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duty free


duties free


(duty free shopping)

AX 2012 R2 supports the EXIM Duty Free Import Authorization (DFIA) incentive scheme.

AX 2012 R2 поддерживает схему стимулирования авторизации беспошлинного импорта (DFIA) EXIM.


Duty Free

(duty free shopping)

35. Western leaders are not welcome in at least one airport duty free shop.

35. Западные лидеры не приветствуются в duty free, по крайней мере, одного российского аэропорта.


duty free


— / —


AX 2012 R2 supports the EXIM Duty Free Import Authorization (DFIA) incentive scheme.

AX 2012 R2 поддерживает схему стимулирования авторизации беспошлинного импорта (DFIA) EXIM.


Словосочетания (15)

  1. duty free shop — магазин беспошлинной торговли
  2. duty free shopping — беспошлинные покупки
  3. conditionally duty free exportation — условно-беспошлинный вывоз
  4. conditionally duty free importation — условно-беспошлинный ввоз
  5. duty free ceiling — максимальное количество товара, не облагаемый таможенной пошлиной
  6. duty free exportation — беспошлинный вывоз
  7. duty free goods — беспошлинный товар
  8. duty free importation — беспошлинный ввоз
  9. duty free re-export — беспошлинный ре-экспорт
  10. duty free re-import — беспошлинный ре-импорт



AX 2012 R2 supports the EXIM Duty Free Import Authorization (DFIA) incentive scheme.
AX 2012 R2 поддерживает схему стимулирования авторизации беспошлинного импорта (DFIA) EXIM.

35. Western leaders are not welcome in at least one airport duty free shop.
35. Западные лидеры не приветствуются в duty free, по крайней мере, одного российского аэропорта.

We got it in a shop at Heathrow, duty free.
Мы купили это в аэропорту Хитроу, в дьюти фри.

The initiative to grant duty free and quota free access for all LDC products to developed country markets should be implemented.
Необходимо обеспечить практическую реализацию инициативы о предоставлении беспошлинного и неконтингентированного доступа на рынки развитых стран для всей продукции НРС.

The Duty Free shop at Vladivostok’s airport put up a sign prohibiting several world leaders from making purchases in the store.
Магазин беспошлинной торговли Duty Free аэропорта Владивостока вывесил табличку, запрещающую совершать покупки в этом магазине ряду мировых политических лидеров.


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  • 1

    duty-free adj


    duty-free admittance

    разрешение на беспошлинный ввоз

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > duty-free

  • 2

    duty-free [ˏdju:tɪˊfri:]



    беспо́шлинный, не подлежа́щий обложе́нию тамо́женной по́шлиной или сбо́ром

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > duty-free

  • 3
    duty free

    Персональный Сократ > duty free

  • 4





    гос. фин.






    дьюти-фри, беспошлинный






    гос. фин.

    , собир., также используется во


    числе беспошлинные товары



    * * *

    беспошлинный: освобожденный от таможенных пошлин или налогов.

    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > duty-free

  • 5


    duty-free беспошлинно duty-free беспошлинно duty-free беспошлинный duty-free не подлежащий обложению таможенной пошлиной duty-free не подлежащий обложению таможенной пошлиной или сбором duty-free не подлежащий обложению таможенным налогом или пошлиной

    English-Russian short dictionary > duty-free

  • 6
    duty free

    English-Russian base dictionary > duty free

  • 7


    не подлежащий обложению (таможенной) пошлиной, беспошлинный

    — duty-free shop

    Politics english-russian dictionary > duty-free

  • 8

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > duty-free

  • 9

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > duty-free

  • 10

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > duty-free

  • 11
    duty free

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > duty free

  • 12

    беспошлинно(ый) ;

    Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > duty-free

  • 13


    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > duty-free

  • 14

    1) беспошлинно

    2) беспошлинный

    Англо-русский технический словарь > duty-free

  • 15

    не подлежащий обложению таможенной пошлиной.

    * * *


    не подлежащий обложению таможенной пошлиной.

