Как пишется вестерн юнион на английском

  • 1
    Western Union

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Western Union

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    Western Union

    «Вестерн юнион (телеграф)»

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Western Union

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    Western Union

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > Western Union

  • 4
    Western Union Telegraph Company

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Western Union Telegraph Company

  • 5
    western union joint

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > western union joint

  • 6
    Western Union joint

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > Western Union joint

  • 7
    Western Union joint

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > Western Union joint

  • 8
    Western Union joint

    простая скрутка, русская скрутка

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > Western Union joint

  • 9
    western union joint

    English-Russian dictionary of electronics > western union joint

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    Money Transfers — Western Union

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Money Transfers — Western Union

  • 11
    Money Transfers Western Union

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > Money Transfers Western Union

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    Англо-русский технический словарь > union

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    Англо-русский технический словарь > western

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    Western European Union

    WEU, Western European Union


    WU, Western European Union

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Western European Union

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    Politics english-russian dictionary > union

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    affiliated union филиал профсоюза union профессиональный союз, тред-юнион; closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов; to join the union вступить в профсоюз consensual union консенсуальный союз credit union кредитный союз (Великобритания) credit union общество взаимного кредита economic union экономический союз exchange rate union валютный союз union единение, согласие; in perfect union в полном согласии industrial trade union производственный профсоюз industrial union производственный профсоюз international trade union международная профсоюзная организация union профессиональный союз, тред-юнион; closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов; to join the union вступить в профсоюз labour union профсоюз legislative union законодательный союз local trade union местный профсоюз local union местный союз monetary union валютный союз monetary union денежный союз monetary union монетный союз national union государственное объединение passport union паспортный союз personal union личная уния real union реальная уния tariff union таможенный союз trade union профсоюз; профсоюзный trade union профсоюз trade union тред-юнион, профсоюз trade union тред-юнион; профсоюз trades union = trade union trades union = trade union union брачный союз; union of hearts брак по любви union брачный союз union единение, согласие; in perfect union в полном согласии union тех. ниппель; штуцер; муфта union объединение, соединение; союз union объединение union объединение лиц без права юридического лица; профессиональный союз union уст. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным union вчт. объединенный union профессиональный союз, тред-юнион; closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов; to join the union вступить в профсоюз union профессиональный союз union союз (государственное объединение) union союз; объединение государств; уния union союз union (the U.) студенческий клуб the Union Соединенное Королевство the Union амер. Соединенные штаты the Union уния Англии с Шотландией the Union уния Великобритании с Ирландией union attr. профсоюзный; union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза union label этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза union брачный союз; union of hearts брак по любви union of inputs вчт. объединение входящих потоков union of streams вчт. объединение потоков union attr. профсоюзный; union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза Western European Union Западноевропейский союз white-collar union профсоюз инженерно-технических работников white-collar union профсоюз служащих

    English-Russian short dictionary > union

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    ˈju:njən сущ.
    1) а) объединение, союз;
    уния to break up a union, to dissolve a union ≈ разрушить союз, расформировать объединение to form a union ≈ заключить союз, образовать союз craft union ≈ масонское братство industrial union ≈ промышленное объединение postal union ≈ почтовый союз student union ≈ студенческий союз the Union б) союз (государственное объединение) Soviet Union ≈ Советский Союз в) профсоюз, тред-юнион union officials ≈ профсоюзные руководители white-collar union ≈ профсоюз «белых воротничков» (профсоюз служащих, учителей, научных работников и т.д.) Syn: trade union г) брачный союз д) (the Union) студенческий клуб е) уст. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным
    2) а) соединение, слияние In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania. ≈ В 1918 году большинство румын этой бывшей царской провинции проголосовало за объединение с Румынией. б) единение, согласие
    3) тех. ниппель, штуцер, муфта и другие виды соединений
    соединение, слияние — the * of the three small towns into one big city took place last year в прошлом году произошло слияние трех небольших городов в один крупный город — a gracious * of excellence and strength привлекательное сочетание мастерства и силы объединение, союз — сustoms * таможенный союз уния — the U. Англо-шотландская уния (1707 г.) ;
    Англо-ирландская уния (1801 г.) (математика) объединение — * of sets объединение множеств союз (государственное объединение) — the Soviet U. (историческое) Советский Союз Соединенное Королевство — U. flag государственный флаг Соединенного королевства Соединенные Штаты — State of the U. message доклад о положении США( президента конгрессу) профессиональный союз, тред-юнион — closed * профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов — * worker член профсоюза — * wages заработная плата, утвержденная профсоюзом — * label (американизм) этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза — * сard профсоюзный билет брачный союз — * of hearts союз любящих сердец, брак по любви — a happy * счастливый союз (эвфмеизм) половое сношение — illicit * внебрачное сожительство гармония, согласие — to live in perfect * жить в полном согласии (историческое) объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным (историческое) работный дом — to go into the * жить в работном доме студенческий клуб эмблема, символизирующая объединение ( на государственном флаге) (техническое) ниппель, штуцер;
    муфта ткань из различных видов волокна;
    смесовая ткань
    affiliated ~ филиал профсоюза
    ~ профессиональный союз, тред-юнион;
    closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов;
    to join the union вступить в профсоюз
    consensual ~ консенсуальный союз
    credit ~ кредитный союз (Великобритания) credit ~ общество взаимного кредита
    economic ~ экономический союз
    exchange rate ~ валютный союз
    ~ единение, согласие;
    in perfect union в полном согласии
    industrial trade ~ производственный профсоюз
    industrial ~ производственный профсоюз
    international trade ~ международная профсоюзная организация
    ~ профессиональный союз, тред-юнион;
    closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов;
    to join the union вступить в профсоюз
    labour ~ профсоюз
    legislative ~ законодательный союз
    local trade ~ местный профсоюз
    local ~ местный союз
    monetary ~ валютный союз monetary ~ денежный союз monetary ~ монетный союз
    national ~ государственное объединение
    passport ~ паспортный союз
    personal ~ личная уния
    real ~ реальная уния
    tariff ~ таможенный союз
    trade ~ профсоюз;
    профсоюзный trade ~ профсоюз trade ~ тред-юнион, профсоюз trade ~ тред-юнион;
    профсоюз trades ~ = trade union
    trades ~ = trade union
    union брачный союз;
    union of hearts брак по любви ~ брачный союз ~ единение, согласие;
    in perfect union в полном согласии ~ тех. ниппель;
    муфта ~ объединение, соединение;
    союз ~ объединение ~ объединение лиц без права юридического лица;
    профессиональный союз ~ уст. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным ~ вчт. объединенный ~ профессиональный союз, тред-юнион;
    closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов;
    to join the union вступить в профсоюз ~ профессиональный союз ~ союз (государственное объединение) ~ союз;
    объединение государств;
    уния ~ союз ~ (the U.) студенческий клуб the Union Соединенное Королевство the Union амер. Соединенные штаты the Union уния Англии с Шотландией the Union уния Великобритании с Ирландией
    ~ attr. профсоюзный;
    union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза
    ~ label этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза
    union брачный союз;
    union of hearts брак по любви
    ~ of inputs вчт. объединение входящих потоков
    ~ of streams вчт. объединение потоков
    ~ attr. профсоюзный;
    union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза
    Western European Union Западноевропейский союз
    white-collar ~ профсоюз инженерно-технических работников white-collar ~ профсоюз служащих

