Изучив историю названия марки Mazda, мы невольно вспомнили поговорку про тихий омут и чертей. Безобидное и понятное название, оказалось, скрывает настоящий заговор маркетологов! Нам снова пришлось провести полноценное расследование, в ходе которого на пути повстречались… древние маздеисты.
Случай у нас сегодня интересный и немного нестандартный. Дело в том, что слово Mazda все произносят правильно — да тут и вариантов-то особых нет. Чтобы ошибиться в ударении, это еще постараться надо, а по части согласных все вроде просто и прозрачно — никаких тебе сложных буквосочетаний, мук выбора между «-ши» и «-си», как в случае с Mitsubishi. И нам бы жилось спокойно, не знай мы фамилию основателя компании.
А фамилия эта — Мацуда.
Сама компания появилась в 1920 году благодаря товарищу по имени Дзюдзиро Мацуда. Правда, тогда она называлась Toyo Cork Kogyo и даже не думала заниматься автомобилями — начинал товарищ Мацуда с производства изделий из пробкового дерева. В тридцатые годы компания переключилась на выпуск мототехники и только после войны начала собирать автомобили. Впрочем, хватит истории — уверены, вы уже и сами заметили подозрительное несоответствие: фамилия основателя — Мацуда, а марку называют «Мазда». Что-то эти два слова слишком похожи, чтобы не иметь никакой связи, но при этом слишком разные, чтобы разницу эту можно было бы объяснить нюансами передачи с одного языка на другой — по крайней мере, с точки зрения лингвистики никаких процессов, которые могли бы так исковеркать фамилию основателя при передаче на русский, просто нет.
В самом деле, как это «цу» превратилось в «з»?
Сейчас разберемся, что к чему. Согласно информации в массе источников, название Mazda взято от имени древнего зороастрийского божества по имени Ахура Мазда — «Творец, пребывающий в бесконечном свете». Отдельно слово «мазда» (mazda) происходит из праиндоевропейского языка и обозначает «мудрость». Кстати, тех, кто почитает зороастризм в целом и бога Мазду в частности, называют маздеистами. Так что запомните: маздеист — это из зороастризма, с членством в клубе владельцев Mazda3 никак не связано. Так вот, якобы марку на самом деле назвали в честь этого самого божества, и это название как-то вдруг «случайно» оказалось созвучно с фамилией основателя компании.
Информация на официальном глобальном сайте Mazda подается более правдоподобно — по крайней мере, в изложении компании приоритеты стоят иначе, делая версию более логичной.
Название Mazda родилось вместе с началом производства первых экземпляров трехколесной техники, которую выпускала компания. Было решено назвать модель в честь основателя компании, Дзюдзиро Мацуды. Кроме того, такое название созвучно с именем Ахуры Мазды — «Бога Света». Оно должно было символически осветить и сделать более ярким образ нашей компактной мототехники.
Из пресс-материалов официального сайта Mazda
Посмотрите, какая красавица! У Mazda в последнее время с дизайном дела обстоят весьма многообещающе. А теперь представьте, что эта машина называется «Мацуда»… Что-то вот не то, правда?
Обратите внимание, что в пресс-материалах Mazda.com название Mazda привязано не к марке, а к отдельной модели — моторикше 1931 года выпуска. Ошибки здесь нет: с юридической точки зрения автомобильная марка стала называться «Маздой» аж в 1984 году, хотя до того времени так назывались производимые ей автомобили.
Казалось бы, разобрались, верно? Подумаешь, немного «перебили» фамилию основателя именем божества — получилась красивая легенда, название запоминается легко, звучит красиво и емко. В общем, маркетологи поработали на славу. И можно было бы на этом расходиться, вот только… кое-кто упорно путает все карты в колоде. А именно — сами японцы. Потому что когда они пишут и произносят название марки «Мазда», они пишут и произносят как-раз таки фамилию основателя, «Мацуда» (или Matsuda по системе уже знакомого нам Хэпберна)!
Кажется, пришла пора призвать на помощь нашего эксперта, корреспондента ТАСС Алексея Заврачаева.
Не хочется подвергать сомнению поэтичность и кругозор руководства автоконцерна, но, на мой взгляд, за всей этой историей стоит банальный рационализм. Дело в том, что в Японии «Мазда» — это на самом деле «Мацуда» (マツダ, Matsuda) — никакой поэтичности, просто фамилия основателя, как это зачастую и бывает. Пишется слово японской слоговой азбукой катакана, предназначенной главным образом для передачи заимствованной лексики, однако часто использующейся также для написания названий растений, животных и брендов. Так что, скорее всего, дело здесь в том, что для европейской публики Matsuda — название не самое благозвучное. Куда более выгодным, «резким» и «спортивным» (не забываем про дух Zoom-Zoom) выглядит Mazda.
Алексей Заврачаев, корреспондент ТАСС в Японии
Вот такая получается интересная история! Другими словами, весь мир, когда произносит название марки, говорит одно, а сами японцы — совсем другое! Мы, по сути, произносим имя божества, а японцы — фамилию основателя. Вот вам еще одно доказательство: посмотрите, как пишутся все эти слова в японском языке. Название марки Mazda и фамилию Мацуда японцы пишут вот так: マツダ. А имя божества Мазда японцы пишут вот так: マズダ. Пожалуй, тут не нужно быть профессиональным японистом, чтобы заметить разницу в написании.
Получается, правильно говорить «Мацуда»? Что можем сказать… коварны и хитры были маркетологи Mazda в тридцатые годы! Оставили себе лазейку. Очевидно, что компанию назвали в честь ее основателя — это правильно и логично, так что вариант «Мацуда» был бы вполне приемлем. Однако зороастрийский бог явно с такой позицией не согласится: по воле маркетологов, во всем мире кроме Японии сложилось так, что именно товарищ Ахура Мазда поделился своим именем с автомобильной маркой. Такую историю происхождения имени культивировали, развивали, продвигали на международном рынке вместе с самими автомобилями. Так что «Мазда» — вполне правильный и корректный вариант.
И еще немного интересной автомобильной тематики: давайте вспомним, Что такое Гиробусы и что это за Секретный МАЗ из проекта «Целина». Вот вечный спор — Механика или автомат?. Были кстати, вот такие Необычные грузовики с очень низкой кабиной и вот так выглядел Советский автомобильный самострой. Кто видел вот такой ГАЗ-3105 «Волга» и Концепт Chevrolet Ultimus опередивший свое время
Всего найдено: 4
Подскажите, пожалуйста, нужны ли кавычки:
Автомобили «Мазда» признаны лучшими по итогам года.
Заранее благодарю.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Кавычки поставлены правильно.
как правильно написать в кавычках или без предложение:На дорогах много разных машин:Ниссан,Мазда РХ8,Субару,БМВ МЗ.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
В Вашем примере перемешаны названия марок и моделей автомобилей, что само по себе не вполне удачно. В рубрике «Письмовник» мы постарались обобщить рекомендации справочников по оформлению названий марок и моделей автомобилей на письме: http://gramota.ru/spravka/letters/?rub=kav2
ПРи написании брендов, в частности названий машин, латиницей мы не ставим кавычки: например, приехал на Mazd’e, но, если кириллицей «Мазда» — в словарях дается такое написание — в кавычках со строчной буквы: «мерседес», «волга», «жигули». Как правильно? А если ГАЗ-25? Как правильно: ЗиС или ЗИС, ЗиЛ или ЗИЛ? (дается и такое и такое написание). То же с названиями фирм: если латиница, то часто дается без кавычек, если кириллица — в кавычках. Как правильно?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Об употреблении кавычек в собственных наименованиях см. в «Письмовнике».
К вопросу 224088. Как же правильно писать названия автомобилей типа «мазда», «мерседес», «фольксваген», «вольво» — в кавычках и со строчной буквы?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
См. ответ № 180617 .
Морфемный разбор слова:
Однокоренные слова к слову:
Дзюдзиро Мацуда (основатель)
Кадзухидэ Ватанабэ (председатель совета директоров)
Хисакадзу Имаки (президент)
$-69.8 млн. (фин. год, зак. 31 марта 2010 года)
В 1930 году один из мотоциклов от Toyo Kogyo (слово «Cork» — «пробка» — удалили из названия в 1927) победил в гонках, что подняло интерес к транспортным средствам производителя. В 1930-х годах компания начала выпуск трициклов, во многом копировавших зарубежные образцы. В 1931 году название компании сменили на «Mazda» — имя верховного зороастрийского бога Ахура Мазда, созвучное с фамилией основателя концерна. В 1932 году начался экспорт коммерческого трицикла в Китай. Аналогичные машины в годы Второй Мировой войны поставлялись в японскую армию.
В 1948 году восстановленный после американских бомбардировок завод Mazda вернулся к выпуску трёхколёсных грузовиков, спустя год председателем правления совета директоров концерна стал сын основателя Тенуджи Мацуда.
В 1960 появился первый автомобиль производителя — микролитражное заднемоторное четырёхместное купе Mazda R360. Спустя год появился пикап Proceed B-series 1500, а в 1962 — двух- и четырёхдверные седаны Carol 360 и Carol 600. Освоить выпуск последних моделей помогли деловые связи с немецкой NSU, обладавшей эксклюзивными правами на производство и разработку РПД работы Феликса Ванкеля. 1963 год отмечен появлением первого роторного двигателя Mazda. Экспорт автомобилей за рубеж был начат с продаж универсала Mazda Familia в Новую Зеландию, эта же машина в двух кузовных версиях дебютировала в 1967 году на Европейском рынке. Тогда же в производство пошёл первый серийный автомобиль компании с РПД, Mazda Cosmo Sport. К 1970 году Mazda выпустила уже 100 000 автомобилей с двигателями такого типа.
В 1967 году дебютировало спортивное купе Mazda Savanna RX-7, тогда же 25 % акций японского автопроизводителя были приобретены концерном Ford Motor. Первым масштабным совместным проектом концернов стало семейство Mazda Bongo 1983 модельного года. В 1984 году официальное название концерна сменили на Mazda Motor Corporation. В 1989 году было представлено первое поколение популярного по всему миру родстера Mazda MX-5, а в 1991 году единственный раз за всю историю в «24 часах Ле-Мана» победу одержал автомобиль с роторно-поршневым двигателем, Mazda 787B. В 1995 дебютировало первое поколение хетчбэка Mazda Demio, тогда же Ford увеличил свою долю акций японского концерна до 33,4 процентов.
Собственники и руководство
Председатель совета директоров — Кадзухидэ Ватанабэ. Президент компании — Хисакадзу Имаки (Hisakazu Imaki).
Два основных завода Mazda находятся в Японии (в городах Хиросима и Хофу), 18 дополнительных — за её пределами.
Mazda в России
1936—1962 | 1962—1975 | 1975—1991 | 1991-1993 | 1994—1997 | 1997—настоящее время |
Эмблема | |||||
Корпоративная марка | |||||
В этой версии эмблемы буква «M» была стилизована под герб Хиросимы. | В этой версии эмблемы буква «M» была стилизована под шоссе (раллийный стек) | Данная версия эмблемы символизирует крыло, солнце и круг света. | Символ с обновленным дизайном был представлен в 1997 году; Он представляет собой стилизованную букву «М», изображающую расправленные крылья. |
Mazda 6 — одна из наиболее популярных на российском рынке моделей Mazda
Mazda 6 2008 модельного года
См. также
Платформы • Двигатели • Автомобили • Категория | |
Модели производимые сейчас и планируемые | |
Автомобили | Activa • Crown Victoria/Police Interceptor • Fairlane • Falcon / FPV models • Fiesta / Ikon / Fusion / EcoSport • Focus / Focus (Северная Америка) / C-Max • Fusion (Северная Америка) • Galaxy • Ka / Sportka / Streetka • Kuga • Mondeo / Metrostar • Mustang • S-Max • Taurus |
Грузовики/SUV’ы | Cargo • Courier (Brazilian)/Bantam • E-Series/Chateau Wagon • Econovan • Edge • Escape/Hybrid/Maverick • Expedition • Explorer • Everest/Endeavour • F-Series (includes Super Duty) • Flex • Pronto • Ranger/Courier • Territory • Tourneo • Tourneo Connect • Transit • Transit Connect |
Исторические модели | |
1896-1909 | Quadricycle • 999 • Model A/AC • Model B • Model C • Model F • Model K • Model N • Model R • Model S • Model T |
1910–1929 | Model TT • Model A • Model AA |
1930–1949 | Ford Model B • Ford Model Y • Ford Model C • Ford Model CX • Ford Junior Popular • 1937 Ford • Ford Junior De Luxe • Rheinland • Ford Eifel • Ford Model 7Y • Ford Model 7W • Ford Anglia • Ford Prefect • Country Squire • Ford Meteor • Ford Pilot • Ford Vedette |
1950-1959 | C-Series Trucks • Consul • Country Sedan • Del Rio • Edsel (Brand) • Fairlane • Galaxie • Mainline • Parklane • Popular • Ranchero • Squire • Taunus • Thunderbird • Versailles • Zephyr |
1960-1969 | Bronco • Capri • Corcel • Corsair • Cortina • Escort • Falcon • GT40 • H-Series Trucks • LTD • N-Series Trucks • Torino • W-Series Trucks |
1970-1979 | Elite • Fairmont • Granada • L-Series Trucks • Maverick • Pinto |
1980-1989 | Aerostar • Bantam • Bronco II • Del Rey • Escort • EXP • Festiva • Laser • LTD Crown Victoria • Orion • Probe • Scorpio • Sierra • Telstar • Tempo • Verona |
1990-1999 | Aspire • Contour • Cougar • Maverick • Puma • Windstar • ZX2 |
2000-2009 | Excursion • Freestar • GT • Five Hundred • Freestyle/Taurus X |
Глобальный Ford | |
Подразделения / дочерние фирмы совместные предприятия |
Ford Motor Company • Ford of Canada • Ford of Britain • Ford of Argentina • Ford Germany • Ford of Australia • Ford of Brazil • Ford Europe • Ford France • Ford India • Ford Motor Company Philippines • Arabian Motors Group • AutoAlliance International • AutoAlliance Thailand • Chang’an Ford • Jiangling Motors • Volvo Cars • Ford-Otosan • Mazda |
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Смотреть что такое «Mazda» в других словарях:
Mazda MX 5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, zweitürig Vorgängermodell: keines Nachfolgemodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda — (Motor Corporation) Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3868400007 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 2 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kleinwagen Vorgängermodell: Mazda 121 Mazda Demio Nachfolgemodell: keines Der Mazda2 ist ein frontgetriebener … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 3 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kompaktklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 5 — Mazda Mazda5 (2005–2008) 5 Hersteller: Mazda Motor Corporation Produktionszeitraum: seit 2005 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 6 — Mazda 6/Atenza Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse: Mittelklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Kombi, fünftürig … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda RX 8 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Sportcoupé … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Manufacturer Mazda Also called Mazda MX 5 Miata Mazda Miata Eunos Roadster Mazda Roadster Product … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-8 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 2003–2011[1] Assembly … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-7 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 1978–2002 811,634 produced[1] Assem … Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, Stoffverdeck Vorgängermodell: keines Na … Deutsch Wikipedia
Смотреть что такое «Мазда» в других словарях:
МАЗДА — (Mazda Motor, в 1927 1984 Toyo Kogyo), японская автомобильная фирма, производит грузовики, автобусы, микроавтобусы, легковые автомобили. Входит в финансово промышленную группу «Сумитомо». Головной офис фирмы находится в Хиросиме (см. ХИРОСИМА).… … Энциклопедический словарь
мазда — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • автомобиль (369) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов
Мазда — (Mazda) – марка автомобиля, Япония. EdwART. Словарь автомобильного жаргона, 2009 … Автомобильный словарь
маздаїзм — іменник чоловічого роду … Орфографічний словник української мови
Мазда — Mazda Motor Corporation Год основания 1920 Ключевые фигуры Дзюдзиро Мацуда (основатель) Кадзухидэ Ватанабэ (председатель совета директоров) Хисакадзу Имаки (президент) Тип … Википедия
мазда — ж.; = Мазда Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 … Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой
Мазда — (Mazda Motor Corporation, в 1927 1984 Toyo Kogyo Company) японская автомобильная компания, выпускающая грузовики, автобусы, микроавтобусы и легковые автомобили. Входит в финансово промышленную группу «Сумитомо». Штаб квартира находится в Хиросиме … Автомобильный словарь
Мазда 3 — Mazda3 Mazda3 на викискладе … Википедия
Мазда 6 — Mazda 6 Mazda 6 на викискладе … Википедия
Дзюдзиро Мацуда (основатель)
Кадзухидэ Ватанабэ (председатель совета директоров)
Хисакадзу Имаки (президент)
$-69.8 млн. (фин. год, зак. 31 марта 2010 года)
В 1930 году один из мотоциклов от Toyo Kogyo (слово «Cork» — «пробка» — удалили из названия в 1927) победил в гонках, что подняло интерес к транспортным средствам производителя. В 1930-х годах компания начала выпуск трициклов, во многом копировавших зарубежные образцы. В 1931 году название компании сменили на «Mazda» — имя верховного зороастрийского бога Ахура Мазда, созвучное с фамилией основателя концерна. В 1932 году начался экспорт коммерческого трицикла в Китай. Аналогичные машины в годы Второй Мировой войны поставлялись в японскую армию.
В 1948 году восстановленный после американских бомбардировок завод Mazda вернулся к выпуску трёхколёсных грузовиков, спустя год председателем правления совета директоров концерна стал сын основателя Тенуджи Мацуда.
В 1960 появился первый автомобиль производителя — микролитражное заднемоторное четырёхместное купе Mazda R360. Спустя год появился пикап Proceed B-series 1500, а в 1962 — двух- и четырёхдверные седаны Carol 360 и Carol 600. Освоить выпуск последних моделей помогли деловые связи с немецкой NSU, обладавшей эксклюзивными правами на производство и разработку РПД работы Феликса Ванкеля. 1963 год отмечен появлением первого роторного двигателя Mazda. Экспорт автомобилей за рубеж был начат с продаж универсала Mazda Familia в Новую Зеландию, эта же машина в двух кузовных версиях дебютировала в 1967 году на Европейском рынке. Тогда же в производство пошёл первый серийный автомобиль компании с РПД, Mazda Cosmo Sport. К 1970 году Mazda выпустила уже 100 000 автомобилей с двигателями такого типа.
В 1967 году дебютировало спортивное купе Mazda Savanna RX-7, тогда же 25 % акций японского автопроизводителя были приобретены концерном Ford Motor. Первым масштабным совместным проектом концернов стало семейство Mazda Bongo 1983 модельного года. В 1984 году официальное название концерна сменили на Mazda Motor Corporation. В 1989 году было представлено первое поколение популярного по всему миру родстера Mazda MX-5, а в 1991 году единственный раз за всю историю в «24 часах Ле-Мана» победу одержал автомобиль с роторно-поршневым двигателем, Mazda 787B. В 1995 дебютировало первое поколение хетчбэка Mazda Demio, тогда же Ford увеличил свою долю акций японского концерна до 33,4 процентов.
Собственники и руководство
Председатель совета директоров — Кадзухидэ Ватанабэ. Президент компании — Хисакадзу Имаки (Hisakazu Imaki).
Два основных завода Mazda находятся в Японии (в городах Хиросима и Хофу), 18 дополнительных — за её пределами.
