Как пишется винни пух на русском

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Винипух, Винни-Пух или Винни пух — как правильно?

На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 186 Опубликовано 21.01.2022

Написание знаменитого персонажа английского мультфильма часто вызывает сомнение. Давайте разберемся, как правильно – Винипух, Винни-Пух или Винни пух, и почему.

Как пишется правильно: Винипух, Винни-Пух или Винни пух?

Какое применяется правило

Перед нами двойное имя главного героя писателя Алана Милна. Его оригинальное имя Winnie-the-Pooh. Это медвежонок. С ним играл мальчик Кристофер Робин.

В Англии слово «Винни» означает имя девочки. В имени легендарного медвежонка присутствует артикль the. Это эпический артикль, который употреблялся ранее в именах монархов.

Второе имя медвежонка – Пух, поэтому оно пишется с большой буквы. В устной речи был откинут артикль. Вследствие этого имя медвежонка состоит из двух самостоятельных имен – Винни и Пух. Поэтому оно пишется через дефис: Винни-Пух.

Примеры предложений

Сережка целый вечер ходил по квартире и напевал песенку Винни-Пуха.

Винни-Пух – любимый персонаж детских мультфильмов.

Как неправильно писать

Всего найдено: 10

Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, нужна ли точка в конце названия главы книги. Столкнулась с тем, что в сказке «Винни-Пух и все-все-все» Милна название главы выглядит так: Глава шестая, в которой у Иа-Иа был День Рождения, а Пятачок чуть-чуть не улетел на Луну А вот в книге про Муми-троллей издательства «Северо-Запад» уже с точкой. Шестая глава, в которой я основываю колонию и переживаю кризис, а также призываю привидение на остров Ужасов. Причём эти различия не в оглавлении книги, а прямо в тексте. Как же правильно? Очень обескураживает это несоответствие.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Точка в конце заголовка, состоящего из одного предложения, не ставится. В двучленном заголовке точка ставится лишь после первого предложения.

Таком образом, верен вариант без точки.

Здравствуйте! Ответьте, пожалуйста, сохраняется ли буква Е при склонении фамилии ВИННИЧЕК (ВИННИЧЕКУ? ВИННИЧКУ?) Спасибо.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Возможно как выпадение, так и невыпадение гласного звука.

Извините, внесу в вопрос поправку: сохраняется ли буква Е при склонении фамилии ВИННИЧЕК? Спасибо

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Предпочтительно склонение без выпадения гласного (Винничека, Винничеку).

Ответьте, пожалуйста, склоняется ли фамилия ВИННИЧЕК?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Мужская фамилия склоняется, женская – нет.

Везде пишут по-разному: Винни Пух и Винни-Пух. Как правильно?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно раздельное написание: Винни Пух.

Как правильно пишется географическое название Винницкой области : «Винниччина», «Винничина», «Виннитчина»?. Спасибо.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: _Виннитчина_.

«как хорошая хозяйка(,) Винница гостеприимна» нужна запятая? спасибо

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Вам ответили. См. ответ № 214020 .

«как хорошая хозяйка(,) Винница гостеприимна» нужна запятая? спасибо

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Запятая нужна.

К вопросу № 213311. В.В. Лопатин, И.В. Нечаева, Л.К. Чельцова. Как правильно? С большой буквы или с маленькой? Орфографический словарь, М.- 2002. стр. 81. Винни-Пух (сказочный персонаж).
Так как же правильно?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Мы проконсультировались с профессором В. В. Лопатиным. Его рекомендация: писать _Винни-Пух_ все же через дефис. Аналогичное написание приводится и в «Энциклопедии литературных героев». В размещенной на нашем портале электронной версии «Русского орфографического словаря» по указанию В. В. Лопатина написание исправлено на дефисное.

Здравствуйте! На вашем портале в окошке «проверить» дается написание: Винни Пух, в словаре Лопатина зафиксировано Винни-Пух. Так как же правильно?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

В «Русском орфографическом словаре» под ред. В. В. Лопатина дано написание без дефиса: Винни Пух. Такое же написание – в электронной версии на нашем портале. Пожалуйста, укажите, где именно Вы нашли написание через дефис.

Он вам не Винни-Пух!

Как правильно писать имя медвежонка — Винни-Пух или Винни Пух?

  1. Винни-Пух? Дефисное написание зафиксировано в словаре Лопатина, Нечаевой, Чельцовой «Прописная или строчная?» (М., 2011). В классическом переводе Заходера — тоже Винни-Пух. И в оригинальном произведении Милна на английском имя пишется через дефис: Winnie-the-Pooh. С дефисом пишут и в газетах, и в «Википедии».
  2. Винни Пух? Аргумент за такой вариант один, но весомый: в орфографическом словаре русского языка Ивановой, Лопатина, Нечаевой, Чельцовой (М., 2015) и в его актуальной онлайн-версии зафиксировано именно раздельное написание — Винни Пух.

Итак, ✅ Винни Пух.

Запомнить легко: Винни — имя, Пух можно считать фамилией. Но если у автора встречается Винни-Пух, мы не исправляем — обоснование для такого варианта тоже есть.

P. S. Микки-Маус в орфографическом словаре через дефис, а большинство пишет раздельно.

Винни-Пух или Винни Пух?

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Винни Пух

Винни Пух

В’инни П’ух, -а (сказочный персонаж)

Русский орфографический словарь. / Российская академия наук. Ин-т рус. яз. им. В. В. Виноградова. — М.: «Азбуковник».

Смотреть что такое «Винни Пух» в других словарях:

  • ВИННИ-ПУХ — (англ. Winnie the Pooh) главный персонаж книг А.Милна «Винни Пух» (1926) и «Дом на Пуховой Опушке» (1928) наиболее популярный из игрушечных медведей, ставших героями детских книг. Книги о В. П. сложились из историй, которые рассказывала своему… …   Литературные герои

  • винни-пух — сущ., кол во синонимов: 3 • бочонок (4) • пузатик (3) • толстяк (97) Словарь синонимов ASIS …   Словарь синонимов

  • винни-пух — ВИННИ ПУХ, а, м. Толстяк (как правило, в снисходительно шутл. зн.). По имени популярного персонажа сказки А. Милна …   Словарь русского арго

  • ВИННИ-ПУХ — см. Скороспелый, растения невысокие, 35 45 см. . Масса плода 45 70 г. Мякоть сочная, нежная, отличного вкуса. Сорт отличается повышенной лежкостью и транспортабельностью. Пригоден для зимне весеннего выращивания …   Энциклопедия семян. Овощные культуры

  • Винни-Пух — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Винни Пух (значения). Винни Пух Winnie the Pooh …   Википедия

  • Винни Пух — Кадр из советского мультфильма Винни Пух (англ. Winnie the Pooh) плюшевый мишка, персонаж повестей и стихов Алана Александра Милна (цикл не имеет общего названия и обычно тоже называется «Винни Пух», по первой книге). Один из самых известных… …   Википедия

  • Винни-Пух и день забот (мультфильм, 1968) — Винни Пух и день забот Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day …   Википедия

  • Винни-Пух, а с ним и Тигра! — Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too …   Википедия

  • Винни-Пух идёт в гости — Тип мультфильма рисованный …   Википедия

  • Винни-Пух и день забот — Тип мультфильма …   Википедия

  • Винни-Пух и день забот (мультфильм — Винни Пух и день забот (мультфильм, 1968) Винни Пух и день забот Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day Режиссёр Вольфганг Райтерман Автор сценария Алан Александер Милн Ларри Клеммонс В главных ролях …   Википедия

Pooh Shepard1928.jpg

Pooh in an illustration by E. H. Shepard

First appearance
  • When We Were Very Young (1924; as Edward Bear)
  • Winnie-the-Pooh (1926)
Created by
  • A. A. Milne
  • E. H. Shepard
Based on Winnie the bear
In-universe information
  • Pooh Bear
  • Pooh
Species Teddy Bear
Gender Male
Home Hundred Acre Wood

Winnie-the-Pooh, also called Pooh Bear and Pooh, is a fictional anthropomorphic teddy bear created by English author A. A. Milne and English illustrator E. H. Shepard.

The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children’s verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by E. H. Shepard.

The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, including Alexander Lenard’s Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the only Latin book ever to have been featured on The New York Times Best Seller list.[1]

In 1961, Walt Disney Productions licensed certain film and other rights of Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh stories from the estate of A. A. Milne and the licensing agent Stephen Slesinger, Inc., and adapted the Pooh stories, using the unhyphenated name «Winnie the Pooh», into a series of features that would eventually become one of its most successful franchises.

In popular film adaptations, Pooh has been voiced by actors Sterling Holloway, Hal Smith, and Jim Cummings in English, and Yevgeny Leonov in Russian.



Christopher Robin’s original Winnie-the-Pooh stuffed toys, on display at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library. Clockwise from bottom left: Tigger, Kanga, Edward Bear («Winnie-the-Pooh»), Eeyore, and Piglet. Roo was also one of the original toys, but was lost during the 1930s.

A. A. Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh after a teddy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne, on whom the character Christopher Robin was based. Shepard in turn based his illustrations of Pooh on his own son’s teddy bear named Growler, instead of Christopher Robin’s bear.[2] The rest of Christopher Milne’s toys – Piglet, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo, and Tigger – were incorporated into Milne’s stories.[3][4] Two more characters, Owl and Rabbit, were created by Milne’s imagination, while Gopher was added to the Disney version. Christopher Robin’s toy bear is on display at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library in New York City.[5]

Christopher Robin Milne had named his toy bear after Winnie, a Canadian black bear he often saw at London Zoo, and Pooh, a friend’s pet swan they had encountered while on holiday.[6][7] His father had bought him the toy bear in 1921 from Harrods department store.[8] The bear cub was purchased from a hunter for C$20 by Canadian Lieutenant Harry Colebourn in White River, Ontario, while en route to England during the First World War.[9] Colebourn, a veterinary officer with the Fort Garry Horse cavalry regiment, named the bear Winnie after his adopted hometown in Winnipeg, Manitoba.[10][11] Winnie was surreptitiously brought to England with her owner, and gained unofficial recognition as The Fort Garry Horse regimental mascot. Colebourn left Winnie at the London Zoo while he and his unit were in France; after the war she was officially donated to the zoo, as she had become a much-loved attraction there.[12] Pooh the swan appears as a character in its own right in When We Were Very Young.

Sculpture at London Zoo where A. A. Milne took his son Christopher Robin to see the amiable bear that inspired Milne to write the story.[13]

In the first chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh, Milne offers this explanation of why Winnie-the-Pooh is often called simply «Pooh»:

But his arms were so stiff … they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off. And I think – but I am not sure – that that is why he is always called Pooh.

American writer William Safire surmised that the Milnes’ invention of the name «Winnie the Pooh» may have also been influenced by the haughty character Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado (1885).[14]

Ashdown Forest: the setting for the stories

A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepard memorial plaque at Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, south east England. It overlooks Five Hundred Acre Wood, the setting for Winnie-the-Pooh.

