Как правильно пишется канеки кен

Кен Канеки (金木 (かねき) (けん), Kaneki Ken) — протагонист манги и аниме «Tokyo Ghoul». До начала событий серии Канеки был самым обыкновенным студентом-первокурсником, учившимся в университете Камии на литературном факультете. В результате трагедии на стройке, в которую Кен оказывался вовлечён, он попадает в госпиталь, где его спасают от смерти путём трансплантации органов погибшей Ризе Камиширо. Однако операция повлекла за собой неожиданные для Канеки ужасающие последствия: он становится гибридом человека и гуля.

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Неспособный выжить в одиночку Кен обращается за помощью в кофейню «Антейку», персонал которой состоит из гулей. Управляющий заведения — пожилой гуль, известный как Йошимура — принимает протагониста на работу в качестве официанта на полставки. С этого момента Канеки начинает познавать уклады и быт жизни гулей, в процессе чего благодаря своей специфической маске становится известен как «Глазная Повязка» (眼帯, Gantai).

После похищения Древом Аогири переживший 10 суток изощрённых пыток Канеки отказывается от унаследованной от матери идеологии и принимает в себе сторону гуля, чтобы защитить своих близких и заранее уничтожить всё, что может представлять им угрозу («выбросить плохие зёрна». Питаясь враждебными гулями, Канеки развивает какуджа-кагуне, благодаря внешнему виду которого получает новое прозвище — «Сколопендра» (百足, Mukade).

После поражения в дуэли с Кишо Аримой во время штурма Антейку Канеки попадает в Кокурию, где его противник, получив над ним право собственности, приручает Кена и делает из него следователя по гулям, обучая обращению с куинке и навыкам ведения боя. С того момента Канеки, чтобы сохранить рассудок, отгораживается от воспоминаний о прошлом и в результате реабилитации становится следователем третьего класса Хайсе Сасаки (佐々木 (ささき) (はい) (), Sasaki Haise) под началом Акиры Мадо. В Tokyo Ghoul:re Хайсе сразу появляется в качестве следователя первого класса и наставника отряда куинксов.

У персонажа есть прототип, который появлялся в «Tokyo Ghoul: Oneshot»


Tokyo Ghoul

С самого детства Канеки был ничем не примечательным ребёнком с чёрными короткими волосами и с худощавым телосложением. В свободное время он носил обычную, ничем не примечательную одежду, стараясь не выделяться из толпы. Поначалу Канеки ещё не был способен управлять своим какуганом, расположенным слева, и поэтому скрывал его под белой медицинской повязкой. Аналогичная повязка присутствует и в дизайне его маски, но закрывает уже правый глаз и состоит из кожи. На безгубой ухмылке с обнажёнными в оскале искуственными зубами предусмотрена застёжка-молния, отчего рот маски можно в любой момент расстегнуть для приёма пищи. Болты на шее в сочетании с тем фактом, что Канеки является искусственным гулем, дают ему некую схожесть с Франкенштейном.

После длившихся на протяжении десяти дней пыток Ямори волосы Канеки белеют, а ногти в результате непрерывной регенерации его пальцев становятся тёмными. Спустя полгода после освобождения Канеки успевает нарастить мышечную массу за счёт постоянных тренировок и поедания других гулей. Перед запланированными сражениями он надевает личную боевую форму, представляющую собой чёрный облегающий костюм, обладающий практичностью и устрашающим дизайном, учитывающим расположение его какухо для комфортного высвобождения кагуне.


Дизайн в манге:

Kaneki Kuro Profile

Профайл Канеки

Kaneki Shiro Profile

Профайл Канеки

Kaneki child manga

Канеки в детстве

Kaneki's kakugan

Какуган Канеки

Shironeki smile

Поседевший Канеки

ShiroKaneki mask

Маска Канеки

Kaneki's black eyepatch

Чёрная глазная повязка

Kaneki's constitution (chapter 88)

Телосложение Канеки после тренировок

Kaneki's battle suit

Боевой костюм Канеки

Kaneki kakuja first mask

Первая какуджа-маска

Kaneki's Kakuja Mask

Вторая какуджа-маска

Kaneki's Final Kakuja Mask

Третья какуджа-маска

Дизайн в аниме:

Young Kaneki

Канеки в детстве


Маска Канеки

Kaneki's first kakuja mask in anime


Tokyo Ghoul:re

Сасаки Хайсе обладает крепким телосложением, а окрас его волос становится смешанным (на макушке корни волос имеют чёрный окрас, по мере роста вытесняющий седину). Ранее серые глаза потемнели, а к ногтям вернулся нормальный цвет. Как и остальные следователи CCG, он большую часть времени одет в стандартный строгий костюм, включающий в себя пиджак, рубашку, галстук, брюки и ботинки, в то время как дома предпочитает носить футболки и шорты. Приступая к выполнению миссии Хайсе надевает белое пальто поверх своей униформы и иногда носит с собой портфель.

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После того, как к нему возвращаются воспоминания, волосы Канеки вновь полностью темнеют, а в качестве костюма Кен начинает носить очки в тонкой оправе и длинный плащ, дизайном напоминающий форму отряда 0, но отличающийся от неё полностью чёрным окрасом и наличием красных перчаток. Благодаря своей силе и обилию чёрного цвета в его образе он становится известен как «Чёрный Бог Смерти» (黒い死神, Kuroi Shinigami). Кроме того, отличительной чертой Канеки становится его правая рука, которая в ходе регенерации приобретает кагунеобразную структуру и чешуйчатое покрытие вместо обычного кожного покрова.

В ходе битвы с Аримой в Кокурии волосы Канеки вновь приобретают белый цвет, а наспех отрегенерированные конечности становятся кагунеобразными. После побега из CCG и спустя время Кен, став главой «Козы» и по совместительству новым Одноглазым Королём, начинает носить преимущественно тёмные плащи/пальто, как и в последние дни работы в Управлении. За месяц успевают восстановиться и вернуть прежний вид его ноги; руки, однако, остаются чешуйчатыми.

После того, как Канеки извлекают из массы Дракона, становится известно, что внутри массивной какуджа-формы его тело снова претерпело значительные изменения, и на этот раз не только косметические. Всё его туловище от ног до шеи становится кагунеобразным, на торсе появляются многочисленные отверстия; в организме появляется множество неопознанных органов неизвестного назначения. Несмотря на это, лицо Канеки приобретает очень женственный вид; его волосы отрастают почти до плеч. Через некоторое время под глазами Кена появляются узоры, напоминающие швы. После выброса Rc-клеток Канеки восстанавливает своим рукам прежний, человеческий вид, однако его торс остаётся мутировавшим.


Younger Haise

Сасаки Хайсе


Хайсе в парадной форме


Хайсе притворяется девушкой

Sasaki eyepatch-mask

Обновлённая маска Канеки

Kaneki re65

Хайсе после уничтожения семьи Цукияма

Kaneki Black Reaper

Кен в образе черного бога смерти

Sasaki's smile to Hinami

Кен улыбается Хинами

Kaneki tears ch75

Волосы Канеки снова белеют

Kaneki as One-Eyed King

Маска-шарф Одноглазого Короля

Kaneki wears eyepatch again

И снова Кен с глазной повязкой

Kaneki and The White Suits

Канеки в белом костюме

Kaneki turns to ghouls

Канеки в образе Одноглазого Короля

Kaneki's kakuja mask during the battle against Juuzou and Hanbee

Какуджа-маска Канеки в ходе битвы против Сузуи и Абары

Kaneki's appearance after retrieving

Внешность Канеки после извлечения из Дракона

Ken Kaneki's appearance in epilogue

Кен Канеки спустя 6 лет после обороны Токио


Tokyo Ghoul


Канеки — скромный и замкнутый молодой человек с одним-единственным близким другом в лице Хидейоши Нагачика. Обычно он тратит своё время на чтение книг, преимущественно новелл. Любимым писателем Канеки является Такацуки Сен, однако при этом Кен признает, что стиль написания книг у этого литератора довольно сложен.

Он чрезвычайно мягок и большую часть времени пребывает в оптимистичном настроении. Под влиянием своей матери и собственной скромности он привык брать на себя вину и принимать любое наказание от окружающих, поэтому вместо того, чтобы причинять боль, предпочитает её испытывать сам. Тем не менее, этим недостатком уверенности в себе, как правило, люди зачастую пользовались, предварительно запугивая Канеки.[19]

После обращения в одноглазого гуля он отчаянно цепляется за свою человеческую сторону. Чтобы продолжить жить в мире людей, он начинает работать в Антейку и знакомится с другими гулями. Из-за отсутствия опыта он проявляет интерес к самосовершенствованию и к чтению книг о боевых искусствах, чтобы в случае необходимости защитить и себя, и близких ему людей. Он обеспокоен тем, что является наполовину гулем, и потому отчаянно ищет место, к которому мог бы принадлежать. Если близкие ему люди оказываются под угрозой, Канеки всеми силами попытается их защитить или хотя бы убедиться в том, что вся боль достанется лишь ему одному.

Как выясняется позднее, данная личность была создана самим Канеки в попытке защититься от регулярных побоев от матери, а также здесь всплывает его стокгольмский синдром.

Последствия плена в Аогири

После пребывания в плену Аогири в одиннадцатом районе и постоянных пыток от рук садиста Ямори характер Канеки начинает меняться. Он становится безжалостным и жестоким ради защиты своих друзей, при этом сохраняя самообладание. Он больше не боится своей стороны гуля, почти не чувствует боль и во время сражений он становится более хладнокровным и кровожадным. Ради достижения целей готов идти против закона и похищать людей, а во время допроса не отказывается от запугиваний пытками, через которые прошёл сам. Принимая свою натуру гуля, Канеки сдаётся и перестаёт быть «человеком». Несмотря на это, он всё ещё отказывается убивать и пожирать людей, и поэтому ради собственного пропитания охотится на других гулей, представляющих обществу угрозу.

После побега из Аогири Канеки становится более ловким в бою. Он уже не прячется в надежде, что его кто-то спасет, а сам смотрит в лицо своим страхам. Канеки полностью пересматривает свое отношение к знакомым ему людям и больше не пытается скрыться от суровой реальности. В конце концов, он привыкает к тому, что является гулем, и не проклинает свою жизнь, изменившуюся после встречи с Ризе. Канеки больше не считает себя изгоем ни среди людей, ни среди гулей.

Даже после серьёзных перемен в характере Канеки всё ещё способен проявлять мягкость и доброту к тем, о ком заботится, а также в мгновение ока, словно по щелчку, может становиться беспощадным по отношению к своим врагам или к личностям, которым не доверяет (например, Цукияме). Банджо выдвинул гипотезу, что у Канеки во время пребывания в 11-ом районе выработалась некая форма психической нестабильности, которая со временем сломает его психику.

После нападения на лабораторию Кано и нанесения раны Банджо Канеки пытается вернуться к своим истокам и стать прежним, каким он был до плена в Аогири. Он начинает углублённый самоанализ, стремясь вернуть свою человеческую сторону, а также впадает в смятение, запутавшись на своём пути в поисках силы. Канеки ставит перед собой цель разобраться в себе, ради чего обращается за помощью к Йошимуре, Ренджи и Уте.

Каждый раз, когда он испытывает сильный голод или теряет контроль над своим кагуне, его личность начинает расщепляться, отчего его собственное «я» перемешивается с субличностями Якумо Оомори и Ризе Камиширо, поскольку их образы Канеки прочно ассоциировал с натурой гулей.

Tokyo Ghoul:re

Хайсе Сасаки

Начав жизнь с чистого листа, Хайсе предстаёт собранной, добродушной персоной. Он показывает себя надёжным, верным и всецело посвящённым делу следователем. Серьёзно относясь к своей работе, Хайсе остаётся в некоторой степени милостивым, поскольку считает, что при отсутствии крайней необходимости следователь не должен убивать гулей, и поэтому чаще всего старается уладить конфликт миром и уговорить противника сдаться. Будучи назначенным на должность наставника отряда Qs, Сасаки уважает и защищает своих подчинённых, проявляя к ним искреннюю заботу. Он без колебаний принимает от старших по званию возлагаемые на его обязанности. Хайсе хорошо кооперируется с коллегами, поскольку предпочитает работу в группе для достижения поставленных CCG целей. В свободное от работы время Хайсе любит читать, а также выдумывать различные каламбуры, которые позволяют ему блеснуть остроумием перед начальницей, Акирой Мадо.

У Сасаки есть привычка чесать затылок, когда о чём-то задумывается или когда чувствует себя неуютно. Кроме того, он по-прежнему неосознанно тянется рукой к подбородку, когда лжёт или что-либо скрывает.

Поскольку Хайсе — мягкосердечная персона, у него часто возникают проблемы с подчинёнными, которые отказываются работать в команде и тем самым выставляют Сасаки перед другими следователями не в самом лучшем свете. Однако Хайсе больше волнует их безопасность, а не его собственная репутация. Кроме того, в отличие от Канеки, который принял свою сторону гуля, Хайсе из страха отвергает её и испытывает к ней отвращение, поскольку боится исчезнуть в том случае, если к нему вернутся воспоминания и прежняя натура. В случаях, когда возникает сильнейший соблазн поддаться подсознательным инстинктам, он вспоминает советы и учения своих наставников, что позволяет ему отвлечься и придаёт храбрости.

Позднее Хайсе начинает испытывать всё больший страх перед своим покрытым тайной прошлым, но, тем не менее, пытается разузнать хоть что-нибудь о своей прошлой жизни. Долгое время он колебался в выборе между своим нынешним положением и истинной натурой, и, в конце концов, выбирает второе, не в силах и дальше жить в страхе и неведении.

Внимание! Данный раздел содержит сюжетные спойлеры!

