Как пишется жаркий гоби

Всероссийская проверочная работа по
русскому языку
6 класс Вариант 10
Выполнила: Горбачёва Марина Юрьевна, учитель русского языка и литературы МБОУ СОШ №154 г. Екатеринбурга

1 Перепишите текст, раскрывая скобки, вставляя, где это необходимо, пропущенные буквы и знаки препинания
Оз..ро около б..р..гов было засыпано ворохами ж..лтых лист..ев. Их было так много, что мы(3) (не)могли ловить рыбу. Лески л..жились на лист..я и (не)т..нули.
Пр..ходилось вые(зж,жж)ать на старом челне на с..р..дину озера, где доцв..тали кувшинки и голубая вода к..залась ч..рной, как дёготь.
Там мы ловили (разно)цветных окуней.(4)  Они св..ркали в траве, как сказочные японские п..тухи. Мы вытаскивали оловя(н,нн)ую(2) плотву и ершей с глазами, похожими на две маленькие луны. Щ..ки лязгали на нас мелкими, как иглы, зубами.
Стояла осень в со..нце и туманах. Скво(з,с)ь обл..тевшие л..са были видны д..лёкие обл..ка син..й воздух был прозрачен. По ночам в зар..слях вокруг нас шев..лились и др..жали ни(з,с)-кие звёзды.

2 Выполните обозначенные цифрами в тексте к заданию 1 языковые разборы.
(2) – морфемный разбор (по составу)

(3) – морфологический разбор (слова как часть речи)

(4) – синтаксический разбор

3 В выделенном предложении найдите слово, в котором не совпадает количество букв и звуков, выпишите это слово. Объясните причину данного несовпадения.
3 В выделенном предложении найдите слово, в котором не совпадает количество букв и звуков, выпишите это слово. Объясните причину данного несовпадения.

4 Поставьте знак ударения в следующих словах.
Щавель, столяр, нефтепровод,

5 Над каждым словом напишите, какой частью речи оно является.
Обе девочки смотрели на нас с большим вниманием и некоторым удивлением.

6 Найдите и исправьте ошибку(ошибки в
образовании формы слова. Запишите
правильный вариант формы слова.(слов)
1)С восемьюдесятью рублями
2)Жаркое Гоби (Гоби — пустыня)
3)Очень красивый
4)По обоим сторонам

7 Выпишите предложение, в котором необходимо поставить тире. (Знаки препинания не расставлены) Напишите, на каком основании вы сделали выбор.
1)Деревенский воздух сладок.
2)Традиция наряжать на Новый год ёлку
зародилась в Германии.
3)Маленькая деревенька на юге России
моя родина.
4)Луг покрылся росой.

8 Выпишите предложение, в котором необходимо поставить одну запятую. (Знаки препинания не расставлены.) Напишите, на каком основании вы сделали свой выбор.
1)Не ходите дети в Африку гулять!
2)Утки зябли в зарослях и жалобно
крякали всю ночь.
3)На небе загорались звёзды а в домах
зажигались огни.
4)Метель становилась сильнее и

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 8-12
(1)Павла Михайловича Третьякова едва ли можно назвать коллекционером в правильном смысле этого слова. (2)Третьяков — это создатель обширного собрания предметов искусства. (3)Всю жизнь он приобретал картины, лучшие в русской национальной живописи. (4)В августе 1892 года Павел Михайлович передал свою художественную галерею в дар Москве. (5)В собрании к этому времени насчитывалось 1287 живописных и 518 графических произведений русской школы, 75 картин и 8 рисунков европейской школы, 15 скульптур и коллекция икон. (5)15 августа 1893 года состоялось официальное открытие музея под названием «Московская городская галерея Павла и Сергея Михайловичей Третьяковых».
(6) Перенесёмся мысленно в середину прошлого столетия на Сухаревку. (7)Мы увидим Павла Михайловича, совсем ещё молодого, он шагает с пачкой гравюр, которые только что купил. (8)Для всех он — замоскворецкий купец, владелец дома в тихом Лаврушинском переулке.

(9)Павлу Третьякову не было ещё и тридцати лет, когда он ступил на путь, с которого не сходил почти четыре десятилетия. (10)Вся его дальнейшая жизнь была посвящена собиранию русской живописи.
(9)Павлу Третьякову не было ещё и тридцати лет, когда он ступил на путь, с которого не сходил почти четыре десятилетия. (10)Вся его дальнейшая жизнь была посвящена собиранию русской живописи.
(11)У Третьякова был безошибочный вкус. (12)Он не боялся покупать произведения молодых, ещё неизвестных художников. (12)Павел Третьяков не преследовал никаких корыстных целей. (13)Им овладела идея создать музей национальной живописи. (14)Об этом он писал на заре собирательства. (15)Тогда им уже было составлено письмо-завещание. (16) Вот что там в частности было написано: «Для меня, истинно и пламенно любящего живопись, не может быть лучшего желания, как положить начало общественного, всем доступного хранилища изящных искусств, приносящего многим пользу, всем удовольствие». (17)Первые картины были куплены в 1856 году. (17)Этот год он считал датой основания галереи, известной теперь каждому культурному человеку.

9 Определите и запишите основную мысль текста.
10 Составьте и запишите план текста из трёх пунктов.

11 Почему Третьяков всю жизнь собирал картины?

12 Определите и запишите лексическое
значение слова «приобретал»
из предложения
3 . Подберите и запишите
предложение, вкотором данное
многозначное слово
употреблялось бы в другом значении.

13 Определите стилистическую принадлежность слова «коллекционер» из предложения 1, запишите. Подберите и запишите синоним (синонимы) к этому слову.
13 Определите стилистическую принадлежность слова «коллекционер» из предложения 1, запишите. Подберите и запишите синоним (синонимы) к этому слову.
14 Объясните значение фразеологизма  «за тридевять земель», запишите. Используя не менее двух предложений, опишите ситуацию, в которой будет уместно употребление этого фразеологизма. Включите фразеологизм в одно из предложений.

Озеро около берегов было засыпано ворохами жёлтых листьев. Их было так много, что мы не могли ловить рыбу. Лески ложились на листья и не тонули.
Приходилось выезжать на старом челне на середину озера, где доцветали кувшинки и голубая вода казалась чёрной, как дёготь.
Там мы ловили разноцветных окуней.  Они сверкали в траве, как сказочные японские петухи. Мы вытаскивали оловянную плотву и ершей с глазами, похожими на две маленькие луны. Щуки лязгали на нас мелкими, как иглы, зубами.
Стояла осень в солнце и туманах. Сквозь облетевшие леса были видны далёкие облака, синий воздух был прозрачен. По ночам в зарослях вокруг нас шевелились и дрожали низкие звёзды.

Морфемный разбор
оловянную ← олово (суффиксальный способ)

Морфологический разбор
1.Мы — местоимение, н.ф. — мы.
2.Пост. — личн.; непост. — в им. п.
3.В предложении является

Синтаксический разбор
Там мы ловили разноцветных окуней.      
Предложение повествовательное, невосклицательное,
простое, распространённое.
Грамматическая основа: мы — подлежащее, выражено
местоимением; ловили — сказуемое,
выражено глаголом.
Второстепенные члены предложения: (ловили) там —
обстоятельство, выражено наречием;
(ловили) окуней — дополнение, выражено именем
существительным; (окуней) разноцветных
определение, выражено именем прилагательным.

3 японские;
3 японские;
8 букв и 10 звуков, так как буква «я» обозначает
два звука в начале слова — [й’] и [а], буква
«е» обозначает два звука после гласного
[й’] и [э].
4 Щаве́ль, столя́р, нефтепрово́д,
5 Обе (числ.) девочки(сущ.) смотрели(гл.) на(пред.)
нас(мест.) с(пред.) большим(прил.)
вниманием(сущ.) и(союз.) некоторым(мест.)

