent way of establishing ties between young witches and wizards of different nationalities — until, that is, the death toll mounted so high that the tournament was discontinued.«
— Albus Dumbledore explaining the tournament[src]

The Triwizard Tournament was a magical contest held between the three largest wizarding schools of Europe: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, each school being represented by one champion.

Selected champions compete in three tasks — traditionally judged by the Headmasters or Headmistresses of the competing schools — designed to test magical ability, intelligence, and courage. Champions competed for the honour and glory of winning the Tournament, for the Triwizard Cup, and a monetary prize. The first Tournament was held sometime around the late 13th century.[1][3]

The Tournament was notorious for being extremely dangerous: many champions died while competing, and it was discontinued at some point in or after 1792, due to the high death toll.[1]

In 1994, the Tournament was revived with restrictions in place in an attempt to stop potential deaths.[1] One of these restrictions was that all applicants had to be over the wizarding age of majority (which is 17), or else they would not be allowed to apply to be champion.[2] The 1994 Triwizard Tournament is famous for having had four competing champions instead of three,[2] and for also having ended in tragedy with the death of Cedric Diggory and for the Rebirth of Lord Voldemort.[4] No subsequent tournaments were held following Cedric’s death.[5]


«As you know, three champions compete in the tournament, one from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the Tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire.«
— Dumbledore explains the rules and the selection process[src]

Judges graded the champions’ performance on each task. The Heads of the three participating schools were customarily judges.[6][7] The selection of the champions from each participating school was done through a magical object called the Goblet of Fire. Each competing school was allowed one champion to represent them during the Tournament.[2]

Each Tournament consisted of three tasks designed to test the champions’ courage, intelligence, resourcefulness, and magical ability.[8] These tasks were exceedingly dangerous and differ from year to year.[1]

The Goblet was a large, roughly hewn wooden cup, brimming with dancing blue flames.[2] Basically, anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion had to write their name and school upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet.[2] Aspiring champions had twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. On Hallowe’en, the goblet returned the names of the three it had judged most worthy to represent their schools.[2]

The age Line surrounding the Goblet of Fire

The Goblet was placed in the entrance hall the day the visiting schools arrived, where it would be freely accessible to all those who wished to compete.[2] To ensure that no underage student submitted their name, an Age Line was drawn around the Goblet of Fire in 1994.[2] This was apart of the new restrictions that were enacted to decrease the death toll. No one under the age of seventeen was able to cross the line.[2]

Dumbledore also impressed upon those who wished to compete the seriousness of it, how it should not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the tournament through to the end.[2] The placing of a student’s name into the goblet constituted a binding, magical contract.[2] There could be no change of heart once a student was selected as a champion. Dumbledore asked that students «Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name into the goblet».[2]

It was due to Cedric Diggory’s death despite these new safety measures that led the tournament to be cancelled permanently.[5]


«Now then — The Yule Ball is of course a chance for us all to — er — let our hair down. But that does NOT mean, that we will be relaxing the standards of behaviour we expect from Hogwarts students. I will be most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way.«
— Minerva McGonagall regarding the purpose of the Yule Bal[src]

Champions were supposed to stand alone during the Tournament. They were suppose to receive no outside help from anyone, including friends and teachers. Cheating was frowned upon, though it had been known to take place several times during the history of the Tournament. Cheating was so common, some people believed it to have been a traditional part of the event.[6]

The Yule Ball, a tradition of the Tournament

The Yule Ball (held on Christmas Day night) was a traditional part of the Tournament.[9][10] The Ball included a feast, and a formal dance where the champions and their partners led the host school in dancing.[10] Students old enough to attend were allowed to bring a friend. Students that were too young to attend might attend if invited by a student old enough to attend the ball.[9][10]

Champion Harry Potter dancing with Parvati Patil

The 1994 Yule Ball was a festive, with music provided by the Weird Sisters.[10] Students dressed in their best formal clothes. Males wore dress robes (which was probably why dress robes were on the 1994 supplies list) and females wore gowns or other formal attire. While students should have had partners for the ball, apparently not all do; Crabbe and Goyle did not seem to have partners.[10]

The four Champions entered the hall last: Cedric Diggory with Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour with Roger Davies, Viktor Krum with Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter with Parvati Patil.[10]

Tournament history

The Triwizard Tournament was established approximately seven-hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the wizarding schools the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and the Durmstrang Institute. Held every five years, the competition would be hosted by each school in turn, the judges for the Tournament comprising the headmasters or headmistresses of the schools.[1]

There had been at least 125 editions of the Tournament: Hogwarts had 63 wins, and Beauxbatons had 62.[3]

The First Task of the 1994 Tournament was incredibly dangerous, involving dragons

Due to the risks involved in overcoming the extremely dangerous tasks, and an increasing number of deaths, the Tournament was eventually discontinued at some point in or after the 1790s. Multiple attempts had been made to revive the Tournament, but none succeeded until the 1994–1995 school year, when it was held at Hogwarts Castle.[1]

Despite a new set of rules imposed to prevent any more deaths, a champion nevertheless died at the end, though this only occurred due to the tournament being sabotaged.[4] Due to this, the tournament had been permanently discontinued.[5]

1792 Triwizard Tournament

«Well, the Heads of the participating schools are always on the panel, because all three of them were injured during the Tournament of 1792, when a cockatrice the champions were supposed to be catching went on the rampage. It’s all in Hogwarts: A History.«
— A description of the Tournament[src]

The Triwizard Tournament was held in 1792, and one of the tasks involved catching a cockatrice. However, the beast went on a rampage and injured three of the judges, the Heads of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The event was recorded in the book Hogwarts, A History, indicating that the 1792 Tournament was possibly held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Tournament was cancelled after this incident, but several unsuccessful attempts were made to resurrect it.[11]

1994 Triwizard Tournament

«Oh, details! They’ve signed, haven’t they? They’ve agreed haven’t they? I bet you anything these kids’ll know soon enough anyway. I mean it’s happening at Hogwarts —«
— Ludo Bagman regarding the tournament[src]

Barty Crouch Snr (Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation) introducing the tournament

A revival of the Tournament occurred in 1994. Barty Crouch Snr, Head of the Ministry of Magic’s Department of International Magical Co-operation, in conjunction with Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, worked with their opposite numbers in other countries to revive the Tournament.

However, due to the dangerous nature of the Tournament, it was decided that some changes were to be made to the rules, with the main one being that no student under the age of seventeen was allowed to enter or compete (some students did try to).[2]

The Tournament preparations were shrouded in secrecy, although Cornelius Fudge was obliged to inform the Muggle Prime Minister that the Ministry would be importing several dragons from Romania, as well as a sphinx from Egypt, for use in the competition.[12]

School Durmstrang Beauxbatons Hogwarts
Headmaster Igor Karkaroff Olympe Maxime Albus Dumbledore
Champion[2] Viktor Krum Fleur Delacour Cedric Diggory Harry Potter
First Task (24 November, 1994[6])
Order of participation[6] 3 2 1 4
Opponent[6] Chinese Fireball Common Welsh Green Swedish Short-Snout Hungarian Horntail
Method[6] Conjunctivitis Curse Bewitched sleep Rock to dog spell Flying (Summoning Charm bringing his Firebolt)
Placement[6] 1 3 2 1
Yule Ball (25 December, 1994)
Date Hermione Granger Roger Davies Cho Chang Parvati Patil
Second Task (24 February, 1995[7])
Hostage[7] Hermione Granger Gabrielle Delacour Cho Chang Ronald Weasley
Method[7] Partial-human to shark spell Bubble-Head Charm Gillyweed
Score[7] 40 25 47 45
Placement[7] 2 3 1
Third Task (24 June, 1995[13])
Order of participation[13] 2 3 1

End of the Tournament

«Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort… The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this… It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory.«
— Dumbledore speaking to students about Voldemort’s return[src]

The Beauxbatons carriage and the Durmstrang ship leaving Hogwarts at the end of the year, side by side

Returning to Hogwarts with Cedric’s body, Harry was promptly whisked away from the crowds by Crouch Jnr, still in the disguise of Professor Moody. As the assembled crowd learned that Cedric was dead, Dumbledore realised that something was amiss with Moody, since the real Moody would never have taken Harry away from the tragic scene.[4]

In Moody’s office, Crouch Jnr started to question Harry about what had happened, and how it felt to stand in the Dark Lord’s presence. Harry, unnerved by Moody’s seeming adoration of Voldemort — something that went against everything he knew about Moody — was shortly rescued by Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. Soon the effects of Crouch Jnr’s Polyjuice Potion wore off, since, in the excitement, he had neglected to take it at the proper time to maintain his cover, and his duplicity was revealed. Under the effects of Veritaserum provided by Professor Snape, Crouch described Lord Voldemort’s plan to resurrect himself and Crouch Jnr’s own involvement in getting Harry to the graveyard.[4]

Dumbledore passed the information of Lord Voldemort’s return to Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, who had been acting as a judge for the Third Task. Because he had been reading Rita Skeeter’s slanderous reports, Fudge insisted that he could not be back. Meanwhile, the minister had a Dementor Kiss Crouch Jnr, effectively eliminating any corroborating testimony of the Dark Lord’s return. In the face of the Ministry’s refusal to accept the truth, Dumbledore reconstituted the Order of the Phoenix to stand against Voldemort.[14]

Memorial for the deceased Cedric Diggory

Despite Cedric’s death, Harry was recorded as the official winner of the Tournament and given the thousand Galleons prize money; there was originally supposed to be an award ceremony, which was cancelled due to the circumstances. He attempted to give it to Cedric’s parents, but they refused it.[15] In the end, he gave the money to Fred and George Weasley,[15] who used it to establish Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.[15][16]

Right after Harry’s victory, two judges of the Tournament fled far away immediately. Karkaroff felt Voldemort’s return and summoning all Death Eaters, and being one who sold out many of his comrades, he abandoned the tournament’s results for the sake of his life. Bagman made a bet against his goblin creditors that Harry would win the tournament, but they accounted that Harry and Cedric won together. Therefore not what Bagman wagered on, Ludo fled to avoid paying a highly increased debt that he could not afford to.[15]

Because of the Ministry’s denials that Lord Voldemort had returned, Cedric’s death was labelled a tragic accident.[17] The true cause would not be made public until a year later when Fudge saw Voldemort with his own eyes.[18]

As a result of Cedric’s death, the Triwizard Tournament was permanently discontinued, and no further plans were made to reinstate it, despite the new safety regulations imposed.[5]

Behind the scenes

  • It is likely that the Triwizard Tournament could be viewed as the Wizarding equivalent to the Olympic Games. Champions, all representing their respective schools/nations, compete for honour and glory in games designed to test their abilities, with each Champion’s respective school supporting that champion even if they do not like the individual student (shades of the fans of the Olympics supporting their home countries athletes, with no regard for personal favour of any one athlete). Even the judges of the Triwizard Tournament sit in booths and hover their scores over their heads like Olympic judges.
  • The likely date for the first Triwizard Tournament differs depending on the source. From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 12 (The Triwizard Tournament) «The Triwizard Tournament was first established some seven hundred years ago …» 1994 — 700 = 1294 (or so). However, Pottermore notes that Hogwarts has 63 wins, Beauxbaton has 62, so a minimum of 125 tournaments have been held (if Durmstrang has no wins). 125 tournaments *5 years = 625 years. Taking the last traditional Triwizard Tournament in 1794 — 625 = 1169. Even if some of the wins accounted for on Pottermore are from modern-day tournaments (1994 and after) the latest date possible for the first tournament is around 1194. Of course, it is possible that on some occasions, the Tournaments were held more often than every five years, for unknown reasons.
  • During the 1994-1995 tournament, the prize was 1000 Galleons. It is not stated if the prize value has been consistent throughout the tournament’s history. According to Quidditch Through the Ages, 1000 Galleons in the 13th century would have amounted to several million in modern currency.
  • J. K. Rowling revealed that at some point during the writing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Triwizard Tournament went by the name of «Doomspell Tournament».[19]
  • Hagrid says in the book that he never thought he’d live to see the Triwizard Tournament played again. However, the Tournament was supposed to be cancelled in 1792. This can be assumed to be another unsuccessful attempt to resurrect it.
  • The Dutch translation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire erroneously states that the incident at the 1792 tournament was caused by a basilisk, rather than a cockatrice. This is an error, as the breeding of basilisks was banned since medieval times, and using one in the Triwizard Tournament would be far too dangerous since its gaze alone could kill the entire audience. This error is probably caused by the fact that the mythology behind cockatrices and basilisks is so similar that many people use their names interchangeably.


