Как правильно написать лукойл

Всего найдено: 12

Добрый день!
Изучив ваш портал на предмет правильности написания сложносокращенных названий фирм и аббревиатур без родовых слов я вроде бы все понял. Правила, изложенные на http://www.gramota.ru/spravka/letters?rub=kav3, говорят, что наименования таких компаний нужно заключать в кавычки («Росгосстрах», «Сургутнефтегаз», «ЛУКойл«, «РЖД», «МТС» и т.п.).
А как быть с полными названиями компаний, состоящими из нескольких слов? Например, такими как «Башкирская генерирующая компания», «Башкирская содовая компания», «Нефтекамский машиностроительный завод»? Нужно ли их брать в кавычки без родового слова?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Такие названия не заключаются в кавычки, если употребляются без родового слова. См. также: Как правильно употреблять кавычки в собственных наименованиях.

Еще раз добрый день! Очень нужна информация о правилах написания слов-акронимов в русском языке, если речь идет о названиях (например, компаний). Гл. редактор убеждает придерживаться грамматики аглийского языка, соответственно писать все слова однотипно (Русал, Лукойл).

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Мы постарались обобщить имеющиеся на этот счет рекомендации в трех статьях, размещенных в рубрике «Письмовник»:

Как правильно употреблять кавычки (часть первая)

Как правильно употреблять кавычки (часть вторая)

Как правильно употреблять кавычки (часть третья)

Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, какие правила существуют для написания слов-акронимов. Как объяснить выборочное написание, например, названий компаний РУСАЛ и «Лукойл»

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Пожалуйста, обратитесь к рубрике «Письмовник» на нашем портале: http://www.gramota.ru/spravka/letters/

В ней Вы найдете рекомендации как по использованию аббревиатур, так и по употреблению кавычек.

День добрый! Задаю вопрос еще раз. У нас разгорелся жаркий спор насчет того, могут ли именования лиц, образованные от названий команд, компаний заключаться в кавычки. В ответе на вопрос № 177755 вы говорите, что нет, приводя в качестве примера спартаковцев и динамовцев. Да, очевидно, что эти слова встречаются повсеместно. А что, например, скажете о слове “шиниковцы”? Лучше, конечно, сказать игроки клуба “Шинник”, но если хочется сохранить в тексте единообразие? Например: на встречу пришли спартаковцы и “шиниковцы”. Автор имеет право закавычить последнее слово? И что вы скажете насчет именований, образованных от названий компаний? Скажем, газпромовцы и лукойловцы встречаются повсеместно. А если я хочу обозначить работников фирмы “Дженерал Моторс”. Могу ли я по аналогии сказать “дженералмоторовцы”? То есть поставить это слово в кавычки? И вообще, не могли бы вы дать ссылку на какие-то правила или рекомендации, которые бы говорили, когда автор имеет право ставить кавычки, а когда нет? И насколько вообще “железны” правила относительно кавычек? Спасибо.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Насчет кавычек ответ однозначный: кавычки использовать не нужно. Другое дело, что сама по себе словообразовательная модель, описываемая Вами, «не железна», поэтому употребления некоторых наименований (таких как дженералмоторовцы) лучше избегать.

Добрый день! Подскажите, как правильно сказать о том, что человек работает в ОАО «ЛУКойл» без указания организационно-правовой формы организации:
1) Я работаю в «ЛУКойл«.
2) Я работаю в «ЛУКойле».
3) Я работаю в ЛУКойле.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Верно: _Я работаю в ЛУКОЙЛе_.

Как правильно пишется «ЛУКОЙЛа» или «ЛУКОЙЛ«а?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Верен первый вариант.

В публицистике сейчас принято опускать кавычки при написании названий компаний.
1) Есть ли какое-нибудь правило, устанавливающее это?
2) Пишутся ли в кавычках названия на иностранных языках, например, компания Nokia?
3) Всегда ли нужно использовать кавычки при употреблении перед названием родового понятия. например, компания «ЛукОйл» или просто компания Лукойл?
4) Как поступать при смешении в предложении однородных членов, некоторые из которых сопровождаются такими родовыми понятиями, а другие — нет. Например в имиджевом тексте о компании принято решение не ставить название компаний в кавычки. Но как избежать недоразумений при использовании таких предложений: В Альянс входят Севербанк, Эталонбанк, Paribas, а также банки «Восточный экспресс банк» и «Южный регион». Можно ли опустить кавычки у последних двух? Вроде, с родовым понятием не поднимается рука их убрать.
5) Группа компаний БС или Группа компаний «БС», если БС — это принятое сокращение от Банковские системы, юридического названия компании?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

1. Не все названия компаний по правилам должны писаться в кавычках, поэтому во многих случаях кавычки опускаются вполне оправданно, во многих — вопреки правилам. На постановку кавычек в названиях оказывают влияние несколько факторов, в их числе: алфавитная система, используемая для оформления названия (кириллица / латиница); наличие или отсутствие аббревиации в наименовании; наличие или отсутствие при наименовании родового слова; семантика названия. Довольно часто однотипные, казалось бы, названия оформляются неодинаково.
2. Ни в одном из действующих справочников по правописанию нет рекомендаций по написанию наименований, оформленных латиницей, однако практика письма показывает, что в подавляющем большинстве случаев названия, написанные латиницей, в кавычки не заключаются. Корректно: _компания Nokia_.
3. Да, при наличии родового слова написанное кириллицей название почти всегда заключается в кавычки: _компания «ЛУКОЙЛ», ОАО «Газпром», ОАО «РЖД»_. Если же родового слова нет, то в кавычки, как правило, не заключаются названия-аббревиатуры и некоторые сложносокращенные названия, остальные названия и без родового слова пишутся в кавычках.
4. У последних двух названий кавычки убирать нельзя. Можно оставить так, как Вы написали, или заключить в кавычки все названия, в том числе и написанное латиницей.
5. Правильно: _группа компаний «БС»_.

Цитата — «Глава «Лукойла» купил акций компании на 1,4 миллиарда долларов».
Подскажите, пожалуйста, в каком все-таки падеже нужно употребить слово «акции»?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Все верно: купил акций на 1,4 миллиарда.

Уважаемая, Служба! Прошла неделя, а ответа на свой вопрос так и не получила, поэтому повторяю:
Склоняются ли аббревеатуры — названия компаний, например, ЛУКОЙЛа, СУЭКу, в ЮКОСе, НАВОТЭКа и т.д. Некоторые аббревеатуры расшифровываются — СУЭК (Сибирская Угольная Энергетическая Компания), а вот ЮКОС — нет. Ответьте, пожалуйста, поскорее. Это принципиально важно. Спасибо. Татьяна.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Склонение таких аббревиатур зависит от частотности их использования, от того, насколько они «похожи» на обычные существительные и практики употребления. Так, аббревиатуры _ЛУКОЙЛ, ЮКОС, НОВАТЭК_ чаще склоняются, а аббревиатура _СУЭК_ чаще выступает как несклоняемая.
Аббревиатура _ЮКОС_ расшифровывается следующим образом: _Юганскнефтегаз — Куйбышеворгсинтез_.

Подскажите, как правильно, «ОАО «ЛУКойл» сделал работу…» или «ОАО «ЛУКойл» сделало работу…»? И правильно ли употреблять слово «сделал», возможно более подходящим будет вариант «проделал/о»?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно: _ОАО «Лукойл» сделало работу_ (согласование с ОАО). Для выбора правильного глагола нужен контекст.

Здравствуйте! Очень нужна ваша помощь.
«ЛУКОЙЛ«- (вертикально)интегрированная компания. По логике, здесь не нужен дефис. Но в некоторых изданиях он стоит. Так как хе, по-вашему, правильно? Большое спасибо!

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно раздельное написание: _вертикально интегрированная компания_.

Здравствуйте! Ответьте, пожалуйста, ставится ли запятая при перечислении объектов «такие как». Я уверена, что ставится, а мой босс — что нет. Напишите, пожалуйста, еще и правило. Например: …с такими ведущими компаниями как Роснефть, ЛУКОЙЛ…» — нужна ли запятая перед «как»?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

См. ответ № http://spravka.gramota.ru/buro.html?gotoq=172107. В данном случае запятая перед _как_ нужна.

Линия перерисовывается при перебое локальных хаев опорных точек?
Это апроксимация или экстраполяция?

Приложение для мобильных устройств от компании Lukoil называется «АЗС ЛУКОЙЛ» Ранее приложение носило название «АЗС-Локатор», но компания решила провести ребрендинг и полностью переделала его. Старое же было удалено из магазинов AppStore и GooglePlay. Для WindowsPhone изменения ожидаются в скором времени.Функции приложения

Приложение имеет следующие возможности:

  1. Позволяет активировать вновь полученную карту Lukoil;
  2. Отслеживать баланс баллов на карте, просматривать историю списаний и начислений;
  3. Контролировать свои расходы на топливо;
  4. Быстро и удобно списывать, и начислять баллы с виртуальной карты при покупках на АЗС;
  5. Найти ближайшую заправку сети и проложить до нее маршрут на встроенном навигаторе;
  6. Получить консультацию квалифицированных специалистов и подобрать моторное масло для вашего автомобиля и сразу же заказать его в фирменном интернет-магазине Lukoil-shop;
  7. Можно подобрать Станцию Тех Обслуживания для замены колодок и проведения ТО двигателя или коробки передач.

Приложение АЗС Лукойл

Приложение доступно для всех популярных мобильных платформ.

АЗС-Лукойл Гугл плэй

Приложение Лукойл на популярных платформах IPhone, Android и Windows Phone доступно по ссылкам ниже:

Android: ссылка в GooglePlay

IOs: ссылка в AppStore

WindowsPhone: ссылка в MicrosoftStore

© 2003 — 2017 «Áèáëèîôîíä»

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«Áèáëèîôîíä» — Ýëåêòðîííàÿ áèáëèîòåêà: ñòàòåé, ó÷åáíîé è õóäîæåñòâåííîé ëèòåðàòóðû, ðåôåðàòîâ è äðóãèõ òâîð÷åñêèõ è àíàëèòè÷åñêèõ ðàáîò. Íàø ïðîåêò äëÿ òåõ, êîìó èíòåðåñíî, äëÿ òåõ, êòî ó÷èòñÿ, è äëÿ òåõ, êòî äåéñòâèòåëüíî íóæäàåòñÿ!

Rename icon Cyr.svg

Эта статья была переименована по результатам обсуждения от 17 января 2012 года.
Старое название ЛУКойл было изменено на новое: Лукойл.
Для повторного выставления статьи на переименование нужны веские основания, иначе такое действие будет нарушать правила (см. п. 8).

На мой взгляд, не должно быть такого количества красных ссылок в хорошей статье, тем более, что они напрямую связаны с нефтянкой—Александр Мотин 10:29, 30 марта 2007 (UTC)

ладно, попробую стабы создать! —lite 10:59, 30 марта 2007 (UTC)
Википедия:Эритрофобия —Алексей Скрипник 06:46, 28 марта 2008 (UTC)

Номинальные держатели[править код]

Какую смысловую нагрузку несет перечисление номинальных держателей? Они не являются акционерами.—Vlas 20:27, 27 августа 2007 (UTC)

Смысл в том, чтобы дать в статье (не забывайте, она в таком виде была избрана хорошей!) всеобъемлющую информацию как о номинальных держателях, так и о фактических владельцах —lite 07:57, 28 августа 2007 (UTC)
*У неподготовленного читателя может сложиться впечатление, что именно номинальные держатели и владеют акциями компании (увы, такие заблуждения встречаются даже в профильной прессе). Ну а статья была избрана хорошей вряд ли за это  :) —Vlas 09:02, 28 августа 2007 (UTC)

  • Думаю, теперь, после ваших правок, здорово смотрится —lite 10:28, 28 августа 2007 (UTC)

Я считаю, что в статье не должно быть никаких ЛУКОЙЛОВ, так как это не аббревиатура, и ЛУКойлов, так как в русском языке нет «полуаббревиатур». Только Лукойл. —Алексей Скрипник 06:49, 28 марта 2008 (UTC)

Сложный вопрос. С одной стороны, вы правы, с другой — они именно так название своей компании везде пишут. Давайте подождем, чтобы кто-то еще высказался—lite 09:56, 28 марта 2008 (UTC)
В русском языке полно «полуаббревиатур» вроде НИиПИ, КубГУ, СПб и т.д.—Vlas 12:05, 28 марта 2008 (UTC)

Вы правы, но у ЛУКойла другой случай. —Алексей Скрипник 12:28, 28 марта 2008 (UTC)

Нужно что-то решить. —Алексей Скрипник 15:16, 14 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Что-то никто не высказывается. Пока консенсуса нет —lite 09:26, 15 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Написание компаний должно быть таким, каким оно указано в уставных документах. Название ЛУКойл использовалось до 24.06.1996. На собрании акционеров компании 05.06.1996 было принято решение переименовать компанию в ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ».

До 24.06.1996: Полное фирменное наименование: Открытое акционерное общество «Нефтяная компания «ЛУКойл»

После:Полное фирменное наименование: Открытое акционерное общество «Нефтяная компания «ЛУКОЙЛ»

Сокращенное фирменное наименование: ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ».
Поэтому необходимо снова вернуться к вопросу названия статьи и привести его в соответствии с оффициальным названием компании, а словарь Агеенко предназначен в первую очередь для определения ударений и при переиздании просто не обратили внимание на изменение названия. 17:55, 18 января 2009 (UTC)

Написание ЛУКойл подтверждается источником[править код]

Я был неправ насчёт «полуаббревиатур». Цитата с http://sokr.ru/:

Существует несколько морфологических типов сокращений:

  • Слоговые сокращения состоят из первых слогов нескольких слов: комсомол, минфин, спецназ.
  • В состав частичносокращенных слов входят как части основ, так и полные слова: Росглавстанкоинструментснабсбыт, химзавод, Минобрнауки.
  • Инициальные сокращения, или аббревиатуры, собраны из первых букв нескольких слов: РСФСР, вуз, МЧС.
  • Графические сокращения используются только в печати и на письме: п-ка, Вт, бывш.
  • Сложносокращенные слова сочетают в себе несколько приемов сокращения: ВНИИзарубежгеология, МосгорБТИ, ЛУКойл.

Сокращения могут заимствоваться из одного языка в другой отдельно от значения (НСДАП, интернет, УЕФА), или образовываться по аналогии (КНР, ФБР, СИОФ).


Лангепас, Урай, Когалым (главные города нефтедобычи) + ойл (англ. — oil, нефть)
в названии нефтяной компании

Вопрос сейчас стоит только об авторитетности источника. —Алексей Скрипник 16:11, 25 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Ну да, насчет того, что «ЛУК» — это первые буквы от бывших советских «Лангепаснефть», «Урайнефть», «Когалымнефть» это известно —lite 17:01, 25 апреля 2008 (UTC)

То, что это известно, тоже известно  :) Как Вы считаете, является ли sokr.ru авторитетным источником? —Алексей Скрипник 18:56, 25 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Мое мнение — да, но можно спросить сообщество на ВП:К оценке источников —lite 22:48, 25 апреля 2008 (UTC)
Является. Хотя сомнений в том, что компания называется именно ЛУКойл, у меня лично нет. Привычка писать название большими буквами — в принципе, моветон, примитивный способ выделить название в тексте.—Vlas 23:15, 25 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Что ж, я думаю, консенсус достигнут. Правильное написание — ЛУКойл. —Алексей Скрипник 05:17, 26 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Авторитетный источник значения сокращения: http://www.bestpravo.ru/fed1991/data01/tex10540.htm .—Ctac (Стас Козловский) 06:07, 26 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Это авторитетный источник фактов, но не орфографии. Там половина слов прописными написана, что абсолютно безграмотно. —Алексей Скрипник 08:20, 26 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Проверил по грамоте.ру. Правильно «ЛУКойл». Источник: Агеенко Ф.Л. Русское словесное ударение. Словарь имён собственных. — М.: ЭНАС, 2001. Думаю, что этот источник авторитетнее sokr.ru. —Ctac (Стас Козловский) 13:35, 26 апреля 2008 (UTC)

Так как консенсус явно есть, переименовал статью. Теперь надо править в тексте, проверить все ссылки на дочерние предприятия и исправить категории. —Ctac (Стас Козловский) 13:51, 26 апреля 2008 (UTC)

В тексте слово ЛУКОЙЛ встречается 120 раз и банальной заменой, скажем, в Ворде, не исправляется.  :)

Название компании должно быть написано в соответствии с официальным названием[править код]

Считаю, что название компании должно быть написано в соответствии с оффициальным названием, принятым на данный момент — ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ». Чтобы не было споров о достоверности источника, зайдите на официальный сайт и в разделе Отчеты откройте любой документ — там везде стоит название ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ».
В статье можно дописать фразу: старое название до 24.06.1996 — ОАО «Нефтяная компания «ЛУКойл». belmic 20:35, 4 июня 2009 (UTC)

«Считаю, что название компании должно быть написано в соответствии с официальным названием» — обоснуйте это утверждение, пожалуйста. Учтите, что некоторые компании именуют себя что-то вроде «Московская Центральная Контора По Производству Жидких Отходов» — и это совершенно не значит, что нам нужно тиражировать безграмотное с точки зрения русского языка использование заглавных букв —lite 11:19, 5 июня 2009 (UTC)

Если рассматривать варианты написания, применимые к названию компании в данной статье, то можно выделить три: Лукойл, ЛУКойл и ЛУКОЙЛ. Лукойл — написание, упоминаемое в различных информационных изданиях, правильное с точки зрения русского языка (могу ошибаться), но не имеющее отношение к написанию официального названия. ЛУКойл — старое официальное написание, сегодня нигде не применяемое, о котором мало кто помнит, т.к. люди привыкли к современному написанию — ЛУКОЙЛ. Его вы можете увидеть везде, начиная от заправок и заканчивая официальными документами.
Посмотрите, например, статью об АВТОВАЗе: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/АвтоВАЗ belmic 13:23, 5 июня 2009 (UTC)

Уж «ЛУКОЙЛ» точно неграмотно. Почему здесь все буквы заглавные? Что они сокращают? Тогда уж «Лукойл». Давайте ждать мнения других участников. Кстати, аргументов (опирающихся, скажем, на правила именования статей) в пользу того, что название компании должно быть написано в соответствии с официальным названием вы пока так и не привели —lite 19:37, 5 июня 2009 (UTC)

Вы привязываетесь к правилам написания аббревиатур в русском языке, а я к восприимчивости названия. Если исходить из правил написания, то название АВТОВАЗ тоже надо писать как АвтоВАЗ. Могу еще привести кучу примеров из Википедии. belmic 21:23, 5 июня 2009 (UTC)
Из правил именования статей: следует отдавать приоритет названиям, наиболее узнаваемым для носителей русского языка belmic 12:50, 7 июня 2009 (UTC)

Следует отдавать приоритет таким названиям, если они есть. А у данной компании нет других названий. У неё только одно название, которое указано в уставе: ЛУКОЙЛ. Тут просто не из чего выбирать.—Безымянный Ответ 13:00, 30 июля 2009 (UTC)
Поддерживаю belmic. Раз уж мальчика назвали в детстве Хуан, все его так и называют  :) Так же и с компаниями, раз они себя так назвали, то почему мы можем изменять это имя, как бы не по-русски оно не звучало. Тем более произошло переименование в 1996 году именно с ойла на ОЙЛ. Значит для них это важно и это не просто случайность. NoGo 14:47, 7 июня 2009 (UTC)
  • Я правильно понял, что в правилах речь всё-таки о «названии», а не о «написании»?—Александр Мотин 17:16, 30 июля 2009 (UTC)
  • ЛУКОЙЛ — официальное и единственно верное название. Все же поработать мне пришлось в этой структуре ) Не спорьте — ЛУКОЙЛ. Так во всех документах. Но на всякий случай привожу ссылку из ГРАМОТА.РУ http://www.gramota.ru/spravka/buro/search_answer/?page=74&s=%F1%F2%F0%EE%F7%ED%EE%E9

Вопрос № 234138

Добрый день! Подскажите, как правильно сказать о том, что человек работает в ОАО «ЛУКойл» без указания организационно-правовой формы организации: 1) Я работаю в «ЛУКойл». 2) Я работаю в «ЛУКойле». 3) Я работаю в ЛУКойле.

