Как правильно пишется домашний телефон

National conventions for writing telephone numbers vary by country. While international standards exist in the form of recommendation E.123 by the sector ITU-T of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), national telephone numbering plans define the format of telephone numbers assigned to telephones and similar communication endpoints.

The presentation of telephone numbers in this article does not include any international dialing codes necessary to route calls via international circuits. In examples, a numeric digit is used only if the digit is the same in every number, and letters to illustrate groups. X is used as a wildcard character to represent any digit in lists of numbers.



All telephone numbers in Djibouti are eight digits long.

Fixed line numbers start with 21 or 27, then a fixed line locality code, followed by four digits.

Mobile numbers start with 77, then a mobile line locality code, followed by four digits.

The international dialing code for Djibouti is +253, so the format becomes «+253 XX YY ZZ ZZ».


All telephone numbers in Morocco are 10 digits long (initial 0 plus nine numbers).

Landline numbers start with 05, followed by two digits for the regional area RR, then two digits for the local area LL, then 4 digits for the subscriber number XX XX: («05 RR LL XX XX» or «05RR LL XX XX»).

Mobile numbers start with 06 or 07, followed by the subscriber number («06 XX XX XX XX» or «07 XX XX XX XX»).

The international dialing code for Morocco is +212, so the format becomes «+212 Y XX XX XX XX» or «+212 YXX XX XX XX», also «+212 YXX-XXXXXX» as well, where Y is 5 for landlines or 6/7 for mobile.
Free calling numbers (green numbers) or call center numbers start with 080 or 090.


Telephone numbers in Kenya uses a 9 digit format. The 9 digits used for local calls start with a «0» (trunk prefix) for domestic calls, followed by the 3 digit area/provider code and the final 6 digits (07XX XXX XXX). The international code for Kenya is «+254».

South Africa

South Africa uses 10 digit dialling which has been required since 16 January 2007. The 10 digits used for local calls (AAA XXX XXXX or 0AA XXX XXXX) consist of a 3 digit area/type code (the first digit in the area/type code is a trunk prefix) followed by 7 digits. All area codes, including mobile numbers, start with a «0» (trunk prefix) for domestic calls. When dialing from another country, the international calling code for South Africa is «+27» with the rest of the digits excluding the «0» trunk prefix (+27 AA XXX XXXX).



Telephone numbers in China are 10 or 11 digits long (excluding an initial zero which is required at times) and fall in at least four distinct categories:

  1. Landlines: In China, the length of phone numbers varies from city to city. It is usually written as (0XXX) YYY YYYY (For landlines registered in large metropolises, it is written in the format (0XXX) YYYY YYYY), where 0 is the trunk code, XXX is the area code (2 or 3 digits) and YYYY YYYY is the local number (7 or 8 digits). For example, (0755) XXXX YYYY indicates a Shenzhen number. XXXXYYYY is dialed locally, 0755 XXXX YYYY is dialed in other areas inside the country, while, for international calls to Shenzhen, the 0 is dropped and is written +86 755 XXXX YYYY.
  2. Mobiles: The 11-digit code is always written in full in the whole China e.g. 1WX YYYY ZZZZ. Each WX is assigned to a service provider while W is usually ‘3’ through ‘9’. The remaining 8 digits are the subscriber number.
  3. Toll Free: These are usually ten digit numbers beginning with 800 or 400. 800 (toll-free) are accessible only when called from landline phones, while 400 (shared toll) are accessible from all phones. 400 XXX XXXX or 800 XXXX XXXX.
  4. Service numbers: These are usually 3- to 5-digit numbers (e.g. Police is 110) used to access an emergency service (Fire 119, Ambulance 120, Police 110, Roadside assistance 12122) or a value-added service.

Hong Kong and Macau

Every number, except special service numbers, is an 8-digit number; they are grouped as XXXX YYYY. There are no area codes.


Telephone numbers in India are 10 digits long (excluding an initial zero which is required at times) and fall in at least four distinct categories:

  1. Landlines: Written as AAA-BBBBBBB, where AAA is the Subscriber Trunk Dialing code (long distance code) and BBBBBBB is the phone number. The total length of the Subscriber Trunk Dialing code and the phone number is 10 digits. The Subscriber Trunk Dialing code can be from 2 digits (11 or 011) up to 4 digits long.
  2. Mobiles: Written as AAAAA-BBBBB for ease of remembering (though the prefix is either 2-digits or 4-digits in the numbering plan). Mobile numbers which are not local need to be prefixed by a 0 while dialing, or by +91 (91 is the country code for India). A mobile number written as +91-AAAAA BBBBB is valid throughout India, and in other countries where the + is recognized as a prefix to the country code. Since 2015, calls from mobile phones to any other mobiles do not need to prefix with a 0. However, calls from landlines to non-local mobile numbers need to be prefixed with 0.
  3. Toll Free: These are usually ten digit numbers beginning with 1-800. Sometimes they are accessible (or are toll-free) only when called from the government-owned telephone corporation, BSNL/MTNL.
  4. Service numbers: These are usually three or four digit numbers (e.g. Police is 100) used to access an emergency service (Fire, Ambulance, Police, Roadside assistance) or a value-added service.


All telephone numbers in Iran are 11 digits long (initial 0 plus ten numbers). The first two or three digits after the zero are the area code. The possibilities are: (0xx) xxxx xxxx (for landlines), 09xx xxx xxxx (for cellphones) and 099xx xxx xxx (for MVNO).

When making a call within the same landline area code, initial 0 plus the area code must be omitted.

An example for calling telephones in the city of Tehran is as follows:

  • xxxx xxxx (within Tehran, via a landline)
  • 021 xxxx xxxx (Outside Tehran, or via a cellphone)
  • +98 21 xxxx xxxx (outside Iran)

An example for mobile numbers is as follows:

  • 09xx xxx xxxx (in Iran)
  • +98 9xx xxx xxxx (outside Iran)


The traditional convention for phone numbers is (0AA) NXX-XXXX, where 0AA is the area code and NXX-XXXX is the subscriber number. This number format is very similar to the North American numbering plan, but the country has a trunk code of 0 instead of 1, so international callers (using +81) do not have to dial the trunk code 0 when calling to Japan. Telephone numbers were 9 digits long in Tokyo and Osaka until the late 1990s, when a seventh digit was added to the subscriber number. Densely populated areas have shorter area codes, while rural areas have longer area codes, but the last two digits of a five digit long area code (including the first zero) may also be the first two digits of the subscriber number. Area codes increase from north to south, except in areas such as the western Hokuriku region and the prefecture of Okinawa, where area codes increase from west to east or south to north.

Some telephone numbers deviate from this rule:

  • Toll-free dialing and Navi Dial operations (0120-XX-XXXX, 0570-XX-XXXX, or 0800-XX-XXXX), where XX-XXXX is the subscriber number
  • The area code 050 uses an 11 digit phone number (050-XXXX-XXXX), where XXXX-XXXX is the subscriber number
  • 110 and 119 are examples of three digit emergency numbers


All area codes including mobile start with a «0» (trunk prefix) for domestic calls. If you are dialing from another country the international calling code for Malaysia is «60» which may be confusing; do not dial an extra «0» before the rest of the digits. For fixed line and mobile phone numbers, a dash is written in between the area/mobile code and the subscriber number, with an optional space before the last four digits of the subscriber number. For example, a fixed line number in Kuala Lumpur is written as 03-XXXX YYYY or 03-XXXXYYYY, while a fixed line number in Kota Kinabalu is written as 088-XX YYYY or 088-XXYYYY. A typical mobile phone number is written as 01M-XXX YYYY or 01M-XXXYYYY. Toll-free and local charge numbers are written as 1-800-XX-YYYY and 1-300-XX-YYYY respectively, while premium rate numbers are written as 600-XX-YYYY.


Telephone numbers in Pakistan have two parts. Area codes in Pakistan are from two to five digits long; the smaller the city, the longer the prefix. All the large cities have two-digit codes.

Smaller towns have a six digit number. Large cities have seven-digit numbers. Azad Jammu and Kashmir has five digit numbers. On 1 July 2009, telephone numbers in Karachi and Lahore were changed from seven digits to eight digits. This was accomplished by adding the digit «9» to the beginning of any phone number that started with a «9» (government and semi-government connections), and adding the digit «3» to any phone numbers that did not start with the number «9».[1]

It is common to write phone numbers as (0xx) yyyyyyy, where xx is the area code. The 0 prefix is for trunk (long-distance) dialing from within the country. International callers should dial +92 xx yyyyyyyy.

All mobile phone codes are four digits long and start with 03xx. All mobile numbers are seven digits long, and denote the mobile provider on a nationwide basis and not geographic location. Thus all Telenor numbers (for example) nationwide carry mobile code 0345 etc.

Universal access number

  • 111 xxx xxx

Emergency Service Numbers

  • 1xx
  • 1xxx

Premium Rate services:

  • 0900 xxxxx

Toll free numbers (For callers within Pakistan):

  • 0800 xxxxx


Telephone numbers in the Philippines are written as +63 (XXX) YYY ZZZZ for international callers. For domestic calls, the country code (+63) is omitted and a trunk prefix (0) is placed[citation needed]. For local calls, both the 0 and area code are omitted. Mobile numbers are written as +63 (XXX) YYY ZZZZ or 0 (XXX) YYY ZZZZ.


In Singapore, every phone number is written as +65-XXXX-YYYY or +65 XXXX YYYY.

Mobile phones starts with 8/9, landline phone numbers starts with 6 while VOIP numbers starts with 3.

Subscriber numbers have 8 digits and there are no area codes.

Sri Lanka

Except for short codes and emergency numbers, all telephone numbers in Sri Lanka are ten digits long (initial 0 + nine numbers).

Landline phone numbers begin with the area code, then one digit for the operator code, then six digits for the primary telephone number.

Format: (XXX Y ZZZZZZ) where:

  • «xxx» denotes the area code. All area codes begin with the number 0.
  • The operator code for fixed (landline) numbers is «y».
  • «zzzzzz» denotes the primary telephone number, which has six digits.

Mobile numbers start with the mobile operator code (which begins from 07X, followed by seven digits for the main telephone number).

Format: (XXX ZZZZZZZ) where:

  • When dialing a mobile number, «xxx» represents the mobile operator code. All mobile operator codes begin with the number 07.
  • «zzzzzzz» represents the main telephone number of seven digits.

The international dialing code for Sri Lanka is +94, so the format becomes «+94 XX Y ZZZZZZ» for landlines and the format becomes «+94 XX ZZZZZZZ» for mobile numbers.[2]

South Korea

South Korean phone numbers can be as short as 7 digits and as long as 11 digits, because, when making a local call (i.e. in the same city), there is no need to dial the area code. South Korean area codes are assigned based on city.

Landline phone numbers

Landline home numbers are usually written as: 0XX-XXX-XXXX or (0XX) XXX-XXXX where 0XX indicates an area code. (0XX) XXX-XXX and 0XX XXX XXXX (without hyphens) are comprehensible as well. The area code may be two digits long for some cities such as Seoul and Gwacheon (these two cities use the same area code) and three digits for other cities such as Incheon, Busan and most of the cities in Gyeonggi-do. The middle three-digit part is extended to four digits in many areas due to the increased number of telephone users.

In the international context, 82 0XX-XXX-XXXX is commonly used as well. For international calls, «0» in the area code is often omitted, because it is not necessary to dial 0 from foreign countries. Therefore, it is better written as: 82-(0)XX-XXX-XXXX or 82-(0)XX-XXXX-XXXX The plus (+) sign is often added to the country code too (e.g., +82 0XX-XXX-XXXX or +82-0XX-XXXX-XXXX).

Mobile phone numbers

For mobile numbers, 016490641 so on. As with the landline home numbers, the mobile numbers’ middle three-digit part is extended to four digits (e.g., 016490641) due to the increased number of mobile phone users.

Business numbers

If a number starts with 070, the number does not belong to any particular area, and is a number given by an Internet telephone service. In this case, 070 is not usually put in the brackets, neither ( ) nor ).

In the business context, the numbers in the format of 15XX-XXXX and 16XX-XXXX are business representative agency or customer services. While the numbers starting with 080 (e.g., 080-XXX-XXXX) are also business-related numbers but are usually toll-free customer service centers. Also in this case, 15XX, 16XX or 070 are not put in the brackets, neither ( ) nor ).

National service numbers

There are national telephone services which have phone numbers in the format of 1XX or 1XXX, without any area code. For example, 114 is for telephone yellow page, 119 is for fire/emergency number, 112 is for police station center, 131 is for weather forecast information, 1333 is for traffic information, and so on. The number 111 is for reporting spies, especially from North Korea. It used to be 113, so most of senior citizen still believe it is the number for reporting spies. These numbers do not need any brackets.

Alternative numbers

If there are multiple numbers used for one person/entity, the symbol «~» is usually used to avoid repetitions. For example, if one company has three phone numbers—031-111-1111, 031-111-1112 and 031-111-1113—then they are shortened as in 031-111-1111~3.

If the numbers are not consecutive, then the last digit is written together with commas. For example, if a company has three numbers—031-111-1111, 031-111-1115, 031-111-1119, then they are shortened as in 031-111-1111, 5, 9.


Landline numbers in Taiwan are written with the area code in parenthesis [with phone numbers total 9 digits]
Example: (02) XXXX YYYY for phone numbers in Taipei area.

Mobile phones have 3 digit «company code» assigned to different mobile service carriers such as (09**) XXXXXX followed by a 6 digit phone number.
(note: Mobile carriers could have multiple company codes)


All numbers in Thailand, whether for landlines or mobile reception, consist of eight digits, xxxx xxxx in the government’s official format. When calling domestically, landline numbers are preceded by a zero (0 xxxx xxxx, example 0 5381 0595) while mobile numbers are preceded by 0 plus one digit (0x xxxx xxxx, example 06 9756 4509). Thais often confuse the current numbering system with the old provincial area code system, which no longer exists as area codes were integrated into all phone numbers in 2005. Because of this, unofficially people often write numbers as 0xx xxx xxx (053 810 595). Calling a Thai phone number from outside Thailand, one drops the 0 and adds the +66 country code. Example +66 5381 0595.[3]



Most Australian telephone numbers are 10 digits long, and are generally written 0A BBBB BBBB or 04XX XXX XXX for mobile telephone numbers, where 0A is the optional «area code» (2,3,7,8) and BBBB BBBB is the subscriber number. (http://www.acma.gov.au/Industry/Telco/Numbering/Numbering-Plan/phone-number-meanings-numbering-i-acma)

When the number is to be seen by an international audience, it is written +61 A BBBB BBBB or +61 4XX XXX XXX. When written for a local audience, the optional area code is omitted. The area code is often written within parentheses (0A) BBBB BBBB. Mobile numbers should never have parentheses.

Ten-digit non-geographic numbers beginning with 1 are written 1X0Y BBB BBB, where X = 8 for toll free numbers, X = 3 for fixed-fee numbers and X = 9 for premium services. Six-digit non-geographic numbers are written 13 BB BB or 13B BBB; these are fixed-fee numbers. Seven-digit 180 BBBB numbers also exist. ‘B’s are sometimes written as letters.

New Zealand

Almost all New Zealand telephone numbers are seven digits long, with a single-digit access code and a single-digit area code for long-distance domestic calls. Traditionally, the number was given as (0A) BBB-BBBB, with the two first digits (the STD code) often omitted for local calls. The brackets and the dash are also often omitted. Mobile numbers follow the same format, but with the area code being two digits, i.e. (02M) BBB-BBBB. ( Some mobile numbers are longer: (021)02BBBBBB, (021)08BBBBBB, (020)40BBBBBB, (020) 41BBBBBB and (028) 25BBBBBB; and some are shorter: (021)3BBBBB, (021)4BBBBB, (021)5BBBBB, (021)6BBBBB, (021)7BBBBB, (021)8BBBBB and (021)9BBBBB)

There are also free-phone numbers (starting with 0800 or 0508) that are given in the format 0800-AAA-AAA. It is not uncommon for the 0800 and 0508 to be enclosed in brackets, although this is not strictly correct as the brackets denote optional parts of the number, and the 0800 and 0508 is required.[4]

Recently with 8 digit mobile numbers becoming more common the prefix-4 digits-4 digits format has been adopted for readability: 022 1234 5678.

For international use, the prefix +64 is substituted for the leading zero, giving +64-A-BBB-BBBB for land-lines, and +64-MM-BBB-BBBB for mobile numbers.



