Англо-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь > Isuzu
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Isuzu
См. также в других словарях:
Isuzu KB — / TF Hersteller: General Motors Produktionszeitraum: 1983–2002 Klasse: Pickup Karosserieversionen: Pickup, 2 Türen Doppelkabine, 4 Türen Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu — Motors Ltd Тип Публичная компания … Википедия
Isuzu — Motors Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3137200006 Gründung 1937 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu TF — Isuzu KB / TF Hersteller: General Motors Produktionszeitraum: 1983–2002 Klasse: Pickup Karosserieversionen: Pickup, 2 Türen Doppelkabine, 4 Türen Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu MU-7 — Hersteller: Thai Rung Union Car Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu C — Hersteller: Isuzu Bauart: Niederflurbus Produktionszeitraum: 1980 1984 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu — (Isuzu Motors Ltd.) японская автомобильная компания, производящая легковые автомобили, пикапы, подразделение концерна «Дженерал Моторс». Штаб квартира находится в Токио. В связи с возникшими в начале 1990 х годов финансовыми трудностями фирма… … Автомобильный словарь
Isuzu — Infobox Company company name = Isuzu Motors Ltd. or Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki gaisha company company type = Public tyo|7202 company slogan = foundation = April, 1937 location = flagicon|JPN Tokyo, Japan num employees = | [7,371] industry =… … Wikipedia
Isuzu — Création 1893 Dates clés 1955, des moteurs sont utilisés en Antarctique … Wikipédia en Français
Isuzu — Para otros usos de este término, véase Isuzu (desambiguación). Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki gaisha Tipo Pública … Wikipedia Español
Isuzu TF — Infobox Automobile name=Isuzu TF aka=Chevrolet LUV Chevrolet T series El Dababah Holden Rodeo Honda Tourmaster Isuzu Fuego Isuzu KB Isuzu Pup Opel Campo Vauxhall Brava manufacturer=Isuzu assembly=Lafayette, Indiana Fujisawa, Japan production=1983 … Wikipedia
Isuzu Motors Ltd (яп. いすゞ自動車株式会社, Исудзу Дзидо: ся Кабусикигайся) (TYO: 7202) — первая японская автомобилестроительная компания. Штаб-квартира — в Токио. Основана в 1916 году. Название Isuzu дано в честь реки Исудзугава[en] в префектуре Миэ острова Хонсю, впадающей в залив Исе.
Деятельность[править | править код]
Isuzu Motors — производитель грузовиков, внедорожников и автобусов, выпускаемых под маркой «Исудзу». Также компания производит дизельные двигатели (в том числе для большого ряда автомобилей GM). Основное производство расположено в Японии. Помимо Японии автомобили собираются также во Вьетнаме, на Филиппинах, в Таиланде, США, Узбекистане, в России, Турции, Казахстане, Китае, Саудовской Аравии, Индии и других странах.
Выручка за 2005 финансовый год — $13,88 млрд, чистая прибыль — $558 млн. Объём производства в 2007 году составил 628 800 автомобилей.
Крупнейшие владельцы обыкновенных акций компании — Japan Trustee Services Bank (13,89 %), The Master Trust Bank of Japan (8,9 %), GM (7,9 %), Toyota (5,9 %). Президент — Masanori Katayama Сусуму Хосои (Susumu Hosoi).
В России[править | править код]
Поставки продукции компании в СССР начались ещё в 1969 году. Это были грузовые автомобили, преимущественно самосвалы.
Первым дистрибьютором компании ISUZU в РФ была японская торговая компания KFE LTD (ныне ООО «Кэй Эф И Владивосток»), положившая начало продажам тяжёлой серии грузовиков на Дальнем Востоке России.
- Сотрудничество с Соллерс
Впервые сборку грузовиков Isuzu начали в России на Ульяновском автозаводе в 2006 году. Затем, в середине 2007 года Isuzu зарегистрировала совместное предприятие с компанией «Северсталь-Авто» (ныне Sollers), предметом которого стало строительство в Елабуге (Татарстан) производства по выпуску грузовиков мощностью 25 тыс. автомобилей в год[2][3].
С 2008 года сборка Isuzu осуществлялась в Елабуге, но в середине 2011 года была прекращена: «Соллерс» решила выпускать здесь лёгкие коммерческие автомобили своего стратегического партнёра Ford.
Впоследствии, в мае 2012 года, «Соллерс» вновь решил сотрудничать с Isuzu, возобновив выпуск японских среднетоннажных грузовиков на ульяновском автозаводе[3]. В декабре 2015 год ПАО «СОЛЛЕРС» объявило о выходе из совместного предприятия. Голосующие акции распределились между японским компаниям Isuzu Motors Limited (74 %) и Sojitz Corporation (26 %)[4] Тем не менее производство на УАЗе продолжилось. К 2019 году на этой площадке собрано более 19 тысяч автомобилей.[5] В сентябре 2021 года объявлено о выпуске 35 тысяч шасси.[6]
В 2018 году «ИСУЗУ РУС» заключило с Минпромторгом специнвестконтракт (СПИК) на 10 лет и 6 миллиардов рублей инвестиций.[5]
С 2017 года предприятие «Симбирский Автомобильный Завод» производит автобусы под брендом «СИМАЗ» на базе шасси Isuzu.
Примечания[править | править код]
Ссылки[править | править код]
- Официальный сайт компании
Просторечные выражения засоряют речь, негативно влияют на первое впечатление о человеке. К распространенным ошибкам относится употребление глагола «ездить» в настоящем времени. Многие не знают, как сказать правильно: «езжу или ездию». Чтобы не стать жертвой неверного произношения и написания, нужно ознакомиться с особенностями данной лексемы.
Правильно пишется
Следует ознакомиться, как правильно спрягается глагол:
Единственное число:
- я (что делаю?) езжу;
- ты (что делаешь?) ездишь;
- она (что делает?) ездит.
Множественное число:
- мы (что делаем?) ездим;
- вы (что делаете?) ездите;
- они (что делают?) ездят.
Езжу только на личном автомобиле, давно не пользуюсь общественным транспортом.
Вместе с детьми я езжу на дачу каждые выходные.
Вывод. Глагол «ездить» в форме 1 лица, единственного числа, настоящего времени правильно пишется «езжу», не «ездию».
Как правильно писать слово “лучший”? Ответ можно посмотреть здесь.
Какое правило
Как сложилось, что при изменении слова, в правописании глагола «ездить» исчезает буква «д»? Ответ связан с историей развития языка, исконно русским чередованием согласных д – ж в корне слова:
- глодать – гложу;
- складывать – сложу;
- сводить – свожу;
- сидеть – сижу и др.
Аналогичное явление наблюдается при образовании формы глагола настоящего времени, 1 лица, единственного числа, от глагола 2 спряжения: ездить – езжу. Написания «издию» следует избегать как неправильного.
“Врядли” или “вряд ли” – как бы вы написали это слово? В следующем материале мы разобрали правописание и привели наглядные примеры. Рекомендуем изучить!
Примеры предложений
- Каждый день езжу на работу на троллейбусе до остановки «Комсомольская».
- Езжу по правилам дорожного движения, нарушений не допускаю.
- Говорят, что езжу очень быстро, потому что таксист, но нетерпеливые клиенты вечно торопятся.
- Домой не езжу давно, за последние месяцы накопилось много работы.
- Все-таки езжу не первый раз, знаю сложности этой трассы в обоих направлениях.
- Езжу отдыхать на море каждый год во время очередного отпуска.
Оценка статьи:
(голосов: 3, средняя оценка: 5,00 из 5)
×òî òàêîå «Èñóäçó Ìîòîðç»? Êàê ïðàâèëüíî ïèøåòñÿ äàííîå ñëîâî. Ïîíÿòèå è òðàêòîâêà.
Èñóäçó Ìîòîðç
(Isuzu Motors, Ltd.) — àâòîìîáèëüíàÿ ôèðìà, îñíîâàííàÿ â 1949 ã. è ïðîèçâîäÿùàÿ àâòîìîáèëè ñðåäíåãî êëàññà. Íàèáîëåå èçâåñòíà êàê ïðîèçâîäèòåëü ãðóçîâûõ àâòîìîáèëåé, äæèïîâ. 49% àêöèé — â ðàñïîðÿæåíèè àìåðèêàíñêîé êîðïîðàöèè «Äæåíåðàë ìîòîðç». Çàíèìàåò 2-å ìåñòî ñðåäè ôèðì, ñïåöèàëèçèðóþùèõñÿ íà âûïóñêå îáû÷íûõ ãðóçîâèêîâ, è 5-å — ñðåäè ïðîèçâîäèòåëåé ìàëîëèòðàæíûõ ãðóçîâûõ àâòîìîáèëåé. Ãîäîâîé îáúåì ïðîäàæ — 1619 ìëðä. èåí, êîëè÷åñòâî ðàáîòàþùèõ — 13 òûñ. ÷åëîâåê (ìàðò 1999 ã.).
На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 9 Опубликовано 20.11.2021
Орфография существительного «инаугурация» или «инагурация» определена правилом правописания непроверяемых гласных и согласных.
Как пишется правильно: «инаугурация» или «инагурация»?
Безошибочный вариант – инаугурация.
Какое правило применяется?
Данная лексема представляет собой неодушевленное нарицательное существительное первого склонения женского рода, которым называется торжественная церемония вступления главы государства в должность.
Лексема иностранного происхождения, от латинского inauguratio, что в русском языке означает «начало».
В существительном часто допускается ошибка: происходит пропуск гласной «у» перед буквой «г», что противоречит орфографии лексемы.
Проверить правильность написания слова нельзя, оно непроверяемое. Как и большинство заимствованных слов, относится к разряду словарных. Написание его необходимо помнить или сверять с орфографическим словарем.
Примеры предложений
На церемонии инаугурации президента России присутствовало более трех тысяч человек.
Вечером по случаю инаугурации главы государства состоялся торжественный приём.
Как неправильно писать
Англо-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь > Isuzu
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Isuzu
См. также в других словарях:
Isuzu KB — / TF Hersteller: General Motors Produktionszeitraum: 1983–2002 Klasse: Pickup Karosserieversionen: Pickup, 2 Türen Doppelkabine, 4 Türen Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu — Motors Ltd Тип Публичная компания … Википедия
Isuzu — Motors Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3137200006 Gründung 1937 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu TF — Isuzu KB / TF Hersteller: General Motors Produktionszeitraum: 1983–2002 Klasse: Pickup Karosserieversionen: Pickup, 2 Türen Doppelkabine, 4 Türen Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu MU-7 — Hersteller: Thai Rung Union Car Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu C — Hersteller: Isuzu Bauart: Niederflurbus Produktionszeitraum: 1980 1984 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isuzu — (Isuzu Motors Ltd.) японская автомобильная компания, производящая легковые автомобили, пикапы, подразделение концерна «Дженерал Моторс». Штаб квартира находится в Токио. В связи с возникшими в начале 1990 х годов финансовыми трудностями фирма… … Автомобильный словарь
Isuzu — Infobox Company company name = Isuzu Motors Ltd. or Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki gaisha company company type = Public tyo|7202 company slogan = foundation = April, 1937 location = flagicon|JPN Tokyo, Japan num employees = | [7,371] industry =… … Wikipedia
Isuzu — Création 1893 Dates clés 1955, des moteurs sont utilisés en Antarctique … Wikipédia en Français
Isuzu — Para otros usos de este término, véase Isuzu (desambiguación). Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki gaisha Tipo Pública … Wikipedia Español
Isuzu TF — Infobox Automobile name=Isuzu TF aka=Chevrolet LUV Chevrolet T series El Dababah Holden Rodeo Honda Tourmaster Isuzu Fuego Isuzu KB Isuzu Pup Opel Campo Vauxhall Brava manufacturer=Isuzu assembly=Lafayette, Indiana Fujisawa, Japan production=1983 … Wikipedia
В предыдушем посте описал ситуацию с транскрипцией японского алфавита по системам Поливанова и Хэпбёрна. Решил добавить на тему неверного произношения нашими соотечественниками названий иностранных брендов.
