Как правильно пишется ака

  • Взрослым: Skillbox, Хекслет, Eduson, XYZ, GB, Яндекс, Otus, SkillFactory.
  • 8-11 класс: Умскул, Лектариум, Годограф, Знанио.
  • До 7 класса: Алгоритмика, Кодланд, Реботика.
  • Английский: Инглекс, Puzzle, Novakid.

Как пишется: «ака» или «Ака»?


Верными являются написания: «Ака», «ака». В первом случае — это имя собственное, поэтому пишется с большой буквы, во втором — нарицательное существительное. А такие слова всегда пишутся с маленькой буквы, кроме абсолютного начала предложения.

Третий вариант написания: «АКА». Согласно правилу, в аббревиатурах инициального типа все элементы должны писаться с заглавной буквы.


Трактовка слова «Ака»:

  • японское село в уезде Тагава;
  • мужское имя.

Вариант написания со строчной буквы имеет следующие значения:

  • разговорный язык в Судане;
  • группа пигмеев в Африке;
  • народ (племя) в Индии.

Аббревиатура «АКА» — это:

  • автоматический космический аппарат;
  • альянс казанских анархистов;
  • артиллерийский катер;
  • архив кабинета археологии.

Есть ещё один вариант написания слова. В отличие от вышеприведённых случаев, здесь обязательно наличие кавычек и заглавной буквы. Это название армянского фильма «Ака».


  • Ещё до начала пандемии мне посчастливилось посетить японское село Ака, которое прославилось своими необычными гибридами мандаринов.
  • Стыдно признаться, но я не видела ни одной картины Ака Ризы.
  • Охотники-собиратели ака издавна живут в разных зонах реки Конго.
  • Ни один из переводчиков не знал язык ака.
  • Язык ака изолирован от языков соседних народов.
  • В АКА можно попасть только после получения пропуска, заверенного подписью главного археолога города.
  • На данном АКА применяется система дистанционного управления всеми необходимыми установками.
  • К сожалению, я не нашла ни один отзыв про фильм «Ака».
  • Взрослым: Skillbox, Хекслет, Eduson, XYZ, GB, Яндекс, Otus, SkillFactory.
  • 8-11 класс: Умскул, Лектариум, Годограф, Знанио.
  • До 7 класса: Алгоритмика, Кодланд, Реботика.
  • Английский: Инглекс, Puzzle, Novakid.

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“AKA” is an abbreviation for “also known as,” and it pops up often in English.[1]
Usually, AKA comes before a pseudonym, which is another name that a person might go by, such as a nickname, a legal name, or a role that the person plays. Learn more about the common ways of using AKA to start including it in your speech and writing.

  1. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 1


    Replace “also known as” with AKA. Since AKA stands for “also known as,” swap out “AKA” for “also known as” and see if it still makes sense. This is the best way to tell if you are using AKA correctly.[2]

    • For example, in the phrase “Jennifer Jones, AKA my best friend” adding “also known as” in place of “AKA” would make it, “Jennifer Jones, also known as my best friend.” This still makes sense, so AKA works well here.
    • However, “also known as” in the phrase, “Disneyland, AKA created by Walt Disney,” would become “Disneyland, also known as created by Walt Disney.” The “AKA” or “also known as” in this sentence is unneeded. Even if you take out “created by” it would still not work because Disneyland (a place) is not a pseudonym for Walt Disney (a person).
  2. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 2


    Use AKA to indicate a person’s other names or roles. AKA most often comes between 2 names that a person may go by. This indicates a person’s significance in your life, something they have accomplished, or a role they once played.[3]

    • For example, you might use AKA to let readers know what other roles a person plays in your life, such as “Mrs. McKraken, AKA my neighbor Phyllis,” or “Deidre Smith, AKA my mother.”
    • Another option might be to indicate a role that someone played or still plays in TV or film, such as, “Orlando Bloom, AKA Legolas in the Lord of the Rings,” or, “Retta, AKA Donna from Parks and Recreation.” You will often see AKA used in this way, especially in articles about film and television.