Belgian telephone numbers consist of two major parts: Firstly ‘0’, secondly the «zone prefix» (A) which is 1 or 2 digits long for landlines and 3 digits long for mobile phones and thirdly the «subscriber’s number» (B).

Land lines are always 9 digits long. They are prefixed by a zero, followed by the zone prefix. Depending on the length of the zone prefix, the subscriber’s number consists of either 6 or 7 digits. Hence land line numbers are written either 0AA BB BB BB or 0A BBB BB BB.

Mobile phone numbers always consist of 10 digits. The first digit of the «zone prefix» of a mobile number is always ‘4’. Then follows 2 digits indicating to which Mobile Operator’s pool the number originally belonged when it was taken into usage. The fourth digit represents a «sub-group» of this pool and has no additional meaning other than increasing the amount of possible numbers. The subscriber’s number consists of 6 digits. Hence, mobile phone numbers are written 04AA BB BB BB. Sometimes, the last 6 digits are written in two groups of 3 digits to increase readability: 04AA BBB BBB.

Numbers are sometimes written with a slash in between the zone prefix and the subscriber’s number. This is the case for both land lines and mobile phone numbers. Sometimes, dots are written between the blocks of the subscriber’s number. Examples: 0AA/BB BB BB, 0AA/BB.BB.BB; for mobile numbers: 04AA/BB BB BB, 04AA/BB.BB.BB or 04AA/BBB.BBB.

The international code prefix for Belgium is «+32». When dialing a number with the prefix, the 0 can be dropped, e.g.: +32 9055.


Danish telephone numbers are eight digits long and are normally written

  • in four groups of two digits each, with the groups separated by spaces: AA AA AA AA,
  • in two groups of four digits each, with the groups separated by a space: AAAA AAAA,
  • in one group of two digits followed by two groups of three digits each, with the groups separated by spaces: AA AAA AAA, or
  • all in one go: AAAAAAAA.

The third option, AA AAA AAA is not commonly used for personal (landline or mobile) numbers, but is mostly found in corporate numbers, especially in advertizing. The standard formats – which when spoken divide numbers into ranges from 00 (zero zero) to 99 (ninety-nine) – limit the possible range of the ability to create telephone numbers that are easy to remember; dividing the numbers into groups of three expands the mnemonic possibilities.

Danish emergency and service numbers are three digits long and are written AAA. Danish short numbers used for text messaging services are four digits long and are written AAAA.



French telephone numbers are 10 digits long, usually written in groups of two separated by spaces, in the format 0A BB BB BB BB where 0 (the trunk prefix) was created in 1996 to be a carrier selection code, and A is the «territorial area code» included in the subscriber number A BB BB BB BB.

Sometimes, it is also written in the format 0A.BB.BB.BB.BB using periods instead of spaces, but this is less common.

The A (territorial area code) can be 1 to 5 (for geographic-based numbers, according to location: Paris/Suburbs, northwest France, northeast France, southeast France, and southwest France, respectively), and it designates nationwide numbers when it is 6 or 7 (mobile numbers), 8 (special numbers), or 9 (phone over IP over xDSL/non-geographic numbers).

The numbering plan is a closed one; all digits must always be dialed.

The first two or three B can designate the area (old area code) for geographic numbers, or the operator to whom the number resource belongs.

There are also «short numbers» for emergencies (such as 112), that are written 1C or 1CC; and short numbers for special services, written 10 CC, 11C CCC, or 36 CC. 00 is the international access code.

International format is +33 A BB BB BB BB where the leading trunk prefix 0 disappears (it must not be dialed from abroad). This format can be directly used in mobile phones.


German telephone numbers have no fixed length for area code and subscriber number (an open numbering plan).

There are many ways to format a telephone number in Germany. The most prominent is DIN 5008 but the international format E.123 and Microsoft’s canonical address format are also very common.

Trunk access code is 0 and international call prefix code is 00.

Form Example
DIN 5008 with Extension 0AAAA BBBBBB-XX
DIN 5008 international +49 AAAA BBBBBB
E.123 local (0AAAA) BBBBBB
E.123 international +49 AAAA BBBBBB
Microsoft +49 (AAAA) BBBBBB

Numbers are often written in blocks of two. Example: +49 (A AA) B BB BB (Note the blocks go from right to left)

The very old format and E.123 local form are often used by older people but also for technical reasons.


Greek telephone numbers are ten digits long, and usually written AAB BBBBBBB or AAAB BBBBBB where AAB or AAAB is the 2- or 3-digit national area code plus the first digit of the subscriber number, and BBBBBBB or BBBBBB are the remaining digits of the subscriber number. The entire number must always be dialed, even if calling within the same local area; therefore, the national destination code is not separated from the subscriber number. According to international convention, numbers are sometimes written +30 AAB BBBBBBB or +30 AAAB BBBBBB to include the country calling code.


In Hungary the standard lengths for area codes is two, except for Budapest (the capital), which has the area code 1. Subscribers’ numbers are six digits long in general. Numbers in Budapest and cell phone numbers are seven digits long.


Phone numbers in Iceland are seven digits long and generally written in the form XXX XXXX or XXX-XXXX.


Phone numbers in Ireland are part of an open numbering plan with varying number lengths. The area code system similar to some other northern European countries. Unlike the UK, Irish fixed line numbering is divided into a number of regions which are (except Dublin) further subdivided in a hierarchical structure, with the largest town often (but not always) taking 0A1.

Area codes start with a trunk prefix «0» and extend for up to four digits but usually 3; followed by the local phone number of up to seven digits.

In industry jargon, these area codes and prefixes are referred to as NDCs (National Dialing Codes). This is the term used by ComReg and technical documents, as they include non-geographic codes. Historically, like the UK, the term STD code (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) was used.
However, the terminology is archaic and is no longer universally understood and should not be used to avoid confusion.

Dublin uses the shorter (01) code which is not further subdivided. Other cities and major towns usually have codes ending in 1. Cork for example is 021, Galway 091, Limerick 061 etc.

The leading zero is always omitted when dialling from outside the country.

Local phone numbers are either 5, 6 or 7-digits long. In 7-digit numbering they are usually grouped as BBB BBBB, 6-digit numbers are grouped BBB BBB and 5-digit numbers are normally all grouped together BBBBB

Grouping of numbers is not strictly adhered to, but usually fairly consistent. The area code should always be kept separated with a space or surrounded by brackets and not merged into the local number.

The use of hyphens is discouraged, particularly on websites as it can prevent mobile browsers identifying the number as a clickable link for easier dialling.

Fixed line numbers are normally presented as follows:

  • 01 BBB BBBB for a Dublin number (7 digit)
  • 021 BBB BBBB for a Cork number (7 digit)
  • 064 BBB BBBB for a Killarney number (7 digit)
  • 061 BBB BBB for a Limerick number (6 digit)
  • 098 BBBBB for a Westport number (5 digit)
  • 0404 BBBBB for a Wicklow number (5 digit)

Area codes may also be surrounded by brackets, but this practice is falling out of use, as local dialing without the area code is optional on landlines and the area code must always be dialled on mobile phones.

The Irish telecommunication regulator, ComReg has been gradually rationalising area codes by merging and extending local numbering to 7-digits in the format 0AA BBB BBBB. This is being carried out only where necessary to avoid disruption. This means that varying fixed line number lengths will continue to exist in Ireland for the foreseeable future.

Mobile numbers are presented as follows:


Brackets should not be used around the mobile prefix as it is never optional and must always be dialled, even from another phone with the same prefix.

Special rate numbers, such as free phone/toll free and premium rate are usually grouped:

Freephone: 1800 BB BB BB or (spoken as one-eight-hundred)
Local rate: 1850 BB BB BB (eighteen-fifty)
1550 BB BB BB (read as fifteen-fifty)

However, for memorability, this is not consistently adhered to.

Alphanumeric characters can also be used in presenting numbers for added memorability, but it is much less common than in North America

For example:
18AA 99 TAXI

Note: These special rate numbers are not reachable from outside Ireland and should never be presented as +353 1800 or +353 1550 etc. as this would result in a connection to an unrelated Dublin landline in the +353 1 BBB BBBB range.



Phone numbers in Italy have variable length. There’s no well established convention about how to group digits or which symbol to use, but this is hardly an issue since all the digits are always dialed.


Since 10 October 1995 (Operation Decibel) all telephone numbers in the Netherlands are 10 digits long (including the trunk prefix ‘0’). The area code (‘A’) is commonly separated with a dash (‘-‘) and sometimes a space from the subscriber’s number (‘B’). Alternatively, the area code (including the trunk prefix) can be enclosed in parentheses.

The length of the area code for landlines is either 2 or 3 digits, depending on the population density of the area. This leaves 7 or 6 digits for the subscriber’s number, resulting in a format of either 0AA-BBBBBBB or 0AAA-BBBBBB. Cellphone numbers are assigned the 1-digit area code 6, leaving 8 digits for the subscriber’s number: 06-CBBBBBBB, where subscriber’s number (‘C’) is neither 6 nor 7. Service numbers (area codes 800, 900, 906 and 909) have either 4 or 7 remaining digits, making them 8 or 11 digits in total: 0AAA-BBBB or 0AAA-BBBBBBB. The area code 14 has no trunk prefix and is used for government numbers, currently only for municipalities. The remaining digits represent the area code of the municipality. Therefore, the length 14 numbers total either 5 or 6 digits: 14 0AA or 14 0AAA

The trunk prefix ‘0’ is dropped when prefixed by the country code: +31 AA BBBBBBBB, +31 6 CBBBBBBB, etcetera. Note that there is not a trunk prefix for the 14 series so the international number becomes +31 14 0AAA.


Norwegian telephone numbers are 8 digits long. A number to a fixed line is written in four groups of two separated by spaces, AA AA AA AA. Phone numbers in 8xx series is written in three groups, AAA AA AAA. This makes it easy to determine if the B-number is SMS capable. Mobile numbers start with 4 or 9.


Telephone numbers in Poland are 9 digits long. For mobile phones, the preferred format is AAA-AAA-AAA. For landline phones, the preferred format is AA-BBB-BB-BB, where AA is area code. Occasionally, you can encounter numbers formatted as (AA) BBB-BB-BB. Omitting area code is not permitted, because nowadays it is always required.


Telephone numbers in Portugal Country code +351 are 9 digits long. According to present day a number to a fixed line is written in three groups of two separated by spaces, AAA AAA AAA. Cellphone numbers are written in three groups, AAA AAA AAA. Mobile numbers start with 9.


Starting with 2002 phone numbers in Romania are 10 digits long, the first digit always being 0. The preferred format is AAAA-AAA-AAA for mobile, except for landline phones in Bucharest where the preferred format is AAA-AAA-AA-AA.


Russia has an open numbering plan with 10-digit phone numbers. Trunk prefix is 8 (or 8~CC when using alternative operators, where CC is 21–23, 52–55). International call prefix is 8~10 (or 8~CC when using alternative operators, where CC is 26–29, 56–59). The country code is +7.

Length of geographical area codes (A) is usually 3 to 5 digits; length of non-geographical area codes is 3. The groups of digits in the local subscriber’s number (B) are separated by dashes (‘-‘): BBB-BB-BB, BB-BB-BB, B-BB-BB. The area code is included in parentheses, similarly to E.123 local notation: (AAA) BBB-BB-BB, (AAAA) BB-BB-BB, (AAAAA) B-BB-BB.

Area code dialing is optional in most geographical area codes, except Moscow (area codes 495, 498, 499); it is mandatory for non-geographical area codes. E.123 international and Microsoft formats are used for writing local phone numbers as well; international prefix and country code +7 are replaced with trunk code 8 (or 8~CC) when dialing a mandatory area code.

Even though trunk code is not needed for calls within the same geographical area, recent convention adds the default trunk code to the phone number notation: 8 (AAAA) BB-BB-BB. For mandatory area code dealing plans, notation 8 AAAA BB-BB-BB is used. These formats are a mix of Microsoft format and E.123 local notation.

Mobile phones require full 10-digit number which starts with 3-digit non-geographical area codes 900–990. For international calls abroad or international roaming calls to Russia, E.123 international notation with an international call prefix ‘+’ is the only allowed calling number format. For local calls both 8 and +7 are accepted as a trunk code.

Form Example
Old with area code (AAA) BBB-BB-BB
Conventional 8 (AAA) BBB-BB-BB
Microsoft +7 (AAA) BBB-BB-BB
Conventional (mandatory area code) 8 AAA BBB-BB-BB
E.123 international +7 AAA BBB BB BB


Spanish telephone numbers are nine digits long, starting with ‘9’ or ‘8’ for fixed lines (excluding ’90x’ and ’80x’) or with ‘6’ or ‘7’ for mobile phones.

The first group in fixed lines always identifies the dialed province. That group might be of 2 or 3 digits; for example, 91 and 81 are for Madrid while 925 and 825 are for Toledo. The second group is always of 3 digits as it formerly identified the telephone exchange (it now identifies the telephone area).

When the first group is 2 digits long (as in Madrid), the number is usually written in four groups of 2-3-2-2 digits (AB CCC DD DD)

When the first group is 3 digits long (as in Toledo), the number is usually written in 3 groups of 3 digits (ABB CCC DDD) but the form 3-2-2-2 (ABB CC CD DD) is not uncommon.

Mobile numbers are usually grouped by threes, ABB CCC CCC, but the form 3-2-2-2 is also seen.


Swedish telephone numbers are between eight and ten digits long. They start with a two to four digit area code. A three digit code starting with 07 indicates that the number is for a mobile phone. All national numbers start with one leading 0, and international calls are specified by 00 or +. The numbers are written with the area code followed by a hyphen, and then two to three groups of digits separated by spaces.[6]

Type Format
National 10 digit
National 9 digit
National 8 digit
0A-XX XX XX or
Mobile 10 digit
07A-XXX XX XX or


Swiss telephone numbers are ten digits long, and usually written 0AA BBB BB BB where 0AA is the national destination code and BBB BB BB is the subscriber number. The entire number must always be dialed, including the leading 0, even if calling within a local area, therefore the national destination code is not separated from the subscriber number. According to international convention, numbers are sometimes written +41 AA BBB BB BB to include the country calling code. Certain nationwide destination codes, such as for toll-free or premium-rate telephone numbers, are written 0800 BBB BBB or 0900 BBB BBB. Short numbers are used for emergency services such as 112 that are written 1CC or 1CCC.


In Turkey the format for telephone numbers is commonly seen as 0BBB AAA AA AA. While landline numbers having the prefix 02BB AAA AA AA, 03BB AAA AA AA, or 04BB AAA AA AA[7] mobile numbers have the prefix 05BB AAA AA AA. Landline area codes are separated by cities and only one city, Istanbul, has two area codes: 216 for the Asian side, and 212 for the European side. Mobile numbers however are separated by carriers. There are three mobile carriers in Turkey: Vodafone TR, Turkcell and Turk Telekom. Turkcell has the prefix 053B AAA AA AA, Vodafone TR has the prefix 054B AAA AA AA, and Turk Telekom has the prefix 055B AAA AA AA.

Since 9 November 2008, with the passing of the Number Carriability Regulation by ICTA, mobile numbers can be carried from one mobile carrier to the other, without having to change the prefix.[8] This caused dialing 05BB to call another number on the same carrier to become mandatory. Calls to numbers which were carried to another operator are signaled by a unique sound upon dialing, to signify that the recipient is on another network and alert them against potentially unwanted interconnection charges. The same regulation passed on 10 September 2009 regarding landline numbers, without the requirement to dial the prefix among numbers with the same geographical area, sharing the same prefix.

The «0» on every prefix is an Area Code Exit code that must be dialed when a number with a different area code is being called. So when calling from outside of Turkey those 0s are not dialed. The dialing format when calling from outside Turkey is +90 BBB AAA AA AA and NOT +90 0BBB AAA AA AA. Unlike the North American system, the Country Exit Code isn’t 011 but 00. So it is one «0» to exit area and one more «0» to exit the country.


There are many recommendations for recording phone numbers. The most common in the world is Recommendation E.123 E.123 International Telecommunication Union[9]
and the standard format for Microsoft telephone numbers Microsoft.[10]

There is an international format for recording a telephone number containing the country code, settlement code and telephone number, and the national format containing the settlement code and telephone number.

To record Ukrainian telephone numbers, it should be remembered that the country code for Ukraine is: +380, telephone codes for settlements do not have an initial zero, long-distance prefix: 0.