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > union

  • 18
    Western European Union Chiefs of Staff

    WUCOS, Western European Union Chiefs of Staff

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Western European Union Chiefs of Staff

  • 19
    Western European Union Defense Organization

    WUDO, Western European Union Defense Organization

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Western European Union Defense Organization

  • 20
    Western European Union Finance and Economic Committee

    WUFEC, Western European Union Finance and Economic Committee

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Western European Union Finance and Economic Committee


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Western Union — Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft Sitz Greenwood Village (Colorado), USA Deutschlandzentrale: Frankfurt am Main Leitung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Western union — Logo de Western union Western Union est une entreprise financière et de communication, spécialisée dans le transfert d argent (cash to cash). Elle est basée aux États Unis et est une filiale de First Data Corporation. Son siège social est situé à …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Western union — Financial Services, Inc. Год основания 1851 Ключевые фигуры Кристина Голд (президент и Тип Публичная компания Р …   Википедия

  • Western Union — [Western Union] a US ↑telegraph company (= one offering a service of sending people’s messages by the use of electric current along wires). It was established in 1851 and used during the ↑American Civil War. Since it could deliver written… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Western Union — For other uses, see Western Union (disambiguation). The Western Union Company Type Public Traded as NYSE:  …   Wikipedia

  • Western Union — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Western Union (значения). The Western Union Company …   Википедия

  • Western Union — Para la película homónima, véase Western Union (película). The Western Union Company Tipo Pública (NYSE …   Wikipedia Español

  • Western Union — Pour la goélette, voir Western Union (schooner). Logo de Western union Western Union est une entreprise financière et de communication, spécialisée dans le transfert d argent (c …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Western Union — a US telegraph company (= one offering a service of sending people’s messages by the use of electric current along wires). It was established in 1851 and used during the American Civil War. Since it could deliver written messages quickly in an… …   Universalium

  • Western Union — Ex compañía de telégrafos de EE.UU. y actual prestadora de servicios relacionados con operaciones financieras electrónicas. Fue fundada en 1851 con el objeto de tender una línea telegráfica desde Buffalo, N.Y., hasta St. Louis, Mo. En 1856, la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Western Union FC — WD United Voller Name Western Union Football Club Gegründet 1996 Stadion The Annex George Town, Kaimaninseln Plät …   Deutsch Wikipedia

This article is about the financial services company. For the military alliance in existence between 1948 and 1954, see Western Union (alliance).

The Western Union Company

WesternUnion HorizontalLockup YellowBlack (1).png
Type Public company

Traded as

  • NYSE: WU
  • S&P 400 component
Industry Financial services
Founded 1851; 172 years ago[1] in Rochester, New York, U.S.
Headquarters Denver, Colorado, U.S.

Area served


Key people

Jeffrey A. Joerres
Devin McGranahan
(President and CEO)
Services Wire transfers
Money orders
Money transfers
Bill pay
Transfer tracking
Price estimation
Revenue Increase US$5.6 billion (2018)[2]

Operating income

Increase US$1.1 billion (2018)[2]

Net income

Increase US$851.9 million (2018)[2]
Total assets Decrease US$9.0 billion (2018)[2]
Total equity Increase US$−309.8 million (2018)[2]

Number of employees

12,000[2] (2018)
Website westernunion.com

The Western Union Company is an American multinational financial services company headquartered in Denver, Colorado.

Founded in 1851 as the New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Company in Rochester, New York,[3] the company changed its name to the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1856 after merging with several other telegraph companies.[4] It dominated the American telegraphy industry from the 1860s to the 1980s,[5] pioneering technology such as telex and developing a range of telegraph-related services, including wire money transfer, in addition to its core business of transmitting and delivering telegram messages.

After experiencing financial difficulties, it began to move its business away from communications in the 1980s and increasingly focused on its money-transfer services. It ceased its communications operations completely in 2006,[6][7] at which time The New York Times described it as «the world’s largest money-transfer business» and added that, due to the large number of immigrants wiring money home, it would keep this top position.[8]


Founding & expansion (1851–1866)[edit]

The New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Company was founded in Rochester, New York by Samuel L. Selden, Hiram Sibley, and others in 1851.[9] In 1856 the company merged with its competitor the Erie and Michigan Telegraph Company, controlled by John James Speed, Francis Ormand Jonathan Smith and Ezra Cornell[10] and, at Cornell’s insistence, changed its name to Western Union Telegraph Company.[11]

In 1857, Western Union participated in the ‘Treaty of Six Nations’, an attempt by six of the largest telegraph firms to create a system of regional telegraphy monopolies with a shared network of main lines.[12] After the creation of the ‘Six Nations’ system, Western Union continued to acquire both larger & smaller telegraph companies and by 1864 had transformed from a regional monopoly into a national oligopolist with its only serious competitors being the American Telegraph Company and the United States Telegraph Company.[13]

Western Union completed the first transcontinental telegraph in 1861[14] and formed the Russian–American Telegraph Company in an attempt to link America to Europe, via Alaska, into Siberia, to Moscow – a project abandoned in 1867 following the successful laying of a transatlantic cable in 1866.

