Как правильно пишется адидас на английском

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  • 1
    Adidas Outdoor Championships

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Adidas Outdoor Championships

  • 2
    Adidas Solomon, A. G.

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Adidas Solomon, A. G.

  • 3

    Русско-английский словарь с пояснениями > адидасы

  • 4
    After Dinner I Do A Shit

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > After Dinner I Do A Shit

  • 5
    All Day I Dream About Sea

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream About Sea

  • 6
    All Day I Dream About Sex

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream About Sex

  • 7
    All Day I Dream About Shoes

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream About Shoes

  • 8
    All Day I Dream About Soccer

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream About Soccer

  • 9
    All Day I Dream About Sports

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream About Sports

  • 10
    All Day I Dream About Stereos

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream About Stereos

  • 11
    All Day I Dream About Streaking

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream About Streaking

  • 12
    All Day I Dream All Sports

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > All Day I Dream All Sports

  • 13
    Another Dick In Dumb Ass Sluts

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Another Dick In Dumb Ass Sluts

  • 14
    At Denmark I Demonstrate A Shot

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > At Denmark I Demonstrate A Shot

  • 15
    aerodynamic data integration, display and analysis system

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > aerodynamic data integration, display and analysis system

  • 16
    Разделение пятки

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Разделение пятки

  • 17
    кроссовки Адидас

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кроссовки Адидас

  • 18
    обувь марки Адидас

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > обувь марки Адидас

См. также в других словарях:

  • Adidas — AG Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft ISIN DE000A1EWWW0 Gründung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Adidas AG — adidas Unternehmensform Aktiengesellschaft ISIN …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Adidas AG — Adidas Logo de Adidas Group Création 1949[1] …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Adidas — Lema Adidas is all in Tipo Sociedad Anónima …   Wikipedia Español

  • adidas — adídas s. m., pl. adídaşi Trimis de siveco, 23.04.2008. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  ADÍDA//S adidasşi m. mai ales la pl. Pantofi pentru sport. /Din Adidas n. pr. Trimis de siveco, 22.08.2004. Sursa: NODEX  *adíd …   Dicționar Român

  • adidas — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. a, Mc. adidassie, zwykle w lm {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} rodzaj butów sportowych <od nazwy firmy> {{/stl 7}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}} {{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}adidas II {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mż I, Mc. adidassie, blm …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Adidas — es una multinacional de origen alemán, fundada después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Especializada en los artículos deportivos. La sede se encuentra en Herzogenaurach, en Baviera y el presidente en 2005 es Herbert Hainer. La empresa tiene 13.000… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Adidas — statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Žinomos sporto inventoriaus įmonės Vokietijoje ženklas. Firmos pavadinimas sudarytas iš savininko Adolfo Daslerio vardo ir pavardės trumpinio. Firma įsteigta 1928 m. (iki 1948 m. – „Dasler“) …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • Adidas — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Adidas (значения). Adidas AG …   Википедия

  • Adidas — Infobox Company company name = Adidas company company type = Limited foundation = 1924 (Registered in 1949) [http://www.adidas group.com/en/overview/history/default.asp Adidas Group History] ] slogan = de icon Die Weltmarke mit den 3 Streifen… …   Wikipedia

  • Adidas — 49° 34′ 57″ N 10° 54′ 34″ E / 49.5825, 10.9094 …   Wikipédia en Français

Необходимо запомнить раз и навсегда, как пишется название этой крупной компании на английском – только Adidas. И не Adibas или Abibas, хотя чего только не встретишь на китайском барахле. Неплохо было бы еще знать об это компании. Итак, Adidas AG – это немецкий промышленный концерн, специализирующийся на выпуске спортивной обуви, одежды и инвентаря. Название компании произошло от сокращения имени и фамилии основателя, Адольфа Дасслера (из уменьшительной формы имени Ади и первых трех букв фaмилии).   Немецкий предприниматель, который родился в 1900 году был по профессии сапожником, как и его отец.  После Пeрвой мировой войны Адольф, объединив силы с отцом, который работал в то время на обувной фабрике, начал производить спортивную обувь. Его партнёрами стали  братья Цtлейн, которые изготавливали шипы для подошв.  Первая успешная обувная компания Адольфа – «Gebr?der Dassler» (нем. «Братья Дасслер»), которую он открыл со своим братом Рудольфом в 1924 году. Однако со временем отношения между родными братьями сильно испортились, и через 24 года существования «Gebr?der Dassler» фирма была разделена. Таким образом, Aдольф организовал компанию «Adidas», а Рудольф — компанию «Pumа», ставшую не менее популярной. Скончался Адольф в возрасте 78 лет от инсульта, но его фирма продолжает существовать и сегодня – и, скорее всего, просуществует еще ни один десяток лет.  Кстати, в 2006 году на родине Ади, в городе Херцогенаурах (в Баварии) был открыт бронзовый памятник Дасслеру (где главный герой сидит во втором ряду стадиона, названного, кстати, его имени).  

Как написать слово «адидас» правильно? Где поставить ударение, сколько в слове ударных и безударных гласных и согласных букв? Как проверить слово «адидас»?


Правильное написание — адидас, ударение падает на букву: а, безударными гласными являются: а, и.

Выделим согласные буквы — адидас, к согласным относятся: д, с, звонкие согласные: д, глухие согласные: с.

Количество букв и слогов:

  • букв — 6,
  • слогов — 3,
  • гласных — 3,
  • согласных — 3.

Формы слова: адида́с, неизм..

Нет информации о правописании.

Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе

Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!

Спасибо! Я обязательно научусь отличать широко распространённые слова от узкоспециальных.

Насколько понятно значение слова шельф (существительное):

Ассоциации к слову «адидас&raquo

Синонимы к слову «адидас&raquo

Предложения со словом «адидас&raquo

  • На улице была весна, грязь, я была одета в валенках на босу ногу и в синей вязаной шапочке адидас.
  • Я носила шорты с кожаными кроссовками адидас, подростковой моделью темно синего цвета с адидасовскими полосками.
  • – На костюм адидас, на фирменные кроссовки, на дорогую рубашку.
  • (все предложения)

Добрый день.

Давайте узнаем, как пишется на английском «Адидас».

Мы знаем, что это слово является названием одной известной фирмы производителя спортивной одежды.

Данный бренд принадлежит Германии. Его название очень известно, поэтому для поиска ответа подойдет и обычный словарь английского языка.

Из словаря следует, что по-английски Адидадс пишется как «Adidas».

Таким образом вы его пишите на английском языке, если это вам нужно сделать.