Возвращение воспоминаний

Следующий этап развития характера Канеки, проявившийся из Сасаки Хайсе при возвращении всех воспоминаний. Вспомнив, кем он является на самом деле, Кен ставит перед собой цель «сделать что-то, за что его полюбят», а затем «красиво умереть». Отринув чувства и эмоции, он начинает действовать с хладнокровной жестокостью и стальной решимостью, отчасти даже высокомерием. Объединяя в себе силу гуля SS-ранга и опыт следователя по гулям, Канеки, прикрываясь маской Сасаки быстро делает себе имя в CCG, где становится известен как «Чёрный Бог Смерти» (黒い死神, Kuroi Shinigami). Не взирая на окружение, «возрождённый» Кен уверенно идёт к поставленной цели; предпочитает не тратить своё время на людей, которых считает посторонними (например, не приходит на похороны Ширазу, который до недавнего времени был его подопечным), а также для спасения старых знакомых прибегает к довольно радикальным и жёстким методам (как в случае с инсценировкой смерти Шу, которого, не моргнув глазом, сбросил с крыши небоскрёба, предугадав стремление Канае спасти Цукияму). Канеки снова не боится нарушать законы и права человека: так, он без разрешения начальства и без ордера на обыск отдаёт своему отряду приказ обыскать рабочее место Сен Такацуки, а также устраивает допросы подозреваемых без присутствия адвоката, всячески запугивая арестованного.

Позднее выясняется, что Кен, беря пример с самопожертвования Хиде, намеревается спасти Хинами из Кокурии и затем погибнуть от рук Аримы, выигрывая для беглянки время.

Одноглазый Король

Окончательно разобравшись в себе и осознав, насколько же он всё это время ошибался, Канеки, едва не погибнув от руки Аримы, «перерождается» и смиряется со всеми своими ошибками. Осознав, что образы Ризе и Хиде были лишь голосами его скрытых желаний, Кен обретает волю к жизни, пусть даже жить придётся «некрасиво». Чувство безысходности сменяется спокойствием и уверенностью в себе, наполняющими его новыми силами.

После того, как он одолевает Кишо Ариму, умирающая Это предлагает Канеки стать Одноглазым Королём, поскольку только в его силах повести за собой гулей и создать мир, в котором все будут жить в понимании. Для себя решив, что он должен это сделать, Кен становится вторым Одноглазым Королём, после чего собирает новую античеловеческую организацию «Чёрная Коза». В первую очередь он намерен поговорить с CCG, даже если для этого их придётся усадить за стол переговоров силой.


Потерпев сокрушительное поражение в бою с Сузуей и Абарой, Канеки сожалеет обо всех своих ранее принятых решениях, которые привели его к столь плачевному финалу. Все его планы разрушены, организация истреблена, Тоука вот-вот погибнет. В сознании поверженного Кена собираются все субличности, которые на протяжении жизни были им собраны: ребёнок Канеки, Канеки-Повязка, Канеки-Сколопендра, Канеки №240, Хайсе Сасаки, седой ребёнок Канеки, Сасаки-Чёрный Бог Смерти и Канеки-Одноглазый Король. В ходе обсуждения они приходят к выводу, что их самонадеянность и привычка всегда брать всё на себя и являются причиной их поражения. Отказываясь мириться с тем, что Тоука может погибнуть, Канеки отказывается от своих прежних идеалов и принципов, готовый без жалости уничтожать всех и вся на своём пути, будь то человек, ребёнок или даже он сам. Первым шагом в этом направлении стало крайне жестокое убийство всего состава отряда Оггай, состоявшего из детей-подростков; мутировав в Дракона (см. ниже) Канеки выбрался на поверхность Токио, начиная убивать и пожирать всех, кто попадётся у него на пути: и людей, и гулей.

Как выясняется позднее, данное состояние было лишь минутным мировоззрением, порождённым отчаянием.


Придя в сознание после извлечения из Дракона, Канеки понимает всю тяжесть своих деяний в обличии монстра. В ходе беседы с Хиде он признаётся, что теперь хочет взять на себя ответственность как за его раны, так и за всё произошедшее.

Сюжетная линия

Основная статья: Кен Канеки/Сюжетная линия


Внимание! Данный раздел содержит сюжетные спойлеры!

  1. Хидейоши Нагачика
  2. Тоука Киришима
  3. Йошимура
  4. Ренджи Йомо
  5. Хинами Фуегучи
  6. Шу Цукияма
  7. Энджи Кома
  8. Нишики Нишио
  9. Казуичи Банджо
  10. Ризе Камиширо
  11. Якумо Оомори
  12. Мать Канеки
  13. Ута
  14. Курона Ясухиса
  15. Кишо Арима
  16. Акира Мадо
  17. Тоору Муцуки
  18. Куки Урие
  19. Гинши Ширазу
  20. Сайко Йонебаяши
  21. Джузо Сузуя
  22. Нобу Шимогучи
  23. Коори Уи
  24. Хаиру Ихей
  25. Таке Хирако
  26. Донато Порпора
  27. Сейдо Такизава
  28. Это Йошимура
  29. Нимура Фурута
  30. Ичика Канеки

Хидейоши Нагачика

Лучший друг Канеки, которого тот зовёт прозвищем «Хиде». С детства стали самыми близкими друзьями. Поскольку Канеки не хватало уверенности в себе, зачастую Хиде говорил за него то, что сам Кен высказать не решался, тем самым выступая в роли его «голоса». Канеки готов сражаться насмерть ради своего друга, а Хиде способен понимать испытываемые Кеном эмоции. Позднее выяснилось, что на самом деле он знал обо всём, что случилось с Канеки и о том, что он на самом деле является гулем. Во время нападения CCG на Антейку Хиде находит раненого Канеки в канализации и пытается помочь выбраться из окружения следователей. Изголодавшийся Кен, потеряв над собой контроль, пожирает большую часть лица Хидейоши, после чего Нагачика пропадает без вести, а Канеки чувствует во рту «сладкий привкус крови». Именно в 68 главе, Хиде появляется во флэшбэке, где предлагает Канеки съесть его, предостерегая об Ариме, на которого Кен должен произвести впечатление, чтобы тот оставил его в живых.

Тоука Киришима

Поначалу Канеки даже не подозревал о том, что она является гулем, Кен видел в ней обычную милую девушку. Когда Тоука увидела полугуля, она впала в смятение, однако отказалась проявлять сострадание и оказывать ему помощь, поскольку раньше он был человеком. С тех пор, как Канеки вступил в Антейку, они сблизились, пусть даже она и была его «начальником». Тоука многократно ему помогала, поскольку действительно заботилась о нём, даже несмотря на то, что это увеличит её нагрузку, если с ним что-то случится. Канеки же начинает заботиться о ней в такой же степени, как и о Хиде. Кен бережёт её чувства, и именно поэтому после плена сдерживает себя и вместо того, чтобы убить нанёсшего ей серьёзные ранения Аято, «избивает его до полусмерти», но при этом оставляет в живых, поскольку тот всё-таки является братом Тоуки и его смерть причинила бы ей боль. С того момента, как они начали вместе тренироваться, в бою они научились синхронизировать свои движения. Однако данная тактика не очень эффективна против слишком сильных врагов. После «пробуждения» гуля внутри Канеки, Тоука печалится по поводу того, что Кен отказывается возвращаться в Антейку. Хоть несколько раз он и посещал кафе, но старался избегать встреч с Тоука. Однако им всё же удаётся встретиться до штурма Антейку. Лишь один раз она смогла его увидеть и поговорить с ним. Что удивительно, в этот момент она выходит из себя и избивает Канеки, сожалея о переменах в его характере и считая его эгоистом. Потерпев поражение в сражении с Кишо Аримой, теряющий сознание Кен вспоминает слова Тоуки и признаёт её правоту.

Спустя несколько лет Канеки, вернув себе память и вернувшись к друзьям, вновь сближается с Киришимой, и их отношения начинают развиваться ещё дальше. Испытывая чувства к Тоуке, Кен делает Киришиме предложение, после чего они женятся.


Канеки благодарен Йошимуре за помощь в выживании в мире гулей. Он тщательно прислушивается ко всем его словам и наставлениям. С тех пор, как Канеки стал работать в его кафе на полставки и выполнять различные поручения, он стал частью организации Йошимуры – Антейку. В лаборатории Акихиро Кано Кен узнаёт о причастности Йошимуры к созданию Древа Аогири, что подрывает его доверие к шефу. Позднее Канеки направляется к Йошимуре, чтобы лично получить ответы на все вопросы, в процессе чего узнаёт о том, что глава Антейку является отцом Одноглазой Совы. Во время штурма 20-ого района Кен спешит на помощь к Йошимуре, но ему это не удаётся ввиду столкновения с Кишо Аримой в V14.

Ренджи Йомо

Изначально Йомо относится к нему с отчуждением и не заботится о Канеки, что заметно во время их первого совместного поручения по сбору тел самоубийц. Йомо известно о том, что Кен является гулем, и после сражения Канеки с следователем его интерес к нему возрос. Иногда он даёт Канеки полезные советы, при этом поясняя, как следует вести бой или как избежать неприятностей.

Хинами Фуегучи

Хинами видит в Канеки старшего брата. Она осведомлена и заинтересована в его получеловеческой натуре, поскольку сама она практически не контактировала с людьми. Они оба разделяют тягу к чтению книг, особенно работ Такацуки Сен, и Кен часто учит её читать неизвестные ей кандзи. После смерти её матери Тоука и Канеки тщательно оберегают Хинами и поддерживают друг друга, как настоящая семья. Позднее вместе с Банджо и Цукиямой вступает в группу Канеки.

Во время зачистки Аукциона, когда Хинами защищает потерявшего память Канеки и в результате попадает под арест CCG, Сасаки заявляет о своих правах собственности на неё, уберегая от немедленной расправы. Во время её заключения в Кокурии Хайсе регулярно навещал её и приносил ей книги, пытаясь убедить Фуегучи в том, что он больше не тот человек, которым был прежде.

Когда к нему возвращаются воспоминания, Канеки резко прекращает навещать Хинами, допросами которой начинает заниматься Куки Урие. Этой вынужденной мерой Кен пытается избежать раскрытия того факта, что к нему вернулась память, что повлекло бы за собой уничтожение и его самого, и Хинами. Позднее он идёт против CCG и вскрывает камеру Хинами, чтобы забрать девушку с собой и сбежать из Кокурии.

Позднее Кен спасает Хинами от Сузуи и ценой своей жизни собирается выиграть время для её бегства, когда базу «Козы» вычисляют следователи по гулям.

Шу Цукияма

Когда они знакомятся в Антейку, у Канеки складывается первичное мнение, что Цукияма выглядит как модель. Даже несмотря на то, что остальные предостерегают его насчёт Цукиямы, Кен остаётся при мнении, что тот выглядит личностью, которой можно доверять. Он пьёт с ним кофе, затем играет в сквош, не допуская мысли, что Цукияма видит в нём лишь деликатес. Когда выясняются истинные намерения Цукиямы, Канеки чувствует себя преданным и начинает относиться к нему с повышенной осторожностью и подозрением.

После побега из убежища Аогири, Канеки принимает его в свою группу, веря, что Цукияма мог бы быть сильным союзником. Это показывает, что его возросшая мощь даёт ему превосходство над Цукиямой, а сам Канеки угрожает, чтоб тот знал своё место. Он продолжает подозревать Цукияму в желании съесть его даже несмотря на то, что он это скрывает, однако Кен нарочно не заботится о собственной безопасности, полагая, что его силы хватит для того, чтобы запугать Цукияму и держать его в узде. Чтобы подготовить себя к предстоящим сражениям, Канеки просит его помочь в тренировках и проявляет дружелюбность, однако осторожничает, дабы сохранять дистанцию.

Потеряв память, Сасаки пытается расспросить Цукияму о своей прошлой жизни, но тот уходит от ответа. Когда в ходе Операции по уничтожению семьи Цукияма Канеки обретает утраченные воспоминания, он сбрасывает Шу с крыши небоскрёба, таким образом позволяя ему спастись бегством.

После возвращения Канеки Цукияма снова становится его верным мечом, как и во времена после бегства из Аогири.

Энджи Кома

Канеки разделяет с Энджи сотруднические отношения. К тому же Кен, работая с ним в одну смену, чувствует себя наиболее расслабленно, нежели с другими членами Антейку. Во время операции, развернувшейся в 20-ом районе, Канеки спасает Энджи от гибели, нападая на Могана Танакамару, уничтожая его куинке и забирая товарища с собой.

Нишики Нишио

Поначалу [[Нишики Нишио
|Нишики]] проявляет агрессию по отношению Канеки, поскольку был уверен в том, что тот вторгся на его территорию в целях поживиться «принадлежавшей ему дичью». К тому же таким методом он пытался самоутверждаться, демонстрируя свою силу более слабым гулям.

После спасения Кими из плена Цукиямы, он вступает в Антейку и становится достаточно близким другом Канеки.

Спустя около трёх лет потерявший память Канеки сталкивается в бою с Нишики и одолевает его. В коротком диалоге он неосознанно называет его фамилию, отчего начинает выходить из-под контроля. В свою очередь Нишио окончательно убеждается в то, что перед ним Кен, и сбегает с поля боя, больше не причиняя ему вреда.

После возвращения Канеки между Кеном и Нишики складываются ещё более дружественные отношения, чем прежде. Нишио помогает Канеки своими медицинскими познаниями, а также волнуется за него, когда тот попадает в состояние Дракона.

Казуичи Банджо

Банджо видит в Канеки близкого товарища во время их попытки устроить побег из убежища Аогири. После того, как Канеки одолевает Ямори и даёт обещание всех защитить, его преисполняет благодарность и восхищение силой Кена. Затем Банджо решает стать последователем Канеки, присоединяясь к его группе в качестве «щита», так как таким образом он сможет ему помочь во всех его начинаниях. После штурма Антейку их сотрудничество прерывается, но возобновляется спустя несколько лет после побега Канеки из CCG.