The Winnie-the-Pooh stories are set in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, England. The forest is an area of tranquil open heathland on the highest sandy ridges of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty situated 30 miles (50 km) south-east of London. In 1925 Milne, a Londoner, bought a country home a mile to the north of the forest at Cotchford Farm, near Hartfield. According to Christopher Robin Milne, while his father continued to live in London «…the four of us – he, his wife, his son and his son’s nanny – would pile into a large blue, chauffeur-driven Fiat and travel down every Saturday morning and back again every Monday afternoon. And we would spend a whole glorious month there in the spring and two months in the summer.»[15] From the front lawn the family had a view across a meadow to a line of alders that fringed the River Medway, beyond which the ground rose through more trees until finally «above them, in the faraway distance, crowning the view, was a bare hilltop. In the centre of this hilltop was a clump of pines.» Most of his father’s visits to the forest at that time were, he noted, family expeditions on foot «to make yet another attempt to count the pine trees on Gill’s Lap or to search for the marsh gentian». Christopher added that, inspired by Ashdown Forest, his father had made it «the setting for two of his books, finishing the second little over three years after his arrival».[16]

Many locations in the stories can be associated with real places in and around the forest. As Christopher Milne wrote in his autobiography: «Pooh’s forest and Ashdown Forest are identical.» For example, the fictional «Hundred Acre Wood» was in reality Five Hundred Acre Wood; Galleon’s Leap was inspired by the prominent hilltop of Gill’s Lap, while a clump of trees just north of Gill’s Lap became Christopher Robin’s The Enchanted Place, because no-one had ever been able to count whether there were 63 or 64 trees in the circle.[17]

The landscapes depicted in E. H. Shepard’s illustrations for the Winnie-the-Pooh books were directly inspired by the distinctive landscape of Ashdown Forest, with its high, open heathlands of heather, gorse, bracken and silver birch, punctuated by hilltop clumps of pine trees. Many of Shepard’s illustrations can be matched to actual views, allowing for a degree of artistic licence. Shepard’s sketches of pine trees and other forest scenes are held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.[18]

The game of Poohsticks was originally played by Christopher Milne on the wooden footbridge,[19] across the Millbrook,[20] Posingford Wood, close to Cotchford Farm. It is now a tourist attraction, and it has become traditional to play the game there using sticks gathered in the nearby woodland.[19][21] When the footbridge had to be replaced in 1999, the architect used as a main source drawings by Shepard in the books, which differ a little from the original structure.

First publication

Winnie-the-Pooh’s debut in the 24 December 1925 London Evening News

Christopher Robin’s teddy bear made his character début, under the name Edward, in A. A. Milne’s poem, «Teddy Bear», in the edition of 13 February 1924 of Punch (E. H. Shepard had also included a similar bear in a cartoon published in Punch the previous week[22]), and the same poem was published in Milne’s book of children’s verse When We Were Very Young (6 November 1924).[23] Winnie-the-Pooh first appeared by name on 24 December 1925, in a Christmas story commissioned and published by the London newspaper Evening News. It was illustrated by J. H. Dowd.[24]

The first collection of Pooh stories appeared in the book Winnie-the-Pooh. The Evening News Christmas story reappeared as the first chapter of the book. At the beginning, it explained that Pooh was in fact Christopher Robin’s Edward Bear, who had been renamed by the boy. He was renamed after an American black bear at London Zoo called Winnie who got her name from the fact that her owner had come from Winnipeg, Canada. The book was published in October 1926 by the publisher of Milne’s earlier children’s work, Methuen, in England, E. P. Dutton in the United States, and McClelland & Stewart in Canada.[25]


The original drawing of Pooh was based not on Christopher Robin’s bear, but on Growler, the teddy bear belonging to Shepard’s son Graham, according to James Campbell, husband of Shepard’s great-granddaughter. When Campbell took over Shepard’s estate in 2010, he discovered many drawings and unpublished writings, including early drawings of Pooh, that had not been seen in decades. Campbell said, «Both he and AA Milne realised that Christopher Robin’s bear was too gruff-looking, not very cuddly, so they decided they would have to have a different bear for the illustrations.»[26] Campbell said Shepard sent Milne a drawing of his son’s bear and that Milne «said it was perfect». Campbell also said Shepard’s drawings of Christopher Robin were based partly on his own son.[26]


Pooh listening to Christopher Robin, Winnie-the-Pooh (1926). Illustration by E. H. Shepard.

In the Milne books, Pooh is naive and slow-witted, but he is also friendly, thoughtful, and steadfast. Although he and his friends agree that he is «a bear of very little brain», Pooh is occasionally acknowledged to have a clever idea, usually driven by common sense. These include riding in Christopher Robin’s umbrella to rescue Piglet from a flood, discovering «the North Pole» by picking it up to help fish Roo out of the river, inventing the game of Poohsticks, and getting Eeyore out of the river by dropping a large rock on one side of him to wash him towards the bank.

Pooh at Owl’s house. Illustration by E. H. Shepard

Pooh is also a talented poet and the stories are frequently punctuated by his poems and «hums». Although he is humble about his slow-wittedness, he is comfortable with his creative gifts. When Owl’s house blows down in a windstorm, trapping Pooh, Piglet and Owl inside, Pooh encourages Piglet (the only one small enough to do so) to escape and rescue them all by promising that «a respectful Pooh song» will be written about Piglet’s feat. Later, Pooh muses about the creative process as he composes the song.

Pooh is very fond of food, particularly honey (which he spells «hunny»), but also condensed milk and other items. When he visits friends, his desire to be offered a snack is in conflict with the impoliteness of asking too directly. Though intent on giving Eeyore a pot of honey for his birthday, Pooh could not resist eating it on his way to deliver the present and so instead gives Eeyore «a useful pot to put things in». When he and Piglet are lost in the forest during Rabbit’s attempt to «unbounce» Tigger, Pooh finds his way home by following the «call» of the honeypots from his house. Pooh makes it a habit to have «a little something» around 11:00 in the morning. As the clock in his house «stopped at five minutes to eleven some weeks ago», any time can be Pooh’s snack time.

Pooh is very social. After Christopher Robin, his closest friend is Piglet, and he most often chooses to spend his time with one or both of them. But he also habitually visits the other animals, often looking for a snack or an audience for his poetry as much as for companionship. His kind-heartedness means he goes out of his way to be friendly to Eeyore, visiting him and bringing him a birthday present and building him a house, despite receiving mostly disdain from Eeyore in return. Devan Coggan of Entertainment Weekly saw a similarity between Pooh and Paddington Bear, two «extremely polite British bears without pants», adding that «both bears share a philosophy of kindness and integrity».[27]

Posthumous sequels

An authorised sequel Return to the Hundred Acre Wood was published on 5 October 2009. The author, David Benedictus, has developed, but not changed, Milne’s characterisations. The illustrations, by Mark Burgess, are in the style of Shepard.[28]

Another authorised sequel, Winnie-the-Pooh: The Best Bear in All the World, was published by Egmont in 2016. The sequel consists of four short stories by four leading children’s authors, Kate Saunders, Brian Sibley, Paul Bright, and Jeanne Willis. Illustrations are by Mark Burgess.[29] The Best Bear in All The World sees the introduction of a new character, Penguin, which was inspired by a long-lost photograph of Milne and his son Christopher with a toy penguin.[30][31]

In 2016, Winnie-the-Pooh Meets the Queen was published to mark the 90th anniversary of Milne’s creation and the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. It sees Pooh meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace.[32]

Stephen Slesinger

On 6 January 1930, Stephen Slesinger purchased US and Canadian merchandising, television, recording, and other trade rights to the Winnie-the-Pooh works from Milne for a $1,000 advance and 66% of Slesinger’s income, creating the modern licensing industry. By November 1931, Pooh was a $50 million-a-year business.[33] Slesinger marketed Pooh and his friends for more than 30 years, creating the first Pooh doll, record, board game, puzzle, US radio broadcast (on NBC), animation, and motion picture.[34]

Red shirt Pooh

The first time Pooh and his friends appeared in colour was 1932, when he was drawn by Slesinger in his now-familiar red shirt and featured on an RCA Victor picture record. Parker Brothers introduced A. A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh Game in 1933, again with Pooh in his red shirt. In the 1940s, Agnes Brush created the first plush dolls with Pooh in a shirt.[35][36]

Disney exclusivity (1953–2021)

After Slesinger’s death in 1953, his wife, Shirley Slesinger Lasswell, continued developing the character herself. In 1961, she licensed rights to Walt Disney Productions in exchange for royalties in the first of two agreements between Stephen Slesinger, Inc., and Disney.[37] The same year, A. A. Milne’s widow, Daphne Milne, also licensed certain rights, including motion picture rights, to Disney.

Since 1966, Disney has released numerous animated productions starring its version of Winnie the Pooh and related characters, starting with the theatrical featurette Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. This was followed by Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968), and Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (1974). These three featurettes were combined into a feature-length movie, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, in 1977. A fourth featurette, Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore, was released in 1983.

A new series of Winnie the Pooh theatrical feature-length films launched in the 2000s, with The Tigger Movie (2000), Piglet’s Big Movie (2003), Pooh’s Heffalump Movie (2005), and Winnie the Pooh (2011).

Disney has also produced television series based on the franchise, including Welcome to Pooh Corner (Disney Channel, 1983–1986), The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (ABC, 1988–1991), The Book of Pooh (Playhouse Disney, 2001–2003), and My Friends Tigger & Pooh (Playhouse Disney, 2007–2010).

A.A. Milne’s U.S. copyright in the Winnie-the-Pooh character expired at the end of 2021, as it had been 95 years since publication of the first story. The character has thus entered the public domain in the United States and Disney no longer holds exclusive rights there. Independent filmmaker Rhys Frake-Wakefield capitalized on this shortly thereafter by producing a horror film titled Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey.[38] The UK copyright will expire on 1 January 2027, the 70th year since Milne’s death.[39]

Merchandising revenue dispute

Pooh videos, soft toys, and other merchandise generate substantial annual revenues for Disney. The size of Pooh stuffed toys ranges from Beanie and miniature to human-sized. In addition to the stylised Disney Pooh, Disney markets Classic Pooh merchandise which more closely resembles E. H. Shepard’s illustrations.

In 1991, Stephen Slesinger, Inc., filed a lawsuit against Disney which alleged that Disney had breached their 1983 agreement by again failing to accurately report revenue from Winnie the Pooh sales. Under this agreement, Disney was to retain approximately 98% of gross worldwide revenues while the remaining 2% was to be paid to Slesinger. In addition, the suit alleged that Disney had failed to pay required royalties on all commercial exploitation of the product name.[40] Though the Disney corporation was sanctioned by a judge for destroying forty boxes of evidentiary documents,[41] the suit was later terminated by another judge when it was discovered that Slesinger’s investigator had rummaged through Disney’s garbage to retrieve the discarded evidence.[42] Slesinger appealed the termination and, on 26 September 2007, a three-judge panel upheld the lawsuit dismissal.[43]

After the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, Clare Milne, Christopher Robin Milne’s daughter, attempted to terminate any future US copyrights for Stephen Slesinger, Inc.[44] After a series of legal hearings, Judge Florence-Marie Cooper of the US District Court in California found in favour of Stephen Slesinger, Inc., as did the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. On 26 June 2006, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case, sustaining the ruling and ensuring the defeat of the suit.[45]

On 19 February 2007, Disney lost a court case in Los Angeles which ruled their «misguided claims» to dispute the licensing agreements with Slesinger, Inc., were unjustified,[46] but a federal ruling of 28 September 2009, again from Judge Florence-Marie Cooper, determined that the Slesinger family had granted all trademarks and copyrights to Disney, although Disney must pay royalties for all future use of the characters. Both parties have expressed satisfaction with the outcome.[47][48]

Other adaptations


  • 1931. Winnie-the-Pooh at the Guild Theater, Sue Hastings Marionettes[49]
  • 1957. Winnie-the-Pooh, a play in three acts, dramatized by Kristin Sergel, Dramatic Publishing Company
  • 1964. Winnie-the-Pooh, a musical comedy in two acts, lyrics by A. A. Milne and Kristin Sergel, music by Allan Jay Friedman, book by Kristin Sergel, Dramatic Publishing Company
  • 1977. A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail, in which Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends help Eeyore have a very Merry Christmas (or a very happy birthday), with the book, music, and lyrics by James W. Rogers, Dramatic Publishing Company[50]
  • 1986. Bother! The Brain of Pooh, Peter Dennis
  • 1992. Winnie-the-Pooh, small cast musical version, dramatized by le Clanché du Rand, music by Allan Jay Friedman, lyrics by A. A. Milne and Kristin Sergel, additional lyrics by le Clanché du Rand, Dramatic Publishing Company
  • 2021. Winnie the Pooh: The New Musical Adaptation[51]


RCA Victor record from 1932 decorated with Stephen Slesinger, Inc.’s Winnie-the-Pooh

Selected Pooh stories read by Maurice Evans released on vinyl LP:

  • 1956. Winnie-the-Pooh (consisting of three tracks: «Introducing Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin»; «Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets into a Tight Place»; and «Pooh and Piglet Go Hunting and Nearly Catch a Woozle»)
  • More Winnie-the-Pooh (consisting of three tracks: «Eeyore Loses a Tail»; «Piglet Meets a Heffalump»; «Eeyore Has a Birthday»)

In 1951, RCA Records released four stories of Winnie-the-Pooh, narrated by Jimmy Stewart and featuring the voices of Cecil Roy as Pooh, Madeleine Pierce as Piglet, Betty Jane Tyler as Kanga, Merrill Joels as Eeyore, Arnold Stang as Rabbit, Frank Milano as Owl, and Sandy Fussell as Christopher Robin.[52]

In 1960, HMV recorded a dramatised version with songs (music by Harold Fraser-Simson) of two episodes from The House at Pooh Corner (Chapters 2 and 8), starring Ian Carmichael as Pooh, Denise Bryer as Christopher Robin (who also narrated), Hugh Lloyd as Tigger, Penny Morrell as Piglet, and Terry Norris as Eeyore. This was released on a 45 rpm EP.[53]

In the 1970s and 1980s, Carol Channing recorded Winnie the Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner and The Winnie the Pooh Songbook, with music by Don Heckman. These were released on vinyl LP and audio cassette by Caedmon Records.