Adidas AG

Herzogenaurach - Adidas - 2016.jpg

Factory outlet in Herzogenaurach, Germany

Formerly Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik (1924–1949)
Type Public (AG)

Traded as

DAX component
Industry Textile, footwear
Founded July 1924; 98 years ago in Herzogenaurach, Germany (as Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik)
18 August 1949; 73 years ago (as Adidas)[1]
Founder Adolf Dassler

Herzogenaurach, Bavaria



Area served

(except North Korea, Russia, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Chad and Palestine)

Key people

  • Thomas Rabe (chairman)[2]
  • Kasper Rørsted (CEO)
Products Apparel, footwear, sportswear, sports equipment, toiletries
Revenue Increase €21.915 billion (2018)[3]

Operating income

Increase €2.368 billion (2018)[3]

Net income

Increase €1.702 billion (2018)[3]
Total assets Increase €15.612 billion (2018)[3]
Total equity Increase €6.364 billion (2018)[3]

Number of employees

57,016 (2018)[3]
  • Adidas Runtastic
  • Matix
Website adidas-group.com

Adidas AG (German: [ˈʔadiˌdas] (listen); stylized as adidas since 1949)[4] is a German multinational corporation, founded and headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, that designs and manufactures shoes, clothing and accessories. It is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe, and the second largest in the world, after Nike.[5][6] It is the holding company for the Adidas Group, which consists 8.33% stake of the football club Bayern München,[7] and Runtastic, an Austrian fitness technology company. Adidas’s revenue for 2018 was listed at €21.915 billion.[3]

The company was started by Adolf Dassler in his mother’s house; he was joined by his elder brother Rudolf in 1924 under the name Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik («Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory»). Dassler assisted in the development of spiked running shoes (spikes) for multiple athletic events. To enhance the quality of spiked athletic footwear, he transitioned from a previous model of heavy metal spikes to utilising canvas and rubber. Dassler persuaded U.S. sprinter Jesse Owens to use his handmade spikes at the 1936 Summer Olympics. In 1949, following a breakdown in the relationship between the brothers, Adolf created Adidas and Rudolf established Puma, which became Adidas’s business rival.[1]

The three stripes are Adidas’s identity mark, having been used on the company’s clothing and shoe designs as a marketing aid. The branding, which Adidas bought in 1952 from Finnish sports company Karhu Sports for the equivalent of €1,600 and two bottles of whiskey,[8][9] became so successful that Dassler described Adidas as «The three stripes company».[8][9]


Early years: the «Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik»

The company was founded by Adolf «Adi» Dassler who made sports shoes in his mother’s scullery or laundry room in Herzogenaurach, Germany after his return from World War I. In July 1924, his older brother Rudolf joined the business, which became «Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory» (Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik).[10] The electricity supply in Herzogenaurach was unreliable, so the brothers sometimes had to use pedal power from a stationary bicycle to run their equipment.[11]

Dassler assisted in the development of spiked running shoes (spikes) for multiple athletic events. To enhance the quality of spiked athletic footwear, he transitioned from a previous model of heavy metal spikes to utilising canvas and rubber.[12] In 1936, Dassler persuaded U.S. sprinter Jesse Owens to use his hand made spikes at the 1936 Summer Olympics. Following Owens’ four gold medals, the name and reputation of Dassler shoes became known to the world’s sportsmen and their trainers. Business was successful and the Dasslers were selling 200,000 pairs of shoes every year before World War II.[13]

(left): Adolf Dassler, founder of Adidas, c. 1915; (right): the ‘Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory’ near Herzogenaurach train station in 1928.

Both Dassler brothers joined the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in May 1933 and also became members of the National Socialist Motor Corps.[14] Furthermore, Adolf took the rank of Sportwart in the Hitler Youth from 1935 until the end of the war.[15] During the war, the company was running the last sport shoe factory in the country and predominantly supplied the Wehrmacht with shoes. In 1943 the shoe production was forced to cease operations and the company’s facilities and workforce was used to manufacture anti-tank weapons. From 1942 to 1945 at least nine forced labourers were working at both sites of the company.[16]

The Dassler factory, used for production of anti-tank weapons during World War II, was nearly destroyed in 1945 by US forces, but was spared when Adolf Dassler’s wife convinced the American soldiers that the company and its employees were only interested in manufacturing sports shoes. American occupying forces subsequently became major buyers of the Dassler brothers’ shoes.[17]

Split and rivalry with Puma

The brothers split up in 1947 after relations between them had broken down,[18] with Adolf forming a company formally registered as Adidas AG, from Adi Dassler, on 18 August 1949, and Rudolf forming a new firm that he called Ruda – from Rudolf Dassler, later rebranded Puma. An urban myth has promulgated the backronym All Day I Dream About Sports.[1]

Adidas and Puma SE entered into a fierce and bitter business rivalry after the split. Indeed, the town of Herzogenaurach was divided on the issue, leading to the nickname «the town of bent necks»—people looked down to see which shoes strangers wore.[19] Even the town’s two football clubs were divided: ASV Herzogenaurach club was supported by Adidas, while 1 FC Herzogenaurach endorsed Rudolf’s footwear.[11] When handymen were called to Rudolf’s home, they would deliberately wear Adidas shoes. Rudolf would tell them to go to the basement and pick out a pair of free Pumas.[11] The two brothers never reconciled and although they are now buried in the same cemetery, they are spaced as far apart as possible.[20]

In 1948, the first football match after World War II, several members of the West German national football team wore Puma boots, including the scorer of West Germany’s first post-war goal, Herbert Burdenski. Four years later, at the 1952 Summer Olympics, 1500 metres runner Josy Barthel of Luxembourg won Puma’s first Olympic gold in Helsinki, Finland.[citation needed]

At the 1960 Summer Olympics, Puma paid German sprinter Armin Hary to wear Pumas in the 100 meter sprint final. Hary had worn Adidas before and asked Adolf for payment, but Adidas rejected this request. The German won gold in Pumas, but then laced up Adidas for the medals ceremony, to the shock of the two Dassler brothers. Hary hoped to cash in from both, but Adi was so enraged he banned the Olympic champion.[13]

Corporate image

(left): The original trefoil Adidas logo until 1997. It is now used on the Adidas Originals heritage line; (right): the 1990–2022 logo, originally designed for the Equipment line, then adopted as the corporate emblem.

In 1952, following the 1952 Summer Olympics, Adidas acquired its signature 3-stripe logo from the Finnish athletic footwear brand Karhu Sports, for two bottles of whiskey and the equivalent of €1600.[9][21]

The Trefoil logo was designed in 1971 and launched in 1972,[22] just in time for the 1972 Summer Olympics held in Munich.[1] This logo lasted until 1997, when the company introduced the «three bars» logo (that had been designed by then Creative Director Peter Moore), initially used on the Equipment range of products.[22]

Tapie affair

Bernard Tapie, French businessman, owned Adidas from 1990 to 1992 but relinquished control due to debt.