Ризе Камиширо

Канеки проявлял к Ризе симпатию, поскольку у них с ней были похожие предпочтения в книгах. В свою очередь Ризе привлекал аромат его тела. У обоих выяснилось много общих увлечений и интересов. После свидания Ризе пытается его убить и съесть, однако терпит неудачу. В итоге она якобы погибает, а тяжело раненого Канеки доставляют в госпиталь, где доктор Кано решает пересадить ему органы Камиширо. Когда Канеки был заперт в пыточной комнате Ямори, Ризе появляется перед ним в его сознании. Она откровенно беседует с ним о его прошлом и о его характере. Пусть Ризе и была лишь плодом его воображения, она поддерживала его и укрепляла решимость. В итоге Камиширо помогает Канеки осознать ошибочность своих ранних убеждений и принять свою сторону гуля. В своём воображении Канеки «поедает» Камиширо. В аниме галлюцинации с Ризе появляются у Канеки намного раньше, чем в манге, сразу как только он стал наполовину гулем. Как правило, она является к нему в те моменты, когда он голоден и нуждается в новой порции людского мяса. Кроме того, когда Канеки теряет над собой контроль, в его искажённом сознании всплывают отголоски личности Ризе, отчего он начинает говорить о себе в женском роде (использует женское местоимение «ваташи»).

Кен был шокирован, во время похода увидев живую Ризе в экспериментальной лаборатории Кано. Канеки видел Ризе беспомощной в изголодавшемся состоянии, что шло вразрез с его прежними воспоминаниями о Камиширо. Поскольку именно с Ризе Кен ассоциировал свою силу как гуля, данное зрелище сильно пошатнуло его уверенность в себе и стало катализатором медленного распада личности.

Иллюзия Ризе также появляется в сознании Канеки, пребывающего в состоянии Дракона. Там она обвиняет его в массовых убийствах и лицемерии, что помогает ему осознать очередную порцию своих ошибок и встать на путь исправления.

Якумо Оомори

Ямори расценивал Канеки как «отличную игрушку» для своего излюбленного хобби – для пыток. Он видел в нём слабого духом юношу и пользовался его высокими регенеративными способностями, чтобы утолить свои садистские наклонности. Весьма иронично, что Ямори, изначально веривший в то, что он «сломал» и ослабил Канеки, в итоге был им превзойдён и побеждён, выступая в роли катализатора его трансформации. В Ямори можно увидеть своеобразного наставника Канеки, который закалил его тело и которому он позднее стал подражать, копируя его привычку хрустеть пальцами. Когда Кен теряет над собой контроль, в его искажённом разуме возникают отголоски личности Ямори (например, когда он для самоутверждения заявляет о собственной силе, в его речи используется ярко выраженное мужское местоимение «орэ», которое аналогично использовал Джейсон).[20]

Мать Канеки

У Кена были близкие отношения с матерью, что всегда растила его в одиночку. Он обожал её домашнюю готовку и гамбургеры, которые она готовила специально для него. Но она могла побить его за какую-нибудь глупую просьбу. Когда у Кена спросили о том, любит ли он маму, он дал положительный ответ, при этом приложив ладонь к подбородку (что указывает на то, что отвечал Канеки неискренне). Позднее выясняется, что в детстве Канеки нередко избивала мать за различные глупые просьбы, что выработало в нём стокгольмский синдром. «Переродившись» в Tokyo Ghoul:re, Кен признал свою мать жалкой и ничтожной.


Ута помогает Канеки, сделав для него маску. Поскольку Канеки был одним из его клиентов, Ута присоединяется к Антейку, чтобы отправиться в убежище Аогири и помочь в спасении Кена. Однако в итоге выясняется, что Ута вовсе не питал дружеских чувств к Канеки, а лишь со стороны наслаждался его страданиями и саморазрушением.

Курона Ясухиса

Поначалу у Кена с Куроной и Наширо возникли враждебные отношения, поскольку их интересы противоречили друг другу; во время зачистки Ресторана Гулей Канеки пришлось вступить в бой с близнецами Ясухиса, защищающими Мадам А, которую на тот момент разыскивала его банда. Несмотря на противостояние, сестры обе Ясухиса знали, что они с Кеном одного поля ягоды (результаты экспериментов Акихиро Кано), а потому называли Кена «братиком».

Спустя несколько лет враждебность утихает и Курона вступает в ряды «Козы». Поначалу она высмеивает намерения Канеки, но в итоге смиряется с ними. Позднее в ходе внедрения в лабораторию CCG для кражи Rc-депрессанта у Куроны и Кена завязывается разговор по душам, в котором он говорит ей слова, которые много для неё значат: Канеки говорит ей, что у того, кто её игнорирует (Акихиро Кано) нет права её оценивать.

Кишо Арима

Во время их первого столкновения Канеки был одновременно и напуган, и впечатлён легендарным следователем. Он страдает в результате жестокой расправы, что привела к его последующему захвату силами CCG и потере собственной личности и воспоминаний. Арима получает «право собственности» над ним, после чего решает выбрать ему новую личность. Когда Канеки становится известен как Сасаки Хайсе, их связывают тесные узы учителя и ученика. Арима становится его наставником, которого он крайне уважает и которым восхищается, одновременно с этим чувствуя, что никогда не сможет его превзойти. Акира дразнит его и предполагает, что Арима испытывает к нему «родительские чувства», полагая, что между ними особенно близкие отношения. Позднее Хайсе подтверждает, что видит в Ариме своего «отца» – человека, который его спас и помог начать новую жизнь. Они разделяют любовь к чтению, в результате чего одалживают друг другу книги. К тому же Арима отдаёт Хайсе свой старый куинке, Юкимуру, который он использовал будучи подростком. Помимо этого наставник и ученик часто тренировались вместе. После того, как к Канеки вернулись воспоминания, его начинают посещать мысли об убийстве Аримы. Но, несмотря на это, во время их битвы в Кокурии Кен неоднократно вспоминает моменты из жизни, когда он был Хайсе Сасаки и считал Ариму своим «отцом». В конце битвы Канеки отказывается его убивать, и даже плачет, когда тот всё же умирает; несмотря на вернувшиеся воспоминания, Кен до самого конца испытывал к Ариме тёплые чувства.

Акира Мадо

Акира послужила его первым коллегой, ответственным за его боевое обучение, и помогла стать ему следователем. Хайсе её глубоко уважает, а годы сотрудничества посеяли между ними зерно крепкой дружбы. За пределами офиса он обожает её дразнить, используя различные каламбуры, на что Акира отвечает наигранным раздражением. Однако, будучи его начальником, Акира может быть с ним достаточно груба, применяя «Удар Мадо» в живот, чтобы тот задумался о своём поведении. Она предупреждает его, что он слишком наивен и что его милосердие ни к чему хорошему его не приведёт. Сам же Хайсе, будучи её подчинённым, прикладывает к своей работе все усилия, чтобы не подвести ожидания Акиры, а также считает её отличным руководителем. К тому же Акира, которая обязана держать Сасаки под контролем, регулярно ему напоминает, чтобы он не применял в бою свои силы, связанные с его натурой гуля. Поэтому Хайсе время от времени в шутку называет её мамой, чему она, судя по всему, не особо рада.

После того, как к Канеки возвращаются воспоминания, он полностью перестаёт контактировать с Акирой. Однако после бегства из Кокурии он встречается с Мадо, которая была ранена на Русиме в ходе попытки защитить Такизаву. Она даёт понять, что даже если у Канеки остались воспоминания, он уже не является Хайсе, и поэтому их больше ничего не связывает. Акира признает, что одна вещь в Канеки ей все же нравится и даёт Кену «удар Мадо», после чего они оба говорят что им одиноко и расстаются. Когда же Канеки превращается в Дракона, Акира вместе с Амоном пытаются спасти его. Когда тело Кена всё же удаётся вернуть, они также навещают его палату.

Тоору Муцуки

Среди Куинксов у них самые тесные узы; после того, как команда разделяется, они вместе работают над делом Торсо. Сасаки относится к нему с уважением, но и вместе с этим время от времени ведёт себя по отношению к нему несколько по-матерински. После того, как доктор Шиба выразил свою озабоченность касательно здоровья молодого следователя, Хайсе для себя подчеркнул, что необходимо впредь готовить ужин с повышенным количеством мяса, а также регулярно читает Тоору лекции о том, что тот должен укреплять своё тело. В свою очередь Муцуки выражает большое восхищение своим наставником и всегда готов похвалить действия Сасаки (например, как в случае с командой Хирако, когда те отказались делиться данными, тем самым поставив Хайсе в унизительное положение). Позже выясняется, что Тоору испытывает романтические чувства к Сасаки, о чем она говорит Урие. После операции на Русиме Тоору возвращается в CCG и начинает искать Тоуку. В процессе выясняется, что Муцуки уже не просто влюблена в Сасаки, а одержима им, и готова убить любого кто встанет у нее на пути, в особенности Тоуку Киришиму.

Куки Урие

У них довольно довольно напряжённые что личные, что профессиональные отношения, поскольку лидер отряда Урие склонен состязаться с лидерством Сасаки во всех проявлениях. Зачастую Урие действует сам по себе, не утруждая себя тем, чтобы посоветоваться с командой, и тем самым оставляя Сасаки в неведении и, как следствие, в глубоком разочаровании. Когда действия Урие приводят к разладу команды, Сасаки его бранит и обещает преподать ему урок. Даже несмотря на это, Урие интуитивно признаёт, что испытывает проблемы с соблюдением субординации. Поэтому он отказывается работать в команде с остальными, отчего зачастую подвергается критике со стороны товарищей и вызывает у Сасаки ещё большее разочарование. После того, как он подвергнул опасности свой отряд, разгневанный Хайсе лишает его звания лидера командира, отчего Урие злится и называет его гулем. Хоть Сасаки и отвечает на это в шутливой манере, слова Урие его сильно задевают.

После возвращения воспоминаний Канеки в последней с Урие беседе обвиняет его в слабости, которая привела к гибели Ширазу.

С течением времени Урие начинает признавать правоту слов Канеки. Позднее он принимает участие в операции по поиску тела Кена среди массы Дракона, и именно он извлекает его и доставляет в штаб. После того, как Сасаки приходит в себя, между ним и Урие, наконец, складываются по-настоящему дружелюбные и доверительные отношения.

Гинши Ширазу

Как и Урие, Ширазу склонен не подчиняться приказам и делать то, что ему вздумается. Сасаки разочаровывается в себе из-за неспособности управлять своей командой, и впадает в смятение, когда Ширазу с ним спорит. Он не ведает, что Ширазу был убеждён не доверять ему, но всё равно ему больно осознавать отсутствие контроля над своим подчинённым. Однако позднее Ширазу после событий, связанных со Змеем, встаёт на сторону Сасаки и избивает Урие, когда тот называет Хайсе «гулем». Сасаки назначает его новым лидером отряда Куинксов.

После возвращения воспоминаний Канеки становится совершенно равнодушен к Ширазу, игнорируя даже его похороны.

Сайко Йонебаяши

Хотя их взаимодействие до сих пор не было показано, Сасаки озабочен по поводу её диеты и всеобщей лени. Когда остальная часть команды занята работой по расследованию дела Торсо, Хайсе оставляет её дома за главную.

Джузо Сузуя

Поначалу Кен не знал Джузо лично, поскольку их первая встреча была случайным столкновением посреди улицы, в результате чего незнакомец обчистил его карманы. Позднее Сузуя во время боевых действий в 11-ом районе снова замечает Кена, издалека узнавая его даже с поседевшими волосами и безуспешно пытаясь вспомнить его фамилию.

Спустя три года, когда Кен Канеки становится следователем по гулям Хайсе Сасаки, у них сразу налаживаются приятельские отношения; при их встрече Сузуя, знающий его истинную личность, возвращает ему украденные деньги, хоть Сасаки и не помнит самой кражи и в итоге не понимает поступка коллеги. Со временем Джузо и Хайсе доводилось принимать участие в экспедициях в 24-ый район, а также у Сасаки выработалась привычка перед встречей с Сузуей прятать по карманам сладости, чтобы тот мог найти и забрать их во время обыска. После зачистки Аукциона Хайсе приглашает Джузо и Хамбее на вечеринку в Особняк.

Во время операции по уничтожению «Козы» Сузуя не проявляет ненависти к Канеки; перед битвой он заявляет ему о своих намерениях убить его. Однако после поражения Кен представляет, как убивает Джузо при первом удобном случае (перед собранием по делу Щелкуна); после спасения из тела Дракона он о нём больше не вспоминает.

Нобу Шимогучи

Их отношения сильно натянуты; Шимогучи даже не скрывает своего презрения в адрес Сасаки. Хоть всем хорошо известно, какого он о Хайсе мнения, сам Сасаки относится к нему с вежливостью и уважением в качестве доказательства собственной компетентности. Он просит его команду поделиться данными для расследования дела Торсо, однако вместо этого сталкивается с унижением со стороны подчинённых Шимогучи, которые впоследствии позволяют себе над ним насмехаться во время собрания. Сасаки же это игнорирует, стараясь сохранить свою вежливость и хладнокровие. Однако дома он позволяет себе выплеснуть скопившееся раздражение на ком-нибудь другом, и надеется ещё проявить себя, чтобы превзойти Шимогучи.

Тем не менее, позднее Сасаки вместе с Акирой навещает в госпитале тяжелораненого Шимогучи и после зачистки Аукциона даже приглашает на вечеринку. Нобу, несмотря на это, отказывается, ссылаясь на занятость по работе.

Коори Уи

Коори и Хайсе познакомились в ходе сотрудничества в составе отряда Аримы. Уи знает, что Сасаки гуль, и потому относится к нему с осторожностью, недоверием и опаской. Сам же Хайсе всеми силами старался преодолеть пропасть между ними, и спустя время Коори жалеет, что не протянул ему руку, когда у него была такая возможность.

Хаиру Ихей

Хайсе и Хаиру вместе состояли в отряде Аримы, где у них сложились приятельские отношения. Несмотря на это, Сасаки не одобрял её излишнюю жестокость при расправе над гулями.

Таке Хирако

Хайсе и Таке крайне редко пересекались друг с другом; как правило, это происходило только во время собраний следователей. Когда у Сасаки выдалась возможность спросить Хирако о том, каким человеком был Арима, тот не стал ему отвечать.