Dominance & new challengers (1866–1881)[edit]

In 1866, Western Union acquired the American Telegraph Company & the United States Telegraph Company, its two main competitors, for a time gaining a virtual monopoly over the American telegraphy industry.[13] The company also began to develop new telegraphy-related services beyond the transmission and delivery of telegrams, launching the first stock ticker in 1866,[15] a standardized time service in 1870 and wire money transfer in 1871.[16]

In the 1870s, the company faced increased competition from newly formed rival telegraphy conglomerate Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company and from the nascent telephony industry led by the Bell Telephone Company. Western Union instead attempted to launch a rival telephony system before settling a patent lawsuit with Bell and leaving the telephone business completely in 1879,.[17][18]

Financier Jay Gould orchestrated a merger of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company with Western Union in 1881, giving him a controlling share of the merged company.[19][20][21]

Monopoly & decline of telegraphy (1881–1963)[edit]

A Western Union telegram sent on September 7, 1896, to report on the positions of two comets

When the Dow Jones Railroad Average stock market index for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was created in 1884, Western Union was one of the original eleven companies to be included.[22] By 1900, Western Union operated a million miles of telegraph lines and two international undersea cables.[23]

AT&T gained control of Western Union in 1909, acquiring a 30% stake in the company.[13] However, in 1913 AT&T, under indictment for violating the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, was forced to sell its shares in the company which once again became independent.[24]

Advertisement for Western Union «Tourate» telegram service, 1939

60 Hudson Street, Manhattan, was WU’s headquarters in the early and middle 20th century.

Western Union Telegraph storefront seen in the Chamber of Commerce Building in Toledo, Ohio, 1895

Western Union acquired its only major competitor in the American telegraphy sector Postal Telegraph, Inc. in 1945, effectively giving the company monopoly power over the industry.[13] After 1945 the telegraphy industry began to experience a decline, with total telegraph messages almost halving from 1945 to 1960.[13]

In 1958, Western Union began offering telex services to customers in New York City.[25] Teleprinter equipment for the telex network was originally provided by Siemens & Halske AG[26] and later by Teletype Corporation.[27] Direct international telex services commenced in the summer of 1960, with limited service to London and Paris.[28]

In honor of Valentine’s Day 1959, Western Union introduced the Candygram, a box of chocolates accompanying a telegram that was featured in a commercial with the rotund Don Wilson.[29][30]

Western Union International spin-off[edit]

In 1963, Western Union organized its international cable system properties and its right-of-way for connecting international telegraph lines into a separate company called Western Union International (WUI), which it sold that year to American Securities.

In 1967, American Securities listed WUI as a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange. WUI was acquired by Xerox for $207 million in stock in 1979[31] and subsequently sold for $185 million in cash to MCI Communications in 1981.[32] MCI renamed WUI to MCI International, ceasing the use of Western Union branding.[32]

Consolidation (1963–1984)[edit]

Western Union purchased the TWX system from AT&T in January 1969, the only major competitor to its own telex network.[33]

Western Union became the first American telecommunications corporation to maintain its own fleet of geosynchronous communications satellites, starting in 1974. The fleet of satellites, called Westar, carried communications within the Western Union company for telegram and mailgram message data to Western Union bureaus nationwide. It also handled traffic for its telex and TWX services. The Westar satellites’ transponders were also leased by other companies for relaying video, voice, data, and facsimile (fax) transmissions.

In 1981, Western Union purchased a 50% interest in Airfone. It sold Airfone to GTE in 1986 for $39 million in cash.[34] From 1982, as a result of financial services deregulation, Western Union began offering wire money transfer services globally.[4]

Financial difficulties, bankruptcies & restructuring (1984–2006)[edit]

In 1984, after years of declining profits and mounting debts, Western Union began to negotiate with its creditors regarding debt restructuring.[35] The restructuring was completed in 1987 when investor Bennett S. LeBow acquired control of Western Union through an outside of chapter 11 process that was a complex leveraged recapitalization.[35] The transaction was backed by a total of $900 million in high-yield bonds and preferred stock underwritten by Michael Milken’s group at Drexel Burnham Lambert as part of an exchange offer. LeBow installed Robert J. Amman as president and CEO who led a complete strategic, operational and balance sheet restructuring of the company over the next six years.

Amman executed a strategy of redirecting Western Union from being an asset-based provider of communications services, with a money transfer business as a large but less important part of the business, into being a provider of consumer-based money transfer financial services. Thus, Amman ran the company as two separate companies. One business consisted of the money transfer business, which was funded and operated to take advantage of the significant growth opportunity. The second unit consisted of all the non-strategic communications assets such as the long-distance analog voice network, satellite business and undersea cable assets.

In the three-year period through 1990 Amman was supported by Robert A. Schriesheim, also installed by LeBow, as a special advisor who oversaw the divestiture of the four non-strategic telecommunications assets for about $280 million.

The official name of the corporation was changed to New Valley Corporation in 1991, as part of the company’s move to seek bankruptcy protection to eliminate the firm’s overleveraged balance sheet while continuing to grow the money transfer business. The name change was used to shield the Western Union name from being dragged through the proceedings (and the resulting bad PR).[36] Under the day to day leadership of Amman and the backing of LeBow, the company’s value increased dramatically through its years operating under chapter 11.

As part of the bankruptcy proceedings, Western Union’s telegraphy business was sold to iTelegram.

Following various restructurings, including negotiations with Carl Icahn who became a large bond holder, New Valley Corporation was sold in a bankruptcy auction to First Financial Management Corporation in 1994 for $1.2 billion. In 1995, First Financial merged with First Data Corporation in a $6 billion transaction.

After acquiring the company, First Data Corporation made the decision to relaunch telegraphy services under the Western Union brand.

Public listing & international expansion (2006–present)[edit]

Western Union European Regional Operations Center in Vilnius

On January 26, 2006, First Data announced its intention to spin off Western Union into independent publicly traded financial services company focused on money transfers through a tax-free spin-off to First Data shareholders. The spin off occurred as planned on September 29, 2006.[37] The next day Western Union announced that it would cease offering telegram transmission and delivery.[38]

In May 2009, Western Union announced its plan to acquire Canada-based Custom House from Peter Gustavson.[39] The deal closed in September 2009 for a purchase price of US$371 million.[40] This acquisition led the company to be re-branded as Western Union Business Solutions.[41] Custom House and its subsidiary XE.com were sold to Euronet Worldwide in 2015 and operate under its HiFX brand.

