Как правильно пишется джош


  • 1

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Josh

  • 2
    Shaw, Henry Wheeler

    (1818-1885) Шоу, Генри Уилер

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Shaw, Henry Wheeler

  • 3

    amer. collocation

    добродушная шутка; мистификация

    подшучивать; мистифицировать; разыгрывать

    * * *

    2 (n) добродушная шутка; подшучивание

    3 (v) вести легкую беседу; перебрасываться шутками; поддразнивать; поддразнить; подшутить; подшучивать

    * * *

    * * *

    [dʒɑʃ /dʒɒʃ]
    добродушная шутка, мистификация

    * * *

    1. сущ.
    добродушная шутка
    2. гл.
    подшучивать, посмеиваться, подтрунивать над кем-л.

    Новый англо-русский словарь > josh

  • 4

    НБАРС > josh

  • 5
    roghan josh

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > roghan josh

  • 6
    kind of


    В современном английском языке частицы kind of и sort of являются практически функциональными эквивалентами. Они обе относятся обычно либо к прилагательному (причастию), либо к глаголу, выполняют одинаковую функцию указания на приблизительность оценки; более того, как показывает наш анализ, они примерно совпадают по частотности употребления, предпочтение той или другой частицы объясняется, очевидно, субъективными языковыми предпочтениями. Одним из основных средств выражения приблизительности оценки в русском языке является частица как бы; соответственно, она достаточно часто, хотя и не всегда, может выступать в качестве эквивалента названных английских частиц. Существуют контексты, в которых использование как бы противоречит принципу естественности, и здесь предпочтение может быть отдано другим средствам, в частности, выражению в общем и наречию достаточно. Следующие примеры иллюстрируют сказанное:

    • «… I think that to many people he kind of personifies the whole profession…» (DL: 119)

    «Я думаю, что для многих людей он как бы олицетворяет собой всю профессию…»

    • There was another chap there, sort of running the place, called Josh. (DL: 183)

    Там был ещё один парень, как бы владелец всего заведения, по имени Джош.

    • ‘You know Bunny?’ — ‘ Sort of. Do you?’ — ‘Sure… ‘ (DT: 50)

    «Ты знаешь Банни?» — «В общем / как бы да. А ты?» — «Разумеется…»

    • «What do you think of it, Morris?» — «… I kind of liked it…» (DL: 59)

    «Что ты думаешь о ней, Моррис?» — «… Она мне в общем понравилась…»

    • It’s getting kind of interesting… (DL: 283)

    Это становится достаточно интересным…

    Английские частицы. Англо-русский словарь > kind of

  • 7
    sort of


    В современном английском языке частицы kind of и sort of являются практически функциональными эквивалентами. Они обе относятся обычно либо к прилагательному (причастию), либо к глаголу, выполняют одинаковую функцию указания на приблизительность оценки; более того, как показывает наш анализ, они примерно совпадают по частотности употребления, предпочтение той или другой частицы объясняется, очевидно, субъективными языковыми предпочтениями. Одним из основных средств выражения приблизительности оценки в русском языке является частица как бы; соответственно, она достаточно часто, хотя и не всегда, может выступать в качестве эквивалента названных английских частиц. Существуют контексты, в которых использование как бы противоречит принципу естественности, и здесь предпочтение может быть отдано другим средствам, в частности, выражению в общем и наречию достаточно. Следующие примеры иллюстрируют сказанное:

    • «… I think that to many people he kind of personifies the whole profession…» (DL: 119)

    «Я думаю, что для многих людей он как бы олицетворяет собой всю профессию…»

    • There was another chap there, sort of running the place, called Josh. (DL: 183)

    Там был ещё один парень, как бы владелец всего заведения, по имени Джош.

    • ‘You know Bunny?’ — ‘ Sort of. Do you?’ — ‘Sure… ‘ (DT: 50)

    «Ты знаешь Банни?» — «В общем / как бы да. А ты?» — «Разумеется…»

    • «What do you think of it, Morris?» — «… I kind of liked it…» (DL: 59)

    «Что ты думаешь о ней, Моррис?» — «… Она мне в общем понравилась…»

    • It’s getting kind of interesting… (DL: 283)

    Это становится достаточно интересным…

    Английские частицы. Англо-русский словарь > sort of

  • 8

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Josh

  • 9
    Gibson, Josh

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Gibson, Josh

  • 10
    Logan, Josh

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Logan, Josh

  • 11

    Англо-русский современный словарь > Josh

  • 12



    1) пара

    3) пара, двое, две, оба, обе

    Just clear out, the pair of you! разг. — А ну, убирайтесь, вы оба!