Mazda в России
1936—1962 | 1962—1975 | 1975—1991 | 1991-1993 | 1994—1997 | 1997—настоящее время |
Эмблема | |||||
Корпоративная марка | |||||
В этой версии эмблемы буква «M» была стилизована под герб Хиросимы. | В этой версии эмблемы буква «M» была стилизована под шоссе (раллийный стек) | Данная версия эмблемы символизирует крыло, солнце и круг света. | Символ с обновленным дизайном был представлен в 1997 году; Он представляет собой стилизованную букву «М», изображающую расправленные крылья. |
Mazda 6 — одна из наиболее популярных на российском рынке моделей Mazda
Mazda 6 2008 модельного года
См. также
Платформы • Двигатели • Автомобили • Категория | |
Модели производимые сейчас и планируемые | |
Автомобили | Activa • Crown Victoria/Police Interceptor • Fairlane • Falcon / FPV models • Fiesta / Ikon / Fusion / EcoSport • Focus / Focus (Северная Америка) / C-Max • Fusion (Северная Америка) • Galaxy • Ka / Sportka / Streetka • Kuga • Mondeo / Metrostar • Mustang • S-Max • Taurus |
Грузовики/SUV’ы | Cargo • Courier (Brazilian)/Bantam • E-Series/Chateau Wagon • Econovan • Edge • Escape/Hybrid/Maverick • Expedition • Explorer • Everest/Endeavour • F-Series (includes Super Duty) • Flex • Pronto • Ranger/Courier • Territory • Tourneo • Tourneo Connect • Transit • Transit Connect |
Исторические модели | |
1896-1909 | Quadricycle • 999 • Model A/AC • Model B • Model C • Model F • Model K • Model N • Model R • Model S • Model T |
1910–1929 | Model TT • Model A • Model AA |
1930–1949 | Ford Model B • Ford Model Y • Ford Model C • Ford Model CX • Ford Junior Popular • 1937 Ford • Ford Junior De Luxe • Rheinland • Ford Eifel • Ford Model 7Y • Ford Model 7W • Ford Anglia • Ford Prefect • Country Squire • Ford Meteor • Ford Pilot • Ford Vedette |
1950-1959 | C-Series Trucks • Consul • Country Sedan • Del Rio • Edsel (Brand) • Fairlane • Galaxie • Mainline • Parklane • Popular • Ranchero • Squire • Taunus • Thunderbird • Versailles • Zephyr |
1960-1969 | Bronco • Capri • Corcel • Corsair • Cortina • Escort • Falcon • GT40 • H-Series Trucks • LTD • N-Series Trucks • Torino • W-Series Trucks |
1970-1979 | Elite • Fairmont • Granada • L-Series Trucks • Maverick • Pinto |
1980-1989 | Aerostar • Bantam • Bronco II • Del Rey • Escort • EXP • Festiva • Laser • LTD Crown Victoria • Orion • Probe • Scorpio • Sierra • Telstar • Tempo • Verona |
1990-1999 | Aspire • Contour • Cougar • Maverick • Puma • Windstar • ZX2 |
2000-2009 | Excursion • Freestar • GT • Five Hundred • Freestyle/Taurus X |
Глобальный Ford | |
Подразделения / дочерние фирмы совместные предприятия |
Ford Motor Company • Ford of Canada • Ford of Britain • Ford of Argentina • Ford Germany • Ford of Australia • Ford of Brazil • Ford Europe • Ford France • Ford India • Ford Motor Company Philippines • Arabian Motors Group • AutoAlliance International • AutoAlliance Thailand • Chang’an Ford • Jiangling Motors • Volvo Cars • Ford-Otosan • Mazda |
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Смотреть что такое «Mazda» в других словарях:
Mazda MX 5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, zweitürig Vorgängermodell: keines Nachfolgemodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda — (Motor Corporation) Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3868400007 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 2 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kleinwagen Vorgängermodell: Mazda 121 Mazda Demio Nachfolgemodell: keines Der Mazda2 ist ein frontgetriebener … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 3 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kompaktklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 5 — Mazda Mazda5 (2005–2008) 5 Hersteller: Mazda Motor Corporation Produktionszeitraum: seit 2005 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 6 — Mazda 6/Atenza Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse: Mittelklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Kombi, fünftürig … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda RX 8 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Sportcoupé … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Manufacturer Mazda Also called Mazda MX 5 Miata Mazda Miata Eunos Roadster Mazda Roadster Product … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-8 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 2003–2011[1] Assembly … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-7 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 1978–2002 811,634 produced[1] Assem … Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, Stoffverdeck Vorgängermodell: keines Na … Deutsch Wikipedia
Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется правильно мазда, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется правильно мазда», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
Краткий экскурс в правильность произношения нашей марки.
Сама компания Мазда появилась в 1920 году благодаря товарищу по имени Дзюдзиро Мацуда. Правда, тогда она называлась Toyo Cork Kogyo и даже не думала заниматься автомобилями — начинал Мацуда с производства изделий из пробкового дерева. В тридцатые годы компания переключилась на выпуск мототехники и только после войны начала собирать автомобили. Впрочем, хватит истории — уверены, вы уже и сами заметили подозрительное несоответствие: фамилия основателя — Мацуда, а марку называют «Мазда». Что-то эти два слова слишком похожи, чтобы не иметь никакой связи, но при этом слишком разные, чтобы разницу эту можно было бы объяснить нюансами передачи с одного языка на другой — по крайней мере, с точки зрения лингвистики никаких процессов, которые могли бы так исковеркать фамилию основателя при передаче на русский, просто нет. В самом деле, как это «цу» превратилось в «з»?
Сейчас разберемся, что к чему. Согласно информации в массе источников, название Mazda взято от имени древнего зороастрийского божества по имени Ахура Мазда — «Творец, пребывающий в бесконечном свете». Отдельно слово «мазда» (mazda) происходит из праиндоевропейского языка и обозначает «мудрость». Кстати, тех, кто почитает зороастризм в целом и бога Мазду в частности, называют маздеистами. Так что запомните: маздеист — это из зороастризма, с членством в клубе владельцев Mazda3 никак не связано. Так вот, якобы марку на самом деле назвали в честь этого самого божества, и это название как-то вдруг «случайно» оказалось созвучно с фамилией основателя компании.
«Название Mazda родилось вместе с началом производства первых экземпляров трехколесной техники, которую выпускала компания. Было решено назвать модель в честь основателя компании, Дзюдзиро Мацуды. Кроме того, такое название созвучно с именем Ахуры Мазды — «Бога Света». Оно должно было символически осветить и сделать более ярким образ нашей компактной мототехники.»
***Из пресс-материалов официального сайта Mazda
Обратите внимание, что в пресс-материалах Mazda.com название Mazda привязано не к марке, а к отдельной модели — моторикше 1931 года выпуска. Ошибки здесь нет: с юридической точки зрения автомобильная марка стала называться «Маздой» аж в 1984 году, хотя до того времени так назывались производимые ей автомобили.
«Не хочется подвергать сомнению поэтичность и кругозор руководства автоконцерна, но, на мой взгляд, за всей этой историей стоит банальный рационализм. Дело в том, что в Японии «Мазда» — это на самом деле «Мацуда» (マツダ, Matsuda) — никакой поэтичности, просто фамилия основателя, как это зачастую и бывает. Пишется слово японской слоговой азбукой катакана, предназначенной главным образом для передачи заимствованной лексики, однако часто использующейся также для написания названий растений, животных и брендов. Так что, скорее всего, дело здесь в том, что для европейской публики Matsuda — название не самое благозвучное. Куда более выгодным, «резким» и «спортивным» (не забываем про дух Zoom-Zoom) выглядит Mazda.»
***Алексей Заврачаев, корреспондент ТАСС в Японии
Вот такая получается интересная история! Другими словами, весь мир, когда произносит название марки, говорит одно, а сами японцы — совсем другое! Мы, по сути, произносим имя божества, а японцы — фамилию основателя. Вот вам еще одно доказательство: посмотрите, как пишутся все эти слова в японском языке. Название марки Mazda и фамилию Мацуда японцы пишут вот так: マツダ. А имя божества Мазда японцы пишут вот так: マズダ. Пожалуй, тут не нужно быть профессиональным японистом, чтобы заметить разницу в написании. Наконец, вот уже знакомый видеоролик, на котором очаровательная японская девушка произносит названия брендов на японский манер.
Мотайте примерно на четырнадцатую секунду:
взято auto.vesti.ru/
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Ахура-Мазда.
Mazda Motor Corporation | |
Тип |
Публичная компания |
Листинг на бирже |
TYO: 7261 |
Год основания |
1920 |
Расположение |
Ключевые фигуры |
Дзюдзиро Мацуда (основатель) |
Отрасль |
Автомобилестроение |
Оборот |
▲ $23,306 млрд (фин. год, зак. 31 марта 2010 года) |
Чистая прибыль |
$-69.8 млн. (фин. год, зак. 31 марта 2010 года) |
Число сотрудников |
38,987 тыс. |
Сайт |
www.mazda.ru (рус.) |
Mazda Motor Corporation (яп. マツダ株式会社 Мацуда Кабусики-гайся?) (TYO: 7261) — японская автомобилестроительная компания, выпускающая автомобили «Мазда». Штаб-квартира — в Хиросиме. Входит в кэйрэцу Sumitomo.
- 1 История
- 2 Собственники и руководство
- 3 Деятельность
- 3.1 Mazda в России
- 4 Логотипы
- 5 Фотографии
- 6 См. также
- 7 Примечания
- 8 Ссылки
В 1920 году совместно с группой инвесторов обанкротившуюся строительную компанию Abemaki приобрёл сын простого рыбака, Дзюдзиро Мацуда (яп. 松田 重次郎 Мацуда Дзю:дзиро:?, 1875—1952). Основной продукцией предприятия стали изделия из пробкового дерева, компанию назвали Toyo Cork Kogyo Ltd., и в 1921 году Мацуда стал её президентом. В 1920-х годах предприятие выпустило несколько пробных партий мотоциклов, не пользовавшихся большой популярностью на рынке, а основной продукцией стало машиностроительное оборудование.
Трицикл Mazda, 1931
В 1930 году один из мотоциклов от Toyo Kogyo (слово «Cork» — «пробка» — удалили из названия в 1927) победил в гонках, что подняло интерес к транспортным средствам производителя. В 1930-х годах компания начала выпуск трициклов, во многом копировавших зарубежные образцы. В 1931 году название компании сменили на «Mazda» — имя верховного зороастрийского бога Ахура Мазда, созвучное с фамилией основателя концерна. В 1932 году начался экспорт коммерческого трицикла в Китай. Аналогичные машины в годы Второй Мировой войны поставлялись в японскую армию.
В 1948 году восстановленный после американских бомбардировок завод Mazda вернулся к выпуску трёхколёсных грузовиков, спустя год председателем правления совета директоров концерна стал сын основателя Тенуджи Мацуда.
Mazda R360, 1960
В 1960 появился первый автомобиль производителя — микролитражное заднемоторное четырёхместное купе Mazda R360. Спустя год появился пикап Proceed B-series 1500, а в 1962 — двух- и четырёхдверные седаны Carol 360 и Carol 600. Освоить выпуск последних моделей помогли деловые связи с немецкой NSU, обладавшей эксклюзивными правами на производство и разработку РПД работы Феликса Ванкеля. 1963 год отмечен появлением первого роторного двигателя Mazda. Экспорт автомобилей за рубеж был начат с продаж универсала Mazda Familia в Новую Зеландию, эта же машина в двух кузовных версиях дебютировала в 1967 году на Европейском рынке. Тогда же в производство пошёл первый серийный автомобиль компании с РПД, Mazda Cosmo Sport. К 1970 году Mazda выпустила уже 100 000 автомобилей с двигателями такого типа.
Mazda 787B, 1991
В 1967 году дебютировало спортивное купе Mazda Savanna RX-7, тогда же 25 % акций японского автопроизводителя были приобретены концерном Ford Motor. Первым масштабным совместным проектом концернов стало семейство Mazda Bongo 1983 модельного года. В 1984 году официальное название концерна сменили на Mazda Motor Corporation. В 1989 году было представлено первое поколение популярного по всему миру родстера Mazda MX-5, а в 1991 году единственный раз за всю историю в «24 часах Ле-Мана» победу одержал автомобиль с роторно-поршневым двигателем, Mazda 787B. В 1995 дебютировало первое поколение хетчбэка Mazda Demio, тогда же Ford увеличил свою долю акций японского концерна до 33,4 процентов.
По данным на 2007 год, сборочные предприятия концерна действовали в 21 стране, экспорт автомобилей осуществлялся в более чем 120 государств[1].
30 августа 2010 года в Милане был презентован концепт-кар Mazda Shinari, который стал предвестником иного дизайнерского направления, нового лица марки. Новый фирменный стиль получил название Kodo, что в вольном переводе означает «дух движения», который сменил Nagare, бывший профильным последние несколько лет[2].
Собственники и руководство
Общее число акционеров Mazda Motor Corporation на 31 марта 2010 года — 55 462, так же акции принадлежат компании Ford (33,4 %)[3]. Рыночная капитализация на Токийской бирже на 27 ноября 2006 года — 1,09 трлн японских иен (около $9,4 млрд).
Председатель совета директоров — Кадзухидэ Ватанабэ. Президент компании — Хисакадзу Имаки (Hisakazu Imaki).
Два основных завода Mazda находятся в Японии (в городах Хиросима и Хофу), 18 дополнительных — за её пределами.
Объём производства компании в 2010 году составил 1 307 540 единиц, что на 32,8% выше уровня 2009 года. Выручка в финансовом году, завершившемся 31 марта 2010 года, составила $23,3 млрд, за тот же период убытки компании составили около $80 млн.
Mazda в России
В июне 2011 года Mazda подписало с Минэкономразвития России соглашение о промышленной сборке автомобилей, предусматривающее создание автосборочного производства в Приморском крае. Как предполагается, на предприятии мощностью 25-50 тыс. автомобилей в год будет осуществляться сборка Mazda 6 и Mazda CX-5, [4].
1936—1962 | 1962—1975 | 1975—1991 | 1991-1993 | 1994—1997 | 1997—настоящее время | |
Эмблема | ||||||
Корпоративная марка | ||||||
В этой версии эмблемы буква «M» была стилизована под герб Хиросимы. | В этой версии эмблемы буква «M» была стилизована под шоссе (раллийный стек) | Данная версия эмблемы символизирует крыло, солнце и круг света. | Символ с обновленным дизайном был представлен в 1997 году; Он представляет собой стилизованную букву «М», изображающую расправленные крылья. |
Mazda 6 — одна из наиболее популярных на российском рынке моделей Mazda
См. также
- Список автомобилей Mazda
- Mazda Verisa
- ↑ История концерна Mazda
- ↑ Mazda Shinari
- ↑ Mazda jetzt (fast) allein zu Haus japanmarkt.de, 1. Dezember 2010
- ↑ Mazda создает автосборочное производство в Приморье. // gazeta.ru. Архивировано из первоисточника 11 февраля 2012. Проверено 23 июня 2011.
Mazda на Викискладе? |
- Официальный сайт компании в России (рус.)
- Mazda Global Web Site (англ.)
База расчёта индекса Nikkei 225 Токийской фондовой биржи |
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Coordinates: 34°22′37″N 132°30′03″E / 34.3770577°N 132.5008222°E
Mazda Motor Corporation
Headquarters in Fuchū, Japan (2020) |
Native name |
マツダ株式会社 |
Romanized name |
Matsuda Kabushiki-Gaisha |
Type | Public (K.K.) |
Traded as |
TYO: 7261 |
Industry | Automotive |
Founded | 30 January 1920; 102 years ago |
Founder | Jujiro Matsuda |
Headquarters | 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchū, Hiroshima, Japan |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Kiyotaka Shobuda (Chairman) Akira Marumoto (President and CEO) |
Products | Motor vehicles, engines (1,202,489 units, 2016) |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Owners | Japan Trustee Services Bank (6.3%) Toyota Motor Corporation (5%)[2] The Master Trust Bank of Japan (4.7%) Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (2.2%) |
Number of employees |
46,398 (2016) |
Website | www.mazda.com |
Mazda Motor Corporation (Japanese: マツダ株式会社, Hepburn: Matsuda Kabushiki-Gaisha), commonly referred to as simply Mazda, is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Fuchū, Hiroshima, Japan.[4]
In 2015, Mazda produced 1.5 million vehicles for global sales, the majority of which (nearly one million) were produced in the company’s Japanese plants, with the remainder coming from a variety of other plants worldwide.[5] During this time, Mazda was the 15th-largest automaker in terms of production globally.[6]
The first registered corporate logo, which appeared on three-wheel trucks in 1936.
The first stylized branding. The three mountains (representing Hiroshima) also form the Latin alphabet letter M, which is duplicated three times for «Mazda Motor Manufacturer». The long side extensions represent wings for agility and speed.
Mazda began as the Toyo Cork Kogyo Co., Ltd, as a cork-making factory founded in Hiroshima, Japan, 30 January 1920. Toyo Cork Kogyo renamed itself to Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. in 1927. In the late 1920s the company had to be saved from bankruptcy by Hiroshima Saving Bank and other business leaders in Hiroshima.[7]
In 1931, Toyo Kogyo moved from manufacturing machine tools to vehicles with the introduction of the Mazda-Go auto rickshaw. The name Mazda came into existence with the production of the company’s first three-wheeled trucks. Other candidates for a model name included Sumera-Go, Tenshi-Go, and more.[8]
Officially, the company states:
Mazda comes from Ahura Mazda, the god of harmony, intelligence and wisdom from the earliest civilization in West Asia. Key members of Toyo Kogyo interpreted Mazda as a symbol of the beginning of the East and the West civilization, but also a symbol of the automotive civilization and culture.»[9]
The company’s website further notes that the name also derives from the name of the company’s founder, Jujiro Matsuda.[10] The alternative proposed names mean «god» (Sumera) and «angel» (Tenshi); both indicate Matsuda’s strong interest in human faith.[11]
The Mazda lettering was used in combination with the corporate emblem of Mitsubishi Motors, which was responsible for sales, to produce the Toyo Kogyo three-wheeled truck registered trademark.[12]
Toyo Kogyo produced weapons for the Japanese military throughout the Second World War, most notably the series 30 through 35 Type 99 rifle. The company formally adopted the Mazda name in 1984, though every automobile sold from the beginning bore that name. The Mazda R360 was introduced in 1960, followed by the Mazda Carol in 1962 and were sold at a specific retail dealership that sold passenger cars called «Mazda Auto Store» whereas commercial products were sold at «Mazda Store». As Mazda continued to offer passenger cars like the Savanna, Familia, Luce, Cosmo and Capella, they were added to the «Mazda Auto Store» network only.[13]
Wankel engine adoption
Symbol and corporate mark as seen on most Mazda cars from the Mazda R360 until 1975
Beginning in the 1960s, Mazda was inspired by the NSU Ro 80 and decided to put a major engineering effort into development of the Wankel rotary engine as a way of differentiating itself from other Japanese auto companies. The company formed a business relationship with German company NSU and began with the limited-production Cosmo Sport of 1967, and continuing to the present day with the Pro Mazda Championship, Mazda has become the sole manufacturer of Wankel-type engines for the automotive market, mainly by way of attrition. (NSU and Citroën both gave up on the design during the 1970s, and prototype Corvette efforts by General Motors never made it to production.)
This effort to bring attention to itself apparently helped, as Mazda rapidly began to export its vehicles. Both piston-powered and rotary-powered models made their way around the world. The rotary models quickly became popular for their combination of good power and light weight when compared to piston-engined competitors that required heavier V6 or V8 engines to produce the same power. The R100 and the RX series (RX-2, RX-3, and RX-4) led the company’s export efforts.
During 1968, Mazda started formal operations in Canada (MazdaCanada) although Mazdas were seen in Canada as early as 1959. In 1970, Mazda formally entered the American market (Mazda North American Operations) and was very successful there, going so far as to create the Mazda Rotary Pickup (based on the conventional piston-powered B-Series model) solely for North American buyers. To this day, Mazda remains the only automaker to have produced a Wankel-powered pickup truck. Additionally, it is also the only marque to have ever offered a rotary-powered bus (the Mazda Parkway, offered only in Japan) or station wagon (within the RX-3 and RX-4 lines for certain markets). After nine years of development, Mazda finally launched its new model in the U.S. in 1970.[14]
Mazda’s rotary success continued until the onset of the 1973 oil crisis. As American buyers (as well as those in other nations) quickly turned to vehicles with better fuel efficiency, the relatively thirsty rotary-powered models began to fall out of favor. Combined with being the least-efficient automaker in Japan (in terms of productivity), inability to adjust to excess inventory and over-reliance on the U.S. market, the company suffered a huge loss in 1975.[15][16] An already heavily indebted Toyo Kogyo was on the verge of bankruptcy and was only saved through the intervention of Sumitomo keiretsu group, namely Sumitomo Bank, and the company’s subcontractors and distributors.[17][18] However, the company had not totally turned its back on piston engines, as it continued to produce a variety of four-cylinder models throughout the 1970s. The smaller Familia line in particular became very important to Mazda’s worldwide sales after 1973, as did the somewhat larger Capella series.
Mazda RX-7 (first generation)
Mazda refocused its efforts and made the rotary engine a choice for the sporting motorist rather than a mainstream powerplant. Starting with the lightweight RX-7 in 1978 and continuing with the modern RX-8, Mazda has continued its dedication to this unique powerplant. This switch in focus also resulted in the development of another lightweight sports car, the piston-powered Mazda MX-5 Miata (sold as the Eunos and later Mazda Roadster in Japan), inspired by the concept ‘jinba ittai’. Introduced in 1989 to worldwide acclaim, the Roadster has been widely credited with reviving the concept of the small sports car after its decline in the late 1970s.
