Певице и актрисе Барбре Страйсэнд 24 апреля исполняется 77 лет. Она считается одной из самых коммерчески успешных женщин в шоу-бизнесе. Удивительно, что несмотря на мировую славу, фамилию звезды постоянно произносят как Стрейзанд. И это далеко не единственный такой случай. SM рассказывает про других знаменитостей, имена которых все время коверкают (только подумайте, насколько это неприятно).
Многие люди произносят фамилию певицы через звонкий звук «з». Ее фамилия и на русском языке обычно пишется именно через «з». Хотя правильный вариант произношения — [‘straɪsænd], со звуком «с» в середине.
Фамилию певицы произносил неверно даже голосовой помощник Siri. Барбре даже пришлось попросить Тима Кука помочь — и теперь Siri говорит все правильно.
В русских медиа Стэйтем то и дело превращается в Стэтхема. В оригинале имя актера пишется как Jason Statham. Многие читают «t» и «h» как отдельные звуки, хотя вообще-то транскрипция фамилии актера выглядит так — [ˈsteɪθəm]. Звука, передаваемого сочетанием «th», в русском попросту нет, поэтому вместо него пишется «т». Но стоит запомнить, что никакой «х» в оригинале нет и подавно.
Периодически фамилия Буллок превращается в Баллок. Но согласно транскрипции [‘bʊlək] правильным будет вариант с «у». Фамилия актрисы произошла от слова bullock, которое означает «вол» или «бык». Причем в британском английском так обозначают кастрированного быка, а в американском — обычного молодого бычка. Может быть, переводчики старались избежать подобных ассоциаций.
Правильное произношение фамилии звезды часто становится открытием даже для носителей. О том, что она на самом деле Терин [ˈθɛrən], актриса рассказала на шоу Джимми Фэллона. Шарлиз сказала, что правильный звук ее фамилии — это «музыка для моих ушей». Чуть позже актриса сама записала видео, которое выдает гугл по запросу «How to pronounce Charlize Theron».
Фамилию британца не просто произносят неправильно — над ней прямо-таки издеваются. Правильная транскрипция фамилии — [ˈkʌmbəbæʧ]. Но благодаря фанатам и СМИ Бенедикт становится то Камберснэтчем, то Камберпэтчем, а то и еще чем похуже. Впрочем, сам Бенедикт тоже не прочь посмеяться над собой — в шоу Джимми Киммела он попробовал «примерить» другие имена.
Да, Stallone — это итальянская фамилия. И в русских СМИ ее пишут как Сталлоне. Но американизированный вариант звучит как Сталлоун [stəˈloʊn]. Сам актер называет себя именно так.
В российских СМИ привычнее встретить вариант Катчер. Кому-то он кажется более благозвучным. Однако в оригинале будет Кутчер — [ˈkʊtʃər]. Так что во время обсуждения с носителем фильма «Эффект бабочки» используйте этот вариант.
Здесь все непросто. Предки Джейка Джилленхола — шведы. Поэтому буква «g» в начале его фамилии по идее читается как «й». Сам актер рассказывал на шоу Конана О’Брайана, что его фамилию правильно произносят только в Швеции и в «Икее».
Однако родился Джилленхол все же в США. И американизированный вариант его фамилии звучит как [ˈdʒɪlənhɔːl]. Поэтому на эту фамилию он спокойно отзывается и ни на кого не обижается. Но если вы вдруг встретите Джейка и скажете его фамилию в шведском варианте — он точно оценит.
Звезд, имена и фамилии которых произносят и пишут с ошибками, на самом деле намного больше. В интернете даже запущен проект, который проверяет, сколько людей могут написать правильно фамилии Бенедикта Камбербэтча, Скарлетт Йоханссон и других знаменитостей.
Если вы хотите научиться говорить и писать правильно, приходите на пробный урок в Skyeng. Преподаватели школы подробно объяснят, как научиться не допускать ошибки.
Учиться в Skyeng можно в любое время из любой точки планеты. Все уроки проходят на интерактивной платформе, а для доступа нужен только телефон или ноутбук.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jason Statham |
Statham in 2018 |
Born | 26 July 1967 (age 55)
Shirebrook, England |
Occupation |
Years active | 1993–present |
Partner(s) | Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (2010–present; engaged) |
Children | 2 |
Jason Statham (; born 26 July 1967) is an English actor. He is known for portraying characters in various action-thriller films who are typically tough, hardboiled, gritty, or violent.
Statham began practising Chinese martial arts, kickboxing, and karate recreationally in his youth while working at local market stalls. An avid footballer and diver, he was a member of Britain’s national diving team and competed for England in the 1990 Commonwealth Games. Shortly after, he was asked to model for French Connection, Tommy Hilfiger, and Levi’s in various advertising campaigns. His past history working at market stalls inspired his casting in the Guy Ritchie crime films Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) and Snatch (2000).
The commercial success of these films led Statham to star as Frank Martin in the Transporter trilogy (2002–2008). After starring in a variety of heist and action-thriller films such as The Italian Job (2003), Crank (2006), War (2007), The Bank Job (2008), The Mechanic (2011), Spy (2015), and Mechanic: Resurrection (2016), he established himself as a Hollywood leading man. However, he has also starred in commercially and critically unsuccessful films such as Revolver (2005), Chaos (2005), In the Name of the King (2007), 13 (2010), Blitz (2011), Killer Elite (2011), Hummingbird (2013), and Wild Card (2015). He regained commercial success as a part of the ensemble action series The Expendables (2010–2014) and the Fast & Furious franchise. In the latter, he has played Deckard Shaw in Fast & Furious 6 (2013), Furious 7 (2015), The Fate of the Furious (2017), F9 (2021) and the spin-off Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019). He was credited as a co-producer on Hobbs & Shaw, receiving his first production credit.
Statham’s acting has been criticised for lacking depth and variety, but he has also been praised for leading the resurgence of action films during the 2000s and 2010s.[1] According to a BBC News report, his film career from 2002 to 2017 generated an estimated $1.5 billion (£1.1 billion) in ticket sales,[2] making him one of the film industry’s most bankable stars.[3]
Early life
Jason Statham was born on 26 July 1967 in Shirebrook, Derbyshire,[4][5] the son of dancer Eileen (née Yates) and street seller Barry Statham.[6] His father also worked odd jobs as a house painter, coal miner, and singer in the Canary Islands.[7] Statham moved to Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, where he initially chose not to follow his father’s career working the local market stalls, instead practising martial arts. He grew up with football player Vinnie Jones, alongside whom he would later act. Jones introduced him to football, and Statham went on to play for the local grammar school (1978–1983), which he had attended since age 11, a passion that he shared with diving.[8] He practised daily in perfecting his diving techniques, and was a member of Britain’s National Swimming Squad for 12 years.[9][10] He competed for England at the 1990 Commonwealth Games in the 10 metre, 3 metre, and 1 metre competitions.[11] He said in a 2003 interview with IGN that his time with the national squad was «a great experience» and one that «teaches you discipline, focus, and certainly keeps you out of trouble».[12]
Statham’s life in the media began when he was spotted by the agency Sports Promotions specialising in sports modelling while he was training at London’s Crystal Palace National Sports Centre. He was also signed by Tommy Hilfiger, Griffin, and Levi’s for various modelling contracts during their 1996 spring/summer collections.[13] In 1997, he became a model for the clothing brand French Connection. A spokesperson for the high street clothing chain said, «We chose Jason because we wanted our model to look like a normal guy. His look is just right for now: very masculine and not too male-modelly.»[5] However, he was still forced to follow in his father’s footsteps as a street seller to make ends meet, stating that he sold «fake perfume and jewellery on street corners».[7][14] He made small appearances in a few music videos, including «Comin’ On» by The Shamen in 1993, «Run to the Sun» by Erasure in 1994,[15] and «Dream a Little Dream of Me» by The Beautiful South in 1995.[16][17]
2000–2010: Rise to prominence
While working as a model for French Connection, he was introduced to fledgling British director Guy Ritchie[18] who was developing a film project and needed to fill the role of a street-wise con artist. After learning about Statham’s past as a black market salesman, Ritchie cast him to play the role of «Bacon» in his 1998 crime comedy thriller Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.[19] The movie was well received by both critics and audiences, and helped put Statham in the public eye. For his role in the film he was paid UK £5,000.[7] Statham’s second collaboration with Ritchie came in the 2000 film Snatch, playing the role of «Turkish». Cast alongside popular actors Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina, and Benicio del Toro, the movie earned more than $80 million in box-office revenue. For his role in Snatch, he was paid UK £15,000, 3 times the amount of his first film.[7] Statham was able to break into Hollywood and appeared in two movies in 2001: the science fiction action horror film Ghosts of Mars and the science fiction martial arts action film The One.