In January 2011, Western Union acquired Angelo Costa, a group active in money transfer and services to immigrants. Angelo Costa has a network of 7,500 points of sale throughout Europe. The agreement was signed for US$200 million.[citation needed]

In July 2011, Western Union acquired Travelex’s Global Business Payments division for £606 million.[42]

In October 2011, Western Union completed the acquisition of Finint S.r.l., one of Western Union’s leading money transfer network agents in Europe, with more than 10,000 subagent locations across Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.[43]

In May 2015, rumors emerged over a proposed merger of Western Union and competitor MoneyGram, at a time when both companies’ revenue were declining.[44] Western Union denied this was the case.[45] In January 2017, Ant Financial, Alibaba’s financial technology firm instead unsuccessfully attempted to acquire MoneyGram for $880 million,[46] but this was blocked by the U.S. government citing national security concerns.[47]

In 2018, the company moved its headquarters from Englewood, Colorado to the Denver Tech Center. The Englewood office complex was sold in 2020 for $40 million.[48]

In November 2020, Western Union acquired a 15% stake in the digital payments unit of Saudi Telecom Company for $200 million.[49]

Current services[edit]

Wire transfer[edit]

Money can be sent online or in-person at Western Union agent locations. Cash can be collected in person at any other Western Union agent location worldwide by providing the 10-digit MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) and identification. In some cases, a secret question and answer can be used instead of identification.

Western Union Mobile[edit]

In October 2007, Western Union announced plans to introduce a mobile money-transfer service with the GSM Association, a global trade association representing more than 700 mobile operators in 218 countries and covering 2.5 billion mobile subscribers.

The proliferation of mobile phones in developed and developing economies provides a widely accessible consumer device capable of delivering mobile financial services ranging from text notifications associated with Western Union cash delivery services to phone-based remittance options. Western Union’s mobile money transfer service offering will connect its core money-transfer platform to m-bank or m-wallet platforms provided by mobile operators and/or locally regulated financial institutions.

Western Union Connect[edit]

The company launched the Western Union Connect service in October 2015, following partnership agreements with major instant messaging apps WeChat and Viber.[50][51] The partnership allows users of WeChat to send up to $100 to China, the US and 200 other countries,[51] while Viber users can send up to $100 for $3.99 plus exchange rate fees, with that fixed fee increasing the more money is sent up a limit of $499.[50]

Past services[edit]


Along with satellite telecommunications, Western Union was also active in other forms of telecommunication services:

  • Common carrier terrestrial microwave networks
  • Business communications networks such as Telex and TWX, which was acquired from AT&T Corporation and renamed Telex II by Western Union
  • Landline-based leased voice and data communication circuits
  • Long-distance telephone service
  • Airfone air-ground radiotelephone service from 1981 to 1986
  • Cellular phone service for a short time in the early 1980s (the phones were made by two-way radio manufacturer E. F. Johnson Company)

Most of these services were discontinued by Western Union in the late 1980s due to a lack of profitability, with the company’s divisions providing said services being divested and sold to other companies, such as the 1988 sale of WU’s satellite fleet and services to Hughes Space and Communications, and the sale of WU’s Airfone service to GTE in 1986.

Charge card[edit]

In 1914, Western Union was the first to issue a charge card.[52][53]


As the Internet became an arena for commerce at the turn of the millennium, Western Union started its online services. BidPay was renamed «Western Union Auction Payments» in 2004 before being renamed back to BidPay. BidPay ceased operations on December 31, 2005, and was purchased for US$1.8 million in March 2006 by CyberSource Corp. who announced their intention to re-launch BidPay. BidPay was later discontinued by CyberSource effective December 31, 2007.[54]


Western Union was a major shirt-sponsor of the Sydney Roosters NRL team from 2002 to 2003. The company still sponsors the team, but not as a shirt-sponsor. Globally Western Union sponsors numerous community events that help support the diaspora communities that use the global Money Transfer service. They also sponsored numerous WWE and WCW pay-per-view events such as the No Way Out 1998 and Slamboree 2000. They sponsored UEFA Europa League from 2012 until 2015.[citation needed]

The First Data Western Union Foundation donates money to charitable causes globally. After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the Foundation donated US$1,000,000 to the relief effort.[55]

The Denver Nuggets of the National Basketball Association announced a three-year deal making Western Union the team’s jersey sponsor, beginning with the 2017–18 NBA Season.[citation needed]

Liverpool F.C. announced on August 9, 2017, that Western Union would become their first ever sleeve sponsors, from the start of the 2017–18 Season. They signed a £25m deal for 5 years as Liverpool’s sleeve sponsor.[citation needed]

Involvement in early computer networking[edit]

Western Union telegrams were transmitted through a store and forward message switching system.[56] Early versions were manual telegraph systems. Later systems using teleprinters were semi-automatic, using punched paper tape to receive, store, and retransmit messages. Plan 55-A, Western Union’s last paper tape based switching system (1948–1976), was fully automatic, with automatic routing.[57][58]

Western Union was a prime contractor in the Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) program. AUTODIN, a military application for communication, was first developed in the 1960s and became the precursor to the modern Internet in the 1990s. The Defense Message System (DMS) replaced AUTODIN in 2000.[59]

AUTODIN, originally named «ComLogNet», was a reliable service that operated at 99.99% availability, using mechanical punched card readers and tab machines to send and receive data over leased lines.[60] During the peak operation of AUTODIN, the US portion of the network handled 20 million messages a month.[citation needed] Western Union failed in its attempts to engineer a replacement (AUTODIN II), leading to the development of an acceptable packet-switched network by BBN (the developer of the ARPANET) which became the foundation of today’s Internet. AUTODIN service ceased in 2000, years after it had become obsolete.[61]

A related innovation that came from AUTODIN was Western Union’s computer based EasyLink service.[62] This system allowed one of the first marketable email systems for non-government users. The system allowed the same message to be sent simultaneously to multiple recipients via email, fax, mailgram, or telex services as well as allowing messages to be sent from the integrated formats. With the service, users could also perform research utilizing its InfoLink application. EasyLink was spun off as a separate company and is now part of OpenText.[63]


Scam industry and money laundering[edit]

Western Union advises its customers not to send money to someone that they have never met in person. Despite its efforts in increasing customers’ awareness of the issue,[64] Western Union is used for internet fraud by scammers.[65]

Western Union has been required to maintain records of payout locations of the individuals who may be laundering the money, though this information may be obtained only through the use of a subpoena. Hence advance-fee fraud and romance scammers continue to receive funds via Western Union confident in the knowledge that money lost to overseas scammers is almost always unrecoverable.[66] For this reason, it is banned as a medium of payment through eBay,[67] and discouraged on other online auction websites.[68]

Western Union admitted to allowing wire fraud in January 2017 and agreed to pay $586m, for turning a blind eye as criminals used its service for advance fee fraud. Scammers engaging in various 419 advance fee scams including offering fake job offers and lottery prizes, were able to process transactions using Western Union money transfer, mainly by giving the agents a share of the earnings from their scams. Western Union failed to investigate hundreds of thousands of complaints that were filed by victims.[69]