Шушков В.В.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Верно: _Я работаю в ЛУКОЙЛе_.

Все остальное — чепуха. Вместо Минэкономразвития (как это в соответствии с распоряжением правительства) даже Ведомости и Коммерсант часто лепят МЭРТ, но правильно Минэкономразвития. Zambon

Отсутствует информация о ЛУКОЙЛ-Бурение[править код]

Серьезнейший актив, который был продан
Об этом ни слова в статье

Название компании пишется полностью прописными буквами, а не ЛУКойл. 16:13, 7 марта 2011 (UTC)Работник компании

Автомасла[править код]

У нас в Хохлостане раньше были лукойловские заправки (сейчас поменялись в оснрвном на некий Amic).
Недавно видел автомобильные масла (двигло+трансмиссия) под этой маркой.

Просмотреть тег лукойл

Выручка «ЛУКОЙЛа» по МСФО возросла в 2021 году на 67,3% г/г и составила 9 435,1 млрд руб., что в основном связано с ростом цен на углеводороды, девальвацией рубля, увеличением объемов добычи углеводородов, а также объемов переработки и трейдинга нефтью и нефтепродуктами, следует из отчетности компании. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

Компания Lukoil Securities Limited, дочернее общество «ЛУКОЙЛА», в рамках программы обратного выкупа акций за период с24 по 26 января 2022 года купила в ходе 8 сделок на рынке 263 832 акций (0,04%) и 475 157 ADR (0,07%), говорится в сообщении нефтяной компании. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

МОСКВА, 25 ноя — РИА Новости/Прайм. Нефть ещё долго будет востребована, «Лукойл» продолжает увеличивать её добычу, при этом снижает свой углеродный след, сказал глава компании Вагит Алекперов. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

По отношению к 9 месяцам 2020 года выручка увеличилась на 62,3% в основном за счет роста цен на углеводороды, девальвации рубля, роста объемов добычи газа, а также объемов переработки и трейдинга нефтью и нефтепродуктами. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

«ЛУКОЙЛ» за 9 месяцев, по предварительным данным, увеличил добычу углеводородов без учета проекта «Западная Курна-2» на 2,5% по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года, до 2 116 тыс. барр. н. э. в сутки, говорится в сообщении компании. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

Совет директоров «ЛУКОЙЛа» рекомендовал внеочередному общему собранию акционеров принять решение о выплате дивидендов по результатам девяти месяцев 2021 года в размере 340 рублей на одну обыкновенную акцию, сообщила компания.

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Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

Чистая прибыль «ЛУКОЙЛа», относящаяся к акционерам, во 2 квартале 2021 года составила 189,8 млрд руб., увеличившись на 20,5% по сравнению с предыдущим кварталом. Об этом говорится в отчете компании. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

За 6 месяцев 2021 года добыча нефти без учета проекта Западная Курна-2 составила 38,2 млн т, что в среднесуточном выражении на 4,3% ниже уровня аналогичного периода 2020 года.

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Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

Сегодня «ЛУКОЙЛ» начал строительство Комплекса производства полипропилена на территории Нижегородского НПЗ, сообщила компания. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

МОСКВА, 27 мая — РИА Новости/Прайм. «Лукойл» ожидает добычу нефти по итогам года примерно на прошлогоднем уровне — 73,5 миллиона тонн, сообщил топ-менеджер компании. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

Выручка компании увеличилась на 12,64%, до 1876,5 млрд рублей.

По отношению к 1 кварталу 2020 года выручка увеличилась на 12,6% в основном благодаря росту цен на нефть и девальвации рубля. При этом рост выручки сдерживался снижением объемов добычи, переработки и трейдинга. Читать далее

Во что инвестировать: список акций и обзор ситуации на рынке (закрытый раздел)

Анализ отраслей (закрытый раздел)

PJSC Lukoil

Lukoil company logo.svg
Building of Lukoil headquarters in Moscow (31059350636).jpg

Lukoil’s headquarters in Moscow

Native name

ПAO «Лукойл»
Type Public (ПAO)

Traded as

Industry Oil and gas
Predecessor Langepasneftegaz
Founded 25 November 1991; 31 years ago
Founder Vagit Alekperov




Number of locations

5,867 (2014)

Area served

Europe, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, United States, Mexico

Key people

Vagit Alekperov (president and CEO)
Leonid Fedun (vice-president)
Products Petroleum
Natural gas
Revenue $128 billion[1] (2021)

Operating income

$13.3 billion[1] (2021)

Net income

$10.5 billion[1] (2021)
Total assets $93.2 billion[1] (2021)
Total equity $61.4 billion[1] (2021)

Number of employees

101,000 (2019) Edit this on Wikidata
Subsidiaries see Subsidiaries
Website lukoil.com

The PJSC Lukoil Oil Company (Russian: Лукойл, tr. Lukoyl, IPA: [ˈluːkɔɪl] stylized as LUKOIL or ЛУКОЙЛ in Cyrillic script) is a Russian multinational energy corporation headquartered in Moscow, specializing in the business of extraction, production, transport, and sale of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products, and electricity. It was formed in 1991 when three state-run, western Siberian companies named after the respective town in Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug that each was based in, Langepasneftegaz, Urayneftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, merged. Its name is the combination of the acronym LUK (initials of the oil-producing cities of Langepas, Uray, Kogalym) and the English word «oil».[2][3]

Lukoil is the second largest company in Russia after Gazprom, and the country’s largest non-state enterprise in terms of revenue, with ₽4,744 billion in 2018.[4][5] In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Lukoil was ranked as the 99th-largest public company in the world. Internationally, it is one of the largest global producers of crude oil. In 2019, the company produced 87.488 million metric tons of oil (1.639 million barrels per day) and 35.046 billion cubic meters of natural gas.[6][failed verification] As of 2021, the company had operations and subsidiaries in more than 30 countries around the world.[7][needs update]



«Langepas, Uray, and Kogalym» oil (Lukoil) was established by the USSR Council of Ministers Decree No. 18 on November 25, 1991, as a state-owned enterprise. In the new company, three oil production companies, Langepasneftegaz, Uraineftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, processing company Permnefteorgsintez, and the Volgograd and Novosibirsk refineries, were merged (the latter soon came under the control of the authorities of Bashkortostan).[8]

The central figure in the company’s founding was the Soviet deputy minister of oil production Vagit Alekperov.[8] He came to believe the only way Russians could compete against western companies was to copy their business model. That meant vertically integrating the three branches of the industry—exploration, refining, and distribution—that were strictly separate under the old Soviet system.[9]

On April 5, 1993, Lukoil transformed itself from a state-owned enterprise to a private open joint-stock company based on Presidential Decree No. 1403 of November 17, 1992.


In 1994, Lukoil became the first company to begin offering shares of stock on the new Russian Trading System.[8]

In 1995, Lukoil controlled the stakes of nine oil-producing, marketing and service enterprises in Western Siberia, the Urals, and Volgograd Oblast in order to abide by Government Decree No. 861 of September 1, 1995.[10] In the same year, a 5% stake of Lukoil was sold by the state with a minimum excess of the starting price in an auction.[11] In November 1995, Lukoil filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to issue American depositary receipts on Western stock markets. This allowed United States investors for the first time, to be able to buy shares in a Russian company.[12]

In 1997, Lukoil signed a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil for the development and production of the second stage of the West Qurna-2 oil field. After Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown, the project was suspended and later terminated.[13]

In 1999, Lukoil acquired numerous enterprises such as the Odessa Oil Refinery in Ukraine, the Burgas Oil Refinery in Bulgaria, and KomiTEK.[10]


In 2000, Lukoil acquired the distribution and marketing operations of American oil company Getty Oil. This resulted in the control of a network of gas stations in the United States as well as the first time Lukoil enters the American oil market.[10]

In September 2004, ConocoPhillips purchased a 7.6% stake in Lukoil for about $2 billion. According to some commentators, the sale of this deal was planned before in a personal meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and ConocoPhillips’ president and CEO, James Mulva. After the auction, Lukoil and ConocoPhillips announced the creation of a strategic alliance. Later, the American company increased its stake to 20% in Lukoil and sold to the Russian company part of its network of gas stations in the United States and Western Europe. The two oil companies also agreed to jointly develop an oil and gas field in the northern Timan-Pechora area of Russia (Komi Republic) and intended to secure the rights to develop the West Qurna Field in Iraq, one of the country’s largest.[14][15]

Uzbekistan’s deputy prime minister Ergash Shaismatov announced on 30 August 2006 that the Uzbek government and an international consortium consisting of state-run Uzbekneftegaz, Lukoil Overseas, Petronas, Korea National Oil Corporation, and China National Petroleum Corporation signed a production sharing agreement to explore and develop oil and gas fields in the Aral Sea, stating «The Aral Sea is largely unknown, but it holds a lot of promise in terms of finding oil and gas. There is risk of course but we believe in the success of this unique project».[16] In December 2006, Lukoil announced the acquisition of 376 filling stations in six European countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, from ConocoPhillips.[17]

In 2007, Lukoil established a joint-venture with Gazprom and in 2008, established a joint-venture as well with Italian oil company ERG S.p.A.[10] In 2009, Lukoil and Norwegian oil company Statoil won a tender offer for the development of the West Qurna Field in Iraq. However, in early 2012, Statoil withdrew from the project, resulting in Lukoil consolidating 75% of development of the oil field.[10][13]


From 2010 to February 2011, ConocoPhillips sold its whole 20% stake in Lukoil due to its difficult financial situation.[18][19]

In September 2012, Lukoil created a shared service centre in the Czech Republic to provide accounting services to its subsidiaries in Belgium, Poland, and Bulgaria.[20] In December 2012, Lukoil bought the Imilor field for ₽50.8 billion in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug to explore and develop the hydrocarbon deposits located there.[21]

In February 2013, Lukoil sold the Odessa Oil Refinery to the Ukrainian «East European Fuel and Energy Company» (VETEK). For Lukoil, the oil refinery was unprofitable when production was stopped as early as October 2010 and the refinery finally closed in the summer of 2013.[22] In April 2013, Lukoil agreed to buy Hess Corporation’s Russian unit for $2.05 billion.[23]

In 2014, the company faced a sharp decline in retail sales in Ukraine by 42%, caused by Russian intervention in Ukraine. As a result, the management of Lukoil agreed to sell 100% of its subsidiary Lukoil Ukraine to the Austrian company AMIC Energy Management, which was announced at the end of July 2014.[24][25]

In 2014, Lukoil sold its service stations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.[26]

In 2015, it sold its service stations in Estonia and Ukraine, and in 2016, it sold its service stations in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Cyprus.[27][28][29]


In March 2022, Lukoil’s market stock price dropped 95 percent, as a result of international sanctions during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[30]

On 21 April 2022, Lukoil issued a statement saying that president Vagit Alekperov had stepped down and resigned from the board of directors after 29 years.[31]

The Norway state-owned oil company Equinor exited the last of their joint ventures in Russia by withdrawing the joint venture with Lukoil and exiting the Kharyaga project on 2 September 2022.[32]


Oil and gas production[edit]

Hydrocarbon reserves[edit]

The company’s proved hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 amounted to 17.255 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including 13.319 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.67 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. In terms of proved oil reserves, Lukoil, according to its own information, was the sixth-largest private oil company in the world at the time.[33][34]

In addition, probable hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 were 8.46 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including oil 6.47 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.34 trillion cubic meters of natural gas). Possible reserves were 3.17 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including 2.78 billion barrels of petroleum and 65.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas).[33]

Major oil fields[edit]

Rank Field Production (thousand tons) (2007)
1 Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye 9,486[citation needed]
2 Vatyeganskoye 8,086[citation needed]
3 Povkhovskoye 6,183
4 Pocachevskoye 3,582[citation needed]
5 Yuzhno-Yagunskoye 3,142
6 Kharyaga 2,874 (2007)[citation needed]; 1,560 (2021)[32]
7 Kogalym 2,793
8 Pamyatno-Sasovskoye 2,464
9 Urievskoye 2,227
10 Usinskoye 2,113

Since 2016, Lukoil has been trying to get a development license for Nadezhda field in Baltic field, situated in Kaliningrad region aside of Continental shelf, which is booked for state companies only. In October 2021, due to ecology risks, the Russian government withdrew the decision to provide the license for geological exploration at Nadezhda field.[35]

Domestic projects[edit]

In December 2011, Lukoil established a joint venture with Bashneft to develop the Trebs and Titov oil fields. Total recoverable reserves and oil resources from these fields are 89.73 million tons in C1 category, 50.33 million tons in C2 category and 59.29 million tons in category C3.[36][37][38]

Foreign projects[edit]

The operator of Lukoil’s foreign projects in the exploration and production sector is its subsidiary, Lukoil Overseas.

Lukoil is involved in the implementation of 16 projects for the exploration and development of structures and deposits in the following countries:

  • Azerbaijan (D-222 (Yalama), Shah-Deniz)
  • Kazakhstan (Tengiz, Karachaganak, Kumkol, Karakuduk, Northern Buzachi, Alibekmola, Kozhasai, Arman, Zhambai South, Atash, Tyub-Karagan);
  • Uzbekistan (Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad, Aral, Kungrad, South-West Gissar)
  • Egypt (Meleiha, West Esh-El-Mallah, West Geisum, Northeast Geisum)[39]
  • Iraq (West Qurna-2)
  • Iran (Anaran);
  • Colombia (the Condor project in conjunction with the Colombian state company Ecopetrol)
  • Ivory Coast (production sharing agreement on the offshore block CI-205 in the Gulf of Guinea)
  • Venezuela (Junin Block 3)
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Ghana (Cape Three Points Deepwater)
  • Romania
  • Cameroon (Etinde floating LNG project)[40]

The extraction of hydrocarbons from all the above projects is carried out only in Kazakhstan (5.5 million tons of oil and 1.9 billion cubic meters in 2006) and Egypt (0.2 million tons).

Oil and gas processing[edit]

Lukoil owns seven oil-processing companies in Eastern Europe with total capacity of 82.1 million tons per year. In Russia it owns large refineries in Volgograd, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, and Ukhta refineries and mini-refineries in Uray and Kogalym. It also owns refineries in Bulgaria, Romania, and Italy, and has a 45%-stake in an oil refining complex in the Netherlands.[41] In 2020, the company was also in talks to reconstruct a refinery plant in Cameroon, which belongs to Cameroon’s national refining company, Sonara.[42]

Country Name Location Launched Acquired Capacity, mln tpa
Russia Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez Kstovo 1958 2000 15.0
Russia Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez Perm 1958 1991 12.0
Russia Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka Volgograd 1957 1991 9.9
Russia Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka Ukhta 1934 2000 3.7
Bulgaria Lukoil Neftochim Burgas Burgas 1964 1999 7.5
Romania Petrotel Lukoil Refinery Ploieşti 1904 1998 2.4
Italy ISAB Priolo Gargallo 1975 2008* 16.0
Netherlands Zeeland Refinery (share with TRN) Vlissingen 1973 2009* 7.9*

* – 49% and 45% shares respectively

Speaking at a press conference in New York on October 18, 2006, the company’s CEO Vagit Alekperov said Lukoil is refusing to build a new refinery in Russia. According to him, «at this stage it is inexpedient and economically inefficient.» At the same time, Lukoil planned to build a large complex in Kalmykia for the processing of natural gas from the North Caspian fields worth over $3 billion. The work was supposed to start in the spring of 2008. Also in March 2007, Lukoil announced it would expand the capacity in the Lukoil Neftochim Burgas refinery in Burgas, Bulgaria from 7.5 million tons to 10 million tons of oil per year.[43][44]


The subsidiary company Lukoil-Neftekhim specializes in petrochemistry, and operates the Stavrolen (Budyonnovsk), Saratovorgsintez, and the Karpatneftekhim (Kalush, Ukraine) petrochemical plants. Petrochemical facilities are also part of the Neftochim Burgas Combine in Bulgaria. «Lukoil» is the largest producer of alkene and acrylonitrile in Eastern Europe. Together with Sibur, Lukoil-Neftekhim owns a controlling stake in the Polief plant.


Transportation of oil produced by Lukoil in Russia is carried out for the most part by the pipelines of Transneft, as well as by rail and water transport. Oil produced at the company’s fields in Kazakhstan is transported through pipelines such as the Caspian Pipeline Consortium.

