Как правильно пишется имя тайсон

Тайсон — значение имени, мужское французское имя

Значение имени Тайсон: божий дар.

Происхождение имени Тайсон: Французские имена.

Тайсон: характер, достоинства и недостатки

Характер имени Тайсон связан с действием и активностью, беспрестанным движением вперед. Здесь преобладает дух первопроходца, свобода и независимость. Тайсон производит впечатление прирожденного лидера. К недостаткам можно отнести чрезмерную властность и хвастливость, Тайсон любит скрывать свои истинные чувства от окружающих за маской завышенной самооценки. Несмотря на лидерские качества, требуется понимание, что лидер — не всегда первый, но зачастую одинокий. Без поддержки и признания окружающих, родных, близких и друзей, даже самые харизматичные лидеры будут испытывать серьезные жизненные трудности, в первую очередь, во взаимоотношениях с другими людьми.

Рассчитать совместимость имени Тайсон с любым другим именем

Смотрите также мужские и женские совместимые имена с именем Тайсон.

Нумерология имени Тайсон

Число имени один (1) свойственен активным, энергичным, смелым людям, они уверены в своем успехе, всегда готовы к быстрым решениям и спонтанным действиям. Среди людей с именем Тайсон много успешных бизнесменов и предпринимателей. В то же время им характерно действовать в рамках уже выработанных шаблонов и стереотипов. Люди с именем Тайсон часто опираются на советы и достижения других людей, что позволяет делать вывод о большом потенциале развития собственных творческих задатков…

Подробнее: нумерология имени Тайсон.

Удачные годы для имени Тайсон: 1900, 1909, 1918, 1927, 1936, 1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008, 2017, 2026. Подробнее: имена года.

Значение букв в имени Тайсон

Т — указывает на склонность к компромиссам, умение слушать других людей. Тайсон — творческая личность с развитой интуицией, ранимая натура, неутомимый искатель справедливости и правды.
А — олицетворяет одиночество и закрытость, но при этом Тайсон обладает самодостаточностью и приземленностью, а также энергией для принятия всего нового и начала новых дел.
Й — указывает на порывистость, импульсивность в действиях, Тайсон нередко отличается раздражительностью и нервозностью.
С — символизирует силу и независимость. Тайсон отличается здравомыслием, надежностью и спокойствием, стремлением к равновесию и благополучию, неустанно пытается понять свое предназначение в жизни.
О — указывает на развитую интуицию и широкий кругозор. Тайсон отличается эмоциональностью, потребностью в самопознании, умеет доводить все дела до конца, хорошо управляет финансами.
Н — символизирует уверенность, развитую интуицию, способность противостоять давлению извне. Тайсон — лицо протеста и критического подхода к действительности.

Перевод на латинницу имени Тайсон


Смотрите также: фонетический разбор и склонение имени Тайсон.

Известные люди с именем Тайсон

Тайсон Майк
Тайсон Сисели
Тайсон Кидд
Фьюри Тайсон
Чендлер Тайсон
Тайсон (футболист)
Тайсон Нил Деграсс
Гэй Тайсон
Бэрри Тайсон
Джост Тайсон
Йеркс Чарлз Тайсон
Хён Тайсон
Педро Тайсон
Тайсон Ричард
Тайсон Лаура
Тайсон Иэн
Тайсон Джеррад
Уильямс Тайсон


Майк Тайсон
Общая информация
Полное имя:

Майк Джеральд Тайсон (англ. Michael Gerard Tyson)


Железный Майк (англ. Iron), Кид-Динамит (англ. Kid Dynamite), «Худший человек на планете» (англ. Baddest Man on the Planet)



Дата рождения:

30 июня 1966(42 года)

Место рождения:

Бруклин, Нью-Йорк, США


Финикс, Аризона, США

Весовая категория:

Тяжёлая (свыше 90,892 кг)




182 см

Размах рук:

180 см

Профессиональная карьера
Первый бой:

6 марта 1985

Последний бой:

11 июня 2005

Количество боёв:


Количество побед:


Побед нокаутом:




Не состоявшихся:


Послужной список (boxrec)

Майк Та́йсон (англ. Michael Tyson; 30 июня 1966, Бруклин, Нью-Йорк, США) — американский боксёр-профессионал, выступавший в супертяжелой весовой категории. Чемпион мира в супертяжёлой (версия WBC, 1986—1990 и 1996; версия WBA, 1987—1990; версия IBF, 1987—1990) весовой категории. В 20-летнем возрасте стал самым молодым чемпионом мира в истории тяжёлого веса. Прозвище — «Железный Майк»


  • 1 Краткая биография
  • 2 Биография
  • 3 Профессиональная карьера
    • 3.1 1985—2005
    • 3.2 1986-02-16 Майк Тайсон — Джесси Фергюссон
    • 3.3 1986-05-03 Майк Тайсон — Джеймс Тиллис
    • 3.4 1986-05-20 Майк Тайсон — Митч Грин
    • 3.5 1986-07-26 Майк Тайсон — Марвис Фрейзер
    • 3.6 1986-11-22 Майк Тайсон — Тревор Бербик
    • 3.7 1987-03-07 Майк Тайсон — Джеймс Смит
    • 3.8 1987-05-20 Майк Тайсон — Пинклон Томас
    • 3.9 1987-03-07 Майк Тайсон — Тони Таккер
    • 3.10 1987—1988
    • 3.11 1987-06-27 Майк Тайсон — Майкл Спинкс
    • 3.12 1989
    • 3.13 1989-03-07 Майк Тайсон — Карл Уильямс
    • 3.14 1990-02-11 Майк Тайсон — Джеймс Бастер Даглас
    • 3.15 1990-06-16 Майк Тайсон — Генри Тиллмен
    • 3.16 1990-12-08 Майк Тайсон — Алекс Стюарт
    • 3.17 1991-03-18 Майк Тайсон — Донован Раддок
    • 3.18 1991-06-28 Майк Тайсон — Донован Раддок (2-й бой)
    • 3.19 1995-08-19 Майк Тайсон — Питер Макнили
    • 3.20 1995-12-16 Майк Тайсон — Бастер Матис
    • 3.21 1996
    • 3.22 9 ноября 1996 Майк Тайсон — Эвандер Холифилд
    • 3.23 28 июня 1997 Майк Тайсон — Эвандер Холифилд (2-й бой)
    • 3.24 1999-01-16 Майк Тайсон — Франсуа Бота
    • 3.25 1999-10-23 Майк Тайсон — Орлин Норрис
    • 3.26 2000
    • 3.27 2000-06-24 Майк Тайсон — Лу Савариз
    • 3.28 2000-10-20 Майк Тайсон — Анджей Голота
    • 3.29 2001-10-13 Брайан Нильсен — Майк Тайсон
    • 3.30 2002-06-08 Леннокс Льюис — Майк Тайсон
    • 3.31 2003-02-22 Майк Тайсон — Клиффорд Этьен
    • 3.32 2004
    • 3.33 2005-06-11 Кевин Макбрайд — Майк Тайсон
  • 4 Дополнительно
  • 5 Интересные факты
  • 6 Примечания
  • 7 Ссылки

Краткая биография

«Железный Майк» так и не смог полностью реализовать свой великий потенциал. После смерти своего тренера Каса Д’Амато Майк морально сломался. Его поражение от «Бастера» Дагласа в 1990 г. до сих пор считается самой великой сенсацией в истории бокса. Не так давно Тайсон потерпел своё, похоже, последнее поражение в карьере. 39-летний Майк потом признался, что бокс для него закончился после того памятного поединка с Дагласом. «Для меня бокс после этого стал просто зарабатыванием денег и ничем большим»,— сказал Тайсон.


Майк Тайсон вырос в части Бруклина, называемой Браунсвилль. Его родителями были Лорна Смит и Джимми Киркпатрик. Однако свою фамилию Майк унаследовал от первого мужа матери Персела Тайсона. Его отец покинул семью ещё до рождения Майка. У Майка есть старший брат Родни и старшая сестра Дениз. Имеет афроамериканское и еврейское происхождение[1].

Детство Майка было полно тягот и разнообразных несчастий. Он имел очень мягкий характер и не умел постоять за себя. Его старший брат Родни и соседские мальчишки, а позднее и одноклассники постоянно издевались над ним, избивали, отбирали мелочь и сладости, которые давала ему мать. Однако в возрасте 9-11 лет в Майке произошёл перелом. Как он сам рассказывает, однажды один из членов местной уличной банды, бывший на несколько лет старше, вырвал у него из рук любимого голубя (разведение голубей было любимым занятием Майка с детства и остаётся его главным хобби и по сей день) и оторвал ему голову. Разъярённый Майк набросился на своего обидчика и жестоко избил его. С этого момента Майк пользовался уважением среди местных малолетних бандитов, которые приняли его в свою компанию и научили лазить по карманам, воровать и грабить магазины. Все эти занятия, естественно, оборачивались неоднократными визитами в исправительные учреждения для малолетних правонарушителей, в ходе одного из которых Тайсону удалось повидаться с Мохаммедом Али, приезжавшим туда, чтобы пообщаться с трудными подростками и попытаться наставить их на путь истинный. Сам Тайсон впоследствии вспоминал, что именно после встречи с Али он впервые задумался о карьере боксёра.

В 13 лет Тайсон был отправлен в спецшколу для несовершеннолетних преступников, расположенную в северной части Нью-Йорка. К этому моменту он считался неисправимым и отличался огромной для своего возраста физической силой: когда Майк выходил из себя, его удавалось утихомирить лишь совместными усилиями нескольких взрослых мужчин. В школе, в которую определили Тайсона, работал учителем физкультуры бывший боксёр Бобби Стюарт. Попав однажды в карцер за очередное нарушение режима, Майк внезапно попросил возможности поговорить с ним. Стюарт пришёл к нему, и Майк заявил, что хочет стать боксёром. Стюарт согласился тренировать его при условии, что Майк не будет нарушать дисциплину. Поведение Майка после этого действительно изменилось к лучшему, и спустя некоторое время Стюарт заключил с ним ещё один договор: чем лучше Майк учится в школе, тем больше Стюарт занимается с ним боксом. И это сработало: Тайсон, которого до этого считали умственно отсталым, сумел заметно повысить свою успеваемость. Он был настолько захвачен боксом, что персонал школы порой заставал его за тренировками в 3-4 часа ночи, когда он боксировал с тенью или качал мускулы в своей комнате. В одном из более поздних интервью Стюарт вспоминал, что Тайсон, которому тогда было 13 лет, буквально валил его с ног своим джебом. Через некоторое время Стюарт понял, что его ученик уже перерос его, и познакомил Майка с легендарным тренером и менеджером Касом Д’Амато.

Живя у Каса Д’Амато, Майк просмотрел массу видеозаписей со старыми боями профессионалов и, находясь под впечатлением от увиденного, выбрал для себя достаточно необычный по тем временам имидж: он выходил на ринг без музыки, без халата, в простых чёрных трусах и боксёрках на босую ногу.

22 июня 1987 года Тайсона арестовывают по обвинению в нападении и нанесении увечий. Он приставал к сотруднице платной автостоянки, а потом ударил заступившегося за нее коллегу. Дело закрывают после выплаты им 105 тысяч долларов.

9 февраля 1988 Майк Тайсон женится на актрисе Робин Гивенс. На следующий год, 14 февраля 1989 Тайсон и Гивенс развелись в Доминиканской республике.

19 июля 1991 года его обвинили в изнасиловании 18-летней Дезире Вашингтон, имевшей титул «Мисс „Чёрная Америка“». В уголовном деле было немало спорных моментов, говоривших в пользу того, что всё произошло «по согласию», однако 9 сентября 1991 года Большое жюри штата Индиана проголосовало за предъявление обвинения Тайсону по трём статьям, включая и изнасилование. Тайсон был осуждён 10 февраля 1992 года.

5 марта 1998 Тайсон подаёт в суд на своего бывшего промоутера Дона Кинга с требованием выплатить ему 100 миллионов долларов в качестве компенсации материального ущерба, нанесённого за время их совместной работы.

Профессиональная карьера


4 марта 1985 года Майк Тайсон впервые вышел на профессиональный ринг. Первым соперником Тайсона в профессионалах стал некто Хектор Мерседес, который был нокаутирован уже в первом раунде.

1986-02-16 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Джесси Фергюссон

  • Место проведения: Флаг США Ренсселэр Пи Ай, Трой, Нью-Йорк, США
  • Результат: Победа Тайсона дисквалификацией в 6-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою; позже формулировка результата поменялась — победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом в 6-м раунде
  • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
  • Рефери: Луис Ривера
  • Время: 1:19
  • Вес: Тайсон 98,40 кг; Фергюссон 96,05 кг
  • Трансляция:

    1986-05-03 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Джеймс Тиллис

    • Место проведения: Флаг США Цивик Центр, Гленс Фолс, Нью-Йорк, США
    • Результат: Победа Тайсона единогласным решением в 10-раундовом бою
    • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
    • Рефери: Джо Кортес
    • Счет судей: Берни Фридкин (6-4), Эл Рид (6-4), Тони Морет (8-2)
    • Вес: Тайсон 97,50 кг; Тиллис 94,20 кг
    • Трансляция:

      1986-05-20 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Митч Грин

      Всего ударов Тайсон Грин
      Пришлось в цель 282 130
      Выброшено 460 314
      Процент 61 % 41 %
      • Место проведения: Флаг США Мэдисон Сквер Гарден, Нью Йорк Сити, Нью-Йорк, США
      • Результат: Победа Тайсона единогласным решением судей в 10-раундовом бою
      • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
      • Рефери: Луис Ривера
      • Счет судей: Джордж Дигэбриел (8-2), Пэт Долан (9-1), Джордж Колон (9-1)
      • Вес: Тайсон 97,50 кг; Грин 94,20 кг
      • Трансляция: Харольд Ледерман (10-0 Тайсон)

      В мае 1986 года Тайсон вышел на бой против Митча Грина. Тайсон доминировал весь бой. По регламенту за победу в раунде давали 1 очко. Тайсон победил единогласным решеним судьи.

      1986-07-26 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Марвис Фрейзер

      • Место проведения: Флаг США Цивик Центр, Гленс Фолс, Нью-Йорк, США
      • Результат: Победа Тайсона нокаутом в 1-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
      • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
      • Рефери: Джо Кортес
      • Время: 0:30
      • Вес: Тайсон 98,40 кг; Фрейзер 95,48 кг
      • Трансляция: Джо Фрейзера Марвисом Фрейзером. В начале 1-го раунда Тайсон загнал противника в угол и провёл правый апперкот. Фрейзер был потрясён. Тайсон сразу же провёл ещё серию сильных ударов. Противник свалился. Рефери начал считать, но видя, что Фрейзер бесчувственно лежит, прекратил считать. Это был тяжёлый нокаут. Фрейзер пришёл в себя через несколько минут.

        1986-11-22 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг Канады Тревор Бербик

        • Место проведения: Флаг США Хилтон Хотел, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
        • Результат: Победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом во 2-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
        • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжёлом весе (1-я защита Бербика)
        • Рефери: Миллс Лейн
        • Счет судей: Харри Гиббс (10-8), Дэйв Моретти (10-9), Руди Ортега (10-9) — все в пользу Тайсона
        • Время: 2:35
        • Вес: Тайсон 100,40 кг; Бербик 99,10 кг
        • Трансляция: WBC Тревора Бербика. Во 2-м раунде Тайсон провёл правый апперкот в челюсть, а после ещё левым хуком попал в голову Бербика. Бербик на момент прижался к Тайсону, а потом упал. Бербик пытался встать несколько раз, но каждый раз терял равновесие. Рефери остановил бой.

          1987-03-07 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Джеймс Смит

          • Место проведения: Флаг США Хилтон Хотел, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
          • Результат: Победа Тайсона единогласным решением в 12-раундовом бою
          • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжёлом весе (1-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул WBA в супертяжёлом весе (1-я защита Смита)
          • Рефери: Миллс Лейн
          • Счет судей: Лу Табат (120—106), Дэлби Ширли (119—107), Хосе Гуэрра (119—107) — все в пользу Тайсона
          • Вес: Тайсон 99,30 кг; Смит 105,70 кг
          • Трансляция: WBA спойлером Джеймсом «Бонкрашером» Смитом. Смит, чтобы спастись от атак Тайсона, постоянно клинчевал. Тайсон доминировал весь бой. В конце 12-го раунда Смит провёл спуртовую атаку, но было поздно. Тайсон победил по очкам с разгромным счетом.

            1987-05-20 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Пинклон Томас

            • Место проведения: Флаг США Хилтон Хотел, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
            • Результат: Победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом в 6-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
            • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжёлом весе (2-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул WBA в супертяжёлом весе (1-я защита Тайсона)
            • Рефери: Карлос Падилла
            • Счет судей: Дэлби Ширли (49-46), Гордон Волкман (50-44), Харри Гиббс (49-46) — все в пользу Тайсона
            • Время: 2:00
            • Вес: Тайсон 99,20 кг; Томас 98,80 кг
            • Трансляция: Пинклона Томаса. В 6-м раунде Тайсон провел серию апперкотов и крюков с обеих рук, часть из которых пришла точно в челюсть претендента. Томас зашатался. После очередного левого крюка претендент упал на канвас. Он не успел встать на счёт «10». Рефери остановил бой.

              1987-03-07 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Тони Таккер

              Всего ударов Тайсон Таккер
              Пришлось в цель 216 174
              Выброшено 412 452
              Процент 52 % 39 %
              • Место проведения: Флаг США Хилтон Хотел, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
              • Результат: Победа Тайсона единогласным решением в 12-раундовом бою
              • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжёлом весе (3-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул WBA в супертяжёлом весе (2-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул IBF в супертяжелом весе (1-я защита Таккера)
              • Рефери: Миллс Лейн
              • Счет судей: Хулио Ролдан (118—113), Фил Ньюмен (119—111), Билл Грэхем (117—112) — все в пользу Тайсона
              • Вес: Тайсон 100,20 кг; Таккер 100,20 кг
              • Трансляция: Ларри Мерчант (117—112 Тайсон)

              В августе 1987 года состоялся бой за звание абсолютного чемпиона мира в тяжёлом весе между непобеждённым чемпионом по версиям WBC и WBA Майком Тайсоном и непобеждённым чемпионом по версии IBF Тони Таккером. Таккер избегал боя с Тайсоном, бегая от него по рингу и клинчуя. Тайсон победил единогласным решением судей и стал абсолютным чемпионом мира в тяжёлом весе.


              В октябре 1987 года Тайсон нокаутировал непобежденного Тайрелла Биггса.

              В январе 1988 года он нокаутировал знаменитого и сильнейшего тяжеловеса начала 1980-х годов Ларри Холмса.

              В марте 1989 Тайсон нокаутировал бывшего чемпиона Тони Таббса.

              1987-06-27 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Майкл Спинкс

              • Место проведения: Флаг США Конвеншн Холл, Атлантик Сити, Нью-Джерси, США
              • Результат: Победа Тайсона нокаутом в 1-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
              • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжелом весе (7-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул WBA в супертяжелом весе (6-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул IBF в супертяжелом весе (4-я защита Тайсона)
              • Рефери: Фрэнк Капуччино
              • Время: 1:31
              • Вес: Тайсон 99,00 кг; Спинкс 96,30 кг
              • Трансляция: IBF в супертяжелом весе Майкла Спинкса. В середине 1-го раунда Тайсон провел левый апперкот в подбородок, а затем добавил правый крюк в тело. Спинкс опустился на колено. Он встал на счёт «3». Сразу же после возобновления боя Тайсон левым апперкотом в голову вновь отправил противника на канвас. Спинкс на счёт «10» находился всё ещё на полу, и рефери остановил бой.


                В феврале 1989 года Тайсон нокаутировал сильнейшего британского тяжеловеса Фрэнка Бруно.

                1989-03-07 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Карл Уильямс

                • Место проведения: Флаг США Конвеншн Холл, Атлантик Сити, Нью-Джерси, США
                • Результат: Победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом в 1-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
                • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжелом весе (9-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул WBA в супертяжелом весе (8-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул IBF в супертяжелом весе (6-я защита Тайсона)
                • Рефери: Рэнди Ньюманн
                • Время: 1:33
                • Вес: Тайсон 99,50 кг; Уильямс 98,90 кг
                • Трансляция:

                  1990-02-11 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Джеймс Бастер Даглас

                  • Место проведения: Флаг Японии Токио Доум, Токио, Япония
                  • Результат: Победа Дагласа нокаутом в 10-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
                  • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжелом весе (10-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул WBA в супертяжелом весе (9-я защита Тайсона); чемпионский бой за титул IBF в супертяжелом весе (7-я защита Тайсона)
                  • Рефери: Октавио Мейран
                  • Счет судей: Ларри Розадилла (82-88 Даглас), Кен Морита (87-86 Тайсон), Масакадзу Утида (86-86)
                  • Вес: Тайсон 100,00 кг; Даглас 105,00 кг
                  • Трансляция: Джеймсом «Бастером» Дагласом. В конце 8-го раунда Тайсон провел правый апперкот в челюсть, и противник упал на пол. Даглас находился на полу более 10 секунд, но рефери немного затянул счёт. Даглас смог поднятся на счёт «10», и рефери позволил ему продолжить бой. Через секунду прозвучал гонг. В середине 10-го раунда Даглас провел правый апперкот в челюсть, а затем комбинацию — левый кросс, правый кросс и вновь левый кросс. Тайсон упал. Его капа вылетела. Он не успел встать на счёт «10», и рефери остановил бой. После боя промутер Тайсона Дон Кинг заявил, что рефери слишком долго считал нокдаун Дагласу, и на самом деле там был нокаут. Бой получил статус «апсет года» по версии журнала «Ринг».