Writing telephone numbers
Phone number Note
+380 44 123 45 67 E.123, international format: country code, settlement code and telephone number are separated by spaces
(044) 123 45 67 E.123, national format: long-distance prefix and city code in parentheses (national format: long-distance prefix and settlement code in parentheses due to possible confusion needs constant additional clarification), п. 2.8 [9] ), the phone number is separated from the code and separated by spaces
+380 (44) 1234567 Microsoft, international format: country code, space code, settlement code in brackets, space code, telephone number.

Often, they mistakenly write down phone numbers, transferring the last zero from the country code to the settlement code, for example:+38 044 1234567 or +38 (044) 1234567. Such entry is incorrect because the telephone code of Ukraine is +380, and the codes of settlements or codes of mobile networks cannot begin with “0” or “1”.

United Kingdom

Dialling codes, also known as «area codes» are optional for local callers (often surrounded by parentheses, or separated with a dash), though there are trials running to make them mandatory,[11] and are followed by the customer’s telephone number.

Codes with the form 02x are followed by 8-digit local numbers and are usually written as 02x AAAA AAAA or (02x) AAAA AAAA. Area codes with the form 011x or 01×1 are used for many of the major population centres in the UK, are always followed by 7-digit local numbers and are usually written as 01xx AAA BBBB, (01xx) AAA BBBB or 01×1-AAA BBBB (the latter formerly the recommended format for six major metropolitan areas in the UK). Other area codes have the form 01xxx with 5 or 6 figure local numbers written as 01xxx or (01xxx) followed by subscriber number AAAAA or AAAAAA; or have the form 01xx xx with 4 or 5 figure local numbers written as 01xx xx or (01xx xx) followed by subscriber number AAAA or AAAAA.

Numbers for mobile phones and pagers are formatted as 07AAA BBBBBB and most other non-geographic numbers are 10 figures in length (excluding trunk digit ‘0’) and formatted as 0AAA BBB BBBB. However, these numbers are sometimes written in other formats. 9 figure freephone numbers are 0500 AAAAAA and 0800 AAAAAA and there is one number of 8 figures length: 0800 1111 (Childline).

Domestically, there are also a number of special service numbers such as 100 for the operator, 123 for the speaking clock and 155 for the international operator, as well as 118 AAA for various directory enquiry services, and 116 AAA for various helplines. For some services, the number you call will depend on which operator you use to connect the call. 112 and 999 work for calling the emergency services. These numbers cannot be called from abroad.

When calling from abroad, the initial ‘0’ trunk prefix is not required; it is, however, commonplace to represent telephone numbers with both the international code and the ‘0’ trunk prefix — which is typically placed within parentheses — but this representation is inconsistent with the E.123 international standard.[12]

North America

United States, Canada, and other NANP countries

Twenty-four countries and territories share the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), with a single country code, 1. The formatting convention for telephone numbers is NPA-NXX-XXXX, where NPA is the three-digit area code, and NXX-XXXX is the seven-digit subscriber number.[13]
NPA has the same syntax of NXX since the implementation of interchangeable area codes in 1995. The prefix NXX of the subscriber number is a code for the central office, unique in the numbering plan area. The place holder N stands for the digits 2 to 9, as the subscriber number may not begin with the digits 0 and 1. It is a closed telephone numbering plan in which all subscriber telephone numbers have seven digits, in addition to the three-digit area code.

Under all-number calling, a numbering plan introduced around 1960, local calls within an area code were placed by dialing NXX-XXXX, omitting the area code, known as seven-digit dialing. Only calling a destination in a different area code required dialing the destination area code, known as ten-digit dialing. Due to the need for a larger telephone number pool in many regions, seven-digit dialing is becoming rare in the United States. With the rapid growth of telephony in the late 20th century, many metropolitan areas saw the introduction of additional area codes. Multiple area codes were assigned to the same numbering plan area, a configuration known as an overlay numbering plan. Calls within an overlay are still local calls, despite the need for ten-digit dialing.

In general, placing long-distance calls requires dialing the trunk code 1, but this may be optional in some areas.


Canada is a member of the North American Numbering Plan, but administers its numbering resources individually, under guidance from the NANP Administrator. The Canadian government has stated on its Language Portal of Canada that telephone numbers are to be written with a hyphen between each sequence, as follows: 1-NPA-NXX-XXXX or NPA-NXX-XXXX.[14] 10-digit dialing is now required throughout most of Canada, including all of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, as well as most of Ontario. Areas not yet requiring 10-digit dialing are Ontario’s 807 area code, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, although 10-digit dialing may be accepted in some of these areas.

In the province of Québec, where French is the first language, the Office québécois de la langue française has established that telephone numbers must be written with spaces first and then a hyphen for the last sequence, as follows: 1 NPA NXX-XXXX.[15] Educational institutions of Quebec will mark improperly written telephone numbers as orthographical mistakes in academic texts.[citation needed]


Mexican telephone numbers have ten digits. They can consist of a two-digit (NN) area code and an eight-digit local number (ABCD XXXX) or a three-digit area code (NNN) with a seven-digit local number (ABC XXXX).

As of August 3, 2019 all the indicators and access codes (01, 044, 045) are deprecated, therefore all telephone numbers, for landline or mobile service, are dialed with ten digits.[16]

The formatting convention of a telephone number is


The international country code prefix for Mexico is 52. When dialing a number it must be formatted as «plus sign + country code + 10-digit number» e.g.: +52 NNN ABC XXXX

Central America

Some Central American countries write the country code for their own and other Central American countries in parentheses, instead of using a + sign, as recommended by E.123. For example, for a number in Costa Rica they would write (506) 2222-2222 instead of +506 2222-2222. On the other hand, Guatemala does have the custom of using the + sign. It is quite common for Central American businesses to write the whole phone number, including the country code in parentheses, on business cards, signs, stationery, etc.

Costa Rica

Costa Rican telephone numbers are 8 digits long, and are usually written in the format 2NNN-NNNN (for landlines), 8NNN-NNNN (for mobile telephone numbers from local telephone company ICE), 6NNN-NNNN (for mobile telephone numbers from Movistar) and 7NNN-NNNN (for mobile phone numbers from Claro).[17] Toll-free numbers use the format 800-NNN-NNNN and premium-rate telephone numbers are written 90x-NNN-NNNN where x varies according to the type of service offered. There are also «short numbers» for emergencies such as 911.

When Costa Rica switched from 7 to 8 digit numbers, it used a scheme similar to the 8 digit number scheme already in place in El Salvador at that time.

El Salvador

El Salvadoran telephone numbers are 8 digits long, usually written in the format 2NNN-NNNN (for landline use) and 7NNN-NNNN (for mobile telephone numbers). Premium-rate numbers start with a 9.


Guatemalan telephone numbers are 8 digits long and written in the format 2NNN-NNNN for landlines in Guatemala City, 6NNN-NNNN for landlines for the rest of municipalities in the Guatemala Department, and 7NNN-NNNN for landlines in Rural Guatemala / rest of country. Non-geographic numbers (mobile) are 5NNN-NNNN, 4NNN-NNNN, and 3NNN-NNNN. Within each area, there are different service providers. The following 3 digits indicate the service provider. However, their assignment is on a first-come first-served basis.

Additionally there are special numbers with the following conventions: 3 digit numbers for emergency systems, four digit numbers, 15NN for information and governmental institutions and 17NN for commercial and banking institutions with a high call influx, 6 digit numbers for Telephone carriers numbers and making operator assisted calls, collect calls. These calls are billed at different rates. 1-800: Toll-free calls redirected to out of country offices and 1-801: Local toll-free calls.[18]


Honduran telephone numbers have either 7 digits (for landlines), which are usually written NNN-NNNN, or 8 digits (for mobile numbers), which are written NNNN-NNNN. The fact that landline and mobile numbers are different lengths sometimes causes confusion.

In 2010, an additional digit (2) was added to the start of land line numbers, thus standardizing the length at 8 digits.

South America


Argentine telephone numbers always consist of 11 digits, including the geographical area code.

Area code

The area code can have 3, 4 or 5 digits, the first being always 0 (indicative of long distance calls). Moreover, in 1999 the whole country (except Buenos Aires, and Greater Buenos Aires) was divided into two zones. Roughly and with exceptions, one includes most of the northern half of the country; and the other, most of the southern half, though the actual reason for this division is not geographical, but the fact that each zone is administered by a different company.

So, the second digit of area codes can be 1 (only in Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires code «011») or else a 2 (for towns in the southern half of the country) or a 3 (for the northern half). For example, (011) for Buenos Aires, (0341) for Rosario, (02627) for San Rafael. And the subscriber’s number will accordingly have 6, 7 or 8 digits, to complete the eleven digits.

Phone numbers are mostly written as:

  • (011) xxxx-xxxx (Note that only the (011) code has 3 digits),
  • (0xxx) xxx-xxxx or
  • (0xxxx) xx-xxxx

The area code is usually written between brackets.

Subscriber number

In 1999, a general reform was introduced to telephone numbers, including the 1, 2 and 3 for area codes as explained above, and adding a 4 at the beginning of all subscriber’s numbers. However, since the reform some local numbers starting with a 5 are beginning to appear. Moreover, a hyphen is usually placed to separate the last four digits. Code areas do not usually include one single city or town, but several neighbouring towns. So, the part before the hyphen (called a prefix) is usually indicative of either a town within the code area, or even of a part of a larger city, which is assigned several prefixes. As a matter of fact, each area code has only a limited number of prefixes assigned, and these are locally limited within the area.

For example, the (0342) area has numbers with a 456- prefix, mostly located in the centre of Santa Fe. It also has numbers with a 460- prefix, usually for phone lines in the north east of the city. And there are lines with a 474- prefix, located in Santo Tomé. But no 444- prefix exists within this area. As for the part after the hyphen, it may usually be any succession of four digits, though sometimes a prefix is shared by two or more small towns, and then, the first digit after the hyphen carries the distinction between towns.

Sometimes, a prefix is reserved for official numbers, that is for offices depending on the national, provincial or local state. In the (0342) area, this is 457-, and phones within this prefix communicate with each other, by simply dialing the four final digits, though from other phones the prefix must be dialled as well.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones use the same area codes as landline telephones, but the number begins with a «15», added to a string of 6, 7 or 8 digits, just as described above. After the «15», the remainder of the number can start with a 3, a 4, a 5 or a 6. This «15» may be dropped when a call is made to a mobile phone in a different code area. And when sending text messages, the receiver’s number is best dialled both without the «15» and with the long distance code, even if both sender and receiver share a code area, but without the initial «0».

To sum up, given the mobile phone (011) 154-123-4567, you will call it by dialing:

  • 154-123-4567 (within the same code area),
  • (011) [15]4-123-4567 (from a different code area, including or omitting the 15),

And you will send messages to:

  • 11 4-123-4567 (even when your phone has also a 011 number).

Special numbers

Two sorts of special numbers exist in Argentina. On the one hand, three-digit numbers are used for special services such as to call the police, fire brigade or emergency doctors, as well as to hear the official time. Also telephone companies have three-digit numbers to report a problem in the lines, or to ask for another subscriber’s number, when a paper directory is not available.

Additionally, there are other longer numbers. These include (but are not limited to):

  • 0800 xxx abcd
  • 0810 xxx abcd
  • 0600 xxx abcd

(where the xxx indicates the same digit dialled three times, and a, b, c and d may each be any of the ten digits)

0800 lines are used by companies, and it is the receiver and not the caller who pays for the call, so that potential clients are encouraged to contact business companies for free.

0810 lines are paid by the caller, but the cost is for a local call, even if you are calling from a different area. The remaining is covered by the receiver.

And 0600 numbers are special more expensive lines, that serve such purposes as TV games, fund collecting for charity companies, hot lines, etc. Basically a part of the extra money charged to the caller is sent to the owner of the line.

Often the abcd or even (xx)xabcd part of the number is chosen, if available, to form a word that is representative of the company holding the number.


Brazil is divided into 67 two-digit geographical area codes, all of which with eight-digit numbers, in the format AA NNNN-NNNN, except for cell phones, which contain nine digits, usually in the format AA 9NNNN-NNNN.


Peru uses 2-digit area codes followed by 6-digit subscriber numbers outside of Lima. In Lima the area code is «1» and the subscriber number has 7 digits, divided XXX XXXX. The «trunk 0» is often used, especially for numbers outside Lima. For example, a phone number in Arequipa might be written (054) XX-XXXX.

Cellphone numbers used to have 8 digits with the first digit always being 9. In 2008 an additional digit was added to cellphone numbers, while land numbers remained the same. The previous convention for cell numbers in Lima was usually 9XXX XXXX, though 9-XXX XXXX was also used. With the new 9-digit number, the form 9XX XXX XXX is becoming increasingly common as opposed to 9 XXXX XXXX, 9X XXX XXXX or 9XXXX XXXX.

Outside Lima cellphone numbers used to be 9 followed by six digits, i.e., 9 XXX XXX. The 2008 changes were somewhat more complicated. In four departments (similar to states), a 2 digit code now has to be entered before the 9. In the example of Arequipa, the code of 95 has to be entered before the 9, so the new numeration is 959 XXX XXX. The other codes are 94 for La Libertad (Trujillo), 96 for Piura and 97 for Lambayeque (Chiclayo). In the other 19 rural departments, the 9 is followed by the department’s 2-digit area code then the 6-digit subscriber number. For example, the area code for Cusco is 84, so their new cellphone numeration is 984 XXX XXX. The effect is that all Peruvian cellphone numbers now have 9 digits; under the old system they had 8 digits in Lima and 7 everywhere else.[19]

International Telecommunication Union

The sector issued recommendation entitled Notation for national and international telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and Web addresses.

See also

  • Long distance calling
  • Short code


  1. ^ «Karachi and Lahore now have eight digit phone numbers. In the near future this will be extended to other metros». Daily Times (Pakistan). 2009-07-08. Retrieved 2009-10-01.
  2. ^ «Sri Lanka (country code +94)». International Telecommunication Union. Retrieved September 1, 2022.
  3. ^ «Telephones». Thailand Guru. Retrieved 20 August 2019.
  4. ^ «Help with your landline | Spark NZ». www.spark.co.nz. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  5. ^ ComReg, «National Numbering Conventions V 7.0
  6. ^ «Myndigheternas skrivregler» (PDF). Institutet för språk och folkminnen. Språkrådet. Retrieved 14 September 2018.
  7. ^ «Türk Telekom». www.ttrehber.turktelekom.com.tr. Archived from the original on 2008-09-04.
  8. ^ «Numara Taşınabilirliği Bilgi Sitesi». www.nts.gov.tr. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  9. ^ a b
    «Recommendation E.123 (02/01)». ITU. January 2002. Archived from the original on 2013-08-04. Retrieved 2013-05-23.
  10. ^
    «Common phone number format» (in Russian). Microsoft. January 2005. Archived from the original on 2013-07-06. Retrieved 2013-05-23.
  11. ^ «BT Help | Help and Support for BT Products | BT». www.bt.com. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  12. ^ «RevK’s rants: It is not +44 (0)207 123 4567, it is +44 20 7123 4567». revk.www.me.uk. Archived from the original on 2009-09-23.
  13. ^ «NANPA : North American Numbering Plan Administration — About Us». www.nationalnanpa.com. Retrieved 2018-02-07.
  14. ^ Government of Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada (2009-10-08). «To Drop or Not to Drop Parentheses in Telephone Numbers — Search by Title — Favourite Articles — TERMIUM Plus® — Translation Bureau». www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  15. ^ «numéro de téléphone». gdt.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  16. ^ «Marcación a 10 Dígitos | Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones». www.ift.org.mx. Retrieved 2019-09-28.
  17. ^ «Movistar y Claro ya tienen números para sus servicios celulares». La Nación.
  18. ^ «PLAN DE NUMERACIÓN PARA LA REPÚBLICA DE GUATEMALA» (PDF). www.sit.gob.gt. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-10-27. Retrieved 2012-07-18.
  19. ^ «Nueva Numeración para Celulares». www.deperu.com. Archived from the original on 2008-03-19.

National conventions for writing telephone numbers vary by country. While international standards exist in the form of recommendation E.123 by the sector ITU-T of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), national telephone numbering plans define the format of telephone numbers assigned to telephones and similar communication endpoints.

The presentation of telephone numbers in this article does not include any international dialing codes necessary to route calls via international circuits. In examples, a numeric digit is used only if the digit is the same in every number, and letters to illustrate groups. X is used as a wildcard character to represent any digit in lists of numbers.



All telephone numbers in Djibouti are eight digits long.

Fixed line numbers start with 21 or 27, then a fixed line locality code, followed by four digits.

Mobile numbers start with 77, then a mobile line locality code, followed by four digits.

The international dialing code for Djibouti is +253, so the format becomes «+253 XX YY ZZ ZZ».