    The company is run by a pair of brothers. — Компанией управляют два брата.

    They will make a lovely pair dancing together. — Они будут прекрасной парой, когда будут танцевать вместе.

    4) супружеская чета; пара

    The pair had a baby, Josh, in August. — В августе у супругов родился ребёнок — Джош.

    5) самец и самка; пара

    7) партнёр, пара

    Since I have to be able to eventually knit a pair for this sock, I’m making some notes as I go. — Так как в конечном итоге мне нужно будет связать пару для этого носка, я делаю кое-какие записи в процессе работы.

    а) пара взаимно неголосующих



    упорядоченная пара



    электронная пара


    It’s a different pair of shoes / boots! — Это другое дело!




    Try to pair this card with one exactly the same from the other pack. — Попытайся найти в пару к этой карте точно такую же в другой колоде.

    б) образовывать пару; заключать союз, начинать сотрудничество

    One conservative started to pair with two Labour members. — Один из представителей партии консерваторов начал сотрудничать с двумя лейбористами.



    — pair up
    — pair with

    Англо-русский современный словарь > pair

  • 13
    have one’s eyes about one

    зорко следить, внимательно наблюдать; смотреть в оба, держать ухо востро, быть настороже, начеку ];

    тж. have an eye out for smb.

    Josh has his weather-eye open, sir. You’ll find him tough… and de-vil-ish sly! (Ch. Dickens, ‘Dombey and Son’, ch. X) — Джош не дремлет, сэр. Вы увидите, что он хитер… чертовски хитер!

    He kept his eyes open. He asked a lot of questions, both of officers and men and sorting the answers, accepting what looked like truth and rejecting what was improbable, formed the opinion that the Duke’s force was far from negligible (W. S. Maugham, ‘Then and Now’, ch. X) — Макиавелли держал ухо востро. Он задавал много вопросов как офицерам, так и солдатам. Он отбросил ответы, казавшиеся ему неправдой, и, основываясь на ответах, которым поверил, пришел к заключению, что армия герцога не так уж мала.

    He added: ‘Keep your eyes open, Lanny, and see if you can learn something.’ (U. Sinclair, ‘World’s End’, ch. 28) — Потом прибавил: «Не зевай, Ланни, может быть, чему и научишься»

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have one’s eyes about one

  • 14

    1. n Джош

    2. n амер. сл. добродушная шутка; подшучивание

    3. v амер. сл. подшучивать; поддразнивать

    4. v амер. сл. перебрасываться шутками, вести лёгкую беседу

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. banter (verb) banter; chaff; fool; fun; jest; joke; jolly; kid; rag; razz; rib; spoof; trifle; trifle with

    2. mock (verb) deride; heckle; jeer; make fun of; mock; ridicule; tease

    English-Russian base dictionary > Josh

См. также в других словарях:

  • Джош — The Outer Limits: Josh Жанр фантастика Режиссёр …   Википедия

  • Джош Холловей — Джош Холлоуэй Josh Holloway Джош Холлоуэй Имя при рождении: Джошуа Ли Холлоуэй Дата рождения: 20 июля 1969 …   Википедия

  • Джош Холлоуэй — Josh Holloway Джош Холлоуэй Имя при рождении: Джошуа Ли Холлоуэй Дата рождения: 20 июля 1969 …   Википедия

  • Джош (За гранью возможного) — Джош The Outer Limits: Josh Жанр фантастика Режиссёр Йорг Монтеси Продюсер Брент Карл Клаксон …   Википедия

  • Джош и Сэм (фильм) — Джош и Сэм Josh And S.A.M Жанр комедия Режиссёр Билли Вебер В главных ролях Джейкоб Тирни Джоан Аллен Марта Плимптон …   Википедия

  • Джош Хартнетт — Josh Hartnett Джош Хартнетт Имя при рождении: Joshua Daniel Hartnett Дата рождения: 21 …   Википедия

  • Джош и Сэм — Josh And S.A.M Жанр к …   Википедия

  • Джош Брэйнард — Место рождения Де Мойн, Айова Страна  СШАСША Профессия …   Википедия