Partnership with Ford
From 1974 to 2015, Mazda had a partnership with the Ford Motor Company, which acquired a 24.5% stake in 1979, upped to a 33.4% ownership of Mazda in May 1995.[19] Under the administration of Alan Mulally, Ford gradually divested its stake in Mazda from 2008 to 2015, with Ford holding 2.1% of Mazda stock as of 2014[20] and severing most production as well as development ties.
This partnership with Ford began owing to Mazda’s financial difficulties during the 1960s. Starting in 1979 by expanding their 7 percent financial stake to 24.5%, Ford expanded an existing partnership with Mazda, resulting in various joint projects. The cooperation had begun in 1971 when the Mazda B-Series spawned a Ford Courier variant for North America, a version which was later offered in other markets as well. Mazda’s Bongo and Titan cab-over trucks were sold with Ford badging in mainly Asia and the Pacific region beginning in 1976.[21] These included large and small efforts in all areas of the automotive landscape, most notably in the realm of pickup trucks and smaller cars. Mazda began supplying manual transaxles to Ford in the spring of 1980.[21] Mazda’s Familia platform was used for Ford models like the Laser and Escort beginning in 1980, while the Capella architecture found its way into Ford’s Telstar sedan and Probe sports models.
During the 1980s, Ford-badged Mazda products replaced much of their own European-sourced lineup, especially in the Asia-Pacific markets, with the Laser replacing the Escort[22] and the Telstar replacing the Cortina.[23] In some cases, such as New Zealand and South Africa, these were assembled alongside their Mazda-badged equivalents, the Mazda 323 (Familia) and 626 (Capella).
Following the closure of its own assembly plant in New Zealand, Mazda established a joint venture with Ford New Zealand known as Vehicle Assemblers of New Zealand (VANZ), while in South Africa, Ford’s local subsidiary merged with Sigma Motor Corporation, which already assembled Mazdas in the country, to form Samcor, although the sharing of models proved unpopular with both Ford and Mazda customers.[24] In other markets such as Australia, however, the 323 and 626 were always fully imported, with only the Laser and Telstar assembled locally.[25] In Japan, the Laser and Telstar were also sold alongside their Mazda-badged brethren, but the Festiva was not sold as a Mazda 121 on the Japanese market.
In North America, the Probe was built in a new Mazda company plant in Flat Rock, Michigan, along with the mainstream 626 sedan and a companion Mazda MX-6 sports coupe. Ford also lent Mazda some of its capacity when needed: the Mazda 121 sold in Europe and South Africa was, for a time, a variant of the Ford Fiesta built in plants in Europe and South Africa. Mazda also made an effort in the past to sell some of Ford’s cars in Japan, mainly through its Autorama dealer group.
In 1991, Mazda adopted a corporate symbol which was to represent a sun and a flame standing for heartfelt passion. This is commonly referred to in Mazda enthusiast circles as the «cylon» logo.[26]
Shortly after the release of the new symbol, the design was smoothed out to reduce its similarity to Renault’s. This is sometimes referred to as the «eternal flame» logo. It also represented the design of the rotary engine that Mazda was famous for.
The brand symbol, adopted in 1997, with the V-shape wings inside, standing for “growth” and “improvement” and Mazda logo in Mazda blue.[27] A slightly modified version was introduced in 2015.
Mazda also helped Ford develop the 1991 Explorer, which Mazda sold as the 2-door only Mazda Navajo from 1991 through 1994. However, Mazda’s version was unsuccessful, while the Ford (available from the start as a 4-door or 2-door model) instantly became the best-selling sport-utility vehicle in the United States and kept that title for over a decade.[28] Mazda has used Ford’s Ranger pickup as the basis for its North American–market B-Series trucks, starting in 1994 and continuing through 2010, when Mazda discontinued importing its B-Series trucks to North America, due to costs associated with the chicken tax.[29]
Following its long-held fascination with alternative engine technology, Mazda introduced the first Miller cycle engine for automotive use in the Millenia luxury sedan of 1995. Though the Millenia (and its Miller-type V6 engine) were discontinued in 2002, the company has recently introduced a much smaller Miller-cycle four-cylinder engine for use in its Demio starting in 2008. As with its leadership in Wankel technology, Mazda remains (so far) the only automaker to have used a Miller-cycle engine in the automotive realm.
Further financial difficulties at Mazda during the 1990s (partly caused by losses related to the 1997 Asian financial crisis[citation needed]) caused Ford to increase its stake to a 33.4-percent controlling interest in May 1996. In June 1996, Henry Wallace was appointed president, and he set about restructuring Mazda and setting it on a new strategic direction. He laid out a new direction for the brand including the design of the present Mazda marque; he laid out a new product plan to achieve synergies with Ford, and he launched Mazda’s digital innovation program to speed up the development of new products. At the same time, he started taking control of overseas distributors, rationalized dealerships and manufacturing facilities, and driving much-needed efficiencies and cost reductions in Mazda’s operations. Much of his early work put Mazda back into profitability and laid the foundations for future success. Wallace was succeeded by James Miller in November 1997, followed in December 1999 by Ford executive Mark Fields, who has been credited with expanding Mazda’s new product lineup and leading the turnaround during the early 2000s. Ford’s increased influence during the 1990s allowed Mazda to claim another distinction in history, having maintained the first foreign-born head of a Japanese car company, Henry Wallace.
Divestment by Ford
Amid the world financial crisis in the fall of 2008, reports emerged that Ford was contemplating a sale of its stake in Mazda as a way of streamlining its asset base.[30] BusinessWeek explained the alliance between Ford and Mazda has been a very successful one, with Mazda saving perhaps $90 million a year in development costs and Ford «several times» that, and that a sale of its stake in Mazda would be a desperate measure.[31] On November 18, 2008, Ford announced that it would sell a 20% stake in Mazda, reducing its stake to 13.4%, thus surrendering control of the company, which it held since 1996.[32][33] The following day, Mazda announced that, as part of the deal, it was buying back 6.8% of its shares from Ford for about US$185 million while the rest would be acquired by business partners of the company.[34] It was also reported that Hisakazu Imaki would be stepping down as chief executive, to be replaced by Takashi Yamanouchi.[35] On November 18, 2010, Ford reduced its stake further to 3%, citing the reduction of ownership would allow greater flexibility to pursue growth in emerging markets, and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group was believed to become its largest shareholder. Ford and Mazda remained strategic partners through joint ventures and exchanges of technological information.[36][37]
Mazda’s first mass-produced electric car, the MX-30
On September 30, 2015, when Ford’s shares had sunk to a little over 2% due to stock dilution, Ford sold its remaining shares in Mazda.[38]
Post-Ford efforts
In 2011, Mazda raised more than 150 billion yen (US$1.9 billion) in a record share sale to replenish capital, as it suffered its biggest annual loss in 11 years. Part of the proceeds were used to build an auto plant in Salamanca, Mexico.[39] The Mexican plant was built jointly by the company and Sumitomo Corporation.[40]
In May 2015, the company signed an agreement with Toyota to form a «long-term partnership», that would, among others, see Mazda supply Toyota with fuel-efficient SkyActiv gasoline and diesel engine technology in exchange for hydrogen fuel cell systems.[41]
Mazda tried using a number of different marques in the Japanese (and occasionally Australian) markets in the 1990s, including Autozam, Eunos, and ɛ̃fini. The motivation was brought on by market competition from other Japanese automakers efforts in offering vehicles at multiple Japanese dealership networks offered by Toyota, Nissan, and Honda. Mazda’s implementation of brand diversification reflected a Japanese engineering philosophy, called Kansei engineering, which was used as an advertising slogan in North America.
One of the oddest sub-marques was M2, used on three rare variants of the Eunos Roadster (the M2-1001, M2-1002 and M2-1028) and one of the Autozam AZ-1 (M2-1015). M2 even had its own avant-garde company headquarters, but was shut down after a very short period of operation.
In early 1992, Mazda planned to release a luxury marque, Amati, to challenge Acura, Infiniti, and Lexus in North America, which was to begin selling in late 1993. The initial Amati range would have included the Amati 500 (which became the Eunos 800 in Japan and Australia, Mazda Millenia in the U.S., and Mazda Xedos 9 in Europe), a rebadged version of the Mazda Cosmo and the Amati 1000 (a rear-wheel drive V12 competitor to the Lexus LS400[42]). The Amati marque was eventually scrapped before any cars hit the market. It is perhaps just a curiosity, but «Amati» happens to be an anagram of «Miata».
In Europe, the Xedos name was also associated with the Mazda Xedos 6, the two models were in production from 1992 until 1997. The Xedos line was marketed under the Mazda marque, and used the Mazda badge from the corresponding years.
This diversification stressed the product development groups at Mazda past its limits. Instead of having a half-dozen variations on any given platform, developers were asked to work on dozens of different models at the same time. Consumers were confused as well by the explosion of similar new models. This selective marketing experiment was ended in the mid-1990s due to economic conditions, largely attributed to the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble in 1991.
- Jujiro Matsuda (1920–1951)
- Tsuneji Matsuda (1952–1970)
- Kouhei Matsuda (1970–1977)
- Yoshiki Yamasaki (1977–1984)
- Kenichi Yamamoto (1984–1987)
- Masanori Furuta (1987–1991)
- Yoshihiro Wada (1991–1996)
- Henry Wallace (1996–1997, appointed by Ford Motor Company, first non-Japanese CEO of a Japanese automaker)
- James E. Miller (1997–1999)
- Mark Fields (1999–2002)
- Lewis Booth (2002–2003)
- Hisakazu Imaki (2003–2008)
- Takashi Yamanouchi (2008–2013)
- Masamichi Kogai (2013–present)
As of January 2022, the United States is Mazda’s biggest market, followed by China and Japan.[43] Mazda’s market share in the U.S. fell to a 10-year low of 1.7 percent in 2016.[44] Mazda’s brand loyalty was 39 percent in 2016, below the industry average of 53 percent.[45] On October 24, 2022, Mazda decided to get rid of assets in Russia, with the company transferring a stake in a joint venture in Vladivostok to Sollers JSC for 1 euro.[46]
Environmental efforts
Mazda has conducted research in hydrogen-powered vehicles for several decades.Mazda has developed a hybrid version of its Premacy compact minivan using a version of its signature rotary engine that can run on hydrogen or gasoline named the Mazda Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid. Despite plans to release it in 2008,[47][48] as of 2010 the vehicle is in limited trials.[49]
In 2010, Toyota and Mazda announced a supply agreement for the hybrid technology used in Toyota’s Prius model.[50]
Mazda is finding a host of alternative uses for a variety of materials and substances, ranging from plastic to milk, in its vehicles, as it aims to become more environmentally-friendly. Mazda introduced some of these innovations (bioplastic internal consoles and bio-fabric seats) in its Mazda5 model at EcoInnovasia 2008, at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok. Up to 30% of the interior parts in the Mazda5 are made of non-biomaterial components, e.g. Poti (gobar of cows).[51]
SkyActiv technology
SkyActiv technology is an umbrella name for a range of technologies used in certain new Mazda vehicles. These vehicles include the Mazda2/Demio, Mazda3/Axela, Mazda6/Atenza, and CX-5. Together these technologies increase fuel economy to a level similar to a hybrid drivetrain. Engine output is increased and emission levels are reduced. These technologies include high compression ratio gasoline engines (13.0 to 1), reduced compression diesel engines (14.0 to 1) with new 2-stage turbocharger design, highly efficient automatic transmissions, lighter weight manual transmissions, lightweight body designs and electric power steering. It is also possible to combine these technologies with a hybrid drivetrain for even greater fuel economy.
In the racing world, Mazda has had substantial success with both its signature Wankel-engine cars (in two-rotor, three-rotor, and four-rotor forms) as well as its piston-engine models. Mazda vehicles and engines compete in a wide variety of disciplines and series around the world. In 1991, Mazda became the first Japanese automaker to win the 24 Hours of Le Mans overall.
International competition
Mazda’s competition debut was on October 20, 1968, when two Mazda Cosmo Sport 110S coupes entered the 84-hour Marathon de la Route ultra-endurance race at the Nürburgring, one finishing in fourth place and the other breaking an axle after 81 hours.[52] The next year, Mazda raced Mazda Familia R100 M10A coupes. After winning the Singapore Grand Prix in April 1969 and coming in fifth and sixth in the Spa 24 Hours (beaten only by Porsche 911s), on October 19, 1969, Mazda again entered the 84 hour Nürburgring race with four Familias. Only one of these finished, taking fifth place.
The first racing victory by a Wankel-engined car in the United States was in 1973, when Pat Bedard won an IMSA RS race at Lime Rock Park in a Mazda RX-2.[52]
In 1976, Ray Walle, owner of Z&W Mazda, drove a Cosmo (Mazda RX-5) from the dealership in Princeton, New Jersey, to Daytona, won the Touring Class Under 2.5 Liters at the 24 Hours of Daytona, and drove the car back to New Jersey. The Cosmo placed 18th overall in a field of 72. The only modifications were racing brake pads, exhaust, and safety equipment.[53]
After substantial successes by the Mazda RX-2 and Mazda RX-3, the Mazda RX-7 has won more IMSA races in its class than any other model of automobile, with its hundredth victory on September 2, 1990. Following that, the RX-7 won its class in the IMSA 24 Hours of Daytona race ten years in a row, starting in 1982. The RX-7 won the IMSA Grand Touring Under Two Liter (GTU) championship each year from 1980 through 1987, inclusive.
In 1991, a four-rotor Mazda 787B (2622 cc actual, rated by FIA formula at 4708 cc) won the 24 Hours of Le Mans auto race outright. The 787B’s triumph remains unparalleled, as it remains the only non-piston-engined car ever to win at Le Mans, and Mazda is the first Japanese marque to have won overall at Le Mans (though Nissan had closed down its World Sportscar Championship programme and Toyota had opted to take a sabbatical for most of 1991 in order to develop its 3.5-litre TS010[original research?]). This led to a ban on rotary engines in the Le Mans race starting in 1992, which has since been rescinded. After the 1991 race, the winning engine was publicly dismantled for internal examination, which demonstrated that despite 24 hours of extremely hard use it had accumulated very little wear.
The Le Mans win in 1991 followed a decade of class wins from other Mazda prototypes, including the 757 and 767. The Sigma MC74 powered by a Mazda 12A engine was the first engine and team from outside Western Europe or the United States to finish the entire 24 hours of the Le Mans race, in 1974. Mazda is also the most reliable finisher at Le Mans (with the exception of Honda, which has entered only three cars in only one year), with 67% of entries finishing. Mazda returned to prototype racing in 2005 with the introduction of the Courage C65 LMP2 car at the American Le Mans Series race at Road Atlanta. This prototype racer uses the Renesis Wankel from the RX-8.
Mazdas have also enjoyed substantial success in World Land Speed competition, SCCA competition, drag racing, pro rally competition (the Familia appeared in the WRC several times during the late ’80s and early ’90s), the One Lap of America race (winning SUV & truck in a MazdaSpeed5), and other venues. Wankel engines have been banned for some time from international Formula One racing,[citation needed] as well as from United States midget racing, after Gene Angelillo won the North East Midget Racing Association championship in 1985 with a car powered by a 13B engine, and again in 1986 in a car powered by a 12A engine.
Spec series
The Cooper Tires Atlantic Championship powered by Mazda is a North American open wheel racing series. It is the top level of the MAZDASPEED ladder, a driver development program which rewards season winners of one level with automatic rides at the next level. Since 2006, the Atlantic Championship has been run exclusively with Swift 016.a chassis powered by Mazda-Cosworth MZR 2300 cc (2.3L) DOHC inline-4 engines producing 300 bhp (224 kW). The cars are capable of speeds in excess of 175 mph (282 km/h).[54]
Formula Mazda features open wheel race cars with Mazda engines, adaptable to both oval tracks and road courses, on several levels of competition. Since 1991, the professionally organized Pro Mazda Championship has been the most popular format for sponsors, spectators, and upward bound drivers. It is the second-highest level on the aforementioned Mazdaspeed driver development ladder. Engines for the Star Mazda series are all built by one engine builder, certified to produce the prescribed power, and sealed to discourage tampering. They are in a relatively mild state of racing tune, so that they are extremely reliable and can go years between motor rebuilds.
Spec Miata has become one of the most popular and most affordable road racing classes in North America. The Spec Miata (SM) class is intended to provide the opportunity to compete in low-cost, production-based cars with limited modifications, suitable for racing competition. The rules are intentionally designed to be more open than the Showroom Stock class but more restricted than the Improved Touring class.
Spec RX-7 is also a popular club racing class primarily due to the availability of first-generation RX7 cars and the low startup cost.[citation needed]
Mazda’s headquarters in Fuchū, Hiroshima
Mazda is a major sponsor to several professional sports teams, including:
- Hometown teams:
- Sanfrecce Hiroshima (J. League): Originally known as Toyo Kogyo Soccer Club and founded in 1938, it was owned directly by Mazda until 1992 when Mazda reduced its share to professionalize the club for the new J. League.
- Hiroshima Toyo Carp (Nippon Professional Baseball): The «Toyo» part of the team’s name is in honor of Mazda’s part-ownership of the team since 1968 (when Mazda was still known as Toyo Kogyo). The Matsuda family, descended from the founder of Mazda, holds the majority share in team ownership.
- Teams abroad:
- North Melbourne Football Club (Australian Football League)
- ACF Fiorentina (Serie A)
- Nakhon Ratchasima (Thai League 1)
The company also sponsors various marathon and relay race events in Japan, such as the Hiroshima International Peace Marathon and the Hiroshima Prefectural Ekiden Race, along with numerous other sporting and charity endeavors in Hiroshima and Hofu.[55] Mazda was also the league sponsor for the now-defunct Australian Rugby Championship.
Mazda maintained sponsorship of the Laguna Seca racing course in California from 2001 until February 2018,[56] going so far as to use it for its own automotive testing purposes as well as the numerous racing events (including several Mazda-specific series) that it used to host, as well as for the 2003 launch of the Mazda RX-8.[57] Since April 2018, the venue’s primary corporate sponsor is WeatherTech.
Mazda also sponsors the Western New York Flash, a professional women’s soccer team that plays in the WPA and has some of the best players in the world, including world player of the year.[58]
Mazda has been a sponsor of Club Deportivo Universidad Católica’s basketball team of the Liga Nacional de Básquetbol de Chile.[59]
Mazda’s past advertising slogans included: «The more you look, the more you like» (1970s to early 1980s); «Experience Mazda» (mid-1980s); «An intense commitment to your total satisfaction, that’s The Mazda Way» (late 1980s); «It Just Feels Right» along with advertising describing Mazda’s use of Kansei engineering (1990–1995); «Passion for the road» (1996); «Get in. Be moved.» (1997–2000). Another marketing slogan was «Sakes Alive!», for its truck line.
Since 2000, Mazda has used the phrase «Zoom-Zoom» to describe what it calls the «emotion of motion» that it claims is inherent in its cars.[60] Extremely successful and long-lasting (when compared to other automotive marketing taglines), the Zoom-Zoom campaign has now spread around the world from its initial use in North America.[61]
The Zoom-Zoom campaign has been accompanied by the «Zoom-Zoom-Zoom» song in many television and radio advertisements. The original version, performed by Jibril Serapis Bey (used in commercials in Europe, Japan and South Africa), was recorded long before it became the official song for Mazda as part of a soundtrack to the movie Only The Strong (released in 1993). The Serapis Bey version is a cover of a traditional Capoeira song, called «Capoeira Mata Um». In 2010, its current slogan is «Zoom Zoom Forever». The longer slogan (Used in TV ads) is «Zoom Zoom, Today, Tomorrow, Forever».
Early ads in the Zoom-Zoom campaign also featured a young boy (Micah Kanters) whispering the «Zoom-Zoom» tagline.[62]
Since 2011, Mazda has still used the Zoom-Zoom tagline in another campaign called «What Do You Drive?». The punchline for this is «At Mazda, we believe because if it’s not worth driving, it’s not worth building. We build Mazdas. What do you drive?».
In 2015, Mazda had launched a new campaign under a new tagline, «Driving Matters», coinciding with the release of the redesigned MX-5.[63] This campaign was meant to solidify Mazda’s «Zoom Zoom» slogan. A 60-second long advertisement titled «A Driver’s Life», coincided with the new tagline on the following week.
See also
- List of Mazda engines
- List of Mazda facilities
- List of Mazda model codes
- List of Mazda vehicles
- ^ a b c «Consolidated Financial Results» (PDF). mazda.com/investors. Retrieved June 21, 2011.
- ^ Tajitsu, Naomi (August 4, 2017). «Toyota takes stake in Mazda, links up for $1.6 billion U.S. plant». Reuters. Retrieved December 14, 2019.