  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (First appearance)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (play)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book (Various mentions; depiction of Harry evading Hungarian Horntail to obtain Golden Egg)
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World
  • LEGO Harry Potter
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
  • LEGO Harry Potter
  • Pottermore
  • Wizarding World
  • Harry Potter for Kinect
  • Harry Potter: The Character Vault
  • Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Appears in the spell book)
  • Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells

Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 12 (The Triwizard Tournament)
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 16 (The Goblet of Fire)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Writing by J. K. Rowling: «Beauxbatons Academy of Magic» at Wizarding World
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 35 (Veritaserum)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 20 (The First Task)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 26 (The Second Task)
  8. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 17 (The Four Champions)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 22 (The Unexpected Task)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 23 (The Yule Ball)
  11. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 15 (Beauxbatons and Durmstrang)
  12. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 1 (The Other Minister)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 28 (The Madness of Mr Crouch)
  14. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 36 (The Parting of the Ways)
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 37 (The Beginning)
  16. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 6 (The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black)
  17. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 12 (Professor Umbridge)
  18. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 36 (The Only One He Ever Feared)
  19. Comic Relief live chat transcript, March 2001
The Triwizard Tournament

Triwizard Cup.png

Objects & Locations: Goblet of Fire • Casket • Golden egg • Hedge Maze • Triwizard Cup
Schools: Beauxbatons • Durmstrang • Hogwarts
1994-1995 Triwizard Champions: Fleur Delacour • Viktor Krum • Cedric Diggory • Harry Potter

Турнир Трех Волшебников


  • 1 История
  • 2 Правила
  • 3 Святочный бал
  • 4 Турнир 1994-1995 годов
    • 4.1 Начало турнира. Выбор участников
    • 4.2 Первое испытание
    • 4.3 Второе испытание
    • 4.4 Третье испытание
    • 4.5 Итоги
  • 5 Примечания


Был основан 700 лет назад тремя волшебными школами Хогвартс, Дурмстранг и Шармбатон. Турнир раньше проводился раз в пять лет, но из-за количества жертв которое все время росло приняли решение не проводить турниры. Периодически пытались возродить Турнир, но безуспешно.

На турнире 1792 года участники ловили василиска.


Каждую школу представляет один выбранный от нее чемпион. Выбранные чемпионы соревнуются в трёх магических испытаниях. Возрастное ограничение — 17 лет (провели специальную линию вокруг Кубка Огня). Запрещалось принимать какую либо помощь от учителей.

Обязательный атрибут Турнира Трех Волшебников — Святочный бал.

Святочный бал

Святочный Бал — обязательный атрибут Турнира Трёх Волшебников, проводится на Рождество. На Бал могут прийти студенты четвёртого курса и старше, хотя для танцевальной пары можно пригласить ученика любого возраста. Открывают Бал Чемпионы Школ вместе с выбранными партнёрами. На Святочном Балу в 1994 году это были:

  • Шармбатонка Флёр Делакур — когтевранец Роджер Дэвис
  • Дурмстранговец Виктор Крам — гриффиндорка Гермиона Грейнджер
  • пуффендуец Седрик Диггори — когтевранка Чжоу Чанг
  • Гриффиндорец Гарри Поттер — гриффиндорка Парвати Патил

Другие названные пары:

  • Гриффиндорец Рон Уизли и когтевранка Падма Патил
  • Гриффиндорцы Невилл Долгопупс и Джинни Уизли
  • Гриффиндорцы Симус Финниган и Лаванда Браун
  • Гриффиндорцы Фред Уизли и Анджелина Джонсон
  • Слизеринцы Драко Малфой и Пэнси Паркинсон

Возможно, пару составляли пуффендуйка мисс Фосетт и когтевранец Стеббинс. По крайней мере они целовались в гроте, когда Северус Снегг патрулировал територию… За что он оштрафовал оба факультета.

Турнир 1994-1995 годов

Организаторы: Департамент международного сотрудничества и депатамент магических игр и спорта.


  • Альбус Дамблдор (директор Хогвартса).
  • Олимпия Максим (директор Шармбатона).
  • Игорь Каркаров (директор Дурмстранга).
  • Людо Бэгмен (глава Департамента магических игр и спорта Министерства Магии Великобритании).
  • Бартемий Крауч (глава Департамента международного сотрудничества Министерства Магии Великобритании). Позже его заменил его заместитель Перси Уизли.

Начало турнира. Выбор участников

Инициатором возобновления Турнира Трёх Волшебников стала английская сторона, которая и приняла возрождённый турнир у себя, в школе Хогвартс. В начале октября в Хогвартс приехали делегации из Шармбатона (на волшебной летающей карете) и Дурмстранга (на волшебном подводном корабле). От каждой из школ мог участвовать только один ученик — его называли «чемпионом». Каждая из школ могла выдвинуть сколь угодно кандидатур — главное, чтобы все были старше 17 лет. Желающие должны были бросить в Кубок Огня записку со своим именем. В День Всех Святых Кубок Огня должен был выбрать по одному участнику от каждой школы и выбросить записки с их именами.

Чемпионы от школ:

Школа Чемпион
Дурмстранг Виктор Крам
Шармбатон Флёр Делакур
Хогвартс Седрик Диггори
второй участник)
Гарри Поттер

«Чемпионом» от Дурмстранга стал известный болгарский ловец Виктор Крам, от Шармбатона очаровательная Флёр Делакур (ставшая единственной девушкой на этом турнире), от Хогвартса — лучший ученик Пуффендуя, староста Седрик Диггори. Но на этом турнире произошёл интересный случай: кубок выбросил четвёртое имя. Четвёртым участником стал Гарри Поттер, что противоречило сразу трём правилам турнира:

  • Четвёртым участником стал Гарри Поттер, который не бросал в огонь записки со своим именем.
  • Гарри Поттеру было всего 14 лет.
  • Он был вторым участником от Хогвартса.

Как выяснилось, Кубок Огня был обманут сложнейшим заклинанием Конфундус, которое было не под силу никакому ученику, немногие волшебники могли это сделать. С помощью этого заклинания Кубок заставили верить, что в Турнире участвует и четвёртая школа, единственным студентом которой является Гарри Поттер. Кубку ничего не оставалось, как выбрать его.

Несмотря на очевидные нарушения правил, Гарри Поттер вынужден был участвовать в турнире: Кубок Огня обладал своей магией, и будучи выбранным, от участия в Турнире уже невозможно было отказаться.

Позже оказалось, что Кубок обманул Пожиратель Смерти Барти Крауч Младший, в облике учителя Хогвартса Грюма, который выполнял план по возвращению Волан-де-Морта.

Первое испытание

Первое испытание проходило в конце 1994 года на специально построенной арене на территории Хогвартса. Суть задания заключалась в том, что нужно было забрать у дракона золотое яйцо, лежащее среди обычных драконьих. Изначально никто из чемпионов не должен был знать правила первого испытания до его начала. Однако в реальности все 4 чемпиона узнали, что им предстоит. Кроме того, лже-Грюм намекнул Гарри Поттеру, что тот должен воспользоваться метлой.

Каждый участник из красного мешочка вытащил уменьшенную копию того дракона, с кем ему предстоит сразиться. Флер Делакур — уэльского зеленого обыкновенного, Седрик Диггори — шведского тупорылого, Виктор Крам — китайского огненного шара, Гарри Поттер — венгерскую хвосторогу.

Вот какие способы придумали «чемпионы»: Седрик превратил камень в собаку (это отвлекло дракона), Флер погрузила своего дракона в транс (хотя и не совсем удачно), а Крам ослепил дракона. Гарри Поттер, выступая последним, с помошью манящих чар притянул к себе метлу, взлетел и, раздразнив хвосторогу, заставил её сойти с «гнезда», а сам тем временем завладел яйцом.

Второе испытание

Второе испытание проходило в начале 1995 года на дне Хогвартского озера. О его условиях можно было узнать из золотого яйца (если, конечно, оно было завоёванно в первом испытании, но его завоевали все). Гарри, по подсказке Седрика Диггори, раскрыл яйцо под водой, в ванне, и узнал условия.

Каждый из участников должен был вернуть то, что у них будет украдено русалками. Время на испытание отпущено один час. У каждого из участников «украли» друга:

  • У Седрика Диггори — Чжоу Чанг.
  • У Флёр Делакур — её младшую сестру Габриель.
  • У Виктора Крама — Гермиону Грейнджер.
  • У Гарри Поттера — Рона Уизли.

Во время испытаний всем четырём участникам понадобилось придумать средство дышать под водой: Седрик Диггори и Флёр Делакур применили заклинание головного пузыря, Виктор Крам частично трансфигурировался в акулу, Гарри Поттер, по совету домовика Добби, подслушавшего разговор лже-Грюма с профессором Макгонагал съел жабросли, которые Добби для него выкрал из кабинета профессора Снегга.

На испытаниях Флёр Делакур попалась в лапы гриндилоу, и поэтому выбыла до того, как успела добраться до пленников. Гарри добрался до пленников первым, но, слишком буквально поняв наставление в песне из золотого яйца о том, что по истечении часа будет поздно, вообразил, что пленникам угрожает реальная опасность, если они не будут освобождены. Он видел, как Седрик и Крам выполнили свою часть испытаний, освободив соответственно Чжоу и Гермиону, и, не дождавшись Флёр, освободил и Рона, и Габриель, прибыв на финиш последним. Однако, Дамблдор, расценив этот поступок как проявление благородства, поставил Гарри высший балл, таким образом, сравняв его по очкам с Седриком.

Третье испытание

Оно проходило в мае 1995 года на территории Хогвартса (по версии книги на стадионе по квиддичу, но по версии фильма площадка для испытания была гораздо больше). Оно предстовляло из себя лабиринт из гигантских кустов (живых, по мнению фильма). О нем участников предупредили заранее, для возможности подготовиться. В центре лабиринта стоял Кубок Огня (по версии фильма — специальный кубок победителя). Тот, кто добрался до него первым — победитель. Вход в лабиринт был не одновременный, а поочерёдный, в зависимости от набранных ранее баллов. Некоторые препятствия всреченные в лабиринте: Сфинкс, загадавший загадку, гигантский паук, боггарт, соплохвосты и др. Делакур и Крам выбыли из испытания (при этом подверженный заклятию Империус от Крауча Младшего Крам сам выбил Флер и пытался избавится от Седрика, но у него не получилось). Гарри и Седрик одновременно добрались до Кубка и взяли его, но это оказалась ловушка Крауча Младшего, Питера Петигрю и Лорда Волан-де-Морта. Кубок был порталом и отправил Седрика и Гарри на кладбище к двум последним. В итоге по приказу Волан-де-Морта, Питер Петигрю убил Диггори. Состоялся ритуал и Волан-де-Морт вернул себе тело при помощи крови Поттера. Он пытался убить его, но Гарри вместе с телом Седрика отправился через портал обратно, в Хогвартс.


Этот Турнир был омрачён заговором Пожирателей Смерти. Фактически, из-за них он пошёл по другому сценарию: был добавлен четвёртый участник, по инициативе Крауча Младшего трое участников узнали о драконах, по его-же инициативе Поттер узнал, что надо делать во втором испытании, а решаюшее испытание и вовсе было испорченно: один участник выбыл не по правилам, ещё один был под заклятием Империус, а Диггори вообще убили. Победу одержал Хогвартс: оба его «чемпионов» разделили победу. Но один из победителей умер. Поттер получил денежный приз в размере 1000 галеонов, которые отдал Фреду и Джорджу Уизли на их бизнес.


  1. Записка с именем Гарри Поттера была брошена в Кубок Огня без названия школы. Кубок, оглушённый заклинанием Конфундус, воспринял Гарри Поттера, как прентендента от некой четвёртой школы.