Известны истории, когда при выходе продукта на новый рынок, возникали комичные, абсурдные или грустные истории из-за неудачного названия или удачного названия, но неудачного значения. Ну типа «пахеро-монтеро», вы поняли. Еще веселее бывает, когда компания подзабивает на удобство произношения своего названия для неносителя языка оригинала. Что бывает — сами знаете.
Джаст дует, как говорится
По-английски богиню победы величают Найки, ну, Ника по-нашему. Однако английские правила чтения вкупе с некоторой непросвещенностью публики внесли свои коррективы, и получился «Найк». Доставляет тот факт, что официальный представитель в России не полез грудью на амбразуру и быстренько под всем этим делом подписался.
Многострадальный бычок
«Ламборгини». В итальянском языке, если после «g» стоит «h», то оно читается как «Г». Весомый аргумент, я считаю. Говорят, «ламборджини» итальянец может принять за оскорбление. То ли дело у нас — оскорбляй — не оскорбляй…
Такой ты хундай
В переводе с корейского «Hyundai» означает «современность». Правильная русская транслитерация этого слова — «хёндэ» с ударением на последний слог. В народе же корейского автопроизводителя именуют и «Хёндай», и «Хюндай», и даже «Хундай». Как «хундай» ни назови, а в ралли им рано.
Ах, как бы смотрелся на моей приоре
Произносится «Порше» с ударением на первый слог по имени основателя компании Фердинанда Порше. Мы часто путаем ударный слог, либо теряем окончание — Кайен при этом произносим норм, хотя все та же «е» на конце.
My asus is bleeding
Интересная история, прикидываешь, с произношением названия бренда «асус» в СШП. Логично, что в речи ASUS быстренько трансформируется в «asses». Кстати, когда-то давно в течение недели у меня сломалось два «асуса» без уважительной причины. Так что все недаром… Компания отмазывается, мол все от слова Pegasus (Пегас). Сиги помню такие были, у меня алкаши во дворе их курили. И из каких глубин подсознания я это достал?
Без комментариев
Некоторые считают особым шиком говорить «Би-Эм-Дабл-Ю». И выглядят глуповато, ибо «Бэ-Эм-Вэ» — это абсолютно адекватное произношение для BMW — названьеце-то произошло от Bayerische Motoren Werke. В немецком языке буквы, вошедшие в бренднейм, называются именно так, и W — это «Вэ». Шах и мат, пижоны.
И колы купи
Еще одна история про любителей труЪ: коньяк Hennessy во Франции называют «Энси». Но в действительности правильно так, как мы привыкли — «Хеннесси». Основатель коньячного дома Ричард Хеннесси был ирландцем. Ха-ха, лузеры.
Моэт э Шандо
Шампанского с родителями выпей
Вопреки распространенному в России мнению, в имени всемирно известной марки шампанских вин при произнесении убирается не «т» в слове Moёt, а «н» в слове Chandon. Союз «и», представленный в имени амперсандом, читается, как и положено по-французски, «э».
Таг Хойер
Телефоны у них солидные. Ну и часы.
Не «хауэр», не «ауэр» и даже не «ёр» (есть и такие смелые предложения). Часовое производство Heuer было основано в Швейцарии в 1860 году швейцарцем Эдуардом Хойером. Приставка TAG появилась у фамилии только в 1985 году, она означает Techniques d’Avant Garde, «техника авангарда». Сама же аббревиатура — имя компании, которая владела часовым брендом на протяжении 14 лет, пока его не перекупил концерн LVMH, сам не знает зачем.
Левис или Ливайз
Всегда протираются в одном и том же месте — прямо беда. А у вас?
В свое время много размышлял на эту тему. Забил в итоге. Исследования выявили, что оба варианта уже давно и прочно вошли в общее употребление, и даже в США бытуют оба варианта. Люди продолжают интересоваться, спорить, доказывать, но вся доказательная база в этом случае сводится к двум моментам: носители английского языка чаще всего говорят Ливайз, потому что по правилам английского имя Levi читается как «Ливай»; но создателя первых джинс звали Леви. Леви Штраусс был немецким евреем, при рождении получившим имя Loeb. В 18 лет он переехал из родной Баварии в Сан-Франциско, и его имя для удобства произнесения в Штатах превратилось в Леви. И если следовать грамматике английского языка, то правильней «Левис».
Привет. Я конь.
Опять таки любителям элитарности. Название люксового французского бренда произошло не столько от имени древнегреческого бога Гермеса, сколько от фамилии основателя. Модный дом был создан Тьерри Эрмэсом в 1837 году. И поэтому правильней говорить не «гермес» и не «эрмэ», а «эрмэс» с ударением на последний слог. Или «эрмэз», если ближе к английскому произношению. Кроме того, акцент над E во втором слоге предполагает прочтение буквы S на конце слова.
Батя на работе отксерит
Правильно на самом деле «зирокс», а не «ксерокс». Начальную букву «X» всегда читают как «З». Ксенофобия, например, по-англицки «зинофобия», но это совсем не то, о чем вы подумали. «Зена — королева воинов» тоже, кстати, пишется «Xena». И что особо доставляет, в оригинале она никто иная, как Зина. Переводчики вовремя подсуетились. Но в России с самого первого копировального аппарата Xerox называли именно ксероксом, и сейчас никто уже не поймет, о чем идет речь, если услышит «зирокс».
И три корочки с хреном
Löwenbräu (нем. Львиная пивоварня, произносится Лёвенброй, в России часто неправильно произносится как Ловенбрау) — немецкая пивоваренная компания, расположенная в Мюнхене. Скучно. Веселее будет, если просветить об этом парней в ночном ларьке в Бронницах.
С этим словом проблем практически нет, но есть два «но» — ударение и странная V вместо гласной. Бренд итальянский, поэтому произносится «БулгАри», а не как многие произносят «БУлгари» или «БулгарИ». А необычное начертание буквы «u» в логотипе всемирно известной ювелирной марки объясняется происхождением. Итальянскую компанию основал грек, что, кстати нехарактерно для греков, любителей выпить и поспать, Сотириос Вулгарис, а на новогреческом его фамилия писалась именно так — Bvlgaris. От последней буквы отказались сразу же, чтобы придать названию более итальянское звучание. Ха, пижоны, и дети их стали пижонами.
Да мой самсон твой айфон сделает по всем показателям, и дешевле еще.
Samsung в России произносят, как «Самсунг», но более правильно «Самсон», с ударением на первом слоге, что в переводе означает «три звезды». Вот это довольно внезапно.
Лонгинес — значит длина!
Так как слово пришло с французского, то правильно говорить «лонж’ин», смягчая звук «ж».
Burberry — [бёрбери]
Tissot — [тиссо’]
Hublot — [юблО] «Ну у тебя и юблО!»
Moschino — [Москино]
Montblanc — [мон блан]
Такие дела.
Head office |
Native name |
いすゞ自動車株式会社 |
Romanized name |
Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki-gaisha |
Type | Public |
Traded as |
TYO: 7202 TOPIX Large 70 Component |
Industry | Manufacturing |
Founded | 30 March 1934; 88 years ago (as Isuzu) |
Headquarters |
Yokohama Gate Tower, Nishi-ku, Yokohama , Japan |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Masanori Katayama (President & Representative Director) |
Products | Commercial vehicles Diesel engines Diesel generators Passenger cars (until 2002)[1] |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Number of employees |
8,172 (36,856 consolidated) |
Subsidiaries |
Website | www.isuzu.co.jp |
Isuzu Motors Ltd. (Japanese: いすゞ自動車株式会社, Hepburn: Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki-Kaisha), commonly known as Isuzu (Japanese pronunciation: [isɨᵝzɨᵝ], ), is a Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. Its principal activity is the production, marketing and sale of Isuzu commercial vehicles and diesel engines.
The company also has a number of subsidiaries and joint ventures, including UD Trucks, Anadolu Isuzu (a Turkish joint venture with Anadolu Group), Sollers-Isuzu (a Russian joint venture with Sollers JSC), SML Isuzu (an Indian venture formerly known as Swaraj Mazda), Jiangxi Isuzu Motors (a Chinese joint venture with Jiangling Motors Company Group), Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia, Isuzu Malaysia (Isuzu HICOM), Isuzu UK, Isuzu South Africa, Isuzu Philippines, Taiwan Isuzu Motors, Isuzu Vietnam, Isuzu Motors India and BYD Isuzu.
Isuzu has assembly and manufacturing plants in Fujisawa, which have been there since the company was founded under earlier names, as well as in the Tochigi and Hokkaidō prefectures. Isuzu-branded vehicles are sold in most commercial markets worldwide. Isuzu’s primary market focus is on commercial diesel-powered truck, buses and construction, while their Japanese competitor Yanmar focuses on commercial-level powerplants and generators.[citation needed]
Isuzu diesel engines are used by dozens of vehicle manufacturers, including General Motors.[citation needed]
Named after the Isuzu River, the kanji of Isuzu (五十鈴) mean «fifty bells».
Wolseley CP series (Japanese built)
Isuzu Motors’ history began in 1916, when Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd. planned a cooperation with the Tokyo Gas and Electric Industrial Company to build automobiles. The next step was taken in 1918, when a technical cooperation with Wolseley Motors Limited was initiated, yielding exclusive rights to the production and sales of Wolseley vehicles in East Asia from knock-down kits.[2] In 1919 came the first ever Japan-produced passenger car, a Wolseley model, the Fifteen A9 15/40 НР at the Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipyard at the Fukagawa Factory.[3] The Wolseley sourced CP truck followed two years later; 550 of these were built by 1927.[4] In 1923 Japan was devastated by the Kanto earthquake which made the fledgling transportation infrastructure that was heavily reliant on government-owned railroads unusable due to the twisted tracks. Heavy construction vehicles were imported from the United States companies GMC and Ford to aid in recovery and reconstruction, and the company sought to contribute by producing locally built construction and heavy duty vehicles. In 1927 the company introduced its 2-ton load capacity «Sumida P-type truck» equipped with an A6 engine and a 1-ton vehicle «Sumida M-type No. 1 bus» equipped with an A4 engine. The name «sumida» was used from the Sumida River as the factory at Fukagawa was close by.
In 1929 IHI Corporation, separated part of its manufacturing business and merged with DAT Automobile Manufacturing Inc. (a predecessor of Nissan) and changed its name to Jidosha Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Automobile Industries Co., Ltd.) The names used for the products of this company, marketed as «Sumida» and «Chiyoda», have special significance in Japan. Chiyoda is a district in Tokyo where the Imperial Palace is located, and Sumida refers to a river that flows through Tokyo approximately 3.59 km (2.23 mi) east of the Imperial Palace.[2] In 1934 the Tsurumi Factory opened under company name Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. and in 1937 Automobile Industries was reorganized and formed into a new company, Tokyo Automobile Industries Co., Ltd. and was founded with a capital of ¥1,000,000. The company continued to manufacture heavy duty trucks and passenger busses, realizing the need to modernize the transportation infrastructure of Japan, and was one of the primary manufacturers for the Imperial Japanese Army along with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and had a corporate allegiance to the Yasuda Zaibatsu. One of the vehicles it produced for the war effort was the Sumida M.2593 armored personnel carrier. In 1942, Hino Heavy Industries was split off from Tokyo Automobile Industries, becoming a separate corporation.[5] After the Second World War, the company was finally renamed to Isuzu (after the Isuzu River) in 1949, following a meeting with the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI).
