Как правильно написать is it who

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Who is it who will have access to such procedures first?

Кто это, кто будет иметь доступ к таким процедурам в первую очередь?

Who is it who has really violated women?

Кто, кто на самом деле применял насилие к женщинам?

It is it who keeps all the worlds from chaos and total destruction.

Who is it who governs us?

Or who is it who has power over hearing and sight?

Кто властен над слухом и зрением?

Who is it who wants to be something?

What kind of man is it who reported this information?

Who is it who‘s going to get enough attention from the world?

Nanni, who is it who came down among us poor mortals?

Нанни, кто он, который спустился к нам, бедным смертным?

Who is it who sees two full moons?

А кому показывают, кто две сплошных перешел??

Is it competition that bothers women, or is it who they are competing against?

Конкуренция только беспокоит женщин или, может быть, с кем они конкурируют?

What kind of person is it who, for only a little bad kamma, goes to hell?

И что это за человек, который, свершив небольшую плохую камму, отправляется в ад?

Who is it who calls my spirit forth?

WHO is it who commands you to follow Him?

Кто после этого с Вами дела вести будет?

For whom is it who does not know what religion is?

Для не знающих, что это такое?

Live 8 was a strange kind of protest; a protest that everyone could agree with: who is it who actually wants poverty?

Live 8 — это весьма странная форма протеста, протест, с которым каждый мог согласиться, — ведь кто на самом деле хочет бедности?

And who is it who is inquiring of us who we are?

А кто это, кто спрашивает нас, кто мы такие.

What kind of spy is it who works for his own country rather than for another?

Что же это за шпион, который работает на свою страну, а не на другую?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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In many situation such as:
A) If friend tells you about someone else that it’s not clear to you who is the person that your friend talks about.

B) Someone calls you and you do not know who is this person.

In some languages, the question will be translated into «Who is it?» using the pronoun it about a person(!). Is it the same in English, or should we say «who is he?»?

asked May 21, 2019 at 8:13

Virtuous Legend's user avatar

Virtuous LegendVirtuous Legend

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If you’ve got totally no idea who that person is, not even the gender, then you could say ‘who was it?’.
And also, for ‘who was it’, you can use it when your friend answered a phone call and then he hangs up the phone. Then, you ask him ‘who was it?’

For situation A, since your friend is telling you about that person, you might ask ‘who is he or she’

But, I don’t think situation B makes any sense as you may just ask that person ‘who are you?’.

answered May 21, 2019 at 9:04

Jaen39nc's user avatar


A) If the pronoun is the subject of a sentence, use he. If the pronoun is the object of a sentence, use him.

Your example should be:

Who is he.

An example where you would use both:

I’ve seen him — who is he?

B) If someone called you on the telephone and you do not know them you might ask:

Who are you?


Who is this?

For some reason I can’t explain, the question «who is it?» is not idiomatic when asking someone directly on behalf of yourself. It only seems to be used if asking for someone to identify themselves through a closed door, and also if asking on the telephone for somebody else, eg:

Caller: Can I speak to John, please?
Respondent: I will get him. Who is it?

answered May 21, 2019 at 8:54

Astralbee's user avatar


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  • #1

When answering a phone call or asking who is knocking the door, is it more polite to use «who is this?» than «who is it?», because «it» is more often to be used to refer an object or animal?

  • PaulQ

    emre aydın

    • #3

    I have searched through a lot of threads but still couldn’t get a clear answer. :confused:

    1) Can we say both of them to the person on the phone or at the door?

    2) What would the person on the phone or at the door say as a reply? «It is me. or «This is me» ? (Assuming we recognize his/her voice)

    Thank you.


    • #4

    A lot is going to depend on the context, isn’t it?

    On the phone, the phone call should be:
    A: Hello, I am Paul Q and I’m calling about the car you have for sale.» In this case, you do not need to ask «Who is this?» or simply «Who are you?»

    If the phone call goes:
    A: «I’m calling about the car you have for sale.»
    B: «OK, [there then will be a conversation about the car, and if the person appears interested, only then need you ask «Who are you?» or «What’s your name?]»