After a period of trouble following the death of Adolf Dassler’s son Horst Dassler in 1987, the company was bought in 1990 by French industrialist Bernard Tapie, for ₣1.6 billion (now €243.9 million), which Tapie borrowed.[23] Tapie was at the time a famous specialist of rescuing bankrupt companies, an expertise on which he built his fortune.

Tapie decided to move production offshore to Asia. He also hired Madonna for promotion.[24][citation needed] He sent, from Christchurch, New Zealand, a shoe sales representative to Germany and met Adolf Dassler’s descendants (Amelia Randall Dassler and Bella Beck Dassler) and was sent back with a few items to promote the company there.[citation needed]

In 1992, unable to pay the loan interest, Tapie mandated the Crédit Lyonnais bank to sell Adidas,[25] and the bank subsequently converted the outstanding debt owed into equity of the enterprise, which was unusual as per the prevalent French banking practice. The state-owned bank had tried to get Tapie out of dire financial straits as a personal favour to Tapie, it is reported, because Tapie was Minister of Urban Affairs (ministre de la Ville) in the French government at the time.

Robert Louis-Dreyfus, a friend of Tapie, became the new CEO of the company in 1994. He was also the president of Olympique de Marseille, a team Tapie had owned until 1993.[26] Tapie filed for personal bankruptcy in 1994.[25] He was the object of several lawsuits, notably related to match fixing at the football club. During 1997, he served 6 months of an 18-month prison sentence in La Santé prison in Paris. In February 2000, Crédit Lyonnais sold Adidas to Louis-Dreyfus for a much higher amount of money than Tapie owed, 4.485 billion (€683.514 million) francs rather than 2.85 billion (€434.479 million). They also purposely bankrupted Tapie’s company that owned Adidas, because only the company had the right to sue them.

Post-Tapie era

In 1994, combined with FIFA Youth Group, SOS Children’s Villages became the main beneficiary.

In 1997, Adidas AG acquired the Salomon Group who specialized in ski wear, and its official corporate name was changed to Adidas-Salomon AG. With this acquisition Adidas also acquired the TaylorMade golf company and Maxfli, which allowed them to compete with Nike Golf.

In 1998, Adidas sued the NCAA over their rules limiting the size and number of commercial logos on team uniforms and team clothing. Adidas withdrew the suit, and the two groups established guidelines as to what three-stripe designs would be considered uses of the Adidas trademark.

As CEO of Adidas, Louis-Dreyfus quadrupled revenue to €5.84 billion ($7.5 billion) from 1993 through 2000.[27] In 2000, he announced he would resign the following year, due to illness.

In 2003, Adidas filed a lawsuit in a British court challenging Fitness World Trading’s use of a two-stripe motif similar to Adidas’s three stripes. The court ruled that despite the simplicity of the mark, Fitness Worlds use was infringing because the public could establish a link between that use and Adidas’s mark.[28]

In September 2004, top English fashion designer Stella McCartney launched a joint-venture line with Adidas, establishing a long-term partnership with the corporation. This line is a sports performance collection for women called «Adidas by Stella McCartney»,[29] and it has been critically acclaimed.[30]

Also, on 3 May 2005, Adidas told the public that they sold their partner company Salomon Group for €485 million to Amer Sports of Finland.

Adidas has long been a popular manufacturer of astro turf football shoes – shown here a recent pair that has been a popular choice.

In August 2005, Adidas declared its intention to buy Reebok for $3.8 billion (US$). This takeover was completed with partnership in January 2006[1] and meant that the company had business sales closer to those of Nike in North America. The acquisition of Reebok also allowed Adidas to compete with Nike worldwide as the number two athletic shoemaker in the world.[31]

In 2005, Adidas introduced the Adidas 1, the first ever production shoe to use a microprocessor. Dubbed by the company «The World’s First Intelligent Shoe», it features a microprocessor capable of performing 5 million calculations per second that automatically adjusts the shoe’s level of cushioning to suit its environment. The shoe requires a small, user-replaceable battery that lasts for approximately 100 hours of running. On 25 November 2005, Adidas released a new version of the Adidas 1 with an increased range of cushioning, allowing the shoe to become softer or firmer, and a new motor with 153 percent more torque.[32]

On 11 April 2006, Adidas announced an 11-year deal to become the official NBA clothing provider. The company has been making NBA, NBDL, and WNBA jerseys and products as well as team-coloured versions of the «Superstar» basketball shoe. This deal (worth over $400 million) took over the previous Reebok deal that had been put in place in 2001 for 10 years.

In November 2011, Adidas announced that it would acquire outdoor action sport performance brand Five Ten through a share purchase agreement. The total purchase price was US$25 million in cash at closing.[33]

Recent years

Adidas North America headquarters in Portland, Oregon

By the end of 2012, Adidas was reporting their highest revenues ever and Chief Executive Herbert Hainer expressed optimism for the year ahead. Adidas now has global corporate headquarters in Herzogenaurach, Germany and many other business locations around the world such as London, Portland, Toronto, Tokyo, Australia, Taiwan and Spain.[34]

In January 2015, Adidas launched the footwear industry’s first reservation mobile app. The Adidas Confirmed app allows consumers to get access to and reserve the brand’s limited edition sneakers by using geo targeting technology.[35]

On 24 March 2015, Adidas and McDonald’s unveiled the 2015 McDonald’s All-American uniforms. For the third year in a row, players will be wearing short-sleeved jerseys, made with the same lightweight and breathable material as the ones used in the NBA.[36]

In August 2015, Adidas acquired fitness technology firm Runtastic for approximately $240 million.[37]

In May 2017, Adidas sold TaylorMade golf company (including Ashworth) to KPS Capital Partners for $425 million.[38]

In March 2022, Adidas sold Reebok to the Authentic Brands Group,[39] for ca. $2.5 billion.[40]



Adidas manufactures a range of clothing items, varying from men’s and women’s t-shirts, jackets, hoodies, pants and leggings.[41]

The first Adidas item of apparel was the Franz Beckenbauer tracksuit created in 1967.[1] Adidas AG is the largest manufacturer of sports bras in Europe, and the second largest manufacturer in the world.[42]


Association football

One of the main focuses of Adidas has always been football kits, and the associated equipment. Adidas remains a major company in the global supply of team kits for international association football teams and clubs.

Adidas makes referee kits that are used in international competition and by many countries and leagues in the world. The company has been an innovator in the area of footwear for the sport, with notable examples including the 1979 release of the Copa Mundial moulded boot used for matches on firm dry pitches. It holds the accolade of the best selling boot of all time. The soft-ground equivalent was named World Cup and it too remains on the market.