The word Isuzu translated into English means «fifty bells»—hence the focus on «bell» in both the later Bellel and the Bellett. The name was used from the Isuzu River that flows near to the Ise Grand Shrine, one of Japan’s most sacred and revered shrines.
The first Isuzu emblem, 1949–1974
Second generation Isuzu emblem, 1974–1991
Current Isuzu emblem, 1991–present
Post World War history[edit]
Truck and bus production of the TX40 and TU60 series and the Isuzu Sumida bus resumed in 1945, with the permission of the occupation authorities.[6] and has remained the primary focus of manufacture for the company, along with diesel engine production. In 1958 a factory was built at Fujisawa, Kanagawa, and in 1959 the Isuzu Elf was introduced as a medium duty cab over commercial truck which is still in production, and was also shared with the Isuzu Journey bus. Isuzu continued to maintain its market presence by providing commercial vehicles by introducing the Isuzu TY in 1966. The company is one of the primary manufacturers of commercial duty trucks and busses for public transportation, to include the Isuzu Cubic, Isuzu Gala and the Isuzu Erga along with the Isuzu Giga.
Corporate partnerships[edit]
Beginning in 1953 the Hillman Minx passenger car is produced under license of Rootes Group giving the company a passenger car to compete with other Japanese manufacturers, realizing that their resources were limited and therefore sought out international partnerships. The Minx remained in production until 1962, after the 1961 introduction of Isuzu’s first passenger car, the Bellel,[2] and later the sports coupe Isuzu 117 Coupé. Being a small producer making cars which were somewhat too large and pricey for the Japanese market at the time, Isuzu spent some time looking for a commercial partner. Under pressure from MITI, who were attempting to limit the number of automobile manufacturers in Japan, a cooperation with Fuji Heavy Industries (Subaru) began in 1966. This joint sales-service collaboration was seen as the first step towards an eventual merger.[7] The Subaru 1000 was even shown in Isuzu’s 1967 annual vehicle brochure, as a suitable complement to the larger Isuzu lineup.[8] This tie-up was over by 1968, when an agreement with Mitsubishi was formed. This ended even more quickly, by 1969, and the next year an equally short-lived collaboration was entered with Nissan.[9] A few months later, in September 1971, what was to prove a more durable capital agreement was signed with General Motors.
Linking with General Motors[edit]
While the company had a long relationship with GM going back to the 1920s, the first investment of GM taking a 34% stake in Isuzu was seen in 1972, when the Chevrolet LUV became the first Isuzu-built vehicle to be sold in the United States. To symbolize the new beginning, Isuzu also developed a new logo for 1974, with two vertical pillars as stylized representations of the first syllable in いすゞ («Isuzu»).[4] In 1974 Isuzu introduced the Gemini, which was co-produced with General Motors as the T-body Chevrolet Chevette. A modified version was sold in the United States as Buick’s Opel by Isuzu, and in Australia as the Holden Gemini. As a result of the collaboration, certain American GM products were sold to Japanese customers through Isuzu dealerships. Holden’s Statesman was also briefly sold (246 examples) with Isuzu badging in Japan during the seventies.[10] Isuzu exports also increased considerably as a result of being able to use GM networks, from 0.7% of production in 1973 to 35.2% by 1976; this while overall production increased more than fourfold in the same period.[9] As a result of the GM joint venture, Isuzu engines were also used by existing GM divisions (some USA-market Chevrolet automobiles had Isuzu powertrains e.g. the Chevette and early S10/S15 trucks manufactured prior to 1985).
In 1981 Isuzu began selling consumer and commercial vehicles under their own brand in the United States. The Isuzu P’Up was the first model sold to consumers as an Isuzu, rather than as a Chevrolet or Buick, along with the Isuzu Piazza sports car. Isuzu’s then president Toshio Okamoto then initiated a collaboration with small-car expert Suzuki to develop a global small car for GM, the S-car.[11] A three-way agreement of co-ownership was signed in August 1981, with Isuzu and Suzuki exchanging shares and General Motors taking a 5% share of Suzuki.[11] Following on from this, in 1985 Isuzu and GM established the IBC Vehicles venture in the United Kingdom, producing locally built versions of Isuzu and Suzuki light vans (the Isuzu Fargo and Suzuki Carry); to be sold in the European market under Vauxhall’s Bedford brand. During this period Isuzu also developed a worldwide presence as an exporter of diesel engines, with their powerplants in use by Opel/Vauxhall, Land Rover, Hindustan, and many others. Two Isuzu model lines (Gemini, Impulse) were marketed as part of the Geo division (Spectrum, Storm) when it was initially launched as a Chevrolet subsidiary. In the domestic Japanese market, OEM deals with other manufacturers were entered to aid the poorly performing passenger car arm. It led to the badging of Suzukis, beginning in 1986,[12] and Subaru small commercial vehicles as Isuzus (Geminett, Geminett II). This OEM tie-up occurred alongside the establishment of SIA (Subaru-Isuzu Automotive), an American joint venture with Fuji Heavy Industries (the parent company of Subaru). Shortly afterwards, the Lafayette, Indiana plant became operational.
Contraction begins[edit]
Isuzu ended US sales of the Impulse (Geo Storm) in 1992, and the following year it stopped exporting the Stylus (the basis for the Geo Spectrum), the last Isuzu-built car sold in the US.
In 1993 Isuzu began a new vehicle exchange program with Honda, whereby Honda sold the Isuzu Rodeo[13] and Isuzu Trooper as the Honda Passport and Acura SLX, respectively. In return Isuzu began selling the Honda Odyssey as the Isuzu Oasis. Thus, Honda’s lineup gained two SUVs, and Isuzu’s lineup gained a minivan. In the Japanese market, the Gemini (Stylus) was now a rebadged Honda Domani and the Aska (originally based on the GM J-car) was a Honda Accord, while Honda received the 2-door MU as the Jazz and the 4-door Trooper as the Horizon.
Isuzu’s United States sales reached a peak in 1996 after the introduction of the Isuzu Hombre pickup, a badge-engineered GM truck (using the sheetmetal of the Brazil-market Chevrolet S10). Isuzu resurrected the beloved Amigo in 1998, before changing the name of the 2-door convertible to Rodeo Sport in 2001 in an attempt to associate it with the better selling 4-door Rodeo. The new Axiom launched in 2001, with the fictional salesman Joe Isuzu from 1980s advertising campaigns brought back to promote it. Isuzu sales began to slide due to the aging of the Rodeo and Trooper, and poor management and a lack of assistance from GM. The Rodeo Sport was discontinued in 2003, while production of the Rodeo and Axiom ceased a year later. By this point sales in North America had slowed to just 27,188, with the discontinued Rodeo and Axiom making up 71% of that total.
In 1998 GM and Isuzu formed DMAX, a joint venture to produce diesel engines. GM raised its stake in Isuzu to 49% the following year, effectively gaining control of the company, and quickly followed this up by appointing an American GM executive to head Isuzu’s North American Operations. This marked the first time a non-Japanese executive had held such a high position at Isuzu. In 2001 GM and Isuzu announced plans to share distribution networks and for Chevrolet to market an Isuzu product.[14]
The production version of the VehiCROSS was introduced to the US in 1999, but met with mixed reviews, as its high pricetag, unique styling and two-door configuration did not seem to meet with market demands. Production of the VehiCROSS and other sport utility vehicles, including the Trooper, ended in 2001 as part of a major financial reorganization which eliminated almost 10,000 jobs.[14] GM had been pushing the company to focus exclusively on producing commercial vehicles and engines.[14]
The number of Isuzu dealerships in the US began a rapid decline, and by 2005 had only 2 models: the Ascender (a re-badged GMC Envoy) and the i-series pickup truck (a rebadged Chevrolet Colorado). At this point, Isuzu in the US was primarily a distributor of medium duty trucks such as the N-series, sourced both from Japan and US plants in Janesville, Wisconsin and Flint, Michigan. Isuzu had 290 light-vehicle dealers in the US in August 2006, and sold an average of just two Ascenders per dealer per month, and rumors of Isuzu’s withdrawal from the US market were rampant. Plans to introduce a new Thai-built SUV for 2007 were shelved when Isuzu Motors Limited decided that a new SUV would be too risky, instead proceeding with the launch of the i-series trucks. Despite extremely low sales figures of 12,177 passenger vehicles for 2005 (with leftover Axiom and Rodeos making up 30% of this), Isuzu Motors America announced its first profit in years, mainly due to restructuring cuts.
In early 2002, Fuji Heavy Industries (Subaru’s parent company) bought Isuzu’s share of Lafayette, Indiana plant, and Subaru Isuzu Automotive (SIA) became Subaru of Indiana Automotive. After 8 years of heavy Honda Passport sales and light Isuzu Oasis sales, Honda and Isuzu cooperatively ended their vehicle exchange agreement in 2001. The Oasis was dropped, and Honda replaced the Passport with the Pilot. 2001 was Isuzu’s last year for passenger vehicles in Canada, as Isuzus in Canada were mostly sold at Saturn-Saab dealerships. In late 2002 Isuzu initiated a recapitalization and debt-for-equity conversion plan to stave off a bankruptcy.[15] GM acquired 20% of DMAX, 60% of Isuzu Motors Polska and Isuzu Motors Germany, and the rights to three types of diesel engine technology from Isuzu.[16] by paying 50 billion yen (about US$425 million).[15] GM also paid 10 billion yen (about US$85 million) for a 12% stake in the recapitalized company.[15] GM wrote off its investment in Isuzu in 2001.[17]
Production of the 7-passenger Ascender ended in February 2006 with the closure of GM’s Oklahoma City Assembly plant, leaving Isuzu with the 5-passenger Ascender, built in Moraine, Ohio and the low-selling i-Series as its only retail products. The company sold just 1,504 vehicles in North America in the first two months of 2006. GM ended its equity investment in Isuzu and sold all its shares to Mitsubishi Corporation, Itochu and Mizuho Corporate Bank; both GM and Isuzu claimed the companies would continue their relationship, but there was no word as of April 12, 2006 on the effect this would have on DMAX operations.
Isuzu LV486R CNG City Bus in Bangkok with the CNG-MPI Engine
In June 2006 Isuzu and GM agreed to establish a joint venture called «LCV Platform Engineering Corporation (LPEC)» to develop a new pickup. Isuzu said it would use its engineering expertise to develop the pickup and GM would develop derivatives based on the integrated platform. Mitsubishi Corp became Isuzu’s largest shareholder in October 2006, after it converted all the preferred shares in Isuzu it had held since 2005 into common stock, increasing its shareholding from 3.5% to 15.65%.[18]
In November 2006 Toyota purchased 5.9% of Isuzu, becoming the third largest shareholder behind Itochu and Mitsubishi Corporation, and the two companies agreed to study possible business collaboration focusing on the areas of R&D and production of diesel engines, related emissions-control, and other environmental technologies. In January 2007 Isuzu and General Motors updated the LCV range with a 3.0 litre common rail diesel engine that had far more torque and power than its predecessor. In August 2007 Isuzu and Toyota agreed to develop a 1.6-liter diesel engine for use in Toyota vehicles sold in European markets. At this point, details of development, production and supply of the diesel engine were still under discussion, but in principle, Isuzu would play the leading role, with production scheduled to begin around 2012.
