Как правильно пишется интерпол



(2 м)

Орфографический словарь русского языка.


Смотреть что такое «Интерпол» в других словарях:

  • Интерпол — Международная организация уголовной полиции англ.: INTERPOL (Interpol), International criminal police organization англ., организация Интерпол Словари: Словарь сокращений и аббревиатур армии и спецслужб. Сост. А. А. Щелоков. М.: ООО «Издательство …   Словарь сокращений и аббревиатур

  • ИНТЕРПОЛ — сокращенное название Международной организации уголовной полиции; учреждена в 1923 г. Высшим органом И. является Генеральная ассамблея, в качестве постоянных специальных органов действуют Генеральный секретариат и национальные центральные бюро. И …   Юридический словарь

  • ИНТЕРПОЛ — ИНТЕРПОЛ, смотри Международная организация уголовной полиции …   Современная энциклопедия

  • ИНТЕРПОЛ — см. Международная организация уголовной полиции …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • ИНТЕРПОЛ — ИНТЕРПОЛ, а, муж. (И прописное). Сокращение: интернациональная полиция международная организация уголовной полиции. | прил. интерполовский, ая, ое (разг.). Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И. Ожегов, Н.Ю. Шведова. 1949 1992 …   Толковый словарь Ожегова

  • ИНТЕРПОЛ — «ИНТЕРПОЛ», Беларусь, ГРАМАДА, 1992, цв., 90 мин. Детектив. В ролях: О. Величко, Геннадий Шкуратов (см. ШКУРАТОВ Геннадий), В. Кин Каминский, А. Дайняк, А. Маланкина, М. Федоровский. Режиссер: Борис Горошко (см. ГОРОШКО Борис Михайлович). Автор… …   Энциклопедия кино

  • интерпол — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • полиция (15) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Интерпол — Международная организация уголовной полиции создана в 1923 как Международная комиссия уголовной полиции (МКУП) для борьбы с общеуголовными преступлениями с центром в Вене. В 1938 прекратила существование. В современном виде воссоздана в 1946 со… …   Политология. Словарь.

  • интерпол — а, м. interpol сокращение фр. Organisation internationale de police criminelle. Международная организация уголовной полиции ,созданная группой западных стран. СИС 1985 …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • Интерпол — (англ. Interpol) сложносокращенное слово, образованное от «International police» Международная организация уголовной полиции, созданная в 1923 г. и насчитывающая свыше 150 членов. СССР, правопреемником которого является Россия, вступил в И. в… …   Энциклопедия права

  • Интерпол — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Интерпол (значения). Interpol Интерпол …   Википедия

Синонимы слова «ИНТЕРПОЛ»:


Смотреть что такое ИНТЕРПОЛ в других словарях:


(«Интерпо́л»,)        см. Уголовной полиции международная организация.


ИНТЕРПОЛ, -а, м. (И прописное). Сокращение: интернациональная полиция -международная организация уголовной полиции. II прил. интерполовский, -ая,-ое (разг.)…. смотреть


Интерпол м. Международная организация уголовной полиции.


сущ., кол-во синонимов: 1
• полиция (15)
Словарь синонимов ASIS.В.Н. Тришин.2013.


сокращенное название Международной организации уголовной полиции (МОУП); единственная между народная межправительственная организация, принимающая непо… смотреть


сокращенное название Международной организации уголовной полиции; учреждена в 1923 г. Высшим органом И. является Генеральная ассамблея, в качестве пост… смотреть


Международная организация уголовной полиции. Создана в 1923 в Вене как Международная комиссия уголовной полиции. Действующий Устав Интерпола принят в 1956. В нее входят 172 страны. Согласно Уставу целями деятельности И. являются: обеспечение и развитие широкого взаимодействия и сотрудничества всех органов уголовной полиции в рамках действующего в их странах законодательства и в духе Всеобщей декларации прав человека; создание и развитие учреждений, которые могут успешно содействовать предупреждению и борьбе с общей уголовной преступностью. Структура И. включает: Генеральную Ассамблею — высший орган, сессии которого проводятся ежегодно; Исполнительный комитет — административный орган, в котором представлены все основные регионы мира; его заседания проводятся два раза в год; Секретариат во главе с Генеральным секретарем — п о стоянно действующий рабочий аппарат организации; институт советников для научной проработки отдельных проблем; Национальные центральные бюро (НЦБ) в соответствующих странах. Основными направлениями деятельности являются: а) уголовная регистрация (алфавитная картотека преступников; картотека их словесных портретов; картотека документов, которыми пользовались международные преступники; картотека преступлений и способов их совершения; дактилоскопическая картотека; картотека сведений о похищенных автомобилях, произведениях искусства и т.д.); б) международный розыск преступников; в) международный розыск лиц, пропавших без вести; г) международный розыск похищенных ценностей. Особое место в деятельности И. занимает борьба с фальшивомонетничеством, незаконной торговлей наркотиками, кражами произведений искусства и антиквариата, преступлениями против безопасных полетов на воздушном транспорте. А. В. Наумов … смотреть


Международная организация уголовной полиции). Междунар. организация. Экономическим и социальным советом ООН (ЭКОСОС) первоначально рассматривался как неправительственная организация. В 1971 признан межправительственный статус И. В И. входят 179 гос-в (данные 2000), в т.ч. РФ как правопреемник СССР, кот. вступила в И. в 1990. С 1992 штаб-квартира И. расположена в Лионе (Франция). И. — междунар. центр регистрации лиц, совершивших преступление, и координатор междунар. розыска лиц, подозреваемых в совершении преступления и пропавших без вести, а также розыска похищенных ценностей. Уставом И. запрещена деятельность полит., военного, религиозного или расового х-ра либо вмешательство в такую деятельность. Официальный печатный орган И. — Междунар. обозрение уг. полиции. В РФ действует Интерпола Национальное центральное бюро. Бельсон Я.М. Интерпол в борьбе с уголовной преступностью. — М., 1989; Родионов К.С. Интерпол: вчера, сегодня, завтра. — М., 1990; Устав международной организации уголовной полиции (Интерпол) //Сов. журн. междунар. права. — 1991. — № 1; Бреслер Ф. Интерпол: Пер. с англ. — М., 1996; Илларионов В.П., Путова И.В. Правовые и организационно-методические аспекты международного розыска преступников. — М., 1999; Овчин-ский В.С. Интерпол (в вопросах и ответах). — М., 2000; Дайчман И. Интерпол: Всемирная система борьбы с преступностью. — М, 2003; [17]. … смотреть


(фр. interpol сокр. organisation internationale de police criminelle) международная организация уголовной полиции, созданная группой западны… смотреть


Inlerpol), междунар. орг-ция полиции, цель к-рой содействовать обмену информацией и более эффективно обеспечивать соблюдение закона. И. был образован в Вене в 1923 г., после окончания 2-й мировой войны его штаб-квартиру перенесли в Париж. Деят-ть И. предусматривает тесное взаимодействие нац. сил полиции 138 стран и использование центр, архива информации, содержащего сведения о междунар. преступности. Поскольку преступность все больше приобретает междунар. характер, возрастает необходимость расширения работы И., особенно в области борьбы с контрабандой оружия, распространением наркотиков, отмыванием денег и розыска преступников, укрывающихся в др. странах. Хотя И. может предоставить информацию и помочь найти скрывающихся преступников, он не имеет возможности арестовать их или посадить в тюрьму, а пр-ва гос-в полномочны не разрешить Депортацию и выдачу преступника, что существенно ограничивает рамки междунар. сотрудничества. Вхождение в И. большого кол-ва представителей разл. стран, с одной стороны, полезно, с др. — может создавать проблемы, как происходит в тех случаях, когда нек-рые гос-ва по полит, соображениям уклоняются от полномасштабного сотрудничества. … смотреть


— сокращенное название Международной организации уголовной полиции. Решение о создании И. было принято на конгрессе в Монако в 1914 г. Фактически И. был создан только в 1923 г., когда был принят его первый устав ( новая редакция устава принята в 1956 г.). С 1972 г местом пребывания штаб-квартиры И. определен г. Лион (Франция). Высшим органом И.<p> является Генеральная ассамблея, в качестве постоянных специальных органов действуют Генеральный секретариат и национальные центральные бюро. И.</p><p> выступает в качестве международного центра регистрации преступников, а т.ж.</p><p> осуществляет координацию международного розыска преступников (подозреваемых, лиц, пропавших без вести, похищенных ценностей). К настоящему времени членами И. являются более 150 государств. Россия является членом И. как продолжатель СССР, вступившего в И. в 1990 г.<br></p><b>Синонимы</b>: <div class=»tags_list»>полиция</div><br><br>… смотреть


Международная организация уголовной полиции создана в 1923 как Международная комиссия уголовной полиции (МКУП) для борьбы с общеуголовными пр… смотреть


1) Орфографическая запись слова: интерпол2) Ударение в слове: Интерп`ол3) Деление слова на слоги (перенос слова): интерпол4) Фонетическая транскрипция … смотреть


Тепло Теор Тенор Тело Теин Рот Роп Рон Рол Ритон Рио Рин Ретинол Рет Репин Рено Релон Релит Релин Птр Птерин Протеин Пролин Пролет Прол Притон Прион Прилет Пренит Потир Поти Пот Порт Понтер Понт Пони Полит Полир Полет Пол Плот Плинт Плие Питон Питер Пирон Пирен Пир Пионер Пион Пино Пилот Пилон Пие Петр Петин Перт Перо Перлон Перлит Перл Пери Пеон Пелит Отел Орт Орн Орел Опт Онер Олин Олеин Нтр Нто Нпо Норит Нло Нитро Нит Нилот Нил Нети Нерол Нер Неолит Лот Лорнет Лори Лор Литр Литер Лион Терн Линт Тип Лиеп Лето Тир Лептон Леонт Ленто Тлен Тол Тон Тонер Тор Тори Итл Трепло Трилон Ион Иол Интерпол Интер Трип Трлн Трон Илот Енот Енол Троп Трио Ирон Итр Треп Трен Топ Тире Лен Леон… смотреть