- ^ «Offices Archived October 7, 2009, at the Wayback Machine.» Mazda. Retrieved on October 29, 2009.
- ^ «MAZDA:Mazda Production and Sales Results for December 2007 and for January through December 2007 (Flash Report) | Production and Salese Results». Archived from the original on April 18, 2008. Retrieved July 31, 2016.
- ^ «World motor vehicle production OICA correspondents survey without double counts world ranking of manufacturers year 2015» (PDF).
- ^ Corporate Financing and Governance in Japan: The Road to the Future, page 153, By Takeo Hoshi, Anil Kashyap
- ^ «GREAT CARS OF MAZDA». Retrieved October 8, 2017.
- ^ «A Story Behind the Name of ‘Mazda’«. Retrieved April 11, 2022.
- ^ «MAZDA: Mazda-Go 3-wheeled trucks». www.mazda.com. Retrieved April 16, 2019.
- ^ The Globe: In Search of the Origins of Mazda, Mazda Motor Corporation, January 30, 1990, p. 73
- ^ «A Story Behind the Name of «Mazda»«. Retrieved November 9, 2018.
- ^ «Development of domestic 5-channel system and management crisis [Mazda 100-year history, 25th, Chapter 7 Part 3]». Cliccar.com. Cliccar. July 25, 2020. Retrieved November 11, 2021.
- ^ Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management, page 24, By Frank B. Tipton
- ^ Corporate Financing and Governance in Japan: The Road to the Future, page 153 By Takeo Hoshi, Anil Kashyap
- ^ Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management, page 24, By Frank B. Tipton
- ^ Doner, Richard F. (1991), Driving a Bargain: Automobile Industrialization and Japanese Firms in Southeast Asia, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Oxford: University of California, p. 294, ISBN 0-520-06938-2
- ^ Between MITI and the Market: Japanese Industrial Policy for High Technology, page 139 By Daniel I. Okimoto
- ^ «Mazda Annual Report 2017» (PDF). Mazda Motor Corporation. p. 59. Archived from the original (PDF) on January 21, 2018. Retrieved January 20, 2018.
- ^ Stock and Bond Information, Mazda, March 31, 2014
- ^ a b Mazda Annual Report 1980, Hiroshima, Japan: Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd., March 1981, p. 3
- ^ «Family tree bears fruit», Christopher de Fraga,The Age, 1 June 1984, page 18
- ^ «Telstar should keep Ford on top», Christopher de Fraga,The Age, June 14, 1983, page 18
- ^ «Ford, Mazda Zoom Apart». CAR. South Africa. September 1, 2002.
- ^ Australia Welcomes The ‘new’ Migrants, The Age, June 16, 1986, page 43
- ^ «Mazda Has Used Four Different Logos Since the 1980s». Retrieved January 30, 2019.
- ^ «The Evolution of the Mazda Logo and Brand». Inside Mazda. April 21, 2016. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
- ^ Ramey, Jay (March 15, 2018). «Rare anywhere: Mazda Navajo». Auto Week. US. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
- ^ «Mazda Kills B-Series Pickup». Automobile Magazine. September 16, 2009. Archived from the original on June 30, 2010. Retrieved June 28, 2010.
- ^ [1][dead link]
- ^ Rowley, Ian (October 11, 2008). «Ford to Sell Mazda?». Business Week. Archived from the original on October 14, 2008. Retrieved October 12, 2008.
- ^ «Ford to Sell 20% of stake in Mazda » Stuff going on in the world». Miscstuff.wordpress.com. November 18, 2008. Retrieved May 7, 2009.
- ^ Henry, Jim (November 24, 2008). «Ford Sells Controlling Stake in Mazda». CBS News. Retrieved July 3, 2016.
- ^ Chang-Ran Kim (November 18, 2008). «Ford abandons Mazda control with 20 percent stake sale». Reuters. Archived from the original on October 16, 2015. Retrieved February 4, 2014.
- ^ «Ford, Trying to Raise Cash, Sells Stake in Mazda». New York Times. November 18, 2008.
- ^ «Ford to Change Stake in Mazda». Ford Motor Company. November 18, 2010. Archived from the original on July 11, 2011. Retrieved March 9, 2011.
- ^ Taniguchi, Takako (October 18, 2010). «Sumitomo Mitsui To Overtake Ford as Mazda’s Top Shareholder, Chairman Says». Bloomberg. Retrieved February 4, 2014.
- ^ «Ford sells remaining stake in Mazda». Nikkei. November 13, 2015. Retrieved February 18, 2017.
- ^ Mukai, Anna; Hagiwara, Yuki (March 5, 2012). «Mazda’s Record Share Sale to Help Boost Capital After Losses». bloomberg.com. Retrieved September 3, 2015.
- ^ «UPDATE 1-Mazda, Sumitomo to build Mexico car plant -Nikkei». Reuters. November 30, 2010. Archived from the original on November 17, 2015. Retrieved February 4, 2014.
- ^ «Toyota, Mazda form partnership to share technologies, confront cost challenges». Automotive News. May 13, 2015. Retrieved April 17, 2016.
- ^ «It Was Japan’s Most Daring Car. Then the Economy Imploded». Jalopnik. December 20, 2018. Retrieved December 17, 2021.
- ^ «2021 (Full Year) Global: Mazda Worldwide Car Sales, Production, and Exports». January 31, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2022.
- ^ Cain, Timothy (May 15, 2017). «Mazda Wants 2 Percent U.S. Market Share, But Not Just Any Ol’ 2 Percent Market Share (15 May 2017)». The Truth about Cars. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
- ^ Wayland, Michael (May 15, 2017). «Mazda’s 2% solution». Automotive News. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
- ^ «Mazda окончательно уходит из России». www.gazeta.ru. November 10, 2022.
- ^ Alan Ohnsman (October 27, 2007). «Nissan, Honda Seek Edge With Low-Emission Cars at Tokyo Show». Bloomberg. Retrieved March 29, 2010.
- ^ Chas Hallet (August 28, 2008). «Mazda plans Volt rival». Autocar. Retrieved May 7, 2009.
- ^ «Mazda Delivers Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid to Iwatani Corporation for use in Kyushu» (Press release). Mazda. January 13, 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2010.
- ^ «TMC and Mazda Agree to Hybrid System Technology License» (PDF) (Press release). Toyota & Mazda. March 29, 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2010.
- ^ «Bioplastic, Research, Environmentally | Fabric and consoles in Mazda». bioplastics24.com. May 1, 2006. Archived from the original on December 3, 2008. Retrieved May 7, 2009.
- ^ a b «The Rotary Club», Don Sherman, Automobile Magazine, February 2008, pp 76–79
- ^ «daytona rx5». Mazdarx5.com. Archived from the original on July 14, 2011. Retrieved September 29, 2010.
- ^ «Champ Car Atlantic News». Champcaratlantic.com. Retrieved September 29, 2010.[permanent dead link]
- ^ MAZDA:Basic Idea on Community and Social Contributions | With Communities and Society Archived September 17, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Brown, Maury. «After 17 Years, Mazda Dropping Naming Rights To Laguna Seca Raceway». Forbes. Retrieved August 9, 2022.
- ^ «Track Sponsors». Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Archived from the original on December 31, 2004.
- ^ Marta Vieira da Silva
- ^ Universidad Católica presento cinco refuerzos para la Liga Nacional de Básquetbol 2016-2017 El Deportero, 30 September 2016. Accessed 8 April 2020. (in Spanish)
- ^ «Mazda Challenges Consumers in Zoom-Zoom Contest». Archived from the original on April 22, 2008. Retrieved September 29, 2010.
- ^ «What’s Zoom Zoom ? | Mazda Spirit». MAZDA. Retrieved September 29, 2010.
- ^ «Interview with Micah Kanters». Shufflingdead.com. September 10, 2004. Archived from the original on May 28, 2010. Retrieved June 28, 2010.
- ^ Nelson, Gabe (May 21, 2015). «Mazda’s new mantra: ‘Driving Matters’«. Automotive News. Retrieved July 22, 2015.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mazda.
- Official website
Coordinates: 34°22′37″N 132°30′03″E / 34.3770577°N 132.5008222°E
Mazda Motor Corporation
Headquarters in Fuchū, Japan (2020) |
Native name |
マツダ株式会社 |
Romanized name |
Matsuda Kabushiki-Gaisha |
Type | Public (K.K.) |
Traded as |
TYO: 7261 |
Industry | Automotive |
Founded | 30 January 1920; 102 years ago |
Founder | Jujiro Matsuda |
Headquarters | 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchū, Hiroshima, Japan |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Kiyotaka Shobuda (Chairman) Akira Marumoto (President and CEO) |
Products | Motor vehicles, engines (1,202,489 units, 2016) |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Owners | Japan Trustee Services Bank (6.3%) Toyota Motor Corporation (5%)[2] The Master Trust Bank of Japan (4.7%) Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (2.2%) |
Number of employees |
46,398 (2016) |
Website | www.mazda.com |
Mazda Motor Corporation (Japanese: マツダ株式会社, Hepburn: Matsuda Kabushiki-Gaisha), commonly referred to as simply Mazda, is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Fuchū, Hiroshima, Japan.[4]
In 2015, Mazda produced 1.5 million vehicles for global sales, the majority of which (nearly one million) were produced in the company’s Japanese plants, with the remainder coming from a variety of other plants worldwide.[5] During this time, Mazda was the 15th-largest automaker in terms of production globally.[6]
The first registered corporate logo, which appeared on three-wheel trucks in 1936.
The first stylized branding. The three mountains (representing Hiroshima) also form the Latin alphabet letter M, which is duplicated three times for «Mazda Motor Manufacturer». The long side extensions represent wings for agility and speed.
Mazda began as the Toyo Cork Kogyo Co., Ltd, as a cork-making factory founded in Hiroshima, Japan, 30 January 1920. Toyo Cork Kogyo renamed itself to Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. in 1927. In the late 1920s the company had to be saved from bankruptcy by Hiroshima Saving Bank and other business leaders in Hiroshima.[7]
In 1931, Toyo Kogyo moved from manufacturing machine tools to vehicles with the introduction of the Mazda-Go auto rickshaw. The name Mazda came into existence with the production of the company’s first three-wheeled trucks. Other candidates for a model name included Sumera-Go, Tenshi-Go, and more.[8]
Officially, the company states:
Mazda comes from Ahura Mazda, the god of harmony, intelligence and wisdom from the earliest civilization in West Asia. Key members of Toyo Kogyo interpreted Mazda as a symbol of the beginning of the East and the West civilization, but also a symbol of the automotive civilization and culture.»[9]
The company’s website further notes that the name also derives from the name of the company’s founder, Jujiro Matsuda.[10] The alternative proposed names mean «god» (Sumera) and «angel» (Tenshi); both indicate Matsuda’s strong interest in human faith.[11]
The Mazda lettering was used in combination with the corporate emblem of Mitsubishi Motors, which was responsible for sales, to produce the Toyo Kogyo three-wheeled truck registered trademark.[12]
Toyo Kogyo produced weapons for the Japanese military throughout the Second World War, most notably the series 30 through 35 Type 99 rifle. The company formally adopted the Mazda name in 1984, though every automobile sold from the beginning bore that name. The Mazda R360 was introduced in 1960, followed by the Mazda Carol in 1962 and were sold at a specific retail dealership that sold passenger cars called «Mazda Auto Store» whereas commercial products were sold at «Mazda Store». As Mazda continued to offer passenger cars like the Savanna, Familia, Luce, Cosmo and Capella, they were added to the «Mazda Auto Store» network only.[13]
Wankel engine adoption
Symbol and corporate mark as seen on most Mazda cars from the Mazda R360 until 1975
Beginning in the 1960s, Mazda was inspired by the NSU Ro 80 and decided to put a major engineering effort into development of the Wankel rotary engine as a way of differentiating itself from other Japanese auto companies. The company formed a business relationship with German company NSU and began with the limited-production Cosmo Sport of 1967, and continuing to the present day with the Pro Mazda Championship, Mazda has become the sole manufacturer of Wankel-type engines for the automotive market, mainly by way of attrition. (NSU and Citroën both gave up on the design during the 1970s, and prototype Corvette efforts by General Motors never made it to production.)
This effort to bring attention to itself apparently helped, as Mazda rapidly began to export its vehicles. Both piston-powered and rotary-powered models made their way around the world. The rotary models quickly became popular for their combination of good power and light weight when compared to piston-engined competitors that required heavier V6 or V8 engines to produce the same power. The R100 and the RX series (RX-2, RX-3, and RX-4) led the company’s export efforts.
During 1968, Mazda started formal operations in Canada (MazdaCanada) although Mazdas were seen in Canada as early as 1959. In 1970, Mazda formally entered the American market (Mazda North American Operations) and was very successful there, going so far as to create the Mazda Rotary Pickup (based on the conventional piston-powered B-Series model) solely for North American buyers. To this day, Mazda remains the only automaker to have produced a Wankel-powered pickup truck. Additionally, it is also the only marque to have ever offered a rotary-powered bus (the Mazda Parkway, offered only in Japan) or station wagon (within the RX-3 and RX-4 lines for certain markets). After nine years of development, Mazda finally launched its new model in the U.S. in 1970.[14]
Mazda’s rotary success continued until the onset of the 1973 oil crisis. As American buyers (as well as those in other nations) quickly turned to vehicles with better fuel efficiency, the relatively thirsty rotary-powered models began to fall out of favor. Combined with being the least-efficient automaker in Japan (in terms of productivity), inability to adjust to excess inventory and over-reliance on the U.S. market, the company suffered a huge loss in 1975.[15][16] An already heavily indebted Toyo Kogyo was on the verge of bankruptcy and was only saved through the intervention of Sumitomo keiretsu group, namely Sumitomo Bank, and the company’s subcontractors and distributors.[17][18] However, the company had not totally turned its back on piston engines, as it continued to produce a variety of four-cylinder models throughout the 1970s. The smaller Familia line in particular became very important to Mazda’s worldwide sales after 1973, as did the somewhat larger Capella series.
Mazda RX-7 (first generation)
Mazda refocused its efforts and made the rotary engine a choice for the sporting motorist rather than a mainstream powerplant. Starting with the lightweight RX-7 in 1978 and continuing with the modern RX-8, Mazda has continued its dedication to this unique powerplant. This switch in focus also resulted in the development of another lightweight sports car, the piston-powered Mazda MX-5 Miata (sold as the Eunos and later Mazda Roadster in Japan), inspired by the concept ‘jinba ittai’. Introduced in 1989 to worldwide acclaim, the Roadster has been widely credited with reviving the concept of the small sports car after its decline in the late 1970s.
Partnership with Ford
From 1974 to 2015, Mazda had a partnership with the Ford Motor Company, which acquired a 24.5% stake in 1979, upped to a 33.4% ownership of Mazda in May 1995.[19] Under the administration of Alan Mulally, Ford gradually divested its stake in Mazda from 2008 to 2015, with Ford holding 2.1% of Mazda stock as of 2014[20] and severing most production as well as development ties.
This partnership with Ford began owing to Mazda’s financial difficulties during the 1960s. Starting in 1979 by expanding their 7 percent financial stake to 24.5%, Ford expanded an existing partnership with Mazda, resulting in various joint projects. The cooperation had begun in 1971 when the Mazda B-Series spawned a Ford Courier variant for North America, a version which was later offered in other markets as well. Mazda’s Bongo and Titan cab-over trucks were sold with Ford badging in mainly Asia and the Pacific region beginning in 1976.[21] These included large and small efforts in all areas of the automotive landscape, most notably in the realm of pickup trucks and smaller cars. Mazda began supplying manual transaxles to Ford in the spring of 1980.[21] Mazda’s Familia platform was used for Ford models like the Laser and Escort beginning in 1980, while the Capella architecture found its way into Ford’s Telstar sedan and Probe sports models.
During the 1980s, Ford-badged Mazda products replaced much of their own European-sourced lineup, especially in the Asia-Pacific markets, with the Laser replacing the Escort[22] and the Telstar replacing the Cortina.[23] In some cases, such as New Zealand and South Africa, these were assembled alongside their Mazda-badged equivalents, the Mazda 323 (Familia) and 626 (Capella).
Following the closure of its own assembly plant in New Zealand, Mazda established a joint venture with Ford New Zealand known as Vehicle Assemblers of New Zealand (VANZ), while in South Africa, Ford’s local subsidiary merged with Sigma Motor Corporation, which already assembled Mazdas in the country, to form Samcor, although the sharing of models proved unpopular with both Ford and Mazda customers.[24] In other markets such as Australia, however, the 323 and 626 were always fully imported, with only the Laser and Telstar assembled locally.[25] In Japan, the Laser and Telstar were also sold alongside their Mazda-badged brethren, but the Festiva was not sold as a Mazda 121 on the Japanese market.
In North America, the Probe was built in a new Mazda company plant in Flat Rock, Michigan, along with the mainstream 626 sedan and a companion Mazda MX-6 sports coupe. Ford also lent Mazda some of its capacity when needed: the Mazda 121 sold in Europe and South Africa was, for a time, a variant of the Ford Fiesta built in plants in Europe and South Africa. Mazda also made an effort in the past to sell some of Ford’s cars in Japan, mainly through its Autorama dealer group.
In 1991, Mazda adopted a corporate symbol which was to represent a sun and a flame standing for heartfelt passion. This is commonly referred to in Mazda enthusiast circles as the «cylon» logo.[26]
Shortly after the release of the new symbol, the design was smoothed out to reduce its similarity to Renault’s. This is sometimes referred to as the «eternal flame» logo. It also represented the design of the rotary engine that Mazda was famous for.
The brand symbol, adopted in 1997, with the V-shape wings inside, standing for “growth” and “improvement” and Mazda logo in Mazda blue.[27] A slightly modified version was introduced in 2015.
Mazda also helped Ford develop the 1991 Explorer, which Mazda sold as the 2-door only Mazda Navajo from 1991 through 1994. However, Mazda’s version was unsuccessful, while the Ford (available from the start as a 4-door or 2-door model) instantly became the best-selling sport-utility vehicle in the United States and kept that title for over a decade.[28] Mazda has used Ford’s Ranger pickup as the basis for its North American–market B-Series trucks, starting in 1994 and continuing through 2010, when Mazda discontinued importing its B-Series trucks to North America, due to costs associated with the chicken tax.[29]
Following its long-held fascination with alternative engine technology, Mazda introduced the first Miller cycle engine for automotive use in the Millenia luxury sedan of 1995. Though the Millenia (and its Miller-type V6 engine) were discontinued in 2002, the company has recently introduced a much smaller Miller-cycle four-cylinder engine for use in its Demio starting in 2008. As with its leadership in Wankel technology, Mazda remains (so far) the only automaker to have used a Miller-cycle engine in the automotive realm.
Further financial difficulties at Mazda during the 1990s (partly caused by losses related to the 1997 Asian financial crisis[citation needed]) caused Ford to increase its stake to a 33.4-percent controlling interest in May 1996. In June 1996, Henry Wallace was appointed president, and he set about restructuring Mazda and setting it on a new strategic direction. He laid out a new direction for the brand including the design of the present Mazda marque; he laid out a new product plan to achieve synergies with Ford, and he launched Mazda’s digital innovation program to speed up the development of new products. At the same time, he started taking control of overseas distributors, rationalized dealerships and manufacturing facilities, and driving much-needed efficiencies and cost reductions in Mazda’s operations. Much of his early work put Mazda back into profitability and laid the foundations for future success. Wallace was succeeded by James Miller in November 1997, followed in December 1999 by Ford executive Mark Fields, who has been credited with expanding Mazda’s new product lineup and leading the turnaround during the early 2000s. Ford’s increased influence during the 1990s allowed Mazda to claim another distinction in history, having maintained the first foreign-born head of a Japanese car company, Henry Wallace.