  3. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 3


    Use AKA to give information about the subject in a creative way. Try using AKA to give a person, place, or thing a special meaning that it might not have otherwise. Follow up AKA with a word or phrase that tells readers something about the subject, or that elaborates on the subject’s features.[4]

    • For example, when talking or writing about your least favorite high school English teacher, you might indicate what that teacher was like using AKA, such as, “Mr. Doherty, AKA the meanest teacher in the entire school.”
    • You could also use AKA to indicate your feelings about a thing, such as apple pie. For example, you might say or write, “Apple pie, AKA warm hugs in food form.”[5]

    Tip: Although, AKA can indicate a relationship between words and concepts, remember that it is an abbreviation with a very specific meaning, so its uses are limited. Opt for something else if AKA does not work for your situation.

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  1. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 4


    Use AKA without periods between the letters. AKA used to include periods between the letters as a general rule, as in “a.k.a.” However, many sources have dropped the periods, and AKA is no longer listed in the dictionary with the periods included. Writing AKA without periods is even recommended by the Associated Press (AP) style guide.[6]

    • Keep in mind that writing “a.k.a” is not wrong, it is just less common than it once was. You may still write “a.k.a” this way if it looks better to you or if your teacher prefers this option.
  2. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 5


    Write AKA in all lowercase or all capital letters. None of the letters in AKA need to be capitalized. Therefore, it is more common for all 3 letters to be lowercase, such as “aka.” However, you may capitalize all 3 letters if you prefer, such as “AKA.”[7]

    • Do not write AKA with 1 or 2 capital letters, such as “aKA,” or “AkA.”
    • For titles and headings, write AKA in all capital letters, such as “AKA.”

    Tip: When in doubt about how to write AKA, check with your teacher or consult the style guide for the type of writing you are doing. You can also read other sources too see how AKA is most often used in them and adopt the most common form.

  3. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 6


    Pronounce AKA as “ay-kay-ay” even if periods are not included. If you opt to leave out the periods when you write out AKA, remember that this does not change the way you pronounce it. Pronounce each letter on its own in sequence, such as “ay-kay-ay.”[8]

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  • Question

    So which is it, capitalized or not?



    Community Answer

    You can either capitalize all the letters, or none of them. This means you can write «AKA», or «aka», which will be correct. But something like «Aka», «AKa», «AkA», «aKa», «aKA», «akA» etc. would be incorrect.

  • Question

    Are there periods in A.K.A?



    Community Answer

    No, there aren’t. Just write «AKA», or «aka» without any periods in it.

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“AKA” is an abbreviation for “also known as,” and it pops up often in English.[1]
Usually, AKA comes before a pseudonym, which is another name that a person might go by, such as a nickname, a legal name, or a role that the person plays. Learn more about the common ways of using AKA to start including it in your speech and writing.

  1. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 1


    Replace “also known as” with AKA. Since AKA stands for “also known as,” swap out “AKA” for “also known as” and see if it still makes sense. This is the best way to tell if you are using AKA correctly.[2]

    • For example, in the phrase “Jennifer Jones, AKA my best friend” adding “also known as” in place of “AKA” would make it, “Jennifer Jones, also known as my best friend.” This still makes sense, so AKA works well here.
    • However, “also known as” in the phrase, “Disneyland, AKA created by Walt Disney,” would become “Disneyland, also known as created by Walt Disney.” The “AKA” or “also known as” in this sentence is unneeded. Even if you take out “created by” it would still not work because Disneyland (a place) is not a pseudonym for Walt Disney (a person).
  2. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 2


    Use AKA to indicate a person’s other names or roles. AKA most often comes between 2 names that a person may go by. This indicates a person’s significance in your life, something they have accomplished, or a role they once played.[3]

    • For example, you might use AKA to let readers know what other roles a person plays in your life, such as “Mrs. McKraken, AKA my neighbor Phyllis,” or “Deidre Smith, AKA my mother.”
    • Another option might be to indicate a role that someone played or still plays in TV or film, such as, “Orlando Bloom, AKA Legolas in the Lord of the Rings,” or, “Retta, AKA Donna from Parks and Recreation.” You will often see AKA used in this way, especially in articles about film and television.


  3. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 3


    Use AKA to give information about the subject in a creative way. Try using AKA to give a person, place, or thing a special meaning that it might not have otherwise. Follow up AKA with a word or phrase that tells readers something about the subject, or that elaborates on the subject’s features.[4]

    • For example, when talking or writing about your least favorite high school English teacher, you might indicate what that teacher was like using AKA, such as, “Mr. Doherty, AKA the meanest teacher in the entire school.”
    • You could also use AKA to indicate your feelings about a thing, such as apple pie. For example, you might say or write, “Apple pie, AKA warm hugs in food form.”[5]

    Tip: Although, AKA can indicate a relationship between words and concepts, remember that it is an abbreviation with a very specific meaning, so its uses are limited. Opt for something else if AKA does not work for your situation.