All telephone numbers in Morocco are 10 digits long (initial 0 plus nine numbers).

Landline numbers start with 05, followed by two digits for the regional area RR, then two digits for the local area LL, then 4 digits for the subscriber number XX XX: («05 RR LL XX XX» or «05RR LL XX XX»).

Mobile numbers start with 06 or 07, followed by the subscriber number («06 XX XX XX XX» or «07 XX XX XX XX»).

The international dialing code for Morocco is +212, so the format becomes «+212 Y XX XX XX XX» or «+212 YXX XX XX XX», also «+212 YXX-XXXXXX» as well, where Y is 5 for landlines or 6/7 for mobile.
Free calling numbers (green numbers) or call center numbers start with 080 or 090.


Telephone numbers in Kenya uses a 9 digit format. The 9 digits used for local calls start with a «0» (trunk prefix) for domestic calls, followed by the 3 digit area/provider code and the final 6 digits (07XX XXX XXX). The international code for Kenya is «+254».

South Africa

South Africa uses 10 digit dialling which has been required since 16 January 2007. The 10 digits used for local calls (AAA XXX XXXX or 0AA XXX XXXX) consist of a 3 digit area/type code (the first digit in the area/type code is a trunk prefix) followed by 7 digits. All area codes, including mobile numbers, start with a «0» (trunk prefix) for domestic calls. When dialing from another country, the international calling code for South Africa is «+27» with the rest of the digits excluding the «0» trunk prefix (+27 AA XXX XXXX).



Telephone numbers in China are 10 or 11 digits long (excluding an initial zero which is required at times) and fall in at least four distinct categories:

  1. Landlines: In China, the length of phone numbers varies from city to city. It is usually written as (0XXX) YYY YYYY (For landlines registered in large metropolises, it is written in the format (0XXX) YYYY YYYY), where 0 is the trunk code, XXX is the area code (2 or 3 digits) and YYYY YYYY is the local number (7 or 8 digits). For example, (0755) XXXX YYYY indicates a Shenzhen number. XXXXYYYY is dialed locally, 0755 XXXX YYYY is dialed in other areas inside the country, while, for international calls to Shenzhen, the 0 is dropped and is written +86 755 XXXX YYYY.
  2. Mobiles: The 11-digit code is always written in full in the whole China e.g. 1WX YYYY ZZZZ. Each WX is assigned to a service provider while W is usually ‘3’ through ‘9’. The remaining 8 digits are the subscriber number.
  3. Toll Free: These are usually ten digit numbers beginning with 800 or 400. 800 (toll-free) are accessible only when called from landline phones, while 400 (shared toll) are accessible from all phones. 400 XXX XXXX or 800 XXXX XXXX.
  4. Service numbers: These are usually 3- to 5-digit numbers (e.g. Police is 110) used to access an emergency service (Fire 119, Ambulance 120, Police 110, Roadside assistance 12122) or a value-added service.

Hong Kong and Macau

Every number, except special service numbers, is an 8-digit number; they are grouped as XXXX YYYY. There are no area codes.


Telephone numbers in India are 10 digits long (excluding an initial zero which is required at times) and fall in at least four distinct categories:

  1. Landlines: Written as AAA-BBBBBBB, where AAA is the Subscriber Trunk Dialing code (long distance code) and BBBBBBB is the phone number. The total length of the Subscriber Trunk Dialing code and the phone number is 10 digits. The Subscriber Trunk Dialing code can be from 2 digits (11 or 011) up to 4 digits long.
  2. Mobiles: Written as AAAAA-BBBBB for ease of remembering (though the prefix is either 2-digits or 4-digits in the numbering plan). Mobile numbers which are not local need to be prefixed by a 0 while dialing, or by +91 (91 is the country code for India). A mobile number written as +91-AAAAA BBBBB is valid throughout India, and in other countries where the + is recognized as a prefix to the country code. Since 2015, calls from mobile phones to any other mobiles do not need to prefix with a 0. However, calls from landlines to non-local mobile numbers need to be prefixed with 0.
  3. Toll Free: These are usually ten digit numbers beginning with 1-800. Sometimes they are accessible (or are toll-free) only when called from the government-owned telephone corporation, BSNL/MTNL.
  4. Service numbers: These are usually three or four digit numbers (e.g. Police is 100) used to access an emergency service (Fire, Ambulance, Police, Roadside assistance) or a value-added service.


All telephone numbers in Iran are 11 digits long (initial 0 plus ten numbers). The first two or three digits after the zero are the area code. The possibilities are: (0xx) xxxx xxxx (for landlines), 09xx xxx xxxx (for cellphones) and 099xx xxx xxx (for MVNO).

When making a call within the same landline area code, initial 0 plus the area code must be omitted.

An example for calling telephones in the city of Tehran is as follows:

  • xxxx xxxx (within Tehran, via a landline)
  • 021 xxxx xxxx (Outside Tehran, or via a cellphone)
  • +98 21 xxxx xxxx (outside Iran)

An example for mobile numbers is as follows:

  • 09xx xxx xxxx (in Iran)
  • +98 9xx xxx xxxx (outside Iran)


The traditional convention for phone numbers is (0AA) NXX-XXXX, where 0AA is the area code and NXX-XXXX is the subscriber number. This number format is very similar to the North American numbering plan, but the country has a trunk code of 0 instead of 1, so international callers (using +81) do not have to dial the trunk code 0 when calling to Japan. Telephone numbers were 9 digits long in Tokyo and Osaka until the late 1990s, when a seventh digit was added to the subscriber number. Densely populated areas have shorter area codes, while rural areas have longer area codes, but the last two digits of a five digit long area code (including the first zero) may also be the first two digits of the subscriber number. Area codes increase from north to south, except in areas such as the western Hokuriku region and the prefecture of Okinawa, where area codes increase from west to east or south to north.

Some telephone numbers deviate from this rule:

  • Toll-free dialing and Navi Dial operations (0120-XX-XXXX, 0570-XX-XXXX, or 0800-XX-XXXX), where XX-XXXX is the subscriber number
  • The area code 050 uses an 11 digit phone number (050-XXXX-XXXX), where XXXX-XXXX is the subscriber number
  • 110 and 119 are examples of three digit emergency numbers


All area codes including mobile start with a «0» (trunk prefix) for domestic calls. If you are dialing from another country the international calling code for Malaysia is «60» which may be confusing; do not dial an extra «0» before the rest of the digits. For fixed line and mobile phone numbers, a dash is written in between the area/mobile code and the subscriber number, with an optional space before the last four digits of the subscriber number. For example, a fixed line number in Kuala Lumpur is written as 03-XXXX YYYY or 03-XXXXYYYY, while a fixed line number in Kota Kinabalu is written as 088-XX YYYY or 088-XXYYYY. A typical mobile phone number is written as 01M-XXX YYYY or 01M-XXXYYYY. Toll-free and local charge numbers are written as 1-800-XX-YYYY and 1-300-XX-YYYY respectively, while premium rate numbers are written as 600-XX-YYYY.


Telephone numbers in Pakistan have two parts. Area codes in Pakistan are from two to five digits long; the smaller the city, the longer the prefix. All the large cities have two-digit codes.

Smaller towns have a six digit number. Large cities have seven-digit numbers. Azad Jammu and Kashmir has five digit numbers. On 1 July 2009, telephone numbers in Karachi and Lahore were changed from seven digits to eight digits. This was accomplished by adding the digit «9» to the beginning of any phone number that started with a «9» (government and semi-government connections), and adding the digit «3» to any phone numbers that did not start with the number «9».[1]

It is common to write phone numbers as (0xx) yyyyyyy, where xx is the area code. The 0 prefix is for trunk (long-distance) dialing from within the country. International callers should dial +92 xx yyyyyyyy.

All mobile phone codes are four digits long and start with 03xx. All mobile numbers are seven digits long, and denote the mobile provider on a nationwide basis and not geographic location. Thus all Telenor numbers (for example) nationwide carry mobile code 0345 etc.

Universal access number

  • 111 xxx xxx

Emergency Service Numbers

  • 1xx
  • 1xxx

Premium Rate services:

  • 0900 xxxxx

Toll free numbers (For callers within Pakistan):

  • 0800 xxxxx


Telephone numbers in the Philippines are written as +63 (XXX) YYY ZZZZ for international callers. For domestic calls, the country code (+63) is omitted and a trunk prefix (0) is placed[citation needed]. For local calls, both the 0 and area code are omitted. Mobile numbers are written as +63 (XXX) YYY ZZZZ or 0 (XXX) YYY ZZZZ.


In Singapore, every phone number is written as +65-XXXX-YYYY or +65 XXXX YYYY.

Mobile phones starts with 8/9, landline phone numbers starts with 6 while VOIP numbers starts with 3.

Subscriber numbers have 8 digits and there are no area codes.

Sri Lanka

Except for short codes and emergency numbers, all telephone numbers in Sri Lanka are ten digits long (initial 0 + nine numbers).

Landline phone numbers begin with the area code, then one digit for the operator code, then six digits for the primary telephone number.

Format: (XXX Y ZZZZZZ) where:

  • «xxx» denotes the area code. All area codes begin with the number 0.
  • The operator code for fixed (landline) numbers is «y».
  • «zzzzzz» denotes the primary telephone number, which has six digits.

Mobile numbers start with the mobile operator code (which begins from 07X, followed by seven digits for the main telephone number).

Format: (XXX ZZZZZZZ) where:

  • When dialing a mobile number, «xxx» represents the mobile operator code. All mobile operator codes begin with the number 07.
  • «zzzzzzz» represents the main telephone number of seven digits.

The international dialing code for Sri Lanka is +94, so the format becomes «+94 XX Y ZZZZZZ» for landlines and the format becomes «+94 XX ZZZZZZZ» for mobile numbers.[2]

South Korea

South Korean phone numbers can be as short as 7 digits and as long as 11 digits, because, when making a local call (i.e. in the same city), there is no need to dial the area code. South Korean area codes are assigned based on city.

Landline phone numbers

Landline home numbers are usually written as: 0XX-XXX-XXXX or (0XX) XXX-XXXX where 0XX indicates an area code. (0XX) XXX-XXX and 0XX XXX XXXX (without hyphens) are comprehensible as well. The area code may be two digits long for some cities such as Seoul and Gwacheon (these two cities use the same area code) and three digits for other cities such as Incheon, Busan and most of the cities in Gyeonggi-do. The middle three-digit part is extended to four digits in many areas due to the increased number of telephone users.

In the international context, 82 0XX-XXX-XXXX is commonly used as well. For international calls, «0» in the area code is often omitted, because it is not necessary to dial 0 from foreign countries. Therefore, it is better written as: 82-(0)XX-XXX-XXXX or 82-(0)XX-XXXX-XXXX The plus (+) sign is often added to the country code too (e.g., +82 0XX-XXX-XXXX or +82-0XX-XXXX-XXXX).

Mobile phone numbers

For mobile numbers, 016490641 so on. As with the landline home numbers, the mobile numbers’ middle three-digit part is extended to four digits (e.g., 016490641) due to the increased number of mobile phone users.

Business numbers

If a number starts with 070, the number does not belong to any particular area, and is a number given by an Internet telephone service. In this case, 070 is not usually put in the brackets, neither ( ) nor ).

In the business context, the numbers in the format of 15XX-XXXX and 16XX-XXXX are business representative agency or customer services. While the numbers starting with 080 (e.g., 080-XXX-XXXX) are also business-related numbers but are usually toll-free customer service centers. Also in this case, 15XX, 16XX or 070 are not put in the brackets, neither ( ) nor ).

National service numbers

There are national telephone services which have phone numbers in the format of 1XX or 1XXX, without any area code. For example, 114 is for telephone yellow page, 119 is for fire/emergency number, 112 is for police station center, 131 is for weather forecast information, 1333 is for traffic information, and so on. The number 111 is for reporting spies, especially from North Korea. It used to be 113, so most of senior citizen still believe it is the number for reporting spies. These numbers do not need any brackets.

Alternative numbers

If there are multiple numbers used for one person/entity, the symbol «~» is usually used to avoid repetitions. For example, if one company has three phone numbers—031-111-1111, 031-111-1112 and 031-111-1113—then they are shortened as in 031-111-1111~3.

If the numbers are not consecutive, then the last digit is written together with commas. For example, if a company has three numbers—031-111-1111, 031-111-1115, 031-111-1119, then they are shortened as in 031-111-1111, 5, 9.


Landline numbers in Taiwan are written with the area code in parenthesis [with phone numbers total 9 digits]
Example: (02) XXXX YYYY for phone numbers in Taipei area.

Mobile phones have 3 digit «company code» assigned to different mobile service carriers such as (09**) XXXXXX followed by a 6 digit phone number.
(note: Mobile carriers could have multiple company codes)


All numbers in Thailand, whether for landlines or mobile reception, consist of eight digits, xxxx xxxx in the government’s official format. When calling domestically, landline numbers are preceded by a zero (0 xxxx xxxx, example 0 5381 0595) while mobile numbers are preceded by 0 plus one digit (0x xxxx xxxx, example 06 9756 4509). Thais often confuse the current numbering system with the old provincial area code system, which no longer exists as area codes were integrated into all phone numbers in 2005. Because of this, unofficially people often write numbers as 0xx xxx xxx (053 810 595). Calling a Thai phone number from outside Thailand, one drops the 0 and adds the +66 country code. Example +66 5381 0595.[3]



Most Australian telephone numbers are 10 digits long, and are generally written 0A BBBB BBBB or 04XX XXX XXX for mobile telephone numbers, where 0A is the optional «area code» (2,3,7,8) and BBBB BBBB is the subscriber number. (http://www.acma.gov.au/Industry/Telco/Numbering/Numbering-Plan/phone-number-meanings-numbering-i-acma)

When the number is to be seen by an international audience, it is written +61 A BBBB BBBB or +61 4XX XXX XXX. When written for a local audience, the optional area code is omitted. The area code is often written within parentheses (0A) BBBB BBBB. Mobile numbers should never have parentheses.

Ten-digit non-geographic numbers beginning with 1 are written 1X0Y BBB BBB, where X = 8 for toll free numbers, X = 3 for fixed-fee numbers and X = 9 for premium services. Six-digit non-geographic numbers are written 13 BB BB or 13B BBB; these are fixed-fee numbers. Seven-digit 180 BBBB numbers also exist. ‘B’s are sometimes written as letters.

New Zealand

Almost all New Zealand telephone numbers are seven digits long, with a single-digit access code and a single-digit area code for long-distance domestic calls. Traditionally, the number was given as (0A) BBB-BBBB, with the two first digits (the STD code) often omitted for local calls. The brackets and the dash are also often omitted. Mobile numbers follow the same format, but with the area code being two digits, i.e. (02M) BBB-BBBB. ( Some mobile numbers are longer: (021)02BBBBBB, (021)08BBBBBB, (020)40BBBBBB, (020) 41BBBBBB and (028) 25BBBBBB; and some are shorter: (021)3BBBBB, (021)4BBBBB, (021)5BBBBB, (021)6BBBBB, (021)7BBBBB, (021)8BBBBB and (021)9BBBBB)

There are also free-phone numbers (starting with 0800 or 0508) that are given in the format 0800-AAA-AAA. It is not uncommon for the 0800 and 0508 to be enclosed in brackets, although this is not strictly correct as the brackets denote optional parts of the number, and the 0800 and 0508 is required.[4]

Recently with 8 digit mobile numbers becoming more common the prefix-4 digits-4 digits format has been adopted for readability: 022 1234 5678.

For international use, the prefix +64 is substituted for the leading zero, giving +64-A-BBB-BBBB for land-lines, and +64-MM-BBB-BBBB for mobile numbers.



Belgian telephone numbers consist of two major parts: Firstly ‘0’, secondly the «zone prefix» (A) which is 1 or 2 digits long for landlines and 3 digits long for mobile phones and thirdly the «subscriber’s number» (B).

Land lines are always 9 digits long. They are prefixed by a zero, followed by the zone prefix. Depending on the length of the zone prefix, the subscriber’s number consists of either 6 or 7 digits. Hence land line numbers are written either 0AA BB BB BB or 0A BBB BB BB.

Mobile phone numbers always consist of 10 digits. The first digit of the «zone prefix» of a mobile number is always ‘4’. Then follows 2 digits indicating to which Mobile Operator’s pool the number originally belonged when it was taken into usage. The fourth digit represents a «sub-group» of this pool and has no additional meaning other than increasing the amount of possible numbers. The subscriber’s number consists of 6 digits. Hence, mobile phone numbers are written 04AA BB BB BB. Sometimes, the last 6 digits are written in two groups of 3 digits to increase readability: 04AA BBB BBB.