    If the phone call is in a business setting:
    A: «I’m calling about the possibility of purchasing or leasing one of your printing machines.»
    B: «Thank you. Who did you say you are?
    A: «I’m Paul Q.»
    B: «Are you calling from a particular company?»
    A: «Yes, International Megaindustries of London»

    If you answer the door at your house, it will depend on what the visitor says — we need context.

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018

    • #5

    When answering the phone I say «hello».
    Beyond that, if I want to know who is calling I say «Who’s calling, (please)?»
    If I want to be more polite, then I can say «May I ask who’s calling (please)?»
    and if the caller has asked to speak to some other person, then I can say «May I say who’s calling (please)?»

    If I want to ascertain who is knocking on the door before I open it, I say «Who is it?»
    If the person on the other side of the door expects me to recognize his voice, he would probably say «It’s me.», or if he is a grammar traditionalist he could say «It is I.» (This does not happen very often.)

    emre aydın

    • #6

    Thank you both.

    When answering the phone I say «hello».
    Beyond that, if I want to know who is calling I say «Who’s calling, (please)?»
    If I want to be more polite, then I can say «May I ask who’s calling (please)?»
    and if the caller has asked to speak to some other person, then I can say «May I say who’s calling (please)?»

    If I want to ascertain who is knocking on the door before I open it, I say «Who is it?»
    If the person on the other side of the door expects me to recognize his voice, he would probably say «It’s me.», or if he is a grammar traditionalist he could say «It is I.» (This does not happen very often.)

    Let’s assume I am a father and someone’s called and asked to speak with my daughter. Can I also ask «who is it» or «who is this? (beside «who is calling»)

    • #7

    I believe BE speakers ask «Who’s that?» instead of «Who’s this?» on the phone. Answering the door, we could say «Who’s there?», like in «Knock, knock» jokes.


    • #8

    I believe BE speakers ask «Who’s that?» instead of «Who’s this?» on the phone.

    I think a Brit’s normal reply would be “Who is it?” (at the door) or “Who’s calling, please?” (on the phone).

    “Who’s that?” (at the door) or “Who is this?” (on the phone) might be used if you’re suspicious that the person might be someone undesirable.


    • #9

    I think a Brit’s normal reply would be “Who is it?” (at the door) or “Who’s calling, please?” (on the phone).

    “Who’s that?” (at the door) or “Who is this?” (on the phone) might be used if you’re suspicious that the person might be someone undesirable.

    Couldn’t have put it better myself! :D

    sound shift

    • #10

    «Who is this?» can sound rude.»

    “Who is this?” (on the phone) might be used if you’re suspicious that the person might be someone undesirable.

    I agree with both of you. I often get pushy, rude callers on the line — a person who says «Is that Mr Sound Shift?» (to which I reply) and then asks me to confirm my postcode, without introducing themselves. In these circumstances I feel I have a right to jettison politeness, so these people tend to get a «Who’s this?» from me.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018

    Cerros de Úbeda

    • #11

    — Who is it? — Standard
    — Who is this / that? — Suspicion / Rejection

    I would think the ‘Who is it?’ (with the personal pronoun ‘it’, a standard reference in language) makes a clearer reference to what it is, indicating (‘asking for’) a more definite response or knowledge.

    It is therefore used in a standard way, as a common answer when answering calls.

    But ‘Who is this?’ uses the less definite ‘this’, which is often employed to refer to something unknown, or to indicate confusion (as when enquiring about something you don’t know, or protesting about something you don’t like. For example, when receiving a parcel; ‘What is this? I didn’t ask for this?’).

    That’s why it is used in a context of disagreement, in a more suspicious or annoyed tone; because the ‘this’ indicates a sense of confusion (which can also denote a negative reaction, or a sense of rejection).

    In a situation of annoyance, you could say ‘Who the devil (on earth / the hell, etc) is this…?’, but you wouldn’t often use those added to ‘Who is it?’, which is probably an indication of their different uses.

    Section A Simple questions

    Кто это? (Who is that?)
    Что это? (What is that/this/it)

    The question кто? (who?) is used when we are asking about animate nouns (persons or animals), and the question что? (what?) refers to inanimate nouns.
    Это is a word corresponding to both “this” and “that“. It also can be translated by “it“.