Unabridged recordings read by Peter Dennis of the four Pooh books:

  • When We Were Very Young
  • Winnie-the-Pooh
  • Now We Are Six
  • The House at Pooh Corner

In 1979, a double audio cassette set of Winnie the Pooh was produced featuring British actor Lionel Jeffries reading all of the characters in the stories. This was followed in 1981 by an audio cassette set of stories from The House at Pooh Corner also read by Lionel Jeffries.[54]

In the 1990s, the stories were dramatised for audio by David Benedictus, with music composed, directed and played by John Gould. They were performed by a cast that included Stephen Fry as Winnie-the-Pooh, Jane Horrocks as Piglet, Geoffrey Palmer as Eeyore, Judi Dench as Kanga, Finty Williams as Roo, Robert Daws as Rabbit, Michael Williams as Owl, Steven Webb as Christopher Robin and Sandi Toksvig as Tigger.[55]


  • The BBC included readings of Winnie-the-Pooh stories in its programmes for children very soon after their first publication. One of the earliest of such readings, by «Uncle Peter» (C. E. Hodges), was an item in the programme For the Children, broadcast by stations 2LO and 5XX on 23 March 1926. Norman Shelley was the notable voice of Pooh on the BBC’s Children’s Hour.[56]
  • Pooh made his US radio debut on 10 November 1932, when he was broadcast to 40,000 schools by The American School of the Air, the educational division of the Columbia Broadcasting System.[57]


  • 2017: Goodbye Christopher Robin, a British drama film exploring the creation of Winnie-the-Pooh with Domhnall Gleeson playing A. A. Milne.[58]
  • 2018: Christopher Robin, an extension of the Disney Winnie the Pooh franchise, Ewan McGregor plays Christopher Robin Milne, and filming took place at Ashdown Forest.[59]
  • 2023: Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey, a horror adaptation depicting both Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet as homicidal maniacs who go on a killing spree after Christopher Robin abandons them.[60]
  • 2024: Untitled animated prequel.[61]

Soviet adaptation

A postage stamp showing Piglet and Winnie-the-Pooh as they appear in the Soviet adaptation

In the Soviet Union, three Winnie-the-Pooh, (transcribed in Russian as Винни-Пух, Vinni Pukh) stories were made into a celebrated trilogy.[62]

  • 1969. Winnie-the-Pooh (Винни-Пух) – based on chapter 1
  • 1971. Winnie-the-Pooh Pays a Visit (Винни-Пух идёт в гости) – based on chapter 2
  • 1972. Winnie-the-Pooh and a Busy Day (Винни-Пух и день забот) – based on chapters 4 and 6.

The films used Boris Zakhoder’s translation of the book. Pooh was voiced by Yevgeny Leonov. Unlike in the Disney adaptations, the animators did not base their depictions of the characters on Shepard’s illustrations, instead creating a different look. The Soviet adaptations made extensive use of Milne’s original text and often brought out aspects of Milne’s characters’ personalities not used in the Disney adaptations.


Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends debuted on NBC Television in 1958

  • 1960: Shirley Temple’s Storybook on NBC: Winnie-the-Pooh—a version for marionettes, designed, made, and operated by Bil and Cora Baird. Pooh was voiced by future Muppet performer Faz Fazakas.
  • During the 1970s, the BBC children’s television show Jackanory serialised the two books, which were read by Willie Rushton.[63]
  • 2024: Untitled animated series.[61]

Cultural legacy

One of the best known characters in British children’s literature, a 2011 poll saw Winnie-the-Pooh voted onto the list of top 100 «icons of England».[64] In 2003 the first Pooh story was ranked number 7 on the BBC’s The Big Read poll.[65] Forbes magazine ranked Pooh the most valuable fictional character in 2002, with merchandising products alone generating more than $5.9 billion that year.[66] In 2005, Pooh generated $6 billion, a figure surpassed by only Mickey Mouse.[67] In 2006, Pooh received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, marking the 80th birthday of Milne’s creation.[67] In 2010, E. H. Shepard’s original illustrations of Winnie the Pooh (and other Pooh characters) featured on a series of UK postage stamps issued by the Royal Mail.[68]

Winnie the Pooh has inspired multiple texts to explain complex philosophical ideas. Benjamin Hoff uses Milne’s characters in The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet to explain Taoism. Similarly, Frederick Crews wrote essays about the Pooh books in abstruse academic jargon in The Pooh Perplex and Postmodern Pooh to satirise a range of philosophical approaches.[69] Pooh and the Philosophers by John T. Williams uses Winnie the Pooh as a backdrop to illustrate the works of philosophers, including Descartes, Kant, Plato and Nietzsche.[70] «Epic Pooh» is a 1978 essay by Michael Moorcock that compares much fantasy writing to A. A. Milne’s, as work intended to comfort, not challenge.

Pooh with Tigger and Eeyore at the Shanghai Disney Resort in 2019

In music, Kenny Loggins wrote the song «House at Pooh Corner», which was originally recorded by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.[71] Loggins later rewrote the song as «Return to Pooh Corner», featuring on the album of the same name in 1991. In Italy, a pop band took their name from Winnie, and were titled Pooh. In Estonia, there is a punk/metal band called Winny Puhh. There is a street in Warsaw, Poland, nammed after the character, the Kubusia Puchatka Street, as he is known in Polish translations as Kubuś Puchatek.[72] There is also a street named after him in Budapest, Hungary, the Micimackó Street.[73]

Poohsticks Bridge in Ashdown Forest, south east England, where Pooh invented Poohsticks

In the «sport» of Poohsticks, competitors drop sticks into a stream from a bridge and then wait to see whose stick will cross the finish line first. Though it began as a game played by Pooh and his friends in the book The House at Pooh Corner and later in the films, it has crossed over into the real world: a World Championship Poohsticks race takes place in Oxfordshire each year. Ashdown Forest in south east England, where the Pooh stories are set, is a popular tourist attraction, and includes the wooden Pooh Bridge where Pooh and Piglet invented Poohsticks.[74] The Oxford University Winnie the Pooh Society was founded by undergraduates in 1982.[75]

From December 2017 to April 2018, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London hosted the exhibition Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic.[76] On exhibit were A. A. Milne’s manuscript of Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner (on loan from the Wren Library at Trinity College, Cambridge, Milne’s alma mater to whom he had bequeathed the works), and teddy bears that had not been on display for some 40 years because they were so fragile.[77][78]

In 2018, E. H. Shepard’s original 1926 illustrated map of the Hundred Acre Wood, which features in the opening pages of Milne’s books and also appears in the opening animation in the first Disney adaptation in 1966, sold for £430,000 ($600,000) at Sotheby’s in London, setting a world record for book illustrations.[79][80]

The Japanese figure skater and two-time Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu regards Pooh as his lucky charm.[81] He is usually seen with a stuffed Winnie-the-Pooh during his figure skating competitions. Because of this, Hanyu’s fans will throw stuffed Winnie-the-Poohs onto the ice after his performance. After one of Hanyu’s performances at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, one spectator remarked that «the ice turned yellow» because of all the Poohs thrown onto the ice.[82]

Censorship in China

In the People’s Republic of China, images of Pooh were censored from social media websites in mid-2017, when Internet memes comparing Chinese Paramount Leader and General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping to (Disney’s version of) Pooh became popular.[83] The 2018 film Christopher Robin was also denied a Chinese release.[84]

When Xi visited the Philippines, protestors posted images of Pooh on social media.[85] Other politicians have been compared to Winnie-the-Pooh characters alongside Xi, including Barack Obama as Tigger, Carrie Lam, Rodrigo Duterte,[86] and Peng Liyuan as Piglet,[87] and Fernando Chui and Shinzo Abe as Eeyore.[88]

Pooh’s Chinese name (Chinese: 小熊维尼; lit. ‘little bear Winnie’) has been censored from video games such as World of Warcraft, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Arena of Valor,[89] and Devotion.[90] Images of Pooh in Kingdom Hearts III were also blurred out on the gaming site A9VG.[91]

Despite the ban, two Pooh-themed rides still operate in Disneyland Shanghai, and it is also legal to purchase Pooh-bear merchandise and books about Winnie the Pooh in China.[92][93] In May 2021, a performer dressed up as Winnie-the-Pooh in Shanghai Disneyland was beaten by a child tourist. Mass media in China used the term “Pooh Pooh Bear” (Chinese: 噗噗熊) in reports about this incident because the word “Winnie” has been censored. However, search results of “Pooh Pooh Bear hurt in Shanghai Disneyland” were censored on Weibo after this incident happened.[94][95]

In October 2019, Pooh was featured in the South Park episode «Band in China» because of his alleged resemblance with Xi. In the episode, Pooh is brutally killed by Randy Marsh. South Park was banned in China as a result of the episode.[96]