                    1990-06-16 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Генри Тиллмен

                    Всего ударов Тайсон Тиллмен
                    Пришлось в цель 14 4
                    Выброшено 32 15
                    Процент 44 % 27 %
                    • Место проведения: Флаг США Сезарс Палас, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
                    • Результат: Победа Тайсона нокаутом в 1-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                    • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                    • Рефери: Ричард Стил
                    • Время: 2:47
                    • Вес: Тайсон 98,40 кг; Тиллмен 97,50 кг
                    • Трансляция:

                      1990-12-08 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Алекс Стюарт

                      Всего ударов Тайсон Тиллмен
                      Пришлось в цель 21 4
                      Выброшено 46 18
                      Процент 46 % 22 %
                      • Место проведения: Флаг США Конвеншн Центр, Атлантик Сити, Нью-Джерси, США
                      • Результат: Победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом в 1-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                      • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                      • Рефери: Фрэнк Капуччино
                      • Время: 2:27
                      • Вес: Тайсон 98,80 кг; Стюарт 98,88 кг
                      • Трансляция: Алекса Стюарта. В начале 1-го раунда правым крюком по верхней части головы он отправил Стюарта на настил. Стюарт поднялся на счёт 5. Через минуту тем же ударом Тайсон вновь отправил на канвас противника. Стюарт встал на счет 10, и рефери позволил бою продолжиться. Еще через минуту Тайсон правым крюком в челюсть снова остравил Стюарта на пол. На этот раз Стюарт даже не пытался встать. Победа Тайсона чистым нокаутом.

                        Тайсону не понравилась критика в свой адрес со стороны известного аналитика

                        1991-03-18 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг Канады Донован Раддок

                        • Место проведения: Флаг США Мираж Хотел энд Касино, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
                        • Результат: Победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом в 7-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою.
                        • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                        • Рефери: Ричард Стил
                        • Счет судей: 59-53, 59-53, 59-53 — все в пользу Тайсона
                        • Вес: Тайсон 98,40 кг; Раддок 103,40 кг
                        • Трансляция:

                          1991-06-28 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг Канады Донован Раддок (2-й бой)

                          • Место проведения: Флаг США Мираж Хотел энд Касино, Лас-Вегас, Невада, СШ.А
                          • Результат: Победа Тайсона единогласным решением судей в 12-раундовом бою
                          • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                          • Рефери: Миллс Лейн
                          • Счет судей: Чак Джиампа (113—109), Арт Лури (114—108), Дэлби Ширли (114—108) — все в пользу Тайсона
                          • Вес: Тайсон 98,00 кг; Раддок 107,90 кг
                          • Трансляция: Миллс Лейн снимал очки за нарушения с Тайсона в 4, 9 и 10-м раундах, а с Раддока — в 8-м.

                            После этого боя Тайсон сел в тюрьму на 3 года.

                            1995-08-19 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Питер Макнили

                            • Место проведения: Флаг США ЭмДжиЭм Гранд, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
                            • Результат: Победа Тайсона дисквалификацией в 1-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                            • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                            • Рефери: Миллс Лейн
                            • Вес: Тайсон 99,80 кг; Макнили 101,60 кг
                            • Трансляция:

                            В августе 1995 года Тайсон вышел на ринг против Питера Макнили. В самом начале 1-го раунда Тайсон правым крюком в голову отправил на пол противника. Макнили вскочил и неожиданно пробежался вокруг ринга. Рефери схватил его за руку и начал отсчитывать нокдаун. Бой продолжился. В середине раунда Тайсон провел успешную атаку и правым апперкотом отправил Макнили в нокдаун. Рефери Миллс Лейн начал отсчет. На ринг вышли люди из угла Макнили. Рефери попросил их уйти, но они отказались, потом Лейн принял решение о дисквалификации Макнили.

                            1995-12-16 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Бастер Матис

                            • Место проведения: Флаг США Кор Стейт Спектрум, Филадельфия, Пенсильвания, США
                            • Результат: Победа Тайсона нокаутом в 3-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
                            • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                            • Рефери: Фрэнк Капуччино
                            • Время: 2:32
                            • Вес: Тайсон 99,34 кг; Матис 101,60 кг
                            • Трансляция: FSN

                            В декабре 1995 года Тайсон вышел на ринг против непобежденного Бастера Матиса младшего. В 3-м раунде правым апперкотом Тайсон отправил Матиса на настил. Матис не успел подняться на счет 10. Рефери зафиксировал нокаут.


                            В марте 1996 года состоялся 2-й бой Тайсона и Фрэнка Бруно. Тайсон вновь нокаутировал противника. Бруно после этого боя ушёл из бокса.

                            В сентябре 1996 года Тайсон победил чемпиона мира по версии WBA Брюса Селдона.

                            9 ноября 1996 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Эвандер Холифилд

                            • Место проведения: Флаг США ЭмДжиЭм Гранд, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
                            • Результат: Победа Холифилда техническим нокаутом в 11-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
                            • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBA в тяжелом весе (1-я защита Тайсона)
                            • Рефери: Митч Халперн
                            • Счет судей: Дэлби Ширли (92—96), Фредерико Воллмер (93—100), Джерри Рот (92—96) — все в пользу Холифилда
                            • Время: 0:37
                            • Вес: Тайсон 100,70 кг; Холифилд 97,50 кг
                            • Трансляция:

                            В ноябре 1996 года Майк Тайсон вышел на ринг против бывшего абсолютного чемпиона мира в двух весовых категориях Эвандера Холифилда. В конце 6-го раунда Холифилд провёл встречный левый хук. Удар пришёлся не в челюсть, и Тайсон не был потрясён, лишь потерял равновесие. Он поднялся на счёт 5. В конце 10-го раунда Холифилд провёл правый кросс в челюсть. Тайсон пошатнулся. Холифилд выбросил ещё несколько кроссов. Тайсон попытался войти в клинч, но не смог. Холифилд пробил точно в подбородок встречный правый кросс. Тайсона повело назад. Он опёрся на канаты. Холифилд обрушил град ударов на противника. Чемпион находился в состоянии грогги, и не отвечал. В это время прозвучал гонг. Комментаторы

                            28 июня 1997 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Эвандер Холифилд (2-й бой)

                            • Место проведения: Флаг США ЭмДжиЭм Гранд, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
                            • Результат: Победа Холифилда в результате дисквалификации противника в 3-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
                            • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBA в тяжелом весе (1-я защита Холифилда)
                            • Рефери: Миллс Лейн
                            • Счет судей: Джерри Рот (26—29), Чак Джиампа (26—29), Дуэйн Форд (26—29) — все в пользу Холифилда
                            • Время: 3:00
                            • Вес: Тайсон 98,90 кг; Холифилд 98,90 кг
                            • Трансляция:

                            В июле 1997 года состоялся 2-й бой между Майком Тайсоном и Эвандером Холифилдом. В конце 3-го раунда во время клинча Тайсон откусил противнику задне-верхнюю часть правой ушной раковины (дарвинов бугорок). Холифилд запрыгал от боли. Рефери Миллс Лейн приостановил бой. Доктор осмотрел чемпиона и сказал, что он может продолжать бой. Рефери оштрафовал Тайсона на два очка. После возобновления боя претендент укусил чемпиона за левое ухо. В перерыве между 3-м и 4-м раундами бой остановили. Началась потасовка. Секьюрити и полиция прекратили беспорядки на ринге. Тайсон был дисквалифицирован. В послематчевом интервью телеканалу

                            1999-01-16 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг ЮАР Франсуа Бота

                            • Место проведения: Флаг США ЭмДжиЭм Гранд, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
                            • Результат: Победа Тайсона нокаутом в 5-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                            • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                            • Рефери: Ричард Стил
                            • Время: 2:59
                            • Вес: Тайсон 101,20 кг; Бота 106,00 кг
                            • Трансляция:

                            В январе 1999 года Тайсона встретился с южноафрикацнем Франсуа Ботой. Бота выигрывал бой. В конце 5-го раунда правым кроссом в подбородок Тайсон отправил противника на канвас. Бота встал на счет 10, но сразу же свалился на канаты. Рефери зафиксировал нокаут.

                            1999-10-23 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Орлин Норрис

                            • Место проведения: Флаг США ЭмДжиЭм Гранд, Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
                            • Результат: Несостоявшийся бой, закончился в 1-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                            • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                            • Рефери: Ричард Стил
                            • Время: 3:00
                            • Вес: Тайсон 101,20 кг; Норрис 98,88 кг
                            • Трансляция: Орлином Норрисом. В 1-м раунде Тайсон коротким левым хуком в челюсть отправил противника на канвас после гонга. Норрис встал. Рефери снял с Тайсона 2 очка. Норрис не вышел на 2-й раунд. Его осмотрел врач. По его совету поединок остановили. Бой был признан несостоявшимся.[2]


                              Из-за проблем с законом следующие 2 боя Тайсон провел за пределами США.

                              В январе 2000 года Тайсон встретился с не самым сильным противником Джулианом Фрэнсисом. Фрэнсис падал 5 раз. После 5-го падения рефери остановил бой.[3][4]

                              2000-06-24 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Лу Савариз

                              • Место проведения: Флаг Великобритании Глазго, Шотландия, Великобритания
                              • Результат: Победа Тайсона нокаутом в 1-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                              • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                              • Рефери: Джон Койл
                              • Время: 2:59
                              • Вес: Тайсон 102,10 кг; Савариз 109,40 кг
                              • Трансляция: Лу Саваризом. В начале 1-го раунда Тайсон на скачке правым хуком отправил Савариза в нокдаун. Савариз встал. Тайсон бросился его добивать. Рефери решил остановить бой и попытался втиснуться между боксерам, но Тайсон, увлекшись, продолжал бить противника. Левым хуком он попал по затылку рефери, и тот упал. Рефери поднялся и вновь попытался остановить бой. Тайсон остановился. Произошла заминка, никто не знал, каким будет вердикт. Рефери Джон Койл поднял руку Тайсона. Тайсон победил техническим нокаутом. В послематчевом интервью телеканалу Сонни Листон в одном лице, что он непобедим, и что он съест детей Леннокса Льюиса, а самому Льюису вырвет сердце.[5][6]

                                2000-10-20 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг Польши Анджей Голота

                                • Место проведения: Флаг США Зе Палас, Эбёрн Хиллс, Мичиган, США
                                • Результат: Победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом в 3-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою; позже результат боя поменялся на несостоявшийся (no contest)
                                • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                                • Рефери: Фрэнк Гарца
                                • Вес: Тайсон 100,70 кг; Голота 108,90 кг
                                • Трансляция:

                                В октябре 2000 года Тайсон встретился с Анджеем Голотой. В конце 1-го раунда Тайсон левым крюком в челюсть отправил противника в нокдаун. Голота сразу же встал. В перерыве между 2-м и 3-м раундами Голота отказался от продолжения боя. Угол Голоты пытался его уговорить, но безрезультатно. Голота сбежал с боя. Пока он покидал зал, зрители кидали в него всякие предметы, в основном стаканы из-под напитков. Возле самого выхода в него попала банка с кетчупом, который разлился по телу боксёра. Позже представители телеканала [7][8][9][10]

                                2001-10-13 Флаг Дании Брайан Нильсен — Флаг США Майк Тайсон

                                • Место проведения: Флаг Дании Паркен, Копенгаген, Дания
                                • Результат: Победа Тайсона техническим нокаутом в 7-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                                • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                                • Рефери: Стив Смогер
                                • Вес: Нильсен 117,80 кг; Тайсон 108,70 кг
                                • Трансляция: Брайаном Нильсеном. Тайсон доминировал весь бой, осыпая противника ударами. В конце 3-го раунда Тайсон провел серию ударов в голову противника, после чего тот рухнул на пол. Нильсен встал на счёт «7». Тайсон бросился его добивать. Через несколько секунд Тайсон левым хуком попал в пах датчанину. Нильсен скорчился от боли. Ему дали время на отдых. После 6-го раунда Нильсен отказался от продолжения боя.[11]

                                  2002-06-08 Флаг Великобритании Леннокс Льюис — Флаг США Майк Тайсон

                                  • Место проведения: Флаг США Зе Пирамид, Мемфис, Теннесси, США
                                  • Результат: Победа Льюиса нокаутом в 8-м раунде в 12-раундовом бою
                                  • Статус: Чемпионский бой за титул WBC в супертяжелом весе (1-я защита Льюиса); чемпионский бой за титул IBF в супертяжелом весе (1-я защита Льюиса); чемпионский бой за титул IBO в супертяжелом весе (1-я защита Льюиса)
                                  • Рефери: Эдди Коттон
                                  • Время: 2:25
                                  • Вес: Льюис 113,10 кг; Тайсон 106,10 кг
                                  • Трансляция: Showtime
                                  • Счёт неофициального судьи: Харольд Ледерман (68-64 Льюис)

                                  В июне 2002 года состоялся поединок Майка Тайсона и Леннокса Льюиса. Льюис доминировал весь бой. В середине 8-го раунда Льюис правым апперкотом попал в челюсть Тайсона. Тайсон присел на корточки. Рефери отсчитал нокдаун. Ближе к концу раунда Льюис правым крюком послал Тайсона на канвас. На счёт «10» Тайсон только встал на колено. Рефери зафиксировал нокаут.[12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]

                                  2003-02-22 Флаг США Майк Тайсон — Флаг США Клиффорд Этьен

                                  • Место проведения: Флаг США Зе Пирамид, Мемфис, Теннесси, США
                                  • Результат: Победа Тайсона нокаутом в 1-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                                  • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                                  • Рефери: Билл Клэнси
                                  • Время: 0:49
                                  • Вес: Тайсон 102,40 кг; Этьен 101,00 кг
                                  • Трансляция: 2003 года Тайсон встретился с Клиффордом Этьеном. В начале 1-го раунда он правым крюком послал Этьена на канвас. На счёт «10» Этьен находился все еще на канвасе. Рефери зафиксировал нокаут.[23][24][25]


                                    В июле 2004 года Тайсон нокаутом в 4-м раунде проиграл Дэнни Уильямсу.[26][27][28][29][30]

                                    2005-06-11 Флаг Ирландии Кевин Макбрайд — Флаг США Майк Тайсон

                                    • Место проведения: Флаг США ЭмСиАй Центр, Вашингтон, Округ Колумбия, США
                                    • Результат: Победа Макбрайда техническим нокаутом в 6-м раунде в 10-раундовом бою
                                    • Статус: Рейтинговый бой
                                    • Рефери: Джо Кортес
                                    • Счет судей: Стив Рэдос (55-57 Тайсон), Тэмми Дженкис (55-57 Тайсон), Пол Артисст (57-55 Макбрайд)
                                    • Время: 3:00
                                    • Вес: Макбрайд 122,90 кг; Тайсон 105,70 кг
                                    • Трансляция:
                                    • Счёт неофициальных судей: Джулиан Бурговер (37-39 Тайсон), Чак Джонсон (37-39 Тайсон), Джордж Уиллис (38-38) — все оценки после 4-го раунда

                                    11 июня 2005 Тайсон встретился с малоизвестным ирландцем Кевином Макбрайдом. В конце 6-го раунда Макбрайд навалился на Тайсона, и тот упал. Тайсон сел на пол. Рефери не счёл это нокдауном. «Железный Майк» отказался проводить седьмой раунд поединка. После боя Тайсон объявил об окончании своей карьеры, сказав, что не хочет позорить бокс, проигрывая таким боксёрам, как Макбрайд.[31][32][33]


                                    • Гражданство: США
                                    • Вероисповедание: Ислам (в прошлом христианин), при смене религии был назван — Малик Абдул Азис.
                                    • Был дважды женат: на малоизвестной актрисе Робин Гивенс и на враче-педиатре из медицинского центра университета Джорджтауна — Монике Тёрнер. Имеет двух детей: сына Амира и дочь Райну (погибла в результате несчастного случая в 2009 году).

                                    Интересные факты

                                    Майк Тайсон послужил прообразом боксёра Яна МакГрегора из аниме-сериала Боец Баки.


                                    1. Майк Тайсон в Одессе
                                    3. АМЕРИКА ПРИРЕВНОВАЛА ТАЙСОНА К СТАРУШКЕ АНГЛИИ
                                    4. ТЕПЕРЬ ТАЙСОН ОБИЖАЕТ МАЛЕНЬКИХ
                                    5. ТАЙСОН ПООБЕЩАЛ СЪЕСТЬ ДЕТЕЙ ЛЬЮИСА!
                                    6. ЧУДОВИЩЕ: «ЕМУ НЕ РИНГ НУЖЕН, А КЛЕТКА ДЛЯ ЗВЕРЕЙ»
                                    7. ТАЙСОН — ГОЛОТА: СХВАТКА ДВУХ НЕВРАСТЕНИКОВ
                                    8. ШЕСТЬ МИНУТ СТРАХА И ПОЗОРА
                                    9. Майк ГАРБО или Грета ТАЙСОН: ИСКУССТВО ПРОДАЖИ БИЛЕТОВ
                                    10. Майк ТАЙСОН: ЕЩЕ ОДИН СКАНДАЛ
                                    11. ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ ДРОВОСЕК ЗАРЖАВЕЛ, НО ЭТО ПОПРАВИМО
                                    12. ЛЬЮИС — ТАЙСОН: У ПОСЛЕДНЕЙ ЧЕРТЫ
                                    13. PR ПОДГОТОВКА
                                    14. «ЗАПАСНОЙ АЭРОДРОМ» ДЛЯ Леннокса ЛЬЮИСА
                                    15. НЕ ОБЕССУДЬТЕ
                                    16. ЗДРАВСТВУЙ, ТАЙСОН, НОВЫЙ ГОД!
                                    17. ТАЙСОН РАНЕН, ЛЬЮИС УКУШЕН, СУЛЕЙМАН В НОКАУТЕ
                                    18. ТАЙСОН МЕЖДУ ХОЛМСОМ И ВАТСОНОМ
                                    19. ТАЙСОН И КОРОЛЬ
                                    20. ЛЬЮИС — ТАЙСОН: ВОЗМОЖНЫ ВАРИАНТЫ!
                                    21. БОЙ С ТЕНЬЮ
                                    22. РЕКВИЕМ ПО ПЛОХОМУ ПАРНЮ
                                    23. КОГДА ДРУЗЬЯ УХОДЯТ
                                    24. ЦИРК ИМЕНИ ТАЙСОНА
                                    25. ТАЙСОН — ЭТЬЕН: БЕЗУМНЫЙ МАЙК И БЕЗРОГИЙ НОСОРОГ
                                    26. Извержение отменяется?
                                    27. Колокольчик для Тайсона
                                    28. Июль 2004: Крушение «Титаника»
                                    29. Поражение Тайсона
                                    30. Минута славы Дэнни Уильямса
                                    31. Майк «Карлсон» Тайсон и его последний малыш
                                    32. До свиданья, наш ласковый Миша
                                    33. Событие месяца: Последний бой Майка Тайсона?


                                    • Лучший в Рунете сайт о Майке Тайсоне
                                    • Майк Тайсон представил фильм-биографию в Каннах
                                    • Майк Тайсон решил вернуться в бокс
                                    • Видео: Лучшие нокауты М.Тайсона
                                    • mike-tyson.ru — Всё о Майке Тайсоне!
                                    • Послужной список(англ.)
                                    • Анекдоты про Майка Тайсона
                                    Тревор Бербик
                                    WBC Чемпионы в тяжёлом весе
                                    22 ноября 1986 — 11 февраля 1991
                                    Джеймс Бастер Даглас
                                    Джеймс Смит
                                    WBA Чемпионы в тяжёлом весе
                                    30 мая 1987 — 11 февраля 1991
                                    Тони Таккер
                                    IBF Чемпионы в тяжёлом весе
                                    1 августа 1987 — 11 февраля 1991
                                    Фрэнк Бруно
                                    WBC Чемпионы в тяжёлом весе
                                    16 марта 1996 — 1996
                                    Леннокс Льюис
                                    Оставлен вакантным
                                    Брюс Селдон
                                    WBA Чемпионы в тяжёлом весе
                                    7 сентября 1996 — 9 ноября 1996
                                    Эвандер Холифилд

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Тайсон – что означает? Определение, значение, примеры употребления

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Значение слова «тайсон» в словарях русского языка

Тайсон это:

тайсон (, ; ) — фамилия и имя.



(Tyson) Майк (р.
1966), американский спортсмен (бокс). Самый молодой в истории бокса чемпион мира среди профессионалов в тяжелом весе (1986-92, 1995-
96). Провел на ринге 47 боев и одержал 45 побед, в т. ч. 40 нокаутом.

Современный толковый словарь, БСЭ





мужское имя


Где и как употребляется слово «тайсон»?