Волшебный мир «Гарри Поттера»

Книги: Предыстория • Философский камень • Тайная комната • Узник Азкабана • Кубок Огня • Орден Феникса • Принц-полукровка • Дары Смерти • Фантастические животные: места обитания • Квиддич сквозь века • Сказки барда Бидля
Фильмы: Философский камень • Тайная комната • Узник Азкабана • Кубок Огня • Орден Феникса • Принц-полукровка • Дары Смерти
Игры: Философский камень • Тайная комната • Узник Азкабана • Кубок Огня • Орден Феникса • Принц-полукровка • Чемпионат мира по квиддичу • Lego Creator: Гарри Поттер • Lego Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Годрик Гриффиндор • Пенелопа Пуффендуй • Кандида Когтевран • Салазар Слизерин
Маги: Гарри Поттер • Гермиона Грейнджер • Рон Уизли • Джинни Уизли • Фред и Джордж Уизли • Невилл Долгопупс • Полумна Лавгуд • Драко Малфой • Альбус Дамблдор • Минерва Макгонагалл • Регулус Блэк • Сириус Блэк • Северус Снегг • Волан-де-Морт • Питер Петтигрю • Гораций Слизнорт • Рита Скитер • проф. Квиррелл • Римус Люпин • Аластор Грюм • Сивилла Трелони • Долорес Амбридж • Нимфадора Тонкс • Златопуст Локонс • Винсент Крэбб • Грегори Гойл • Чжоу Чанг • Седрик Диггори • Виктор Крам • Помона Стебль • Геллерт Грин-де-Вальд • Армандо Диппет • Перси Уизли • Руфус Скримджер • Гавейн Робардс • Долиш • Корнелиус Фадж • Пий Толстоватый • Кингсли Бруствер • Чарли Уизли • Молли Уизли • Билл Уизли • Артур Уизли • Мадам Помфри • Люциус Малфой • Нарцисса Малфой • Бартемий Крауч младший • Беллатриса Лестрейндж • Дедалус Диггл• Джеймс Поттер• Лили Поттер• Наземникус Флетчер• Вильгельмина Грабли-Дёрг • Габриель Делакур • Берта Джоркинс • Бартемиус Крауч • Ксенофилиус Лавгуд
Маглы: Дурсли • Том Реддл Старший
Сквибы: Аргус Филч • Арабелла Фигг
Полулюди: Рубеус Хагрид • Олимпия Максим • Филиус Флитвик • Флёр Делакур
Добби • Кикимер • Винки
Гоблины: Крюкохват • Кровняк
Олливандер • Грегорович
Дамблдоры • Уизли • Малфои • Реддлы
Прочие: Эпизодические персонажи мира Гарри Поттера • Сохатый, Бродяга, Лунатик и Хвост • Волшебные существа мира Гарри Поттера • Волшебные предметы мира Гарри Поттера • Волшебство мира Гарри Поттера • Фоукс • Локации мира Гарри Поттера • Большой Зал • Турнир Трёх Волшебников
Организации: Хогвартс • Министерство магии • Орден Феникса • Пожиратели смерти • Отряд Дамблдора • Ежедневный пророк • Придира • Клуб слизней • Г.А.В.Н.Э. • Инспекционная дружина
Защита от тёмных искусств • Зельеварение • Трансфигурация • Заклинания • Уход за магическими существами • Травология • Прорицания • Древние Руны • Арифмантика • Маггловедение • История магии • Астрономия
Пародии и
Порри Гаттер • Таня Гроттер • Ларин Пётр • Барри Троттер • Наука побеждать • АнтиГарриПоттер
Дж. К. Роулинг • Warner Brothers • Bloomsbury • Electronic Arts • Росмэн • Фэндом
HP Портал о Гарри Поттере

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«Eternal glory! That’s what awaits the student who wins The Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks.«
—Albus Dumbledore[src]

The Triwizard Tournament is a magical contest held between the three largest wizarding schools of Europe: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, each school being represented by one Champion. Selected Champions compete in three tasks — traditionally judged by the Headmasters or Headmistresses of the competing schools — designed to test magical ability, intelligence and courage. Champions compete for the honor and glory of winning the Tournament and for the Triwizard Cup and a monetary prize. The first Tournament was held in 1294.

The Tournament has been renowned for being extremely dangerous: champions have died while competing, and so it was discontinued after 1792.

In 1994, however, the Tournament was revived with restrictions in place in an attempt to stop any potential deaths, such as allowing participants aged 17 or above to take part in it. The 1994 Triwizard Tournament is famous for having had four competing Champions, and for also having ended in tragedy with the death of Cedric Diggory and for the Rebirth of Lord Voldemort. In light of these tragedies, the Triwizard Tournament was permanently discontinued without any further plans to reinstate it.

History of the Tournament

The Triwizard Tournament was established roughly seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the wizarding schools the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and the Durmstrang Institute. Held every five years, the competition would be hosted by each school in turn, the judges for the Tournament comprising the headmasters or headmistresses of the schools.[1]

Rules and customs


The Goblet of Fire.

Each competing school is allowed one Champion to represent them during the Tournament. Students wishing to participate write their names and the school they attend on a piece of parchment, and enter it into the Goblet of Fire. The Goblet is an impartial judge, and selects what it considers to be the best student from each school. At the appointed time, the Goblet ejects the names, making each selected student the official Champion for their school. Each selected Champion is then bound by a magical contract to see the Tournament through to the end.

Each Tournament consists of three tasks designed to test the Champion’s courage, intelligence, resourcefulness, and magical ability. These tasks are exceedingly dangerous and differ from year to year.

Champions receive marks in each of the tasks from a panel of judges, usually made up of the headmasters or headmistresses of the competing schools.

Each Champion is supposed to stand alone during the Tournament, receiving no outside help from anyone, including friends and teachers. Cheating is frowned upon, though it has been known to take place several times during the history of the Tournament, and some people believe it to be a traditional part of the event.

The Yule Ball, held on Christmas Day night, is a traditional part of the Tournament. The Ball usually includes a feast, and a formal dance where the Champions and their partners lead the host school in dancing. Students old enough to attend are allowed to bring a friend. Students that are too young to attend may attend if invited by a student old enough to attend the ball.[1]

1792 Triwizard Tournament

«Well, the Heads of the participating schools are always on the panel, because all three of them were injured during the Tournament of 1792, when a cockatrice the champions were supposed to be catching went on the rampage. It’s all in Hogwarts: A History.«
—A description of the Tournament that this Head attended.[src]

The Triwizard Tournament was held in 1792, and one of the tasks involved catching a cockatrice. However, the beast went on a rampage and injured three of the judges, the Heads of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The event was recorded in the book Hogwarts, A History, indicating that the 1792 Tournament was possibly held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Tournament was cancelled after this incident, but several unsuccessful attempts were made to resurrect it.[1]

1994 Triwizard Tournament


«Oh, details! They’ve signed, haven’t they? They’ve agreed haven’t they? I bet you anything these kids’ll know soon enough anyway. I mean it’s happening at Hogwarts —«
—Ludo Bagman[src]


Barty Crouch Sr., Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

A revival of the Tournament occurred in 1994. Barty Crouch Sr., Head of the Ministry of Magic’s Department of International Magical Cooperation, in conjunction with Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, worked with their opposite numbers in other countries to revive the Tournament. However, due to the dangerous nature of the Tournament, it was decided that some changes were to be made to the rules, with the main one being that no student under the age of seventeen was allowed to enter or compete (some students did try to).[1]

The Tournament preparations were shrouded in secrecy, although Cornelius Fudge was obliged to inform the Muggle Prime Minister that the Ministry would be importing several dragons from Romania, as well as a sphinx from Egypt, for use in the competition.[2]

The Schemes of Lord Voldemort

«One more curse … my faithful servant at Hogwarts … Harry Potter is as good as mine, Wormtail. It is decided. There will be no more argument.«
—Lord Voldemort[src]

Despite the secrecy surrounding the Triwizard Tournament, Lord Voldemort found out about it from Bertha Jorkins, a Ministry employee in the Department of Magical Games and Sports who had been holidaying in Albania and had run into Peter Pettigrew at an inn. Pettigrew brought her before Voldemort, who, using Dark Magic, extracted from her mind information concerning the Tournament. He also learned that one of his faithful servants, Barty Crouch Jr, was still alive and under the Imperius Curse at his father’s home.

Armed with this information, Voldemort set a plan into motion. He freed Crouch Jr from the Imperius Curse, and ordered him to disguise himself as Alastor Moody, Hogwarts’ new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. There, he would manipulate the Tournament as his Master commanded to achieve the Dark Lord’s goal: the destruction of Harry Potter.[1]

The Goblet of Fire


Students entering their names into the Goblet of Fire.

On September 1, 1994, Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore announced to the school that they would be playing host to the Triwizard Tournament. Preparations were made for the arrival of the delegations from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Durmstrang Institute, including an extra-thorough cleaning of the castle.

On 30 October, the delegation from Beauxbatons arrived in a large carriage pulled by Abraxan horses. The delegation of Beauxbatons pupils was led by their Headmistress, Madam Olympe Maxime. Shortly after their arrival, the delegation from Durmstrang, under the watchful eye of their High master Professor Igor Karkaroff, arrived in a magical ship that could travel underwater.

A feast to welcome the new arrivals was held in the Great Hall, where Professor Dumbledore introduced the other Tournament judges — Bartemius Crouch Sr and Ludo Bagman — to the assembled students. After explaining the rules of the Tournament, Dumbledore unveiled both the Goblet of Fire and the Triwizard Cup. Students would have until the start of the Halloween Feast the following day to enter their names. In agreement with the new rules regarding underage students entering the Tournament, Dumbledore drew an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire.


Albus Dumbledore receives the names of the Champions selected by the Goblet of Fire.

The following day, 31 October, the school was abuzz with rumours and speculation over who would enter the Tournament. All of the Durmstrang delegation entered, and so, presumably, did all the Beauxbatons students. Among the entrants for Hogwarts were Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor, Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff and C. Warrington from Slytherin. Fred and George Weasley attempted to bypass the Age Line by using an Ageing Potion but were repulsed by the Age Line and grew long white beards. S. Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Summers of Hufflepuff suffered the same misfortune.

At some point, most likely during the night, Barty Crouch Jr, who was using Polyjuice Potion to pose as Professor Moody, bewitched the Goblet with a powerful Confundus Charm. He made the Goblet believe that there would be four schools entering the competition, then entered Harry Potter’s name on a scrap of parchment under a false school name. Since no other entrant would be associated with the school, Harry’s name was the only one that the Goblet could select.[1]

The selection of the Champions

During the Hallowe’en feast, Dumbledore presided over the selection of the Champions. Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang, was selected first, followed by Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons. The Goblet selected Cedric Diggory as the Hogwarts Champion. All three Champions left the Great Hall to receive further instructions.

To the surprise of everybody, the Goblet spat out a fourth name, as Barty Crouch Jr. had intended. Harry Potter, like the rest of the school, was shocked to hear his name called, and went to join the other Champions. After a heated debate, during which Karkaroff and Maxime questioned the motives of Dumbledore and the Ministry, since Hogwarts now had two Champions, it became clear that Harry must participate. Despite his not having entered his own name in the Goblet, the fact that his name had been entered and selected by the Goblet constituted a magical contract that bound him to compete. Even his age was not a real issue; the Age Line was only an effort to stop unprepared students entering and being killed. Traditionally, students as young as Harry had been allowed to compete in the Tournament.[1]

The Daily Prophet and the Weighing of the Wands


Rita Skeeter.

The revival of the Tournament was big news in itself, and with the revelation that Harry was competing, the Daily Prophet assigned Rita Skeeter to cover the competition, along with her photographer, Bozo. Publicity for the Tournament was of paramount importance to the Ministry, since a successful competition would bring much prestige and respect. The Champions were required to pose for photographs and to give interviews.

However, Skeeter was more interested in Harry than in the Tournament or the other Champions; her first article centred heavily on Harry and her version of his life story, at the expense of the other Champions; Cedric, for example, wasn’t even mentioned. She believed that stories about the Boy Who Lived would be of more interest to the public, and, by extension, would enhance her own reputation. Her following articles were similarly themed, focusing less on the Tournament and more on Harry and his personal life.

Before the Tournament could commence, each Champion’s wand had to be tested to ensure that it was in full working order and would be able to be used effectively by the Champion during the tasks.

Garrick Ollivander, of Ollivanders Wand Shop, presided over a short ceremony in which he tested each wand in turn, examining it for defects and breakages, then performing a simple magic spell to see how it responded. Satisfied that all the wands were in excellent condition, he pronounced that they were fit for the Tournament.[1]

The First Task

«The first task is designed to test your daring, so we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard … very important …«
—Bartemius Crouch Sr.[src]


The dragons in the Forbidden Forest.