On January 30, 2008 Isuzu announced its complete withdrawal from the US market,[19] effective January 31, 2009. It would continue to provide support and parts. The decision was due to lack of sales.[20] Some of the lack of sales was blamed on consumer experiences with low quality engines and service.[21] Isuzu had been experiencing a slow decline since the late 1990s. In less than 10 years, they had gone from selling a complete line of cars, trucks, and SUVs, into being a specialized SUV maker, and finally selling only a pair of rebadged, General Motors Trucks.[22] The company continued to sell commercial vehicles in the US.[23]
Isuzu and Toyota shelved development of a clean diesel engine in December 2008.[24]
On January 29, 2009, Isuzu and GM announced that they were in talks to transfer the operation of the medium-duty truck production line in Flint, Michigan to Isuzu for a five-year period. In June, however, GM announced that these talks failed to reach an agreement, and GM instead ceased production of the Chevrolet Kodiak and GMC Topkick vehicles on 31 July 2009.[25]
In July 2016, Isuzu and Mazda agreed to collaborate to produce the next-generation pickup trucks for Mazda outside of North America.Reese Counts (11 July 2016). «Mazda and Isuzu to collaborate on a new pickup truck». Autoblog. As a result, the third-generation Mazda BT-50 is built by Isuzu in Thailand since 2020.
Isuzu’s plant in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh began operations in 2016.[26]
In August 2018, Toyota sold off its 5.9% stake in Isuzu.[27]
In December 2019, Isuzu announced that it had signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding which would eventually see Volvo sell UD Trucks to them.[28] In November 2020, the companies announced that they have signed the «final agreements», making the memorandum of understanding binding.[29] In April 2021, Isuzu completed UD Trucks acquisition.[30]
In March 2021, Isuzu, Hino, and Hino’s parent Toyota announced the creation of a strategic partnership between the three companies. Toyota acquired a 4.6% stake in Isuzu while the latter plans to acquire Toyota shares for an equivalent value. The three companies said they would form a new joint venture by April called Commercial Japan Partnership Technologies Corporation with the aim of developing fuel cell and electric light trucks. Toyota would own an 80% stake in the venture while Hino and Isuzu would own 10% each.[31]
Market presence[edit]
Isuzu Gemini with European (Maltese) registration plates
Isuzu NHR (Elf) light truck
In most of Asia and Africa, Isuzu is known primarily for trucks of all sizes, after Isuzu dropped all sales of sedans and compact cars in the late 1990s due to plummeting sales. In the days when Isuzu sold passenger cars, they were known for focusing on the diesel-engined niche. In 1983, for instance, long before the explosion in diesel sales, diesels represented 63.4% of their passenger car production.[32] In 2009, Isuzu abandoned the United States consumer market due to lack of sales. Isuzu as a corporation has always been primarily a manufacturer of small to medium compact automobiles and commercial trucks of sizes medium duty and larger, but markets around the world show different needs.
Isuzu Motors America discontinued the sale of passenger vehicles in the United States on January 31, 2009. The company explained to its dealers that it had not been able to secure replacements for the Isuzu Ascender and Isuzu i-Series that would be commercially viable. Isuzu sold 7,098 cars in the year 2007. This action did not affect Isuzu’s commercial vehicle or industrial diesel engine operations in the United States.[20] Isuzu has a contract with Budget Truck Rental to manufacture their rental trucks, shared with Ford, GMC, and Navistar International.[33]
In Australia, Isuzu was for many years a major supplier of light commercial and domestic vehicles to Holden (General Motors). However, by 2008, Holden was sourcing few Isuzus. At this time Isuzu began to sell the D-Max under the Isuzu name.
Isuzu’s entry in the Thai market proved to be one of its most successful. Its presence in the country began in 1966 when it established a manufacturing facility for pick-up trucks in the Samuthprakarn province with a capacity of 155,000 units per year.[34] The automaker quickly became a market leader so that by 2002, the company transferred its production base from its original location in Fujisawa, Japan to Thailand. Isuzu claimed the largest share of the Thai commercial vehicle market, outperforming its competitors for at least 23 years.[34] By 2006, the company transferred to an industrial zone in Chachoengsao province to support further production expansion. By 2017, Isuzu has been exporting pick-up trucks, with shipments reaching North America, Latin America, Australia, and Japan.[35] In the same year, it announced that its profit climbed 7 percent and has doubled its annual truck production to meet overseas demands.[36]
Subsidiaries and joint ventures[edit]
The Fujisawa Plant was built and opened for production November 1961. It is located at 8 Tsuchidana, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, and is still producing commercial vehicles for domestic Japanese use and international exports. The Toghichi Plant, located at Hakuchu, Ohira-Machi, Tochigi, Tochigi, is where the engines are currently built. There was a factory at Tono Machi, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa Pref. that closed March 2005 that manufactured passenger vehicles.
Mimamori-kun online service[edit]
Mimamori-kun, which means to watch, monitor, or observe in Japanese (literally «Mr. Watcher»),[37] is a commercial vehicle telematics service developed by Isuzu Motors for monitoring and tracking commercial vehicle operations and movements in Japan. The service uses GPS satellite tracking services, and began February 2004. It is connected to the internet and provides government mandated driver activity logs, and records how long the driver was on-duty and how much time was spent driving. The service also records when the driver took lunch breaks, where the truck stopped and for how long, and when the driver logged off for his duty shift.
The service has been modified for personal use in Japan to keep track of family members, to include the health status of elderly persons and pinpoint the location of children for safety purposes.[38]
Some of the main features include the wireless Internet Digital Tachograph, the first of its kind in Japan, combined with hands-free communication, voice guidance, and text messages displayed from the dispatch office. The system also has a password-enabled vehicle theft prevention feature that will not let the vehicle start without the driver having entered a password.[citation needed]
International operations[edit]
- DMAX (engines) — former joint venture with General Motors in United States for production of diesel engines
- Ghandhara Industries — joint venture in Pakistan — trucks, buses
- Guangzhou Automobile Group Bus — joint venture in China — buses
- HICOM Automotive Manufacturers (Malaysia) — joint venture in Malaysia — trucks, SUVs
- Industries Mécaniques Maghrébines — joint venture at Kairouan, Tunisia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu (Anadolu) — joint venture in Turkey — trucks, buses
- Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia — joint venture in Indonesia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu HICOM Malaysia — joint venture in Malaysia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Commercial Truck of America, Inc.
- Isuzu Malaysia — joint venture in Malaysia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Motors de México — joint venture in Mexico — trucks, buses
- Isuzu Motorsports — Australia and Thailand
- Isuzu Philippines — joint venture in the Philippines — trucks, SUVs
- General Motors De Portugal-FMAT S.A. at Tramagal near Abrantes (Assembling company of all Bedford and Isuzu medium to heavy diesel trucks and 4X4 Pickup models since the 1960s then vehicles are sent for sale in Portugal and Spain)
- The assembling of Isuzu commercial trucks is carried out by the Az Universal Motors which is part of the AzGroup in Azerbaijan.
- Isuzu Motors Saudi Arabia — joint venture in Saudi Arabia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Truck (UK) — at the former IBC factory Dunstable, England — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Truck South Africa — joint venture in South Africa — trucks
- Isuzu Vietnam — joint venture in Vietnam — trucks, SUVs
- Jiangxi Isuzu — joint venture in China — trucks, SUVs
- Qingling Motors — joint venture in China — trucks, SUVs
- SML Isuzu — joint venture in India, formerly Swaraj Mazda
- Sollers-Isuzu — joint venture in Russia — trucks
- Thai Rung Union Car — Thailand — assembles SUVs
Former international operations[edit]
- Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. — former joint venture in United States, interest sold to Subaru — cars, SUVs
- Isuzu Motors Polska — former joint venture in Poland — diesel engines, taken over by General Motors
- Zexel — Japan — auto components, now part of Bosch
- Taiwan Isuzu Motors — former joint venture in Taiwan, disbanded in 2016 — trucks
Isuzu Diesel Engines / Power Train division[edit]
Diesel engines are a major part of the Isuzu Motor’s business with over 20 million engines worldwide.[clarification needed][39] The diesel power division, known as the PowerTrain Division, of Isuzu Motors America, is located in Plymouth, Michigan.[39]
North American Master Distributors[edit]
Southwest Products[40] — Covering California, Nevada and Arizona.[40]
United Engines[40]
Mack Boring Parts[40]
M & L Engine[40]
Isuzu Diesel powered equipment[edit]
Ag Equipment[edit]
- Harrington Seed Destructor[41]
Construction equipment[edit]
- Paving equipment produced by CRAFCO. It manufacturers a variety of paving equipment that is powered by Isuzu diesel engines.[42]
Passenger, bus and commercial vehicles[edit]
Isuzu CXZ (Giga) heavy truck
2005 Isuzu D-max Spacecab Hi-lander in Thailand
Current passenger vehicles[edit]
- 2002–present, D-Max- pickup truck, a top selling diesel sold in the majority of Isuzu markets (excluding Japan and North America).
- 2013–present MU-X — SUV, successor of Isuzu MU-7, developed from D-Max.
Current commercial vehicles[edit]
- Como — light commercial van (rebadged Nissan Caravan)
- Elf — light duty truck (N-series)
- Erga — low deck heavy duty bus
- Erga-J — heavy duty bus
- Erga Mio — low deck medium duty bus
- Forward — medium duty truck (F-series)
- Giga — heavy duty truck (C-series, E-series)
- Gala — heavy duty bus
- Gala Mio — medium duty bus
- Journey — light duty bus
- Journey-J — medium duty bus
- Reach — commercial van offering over 35 percent better fuel efficiency, assembled by Utilimaster Corporation.[43]
- Traga/Traviz — light commercial vehicle
UD Trucks vehicles[edit]
From April 2021 onwards, UD Trucks’ products are part of the Isuzu company lineup.
Former passenger vehicles[edit]
- 1953–1962, Minx — sedan, Isuzu produced Hillman Minx under licence.
- 1961–1966, Bellel — sedan
- 1963–1973, Bellett — sedan (PR10/20) and coupe (PR90 and PR91)
- 1967–1983, Florian — sedan
- 1968–1981, 117 — coupe
- 1972–2002, Faster — pickup truck
- 1974–2000, Gemini/I-Mark/Stylus — sedan/coupe/hatchback
- 1981–1993, Piazza/Impulse/Storm — Hatchback
- 1983–2002, Aska — sedan
- 1983–2002, Trooper — midsize SUV
- 1986–1993, Geminett — hatchback/wagon, a rebadged first generation Suzuki Cultus (1986–1988) and then third generation Subaru Leone wagon as Geminett II (1988–1993).
- 1989–2004, Amigo/MU — Compact SUV, renamed to Rodeo Sport in 2001.
- 1991–2004, Rodeo/Wizard — midsize SUV, also rebadged as the Honda Passport.
- 1996–1999, Oasis — minivan, a rebadged Honda Odyssey.
- 1996–2000, Hombre — pickup truck, a rebadged Chevrolet S10.
- 1996–2001, Vertex — sedan, a rebadged Honda Integra SJ.
- 1997–2002, Filly, a rebadged Nissan Elgrand — minivan
- 1999–2001, VehiCROSS — SUV
- 2001–2004, Axiom — midsize SUV
- 2002–2008, Ascender — midsize SUV, a rebadged GMC Envoy.
- 2006–2008, i-series — pickup truck — a product of the co-developed GMT355 platform that Isuzu sells overseas.
- 2004–2013, MU-7 — midsize SUV, developed from D-Max platform that was on sale only in Thailand, Philippines, India and China.
- 1991–2020, Panther — van and pickup truck, sold as the Isuzu Hi-Lander/Crosswind in the Philippines, also sold throughout the ASEAN, and in India as the Chevrolet Tavera.