Кроме значения слова «тайсон» в словарях, рекомендуем также ознакомиться с примерами предложений и цитат из классической литературы, в которых употребляется слово «тайсон».

Так вы сможете гораздо легче понять и запомнить, как правильно употребляется слово «тайсон» в тексте и устной речи.

Примеры употребления слова «тайсон»

Тайсон, ты чего, сдурел что ли?

Пограничник – собаке: – Тайсон, а ну иди глянь, что там такое…

Синонимы, антонимы и гипонимы к слову «тайсон»

Разбор слова «тайсон»

Тайсон является ответом на вопросы из кроссвордов

  • Американский боксёр Майк … 6 букв
  • Знаменитый боксер
  • Рекордсмен мира Майк … 6 букв
  • Боксёр, получивший титул «Самый жестокий человек в истории спорта»
  • Американский боксёр, занесённый в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса за наибольшее количество самых быстрых нокаутов
  • Драться с Холифилдом в очередной раз он не стал, но тем не менее за ногу противника укусил
  • Из тюрьмы этот прославленный спортсмен вышел правоверным мусульманином по имени Малик Абдул Азиз
  • Мухаммед Али приехал в тюрьму наставить подростков на путь истинный, и этот юный правонарушитель решил стать боксёром
  • Великий боксер
  • Американский боксер-«ухогрыз»

This article is about the American boxer. For other people named Mike Tyson, see Mike Tyson (disambiguation).

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson 2019 by Glenn Francis.jpg

Tyson in June 2019


Michael Gerard Tyson

June 30, 1966 (age 56)

Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S.

  • Robin Givens (m. 1988–89)
  • Monica Turner (m. 1997–2003)
  • Lakiha «Kiki» Spicer (m. 2009)
Children 8
Awards Awards and honors
Mike Tyson
  • Iron
  • Kid Dynamite
  • The Baddest Man on the Planet
Rated at Heavyweight
Height 5 ft 10 in (178 cm)[1][2]
Reach Template:Infobox person/length
Stance Orthodox
Boxing record
Total fights 58
Wins 50
Wins by KO 44
Losses 6
No contests 2
Website miketyson.com

Michael Gerard Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2005. He reigned as the undisputed world heavyweight champion and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title, at 20 years, four months, and 22 days old.[3] Tyson won his first 19 professional fights by knockout, 12 of them in the first round. He won the WBC title in 1986 after stopping Trevor Berbick in the second round, and added the WBA and IBF titles after defeating James Smith and Tony Tucker in 1987. This made Tyson the first heavyweight boxer to simultaneously hold the WBA, WBC and IBF titles, and the only heavyweight to successively unify them.

Tyson became the lineal champion in 1988 when he knocked out Michael Spinks in 91 seconds of the first round.[4] He successfully defended his titles nine times, which included victories over Larry Holmes and Frank Bruno. In 1990, Tyson lost the titles to underdog Buster Douglas, who knocked him out in the tenth round. Attempting to regain the titles, Tyson defeated Donovan Ruddock twice in 1991, but pulled out of a fight with then-undisputed heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield (who had defeated Douglas later in 1990) due to a rib injury.

In 1992, Tyson was convicted of rape and sentenced to six years in prison, but was released on parole after serving three years. After his release in 1995, he engaged in a series of comeback fights. He won the WBC and WBA titles in 1996, after stopping Frank Bruno and Bruce Seldon. With his defeat of Bruno, Tyson joined Floyd Patterson, Muhammad Ali, Tim Witherspoon, Evander Holyfield, and George Foreman as the only men in boxing history to have regained a heavyweight championship after having lost it. After being stripped of the WBC title in the same year, Tyson lost the WBA title to Evander Holyfield by an eleventh round stoppage. Their 1997 rematch ended when Tyson was disqualified for biting Holyfield’s ears.

In 2002, Tyson fought for the world heavyweight title again at the age of 35, losing by knockout to Lennox Lewis. Tyson retired from professional boxing in 2006, after being knocked out in consecutive matches against Journeymen Danny Williams and Kevin McBride. Tyson declared bankruptcy in 2003, despite having received over $30 million for several of his fights and $300 million during his career. At the time the media reported that he had approximately $23 million of debt.[5]

Tyson was known for his ferocious and intimidating boxing style as well as his controversial behavior inside and outside the ring. Nicknamed «Iron»[6] and «Kid Dynamite» in his early career, and later known as «The Baddest Man on the Planet»,[7] Tyson is considered one of the best heavyweights of all time.[8] Tyson holds the third longest unified championship reign in heavyweight history at eight consecutive defenses. He currently ranks No. 15 in BoxRec‘s ranking of the greatest heavyweight boxers in history.[9] He was ranked No. 16 on The Rings list of 100 greatest punchers of all time,[10] and No. 1 in the ESPN.com list of «The Hardest Hitters in Heavyweight History».[11] Sky Sports described him as «perhaps the most ferocious fighter to step into a professional ring».[12] He has been inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and the World Boxing Hall of Fame.

Early life

Michael Gerard Tyson was born in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York, on June 30, 1966.[13] He has an elder brother named Rodney (born c. 1961)[14] and had an elder sister named Denise, who died of a heart attack at age 24 in February 1990.[15]

Tyson’s biological father is listed as «Purcell Tyson» (who was from Jamaica) on his birth certificate,[16][17] but the man Tyson had known as his father was Jimmy Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick was from Grier Town, North Carolina (a predominantly black neighborhood that was annexed by the city of Charlotte),[18] where he was one of the neighborhood’s top baseball players. Kirkpatrick married and had a son, Tyson’s half-brother Jimmie Lee Kirkpatrick, who would help to integrate Charlotte high school football in 1965. In 1959, Jimmy Kirkpatrick left his family and moved to Brooklyn, where he met Tyson’s mother, Lorna Mae (Smith) Tyson. Kirkpatrick frequented pool halls, gambled and hung out on the streets. «My father was just a regular street guy caught up in the street world», Tyson said. Kirkpatrick abandoned the Tyson family around the time Mike was born, leaving Tyson’s mother to care for the children on her own.[19] Kirkpatrick died in 1992.[20]

The family lived in Bedford-Stuyvesant until their financial burdens necessitated a move to Brownsville when Tyson was 10 years old.[21] Tyson’s mother died six years later, leaving 16-year-old Tyson in the care of boxing manager and trainer Cus D’Amato, who would become his legal guardian. Tyson later said, «I never saw my mother happy with me and proud of me for doing something: she only knew me as being a wild kid running the streets, coming home with new clothes that she knew I didn’t pay for. I never got a chance to talk to her or know about her. Professionally, it has no effect, but it’s crushing emotionally and personally.»[22]

Throughout his childhood, Tyson lived in and around neighborhoods with a high rate of crime. According to an interview in Details, his first fight was with a bigger youth who had pulled the head off one of Tyson’s pigeons.[23] Tyson was repeatedly caught committing petty crimes and fighting those who ridiculed his high-pitched voice and lisp. By the age of 13, he had been arrested 38 times.[24] He ended up at the Tryon School for Boys in Johnstown, New York. Tyson’s emerging boxing ability was discovered there by Bobby Stewart, a juvenile detention center counselor and former boxer. Stewart considered Tyson to be an outstanding fighter and trained him for a few months before introducing him to Cus D’Amato.[19] Tyson dropped out of high school as a junior.[25] He would be awarded an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from Central State University in 1989.[26] Kevin Rooney also trained Tyson, and he was occasionally assisted by Teddy Atlas, although Atlas was dismissed by D’Amato when Tyson was 15. Rooney eventually took over all training duties for the young fighter.[27]

Amateur career

As an amateur, Tyson won gold medals at the 1981 and 1982 Junior Olympic Games, defeating Joe Cortez in 1981 and beating Kelton Brown in 1982. Brown’s corner threw in the towel in the first round. He fought Henry Tillman twice as an amateur, losing both bouts by decision. Tillman went on to win heavyweight gold at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.[28]

Professional career

Rise to stardom

Main article: Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson

Tyson made his professional debut as an 18-year-old on March 6, 1985, in Albany, New York. He defeated Hector Mercedes via first-round TKO.[19] He had 15 bouts in his first year as a professional. Fighting frequently, Tyson won 26 of his first 28 fights by KO or TKO; 16 of those came in the first round.[29] The quality of his opponents gradually increased to journeyman fighters and borderline contenders,[29] like James Tillis, David Jaco, Jesse Ferguson, Mitch Green, and Marvis Frazier. His win streak attracted media attention and Tyson was billed as the next great heavyweight champion. D’Amato died in November 1985, relatively early into Tyson’s professional career, and some speculate that his death was the catalyst to many of the troubles Tyson was to experience as his life and career progressed.[30]

Tyson’s first nationally televised bout took place on February 16, 1986, at Houston Field House in Troy, New York against journeyman heavyweight Jesse Ferguson, and was carried by ABC Sports. Tyson knocked down Ferguson with an uppercut in the fifth round that broke Ferguson’s nose.[31] During the sixth round, Ferguson began to hold and clinch Tyson in an apparent attempt to avoid further punishment. After admonishing Ferguson several times to obey his commands to box, the referee finally stopped the fight near the middle of the sixth round. The fight was initially ruled a win for Tyson by disqualification (DQ) of his opponent. The ruling was «adjusted» to a win by technical knockout (TKO) after Tyson’s corner protested that a DQ win would end Tyson’s string of knockout victories, and that a knockout would have been the inevitable result.

In July, after recording six more knockout victories, Tyson fought former world title challenger Marvis Frazier in Glens Falls, New York on another ABC Sports broadcast. Tyson won easily, charging at Frazier at the opening bell and hitting him with an uppercut that knocked Frazier unconscious thirty seconds into the fight.

On November 22, 1986, Tyson was given his first title fight against Trevor Berbick for the World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight championship. Tyson won the title by TKO in the second round, and at the age of 20 years and 4 months became the youngest heavyweight champion in history.[32] Tyson’s dominant performance brought many accolades. Donald Saunders wrote: «The noble and manly art of boxing can at least cease worrying about its immediate future, now [that] it has discovered a heavyweight champion fit to stand alongside Dempsey, Tunney, Louis, Marciano, and Ali.»[33]

Tyson intimidated fighters with his strength, combined with outstanding hand speed, accuracy, coordination and timing.[34] Tyson also possessed notable defensive abilities, holding his hands high in the peek-a-boo style taught by his mentor Cus D’Amato[35][36] to slip under and weave around his opponent’s punches while timing his own.[36] One of Tyson’s signature moves was a right hook to his opponent’s body followed by a right uppercut to his opponent’s chin. Lorenzo Boyd, Jesse Ferguson and Jose Ribalta were each knocked down by this combination.[citation needed]

Undisputed champion

See also: Mike Tyson vs. James Smith, Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker, and Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks

Expectations for Tyson were extremely high, and he was the favorite to win the heavyweight unification series, a tournament designed to establish an undisputed heavyweight champion. Tyson defended his title against James Smith on March 7, 1987, in Las Vegas, Nevada. He won by unanimous decision and added Smith’s World Boxing Association (WBA) title to his existing belt.[37] «Tyson-mania» in the media was becoming rampant.[38] He beat Pinklon Thomas in May by TKO in the sixth round.[39] On August 1 he took the International Boxing Federation (IBF) title from Tony Tucker in a twelve-round unanimous decision 119–111, 118–113, and 116–112.[40] He became the first heavyweight to own all three major belts – WBA, WBC, and IBF – at the same time. Another fight, in October of that year, ended with a victory for Tyson over 1984 Olympic super heavyweight gold medalist Tyrell Biggs by TKO in the seventh round.[41]

During this time, Tyson came to the attention of gaming company Nintendo. After witnessing one of Tyson’s fights, Nintendo of America president, Minoru Arakawa was impressed by the fighter’s «power and skill», prompting him to suggest Tyson be included in the upcoming Nintendo Entertainment System port of the Punch Out!! arcade game. In 1987, Nintendo released Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!, which was well received and sold more than a million copies.[42]

Tyson had three fights in 1988. He faced Larry Holmes on January 22, 1988, and defeated the legendary former champion by KO in the fourth round.[43] This was the only knockout loss Holmes suffered in 75 professional bouts. In March, Tyson then fought contender Tony Tubbs in Tokyo, Japan, fitting in an easy second-round TKO victory amid promotional and marketing work.[44]

On June 27, 1988, Tyson faced Michael Spinks. Spinks, who had taken the heavyweight championship from Larry Holmes via fifteen-round decision in 1985, had not lost his title in the ring but was not recognized as champion by the major boxing organizations. Holmes had previously given up all but the IBF title, and that was eventually stripped from Spinks after he elected to fight Gerry Cooney (winning by TKO in the fifth round) rather than IBF Number 1 Contender Tony Tucker, as the Cooney fight provided him a larger purse. However, Spinks did become the lineal champion by beating Holmes and many (including Ring magazine) considered him to have a legitimate claim to being the true heavyweight champion.[45] The bout was, at the time, the richest fight in history and expectations were very high. Boxing pundits were predicting a titanic battle of styles, with Tyson’s aggressive infighting conflicting with Spinks’s skillful out-boxing and footwork. The fight ended after 91 seconds when Tyson knocked Spinks out in the first round; many consider this to be the pinnacle of Tyson’s fame and boxing ability.[46][47]

Controversy and upset

Main article: Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas

During this period, Tyson’s problems outside the ring were also starting to emerge. His marriage to Robin Givens was heading for divorce,[48] and his future contract was being fought over by Don King and Bill Cayton.[49] In late 1988, Tyson parted with manager Bill Cayton and fired longtime trainer Kevin Rooney, the man many credit for honing Tyson’s craft after the death of D’Amato.[36][50] Following Rooney’s departure, critics alleged that Tyson began to use the peek-a-boo style sporadically.[51] In 1989, Tyson had only two fights amid personal turmoil. He faced the British boxer Frank Bruno in February. Bruno managed to stun Tyson at the end of the first round,[52] although Tyson went on to knock Bruno out in the fifth round. Tyson then knocked out Carl «The Truth» Williams in the first round in July.[53]

By 1990, Tyson seemed to have lost direction, and his personal life was in disarray amidst reports of less vigorous training prior to the Buster Douglas match.[54] In a fight on February 11, 1990, he lost the undisputed championship to Douglas in Tokyo.[55] Tyson was a huge betting favorite; indeed, the Mirage, the only casino to put out odds for the fight, made Tyson a 42/1 favorite. However, Douglas was at an emotional peak after losing his mother to a stroke 23 days prior to the fight; Douglas fought the fight of his life.[55] Contrary to reports that Tyson was out of shape, it has been noted at the time of the fight that he had pronounced muscles, an absence of body fat and weighed 220 and 1/2 pounds, only two pounds more than he had weighed when he beat Michael Spinks 20 months earlier.[56] Mentally, however, Tyson was unprepared. He failed to find a way past Douglas’s quick jab that had a 12-inch (30 cm) reach advantage over his own.[57] Tyson did catch Douglas with an uppercut in the eighth round and knocked him to the floor, but Douglas recovered sufficiently to hand Tyson a heavy beating in the subsequent two rounds. After the fight, the Tyson camp would complain that the count was slow and that Douglas had taken longer than ten seconds to get back on his feet.[58] Just 35 seconds into the tenth round, Douglas unleashed a brutal uppercut, followed by a four-punch combination of hooks that sent Tyson to the canvas for the first time in his career. He was counted out by referee Octavio Meyran.[55]

The knockout victory by Douglas over Tyson, the previously undefeated «baddest man on the planet» and arguably the most feared boxer in professional boxing at that time, has been described as one of the most shocking upsets in modern sports history.[59][60]

After Douglas

Main articles: Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman, Mike Tyson vs. Alex Stewart, Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock, and Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II

After the loss, Tyson recovered with first-round knockouts of Henry Tillman[61] and Alex Stewart[62] in his next two fights. Tyson’s victory over Tillman, the 1984 Olympic heavyweight gold medalist, enabled Tyson to avenge his amateur losses at Tillman’s hands. These bouts set up an elimination match for another shot at the undisputed world heavyweight championship, which Evander Holyfield had taken from Douglas in his first defense of the title.[63]

Tyson, who was the number one contender, faced number two contender Donovan «Razor» Ruddock on March 18, 1991, in Las Vegas. Ruddock was seen as the most dangerous heavyweight around and was thought of as one of the hardest punching heavyweights. Tyson and Ruddock went back and forth for most of the fight, until referee Richard Steele controversially stopped the fight during the seventh round in favor of Tyson. This decision infuriated the fans in attendance, sparking a post-fight melee in the audience. The referee had to be escorted from the ring.[64]

Tyson and Ruddock met again on June 28 that year, with Tyson knocking down Ruddock twice and winning a twelve-round unanimous decision 113–109, 114–108, and 114–108.[65] A fight between Tyson and Holyfield for the undisputed championship was scheduled for November 8, 1991 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, but Tyson pulled out after sustaining a rib cartilage injury during training.[66]

Rape conviction, prison, and conversion

Tyson was arrested in July 1991 for the rape of 18-year-old Desiree Washington, Miss Black Rhode Island, in an Indianapolis hotel room. Tyson’s rape trial took place in the Marion County superior court from January 26 to February 10, 1992.[67]

Partial corroboration of Washington’s story came via testimony from Tyson’s chauffeur, Virginia Foster, who confirmed Desiree Washington’s state of shock after the incident. Further testimony came from Thomas Richardson, the emergency room physician who examined Washington more than 24 hours after the incident and confirmed that Washington’s physical condition was consistent with rape.[68]

Under lead defense lawyer Vincent J. Fuller‘s direct examination, Tyson claimed that everything had taken place with Washington’s full consent and he claimed not to have forced himself upon her. When he was cross-examined by lead prosecutor Gregory Garrison, Tyson denied claims that he had misled Washington and insisted that she wanted to have sex with him.[69] Tyson was convicted on the rape charge on February 10, 1992 after the jury deliberated for nearly 10 hours.[70]

Alan Dershowitz, acting as Tyson’s counsel, filed an appeal urging error of law in the Court’s exclusion of evidence of the victim’s past sexual conduct, the exclusion of three potential defense witnesses, and the lack of a jury instruction on honest and reasonable mistake of fact.[71] The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled against Tyson in a 2–1 vote.[71]

On March 26, 1992, Tyson was sentenced to six years in prison along with four years of probation.[72] Despite being 25 years old at the time of the crime, he was assigned to the Indiana Youth Center (now the Plainfield Correctional Facility) in April 1992,[73] and he was released in March 1995 after serving less than three years of his six-year sentence.[74] During his incarceration, Mike Tyson converted to Islam[75][76] and adopted the Muslim name Malik Abdul Aziz;[77][78][79] other sources reported this name as Malik Shabazz.[80]

Due to his conviction, Tyson is required to register as a Tier II sex offender under federal law.[81][82][83][84]


Main articles: Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley; Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis, Jr.; Frank Bruno vs. Mike Tyson II; and Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson

After being paroled from prison, Tyson easily won his comeback bouts against Peter McNeeley and Buster Mathis Jr.. Tyson’s first comeback fight grossed more than US$96 million worldwide, including a United States record $63 million for PPV television. The viewing of the fight was purchased by 1.52 million homes, setting both PPV viewership and revenue records.[85] The 89-second fight elicited criticism that Tyson’s management lined up «tomato cans» to ensure easy victories for his return.[86] TV Guide included the Tyson–McNeeley fight in their list of the 50 Greatest TV Sports Moments of All Time in 1998.[87]

Tyson regained one belt by easily winning the WBC title against Frank Bruno in March 1996. It was the second fight between the two, and Tyson knocked out Bruno in the third round.[88] In 1996, Lennox Lewis turned down a $13.5 million guarantee to fight Tyson. This would’ve been Lewis’s highest fight purse to date. Lewis then accepted $4 million from Don King to step aside and allow Tyson to fight Bruce Seldon for an expected $30 million instead with the intention that if Tyson defeated Seldon, he would fight Lewis next.[89] Tyson added the WBA belt by defeating champion Seldon in the first round in September that year. Seldon was severely criticized and mocked in the popular press for seemingly collapsing to innocuous punches from Tyson.[90]

Tyson–Holyfield fights

Tyson vs. Holyfield I

Main article: Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield

Tyson attempted to defend the WBA title against Evander Holyfield, who was in the fourth fight of his own comeback. Holyfield had retired in 1994 following the loss of his championship to Michael Moorer. It was said that Don King and others saw former champion Holyfield, who was 34 at the time of the fight and a huge underdog, as a washed-up fighter.[91]

On November 9, 1996, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Tyson faced Holyfield in a title bout dubbed «Finally». In a surprising turn of events, Holyfield, who was given virtually no chance to win by numerous commentators,[92] defeated Tyson by TKO when referee Mitch Halpern stopped the bout in round eleven.[93] Holyfield became the second boxer to win a heavyweight championship belt three times. Holyfield’s victory was marred by allegations from Tyson’s camp of Holyfield’s frequent headbutts[94] during the bout. Although the headbutts were ruled accidental by the referee,[94] they would become a point of contention in the subsequent rematch.[95]

