TOPBEAUTY подготовил для тебя шпаргалку с верным произношением названий самых популярных модных брендов, чтобы ты не ударила в грязь лицом!
Трудности с правильным произношением названий различных модных брендов возникают у всех, даже у тех, кто давно работает в мире моды. Часто этому способствует не очень качественный перевод фильмов и сериалов и банальное незнание иностранных языков. Чтобы раз и навсегда разобраться с этим вопросом, мы собрали для тебя 15 брендов, названия которых вызывают трудности в произношении чаще всего.
- Nike – Найки. Нет, не просто «Найк», а именно «Найки». Кстати, неправильное произношение названия марки так прижилось, особенно у нас, в России, что само российское представительство бренда стало называть его неправильно.
- Levi’s – Ливайз. Если исходить из правил английской грамматики и учитывать то, что создателя марки звали Леви, то правильно будет «Левис». Однако все больше и больше источников настаивают на том, что правильно все-таки «Ливайз».
- Hermès – Эрмэс. Никаких «Гермесов» и «Хермесов»! И букву «с» на конце тоже терять не стоит. Все-таки это название произошло от фамилии основателя, а значит, обычные правила французского языка тут не совсем действуют.
- Christian Louboutin – Кристиан Лубутан. Французы иногда еще убирают обе «н» на конце. Но это важно не так сильно, как то, что «Лубутан», а не «Лабутен» или «Лубутен».
- Hervé Léger – Эрве Леже. Дизайнер марки по совету Карла Лагерфельда поменял свою фамилию на Леже, чтобы клиентам было легче запомнить.
- Burberry – Бёрбери. Вспомни об этом, когда в очередной раз будешь говорить, что мечтаешь об их тренче.
- Moschino – Москино. Никаких «ч» тут нет.
- Lanvin – Ланван. Здесь читается не так, как пишется.
- Vera Wang – Вера Вонг. На крайний случай – Вэнг (американцы часто говорят именно так). Но не Ванг!
- Chloé – Клоэ. А не Хлоя.
- Calvin Klein – Калвин Клайн. Некоторые вообще читают не Калвин, а Кевин почему-то…
- Zuhair Murad – Зухер Мурад. Да-да, именно так.
- Carolina Herrera – Каролина Эррера. Фамилия дизайнера читается на испанский манер.
- Tommy Hilfiger – Томми Хилфигер. Сколько можно коверкать фамилии?
- Mulberry – Малбери. Не Мулбери.
- Названия брендов
- Nike
- Levi’s
- Hermès
- Christian Louboutin
- Herve Leger
- Burberry
- Moschino
- Lanvin
- Vera Wang
- Chloé
- Calvin Klein
- Zuhair Murad
- Carolina Herrera
- Tommy Hilfiger
- Mulberry
Произносим названия брендов правильно
Как часто видя название того или иного бренда в магазине, мы впадаем в ступор просто от того как это великолепие грамотно произнести. Так вот, чтобы не было смятений и неловкостей, смело сохраняйте брендовый словарь себе в закладки. И будьте всегда во всеоружии
Enigma – место мировых брендов в Иркутске
- A
Abercrombie & Fitch — Э́беркромби энд Фи́тч
Adl — Адили́шик
Agent Provocateur — Ажо́н Провокатё́р
Alexander McQueen — Алекса́ндр МакКуи́н
Armani Jeans/Emporio Armani — Арма́ни Джинс/Эмпо́рио Арма́ни
Ash— Эш
Atos Lombardini — Ато́с Ломбарди́ни
Криминальная драма Пола Шредера «Американский жиголо» — фильм, после которого Ричард Гир стал знаменит, женщины сходили по нему с ума, а мужчины — подражали. Персонажа Ричарда Гира одевал Джорджо Армани, тогда еще малоизвестный для американской публики итальянский дизайнер
- B
Baldinini — Балдини́ни
Baldessarini – Бальдессари́ни
Balenciaga – Баленсиа́га
Balmain — Бальма́н
Badgley Mischka — Бэ́джли Ми́шка
BCBGeneration — Бисиби́Дженерэ́йшн
BCBGMAXAZRIA — Бисибиджи́ Максэзри́а
Beach Bunny — Бич Ба́нни
BeaYukMui — Бьюкму́и
Betty Barclay — Бэ́тти Ба́ркли
Bikkembergs — Би́ккембергс
Blumarine — Блюмари́н
Braccialini — Брачиали́ни
Burberry — Бё́рберри
Bvlgari — Бу́лгари
Byblos — Би́блос
- C
Calvin Klein/Calvin Klein Underwear — Ке́львин Кляйн/ Кельвин Кляйн А́ндэвэа
Casadei — Казадэ́и
C&A (Clemens and August) — Си Энд Эй (Кле́менс энд А́вгуст)
Carolina Herrera — Кароли́на Эрре́ра
Cartier — Картье́
Cacharel — Кашарэ́ль
Celine — Сели́н
Cerruti — Черу́тти
Chanel — Шанэ́ль
Chloe — Клоэ́
Christian Dior — Кристиа́н Дио́р
Christian Louboutin — Кристиа́н Лубута́н
Christian Lacroix — Кристиа́н Лакруа́
Coccinelle — Кочинэ́лле
Cromia — Кро́миа
Cut&Pret— Кат энд Прэт
- D
Dita Von Teese — Ди́та Вон Тиз
DKNY — ДиКе́йЭнУа́й (До́на Кара́н Нью-Йорк)
Dolce&Gabbana — До́льче энд Габба́на
Dsquared — Ди́скуэрд
Desigual — Дезигуа́ль
Davidoff — Давидо́фф
- E
Elena Miro — Эле́на Ми́ро
Eleganzza — Элега́нза
Emilio Pucci — Эми́лио Пу́ччи
EMU Australia — Э́му Остре́лия
Ermenegildo Zegna — Эрмэнеджи́льдо Зэ́нья
Escada — Эска́да
Esprit — Эпри́
Etro — Э́тро
- F
Fabi — Фа́би
Fendi — Фэ́нди
Freedomday — Фри́домдэй
French Connection — Френч Конэ́кшн
Furla — Фурла́
Forte Couture — Фётэ Кутюр
- G
Ganni — Ганни
Gianni Chiarini — Джанни Кьярини
Giorgio Armani — Джо́рджо Армани
Givenchy — Живанши́
Gucci— Ѓуччи
Guy Laroche — Ги Ларо́ш
Творческий союз Юбера Живанши и Одри Хепберн. Хрупкая Одри выглядела статуэткой в изысканных и пышных нарядах брэнда и сделала его эталоном светской роскоши.
- H
Hugo Boss/Boss Orange — Хью́го Босс /Босс О́риндж
H&M (Hennes and Mauritz) — Хэ́ннес энд Мо́ритц
Hermes — Эрме́с
- I
Iceberg — А́йсберг
Issey Miyake — Иссэ́й Мия́ке
Isabelle Blanche — Изабель Бланш
- J
Jil Sander Navy — Джил Са́ндер Нэ́йви
Jimmy Choo — Джи́мми Чу
Jean-Paul Gaultier — Жан—Поль Го́тье
John Galliano — Джон Галья́но
John Richmond — Джон Ри́чмонд
Juicy Couture — Джу́си Кутю́р
- K
Karen Millen — Ка́рен Ми́ллен
Karl Lagerfeld — Карл Лагерфе́льд
Kenzo — Кензо́
- L
Lanvin — Ланва́н
Lacoste — Лако́ст
La Perla — Ла Пе́рла
Lab. Pal Zileri — Лаб. Пал Зилери́
Lempelius — Лемпелиус
Liu Jo — Лью Джо
Loriblu — Лориблю́
Love Moschino/Moschino — Лав Моски́но/Моски́но
Levi’s — Лева́йс
Louis Vuitton — Луи́ Витто́н
- M
Mackage — Маккейдж
Missoni — Миссо́ни
Manolo Blahnik – Маноло Блани́к
Marc Jacobs — Марк Джэ́йкобс
Marciano Guess — Марчиа́но Гесс
Marina Yachting — Мари́на Йо́тинг
Max Mara — Макс Ма́ра
MAX&Co — Макс энд Ко́мпани
Mexx — Мекс
Michael Kors — Майкл Корс
Miu Miu — Ми́у Ми́у
MSGM — ЭмЭ́сДжиЭ́М/Масс́имо Джиордже́тти Мила́н
Звезда «Секса в большом городе» Кэрри Брэдшоу была просто помешана на обуви марки Manolo Blahnik. Каждый сезон заполнен эпизодами, где туфли всегда в эпицентре событий: то грабитель в переулке требует у Брэдшоу отдать ему «бланики», то на вечеринке кто-то уходит именно в туфлях Кэрри. И в самый важный момент ее жизни, на ней надеты синие туфли от Manolo Blahnik. После такого промоушена марка стала крайне востребованной у модниц.