Former commercial vehicles[edit]
- Bison — light commercial pickup truck, a rebadged second generation Mitsubishi Delica pickup truck for Indonesian market (not related to fourth generation Isuzu Elf that was sold under Bison name in Indonesia in early 1990s).
- Fargo — light commercial van
- H-Series — heavy duty truck in United States only (rebadged from GMC Topkick and Chevrolet Kodiak).
Race cars[edit]
- 1969 Isuzu R7, Group 7 — racecar
- 1970 Isuzu Bellett R6, Group 6 — racecar
Concept cars[edit]
- 1969 Isuzu Bellett MX1600
- 1979 Isuzu Asso di Fiori
- 1983 Isuzu COA
- 1985 Isuzu COA II
- 1987 Isuzu COA III, AWD mid-engine coupe.
- 1987 Isuzu Zero Door
- 1989 Isuzu Costa
- 1989 Isuzu MultiCROSS
- 1989 4200R
- 1991 Isuzu Como F1, a pickup-style crossover with a Lotus Formula One engine[44] (the name was later used for the rebadged Nissan Caravan produced from 2001).
- 1991 Isuzu Nagisa
- 1991 Isuzu Terraza
- 1993 Isuzu XU-1
- 1993 Isuzu VehiCROSS
- 1995 Isuzu Deseo
- 1995 Isuzu Aisance
- 1997 Isuzu VX-2
- 1997 Isuzu ZACCAR
- 1999 Isuzu VX-O2
- 1999 Isuzu Kai
- 1999 ZXS
- 2000 Isuzu VX-4
- 2001 Isuzu Zen
- 2001 Isuzu GBX
- 2001 Isuzu Axiom XSF
- 2002 Isuzu Axiom XSR
- 2002 Isuzu Axiom XST
- 2011 Isuzu T-Next
- 2020 Isuzu FLIR
Buses (Philippines)[edit]
- LV314K
- LV314L
- CJM470
- CJM500
- LT132
- LV423
- LV123
- FTR33P
- FTR45
Buses (Thailand)[edit]
- CQM275hp
- CQA650A/T
- LT112P
- LV223S
- LV423R
- LV486R
- LV771
- MT111L
- MT111QB
Buses (Ukraine)[edit]
- Bogdan buses — sold under Isuzu brand outside Ukraine.
Military vehicles[edit]
Isuzu HTS12G 2.5 ton truck
- Isuzu TW340 medium truck
- Isuzu TWD20/25 medium truck
- Isuzu TSD45/TSD55 medium truck
- Isuzu HTS12G 2.5 ton truck
- Isuzu Type 73 Heavy Truck
See also[edit]
- List of automobile manufacturers
- ^ Jackson, Kathy (4 February 2008). «Isuzu’s collapse». Automotive News. Crain Communications, Inc. Archived from the original on 10 October 2019.
- ^ a b c Ruiz, Marco (1986). ‘The Complete History of the Japanese Car: 1907 to the Present. Rome: ERVIN srl. p. 130. ISBN 0-517-61777-3.
- ^ «Isuzu Website». Archived from the original on 5 May 2017. Retrieved 25 May 2017.
- ^ a b Ishikawa, Kenji (1 May 2012). «トラックメーカーアーカイブ: いすゞ自動車のすべて [Truck Manufacturer Archive: Everything Isuzu]». Camion (in Japanese). Tokyo, Japan: Geibun Mooks: 98. ISBN 978-4-86396-183-8.
- ^ «Investor Relations: Company History». Isuzu Motors. Archived from the original on 20 April 2012. Retrieved 28 August 2012.
- ^ Ishikawa, p. 7
- ^ Yamaguchi, Jack (February 1968). «14th Tokyo Motor Show: & Still Trying Harder». Road & Track. p. 113.
- ^ «Isuzu» (brochure) (in Japanese). Isuzu Motors. October 1967: 8–9. 42.10.
- ^ a b Ruiz, p. 131
- ^ Bedwell, Steve (2009). Holden vs Ford: the cars, the culture, the competition. Dulwich Hill, Australia: Rockpool. p. 199. ISBN 978-1-921295-17-1.
- ^ a b «GM ties with two Japanese car makers». Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Tokyo: 1. 18 August 1981.
- ^ «Isuzu, Suzuki tie up in sales and production». Machinery. Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Tokyo: 10. 18 January 1986.
- ^ Truett, Richard Truett (21 October 1993). «Expert Reviews: 1993 Isuzu Rodeo». Orlando Sentinel. Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved 4 October 2015.
- ^ a b c Krebs, Michelle (1 July 2001). «Isuzu’s U.S. Presence Leans on G.M.» The New York Times. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ a b c «Isuzu falls back after GM rescue plan». CNN.com. 15 August 2002. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ «Press Release: Isuzu Motors Limited Unveils the New Three-year Business Plan and Re-capitalization Plan, involving Decrease of Capital and Debt-for-equity Conversion». www.Isuzu.co.jp. Isuzu Motors. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ Belson, Ken (15 August 2002). «G.M. Moves to Increase Control of Some Isuzu Units». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ «Mitsubish becomes top shareholder of Isuzu». Autoblog. Archived from the original on 8 May 2016. Retrieved 26 April 2016.
- ^ Bensinger, Ken (31 January 2008). «Isuzu quitting U.S. car market». Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 31 January 2008. Retrieved 30 January 2008.
- ^ a b Johnson, Drew (30 January 2008). «Isuzu to leave U.S. market». Leftlanenews.com. Archived from the original on 13 March 2012. Retrieved 5 February 2012.
- ^ «Consumer complaints about Isuzu — Engine Failure». Consumeraffairs.com. Archived from the original on 16 January 2012. Retrieved 5 February 2012.
- ^ Neff, John (30 January 2008). «CONFIRMED: Isuzu abandoning U.S. market». Autoblog. Archived from the original on 18 November 2010. Retrieved 29 November 2010.
- ^ «Isuzu executive says competition helped push it out of North American market — MSNBC Wire Services — MSNBC.com». Cnbc.com. Retrieved 29 November 2010.[dead link]
- ^ «Isuzu, Toyota Shelve Development of Clean Diesel Engine | industryweek.com | Industry Week». industryweek.com. 16 December 2008. Archived from the original on 23 June 2013. Retrieved 21 May 2011.
- ^ «GM drops medium-duty trucks, opens battery lab | detnews.com | The Detroit News». detnews.com. 9 June 2009. Retrieved 4 December 2009.
- ^ Isuzu Motors opens manufacturing plant in Andhra Pradesh Archived 2017-01-05 at the Wayback Machine, Economic Times, April 27, 2016
- ^ Isuzu and Toyota to Dissolve Capital Ties
- ^ «Isuzu to buy Japanese truck unit from Volvo in $2.3 billion deal». Japan Times. 19 December 2019.
- ^ De Guzman, Marcus (1 December 2020). «Isuzu and Volvo have finalized the terms of their alliance». Auto Industriya. Retrieved 14 December 2020.
- ^ «Isuzu Completes Acquisition of UD Trucks». Heavy Duty Trucking. 1 April 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2021.
- ^ «Toyota and Isuzu to take stake in each other to co-develop new vehicles». Japan Times. 25 March 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2021.
- ^ Yamaguchi, Jack K. (1984). Lösch, Annamaria (ed.). Technology On Full Boost. World Cars 1984. Pelham, NY: L’Editrice dell’Automobile LEA/Herald Books. p. 66. ISBN 0-910714-16-9.
- ^ «Company Info — Budget Truck Rental». Budgettruck.com. 30 December 2007. Archived from the original on 22 July 2007. Retrieved 29 November 2010.
- ^ a b Lall, Ashish (2011). Facets of Competitiveness: Narratives from ASEAN. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific. p. 66. ISBN 9789814324113.
- ^ «Isuzu interim profit seen climbing 7% as Thai sales recover». Nikkei Asian Review. 3 November 2017. Archived from the original on 17 August 2018. Retrieved 17 August 2018.
- ^ «Isuzu to double heavy truck production in Thailand, boost exports». The Japan Times Online. 2 May 2017. ISSN 0447-5763. Archived from the original on 17 August 2018. Retrieved 17 August 2018.
- ^ «Official press release from Isuzu concerning Mimamori-kun». Archived from the original on 19 October 2015. Retrieved 16 August 2015.
- ^ «Mimamori-kun personal service (Japanese)». Archived from the original on 19 October 2015. Retrieved 16 August 2015.
- ^ a b «Isuzu Diesel Engines — Home». www.isuzuengines.com. Archived from the original on 22 October 2016. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
- ^ a b c d e «Isuzu Diesel Master Distributor List» (PDF). www.isuzuengines.com. Archived (PDF) from the original on 12 October 2016.
- ^ «Case Study — Isuzu Diesel Engines». isuzudiesel.com.au. Archived from the original on 22 October 2016. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
- ^ «Pavement Preservation & Maintenance Equipment Documents | CRAFCO». www.crafco.com. Archived from the original on 22 October 2016. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
- ^ InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report. «Indiana Facility to Produce Isuzu Commercial Vehicles — Newsroom — Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick». Insideindianabusiness.com. Archived from the original on 22 February 2015. Retrieved 5 February 2012.
- ^ «1991 Isuzu Como». www.carstyling.ru. 2 July 2007. Archived from the original on 11 June 2011. Retrieved 29 November 2010.
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Isuzu.
- Official website
Head office |
Native name |
いすゞ自動車株式会社 |
Romanized name |
Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki-gaisha |
Type | Public |
Traded as |
TYO: 7202 TOPIX Large 70 Component |
Industry | Manufacturing |
Founded | 30 March 1934; 88 years ago (as Isuzu) |
Headquarters |
Yokohama Gate Tower, Nishi-ku, Yokohama , Japan |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Masanori Katayama (President & Representative Director) |
Products | Commercial vehicles Diesel engines Diesel generators Passenger cars (until 2002)[1] |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Total assets | |
Total equity | |
Number of employees |
8,172 (36,856 consolidated) |
Subsidiaries |
Website | www.isuzu.co.jp |
Isuzu Motors Ltd. (Japanese: いすゞ自動車株式会社, Hepburn: Isuzu Jidōsha Kabushiki-Kaisha), commonly known as Isuzu (Japanese pronunciation: [isɨᵝzɨᵝ], ), is a Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer headquartered in Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan. Its principal activity is the production, marketing and sale of Isuzu commercial vehicles and diesel engines.
The company also has a number of subsidiaries and joint ventures, including UD Trucks, Anadolu Isuzu (a Turkish joint venture with Anadolu Group), Sollers-Isuzu (a Russian joint venture with Sollers JSC), SML Isuzu (an Indian venture formerly known as Swaraj Mazda), Jiangxi Isuzu Motors (a Chinese joint venture with Jiangling Motors Company Group), Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia, Isuzu Malaysia (Isuzu HICOM), Isuzu UK, Isuzu South Africa, Isuzu Philippines, Taiwan Isuzu Motors, Isuzu Vietnam, Isuzu Motors India and BYD Isuzu.
Isuzu has assembly and manufacturing plants in Fujisawa, which have been there since the company was founded under earlier names, as well as in the Tochigi and Hokkaidō prefectures. Isuzu-branded vehicles are sold in most commercial markets worldwide. Isuzu’s primary market focus is on commercial diesel-powered truck, buses and construction, while their Japanese competitor Yanmar focuses on commercial-level powerplants and generators.[citation needed]
Isuzu diesel engines are used by dozens of vehicle manufacturers, including General Motors.[citation needed]
Named after the Isuzu River, the kanji of Isuzu (五十鈴) mean «fifty bells».
