From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
«Hakuna matata» is a Swahili phrase, meaning «no trouble» or «no worries» and «take it easy». (literally hakuna: «there is no/there are no»; matata: «worries».) The 1994 Walt Disney Animation Studios animated film The Lion King brought the phrase to Western prominence in one of its most popular songs, in which it is translated as «no worries». The song is often heard at Disney’s resorts, hotels, and amusement parks.
Boney M. song[edit]
In 1983, German group Boney M. released «Jambo—Hakuna Matata», an English-language version of the song Jambo Bwana by Kenyan group Them Mushrooms. Liz Mitchell provided the song’s lead vocals, backed by Reggie Tsiboe, Frank Farian, Cathy Bartney, Madeleine Davis and Judy Cheeks. The single performed poorly, reaching number 48 in the German charts and causing it to be omitted from the group’s seventh album Ten Thousand Lightyears, released in 1984.
The Lion King song[edit]
In 1994, the Walt Disney Feature Animation animated film The Lion King brought the phrase international recognition, featuring it prominently in the plot and devoting a song to it. A meerkat and a warthog, Timon and Pumbaa, teach Simba that he should forget his troubled past and live in the present. The song was written by Elton John (music) and Tim Rice (lyrics), who found the term in a Swahili phrasebook.[1] It was nominated for Best Original Song at the 1995 Academy Awards, and was later ranked the 99th best song in movie history by the American Film Institute on a list of 100.[2]
In 2003, Disney was granted a trademark protecting the phrase from being used on clothing and footwear.[3] Prior to the release of the 2019 Lion King remake, the trademark caused controversy in East Africa. More than 280,000 people have signed a petition on asking Disney to drop the trademark.[4]
See also[edit]
- Ataraxia
- No worries
- Ubuntu philosophy
- ^ Interview with Tim Rice, BBC News, 13 September 2011, BBC One
- ^ «AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs». Archived from the original on 2006-08-14. Retrieved 2006-08-15.
- ^ «HAKUNA MATATA Trademark of Walt Disney Company, The — Registration Number 2700605 — Serial Number 74558335 :: Justia Trademarks». Retrieved 19 December 2018.
- ^ Ratcliffe, Rebecca (19 December 2018). «Disney accused of colonialism over ‘hakuna matata’ trademark». The Guardian. Retrieved 19 December 2018.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
«Hakuna matata» is a Swahili phrase, meaning «no trouble» or «no worries» and «take it easy». (literally hakuna: «there is no/there are no»; matata: «worries».) The 1994 Walt Disney Animation Studios animated film The Lion King brought the phrase to Western prominence in one of its most popular songs, in which it is translated as «no worries». The song is often heard at Disney’s resorts, hotels, and amusement parks.
Boney M. song[edit]
In 1983, German group Boney M. released «Jambo—Hakuna Matata», an English-language version of the song Jambo Bwana by Kenyan group Them Mushrooms. Liz Mitchell provided the song’s lead vocals, backed by Reggie Tsiboe, Frank Farian, Cathy Bartney, Madeleine Davis and Judy Cheeks. The single performed poorly, reaching number 48 in the German charts and causing it to be omitted from the group’s seventh album Ten Thousand Lightyears, released in 1984.
The Lion King song[edit]
In 1994, the Walt Disney Feature Animation animated film The Lion King brought the phrase international recognition, featuring it prominently in the plot and devoting a song to it. A meerkat and a warthog, Timon and Pumbaa, teach Simba that he should forget his troubled past and live in the present. The song was written by Elton John (music) and Tim Rice (lyrics), who found the term in a Swahili phrasebook.[1] It was nominated for Best Original Song at the 1995 Academy Awards, and was later ranked the 99th best song in movie history by the American Film Institute on a list of 100.[2]
In 2003, Disney was granted a trademark protecting the phrase from being used on clothing and footwear.[3] Prior to the release of the 2019 Lion King remake, the trademark caused controversy in East Africa. More than 280,000 people have signed a petition on asking Disney to drop the trademark.[4]
See also[edit]
- Ataraxia
- No worries
- Ubuntu philosophy
- ^ Interview with Tim Rice, BBC News, 13 September 2011, BBC One
- ^ «AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs». Archived from the original on 2006-08-14. Retrieved 2006-08-15.