Money laundering and terrorist financing[edit]

The Central Bank of Ireland reprimanded and fined Western Union €1.75m in May 2015 because of failures in anti money laundering practices which could have left the firm’s payment services open to being used for money laundering and/or terrorist financing saying that they were concerned that Western Union «failed to have in place sufficiently robust systems and procedures to train agents, to monitor and identify suspicious activity in respect of smaller transactions, and to maintain appropriate records» and «the splitting of payments into many separate smaller payments is a common method used to launder money. Similarly, terrorist financing is often carried out by small payment transfers.»[70][71]

Western Union agents also allowed Chinese immigrants to the US to use the service to send hundreds of millions of dollars, by sending the amounts in smaller increments to avoid transfer reporting requirements, to pay human smugglers.[69]

In 2017, Western Union admitted to anti-money laundering and consumer fraud violations and agreed to pay $586 million in a settlement with the Department of Justice.[72] Among other charges, the Justice Department showed that Western Union was complicit in creating an ecosystem where criminals were able to engage in consumer fraud and human trafficking. The charges were dismissed in March 2020.[73]

In 2018, Western Union was fined $60 million by the New York State Department of Financial Services.[74] The press release accompanying the fine stated that, «Western Union executives put profits ahead of the company’s responsibilities to detect and prevent money laundering and fraud, by choosing to maintain relationships with and failing to discipline obviously suspect, but highly profitable, agents.»

On May 29, 2019, Western Union announced the departure of a company executive, Odilon Almeida, who served as executive vice president and president of Global Money Transfer.[75] In 2012, Stewart Stockdale, who had the same position as Almeida, left the company in a similar situation.

Connection to military intelligence[edit]

The book «The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America’s Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11» alleged that Western Union provided United States military intelligence with personal information.[76]

Anti-competitive behavior[edit]

Western Union has been accused of engaging in anti-competitive behavior in Africa as a result of a lack of competition on the continent.[44] According to a report by the Overseas Development Institute, this allows Western Union to artificially inflate its fees for money transfers, charging what has been called an “Africa charge” of 8% consistently “applied across countries regardless of the size of the market, regulatory costs or market risk.”[77] However, the fees can be as high as 10% or more, depending on the region.[78] Africa’s remittance market remains the most expensive in the world,[79] and the region is estimated to incur excess costs of $1.4 billion to $2.3 billion per year as a result of these high remittance fees.[77]

The company has also been criticized for its use of exclusivity agreements with banks in countries that receive remittances, restricting competition and harming the consumer,[80] by requiring the consumer to conduct transactions via nominated banks.[77] This also allows for the imposition of above-average transaction fees.[77]

In February 2016, Harada Ltd filed a complaint with the EU antitrust regulator claiming that Western Union colluded with banks to push out smaller rivals from the money transfer market.[81]
The commission concluded that the allegations were insufficient and found in favor of Western Union.[82]

See also[edit]

  • 60 Hudson Street – Former headquarters
  • 92 Code
  • Pangram – Used by WU to test teleprinters.
  • Pennsylvania v. New York — Question before the U.S. Supreme Court: when Western Union Money orders are supposed to escheat to the state if not fully redeemed, what state is to get the money?
  • Telegram messenger
  • Western Union, 1939 schooner chartered by Western Union Telegraph Company, used in the film Amistad as a portrayal of the slave ship La Amistad
  • Western Union splice
  • Western Union Telegraph Building – Former headquarters