Wolseley CP series (Japanese built)
Isuzu Motors’ history began in 1916, when Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd. planned a cooperation with the Tokyo Gas and Electric Industrial Company to build automobiles. The next step was taken in 1918, when a technical cooperation with Wolseley Motors Limited was initiated, yielding exclusive rights to the production and sales of Wolseley vehicles in East Asia from knock-down kits.[2] In 1919 came the first ever Japan-produced passenger car, a Wolseley model, the Fifteen A9 15/40 НР at the Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipyard at the Fukagawa Factory.[3] The Wolseley sourced CP truck followed two years later; 550 of these were built by 1927.[4] In 1923 Japan was devastated by the Kanto earthquake which made the fledgling transportation infrastructure that was heavily reliant on government-owned railroads unusable due to the twisted tracks. Heavy construction vehicles were imported from the United States companies GMC and Ford to aid in recovery and reconstruction, and the company sought to contribute by producing locally built construction and heavy duty vehicles. In 1927 the company introduced its 2-ton load capacity «Sumida P-type truck» equipped with an A6 engine and a 1-ton vehicle «Sumida M-type No. 1 bus» equipped with an A4 engine. The name «sumida» was used from the Sumida River as the factory at Fukagawa was close by.
In 1929 IHI Corporation, separated part of its manufacturing business and merged with DAT Automobile Manufacturing Inc. (a predecessor of Nissan) and changed its name to Jidosha Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Automobile Industries Co., Ltd.) The names used for the products of this company, marketed as «Sumida» and «Chiyoda», have special significance in Japan. Chiyoda is a district in Tokyo where the Imperial Palace is located, and Sumida refers to a river that flows through Tokyo approximately 3.59 km (2.23 mi) east of the Imperial Palace.[2] In 1934 the Tsurumi Factory opened under company name Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. and in 1937 Automobile Industries was reorganized and formed into a new company, Tokyo Automobile Industries Co., Ltd. and was founded with a capital of ¥1,000,000. The company continued to manufacture heavy duty trucks and passenger busses, realizing the need to modernize the transportation infrastructure of Japan, and was one of the primary manufacturers for the Imperial Japanese Army along with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and had a corporate allegiance to the Yasuda Zaibatsu. One of the vehicles it produced for the war effort was the Sumida M.2593 armored personnel carrier. In 1942, Hino Heavy Industries was split off from Tokyo Automobile Industries, becoming a separate corporation.[5] After the Second World War, the company was finally renamed to Isuzu (after the Isuzu River) in 1949, following a meeting with the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI).
The word Isuzu translated into English means «fifty bells»—hence the focus on «bell» in both the later Bellel and the Bellett. The name was used from the Isuzu River that flows near to the Ise Grand Shrine, one of Japan’s most sacred and revered shrines.
The first Isuzu emblem, 1949–1974
Second generation Isuzu emblem, 1974–1991
Current Isuzu emblem, 1991–present
Post World War history[edit]
Truck and bus production of the TX40 and TU60 series and the Isuzu Sumida bus resumed in 1945, with the permission of the occupation authorities.[6] and has remained the primary focus of manufacture for the company, along with diesel engine production. In 1958 a factory was built at Fujisawa, Kanagawa, and in 1959 the Isuzu Elf was introduced as a medium duty cab over commercial truck which is still in production, and was also shared with the Isuzu Journey bus. Isuzu continued to maintain its market presence by providing commercial vehicles by introducing the Isuzu TY in 1966. The company is one of the primary manufacturers of commercial duty trucks and busses for public transportation, to include the Isuzu Cubic, Isuzu Gala and the Isuzu Erga along with the Isuzu Giga.
Corporate partnerships[edit]
Beginning in 1953 the Hillman Minx passenger car is produced under license of Rootes Group giving the company a passenger car to compete with other Japanese manufacturers, realizing that their resources were limited and therefore sought out international partnerships. The Minx remained in production until 1962, after the 1961 introduction of Isuzu’s first passenger car, the Bellel,[2] and later the sports coupe Isuzu 117 Coupé. Being a small producer making cars which were somewhat too large and pricey for the Japanese market at the time, Isuzu spent some time looking for a commercial partner. Under pressure from MITI, who were attempting to limit the number of automobile manufacturers in Japan, a cooperation with Fuji Heavy Industries (Subaru) began in 1966. This joint sales-service collaboration was seen as the first step towards an eventual merger.[7] The Subaru 1000 was even shown in Isuzu’s 1967 annual vehicle brochure, as a suitable complement to the larger Isuzu lineup.[8] This tie-up was over by 1968, when an agreement with Mitsubishi was formed. This ended even more quickly, by 1969, and the next year an equally short-lived collaboration was entered with Nissan.[9] A few months later, in September 1971, what was to prove a more durable capital agreement was signed with General Motors.
Linking with General Motors[edit]
While the company had a long relationship with GM going back to the 1920s, the first investment of GM taking a 34% stake in Isuzu was seen in 1972, when the Chevrolet LUV became the first Isuzu-built vehicle to be sold in the United States. To symbolize the new beginning, Isuzu also developed a new logo for 1974, with two vertical pillars as stylized representations of the first syllable in いすゞ («Isuzu»).[4] In 1974 Isuzu introduced the Gemini, which was co-produced with General Motors as the T-body Chevrolet Chevette. A modified version was sold in the United States as Buick’s Opel by Isuzu, and in Australia as the Holden Gemini. As a result of the collaboration, certain American GM products were sold to Japanese customers through Isuzu dealerships. Holden’s Statesman was also briefly sold (246 examples) with Isuzu badging in Japan during the seventies.[10] Isuzu exports also increased considerably as a result of being able to use GM networks, from 0.7% of production in 1973 to 35.2% by 1976; this while overall production increased more than fourfold in the same period.[9] As a result of the GM joint venture, Isuzu engines were also used by existing GM divisions (some USA-market Chevrolet automobiles had Isuzu powertrains e.g. the Chevette and early S10/S15 trucks manufactured prior to 1985).
In 1981 Isuzu began selling consumer and commercial vehicles under their own brand in the United States. The Isuzu P’Up was the first model sold to consumers as an Isuzu, rather than as a Chevrolet or Buick, along with the Isuzu Piazza sports car. Isuzu’s then president Toshio Okamoto then initiated a collaboration with small-car expert Suzuki to develop a global small car for GM, the S-car.[11] A three-way agreement of co-ownership was signed in August 1981, with Isuzu and Suzuki exchanging shares and General Motors taking a 5% share of Suzuki.[11] Following on from this, in 1985 Isuzu and GM established the IBC Vehicles venture in the United Kingdom, producing locally built versions of Isuzu and Suzuki light vans (the Isuzu Fargo and Suzuki Carry); to be sold in the European market under Vauxhall’s Bedford brand. During this period Isuzu also developed a worldwide presence as an exporter of diesel engines, with their powerplants in use by Opel/Vauxhall, Land Rover, Hindustan, and many others. Two Isuzu model lines (Gemini, Impulse) were marketed as part of the Geo division (Spectrum, Storm) when it was initially launched as a Chevrolet subsidiary. In the domestic Japanese market, OEM deals with other manufacturers were entered to aid the poorly performing passenger car arm. It led to the badging of Suzukis, beginning in 1986,[12] and Subaru small commercial vehicles as Isuzus (Geminett, Geminett II). This OEM tie-up occurred alongside the establishment of SIA (Subaru-Isuzu Automotive), an American joint venture with Fuji Heavy Industries (the parent company of Subaru). Shortly afterwards, the Lafayette, Indiana plant became operational.
Contraction begins[edit]
Isuzu ended US sales of the Impulse (Geo Storm) in 1992, and the following year it stopped exporting the Stylus (the basis for the Geo Spectrum), the last Isuzu-built car sold in the US.
In 1993 Isuzu began a new vehicle exchange program with Honda, whereby Honda sold the Isuzu Rodeo[13] and Isuzu Trooper as the Honda Passport and Acura SLX, respectively. In return Isuzu began selling the Honda Odyssey as the Isuzu Oasis. Thus, Honda’s lineup gained two SUVs, and Isuzu’s lineup gained a minivan. In the Japanese market, the Gemini (Stylus) was now a rebadged Honda Domani and the Aska (originally based on the GM J-car) was a Honda Accord, while Honda received the 2-door MU as the Jazz and the 4-door Trooper as the Horizon.
Isuzu’s United States sales reached a peak in 1996 after the introduction of the Isuzu Hombre pickup, a badge-engineered GM truck (using the sheetmetal of the Brazil-market Chevrolet S10). Isuzu resurrected the beloved Amigo in 1998, before changing the name of the 2-door convertible to Rodeo Sport in 2001 in an attempt to associate it with the better selling 4-door Rodeo. The new Axiom launched in 2001, with the fictional salesman Joe Isuzu from 1980s advertising campaigns brought back to promote it. Isuzu sales began to slide due to the aging of the Rodeo and Trooper, and poor management and a lack of assistance from GM. The Rodeo Sport was discontinued in 2003, while production of the Rodeo and Axiom ceased a year later. By this point sales in North America had slowed to just 27,188, with the discontinued Rodeo and Axiom making up 71% of that total.
In 1998 GM and Isuzu formed DMAX, a joint venture to produce diesel engines. GM raised its stake in Isuzu to 49% the following year, effectively gaining control of the company, and quickly followed this up by appointing an American GM executive to head Isuzu’s North American Operations. This marked the first time a non-Japanese executive had held such a high position at Isuzu. In 2001 GM and Isuzu announced plans to share distribution networks and for Chevrolet to market an Isuzu product.[14]
The production version of the VehiCROSS was introduced to the US in 1999, but met with mixed reviews, as its high pricetag, unique styling and two-door configuration did not seem to meet with market demands. Production of the VehiCROSS and other sport utility vehicles, including the Trooper, ended in 2001 as part of a major financial reorganization which eliminated almost 10,000 jobs.[14] GM had been pushing the company to focus exclusively on producing commercial vehicles and engines.[14]
The number of Isuzu dealerships in the US began a rapid decline, and by 2005 had only 2 models: the Ascender (a re-badged GMC Envoy) and the i-series pickup truck (a rebadged Chevrolet Colorado). At this point, Isuzu in the US was primarily a distributor of medium duty trucks such as the N-series, sourced both from Japan and US plants in Janesville, Wisconsin and Flint, Michigan. Isuzu had 290 light-vehicle dealers in the US in August 2006, and sold an average of just two Ascenders per dealer per month, and rumors of Isuzu’s withdrawal from the US market were rampant. Plans to introduce a new Thai-built SUV for 2007 were shelved when Isuzu Motors Limited decided that a new SUV would be too risky, instead proceeding with the launch of the i-series trucks. Despite extremely low sales figures of 12,177 passenger vehicles for 2005 (with leftover Axiom and Rodeos making up 30% of this), Isuzu Motors America announced its first profit in years, mainly due to restructuring cuts.
In early 2002, Fuji Heavy Industries (Subaru’s parent company) bought Isuzu’s share of Lafayette, Indiana plant, and Subaru Isuzu Automotive (SIA) became Subaru of Indiana Automotive. After 8 years of heavy Honda Passport sales and light Isuzu Oasis sales, Honda and Isuzu cooperatively ended their vehicle exchange agreement in 2001. The Oasis was dropped, and Honda replaced the Passport with the Pilot. 2001 was Isuzu’s last year for passenger vehicles in Canada, as Isuzus in Canada were mostly sold at Saturn-Saab dealerships. In late 2002 Isuzu initiated a recapitalization and debt-for-equity conversion plan to stave off a bankruptcy.[15] GM acquired 20% of DMAX, 60% of Isuzu Motors Polska and Isuzu Motors Germany, and the rights to three types of diesel engine technology from Isuzu.[16] by paying 50 billion yen (about US$425 million).[15] GM also paid 10 billion yen (about US$85 million) for a 12% stake in the recapitalized company.[15] GM wrote off its investment in Isuzu in 2001.[17]
Production of the 7-passenger Ascender ended in February 2006 with the closure of GM’s Oklahoma City Assembly plant, leaving Isuzu with the 5-passenger Ascender, built in Moraine, Ohio and the low-selling i-Series as its only retail products. The company sold just 1,504 vehicles in North America in the first two months of 2006. GM ended its equity investment in Isuzu and sold all its shares to Mitsubishi Corporation, Itochu and Mizuho Corporate Bank; both GM and Isuzu claimed the companies would continue their relationship, but there was no word as of April 12, 2006 on the effect this would have on DMAX operations.