Statham was offered more film roles, and in 2002 he was cast as the lead role of driver Frank Martin in the action movie The Transporter, written by Luc Besson. He has studied Wing Chun, karate, and kickboxing.[20] The film spawned two sequels, Transporter 2 (2005) and Transporter 3 (2008). He also played supporting roles in Mean Machine (2002), The Italian Job (2003),[21] and Cellular (2004) in which he played the lead villain.
In 2005, Statham was once again cast by Ritchie to star in his new project, Revolver, which was a critical and box office failure.[22] He played a dramatic role in the independent film London in 2006. That same year he played the lead role in the action film Crank. Statham was asked to promote Crank during the 2006 San Diego Comic-Con Convention.[23] In 2008, Statham starred in the British crime thriller The Bank Job and Death Race, a remake of Death Race 2000 (1975). American film critic Armond White hailed Statham’s ascension as an action film star. On the occasion of Death Race, White championed Statham’s «best track record of any contemporary movie star.»[24] Later in 2008, White praised Statham’s Transporter 3 as a great example of kinetic pop art. Chris Hewitt of Empire Magazine, noted the film as «a dour, drab affair», but credited the film with «establishing Statham as a new action hero, as at ease with gruff one-liners as he was with Jackie Chan-esque high-kicking».[25]
In 2009, Statham started to develop a new movie written by David Peoples and Janet Peoples. Statham stated «We’ve got a movie we’re trying to do, written by David Peoples and Janet Peoples, in the vein of an old film, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. It’s not a remake or anything, but it’s a little bit like that, about relationships and how greed contaminates the relationships these three people have. The working title is The Grabbers.»[26] He reprised his role as Chev Chelios in the 2009 sequel Crank: High Voltage.[27]
In 2010, Statham appeared alongside fellow action stars Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren and Mickey Rourke, among others, in the ensemble action film The Expendables. Statham plays Lee Christmas, a former SAS soldier and expert at close quarters combat using knives.[28] The film was commercially successful, opening at number one at the box office in the United States, the United Kingdom, China and India, and grossed a total of $274 million worldwide.
2011–2015: Commercial expansion
In his first film of 2011, Statham starred in the remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson film, The Mechanic, as Arthur Bishop. A theatrical trailer depicting Statham’s character «shooting a man’s head off» was banned from circulation by the Advertising Standards Authority for showing excessive violence.[29] His role in The Mechanic was positively reviewed by the critics both in the United States and the United Kingdom. The Guardian praised his performance as possessing a «now-customary efficiency» in attaining «an entertaining hitman thriller».[30] The New York Times noted Statham as «sleek as a bullet»; and the film «a more powerful recharge» of the original.[31] UK newspaper, The Daily Telegraph hailed Statham as «England’s best export to action movies in just about forever, a businesslike brute with gentlemanly soul.»[32] He returned to British film by starring in the police drama Blitz as Detective Sergeant Tom Brant. The film received mixed reviews with Cath Clake of The Guardian reviewing it as «not half bad» and «oddly entertaining».[33] He was then cast in the action film Killer Elite. The film was based on real events, which were the subject of Sir Ranulph Fiennes’ novel The Feather Men. Statham played an assassin named Danny who comes out of retirement to save an old friend, played by Robert De Niro.[34] The film grossed returned a negative budget, and was panned by the critics.[35]
In August 2011, he began filming Parker for director Taylor Hackford; the film was released in January 2013. Statham played Parker, the criminal antihero previously played by Mel Gibson in 1999’s Payback and by Lee Marvin in 1967’s Point Blank (though their characters were given different surnames).[36] A. O. Scott of The New York Times said of the actor in the film: «[Statham], who seems to be made entirely of muscle and scar tissue, is comfortable with his limitations as an actor. His Parker, in any case, is more of an axiom than a fully rounded human being.»[37] A 2012 BBC News report estimated that his ten-year film career to date (2002 to 2012) yielded over one billion dollars in the box office, making him one of the industry’s most bankable stars.[2] He was signed on to reprise his role as Lee Christmas in The Expendables 2 in 2012.[38]
In 2013, Statham had a cameo appearance at the end of Fast & Furious 6 as the brother of the film’s antagonist Owen Shaw (Luke Evans).[39] He reprised the character, this time as the main antagonist, in Furious 7, which was released in April 2015.[40][41][42] He also starred opposite James Franco in the thriller Homefront, written by Sylvester Stallone,[43] and headlined the British thriller Hummingbird. The latter film was praised by critics for pushing Statham’s acting abilities to new heights. His «attempt to develop his ‘brand’ by trying more adventurous parts» noted by The Guardian‘s Mark Kermode, «[broadened] his dramatic palette».[44][45] Statham made a cameo in the 2014 music video Summer of Calvin Harris as one of the car racers. In 2014, he returned as Lee Christmas in The Expendables 3. Although critically panned,[46] the film would go on to gross $215 million against a $90 million budget.[47]
In 2015 he starred in the action comedy Spy alongside Melissa McCarthy, Jude Law, and Rose Byrne. The film, a commercial success, was particularly praised for showcasing Statham’s comedic side in contrast to his more serious roles.[48][49][50][51] According to an article by Empire magazine, a Spy 2 was development in late 2015, with more screen time dedicated for Statham’s character, Rick Ford.[52] He was nominated for the Critic’s Choice Award for Best Actor in a Comedy for his role in Spy.[53]
Statham was offered a three-film contract to reboot the Transporter series in late 2015, but turned it down because he was not given the script before the signing date and unhappy with its compensation package.[54][55] According to an article by The Guardian, Statham expressed interest in playing James Bond in the upcoming Spectre film. Its author, Steve Rose noted that «there was no doubt Statham can walk the Bond walk. And talking his talk can hardly be an issue with a character whose accent has fluctuated between Sean Connery’s Scottish brogue and Timothy Dalton’s Welsh.»[56] After the interview there were multiple calls from critics and the public to instate him as James Bond in a future film.[57][58][59]
2016–present: Continued success
The sequel to his 2011 film The Mechanic was scheduled for production in late 2016 and announced to open as Mechanic: Resurrection. The film went on to become highly commercially successfully in international film markets grossing $109.4 million worldwide.[60] According to Forbes, the film was Statham’s «seventh-biggest earner» and most commercially successful solo film venture of his career.[60]
In February 2017, he starred alongside Gal Gadot in a 30-second super bowl advertisement for Wix.com during Super Bowl LI.[61] CNET reported that the advertisement reached 22 million user impressions.[62] Statham was asked to re-join the Fast & Furious franchise once more in 2016. The ensuing film, The Fate of the Furious, was released in April 2017 to commercial success. While the film overall received mixed reviews, Statham was praised for his comedic timing and onscreen chemistry with contemporaries.[63][64][65] The film went on to be the third highest-grossing film of 2017 and the 12th highest-grossing film of all time.[66][67]
Spy 2 was confirmed on 15 February 2018.[68][69] But later in 2018, Feig explained that although a sequel to Spy could still happen, «there hasn’t been any interest from the studio» in the project.[70][71]