- N
Nando Muzi — На́ндо Му́ци
Nanushka — Нанушка
Nina Ricci — Ни́на Ри́ччи
- O
Oakwood — О́квуд
Object — О́бджект
O’neill — Они́л
Only — О́нли
Onitsuka Tiger — Оницу́ка Та́йгер
- P
Paco Rabanne — Па́ко Раба́нн
Parajumpers — Пэ́раджа́мперс
Patrizia Pepe — Патри́ция Пе́пе
Pennyblack — Пенниблэ́к
Philipp Plein — Фили́п Пляйн
Pinko — Пи́нко
Pierre Cardin — Пьер Карда́н
Piquadro — Пикуа́дро
Prada — Пра́да
Pretty Ballerinas — При́тти балери́нас
Pupa Lopez — Пу́па Ло́пез
- R
Ralph Lauren — Ральф Лоре́н
Ray Ban — Рэй Бан
Rebecca Minkoff — Ребе́кка Минко́ф
Rinascimento — Ринащиме́нто
Roberto Botticelli — Робе́рто Ботиче́лли
Roberto Cavalli/Just Cavalli — Робе́рто Кава́лли/ Джаст Кава́лли
Roccobarocco — Ро́ккобаро́кко
Костюмы для экранизации «Великого Гэтсби» Ральф Лорен создавал в 1974 году. А в год премьеры недавнеого хита с Леонардо ДиКаприо дизайнер выпустил коллекцию в стиле эпохи джаза и немого кино, отщипнув немного успеха у Prada — этот модный дом делал костюмы для фильма 2013 года. Внимание к марке очень выросло, подтянув за собой и продажи.
- S
SeafollyAustralia — Си́фолли Остре́лия
Silvian Heach — Си́львиан Хич
Sonia Rykiel — Со́нья Ри́кель
Stuart Weitzman — Стю́арт Ва́йцман
Sisley – Сисле́
- T
Ted Baker London — Тэд Бэ́йкер Ло́ндон
Tiffany — Тифани
Theory — Тэ́ори
Trussardi — Трусса́рди
Twin-Set Simona Barbieri — Туи́н—Сет Симо́на Барбиери́
Tod’s — Тод’з
Tommy Hilfiger — То́мми Хи́лфигер
Tom Ford — Том Форд
Tosca Blu — То́ска Блю
«Завтрак у Тиффани» — фильм давно стал классикой романтического кинематографа, а ювелирная марка с его помощью раз и навсегда выделилась из ряда себе подобных, получив не просто рекламу, но красивую историю любви, с которой теперь ассоциируются вся продукция компании.
- U
UGG Australia — Агг Остре́лия
United Nude — Юна́йтед Нюд
- V
Van Cleef & Arpels — ВанКли́ф энд Арпэ́л
Valentino — Валенти́но
Versace — Верса́че
Vicini Tapeet — Вичи́ни Тэ́йпит
Viktor&Rolf — Викто́р энд Рольф
Vivienne Westwood — Вивье́н Вэ́ствуд
- W
Wolford — Уо́лфорд
Woolrich — Ву́лрич
Yves Saint Laurent — Ив Сэн Лора́н
- А
Acqua di Parma – А́ква ди па́рма
Ainhoa — Айно́а
Alterna — Альте́рна
Atelier Cologne — Ателье́ коло́нь
Armand Basi — Арма́нд Бази́
- B
Beautifulmind — Бью́тифулма́йнд
Beautyblender — Бью́тибле́ндер
Benefit — Бэ́нефит
Biotherm — Биоте́рм
Bobby Brown — Бо́бби Бра́ун
Bosley — Бо́сли
Bottega Veneta — Ботэ́га Вене́та
Boudicca Wode — Бу́дика Во́уд
Bourjois — Буржуа́
Byredo — Байре́до
- C
Carita — Кари́та
Caudalie — Кодали́
Cellcosmet & Cellmen — Сэллко́смет энд Сэ́ллмэн
Christian Breton — Кристиа́н Брето́н
Christina Fitzgerald — Кристи́на Фицжера́льд
Сollistar — Колиста́р
Clarins — Клара́нс
Clarisonic — Клэасо́ник
Clinique — Клини́к
Clive Christian — Клайв Кри́стиан
Color Me — Ка́ло ми
- D
Darphin — Дарфа́н
Decleor — Деклео́р
Demeter Fragrance Library — Дими́тэр Фрэ́джрэнс Ла́йбрари
Diptyque — Дипти́к
Divage — Дива́ж
Dr.Brandt — До́ктор Брант
Dr.Jart+ — До́ктор Джарт плюс
- E
Elie Saab — Э́ли Саа́б
Erborian — Эрбо́риан
Escentric Molecules — Эксе́нтрик Моле́кулс
Estee Lauder – Эстэ́ Ло́удэ
- G
Glamglow — Глэ́мглоу
Greenland — Гри́нлэнд
GUAM — Гуа́м
Guerlain — Герле́н
- H
Health&Beauty — Хэ́лс энд Бью́ти
Helena Rubinstein — Хеле́на Рубинште́йн
- I
Ilift — Айли́фт
IOMA — Айо́ма
- J
Japan Gateway — Джэпэ́н Ге́йтвэй
John Frieda — Джон Фри́да
Juliette has a gun — Джу́льет хэ́з а ган
- K
K By Kilian — Кей бай Ки́лиан
Kenzoki — Кензо́ки
Kinski — Ки́нски
Korres — Ко́рес
- L
L`occitane — Локсита́н
La Colline — Ла Коли́н
Lalique — Лали́к
La Mer — Ла ме́
La Prairie — Ля Прери́
Lancaster — Ланка́стер
Lancome — Ланко́м
Leonor Greyl — Леоно́р Грэйль
Les Contes — Ле Контэ́
Limoni — Лимони́
Loewe — Лоэ́вэ
- M
M·A·C — Мак
Make up Forever — Мэ́йк ап форэ́вэ
Make up Store — Мэ́йк ап сто
Mancera — Мансе́ра
Marlies Moeller — Марли́з Моле́р
Matis — Мати́с
Mavala — Мава́ла
Moltobene — Мо́льтобэ́нэ
Moresque — Морэ́ск
- N
Narciso Rodriguez — Нарци́со Родри́гез
Nouba – Ну́ба
- O
O.P.I. — Опиа́й
Orly – Орли́
Ormonde Jayne — О́рмонд Джэ́йн
- P
Paper Passion — Пэ́йпер Пэ́шн
Payot — Пайо́
Percy&Reed — Пе́рси энд Рид
Pupa — Пу́па
- R
Rene Furterer — Рэнэ́ Фюртерэ́
Rexaline — Рексали́н
Rich — Рич
Richenna — Риче́нна
Rouge Bunny Rouge — Ру́ж Ба́нни Ру́ж
- S
Sampar — Сампа́
Sally Hansen — Са́лли Ха́нсен
Sensai — Сэнса́й
Sephora — Се́фора
Serge Lutens — Серж Люта́н
Shiseido — Шисе́йдо
Steblanc — Стебла́н
Swiss Line — Суи́с Лайн
- T
TANGLE TEEZER — Тэ́нгл Ти́зер
THERME — Тэ́рме
Thierry Mugler — Тьерри́ Мюгле́р
TONYMOLY — То́ни Мо́ли
Trestique — Трэсти́к
- U
Urban Decay — А́рбан Дике́й
- V
Valmont — Вальмо́н
Если вы не нашли в списке свой любимый бренд, напишите в комментариях, и мы его добавим!
Словарь взять по материалам, но мы добавили пару брендов.
Calvin Klein Inc. (/klaɪn/) is an American fashion house established in 1968. It specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewellery, watches and ready-to-wear. The company has substantial market share in retail and commercial lines as well haute couture garments.
The company was founded by designer Calvin Klein and his childhood friend, Barry K. Schwartz. The company is headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
The early years[]
In 1968, Calvin Klein founded Calvin Klein Limited, a coat shop in the York Hotel in New York City, with $10,000. The first Calvin Klein collection was a line of «youthful, understated coats and dresses» featured at the New York City store Bonwit Teller.
In September 1969, Klein appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine.
By 1971, Klein had added sportswear, classic blazers, and lingerie to his women’s collection.