Isuzu LV486R CNG City Bus in Bangkok with the CNG-MPI Engine
In June 2006 Isuzu and GM agreed to establish a joint venture called «LCV Platform Engineering Corporation (LPEC)» to develop a new pickup. Isuzu said it would use its engineering expertise to develop the pickup and GM would develop derivatives based on the integrated platform. Mitsubishi Corp became Isuzu’s largest shareholder in October 2006, after it converted all the preferred shares in Isuzu it had held since 2005 into common stock, increasing its shareholding from 3.5% to 15.65%.[18]
In November 2006 Toyota purchased 5.9% of Isuzu, becoming the third largest shareholder behind Itochu and Mitsubishi Corporation, and the two companies agreed to study possible business collaboration focusing on the areas of R&D and production of diesel engines, related emissions-control, and other environmental technologies. In January 2007 Isuzu and General Motors updated the LCV range with a 3.0 litre common rail diesel engine that had far more torque and power than its predecessor. In August 2007 Isuzu and Toyota agreed to develop a 1.6-liter diesel engine for use in Toyota vehicles sold in European markets. At this point, details of development, production and supply of the diesel engine were still under discussion, but in principle, Isuzu would play the leading role, with production scheduled to begin around 2012.
On January 30, 2008 Isuzu announced its complete withdrawal from the US market,[19] effective January 31, 2009. It would continue to provide support and parts. The decision was due to lack of sales.[20] Some of the lack of sales was blamed on consumer experiences with low quality engines and service.[21] Isuzu had been experiencing a slow decline since the late 1990s. In less than 10 years, they had gone from selling a complete line of cars, trucks, and SUVs, into being a specialized SUV maker, and finally selling only a pair of rebadged, General Motors Trucks.[22] The company continued to sell commercial vehicles in the US.[23]
Isuzu and Toyota shelved development of a clean diesel engine in December 2008.[24]
On January 29, 2009, Isuzu and GM announced that they were in talks to transfer the operation of the medium-duty truck production line in Flint, Michigan to Isuzu for a five-year period. In June, however, GM announced that these talks failed to reach an agreement, and GM instead ceased production of the Chevrolet Kodiak and GMC Topkick vehicles on 31 July 2009.[25]
In July 2016, Isuzu and Mazda agreed to collaborate to produce the next-generation pickup trucks for Mazda outside of North America.Reese Counts (11 July 2016). «Mazda and Isuzu to collaborate on a new pickup truck». Autoblog. As a result, the third-generation Mazda BT-50 is built by Isuzu in Thailand since 2020.
Isuzu’s plant in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh began operations in 2016.[26]
In August 2018, Toyota sold off its 5.9% stake in Isuzu.[27]
In December 2019, Isuzu announced that it had signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding which would eventually see Volvo sell UD Trucks to them.[28] In November 2020, the companies announced that they have signed the «final agreements», making the memorandum of understanding binding.[29] In April 2021, Isuzu completed UD Trucks acquisition.[30]
In March 2021, Isuzu, Hino, and Hino’s parent Toyota announced the creation of a strategic partnership between the three companies. Toyota acquired a 4.6% stake in Isuzu while the latter plans to acquire Toyota shares for an equivalent value. The three companies said they would form a new joint venture by April called Commercial Japan Partnership Technologies Corporation with the aim of developing fuel cell and electric light trucks. Toyota would own an 80% stake in the venture while Hino and Isuzu would own 10% each.[31]
Market presence[edit]
Isuzu Gemini with European (Maltese) registration plates
Isuzu NHR (Elf) light truck
In most of Asia and Africa, Isuzu is known primarily for trucks of all sizes, after Isuzu dropped all sales of sedans and compact cars in the late 1990s due to plummeting sales. In the days when Isuzu sold passenger cars, they were known for focusing on the diesel-engined niche. In 1983, for instance, long before the explosion in diesel sales, diesels represented 63.4% of their passenger car production.[32] In 2009, Isuzu abandoned the United States consumer market due to lack of sales. Isuzu as a corporation has always been primarily a manufacturer of small to medium compact automobiles and commercial trucks of sizes medium duty and larger, but markets around the world show different needs.
Isuzu Motors America discontinued the sale of passenger vehicles in the United States on January 31, 2009. The company explained to its dealers that it had not been able to secure replacements for the Isuzu Ascender and Isuzu i-Series that would be commercially viable. Isuzu sold 7,098 cars in the year 2007. This action did not affect Isuzu’s commercial vehicle or industrial diesel engine operations in the United States.[20] Isuzu has a contract with Budget Truck Rental to manufacture their rental trucks, shared with Ford, GMC, and Navistar International.[33]
In Australia, Isuzu was for many years a major supplier of light commercial and domestic vehicles to Holden (General Motors). However, by 2008, Holden was sourcing few Isuzus. At this time Isuzu began to sell the D-Max under the Isuzu name.
Isuzu’s entry in the Thai market proved to be one of its most successful. Its presence in the country began in 1966 when it established a manufacturing facility for pick-up trucks in the Samuthprakarn province with a capacity of 155,000 units per year.[34] The automaker quickly became a market leader so that by 2002, the company transferred its production base from its original location in Fujisawa, Japan to Thailand. Isuzu claimed the largest share of the Thai commercial vehicle market, outperforming its competitors for at least 23 years.[34] By 2006, the company transferred to an industrial zone in Chachoengsao province to support further production expansion. By 2017, Isuzu has been exporting pick-up trucks, with shipments reaching North America, Latin America, Australia, and Japan.[35] In the same year, it announced that its profit climbed 7 percent and has doubled its annual truck production to meet overseas demands.[36]
Subsidiaries and joint ventures[edit]
The Fujisawa Plant was built and opened for production November 1961. It is located at 8 Tsuchidana, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, and is still producing commercial vehicles for domestic Japanese use and international exports. The Toghichi Plant, located at Hakuchu, Ohira-Machi, Tochigi, Tochigi, is where the engines are currently built. There was a factory at Tono Machi, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa Pref. that closed March 2005 that manufactured passenger vehicles.
Mimamori-kun online service[edit]
Mimamori-kun, which means to watch, monitor, or observe in Japanese (literally «Mr. Watcher»),[37] is a commercial vehicle telematics service developed by Isuzu Motors for monitoring and tracking commercial vehicle operations and movements in Japan. The service uses GPS satellite tracking services, and began February 2004. It is connected to the internet and provides government mandated driver activity logs, and records how long the driver was on-duty and how much time was spent driving. The service also records when the driver took lunch breaks, where the truck stopped and for how long, and when the driver logged off for his duty shift.
The service has been modified for personal use in Japan to keep track of family members, to include the health status of elderly persons and pinpoint the location of children for safety purposes.[38]
Some of the main features include the wireless Internet Digital Tachograph, the first of its kind in Japan, combined with hands-free communication, voice guidance, and text messages displayed from the dispatch office. The system also has a password-enabled vehicle theft prevention feature that will not let the vehicle start without the driver having entered a password.[citation needed]
International operations[edit]
- DMAX (engines) — former joint venture with General Motors in United States for production of diesel engines
- Ghandhara Industries — joint venture in Pakistan — trucks, buses
- Guangzhou Automobile Group Bus — joint venture in China — buses
- HICOM Automotive Manufacturers (Malaysia) — joint venture in Malaysia — trucks, SUVs
- Industries Mécaniques Maghrébines — joint venture at Kairouan, Tunisia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu (Anadolu) — joint venture in Turkey — trucks, buses
- Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia — joint venture in Indonesia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu HICOM Malaysia — joint venture in Malaysia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Commercial Truck of America, Inc.
- Isuzu Malaysia — joint venture in Malaysia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Motors de México — joint venture in Mexico — trucks, buses
- Isuzu Motorsports — Australia and Thailand
- Isuzu Philippines — joint venture in the Philippines — trucks, SUVs
- General Motors De Portugal-FMAT S.A. at Tramagal near Abrantes (Assembling company of all Bedford and Isuzu medium to heavy diesel trucks and 4X4 Pickup models since the 1960s then vehicles are sent for sale in Portugal and Spain)
- The assembling of Isuzu commercial trucks is carried out by the Az Universal Motors which is part of the AzGroup in Azerbaijan.
- Isuzu Motors Saudi Arabia — joint venture in Saudi Arabia — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Truck (UK) — at the former IBC factory Dunstable, England — trucks, SUVs
- Isuzu Truck South Africa — joint venture in South Africa — trucks
- Isuzu Vietnam — joint venture in Vietnam — trucks, SUVs
- Jiangxi Isuzu — joint venture in China — trucks, SUVs
- Qingling Motors — joint venture in China — trucks, SUVs
- SML Isuzu — joint venture in India, formerly Swaraj Mazda
- Sollers-Isuzu — joint venture in Russia — trucks
- Thai Rung Union Car — Thailand — assembles SUVs
Former international operations[edit]
- Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. — former joint venture in United States, interest sold to Subaru — cars, SUVs
- Isuzu Motors Polska — former joint venture in Poland — diesel engines, taken over by General Motors
- Zexel — Japan — auto components, now part of Bosch
- Taiwan Isuzu Motors — former joint venture in Taiwan, disbanded in 2016 — trucks
Isuzu Diesel Engines / Power Train division[edit]
Diesel engines are a major part of the Isuzu Motor’s business with over 20 million engines worldwide.[clarification needed][39] The diesel power division, known as the PowerTrain Division, of Isuzu Motors America, is located in Plymouth, Michigan.[39]
North American Master Distributors[edit]
Southwest Products[40] — Covering California, Nevada and Arizona.[40]
United Engines[40]
Mack Boring Parts[40]
M & L Engine[40]
Isuzu Diesel powered equipment[edit]
Ag Equipment[edit]
- Harrington Seed Destructor[41]
Construction equipment[edit]
- Paving equipment produced by CRAFCO. It manufacturers a variety of paving equipment that is powered by Isuzu diesel engines.[42]
Passenger, bus and commercial vehicles[edit]
Isuzu CXZ (Giga) heavy truck
2005 Isuzu D-max Spacecab Hi-lander in Thailand
Current passenger vehicles[edit]
- 2002–present, D-Max- pickup truck, a top selling diesel sold in the majority of Isuzu markets (excluding Japan and North America).
- 2013–present MU-X — SUV, successor of Isuzu MU-7, developed from D-Max.
Current commercial vehicles[edit]
- Como — light commercial van (rebadged Nissan Caravan)
- Elf — light duty truck (N-series)
- Erga — low deck heavy duty bus
- Erga-J — heavy duty bus
- Erga Mio — low deck medium duty bus
- Forward — medium duty truck (F-series)
- Giga — heavy duty truck (C-series, E-series)
- Gala — heavy duty bus
- Gala Mio — medium duty bus
- Journey — light duty bus
- Journey-J — medium duty bus
- Reach — commercial van offering over 35 percent better fuel efficiency, assembled by Utilimaster Corporation.[43]
- Traga/Traviz — light commercial vehicle
UD Trucks vehicles[edit]
From April 2021 onwards, UD Trucks’ products are part of the Isuzu company lineup.
