Как правильно пишется имя рианна

Как пишется имя «Риана» по-русски

Происхождение имени Rihanna

С удивлением узнала, что многие склонны предаваться «народной этимологии» и винить происхождение имени певицы соитием греческого имени «Анна» и никак не трактуемому ими корня «Rih».

Арабское «Риана» не образовано греческим именем, не имеет ничего общего с католическими «Анной-Марией» и «Мери-Кейт-Эшли-Олсен», и не пишется по-русски с удвоенной «н», если вы не журналист. Если вы — журналист канала МУЗ, то вас русский язык не касается, и вы даже можете произносить «Рихана» и «Эврил Лэвигнэ».

По арабски имя Риана пишется с одной «н»:

Арабская Википедия, например, вам в доказательство.


— «Ра», соответствующая звуку «р».


— «Йа», обозначающая звук «и».


— «Алиф», или «а».


— «Нун», или «н».


—  окончание, обозначающее женский род, «Атун», или «а».

Для тех, кто не верит, что между английскими и русскими написаниями арабских имён могут существовать такие непонятные различия,  тому, например,  Авицена и Avicenna. (Других имен с «н» не приходит).

Если кто-то хочет рассказать, что для Рианы родной язык — английский, и русские должны калькировать английскую транслитерацию, того попрошу отныне писать «Риханна».

П.С. Я полагаю второе «н» в английском появилось, чтоб указать на быстроту произношения согласного. Но в этом я, как раз, не уверена. Но об этом в следующем выпуске нашего лингвистического журнала.


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Rihanna Arabic given name.jpg

Rhyanna with Arabic calligraphy (simple style).

Pronunciation ri-han-na, rih-a-nna
Gender Female
Word/name different culture and countries
Meaning From the name of the flower/Goddess of fertility/Mommy/Jishnu’s object
Other names
Nickname(s) Wanna
Related names Rihanne, Rhian, Rhianna, Rhiannon, Rayhanna, Rayhana, Reyhaneh,Rayhaneh, Rihann

Rhyanna (Rhianna, Rhiannon; Arabic: ريحـانة, romanized: Rīḥāna, Rayḥāna) is a feminine given name of Welsh and Arabic origin.

Arabic name[edit]

The Arabic form of Rihanna is derived from the name of the flower Rihane.

Rayhana or Reyhana (Arabic:رَيْحَانَة‎ rayḥānah), also spelt Rayhaana, Reyhaana, Rihana, Rihaana, is an Arabic female given name meaning the herb plant basil. However, the name may possibly derived from the noun rā’iḥāh (رائِحَة) meaning «scent, aroma, smell, odor» or «fragrance or perfume» or «zest of a fruit peel».

The name Rayhana is formed from male variant of the name is Rayhan.

It is said the woman is «Reyhana», that is not a qahramana, which is female slaves responsible in the harem during the Abbasid Period, but the qahramana is who is a woman employed to teach children in a private house — i.e. woman housekeeper, governess, or the manageress of the household and in charge of its affairs.

Welsh name[edit]

The Welsh name is derived from the common female name, Rhiannon meaning great queen and most associated with Rhiannon, a goddess of fertility, prominent in Welsh texts such as the Mabinogi.

The Welsh names have gained popularity outside of Wales through their use in music and entertainment, especially the song «Rhiannon» by Fleetwood Mac and the Barbadian singer Rihanna.[1][2]

See also[edit]

  • Rhianna, given name
  • Riana § People with the given name Riana
  • Rhiannon (given name)
  • Jasmine (given name)


  1. ^ baby names pedia.com
  2. ^ «Rhianna».

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Rihanna Arabic given name.jpg

Rhyanna with Arabic calligraphy (simple style).

Pronunciation ri-han-na, rih-a-nna
Gender Female
Word/name different culture and countries
Meaning From the name of the flower/Goddess of fertility/Mommy/Jishnu’s object
Other names
Nickname(s) Wanna
Related names Rihanne, Rhian, Rhianna, Rhiannon, Rayhanna, Rayhana, Reyhaneh,Rayhaneh, Rihann

Rhyanna (Rhianna, Rhiannon; Arabic: ريحـانة, romanized: Rīḥāna, Rayḥāna) is a feminine given name of Welsh and Arabic origin.

Arabic name[edit]

The Arabic form of Rihanna is derived from the name of the flower Rihane.

Rayhana or Reyhana (Arabic:رَيْحَانَة‎ rayḥānah), also spelt Rayhaana, Reyhaana, Rihana, Rihaana, is an Arabic female given name meaning the herb plant basil. However, the name may possibly derived from the noun rā’iḥāh (رائِحَة) meaning «scent, aroma, smell, odor» or «fragrance or perfume» or «zest of a fruit peel».

The name Rayhana is formed from male variant of the name is Rayhan.

It is said the woman is «Reyhana», that is not a qahramana, which is female slaves responsible in the harem during the Abbasid Period, but the qahramana is who is a woman employed to teach children in a private house — i.e. woman housekeeper, governess, or the manageress of the household and in charge of its affairs.

Welsh name[edit]

The Welsh name is derived from the common female name, Rhiannon meaning great queen and most associated with Rhiannon, a goddess of fertility, prominent in Welsh texts such as the Mabinogi.

The Welsh names have gained popularity outside of Wales through their use in music and entertainment, especially the song «Rhiannon» by Fleetwood Mac and the Barbadian singer Rihanna.[1][2]

See also[edit]

  • Rhianna, given name
  • Riana § People with the given name Riana
  • Rhiannon (given name)
  • Jasmine (given name)


  1. ^ baby names pedia.com
  2. ^ «Rhianna».

Что означает имя Рианна? Что обозначает имя Рианна? Что значит имя Рианна для человека? Какое значение имени Рианна, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Рианна? Как переводится имя Рианна? Как правильно пишется имя Рианна? Полная характеристика имени Рианна и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.

Содержание толкования имени

Анализ имени Рианна

Имя Рианна состоит из 6 букв. Имена из шести букв обычно принадлежат особам, в характере которых доминируют такие качества, как восторженность, граничащая с экзальтацией, и склонность к легкому эпатажу. Они уделяют много времени созданию собственного имиджа, используя все доступные средства для того, чтобы подчеркнуть свою оригинальность. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Рианна можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.

  • Р — противостоят воздействию извне, уверены в себе, храбрые, увлечённые личности. Способны к неоправданному риску, авантюрные натуры склонны к непререкаемым суждениям. Умение рисковать ради цели. Желание и потенциал для лидерства.
  • И — романтичные, утончённые и чувственные натуры. Добрые, мечтают о гармонии с окружающим миром. В сложной ситуации проявляют практичность. Иногда склонны к одиночеству и аскетизму. Неумение подчиняться кому-либо, в то же время указывает на равнодушие к власти.
  • А — самая сильная и яркая буква кириллицы. Личности, обладающие такими буквами в имени, всегда стремятся к лидерству. Нередко они соревнуются с самим собой. Указывает на желание что-то изменить, достичь наивысшего уровня комфорта в физическом проявлении и в духовном.
  • Н — знак неприятия действительности такой, какая она есть; желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Нелюбовь к труду, не вызывающего интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорическое неприятие рутинной работы. Неумение расслабляться в обществе, постоянная напряженность и сомнения.
  • Н — знак неприятия действительности такой, какая она есть; желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Нелюбовь к труду, не вызывающего интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорическое неприятие рутинной работы. Неумение расслабляться в обществе, постоянная напряженность и сомнения.
  • А — самая сильная и яркая буква кириллицы. Личности, обладающие такими буквами в имени, всегда стремятся к лидерству. Нередко они соревнуются с самим собой. Указывает на желание что-то изменить, достичь наивысшего уровня комфорта в физическом проявлении и в духовном.
  • Синонимы имени Рианна

    Райхана, Риана.

    Происхождение имени Рианна

    Имя Рианна католическое.

    Имя Рианна имеет несколько версий происхождения. Наиболее вероятной версией является происхождение имени от имени Марианна. В отличие от состоятельных граждан, чьё имя произносилось полностью, в бедных кварталах прижилось более короткое обращение к этой девушке, поэтому перевод имени идентичен значению имени Марианна.

    Вполне может быть, что Рианна – это лишь один из вариантов произношения и написания имени Риана. Кто-то считает, что имя Рианна означает «душа от Бога», по другой версии, перевод имени Рианна – «удовольствие», «наслаждение», «блаженство».

    Рианна внимательная и осторожная девушка. Она руководствуется больше прямыми и авторитарными принципами, ощущает себя лидером и стремится всем доказать это. У неё сильная воля, она способна очень долго достигать поставленной цели, огромными усилиями. Работы не боится. Обладательница этого имени дисциплинированна, храбра и ей многие доверяют. С другой стороны Рианна, как правило, чересчур амбициозна и не лишена эгоцентризма.

    Рианна обаятельная, выглядит изысканно и элегантно, она очень внимательно относится к своей внешности. Любит улыбаться, показывать свою мягкость, хотя не всегда бывает таковой на деле.

    Ребенком Рианна не доставляет хлопот своим родителям. Очень послушная, дисциплинированная, ответственная. Все родственники не нахвалятся на нее. В школе она среди лучших учениц, но сама не будет проявлять инициативу, если данное занятие или же мероприятие не входит в ее личный круг интересов.

    Взрослая Рианна олицетворяет собой порядок, точность, стабильность и безопасность. Она ненавидят то, что не является естественным или здоровым. Обладательница этого имени ценит гармонию в домашней и семейной жизни, очень привязана к традициям и моральным ценностям. У Рианны хорошо развиты организаторские и управленческие способности. Она может совершенствоваться до бесконечности.

    Рианна скромна в общении, не станет начинать разговор первой. Ей будет очень приятно, если собеседник будет общаться с ней на романтической волне – дарить цветы, делать комплименты. Это поможет Рианне расслабиться, перестать быть волевой женщиной и стать просто настоящей женщиной, очень элегантной и привлекательной во всех отношения.

    Рианна не любит критику, любое замечание ранит ее, бьет по ее самооценке. Она может стать высокомерной, напористой и очень сильно сердиться. Но, в общем, эта девушка знает, как управлять своими эмоциями и амбициями, поэтому, чаще всего, живут в мире и согласии.

    Рианна искушенная женщина в области эстетики, комфорта, дома и недвижимости, поэтому она выбирает и соответствующие профессии модельера, агента по недвижимости, консультанта в салоне красоты, актрисы, певицы. Также Рианна выбирает работу, связанную с точностью, порядком и последовательностью действий (управленец, бухгалтер).

    Именины Рианны

    Рианна именины не празднует.

    Известные люди с именем Рианна

    • Рианна ((род.1988) настоящее имя – Робин Рианна Фенти; барбадоcская R&B и поп-певица и актриса. В 2005 году Рианна выпустила свою дебютную работу «Music of the Sun», которая вошла в десятку лучших альбомов «Billboard 200», а сингл «Pon de Replay» стал успешным в чарте «Billboard Hot 100». Менее чем через год, певица выпустила второй студийный альбом «A Girl like Me» (2006), который достиг своего максимума в лучшей пятёрке альбомного чарта «Billboard», так же композиция «SOS» стала первым синглом Рианны, лидировавшим в чарте «Hot 100». Третий студийный альбом «Good Girl Gone Bad» (2007) включал в себя четыре хит-сингла «Umbrella», «Take a Bow», «Disturbia», «Don’t Stop the Music» и получил девять номинаций «Грэмми», выиграв в категории «Лучшее совместное исполнение» (вокал/рэп) за песню «Umbrella» при участии рэпера Jay-Z. Её четвёртый студийный альбом «Rated R» был выпущен в ноябре 2009 года; несколько песен с альбома вошли в лучшую десятку синглов, а именно «Russian Roulette», «Hard» и «Rude Boy», который занял первую строчку чарта Billboard Hot 100. Пятый студийный альбом Loud (2010) включал в себя три сингла первой величины: «Only Girl (In the World)», «What’s My Name?» и «S&M». Рианна является одной из самых продаваемых артистов всех времён вследствие продажи более 20 миллионов альбомов и 60 миллионов синглов. Она самая молодая певица в истории «Billboard», которой удалось одиннадцать раз возглавить чарт «Hot 100» на протяжении шести лет. Журнал «Billboard» назвал Рианну «Артистом цифровой эры 2000-х годов» и присудил общее 17 место среди артистов 2000-х. Певица получила несколько наград, включая международную музыкальную премию «World Music Awards» 2007 года в номинациях «Самая продаваемая певица в жанре поп-музыка» и «Артистка года», а также на церемонии «BRIT Awards» в категории «Лучшая международная исполнительница». Рианна является обладательницей пяти «Грэмми», пяти «American Music Awards» и восемнадцати наград «Billboard Music Awards», также певица является официальным почётным послом культуры Барбадоса.)
    • Рианна Ханна Луиза Кенни ((род.1983) английская певица R&B)

    Значение имени Рианна в нумерологии

    Нумерология имени Рианна может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Рианна в нумерологии — 6. Девиз шестерок по жизни: «Я борец за справедливость!»

    • Планета-покровитель — Венера.
    • Знак зодиака — Телец и Весы.
    • Камни-талисманы — апаш, красный железняк, сердолик, кошачий глаз, цитрин, стекло, яшма, лабрадорит, мрамор, молдавит, оникс, перидот, зеленый сапфир, звездный сапфир, зеленый турмалин.

    «Шестерка» среди чисел нумерологического ядра – это самоотречение, граничащее с жертвенностью, это готовность служить, как жрец – божеству, это преданность, верность и честность, свойственная рыцарям былых времен и последовательницам матери Терезы.
    «Шестерка» в числах имени – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – это способность быть преданным до конца, невзирая ни на какие обстоятельства. Это – дар сочувствия и понимания, проявляющийся даже по отношению к малознакомым людям.
    Люди с числом имени 6 любят быть в центре внимания, часто высокомерны и эгоистичны. Проявляют заботу об окружающих обычно только если она принесет им моральное удовлетворение от своего поступка. Людей этого числа много в шоу-бизнесе, иных публичных профессиях.
    Число Шесть всегда находится в поиске спокойствия, баланса и гармонии. Закрытое число, воспринимается как скрытный человек, его трудно понять окружающим. Шестерки могут быть духовно ориентированы, либо погружены в материальный мир. Число Шесть дает врожденную интеллигентность, всю жизнь занимается саморазвитием и самосовершенствованием. Это прирожденный судья с острым чувством справедливости. Часто Шестерки обладают эстетическим вкусом, хорошие кулинары. Из занятий ей очень подходит искусство, музыка. Чувство справедливости часто берет верх над практичностью. Лучшим лекарством от всех проблем для Шестерки является спорт и активный образ жизни. Умеет красиво писать и говорить.

    • Влияние на профессию и карьеру. Что значит число 6 при выборе рода занятий? Для самореализации в профессиональном плане есть множество вариантов. Подходящие профессии: работа, связанная с исполнением закона, судебная система, благотворительность.
    • Влияние на личную жизнь. Цифра 6 в нумерологии означает явную предрасположенность к длительным стабильным отношениям в рамках супружества. Несмотря на это, личная жизнь людей этой вибрации далеко не всегда складывается удачно. И в четырех случаях из пяти особенно болезненным бывает первый опыт близости с представителем противоположного пола. Причина – очевидна: всегда найдутся желающие использовать в своих интересах искреннее чувство доброго и наивного человека. Шестерки любят гармонию и умеют сочувствовать другим, поэтому им легко сойтись характерами почти со всеми. Идеальными партнерами для людей с числом 6 будут шестерки (союз получится ну очень гармоничным), единицы, тройки, четверки и девятки.

    Планета покровитель имени Рианна

    Для имени Рианна планетой покровителем является Венера. Вполне естественно, что представители этого типа чувственны и любвеобильны, так как их планетой-покровителем является Венера. Они настолько очаровательны, что это помогает им в весьма трудных жизненных ситуациях, когда нужно проявить твердость характера и изворотливость ума, т.е. качества, которыми от природы эти люди не обладают. Они любят все прекрасное, возвышенное. Часто добиваются признания в той или иной области искусства. Им всегда хватает денег на любимые занятия, так как весьма часто состоят в браке с людьми состоятельными. Внешне эти люди очень привлекательны, у них изысканный вкус. Они любят вес красивое, но часто бывают высокомерными. Часто идут в ногу со временем, восприимчивы ко всему новому. Если перед ними стоит какая-то определенная задача, то способны проявить незаурядное трудолюбие. Но больше всего они любят предаваться душой и телом отдыху. Характер миролюбивый и уживчивый. Могут поладить с любым из девяти типов.