6 Жаркая Гоби, по обеим сторонам.
6 Жаркая Гоби, по обеим сторонам.
 7 Маленькая деревенька на юге России — моя родина.
В этом предложении подлежащее и сказуемое
выражены именем существительным в им.п.
 сущ., им.п.    
 Маленькая деревенька на юге России- моя
.сущ., им.п.

8 На небе загорались звёзды, а в домах
8 На небе загорались звёзды, а в домах
зажигались огни.
Это сложное предложение.
9 Третьяков всю свою жизнь приобретал картины русских живописцев. Он создатель знаменитой картинной галереи.

10 1.Третьяков — создатель обширного
10 1.Третьяков — создатель обширного
собрания предметов искусства.
2.Третьяков начал собирать картины ещё в
3.Третьяков — создатель известной
картинной галереи.
11 Он хотел создать музей
национальной живописи.
12 Приобретал — покупал.
В лагере я приобрёл привычку каждый день
заниматься гимнастикой. 

13 Стилистическая принадлежность:
13 Стилистическая принадлежность:
Коллекционер — книжное.
Синоним: Коллекционер — собиратель.
14 фразеологизм:
За тридевять земель — далеко.
Я люблю собирать марки. Однажды мне
пришлось поехать за тридевять земель за
интересной маркой. Как же я был рад, когда эта
марка появилась в моём альбоме!

66 месяцев назад

Тбилиси — муж. род): Авеню, Ай-Петри, Гоби, Янцзы, Замбези, купе, кофе, леди, шампунь, меню, месье, танго, кенгуру, фойе, фрау, салями, конферансье, эмансипе, пенальти, пони, тюль, рантье, мозоль, шимпанзе, рояль, Онтарио, ООН, Миссисипи, пенни, сулугуни, «Юманите», Сочи, Сухуми, брокколи, ВТО, визави, авеню, протеже, НИИ, иваси, бюллетень, МЧС.


Узкая авеню — жен. род. Высокая Ай-Петри — жен. род. Жаркая Гоби — жен. род. Многоводная Янцзы — жен. род. Мощная Замбези — жен. род. Четырехместное купе — ср. род. Горячий кофе — муж. род. Милая леди — жен. род. Дорогой шампунь — муж. род. Детское меню — ср. род. Вежливый месье — муж. род. Профессиональное танго — ср. род. Маленький кенгуру — муж. род. Просторное фойе — ср. род. Радостная фрау — жен. род. Вкусная салями — жен. род. Талантливый конферансье — муж. род. Настойчивая эмансипе — жен. род. Удачное/удачный пенальти — ср/муж. род. Послушный пони — муж. род. Легкий тюль — муж. род. Богатый рантье — муж. род. Больная мозоль — жен. род. Крупный шимпанзе — муж. род. Старый рояль — муж. род. Населённое Онтарио — ср. род. Международная ООН — жен. род. Известная Миссисипи — жен. род. Старое пенни — ср. род. Качественный «Сулугуни» — муж. род. Ежедневная «Юманите» — жен. род. Красивый Сочи — муж. род. Прекрасный Сухуми — муж. род. Зеленая брокколи — жен. род. Международная ВТО — жен. род. Кареглазый/кареглазая визави — муж/жен. род. Юный/юная протеже — муж/жен. род. Технологический НИИ — муж. род. Свежая иваси — жен. род. Информационный бюллетень — муж. род. Государственное МЧС — ср. род.

Gobi Fry Recipe: How to Make Gobi Fry …

1 week ago
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Pasta is one of the most delicious and easy Italian delicacies. There are innumerable …

› Tomato Garlic Pasta
Pasta is one of the most delicious and easy Italian delicacies. There are innumerable …


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Gobi 65 Recipe | Fried Cauliflower Snack » …

1 day ago
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Gobi 65 Recipe | Fried Cauliflower Snack » …
Recipe Instructions Chop the cauliflower in small pieces. Rinse them very well and keep in a bowl.Drain the cauliflower florets of all the water very well and take them in a mixing bowl or pan.Heat oil in a kadai (wok) or a frying pan. When the oil becomes medium hot, use a spoon to … Now remove the extra oil from the kadai and keep 2 teaspoon oil in it or add fresh 2 …

› 4.9/5 (37)
› Total Time: 1 hr 10 mins
› Category: Snacks
› Calories: 331 per serving
1. Chop the cauliflower in small pieces. Rinse them very well and keep in a bowl.
2. Drain the cauliflower florets of all the water very well and take them in a mixing bowl or pan.
3. Heat oil in a kadai (wok) or a frying pan. When the oil becomes medium hot, use a spoon to …
4. Now remove the extra oil from the kadai and keep 2 teaspoon oil in it or add fresh 2 …


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Aloo Gobi Recipe — Swasthi’s Recipes

2 days ago
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Aloo Gobi Recipe - Swasthi's Recipes
Recipe Instructions Chop cauliflower florets to 1½ inch in size. Add them to slightly hot water and set aside 3 to … Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. When they sizzle, add ginger garlic & saute for 30 …

› Ratings: 374
› Calories: 175 per serving
› Category: Side
1. Chop cauliflower florets to 1½ inch in size. Add them to slightly hot water and set aside 3 to …
2. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. When they sizzle, add ginger garlic & saute for 30 …


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gobi 65 recipe | cauliflower 65 | how to make crispy gobi fry 65

1 week ago
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gobi 65 recipe | cauliflower 65 | how to make crispy gobi fry 65

1 week ago
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Gobi 65 recipe (Cauliflower 65 fry) — Swasthi’s Recipes

1 week ago
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Gobi 65 recipe (Cauliflower 65 fry)

6 days ago
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Gobi 65 recipe (Cauliflower 65 fry)
Recipe Instructions Heat 3 cups water in a pot until slightly hot (not boiling hot). Turn off the stove.Use thick full fat yogurt for tempering as we don’t want it to split. As an additional precaution …

› 4.9/5 (141)
› Total Time: 40 mins
› Category: Appetizer, Snack
› Calories: 298 per serving
1. Heat 3 cups water in a pot until slightly hot (not boiling hot). Turn off the stove.
2. Use thick full fat yogurt for tempering as we don’t want it to split. As an additional precaution …


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Gobi Manchurian (Dry and Gravy)

1 week ago
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Gobi Manchurian (Dry and Gravy)
Recipe Instructions Firstly chop or break the gobi (cauliflower) in medium size florets.In a bowl mix together the ingredients for making the batter — all purpose flour, corn starch, … No need to add any oil again. In the same pan, add chopped ginger, garlic and green …

› 4.9/5 (41)
› Calories: 332 per serving
› Category: Snacks
1. Firstly chop or break the gobi (cauliflower) in medium size florets.
2. In a bowl mix together the ingredients for making the batter — all purpose flour, corn starch, …
3. No need to add any oil again. In the same pan, add chopped ginger, garlic and green …


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Cauliflower Fry Recipe — Gobi Fry | Cook Click N Devour!!!