  1. ^ McDowell, Edwin. «Winnie ille Pu Nearly XXV Years Later», The New York Times (18 November 1984). Retrieved 2 January 2010.
  2. ^ This Bear’s For You! (Or, Is It?)
  3. ^ «Pooh celebrates his 80th birthday». BBC News. Retrieved 20 July 2015
  4. ^ Ford, Rebecca (28 February 2007) «Happy Birthday Pooh», Daily Express. Retrieved 20 July 2015
  5. ^ «The Adventures of the Real Winnie-the-Pooh. The New York Public Library.
  6. ^ «The real-life Canadian story of Winnie-the-Pooh». CBC Kids. 17 January 2022. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  7. ^ «How Winnie-the-Pooh Got His Name». Time. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  8. ^ «‘Winnie the Pooh has an enchanting heritage’«. Licensing source. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  9. ^ «Winnie the Pooh’s Canadian beginnings». The Hamilton Spectator. Hamilton, Ontario. 2 August 1997. p. W.13. Archived from the original on 22 October 2017. Retrieved 7 July 2017 – via PQArchiver.com.
  10. ^ Mattick, Lindsay (20 October 2015). Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. ISBN 978-0-316-38802-3.
  11. ^ Klein, Christopher. «The True Story of the Real-Life Winnie-the-Pooh». HISTORY. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  12. ^ «Winnie». Historica Minutes, The Historica Foundation of Canada. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
  13. ^ «The bear who inspired Winnie-the-Pooh». Zoological Society of London. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
  14. ^ Safire, William. 1993. «Whence Poo-Bah». GASBAG 24(3) issue 186:28–28.
  15. ^ Willard, Barbara (1989). The Forest – Ashdown in East Sussex. Sussex: Sweethaws Press.. Quoted from the Introduction, p. xi, by Christopher Milne.
  16. ^ Willard (1989). Quoted from the Introduction, p. xi, by Christopher Milne.
  17. ^ Hope, Yvonne Jefferey (2000). «Winnie-the-Pooh in Ashdown Forest». In Brooks, Victoria (ed.). Literary Trips: Following in the Footsteps of Fame. Vol. 1. Vancouver, Canada: Greatest Escapes. p. 287. ISBN 0-9686137-0-5.
  18. ^ «About the E. H. Shepard archive». Surrey.ac.uk. University of Surrey. Archived from the original on 3 May 2012. Retrieved 1 May 2012.
  19. ^ a b «Plans to improve access to Pooh Bridge unveiled». BBC News. Retrieved 11 November 2012
  20. ^ Named stream Open Street Map. Retrieved 2019-11-23
  21. ^ «Appeal to save Winnie the Pooh’s bridge». BBC News. Retrieved 11 November 2012
  22. ^ Davies, Ross E. “An Ursine Foot Note”, Re-readings, vol. 5, 2020, p. 2.
  23. ^ «Celebrate Winnie-The-Pooh’s 90th with a Rare Recording (and Hunny)». NPR.org. National Public Radio. 20 July 2015.
  24. ^ «A Children’s Story by A. A. Milne». Evening News. London. 24 December 1925. p. 1.
  25. ^ Thwaite, Ann (2004). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Alan Alexander Milne. Oxford University Press.
  26. ^ a b Flood, Alison (4 September 2017). «The real Winnie-the-Pooh revealed to have been ‘Growler’«. The Guardian.
  27. ^ «Please do not pit Paddington and Pooh against each other». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  28. ^ Kennedy, Maev (4 October 2009). «Pooh sequel returns Christopher Robin to Hundred Acre Wood». The Guardian. p. 15.
  29. ^ «Winnie-the-Pooh sequel details revealed». Retrieved 18 October 2016.
  30. ^ «Listen to the moment Winnie-the-Pooh meets penguin friend in new book». BBC News. 19 September 2016.
  31. ^ The World of Pooh Lives On. Vol. 40. LIFE: Time Inc. 27 February 1956. p. 118.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  32. ^ «Winnie the Pooh meets the Queen in a new story». BBC News. 19 September 2016.
  33. ^ «The Merchant of Child». Fortune. November 1931. p. 71.
  34. ^ McElway, St. Claire (26 October 1936). «The Literary Character in Business & Commerce». The New Yorker.
  35. ^ Cockrill, Pauline (1991). The Ultimate Teddy Bear Book. Dorling Kindersley. p. 57.
  36. ^ Pearson, Sue; Ayers, Dottie (1995). Teddy Bears: A Complete Guide to History, Collecting, and Care. Macmillan USA. ISBN 978-0-02-860417-6.
  37. ^ Leonard, Devin (20 January 2003). «The Curse of Pooh». Fortune. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
  38. ^ Leonard, Devin (25 May 2022). «Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey Images Reveal First Look at Horror Reimagining». ComicBook. Retrieved 25 May 2022.
  39. ^ «Walt Disney secures rights to Winnie the Pooh». The Guardian. London. 6 March 2001. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
  40. ^ Shea, Joe (18 January 2002). «The Pooh Files». The Albion Monitor. Archived from the original on 5 December 2006.
  41. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. (20 July 2007). «Shirley Slesinger Lasswell, 84; fought Disney over Pooh royalties». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 18 January 2019.
  42. ^ James, Meg (18 January 2002). «Court Rulings Go Against Disney in Pooh Dispute». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 21 October 2021.
  43. ^ James, Meg (26 September 2007). «Disney wins lawsuit ruling on Pooh rights». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 26 September 2007.
  44. ^ «Winnie the Pooh goes to court». USA Today. 6 November 2002. Retrieved 18 January 2019.
  45. ^ «Justices won’t hear copyright appeal by relative of Winnie the Pooh». USA Today. Associated Press. 26 June 2006. Retrieved 18 January 2019.
  46. ^ «Disney loses court battle in Winnie the Pooh copyright case». ABC News. 17 February 2007. Retrieved 15 May 2008.
  47. ^ James, Meg (29 September 2009). «Pooh rights belong to Disney, judge rules». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 5 October 2009.
  48. ^ Shea, Joe (4 October 2009). «The gordian knot of Pooh rights is finally untied in federal court». The American Reporter. Retrieved 5 October 2009.[dead link]
  49. ^ «Hastings Marionettes: Will Open Holiday Season at Guild Theatre on Saturday». The New York Times. 22 December 1931. p. 28.
  50. ^ Quamme, Margaret. 7 December 2019. «‘A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail:’ Delightful production a low-key, amusing hour of fun Archived 13 August 2020 at the Wayback Machine» (review). The Columbus Dispatch.
  51. ^ Rabinowitz, Chloe. «WINNIE THE POOH: THE NEW MUSICAL ADAPTATION Will Open Off-Broadway This Fall». BroadwayWorld.com.
  52. ^ «Disney’s «Winnie the Pooh» on Records». cartoonresearch.com. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  53. ^ «Ian Carmichael and Full Cast – The House at Pooh Corner – HMV Junior Record Club – UK – 7EG 117″. 45Cat.com. 23 July 2010. Retrieved 5 November 2011.
  54. ^ Winnie the Pooh. OCLC 220534420.
  55. ^ Tigger Comes to the Forest: And Other Stories. OCLC 141191344.
  56. ^ Ian Hartley, Goodnight children…everywhere Midas Books: Hippocrene Books, New York: 1983; p. 42
  57. ^ «His Master’s Voice Speaks Again». Playthings. November 1932.
  58. ^ Jaafar, Ali (13 April 2016). «‘Star Wars’ Domhnall Gleeson in Talks To Play Winnie The Pooh Creator AA Milne In ‘Goodbye Christopher Robin’«. Deadline. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
  59. ^ Daniels, Nia (9 August 2017). «Disney’s Christopher Robin starts filming in the UK». KFTV. Media Business Insight. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
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  61. ^ a b Ramachandran, Naman (14 December 2022). «‘Winnie the Pooh’ Origin Story Prequel in the Works at Baboon Animation, IQI». Variety. Retrieved 31 December 2022.
  62. ^ «Russian animation in letters and figures: ‘Winnie the Pooh’«. Animator.ru. Retrieved 9 March 2015.
  63. ^ Biography: Willie Rushton. BBC. Retrieved 11 March 2015.
  64. ^ «Icons of England: The 100 Icons as voted by the public». Culture 24 News. 20 July 2015.
  65. ^ «The Big Read», BBC, April 2003. Retrieved 18 October 2012.
  66. ^ «Top-earning Fictional Characters». Forbes (New York). 25 September 2003. Retrieved 11 November 2012.
  67. ^ a b «Pooh joins Hollywood Walk of Fame», BBC News. Retrieved 24 November 2014
  68. ^ «Winnie the Pooh is celebrated as a fine stamp of a bear». The Times. Retrieved 17 September 2022.
  69. ^ spiked-culture |Article |Pooh-poohing postmodernism Archived 16 June 2007 at the Wayback Machine. Spiked-online.com. Retrieved 12 February 2011.
  70. ^ Sonderbooks Book Review of Pooh and the Philosophers. Sonderbooks.com (20 April 2004). Retrieved 12 February 2011.
  71. ^ «House at Pooh Corner by Loggins and Messina Songfacts». Songfacts.com. 14 October 1926. Retrieved 9 March 2015.
  72. ^ «Полвека с опилками и ворчалками в голове — Винни-Пух отмечает юбилей» (in Russian). Izvestiya. 13 July 2010. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
  73. ^ «@47.415006,19.138366,17z». Google Maps. 1 January 1970. Retrieved 9 March 2015.
  74. ^ Plans to improve access to Pooh Bridge unveiled. BBC. Retrieved 15 October 2011
  75. ^ C.S. Lewis and His Circle: Essays and Memoirs from the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society. Oxford University Press. 2015. p. 249.
  76. ^ «Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic». VAM.ac.uk. Victoria and Albert Museum. Retrieved 5 April 2020.
  77. ^ Kennedy, Maev (3 September 2017). «Winnie-the-Pooh heads to V&A for big winter exhibition». The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 4 April 2020.
  78. ^ Kennedy, Maev (4 December 2017). «Winnie-the-Pooh heads to the V&A in London for bear-all exhibition». The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 5 April 2020.
  79. ^ «Original Winnie-the-Pooh map sets world record at auction». The Guardian. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
  80. ^ «Winnie-the-Pooh’s Original Hundred Acre Wood Sells for £430,000». Sotheby’s. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
  81. ^ [160320] Yuzuru Hanyu interview from CBC Sports, archived from the original on 29 October 2021, retrieved 21 March 2021
  82. ^ Longman, Jeré (4 January 2018). «The Greatest Figure Skater Ever Is Michael Jackson on Ice, Surrounded by Winnie the Poohs». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 21 March 2021.
  83. ^ McDonell, Stephen (17 July 2017). «Why China censors banned Winnie the Pooh». BBC News. Archived from the original on 8 January 2019. Retrieved 6 October 2017.
  84. ^ «China denies entry to Disney’s Winnie the Pooh film: source». Reuters. Thomson Reuters. 7 August 2018. Archived from the original on 7 August 2018.
  85. ^ «Lots of Winnie the Pooh on your newsfeeds? It’s Filipino netizens’ burn against Chinese leader Xi». CNN.com. Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  86. ^ «Filipinos troll Xi Jinping, Duterte ahead of Chinese President’s Manila arrival — Coconuts». coconuts.co. Retrieved 10 December 2021.
  87. ^ Cheng, Kris (23 October 2018). «Satirist compares Xi Jinping and Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam to Winnie the Pooh and Piglet». Hong Kong Free Press. Retrieved 5 September 2020.
  88. ^ Linder, Alex (24 October 2018). «Netizens cast Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam as the Piglet to Xi Jinping’s Winnie the Pooh». Shanghaiist. Archived from the original on 21 March 2019. Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  89. ^ Trent, John F. (20 March 2019). «Report: ‘Winnie the Pooh’ Censored in World of Warcraft, PUBG, and Arena of Valor in China». Bounding Into Comics. Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  90. ^ Horti, Samuel (23 February 2019). «Devotion review bombed by Chinese Steam users over Winnie the Pooh meme». PC Gamer. Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  91. ^ Ashcraft, Brian (23 November 2018). «Chinese Game Site Censors Winnie the Pooh in Kingdom Hearts III«. Kotaku. Retrieved 29 May 2019.
  92. ^ Stolworthy, Jacob; «Winnie the Pooh could be banned from Shanghai Disneyland as a result of an ongoing meme used to criticize China’s leader», The Independent, 20 November 2018, via Business Insider.
  93. ^ «How Banned Is Winnie the Pooh in China, Really?». MEL Magazine. 23 September 2020. Retrieved 2 December 2021.
  94. ^ «小熊維尼挨孩狂揍!爸「態度」惹眾怒 微博熱搜被消失». tw.news.yahoo.com (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 7 May 2021. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  95. ^ «【敏感词库】»上海迪士尼噗噗熊被打»禁转禁评». China Digital Times. 7 May 2021. Retrieved 7 May 2021.
  96. ^ Parker, Ryan; Brzeski, Patrick (7 October 2019). «‘South Park’ Scrubbed From Chinese Internet After Critical Episode». The Hollywood Reporter.