  1. ^ «Our Vision | Western Union». corporate.westernunion.com. Archived from the original on July 11, 2020. Retrieved August 24, 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d e f «2018 Annual Report» (PDF). Western Union. Retrieved December 2, 2019.
  3. ^ «Western Union Corporation | American company».
  4. ^ a b «Western Union».
  5. ^ History of the U.S. Telegraph Industry
  6. ^ «Our Rich History». Western Union. Archived from the original on August 9, 2011. Retrieved March 12, 2015.
  7. ^ «Western Union Sends Its Last Telegram». NPR. February 2006. Retrieved March 12, 2015.
  8. ^ Eric Dash (January 27, 2006). «Western Union, Growing Faster Than Its Parent, Is to Be Spun Off». New York Times. Retrieved August 15, 2022.
  9. ^ «The Business of the Telegraph». Ezra Cornell: A nineteenth-century life. Cornell University Library. Retrieved November 11, 2020.
  10. ^ Robert L. Thompson, Wiring A Continent, Princeton University Press, 1947, p. 176
  11. ^ Schmotter, James W. (1992). Not Just Another School of Business Administration: A History of Graduate Management Education at Cornell University. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Retrieved January 21, 2010.
  12. ^ «Telegraph». March 27, 2021.
  13. ^ a b c d e Nonnenmacher, Tomas. History of the U.S. Telegraph Industry
  14. ^ «Milestones:Transcontinental Telegraph, 1861». IEEE Global History Network. IEEE. Retrieved July 27, 2011.
  15. ^ «Western Union Financial Services, Inc. – History». Fundinguniverse.com. Retrieved July 5, 2021.
  16. ^ Standage, Tom (2007). The victorian internet : the remarkable story of the telegraph and the nineteenth century’s on-line pioneers (Pbk. ed.). New York: Walker. p. 119. ISBN 9780802716040.
  17. ^ «Bell Telephone – Western Union Patent Agreement of 1879». oldtelephones.com. Retrieved June 21, 2017.
  18. ^ Casson, Herbert Newton (1911). The History of the Telephone. Chicago: A.C. McClurg. pp. 81–84.
  19. ^ Klein, Maury (1997). The Life and Legend of Jay Gould. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-5771-3.
  20. ^ Renehan, Edward J. Jr. (2006). Dark Genius of Wall Street: The Misunderstood Life of Jay Gould, King of the Robber Barons. New York: Basic Books. p. 263. ISBN 978-0-465-06886-9.
  21. ^ Wu, Tim, The Master Switch : The Rise and Fall of Information Empires, New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2010. ISBN 978-0-307-26993-5
  22. ^ Vu, Angela; Terrell, Ellen (April 30, 2017). «Dow Jones Industrial Average First Published». This Month in Business History. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, Business reference Services.
  23. ^ Castro, James E. (July 30, 2017). «Lost Huntington: Western Union». The Herald-Dispatch. Huntington, WV.
  24. ^ «Telephone Trust to Dissolve,» The New York Times pg. 1, Saturday, December 20, 1913.
  25. ^ Phillip R. Easterlin, “Telex in New York”, Western Union Technical Review, April 1959: 47 figure 4
  26. ^ Smith, Fred W. (October 1960). «European Teleprinters». Western Union Technical Review: 172–4.
  27. ^ Smith, Fred W. (January 1964). «A New Line of Light-duty Teleprinters and ASR Sets». Western Union Technical Review: 18–31.
  28. ^ O’Sullivan, T.J. (July 1963). «TW 56 Concentrator». Western Union Technical Review: 111–2.
  29. ^ «Western Union Candy Gram, Don Wilson, Mother’s Day,» YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8IkfCkBVVQ
  30. ^ Wallace, Harold D. (February 9, 2015). «Love on the lines». National Museum of American History.
  31. ^ Strauss, Paul R. (September 1983). «Xerox at the Crossroads». Data Communications. Archived from the original on January 3, 2014. Retrieved November 6, 2013.
  32. ^ a b Pollack, Andrew (December 29, 1981). «WESTERN UNION SETS XEROX UNIT ACCORD». The New York Times.
  33. ^ «WU to Buy AT&T TWX». Western Union News. II (4). January 15, 1969.
  34. ^ Bechtel, Warren. «Western Union Chronology of Events – 1851–1995». Archived from the original on February 7, 2012. Retrieved October 14, 2008.
  35. ^ a b Hicks, Jonathan P. (December 31, 1987). «Western Union Completes Its Crucial Restructuring». The New York Times.
  36. ^ «New Valley Corporation – Company History». Fundinguniverse.com. Retrieved October 3, 2011.
  37. ^ Crane, Mary. «First Data Announces Western Union Spin-Off». Forbes. Retrieved February 12, 2015.
  38. ^ Notice of the discontinuation of telegram services Archived February 20, 2006, at archive.today – From the Western Union website
  39. ^ «Western Union, Form 10-Q, Quarterly Report, Filing Date Aug 4, 2009». secdatabase.com. Retrieved May 13, 2018.
  40. ^ «Western Union, Form 10-Q, Quarterly Report, Filing Date Oct 30, 2009». secdatabase.com. Retrieved May 13, 2018.
  41. ^ «Western Union, Form 8-K, Current Report, Filing Date Oct 26, 2010» (PDF). secdatabase.com. Retrieved May 13, 2018.
  42. ^ «Western Union to Acquire Travelex Global Business Payments». Businesswire. July 5, 2011.
  43. ^ McKinley, Robert (June 1, 2011). «Western Union to Acquire Finint Money Network • 06/01/2011». CardFlash® — Payment Card Industry News. Retrieved January 24, 2020.
  44. ^ a b «Bigger but not better». The Economist. May 7, 2015. Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  45. ^ «What A Western Union, MoneyGram Merger Will Mean To Africa». AFKInsider. May 7, 2015. Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  46. ^ «Jack Ma’s Ant Financial Buys MoneyGram for $880 Million». Bloomberg.com. January 26, 2017. Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  47. ^ «U.S. blocks MoneyGram sale to China’s Ant Financial on national security concerns». www.reuters.com/. January 3, 2018. Retrieved September 9, 2021.
  48. ^ «Former Western Union headquarters in Englewood sells for $40M». Denver Business Journal. January 21, 2020. Retrieved June 21, 2022.
  49. ^ «Western Union buys 15% stake in Saudi Telecom’s digital payment unit». Reuters. Reuters. November 21, 2020. Retrieved November 21, 2020.
  50. ^ a b Constine, Josh. «Western Union Brings Money Transfer And Its Tricky Fees To Chat Apps | TechCrunch». Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  51. ^ a b Kar, Ian. «WeChat and Western Union strike deal for global money transfers». Quartz. Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  52. ^ «Charge card: What it means», encyclopedia.com
  53. ^ J. Lauer (January 2020), «Plastic surveillance: Payment cards», SAGE Publishing, 7 (1), doi:10.1177/2053951720907632, S2CID 216424288
  54. ^ «BidPay». authorize.net. Archived from the original on March 18, 2008. Retrieved April 2, 2008.
  55. ^ «$1,000,000 to relief». prneswsire.com.
  56. ^ «Navy Tape Relay & Automatic Relay Centers». www.navy-radio.com. Retrieved January 24, 2020.
  57. ^ «The Decline and Fall of the Reperforator» (PDF). www.webcitation.org. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 8, 2015. Retrieved January 24, 2020.
  58. ^ The Decline and Fall of the Reperforator, May 5, 1977
  59. ^ «AUTODIN: A Brief Pictorial History of the Automatic Digital Network». Smithsonian Institution (in Spanish). Retrieved January 24, 2020.
  60. ^ «AUTODIN: The Air Force’s first high speed data communications network». Nellis Air Force Base. Retrieved January 24, 2020.
  61. ^ Murray, Bill (February 28, 2001). «DMS at a glance -«. FCW. Retrieved January 24, 2020.
  62. ^ «Western Union History — The first stock ticker». GreyHut.com. August 12, 2017. Retrieved January 24, 2020.[permanent dead link]
  63. ^ «EasyLink — OpenText». opentext.com. Retrieved July 15, 2020.
  64. ^ Western Union joins fraud fight – BBC
  65. ^ David Derbyshire (March 3, 2007). «eBay-er Beware». National Post (Canada). p. FW5.
  66. ^ Internet Crime Schemes Archived March 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine – Internet Crime Complaint Center
  67. ^ David Brown (December 18, 2005). «Fraudsters Targeted In New eBay Crackdown». The People. p. 33. The auction giant will protect customers by BANNING the use of online money transfers. Now eBay will bring in the ban – backed by Western Union and already in force in the US – from January 15 in the UK. It will tell punters to use secure payment systems that verify the identity of users, and which can track both buyers’ and sellers’ accounts.
  68. ^ «Trust & Safety Blog – Western Union and Trade Me members: A terrible combination». Retrieved May 15, 2015.
  69. ^ a b Schectman Bartz, Joel (January 19, 2017). «Western Union admits to aiding wire fraud, to pay $586 mln». Reuters – via www.reuters.com.
  70. ^ «Central Bank fines Western Union €1.75m». The Irish Times. May 19, 2015.
  71. ^ «Settlement Agreement between the Central Bank and Western Union Payment Services Ireland Limited». Central Bank of Ireland. May 18, 2015.
  72. ^ «Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission». justice.gov. January 19, 2017. Retrieved March 26, 2019.
  73. ^ «Department of Justice Begins First Distribution of Funds Recovered Through Asset Forfeiture to Compensate Victims of Western Union Fraud Scheme». United States Department of Justice. March 10, 2020. Retrieved January 5, 2021. Western Union had fulfilled its obligations under the DPA and the government has filed a motion to dismiss the information, which the court granted today.
  74. ^ «Western Union Slapped With $60M Fine Over AML Lapses». PYMNTS.com. January 5, 2018. Retrieved March 26, 2019.
  75. ^ «Odilon Almeida departing Western Union». sec.gov. Retrieved May 31, 2019.
  76. ^ Suskind, Ron (2007), The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America’s Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11, Simon & Schuster, ISBN 978-0-7432-7110-3
  77. ^ a b c d «Lost in intermediation» (PDF). Overseas Development Institute.
  78. ^ «Opinion: Migrant money transfers or development aid? | Africa {«. Deutsche Welle. May 18, 2017. Retrieved June 27, 2017.
  79. ^ «Sending Money Home: Contributing to the SDGs, one family at a time». International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
  80. ^ Moré, Iñigo. «Fighting exclusivity clauses in the market for remittances» (PDF). Remesas.org.
  81. ^ «Western Union quizzed by EU on money transfer activities». EURACTIV.com. February 24, 2016. Retrieved August 15, 2022. The Commission is checking
  82. ^ «EU Antitrust Procedure Decision AT.40160» (PDF).

