Как пишется закись азота



ЗАКИСЬ АЗОТА (N2O), бесцветный газ с приятным запахом. Его иногда используют для анестезии или обезболивания при хирургических и стоматологических операциях. Называют также «веселящим газом», поскольку он вызывает чувство веселья, часто сопровождаемое смехом. Закись азота находит применение также при изготовлении пищевых продуктов под давлением.

Научно-технический энциклопедический словарь.

Смотреть что такое «ЗАКИСЬ АЗОТА» в других словарях:

  • закись азота — — [http://www.iks media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324] Тематики электросвязь, основные понятия EN nitrous oxide …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Закись азота — Оксид азота(I) Общие Систематическое наименование Оксид азота(I) Химическая формула N2O Отн. молек. масса 44 а. е. м …   Википедия

  • ЗАКИСЬ АЗОТА — (nitrous oxide) бесцветный газ, применяющийся в качестве анестетика; обладает сильными анальгетическими свойствами. Назначается в ингаляциях (в сочетании с кислородом), а также используется в комбинации с высокоактивными парами анестетика… …   Толковый словарь по медицине

  • закись азота — хим. веселящий газ закись азота, N2O средство для наркоза, вызывает особое состояние опьянения …   Универсальный дополнительный практический толковый словарь И. Мостицкого

  • Закись Азота (Nitrous Oxide) — бесцветный газ, применяющийся в качестве анестетика; обладает сильными анальгетическими свойствами. Назначается в ингаляциях (в сочетании с кислородом), а также используется в комбинации с высокоактивными парами анестетика (например, галотана).… …   Медицинские термины

  • Закись азота — химический состав см. Окислы азота. В медицине З. азота получила название веселящего газа: вдыхаемая в смеси с атмосферным воздухом или кислородом при обыкновенной температуре и давлении она вызывает особое состояние опьянения, уничтожающего… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • Закись азота —         веселящий газ, один из окислов азота (см. Азота окислы); в медицине применяют в смеси с кислородом как средство для ингаляционного Наркоза при хирургических операциях, родах, иногда при инфаркте миокарда. Назван веселящим газом английским …   Большая советская энциклопедия

  • закись азота — веселящий газ …   Cловарь химических синонимов I

  • АЗОТА ЗАКИСЬ — ( Nitrogenium оxуdulatum ). Синонимы: Dinitrogen охide, Nitrous оxyde, Оxydum nitrosum, Рrоtохуde d Аzоtе, Stickoxydal. Бесцветный газ, тяжелее воздуха (относительная плотность 1,527.), характерного запаха. Растворим в воде (1:2). При 0 С и… …   Словарь медицинских препаратов

  • ЗАКИСЬ — ЗАКИСЬ, закиси, жен. (хим.). Низшая степень окисления элемента. Закись азота. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 …   Толковый словарь Ушакова

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nitrous oxide (medication)

Entonox set.png

Entonox CD cylinder and giving set

Clinical data
Trade names Entonox, Nitronox, others
ATC code
  • N01AX13 (WHO)
Pharmacokinetic data
Onset of action 30 seconds[1]
Duration of action 1 minute[1]

IUPAC name

  • Nitrous oxide

CAS Number
  • 10024-97-2
PubChem CID
  • 948
  • 06690
  • 923
  • K50XQU1029
  • CHEBI:17045
  • ChEMBL1234579
Chemical and physical data
Formula N2O
Molar mass 44.013 g·mol−1
3D model (JSmol)
  • Interactive image


  • [N-]=[N+]=O


  • InChI=1S/N2O/c1-2-3


Nitrous oxide, is an inhaled gas used as a pain medication and together with other medications for anesthesia.[2] Common uses include during childbirth, following trauma, and as part of end-of-life care.[2] Onset of effect is typically within half a minute, and the effect lasts for about a minute.[1]

There are few side effects, other than vomiting, with short-term use.[1][2] With long-term use anemia or numbness may occur.[2] It should always be given with at least 21% oxygen.[2] It is not recommended in people with a bowel obstruction or pneumothorax.[2] Use in the early part of pregnancy is not recommended.[1] It is possible to continue breastfeeding following use.[3]