Divestment by Ford
Amid the world financial crisis in the fall of 2008, reports emerged that Ford was contemplating a sale of its stake in Mazda as a way of streamlining its asset base.[30] BusinessWeek explained the alliance between Ford and Mazda has been a very successful one, with Mazda saving perhaps $90 million a year in development costs and Ford «several times» that, and that a sale of its stake in Mazda would be a desperate measure.[31] On November 18, 2008, Ford announced that it would sell a 20% stake in Mazda, reducing its stake to 13.4%, thus surrendering control of the company, which it held since 1996.[32][33] The following day, Mazda announced that, as part of the deal, it was buying back 6.8% of its shares from Ford for about US$185 million while the rest would be acquired by business partners of the company.[34] It was also reported that Hisakazu Imaki would be stepping down as chief executive, to be replaced by Takashi Yamanouchi.[35] On November 18, 2010, Ford reduced its stake further to 3%, citing the reduction of ownership would allow greater flexibility to pursue growth in emerging markets, and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group was believed to become its largest shareholder. Ford and Mazda remained strategic partners through joint ventures and exchanges of technological information.[36][37]
Mazda’s first mass-produced electric car, the MX-30
On September 30, 2015, when Ford’s shares had sunk to a little over 2% due to stock dilution, Ford sold its remaining shares in Mazda.[38]
Post-Ford efforts
In 2011, Mazda raised more than 150 billion yen (US$1.9 billion) in a record share sale to replenish capital, as it suffered its biggest annual loss in 11 years. Part of the proceeds were used to build an auto plant in Salamanca, Mexico.[39] The Mexican plant was built jointly by the company and Sumitomo Corporation.[40]
In May 2015, the company signed an agreement with Toyota to form a «long-term partnership», that would, among others, see Mazda supply Toyota with fuel-efficient SkyActiv gasoline and diesel engine technology in exchange for hydrogen fuel cell systems.[41]
Mazda tried using a number of different marques in the Japanese (and occasionally Australian) markets in the 1990s, including Autozam, Eunos, and ɛ̃fini. The motivation was brought on by market competition from other Japanese automakers efforts in offering vehicles at multiple Japanese dealership networks offered by Toyota, Nissan, and Honda. Mazda’s implementation of brand diversification reflected a Japanese engineering philosophy, called Kansei engineering, which was used as an advertising slogan in North America.
One of the oddest sub-marques was M2, used on three rare variants of the Eunos Roadster (the M2-1001, M2-1002 and M2-1028) and one of the Autozam AZ-1 (M2-1015). M2 even had its own avant-garde company headquarters, but was shut down after a very short period of operation.
In early 1992, Mazda planned to release a luxury marque, Amati, to challenge Acura, Infiniti, and Lexus in North America, which was to begin selling in late 1993. The initial Amati range would have included the Amati 500 (which became the Eunos 800 in Japan and Australia, Mazda Millenia in the U.S., and Mazda Xedos 9 in Europe), a rebadged version of the Mazda Cosmo and the Amati 1000 (a rear-wheel drive V12 competitor to the Lexus LS400[42]). The Amati marque was eventually scrapped before any cars hit the market. It is perhaps just a curiosity, but «Amati» happens to be an anagram of «Miata».
In Europe, the Xedos name was also associated with the Mazda Xedos 6, the two models were in production from 1992 until 1997. The Xedos line was marketed under the Mazda marque, and used the Mazda badge from the corresponding years.
This diversification stressed the product development groups at Mazda past its limits. Instead of having a half-dozen variations on any given platform, developers were asked to work on dozens of different models at the same time. Consumers were confused as well by the explosion of similar new models. This selective marketing experiment was ended in the mid-1990s due to economic conditions, largely attributed to the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble in 1991.
- Jujiro Matsuda (1920–1951)
- Tsuneji Matsuda (1952–1970)
- Kouhei Matsuda (1970–1977)
- Yoshiki Yamasaki (1977–1984)
- Kenichi Yamamoto (1984–1987)
- Masanori Furuta (1987–1991)
- Yoshihiro Wada (1991–1996)
- Henry Wallace (1996–1997, appointed by Ford Motor Company, first non-Japanese CEO of a Japanese automaker)
- James E. Miller (1997–1999)
- Mark Fields (1999–2002)
- Lewis Booth (2002–2003)
- Hisakazu Imaki (2003–2008)
- Takashi Yamanouchi (2008–2013)
- Masamichi Kogai (2013–present)
As of January 2022, the United States is Mazda’s biggest market, followed by China and Japan.[43] Mazda’s market share in the U.S. fell to a 10-year low of 1.7 percent in 2016.[44] Mazda’s brand loyalty was 39 percent in 2016, below the industry average of 53 percent.[45] On October 24, 2022, Mazda decided to get rid of assets in Russia, with the company transferring a stake in a joint venture in Vladivostok to Sollers JSC for 1 euro.[46]
Environmental efforts
Mazda has conducted research in hydrogen-powered vehicles for several decades.Mazda has developed a hybrid version of its Premacy compact minivan using a version of its signature rotary engine that can run on hydrogen or gasoline named the Mazda Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid. Despite plans to release it in 2008,[47][48] as of 2010 the vehicle is in limited trials.[49]
In 2010, Toyota and Mazda announced a supply agreement for the hybrid technology used in Toyota’s Prius model.[50]
Mazda is finding a host of alternative uses for a variety of materials and substances, ranging from plastic to milk, in its vehicles, as it aims to become more environmentally-friendly. Mazda introduced some of these innovations (bioplastic internal consoles and bio-fabric seats) in its Mazda5 model at EcoInnovasia 2008, at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok. Up to 30% of the interior parts in the Mazda5 are made of non-biomaterial components, e.g. Poti (gobar of cows).[51]
SkyActiv technology
SkyActiv technology is an umbrella name for a range of technologies used in certain new Mazda vehicles. These vehicles include the Mazda2/Demio, Mazda3/Axela, Mazda6/Atenza, and CX-5. Together these technologies increase fuel economy to a level similar to a hybrid drivetrain. Engine output is increased and emission levels are reduced. These technologies include high compression ratio gasoline engines (13.0 to 1), reduced compression diesel engines (14.0 to 1) with new 2-stage turbocharger design, highly efficient automatic transmissions, lighter weight manual transmissions, lightweight body designs and electric power steering. It is also possible to combine these technologies with a hybrid drivetrain for even greater fuel economy.
In the racing world, Mazda has had substantial success with both its signature Wankel-engine cars (in two-rotor, three-rotor, and four-rotor forms) as well as its piston-engine models. Mazda vehicles and engines compete in a wide variety of disciplines and series around the world. In 1991, Mazda became the first Japanese automaker to win the 24 Hours of Le Mans overall.
International competition
Mazda’s competition debut was on October 20, 1968, when two Mazda Cosmo Sport 110S coupes entered the 84-hour Marathon de la Route ultra-endurance race at the Nürburgring, one finishing in fourth place and the other breaking an axle after 81 hours.[52] The next year, Mazda raced Mazda Familia R100 M10A coupes. After winning the Singapore Grand Prix in April 1969 and coming in fifth and sixth in the Spa 24 Hours (beaten only by Porsche 911s), on October 19, 1969, Mazda again entered the 84 hour Nürburgring race with four Familias. Only one of these finished, taking fifth place.
The first racing victory by a Wankel-engined car in the United States was in 1973, when Pat Bedard won an IMSA RS race at Lime Rock Park in a Mazda RX-2.[52]
In 1976, Ray Walle, owner of Z&W Mazda, drove a Cosmo (Mazda RX-5) from the dealership in Princeton, New Jersey, to Daytona, won the Touring Class Under 2.5 Liters at the 24 Hours of Daytona, and drove the car back to New Jersey. The Cosmo placed 18th overall in a field of 72. The only modifications were racing brake pads, exhaust, and safety equipment.[53]
After substantial successes by the Mazda RX-2 and Mazda RX-3, the Mazda RX-7 has won more IMSA races in its class than any other model of automobile, with its hundredth victory on September 2, 1990. Following that, the RX-7 won its class in the IMSA 24 Hours of Daytona race ten years in a row, starting in 1982. The RX-7 won the IMSA Grand Touring Under Two Liter (GTU) championship each year from 1980 through 1987, inclusive.
In 1991, a four-rotor Mazda 787B (2622 cc actual, rated by FIA formula at 4708 cc) won the 24 Hours of Le Mans auto race outright. The 787B’s triumph remains unparalleled, as it remains the only non-piston-engined car ever to win at Le Mans, and Mazda is the first Japanese marque to have won overall at Le Mans (though Nissan had closed down its World Sportscar Championship programme and Toyota had opted to take a sabbatical for most of 1991 in order to develop its 3.5-litre TS010[original research?]). This led to a ban on rotary engines in the Le Mans race starting in 1992, which has since been rescinded. After the 1991 race, the winning engine was publicly dismantled for internal examination, which demonstrated that despite 24 hours of extremely hard use it had accumulated very little wear.
The Le Mans win in 1991 followed a decade of class wins from other Mazda prototypes, including the 757 and 767. The Sigma MC74 powered by a Mazda 12A engine was the first engine and team from outside Western Europe or the United States to finish the entire 24 hours of the Le Mans race, in 1974. Mazda is also the most reliable finisher at Le Mans (with the exception of Honda, which has entered only three cars in only one year), with 67% of entries finishing. Mazda returned to prototype racing in 2005 with the introduction of the Courage C65 LMP2 car at the American Le Mans Series race at Road Atlanta. This prototype racer uses the Renesis Wankel from the RX-8.
Mazdas have also enjoyed substantial success in World Land Speed competition, SCCA competition, drag racing, pro rally competition (the Familia appeared in the WRC several times during the late ’80s and early ’90s), the One Lap of America race (winning SUV & truck in a MazdaSpeed5), and other venues. Wankel engines have been banned for some time from international Formula One racing,[citation needed] as well as from United States midget racing, after Gene Angelillo won the North East Midget Racing Association championship in 1985 with a car powered by a 13B engine, and again in 1986 in a car powered by a 12A engine.
Spec series
The Cooper Tires Atlantic Championship powered by Mazda is a North American open wheel racing series. It is the top level of the MAZDASPEED ladder, a driver development program which rewards season winners of one level with automatic rides at the next level. Since 2006, the Atlantic Championship has been run exclusively with Swift 016.a chassis powered by Mazda-Cosworth MZR 2300 cc (2.3L) DOHC inline-4 engines producing 300 bhp (224 kW). The cars are capable of speeds in excess of 175 mph (282 km/h).[54]
Formula Mazda features open wheel race cars with Mazda engines, adaptable to both oval tracks and road courses, on several levels of competition. Since 1991, the professionally organized Pro Mazda Championship has been the most popular format for sponsors, spectators, and upward bound drivers. It is the second-highest level on the aforementioned Mazdaspeed driver development ladder. Engines for the Star Mazda series are all built by one engine builder, certified to produce the prescribed power, and sealed to discourage tampering. They are in a relatively mild state of racing tune, so that they are extremely reliable and can go years between motor rebuilds.
Spec Miata has become one of the most popular and most affordable road racing classes in North America. The Spec Miata (SM) class is intended to provide the opportunity to compete in low-cost, production-based cars with limited modifications, suitable for racing competition. The rules are intentionally designed to be more open than the Showroom Stock class but more restricted than the Improved Touring class.
Spec RX-7 is also a popular club racing class primarily due to the availability of first-generation RX7 cars and the low startup cost.[citation needed]
Mazda’s headquarters in Fuchū, Hiroshima
Mazda is a major sponsor to several professional sports teams, including:
- Hometown teams:
- Sanfrecce Hiroshima (J. League): Originally known as Toyo Kogyo Soccer Club and founded in 1938, it was owned directly by Mazda until 1992 when Mazda reduced its share to professionalize the club for the new J. League.
- Hiroshima Toyo Carp (Nippon Professional Baseball): The «Toyo» part of the team’s name is in honor of Mazda’s part-ownership of the team since 1968 (when Mazda was still known as Toyo Kogyo). The Matsuda family, descended from the founder of Mazda, holds the majority share in team ownership.
- Teams abroad:
- North Melbourne Football Club (Australian Football League)
- ACF Fiorentina (Serie A)
- Nakhon Ratchasima (Thai League 1)
The company also sponsors various marathon and relay race events in Japan, such as the Hiroshima International Peace Marathon and the Hiroshima Prefectural Ekiden Race, along with numerous other sporting and charity endeavors in Hiroshima and Hofu.[55] Mazda was also the league sponsor for the now-defunct Australian Rugby Championship.
Mazda maintained sponsorship of the Laguna Seca racing course in California from 2001 until February 2018,[56] going so far as to use it for its own automotive testing purposes as well as the numerous racing events (including several Mazda-specific series) that it used to host, as well as for the 2003 launch of the Mazda RX-8.[57] Since April 2018, the venue’s primary corporate sponsor is WeatherTech.
Mazda also sponsors the Western New York Flash, a professional women’s soccer team that plays in the WPA and has some of the best players in the world, including world player of the year.[58]
Mazda has been a sponsor of Club Deportivo Universidad Católica’s basketball team of the Liga Nacional de Básquetbol de Chile.[59]
Mazda’s past advertising slogans included: «The more you look, the more you like» (1970s to early 1980s); «Experience Mazda» (mid-1980s); «An intense commitment to your total satisfaction, that’s The Mazda Way» (late 1980s); «It Just Feels Right» along with advertising describing Mazda’s use of Kansei engineering (1990–1995); «Passion for the road» (1996); «Get in. Be moved.» (1997–2000). Another marketing slogan was «Sakes Alive!», for its truck line.
Since 2000, Mazda has used the phrase «Zoom-Zoom» to describe what it calls the «emotion of motion» that it claims is inherent in its cars.[60] Extremely successful and long-lasting (when compared to other automotive marketing taglines), the Zoom-Zoom campaign has now spread around the world from its initial use in North America.[61]
The Zoom-Zoom campaign has been accompanied by the «Zoom-Zoom-Zoom» song in many television and radio advertisements. The original version, performed by Jibril Serapis Bey (used in commercials in Europe, Japan and South Africa), was recorded long before it became the official song for Mazda as part of a soundtrack to the movie Only The Strong (released in 1993). The Serapis Bey version is a cover of a traditional Capoeira song, called «Capoeira Mata Um». In 2010, its current slogan is «Zoom Zoom Forever». The longer slogan (Used in TV ads) is «Zoom Zoom, Today, Tomorrow, Forever».
Early ads in the Zoom-Zoom campaign also featured a young boy (Micah Kanters) whispering the «Zoom-Zoom» tagline.[62]
Since 2011, Mazda has still used the Zoom-Zoom tagline in another campaign called «What Do You Drive?». The punchline for this is «At Mazda, we believe because if it’s not worth driving, it’s not worth building. We build Mazdas. What do you drive?».
In 2015, Mazda had launched a new campaign under a new tagline, «Driving Matters», coinciding with the release of the redesigned MX-5.[63] This campaign was meant to solidify Mazda’s «Zoom Zoom» slogan. A 60-second long advertisement titled «A Driver’s Life», coincided with the new tagline on the following week.
See also
- List of Mazda engines
- List of Mazda facilities
- List of Mazda model codes
- List of Mazda vehicles
- ^ a b c «Consolidated Financial Results» (PDF). mazda.com/investors. Retrieved June 21, 2011.
- ^ Tajitsu, Naomi (August 4, 2017). «Toyota takes stake in Mazda, links up for $1.6 billion U.S. plant». Reuters. Retrieved December 14, 2019.
- ^ «Offices Archived October 7, 2009, at the Wayback Machine.» Mazda. Retrieved on October 29, 2009.
- ^ «MAZDA:Mazda Production and Sales Results for December 2007 and for January through December 2007 (Flash Report) | Production and Salese Results». Archived from the original on April 18, 2008. Retrieved July 31, 2016.
- ^ «World motor vehicle production OICA correspondents survey without double counts world ranking of manufacturers year 2015» (PDF).
- ^ Corporate Financing and Governance in Japan: The Road to the Future, page 153, By Takeo Hoshi, Anil Kashyap
- ^ «GREAT CARS OF MAZDA». Retrieved October 8, 2017.
- ^ «A Story Behind the Name of ‘Mazda’«. Retrieved April 11, 2022.
- ^ «MAZDA: Mazda-Go 3-wheeled trucks». www.mazda.com. Retrieved April 16, 2019.
- ^ The Globe: In Search of the Origins of Mazda, Mazda Motor Corporation, January 30, 1990, p. 73
- ^ «A Story Behind the Name of «Mazda»«. Retrieved November 9, 2018.
- ^ «Development of domestic 5-channel system and management crisis [Mazda 100-year history, 25th, Chapter 7 Part 3]». Cliccar.com. Cliccar. July 25, 2020. Retrieved November 11, 2021.
- ^ Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management, page 24, By Frank B. Tipton
- ^ Corporate Financing and Governance in Japan: The Road to the Future, page 153 By Takeo Hoshi, Anil Kashyap
- ^ Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management, page 24, By Frank B. Tipton
- ^ Doner, Richard F. (1991), Driving a Bargain: Automobile Industrialization and Japanese Firms in Southeast Asia, Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Oxford: University of California, p. 294, ISBN 0-520-06938-2
- ^ Between MITI and the Market: Japanese Industrial Policy for High Technology, page 139 By Daniel I. Okimoto
- ^ «Mazda Annual Report 2017» (PDF). Mazda Motor Corporation. p. 59. Archived from the original (PDF) on January 21, 2018. Retrieved January 20, 2018.
- ^ Stock and Bond Information, Mazda, March 31, 2014
- ^ a b Mazda Annual Report 1980, Hiroshima, Japan: Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd., March 1981, p. 3
- ^ «Family tree bears fruit», Christopher de Fraga,The Age, 1 June 1984, page 18
- ^ «Telstar should keep Ford on top», Christopher de Fraga,The Age, June 14, 1983, page 18
- ^ «Ford, Mazda Zoom Apart». CAR. South Africa. September 1, 2002.
- ^ Australia Welcomes The ‘new’ Migrants, The Age, June 16, 1986, page 43
- ^ «Mazda Has Used Four Different Logos Since the 1980s». Retrieved January 30, 2019.
- ^ «The Evolution of the Mazda Logo and Brand». Inside Mazda. April 21, 2016. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
- ^ Ramey, Jay (March 15, 2018). «Rare anywhere: Mazda Navajo». Auto Week. US. Retrieved October 20, 2022.
- ^ «Mazda Kills B-Series Pickup». Automobile Magazine. September 16, 2009. Archived from the original on June 30, 2010. Retrieved June 28, 2010.
- ^ [1][dead link]
- ^ Rowley, Ian (October 11, 2008). «Ford to Sell Mazda?». Business Week. Archived from the original on October 14, 2008. Retrieved October 12, 2008.
- ^ «Ford to Sell 20% of stake in Mazda » Stuff going on in the world». Miscstuff.wordpress.com. November 18, 2008. Retrieved May 7, 2009.
- ^ Henry, Jim (November 24, 2008). «Ford Sells Controlling Stake in Mazda». CBS News. Retrieved July 3, 2016.
- ^ Chang-Ran Kim (November 18, 2008). «Ford abandons Mazda control with 20 percent stake sale». Reuters. Archived from the original on October 16, 2015. Retrieved February 4, 2014.
- ^ «Ford, Trying to Raise Cash, Sells Stake in Mazda». New York Times. November 18, 2008.
- ^ «Ford to Change Stake in Mazda». Ford Motor Company. November 18, 2010. Archived from the original on July 11, 2011. Retrieved March 9, 2011.
- ^ Taniguchi, Takako (October 18, 2010). «Sumitomo Mitsui To Overtake Ford as Mazda’s Top Shareholder, Chairman Says». Bloomberg. Retrieved February 4, 2014.
- ^ «Ford sells remaining stake in Mazda». Nikkei. November 13, 2015. Retrieved February 18, 2017.
- ^ Mukai, Anna; Hagiwara, Yuki (March 5, 2012). «Mazda’s Record Share Sale to Help Boost Capital After Losses». bloomberg.com. Retrieved September 3, 2015.
- ^ «UPDATE 1-Mazda, Sumitomo to build Mexico car plant -Nikkei». Reuters. November 30, 2010. Archived from the original on November 17, 2015. Retrieved February 4, 2014.
- ^ «Toyota, Mazda form partnership to share technologies, confront cost challenges». Automotive News. May 13, 2015. Retrieved April 17, 2016.
- ^ «It Was Japan’s Most Daring Car. Then the Economy Imploded». Jalopnik. December 20, 2018. Retrieved December 17, 2021.
- ^ «2021 (Full Year) Global: Mazda Worldwide Car Sales, Production, and Exports». January 31, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2022.
- ^ Cain, Timothy (May 15, 2017). «Mazda Wants 2 Percent U.S. Market Share, But Not Just Any Ol’ 2 Percent Market Share (15 May 2017)». The Truth about Cars. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
- ^ Wayland, Michael (May 15, 2017). «Mazda’s 2% solution». Automotive News. Retrieved May 30, 2017.
- ^ «Mazda окончательно уходит из России». www.gazeta.ru. November 10, 2022.
- ^ Alan Ohnsman (October 27, 2007). «Nissan, Honda Seek Edge With Low-Emission Cars at Tokyo Show». Bloomberg. Retrieved March 29, 2010.
- ^ Chas Hallet (August 28, 2008). «Mazda plans Volt rival». Autocar. Retrieved May 7, 2009.