- ^ «HAKUNA MATATA Trademark of Walt Disney Company, The — Registration Number 2700605 — Serial Number 74558335 :: Justia Trademarks». Retrieved 19 December 2018.
- ^ Ratcliffe, Rebecca (19 December 2018). «Disney accused of colonialism over ‘hakuna matata’ trademark». The Guardian. Retrieved 19 December 2018.
- 1 Суахили
- 1.1 Тип и синтаксические свойства сочетания
- 1.2 Произношение
- 1.3 Семантические свойства
- 1.3.1 Значение
- 1.3.2 Синонимы
- 1.3.3 Антонимы
- 1.3.4 Гиперонимы
- 1.3.5 Гипонимы
- 1.4 Этимология
- 1.5 Библиография
Тип и синтаксические свойства сочетания[править]
ha—ku—na ma—ta—ta
Устойчивое сочетание.
Семантические свойства[править]
- проблемам не место ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
« Хакуна матата » ( произносится [hɑˈkunɑ mɑˈtɑtɑ] ) — это фраза на языке суахили из Восточной Африки , означающая «ничего страшного» или «не беспокойся» и «успокойся». (буквально hakuna : «нет / нет»; matata : «беспокойство».) Анимационный фильм Walt Disney Animation Studios 1994 года «Король Лев» принес этой фразе известность на Западе в одной из своих самых популярных песен , в которой она звучит. переводится как «не беспокойся». Песню часто можно услышать на курортах Диснея , в отелях и других местах, привлекающих туристов.
Джамбо — Хакуна Матата
В 1983 году немецкая группа Boney M. выпустила «Jambo — Hakuna Matata», англоязычную версию песни Them Mushrooms Jambo Bwana. Лиз Митчелл исполнила ведущий вокал песни при поддержке Реджи Цибо , Фрэнка Фариана , Кэти Бартни, Мадлен Дэвис и Джуди Чикс . Сингл планировалось включить в успешно безымянный седьмой альбом группы, который должен был быть выпущен осенью 1983 года. Из-за плохой работы в чартах Германии (48-е место в немецких чартах) сингл в конечном итоге не был включен в альбом ( который был полностью переработан и выпущен только в мае 1984 года под названием Ten Thousand Lightyears ).
Песня Короля Льва
В 1994 году анимационный фильм «Король Лев» от студии Walt Disney Animation Studios принес этой фразе международное признание, благодаря чему она занимает видное место в сюжете и посвящена этой песне. Сурикат и бородавочник , Тимон и Пумба , учат Simba , что он должен забыть свое тяжелое прошлое и жить в настоящем. Песня была написана Элтоном Джоном (музыка) и Тимом Райсом (текст), которые нашли этот термин в разговорнике на суахили. Она была номинирована на лучшую оригинальную песню на церемонии вручения премии Оскар 1995 года , а позже была признана 99-й лучшей песней в истории кино Американским институтом кино в списке 100.
В 2003 году Disney получил товарный знак, защищающий эту фразу от использования на одежде и обуви. Перед выпуском ремейка « Король Лев » 2019 года торговая марка вызвала споры в Восточной Африке. Более 280 000 человек подписали петицию на с просьбой отказаться от использования торговой марки Disney.
Смотрите также
- Атараксия
- Не стоит беспокоиться
- Ubuntu (философия)
использованная литература
Примерно с 90-х годов в русский язык вошло выражение “Акуна матата”. Звучит красиво, таинственно, по-африкански. Смысл высказывания те, кто им пользуется, смутно представляют. Но с буквальным переводом наверняка затруднятся.
Так что же это значит на самом деле?
Давайте сначала вспомним обстоятельства заимствования в наш язык этого выражения. Оно пришло из мультфильма “Король Лев” 1994 года. Там его постоянно повторяли, а вернее напевали Тимон и Пумба. Контекст был следующий – посмотрите, как у нас все зашибись. Полная акуна матата, в общем.
Пожалуй, удачным аналогом этих двух слов можно считать незабвенную “Чунга-чангу”, которая тоже пришла из мультфильма, только советского и намного более раннего.
Слова “акуна матата” не придуманы сценаристами “Короля Льва”, а взяты из языка суахили, распространенного в Африке. “Матата” в нем означает проблемы, а “Акуна” – что-то вроде: “у меня их нет”. Складываем все вместе и получаем… да ту же “Чунга-чангу” и получаем. Жуй кокосы, ешь бананы. Только с африканским акцентом.