Since 1970, FIFA, the world governing body of football, has commissioned specially designed footballs for use in its own World Cup tournaments. The Adidas Telstar was the first ball commissioned for the World Cup in 1970. The balls supplied for the 2006 World Cup, the «Teamgeist», were particularly noteworthy for their ability to travel further than previous types when struck, leading to longer range goals. Goalkeepers were generally believed to be less comfortable with the design of the ball, claiming it was prone to move significantly and unpredictably in flight.[43]

Adidas introduced the Jabulani for the 2010 World Cup. The ball was designed and developed by Loughborough University in conjunction with Bayern München. The Adidas Brazuca for the 2014 World Cup was the first World Cup ball named by the fans.[44] In 2022, for the 14th time in a row, Adidas created the 2022 World Cup ball, Al Rihla.[45]

Adidas is one of the official sponsors of the UEFA Champions League, and the Adidas Finale is the competition’s official match ball.[46] Along with the aforementioned Adidas Predator boot, Adidas manufactures the adiPure range of football boots. Adidas named an official match ball of the UEFA Euro 2016 tournament the Adidas Beau Jeu which translates to «The Beautiful Game» in English.[47] Adidas provides clothing and equipment for all teams in Major League Soccer.


Adidas has also provided baseball equipment and sponsors numerous players of Major League Baseball and Nippon Professional Baseball in Japan.

Adidas Baseball hardgoods are licensed to Dick’s Sporting Goods.[48]

From 1997 to 2008, Adidas sponsored the New York Yankees.[49]


Adidas’s Superstar and Pro Model shoes, affectionately known as «shelltoes» for their stylized hard rubber toe box, were fueled by, among others, coaches such as UCLA’s John Wooden.[50] Adidas drew about even with Converse in basketball by the mid-1970s before both started to fall behind then-upstart Nike in the early 1980s.[51] Subsequently, Adidas Superstar became very popular in the 1980s hip hop streetwear scene alongside Adidas’s stripe-sided polyester suits.[citation needed]

From 2006 to 2017, Adidas was the uniform supplier of all the 30 teams in the National Basketball Association, replacing the Reebok brand after Adidas’s acquisition of Reebok. Adidas was replaced by Nike as the official uniform supplier of the league after the 2016–17 season.[52]


Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, batting with his personalized Adidas cricket bat

Adidas began manufacturing cricket footwear in the mid-1970s, with their initial target market being Australia. Their shoes were a radical departure from traditional leather cricket boots which had remained basically unchanged for decades, being lighter and more flexible but also offering less toe protection, so that it became not uncommon to see batsmen who had been struck by the ball on the foot hopping around in pain. Having continued to manufacture cricket footwear for many years, in 2006 the company finally entered the field of bat manufacture in 2008 and currently their bat range includes the Pellara, Incurza, Libro and M-Blaster models.

In the 1990s, Adidas signed the superstar Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar and made shoes for him.[53] From 2008 until his retirement, Adidas had sponsored the cricket bat used by Tendulkar. It created a new bat, ‘Adidas MasterBlaster Elite’, personalized for him.

In 2008, Adidas made a concerted move into English cricket market by sponsoring English batting star Kevin Pietersen after the cancellation of his lifetime deal with Woodworm, when they ran into financial difficulties.[54] The following year they signed up fellow England player Ian Bell, Pakistan opening batsman Salman Butt and Indian Player Ravindra Jadeja.

In the Indian Premier League (IPL), Adidas sponsored the team Mumbai Indians from 2008 to 2014 and Delhi Daredevils from 2008 to 2013.[55] They were the official sponsors of Pune Warriors India in 2011 and 2012, however the team was banned from IPL due to payment issues. In 2015 Season, Adidas sponsored Royal Challengers Bangalore.


Adidas Golf manufactures golf clothing, footwear, and accessories. Men’s and women’s equipment includes footwear, shirts, shorts, pants, outerwear (wind suits), base layer and eyewear.[56]


From 2000 to 2012, Adidas has provided men’s and women’s gymnastics wear for Team USA, through USA Gymnastics. USA Gymnastics and Adidas sponsorship concluded at the end of 2012. In 2006, Adidas gymnastics leotards for women and Adidas men’s competition shirts, gymnastics pants and gymnastics shorts have been available in the United States, with seasonal leotards offered for Spring, Summer, Fall and Holidays. Adidas previous collaborated with GK Elite, since Spring 2013, Adidas gymnastics products have been available worldwide through Elegant Sports. USA Olympic team members McKayla Maroney, Jordyn Wieber, Jake Dalton and Danell Leyva are all sponsored by Adidas gymnastics.

Ice hockey

Adidas has been providing uniforms for the National Hockey League since the 2017–18 season, replacing Reebok.[57]


In 2007, Adidas announced its entering to the lacrosse equipment, also sponsoring the Adidas National Lacrosse Classic in July 2008 for the top 600 high school underclassmen players in the United States.[58] The company made their self into their own brand such as «Adidas Lacrosse», getting several scholarships, Bucknell (men and women), Bryant (men), Delaware (men and women), New Jersey Institute of Technology (men), and D3 powerhouse Lynchburg (men and women in fall of 2016 with soft good only)». Materials that Adidas provided were jerseys, shorts, shoes, shafts, heads, gloves, and protective pieces.[59]

Products manufactured for the sport are sticks, gloves, protective gear and boots.[60]


Adidas running shoe demo in Boston

Adidas currently manufactures several running and lifestyle shoes, including the Energy-boost, and the spring-blade trainers.[needs update] The brand has built a strong runners’ network within big European capitals, such as Paris’ «Boost Energy League». In 2016 the 3rd season launched. In Paris, the Boost Energy League gathers 11 teams representing different districts of Paris.[61]

Adidas launched two new color ways of the NMD R1 and one new color way of the NMD XR1 in September 2016.[62]

In November 2016, Adidas teased a sneaker made from ocean plastic. The shoe is created from a fabric called «Biosteel». The shoe is called the «Adidas Futurecraft Biofabric.» The material used is 15% lighter than conventional silk fibers, and is 100% biodegradable. The shoe only begin to dissolve when it is put in contact with a high concentration of the digestion enzyme proteinase, which occurs naturally. Once this happens, the shoes can decompose within 36 hours. The shoe was never released.[63]

Adidas EQT is a style of sneakers from Adidas. It originated in the early 90s and was relaunched in 2017. The latest Adidas EQT line released in a «Turbo Red» Pack on 26 January 2017, and included models such as the Adidas EQT Support 93/17, EQT Support ADV, and EQT Support Ultra. Adidas.com is one of the few online retailers.