ИНТЕРПОЛ — сокращенное название Международной организации уголовной полиции; учреждена в 1923 г. Высшим органом И. является Генеральная ассамблея, в качестве постоянных специальных органов действуют Генеральный секретариат и национальные центральные бюро. И. выступает в качестве международного центра регистрации преступников, координирует их международный розыск (а также подозреваемых; лиц, пропавших без вести; похищенных ценностей). Россия является членом И.<br><b>Синонимы</b>: <div class=»tags_list»>полиция</div><br><br>… смотреть


сущ.Interpolразыскиваться интерполом (за мошенничество и подлог) — to be wanted by Interpol (for fraud and forgery)сотрудничество со странами-членами и… смотреть


ИНТЕРПОЛ — сокращенное название Международной организации уголовной полиции; учреждена в 1923 г. Высшим органом И. является Генеральная ассамблея, в качестве постоянных специальных органов действуют Генеральный секретариат и национальные центральные бюро. И. выступает в качестве международного центра регистрации преступников, координирует их международный розыск (а также подозреваемых; лиц, пропавших без вести; похищенных ценностей). Россия является членом<br><br><br>… смотреть


корень — ИНТЕР; корень — ПОЛ; нулевое окончание;Основа слова: ИНТЕРПОЛВычисленный способ образования слова: Бессуфиксальный или другой∩ — ИНТЕР; ∩ — ПО… смотреть


ИНТЕРПОЛ а, м. interpol сокращение фр. Organisation internationale de police criminelle. Международная организация уголовной полиции ,созданная группо… смотреть


Международная организация уголовной полиции создана в 1923 как Международная комиссия уголовной полиции (МКУП) для борьбы с общеуголовными преступлениями с центром в Вене. В 1938 прекратила существование. В современном виде воссоздана в 1946 со штаб-квартирой в Париже. Члены (2001) — 179 государства (в т. ч. Российская Федерация). С 1989 штаб-квартира в Лионе, Франция…. смотреть


Интерполאִינטֶרפּוֹל ז’* * *האינטרפולСинонимы: полиция


м.Международная организация уголовной полиции (англ. International Criminal Police Organization, INTERPOL).Синонимы: полиция


м.Международная организация уголовной полиции (англ. International Criminal Police Organization, INTERPOL).Синонимы: полиция


интерпол [фр. interpol сокр. organisation internationale de police criminelle] — международная организация уголовной полиции, созданная группой западных капиталистических стран. <br><br><br>… смотреть


имя собств., сущ. муж. родаІнтерпол -у


Интерпол, интерп′ол, -а, м. (И прописное). Сокращение: интернациональная полиция — международная организация уголовной полиции.прил. интерполовский, -а… смотреть


ИНТЕРПОЛ, -а, м. (И прописное). Сокращение: интернациональная полиция — международная организация уголовной полиции. || прилагательное интерполовский, -ая, -ое (разговорное)…. смотреть


Ударение в слове: Интерп`олУдарение падает на букву: оБезударные гласные в слове: Интерп`ол


Начальная форма — Интерпол, винительный падеж, слово обычно не имеет множественного числа, единственное число, мужской род, неодушевленное, организация… смотреть


   см. Международная Организация Уголовной ПолицииСинонимы: полиция


Международная организация уголовной полиции по розыску и аресту международных преступников.


ИНТЕРПОЛ, см. Международная организация уголовной полиции.


ИНТЕРПОЛ, смотри Международная организация уголовной полиции.


Interpol f
Итальяно-русский словарь.2003.


ИНТЕРПОЛ — см. Международная организация уголовной полиции.


ИНТЕРПОЛ , см. Международная организация уголовной полиции.


ИНТЕРПОЛ, см. Международная организация уголовной полиции.


сущ.муж.Интерпол (пӗтӗм тӗнчерй полици организацийӗ)


polizia internazionale, Interpol

Интерпо́л, Interpol — сокращённое название (с 1956 года) Международной организации уголовной полиции (фр. Organisation Internationale de Police Criminelle, OIPC, англ. International Criminal Police Organization, ICPO) — международная организация, основной задачей которой является объединение усилий национальных правоохранительных органов стран-участниц в области борьбы с общеуголовной преступностью. Штаб-квартира Интерпола расположена во Франции, в Лионе.

Все значения слова «Интерпол»

  • – Не знаете интерпол? – проговорил он с сомнением. – Это хорошо, что не знаете. Нечего его знать…

  • – Она так далёка и так неизвестна, что название тебе ни о чём не скажет, – произнёс он. – Но могу заверить, твой интерпол туда ни разу не приезжал.

  • Интерпол занимается расследованием её смысла.

  • (все предложения)
  • полиция
  • (ещё синонимы…)
  • местная полиция
  • поддельные документы
  • главный подозреваемый
  • наводить справки
  • известный преступник
  • (ещё синонимы…)

Разбор слова «Интерпол»

На чтение 1 мин.

Значение слова «Интерпол»

— международная организация уголовной полиции

Транскрипция слова


В данном слове имеется буква е, перед которой произносится твёрдый парный согласный звук или которая произносится без йотации

и [́и] гласный, ударный
н [н] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), твердый парный
т [т] согласный, глухой парный, твердый парный
е [э] гласный, безударный
р [р] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), твердый парный
п [п] согласный, глухой парный, твердый парный
о [а] гласный, безударный
л [л] согласный, звонкий непарный (сонорный), твердый парный

Букв: 8 Звуков: 8

Цветовая схема слова


Как правильно пишется «Интерпол»


Интерпо́л, -а

Часть речи

Часть речи слова «Интерпол» — Имя существительное

Морфологические признаки.

Интерпол (именительный падеж, единственного числа)

Постоянные признаки:

  • нарицательное
  • неодушевлённое
  • мужской
  • 2-e склонение

Непостоянные признаки:

  • именительный падеж
  • единственного числа

Может относится к разным членам предложения.

Склонение слова «Интерпол»

Падеж Единственное число Множественное число
Кто? Что?
Кого? Чего?
Кому? Чему?
Кого? Что?
Кем? Чем?
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2 / 10

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3 / 10

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4 / 10

Звук ЙУ в слове:





5 / 10

Гласная «ё» даёт звук ЙО в слове:





6 / 10

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7 / 10

Гласная «е» даёт звук [Э] в слове:

8 / 10

Гласная «я» даёт звук ЙА в слове:

9 / 10

Гласная «я» даёт звук А в слове:

10 / 10

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два звука

один звук

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все ответы неправильные

Синонимы к слову «Интерпол»

Предложения со словом «интерпол»

  • – Не знаете интерпол? – проговорил он с сомнением. – Это хорошо, что не знаете. Нечего его знать…

    Марго Генер, Частицы магии. Огонь, 2017

  • – Она так далёка и так неизвестна, что название тебе ни о чём не скажет, – произнёс он. – Но могу заверить, твой интерпол туда ни разу не приезжал.

    Марго Генер, Частицы магии. Огонь, 2017

  • – Но ведь можно нанять специальных людей, профессионалов! В конце концов, подключить интерпол!

    Елена Лампига, Старушка на курьих ножках

This article is about an international crime policing organization. For the American rock band, see Interpol (band). For other uses, see Interpol (disambiguation).

International Criminal Police Organization
Organisation internationale de police criminelle (French)
Flag of INTERPOL.svg
Common name Interpol
Abbreviation ICPO-INTERPOL
Motto Connecting police for a safer world
Agency overview
Formed 7 September 1923; 99 years ago
Preceding agencies
  • First International Criminal Police Congress (1914)
  • International Police Conference (1922)
  • International Criminal Police Commission (1923)
Employees 1,050 (2019)
Annual budget €142 million (2019)
Jurisdictional structure
International agency
Countries 195 member states
Map of the member states of Interpol 2018.svg
Map of International Criminal Police Organization’s jurisdiction
Governing body General Assembly
Constituting instrument
  • ICPO-INTERPOL Constitution and General Regulations[1][2]
Operational structure
Headquarters Lyon, France
Multinational agency
Nationalities of personnel 114 (2019)
Agency executives
  • Jürgen Stock, Secretary-General
  • Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, President
  • Sarka Havrankova, Garba Baba Umar, Valdecy Urquisa, Vice Presidents
National Central Bureaus 195
www.interpol.int Edit this at Wikidata

Languages (4)

  • English
  • Arabic
  • French
  • Spanish

The International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO; French: Organisation internationale de police criminelle), commonly known as Interpol ( INT-ər-pol, -⁠pohl),[3] is an international organization that facilitates worldwide police cooperation and crime control. Headquartered in Lyon, France, it is the world’s largest international police organization, with seven regional bureaus worldwide and a National Central Bureau in all 195 member states.[4]

Interpol was conceived during the first International Criminal Police Congress in 1914, which brought officials from 24 countries to discuss cooperation in law enforcement. It was founded on 7 September 1923 at the close of the five-day 1923 Congress session in Vienna as the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC);[5] it adopted many of its current duties throughout the 1930s. After coming under Nazi control in 1938,[6] the agency had its headquarters in the same building as the Gestapo.[7] It was effectively moribund until the end of World War II.[6] In 1956, the ICPC adopted a new constitution and the name Interpol, derived from its telegraphic address used since 1946.[8]

Interpol provides investigative support, expertise and training to law enforcement worldwide, focusing on three major areas of transnational crime: terrorism, cybercrime and organized crime. Its broad mandate covers virtually every kind of crime, including crimes against humanity, child pornography, drug trafficking and production, political corruption, intellectual property infringement, as well as white-collar crime. The agency also facilitates cooperation among national law enforcement institutions through criminal databases and communications networks. Contrary to popular belief, Interpol is itself not a law enforcement agency.