Tyson vs. Holyfield II and aftermath

Main article: Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II

Tyson and Holyfield fought again on June 28, 1997. Originally, Halpern was supposed to be the referee, but after Tyson’s camp protested, Halpern stepped aside in favor of Mills Lane.[96] The highly anticipated rematch was dubbed The Sound and the Fury, and it was held at the Las Vegas MGM Grand Garden Arena, site of the first bout. It was a lucrative event, drawing even more attention than the first bout and grossing $100 million. Tyson received $30 million and Holyfield $35 million, the highest paid professional boxing purses until 2007.[97][98] The fight was purchased by 1.99 million households, setting a pay-per-view buy rate record that stood until the May 5, 2007, De La Hoya-Mayweather boxing match.[98][99]

Soon to become one of the most controversial events in modern sports,[100] the fight was stopped at the end of the third round, with Tyson disqualified[101] for biting Holyfield on both ears. The first time Tyson bit him, the match was temporarily stopped. Referee Mills Lane deducted two points from Tyson and the fight resumed. However, after the match resumed, Tyson crunched again, resulting in his disqualification, and Holyfield won the match. One bite was severe enough to remove a piece of Holyfield’s right ear, which was found on the ring floor after the fight.[102] Tyson later stated that his actions were retaliation for Holyfield repeatedly headbutting him without penalty.[95] In the confusion that followed the ending of the bout and announcement of the decision, a near riot occurred in the arena and several people were injured.[103] Tyson Holyfield II was the first heavyweight title fight in over 50 years to end in a disqualification.[104]

As a subsequent fallout from the incident, US$3 million was immediately withheld from Tyson’s $30-million purse by the Nevada state boxing commission (the most it could legally hold back at the time).[105] Two days after the fight, Tyson issued a statement,[106] apologizing to Holyfield for his actions and asked not to be banned for life over the incident.[107] Tyson was roundly condemned in the news media but was not without defenders. Novelist and commentator Katherine Dunn wrote a column that criticized Holyfield’s sportsmanship in the controversial bout and charged the news media with being biased against Tyson.[108]

On July 9, 1997, Tyson’s boxing license was rescinded by the Nevada State Athletic Commission in a unanimous voice vote; he was also fined US$3 million and ordered to pay the legal costs of the hearing.[109] As most state athletic commissions honor sanctions imposed by other states, this effectively made Tyson unable to box in the United States. The revocation was not permanent, as the commission voted 4–1 to restore Tyson’s boxing license on October 18, 1998.[110]

During his time away from boxing in 1998, Tyson made a guest appearance at WrestleMania XIV as an enforcer for the main event match between Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin. During this time, Tyson was also an unofficial member of Michaels’s stable, D-Generation X. Tyson was paid $3 million for being guest enforcer of the match at WrestleMania XIV.[111]


Main articles: Mike Tyson vs. Francois Botha and Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota

In January 1999, Tyson returned to the ring for a match against the South African Francois Botha. This match also ended in controversy. While Botha initially controlled the fight, Tyson allegedly attempted to break Botha’s arms during a tie-up and both boxers were cautioned by the referee in the ill-tempered bout. Botha was ahead on points on all scorecards and was confident enough to mock Tyson as the fight continued. Nonetheless, Tyson landed a straight right hand in the fifth round that knocked out Botha.[112] Critics noticed Tyson stopped using the bob and weave defense altogether following this return.[113]

Legal problems arose with Tyson once again. On February 5, 1999, Tyson was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment, fined $5,000, and ordered to serve two years probation along with undergoing 200 hours of community service for assaulting two motorists after a traffic accident on August 31, 1998.[114] He served nine months of that sentence. After his release, he fought Orlin Norris on October 23, 1999. Tyson knocked down Norris with a left hook thrown after the bell sounded to end the first round. Norris injured his knee when he went down and said that he was unable to continue. Consequently, the bout was ruled a no contest.[115]

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«I’m the best ever. I’m the most brutal and vicious, the most ruthless champion there has ever been. There’s no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No! I’m Alexander! He’s no Alexander! I’m the best ever. There’s never been anyone as ruthless. I’m Sonny Liston. I’m Jack Dempsey. There’s no one like me. I’m from their cloth. There is no one who can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I’m just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children! Praise be to Allah!»

 —Tyson’s post-fight interview after knocking out Lou Savarese 38 seconds into the bout in June 2000.[116]

In 2000, Tyson had three fights. The first match in January was staged at the MEN Arena in Manchester, England against Julius Francis. Following controversy as to whether Tyson was allowed into the country, he took four minutes to knock out Francis, ending the bout in the second round.[117] He also fought Lou Savarese in June 2000 in Glasgow, winning in the first round; the fight lasted only 38 seconds. Tyson continued punching after the referee had stopped the fight, knocking the referee to the floor as he tried to separate the boxers.[118] In October, Tyson fought the similarly controversial Andrew Golota,[119] winning in round three after Gołota was unable to continue due to a broken cheekbone, concussion, and neck injury.[120] The result was later changed to no contest after Tyson refused to take a pre-fight drug test and then tested positive for marijuana in a post-fight urine test.[121] Tyson fought only once in 2001, beating Brian Nielsen in Copenhagen by TKO in the seventh round.[122]

Lewis vs. Tyson

Main article: Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson

Tyson once again had the opportunity to fight for a heavyweight championship in 2002. Lennox Lewis held the WBC, IBF, IBO and Lineal titles at the time. As promising fighters, Tyson and Lewis had sparred at a training camp in a meeting arranged by Cus D’Amato in 1984.[123] Tyson sought to fight Lewis in Nevada for a more lucrative box-office venue, but the Nevada Boxing Commission refused him a license to box as he was facing possible sexual assault charges at the time.[124]

Two years prior to the bout, Tyson had made several inflammatory remarks to Lewis in an interview following the Savarese fight. The remarks included the statement «I want your heart, I want to eat your children.»[125] On January 22, 2002, the two boxers and their entourages were involved in a brawl at a New York press conference to publicize the planned event.[126] A few weeks later, the Nevada State Athletic Commission refused to grant Tyson a license for the fight, and the promoters had to make alternative arrangements. After multiple states balked at granting Tyson a license, the fight eventually occurred on June 8 at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis, Tennessee. Lewis dominated the fight and knocked out Tyson with a right hand in the eighth round. Tyson was respectful after the fight and praised Lewis on his victory.[127] This fight was the highest-grossing event in pay-per-view history at that time, generating $106.9 million from 1.95 million buys in the US.[98][99]

Later career, bankruptcy and retirement

In another Memphis fight on February 22, 2003, Tyson beat fringe contender Clifford Etienne 49 seconds into round one. The pre-fight was marred by rumors of Tyson’s lack of fitness. Some said that he took time out from training to party in Las Vegas and get a new facial tattoo.[128] This eventually proved to be Tyson’s final professional victory in the ring.

In August 2003, after years of financial struggles, Tyson finally filed for bankruptcy.[129][130][131]

On August 13, 2003, Tyson entered the ring for a face-to-face confrontation against K-1 fighting phenom, Bob Sapp, immediately after Sapp’s win against Kimo Leopoldo in Las Vegas. K-1 signed Tyson to a contract with the hopes of making a fight happen between the two, but Tyson’s felony history made it impossible for him to obtain a visa to enter Japan, where the fight would have been most profitable. Alternative locations were discussed, but the fight ultimately failed to happen.[132]

On July 30, 2004, Tyson had a match against British boxer Danny Williams in another comeback fight, and this time, staged in Louisville, Kentucky. Tyson dominated the opening two rounds. The third round was even, with Williams getting in some clean blows and also a few illegal ones, for which he was penalized. In the fourth round, Tyson was unexpectedly knocked out. After the fight, it was revealed that Tyson was trying to fight on one leg, having torn a ligament in his other knee in the first round. This was Tyson’s fifth career defeat.[133] He underwent surgery for the ligament four days after the fight. His manager, Shelly Finkel, claimed that Tyson was unable to throw meaningful right-hand punches since he had a knee injury.[134]

On June 11, 2005, Tyson stunned the boxing world by quitting before the start of the seventh round in a close bout against journeyman Kevin McBride. In the 2008 documentary Tyson, he stated that he fought McBride for a payday, that he did not anticipate winning, that he was in poor physical condition and fed up with taking boxing seriously. After losing three of his last four fights, Tyson said he would quit boxing because he felt he had lost his passion for the sport.[135]

When Tyson fired everyone working for him and got new accountants in 2000, who prepared a statement showing he started the year $3.3 million in the hole but made $65.7 million.[136] In August 2007, Tyson pleaded guilty to drug possession and driving under the influence in an Arizona court, which stemmed from an arrest in December where authorities said Tyson, who has a long history of legal problems, admitted to using cocaine that day and to being addicted to the drug.[137]

Exhibition tour

To help pay off his debts, Tyson returned to the ring in 2006 for a series of four-round exhibitions against journeyman heavyweight Corey «T-Rex» Sanders in Youngstown, Ohio.[138] Tyson, without headgear at 5 ft 10.5 in and 216 pounds, was in quality shape, but far from his prime against Sanders, at 6 ft 6 in[139] who wore headgear. Tyson appeared to be «holding back» in these exhibitions to prevent an early end to the «show». «If I don’t get out of this financial quagmire there’s a possibility I may have to be a punching bag for somebody. The money I make isn’t going to help my bills from a tremendous standpoint, but I’m going to feel better about myself. I’m not going to be depressed», explained Tyson about the reasons for his «comeback».[140]


A 1998 ranking of «The Greatest Heavyweights of All-Time» by The Ring magazine placed Tyson at No.14 on the list.[141] Despite criticism of facing underwhelming competition during his run as champion, Tyson’s knockout power and intimidation factor made him the sport’s most dynamic box-office draw.[142] According to Douglas Quenqua of The New York Times, «The [1990s] began with Mike Tyson, considered by many to be the last great heavyweight champion, losing his title to the little-known Buster Douglas. Seven years later, Mr. Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear in a heavyweight champion bout—hardly a proud moment for the sport.»[143]

In The Ring magazine’s list of the 80 Best Fighters of the Last 80 Years, released in 2002, Tyson was ranked at No. 72.[144] He is ranked No. 16 on The Ring magazine’s 2003 list of 100 greatest punchers of all time.[145][146]

On June 12, 2011, Tyson was inducted to the International Boxing Hall of Fame alongside legendary Mexican champion Julio César Chávez, light welterweight champion Kostya Tszyu, and actor/screenwriter Sylvester Stallone.[147]

Life after boxing

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Tyson in the ring at Las Vegas in October 2006

In an interview with USA Today published on June 3, 2005, Tyson said, «My whole life has been a waste – I’ve been a failure.» He continued: «I just want to escape. I’m really embarrassed with myself and my life. I want to be a missionary. I think I could do that while keeping my dignity without letting people know they chased me out of the country. I want to get this part of my life over as soon as possible. In this country nothing good is going to come of me. People put me so high; I wanted to tear that image down.»[148] Tyson began to spend much of his time tending to his 350 pigeons in Paradise Valley, an upscale enclave near Phoenix, Arizona.[149]

Tyson has stayed in the limelight by promoting various websites and companies.[150] In the past Tyson had shunned endorsements, accusing other athletes of putting on a false front to obtain them.[151] Tyson has held entertainment boxing shows at a casino in Las Vegas[152] and started a tour of exhibition bouts to pay off his numerous debts.[153]

On December 29, 2006, Tyson was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona, on suspicion of DUI and felony drug possession; he nearly crashed into a police SUV shortly after leaving a nightclub. According to a police probable-cause statement, filed in Maricopa County Superior Court, «[Tyson] admitted to using [drugs] today and stated he is an addict and has a problem.»[154] Tyson pleaded not guilty on January 22, 2007 in Maricopa County Superior Court to felony drug possession and paraphernalia possession counts and two misdemeanor counts of driving under the influence of drugs. On February 8 he checked himself into an inpatient treatment program for «various addictions» while awaiting trial on the drug charges.[155]

On September 24, 2007, Tyson pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and driving under the influence. He was convicted of these charges in November 2007 and sentenced to 24 hours in jail. After his release, he was ordered to serve three years probation and undergo 360 hours community service. Prosecutors had requested a year-long jail sentence, but the judge praised Tyson for seeking help with his drug problems.[156] On November 11, 2009, Tyson was arrested after getting into a scuffle at Los Angeles International airport with a photographer.[157] No charges were filed.

Tyson has taken acting roles in movies and television, most famously playing a fictionalized version of himself in the 2009 film The Hangover.

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Tyson with Ahmed Salim in April 2012

In September 2011, Tyson gave an interview in which he made comments about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin including crude and violent descriptions of interracial sex. These comments were reprinted on The Daily Caller website. Journalist Greta van Susteren criticized Tyson and The Daily Caller over the comments, which she described as «smut» and «violence against women».[158]

After debuting a one-man show in Las Vegas, Tyson collaborated with film director Spike Lee and brought the show to Broadway in August 2012.[159][160] In February 2013, Tyson took his one-man show Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth on a 36-city, three-month national tour. Tyson talks about his personal and professional life on stage.[161] The one-man show was aired on HBO on November 16, 2013.

In October 2012, Tyson launched the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation.[162] The mission of the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation is to «give kids a fighting chance» by providing innovative centers that provide for the comprehensive needs of kids from broken homes.

In August 2013, Tyson teamed up with Acquinity Interactive CEO Garry Jonas to form Iron Mike Productions, a boxing promotions company, formerly known as Acquinity Sports.

In September 2013, Tyson was featured on a six-episode television series on Fox Sports 1 that documented his personal and private life entitled Being: Mike Tyson.[163][164]

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Tyson in February 2013

In November 2013, Tyson’s Undisputed Truth was published, which appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list.[165] An animated series named Mike Tyson Mysteries, featuring Tyson solving mysteries in the style of Scooby-Doo, premiered on Adult Swim in late October 2014.[166]

In early March 2015, Tyson appeared on the track «Iconic» on Madonna‘s album Rebel Heart. Tyson says some lines at the beginning of the song.[167]

In late March 2015, Ip Man 3 was announced. With Donnie Yen reprising his role as the titular character, Bruce Lee’s martial arts master, Ip Man, while Mike Tyson has been confirmed to join the cast.[168] Principal photography began on March 25, 2015, and was premiered in Hong Kong on December 16, 2015.

In January 2017, Tyson launched his YouTube channel with Shots Studios, a comedy video and comedy music production company with young digital stars like Lele Pons and Rudy Mancuso. Tyson’s channel includes parody music videos and comedy sketches.[169][170]

In May 2017, Tyson published his second book, Iron Ambition,[171] which details his time with trainer and surrogate father Cus D’Amato.

In October 2017, Tyson was announced as the new face of Australian car servicing franchise Ultra Tune. He has taken over from Jean-Claude van Damme in fronting television commercials for the brand, and the first advert is due to air in January 2018 during the Australian Open.[172][173]

In February 2018, Tyson attended the international mixed martial arts (MMA) tournament in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. Tyson said: «as I have travelled all over the country of Russia I have realised that the people are very sensitive and kind. But most Americans do not have any experience of that.»[174] A joint Mainland China-Hong Kong-directed film on female friendship titled Girls 2: Girls vs Gangsters (Template:Lang-vi) that was shoots earlier from July–August 2016 on several locations around Vietnam was released in March 2018, featuring Tyson as «Dragon».[175][176]

Personal life

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The gates of Tyson’s mansion in Southington, Ohio, which he purchased and lived in during the 1980s.[177]

Tyson resides in Seven Hills, Nevada.[178] He has been married three times. He has fathered seven children, one deceased, by three women; in addition to his biological children, Tyson includes the oldest daughter of his second wife as one of his own.[179]

His first marriage was to actress Robin Givens, from February 7, 1988 to February 14, 1989.[48] Givens was known at the time for her role on the sitcom Head of the Class. Tyson’s marriage to Givens was especially tumultuous, with allegations of violence, spousal abuse and mental instability on Tyson’s part.[180] Matters came to a head when Tyson and Givens gave a joint interview with Barbara Walters on the ABC TV newsmagazine show 20/20 in September 1988, in which Givens described life with Tyson as «torture, pure hell, worse than anything I could possibly imagine.»[181] Givens also described Tyson as «manic depressive» on national television while Tyson looked on with an intent and calm expression.[180] A month later, Givens announced that she was seeking a divorce from the allegedly abusive Tyson.[180] Tyson later admitted in the book Fire and Fear: The Inside Story of Mike Tyson, that he punched Givens and stated, «that was the best punch I’ve ever thrown in my entire life.»[182] They had no children but she reported having had a miscarriage; Tyson reports that she was never pregnant and only used that to get him to marry her.[180][183] During their marriage, the couple lived in a mansion in Bernardsville, New Jersey.[184][185]

His second marriage was to Monica Turner from April 19, 1997 to January 14, 2003.[186] At the time of the divorce filing, Turner worked as a pediatric resident at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.[187] She is the sister of Michael Steele, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland and former Republican National Committee Chairman.[188] Turner filed for divorce from Tyson in January 2002, claiming that he committed adultery during their five-year marriage, an act that «has neither been forgiven nor condoned.»[187] The couple had two children; son Amir, and daughter Rayna.

On May 25, 2009, Tyson’s four-year-old daughter Exodus was found by her seven-year-old brother Miguel, unconscious and tangled in a cord, dangling from an exercise treadmill. The child’s mother untangled her, administered CPR and called for medical attention. She died of her injuries on May 26, 2009.[189][190]

Eleven days after his daughter’s death, Tyson wed for the third time, to longtime girlfriend Lakiha «Kiki» Spicer, age 32, exchanging vows on Saturday, June 6, 2009, in a short, private ceremony at the La Bella Wedding Chapel at the Las Vegas Hilton.[191] They have two children; daughter, Milan, and son, Morocco.[179]

Tyson has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.[192]

In March 2011, Tyson appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to discuss his new Animal Planet reality series, Taking on Tyson. In the interview with DeGeneres, Tyson discussed some of the ways he had improved his life in the past two years, including sober living and a vegan diet.[193] However, in August 2013 he admitted publicly that he had lied about his sobriety and was on the verge of death from alcoholism.[194] In December 2013, during an interview with Fox News, Tyson talked about his progress with sobriety and how being in the company of good people has made him want to be a better and more humble person. Tyson also talked about religion and said that he is very grateful to be a Muslim and that he needs Allah.[195] He also revealed that he is no longer vegan after four years.[195]

In 2015, Tyson announced that he was supporting Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy.[196]

In popular culture

Further information: Mike Tyson in popular culture

At the height of his fame and career in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, Tyson was one of the most recognized sports personalities in the world. Apart from his many sporting accomplishments, his outrageous and controversial behavior in the ring and in his private life has kept him in the public eye and in the courtroom.[197] As such, Tyson has appeared in myriad popular media in cameo appearances in film and television. He has also been featured in video games and as a subject of parody or satire.

The Blackstreet single «Booti Call» was written about Tyson’s rape trial and conviction.[198] Boogie Down Productions‘ 1992 song «Say Gal» also addressed the rape trial.[199]

The film Tyson was released in 1995 and was directed by Uli Edel. It explores the life of Mike Tyson, from the death of his guardian and trainer Cus D’Amato to his rape conviction. Tyson is played by Michael Jai White.

Published in 2007, author Joe Layden’s book The Last Great Fight: The Extraordinary Tale of Two Men and How One Fight Changed Their Lives Forever, chronicled the lives of Tyson and Douglas before and after their heavyweight championship fight.

In 2008, the documentary Tyson premiered at the annual Cannes Film Festival in France.