Numbers are sometimes written with a slash in between the zone prefix and the subscriber’s number. This is the case for both land lines and mobile phone numbers. Sometimes, dots are written between the blocks of the subscriber’s number. Examples: 0AA/BB BB BB, 0AA/BB.BB.BB; for mobile numbers: 04AA/BB BB BB, 04AA/BB.BB.BB or 04AA/BBB.BBB.

The international code prefix for Belgium is «+32». When dialing a number with the prefix, the 0 can be dropped, e.g.: +32 9055.


Danish telephone numbers are eight digits long and are normally written

  • in four groups of two digits each, with the groups separated by spaces: AA AA AA AA,
  • in two groups of four digits each, with the groups separated by a space: AAAA AAAA,
  • in one group of two digits followed by two groups of three digits each, with the groups separated by spaces: AA AAA AAA, or
  • all in one go: AAAAAAAA.

The third option, AA AAA AAA is not commonly used for personal (landline or mobile) numbers, but is mostly found in corporate numbers, especially in advertizing. The standard formats – which when spoken divide numbers into ranges from 00 (zero zero) to 99 (ninety-nine) – limit the possible range of the ability to create telephone numbers that are easy to remember; dividing the numbers into groups of three expands the mnemonic possibilities.

Danish emergency and service numbers are three digits long and are written AAA. Danish short numbers used for text messaging services are four digits long and are written AAAA.



French telephone numbers are 10 digits long, usually written in groups of two separated by spaces, in the format 0A BB BB BB BB where 0 (the trunk prefix) was created in 1996 to be a carrier selection code, and A is the «territorial area code» included in the subscriber number A BB BB BB BB.

Sometimes, it is also written in the format 0A.BB.BB.BB.BB using periods instead of spaces, but this is less common.

The A (territorial area code) can be 1 to 5 (for geographic-based numbers, according to location: Paris/Suburbs, northwest France, northeast France, southeast France, and southwest France, respectively), and it designates nationwide numbers when it is 6 or 7 (mobile numbers), 8 (special numbers), or 9 (phone over IP over xDSL/non-geographic numbers).

The numbering plan is a closed one; all digits must always be dialed.

The first two or three B can designate the area (old area code) for geographic numbers, or the operator to whom the number resource belongs.

There are also «short numbers» for emergencies (such as 112), that are written 1C or 1CC; and short numbers for special services, written 10 CC, 11C CCC, or 36 CC. 00 is the international access code.

International format is +33 A BB BB BB BB where the leading trunk prefix 0 disappears (it must not be dialed from abroad). This format can be directly used in mobile phones.


German telephone numbers have no fixed length for area code and subscriber number (an open numbering plan).

There are many ways to format a telephone number in Germany. The most prominent is DIN 5008 but the international format E.123 and Microsoft’s canonical address format are also very common.

Trunk access code is 0 and international call prefix code is 00.

Form Example
DIN 5008 with Extension 0AAAA BBBBBB-XX
DIN 5008 international +49 AAAA BBBBBB
E.123 local (0AAAA) BBBBBB
E.123 international +49 AAAA BBBBBB
Microsoft +49 (AAAA) BBBBBB

Numbers are often written in blocks of two. Example: +49 (A AA) B BB BB (Note the blocks go from right to left)

The very old format and E.123 local form are often used by older people but also for technical reasons.


Greek telephone numbers are ten digits long, and usually written AAB BBBBBBB or AAAB BBBBBB where AAB or AAAB is the 2- or 3-digit national area code plus the first digit of the subscriber number, and BBBBBBB or BBBBBB are the remaining digits of the subscriber number. The entire number must always be dialed, even if calling within the same local area; therefore, the national destination code is not separated from the subscriber number. According to international convention, numbers are sometimes written +30 AAB BBBBBBB or +30 AAAB BBBBBB to include the country calling code.


In Hungary the standard lengths for area codes is two, except for Budapest (the capital), which has the area code 1. Subscribers’ numbers are six digits long in general. Numbers in Budapest and cell phone numbers are seven digits long.


Phone numbers in Iceland are seven digits long and generally written in the form XXX XXXX or XXX-XXXX.


Phone numbers in Ireland are part of an open numbering plan with varying number lengths. The area code system similar to some other northern European countries. Unlike the UK, Irish fixed line numbering is divided into a number of regions which are (except Dublin) further subdivided in a hierarchical structure, with the largest town often (but not always) taking 0A1.

Area codes start with a trunk prefix «0» and extend for up to four digits but usually 3; followed by the local phone number of up to seven digits.

In industry jargon, these area codes and prefixes are referred to as NDCs (National Dialing Codes). This is the term used by ComReg and technical documents, as they include non-geographic codes. Historically, like the UK, the term STD code (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) was used.
However, the terminology is archaic and is no longer universally understood and should not be used to avoid confusion.

Dublin uses the shorter (01) code which is not further subdivided. Other cities and major towns usually have codes ending in 1. Cork for example is 021, Galway 091, Limerick 061 etc.

The leading zero is always omitted when dialling from outside the country.

Local phone numbers are either 5, 6 or 7-digits long. In 7-digit numbering they are usually grouped as BBB BBBB, 6-digit numbers are grouped BBB BBB and 5-digit numbers are normally all grouped together BBBBB

Grouping of numbers is not strictly adhered to, but usually fairly consistent. The area code should always be kept separated with a space or surrounded by brackets and not merged into the local number.

The use of hyphens is discouraged, particularly on websites as it can prevent mobile browsers identifying the number as a clickable link for easier dialling.

Fixed line numbers are normally presented as follows:

  • 01 BBB BBBB for a Dublin number (7 digit)
  • 021 BBB BBBB for a Cork number (7 digit)
  • 064 BBB BBBB for a Killarney number (7 digit)
  • 061 BBB BBB for a Limerick number (6 digit)
  • 098 BBBBB for a Westport number (5 digit)
  • 0404 BBBBB for a Wicklow number (5 digit)

Area codes may also be surrounded by brackets, but this practice is falling out of use, as local dialing without the area code is optional on landlines and the area code must always be dialled on mobile phones.

The Irish telecommunication regulator, ComReg has been gradually rationalising area codes by merging and extending local numbering to 7-digits in the format 0AA BBB BBBB. This is being carried out only where necessary to avoid disruption. This means that varying fixed line number lengths will continue to exist in Ireland for the foreseeable future.

Mobile numbers are presented as follows:


Brackets should not be used around the mobile prefix as it is never optional and must always be dialled, even from another phone with the same prefix.

Special rate numbers, such as free phone/toll free and premium rate are usually grouped:

Freephone: 1800 BB BB BB or (spoken as one-eight-hundred)
Local rate: 1850 BB BB BB (eighteen-fifty)
1550 BB BB BB (read as fifteen-fifty)

However, for memorability, this is not consistently adhered to.

Alphanumeric characters can also be used in presenting numbers for added memorability, but it is much less common than in North America

For example:
18AA 99 TAXI

Note: These special rate numbers are not reachable from outside Ireland and should never be presented as +353 1800 or +353 1550 etc. as this would result in a connection to an unrelated Dublin landline in the +353 1 BBB BBBB range.



Phone numbers in Italy have variable length. There’s no well established convention about how to group digits or which symbol to use, but this is hardly an issue since all the digits are always dialed.


Since 10 October 1995 (Operation Decibel) all telephone numbers in the Netherlands are 10 digits long (including the trunk prefix ‘0’). The area code (‘A’) is commonly separated with a dash (‘-‘) and sometimes a space from the subscriber’s number (‘B’). Alternatively, the area code (including the trunk prefix) can be enclosed in parentheses.

The length of the area code for landlines is either 2 or 3 digits, depending on the population density of the area. This leaves 7 or 6 digits for the subscriber’s number, resulting in a format of either 0AA-BBBBBBB or 0AAA-BBBBBB. Cellphone numbers are assigned the 1-digit area code 6, leaving 8 digits for the subscriber’s number: 06-CBBBBBBB, where subscriber’s number (‘C’) is neither 6 nor 7. Service numbers (area codes 800, 900, 906 and 909) have either 4 or 7 remaining digits, making them 8 or 11 digits in total: 0AAA-BBBB or 0AAA-BBBBBBB. The area code 14 has no trunk prefix and is used for government numbers, currently only for municipalities. The remaining digits represent the area code of the municipality. Therefore, the length 14 numbers total either 5 or 6 digits: 14 0AA or 14 0AAA

The trunk prefix ‘0’ is dropped when prefixed by the country code: +31 AA BBBBBBBB, +31 6 CBBBBBBB, etcetera. Note that there is not a trunk prefix for the 14 series so the international number becomes +31 14 0AAA.


Norwegian telephone numbers are 8 digits long. A number to a fixed line is written in four groups of two separated by spaces, AA AA AA AA. Phone numbers in 8xx series is written in three groups, AAA AA AAA. This makes it easy to determine if the B-number is SMS capable. Mobile numbers start with 4 or 9.


Telephone numbers in Poland are 9 digits long. For mobile phones, the preferred format is AAA-AAA-AAA. For landline phones, the preferred format is AA-BBB-BB-BB, where AA is area code. Occasionally, you can encounter numbers formatted as (AA) BBB-BB-BB. Omitting area code is not permitted, because nowadays it is always required.


Telephone numbers in Portugal Country code +351 are 9 digits long. According to present day a number to a fixed line is written in three groups of two separated by spaces, AAA AAA AAA. Cellphone numbers are written in three groups, AAA AAA AAA. Mobile numbers start with 9.


Starting with 2002 phone numbers in Romania are 10 digits long, the first digit always being 0. The preferred format is AAAA-AAA-AAA for mobile, except for landline phones in Bucharest where the preferred format is AAA-AAA-AA-AA.


Russia has an open numbering plan with 10-digit phone numbers. Trunk prefix is 8 (or 8~CC when using alternative operators, where CC is 21–23, 52–55). International call prefix is 8~10 (or 8~CC when using alternative operators, where CC is 26–29, 56–59). The country code is +7.

Length of geographical area codes (A) is usually 3 to 5 digits; length of non-geographical area codes is 3. The groups of digits in the local subscriber’s number (B) are separated by dashes (‘-‘): BBB-BB-BB, BB-BB-BB, B-BB-BB. The area code is included in parentheses, similarly to E.123 local notation: (AAA) BBB-BB-BB, (AAAA) BB-BB-BB, (AAAAA) B-BB-BB.

Area code dialing is optional in most geographical area codes, except Moscow (area codes 495, 498, 499); it is mandatory for non-geographical area codes. E.123 international and Microsoft formats are used for writing local phone numbers as well; international prefix and country code +7 are replaced with trunk code 8 (or 8~CC) when dialing a mandatory area code.

Even though trunk code is not needed for calls within the same geographical area, recent convention adds the default trunk code to the phone number notation: 8 (AAAA) BB-BB-BB. For mandatory area code dealing plans, notation 8 AAAA BB-BB-BB is used. These formats are a mix of Microsoft format and E.123 local notation.

Mobile phones require full 10-digit number which starts with 3-digit non-geographical area codes 900–990. For international calls abroad or international roaming calls to Russia, E.123 international notation with an international call prefix ‘+’ is the only allowed calling number format. For local calls both 8 and +7 are accepted as a trunk code.

Form Example
Old with area code (AAA) BBB-BB-BB
Conventional 8 (AAA) BBB-BB-BB
Microsoft +7 (AAA) BBB-BB-BB
Conventional (mandatory area code) 8 AAA BBB-BB-BB
E.123 international +7 AAA BBB BB BB


Spanish telephone numbers are nine digits long, starting with ‘9’ or ‘8’ for fixed lines (excluding ’90x’ and ’80x’) or with ‘6’ or ‘7’ for mobile phones.

The first group in fixed lines always identifies the dialed province. That group might be of 2 or 3 digits; for example, 91 and 81 are for Madrid while 925 and 825 are for Toledo. The second group is always of 3 digits as it formerly identified the telephone exchange (it now identifies the telephone area).

When the first group is 2 digits long (as in Madrid), the number is usually written in four groups of 2-3-2-2 digits (AB CCC DD DD)

When the first group is 3 digits long (as in Toledo), the number is usually written in 3 groups of 3 digits (ABB CCC DDD) but the form 3-2-2-2 (ABB CC CD DD) is not uncommon.

Mobile numbers are usually grouped by threes, ABB CCC CCC, but the form 3-2-2-2 is also seen.


Swedish telephone numbers are between eight and ten digits long. They start with a two to four digit area code. A three digit code starting with 07 indicates that the number is for a mobile phone. All national numbers start with one leading 0, and international calls are specified by 00 or +. The numbers are written with the area code followed by a hyphen, and then two to three groups of digits separated by spaces.[6]

Type Format
National 10 digit
National 9 digit
National 8 digit
0A-XX XX XX or
Mobile 10 digit
07A-XXX XX XX or


Swiss telephone numbers are ten digits long, and usually written 0AA BBB BB BB where 0AA is the national destination code and BBB BB BB is the subscriber number. The entire number must always be dialed, including the leading 0, even if calling within a local area, therefore the national destination code is not separated from the subscriber number. According to international convention, numbers are sometimes written +41 AA BBB BB BB to include the country calling code. Certain nationwide destination codes, such as for toll-free or premium-rate telephone numbers, are written 0800 BBB BBB or 0900 BBB BBB. Short numbers are used for emergency services such as 112 that are written 1CC or 1CCC.


In Turkey the format for telephone numbers is commonly seen as 0BBB AAA AA AA. While landline numbers having the prefix 02BB AAA AA AA, 03BB AAA AA AA, or 04BB AAA AA AA[7] mobile numbers have the prefix 05BB AAA AA AA. Landline area codes are separated by cities and only one city, Istanbul, has two area codes: 216 for the Asian side, and 212 for the European side. Mobile numbers however are separated by carriers. There are three mobile carriers in Turkey: Vodafone TR, Turkcell and Turk Telekom. Turkcell has the prefix 053B AAA AA AA, Vodafone TR has the prefix 054B AAA AA AA, and Turk Telekom has the prefix 055B AAA AA AA.

Since 9 November 2008, with the passing of the Number Carriability Regulation by ICTA, mobile numbers can be carried from one mobile carrier to the other, without having to change the prefix.[8] This caused dialing 05BB to call another number on the same carrier to become mandatory. Calls to numbers which were carried to another operator are signaled by a unique sound upon dialing, to signify that the recipient is on another network and alert them against potentially unwanted interconnection charges. The same regulation passed on 10 September 2009 regarding landline numbers, without the requirement to dial the prefix among numbers with the same geographical area, sharing the same prefix.

The «0» on every prefix is an Area Code Exit code that must be dialed when a number with a different area code is being called. So when calling from outside of Turkey those 0s are not dialed. The dialing format when calling from outside Turkey is +90 BBB AAA AA AA and NOT +90 0BBB AAA AA AA. Unlike the North American system, the Country Exit Code isn’t 011 but 00. So it is one «0» to exit area and one more «0» to exit the country.


There are many recommendations for recording phone numbers. The most common in the world is Recommendation E.123 E.123 International Telecommunication Union[9]
and the standard format for Microsoft telephone numbers Microsoft.[10]

There is an international format for recording a telephone number containing the country code, settlement code and telephone number, and the national format containing the settlement code and telephone number.

To record Ukrainian telephone numbers, it should be remembered that the country code for Ukraine is: +380, telephone codes for settlements do not have an initial zero, long-distance prefix: 0.

Writing telephone numbers
Phone number Note
+380 44 123 45 67 E.123, international format: country code, settlement code and telephone number are separated by spaces
(044) 123 45 67 E.123, national format: long-distance prefix and city code in parentheses (national format: long-distance prefix and settlement code in parentheses due to possible confusion needs constant additional clarification), п. 2.8 [9] ), the phone number is separated from the code and separated by spaces
+380 (44) 1234567 Microsoft, international format: country code, space code, settlement code in brackets, space code, telephone number.

Often, they mistakenly write down phone numbers, transferring the last zero from the country code to the settlement code, for example:+38 044 1234567 or +38 (044) 1234567. Such entry is incorrect because the telephone code of Ukraine is +380, and the codes of settlements or codes of mobile networks cannot begin with “0” or “1”.

United Kingdom

Dialling codes, also known as «area codes» are optional for local callers (often surrounded by parentheses, or separated with a dash), though there are trials running to make them mandatory,[11] and are followed by the customer’s telephone number.