Interpol has an annual budget of €142 million, most of which comes from annual contributions by member police forces in 181 countries. It is governed by a General Assembly composed of all member countries, which elects the executive committee and the President (currently Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi of the United Arab Emirates) to supervise and implement Interpol’s policies and administration. Day-to-day operations are carried out by the General Secretariat, comprising around 1,000 personnel from over 100 countries, including both police and civilians. The Secretariat is led by the Secretary-General, currently Jürgen Stock, the former deputy head of Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office.

Pursuant to its charter, Interpol seeks to remain politically neutral in fulfilling its mandate, and is thus barred from interventions or activities that are political, military, religious, or racial in nature and from involving itself in disputes over such matters.[9] The agency operates in four languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish.[4]


Until the 19th century, cooperation among police in different national and political jurisdictions was organized largely on an ad hoc basis, focused on a specific goal or criminal enterprise. The earliest attempt at a formal, permanent framework for international police coordination was the Police Union of German States, formed in 1851 to bring together police from various German-speaking states. Its activities were centered mostly on political dissidents and criminals. A similar plan was launched by Italy in the 1898 Anti-Anarchist Conference of Rome, which brought delegates from 21 European countries to create a formal structure for addressing the international anarchist movement. Neither the conference nor its follow up meeting in St. Petersburg in 1904 yielded results.

The early 20th century saw several more efforts to formalize international police cooperation, as growing international travel and commerce facilitated transnational criminal enterprises and fugitives of the law.[10] The earliest was the International Criminal Police Congress hosted by Monaco in 1914, which brought police and legal officials from two dozen countries to discuss international cooperation in investigating crimes, sharing investigative techniques, and extradition procedures.[11] The Monaco Congress laid out twelve principles and priorities that would eventually become foundational to Interpol, including providing direct contact between police in different nations; creating an international standard for forensics and data collection; and facilitating the efficient processing of extradition requests. The idea of an international police organization remained dormant due to the First World War. The United States attempted to lead a similar effort in 1922 through the International Police Conference in New York City, but it failed to attract international attention.[12]

A year later, in 1923, a new initiative was undertaken at another International Criminal Police Congress in Vienna, spearheaded by Johannes Schober, President of the Viennese Police Department. The 22 delegates agreed to found the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC), the direct forerunner of Interpol, which would be based in Vienna. Founding members included police officials from Austria, Germany, Belgium, Poland, China, Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland and Yugoslavia.[13] The same year, wanted person notices were first published in the ICPC’s International Public Safety Journal. The United Kingdom joined in 1928.[14] The United States did not join Interpol until 1938, although a U.S. police officer unofficially attended the 1923 congress.[15] By 1934, the ICPC’s membership more than doubled to 58 nations.

Following the Anschluss in 1938, the Viennese-based organization fell under the control of Nazi Germany; the commission’s headquarters were eventually moved to Berlin in 1942.[16] Most member states withdrew their support during this period.[13] From 1938 to 1945, the presidents of the ICPC included Otto Steinhäusl, Reinhard Heydrich, Arthur Nebe and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. All were generals in the Schutzstaffel (SS); Kaltenbrunner was the highest-ranking SS officer executed following the Nuremberg trials.

In 1946, after the end of World War II, the organization was revived as the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) by officials from Belgium, France, Scandinavia, the United States and the United Kingdom. Its new headquarters were established in Paris, then from 1967 in Saint-Cloud, a Parisian suburb. They remained there until 1989 when they were moved to their present location in Lyon.

Until the 1980s, Interpol did not intervene in the prosecution of Nazi war criminals in accordance with Article 3 of its Charter, which prohibited intervention in «political» matters.[17]

In July 2010, former Interpol President Jackie Selebi was found guilty of corruption by the South African High Court in Johannesburg for accepting bribes worth €156,000 ($217,152) from a drug trafficker.[18] After being charged in January 2008, Selebi resigned as president of Interpol and was put on extended leave as National Police Commissioner of South Africa.[19] He was temporarily replaced by Arturo Herrera Verdugo [es], the National Commissioner of Investigations Police of Chile and former vice president for the American Zone, who remained acting president until the appointment of Khoo Boon Hui in October 2008.[20]

On 8 November 2012, the 81st General Assembly closed with the election of Deputy Central Director of the French Judicial Police, Mireille Ballestrazzi, as the first female president of the organization.[21][22]

In November 2016, Meng Hongwei, a politician from the People’s Republic of China, was elected president during the 85th Interpol General Assembly, and was to serve in this capacity until 2020.[23] At the end of September 2018, Meng was reported missing during a trip to China, after being «taken away» for questioning by discipline authorities.[24][25][26] Chinese police later confirmed that Meng had been arrested on charges of bribery as part of a national anti-corruption campaign.[27] On 7 October 2018, INTERPOL announced that Meng had resigned his post with immediate effect and that the Presidency would be temporarily occupied by Interpol Senior Vice-president (Asia) Kim Jong Yang of South Korea. On 21 November 2018, Interpol’s General Assembly elected Kim to fill the remainder of Meng’s term,[28] in a controversial election which saw accusations that the other candidate, Vice President Alexander Prokopchuk of Russia, had used Interpol notices to target critics of the Russian government.[29]
On 25 November 2021, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, inspector general of the United Arab Emirates’s interior ministry, was elected as president. The election was controversial due to the UAE’s human rights record, with concerns being raised by some human rights groups (e.g. Human Rights Watch) and some MEPs.


The role of Interpol is defined by the general provisions of its constitution.[1]

Article 2 states that its role is:

  1. To ensure and promote the widest possible mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities within the limits of the laws existing in the different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  2. To establish and develop all institutions likely to contribute effectively to the prevention and suppression of ordinary law crimes.

Article 3 states:

It is strictly forbidden for the Organization to undertake any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.


Contrary to the common idea due to frequent portrayals in popular media, Interpol is not a supranational law enforcement agency and has no agents with arresting powers. Instead, it is an international organization that functions as a network of law enforcement agencies from different countries.[30][31] The organization thus functions as an administrative liaison among the law enforcement agencies of the member countries, providing communications and database assistance, mostly through its central headquarters in Lyon.[32] along with the assistance of smaller local bureaus in each of its member states.

Interpol’s databases at the Lyon headquarters can assist law enforcement in fighting international crime.[33] While national agencies have their own extensive crime databases, the information rarely extends beyond one nation’s borders. Interpol’s databases can track criminals and crime trends around the world, specifically by means of authorized collections of fingerprints and face photos, lists of wanted persons, DNA samples, and travel documents. Interpol’s lost and stolen travel document database alone contains more than 12 million records. Officials at the headquarters also analyze this data and release information on crime trends to the member countries.

An encrypted Internet-based worldwide communications network allows Interpol agents and member countries to contact each other at any time. Known as I-24/7, the network offers constant access to Interpol’s databases.[33] While the National Central Bureaus are the primary access sites to the network, some member countries have expanded it to key areas such as airports and border access points. Member countries can also access each other’s criminal databases via the I-24/7 system.

Interpol issued 13,377 Red and 3,165 Yellow Interpol notices in 2019. As of 2019, there are currently 62,448 valid Red and 12,234 Yellow notices in circulation.[34]

In the event of an international disaster, terrorist attack, or assassination, Interpol can send an Incident Response Team (IRT). IRTs can offer a range of expertise and database access to assist with victim identification, suspect identification, and the dissemination of information to other nations’ law enforcement agencies. In addition, at the request of local authorities, they can act as a central command and logistics operation to coordinate other law enforcement agencies involved in a case. Such teams were deployed eight times in 2013. Interpol began issuing its own travel documents in 2009 with hopes that nations would remove visa requirements for individuals travelling for Interpol business, thereby improving response times.[35] In September 2017, the organization voted to accept Palestine and the Solomon Islands as members.[36]


In 2019, Interpol’s operating income was €142 million ($159 million), of which 41 per cent were statutory contributions by member countries, 35 per cent were voluntary cash contributions and 24 per cent were in-kind contributions for the use of equipment, services and buildings.[34] With the goal of enhancing the collaboration between Interpol and the private sector to support Interpol’s missions, the Interpol Foundation for a Safer World was created in 2013. Although legally independent of Interpol, the relationship between the two is close enough for Interpol’s president to obtain in 2015 the departure of HSBC CEO from the foundation board after the Swiss Leaks allegations.[37]

From 2004 to 2010, Interpol’s external auditors was the French Court of Audit.[38][39] In November 2010, the Court of Audit was replaced by the Office of the Auditor General of Norway for a three-year term with an option for a further three years.[40][41]


Former Interpol President Meng Hongwei pleaded guilty for accepting bribes over 14.5 million yuan or $2.11 million.[42]

Abusive requests for Interpol arrests[edit]

Despite its politically neutral stance, some have criticized the agency for its role in arrests that critics contend were politically motivated.[43] In their declaration, adopted in Oslo (2010),[44] Monaco (2012),[45] Istanbul (2013),[46] and Baku (2014),[47] the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) criticized some OSCE member States for their abuse of mechanisms of the international investigation and urged them to support the reform of Interpol in order to avoid politically motivated prosecution. The resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of 31 January 2014 criticizes the mechanisms of operation of the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s files, in particular, non-adversarial procedures and unjust decisions.[48][49] In 2014, PACE adopted a decision to thoroughly analyse the problem of the abuse of Interpol and to compile a special report on this matter.[50] In May 2015, within the framework of the preparation of the report, the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights organized a hearing, during which both representatives of NGOs and Interpol had the opportunity to speak.[51] According to Freedomhouse, Russia is responsible for 38% of Interpol’s public Red Notices.[52] There currently are «approximately 66,370 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,669 are public.»[53]

Refugees who are included in the list of Interpol can be arrested when crossing the border.[54] In the year 2008, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees pointed to the problem of arrests of refugees on the request of INTERPOL[55] in connection with politically motivated charges.