После гибели Кишо Аримы во время рейда на Кокурию Хирако и Нулевой отряд становятся телохранителями Кена, по последнему приказу бывшего командира обеспечивая ему побег и присоединяясь к его организации. Что до побега, что после него Канеки уважает Хирако и как следователя, и как человека.

Донато Порпора

Заключённый гуль является ценным информатором, проявляя проницательность и давая Сасаки советы касательно его расследований. У них достаточно тёплые отношения, они спокойно разговаривают друг с другом, временами могут отвлечься на короткие беседы не по теме. Примечательно, что Донато обращается к нему по имени и никогда над ним не издевается. Судя по всему, гуль знает нечто важное, и поэтому просит Хайсе однажды навестить его, чтобы с глазу на глаз обсудить некое «другое дело», которым оказываются намёки на его прошлое.

Сейдо Такизава

Сейдо Такизава с самого начала видел в Кене Канеки так называемый №1 (поскольку тот был первым успешным полугулем Кано), и потому решил во что бы то ни стало превзойти его. В ходе сражения он жестоко избивает Канеки и едва не убивает его, однако в виду обстоятельств их бой прерывается.

Позднее положение дел складывается таким образом, что Сейдо и Кен оказываются по одну сторону баррикады. Такизава временно присоединяется к его организации, чтобы проникнуть в лабораторию CCG и выкрасть Rc-депрессант, необходимый для лечения Акиры Мадо. В ходе операции он вместе с Куроной остаётся сдерживать обезумевшего Котаро Амона, чтобы Кен и Аято смогли успешно добыть цель их вылазки.

Спустя время Канеки и Такизава разговаривают по душам на крыше здания. Сейдо первым догадывается о неискренности намерений Кена устроить мир между гулями и людьми, а также благодаря беседе с ним решает до конца нести на себе крест своих грехов, после чего покидает «Козу», чтобы залечь на дно и жить как обычный гуль.

Это Йошимура

Кен Канеки на протяжении долгого времени был и остаётся большим поклонником творчества Сен Такацуки; он прочитал все её произведения. В тяжелый период жизни он идёт с Хинами на автограф-сессию писательницы, что в итоге положительно сказывается на его настроении и почти избавляет его от депрессии.

Во время уничтожения семьи Цукияма вернувший память Кен снова сталкивается с Сен Такацуки, которая предстаёт перед ним в образе Одноглазой Совы. Он помнит просьбу Йошимуры позаботиться о его ребёнке, однако в ходе сражения меняет своё мнение, видя её поведение и эгоизм. Когда Это признаётся ему в привязанности и симпатии, он отвергает её чувства, пользуясь случаем для нанесения тяжелой травмы.

Позднее он активно выслеживает её и в итоге успешно арестовывает; Сен Такацуки сдаётся без боя. Своей последней книгой «Король Бильейг» и сотрудничеством с Кеном она раскрывает ему глаза на истину CCG и подлинную натуру Нимуры Фуруты, а также позднее оказывает помощь во время боевых действий в Кокурии, попросив взамен убить Одноглазого Короля. После того, как Канеки одолевает Кишо Ариму, Это рассказывает ему о своём тайном сотрудничестве с Аримой и в конце концов передаёт титул Одноглазого Короля, который смог бы повести гулей за собой. Хоть она и не настаивала и даже уточнила, что он может от этого отказаться, Кен принимает на себя роль Короля и в итоге возглавляет организацию гулей под названием «Коза», тем самым отдавая честь памяти Сен Такацуки.

Нимура Фурута

На протяжении некоторого времени Хайсе Сасаки и Нимура Фурута были напарниками спустя полгода после уничтожения семьи Цукияма. В некоторой степени они сдружились и слаженно действовали во время преследования Сен Такацуки, зачастую ради достижения цели нарушая законы (обыск без ордера или допрос подозреваемого без присутствия адвоката) и распределяя между собой роли «хорошего» (Фурута) и «плохого» (Сасаки) полицейского. Хайсе хвалил Нимуру за умение работать с документами и анализировать данные.

Вскоре не без помощи Это Кен узнаёт, что на деле Нимура и есть клоун Соута, сбросивший на Ризе стальные балки. Арестованная Йошимура-младшая предоставляет ему диктофонную запись её разговора с Фурутой, однако о диктофоне Канеки позднее так ни разу и не вспоминает. Во время боевых действий в Кокурии между Кеном и Нимурой окончательно разрываются положительные отношения, поскольку они вступают друг с другом в бой.

После побега Кен пытается наладить с Нимурой контакт, однако тот перехватывает инициативу и предлагает взять на себя вину за истребление клана Вашу и стать всеобщим врагом во имя мира. Канеки такая перспектива не радует. Вопрос Кена о том, почему во время обрушения стальных балок выбор пал на него, окончательно меняет представление Нимуры о нём в худшую сторону, поскольку его эгоцентричность вызывает в нём смех пополам с отвращением. Когда озвучивший свои планы касательно «кучи детишек Ризе» Фурута удаляется, Канеки по известным лишь ему причинам решает, что Нимура у власти будет выгоден его организации. В итоге это выливается в резню, которую Фурута устраивает гулям по всему Токио, загоняя их в 24-ый район, а затем организовывая крупную операцию по зачистке базы «Козы». После того, как вернувшийся в 24-ый район Кен терпит сокрушительное поражение от Джузо и Хамбее, Нимура глумится над ним, погружая в отчаяние и склоняя к решению отказаться от принципов и начать убивать людей. Таким образом зарождается Дракон, сожравший всех Оггай и выбравшийся на поверхность Токио

После спасения из биомассы Кен отправляется на поиски источника Rc-яда в яйцеводе 19-ого района и на пути к цели снова пересекается с выжившим Нимурой, который к тому времени был уверен, что Канеки уже мёртв. Без промедления Кен нападает на Фуруту, отказываясь вести с ним беседы и выслушивать его россказни. Схватка заканчивается победой Кена. Напоследок Фурута спрашивает, стал бы Канеки смеяться над ним в том случае, если бы он признался в своём желании жить обычной жизнью. В ответ на это Кен даёт отрицательный ответ.

Ичика Канеки

Ичика — ребёнок Кена и Тоуки, родившаяся в декабре после завершения обороны Токио. Канеки любит свою дочь и вместе с женой растит и воспитывает её, окружив вниманием и заботой.

Силы и способности

Физиология гуля

Кен унаследовал какухо Ризе, что наделило его способностью использовать её кагуне, аномальной регенерацией и увеличенной физической силой. Поскольку Канеки является гибридом, потенциал его способностей выше, чем у среднестатистического полноценного гуля.

  • Ринкаку-кагуне: унаследованный от Ризе кагуне в точности повторял изначальную форму, коей обладал у донора. Будучи представителем ринкаку-типа, Канеки обладает огромной грубой силой, позволяющей наносить серьёзные повреждения противникам. Чешуйчатая структура кагуне при ударах спиливает плоть и Rc-клетки противника подобно напильнику. С течением времени и опытом Канеки базовые формы претерпевали изменения.
    • 3 круглых щупальца: исходный вид кагуне, контроль над которыми давался Канеки с трудом. Уже на тот момент его мощи было достаточно, чтобы уничтожить куинке или пронзить тело крепкого гуля. Ниже приведены наиболее отчётливые формы, коими обладал кагуне Канеки до того момента, пока Кен не научился свободно контроливать форму высвобождаемой массы. [21]
    • 4 приплюснутых щупальца: после того, как ему удалось вырваться из плена Якумо Оомори, Кен придаёт кагуне форму уже четырёх щупалец с более плоскими и острыми очертаниями. Мощь значительно увеличивается за счёт грубой силы, способной не только наносить серьёзные разрушения окружению, но и рассекать плотную структуру какуджа-кагуне. Примером является какуджа-рука Ямори, которая в ходе сражения была отсечена кагуне Канеки.[22]
    • 6 щупалец с шипами: в ходе битвы в лаборатории Кано обезумевший Кен, когда его какуджа-какухо был повреждён, на смену ему высвобождает уже шесть ринкаку-щупалец с острыми отростками. Мощь атак возрастает до такой степени, что одновременный удар способен разрушить коукаку-какуджа-броню, использовавшуюся при создании «Араты».[23]
    • Трёхпалая рука: усиленная форма кагуне, образованная в результате плотного переплетения трёх ринкаку-щупалец. Используется для нанесения наиболее тяжёлых ударов, способных пробить оборону противника.[24] Позднее предстаёт в более крупной форме с увеличенными когтями, предназначенными для разрывания тела противника.[25]
    • Пружина: одному из своих щупалец Канеки способен придать спиралевидную форму, имитирующую кагуне Шу Цукиямы. Пружина используется для усиленных прыжков, акробатических манёвров во время боя и для усиления атак кинетической энергией.[26]
    • 8 рук-щупалец: данная форма проявилась во время приступа психической настабильности Канеки в V14, когда Кишо Арима нанёс ему первое ранение в голову. В безумном порыве кагуне-конечности хаотично крушили всё вокруг; мощности ударов хватило даже на то, чтобы серьёзно повредить опорные колонны.[27]
    • Спиралевидный меч: единожды применявшаяся форма, отдалённо напоминающая кагуне Шу Цукиямы. Использовалась во время сражения со Змеем. Увеличив кагуне в размерах и придав ему форму спирали с заострённым концом, Хайсе с лёгкостью отсёк половину бикаку-хвоста своего противника.[25]
    • Подземные шипы: дважды применяемая форма. Использовалась Сасаки в бою со Змеем и в бою с Аримой; Хайсе вонзает щупальца в асфальт, чтобы затем высвободить их под ногами противника и снизу нанести многочисленные ранения.[25]
    • Переплетение рук: в данной форме кагуне высвободился после возвращения памяти Канеки. При помощи переплетения кагуне-конечностей Кен нанёс Канае критические повреждения, лишившие её способности продолжать бой.[28]
    • Плотоядные щупальца: после того, как Кен съел значительную часть нижней половины тела Одноглазой Совы, его кагуне потерял чётко выраженную форму. Во время его службы в качестве кандитата в особый класс это были щупальца с расположенными на них глазами, зубастыми ртами и острыми отростками.[29]
    • Крылья бабочки: форма кагуне Канеки, образовавшаяся после его извлечения из формы Дракона. Rc-клетки после высвобождения принимают вид массивных крыльев, растущих из спины.[30]
    • Крестообразные клинки: кагуне Кена формирует несколько тонких и прочных щупалец с массивными крестообразными мечами, наделённых высокой разрушительной мощью. Благодаря способности щупалец растягиваться, диапазон атаки мечами достаточно высок, что позволяет Кену атаковать противника на любой дистанции вплоть до средне-дальней.[30]
    • Раздвоенный хвост: одна из дополнительных форм кагуне Кена, которая является копией кагуне Нишики Нишио.[31]
    • Сегментированные клинки: одна из дополнительных форм кагуне Кена, которая принимает вид двух составных лезвий, состоящих их многочисленных сегментов.[31]


Дизайн в манге:

Kaneki's kagune first version

Три ринкаку-щупальца

Kaneki Original Kagune

Четыре ринкаку-щупальца

Kaneki's kagune – first arm

Трёхпалая рука

Kaneki's Kagune3

Шесть ринкаку-щупалец

Kaneki's kagune – spring


Kaneki's Kagune

Восемь ринкаку-щупалец

Kaneki's Unstable Kagune

Кагуне Канеки выходит из-под контроля

Sasaki kagune 2

Трёхпалая рука – увеличенная версия

Sasaki kagune 3

Спиралевидный меч

Haise Kaneki pierces Nishiki

Подземные шипы

Kaneki limbs kagune

Переплетение рук

Kaneki kakuja hand re81

Рука-кагуне после «перерождения»

Kaneki White Suit

Массивные ринкаку-щупальца

Kaneki's kagune – butterfly wings

Крылья бабочки и крестообразные клинки

Kaneki's rinkaku kagune — forked tail

Раздвоенный хвост

Kaneki's rinkaku kagune — segmented blades

Сегментированные клинки

Дизайн в аниме:

Kaneki kagune v1 anime

Два ринкаку-щупальца

Kaneki's Kagune Anime

Четыре ринкаку-щупальца

Kaneki impales Shachi with his kagune

Четыре ринкаку-щупальца (√A)