Nitrous oxide was discovered between 1772 and 1793 and used for anesthesia in 1844.[4] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines.[5] It often comes as a 50/50 mixture with oxygen.[1] Devices with a demand valve are available for self-administration.[6] The setup and maintenance is relatively expensive for developing countries.[7][8]

Medical uses[edit]

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is itself active (does not require any changes in the body to become active), and so has an onset in roughly the lung–brain circulation time. This gives it a peak action 30 seconds after the start of administration;[1] Entonox should thus be used accordingly, i.e. inhalation should start 30 seconds before a contraction becomes painful in labour. It is removed from the body unchanged via the lungs, and does not accumulate under normal conditions, explaining the rapid offset of around 60 seconds.[1] It is effective in managing pain during labor and delivery.[9]

Nitrous oxide is more soluble than oxygen and nitrogen, so will tend to diffuse into any air spaces within the body. This makes it dangerous to use in patients with pneumothorax or those who have recently been scuba diving, and there are cautions over its use with any bowel obstruction.

Its analgesic effect is strong (equivalent to 15 mg of subcutaneous route morphine[1])[10][11] and characterised by rapid onset and offset, i.e. it is very fast-acting and wears off very quickly.[citation needed]

When used in combination with other anesthetics gases, nitrous oxide causes a dose dependent increased respiratory rate and decreased tidal volumes, the net effect is a lower minute ventilation. Like volatile anesthetics, it increases cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. However, contrary to volatile anesthetics, it leads to an increase in cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen.[12][13]


N2O should not be used in patients with bowel obstruction, pneumothorax, or middle ear or sinus disease,[1] and should also not be used on any patient who has been scuba diving within the preceding 24 hours[14] or in violently disturbed psychiatric patients.[15]
There are also clinical cautions in place for the first two trimesters of pregnancy and in patients with decreased levels of consciousness.[1]


The gas is a mixture of half nitrous oxide (N2O) and half oxygen (O2).[1][15] The ability to combine N2O and oxygen at high pressure while remaining in the gaseous form is caused by the Poynting effect (after John Henry Poynting, an English physicist).[1]

The Poynting effect involves the dissolution of gaseous O2 when bubbled through liquid N2O, with vaporisation of the liquid to form a gaseous O2/N2O mixture.[1]

Inhalation of pure N2O over a continued period would deprive the patient of oxygen,[16] but the 50% oxygen content prevents this from occurring. The two gases will separate at low temperatures (<4 °C), which would permit administration of hypoxic mixtures. Therefore, it is not given from a cold cylinder without being shaken (usually by cylinder inversion) to remix the gases.

  • Distinct blue and white cap of an Entonox cylinder

    Distinct blue and white cap of an Entonox cylinder

  • Typical Schrader valve attachment, making the gas usable only with demand based giving sets

    Typical Schrader valve attachment, making the gas usable only with demand based giving sets


The gas is self-administered through a demand valve, using a mouthpiece, bite block or face mask.[15] Self-administration of Entonox is safe because if enough is inhaled to start to induce anaesthesia, the patient becomes unable to hold the valve, and so will drop it and soon exhale the residual gas. This means that unlike other anaesthetic gases, it does not require the presence of an anaesthetist for administration. The 50% oxygen in Entonox ensures the person will have sufficient oxygen in their alveoli and conducting airways for a short period of apnea to be safe.[citation needed]


Administration of nitrous oxide, 1870[17]

Pure N2O was first used as a medical analgesic in December 1844, when Horace Wells made the first 12–15 dental operations with the gas in Hartford.[18][19]

Its debut as a generally accepted method, however, came in 1863, when Gardner Quincy Colton introduced it more broadly at all the Colton Dental Association clinics, that he founded in New Haven and New York City.[20]

The first devices used in dentistry to administer the gas consisted of a simple breathing bag made of rubber cloth.[21]

Breathing the pure gas often caused hypoxia (oxygen insufficiency) and sometimes death by asphyxiation. Eventually practitioners became aware of the need to provide at least 21% oxygen content in the gas (the same percentage as in air).[19] In 1911, the anaesthetist Arthur Ernest Guedel first described the use of self-administration of a nitrous oxide and oxygen mix. It was not until 1961 that the first paper was published by Michael Tunstall and others, describing the administration of a pre-mixed 50:50 nitrous oxide and oxygen mix, which led to the commercialisation of the product.[19]