Lukoil owns a number of oil and oil products terminals used for the export of oil and oil products:

  • The terminal near Varandey off of the Barents Sea with a capacity of 12.5 million tons of oil a year is used for shipment of oil produced in the Timan-Pechora Basin.[45]


A Lukoil gas station in North Macedonia

Lukoil sells petrol in 59 regions of Russia and in 17 other countries, both CIS and Western: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium (through its subsidiary Jet until late 2008, since rebranded to Lukoil), Bulgaria, Croatia (operated by Lukoil Croatia, but under the brand name «Europa-Mil»), Finland (Teboil), Georgia, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and the United States. As of January 2014, it had 166 tank farms and 5,867 filling stations.[46]

Power generation[edit]

Lukoil has the aggregate power generation capacity of 5,800 MW, of which 73% is for commercial use. Lukoil generates about 99% of electrical power of the Astrakhan Oblast and 62% of the Krasnodar Krai. Its main power generation subsidiaries are Lukoil-Volgogradenergo, Lukoil-Rostovenergo, Luikoil-Kubanenergo, Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo, and Lukoil-Stavropolenergo.[47]

Lukoil operates two solar power plants at its own refineries in Romania and Bulgaria with respective capacity of 9 MW and 1.3 MW.[47] A 10-MW solar plant is under construction at the Volgograd Refinery.[48] It also owns an 84-MW wind farm in Topolog, Romania.[49]


Lukoil has been titular sponsor of FC Spartak Moscow since 2000. In August 2022, the company acquired ownership of the club (100% of the shares) along with the Otkritie Arena stadium.[51]

In particular, the company sponsors the Volgograd water polo club Lukoil-Spartak. Lukoil also sponsors the Russian Olympic Committee and is one of the founders of the Russian Olympians Support Fund. In February 2014, Lukoil signed an agreement with the government of Arkhangelsk Oblast about supporting Vodnik.[52]

Corporate affairs[edit]


In July 2010, the top managers of the company owned the largest stake (more than 30%) of the company’s shares: CEO Vagit Alekperov owning 20.6% and vice-president Leonid Fedun owning 9.8%. The American oil company ConocoPhillips owned 19.21% but due to financial difficulties, completely withdrew from the shareholders of Lukoil, selling its shares, and in part to Lukoil itself by February 2011. The remaining shares were freely traded on the London Stock Exchange, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Russian Trading System, and the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange. Market capitalization of the company was $60.4 billion as of June 2018.


Chief executive officer[edit]

  • 1993–2022: Vagit Alekperov
  • 2022–present: Vadim Vorobyev

Board of Directors[edit]

List of directors that were elected on June 21, 2018:[53]

  • Vagit Alekperov — CEO[54]
  • Ravil Maganov, Chairman of the Board
  • Victor Blazheev
  • Lyubov Khoba
  • Leonid Fedun
  • Sergey Shatalov
  • Pavel Teplukhin
  • Boris Porfiryev

Invasion in Ukraine 2022[edit]

In March 2022, Toby Gati, Roger Munnings and Wolfgang Schüssel left the board of directors due to International sanctions during the Russo-Ukrainian War.[55]

During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ravil Maganov criticised the Russian attack on Ukraine. September 1, 2022 he was found dead outside his hospital window the day that President Putin visited the hospital. Nearby video cameras had been turned off. The company has acknowledged the death in a statement saying that Ravil Maganov: «passed away following a severe illness».[56]



This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (January 2018)

The company «Lukoil» owns controlling stakes or otherwise controls the following main organizations:

  • Lukoil-Western Siberia
  • Lukoil Centernefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Volganefteproduct
  • Lukoil-KaliningradMorneft (Kaliningrad)
  • Lukoil-Komi
  • Lukoil Neftechim
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevartsk milling factory
  • Lukoil Chernozemchenefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevarq Neft
  • Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd. (Perm)
  • Lucoil-Permeagnophosphoretic Acid
  • Lukoil-Permnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Perm
  • Lukoil-Severo-Zapadnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Severnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Ukraine
  • Lukoil-Energogas
  • Lukoil-Yugnefteproduct
  • Lukoil Americas Corporation
  • Lukoil Bulgaria ЕООД
  • Lukoil Macedonia Ltd.
  • Lukoil Croatia
  • Lukoil Serbia AD
  • Lukoil-Engineering
  • Lukoil-Inform
  • Lukoil-Energosethy
  • Lukoil-Uralnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Uhtanepoparerepotka
  • Lukoil-Ecoenergo
  • Lukoil-Rostovenergo
  • Lukoil-Energoinjing
  • Lukoil-TsUR
  • Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo
  • Lukoil-Kubanenergo
  • Lukoil-Volgogradenergo
  • Lukoil-TTK
  • Trade house «Lukoil»
  • Lukoil-Inter-Card
  • Lukoil Czech Republic s. r. o (Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Lukoil-Belorussia (Minsk, Belarus),
  • Lukoil-Baltija (Lithuania)
  • Lukoil-Belgium N.V. (Belgium)
  • Lukoil-Reservnnefteproduct
  • Arkhangelskgeolaspredka (Arkhangelsk)

Environmental record[edit]

According to Lukoil, their numbers in 2007 recorded a drop of 7.8% in the volume of pollutant effects and a drop of 3.8% in the area of contaminated lands compared to 2006. These numbers came after an appeal from EMERCON, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Natural Disaster Recovery, which proposed that Lukoil participate in the development of monitoring, prevention, and emergency recovery systems.[57]

In an effort to increase productivity, Lukoil organized a contract to begin an oil pumping block in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. It arranged an Environmental Impact Assessment of the drill site in order to organize a second exploration drill. This block, D-222, was the largest prospective structure in the north-east section of the Caspian Sea as of 2008.[58] The key issue was to assess how much damage the oil block would inflict on local fish populations. Taking into account the depth of the operation, around 700 meters, the amount of harm was projected to be minimal, with the majority of the damaged marine life being plankton and benthos. A rescue and salvage ship would be stationed there to mitigate the environmental effects on the area. Lukoil would develop contingency plans for oil spills and implement an environmental monitoring system.[59]

At the same time, Lukoil faces criticism from various environmental organizations. In particular, the company’s oil production in the Baltic Sea near Kaliningrad Oblast was criticized as it is 22 kilometers away from the Curonian Spit, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[60]

According to a number of critics, Lukoil inherited the worst standards of the Soviet oil industry with respect to the environment, not taking enough responsibility to minimize pollution in its oil fields and refineries.[61]

Lukoil has been ranked as among the 14th best of 92 oil, gas, and mining companies on indigenous rights and resource extraction in the Arctic.[62]

In the Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index (AERI) Lukoil is ranked no. 37 out of 120 oil, gas, and mining companies involved in resource extraction north of the Arctic Circle.[63]


Environmental incidents[edit]

On one of the storage ponds of JSC «Lukoil-Volgograd-neftepererabotka» during the period from July 25 to August 8, 1996, the oil sludge was ignited due to the unacceptable conduct of welding operations. The surface layer of oil products was formed during the last two decades, and a similar ignition in this area was already noted in 1972. As a result of the 1996 fire, about 50,000 tons of oil products were burned, since even the soil was saturated with volatile fractions at this site. Where the fire was first lit, the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeded the permissible standards by almost 28 times, nitrogen dioxide tripled, hydrogen sulfide and phenol more than 1.5 times. In the residential areas of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd, located 7 km from the fire, as well as in the nearby settlements — B. and M. Chapurnik, Dubov Gully, Chervlen, Tingut — the content of combustion products in the air also exceeded the maximum permissible concentration. In the liquidation of this major technogenic emergency situation with severe environmental consequences, the divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia took part.[64][65]

In the fall of 2003, the Russian Emergencies Ministry revealed the oil spill as a result of the depressurization of the interfacial oil pipeline belonging to the TPP Lukoil-Usinskneftegaz on the territory of the Komi Republic near the city of Usinsk. The area of oil pollution in one case was about 1.8 thousand m2, in the second — 377 m2.[66]

On January 25, 2011 at about 10:00 (local time), as a result of oil leakage in the engine room LGPZ (CCI «Langepasneftegaz»), there was a fire. Fire extinguished more than 50 fighter. The plant suspended its work.[citation needed]

On April 20, 2012, at the Trebs field, developed jointly by Lukoil and Bashneft, there was an accident that caused significant damage to the natural environment: over a day, continued flowing of oil from the re-opened well, which led to large-scale contamination of the territory. According to the press service of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous District, the contamination area exceeded 5 thousand square meters, the volume of spilled oil, according to Bashneft, was 600 tonnes (in independent sources numbers were up to 2.2 thousand tonnes).[67][68][69]

On May 11, 2021, a leakage was identified in a pipeline connected to Lukoil’s Oshkoye field. The spill was estimated at 100 tons of oil, yet environmentalists argued that 100 tons is an underestimate. The spill had infiltrated the Kolva river and traveled upstream, affecting the river habitats. Russia’s Northwest Komi Republic declared emergency. The damage was estimated at $4.1 billion.[70][71]

Ukrainian investigation[edit]

In January 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine announced an investigation into whether Lukoil had financed separatists in Donbas.[72]

Antitrust law violations[edit]

In November 2009, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) imposed a record fine of ₽6.54 billion on the company for violating antitrust legislation. The fine was imposed for the abuse of the company’s dominant position in the wholesale market of petroleum products in the first half of 2009, expressed in «the seizure of goods from circulation» and the creation of «discriminatory conditions for the sale of petroleum products to individual counterparties». As FAS has calculated, these actions led to an increase in prices in the wholesale markets of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, and aviation kerosene in the first half of 2009.[73]

Cambridge Analytica[edit]

In March 2018, the data firm Cambridge Analytica, tied to the 2016 Trump Campaign, was accused of discussing «political targeting» of American voters with representatives of Lukoil.[74] “Cambridge Analytica sought to identify mental and emotional characteristics in certain subsets of the American population and worked to exploit them by designing them to activate some of the worst vulnerabilities in people, such as neuroticism, paranoia and racial biases,” whistleblower Christopher Wylie told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018.[75] With Lukoil, the consulting firm shared election disruption strategies, which included videos and posters intended to demoralise and alarm voters.[76] Lukoil is on the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list, has been linked to Russian influence in the past, and CEO Vagit Alekperov, a former oil minister, had made statements suggesting that he considers helping Russia to be a strong political ambition.[76][77]

VP driving accident[edit]

On February 25, 2011, Lukoil’s vice president Anatoliy Barkov crashed his Mercedes S500 into a Citroën C3 car with doctor Olga Alexandrina and famous obstetrician Vera M. Sidelnikova inside; both women died in the collision. The General Administration for Traffic Safety blamed the driver of the Citroën but it was suggested the administration was covering up that the real culprit of the accident was the driver of the Mercedes, who, according to eyewitnesses, was driving around a traffic jam and went into the oncoming lane. There is also some speculation that the driver of the Mercedes was the vice-president of Lukoil himself. A few days after the accident, the Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Moscow issued a notice of misconduct to the commander of the Traffic Police battalion who registered the accident on Leninsky Avenue because he had prematurely called the driver of the Citroën, Olga Alexandrin, the culprit of the accident. The incident caused a public reaction, in particular, a boycott of this company’s gas stations was organized. Blogger Andrei Bocharov announced a mock advertisement of Lukoil based on this accident, and rapper Noize MC wrote the song «Mercedes S666 (Make Way for the Chariot)».[78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86]

Bulgarian license[edit]

In July 2011, Lukoil had a conflict with Bulgarian authorities. According to the latter, the company’s Bourgas refinery did not have timely installed meters for the manufactured fuel (used to determine the amount of excises paid), which, according to officials, Lukoil allegedly underpaid about €250 million to the country’s budget. As a result, the company lost its license and was stopped, but in early August 2011 the plant was re-launched.[87]


On 11 September 2014, US President Obama said that the United States would join the EU in imposing tougher sanctions on Russia’s financial, energy and defence sectors, following the escalation of Russo-Ukrainian War.[88] The U.S. added Lukoil to the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list on September 12, 2014.[89][77]

The effect of sanctions in 2022 against shipped Russian oil has had a detrimental effect on the Priolo Gargallo ISAB refinery in Sicily with an inability to bring in oil from Russia and related cash flow finance problems.[90] This has resulted in the refinery being put under Italian trusteeship with a buyer being sought.[91]

Sanctioned by New Zealand.[92]


  • The Association of Small and Medium-Sized Oil Production Enterprises, also known as Assoneft, criticized Lukoil and the authorities of the Komi Republic for providing tax breaks to the oil companies of the region, which are obliged to extract at least 7 million tons of oil per year and (or) recycle at least 3 million tons. Only two enterprises–Lukoil-Komi and Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka–correspond to these conditions in the region. In March 2007, the Federal Antimonopoly Service initiated a case against the State Council of the Komi on the grounds of violation of Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Law «On Protection of Competition» with regard to restricting competition in the oil production and refining markets.[93][94]
  • In October 2005, then-prime minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Brazauskas, was in the center of the scandal involving Lukoil. The opposition of the Lithuanian parliament, Homeland Union, began collecting signatures for the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate the entrepreneurial activity of Brazauskas’ wife, Christina Butrimene-Brazauskiene, in particular with the acquisition of a 38% stake in the elite Vilnius Crowne Plaza hotel from the wife of the head of the Lukoil-Baltija company. The charges were related to Lukoil’s contention at that time for a stake in one of the largest enterprises in Lithuania, the oil refinery ORLEN Lietuva, part of Polish energy company ORLEN. Brazauskas rejected allegations of corruption, but admitted his wife owns 51% of the hotel shares, and another 48% belong to his son. On November 22, at the insistence of the country’s president Valdas Adamkus, Algirdas Brazauskas spoke on television, saying he was not involved in the privatization of the hotel, and that all charges should be considered by law enforcement bodies, not by the parliamentary commission.[95]
  • On September 14, 2012, more than fifty Lukoil gas station owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania temporarily raised their prices to over $8 a gallon to protest Lukoil’s wholesale gas pricing. The owners are typically charged a wholesale price that is 5 to 10 cents a gallon more than their competitors and some are assessed an additional 25 to 30 cents per gallon based on their location.[96] According to the station owners this makes it difficult to be competitive with stations that sell more established brands for lower prices.
  • In March 2016, there were accusations by the press of the company not acquiring rights to part of the Massandra vineyards in Crimea.[97][98]

See also[edit]

  • List of companies of Russia
  • Petroleum industry of Russia
  • Companies of comparable role
    • Exxon-Mobil
    • Shell plc
  • 2022 Russian businessmen suspicious deaths


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  77. ^ «Мы формируем картину дня | Новые Известия newizv.ru». www.newizv.ru (in Russian). Archived from the original on 2010-04-02. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  78. ^ «В крупном ДТП на площади Гагарина погибла врач-гинеколог и пострадал вице-президент «Лукойла»«. www.newsmsk.com. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  79. ^ ДТП на Ленинском проспекте: закон для всех един? — Видео // РИА Новости, 03 марта 2010
  80. ^ Троицкий, Артемий. «Блоги / Артемий Троицкий: Бойкотировать Лукойл!». Эхо Москвы (in Russian). Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  81. ^ Свидетели и родственники погибших в аварии на Ленинском утверждают, что виноват водитель «Лукойла» // Newsmsk.com, 27 февраля 2010
  82. ^ Алексей Ольшанский. Авария была по вине Mercedes Archived 2010-05-05 at the Wayback Machine Новые Известия, 27 февраля 2010
  83. ^ «Глава ГИБДД Москвы наказал гаишника, оформлявшего ДТП на Ленинском». РБК. Archived from the original on 2010-03-14. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  84. ^ «Comments». Бочаров Андрей. 2010-02-27. Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  85. ^ «Noize MC – Мерседес S666 (Дорогу Колеснице) — Hip-Hop.Ru». www.hip-hop.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 2018-01-30.
  86. ^ «ЛУКОЙЛ отбил лицензию». Газета «Коммерсантъ». 2011-02-08. p. 9. Retrieved 2018-01-28.
  87. ^ Lamarque, Kevin (11 September 2014). «Obama says U.S. to outline new Russia sanctions on Friday». Reuters. Archived from the original on 11 September 2014. Retrieved 12 September 2014.
  88. ^ Arshad, Mohammed (12 September 2014). «U.S. steps up sanctions on Russia over Ukraine». Reuters. Archived from the original on 12 September 2014. Retrieved 12 September 2014.
  89. ^ «Washington’s reassurance to Rome raises survival hopes for Italy’s biggest refinery». Retrieved 4 January 2023.
  90. ^ «Italy Crude Imports from Russia Increased in November». Retrieved 4 January 2022.
  91. ^ «Russia Sanctions Regulations 2022». Retrieved 11 February 2023.
  92. ^ «Гендиректор ООО «ЛУКОЙЛ-Коми» Владимир Муляк не опасается претензий антимонопольной службы». komionline.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 2018-01-28.
  93. ^ «Kreml.org | Госсовет Коми подозревают в ограничении конкуренции нефтяных компаний». www.kreml.org. Retrieved 2018-01-28.
  94. ^ ««Путин ищет дураков»: Литва за неделю — ИА REGNUM». ИА REGNUM (in Russian). Retrieved 2018-01-28.
  95. ^ Newman, Richard (13 September 2012). «Lukoil dealers protest wholesale gas prices». Retrieved 13 April 2014.
  96. ^ «Связанная с Алекперовым фирма купила бывшие виноградники «Массандры»«. www.forbes.ru. 2016-03-25. Retrieved 2018-01-28.
  97. ^ «Алекперов станет невыездным? — The Moscow Post». www.moscow-post.com. Retrieved 2018-01-28.