Adidas Skateboarding produces shoes made specifically for skateboarding, including the redesign of previous models for skateboarding. The brand also releases signature models designed by team riders.[64]


Adidas has been involved with tennis equipment since the mid-1960s and has historically sponsored many top tennis players, beginning with two of the most dominant male tennis players at the start of the professional era in the late 1960s, Stan Smith and Ilie Nastase. During the 1980s and 1990s, not only were they exclusive apparel and footwear sponsors of world number one men’s tennis players Ivan Lendl and Stefan Edberg and ladies’ world number one Steffi Graf, but each player had their own, exclusive graphic styles designed for their use during play, which were in turn marketed to the general public. Ivan Lendl even spent the vast majority of his dominant career playing with several different models of Adidas tennis racquets, primarily using the legendary Adidas GTX-Pro and then later the Adidas GTX Pro-T. In 2009 the company introduced a new line of tennis racquets. While the Feather was made for the «regular player», and the Response for the «club player», Adidas targeted the «tournament player» with the 12.2 oz Barricade tour model.[65][66]


Adidas entered Kabaddi which is still a non-Olympic sport but highly popular in the Indian subcontinent and Asian countries. In 2014, with the launch of Pro Kabaddi League a city based franchise league in India, Kabaddi took the region by storm. In 2015, they tied up with Mumbai-based franchise U Mumba.[67]


Adidas «Fresh Impact – Limited Edition» bottle

Adidas also designs and makes slide-style sandals, mobile accessories,[68] watches, eyewear, bags, baseball caps, and socks. As well, Adidas has a branded range of male and female deodorants, perfumes, aftershave and lotions.

Adidas announced they would be launching a new $199 Fit Smart wristband in mid-August 2014. The wristband will pair with Adidas’s miCoach app, which acts as a personal trainer.[69]


Adilette was the first ever pair of sandals made by Adidas, originally developed in 1963.[1] Adidas claims that a group of athletes approached Adi Dassler requesting a shoe be made for the locker room. To this day, the resulting sandals are a best-seller.[70] Since the original navy blue and white Adilette sandals were created nearly fifty years ago, more varieties have been created in different colours (black, red, green, grey, orange, brown, yellow, pink, golden, silver). Most recently, Adidas has introduced a colour scheme that goes along with its Predator and adizero line; the scheme is dubbed warning (orange) and purple. Usually, the three stripes appear in the contrasting colour on the strap of the classic models. The most common Adilette livery is in navy blue or black, mixed with white colours. Also the Woodilette and Trefoil models follow a similar design but without stripes on the strap.[citation needed]

The model provides a contoured orthopedic rubber sole with synthetic upper, and was designed as an after sport slide sandal, but the Adilette were quickly adopted outside of the sporting world.[citation needed]


Adissage is also a slide sandal. Available in black, navy, light blue, black with pink, and other assorted colors, the sandal has the trademarked three stripes on a velcro strap toward the front of the shoe. On the side of the shoe, toward the heel on either side, the manufacturers name appears, as well as on a round emblem in the actual heel of the footbed. Notably, there are tiny black massage nubs throughout the foot-bed for the purpose of massaging foot aches after sport, although popular as a casual sandal amongst non-athletes as well.[citation needed]


The Santiossage is a slide-style sandal. The sandal has the trademarked three stripes on a velcro strap toward the front of the shoe. Santiossage comes in black, navy, or red. On the side of the shoe, toward the heel on either side, the manufacturer’s name appears, as well as on a round emblem in the actual heel of the foot-bed. Like the Adissage there are tiny clear massage nubs throughout the foot-bed for the purpose of massaging after-sport footaches, although the sandals are worn casually among non-athletes. Seen through these clear nubs are Adidas’s three stripes.[citation needed]


Adidas «Tenet flower» by Yohji Yamamoto

During the mid to late 1990s, Adidas divided the brand into three main groups with each a separate focus: Adidas Performance was designed to maintain their devotion to the athlete; Adidas Originals was designed to focus on the brand’s earlier designs which remained a popular life-style icon; and Style Essentials, which dealt with the fashion market; the main group within this being Y-3 (which is a collaboration between Adidas and renowned Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto — the Y representing Yamamoto and the 3 representing the three stripes of Adidas).

Launched in 2004, «Impossible is Nothing» is one of the company’s most memorable campaigns.[1] The campaign was developed by 180/TBWA based in Amsterdam, but significant work was also done by TBWAChiatDay in San Francisco.[71] A few years later, Adidas launched a basketball specific campaign — «Believe in 5ive«—for the 2006-2007 NBA season.[72]

In 2011, «Adidas is all in» became the global marketing strategy slogan for Adidas. The slogan aimed to tie all brands and labels together, presenting a unified image to consumers interested in sports, fashion, street, music and pop culture. There appears to be connection with the phrase «all-in» meaning «exhausted» in some English speaking nations.

In 2015, Adidas launched «Creating the New» as its strategic business plan until 2020.[73]


Adidas has done several collaborations with well known designers, including Alexander Wang, Jeremy Scott, Raf Simons, and Stella McCartney. They have also reached out to several celebrities, such as Beyoncé, Jonah Hill, Karlie Kloss, Ninja and Pharrell Williams to create some of the company’s most notable and coveted pieces.[74]

Game advertisement

The brand is featured in several games, including Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge (Commodore Amiga), Adidas power soccer (Sony PlayStation) and Adidas Championship Football (Commodore 64, ZX spectrum, Amstrad CPC).

Marketing in India

India has been a very speculative market for Adidas.[why?] Despite this Dave Thomas, managing director of Adidas in India is ambitious for the country’s potential.[75] The company hoped to double its revenue from Rs. 805 crores by 2020.[75] In 2015, the company signed Ranveer Singh a prominent Bollywood actor as a brand ambassador to the company’s products.[76] Ranveer then was a budding actor. The company later decided to use the people’s almost religious adoration for the game of cricket to promote their brand. It soon launched a new cricket campaign in the country.[77] The campaign was called FeelLoveUseHate with prominent Indian cricketer Virat Kohli.[78] However, in 2017, Virat Kohli was removed as the brand ambassador of the company.[79] The cricketer later signed a major deal with Puma India.[80] The company also sells its products online through e-commerce websites such as Myntra, Snapdeal, Jabong and Amazon. Adidas also has a website dedicated to the Indian audience that markets and sells products to its consumers in India.[81]

Adidas has numerous major kit deals with football clubs worldwide, including their main sponsor Bayern München.[82] Moreover, their sponsored national teams include Germany, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Sweden, Japan, Hungary, Belgium, Colombia, Wales and Italy.

Adidas has sponsored numerous players, including Lionel Messi, Zinedine Zidane, Kaká, David Beckham, Steven Gerrard, Gareth Bale, Thomas Müller, Xavi, Mesut Özil, James Rodríguez, Iker Casillas, Arjen Robben, Paul Pogba, Dele Alli, Luis Suárez, Ivan Rakitić, Diego Costa, Mohamed Salah, Roberto Firmino, Paulo Dybala, Mats Hummels and Manuel Neuer.[83][84][85][86]

Adidas is one of the official sponsors of the UEFA Champions League, and the Adidas Finale is the competition’s official match ball.[46] Along with the Adidas Predator boot, Adidas manufactures the adiPure range of football boots. Adidas provides clothing and equipment for all teams in Major League Soccer (MLS).