He is the titular character in Mike Tyson Mysteries, which started airing on October 27, 2014 on Adult Swim. In the show, Tyson voices a fictionalized version of himself.[200][201]

In 2016, Tyson starred in the documentary film Nine Legends where he discussed his time involved in WWE.[202]

Professional boxing record


No. Result Record Opponent Type Round, time Date Age Location Notes
58 Loss 50–6 (2) Kevin McBride RTD 6 (10), 3:00 Jun 11, 2005 38 years, 346 days MCI Center, Washington, D.C., U.S.
57 Loss 50–5 (2) Danny Williams KO 4 (10), 2:51 Jul 30, 2004 38 years, 30 days Freedom Hall, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.
56 Win 50–4 (2) Clifford Etienne KO 1 (10), 0:49 Feb 22, 2003 36 years, 237 days The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.
55 Loss 49–4 (2) Lennox Lewis KO 8 (12), 2:25 Jun 8, 2002 35 years, 343 days The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S. For WBC, IBF, IBO, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
54 Win 49–3 (2) Brian Nielsen RTD 7 (10), 3:00 Oct 13, 2001 35 years, 115 days Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
53 NC 48–3 (2) Andrew Golota RTD 3 (10), 3:00 Oct 20, 2000 34 years, 112 days The Palace, Auburn Hills, Michigan, U.S. Originally an RTD win for Tyson, later ruled an NC after he tested positive for cannabis
52 Win 48–3 (1) Lou Savarese TKO 1 (10), 0:38 Jun 24, 2000 33 years, 360 days Hampden Park, Glasgow, Scotland
51 Win 47–3 (1) Julius Francis TKO 2 (10), 1:03 Jan 29, 2000 33 years, 213 days MEN Arena, Manchester, England
50 NC 46–3 (1) Orlin Norris NC 1 (10), 3:00 Oct 23, 1999 33 years, 115 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. NC after Norris was unable to continue from a Tyson foul
49 Win 46–3 Francois Botha KO 5 (10), 2:59 Jan 16, 1999 32 years, 200 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
48 Loss 45–3 Evander Holyfield DQ 3 (12), 3:00 Jun 28, 1997 30 years, 363 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. For WBA heavyweight title;
Tyson disqualified for biting
47 Loss 45–2 Evander Holyfield TKO 11 (12), 0:37 Nov 9, 1996 30 years, 132 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Lost WBA heavyweight title
46 Win 45–1 Bruce Seldon TKO 1 (12), 1:49 Sep 7, 1996 30 years, 69 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Won WBA heavyweight title
45 Win 44–1 Frank Bruno TKO 3 (12), 0:50 Mar 16, 1996 29 years, 260 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Won WBC heavyweight title
44 Win 43–1 Buster Mathis Jr. KO 3 (12), 2:32 Dec 16, 1995 29 years, 169 days CoreStates Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
43 Win 42–1 Peter McNeeley DQ 1 (10), 1:29 Aug 19, 1995 29 years, 50 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. McNeeley disqualified after his manager entered the ring
42 Win 41–1 Donovan Ruddock UD 12 Jun 28, 1991 24 years, 363 days The Mirage, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
41 Win 40–1 Donovan Ruddock TKO 7 (12), 2:22 Mar 18, 1991 24 years, 233 days The Mirage, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
40 Win 39–1 Alex Stewart TKO 1 (10), 2:27 Dec 8, 1990 24 years, 161 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
39 Win 38–1 Henry Tillman KO 1 (10), 2:47 Jun 16, 1990 23 years, 351 days Caesars Palace, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
38 Loss 37–1 Buster Douglas KO 10 (12), 1:22 Feb 11, 1990 23 years, 226 days Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan Lost WBA, WBC, IBF, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
37 Win 37–0 Carl Williams TKO 1 (12), 1:33 Jul 21, 1989 23 years, 21 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, IBF, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
36 Win 36–0 Frank Bruno TKO 5 (12), 2:55 Feb 25, 1989 22 years, 240 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, IBF, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
35 Win 35–0 Michael Spinks KO 1 (12), 1:31 Jun 27, 1988 21 years, 363 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles;
Won The Ring and lineal heavyweight titles
34 Win 34–0 Tony Tubbs TKO 2 (12), 2:54 Mar 21, 1988 21 years, 265 days Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles
33 Win 33–0 Larry Holmes KO 4 (12), 2:55 Jan 22, 1988 21 years, 186 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles
32 Win 32–0 Tyrell Biggs TKO 7 (15), 2:59 Oct 16, 1987 21 years, 108 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles
31 Win 31–0 Tony Tucker UD 12 Aug 1, 1987 21 years, 32 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Retained WBA and WBC heavyweight titles;
Won IBF heavyweight title
30 Win 30–0 Pinklon Thomas TKO 6 (12), 2:00 May 30, 1987 20 years, 334 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester Nevada, U.S. Retained WBA and WBC heavyweight titles
29 Win 29–0 James Smith UD 12 Mar 7, 1987 20 years, 250 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Retained WBC heavyweight title;
Won WBA heavyweight title
28 Win 28–0 Trevor Berbick TKO 2 (12), 2:35 Nov 22, 1986 20 years, 145 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Won WBC heavyweight title
27 Win 27–0 Alfonso Ratliff TKO 2 (10), 1:41 Sep 6, 1986 20 years, 68 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S.
26 Win 26–0 José Ribalta TKO 10 (10), 1:37 Aug 17, 1986 20 years, 48 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
25 Win 25–0 Marvis Frazier KO 1 (10), 0:30 Jul 26, 1986 20 years, 26 days Civic Center, Glens Falls, New York, U.S.
24 Win 24–0 Lorenzo Boyd KO 2 (10), 1:43 Jul 11, 1986 20 years, 11 days Stevensville Hotel, Swan Lake, New York, U.S.
23 Win 23–0 William Hosea KO 1 (10), 2:03 Jun 28, 1986 19 years, 363 days Houston Field House, Troy, New York, U.S.
22 Win 22–0 Reggie Gross TKO 1 (10), 2:36 Jun 13, 1986 19 years, 348 days Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S.
21 Win 21–0 Mitch Green UD 10 May 20, 1986 19 years, 324 days Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S.
20 Win 20–0 James Tillis UD 10 May 3, 1986 19 years, 307 days Civic Center, Glens Falls, New York, U.S.
19 Win 19–0 Steve Zouski KO 3 (10), 2:39 Mar 10, 1986 19 years, 253 days Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, New York, U.S.
18 Win 18–0 Jesse Ferguson TKO 6 (10), 1:19 Feb 16, 1986 19 years, 231 days Houston Field House, Troy, New York, U.S. Originally a DQ win for Tyson, later ruled a TKO
17 Win 17–0 Mike Jameson TKO 5 (8), 0:46 Jan 24, 1986 19 years, 208 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
16 Win 16–0 David Jaco TKO 1 (10), 2:16 Jan 11, 1986 19 years, 195 days Plaza Convention Center, Albany, New York, U.S.
15 Win 15–0 Mark Young TKO 1 (10), 0:50 Dec 27, 1985 19 years, 180 days Latham Coliseum, Latham, New York, U.S.
14 Win 14–0 Sammy Scaff TKO 1 (10), 1:19 Dec 6, 1985 19 years, 159 days Felt Forum, New York City, New York, U.S.
13 Win 13–0 Conroy Nelson TKO 2 (8), 0:30 Nov 22, 1985 19 years, 145 days Latham Coliseum, Latham, New York, U.S.
12 Win 12–0 Eddie Richardson KO 1 (8), 1:17 Nov 13, 1985 19 years, 136 days Ramada Hotel, Houston, Texas, U.S.
11 Win 11–0 Sterling Benjamin TKO 1 (8), 0:54 Nov 1, 1985 19 years, 124 days Latham Coliseum, Latham, New York, U.S.
10 Win 10–0 Robert Colay KO 1 (8), 0:37 Oct 25, 1985 19 years, 117 days Atlantis Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
9 Win 9–0 Donnie Long TKO 1 (6), 1:28 Oct 9, 1985 19 years, 101 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
8 Win 8–0 Michael Johnson KO 1 (6), 0:39 Sep 5, 1985 19 years, 67 days Atlantis Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
7 Win 7–0 Lorenzo Canady KO 1 (6), 1:05 Aug 15, 1985 19 years, 46 days Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
6 Win 6–0 Larry Sims KO 3 (6), 2:04 Jul 19, 1985 19 years, 19 days Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie, New York, U.S.
5 Win 5–0 John Alderson TKO 2 (6), 3:00 Jul 11, 1985 19 years, 11 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
4 Win 4–0 Ricardo Spain TKO 1 (6), 0:39 Jun 20, 1985 18 years, 355 days Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
3 Win 3–0 Don Halpin KO 4 (4), 1:04 May 23, 1985 18 years, 327 days Albany, New York, U.S.
2 Win 2–0 Trent Singleton TKO 1 (4), 0:52 Apr 10, 1985 18 years, 284 days Albany, New York, U.S.
1 Win 1–0 Hector Mercedes TKO 1 (4), 1:47 Mar 6, 1985 18 years, 249 days Plaza Convention Center, Albany, New York, U.S.

Pay-per-view bouts

PPV home television

United States

No. Date Fight Billing Buys Network

June 27, 1988

Tyson vs. Spinks Once and For All


King Vision

March 18, 1991

Tyson vs. Ruddock The Fight of the Year


King Vision

June 28, 1991

Tyson vs. Ruddock II The Rematch


King Vision

August 19, 1995

Tyson vs. McNeeley He’s Back


Showtime/King Vision

March 16, 1996

Tyson vs. Bruno II The Championship Part 1


Showtime/King Vision

September 7, 1996

Tyson vs. Seldon The Championship Part 2


Showtime/King Vision

November 9, 1996

Tyson vs. Holyfield Finally


Showtime/King Vision

June 28, 1997

Tyson vs. Holyfield II The Sound and the Fury


Showtime/King Vision

Jan 16, 1999

Tyson vs. Botha Tyson-Botha



October 20, 2000

Tyson vs. Golota Showdown in Motown



June 8, 2002

Lewis vs. Tyson Lewis-Tyson Is On



February 22, 2003

Tyson vs. Etienne Back to Business



July 30, 2004

Tyson vs. Williams Return for Revenge



June 11, 2005

Tyson vs. McBride Tyson-McBride


Total sales 14,320,000

United Kingdom

Date Fight Network Buys Source(s)
March 16, 1996 Frank Bruno vs. Mike Tyson II Sky Box Office 600,000 [211]
June 28, 1997 Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II Sky Box Office 550,000 [212]
January 29, 2000 Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis Sky Box Office 500,000 [212]
June 8, 2002 Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson Sky Box Office 750,000 [213]
Total sales 2,400,000

Closed-circuit theatre TV

Select pay-per-view boxing buy rates at American closed-circuit theatre television venues:

Date Fight Buys Revenue Revenue (inflation)
June 27, 1988 Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks 800,000[214] $32,000,000[214] $73,320,000
June 28, 1997 Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II 120,000[215] $9,000,000[216] $15,190,000
Total sales 920,000 $41,000,000 $79,930,000

Awards and honors

Humane letters

The Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, in 1989 awarded Tyson an honorary doctorate in humane letters: «Mike demonstrates that hard work, determination and perseverance can enable one to overcome any obstacles.»[26]


  • Ring magazine Prospect of the Year (1985)
  • Ring magazine Fighter of the Year (1986, 1988)
  • Sugar Ray Robinson Award winner (1987, 1989)
  • BBC Sports Personality of the Year Overseas Personality (1989)
  • International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee (Class of 2011)
  • «Guirlande d’Honneur» by the FICTS (Milan, 2010) [217]

Professional wrestling

  • WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2012)[218]

See also

  • List of lineal boxing world champions
  • List of undisputed boxing champions
  • List of heavyweight boxing champions
  • List of WBA world champions
  • List of WBC world champions
  • List of IBF world champions
  • List of The Ring world champions


  1. Lewis, Darren (November 15, 2005). «Mike Tyson Exclusive: No More Mr Bad Ass». The Daily Mirror. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mike-tyson-exclusive-no-more-565234. Retrieved April 25, 2014.
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  209. «Tyson Delivers (For PPV)» (in en-us). Multichannel News. June 17, 2005. https://www.multichannel.com/news/tyson-delivers-ppv-333772.
  210. Tyson-McBride 250,000 PPV Buys, BoxingScene, Retrieved on 2014-01-08
  211. (in en) Screen Digest. Screen Digest Limited. 1997. p. 66. https://books.google.com/books?id=51nvAAAAMAAJ&q=naseem+hamed. «BSkyB’s third pay-per-view sports event — evening of boxing including world title fight involving ‘Prince’ Naseem Hamed — pulled in 650,000 subscribers (more than 600,000 who bought Tyson/Bruno fight, BSkyB’s first).»
  212. 212.0 212.1 Davies, Gareth A. (20 December 2007). «Ricky Hatton shatters viewing record». The Daily Telegraph. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/boxing/2329041/Ricky-Hatton-shatters-viewing-record.html.
  213. Lalani, Zahid (2011-06-29). «Haye looks for heavyweight payday» (in en-GB). BBC News. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13943609.
  214. 214.0 214.1 «PAY-PER-VIEW CAN DRIVE CLOSED-CIRCUIT OFF SCREEN». Washington Post. July 2, 1988. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/sports/1988/07/02/pay-per-view-can-drive-closed-circuit-off-screen/2f6c6d4d-d7ca-4a3b-931e-f8b4bb5b790b/.
  215. Asher, Mark (July 5, 1997). «TYSON-HOLYFIELD PACKED A BIG FINANCIAL WALLOP». Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/sports/1997/07/05/tyson-holyfield-packed-a-big-financial-wallop/f0627f0b-8e93-44d0-94d4-6b583cf44a4d/.
  216. «History of Prizefighting’s Biggest Money Fights». Bloody Elbow. SB Nation. August 24, 2017. https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2017/8/24/16170894/history-of-prizefightings-biggest-money-fights-boxing-mma-ufc.
  217. «»Guirlande D’honneur FICTS» a Mike Tyson» (in it). International Sport Movies TV Federation. July 6, 2010. http://www.sportmoviestv.com/2010/07/06/guirlande-dhonneur-ficts-a-mike-tyson/. Retrieved May 25, 2017.
  218. «WWE Hall of Fame 2012 – Mike Tyson induction: photos». WWE. http://www.wwe.com/classics/wwe-hall-of-fame/2012-hall-of-fame-mike-tyson-photos. Retrieved January 8, 2013.

External links

  • Lua error in Module:Official_website at line 79: attempt to index field ‘wikibase’ (a nil value).
  • Template:Boxrec
  • Mike Tyson amateur boxing becord
  • Mike Tyson at the Internet Movie Database
  • Mike Tyson profile at Online World of Wrestling
  • «Mike Tyson Film Takes a Swing at His Old Image», 2008 article at The New York Times
  • «Mike Tyson Moves to the Suburbs», 2011 article at The New York Times


U.S. Golden Gloves
heavyweight champion



Preceded by
Trevor Berbick
WBC heavyweight champion
November 22, 1986February 11, 1990
Succeeded by
Buster Douglas
Preceded by
James Smith
WBA heavyweight champion
March 7, 1987 – February 11, 1990
Preceded by
Tony Tucker
IBF heavyweight champion
August 1, 1987 – February 11, 1990

Title last held by

Leon Spinks

Undisputed heavyweight champion
August 1, 1987 – February 11, 1990
Preceded by
Michael Spinks
The Ring heavyweight champion
June 27, 1988 – 1990
Title discontinued until 2002

Title next held by

Lennox Lewis

Lineal heavyweight champion
June 27, 1988 – February 11, 1990
Succeeded by
Buster Douglas
Preceded by
Frank Bruno
WBC heavyweight champion
March 16, 1996 – September 24, 1996

Title next held by

Lennox Lewis

Preceded by
Bruce Seldon
WBA heavyweight champion
September 7, 1996November 9, 1996
Succeeded by
Evander Holyfield


The Ring Prospect of the Year


The Ring Fighter of the Year


BWAA Fighter of the Year


The Ring Fighter of the Year


BWAA Fighter of the Year


The Ring Round of the Year
vs. Michael Spinks
Round 1



BBC Overseas
Sports Personality of the Year



The Ring Fight of the Year
vs. Evander Holyfield



Template:Mike Tyson
Template:Ring magazine Fighter of the Year
Template:Sugar Ray Robinson Award
Template:WWE Hall of Fame Celebrity Wing

This article is about the American boxer. For other people named Mike Tyson, see Mike Tyson (disambiguation).

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson 2019 by Glenn Francis.jpg

Tyson in June 2019


Michael Gerard Tyson

June 30, 1966 (age 56)

Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, U.S.

  • Robin Givens (m. 1988–89)
  • Monica Turner (m. 1997–2003)
  • Lakiha «Kiki» Spicer (m. 2009)
Children 8
Awards Awards and honors
Mike Tyson
  • Iron
  • Kid Dynamite
  • The Baddest Man on the Planet
Rated at Heavyweight
Height 5 ft 10 in (178 cm)[1][2]
Reach Template:Infobox person/length
Stance Orthodox
Boxing record
Total fights 58
Wins 50
Wins by KO 44
Losses 6
No contests 2
Website miketyson.com

Michael Gerard Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2005. He reigned as the undisputed world heavyweight champion and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title, at 20 years, four months, and 22 days old.[3] Tyson won his first 19 professional fights by knockout, 12 of them in the first round. He won the WBC title in 1986 after stopping Trevor Berbick in the second round, and added the WBA and IBF titles after defeating James Smith and Tony Tucker in 1987. This made Tyson the first heavyweight boxer to simultaneously hold the WBA, WBC and IBF titles, and the only heavyweight to successively unify them.

Tyson became the lineal champion in 1988 when he knocked out Michael Spinks in 91 seconds of the first round.[4] He successfully defended his titles nine times, which included victories over Larry Holmes and Frank Bruno. In 1990, Tyson lost the titles to underdog Buster Douglas, who knocked him out in the tenth round. Attempting to regain the titles, Tyson defeated Donovan Ruddock twice in 1991, but pulled out of a fight with then-undisputed heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield (who had defeated Douglas later in 1990) due to a rib injury.

In 1992, Tyson was convicted of rape and sentenced to six years in prison, but was released on parole after serving three years. After his release in 1995, he engaged in a series of comeback fights. He won the WBC and WBA titles in 1996, after stopping Frank Bruno and Bruce Seldon. With his defeat of Bruno, Tyson joined Floyd Patterson, Muhammad Ali, Tim Witherspoon, Evander Holyfield, and George Foreman as the only men in boxing history to have regained a heavyweight championship after having lost it. After being stripped of the WBC title in the same year, Tyson lost the WBA title to Evander Holyfield by an eleventh round stoppage. Their 1997 rematch ended when Tyson was disqualified for biting Holyfield’s ears.

In 2002, Tyson fought for the world heavyweight title again at the age of 35, losing by knockout to Lennox Lewis. Tyson retired from professional boxing in 2006, after being knocked out in consecutive matches against Journeymen Danny Williams and Kevin McBride. Tyson declared bankruptcy in 2003, despite having received over $30 million for several of his fights and $300 million during his career. At the time the media reported that he had approximately $23 million of debt.[5]

Tyson was known for his ferocious and intimidating boxing style as well as his controversial behavior inside and outside the ring. Nicknamed «Iron»[6] and «Kid Dynamite» in his early career, and later known as «The Baddest Man on the Planet»,[7] Tyson is considered one of the best heavyweights of all time.[8] Tyson holds the third longest unified championship reign in heavyweight history at eight consecutive defenses. He currently ranks No. 15 in BoxRec‘s ranking of the greatest heavyweight boxers in history.[9] He was ranked No. 16 on The Rings list of 100 greatest punchers of all time,[10] and No. 1 in the ESPN.com list of «The Hardest Hitters in Heavyweight History».[11] Sky Sports described him as «perhaps the most ferocious fighter to step into a professional ring».[12] He has been inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and the World Boxing Hall of Fame.

Early life

Michael Gerard Tyson was born in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York, on June 30, 1966.[13] He has an elder brother named Rodney (born c. 1961)[14] and had an elder sister named Denise, who died of a heart attack at age 24 in February 1990.[15]

Tyson’s biological father is listed as «Purcell Tyson» (who was from Jamaica) on his birth certificate,[16][17] but the man Tyson had known as his father was Jimmy Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick was from Grier Town, North Carolina (a predominantly black neighborhood that was annexed by the city of Charlotte),[18] where he was one of the neighborhood’s top baseball players. Kirkpatrick married and had a son, Tyson’s half-brother Jimmie Lee Kirkpatrick, who would help to integrate Charlotte high school football in 1965. In 1959, Jimmy Kirkpatrick left his family and moved to Brooklyn, where he met Tyson’s mother, Lorna Mae (Smith) Tyson. Kirkpatrick frequented pool halls, gambled and hung out on the streets. «My father was just a regular street guy caught up in the street world», Tyson said. Kirkpatrick abandoned the Tyson family around the time Mike was born, leaving Tyson’s mother to care for the children on her own.[19] Kirkpatrick died in 1992.[20]

The family lived in Bedford-Stuyvesant until their financial burdens necessitated a move to Brownsville when Tyson was 10 years old.[21] Tyson’s mother died six years later, leaving 16-year-old Tyson in the care of boxing manager and trainer Cus D’Amato, who would become his legal guardian. Tyson later said, «I never saw my mother happy with me and proud of me for doing something: she only knew me as being a wild kid running the streets, coming home with new clothes that she knew I didn’t pay for. I never got a chance to talk to her or know about her. Professionally, it has no effect, but it’s crushing emotionally and personally.»[22]

Throughout his childhood, Tyson lived in and around neighborhoods with a high rate of crime. According to an interview in Details, his first fight was with a bigger youth who had pulled the head off one of Tyson’s pigeons.[23] Tyson was repeatedly caught committing petty crimes and fighting those who ridiculed his high-pitched voice and lisp. By the age of 13, he had been arrested 38 times.[24] He ended up at the Tryon School for Boys in Johnstown, New York. Tyson’s emerging boxing ability was discovered there by Bobby Stewart, a juvenile detention center counselor and former boxer. Stewart considered Tyson to be an outstanding fighter and trained him for a few months before introducing him to Cus D’Amato.[19] Tyson dropped out of high school as a junior.[25] He would be awarded an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from Central State University in 1989.[26] Kevin Rooney also trained Tyson, and he was occasionally assisted by Teddy Atlas, although Atlas was dismissed by D’Amato when Tyson was 15. Rooney eventually took over all training duties for the young fighter.[27]

Amateur career

As an amateur, Tyson won gold medals at the 1981 and 1982 Junior Olympic Games, defeating Joe Cortez in 1981 and beating Kelton Brown in 1982. Brown’s corner threw in the towel in the first round. He fought Henry Tillman twice as an amateur, losing both bouts by decision. Tillman went on to win heavyweight gold at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.[28]

Professional career

Rise to stardom

Main article: Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson

Tyson made his professional debut as an 18-year-old on March 6, 1985, in Albany, New York. He defeated Hector Mercedes via first-round TKO.[19] He had 15 bouts in his first year as a professional. Fighting frequently, Tyson won 26 of his first 28 fights by KO or TKO; 16 of those came in the first round.[29] The quality of his opponents gradually increased to journeyman fighters and borderline contenders,[29] like James Tillis, David Jaco, Jesse Ferguson, Mitch Green, and Marvis Frazier. His win streak attracted media attention and Tyson was billed as the next great heavyweight champion. D’Amato died in November 1985, relatively early into Tyson’s professional career, and some speculate that his death was the catalyst to many of the troubles Tyson was to experience as his life and career progressed.[30]

Tyson’s first nationally televised bout took place on February 16, 1986, at Houston Field House in Troy, New York against journeyman heavyweight Jesse Ferguson, and was carried by ABC Sports. Tyson knocked down Ferguson with an uppercut in the fifth round that broke Ferguson’s nose.[31] During the sixth round, Ferguson began to hold and clinch Tyson in an apparent attempt to avoid further punishment. After admonishing Ferguson several times to obey his commands to box, the referee finally stopped the fight near the middle of the sixth round. The fight was initially ruled a win for Tyson by disqualification (DQ) of his opponent. The ruling was «adjusted» to a win by technical knockout (TKO) after Tyson’s corner protested that a DQ win would end Tyson’s string of knockout victories, and that a knockout would have been the inevitable result.