External links[edit]

PJSC Lukoil

Lukoil company logo.svg
Building of Lukoil headquarters in Moscow (31059350636).jpg

Lukoil’s headquarters in Moscow

Native name

ПAO «Лукойл»
Type Public (ПAO)

Traded as

Industry Oil and gas
Predecessor Langepasneftegaz
Founded 25 November 1991; 31 years ago
Founder Vagit Alekperov




Number of locations

5,867 (2014)

Area served

Europe, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, United States, Mexico

Key people

Vagit Alekperov (president and CEO)
Leonid Fedun (vice-president)
Products Petroleum
Natural gas
Revenue $128 billion[1] (2021)

Operating income

$13.3 billion[1] (2021)

Net income

$10.5 billion[1] (2021)
Total assets $93.2 billion[1] (2021)
Total equity $61.4 billion[1] (2021)

Number of employees

101,000 (2019) Edit this on Wikidata
Subsidiaries see Subsidiaries
Website lukoil.com

The PJSC Lukoil Oil Company (Russian: Лукойл, tr. Lukoyl, IPA: [ˈluːkɔɪl] stylized as LUKOIL or ЛУКОЙЛ in Cyrillic script) is a Russian multinational energy corporation headquartered in Moscow, specializing in the business of extraction, production, transport, and sale of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products, and electricity. It was formed in 1991 when three state-run, western Siberian companies named after the respective town in Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug that each was based in, Langepasneftegaz, Urayneftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, merged. Its name is the combination of the acronym LUK (initials of the oil-producing cities of Langepas, Uray, Kogalym) and the English word «oil».[2][3]

Lukoil is the second largest company in Russia after Gazprom, and the country’s largest non-state enterprise in terms of revenue, with ₽4,744 billion in 2018.[4][5] In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Lukoil was ranked as the 99th-largest public company in the world. Internationally, it is one of the largest global producers of crude oil. In 2019, the company produced 87.488 million metric tons of oil (1.639 million barrels per day) and 35.046 billion cubic meters of natural gas.[6][failed verification] As of 2021, the company had operations and subsidiaries in more than 30 countries around the world.[7][needs update]



«Langepas, Uray, and Kogalym» oil (Lukoil) was established by the USSR Council of Ministers Decree No. 18 on November 25, 1991, as a state-owned enterprise. In the new company, three oil production companies, Langepasneftegaz, Uraineftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, processing company Permnefteorgsintez, and the Volgograd and Novosibirsk refineries, were merged (the latter soon came under the control of the authorities of Bashkortostan).[8]

The central figure in the company’s founding was the Soviet deputy minister of oil production Vagit Alekperov.[8] He came to believe the only way Russians could compete against western companies was to copy their business model. That meant vertically integrating the three branches of the industry—exploration, refining, and distribution—that were strictly separate under the old Soviet system.[9]

On April 5, 1993, Lukoil transformed itself from a state-owned enterprise to a private open joint-stock company based on Presidential Decree No. 1403 of November 17, 1992.


In 1994, Lukoil became the first company to begin offering shares of stock on the new Russian Trading System.[8]

In 1995, Lukoil controlled the stakes of nine oil-producing, marketing and service enterprises in Western Siberia, the Urals, and Volgograd Oblast in order to abide by Government Decree No. 861 of September 1, 1995.[10] In the same year, a 5% stake of Lukoil was sold by the state with a minimum excess of the starting price in an auction.[11] In November 1995, Lukoil filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to issue American depositary receipts on Western stock markets. This allowed United States investors for the first time, to be able to buy shares in a Russian company.[12]

In 1997, Lukoil signed a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil for the development and production of the second stage of the West Qurna-2 oil field. After Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown, the project was suspended and later terminated.[13]

In 1999, Lukoil acquired numerous enterprises such as the Odessa Oil Refinery in Ukraine, the Burgas Oil Refinery in Bulgaria, and KomiTEK.[10]


In 2000, Lukoil acquired the distribution and marketing operations of American oil company Getty Oil. This resulted in the control of a network of gas stations in the United States as well as the first time Lukoil enters the American oil market.[10]

In September 2004, ConocoPhillips purchased a 7.6% stake in Lukoil for about $2 billion. According to some commentators, the sale of this deal was planned before in a personal meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and ConocoPhillips’ president and CEO, James Mulva. After the auction, Lukoil and ConocoPhillips announced the creation of a strategic alliance. Later, the American company increased its stake to 20% in Lukoil and sold to the Russian company part of its network of gas stations in the United States and Western Europe. The two oil companies also agreed to jointly develop an oil and gas field in the northern Timan-Pechora area of Russia (Komi Republic) and intended to secure the rights to develop the West Qurna Field in Iraq, one of the country’s largest.[14][15]

Uzbekistan’s deputy prime minister Ergash Shaismatov announced on 30 August 2006 that the Uzbek government and an international consortium consisting of state-run Uzbekneftegaz, Lukoil Overseas, Petronas, Korea National Oil Corporation, and China National Petroleum Corporation signed a production sharing agreement to explore and develop oil and gas fields in the Aral Sea, stating «The Aral Sea is largely unknown, but it holds a lot of promise in terms of finding oil and gas. There is risk of course but we believe in the success of this unique project».[16] In December 2006, Lukoil announced the acquisition of 376 filling stations in six European countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, from ConocoPhillips.[17]

In 2007, Lukoil established a joint-venture with Gazprom and in 2008, established a joint-venture as well with Italian oil company ERG S.p.A.[10] In 2009, Lukoil and Norwegian oil company Statoil won a tender offer for the development of the West Qurna Field in Iraq. However, in early 2012, Statoil withdrew from the project, resulting in Lukoil consolidating 75% of development of the oil field.[10][13]


From 2010 to February 2011, ConocoPhillips sold its whole 20% stake in Lukoil due to its difficult financial situation.[18][19]

In September 2012, Lukoil created a shared service centre in the Czech Republic to provide accounting services to its subsidiaries in Belgium, Poland, and Bulgaria.[20] In December 2012, Lukoil bought the Imilor field for ₽50.8 billion in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug to explore and develop the hydrocarbon deposits located there.[21]

In February 2013, Lukoil sold the Odessa Oil Refinery to the Ukrainian «East European Fuel and Energy Company» (VETEK). For Lukoil, the oil refinery was unprofitable when production was stopped as early as October 2010 and the refinery finally closed in the summer of 2013.[22] In April 2013, Lukoil agreed to buy Hess Corporation’s Russian unit for $2.05 billion.[23]

In 2014, the company faced a sharp decline in retail sales in Ukraine by 42%, caused by Russian intervention in Ukraine. As a result, the management of Lukoil agreed to sell 100% of its subsidiary Lukoil Ukraine to the Austrian company AMIC Energy Management, which was announced at the end of July 2014.[24][25]

In 2014, Lukoil sold its service stations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.[26]

In 2015, it sold its service stations in Estonia and Ukraine, and in 2016, it sold its service stations in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Cyprus.[27][28][29]


In March 2022, Lukoil’s market stock price dropped 95 percent, as a result of international sanctions during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[30]

On 21 April 2022, Lukoil issued a statement saying that president Vagit Alekperov had stepped down and resigned from the board of directors after 29 years.[31]

The Norway state-owned oil company Equinor exited the last of their joint ventures in Russia by withdrawing the joint venture with Lukoil and exiting the Kharyaga project on 2 September 2022.[32]


Oil and gas production[edit]

Hydrocarbon reserves[edit]

The company’s proved hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 amounted to 17.255 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including 13.319 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.67 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. In terms of proved oil reserves, Lukoil, according to its own information, was the sixth-largest private oil company in the world at the time.[33][34]

In addition, probable hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 were 8.46 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including oil 6.47 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.34 trillion cubic meters of natural gas). Possible reserves were 3.17 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including 2.78 billion barrels of petroleum and 65.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas).[33]

Major oil fields[edit]

Rank Field Production (thousand tons) (2007)
1 Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye 9,486[citation needed]
2 Vatyeganskoye 8,086[citation needed]
3 Povkhovskoye 6,183
4 Pocachevskoye 3,582[citation needed]
5 Yuzhno-Yagunskoye 3,142
6 Kharyaga 2,874 (2007)[citation needed]; 1,560 (2021)[32]
7 Kogalym 2,793
8 Pamyatno-Sasovskoye 2,464
9 Urievskoye 2,227
10 Usinskoye 2,113

Since 2016, Lukoil has been trying to get a development license for Nadezhda field in Baltic field, situated in Kaliningrad region aside of Continental shelf, which is booked for state companies only. In October 2021, due to ecology risks, the Russian government withdrew the decision to provide the license for geological exploration at Nadezhda field.[35]

Domestic projects[edit]

In December 2011, Lukoil established a joint venture with Bashneft to develop the Trebs and Titov oil fields. Total recoverable reserves and oil resources from these fields are 89.73 million tons in C1 category, 50.33 million tons in C2 category and 59.29 million tons in category C3.[36][37][38]

Foreign projects[edit]

The operator of Lukoil’s foreign projects in the exploration and production sector is its subsidiary, Lukoil Overseas.

Lukoil is involved in the implementation of 16 projects for the exploration and development of structures and deposits in the following countries:

  • Azerbaijan (D-222 (Yalama), Shah-Deniz)
  • Kazakhstan (Tengiz, Karachaganak, Kumkol, Karakuduk, Northern Buzachi, Alibekmola, Kozhasai, Arman, Zhambai South, Atash, Tyub-Karagan);
  • Uzbekistan (Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad, Aral, Kungrad, South-West Gissar)
  • Egypt (Meleiha, West Esh-El-Mallah, West Geisum, Northeast Geisum)[39]
  • Iraq (West Qurna-2)
  • Iran (Anaran);
  • Colombia (the Condor project in conjunction with the Colombian state company Ecopetrol)
  • Ivory Coast (production sharing agreement on the offshore block CI-205 in the Gulf of Guinea)
  • Venezuela (Junin Block 3)
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Ghana (Cape Three Points Deepwater)
  • Romania
  • Cameroon (Etinde floating LNG project)[40]

The extraction of hydrocarbons from all the above projects is carried out only in Kazakhstan (5.5 million tons of oil and 1.9 billion cubic meters in 2006) and Egypt (0.2 million tons).

Oil and gas processing[edit]

Lukoil owns seven oil-processing companies in Eastern Europe with total capacity of 82.1 million tons per year. In Russia it owns large refineries in Volgograd, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, and Ukhta refineries and mini-refineries in Uray and Kogalym. It also owns refineries in Bulgaria, Romania, and Italy, and has a 45%-stake in an oil refining complex in the Netherlands.[41] In 2020, the company was also in talks to reconstruct a refinery plant in Cameroon, which belongs to Cameroon’s national refining company, Sonara.[42]

Country Name Location Launched Acquired Capacity, mln tpa
Russia Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez Kstovo 1958 2000 15.0
Russia Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez Perm 1958 1991 12.0
Russia Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka Volgograd 1957 1991 9.9
Russia Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka Ukhta 1934 2000 3.7
Bulgaria Lukoil Neftochim Burgas Burgas 1964 1999 7.5
Romania Petrotel Lukoil Refinery Ploieşti 1904 1998 2.4
Italy ISAB Priolo Gargallo 1975 2008* 16.0
Netherlands Zeeland Refinery (share with TRN) Vlissingen 1973 2009* 7.9*

* – 49% and 45% shares respectively

Speaking at a press conference in New York on October 18, 2006, the company’s CEO Vagit Alekperov said Lukoil is refusing to build a new refinery in Russia. According to him, «at this stage it is inexpedient and economically inefficient.» At the same time, Lukoil planned to build a large complex in Kalmykia for the processing of natural gas from the North Caspian fields worth over $3 billion. The work was supposed to start in the spring of 2008. Also in March 2007, Lukoil announced it would expand the capacity in the Lukoil Neftochim Burgas refinery in Burgas, Bulgaria from 7.5 million tons to 10 million tons of oil per year.[43][44]


The subsidiary company Lukoil-Neftekhim specializes in petrochemistry, and operates the Stavrolen (Budyonnovsk), Saratovorgsintez, and the Karpatneftekhim (Kalush, Ukraine) petrochemical plants. Petrochemical facilities are also part of the Neftochim Burgas Combine in Bulgaria. «Lukoil» is the largest producer of alkene and acrylonitrile in Eastern Europe. Together with Sibur, Lukoil-Neftekhim owns a controlling stake in the Polief plant.


Transportation of oil produced by Lukoil in Russia is carried out for the most part by the pipelines of Transneft, as well as by rail and water transport. Oil produced at the company’s fields in Kazakhstan is transported through pipelines such as the Caspian Pipeline Consortium.

Lukoil owns a number of oil and oil products terminals used for the export of oil and oil products:

  • The terminal near Varandey off of the Barents Sea with a capacity of 12.5 million tons of oil a year is used for shipment of oil produced in the Timan-Pechora Basin.[45]


A Lukoil gas station in North Macedonia

Lukoil sells petrol in 59 regions of Russia and in 17 other countries, both CIS and Western: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium (through its subsidiary Jet until late 2008, since rebranded to Lukoil), Bulgaria, Croatia (operated by Lukoil Croatia, but under the brand name «Europa-Mil»), Finland (Teboil), Georgia, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and the United States. As of January 2014, it had 166 tank farms and 5,867 filling stations.[46]

Power generation[edit]

Lukoil has the aggregate power generation capacity of 5,800 MW, of which 73% is for commercial use. Lukoil generates about 99% of electrical power of the Astrakhan Oblast and 62% of the Krasnodar Krai. Its main power generation subsidiaries are Lukoil-Volgogradenergo, Lukoil-Rostovenergo, Luikoil-Kubanenergo, Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo, and Lukoil-Stavropolenergo.[47]

Lukoil operates two solar power plants at its own refineries in Romania and Bulgaria with respective capacity of 9 MW and 1.3 MW.[47] A 10-MW solar plant is under construction at the Volgograd Refinery.[48] It also owns an 84-MW wind farm in Topolog, Romania.[49]


Lukoil has been titular sponsor of FC Spartak Moscow since 2000. In August 2022, the company acquired ownership of the club (100% of the shares) along with the Otkritie Arena stadium.[51]

In particular, the company sponsors the Volgograd water polo club Lukoil-Spartak. Lukoil also sponsors the Russian Olympic Committee and is one of the founders of the Russian Olympians Support Fund. In February 2014, Lukoil signed an agreement with the government of Arkhangelsk Oblast about supporting Vodnik.[52]

Corporate affairs[edit]


In July 2010, the top managers of the company owned the largest stake (more than 30%) of the company’s shares: CEO Vagit Alekperov owning 20.6% and vice-president Leonid Fedun owning 9.8%. The American oil company ConocoPhillips owned 19.21% but due to financial difficulties, completely withdrew from the shareholders of Lukoil, selling its shares, and in part to Lukoil itself by February 2011. The remaining shares were freely traded on the London Stock Exchange, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Russian Trading System, and the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange. Market capitalization of the company was $60.4 billion as of June 2018.


Chief executive officer[edit]

  • 1993–2022: Vagit Alekperov
  • 2022–present: Vadim Vorobyev

Board of Directors[edit]

List of directors that were elected on June 21, 2018:[53]

  • Vagit Alekperov — CEO[54]
  • Ravil Maganov, Chairman of the Board
  • Victor Blazheev
  • Lyubov Khoba
  • Leonid Fedun
  • Sergey Shatalov
  • Pavel Teplukhin
  • Boris Porfiryev

Invasion in Ukraine 2022[edit]

In March 2022, Toby Gati, Roger Munnings and Wolfgang Schüssel left the board of directors due to International sanctions during the Russo-Ukrainian War.[55]

During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ravil Maganov criticised the Russian attack on Ukraine. September 1, 2022 he was found dead outside his hospital window the day that President Putin visited the hospital. Nearby video cameras had been turned off. The company has acknowledged the death in a statement saying that Ravil Maganov: «passed away following a severe illness».[56]



This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (January 2018)

The company «Lukoil» owns controlling stakes or otherwise controls the following main organizations:

  • Lukoil-Western Siberia
  • Lukoil Centernefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Volganefteproduct
  • Lukoil-KaliningradMorneft (Kaliningrad)
  • Lukoil-Komi
  • Lukoil Neftechim
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevartsk milling factory
  • Lukoil Chernozemchenefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevarq Neft
  • Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd. (Perm)
  • Lucoil-Permeagnophosphoretic Acid
  • Lukoil-Permnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Perm
  • Lukoil-Severo-Zapadnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Severnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Ukraine
  • Lukoil-Energogas
  • Lukoil-Yugnefteproduct
  • Lukoil Americas Corporation
  • Lukoil Bulgaria ЕООД
  • Lukoil Macedonia Ltd.
  • Lukoil Croatia
  • Lukoil Serbia AD
  • Lukoil-Engineering
  • Lukoil-Inform
  • Lukoil-Energosethy
  • Lukoil-Uralnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Uhtanepoparerepotka
  • Lukoil-Ecoenergo
  • Lukoil-Rostovenergo
  • Lukoil-Energoinjing
  • Lukoil-TsUR
  • Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo
  • Lukoil-Kubanenergo
  • Lukoil-Volgogradenergo
  • Lukoil-TTK
  • Trade house «Lukoil»
  • Lukoil-Inter-Card
  • Lukoil Czech Republic s. r. o (Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Lukoil-Belorussia (Minsk, Belarus),
  • Lukoil-Baltija (Lithuania)
  • Lukoil-Belgium N.V. (Belgium)
  • Lukoil-Reservnnefteproduct
  • Arkhangelskgeolaspredka (Arkhangelsk)

Environmental record[edit]

According to Lukoil, their numbers in 2007 recorded a drop of 7.8% in the volume of pollutant effects and a drop of 3.8% in the area of contaminated lands compared to 2006. These numbers came after an appeal from EMERCON, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Natural Disaster Recovery, which proposed that Lukoil participate in the development of monitoring, prevention, and emergency recovery systems.[57]

In an effort to increase productivity, Lukoil organized a contract to begin an oil pumping block in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. It arranged an Environmental Impact Assessment of the drill site in order to organize a second exploration drill. This block, D-222, was the largest prospective structure in the north-east section of the Caspian Sea as of 2008.[58] The key issue was to assess how much damage the oil block would inflict on local fish populations. Taking into account the depth of the operation, around 700 meters, the amount of harm was projected to be minimal, with the majority of the damaged marine life being plankton and benthos. A rescue and salvage ship would be stationed there to mitigate the environmental effects on the area. Lukoil would develop contingency plans for oil spills and implement an environmental monitoring system.[59]

At the same time, Lukoil faces criticism from various environmental organizations. In particular, the company’s oil production in the Baltic Sea near Kaliningrad Oblast was criticized as it is 22 kilometers away from the Curonian Spit, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[60]

According to a number of critics, Lukoil inherited the worst standards of the Soviet oil industry with respect to the environment, not taking enough responsibility to minimize pollution in its oil fields and refineries.[61]

Lukoil has been ranked as among the 14th best of 92 oil, gas, and mining companies on indigenous rights and resource extraction in the Arctic.[62]

In the Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index (AERI) Lukoil is ranked no. 37 out of 120 oil, gas, and mining companies involved in resource extraction north of the Arctic Circle.[63]


Environmental incidents[edit]

On one of the storage ponds of JSC «Lukoil-Volgograd-neftepererabotka» during the period from July 25 to August 8, 1996, the oil sludge was ignited due to the unacceptable conduct of welding operations. The surface layer of oil products was formed during the last two decades, and a similar ignition in this area was already noted in 1972. As a result of the 1996 fire, about 50,000 tons of oil products were burned, since even the soil was saturated with volatile fractions at this site. Where the fire was first lit, the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeded the permissible standards by almost 28 times, nitrogen dioxide tripled, hydrogen sulfide and phenol more than 1.5 times. In the residential areas of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd, located 7 km from the fire, as well as in the nearby settlements — B. and M. Chapurnik, Dubov Gully, Chervlen, Tingut — the content of combustion products in the air also exceeded the maximum permissible concentration. In the liquidation of this major technogenic emergency situation with severe environmental consequences, the divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia took part.[64][65]