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > duty-free

  • 16
    Duty Free

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Duty Free

  • 17
    duty free

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > duty free

  • 18

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > duty-free

  • 19
    duty free

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > duty free

  • 20


    не подлежащий обложению таможенной пошлиной или сбором


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > duty-free


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • duty-free — ˌduty ˈfree adjective TAX duty free goods can be bought without paying tax on them, for example at ports and airports when you are travelling abroad: • The drop in air traffic is expected to cut into duty free perfume sales. • the airport s duty… …   Financial and business terms

  • duty-free — duty free1 adjective duty free goods cost less than the usual price because you do not pay any tax on them: duty free cigarettes ╾ ,duty free adverb: You can buy as much beer as you want duty free. duty free ,duty free 2 noun uncount goods such… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Duty-free — Shop im Flughafen Wien Schwechat …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • duty free — ● duty free nom masculin invariable (anglais duty free, exempté de douane) En duty free, se dit de marchandises vendues en boutique franche, exemptes de certaines taxes. ● duty free (expressions) nom masculin invariable (anglais duty free,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • duty-free — duty free1 adj duty free goods can be brought into a country without paying tax on them ▪ duty free cigarettes ▪ the duty free shop >duty free adv duty free 2 duty free2 n [U and C] alcohol, cigarettes etc that you can bring into a country… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Duty-Free — Shops im Flughafen Wien Schwechat Einkaufkarte für zollfreien Einkauf auf dem Schiff zwischen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Duty Free — Shops im Flughafen Wien Schwechat Einkaufkarte für zollfreien Einkauf auf dem Schiff zwischen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • duty free — (izg. djȕti frȋ) prid. DEFINICIJA koji je oslobođen carine ili poreza, bescarinski SINTAGMA duty free shop (izg. duty free šȍp) prodavaonica gdje se prodaje roba koja se ne carini, bescarinska prodavaonica; djutić ETIMOLOGIJA engl. ≃ duty: taksa… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • duty-free — [do͞ot′ēfrē′, dyo͞ot′ēfrē′] adj. designating or of goods on which no duty or tax must be paid, or a shop selling such goods adv. with no payment of a duty or tax required …   English World dictionary

  • duty free — {{hw}}{{duty free}}{{/hw}}locuz. sost. m. inv. ¡ Accorc. di duty free shop  …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • duty-free — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB ▪ exempt from payment of duty …   English terms dictionary

беспошлинно, беспошлинный


- не подлежащий обложению таможенной пошлиной или сбором

Мои примеры


duty-free ceiling — максимальное количество товара, не облагаемое таможенной пошлиной  
be duty-free — не подлежать обложению таможенными пошлинами  
conditionally duty-free importation — условно-беспошлинный ввоз  
duty-free allowance — норма на беспошлинный ввоз товаров  
duty-free area — беспошлинная зона  
duty free cargo — беспошлинный груз  
duty-free cargo — беспошлинный груз  
duty-free entry certificate — свидетельство на право беспошлинного ввоза  
duty-free entry — беспошлинный ввоз  
duty-free good — беспошлинный товар  

duty free — перевод на русский

Right, well, I’d better go and do the duty free.

Я пойду займусь дьюти фри.

Course, she likes the duty free.

И конечно больше нравится дьюти фри.

We got it in a shop at Heathrow, duty free.

Мы купили это в аэропорту Хитроу, в дьюти фри.

After you learned you were going overseas, you forgot everything else except about shopping at the duty free shops, right?

Выучилась, свалила за границу и забыла обо всём, кроме покупок в дьюти фри?

Maybe you can just sneak me into the Duty Free.

Может быть, ты можешь провести меня в Дьюти фри.

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A duty-free shop (or store) is a retail outlet whose goods are exempt from the payment of certain local or national taxes and duties, on the requirement that the goods sold will be sold to travelers who will take them out of the country, who will then pay duties and taxes in their destination country (depending on its personal exemption limits and tariff regime). Which products can be sold duty-free vary by jurisdiction, as well as how they can be sold, and the process of calculating the duty or refunding the duty component.

Tax Free World Association (TFWA) announced that in 2011 Asia-Pacific, with 35 percent of global duty-free and travel retail sales, has more duty free than Europe and Americas, with these regions accounting for 34 percent and 23 percent respectively. 31 percent of sales came from the fragrances and cosmetics category, followed by the wine and spirit category with 17 percent and then comes tobacco products.[1]

However, some countries impose duty on goods brought into the country, though they had been bought duty-free in another country, or when the value or quantity of such goods exceed an allowed limit. Duty-free shops are often found in the international zone of international airports, sea ports, and train stations but goods can also be bought duty-free on board airplanes and passenger ships. They are not as commonly available for road or train travelers, although several border crossings between the United States and both Canada and Mexico have duty-free shops for car travelers. In some countries, any shop can participate in a reimbursement system, such as Global Blue and Premier Tax Free, wherein a sum equivalent to the tax is paid, but then the goods are presented to customs and the sum reimbursed on exit.