2 days ago
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Web Jul 23, 2021  · Drain the gobi florets in a colander and rinse in cold water. 2. Add cauliflower florets to a mixing bowl. Add turmeric powder, salt, chili powder, garam …


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Tasty Fried Cauliflower Recipe from Spain — Visit Southern Spain

1 week ago
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Web Mar 1, 2023  · Instructions. Wash the cauliflower and cut it. You can separate the florets or cut them into cubes. Cook the cauliflower in a pot with plenty of water until al dente. In …


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Aloo Gobi — Allrecipes | Food, friends, and recipe inspiration

2 days ago
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Web Jul 10, 2019  · Directions Heat 2 tablespoons of oil over medium-high heat in a large pot. Fry cumin seeds for a few seconds until they turn golden brown and begin to pop. Reduce …


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3-Ingredient Stir-Fry Sauce (Easy Recipe) — Insanely Good

1 week ago
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Web Mar 2, 2023  · Turn on the stove on high heat, grab a large wok or frying pan, and add some sesame oil. Add the chopped ginger, green onion, and garlic. Stir it quickly to avoid …


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Gobi Stir Fry Dry Recipe-Cauliflower Stir Fry-How to make gobi fry

5 days ago
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Web Aug 20, 2016  · Add the salt to taste. Lower the flame and close the lid. Allow the cauliflower to cook on simmer and keep stirring it from time to time to prevent it from getting burnt at …


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Cauliflower Fry | Gobi Manchurian Recipe | Cooking Food Explore

1 week ago
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Web Cauliflower fry is a dish made by frying cauliflower florets after coating them with a spiced batter. The batter is typically made with a mixture of all-purp…


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Aloo Gobi Recipe — Serious Eats

5 days ago
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Web Mar 10, 2022  · Line a rimmed baking sheet with paper towels. In a 3-quart saucepan, combine potatoes, 2 tablespoons salt, vinegar, and 2 quarts cold water. Bring to a boil …



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Gobi Pepper Fry Recipe Recipe | Foodcazt | Food Magazine

4 days ago
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Web Oct 7, 2021  · Cooking to make Gobi Pepper Fry Recipe. Add all purpose flour and corn flour in a Mixing Bowl. Mix well together. Now, add turmeric powder, black pepper …


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Aloo Gobi Hash, Fried Egg & Green Chutney — James Martin Chef

2 weeks ago
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Web Method. Print Recipe. Preheat the oven to 180°C fan/200°C/400°F/gas mark 6. Par-boil the potatoes and drain (or use cooked leftovers if you have any). Break down the …


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Aloo Gobi Recipe | Aarti Sequeira | Food Network

1 week ago
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Aloo Gobi Recipe | Aarti Sequeira | Food Network

› Author: Aarti Sequeira
› Steps: 6
› Difficulty: Easy


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Aloo Gobi Masala (Vegan Cauliflower Potato Stir Fry) — My Food …

5 days ago
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Web Feb 28, 2019  · Instructions. Place the cauliflower florets in a bowl and pour hot water on them. Set them aside for 8-10 minutes. Heat oil in a skillet or kadhai. Add cumin seeds …


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Air-fryer cauliflower curry | Jamie Oliver recipes

1 day ago
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Web Air-fry the steaks at 190°C for 15 minutes, until cooked through. If your air-fryer has a basket rather than shelves, you should turn the steaks over halfway through cooking. If …


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Cauliflower Fried Rice Keto — msn.com

4 days ago
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Web Feb 27, 2023  · Heat one tablespoon butter in a wok or large high-sided skillet over medium-high heat. Add eggs and season with salt and black pepper, to taste. Cook, stirring …


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Air-Fryer Gobi Manchurian (Indian Chinese Cauliflower) — Food …

1 week ago
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Web Place the cauliflower in the air-fryer basket. Set the air fryer to 400 degrees F for 20 minutes, stirring the cauliflower halfway through the cooking time. Meanwhile, for the …


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Easy Cauliflower Rice Stir Fry Recipe 🍲🍚🍛 — YouTube

4 days ago
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Web This dish is a nutritious and low-carb easy cauliflower rice stir fry recipe with a Chinese-style twist. It can be enjoyed as a main course due to its hearty…

Stir Fry


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Gobi Fry Recipe: How to Make Gobi Fry …

4 days ago
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400 gm wholewheat pasta; 2 tablespoon virgin olive oil; 2 handful parmesan …

› Tomato Garlic Pasta
400 gm wholewheat pasta; 2 tablespoon virgin olive oil; 2 handful parmesan …



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Aloo Gobi Recipe — Swasthi’s Recipes

1 week ago
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Aloo Gobi Recipe - Swasthi's Recipes
Recipe Instructions Chop cauliflower florets to 1½ inch in size. Add them to slightly hot water and set aside 3 to … Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. When they sizzle, add ginger garlic & saute for 30 …

› Ratings: 374
› Calories: 175 per serving
› Category: Side
1. Chop cauliflower florets to 1½ inch in size. Add them to slightly hot water and set aside 3 to …
2. Heat oil in a pan and add cumin seeds. When they sizzle, add ginger garlic & saute for 30 …


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Gobi 65 Recipe | Fried Cauliflower Snack » Dassana’s Veg …

5 days ago
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Gobi 65 Recipe | Fried Cauliflower Snack » Dassana's Veg …
Recipe Instructions Chop the cauliflower in small pieces. Rinse them very well and keep in a bowl.Drain the cauliflower florets of all the water very well and take them in a mixing bowl or pan.Heat oil in a kadai (wok) or a frying pan. When the oil becomes medium hot, use a spoon to … Now remove the extra oil from the kadai and keep 2 teaspoon oil in it or add fresh 2 …

› 4.9/5 (37)
› Total Time: 1 hr 10 mins
› Category: Snacks
› Calories: 331 per serving
1. Chop the cauliflower in small pieces. Rinse them very well and keep in a bowl.
2. Drain the cauliflower florets of all the water very well and take them in a mixing bowl or pan.
3. Heat oil in a kadai (wok) or a frying pan. When the oil becomes medium hot, use a spoon to …
4. Now remove the extra oil from the kadai and keep 2 teaspoon oil in it or add fresh 2 …


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gobi 65 recipe | cauliflower 65 | how to make crispy gobi fry 65

1 week ago
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gobi 65 recipe | cauliflower 65 | how to make crispy gobi fry 65

1 week ago
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Gobi 65 recipe (Cauliflower 65 fry) — Swasthi’s Recipes

1 day ago
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Gobi 65 recipe (Cauliflower 65 fry) — Swasthi’s Recipes

6 days ago
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Gobi 65 recipe (Cauliflower 65 fry) - Swasthi's Recipes
Recipe Instructions Heat 3 cups water in a pot until slightly hot (not boiling hot). Turn off the stove.Use thick full fat yogurt for tempering as we don’t want it to split. As an additional precaution …

› 4.9/5 (141)
› Total Time: 40 mins
› Category: Appetizer, Snack
› Calories: 298 per serving
1. Heat 3 cups water in a pot until slightly hot (not boiling hot). Turn off the stove.
2. Use thick full fat yogurt for tempering as we don’t want it to split. As an additional precaution …


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gobi pepper fry recipe | cauliflower pepper fry | gobi …

3 days ago
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gobi pepper fry recipe | cauliflower pepper fry | gobi …

› Ratings: 42
› Category: Starters
› Cuisine: South Indian
› Total Time: 40 mins


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Gobi Manchurian (Dry and Gravy) — Dassana’s Veg Recipes

2 weeks ago
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Gobi Manchurian (Dry and Gravy) - Dassana's Veg Recipes


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Cauliflower Fry Recipe — Gobi Fry | Cook Click N Devour!!!