Statham played the lead, former Naval captain Jonas Taylor, in the 2018 action-horror film The Meg, which was released on 10 August. In order to prepare for scenes wherein he swims in shark-infested waters, Statham swam with bull sharks in Fiji.[72] The film would go on to gross $527.8 million worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing U.S.-Chinese co-production of all time.[73]
In 2019, Statham reprised his role as Deckard Shaw again in Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, a spin-off of the Fast & Furious franchise focusing on his and Dwayne Johnson’s characters.[74][75] The film grossed $758 million worldwide, becoming the tenth highest-grossing film of 2019, and received generally positive reviews from critics, with praise for Statham’s performance.[76]
Public image
An article by Adam Gabbatt in The Guardian noted that Statham’s character contributions to his industry and film niche are «tough [and] uncompromising».[77][78] Some critics note his presence as a «defining feature» that signals to movie-goers the content of a film.[79] The same exposé commented, «You know what you’re getting with a Jason Statham film. He will beat people up. He will crash cars. He will do an unconvincing American accent.»[77]
Statham’s impact on the action-thriller genre has been seen by Gabbatt as a replacement of the same undertaken by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Jean-Claude Van Damme during their runs as headliners throughout the 1980s and 1990s.[77] Statham himself cites Stallone, Bruce Lee, Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, and Clint Eastwood as his inspirations.[80]
An article by Times Higher Education reported that Manchester University Press commissioned an academic study analysing the impact Statham has had on the British and American film industries from his debut in 1998 to 2018. According to the article, professors Steven Gerrard and Robert Shail are looking to show «the changing face of British cinematic masculinity» into «one that embraces cinema across a wide range of projects, but one that also uses cross-textual media in his output».[3]
In popular media
In 2003, Statham appeared in three British television commercials for the Kit Kat chocolate bar. Described as a «break philosopher», he philosophised about salmon swimming upstream, a Mexican fisherman, and the relative speeds and ages of animals, before ending with a reminder that «taking a break» (alluding to the Kit Kat slogan) is an important part of life.[citation needed]
In the comic book series Ultimate Spider-Man, that series’ version of the villain Vulture was rendered by artist Mark Bagley to resemble actor Statham, as per writer Brian Michael Bendis’ instructions.[81]
Personal life
Statham has been in a relationship with model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley since 2010.[82] The couple announced their engagement in January 2016.[83] Their son, Jack Oscar, was born in June 2017.[84] Their daughter Isabella James Statham was born on 2 February 2022.[85] They reside in Beverly Hills, California.[86]
Statham enjoys wakeboarding, jet skiing, wind surfing, and rock climbing.[80] While filming on location in Varna for The Expendables 3, he drove a truck off the road into the Black Sea due to malfunctioning brakes.[65][87]
In a 2013 interview with Vanity Fair, he advocated for stunt performers to be given their own Academy Award category: «All of the stunt men—these are the unsung heroes. They really are. Nobody is giving them any credibility. They’re risking their necks. And then you’ve got poncy actors pretending like they’re doing [the stunts].»[79]
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
1998 | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | Bacon | |
2000 | Snatch | Turkish | |
Turn It Up | Mr. B | ||
2001 | Ghosts of Mars | Sergeant Jericho Butler | |
The One | MVA Agent Evan Funsch | ||
Mean Machine | Monk | ||
2002 | The Transporter | Frank Martin | |
2003 | The Italian Job | Handsome Rob | |
2004 | Collateral | Frank Martin | Cameo, credited as Airport Man |
Cellular | Ethan Greer | ||
2005 | Transporter 2 | Frank Martin | |
Revolver | Jake Green | ||
London | Bateman | ||
Chaos | Detective Quentin Conners | ||
2006 | The Pink Panther | Yves Gluant | Uncredited |
Crank | Chev Chelios | ||
2007 | War | FBI Agent John Crawford | |
2008 | The Bank Job | Terry Leather | |
In the Name of the King | Farmer Daimon | ||
Death Race | Jensen Garner «Frankenstein» Ames | ||
Truth in 24 | Narrator | Documentary | |
Transporter 3 | Frank Martin | ||
2009 | Crank: High Voltage | Chev Chelios | |
2010 | 13 | Jasper Bagges | |
The Expendables | Lee Christmas | ||
2011 | The Mechanic | Arthur Bishop | |
Gnomeo & Juliet | Tybalt | Voice only | |
Blitz | Detective Sergeant Tom Brant | ||
Killer Elite | Danny Bryce | ||
2012 | Truth in 24 II | Narrator | Documentary |
Safe | Luke Wright | ||
The Expendables 2 | Lee Christmas | ||
2013 | Parker | Parker | |
Fast & Furious 6 | Deckard Shaw[a] | Cameo | |
Hummingbird | Joey Jones | U.S. title: Redemption | |
Homefront | Phil Broker | ||
2014 | The Expendables 3 | Lee Christmas | |
2015 | Wild Card | Nick Wild | |
Furious 7 | Deckard Shaw | ||
Spy | Rick Ford | ||
2016 | Mechanic: Resurrection | Arthur Bishop | |
2017 | The Fate of the Furious | Deckard Shaw | |
2018 | The Meg | Jonas Taylor | |
2019 | Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw | Deckard Shaw | Also producer |
2021 | Wrath of Man | Patrick «H» Hill/Hargreaves | |
F9 | Deckard Shaw | Cameo | |
2023 | Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre | Orson Fortune | Also producer |
Fast X |
Deckard Shaw | Post-production[88][89] | |
Meg 2: The Trench |
Jonas Taylor | Post-production[90] | |
The Expendables 4 |
Lee Christmas | Also producer; Post-production[91] | |
TBA | The Beekeeper |
TBA | Filming[92] |
Denotes films that have not yet been released |
Video games
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
2002 | Red Faction II | Mandril Shrike | |
2003 | Call of Duty | Sergeant Waters | |
2015 | Sniper X with Jason Statham | Team Leader | Mobile game |
Music videos
Year | Artists | Title | Role | Notes |
1993 | The Shamen | «Comin’ On» | Background Dancer | |
1994 | Erasure | «Run to the Sun» | Background Dancer | |
1995 | The Beautiful South | «Dream a Little Dream of Me» | Moviegoer | |
2014 | Calvin Harris | «Summer» | Driver |
Awards and nominations
Year | Nominated work | Association | Award | Result | Refs |
2015 | Spy | Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards | Best Actor in a Comedy | Nominated | [53] |
2015 | Furious 7 | Teen Choice Award | Choice Movie: Villain | Nominated | [93] |
- ^ Statham’s character in Fast & Furious 6 was not given a name at the time of the film’s release.
- ^ Martin, Reed (28 April 2009). The Reel Truth: Everything You Didn’t Know You Need to Know About Making an Independent Film. Macmillan. ISBN 9780571211036.
- ^ a b Jones, Emma (3 May 2012). «Jason Statham: Billion dollar man». BBC News. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ a b «Scholars tackle soaraway success of Jason Statham». Times Higher Education (THE). 21 December 2017. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Statham, Jason (12 September 2013). «Thanks for all the Birthday messages. The real date is 26 July…» Jason Statham verified Facebook page. Archived from the original on 13 September 2013. Retrieved 4 June 2015.
- ^ a b Syson, Damon (2 June 1995). «Jason Statham stays true to himself». The Independent. London. Archived from the original on 19 June 2017. Retrieved 5 March 2011.
His name’s Jason Statham, he’s 26 [in June 1995]…
- ^ Corcoran, Monica (3 September 2006). «Action Bloke». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 18 January 2018.
- ^ a b c d «Jason Statham, for Your Amusement». Esquire. 26 May 2015. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ dirt.com (14 June 2012). «Jason Statham Bio». dirt.com. dirt.com. Archived from the original on 23 January 2013. Retrieved 18 August 2012.
- ^ Iley, Chrissy (5 October 2008). «Jason Statham, last action hero». The Times. UK. Retrieved 8 June 2009.
- ^ Barlow, Helen (13 July 2008). «All action». The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 1 November 2009.