In 2021, Turkey,[56] China, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela were accused of abusing Interpol by using it to target political opponents.[57] Despite Interpol’s policy that forbids countries from using the organization to pursue opponents, autocrats have been increasingly abusing the constitution of Interpol. China used Interpol against the Uyghurs, where the government issued a Red Notice against activists and other members of the ethnic minority group living abroad.[58] Since 1997, 1,546 cases from 28 countries of detention and deportation of the Uyghurs were recorded.[59] In the case of Turkey, Interpol had to turn down 800 requests,[60] including one for NBA basketball player Enes Kanter Freedom.[61] The UAE was also accused as one of the countries attempting to buy influence in Interpol. Using the Interpol Foundation for a Safer World, the Arab nation gave donations of $54 million. The amount was estimated as equal to the statutory contributions together made by the rest 194 members.[62] It was asserted that the Emirates’ growing influence over Interpol gave it the opportunity to host the General Assembly in 2018 and in 2020 (that was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic).[58]


Organizations such as Detained in Dubai, Open Dialog Foundation,[63] Fair Trials International,[54] Centre for Peace Studies,[64] and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,[65] indicate that non-democratic states use Interpol to harass opposition politicians, journalists, human rights activists, and businessmen. The countries accused of abusing the agency include China, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Venezuela, and Tunisia.[63][54][65][66]

The Open Dialog Foundation’s report analysed 44 high-profile political cases which went through the Interpol system.[63] A number of persons who have been granted refugee status in the European Union (EU) and the U.S.—including Russian businessman Andrey Borodin,[67] Chechen Arbi Bugaev,[68] Kazakh opposition politician Mukhtar Ablyazov[69] and his associate Artur Trofimov,[70] and Sri Lankan journalist Chandima Withana[71] —continue to remain on the public INTERPOL list. Some of the refugees remain on the list even after courts have refused to extradite them to a non-democratic state (for example, Pavel Zabelin,[72] a witness in the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and Alexandr Pavlov,[73] former security chief of the Kazakh oppositionist Ablyazov). Another case is Manuel Rosales, a politician who opposed Hugo Chavez and fled to Peru in 2009 and was subject to a red alert on charges of corruption for two weeks. Interpol deleted the request for prosecution immediately.[74] Interpol has also been criticized for mistaking people on yellow alerts. One case was Alondra Díaz-Nuñez, who in April 2015 was apprehended in Guanajuato City, Mexico being mistaken for the daughter of another paternal mother[clarify]. Interpol came under heavy criticism from Mexican news and media for helping out Policia Federal Ministerial, Mexican Federal Police, and the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Mexico, in what was believed to be a kidnapping.

Eastern Europe[edit]

The 2013 PACE’s Istanbul Declaration of the OSCE cited specific cases of such prosecution, including those of the Russian activist Petr Silaev, financier William Browder, businessman Ilya Katsnelson, Belarusian politician Ales Michalevic, and Ukrainian politician Bohdan Danylyshyn.[citation needed]

On 25 July 2014, despite Interpol’s Constitution prohibiting them from undertaking any intervention or activities of a political or military nature,[75] the Ukrainian nationalist paramilitary leader Dmytro Yarosh was placed on Interpol’s international wanted list at the request of Russian authorities,[76] which made him the only person wanted internationally after the beginning of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in 2014. For a long time, Interpol refused to place former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych on the wanted list as a suspect by the new Ukrainian government for the mass killing of protesters during Euromaidan.[77][78] Yanukovych was eventually placed on the wanted list on 12 January 2015.[79] However, on 16 July 2015, after an intervention of Joseph Hage Aaronson, the British law firm hired by Yanukovych, the international arrest warrant against the former president of Ukraine was suspended pending further review.[80] In December 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) liquidated[clarification needed] a sabotage and reconnaissance group that was led by a former agent of the Ukrainian Bureau of INTERPOL that also has family relations in the Ukrainian counter-intelligence agencies.[81] In 2014, Russia made attempts to place Ukrainian politician Ihor Kolomoyskyi and Ukrainian civic activist Pavel Ushevets, subject to criminal persecution in Russia following his pro-Ukrainian art performance in Moscow, on the Interpol wanted list.[82]

Middle East[edit]

According to a report by the Stockholm Center for Freedom that was issued in September 2017, Turkey has weaponized Interpol mechanisms to hunt down legitimate critics and opponents in violation of Interpol’s own constitution. The report lists abuse cases where not only arrest warrants but also revocation of travel documents and passports were used by Turkey as persecution tools against critics and opponents. The harassment campaign targeted foreign companies as well.[83] Syrian-Kurd Salih Muslim was briefly detained at Turkey’s request on 25 February 2018 in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic,[84] but was released 2 days later, drawing angry protests from Turkey.[85] On 17 March 2018, the Czech authorities dismissed Turkey’s request as lacking merit.[citation needed]

After a senior UAE government official, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi became the President, Interpol ignored an injunction by the European court of human rights (ECHR), and cooperated with Serbian authorities to extradite a Bahraini activist. Ahmed Jaafar Mohamed Ali was extradited to Bahrain in a charter aircraft of Royal Jet, a private Emirati airline headed by an Abu Dhabi royal family member. Critics raised concerns that it was just first example of how «red lines will be crossed» under the presidency of Al-Raisi. Besides, a warning was raised that after its decision, Interpol will be complicit in any abuse that Ali will face.[86] In 2021 it was reported that Ahmed Naser had also allegedly tortured a number of people in the UAE before.[87]

Appeals and requests withdrawals[edit]

The procedure for filing an appeal with Interpol is a long and complex one. For example, the Venezuelan journalist Patricia Poleo and a colleague of Kazakh activist Ablyazov, and Tatiana Paraskevich, who were granted refugee status, sought to overturn the politically motivated request for as long as one and a half years, and six months, respectively.[88][89][90]

Interpol has previously recognized some requests to include persons on the wanted list as politically motivated, e.g., Indonesian activist Benny Wenda, Georgian politician Givi Targamadze,[91] ex-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili,[92] ex-mayor of Maracaibo and 2006 Venezuelan presidential election candidate Manuel Rosales and ex-president of Honduras Manuel Zelaya Rosales;[93] these persons have subsequently been removed. However, in most cases, Interpol removes a Red Notice against refugees only after an authoritarian state closes a criminal case or declares amnesty (for example, the cases of Russian activists and political refugees Petr Silaev, Denis Solopov, and Aleksey Makarov, as well as the Turkish sociologist and feminist Pinar Selek).[94][95][96][97]


In 2016, Taiwan criticised Interpol for turning down their application to join the General Assembly as an observer.[98] The United States supported Taiwan’s participation, and the US Congress passed legislation directing the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to obtain observer status for Taiwan.[99]

The election of Meng Hongwei, a Chinese national, as president and Alexander Prokopchuk, a Russian, as vice president of Interpol for Europe drew criticism in anglophone media and raised fears of Interpol accepting politically motivated requests from China and Russia.[100][101][102]


In 2013, Interpol was criticised over its multimillion-dollar deals with such private sector bodies as FIFA, Philip Morris, and the pharmaceutical industry. The criticism was mainly about the lack of transparency and potential conflicts of interest, such as Codentify.[clarification needed][103][104][105][106][107][108] After the 2015 FIFA scandal, the organization has severed ties with all the private-sector bodies that evoked such criticism, and has adopted a new and transparent financing framework.


After the disappearance of Meng Hongwei, four American senators accused his presumptive successor, Alexander Prokopchuk, of abusing Red Notices, likening his election to «putting a fox in charge of the henhouse».[109] A statement posted by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union and signed by other NGOs raised concerns about his ability to use his Interpol position to silence Russia’s critics.[110] Russian politicians criticized the U.S. accusation as politically motivated interference.[111]

On 1 October 2020, the delegate of Interpol’s executive committee for Asia, United Arab Emirates security chief, Ahmed Naser al-Raisi, accused of serious human rights abuses in the Middle East, including against British citizens, was seeking to become the new head of Interpol. Interpol was warned that it could lose credibility if al-Raisi was elected as the president. When al-Raisi was in charge of security and police forces in the UAE, a Durham University PHD student, Matthew Hedges was held for almost six months in solitary confinement, after being arrested in Dubai on spying charges. He was also fed a cocktail of drugs during his imprisonment. Another Briton and a football fan, Ali Ahmad was imprisoned in the UAE for wearing a Qatar shirt to a match. He was stabbed with a pocket knife in his chest and arms, struck in the mouth causing him to lose a front tooth, suffocated with a plastic bag and had his clothing set on fire by arresting officers.[112]

In an April 2021 report written by the ex-UK DPP, Sir David Calvert-Smith in assistance from IHR Advisors, questions were raised over the influence of the UAE over Interpol, calling out UAE general bidding for Interpol chief as unfit for the role. The report stated that the Emirati general, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi who bid for the role of Interpol chief was unsuitable for the position following links to human rights abuses. The allegations were made based on several facts drawn by Sir David, including the influential donation worth $50 million made by the UAE and accepted by Interpol in 2017 through an entirely UAE-funded organization based in Geneva, Interpol Foundation for a Safer World.[113]