External links

Winnie-the-Pooh public domain audiobook at LibriVox

  • Winnie-the-Pooh at Curlie
  • The original bear, with A. A. and Christopher Robin Milne, at the National Portrait Gallery, London
  • The real locations, from the Ashdown Forest Conservators
  • Winnie-the-Pooh at the New York Public Library
  • «Winnie the Pooh saga turns 100 years old», CBC News, 24 August 2014.
  • «The skull of the ‘real’ Winnie goes on display», BBC News, 20 November 2015.
Pooh Shepard1928.jpg

Pooh in an illustration by E. H. Shepard

First appearance
  • When We Were Very Young (1924; as Edward Bear)
  • Winnie-the-Pooh (1926)
Created by
  • A. A. Milne
  • E. H. Shepard
Based on Winnie the bear
In-universe information
  • Pooh Bear
  • Pooh
Species Teddy Bear
Gender Male
Home Hundred Acre Wood

Winnie-the-Pooh, also called Pooh Bear and Pooh, is a fictional anthropomorphic teddy bear created by English author A. A. Milne and English illustrator E. H. Shepard.

The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children’s verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by E. H. Shepard.

The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, including Alexander Lenard’s Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the only Latin book ever to have been featured on The New York Times Best Seller list.[1]

In 1961, Walt Disney Productions licensed certain film and other rights of Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh stories from the estate of A. A. Milne and the licensing agent Stephen Slesinger, Inc., and adapted the Pooh stories, using the unhyphenated name «Winnie the Pooh», into a series of features that would eventually become one of its most successful franchises.

In popular film adaptations, Pooh has been voiced by actors Sterling Holloway, Hal Smith, and Jim Cummings in English, and Yevgeny Leonov in Russian.



Christopher Robin’s original Winnie-the-Pooh stuffed toys, on display at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library. Clockwise from bottom left: Tigger, Kanga, Edward Bear («Winnie-the-Pooh»), Eeyore, and Piglet. Roo was also one of the original toys, but was lost during the 1930s.

A. A. Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh after a teddy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne, on whom the character Christopher Robin was based. Shepard in turn based his illustrations of Pooh on his own son’s teddy bear named Growler, instead of Christopher Robin’s bear.[2] The rest of Christopher Milne’s toys – Piglet, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo, and Tigger – were incorporated into Milne’s stories.[3][4] Two more characters, Owl and Rabbit, were created by Milne’s imagination, while Gopher was added to the Disney version. Christopher Robin’s toy bear is on display at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library in New York City.[5]

Christopher Robin Milne had named his toy bear after Winnie, a Canadian black bear he often saw at London Zoo, and Pooh, a friend’s pet swan they had encountered while on holiday.[6][7] His father had bought him the toy bear in 1921 from Harrods department store.[8] The bear cub was purchased from a hunter for C$20 by Canadian Lieutenant Harry Colebourn in White River, Ontario, while en route to England during the First World War.[9] Colebourn, a veterinary officer with the Fort Garry Horse cavalry regiment, named the bear Winnie after his adopted hometown in Winnipeg, Manitoba.[10][11] Winnie was surreptitiously brought to England with her owner, and gained unofficial recognition as The Fort Garry Horse regimental mascot. Colebourn left Winnie at the London Zoo while he and his unit were in France; after the war she was officially donated to the zoo, as she had become a much-loved attraction there.[12] Pooh the swan appears as a character in its own right in When We Were Very Young.

Sculpture at London Zoo where A. A. Milne took his son Christopher Robin to see the amiable bear that inspired Milne to write the story.[13]

In the first chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh, Milne offers this explanation of why Winnie-the-Pooh is often called simply «Pooh»:

But his arms were so stiff … they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off. And I think – but I am not sure – that that is why he is always called Pooh.

American writer William Safire surmised that the Milnes’ invention of the name «Winnie the Pooh» may have also been influenced by the haughty character Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado (1885).[14]

Ashdown Forest: the setting for the stories

A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepard memorial plaque at Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, south east England. It overlooks Five Hundred Acre Wood, the setting for Winnie-the-Pooh.

The Winnie-the-Pooh stories are set in Ashdown Forest, East Sussex, England. The forest is an area of tranquil open heathland on the highest sandy ridges of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty situated 30 miles (50 km) south-east of London. In 1925 Milne, a Londoner, bought a country home a mile to the north of the forest at Cotchford Farm, near Hartfield. According to Christopher Robin Milne, while his father continued to live in London «…the four of us – he, his wife, his son and his son’s nanny – would pile into a large blue, chauffeur-driven Fiat and travel down every Saturday morning and back again every Monday afternoon. And we would spend a whole glorious month there in the spring and two months in the summer.»[15] From the front lawn the family had a view across a meadow to a line of alders that fringed the River Medway, beyond which the ground rose through more trees until finally «above them, in the faraway distance, crowning the view, was a bare hilltop. In the centre of this hilltop was a clump of pines.» Most of his father’s visits to the forest at that time were, he noted, family expeditions on foot «to make yet another attempt to count the pine trees on Gill’s Lap or to search for the marsh gentian». Christopher added that, inspired by Ashdown Forest, his father had made it «the setting for two of his books, finishing the second little over three years after his arrival».[16]

Many locations in the stories can be associated with real places in and around the forest. As Christopher Milne wrote in his autobiography: «Pooh’s forest and Ashdown Forest are identical.» For example, the fictional «Hundred Acre Wood» was in reality Five Hundred Acre Wood; Galleon’s Leap was inspired by the prominent hilltop of Gill’s Lap, while a clump of trees just north of Gill’s Lap became Christopher Robin’s The Enchanted Place, because no-one had ever been able to count whether there were 63 or 64 trees in the circle.[17]

The landscapes depicted in E. H. Shepard’s illustrations for the Winnie-the-Pooh books were directly inspired by the distinctive landscape of Ashdown Forest, with its high, open heathlands of heather, gorse, bracken and silver birch, punctuated by hilltop clumps of pine trees. Many of Shepard’s illustrations can be matched to actual views, allowing for a degree of artistic licence. Shepard’s sketches of pine trees and other forest scenes are held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.[18]

The game of Poohsticks was originally played by Christopher Milne on the wooden footbridge,[19] across the Millbrook,[20] Posingford Wood, close to Cotchford Farm. It is now a tourist attraction, and it has become traditional to play the game there using sticks gathered in the nearby woodland.[19][21] When the footbridge had to be replaced in 1999, the architect used as a main source drawings by Shepard in the books, which differ a little from the original structure.

First publication

Winnie-the-Pooh’s debut in the 24 December 1925 London Evening News

Christopher Robin’s teddy bear made his character début, under the name Edward, in A. A. Milne’s poem, «Teddy Bear», in the edition of 13 February 1924 of Punch (E. H. Shepard had also included a similar bear in a cartoon published in Punch the previous week[22]), and the same poem was published in Milne’s book of children’s verse When We Were Very Young (6 November 1924).[23] Winnie-the-Pooh first appeared by name on 24 December 1925, in a Christmas story commissioned and published by the London newspaper Evening News. It was illustrated by J. H. Dowd.[24]

The first collection of Pooh stories appeared in the book Winnie-the-Pooh. The Evening News Christmas story reappeared as the first chapter of the book. At the beginning, it explained that Pooh was in fact Christopher Robin’s Edward Bear, who had been renamed by the boy. He was renamed after an American black bear at London Zoo called Winnie who got her name from the fact that her owner had come from Winnipeg, Canada. The book was published in October 1926 by the publisher of Milne’s earlier children’s work, Methuen, in England, E. P. Dutton in the United States, and McClelland & Stewart in Canada.[25]


The original drawing of Pooh was based not on Christopher Robin’s bear, but on Growler, the teddy bear belonging to Shepard’s son Graham, according to James Campbell, husband of Shepard’s great-granddaughter. When Campbell took over Shepard’s estate in 2010, he discovered many drawings and unpublished writings, including early drawings of Pooh, that had not been seen in decades. Campbell said, «Both he and AA Milne realised that Christopher Robin’s bear was too gruff-looking, not very cuddly, so they decided they would have to have a different bear for the illustrations.»[26] Campbell said Shepard sent Milne a drawing of his son’s bear and that Milne «said it was perfect». Campbell also said Shepard’s drawings of Christopher Robin were based partly on his own son.[26]


Pooh listening to Christopher Robin, Winnie-the-Pooh (1926). Illustration by E. H. Shepard.

In the Milne books, Pooh is naive and slow-witted, but he is also friendly, thoughtful, and steadfast. Although he and his friends agree that he is «a bear of very little brain», Pooh is occasionally acknowledged to have a clever idea, usually driven by common sense. These include riding in Christopher Robin’s umbrella to rescue Piglet from a flood, discovering «the North Pole» by picking it up to help fish Roo out of the river, inventing the game of Poohsticks, and getting Eeyore out of the river by dropping a large rock on one side of him to wash him towards the bank.

Pooh at Owl’s house. Illustration by E. H. Shepard

Pooh is also a talented poet and the stories are frequently punctuated by his poems and «hums». Although he is humble about his slow-wittedness, he is comfortable with his creative gifts. When Owl’s house blows down in a windstorm, trapping Pooh, Piglet and Owl inside, Pooh encourages Piglet (the only one small enough to do so) to escape and rescue them all by promising that «a respectful Pooh song» will be written about Piglet’s feat. Later, Pooh muses about the creative process as he composes the song.

Pooh is very fond of food, particularly honey (which he spells «hunny»), but also condensed milk and other items. When he visits friends, his desire to be offered a snack is in conflict with the impoliteness of asking too directly. Though intent on giving Eeyore a pot of honey for his birthday, Pooh could not resist eating it on his way to deliver the present and so instead gives Eeyore «a useful pot to put things in». When he and Piglet are lost in the forest during Rabbit’s attempt to «unbounce» Tigger, Pooh finds his way home by following the «call» of the honeypots from his house. Pooh makes it a habit to have «a little something» around 11:00 in the morning. As the clock in his house «stopped at five minutes to eleven some weeks ago», any time can be Pooh’s snack time.

Pooh is very social. After Christopher Robin, his closest friend is Piglet, and he most often chooses to spend his time with one or both of them. But he also habitually visits the other animals, often looking for a snack or an audience for his poetry as much as for companionship. His kind-heartedness means he goes out of his way to be friendly to Eeyore, visiting him and bringing him a birthday present and building him a house, despite receiving mostly disdain from Eeyore in return. Devan Coggan of Entertainment Weekly saw a similarity between Pooh and Paddington Bear, two «extremely polite British bears without pants», adding that «both bears share a philosophy of kindness and integrity».[27]

Posthumous sequels

An authorised sequel Return to the Hundred Acre Wood was published on 5 October 2009. The author, David Benedictus, has developed, but not changed, Milne’s characterisations. The illustrations, by Mark Burgess, are in the style of Shepard.[28]

Another authorised sequel, Winnie-the-Pooh: The Best Bear in All the World, was published by Egmont in 2016. The sequel consists of four short stories by four leading children’s authors, Kate Saunders, Brian Sibley, Paul Bright, and Jeanne Willis. Illustrations are by Mark Burgess.[29] The Best Bear in All The World sees the introduction of a new character, Penguin, which was inspired by a long-lost photograph of Milne and his son Christopher with a toy penguin.[30][31]

In 2016, Winnie-the-Pooh Meets the Queen was published to mark the 90th anniversary of Milne’s creation and the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. It sees Pooh meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace.[32]

Stephen Slesinger

On 6 January 1930, Stephen Slesinger purchased US and Canadian merchandising, television, recording, and other trade rights to the Winnie-the-Pooh works from Milne for a $1,000 advance and 66% of Slesinger’s income, creating the modern licensing industry. By November 1931, Pooh was a $50 million-a-year business.[33] Slesinger marketed Pooh and his friends for more than 30 years, creating the first Pooh doll, record, board game, puzzle, US radio broadcast (on NBC), animation, and motion picture.[34]

Red shirt Pooh

The first time Pooh and his friends appeared in colour was 1932, when he was drawn by Slesinger in his now-familiar red shirt and featured on an RCA Victor picture record. Parker Brothers introduced A. A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh Game in 1933, again with Pooh in his red shirt. In the 1940s, Agnes Brush created the first plush dolls with Pooh in a shirt.[35][36]

Disney exclusivity (1953–2021)

After Slesinger’s death in 1953, his wife, Shirley Slesinger Lasswell, continued developing the character herself. In 1961, she licensed rights to Walt Disney Productions in exchange for royalties in the first of two agreements between Stephen Slesinger, Inc., and Disney.[37] The same year, A. A. Milne’s widow, Daphne Milne, also licensed certain rights, including motion picture rights, to Disney.