- ^ Rice, Simon (23 July 2014). «Commonwealth Games: Watch Jason Statham diving at the 1990 Games». The Independent. Archived from the original on 25 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2014.
- ^ Head, Steve (6 June 2003). «An Interview with Jason Statham». IGN. Retrieved 19 February 2018.
- ^ Brown, Len (17 February 2011). Jason Statham: Taking Stock. Orion Publishing Group. ISBN 9781409132660.
- ^ «Today Show Interview Jason Statham». Today Show. Archived from the original on 22 December 2021. Retrieved 11 March 2013.
- ^ Westbrook, Caroline (16 April 2015). «This clip of Jason Statham dancing in his pants in a Shamen video may cause your jaw to drop». Metro.
- ^ «The Beautiful South – Dream a Little Dream (1995)». British Film Institute. Retrieved 26 August 2016.
- ^ Jones, Will (26 August 2016). «Jason Statham: the early years». Den of Geek.
- ^ AskMen (1996–2012). «Jason Statham». AskMen. IGN Entertainment, Inc. Archived from the original on 20 July 2008. Retrieved 18 August 2012.
- ^ Filmbug (1998–2012). «Jason Statham». Filmbug. MISJA.COM. Retrieved 18 August 2012.
- ^ Jason Statham interview USAToday.com, 10 October 2002.
- ^ «The Professionals». NYMag.com. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ Silver, James (3 October 2005). «How to flog a turkey». The Guardian. UK. Retrieved 22 May 2010.
- ^ LakeshoreEnt (26 July 2006), Jason Statham and Efren Ramirez at Comic-Con for CRANK, archived from the original on 22 December 2021, retrieved 15 January 2018
- ^ White, Armond. «Transcendent Thrill Drive». Nypress.com. Retrieved 22 August 2010.
- ^ Hewitt, Chris (21 August 2008). «Transporter 3». Empire. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ Sampson, Thomas (17 September 2008). «Jason Statham up for The Grabbers». The Hollywood News. Archived from the original on 28 August 2009. Retrieved 26 January 2009.
- ^ «You Have Reached a 404 Page». Slate. 22 September 2013. ISSN 1091-2339. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ Desta, Yohana. «Arnold Schwarzenegger Is Exiting The Expendables Because He Felt Too Expendable». HWD. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ «The Mechanic film advert banned from television». BBC. June 2011. Retrieved 1 June 2011.
- ^ Brooks, Xan (27 January 2011). «The Mechanic – review». The Guardian. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Dargis, Manohla (2011). «Jason Statham in ‘The Mechanic’ — Review». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Robey, Tim (2011). «The Mechanic, review». Daily Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Archived from the original on 10 January 2022. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Clarke, Cath (19 May 2011). «Blitz – review». The Guardian. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Swart, Sharon (14 May 2009). «Jason Statham embraces ‘Killer Elite’«. Variety. Retrieved 19 August 2010.
- ^ Dargis, Manohla (22 September 2011). «‘Killer Elite,’ With Jason Statham and Robert De Niro – Review». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ Mike Fleming (writer) (20 June 2011). «FilmDistrict Acquires Taylor Hackford-Helmed ‘Parker’ With Jason Statham». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 6 February 2014.
- ^ Scott, A. O. (2013). «‘Parker,’ Starring Jennifer Lopez and Jason Statham». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Ramos, Dino-Ray (13 January 2018). «Sylvester Stallone Hints That ‘The Expendables 4’ Is Back on Track». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
- ^ Franich, Darren (25 May 2013). «‘Fast & Furious 6’ spoilers ending». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 21 June 2015.
- ^ Keyes, Rob (14 February 2013). «‘Fast & Furious 6’ Post-Credits Scene & ‘Fast & Furious 7’ Villain Revealed». Screenrant. Retrieved 16 February 2013.
- ^ Frappier, Rob (June 2013). «Jason Statham Talks Fast & Furious 7«. Screen Rant. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
- ^ Franich, Darren (2 April 2015). «Jason Statham talks ‘Furious 7’…and ‘Crank 3’«. Entertainment Weekly’s EW.com. Retrieved 21 June 2015.
- ^ «Jason Statham Hopes Jackie Chan Will Join Him in THE EXPENDABLES 3; Updates on HOMEFRONT Written by Sylvester Stallone». Collider. 15 January 2013. Retrieved 18 November 2018.
- ^ Kermode, Mark (29 June 2013). «Hummingbird – review». The Guardian. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Thorpe, Vanessa (6 July 2013). «Jason Statham breaks into new acting territory with Hummingbird». The Guardian. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Barnes, Henry (16 August 2014). «The Expendables 3 review – Sly Stallone and co return for another macho bout of sparring». The Guardian. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ «The Expendables 3 (2014) — Box Office Mojo». boxofficemojo.com. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ «Comedy genius! Even Jason Statham is surprised he delivered funny blows in ‘Spy’«. USA Today. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ lefigaro.fr (17 December 2017). «Le film à voir ce soir : Spy». TVMag (in French). Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ «It’s no secret: ‘Spy’ is a hilarious sendup». USA Today. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ Associated Press (28 May 2015), Jason Statham: Comedy Genius, archived from the original on 22 December 2021, retrieved 9 January 2018
- ^ Semlyen, Phil de (21 June 2016). «Jason Statham’s Rick Ford will be back in Spy 2». Empire. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ a b A&E (17 January 2016), Jason Statham on the Red Carpet | 2016 Critics’ Choice Awards | A&E, retrieved 9 January 2018
- ^ Barsanti, Sam. «Jason Statham admits that money kept him from returning to the Transporter series». News. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Moser, Cassidee (3 April 2015). «Jason Statham Comments on Why He Left The Transporter Series». IGN. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Rose, Steve (1 June 2015). «Jason Statham: ‘Do I want to be the next James Bond? Absolutely’«. The Guardian. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ «Jason Statham Would Love to Play James Bond, Says His 007 Would Be «Very, Very Different»«. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ «Jason Statham Wants to Play James Bond». Time. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ «Idris Elba on All Those James Bond Rumors: I Blame Daniel Craig». Time. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ a b Mendelson, Scott. «Box Office: ‘Mechanic: Resurrection’ Becomes Jason Statham’s Biggest Solo Hit». Forbes. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ «Jason Statham and Gal Gadot launch Wix.com’s Super Bowl LI campaign». Ad Meter. 18 January 2017. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ «Gal Gadot, Jason Statham, Wix kick butt in Super Bowl ad race». CNET. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ «The best part of the ‘Fate of the Furious’ is shockingly the villain from the last movie». Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ «#JusticeForHan: Does ‘Fate of the Furious’ twist betray the ‘Fast and Furious’ family?». Los Angeles Times. 20 April 2017. ISSN 0458-3035. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
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- ^ «Jason Statham to play assassin in ‘The Killer’s Game’ after ‘Fast and Furious’ spinoff: report». Men’s Fitness. Retrieved 16 February 2018.
- ^ Semlyen, Phil de (21 June 2016). «Jason Statham’s Rick Ford will be back in Spy 2». Empire. Retrieved 16 February 2018.
- ^ «Paul Feig Explains Why Spy 2 Isn’t Happening». Retrieved 2 January 2020.
- ^ «Paul Feig reveals why Bridesmaids 2 probably won’t happen – but Spy 2 definitely could». Games Radar. 12 September 2019. Retrieved 2 January 2020.
- ^ Weiss, Josh (6 April 2018). «Jason Statham prepared for his role in shark thriller The Meg in the most dangerous way possible». Syfy. Archived from the original on 8 March 2021. Retrieved 8 April 2018.
- ^ «‘The Meg’ Producers on Keys to U.S.-China Co-Production Success: «It Had to Be Culturally Sound»«. Retrieved 2 November 2018.
- ^ Hobbs and Shaw, 26 July 2019, retrieved 9 January 2018
- ^ «Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham to star in ‘Fast and Furious’ spinoff». USA TODAY. Retrieved 8 February 2018.