In 1973, he received his first Coty American Fashion Critics’ Award for his 74-piece womenswear collection — the youngest recipient at that time. Klein won the award again in 1974 and 1975. By 1977, annual revenues had increased to $30 million (equivalent to $127 million in 2020), and Klein had licenses for scarves, shoes, belts, furs, sunglasses, and bedsheets . Klein and Schwartz were making $4 million each. After the company signed licenses for cosmetics, jeans, and menswear, Klein’s annual retail volume was estimated at $100 million (equivalent to $422 million in 2020). In 1978, Klein claimed sales of 200,000 pairs of his famous jeans the first week they were on the market. By 1981, Fortune figured Klein’s annual income at $8.5 million. In the mid-1970s, he had created a designer-jeans craze by putting his name on the back pocket. Klein’s design assistant at the time, Jeffrey Banks, has claimed credit for the logo garments, stating that he had the logo from a press folder silkscreened onto the sleeve of a brown T-shirt as a present for Klein. The gift was assumed by Schwartz to be part of the upcoming line, and similar logo shirts formed the uniform for the front-of-house staff at Klein’s next catwalk show, leading to buyer demand.
In the late 1970s, the company also made attempts to set up its own fragrance and cosmetics lines, but soon withdrew from the market with big financial losses.
In the 1980s, as the designer-jeans frenzy reached its all-time high, Calvin Klein introduced a highly successful line of boxer shorts for women and a men’s underwear collection which would later gross $70 million in a single year. The American market of men’s underwear was changed – from one where most men’s underwear was white, purchased in packs of three by a «wife, mother or girlfriend when they needed to be» to one where «the American male [cares] about the brand of something few ever see».
Growth continued through the early eighties. The licensing program, which brought in $24,000 when it was initiated in 1974 (equivalent to $124,421 in 2019), had royalty income of $7.3 million ten years later (equivalent to $17.96 million in 2020). That year, worldwide retail sales were estimated at more than $600 million (equivalent to $1476.55 million in 2020). Klein’s clothes were sold through 12,000 stores in the United States and were available in six other countries through licensing deals, namely Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. His annual income passed $12 million (equivalent to $29.53 million in 2020).
Financial problems increased pressure from all sides, disagreements with the licensee of the menswear line and its disappointing sales as well as an enormous employee turnover both within Calvin Klein and its licensing partners led to the first rumors that Calvin Klein Industries, as the company had been known by then, was up for sale. And indeed, in late 1987, it was said that the sale of the company to Triangle Industries, a container manufacturer, had only failed because of the crashing stock market.
Although the company almost faced bankruptcy in 1992, Calvin Klein managed to regain and increase the profitability of his empire throughout the later 1990s, mainly through the success of its highly popular underwear and fragrance lines, as well as the ck sportswear line. During his 1990-1995 stint as Calvin Klein’s head of menswear design, John Varvatos pioneered a type of men’s underwear called boxer briefs, a hybrid of boxer shorts and briefs. Made famous by a series of 1992 print ads featuring Mark «Marky Mark» Wahlberg, they have been called «one of the greatest apparel revolutions of the century.»
Klein was named «America’s Best Designer» for his minimalist all-American designs in 1993, and it came as a surprise in 1999 when it was announced that CKI was again up for sale. Planning to expand its business, the company had been approached by two luxury goods companies, LVMH and Pinault Printemps Redoute, to join Calvin Klein, but nothing resulted. Other potentials like Tommy Hilfiger Corp. and Italy’s Holding di Partecipazioni proved to be similar disappointments because of CKI’s steep price tag of supposedly $1 billion. After seven months and no potential buyer, Klein announced that his empire was not on the market anymore. The company would never manage to go public, which had supposedly been Klein’s plan once.
Former logo from 1975 to 2017
2002–present: Acquisition by Phillips van Heusen[]
In mid-December 2002, Calvin Klein Inc. (CKI) was sold to Phillips Van Heusen Corp (PVH), whose then CEO Bruce Klatsky was the driving force behind the deal, for about $400 million in cash, $30 million in stock as well as licensing rights and royalties linked to revenues over the following 15 years that were estimated at $200 to $300 million. The sale also included an ongoing personal financial incentive for Klein based on future sales of the Calvin Klein brand.
PVH outbid VF Corp., the maker of Lee and Wrangler jeans, which had also been interested in the jeans, underwear and swimwear business of CK that had been controlled by Warnaco Group, maker of Speedo swimwear in the US, since 1997. The deal with PVH did not include these businesses, and they remained with Warnaco. Unable to pay debts from acquisitions and licensing agreements and due to bad publicity by a later dismissed lawsuit with Calvin Klein over selling license products to retailers other than agreed upon with Calvin Klein, Warnaco had filed for chapter 11 protection in mid-2001 but eventually emerged from bankruptcy in February 2003.
The transaction between Calvin Klein and PVH was financially supported by Apax Partners Inc., a New York private equity firm, which is said to have made a $250 million equity investment in PVH convertible preferred stock, as well as a $125 million, two-year secured note, all in exchange for seats on the board of PVH.
CKI thus became a wholly owned subsidiary of PVH. In the beginning, Klein himself, who was included as a person in the 15-year contract he had signed with PVH, remained creative head of the collections but then continued as an advisor (consulting creative director) to the new company from 2003 on and has since been more withdrawn from the business. Barry K. Schwartz was said to concentrate on his role as chairman of the New York Racing Association, a horse-racing club. The current President and COO of the CKI division within PVH are Tom Murry, who had filled this position already before the acquisition.
Upon the acquisition of Calvin Klein, Phillips-Van Heusen announced plans of launching a new men’s sportswear collection that rivals Ralph Lauren’s collection. This line is produced by Van Heusen.
With the fall 2006 Collection runway presentations in New York City, CKI inaugurated an 8,600 sq ft (800 m2) showroom space that can seat up to 600 people on the ground floor of 205 West 39th Street, in Times Square South where Calvin Klein has been headquartered since 1978.
In a 2010 report, PVH, who manages the ready-to-wear activities, had estimated sales of €4.6 billion of Calvin Klein products.
In February 2013, Warnaco Group was acquired by PVH which united Calvin Klein formal, underwear, jeans and sportswear lines.
In 2020, PVH announced that as part of their animal welfare policy, the company does not use exotic skins and would be banning their use in Calvin Klein collections when «our annual update of that policy is released.»
Product and brand history[]
The most visible brand names in the Calvin Klein portfolio include:
- Calvin Klein 205W39NYC (black label, upscale top-end designer line)
- ck Calvin Klein (grey label, recently repositioned as bridge collection line; licensed to Warnaco Group, Inc. through at least 2044. PVH acquired Warnaco Group in Feb 2013)
- Calvin Klein (white label, basic fashion better sportswear line)
- Calvin Klein Sport (sports version of the white label line for Macy’s)
- Calvin Klein Jeans (denimwear line; licensed to Warnaco Group through at least 2044. PVH acquired Warnaco Group in Feb 2013)
- Calvin Klein Home (high end bedding, towel, bath rug and accessory collections)
- The Khaki Collection (youthful medium to high end bedding, towel, bath rug and accessories) discontinued in 2008
- Calvin Klein Golf (launched in late 2007)
- Calvin Klein Underwear (underwear collections; licensed to Warnaco Group through at least 2044. PVH acquired Warnaco Group in Feb 2013)
- CK one Lifestyle brand (fragrance, underwear, jeans -launched 2011)
- Calvin Klein Watches + Jewelry (watches launched in 1997, jewelry in 2004)
Calvin Klein has various lines of perfumes and colognes, including Obsession, CK Be, and Eternity. Until May 2005, their perfumes and the corresponding fragrance lines were maintained by Calvin Klein Cosmetics Company (CKCC), a Unilever company. Cosmetics giant Coty, Inc. of New York bought the fragrance licensing agreements from Unilever.
The early ads were shot by Bruce Weber and Richard Avedon. One of his male underwear models, Mark Wahlberg, went on to fame as hip hop star «Marky Mark», launching himself into the Hollywood scene to become a current actor. Another Hollywood star first appearing in Calvin Klein advertisements is Antonio Sabato Jr.. Calvin Klein employed Kate Moss at the start of her career in the early 1990s and in 2002 after allegations of cocaine use. Other models who have appeared in advertisements early in their careers are Natalia Vodianova, and Toni Garrn. Currently Calvin Klein uses Shawn Mendes, Tyson Ballou and Lara Stone, and in the past has also used Christy Turlington, Jerry Hall, Patti Hansen, Tom Hintnaus, Travis Fimmel, Doutzen Kroes, Mini Anden, Garrett Neff, Sean O’Pry, Edita Vilkeviciute, Jamie Dornan, Liu Wen and Edward Furlong.