A French human rights lawyer, William Bourdon filed an official complaint on behalf of the Gulf Centre for Human Rights or GCHR against Maj. Gen. Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi in connection with the unauthorized arrest and torture of a GCHR Board member and human rights activist, Ahmed Mansoor. The complaint lodged with the Prosecutor’s Office in Paris on 7 June 2021, was based on the universal jurisdiction concept, seeking to bring Al-Raisi to justice while he was in France in 2021 for his bid to seek the presidency of Interpol.[114][115]

In June 2021, 35 French Parliamentarians, Members of Parliament and Senators, including from the majority and the opposition, urged President Emmanuel Macron to oppose the candidacy of the UAE’s General Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi, citing the accusations of torture against him. It was the second appeal by the deputy of the Rhône, Hubert Julien-Laferrière, who had first written to Macron earlier in 2021. He questioned how a profile like Al-Raisi’s, who was responsible for the torture of political opponent Ahmed Mansoor and of a British academic Matthew Hedges, can become the president of a most respectable institution.[116][117]

In August 2021, reports revealed that the UAE was promoting its candidate, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, for the Interpol presidency. Viewed as an “international pariah”, Al-Raisi was receiving increasing condemnation for his involvement in the detention and torture of Ahmed Mansoor, Matthew Hedges, and Ali Issa Ahmad. Considering that, the Emirates initiated a plan to promote Raisi by organizing his trips to Interpol member countries to gain support.[118][117]

While the UAE was arranging trips for al-Raisi to Interpol’s member countries, opposition against the Emirati candidate amplified. A number of German MPs signed a petition to express “deep concern” and reject the candidacy of al-Raisi for the post of Interpol director.[119][120] British lawyer of Matthew Hedges and Ali Ahmad, Rodney Dixon submitted a complaint and urged the Swedish authorities to arrest al-Raisi upon his arrival in Sweden.[121][122] The two Britons also raised a similar request to arrest al-Raisi with the Norwegian police authorities. Both Sweden and Norway apply jurisdiction that allows them to open investigations of crime, irrespective of a person’s nationality or the origin country of the crime.[123]

In October 2021, the Emirati candidate for Interpol presidency, Naser Al-Raisi had to face further opposition, as the lawyers submitted a complaint to the French Prosecutor in Paris. The claims cited Al-Raisi’s role in the unlawful detention and torture of Ali Issa Ahmad and Matthew Hedges. Filed under the principle of universal jurisdiction, the complaint gave French officials the authority to investigate and arrest foreign nationals. As Raisi is not a head of state, French authorities had all the rights to arrest and question him on entering the French territory.[124]

As the General Assembly was approaching, the opposition was rising. In November 2021, a Turkish lawyer Gulden Sonmez filed a criminal complaint against Al-Raisi’s nomination in Turkey, where the vote was to take place. Sonmez said its the Emirates’ attempt to cover its human rights records and to launder its reputation.[125] Besides, Hedges and Ahmad were also expected to file a lawsuit in Turkey against Al-Raisi, ahead of the General Assembly.[126]

On 20 December 2021, The Heritage Foundation called out Interpol presidency, Secretary General Jürgen Stock, for failing to properly vet the police cooperation requests of member nations like Turkey and for the election to presidency of United Arab Emirates’ major general Ahmed Naser al-Raisi, despite credible accusations of torturing detainees including British national, Matthew Hedges. The think tank raised questions on the choices and support of reforms by Interpol for electing member states and members who have a poor record. Stock assured the selection of Raisi asserting that the latter would continue to represent his homeland and not Interpol.[127]


From 1 to 3 July 2015, Interpol organized a session of the Working Group on the Processing of Information, which was formed specifically in order to verify the mechanisms of information processing. The Working Group heard the recommendations of civil society as regards the reform of the international investigation system and promised to take them into account, in light of possible obstruction or refusal to file crime reports nationally.[128]

The Open Dialog Foundation, a human rights organization, recommended that Interpol, in particular: create a mechanism for the protection of rights of people having international refugee status; initiate closer cooperation of the Commission for the Control of Files with human rights NGOs and experts on asylum and extradition; enforce sanctions for violations of Interpol’s rules; strengthen cooperation with NGOs, the UN, OSCE, the PACE, and the European Parliament.[129]

Fair Trials International proposed to create effective remedies for individuals who are wanted under a Red Notice on unfair charges; to penalize nations which frequently abuse the Interpol system; to ensure more transparency of Interpol’s work.[130]

The Centre for Peace Studies also created recommendations for Interpol, in particular, to delete Red Notices and Diffusions for people who were granted refugee status according to 1951 Refugee Convention issued by their countries of origin, and to establish an independent body to review Red Notices on a regular basis.[64]


The current emblem of Interpol was adopted in 1950 and includes the following elements:[8]

  • the globe indicates worldwide activity
  • the olive branches represent peace
  • the sword represents police action
  • the scales signify justice
  • the acronyms «OIPC» and «ICPO», representing the full name of the organization in both French and English, respectively.



Interpol currently has 195 member countries:[131]


Three member states of the United Nations and three partially-recognized states are currently not members of Interpol: North Korea North Korea, Palau Palau, and Tuvalu Tuvalu, as well as Kosovo Kosovo, Taiwan Taiwan and Western Sahara Western Sahara.


In addition to its General Secretariat headquarters in Lyon, Interpol maintains seven regional bureaus and three special representative offices:[135]

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Brussels, Belgium (special representative office to the European Union)
  • Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
  • San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (special representative office to the African Union)
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • New York City, United States (special representative office to the United Nations)[a]
  • Harare, Zimbabwe

Interpol’s Command and Coordination Centres offer a 24-hour point of contact for national police forces seeking urgent information or facing a crisis. The original is in Lyon with a second in Buenos Aires added in September 2011. A third was opened in Singapore in September 2014.[136]

Interpol opened a Special Representative Office to the UN in New York City in 2004[137] and to the EU in Brussels in 2009.[138]

The organization has constructed the Interpol Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore to act as its research and development facility, and a place of cooperation on digital crimes investigations. It was officially opened in April 2015, but had already become active beforehand. Most notably, a worldwide takedown of the SIMDA botnet infrastructure was coordinated and executed from IGCI’s Cyber Fusion Centre in the weeks before the opening, as was revealed at the launch event.[139]

Secretaries-general and presidents[edit]

Secretary General[edit]


See also[edit]

  • Cybercrime
  • Europol, a similar EU-wide organization.
  • Federal Investigation Agency
  • Intelligence assessment
  • International Criminal Court
  • Interpol notice
  • Interpol Terrorism Watch List
  • Interpol Travel Document
  • InterPortPolice
  • UN Police


  1. ^ Interpol also maintains a liaison office to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna


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Further reading[edit]

  • Khodorkovsky, Mikhail (20 November 2018). «In Putin’s era it’s crazy to let a Russian lead Interpol. We must prevent it». The Guardian. Retrieved 8 March 2019.

External links[edit]

Coordinates: 45°46′56″N 4°50′54″E / 45.7822°N 4.8484°E

This article is about an international crime policing organization. For the American rock band, see Interpol (band). For other uses, see Interpol (disambiguation).

International Criminal Police Organization
Organisation internationale de police criminelle (French)
Flag of INTERPOL.svg
Common name Interpol
Abbreviation ICPO-INTERPOL
Motto Connecting police for a safer world
Agency overview
Formed 7 September 1923; 99 years ago
Preceding agencies
  • First International Criminal Police Congress (1914)
  • International Police Conference (1922)
  • International Criminal Police Commission (1923)
Employees 1,050 (2019)
Annual budget €142 million (2019)
Jurisdictional structure
International agency
Countries 195 member states
Map of the member states of Interpol 2018.svg
Map of International Criminal Police Organization’s jurisdiction
Governing body General Assembly
Constituting instrument
  • ICPO-INTERPOL Constitution and General Regulations[1][2]
Operational structure
Headquarters Lyon, France
Multinational agency
Nationalities of personnel 114 (2019)
Agency executives
  • Jürgen Stock, Secretary-General
  • Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, President
  • Sarka Havrankova, Garba Baba Umar, Valdecy Urquisa, Vice Presidents
National Central Bureaus 195
www.interpol.int Edit this at Wikidata

Languages (4)

  • English
  • Arabic
  • French
  • Spanish

The International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO; French: Organisation internationale de police criminelle), commonly known as Interpol ( INT-ər-pol, -⁠pohl),[3] is an international organization that facilitates worldwide police cooperation and crime control. Headquartered in Lyon, France, it is the world’s largest international police organization, with seven regional bureaus worldwide and a National Central Bureau in all 195 member states.[4]

Interpol was conceived during the first International Criminal Police Congress in 1914, which brought officials from 24 countries to discuss cooperation in law enforcement. It was founded on 7 September 1923 at the close of the five-day 1923 Congress session in Vienna as the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC);[5] it adopted many of its current duties throughout the 1930s. After coming under Nazi control in 1938,[6] the agency had its headquarters in the same building as the Gestapo.[7] It was effectively moribund until the end of World War II.[6] In 1956, the ICPC adopted a new constitution and the name Interpol, derived from its telegraphic address used since 1946.[8]

Interpol provides investigative support, expertise and training to law enforcement worldwide, focusing on three major areas of transnational crime: terrorism, cybercrime and organized crime. Its broad mandate covers virtually every kind of crime, including crimes against humanity, child pornography, drug trafficking and production, political corruption, intellectual property infringement, as well as white-collar crime. The agency also facilitates cooperation among national law enforcement institutions through criminal databases and communications networks. Contrary to popular belief, Interpol is itself not a law enforcement agency.