In 1970, Peter Baskett recognised that pre-mixed nitrous oxide and oxygen mix could have an important part to play in the provision of pre-hospital pain relief management, provided by ambulance personnel. Baskett contacted the Chief Ambulance Officer for the Gloucestershire Ambulance Brigade, Alan Withnell, to suggest this idea. This gained traction when Baskett negotiated with the British Oxygen Company, the availability of pre-mixed nitrous oxide and oxygen mix apparatus for training. Regular training sessions began at Frenchay Hospital (Bristol) and a pilot study was run in Gloucestershire (in which ambulances were crewed by a driver and one of the new highly trained ambulance men), the results of this trial were published in 1970.[22]

Today the nitrous oxide is administered in hospitals by a relative analgesia machine, which includes several improvements such as flowmeters and constant-flow regulators, an anaesthetic vaporiser, a medical ventilator, and a scavenger system, and delivers a precisely dosed and breath-actuated flow of nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen.[citation needed]

The machine used in dentistry is much simpler, and is meant to be used by the patient in a fully conscious state. The gas is delivered through a demand-valve inhaler over the nose, which will only release gas when the patient inhales through it.[citation needed]

Society and culture[edit]

Nitronox was a registered trademark of the BOC Group between 1966 and 1999,[23] and was reregistered by Hs Tm Inc since 2005[citation needed] It is also colloquially known as «gas and air».[24]