The First Task of the Triwizard Tournament took place on 24 November, and the objective was to retrieve a golden egg that was being guarded by a dragon — the egg would be located within a clutch of real dragon eggs. Using Sleeping Draughts, a team of wizards, including Charlie Weasley, transported nesting mothers of different breeds to Great Britain from a dragon sanctuary in Romania. The dragons were hidden in the Forbidden Forest to stop students from discovering them. However, despite the secrecy, the Champions became aware of the task that faced them. Rubeus Hagrid, a great lover of dragons, innocently invited Olympe Maxime to watch the dragons with him, unaware that she would tell her Champion, Fleur Delacour, about them. Harry Potter was also present, again at Hagrid’s request, to see what was in store for him, hidden under his Invisibility Cloak. Igor Karkaroff sneaked into the Forest to discover what was being hidden, and told his Champion, Viktor Krum. Even though Cedric Diggory was not present, he was told about the dragons from Harry, who considered it unfair that Cedric should be the only one of the Champions who had no clue what the First Task was.

After lunch on the day of the First Task, the Champions assembled in a tent near the arena that had been built specifically for the Task. In the tent, they were informed of the task ahead by Barty Crouch Sr. and Ludo Bagman, who would also be acting as judges alongside Professor Dumbledore, Madame Maxime, and Professor Karkaroff. Each Champion was required to dip their hand into a bag that contained miniature replicas of the various dragons they would face, and pull one out. They would then face the real version in the arena. In addition, each miniature dragon had a small number hung around its neck, indicating which order they would face in.

Cedric Diggory tackled the task first, against a Swedish Short-Snout. He used a Transfiguration spell to change a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. He was partially successful; the dragon took the bait, and Cedric went for the Golden egg. Halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric, and burned his face. Cedric retrieved the egg, however, and passed the task.


Harry Potter faces a Hungarian Horntail in the First Task.

Second was Fleur Delacour, who faced a Common Welsh Green. She enchanted the dragon to sleep, but while retrieving the golden egg, the dragon snored and let out a jet of flame that set her skirt alight. She extinguished the flames, and retrieved her egg. Viktor Krum was third, facing a Chinese Fireball. He used the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon and retrieve his egg. However, he was docked points when the dragon stumbled around and smashed half of the real eggs. Harry Potter drew the fiercest of them all, the Hungarian Horntail. On the advice of Crouch Jr. (disguised as Professor Moody), he used a Summoning Charm to bring his Firebolt broomstick to him, and manoeuvred past the dragon to retrieve his egg.

After the First Task, Harry and Viktor were tied for first place, with Cedric in second, and Fleur in third. The champions were told that, the Golden egg they retrieved contained a clue on how to pass the Second Task. Without it, they had little chance of succeeding.[1]

The Golden Egg

«Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you’re searching, ponder this;
We’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss,
An hour long you’ll have to look,
And recover what we took,
But past an hour — the prospect’s black,
Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back.
—The song heard when the Golden egg is open under the water.[src]


The Golden egg.

The golden egg, obtained by the Champions by successfully defeating their dragon in the First Task, contained a vital clue on how to approach and pass the Second Task. However, when opened, the egg shrieked and wailed in a loud, high-pitched whine that assaulted the hearing of anyone within range. To obtain the information contained within the egg, the Champions first had to decipher how to access it.

How Fleur and Viktor worked out the clue is unknown, but Cedric had help from Barty Crouch Jr. (in the guise of Professor Moody), who told him to open the egg underwater and listen to it. He did this in the Prefect’s bathroom, and, instead of the wailing and screeching, heard a voice singing. It took him a while to figure out that the verse referred to the Lake and the merpeople living in it. Crouch Jr knew that Cedric — being a fair competitor — would pass on the knowledge to Harry. This allowed Crouch Jr to keep manipulating Harry’s involvement in the Tournament without Harry suspecting that it was anything other than a teacher looking out for him.[1]

The Yule Ball

The Yule Ball

On Christmas Eve, the Yule Ball was held. The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang joined their Hogwarts hosts in a feast, followed by a formal dance. The Ball was also attended by several Ministry officials, including Ludo Bagman and Percy Weasley, who was deputising for the poorly Mr. Crouch. In addition to the dance, the Weird Sisters performed a number of their songs.

During the Ball, Igor Karkaroff confronted Severus Snape over the fact that their Dark Marks had started to become bolder, although neither knew the reason behind it. In addition, Rita Skeeter, in her Animagus form as a beetle, attended the Ball and eavesdropped on a conversation between Hagrid and Madame Maxime regarding Hagrid’s giant mother.

Towards the end of the Ball, Cedric approached Harry and told him to take the golden egg into the bath, even giving him access to the prefects’ bathroom, in return for Harry’s warnings about the dragons.[1]

The machinations of Barty Crouch Jr.

«He asked me whether I was ready to risk everything for him. It was my dream, my greatest ambition, to serve him, to prove myself to him.«
—Barty Crouch Jr.[src]


Moaning Myrtle

Harry took Cedric’s advice about the egg, and, with a little help from Moaning Myrtle, worked out the clue. Only one last thing remained — figuring out how to breathe underwater for an hour.

Crouch Jr, who knew what each of the Tasks were beforehand, had arranged for the answer to be in Harry’s reach. At the start of the school year, while teaching a Defense Against the Dark Arts class about Unforgivable Curses, he had upset Neville Longbottom by demonstrating the Cruciatus Curse. Under the guise of comforting him, he gave Neville a book entitled Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean which contained the answer to Harry’s dilemma — gillyweed.

However, Crouch Jr failed to realise that Harry would not turn to Neville for help in the run-up to the Second Task. Knowing that he had to somehow get gillyweed into Harry’s possession, he summoned the house-elf Dobby — whom he knew to be a friend of Harry’s — to the Staffroom to collect his cloak for cleaning. While there, he staged a conversation with Professor McGonagall where he mentioned gillyweed in relation to the Second Task. Dobby, overhearing the conversation as Crouch Jr had intended, then stole gillyweed from the private potions store of Professor Snape.[1]


Harry used gillyweed for the Second Task.

The Second Task

«Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them.«
—Ludo Bagman[src]

Taking place on February 24, 1995, the Second Task would involve the Champions swimming into the Black Lake to retrieve something that had been stolen from each of them. On the morning of the Task, Dobby woke Harry up, and gave him the gillyweed to use.

All four Champions assembled on the shore of the lake, and were told that they had one hour to retrieve that which had been stolen from them from the merpeople’s village, and return. The Champions entered the water; Harry had to eat the gillyweed, which gave him gills to breathe underwater, and webbed hands and feet to allow him to swim faster. Both Fleur and Cedric utilised the Bubble-Head Charm, while Viktor partially Transfigured himself into a shark. Spectators had no knowledge of what was happening during the task until at least one champion returned, but were able to monitor time remaining by observing a provided clock.

The four Champions headed through the lake to the village; although Fleur was forced to retire when she was attacked by grindylows. Harry reached the village first to find that the «item» that had been stolen from each Champion were people close to them. Placed in an enchanted sleep, then tied to the tail of a stone Merperson, were Harry’s best friend, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, who had been Viktor’s date to the Yule Ball, Cedric’s girlfriend Cho Chang, and Fleur’s younger sister, Gabrielle.


A Merperson confronting Harry Potter in the Black Lake.

Concerned for the safety of all the «hostages», Harry refused to just take Ron and go. Cedric arrived shortly after and rescued Cho, followed by Viktor. Viktor’s partial Transfiguration had left him with the head of a shark, and he found it difficult to free Hermione. Harry passed him a sharp rock to cut her bonds with, then Viktor left carrying Hermione and headed for the surface. With no sign of Fleur, Harry made the decision to rescue both the remaining hostages himself. Although the merpeople objected and tried to stop him, Harry managed to free himself, and dragged Ron and Gabrielle to the surface.

Back on shore, Harry learned from Ron that none of them had ever been in real danger, and that he should have just rescued him and got back as quickly as possible. Cedric, the first Champion back, had arrived one minute outside of the one hour time limit, followed by Viktor in second place. Harry was third, and, because she did not finish, Fleur was in last place.

File:Viktor-Krum-partially-Transfigured as a shark, Saves Hermione at the 1994 Triwizard Tournament 2nd Task.gif

Viktor Krum, partially Transfigured into a shark, retrieves Hermione during the Second Task.

Despite finishing third, Merchieftainess Murcus informed Dumbledore that Harry arrived at the hostages first, and only his desire to see them all safe had stopped him from finishing first. After a conversation with his fellow judges, which included Percy Weasley deputising for the ill Mr. Crouch, it was decided that Harry, for showing moral fibre, would be awarded second place.

Cedric scored forty-seven points, Harry scored forty-five points, Viktor earned forty points, and Fleur came last with twenty-five points. After the first two tasks, Harry and Cedric were tied for first place, with Viktor second, and Fleur third.[1]

The Third Task

«Oh, find the cup, if you can, but be careful. You might just lose yourself along the way.«
—Albus Dumbledore[src]

On June 24, the Third Task was to navigate a maze grown on the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch. The maze was populated by various obstacles and dangers that each Champion had to overcome. Crouch Jr, as Professor Moody, was entrusted with placing the Triwizard Cup at the centre of the maze. While doing this, he enchanted the Cup to be a Portkey that would be activated by touch.

File:The Maze (Triwizard Tournament 3rd Task Concept Artwork).png

The maze.

Cedric and Harry, tying for first place after two tasks, were to enter the maze first, followed by Viktor, and then Fleur. The first Champion to successfully navigate the maze and reach the Cup would be declared the winner.

During the task, Cedric encountered a Blast-Ended Skrewt, which he barely escaped from. Harry had to deal with a Boggart in the form of a Dementor, and overcame an odd golden mist which turned things upside-down. Crouch Jr, however, was leaving nothing to chance. Using Moody’s magical eye, he watched events unfold in the maze, keeping the more dangerous obstacles out of Harry’s path. He also Stunned Fleur, and placed the Imperius Curse on Viktor. He used Viktor to attack Cedric with the Cruciatus Curse in order to clear Harry’s path to the Cup.

File:The Goblet of Fire Triwizard cup Portkey.jpg

The Triwizard Cup.

Harry encountered the Blast-Ended Skrewt that had attacked Cedric, then heard Cedric being tortured, and rescued him by Stunning Viktor. Cedric and Harry parted company, and Harry had to answer a riddle from a sphinx to continue on into the maze.

Cedric and Harry joined forces to defeat an Acromantula, before they both arrived at the Cup together. After an argument over who deserved to win more, they decided to take the Cup together, since it would still be a Hogwarts victory. Touching the Cup at the same moment, they activated it as a Portkey, and were transported out of the maze.[1]

The Tragedy in Little Hangleton

Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter duel in the Little Hangleton graveyard.

Harry and Cedric were instantly transported to the graveyard in Little Hangleton. After a moment’s confusion, Harry recognized the graveyard from dreams he had been having, and warned Cedric that they needed to get back to the Cup. Before they could, Peter Pettigrew emerged from the darkness, carrying the weakened form of Lord Voldemort. On Voldemort’s orders, Pettigrew murdered Cedric using the Killing Curse.

Pettigrew captured Harry, binding him to the grave of Voldemort’s father, and performed an ancient magical ritual. Using the bones of the father, the flesh of the servant, meaning himself, and the blood of an enemy, Pettigrew restored Voldemort to full vitality. Lord Voldemort called his Death Eaters to him, and planned to murder Harry.

Harry and Voldemort engaged in a brief duel, but their wand cores connected and created the effect known as Priori Incantatem, and the «echoes» of Voldemort’s past victims, including Cedric Diggory, Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins, and James and Lily Potter, emerged from Voldemort’s wand. They helped Harry to escape from Voldemort by distracting the Dark Lord, giving him enough time to reach Cedric’s body, then Summon the Portkey to him and return them both to Hogwarts.[1]


«Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort… The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this.. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory.«
—Dumbledore speaking to all of the students of Hogwarts, and the students who went there for the Tri-Wizard Tournament[src]

Harry Potter returns Cedric Diggory’s body to Hogwarts.

Returning to Hogwarts with Cedric’s body, Harry was promptly whisked away from the crowds by Crouch Jr, still in the disguise of Professor Moody. As the assembled crowd learned that Cedric was dead, Dumbledore realised that something was amiss with Moody, since the real Moody would never have taken Harry away from the tragic scene.