Since 1966, Disney has released numerous animated productions starring its version of Winnie the Pooh and related characters, starting with the theatrical featurette Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree. This was followed by Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968), and Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (1974). These three featurettes were combined into a feature-length movie, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, in 1977. A fourth featurette, Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore, was released in 1983.

A new series of Winnie the Pooh theatrical feature-length films launched in the 2000s, with The Tigger Movie (2000), Piglet’s Big Movie (2003), Pooh’s Heffalump Movie (2005), and Winnie the Pooh (2011).

Disney has also produced television series based on the franchise, including Welcome to Pooh Corner (Disney Channel, 1983–1986), The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (ABC, 1988–1991), The Book of Pooh (Playhouse Disney, 2001–2003), and My Friends Tigger & Pooh (Playhouse Disney, 2007–2010).

A.A. Milne’s U.S. copyright in the Winnie-the-Pooh character expired at the end of 2021, as it had been 95 years since publication of the first story. The character has thus entered the public domain in the United States and Disney no longer holds exclusive rights there. Independent filmmaker Rhys Frake-Wakefield capitalized on this shortly thereafter by producing a horror film titled Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey.[38] The UK copyright will expire on 1 January 2027, the 70th year since Milne’s death.[39]

Merchandising revenue dispute

Pooh videos, soft toys, and other merchandise generate substantial annual revenues for Disney. The size of Pooh stuffed toys ranges from Beanie and miniature to human-sized. In addition to the stylised Disney Pooh, Disney markets Classic Pooh merchandise which more closely resembles E. H. Shepard’s illustrations.

In 1991, Stephen Slesinger, Inc., filed a lawsuit against Disney which alleged that Disney had breached their 1983 agreement by again failing to accurately report revenue from Winnie the Pooh sales. Under this agreement, Disney was to retain approximately 98% of gross worldwide revenues while the remaining 2% was to be paid to Slesinger. In addition, the suit alleged that Disney had failed to pay required royalties on all commercial exploitation of the product name.[40] Though the Disney corporation was sanctioned by a judge for destroying forty boxes of evidentiary documents,[41] the suit was later terminated by another judge when it was discovered that Slesinger’s investigator had rummaged through Disney’s garbage to retrieve the discarded evidence.[42] Slesinger appealed the termination and, on 26 September 2007, a three-judge panel upheld the lawsuit dismissal.[43]

After the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, Clare Milne, Christopher Robin Milne’s daughter, attempted to terminate any future US copyrights for Stephen Slesinger, Inc.[44] After a series of legal hearings, Judge Florence-Marie Cooper of the US District Court in California found in favour of Stephen Slesinger, Inc., as did the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. On 26 June 2006, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case, sustaining the ruling and ensuring the defeat of the suit.[45]

On 19 February 2007, Disney lost a court case in Los Angeles which ruled their «misguided claims» to dispute the licensing agreements with Slesinger, Inc., were unjustified,[46] but a federal ruling of 28 September 2009, again from Judge Florence-Marie Cooper, determined that the Slesinger family had granted all trademarks and copyrights to Disney, although Disney must pay royalties for all future use of the characters. Both parties have expressed satisfaction with the outcome.[47][48]

Other adaptations


  • 1931. Winnie-the-Pooh at the Guild Theater, Sue Hastings Marionettes[49]
  • 1957. Winnie-the-Pooh, a play in three acts, dramatized by Kristin Sergel, Dramatic Publishing Company
  • 1964. Winnie-the-Pooh, a musical comedy in two acts, lyrics by A. A. Milne and Kristin Sergel, music by Allan Jay Friedman, book by Kristin Sergel, Dramatic Publishing Company
  • 1977. A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail, in which Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends help Eeyore have a very Merry Christmas (or a very happy birthday), with the book, music, and lyrics by James W. Rogers, Dramatic Publishing Company[50]
  • 1986. Bother! The Brain of Pooh, Peter Dennis
  • 1992. Winnie-the-Pooh, small cast musical version, dramatized by le Clanché du Rand, music by Allan Jay Friedman, lyrics by A. A. Milne and Kristin Sergel, additional lyrics by le Clanché du Rand, Dramatic Publishing Company
  • 2021. Winnie the Pooh: The New Musical Adaptation[51]


RCA Victor record from 1932 decorated with Stephen Slesinger, Inc.’s Winnie-the-Pooh

Selected Pooh stories read by Maurice Evans released on vinyl LP:

  • 1956. Winnie-the-Pooh (consisting of three tracks: «Introducing Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin»; «Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets into a Tight Place»; and «Pooh and Piglet Go Hunting and Nearly Catch a Woozle»)
  • More Winnie-the-Pooh (consisting of three tracks: «Eeyore Loses a Tail»; «Piglet Meets a Heffalump»; «Eeyore Has a Birthday»)

In 1951, RCA Records released four stories of Winnie-the-Pooh, narrated by Jimmy Stewart and featuring the voices of Cecil Roy as Pooh, Madeleine Pierce as Piglet, Betty Jane Tyler as Kanga, Merrill Joels as Eeyore, Arnold Stang as Rabbit, Frank Milano as Owl, and Sandy Fussell as Christopher Robin.[52]

In 1960, HMV recorded a dramatised version with songs (music by Harold Fraser-Simson) of two episodes from The House at Pooh Corner (Chapters 2 and 8), starring Ian Carmichael as Pooh, Denise Bryer as Christopher Robin (who also narrated), Hugh Lloyd as Tigger, Penny Morrell as Piglet, and Terry Norris as Eeyore. This was released on a 45 rpm EP.[53]

In the 1970s and 1980s, Carol Channing recorded Winnie the Pooh, The House at Pooh Corner and The Winnie the Pooh Songbook, with music by Don Heckman. These were released on vinyl LP and audio cassette by Caedmon Records.

Unabridged recordings read by Peter Dennis of the four Pooh books:

  • When We Were Very Young
  • Winnie-the-Pooh
  • Now We Are Six
  • The House at Pooh Corner

In 1979, a double audio cassette set of Winnie the Pooh was produced featuring British actor Lionel Jeffries reading all of the characters in the stories. This was followed in 1981 by an audio cassette set of stories from The House at Pooh Corner also read by Lionel Jeffries.[54]

In the 1990s, the stories were dramatised for audio by David Benedictus, with music composed, directed and played by John Gould. They were performed by a cast that included Stephen Fry as Winnie-the-Pooh, Jane Horrocks as Piglet, Geoffrey Palmer as Eeyore, Judi Dench as Kanga, Finty Williams as Roo, Robert Daws as Rabbit, Michael Williams as Owl, Steven Webb as Christopher Robin and Sandi Toksvig as Tigger.[55]


  • The BBC included readings of Winnie-the-Pooh stories in its programmes for children very soon after their first publication. One of the earliest of such readings, by «Uncle Peter» (C. E. Hodges), was an item in the programme For the Children, broadcast by stations 2LO and 5XX on 23 March 1926. Norman Shelley was the notable voice of Pooh on the BBC’s Children’s Hour.[56]
  • Pooh made his US radio debut on 10 November 1932, when he was broadcast to 40,000 schools by The American School of the Air, the educational division of the Columbia Broadcasting System.[57]


  • 2017: Goodbye Christopher Robin, a British drama film exploring the creation of Winnie-the-Pooh with Domhnall Gleeson playing A. A. Milne.[58]
  • 2018: Christopher Robin, an extension of the Disney Winnie the Pooh franchise, Ewan McGregor plays Christopher Robin Milne, and filming took place at Ashdown Forest.[59]
  • 2023: Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey, a horror adaptation depicting both Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet as homicidal maniacs who go on a killing spree after Christopher Robin abandons them.[60]
  • 2024: Untitled animated prequel.[61]

Soviet adaptation

A postage stamp showing Piglet and Winnie-the-Pooh as they appear in the Soviet adaptation

In the Soviet Union, three Winnie-the-Pooh, (transcribed in Russian as Винни-Пух, Vinni Pukh) stories were made into a celebrated trilogy.[62]

  • 1969. Winnie-the-Pooh (Винни-Пух) – based on chapter 1
  • 1971. Winnie-the-Pooh Pays a Visit (Винни-Пух идёт в гости) – based on chapter 2
  • 1972. Winnie-the-Pooh and a Busy Day (Винни-Пух и день забот) – based on chapters 4 and 6.

The films used Boris Zakhoder’s translation of the book. Pooh was voiced by Yevgeny Leonov. Unlike in the Disney adaptations, the animators did not base their depictions of the characters on Shepard’s illustrations, instead creating a different look. The Soviet adaptations made extensive use of Milne’s original text and often brought out aspects of Milne’s characters’ personalities not used in the Disney adaptations.


Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends debuted on NBC Television in 1958

  • 1960: Shirley Temple’s Storybook on NBC: Winnie-the-Pooh—a version for marionettes, designed, made, and operated by Bil and Cora Baird. Pooh was voiced by future Muppet performer Faz Fazakas.
  • During the 1970s, the BBC children’s television show Jackanory serialised the two books, which were read by Willie Rushton.[63]
  • 2024: Untitled animated series.[61]

Cultural legacy

One of the best known characters in British children’s literature, a 2011 poll saw Winnie-the-Pooh voted onto the list of top 100 «icons of England».[64] In 2003 the first Pooh story was ranked number 7 on the BBC’s The Big Read poll.[65] Forbes magazine ranked Pooh the most valuable fictional character in 2002, with merchandising products alone generating more than $5.9 billion that year.[66] In 2005, Pooh generated $6 billion, a figure surpassed by only Mickey Mouse.[67] In 2006, Pooh received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, marking the 80th birthday of Milne’s creation.[67] In 2010, E. H. Shepard’s original illustrations of Winnie the Pooh (and other Pooh characters) featured on a series of UK postage stamps issued by the Royal Mail.[68]

Winnie the Pooh has inspired multiple texts to explain complex philosophical ideas. Benjamin Hoff uses Milne’s characters in The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet to explain Taoism. Similarly, Frederick Crews wrote essays about the Pooh books in abstruse academic jargon in The Pooh Perplex and Postmodern Pooh to satirise a range of philosophical approaches.[69] Pooh and the Philosophers by John T. Williams uses Winnie the Pooh as a backdrop to illustrate the works of philosophers, including Descartes, Kant, Plato and Nietzsche.[70] «Epic Pooh» is a 1978 essay by Michael Moorcock that compares much fantasy writing to A. A. Milne’s, as work intended to comfort, not challenge.