- ^ Jackson, Matthew (31 July 2019). «Critics: Hobbs & Shaw pulls a fast one with furiously fun, if overstuffed, spinoff». SyFy Wire. Retrieved 31 July 2019.
- ^ a b c Gabbatt, Adam (20 May 2015). «Jason Statham: our last action hero (50 million Facebook fans can’t be wrong)». The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ «Which Jason Statham Character Would Win a Tournament of Jason Statham Characters?». Vulture. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ a b Miller, Julie (19 November 2013). «Jason Statham Says Stuntmen Deserve Oscars If «Poncy» Actors Faking It Get Them». Vanity Fair. Retrieved 22 November 2013.
- ^ a b «Jason Statham in His Own Words». Men’s Fitness. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ Brucie, Dylan (March 2007). «Ultimate Spider-Man». Wizard Xtra!. p. 117.
- ^ «Rosie Huntington-Whiteley cozies up to One Direction in Glamour: ‘The lads are like puppies – they’re adorable!’«. New York Daily News. New York. 3 July 2013. Retrieved 4 July 2013.
- ^ «Rosie Huntington-Whiteley & Jason Statham Are Engaged – See the Ring She Debuted at Golden Globes!». Yahoo! TV. 11 January 2016. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ^ «Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Welcome Son Jack Oscar». People. 28 June 2017. Archived from the original on 28 June 2017.
- ^ «Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Fiancé Jason Statham Welcome Second Baby, Daughter Isabella James». People. 8 February 2022. Retrieved 8 February 2022.
- ^ «Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham Will Definitely Have to Babyproof Their Immaculate House | Architectural Digest». Architectural Digest. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ «On Location: Bulgaria Shines in Grueling ‘The Expendables 3’ Shoot». TravelPulse. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ «‘Fast X’: New Cast, Release Date, and Everything We Know So Far». Collider. 15 June 2022.
- ^ @FastFamily (15 June 2022). «Look who joined the party. #F10 #FAST1 #Jason Statham #Tyrese» (Tweet) – via Twitter.
- ^ Yossman, K.J. (4 February 2022). «‘The Meg’ Sequel Dives Into Production». Variety. Retrieved 4 February 2022.
- ^ Grobar, Matt (18 October 2021). «Sylvester Stallone Announces Exit From ‘Expendables’ Franchise As He Wraps Production On Fourth Installment». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 22 October 2021.
- ^ Wiseman, Andreas (13 October 2022). «Jeremy Irons, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Bobby Naderi & Josh Hutcherson Join Jason Statham In David Ayer Action Pic ‘Beekeeper’, Filming Underway In UK». Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 13 October 2022.
- ^ «Teen Choice Awards 2015 Winners: Full List». Variety. 17 August 2015. Retrieved 18 January 2018.
External links
- Jason Statham at IMDb
- Jason Statham at TikTok
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jason Statham |
Statham in 2018 |
Born | 26 July 1967 (age 55)
Shirebrook, England |
Occupation |
Years active | 1993–present |
Partner(s) | Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (2010–present; engaged) |
Children | 2 |
Jason Statham (; born 26 July 1967) is an English actor. He is known for portraying characters in various action-thriller films who are typically tough, hardboiled, gritty, or violent.
Statham began practising Chinese martial arts, kickboxing, and karate recreationally in his youth while working at local market stalls. An avid footballer and diver, he was a member of Britain’s national diving team and competed for England in the 1990 Commonwealth Games. Shortly after, he was asked to model for French Connection, Tommy Hilfiger, and Levi’s in various advertising campaigns. His past history working at market stalls inspired his casting in the Guy Ritchie crime films Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) and Snatch (2000).
The commercial success of these films led Statham to star as Frank Martin in the Transporter trilogy (2002–2008). After starring in a variety of heist and action-thriller films such as The Italian Job (2003), Crank (2006), War (2007), The Bank Job (2008), The Mechanic (2011), Spy (2015), and Mechanic: Resurrection (2016), he established himself as a Hollywood leading man. However, he has also starred in commercially and critically unsuccessful films such as Revolver (2005), Chaos (2005), In the Name of the King (2007), 13 (2010), Blitz (2011), Killer Elite (2011), Hummingbird (2013), and Wild Card (2015). He regained commercial success as a part of the ensemble action series The Expendables (2010–2014) and the Fast & Furious franchise. In the latter, he has played Deckard Shaw in Fast & Furious 6 (2013), Furious 7 (2015), The Fate of the Furious (2017), F9 (2021) and the spin-off Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019). He was credited as a co-producer on Hobbs & Shaw, receiving his first production credit.
Statham’s acting has been criticised for lacking depth and variety, but he has also been praised for leading the resurgence of action films during the 2000s and 2010s.[1] According to a BBC News report, his film career from 2002 to 2017 generated an estimated $1.5 billion (£1.1 billion) in ticket sales,[2] making him one of the film industry’s most bankable stars.[3]
Early life
Jason Statham was born on 26 July 1967 in Shirebrook, Derbyshire,[4][5] the son of dancer Eileen (née Yates) and street seller Barry Statham.[6] His father also worked odd jobs as a house painter, coal miner, and singer in the Canary Islands.[7] Statham moved to Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, where he initially chose not to follow his father’s career working the local market stalls, instead practising martial arts. He grew up with football player Vinnie Jones, alongside whom he would later act. Jones introduced him to football, and Statham went on to play for the local grammar school (1978–1983), which he had attended since age 11, a passion that he shared with diving.[8] He practised daily in perfecting his diving techniques, and was a member of Britain’s National Swimming Squad for 12 years.[9][10] He competed for England at the 1990 Commonwealth Games in the 10 metre, 3 metre, and 1 metre competitions.[11] He said in a 2003 interview with IGN that his time with the national squad was «a great experience» and one that «teaches you discipline, focus, and certainly keeps you out of trouble».[12]
Statham’s life in the media began when he was spotted by the agency Sports Promotions specialising in sports modelling while he was training at London’s Crystal Palace National Sports Centre. He was also signed by Tommy Hilfiger, Griffin, and Levi’s for various modelling contracts during their 1996 spring/summer collections.[13] In 1997, he became a model for the clothing brand French Connection. A spokesperson for the high street clothing chain said, «We chose Jason because we wanted our model to look like a normal guy. His look is just right for now: very masculine and not too male-modelly.»[5] However, he was still forced to follow in his father’s footsteps as a street seller to make ends meet, stating that he sold «fake perfume and jewellery on street corners».[7][14] He made small appearances in a few music videos, including «Comin’ On» by The Shamen in 1993, «Run to the Sun» by Erasure in 1994,[15] and «Dream a Little Dream of Me» by The Beautiful South in 1995.[16][17]
2000–2010: Rise to prominence
While working as a model for French Connection, he was introduced to fledgling British director Guy Ritchie[18] who was developing a film project and needed to fill the role of a street-wise con artist. After learning about Statham’s past as a black market salesman, Ritchie cast him to play the role of «Bacon» in his 1998 crime comedy thriller Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.[19] The movie was well received by both critics and audiences, and helped put Statham in the public eye. For his role in the film he was paid UK £5,000.[7] Statham’s second collaboration with Ritchie came in the 2000 film Snatch, playing the role of «Turkish». Cast alongside popular actors Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina, and Benicio del Toro, the movie earned more than $80 million in box-office revenue. For his role in Snatch, he was paid UK £15,000, 3 times the amount of his first film.[7] Statham was able to break into Hollywood and appeared in two movies in 2001: the science fiction action horror film Ghosts of Mars and the science fiction martial arts action film The One.
Statham was offered more film roles, and in 2002 he was cast as the lead role of driver Frank Martin in the action movie The Transporter, written by Luc Besson. He has studied Wing Chun, karate, and kickboxing.[20] The film spawned two sequels, Transporter 2 (2005) and Transporter 3 (2008). He also played supporting roles in Mean Machine (2002), The Italian Job (2003),[21] and Cellular (2004) in which he played the lead villain.