2 days ago
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Web Jul 23, 2021  · Drain the gobi florets in a colander and rinse in cold water. 2. Add cauliflower florets to a mixing bowl. Add turmeric powder, salt, chili powder, garam …


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Tasty Fried Cauliflower Recipe from Spain — Visit Southern Spain

2 weeks ago
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Logo recipes
Web Mar 1, 2023  · Instructions. Wash the cauliflower and cut it. You can separate the florets or cut them into cubes. Cook the cauliflower in a pot with plenty of water until al dente. In …


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Aloo Gobi — Allrecipes | Food, friends, and recipe inspiration

6 days ago
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Web Jul 10, 2019  · Heat 2 tablespoons of oil over medium-high heat in a large pot. Fry cumin seeds for a few seconds until they turn golden brown and begin to pop. Reduce heat to …


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3-Ingredient Stir-Fry Sauce (Easy Recipe) — Insanely Good

4 days ago
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Logo recipes
Web Mar 2, 2023  · Turn on the stove on high heat, grab a large wok or frying pan, and add some sesame oil. Add the chopped ginger, green onion, and garlic. Stir it quickly to avoid …


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Cauliflower Fry | Gobi Manchurian Recipe | Cooking Food Explore

1 day ago
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Logo recipes
Web Cauliflower fry is a dish made by frying cauliflower florets after coating them with a spiced batter. The batter is typically made with a mixture of all-purp…


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Aloo Gobi Hash, Fried Egg & Green Chutney — James Martin Chef

1 week ago
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Web Method. Print Recipe. Preheat the oven to 180°C fan/200°C/400°F/gas mark 6. Par-boil the potatoes and drain (or use cooked leftovers if you have any). Break down the …


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Gobi Pepper Fry Recipe Recipe | Foodcazt | Food Magazine

2 weeks ago
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Logo recipes
Web Oct 7, 2021  · Cooking to make Gobi Pepper Fry Recipe. Add all purpose flour and corn flour in a Mixing Bowl. Mix well together. Now, add turmeric powder, black pepper …


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Gobi 65 Recipe (Cauliflower Fry) — Yellow Chili’s

4 days ago
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Logo recipes
Web Sep 2, 2020  · To Prepare Cauliflower fry/ Gobi 65 In a bowl soak cauliflower florets in hot water with a pinch of turmeric in it for about 15 minutes and drain it Marinate the …


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Cauliflower Fried Rice Keto — msn.com

2 weeks ago
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Logo recipes
Web Feb 27, 2023  · Heat one tablespoon butter in a wok or large high-sided skillet over medium-high heat. Add eggs and season with salt and black pepper, to taste. Cook, stirring …


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Air-fryer cauliflower curry | Jamie Oliver recipes

2 weeks ago
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Web Air-fry the steaks at 190°C for 15 minutes, until cooked through. If your air-fryer has a basket rather than shelves, you should turn the steaks over halfway through cooking. If …


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Aloo Gobi Masala (Vegan Cauliflower Potato Stir Fry) — My Food …

1 day ago
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Logo recipes
Web Feb 28, 2019  · Instructions. Place the cauliflower florets in a bowl and pour hot water on them. Set them aside for 8-10 minutes. Heat oil in a skillet or kadhai. Add cumin seeds …


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Easy Cauliflower Rice Stir Fry Recipe 🍲🍚🍛 — YouTube

1 day ago
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Web This dish is a nutritious and low-carb easy cauliflower rice stir fry recipe with a Chinese-style twist. It can be enjoyed as a main course due to its hearty…

Stir Fry


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Gobi Manchurian or Cauliflower Manchurian is a popular Indo-Chinese dish where golden & crispy fried cauliflower florets are tossed in a sweet and spicy Manchurian sauce.

It tastes great when served as an appetizer or snack. It can also be served as a side dish with fried rice/noodles when made with gravy.

a female holding gobi manchurian with wooden chopsticks in one hand and a bowl with other hand

Table of contents

Gobi Manchurian would be one of the most delicious Indo-Chinese recipes ever. This finger-licking Gobi Manchurian dish is all about Indianizing Chinese manch or manchurian dishes to take it to the next level of yumminess. This extravagant Indo-Chinese dish is assured to hoist up your taste glands with its amazing taste and textures.

Imagine yourself digging into a delectable platter filled with aromas of sizzling and crispy golden cauliflower florets coated in a spicy and sweet sauce. Mouthwatering, isn’t it? This dish of Gobi Manchurian or cauliflower manchurian is all about deliciousness and deliciousness.

Gobi Manchurian is the dreamy wedlock of crispy fried cauliflower florets and the palatable manchurian sauce.

In India, people are crazy about Indo-Chinese food. These dishes are no way near to the authentic Chinese food, but no doubt they carry their own sorcery. That’s why they are hugely served at Indian weddings and other parties.

In Indian restaurants, you will always find a section for Indo Chinese dishes. And when it comes to street foods, Indo-Chinese food again is people’s favorite. People just love these piping hot Indo Chinese dishes which many food carts have. 

Other popular Indo Chinese dishes are schezwan fried rice, Schezwan Noodles Recipe, egg fried rice, chilli paneer, veg manchurian, and hakka noodles.

a female sprinkling sesame seeds over gobi manchurian a white oval plate

What is Gobi Manchurian?

Gobi Manchurian Or Cauliflower is an Indo-Chinese dish which can be served as a snack or as a side dish along with rice or noodles.

The meaning in Hindi language: Gobi/Gobhi = Cauliflower. And manchurian is a name for a sweet and spicy sauce made with a combination of onions, spring onions, garlic, ginger, chili, chili sauce, soy sauce, and tomato ketchup.

In this dish, blanched cauliflower florets are coated in a mixed flour batter and then deep-fried until crisp. After that, fried florets are tossed in hot Manchurian sauce. 

gobi manchurian a white oval plate and some wooden chopsticks on side

What are the features of Gobi Manchurian?

This Gobi Manchurian:

✔is so easy to prepare & tastes amazing

✔can also be made with pan-fried, air-fried, and baked florets

✔is vegetarian and vegan

✔is ready in under 30 minutes

✔can be made dry or saucy

✔makes a great dish for parties and get-togethers

✔can easily be customized according to your taste glands

✔tastes like restaurant-style gobi manchurian

What are the variations for deep frying Gobi Manchurian?

In Gobi manchurian, cauliflower florets are deep-fried. But if you are not comfortable eating fried food then you can surely opt for a healthy alternative. 

For this gobi manchurian recipe, you can use air-fried or baked cauliflower florets.

How to Air Fry cauliflower florets for Gobi Manchurian?

This is how you can fry cauliflower florets Using Air Fryer:

Preheat the air-fryer at 200°C/400°F for 5 minutes. Line the air fryer basket with a perforated parchment and brush/spray it with oil. Line batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush all the florets with some oil. 

Air Fry at 200°C/400°F for 14 minutes. Halfway through, give the basket a quick shake and spray florets with some oil. Insert the basket again and air fry for the rest of the time. You will get super crispy and golden fried cauliflower florets.

How to bake cauliflower florets for Gobi Manchurian?

Baking Cauliflower Florets is a great option when you want to healthify a gobi manchurian recipe and you don’t have an air fryer. 

To bake, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Then arrange batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush/spray florets with some oil and bake for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.

overhead shot of gobi manchurian a white oval plate where female hands holding wooden chopsticks

Can I shallow fry cauliflower florets for Gobi Manchurian?

Surely you can. To shallow fry, fill a broad pan 1 inch with oil. Heat the oil and shallow fry cauliflower from both sides until they are golden and crispy.

What are the ingredients used in Gobi Manchurian?

Gobi Manchurian is a delicious dish which is made with a handful of ingredients. But all these ingredients are easily available in any kitchen.

Below are the ingredients you will need to make Gobi Manchurian:

Cauliflower florets: 

It is the key ingredient of this recipe, so make sure to use fresh and organic cauliflower for the best taste.

**Oil for frying: **

You can use any oil which is suitable for frying.

Soy Sauce:

I have used regular light soy sauce here, but you can also use dark soy sauce. The taste will be the same, it’s just that you will get the darker shade of sauce with dark soy sauce.

Ginger & Garlic:

I have used freshly chopped ginger & garlic for this recipe.

Black pepper powder:

You can use freshly ground black pepper or powdered black pepper. Both are okay. 

Tomato ketchup:

Feel free to use any of your favorite tomato ketchup.

Chili sauce:

I have added chili sauce which was mildly hot and tangy. 

Corn flour or Cornstarch:

All-purpose flour or refined flour.


Use any salt of your choice.

Green chilies:

This is added for hot flavors, but it is completely optional.

Cilantro leaves:

They add a nice herby punch to the sauce.