Codes with the form 02x are followed by 8-digit local numbers and are usually written as 02x AAAA AAAA or (02x) AAAA AAAA. Area codes with the form 011x or 01×1 are used for many of the major population centres in the UK, are always followed by 7-digit local numbers and are usually written as 01xx AAA BBBB, (01xx) AAA BBBB or 01×1-AAA BBBB (the latter formerly the recommended format for six major metropolitan areas in the UK). Other area codes have the form 01xxx with 5 or 6 figure local numbers written as 01xxx or (01xxx) followed by subscriber number AAAAA or AAAAAA; or have the form 01xx xx with 4 or 5 figure local numbers written as 01xx xx or (01xx xx) followed by subscriber number AAAA or AAAAA.

Numbers for mobile phones and pagers are formatted as 07AAA BBBBBB and most other non-geographic numbers are 10 figures in length (excluding trunk digit ‘0’) and formatted as 0AAA BBB BBBB. However, these numbers are sometimes written in other formats. 9 figure freephone numbers are 0500 AAAAAA and 0800 AAAAAA and there is one number of 8 figures length: 0800 1111 (Childline).

Domestically, there are also a number of special service numbers such as 100 for the operator, 123 for the speaking clock and 155 for the international operator, as well as 118 AAA for various directory enquiry services, and 116 AAA for various helplines. For some services, the number you call will depend on which operator you use to connect the call. 112 and 999 work for calling the emergency services. These numbers cannot be called from abroad.

When calling from abroad, the initial ‘0’ trunk prefix is not required; it is, however, commonplace to represent telephone numbers with both the international code and the ‘0’ trunk prefix — which is typically placed within parentheses — but this representation is inconsistent with the E.123 international standard.[12]

North America

United States, Canada, and other NANP countries

Twenty-four countries and territories share the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), with a single country code, 1. The formatting convention for telephone numbers is NPA-NXX-XXXX, where NPA is the three-digit area code, and NXX-XXXX is the seven-digit subscriber number.[13]
NPA has the same syntax of NXX since the implementation of interchangeable area codes in 1995. The prefix NXX of the subscriber number is a code for the central office, unique in the numbering plan area. The place holder N stands for the digits 2 to 9, as the subscriber number may not begin with the digits 0 and 1. It is a closed telephone numbering plan in which all subscriber telephone numbers have seven digits, in addition to the three-digit area code.

Under all-number calling, a numbering plan introduced around 1960, local calls within an area code were placed by dialing NXX-XXXX, omitting the area code, known as seven-digit dialing. Only calling a destination in a different area code required dialing the destination area code, known as ten-digit dialing. Due to the need for a larger telephone number pool in many regions, seven-digit dialing is becoming rare in the United States. With the rapid growth of telephony in the late 20th century, many metropolitan areas saw the introduction of additional area codes. Multiple area codes were assigned to the same numbering plan area, a configuration known as an overlay numbering plan. Calls within an overlay are still local calls, despite the need for ten-digit dialing.

In general, placing long-distance calls requires dialing the trunk code 1, but this may be optional in some areas.


Canada is a member of the North American Numbering Plan, but administers its numbering resources individually, under guidance from the NANP Administrator. The Canadian government has stated on its Language Portal of Canada that telephone numbers are to be written with a hyphen between each sequence, as follows: 1-NPA-NXX-XXXX or NPA-NXX-XXXX.[14] 10-digit dialing is now required throughout most of Canada, including all of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, as well as most of Ontario. Areas not yet requiring 10-digit dialing are Ontario’s 807 area code, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, the Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, although 10-digit dialing may be accepted in some of these areas.

In the province of Québec, where French is the first language, the Office québécois de la langue française has established that telephone numbers must be written with spaces first and then a hyphen for the last sequence, as follows: 1 NPA NXX-XXXX.[15] Educational institutions of Quebec will mark improperly written telephone numbers as orthographical mistakes in academic texts.[citation needed]


Mexican telephone numbers have ten digits. They can consist of a two-digit (NN) area code and an eight-digit local number (ABCD XXXX) or a three-digit area code (NNN) with a seven-digit local number (ABC XXXX).

As of August 3, 2019 all the indicators and access codes (01, 044, 045) are deprecated, therefore all telephone numbers, for landline or mobile service, are dialed with ten digits.[16]

The formatting convention of a telephone number is


The international country code prefix for Mexico is 52. When dialing a number it must be formatted as «plus sign + country code + 10-digit number» e.g.: +52 NNN ABC XXXX

Central America

Some Central American countries write the country code for their own and other Central American countries in parentheses, instead of using a + sign, as recommended by E.123. For example, for a number in Costa Rica they would write (506) 2222-2222 instead of +506 2222-2222. On the other hand, Guatemala does have the custom of using the + sign. It is quite common for Central American businesses to write the whole phone number, including the country code in parentheses, on business cards, signs, stationery, etc.

Costa Rica

Costa Rican telephone numbers are 8 digits long, and are usually written in the format 2NNN-NNNN (for landlines), 8NNN-NNNN (for mobile telephone numbers from local telephone company ICE), 6NNN-NNNN (for mobile telephone numbers from Movistar) and 7NNN-NNNN (for mobile phone numbers from Claro).[17] Toll-free numbers use the format 800-NNN-NNNN and premium-rate telephone numbers are written 90x-NNN-NNNN where x varies according to the type of service offered. There are also «short numbers» for emergencies such as 911.

When Costa Rica switched from 7 to 8 digit numbers, it used a scheme similar to the 8 digit number scheme already in place in El Salvador at that time.

El Salvador

El Salvadoran telephone numbers are 8 digits long, usually written in the format 2NNN-NNNN (for landline use) and 7NNN-NNNN (for mobile telephone numbers). Premium-rate numbers start with a 9.


Guatemalan telephone numbers are 8 digits long and written in the format 2NNN-NNNN for landlines in Guatemala City, 6NNN-NNNN for landlines for the rest of municipalities in the Guatemala Department, and 7NNN-NNNN for landlines in Rural Guatemala / rest of country. Non-geographic numbers (mobile) are 5NNN-NNNN, 4NNN-NNNN, and 3NNN-NNNN. Within each area, there are different service providers. The following 3 digits indicate the service provider. However, their assignment is on a first-come first-served basis.

Additionally there are special numbers with the following conventions: 3 digit numbers for emergency systems, four digit numbers, 15NN for information and governmental institutions and 17NN for commercial and banking institutions with a high call influx, 6 digit numbers for Telephone carriers numbers and making operator assisted calls, collect calls. These calls are billed at different rates. 1-800: Toll-free calls redirected to out of country offices and 1-801: Local toll-free calls.[18]


Honduran telephone numbers have either 7 digits (for landlines), which are usually written NNN-NNNN, or 8 digits (for mobile numbers), which are written NNNN-NNNN. The fact that landline and mobile numbers are different lengths sometimes causes confusion.

In 2010, an additional digit (2) was added to the start of land line numbers, thus standardizing the length at 8 digits.

South America


Argentine telephone numbers always consist of 11 digits, including the geographical area code.

Area code

The area code can have 3, 4 or 5 digits, the first being always 0 (indicative of long distance calls). Moreover, in 1999 the whole country (except Buenos Aires, and Greater Buenos Aires) was divided into two zones. Roughly and with exceptions, one includes most of the northern half of the country; and the other, most of the southern half, though the actual reason for this division is not geographical, but the fact that each zone is administered by a different company.

So, the second digit of area codes can be 1 (only in Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires code «011») or else a 2 (for towns in the southern half of the country) or a 3 (for the northern half). For example, (011) for Buenos Aires, (0341) for Rosario, (02627) for San Rafael. And the subscriber’s number will accordingly have 6, 7 or 8 digits, to complete the eleven digits.

Phone numbers are mostly written as:

  • (011) xxxx-xxxx (Note that only the (011) code has 3 digits),
  • (0xxx) xxx-xxxx or
  • (0xxxx) xx-xxxx

The area code is usually written between brackets.

Subscriber number

In 1999, a general reform was introduced to telephone numbers, including the 1, 2 and 3 for area codes as explained above, and adding a 4 at the beginning of all subscriber’s numbers. However, since the reform some local numbers starting with a 5 are beginning to appear. Moreover, a hyphen is usually placed to separate the last four digits. Code areas do not usually include one single city or town, but several neighbouring towns. So, the part before the hyphen (called a prefix) is usually indicative of either a town within the code area, or even of a part of a larger city, which is assigned several prefixes. As a matter of fact, each area code has only a limited number of prefixes assigned, and these are locally limited within the area.

For example, the (0342) area has numbers with a 456- prefix, mostly located in the centre of Santa Fe. It also has numbers with a 460- prefix, usually for phone lines in the north east of the city. And there are lines with a 474- prefix, located in Santo Tomé. But no 444- prefix exists within this area. As for the part after the hyphen, it may usually be any succession of four digits, though sometimes a prefix is shared by two or more small towns, and then, the first digit after the hyphen carries the distinction between towns.

Sometimes, a prefix is reserved for official numbers, that is for offices depending on the national, provincial or local state. In the (0342) area, this is 457-, and phones within this prefix communicate with each other, by simply dialing the four final digits, though from other phones the prefix must be dialled as well.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones use the same area codes as landline telephones, but the number begins with a «15», added to a string of 6, 7 or 8 digits, just as described above. After the «15», the remainder of the number can start with a 3, a 4, a 5 or a 6. This «15» may be dropped when a call is made to a mobile phone in a different code area. And when sending text messages, the receiver’s number is best dialled both without the «15» and with the long distance code, even if both sender and receiver share a code area, but without the initial «0».

To sum up, given the mobile phone (011) 154-123-4567, you will call it by dialing:

  • 154-123-4567 (within the same code area),
  • (011) [15]4-123-4567 (from a different code area, including or omitting the 15),

And you will send messages to:

  • 11 4-123-4567 (even when your phone has also a 011 number).

Special numbers

Two sorts of special numbers exist in Argentina. On the one hand, three-digit numbers are used for special services such as to call the police, fire brigade or emergency doctors, as well as to hear the official time. Also telephone companies have three-digit numbers to report a problem in the lines, or to ask for another subscriber’s number, when a paper directory is not available.

Additionally, there are other longer numbers. These include (but are not limited to):

  • 0800 xxx abcd
  • 0810 xxx abcd
  • 0600 xxx abcd

(where the xxx indicates the same digit dialled three times, and a, b, c and d may each be any of the ten digits)

0800 lines are used by companies, and it is the receiver and not the caller who pays for the call, so that potential clients are encouraged to contact business companies for free.

0810 lines are paid by the caller, but the cost is for a local call, even if you are calling from a different area. The remaining is covered by the receiver.

And 0600 numbers are special more expensive lines, that serve such purposes as TV games, fund collecting for charity companies, hot lines, etc. Basically a part of the extra money charged to the caller is sent to the owner of the line.

Often the abcd or even (xx)xabcd part of the number is chosen, if available, to form a word that is representative of the company holding the number.


Brazil is divided into 67 two-digit geographical area codes, all of which with eight-digit numbers, in the format AA NNNN-NNNN, except for cell phones, which contain nine digits, usually in the format AA 9NNNN-NNNN.


Peru uses 2-digit area codes followed by 6-digit subscriber numbers outside of Lima. In Lima the area code is «1» and the subscriber number has 7 digits, divided XXX XXXX. The «trunk 0» is often used, especially for numbers outside Lima. For example, a phone number in Arequipa might be written (054) XX-XXXX.

Cellphone numbers used to have 8 digits with the first digit always being 9. In 2008 an additional digit was added to cellphone numbers, while land numbers remained the same. The previous convention for cell numbers in Lima was usually 9XXX XXXX, though 9-XXX XXXX was also used. With the new 9-digit number, the form 9XX XXX XXX is becoming increasingly common as opposed to 9 XXXX XXXX, 9X XXX XXXX or 9XXXX XXXX.

Outside Lima cellphone numbers used to be 9 followed by six digits, i.e., 9 XXX XXX. The 2008 changes were somewhat more complicated. In four departments (similar to states), a 2 digit code now has to be entered before the 9. In the example of Arequipa, the code of 95 has to be entered before the 9, so the new numeration is 959 XXX XXX. The other codes are 94 for La Libertad (Trujillo), 96 for Piura and 97 for Lambayeque (Chiclayo). In the other 19 rural departments, the 9 is followed by the department’s 2-digit area code then the 6-digit subscriber number. For example, the area code for Cusco is 84, so their new cellphone numeration is 984 XXX XXX. The effect is that all Peruvian cellphone numbers now have 9 digits; under the old system they had 8 digits in Lima and 7 everywhere else.[19]

International Telecommunication Union

The sector issued recommendation entitled Notation for national and international telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and Web addresses.

See also

  • Long distance calling
  • Short code


  1. ^ «Karachi and Lahore now have eight digit phone numbers. In the near future this will be extended to other metros». Daily Times (Pakistan). 2009-07-08. Retrieved 2009-10-01.
  2. ^ «Sri Lanka (country code +94)». International Telecommunication Union. Retrieved September 1, 2022.
  3. ^ «Telephones». Thailand Guru. Retrieved 20 August 2019.
  4. ^ «Help with your landline | Spark NZ». www.spark.co.nz. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  5. ^ ComReg, «National Numbering Conventions V 7.0
  6. ^ «Myndigheternas skrivregler» (PDF). Institutet för språk och folkminnen. Språkrådet. Retrieved 14 September 2018.
  7. ^ «Türk Telekom». www.ttrehber.turktelekom.com.tr. Archived from the original on 2008-09-04.
  8. ^ «Numara Taşınabilirliği Bilgi Sitesi». www.nts.gov.tr. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  9. ^ a b
    «Recommendation E.123 (02/01)». ITU. January 2002. Archived from the original on 2013-08-04. Retrieved 2013-05-23.
  10. ^
    «Common phone number format» (in Russian). Microsoft. January 2005. Archived from the original on 2013-07-06. Retrieved 2013-05-23.
  11. ^ «BT Help | Help and Support for BT Products | BT». www.bt.com. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  12. ^ «RevK’s rants: It is not +44 (0)207 123 4567, it is +44 20 7123 4567». revk.www.me.uk. Archived from the original on 2009-09-23.
  13. ^ «NANPA : North American Numbering Plan Administration — About Us». www.nationalnanpa.com. Retrieved 2018-02-07.
  14. ^ Government of Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada (2009-10-08). «To Drop or Not to Drop Parentheses in Telephone Numbers — Search by Title — Favourite Articles — TERMIUM Plus® — Translation Bureau». www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  15. ^ «numéro de téléphone». gdt.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca. Retrieved 2019-06-07.
  16. ^ «Marcación a 10 Dígitos | Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones». www.ift.org.mx. Retrieved 2019-09-28.
  17. ^ «Movistar y Claro ya tienen números para sus servicios celulares». La Nación.
  18. ^ «PLAN DE NUMERACIÓN PARA LA REPÚBLICA DE GUATEMALA» (PDF). www.sit.gob.gt. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-10-27. Retrieved 2012-07-18.
  19. ^ «Nueva Numeración para Celulares». www.deperu.com. Archived from the original on 2008-03-19.

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:

Здесь был Вася

Правильно написанный телефонный номер помогает вашему клиенту или другу дозвониться без хлопот. Если вам не безразлично, как человек будет вас искать, уделите внимание этому вопросу. Запись телефонных номеров менялась более ста лет с момента изобретения телефона, как менялись и сами номера (например, до 1968 года телефонные номера в СССР записывались с буквами).

Коротко о записи российских номеров

Углубимся. С чего начинать номер? +7 или 8

Запись российских (и, кстати, казахских и абхазских) номеров начинается с кода страны: +7. Россия и Казахстан унаследовали семерку от СССР (вы знали, что международный код СССР был +7?). А восьмёрка — это принятый внутри СССР код выхода на межгород, которым мы пользуемся до сих пор на стационарных телефонах. Для международных звонков со стационарных телефонов мы набираем 8 10. Правила выхода на международную линию разные во всех странах:

Россия → Австралия 8 10 61 356 65-43-21 +61 356 65-43-21
код выхода код страны код города номер абонента номер целиком
Австралия → Россия 00 11 7 495 765-43-21 +7 495 765-43-21
Турция → Россия 00 7 495 765-43-21
Япония → Россия 010 7 495 765-43-21

Т. е. записывая номер через восьмёрку, вам придется объяснить иностранцу, что, во-первых, ему надо звонить в Россию (а не Вьетнам или Южную Корею, телефоны которых начинаются с восьмёрки), во-вторых, что восьмёрку ему не надо набирать вовсе, а вместо нее надо набирать семёрку.