Actors such as Eva Mendes, Mehcad Brooks, Scarlett Johansson, Kellan Lutz, Andie MacDowell, Alexander Skarsgard, Zoe Saldana, Rita Ora, Rooney Mara, Lupita Nyong’o, Margot Robbie, Saoirse Ronan, Jake Gyllenhaal and Diane Kruger have also been chosen to model for the brand. Swedish footballer Freddie Ljungberg starred in a series of adverts for the company. Recently, singer Justin Bieber appeared in advertising for Calvin Klein’s underwear range, as did fashion model Kendall Jenner. In 2017 Solange Knowles became the face of the campaign Our Music, #MYCALVINS. On July 16, 2018, Saoirse Ronan and Lupita Nyong’o were announced as the faces of Raf Simons first fragrance for the brand, named Women. They also have experimented with emerging technologies. When advertising cKOne perfume in 1999, they placed e-mail addresses in print advertisements, targeted at teenagers. When these teens mailed these addresses, they would be placed on a mailing list that sent them mails with vague details about the models’ lives, with fake details meant to make them more relatable. These mails came at unpredictable intervals and were supposed to give readers the feeling that they had some connection with these characters. Though the mailing lists were discontinued in 2002, the campaign has inspired similar marketing tactics for movies and other retail products. In 2019, Calvin Klein featured an ad by Sarah Rae Vargas for plus-sized women. In 2020, Calvin Klein invited black trans model Jari Jones and other eight LGBTQ models featured its pride campaign #PROUDINMYCALVINS.
Like other fashion brands, Calvin Klein established a monogram: the «ck» emblem.
As of 2012, the top three licensees were:
- Warnaco Group — 40% of license royalties, which is «around $100 million»
- Coty — 12% of license royalties
- G-III Apparel Group — 14% of license royalties
In 2004, the company bought the domain name Calvin Klein is one of the few corporations worldwide to own a two letter domain name.
When Calvin Klein was acquired by PVH Corp. in 2003, Francisco Costa was appointed the Women’s Creative Director of Calvin Klein Collection. Costa had already worked with Klein directly before the founder’s departure from the company, and had taken the director position in 2003.
Italo Zucchelli, a former Jil Sander and Romeo Gigli designer, had collaborated with Calvin Klein for six seasons before he became head designer and Men’s Creative Director of the Calvin Klein Collection menswear line in spring 2004.
Kevin Carrigan, an Englishman, was named the global creative director of the ck Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein (white label), Calvin Klein Jeans and Calvin Klein Underwear brands and their related licensed products. Carrigan had been with Calvin Klein since 1998.
In April 2016, it was announced that Francisco Costa and Italo Zucchelli would be leaving the company.
In August 2016, Calvin Klein, Inc. announced the appointment of Raf Simons as Chief Creative Officer of the brand, overseeing all aspects of design, global market and communications, and visual creative services. Simons assumed the creative strategy of the Calvin Klein brand globally across the company’s ready to wear, bridge, sportswear, jeans, underwear and home lines. Pieter Mulier was also announced as Creative Director, reporting directly to Simons and responsible for executing his creative and design vision for men’s and women’s ready to wear, bridge and better apparel and accessories. It was also announced that Kevin Carrigan resigned from the company for a creative role at Ralph Lauren. Simons’s first collections debuted for the Fall 2017 season.
In December 2016, it was announced that Amy Mellen would leave the company.
In January 2017, it was announced that Clémande Burgevin Blachman would assume the role of Vice President of Design for Calvin Klein Home.
In December 2018, it was announced that Raf Simons had parted from Calvin Klein after only two years at the company.
- Calvin Klein Collection
In the late 1990s, the company opened elegant Calvin Klein Collection stores in Paris, Seoul, and Taipei and ultra high-end cK Calvin Klein stores in Hong Kong, Milan, and Kuwait City. As of today, there is only one Calvin Klein Collection store operated by CKI. It is located in New York City. Out of the two Calvin Klein Collection stores that existed in the US, the Dallas location in Highland Park Village which had been open for 20 years was closed in mid-2005. The only international location, in Paris, was closed by PVH in March 2006. The New York store, which serves as the company’s flagship store at 654 Madison Ave., remains open still today. Partners maintain Calvin Klein Collection stores in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Dubai, and Qatar.
- Calvin Klein (white label)
Specialty retail Calvin Klein stores, designed by New York architecture firm Lynch/Eisinger/Design have been opened at Lenox Square in Atlanta, Beverly Center in Los Angeles; now closed down, Cherry Creek Mall in Denver; now closed down, Natick Collection in Natick, MA; closing down on July 25, 2010, The Mall at Partridge Creek in Michigan; now closed down, Aventura Mall in Aventura, Florida, South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa California. An additional eight stores also designed by Lynch/Eisinger/Design are set to open in 2008. There are also several Calvin Klein Outlet stores, mostly located within factory outlet malls in the US, that sell the white label sportswear and sometimes the Calvin Klein white label at reduced prices but do not carry the Collection lines.
- Calvin Klein Jeans
Calvin Klein Jeans stores exist around the globe. Among many other countries in the UK, Germany, Greece, Russia, Brazil, México, Croatia, Egypt, Chile, Argentina, India, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand. They also offer franchisee and opened in Cali last year.
- Calvin Klein Underwear
Signature Calvin Klein Underwear boutiques can be found in Ljubljana, Buenos Aires, Cardiff (as of April 2011), Mexico City, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Melbourne, Hong Kong, London, Manchester, Manila, New York City, Shanghai, Singapore, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Toronto, Hatfield, and Burnaby, B.C. (Metro Vancouver).
- Department Stores
The major department stores in the US, including Macy’s, Lord & Taylor, Dillard’s, and Nordstrom, as well as many small independent stores carry the ck, white label and/or Jeans collections. Some high-end department stores, such as Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus also carry the Calvin Klein Collection. Notable retailers in the UK offering Calvin Klein include stores such as John Lewis, Debenhams and KJ Beckett. In Australia, the dominant retailer is Myer. Calvin Klein products are also found online with particular internet focus on selling Calvin Klein underwear and fragrance.
- Europe and Asia
In Europe, Calvin Klein is predominantly known for its underwear, accessories and perhaps the Collection business, rather than for the medium-priced sportswear lines which are available at select high-end retail stores. In Asia, there are also signature ck Calvin Klein stores that carry diffusion line, aka grey label including womenswear, menswear, accessories.
Calvin Klein Inc. (/klaɪn/) is an American fashion house established in 1968. It specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewellery, watches and ready-to-wear. The company has substantial market share in retail and commercial lines as well haute couture garments.
The company was founded by designer Calvin Klein and his childhood friend, Barry K. Schwartz. The company is headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.
The early years[]
In 1968, Calvin Klein founded Calvin Klein Limited, a coat shop in the York Hotel in New York City, with $10,000. The first Calvin Klein collection was a line of «youthful, understated coats and dresses» featured at the New York City store Bonwit Teller.
In September 1969, Klein appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine.
By 1971, Klein had added sportswear, classic blazers, and lingerie to his women’s collection.
In 1973, he received his first Coty American Fashion Critics’ Award for his 74-piece womenswear collection — the youngest recipient at that time. Klein won the award again in 1974 and 1975. By 1977, annual revenues had increased to $30 million (equivalent to $127 million in 2020), and Klein had licenses for scarves, shoes, belts, furs, sunglasses, and bedsheets . Klein and Schwartz were making $4 million each. After the company signed licenses for cosmetics, jeans, and menswear, Klein’s annual retail volume was estimated at $100 million (equivalent to $422 million in 2020). In 1978, Klein claimed sales of 200,000 pairs of his famous jeans the first week they were on the market. By 1981, Fortune figured Klein’s annual income at $8.5 million. In the mid-1970s, he had created a designer-jeans craze by putting his name on the back pocket. Klein’s design assistant at the time, Jeffrey Banks, has claimed credit for the logo garments, stating that he had the logo from a press folder silkscreened onto the sleeve of a brown T-shirt as a present for Klein. The gift was assumed by Schwartz to be part of the upcoming line, and similar logo shirts formed the uniform for the front-of-house staff at Klein’s next catwalk show, leading to buyer demand.
In the late 1970s, the company also made attempts to set up its own fragrance and cosmetics lines, but soon withdrew from the market with big financial losses.
In the 1980s, as the designer-jeans frenzy reached its all-time high, Calvin Klein introduced a highly successful line of boxer shorts for women and a men’s underwear collection which would later gross $70 million in a single year. The American market of men’s underwear was changed – from one where most men’s underwear was white, purchased in packs of three by a «wife, mother or girlfriend when they needed to be» to one where «the American male [cares] about the brand of something few ever see».
Growth continued through the early eighties. The licensing program, which brought in $24,000 when it was initiated in 1974 (equivalent to $124,421 in 2019), had royalty income of $7.3 million ten years later (equivalent to $17.96 million in 2020). That year, worldwide retail sales were estimated at more than $600 million (equivalent to $1476.55 million in 2020). Klein’s clothes were sold through 12,000 stores in the United States and were available in six other countries through licensing deals, namely Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. His annual income passed $12 million (equivalent to $29.53 million in 2020).