Further reading[edit]

  • Wolff, Joshua D., Western Union and the Creation of the American Corporate Order, 1845–1893. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

External links[edit]

  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata
  • Business data for Western Union:
    • Google
    • SEC filings
    • Yahoo!
  • Telegram for America, an industrial film showing Western Union telegram handling (1956)
  • Western Union Telegram Collection at the University of Mississippi Libraries
  • Image of striking Western Union employees picketing an office in Los Angeles, California, 1971. Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive (Collection 1429). UCLA Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles

Чтобы отправить денежный перевод по Системе Вестерн Юнион (Western Union), необходимо посетить выбранный Вами для отправки денег банк и заполнить бланк Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) — «Заявление для отправления денег». При себе необходимо иметь действительный документ, удостоверяющий личность (паспорт) и Золотую Карту «Western Union » (при ее наличии).

Большинство пунктов Вестерн Юнион использует безбланковую технологию — вся требуемая для осуществления перевода информация предоставляется клиентом устно или заполняется краткая форма бланка Western Union, в незначительном числе пунктов Вам могут предложить заполнить бланк- анкету «Заявление для отправления денег».

«Заявление для отправления денег» — это типовой бланк Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) по переводам, и во всех банках и почтовых отделениях России, которые осуществляют этот вид переводов, он узнаваемо одинаков.

Итак, бланк Western Union всегда имеется в наличии в пунктах переводов и выглядит так:

Бланк Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) на отправление перевода  (392664 bytes)
Бланк Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) на отправление перевода

При заполнении бланка Вестерн Юнион необходимо соблюдать следующие общие требования:

  1. Весь текст заполняется заглавными печатными буквами на русском или английском языке;
  2. А «Имя, отчество» и «Фамилия» как в разделе отправителя, так и в разделе получателя заполняются заглавными латинскими буквами. Если Вы не помните латинский алфавит, то практически в каждом пункте перевода вам могут предоставить таблицу соответствия русских букв латинским. Имя получателя должно совпадать по написанию с именем, указанным в его документах, удостоверяющих личность.
  3. Дополнительная услуга предоставляется за отдельную плату, и прежде чем заполнять этот раздел уточните тарифы по ней.
  4. Правая часть бланка клиентом не заполняется, а заполняется только банком или почтовым отделением.

При заполнении бланка на отправление перевода Вестерн Юнион необходимо соблюдать и требования по заполнению отдельных полей:

  1. В поле «№ карточки» печатными цифрами заполняется индивидуальный номер Золотой Карты «Western Union », владельцем которой является отправитель средств. Данное поле заполняется только теми клиентами, которые систематически осуществляют переводы по данной системе и оформили Карту Western Union Gold Card (Золотую Карту Western Union)
  2. В поле «Сумма/Amount» — указывается сумма перевода цифрами и валюта перевода прописью (рубли, доллары);
  3. В поле «Улица/Street» — при отправлении перевода за границу данные по получателю можно не заполнять;
  4. В поле «Страна, город получателя» указывается страна и город нахождения получателя денег, куда и требуется отправить перевод. Сведения в поле «Страна, город пребывания», как правило, совпадают со сведениями в поле раздела получателя «Адрес, страна, город». Если данные не совпадают, т.е. получатель денег находится в командировке или длительное время проживает не по месту своего постоянного проживания (прописки), то банку необходимо будет предъявить оформленное в установленном порядке командировочное удостоверение, либо временную регистрацию по месту пребывания. До заполнения данного поля проверьте наличие в нужном вам городе пунктов выдачи переводов;
  5. В поле «Сумма прописью» — пишется сумма прописью и вид валюты;
  6. В поле «Имя, отчество» и «Фамилия» раздела «Получатель», данные заполняются заглавными латинскими буквами в строгом соответствии с написанием их в документе, удостоверяющем личность. При неверном написании, перевод могут не выдать, и отправителю придется посетить пункт, из которого перевод отправлен, и внести в бланк перевода соответствующие исправления. При отправлении перевода ответственность за правильное написание имен получателя и отправителя несет отправитель. Имена и фамилии указываются в соответствии с записью в паспорте.
  7. В поле «Имя, отчество» и «Фамилия» раздела «Отправитель», данные заполняются заглавными латинскими буквами в строгом соответствии с написанием их в документе, удостоверяющем личность.
  8. В разделах «Получатель» и «Отправитель» в поле «Телефон» необходимо указывать свой номер телефона для связи.
  9. Заполнение полей «Контрольный вопрос» и «Ответ» в Системе денежных переводов Вестерн Юнион предусмотрены только для нестандартных ситуаций, когда получатель не сможет подтвердить свою личность (например, из-за утери удостоверения личности), поэтому эти поля в стандартных ситуациях не заполняются. Не советуют задерживать выплату денежного перевода, используя контрольный вопрос — это может расцениваться как мошенничество для дополнительного контроля за выдачей перевода.