In 2005, Statham was once again cast by Ritchie to star in his new project, Revolver, which was a critical and box office failure.[22] He played a dramatic role in the independent film London in 2006. That same year he played the lead role in the action film Crank. Statham was asked to promote Crank during the 2006 San Diego Comic-Con Convention.[23] In 2008, Statham starred in the British crime thriller The Bank Job and Death Race, a remake of Death Race 2000 (1975). American film critic Armond White hailed Statham’s ascension as an action film star. On the occasion of Death Race, White championed Statham’s «best track record of any contemporary movie star.»[24] Later in 2008, White praised Statham’s Transporter 3 as a great example of kinetic pop art. Chris Hewitt of Empire Magazine, noted the film as «a dour, drab affair», but credited the film with «establishing Statham as a new action hero, as at ease with gruff one-liners as he was with Jackie Chan-esque high-kicking».[25]
In 2009, Statham started to develop a new movie written by David Peoples and Janet Peoples. Statham stated «We’ve got a movie we’re trying to do, written by David Peoples and Janet Peoples, in the vein of an old film, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. It’s not a remake or anything, but it’s a little bit like that, about relationships and how greed contaminates the relationships these three people have. The working title is The Grabbers.»[26] He reprised his role as Chev Chelios in the 2009 sequel Crank: High Voltage.[27]
In 2010, Statham appeared alongside fellow action stars Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren and Mickey Rourke, among others, in the ensemble action film The Expendables. Statham plays Lee Christmas, a former SAS soldier and expert at close quarters combat using knives.[28] The film was commercially successful, opening at number one at the box office in the United States, the United Kingdom, China and India, and grossed a total of $274 million worldwide.
2011–2015: Commercial expansion
In his first film of 2011, Statham starred in the remake of the 1972 Charles Bronson film, The Mechanic, as Arthur Bishop. A theatrical trailer depicting Statham’s character «shooting a man’s head off» was banned from circulation by the Advertising Standards Authority for showing excessive violence.[29] His role in The Mechanic was positively reviewed by the critics both in the United States and the United Kingdom. The Guardian praised his performance as possessing a «now-customary efficiency» in attaining «an entertaining hitman thriller».[30] The New York Times noted Statham as «sleek as a bullet»; and the film «a more powerful recharge» of the original.[31] UK newspaper, The Daily Telegraph hailed Statham as «England’s best export to action movies in just about forever, a businesslike brute with gentlemanly soul.»[32] He returned to British film by starring in the police drama Blitz as Detective Sergeant Tom Brant. The film received mixed reviews with Cath Clake of The Guardian reviewing it as «not half bad» and «oddly entertaining».[33] He was then cast in the action film Killer Elite. The film was based on real events, which were the subject of Sir Ranulph Fiennes’ novel The Feather Men. Statham played an assassin named Danny who comes out of retirement to save an old friend, played by Robert De Niro.[34] The film grossed returned a negative budget, and was panned by the critics.[35]
In August 2011, he began filming Parker for director Taylor Hackford; the film was released in January 2013. Statham played Parker, the criminal antihero previously played by Mel Gibson in 1999’s Payback and by Lee Marvin in 1967’s Point Blank (though their characters were given different surnames).[36] A. O. Scott of The New York Times said of the actor in the film: «[Statham], who seems to be made entirely of muscle and scar tissue, is comfortable with his limitations as an actor. His Parker, in any case, is more of an axiom than a fully rounded human being.»[37] A 2012 BBC News report estimated that his ten-year film career to date (2002 to 2012) yielded over one billion dollars in the box office, making him one of the industry’s most bankable stars.[2] He was signed on to reprise his role as Lee Christmas in The Expendables 2 in 2012.[38]
In 2013, Statham had a cameo appearance at the end of Fast & Furious 6 as the brother of the film’s antagonist Owen Shaw (Luke Evans).[39] He reprised the character, this time as the main antagonist, in Furious 7, which was released in April 2015.[40][41][42] He also starred opposite James Franco in the thriller Homefront, written by Sylvester Stallone,[43] and headlined the British thriller Hummingbird. The latter film was praised by critics for pushing Statham’s acting abilities to new heights. His «attempt to develop his ‘brand’ by trying more adventurous parts» noted by The Guardian‘s Mark Kermode, «[broadened] his dramatic palette».[44][45] Statham made a cameo in the 2014 music video Summer of Calvin Harris as one of the car racers. In 2014, he returned as Lee Christmas in The Expendables 3. Although critically panned,[46] the film would go on to gross $215 million against a $90 million budget.[47]
In 2015 he starred in the action comedy Spy alongside Melissa McCarthy, Jude Law, and Rose Byrne. The film, a commercial success, was particularly praised for showcasing Statham’s comedic side in contrast to his more serious roles.[48][49][50][51] According to an article by Empire magazine, a Spy 2 was development in late 2015, with more screen time dedicated for Statham’s character, Rick Ford.[52] He was nominated for the Critic’s Choice Award for Best Actor in a Comedy for his role in Spy.[53]
Statham was offered a three-film contract to reboot the Transporter series in late 2015, but turned it down because he was not given the script before the signing date and unhappy with its compensation package.[54][55] According to an article by The Guardian, Statham expressed interest in playing James Bond in the upcoming Spectre film. Its author, Steve Rose noted that «there was no doubt Statham can walk the Bond walk. And talking his talk can hardly be an issue with a character whose accent has fluctuated between Sean Connery’s Scottish brogue and Timothy Dalton’s Welsh.»[56] After the interview there were multiple calls from critics and the public to instate him as James Bond in a future film.[57][58][59]
2016–present: Continued success
The sequel to his 2011 film The Mechanic was scheduled for production in late 2016 and announced to open as Mechanic: Resurrection. The film went on to become highly commercially successfully in international film markets grossing $109.4 million worldwide.[60] According to Forbes, the film was Statham’s «seventh-biggest earner» and most commercially successful solo film venture of his career.[60]
In February 2017, he starred alongside Gal Gadot in a 30-second super bowl advertisement for Wix.com during Super Bowl LI.[61] CNET reported that the advertisement reached 22 million user impressions.[62] Statham was asked to re-join the Fast & Furious franchise once more in 2016. The ensuing film, The Fate of the Furious, was released in April 2017 to commercial success. While the film overall received mixed reviews, Statham was praised for his comedic timing and onscreen chemistry with contemporaries.[63][64][65] The film went on to be the third highest-grossing film of 2017 and the 12th highest-grossing film of all time.[66][67]
Spy 2 was confirmed on 15 February 2018.[68][69] But later in 2018, Feig explained that although a sequel to Spy could still happen, «there hasn’t been any interest from the studio» in the project.[70][71]
Statham played the lead, former Naval captain Jonas Taylor, in the 2018 action-horror film The Meg, which was released on 10 August. In order to prepare for scenes wherein he swims in shark-infested waters, Statham swam with bull sharks in Fiji.[72] The film would go on to gross $527.8 million worldwide, becoming the highest-grossing U.S.-Chinese co-production of all time.[73]
In 2019, Statham reprised his role as Deckard Shaw again in Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, a spin-off of the Fast & Furious franchise focusing on his and Dwayne Johnson’s characters.[74][75] The film grossed $758 million worldwide, becoming the tenth highest-grossing film of 2019, and received generally positive reviews from critics, with praise for Statham’s performance.[76]