Hakuna Matata | |||
Attribution information | |||
Composer |
Elton John |
Lyricist |
Tim Rice |
Mixer |
Jay Rifkin |
Performers |
• Nathan Lane |
Release information | |||
Released |
May 31, 1994 |
Track |
4 |
Length |
3:33 |
Albums |
Appearances |
• The Lion King |
Samples | |||
Versions |
«Hakuna Matata» is a song composed by Elton John for The Lion King. It was released on May 31, 1994, as part of the film’s soundtrack. It was re-released on September 30, 2003, as part of the film’s Special Edition soundtrack.
Conception and development
«Hakuna Matata» was originally conceived as a musical number titled «Warthog Rhapsody». In this version of the song, Timon and Pumbaa boasted about their laid-back, grub-eating lifestyle to Simba. However, the filmmakers deduced that the song should move the plot along, and so it was changed to show Simba turning his back on his responsibilities.[1]
Releases and alternative versions
Best of The Lion King album.
«Hakuna Matata» was released on May 31, 1994, as part of the soundtrack of The Lion King.[2][3]
The stage musical version of the song was released in 1997 as part of the original cast recording.[4][5]
Also in 1997, Disney released an album titled Jungle Boogie, which consisted of songs from both The Lion King and The Jungle Book franchises. «Hakuna Matata» was included on this album.[6]
In 1999, «Hakuna Matata» was re-released as part of The Lion King Collection.[7]
«Hakuna Matata» was re-released on September 30, 2003, as part of the film’s Special Edition soundtrack.[8][9]
Also on September 30, 2003, the karaoke version of «Hakuna Matata» was released as part of Disney’s Karaoke Series: The Lion King.[10][11]
In 2004, «Hakuna Matata» was released as part of The Lion King 1½: Songs From Timon and Pumbaa’s Hilarious Adventure.[12]
Official artwork of «Hakuna Matata» from The Legacy Collection: The Lion King.
Best of The Lion King, an album comprised of songs from different installments in The Lion King franchise, was released on September 6, 2011. «Hakuna Matata» was included on this album, as was its original incarnation, «Warthog Rhapsody».[13][14]
On October 3, 2011, «Hakuna Matata» was released as part of The Lion King Collection (Deluxe Edition).[15][16]
The song was re-released as part of The Legacy Collection: The Lion King on June 24, 2014.[17][18]
«Hakuna Matata» was reimagined for the 2019 remake of The Lion King. It was released on July 11, 2019, as part of the film’s soundtrack.[19][20]
In the canon
Timon and Pumbaa encourage Simba to turn his back on his responsibilities during the «Hakuna Matata» sequence.
«Hakuna Matata» is the fourth song heard in The Lion King. It starts when Timon and Pumbaa introduce Simba to their philosophy of the same name. In the face of Simba’s confusion, Timon and Pumbaa clarify that «Hakuna Matata» means «no worries.» They then show Simba around their jungle home and encourage him to eat grubs instead of meat. Eventually, Simba warms to the idea and embraces the «Hakuna Matata» philosophy fully. Over the seasons, he grows up with Timon and Pumbaa.[21]
In The Lion King 1½, Timon and Pumbaa sing «Hakuna Matata» when they first discover the jungle. The scene is framed as a sing-along.[22]
In the «Bunga and the King» episode of The Lion Guard, Simba performs «Hakuna Matata» with his family, Timon, Pumbaa, and the Lion Guard for Ma Tembo’s herd.[23]
In other media
A reimagined version of «Hakuna Matata» is heard in the 2019 remake of The Lion King. It plays during the same sequence of events as its 1994 counterpart.[24]
A version of «Hakuna Matata» is used as the opening theme for The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa. An instrumental version of the song is used as the closing theme.[25]
The stage musical version of «Hakuna Matata» is much the same as the original, occurring during the same sequence of events.[4]
An instrumental version of «Hakuna Matata» is heard in the 1994 video game The Lion King. There are two slightly different versions of the song: one for Genesis and one for SNES.[26]
Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata
Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free
Hakuna Matata
(Instrumental break)
Why, when he was a young warthog
When I was a young warthog!