Pooh with Tigger and Eeyore at the Shanghai Disney Resort in 2019

In music, Kenny Loggins wrote the song «House at Pooh Corner», which was originally recorded by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band.[71] Loggins later rewrote the song as «Return to Pooh Corner», featuring on the album of the same name in 1991. In Italy, a pop band took their name from Winnie, and were titled Pooh. In Estonia, there is a punk/metal band called Winny Puhh. There is a street in Warsaw, Poland, nammed after the character, the Kubusia Puchatka Street, as he is known in Polish translations as Kubuś Puchatek.[72] There is also a street named after him in Budapest, Hungary, the Micimackó Street.[73]

Poohsticks Bridge in Ashdown Forest, south east England, where Pooh invented Poohsticks

In the «sport» of Poohsticks, competitors drop sticks into a stream from a bridge and then wait to see whose stick will cross the finish line first. Though it began as a game played by Pooh and his friends in the book The House at Pooh Corner and later in the films, it has crossed over into the real world: a World Championship Poohsticks race takes place in Oxfordshire each year. Ashdown Forest in south east England, where the Pooh stories are set, is a popular tourist attraction, and includes the wooden Pooh Bridge where Pooh and Piglet invented Poohsticks.[74] The Oxford University Winnie the Pooh Society was founded by undergraduates in 1982.[75]

From December 2017 to April 2018, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London hosted the exhibition Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic.[76] On exhibit were A. A. Milne’s manuscript of Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner (on loan from the Wren Library at Trinity College, Cambridge, Milne’s alma mater to whom he had bequeathed the works), and teddy bears that had not been on display for some 40 years because they were so fragile.[77][78]

In 2018, E. H. Shepard’s original 1926 illustrated map of the Hundred Acre Wood, which features in the opening pages of Milne’s books and also appears in the opening animation in the first Disney adaptation in 1966, sold for £430,000 ($600,000) at Sotheby’s in London, setting a world record for book illustrations.[79][80]

The Japanese figure skater and two-time Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu regards Pooh as his lucky charm.[81] He is usually seen with a stuffed Winnie-the-Pooh during his figure skating competitions. Because of this, Hanyu’s fans will throw stuffed Winnie-the-Poohs onto the ice after his performance. After one of Hanyu’s performances at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, one spectator remarked that «the ice turned yellow» because of all the Poohs thrown onto the ice.[82]

Censorship in China

In the People’s Republic of China, images of Pooh were censored from social media websites in mid-2017, when Internet memes comparing Chinese Paramount Leader and General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping to (Disney’s version of) Pooh became popular.[83] The 2018 film Christopher Robin was also denied a Chinese release.[84]

When Xi visited the Philippines, protestors posted images of Pooh on social media.[85] Other politicians have been compared to Winnie-the-Pooh characters alongside Xi, including Barack Obama as Tigger, Carrie Lam, Rodrigo Duterte,[86] and Peng Liyuan as Piglet,[87] and Fernando Chui and Shinzo Abe as Eeyore.[88]

Pooh’s Chinese name (Chinese: 小熊维尼; lit. ‘little bear Winnie’) has been censored from video games such as World of Warcraft, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Arena of Valor,[89] and Devotion.[90] Images of Pooh in Kingdom Hearts III were also blurred out on the gaming site A9VG.[91]

Despite the ban, two Pooh-themed rides still operate in Disneyland Shanghai, and it is also legal to purchase Pooh-bear merchandise and books about Winnie the Pooh in China.[92][93] In May 2021, a performer dressed up as Winnie-the-Pooh in Shanghai Disneyland was beaten by a child tourist. Mass media in China used the term “Pooh Pooh Bear” (Chinese: 噗噗熊) in reports about this incident because the word “Winnie” has been censored. However, search results of “Pooh Pooh Bear hurt in Shanghai Disneyland” were censored on Weibo after this incident happened.[94][95]

In October 2019, Pooh was featured in the South Park episode «Band in China» because of his alleged resemblance with Xi. In the episode, Pooh is brutally killed by Randy Marsh. South Park was banned in China as a result of the episode.[96]


  1. ^ McDowell, Edwin. «Winnie ille Pu Nearly XXV Years Later», The New York Times (18 November 1984). Retrieved 2 January 2010.
  2. ^ This Bear’s For You! (Or, Is It?)
  3. ^ «Pooh celebrates his 80th birthday». BBC News. Retrieved 20 July 2015
  4. ^ Ford, Rebecca (28 February 2007) «Happy Birthday Pooh», Daily Express. Retrieved 20 July 2015
  5. ^ «The Adventures of the Real Winnie-the-Pooh. The New York Public Library.
  6. ^ «The real-life Canadian story of Winnie-the-Pooh». CBC Kids. 17 January 2022. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  7. ^ «How Winnie-the-Pooh Got His Name». Time. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  8. ^ «‘Winnie the Pooh has an enchanting heritage’«. Licensing source. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  9. ^ «Winnie the Pooh’s Canadian beginnings». The Hamilton Spectator. Hamilton, Ontario. 2 August 1997. p. W.13. Archived from the original on 22 October 2017. Retrieved 7 July 2017 – via PQArchiver.com.
  10. ^ Mattick, Lindsay (20 October 2015). Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. ISBN 978-0-316-38802-3.
  11. ^ Klein, Christopher. «The True Story of the Real-Life Winnie-the-Pooh». HISTORY. Retrieved 20 December 2022.
  12. ^ «Winnie». Historica Minutes, The Historica Foundation of Canada. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
  13. ^ «The bear who inspired Winnie-the-Pooh». Zoological Society of London. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
  14. ^ Safire, William. 1993. «Whence Poo-Bah». GASBAG 24(3) issue 186:28–28.
  15. ^ Willard, Barbara (1989). The Forest – Ashdown in East Sussex. Sussex: Sweethaws Press.. Quoted from the Introduction, p. xi, by Christopher Milne.
  16. ^ Willard (1989). Quoted from the Introduction, p. xi, by Christopher Milne.
  17. ^ Hope, Yvonne Jefferey (2000). «Winnie-the-Pooh in Ashdown Forest». In Brooks, Victoria (ed.). Literary Trips: Following in the Footsteps of Fame. Vol. 1. Vancouver, Canada: Greatest Escapes. p. 287. ISBN 0-9686137-0-5.
  18. ^ «About the E. H. Shepard archive». Surrey.ac.uk. University of Surrey. Archived from the original on 3 May 2012. Retrieved 1 May 2012.
  19. ^ a b «Plans to improve access to Pooh Bridge unveiled». BBC News. Retrieved 11 November 2012
  20. ^ Named stream Open Street Map. Retrieved 2019-11-23
  21. ^ «Appeal to save Winnie the Pooh’s bridge». BBC News. Retrieved 11 November 2012
  22. ^ Davies, Ross E. “An Ursine Foot Note”, Re-readings, vol. 5, 2020, p. 2.
  23. ^ «Celebrate Winnie-The-Pooh’s 90th with a Rare Recording (and Hunny)». NPR.org. National Public Radio. 20 July 2015.
  24. ^ «A Children’s Story by A. A. Milne». Evening News. London. 24 December 1925. p. 1.
  25. ^ Thwaite, Ann (2004). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Alan Alexander Milne. Oxford University Press.
  26. ^ a b Flood, Alison (4 September 2017). «The real Winnie-the-Pooh revealed to have been ‘Growler’«. The Guardian.
  27. ^ «Please do not pit Paddington and Pooh against each other». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  28. ^ Kennedy, Maev (4 October 2009). «Pooh sequel returns Christopher Robin to Hundred Acre Wood». The Guardian. p. 15.
  29. ^ «Winnie-the-Pooh sequel details revealed». Retrieved 18 October 2016.
  30. ^ «Listen to the moment Winnie-the-Pooh meets penguin friend in new book». BBC News. 19 September 2016.
  31. ^ The World of Pooh Lives On. Vol. 40. LIFE: Time Inc. 27 February 1956. p. 118.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  32. ^ «Winnie the Pooh meets the Queen in a new story». BBC News. 19 September 2016.
  33. ^ «The Merchant of Child». Fortune. November 1931. p. 71.
  34. ^ McElway, St. Claire (26 October 1936). «The Literary Character in Business & Commerce». The New Yorker.
  35. ^ Cockrill, Pauline (1991). The Ultimate Teddy Bear Book. Dorling Kindersley. p. 57.
  36. ^ Pearson, Sue; Ayers, Dottie (1995). Teddy Bears: A Complete Guide to History, Collecting, and Care. Macmillan USA. ISBN 978-0-02-860417-6.
  37. ^ Leonard, Devin (20 January 2003). «The Curse of Pooh». Fortune. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
  38. ^ Leonard, Devin (25 May 2022). «Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey Images Reveal First Look at Horror Reimagining». ComicBook. Retrieved 25 May 2022.
  39. ^ «Walt Disney secures rights to Winnie the Pooh». The Guardian. London. 6 March 2001. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
  40. ^ Shea, Joe (18 January 2002). «The Pooh Files». The Albion Monitor. Archived from the original on 5 December 2006.
  41. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. (20 July 2007). «Shirley Slesinger Lasswell, 84; fought Disney over Pooh royalties». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 18 January 2019.
  42. ^ James, Meg (18 January 2002). «Court Rulings Go Against Disney in Pooh Dispute». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 21 October 2021.
  43. ^ James, Meg (26 September 2007). «Disney wins lawsuit ruling on Pooh rights». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 26 September 2007.
  44. ^ «Winnie the Pooh goes to court». USA Today. 6 November 2002. Retrieved 18 January 2019.
  45. ^ «Justices won’t hear copyright appeal by relative of Winnie the Pooh». USA Today. Associated Press. 26 June 2006. Retrieved 18 January 2019.
  46. ^ «Disney loses court battle in Winnie the Pooh copyright case». ABC News. 17 February 2007. Retrieved 15 May 2008.
  47. ^ James, Meg (29 September 2009). «Pooh rights belong to Disney, judge rules». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 5 October 2009.
  48. ^ Shea, Joe (4 October 2009). «The gordian knot of Pooh rights is finally untied in federal court». The American Reporter. Retrieved 5 October 2009.[dead link]
  49. ^ «Hastings Marionettes: Will Open Holiday Season at Guild Theatre on Saturday». The New York Times. 22 December 1931. p. 28.
  50. ^ Quamme, Margaret. 7 December 2019. «‘A Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tail:’ Delightful production a low-key, amusing hour of fun Archived 13 August 2020 at the Wayback Machine» (review). The Columbus Dispatch.
  51. ^ Rabinowitz, Chloe. «WINNIE THE POOH: THE NEW MUSICAL ADAPTATION Will Open Off-Broadway This Fall». BroadwayWorld.com.
  52. ^ «Disney’s «Winnie the Pooh» on Records». cartoonresearch.com. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  53. ^ «Ian Carmichael and Full Cast – The House at Pooh Corner – HMV Junior Record Club – UK – 7EG 117″. 45Cat.com. 23 July 2010. Retrieved 5 November 2011.
  54. ^ Winnie the Pooh. OCLC 220534420.
  55. ^ Tigger Comes to the Forest: And Other Stories. OCLC 141191344.
  56. ^ Ian Hartley, Goodnight children…everywhere Midas Books: Hippocrene Books, New York: 1983; p. 42
  57. ^ «His Master’s Voice Speaks Again». Playthings. November 1932.
  58. ^ Jaafar, Ali (13 April 2016). «‘Star Wars’ Domhnall Gleeson in Talks To Play Winnie The Pooh Creator AA Milne In ‘Goodbye Christopher Robin’«. Deadline. Retrieved 12 June 2022.
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  63. ^ Biography: Willie Rushton. BBC. Retrieved 11 March 2015.
  64. ^ «Icons of England: The 100 Icons as voted by the public». Culture 24 News. 20 July 2015.
  65. ^ «The Big Read», BBC, April 2003. Retrieved 18 October 2012.
  66. ^ «Top-earning Fictional Characters». Forbes (New York). 25 September 2003. Retrieved 11 November 2012.
  67. ^ a b «Pooh joins Hollywood Walk of Fame», BBC News. Retrieved 24 November 2014
  68. ^ «Winnie the Pooh is celebrated as a fine stamp of a bear». The Times. Retrieved 17 September 2022.
  69. ^ spiked-culture |Article |Pooh-poohing postmodernism Archived 16 June 2007 at the Wayback Machine. Spiked-online.com. Retrieved 12 February 2011.
  70. ^ Sonderbooks Book Review of Pooh and the Philosophers. Sonderbooks.com (20 April 2004). Retrieved 12 February 2011.
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  72. ^ «Полвека с опилками и ворчалками в голове — Винни-Пух отмечает юбилей» (in Russian). Izvestiya. 13 July 2010. Retrieved 30 July 2016.
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  74. ^ Plans to improve access to Pooh Bridge unveiled. BBC. Retrieved 15 October 2011
  75. ^ C.S. Lewis and His Circle: Essays and Memoirs from the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society. Oxford University Press. 2015. p. 249.
  76. ^ «Winnie-the-Pooh: Exploring a Classic». VAM.ac.uk. Victoria and Albert Museum. Retrieved 5 April 2020.
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  79. ^ «Original Winnie-the-Pooh map sets world record at auction». The Guardian. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
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  83. ^ McDonell, Stephen (17 July 2017). «Why China censors banned Winnie the Pooh». BBC News. Archived from the original on 8 January 2019. Retrieved 6 October 2017.
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  89. ^ Trent, John F. (20 March 2019). «Report: ‘Winnie the Pooh’ Censored in World of Warcraft, PUBG, and Arena of Valor in China». Bounding Into Comics. Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  90. ^ Horti, Samuel (23 February 2019). «Devotion review bombed by Chinese Steam users over Winnie the Pooh meme». PC Gamer. Retrieved 22 March 2019.
  91. ^ Ashcraft, Brian (23 November 2018). «Chinese Game Site Censors Winnie the Pooh in Kingdom Hearts III«. Kotaku. Retrieved 29 May 2019.
  92. ^ Stolworthy, Jacob; «Winnie the Pooh could be banned from Shanghai Disneyland as a result of an ongoing meme used to criticize China’s leader», The Independent, 20 November 2018, via Business Insider.
  93. ^ «How Banned Is Winnie the Pooh in China, Really?». MEL Magazine. 23 September 2020. Retrieved 2 December 2021.
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  96. ^ Parker, Ryan; Brzeski, Patrick (7 October 2019). «‘South Park’ Scrubbed From Chinese Internet After Critical Episode». The Hollywood Reporter.