  • Джош Хатчерсон — Josh Hutcherson Имя при рождении: Джошуа Райан Хатчерсон Дата рождения: 12 октября 1992 (16 лет)(19921012) Место рождения …   Википедия

  • Джош Ховард — Josh Howard Ховард в сезоне 2007/2008 «Даллас Маверикс» №5 Лёгкий форвард Рост …   Википедия

  • Джош Стюарт — Josh Stewart …   Википедия

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up Josh or josh in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Josh is a masculine given name, frequently a diminutive (hypocorism) of the given names Joshua or Joseph, though since the 1970s, it has increasingly become a full name on its own. It may refer to:



  • Josh A. Moore (born 1980), American former basketball player
  • Josh Adams (American football) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Allen (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Appelt (born 1983), American mixed martial artist
  • Josh Ball (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Barnett (born 1977), American mixed martial artist and professional wrestler
  • Josh Beckett (born 1980), American former Major League Baseball pitcher
  • Josh Bell (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Berry (born 1990), American racing driver
  • Josh Bilicki (born 1995), American racing driver
  • Josh Binstock (born 1981), Canadian Olympic volleyball player
  • Josh Blackwell (born 1999), American football player
  • Josh Boyer (born 1977), American football coach
  • Josh Brolin (born 1968), American actor
  • Josh Brown (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Bynes (born 1989), American football player
  • Josh Carraway (born 1994), American football player
  • Josh Charles (born 1971), American actor
  • Josh Childress (born 1983), American basketball player
  • Josh Cooper (cryptographer) (1901–1981), British cryptographer
  • Josh Cooper (defensive end) (born 1980), American football player, formerly in the NFL
  • Josh Cooper (wide receiver) (born 1989), American former NFL player
  • Josh Culbreath (1932–2021), American hurdler
  • Josh Donaldson (born 1985), American baseball player
  • Josh Duggar (born 1988), American reality TV participant and political activist
  • Josh Duhamel (born 1972), American actor and former model
  • Josh Dun (born 1988), American drummer and trumpeter, currently in the band Twenty One Pilots
  • Josh Freeman (born 1988), American football player
  • Josh Gad (born 1981), American actor
  • Josh Gibson (1911–1947), American Negro league baseball catcher
  • Josh Gordon (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Groban (born 1981), American singer, songwriter, actor and record producer
  • Josh Guyer (born 1994), Australian professional baseball player
  • Josh Hader (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Josh Hall (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Hamilton (actor) (born 1969), American actor
  • Josh Hamilton (born 1981), American Major League Baseball player
  • Josh Hammond (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Harris (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Harrison (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Josh Hartnett (born 1978), American actor and movie producer
  • Josh Harvey-Clemons (born 1994), American football player
  • Josh Hawley (born 1979), American politician and current U.S. senator from Missouri
  • Josh Henderson (born 1981), American actor, model and singer
  • Josh Hoffman (born 1988), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Holloway (born 1969), American actor
  • Josh Homme (born 1973), American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer and actor
  • Josh Hope (born 1998), Australian association football player
  • Josh Howard (born 1980), American basketball player, formerly in the National Basketball Association (NBA)
  • Josh Huff (born 1991), American football player
  • Josh Hutcherson (born 1992), American actor
  • Josh Imatorbhebhe (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Jackson (basketball) (born 1997), American basketball player
  • Josh Jackson (cornerback) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Jackson (rugby league) (born 1991), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Jacobs (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Jasper (born 1987), All-American college football placekicker
  • Josh Jobe (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Johnson (disambiguation), multiple people