Financial problems increased pressure from all sides, disagreements with the licensee of the menswear line and its disappointing sales as well as an enormous employee turnover both within Calvin Klein and its licensing partners led to the first rumors that Calvin Klein Industries, as the company had been known by then, was up for sale. And indeed, in late 1987, it was said that the sale of the company to Triangle Industries, a container manufacturer, had only failed because of the crashing stock market.
Although the company almost faced bankruptcy in 1992, Calvin Klein managed to regain and increase the profitability of his empire throughout the later 1990s, mainly through the success of its highly popular underwear and fragrance lines, as well as the ck sportswear line. During his 1990-1995 stint as Calvin Klein’s head of menswear design, John Varvatos pioneered a type of men’s underwear called boxer briefs, a hybrid of boxer shorts and briefs. Made famous by a series of 1992 print ads featuring Mark «Marky Mark» Wahlberg, they have been called «one of the greatest apparel revolutions of the century.»
Klein was named «America’s Best Designer» for his minimalist all-American designs in 1993, and it came as a surprise in 1999 when it was announced that CKI was again up for sale. Planning to expand its business, the company had been approached by two luxury goods companies, LVMH and Pinault Printemps Redoute, to join Calvin Klein, but nothing resulted. Other potentials like Tommy Hilfiger Corp. and Italy’s Holding di Partecipazioni proved to be similar disappointments because of CKI’s steep price tag of supposedly $1 billion. After seven months and no potential buyer, Klein announced that his empire was not on the market anymore. The company would never manage to go public, which had supposedly been Klein’s plan once.
Former logo from 1975 to 2017
2002–present: Acquisition by Phillips van Heusen[]
In mid-December 2002, Calvin Klein Inc. (CKI) was sold to Phillips Van Heusen Corp (PVH), whose then CEO Bruce Klatsky was the driving force behind the deal, for about $400 million in cash, $30 million in stock as well as licensing rights and royalties linked to revenues over the following 15 years that were estimated at $200 to $300 million. The sale also included an ongoing personal financial incentive for Klein based on future sales of the Calvin Klein brand.
PVH outbid VF Corp., the maker of Lee and Wrangler jeans, which had also been interested in the jeans, underwear and swimwear business of CK that had been controlled by Warnaco Group, maker of Speedo swimwear in the US, since 1997. The deal with PVH did not include these businesses, and they remained with Warnaco. Unable to pay debts from acquisitions and licensing agreements and due to bad publicity by a later dismissed lawsuit with Calvin Klein over selling license products to retailers other than agreed upon with Calvin Klein, Warnaco had filed for chapter 11 protection in mid-2001 but eventually emerged from bankruptcy in February 2003.
The transaction between Calvin Klein and PVH was financially supported by Apax Partners Inc., a New York private equity firm, which is said to have made a $250 million equity investment in PVH convertible preferred stock, as well as a $125 million, two-year secured note, all in exchange for seats on the board of PVH.
CKI thus became a wholly owned subsidiary of PVH. In the beginning, Klein himself, who was included as a person in the 15-year contract he had signed with PVH, remained creative head of the collections but then continued as an advisor (consulting creative director) to the new company from 2003 on and has since been more withdrawn from the business. Barry K. Schwartz was said to concentrate on his role as chairman of the New York Racing Association, a horse-racing club. The current President and COO of the CKI division within PVH are Tom Murry, who had filled this position already before the acquisition.
Upon the acquisition of Calvin Klein, Phillips-Van Heusen announced plans of launching a new men’s sportswear collection that rivals Ralph Lauren’s collection. This line is produced by Van Heusen.
With the fall 2006 Collection runway presentations in New York City, CKI inaugurated an 8,600 sq ft (800 m2) showroom space that can seat up to 600 people on the ground floor of 205 West 39th Street, in Times Square South where Calvin Klein has been headquartered since 1978.
In a 2010 report, PVH, who manages the ready-to-wear activities, had estimated sales of €4.6 billion of Calvin Klein products.
In February 2013, Warnaco Group was acquired by PVH which united Calvin Klein formal, underwear, jeans and sportswear lines.
In 2020, PVH announced that as part of their animal welfare policy, the company does not use exotic skins and would be banning their use in Calvin Klein collections when «our annual update of that policy is released.»
Product and brand history[]
The most visible brand names in the Calvin Klein portfolio include:
- Calvin Klein 205W39NYC (black label, upscale top-end designer line)
- ck Calvin Klein (grey label, recently repositioned as bridge collection line; licensed to Warnaco Group, Inc. through at least 2044. PVH acquired Warnaco Group in Feb 2013)
- Calvin Klein (white label, basic fashion better sportswear line)
- Calvin Klein Sport (sports version of the white label line for Macy’s)
- Calvin Klein Jeans (denimwear line; licensed to Warnaco Group through at least 2044. PVH acquired Warnaco Group in Feb 2013)
- Calvin Klein Home (high end bedding, towel, bath rug and accessory collections)
- The Khaki Collection (youthful medium to high end bedding, towel, bath rug and accessories) discontinued in 2008
- Calvin Klein Golf (launched in late 2007)
- Calvin Klein Underwear (underwear collections; licensed to Warnaco Group through at least 2044. PVH acquired Warnaco Group in Feb 2013)
- CK one Lifestyle brand (fragrance, underwear, jeans -launched 2011)
- Calvin Klein Watches + Jewelry (watches launched in 1997, jewelry in 2004)
Calvin Klein has various lines of perfumes and colognes, including Obsession, CK Be, and Eternity. Until May 2005, their perfumes and the corresponding fragrance lines were maintained by Calvin Klein Cosmetics Company (CKCC), a Unilever company. Cosmetics giant Coty, Inc. of New York bought the fragrance licensing agreements from Unilever.
The early ads were shot by Bruce Weber and Richard Avedon. One of his male underwear models, Mark Wahlberg, went on to fame as hip hop star «Marky Mark», launching himself into the Hollywood scene to become a current actor. Another Hollywood star first appearing in Calvin Klein advertisements is Antonio Sabato Jr.. Calvin Klein employed Kate Moss at the start of her career in the early 1990s and in 2002 after allegations of cocaine use. Other models who have appeared in advertisements early in their careers are Natalia Vodianova, and Toni Garrn. Currently Calvin Klein uses Shawn Mendes, Tyson Ballou and Lara Stone, and in the past has also used Christy Turlington, Jerry Hall, Patti Hansen, Tom Hintnaus, Travis Fimmel, Doutzen Kroes, Mini Anden, Garrett Neff, Sean O’Pry, Edita Vilkeviciute, Jamie Dornan, Liu Wen and Edward Furlong.
Actors such as Eva Mendes, Mehcad Brooks, Scarlett Johansson, Kellan Lutz, Andie MacDowell, Alexander Skarsgard, Zoe Saldana, Rita Ora, Rooney Mara, Lupita Nyong’o, Margot Robbie, Saoirse Ronan, Jake Gyllenhaal and Diane Kruger have also been chosen to model for the brand. Swedish footballer Freddie Ljungberg starred in a series of adverts for the company. Recently, singer Justin Bieber appeared in advertising for Calvin Klein’s underwear range, as did fashion model Kendall Jenner. In 2017 Solange Knowles became the face of the campaign Our Music, #MYCALVINS. On July 16, 2018, Saoirse Ronan and Lupita Nyong’o were announced as the faces of Raf Simons first fragrance for the brand, named Women. They also have experimented with emerging technologies. When advertising cKOne perfume in 1999, they placed e-mail addresses in print advertisements, targeted at teenagers. When these teens mailed these addresses, they would be placed on a mailing list that sent them mails with vague details about the models’ lives, with fake details meant to make them more relatable. These mails came at unpredictable intervals and were supposed to give readers the feeling that they had some connection with these characters. Though the mailing lists were discontinued in 2002, the campaign has inspired similar marketing tactics for movies and other retail products. In 2019, Calvin Klein featured an ad by Sarah Rae Vargas for plus-sized women. In 2020, Calvin Klein invited black trans model Jari Jones and other eight LGBTQ models featured its pride campaign #PROUDINMYCALVINS.
Like other fashion brands, Calvin Klein established a monogram: the «ck» emblem.
As of 2012, the top three licensees were:
- Warnaco Group — 40% of license royalties, which is «around $100 million»
- Coty — 12% of license royalties
- G-III Apparel Group — 14% of license royalties
In 2004, the company bought the domain name Calvin Klein is one of the few corporations worldwide to own a two letter domain name.
When Calvin Klein was acquired by PVH Corp. in 2003, Francisco Costa was appointed the Women’s Creative Director of Calvin Klein Collection. Costa had already worked with Klein directly before the founder’s departure from the company, and had taken the director position in 2003.