Investigational trials show potential for antidepressant applications of N2O, especially for treatment-resistant forms of depression, and it is rapid-acting.[25][26][27][28]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n «Anaesthesia UK : Entonox». www.frca.co.uk. 26 January 2009. Archived from the original on 31 October 2007. Retrieved 15 December 2016.
  2. ^ a b c d e f World Health Organization (2009). Stuart MC, Kouimtzi M, Hill SR (eds.). WHO Model Formulary 2008. World Health Organization. p. 20. hdl:10665/44053. ISBN 9789241547659.
  3. ^ «Nitrous Oxide use while Breastfeeding». Drugs.com. Archived from the original on 21 December 2016. Retrieved 15 December 2016.
  4. ^ Myers, Richard L. (2007). 100 Most Important Chemical Compounds, The: A Reference Guide: A Reference Guide. ABC-CLIO. p. 198. ISBN 9780313080579. Archived from the original on 2016-12-20.
  5. ^ World Health Organization (2021). World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 22nd list (2021). Geneva: World Health Organization. hdl:10665/345533. WHO/MHP/HPS/EML/2021.02.
  6. ^ British national formulary : BNF 69 (69 ed.). British Medical Association. 2015. p. 878. ISBN 9780857111562.
  7. ^ Gregory, George A.; Andropoulos, Dean B. (2012). Gregory’s Pediatric Anesthesia, With Wiley Desktop Edition. John Wiley & Sons. p. 1148. ISBN 9781444333466. Archived from the original on 2016-12-20.
  8. ^ WHO model prescribing information : drugs used in anaesthesia. World Health Organization. 1989. hdl:10665/41014. ISBN 92-4-140101-X.
  9. ^ Jones L, Othman M, Dowswell T, Alfirevic Z, Gates S, Newburn M, Jordan S, Lavender T, Neilson JP (2012). «Pain management for women in labour: An overview of systematic reviews». Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 3 (3): CD009234. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009234.pub2. PMC 7132546. PMID 22419342.
  10. ^ Gao, Hai-Xiang; Zhang, Jun-Jun; Liu, Ning; Wang, Yi; Ma, Chun-Xiang; Gao, Lu-Lu; Liu, Qiang; Zhang, Ting-Ting; Wang, Yi-Ling; Bao, Wen-Qiang; Li, Yu-Xiang (December 2021). «A fixed nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture as an analgesic for patients with postherpetic neuralgia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial». Trials. 22 (1): 29. doi:10.1186/s13063-020-04960-5. PMC 7787626. PMID 33407845.
  11. ^ Parbrook, Geoffrey D. (1 December 1967). «The levels of nitrous oxide analgesia». British Journal of Anaesthesia. 39 (12): 974–982. doi:10.1093/bja/39.12.974. PMID 4865545.
  12. ^ Clar, Derek T.; Patel, Samir; Richards, John R. (2022). «Anesthetic Gases». StatPearls. PMID 30725698. NBK537013.
  13. ^ Knuf, Kayla; Maani, Christopher V. (2022). «Nitrous Oxide». StatPearls. PMID 30422517. NBK532922.
  14. ^ Komesaroff, D (1998). «Oxygen administration in diving accidents». South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal. 28 (3 Supplement).
  15. ^ a b c Fisher, J; Brown, S; Cooke, M (2006). UK Ambulance Service Clinical Practice Guidelines (PDF). Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee. ISBN 978-1-84690-060-0. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2011-06-05.
  16. ^ «Breathing Nitrous Oxide». Nitrous Oxide Supplies. Archived from the original on 2009-02-16.
  17. ^ Thomas, Frederick R. (1870). «Manual of the discovery, manufacture, and administration of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas in its relations to dental or minor surgical operations, and particularly for the painless extraction of teeth». Philadelphia : S.S. White. Retrieved 17 December 2018.
  18. ^ Erving HW (1933). «The Discoverer of Anæsthesia: Dr. Horace Wells of Hartford». The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 5 (5): 421–30. PMC 2606479. PMID 21433572. Archived from the original on 2012-12-23.
  19. ^ a b c «History of Entonox». BOC Gases. Archived from the original on 2009-07-05. Retrieved 2009-04-11.
  20. ^ Sneader W (2005). Drug Discovery –A History. (Part 1: Legacy of the past, chapter 8: systematic medicine, pp. 74–87). John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-89980-8. Retrieved 21 April 2010.
  21. ^ Miller AH (1941). «Technical Development of Gas Anesthesia». Anesthesiology. 2 (4): 398–409. doi:10.1097/00000542-194107000-00004. S2CID 71117361.
  22. ^ Baskett, P. J.; Withnell, A. (1970). «Use of Entonox in the Ambulance Service». British Medical Journal. 2 (5700): 41–43. doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5700.41. PMC 1699783. PMID 5440577.
  23. ^ «NITRONOX Trademark Information». trademarkia. Archived from the original on 2017-09-10. Retrieved 2017-07-11.
  24. ^ «Entonox (gas and air)». Baby Centre. Archived from the original on 2006-11-11.
  25. ^ Nagele, Peter; A. Duma; M. Kopec; M. A. Gebara; A. Parsoei; M. Walker; A. Janski; V. N. Panagopoulos; P. Cristancho; J. P. Miller; C. F. Zorumski; C. R. Conway (2015). «Nitrous Oxide for Treatment-Resistant Major Depression: A Proof-of-Concept Trial». Biological Psychiatry. 78 (1): 10–18. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.11.016. PMID 25577164.
  26. ^ Newport, D. Jeffrey; et al. (2015). «Ketamine and Other NMDA Antagonists: Early Clinical Trials and Possible Mechanisms in Depression». American Journal of Psychiatry. 172 (10): 950–966. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.15040465. PMID 26423481.
  27. ^ Nagele, Peter; Palanca, Ben J.; Gott, Britt; Brown, Frank; Barnes, Linda; Nguyen, Thomas; Xiong, Willa; Salloum, Naji C.; Espejo, Gemma D.; Lessov-Schlaggar, Christina N.; Jain, Nisha (2021-06-09). «A phase 2 trial of inhaled nitrous oxide for treatment-resistant major depression». Science Translational Medicine. 13 (597): eabe1376. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.abe1376. ISSN 1946-6234. PMID 34108247. S2CID 235381316.
  28. ^ Mozes, Alan (2021-06-10). «‘Laughing Gas’ May Help Tough-to-Treat Depression». WebMD. Retrieved 2021-06-15.

Further reading[edit]

  • Clark, Morris S.; Brunick, Ann (2014). Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation. Elsevier Health Sciences. ISBN 9780323101301.