    Знак зодиака имени Рианна

    Для имени Рианна подходят следующие знаки зодиака:

  • Знак зодиака Телец. По характеру Телец молчалив, многое держит в себе, умеет трезво рассуждать, интуитивен и обладает мощной силой воли. Пока спокоен, демонстрирует мягкость, терпение. Если задеть за живое, легко взрывается. Не любит давления извне, долго обижается. Абсолютно уверены, что они – особенные, знают все лучше всех и просто обязаны объяснить тебе, почему ты не прав и в каких именно аспектах. Главное отличие от Овнов – они умеют признавать свою неправоту. Потом даже благодарить тебя будут, что ты раскрыл им глаза на правду. Однолюб и очень доверчив, поэтому часто обманывается в людях и еще чаще в них разочаровывается.
  • Знак зодиака Весы. Весы любят, когда их хвалят, но не выносят критику. Редко проявляют оригинальность, стараются не брать на себя лишней ответственности. Но из-за двойственности натуры могут впадать в крайности: то трудятся в поте лица и кидаются в гущу шумных компаний, то закрываются в себе, опускают руки и впадают в меланхолию. Весы любят комфорт и красоту, не против развеяться в компании противоположного пола. Им абсолютно по боку все мирское – в голове у Весов музыка, искусство, разговоры о вечном с бокалом вина и секс под звездами. А в квартире – постоянный бардак, который даже клининговые компании не берутся разгрести. Знатные ходоки налево, причем умудряются выкрутиться из ситуации, даже когда пойманы с поличным: «Милая, с ней я трахался, а с тобой я занимаюсь любовью». Лапшу в таких количествах с ушей снять получается далеко не у всех.
  • Цвет имени Рианна

    Для имени Рианна подходит Синий цвет. Люди, имеющие этот цвет, — верные друзья, всегда придут на помощь, сочувствуя и выслушивая, но вот реальных действий и денег дождаться от них не получится. Дело в том, что значение имени синего цвета таково, что его владелец не может по-другому – это заложено природой, а с ней не поспоришь. Кстати, очень часто из-за своего бездействия эти люди не могут найти терпимого работодателя, поэтому долго и не задерживаются на одном рабочем месте, хотя в коллективе их любят и уважают – у них много друзей среди бывших коллег. Положительные черты характера – коммуникабельность и лояльность. Отрицательные черты характера – лень и безответственность.

    Как правильно пишется имя Рианна

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Рианна. В английском языке имя Рианна может иметь следующий вариант написания — Rianna.

    Склонение имени Рианна по падежам

    Падеж Вопрос Имя
    Именительный Кто? Рианна
    Родительный Нет Кого? Рианны
    Дательный Рад Кому? Рианне
    Винительный Вижу Кого? Рианну
    Творительный Доволен Кем? Рианной
    Предложный Думаю О ком? Рианне

    Видео значение имени Рианна

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    Rihanna, LOUD Tour, Belfast cropped 2.jpg
    Основная информация
    Имя при рождении

    Robyn Rihanna Fenty

    Полное имя

    Робин Рианна Фенти

    Дата рождения

    20 февраля 1988 (24 года)

    Место рождения



    Flag of the United States.svg США


    певица, автор песен, продюсер, филантроп, актриса


    R’n’B, дэнсхолл, регги


    Бритни Спирс, Jay-Z, Шон Пол, Fabolous, Ne-Yo, Maroon 5, Джастин Тимберлейк, Тимбалэнд, T.I., Дрейк, Ники Минаж, Давид Гетта, Канье Уэст, Eminem, Coldplay


    Def Jam, SRP, Roc Nation

    Официальный веб-сайт
    Автограф Рианны

    Риа́нна (англ. Rihanna; настоящее имя Робин Рианна Фенти, англ. Robyn Rihanna Fenty; род. 20 февраля 1988, Барбадос) — R&B и поп-певица и актриса, родившаяся в городе Сент-Майкл. В 16 лет переехала в США, чтобы начать карьеру певицы. Позже она подписала контракт с Def Jam Recordings.

    В 2005 году Рианна выпустила свою дебютную работу Music of the Sun, которая вошла в десятку лучших альбомов Billboard 200, а сингл «Pon de Replay» стал успешным в чарте Billboard Hot 100. Менее чем через год, певица выпустила второй студийный альбом A Girl like Me (2006), который достиг своего максимума в лучшей пятёрке альбомного чарта Billboard, так же композиция «SOS» стала первым синглом Рианны, лидировавшим в чарте Hot 100. Третий студийный альбом Good Girl Gone Bad (2007) включал в себя четыре хит-сингла «Umbrella», «Take a Bow», «Disturbia», «Don’t Stop the Music» и получил девять номинаций «Грэмми», выиграв в категории «Лучшее совместное исполнение (вокал/рэп)» за песню «Umbrella» при участии рэпера Jay-Z. Её четвёртый студийный альбом Rated R был выпущен в ноябре 2009 года; несколько песен с альбома вошли в лучшую десятку синглов, а именно «Russian Roulette», «Hard» и «Rude Boy», который занял первую строчку чарта Billboard Hot 100. Пятый студийный альбом Loud (2010) включал в себя три сингла первой величины: «Only Girl (In the World)», «What’s My Name?» и «S&M». Шестой по счету студийный альбом Talk That Talk была выпущен 18 ноября 2011 года и включал в себя хит-сингл «We Found Love», который стал 11-м #1 Рианны в Hot 100 и оставался на вершине 10 недель подряд. Седьмой альбом Unapologetic был выпущен 19 ноября 2012 года, его выходу предшествовал лид-сингл «Diamonds».[1][2]

    Рианна является одной из самых продаваемых артистов всех времён вследствие продажи более 20 миллионов альбомов и 60 миллионов синглов.[3] Она самая молодая певица в истории Billboard, которой удалось двенадцать раз возглавить чарт Hot 100 на протяжении шести лет.[4] По состоянию на март 2010 года Рианна продала 7,3 миллиона альбомов и более 33,7 миллиона синглов только на территории Соединённых Штатов Америки.[5][6] Журнал Billboard назвал Рианну «Артистом цифровой эры 2000-х годов»[7] и присудил общее 17 место среди артистов 2000-х.[8] Певица получила несколько наград, включая международную музыкальную премию World Music Awards 2007 года в номинациях Самая продаваемая певица в жанре поп-музыка и Артистка года, а также на церемонии BRIT Awards в категории Лучшая международная исполнительница.[9] Рианна является обладательницей шести Грэмми, пяти American Music Awards и восемнадцати наград Billboard Music Awards, так же певица является официальным почётным послом культуры Барбадоса.[10]


    • 1 Биография
      • 1.1 1988—2004: Детство и начало карьеры
      • 1.2 2005—2006: Альбомы Music of the Sun и A Girl like Me
      • 1.3 2007—2008: Новый образ и Good Girl Gone Bad
      • 1.4 2009—2010: Дело о домашнем насилии и Rated R
      • 1.5 2010 — по настоящее время
    • 2 Личная жизнь
    • 3 Дискография
    • 4 Фильмография
    • 5 См. также
    • 6 Примечания
    • 7 Ссылки


    1988—2004: Детство и начало карьеры

    Рианна (настоящее имя Робин Рианна Фенти) родилась 20 февраля 1988 года в городе Сент-Майкл, Барбадос. Она старший ребёнок Моники Брэйтвэйт (англ. Monica Braithwaite), отставного бухгалтерa афро-гайанского происхождения, и Рональда Фенти (англ. Ronald Fenty), инспектора товарного склада на фабрике одежды.[11] Её мать является уроженкой Гайаны, а отец имеет барбадосские и ирландские корни.[12] У Рианны есть два младших брата: Рорри и Раджад Фенти,[13] однако, есть две сестры и ещё один брат со стороны отца, которые были рождены от разных матерей ещё до свадьбы родителей певицы.[14][15] Она выросла под влиянием музыки в жанре Регги[16] и начала петь в возрасте семи лет.[13] Её детство было глубоко затронуто склонностью отца к крэк-кокаину, алкоголю и марихуане;[17] родители Рианны развелись, когда ей было 14 лет, хотя отец оставался частью её жизни.[11] С восьми лет и до развода родителей Рианна страдала от мучительных головных болей; врачи полагали, что у девочки опухоль головного мозга и подвергли её нескольким исследованиям КТ.[18] Певица росла в скромном трёхкомнатном доме в Бриджтауне, и ей приходилось торговать одеждой в торговой палатке со своим отцом.[19] Рианна училась в начальной школе Charles F. Broome Memorial School в Барбадосе, а затем в Combermere School, где сформировала музыкальное трио со своими одноклассницами.[13] Так же она была кадетом в программе военной подготовки, которой её обучали военные Барбадоса; Шонтель была сержантом-инструктором Рианны по строевой подготовке.[20] Первоначально, певица хотела закончить среднюю школу, но затем решила её бросить, поскольку была занята своей музыкальной карьерой.[21]

    В декабре 2003 года Рианна знакомится с американским продюсером Эваном Роджерсом через его жену, с которой он приехал на выходные в Барбадос.[22] Рианна и две участницы совместной девичьей группы пришли на прослушивание к Роджерсу в отель.[23] Позже Эван Роджерс сказал: «В ту минуту, когда Рианна появилась в комнате, создалось ощущение, словно двух остальных участниц группы просто не существовало». На прослушивании Рианна спела кавер на песню группы Destiny’s Child — «Emotion».[13] Впечатлённый, Роджерс назначил ей вторую встречу, пригласив её сделать несколько записей в нью-йоркской студии с Карлом Старкеном, а также он хотел познакомиться с матерью Рианны.[24] После того как певице исполнилось 16 лет, она выигрывает школьный конкурс красоты Miss Combermere и творческий конкурс, спев песню Мэрайи Кэри — «Hero».[25] Весь последующий год Рианна с матерью ездили к Роджерсу в город Стэмфорд, штат Коннектикут. С помощью Старкена она записала демозапись, состоящую из четырёх песен,[26] в которую вошла баллада «Last Time», кавер-версия песни Уитни Хьюстон «For the Love of You»[13] и композиция «Pon de Replay», ставшая её первым хитом. Из-за учёбы Рианна появлялась в студии только на летних и рождественских каникулах, поэтому на создание демозаписей ушёл целый год.[13]

    В 2005 году Роджерс начинает раздавать демозапись Рианны различным лейблам звукозаписи.[13] Одна из копий была отправлена в Def Jam Recordings; A&R-менеджер Джей Браун послушал демозапись и передал её Jay-Z, президенту компании в то время.[27] Когда он услышал композицию «Pon de Replay», то сначала отнёсся к Рианне скептически, потому что он чувствовал, что песня слишком сильная для неё и утверждал: «Песня с таким размахом — большая сложность [для нового артиста] стать известным. Я не подписываю песни, я подписываю артистов».[27] Def Jam был первым лейблом, ответившим и пригласившим Рианну на прослушивание, где она спела песню «For the Love of You» для Jay-Z и Антонио Л. Рейда из Island Def Jam Music Group.[25] Она подписала контракт в этот же день и отменила все встречи с другими лейблами.[26] После подписания контракта с Def Jam в феврале 2005 года Рианна переехала в Соединённые Штаты Америки и поселилась у Роджерса и его жены. Она выбрала своё второе имя в качестве сценического псевдонима, потому что для неё имя Рианна — всего лишь псевдоним, который появился в звукозаписывающей студии в 2005 году.[28]

    2005—2006: Альбомы Music of the Sun и A Girl like Me

    Выступление Рианны на Jingle Ball в 2005 году.

    После подписания контракта с лейблом Def Jam Рианна провела следующие три месяца в студии, записывая свой дебютный альбом.[27] В создании альбома приняли участие продюсеры Эван Роджерс, Карл Старкен, Stargate и Poke & Tone.[29] Она впервые сотрудничала с рэпером Memphis Bleek для его четвёртого студийного альбома 534, который был выпущен раньше, чем её дебютная работа. 22 августа 2005 года певица выпустила свой первый сингл «Pon de Replay», который поднялся до второго места в чартах Billboard Hot 100 и UK Singles Chart.[30] Песня стала мировым хитом и вошла в десятку лучших синглов в 15 странах. В августе 2005 года был выпущен дебютный альбом Рианны Music of the Sun на территории Соединённых Штатов Америки.[31] Лонгплей появился на 10 месте в чарте Billboard 200 с продажами за первую неделю 69,000 копий.[32] Альбом разошёлся тиражом 2 миллиона копий по всему миру и получил золотую сертификацию от Американской ассоциации звукозаписывающих компаний.[33]

    Её музыкальный альбом продавался в разделе Регги из-за Карибского происхождения певицы. Альбом получил смешанные оценки музыкальных критиков. Журнал Rolling Stone поставил 2.5 звезды из пяти возможных, прокомментировав: недостаточная важность пластинки, изобретательность и ритмичность сингла с «ничем не выдающейся вокальной икотой и ненужными украшениями в песне», американский R&B видоизменяется перед её «Карибским очарованием».[34] Сэл Синкмани из журнала Slant Magazine описал альбом, как «подростковый бум R&B-певиц» и сказал относительно основного сингла «Pon de Replay»: «Смесь дэнсхолла и поп-музыки, которая обязана своим успехом песне „Baby Boy“ Бейонсе».[29] Музыкальный критик из Entertainment Weekly написал: «Дэнсхолл/R&B дебют наполнен звучанием дешёвых музыкальных инструментов, которые ставят чёрные пятна в Музыке солнца».[35] Второй сингл альбома «If It’s Lovin’ that You Want»[36] был менее удачен, чем «Pon de Replay», заняв 36 позицию в Соединённых Штатах и 11 позицию в чарте Великобритании.[30] Однако, сингл был хорошо встречен в Австралии, Ирландии и Новой Зеландии, где сумел войти в десятку лучших песен в этих странах.

    Через месяц после выхода дебютной работы Рианна приступила к записи второго студийного альбома,[37] над которым работали продюсеры Эван Роджерс и Карл Старкер, творческая группа Stargate, Джонатан Ротем и автор-исполнитель Ne-Yo.[38] Во время записи альбома Рианна выступала в качестве артиста перед началом концертов Гвен Стефани, чтобы прорекламировать свой дебютный альбом.[39] Основной сингл «SOS» достиг максимума на первом месте в чарте Billboard Hot 100, став первым хитом Рианны в Соединённых Штатах Америки.[30] A Girl like Me был выпущен в апреле 2006 года,[40] менее чем через восемь месяцев после её дебютной пластинки. Альбом занял пятое место в чарте Billboard 200[32] с продажами за первую неделю 115,000 копий, впоследствии получив платиновую сертификацию от Американской ассоциации звукозаписывающих компаний.[33][41] A Girl like Me достиг максимума на первом месте в канадском чарте, на пятом в британском и ирландском чартах. Альбом получил смешанные отзывы от музыкальных критиков; журнал Rolling Stone прокомментировал: «Новый альбом схож с её дебютным, но является более превосходным продолжением только благодаря основному синглу SOS».[42] Музыкальные критики описали альбом, как запись, чередующуюся между солнечным дэнсхоллом/даб-попом, клубным хип-хоп-влиянием и излишне сентиментальными балладами, ориентированными на взрослого слушателя.[43]

    Второй сингл «Unfaithful» стал известным мировым хитом, достигнув лучшей десятки композиций в нескольких странах мира, включая Соединённые Штаты Америки (6-е место в чарте Billboard Hot 100), а также возглавил чарты в Канаде, Франции и Швейцарии. Третьему синглу альбома «We Ride»[44] не удалось повторить успех первого, однако, четвёртый сингл «Break It Off» при участии Шона Пола поднялся с 52 позиции на 10-ю, и достиг своего пика на 9 месте в США.[45][46] После выпуска альбома Рианна объявила о начале своего сольного концертного тура Rihanna: Live in Concert Tour. Затем она отправилась в концертный тур с Pussycat Dolls с ноября 2006 по февраль 2007 года в Великобританию.[47] Так же Рианна снялась в эпизодической роли в фильме Добейся успеха 3: всё или ничего, который был выпущен 8 августа 2006 года.[48]

    2007—2008: Новый образ и Good Girl Gone Bad

    Выступление Рианны на Brisbane Entertainment Centre

    В работе над третьим студийным альбомом Good Girl Gone Bad (2007) Рианна хотела двигаться в новом направлении с помощью музыкальных продюсеров Тимбалэнда, Will.i.am и Шона Гарретта, преобразив некоторые песни[49] новым, танцевальным звучанием.[50] Во время записи альбома она выбрала более бунтарский внешний образ, выкрасив волосы в чёрный цвет и сделав короткую стрижку. Рианна комментировала: «Я хочу чтобы люди продолжали танцевать и, в то же время, оставались проникновенными […] Каждый чувствует альбом по-разному и, со своей стороны, я хочу сделать много ритмичных песен».[50] Альбом возглавлял чарты в таких странах, как: Великобритания, Канада, Япония, Бразилия, Россия и Ирландия, а также достиг своего максимума на втором месте в Соединённых Штатах Америки и Австралии. В отличие от предыдущих студийный проектов, сконцентрированных на дэнсхолле, регги и балладах, характерной чертой Good Girl Gone Bad является звучание в стиле Данс-поп. Альбом получил положительные отзывы от музыкальных критиков и стал её самым приветствуемым проектом по сравнению с предыдущими в то время.[51]

    Четыре песни из альбома Good Girl Gone Bad вошли в тройку лучших синглов чарта Billboard Hot 100 — включая всемирно известный хит «Umbrella» при участии Jay-Z, занимавший первое место в британском чарте десять недель подряд,[52] стал самым успешным синглом по продолжительности пребывания на первом месте после композиции «Love Is All Around» группы Wet Wet Wet, которая провела 15 недель на вершине чарта в 1994 году.[53] Согласно журналу Rolling Stone сингл занимает третье место в списке 100 лучших песен 2007 года.[54] Другие синглы альбома: «Shut Up and Drive», «Don’t Stop the Music» и «Hate That I Love You» не смогли приблизиться к успеху «Umbrella». Сингл «Don’t Stop the Music» занял третье место в Billboard Hot 100, в то время как в Австралии, Нидерландах, Франции, Германии и Швейцарии он достиг максимума на первом месте.[55] В 2007 году Рианна выиграла в номинации Лучшая исполнительница жанра Соул/R&B на церемонии American Music Award.