Duty-free are abolished for intra-EU (inside the EU tax union) travelers but are retained for travelers whose final destination is outside the EU. They also sell to intra-EU travelers but with appropriate taxes.

The world’s largest airport by duty-free sales is South Korea’s Incheon Airport, with US$1.85 billion in 2016,[2] narrowly overtaking Dubai Duty Free with 2016 sales of $1.82 billion.[3]


1947-1990: duty free establishment[edit]

Brendan O’Regan established the world’s first duty-free shop at Shannon Airport in Ireland in 1947;[4] it remains in operation today. Designed to provide a service for trans-Atlantic airline passengers typically travelling between Europe and North America whose flights stopped for refuelling on outbound and inbound legs of their journeys, it was an immediate success and has been copied worldwide. Thirteen years later, two American entrepreneurs, Charles Feeney and Robert Warren Miller, founded what is now Duty Free Shoppers (DFS) on 7 November 1960. DFS started operations in Hong Kong and spread to Europe and other places around the globe. Securing the exclusive concession for duty-free sales in Hawaii in the early-1960s was a commercial breakthrough for DFS, which enabled the company to focus on Japanese travelers. DFS continued to innovate, expanding into off-airport duty-free stores and into large downtown Galleria stores; it grew to become the world’s largest travel retailer. In 1996 LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton acquired the interests of Feeney and two other shareholders and as of 2012 jointly owned DFS with Miller.

In this same period, several locales grew as duty-free shopping destinations. They are exemplified by Saint Martin and the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, Hong Kong and Singapore. Still others claim prices competitive to duty-free. Generally, goods are free of duty and tax levied on imports for sale anywhere in the shopping destination. Merchants may pay inventory/business or other taxes, but their customers usually pay none directly.

The mere absence of duty or other taxes on goods being sold does not assure that they are bargains. Costs of identical goods from different duty-free sources can vary widely. They often depend on the presence or absence of nearby competition, e.g., airport stores, especially if all at any airport are owned by a single firm such as Dufry.[5] Also, prices can often be driven upward by the costs of buyer convenience, e.g., in-flight sales by airlines. Many airlines, such as Emirates,[6] El Al,[7] Singapore Airlines,[8] Middle East Airlines,[9] Ukraine International Airlines,[10] Delta,[11] and Avianca,[12]
offer duty-free sales on their flights.

1991-2021: EU duty free changes[edit]

In 1991, the EU decided to keep some duty free for a transition period until 1999[13].[14]

In 1999, after the creation of the European Union, the single market and the monetary union, these outlets were abolished for intra-EU travellers but are retained for travelers whose final destination is outside the EU. They also sell to intra-EU travelers but with appropriate taxes. Some special member state territories such as Åland, Livigno and the Canary Islands, are within the EU but outside the EU tax union, and thus still continue duty-free sales for all travelers.

In 2021, with Brexit duty free are reintroduced in three British nations: England, Wales and Scotland. This allows reduced taxes on wine, Champagne or Prosecco, beer and spirits as well as on cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, or tobacco.[15]

Duty-free shopping away from ports[edit]

Some duty-free shops operate in central business districts away from airports or other ports. In Japan, for example, any visitor whose passport indicates that they have been in the country for less than six months can buy items without paying consumption tax, so long as the total purchase value exceeds ¥5,000 and the items will not be consumed in Japan. Duty-free shops are a mainstay in the Akihabara electronic shopping district of Tokyo.