In Moody’s office, Crouch Jr started to question Harry about what had happened, and how it felt to stand in the Dark Lord’s presence. Harry, unnerved by Moody’s seeming adoration of Voldemort — something that went against everything he knew about Moody — was shortly rescued by Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. Soon the effects of Crouch Jr’s Polyjuice Potion wore off, since, in the excitement, he had neglected to take it at the proper time to maintain his cover, and his duplicity was revealed. Under the effects of Veritaserum, Crouch described Lord Voldemort’s plan to resurrect himself and Crouch Jr’s own involvement in getting Harry to the graveyard.

Dumbledore passed the information of Lord Voldemort’s return to Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, who had been acting as a judge for the Third Task. Fudge insisted that he could not be back. Meanwhile, Fudge had a Dementor Kiss Barty Jr., effectively destroying a valuable piece of evidence proving the Dark Lord’s return. In the face of the Ministry’s refusal to accept the truth, Dumbledore reconstituted the Order of the Phoenix to stand against Voldemort.

Despite Cedric’s death, Harry was recorded as the official winner of the Tournament and given the thousand Galleons prize money; there was originally supposed to be an award ceremony, which was cancelled due to the circumstances. He attempted to give it to Cedric’s parents, but they refused it. In the end, he gave the money to Fred and George Weasley, who used it to establish Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.[1][3]

Because of the Ministry’s denials that Lord Voldemort had returned, Cedric’s death was labelled a tragic accident, and it was not until a year later, when Fudge saw with his own eyes that the Dark Lord had returned, that the true cause of Cedric’s death was made public.[3]

As a result of a champion’s death despite the new safety regulations imposed, the Triwizard Tournament was permanently discontinued without any further plans were made to reinstate it.

Behind the scenes


The Beauxbatons carriage and the Durmstrang ship leaving Hogwarts at the end of the year, side by side.

  • During the 1994-1995 tournament, the prize was 1000 Galleons. It is not stated if the prize value has been consistent throughout the tournament’s history. According to Quidditch Through the Ages, 1000 Galleons in the 13th century would have amounted to several millions in modern currency.
  • Despite «eternal glory» being given to whoever wins the Triwizard Tournament, no previous winners of the competition have ever been mentioned.
  • It is interesting to note that each Champion has a different wand core: Harry’s is phoenix feather, Cedric’s is unicorn hair, Fleur’s is Veela hair, and Viktor’s is dragon heartstring.
  • The book gives the arrival of the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons teams as Friday, 30 October. 30th October, 1994 was a Sunday.
  • In an interview, J.K. Rowling revealed that the Triwizard Tournament was originally intended to have four tasks, each representing the classical four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, but conceiving a task for all four proved too difficult and Air and Fire were finally combined in the form of the dragons, with the lake representing Water and the maze representing Earth.[citation needed]
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, several changes are made to the Tasks of the Triwizard Tournament, although the basic events and structure are retained.
    • During the First Task, the Hungarian Horntail breaks free of its chains and chases Harry around Hogwarts Castle before Harry retrieves the Golden Egg. However, in the books the dragon is not chained down anyway. Also, in the books Harry retrieves the Golden egg by skillful flying derived from his Quidditch skills rather than just by inducing the dragon to run into an obstacle, which he does in the movie.
    • Due to Dobby being cut from the film, he does not steal the gillyweed for Harry. Neville Longbottom gives Harry the idea to use gillyweed and obtains it for him. In addition, the book Moody (Crouch Jr.) gives him is called Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs, whereas in the books it is called Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranian.
    • During the Third Task in the movie, there are no encounters with a Blast-Ended Skrewt, a boggart, a sphinx, or an acromantula. Instead, the maze itself comes to life and attacks the Champions. Also, in the movie Krum attacks Fleur rather than Cedric.
    • The maze is in the movie much larger than the one in the book, which was held entirely in the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch.
    • In the movie, there is no mention of Ludo Bagman.
    • In the movie, there was no mention of 1000 galleons as a prize or Harry giving it to Fred and George Weasley.
  • In LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, part of the dragon chase takes place in Hogwarts castle, with Hermione helping Harry to defeat the dragon.
  • Out of the four champions of the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, three were Quidditch players and they were all three Seekers. Although it has never been mentioned if Fleur Delacour plays Quidditch for any teams, but it is very unlikely, because in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Bill Weasley mentioned that Fleur was not fond of brooms.
  • After filming the second task, Daniel Radcliffe revealed that he spent a total of forty-one hours and thirty-eight minutes underwater to film the scenes.
  • Hagrid says in the book that he never thought he’d live to see the Triwizard Tournament played again. However, the Tournament was supposed to be cancelled in 1792. This can be assumed to be another unsuccessful attempt to resurrect it.
  • Note that all the Triwizard Champions of the 1994 school year were the same genders as their corresponding headmaster/mistress.
  • With the Durmstrang students sitting next to Slytherin, and Beauxbatons students next to Ravenclaw, a champion was selected from each of the four tables of the Great Hall.


1994 Triwizard Tournament Champions


Second Task captives


Dumbledore and Elder Wand

School crests


  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (First appearance)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book (Various mentions; depiction of Harry evading Hungarian Horntail to obtain Golden Egg)
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
  • Pottermore (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter for Kinect
  • LEGO Harry Potter

Notes and references

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  3. 3.0 3.1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The Triwizard Tournament
Triwizard cup.jpg
Objects: Goblet of Fire • Casket • Golden egg • Triwizard Cup
Schools: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic • Durmstrang Institute • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
1994-1995 Triwizard Champions: Fleur Delacour • Viktor Krum • Cedric Diggory • Harry Potter


«Eternal glory! That’s what awaits the student who wins The Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks.«
—Albus Dumbledore[src]

The Triwizard Tournament is a magical contest held between the three largest wizarding schools of Europe: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Durmstrang Institute, and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, each school being represented by one Champion. Selected Champions compete in three tasks — traditionally judged by the Headmasters or Headmistresses of the competing schools — designed to test magical ability, intelligence and courage. Champions compete for the honor and glory of winning the Tournament and for the Triwizard Cup and a monetary prize. The first Tournament was held in 1294.

The Tournament has been renowned for being extremely dangerous: champions have died while competing, and so it was discontinued after 1792.

In 1994, however, the Tournament was revived with restrictions in place in an attempt to stop any potential deaths, such as allowing participants aged 17 or above to take part in it. The 1994 Triwizard Tournament is famous for having had four competing Champions, and for also having ended in tragedy with the death of Cedric Diggory and for the Rebirth of Lord Voldemort. In light of these tragedies, the Triwizard Tournament was permanently discontinued without any further plans to reinstate it.

History of the Tournament

The Triwizard Tournament was established roughly seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the wizarding schools the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and the Durmstrang Institute. Held every five years, the competition would be hosted by each school in turn, the judges for the Tournament comprising the headmasters or headmistresses of the schools.[1]

Rules and customs


The Goblet of Fire.

Each competing school is allowed one Champion to represent them during the Tournament. Students wishing to participate write their names and the school they attend on a piece of parchment, and enter it into the Goblet of Fire. The Goblet is an impartial judge, and selects what it considers to be the best student from each school. At the appointed time, the Goblet ejects the names, making each selected student the official Champion for their school. Each selected Champion is then bound by a magical contract to see the Tournament through to the end.

Each Tournament consists of three tasks designed to test the Champion’s courage, intelligence, resourcefulness, and magical ability. These tasks are exceedingly dangerous and differ from year to year.

Champions receive marks in each of the tasks from a panel of judges, usually made up of the headmasters or headmistresses of the competing schools.

Each Champion is supposed to stand alone during the Tournament, receiving no outside help from anyone, including friends and teachers. Cheating is frowned upon, though it has been known to take place several times during the history of the Tournament, and some people believe it to be a traditional part of the event.

The Yule Ball, held on Christmas Day night, is a traditional part of the Tournament. The Ball usually includes a feast, and a formal dance where the Champions and their partners lead the host school in dancing. Students old enough to attend are allowed to bring a friend. Students that are too young to attend may attend if invited by a student old enough to attend the ball.[1]

1792 Triwizard Tournament

«Well, the Heads of the participating schools are always on the panel, because all three of them were injured during the Tournament of 1792, when a cockatrice the champions were supposed to be catching went on the rampage. It’s all in Hogwarts: A History.«
—A description of the Tournament that this Head attended.[src]

The Triwizard Tournament was held in 1792, and one of the tasks involved catching a cockatrice. However, the beast went on a rampage and injured three of the judges, the Heads of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The event was recorded in the book Hogwarts, A History, indicating that the 1792 Tournament was possibly held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Tournament was cancelled after this incident, but several unsuccessful attempts were made to resurrect it.[1]

1994 Triwizard Tournament


«Oh, details! They’ve signed, haven’t they? They’ve agreed haven’t they? I bet you anything these kids’ll know soon enough anyway. I mean it’s happening at Hogwarts —«
—Ludo Bagman[src]


Barty Crouch Sr., Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

A revival of the Tournament occurred in 1994. Barty Crouch Sr., Head of the Ministry of Magic’s Department of International Magical Cooperation, in conjunction with Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, worked with their opposite numbers in other countries to revive the Tournament. However, due to the dangerous nature of the Tournament, it was decided that some changes were to be made to the rules, with the main one being that no student under the age of seventeen was allowed to enter or compete (some students did try to).[1]

The Tournament preparations were shrouded in secrecy, although Cornelius Fudge was obliged to inform the Muggle Prime Minister that the Ministry would be importing several dragons from Romania, as well as a sphinx from Egypt, for use in the competition.[2]

The Schemes of Lord Voldemort

«One more curse … my faithful servant at Hogwarts … Harry Potter is as good as mine, Wormtail. It is decided. There will be no more argument.«
—Lord Voldemort[src]

Despite the secrecy surrounding the Triwizard Tournament, Lord Voldemort found out about it from Bertha Jorkins, a Ministry employee in the Department of Magical Games and Sports who had been holidaying in Albania and had run into Peter Pettigrew at an inn. Pettigrew brought her before Voldemort, who, using Dark Magic, extracted from her mind information concerning the Tournament. He also learned that one of his faithful servants, Barty Crouch Jr, was still alive and under the Imperius Curse at his father’s home.

Armed with this information, Voldemort set a plan into motion. He freed Crouch Jr from the Imperius Curse, and ordered him to disguise himself as Alastor Moody, Hogwarts’ new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. There, he would manipulate the Tournament as his Master commanded to achieve the Dark Lord’s goal: the destruction of Harry Potter.[1]

The Goblet of Fire


Students entering their names into the Goblet of Fire.

On September 1, 1994, Hogwarts Headmaster Albus Dumbledore announced to the school that they would be playing host to the Triwizard Tournament. Preparations were made for the arrival of the delegations from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Durmstrang Institute, including an extra-thorough cleaning of the castle.

On 30 October, the delegation from Beauxbatons arrived in a large carriage pulled by Abraxan horses. The delegation of Beauxbatons pupils was led by their Headmistress, Madam Olympe Maxime. Shortly after their arrival, the delegation from Durmstrang, under the watchful eye of their High master Professor Igor Karkaroff, arrived in a magical ship that could travel underwater.

A feast to welcome the new arrivals was held in the Great Hall, where Professor Dumbledore introduced the other Tournament judges — Bartemius Crouch Sr and Ludo Bagman — to the assembled students. After explaining the rules of the Tournament, Dumbledore unveiled both the Goblet of Fire and the Triwizard Cup. Students would have until the start of the Halloween Feast the following day to enter their names. In agreement with the new rules regarding underage students entering the Tournament, Dumbledore drew an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire.


Albus Dumbledore receives the names of the Champions selected by the Goblet of Fire.

The following day, 31 October, the school was abuzz with rumours and speculation over who would enter the Tournament. All of the Durmstrang delegation entered, and so, presumably, did all the Beauxbatons students. Among the entrants for Hogwarts were Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor, Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff and C. Warrington from Slytherin. Fred and George Weasley attempted to bypass the Age Line by using an Ageing Potion but were repulsed by the Age Line and grew long white beards. S. Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Summers of Hufflepuff suffered the same misfortune.

At some point, most likely during the night, Barty Crouch Jr, who was using Polyjuice Potion to pose as Professor Moody, bewitched the Goblet with a powerful Confundus Charm. He made the Goblet believe that there would be four schools entering the competition, then entered Harry Potter’s name on a scrap of parchment under a false school name. Since no other entrant would be associated with the school, Harry’s name was the only one that the Goblet could select.[1]

The selection of the Champions

During the Hallowe’en feast, Dumbledore presided over the selection of the Champions. Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang, was selected first, followed by Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons. The Goblet selected Cedric Diggory as the Hogwarts Champion. All three Champions left the Great Hall to receive further instructions.