    Переиздание третьего студийного альбома с обновлённым названием Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded было выпущено в июне 2008 года и включало в себя три новые песни. «Take a Bow» — первый сингл из переиздания альбома,[56] возглавлявший чарты Канады, Великобритании и Соединённых Штатов Америки. «If I Never See Your Face Again» — дуэт с группой Maroon 5[57] так же был включён в переиздание, как и песня «Disturbia», которая заняла первое место в США и Новой Зеландии.[58] Рианна стала седьмой певицей, которой удалось войти в лучшую пятёрку синглов с двумя разными песнями одновременно: композиция «Disturbia» занимала четвёртое место, в то время как её предыдущий сингл «Take a Bow» был на втором. Певица выступила в качестве приглашённой исполнительницы в песне рэпера T.I. — «Live Your Life». Композиция достигла максимума на первом месте в Billboard Hot 100 и стала пятым супер-хитом Рианны в этом чарте после «SOS», «Umbrella», «Take a Bow» и «Disturbia».[59] Позже был выпущен Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes, который включал в себя ремикс-версии песен из оригинального альбома. Good Girl Gone Bad был продан в количестве более двух миллионов копий в США и получил двойную платиновую сертификацию от Американской ассоциации звукозаписывающих компаний (RIAA); в настоящий момент, это самый продаваемый альбом в карьере Рианны в этой стране.[33]

    Певица получила четыре номинации на церемонии MTV VMA 2007, победив в двух из них: Лучший сингл года и Видео года.[60] На 50-й церемонии «Грэмми» Рианна была награждена за Лучшую совместную работу в стиле рэп,[61] а также получила пять других номинаций, включая Лучшую запись года, Лучшую танцевальную запись, Лучшее вокальное R&B исполнение дуэтом или группой и Лучшую R&B песню. 12 сентября 2007 года с целью рекламы альбома Рианна начала концертный тур The Good Girl Gone Bad Tour, который прошёл в Соединённых Штатах Америки, Канаде и Европе,[62] затем 16 апреля 2008 года она приняла участие в концертном туре Канье Уэста — Glow in the Dark Tour совместно с Lupe Fiasco и N.E.R.D.[63][64][65] На церемонии American Music Awards 2008 года Рианна выиграла в двух номинациях Лучшая исполнительница жанра Поп/Рок и Лучшая исполнительница жанра Соул/R&B.[66] В декабре Марго Уотсон в газете Entertainment Weekly написала статью с названием «Рианна: Дива года», ссылаясь на взрыв популярности певицы в 2008 году.[67]

    2009—2010: Дело о домашнем насилии и Rated R

    Рианна на красной дорожке AMA в 2009 году

    8 февраля 2009 года запланированное выступление Рианны на 51-й церемонии вручения музыкальных наград «Грэмми» было отменено.[68] Согласно официальным сообщениям стало известно, что её экс-бойфренд, певец Крис Браун был арестован по подозрению в совершении криминальных действий.[69] 5 марта 2009 года Брауну были предъявлены обвинения в нападении и создании криминальной угрозы.[70] Из-за просочившихся фотографий из полицейского управления Лос-Анджелеса, опубликованных на сайте TMZ.com было видно, что Рианна получила повреждения; организация STOParazzi предложила провести закон, названный в честь певицы «Закон Рианны», согласно которому «служащие правоохранительных органов не имеют право распространять фотографии или любую другую информацию относительно жертв преступлений».[71]

    Впервые после февральских событий, Рианна появилась в качестве центрального персонажа в клипе Канье Веста (Kanye West) «Paranoid». Она также сотрудничала с Джей-Зи (Jay-Z) и Канье Вестом для исполнения песни «Run This Town», которая достигла второй строчки в чарте Billboard Hot 100, а также заняла высокие позиции в десяти странах мира.

    Четвёртый студийный альбом певицы — Rated R, был выпущен 23 ноября 2009 года. Журнал Rolling Stone дал положительную оценку альбому, указав, что «Рианна преобразила своё звучание, выпустив один из лучших альбомов года». Rated R дебютировал с четвёртой строчки чарта Billboard 200 и получил статус платинового от Ассоциации Звукозаписывающей Индустрии Америки за продажу одного миллиона копий. Первые три сингла с альбома: «Russian Roulette», «Hard» и «Rude Boy» достигли Top-10 чарта Billboard Hot 100.

    2010 — по настоящее время

    Выступление Рианны в рамках Loud Tour

    В январе Рианна выиграла две награды на церемонии Barbados Music Awards в номинациях «Артист десятилетия» и «Песня десятилетия» за композицию «Umbrella». На церемонии NRJ Music Awards она получила титул «Международной певицы года».[72] В течение лета Рианна и рэпер Эминем работали над песней «Love the Way You Lie», которая позже стала хитом #1 в чарте США — Billboard Hot 100, а также в других странах включая Австралию, Канаду, Ирландию, Новую Зеландию, Норвегию и Швецию.[73] Песня стала седьмым синглом первой величины в карьере Рианны, что сделало её пятой среди певиц по количеству хитов #1 в истории чарта Hot 100.[74] В августе восковая фигура Рианны была представлена в Музее мадам Тюссо в Вашингтоне.[75] В это же время она принимала участие в записи песни Канье Уэста «All of the Lights» для его пятого студийного альбома «My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy». В интервью для MTV News Рианна заявила о том, что она «полюбила» песню, но также принимала участие в записях и для других артистов, таких как Алиша Киз, Джон Ледженд, Fergie и Элтон Джон.[76] 19 октября Рианна выпустила одноимённую книгу[77] и объявила о том, что расторгла контракт с менеджером Марком Джорданом, которого заменит представитель лейбла Roc Nation — Jay-Z.[78] Она также создала собственную компанию Rihanna Entertainment, в которой «объединит весь свой бизнес, включая музыку, фильмы, парфюмерию, моду и книгоиздательство».[78]

    16 ноября 2010 года Рианна выпустила пятый студийный альбом Loud,[79] который занял третье место в чарте Billboard 200 с продажами 207,000 копий за первую неделю, что является лучшим результатом недельных альбомных продаж в карьере Рианны.[80] Основной сингл «Only Girl (In the World)»[81][82] достиг своего пика на первой строчке Billboard Hot 100, а также в Австралии, Канаде и Великобритании.[83][84][85] Песня получила награду Лучшая танцевальная запись на 53-й ежегодной церемонии вручения наград «Грэмми».[86] Второй сингл «What’s My Name?» при участии канадского рэпера Дрейка возглавил чарты США и Великобритании, Billboard Hot 100 и UK Singles Chart, соответственно.[87] Хотя это был второй сингл с альбома «Loud» он достиг вершины чарта раньше первого — «Only Girl (In the World)», что было впервые, когда дебютный сингл альбома возглавил чарт Hot 100 после лидерства второго.[88] Её третий международный сингл «S&M» при участии Бритни Спирс повторил успех двух предыдущих песен, сделав Рианну самой молодой исполнительницей за всю историю чарта, которой удалось появиться на вершине чарта десять раз.[4] Позже было выпущено два последующих сингла «Man Down» и «California King Bed».[89][90][91] Последний сингл альбома «Cheers (Drink to That)» поднялся до седьмого места в Hot 100.[92] В июне 2011 года Рианна открыла свой международный концертный тур Loud Tour с целью рекламы альбома.[93][94]

    В октябре 2011 года было выпущено две песни с участием Рианны: «Princess of China» с альбома группы Coldplay — Mylo Xyloto и «Fly» с альбома Ники Минаж — Pink Friday.[95][96] В течение месяца певица появилась в качестве приглашённого члена жюри на американском реалити-шоу The X Factor.[97] Шестой студийный альбом Рианны Talk That Talk был выпущен 21 ноября 2011 года в двух версиях: Де люкс и Стандарт.[98] 22 сентября 2011 года состоялась радио-премьера основного сингла «We Found Love», который в этот же день стал доступен в коммерческую реализацию через iTunes.[99] После того как композиция «We Found Love» достигла 9 места в чарте США, Рианна стала самой быстрой среди сольных исполнителей в истории Hot 100, у которой двадцать синглов вошли в лучшую десятку, тем самым побив рекорд установленный ранее Мадонной.[100] Позже песня стала одиннадцатым хитом #1 Рианны в чарте Billboard Hot 100.[101] 11 ноября был выпущен второй сингл «You Da One», а съёмки музыкального видеоклипа в Лондоне были запланированы на конец 2011 года.[102] Рианна является самой продаваемой певицей 2011 года в Великобритании, превзошедшей Адель по количеству проданных синглов на 6,000 копий.[103] В апреле вышел новый сингл Рианны Where Have You Been. Премьера клипа состоялась 30 апреля 2012 на VEVO.

    Рианна приняла участие в съёмках фильма Питера Берга — Морской бой, который вышел в свет 12 апреля 2012 года. Премьера фильма в России состоялась 19 апреля 2012 года.[104]

    26 сентября 2012 года Рианна выпустила первый сингл под названием «Diamonds» из своего седьмого альбома. Слова песни написала австралийская певица Sia, а продюсерами были Benny Blanco и StarGate. В ноябре 2012 года вышел седьмой по счету альбом певицы Unapologetic. Он стал четвёртым полнометражным альбомом в её карьере за 4 года.

    Личная жизнь

    В 2009 году 19-летний хип-хоп исполнитель Крис Браун, с которым тогда встречалась 21-летняя Рианна, избил свою подругу и скрылся с места преступления, но позже Браун добровольно явился в участок. На слушании дела первое время Браун отрицал свою вину, но суд приговорил певца к общественным работам и пяти годам условно[105]. Спустя некоторое время после приговора и исполнения наказания Браун раскаялся, о чём не раз открыто говорил и публично просил прощения у бывшей подруги.

    После этого трагического эпизода и расставания Рианна сделала себе татуировки: маленькие пистолеты на ребрах по бокам и надпись на ключице Never a failure, always a lesson, что переводится как «Не ошибка, но урок». У Рианны есть и другие татуировки: знак Рыбы за ухом, надписи Shhh и Love на пальцах рук, сокол на лодыжке (раньше там были изображены скрипичный ключ и нота), небольшая звезда на хрящике уха и звездопад на спине, надписи (на санскрите, арабском, две на английском), дата рождения лучшей подруги, пистолеты на боках под грудью, череп с бантиком на лодыжке, племенной узор маори на запястье, под грудью — египетская богиня Исида, посвященная покойной бабушке Рианны, Клары «Долли» Брэйтвейт, которая скончалась 1 июля 2012 года от рака[106].

    После расставания с Брауном Рианна встречалась с игроком Los Angeles Dodger Мэттом Кемпом и с баскетболистом Джей Ар Смитом[107]. В 2011 году в прессе появилась информация, что новым бойфрендом Рианны стал певец Ашер[108].

    Но в октябре 2012 года Крис Браун и Рианна возобновили отношения[109].


    • Music of the Sun (2005)
    • A Girl like Me (2006)
    • Good Girl Gone Bad (2007)
    • Rated R (2009)
    • Loud (2010)
    • Talk That Talk (2011)
    • Unapologetic (2012)


    Год Русское название Оригинальное название Роль
    2006 ф Добейся успеха 3: Всё или ничего Bring It On 3: All or Nothing Рианна
    2012 ф Морской бой Battleship Кора Рейкс
    2012 ф Кэтти Перри: Частичка меня Katy Perry: Part of Me в роли самой себя
    2013 ф Форсаж 6 The Fast and the Furious 6 слухи
    2013 ф Конец света The End of the World Рианна

    См. также

    • Список наград и номинаций Рианны
    • Список синглов № 1 в США (Billboard)


    1. Trust, Gary Rihanna’s ‘What’s My Name?’ Rockets to No. 1 on Hot 100 | Billboard.com. Billboard (November 10, 2010). Проверено 12 ноября 2010.
    2. Trust, Gary Weekly Chart Notes: Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson – Chart Beat | Billboard.com. Billboard (November 11, 2010). Проверено 12 ноября 2010.
    3. Biography: Rihanna on German MTV (German). MTV. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012.
    4. 1 2 Trust, Gary Rihanna’s ‘S&M’ Reigns on Hot 100, Lady Gaga’s ‘Judas’ Debuts. Billboard (April 20, 2011). Проверено 20 апреля 2011.
    5. New Rihanna Album Due ‘This Fall’ — The Juice | Billboard.com
    6. The Nielsen Company & Billboard’s 2010 Music Industry Report. Business Wire (6 января 2011). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 18 августа 2011.
    7. Up for Discussion Jump to Forums Digital Songs Artist of the decade. Billboard. Проверено 29 июля 2010.
    8. Artists Of The Decade Music Chart. Billboard. Проверено 11 июля 2011.
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    14. Leigh, David. Rihanna’s secret family, The Sun (April 16, 2011). Проверено 21 июля 2011.
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    20. Talking Shop: Shontelle, BBC News (March 5, 2009). Проверено 5 марта 2009.
    21. DePaulo, Lisa. Good Girl Gone Badass, GQ (January 2010). Проверено 27 июля 2011.
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    25. 1 2 Eells, Josh. Rihanna, Queen of Pain: Rolling Stone’s 2011 Cover Story, Rolling Stones (June 6, 2011). Проверено 20 июля 2011.
    26. 1 2 Jones, Steve. Rihanna has her day in the sun, USA Today (August 1, 2005). Проверено 23 мая 2009.
    27. 1 2 3 Reid, Shaheem. Jay-Z’s Picks: Teairra Mari, Rihanna, Ne-Yo, MTV. Проверено 8 февраля 2009.
    28. Eells, Josh. Rihanna, Queen of Pain: Rolling Stone’s 2011 Cover Story, Rolling Stones (June 6, 2011). Проверено 20 июля 2011.
    29. 1 2 Cinquemani, Sal. Rihanna: Music Of The Sun | Music Review, Slant Magazine (August 31, 2005). Проверено 29 мая 2009.
    30. 1 2 3 Artist Chart History – Rihanna. Billboard. Архивировано из первоисточника 28 июля 2008. Проверено 6 февраля 2009.
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    43. Cinquemani, Sal. Rihanna: A Girl Like Me : Music Review : Slant Magazine, Slant Magazine (April 24, 2006). Проверено 29 мая 2009.
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    51. Drumming, Neil. Good Girl Gone Bad Rihanna, Entertainment Weekly (May 30, 2007). Проверено 31 мая 2009.
    52. Sexton, Paul. Rihanna’s ‘Umbrella’ Nearing UK Chart History, Billboard (July 16, 2007). Проверено 8 ноября 2008.
    53. Sexton, Paul. Rihanna Makes It 10 Weeks Atop UK Singles Chart, Billboard (July 23, 2007). Проверено 8 февраля 2009.
    54. The 100 Best Songs of 2007, Rolling Stone (December 27, 2007). Архивировано из первоисточника 3 июня 2009. Проверено 15 мая 2008.
    55. Rihanna – Don’t Stop The Music. αCharts.us. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 25 мая 2009.
    56. Rodriguez, Jayson. [http://www.mtv.com /news/articles/1583481/20080314/rihanna.jhtml Rihanna Chooses ‘Take A Bow,’ Penned By Ne-Yo, To Kick Off Good Girl Gone Bad Re-Release], MTV News (March 14, 2008). Проверено 30 мая 2009.
    57. Montgomery, James. Rihanna, Maroon 5 Team Up For ‘Magic’ Collaboration, Complete With Ultra-Glam Video, MTV News (April 24, 2008). Проверено 30 мая 2009.
    58. Cohen, Jonathan. Rihanna Fends Off Archuleta Atop Hot 100, Billboard (August 21, 2008). Проверено 8 марта 2006.
    59. T.I. and Rihanna – Live Your Life. αCharts.us. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 28 мая 2009.
    60. Kaufman, Gil Britney Spears Kicks Off Show, But VMA Night Belongs To Rihanna And Justin Timberlake. MTV News (September 10, 2007). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 23 апреля 2009.
    61. The 2008 Grammy Winners Are…, EW (February 8, 2008). Проверено 23 апреля 2009.
    62. Leong, Cheryl. Rihanna’s Good Girl Gone Bad Tour, MTV Southeast Asia (November 13, 2008). Проверено 31 мая 2009.
    63. Rodriguez, Jayson Kanye West’s Glow In The Dark Tour Will Feature Rihanna, Lupe Fiasco, N.E.R.D.. MTV News (January 30, 2008). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 11 ноября 2008.
    64. Tapper, Christina Rihanna to Join Kanye West on Tour. People (February 1, 2008). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 27 мая 2009.
    65. Kreps, Daniel Kanye West Recruits N.E.R.D., Lupe Fiasco, Rihanna For New Tour. Rolling Stone (January 30, 2008).(недоступная ссылка — история) Проверено 27 мая 2009.
    66. Cohen, Sandy. West, Keys And Rihanna Double-up On AMA awards (Nov 24, 2008), стр. 2A. Проверено 24 февраля 2011.
    67. Watson, Margeaux Rihanna: Diva of the year. Entertainment Weekly (December 29, 2008). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 8 мая 2009.
    68. Swash, Rosie. Grammys 2009: Rihanna cancels appearance after boyfriend Chris Brown arrested, The Guardian (February 9, 2009). Проверено 27 мая 2009.
    69. Friedman, Roger Chaos in Chris Brown-Rihanna Mess. Fox News (February 10, 2009). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 13 мая 2009.
    70. Lee, Ken. Chris Brown Charged with Two Felonies in Rihanna Beating, People (March 5, 2009). Проверено 30 мая 2009.
    71. Kaufman, Gil (February 23, 2009). «Gossip Site Defends Posting Of Rihanna Photo» (MTV News). Проверено May 14, 2009.
    72. HoodHollywood.com Rihanna Takes Home ‘Best International Female Artist’ Award At 2010 NRJ Awards Video. Vodpod.com. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 29 июля 2010.
    73. Eminem feat. Rihanna – Love The Way You Lie. charts.org.nz. Hung Medien. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 29 июля 2010.
    74. http://www.billboard.com/#/news/eminem-and-rihanna-replace-katy-perry-atop-1004105330.story?tag=hpfeed Billboard Hot 100
    75. Billboard Bits: Rihanna’s Wax Figure, Green Day’s Live Album, Billboard, Nielsen Business Media (31 августа 2010). Проверено 6 сентября 2010.
    76. Montgomery, James Rihanna ‘Loved’ Working With Kanye West On ‘All Of The Lights’. MTV News. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 7 декабря 2010.
    77. Rihanna (trade paperback). Rizzoli USA. Rizzoli New York. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 6 сентября 2010.
    78. 1 2 FEKADU, MESFIN. Rihanna leaves manager, now under Jay-Z’s umbrella, St. Petersburg Times (20 октября 2010). Проверено 20 октября 2010.
    79. Kaufman, Gil. Rihanna Reveals Title of New Album: Loud, MTV.com, MTV Networks (7 сентября 2010). Проверено 7 сентября 2010.
    80. Caulfield, Keith. Susan Boyle’s ‘Gift’ Tops Rihanna, Kid Rock of Billboard 200, Billboard (24 ноября 2010). Проверено 27 ноября 2010.
    81. «Only Girl (In the World) — Single by Rihanna». iTunes. Apple. Retrieved 2010-11-28.
    82. «Amazon.com: Only Girl (In The World): Rihanna: MP3 Downloads». Amazon.com. Retrieved 2010-11-28.
    83. Canadian Hot 100: Week of September 25, 2010. Billboard. Nielsen Business Media. Проверено 25 сентября 2010.
    84. Rihanna — Only Girl (In The World). australian-charts.com. Hung Medien. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 27 ноября 2010.
    85. Archive Chart. theofficialcharts.com. The Official UK Charts Company. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 27 ноября 2010.
    86. The Grammy®s Season 53. CBS.com. CBS Interactive (2010). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 27 декабря 2010.
    87. Wete, Brad Rihanna’s ‘What’s My Name?’ jumps to No. 1 on Billboard Hot 100 chart. Entertainment Weekly. Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 11 ноября 2010.
    88. Rihanna’s ‘Only Girl’ Rebounds to No.1 on Hot 100. Billboard.com. Проверено 24 ноября 2010.
    89. California King Bed Germany Release. Universal Music.com (May 17, 2011). Проверено 18 мая 2011.
    90. Rihanna switches new single release dates?. Digital Spy (April 27, 2011). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 27 апреля 2011.
    91. Singles Release Diary. Digital Spy. Архивировано из первоисточника 5 мая 2011. Проверено 5 мая 2011.
    92. Cheers (Drink to That) — Rihanna. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. Проверено 23 сентября 2011.
    93. Copsey, Robert Rihanna announces UK arena dates. Digital Spy (December 7, 2010). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 23 февраля 2011.
    94. Concepcion, Mariel Rihanna To Kick Off North American ‘Loud’ Tour in June. Billboard (February 10, 2011). Проверено 23 февраля 2011.
    95. Coldplay’s ‘Paradise’ Video Stars Globe-Trotting Elephant, Billboard, Prometheus Global Media (19 октября 2011). Проверено 25 октября 2011.
    96. Selected Release (German). Urban.de. Проверено 16 сентября 2011.
    97. Still, Jennifer. Rihanna to join LA Reid as ‘X Factor’ USA guest mentor, Digital Spy (October 12, 2011). Проверено 25 октября 2011.
    98. Fowler, Tara Rihanna unveils new album ‘Talk That Talk’ cover. Digital Spy (October 11, 2011). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 25 октября 2011.
    99. Rihanna’s New ‘We Found Love’ Single Cover. Capital FM (September 22, 2011). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 22 сентября 2011.
    100. Trust, Gary Rihanna Becomes Fastest Solo Artist To 20 Hot 100 Top 10s. Billboard (October 5, 2011). Проверено 6 октября 2011.
    101. Trust, Gary Rihanna’s ‘Found’ Her Way Back to Hot 100 Summit. Billboard. Nielsen Business Media (November 2, 2011). Проверено 21 ноября 2011.
    102. Rihanna To Shoot ‘You Da One’ Video In London. Capital. Global Radio (November 10, 2011). Архивировано из первоисточника 4 июня 2012. Проверено 11 ноября 2011.
    103. Rihanna becomes the UK’s biggest selling singles artist, The Official UK Charts Company (December 15, 2011).
    104. Dinh, James. Rihanna Begins Filming ‘Battleship’ In Hawaii, MTV (September 2, 2010). Проверено 6 сентября 2010.
    105. Крис получил пять лет  (рус.). cosmo.ru (23.06.2009). Архивировано из первоисточника 18 октября 2012. Проверено 8 октября 2012.
    106. Новые татуировки Рианны и Криса Брауна  (рус.). cosmo.ru (12.09.2012). Архивировано из первоисточника 18 октября 2012. Проверено 8 октября 2012.
    107. Рианна встречается с баскетболистом  (рус.). cosmo.ru (17.05.2012). Архивировано из первоисточника 18 октября 2012. Проверено 8 октября 2012.
    108. Рианна встречается с Ашером  (рус.). cosmo.ru (26.04.2011). Архивировано из первоисточника 18 октября 2012. Проверено 8 октября 2012.
    109. Крис Браун хочет вернуть Рианну  (рус.). cosmo.ru (8.10.2012). Архивировано из первоисточника 18 октября 2012. Проверено 8 октября 2012.