In July 2014, Adidas and Manchester United agreed to a ten-year kit deal, beginning with the 2015–16 Premier League season. This kit deal has a guaranteed minimum value of £750 million (US$1.29 billion), making it the most valuable kit deal in sports history, and replaced rival Nike as the club’s global equipment partner.[87]

Andy Murray endorsed Adidas from the start of the 2010 season until the end of the 2014 season receiving US$4.9 million per year.

In November 2009, World Number 4 tennis player Andy Murray was confirmed as Adidas’s highest-paid star with a five-year contract reportedly worth US$24.5 million.[88] In Cincinnati, at the ATP Tennis Tournament in Mason, they have also sponsored the ball-boy and ball-girl uniforms. Adidas is also partners with Malibu Tennis Camp, Green Fitness GmbH and with Schöler & Micke Sportartikel Vertriebs GmbH.[89]

Adidas has sponsored numerous basketball players like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Chauncey Billups, Tim Duncan, Brandon Knight, Jeremy Lin, Tracy McGrady, Iman Shumpert and present players like James Harden, Damian Lillard, Donovan Mitchell, Candace Parker, Derrick Rose, John Wall and Trae Young. Adidas also endorsed Kobe Bryant with the Adidas Equipment KB8 as his first signature shoe until July 2002.[90] The company also endorsed Kevin Garnett until he opted out of his contract in 2010.[91] Gilbert Arenas was an Adidas endorser until 2010.[92] In August 2015, James Harden left Nike for Adidas by signing a 13-year contract reportedly worth US$200 million.[93]

In rugby union, Adidas is the current kit supplier to the All Blacks, the France national team, the Italian national rugby team and the South African Stormers and Western Province rugby union teams among others. Adidas is also the New Zealand Rugby Union clothing sponsor and supplies clothing to all Super Rugby franchises, a selection of domestic teams and national referees. Adidas are also the official match ball supplier to the Heineken Cup. Adidas was the British and Irish Lions kit supplier from 1997 to 2013. They are the jersey manufacturers of the Gold Coast Titans Rugby League club in the Australasian National Rugby League. Dual rugby and league international and former boxer Sonny Bill Williams is a global ambassador for Adidas.

Adidas has provided field hockey equipment and sponsors numerous players of Germany, England, Netherlands, Australia, Spain and Belgium. The company has been the kit provider of Argentine women’s and men’s teams for over 15 years.[94] The company also sponsored clubs Reading,[95] Beeston[96] and East Grinstead.[97]

Adidas also sponsors pro golfers including Daniel Berger, Sergio García, Dustin Johnson, Danielle Kang, Collin Morikawa, Joaquín Niemann and Xander Schauffele. Since Adidas does not make golf equipment the sponsorship is more limited to clothing and shoes.[98]

In ice hockey, Adidas signed an agreement with National Hockey League (NHL) to be the official outfitter of uniforms and licensed apparel, starting in the 2017–18 season.

Adidas’s cricket sponsorships include cricketers Lasith Malinga, Kieron Pollard, Dwayne Bravo and K. L. Rahul. Adidas’s volleyball sponsorships include Ivan Zaytsev and Earvin N’Gapeth, who advertises as a model and brand ambassador for Adidas.[99][100]

IP protection

In 2016, Adidas filed lawsuits against Skechers for making a duplicate Stan Smith design and for Adidas replicas such as «Springblade».[101]

Corporate information

Current executive board

  • CEO: Kasper Rørsted
  • Chief Financial Officer: Harm Ohlmeyer
  • Global Brands: Eric Liedtke
  • Global Operations: Gil Steyeart
  • Global Sales: Roland Auschel

Former management

  • CEO (1993–2002): Robert Louis-Dreyfus
  • CEO (2002–2016): Herbert Hainer

Financial information

Financial data in millions of euros[102][103][3]

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Sales 10,084 10,299 10,799 10,381 11,990 14,492 15,534 16,915 19,291 21,218 21,915 23,640 19,844 21,234
EBITDA 1,078 1,165 1,280 780 1,159 1,202 883 1,039 1,491 2,070 2,368 2,660 751 1,986
Net income 483 551 642 245 567 787 490 634 1,017 1,097 1,702 1,976 432 2,116
Net debt 2,231 1,766 2,189 917 221


Adidas’s business practises/ethics and commitment to worker welfare have been scrutinised and often criticised.[104][105]

2011 All Blacks replica rugby jersey pricing controversy

The All Blacks jersey caused controversy.

Unhappy with the local price of the Adidas replica All Blacks jersey, New Zealand-based All Blacks fans have asked for price cuts and begun purchasing the jersey from overseas vendors after it was revealed that the local price of NZ$220 was more than twice the price offered on some websites.[106]

Adidas has responded by enforcing cross-border agreements to stop overseas retailers from selling to New Zealand residents. It has been labelled a public relations disaster by leading New Zealand PR firms and Consumer advocate groups. The largest New Zealand sportswear retailer Rebel Sport has stated it is angry and is considering selling the All Blacks Jerseys to the general public below cost.

2012 «shackle» sneakers

On 14 June 2012, Adidas posted on their Facebook page a picture of a pair of Jeremy Scott-designed shoes containing shackles. The picture was of a planned shoe line that Adidas intended to release in July. The photo quickly caused controversy including that of Jesse Jackson who was quoted as saying «The attempt to commercialize and make popular more than 200 years of human degradation, where blacks were considered three-fifths human by our Constitution is offensive, appalling and insensitive».[107] Jackson threatened a boycott, and NBA commissioner David Stern was at one point reportedly contacted in hopes that he would intervene.[107] Shortly after the outcry, the company cancelled the product.[107]

Sweatshops and labour rights violations

Adidas has been criticized for operating sweatshops, particularly in Indonesia. Between 2006 and 2007, Adidas rejected many of its suppliers that supported unions in favour of subcontractors with worse labour rights records.[108] By subcontracting work to different suppliers, it is more difficult for Adidas to ensure company labour standards are enforced. Adidas’s policy includes the freedom for workers to take part in collective bargaining and a non-retaliation policy towards workers who express concerns.[when?][109] In practice, however, many of Adidas’s suppliers have not upheld these standards. At the Panarub factory in Java, 33 workers were fired after striking for better pay in 2005.[110] PT Kizone is another Indonesian factory where Adidas has been criticized over treatment of workers. They produced products for Adidas as well as Nike and the Dallas Cowboys until they closed in January 2011. 2,686 workers who were laid off are owed $3 million in severance pay and benefits. Nike has contributed $1.5 million but Adidas has not acted. A campaign has been initiated by United Students Against Sweatshops calling for universities to cut contracts with Adidas.[111] On 16 July 2012, War on Want organised activists in London to replace Adidas price tags in sports stores with 34p ones,[112] a reference to the low hourly wage rate paid to the Indonesian workers who make Adidas goods.[113] The campaign group Labour Behind the Label claimed that the basic pay of Indonesian Adidas workers was only £10 a week. William Anderson, head of social and environmental affairs for the Asia Pacific region, posted an entry on the company blog in which he claimed that total wages including bonuses and overtime were often double the hourly wage, and drew attention to purchasing power parity.[114]