In Thailand, the King Power chain has shops where duty-free items are pre-purchased and delivered separately to the airport to be picked up on departure. For certain other purchases, a VAT refund may be claimed at the airport upon departure.[16]

In the Philippines, there is one shopping mall called the Duty Free Philippines Fiestamall, which is located a few miles away from Ninoy Aquino International Airport as opposed to being at the airport itself. It is the only shopping mall of its kind in the world. The goods that are sold in this mall are often imported products which come from around the world (mainly from United States, Asia and Australasia) and are not found in any other shopping malls in the country, aside from duty-free malls. Tourists, visitors and returning citizens of Philippines often pay a visit to this mall shortly after their arrival (since only arriving passengers and their companions are allowed access).[17] In order to gain entry, a passport is needed to be presented and registered at the Customer Registration Counter at the entrance of the mall. The customer will then be issued a shopping card; these shopping cards must be presented to the cashier for validation of purchases. Arriving customers are given a certain tax-free allowance on purchases and anything in excess will be subject to local and national taxes. In the past, the mall used to only accept US dollars and Philippine peso but in recent years, it had begun accepting other currencies such as Japanese yen, Brunei dollar, Australian dollar, British pound, Canadian dollar, Euro, Swiss franc, Saudi riyal, Bahraini dinar, and Thai baht. Currency exchange booths are also available inside the mall if a customer wishes to exchange currencies into Philippine pesos or US dollars. Credits cards can also be used for purchasing goods.[18]

Duty-free shops usually sell a broad range of alcoholic drinks.

In Australia, duty-free shops, once common, have all but disappeared since the introduction of GST in 2000. Retailer James Richardson operates several duty-free shops in major cities,[19] but most duty-free shops are now located within international airports. Residents and tourists are allowed to purchase virtually any physical good within 60 days of departure,[20] which needs to be taken on the outward flight, and claim the GST component back through the Tourist Refund Scheme when passing through customs. Consumers are now free to fully use their items prior to departure. This is in contrast prior to 2000, where all purchases had to be packed by the duty-free store in a sealed clear plastic bag, and could only be broken open by customs staff just prior to departure.[20]

Duty-free outside EU ports[edit]

Any traveller living in a country outside the EU VAT area is entitled to shop tax-free at participating shops in the EU. Tax free shopping differs from duty-free shopping as the traveller pays the VAT on goods in the shop in the usual way, and can then request a refund when exporting the goods. There are a number of tax-free operators who can support both the stores and the traveler through this process. To qualify, the traveller must:

  • have residency in a non-EU country
  • have a maximum stay of six months within the EU
  • make purchases no more than three months prior to export
  • obtain a form from the shop where he or she makes the purchase (depending on the tax-free operator)
  • present the form, and in certain cases the goods, to a customs officer or DIVA machine when leaving the EU, where they will be stamped

Only goods meant for personal use are eligible for the refund. The stamped forms and receipts can then be sent back to the retailers, or their agents, for a refund.

In most cases, a minimum purchase applies to use the tax-free shopping scheme. The actual amount of VAT reclaimable depends on the VAT rate applicable in the particular country to the goods purchased, and may be subject to a deduction for administration fees.

Security considerations[edit]

Travelers on long-haul routes with at least one transit stop between their departure airport and destination airport should be careful to purchase their duty-free alcohol or perfume at the last transit port, as otherwise they may have it confiscated by security when they board at the transit port, as they will be exceeding the current limit on liquids in hand baggage. This does not apply to passengers transferring within the EU and Singapore on the same day, as long as the liquid item is sealed in a plastic security bag with the receipt showing in the bag. Arrivals duty-free shops are now becoming more common. Most of South and Central America, and the Caribbean have such shops, as does South East Asia and Oceania. Switzerland and Canada are looking to introduce them in 2010.[needs update] This method of retail removes any security problems with the transit of liquids, as they are not carried on aircraft.[21]

Several airlines do not allow sales of certain sharp objects in-flight due to security risk. Other objects that have sharp parts, such as model airplanes, may be bought in-flight but received at the passengers’ home address for the same reason.

Boarding Pass / Passports[edit]

Proof of travel may be requested at the checkout point to prevent airport employees from making personal purchases.

Inbound duty-free[edit]

Some countries or districts, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Iceland, Italy, Iran, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Uzbekistan have inwards duty-free facilities, where arriving passengers can purchase duty-free items immediately before going through customs. This not only saves the inconvenience of having to carry these items around the world but also solves the security problem mentioned above. Other countries such as Canada and Sweden have been considering duty-free on arrival. The European Union does not permit arrivals duty-free stores; some EU airports sell goods on arrival in the baggage claim area described as «Tax-Free», but these goods are all tax-paid sales, the local sales tax is discounted. Normally, discounted liquors or tobacco products cannot be bought when arriving into an EU Member State as there is often a high local Excise Duty on these goods as well as the local sales tax (VAT/IVA/TVA) which is included in the price. In some EU Territories the tax on tobaccos and liquors is lower than in other EU countries, which is why the prices still seem competitive and look like duty-free prices. A good example is the difference in tobacco prices between the UK and Ireland, compared to Spain or Portugal.