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    Music of the Sun · A Girl like Me · Good Girl Gone Bad · Rated R · Loud · Talk That Talk · Unapologetic

    Ремикс-альбомы Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes · Rated R: Remixed
    Видео-альбомы Good Girl Gone Bad Live
    Фильмы Добейся успеха 3: всё или ничего · Морской бой
    Биографии Rihanna
    Концертные выступления Rihanna: Live in Concert Tour · The Good Girl Gone Bad Tour · Last Girl on Earth Tour · The Loud Tour · Diamonds World Tour
    Парфюмерия Reb’l Fleur
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    Дискография · Награды и номинации · Песни
    Music of the Sun

    «Pon de Replay» · «If It’s Lovin’ that You Want»

    A Girl like Me

    «SOS» · «Unfaithful» · «We Ride» · «Break It Off»

    Good Girl Gone Bad

    «Umbrella» · «Shut Up and Drive» · «Hate That I Love You» · «Don’t Stop the Music» · «Take a Bow» · «Disturbia» · «Rehab»

    Rated R

    «Russian Roulette» · «Hard» · «Rude Boy» · «Rockstar 101» · «Te Amo»


    «Only Girl (In the World)» · «What’s My Name?» · «Raining Men» · «S&M» · «Man Down» · «California King Bed» · «Cheers (Drink to That)»

    Talk That Talk

    «We Found Love» · «You Da One» · «Talk That Talk» · «Birthday Cake» · «Where Have You Been»




    «Breakin’ Dishes» · «Wait Your Turn»

    Синглы при участии Рианны

    «Roll It» · «If I Never See Your Face Again» · «Live Your Life» · «Run This Town» · «Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)» · «Love the Way You Lie» · «Who’s That Chick?» · «All of the Lights» ·
    «Fly» · «Princess of China» · «Take Care»

    Другие песни

    «Just Stand Up!» · «Redemption Song» · «Fading» · «Skin» · «Love the Way You Lie (Part II)»

    Wikipedia book Книга · Category Категория · Portal Портал

    Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988), known mononymously as Rihanna, is a Barbadian recording artist. Born in Saint Michael, Barbados, Rihanna moved to the United States at the age of 17 to pursue a recording career under the guidance of record producer Evan Rogers. She subsequently signed a contract with Def Jam Recordings.[1]

    In 2005, Presidentduane Donnie Duane Jackson General Artist Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun, which peaked in the top ten of the Billboard 200 chart and features the Billboard Hot 100 top five hit single «Pon de Replay». In less than a year, she released her second studio album, A Girl Like Me (2006), which peaked within the top-five in the United States, and produced her first Hot 100 number one single, «SOS». Rihanna’s third studio album, Good Girl Gone Bad released in May 2007, spawned the international hit singles «Umbrella», «Don’t Stop the Music», «Take a Bow» and «Disturbia», with an additional four singles being released. The album was nominated for nine Grammy Awards, winning Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for «Umbrella». Her fourth studio album Rated R (2009), produced the top-ten singles «Russian Roulette», «Hard» and «Rude Boy», with the latter achieving the number-one spot on the Billboard Hot 100. Loud (2010), Rihanna’s fifth studio album, spawned the number-one hits «Only Girl (In the World)», «What’s My Name?» and «S&M». «We Found Love» served as the lead single from Rihanna’s sixth studio album, Talk That Talk (2011). The song was an international success, topping the charts in seventeen countries She also had Stay, and Diamonds from Unapologetic.

    Rihanna’s work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including five American Music Awards, 18 Billboard Music Awards, two BRIT Awards and six Grammy Awards. She has achieved a total of fourteen number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming the youngest solo artist to achieve the feat.Billboard named Rihanna the Digital Songs Artist of the 2000s decade, and ranked her as the seventeenth artist of the same decade. She is the highest-selling digital artist in U.S. history. Furthermore, she has also shipped 7.3 million album units in the U.S. as of September 2011. Some of her singles have earned their place on the list of best-selling singles worldwide. Rihanna has claimed to sell more than 200 million records worldwide since the beginning of her career in 2005, which makes her tied for 7th artist with the most claimed sales, but her certified sales are over 180 million making her the third artist with the most claimed sales topping Micheal Jackson.

    Rihanna also had collaborations with artists like Eminem with songs like Love the Way You Lie, The Monster, with Jay-Z on Run This Town, with Shakira on Can’t Remember To Forget You, with T.I. on Live Your Life, and many others.

    On August 4th of 2021, it was announced that Rihanna is now officially a billionaire, net worth of $1.7 billion, mainly for her share in the cosmetics line she is a co-owner of [2]



    1988-2004: Early life and career[]

    Robyn Rihanna Fenty was born on February 20, 1988, in Saint Michael, Barbados to Monica Braithwaite, and Ronald Fenty, a warehouse supervisor for a garment factory. Her mother, a native of Guyana, is Afro-Guyanese, and her father is of Barbadian and Irish descent. She also has two half-sisters and a half-brother from her father’s side, each born by different mothers before Rihanna’s father married her mother. Rihanna grew up listening to reggae music, and began singing at around the age of seven. Her childhood was deeply affected by her father’s addiction to crack cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana, and her parents’ turbulent marriage ended when she was 14. She grew up in a three-bedroom bungalow in Bridgetown and sold clothes with her father on a street stall. She attended Charles F. Broome Memorial Primary School and then the Combermere High School, where she formed a musical trio with two of her classmates. Rihanna was an army cadet in a sub-military programme that trained with the military of Barbados and fellow Barbadian and singer-songwriter Shontelle was her drill sergeant. Although she initially wanted to graduate from high school, she chose to pursue her musical career instead.

    Before signing to Def Jam Recordings, Rihanna was discovered in her home country by American record producer Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers. The two met in December 2003 through mutual friends of Rihanna’s and Rogers’ wife, while the couple was on vacation in Barbados, because of how Rihanna’s friend had told Rogers’ wife how the aspiring singer was always singing and performing. After meeting for the first time, Rogers’ asked Rihanna to come to his hotel room, where she performed renditions of Destiny’s Child «Emotion» and Mariah Carey’s «Hero». Rihanna’s renditions impressed Rogers, who then took her to New York, where she was accompanied by her mother, Monica, to record some demo tapes which could be sent to record labels. Production of the demo tapes took about a year, due to Rihanna only being able to record during school holidays. At the age of 16, Rihanna was signed to Rogers’ and Carl Sturken’ss production company, Syndicated Rhythm Productions, who assigned her a lawyer and manager, before the completed demo tape was distributed to various record labels around the world in late 2004. The first to respond to the demo tape was Jay-Z, who had recently been appointed as president and CEO of Def Jam Recordings. Rihanna auditioned for him and music mogul L.A. Reid, in his office. Looking back on the audition and meeting Jay-Z, Rihanna explained in an interview how she felt before walking into the room, saying:

    «That’s when I really got nervous… I was like: ‘Oh God, he’s right there, I can’t look, I can’t look, I can’t look!’ I remember being extremely quiet. I was very shy. I was cold the entire time. I had butterflies. I’m sitting across from Jay-Z. Like, Jay-Zee. I was star-struck.«

    During the audition, Rihanna performed Whitney Houston’s cover of «For the Love of You», as well as her first single «Pon de Replay» and «The Last Time», which were written and produced by Rogers and Sturken and would be included on her debut album Music of the Sun. Jay-Z was initially skeptical about signing Rihanna after he felt «Pon de Replay» was too big for her, saying «when a song is that big, it’s hard [for a new artist] to come back from. I don’t sign songs, I sign artists». The audition resulted in Rihanna signing a six-album record deal with Def Jam Recordings in February 2005, on the same day of the audition, with Jay-Z saying «There’s only two ways out. Out the door after you sign this deal. Or through this window meaning that he was not going to let her leave with signing a record deal. After signing to Def Jam Recordings, Rihanna cancelled other meetings with record labels and relocated from Barbados to New York to live with Rogers’ and his wife. Rihanna explained the concept behind the title of the album to Kidzworld, saying that the sun is representative of the her native Caribbean culture as well as herself and that the album consists of music from her heritage.

    2005–06: Music of the Sun and A Girl Like Me[]

    After signing with Def Jam, she spent the next three months recording and completing her debut album. The album featured production from Evan Rogers, Carl Sturken, Stargate and Poke & Tone. She first collaborated with rapper Memphis Bleek on his fourth studio album 534 before her debut. She released her debut single, «Pon de Replay» on August 22, 2005, which peaked at number two on both the Billboard Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart. It became a global hit, peaking within the top ten across fifteen countries. Her debut album, Music of the Sun, was released in August 2005 in the United States. The album reached number ten on the Billboard 200, selling 69,000 copies in its first week. The album went on to sell over two million copies worldwide and received a Gold certification by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), denoting shipments of over 500,000 units to retailers in the United States.

    Her music was marketed within the reggae genre because of her Caribbean descent. The album received mixed reviews by music critics. Rolling Stone magazine gave it 2.5 out of 5 stars and described as lacking the replay value, ingenuity and rhythm of the single with «generic vocal hiccups and frills» of US R&B inflecting upon her «Caribbean charm». Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine described the album as a «glut of teen R&B chanteuses » and described her lead single «Pon de Replay» as «a dancehall-pop mixture that owes plenty of its sweat and shimmy to Beyoncé’s «Baby Boy». A reviewer for Entertainment Weekly commented that the «dancehall/R&B debut is filled with chintzy production and maudlin arrangements that block out the Music of the Sun. The albums second single, «If It’s Lovin’ that You Want» was less successful than its predecessor, managing a peak position of number thirty-six in the United States, and number eleven in the United Kingdom. The single proved to be more well-received in Australia, Ireland and New Zealand reaching the top ten.

    A month after the release of her debut album, she began working on her second studio album. The album contained production from record producers Evan Rogers and Carl Sturken who produced most of her debut album, as well as Stargate, J. R. Rotem and label-mate singer-songwriter Ne-Yo. Whilst recording the album, Rihanna served as an opening act for Gwen Stefani on tour to promote her debut album. A Girl Like Me was released in April 2006, less than eight months after her debut. The album reached number five on the Billboard 200 selling 115,000 copies in its first week and was certified Platinum by the RIAA, having shipped over one million units. Internationally, the album peaked at number one on the Canadian Albums Chart and number five in the UK and Ireland. Critical response to the album was mixed; Rolling Stone magazine commented «Like her filler-packed debut album, this similar but superior follow-up doesn’t deliver anything else as ingenious as its lead single.» Critics described the album as a record that almost identically alternates between the sunny dancehall/dub-pop, hip-hop-infused club bangers and gushy, adult-oriented ballads.

    The lead single, «SOS», peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming her first single to top the charts in the United States. The second single, «Unfaithful», became a major worldwide hit, reaching the top ten in eighteen countries around the world, including the US where it reached number six, as well as topping the charts in Canada and Switzerland. The album’s third single «We Ride» did not achieve the same success, remaining uncharted in the US and reaching a peak of seventeen in the UK. However, the fourth US single, «Break It Off» featuring Sean Paul, reached number nine on the Billboard Hot 100. After the release of the album, Rihanna embarked on her first headlining tour, the Rihanna: Live in Concert Tour. She then embarked on the Rock Tha Block Tour followed by touring with the Pussycat Dolls from November 2006 to February 2007 in the UK. Rihanna made her acting debut in a cameo role in the straight-to-DVD film Bring It On: All or Nothing, which was released on August 8, 2006. Kelly Mberabahizi 

    2007-08: Good Girl Gone Bad[]

    With her third studio album, Good Girl Gone Bad (2007), Rihanna wanted to head in a new direction with the help of music producers Timbaland, will.i.am and Sean Garrett, and re-imagine her album compositions with fresh, uptempo dance tracks. She adopted a more rebellious image whilst recording the album, eventually dying her hair black and cutting it short. Rihanna commented, «I want to keep people dancing but still be soulful at the same time You feel different every album, and at this stage I feel like I want to do a lot of uptempo songs.» The album topped the charts in multiple countries including the UK, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Russia and and at number two in the US and Australia. Unlike previous work, the album featured a more dance-pop sound instead of the dancehall, reggae and ballad styles found in Rihanna’s first two albums. The album received positive reviews by critics, becoming her most critically acclaimed album at that time compared to her previous efforts.