  • Ринкаку-какуджа: в результате практикуемого Канеки каннибализма у него развился какуджа-кагуне, способный наносить серьёзнейшие повреждения. Поскольку поначалу его какуджа был несовершенным, Кен каждый раз при его использовании терял над собой контроль и впадал в состояние берсерка, атакуя без разбору всех, кто встанет на его пути: и врагов, и друзей. При этом его речь становится обрывистой и бессвязной; он говорит о себе в разном роде, а также неосознанно озвучивает самые сокровенные мысли. На протяжении времени форма какуджа-кагуне неоднократно менялась и совершенствовалась.
    • Хвост-сколопендра: самая первая форма кагуне, существовавшая только в аниме. Выглядит как туловища сколопендры с многочисленными заострёнными лапками. Способна не только с лёгкостью рассекать тела гулей, но и разрушать окружение, оставляя глубокие борозды на бетоновых стенах и на полу.[1]
    • Парные хвосты-сколопендры: вторая, более продвинутая версия какуджа-кагуне, отличающаяся лишь количеством хвостов. Пробивная мощь изменений не претерпевает.[32]
    • Массивная трёхпалая рука: переходная форма, проявившаяся спустя длительный отрезок времени во время сражения с Кишо Аримой в Кокурии. Представляет собой бронированную лапу с тремя вытянутыми пальцами-когтями, способными заблокировать даже атаку куинке ранга SSS.[33]
    • Сдвоенный меч и броня: одна из наиболее развитых какуджа-форм, проявившаяся в ходе сражения с Аримой в Кокурии. Торс Кена покрывает какуджа-броня; за плечами возникает подобие оперения из лезвий, а правую руку покрывают два массивных клинка, расположенных под острым углом. В данном состоянии Канеки уже полностью сохраняет рассудок и больше не подвержен безумию.[34]
    • Гигантский хвост-сколопендра: продвинутая версия хвоста-сколопендры, размеры которой увеличиваются в несколько раз. Кроме того, сохраняется какуджа-броня, защищающая тело носителя от тяжелейших атак.[35]
    • Одноглазый Король: нестабильная какуджа-форма, которая покрывает тело Канеки прочной бронёй, видоизменяет его правую руку в массивную лапу со множеством когтей-лезвий, а также оснащает множеством щупалец и клинков, произрастающих из плеч, лопаток и спины. Какуджа-маска приобретает смешанный вид, включая как элементы от маски «сколопендры» (глаз посередине и вытянутый вырост—«хоботок»), так и новые: нижняя часть лица превращается в вытянутую пасть со множеством острых зубов. Тактика боя в данной форме неизвестна, поскольку Канеки при её использовании теряет над собой контроль и после сражения не может вспомнить ход битвы. Тем не менее, Кичимура Вашу сравнивает Кена, сражавшегося в данной какуджа-форме, с разъярённым демоном.[4]
    • Дракон: какуджа-форма Канеки после поедания сотни следователей-оггай.[5] Условно обозначается как «Дракон», поскольку внешность данного существа трудно поддаётся описанию: Кен превращается в чудовищных размеров существо, целиком состоящее из какуджа-кагуне. Его габариты настолько велики, что способны целиком заполнить улицы города, а также в длине превзойти небоскрёб (так, Дракон в состоянии обвиться вокруг Токийского муниципалитета, достигнув его крыши).[36] Туловище совмещает в себе одновременно черты сколопендры (длинное сегментарное тело и щупальца-лапы) и дракона (гигантская голова с широкой пастью со множеством крупных зубов). Всё туловище покрывают симметрично расположенные глаза (подразумевающие скопления Rc-клеток), рты, конечности, щупальца и копии съеденных оггай, образованные из кагуне (из некоторых отверстий в самом деле сыплются тела-двойники). Бронированный покров Дракона способен выстоять против выстрела из танкового орудия, а вес — с лёгкостью раздавить бронетехнику. Размеры чудовища позволяют ему одновременно присутствовать как на поверхности Токио, так и в 24-ом районе.[37] Однако, информации на счет того, контролирует ли Кен данную форму какуджи нет. После появления чудовища в Токио жертвы среди гражданского населения, следователей по гулям и военных исчисляются сотнями.
      • Отпрыски: в состоянии Дракона Канеки способен выпрастывать субстанцию из Rc-клеток, из которых формируются многочисленные монстры-гуманоиды с кагунеобразным туловищем и зубастой пастью вместо лица. Количество существ исчисляется сотнями; все они агрессивны к окружающим формам жизни и нападают на всех без разбору, кроме своих сородичей. Однако они уязвимы перед куинке, что позволяет без труда их уничтожить путём обезглавливания. Несмотря на это, за монстрами остаётся численное преимущество над следователями и гулями.[38]
    • Драконид: какуджа-форма Кена после извлечения из биомассы Дракона. Его тело покрывает броня, а на торсе появляются очертания драконьей морды. За плечами Rc-клетки принимают вид нескольких пар крупных мышечных лезвий.[39] Активация какуджа-формы сопрвождается появлением крестообразных клинков, количество которых варьируется от четырёх до десяти.[40]


Дизайн в манге:

Kaneki's incomplete Kakuja Kagune

Хвост-сколопендра (полукакуджа)

Kaneki kakuja twin tails (manga)

Парные хвосты-сколопендры (полукакуджа)

Shinohara vs. Kaneki

Парные хвосты-сколопендры (полукакуджа)

Kaneki kakuja re

Переходная какуджа-форма

Kaneki kakuja ch76

Обновлённая форма какуджа

Kaneki vs Arima Ch76

Сдвоенный меч

Kaneki's new centipede-kagune

Гигантский хвост-сколопендра

Kaneki's rinkaku kakuja — One-Eyed King

Какуджа-форма Одноглазого Короля

Kaneki being morphed into the Dragon

Дракон — мутация

Kaneki filling the streets of Tokyo as Dragon

Дракон — какуджа-кагуне Канеки заполняют улицы Токио

Kaneki wrapped around Tochou

Дракон — габариты в сравнении с Токийским муниципалитетом

Kaneki's kakuja kagune with mouths and eyes

Дракон — какуджа-кагуне с многочисленными глазами и пастями

Kaneki's kakuja kagune — The Head of the Dragon

Дракон — голова и пасть

Kaneki summoning monsters

Дракон – выброс Rc-субстанции и формирование отпрысков

Monsters created by Kaneki

Дракон – отпрыски

Kaneki's post-dragon kakuja form — cross-like blades

Драконид в окружении крестообразных клинков

Kaneki's post-dragon kakuja form (back view)

Драконид (вид сзади)

Kaneki's post-dragon kakuja — long range attack

Драконид — дальнобойная атака клинками

Дизайн в аниме:

Kaneki's kakuja – twin centipede tails in anime

Парные хвосты-сколопендры (полукакуджа)

Kaneki kakuja twin tails (anime)

Парные хвосты-сколопендры (полукакуджа)

Kaneki's kakuja root A

Четыре ринкаку-щупальца и хвосты-сколопендры

Kakuja single tail

Хвост-сколопендра Канеки (полукакуджа)

  • Сверхчеловеческая сила: гули обладают повышенной физической силой, значительно превосходящей человеческую. Ею овладел и Канеки после операции по пересадке какухо. Кен уже в самом начале своего развития был способен голыми руками нейтрализовать среднестатистических полноценных гулей, превосходивших его ростом и численностью. Кроме того, Канеки в состоянии вырвать из асфальта фонарный столб, чтобы затем использовать в качестве оружия.[25] Велика и мощь его бросков; во время битвы с Аято Кен швырнул оппонента в пол с такой силой, что тот пробил собой несколько этажей одного из зданий в 11-ом районе.[41] Помимо этого Кен способен без усилий бросать и удерживать вытянутой рукой гуля, превосходящего его в весе и росте.[42]
  • Сверхчеловеческая скорость: во время сражения с Шинохарой Канеки продемонстрировал огромную скорость бега, которая позволяла ему бегать по стенам и благодаря которой следователь был не в состоянии отследить его перемещение. Во время сражения с Аримой в V14 Кен был в состоянии уклониться от разрядов Наруками Аримы[27], а спустя несколько лет и от хаотичных ударов кагуне Канае, обезумевшей от боли.[28]
  • Cверхчеловеческая стойкость: тело Канеки обладает повышенной прочностью, выделяющей его даже среди гулей. Он неуязвим для обычного холодного или огнестрельного оружия. В ослабленном состоянии Кен выдерживает многочисленные удары превосходящего по силам противника. Также Канеки отделывается некритическими повреждениями при ударах о предметы окружения, как то мебель в кофейне Антейку. При получении сильного удара, отбрасывающего Кена в сторону, его тело способно пробить бетонную стену, отделавшись незначительными ранениями.
  • Сверхчеловеческий болевой порог: подвергнутый пыткам Ямори Канеки на протяжении десяти дней испытывал нечеловеческую боль. Зверские истязания не прошли даром и закалили его, притупив болевые ощущения. Вновь обретя свободу, в сражениях Кен больше не обращал внимания на боль, если только рана не была слишком обширной и критической. Так, он спокойно переносил открытые переломы и колотые раны. Завышенный болевой порог не распространялся на Хайсе Сасаки; лишённый воспоминаний Кен снова страдал от получаемых ранений в бою с Такизавой на аукционе или с Канае на крыше Lunatic Eclipse. Позднее же, когда к нему возвращается память, его болевой порог снова завышается, что позволяет Канеки спокойно переносить как неоднократную потерю конечностей, так и многочисленные раны от Кишо Аримы, когда тот с огромной скоростью кромсал его тело в Кокурии.
  • Сверхчеловеческая регенерация: гули обладают повышенным исцеляющим фактором, в разы превосходящий таковой у людей. С течением времени на теле гуля в зависимости от его рациона и частоты питания затягиваются любые раны; мелкие царапины, ушибы и порезы залечиваются моментально. Возможно даже восстановление утерянных частей тела, однако это, как правило, занимает более длительный срок.
    • Аномальная регенерация: с самого начала регенерация Канеки считалась аномальной даже среди гулей. Сперва это проявлялось в быстром исцелении сквозных ранений, полученных в сражениях и в плену Древа Аогири; затем она проявилась в ускоренном отращивании пальцев на ногах во времена десятидневных пыток Ямори. С течением времени и накоплением силы и опыта регенеративные способности Канеки лишь усиливались. Позднее он был в состоянии исцелить открытые переломы рук и сквозные ранения. Пиком регенерации стали обширная рана, полученная в схватке с Котаро Амоном, два критических сквозных повреждения мозга и уничтоженные глаза в бою с Кишо Аримой: каждое из этих увечий спустя промежуток времени отрегенерировалось, не оставив и следа. На этом развитие не остановилось; следующей демонстрацией самовосстановления стала битва с Аримой в Кокурии, в ходе которой Кишо безостановочно кромсал тело Кена, который в свою очередь успевал молниеносно регенерировать потерянные части тела. Несмотря на это, Кен по неизвестным причинам не в состоянии восстановить отсечённые конечности; вместо этого он заменяет их кагунеобразной структурой. Позднее Канеки всё же находит способ возвращать восстановленным частям тела первоначальный вид.[30]


Kaneki's regeneration

Сверхчеловеческая регенерация

Arima slashes Kaneki

Аномальная регенерация

Kaneki's regenerated hands

Регенерация рук

  • Манипуляция кагуне: после столкновения с Это Кен окончательно освоил свой кагуне, силой мысли придавая ему любую форму по своему усмотрению. Это избавило его от необходимости прибегать лишь к базовым формам и расширило тактические возможности в бою. Так, он создавал протезы на место потерянных конечностей, вид и функции которых также мог изменять по своему усмотрению[33]; в сражении с Аримой прибегал к использованию ловушек и массивных решётчатых конструкций с целью ограничить подвижность противника.[43] Кроме того, позднее Кен демонстрирует способность создавать из отделяемых фрагментов своего кагуне оружие (например, меч, напоминающий куинке Юкимура 1/3).[39]


Kaneki limb kagune


Kaneki's kagune manipulation – cell trap


Kaneki's kagune manipulation – tentacles trap

Западня из ринкаку-щупалец

Kaneki's kagune detachment — Yukimura Replica

Копия Юкимуры

Неустановленная физиология

После того, как его тело было извлечено из биомассы Дракона и изучено специалистами, было обнаружено, что анатомия Канеки претерпела значительные изменения. Его туловище приобрело вид кагунеобразной структуры, а в его организме образовалось множество органов неизвестного назначения, что затруднило оказание ему медицинской помощи.[18] На данный момент известно не так много преимуществ, которые приобрело тело Кена после мутации.

  • Иммунитет к Rc-вирусу: изменённая анатомия Канеки наделила его устойчивостью к яду, распространяющемуся воздушно-капельным путём и заражающим всех вдохнувших синдромом гиперсекреции Rc-клеток.[30]


Touka checks Kaneki's body

Мутировавшее туловище Канеки

Боевая подготовка

Изначально Канеки предстаёт слабым и непригодным к сражениям; его тело не обладает ни развитыми мышцами, ни гибкостью. У него плохие рефлексы, что отражает его ужасные спортивные данные тех времён, когда он ещё был человеком. Несмотря на это, он показал себя весьма адаптивным и быстро обучающимся бойцом. За довольно короткий период времени он набрался опыта и стал достойным противником, сумевшим одолеть большинство своих врагов-гулей.

  • Развитая дедукция: во время столкновения с противником, будь то гуль или следователь, Канеки тщательно планирует свои действия, чтобы быстро и эффективно одолеть оппонента. Он читает врага, словно открытую книгу, предугадывая его действия, прекрасно разбирается в анатомии и знает, куда стоит ударить, чтобы застать противника врасплох или вывести его из обороны.
  • Боевые искусства: став членом Антейку, Канеки начал тренироваться с Тоукой и Ренджи Йомо рукопашному бою. После освобождения из плена Ямори он углубился в изучение различных техник по книгам, позднее отрабатывая приёмы, захваты и броски в тренировочном зале. Нередко ему составляли компанию Шу Цукияма, с которым он устраивал спарринги, и Казуичи Банджо, которого Канеки старался обучить тому, что знал сам.
  • Фехтование: поскольку его куинке Юкимура обладал формой длинного клинка, Хайсе был вынужден обучиться обращению с мечом. Тренировками следователя-полугуля занимался лично Кишо Арима, и порой занятия длились до полного изнеможения ученика. В результате жестоких тренировок Сасаки успешно освоил меч и научился с лёгкостью рассекать и пронзать им тела гулей. В ходе битвы Хайсе демонстрирует и способность умело сочетать куинке с кагуне, тем самым повышая свою боевую эффективность.
    • Юкимура 1/3: полученный от Аримы куинке типа коукаку представляет собой длинный клинок без эфеса. Хайсе в обращении с ним демонстрирует высокое мастерство, без особых усилий легко рассекая тела гулей. Юкимура был поврёжден в бою с Сейдо Такизавой, но позднее отремонтирован.