Legal basis[edit]

It is a common feature of most tax systems that taxes are not raised on goods to be exported. To do so could place the goods at a disadvantage to those from other countries, for example if the tax rate in the territory of sale is higher than the tax rate in the territory of consumption. Either the tax system allows the goods to be exported without taxes (stored prior to export in a bonded warehouse), or taxes can be claimed back when they are exported (see VAT).

Such exemption also applies to goods supplied for use on ships and aircraft, because they are consumed outside the country. Businesses supplying such goods can do so tax- and duty-free.

Goods sold to passengers on board ships or aircraft are tax free. The passenger can either consume them on board, or import them tax-free into the country they are traveling to, so long as they are within the traveler’s duty-free allowance. Most tax regimes also allow travelers entering a country to bring in a certain amount of goods for personal use without paying tax on them, the so-called «duty-free allowance»; because it is not economically justifiable to collect the small amounts of tax involved, and would be an inconvenience to the passengers.

A duty-free shop works under the same system. The goods must be exported intact (they cannot be consumed in the country of sale), and they are importing into the destination country under that country’s own tax rules. In some countries, in order to ensure that goods are exported intact, they are hand-delivered in a closed bag to the passenger at the gate after their ticket is scanned. In the United States, duty-free shops are technically considered class 9 Bonded Warehouses with regard to the U.S. Customs & Border Protection:

  • Class 9. Bonded warehouse, known as duty-free stores, used for selling, for use outside the Customs territory, conditionally duty-free merchandise owned or sold by the proprietor and delivered from the Class 9 warehouse to an airport or other exit point for exportation by, or on behalf of, individuals departing from the Customs territory for destinations other than foreign trade zones. Pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 1555(b)(8)(C), Customs territory, for purposes of duty-free stores, means the Customs territory of the U.S. as defined in 101.1(e) of this chapter, and foreign trade zones (see part 146 of this chapter). All distribution warehouses used exclusively to provide individual duty-free sales locations and storage cribs with conditionally duty-free merchandise are also Class 9 warehouses.

Moreover, in the U.S. some duty-free stores will sell their goods to domestic passengers with appropriate taxes included. Alcohol and tobacco products are restricted to international passengers only and subject to the age limitations of 18 and 21 respectively, even though the age one must be to import those items into other countries may be lower.

Visiting U.S. protectorates[edit]

U.S. citizens receive substantially higher duty exemptions than normal when they visit or transit these locales, e.g., Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands.


According to Autogrill / World Duty Free case, duty free is a market where competition is kept both in the EEA market and in the global market. Even with the 2008 merge of the two biggest duty free operators, Autogrill and World Duty Free, they together own less than 10% of the global market and less than 20% of the EEA market.[22]

See also[edit]

  • Fuel tax, jet fuel used in international flights is sold wholesale
  • List of duty-free shops
  • Tax shopping