    Good Girl Gone Bad yielded four chart-topping singles – all reaching the top three of the Billboard Hot 100 – including the major worldwide number one hit, «Umbrella», featuring Jay-Z. In addition to reaching number one in twelve other countries, «Umbrella» peaked at number one in the UK for ten consecutive weeks, making it the longest-running number one single since Wet Wet Wet’s single «Love Is All Around» spent fifteen weeks at the top in 1994. It became the longest-running chart topper of the 2000’s decade, and remains the longest-running number one since its release in 2007. The song was listed at number three on the ‘100 Best Songs of 2007’ published by Rolling Stone magazine. It became Rihanna’s first single to be named one of the best-selling singles worldwide, having sold over 6.6 million singles since being released. Her other singles, «Shut Up and Drive», and «Hate That I Love You», «Don’t Stop The Music» were released from the album and were able to mirror the success of «Umbrella», with the latter reaching number three on the Billboard Hot 100, whilst peaking at number one in Australia, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Switzerland. At the 2007 American Music Awards, Rihanna won the award for ‘Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist’.

    The re-issue of her third album, titled Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded, released in June 2008, features three added songs. The first single from the re-release, «Take a Bow», topped the charts in six countries worldwide, including in Canada, Ireland, the the UK and US. «If I Never See Your Face Again», a duet with Maroon 5, was also included in the re-release, alongside «Disturbia», which also reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and earned Rihanna a nomination for Best Dance Recording at the 51st Grammy Awards. «Disturbia» and «Take a Bow» both silmiltaneously appeared inside the top five on the Hot 100, making Rihanna the seventh female artist to have two songs in the top five. She was also featured on rapper T.I.’s «Live Your Life,» which peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, giving Rihanna her fifth number one single on the chart at the time, and making Rihanna the artist with the joint-most number one singles of the 2000’s decade, with the other being Beyoncé Knowles. A remix of the album, Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes, was also released containing remixed versions of songs from the reloaded edition of the album. «Good Girl Gone Bad» has shipped over 2.7 million units in the United States alone, receiving a two-times-platinum certification from the RIAA and marking Rihanna’s best-selling album to date in the country. Rihanna was nominated in four categories at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, winning ‘Monster Single of the Year’ and ‘Video of the Year’ for «Umbrella». Rihanna won her first award at the 50th Grammy Awards in 2008, winning Best Rap/Sung Collaboration, in addition to receiving five other nominations, including Record of the Year, Best Dance Recording, Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group and Best R&B Song. In support of the album, she kicked off her second headlining tour, the Good Girl Gone Bad Tour on September 12, 2007, with a total of 80 shows across the US, Canada and Europe and then embarked on the Glow in the Dark Tour with Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, and N.E.R.D on April 16, 2008. Rihanna won the awards for ‘Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist’ and ‘Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist’ at the 2008 American Music Awards.

    2009-11: Domestic violence case, Rated R, and Loud[]

    Rihanna was dating Chris Brown before the altercation with him.

    On February 8, 2009, Rihanna’s scheduled performance at the 51st Grammy Awards was canceled. Reports later surfaced regarding an alleged altercation with then-boyfriend, singer Chris Brown, who was arrested on suspicion of making criminal threats. On March 5, 2009, Brown was charged with assault and making criminal threats. Due to a leaked photograph from the Los Angeles Police Department obtained by TMZ.com—which revealed Rihanna had sustained visible injuries — an organization known as STOParazzi proposed a law called «Rihanna’s Law,» which, if enacted, would «deter employees of law enforcement agencies from releasing photos or information that exploits crime victims.» Gil Kaufman of VH1 reported the «nonstop coverage of the Rihanna/Brown case has brought up a number of issues regarding the privacy of alleged victims of domestic violence, including the decision by almost all major news outlets to divulge the identity of the victim—which is not typically done in domestic-violence cases» and the controversial distribution of the leaked photograph. Rihanna was subpoenaed to testify during a preliminary hearing in Los Angeles on June 22, 2009. Rihanna’s attorney, Donald Etra told US Weekly, «The DA told me Rihanna will be subpoenaed. I will accept on her behalf.» On June 22, 2009, Brown pled guilty to the felony assault. In exchange for his plea Brown received five years probation and was ordered to stay fifty yards away from Rihanna, unless at public events, which then would be reduced to ten yards. However, in February 2011, at the request of Brown’s lawyer, Judge Patricia Schnegg modified with Rihanna’s consent the restraining order to a «level one order,» allowing both singers to appear at awards shows together in the future. The following year, a police statement outlining what Rihanna said happened during the events, was leaked online. Statements in the documents were made by the responding LAPD officer.

    Rihanna made her first appearance in a music video since the assualt, as the central character in Kanye West’s clip, «Paranoid». She also collaborated with Jay-Z and West on «Run This Town» which peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100, number one in the UK, and reached the top ten in ten other countries. The song won ‘Best Rap Song’ and ‘Best Rap/Sung Collaboration’, at the 52nd Grammy Awards. Her fourth studio album, Rated R was released in November 2009, and was described as having a very dark and mature atmosphere due to previous events. Rolling Stone was favorable of the album commenting that «Rihanna has transformed her sound and made one of the best pop records of the year». The album debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 and was certified Platinum by the RIAA for shipment of over one million copies. Debut single, «Russian Roulette», received commercial success, reaching number one in Norway and Switzerland. It also reached the top ten in sixteen other countries including in the UK at number two, and number nine on the US Billboard Hot 100. The second single, «Hard» was released predominantly in the United States only. However, besides from reaching the top ten in the country at number nine, it also charted in other countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. «Rude Boy», the third global single, became the biggest worldwide success from the album, topping the Billboard Hot 100 for six weeks, as well as claiming top ten positions in twenty-two other countries. Two other singles were released from Rated R, U.S. and Australian only single, «Rockstar 101» and the final European single, «Te Amo». «Rated R: Remixed» was released in the spring of 2010 and featured ten tracks from the album revamped as remixes by Chew Fu. To further promote the album, she embarked on her second worldwide tour, the Last Girl on Earth Tour, performing 67 shows.

    In January 2010, Rihanna won two Barbados Music Awards for ‘Song of the Decade’ with «Umbrella» and ‘Entertainer of the Decade’. She was also named ‘International Female Artist of the Year’ at the 2010 NRJ Music Awards. During the summer, she collaborated with rapper Eminem on «Love the Way You Lie«, which was a major worldwide success, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as in twenty other countries worldwide. «Love the Way You Lie» became Rihanna’s seventh Hot 100 number one of her career, making her the female artist with the fifth-most number ones in the chart’s history. Despite reaching number two, the song became the biggest-selling song of 2010 in the UK, and the first of three Rihanna singles to sell over one million copies in the country. It also remains Rihanna’s highest-certified and best-selling single in the US, and best-selling single worldwide. With sales of over nine million to date, it is one of the best-selling singles worldwide; and Rihanna’s biggest-selling single worldwide. Later that year, Rihanna recorded a sequal to the track entitled, «Love the Way You Lie Part II» for her fifth studio album, from her perspective, featuring Eminem once more. It received positive reviews from critics and managed to reach the top twenty of the Canadian Hot 100 after the album’s release. It remained on the chart for eight weeks. She also lent her vocals to the hook of «All of the Lights«, the fourth single from Kanye West‘s fifth studio album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, which features additional vocals from several other recording artists, including John Legend, The-Dream, Elly Jackson, Alicia Keys, Fergie, Kid Cudi, and Elton John. In October 2010, she released a self-titled book, and announced that she was parting ways with manager Marc Jordan and would henceforth be managed by Jay-Z’s Roc Nation Management. She also stated that she plans to start her own company entitled, «Rihanna Entertainment», in which she will «merge all of her businesses including music, film, fragrance, fashion and book ventures».

    Loud spawn three number one singles.

    Rihanna released her fifth studio album, Loud on November 16, 2010. It debuted at number three on the Billboard 200, selling 207,000 copies in its first week, making it the biggest opening week sales of her career to date. Its lead single, «Only Girl (In the World)», reached number one in fourteen countries including Australia, Canada, the UK and US. The song also won the award for ‘Best Dance Recording’ at the 53rd Grammy Awards in 2011. The album’s second single, «What’s My Name?», featuring Canadian rapper Drake, also reached number one in both the US and UK, making Rihanna the first female solo artist to have five number one singles in the United Kingdom in consecutive years. The song reached number one on the Hot 100 before «Only Girl (In the World)», making it the first time in he chart’s history that an album’s debut single reached number one after the second. With her third international single from the album, ‘»S&M» featuring Britney Spears, the singer earned another milestone when the track reached number one on the Hot 100, becoming the youngest artist in the chart’s 52-year history to achieve ten number one singles. «Man Down», served as the fourth US single and in other territories worldwide. It reached number one in France, as well as peaking within the top ten in eight other countries. «California King Bed» and the final single, «Cheers (Drink to That)» were last to be released from the album with the latter reaching number seven on the Hot 100.

    In June 2011, Rihanna embarked on her worldwide concert tour, the Loud Tour, to promote the album. It spanned 98 dates, becoming Rihanna’s longest ever tour. Additionally, Rihanna broke the record for selling out ten nights at the The O2 Arena in London, the most sold out shows for a female artist ever, breaking the previous eight-night record held by Britney Spears. In October 2011, Rihanna appeared in the Judges’ Houses round of the American reality TV program, The X Factor, assisting L.A. Reid as a guest mentor. During that month, Nicki Minaj released the collaboration «Fly» featuring Rihanna from her album «Pink Friday» which peaked within the top twenty in both the US and UK.

    2011–2013: Talk That Talk and Unapologetic[]

    Rihanna’s sixth album, Talk That Talk, was released on November 21, 2011 in both deluxe and standard editions. The lead single «We Found Love» premiered on September 22, 2011 and was released the same day for digital download in the US. With the ascension of the track to number nine on the Billboard Hot 100, Rihanna became the fastest solo artist in the chart’s history to achieve twenty Hot 100 top ten singles, breaking the previous record set by Madonna. The song later became Rihanna’s eleventh number one single on the chart. With this, Rihanna became only the seventh artist in the 53-year history of the chart to amass at least eleven number one singles, behind The Beatles (20), Mariah Carey (18), Michael Jackson (13), Madonna (12), The Supremes (12) and tying with Whitney Houston, who also achieved eleven number one singles. Additionally, Rihanna moved into third place, tied with Houston, for the female artist with the most number one singles, behind Carey and Madonna. «We Found Love» ultimately spent ten non consecutive weeks at the top of the Billboard Hot 100, surpassing «Umbrella» as Rihanna’s longest number one single, and was 2011’s longest-running number one in the country. In the UK, the single became Rihanna’s second solo single (third overall) to sell over one million copies in the country alone, after «Love The Way You Lie» and «Only Girl (In The World)» (2010). «We Found Love» was a superior global sensation, topping charts in eighteen countries worldwide and peaking in the top ten of charts in thirty countries, breaking a string of records worldwide. It became Rihanna’s highest-charting single on the Japan Hot 100 and her best-selling single in New Zealand. The song was covered by many popular artists including the Glee Cast and both Coldplay and Jessie J, in the Radio 1 Live Lounge. «You Da One» was released as the second single from the album on November 11, 2011; and was a moderate success reaching the top twenty in both the UK and US. It was followed by the title track featuring Jay-Z as the third single in early 2012, after asking fans on Twitter. It has currently reached numbers 25 and 31 in the UK, and US, respectively. At the end of 2011, Rihanna was named the highest-selling singles artist of the year in the UK, having overtaken Adele by a sales margin of 6,000 units.

    Rihanna is the best-selling digital artist in US.

    On January 8, 2012, Rihanna was named the best-selling digital artist of all time in the United States, having sold 47,571,000 million singles and albums as of 2011, according to Nielsen SoundScan. In early 2012, two collaborations featuring Rihanna were released; Coldplay’s «Princess of China» from the album Mylo Xyloto and Drake‘s Take Care from his album of the same name. Both have currently reached the top twenty of the Billboard Hot 100 at numbers 20 and nine, respectively. In February, «All of the Lights» was nominated for Song of the Year, ‘Best Rap Song’, and ‘Best Rap/Sung Collaboration’ at the 54th Grammy Awards in 2012, eventually winning the latter two awards, bringing Rihanna’s total Grammy awards to six. Later that month, Rihanna won her second BRIT Award for ‘Best International Female Artist’, following the same win the previous year.

    On February 16, 2012, it was speculated that former boyfriend Chris Brown was the featured artist on the full length version of Rihanna’s track, «Birthday Cake», from Talk That Talk. These rumours were later confirmed when Rihanna posted the song on her Twitter account on her 24th birthday, February 20, 2012, after over a week of speculation. The reports gained worldwide media controversy, due to Brown and Rihanna’s physical altercation three years prior. Beth Hardie for the Daily Mirror wrote that the remix came as a shock and noted that Rihanna would face harsh criticism from journalists and fans alike for setting a bad example to younger girls. Hardie continued to state that although the collaboration came as a surprise, «We have to admit, it’s a pretty amazing stroke of genius in terms of publicity and messing with people’s minds.» In addition to the shocking remix for the Rihanna track, the pair furthermore fueled controversy having recorded another remix together, this time for Brown’s single, «Turn Up the Music» which was released moments later. Rihanna will appear as Petty Officer, Raikes in the Peter Berg-produced film Battleship, which is based on the game of the same name, due for release in May 2012.

    On November 19, 2012 Rihanna released her seventh studio album Unapologetic. The album debuted in the United States number on the Billboard 200 with sales of 238,000, becoming Rihanna’s first number one album in the country. In addition, it became the best-selling debut week of her career, besting her fifth studio album Loud (2010).n


    In a January 2013 interview with 

    Rolling Stone, Rihanna confirmed that she has rekindled her relationship with Chris Brown. The confirmation followed persistent media speculation throughout 2012 regarding a reunion between the pair.Brown remains under probation for their 2009 domestic violence incident.


    In February 2013, Rihanna won her seventh Grammy Award in the category Best Short Form Music Video at the 55th Grammy Awards, for «We Found Love» (2011).The same month, Rihanna presented her first women fashion collection on the London Fashion Week for British street fashion brand River Island. She teamed up with her ​​personal stylist Adam Selman.Also in in the same month, the Official Charts Company revealed that Rihanna had sold 3,868,000 records in the past year in the UK alone, ranking at number one in the list of 2013 BRIT Awards artist nominees.

    In March of 2013, Rihanna embarked on her Diamonds World Tour to support her seventh studio album. The tour reached North America, Europe, Oceania, and Africa and has received positive reception.

    Musical Artistry And Influences:[]

    Rihanna has named Madonna as her idol and biggest influence. She said that she wanted to be the «black Madonna» and praised her ability to reinvent herself throughout her career. She noted, «I think that Madonna was a great inspiration for me, especially on my earlier work. If I had to examine her evolution through time, I think she reinvented her clothing style and music with success every single time. And at the same time remained a real force in entertainment in the whole world.»

    Another major influence on Rihanna’s music and career has been Mariah Carey, whose song «Hero» she performed when Rihanna was still a teenager at her high school talent show. She revealed that Carey’s song «Vision of Love» «was the song that made [her] want to do music.»

    In her youth, she would see Bob Marley on television because of his fame in the Caribbean. She stated, «He’s one of my favourite artists of all time Idols.

    Rihanna Has also Named Whitney Houston as an inspiration. She Stated That She Loved Whitney Houston and Mentioned “She is a big idol of mine and so influential.

    During her childhood, she would go around singing Whitney Houston songs.

    “Rihanna stated that the first song that She remember falling in love with was a Whitney Houston song: ’I Will Always Love You,’” Rihanna told MTV News. “It was really inspiring, and it made me develop a passion for music, so really, she’s partly responsible for me being here in this industry.”

    Rihanna was also influenced by Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, Tupac, Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child.

    Other musical influences and idols include Celine Dion, Grace Jones, Lil’ Kim, Alicia Keys,Prince, Fefe Dobson, and Brandy.

    Volume 65 of the Contemporary Black Biography book series notes that «Rihanna is the rare rhythm and blues (R&B) diva to emerge from the Caribbean world.» Becoming an international sensation, Rihanna is known for blending R&B with Caribbean music, such as reggae and dancehall. At the time of her debut, reviewers referred to her as a «bubblegum queen» and her music to «teen pop.» Larry Meyler of The Sun stated that «Rihanna going bad is very good» and that she had «[shaken] off any ‘teen pop’ image as she rocked the stage.» While performing at the Ottawa Bluesfest, Denis Armstrong of Canadian Online Explorer commented on her performance saying «her show was a Disney-esque choreographed fantasy of non-stop hip-swivelling, sassy attitude and personal endearments and a string of funky, sugar-free hits.»