In July, after recording six more knockout victories, Tyson fought former world title challenger Marvis Frazier in Glens Falls, New York on another ABC Sports broadcast. Tyson won easily, charging at Frazier at the opening bell and hitting him with an uppercut that knocked Frazier unconscious thirty seconds into the fight.

On November 22, 1986, Tyson was given his first title fight against Trevor Berbick for the World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight championship. Tyson won the title by TKO in the second round, and at the age of 20 years and 4 months became the youngest heavyweight champion in history.[32] Tyson’s dominant performance brought many accolades. Donald Saunders wrote: «The noble and manly art of boxing can at least cease worrying about its immediate future, now [that] it has discovered a heavyweight champion fit to stand alongside Dempsey, Tunney, Louis, Marciano, and Ali.»[33]

Tyson intimidated fighters with his strength, combined with outstanding hand speed, accuracy, coordination and timing.[34] Tyson also possessed notable defensive abilities, holding his hands high in the peek-a-boo style taught by his mentor Cus D’Amato[35][36] to slip under and weave around his opponent’s punches while timing his own.[36] One of Tyson’s signature moves was a right hook to his opponent’s body followed by a right uppercut to his opponent’s chin. Lorenzo Boyd, Jesse Ferguson and Jose Ribalta were each knocked down by this combination.[citation needed]

Undisputed champion

See also: Mike Tyson vs. James Smith, Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker, and Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks

Expectations for Tyson were extremely high, and he was the favorite to win the heavyweight unification series, a tournament designed to establish an undisputed heavyweight champion. Tyson defended his title against James Smith on March 7, 1987, in Las Vegas, Nevada. He won by unanimous decision and added Smith’s World Boxing Association (WBA) title to his existing belt.[37] «Tyson-mania» in the media was becoming rampant.[38] He beat Pinklon Thomas in May by TKO in the sixth round.[39] On August 1 he took the International Boxing Federation (IBF) title from Tony Tucker in a twelve-round unanimous decision 119–111, 118–113, and 116–112.[40] He became the first heavyweight to own all three major belts – WBA, WBC, and IBF – at the same time. Another fight, in October of that year, ended with a victory for Tyson over 1984 Olympic super heavyweight gold medalist Tyrell Biggs by TKO in the seventh round.[41]

During this time, Tyson came to the attention of gaming company Nintendo. After witnessing one of Tyson’s fights, Nintendo of America president, Minoru Arakawa was impressed by the fighter’s «power and skill», prompting him to suggest Tyson be included in the upcoming Nintendo Entertainment System port of the Punch Out!! arcade game. In 1987, Nintendo released Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!, which was well received and sold more than a million copies.[42]

Tyson had three fights in 1988. He faced Larry Holmes on January 22, 1988, and defeated the legendary former champion by KO in the fourth round.[43] This was the only knockout loss Holmes suffered in 75 professional bouts. In March, Tyson then fought contender Tony Tubbs in Tokyo, Japan, fitting in an easy second-round TKO victory amid promotional and marketing work.[44]

On June 27, 1988, Tyson faced Michael Spinks. Spinks, who had taken the heavyweight championship from Larry Holmes via fifteen-round decision in 1985, had not lost his title in the ring but was not recognized as champion by the major boxing organizations. Holmes had previously given up all but the IBF title, and that was eventually stripped from Spinks after he elected to fight Gerry Cooney (winning by TKO in the fifth round) rather than IBF Number 1 Contender Tony Tucker, as the Cooney fight provided him a larger purse. However, Spinks did become the lineal champion by beating Holmes and many (including Ring magazine) considered him to have a legitimate claim to being the true heavyweight champion.[45] The bout was, at the time, the richest fight in history and expectations were very high. Boxing pundits were predicting a titanic battle of styles, with Tyson’s aggressive infighting conflicting with Spinks’s skillful out-boxing and footwork. The fight ended after 91 seconds when Tyson knocked Spinks out in the first round; many consider this to be the pinnacle of Tyson’s fame and boxing ability.[46][47]

Controversy and upset

Main article: Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas

During this period, Tyson’s problems outside the ring were also starting to emerge. His marriage to Robin Givens was heading for divorce,[48] and his future contract was being fought over by Don King and Bill Cayton.[49] In late 1988, Tyson parted with manager Bill Cayton and fired longtime trainer Kevin Rooney, the man many credit for honing Tyson’s craft after the death of D’Amato.[36][50] Following Rooney’s departure, critics alleged that Tyson began to use the peek-a-boo style sporadically.[51] In 1989, Tyson had only two fights amid personal turmoil. He faced the British boxer Frank Bruno in February. Bruno managed to stun Tyson at the end of the first round,[52] although Tyson went on to knock Bruno out in the fifth round. Tyson then knocked out Carl «The Truth» Williams in the first round in July.[53]

By 1990, Tyson seemed to have lost direction, and his personal life was in disarray amidst reports of less vigorous training prior to the Buster Douglas match.[54] In a fight on February 11, 1990, he lost the undisputed championship to Douglas in Tokyo.[55] Tyson was a huge betting favorite; indeed, the Mirage, the only casino to put out odds for the fight, made Tyson a 42/1 favorite. However, Douglas was at an emotional peak after losing his mother to a stroke 23 days prior to the fight; Douglas fought the fight of his life.[55] Contrary to reports that Tyson was out of shape, it has been noted at the time of the fight that he had pronounced muscles, an absence of body fat and weighed 220 and 1/2 pounds, only two pounds more than he had weighed when he beat Michael Spinks 20 months earlier.[56] Mentally, however, Tyson was unprepared. He failed to find a way past Douglas’s quick jab that had a 12-inch (30 cm) reach advantage over his own.[57] Tyson did catch Douglas with an uppercut in the eighth round and knocked him to the floor, but Douglas recovered sufficiently to hand Tyson a heavy beating in the subsequent two rounds. After the fight, the Tyson camp would complain that the count was slow and that Douglas had taken longer than ten seconds to get back on his feet.[58] Just 35 seconds into the tenth round, Douglas unleashed a brutal uppercut, followed by a four-punch combination of hooks that sent Tyson to the canvas for the first time in his career. He was counted out by referee Octavio Meyran.[55]

The knockout victory by Douglas over Tyson, the previously undefeated «baddest man on the planet» and arguably the most feared boxer in professional boxing at that time, has been described as one of the most shocking upsets in modern sports history.[59][60]

After Douglas

Main articles: Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman, Mike Tyson vs. Alex Stewart, Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock, and Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II

After the loss, Tyson recovered with first-round knockouts of Henry Tillman[61] and Alex Stewart[62] in his next two fights. Tyson’s victory over Tillman, the 1984 Olympic heavyweight gold medalist, enabled Tyson to avenge his amateur losses at Tillman’s hands. These bouts set up an elimination match for another shot at the undisputed world heavyweight championship, which Evander Holyfield had taken from Douglas in his first defense of the title.[63]

Tyson, who was the number one contender, faced number two contender Donovan «Razor» Ruddock on March 18, 1991, in Las Vegas. Ruddock was seen as the most dangerous heavyweight around and was thought of as one of the hardest punching heavyweights. Tyson and Ruddock went back and forth for most of the fight, until referee Richard Steele controversially stopped the fight during the seventh round in favor of Tyson. This decision infuriated the fans in attendance, sparking a post-fight melee in the audience. The referee had to be escorted from the ring.[64]

Tyson and Ruddock met again on June 28 that year, with Tyson knocking down Ruddock twice and winning a twelve-round unanimous decision 113–109, 114–108, and 114–108.[65] A fight between Tyson and Holyfield for the undisputed championship was scheduled for November 8, 1991 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, but Tyson pulled out after sustaining a rib cartilage injury during training.[66]

Rape conviction, prison, and conversion

Tyson was arrested in July 1991 for the rape of 18-year-old Desiree Washington, Miss Black Rhode Island, in an Indianapolis hotel room. Tyson’s rape trial took place in the Marion County superior court from January 26 to February 10, 1992.[67]

Partial corroboration of Washington’s story came via testimony from Tyson’s chauffeur, Virginia Foster, who confirmed Desiree Washington’s state of shock after the incident. Further testimony came from Thomas Richardson, the emergency room physician who examined Washington more than 24 hours after the incident and confirmed that Washington’s physical condition was consistent with rape.[68]

Under lead defense lawyer Vincent J. Fuller‘s direct examination, Tyson claimed that everything had taken place with Washington’s full consent and he claimed not to have forced himself upon her. When he was cross-examined by lead prosecutor Gregory Garrison, Tyson denied claims that he had misled Washington and insisted that she wanted to have sex with him.[69] Tyson was convicted on the rape charge on February 10, 1992 after the jury deliberated for nearly 10 hours.[70]

Alan Dershowitz, acting as Tyson’s counsel, filed an appeal urging error of law in the Court’s exclusion of evidence of the victim’s past sexual conduct, the exclusion of three potential defense witnesses, and the lack of a jury instruction on honest and reasonable mistake of fact.[71] The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled against Tyson in a 2–1 vote.[71]

On March 26, 1992, Tyson was sentenced to six years in prison along with four years of probation.[72] Despite being 25 years old at the time of the crime, he was assigned to the Indiana Youth Center (now the Plainfield Correctional Facility) in April 1992,[73] and he was released in March 1995 after serving less than three years of his six-year sentence.[74] During his incarceration, Mike Tyson converted to Islam[75][76] and adopted the Muslim name Malik Abdul Aziz;[77][78][79] other sources reported this name as Malik Shabazz.[80]

Due to his conviction, Tyson is required to register as a Tier II sex offender under federal law.[81][82][83][84]


Main articles: Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley; Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis, Jr.; Frank Bruno vs. Mike Tyson II; and Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson

After being paroled from prison, Tyson easily won his comeback bouts against Peter McNeeley and Buster Mathis Jr.. Tyson’s first comeback fight grossed more than US$96 million worldwide, including a United States record $63 million for PPV television. The viewing of the fight was purchased by 1.52 million homes, setting both PPV viewership and revenue records.[85] The 89-second fight elicited criticism that Tyson’s management lined up «tomato cans» to ensure easy victories for his return.[86] TV Guide included the Tyson–McNeeley fight in their list of the 50 Greatest TV Sports Moments of All Time in 1998.[87]

Tyson regained one belt by easily winning the WBC title against Frank Bruno in March 1996. It was the second fight between the two, and Tyson knocked out Bruno in the third round.[88] In 1996, Lennox Lewis turned down a $13.5 million guarantee to fight Tyson. This would’ve been Lewis’s highest fight purse to date. Lewis then accepted $4 million from Don King to step aside and allow Tyson to fight Bruce Seldon for an expected $30 million instead with the intention that if Tyson defeated Seldon, he would fight Lewis next.[89] Tyson added the WBA belt by defeating champion Seldon in the first round in September that year. Seldon was severely criticized and mocked in the popular press for seemingly collapsing to innocuous punches from Tyson.[90]

Tyson–Holyfield fights

Tyson vs. Holyfield I

Main article: Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield

Tyson attempted to defend the WBA title against Evander Holyfield, who was in the fourth fight of his own comeback. Holyfield had retired in 1994 following the loss of his championship to Michael Moorer. It was said that Don King and others saw former champion Holyfield, who was 34 at the time of the fight and a huge underdog, as a washed-up fighter.[91]

On November 9, 1996, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Tyson faced Holyfield in a title bout dubbed «Finally». In a surprising turn of events, Holyfield, who was given virtually no chance to win by numerous commentators,[92] defeated Tyson by TKO when referee Mitch Halpern stopped the bout in round eleven.[93] Holyfield became the second boxer to win a heavyweight championship belt three times. Holyfield’s victory was marred by allegations from Tyson’s camp of Holyfield’s frequent headbutts[94] during the bout. Although the headbutts were ruled accidental by the referee,[94] they would become a point of contention in the subsequent rematch.[95]

Tyson vs. Holyfield II and aftermath

Main article: Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II

Tyson and Holyfield fought again on June 28, 1997. Originally, Halpern was supposed to be the referee, but after Tyson’s camp protested, Halpern stepped aside in favor of Mills Lane.[96] The highly anticipated rematch was dubbed The Sound and the Fury, and it was held at the Las Vegas MGM Grand Garden Arena, site of the first bout. It was a lucrative event, drawing even more attention than the first bout and grossing $100 million. Tyson received $30 million and Holyfield $35 million, the highest paid professional boxing purses until 2007.[97][98] The fight was purchased by 1.99 million households, setting a pay-per-view buy rate record that stood until the May 5, 2007, De La Hoya-Mayweather boxing match.[98][99]

Soon to become one of the most controversial events in modern sports,[100] the fight was stopped at the end of the third round, with Tyson disqualified[101] for biting Holyfield on both ears. The first time Tyson bit him, the match was temporarily stopped. Referee Mills Lane deducted two points from Tyson and the fight resumed. However, after the match resumed, Tyson crunched again, resulting in his disqualification, and Holyfield won the match. One bite was severe enough to remove a piece of Holyfield’s right ear, which was found on the ring floor after the fight.[102] Tyson later stated that his actions were retaliation for Holyfield repeatedly headbutting him without penalty.[95] In the confusion that followed the ending of the bout and announcement of the decision, a near riot occurred in the arena and several people were injured.[103] Tyson Holyfield II was the first heavyweight title fight in over 50 years to end in a disqualification.[104]

As a subsequent fallout from the incident, US$3 million was immediately withheld from Tyson’s $30-million purse by the Nevada state boxing commission (the most it could legally hold back at the time).[105] Two days after the fight, Tyson issued a statement,[106] apologizing to Holyfield for his actions and asked not to be banned for life over the incident.[107] Tyson was roundly condemned in the news media but was not without defenders. Novelist and commentator Katherine Dunn wrote a column that criticized Holyfield’s sportsmanship in the controversial bout and charged the news media with being biased against Tyson.[108]

On July 9, 1997, Tyson’s boxing license was rescinded by the Nevada State Athletic Commission in a unanimous voice vote; he was also fined US$3 million and ordered to pay the legal costs of the hearing.[109] As most state athletic commissions honor sanctions imposed by other states, this effectively made Tyson unable to box in the United States. The revocation was not permanent, as the commission voted 4–1 to restore Tyson’s boxing license on October 18, 1998.[110]

During his time away from boxing in 1998, Tyson made a guest appearance at WrestleMania XIV as an enforcer for the main event match between Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin. During this time, Tyson was also an unofficial member of Michaels’s stable, D-Generation X. Tyson was paid $3 million for being guest enforcer of the match at WrestleMania XIV.[111]


Main articles: Mike Tyson vs. Francois Botha and Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota

In January 1999, Tyson returned to the ring for a match against the South African Francois Botha. This match also ended in controversy. While Botha initially controlled the fight, Tyson allegedly attempted to break Botha’s arms during a tie-up and both boxers were cautioned by the referee in the ill-tempered bout. Botha was ahead on points on all scorecards and was confident enough to mock Tyson as the fight continued. Nonetheless, Tyson landed a straight right hand in the fifth round that knocked out Botha.[112] Critics noticed Tyson stopped using the bob and weave defense altogether following this return.[113]

Legal problems arose with Tyson once again. On February 5, 1999, Tyson was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment, fined $5,000, and ordered to serve two years probation along with undergoing 200 hours of community service for assaulting two motorists after a traffic accident on August 31, 1998.[114] He served nine months of that sentence. After his release, he fought Orlin Norris on October 23, 1999. Tyson knocked down Norris with a left hook thrown after the bell sounded to end the first round. Norris injured his knee when he went down and said that he was unable to continue. Consequently, the bout was ruled a no contest.[115]

<templatestyles src=»Template:Quote_box/styles.css» />

«I’m the best ever. I’m the most brutal and vicious, the most ruthless champion there has ever been. There’s no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No! I’m Alexander! He’s no Alexander! I’m the best ever. There’s never been anyone as ruthless. I’m Sonny Liston. I’m Jack Dempsey. There’s no one like me. I’m from their cloth. There is no one who can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I’m just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children! Praise be to Allah!»

 —Tyson’s post-fight interview after knocking out Lou Savarese 38 seconds into the bout in June 2000.[116]

In 2000, Tyson had three fights. The first match in January was staged at the MEN Arena in Manchester, England against Julius Francis. Following controversy as to whether Tyson was allowed into the country, he took four minutes to knock out Francis, ending the bout in the second round.[117] He also fought Lou Savarese in June 2000 in Glasgow, winning in the first round; the fight lasted only 38 seconds. Tyson continued punching after the referee had stopped the fight, knocking the referee to the floor as he tried to separate the boxers.[118] In October, Tyson fought the similarly controversial Andrew Golota,[119] winning in round three after Gołota was unable to continue due to a broken cheekbone, concussion, and neck injury.[120] The result was later changed to no contest after Tyson refused to take a pre-fight drug test and then tested positive for marijuana in a post-fight urine test.[121] Tyson fought only once in 2001, beating Brian Nielsen in Copenhagen by TKO in the seventh round.[122]

Lewis vs. Tyson

Main article: Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson

Tyson once again had the opportunity to fight for a heavyweight championship in 2002. Lennox Lewis held the WBC, IBF, IBO and Lineal titles at the time. As promising fighters, Tyson and Lewis had sparred at a training camp in a meeting arranged by Cus D’Amato in 1984.[123] Tyson sought to fight Lewis in Nevada for a more lucrative box-office venue, but the Nevada Boxing Commission refused him a license to box as he was facing possible sexual assault charges at the time.[124]

Two years prior to the bout, Tyson had made several inflammatory remarks to Lewis in an interview following the Savarese fight. The remarks included the statement «I want your heart, I want to eat your children.»[125] On January 22, 2002, the two boxers and their entourages were involved in a brawl at a New York press conference to publicize the planned event.[126] A few weeks later, the Nevada State Athletic Commission refused to grant Tyson a license for the fight, and the promoters had to make alternative arrangements. After multiple states balked at granting Tyson a license, the fight eventually occurred on June 8 at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis, Tennessee. Lewis dominated the fight and knocked out Tyson with a right hand in the eighth round. Tyson was respectful after the fight and praised Lewis on his victory.[127] This fight was the highest-grossing event in pay-per-view history at that time, generating $106.9 million from 1.95 million buys in the US.[98][99]

Later career, bankruptcy and retirement

In another Memphis fight on February 22, 2003, Tyson beat fringe contender Clifford Etienne 49 seconds into round one. The pre-fight was marred by rumors of Tyson’s lack of fitness. Some said that he took time out from training to party in Las Vegas and get a new facial tattoo.[128] This eventually proved to be Tyson’s final professional victory in the ring.