To the surprise of everybody, the Goblet spat out a fourth name, as Barty Crouch Jr. had intended. Harry Potter, like the rest of the school, was shocked to hear his name called, and went to join the other Champions. After a heated debate, during which Karkaroff and Maxime questioned the motives of Dumbledore and the Ministry, since Hogwarts now had two Champions, it became clear that Harry must participate. Despite his not having entered his own name in the Goblet, the fact that his name had been entered and selected by the Goblet constituted a magical contract that bound him to compete. Even his age was not a real issue; the Age Line was only an effort to stop unprepared students entering and being killed. Traditionally, students as young as Harry had been allowed to compete in the Tournament.[1]

The Daily Prophet and the Weighing of the Wands


Rita Skeeter.

The revival of the Tournament was big news in itself, and with the revelation that Harry was competing, the Daily Prophet assigned Rita Skeeter to cover the competition, along with her photographer, Bozo. Publicity for the Tournament was of paramount importance to the Ministry, since a successful competition would bring much prestige and respect. The Champions were required to pose for photographs and to give interviews.

However, Skeeter was more interested in Harry than in the Tournament or the other Champions; her first article centred heavily on Harry and her version of his life story, at the expense of the other Champions; Cedric, for example, wasn’t even mentioned. She believed that stories about the Boy Who Lived would be of more interest to the public, and, by extension, would enhance her own reputation. Her following articles were similarly themed, focusing less on the Tournament and more on Harry and his personal life.

Before the Tournament could commence, each Champion’s wand had to be tested to ensure that it was in full working order and would be able to be used effectively by the Champion during the tasks.

Garrick Ollivander, of Ollivanders Wand Shop, presided over a short ceremony in which he tested each wand in turn, examining it for defects and breakages, then performing a simple magic spell to see how it responded. Satisfied that all the wands were in excellent condition, he pronounced that they were fit for the Tournament.[1]

The First Task

«The first task is designed to test your daring, so we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard … very important …«
—Bartemius Crouch Sr.[src]


The dragons in the Forbidden Forest.

The First Task of the Triwizard Tournament took place on 24 November, and the objective was to retrieve a golden egg that was being guarded by a dragon — the egg would be located within a clutch of real dragon eggs. Using Sleeping Draughts, a team of wizards, including Charlie Weasley, transported nesting mothers of different breeds to Great Britain from a dragon sanctuary in Romania. The dragons were hidden in the Forbidden Forest to stop students from discovering them. However, despite the secrecy, the Champions became aware of the task that faced them. Rubeus Hagrid, a great lover of dragons, innocently invited Olympe Maxime to watch the dragons with him, unaware that she would tell her Champion, Fleur Delacour, about them. Harry Potter was also present, again at Hagrid’s request, to see what was in store for him, hidden under his Invisibility Cloak. Igor Karkaroff sneaked into the Forest to discover what was being hidden, and told his Champion, Viktor Krum. Even though Cedric Diggory was not present, he was told about the dragons from Harry, who considered it unfair that Cedric should be the only one of the Champions who had no clue what the First Task was.

After lunch on the day of the First Task, the Champions assembled in a tent near the arena that had been built specifically for the Task. In the tent, they were informed of the task ahead by Barty Crouch Sr. and Ludo Bagman, who would also be acting as judges alongside Professor Dumbledore, Madame Maxime, and Professor Karkaroff. Each Champion was required to dip their hand into a bag that contained miniature replicas of the various dragons they would face, and pull one out. They would then face the real version in the arena. In addition, each miniature dragon had a small number hung around its neck, indicating which order they would face in.

Cedric Diggory tackled the task first, against a Swedish Short-Snout. He used a Transfiguration spell to change a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. He was partially successful; the dragon took the bait, and Cedric went for the Golden egg. Halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric, and burned his face. Cedric retrieved the egg, however, and passed the task.


Harry Potter faces a Hungarian Horntail in the First Task.

Second was Fleur Delacour, who faced a Common Welsh Green. She enchanted the dragon to sleep, but while retrieving the golden egg, the dragon snored and let out a jet of flame that set her skirt alight. She extinguished the flames, and retrieved her egg. Viktor Krum was third, facing a Chinese Fireball. He used the Conjunctivitis Curse to blind the dragon and retrieve his egg. However, he was docked points when the dragon stumbled around and smashed half of the real eggs. Harry Potter drew the fiercest of them all, the Hungarian Horntail. On the advice of Crouch Jr. (disguised as Professor Moody), he used a Summoning Charm to bring his Firebolt broomstick to him, and manoeuvred past the dragon to retrieve his egg.

After the First Task, Harry and Viktor were tied for first place, with Cedric in second, and Fleur in third. The champions were told that, the Golden egg they retrieved contained a clue on how to pass the Second Task. Without it, they had little chance of succeeding.[1]

The Golden Egg

«Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you’re searching, ponder this;
We’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss,
An hour long you’ll have to look,
And recover what we took,
But past an hour — the prospect’s black,
Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back.
—The song heard when the Golden egg is open under the water.[src]


The Golden egg.

The golden egg, obtained by the Champions by successfully defeating their dragon in the First Task, contained a vital clue on how to approach and pass the Second Task. However, when opened, the egg shrieked and wailed in a loud, high-pitched whine that assaulted the hearing of anyone within range. To obtain the information contained within the egg, the Champions first had to decipher how to access it.

How Fleur and Viktor worked out the clue is unknown, but Cedric had help from Barty Crouch Jr. (in the guise of Professor Moody), who told him to open the egg underwater and listen to it. He did this in the Prefect’s bathroom, and, instead of the wailing and screeching, heard a voice singing. It took him a while to figure out that the verse referred to the Lake and the merpeople living in it. Crouch Jr knew that Cedric — being a fair competitor — would pass on the knowledge to Harry. This allowed Crouch Jr to keep manipulating Harry’s involvement in the Tournament without Harry suspecting that it was anything other than a teacher looking out for him.[1]

The Yule Ball

The Yule Ball

On Christmas Eve, the Yule Ball was held. The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang joined their Hogwarts hosts in a feast, followed by a formal dance. The Ball was also attended by several Ministry officials, including Ludo Bagman and Percy Weasley, who was deputising for the poorly Mr. Crouch. In addition to the dance, the Weird Sisters performed a number of their songs.

During the Ball, Igor Karkaroff confronted Severus Snape over the fact that their Dark Marks had started to become bolder, although neither knew the reason behind it. In addition, Rita Skeeter, in her Animagus form as a beetle, attended the Ball and eavesdropped on a conversation between Hagrid and Madame Maxime regarding Hagrid’s giant mother.

Towards the end of the Ball, Cedric approached Harry and told him to take the golden egg into the bath, even giving him access to the prefects’ bathroom, in return for Harry’s warnings about the dragons.[1]

The machinations of Barty Crouch Jr.

«He asked me whether I was ready to risk everything for him. It was my dream, my greatest ambition, to serve him, to prove myself to him.«
—Barty Crouch Jr.[src]


Moaning Myrtle

Harry took Cedric’s advice about the egg, and, with a little help from Moaning Myrtle, worked out the clue. Only one last thing remained — figuring out how to breathe underwater for an hour.

Crouch Jr, who knew what each of the Tasks were beforehand, had arranged for the answer to be in Harry’s reach. At the start of the school year, while teaching a Defense Against the Dark Arts class about Unforgivable Curses, he had upset Neville Longbottom by demonstrating the Cruciatus Curse. Under the guise of comforting him, he gave Neville a book entitled Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean which contained the answer to Harry’s dilemma — gillyweed.

However, Crouch Jr failed to realise that Harry would not turn to Neville for help in the run-up to the Second Task. Knowing that he had to somehow get gillyweed into Harry’s possession, he summoned the house-elf Dobby — whom he knew to be a friend of Harry’s — to the Staffroom to collect his cloak for cleaning. While there, he staged a conversation with Professor McGonagall where he mentioned gillyweed in relation to the Second Task. Dobby, overhearing the conversation as Crouch Jr had intended, then stole gillyweed from the private potions store of Professor Snape.[1]


Harry used gillyweed for the Second Task.

The Second Task

«Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them.«
—Ludo Bagman[src]

Taking place on February 24, 1995, the Second Task would involve the Champions swimming into the Black Lake to retrieve something that had been stolen from each of them. On the morning of the Task, Dobby woke Harry up, and gave him the gillyweed to use.

All four Champions assembled on the shore of the lake, and were told that they had one hour to retrieve that which had been stolen from them from the merpeople’s village, and return. The Champions entered the water; Harry had to eat the gillyweed, which gave him gills to breathe underwater, and webbed hands and feet to allow him to swim faster. Both Fleur and Cedric utilised the Bubble-Head Charm, while Viktor partially Transfigured himself into a shark. Spectators had no knowledge of what was happening during the task until at least one champion returned, but were able to monitor time remaining by observing a provided clock.

The four Champions headed through the lake to the village; although Fleur was forced to retire when she was attacked by grindylows. Harry reached the village first to find that the «item» that had been stolen from each Champion were people close to them. Placed in an enchanted sleep, then tied to the tail of a stone Merperson, were Harry’s best friend, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, who had been Viktor’s date to the Yule Ball, Cedric’s girlfriend Cho Chang, and Fleur’s younger sister, Gabrielle.


A Merperson confronting Harry Potter in the Black Lake.

Concerned for the safety of all the «hostages», Harry refused to just take Ron and go. Cedric arrived shortly after and rescued Cho, followed by Viktor. Viktor’s partial Transfiguration had left him with the head of a shark, and he found it difficult to free Hermione. Harry passed him a sharp rock to cut her bonds with, then Viktor left carrying Hermione and headed for the surface. With no sign of Fleur, Harry made the decision to rescue both the remaining hostages himself. Although the merpeople objected and tried to stop him, Harry managed to free himself, and dragged Ron and Gabrielle to the surface.

Back on shore, Harry learned from Ron that none of them had ever been in real danger, and that he should have just rescued him and got back as quickly as possible. Cedric, the first Champion back, had arrived one minute outside of the one hour time limit, followed by Viktor in second place. Harry was third, and, because she did not finish, Fleur was in last place.

File:Viktor-Krum-partially-Transfigured as a shark, Saves Hermione at the 1994 Triwizard Tournament 2nd Task.gif

Viktor Krum, partially Transfigured into a shark, retrieves Hermione during the Second Task.

Despite finishing third, Merchieftainess Murcus informed Dumbledore that Harry arrived at the hostages first, and only his desire to see them all safe had stopped him from finishing first. After a conversation with his fellow judges, which included Percy Weasley deputising for the ill Mr. Crouch, it was decided that Harry, for showing moral fibre, would be awarded second place.

Cedric scored forty-seven points, Harry scored forty-five points, Viktor earned forty points, and Fleur came last with twenty-five points. After the first two tasks, Harry and Cedric were tied for first place, with Viktor second, and Fleur third.[1]

The Third Task

«Oh, find the cup, if you can, but be careful. You might just lose yourself along the way.«
—Albus Dumbledore[src]

On June 24, the Third Task was to navigate a maze grown on the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch. The maze was populated by various obstacles and dangers that each Champion had to overcome. Crouch Jr, as Professor Moody, was entrusted with placing the Triwizard Cup at the centre of the maze. While doing this, he enchanted the Cup to be a Portkey that would be activated by touch.

File:The Maze (Triwizard Tournament 3rd Task Concept Artwork).png

The maze.

Cedric and Harry, tying for first place after two tasks, were to enter the maze first, followed by Viktor, and then Fleur. The first Champion to successfully navigate the maze and reach the Cup would be declared the winner.

During the task, Cedric encountered a Blast-Ended Skrewt, which he barely escaped from. Harry had to deal with a Boggart in the form of a Dementor, and overcame an odd golden mist which turned things upside-down. Crouch Jr, however, was leaving nothing to chance. Using Moody’s magical eye, he watched events unfold in the maze, keeping the more dangerous obstacles out of Harry’s path. He also Stunned Fleur, and placed the Imperius Curse on Viktor. He used Viktor to attack Cedric with the Cruciatus Curse in order to clear Harry’s path to the Cup.