In the fall of 2003, the Russian Emergencies Ministry revealed the oil spill as a result of the depressurization of the interfacial oil pipeline belonging to the TPP Lukoil-Usinskneftegaz on the territory of the Komi Republic near the city of Usinsk. The area of oil pollution in one case was about 1.8 thousand m2, in the second — 377 m2.[66]

On January 25, 2011 at about 10:00 (local time), as a result of oil leakage in the engine room LGPZ (CCI «Langepasneftegaz»), there was a fire. Fire extinguished more than 50 fighter. The plant suspended its work.[citation needed]

On April 20, 2012, at the Trebs field, developed jointly by Lukoil and Bashneft, there was an accident that caused significant damage to the natural environment: over a day, continued flowing of oil from the re-opened well, which led to large-scale contamination of the territory. According to the press service of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous District, the contamination area exceeded 5 thousand square meters, the volume of spilled oil, according to Bashneft, was 600 tonnes (in independent sources numbers were up to 2.2 thousand tonnes).[67][68][69]

On May 11, 2021, a leakage was identified in a pipeline connected to Lukoil’s Oshkoye field. The spill was estimated at 100 tons of oil, yet environmentalists argued that 100 tons is an underestimate. The spill had infiltrated the Kolva river and traveled upstream, affecting the river habitats. Russia’s Northwest Komi Republic declared emergency. The damage was estimated at $4.1 billion.[70][71]

Ukrainian investigation[edit]

In January 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine announced an investigation into whether Lukoil had financed separatists in Donbas.[72]

Antitrust law violations[edit]

In November 2009, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) imposed a record fine of ₽6.54 billion on the company for violating antitrust legislation. The fine was imposed for the abuse of the company’s dominant position in the wholesale market of petroleum products in the first half of 2009, expressed in «the seizure of goods from circulation» and the creation of «discriminatory conditions for the sale of petroleum products to individual counterparties». As FAS has calculated, these actions led to an increase in prices in the wholesale markets of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, and aviation kerosene in the first half of 2009.[73]

Cambridge Analytica[edit]

In March 2018, the data firm Cambridge Analytica, tied to the 2016 Trump Campaign, was accused of discussing «political targeting» of American voters with representatives of Lukoil.[74] “Cambridge Analytica sought to identify mental and emotional characteristics in certain subsets of the American population and worked to exploit them by designing them to activate some of the worst vulnerabilities in people, such as neuroticism, paranoia and racial biases,” whistleblower Christopher Wylie told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018.[75] With Lukoil, the consulting firm shared election disruption strategies, which included videos and posters intended to demoralise and alarm voters.[76] Lukoil is on the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list, has been linked to Russian influence in the past, and CEO Vagit Alekperov, a former oil minister, had made statements suggesting that he considers helping Russia to be a strong political ambition.[76][77]

VP driving accident[edit]

On February 25, 2011, Lukoil’s vice president Anatoliy Barkov crashed his Mercedes S500 into a Citroën C3 car with doctor Olga Alexandrina and famous obstetrician Vera M. Sidelnikova inside; both women died in the collision. The General Administration for Traffic Safety blamed the driver of the Citroën but it was suggested the administration was covering up that the real culprit of the accident was the driver of the Mercedes, who, according to eyewitnesses, was driving around a traffic jam and went into the oncoming lane. There is also some speculation that the driver of the Mercedes was the vice-president of Lukoil himself. A few days after the accident, the Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Moscow issued a notice of misconduct to the commander of the Traffic Police battalion who registered the accident on Leninsky Avenue because he had prematurely called the driver of the Citroën, Olga Alexandrin, the culprit of the accident. The incident caused a public reaction, in particular, a boycott of this company’s gas stations was organized. Blogger Andrei Bocharov announced a mock advertisement of Lukoil based on this accident, and rapper Noize MC wrote the song «Mercedes S666 (Make Way for the Chariot)».[78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86]

Bulgarian license[edit]

In July 2011, Lukoil had a conflict with Bulgarian authorities. According to the latter, the company’s Bourgas refinery did not have timely installed meters for the manufactured fuel (used to determine the amount of excises paid), which, according to officials, Lukoil allegedly underpaid about €250 million to the country’s budget. As a result, the company lost its license and was stopped, but in early August 2011 the plant was re-launched.[87]


On 11 September 2014, US President Obama said that the United States would join the EU in imposing tougher sanctions on Russia’s financial, energy and defence sectors, following the escalation of Russo-Ukrainian War.[88] The U.S. added Lukoil to the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list on September 12, 2014.[89][77]

The effect of sanctions in 2022 against shipped Russian oil has had a detrimental effect on the Priolo Gargallo ISAB refinery in Sicily with an inability to bring in oil from Russia and related cash flow finance problems.[90] This has resulted in the refinery being put under Italian trusteeship with a buyer being sought.[91]

Sanctioned by New Zealand.[92]


  • The Association of Small and Medium-Sized Oil Production Enterprises, also known as Assoneft, criticized Lukoil and the authorities of the Komi Republic for providing tax breaks to the oil companies of the region, which are obliged to extract at least 7 million tons of oil per year and (or) recycle at least 3 million tons. Only two enterprises–Lukoil-Komi and Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka–correspond to these conditions in the region. In March 2007, the Federal Antimonopoly Service initiated a case against the State Council of the Komi on the grounds of violation of Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Law «On Protection of Competition» with regard to restricting competition in the oil production and refining markets.[93][94]
  • In October 2005, then-prime minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Brazauskas, was in the center of the scandal involving Lukoil. The opposition of the Lithuanian parliament, Homeland Union, began collecting signatures for the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate the entrepreneurial activity of Brazauskas’ wife, Christina Butrimene-Brazauskiene, in particular with the acquisition of a 38% stake in the elite Vilnius Crowne Plaza hotel from the wife of the head of the Lukoil-Baltija company. The charges were related to Lukoil’s contention at that time for a stake in one of the largest enterprises in Lithuania, the oil refinery ORLEN Lietuva, part of Polish energy company ORLEN. Brazauskas rejected allegations of corruption, but admitted his wife owns 51% of the hotel shares, and another 48% belong to his son. On November 22, at the insistence of the country’s president Valdas Adamkus, Algirdas Brazauskas spoke on television, saying he was not involved in the privatization of the hotel, and that all charges should be considered by law enforcement bodies, not by the parliamentary commission.[95]
  • On September 14, 2012, more than fifty Lukoil gas station owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania temporarily raised their prices to over $8 a gallon to protest Lukoil’s wholesale gas pricing. The owners are typically charged a wholesale price that is 5 to 10 cents a gallon more than their competitors and some are assessed an additional 25 to 30 cents per gallon based on their location.[96] According to the station owners this makes it difficult to be competitive with stations that sell more established brands for lower prices.
  • In March 2016, there were accusations by the press of the company not acquiring rights to part of the Massandra vineyards in Crimea.[97][98]

See also[edit]

  • List of companies of Russia
  • Petroleum industry of Russia
  • Companies of comparable role
    • Exxon-Mobil
    • Shell plc
  • 2022 Russian businessmen suspicious deaths


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External links[edit]

PJSC Lukoil

Lukoil company logo.svg
Building of Lukoil headquarters in Moscow (31059350636).jpg

Lukoil’s headquarters in Moscow

Native name

ПAO «Лукойл»
Type Public (ПAO)

Traded as

Industry Oil and gas
Predecessor Langepasneftegaz
Founded 25 November 1991; 31 years ago
Founder Vagit Alekperov




Number of locations

5,867 (2014)

Area served

Europe, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, United States, Mexico

Key people

Vagit Alekperov (president and CEO)
Leonid Fedun (vice-president)
Products Petroleum
Natural gas
Revenue $128 billion[1] (2021)

Operating income

$13.3 billion[1] (2021)

Net income

$10.5 billion[1] (2021)
Total assets $93.2 billion[1] (2021)
Total equity $61.4 billion[1] (2021)

Number of employees

101,000 (2019) Edit this on Wikidata
Subsidiaries see Subsidiaries
Website lukoil.com

The PJSC Lukoil Oil Company (Russian: Лукойл, tr. Lukoyl, IPA: [ˈluːkɔɪl] stylized as LUKOIL or ЛУКОЙЛ in Cyrillic script) is a Russian multinational energy corporation headquartered in Moscow, specializing in the business of extraction, production, transport, and sale of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products, and electricity. It was formed in 1991 when three state-run, western Siberian companies named after the respective town in Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug that each was based in, Langepasneftegaz, Urayneftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, merged. Its name is the combination of the acronym LUK (initials of the oil-producing cities of Langepas, Uray, Kogalym) and the English word «oil».[2][3]

Lukoil is the second largest company in Russia after Gazprom, and the country’s largest non-state enterprise in terms of revenue, with ₽4,744 billion in 2018.[4][5] In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Lukoil was ranked as the 99th-largest public company in the world. Internationally, it is one of the largest global producers of crude oil. In 2019, the company produced 87.488 million metric tons of oil (1.639 million barrels per day) and 35.046 billion cubic meters of natural gas.[6][failed verification] As of 2021, the company had operations and subsidiaries in more than 30 countries around the world.[7][needs update]



«Langepas, Uray, and Kogalym» oil (Lukoil) was established by the USSR Council of Ministers Decree No. 18 on November 25, 1991, as a state-owned enterprise. In the new company, three oil production companies, Langepasneftegaz, Uraineftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, processing company Permnefteorgsintez, and the Volgograd and Novosibirsk refineries, were merged (the latter soon came under the control of the authorities of Bashkortostan).[8]

The central figure in the company’s founding was the Soviet deputy minister of oil production Vagit Alekperov.[8] He came to believe the only way Russians could compete against western companies was to copy their business model. That meant vertically integrating the three branches of the industry—exploration, refining, and distribution—that were strictly separate under the old Soviet system.[9]

On April 5, 1993, Lukoil transformed itself from a state-owned enterprise to a private open joint-stock company based on Presidential Decree No. 1403 of November 17, 1992.


In 1994, Lukoil became the first company to begin offering shares of stock on the new Russian Trading System.[8]

In 1995, Lukoil controlled the stakes of nine oil-producing, marketing and service enterprises in Western Siberia, the Urals, and Volgograd Oblast in order to abide by Government Decree No. 861 of September 1, 1995.[10] In the same year, a 5% stake of Lukoil was sold by the state with a minimum excess of the starting price in an auction.[11] In November 1995, Lukoil filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to issue American depositary receipts on Western stock markets. This allowed United States investors for the first time, to be able to buy shares in a Russian company.[12]

In 1997, Lukoil signed a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil for the development and production of the second stage of the West Qurna-2 oil field. After Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown, the project was suspended and later terminated.[13]

In 1999, Lukoil acquired numerous enterprises such as the Odessa Oil Refinery in Ukraine, the Burgas Oil Refinery in Bulgaria, and KomiTEK.[10]


In 2000, Lukoil acquired the distribution and marketing operations of American oil company Getty Oil. This resulted in the control of a network of gas stations in the United States as well as the first time Lukoil enters the American oil market.[10]

In September 2004, ConocoPhillips purchased a 7.6% stake in Lukoil for about $2 billion. According to some commentators, the sale of this deal was planned before in a personal meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and ConocoPhillips’ president and CEO, James Mulva. After the auction, Lukoil and ConocoPhillips announced the creation of a strategic alliance. Later, the American company increased its stake to 20% in Lukoil and sold to the Russian company part of its network of gas stations in the United States and Western Europe. The two oil companies also agreed to jointly develop an oil and gas field in the northern Timan-Pechora area of Russia (Komi Republic) and intended to secure the rights to develop the West Qurna Field in Iraq, one of the country’s largest.[14][15]

Uzbekistan’s deputy prime minister Ergash Shaismatov announced on 30 August 2006 that the Uzbek government and an international consortium consisting of state-run Uzbekneftegaz, Lukoil Overseas, Petronas, Korea National Oil Corporation, and China National Petroleum Corporation signed a production sharing agreement to explore and develop oil and gas fields in the Aral Sea, stating «The Aral Sea is largely unknown, but it holds a lot of promise in terms of finding oil and gas. There is risk of course but we believe in the success of this unique project».[16] In December 2006, Lukoil announced the acquisition of 376 filling stations in six European countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, from ConocoPhillips.[17]

In 2007, Lukoil established a joint-venture with Gazprom and in 2008, established a joint-venture as well with Italian oil company ERG S.p.A.[10] In 2009, Lukoil and Norwegian oil company Statoil won a tender offer for the development of the West Qurna Field in Iraq. However, in early 2012, Statoil withdrew from the project, resulting in Lukoil consolidating 75% of development of the oil field.[10][13]


From 2010 to February 2011, ConocoPhillips sold its whole 20% stake in Lukoil due to its difficult financial situation.[18][19]

In September 2012, Lukoil created a shared service centre in the Czech Republic to provide accounting services to its subsidiaries in Belgium, Poland, and Bulgaria.[20] In December 2012, Lukoil bought the Imilor field for ₽50.8 billion in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug to explore and develop the hydrocarbon deposits located there.[21]

In February 2013, Lukoil sold the Odessa Oil Refinery to the Ukrainian «East European Fuel and Energy Company» (VETEK). For Lukoil, the oil refinery was unprofitable when production was stopped as early as October 2010 and the refinery finally closed in the summer of 2013.[22] In April 2013, Lukoil agreed to buy Hess Corporation’s Russian unit for $2.05 billion.[23]

In 2014, the company faced a sharp decline in retail sales in Ukraine by 42%, caused by Russian intervention in Ukraine. As a result, the management of Lukoil agreed to sell 100% of its subsidiary Lukoil Ukraine to the Austrian company AMIC Energy Management, which was announced at the end of July 2014.[24][25]

In 2014, Lukoil sold its service stations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.[26]

In 2015, it sold its service stations in Estonia and Ukraine, and in 2016, it sold its service stations in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Cyprus.[27][28][29]


In March 2022, Lukoil’s market stock price dropped 95 percent, as a result of international sanctions during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[30]

On 21 April 2022, Lukoil issued a statement saying that president Vagit Alekperov had stepped down and resigned from the board of directors after 29 years.[31]

The Norway state-owned oil company Equinor exited the last of their joint ventures in Russia by withdrawing the joint venture with Lukoil and exiting the Kharyaga project on 2 September 2022.[32]


Oil and gas production[edit]

Hydrocarbon reserves[edit]

The company’s proved hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 amounted to 17.255 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including 13.319 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.67 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. In terms of proved oil reserves, Lukoil, according to its own information, was the sixth-largest private oil company in the world at the time.[33][34]

In addition, probable hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 were 8.46 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including oil 6.47 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.34 trillion cubic meters of natural gas). Possible reserves were 3.17 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including 2.78 billion barrels of petroleum and 65.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas).[33]

Major oil fields[edit]

Rank Field Production (thousand tons) (2007)
1 Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye 9,486[citation needed]
2 Vatyeganskoye 8,086[citation needed]
3 Povkhovskoye 6,183
4 Pocachevskoye 3,582[citation needed]
5 Yuzhno-Yagunskoye 3,142
6 Kharyaga 2,874 (2007)[citation needed]; 1,560 (2021)[32]
7 Kogalym 2,793
8 Pamyatno-Sasovskoye 2,464
9 Urievskoye 2,227
10 Usinskoye 2,113

Since 2016, Lukoil has been trying to get a development license for Nadezhda field in Baltic field, situated in Kaliningrad region aside of Continental shelf, which is booked for state companies only. In October 2021, due to ecology risks, the Russian government withdrew the decision to provide the license for geological exploration at Nadezhda field.[35]

Domestic projects[edit]

In December 2011, Lukoil established a joint venture with Bashneft to develop the Trebs and Titov oil fields. Total recoverable reserves and oil resources from these fields are 89.73 million tons in C1 category, 50.33 million tons in C2 category and 59.29 million tons in category C3.[36][37][38]

Foreign projects[edit]

The operator of Lukoil’s foreign projects in the exploration and production sector is its subsidiary, Lukoil Overseas.

Lukoil is involved in the implementation of 16 projects for the exploration and development of structures and deposits in the following countries:

  • Azerbaijan (D-222 (Yalama), Shah-Deniz)
  • Kazakhstan (Tengiz, Karachaganak, Kumkol, Karakuduk, Northern Buzachi, Alibekmola, Kozhasai, Arman, Zhambai South, Atash, Tyub-Karagan);
  • Uzbekistan (Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad, Aral, Kungrad, South-West Gissar)
  • Egypt (Meleiha, West Esh-El-Mallah, West Geisum, Northeast Geisum)[39]
  • Iraq (West Qurna-2)
  • Iran (Anaran);
  • Colombia (the Condor project in conjunction with the Colombian state company Ecopetrol)
  • Ivory Coast (production sharing agreement on the offshore block CI-205 in the Gulf of Guinea)
  • Venezuela (Junin Block 3)
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Ghana (Cape Three Points Deepwater)
  • Romania
  • Cameroon (Etinde floating LNG project)[40]

The extraction of hydrocarbons from all the above projects is carried out only in Kazakhstan (5.5 million tons of oil and 1.9 billion cubic meters in 2006) and Egypt (0.2 million tons).

Oil and gas processing[edit]

Lukoil owns seven oil-processing companies in Eastern Europe with total capacity of 82.1 million tons per year. In Russia it owns large refineries in Volgograd, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, and Ukhta refineries and mini-refineries in Uray and Kogalym. It also owns refineries in Bulgaria, Romania, and Italy, and has a 45%-stake in an oil refining complex in the Netherlands.[41] In 2020, the company was also in talks to reconstruct a refinery plant in Cameroon, which belongs to Cameroon’s national refining company, Sonara.[42]

Country Name Location Launched Acquired Capacity, mln tpa
Russia Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez Kstovo 1958 2000 15.0
Russia Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez Perm 1958 1991 12.0
Russia Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka Volgograd 1957 1991 9.9
Russia Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka Ukhta 1934 2000 3.7
Bulgaria Lukoil Neftochim Burgas Burgas 1964 1999 7.5
Romania Petrotel Lukoil Refinery Ploieşti 1904 1998 2.4
Italy ISAB Priolo Gargallo 1975 2008* 16.0
Netherlands Zeeland Refinery (share with TRN) Vlissingen 1973 2009* 7.9*

* – 49% and 45% shares respectively

Speaking at a press conference in New York on October 18, 2006, the company’s CEO Vagit Alekperov said Lukoil is refusing to build a new refinery in Russia. According to him, «at this stage it is inexpedient and economically inefficient.» At the same time, Lukoil planned to build a large complex in Kalmykia for the processing of natural gas from the North Caspian fields worth over $3 billion. The work was supposed to start in the spring of 2008. Also in March 2007, Lukoil announced it would expand the capacity in the Lukoil Neftochim Burgas refinery in Burgas, Bulgaria from 7.5 million tons to 10 million tons of oil per year.[43][44]


The subsidiary company Lukoil-Neftekhim specializes in petrochemistry, and operates the Stavrolen (Budyonnovsk), Saratovorgsintez, and the Karpatneftekhim (Kalush, Ukraine) petrochemical plants. Petrochemical facilities are also part of the Neftochim Burgas Combine in Bulgaria. «Lukoil» is the largest producer of alkene and acrylonitrile in Eastern Europe. Together with Sibur, Lukoil-Neftekhim owns a controlling stake in the Polief plant.