Onion & spring onions (scallions):

This recipe calls for chopped onions and sliced spring onions. So make sure you add both.

Ginger-garlic paste:

You can use both store-bought or homemade ginger-garlic paste.

gobi manchurian topped with sesame seeds served in a white bowl

How to make Gobi Manchurian?

To make gobi manchurian, you need to follow 3 steps:

Step 1 Frying cauliflower florets: 

To fry cauliflower florets, first, blanch and then coat them in fry flour. After that, dip them in all-purpose flour and cornflour batter. Then deep fry twice until crisp. 

Step 2: Make Manchurian Sauce: 

To make manchurian sauce, saute onion, ginger garlic, and green chilies. Then add sauces (chili, tomato, soy) and water. Season sauce with salt and pepper and boil. Add cornflour slurry, and cook until sauce thickens.  

Step 3 Assemble: 

Toss fried cauliflower florets in manchurian sauce. Garnish and serve.

For a full list of Gobi Manchurian Recipe ingredients and step-by-step photo and video instructions, please see the recipe box on this page. 

Can I make Cauliflower Manchurian in advance?

You can, but Gobi manchurian tastes best when served fresh. However, you can surely do the preparation in advance. Cauliflower can be blanched ahead of time, but fry them only when you are planning to make manchurian. 

Also, you can make the manchurian sauce a day in advance. You can easily thin it out by adding some water if it is too thick. 

a female holding gobi manchurian in a white oval plate

How to Serve Gobi Manchurian?

Gobi Manchurian is a dish that has two variants — Dry Gobi Manchurian and Gravy Gobi Manchurian.

The dry version of gobi manchurian can be served as a starter or an appetizer for parties or get-togethers. Whereas, the gravy version can be saucy as an entree and served as a side dish along with rice or noodles. 

The version I made is a semi-dry version that can be served as it is and can also be served with a side dish.

How to make gobi manchurian gluten-free?

To make the gluten free version of Gobi Manchurian recipe, you need to swap all purpose flour with the same amount of gluten free all purpose flour or corn flour. 

Also, make sure to use the gluten-free sauces when making this recipe gluten-free. 

What are the Pro tips and tricks to make Gobi Manchurian?

Tip 1. Double frying cauliflower florets make them super crunchy and delicious. They don’t get soggy when you coat them in manchurian sauce. So double frying is highly recommended here. However, if you are not comfortable with double frying the florets, then you can fry them only one time. 

Tip 2. After blanching cauliflower, make sure to coat them with cornflour. This dry coating helps them in coating batter.

Tip 3. After frying cauliflower florets, don’t keep them for a long time, or else they would start turning soggy, and will not taste as crunchy as they should.

Tip 4. Hot and crispy manchurian tastes the best. So serve gobi manchurian dishes immediately.

Tip 5. The manchurian sauce gets its main taste from the mix of sauces. So, feel free to adjust the amount of sauces according to your taste buds.

Tip 6. The chili sauce I have used is mildly hot and a bit tangy, that’s why I did not add any vinegar. But if your chili sauce is not tangy then you can also add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to this gobi manchurian.

Tip 7. Blanching cauliflower florets in salted water is recommended. This way you can make sure that the cauliflower absorbs the salty water and they will cook well evenly from inside while frying.

Tip 8. I like hot and spicy gobi manchurian. Thus, I like to add Kashmiri red chili powder along with black pepper powder to the batter. It adds nice heat and a smoky flavor to the batter. However, if you don’t like chili, then you can omit the red chili part.

Tip 9. Do not overcrowd the pan when frying cauliflower florets, or else they will not cook evenly.

Tip 10. Always, keep the sauce ready before frying cauliflower florets. This way you can serve the gobi manchurian right after frying. 

Tip 11. I have added some sugar to the sauce, but adding sugar is entirely optional here.

Tip 12. Don’t let the fried cauliflower sit for long in the sauce, otherwise, they won’t remain crispy. They would still taste delicious though.

Tip 13. You can also add capsicum (bell pepper) to the manchurian sauce along with onions. 

Tip 14. With leftover gobi manchurian, you can also make tortilla wrap or a pit bread sandwich.  

a closeup shot gobi manchurian topped with spring onions served in a white oval plate

Gobi Manchurian Recipe (Step-by-step photo instructions)

Boil Cauliflower (Gobi):

  1. Add hot boiling water to a pan along with 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir well.
  2. Image of the cooking step-1-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Add cauliflower florets and mix again. Let them boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Image of the cooking step-1-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Cover the pan and cook for 2 more minutes.
  6. Image of the cooking step-1-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Drain cauliflower florets with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a mixing bowl.
  8. Image of the cooking step-1-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Make Batter:

  1. Add about 3 tablespoons of cornflour and coat the florets well by shaking the mixing bowl. Once done, keep it aside.
  2. Image of the cooking step-2-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. In a separate mixing bowl add 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup of cornflour, salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper powder, 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chili powder, and whisk.
  4. Image of the cooking step-2-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Add water little by little and make a thick and smooth lump-free batter.
  6. Image of the cooking step-2-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Deep Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):

  1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Once hot, dip cauliflower florets in the prepared batter.
  2. Image of the cooking step-3-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Drop battered cauliflower florets into the hot oil and fry until they are light golden in color. Do not overcrowd the pan.
  4. Image of the cooking step-3-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Drain the fried cauliflower florets onto an absorbent paper towel-lined plate and fry the remaining florets a similar way.
  6. Image of the cooking step-3-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Now turn the heat to high and drop fried cauliflower florets into the oil and refry them until they are crisp and golden brown.
  8. Image of the cooking step-3-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  9. Remove them on a paper towel lined plate and keep them aside.
  10. Image of the cooking step-3-5 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Alternatively, Air Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):

  1. For Air frying, preheat the air-fryer at 200°C/400°F for 5 minutes. Line the air fryer basket with a perforated parchment and brush/spray it with oil.
  2. Image of the cooking step-4-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Line batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush all the florets with some oil.
  4. Image of the cooking step-4-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Air Fry at 200°C/390°F for 14 minutes. Halfway through, give the basket a quick shake and spray florets with some oil.
  6. Image of the cooking step-4-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Insert the basket again and air fry for the rest of the time. You will get super crispy and golden fried cauliflower florets.
  8. Image of the cooking step-4-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Alternatively, Bake Cauliflower (Gobi) in an Oven:

  1. To bake, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F.
  2. Image of the cooking step-5-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  4. Image of the cooking step-5-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. After that, arrange batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer.
  6. Image of the cooking step-5-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Brush/spray florets with some oil and bake for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.
  8. Image of the cooking step-5-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Make Manchurian Sauce:

  1. Heat oil in a skillet or a wok on high heat.
  2. Image of the cooking step-6-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Once hot, add the chopped garlic, chopped ginger, and sauté for a few seconds.
  4. Image of the cooking step-6-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Now, add green chili, chopped onion, sliced spring onion, and sauté for 1 minute.
  6. Image of the cooking step-6-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. After that add chopped cilantro and mix well.
  8. Image of the cooking step-6-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  9. Now add red chili sauce, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, and mix well.
  10. Image of the cooking step-6-5 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  11. Add salt to them and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper (or to taste), and sauté on high heat for a minute.
  12. Image of the cooking step-6-6 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  13. Add 3/4 cup water and boil for 1 minute.
  14. Image of the cooking step-6-7 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  15. Now in a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of cornflour with 2-3 tablespoons of water.
  16. Image of the cooking step-6-8 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  17. Add cornflour and water mixture and mix well. Cook until sauce thickens.
  18. Image of the cooking step-6-9 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  19. Lastly, add sugar (if using) and mix everything well.
  20. Image of the cooking step-6-10 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  21. Once the sauce is ready, add the fried cauliflower and mix well. Cook for 1 minute on low heat.
  22. Image of the cooking step-6-11 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  23. Turn off the heat and spring onions. Toss well.
  24. Image of the cooking step-6-12 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  25. Transfer gobi manchurian to a serving dish and garnish with spring onion greens.
  26. Image of the cooking step-6-13 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  27. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds and serve hot as a snack or a party appetizer.
  28. Image of the cooking step-6-14 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Gobi Manchurian Recipe [Recipe]

Recipe Image

Gobi Manchurian is a popular Indo-Chinese dish where crispy fried cauliflower florets are tossed in a sweet and spicy Manchurian sauce.