In August 2003, after years of financial struggles, Tyson finally filed for bankruptcy.[129][130][131]

On August 13, 2003, Tyson entered the ring for a face-to-face confrontation against K-1 fighting phenom, Bob Sapp, immediately after Sapp’s win against Kimo Leopoldo in Las Vegas. K-1 signed Tyson to a contract with the hopes of making a fight happen between the two, but Tyson’s felony history made it impossible for him to obtain a visa to enter Japan, where the fight would have been most profitable. Alternative locations were discussed, but the fight ultimately failed to happen.[132]

On July 30, 2004, Tyson had a match against British boxer Danny Williams in another comeback fight, and this time, staged in Louisville, Kentucky. Tyson dominated the opening two rounds. The third round was even, with Williams getting in some clean blows and also a few illegal ones, for which he was penalized. In the fourth round, Tyson was unexpectedly knocked out. After the fight, it was revealed that Tyson was trying to fight on one leg, having torn a ligament in his other knee in the first round. This was Tyson’s fifth career defeat.[133] He underwent surgery for the ligament four days after the fight. His manager, Shelly Finkel, claimed that Tyson was unable to throw meaningful right-hand punches since he had a knee injury.[134]

On June 11, 2005, Tyson stunned the boxing world by quitting before the start of the seventh round in a close bout against journeyman Kevin McBride. In the 2008 documentary Tyson, he stated that he fought McBride for a payday, that he did not anticipate winning, that he was in poor physical condition and fed up with taking boxing seriously. After losing three of his last four fights, Tyson said he would quit boxing because he felt he had lost his passion for the sport.[135]

When Tyson fired everyone working for him and got new accountants in 2000, who prepared a statement showing he started the year $3.3 million in the hole but made $65.7 million.[136] In August 2007, Tyson pleaded guilty to drug possession and driving under the influence in an Arizona court, which stemmed from an arrest in December where authorities said Tyson, who has a long history of legal problems, admitted to using cocaine that day and to being addicted to the drug.[137]

Exhibition tour

To help pay off his debts, Tyson returned to the ring in 2006 for a series of four-round exhibitions against journeyman heavyweight Corey «T-Rex» Sanders in Youngstown, Ohio.[138] Tyson, without headgear at 5 ft 10.5 in and 216 pounds, was in quality shape, but far from his prime against Sanders, at 6 ft 6 in[139] who wore headgear. Tyson appeared to be «holding back» in these exhibitions to prevent an early end to the «show». «If I don’t get out of this financial quagmire there’s a possibility I may have to be a punching bag for somebody. The money I make isn’t going to help my bills from a tremendous standpoint, but I’m going to feel better about myself. I’m not going to be depressed», explained Tyson about the reasons for his «comeback».[140]


A 1998 ranking of «The Greatest Heavyweights of All-Time» by The Ring magazine placed Tyson at No.14 on the list.[141] Despite criticism of facing underwhelming competition during his run as champion, Tyson’s knockout power and intimidation factor made him the sport’s most dynamic box-office draw.[142] According to Douglas Quenqua of The New York Times, «The [1990s] began with Mike Tyson, considered by many to be the last great heavyweight champion, losing his title to the little-known Buster Douglas. Seven years later, Mr. Tyson bit Evander Holyfield’s ear in a heavyweight champion bout—hardly a proud moment for the sport.»[143]

In The Ring magazine’s list of the 80 Best Fighters of the Last 80 Years, released in 2002, Tyson was ranked at No. 72.[144] He is ranked No. 16 on The Ring magazine’s 2003 list of 100 greatest punchers of all time.[145][146]

On June 12, 2011, Tyson was inducted to the International Boxing Hall of Fame alongside legendary Mexican champion Julio César Chávez, light welterweight champion Kostya Tszyu, and actor/screenwriter Sylvester Stallone.[147]

Life after boxing

File:Mike Tyson.jpg

Tyson in the ring at Las Vegas in October 2006

In an interview with USA Today published on June 3, 2005, Tyson said, «My whole life has been a waste – I’ve been a failure.» He continued: «I just want to escape. I’m really embarrassed with myself and my life. I want to be a missionary. I think I could do that while keeping my dignity without letting people know they chased me out of the country. I want to get this part of my life over as soon as possible. In this country nothing good is going to come of me. People put me so high; I wanted to tear that image down.»[148] Tyson began to spend much of his time tending to his 350 pigeons in Paradise Valley, an upscale enclave near Phoenix, Arizona.[149]

Tyson has stayed in the limelight by promoting various websites and companies.[150] In the past Tyson had shunned endorsements, accusing other athletes of putting on a false front to obtain them.[151] Tyson has held entertainment boxing shows at a casino in Las Vegas[152] and started a tour of exhibition bouts to pay off his numerous debts.[153]

On December 29, 2006, Tyson was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona, on suspicion of DUI and felony drug possession; he nearly crashed into a police SUV shortly after leaving a nightclub. According to a police probable-cause statement, filed in Maricopa County Superior Court, «[Tyson] admitted to using [drugs] today and stated he is an addict and has a problem.»[154] Tyson pleaded not guilty on January 22, 2007 in Maricopa County Superior Court to felony drug possession and paraphernalia possession counts and two misdemeanor counts of driving under the influence of drugs. On February 8 he checked himself into an inpatient treatment program for «various addictions» while awaiting trial on the drug charges.[155]

On September 24, 2007, Tyson pleaded guilty to possession of cocaine and driving under the influence. He was convicted of these charges in November 2007 and sentenced to 24 hours in jail. After his release, he was ordered to serve three years probation and undergo 360 hours community service. Prosecutors had requested a year-long jail sentence, but the judge praised Tyson for seeking help with his drug problems.[156] On November 11, 2009, Tyson was arrested after getting into a scuffle at Los Angeles International airport with a photographer.[157] No charges were filed.

Tyson has taken acting roles in movies and television, most famously playing a fictionalized version of himself in the 2009 film The Hangover.

File:Mike Tyson and Ahmed Salim.jpg

Tyson with Ahmed Salim in April 2012

In September 2011, Tyson gave an interview in which he made comments about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin including crude and violent descriptions of interracial sex. These comments were reprinted on The Daily Caller website. Journalist Greta van Susteren criticized Tyson and The Daily Caller over the comments, which she described as «smut» and «violence against women».[158]

After debuting a one-man show in Las Vegas, Tyson collaborated with film director Spike Lee and brought the show to Broadway in August 2012.[159][160] In February 2013, Tyson took his one-man show Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth on a 36-city, three-month national tour. Tyson talks about his personal and professional life on stage.[161] The one-man show was aired on HBO on November 16, 2013.

In October 2012, Tyson launched the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation.[162] The mission of the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation is to «give kids a fighting chance» by providing innovative centers that provide for the comprehensive needs of kids from broken homes.

In August 2013, Tyson teamed up with Acquinity Interactive CEO Garry Jonas to form Iron Mike Productions, a boxing promotions company, formerly known as Acquinity Sports.

In September 2013, Tyson was featured on a six-episode television series on Fox Sports 1 that documented his personal and private life entitled Being: Mike Tyson.[163][164]

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Tyson in February 2013

In November 2013, Tyson’s Undisputed Truth was published, which appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list.[165] An animated series named Mike Tyson Mysteries, featuring Tyson solving mysteries in the style of Scooby-Doo, premiered on Adult Swim in late October 2014.[166]

In early March 2015, Tyson appeared on the track «Iconic» on Madonna‘s album Rebel Heart. Tyson says some lines at the beginning of the song.[167]

In late March 2015, Ip Man 3 was announced. With Donnie Yen reprising his role as the titular character, Bruce Lee’s martial arts master, Ip Man, while Mike Tyson has been confirmed to join the cast.[168] Principal photography began on March 25, 2015, and was premiered in Hong Kong on December 16, 2015.

In January 2017, Tyson launched his YouTube channel with Shots Studios, a comedy video and comedy music production company with young digital stars like Lele Pons and Rudy Mancuso. Tyson’s channel includes parody music videos and comedy sketches.[169][170]

In May 2017, Tyson published his second book, Iron Ambition,[171] which details his time with trainer and surrogate father Cus D’Amato.

In October 2017, Tyson was announced as the new face of Australian car servicing franchise Ultra Tune. He has taken over from Jean-Claude van Damme in fronting television commercials for the brand, and the first advert is due to air in January 2018 during the Australian Open.[172][173]

In February 2018, Tyson attended the international mixed martial arts (MMA) tournament in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. Tyson said: «as I have travelled all over the country of Russia I have realised that the people are very sensitive and kind. But most Americans do not have any experience of that.»[174] A joint Mainland China-Hong Kong-directed film on female friendship titled Girls 2: Girls vs Gangsters (Template:Lang-vi) that was shoots earlier from July–August 2016 on several locations around Vietnam was released in March 2018, featuring Tyson as «Dragon».[175][176]

Personal life

File:Gates of boxer Mike Tyson’s mansion in Southington, Ohio.jpg

The gates of Tyson’s mansion in Southington, Ohio, which he purchased and lived in during the 1980s.[177]

Tyson resides in Seven Hills, Nevada.[178] He has been married three times. He has fathered seven children, one deceased, by three women; in addition to his biological children, Tyson includes the oldest daughter of his second wife as one of his own.[179]

His first marriage was to actress Robin Givens, from February 7, 1988 to February 14, 1989.[48] Givens was known at the time for her role on the sitcom Head of the Class. Tyson’s marriage to Givens was especially tumultuous, with allegations of violence, spousal abuse and mental instability on Tyson’s part.[180] Matters came to a head when Tyson and Givens gave a joint interview with Barbara Walters on the ABC TV newsmagazine show 20/20 in September 1988, in which Givens described life with Tyson as «torture, pure hell, worse than anything I could possibly imagine.»[181] Givens also described Tyson as «manic depressive» on national television while Tyson looked on with an intent and calm expression.[180] A month later, Givens announced that she was seeking a divorce from the allegedly abusive Tyson.[180] Tyson later admitted in the book Fire and Fear: The Inside Story of Mike Tyson, that he punched Givens and stated, «that was the best punch I’ve ever thrown in my entire life.»[182] They had no children but she reported having had a miscarriage; Tyson reports that she was never pregnant and only used that to get him to marry her.[180][183] During their marriage, the couple lived in a mansion in Bernardsville, New Jersey.[184][185]

His second marriage was to Monica Turner from April 19, 1997 to January 14, 2003.[186] At the time of the divorce filing, Turner worked as a pediatric resident at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C.[187] She is the sister of Michael Steele, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland and former Republican National Committee Chairman.[188] Turner filed for divorce from Tyson in January 2002, claiming that he committed adultery during their five-year marriage, an act that «has neither been forgiven nor condoned.»[187] The couple had two children; son Amir, and daughter Rayna.

On May 25, 2009, Tyson’s four-year-old daughter Exodus was found by her seven-year-old brother Miguel, unconscious and tangled in a cord, dangling from an exercise treadmill. The child’s mother untangled her, administered CPR and called for medical attention. She died of her injuries on May 26, 2009.[189][190]

Eleven days after his daughter’s death, Tyson wed for the third time, to longtime girlfriend Lakiha «Kiki» Spicer, age 32, exchanging vows on Saturday, June 6, 2009, in a short, private ceremony at the La Bella Wedding Chapel at the Las Vegas Hilton.[191] They have two children; daughter, Milan, and son, Morocco.[179]

Tyson has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.[192]

In March 2011, Tyson appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to discuss his new Animal Planet reality series, Taking on Tyson. In the interview with DeGeneres, Tyson discussed some of the ways he had improved his life in the past two years, including sober living and a vegan diet.[193] However, in August 2013 he admitted publicly that he had lied about his sobriety and was on the verge of death from alcoholism.[194] In December 2013, during an interview with Fox News, Tyson talked about his progress with sobriety and how being in the company of good people has made him want to be a better and more humble person. Tyson also talked about religion and said that he is very grateful to be a Muslim and that he needs Allah.[195] He also revealed that he is no longer vegan after four years.[195]

In 2015, Tyson announced that he was supporting Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy.[196]

In popular culture

Further information: Mike Tyson in popular culture

At the height of his fame and career in the late 1980s and throughout the 1990s, Tyson was one of the most recognized sports personalities in the world. Apart from his many sporting accomplishments, his outrageous and controversial behavior in the ring and in his private life has kept him in the public eye and in the courtroom.[197] As such, Tyson has appeared in myriad popular media in cameo appearances in film and television. He has also been featured in video games and as a subject of parody or satire.

The Blackstreet single «Booti Call» was written about Tyson’s rape trial and conviction.[198] Boogie Down Productions‘ 1992 song «Say Gal» also addressed the rape trial.[199]

The film Tyson was released in 1995 and was directed by Uli Edel. It explores the life of Mike Tyson, from the death of his guardian and trainer Cus D’Amato to his rape conviction. Tyson is played by Michael Jai White.

Published in 2007, author Joe Layden’s book The Last Great Fight: The Extraordinary Tale of Two Men and How One Fight Changed Their Lives Forever, chronicled the lives of Tyson and Douglas before and after their heavyweight championship fight.

In 2008, the documentary Tyson premiered at the annual Cannes Film Festival in France.

He is the titular character in Mike Tyson Mysteries, which started airing on October 27, 2014 on Adult Swim. In the show, Tyson voices a fictionalized version of himself.[200][201]

In 2016, Tyson starred in the documentary film Nine Legends where he discussed his time involved in WWE.[202]

Professional boxing record


No. Result Record Opponent Type Round, time Date Age Location Notes
58 Loss 50–6 (2) Kevin McBride RTD 6 (10), 3:00 Jun 11, 2005 38 years, 346 days MCI Center, Washington, D.C., U.S.
57 Loss 50–5 (2) Danny Williams KO 4 (10), 2:51 Jul 30, 2004 38 years, 30 days Freedom Hall, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.
56 Win 50–4 (2) Clifford Etienne KO 1 (10), 0:49 Feb 22, 2003 36 years, 237 days The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.
55 Loss 49–4 (2) Lennox Lewis KO 8 (12), 2:25 Jun 8, 2002 35 years, 343 days The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S. For WBC, IBF, IBO, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
54 Win 49–3 (2) Brian Nielsen RTD 7 (10), 3:00 Oct 13, 2001 35 years, 115 days Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
53 NC 48–3 (2) Andrew Golota RTD 3 (10), 3:00 Oct 20, 2000 34 years, 112 days The Palace, Auburn Hills, Michigan, U.S. Originally an RTD win for Tyson, later ruled an NC after he tested positive for cannabis
52 Win 48–3 (1) Lou Savarese TKO 1 (10), 0:38 Jun 24, 2000 33 years, 360 days Hampden Park, Glasgow, Scotland
51 Win 47–3 (1) Julius Francis TKO 2 (10), 1:03 Jan 29, 2000 33 years, 213 days MEN Arena, Manchester, England
50 NC 46–3 (1) Orlin Norris NC 1 (10), 3:00 Oct 23, 1999 33 years, 115 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. NC after Norris was unable to continue from a Tyson foul
49 Win 46–3 Francois Botha KO 5 (10), 2:59 Jan 16, 1999 32 years, 200 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
48 Loss 45–3 Evander Holyfield DQ 3 (12), 3:00 Jun 28, 1997 30 years, 363 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. For WBA heavyweight title;
Tyson disqualified for biting
47 Loss 45–2 Evander Holyfield TKO 11 (12), 0:37 Nov 9, 1996 30 years, 132 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Lost WBA heavyweight title
46 Win 45–1 Bruce Seldon TKO 1 (12), 1:49 Sep 7, 1996 30 years, 69 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Won WBA heavyweight title
45 Win 44–1 Frank Bruno TKO 3 (12), 0:50 Mar 16, 1996 29 years, 260 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Won WBC heavyweight title
44 Win 43–1 Buster Mathis Jr. KO 3 (12), 2:32 Dec 16, 1995 29 years, 169 days CoreStates Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
43 Win 42–1 Peter McNeeley DQ 1 (10), 1:29 Aug 19, 1995 29 years, 50 days MGM Grand Garden Arena, Paradise, Nevada, U.S. McNeeley disqualified after his manager entered the ring
42 Win 41–1 Donovan Ruddock UD 12 Jun 28, 1991 24 years, 363 days The Mirage, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
41 Win 40–1 Donovan Ruddock TKO 7 (12), 2:22 Mar 18, 1991 24 years, 233 days The Mirage, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
40 Win 39–1 Alex Stewart TKO 1 (10), 2:27 Dec 8, 1990 24 years, 161 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
39 Win 38–1 Henry Tillman KO 1 (10), 2:47 Jun 16, 1990 23 years, 351 days Caesars Palace, Paradise, Nevada, U.S.
38 Loss 37–1 Buster Douglas KO 10 (12), 1:22 Feb 11, 1990 23 years, 226 days Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan Lost WBA, WBC, IBF, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
37 Win 37–0 Carl Williams TKO 1 (12), 1:33 Jul 21, 1989 23 years, 21 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, IBF, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
36 Win 36–0 Frank Bruno TKO 5 (12), 2:55 Feb 25, 1989 22 years, 240 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, IBF, The Ring, and lineal heavyweight titles
35 Win 35–0 Michael Spinks KO 1 (12), 1:31 Jun 27, 1988 21 years, 363 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles;
Won The Ring and lineal heavyweight titles
34 Win 34–0 Tony Tubbs TKO 2 (12), 2:54 Mar 21, 1988 21 years, 265 days Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles
33 Win 33–0 Larry Holmes KO 4 (12), 2:55 Jan 22, 1988 21 years, 186 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles
32 Win 32–0 Tyrell Biggs TKO 7 (15), 2:59 Oct 16, 1987 21 years, 108 days Convention Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S. Retained WBA, WBC, and IBF heavyweight titles
31 Win 31–0 Tony Tucker UD 12 Aug 1, 1987 21 years, 32 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Retained WBA and WBC heavyweight titles;
Won IBF heavyweight title
30 Win 30–0 Pinklon Thomas TKO 6 (12), 2:00 May 30, 1987 20 years, 334 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester Nevada, U.S. Retained WBA and WBC heavyweight titles
29 Win 29–0 James Smith UD 12 Mar 7, 1987 20 years, 250 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Retained WBC heavyweight title;
Won WBA heavyweight title
28 Win 28–0 Trevor Berbick TKO 2 (12), 2:35 Nov 22, 1986 20 years, 145 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S. Won WBC heavyweight title
27 Win 27–0 Alfonso Ratliff TKO 2 (10), 1:41 Sep 6, 1986 20 years, 68 days Las Vegas Hilton, Winchester, Nevada, U.S.
26 Win 26–0 José Ribalta TKO 10 (10), 1:37 Aug 17, 1986 20 years, 48 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
25 Win 25–0 Marvis Frazier KO 1 (10), 0:30 Jul 26, 1986 20 years, 26 days Civic Center, Glens Falls, New York, U.S.
24 Win 24–0 Lorenzo Boyd KO 2 (10), 1:43 Jul 11, 1986 20 years, 11 days Stevensville Hotel, Swan Lake, New York, U.S.
23 Win 23–0 William Hosea KO 1 (10), 2:03 Jun 28, 1986 19 years, 363 days Houston Field House, Troy, New York, U.S.
22 Win 22–0 Reggie Gross TKO 1 (10), 2:36 Jun 13, 1986 19 years, 348 days Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S.
21 Win 21–0 Mitch Green UD 10 May 20, 1986 19 years, 324 days Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S.
20 Win 20–0 James Tillis UD 10 May 3, 1986 19 years, 307 days Civic Center, Glens Falls, New York, U.S.
19 Win 19–0 Steve Zouski KO 3 (10), 2:39 Mar 10, 1986 19 years, 253 days Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, New York, U.S.
18 Win 18–0 Jesse Ferguson TKO 6 (10), 1:19 Feb 16, 1986 19 years, 231 days Houston Field House, Troy, New York, U.S. Originally a DQ win for Tyson, later ruled a TKO
17 Win 17–0 Mike Jameson TKO 5 (8), 0:46 Jan 24, 1986 19 years, 208 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
16 Win 16–0 David Jaco TKO 1 (10), 2:16 Jan 11, 1986 19 years, 195 days Plaza Convention Center, Albany, New York, U.S.
15 Win 15–0 Mark Young TKO 1 (10), 0:50 Dec 27, 1985 19 years, 180 days Latham Coliseum, Latham, New York, U.S.
14 Win 14–0 Sammy Scaff TKO 1 (10), 1:19 Dec 6, 1985 19 years, 159 days Felt Forum, New York City, New York, U.S.
13 Win 13–0 Conroy Nelson TKO 2 (8), 0:30 Nov 22, 1985 19 years, 145 days Latham Coliseum, Latham, New York, U.S.
12 Win 12–0 Eddie Richardson KO 1 (8), 1:17 Nov 13, 1985 19 years, 136 days Ramada Hotel, Houston, Texas, U.S.
11 Win 11–0 Sterling Benjamin TKO 1 (8), 0:54 Nov 1, 1985 19 years, 124 days Latham Coliseum, Latham, New York, U.S.
10 Win 10–0 Robert Colay KO 1 (8), 0:37 Oct 25, 1985 19 years, 117 days Atlantis Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
9 Win 9–0 Donnie Long TKO 1 (6), 1:28 Oct 9, 1985 19 years, 101 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
8 Win 8–0 Michael Johnson KO 1 (6), 0:39 Sep 5, 1985 19 years, 67 days Atlantis Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
7 Win 7–0 Lorenzo Canady KO 1 (6), 1:05 Aug 15, 1985 19 years, 46 days Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
6 Win 6–0 Larry Sims KO 3 (6), 2:04 Jul 19, 1985 19 years, 19 days Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie, New York, U.S.
5 Win 5–0 John Alderson TKO 2 (6), 3:00 Jul 11, 1985 19 years, 11 days Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
4 Win 4–0 Ricardo Spain TKO 1 (6), 0:39 Jun 20, 1985 18 years, 355 days Steel Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
3 Win 3–0 Don Halpin KO 4 (4), 1:04 May 23, 1985 18 years, 327 days Albany, New York, U.S.
2 Win 2–0 Trent Singleton TKO 1 (4), 0:52 Apr 10, 1985 18 years, 284 days Albany, New York, U.S.
1 Win 1–0 Hector Mercedes TKO 1 (4), 1:47 Mar 6, 1985 18 years, 249 days Plaza Convention Center, Albany, New York, U.S.