In April 2014, one of the biggest strikes on mainland China took place at the Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Dongguan shoe factory, producing amongst others for Adidas.[115]

In 2022, researchers from Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences identified cotton from Xinjiang in Adidas shirts.[116]

Soviet themed items, and advertising

In 2018, Adidas promoted a line of Soviet themed items. After a social media outcry, they were taken off the market.[117]

NCAA corruption scandal

Adidas executive James Gatto was indicted in the 2017 NCAA Division I men’s basketball corruption scandal.[118][119][120]

Racial diversity controversy

In June 2020, the head of global human resources at Adidas voluntarily stepped down after black employees raised concerns about her failure to address racism and discrimination in the workplace.[121] The former HR chief had also made a comment about racism being «noise,» in addition to not adequately addressing workforce diversity.[122] Upon her resignation, she made a statement saying that she supports the company’s continued progress towards racial justice and offered an apology.[123][124][125]

See also

  • Adidas Originals
  • List of Adidas sponsorships
  • Puma SE, formed by Rudolf Dassler, brother of Adolf Dassler


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  75. ^ a b Gupta, Ashish (28 July 2016). «Why Adidas is cool again». Fortune India. Archived from the original on 30 June 2017. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
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  77. ^ «Adidas launches new cricket campaign in India». India Infoline. 10 March 2010. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
  78. ^ «#FeelLoveUseHate: Why Adidas India Is Getting Virat Kohli To Talk About Love And Hate». Lighthouse Insights. 18 March 2016. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
  79. ^ «Virat Kohli removed as the Adidas ambassador; Signs up with Gionee». The Financial Express. 10 January 2017. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
  80. ^ «Virat Kohli signs Rs 100 crore deal with Puma». The Indian Express. 20 February 2017. Retrieved 9 May 2017.
  81. ^ «Adidas Official Shop». Adidas India. Retrieved 10 May 2017.
  82. ^ Christenson, Marcus (28 April 2015). «Bayern Munich sign 10-year kit deal with Adidas worth reported €900m». The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 7 November 2017.
  83. ^ Prenderville, Liam (17 March 2014). «Real Madrid superstar Gareth Bale shows off the lightest football boot ever made». Daily Mirror. Retrieved 4 June 2014.
  84. ^ Calnan, Denise (28 January 2014). «The face of… Ten celebrities who have earned big bucks from endorsements». Irish Independent. Retrieved 26 July 2014.
  85. ^ «Behind the scenes at the new Adidas advert». London Evening Standard. 11 April 2012. Retrieved 30 May 2014.
  86. ^ «Adidas release star-studded World Cup advert featuring Messi, Beckham, Mourinho, Pharrell and more». Four Four Two. 22 July 2018.
  87. ^ «Manchester United plc reaches agreement with adidas». Manchester United F.C. 14 July 2014. Archived from the original on 17 July 2014. Retrieved 14 July 2014.
  88. ^ Long, Michael (4 November 2009). «Andy Murray signs head-to-toe deal with Adidas». SportsProMedia. Archived from the original on 25 October 2010. Retrieved 10 October 2010.
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  90. ^ Rovell, Darren (15 July 2002). «Kobe and Adidas part ways after six years». ESPN. Retrieved 5 January 2012.
  91. ^ «Kevin Garnett to leave Adidas for Anta». Nicekicks.com. 25 May 2010. Retrieved 5 January 2012.
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  93. ^ Amick, Sam (13 August 2015). «James Harden agrees to $200 million shoe contract with Adidas». USA Today. Retrieved 5 November 2015.
  94. ^ «Renovación del Contrato con Adidas» [Renewal of the Contract with Adidas]. Confederación Argentina de Hockey (in Spanish). 13 April 2012. Archived from the original on 23 February 2017.
  95. ^ «Reading Hockey Club sponsored by Adidas». Reading Hockey Club. Retrieved 5 January 2012.
  96. ^ «Beeston Hockey Club sponsored by Adidas». Beeston Hockey Club. Retrieved 5 January 2012.
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  98. ^ «Adidas Golf Strengthens Roster; Agrees on New Sponsorship Terms with Sergio Garcia, Xander Schauffele and Tyrrell Hatton». Adidas. 2 January 2018.
  99. ^ «Adidas Unveil Earvin Ngapeth As Brand Ambassador». SportsBusiness Daily. 27 October 2016.
  100. ^ «Yohan Cabaye pour New Balance, Earvin Ngapeth pour Adidas, Ariel Winter pour Dove». Brand and Celebrities (in French). 26 October 2016.
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  115. ^ Lau, Mimi (18 April 2013). «Yue Yuen strikers vow to continue until benefit contribution deficit paid in full». South China Morning Post.
  116. ^ Oltermann, Philip (5 May 2022). «Xinjiang cotton found in Adidas, Puma and Hugo Boss tops, researchers say». The Guardian. Retrieved 6 May 2022.
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  • «Adidas Strategy Overview». Adidas Group. Retrieved 27 September 2017.
  • «Adidas Golf USA moves to Carlsbad; Adidas faces legal suit». Sports Business Daily. 19 August 1998. Retrieved 22 October 2010.
  • «Taylor Made Golf Co». FundingUniverse. Retrieved 22 October 2010.
  • Freeman, Mike (19 August 1999). «Taylor, Adidas merge, reshuffle : Hiring of Callaway official for key post could trigger lawsuit». The San Diego Union-Tribune. p. C.1. Archived from the original on 23 May 2011. Retrieved 22 October 2010.
  • Ward, Denise T. (14 May 2001). «Profile: Mark King, Taylor Made For His Job». San Diego Business Journal. Archived from the original on 10 January 2011. Retrieved 22 October 2010.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Adidas.

  • Official website (corporate)
  • Official website (consumer)

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.






In 1972 Adidas presented the trefoil logo which represented the Olympic spirit.

В 1972-ом году логотип Адидас предстал в форме клеверного листа, который представлял олимпийский дух.

One became Adidas and the other Puma.

Одна из которых стала Аdidas, а вторая Puma.

This is a great bag from ADIDAS.

Удобная большая сумка для переездов от Adidas.

ADIDAS MANUFACTURES MORE than 300 million products a year.

Каждый год Adidas выпускает более 900 миллионов единиц продукции.

Remarkable new pictures of 1,000-year-old Mongolian mummy wearing «red ADIDAS boots»

Эти замечательные новые фотографии показывают 1000-летнюю монгольскую мумию, которая лежала в «красных сапогах ADIDAS».