- ^ «Mazda Delivers Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid to Iwatani Corporation for use in Kyushu» (Press release). Mazda. January 13, 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2010.
- ^ «TMC and Mazda Agree to Hybrid System Technology License» (PDF) (Press release). Toyota & Mazda. March 29, 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2010.
- ^ «Bioplastic, Research, Environmentally | Fabric and consoles in Mazda». bioplastics24.com. May 1, 2006. Archived from the original on December 3, 2008. Retrieved May 7, 2009.
- ^ a b «The Rotary Club», Don Sherman, Automobile Magazine, February 2008, pp 76–79
- ^ «daytona rx5». Mazdarx5.com. Archived from the original on July 14, 2011. Retrieved September 29, 2010.
- ^ «Champ Car Atlantic News». Champcaratlantic.com. Retrieved September 29, 2010.[permanent dead link]
- ^ MAZDA:Basic Idea on Community and Social Contributions | With Communities and Society Archived September 17, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Brown, Maury. «After 17 Years, Mazda Dropping Naming Rights To Laguna Seca Raceway». Forbes. Retrieved August 9, 2022.
- ^ «Track Sponsors». Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Archived from the original on December 31, 2004.
- ^ Marta Vieira da Silva
- ^ Universidad Católica presento cinco refuerzos para la Liga Nacional de Básquetbol 2016-2017 El Deportero, 30 September 2016. Accessed 8 April 2020. (in Spanish)
- ^ «Mazda Challenges Consumers in Zoom-Zoom Contest». Archived from the original on April 22, 2008. Retrieved September 29, 2010.
- ^ «What’s Zoom Zoom ? | Mazda Spirit». MAZDA. Retrieved September 29, 2010.
- ^ «Interview with Micah Kanters». Shufflingdead.com. September 10, 2004. Archived from the original on May 28, 2010. Retrieved June 28, 2010.
- ^ Nelson, Gabe (May 21, 2015). «Mazda’s new mantra: ‘Driving Matters’«. Automotive News. Retrieved July 22, 2015.
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mazda.
- Official website
Coordinates: 34°22′37″N 132°30′03″E / 34.3770577°N 132.5008222°E
Mazda Motor Corporation
Headquarters in Fuchū, Japan (2020) |
Native name |
マツダ株式会社 |
Romanized name |
Matsuda Kabushiki-Gaisha |
Type | Public (K.K.) |
Traded as |
TYO: 7261 |
Industry | Automotive |
Founded | 30 January 1920; 102 years ago |
Founder | Jujiro Matsuda |
Headquarters | 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchū, Hiroshima, Japan |
Area served |
Worldwide |
Key people |
Kiyotaka Shobuda (Chairman) Akira Marumoto (President and CEO) |
Products | Motor vehicles, engines (1,202,489 units, 2016) |
Revenue | |
Operating income |
Net income |
Owners | Japan Trustee Services Bank (6.3%) Toyota Motor Corporation (5%)[2] The Master Trust Bank of Japan (4.7%) Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (2.2%) |
Number of employees |
46,398 (2016) |
Website | www.mazda.com |
Mazda Motor Corporation (Japanese: マツダ株式会社, Hepburn: Matsuda Kabushiki-Gaisha), commonly referred to as simply Mazda, is a Japanese multinational automotive manufacturer headquartered in Fuchū, Hiroshima, Japan.[4]
In 2015, Mazda produced 1.5 million vehicles for global sales, the majority of which (nearly one million) were produced in the company’s Japanese plants, with the remainder coming from a variety of other plants worldwide.[5] During this time, Mazda was the 15th-largest automaker in terms of production globally.[6]
The first registered corporate logo, which appeared on three-wheel trucks in 1936.
The first stylized branding. The three mountains (representing Hiroshima) also form the Latin alphabet letter M, which is duplicated three times for «Mazda Motor Manufacturer». The long side extensions represent wings for agility and speed.
Mazda began as the Toyo Cork Kogyo Co., Ltd, as a cork-making factory founded in Hiroshima, Japan, 30 January 1920. Toyo Cork Kogyo renamed itself to Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd. in 1927. In the late 1920s the company had to be saved from bankruptcy by Hiroshima Saving Bank and other business leaders in Hiroshima.[7]
In 1931, Toyo Kogyo moved from manufacturing machine tools to vehicles with the introduction of the Mazda-Go auto rickshaw. The name Mazda came into existence with the production of the company’s first three-wheeled trucks. Other candidates for a model name included Sumera-Go, Tenshi-Go, and more.[8]
Officially, the company states:
Mazda comes from Ahura Mazda, the god of harmony, intelligence and wisdom from the earliest civilization in West Asia. Key members of Toyo Kogyo interpreted Mazda as a symbol of the beginning of the East and the West civilization, but also a symbol of the automotive civilization and culture.»[9]
The company’s website further notes that the name also derives from the name of the company’s founder, Jujiro Matsuda.[10] The alternative proposed names mean «god» (Sumera) and «angel» (Tenshi); both indicate Matsuda’s strong interest in human faith.[11]
The Mazda lettering was used in combination with the corporate emblem of Mitsubishi Motors, which was responsible for sales, to produce the Toyo Kogyo three-wheeled truck registered trademark.[12]
Toyo Kogyo produced weapons for the Japanese military throughout the Second World War, most notably the series 30 through 35 Type 99 rifle. The company formally adopted the Mazda name in 1984, though every automobile sold from the beginning bore that name. The Mazda R360 was introduced in 1960, followed by the Mazda Carol in 1962 and were sold at a specific retail dealership that sold passenger cars called «Mazda Auto Store» whereas commercial products were sold at «Mazda Store». As Mazda continued to offer passenger cars like the Savanna, Familia, Luce, Cosmo and Capella, they were added to the «Mazda Auto Store» network only.[13]
Wankel engine adoption
Symbol and corporate mark as seen on most Mazda cars from the Mazda R360 until 1975
Beginning in the 1960s, Mazda was inspired by the NSU Ro 80 and decided to put a major engineering effort into development of the Wankel rotary engine as a way of differentiating itself from other Japanese auto companies. The company formed a business relationship with German company NSU and began with the limited-production Cosmo Sport of 1967, and continuing to the present day with the Pro Mazda Championship, Mazda has become the sole manufacturer of Wankel-type engines for the automotive market, mainly by way of attrition. (NSU and Citroën both gave up on the design during the 1970s, and prototype Corvette efforts by General Motors never made it to production.)
This effort to bring attention to itself apparently helped, as Mazda rapidly began to export its vehicles. Both piston-powered and rotary-powered models made their way around the world. The rotary models quickly became popular for their combination of good power and light weight when compared to piston-engined competitors that required heavier V6 or V8 engines to produce the same power. The R100 and the RX series (RX-2, RX-3, and RX-4) led the company’s export efforts.
During 1968, Mazda started formal operations in Canada (MazdaCanada) although Mazdas were seen in Canada as early as 1959. In 1970, Mazda formally entered the American market (Mazda North American Operations) and was very successful there, going so far as to create the Mazda Rotary Pickup (based on the conventional piston-powered B-Series model) solely for North American buyers. To this day, Mazda remains the only automaker to have produced a Wankel-powered pickup truck. Additionally, it is also the only marque to have ever offered a rotary-powered bus (the Mazda Parkway, offered only in Japan) or station wagon (within the RX-3 and RX-4 lines for certain markets). After nine years of development, Mazda finally launched its new model in the U.S. in 1970.[14]
Mazda’s rotary success continued until the onset of the 1973 oil crisis. As American buyers (as well as those in other nations) quickly turned to vehicles with better fuel efficiency, the relatively thirsty rotary-powered models began to fall out of favor. Combined with being the least-efficient automaker in Japan (in terms of productivity), inability to adjust to excess inventory and over-reliance on the U.S. market, the company suffered a huge loss in 1975.[15][16] An already heavily indebted Toyo Kogyo was on the verge of bankruptcy and was only saved through the intervention of Sumitomo keiretsu group, namely Sumitomo Bank, and the company’s subcontractors and distributors.[17][18] However, the company had not totally turned its back on piston engines, as it continued to produce a variety of four-cylinder models throughout the 1970s. The smaller Familia line in particular became very important to Mazda’s worldwide sales after 1973, as did the somewhat larger Capella series.
Mazda RX-7 (first generation)
Mazda refocused its efforts and made the rotary engine a choice for the sporting motorist rather than a mainstream powerplant. Starting with the lightweight RX-7 in 1978 and continuing with the modern RX-8, Mazda has continued its dedication to this unique powerplant. This switch in focus also resulted in the development of another lightweight sports car, the piston-powered Mazda MX-5 Miata (sold as the Eunos and later Mazda Roadster in Japan), inspired by the concept ‘jinba ittai’. Introduced in 1989 to worldwide acclaim, the Roadster has been widely credited with reviving the concept of the small sports car after its decline in the late 1970s.
Partnership with Ford
From 1974 to 2015, Mazda had a partnership with the Ford Motor Company, which acquired a 24.5% stake in 1979, upped to a 33.4% ownership of Mazda in May 1995.[19] Under the administration of Alan Mulally, Ford gradually divested its stake in Mazda from 2008 to 2015, with Ford holding 2.1% of Mazda stock as of 2014[20] and severing most production as well as development ties.
This partnership with Ford began owing to Mazda’s financial difficulties during the 1960s. Starting in 1979 by expanding their 7 percent financial stake to 24.5%, Ford expanded an existing partnership with Mazda, resulting in various joint projects. The cooperation had begun in 1971 when the Mazda B-Series spawned a Ford Courier variant for North America, a version which was later offered in other markets as well. Mazda’s Bongo and Titan cab-over trucks were sold with Ford badging in mainly Asia and the Pacific region beginning in 1976.[21] These included large and small efforts in all areas of the automotive landscape, most notably in the realm of pickup trucks and smaller cars. Mazda began supplying manual transaxles to Ford in the spring of 1980.[21] Mazda’s Familia platform was used for Ford models like the Laser and Escort beginning in 1980, while the Capella architecture found its way into Ford’s Telstar sedan and Probe sports models.
During the 1980s, Ford-badged Mazda products replaced much of their own European-sourced lineup, especially in the Asia-Pacific markets, with the Laser replacing the Escort[22] and the Telstar replacing the Cortina.[23] In some cases, such as New Zealand and South Africa, these were assembled alongside their Mazda-badged equivalents, the Mazda 323 (Familia) and 626 (Capella).
Following the closure of its own assembly plant in New Zealand, Mazda established a joint venture with Ford New Zealand known as Vehicle Assemblers of New Zealand (VANZ), while in South Africa, Ford’s local subsidiary merged with Sigma Motor Corporation, which already assembled Mazdas in the country, to form Samcor, although the sharing of models proved unpopular with both Ford and Mazda customers.[24] In other markets such as Australia, however, the 323 and 626 were always fully imported, with only the Laser and Telstar assembled locally.[25] In Japan, the Laser and Telstar were also sold alongside their Mazda-badged brethren, but the Festiva was not sold as a Mazda 121 on the Japanese market.
In North America, the Probe was built in a new Mazda company plant in Flat Rock, Michigan, along with the mainstream 626 sedan and a companion Mazda MX-6 sports coupe. Ford also lent Mazda some of its capacity when needed: the Mazda 121 sold in Europe and South Africa was, for a time, a variant of the Ford Fiesta built in plants in Europe and South Africa. Mazda also made an effort in the past to sell some of Ford’s cars in Japan, mainly through its Autorama dealer group.
In 1991, Mazda adopted a corporate symbol which was to represent a sun and a flame standing for heartfelt passion. This is commonly referred to in Mazda enthusiast circles as the «cylon» logo.[26]
Shortly after the release of the new symbol, the design was smoothed out to reduce its similarity to Renault’s. This is sometimes referred to as the «eternal flame» logo. It also represented the design of the rotary engine that Mazda was famous for.
The brand symbol, adopted in 1997, with the V-shape wings inside, standing for “growth” and “improvement” and Mazda logo in Mazda blue.[27] A slightly modified version was introduced in 2015.
Mazda also helped Ford develop the 1991 Explorer, which Mazda sold as the 2-door only Mazda Navajo from 1991 through 1994. However, Mazda’s version was unsuccessful, while the Ford (available from the start as a 4-door or 2-door model) instantly became the best-selling sport-utility vehicle in the United States and kept that title for over a decade.[28] Mazda has used Ford’s Ranger pickup as the basis for its North American–market B-Series trucks, starting in 1994 and continuing through 2010, when Mazda discontinued importing its B-Series trucks to North America, due to costs associated with the chicken tax.[29]
Following its long-held fascination with alternative engine technology, Mazda introduced the first Miller cycle engine for automotive use in the Millenia luxury sedan of 1995. Though the Millenia (and its Miller-type V6 engine) were discontinued in 2002, the company has recently introduced a much smaller Miller-cycle four-cylinder engine for use in its Demio starting in 2008. As with its leadership in Wankel technology, Mazda remains (so far) the only automaker to have used a Miller-cycle engine in the automotive realm.
Further financial difficulties at Mazda during the 1990s (partly caused by losses related to the 1997 Asian financial crisis[citation needed]) caused Ford to increase its stake to a 33.4-percent controlling interest in May 1996. In June 1996, Henry Wallace was appointed president, and he set about restructuring Mazda and setting it on a new strategic direction. He laid out a new direction for the brand including the design of the present Mazda marque; he laid out a new product plan to achieve synergies with Ford, and he launched Mazda’s digital innovation program to speed up the development of new products. At the same time, he started taking control of overseas distributors, rationalized dealerships and manufacturing facilities, and driving much-needed efficiencies and cost reductions in Mazda’s operations. Much of his early work put Mazda back into profitability and laid the foundations for future success. Wallace was succeeded by James Miller in November 1997, followed in December 1999 by Ford executive Mark Fields, who has been credited with expanding Mazda’s new product lineup and leading the turnaround during the early 2000s. Ford’s increased influence during the 1990s allowed Mazda to claim another distinction in history, having maintained the first foreign-born head of a Japanese car company, Henry Wallace.
Divestment by Ford
Amid the world financial crisis in the fall of 2008, reports emerged that Ford was contemplating a sale of its stake in Mazda as a way of streamlining its asset base.[30] BusinessWeek explained the alliance between Ford and Mazda has been a very successful one, with Mazda saving perhaps $90 million a year in development costs and Ford «several times» that, and that a sale of its stake in Mazda would be a desperate measure.[31] On November 18, 2008, Ford announced that it would sell a 20% stake in Mazda, reducing its stake to 13.4%, thus surrendering control of the company, which it held since 1996.[32][33] The following day, Mazda announced that, as part of the deal, it was buying back 6.8% of its shares from Ford for about US$185 million while the rest would be acquired by business partners of the company.[34] It was also reported that Hisakazu Imaki would be stepping down as chief executive, to be replaced by Takashi Yamanouchi.[35] On November 18, 2010, Ford reduced its stake further to 3%, citing the reduction of ownership would allow greater flexibility to pursue growth in emerging markets, and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group was believed to become its largest shareholder. Ford and Mazda remained strategic partners through joint ventures and exchanges of technological information.[36][37]
Mazda’s first mass-produced electric car, the MX-30
On September 30, 2015, when Ford’s shares had sunk to a little over 2% due to stock dilution, Ford sold its remaining shares in Mazda.[38]
Post-Ford efforts
In 2011, Mazda raised more than 150 billion yen (US$1.9 billion) in a record share sale to replenish capital, as it suffered its biggest annual loss in 11 years. Part of the proceeds were used to build an auto plant in Salamanca, Mexico.[39] The Mexican plant was built jointly by the company and Sumitomo Corporation.[40]
In May 2015, the company signed an agreement with Toyota to form a «long-term partnership», that would, among others, see Mazda supply Toyota with fuel-efficient SkyActiv gasoline and diesel engine technology in exchange for hydrogen fuel cell systems.[41]
Mazda tried using a number of different marques in the Japanese (and occasionally Australian) markets in the 1990s, including Autozam, Eunos, and ɛ̃fini. The motivation was brought on by market competition from other Japanese automakers efforts in offering vehicles at multiple Japanese dealership networks offered by Toyota, Nissan, and Honda. Mazda’s implementation of brand diversification reflected a Japanese engineering philosophy, called Kansei engineering, which was used as an advertising slogan in North America.
One of the oddest sub-marques was M2, used on three rare variants of the Eunos Roadster (the M2-1001, M2-1002 and M2-1028) and one of the Autozam AZ-1 (M2-1015). M2 even had its own avant-garde company headquarters, but was shut down after a very short period of operation.
In early 1992, Mazda planned to release a luxury marque, Amati, to challenge Acura, Infiniti, and Lexus in North America, which was to begin selling in late 1993. The initial Amati range would have included the Amati 500 (which became the Eunos 800 in Japan and Australia, Mazda Millenia in the U.S., and Mazda Xedos 9 in Europe), a rebadged version of the Mazda Cosmo and the Amati 1000 (a rear-wheel drive V12 competitor to the Lexus LS400[42]). The Amati marque was eventually scrapped before any cars hit the market. It is perhaps just a curiosity, but «Amati» happens to be an anagram of «Miata».
In Europe, the Xedos name was also associated with the Mazda Xedos 6, the two models were in production from 1992 until 1997. The Xedos line was marketed under the Mazda marque, and used the Mazda badge from the corresponding years.
This diversification stressed the product development groups at Mazda past its limits. Instead of having a half-dozen variations on any given platform, developers were asked to work on dozens of different models at the same time. Consumers were confused as well by the explosion of similar new models. This selective marketing experiment was ended in the mid-1990s due to economic conditions, largely attributed to the collapse of the Japanese asset price bubble in 1991.
- Jujiro Matsuda (1920–1951)
- Tsuneji Matsuda (1952–1970)
- Kouhei Matsuda (1970–1977)
- Yoshiki Yamasaki (1977–1984)
- Kenichi Yamamoto (1984–1987)
- Masanori Furuta (1987–1991)
- Yoshihiro Wada (1991–1996)
- Henry Wallace (1996–1997, appointed by Ford Motor Company, first non-Japanese CEO of a Japanese automaker)
- James E. Miller (1997–1999)
- Mark Fields (1999–2002)
- Lewis Booth (2002–2003)
- Hisakazu Imaki (2003–2008)
- Takashi Yamanouchi (2008–2013)
- Masamichi Kogai (2013–present)
As of January 2022, the United States is Mazda’s biggest market, followed by China and Japan.[43] Mazda’s market share in the U.S. fell to a 10-year low of 1.7 percent in 2016.[44] Mazda’s brand loyalty was 39 percent in 2016, below the industry average of 53 percent.[45] On October 24, 2022, Mazda decided to get rid of assets in Russia, with the company transferring a stake in a joint venture in Vladivostok to Sollers JSC for 1 euro.[46]
Environmental efforts
Mazda has conducted research in hydrogen-powered vehicles for several decades.Mazda has developed a hybrid version of its Premacy compact minivan using a version of its signature rotary engine that can run on hydrogen or gasoline named the Mazda Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid. Despite plans to release it in 2008,[47][48] as of 2010 the vehicle is in limited trials.[49]
In 2010, Toyota and Mazda announced a supply agreement for the hybrid technology used in Toyota’s Prius model.[50]
Mazda is finding a host of alternative uses for a variety of materials and substances, ranging from plastic to milk, in its vehicles, as it aims to become more environmentally-friendly. Mazda introduced some of these innovations (bioplastic internal consoles and bio-fabric seats) in its Mazda5 model at EcoInnovasia 2008, at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok. Up to 30% of the interior parts in the Mazda5 are made of non-biomaterial components, e.g. Poti (gobar of cows).[51]
SkyActiv technology
SkyActiv technology is an umbrella name for a range of technologies used in certain new Mazda vehicles. These vehicles include the Mazda2/Demio, Mazda3/Axela, Mazda6/Atenza, and CX-5. Together these technologies increase fuel economy to a level similar to a hybrid drivetrain. Engine output is increased and emission levels are reduced. These technologies include high compression ratio gasoline engines (13.0 to 1), reduced compression diesel engines (14.0 to 1) with new 2-stage turbocharger design, highly efficient automatic transmissions, lighter weight manual transmissions, lightweight body designs and electric power steering. It is also possible to combine these technologies with a hybrid drivetrain for even greater fuel economy.
In the racing world, Mazda has had substantial success with both its signature Wankel-engine cars (in two-rotor, three-rotor, and four-rotor forms) as well as its piston-engine models. Mazda vehicles and engines compete in a wide variety of disciplines and series around the world. In 1991, Mazda became the first Japanese automaker to win the 24 Hours of Le Mans overall.