External links[edit]

  • BabyCentre entry on Entonox
  • Detailed medical analysis of the drug

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nitrous oxide (medication)

Entonox set.png

Entonox CD cylinder and giving set

Clinical data
Trade names Entonox, Nitronox, others
ATC code
  • N01AX13 (WHO)
Pharmacokinetic data
Onset of action 30 seconds[1]
Duration of action 1 minute[1]

IUPAC name

  • Nitrous oxide

CAS Number
  • 10024-97-2
PubChem CID
  • 948
  • 06690
  • 923
  • K50XQU1029
  • CHEBI:17045
  • ChEMBL1234579
Chemical and physical data
Formula N2O
Molar mass 44.013 g·mol−1
3D model (JSmol)
  • Interactive image


  • [N-]=[N+]=O


  • InChI=1S/N2O/c1-2-3


Nitrous oxide, is an inhaled gas used as a pain medication and together with other medications for anesthesia.[2] Common uses include during childbirth, following trauma, and as part of end-of-life care.[2] Onset of effect is typically within half a minute, and the effect lasts for about a minute.[1]

There are few side effects, other than vomiting, with short-term use.[1][2] With long-term use anemia or numbness may occur.[2] It should always be given with at least 21% oxygen.[2] It is not recommended in people with a bowel obstruction or pneumothorax.[2] Use in the early part of pregnancy is not recommended.[1] It is possible to continue breastfeeding following use.[3]

Nitrous oxide was discovered between 1772 and 1793 and used for anesthesia in 1844.[4] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines.[5] It often comes as a 50/50 mixture with oxygen.[1] Devices with a demand valve are available for self-administration.[6] The setup and maintenance is relatively expensive for developing countries.[7][8]

Medical uses[edit]

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is itself active (does not require any changes in the body to become active), and so has an onset in roughly the lung–brain circulation time. This gives it a peak action 30 seconds after the start of administration;[1] Entonox should thus be used accordingly, i.e. inhalation should start 30 seconds before a contraction becomes painful in labour. It is removed from the body unchanged via the lungs, and does not accumulate under normal conditions, explaining the rapid offset of around 60 seconds.[1] It is effective in managing pain during labor and delivery.[9]

Nitrous oxide is more soluble than oxygen and nitrogen, so will tend to diffuse into any air spaces within the body. This makes it dangerous to use in patients with pneumothorax or those who have recently been scuba diving, and there are cautions over its use with any bowel obstruction.

Its analgesic effect is strong (equivalent to 15 mg of subcutaneous route morphine[1])[10][11] and characterised by rapid onset and offset, i.e. it is very fast-acting and wears off very quickly.[citation needed]

When used in combination with other anesthetics gases, nitrous oxide causes a dose dependent increased respiratory rate and decreased tidal volumes, the net effect is a lower minute ventilation. Like volatile anesthetics, it increases cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. However, contrary to volatile anesthetics, it leads to an increase in cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen.[12][13]


N2O should not be used in patients with bowel obstruction, pneumothorax, or middle ear or sinus disease,[1] and should also not be used on any patient who has been scuba diving within the preceding 24 hours[14] or in violently disturbed psychiatric patients.[15]
There are also clinical cautions in place for the first two trimesters of pregnancy and in patients with decreased levels of consciousness.[1]


The gas is a mixture of half nitrous oxide (N2O) and half oxygen (O2).[1][15] The ability to combine N2O and oxygen at high pressure while remaining in the gaseous form is caused by the Poynting effect (after John Henry Poynting, an English physicist).[1]

The Poynting effect involves the dissolution of gaseous O2 when bubbled through liquid N2O, with vaporisation of the liquid to form a gaseous O2/N2O mixture.[1]

Inhalation of pure N2O over a continued period would deprive the patient of oxygen,[16] but the 50% oxygen content prevents this from occurring. The two gases will separate at low temperatures (<4 °C), which would permit administration of hypoxic mixtures. Therefore, it is not given from a cold cylinder without being shaken (usually by cylinder inversion) to remix the gases.