Italo Zucchelli, a former Jil Sander and Romeo Gigli designer, had collaborated with Calvin Klein for six seasons before he became head designer and Men’s Creative Director of the Calvin Klein Collection menswear line in spring 2004.
Kevin Carrigan, an Englishman, was named the global creative director of the ck Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein (white label), Calvin Klein Jeans and Calvin Klein Underwear brands and their related licensed products. Carrigan had been with Calvin Klein since 1998.
In April 2016, it was announced that Francisco Costa and Italo Zucchelli would be leaving the company.
In August 2016, Calvin Klein, Inc. announced the appointment of Raf Simons as Chief Creative Officer of the brand, overseeing all aspects of design, global market and communications, and visual creative services. Simons assumed the creative strategy of the Calvin Klein brand globally across the company’s ready to wear, bridge, sportswear, jeans, underwear and home lines. Pieter Mulier was also announced as Creative Director, reporting directly to Simons and responsible for executing his creative and design vision for men’s and women’s ready to wear, bridge and better apparel and accessories. It was also announced that Kevin Carrigan resigned from the company for a creative role at Ralph Lauren. Simons’s first collections debuted for the Fall 2017 season.
In December 2016, it was announced that Amy Mellen would leave the company.
In January 2017, it was announced that Clémande Burgevin Blachman would assume the role of Vice President of Design for Calvin Klein Home.
In December 2018, it was announced that Raf Simons had parted from Calvin Klein after only two years at the company.
- Calvin Klein Collection
In the late 1990s, the company opened elegant Calvin Klein Collection stores in Paris, Seoul, and Taipei and ultra high-end cK Calvin Klein stores in Hong Kong, Milan, and Kuwait City. As of today, there is only one Calvin Klein Collection store operated by CKI. It is located in New York City. Out of the two Calvin Klein Collection stores that existed in the US, the Dallas location in Highland Park Village which had been open for 20 years was closed in mid-2005. The only international location, in Paris, was closed by PVH in March 2006. The New York store, which serves as the company’s flagship store at 654 Madison Ave., remains open still today. Partners maintain Calvin Klein Collection stores in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Dubai, and Qatar.
- Calvin Klein (white label)
Specialty retail Calvin Klein stores, designed by New York architecture firm Lynch/Eisinger/Design have been opened at Lenox Square in Atlanta, Beverly Center in Los Angeles; now closed down, Cherry Creek Mall in Denver; now closed down, Natick Collection in Natick, MA; closing down on July 25, 2010, The Mall at Partridge Creek in Michigan; now closed down, Aventura Mall in Aventura, Florida, South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa California. An additional eight stores also designed by Lynch/Eisinger/Design are set to open in 2008. There are also several Calvin Klein Outlet stores, mostly located within factory outlet malls in the US, that sell the white label sportswear and sometimes the Calvin Klein white label at reduced prices but do not carry the Collection lines.
- Calvin Klein Jeans
Calvin Klein Jeans stores exist around the globe. Among many other countries in the UK, Germany, Greece, Russia, Brazil, México, Croatia, Egypt, Chile, Argentina, India, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand. They also offer franchisee and opened in Cali last year.
- Calvin Klein Underwear
Signature Calvin Klein Underwear boutiques can be found in Ljubljana, Buenos Aires, Cardiff (as of April 2011), Mexico City, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Melbourne, Hong Kong, London, Manchester, Manila, New York City, Shanghai, Singapore, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Toronto, Hatfield, and Burnaby, B.C. (Metro Vancouver).
- Department Stores
The major department stores in the US, including Macy’s, Lord & Taylor, Dillard’s, and Nordstrom, as well as many small independent stores carry the ck, white label and/or Jeans collections. Some high-end department stores, such as Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus also carry the Calvin Klein Collection. Notable retailers in the UK offering Calvin Klein include stores such as John Lewis, Debenhams and KJ Beckett. In Australia, the dominant retailer is Myer. Calvin Klein products are also found online with particular internet focus on selling Calvin Klein underwear and fragrance.
- Europe and Asia
In Europe, Calvin Klein is predominantly known for its underwear, accessories and perhaps the Collection business, rather than for the medium-priced sportswear lines which are available at select high-end retail stores. In Asia, there are also signature ck Calvin Klein stores that carry diffusion line, aka grey label including womenswear, menswear, accessories.
Если вы хотите прослыть по-настоящему модной и продвинутой девушкой, придется забыть про «Гермес». И даже про «Самсунг» с «Найком», потому что на самом деле названия этих брендов звучат иначе. Чтобы выдавать безошибочную транскрипцию названий модных (и не только) марок, нужно либо знать язык происхождения бренда, либо прочитать этот пост.
Французские марки
Рекламная кампания марки Herve Leger, название которой звучит как «Эрвэ Лэже»
Правильно произнести их названия могут только те, кто хотя бы в школе посещал уроки французского. Все остальные обречены. Lanvin, Hermes, Rochas и Maison Martin Margiela — камень преткновения для англоговорящих, немцы тоже не справятся, да и все остальные в этих названиях делают ошибки.
Говорим по-французски:
- Chanel = Шане́л
- Maison Martin Margiela = Мэзо́н Марта́н Маржела́
- Yves Saint Laurent = Ив Сен-Лора́н
- Lanvin = Ланва́н
- Hermes = Эрме́с
- Comme Des Garçons = Ком де Гарсо́н
- Balmain = Бальма́н
- Givenchy = Живанши́
- Christian Dior = Кристиа́н Дио́р
- Rochas = Роша́
- Barbara Bui = Барбара́ Бюи́
- Chloe = Клоэ́
- Herve Leger = Эрвэ́ Лэже́
- Louis Vuitton = Луи Вьютто́н
- Isabel Marant = Изабель Мара́н
- Cacharel = Кашаре́ль
- Christian Louboutin = Кристиан Л’убута́н
- Jean Paul Gaultier = Жан-Поль Готье́
- Sonia Rykiel = Соня Рике́ль
Итальянские марки
Рекламная кампания марки Emilio Pucci, название которой звучит как «Эмилио Пуччи»
С итальянцами Valentino, Marni, Prada, Gucci и Fendi все, кажется, понятно. А вот как быть с неожиданными сочетаниями «g+n», «s+ch», «с+с» и другими? Если вы хоть немножко «парло итальяно», то у вас получится, а вот остальным придется запомнить.
Говорим по-итальянски:
- Giorgio Armani = Джо́рджо Арма́ни
- Alessandro Dell’Acqua = Алесса́ндро Дел’акуа
- Bottega Veneta = Боттега Ве́нета
- Dolce and Gabbana = До́льче энд Габба́на
- Moschino = Моски́но
- Versace = Верса́че
- Salvatore Ferragamo = Сальваторе Феррага́мо
- Roberto Cavalli = Роберто Кава́лли
- Miu Miu = Ми́у Ми́у
- Alberta Ferretti = Альберта Ферре́тти
- Etro = Э́тро
- Emilio Pucci = Эми́лио Пу́ччи
- Trussardi = Трусса́рди
- Missoni = Миссо́ни
- Gianfranco Ferre = Джанфра́нко Фе́рре
- Sergio Rossi = Серджо Ро́сси
- Giambattista Valli = Джамбатти́ста Ва́лли
- Ermenegildo Zegna = Эрменеджильдо Зенья
Испанские марки
Пенелопа Крус в рекламной кампании марки Loewe («Лоэвэ»)
Испанцы делают акцент на гласные и всегда произносят их четко (в отличие, кстати, от французов), кроме того, они смягчают «L» и «M» и вместо «Z» произносят мягкую шипящую «S». Так что в исполнении испанки название марки Zara может звучать как «Сара».
Говорим по-испански:
- Balenciaga = Баленсиа́га
- Manolo Blahnik = Маноло Бла́ник
- Loewe = Лоэ́вэ
- Paco Rabanne = Пако Раба́нн
- Adolfo Dominguez = Адольфо Доми́нгес
- Oscar de la Renta = Оскар де ля Рента
- Antonio Marras = Антонио Ма́ррас
- Carolina Herrera = Каролина Эрре́ра
Американские и английские марки
Рекламная кампания Томми Хилфигера
Иногда приходится услышать о классической клетке барберри, творчестве Марка Якобса или Гарета Пуга. Исправляемся!