Вы также не сможете дозвониться из-за границы домой, набирая номер через восьмёрку. Вот почему в своей записной книжке я начинаю номера с кода страны.

В рекламе, на сайтах и т. д. также некорректно использовать восьмёрку, либо таким номерам следует давать пояснение: только для России.

Интересно, что в Беларуси (и некоторых других странах бывшего Союза) также сохранился принцип выхода на межгород существовавший в СССР. Т. е. владелец белорусского интернет-магазина, указавший номер через восьмёрку, затруднит жизнь своим потенциальным клиентам из России. Они просто не смогут дозвониться, если не обратят внимания, что магазин находится в другой стране. Как быть? Начинать номер с кода страны:

Где ставить скобки в телефонном номере?

Нет жёстких правил в отношении скобок. Но есть нормы русского языка (скобки используются для поясняющей или дополняющей информации). Поэтому в скобки следует брать необязательную часть телефонного номера.

Брянск Питер Москва Мобильные номера
(+7 48-32) 54-32-10 (+7 812) 765-43-21 +7 495 765-43-21 +7 987 654-32-10

Внутри некоторых городов код не обязателен к набору и может опускаться. При этом скобки в таких случаях можно как опускать, так и использовать при написании. Т. е. брянский номер можно было написать без скобок +7 48-32 54-32-10 и даже без кода города 54-32-10 (если из контекста понятно, о каком городе речь). Скобки упрощают восприятие номера, разбивая его на необязательную и обязательную части.

В московских и мобильных номерах скобки не ставятся

В Москве, после введения дополнительного префикса 499, записывать код города в скобках уже будет некорректно. Поэтому московские номера следует писать без скобок: +7 495 765-43-21 или +7 499 765-43-21.

В номерах мобильных телефонов все цифры обязательны к набору. А запись +7 (987) 654-32-10 и вовсе выглядит нелепо — не набрав код оператора вы вряд ли куда-либо дозвонитесь.


Номер телефона на сайте

1. Стандарты написания номеров

1. Код России — +7 (международный стандарт E.164).

2. Написание номера телефона.

2. Общепринятые правила

Тел. 93-71-03 (местный номер, звонки по Хабаровску).
Тел. 8 (4212) 93-71-03 (звонки в Хабаровск из России, где 8 — общероссийский код доступа в межгород).
Тел. +7 (4212) 93-71-03 (звонки в Хабаровск не из России и в Хабаровск из России). Код +7 — международный код России и код доступа к международной связи.

Номера мобильных телефонов

+7 924 403-71-03 (в Россию) или 8 924 403-71-03 (по России). Код оператора (924) в скобки НЕ заключается.

3. Сложности при просмотре сайта на смартфонах

Варианты написания номера на сайте

1) Тел. 93-71-03 — ни тапнуть, ни позвонить. Смартфоны не распознают этот номер как телефонный.
2) Тел. (4212) 93-71-03 — тапнуть можно, позвонить нельзя — номер набран неправильно, так как нет первичного кода доступа: 8 или +7.

Писать номер с 8 или +7 с указанием кода региона/города:
Тел. 8 (4212) 93-71-03 или +7 (4212) 93-71-03 — можно и тапнуть и позвонить. Номер выделяется как ссылка цветом и подчеркиванием.

Обернуть номер телефона или призыв к звонку ссылкой со словом tel:. Такой номер выделяется как ссылка цветом и подчеркиванием.

Чтобы ссылка телефона не выделялась, можно применить стили. Например:

Чтобы Айфон или Айпад не определял телефонные номера, нужно вставить код:

4. Красивый рекламный номер

Номер телефона отдела продаж компании «Кышл-Мышл» — Рекламщики превратили его в «три пятёрки два два шесть». Так номер легко проговорить и запомнить на слух. Именно в таком виде он крутится по радио и телевизору.

Варианты написания «на сайте

1) Тел. 555-2-2-6
Читается как «пятьсот пятьдесят пять два два шесть». Прочитывается и запоминается сложнее чем медийный вариант. Более того, такой набор распознаётся не всеми посетителями сайта как номер телефона. Смартфоны и поисковики тоже в недоумении.
2) Тел. 555-226
Читается как «пятьсот пятьдесят пять двести двадцать шесть». Запомнить можно, но номер звучит уже не так красиво.
3) Тел. 55-52-26
Читается как «пятьдесят пять пятьдесят два двадцать шесть». Напрочь теряется эффект звучного и певучего номера. Запоминается с трудом.

Вывод — нужно подбирать номер, который не только легко проговаривается, но и читается в привычном для города формате.


Номер телефона России в международном формате

Номер телефона России в международном формате

Многие российские абоненты сотовой связи используют набор телефонных номеров через восьмерку. Однако, если вам потребовалось совершить звонок на российский номер либо отправить сообщение находясь в заграничной поездке, то такой вариант набора номера не позволит вам совершить голосовой вызов, а сообщение не поступит адресату, поскольку будет указан неверный формат номера телефона.

Рассказываем про использование международного формата набора номеров России: как правильно писать номер городского телефона и сотовых операторов МТС, Билайн, МегаФон и Теле2, и почему рекомендуется сохранять в мобильном телефонные номера не через восьмерку.

Что означает формат номера

Номера телефонов сегодня окружают нас в самых разных сферах жизни, и мы используем мобильные не только для звонков и отправки сообщений. Так, при регистрации на различных ресурсах может потребоваться указать свой номер.

Однако, если вы обратите внимание, то заметите, что иногда требуется написать свой номер мобильного телефона России в международном формате с использованием кода страны, и если правильно не указать номер сотового, то система не примет его для регистрации. Именно поэтому, чтобы избежать оповещения неправильного или некорректного формата номера, необходимо знать, как правильно пишется номер телефона России в международном формате.

Для начала расскажем, что же значит номер телефона в международном формате, и отличается ли то, как правильно написать с кодом страны мобильный телефон России либо городской.

В любой стране мира используется единый стандарт при наборе номеров телефона, как мобильных, так и городских. Однако во многих странах могут действовать параллельно с международным форматом набора номера, национальные.

Так, в российских сетях достукается совершать вызовы через восьмерку — это национальный вариант набора номера. В данном случае восьмерка является выходом на междугородную линию, а в большинстве европейских стран, вместо восьмерки используется ноль.

Однако, независимо от страны, а также от действующего национального формата набора номеров телефона, вы можете всегда дозвониться, если набрать его в международном.

Рассмотрим международный формат мобильных и городских номеров телефона на примере использования кода страны России.

При использовании международного формата набора телефонного номера, для выхода на межгород и международную линию, используется знак плюс. На мобильном телефоне его можно набрать, если удерживать клавишу “ноль”.

Далее идет код страны, состоящий из одной-трех цифр. Для примера, международный код России — семерка, США — единица, Франции — 33, а Украина — 380.

После того ка вы набрали знак плюс и код страны, необходимо указать код региона либо оператора подвижной связи, и непосредственно абонентский номер.

Если говорить про набор номера мобильного телефона России в международном формате, то стоит знать, что все коды операторов трехзначные, и всегда начинаются с девятки. Если в начале кода другая цифра, то этот номер не является сотовым.

А вот коды регионов России при использовании как национального, так международного формата набора телефонного номера, могут состоять из трех, четырех, либо пяти цифр. Так, в Москве используются трехзначные коды 495 и 499. А вот в Мурманске используется четырехзначный код 8152.

От того, сколько цифр в коде региона, зависит и сколько цифр в номере абонента. Это связано с тем, что все телефонный номера (код и номер абонента) состоят из десяти цифр. Именно потому, что в Мурманске используются шестизначные номера, код региона состоит из четырех цифр.

Как набирать и указывать номер правильно

Если вам потребовалось ввести номер телефона абонента России в международном формате, то начните со знака “плюс”. При наборе с телефона удерживайте ноль.

Обратите внимание, что при указании в формах на сайтах либо в мессенджерах, знак плюса может быть уже указан.

Далее необходимо указать код страны — для России семерку.

После этого введите код оператора или региона, и телефонный номер абонента. Таким образом, после плюса, вам необходимо ввести одиннадцать цифр номер телефона России в международном формате.

Аналогичным образом вы можете использовать правила набора номера в международном формате для любой другой страны.

В каком формате лучше сохранять номера?

Многие спрашивают, почему рекомендуется вводить номера при сохранении в контактах в международном формате, а не с использованием доступного в России набора через восьмерку.

Это связанно с тем, что при сохранении номера в международном формате, у вас не возникнет сложностей при использовании своего телефона в другой стране во время рабочей командировки либо в путешествии. Несмотря на то, что в роуминге вы используете свой российский номер, сим-карта регистрируется в сети другой страны, и для звонка в Россию, либо при отправке SMS, обязательно пользоваться международным форматом.

Полезным будет и сохранение номера телефона в международном формате, если вы не путешествуете за границу. Так, если вам потребуется указать номер либо отправить контакт другому человеку, то вы сделаете это правильно, если будете использовать международный формат.

Также не стоит забывать, что большинство используемых нами мессенджеров используют контакты на телефоне, для поиска пользователей. Указание номеров в международном формате избавит вас от ошибок при использовании контактов для общения со своими близкими и друзьями.


Как правильно писать телефонные номера

Казалось бы, что сложного в написании телефонного номера? Сложного, действительно, ничего нет, но есть нюансы. Правильно написанный телефонный номер увеличит шансы, что клиент дозвониться до вашей компании. Ваш текст, сайт или буклет будет выглядеть более профессионально, если телефонный номер будет написан правильно.

С чего начинать номер: +7 или 8?

Запись российских номеров правильно начинать с кода +7. Это международный код России. Если номер указан с префиксом +7, то по этому номеру к вам могут дозвониться из-за границы. А префикс 8 — это атавизм, оставшийся со времён СССР. Это был код выхода на междугороднюю связь внутри страны. «Восьмёрка» и сейчас продолжает работать на стационарных телефонах, но если вы хотите увеличить шансы, чтобы к вам дозвонились, указывайте в телефонном номере только код +7.

Как группировать цифры номера? Использовать пробелы или дефис?

Цифры в телефонном номере группируются по две справа налево. Если в первой группе цифр телефонного номера одна цифра, ее допустимо объединять в одну группу со следующими двумя цифрами. Например: 591-85-60; 445-02. Телефонные номера с удачным расположением цифр допускается оформлять иначе: 222-8-222. Группы цифр отделяются друг от друга дефисами, но допускается отделение пробелами.

Нужны ли скобки?

Строгих правил по поводу скобок нет. Здесь можно руководствоваться тем, что в русском языке в скобки заключается дополнительная информация, поясняющая основную. Код города можно считать поясняющей информацией, ведь часто можно обойтись и без кода, если номер предназначен для использования только внутри города. А вот для мобильных номеров код оператора совершенно необходим, так как без этого кода дозвониться не удастся.

Мобильные номера: +7 922 670-45-10

Городские номера: +7 (351) 765-43-21, допустимо: (351) 765-43-21 или 765-43-21.

В Москве существует два городских телефонных кода 495 и 499, поэтому правильным будет указывать московские городские телефонные номера так же, как и мобильные номера, то есть без скобок: +7 495 555-50-50, +7 499 444-45-50.

(7 голосов, оценка: 4,29 из 5)


Поиск ответа

как правильно? улица Светлая, дом 15, литер А (или а)

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Верно: 7 5а (без пробела, без кавычек).

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как грамотно пишутся номера домов с цифрами (дом 5а )- раздельно-слитно, цифры прописными-строчными?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Литеру принято писать слитно с последней цифрой номера: _дом 5а _.

Скажите, пожалуйста, как правильно просклонять Фамилию Баланчин в творительном падеже? Спасибо. Надежда

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Если это русск 5а я фамилия, правильно: _Баланчиным_, если иностранная, правильно: _Баланчином_.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется домашний номер телефона, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется домашний номер телефона», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Как позвонить на фиксированный номер?

При звонке на стационарный (городской) телефон

  • 8 (код города) (номер абонента);
  • + 7 (код города) (номер абонента).
  1. Как позвонить на пятизначный номер?
  2. Как позвонить на домашний номер телефона?
  3. Как позвонить в Кишинев на стационарный телефон?
  4. Что за номер 717?
  5. Как позвонить при нуле?
  6. Как звонить на городской с мобильного бесплатно?
  7. Как позвонить на городской номер с айфона?
  8. Как пишется домашний номер телефона?
  9. Как позвонить на трехзначный номер с мобильного телефона?
  10. Как правильно записать номер телефона?
  11. Как со стационарного позвонить?
  12. Как звонить на домашний в Молдове?
  13. Какой код телефона в Кишиневе?
  14. Как звонить через восьмерку?
  15. Какая разница между +7 и 8 в начале номера?
  16. Как звонить через +7?
  17. Как набрать номер телефона с мобильного телефона на стационарный в Джанкой?
  18. Чем отличается домашний телефон от сотового?
  19. Что за код города 8172?
  20. Сколько цифр в номере домашнего телефона?
  21. Как сделать Кликабельным номер телефона?
  22. Как позвонить на внутренний номер ржд?

Как позвонить на пятизначный номер?

Пример: чтобы позвонить на номер 8-495-123-45-67 необходимо набрать 9-8-495-123-4567. — звонок на пятизначные корпоративные номера — набрать префикс «0» и далее пятизначный номер. Пример: а) чтобы позвонить на номер 26000 надо набрать 0-26000.

Как позвонить на домашний номер телефона?

Чтобы дозвониться на городской номер с мобильного телефона, необходимо набрать +375 — код города — номер телефона, где «+» — это символ, указывающий на необходимость набора международного префикса в соответствии с национальным планом нумерации страны, из которой исходит вызов.

Как позвонить в Кишинев на стационарный телефон?

Пользователю нужно набрать «0» + код географического региона + номер абонента. Жителям Кишинева для того, что бы позвонить на фиксированный номер в пределах столицы, нужно будет набрать 0 22 +6-значный номер абонента. Жители других населенных пунктов должны набрать соответствующий код + 5-значный номер абонента.

Что за номер 717?

717 2 3x-xx-xx — Казахтелеком

Как позвонить при нуле?

Если баланс на вашем телефоне упал до нуля, наберите команду *140*7XXXXXXXXXX#, где «7XXXXXXXXXX» − номер вызываемого абонента, или позвоните, поставив «звездочку» перед номером абонента *7XXXXXXXXXX.

Как звонить на городской с мобильного бесплатно?

Если вам нужно позвонить с мобильного телефона в Казахстане на любой домашний (стационарный) телефон абонента тоже в Казахстане — нужно набрать цифру «7» (это выход на межгород), далее код города, затем номер абонента.

Как позвонить на городской номер с айфона?

Нужно дозвониться в маленький городишко, номера стационарные — пятизначные. Код города тоже пятизначный. 8 (81756) 2-14-68.

Как пишется домашний номер телефона?

Россия Код России (7), код города, номер абонента. Например: 74232497777 (Владивосток). Альтернативные операторы связи России, имеющие собственные коды Код России (7), код оператора, номер абонента.

Как позвонить на трехзначный номер с мобильного телефона?

Для трехзначного номера: 8-843-99-ХХХ-11. Если код города состоит из 4-х знаков, то набираем только три первых знака. Например: код города Набережные Челны — 8552, набираем 8-855-99-XX-111.

Как правильно записать номер телефона?

Номера телефонов принято писать, отделяя дефисом по две цифры справа налево, например: 2-99-85-90; 2-95. В номерах телефонов с числом цифр больше шести отделяют крайнюю левую группу в три цифры: 990-00-00.

Как со стационарного позвонить?

Главным правилом при звонках со стационарного на сотовый телефон является набор номера через «8», которую надо ставить перед вводом любого номера. Стандартный российский код «+7», использующийся на мобильных устройствах, на стационарных просто невозможно набрать.

Как звонить на домашний в Молдове?

Порядок набора телефонного номера для Молдовы (код 373 = код Молдовы)


Код страны

Код города













Какой код телефона в Кишиневе?

Все международные номера пользователей данной телефонной сети имеют общее начало +373 — называемый префиксом или телефонным кодом страны.

Как звонить через восьмерку?

Правила набора номера при международном вызове: 8 — 10 (код страны) — (код города) — номер вызываемого абонента.

Какая разница между +7 и 8 в начале номера?

Если вы находитесь в России, то разницы действительно нет, а вот если оказались за ее пределами и хотите позвонить на родину, важно набрать в начале номера +7. «+» обозначает международный формат, а «7» — код России и Казахстана. Но почему именно 8?