(Rating: 4.2 from 41 reviews)

Prep time 🕐 Cook time 🕐 Total time 🕐
15 mins 20 mins 35 mins
Category ☶ Cuisine ♨ Serves ☺
Snack Indo-Chinese 5
Nutrition Info ⊛ Serving size ⊚
302 calories 1


For Gobi Manchurian:
  • 500 grams cauliflower (gobi), cut into florets
  • Water, as needed
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (maida)
  • 3/4 cup + 3 tablespoons + 2 tablespoons cornflour
  • 1/2 teaspoon + 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon kashmiri red chili powder
  • Oil for deep frying + 2 tablespoons
  • 1 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 tablespoon ginger (chopped)
  • 3 tablespoons garlic (chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon green chili, chopped
  • 1 small-sized onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup sliced spring onions + 2 tablespoons
  • 1 tablespoon fresh coriander leaves, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons red chili sauce
  • 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup
  • Salt to taste


Boil Cauliflower (Gobi):
  1. Add hot boiling water to a pan along with 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir well.
  2. Add cauliflower florets and mix again. Let them boil for 2 minutes.
  3. Cover the pan and cook for 2 more minutes.
  4. Drain cauliflower florets with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a mixing bowl.
Make Batter:
  1. Add about 3 tablespoons of cornflour and coat the florets well by shaking the mixing bowl. Once done, keep it aside.
  2. In a separate mixing bowl add 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup of cornflour, salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper powder, 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chili powder, and whisk.
  3. Add water little by little and make a thick and smooth lump-free batter.
Deep Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):
  1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Once hot, dip cauliflower florets in the prepared batter.
  2. Drop battered cauliflower florets into the hot oil and fry until they are light golden in color. Do not overcrowd the pan.
  3. Drain the fried cauliflower florets onto an absorbent paper towel-lined plate and fry the remaining florets a similar way.
  4. Now turn the heat to high and drop fried cauliflower florets into the oil and refry them until they are crisp and golden brown.
  5. Remove them on a paper towel lined plate and keep them aside.
Alternatively, Air Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):
  1. For Air frying, preheat the air-fryer at 200°C/400°F for 5 minutes. Line the air fryer basket with a perforated parchment and brush/spray it with oil.
  2. Line batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush all the florets with some oil.
  3. Air Fry at 200°C/390°F for 14 minutes. Halfway through, give the basket a quick shake and spray florets with some oil.
  4. Insert the basket again and air fry for the rest of the time. You will get super crispy and golden fried cauliflower florets.
Alternatively, Bake Cauliflower (Gobi) in an Oven:
  1. To bake, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F.
  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  3. After that, arrange batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer.
  4. Brush/spray florets with some oil and bake for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Make Manchurian Sauce:
  1. Heat oil in a skillet or a wok on high heat.
  2. Once hot, add the chopped garlic, chopped ginger, and sauté for a few seconds.
  3. Now, add green chili, chopped onion, sliced spring onion, and sauté for 1 minute.
  4. After that add chopped cilantro and mix well.
  5. Now add red chili sauce, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, and mix well.
  6. Add salt to them and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper (or to taste), and sauté on high heat for a minute.
  7. Add 3/4 cup water and boil for 1 minute.
  8. Now in a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of cornflour with 2-3 tablespoons of water.
  9. Add cornflour and water mixture and mix well. Cook until sauce thickens.
  10. Lastly, add sugar (if using) and mix everything well.
  11. Once the sauce is ready, add the fried cauliflower and mix well. Cook for 1 minute on low heat.
  12. Turn off the heat and spring onions. Toss well.
  13. Transfer gobi manchurian to a serving dish and garnish with spring onion greens.
  14. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds and serve hot as a snack or a party appetizer.

WATCH RECIPE VIDEO: Click the play button and video will load …


  1. Double frying cauliflower florets make them super crunchy and delicious. They don’t get soggy when you coat them in manchurian sauce. So double frying is highly recommended here. However, if you are not comfortable with double frying the florets, then you can fry them only one time.
  2. After blanching cauliflower, make sure to coat them with cornflour. This dry coating helps them in coating batter.
  3. After frying cauliflower florets, don’t keep them for a long time, or else they would start turning soggy, and will not taste as crunchy as they should.
  4. Hot and crispy manchurian tastes the best. So serve gobi manchurian dishes immediately.
  5. The manchurian sauce gets its main taste from the mix of sauces. So, feel free to adjust the amount of sauces according to your taste buds.

• • • • • • • • • •

Gobi Manchurian or Cauliflower Manchurian is a popular Indo-Chinese dish where golden & crispy fried cauliflower florets are tossed in a sweet and spicy Manchurian sauce.

It tastes great when served as an appetizer or snack. It can also be served as a side dish with fried rice/noodles when made with gravy.

a female holding gobi manchurian with wooden chopsticks in one hand and a bowl with other hand

Table of contents

Gobi Manchurian would be one of the most delicious Indo-Chinese recipes ever. This finger-licking Gobi Manchurian dish is all about Indianizing Chinese manch or manchurian dishes to take it to the next level of yumminess. This extravagant Indo-Chinese dish is assured to hoist up your taste glands with its amazing taste and textures.

Imagine yourself digging into a delectable platter filled with aromas of sizzling and crispy golden cauliflower florets coated in a spicy and sweet sauce. Mouthwatering, isn’t it? This dish of Gobi Manchurian or cauliflower manchurian is all about deliciousness and deliciousness.

Gobi Manchurian is the dreamy wedlock of crispy fried cauliflower florets and the palatable manchurian sauce.

In India, people are crazy about Indo-Chinese food. These dishes are no way near to the authentic Chinese food, but no doubt they carry their own sorcery. That’s why they are hugely served at Indian weddings and other parties.

In Indian restaurants, you will always find a section for Indo Chinese dishes. And when it comes to street foods, Indo-Chinese food again is people’s favorite. People just love these piping hot Indo Chinese dishes which many food carts have. 

Other popular Indo Chinese dishes are schezwan fried rice, Schezwan Noodles Recipe, egg fried rice, chilli paneer, veg manchurian, and hakka noodles.

a female sprinkling sesame seeds over gobi manchurian a white oval plate

What is Gobi Manchurian?

Gobi Manchurian Or Cauliflower is an Indo-Chinese dish which can be served as a snack or as a side dish along with rice or noodles.

The meaning in Hindi language: Gobi/Gobhi = Cauliflower. And manchurian is a name for a sweet and spicy sauce made with a combination of onions, spring onions, garlic, ginger, chili, chili sauce, soy sauce, and tomato ketchup.

In this dish, blanched cauliflower florets are coated in a mixed flour batter and then deep-fried until crisp. After that, fried florets are tossed in hot Manchurian sauce. 

gobi manchurian a white oval plate and some wooden chopsticks on side

What are the features of Gobi Manchurian?

This Gobi Manchurian:

✔is so easy to prepare & tastes amazing

✔can also be made with pan-fried, air-fried, and baked florets

✔is vegetarian and vegan

✔is ready in under 30 minutes

✔can be made dry or saucy

✔makes a great dish for parties and get-togethers

✔can easily be customized according to your taste glands

✔tastes like restaurant-style gobi manchurian

What are the variations for deep frying Gobi Manchurian?