  • Josh Kennet (born 1987), English-Israeli footballer
  • Josh Kline (born 1989), American football player
  • Josh Kline (artist) (born 1979), American artist
  • Josh Klinghoffer (born 1979), American guitarist with the rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Josh Kronfeld (born 1971), New Zealand former rugby union flanker
  • Josh Lafazan (born 1994), American politician
  • Josh Law (born 1989), English footballer
  • Josh Lindblom (born 1987), American professional baseball player
  • Josh Love (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Mahoney (born 1977), former Australian rules footballer
  • Josh Malihabadi (1894–1982), Pakistani poet
  • Josh Malone (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Malsiyani (1883–1976), Indian poet
  • Josh Mansour (born 1990), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Mayo (born 1987), American basketball player
  • Josh McCown (born 1979), American football player
  • Josh McDaniels (born 1976), American football coach
  • Josh McEachran (born 1993), English footballer
  • Josh McGuire (born 1990), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh McRoberts (born 1987), American basketball player
  • Josh Metellus (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Meyers (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Miller (American football) (born 1970), American football player
  • Josh Morris (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Mostel (born 1946), American actor
  • Josh Nebo (born 1997), American basketball player in the Israeli Basketball Premier League
  • Josh Norman (born 1987), American football player
  • Josh Nurse (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Oliver (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Pais (born 1958), American actor and acting coach
  • Josh Palmer (born 1999), Canadian-American football player
  • Josh Pastner (born 1977), American college basketball coach
  • Josh Pearson (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Peck (born 1986), American actor
  • Josh Pederson (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Perkins (born 1995), basketball player in the Israeli Basketball Premier League
  • Josh Radnor (born 1974), American actor, director, producer and screenwriter
  • Josh Ravin (born 1988), American professional baseball player
  • Josh Reddick (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Josh Reynolds (American football) (born 1995), American football player
  • Josh Reynolds (born 1989), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Rosen (born 1997), American football quarterback for UCLA Bruins football
  • Josh Ross (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Samuels (born 1991), American water polo player
  • Josh Satin (born 1984), American former Major League Baseball player
  • Josh Server (born 1979), American actor and comedian
  • Josh Shipp (basketball) (born 1986), American basketball player
  • Josh Sills (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Sitton (born 1986), American football player
  • Josh Smith (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Starling (born 1990), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Sweat (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Taves (born 1972), American former NFL player
  • Josh Thomas (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Thompson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Tols (born 1989), Australian professional baseball player
  • Josh Tomlin (born 1984), American baseball player
  • Josh Tordjman (born 1985), Canadian hockey goaltender
  • Josh Uche (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Wagenaar (born 1985), Canadian former footballer
  • Josh Walker (American football) (born 1991), American NFL player
  • Josh Walker (Australian footballer) (born 1992), Australian rules footballer
  • Josh Walker (footballer, born 1989), English footballer
  • Josh Watson (American football) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh West (born 1977), British-American Olympic rower and Earth Sciences professor
  • Josh Weston, an actor from the United states
  • Josh Whitesell (born 1982), American former Major League Baseball and Nippon Professional Baseball player
  • Josh Whyle (born 1999), American football player
  • Josh Widdicombe (born 1983), English stand-up comedian and presenter
  • Josh Wilcox (born 1974), American former NFL player
  • Josh Williams (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Willingham (born 1979), American baseball player
  • Josh Wilson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Woodrum (born 1992), American football player
  • Josh Woods (American football) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Zeid (born 1987), American former professional baseball pitcher, formerly in Major League Baseball

Fictional characters

  • Josh Bauer (24), a minor character in season 6 of the American television series 24
  • Josh Chan, in the American television series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
  • Josh Lyman, in the American television series The West Wing
  • Josh (Arrowverse), in the American television series The Flash
  • Josh, in the American television series Younger
  • Josh Baskin, the protagonist of the film Big
  • Josh Nichols, in the American television series Drake & Josh
  • Joshua «Josh» Washington, one of eight protagonists from the survival horror game Until Dawn

See also

  • Jawsh 685, New Zealand music producer
  • Josh fight, a tongue-in-cheek 2021 event that took place in Lincoln, Nebraska

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up Josh or josh in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Josh is a masculine given name, frequently a diminutive (hypocorism) of the given names Joshua or Joseph, though since the 1970s, it has increasingly become a full name on its own. It may refer to:



  • Josh A. Moore (born 1980), American former basketball player
  • Josh Adams (American football) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Allen (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Appelt (born 1983), American mixed martial artist
  • Josh Ball (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Barnett (born 1977), American mixed martial artist and professional wrestler
  • Josh Beckett (born 1980), American former Major League Baseball pitcher
  • Josh Bell (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Berry (born 1990), American racing driver
  • Josh Bilicki (born 1995), American racing driver
  • Josh Binstock (born 1981), Canadian Olympic volleyball player
  • Josh Blackwell (born 1999), American football player
  • Josh Boyer (born 1977), American football coach
  • Josh Brolin (born 1968), American actor
  • Josh Brown (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Bynes (born 1989), American football player
  • Josh Carraway (born 1994), American football player
  • Josh Charles (born 1971), American actor
  • Josh Childress (born 1983), American basketball player
  • Josh Cooper (cryptographer) (1901–1981), British cryptographer
  • Josh Cooper (defensive end) (born 1980), American football player, formerly in the NFL
  • Josh Cooper (wide receiver) (born 1989), American former NFL player
  • Josh Culbreath (1932–2021), American hurdler
  • Josh Donaldson (born 1985), American baseball player
  • Josh Duggar (born 1988), American reality TV participant and political activist
  • Josh Duhamel (born 1972), American actor and former model
  • Josh Dun (born 1988), American drummer and trumpeter, currently in the band Twenty One Pilots
  • Josh Freeman (born 1988), American football player
  • Josh Gad (born 1981), American actor
  • Josh Gibson (1911–1947), American Negro league baseball catcher
  • Josh Gordon (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Groban (born 1981), American singer, songwriter, actor and record producer
  • Josh Guyer (born 1994), Australian professional baseball player
  • Josh Hader (born 1994), American baseball player
  • Josh Hall (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Hamilton (actor) (born 1969), American actor
  • Josh Hamilton (born 1981), American Major League Baseball player
  • Josh Hammond (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Harris (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Harrison (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Josh Hartnett (born 1978), American actor and movie producer
  • Josh Harvey-Clemons (born 1994), American football player
  • Josh Hawley (born 1979), American politician and current U.S. senator from Missouri
  • Josh Henderson (born 1981), American actor, model and singer
  • Josh Hoffman (born 1988), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Holloway (born 1969), American actor
  • Josh Homme (born 1973), American singer, songwriter, musician, record producer and actor
  • Josh Hope (born 1998), Australian association football player
  • Josh Howard (born 1980), American basketball player, formerly in the National Basketball Association (NBA)
  • Josh Huff (born 1991), American football player
  • Josh Hutcherson (born 1992), American actor
  • Josh Imatorbhebhe (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Jackson (basketball) (born 1997), American basketball player
  • Josh Jackson (cornerback) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Jackson (rugby league) (born 1991), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Jacobs (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Jasper (born 1987), All-American college football placekicker
  • Josh Jobe (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Johnson (disambiguation), multiple people


  • Josh Kennet (born 1987), English-Israeli footballer
  • Josh Kline (born 1989), American football player
  • Josh Kline (artist) (born 1979), American artist
  • Josh Klinghoffer (born 1979), American guitarist with the rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • Josh Kronfeld (born 1971), New Zealand former rugby union flanker
  • Josh Lafazan (born 1994), American politician
  • Josh Law (born 1989), English footballer
  • Josh Lindblom (born 1987), American professional baseball player
  • Josh Love (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Mahoney (born 1977), former Australian rules footballer
  • Josh Malihabadi (1894–1982), Pakistani poet
  • Josh Malone (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Malsiyani (1883–1976), Indian poet
  • Josh Mansour (born 1990), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Mayo (born 1987), American basketball player
  • Josh McCown (born 1979), American football player
  • Josh McDaniels (born 1976), American football coach
  • Josh McEachran (born 1993), English footballer
  • Josh McGuire (born 1990), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh McRoberts (born 1987), American basketball player
  • Josh Metellus (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Meyers (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Miller (American football) (born 1970), American football player
  • Josh Morris (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Mostel (born 1946), American actor
  • Josh Nebo (born 1997), American basketball player in the Israeli Basketball Premier League
  • Josh Norman (born 1987), American football player
  • Josh Nurse (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Oliver (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Pais (born 1958), American actor and acting coach
  • Josh Palmer (born 1999), Canadian-American football player
  • Josh Pastner (born 1977), American college basketball coach
  • Josh Pearson (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Peck (born 1986), American actor
  • Josh Pederson (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Perkins (born 1995), basketball player in the Israeli Basketball Premier League
  • Josh Radnor (born 1974), American actor, director, producer and screenwriter
  • Josh Ravin (born 1988), American professional baseball player
  • Josh Reddick (born 1987), American baseball player
  • Josh Reynolds (American football) (born 1995), American football player
  • Josh Reynolds (born 1989), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Rosen (born 1997), American football quarterback for UCLA Bruins football
  • Josh Ross (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Samuels (born 1991), American water polo player
  • Josh Satin (born 1984), American former Major League Baseball player
  • Josh Server (born 1979), American actor and comedian
  • Josh Shipp (basketball) (born 1986), American basketball player
  • Josh Sills (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Sitton (born 1986), American football player
  • Josh Smith (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Starling (born 1990), Australian rugby league player
  • Josh Sweat (born 1997), American football player
  • Josh Taves (born 1972), American former NFL player
  • Josh Thomas (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Thompson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Tols (born 1989), Australian professional baseball player
  • Josh Tomlin (born 1984), American baseball player
  • Josh Tordjman (born 1985), Canadian hockey goaltender
  • Josh Uche (born 1998), American football player
  • Josh Wagenaar (born 1985), Canadian former footballer
  • Josh Walker (American football) (born 1991), American NFL player
  • Josh Walker (Australian footballer) (born 1992), Australian rules footballer
  • Josh Walker (footballer, born 1989), English footballer
  • Josh Watson (American football) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh West (born 1977), British-American Olympic rower and Earth Sciences professor
  • Josh Weston, an actor from the United states
  • Josh Whitesell (born 1982), American former Major League Baseball and Nippon Professional Baseball player
  • Josh Whyle (born 1999), American football player
  • Josh Widdicombe (born 1983), English stand-up comedian and presenter
  • Josh Wilcox (born 1974), American former NFL player
  • Josh Williams (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Willingham (born 1979), American baseball player
  • Josh Wilson (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Josh Woodrum (born 1992), American football player
  • Josh Woods (American football) (born 1996), American football player
  • Josh Zeid (born 1987), American former professional baseball pitcher, formerly in Major League Baseball