External links

Winnie-the-Pooh public domain audiobook at LibriVox

  • Winnie-the-Pooh at Curlie
  • The original bear, with A. A. and Christopher Robin Milne, at the National Portrait Gallery, London
  • The real locations, from the Ashdown Forest Conservators
  • Winnie-the-Pooh at the New York Public Library
  • «Winnie the Pooh saga turns 100 years old», CBC News, 24 August 2014.
  • «The skull of the ‘real’ Winnie goes on display», BBC News, 20 November 2015.


Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]

падеж ед. ч. мн. ч.
Им. Ви́нни-Пу́х Ви́нни-Пу́хи
Р. Ви́нни-Пу́ха Ви́нни-Пу́хов
Д. Ви́нни-Пу́ху Ви́нни-Пу́хам
В. Ви́нни-Пу́ха Ви́нни-Пу́хов
Тв. Ви́нни-Пу́хом Ви́нни-Пу́хами
Пр. Ви́нни-Пу́хе Ви́нни-Пу́хах


Существительное, одушевлённое, мужской род, 2-е склонение (тип склонения 3a по классификации А. А. Зализняка). Имя собственное.

Корень: .


  • МФА: ед. ч. [ˈvʲinʲːɪ ˈpux], мн. ч. []

Семантические свойства[править]


  1. плюшевый мишка, персонаж двух повестей и двух сборников стихотворений английского писателя Алана Милна ◆ Медвежонок Винни-Пух, ослик Иа-Иа, поросёнок Пятачок, Кролик, Сова и другие — герои сказки английского писателя Алана Александра Милна «Винни-Пух и все-все-все». Бурова И., «Герои любимых сказок приглашают к чтению. Для детей 4—6 лет», 2002 г. [Google Книги]





Родственные слова[править]

Ближайшее родство


Происходит от ??

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]


Список переводов
  • Английскийen: Winnie-the-Pooh
  • Корейскийko: 곰돌이 푸



Открыл поисковик «Яндекс», а там пример поискового запроса: «кто написал Винни Пуха».

Понятно, что знаки препинания

в интернет-запросе

ставить не нужно, потому что поисковик либо их проигнорирует, либо воспримет за элемент внутреннего, поискового синтаксиса (хотя, конечно, есть способы найти предложение, в котором в конце четыре восклицательных знака). Понятно и то, что название книги

в интернет-запросе

тоже ставить в кавычки необязательно, потому что программистские кавычки являются элементом внутреннего языка вопросов (и означают строгий порядок следования слов в словосочетании). В принципе, и название книги, как и имя главного персонажа, необязательно писать с заглавных букв, хотя в «Яндексе», если в запросе указана заглавная буква, поисковик будет первыми выдавать те варианты, где слово написано именно с заглавной буквы. Но почему, почему, если уж заморачиваться на заглавных буквах аж в двух

словах, —

почему, почему не поставить в них дефис, как и положено?! Имя


пишется через дефис (даже в англоязычном

варианте — «Winnie-the-Pooh»,

хотя там, в принципе, можно было обойтись и без них).

Если я захочу найти сайты, где подана правильная, выверенная информация, я подам запрос, где уже имя главного героя, вынесенное в название книги, будет указано правильно, то есть с заглавных букв и обязательно с дефисом, а чтобы дефис не потерялся, поставлю оператор неизменности формы в виде восклицательного знака перед неизменным словосочетанием: «кто написал



самым —

хотя бы

частично —

отсеку всякие форумы и прочую белиберду, где сидят дебилы. Потому что, согласитесь, в таком вопросе лучше попасть на сайт


библиотеки, чем в сообщество умствующих сетевых дегенератов.

Кстати, глядя на оригинальные игрушки мальчика Кристофера, с которого

в 1925—1926-х годах



начинаешь понимать, почему у нас Пятачёк имеет такой странный вид и форму.

Медвежонок-барибал Винни (девочка) в Лондонском зоопарке,
которую очень любили дети (в том числе и 4-летний Кристофер Милн)
и называли в честь неё свои игрушки медвежат
(полное имя медвежонка было Виннипег — Winnipeg,
которое было дано по канадскому городку не то потому, что близ него медвежонок был пойман,
не то потому, что это был родной городок того Колборна, кто медвежонка купил):

(рядом с медвежонком Виннипег, возможно, сам Кристофер Робин,
а может, и не Кристофер — выяснить не удалось,
хотя, честно говоря, я и не особо пытался)

Лень проверять факты, потому просто цитирую по http://olgachernenko.livejournal.com/46601.html (заметка

за 22.06.2014 г.) [в квадратных скобках уточнения наши]:

«Один из самых известных героев детской литературы

XX века,

как и многие другие персонажи книги Милна, получил имя от одной из реальных игрушек Кристофера Робина, сына писателя. В свою очередь, плюшевого Винни Пуха назвали по имени медведицы Виннипег (Винни), содержавшейся

в 1920-х

в Лондонском зоопарке. Виннипег была американским чёрным медведем барибалом, и попала в Великобританию как живой талисман Канадского армейского ветеринарного корпуса из Канады. Эта история началась

[24 августа] в 1914 году

на ветхой платформе станции [городка

Уайт Ривер — White River]

Канадской тихоокеанской железной дороги в провинции Онтарио [именно поэтому День


в канадском городе Виннипег отмечается в третьи выходные августа]. Ветеринар канадской армии, уроженец [города] Виннипега [никакой он не уроженец Виннипега, он просто там жил после того, как эмигрировал из Англии в Канаду] капитан [на тот момент ещё лейтенант]

Харри Колборн [Harry Colebourn,

годы жизни:

12.04.1887 — 24.10.1947],

вышел из военного эшелона, следовавшего в Квебек. Прохаживаясь по платформе, он заметил охотника [по имени

Джордж Кук — George Cooke],

который нёс черного медвежонка [его мать охотник убил]. Офицеры часто покупали такого рода

талисманы — маскоты —

для своего полка. Так

за 20 $

медвежонок стал собственностью ветеринарного корпуса канадской армии, отправлявшегося в Англию. Колборн назвал медвежонка Виннипегом в честь своего родного города. Виннипег стала очень популярна среди солдат, которые тут же стали фамильярно называть её Винни. Когда началась Первая мировая война, Колборн оставил свою воспитанницу в Лондонском зоопарке, где она обрела среди детей не меньшую популярность, чем среди солдат. До конца дней (умерла Винни

[в 20-летнем


12 мая 1934 года)

медведица находилась на довольствии ветеринарного корпуса, о чем на её клетке сделали соответствующую надпись».

Гарри Колсборн во время пути по Канаде был лейтенантом, и только по прибытии в Англию получил звание капитана. Медвежонка был вынужден оставить в Лондонском зоопарке в том же

1914 году,

так как получил распределение во Францию и должен был вскоре уехать. Во Франции он прослужил три года и дослужился до майора. Медвежонок оказался дружелюбным к детям (хотя барибалы отличаются свирепостью, несмотря на


внешний вид): он охотно сам распахивал дверцы клетки, если кто в неё стучал, ел с рук, катал детей на спине. Окончательно медвежонок был подарен Лондонскому зоопарку

1 декабря 1918 года.

Кристофер со своей любимой игрушкой — медвежонком, ставшим прототипом


примечательно, что после встречи в зоопарке с Виннипег мальчик Кристофер
сменил «фирменное» (казённое) имя своему игрушечному медвежонку


на Винни
(игрушечного мишку ему подарили на день

рождения — 21 августа 1921 года):

Хорошо видна «геометрия» Пятачка:


Пятачёк в отечественном мультфильме,
сохранившего пропорции оригинальной игрушки:

А вот в диснеевском мультфильме Пятачёк не сохранил пропорции,
став больше похожим на розового дождевого червя:

И такой нюанс:

Ослик Иа-Иа

был таким грустным, потому что в жизни мальчик Кристофер действительно оторвал этой игрушке хвост, и отец (рассказчик

Алан Милн)

сделал персонаж таким грустным и даже унылым в педагогических целях, чтобы сын понял, насколько этот факт биографии отравляет

Ослику Иа-Иа


Советская почтовая марка 1988 года,
посвящённая мультфильму 1969 года с Винни-Пухом и Пятачком:

И российская марка 2012 года:

Ну, и цитата:

«В сентябре 1981 года 61-летний Кристофер Робин Милн
открыл памятник медведице Винни (в натуральную величину) в Лондонском зоопарке»:

«В 1999 году канадские кавалеристы из „Форт Гарри Хорс“ [Fort Garry Horse]
открыли там же [в Лондонском зоопарке] второй памятник,
изображающий лейтенанта Гарри Колборна с медвежонком»:

«Копия последнего памятника воздвигнута также в зоопарке канадского города Виннипег»:

Кстати, оригинальная книга Милна, а не в переделке Бориса Заходера под советского читателя, мягко говоря, уныла вообще вся, а не только в части поведения

Ослика Иа-Иа.

Вообще удивительна популярность этих затянутых якобы «приключений» и «похождений», хотя отец писал их, во многом просто пересказывая игры, которые его сын действительно устраивал со своими игрушками.

Не давайте читать своим детям эти убогие истории

про Винни-Пуха

в прямом переводе с английского. А то у нас много любителей «аутентичности», почитателей естественного запаха говна. Мол,

заходеровский-то Винни-Пух «не настоящий».

То же самое можно сказать про волшебника Изумрудного города.

Да и про Пиноккио —

уж лучше

«наш Буратино».

Пожалейте детей.

Отдельного обсерания заслуживают «книги» про Питера Пена и про Гарри Поттера, но это уже совсем другая история. Но сказать всё надо.

Питер Пен —

это самый настоящий бастард детской литературы. Точнее будет

сказать —

ублюдок. И нездоровая популярность его на «цветущем» Западе лишь говорит о том, насколько там психически больное «общество».

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  • Как пишется винил на английском