In Gobi manchurian, cauliflower florets are deep-fried. But if you are not comfortable eating fried food then you can surely opt for a healthy alternative. 

For this gobi manchurian recipe, you can use air-fried or baked cauliflower florets.

How to Air Fry cauliflower florets for Gobi Manchurian?

This is how you can fry cauliflower florets Using Air Fryer:

Preheat the air-fryer at 200°C/400°F for 5 minutes. Line the air fryer basket with a perforated parchment and brush/spray it with oil. Line batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush all the florets with some oil. 

Air Fry at 200°C/400°F for 14 minutes. Halfway through, give the basket a quick shake and spray florets with some oil. Insert the basket again and air fry for the rest of the time. You will get super crispy and golden fried cauliflower florets.

How to bake cauliflower florets for Gobi Manchurian?

Baking Cauliflower Florets is a great option when you want to healthify a gobi manchurian recipe and you don’t have an air fryer. 

To bake, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Then arrange batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush/spray florets with some oil and bake for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.

overhead shot of gobi manchurian a white oval plate where female hands holding wooden chopsticks

Can I shallow fry cauliflower florets for Gobi Manchurian?

Surely you can. To shallow fry, fill a broad pan 1 inch with oil. Heat the oil and shallow fry cauliflower from both sides until they are golden and crispy.

What are the ingredients used in Gobi Manchurian?

Gobi Manchurian is a delicious dish which is made with a handful of ingredients. But all these ingredients are easily available in any kitchen.

Below are the ingredients you will need to make Gobi Manchurian:

Cauliflower florets: 

It is the key ingredient of this recipe, so make sure to use fresh and organic cauliflower for the best taste.

**Oil for frying: **

You can use any oil which is suitable for frying.

Soy Sauce:

I have used regular light soy sauce here, but you can also use dark soy sauce. The taste will be the same, it’s just that you will get the darker shade of sauce with dark soy sauce.

Ginger & Garlic:

I have used freshly chopped ginger & garlic for this recipe.

Black pepper powder:

You can use freshly ground black pepper or powdered black pepper. Both are okay. 

Tomato ketchup:

Feel free to use any of your favorite tomato ketchup.

Chili sauce:

I have added chili sauce which was mildly hot and tangy. 

Corn flour or Cornstarch:

All-purpose flour or refined flour.


Use any salt of your choice.

Green chilies:

This is added for hot flavors, but it is completely optional.

Cilantro leaves:

They add a nice herby punch to the sauce.

Onion & spring onions (scallions):

This recipe calls for chopped onions and sliced spring onions. So make sure you add both.

Ginger-garlic paste:

You can use both store-bought or homemade ginger-garlic paste.

gobi manchurian topped with sesame seeds served in a white bowl

How to make Gobi Manchurian?

To make gobi manchurian, you need to follow 3 steps:

Step 1 Frying cauliflower florets: 

To fry cauliflower florets, first, blanch and then coat them in fry flour. After that, dip them in all-purpose flour and cornflour batter. Then deep fry twice until crisp. 

Step 2: Make Manchurian Sauce: 

To make manchurian sauce, saute onion, ginger garlic, and green chilies. Then add sauces (chili, tomato, soy) and water. Season sauce with salt and pepper and boil. Add cornflour slurry, and cook until sauce thickens.  

Step 3 Assemble: 

Toss fried cauliflower florets in manchurian sauce. Garnish and serve.

For a full list of Gobi Manchurian Recipe ingredients and step-by-step photo and video instructions, please see the recipe box on this page. 

Can I make Cauliflower Manchurian in advance?

You can, but Gobi manchurian tastes best when served fresh. However, you can surely do the preparation in advance. Cauliflower can be blanched ahead of time, but fry them only when you are planning to make manchurian. 

Also, you can make the manchurian sauce a day in advance. You can easily thin it out by adding some water if it is too thick. 

a female holding gobi manchurian in a white oval plate

How to Serve Gobi Manchurian?

Gobi Manchurian is a dish that has two variants — Dry Gobi Manchurian and Gravy Gobi Manchurian.

The dry version of gobi manchurian can be served as a starter or an appetizer for parties or get-togethers. Whereas, the gravy version can be saucy as an entree and served as a side dish along with rice or noodles. 

The version I made is a semi-dry version that can be served as it is and can also be served with a side dish.

How to make gobi manchurian gluten-free?

To make the gluten free version of Gobi Manchurian recipe, you need to swap all purpose flour with the same amount of gluten free all purpose flour or corn flour. 

Also, make sure to use the gluten-free sauces when making this recipe gluten-free. 

What are the Pro tips and tricks to make Gobi Manchurian?

Tip 1. Double frying cauliflower florets make them super crunchy and delicious. They don’t get soggy when you coat them in manchurian sauce. So double frying is highly recommended here. However, if you are not comfortable with double frying the florets, then you can fry them only one time. 

Tip 2. After blanching cauliflower, make sure to coat them with cornflour. This dry coating helps them in coating batter.

Tip 3. After frying cauliflower florets, don’t keep them for a long time, or else they would start turning soggy, and will not taste as crunchy as they should.

Tip 4. Hot and crispy manchurian tastes the best. So serve gobi manchurian dishes immediately.

Tip 5. The manchurian sauce gets its main taste from the mix of sauces. So, feel free to adjust the amount of sauces according to your taste buds.

Tip 6. The chili sauce I have used is mildly hot and a bit tangy, that’s why I did not add any vinegar. But if your chili sauce is not tangy then you can also add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to this gobi manchurian.

Tip 7. Blanching cauliflower florets in salted water is recommended. This way you can make sure that the cauliflower absorbs the salty water and they will cook well evenly from inside while frying.

Tip 8. I like hot and spicy gobi manchurian. Thus, I like to add Kashmiri red chili powder along with black pepper powder to the batter. It adds nice heat and a smoky flavor to the batter. However, if you don’t like chili, then you can omit the red chili part.

Tip 9. Do not overcrowd the pan when frying cauliflower florets, or else they will not cook evenly.

Tip 10. Always, keep the sauce ready before frying cauliflower florets. This way you can serve the gobi manchurian right after frying. 

Tip 11. I have added some sugar to the sauce, but adding sugar is entirely optional here.

Tip 12. Don’t let the fried cauliflower sit for long in the sauce, otherwise, they won’t remain crispy. They would still taste delicious though.

Tip 13. You can also add capsicum (bell pepper) to the manchurian sauce along with onions. 

Tip 14. With leftover gobi manchurian, you can also make tortilla wrap or a pit bread sandwich.  

a closeup shot gobi manchurian topped with spring onions served in a white oval plate

Gobi Manchurian Recipe (Step-by-step photo instructions)

Boil Cauliflower (Gobi):

  1. Add hot boiling water to a pan along with 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir well.
  2. Image of the cooking step-1-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Add cauliflower florets and mix again. Let them boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Image of the cooking step-1-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Cover the pan and cook for 2 more minutes.
  6. Image of the cooking step-1-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Drain cauliflower florets with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a mixing bowl.
  8. Image of the cooking step-1-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Make Batter:

  1. Add about 3 tablespoons of cornflour and coat the florets well by shaking the mixing bowl. Once done, keep it aside.
  2. Image of the cooking step-2-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. In a separate mixing bowl add 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup of cornflour, salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper powder, 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chili powder, and whisk.
  4. Image of the cooking step-2-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Add water little by little and make a thick and smooth lump-free batter.
  6. Image of the cooking step-2-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Deep Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):