    Read the following sentences:

    Что это? Это стол. (What is it? It’s a table.) Что это? Это машина. (What is it? It’s a car.)
    Что это? Это окно. (What is it? It’s a window.) Что это? Это стул. (What is it? It’s a chair.)
    Что это? Это шкаф. (What is it? It’s a wardrobe.) Что это? Это книга. (What is it? It’s a book.)
    Что это? Это письмо. (What is it? It’s a letter.) Кто это? Это таксист. (Who is that? This is a taxi driver.)
    Кто это? Это доктор. (Who is that? This is a doctor.) Кто это? Это студент. (Who is that? This is a student.)
    Кто это? Это кошка. (What is it? It’s a cat.
    Be careful in Russian animals are considered as animate nouns.)
    Кто это? Это собака. (What is it? It’s a dog.)

    Section B Questions with no question words

    To form a question without a question word is really easy, you just have to get the affirmative sentence and make it sound like a question.

    Read the following sentences:

    Это карандаш? (Is it a pencil?) Нет, это не карандаш. Это ручка. (No, it’s not a pencil. It’s a pen.)
    Это студент? (Is it a student boy?) Нет, это не студент. Это студентка. (No, it’s not a student boy. It’s a student girl.)
    Это тетрадь? (Is it a notebook?) Нет, это не тетрадь. Это книга. (No, it’s not a notebook. It’s a book.)
    Это газета? (Is it a newspaper?) Нет, это не газета. Это журнал. (No, it’s not a newspaper. It’s a magazine.)
    Это стол? (Is it a table?) Нет, это не стол. Это стул. (No, it’s not a table. It’s a chair.)
    Это окно? (Is it a window?) Нет, это не окно. Это дверь. (No, it’s not a window. Its a door.)
    Это ваза? (Is it a vase?) Нет, это не ваза. Это лампа. (No, it’s not a vase. It’s a lamp.)
    Это шкаф? (Is it a wardrobe?) Нет, это не шкаф. Это стол. (No, it’s not a wardrobe. It’s a table.)
    Это преподаватель? (Is he the teacher?) Нет, это не преподаватель. Это студент. (No, he is not the teacher. He is a student.)
    Это мальчик? (Is it a boy?) Нет, это не мальчик. Это девочка. (No, it’s not a boy. It’s a girl.)
    Это дом? (Is it a house?) Нет, это не дом. Это метро. (No, it’s not a house. It’s the subway.)



    Используй What или Who, чтобы завершить эти вопросы. Проверь себя, Аудио (156).
    1) _ is it? — It is a horse.
    2) _ is it? — It is a door.
    3) _ is it? — It is Barney Scott.
    4) _ is it? — It is Queen Anne.
    5) _ is it? — It is a little funny chimp.
    6) _ is it? — It’s a street.
    7) _ is it? — It’s Sally Clark.
    8) _ is it? — It’s Charley Sheen.


    Английский язык 2 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. Step 27. Номер №9


    Перевод задания
    Используй Что или Кто, чтобы завершить эти вопросы. Проверь себя, Аудио (156).
    1) _ это? − Это лошадь.
    2) _ это? − Это дверь.
    3) _ это? − Это Барни Скотт.
    4) _ это? − Это королева Анна.
    5) _ это? − Это маленький забавный шимпанзе.
    6) _ это? − Это улица.
    7) _ это? − Это Салли Кларк.
    8) _ это? − Это Чарли Шин.

    1) What is it? — It is a horse.
    2) What is it? — It is a door.
    3) Who is it? — It is Barney Scott.
    4) Who is it? — It is Queen Anne.
    5) What is it? — It is a little funny chimp.
    6) What is it? — It’s a street.
    7) Who is it? — It’s Sally Clark.
    8) Who is it? — It’s Charley Sheen.

    Перевод ответа
    1) Что это? — Это лошадь.
    2) Что это? — Это дверь.
    3) Кто это? — Это Барни Скотт.
    4) Кто это? — Это Королева Анна.
    5) Что это? — Это маленькая забавная обезьянка.
    6) Что это? — Это улица.
    7) Кто это? — Это Салли Кларк.
    8) Кто это? — Это Чарли Шин.

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