Говорим по-английски:
- Ralph Lauren = Ральф Ло́рен
- Donna Karan = Донна Ка́ран
- Marc Jacobs = Марк Дже́йкобс
- Alexander McQueen = Александр Маккуи́н
- Anna Sui = Анна Сью
- Burberry = Бёрберри
- Calvin Klein = Кэлвин Клайн
- Stella McCartney = Стелла Макка́ртни
- Charlotte Olympia = Шарлот Оли́мпия
- Gareth Pugh = Гарет Пью
- Jill Stuart = Джил Стю́арт
- Vivienne Westwood = Вивьен Ве́ствуд
- Mulberry = Ма́лберри
- Matthew Williamson = Мэтью Уи́лльямсон
- Paul Smith = Пол Смит
- Tommy Hilfiger = Томми Хилфи́гер
- Michael Kors = Майкл Корс
- Badgley Mischka = Бэдгли Мишка
Видеоурок по произношению брендов
Удивительные истории о произношении брендов
Название бренда Nike происходит от имени богини победы Ники и в оригинале звучит как «Найки». Именно так это название произносят в США. Однако незнание данного факта (и правил английской транскрипции) привели к широкому распространению в Европе и в России варианта «Найк». Неверная интерпретация не только прижилась, но и используется в названии официального представителя компании в России.
Рекламная кампания «Найки»
Итальянский производитель дорогих спортивных автомобилей называется «Ламборгини». Дело в правилах чтения в итальянском: если после «g» стоит «h», то оно читается как «г». Однако в России настолько распространено неверное произношение «Ламборджини», что даже система автопоиска Google выдает именно его.
«Ламборгини»: чувствуешь итальянское!
Название одного из старейших и крупнейших производителей шампанского Moët & Chandon произносится как «Моэт э Шандо», а не «Моэ и Шандон», как можно было бы предположить.
Швейцарская часовая компания TAG Heuer непростую задачку задала русскоговорящей аудитории. И «хеуэр», и «хауэр», и «ауэр» можно услышать. На самом деле название марки звучит как «Таг Хойер». Хойер — фамилия швейцарца, основавшего марку в 1860 году, приставка TAG появилась в 1985 году — это аббревиатура Techniques d’Avant Garde (переводится как «техника авангарда»).
Леонардо Ди Каприо в рекламной кампании «Таг Хойер»
Еще одна загадка из мира дорогих часов — швейцарский часовой дом Longines, чье название на самом деле звучит как «Лонж’ин».
«Лонжин» рекламирует Кейт Уинслет
Уже более 50 лет косметическая марка Clarins радует женщин всего мира своими эффективными средствами для ухода за кожей, а вот как ее назвать правильно, знают далеко не все. Самая распространенная версия — это, наверное, «Кларинс», еще есть «Кларин». Но ни тот, ни другой вариант не верны. Знатоки французского говорят, что самый близкий к правде вариант — «Кларан(с)». Причем вторую часть слова нужно умудриться произнести в нос.
Реклама «Кларан»
И, наконец, старый добрый Samsung, который «Самсунгом» стал в России, — англоязычные вас точно не поймут.
На самом деле это что-то среднее между «Сэмсон» и «Сэмсун» с ударением на первом слоге, что в переводе с корейского означает «три звезды».
Вот такие трудности бывают. Не только перевода, но и транскрипции.
Другие интересные факты из жизни брендов:
- В чем секрет успеха бренда MAC
- История о доме моды Missoni
- Givenchy: пять фактов из истории бренда
Как правильно произносятся названия брендов и имена дизайнеров?
В нашей стране, да и во всем мире, очень много любителей различных модных вещей и аксессуаров. Однако, частенько в каком-нибудь бутике можно видеть подобную картинку: девушка или молодой человек просит показать сумочку «Брасиалини» или туфли «Кристьян Лоубутин». Казалось бы что такого? Ну произносит человек название как ему удобнее, — говорим же мы «Хёндай» вместо «Хендэ» и ничего. Однако образованного человека отличает в том числе и умение правильно произносить казалось бы абсолютно чуждые слова.
Итак, сегодня мы будем учиться правильно произносить эти страшные и непонятные, но такие «родные» имена дизайнеров.
Все знают, что Calvin Klein – это никто иной, как Кельвин Кляйн, однако его германского соотечественника Philip Plein почему то зовут Филип Плейн, а не Пляйн, что неправильно.
Nicolas Ghesquiere — дизайнер и владелец бренда Louis Vuitton. Правильно эта фраза произносится так: «Николя Жескьер — дизайнер и владелец бренда Луи Виттон». Но многие скажут по-другому: «Николас Гескьер — дизайнер и владелец бренда Луис Вуиттон», что неверно.
Идем дальше, Ann Demeulemeester бельгийский дизайнер и правильно ее нужно называть Анн Демельмейстер и никак иначе. Модный дом Lanvin из Франции, поэтому произносится как «Ланван», а не «Ланвин» или «Ланвен», как вы подумали. Marchesa следует произносить «Маркеза», а не «Марчеза» поскольку бренд итальянский. Собственно Moschino тоже читается как «Москино», поскольку он тоже из Италии.
Azzedine Alaia – французский дизайнер тунисского происхождения, которого правильно называть «Азедин Алайа». Марка Бэджли и Джеймс Мишка основали бренд Badgley Mischka, читающийся также как и их фамилии. Или вот, например, Vionett — все путаются, как правильно «Вайонетт» или «Вионетт». На самом деле оба варианта неверны – правильно говорить «Вионнэ» с ударением на «Э» по фамилии основательницы дома Мадлен Вионнэ.
Многие модницы знают бандажные платья Herve Leger. Но правильно сказать «Эрве Леже» могут далеко не все, обычно продавцы слышат что-то вроде «Херв Лажер» или «Херв Лежер. Или вот Proenza Schouler произносится как «Проэнза Скулер», но никак не «Шулер». А известный Дом Givenchy следует называть «Живанши» на французский манер, а не «Дживанши» на американский.
Да что там говорить, если даже Nike называют «Найк», а никак не «Найки».
В заключении хочется сказать, что если вы когда-нибудь создадите свой модный бренд, то назовите его как-нибудь типа Pferzegentakl Amiadzaki (Пферцегентакль Омиядзаки) – пускай модники помучаются.
Уже совсем скоро начнется новогодняя суматоха и безудержная гонка за подарками родным, близким и просто хорошим людям. Наверняка ваш подарочный марафон будет проходить в различных торгово-развлекательных центрах, где многообразие с трудом произносимых и не очень названий брендов может свести с ума даже самого опытного покупателя. Чтобы не ломать голову над произношением той или иной марки и лишний раз не краснеть, стоя перед консультантом в магазине, редакция подготовила для вас подборку брендов одежды, аксессуаров, косметики и парфюмерии, чье произношение вам незнакомо или вызывает сомнения. Сохраняйте и пользуйтесь!