International competition
Mazda’s competition debut was on October 20, 1968, when two Mazda Cosmo Sport 110S coupes entered the 84-hour Marathon de la Route ultra-endurance race at the Nürburgring, one finishing in fourth place and the other breaking an axle after 81 hours.[52] The next year, Mazda raced Mazda Familia R100 M10A coupes. After winning the Singapore Grand Prix in April 1969 and coming in fifth and sixth in the Spa 24 Hours (beaten only by Porsche 911s), on October 19, 1969, Mazda again entered the 84 hour Nürburgring race with four Familias. Only one of these finished, taking fifth place.
The first racing victory by a Wankel-engined car in the United States was in 1973, when Pat Bedard won an IMSA RS race at Lime Rock Park in a Mazda RX-2.[52]
In 1976, Ray Walle, owner of Z&W Mazda, drove a Cosmo (Mazda RX-5) from the dealership in Princeton, New Jersey, to Daytona, won the Touring Class Under 2.5 Liters at the 24 Hours of Daytona, and drove the car back to New Jersey. The Cosmo placed 18th overall in a field of 72. The only modifications were racing brake pads, exhaust, and safety equipment.[53]
After substantial successes by the Mazda RX-2 and Mazda RX-3, the Mazda RX-7 has won more IMSA races in its class than any other model of automobile, with its hundredth victory on September 2, 1990. Following that, the RX-7 won its class in the IMSA 24 Hours of Daytona race ten years in a row, starting in 1982. The RX-7 won the IMSA Grand Touring Under Two Liter (GTU) championship each year from 1980 through 1987, inclusive.
In 1991, a four-rotor Mazda 787B (2622 cc actual, rated by FIA formula at 4708 cc) won the 24 Hours of Le Mans auto race outright. The 787B’s triumph remains unparalleled, as it remains the only non-piston-engined car ever to win at Le Mans, and Mazda is the first Japanese marque to have won overall at Le Mans (though Nissan had closed down its World Sportscar Championship programme and Toyota had opted to take a sabbatical for most of 1991 in order to develop its 3.5-litre TS010[original research?]). This led to a ban on rotary engines in the Le Mans race starting in 1992, which has since been rescinded. After the 1991 race, the winning engine was publicly dismantled for internal examination, which demonstrated that despite 24 hours of extremely hard use it had accumulated very little wear.
The Le Mans win in 1991 followed a decade of class wins from other Mazda prototypes, including the 757 and 767. The Sigma MC74 powered by a Mazda 12A engine was the first engine and team from outside Western Europe or the United States to finish the entire 24 hours of the Le Mans race, in 1974. Mazda is also the most reliable finisher at Le Mans (with the exception of Honda, which has entered only three cars in only one year), with 67% of entries finishing. Mazda returned to prototype racing in 2005 with the introduction of the Courage C65 LMP2 car at the American Le Mans Series race at Road Atlanta. This prototype racer uses the Renesis Wankel from the RX-8.
Mazdas have also enjoyed substantial success in World Land Speed competition, SCCA competition, drag racing, pro rally competition (the Familia appeared in the WRC several times during the late ’80s and early ’90s), the One Lap of America race (winning SUV & truck in a MazdaSpeed5), and other venues. Wankel engines have been banned for some time from international Formula One racing,[citation needed] as well as from United States midget racing, after Gene Angelillo won the North East Midget Racing Association championship in 1985 with a car powered by a 13B engine, and again in 1986 in a car powered by a 12A engine.
Spec series
The Cooper Tires Atlantic Championship powered by Mazda is a North American open wheel racing series. It is the top level of the MAZDASPEED ladder, a driver development program which rewards season winners of one level with automatic rides at the next level. Since 2006, the Atlantic Championship has been run exclusively with Swift 016.a chassis powered by Mazda-Cosworth MZR 2300 cc (2.3L) DOHC inline-4 engines producing 300 bhp (224 kW). The cars are capable of speeds in excess of 175 mph (282 km/h).[54]
Formula Mazda features open wheel race cars with Mazda engines, adaptable to both oval tracks and road courses, on several levels of competition. Since 1991, the professionally organized Pro Mazda Championship has been the most popular format for sponsors, spectators, and upward bound drivers. It is the second-highest level on the aforementioned Mazdaspeed driver development ladder. Engines for the Star Mazda series are all built by one engine builder, certified to produce the prescribed power, and sealed to discourage tampering. They are in a relatively mild state of racing tune, so that they are extremely reliable and can go years between motor rebuilds.
Spec Miata has become one of the most popular and most affordable road racing classes in North America. The Spec Miata (SM) class is intended to provide the opportunity to compete in low-cost, production-based cars with limited modifications, suitable for racing competition. The rules are intentionally designed to be more open than the Showroom Stock class but more restricted than the Improved Touring class.
Spec RX-7 is also a popular club racing class primarily due to the availability of first-generation RX7 cars and the low startup cost.[citation needed]
Mazda’s headquarters in Fuchū, Hiroshima
Mazda is a major sponsor to several professional sports teams, including:
- Hometown teams:
- Sanfrecce Hiroshima (J. League): Originally known as Toyo Kogyo Soccer Club and founded in 1938, it was owned directly by Mazda until 1992 when Mazda reduced its share to professionalize the club for the new J. League.
- Hiroshima Toyo Carp (Nippon Professional Baseball): The «Toyo» part of the team’s name is in honor of Mazda’s part-ownership of the team since 1968 (when Mazda was still known as Toyo Kogyo). The Matsuda family, descended from the founder of Mazda, holds the majority share in team ownership.
- Teams abroad:
- North Melbourne Football Club (Australian Football League)
- ACF Fiorentina (Serie A)
- Nakhon Ratchasima (Thai League 1)
The company also sponsors various marathon and relay race events in Japan, such as the Hiroshima International Peace Marathon and the Hiroshima Prefectural Ekiden Race, along with numerous other sporting and charity endeavors in Hiroshima and Hofu.[55] Mazda was also the league sponsor for the now-defunct Australian Rugby Championship.
Mazda maintained sponsorship of the Laguna Seca racing course in California from 2001 until February 2018,[56] going so far as to use it for its own automotive testing purposes as well as the numerous racing events (including several Mazda-specific series) that it used to host, as well as for the 2003 launch of the Mazda RX-8.[57] Since April 2018, the venue’s primary corporate sponsor is WeatherTech.
Mazda also sponsors the Western New York Flash, a professional women’s soccer team that plays in the WPA and has some of the best players in the world, including world player of the year.[58]
Mazda has been a sponsor of Club Deportivo Universidad Católica’s basketball team of the Liga Nacional de Básquetbol de Chile.[59]
Mazda’s past advertising slogans included: «The more you look, the more you like» (1970s to early 1980s); «Experience Mazda» (mid-1980s); «An intense commitment to your total satisfaction, that’s The Mazda Way» (late 1980s); «It Just Feels Right» along with advertising describing Mazda’s use of Kansei engineering (1990–1995); «Passion for the road» (1996); «Get in. Be moved.» (1997–2000). Another marketing slogan was «Sakes Alive!», for its truck line.
Since 2000, Mazda has used the phrase «Zoom-Zoom» to describe what it calls the «emotion of motion» that it claims is inherent in its cars.[60] Extremely successful and long-lasting (when compared to other automotive marketing taglines), the Zoom-Zoom campaign has now spread around the world from its initial use in North America.[61]
The Zoom-Zoom campaign has been accompanied by the «Zoom-Zoom-Zoom» song in many television and radio advertisements. The original version, performed by Jibril Serapis Bey (used in commercials in Europe, Japan and South Africa), was recorded long before it became the official song for Mazda as part of a soundtrack to the movie Only The Strong (released in 1993). The Serapis Bey version is a cover of a traditional Capoeira song, called «Capoeira Mata Um». In 2010, its current slogan is «Zoom Zoom Forever». The longer slogan (Used in TV ads) is «Zoom Zoom, Today, Tomorrow, Forever».
Early ads in the Zoom-Zoom campaign also featured a young boy (Micah Kanters) whispering the «Zoom-Zoom» tagline.[62]
Since 2011, Mazda has still used the Zoom-Zoom tagline in another campaign called «What Do You Drive?». The punchline for this is «At Mazda, we believe because if it’s not worth driving, it’s not worth building. We build Mazdas. What do you drive?».
In 2015, Mazda had launched a new campaign under a new tagline, «Driving Matters», coinciding with the release of the redesigned MX-5.[63] This campaign was meant to solidify Mazda’s «Zoom Zoom» slogan. A 60-second long advertisement titled «A Driver’s Life», coincided with the new tagline on the following week.
See also
- List of Mazda engines
- List of Mazda facilities
- List of Mazda model codes
- List of Mazda vehicles
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External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mazda.
- Official website
Mazda Advancement Plan
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mazda Advancement Plan
Mazda Performance Series
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mazda Performance Series
Mazda electronic control system
Automobile industry: MECS
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Mazda electronic control system
Faulkner Mazda (Pennsylvania)
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Faulkner Mazda (Pennsylvania)
Nishimura Mazda Sports Tuning
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nishimura Mazda Sports Tuning
интеллектуальная система стоп-старт (разработка фирмы Mazda . SISS автоматически глушит двигатель при остановке автомобиля, устанавливая цилиндры в оптимальное положение для повторного запуска, посл
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > интеллектуальная система стоп-старт (разработка фирмы Mazda . SISS автоматически глушит двигатель при остановке автомобиля, устанавливая цилиндры в оптимальное положение для повторного запуска, посл
Faulkner Mazda
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Faulkner Mazda
Новый русско-английский словарь > мазда
(марка автомобиля японской компании «Мазда») mazda
Русско-английский словарь с пояснениями > Мазда
EGR valve position sensor
Automobile industry: EGRPS , EPOS , EVP
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > EGR valve position sensor
Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Most Always Zipping Dangerously Along
My! Another Zany Detroit Assassin!
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > My! Another Zany Detroit Assassin!
air bypass solenoid valve
Automobile industry: ABSV
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > air bypass solenoid valve
anti-afterburn valve
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > anti-afterburn valve
atmospheric pressure sensor
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > atmospheric pressure sensor
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Ахура-Мазда
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Ахурамаэда
Владыка Мудрости
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Владыка Мудрости
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Мазда
Religion: Manala, Vohu Manah ( Zoroastrianism, one of the six «beneficent immortals» created by Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, to assist him in furthering good and destroying evil) Boxy
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Мана
См. также в других словарях:
Mazda MX 5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, zweitürig Vorgängermodell: keines Nachfolgemodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda — (Motor Corporation) Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3868400007 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 2 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kleinwagen Vorgängermodell: Mazda 121 Mazda Demio Nachfolgemodell: keines Der Mazda2 ist ein frontgetriebener … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 3 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kompaktklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 5 — Mazda Mazda5 (2005–2008) 5 Hersteller: Mazda Motor Corporation Produktionszeitraum: seit 2005 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 6 — Mazda 6/Atenza Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse: Mittelklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Kombi, fünftürig … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda RX 8 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Sportcoupé … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Manufacturer Mazda Also called Mazda MX 5 Miata Mazda Miata Eunos Roadster Mazda Roadster Product … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-8 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 2003–2011[1] Assembly … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-7 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 1978–2002 811,634 produced[1] Assem … Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, Stoffverdeck Vorgängermodell: keines Na … Deutsch Wikipedia
Морфемный разбор слова:
Однокоренные слова к слову:
1 Mazda
2 Mazda RX-8
4 Mazda
5 Mazda
6 Mazda
7 Mazda
8 mazda
См. также в других словарях:
Mazda MX 5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, zweitürig Vorgängermodell: keines Nachfolgemodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda — (Motor Corporation) Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3868400007 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 2 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kleinwagen Vorgängermodell: Mazda 121 Mazda Demio Nachfolgemodell: keines Der Mazda2 ist ein frontgetriebener … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 3 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kompaktklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 5 — Mazda Mazda5 (2005–2008) 5 Hersteller: Mazda Motor Corporation Produktionszeitraum: seit 2005 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 6 — Mazda 6/Atenza Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse: Mittelklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Kombi, fünftürig … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda RX 8 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Sportcoupé … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Manufacturer Mazda Also called Mazda MX 5 Miata Mazda Miata Eunos Roadster Mazda Roadster Product … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-8 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 2003–2011[1] Assembly … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-7 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 1978–2002 811,634 produced[1] Assem … Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, Stoffverdeck Vorgängermodell: keines Na … Deutsch Wikipedia
1 мазда
См. также в других словарях:
Mazda MX 5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, zweitürig Vorgängermodell: keines Nachfolgemodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda — (Motor Corporation) Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3868400007 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 2 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kleinwagen Vorgängermodell: Mazda 121 Mazda Demio Nachfolgemodell: keines Der Mazda2 ist ein frontgetriebener … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 3 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kompaktklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 5 — Mazda Mazda5 (2005–2008) 5 Hersteller: Mazda Motor Corporation Produktionszeitraum: seit 2005 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 6 — Mazda 6/Atenza Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse: Mittelklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Kombi, fünftürig … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda RX 8 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Sportcoupé … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Manufacturer Mazda Also called Mazda MX 5 Miata Mazda Miata Eunos Roadster Mazda Roadster Product … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-8 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 2003–2011[1] Assembly … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-7 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 1978–2002 811,634 produced[1] Assem … Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, Stoffverdeck Vorgängermodell: keines Na … Deutsch Wikipedia
1 мазда
См. также в других словарях:
Mazda MX 5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, zweitürig Vorgängermodell: keines Nachfolgemodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda — (Motor Corporation) Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) ISIN JP3868400007 Gründung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 2 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kleinwagen Vorgängermodell: Mazda 121 Mazda Demio Nachfolgemodell: keines Der Mazda2 ist ein frontgetriebener … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 3 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Kompaktklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Vorgängermodell … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 5 — Mazda Mazda5 (2005–2008) 5 Hersteller: Mazda Motor Corporation Produktionszeitraum: seit 2005 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda 6 — Mazda 6/Atenza Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2002 Klasse: Mittelklasse Karosserieversionen: Stufenheck, viertürig Schrägheck, fünftürig Kombi, fünftürig … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda RX 8 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 2003 Klasse: Sportcoupé … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Manufacturer Mazda Also called Mazda MX 5 Miata Mazda Miata Eunos Roadster Mazda Roadster Product … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-8 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 2003–2011[1] Assembly … Wikipedia
Mazda RX-7 — Manufacturer Mazda Production 1978–2002 811,634 produced[1] Assem … Wikipedia
Mazda MX-5 — Hersteller: Mazda Produktionszeitraum: seit 1989 Klasse: Roadster Karosserieversionen: Cabriolet, Stoffverdeck Vorgängermodell: keines Na … Deutsch Wikipedia
Что такое мазафака
Часто нам приходится слышать в фильмах или песнях словосочетание мазафака, но немногие понимают, что на самом деле оно означает. Следует разобраться с данным вопросом.
Мазафака простыми словами — это нецензурное американское слово, означает половую связь с матерью. Иногда непосредственно не со своей мамой, а с женщиной, имеющей детей. Английское слово «mother» означает мама, а «fucker» это тот человек, который совершает половой акт с этой женщиной. Отсюда и появилось выражение мазерфака.
Важно! В России данное словосочетание несёт другую смысловую нагрузку и зачастую может истолковываться как замена выражению “Твою мать!”. Что по сути не так нецензурно и отвратительно звучит, как в американском сленге.
Но вернёмся к выражению мазафака, оно обычно употребляется, когда человек негодует, сильно рассержен и в голову, кроме мата больше ничего не приходит. Это выражение в США и Канаде употребляется очень часто.
Кто такой мазафакер?
От словосочетания мазафака происходит и мазафакер. Это выражение имеет два смысла. В первом случае это модное молодёжное движение. Во втором случае это слово означает человека, который имеет половой контакт с чей-то матерью. Например, подросток, который не может смириться с наличием отчима и не хочет называть его по имени, зовёт его мазерфакером, то есть тем, кто спит с его мамой.
Если говорить о молодёжном движении, то по сути это симпатичные и неагрессивные подростки, которые одеваются как рэперы, носят дреды, набивают татуировки, но не жалуют хиппи и геев. Они делают пирсинг по всему телу, ведут неразборчивый образ жизни и отличаются абсолютным пофигизмом. К слову сказать, женщин они любят всех наций и возрастов, главное условие, чтобы она была согласна на половой акт.
Как правильно пишется и произносится слово мазафака?
Правильно написать слово мазафака следует так — motherfaker. Произносится оно точно так же, как и читается в русском языке.
Что такое мазафака
Часто нам приходится слышать в фильмах или песнях словосочетание мазафака, но немногие понимают, что на самом деле оно означает. Следует разобраться с данным вопросом.
Мазафака простыми словами — это нецензурное американское слово, означает половую связь с матерью. Иногда непосредственно не со своей мамой, а с женщиной, имеющей детей. Английское слово «mother» означает мама, а «fucker» это тот человек, который совершает половой акт с этой женщиной. Отсюда и появилось выражение мазерфака.
Важно! В России данное словосочетание несёт другую смысловую нагрузку и зачастую может истолковываться как замена выражению “Твою мать!”. Что по сути не так нецензурно и отвратительно звучит, как в американском сленге.
Но вернёмся к выражению мазафака, оно обычно употребляется, когда человек негодует, сильно рассержен и в голову, кроме мата больше ничего не приходит. Это выражение в США и Канаде употребляется очень часто.
Кто такой мазафакер?
От словосочетания мазафака происходит и мазафакер. Это выражение имеет два смысла. В первом случае это модное молодёжное движение. Во втором случае это слово означает человека, который имеет половой контакт с чей-то матерью. Например, подросток, который не может смириться с наличием отчима и не хочет называть его по имени, зовёт его мазерфакером, то есть тем, кто спит с его мамой.
Если говорить о молодёжном движении, то по сути это симпатичные и неагрессивные подростки, которые одеваются как рэперы, носят дреды, набивают татуировки, но не жалуют хиппи и геев. Они делают пирсинг по всему телу, ведут неразборчивый образ жизни и отличаются абсолютным пофигизмом. К слову сказать, женщин они любят всех наций и возрастов, главное условие, чтобы она была согласна на половой акт.
Как правильно пишется и произносится слово мазафака?
Правильно написать слово мазафака следует так — motherfaker. Произносится оно точно так же, как и читается в русском языке.
Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется мазда на английском, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется мазда на английском», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
В 1934 году появляется первый логотип MAZDA.
In 1934 appears for the first logo of Mazda.
MAZDA 323 имеется и в полноприводном варианте.
Mazda 323 is available also in all-wheel drive option.
Модели MAZDA 323 оснащаются также электронной системой впрыска топлива.
The MAZDA 323 models are equipped with also electronic system of injection of fuel.
Бензиновые модели MAZDA 323 могут быть оснащены регулируемым или нерегулируемым катализатором.
The petrol MAZDA 323 models can be equipped with the adjustable or unregulated catalyst.
Корпорации также принадлежит треть контрольно пакета акций концерна MAZDA.
Ford also owns a one-third controlling interest in Mazda.
Вынуть сопла вверх из капота, см. также иллюстрацию MAZDA 323 с 10/89 г. вып…
To take out nozzles up from a cowl, see also illustration MAZDA 323 from 10/89 g of the issue.
У нас вы можете найти все для тюнинга MAZDA.
We have everything you want at Chatham Mazda.
MAZDA MX-30 — экологичный электромобиль для водителя
Mazda MX-30 an electric car for the environment and the driver
Салон кроссовера по современной моде оснащен всем лучшим, что смог предложить производитель: алюминиевые вставки, высококачественные материалы, улучшенные кресла, светодиоды освещения и большой 8′ экран мультимедийной системы MAZDA CONNECT.
The cabin crossover to modern fashion equipped with everything the best I could offer the manufacturer: aluminum insert, high quality materials, improved seats, led lighting and a large 8′ screen multimedia system, MAZDA CONNECT.
Как и где купить дроссельная заслонка на MAZDA TRIBUTE?
How to replace water pump on Mazda tribute?
Не нашли Факельное устройство для MAZDA 626?
No thought on buying a reliable Mazda 626?
В зависимости от модели MAZDA 323 с 10/89г. вып. может быть оснащена антиблокировочной системой (ABS).
Depending on the Mazda 323 model from 10/89 g of the issue it can be equipped with anti-blocking system (ABS).
Не нашли Факельное устройство для MAZDA 626?
Do you drive an aging Mazda 626?
Заказ Такси в нашей Компании — это парк автомобилей состоящий в основном иномарки среднего класса такие, как AUDI 100, VW PASSAT, MERCEDES, MAZDA.