Kaneki defeat Giru-san

Канеки нейтрализует Гиру

Kaneki's battle stance

Боевая стойка Канеки

Haise Yukimura

Юкимура 1/3

Интересные факты

  • «Канеки» (金木) переводится на русский как «золотое дерево», а Кен (研) — «перемалывать/чистить» или «учиться».
  • «Сасаки» (佐々木)переводится как «крапивник», «Хайсе» — «весь мир». Само имя образовано из кандзи 琲 (Hai), взятого из слова «кофе», и 世 (Se) из слова «мир».[2]
  • У Канеки есть привычка дотрагиваться левой ладонью до подбородка, когда он что-то скрывает, лжёт или чувствует себя некомфортно. Хиде, рассказывает о данной особенности Тоуке.[44]
  • Канеки любит чтение, красивые языки, умных женщин и гамбургеры.[45]
  • Начиная с арки Аогири, Канеки неоднократно ассоциируется с числом «12». Это отсылка к карте таро Повешенный (XII).[46]
  • Между ролями в истории Канеки и Дитя Козы из книги Такацуки Сен «Яйцо Чёрной Козы» можно провести параллель. Коза и Дитя очень напоминают Ризе и Канеки, чьи волосы позднее также станут белыми.
  • Привычку хрустеть суставами пальцев Канеки перенял от своего мучителя — Ямори.
  • Дизайн боевого костюма Канеки был разработан Цукиямой Шу.
  • И у Канеки, и у Аримы день рождения 20 декабря.
  • Rc-фактор Сасаки составляет 2753, что является высшим показателем во всём отряде Куинксов. Вероятно, для удержания его под контролем применяются Rc-депрессанты.
  • В первой главе сиквела манги Акира Мадо упоминает, что Сасаки был представлен к Награде Белого Крыла.
  • Его куинке, Юкимура, до него использовали Арима Кишо (в подростковом возрасте) и Таке Хирако, когда он сотрудничал с Аримой.
  • Канеки сравнивает себя с Грегором Замзой, несчастным протагонистом рассказа Франца Кафки «Превращение». В дальнейшем он кратко обсуждает события произведения с Аримой, отмечая схожесть с собственной жизнью.
  • Образ Кена Канеки используется в качестве маскота волонтёрской хакерской группировкой «Finest Squad». Одним из их достижений является остановка атаки на игровые сервисы Xbox Live и PlayStation Network со стороны другой группы хакеров, известной как «Lizard Squad»: они взломали и удалили их Twitter-аккаунт, после чего передали в ФБР сведения об атаке, персональные данные и информацию о местонахождении Lizard’ов. К сожалению, несмотря на остановку DDoS-атаки, добытые членами «Finest Squad» данные оказались ложными.


Tokyo Ghoul

  • «Если бы кто-то по какой-то причине написал историю со мной в главной роли, то это непременно была бы трагедия.»
  • Обращаясь к Тоуке: «Знаешь, если бы ты умерла, то мне было бы грустно…»
  • Обращаясь к Амону: «Умоляю, не делайте из меня убийцу!»
  • «Этот мир неправилен.»
  • «Ошибаюсь не я. Ошибается этот мир.»
  • «Не будет жалости к тому, кто попытается забрать у меня дом.»
  • «Мама была очень доброй. Она была замечательной: ходила на работу, следила за домом, ни с кем не ругалась, никому не причиняла неприятностей и была одинакова добра ко всем. Мама была моей гордостью. «Кен, испытывать горечь — это нормально. Добрым людям для счастья хватает и этого». Лучше страдать самому, чем причинять боль другим. Добрым людям для счастья хватает и этого — так она меня учила.»
  • Обращаясь к Мадам А: «Вы знаете, что слышит человек, если засунуть ему в ухо живую сколопендру? Если не будете врать, то избавите от необходимости просветить Вас в этом вопросе.»
  • При первом использовании полукакуджа: «Мама, мама, эээй, я так искажён… Я? Я? Яяя… Я защищу всех.»
  • «Сколько я ни пытался за счёт ненависти пробудить свою волю к борьбе, сильнее грусти, сильнее ярости, другое чувство росло во мне. Отчаяние.»
  • «Почему красота у меня ассоциируется скорее со смертью, чем с жизнью?»
  • «Моментально распознаёт, что у человека на душе, но притворяется, что ничего не знает, чтобы не задеть меня.»
  • «С того самого дня, когда я осознал, что стал гулем, я решил отбросить свою слабость, чтобы защитить важных для меня людей. В этом мире сильный пожирает слабого. Сильный ест. А кто сильный? Я.»
  • «Я думаю, что если этот мир неправилен, тогда его искажает… всё, что существует в нём.»
  • «Хоть нам и грустно, но мы всё равно должны жить дальше, даже с этой грустью.»
  • «Это не я ел гулей. Это они пожирали меня.»
  • Обращаясь к самому себе: «Как же мы уродливы… Всё нормально. Ты ведь… Спасал меня бесчисленное количество раз. Ты сражался вместо слабого меня. Я совсем не сержусь. Спасибо тебе за всё, что ты сделал.»
  • «Я видел это. В ту ночь, над смертью Ризе-сан, смеялся клоун.»

Tokyo Ghoul:re

  • Будучи Хайсе обращаясь к Муцуки: «Похоже, мне придётся показать этим детишкам, кто такой серьёзный Сасаки. Вы ещё увидите, малышня, серьёзность Сасаки… САСАРЬЁЗНОСТЬ!»
  • Канеки, обращаясь к Хайсе (в галлюцинации Сасаки): «Ты слаб, Хайсе… Посмотри на меня, не будь таким холодным… Тебе ведь нужно это, да? Просто прими меня… Давай, давай, давай, давай, давай!»
  • Хайсе, обращаясь к Канеки: «Я не позволю тебе поглотить меня.»
  • Обращаясь к своему отряду: «Вы, следователи по гулям, должны были бежать, даже если бы это стоило вам ног или рук! Пока вы живы, у вас всегда будет второй шанс. Но всё закончится, если вы погибнете.»
  • Сам себе (по поводу сомнения в своей принадлежности к CCG): «Нормально ли это, что я здесь сражаюсь?»
  • Обращаясь к Ариме: «В трудные времена Акира-сан поддерживает меня, и я рад, что могу вот так разговаривать с Вами. Больше мне ничего не надо… Этого мне достаточно. Я счастлив!»
  • «Хватит с меня снов.»
  • Обращаясь к Это: «Жалкая здесь только ты. Сдохни.»
  • Если ты теряешь что-то в этом мире, то это из-за недостатка таланта. Хочешь что-то проклинать – проклинай собственную слабость.
  • «Точно. Я совсем ребёнок. Терпеть не могу взрослых. Я им не доверяю.»
  • Обращаясь к Фуруте: «Жаль терять время. Нам некогда ждать, пока одобрят каждую мелочь.»
  • Обращаясь к Хинами: «Я спасу тебя, Хинами-чан. А затем умру от рук Аримы-сана.»
  • «Едва не умерев, я наконец-то понял, насколько искажённую картину я видел. Ризе-сан, Хиде… Они всегда были лишь тем, что я сам породил.»[34]
  • Обращаясь к Тоуке: «Ты всегда можешь называть меня Канеки, Тоука-чан.»[11]
  • «Гули и люди способны понять друг друга. Это доказывает хотя бы тот факт, что я, некогда бывший человеком, сейчас стою перед вами.»[11]
  • «Зачастую именно тогда, когда всё хорошо и идёт по плану, у тебя выбивают почву из-под ног. Вспоминая об этом, я понимаю, что так было с самого начала. Сколько раз я представлял себе, что не встретился с ней взглядом в тот день… Жить — значит принимать одно решение за другим. Если бы я сделал то или не сделал это. Выбрал иначе, действовал по-другому. Если бы не сдался тогда и если бы в тот момент нашёл силы остановиться. Что годами обдумывай, что поступай бездумно, результаты всё равно будут видны почти моментально. Не важно, насколько они отвратительны или зловонны… У меня нет выбора, кроме как принять их. Одного единственного выбора достаточно, чтобы полностью сбить тебя с пути. А с неправильной дороги назад не вернуться. Однажды, когда ты будешь устало плестись вперёд, ты прошепчешь: «Всё должно было быть по-другому».»[4]
  • «Я рад, что заметил странность. Что вернулся вовремя. Правда, я не уверен, кого мне благодарить за это. В этот раз я смогу… Я защищу. Я смогу защитить. Всё это время я жил ради этого момента. Всё верно… Жил…»[4]
  • «В битве за Антейку… Что вообще дало моё участие? Кто с этого выиграл? В конце концов, управляющий погиб, а Антейку был разрушен. И друзья разбежались кто куда. Если бы я только послушал и сбежал со всеми, в итоге я бы просто работал в новом кафе вместе с Йомо-саном и остальными!»[5]
  • От лица Хайсе Сасаки остальным субличностям: «Но… Мне одиноко! Вы все Канеки Кен, поэтому не понимаете меня. Я рад, что встретил куинксов! Я знаю, что мы только притворялись семьёй, но мне они правда стали как дети! Вас всех здесь спасло то, что я их встретил!»[5]
  • Диалог в сознании Канеки:
— Но это же… Человек. К тому же ребёнок.
— Неважно. Никакой пощады. Я должен уничтожить их.
— Всё, что на моём пути. Всё вокруг. Даже самого себя.
— Предашь ли свои идеалы?
— Если нужно.
— Сможешь убить?
— Убью.
— Что для тебя сейчас важно?
— Ты ведь знаешь. Я… С самого начала знал, что придётся это сделать.[5]
  • «Я не отступлюсь. Я продолжу двигаться вперёд. Как сколопендра.»[5]
  • Обращаясь к Ризе: «Я просто… Хотел быть кому-то нужным. С тех пор, как Йошимура-сан угостил мне кофе в Антейку, границы мира сильно расширились. Многие гули стали моими друзьями. И даже когда я стал Хайсе, Арима-сан и Это-сан тоже выбрали меня. Тоука-чан выбрала жизнь рядом со мной. Я начал чувствовать себя нужным. Я был счастлив. Я действительно думал, что у меня было своё место в обоих мирах. Как ты и сказала… Мне плевать на всех. Мне плевать на «что» и «почему». Я думал, что если просто буду сражаться, то стану кому-то нужен. Но… Теперь… Всё бесполезно… Поэтому… Я… Я сделал это…»[47]


  1. 1,0 1,1 Tokyo Ghoul Глава 100
  2. 2,0 2,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 67
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 131
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 143
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 144
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 179
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 Tokyo Ghoul Глава 1
  8. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 64
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 1
  10. 10,0 10,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 32
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 99
  12. 12,0 12,1 Tokyo Ghoul Глава 140
  13. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 9
  14. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 143
  15. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 57
  16. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 60
  17. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 19
  18. 18,0 18,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 162
  19. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 62
  20. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 99
  21. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 26
  22. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 66
  23. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 105
  24. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 92
  25. 25,0 25,1 25,2 25,3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 7
  26. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 132
  27. 27,0 27,1 Tokyo Ghoul Глава 139
  28. 28,0 28,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 54
  29. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 58
  30. 30,0 30,1 30,2 30,3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 164
  31. 31,0 31,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 177
  32. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 101
  33. 33,0 33,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 74
  34. 34,0 34,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 76
  35. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 86
  36. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 145
  37. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 146
  38. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 153
  39. 39,0 39,1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 173
  40. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 174
  41. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 75
  42. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 88
  43. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 81
  44. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 118
  45. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 1: Профайл Кена Канеки в 1-ом томе «Tokyo Ghoul».
  46. Tokyo Ghoul Глава 63
  47. Tokyo Ghoul:re Глава 159

Навигация по сайту

[ш · п · ?]


Управляющий: Йошимура
Официанты: Кая Ирими †  •  Кен Канеки  •  Нишики Нишио  •  Рома Хойто  •  Тоука Киришима  •  Энджи Кома †
Прочее: Ренджи Йомо (добыча провианта)  •  Хетаре (питомец)

[ш · п · ?]

Древо Аогири

Лидеры: Это Йошимура  •  Одноглазый Король †
Непосредственные подчинённые: Татара †  •  Норо †
Руководители: Аято Киришима  •  Ямори †  •  Братья Бин †  •  Наки  •  Кен Канеки (в Tokyo Ghoul √A)  •  Миза Кусакари  •  Хинами Фуегучи
Белые Костюмы: Гаги и Гуге †  •  Хоогуро  •  Шосей Идера
Другие: Матасака Камиширо †  •  Акихиро Кано †  •  Сейдо Такизава  •  Юмицу Томоэ  •  Карао Саеки †  •  Шикорае
Пленники и рабы: Казуичи Банджо  •  Ичими  •  Джиро  •  Сантэ  •  Тэцу †  •  Моку †  •  Усу  •  Кей †  •  Коуто †  •  Кен Канеки  •  Шу † (аниме)  •  Хару † (аниме)

[ш · п · ?]


Лидер: Казуичи Банджо
Участники: Ичими  •  Джиро  •  Сантэ  •  Кен Канеки  •  Усу  •  Моку †  •  Тэцу †  •  Кей † / Шу † (аниме)  •  Коуто † / Хару † (аниме)

[ш · п · ?]

Группа Канеки

Лидер: Кен Канеки
Участники: Шу Цукияма  •  Хинами Фуегучи  •  Казуичи Банджо  •  Ичими  •  Джиро  •  Сантэ
Информаторы: Итори  •  Чие Хори

[ш · п · ?]