Timon: (spoken)
Very nice.
Pumbaa: (spoken)
He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savanna after every meal
I’m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt, that my friends never stood downwind!
And, oh, the shame!
He was ashamed!
Thought of changin’ my name!
Oh, what’s in a name?
And I got downhearted!
How did you feel?
Every time that I-
Timon: (spoken)
Hey, Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids.
Pumbaa: (spoken)
Oh, sorry.
Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata
Ain’t no passing craze!
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
Timon: (spoken)
Yeah, sing it, kid!
Simba and Timon:
It’s our problem-free…
Hakuna Matata!
Instrumental Break
Timon and Pumbaa:
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Ha, ha, ha!
- «Hakuna Matata» means «no worries» in Swahili.[27]
- The song was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1995 but lost to «Can You Feel the Love Tonight».[28]
- In 2004, the American Film Institute placed «Hakuna Matata» at #99 on the list of AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs.[29]
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence is referenced in the «Shake Your Djibouti» episode of The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa.
- «Hakuna Matata» is referenced three times in The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa:
- In «Swiss Missed», Timon is about to perform «Hakuna Matata» for Fronk Fegnugen, only for Fegnugen to interrupt him that he does not have time for an entire musical number.[30]
- In «Shake Your Djibouti», after Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba accept Bartholomew as an additional member of their Hakuna Matata club, the four sing «Hakuna Matata» while walking on a log. But Bartholomew accidentally breaks the trunk due to his weight, causing the four to fall into a ravine.[31]
- In «To Be Bee or Not To Be Bee», Timon tells Buzz to take a deep breath and repeat, «Hakuna Matata,» after him. After Buzz does so, Timon and Pumbaa sing «Hakuna Matata» alongside Buzz and the rest of his colony, as they teach the bees to relax and enjoy life with no worries.[32]
- «Hakuna Matata» is heard briefly during Toy Story. It plays inside Andy’s mother’s car as Molly watches Woody and Buzz Lightyear attempt to catch up to the moving van.
- Director Bill Condon had actors sing «Hakuna Matata» at the auditions for the 2017 live-action Beauty and the Beast. The auditions helped measure the actors’ singing voices and determined whom Condon chose for the final cast.[33]
- There have been rumors that Tim Rice’s «Hakuna Matata» lyrics were inspired by the British sitcom Bottom. However, Rice has stated that he meant to craft the number as a philosophical conversation.[34]
Hakuna Matata The Lion King 1994
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence in The Lion King
Hakuna Matata — The Lion King 1½
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence in The Lion King 1½
CC 12 — Timon and Pumbaa Opening HD
«Hakuna Matata» as the opening theme of The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa
Lion Guard HAKUNA MATATA! Bunga and the King Song Clip
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence in the «Bunga and the King» episode of The Lion Guard
The Lion King (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) |
Circle of Life • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • Be Prepared • Hakuna Matata • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • This Land • …To Die For • Under the Stars • King of Pride Rock • Circle of Life • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • Can You Feel the Love Tonight |
The Lion King Collection |
He Lives in You • Circle of Life • Lea Halalela • Upendi • Busa • One of Us • Love Will Find a Way • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • We Are One • One By One • It’s Time • Noyana • In Youpendi • Be Prepared • He Lives In You • My Lullaby • Hakuna Matata • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • The Lion Sleeps Tonight |
The Lion King: Special Edition |
Circle of Life • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • Be Prepared • Hakuna Matata • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • The Morning Report • This Land • …To Die For • Under the Stars • King of Pride Rock • Circle of Life • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • Can You Feel the Love Tonight (End Title) • Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Remix) • The Hyenas |