Taxi request in our Company — it’s a car park consisting mainly of European brand economy class cars like AUDI 100, VW PASSAT, MERCEDES, MAZDA.
В рамках ее реализации концерны NISSAN, RENAULT, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN, MAZDA выбрали поршневую «Мотордеталь» для двигателей, производимых на территории России.
As a part of its implementation the groups of companies such as NISSAN, RENAULT, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN and MAZDA have chosen the products of Motordetal for the engines produced in Russia.
Также он объявил о том, что MAZDA RX-VISION GT3 CONCEPT появится в чемпионате FIA GT Championships 2020 года.
He also announced that the MAZDA RX-VISION GT3 CONCEPT will appear in the FIA GT Championships 2020 Series.
Инженеры Mazda первоначально использовали уплотнения, идентичные старым.
Mazda engineers had originally used apex seals identical to the older design of seal.
Специалисты компании придумали концепцию и проектировали современный интерфейс соцсети Mazda.
Our experts came up with a concept and designed a modern interface of a social network for Mazda.
Новое поколение автомобилей Mazda повысит ценность обладания автомобилем.
This next generation of Mazda cars will enhance the value of the car-ownership proposition.
Корпорация Mazda распространила тизер дебютного серийного электрокара марки.
Mazda Corporation has distributed a teaser of the brand’s debut serial electric car.
Результатов: 4174. Точных совпадений: 4174. Затраченное время: 65 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Ахура Мазда.
Mazda Motor Corporation | |
マツダ株式会社 | |
Штаб-квартира компании в посёлке Футю. |
Тип | Публичная компания |
Листинг на бирже | TYO: 7261 |
Основание | 1920; 103 года назад |
Основатели | Дзюдзиро Мацуда |
Расположение |
Ключевые фигуры |
Киётака Сёбуда (председатель совета директоров) Акира Марумото (президент и CEO)[1][2] |
Отрасль | автомобильная промышленность (МСОК: ) |
Продукция | Автомобили |
Собственный капитал |
▲ 1,302 трлн иен ($11,3 млрд, 2022)[2] |
Оборот |
▲ 3,12 трлн иен ($25,6 млрд, 2022)[2] |
Затраты на НИОКР |
▲ 134,62 млрд иен ($1,17 млрд, 2022)[2] |
Операционная прибыль |
▲ 97,701 млрд иен ($0,85 млрд, 2022)[2] |
Чистая прибыль |
▲ 81,557 млрд иен ($0,669 млрд, 2022)[2] |
Активы |
▲ 2,968 трлн иен ($24,3 млрд, 2022)[2] |
Капитализация |
706 млрд иен ($4,94 млрд, 28.09.2022)[2] |
Число сотрудников | 49 786 (2021)[3] |
Аудитор | KPMG |
Сайт | mazda.com (англ.) |
Mazda Motor Corporation (яп. マツダ株式会社 мацуда кабусики-гайся), кратко: Mazda (рус. «Ма́зда»[4]) — японская автомобилестроительная компания, выпускающая автомобили «Мазда». Штаб-квартира расположена в посёлке Футю, уезд Аки, префектура Хиросима, Япония. Входит в кэйрэцу Sumitomo. В списке крупнейших публичных компаний мира Forbes Global 2000 за 2022 год Mazda Motor заняла 1093-е место[5].
В 1920 году совместно с группой инвесторов обанкротившуюся строительную компанию Abemaki приобрёл сын простого рыбака, Дзюдзиро Мацуда (яп. 松田 重次郎 Мацуда Дзю:дзиро:, 1875—1952). Основной продукцией предприятия стали изделия из пробкового дерева, компанию назвали Toyo Cork Kogyo Ltd., и в 1921 году Мацуда стал её президентом. В середине 1920-х годов компания расширила ассортимент продукции механизированными инструментами, и слово «Cork» — «пробка» — удалили из названия в 1927 году[6].
Трицикл Mazda, 1931
В 1931 году компания начала выпуск трициклов, получивших большую популярность. В 1932 году начался экспорт коммерческого трицикла в Китай. Аналогичные машины в годы Второй Мировой войны поставлялись в японскую армию. В 1930-х годах у компании установились отношения с дзайбацу Сумитомо, в частности с 1935 года она начала производить горнодобывающее оборудование для рудников Сумитомо. К концу Второй мировой войны Toyo Kogyo была крупнейшим работодателем префектуры Хиросима, около 400 её рабочих погибли во время ядерной бомбардировки города Хиросима, но завод, находившийся вдали, не пострадал, уже в декабре 1945 года компания возобновила работу. В 1948 году завод вернулся к выпуску трёхколёсных грузовиков, спустя год председателем правления совета директоров концерна стал сын основателя Тэнудзи Мацуда[6].
Mazda R360, 1960
В 1960 году появился первый автомобиль производителя — микролитражное заднемоторное четырёхместное купе Mazda R360[en]; название Mazda — имя верховного зороастрийского бога Ахура Мазда, созвучное с фамилией основателя концерна. Спустя год появился пикап Proceed B-series 1500, а в 1962 — двух- и четырёхдверные седаны Carol 360 и Carol 600. Освоить выпуск последних моделей помогли деловые связи с немецкой NSU, обладавшей патентом на Роторно-поршневой двигатель (РПД), разработанный Феликса Ванкеля. 1963 год отмечен появлением первого роторного двигателя Mazda. Экспорт автомобилей за рубеж был начат с продаж универсала Mazda Familia в Новую Зеландию, эта же машина в двух кузовных версиях дебютировала в 1967 году на европейском рынке. Тогда же в производство на новом заводе в Хиросиме пошёл первый серийный автомобиль компании с РПД, Mazda Cosmo Sport[7]. К 1970 году Mazda выпустила уже 100 000 автомобилей с двигателями такого типа. В том же году начался экспорт автомобилей в США[6].
Mazda 787B, 1991, на котором была одержана первая победа японского автопроизводителя в гонке «24 часа Ле-Мана»
В 1972 году Ford попытался приобрести лицензию на роторно-поршневый двигатель, но получил отказ. Однако к середине 1970-х годов интерес к таким двигателям начал падать, а с ним и продажи компании. В 1979 году 25 % акций японского автопроизводителя были приобретены за 135 млн долларов концерном Ford Motor, также было создано совместное предприятие по производству «Фордов» в Японии[8][7]. Первым масштабным совместным проектом концернов стало семейство Mazda Bongo 1983 модельного года. В 1984 году официальное название концерна было изменено на Mazda Motor Corporation. В 1987 году Mazda открыла завод в пригороде Детройта (США). В 1989 году было представлено первое поколение популярного по всему миру родстера Mazda MX-5, а в 1991 году единственный раз за всю историю в «24 часах Ле-Мана» победу одержал автомобиль с роторно-поршневым двигателем, Mazda 787B. В 1995 дебютировало первое поколение хэтчбека Mazda Demio, тогда же Ford увеличил свою долю акций японского концерна до 33,4 процентов и назначил своего президента, Генри Уоллеса, ставшего первым не-японцем, возглавившим японскую корпорацию[8][6].
По данным на 2007 год, сборочные предприятия концерна действовали в 21 стране, экспорт автомобилей осуществлялся в более чем 120 государств[9].
30 августа 2010 года в Милане был презентован концепт-кар Mazda Shinari, который стал предвестником иного дизайнерского направления, нового лица марки. Новый фирменный стиль получил название Kodo, что в вольном переводе означает «дух движения», который сменил Nagare, бывший профильным последние несколько лет[10].
В ноябре 2008 года Ford продал 20 % акций компании Mazda, через два года сократил долю до 3 %, а в 2015 году продал и её[11].
По заявлению компании, в 2019 году Mazda начнёт выпуск электрокаров[12]. Первым электрокаром стал Mazda MX-30.
Собственники и руководство
Держателями значительных пакетов акций на 2021 год являлись The Master Trust Bank of Japan (7,5 %), Toyota (5,1 %), Custody Bank of Japan (4,5 %)[3].
- Киётака Сёбуда (Kiyotaka Shobuda) — председатель совета директоров с июня 2021 года, в компании с 1982 года.
- Акира Марумото (Akira Marumoto) — президент и главный исполнительный директор с июня 2018 года, в компании с 1980 года[3].
Два основных завода Mazda находятся в Японии (в городах Хиросима и Хофу), также имеются в Китае, Таиланде и Мексике, сборочные предприятия — в Малайзии, Вьетнаме и России. Объём продаж компании в 2021/22 финансовом году составил 1,251 млн автомобилей, из них в Японии — 149 тыс., в Северной Америке — 439 тыс. (США — 332 тыс.), Европе — 190 тыс., Китае — 170 тыс., Австралии — 103 тыс., странах ASEAN — 303 тыс.[13].
Выручка за 2021/22 финансовый год составила 3,12 трлн иен, из них 39 % пришлось на Северную Америку, 26 % — на Японию, 17 % — на Европу, 18 % — на другие регионы[13].
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Оборот | 2326 | 2033 | 2205 | 2692 | 3034 | 3407 | 3214 | 3474 | 3564 | 3430 | 2882 | 3120 |
Чистая прибыль | -60,04 | -107,7 | 34,30 | 135,7 | 158,8 | 134,4 | 93,78 | 112,1 | 63,16 | 12,13 | -31,65 | 81,56 |
Активы | 1772 | 1916 | 1979 | 2246 | 2473 | 2548 | 2525 | 2724 | 2878 | 2788 | 2917 | 2968 |
Собственный капитал | 430,5 | 474,4 | 513,2 | 676,8 | 891,3 | 976,7 | 1064 | 1219 | 1233 | 1206 | 1196 | 1302 |
Примечание. Значения указаны на 31 марта каждого года, когда в Японии заканчивается финансовый год.
Mazda в России
- Автосборка
21 июня 2011 года Mazda подписала с Минэкономразвития России соглашение о промышленной сборке автомобилей, предусматривающее создание автосборочного производства в Приморском крае[14].
В апреле 2012 года Mazda и российский автопроизводитель Sollers подписали соглашение о создании совместного автосборочного предприятия во Владивостоке[15]. Было создано совместное предприятие (СП), где партнеры получили равные доли. Уже в сентябре состоялась церемония открытия нового совместного предприятия ООО «Мазда Соллерс Мануфэкчуринг Рус». Серийное производство запущено в октябре 2012. На первом этапе СП будет выпускать две модели автомобилей: кроссовер Mazda CX-5 и новый седан Mazda 6. Производственная мощность предприятия составит 50 тыс. автомобилей в год, проектная мощность составляет 100 тыс. автомобилей[16]. Собранные автомобили будут продаваться через дилерскую сеть Mazda по всей России.
В 2022 году, из-за вторжения России на Украину были прекращены поставки комплектующих для выпуска машин в России, с конца апреля Mazda прекратила участие в совместном предприятии, объяснив это отсутствием возможностей для ведения бизнеса в России, в ноябре 2022 года Mazda сообщила о прекращении деятельности в России. Компания передаст российской группе «Соллерс» свою долю в СП в заводе «Мазда Соллерс Мануфэкчуринг Рус» во Владивостоке[17].
- Сборка двигателей
В сентябре 2016 года «МСМР» и Минпромторг РФ подписали специальный инвестиционный контракт на строительство завода двигателей Mazda во Владивостоке. Объём инвестиций составил 2 млрд руб. По документу в обязанности СП входило освоение выпуска обновленных версий автомобилей Mazda 6, Mazda CX-5, Mazda CX-9 и создание не менее 600 рабочих мест[18].
В 2017 году компания «МСМР» получила статус резидента ТОР «Надеждинская». После того, осенью 2017 года СП начало строительство завода по производству двигателей Mazda Skyactiv-G[18].
10 сентября 2018 года Sollers и Mazda открыли завод по производству двигателей во Владивостоке на территории СП. Завод двигателей специализируется на производстве бензиновых четырехцилиндровых двигателей экологического стандарта Евро-5. Проектная мощность завода составляет 50 тыс. единиц в год. Общая площадь составляет 12,6 тыс. м2. На территории завода расположены цех по производству двигателей, цех механической обработки головки блока цилиндров, зона внутренней логистики и административно-бытовой корпус[18].
Mazda 2 — представитель субкомпактного класса автомобилей Mazda
Mazda 6 — одна из наиболее популярных на российском рынке моделей Mazda
- ↑ Directors and Executive Officers (англ.). Mazda Motor Corporation. Дата обращения: 23 июня 2021. Архивировано 24 июня 2021 года.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7261.T - Mazda Motor Corp (англ.). Reuters. Дата обращения: 28 сентября 2022.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 Annual Report 2021 (англ.). Mazda Motor Corporation. Дата обращения: 28 сентября 2022.
- ↑ Как правильно: »Мазда» или »Мацуда»? Все сложнее, чем кажется…, auto.vesti.ru (7 октября 2016). Архивировано 21 марта 2019 года. Дата обращения: 14 марта 2019.
- ↑ Mazda Motor (англ.). Forbes. Дата обращения: 28 сентября 2022.
- ↑ 1 2 3 4 History of Mazda Motor Corporation – FundingUniverse (англ.). International Directory of Company Histories, Vol.63. St. James Press, 2004. Дата обращения: 29 сентября 2022.
- ↑ 1 2 Mazda. History (1920~1979) (англ.). Mazda. Дата обращения: 23 июня 2021. Архивировано 18 июня 2021 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Тимур Хасанов. Ford отправляет Mazda домой. Газета.ru. Дата обращения: 18 ноября 2008. Архивировано 6 августа 2020 года.
- ↑ История концерна Mazda. Дата обращения: 13 августа 2010. Архивировано из оригинала 9 октября 2010 года.
- ↑ Mazda Shinari
- ↑ Ford sells remaining stake in Mazda (англ.). Nikkei (14 ноября 2015). Дата обращения: 29 сентября 2022.
- ↑ Mazda выпустит электрокар. Дата обращения: 22 марта 2017. Архивировано 20 октября 2020 года.
- ↑ 1 2 Financial Report 2021/22 (англ.). Mazda Motor Corporation. Дата обращения: 28 сентября 2022.
- ↑ Mazda создает автосборочное производство в Приморье. // gazeta.ru. Дата обращения: 23 июня 2011. Архивировано из оригинала 11 августа 2011 года.
- ↑ Mazda начнет сборку двух моделей на мощностях Sollers уже в конце года (недоступная ссылка — история). Дата обращения: 17 марта 2013. Архивировано 21 марта 2013 года.
- ↑ MAZDA SOLLERS провело торжественную церемонию открытия совместного предприятия в России. Дата обращения: 13 марта 2013. Архивировано 16 апреля 2013 года.
- ↑ Mazda передаст »Соллерсу» долю в дальневосточном СП, признав убыток в $82 млн, Interfax (10 ноября 2022).
- ↑ 1 2 3 СП Mazda-Sollers открыло завод двигателей во Владивостоке. Interfax.ru. Дата обращения: 10 сентября 2018. Архивировано 10 сентября 2018 года.
- Официальный сайт компании в России (рус.)
- Mazda Global Web Site (англ.)
- «W.C.E - Mazda Evolution (1931-2019)» (англ.) на YouTube
Примечания: 1 Красным цветом выделены названия моделей автомобилей, продававшихся исключительно за пределами Японии. 2:Модель Axela→MAZDA3 может быть отнесена к среднему классу. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Класс | 1990-е | 2000-е | 2010-е | 2020-е | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | |
Кей-кар | <span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Autozam</i></span>Carol | <span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Autozam</i></span>Carol | Carol | Carol | Carol | Carol | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Spiano | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Autozam</i></span>AZ-Wagon → AZ-Wagon | AZ-Wagon | AZ-Wagon | AZ-Wagon | Flair | Flair | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flair Wagon | Flair Wagon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scrum | AutozamScrum → Scrum | Scrum Wagon | Scrum Wagon | Scrum Wagon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Компактный Прим.2 |
Mazda121 | Mazda121 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demio | Demio | Demio | до 2019 г. Demio, далее MAZDA2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Autozam</i></span>Revue → Revue | Verisa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Familia | Familia | Familia | Axela | Axela | Axela | Mazda3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Familia Astina/<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Eunos</i></span>100 | Lantis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Средний | Capella | Cronos/ <span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>ɛ̃fini</i></span>MS-6 |
Capella | Capella | Atenza | Atenza | Atenza, с 2019 MAZDA6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Autozam</i></span><br/>Clef | Mazda626 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Persona/ <span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Eunos</i></span>300 |
<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Eunos</i></span>500 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>ɛ̃fini</i></span>MS-8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Бизнес | Eunos800 → Millenia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luce | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sentia/<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>ɛ̃fini</i></span>MS-9 | Sentia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Универсал | Familia Wagon | Familia Wagon | Familia S-Wagon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capella Cargo (Wagon) | Capella Wagon | Atenza Sport Wagon | Atenza Sport Wagon | Atenza Wagon, с 2019 MAZDA6 Wagon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Минивэн | Premacy | Premacy | Premacy | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bongo Wagon/<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Eunos</i></span>Cargo Wagon | VX-1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bongo Brawny Wagon | Bongo Friendee | Biante | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MPV → ɛ̃finiMPV → MPV | MPV | MPV | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Купе Кабриолет |
AutozamAZ-1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Etude | <span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Eunos</i></span>Presso/<span style=»font-size:80%;font-family:Osaka,’MS Pゴシック’;»><i>Autozam</i></span>AZ-3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EunosRoadster | Roadster | Roadster | Roadster | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capella C2 | MX-6 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Savanna RX-7 | ɛ̃finiRX-7 → RX-7 | RX-8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EunosCosmo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Кроссовер | Laputa | Flair Crossover | Flair Crossover | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CX-3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CX-30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MX-30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CX-4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tribute | Tribute | CX-5 | CX-5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CX-7 | CX-7 | CX-8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CX-9 | CX-9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUV | AZ-Offroad (Suzuki Jimny) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Proceed Levante |
Proceed Levante | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Proceed Cab Plus | B-Series | BT-50 | BT-50 | BT-50 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Proceed Marvie | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
B-Series (Северная Америка) | B-Series (Северная Америка) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Navajo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Коммерческие автомобили | Autozam Scrum |
AutozamScrum → Scrum | Scrum Van | Scrum Van | Scrum Van | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scrum Truck | Scrum Truck | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Familia Van | Familia Van | Familia Van | Familia Van | Familia Van | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capella Cargo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bongo | Bongo | Bongo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bongo Brawny | Bongo Brawny Van | Bongo Brawny Van | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bongo Brawny Truck |
Titan Dash | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Titan | Titan | Titan | Titan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Parkway | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Custom Cab | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | |
Написание марок Eunos, ɛ̃fini, Autozam — курсивное. Сведения о моделях автомобилей компании Ford(Autorama)см. в шаблоне Автомобили Ford (Северная Америка). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Не продавались в Японии : BT-50 — CX-4 — CX-9 |
Класс | 1950-е | 1960-е | 1970-е | 1980-е | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
Кей-кар | R360 Coupé | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P360 Carol | Chantez | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Компактный | Carol 600 | Mazda121 (Festiva) |
Familia (I) | Familia (II) | Familia Presto | Familia (III) | Familia (IV) | Familia (V) | Familia (VI) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Grand Familia/Savanna | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Средний | Capella | Capella | Capella | Capella | Capella | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luce (I) | Luce (II) | Persona | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Бизнес | Luce (Legato) (III) | Luce (IV) | Luce (V) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cosmo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Roadpacer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Минивэн | Bongo Coach | Bongo Multi Wagon | Bongo Wagon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bongo Brawny Wagon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MPV (I) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Купе Кабриолет |
Familia Coupé | Familia Coupé | Familia Presto Coupé | Étude | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Grand Familia/ Savanna Coupé | Savanna RX-7 | Savanna RX-7 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capella Coupé | Capella Coupé | Capella Hardtop | Capella Coupé | Capella C2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luce Rotary Coupé | Luce Hardtop | Cosmo L | Cosmo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cosmo Sport | Cosmo AP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Коммерческие автомобили | B360 | Porter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Porter Cab | Scrum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Familia Van/Truck | Familia Van/Truck | Familia Van | Familia Van | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Grand Familia Van | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Luce Van (I) | Luce Van (II) | Luce Van | Capella Cargo | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bongo (I) | Bongo (II) | Bongo (III) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Romper →D-Series | Kraft | Bongo Brawny | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
B1500 | B-Series/Proceed | B-Series/Proceed | B-Series | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E-Series | Titan (I) | Titan (II) | Titan (III) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Boxer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Light Bus | Parkway (I) | Parkway (II) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Custom Cab | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Трёхколёсные автомобили | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K360 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T600 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mazda T1500 | T1100 | T1500 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mazda T2000 | T1500 | T2000 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
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