    Rihanna was originally marketed as a reggae singer since she burst into the music scene in 2005, with a styles of pop, R&B and dancehall. Her music include various styles of musical genres, including contemporary R&B, dance-pop and the Caribbean music styles of reggae and dancehall. With the release of Music of the Sun and its lead single «Pon de Replay», Jason Birchmeier of Allmusic described Rihanna’s musical style as «synthesize Caribbean rhythms and beats with standard-issue urban dance-pop: Caribbean-inflected urban, if you». Rihanna is described as utilizing «dancehall-lite beats and a reggae vocal cadence.» NME describes the singer as a «heady mix of dancehall, reggae and contemporary R&B.» Barry Walters of Rolling Stone considers Rihanna’s A Girl Like Me to be «lightweight dancehall and R&B jams.» After the release of Good Girl Gone Bad, Allmusic’s Andy Kellman credits Rihanna to be «as pop as pop gets.» Kelefa Sanneh of The New York Times described her hit «Umbrella» as a lightweight pop confection with a heavy hip-hop backbeat, a breezy love song enriched by those unexpectedly goth-sounding keyboards and by the incongruous hint of anguish in Rihanna’s girlish voice.

    Her debut album featured production from pop veterans Evan Rogers and Carl Sturken who first discovered her. Sturken and Rogers have collaborated with Rihanna many times, including with her debut single «Pon de Replay», which helped launch her career with the tradition of reggae and dance pop and collaborated on her second album. Rihanna then enlisted into the pop and contemporary R&B working with music producer Stargate and singer-songwriter Ne-Yo on «Unfaithful» and sampling the key section, bass line, and drum beat from Soft Cell’s 1981 single «Tainted Love» on «SOS». With songs like «Kisses Don’t Lie» and «Shut Up and Drive», her music style became more rock-oriented. Unlike Music of the Sun or A Girl Like Me, her third album contained a more dance-pop sound and less of the dancehall, reggae and ballad styles of her previous albums. She has included various styles of music from uptempo pop-reggae with «Pon De Replay», to an 1980s new wave fueled club banger «SOS» to the whiff of gothic horror in a love song «Unfaithful». Most of her love subject ballads contain a mid-tempo pop sound, with an R&B influences that uses of a gently strummed acoustic guitar with the production of Stargate and the songs written by Ne-Yo. Some of her up-tempo dance-pop songs include production from Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers, Christopher «Tricky» Stewart and J. R. Rotem. She has also sampled songs from other artist like Soft Cell’s «Tainted Love» on «SOS», New Order’s «Blue Monday» on «Shut Up and Drive» and 1970s original song «Soul Makossa» of Manu Dibango with a part of the chorus from Michael Jackson’s «Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin'» on «Don’t Stop the Music».

    Public image[]

    Rihanna has been called one of the most beautiful womens on Earth by several magazines, in several different years.

    New York magazine described Rihanna’s early look as that of a cookie-cutter teen queen while stating that she has the ability to shift looks dramatically and with great ease. This was underscored when in March 2011 American Chronicle writer Arturo Tora termed her “Rihannaissance Woman.” Around the time of the release of her second album, many critics felt that Rihanna’s sound and musical material were too similar to those of Beyoncé. Negative reviews appeared, in which her music, music videos, performances and her image were compared to those of Beyoncé, which garnered Rihanna much criticism. Some media even claimed that Jay-Z fashioned her to be a replica of Beyoncé. During the release of her third album, Good Girl Gone Bad, she adopted a more sexual image. Sonya Magett of Black Voices reported that Rihanna’s style has become quite risqué since she burst onto the scene four years ago. After revealing a new image while headlining her first tour, she was likely to be criticized for her tight leather outfit during each show. A review in The Times compared Rihanna’s stage wardrobe styling to that of Janet Jackson. He described her outfit as «a vision of Ann Summers couture in thigh-high boots and a few scraps of black PVC.» Stuart Derdeyn of The Province commented that «even with the whole haute couture B&D clearly firing on all points, she’s still got a ways to go to become the new Janet Jackson.»

    Rihanna has appeared on Maxim’s Hot 100 list five consecutive years, listed in positions eight in 2007, fifteen in 2008, eight in 2009, six in 2010, and twenty-two in 2011.She was also listed on People’s 10 Best Dressed Stars of 2008, and ranked seventeenth on Glamour magazine’s list of the 50 Most Glamorous Women in 2009. Tracey Lomrantz of Glamour commented, «If style risks could be measured in miles, Rihanna would have criss-crossed the globe a thousand times over already.» Rihanna was also declared as Woman of the Year 2009 by Glamour. In June 2007, Gillette named her the Venus Breeze’s Celebrity Legs of a Goddess. In October 2011, Esquire declared Rihanna as the Sexiest Woman Alive for 2011. Rihanna has four wax figures of herself at Madame Tussauds Wax Museums in Washington D.C., Vienna, Berlin and London.

    Other ventures[]

    In October 2005, Rihanna struck her first endorsement deal with Secret Body Spray for them to sponsor her first tour, Rihanna’s Secret Body Spray Tour In 2006, Rihanna participated in several endorsement deals, including Nike sportswear for the launch of her «SOS» and J. C. Penney. That same year, she received an endorsement deal from Clinique to promote their Happy fragrance. She recorded a song written by Ne-Yo entitled «Just Be Happy» as part of the deal to promote their Happy fragrance. Rihanna also recorded a song called «Winning Women» with Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger for Procter & Gamble’s female deodorant Secret. In 2007, Rihanna signed with CoverGirl and became a celebrity spokesperson which included appearances on TV commercials and in the Barbados Tourism Authority’s tourism commercials.

    In December 2008, Rihanna contracted with Gucci to appear in their ads for the Tattoo Heart Collection, a special-edition line. In the Gucci handbag ad, Rihanna is seen hanging from a giant hoop, scantily clad in a barely-there white bodysuit and wearing an oversized white Gucci purse. The success of her single, «Umbrella» earned her an endorsement deal with Totes. Her handlers pitched her hit «Umbrella» to Totes and the song became the soundtrack for commercials in which she starred. On April 8, 2009, it was announced that Rihanna inked a fragrance deal with Jay-Z’s licensing company Iconic Fragrances. The fragrance is named Reb’l Fleur and was released in 2011. Rihanna was working with her artistic director for Rated R, Simon Henwood, on the book Rihanna. It was released on September 14, 2010. In August 2010 Rihanna began appearing in an Australian television advert for Optus, a position previously held by Pink. In May 2011, Rihanna became a spokeswoman for the German skincare brand Nivea. Rihanna’s song «California King Bed» was featured as a part of Nivea’s «100 Years of Skincare» commercial campaign.


    Rihanna created her Believe Foundation in 2006 to help terminally ill children. Rihanna explained her reasons for starting the foundation saying, «When I was young and I would watch television and I would see all the children suffering, I always said: when I grow up, I want to help.» Rihanna is also heavily involved in the marketing of her native country of Barbados. She began by including the flag and broken trident in many of her videos, shooting her album packaging for A Girl Like Me there. In September 2007, she became the official face of tourism for Barbados, being included in many of their ad campaigns. She holds the honorary title of Ambassador for Culture and Youth in Barbados. She additionally was honored by the Prime Minister David Thompson, who presented her with several gifts at a national concert on February 20, 2008, in Barbados, called «Rihanna Day». In February 2008, Rihanna thanked and honoured her country during the acceptance speech for her win of «Best Rap/Sung Collaboration» at the Grammy Awards. Although Rihanna is heavily involved in the promotion of her country and works with the government in Barbados to do so, she is often criticized by other Barbadians for everything from her music to her successes and for wearing «skimpy clothes». Rihanna, speaking on one incident, said, «I went to the beach and I had on a one-piece swimsuit with jeans They took the picture and they made it look like a top that was really revealing… There were radio programmes about it. It was a big deal for, like, three weeks straight – talking about I’m not setting a good example.» Rihanna states she was bullied at school. «Having lighter skin wasn’t a problem in my household, but it was when I went to school – which really confused me at first. The harassment continued to my very last day of elementary school.»

    Rihanna was the 2008 Cartier Love Charity Bracelet Ambassador

    Rihanna has performed a number of concerts to raise funds for both charities and the Foundation and is a 2008 Cartier Love Charity Bracelet Ambassador. She performed at Madonna’s Raising Malawi fundraiser on February 6, 2008, in New York City. After becoming an honorary cultural ambassador for Barbados, Rihanna became involved with DKMS, an international donor network based in Tübingen, Germany, to try to find a donor for Lisa Gershowitz Flynn. The Manhattan attorney had been diagnosed in November with acute myelogenous leukemia. In January 2008, Rihanna contributed in the fight against AIDS when she visited the H&M in New York to support Fashion Against AIDS by presenting her t-shirt design and signing autographs for a limited time with slogans like «Believe» and «Stop and Think.» The collection features t-shirts and hoodies designed by Rihanna, Timbaland and other well-known designers, musicians and artists. The line, called Fashion Against AIDS, was launched in February 2008 to raise awareness of the disease among teens and spread awareness about HIV/AIDS. In August 2008, Rihanna and other pop, rock, R&B and country singers such as Carrie Underwood, Ciara, Beyoncé Knowles, Leona Lewis, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, and Fergie recorded the charity single, «Just Stand Up!», the theme song to the anti-cancer campaign Stand Up to Cancer and its theme song. The singers performed the song live on September 5, 2008. Rihanna was also selected as the spokesmodel for Gucci’s first United Nations Children’s Fund ad campaign. She appeared in the fashion house’s Tattoo Heart campaign, which premiered in December 2008. Rihanna was photographed in series of special edition print ads with United Nations Children’s Fund items, twenty-five percent of sales will benefit the children’s charity.

    On November 19, 2008, Rihanna was enlisted by Gucci’s Frida Giannini along with Madonna to light the United Nations Children’s Fund Christmas snowflake in New York City at the Grand Army Plaza. In 2008, she became the global representative and the face of the 4th annual Gucci Campaign to Benefit United Nations Children’s Fund. The campaign aimed to raise funds for children in Africa through the sale of its Tattoo Heart collection of bags, which launched worldwide on November 19, 2008. Rihanna has been a part of many benefit concerts to help raise money for various illnesses, such as cancer for Hope Rocks. Rihanna performed on January 20, 2009, at the Recording Industry Association of America’s Presidential Inauguration Charity Ball to raise money for the world largest anti-hunger organization. On April 2, 2009, Rihanna visited the NYU Medical Center to help look for another bone marrow donor for a young girl named Jasmina Anema. Rihanna first learned about Anema’s plight in February 2009, when she saw the moving video Anema’s best friend, Isabelle Huurman, and her mother, Karen Detrick, made appealing for donors to save Anema. Rihanna honored Anema’s best friend, Isabella, for her efforts for trying to save her best friend at a DKMS Gala on May 7, 2009. Jasmina Anema eventually received her transplant on June 11, 2009, but died on January 27, 2010. In September 2009, Rihanna performed at Jay-Z’s «Answer the Call» concert, which paid tribute to the police officers and firefighters who died on the September 11 attacks. In February 2011, Rihanna was scheduled to perform at a charity concert for the Women’s Cancer Research Fund, but was forced to pull out at the last minute, due to bronchitis.


    1. Music of the Sun (2005)
    2. A Girl like Me (2006)
    3. A Girl Like Me: Deluxe Edition (2006)
    4. Good Girl Gone Bad (2007)
    5. Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded (2008)
    6. Good Girl Gone Bad; The Remixes (2009)
    7. 3CD Collector’s Set (2009)
    8. Rated R (2009)
    9. 2 for 1: Music of the Sun + A Girl Like Me (2010)
    10. Rated R: Remixed (2010)
    11. Coffred 4 CD (2010)
    12. Loud (2010)
    13. Loud (Deluxe Edition)
    14. Talk That Talk (2011)
    15. Talk That Talk (Deluxe Edition) (2011)
    16. Unapologetic (2012)
    17. Unapologetic (Deluxe Edition) (2012)
    18. Anti (2016)
    19. Anti (Deluxe Edition) (2016)


    1. Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006)
    2. Las Vegas (2003-2008)
    3. Good Girl Gone Bad Live (2008)
    4. Almost Famous II (2009)
    5. Inside Stargate (2012)
    6. Bettie Page Reveals All (2012)
    7. Battleship (2012)
    8. Katy Perry: Part of Me (2012)
    9. This Is The End (2013)


    1. Rihanna’s Secret Body Spray Tour (2005)
    2. PCD Album Promotional Tour (2006)
    3. Rock Tha Block (2006)
    4. Rihanna: Live in Concert Tour (2006)
    5. Good Girl Gone Bad Tour (2007—2009)
    6. Glow in the Dark Tour (2008)
    7. A Girl’s Night Out (2008)
    8. Last Girl on Earth Tour (2010—2011)
    9. Loud Tour (2011)
    10. 777 Tour (2012)
    11. Diamonds World Tour (2013)
    12. Anti World Tour (2016)

    Awards and nominations[]

    • List of awards and nominations received by Rihanna


    See gallery here.

    1. https://wikiake.com/rihanna/
    2. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58092465

    Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born February 20, 1988), known mononymously as Rihanna, is a Barbadian recording artist. Born in Saint Michael, Barbados, Rihanna moved to the United States at the age of 17 to pursue a recording career under the guidance of record producer Evan Rogers. She subsequently signed a contract with Def Jam Recordings.[1]

    In 2005, Presidentduane Donnie Duane Jackson General Artist Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun, which peaked in the top ten of the Billboard 200 chart and features the Billboard Hot 100 top five hit single «Pon de Replay». In less than a year, she released her second studio album, A Girl Like Me (2006), which peaked within the top-five in the United States, and produced her first Hot 100 number one single, «SOS». Rihanna’s third studio album, Good Girl Gone Bad released in May 2007, spawned the international hit singles «Umbrella», «Don’t Stop the Music», «Take a Bow» and «Disturbia», with an additional four singles being released. The album was nominated for nine Grammy Awards, winning Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for «Umbrella». Her fourth studio album Rated R (2009), produced the top-ten singles «Russian Roulette», «Hard» and «Rude Boy», with the latter achieving the number-one spot on the Billboard Hot 100. Loud (2010), Rihanna’s fifth studio album, spawned the number-one hits «Only Girl (In the World)», «What’s My Name?» and «S&M». «We Found Love» served as the lead single from Rihanna’s sixth studio album, Talk That Talk (2011). The song was an international success, topping the charts in seventeen countries She also had Stay, and Diamonds from Unapologetic.

    Rihanna’s work has earned her numerous awards and accolades, including five American Music Awards, 18 Billboard Music Awards, two BRIT Awards and six Grammy Awards. She has achieved a total of fourteen number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, becoming the youngest solo artist to achieve the feat.Billboard named Rihanna the Digital Songs Artist of the 2000s decade, and ranked her as the seventeenth artist of the same decade. She is the highest-selling digital artist in U.S. history. Furthermore, she has also shipped 7.3 million album units in the U.S. as of September 2011. Some of her singles have earned their place on the list of best-selling singles worldwide. Rihanna has claimed to sell more than 200 million records worldwide since the beginning of her career in 2005, which makes her tied for 7th artist with the most claimed sales, but her certified sales are over 180 million making her the third artist with the most claimed sales topping Micheal Jackson.

    Rihanna also had collaborations with artists like Eminem with songs like Love the Way You Lie, The Monster, with Jay-Z on Run This Town, with Shakira on Can’t Remember To Forget You, with T.I. on Live Your Life, and many others.

    On August 4th of 2021, it was announced that Rihanna is now officially a billionaire, net worth of $1.7 billion, mainly for her share in the cosmetics line she is a co-owner of [2]



    1988-2004: Early life and career[]

    Robyn Rihanna Fenty was born on February 20, 1988, in Saint Michael, Barbados to Monica Braithwaite, and Ronald Fenty, a warehouse supervisor for a garment factory. Her mother, a native of Guyana, is Afro-Guyanese, and her father is of Barbadian and Irish descent. She also has two half-sisters and a half-brother from her father’s side, each born by different mothers before Rihanna’s father married her mother. Rihanna grew up listening to reggae music, and began singing at around the age of seven. Her childhood was deeply affected by her father’s addiction to crack cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana, and her parents’ turbulent marriage ended when she was 14. She grew up in a three-bedroom bungalow in Bridgetown and sold clothes with her father on a street stall. She attended Charles F. Broome Memorial Primary School and then the Combermere High School, where she formed a musical trio with two of her classmates. Rihanna was an army cadet in a sub-military programme that trained with the military of Barbados and fellow Barbadian and singer-songwriter Shontelle was her drill sergeant. Although she initially wanted to graduate from high school, she chose to pursue her musical career instead.

    Before signing to Def Jam Recordings, Rihanna was discovered in her home country by American record producer Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers. The two met in December 2003 through mutual friends of Rihanna’s and Rogers’ wife, while the couple was on vacation in Barbados, because of how Rihanna’s friend had told Rogers’ wife how the aspiring singer was always singing and performing. After meeting for the first time, Rogers’ asked Rihanna to come to his hotel room, where she performed renditions of Destiny’s Child «Emotion» and Mariah Carey’s «Hero». Rihanna’s renditions impressed Rogers, who then took her to New York, where she was accompanied by her mother, Monica, to record some demo tapes which could be sent to record labels. Production of the demo tapes took about a year, due to Rihanna only being able to record during school holidays. At the age of 16, Rihanna was signed to Rogers’ and Carl Sturken’ss production company, Syndicated Rhythm Productions, who assigned her a lawyer and manager, before the completed demo tape was distributed to various record labels around the world in late 2004. The first to respond to the demo tape was Jay-Z, who had recently been appointed as president and CEO of Def Jam Recordings. Rihanna auditioned for him and music mogul L.A. Reid, in his office. Looking back on the audition and meeting Jay-Z, Rihanna explained in an interview how she felt before walking into the room, saying:

    «That’s when I really got nervous… I was like: ‘Oh God, he’s right there, I can’t look, I can’t look, I can’t look!’ I remember being extremely quiet. I was very shy. I was cold the entire time. I had butterflies. I’m sitting across from Jay-Z. Like, Jay-Zee. I was star-struck.«

    During the audition, Rihanna performed Whitney Houston’s cover of «For the Love of You», as well as her first single «Pon de Replay» and «The Last Time», which were written and produced by Rogers and Sturken and would be included on her debut album Music of the Sun. Jay-Z was initially skeptical about signing Rihanna after he felt «Pon de Replay» was too big for her, saying «when a song is that big, it’s hard [for a new artist] to come back from. I don’t sign songs, I sign artists». The audition resulted in Rihanna signing a six-album record deal with Def Jam Recordings in February 2005, on the same day of the audition, with Jay-Z saying «There’s only two ways out. Out the door after you sign this deal. Or through this window meaning that he was not going to let her leave with signing a record deal. After signing to Def Jam Recordings, Rihanna cancelled other meetings with record labels and relocated from Barbados to New York to live with Rogers’ and his wife. Rihanna explained the concept behind the title of the album to Kidzworld, saying that the sun is representative of the her native Caribbean culture as well as herself and that the album consists of music from her heritage.