Pay-per-view bouts

PPV home television

United States

No. Date Fight Billing Buys Network

June 27, 1988

Tyson vs. Spinks Once and For All


King Vision

March 18, 1991

Tyson vs. Ruddock The Fight of the Year


King Vision

June 28, 1991

Tyson vs. Ruddock II The Rematch


King Vision

August 19, 1995

Tyson vs. McNeeley He’s Back


Showtime/King Vision

March 16, 1996

Tyson vs. Bruno II The Championship Part 1


Showtime/King Vision

September 7, 1996

Tyson vs. Seldon The Championship Part 2


Showtime/King Vision

November 9, 1996

Tyson vs. Holyfield Finally


Showtime/King Vision

June 28, 1997

Tyson vs. Holyfield II The Sound and the Fury


Showtime/King Vision

Jan 16, 1999

Tyson vs. Botha Tyson-Botha



October 20, 2000

Tyson vs. Golota Showdown in Motown



June 8, 2002

Lewis vs. Tyson Lewis-Tyson Is On



February 22, 2003

Tyson vs. Etienne Back to Business



July 30, 2004

Tyson vs. Williams Return for Revenge



June 11, 2005

Tyson vs. McBride Tyson-McBride


Total sales 14,320,000

United Kingdom

Date Fight Network Buys Source(s)
March 16, 1996 Frank Bruno vs. Mike Tyson II Sky Box Office 600,000 [211]
June 28, 1997 Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II Sky Box Office 550,000 [212]
January 29, 2000 Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis Sky Box Office 500,000 [212]
June 8, 2002 Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson Sky Box Office 750,000 [213]
Total sales 2,400,000

Closed-circuit theatre TV

Select pay-per-view boxing buy rates at American closed-circuit theatre television venues:

Date Fight Buys Revenue Revenue (inflation)
June 27, 1988 Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks 800,000[214] $32,000,000[214] $73,320,000
June 28, 1997 Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II 120,000[215] $9,000,000[216] $15,190,000
Total sales 920,000 $41,000,000 $79,930,000

Awards and honors

Humane letters

The Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, in 1989 awarded Tyson an honorary doctorate in humane letters: «Mike demonstrates that hard work, determination and perseverance can enable one to overcome any obstacles.»[26]


  • Ring magazine Prospect of the Year (1985)
  • Ring magazine Fighter of the Year (1986, 1988)
  • Sugar Ray Robinson Award winner (1987, 1989)
  • BBC Sports Personality of the Year Overseas Personality (1989)
  • International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee (Class of 2011)
  • «Guirlande d’Honneur» by the FICTS (Milan, 2010) [217]

Professional wrestling

  • WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2012)[218]

See also

  • List of lineal boxing world champions
  • List of undisputed boxing champions
  • List of heavyweight boxing champions
  • List of WBA world champions
  • List of WBC world champions
  • List of IBF world champions
  • List of The Ring world champions


  1. Lewis, Darren (November 15, 2005). «Mike Tyson Exclusive: No More Mr Bad Ass». The Daily Mirror. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mike-tyson-exclusive-no-more-565234. Retrieved April 25, 2014.
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External links

  • Lua error in Module:Official_website at line 79: attempt to index field ‘wikibase’ (a nil value).
  • Template:Boxrec
  • Mike Tyson amateur boxing becord
  • Mike Tyson at the Internet Movie Database
  • Mike Tyson profile at Online World of Wrestling
  • «Mike Tyson Film Takes a Swing at His Old Image», 2008 article at The New York Times
  • «Mike Tyson Moves to the Suburbs», 2011 article at The New York Times


U.S. Golden Gloves
heavyweight champion



Preceded by
Trevor Berbick
WBC heavyweight champion
November 22, 1986February 11, 1990
Succeeded by
Buster Douglas
Preceded by
James Smith
WBA heavyweight champion
March 7, 1987 – February 11, 1990
Preceded by
Tony Tucker
IBF heavyweight champion
August 1, 1987 – February 11, 1990

Title last held by

Leon Spinks

Undisputed heavyweight champion
August 1, 1987 – February 11, 1990
Preceded by
Michael Spinks
The Ring heavyweight champion
June 27, 1988 – 1990
Title discontinued until 2002

Title next held by

Lennox Lewis

Lineal heavyweight champion
June 27, 1988 – February 11, 1990
Succeeded by
Buster Douglas
Preceded by
Frank Bruno
WBC heavyweight champion
March 16, 1996 – September 24, 1996

Title next held by

Lennox Lewis

Preceded by
Bruce Seldon
WBA heavyweight champion
September 7, 1996November 9, 1996
Succeeded by
Evander Holyfield


The Ring Prospect of the Year


The Ring Fighter of the Year


BWAA Fighter of the Year


The Ring Fighter of the Year


BWAA Fighter of the Year


The Ring Round of the Year
vs. Michael Spinks
Round 1



BBC Overseas
Sports Personality of the Year



The Ring Fight of the Year
vs. Evander Holyfield



Template:Mike Tyson
Template:Ring magazine Fighter of the Year
Template:Sugar Ray Robinson Award
Template:WWE Hall of Fame Celebrity Wing

Тайсон — это мужское имя и фамилия .

Происхождение и значение

Тайсон изначально было фамилией, но все чаще использовалось как имя. Значение названия восходит к старому французскому слову tison , что означает «светящийся кусок дерева».


С 2006 по 2018 год имя Тайсон упоминалось в Германии около 400 раз.

Имя носитель


  • Тайсон Барри (1991 г.р.), канадский хоккеист
  • Тайсон Бекфорд (* 1970), американская модель
  • Тайсон Фьюри (* 1988), британский боксер
  • Тайсон Гей (* 1982), американский спринтер
  • Тайсон Кидд (1980 г.р.), канадский борец
  • Тайсон Нэш (* 1975), канадский хоккеист
  • Тайсон Риттер (* 1984), американский певец и музыкант
  • Тайсон Р. Робертс , американский ихтиолог
  • Тайсон Смит (1983 г.р.), канадский профессиональный борец


  • Алан Тайсон (1926-2000), британский музыковед
  • Эндрю Тайсон (* 1986), американский пианист, трехкратный победитель конкурса Concours Géza Anda 2015
  • Энтони Тайсон (* 1940), американский физик
  • Кэти Тайсон (1965 г.р.), британская актриса
  • Сисели Тайсон (1924-2021), американская актриса
  • Дональд Тайсон (1930–2011), американский бизнесмен
  • Эдвард Тайсон (1650–1708), британский врач и зоолог
  • Эллиот Тайсон (* 1952), американский звукорежиссер
  • Густав Тайсон-Вольф (1840–1907), немецко-британский композитор и музыкальный писатель.
  • Ян Тайсон (1933 г.р.), канадский кантри и фолк-певец
  • Джейкоб Тайсон (1773–1848), американский юрист и политик
  • Джоб Робертс Тайсон (1803-1858), американский политик
  • Джон Р. Тайсон (1856–1923), американский юрист и политик
  • Джозеф Б. Тайсон (* 1928), американский теолог
  • Джозеф Джуд Тайсон (* 1957), американский священник, епископ Якимы
  • Джун Тайсон (1936–1992), американский джазовый певец
  • Лаура Д. Тайсон (* 1947), декан британской бизнес-школы
  • Лоуренс Тайсон (1861–1929), американский политик, предприниматель и генерал
  • Майк Тайсон (род. 1966), американский боксер
  • Натан Тайсон (* 1982), английский футболист
  • Нил де Грасс Тайсон (* 1958), американский астрофизик
  • Ричард Тайсон (1961 г.р.), американский актер
  • Сильвия Тайсон (* 1940), канадская певица кантри и фолк
  • Tiger Тайсон (псевдоним) (1977 г.р.), американский актер порно

Выдуманные персонажи

  • Тайсон , человек в серии романов Перси Джексона Риком Риорданом

Индивидуальные доказательства

  1. Популярные имена

Что означает имя Тайсон? Что обозначает имя Тайсон? Что значит имя Тайсон для человека? Какое значение имени Тайсон, анализ, происхождение, судьба и характер его носителя? Какой национальности имя Тайсон? Как переводится имя Тайсон? Как правильно пишется имя Тайсон? Совместимость c именем Тайсон — подходящий цвет, камни и талисманы, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Тайсон и его подробное описание вы можете прочитать онлайн в статье про имя Тайсон совершенно бесплатно.

Анализ имени Тайсон

Имя Тайсон состоит из 6 букв. Имена из шести букв обычно принадлежат людям, в характере которых преобладают такие качества, как энтузиазм, граничащий с экзальтацией, и склонность к легкому эпатажу. Они уделяют много времени созданию собственного имиджа, используя все доступные средства для того, чтобы подчеркнуть свою оригинальность. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Тайсон можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.

  • Т — творческие, чуткие люди. Обладают высокой интуицией, находятся в постоянном поиске истины. Желания часто не совпадают с возможностями. Они стремятся сделать все быстро, не откладывая на завтра. Требовательны к другим и к себе. Зачастую переоценка своих возможностей.
  • А — самая сильная и яркая буква кириллицы. Люди с такими буквами в именах всегда стремятся к лидерству. Они часто соревнуются сами с собой. Буква указывает на желание что-то изменить, достичь наивысшего уровня комфорта в физическом проявлении и в духовном.
  • Й — указывает на замкнутость и неспособность найти общий язык с людьми. В характере есть мелочность. Люди, у которых есть такая буква в своем имени, часто верят в свою уникальность и всячески стараются проявить себя, такая идея может не умереть в них до последних дней.
  • С — стремятся к достижению материальной устойчивости. Раздражительны, властолюбивы, любят капризничать. Познание, стремление довести любое дело до конца, умение докопаться до истины. Они понимают цель своей жизни. Способность приспосабливаться к обстоятельствам.
  • О — стремятся к самопознанию, умеют испытывать сильные чувства. Они хотят понять свое истинное предназначение. Желание улучшить мир. Высокая интуиция, грамотно распоряжаются деньгами. Стремление к совершенству. Изменчивое настроение от восторга до уныния.
  • Н — признак неприятия реальности такой, какая она есть. Желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Неприязнь к работе, не вызывающей интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорический отказ от рутинной работы. Неспособность расслабиться в обществе, постоянное напряжение и сомнения.
  • Происхождение имени Тайсон

    Имя, даваемое при рождении человеку, в нашем случае имя — Тайсон, обычно дается при рождении на всю жизнь. Имена люди имели во все времена во всех цивилизациях. У каждого народа они связаны с его культурой и бытом. Для того, чтобы какое-либо имя появилось у данного народа, необходимы определённые культурно-исторические условия. Любое слово, которым именовали человека, окружающие начинали воспринимать как его личное имя. Впервые имя Тайсон встречается в исторических документах с 1825 года. Имя Тайсон в русской транслитерации образовано путем сложения 2 сложных частиц: «ТАЙ + СОН». Обладатели кириллической версии имени Тайсон в 60% случаев родились и проживают на территории России, и в 40% случаев являются гражданами других стран.

    Значение имени Тайсон

    Нумерология имени Тайсон может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Тайсон в нумерологии — 1. Девиз имени Тайсон и единиц по жизни: «Я – первый!»
    «Единица» в числах для имени Тайсон – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – говорит о наличии у человека способностей, обеспечивающих его оригинальность и уникальность. Значение цифры 1 — для имени Тайсон, это прежде всего, способность находить пути и способы самореализации, принципиально отличающиеся от общеизвестных. Обладатели имени Тайсон свободолюбивы, часто эгоистичны. Такие люди стремятся к независимости, вкладывают силы в саморазвитие и реализацию себя. Способность направлять неуемную энергию в нужное русло поможет единицам добиться больших успехов в жизни. Среди них много творческих натур, активных и нуждающихся в постоянном движении вперед. Единица в имени Тайсон — это число лидера. Имя Тайсон обладает мощной энергией, имеет множество идей, которые пытается воплотить самостоятельно. Человек — Единица (Тайсон) имеет силу воли, харизму, держит свое слово, умело решает проблемы других людей. Его нельзя не заметить. Яркий индивидуалист с гипертрофированным эго. Тайсон часто ошибается в личной жизни, нередки разводы. Единица с именем Тайсон не должна быть агрессивной, злиться, иначе она разрушает свое здоровье и выстроенный ранее путь. Порадовать владельца имени Тайсон можно, дав ему уважение, постоянно отмечать его успехи и заслуги.

    • Влияние имени Тайсон на профессию и карьеру. Что значит число 1 в имени Тайсон при выборе сферы деятельности? «Единица» в нумерологическом ядре – это практически всегда потенциально высокий уровень профессионализма. Но профессионализма совершенно особого толка – узконаправленного, избирательного, а иногда – единственного в своем роде. Подходящие профессии для имени Тайсон: менеджер, руководитель, предприниматель.
    • Влияние имени Тайсон на личную жизнь. Межгендерные отношения – это сфера, в которой положительные и отрицательные проявления личности настолько видоизменены, что дифференцировать их довольно сложно. В частности, число один для имени Тайсон наделяет своего обладателя импульсивностью, хвастовством и самоуверенностью. Эти черты характера для обладателя имени Тайсон обычно считаются недостатками, но «в делах любовных» часто выглядят неотразимыми достоинствами. А склонность к логическим построениям и твердость убеждений – вполне могут быть расценены, как излишняя осторожность и занудство. Единица – символ лидерства, а лидеры по имени Тайсон чаще всего ищут в отношениях заботу и тепло. Более всего им подходят активные тройки, семерки, девятки, а также спокойные двойки и шестерки.

    Характер имени Тайсон

    Обладатели имени Тайсон — целеустремленные и сильные личности, которые активно добиваются своих целей. Они оптимистично смотрят в будущее, довольно упрямы и высокомерны, очень амбициозны и часто агрессивны, причем их агрессия всегда связана с тем, что, по их мнению, кто-то пытается учить их жизни или встает у них на пути. Всеми силами человек с именем Тайсон будет отстаивать свою независимость и право. Носители имени Тайсон имеют отличную память, чрезвычайно организованны, могут делать несколько дел одновременно, а также обладают исключительной концентрацией внимания. В жизни Тайсон стремиться ко всему новому и неизведанному, будет часто лидировать в силу выдающихся качеств, но никогда не будет прислушиваться к мнению окружающих. В команде с обладателями имени Тайсон работать сложно: они индивидуалисты, и если приходят к власти, то предпочитают авторитарный тип руководства. Человек с именем Тайсон — бесспорный лидер. Носитель имени Тайсон имеет склонность к действию, требует постоянного внимания и мечтает о независимости от других. Такие люди не должны быть ограничены никакими запретами и ограничениями!

    Судьба имени Тайсон

    Люди c именем Тайсон всегда энергичны и излучают просто море позитива. Всегда уверенны в себе и обладают даром убеждения. В поступках очень честные и благородные. Отличаются хорошим чувством юмора, реагируют быстро и остроумно. Несмотря на определенную жесткость, находят всегда друзей, а в коллективах становятся лидерами. Обладают способностью к самопожертвованию. Обладатели имени в сфере здоровья обычно предрасположены к сердечно-сосудистым и глазным недугам. В отношениях носители имени Тайсон очень чувствительные и страстные, поэтому с легкостью покоряют сердца противоположного пола. Подойдут для челока с именем Тайсон любые профессии, где можно навязывать собственные мысли и условия игры, а так же бороться за достижение самых высоких целей. Наибольшего успеха достигают, как управляющие, руководители или директора. Эти люди обладают просто талантом «делать деньги».

    Совместимость имени Тайсон

    Для каждого имени, в том числе и для имени Тайсон может быть рассчитана степень совместимости с другими именами. Совместимость имен позволяет определить, насколько эти имена, благодаря своим особенностям и характеристикам, позволяют строить коммуникативные, дружеские, любовные отношения между людьми. Имя как зеркало человека — в нем отражается его характер и судьба. И понятно желание любого человека окружить себя единомышленниками, с которыми чувствуешь себя спокойно и безопасно. Напротив, борьба характеров, противостояние темпераментов приводят к спорам, раздорам и конфликтам. Наилучшую cовместимость имя Тайсон показывает со следующими именами: Евдокия, Вениамин, Вероника, Альберт, Владислав, Федора, Шамиль, Борис.

    День имени Тайсон

    День имени Тайсон отмечают 16 июня.

    Характеристика имени Тайсон

    • Планета-покровитель для имени Тайсон — Солнце.
    • Знак зодиака для имени Тайсон — Лев и Овен.
    • Камни-талисманы для имени Тайсон — аквамарин, берилл, медь, каури, магнит, слюда, мусковит, хризолит, сапфир, песчаник, бирюза.
    • Число (цифра) имени Тайсон в нумерологии — 1.
    • Цвет имени Тайсон — красный.

    В результате фоносемантическиго анализа имени Тайсон и опроса фокус-группы были выявлены следующие характеристики: короткий, весёлый, тихий, красивый, тусклый, лёгкий, подвижный. Именно такие характеристики и ассоциации возникают в голове у людей, когда они слышат имя Тайсон.

    Планета покровитель имени Тайсон

    Люди с именем Тайсон, чьей планетой-покровителем является Солнце, по натуре очень сильные личности, обычно — лидеры. Им свойственна импульсивность, они никогда не остаются незамеченными. Они добиваются успеха практически в любой работе. Людям Солнца по имени Тайсон присущи такие черты характера, как стремление к власти, щедрость, справедливость, ответственность и инициативность. Гармоничные отношения у этой категории сложатся с людьми одной группы.

    Знаки зодиака имени Тайсон

    Для имени Тайсон подходят следующие знаки зодиака:

  • Знак зодиака Лев для имени Тайсон. Люди с именем Тайсон и рожденные под знаком Льва, творческие, любят лидировать в работе и жизни, идти к успеху, не задерживаясь на вторых ролях. Обладатели имени Тайсон ненавидят любые ограничения. Требовательны к себе, придирчивы к своей внешности, поэтому уделяют ей много внимания. Львы с именем Тайсон стараются произвести благоприятное впечатление на людей, любят угождать. Попали в милость к Льву — считайте, что вам повезло. Вас будут возвышать, везде брать с собой (хвастаться) и учить манерам — аристократы те еще. Но спорить со Львом по имени Тайсон не рекомендуется: они остры на язык и за словом в карман не лезут. Через пять минут вы будете стоять с красными от гнева и возмущения щеками: какого черта он смеет так с вами разговаривать? А Лев Тайсон врать не будет — скажет мало, четко и в точку. С мерзкой ухмылкой. Так что вам останется винить себя и депрессию на тему — куда катится моя жизнь. Обладатели имени Тайсон ужасные эгоцентрики — любят комплименты, быть в центре внимания и подарков.
  • Знак зодиака Овен для имени Тайсон. Хотите встретить настоящего сумасшедшего? Овен Тайсон — человек с огромным запасом энергии, с желанием побеждать, совершать подвиги и импульсивные поступки. Проще говоря, баран. Обладатели имени Тайсон — самые упрямые люди на свете. Даже если вы уже доказали им свою правоту и они в это поверили, все равно будут уверять, что это они в белом халате, а вы — болван. Переубедить их невозможно, лучше даже не пытайтесь, поберегите свои нервные клетки, кивните головой на его бред и отойдите в сторону. Ненавидят конкуренцию: Если кто-то из окружения Овна Тайсон окажется в чем-то лучше его, то он костьми ляжет, но сделает это, чтобы утереть нос своему оппоненту.
  • .

    Камни и талисманы для имени Тайсон

    Амулеты, как и обереги, выполняют защитную функцию, но предназначены для конкретного человека. Носить их нужно открыто в виде бус, колец, серег, браслетов, брошей или кулонов. Талисманы не должны выставляться напоказ. У них более широкие функции. Они привлекают деньги, приносят удачу, дарят любовь, добавляют здоровья. Определим подходящий список талисманов для имени Тайсон. Обладателям имени Тайсон подходят камни авантюрин и сердолик. Первый дарит энергию, способствует процветанию и помогает разряжать негативные ситуации. А второй способен оградить от негативного влияния.

    Цвет имени Тайсон

    Цвет имени Тайсон — красный. Люди с именем Тайсон, носящие красный цвет, очень добрые и отзывчивые, они всегда придут на помощь, но будут ждать ответной реакции. А если его не последует, то, возможно, серьезно обидятся, но не покажут этого, просто отдалят человека на некоторое время. Среди Носителей имени Тайсон много лидеров, доводящих до конца поставленную цель, требующих от ведомых полной отдачи, из-за чего они часто не любят. Носители имени Тайсон верные друзья, но, увы, друзей у них не так много. Положительные черты характера для людей с именем Тайсон — доброта, отзывчивость, лидерство. Отрицательные черты характера для людей с именем Тайсон — эгоизм, нетерпимость к порокам других.

    Как правильно пишется имя Тайсон

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Тайсон. В английском языке имя Тайсон может иметь следующий вариант написания — Tayson.

    Склонение имени Тайсон по падежам

    Падеж Вопрос Имя
    Именительный Кто? Тайсон
    Родительный Нет Кого? Тайсона
    Дательный Рад Кому? Тайсону
    Винительный Вижу Кого? Тайсона
    Творительный Доволен Кем? Тайсоном
    Предложный Думаю О ком? Тайсоне

    Видео про имя Тайсон

    Вы согласны с описанием и значением имени Тайсон? Какую судьбу, характер и национальность имеют ваши знакомые с именем Тайсон? Каких известных и успешных людей с именем Тайсон вы знаете? Какой информацией об имени Тайсон вы еще обладаете? Будем рады обсудить имя Тайсон более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях ниже.

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