Interpol has an annual budget of €142 million, most of which comes from annual contributions by member police forces in 181 countries. It is governed by a General Assembly composed of all member countries, which elects the executive committee and the President (currently Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi of the United Arab Emirates) to supervise and implement Interpol’s policies and administration. Day-to-day operations are carried out by the General Secretariat, comprising around 1,000 personnel from over 100 countries, including both police and civilians. The Secretariat is led by the Secretary-General, currently Jürgen Stock, the former deputy head of Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office.

Pursuant to its charter, Interpol seeks to remain politically neutral in fulfilling its mandate, and is thus barred from interventions or activities that are political, military, religious, or racial in nature and from involving itself in disputes over such matters.[9] The agency operates in four languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish.[4]


Until the 19th century, cooperation among police in different national and political jurisdictions was organized largely on an ad hoc basis, focused on a specific goal or criminal enterprise. The earliest attempt at a formal, permanent framework for international police coordination was the Police Union of German States, formed in 1851 to bring together police from various German-speaking states. Its activities were centered mostly on political dissidents and criminals. A similar plan was launched by Italy in the 1898 Anti-Anarchist Conference of Rome, which brought delegates from 21 European countries to create a formal structure for addressing the international anarchist movement. Neither the conference nor its follow up meeting in St. Petersburg in 1904 yielded results.

The early 20th century saw several more efforts to formalize international police cooperation, as growing international travel and commerce facilitated transnational criminal enterprises and fugitives of the law.[10] The earliest was the International Criminal Police Congress hosted by Monaco in 1914, which brought police and legal officials from two dozen countries to discuss international cooperation in investigating crimes, sharing investigative techniques, and extradition procedures.[11] The Monaco Congress laid out twelve principles and priorities that would eventually become foundational to Interpol, including providing direct contact between police in different nations; creating an international standard for forensics and data collection; and facilitating the efficient processing of extradition requests. The idea of an international police organization remained dormant due to the First World War. The United States attempted to lead a similar effort in 1922 through the International Police Conference in New York City, but it failed to attract international attention.[12]

A year later, in 1923, a new initiative was undertaken at another International Criminal Police Congress in Vienna, spearheaded by Johannes Schober, President of the Viennese Police Department. The 22 delegates agreed to found the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC), the direct forerunner of Interpol, which would be based in Vienna. Founding members included police officials from Austria, Germany, Belgium, Poland, China, Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland and Yugoslavia.[13] The same year, wanted person notices were first published in the ICPC’s International Public Safety Journal. The United Kingdom joined in 1928.[14] The United States did not join Interpol until 1938, although a U.S. police officer unofficially attended the 1923 congress.[15] By 1934, the ICPC’s membership more than doubled to 58 nations.

Following the Anschluss in 1938, the Viennese-based organization fell under the control of Nazi Germany; the commission’s headquarters were eventually moved to Berlin in 1942.[16] Most member states withdrew their support during this period.[13] From 1938 to 1945, the presidents of the ICPC included Otto Steinhäusl, Reinhard Heydrich, Arthur Nebe and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. All were generals in the Schutzstaffel (SS); Kaltenbrunner was the highest-ranking SS officer executed following the Nuremberg trials.

In 1946, after the end of World War II, the organization was revived as the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) by officials from Belgium, France, Scandinavia, the United States and the United Kingdom. Its new headquarters were established in Paris, then from 1967 in Saint-Cloud, a Parisian suburb. They remained there until 1989 when they were moved to their present location in Lyon.

Until the 1980s, Interpol did not intervene in the prosecution of Nazi war criminals in accordance with Article 3 of its Charter, which prohibited intervention in «political» matters.[17]

In July 2010, former Interpol President Jackie Selebi was found guilty of corruption by the South African High Court in Johannesburg for accepting bribes worth €156,000 ($217,152) from a drug trafficker.[18] After being charged in January 2008, Selebi resigned as president of Interpol and was put on extended leave as National Police Commissioner of South Africa.[19] He was temporarily replaced by Arturo Herrera Verdugo [es], the National Commissioner of Investigations Police of Chile and former vice president for the American Zone, who remained acting president until the appointment of Khoo Boon Hui in October 2008.[20]

On 8 November 2012, the 81st General Assembly closed with the election of Deputy Central Director of the French Judicial Police, Mireille Ballestrazzi, as the first female president of the organization.[21][22]

In November 2016, Meng Hongwei, a politician from the People’s Republic of China, was elected president during the 85th Interpol General Assembly, and was to serve in this capacity until 2020.[23] At the end of September 2018, Meng was reported missing during a trip to China, after being «taken away» for questioning by discipline authorities.[24][25][26] Chinese police later confirmed that Meng had been arrested on charges of bribery as part of a national anti-corruption campaign.[27] On 7 October 2018, INTERPOL announced that Meng had resigned his post with immediate effect and that the Presidency would be temporarily occupied by Interpol Senior Vice-president (Asia) Kim Jong Yang of South Korea. On 21 November 2018, Interpol’s General Assembly elected Kim to fill the remainder of Meng’s term,[28] in a controversial election which saw accusations that the other candidate, Vice President Alexander Prokopchuk of Russia, had used Interpol notices to target critics of the Russian government.[29]
On 25 November 2021, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, inspector general of the United Arab Emirates’s interior ministry, was elected as president. The election was controversial due to the UAE’s human rights record, with concerns being raised by some human rights groups (e.g. Human Rights Watch) and some MEPs.


The role of Interpol is defined by the general provisions of its constitution.[1]

Article 2 states that its role is:

  1. To ensure and promote the widest possible mutual assistance between all criminal police authorities within the limits of the laws existing in the different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  2. To establish and develop all institutions likely to contribute effectively to the prevention and suppression of ordinary law crimes.

Article 3 states:

It is strictly forbidden for the Organization to undertake any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.


Contrary to the common idea due to frequent portrayals in popular media, Interpol is not a supranational law enforcement agency and has no agents with arresting powers. Instead, it is an international organization that functions as a network of law enforcement agencies from different countries.[30][31] The organization thus functions as an administrative liaison among the law enforcement agencies of the member countries, providing communications and database assistance, mostly through its central headquarters in Lyon.[32] along with the assistance of smaller local bureaus in each of its member states.

Interpol’s databases at the Lyon headquarters can assist law enforcement in fighting international crime.[33] While national agencies have their own extensive crime databases, the information rarely extends beyond one nation’s borders. Interpol’s databases can track criminals and crime trends around the world, specifically by means of authorized collections of fingerprints and face photos, lists of wanted persons, DNA samples, and travel documents. Interpol’s lost and stolen travel document database alone contains more than 12 million records. Officials at the headquarters also analyze this data and release information on crime trends to the member countries.

An encrypted Internet-based worldwide communications network allows Interpol agents and member countries to contact each other at any time. Known as I-24/7, the network offers constant access to Interpol’s databases.[33] While the National Central Bureaus are the primary access sites to the network, some member countries have expanded it to key areas such as airports and border access points. Member countries can also access each other’s criminal databases via the I-24/7 system.

Interpol issued 13,377 Red and 3,165 Yellow Interpol notices in 2019. As of 2019, there are currently 62,448 valid Red and 12,234 Yellow notices in circulation.[34]

In the event of an international disaster, terrorist attack, or assassination, Interpol can send an Incident Response Team (IRT). IRTs can offer a range of expertise and database access to assist with victim identification, suspect identification, and the dissemination of information to other nations’ law enforcement agencies. In addition, at the request of local authorities, they can act as a central command and logistics operation to coordinate other law enforcement agencies involved in a case. Such teams were deployed eight times in 2013. Interpol began issuing its own travel documents in 2009 with hopes that nations would remove visa requirements for individuals travelling for Interpol business, thereby improving response times.[35] In September 2017, the organization voted to accept Palestine and the Solomon Islands as members.[36]


In 2019, Interpol’s operating income was €142 million ($159 million), of which 41 per cent were statutory contributions by member countries, 35 per cent were voluntary cash contributions and 24 per cent were in-kind contributions for the use of equipment, services and buildings.[34] With the goal of enhancing the collaboration between Interpol and the private sector to support Interpol’s missions, the Interpol Foundation for a Safer World was created in 2013. Although legally independent of Interpol, the relationship between the two is close enough for Interpol’s president to obtain in 2015 the departure of HSBC CEO from the foundation board after the Swiss Leaks allegations.[37]

From 2004 to 2010, Interpol’s external auditors was the French Court of Audit.[38][39] In November 2010, the Court of Audit was replaced by the Office of the Auditor General of Norway for a three-year term with an option for a further three years.[40][41]


Former Interpol President Meng Hongwei pleaded guilty for accepting bribes over 14.5 million yuan or $2.11 million.[42]

Abusive requests for Interpol arrests[edit]

Despite its politically neutral stance, some have criticized the agency for its role in arrests that critics contend were politically motivated.[43] In their declaration, adopted in Oslo (2010),[44] Monaco (2012),[45] Istanbul (2013),[46] and Baku (2014),[47] the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) criticized some OSCE member States for their abuse of mechanisms of the international investigation and urged them to support the reform of Interpol in order to avoid politically motivated prosecution. The resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe of 31 January 2014 criticizes the mechanisms of operation of the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s files, in particular, non-adversarial procedures and unjust decisions.[48][49] In 2014, PACE adopted a decision to thoroughly analyse the problem of the abuse of Interpol and to compile a special report on this matter.[50] In May 2015, within the framework of the preparation of the report, the PACE Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights organized a hearing, during which both representatives of NGOs and Interpol had the opportunity to speak.[51] According to Freedomhouse, Russia is responsible for 38% of Interpol’s public Red Notices.[52] There currently are «approximately 66,370 valid Red Notices, of which some 7,669 are public.»[53]

Refugees who are included in the list of Interpol can be arrested when crossing the border.[54] In the year 2008, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees pointed to the problem of arrests of refugees on the request of INTERPOL[55] in connection with politically motivated charges.