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  1. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 4


    Use AKA without periods between the letters. AKA used to include periods between the letters as a general rule, as in “a.k.a.” However, many sources have dropped the periods, and AKA is no longer listed in the dictionary with the periods included. Writing AKA without periods is even recommended by the Associated Press (AP) style guide.[6]

    • Keep in mind that writing “a.k.a” is not wrong, it is just less common than it once was. You may still write “a.k.a” this way if it looks better to you or if your teacher prefers this option.
  2. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 5


    Write AKA in all lowercase or all capital letters. None of the letters in AKA need to be capitalized. Therefore, it is more common for all 3 letters to be lowercase, such as “aka.” However, you may capitalize all 3 letters if you prefer, such as “AKA.”[7]

    • Do not write AKA with 1 or 2 capital letters, such as “aKA,” or “AkA.”
    • For titles and headings, write AKA in all capital letters, such as “AKA.”

    Tip: When in doubt about how to write AKA, check with your teacher or consult the style guide for the type of writing you are doing. You can also read other sources too see how AKA is most often used in them and adopt the most common form.

  3. Image titled Use "AKA" Step 6


    Pronounce AKA as “ay-kay-ay” even if periods are not included. If you opt to leave out the periods when you write out AKA, remember that this does not change the way you pronounce it. Pronounce each letter on its own in sequence, such as “ay-kay-ay.”[8]

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  • Question

    So which is it, capitalized or not?



    Community Answer

    You can either capitalize all the letters, or none of them. This means you can write «AKA», or «aka», which will be correct. But something like «Aka», «AKa», «AkA», «aKa», «aKA», «akA» etc. would be incorrect.

  • Question

    Are there periods in A.K.A?



    Community Answer

    No, there aren’t. Just write «AKA», or «aka» without any periods in it.

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Орфография выражения – «акапелла» или «а капелла» – определена его происхождением, так как термин иноязычного происхождения.

Читайте в статье

  • Как правильно пишется?
  • Какое правило применяется?
    • Примеры предложений
  • Как неправильно писать

Как правильно пишется?

В соответствии с языковыми нормами, пишется – а капелла.

Какое правило применяется?

Термин «а капелла» – происходит от латинского «a cappella», что в переводе на русский значит «как в капелле». «Капелла» в переводе с того же латинского – «часовня». Всё вместе значит – «как в часовне», то есть, «в месте отправления культа; в месте, где молятся какому-либо божеству». В подобных местах, как правило, песнопения совершаются без музыкального сопровождения, поёт хор. Таким образом, выражение «а капелла» в современном русском языке значится – «петь индивидуально или в хоре без музыкального сопровождения».

Заимствованное выражение, став в русском языке музыкальным термином, почти полностью сохранило свое произношение и написание, исчезла только удвоенная «п».

Следовательно, пишем в два слова с двумя «л» – а капелла.

Примеры предложений

Романс молодой исполнитель спел «а капелла».

Пение «а капела» труднее, чем под музыку.

Как неправильно писать

Неправильно – акапелла, а каппелла.


  1. Правильно пишется
  2. Какое правило
  3. Примеры предложений
  4. Неправильно пишется

Трудно определить, как следует писать «акапелла» или «а капелла»? Нам придется посмотреть на происхождение слова, чтобы верно его написать.

Правильно пишется

Заимствованное сочетание, в соответствии с нормой правописания, имеет раздельное написание – а капелла.

Какое правило

Данное сочетание, чаще всего, используется как термин в музыкальной среде. Оно попало к нам из итальянского языка, в оригинале оно звучит так – a cappella. Переводится сочетание «как в капелле».

Как видим, даже в оригинале слово имеет раздельное написание, в русском варианте такое написание сохранилось, правда, была отсечена одна «п». В случае затруднения следует обратиться к словарю иностранных слов.

Примеры предложений

  • Я ненавижу пение а капелла, но мама меня привела именно на такой концерт.
  • Подруга гордо заявила: «Сейчас я спою а капелла».

Неправильно пишется

Слитное написание сочетания считается ошибкой – акапелла.

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