  1. ^ «And the world’s most lucrative airports are…» June 14, 2012. Archived from the original on June 17, 2012. Retrieved June 15, 2012.
  2. ^ «Incheon Airport duty free sales hit US$2bn in 2016 | Travel Retail Business». 16 January 2017.
  3. ^ Reporter, Cleofe Maceda, Senior Web (2017-01-05). «Dubai Duty Free sales drop on currency fluctuations». GulfNews. Retrieved 2017-01-24.
  4. ^ «Brendan O’Regan». The Times. 2008-02-13. Retrieved 2009-09-05.
  5. ^ «Dufry — en». Retrieved 10 July 2015.
  6. ^ «What are the hours for Dubai Duty Free? — General — FAQs — Emirates United Arab Emirates». Emirates United Arab Emirates. Retrieved 10 July 2015.
  7. ^ http://www.elal.co.il/ElAlDutyFree/HomePage.aspx?lang=en
  8. ^ «KRISSHOP — SINGAPORE AIRLINES». www.krisshopair.com. Archived from the original on 8 July 2019. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  9. ^ «MEA — Tax Free». www.mea.com.lb. Archived from the original on 5 March 2016. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  10. ^ «Sky Shop — офіційний сайт МАУ». www.flyuia.com. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  11. ^ http://www.deltadutyfree.com Archived 2016-10-08 at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^
    «Avianca Duty Free Virtual Catalog». Retrieved 10 July 2015.
  13. ^ Schmidt, William E. (19 November 1991). «Europeans Decide to Allow Duty-Free Zones till 1999». The New York Times.
  14. ^ https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=LEGISSUM%3Al31042[bare URL]
  15. ^ «Duty Free extended to the EU from January 2021».
  16. ^ «Thailand Tourist Information : Tips & Facts : Who Can Claim VAT Refunds?». Archived from the original on 23 July 2015. Retrieved 10 July 2015.
  17. ^ «Duty Free Philippines: Who can shop at DFP?». Archived from the original on 13 January 2013. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  18. ^ «Duty Free Shopping in the Philippines». Archived from the original on 1 December 2017. Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  19. ^ «JR/Duty Free :: JR/Duty Free — The JR Story». jrdutyfree.com.au. Retrieved 2015-09-26.
  20. ^ a b «Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection». Retrieved 10 July 2015.
  21. ^ Kaye, Ken (March 24, 2007). «Passengers lose their booze as TSA alcohol rules are ignored». Sun Sentinel. Archived from the original on May 28, 2011. Retrieved December 28, 2010.
  22. ^ Case No COMP/M.5123, AUTOGRILL / WORLD DUTY FREE, only the English text is available and authentic REGULATION (EC) No 139/2004 MERGER PROCEDURE Article 6(1)(b) NON-OPPOSITION

External links[edit]

  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection Regulations for International Travel by U.S. Residents («Know Before You Go»)


duty free — беспошлинный
duty free shop — магазин беспошлинной торговли
duty free zone — беспошлинная зона
goods duty free — беспошлинные товары
duty free cargo — беспошлинный груз
duty free parcel — посылка, выдаваемая без взыскания сборов
duty free shopping — беспошлинная торговля
duty free exportation — беспошлинный вывоз
duty free importation — беспошлинный ввоз товаров; беспошлинный ввоз
duty-free — не подлежащий обложению таможенным налогом или пошлиной; беспошлинный

be duty-free — не подлежать обложению таможенными пошлинами
duty-free sale — беспошлинная продажа
duty-free shop — магазин, торгующий товарами, не облагаемыми пошлиной
duty-free area — беспошлинная зона
duty-free good — беспошлинный товар
duty-free zone — беспошлинная зона
duty-free goods — товары, не облагаемые пошлиной
duty-free cargo — беспошлинный груз
duty-free entry — беспошлинный ввоз
duty-free items — товары, не облагаемые пошлиной
duty-free export — беспошлинный экспорт
duty-free import — беспошлинный ввоз
duty-free quotas — квоты, не облагаемые пошлиной
duty-free imports — беспошлинные импортные товары
duty-free ceiling — максимальное количество товара, не облагаемое таможенной пошлиной
duty-free transit — беспошлинный транзит
duty-free treatment — беспошлинный режим
duty-free allowance — норма на беспошлинный ввоз товаров
the bag of duty-free — сумка беспошлинных товаров
duty-free admittance — разрешение на беспошлинный ввоз

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

duty  — обязанность, долг, пошлина, служба, дежурный, служебный, официальный
free  — бесплатный, бесплатно, свободно, освобождать, выходной

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Перевод Duty free с английского на русский сделан онлайн Яндекс.Переводчиком — сервисом автоматического перевода слов, фраз, текстов и веб-страниц. Сервис сопровождает переводы примерами использования и транскрипцией, озвучивает слова. В режиме сайта переводит всё текстовое содержимое страниц. Знает Английский, Русский и ещё 98 языков.

Дьюти-фри это магазин, расположенный в пограничной беспошлинной зоне «между странами» и предлагающий покупателям товары, на цену которых не накручены таможенные пошлины. В переводе с английского слово Duty-Free означает «свободный от обложения», то есть по-русски «беспошлинный».

Обычно магазины дьюти фри располагаются в аэропортах, в зонах за линией таможенного контроля. Поскольку самыми высокими пошлинами в большинстве стран облагаются алкоголь, сигареты и парфюмерия, именно эти товары являются в дьюти-фри самыми ходовыми и позволяют покупателям сэкономить значительные деньги по сравнению с покупками в «обычных» магазинах.