  • Distinct blue and white cap of an Entonox cylinder

    Distinct blue and white cap of an Entonox cylinder

  • Typical Schrader valve attachment, making the gas usable only with demand based giving sets

    Typical Schrader valve attachment, making the gas usable only with demand based giving sets


The gas is self-administered through a demand valve, using a mouthpiece, bite block or face mask.[15] Self-administration of Entonox is safe because if enough is inhaled to start to induce anaesthesia, the patient becomes unable to hold the valve, and so will drop it and soon exhale the residual gas. This means that unlike other anaesthetic gases, it does not require the presence of an anaesthetist for administration. The 50% oxygen in Entonox ensures the person will have sufficient oxygen in their alveoli and conducting airways for a short period of apnea to be safe.[citation needed]


Administration of nitrous oxide, 1870[17]

Pure N2O was first used as a medical analgesic in December 1844, when Horace Wells made the first 12–15 dental operations with the gas in Hartford.[18][19]

Its debut as a generally accepted method, however, came in 1863, when Gardner Quincy Colton introduced it more broadly at all the Colton Dental Association clinics, that he founded in New Haven and New York City.[20]

The first devices used in dentistry to administer the gas consisted of a simple breathing bag made of rubber cloth.[21]

Breathing the pure gas often caused hypoxia (oxygen insufficiency) and sometimes death by asphyxiation. Eventually practitioners became aware of the need to provide at least 21% oxygen content in the gas (the same percentage as in air).[19] In 1911, the anaesthetist Arthur Ernest Guedel first described the use of self-administration of a nitrous oxide and oxygen mix. It was not until 1961 that the first paper was published by Michael Tunstall and others, describing the administration of a pre-mixed 50:50 nitrous oxide and oxygen mix, which led to the commercialisation of the product.[19]

In 1970, Peter Baskett recognised that pre-mixed nitrous oxide and oxygen mix could have an important part to play in the provision of pre-hospital pain relief management, provided by ambulance personnel. Baskett contacted the Chief Ambulance Officer for the Gloucestershire Ambulance Brigade, Alan Withnell, to suggest this idea. This gained traction when Baskett negotiated with the British Oxygen Company, the availability of pre-mixed nitrous oxide and oxygen mix apparatus for training. Regular training sessions began at Frenchay Hospital (Bristol) and a pilot study was run in Gloucestershire (in which ambulances were crewed by a driver and one of the new highly trained ambulance men), the results of this trial were published in 1970.[22]

Today the nitrous oxide is administered in hospitals by a relative analgesia machine, which includes several improvements such as flowmeters and constant-flow regulators, an anaesthetic vaporiser, a medical ventilator, and a scavenger system, and delivers a precisely dosed and breath-actuated flow of nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen.[citation needed]

The machine used in dentistry is much simpler, and is meant to be used by the patient in a fully conscious state. The gas is delivered through a demand-valve inhaler over the nose, which will only release gas when the patient inhales through it.[citation needed]

Society and culture[edit]

Nitronox was a registered trademark of the BOC Group between 1966 and 1999,[23] and was reregistered by Hs Tm Inc since 2005[citation needed] It is also colloquially known as «gas and air».[24]


Investigational trials show potential for antidepressant applications of N2O, especially for treatment-resistant forms of depression, and it is rapid-acting.[25][26][27][28]