Public image
An article by Adam Gabbatt in The Guardian noted that Statham’s character contributions to his industry and film niche are «tough [and] uncompromising».[77][78] Some critics note his presence as a «defining feature» that signals to movie-goers the content of a film.[79] The same exposé commented, «You know what you’re getting with a Jason Statham film. He will beat people up. He will crash cars. He will do an unconvincing American accent.»[77]
Statham’s impact on the action-thriller genre has been seen by Gabbatt as a replacement of the same undertaken by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Jean-Claude Van Damme during their runs as headliners throughout the 1980s and 1990s.[77] Statham himself cites Stallone, Bruce Lee, Paul Newman, Steve McQueen, and Clint Eastwood as his inspirations.[80]
An article by Times Higher Education reported that Manchester University Press commissioned an academic study analysing the impact Statham has had on the British and American film industries from his debut in 1998 to 2018. According to the article, professors Steven Gerrard and Robert Shail are looking to show «the changing face of British cinematic masculinity» into «one that embraces cinema across a wide range of projects, but one that also uses cross-textual media in his output».[3]
In popular media
In 2003, Statham appeared in three British television commercials for the Kit Kat chocolate bar. Described as a «break philosopher», he philosophised about salmon swimming upstream, a Mexican fisherman, and the relative speeds and ages of animals, before ending with a reminder that «taking a break» (alluding to the Kit Kat slogan) is an important part of life.[citation needed]
In the comic book series Ultimate Spider-Man, that series’ version of the villain Vulture was rendered by artist Mark Bagley to resemble actor Statham, as per writer Brian Michael Bendis’ instructions.[81]
Personal life
Statham has been in a relationship with model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley since 2010.[82] The couple announced their engagement in January 2016.[83] Their son, Jack Oscar, was born in June 2017.[84] Their daughter Isabella James Statham was born on 2 February 2022.[85] They reside in Beverly Hills, California.[86]
Statham enjoys wakeboarding, jet skiing, wind surfing, and rock climbing.[80] While filming on location in Varna for The Expendables 3, he drove a truck off the road into the Black Sea due to malfunctioning brakes.[65][87]
In a 2013 interview with Vanity Fair, he advocated for stunt performers to be given their own Academy Award category: «All of the stunt men—these are the unsung heroes. They really are. Nobody is giving them any credibility. They’re risking their necks. And then you’ve got poncy actors pretending like they’re doing [the stunts].»[79]
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
1998 | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | Bacon | |
2000 | Snatch | Turkish | |
Turn It Up | Mr. B | ||
2001 | Ghosts of Mars | Sergeant Jericho Butler | |
The One | MVA Agent Evan Funsch | ||
Mean Machine | Monk | ||
2002 | The Transporter | Frank Martin | |
2003 | The Italian Job | Handsome Rob | |
2004 | Collateral | Frank Martin | Cameo, credited as Airport Man |
Cellular | Ethan Greer | ||
2005 | Transporter 2 | Frank Martin | |
Revolver | Jake Green | ||
London | Bateman | ||
Chaos | Detective Quentin Conners | ||
2006 | The Pink Panther | Yves Gluant | Uncredited |
Crank | Chev Chelios | ||
2007 | War | FBI Agent John Crawford | |
2008 | The Bank Job | Terry Leather | |
In the Name of the King | Farmer Daimon | ||
Death Race | Jensen Garner «Frankenstein» Ames | ||
Truth in 24 | Narrator | Documentary | |
Transporter 3 | Frank Martin | ||
2009 | Crank: High Voltage | Chev Chelios | |
2010 | 13 | Jasper Bagges | |
The Expendables | Lee Christmas | ||
2011 | The Mechanic | Arthur Bishop | |
Gnomeo & Juliet | Tybalt | Voice only | |
Blitz | Detective Sergeant Tom Brant | ||
Killer Elite | Danny Bryce | ||
2012 | Truth in 24 II | Narrator | Documentary |
Safe | Luke Wright | ||
The Expendables 2 | Lee Christmas | ||
2013 | Parker | Parker | |
Fast & Furious 6 | Deckard Shaw[a] | Cameo | |
Hummingbird | Joey Jones | U.S. title: Redemption | |
Homefront | Phil Broker | ||
2014 | The Expendables 3 | Lee Christmas | |
2015 | Wild Card | Nick Wild | |
Furious 7 | Deckard Shaw | ||
Spy | Rick Ford | ||
2016 | Mechanic: Resurrection | Arthur Bishop | |
2017 | The Fate of the Furious | Deckard Shaw | |
2018 | The Meg | Jonas Taylor | |
2019 | Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw | Deckard Shaw | Also producer |
2021 | Wrath of Man | Patrick «H» Hill/Hargreaves | |
F9 | Deckard Shaw | Cameo | |
2023 | Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre | Orson Fortune | Also producer |
Fast X |
Deckard Shaw | Post-production[88][89] | |
Meg 2: The Trench |
Jonas Taylor | Post-production[90] | |
The Expendables 4 |
Lee Christmas | Also producer; Post-production[91] | |
TBA | The Beekeeper |
TBA | Filming[92] |
Denotes films that have not yet been released |
Video games
Year | Title | Role | Notes |
2002 | Red Faction II | Mandril Shrike | |
2003 | Call of Duty | Sergeant Waters | |
2015 | Sniper X with Jason Statham | Team Leader | Mobile game |
Music videos
Year | Artists | Title | Role | Notes |
1993 | The Shamen | «Comin’ On» | Background Dancer | |
1994 | Erasure | «Run to the Sun» | Background Dancer | |
1995 | The Beautiful South | «Dream a Little Dream of Me» | Moviegoer | |
2014 | Calvin Harris | «Summer» | Driver |
Awards and nominations
Year | Nominated work | Association | Award | Result | Refs |
2015 | Spy | Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards | Best Actor in a Comedy | Nominated | [53] |
2015 | Furious 7 | Teen Choice Award | Choice Movie: Villain | Nominated | [93] |
- ^ Statham’s character in Fast & Furious 6 was not given a name at the time of the film’s release.
- ^ Martin, Reed (28 April 2009). The Reel Truth: Everything You Didn’t Know You Need to Know About Making an Independent Film. Macmillan. ISBN 9780571211036.
- ^ a b Jones, Emma (3 May 2012). «Jason Statham: Billion dollar man». BBC News. Retrieved 9 January 2018.
- ^ a b «Scholars tackle soaraway success of Jason Statham». Times Higher Education (THE). 21 December 2017. Retrieved 15 January 2018.
- ^ Statham, Jason (12 September 2013). «Thanks for all the Birthday messages. The real date is 26 July…» Jason Statham verified Facebook page. Archived from the original on 13 September 2013. Retrieved 4 June 2015.
- ^ a b Syson, Damon (2 June 1995). «Jason Statham stays true to himself». The Independent. London. Archived from the original on 19 June 2017. Retrieved 5 March 2011.
His name’s Jason Statham, he’s 26 [in June 1995]…
- ^ Corcoran, Monica (3 September 2006). «Action Bloke». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 18 January 2018.
- ^ a b c d «Jason Statham, for Your Amusement». Esquire. 26 May 2015. Retrieved 13 February 2018.
- ^ dirt.com (14 June 2012). «Jason Statham Bio». dirt.com. dirt.com. Archived from the original on 23 January 2013. Retrieved 18 August 2012.
- ^ Iley, Chrissy (5 October 2008). «Jason Statham, last action hero». The Times. UK. Retrieved 8 June 2009.
- ^ Barlow, Helen (13 July 2008). «All action». The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 1 November 2009.
- ^ Rice, Simon (23 July 2014). «Commonwealth Games: Watch Jason Statham diving at the 1990 Games». The Independent. Archived from the original on 25 September 2015. Retrieved 23 July 2014.
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- ^ «Teen Choice Awards 2015 Winners: Full List». Variety. 17 August 2015. Retrieved 18 January 2018.
External links
- Jason Statham at IMDb
- Jason Statham at TikTok
Джейсон Стэтхэм | |
Jason Statham | |
Джейсон Стэтхэм в марте 2007 года |
Имя при рождении: |
Джейсон Майкл Стэтхэм |
Дата рождения: |
12 сентября 1972 (37 лет) |
Место рождения: |
Лондон, Англия |
Профессия: |
актёр |
Карьера: |
1998 — наст. время |
IMDb: |
ID 0005458 |
Дже́йсон Майкл Стэ́тхэм (англ. Jason Michael Statham; род. 12 сентября 1972 года, Лондон, Англия) — английский актёр, наиболее известный по фильмам режиссёра Гая Ричи — «Карты, деньги, два ствола», «Большой куш» и «Револьвер». Также снимался в главных ролях в нескольких голливудских и европейских блокбастерах «Перевозчик», «Адреналин», «Война», «Смертельная гонка».