Transportation of oil produced by Lukoil in Russia is carried out for the most part by the pipelines of Transneft, as well as by rail and water transport. Oil produced at the company’s fields in Kazakhstan is transported through pipelines such as the Caspian Pipeline Consortium.

Lukoil owns a number of oil and oil products terminals used for the export of oil and oil products:

  • The terminal near Varandey off of the Barents Sea with a capacity of 12.5 million tons of oil a year is used for shipment of oil produced in the Timan-Pechora Basin.[45]


A Lukoil gas station in North Macedonia

Lukoil sells petrol in 59 regions of Russia and in 17 other countries, both CIS and Western: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium (through its subsidiary Jet until late 2008, since rebranded to Lukoil), Bulgaria, Croatia (operated by Lukoil Croatia, but under the brand name «Europa-Mil»), Finland (Teboil), Georgia, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and the United States. As of January 2014, it had 166 tank farms and 5,867 filling stations.[46]

Power generation[edit]

Lukoil has the aggregate power generation capacity of 5,800 MW, of which 73% is for commercial use. Lukoil generates about 99% of electrical power of the Astrakhan Oblast and 62% of the Krasnodar Krai. Its main power generation subsidiaries are Lukoil-Volgogradenergo, Lukoil-Rostovenergo, Luikoil-Kubanenergo, Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo, and Lukoil-Stavropolenergo.[47]

Lukoil operates two solar power plants at its own refineries in Romania and Bulgaria with respective capacity of 9 MW and 1.3 MW.[47] A 10-MW solar plant is under construction at the Volgograd Refinery.[48] It also owns an 84-MW wind farm in Topolog, Romania.[49]


Lukoil has been titular sponsor of FC Spartak Moscow since 2000. In August 2022, the company acquired ownership of the club (100% of the shares) along with the Otkritie Arena stadium.[51]

In particular, the company sponsors the Volgograd water polo club Lukoil-Spartak. Lukoil also sponsors the Russian Olympic Committee and is one of the founders of the Russian Olympians Support Fund. In February 2014, Lukoil signed an agreement with the government of Arkhangelsk Oblast about supporting Vodnik.[52]

Corporate affairs[edit]


In July 2010, the top managers of the company owned the largest stake (more than 30%) of the company’s shares: CEO Vagit Alekperov owning 20.6% and vice-president Leonid Fedun owning 9.8%. The American oil company ConocoPhillips owned 19.21% but due to financial difficulties, completely withdrew from the shareholders of Lukoil, selling its shares, and in part to Lukoil itself by February 2011. The remaining shares were freely traded on the London Stock Exchange, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Russian Trading System, and the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange. Market capitalization of the company was $60.4 billion as of June 2018.


Chief executive officer[edit]

  • 1993–2022: Vagit Alekperov
  • 2022–present: Vadim Vorobyev

Board of Directors[edit]

List of directors that were elected on June 21, 2018:[53]

  • Vagit Alekperov — CEO[54]
  • Ravil Maganov, Chairman of the Board
  • Victor Blazheev
  • Lyubov Khoba
  • Leonid Fedun
  • Sergey Shatalov
  • Pavel Teplukhin
  • Boris Porfiryev

Invasion in Ukraine 2022[edit]

In March 2022, Toby Gati, Roger Munnings and Wolfgang Schüssel left the board of directors due to International sanctions during the Russo-Ukrainian War.[55]

During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ravil Maganov criticised the Russian attack on Ukraine. September 1, 2022 he was found dead outside his hospital window the day that President Putin visited the hospital. Nearby video cameras had been turned off. The company has acknowledged the death in a statement saying that Ravil Maganov: «passed away following a severe illness».[56]



This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (January 2018)

The company «Lukoil» owns controlling stakes or otherwise controls the following main organizations:

  • Lukoil-Western Siberia
  • Lukoil Centernefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Volganefteproduct
  • Lukoil-KaliningradMorneft (Kaliningrad)
  • Lukoil-Komi
  • Lukoil Neftechim
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevartsk milling factory
  • Lukoil Chernozemchenefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevarq Neft
  • Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd. (Perm)
  • Lucoil-Permeagnophosphoretic Acid
  • Lukoil-Permnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Perm
  • Lukoil-Severo-Zapadnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Severnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Ukraine
  • Lukoil-Energogas
  • Lukoil-Yugnefteproduct
  • Lukoil Americas Corporation
  • Lukoil Bulgaria ЕООД
  • Lukoil Macedonia Ltd.
  • Lukoil Croatia
  • Lukoil Serbia AD
  • Lukoil-Engineering
  • Lukoil-Inform
  • Lukoil-Energosethy
  • Lukoil-Uralnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Uhtanepoparerepotka
  • Lukoil-Ecoenergo
  • Lukoil-Rostovenergo
  • Lukoil-Energoinjing
  • Lukoil-TsUR
  • Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo
  • Lukoil-Kubanenergo
  • Lukoil-Volgogradenergo
  • Lukoil-TTK
  • Trade house «Lukoil»
  • Lukoil-Inter-Card
  • Lukoil Czech Republic s. r. o (Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Lukoil-Belorussia (Minsk, Belarus),
  • Lukoil-Baltija (Lithuania)
  • Lukoil-Belgium N.V. (Belgium)
  • Lukoil-Reservnnefteproduct
  • Arkhangelskgeolaspredka (Arkhangelsk)

Environmental record[edit]

According to Lukoil, their numbers in 2007 recorded a drop of 7.8% in the volume of pollutant effects and a drop of 3.8% in the area of contaminated lands compared to 2006. These numbers came after an appeal from EMERCON, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Natural Disaster Recovery, which proposed that Lukoil participate in the development of monitoring, prevention, and emergency recovery systems.[57]

In an effort to increase productivity, Lukoil organized a contract to begin an oil pumping block in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. It arranged an Environmental Impact Assessment of the drill site in order to organize a second exploration drill. This block, D-222, was the largest prospective structure in the north-east section of the Caspian Sea as of 2008.[58] The key issue was to assess how much damage the oil block would inflict on local fish populations. Taking into account the depth of the operation, around 700 meters, the amount of harm was projected to be minimal, with the majority of the damaged marine life being plankton and benthos. A rescue and salvage ship would be stationed there to mitigate the environmental effects on the area. Lukoil would develop contingency plans for oil spills and implement an environmental monitoring system.[59]

At the same time, Lukoil faces criticism from various environmental organizations. In particular, the company’s oil production in the Baltic Sea near Kaliningrad Oblast was criticized as it is 22 kilometers away from the Curonian Spit, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[60]

According to a number of critics, Lukoil inherited the worst standards of the Soviet oil industry with respect to the environment, not taking enough responsibility to minimize pollution in its oil fields and refineries.[61]

Lukoil has been ranked as among the 14th best of 92 oil, gas, and mining companies on indigenous rights and resource extraction in the Arctic.[62]

In the Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index (AERI) Lukoil is ranked no. 37 out of 120 oil, gas, and mining companies involved in resource extraction north of the Arctic Circle.[63]


Environmental incidents[edit]

On one of the storage ponds of JSC «Lukoil-Volgograd-neftepererabotka» during the period from July 25 to August 8, 1996, the oil sludge was ignited due to the unacceptable conduct of welding operations. The surface layer of oil products was formed during the last two decades, and a similar ignition in this area was already noted in 1972. As a result of the 1996 fire, about 50,000 tons of oil products were burned, since even the soil was saturated with volatile fractions at this site. Where the fire was first lit, the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeded the permissible standards by almost 28 times, nitrogen dioxide tripled, hydrogen sulfide and phenol more than 1.5 times. In the residential areas of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd, located 7 km from the fire, as well as in the nearby settlements — B. and M. Chapurnik, Dubov Gully, Chervlen, Tingut — the content of combustion products in the air also exceeded the maximum permissible concentration. In the liquidation of this major technogenic emergency situation with severe environmental consequences, the divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia took part.[64][65]

In the fall of 2003, the Russian Emergencies Ministry revealed the oil spill as a result of the depressurization of the interfacial oil pipeline belonging to the TPP Lukoil-Usinskneftegaz on the territory of the Komi Republic near the city of Usinsk. The area of oil pollution in one case was about 1.8 thousand m2, in the second — 377 m2.[66]

On January 25, 2011 at about 10:00 (local time), as a result of oil leakage in the engine room LGPZ (CCI «Langepasneftegaz»), there was a fire. Fire extinguished more than 50 fighter. The plant suspended its work.[citation needed]

On April 20, 2012, at the Trebs field, developed jointly by Lukoil and Bashneft, there was an accident that caused significant damage to the natural environment: over a day, continued flowing of oil from the re-opened well, which led to large-scale contamination of the territory. According to the press service of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous District, the contamination area exceeded 5 thousand square meters, the volume of spilled oil, according to Bashneft, was 600 tonnes (in independent sources numbers were up to 2.2 thousand tonnes).[67][68][69]

On May 11, 2021, a leakage was identified in a pipeline connected to Lukoil’s Oshkoye field. The spill was estimated at 100 tons of oil, yet environmentalists argued that 100 tons is an underestimate. The spill had infiltrated the Kolva river and traveled upstream, affecting the river habitats. Russia’s Northwest Komi Republic declared emergency. The damage was estimated at $4.1 billion.[70][71]

Ukrainian investigation[edit]

In January 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine announced an investigation into whether Lukoil had financed separatists in Donbas.[72]

Antitrust law violations[edit]

In November 2009, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) imposed a record fine of ₽6.54 billion on the company for violating antitrust legislation. The fine was imposed for the abuse of the company’s dominant position in the wholesale market of petroleum products in the first half of 2009, expressed in «the seizure of goods from circulation» and the creation of «discriminatory conditions for the sale of petroleum products to individual counterparties». As FAS has calculated, these actions led to an increase in prices in the wholesale markets of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, and aviation kerosene in the first half of 2009.[73]

Cambridge Analytica[edit]

In March 2018, the data firm Cambridge Analytica, tied to the 2016 Trump Campaign, was accused of discussing «political targeting» of American voters with representatives of Lukoil.[74] “Cambridge Analytica sought to identify mental and emotional characteristics in certain subsets of the American population and worked to exploit them by designing them to activate some of the worst vulnerabilities in people, such as neuroticism, paranoia and racial biases,” whistleblower Christopher Wylie told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018.[75] With Lukoil, the consulting firm shared election disruption strategies, which included videos and posters intended to demoralise and alarm voters.[76] Lukoil is on the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list, has been linked to Russian influence in the past, and CEO Vagit Alekperov, a former oil minister, had made statements suggesting that he considers helping Russia to be a strong political ambition.[76][77]

VP driving accident[edit]

On February 25, 2011, Lukoil’s vice president Anatoliy Barkov crashed his Mercedes S500 into a Citroën C3 car with doctor Olga Alexandrina and famous obstetrician Vera M. Sidelnikova inside; both women died in the collision. The General Administration for Traffic Safety blamed the driver of the Citroën but it was suggested the administration was covering up that the real culprit of the accident was the driver of the Mercedes, who, according to eyewitnesses, was driving around a traffic jam and went into the oncoming lane. There is also some speculation that the driver of the Mercedes was the vice-president of Lukoil himself. A few days after the accident, the Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Moscow issued a notice of misconduct to the commander of the Traffic Police battalion who registered the accident on Leninsky Avenue because he had prematurely called the driver of the Citroën, Olga Alexandrin, the culprit of the accident. The incident caused a public reaction, in particular, a boycott of this company’s gas stations was organized. Blogger Andrei Bocharov announced a mock advertisement of Lukoil based on this accident, and rapper Noize MC wrote the song «Mercedes S666 (Make Way for the Chariot)».[78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86]

Bulgarian license[edit]

In July 2011, Lukoil had a conflict with Bulgarian authorities. According to the latter, the company’s Bourgas refinery did not have timely installed meters for the manufactured fuel (used to determine the amount of excises paid), which, according to officials, Lukoil allegedly underpaid about €250 million to the country’s budget. As a result, the company lost its license and was stopped, but in early August 2011 the plant was re-launched.[87]


On 11 September 2014, US President Obama said that the United States would join the EU in imposing tougher sanctions on Russia’s financial, energy and defence sectors, following the escalation of Russo-Ukrainian War.[88] The U.S. added Lukoil to the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list on September 12, 2014.[89][77]

The effect of sanctions in 2022 against shipped Russian oil has had a detrimental effect on the Priolo Gargallo ISAB refinery in Sicily with an inability to bring in oil from Russia and related cash flow finance problems.[90] This has resulted in the refinery being put under Italian trusteeship with a buyer being sought.[91]

Sanctioned by New Zealand.[92]


  • The Association of Small and Medium-Sized Oil Production Enterprises, also known as Assoneft, criticized Lukoil and the authorities of the Komi Republic for providing tax breaks to the oil companies of the region, which are obliged to extract at least 7 million tons of oil per year and (or) recycle at least 3 million tons. Only two enterprises–Lukoil-Komi and Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka–correspond to these conditions in the region. In March 2007, the Federal Antimonopoly Service initiated a case against the State Council of the Komi on the grounds of violation of Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Law «On Protection of Competition» with regard to restricting competition in the oil production and refining markets.[93][94]
  • In October 2005, then-prime minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Brazauskas, was in the center of the scandal involving Lukoil. The opposition of the Lithuanian parliament, Homeland Union, began collecting signatures for the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate the entrepreneurial activity of Brazauskas’ wife, Christina Butrimene-Brazauskiene, in particular with the acquisition of a 38% stake in the elite Vilnius Crowne Plaza hotel from the wife of the head of the Lukoil-Baltija company. The charges were related to Lukoil’s contention at that time for a stake in one of the largest enterprises in Lithuania, the oil refinery ORLEN Lietuva, part of Polish energy company ORLEN. Brazauskas rejected allegations of corruption, but admitted his wife owns 51% of the hotel shares, and another 48% belong to his son. On November 22, at the insistence of the country’s president Valdas Adamkus, Algirdas Brazauskas spoke on television, saying he was not involved in the privatization of the hotel, and that all charges should be considered by law enforcement bodies, not by the parliamentary commission.[95]
  • On September 14, 2012, more than fifty Lukoil gas station owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania temporarily raised their prices to over $8 a gallon to protest Lukoil’s wholesale gas pricing. The owners are typically charged a wholesale price that is 5 to 10 cents a gallon more than their competitors and some are assessed an additional 25 to 30 cents per gallon based on their location.[96] According to the station owners this makes it difficult to be competitive with stations that sell more established brands for lower prices.
  • In March 2016, there were accusations by the press of the company not acquiring rights to part of the Massandra vineyards in Crimea.[97][98]

See also[edit]

  • List of companies of Russia
  • Petroleum industry of Russia
  • Companies of comparable role
    • Exxon-Mobil
    • Shell plc
  • 2022 Russian businessmen suspicious deaths


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External links[edit]

PJSC Lukoil

Lukoil company logo.svg
Building of Lukoil headquarters in Moscow (31059350636).jpg

Lukoil’s headquarters in Moscow

Native name

ПAO «Лукойл»
Type Public (ПAO)

Traded as

Industry Oil and gas
Predecessor Langepasneftegaz
Founded 25 November 1991; 31 years ago
Founder Vagit Alekperov




Number of locations

5,867 (2014)

Area served

Europe, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, United States, Mexico

Key people

Vagit Alekperov (president and CEO)
Leonid Fedun (vice-president)
Products Petroleum
Natural gas
Revenue $128 billion[1] (2021)

Operating income

$13.3 billion[1] (2021)

Net income

$10.5 billion[1] (2021)
Total assets $93.2 billion[1] (2021)
Total equity $61.4 billion[1] (2021)

Number of employees

101,000 (2019) Edit this on Wikidata
Subsidiaries see Subsidiaries
Website lukoil.com

The PJSC Lukoil Oil Company (Russian: Лукойл, tr. Lukoyl, IPA: [ˈluːkɔɪl] stylized as LUKOIL or ЛУКОЙЛ in Cyrillic script) is a Russian multinational energy corporation headquartered in Moscow, specializing in the business of extraction, production, transport, and sale of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products, and electricity. It was formed in 1991 when three state-run, western Siberian companies named after the respective town in Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug that each was based in, Langepasneftegaz, Urayneftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, merged. Its name is the combination of the acronym LUK (initials of the oil-producing cities of Langepas, Uray, Kogalym) and the English word «oil».[2][3]

Lukoil is the second largest company in Russia after Gazprom, and the country’s largest non-state enterprise in terms of revenue, with ₽4,744 billion in 2018.[4][5] In the 2020 Forbes Global 2000, Lukoil was ranked as the 99th-largest public company in the world. Internationally, it is one of the largest global producers of crude oil. In 2019, the company produced 87.488 million metric tons of oil (1.639 million barrels per day) and 35.046 billion cubic meters of natural gas.[6][failed verification] As of 2021, the company had operations and subsidiaries in more than 30 countries around the world.[7][needs update]



«Langepas, Uray, and Kogalym» oil (Lukoil) was established by the USSR Council of Ministers Decree No. 18 on November 25, 1991, as a state-owned enterprise. In the new company, three oil production companies, Langepasneftegaz, Uraineftegaz, and Kogalymneftegaz, processing company Permnefteorgsintez, and the Volgograd and Novosibirsk refineries, were merged (the latter soon came under the control of the authorities of Bashkortostan).[8]

The central figure in the company’s founding was the Soviet deputy minister of oil production Vagit Alekperov.[8] He came to believe the only way Russians could compete against western companies was to copy their business model. That meant vertically integrating the three branches of the industry—exploration, refining, and distribution—that were strictly separate under the old Soviet system.[9]

On April 5, 1993, Lukoil transformed itself from a state-owned enterprise to a private open joint-stock company based on Presidential Decree No. 1403 of November 17, 1992.