    2005–06: Music of the Sun and A Girl Like Me[]

    After signing with Def Jam, she spent the next three months recording and completing her debut album. The album featured production from Evan Rogers, Carl Sturken, Stargate and Poke & Tone. She first collaborated with rapper Memphis Bleek on his fourth studio album 534 before her debut. She released her debut single, «Pon de Replay» on August 22, 2005, which peaked at number two on both the Billboard Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart. It became a global hit, peaking within the top ten across fifteen countries. Her debut album, Music of the Sun, was released in August 2005 in the United States. The album reached number ten on the Billboard 200, selling 69,000 copies in its first week. The album went on to sell over two million copies worldwide and received a Gold certification by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), denoting shipments of over 500,000 units to retailers in the United States.

    Her music was marketed within the reggae genre because of her Caribbean descent. The album received mixed reviews by music critics. Rolling Stone magazine gave it 2.5 out of 5 stars and described as lacking the replay value, ingenuity and rhythm of the single with «generic vocal hiccups and frills» of US R&B inflecting upon her «Caribbean charm». Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine described the album as a «glut of teen R&B chanteuses » and described her lead single «Pon de Replay» as «a dancehall-pop mixture that owes plenty of its sweat and shimmy to Beyoncé’s «Baby Boy». A reviewer for Entertainment Weekly commented that the «dancehall/R&B debut is filled with chintzy production and maudlin arrangements that block out the Music of the Sun. The albums second single, «If It’s Lovin’ that You Want» was less successful than its predecessor, managing a peak position of number thirty-six in the United States, and number eleven in the United Kingdom. The single proved to be more well-received in Australia, Ireland and New Zealand reaching the top ten.

    A month after the release of her debut album, she began working on her second studio album. The album contained production from record producers Evan Rogers and Carl Sturken who produced most of her debut album, as well as Stargate, J. R. Rotem and label-mate singer-songwriter Ne-Yo. Whilst recording the album, Rihanna served as an opening act for Gwen Stefani on tour to promote her debut album. A Girl Like Me was released in April 2006, less than eight months after her debut. The album reached number five on the Billboard 200 selling 115,000 copies in its first week and was certified Platinum by the RIAA, having shipped over one million units. Internationally, the album peaked at number one on the Canadian Albums Chart and number five in the UK and Ireland. Critical response to the album was mixed; Rolling Stone magazine commented «Like her filler-packed debut album, this similar but superior follow-up doesn’t deliver anything else as ingenious as its lead single.» Critics described the album as a record that almost identically alternates between the sunny dancehall/dub-pop, hip-hop-infused club bangers and gushy, adult-oriented ballads.

    The lead single, «SOS», peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming her first single to top the charts in the United States. The second single, «Unfaithful», became a major worldwide hit, reaching the top ten in eighteen countries around the world, including the US where it reached number six, as well as topping the charts in Canada and Switzerland. The album’s third single «We Ride» did not achieve the same success, remaining uncharted in the US and reaching a peak of seventeen in the UK. However, the fourth US single, «Break It Off» featuring Sean Paul, reached number nine on the Billboard Hot 100. After the release of the album, Rihanna embarked on her first headlining tour, the Rihanna: Live in Concert Tour. She then embarked on the Rock Tha Block Tour followed by touring with the Pussycat Dolls from November 2006 to February 2007 in the UK. Rihanna made her acting debut in a cameo role in the straight-to-DVD film Bring It On: All or Nothing, which was released on August 8, 2006. Kelly Mberabahizi 

    2007-08: Good Girl Gone Bad[]

    With her third studio album, Good Girl Gone Bad (2007), Rihanna wanted to head in a new direction with the help of music producers Timbaland, will.i.am and Sean Garrett, and re-imagine her album compositions with fresh, uptempo dance tracks. She adopted a more rebellious image whilst recording the album, eventually dying her hair black and cutting it short. Rihanna commented, «I want to keep people dancing but still be soulful at the same time You feel different every album, and at this stage I feel like I want to do a lot of uptempo songs.» The album topped the charts in multiple countries including the UK, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Russia and and at number two in the US and Australia. Unlike previous work, the album featured a more dance-pop sound instead of the dancehall, reggae and ballad styles found in Rihanna’s first two albums. The album received positive reviews by critics, becoming her most critically acclaimed album at that time compared to her previous efforts.

    Good Girl Gone Bad yielded four chart-topping singles – all reaching the top three of the Billboard Hot 100 – including the major worldwide number one hit, «Umbrella», featuring Jay-Z. In addition to reaching number one in twelve other countries, «Umbrella» peaked at number one in the UK for ten consecutive weeks, making it the longest-running number one single since Wet Wet Wet’s single «Love Is All Around» spent fifteen weeks at the top in 1994. It became the longest-running chart topper of the 2000’s decade, and remains the longest-running number one since its release in 2007. The song was listed at number three on the ‘100 Best Songs of 2007’ published by Rolling Stone magazine. It became Rihanna’s first single to be named one of the best-selling singles worldwide, having sold over 6.6 million singles since being released. Her other singles, «Shut Up and Drive», and «Hate That I Love You», «Don’t Stop The Music» were released from the album and were able to mirror the success of «Umbrella», with the latter reaching number three on the Billboard Hot 100, whilst peaking at number one in Australia, the Netherlands, France, Germany and Switzerland. At the 2007 American Music Awards, Rihanna won the award for ‘Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist’.

    The re-issue of her third album, titled Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded, released in June 2008, features three added songs. The first single from the re-release, «Take a Bow», topped the charts in six countries worldwide, including in Canada, Ireland, the the UK and US. «If I Never See Your Face Again», a duet with Maroon 5, was also included in the re-release, alongside «Disturbia», which also reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and earned Rihanna a nomination for Best Dance Recording at the 51st Grammy Awards. «Disturbia» and «Take a Bow» both silmiltaneously appeared inside the top five on the Hot 100, making Rihanna the seventh female artist to have two songs in the top five. She was also featured on rapper T.I.’s «Live Your Life,» which peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100, giving Rihanna her fifth number one single on the chart at the time, and making Rihanna the artist with the joint-most number one singles of the 2000’s decade, with the other being Beyoncé Knowles. A remix of the album, Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes, was also released containing remixed versions of songs from the reloaded edition of the album. «Good Girl Gone Bad» has shipped over 2.7 million units in the United States alone, receiving a two-times-platinum certification from the RIAA and marking Rihanna’s best-selling album to date in the country. Rihanna was nominated in four categories at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, winning ‘Monster Single of the Year’ and ‘Video of the Year’ for «Umbrella». Rihanna won her first award at the 50th Grammy Awards in 2008, winning Best Rap/Sung Collaboration, in addition to receiving five other nominations, including Record of the Year, Best Dance Recording, Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group and Best R&B Song. In support of the album, she kicked off her second headlining tour, the Good Girl Gone Bad Tour on September 12, 2007, with a total of 80 shows across the US, Canada and Europe and then embarked on the Glow in the Dark Tour with Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, and N.E.R.D on April 16, 2008. Rihanna won the awards for ‘Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist’ and ‘Favorite Soul/R&B Female Artist’ at the 2008 American Music Awards.

    2009-11: Domestic violence case, Rated R, and Loud[]

    Rihanna was dating Chris Brown before the altercation with him.

    On February 8, 2009, Rihanna’s scheduled performance at the 51st Grammy Awards was canceled. Reports later surfaced regarding an alleged altercation with then-boyfriend, singer Chris Brown, who was arrested on suspicion of making criminal threats. On March 5, 2009, Brown was charged with assault and making criminal threats. Due to a leaked photograph from the Los Angeles Police Department obtained by TMZ.com—which revealed Rihanna had sustained visible injuries — an organization known as STOParazzi proposed a law called «Rihanna’s Law,» which, if enacted, would «deter employees of law enforcement agencies from releasing photos or information that exploits crime victims.» Gil Kaufman of VH1 reported the «nonstop coverage of the Rihanna/Brown case has brought up a number of issues regarding the privacy of alleged victims of domestic violence, including the decision by almost all major news outlets to divulge the identity of the victim—which is not typically done in domestic-violence cases» and the controversial distribution of the leaked photograph. Rihanna was subpoenaed to testify during a preliminary hearing in Los Angeles on June 22, 2009. Rihanna’s attorney, Donald Etra told US Weekly, «The DA told me Rihanna will be subpoenaed. I will accept on her behalf.» On June 22, 2009, Brown pled guilty to the felony assault. In exchange for his plea Brown received five years probation and was ordered to stay fifty yards away from Rihanna, unless at public events, which then would be reduced to ten yards. However, in February 2011, at the request of Brown’s lawyer, Judge Patricia Schnegg modified with Rihanna’s consent the restraining order to a «level one order,» allowing both singers to appear at awards shows together in the future. The following year, a police statement outlining what Rihanna said happened during the events, was leaked online. Statements in the documents were made by the responding LAPD officer.

    Rihanna made her first appearance in a music video since the assualt, as the central character in Kanye West’s clip, «Paranoid». She also collaborated with Jay-Z and West on «Run This Town» which peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100, number one in the UK, and reached the top ten in ten other countries. The song won ‘Best Rap Song’ and ‘Best Rap/Sung Collaboration’, at the 52nd Grammy Awards. Her fourth studio album, Rated R was released in November 2009, and was described as having a very dark and mature atmosphere due to previous events. Rolling Stone was favorable of the album commenting that «Rihanna has transformed her sound and made one of the best pop records of the year». The album debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 and was certified Platinum by the RIAA for shipment of over one million copies. Debut single, «Russian Roulette», received commercial success, reaching number one in Norway and Switzerland. It also reached the top ten in sixteen other countries including in the UK at number two, and number nine on the US Billboard Hot 100. The second single, «Hard» was released predominantly in the United States only. However, besides from reaching the top ten in the country at number nine, it also charted in other countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. «Rude Boy», the third global single, became the biggest worldwide success from the album, topping the Billboard Hot 100 for six weeks, as well as claiming top ten positions in twenty-two other countries. Two other singles were released from Rated R, U.S. and Australian only single, «Rockstar 101» and the final European single, «Te Amo». «Rated R: Remixed» was released in the spring of 2010 and featured ten tracks from the album revamped as remixes by Chew Fu. To further promote the album, she embarked on her second worldwide tour, the Last Girl on Earth Tour, performing 67 shows.

    In January 2010, Rihanna won two Barbados Music Awards for ‘Song of the Decade’ with «Umbrella» and ‘Entertainer of the Decade’. She was also named ‘International Female Artist of the Year’ at the 2010 NRJ Music Awards. During the summer, she collaborated with rapper Eminem on «Love the Way You Lie«, which was a major worldwide success, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as in twenty other countries worldwide. «Love the Way You Lie» became Rihanna’s seventh Hot 100 number one of her career, making her the female artist with the fifth-most number ones in the chart’s history. Despite reaching number two, the song became the biggest-selling song of 2010 in the UK, and the first of three Rihanna singles to sell over one million copies in the country. It also remains Rihanna’s highest-certified and best-selling single in the US, and best-selling single worldwide. With sales of over nine million to date, it is one of the best-selling singles worldwide; and Rihanna’s biggest-selling single worldwide. Later that year, Rihanna recorded a sequal to the track entitled, «Love the Way You Lie Part II» for her fifth studio album, from her perspective, featuring Eminem once more. It received positive reviews from critics and managed to reach the top twenty of the Canadian Hot 100 after the album’s release. It remained on the chart for eight weeks. She also lent her vocals to the hook of «All of the Lights«, the fourth single from Kanye West‘s fifth studio album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, which features additional vocals from several other recording artists, including John Legend, The-Dream, Elly Jackson, Alicia Keys, Fergie, Kid Cudi, and Elton John. In October 2010, she released a self-titled book, and announced that she was parting ways with manager Marc Jordan and would henceforth be managed by Jay-Z’s Roc Nation Management. She also stated that she plans to start her own company entitled, «Rihanna Entertainment», in which she will «merge all of her businesses including music, film, fragrance, fashion and book ventures».

    Loud spawn three number one singles.

    Rihanna released her fifth studio album, Loud on November 16, 2010. It debuted at number three on the Billboard 200, selling 207,000 copies in its first week, making it the biggest opening week sales of her career to date. Its lead single, «Only Girl (In the World)», reached number one in fourteen countries including Australia, Canada, the UK and US. The song also won the award for ‘Best Dance Recording’ at the 53rd Grammy Awards in 2011. The album’s second single, «What’s My Name?», featuring Canadian rapper Drake, also reached number one in both the US and UK, making Rihanna the first female solo artist to have five number one singles in the United Kingdom in consecutive years. The song reached number one on the Hot 100 before «Only Girl (In the World)», making it the first time in he chart’s history that an album’s debut single reached number one after the second. With her third international single from the album, ‘»S&M» featuring Britney Spears, the singer earned another milestone when the track reached number one on the Hot 100, becoming the youngest artist in the chart’s 52-year history to achieve ten number one singles. «Man Down», served as the fourth US single and in other territories worldwide. It reached number one in France, as well as peaking within the top ten in eight other countries. «California King Bed» and the final single, «Cheers (Drink to That)» were last to be released from the album with the latter reaching number seven on the Hot 100.

    In June 2011, Rihanna embarked on her worldwide concert tour, the Loud Tour, to promote the album. It spanned 98 dates, becoming Rihanna’s longest ever tour. Additionally, Rihanna broke the record for selling out ten nights at the The O2 Arena in London, the most sold out shows for a female artist ever, breaking the previous eight-night record held by Britney Spears. In October 2011, Rihanna appeared in the Judges’ Houses round of the American reality TV program, The X Factor, assisting L.A. Reid as a guest mentor. During that month, Nicki Minaj released the collaboration «Fly» featuring Rihanna from her album «Pink Friday» which peaked within the top twenty in both the US and UK.

    2011–2013: Talk That Talk and Unapologetic[]

    Rihanna’s sixth album, Talk That Talk, was released on November 21, 2011 in both deluxe and standard editions. The lead single «We Found Love» premiered on September 22, 2011 and was released the same day for digital download in the US. With the ascension of the track to number nine on the Billboard Hot 100, Rihanna became the fastest solo artist in the chart’s history to achieve twenty Hot 100 top ten singles, breaking the previous record set by Madonna. The song later became Rihanna’s eleventh number one single on the chart. With this, Rihanna became only the seventh artist in the 53-year history of the chart to amass at least eleven number one singles, behind The Beatles (20), Mariah Carey (18), Michael Jackson (13), Madonna (12), The Supremes (12) and tying with Whitney Houston, who also achieved eleven number one singles. Additionally, Rihanna moved into third place, tied with Houston, for the female artist with the most number one singles, behind Carey and Madonna. «We Found Love» ultimately spent ten non consecutive weeks at the top of the Billboard Hot 100, surpassing «Umbrella» as Rihanna’s longest number one single, and was 2011’s longest-running number one in the country. In the UK, the single became Rihanna’s second solo single (third overall) to sell over one million copies in the country alone, after «Love The Way You Lie» and «Only Girl (In The World)» (2010). «We Found Love» was a superior global sensation, topping charts in eighteen countries worldwide and peaking in the top ten of charts in thirty countries, breaking a string of records worldwide. It became Rihanna’s highest-charting single on the Japan Hot 100 and her best-selling single in New Zealand. The song was covered by many popular artists including the Glee Cast and both Coldplay and Jessie J, in the Radio 1 Live Lounge. «You Da One» was released as the second single from the album on November 11, 2011; and was a moderate success reaching the top twenty in both the UK and US. It was followed by the title track featuring Jay-Z as the third single in early 2012, after asking fans on Twitter. It has currently reached numbers 25 and 31 in the UK, and US, respectively. At the end of 2011, Rihanna was named the highest-selling singles artist of the year in the UK, having overtaken Adele by a sales margin of 6,000 units.

    Rihanna is the best-selling digital artist in US.

    On January 8, 2012, Rihanna was named the best-selling digital artist of all time in the United States, having sold 47,571,000 million singles and albums as of 2011, according to Nielsen SoundScan. In early 2012, two collaborations featuring Rihanna were released; Coldplay’s «Princess of China» from the album Mylo Xyloto and Drake‘s Take Care from his album of the same name. Both have currently reached the top twenty of the Billboard Hot 100 at numbers 20 and nine, respectively. In February, «All of the Lights» was nominated for Song of the Year, ‘Best Rap Song’, and ‘Best Rap/Sung Collaboration’ at the 54th Grammy Awards in 2012, eventually winning the latter two awards, bringing Rihanna’s total Grammy awards to six. Later that month, Rihanna won her second BRIT Award for ‘Best International Female Artist’, following the same win the previous year.