File:The Goblet of Fire Triwizard cup Portkey.jpg

The Triwizard Cup.

Harry encountered the Blast-Ended Skrewt that had attacked Cedric, then heard Cedric being tortured, and rescued him by Stunning Viktor. Cedric and Harry parted company, and Harry had to answer a riddle from a sphinx to continue on into the maze.

Cedric and Harry joined forces to defeat an Acromantula, before they both arrived at the Cup together. After an argument over who deserved to win more, they decided to take the Cup together, since it would still be a Hogwarts victory. Touching the Cup at the same moment, they activated it as a Portkey, and were transported out of the maze.[1]

The Tragedy in Little Hangleton

Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter duel in the Little Hangleton graveyard.

Harry and Cedric were instantly transported to the graveyard in Little Hangleton. After a moment’s confusion, Harry recognized the graveyard from dreams he had been having, and warned Cedric that they needed to get back to the Cup. Before they could, Peter Pettigrew emerged from the darkness, carrying the weakened form of Lord Voldemort. On Voldemort’s orders, Pettigrew murdered Cedric using the Killing Curse.

Pettigrew captured Harry, binding him to the grave of Voldemort’s father, and performed an ancient magical ritual. Using the bones of the father, the flesh of the servant, meaning himself, and the blood of an enemy, Pettigrew restored Voldemort to full vitality. Lord Voldemort called his Death Eaters to him, and planned to murder Harry.

Harry and Voldemort engaged in a brief duel, but their wand cores connected and created the effect known as Priori Incantatem, and the «echoes» of Voldemort’s past victims, including Cedric Diggory, Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins, and James and Lily Potter, emerged from Voldemort’s wand. They helped Harry to escape from Voldemort by distracting the Dark Lord, giving him enough time to reach Cedric’s body, then Summon the Portkey to him and return them both to Hogwarts.[1]


«Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort… The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this.. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory.«
—Dumbledore speaking to all of the students of Hogwarts, and the students who went there for the Tri-Wizard Tournament[src]

Harry Potter returns Cedric Diggory’s body to Hogwarts.

Returning to Hogwarts with Cedric’s body, Harry was promptly whisked away from the crowds by Crouch Jr, still in the disguise of Professor Moody. As the assembled crowd learned that Cedric was dead, Dumbledore realised that something was amiss with Moody, since the real Moody would never have taken Harry away from the tragic scene.

In Moody’s office, Crouch Jr started to question Harry about what had happened, and how it felt to stand in the Dark Lord’s presence. Harry, unnerved by Moody’s seeming adoration of Voldemort — something that went against everything he knew about Moody — was shortly rescued by Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. Soon the effects of Crouch Jr’s Polyjuice Potion wore off, since, in the excitement, he had neglected to take it at the proper time to maintain his cover, and his duplicity was revealed. Under the effects of Veritaserum, Crouch described Lord Voldemort’s plan to resurrect himself and Crouch Jr’s own involvement in getting Harry to the graveyard.

Dumbledore passed the information of Lord Voldemort’s return to Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge, who had been acting as a judge for the Third Task. Fudge insisted that he could not be back. Meanwhile, Fudge had a Dementor Kiss Barty Jr., effectively destroying a valuable piece of evidence proving the Dark Lord’s return. In the face of the Ministry’s refusal to accept the truth, Dumbledore reconstituted the Order of the Phoenix to stand against Voldemort.

Despite Cedric’s death, Harry was recorded as the official winner of the Tournament and given the thousand Galleons prize money; there was originally supposed to be an award ceremony, which was cancelled due to the circumstances. He attempted to give it to Cedric’s parents, but they refused it. In the end, he gave the money to Fred and George Weasley, who used it to establish Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.[1][3]

Because of the Ministry’s denials that Lord Voldemort had returned, Cedric’s death was labelled a tragic accident, and it was not until a year later, when Fudge saw with his own eyes that the Dark Lord had returned, that the true cause of Cedric’s death was made public.[3]

As a result of a champion’s death despite the new safety regulations imposed, the Triwizard Tournament was permanently discontinued without any further plans were made to reinstate it.

Behind the scenes


The Beauxbatons carriage and the Durmstrang ship leaving Hogwarts at the end of the year, side by side.

  • During the 1994-1995 tournament, the prize was 1000 Galleons. It is not stated if the prize value has been consistent throughout the tournament’s history. According to Quidditch Through the Ages, 1000 Galleons in the 13th century would have amounted to several millions in modern currency.
  • Despite «eternal glory» being given to whoever wins the Triwizard Tournament, no previous winners of the competition have ever been mentioned.
  • It is interesting to note that each Champion has a different wand core: Harry’s is phoenix feather, Cedric’s is unicorn hair, Fleur’s is Veela hair, and Viktor’s is dragon heartstring.
  • The book gives the arrival of the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons teams as Friday, 30 October. 30th October, 1994 was a Sunday.
  • In an interview, J.K. Rowling revealed that the Triwizard Tournament was originally intended to have four tasks, each representing the classical four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, but conceiving a task for all four proved too difficult and Air and Fire were finally combined in the form of the dragons, with the lake representing Water and the maze representing Earth.[citation needed]
  • In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, several changes are made to the Tasks of the Triwizard Tournament, although the basic events and structure are retained.
    • During the First Task, the Hungarian Horntail breaks free of its chains and chases Harry around Hogwarts Castle before Harry retrieves the Golden Egg. However, in the books the dragon is not chained down anyway. Also, in the books Harry retrieves the Golden egg by skillful flying derived from his Quidditch skills rather than just by inducing the dragon to run into an obstacle, which he does in the movie.
    • Due to Dobby being cut from the film, he does not steal the gillyweed for Harry. Neville Longbottom gives Harry the idea to use gillyweed and obtains it for him. In addition, the book Moody (Crouch Jr.) gives him is called Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs, whereas in the books it is called Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranian.
    • During the Third Task in the movie, there are no encounters with a Blast-Ended Skrewt, a boggart, a sphinx, or an acromantula. Instead, the maze itself comes to life and attacks the Champions. Also, in the movie Krum attacks Fleur rather than Cedric.
    • The maze is in the movie much larger than the one in the book, which was held entirely in the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch.
    • In the movie, there is no mention of Ludo Bagman.
    • In the movie, there was no mention of 1000 galleons as a prize or Harry giving it to Fred and George Weasley.
  • In LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, part of the dragon chase takes place in Hogwarts castle, with Hermione helping Harry to defeat the dragon.
  • Out of the four champions of the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, three were Quidditch players and they were all three Seekers. Although it has never been mentioned if Fleur Delacour plays Quidditch for any teams, but it is very unlikely, because in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Bill Weasley mentioned that Fleur was not fond of brooms.
  • After filming the second task, Daniel Radcliffe revealed that he spent a total of forty-one hours and thirty-eight minutes underwater to film the scenes.
  • Hagrid says in the book that he never thought he’d live to see the Triwizard Tournament played again. However, the Tournament was supposed to be cancelled in 1792. This can be assumed to be another unsuccessful attempt to resurrect it.
  • Note that all the Triwizard Champions of the 1994 school year were the same genders as their corresponding headmaster/mistress.
  • With the Durmstrang students sitting next to Slytherin, and Beauxbatons students next to Ravenclaw, a champion was selected from each of the four tables of the Great Hall.


1994 Triwizard Tournament Champions


Second Task captives


Dumbledore and Elder Wand

School crests


  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (First appearance)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game) (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Book (Various mentions; depiction of Harry evading Hungarian Horntail to obtain Golden Egg)
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
  • Pottermore (Mentioned only)
  • Harry Potter for Kinect
  • LEGO Harry Potter

Notes and references

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  2. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  3. 3.0 3.1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The Triwizard Tournament
Triwizard cup.jpg
Objects: Goblet of Fire • Casket • Golden egg • Triwizard Cup
Schools: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic • Durmstrang Institute • Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
1994-1995 Triwizard Champions: Fleur Delacour • Viktor Krum • Cedric Diggory • Harry Potter

Турнир Трех Волшебников

Турнир Трех Волшебников — Triwizard Tournament


« Турнир трех волшебников был впервые учрежден около семисот лет назад как дружеское соревнование между тремя крупнейшими европейскими школами волшебства: Хогвартсом, Шармбатоном и Дурмстрангом. Для представления каждой школы был выбран чемпион, и три чемпиона соревновались в трех магических задачах. Школы по очереди проводили турнир один раз в пять лет, и в целом было решено, что это будет лучший способ наладить связи между молодыми ведьмами и волшебниками разных национальностей — пока, то есть, число погибших не стало настолько высоким. что турнир был прекращен «.
Альбус Дамблдор, объясняющий турнир [src]

Турнире Трех Волшебников был волшебный конкурс , который проводится между тремя крупнейшими магических школ в Европе : Хогвартс , Дурмстранге институт и шармбатон , каждая школа быть представлена одним чемпионом. Отобранные чемпионы соревнуются в трех задачах, которые традиционно решаются директорами школ-участниц, и призванными проверить магические способности, интеллект и храбрость. Чемпионы соревновались за честь и славу победы в Турнире, за Кубок Трех Волшебников и денежный приз. Первый турнир прошел где-то в конце13 век . [1] [3]

Турнир был известен за то , что чрезвычайно опасно: многие чемпионы погибли во время соревнований, и это было прекращено в какой — то момент или после 1792 года , из — за высокой смертности потери. [1]

В 1994 году турнир был возобновлен с введенными ограничениями в попытке предотвратить потенциальную смерть. [1] Одно из этих ограничений заключалось в том, что все кандидаты должны были быть старше волшебного возраста совершеннолетия (17 лет), иначе им не разрешили бы подавать заявки на звание чемпиона. [2] Турнир Трех Волшебников 1994 года известен тем, что в нем участвовали четыре чемпиона, [2] а также тем, что он закончился трагедией со смертью Седрика Диггори и возрождением лорда Волан-де-Морта . [4] Никаких последующих турниров после смерти Седрика не проводилось. [5]


  • 1 История турниров

    • 1.1 1792 Турнир Трех Волшебников
    • 1.2 1994 Турнир Трех Волшебников
    • 1.3 Конец турнира
  • 2 Правила и обычаи
  • 3 За кадром
  • 4 появления
  • 5 Примечания и ссылки

История турниров

Турнир Трех Волшебников был учрежден примерно семьсот лет назад как дружеское соревнование между школами волшебства — школой чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс , Академией магии Шармбатона и Институтом Дурмстранга . Соревнования, проводимые каждые пять лет, будут проводиться каждой школой по очереди, а судьями Турнира будут директора или директора школ. [1]

Турнир проводился как минимум 125 раз: Хогвартс одержал 63 победы, а Шармбатон — 62. [3]

Из-за рисков, связанных с преодолением чрезвычайно опасных задач и растущего числа смертей, Турнир был в конечном итоге прекращен в какой-то момент в 1790-х годах или позже . Было предпринято множество попыток возродить турнир, но ни одна из них не увенчалась успехом до 1994-1995 учебного года, когда он проводился в замке Хогвартс . [1] Несмотря на новый набор правил, введенных для предотвращения новых смертей, чемпион, тем не менее, умер в конце. [4] В связи с этим турнир был окончательно прекращен. [5]

1792 Турнир Трех Волшебников

» Ну, руководители участвующих школ всегда на панели, потому что все три из них были ранены во время турнира 1792 года, когда василиск . Чемпионы должны были поймать пошли на рожон Это все в Хогвартс: История . «
— Описание турнира [src]

Турнир Трех Волшебников проводился в 1792 году , и одна из задач заключалась в поимке василиса . Однако зверь пришел в ярость и ранил троих судей, глав Хогвартса , Шармбатона и Дурмстранга . Событие было записано в книге « Хогвартс, история» , что указывает на то, что турнир 1792 года, возможно, проводился в школе чародейства и волшебства Хогвартс . Турнир был отменен после этого инцидента, но было предпринято несколько неудачных попыток его воскресить. [6]

1994 Турнир Трех Волшебников

« О, подробности! Они подписали, не так ли? Они согласились, не так ли? Держу пари, что эти дети все равно узнают достаточно скоро. Я имею в виду, что это происходит в Хогвартсе… »
Людо Бэгмен о турнире [src]