In 1994, Lukoil became the first company to begin offering shares of stock on the new Russian Trading System.[8]

In 1995, Lukoil controlled the stakes of nine oil-producing, marketing and service enterprises in Western Siberia, the Urals, and Volgograd Oblast in order to abide by Government Decree No. 861 of September 1, 1995.[10] In the same year, a 5% stake of Lukoil was sold by the state with a minimum excess of the starting price in an auction.[11] In November 1995, Lukoil filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to issue American depositary receipts on Western stock markets. This allowed United States investors for the first time, to be able to buy shares in a Russian company.[12]

In 1997, Lukoil signed a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil for the development and production of the second stage of the West Qurna-2 oil field. After Saddam Hussein’s regime was overthrown, the project was suspended and later terminated.[13]

In 1999, Lukoil acquired numerous enterprises such as the Odessa Oil Refinery in Ukraine, the Burgas Oil Refinery in Bulgaria, and KomiTEK.[10]


In 2000, Lukoil acquired the distribution and marketing operations of American oil company Getty Oil. This resulted in the control of a network of gas stations in the United States as well as the first time Lukoil enters the American oil market.[10]

In September 2004, ConocoPhillips purchased a 7.6% stake in Lukoil for about $2 billion. According to some commentators, the sale of this deal was planned before in a personal meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and ConocoPhillips’ president and CEO, James Mulva. After the auction, Lukoil and ConocoPhillips announced the creation of a strategic alliance. Later, the American company increased its stake to 20% in Lukoil and sold to the Russian company part of its network of gas stations in the United States and Western Europe. The two oil companies also agreed to jointly develop an oil and gas field in the northern Timan-Pechora area of Russia (Komi Republic) and intended to secure the rights to develop the West Qurna Field in Iraq, one of the country’s largest.[14][15]

Uzbekistan’s deputy prime minister Ergash Shaismatov announced on 30 August 2006 that the Uzbek government and an international consortium consisting of state-run Uzbekneftegaz, Lukoil Overseas, Petronas, Korea National Oil Corporation, and China National Petroleum Corporation signed a production sharing agreement to explore and develop oil and gas fields in the Aral Sea, stating «The Aral Sea is largely unknown, but it holds a lot of promise in terms of finding oil and gas. There is risk of course but we believe in the success of this unique project».[16] In December 2006, Lukoil announced the acquisition of 376 filling stations in six European countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, from ConocoPhillips.[17]

In 2007, Lukoil established a joint-venture with Gazprom and in 2008, established a joint-venture as well with Italian oil company ERG S.p.A.[10] In 2009, Lukoil and Norwegian oil company Statoil won a tender offer for the development of the West Qurna Field in Iraq. However, in early 2012, Statoil withdrew from the project, resulting in Lukoil consolidating 75% of development of the oil field.[10][13]


From 2010 to February 2011, ConocoPhillips sold its whole 20% stake in Lukoil due to its difficult financial situation.[18][19]

In September 2012, Lukoil created a shared service centre in the Czech Republic to provide accounting services to its subsidiaries in Belgium, Poland, and Bulgaria.[20] In December 2012, Lukoil bought the Imilor field for ₽50.8 billion in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug to explore and develop the hydrocarbon deposits located there.[21]

In February 2013, Lukoil sold the Odessa Oil Refinery to the Ukrainian «East European Fuel and Energy Company» (VETEK). For Lukoil, the oil refinery was unprofitable when production was stopped as early as October 2010 and the refinery finally closed in the summer of 2013.[22] In April 2013, Lukoil agreed to buy Hess Corporation’s Russian unit for $2.05 billion.[23]

In 2014, the company faced a sharp decline in retail sales in Ukraine by 42%, caused by Russian intervention in Ukraine. As a result, the management of Lukoil agreed to sell 100% of its subsidiary Lukoil Ukraine to the Austrian company AMIC Energy Management, which was announced at the end of July 2014.[24][25]

In 2014, Lukoil sold its service stations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.[26]

In 2015, it sold its service stations in Estonia and Ukraine, and in 2016, it sold its service stations in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Cyprus.[27][28][29]


In March 2022, Lukoil’s market stock price dropped 95 percent, as a result of international sanctions during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[30]

On 21 April 2022, Lukoil issued a statement saying that president Vagit Alekperov had stepped down and resigned from the board of directors after 29 years.[31]

The Norway state-owned oil company Equinor exited the last of their joint ventures in Russia by withdrawing the joint venture with Lukoil and exiting the Kharyaga project on 2 September 2022.[32]


Oil and gas production[edit]

Hydrocarbon reserves[edit]

The company’s proved hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 amounted to 17.255 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including 13.319 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.67 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. In terms of proved oil reserves, Lukoil, according to its own information, was the sixth-largest private oil company in the world at the time.[33][34]

In addition, probable hydrocarbon reserves as of January 1, 2011 were 8.46 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including oil 6.47 billion barrels of petroleum and 0.34 trillion cubic meters of natural gas). Possible reserves were 3.17 billion barrels of oil equivalent (including 2.78 billion barrels of petroleum and 65.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas).[33]

Major oil fields[edit]

Rank Field Production (thousand tons) (2007)
1 Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye 9,486[citation needed]
2 Vatyeganskoye 8,086[citation needed]
3 Povkhovskoye 6,183
4 Pocachevskoye 3,582[citation needed]
5 Yuzhno-Yagunskoye 3,142
6 Kharyaga 2,874 (2007)[citation needed]; 1,560 (2021)[32]
7 Kogalym 2,793
8 Pamyatno-Sasovskoye 2,464
9 Urievskoye 2,227
10 Usinskoye 2,113

Since 2016, Lukoil has been trying to get a development license for Nadezhda field in Baltic field, situated in Kaliningrad region aside of Continental shelf, which is booked for state companies only. In October 2021, due to ecology risks, the Russian government withdrew the decision to provide the license for geological exploration at Nadezhda field.[35]

Domestic projects[edit]

In December 2011, Lukoil established a joint venture with Bashneft to develop the Trebs and Titov oil fields. Total recoverable reserves and oil resources from these fields are 89.73 million tons in C1 category, 50.33 million tons in C2 category and 59.29 million tons in category C3.[36][37][38]

Foreign projects[edit]

The operator of Lukoil’s foreign projects in the exploration and production sector is its subsidiary, Lukoil Overseas.

Lukoil is involved in the implementation of 16 projects for the exploration and development of structures and deposits in the following countries:

  • Azerbaijan (D-222 (Yalama), Shah-Deniz)
  • Kazakhstan (Tengiz, Karachaganak, Kumkol, Karakuduk, Northern Buzachi, Alibekmola, Kozhasai, Arman, Zhambai South, Atash, Tyub-Karagan);
  • Uzbekistan (Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad, Aral, Kungrad, South-West Gissar)
  • Egypt (Meleiha, West Esh-El-Mallah, West Geisum, Northeast Geisum)[39]
  • Iraq (West Qurna-2)
  • Iran (Anaran);
  • Colombia (the Condor project in conjunction with the Colombian state company Ecopetrol)
  • Ivory Coast (production sharing agreement on the offshore block CI-205 in the Gulf of Guinea)
  • Venezuela (Junin Block 3)
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Ghana (Cape Three Points Deepwater)
  • Romania
  • Cameroon (Etinde floating LNG project)[40]

The extraction of hydrocarbons from all the above projects is carried out only in Kazakhstan (5.5 million tons of oil and 1.9 billion cubic meters in 2006) and Egypt (0.2 million tons).

Oil and gas processing[edit]

Lukoil owns seven oil-processing companies in Eastern Europe with total capacity of 82.1 million tons per year. In Russia it owns large refineries in Volgograd, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, and Ukhta refineries and mini-refineries in Uray and Kogalym. It also owns refineries in Bulgaria, Romania, and Italy, and has a 45%-stake in an oil refining complex in the Netherlands.[41] In 2020, the company was also in talks to reconstruct a refinery plant in Cameroon, which belongs to Cameroon’s national refining company, Sonara.[42]

Country Name Location Launched Acquired Capacity, mln tpa
Russia Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez Kstovo 1958 2000 15.0
Russia Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez Perm 1958 1991 12.0
Russia Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka Volgograd 1957 1991 9.9
Russia Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka Ukhta 1934 2000 3.7
Bulgaria Lukoil Neftochim Burgas Burgas 1964 1999 7.5
Romania Petrotel Lukoil Refinery Ploieşti 1904 1998 2.4
Italy ISAB Priolo Gargallo 1975 2008* 16.0
Netherlands Zeeland Refinery (share with TRN) Vlissingen 1973 2009* 7.9*

* – 49% and 45% shares respectively

Speaking at a press conference in New York on October 18, 2006, the company’s CEO Vagit Alekperov said Lukoil is refusing to build a new refinery in Russia. According to him, «at this stage it is inexpedient and economically inefficient.» At the same time, Lukoil planned to build a large complex in Kalmykia for the processing of natural gas from the North Caspian fields worth over $3 billion. The work was supposed to start in the spring of 2008. Also in March 2007, Lukoil announced it would expand the capacity in the Lukoil Neftochim Burgas refinery in Burgas, Bulgaria from 7.5 million tons to 10 million tons of oil per year.[43][44]


The subsidiary company Lukoil-Neftekhim specializes in petrochemistry, and operates the Stavrolen (Budyonnovsk), Saratovorgsintez, and the Karpatneftekhim (Kalush, Ukraine) petrochemical plants. Petrochemical facilities are also part of the Neftochim Burgas Combine in Bulgaria. «Lukoil» is the largest producer of alkene and acrylonitrile in Eastern Europe. Together with Sibur, Lukoil-Neftekhim owns a controlling stake in the Polief plant.


Transportation of oil produced by Lukoil in Russia is carried out for the most part by the pipelines of Transneft, as well as by rail and water transport. Oil produced at the company’s fields in Kazakhstan is transported through pipelines such as the Caspian Pipeline Consortium.

Lukoil owns a number of oil and oil products terminals used for the export of oil and oil products:

  • The terminal near Varandey off of the Barents Sea with a capacity of 12.5 million tons of oil a year is used for shipment of oil produced in the Timan-Pechora Basin.[45]


A Lukoil gas station in North Macedonia

Lukoil sells petrol in 59 regions of Russia and in 17 other countries, both CIS and Western: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium (through its subsidiary Jet until late 2008, since rebranded to Lukoil), Bulgaria, Croatia (operated by Lukoil Croatia, but under the brand name «Europa-Mil»), Finland (Teboil), Georgia, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and the United States. As of January 2014, it had 166 tank farms and 5,867 filling stations.[46]

Power generation[edit]

Lukoil has the aggregate power generation capacity of 5,800 MW, of which 73% is for commercial use. Lukoil generates about 99% of electrical power of the Astrakhan Oblast and 62% of the Krasnodar Krai. Its main power generation subsidiaries are Lukoil-Volgogradenergo, Lukoil-Rostovenergo, Luikoil-Kubanenergo, Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo, and Lukoil-Stavropolenergo.[47]

Lukoil operates two solar power plants at its own refineries in Romania and Bulgaria with respective capacity of 9 MW and 1.3 MW.[47] A 10-MW solar plant is under construction at the Volgograd Refinery.[48] It also owns an 84-MW wind farm in Topolog, Romania.[49]


Lukoil has been titular sponsor of FC Spartak Moscow since 2000. In August 2022, the company acquired ownership of the club (100% of the shares) along with the Otkritie Arena stadium.[51]

In particular, the company sponsors the Volgograd water polo club Lukoil-Spartak. Lukoil also sponsors the Russian Olympic Committee and is one of the founders of the Russian Olympians Support Fund. In February 2014, Lukoil signed an agreement with the government of Arkhangelsk Oblast about supporting Vodnik.[52]

Corporate affairs[edit]


In July 2010, the top managers of the company owned the largest stake (more than 30%) of the company’s shares: CEO Vagit Alekperov owning 20.6% and vice-president Leonid Fedun owning 9.8%. The American oil company ConocoPhillips owned 19.21% but due to financial difficulties, completely withdrew from the shareholders of Lukoil, selling its shares, and in part to Lukoil itself by February 2011. The remaining shares were freely traded on the London Stock Exchange, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Russian Trading System, and the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange. Market capitalization of the company was $60.4 billion as of June 2018.


Chief executive officer[edit]

  • 1993–2022: Vagit Alekperov
  • 2022–present: Vadim Vorobyev

Board of Directors[edit]

List of directors that were elected on June 21, 2018:[53]

  • Vagit Alekperov — CEO[54]
  • Ravil Maganov, Chairman of the Board
  • Victor Blazheev
  • Lyubov Khoba
  • Leonid Fedun
  • Sergey Shatalov
  • Pavel Teplukhin
  • Boris Porfiryev

Invasion in Ukraine 2022[edit]

In March 2022, Toby Gati, Roger Munnings and Wolfgang Schüssel left the board of directors due to International sanctions during the Russo-Ukrainian War.[55]

During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ravil Maganov criticised the Russian attack on Ukraine. September 1, 2022 he was found dead outside his hospital window the day that President Putin visited the hospital. Nearby video cameras had been turned off. The company has acknowledged the death in a statement saying that Ravil Maganov: «passed away following a severe illness».[56]



This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (January 2018)

The company «Lukoil» owns controlling stakes or otherwise controls the following main organizations:

  • Lukoil-Western Siberia
  • Lukoil Centernefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Volganefteproduct
  • Lukoil-KaliningradMorneft (Kaliningrad)
  • Lukoil-Komi
  • Lukoil Neftechim
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevartsk milling factory
  • Lukoil Chernozemchenefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Nizhnevarq Neft
  • Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd. (Perm)
  • Lucoil-Permeagnophosphoretic Acid
  • Lukoil-Permnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Perm
  • Lukoil-Severo-Zapadnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Severnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Ukraine
  • Lukoil-Energogas
  • Lukoil-Yugnefteproduct
  • Lukoil Americas Corporation
  • Lukoil Bulgaria ЕООД
  • Lukoil Macedonia Ltd.
  • Lukoil Croatia
  • Lukoil Serbia AD
  • Lukoil-Engineering
  • Lukoil-Inform
  • Lukoil-Energosethy
  • Lukoil-Uralnefteproduct
  • Lukoil-Uhtanepoparerepotka
  • Lukoil-Ecoenergo
  • Lukoil-Rostovenergo
  • Lukoil-Energoinjing
  • Lukoil-TsUR
  • Lukoil-Astrakhanenergo
  • Lukoil-Kubanenergo
  • Lukoil-Volgogradenergo
  • Lukoil-TTK
  • Trade house «Lukoil»
  • Lukoil-Inter-Card
  • Lukoil Czech Republic s. r. o (Prague, Czech Republic),
  • Lukoil-Belorussia (Minsk, Belarus),
  • Lukoil-Baltija (Lithuania)
  • Lukoil-Belgium N.V. (Belgium)
  • Lukoil-Reservnnefteproduct
  • Arkhangelskgeolaspredka (Arkhangelsk)

Environmental record[edit]

According to Lukoil, their numbers in 2007 recorded a drop of 7.8% in the volume of pollutant effects and a drop of 3.8% in the area of contaminated lands compared to 2006. These numbers came after an appeal from EMERCON, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Natural Disaster Recovery, which proposed that Lukoil participate in the development of monitoring, prevention, and emergency recovery systems.[57]

In an effort to increase productivity, Lukoil organized a contract to begin an oil pumping block in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. It arranged an Environmental Impact Assessment of the drill site in order to organize a second exploration drill. This block, D-222, was the largest prospective structure in the north-east section of the Caspian Sea as of 2008.[58] The key issue was to assess how much damage the oil block would inflict on local fish populations. Taking into account the depth of the operation, around 700 meters, the amount of harm was projected to be minimal, with the majority of the damaged marine life being plankton and benthos. A rescue and salvage ship would be stationed there to mitigate the environmental effects on the area. Lukoil would develop contingency plans for oil spills and implement an environmental monitoring system.[59]

At the same time, Lukoil faces criticism from various environmental organizations. In particular, the company’s oil production in the Baltic Sea near Kaliningrad Oblast was criticized as it is 22 kilometers away from the Curonian Spit, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.[60]

According to a number of critics, Lukoil inherited the worst standards of the Soviet oil industry with respect to the environment, not taking enough responsibility to minimize pollution in its oil fields and refineries.[61]

Lukoil has been ranked as among the 14th best of 92 oil, gas, and mining companies on indigenous rights and resource extraction in the Arctic.[62]

In the Arctic Environmental Responsibility Index (AERI) Lukoil is ranked no. 37 out of 120 oil, gas, and mining companies involved in resource extraction north of the Arctic Circle.[63]


Environmental incidents[edit]

On one of the storage ponds of JSC «Lukoil-Volgograd-neftepererabotka» during the period from July 25 to August 8, 1996, the oil sludge was ignited due to the unacceptable conduct of welding operations. The surface layer of oil products was formed during the last two decades, and a similar ignition in this area was already noted in 1972. As a result of the 1996 fire, about 50,000 tons of oil products were burned, since even the soil was saturated with volatile fractions at this site. Where the fire was first lit, the concentration of carbon monoxide exceeded the permissible standards by almost 28 times, nitrogen dioxide tripled, hydrogen sulfide and phenol more than 1.5 times. In the residential areas of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd, located 7 km from the fire, as well as in the nearby settlements — B. and M. Chapurnik, Dubov Gully, Chervlen, Tingut — the content of combustion products in the air also exceeded the maximum permissible concentration. In the liquidation of this major technogenic emergency situation with severe environmental consequences, the divisions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia took part.[64][65]

In the fall of 2003, the Russian Emergencies Ministry revealed the oil spill as a result of the depressurization of the interfacial oil pipeline belonging to the TPP Lukoil-Usinskneftegaz on the territory of the Komi Republic near the city of Usinsk. The area of oil pollution in one case was about 1.8 thousand m2, in the second — 377 m2.[66]

On January 25, 2011 at about 10:00 (local time), as a result of oil leakage in the engine room LGPZ (CCI «Langepasneftegaz»), there was a fire. Fire extinguished more than 50 fighter. The plant suspended its work.[citation needed]