  1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Once hot, dip cauliflower florets in the prepared batter.
  2. Image of the cooking step-3-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Drop battered cauliflower florets into the hot oil and fry until they are light golden in color. Do not overcrowd the pan.
  4. Image of the cooking step-3-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Drain the fried cauliflower florets onto an absorbent paper towel-lined plate and fry the remaining florets a similar way.
  6. Image of the cooking step-3-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Now turn the heat to high and drop fried cauliflower florets into the oil and refry them until they are crisp and golden brown.
  8. Image of the cooking step-3-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  9. Remove them on a paper towel lined plate and keep them aside.
  10. Image of the cooking step-3-5 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Alternatively, Air Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):

  1. For Air frying, preheat the air-fryer at 200°C/400°F for 5 minutes. Line the air fryer basket with a perforated parchment and brush/spray it with oil.
  2. Image of the cooking step-4-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Line batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush all the florets with some oil.
  4. Image of the cooking step-4-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Air Fry at 200°C/390°F for 14 minutes. Halfway through, give the basket a quick shake and spray florets with some oil.
  6. Image of the cooking step-4-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Insert the basket again and air fry for the rest of the time. You will get super crispy and golden fried cauliflower florets.
  8. Image of the cooking step-4-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Alternatively, Bake Cauliflower (Gobi) in an Oven:

  1. To bake, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F.
  2. Image of the cooking step-5-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  4. Image of the cooking step-5-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. After that, arrange batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer.
  6. Image of the cooking step-5-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. Brush/spray florets with some oil and bake for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.
  8. Image of the cooking step-5-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Make Manchurian Sauce:

  1. Heat oil in a skillet or a wok on high heat.
  2. Image of the cooking step-6-1 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  3. Once hot, add the chopped garlic, chopped ginger, and sauté for a few seconds.
  4. Image of the cooking step-6-2 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  5. Now, add green chili, chopped onion, sliced spring onion, and sauté for 1 minute.
  6. Image of the cooking step-6-3 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  7. After that add chopped cilantro and mix well.
  8. Image of the cooking step-6-4 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  9. Now add red chili sauce, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, and mix well.
  10. Image of the cooking step-6-5 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  11. Add salt to them and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper (or to taste), and sauté on high heat for a minute.
  12. Image of the cooking step-6-6 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  13. Add 3/4 cup water and boil for 1 minute.
  14. Image of the cooking step-6-7 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  15. Now in a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of cornflour with 2-3 tablespoons of water.
  16. Image of the cooking step-6-8 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  17. Add cornflour and water mixture and mix well. Cook until sauce thickens.
  18. Image of the cooking step-6-9 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  19. Lastly, add sugar (if using) and mix everything well.
  20. Image of the cooking step-6-10 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  21. Once the sauce is ready, add the fried cauliflower and mix well. Cook for 1 minute on low heat.
  22. Image of the cooking step-6-11 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  23. Turn off the heat and spring onions. Toss well.
  24. Image of the cooking step-6-12 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  25. Transfer gobi manchurian to a serving dish and garnish with spring onion greens.
  26. Image of the cooking step-6-13 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

  27. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds and serve hot as a snack or a party appetizer.
  28. Image of the cooking step-6-14 for Gobi Manchurian Recipe

Gobi Manchurian Recipe [Recipe]

Recipe Image

Gobi Manchurian is a popular Indo-Chinese dish where crispy fried cauliflower florets are tossed in a sweet and spicy Manchurian sauce.


(Rating: 4.2 from 41 reviews)

Prep time 🕐 Cook time 🕐 Total time 🕐
15 mins 20 mins 35 mins
Category ☶ Cuisine ♨ Serves ☺
Snack Indo-Chinese 5
Nutrition Info ⊛ Serving size ⊚
302 calories 1


For Gobi Manchurian:
  • 500 grams cauliflower (gobi), cut into florets
  • Water, as needed
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (maida)
  • 3/4 cup + 3 tablespoons + 2 tablespoons cornflour
  • 1/2 teaspoon + 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
  • 1 teaspoon kashmiri red chili powder
  • Oil for deep frying + 2 tablespoons
  • 1 teaspoon ginger-garlic paste
  • 1 tablespoon ginger (chopped)
  • 3 tablespoons garlic (chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon green chili, chopped
  • 1 small-sized onion, chopped
  • 1/2 cup sliced spring onions + 2 tablespoons
  • 1 tablespoon fresh coriander leaves, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons red chili sauce
  • 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup
  • Salt to taste


Boil Cauliflower (Gobi):
  1. Add hot boiling water to a pan along with 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir well.
  2. Add cauliflower florets and mix again. Let them boil for 2 minutes.
  3. Cover the pan and cook for 2 more minutes.
  4. Drain cauliflower florets with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a mixing bowl.
Make Batter:
  1. Add about 3 tablespoons of cornflour and coat the florets well by shaking the mixing bowl. Once done, keep it aside.
  2. In a separate mixing bowl add 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup of cornflour, salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper powder, 1 teaspoon Kashmiri red chili powder, and whisk.
  3. Add water little by little and make a thick and smooth lump-free batter.
Deep Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):
  1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Once hot, dip cauliflower florets in the prepared batter.
  2. Drop battered cauliflower florets into the hot oil and fry until they are light golden in color. Do not overcrowd the pan.
  3. Drain the fried cauliflower florets onto an absorbent paper towel-lined plate and fry the remaining florets a similar way.
  4. Now turn the heat to high and drop fried cauliflower florets into the oil and refry them until they are crisp and golden brown.
  5. Remove them on a paper towel lined plate and keep them aside.
Alternatively, Air Fry Cauliflower (Gobi):
  1. For Air frying, preheat the air-fryer at 200°C/400°F for 5 minutes. Line the air fryer basket with a perforated parchment and brush/spray it with oil.
  2. Line batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer. Brush all the florets with some oil.
  3. Air Fry at 200°C/390°F for 14 minutes. Halfway through, give the basket a quick shake and spray florets with some oil.
  4. Insert the basket again and air fry for the rest of the time. You will get super crispy and golden fried cauliflower florets.
Alternatively, Bake Cauliflower (Gobi) in an Oven:
  1. To bake, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F.
  2. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  3. After that, arrange batter coated cauliflower florets in a single layer.
  4. Brush/spray florets with some oil and bake for 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.
Make Manchurian Sauce:
  1. Heat oil in a skillet or a wok on high heat.
  2. Once hot, add the chopped garlic, chopped ginger, and sauté for a few seconds.
  3. Now, add green chili, chopped onion, sliced spring onion, and sauté for 1 minute.
  4. After that add chopped cilantro and mix well.
  5. Now add red chili sauce, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, and mix well.
  6. Add salt to them and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper (or to taste), and sauté on high heat for a minute.
  7. Add 3/4 cup water and boil for 1 minute.
  8. Now in a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of cornflour with 2-3 tablespoons of water.
  9. Add cornflour and water mixture and mix well. Cook until sauce thickens.
  10. Lastly, add sugar (if using) and mix everything well.
  11. Once the sauce is ready, add the fried cauliflower and mix well. Cook for 1 minute on low heat.
  12. Turn off the heat and spring onions. Toss well.
  13. Transfer gobi manchurian to a serving dish and garnish with spring onion greens.
  14. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds and serve hot as a snack or a party appetizer.

WATCH RECIPE VIDEO: Click the play button and video will load …


  1. Double frying cauliflower florets make them super crunchy and delicious. They don’t get soggy when you coat them in manchurian sauce. So double frying is highly recommended here. However, if you are not comfortable with double frying the florets, then you can fry them only one time.
  2. After blanching cauliflower, make sure to coat them with cornflour. This dry coating helps them in coating batter.
  3. After frying cauliflower florets, don’t keep them for a long time, or else they would start turning soggy, and will not taste as crunchy as they should.
  4. Hot and crispy manchurian tastes the best. So serve gobi manchurian dishes immediately.
  5. The manchurian sauce gets its main taste from the mix of sauces. So, feel free to adjust the amount of sauces according to your taste buds.

• • • • • • • • • •

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