The Lion King 1½: Songs From Timon and Pumbaa’s Hilarious Adventure |
Grazing in the Grass • Digga Tunnah Dance • That’s All I Need • Hakuna Matata • The Lion Sleeps Tonight • Jungle Boogie • Timon’s Traveling Theme • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly |
Best of The Lion King |
Circle of Life • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • Warthog Rhapsody • Lea Halalela • Hakuna Matata • Digga Tunnah Dance • Upendi • One of Us • The Lion Sleeps Tonight • Be Prepared • They Live In You |
The Lion King Collection (Deluxe Edition) |
He Lives in You • Circle of Life • Lea Halalela • Upendi • Busa • One of Us • Love Will Find a Way • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • We Are One • One By One • It’s Time • Noyana • In Youpendi • Be Prepared • He Lives In You • My Lullaby • Hakuna Matata • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • The Lion Sleeps Tonight • Circle of Life • Grazing in the Grass • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • Warthog Rhapsody • Kube • This Land • Digga Tunnah Dance • The Morning Report • Love Will Find a Way (End Title) • The Lion Sleeps Tonight • Be Prepared • They Live In You |
The Legacy Collection: The Lion King |
Circle of Life • Didn’t Your Mother Tell You Not to Play With Your Food • We Are All Connected • Hyenas in the Pride Land • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • Elephant Graveyard • I Was Just Trying to Be Brave • Be Prepared • Simba, It’s to Die For • Stampede • Mufasa Dies • If You Ever Come Back We’ll Kill You • Bowling for Buzzards • Hakuna Matata • We Gotta Bone to Pick With You • Kings of the Past • Nala, Is It Really You? • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • Remember Who You Are • This Is My Home • The Rightful King • The Morning Report • Warthog Rhapsody • Circle of Life • I Just Can’t Wait to Be King • Can You Feel the Love Tonight |
Hakuna Matata | |||
Attribution information | |||
Composer |
Elton John |
Lyricist |
Tim Rice |
Mixer |
Jay Rifkin |
Performers |
• Nathan Lane |
Release information | |||
Released |
May 31, 1994 |
Track |
4 |
Length |
3:33 |
Albums |
Appearances |
• The Lion King |
Samples | |||
Versions |
«Hakuna Matata» is a song composed by Elton John for The Lion King. It was released on May 31, 1994, as part of the film’s soundtrack. It was re-released on September 30, 2003, as part of the film’s Special Edition soundtrack.
Conception and development
«Hakuna Matata» was originally conceived as a musical number titled «Warthog Rhapsody». In this version of the song, Timon and Pumbaa boasted about their laid-back, grub-eating lifestyle to Simba. However, the filmmakers deduced that the song should move the plot along, and so it was changed to show Simba turning his back on his responsibilities.[1]
Releases and alternative versions
Best of The Lion King album.
«Hakuna Matata» was released on May 31, 1994, as part of the soundtrack of The Lion King.[2][3]
The stage musical version of the song was released in 1997 as part of the original cast recording.[4][5]
Also in 1997, Disney released an album titled Jungle Boogie, which consisted of songs from both The Lion King and The Jungle Book franchises. «Hakuna Matata» was included on this album.[6]
In 1999, «Hakuna Matata» was re-released as part of The Lion King Collection.[7]
«Hakuna Matata» was re-released on September 30, 2003, as part of the film’s Special Edition soundtrack.[8][9]
Also on September 30, 2003, the karaoke version of «Hakuna Matata» was released as part of Disney’s Karaoke Series: The Lion King.[10][11]
In 2004, «Hakuna Matata» was released as part of The Lion King 1½: Songs From Timon and Pumbaa’s Hilarious Adventure.[12]
Official artwork of «Hakuna Matata» from The Legacy Collection: The Lion King.
Best of The Lion King, an album comprised of songs from different installments in The Lion King franchise, was released on September 6, 2011. «Hakuna Matata» was included on this album, as was its original incarnation, «Warthog Rhapsody».[13][14]
On October 3, 2011, «Hakuna Matata» was released as part of The Lion King Collection (Deluxe Edition).[15][16]
The song was re-released as part of The Legacy Collection: The Lion King on June 24, 2014.[17][18]
«Hakuna Matata» was reimagined for the 2019 remake of The Lion King. It was released on July 11, 2019, as part of the film’s soundtrack.[19][20]
In the canon
Timon and Pumbaa encourage Simba to turn his back on his responsibilities during the «Hakuna Matata» sequence.