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n «Anaesthesia UK : Entonox». www.frca.co.uk. 26 January 2009. Archived from the original on 31 October 2007. Retrieved 15 December 2016.
  2. ^ a b c d e f World Health Organization (2009). Stuart MC, Kouimtzi M, Hill SR (eds.). WHO Model Formulary 2008. World Health Organization. p. 20. hdl:10665/44053. ISBN 9789241547659.
  3. ^ «Nitrous Oxide use while Breastfeeding». Drugs.com. Archived from the original on 21 December 2016. Retrieved 15 December 2016.
  4. ^ Myers, Richard L. (2007). 100 Most Important Chemical Compounds, The: A Reference Guide: A Reference Guide. ABC-CLIO. p. 198. ISBN 9780313080579. Archived from the original on 2016-12-20.
  5. ^ World Health Organization (2021). World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 22nd list (2021). Geneva: World Health Organization. hdl:10665/345533. WHO/MHP/HPS/EML/2021.02.
  6. ^ British national formulary : BNF 69 (69 ed.). British Medical Association. 2015. p. 878. ISBN 9780857111562.
  7. ^ Gregory, George A.; Andropoulos, Dean B. (2012). Gregory’s Pediatric Anesthesia, With Wiley Desktop Edition. John Wiley & Sons. p. 1148. ISBN 9781444333466. Archived from the original on 2016-12-20.
  8. ^ WHO model prescribing information : drugs used in anaesthesia. World Health Organization. 1989. hdl:10665/41014. ISBN 92-4-140101-X.
  9. ^ Jones L, Othman M, Dowswell T, Alfirevic Z, Gates S, Newburn M, Jordan S, Lavender T, Neilson JP (2012). «Pain management for women in labour: An overview of systematic reviews». Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 3 (3): CD009234. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009234.pub2. PMC 7132546. PMID 22419342.
  10. ^ Gao, Hai-Xiang; Zhang, Jun-Jun; Liu, Ning; Wang, Yi; Ma, Chun-Xiang; Gao, Lu-Lu; Liu, Qiang; Zhang, Ting-Ting; Wang, Yi-Ling; Bao, Wen-Qiang; Li, Yu-Xiang (December 2021). «A fixed nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture as an analgesic for patients with postherpetic neuralgia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial». Trials. 22 (1): 29. doi:10.1186/s13063-020-04960-5. PMC 7787626. PMID 33407845.
  11. ^ Parbrook, Geoffrey D. (1 December 1967). «The levels of nitrous oxide analgesia». British Journal of Anaesthesia. 39 (12): 974–982. doi:10.1093/bja/39.12.974. PMID 4865545.
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  16. ^ «Breathing Nitrous Oxide». Nitrous Oxide Supplies. Archived from the original on 2009-02-16.
  17. ^ Thomas, Frederick R. (1870). «Manual of the discovery, manufacture, and administration of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas in its relations to dental or minor surgical operations, and particularly for the painless extraction of teeth». Philadelphia : S.S. White. Retrieved 17 December 2018.
  18. ^ Erving HW (1933). «The Discoverer of Anæsthesia: Dr. Horace Wells of Hartford». The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 5 (5): 421–30. PMC 2606479. PMID 21433572. Archived from the original on 2012-12-23.
  19. ^ a b c «History of Entonox». BOC Gases. Archived from the original on 2009-07-05. Retrieved 2009-04-11.
  20. ^ Sneader W (2005). Drug Discovery –A History. (Part 1: Legacy of the past, chapter 8: systematic medicine, pp. 74–87). John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-89980-8. Retrieved 21 April 2010.
  21. ^ Miller AH (1941). «Technical Development of Gas Anesthesia». Anesthesiology. 2 (4): 398–409. doi:10.1097/00000542-194107000-00004. S2CID 71117361.
  22. ^ Baskett, P. J.; Withnell, A. (1970). «Use of Entonox in the Ambulance Service». British Medical Journal. 2 (5700): 41–43. doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5700.41. PMC 1699783. PMID 5440577.
  23. ^ «NITRONOX Trademark Information». trademarkia. Archived from the original on 2017-09-10. Retrieved 2017-07-11.
  24. ^ «Entonox (gas and air)». Baby Centre. Archived from the original on 2006-11-11.
  25. ^ Nagele, Peter; A. Duma; M. Kopec; M. A. Gebara; A. Parsoei; M. Walker; A. Janski; V. N. Panagopoulos; P. Cristancho; J. P. Miller; C. F. Zorumski; C. R. Conway (2015). «Nitrous Oxide for Treatment-Resistant Major Depression: A Proof-of-Concept Trial». Biological Psychiatry. 78 (1): 10–18. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.11.016. PMID 25577164.
  26. ^ Newport, D. Jeffrey; et al. (2015). «Ketamine and Other NMDA Antagonists: Early Clinical Trials and Possible Mechanisms in Depression». American Journal of Psychiatry. 172 (10): 950–966. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2015.15040465. PMID 26423481.
  27. ^ Nagele, Peter; Palanca, Ben J.; Gott, Britt; Brown, Frank; Barnes, Linda; Nguyen, Thomas; Xiong, Willa; Salloum, Naji C.; Espejo, Gemma D.; Lessov-Schlaggar, Christina N.; Jain, Nisha (2021-06-09). «A phase 2 trial of inhaled nitrous oxide for treatment-resistant major depression». Science Translational Medicine. 13 (597): eabe1376. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.abe1376. ISSN 1946-6234. PMID 34108247. S2CID 235381316.
  28. ^ Mozes, Alan (2021-06-10). «‘Laughing Gas’ May Help Tough-to-Treat Depression». WebMD. Retrieved 2021-06-15.