что значит Дьюти Фри?Каждый человек считает себя достаточно хитрым, чтобы «урвать» товар где-нибудь подешевле. Некоторые граждане заказывают продукцию в интернет-магазинах, но есть люди, которые постоянно затариваются в Дьюти Фри. Что значит Дьюти-Фри? Рекоменду прочесть ещё несколько познавательных публикаций, например, что такое Тай-Брейк, как понять слово Сейв, что значит Стритрейсер? Этот термин был заимствован из английского языка «duty free«, и переводится на русский, как «свободный от долга», то есть имеется ввиду, что вы покупаете товар на который не «накручены» различные налоги. Как правило, подобные торговые точки устанавливают в аэропортах, и располагают их за зоной таможенного контроля. Ведь государство хочет быть уверено, что товар с низкой ценой покинет страну в любом случае.

Дьюти-Фри — это система беспошлинной торговли на бортах самолётов и аэропортах

Поскольку, государство облагает большими налогами алкогольную и табачную продукцию, то особи употребляющие эти наркотические средства весьма ценят и любят Дьюти-Фри. Кроме того, там можно обнаружить качественную косметику, различные сувениры и игрушки, изредка на прилавки «выбрасывают» одежду мировых брендов.
Однако, вам нужно понимать, что ассортимент Дьюти Фри в разных странах заметно разнится, и если в Македонии или Сербии, вы обнаружите небольшой киоск с невнятным набором товаров, то в странах персидского залива можете приобрести эксклюзивные вещи самых популярных марок.

На борту самолёта, вы также можете прикупить себе нечто интересное, хотя выбор не большой, ведь это не супермаркет в конце концов. Зато вы можете провести несколько интересных минут выбирая какой-нибудь необычный сувенир. Впрочем, прежде чем тратить деньги, лучше получите совет у опытного путешественника либо у менеджера вашей туристической фирмы.

Ушлые граждане обычно затариваются виски, которое в Дьюти Фри дешевле в полтора — два раза, либо можно купить настоящие французские духи от Шанель или Кристиан Диор, чтобы быть уверенными в том, что вам не всучат подделку. Именно поэтому всегда оставляйте деньги на обратную дорогу, ведь вы сможете привести домой ещё немного экзотики.

Важная информация, чтобы вас обслужили в Дьюти-Фри, у вас должен быть на руках, как паспорт, так и посадочный талон, то есть продавец должен удостоверится, что вы покидаете страну.




13 лет назад

SMART Vocabulary: слова и фразы по теме

[ C ] (also duty-free shop)

There’ll be a duty-free on the ferry.

SMART Vocabulary: слова и фразы по теме

Вы также можете найти сходные по смыслу слова, фразы и синонимы в темах:

(Определение duty-free в Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Примеры для duty-free


It was decided to attract investors through incentives that included dutyfree imports, untaxed operations, cheap but educated labour, and profit mobility.

The architect asked those providing glass from abroad to submit bids consistent with the assumption that the glass would be admitted to the country dutyfree.

Estimates are sensitive to a whole range of assumptions about the nature of the successor regime and the post-abolition marketing strategies of the dutyfree operators.

It says that there is no evidence that carrying dutyfree alcohol on passenger flights is in itself dangerous.

The dutyfree facilities also give incoming and outgoing tourists the chance to spend their money how they like.

One imaginative idea which has been put forward is that the islands should be made a dutyfree zone.

We should also reduce dutyfree allowances and increase the policing of our borders to reduce alcohol smuggling.

Do not other countries which are interested in the import of this raw material allow it dutyfree entry anyway?

British diplomats serving at home are not permitted to purchase dutyfree wines, spirit or cigarette in this country.

The prices at which dutyfree goods are sold at airports is a matter for the airport authorities.

There is another example— the ending of all dutyfree concessions on tobacco.

Not only will it come into being in 1993 but there is a real risk that dutyfree sales will be lost.

I think that that has something to do with dutyfree allowances.

How would the attraction of dutyfree purchases be removed by the harmonisation of duties?

In the latter case, the shipowners also have an alternative of dutyfree delivery direct from the bonded warehouses or refineries.

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