Как звонить через +7?

При звонке на городской номер: + (код страны) (код города) номер городского телефона. Для звонка в Россию: + 7 (код города) номер городского телефона или +7 номер мобильного телефона.

Как набрать номер телефона с мобильного телефона на стационарный в Джанкой?

Местное время:

  • С мобильного телефона в России: +7-(36564)-x-xx-xx или 8-(36564)-x-xx-xx.
  • Со стационарного телефона в России: 8-(36564)-x-xx-xx.
  • Из заграницы: 007-(36564)-x-xx-xx.

Чем отличается домашний телефон от сотового?

Как и проводные телефоны, стационарные сотовые телефоны отличаются по набору функций. Наиболее востребованные функции и режимы — прием и отправка SMS, автоответчик, телефонная книга, память вызовов, автодозвон и громкая связь. Стационарные сотовые телефоны получают питание от электросети.

Что за код города 8172?

Код города Вологда.

Телефонный код города Вологда: 8172.

Сколько цифр в номере домашнего телефона?

Общие правила для телефонных звонков по России:

Телефонный код города и номер абонента должны в сумме состоять из десяти знаков. Коды области трехзначные. Если в номере абонента меньше 7 знаков, после кода области надо набирать цифру 2 до десятизначного номера.

Как сделать Кликабельным номер телефона?

Как сделать номер телефона на сайте кликабельным:

  • тег <a> </a>;
  • внутри него, вместо троеточия — атрибут href=«», который отвечает за ссылку;
  • между кавычками атрибута вставьте параметр tel:;
  • после двоеточия впишите номер в международном формате, со знаком плюс перед ним, без пробелов и тире.

Как позвонить на внутренний номер ржд?


Полное наименование общества

Открытое акционерное общество «Российские железные дороги»

Пассажирские перевозки

Телефон Центра поддержки клиентов ОАО «РЖД»

8 (800) 775-00-00 (звонок бесплатный из всех регионов РФ) +7 (499) 605-20-00 (по всему миру, оплата в соответствии с тарифами вашего оператора связи)


Казалось бы, что сложного в написании телефонного номера? Сложного, действительно, ничего нет, но есть нюансы.  Правильно написанный телефонный номер увеличит шансы, что клиент дозвониться до вашей компании. Ваш текст, сайт или буклет будет выглядеть более профессионально, если телефонный номер будет написан правильно.

С чего начинать номер: +7 или 8?

Запись российских номеров правильно начинать с кода +7. Это международный код России. Если номер указан с префиксом +7, то по этому номеру к вам могут дозвониться из-за границы. А префикс 8 — это атавизм, оставшийся со времён СССР. Это был код выхода на междугороднюю связь внутри страны. «Восьмёрка» и сейчас продолжает работать на стационарных телефонах, но если вы хотите увеличить шансы, чтобы к вам дозвонились, указывайте в телефонном номере только код +7.

Как правильно писать телефонные номера

Как группировать цифры номера? Использовать пробелы или дефис?

Цифры в телефонном номере группируются по две справа налево. Если в первой группе цифр телефонного номера одна цифра, ее допустимо объединять в одну группу со следующими двумя цифрами. Например: 591-85-60; 445-02.  Телефонные номера с удачным расположением цифр допускается оформлять иначе: 222-8-222.  Группы цифр отделяются друг от друга дефисами, но допускается отделение пробелами.

Нужны ли скобки?

Строгих правил по поводу скобок нет. Здесь можно руководствоваться тем, что в русском языке в скобки заключается дополнительная информация, поясняющая основную. Код города можно считать поясняющей информацией, ведь часто можно обойтись и без кода, если номер предназначен для использования только внутри города. А вот для мобильных номеров код оператора совершенно необходим, так как без этого кода дозвониться не удастся.

Мобильные номера: +7 922 670-45-10

Городские номера: +7 (351) 765-43-21, допустимо: (351) 765-43-21 или 765-43-21.

В Москве существует два городских телефонных кода 495 и 499, поэтому правильным будет указывать московские городские телефонные номера так же, как и мобильные номера, то есть без скобок: +7 495 555-50-50, +7 499 444-45-50.

Как правильно писать телефонные номераКак правильно писать телефонные номераКак правильно писать телефонные номераКак правильно писать телефонные номераКак правильно писать телефонные номера (9 голосов, оценка: 4,33 из 5)
Как правильно писать телефонные номера Загрузка…


Известно, что первые слова, сказанные по телефону 10 марта 1876 года, принадлежат шотландскому изобретателю Александру Грэму Беллу: Mr. Watson — Come here — I want to see you («Мистер Ватсон, зайдите, я хочу вас видеть» — англ.). Чтобы позвонить в соседнюю комнату своему помощнику, Беллу не пришлось набирать номер — в мире на тот момент было только два телефонных аппарата.


Набросок устройства телефонного аппарата, сделанный Беллом. Предположительно 1876 год


Прошло несколько лет. Абонентов стало много. Аппаратов — тоже. Появились городские телефонные сети, каждому аппарату присвоили номер. Можно было позвонить на другой аппарат, назвав требуемый номер телефонистке.


В 1910 году в США, наиболее телефонизированной по тем временам стране, было более семи миллионов абонентов. В России — 155 тысяч. Обычный телефонный номер того времени был четырехзначным, в крупных городах — пятизначным. Чтобы позвонить за пределы городской сети, абоненту требовалось назвать телефонистке город и номер. Разговор заказывали и ждали.


В десятых годах XX века автоматические телефонные станции (АТС) постепенно стали вытеснять «барышень», которые соединяли абонентов вручную. К началу Первой мировой войны в США было более ста АТС, в Германии — семь, в Великобритании — две. В Москве первая такая станция появилась только в 1924 году в Кремле. Городская АТС заработала в 1930 году.


У них

Американцы, раньше всех столкнувшиеся с семизначными номерами, решили проблему запоминания (а тогда казалось, что семизначные номера помнить сложно) при помощи мнемонических правил — первые три цифры заменялись буквами, с которых начиналось какое-нибудь слово. По техническим соображениям в Америке на единицу не начинался ни один номер. По историческим соображениям ноль всегда использовался для вызова телефонистки. Таким образом, любой американский номер мог начинаться на любую цифру, кроме 1 и 0.


Мнемонические правила до середины 1960-х использовались в Лондоне и Париже. Американцы сначала использовали схему ABC-4567 (три буквы — четыре цифры). Так как запас новых слов, начинающихся с нужных трех букв, подходил к концу, в 1930 году Нью-Йорк, а в 1947-1948 годах и остальные города были переведены на схему AB3-4567.


Номера писались (и произносились) так:


1924 год. Номер телефона TREmont 3106 (873-3106)


1948 год. Номер телефона HArrison 7-8723 (427-8723)


1960 год. Фильм с Элизабет Тейлор BUtterfield 8 (288)


У нас

Все, что было связано с телефоном (от аппаратов до станций), приходило в Россию с Запада. Международное телефонное общество Белла из Нью-Йорка в 1881 году заключило с российским правительством контракт на устройство и эксплуатацию телефонных сетей в Санкт-Петербурге, Москве, Варшаве, Одессе, Риге и Лодзи сроком на двадцать лет.


В России компания «Л. М. Эриксон и Ко» открыла свою первую станцию в 1893 году — в Киеве. В конце XIX века бывший владелец мастерской по ремонту телеграфных аппаратов Ларс Магнус Эриксон имел в России самый большой рынок сбыта и хотел даже переехать в Петербург. Сегодня компания «Эриксон» в своем годовом отчете описывает это так: «Уже в конце 1890-х Эриксон вел дела по всему миру, включая такие страны, как Китай, Россия и Мексика».


В 1900 году Эриксон построил свою первую зарубежную фабрику — в Санкт-Петербурге. В 1927 году она была переименована в «Красную зарю» и начала выпускать первые советские телефонные аппараты.


В Милютинском переулке в Москве находилась крупнейшая в Европе телефонная станция, которой владело Русско-датско-шведское акционерное общество (здание до сих пор используется в качестве телефонного узла). В 1917 году революционно настроенные массы в течение пяти дней осаждали засевших в здании юнкеров. Через пять дней ни одного юнкера не осталось, а из шестидесяти тысяч номеров работало около десяти тысяч. В 1920 году Совнарком распорядился отобрать у частных лиц все телефонные установки — номеров не хватало.


Хозяйке на заметку

Автоматический набор номера производился с телефонного аппарата, снабженного наборным диском. Предыдущие модели телефонов были с прямым выходом на телефонистку или с индуктором (той самой ручкой для звонков в Смольный), который также соединял с телефонисткой.

Телефоны с дисковым набором были редкостью и устанавливались только у важных лиц (двести номеров в Кремле и двадцать — в научно-техническом отделе ВСНХ). Такие аппараты называли вертушками. Сегодня это слово осталось в языке как обозначение прямого правительственного телефона в кабинете у большого начальника, хотя в современных «вертушках» номеронабиратель либо кнопочный, либо его нет вовсе.


Последнее, что могло волновать СССР в двадцатые годы, — создание системы мнемонических правил для запоминания телефонных номеров. В то время не были редкостью номера типа А-23-45 (буква — четыре цифры). Позже появились АТС и с двухбуквенными индексами, но поскольку каждая буква проговаривалась отдельно, это создавало только сложности при запоминании. Буквы рядом с цифрами в СССР использовались до 1968 года.


1968 год. Листовка об отмене букв в московских телефонах (с сайта МГТС)


1970 год. Памятка абоненту городской телефонной сети. Издательство «Связь»


Как звонили

У первых телефонов номеронабирателя не было. В книге «Список абонентов Московской телефонной сети» за 1916 год первый пункт правил пользования телефонными аппаратами гласит: «Центральная станция вызывается простым снятием микротелефона с рычага. Дежурная на станции должна ответить, сообщая свой нумер. Затем абонент ясно и отчетливо сообщает нумер, с которым требуется соединение».


На первых дисковых аппаратах были только цифры. В 1920-е рядом с цифрами появились буквы.


В США на телефонном диске рядом с каждой цифрой (кроме единицы и нуля) находилось по три буквы алфавита. Буквы Q и Z не использовались из-за схожести с 0 и 2.


Англичане размещали букву O на нуле — все равно выглядят одинаково.


Шведы и немцы использовали по одной букве рядом с цифрой: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, занимая все десять цифр. Буква I не использовалась, так как ее легко спутать с единицей.


В СССР на телефоне рядом с цифрами тоже было десять букв: А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ж, И, К, Л. Буква З не использовалась, потому что похожа на тройку.


Как звонят

Сегодня в России не производят телефонов с русскими буквами. Многие европейские телефоны выпускаются вообще без букв. Все американские телефоны рядом с цифрами содержат и буквы.


Все без исключения современные мобильные телефоны содержат полный латинский алфавит (а многие модели — дополнительный алфавит той страны, где они продаются). Тут возникает проблема с двумя способами использования букв. Первая модель — американская. Если водитель едет по дороге и видит на большом грузовике надпись How am I driving? Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT, это значит, что ему предлагают позвонить по телефону 1-800-328-7448.


Но при наборе СМС-сообщения буквы работают в другом режиме — недостаточно один раз тыкнуть кнопку, на которой изображена буква, нужно нажать несколько раз.


Система набора по буквам хорошо знакома в США, так как запомнить слово проще, чем последовательность цифр, хотя набирать потом жутко неудобно. Европейцы, знакомые с СМС, вообще не могут понять, как работает американская система.


В России пока только одна компания рискнула использовать подобный мнемонический прием для рекламы своего телефона — это проект «Мегафон», рекламирующий в Москве номер 500-ALLO (500-25-56). Об успехе подобного хода автору ничего не известно.


Лирическое отступление

После изобретения тонового набора в 1961 году порядок расположения цифр на кнопочном телефоне обсуждался инженерами компании «Белл». Рассматривалось несколько вариантов, среди которых — расположение кнопок по кругу, как на дисковых аппаратах. Думали, что людям будет тяжело вот так — раз! — и перейти на совершенно новую систему.

Однако исследования показали, что люди быстро привыкают к любому упорядоченному расположению клавиш. Поэтому было решено разместить кнопки тремя рядами по три цифры в привычной последовательности, то есть чтобы ноль шел после девятки, как на дисковом номеронабирателе.

Для счетной машины логичным является расположение нуля перед единицей, поэтому порядок кнопок на калькуляторе и на мобильном телефоне различается.


Как правильно писать телефонный номер
В Европе телефонные номера всегда отделялись блоками по две цифры.


Во Франции и в Великом Герцогстве Люксембург используют в качестве разделителя точки или пробелы (восьмизначные номера с кодом города):
12 34 56 78 90
0 800 12 34 56


В Германии используют пробелы (реже — дефисы):
123 45 67
00 49 (12 34) 12 34 56
(0 12 34) 1 23


В Болгарии всегда записывают номер тремя группами по две цифры:


Особняком стоят Италия и Голландия, где очень часто можно встретить номера телефонов без каких-либо разделителей: 12 1234567, 020-1234567 — вопиющее надругательство над человеком, пытающимся такой номер не то что запомнить, а всего лишь прочесть. Особенно не хватает разделительного знака в записной книжке мобильного телефона — с ходу разобрать десять слипшихся цифр невозможно.


В Великобритании (у которой в плане технических стандартов очень много общего с США) пишут номера двумя группами цифр после кода:
020 1234 1234
+44 20 1234 1234
01234 123456 (кроме Лондона)
0800 123456 (бесплатные номера)


Тут уместно напомнить, что в английском языке не принято большие числительные читать одним словом. Даже год при произношении разбивается на два отдельных числа: 1998 по-английски читается как «девятнадцать девяносто восемь», а не «одна тысяча девятьсот девяносто восемь». Иногда числа произносят по одной цифре.


На современный американский формат записи повлияли раннее развитие телефонизации, проблема появления длинных номеров и мнемонические правила.


В дореволюционной России (и в СССР) все телефонные номера записывались согласно правилу: дефисом или пробелом отделяются пары цифр справа налево. Если в начале остались три цифры, разрешается записать их слитно.


Пункт 3 правил, опубликованных в «Списке абонентов Московской телефонной сети» за 1916 год, гласит:


«Нумера свыше сотни произносятся так: напр. 1.23 — один двадцать три, 9.72 — девять семьдесят два, 70.09 — семьдесят нуль девять. Нумера свыше 10.000 — произносятся отдельно каждая цифра сотни, например 1.20.48 — один двадцать сорок восемь, 2.08.35 — два нуль восемь тридцать пять, 3.35.29 — три тридцать пять двадцать девять, 4.49.52 — четыре сорок девять пятьдесят два, 5.15.86 — пять пятнадцать восемьдесят шесть и т. д., а не сто двадцать сорок восемь, двести восемь тридцать пять и т. д.»


Эти правила хорошо знают и военные связисты — при произношении двузначных чисел вероятность ошибки принимающей (слушающей) стороны снижается.


Формат записи телефонного номера для России, стран СНГ и Балтии такой: 123-45-67. Многие бывшие советские республики переняли американский формат записи (123-4567), совершенно не учитывая культурных, исторических и семантических значений такого формата.


В телефонных справочниках дефисы заменялись на пробелы (для экономии времени наборщиков):


1916 год. «Список абонентов Московской телефонной сети» (из коллекции автора)


1960 год. «Список абонентов Московской городской телефонной сети. Квартирные телефоны» (из коллекции автора)


1975 год. «Список абонентов Московской городской телефонной сети. Телефоны организаций, учреждений и предприятий» (из коллекции автора)


В СССР слова не прижились — из первых десяти букв много слов не напридумаешь (а все 33 буквы алфавита расположить на диске в то время не представлялось разумным). В сочетании с очень сложными числительными формат записи группами по два знака был единственно удобным.


Кроме отдельных случаев с удачным сочетанием цифр (типа 222-3-222) сегодня в России номера телефонов нужно писать следующим образом:


Обычные городские номера

Стоит помнить, что в телефонных номерах дефисы можно безболезненно заменять на пробелы


Номера с кодом города
(123) 123-45-67
(12-34) 12-34-56
(123-45) 1-23-45
(12-34-56) 12-34


Номера мобильных телефонов
+7 123 123-45-67 (предпочтительнее)
8 123 123-45-67


Российские номера телефонов за рубежом
+7 123 123-45-67
+7 12-34 12-34-56
+7 123-45 1-23-45
+7 12-34-56 12-34

(+7 123) 123-45-67
(+7 12-34) 12-34-56
(+7 123-45) 1-23-45
(+7 12-34-56) 12-34

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