Управление по Борьбе с Гулями

Председатель: Дайкичи Вашу †  •  Йошиу Вашу †  •  Цунейоши Вашу †
Директор головного филиала: Йошитоки Вашу †  •  Кичимура Вашу  •  Мацури Вашу
Директора подразделений: Кийоко Аура (Первое подразделение)  •  Ицуки Маруде (Второе подразделение)
Директора филиалов: Моган Танакамару (2-ой район)  •  Косуке Ходжи † (5-ый район)  •  Канемочи (20-ый район)
Особый класс: Ивао Куроива  •  Джузо Сузуя  •  Ицуки Маруде  •  Кийоко Аура  •  Кишо Арима †  •  Коори Уи  •  Котаро Амон  •  Мацури Вашу  •  Микито Урие †  •  Моган Танакамару  •  Фуджишиге Иба (в отставке)  •  Юкинори Шинохара (в коме)
Кандидаты в особый класс: Аринэ †  •  Акира Мадо  •  Дайске Ато †  •  Касука Мадо †  •  Хайсе Сасаки  •  Чу Хачикава †  •  Шики Киджима †
Старший класс: Аюму Хоги  •  Джуджи Исояма  •  Кейджин Накарай  •  Кента Исаи  •  Куки Урие  •  Курамото Ито  •  Курео Мадо †  •  Наото Хаяшимура  •  Нихару †  •  Нобу Шимогучи †  •  Рёта Оошиба †  •  Таиши Фура  •  Хироказу Тайнака  •  Таке Хирако  •  Хаиру Ихей †  •  Хиденори Татешима  •  Юкио Куродавара †
Первый класс: Кацуя Мабучи  •  Мизуро Тамаки  •  Миюки Микаге  •  Михо Тога †  •  Нимура Фурута  •  Рюта Савайке †  •  Такеоми Куроива  •  Томонори Акаи †  •  Тоору Муцуки  •  Тоуго Кураматани  •  Фуума Юкимичи  •  Хамбее Абара  •  Цзинь Ли Сяо  •  Шинджи Мичибата †  •  Шион Сатоми †  •  Шуничи Шибаши †
Второй класс: Вака Асачи †  •  Гинши Ширазу †  •  Джун Нума †  •  Масами Умено †  •  Мисато Гори  •  Сайко Йонебаяши  •  Сакино Мура †  •  Сейдо Такизава  •  Тоджо  •  Хару Фуджими  •  Хина Тоуги †  •  Шинсампей Аура  •  Шууго Кукияма  •  Эрина Тагата †  •  Юта Окамочи †  •  Ясухито Незу †
Третий класс: Тоума Хигемару
Неизвестный класс: Иппэй Кусаба †  •  Маса †  •  Маюзуми †  •  Мурата  •  Рикай Сузу  •  Руисава  •  Хаджиме Хазуки †  •  Юса Арима  •  Шио Ихей  •  Ясутомо Накаджима
Пропавшие: Чино Муцуми
Прочие сотрудники
Лабораторный отдел: Коицу Чигьо  •  Чиеко  •  Рёджиро Шиба
Тюремные директора: Шинме Хайсаки †  •  Кёджи Мисака †
Инструктора академии: Токаге Гомаса  •  Учино
Офисы: Главный офис  •  Филиал 13-ого района  •  Филиал 20-ого района
Обучение и образование: Академия  •  Младшая Академия  •  Учебный центр  •  Солнечный Сад
Центры Содержания Гулей: Кокурия  •  Корникулум
Прочие локации: Лабораторный отдел

[ш · п · ?]


Лидер: Кен Канеки
:re: Тоука Киришима  •  Ренджи Йомо  •  Нишики Нишио  •  Кая Ирими †  •  Энджи Кома †
Аогири: Аято Киришима  •  Хинами Фуегучи  •  Юки  •  Миза Кусакари (Клинки)  •  Наки (Белые Костюмы)  •  Шосей Идера  •  Хоогуро
Прочие: Шу Цукияма  •  Курона Ясухиса  •  Фука †  •  Таго †  •  Казуичи Банджо (Противогазы)  •  Сейдо Такизава
Отряд Аримы: Таке Хирако  •  Рикай Сузу †  •  Шио Ихей †  •  Юса Арима
Прочие: Чие Хори (информатор)

[ш · п · ?]

Союз людей и гулей

Комитет Безопасности Токио
Руководство: Ицуки Маруде (директор) ×  •  Такаши Ходжи (директор)  •  Джузо Сузуя (генерал-дракон)  •  Кацуя Мабучи (информационный отдел)
Лекторы: Кийоко Аура (ректор)  •  Коори Уи (проректор)  •  Кейджин Накарай  •  Токаге Гомаса †
Учёные: Кими Нишино  •  Нишики Нишио  •  Коицу Чигьо
Миротворцы: Джузо Сузуя  •  Кейджин Накарай ×  •  Мизуро Тамаки ×  •  Миюки Микаге  •  Хамбее Абара  •  Куки Урие  •  Сайко Йонебаяши  •  Тоума Хигемару  •  Цзинь Ли Сяо ×  •  Юса Арима  •  Рюсен Тацумичи  •  Сусу Санзу
Прочие: Хидейоши Нагачика  •  Окахира (поддержка)
Объединённый Фронт
Руководство: Шу Цукияма  •  Казуичи Банджо
Миротворцы: Аято Киришима
Прочие: Кен Канеки  •  Наки  •  Миза Кусакари  •  Шосей Идера  •  Хоогуро  •  Мирумо Цукияма  •  Ичими  •  Джиро  •  Сантэ
Ken Kaneki / Haise Sasaki
  • Current

  • Post-Aogiri

  • Pre-Aogiri

Profile Haise.png

Kaneki white hair.png

Kaneki Anime.png


Name Ken Kaneki / Haise Sasaki
Kanji 金木研 / 佐々木琲世
Romaji Kaneki Ken / Sasaki Haise
Alias Eyepatch (眼帯, Gantai)
Centipede (百足, Mukade)
Personal Information
Species Artificial One-Eyed Ghoul
Human (Formerly)
Ghoul (One-shot)
Gender Male
Age 18-19 (Tokyo Ghoul)
22 (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Birthday Astrological Sign Sagittarius.png December 20th
Height 169-169.5 cm (Tokyo Ghoul)
170 cm (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Weight 55-58 kg (Tokyo Ghoul)
Family Ken Kaneki’s father
Ken Kaneki’s mother
Ken Kaneki’s aunt
Yūichi Asaoka (cousin)
Affiliations CCG’s Quinx Squad
Kaneki’s Group (Formerly)
Anteiku (Formerly)
Anti-Aogiri (Formerly)
Ward 1st Ward
20th Ward (Formerly)
Personal Status Alive
RC Type Rinkaku
Quinque Yukimura 1/3 (Kōkaku)
CCG / RC Rating SS Ghoul / 2753
Manga Debut Chapter 1
Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 1
Anime Debut Episode 1
Voice Actors
Japanese Natsuki Hanae
Yurie Kobori (young)
English Austin Tindle
Image Gallery

Ken Kaneki (金木研, Ken Kaneki) is an one-eyed ghoul, who is currently living under the identity of Haise Sasaki (佐々木琲世, Sasaki Haise) — the First Rank Ghoul Investigator — also known as Eyepatch (眼帯, Gantai).

After being captured by Aogiri Tree, the traumatic events he went through led him to be able to accept his Ghoul-side. Escaping it, Ken formed a team with the goal — in mind — of protecting the ones that are precious to him and specifically «picking out» people, who, threaten the place he belongs to. Eventually, Ken achieved a Kakuja through cannibalization with a distinct appearance, which caused CCG to nickname him Centipede (百足, Mukade)s.

In Tokyo Ghoul:re — the continuation of the series — taking three years after the official, Haise Sasaki becomes his identity. He serves now as a First Rank Investigator as the mentor of the CCG’s Quinx Squad and a team member of Team Mado. However, Haise cannot re-call anything before his 20th year, indicating that his memories of his past have been lost, leaving him unaware of his true self.


He was abuse

ThePrologue ss[]

Hide and Ken in a coffee shop.

Hide confronts Ken about who his ‘girlfriend’ is.

Hide asks Kaneki who his date is. He believes that the waitress is Ken’s crush and loudly exclaims it, only to be denied by him. Ken tells Hide that the girl he talked about is a customer of the café. However, Ken didn’t deny the fact that he found the waitress cute. Ironically, while Ken pointed out that Hide was wrong, the boy enthusiastically called the waitress to place a new order, and straight-away asked for her name: Tōka Kirishima. Flustered by his bold actions, Tōka ran off from them, leaving Ken embarrassed by his friend and worried that they’ll be thrown out. Not much later, the door of the café opened and a lavender-haired woman entered, which captured Ken’s attention immediately. Hide noticing this, dropped his share of coins to pay off the bill for his coffee, and dramatically waved Ken goodbye and wishes him good luck.

Ken looking at his crush.

Flabbergasted that Hide left him be, Ken panicked. It didn’t stop his curiosity to sneakily steal glances at his crush. Ken noticed that she reads a familiar book written by his favourite author, Sen Takatsuki. This eventually triggered that the two end up in a conversation about their common love for the mystery. Afterwards, Ken meets with Hide and shares his meeting with his crush, whose name is Rize Kamishiro. He tells that they’ll have their first date in a book-store, something which Hide doesn’t understand, and tells him to have fun nonetheless.

After their date, Rize asks Ken to bring her home, with a knowing smile.

Ken and Rize meet up to spend the day together, thus starting their date. Upon entering an eat café, Ken asks Rize as of why she hasn’t touched her food yet, in which she replies that she is currently on a diet. The date comes to an end, and the pair wanders off, eventually, Rize confronts Ken. She tells him that the recent activities of Ghouls were near her house, and that she is afraid to go home there alone. Ken smiles and relentlessly accepts her request to accompany her home.

Rize piercing Ken with her Kagune.

The couple reached a split-road, whereas they shortly encounter Tōka, who warily watched them, before following her friend. About to part away, Ken confesses that he wishes to see Rize again, and hopes that the woman feels the same. She confesses too, revealing that she is interested in him, and closes the distance to hug him. Rize then reveals her true-self, her Kagune almost penetrating Ken’s eye, and bit him in his neck. Shocked, Ken falls and tries to escape from the Ghoul, to be miserably be caught by her Kagune and thrown through the wall. She then follows to beat Kaneki up, nearly killing him so. However, mysteriously, the metal beam fell down on Rize and kills her in process.

The authorities find them and the surgeon, a ghoul who later befriends Kaneki, places Rize’s organs into him to save his life. Later, he realizes that he is a ghoul and his new life begins.

Ken successfully saved, in turn, became a Ghoul.

Ken discovering him being unable to eat human food.

Ken realising his inhuman desires.

Ken seeing his Kakugan for the first time: a Ghoul.


«dont believe what you see, remember.. many things are blind to the human eye.»

Powers and Abilities[]



Quote: «I dont see a human when I look in the mirror I see a monster, and if not a nightmare.»[]

Ken Kaneki / Haise Sasaki
  • Current

  • Post-Aogiri

  • Pre-Aogiri

Profile Haise.png

Kaneki white hair.png

Kaneki Anime.png


Name Ken Kaneki / Haise Sasaki
Kanji 金木研 / 佐々木琲世
Romaji Kaneki Ken / Sasaki Haise
Alias Eyepatch (眼帯, Gantai)
Centipede (百足, Mukade)
Personal Information
Species Artificial One-Eyed Ghoul
Human (Formerly)
Ghoul (One-shot)
Gender Male
Age 18-19 (Tokyo Ghoul)
22 (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Birthday Astrological Sign Sagittarius.png December 20th
Height 169-169.5 cm (Tokyo Ghoul)
170 cm (Tokyo Ghoul:re)
Weight 55-58 kg (Tokyo Ghoul)
Family Ken Kaneki’s father
Ken Kaneki’s mother
Ken Kaneki’s aunt
Yūichi Asaoka (cousin)
Affiliations CCG’s Quinx Squad
Kaneki’s Group (Formerly)
Anteiku (Formerly)
Anti-Aogiri (Formerly)
Ward 1st Ward
20th Ward (Formerly)
Personal Status Alive
RC Type Rinkaku
Quinque Yukimura 1/3 (Kōkaku)
CCG / RC Rating SS Ghoul / 2753
Manga Debut Chapter 1
Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 1
Anime Debut Episode 1
Voice Actors
Japanese Natsuki Hanae
Yurie Kobori (young)
English Austin Tindle
Image Gallery

Ken Kaneki (金木研, Ken Kaneki) is an one-eyed ghoul, who is currently living under the identity of Haise Sasaki (佐々木琲世, Sasaki Haise) — the First Rank Ghoul Investigator — also known as Eyepatch (眼帯, Gantai).

After being captured by Aogiri Tree, the traumatic events he went through led him to be able to accept his Ghoul-side. Escaping it, Ken formed a team with the goal — in mind — of protecting the ones that are precious to him and specifically «picking out» people, who, threaten the place he belongs to. Eventually, Ken achieved a Kakuja through cannibalization with a distinct appearance, which caused CCG to nickname him Centipede (百足, Mukade)s.

In Tokyo Ghoul:re — the continuation of the series — taking three years after the official, Haise Sasaki becomes his identity. He serves now as a First Rank Investigator as the mentor of the CCG’s Quinx Squad and a team member of Team Mado. However, Haise cannot re-call anything before his 20th year, indicating that his memories of his past have been lost, leaving him unaware of his true self.


He was abuse

ThePrologue ss[]

Hide and Ken in a coffee shop.

Hide confronts Ken about who his ‘girlfriend’ is.

Hide asks Kaneki who his date is. He believes that the waitress is Ken’s crush and loudly exclaims it, only to be denied by him. Ken tells Hide that the girl he talked about is a customer of the café. However, Ken didn’t deny the fact that he found the waitress cute. Ironically, while Ken pointed out that Hide was wrong, the boy enthusiastically called the waitress to place a new order, and straight-away asked for her name: Tōka Kirishima. Flustered by his bold actions, Tōka ran off from them, leaving Ken embarrassed by his friend and worried that they’ll be thrown out. Not much later, the door of the café opened and a lavender-haired woman entered, which captured Ken’s attention immediately. Hide noticing this, dropped his share of coins to pay off the bill for his coffee, and dramatically waved Ken goodbye and wishes him good luck.

Ken looking at his crush.

Flabbergasted that Hide left him be, Ken panicked. It didn’t stop his curiosity to sneakily steal glances at his crush. Ken noticed that she reads a familiar book written by his favourite author, Sen Takatsuki. This eventually triggered that the two end up in a conversation about their common love for the mystery. Afterwards, Ken meets with Hide and shares his meeting with his crush, whose name is Rize Kamishiro. He tells that they’ll have their first date in a book-store, something which Hide doesn’t understand, and tells him to have fun nonetheless.

After their date, Rize asks Ken to bring her home, with a knowing smile.