On April 20, 2012, at the Trebs field, developed jointly by Lukoil and Bashneft, there was an accident that caused significant damage to the natural environment: over a day, continued flowing of oil from the re-opened well, which led to large-scale contamination of the territory. According to the press service of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous District, the contamination area exceeded 5 thousand square meters, the volume of spilled oil, according to Bashneft, was 600 tonnes (in independent sources numbers were up to 2.2 thousand tonnes).[67][68][69]

On May 11, 2021, a leakage was identified in a pipeline connected to Lukoil’s Oshkoye field. The spill was estimated at 100 tons of oil, yet environmentalists argued that 100 tons is an underestimate. The spill had infiltrated the Kolva river and traveled upstream, affecting the river habitats. Russia’s Northwest Komi Republic declared emergency. The damage was estimated at $4.1 billion.[70][71]

Ukrainian investigation[edit]

In January 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine announced an investigation into whether Lukoil had financed separatists in Donbas.[72]

Antitrust law violations[edit]

In November 2009, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) imposed a record fine of ₽6.54 billion on the company for violating antitrust legislation. The fine was imposed for the abuse of the company’s dominant position in the wholesale market of petroleum products in the first half of 2009, expressed in «the seizure of goods from circulation» and the creation of «discriminatory conditions for the sale of petroleum products to individual counterparties». As FAS has calculated, these actions led to an increase in prices in the wholesale markets of motor gasoline, diesel fuel, and aviation kerosene in the first half of 2009.[73]

Cambridge Analytica[edit]

In March 2018, the data firm Cambridge Analytica, tied to the 2016 Trump Campaign, was accused of discussing «political targeting» of American voters with representatives of Lukoil.[74] “Cambridge Analytica sought to identify mental and emotional characteristics in certain subsets of the American population and worked to exploit them by designing them to activate some of the worst vulnerabilities in people, such as neuroticism, paranoia and racial biases,” whistleblower Christopher Wylie told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2018.[75] With Lukoil, the consulting firm shared election disruption strategies, which included videos and posters intended to demoralise and alarm voters.[76] Lukoil is on the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list, has been linked to Russian influence in the past, and CEO Vagit Alekperov, a former oil minister, had made statements suggesting that he considers helping Russia to be a strong political ambition.[76][77]

VP driving accident[edit]

On February 25, 2011, Lukoil’s vice president Anatoliy Barkov crashed his Mercedes S500 into a Citroën C3 car with doctor Olga Alexandrina and famous obstetrician Vera M. Sidelnikova inside; both women died in the collision. The General Administration for Traffic Safety blamed the driver of the Citroën but it was suggested the administration was covering up that the real culprit of the accident was the driver of the Mercedes, who, according to eyewitnesses, was driving around a traffic jam and went into the oncoming lane. There is also some speculation that the driver of the Mercedes was the vice-president of Lukoil himself. A few days after the accident, the Head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Moscow issued a notice of misconduct to the commander of the Traffic Police battalion who registered the accident on Leninsky Avenue because he had prematurely called the driver of the Citroën, Olga Alexandrin, the culprit of the accident. The incident caused a public reaction, in particular, a boycott of this company’s gas stations was organized. Blogger Andrei Bocharov announced a mock advertisement of Lukoil based on this accident, and rapper Noize MC wrote the song «Mercedes S666 (Make Way for the Chariot)».[78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86]

Bulgarian license[edit]

In July 2011, Lukoil had a conflict with Bulgarian authorities. According to the latter, the company’s Bourgas refinery did not have timely installed meters for the manufactured fuel (used to determine the amount of excises paid), which, according to officials, Lukoil allegedly underpaid about €250 million to the country’s budget. As a result, the company lost its license and was stopped, but in early August 2011 the plant was re-launched.[87]


On 11 September 2014, US President Obama said that the United States would join the EU in imposing tougher sanctions on Russia’s financial, energy and defence sectors, following the escalation of Russo-Ukrainian War.[88] The U.S. added Lukoil to the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications list on September 12, 2014.[89][77]

The effect of sanctions in 2022 against shipped Russian oil has had a detrimental effect on the Priolo Gargallo ISAB refinery in Sicily with an inability to bring in oil from Russia and related cash flow finance problems.[90] This has resulted in the refinery being put under Italian trusteeship with a buyer being sought.[91]

Sanctioned by New Zealand.[92]


  • The Association of Small and Medium-Sized Oil Production Enterprises, also known as Assoneft, criticized Lukoil and the authorities of the Komi Republic for providing tax breaks to the oil companies of the region, which are obliged to extract at least 7 million tons of oil per year and (or) recycle at least 3 million tons. Only two enterprises–Lukoil-Komi and Lukoil-Ukhtaneftepererabotka–correspond to these conditions in the region. In March 2007, the Federal Antimonopoly Service initiated a case against the State Council of the Komi on the grounds of violation of Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Law «On Protection of Competition» with regard to restricting competition in the oil production and refining markets.[93][94]
  • In October 2005, then-prime minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Brazauskas, was in the center of the scandal involving Lukoil. The opposition of the Lithuanian parliament, Homeland Union, began collecting signatures for the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate the entrepreneurial activity of Brazauskas’ wife, Christina Butrimene-Brazauskiene, in particular with the acquisition of a 38% stake in the elite Vilnius Crowne Plaza hotel from the wife of the head of the Lukoil-Baltija company. The charges were related to Lukoil’s contention at that time for a stake in one of the largest enterprises in Lithuania, the oil refinery ORLEN Lietuva, part of Polish energy company ORLEN. Brazauskas rejected allegations of corruption, but admitted his wife owns 51% of the hotel shares, and another 48% belong to his son. On November 22, at the insistence of the country’s president Valdas Adamkus, Algirdas Brazauskas spoke on television, saying he was not involved in the privatization of the hotel, and that all charges should be considered by law enforcement bodies, not by the parliamentary commission.[95]
  • On September 14, 2012, more than fifty Lukoil gas station owners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania temporarily raised their prices to over $8 a gallon to protest Lukoil’s wholesale gas pricing. The owners are typically charged a wholesale price that is 5 to 10 cents a gallon more than their competitors and some are assessed an additional 25 to 30 cents per gallon based on their location.[96] According to the station owners this makes it difficult to be competitive with stations that sell more established brands for lower prices.
  • In March 2016, there were accusations by the press of the company not acquiring rights to part of the Massandra vineyards in Crimea.[97][98]

See also[edit]

  • List of companies of Russia
  • Petroleum industry of Russia
  • Companies of comparable role
    • Exxon-Mobil
    • Shell plc
  • 2022 Russian businessmen suspicious deaths


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External links[edit]



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    Уставный капитал составляет 17,3 млн руб., это один из признаков повышенной надежности компании

  •   Имеются лицензии

    Компанией получена лицензия, что является косвенным признаком надежности контрагента

  •   Правообладатель

    По данным Роспатента, ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» обладает исключительными правами на несколько товарных знаков

  •   Участник системы госзакупок — поставщик

    Компания поставила товаров или оказала услуг на сумму более 90,4 млрд руб.

  •   Не входит в реестр недобросовестных поставщиков

    По данным ФАС, не входит в реестр недобросовестных поставщиков

  •   Нет связей с дисквалифицированными лицами

    По данным ФНС, в состав исполнительных органов компании не входят дисквалифицированные лица

  •   Нет массовых руководителей и учредителей

    Руководители и учредители ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» не включены в реестры массовых руководителей и массовых учредителей ФНС

  •   Нет сообщений о банкротстве

    В реестре ЕФРСБ не найдено ни одного сообщения о банкротстве компании

  •   Прибыль в прошлом отчетном периоде

    По данным ФНС, в прошлом отчетном периоде чистая прибыль компании составила 635,7 млрд руб.

  •   Нет долгов по исполнительным производствам

    По данным ФССП, открытые исполнительные производства в отношении компании отсутствуют

Недостатков не обнаружено


ОГРН? 1027700035769    от 17 июля 2002 года
ИНН? 7708004767  
КПП? 770801001  
ОКПО? 00044434  

Сведения о регистрации

Регистрация в ФНС

Регистрационный номер 1027700035769 от 17 июля 2002 года

Межрайонная инспекция Федеральной налоговой службы №46 по г. Москве

Регистрация в ПФР

Регистрационный номер 087106003296 от 1 ноября 1993 года

Отделение Фонда пенсионного и социального страхования Российской Федерации по г. Москве и Московской области

Регистрация в ФСС

Регистрационный номер 771100049877111 от 6 декабря 1993 года

Отделение Фонда пенсионного и социального страхования Российской Федерации по г. Москве и Московской области

Коды статистики

Код ОКОГУ? 4100615  

Публичное акционерное общество «Нефтяная компания «ЛУКОЙЛ»

Код ОКОПФ? 12247  

Публичные акционерные общества

Код ОКФС? 16  

Частная собственность

Код ОКАТО? 45286565000  


Код ОКТМО? 45378000000  

муниципальный округ Красносельский

Код КЛАДР? 770000000000685  

Контакты ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ»


101000, г. Москва, бульвар Сретенский, д. 11

Показать на карте

Контакты неверны или неактуальны?

Если вы являетесь владельцем или руководителем ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ», вы можете добавить или отредактировать контактную информацию. Также, вы можете подключить сервис «Мой бизнес» для управления этой страницей.

Виды деятельности ОКВЭД-2

Финансовая отчетность

Финансовая (бухгалтерская) отчетность ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» согласно данным ФНС и Росстата за 2011–2021 годы

Чистая прибыль?
2015–2021 гг.

Финансовые показатели
2021 г.



2,4 трлн руб.


Чистая прибыль

Чистая прибыль

635,7 млрд руб.




2,1 трлн руб.


Капитал и резервы

Капитал и резервы

1 трлн руб.


Финансовые отчеты от ФНС в формате PDF

Финансовые коэффициенты согласно результатам 2021 г.

Финансовая устойчивость
Коэффициент автономии (финансовой независимости)? 0.49
Коэффициент обеспеченности собственными оборотными средствами? -0.42
Коэффициент покрытия инвестиций? 0.57
Коэффициент текущей ликвидности? 0.85
Коэффициент быстрой ликвидности? 0.78
Коэффициент абсолютной ликвидности? 0.21
Рентабельность продаж? 26.61%
Рентабельность активов? 30.26%
Рентабельность собственного капитала? 62.04%


Главный исполнительный директор Воробьев Вадим Николаевич

  Нет записи о недостоверности сведений в ЕГРЮЛ

  Нет записи о дисквалификации

  Не входит в реестры массовых руководителей и учредителей

Учредители ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ»

Нет сведений об учредителях компании?


Руководитель ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» также является руководителем или учредителем 2 других организаций

Не найдено ни одной связи по учредителям

ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» не является управляющей организацией

ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» является учредителем 183 организаций

628484, Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ — Югра, г. Когалым, ул. Прибалтийская, д. 20
Добыча нефти
169710, Республика Коми, г. Усинск, ул. Нефтяников, д. 31
Добыча нефти
614068, Пермский край, г. Пермь, ул. Ленина, д. 62
Добыча нефти
414000, Астраханская область, г. Астрахань, ул. Адмиралтейская, д. 1, корп. 2
Добыча нефти
115035, г. Москва, ул. Большая Ордынка, д. 1
Торговля оптовая твердым, жидким и газообразным топливом и подобными продуктами


Согласно данным ЕГРЮЛ от ФНС и федеральных органов, компанией ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» была получена 1 лицензия

Источники данных

  • ЕГРЮЛ (1)

Товарные знаки

Согласно данным Роспатента, компания обладает исключительными правами на 108 товарных знаков

Сообщения на Федресурсе

Компания ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» опубликовала 46 сообщений и является участником 4 сообщений на Федресурсе

Самые популярные типы сообщений

  • Стоимость чистых активов (28)
  • Обязательная оценка (сообщение заказчика) (9)
  • Раскрытие финансовой отчетности (5)
  • Результаты обязательного аудита (2)
  • Заявление об отказе от применения моратория в соответствии со статьей 9.1 Федерального закона от 26.10.2002 г. №127-ФЗ «О несостоятельности (банкротстве) (1)
  • Уменьшение уставного капитала (1)


Согласно данным Федерального казначейства, ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» является участником системы государственных закупок


Контракты Общая сумма


Контракты Общая сумма
94-ФЗ 42 3 млн руб.
44-ФЗ 30 10,3 млн руб.
223-ФЗ 15 90,3 млрд руб.


Согласно данным ФГИС «Единый Реестр Проверок» Генеральной Прокуратуры РФ, за период с 2015 года в отношении компании «ЛУКОЙЛ» инициировано 29 проверок

Без нарушений

С нарушениями

Нет сведений о результатах

  • Последняя проверка
  • Предстоящие проверки (0)

№ 772005228015 от 13 ноября 2020 года

Внеплановая выездная проверка

Орган контроля (надзора), проводящий проверку

Цель проверки

Цели проверки проведение мероприятий по контролю в связи с поступлением извещения застройщика заказчика Задачи проверки предупреждение выявление и пресечение допущенных проверяемым лицом нарушений требований проектной документации законодательства о градостроительной деятельности Предмет проверки соответствие выполнения работ и применяемых строительных материалов в процессе строительства реконструкции объекта капитального строительства а также результатов таких работ требованиям проектной документации в том числе требованиям энергетической эффективности и требованиям оснащенности объекта капитального строительства приборами учета используемых энергетических ресурсов в том числе проверка устранения выявленных при проведении строительного контроля и осуществления государственного строительного надзора нарушений соответствия выполненных работ требованиям проектной документации


Нарушений не выявлено

Информация о результатах проверки


Сведения об ознакомлении или отказе ознакомления с актом КНМ руководителя иного должностного лица или уполномоченного представителя юридического лица индивидуального предпринимателя его уполномоченного представителя присутствовавших при проведении КНМ о наличии их подписей или об отказе от совершения подписи

С Актом ознакомлен Бегларяну ГА


Указание на отсутствие выявленных нарушений обязательных требований или требований установленных муниципальными правовыми актами в случае если нарушений обязательных требований или требований установленных муниципальными правовыми актами не выявлено

Нарушения не выявлены

Нет сведений о предстоящих проверках по 248-ФЗ, 294-ФЗ, 184-ФЗ или 131-ФЗ

Арбитражные дела

В арбитражных судах РФ были рассмотрены 59 судебных дел с участием ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ»



Третье / иное лицо

Последнее дело

№ А40-23189/2023 от 8 февраля 2023 года

Экономические споры по гражданским правоотношениям


Исполнительные производства

  Нет сведений об открытых в отношении ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» исполнительных производствах

Налоги и сборы

Нет сведений об уплаченных за прошлый отчетный период налогах и сборах

  Нет сведений о задолженностях по пеням и штрафам


Мы смогли найти информацию о 17 вакансиях от ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ»

Самые популярные вакансии

  • Специалист (15)
  • Менеджер (2)

Последняя вакансия


Осуществлять проверку претендентов на участие в тендерных процедурах в соответствии с требованиями локальных нормативных актов Компании, регламентирующих проведение тендерных процедур. Осуществлять подготовку заключения по результатам проведенной проверки. Участвовать в разработке мер по предупреждению и противодействию противоправным посягательствам лиц в отношении продукции, имущества и иных активов Компании и организаций Группы «ЛУКОЙЛ». Взаимодействовать в рамках своей компетенции с работниками подразделений Компании и организациями Группы «ЛУКОЙЛ», оказывать им содействие в отборе партнеров по бизнесу и возврате просроченной дебиторской задолженности, выявлять контрагентов, уже имеющих дебиторскуюзадолженность перед Компанией, принимать меры по минимизации возможного ущерба ее экономическим интересам. Выявлять совместно с другими подразделениями Управления экономической, внутренней безопасности и анализа информации Департамента корпоративной безопасности.

Дополнительная информация

Квотируемое рабочее место
Специалист по корпоративной безопасности

Общие требования

Высшее профессиональное образование и стаж работы по профилю не менее 2 лет. Знать: законодательные и иные нормативные правовые акты, методические материалы по вопросам, касающимся экономической, внутренней безопасности и анализа информации; требования в области промышленной безопасности, охраны труда, окружающей среды в XXI веке и элементы требований по стандартам ISO 14001 и OHSAS 18001; правила и нормы охраны труда, техники безопасности и пожарной безопасности в нефтяной и газовой промышленности.

Требования к образованию


Зарплата от 53800 руб.

Опубликовано 10 февраля 2023 года

История изменений


Юридическое лицо находится в процессе уменьшения уставного капитала


Юридическое лицо снова является действующим

Уставный капитал понижен с 17 875 000 руб. до 17 321 644 руб.


Алекперов Вагит Юсуфович больше не является руководителем организации

Воробьев Вадим Николаевич становится новым руководителем организации, должность — временный единоличный исполнительный орган — президент


Воробьев Вадим Николаевич сменил занимаемую должность с «Временный единоличный исполнительный орган — президент» на «Президент»


Воробьев Вадим Николаевич сменил занимаемую должность с «Президент» на «Главный исполнительный директор»

Согласно данным ЕГРЮЛ, компания ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» — или ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО «НЕФТЯНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ «ЛУКОЙЛ» — зарегистрирована 22 апреля 1993 года по адресу 101000, г. Москва, бульвар Сретенский, д. 11. Налоговый орган — межрайонная инспекция Федеральной налоговой службы №46 по г. Москве.

Реквизиты юридического лица — ОГРН 1027700035769, ИНН 7708004767, КПП 770801001. Регистрационный номер в ПФР — 087106003296, регистрационный номер в ФСС — 771100049877111. Организационно-правовой формой является «Публичные акционерные общества», а формой собственности — «Частная собственность». Уставный капитал составляет 17,3 млн руб.

Основным видом деятельности компании ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» является «Работы геолого-разведочные, геофизические и геохимические в области изучения недр и воспроизводства минерально-сырьевой базы». Компания также зарегистрирована в таких категориях ОКВЭД как «Деятельность по управлению холдинг-компаниями».

Главный исполнительный директор — Воробьев Вадим Николаевич. Сведения об учредителях отсутствуют.

На 5 марта 2023 года юридическое лицо является действующим.


Схожие по финансовым показателям компании, занимающиеся тем же бизнесом

Смотрите также

Прочие фирмы и организации


Торговля оптовая неспециализированная

г. Балашиха

Управление эксплуатацией жилого фонда за вознаграждение или на договорной основе

г. Санкт-Петербург

Торговля розничная текстильными изделиями в специализированных магазинах

г. Магнитогорск

Аренда и управление собственным или арендованным нежилым недвижимым имуществом

г. Владивосток

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г. Пушкино

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