Remarkable new pictures of 1,000-year-old Mongolian mummy wearing «red ADIDAS boots»

Это новые фото 1000-летней монгольской мумии в «красной обуви ADIDAS»

It produces high-end apparel for brands such as ADIDAS, PUMA, UNIQLO, NIKE, etc…

Оно производит высококачественную одежду для таких брендов, как ADIDAS, PUMA, UNIQLO, NIKE и др…

One case was brought against a Ukrainian entity that tried to import from China 4,400 pairs of sneakers with markings similar to the ADIDAS, NIKE, PUMA logos.

В частности, было возбуждено дело в отношении одного из украинских обществ, пытавшегося ввезти из Китая партии из 4,4 тыс. пар кроссовок с обозначениями, схожими с логотипами ADIDAS, NIKE, PUMA.

ADIDAS and PUMA — The unbelievable battle of two brothers

Adidas и Puma: история двух братьев

The 1,500-year old mummy wearing ADIDAS boots

Монголы нашли 1500-летнюю мумию в обуви, напоминающей кроссовки Adidas

Ever here about ADIDAS or REEBOK?

Что дешевле: Adidas или Reebok?

The DAX index includes stocks such as ADIDAS, DEUTSCHE BANK and BAYER.

Индекс включает такие компании, как Adidas, Deutsche Bank и Bayer.

ADIDAS Tango 12 = The Official match ball of EURO 2012

adidas Tango 12 — официальный мяч чемпионата Европы 2012.

Mongolian woman mummy buried a thousand a years ago wearing ‘ADIDAS boots’ and with a knife that’s still shiny died after a massive blow to the head

Монгольская женщина была похоронена тысячу лет назад в сапогах «Adidas» и с ножом, который все еще блестит.

Proof time travel is real? 1,500-year old mummy found wearing ‘ADIDAS trainers’

Путешествия во времени возможны? 1500-летняя монгольская мумия «носила обувь Adidas»

One case was brought against a Ukrainian entity that tried to import from China 4,400 pairs of sneakers with markings similar to the ADIDAS, NIKE, PUMA logos.

Как сообщается на сайте Государственной фискальной службы Украины, среди таких случаев попытка ввоза из Китая 4,4 тыс. пар кроссовок с обозначениями, похожими на знаки Adidas, Nike, Puma.

Shoe Wars: The Enemy Brothers Who Founded ADIDAS and PUMA

Ссора между братьями, из-за которой появились Adidas и Puma

Interacting with Marketing and HR Manager of companies such as ZALANDO, FERRERO, ADIDAS, NATUZZI, RADIO DEEJAY.

Взаимодействие с менеджером по маркетингу и персоналу таких компаний, как ZALANDO, FERRERO, ADIDAS, NATUZZI, RADIO DEEJAY.

Evgenia Barinova is a practicing illustrator with experience of working for Russian and international publications and projects such as The New York Times, Afisha, Computer Arts, PORT, Prime Russian Magazine, ADIDAS, Robb Report, Woman’s Health and others.

Евгения Баринова — художник-иллюстратор, в течение многих лет она сотрудничает с российскими и международными изданиями, такими как The New York Times, Афиша, Computer Arts, PORT, Prime Russian Magazine, ADIDAS, Robb Report, Woman’s Health и др.

He has won numerous international photo contests, including «ADIDAS — AIPS — CANON» (France), «World Press Photo» (Holland), «Humor Photo» (Belgium), and «NIKON» (Japan).

Лауреат международных фото конкурсов — «ADIDAS — AIPS — CANON» (Франция), «World Press Photo» (Голландия), «Humor Photo» (Бельгия), и «NIKON» (Япония).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 3365. Точных совпадений: 3365. Затраченное время: 101 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Где-то уже начались, а где-то вот-вот начнутся самые любимые дни всех шопоголиков — зимние распродажи. Может быть вам особенно повезет и вы поедете закупаться брендовой одеждой за пределы матушки-России. Тогда этот материал точно для вас, ведь мы расскажем о том, как правильно произносить самые известные названия и обратим ваше внимание на частые ошибки. 

Для вашего удобства, мы не будем использовать оригинальную транскрипцию, но будем писать дословное звучание на русском. При этом название бренда на русском языке мы будем писать с маленькой буквы, а ударную гласную обозначать большой. Не путайтесь!

Moleskine. Это известный итальянский бренд, который славится своими красивыми ежедневниками и записными книжками. В России мы говорим это слово, как читаем — Молескин. В Америке оно будет звучать так — [мОлскин]. Буква «е» в середине слова стирается. 

Yves Saint Laurent. Французский бренд одежды, парфюма и обуви. В России вы можете услышать множество вариаций названия этого бренда, но правильнее всего его произносить на французский манер — [ив сэн лорАн] (можете даже сделать букву «р» картавой, в лучших традициях Франции). Нет другого варианта произношения!


Chanel. Ни Шинель, не Шанель, нет! Единственный правильный вариант произношения — [шанЭл]. Этот бренд тоже пришел к нам из Франции, поэтому следуем их правилам. В России такое произношение будет звучать непривычно, а может даже показаться неправильным, но в Америке — только так. 

Lacoste. Большинство из нас близки к правильному произношению — [лакОст]. Мы не произносим последнюю букву «е». Так как этот бренд подарила нам все та же Франция, то возможен более национальный вариант произношения — лякОст. 

Louis Vuitton. Ох, как же пострадало это название, оказавшись в России. Луис Вуиттон, Лоуис Вейтон — вариаций множество. Однако, есть единственная правильная — [луИ вюиттОн]

Nike. Невероятно, но факт — правильное произношение [нАйки]. Мы привыкли стирать букву «е» в таких названиях, но этот спортивный бренд — американский, поэтому работают немного другие правила. Запомните, мы не стираем «и» в конце Nike. 


Adidas. Продолжим шокировать вас неожиданностями, но правильное произношение этого спортивного бренда — [адИдас]. С ударением на второй слог. Нет, вы не ослышались. Это американский вариант произношения Adidas. 

Levi’s. Правильный вариант произношения этого бренда рифмуется со словом eyes — [лИвайз].

UGG. Нет, мы не называем этот бренд «уг», как мы привыкли. Правильное произношение — [аг].


Hermes. Пожалуй, самые известные сумки и платки в мире. Снова этот бренд нам подарила Франция, поэтому мы следуем их правилам и говорим так — [Эрмес]. При этом, букву Э в начале мы, как будто, смешиваем с ё. Но «h» в этом названии не произносится. 


Burberry. Знаменитая во всем мире «клеточка». Сколько людей, столько и произношений — бурберри, барберри, берберри. Правильно говорить можно только одним способом — [бЁрберри]

Закончим, пожалуй, самым известным американским брендом — роскошным рестораном быстрого питания Mcdonalds. В России мы говорим — Макдональдс, но в США он будет звучать, как [МЫкдональдс].

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