Further reading[edit]

  • Clark, Morris S.; Brunick, Ann (2014). Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation. Elsevier Health Sciences. ISBN 9780323101301.

External links[edit]

  • BabyCentre entry on Entonox
  • Detailed medical analysis of the drug

Оксиды азота

Оксиды азота Цвет  Фаза Характер оксида
N2O Оксид азота (I), закись азота, «веселящий газ» бесцветный газ несолеобразующий
NO Оксид азота (II), закись азота, «веселящий газ» бесцветный газ несолеобразующий
N2OОксид азота (III), азотистый ангидрид синий жидкость кислотный
NOОксид азота (IV), диоксид азота, «лисий хвост» бурый газ кислотный (соответствуют две кислоты)
N2OОксид азота (V), азотный ангидрид бесцветный твердый кислотный

Оксид азота (I) N2O, оксид диазотазакись азотавеселящий газ –  это несолеобразующий оксид. Малые концентрации закиси азота вызывают лёгкое опьянение (отсюда название — «веселящий газ»). При вдыхании чистого газа быстро развиваются состояние опьянения и сонливость. Закись азота обладает слабой наркотической активностью, в связи с чем в медицине её применяют в больших концентрациях. В смеси с кислородом при правильном дозировании (до 80 % закиси азота) вызывает хирургический наркоз.

Строение молекулы оксида азота (I) нельзя описать методом валентных связей. Так как оксид азота (I) состоит из двух, так называемых резонансных структур, которые переходят одна в другую:

Общую формулу в таком случае можно задать, обозначая изменяющиеся связи в резонансных структурах пунктиром:

Получить оксид азота (I) в лаборатории можно разложением нитрата аммония:

 NH4NO3  →   N2O   +   2H2O

Химические свойства оксида азота (I)

1. При нормальных условиях оксид азота (I) инертен. При нагревании проявляет свойства окислителя. Оксид азота (I) при нагревании окисляет водород, аммиак, металлы, сернистый газ и др. При этом азот восстанавливается в простое вещество.

N2O      +    H2    →  N2   +   H2O

N2O      +    Mg   →  N2   +   MgO

N2O      +   2Cu   →  N2   +   Cu2O

3N2O    +   2NH3  →   4N2   +  3H2O

N2O      +    H2O   +  SO →   N2   +   H2SO4

Еще пример: оксид азота (I) окисляет углерод и фосфор при нагревании:

N2O   +   C   →   N2   +   CO

5N2O   +   2Р   →   5N2   +   Р2O5

2. При взаимодействии с сильными окислителями N2O может проявлять свойства восстановителя.

Например, N2O окисляется раствором перманганата в серной кислоте:

5N2O    +    3H2SO4   +   2KMnO4   →  10NO   +   2MnSO4    +   K2SO4    +  3H2O

3. Как несолеобразующий оксид, при обычных условиях с основаниями, основными оксидами, амфотерными оксидами, кислотными оксидами, кислотами и амфотерными гидроксидами оксид азота (I) не реагирует:

NO   +   NaOH  

NO   +   KOH  

NO   +   Na2O  

NO   +   CO2  

NO   +   HCl  

  • закись азота,
    мн. закиси азота

Склонение существительного закись азотаж.р.,
3-е склонение

Единственное число

Множественное число

Единственное число

Именительный падеж
(Кто? Что?)

закись азота

закиси азота

Родительный падеж
(Кого? Чего?)

закиси азота

закисей азота

Дательный падеж
(Кому? Чему?)

закиси азота

закисям азота

Винительный падеж
(Кого? Что?)

закись азота

закиси азота

Творительный падеж
(Кем? Чем?)

закисью азота

закисями азота

Предложный падеж
(О ком? О чем?)

закиси азота

закисях азота

Множественное число

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