In 2021, Turkey,[56] China, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela were accused of abusing Interpol by using it to target political opponents.[57] Despite Interpol’s policy that forbids countries from using the organization to pursue opponents, autocrats have been increasingly abusing the constitution of Interpol. China used Interpol against the Uyghurs, where the government issued a Red Notice against activists and other members of the ethnic minority group living abroad.[58] Since 1997, 1,546 cases from 28 countries of detention and deportation of the Uyghurs were recorded.[59] In the case of Turkey, Interpol had to turn down 800 requests,[60] including one for NBA basketball player Enes Kanter Freedom.[61] The UAE was also accused as one of the countries attempting to buy influence in Interpol. Using the Interpol Foundation for a Safer World, the Arab nation gave donations of $54 million. The amount was estimated as equal to the statutory contributions together made by the rest 194 members.[62] It was asserted that the Emirates’ growing influence over Interpol gave it the opportunity to host the General Assembly in 2018 and in 2020 (that was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic).[58]


Organizations such as Detained in Dubai, Open Dialog Foundation,[63] Fair Trials International,[54] Centre for Peace Studies,[64] and International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,[65] indicate that non-democratic states use Interpol to harass opposition politicians, journalists, human rights activists, and businessmen. The countries accused of abusing the agency include China, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Venezuela, and Tunisia.[63][54][65][66]

The Open Dialog Foundation’s report analysed 44 high-profile political cases which went through the Interpol system.[63] A number of persons who have been granted refugee status in the European Union (EU) and the U.S.—including Russian businessman Andrey Borodin,[67] Chechen Arbi Bugaev,[68] Kazakh opposition politician Mukhtar Ablyazov[69] and his associate Artur Trofimov,[70] and Sri Lankan journalist Chandima Withana[71] —continue to remain on the public INTERPOL list. Some of the refugees remain on the list even after courts have refused to extradite them to a non-democratic state (for example, Pavel Zabelin,[72] a witness in the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and Alexandr Pavlov,[73] former security chief of the Kazakh oppositionist Ablyazov). Another case is Manuel Rosales, a politician who opposed Hugo Chavez and fled to Peru in 2009 and was subject to a red alert on charges of corruption for two weeks. Interpol deleted the request for prosecution immediately.[74] Interpol has also been criticized for mistaking people on yellow alerts. One case was Alondra Díaz-Nuñez, who in April 2015 was apprehended in Guanajuato City, Mexico being mistaken for the daughter of another paternal mother[clarify]. Interpol came under heavy criticism from Mexican news and media for helping out Policia Federal Ministerial, Mexican Federal Police, and the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Mexico, in what was believed to be a kidnapping.

Eastern Europe[edit]

The 2013 PACE’s Istanbul Declaration of the OSCE cited specific cases of such prosecution, including those of the Russian activist Petr Silaev, financier William Browder, businessman Ilya Katsnelson, Belarusian politician Ales Michalevic, and Ukrainian politician Bohdan Danylyshyn.[citation needed]

On 25 July 2014, despite Interpol’s Constitution prohibiting them from undertaking any intervention or activities of a political or military nature,[75] the Ukrainian nationalist paramilitary leader Dmytro Yarosh was placed on Interpol’s international wanted list at the request of Russian authorities,[76] which made him the only person wanted internationally after the beginning of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in 2014. For a long time, Interpol refused to place former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych on the wanted list as a suspect by the new Ukrainian government for the mass killing of protesters during Euromaidan.[77][78] Yanukovych was eventually placed on the wanted list on 12 January 2015.[79] However, on 16 July 2015, after an intervention of Joseph Hage Aaronson, the British law firm hired by Yanukovych, the international arrest warrant against the former president of Ukraine was suspended pending further review.[80] In December 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) liquidated[clarification needed] a sabotage and reconnaissance group that was led by a former agent of the Ukrainian Bureau of INTERPOL that also has family relations in the Ukrainian counter-intelligence agencies.[81] In 2014, Russia made attempts to place Ukrainian politician Ihor Kolomoyskyi and Ukrainian civic activist Pavel Ushevets, subject to criminal persecution in Russia following his pro-Ukrainian art performance in Moscow, on the Interpol wanted list.[82]

Middle East[edit]

According to a report by the Stockholm Center for Freedom that was issued in September 2017, Turkey has weaponized Interpol mechanisms to hunt down legitimate critics and opponents in violation of Interpol’s own constitution. The report lists abuse cases where not only arrest warrants but also revocation of travel documents and passports were used by Turkey as persecution tools against critics and opponents. The harassment campaign targeted foreign companies as well.[83] Syrian-Kurd Salih Muslim was briefly detained at Turkey’s request on 25 February 2018 in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic,[84] but was released 2 days later, drawing angry protests from Turkey.[85] On 17 March 2018, the Czech authorities dismissed Turkey’s request as lacking merit.[citation needed]

After a senior UAE government official, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi became the President, Interpol ignored an injunction by the European court of human rights (ECHR), and cooperated with Serbian authorities to extradite a Bahraini activist. Ahmed Jaafar Mohamed Ali was extradited to Bahrain in a charter aircraft of Royal Jet, a private Emirati airline headed by an Abu Dhabi royal family member. Critics raised concerns that it was just first example of how «red lines will be crossed» under the presidency of Al-Raisi. Besides, a warning was raised that after its decision, Interpol will be complicit in any abuse that Ali will face.[86] In 2021 it was reported that Ahmed Naser had also allegedly tortured a number of people in the UAE before.[87]

Appeals and requests withdrawals[edit]

The procedure for filing an appeal with Interpol is a long and complex one. For example, the Venezuelan journalist Patricia Poleo and a colleague of Kazakh activist Ablyazov, and Tatiana Paraskevich, who were granted refugee status, sought to overturn the politically motivated request for as long as one and a half years, and six months, respectively.[88][89][90]

Interpol has previously recognized some requests to include persons on the wanted list as politically motivated, e.g., Indonesian activist Benny Wenda, Georgian politician Givi Targamadze,[91] ex-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili,[92] ex-mayor of Maracaibo and 2006 Venezuelan presidential election candidate Manuel Rosales and ex-president of Honduras Manuel Zelaya Rosales;[93] these persons have subsequently been removed. However, in most cases, Interpol removes a Red Notice against refugees only after an authoritarian state closes a criminal case or declares amnesty (for example, the cases of Russian activists and political refugees Petr Silaev, Denis Solopov, and Aleksey Makarov, as well as the Turkish sociologist and feminist Pinar Selek).[94][95][96][97]


In 2016, Taiwan criticised Interpol for turning down their application to join the General Assembly as an observer.[98] The United States supported Taiwan’s participation, and the US Congress passed legislation directing the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to obtain observer status for Taiwan.[99]

The election of Meng Hongwei, a Chinese national, as president and Alexander Prokopchuk, a Russian, as vice president of Interpol for Europe drew criticism in anglophone media and raised fears of Interpol accepting politically motivated requests from China and Russia.[100][101][102]


In 2013, Interpol was criticised over its multimillion-dollar deals with such private sector bodies as FIFA, Philip Morris, and the pharmaceutical industry. The criticism was mainly about the lack of transparency and potential conflicts of interest, such as Codentify.[clarification needed][103][104][105][106][107][108] After the 2015 FIFA scandal, the organization has severed ties with all the private-sector bodies that evoked such criticism, and has adopted a new and transparent financing framework.


After the disappearance of Meng Hongwei, four American senators accused his presumptive successor, Alexander Prokopchuk, of abusing Red Notices, likening his election to «putting a fox in charge of the henhouse».[109] A statement posted by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union and signed by other NGOs raised concerns about his ability to use his Interpol position to silence Russia’s critics.[110] Russian politicians criticized the U.S. accusation as politically motivated interference.[111]

On 1 October 2020, the delegate of Interpol’s executive committee for Asia, United Arab Emirates security chief, Ahmed Naser al-Raisi, accused of serious human rights abuses in the Middle East, including against British citizens, was seeking to become the new head of Interpol. Interpol was warned that it could lose credibility if al-Raisi was elected as the president. When al-Raisi was in charge of security and police forces in the UAE, a Durham University PHD student, Matthew Hedges was held for almost six months in solitary confinement, after being arrested in Dubai on spying charges. He was also fed a cocktail of drugs during his imprisonment. Another Briton and a football fan, Ali Ahmad was imprisoned in the UAE for wearing a Qatar shirt to a match. He was stabbed with a pocket knife in his chest and arms, struck in the mouth causing him to lose a front tooth, suffocated with a plastic bag and had his clothing set on fire by arresting officers.[112]

In an April 2021 report written by the ex-UK DPP, Sir David Calvert-Smith in assistance from IHR Advisors, questions were raised over the influence of the UAE over Interpol, calling out UAE general bidding for Interpol chief as unfit for the role. The report stated that the Emirati general, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi who bid for the role of Interpol chief was unsuitable for the position following links to human rights abuses. The allegations were made based on several facts drawn by Sir David, including the influential donation worth $50 million made by the UAE and accepted by Interpol in 2017 through an entirely UAE-funded organization based in Geneva, Interpol Foundation for a Safer World.[113]