Former passenger vehicles[edit]
- 1953–1962, Minx — sedan, Isuzu produced Hillman Minx under licence.
- 1961–1966, Bellel — sedan
- 1963–1973, Bellett — sedan (PR10/20) and coupe (PR90 and PR91)
- 1967–1983, Florian — sedan
- 1968–1981, 117 — coupe
- 1972–2002, Faster — pickup truck
- 1974–2000, Gemini/I-Mark/Stylus — sedan/coupe/hatchback
- 1981–1993, Piazza/Impulse/Storm — Hatchback
- 1983–2002, Aska — sedan
- 1983–2002, Trooper — midsize SUV
- 1986–1993, Geminett — hatchback/wagon, a rebadged first generation Suzuki Cultus (1986–1988) and then third generation Subaru Leone wagon as Geminett II (1988–1993).
- 1989–2004, Amigo/MU — Compact SUV, renamed to Rodeo Sport in 2001.
- 1991–2004, Rodeo/Wizard — midsize SUV, also rebadged as the Honda Passport.
- 1996–1999, Oasis — minivan, a rebadged Honda Odyssey.
- 1996–2000, Hombre — pickup truck, a rebadged Chevrolet S10.
- 1996–2001, Vertex — sedan, a rebadged Honda Integra SJ.
- 1997–2002, Filly, a rebadged Nissan Elgrand — minivan
- 1999–2001, VehiCROSS — SUV
- 2001–2004, Axiom — midsize SUV
- 2002–2008, Ascender — midsize SUV, a rebadged GMC Envoy.
- 2006–2008, i-series — pickup truck — a product of the co-developed GMT355 platform that Isuzu sells overseas.
- 2004–2013, MU-7 — midsize SUV, developed from D-Max platform that was on sale only in Thailand, Philippines, India and China.
- 1991–2020, Panther — van and pickup truck, sold as the Isuzu Hi-Lander/Crosswind in the Philippines, also sold throughout the ASEAN, and in India as the Chevrolet Tavera.
Former commercial vehicles[edit]
- Bison — light commercial pickup truck, a rebadged second generation Mitsubishi Delica pickup truck for Indonesian market (not related to fourth generation Isuzu Elf that was sold under Bison name in Indonesia in early 1990s).
- Fargo — light commercial van
- H-Series — heavy duty truck in United States only (rebadged from GMC Topkick and Chevrolet Kodiak).
Race cars[edit]
- 1969 Isuzu R7, Group 7 — racecar
- 1970 Isuzu Bellett R6, Group 6 — racecar
Concept cars[edit]
- 1969 Isuzu Bellett MX1600
- 1979 Isuzu Asso di Fiori
- 1983 Isuzu COA
- 1985 Isuzu COA II
- 1987 Isuzu COA III, AWD mid-engine coupe.
- 1987 Isuzu Zero Door
- 1989 Isuzu Costa
- 1989 Isuzu MultiCROSS
- 1989 4200R
- 1991 Isuzu Como F1, a pickup-style crossover with a Lotus Formula One engine[44] (the name was later used for the rebadged Nissan Caravan produced from 2001).
- 1991 Isuzu Nagisa
- 1991 Isuzu Terraza
- 1993 Isuzu XU-1
- 1993 Isuzu VehiCROSS
- 1995 Isuzu Deseo
- 1995 Isuzu Aisance
- 1997 Isuzu VX-2
- 1997 Isuzu ZACCAR
- 1999 Isuzu VX-O2
- 1999 Isuzu Kai
- 1999 ZXS
- 2000 Isuzu VX-4
- 2001 Isuzu Zen
- 2001 Isuzu GBX
- 2001 Isuzu Axiom XSF
- 2002 Isuzu Axiom XSR
- 2002 Isuzu Axiom XST
- 2011 Isuzu T-Next
- 2020 Isuzu FLIR
Buses (Philippines)[edit]
- LV314K
- LV314L
- CJM470
- CJM500
- LT132
- LV423
- LV123
- FTR33P
- FTR45
Buses (Thailand)[edit]
- CQM275hp
- CQA650A/T
- LT112P
- LV223S
- LV423R
- LV486R
- LV771
- MT111L
- MT111QB
Buses (Ukraine)[edit]
- Bogdan buses — sold under Isuzu brand outside Ukraine.
Military vehicles[edit]
Isuzu HTS12G 2.5 ton truck
- Isuzu TW340 medium truck
- Isuzu TWD20/25 medium truck
- Isuzu TSD45/TSD55 medium truck
- Isuzu HTS12G 2.5 ton truck
- Isuzu Type 73 Heavy Truck
See also[edit]
- List of automobile manufacturers
- ^ Jackson, Kathy (4 February 2008). «Isuzu’s collapse». Automotive News. Crain Communications, Inc. Archived from the original on 10 October 2019.
- ^ a b c Ruiz, Marco (1986). ‘The Complete History of the Japanese Car: 1907 to the Present. Rome: ERVIN srl. p. 130. ISBN 0-517-61777-3.
- ^ «Isuzu Website». Archived from the original on 5 May 2017. Retrieved 25 May 2017.
- ^ a b Ishikawa, Kenji (1 May 2012). «トラックメーカーアーカイブ: いすゞ自動車のすべて [Truck Manufacturer Archive: Everything Isuzu]». Camion (in Japanese). Tokyo, Japan: Geibun Mooks: 98. ISBN 978-4-86396-183-8.
- ^ «Investor Relations: Company History». Isuzu Motors. Archived from the original on 20 April 2012. Retrieved 28 August 2012.
- ^ Ishikawa, p. 7
- ^ Yamaguchi, Jack (February 1968). «14th Tokyo Motor Show: & Still Trying Harder». Road & Track. p. 113.
- ^ «Isuzu» (brochure) (in Japanese). Isuzu Motors. October 1967: 8–9. 42.10.
- ^ a b Ruiz, p. 131
- ^ Bedwell, Steve (2009). Holden vs Ford: the cars, the culture, the competition. Dulwich Hill, Australia: Rockpool. p. 199. ISBN 978-1-921295-17-1.
- ^ a b «GM ties with two Japanese car makers». Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Tokyo: 1. 18 August 1981.
- ^ «Isuzu, Suzuki tie up in sales and production». Machinery. Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Tokyo: 10. 18 January 1986.
- ^ Truett, Richard Truett (21 October 1993). «Expert Reviews: 1993 Isuzu Rodeo». Orlando Sentinel. Archived from the original on 23 September 2015. Retrieved 4 October 2015.
- ^ a b c Krebs, Michelle (1 July 2001). «Isuzu’s U.S. Presence Leans on G.M.» The New York Times. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ a b c «Isuzu falls back after GM rescue plan». CNN.com. 15 August 2002. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ «Press Release: Isuzu Motors Limited Unveils the New Three-year Business Plan and Re-capitalization Plan, involving Decrease of Capital and Debt-for-equity Conversion». www.Isuzu.co.jp. Isuzu Motors. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ Belson, Ken (15 August 2002). «G.M. Moves to Increase Control of Some Isuzu Units». The New York Times. Archived from the original on 24 September 2017. Retrieved 23 September 2017.
- ^ «Mitsubish becomes top shareholder of Isuzu». Autoblog. Archived from the original on 8 May 2016. Retrieved 26 April 2016.
- ^ Bensinger, Ken (31 January 2008). «Isuzu quitting U.S. car market». Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 31 January 2008. Retrieved 30 January 2008.
- ^ a b Johnson, Drew (30 January 2008). «Isuzu to leave U.S. market». Leftlanenews.com. Archived from the original on 13 March 2012. Retrieved 5 February 2012.
- ^ «Consumer complaints about Isuzu — Engine Failure». Consumeraffairs.com. Archived from the original on 16 January 2012. Retrieved 5 February 2012.
- ^ Neff, John (30 January 2008). «CONFIRMED: Isuzu abandoning U.S. market». Autoblog. Archived from the original on 18 November 2010. Retrieved 29 November 2010.
- ^ «Isuzu executive says competition helped push it out of North American market — MSNBC Wire Services — MSNBC.com». Cnbc.com. Retrieved 29 November 2010.[dead link]
- ^ «Isuzu, Toyota Shelve Development of Clean Diesel Engine | industryweek.com | Industry Week». industryweek.com. 16 December 2008. Archived from the original on 23 June 2013. Retrieved 21 May 2011.
- ^ «GM drops medium-duty trucks, opens battery lab | detnews.com | The Detroit News». detnews.com. 9 June 2009. Retrieved 4 December 2009.
- ^ Isuzu Motors opens manufacturing plant in Andhra Pradesh Archived 2017-01-05 at the Wayback Machine, Economic Times, April 27, 2016
- ^ Isuzu and Toyota to Dissolve Capital Ties
- ^ «Isuzu to buy Japanese truck unit from Volvo in $2.3 billion deal». Japan Times. 19 December 2019.
- ^ De Guzman, Marcus (1 December 2020). «Isuzu and Volvo have finalized the terms of their alliance». Auto Industriya. Retrieved 14 December 2020.
- ^ «Isuzu Completes Acquisition of UD Trucks». Heavy Duty Trucking. 1 April 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2021.
- ^ «Toyota and Isuzu to take stake in each other to co-develop new vehicles». Japan Times. 25 March 2021. Retrieved 6 April 2021.
- ^ Yamaguchi, Jack K. (1984). Lösch, Annamaria (ed.). Technology On Full Boost. World Cars 1984. Pelham, NY: L’Editrice dell’Automobile LEA/Herald Books. p. 66. ISBN 0-910714-16-9.
- ^ «Company Info — Budget Truck Rental». Budgettruck.com. 30 December 2007. Archived from the original on 22 July 2007. Retrieved 29 November 2010.
- ^ a b Lall, Ashish (2011). Facets of Competitiveness: Narratives from ASEAN. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific. p. 66. ISBN 9789814324113.
- ^ «Isuzu interim profit seen climbing 7% as Thai sales recover». Nikkei Asian Review. 3 November 2017. Archived from the original on 17 August 2018. Retrieved 17 August 2018.
- ^ «Isuzu to double heavy truck production in Thailand, boost exports». The Japan Times Online. 2 May 2017. ISSN 0447-5763. Archived from the original on 17 August 2018. Retrieved 17 August 2018.
- ^ «Official press release from Isuzu concerning Mimamori-kun». Archived from the original on 19 October 2015. Retrieved 16 August 2015.
- ^ «Mimamori-kun personal service (Japanese)». Archived from the original on 19 October 2015. Retrieved 16 August 2015.
- ^ a b «Isuzu Diesel Engines — Home». www.isuzuengines.com. Archived from the original on 22 October 2016. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
- ^ a b c d e «Isuzu Diesel Master Distributor List» (PDF). www.isuzuengines.com. Archived (PDF) from the original on 12 October 2016.
- ^ «Case Study — Isuzu Diesel Engines». isuzudiesel.com.au. Archived from the original on 22 October 2016. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
- ^ «Pavement Preservation & Maintenance Equipment Documents | CRAFCO». www.crafco.com. Archived from the original on 22 October 2016. Retrieved 21 October 2016.
- ^ InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report. «Indiana Facility to Produce Isuzu Commercial Vehicles — Newsroom — Inside INdiana Business with Gerry Dick». Insideindianabusiness.com. Archived from the original on 22 February 2015. Retrieved 5 February 2012.
- ^ «1991 Isuzu Como». www.carstyling.ru. 2 July 2007. Archived from the original on 11 June 2011. Retrieved 29 November 2010.
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Isuzu.
- Official website
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