, Глава

Возрождение турнира произошло в 1994 году . Барти Крауч старший , глава отдела международного магического сотрудничества Министерства магии , вместе с Людо Бэгманом , главой отдела магических игр и спорта , работали со своими коллегами в других странах, чтобы возродить Турнир. Однако из-за опасного характера турнира было решено внести некоторые изменения в правила, главным из которых было то, что учащимся младше семнадцати лет не разрешалось участвовать или участвовать в соревнованиях (некоторые студенты действительно пытались ). [2] Подготовка к турниру была засекречена, хотя Корнелиус Фадж был обязан проинформировать Премьер-министр маглов сообщил, что министерство импортирует несколько драконов из Румынии, а также сфинкса из Египта для использования в соревнованиях. [7]

Дурмстранг Шармбатон Хогвартс
Старший мастер
Игорь Каркаров Олимп Максим Альбус Дамблдор
Чемпион [2] Виктор Крам Флер Делакур Седрик Диггори Гарри Поттер
Первое задание ( 24 ноября 1994 г. [8] )
Порядок участия [8] 3
Соперник [8] Китайский огненный шар Обыкновенный валлийский зеленый Шведский короткомордый Венгерский роговой хвост
Метод [8] Проклятие конъюнктивита Заколдованный сон Заклинание рок для собаки Полет ( заклинание призыва, приносящее его Огненную стрелу )
Размещение [8] 1
Yull Ball ( 25 декабря 1994 г.)
Гермиона Грейнджер Роджер Дэвис Чо Чанг Парвати Патил
Вторая задача ( +24 февраля , 1 995 [9] )
Заложник [9] Гермиона Грейнджер Габриэль Делакур Чо Чанг Рональд Уизли
Метод [9] Частичное заклинание от человека к акуле Амулет пузыря Жаберонник
Оценка [9] 40
Размещение [9] 2
Третье задание ( 24 июня 1995 г. [10] )
Порядок участия [10] 2

Конец турнира

« Седрик Диггори был убит лордом Волан-де-Мортом … Министерство магии не хочет, чтобы я вам это рассказывал … Однако я считаю, что правда в целом предпочтительнее лжи, и что любая попытка притвориться, что Седрик умер в результате несчастного случая или по своей собственной ошибке, это оскорбление его памяти «.
— Дамблдор обращается ко всем студентам [src]

Карета Шармбатона и корабль Дурмстранг, покидающий Хогвартс в конце года, бок о бок

Вернувшись в Хогвартс с телом Седрика, Гарри быстро унес из толпы Крауч-младший, все еще в облике профессора Грюма. Когда собравшаяся толпа узнала, что Седрик мертв, Дамблдор понял, что с Грюмом что-то не так, поскольку настоящий Грюм никогда бы не увел Гарри с трагической сцены. [4]

В офисе Муди Крауч-младший начал расспрашивать Гарри о том, что произошло, и о том, каково было стоять в присутствии Темного Лорда. Гарри, встревоженный кажущимся обожанием Грюма Волдеморта — что шло вразрез со всем, что он знал о Грюме — вскоре спасли профессора Дамблдор, МакГонагалл и Снейп. Вскоре действие Оборотного зелья Крауча-младшего прекратилось, так как из-за волнения он забыл принять его вовремя, чтобы сохранить свое прикрытие, и его двуличие раскрылось. Под воздействием Veritaserum, предоставленного профессором Снейпом, Крауч описал план лорда Волан-де-Морта по воскрешению себя и собственное участие Крауча-младшего в доставке Гарри на кладбище. [4]

Дамблдор передал информацию о возвращении лорда Волан-де-Морта министру магии Корнелиусу Фаджу , который выступал в качестве судьи Третьего задания. Поскольку он читал клеветнические отчеты Риты Скитер , Фадж настаивал на том, что он не может вернуться. Между тем, у Фаджа был Дементор Поцелуй Крауча-младшего, эффективно устраняющий любые подтверждающие свидетельства о возвращении Темного Лорда. Перед лицом отказа Министерства признать правду Дамблдор восстановил Орден Феникса, чтобы противостоять Волан-де-Морту. [11]

для умершего Седрика Диггори

Несмотря на смерть Седрика, Гарри был зарегистрирован как официальный победитель Турнира и получил денежный приз в тысячу галлеонов ; Изначально должна была состояться церемония награждения, которая была отменена в связи с обстоятельствами. Он попытался передать его родителям Седрика, но они отказались. [12] В конце концов, он отдал деньги Фреду и Джорджу Уизли , [12] которые использовали их для создания Wizard Wheezes Уизли . [12] [13]

Сразу после победы Гарри двое судей Турнира сразу же убежали подальше. Каркаров почувствовал возвращение Волан-де-Морта и призвал всех Пожирателей Смерти, и, будучи тем, кто продал многих своих товарищей, отказался от результатов турнира ради своей жизни. Бэгмен сделал ставку против своих кредиторов-гоблинов, что Гарри выиграет турнир, но они посчитали, что Гарри и Седрик выиграли вместе. Поэтому не на то, на что сделал ставку Бэгмен, Людо сбежал, чтобы избежать выплаты сильно увеличившегося долга, который он не мог себе позволить. [12]

Из-за того, что Министерство отрицало, что Лорд Волан-де-Морт вернулся, смерть Седрика была названа трагическим несчастным случаем, [14] и только год спустя, когда Фадж собственными глазами увидел, что Темный Лорд вернулся, что истинная причина смерти Седрика смерть была предана гласности. [15]

В результате смерти чемпиона, несмотря на введенные новые правила безопасности, Турнир Трех Волшебников был окончательно прекращен, и никаких дальнейших планов по его восстановлению не предпринималось. [5]

Правила и обычаи

Каждой участвующей школе разрешается представлять одного чемпиона во время Турнира. Учащиеся, желающие принять участие, пишут свои имена и название школы на листе пергамента и помещают его в Кубок Огня . Кубок является беспристрастным судьей и выбирает лучших учеников из каждой школы. В назначенное время кубок выбрасывает имена, делая каждого выбранного ученика официальным чемпионом своей школы. Затем каждый выбранный чемпион заключает магический контракт, чтобы довести турнир до конца. [2]

Каждый турнир состоит из трех задач, предназначенных для проверки храбрости, интеллекта, находчивости и магических способностей чемпионов. [16] Эти задачи чрезвычайно опасны и меняются из года в год. [1]

Чемпионы получают оценки за каждое из заданий судейской коллегией, состоящей из директоров школ-участниц. [8] [9]

Каждый Чемпион должен стоять в одиночестве во время Турнира, не получая никакой посторонней помощи ни от кого, включая друзей и учителей. К мошенничеству относятся с неодобрением, хотя известно, что он происходил несколько раз на протяжении истории турнира, и некоторые люди считают, что это традиционная часть турнира. [8]

Юла бал , состоявшийся в день Рождества ночь, является традиционной частью турнира. [17] [18] Бал включает в себя застолье и формальный танец, в котором Чемпионы и их партнеры ведут танцевальную школу в принимающей школе. [18] Студентам, достигшим возраста, достаточного для посещения, разрешается привести с собой друга. Студенты, которые слишком малы для посещения, могут присутствовать на балу, если их пригласит студент, достаточно взрослый для участия в балу. [17] [18]

Во время Турнира 1994 года были добавлены новые правила в противовес предыдущим спискам погибших в надежде обезопасить участников. Одно из таких правил заключалось в том, что в турнире не могли участвовать ученики младше 17 лет. [2] Это произошло из-за смерти Седрика Диггори, несмотря на эти новые меры безопасности, из-за которых турнир был отменен навсегда. [5]

За кулисами

  • Вполне вероятно, что Турнир Трех Волшебников можно рассматривать как Волшебный эквивалент Олимпийских игр. Чемпионы, представляющие свои соответствующие школы / страны, соревнуются за честь и славу в играх, предназначенных для проверки их способностей, причем соответствующая школа каждого чемпиона поддерживает этого чемпиона, даже если им не нравится отдельный ученик (оттенки фанатов Олимпийских игр, поддерживающих их спортсменов страны происхождения, без учета личной выгоды какого-либо спортсмена). Даже судьи Турнира Трех Волшебников сидят в кабинах и выставляют свои оценки над головами, как олимпийские судьи.
  • Вероятная дата проведения первого Турнира Трех Волшебников различается в зависимости от источника. Из книги Гарри Поттер и кубок огня , глава 12 ( Турнир трех волшебников) «Турнир Трех Волшебников был впервые учрежден около семисот лет назад …» 1994 — 700 = 1294 (или около того). Однако Поттермор отмечает, что у Хогвартса 63 победы, у Шармбатона 62, поэтому было проведено минимум 125 турниров (если у Дурмстранга нет побед). 125 турниров * 5 лет = 625 лет. Если взять последний традиционный Турнир Трех Волшебников в 1794 году — 625 = 1169. Даже если некоторые из побед, приходящихся на Pottermore, были получены на современных турнирах (1994 год и позже), самая последняя возможная дата проведения первого турнира — около 1194. Конечно, это Возможно, что в некоторых случаях Турниры проводились чаще, чем раз в пять лет, по неизвестным причинам.
  • Во время турнира 1994-1995 годов приз составлял 1000 галеонов. Не указано, была ли сумма приза постоянной на протяжении всей истории турнира. Согласно «Квиддичу сквозь века», 1000 галеонов в 13 веке составили несколько миллионов в современной валюте.
  • Джоан Роулинг рассказала, что в какой-то момент во время написания « Гарри Поттера и Кубка огня» Турнир Трех Волшебников носил название «Турнир Роковых Заклинаний». [19]
  • Хагрид говорит в книге, что никогда не думал, что доживет до того, чтобы снова увидеть Турнир Трех Волшебников. Однако турнир должен был быть отменен в 1792 году. Можно предположить, что это очередная неудачная попытка его возродить.
  • В голландском переводе « Гарри Поттера и Кубка огня» ошибочно утверждается, что инцидент на турнире 1792 года был вызван скорее василиском , чем василиском . Это ошибка, поскольку разведение василисков было запрещено со времен средневековья, и использование одного из них в Турнире Трех Волшебников было бы слишком опасно, поскольку один его взгляд мог убить всю аудиторию. Эта ошибка, вероятно, вызвана тем фактом, что мифология василисков и василисков настолько похожа, что многие люди используют их имена как синонимы.


  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (первое появление)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (фильм)
  • Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня (видеоигра)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса (видеоигра) (только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и принц-полукровка (только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и Дары смерти (только упоминание)
  • Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя
  • Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя (спектакль)
  • Гарри Поттер: Всплывающая книга (различные упоминания; изображение Гарри, уклоняющегося от венгерского рогового хвоста, чтобы получить Золотое яйцо)
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Построение волшебного мира
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Персонажи волшебного мира
  • LEGO Harry Potter: годы 1–4
  • LEGO Гарри Поттер
  • Pottermore
  • Волшебный мир
  • Гарри Поттер для Kinect
  • Гарри Поттер: Хранилище персонажей
  • Гарри Поттер: Убежище существ
  • Гарри Поттер: Тайна Хогвартса (только упоминание)
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (только упоминание)
  • Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (только упоминание)

Примечания и ссылки

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 12 ( Турнир Трех Волшебников )
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , глава 16 ( Кубок огня )
  3. 3.0 3.1 Написано Дж. К. Роулинг: «Академия магии Шармбатона» в Wizarding World
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 35 ( Veritaserum )
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя
  6. Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 15 ( Шармбатон и Дурмстранг )
  7. Гарри Поттер и принц-полукровка , глава 1 ( Другой министр )
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 20 ( Первое задание )
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 26 ( Второе задание )
  10. 10.0 10.1 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 28 ( Безумие мистера Крауча )
  11. Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 36 ( Пути расходятся )
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 37 ( Начало )
  13. Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса , глава 6 ( Благородный и древнейший Дом Блэков )
  14. Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса , Глава 12 ( Профессор Амбридж )
  15. Гарри Поттер и Орден Феникса , Глава 36 ( Единственный, кого он когда-либо боялся )
  16. Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , глава 17 ( Четыре чемпиона )
  17. 17.0 17.1 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 22 ( Неожиданное задание )
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня , Глава 23 ( Святочный бал )
  19. Стенограмма живого чата Comic Relief, март 2001 г.
Турнир Трех Волшебников
Объекты и локации: Кубок огняШкатулкаЗолотое яйцоЛабиринт из живой изгородиКубок Трех Волшебников.
Школы: ШармбатонДурмстрангХогвартс
1994-1995 Чемпионы Трех Волшебников: Флер Делакур Виктор Крам Седрик Диггори Гарри Поттер

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