Abercrombie & Fitch — Э́беркромби энд Фи́тч
Adl — Адили́шик
Agent Provocateur — Ажо́н Провокатё́р
Alexander McQueen — Алекса́ндр МакКуи́н
Armani Jeans/Emporio Armani — Арма́ни Джинс/Эмпо́рио Арма́ни
Ash— Эш
Atos Lombardini — Ато́с Ломбарди́ни
Baldinini — Балдини́ни
Baldessarini – Бальдессари́ни
Balenciaga – Баленсиа́га
Balmain — Бальма́н
Badgley Mischka — Бэ́джли Ми́шка
BCBGeneration — Бисиби́Дженерэ́йшн
BCBGMAXAZRIA — Бисибиджи́ Максэзри́а
Beach Bunny — Бич Ба́нни
BeaYukMui — Бьюкму́и
Betty Barclay — Бэ́тти Ба́ркли
Bikkembergs — Би́ккембергс
Blumarine — Блюмари́н
Braccialini — Брачиали́ни
Burberry — Бё́рберри
Bvlgari — Бу́лгари
Byblos — Би́блос
Calvin Klein/Calvin Klein Underwear — Ке́львин Кляйн/ Кельвин Кляйн А́ндэвэа
Casadei — Казадэ́и
C&A (Clemens and August) — Си Энд Эй (Кле́менс энд А́вгуст)
Carolina Herrera — Кароли́на Эрре́ра
Cartier — Картье́
Cacharel — Кашарэ́ль
Celine — Сели́н
Cerruti — Черу́тти
Chanel — Шанэ́ль
Chloe — Клоэ́
Christian Dior — Кристиа́н Дио́р
Christian Louboutin — Кристиа́н Лубута́н
Christian Lacroix — Кристиа́н Лакруа́
Coccinelle — Кочинэ́лле
Cromia — Кро́миа
Cut&Pret— Кат энд Прэт
Dita Von Teese — Ди́та Вон Тиз
DKNY — ДиКе́йЭнУа́й (До́на Кара́н Нью-Йорк)
Dolce&Gabbana — До́льче энд Габба́на
Dsquared — Ди́скуэрд
Desigual — Дезигуа́ль
Davidoff — Давидо́фф
Elena Miro — Эле́на Ми́ро
Eleganzza — Элега́нза
Emilio Pucci — Эми́лио Пу́ччи
EMU Australia — Э́му Остре́лия
Ermenegildo Zegna — Эрмэнеджи́льдо Зэ́нья
Escada — Эска́да
Esprit — Эпри́
Etro — Э́тро
Fabi — Фа́би
Fendi — Фэ́нди
Freedomday — Фри́домдэй
French Connection — Френч Конэ́кшн
Furla — Фурла́
Giorgio Armani — Джо́рджо Армани
Givenchy — Живанши́
Gucci— Ѓуччи
Guy Laroche — Ги Ларо́ш
Hugo Boss/Boss Orange — Хью́го Босс /Босс О́риндж
H&M (Hennes and Mauritz) — Хэ́ннес энд Мо́ритц
Hermes — Эрме́с
Iceberg — А́йсберг
Issey Miyake — Иссэ́й Мия́ке
Jil Sander Navy — Джил Са́ндер Нэ́йви
Jimmy Choo — Джи́мми Чу
Jean-Paul Gaultier — Жан-Поль Готье́
John Galliano — Джон Галья́но
John Richmond — Джон Ри́чмонд
Juicy Couture — Джу́си Кутю́р
Karen Millen — Ка́рен Ми́ллен
Karl Lagerfeld — Карл Лагерфе́льд
Kenzo — Кензо́
Lanvin — Ланва́н
Lacoste — Лако́ст
La Perla — Ла Пе́рла
Lab. Pal Zileri — Лаб. Пал Зилери́
Liu Jo — Лью Джо
Loriblu — Лориблю́
Love Moschino/Moschino — Лав Моски́но/Моски́но
Levi’s — Лева́йс
Louis Vuitton — Луи́ Витто́н
Missoni — Миссо́ни
Marc Jacobs — Марк Джэ́йкобс
Marciano Guess — Марчиа́но Гесс
Marina Yachting — Мари́на Йо́тинг
Max Mara — Макс Ма́ра
MAX&Co — Макс энд Ко́мпани
Mexx — Мекс
Michael Kors — Майкл Корс
Miu Miu — Ми́у Ми́у
MSGM — ЭмЭ́сДжиЭ́М/Масс́имо Джиордже́тти Мила́н
Nando Muzi — На́ндо Му́ци
Nina Ricci — Ни́на Ри́ччи
Oakwood — О́квуд
Object — О́бджект
O’neill — Они́л
Only — О́нли
Onitsuka Tiger — Оницу́ка Та́йгер
Paco Rabanne — Па́ко Раба́нн
Parajumpers — Пэ́раджа́мперс
Patrizia Pepe — Патри́ция Пе́пе
Pennyblack — Пенниблэ́к
Philipp Plein — Фили́п Пляйн
Pinko — Пи́нко
Pierre Cardin — Пьер Карда́н
Piquadro — Пикуа́дро
Prada — Пра́да
Pretty Ballerinas — При́тти балери́нас
Pupa Lopez — Пу́па Ло́пез
Ralph Lauren — Ральф Лоре́н
Ray Ban — Рэй Бан
Rebecca Minkoff — Ребе́кка Минко́ф
Rinascimento — Ринащиме́нто
Roberto Botticelli — Робе́рто Ботиче́лли
Roberto Cavalli/Just Cavalli — Робе́рто Кава́лли/ Джаст Кава́лли
Roccobarocco — Ро́ккобаро́кко
SeafollyAustralia — Си́фолли Остре́лия
Silvian Heach — Си́львиан Хич
Sonia Rykiel — Со́нья Ри́кель
Stuart Weitzman — Стю́арт Ва́йцман
Sisley – Сисле́
Ted Baker London — Тэд Бэ́йкер Ло́ндон
Theory — Тэ́ори
Trussardi — Трусса́рди
Twin-Set Simona Barbieri — Туи́н-Сет Симо́на Барбиери́
Tod’s — Тод’з
Tommy Hilfiger — То́мми Хи́лфигер
Tom Ford — Том Форд
Tosca Blu — То́ска Блю
UGG Australia — Агг Остре́лия
United Nude — Юна́йтед Нюд
Van Cleef & Arpels — ВанКли́ф энд Арпэ́л
Valentino — Валенти́но
Versace — Верса́че
Vicini Tapeet — Вичи́ни Тэ́йпит
Viktor&Rolf — Викто́р энд Рольф
Vivienne Westwood — Вивье́н Вэ́ствуд
Wolford — Уо́лфорд
Woolrich — Ву́лрич
Yves Saint Laurent — Ив Сэн Лора́н
Acqua di Parma – А́ква ди па́рма
Ainhoa — Айно́а
Alterna — Альте́рна
Atelier Cologne — Ателье́ коло́нь
Armand Basi — Арма́нд Бази́
Beautifulmind — Бью́тифулма́йнд
Beautyblender — Бью́тибле́ндер
Benefit — Бэ́нефит
Biotherm — Биоте́рм
Bobby Brown — Бо́бби Бра́ун
Bosley — Бо́сли
Bottega Veneta — Ботэ́га Вене́та
Boudicca Wode — Бу́дика Во́уд
Bourjois — Буржуа́
Byredo — Байре́до
Carita — Кари́та
Caudalie — Кодали́
Cellcosmet & Cellmen — Сэллко́смет энд Сэ́ллмэн
Christian Breton — Кристиа́н Брето́н
Christina Fitzgerald — Кристи́на Фицжера́льд
Сollistar — Колиста́р
Clarins — Клара́нс
Clarisonic — Клэасо́ник
Clinique — Клини́к
Clive Christian — Клайв Кри́стиан
Color Me — Ка́ло ми
Darphin — Дарфа́н
Decleor — Деклео́р
Demeter Fragrance Library — Дими́тэр Фрэ́джрэнс Ла́йбрари
Diptyque — Дипти́к
Divage — Дива́ж
Dr.Brandt — До́ктор Брант
Dr.Jart+ — До́ктор Джарт плюс
Elie Saab — Э́ли Саа́б
Erborian — Эрбориа́н
Escentric Molecules — Эксе́нтрик Моле́кулс
Estee Lauder – Эстэ́ Ло́удэ
Glamglow — Глэ́мглоу
Greenland — Гри́нлэнд
GUAM — Гуа́м
Guerlain — Герле́н
Health&Beauty — Хэ́лс энд Бью́ти
Helena Rubinstein — Хеле́на Рубинште́йн
Ilift — Айли́фт
IOMA — Айо́ма
Japan Gateway — Джэпэ́н Ге́йтвэй
John Frieda — Джон Фри́да
Juliette has a gun — Джу́льет хэ́з а ган
K By Kilian — Кей бай Ки́лиан
Kenzoki — Кензо́ки
Kinski — Ки́нски
Korres — Ко́рес
L`occitane — Локсита́н
La Colline — Ла Коли́н
Lalique — Лали́к
La Mer — Ла ме́
La Prairie — Ля Прери́
Lancaster — Ланка́стер
Lancome — Ланко́м
Leonor Greyl — Леоно́р Грэйль
Les Contes — Ле Контэ́
Limoni — Лимони́
Loewe — Лоэ́вэ
M·A·C — Мак
Make up Forever — Мэ́йк ап форэ́вэ
Make up Store — Мэ́йк ап сто
Mancera — Мансе́ра
Marlies Moeller — Марли́з Моле́р
Matis — Мати́с
Mavala — Мава́ла
Moltobene — Мо́льтобэ́нэ
Moresque — Морэ́ск
Narciso Rodriguez — Нарци́со Родри́гез
Nouba – Ну́ба
O.P.I. — Опиа́й
Orly – Орли́
Ormonde Jayne — О́рмонд Джэ́йн
Paper Passion — Пэ́йпер Пэ́шн
Payot — Пайо́
Percy&Reed — Пе́рси энд Рид
Pupa — Пу́па
Rene Furterer — Рэнэ́ Фюртерэ́
Rexaline — Рексали́н
Rich — Рич
Richenna — Риче́нна
Rouge Bunny Rouge — Ру́ж Ба́нни Ру́ж
Sampar — Сампа́
Sally Hansen — Са́лли Ха́нсен
Sensai — Сэнса́й
Sephora — Сефора́
Serge Lutens — Серж Люта́н
Shiseido — Шисе́йдо
Steblanc — Стебла́н
Swiss Line — Суи́с Лайн
TANGLE TEEZER — Тэ́нгл Ти́зер
THERME — Тэ́рме
Thierry Mugler — Тьерри́ Мюгле́р
TONYMOLY — То́ни Мо́ли
Trestique — Трэсти́к
Urban Decay — А́рбан Дике́й
Valmont — Вальмо́н
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