Fictional characters

  • Josh Bauer (24), a minor character in season 6 of the American television series 24
  • Josh Chan, in the American television series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
  • Josh Lyman, in the American television series The West Wing
  • Josh (Arrowverse), in the American television series The Flash
  • Josh, in the American television series Younger
  • Josh Baskin, the protagonist of the film Big
  • Josh Nichols, in the American television series Drake & Josh
  • Joshua «Josh» Washington, one of eight protagonists from the survival horror game Until Dawn

See also

  • Jawsh 685, New Zealand music producer
  • Josh fight, a tongue-in-cheek 2021 event that took place in Lincoln, Nebraska

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Джош — значение имени, мужское английское имя

Значение имени Джош: бог – спасение.

Происхождение имени Джош: Английские имена.

Джош: характер, достоинства и недостатки

Характер имени Джош связан с действием и активностью, беспрестанным движением вперед. Здесь преобладает дух первопроходца, свобода и независимость. Джош производит впечатление прирожденного лидера. К недостаткам можно отнести чрезмерную властность и хвастливость, Джош любит скрывать свои истинные чувства от окружающих за маской завышенной самооценки. Несмотря на лидерские качества, требуется понимание, что лидер — не всегда первый, но зачастую одинокий. Без поддержки и признания окружающих, родных, близких и друзей, даже самые харизматичные лидеры будут испытывать серьезные жизненные трудности, в первую очередь, во взаимоотношениях с другими людьми.

Рассчитать совместимость имени Джош с любым другим именем

Смотрите также мужские и женские совместимые имена с именем Джош.

Нумерология имени Джош

Число имени один (1) свойственен активным, энергичным, смелым людям, они уверены в своем успехе, всегда готовы к быстрым решениям и спонтанным действиям. Среди людей с именем Джош много успешных бизнесменов и предпринимателей. В то же время им характерно действовать в рамках уже выработанных шаблонов и стереотипов. Люди с именем Джош часто опираются на советы и достижения других людей, что позволяет делать вывод о большом потенциале развития собственных творческих задатков…

Подробнее: нумерология имени Джош.

Удачные годы для имени Джош: 1900, 1909, 1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 2017, 2026. Подробнее: имена года.

Значение букв в имени Джош

Д — означает спокойствие и надежность, уверенность в себе. Джош стремится к анализу любого начинания, отдает приоритет семье, с воодушевлением оказывает помощь нуждающимся, любит дарить подарки.
Ж — указывает на решительность и выносливость. Джош — гармонично развитая во всех отношениях личность, с богатым внутренним миром. При этом нередко осторожны, нерешительны и аскетичны.
О — указывает на развитую интуицию и широкий кругозор. Джош отличается эмоциональностью, потребностью в самопознании, умеет доводить все дела до конца, хорошо управляет финансами.
Ш — символизирует уверенность, стабильность и равновесие. Джош ценит жизнь во всех ее проявлениях, обладает чувством юмора, а также способностью быстро оценивать ситуацию и принимать верные решения.

Перевод на латинницу имени Джош


Смотрите также: фонетический разбор и склонение имени Джош.