«Hakuna Matata» is the fourth song heard in The Lion King. It starts when Timon and Pumbaa introduce Simba to their philosophy of the same name. In the face of Simba’s confusion, Timon and Pumbaa clarify that «Hakuna Matata» means «no worries.» They then show Simba around their jungle home and encourage him to eat grubs instead of meat. Eventually, Simba warms to the idea and embraces the «Hakuna Matata» philosophy fully. Over the seasons, he grows up with Timon and Pumbaa.[21]
In The Lion King 1½, Timon and Pumbaa sing «Hakuna Matata» when they first discover the jungle. The scene is framed as a sing-along.[22]
In the «Bunga and the King» episode of The Lion Guard, Simba performs «Hakuna Matata» with his family, Timon, Pumbaa, and the Lion Guard for Ma Tembo’s herd.[23]
In other media
A reimagined version of «Hakuna Matata» is heard in the 2019 remake of The Lion King. It plays during the same sequence of events as its 1994 counterpart.[24]
A version of «Hakuna Matata» is used as the opening theme for The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa. An instrumental version of the song is used as the closing theme.[25]
The stage musical version of «Hakuna Matata» is much the same as the original, occurring during the same sequence of events.[4]
An instrumental version of «Hakuna Matata» is heard in the 1994 video game The Lion King. There are two slightly different versions of the song: one for Genesis and one for SNES.[26]
Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata
Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free
Hakuna Matata
(Instrumental break)
Why, when he was a young warthog
When I was a young warthog!
Timon: (spoken)
Very nice.
Pumbaa: (spoken)
He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal
He could clear the savanna after every meal
I’m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt, that my friends never stood downwind!
And, oh, the shame!
He was ashamed!
Thought of changin’ my name!
Oh, what’s in a name?
And I got downhearted!
How did you feel?
Every time that I-
Timon: (spoken)
Hey, Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids.
Pumbaa: (spoken)
Oh, sorry.
Hakuna Matata
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata
Ain’t no passing craze!
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
Timon: (spoken)
Yeah, sing it, kid!
Simba and Timon:
It’s our problem-free…
Hakuna Matata!
Instrumental Break
Timon and Pumbaa:
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free
Hakuna Matata
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna! Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Hakuna Matata!
Ha, ha, ha!
- «Hakuna Matata» means «no worries» in Swahili.[27]
- The song was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1995 but lost to «Can You Feel the Love Tonight».[28]
- In 2004, the American Film Institute placed «Hakuna Matata» at #99 on the list of AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs.[29]
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence is referenced in the «Shake Your Djibouti» episode of The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa.
- «Hakuna Matata» is referenced three times in The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa:
- In «Swiss Missed», Timon is about to perform «Hakuna Matata» for Fronk Fegnugen, only for Fegnugen to interrupt him that he does not have time for an entire musical number.[30]
- In «Shake Your Djibouti», after Timon, Pumbaa, and Simba accept Bartholomew as an additional member of their Hakuna Matata club, the four sing «Hakuna Matata» while walking on a log. But Bartholomew accidentally breaks the trunk due to his weight, causing the four to fall into a ravine.[31]
- In «To Be Bee or Not To Be Bee», Timon tells Buzz to take a deep breath and repeat, «Hakuna Matata,» after him. After Buzz does so, Timon and Pumbaa sing «Hakuna Matata» alongside Buzz and the rest of his colony, as they teach the bees to relax and enjoy life with no worries.[32]
- «Hakuna Matata» is heard briefly during Toy Story. It plays inside Andy’s mother’s car as Molly watches Woody and Buzz Lightyear attempt to catch up to the moving van.
- Director Bill Condon had actors sing «Hakuna Matata» at the auditions for the 2017 live-action Beauty and the Beast. The auditions helped measure the actors’ singing voices and determined whom Condon chose for the final cast.[33]
- There have been rumors that Tim Rice’s «Hakuna Matata» lyrics were inspired by the British sitcom Bottom. However, Rice has stated that he meant to craft the number as a philosophical conversation.[34]
Hakuna Matata The Lion King 1994
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence in The Lion King
Hakuna Matata — The Lion King 1½
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence in The Lion King 1½
CC 12 — Timon and Pumbaa Opening HD
«Hakuna Matata» as the opening theme of The Lion King’s Timon & Pumbaa
Lion Guard HAKUNA MATATA! Bunga and the King Song Clip
The «Hakuna Matata» sequence in the «Bunga and the King» episode of The Lion Guard
The Lion King (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) |
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The Lion King Collection |
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The Lion King: Special Edition |
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The Lion King 1½: Songs From Timon and Pumbaa’s Hilarious Adventure |
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The Lion King Collection (Deluxe Edition) |
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