A French human rights lawyer, William Bourdon filed an official complaint on behalf of the Gulf Centre for Human Rights or GCHR against Maj. Gen. Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi in connection with the unauthorized arrest and torture of a GCHR Board member and human rights activist, Ahmed Mansoor. The complaint lodged with the Prosecutor’s Office in Paris on 7 June 2021, was based on the universal jurisdiction concept, seeking to bring Al-Raisi to justice while he was in France in 2021 for his bid to seek the presidency of Interpol.[114][115]

In June 2021, 35 French Parliamentarians, Members of Parliament and Senators, including from the majority and the opposition, urged President Emmanuel Macron to oppose the candidacy of the UAE’s General Ahmed Nasser Al-Raisi, citing the accusations of torture against him. It was the second appeal by the deputy of the Rhône, Hubert Julien-Laferrière, who had first written to Macron earlier in 2021. He questioned how a profile like Al-Raisi’s, who was responsible for the torture of political opponent Ahmed Mansoor and of a British academic Matthew Hedges, can become the president of a most respectable institution.[116][117]

In August 2021, reports revealed that the UAE was promoting its candidate, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, for the Interpol presidency. Viewed as an “international pariah”, Al-Raisi was receiving increasing condemnation for his involvement in the detention and torture of Ahmed Mansoor, Matthew Hedges, and Ali Issa Ahmad. Considering that, the Emirates initiated a plan to promote Raisi by organizing his trips to Interpol member countries to gain support.[118][117]

While the UAE was arranging trips for al-Raisi to Interpol’s member countries, opposition against the Emirati candidate amplified. A number of German MPs signed a petition to express “deep concern” and reject the candidacy of al-Raisi for the post of Interpol director.[119][120] British lawyer of Matthew Hedges and Ali Ahmad, Rodney Dixon submitted a complaint and urged the Swedish authorities to arrest al-Raisi upon his arrival in Sweden.[121][122] The two Britons also raised a similar request to arrest al-Raisi with the Norwegian police authorities. Both Sweden and Norway apply jurisdiction that allows them to open investigations of crime, irrespective of a person’s nationality or the origin country of the crime.[123]

In October 2021, the Emirati candidate for Interpol presidency, Naser Al-Raisi had to face further opposition, as the lawyers submitted a complaint to the French Prosecutor in Paris. The claims cited Al-Raisi’s role in the unlawful detention and torture of Ali Issa Ahmad and Matthew Hedges. Filed under the principle of universal jurisdiction, the complaint gave French officials the authority to investigate and arrest foreign nationals. As Raisi is not a head of state, French authorities had all the rights to arrest and question him on entering the French territory.[124]

As the General Assembly was approaching, the opposition was rising. In November 2021, a Turkish lawyer Gulden Sonmez filed a criminal complaint against Al-Raisi’s nomination in Turkey, where the vote was to take place. Sonmez said its the Emirates’ attempt to cover its human rights records and to launder its reputation.[125] Besides, Hedges and Ahmad were also expected to file a lawsuit in Turkey against Al-Raisi, ahead of the General Assembly.[126]

On 20 December 2021, The Heritage Foundation called out Interpol presidency, Secretary General Jürgen Stock, for failing to properly vet the police cooperation requests of member nations like Turkey and for the election to presidency of United Arab Emirates’ major general Ahmed Naser al-Raisi, despite credible accusations of torturing detainees including British national, Matthew Hedges. The think tank raised questions on the choices and support of reforms by Interpol for electing member states and members who have a poor record. Stock assured the selection of Raisi asserting that the latter would continue to represent his homeland and not Interpol.[127]


From 1 to 3 July 2015, Interpol organized a session of the Working Group on the Processing of Information, which was formed specifically in order to verify the mechanisms of information processing. The Working Group heard the recommendations of civil society as regards the reform of the international investigation system and promised to take them into account, in light of possible obstruction or refusal to file crime reports nationally.[128]

The Open Dialog Foundation, a human rights organization, recommended that Interpol, in particular: create a mechanism for the protection of rights of people having international refugee status; initiate closer cooperation of the Commission for the Control of Files with human rights NGOs and experts on asylum and extradition; enforce sanctions for violations of Interpol’s rules; strengthen cooperation with NGOs, the UN, OSCE, the PACE, and the European Parliament.[129]

Fair Trials International proposed to create effective remedies for individuals who are wanted under a Red Notice on unfair charges; to penalize nations which frequently abuse the Interpol system; to ensure more transparency of Interpol’s work.[130]

The Centre for Peace Studies also created recommendations for Interpol, in particular, to delete Red Notices and Diffusions for people who were granted refugee status according to 1951 Refugee Convention issued by their countries of origin, and to establish an independent body to review Red Notices on a regular basis.[64]


The current emblem of Interpol was adopted in 1950 and includes the following elements:[8]

  • the globe indicates worldwide activity
  • the olive branches represent peace
  • the sword represents police action
  • the scales signify justice
  • the acronyms «OIPC» and «ICPO», representing the full name of the organization in both French and English, respectively.



Interpol currently has 195 member countries:[131]


Three member states of the United Nations and three partially-recognized states are currently not members of Interpol: North Korea North Korea, Palau Palau, and Tuvalu Tuvalu, as well as Kosovo Kosovo, Taiwan Taiwan and Western Sahara Western Sahara.


In addition to its General Secretariat headquarters in Lyon, Interpol maintains seven regional bureaus and three special representative offices:[135]

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Brussels, Belgium (special representative office to the European Union)
  • Yaoundé, Cameroon
  • Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
  • San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (special representative office to the African Union)
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • New York City, United States (special representative office to the United Nations)[a]
  • Harare, Zimbabwe

Interpol’s Command and Coordination Centres offer a 24-hour point of contact for national police forces seeking urgent information or facing a crisis. The original is in Lyon with a second in Buenos Aires added in September 2011. A third was opened in Singapore in September 2014.[136]

Interpol opened a Special Representative Office to the UN in New York City in 2004[137] and to the EU in Brussels in 2009.[138]

The organization has constructed the Interpol Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore to act as its research and development facility, and a place of cooperation on digital crimes investigations. It was officially opened in April 2015, but had already become active beforehand. Most notably, a worldwide takedown of the SIMDA botnet infrastructure was coordinated and executed from IGCI’s Cyber Fusion Centre in the weeks before the opening, as was revealed at the launch event.[139]

Secretaries-general and presidents[edit]

Secretary General[edit]


See also[edit]

  • Cybercrime
  • Europol, a similar EU-wide organization.
  • Federal Investigation Agency
  • Intelligence assessment
  • International Criminal Court
  • Interpol notice
  • Interpol Terrorism Watch List
  • Interpol Travel Document
  • InterPortPolice
  • UN Police


  1. ^ Interpol also maintains a liaison office to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna


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Further reading[edit]

  • Khodorkovsky, Mikhail (20 November 2018). «In Putin’s era it’s crazy to let a Russian lead Interpol. We must prevent it». The Guardian. Retrieved 8 March 2019.

External links[edit]

Coordinates: 45°46′56″N 4°50′54″E / 45.7822°N 4.8484°E

Разбор слова «интерпол»: для переноса, на слоги, по составу

Объяснение правил деление (разбивки) слова «интерпол» на слоги для переноса.
Онлайн словарь Soosle.ru поможет: фонетический и морфологический разобрать слово «интерпол» по составу, правильно делить на слоги по провилам русского языка, выделить части слова, поставить ударение, укажет значение, синонимы, антонимы и сочетаемость к слову «интерпол».

Деление слова интерпол

Слово интерпол по слогам


  • 1 Как перенести слово «интерпол»
  • 2 Синонимы слова «интерпол»
  • 3 Предложения со словом «интерпол»
  • 4 Значение слова «интерпол»
  • 5 Как правильно пишется слово «интерпол»
  • 6 Ассоциации к слову «интерпол»

Как перенести слово «интерпол»


Синонимы слова «интерпол»

Предложения со словом «интерпол»

– Не знаете интерпол? – проговорил он с сомнением. – Это хорошо, что не знаете. Нечего его знать…

Марго Генер, Частицы магии. Огонь, 2017.

– Она так далёка и так неизвестна, что название тебе ни о чём не скажет, – произнёс он. – Но могу заверить, твой интерпол туда ни разу не приезжал.

Марго Генер, Частицы магии. Огонь, 2017.

– Но ведь можно нанять специальных людей, профессионалов! В конце концов, подключить интерпол!

Елена Лампига, Старушка на курьих ножках.

Значение слова «интерпол»

Интерпо́л, Interpol — сокращённое название (с 1956 года) Международной организации уголовной полиции (фр. Organisation Internationale de Police Criminelle, OIPC, англ. International Criminal Police Organization, ICPO) — международная организация, основной задачей которой является объединение усилий национальных правоохранительных органов стран-участниц в области борьбы с общеуголовной преступностью. Штаб-квартира Интерпола расположена во Франции, в Лионе. (Википедия)

Как правильно пишется слово «интерпол»

Правописание слова «интерпол»
Орфография слова «интерпол»

Правильно слово пишется: Интерпо́л

Нумерация букв в слове
Номера букв в слове «интерпол» в прямом и обратном порядке:

  • 8
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  • 6
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  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Ассоциации к слову «интерпол»

  • Розыск

  • Картотека

  • Фбр

  • Запрос

  • Штаб-квартира

  • Лион

  • Бюро

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  • Досье

  • Спецслужба

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  • Преступность

  • Осведомитель

  • Задержание

  • Героин

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  • Сертификат

  • Инспектор

  • Террорист

  • Бюллетень

  • Отпечаток

  • Контрразведка

  • Контрабанда

  • Борн

  • Выдача

  • Виноградов

  • Арест

  • Наркотик

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  • Координация

  • Причастность

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  • Гагарин

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  • Организация

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  • Уголовник

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