- 1 Транскрипция фамилии
- 2 Биография
- 2.1 Ранние годы
- 2.2 Карьера
- 2.3 Личная жизнь
- 3 Фильмография
- 4 Ссылки
- 5 Примечания
Транскрипция фамилии
Распространённые в русскоязычном интернете варианты Стэтхэм [2] и Стэтэм [3] отражают этимологию слова, где —ham — неударная форма слова home (обе формы восходят к др.-англ. hām «семья»), и слово изначально было сложным, состоящим из двух частей. Однако сам актёр называет себя иначе: [‘ʤeɪsən ‘steɪθəm] (в русской транскрипции Джейсон Стейтем) [1].
Ранние годы
Джейсон Стэтхэм родился 12 сентября 1972 года в Лондоне,[2][3] он был вторым сыном в семье лаундж-певца (в комнате для отдыха) и портнихи, ставшей танцовщицей. Позже переехал в Грейт-Ярмут, графство Норфолк, и рос, следуя стопам своих родителей, овладевая искусством уличного театра. Он также играл в футбол в местной Грамматической школе (1978-83), но его настоящей страстью были прыжки в воду, провел 12 лет в Национальной сборной по прыжкам в воду.[4]
Его отец был боксером и гимнастом и обучал этому Джейсона, брат любил боевые искусства и часто использовал маленького Джейсона, как «грушу». Стэтхэм является специалистом в области боевых искусств по кикбоксингу.[5]
В конце девяностых один рекламный агент, работающий, главным образом, со спортсменами, пригласил Стэтхэма принять участие в рекламной кампании Tommy Hilfiger. Так Стэтхэм появился в рекламе джинсов, стал рекламным лицом бренда, с чего и началась его модельная карьера.
Надо заметить, что карьеру модели Стэтхэм благополучно совмещал с работой на улице, где он сбывал украденные и фальшивые товары. Через некоторое время владелец фирмы, которую рекламировал Джейсон, стал основным продюсером дебютной картины Гая Ричи «Карты, деньги, два ствола» и предложил режиссёру кандидатуру Стэтхэма на одну из ролей в фильме. Режиссёр был заинтригован тёмным прошлым Стэтхэма и впечатлен его модельной работой. Он пригласил Джейсона на пробы и в качестве этюда предложил Стэтхэму изобразить уличного торговца и убедить его купить гарнитур поддельных золотых драгоценностей. «Гаю был нужен подлинный характер, — рассказывал об этом случае Стэтхэм. — И это был я, потому что таким вещам не учат в драматической школе». Джейсону удалось продать Гаю Ричи ничего не стоящий товар, а когда тот попытался вернуть его, Стэтхэм проявил такую грациозную непреклонность, что Ричи немедленно взял его на роль.
В следующей криминальной комедии Ричи «Большой куш» Стэтхэм сыграл организатора подпольных боксерских боев. Вначале персонаж Джейсона задумывался как второстепенный в ансамбле Брэда Питта, Рада Сербеджия и Денниса Фарины, но в ходе съемок роль стала больше, и к выходу фильма в прокат Стэтхэм занял в сюжете место главного рассказчика.
В 2000-х Стэтхэм совершил прорыв. В 2000 году он дебютировал в американском кино, исполнив роль английского торговца наркотиками в фильме «Сделай погромче», затем получил главную роль в научно-фантастическом триллере Джона Карпентера «Призраки Марса» (2001), присоединился к Джету Ли в фантастической ленте «Противостояние», и принял участие в съемках картины «Ограбление по-итальянски» (2003). Фильмом, который сделал Джейсона звездой, стал «Перевозчик». Гонорар актёра приблизился к миллиону долларов, а продолжение, снятое тремя годами позже, принесло еще большие кассовые сборы, чем оригинал.
Личная жизнь
Около семи лет Джейсон встречался с английской моделью и актрисой Келли Брук до 2004,[6][7] пока та не познакомилась с актёром Билли Зейном на съёмках фильма. Позже Джейсон встретил певицу Софи Монк,[8] но и с ней вскоре разошёлся.
Год | Русское название | Оригинальное название | Роль | |
1998 | ф | Карты, деньги, два ствола | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | Бекон |
2000 | ф | Большой куш | Snatch | Турок |
2000 | ф | Сделай погромче (англ.) | Turn It Up | мистер Би |
2001 | ф | Призраки Марса | Ghosts of Mars | сержант Джерико Батлер |
2001 | ф | Противостояние | The One | агент МВА Эванс Фунш |
2001 | ф | Костолом | Mean Machine | Монах |
2002 | ф | Перевозчик | The Transporter | Фрэнк Мартин |
2002 | ви | Red Faction II | Red Faction II | Шрайк |
2003 | ф | Ограбление по-итальянски | The Italian Job | Красавчик Роб |
2003 | ви | Call of Duty | Call of Duty | сержант Уотерс |
2004 | ф | Соучастник | Collateral | человек в аэропорту, роль-камео |
2004 | ф | Сотовый | Cellular | Итан Грир |
2005 | ф | Перевозчик 2 | Transporter 2 | Фрэнк Мартин |
2005 | ф | Лондон | London | Бейтмен |
2005 | ф | Револьвер | Revolver | Джейк Грин |
2005 | ф | Хаос | Chaos | детектив Квентин Коннерс |
2006 | ф | Розовая пантера | The Pink Panther | Ив Глюан |
2006 | ф | Адреналин | Crank | Чев Челиос |
2007 | ф | Во имя короля: История осады подземелья | In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale | Фермер |
2007 | ф | Война | War | Кроуфорд |
2008 | ф | Ограбление на Бейкер-стрит | The Bank Job | Терри Литер |
2008 | ф | Смертельная гонка | Death Race | Дженсен Франкенштейн Амес |
2008 | ф | Перевозчик 3 | Transporter 3 | Фрэнк Мартин |
2009 | тф | Перевозчик 3 Спецдоставка | Transporter 3 Special Delivery: Transporters in the Real World | Фрэнк Мартин |
2009 | ф | Адреналин 2: Высокое напряжение | Crank: High Voltage | Чев Челиос |
2010 | ф | Тринадцать | 13 | Джаспер |
2010 | ф | Блиц | Blitz | имя персонажа неизвестно |
2010 | ф | Невозвращенцы | The Expendables | Ли Кристмас |
2011 | ф | Гномео и Джульетта | Gnomeo and Juliet | имя персонажа неизвестно |
2010 | ф | Механик (англ.) | The Mechanic | имя персонажа неизвестно |
2010 | ф | The Killer Elite (англ.) | The Killer Elite | имя персонажа неизвестно |
2011 | ф | Ограбление по-бразильски | The Brazilian Job | Красавчик Роб |
2011 | ф | Potsdamer Platz (англ.) | Potsdamer Platz | имя персонажа неизвестно |
- Официальный фан-сайт Джейсона Стэтхэма(англ.)
- Jason Statham Online(англ.)
- Джейсон Стэтхэм на kinoshniki.org(рус.)
На Викискладе есть медиафайлы по теме Джейсон Стэтхэм
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Iley, Chrissy. Jason Statham, last action hero, ‘The Times’ (5 October 2008). Проверено 8 июня 2009.
- ↑ Barlow, Helen. All action, ‘The Sydney Morning Herald’ (13 July 2008). Проверено 1 ноября 2009.
- ↑ http://movies.ign.com/articles/423/423022p1.html
- ↑ http://www.jonathancrocker.com/2009/06/25/things-you-didnt-know-about-jason-statham/
- ↑ Nashawaty, By Chris. Cut To The Chase, ‘Entertainment Weekly’ (24 August 2007). Проверено 1 ноября 2009.
- ↑ Day, Elizabeth. Kelly Brook, ‘The Guardian’ (1 November 2009). Проверено 2 ноября 2009.
- ↑ http://www.kinoshniki.org/view_news.php?id=35