Теперь приведу образец заполненного «Заявления для отправления денег», где отправитель Сергеев Петр Петрович, а получатель – Иванов Иван Иванович. Заполненный образец бланка Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) на отправление перевода выглядит так:

Образец бланка Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) на отправление перевода  (431289 bytes)
Образец бланка Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) на отправление перевода

Если у вас возникли трудности при написании имен латинскими буквами, можно воспользоваться таблицей соответствия русского и латинского алфавитов приведенной в статье « Денежные переводы «Western Union» (Вестерн Юнион) »

Получение карты оформляется при отправлении перевода, для чего, дополнительно к заявлению на перевод денег, заполняется анкета-заявление о чем подробнее описано в разделе «Золотая карта Western Union»

Кроме того, с целью выполнения ФЗ № 115-ФЗ от 07.08.2001 г. «О противодействии легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма», при заполнении бланка Western Union и дальнейшем осуществлении перевода, Российские банки предъявляют плательщику требование по обязательному указанию в заявлении следующих данных:

  • фамилия, имя и отчество;
  • адрес места жительства (регистрации) или места пребывания.

При отсутствии указанной информации банки отказывают плательщику в отправлении перевода.

Для удобства ознакомления с информацией о денежных переводах

(Вестерн Юнион), еще раз перечислю все материалы, имеющиеся на сайте <Банкирша.ком>:

  • Денежные переводы «Western Union» (Вестерн Юнион)
  • Тарифы Вестерн Юнион — в российских рублях
  • Тарифы Western Union на переводы за границу — в долларах США
  • Золотая карта «Western Union Gold Card»
  • Бланк Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) — «Заявление для получения денег», правила заполнения
  • Бланк Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) — «Заявление для отправления денег», правила заполнения
  • Платежи Western Union: переводы физических лиц за границу в пользу юридических лиц

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Система денежных переводов Western Union (по всему миру).

Western Union (WU), известный международный поставщик услуг по переводу денег, начал кампанию против транзакций с использованием электронных валют.

Western Union (WU), a global provider of money transfer services, has launched a campaign against the transaction by electronic fund transfer involving exchange of digital currency.

Перевод Western Union (после перевода необходимо сообщить код менеджеру.)

Money transfer — Western Union (You need to inform the code to the manager after the transaction).

Перевод через систему Western Union (любая валюта)

Через систему переводов Western Union (В любом пункте приема)

Western Union (Вестерн Юнион) — это американская компания, основанная в 1851 году и являющаяся мировым лидером, специализирующимся на международных денежных переводах.

Western Union (Western Union) is an American company founded in 1851 and is the world leader in international remittances.

Компания Western Union (NYSE: WU) объявляет о запуске услуги по отправлению денежных переводов на «мобильные кошельки» пользователей сервиса M-PESA оператора Safaricom в Кении из 45 стран и территорий.

Western Union (NYSE: WU) today announced that consumers can now send money directly to the mobile «wallets» of Safaricom M-PESA subscribers in Kenya from 45 countries and territories — the first service of its kind in the world.

Для путешествия в Европе, Великобритании и ОАЭ вы должны: — Произвести оплату 50% вниз пошлины заранее по Western Union (на мое имя).

For traveling in Europe, UK or UAE you should: — Make a 50% down payment of the fee in advance by Western Union (in my name).

Платежный гигант Western Union (WU) сотрудничает с Stellar (XLM) Thunes, чтобы клиенты WU могли переводить средства непосредственно на мобильные кошельки по всему миру.

Payment giant Western Union (WU) is working with Stellar (XLM) Thunes so WU customers can transfer funds directly to mobile wallets around the world.

Наиболее известные компании по переводу денег — это Western Union (WU), основанная в 1851 году, и MoneyGram International (MGI), основанная в 1940 году.

The most well-known money transfer companies are Western Union (WU) founded in 1851, and MoneyGram International (MGI) founded in 1940.

Это было легко осуществлено через систему переводов Western Union (плата за перевод такой суммы составляет 20 долларов).

This was easily achieved through the Western Union transfer system (the transfer fee for this amount is $ 20).

Оплата производится банковским переводом, Western Union (ATM или CB) и с помощью кредитной карты.

Payment is made by bank transfer, WU or MG (ATM or CB) and by credit card.

Международная система Western Union (Вестерн Юнион), функционирует на рынке денежных переводов с 1851 года, то есть более 150 лет.

International system Western Union is operating on the market of money transfers since 1851, I.e. more than 150 years.

Компания Western Union (WU), являющаяся одним из крупнейших операторов международных переводов, запустила кампанию против денежных переводов, в которых задействованы криптовалютные биржи.

The Western Union company (WU), one of the largest operators of international transfers, launched a campaign against money transfers involving cryptocurrency exchanges.

Компания Western Union (NYSE: WU) — один из лидеров мирового рынка услуг в сфере денежных переводов.

The Western Union Company (NYSE:WU) is a leader in global money transfer services.

Компания Western Union (NYSE: WU) — ведущий поставщик платежных услуг во всем мире, отметила 20-ю годовщину присутствия в Африке.

Western Union Company, a leader in global payment services, celebrated its 20th anniversary in Africa.

Представители компании Western Union (NYSE: WU), являющейся мировым лидером рынка платежных услуг, объявила о том, что в России стартовал сервис онлайн переводов.

The Western Union Company (WU), a leader in global payment services, today announced the launch of a new transactional web site in Russia.

Вёам — это одна из таких биткойн-компаний, основанная в Гане, которая стремится понизить ставки за переводы средств, взимаемые такими гигантами, как MoneyGram и Western Union (где комиссия может доходить до 20%).

Beam is one such Bitcoin-based Ghanaian company that has sought to undercut the rates charged by companies like MoneyGram and Western Union on remittances (which can be as high as 20%).

Фонд Western Union (сообщил о том, что он преодолел знаменательный рубеж, выделив свыше $100 млн. в поддержку более чем 2.700 неправительственных организаций (НПО), оказывающих помощь тысячам семей и отдельным людям в 135 с лишним странах и регионах.

The Western Union Foundation today announced it has surpassed a major milestone, donating more than US$100 million in support to more than 2,700 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to provide support to thousands of families and individuals in more than 135 countries and territories.

Переводы Western Union (только после прохождения идентификации)

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Western Union (

Результатов: 1543. Точных совпадений: 22. Затраченное время: 614 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Как написать ФИО получателя перевода на английском языке?

Категория: Денежные переводы в банках Украины

Можно ли отправить перевод по Вестерн Юнион в Россию, чтобы получатель смог получить его по гражданскому паспорту, в котором нет написания фамилии на английском языке. В банке требуют написания фамилии получателя на английском, а возможно ли написание фамилии получателя на русском при отправке.

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