    On February 16, 2012, it was speculated that former boyfriend Chris Brown was the featured artist on the full length version of Rihanna’s track, «Birthday Cake», from Talk That Talk. These rumours were later confirmed when Rihanna posted the song on her Twitter account on her 24th birthday, February 20, 2012, after over a week of speculation. The reports gained worldwide media controversy, due to Brown and Rihanna’s physical altercation three years prior. Beth Hardie for the Daily Mirror wrote that the remix came as a shock and noted that Rihanna would face harsh criticism from journalists and fans alike for setting a bad example to younger girls. Hardie continued to state that although the collaboration came as a surprise, «We have to admit, it’s a pretty amazing stroke of genius in terms of publicity and messing with people’s minds.» In addition to the shocking remix for the Rihanna track, the pair furthermore fueled controversy having recorded another remix together, this time for Brown’s single, «Turn Up the Music» which was released moments later. Rihanna will appear as Petty Officer, Raikes in the Peter Berg-produced film Battleship, which is based on the game of the same name, due for release in May 2012.

    On November 19, 2012 Rihanna released her seventh studio album Unapologetic. The album debuted in the United States number on the Billboard 200 with sales of 238,000, becoming Rihanna’s first number one album in the country. In addition, it became the best-selling debut week of her career, besting her fifth studio album Loud (2010).n


    In a January 2013 interview with 

    Rolling Stone, Rihanna confirmed that she has rekindled her relationship with Chris Brown. The confirmation followed persistent media speculation throughout 2012 regarding a reunion between the pair.Brown remains under probation for their 2009 domestic violence incident.


    In February 2013, Rihanna won her seventh Grammy Award in the category Best Short Form Music Video at the 55th Grammy Awards, for «We Found Love» (2011).The same month, Rihanna presented her first women fashion collection on the London Fashion Week for British street fashion brand River Island. She teamed up with her ​​personal stylist Adam Selman.Also in in the same month, the Official Charts Company revealed that Rihanna had sold 3,868,000 records in the past year in the UK alone, ranking at number one in the list of 2013 BRIT Awards artist nominees.

    In March of 2013, Rihanna embarked on her Diamonds World Tour to support her seventh studio album. The tour reached North America, Europe, Oceania, and Africa and has received positive reception.

    Musical Artistry And Influences:[]

    Rihanna has named Madonna as her idol and biggest influence. She said that she wanted to be the «black Madonna» and praised her ability to reinvent herself throughout her career. She noted, «I think that Madonna was a great inspiration for me, especially on my earlier work. If I had to examine her evolution through time, I think she reinvented her clothing style and music with success every single time. And at the same time remained a real force in entertainment in the whole world.»

    Another major influence on Rihanna’s music and career has been Mariah Carey, whose song «Hero» she performed when Rihanna was still a teenager at her high school talent show. She revealed that Carey’s song «Vision of Love» «was the song that made [her] want to do music.»

    In her youth, she would see Bob Marley on television because of his fame in the Caribbean. She stated, «He’s one of my favourite artists of all time Idols.

    Rihanna Has also Named Whitney Houston as an inspiration. She Stated That She Loved Whitney Houston and Mentioned “She is a big idol of mine and so influential.

    During her childhood, she would go around singing Whitney Houston songs.

    “Rihanna stated that the first song that She remember falling in love with was a Whitney Houston song: ’I Will Always Love You,’” Rihanna told MTV News. “It was really inspiring, and it made me develop a passion for music, so really, she’s partly responsible for me being here in this industry.”

    Rihanna was also influenced by Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, Tupac, Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child.

    Other musical influences and idols include Celine Dion, Grace Jones, Lil’ Kim, Alicia Keys,Prince, Fefe Dobson, and Brandy.

    Volume 65 of the Contemporary Black Biography book series notes that «Rihanna is the rare rhythm and blues (R&B) diva to emerge from the Caribbean world.» Becoming an international sensation, Rihanna is known for blending R&B with Caribbean music, such as reggae and dancehall. At the time of her debut, reviewers referred to her as a «bubblegum queen» and her music to «teen pop.» Larry Meyler of The Sun stated that «Rihanna going bad is very good» and that she had «[shaken] off any ‘teen pop’ image as she rocked the stage.» While performing at the Ottawa Bluesfest, Denis Armstrong of Canadian Online Explorer commented on her performance saying «her show was a Disney-esque choreographed fantasy of non-stop hip-swivelling, sassy attitude and personal endearments and a string of funky, sugar-free hits.»

    Rihanna was originally marketed as a reggae singer since she burst into the music scene in 2005, with a styles of pop, R&B and dancehall. Her music include various styles of musical genres, including contemporary R&B, dance-pop and the Caribbean music styles of reggae and dancehall. With the release of Music of the Sun and its lead single «Pon de Replay», Jason Birchmeier of Allmusic described Rihanna’s musical style as «synthesize Caribbean rhythms and beats with standard-issue urban dance-pop: Caribbean-inflected urban, if you». Rihanna is described as utilizing «dancehall-lite beats and a reggae vocal cadence.» NME describes the singer as a «heady mix of dancehall, reggae and contemporary R&B.» Barry Walters of Rolling Stone considers Rihanna’s A Girl Like Me to be «lightweight dancehall and R&B jams.» After the release of Good Girl Gone Bad, Allmusic’s Andy Kellman credits Rihanna to be «as pop as pop gets.» Kelefa Sanneh of The New York Times described her hit «Umbrella» as a lightweight pop confection with a heavy hip-hop backbeat, a breezy love song enriched by those unexpectedly goth-sounding keyboards and by the incongruous hint of anguish in Rihanna’s girlish voice.

    Her debut album featured production from pop veterans Evan Rogers and Carl Sturken who first discovered her. Sturken and Rogers have collaborated with Rihanna many times, including with her debut single «Pon de Replay», which helped launch her career with the tradition of reggae and dance pop and collaborated on her second album. Rihanna then enlisted into the pop and contemporary R&B working with music producer Stargate and singer-songwriter Ne-Yo on «Unfaithful» and sampling the key section, bass line, and drum beat from Soft Cell’s 1981 single «Tainted Love» on «SOS». With songs like «Kisses Don’t Lie» and «Shut Up and Drive», her music style became more rock-oriented. Unlike Music of the Sun or A Girl Like Me, her third album contained a more dance-pop sound and less of the dancehall, reggae and ballad styles of her previous albums. She has included various styles of music from uptempo pop-reggae with «Pon De Replay», to an 1980s new wave fueled club banger «SOS» to the whiff of gothic horror in a love song «Unfaithful». Most of her love subject ballads contain a mid-tempo pop sound, with an R&B influences that uses of a gently strummed acoustic guitar with the production of Stargate and the songs written by Ne-Yo. Some of her up-tempo dance-pop songs include production from Carl Sturken and Evan Rogers, Christopher «Tricky» Stewart and J. R. Rotem. She has also sampled songs from other artist like Soft Cell’s «Tainted Love» on «SOS», New Order’s «Blue Monday» on «Shut Up and Drive» and 1970s original song «Soul Makossa» of Manu Dibango with a part of the chorus from Michael Jackson’s «Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin'» on «Don’t Stop the Music».

    Public image[]

    Rihanna has been called one of the most beautiful womens on Earth by several magazines, in several different years.

    New York magazine described Rihanna’s early look as that of a cookie-cutter teen queen while stating that she has the ability to shift looks dramatically and with great ease. This was underscored when in March 2011 American Chronicle writer Arturo Tora termed her “Rihannaissance Woman.” Around the time of the release of her second album, many critics felt that Rihanna’s sound and musical material were too similar to those of Beyoncé. Negative reviews appeared, in which her music, music videos, performances and her image were compared to those of Beyoncé, which garnered Rihanna much criticism. Some media even claimed that Jay-Z fashioned her to be a replica of Beyoncé. During the release of her third album, Good Girl Gone Bad, she adopted a more sexual image. Sonya Magett of Black Voices reported that Rihanna’s style has become quite risqué since she burst onto the scene four years ago. After revealing a new image while headlining her first tour, she was likely to be criticized for her tight leather outfit during each show. A review in The Times compared Rihanna’s stage wardrobe styling to that of Janet Jackson. He described her outfit as «a vision of Ann Summers couture in thigh-high boots and a few scraps of black PVC.» Stuart Derdeyn of The Province commented that «even with the whole haute couture B&D clearly firing on all points, she’s still got a ways to go to become the new Janet Jackson.»

    Rihanna has appeared on Maxim’s Hot 100 list five consecutive years, listed in positions eight in 2007, fifteen in 2008, eight in 2009, six in 2010, and twenty-two in 2011.She was also listed on People’s 10 Best Dressed Stars of 2008, and ranked seventeenth on Glamour magazine’s list of the 50 Most Glamorous Women in 2009. Tracey Lomrantz of Glamour commented, «If style risks could be measured in miles, Rihanna would have criss-crossed the globe a thousand times over already.» Rihanna was also declared as Woman of the Year 2009 by Glamour. In June 2007, Gillette named her the Venus Breeze’s Celebrity Legs of a Goddess. In October 2011, Esquire declared Rihanna as the Sexiest Woman Alive for 2011. Rihanna has four wax figures of herself at Madame Tussauds Wax Museums in Washington D.C., Vienna, Berlin and London.

    Other ventures[]

    In October 2005, Rihanna struck her first endorsement deal with Secret Body Spray for them to sponsor her first tour, Rihanna’s Secret Body Spray Tour In 2006, Rihanna participated in several endorsement deals, including Nike sportswear for the launch of her «SOS» and J. C. Penney. That same year, she received an endorsement deal from Clinique to promote their Happy fragrance. She recorded a song written by Ne-Yo entitled «Just Be Happy» as part of the deal to promote their Happy fragrance. Rihanna also recorded a song called «Winning Women» with Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger for Procter & Gamble’s female deodorant Secret. In 2007, Rihanna signed with CoverGirl and became a celebrity spokesperson which included appearances on TV commercials and in the Barbados Tourism Authority’s tourism commercials.

    In December 2008, Rihanna contracted with Gucci to appear in their ads for the Tattoo Heart Collection, a special-edition line. In the Gucci handbag ad, Rihanna is seen hanging from a giant hoop, scantily clad in a barely-there white bodysuit and wearing an oversized white Gucci purse. The success of her single, «Umbrella» earned her an endorsement deal with Totes. Her handlers pitched her hit «Umbrella» to Totes and the song became the soundtrack for commercials in which she starred. On April 8, 2009, it was announced that Rihanna inked a fragrance deal with Jay-Z’s licensing company Iconic Fragrances. The fragrance is named Reb’l Fleur and was released in 2011. Rihanna was working with her artistic director for Rated R, Simon Henwood, on the book Rihanna. It was released on September 14, 2010. In August 2010 Rihanna began appearing in an Australian television advert for Optus, a position previously held by Pink. In May 2011, Rihanna became a spokeswoman for the German skincare brand Nivea. Rihanna’s song «California King Bed» was featured as a part of Nivea’s «100 Years of Skincare» commercial campaign.


    Rihanna created her Believe Foundation in 2006 to help terminally ill children. Rihanna explained her reasons for starting the foundation saying, «When I was young and I would watch television and I would see all the children suffering, I always said: when I grow up, I want to help.» Rihanna is also heavily involved in the marketing of her native country of Barbados. She began by including the flag and broken trident in many of her videos, shooting her album packaging for A Girl Like Me there. In September 2007, she became the official face of tourism for Barbados, being included in many of their ad campaigns. She holds the honorary title of Ambassador for Culture and Youth in Barbados. She additionally was honored by the Prime Minister David Thompson, who presented her with several gifts at a national concert on February 20, 2008, in Barbados, called «Rihanna Day». In February 2008, Rihanna thanked and honoured her country during the acceptance speech for her win of «Best Rap/Sung Collaboration» at the Grammy Awards. Although Rihanna is heavily involved in the promotion of her country and works with the government in Barbados to do so, she is often criticized by other Barbadians for everything from her music to her successes and for wearing «skimpy clothes». Rihanna, speaking on one incident, said, «I went to the beach and I had on a one-piece swimsuit with jeans They took the picture and they made it look like a top that was really revealing… There were radio programmes about it. It was a big deal for, like, three weeks straight – talking about I’m not setting a good example.» Rihanna states she was bullied at school. «Having lighter skin wasn’t a problem in my household, but it was when I went to school – which really confused me at first. The harassment continued to my very last day of elementary school.»

    Rihanna was the 2008 Cartier Love Charity Bracelet Ambassador

    Rihanna has performed a number of concerts to raise funds for both charities and the Foundation and is a 2008 Cartier Love Charity Bracelet Ambassador. She performed at Madonna’s Raising Malawi fundraiser on February 6, 2008, in New York City. After becoming an honorary cultural ambassador for Barbados, Rihanna became involved with DKMS, an international donor network based in Tübingen, Germany, to try to find a donor for Lisa Gershowitz Flynn. The Manhattan attorney had been diagnosed in November with acute myelogenous leukemia. In January 2008, Rihanna contributed in the fight against AIDS when she visited the H&M in New York to support Fashion Against AIDS by presenting her t-shirt design and signing autographs for a limited time with slogans like «Believe» and «Stop and Think.» The collection features t-shirts and hoodies designed by Rihanna, Timbaland and other well-known designers, musicians and artists. The line, called Fashion Against AIDS, was launched in February 2008 to raise awareness of the disease among teens and spread awareness about HIV/AIDS. In August 2008, Rihanna and other pop, rock, R&B and country singers such as Carrie Underwood, Ciara, Beyoncé Knowles, Leona Lewis, Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, and Fergie recorded the charity single, «Just Stand Up!», the theme song to the anti-cancer campaign Stand Up to Cancer and its theme song. The singers performed the song live on September 5, 2008. Rihanna was also selected as the spokesmodel for Gucci’s first United Nations Children’s Fund ad campaign. She appeared in the fashion house’s Tattoo Heart campaign, which premiered in December 2008. Rihanna was photographed in series of special edition print ads with United Nations Children’s Fund items, twenty-five percent of sales will benefit the children’s charity.

    On November 19, 2008, Rihanna was enlisted by Gucci’s Frida Giannini along with Madonna to light the United Nations Children’s Fund Christmas snowflake in New York City at the Grand Army Plaza. In 2008, she became the global representative and the face of the 4th annual Gucci Campaign to Benefit United Nations Children’s Fund. The campaign aimed to raise funds for children in Africa through the sale of its Tattoo Heart collection of bags, which launched worldwide on November 19, 2008. Rihanna has been a part of many benefit concerts to help raise money for various illnesses, such as cancer for Hope Rocks. Rihanna performed on January 20, 2009, at the Recording Industry Association of America’s Presidential Inauguration Charity Ball to raise money for the world largest anti-hunger organization. On April 2, 2009, Rihanna visited the NYU Medical Center to help look for another bone marrow donor for a young girl named Jasmina Anema. Rihanna first learned about Anema’s plight in February 2009, when she saw the moving video Anema’s best friend, Isabelle Huurman, and her mother, Karen Detrick, made appealing for donors to save Anema. Rihanna honored Anema’s best friend, Isabella, for her efforts for trying to save her best friend at a DKMS Gala on May 7, 2009. Jasmina Anema eventually received her transplant on June 11, 2009, but died on January 27, 2010. In September 2009, Rihanna performed at Jay-Z’s «Answer the Call» concert, which paid tribute to the police officers and firefighters who died on the September 11 attacks. In February 2011, Rihanna was scheduled to perform at a charity concert for the Women’s Cancer Research Fund, but was forced to pull out at the last minute, due to bronchitis.


    1. Music of the Sun (2005)
    2. A Girl like Me (2006)
    3. A Girl Like Me: Deluxe Edition (2006)
    4. Good Girl Gone Bad (2007)
    5. Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded (2008)
    6. Good Girl Gone Bad; The Remixes (2009)
    7. 3CD Collector’s Set (2009)
    8. Rated R (2009)
    9. 2 for 1: Music of the Sun + A Girl Like Me (2010)
    10. Rated R: Remixed (2010)
    11. Coffred 4 CD (2010)
    12. Loud (2010)
    13. Loud (Deluxe Edition)
    14. Talk That Talk (2011)
    15. Talk That Talk (Deluxe Edition) (2011)
    16. Unapologetic (2012)
    17. Unapologetic (Deluxe Edition) (2012)
    18. Anti (2016)
    19. Anti (Deluxe Edition) (2016)


    1. Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006)
    2. Las Vegas (2003-2008)
    3. Good Girl Gone Bad Live (2008)
    4. Almost Famous II (2009)
    5. Inside Stargate (2012)
    6. Bettie Page Reveals All (2012)
    7. Battleship (2012)
    8. Katy Perry: Part of Me (2012)
    9. This Is The End (2013)


    1. Rihanna’s Secret Body Spray Tour (2005)
    2. PCD Album Promotional Tour (2006)
    3. Rock Tha Block (2006)
    4. Rihanna: Live in Concert Tour (2006)
    5. Good Girl Gone Bad Tour (2007—2009)
    6. Glow in the Dark Tour (2008)
    7. A Girl’s Night Out (2008)
    8. Last Girl on Earth Tour (2010—2011)
    9. Loud Tour (2011)
    10. 777 Tour (2012)
    11. Diamonds World Tour (2013)
    12. Anti World Tour (2016)

    Awards and nominations[]

    • List of awards and nominations received by Rihanna


    See gallery here.

    1. https://wikiake.com/rihanna/
    2. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58092465

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