Известные люди с именем Джош

Фриз Джош
Бролин Джош
Хатчерсон Джош
Сингер Джош
Харт Джош
Эмметт Джош
Гробан Джош
Гэд Джош
Волфф Джош
Хомме Джош
Ховард Джош
О’Коннор Джош
Дюбови Джош
Клингхоффер Джош
Холлоуэй Джош
Сарджент Джош
Игл Джошуа
Чилдресс Джош
Шапиро Джошуа
Смит Джош


джош — перевод на английский

Джош Льюис, профессор, преподаю поэзию 18-го века.

Josh Lewis, professor of 18th-century poetry.

Вы следующий, Джош.

You’re next up, Josh.

Джош выдернул свою капельницу.

Josh just popped his I.V.

Все теперь хорошо, Джош.

You’re all good now, Josh.

Ты и Джош, ваша история любви… она даёт мне надежду.

You and Josh, your love story… it gives me hope. What love story?

Показать ещё примеры для «josh»…

Помощник главы администрации Белого дома, Джош Лайман В данный момент находится, на операции, по извлечению пули.. и восстановлению поврежденного легкого.

Deputy White House chief of staff, Joshua Lyman is currently undergoing extensive surgery to repair a collapsed lung and to remove a bullet that remains lodged in his thoracic region.

Джош, начнём с тебя.

You, Joshua.

Джош, мы только начали.

Joshua, we’re just getting started here.

Держи, Джош.

Hold on, Joshua.

Господи, Джош, это потрясающе!

Oh, my God, Joshua, that’s fantastic!

Показать ещё примеры для «joshua»…

С Днём Рождения, Джош.

— Happy birthday, Josh. — Oh, thanks.

Чёрт, а Джош?

— Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Слушай, Джош…

Oh, hey, Josh, uh…

Слава богу, у меня есть ты, Джош.

Thank God I’ve got you, Joshy! We did what you said.

Ох, Джош, еда просто прекрасна!

Oh, Joshy, the food is so good.

Джош, братан…

The war is over for me now, but it will always be there for the rest of my days. Joshy boy!

Помнишь, как он сказал, что Джош гиперактивный?

That doctor. Remember, he said Joshy was hyperactive.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with or without object)

to chaff; banter in a teasing way.




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Origin of josh

An Americanism dating back to 1835–45; of obscure origin


josher, noun

Words nearby josh

Josephson, Josephson effect, Josephson junction, Joseph, the husband of Mary, Josephus, josh, Joshua, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho”, Joshua tree, Josiah, Josie

Other definitions for josh (2 of 3)


a male given name, form of Joshua.

Other definitions for josh (3 of 3)

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to josh

How to use josh in a sentence

  • Yet several months later, the network greenlit a spinoff called “Counting On,” which aired without Josh but occasionally featured his wife and kids.

  • I settled into the plush table for six anticipating Josh’s arrival.

  • The reality is Benny and Josh both have Canavan disease, a fatal inherited brain disorder.

  • Josh and Virginia have basically found a way of taking the machinery inside the laser method and tweaking it to get even better results,” said Henry Cohn of Microsoft Research.

  • When Josh was born, rounding out the family, they’d have a group to play H-O-R-S-E or two-on-two basketball in the driveway.

  • Josh had a different one, but Archie also signed a six-year contract.

  • So Good Wife fans have already weathered Josh Charles leaving.

  • The film also stars A-listers Reese Witherspoon, Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, and Owen Wilson.

  • Diane (Christine Baranski) and Will (Josh Charles) were warned at the time about taking a notorious criminal as a client.

  • Robert: Look, Josh is both an amazing actor and he was a really good presence on the show.

  • An’ if any of yo’ uns insinuates I am afraid, yo’ uns will have to settle with Josh Hicks, an’ that mighty quick.

  • Josh couldn’t bear that statue—said the muscles were all wrong.

  • Uncle Josh, that slack old vagabond with his furtive, kindly eye-glances, came for them with a livery rig.

  • Though, to be sure, there sat Josh close up against the kitchen stove, as of old.

  • He found that he disliked the name of Josh, and, as he did not sign it again, it was presently dropped.

British Dictionary definitions for josh (1 of 2)


to tease (someone) in a bantering way


a teasing or bantering joke

Derived forms of josh

josher, noun

Word Origin for josh

C19: perhaps from joke, influenced by bosh 1

British Dictionary definitions for josh (2 of 2)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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