Ken and Rize meet up to spend the day together, thus starting their date. Upon entering an eat café, Ken asks Rize as of why she hasn’t touched her food yet, in which she replies that she is currently on a diet. The date comes to an end, and the pair wanders off, eventually, Rize confronts Ken. She tells him that the recent activities of Ghouls were near her house, and that she is afraid to go home there alone. Ken smiles and relentlessly accepts her request to accompany her home.

Rize piercing Ken with her Kagune.

The couple reached a split-road, whereas they shortly encounter Tōka, who warily watched them, before following her friend. About to part away, Ken confesses that he wishes to see Rize again, and hopes that the woman feels the same. She confesses too, revealing that she is interested in him, and closes the distance to hug him. Rize then reveals her true-self, her Kagune almost penetrating Ken’s eye, and bit him in his neck. Shocked, Ken falls and tries to escape from the Ghoul, to be miserably be caught by her Kagune and thrown through the wall. She then follows to beat Kaneki up, nearly killing him so. However, mysteriously, the metal beam fell down on Rize and kills her in process.

The authorities find them and the surgeon, a ghoul who later befriends Kaneki, places Rize’s organs into him to save his life. Later, he realizes that he is a ghoul and his new life begins.

Ken successfully saved, in turn, became a Ghoul.

Ken discovering him being unable to eat human food.

Ken realising his inhuman desires.

Ken seeing his Kakugan for the first time: a Ghoul.


«dont believe what you see, remember.. many things are blind to the human eye.»

Powers and Abilities[]



Quote: «I dont see a human when I look in the mirror I see a monster, and if not a nightmare.»[]

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Автор Ёергей Волков задал вопрос в разделе Хобби

Скажите пожалуйста, в аниме Tokyo Ghoul как зовут главного героя? Кен — это имя? Или Канеки — это имя? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Лис Скрытый[мастер]
Kaneki Ken — Имя- Ken, Фамилия — Kaneki — Пишут фамилие, что бы читающий описание не заблудился в именах персонажей, с их интелектуальными переплетениями и смыслом.

Ответ от Zaraki Kenpachi[гуру]
смотри согласно сайту ссылка по японски Кен Канеки пишется так ?? ?(??? ??) то есть Кен пишится на первом месте а Канеки на втором а согласно википедии в японском языке сначала идет фамилия а потом имя во преки западному представлению
к тому же посмотри в качестве проверки на сайте ссылка
как пишется Киришима Тоука ?? ??(???? ???)и Киришима Аято ?? ?? (???? ???)переведи с помощью гугл переводчика и посмотри что у тебя будет стоять на первом и втором месте

Ответ от Олеся Трипунова[новичек]
Вообще Канеки это имя

Ответ от Polly Chan[новичек]
Имя — Канеки, Фамилия — Кен.
Потом ( пог манге )он становится следователем: Имя: Сасаки Фамилия: Хайсе.

Ответ от 3 ответа[гуру]

Привет! Вот подборка тем с похожими вопросами и ответами на Ваш вопрос: Скажите пожалуйста, в аниме Tokyo Ghoul как зовут главного героя? Кен — это имя? Или Канеки — это имя?

Лис Скрытый



5 лет назад

Kaneki Ken — Имя- Ken, Фамилия — Kaneki — Пишут фамилие, что бы читающий описание не заблудился в именах персонажей, с их интелектуальными переплетениями и смыслом.

Polumna Ga Kill



5 лет назад

Имя — Канеки, Фамилия — Кен.


Потом ( пог манге )он становится следователем: Имя: Сасаки Фамилия: Хайсе.

Carina VizaevaЗнаток (293)

4 года назад

Хайсе — это имя, Канеки после того, как он потерял память сам его себе выбрал, а Сасаки — фамилия.
Ну в принципе, запутаться в их именах, жутко, но реально. Я однажды из-за фамилии Тоуки, одну главу читала не зная о ком идет речь. Но на счет Канеки, в манге Токийский гуль Перерождение есть глава, не знаю точно какая, где все и проясняется, что имя, что фамилия, и почему они теперь другие.

Юрий СкиданенкоУченик (103)

1 год назад

А Канеки будет менять себе имя на старое?? Щаc он Сасаки, будет менять его на канеки? В 3 или 4 сезоне? Срочно.

Екатерина ЛинбергУченик (154)

4 месяца назад

Нет, имя Кен, а фамилия Канеки, в Японии принято называть по фамилии поэтому в аниме его называют Канеки.

Анастасия Потоцкая



3 года назад

Люди, если не знаете, то молчите! В Японии к приятелям, друзьям, коллегам и т. д. обращаются по фамилии! Только родные и самые близкие друзья могут называть человека по имени. Следовательно, по канонам Японии, Канеки — фамилия, Кен — имя! Сасаки — фамилия, Хайсе — имя!




2 года назад

Канеки Кен он!!!! 1 кстати 14 октября 5 сезон выйдет ураааааааааа это моя сама ялюбимая анимеха Ван Лаааааааааааааав кстати если что в Японии обращаются по фамилии ну логично что Кен имя а Канеки фамилия помнишь его там Канеки называют


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Как пишется канеки кен на английском


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Полное имя

Кен Канеки

Хайсе Сасаки


Глазная Повязка






Черный Бог Смерти

Одноглазый Король






Искусственный одноглазый гуль







День рождения

20 декабря


Tokyo Ghoul:re:



58 кг

Группа крови



Чёрная Коза (лидер)


Мать Кена Канеки †

Отец Кена Канеки †

Госпожа Асаока (тётя)

Господин Асаока (дядя)

Юичи Асаока (двоюродный брат)

Тоука Киришима (жена)

Аято Киришима (шурин)


20-ый район

6-ой район

1-ый район

24-ый район

Параметры гуля

Тип RC

Ринкаку- щупальца, кроваво-красного оттенка, щупальца могут видоизменяться по желанию обладателя, в основном используется 4-6 щупалец на концах которых заостренные шыпы. Также Кен обладает неполной и полной какуджей, похожей на два щупальца сколопендры

Канеки Кен-[BC]Полное имя

Кен Канеки 
Хайсе Сасаки


Глазная Повязка


Полная какуджа выглядит как сколопендра, вместо ножек у него щупальца которые увеличиваются по желанию

Уникальные состояния


Отделяемый кагуне

Неопознанная анатомия








Кен Канеки: Если бы кто-то по какой-то причине написал историю со мной в главной роли, то это непременно была бы трагедия.

Tokyo Ghoul, глава 1.

Кен Канеки (金木かねき研けん, Kaneki Ken) — протагонист манги и аниме «Tokyo Ghoul». До начала событий серии Канеки был самым обыкновенным студентом-первокурсником, учившимся в университете Камии на литературном факультете. В результате трагедии на стройке, в которую Кен оказывался вовлечён, он попадает в госпиталь, где его спасают от смерти путём трансплантации органов погибшей Ризе Камиширо. Однако операция повлекла за собой неожиданные для Канеки ужасающие последствия: он становится гибридом человека и гуля.

         Внимание! Данный раздел содержит сюжетные спойлеры!

   Неспособный выжить в одиночку Кен обращается за помощью в кофейню «Антейку», персонал которой состоит из гулей. Управляющий заведения — пожилой гуль, известный как Йошимура — принимает протагониста на работу в качестве официанта на полставки. С этого момента Канеки начинает познавать уклады и быт жизни гулей, в процессе чего благодаря своей специфической маске становится известен как «Глазная Повязка» (眼帯, Gantai).

После похищения Древом Аогири переживший 10 суток изощрённых пыток Канеки отказывается от унаследованной от матери идеологии и принимает в себе сторону гуля, чтобы защитить своих близких и заранее уничтожить всё, что может представлять им угрозу («выбросить плохие зёрна»). Ради этого он формирует свою группировку, в большинстве своём состоящую из бывших членов Анти-Аогири. Питаясь враждебными гулями, Канеки развивает какуджа-кагуне, благодаря внешнему виду которого получает новое прозвище — «Сколопендра» (百足, Mukade).

После поражения в дуэли с Кишо Аримой во время штурма Антейку Канеки попадает в Кокурию, где его противник, получив над ним право собственности, приручает Кена и делает из него следователя по гулям, обучая обращению с куинке и навыкам ведения боя. С того момента Канеки, чтобы сохранить рассудок, отгораживается от воспоминаний о прошлом и в результате реабилитации становится следователем третьего класса Хайсе Сасаки (佐々木ささき琲はい世せ, Sasaki Haise) под началом Акиры Мадо. В Tokyo Ghoul:re Хайсе сразу появляется в качестве следователя первого класса и наставника отряда куинксов.




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«I’m not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I’m just a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But… if, for argument’s sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be… a tragedy.»— Ken Kaneki, Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 1

Ken Kaneki ( (カネ) () (ケン), Kaneki Ken) is the main protagonist of the Tokyo Ghoul series. He is currently Touka Kirishima’s husband, and the father of Ichika Kaneki. Previously, he was a student who studied Japanese literature at Kamii University, living a relatively normal life. However, this quickly changed after Rize Kamishiro’s kakuhou was transplanted into him and transformed him into a one-eyed ghoul. Kaneki is the first known artificial one-eyed ghoul. His unique half ghoul state is what later inspires the idea of the Quinx. After joining Anteiku as a part-time waiter, he learns how to live as a ghoul and eventually becomes known as Eyepatch (眼帯, Gantai).

After being captured by Aogiri Tree, he underwent a drastic personality change and after escaping, formed a group with the goal of protecting those precious to him and exterminating individuals threatening his place of belonging. His kakuja form’s distinct appearance earned him the alias Centipede (ムカデ, Mukade).[14]

Two years following his defeat against Kishou Arima, he lived under the identity of Haise Sasaki (佐々木 (ササキ) (ハイ) (), Sasaki Haise), a Rank 1 Ghoul Investigator who served as the mentor of the CCG’s Quinx Squad. His memories were initially lost to him, but regained during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation. Six months after the operation, ghouls came to know him by the moniker of the Black Reaper (黒い死神, Kuroi Shinigami).

After defeating Arima and Eto, having unveiled their joint plan to raise a one-eyed ghoul who could stand as the hope for all ghouls, he calls himself the One-Eyed King (隻眼の王, Sekigan no Ō). Kaneki has since then formed the organization he named Goat.

As a result of a plan carried out by Kichimura Washuu, Kaneki morphed into the Dragon (竜, Ryū), a huge, uncontrollable kagune that destroyed large portions of Tokyo. He was later extracted from the monstrous appendage by a collaboration between the remaining members of Goat and the CCG. When the remnants of Dragon began releasing a toxin that threatened humans and ghouls alike, Kaneki ventured down into the depths of the oviduct and nullified the threat after a fierce battle with Kichimura Washuu and Dragon.

After the Defense of Tokyo, Kaneki and Touka currently live happily married, with a daughter and another child coming, with humans and ghouls finally united together.


As a child, Kaneki had all the same features he has now as an adult with black hair. As a normal university student, Kaneki was a somewhat short and scrawny young man with little to no athletic background and preferred to read books. After the steel beam incident, Kaneki bears a scar from the transplant operation on the right side of his abdomen not far from his navel.[15][16] In his free time, he wore casual clothes.

His casual outfit consists of a turquoise hoodie, light black pants, running shoes with a yellow toe and blue outlines reaching the middle of the black base of the soles.

At work, he wore the standard Anteiku waiter uniform, consisting of black trousers and a gray waistcoat over a white dress shirt and a black necktie (brown cravat in the anime). Because he could not yet properly control his single kakugan that manifests in his left eye, he wore a medical eye patch to cover it.

His ghoul mask resembles a leather gimp mask with an eye patch. It bears a lipless mouth with large, gnashing teeth, much like a restrained asylum monster. The bolts sticking out of his neck and the fact that he is an artificial ghoul invoke a Frankenstein-like theme.

After being tortured by Yamori, his appearance changed drastically. His hair became completely white, his nails were blackened, and he developed a more muscular physique. He began to favor monochrome clothing and wore a form-fitting black bodysuit with cutouts when going into battle. His attitude changed as well. He became more cold, and left his innocence behind as he fully embraced his inner ghoul.

In the years since adopting the identity of Haise Sasaki, his hair began to develop black streaks growing out from the crown. He wore the standard business attire of a ghoul investigator, favouring black dress shirts and pinstripe pants with a knee-length white trench coat. He also wears a pair of round eyeglasses when reading. After the events of the Auction Mopping-up Operation, his hair slowly began to revert back to its original color with almost no white remaining.

After the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, his appearance changed drastically again. His hair had completely reverted to its original black colour, and he started wearing his glasses in most scenarios. He wore a black version of the Arima Squad uniform, pairing a black dress shirt with black slacks and a long, black trench coat. In contrast, he wore a pair of red gloves (black gloves in the anime) that disguised his right hand which was covered in reptilian scales. In his second battle with Arima, Sasaki wore a form-fitting black bodysuit underneath his uniform.

Upon regaining his identity as Ken Kaneki, his hair turned completely white again after having his limbs cut off repeatedly by Arima. Unable to heal properly from the incident, both of his arms are covered in reptile-like scales. As a result he continues to wear gloves to cover them with black turtleneck shirts with a pair of white pants. Around his neck, he keeps Touka’s parents’ ring on a chain, and after their marriage, the scar from her bite mark on his right shoulder. For a time, Kaneki wore a collared black coat over his new sleeveless battle suit with dark gloves reaching past his elbows.

After becoming immobilized inside Dragon, Kaneki took on the form of a beast big enough to wrap around skyscrapers, with many huge kakugan protruding from large, black limbs. Kaneki was uncontrollable in this state and kept expanding. He had already completely destroyed a large sector of the 23rd ward and presumably completely collapsed the 24th ward.

Upon being recovered from dragon by Touka Kirishima and the Q’s squad, Kaneki lost much of his muscular mass, and is confirmed to have gained new unidentified organs after his transformation. His entire body from the neck down was covered in kagune-like tissue, along with several black growths running down the front of his upper torso, and his hands possessed three misshapen fingers. His hair was lengthier and hung down below the chin. There appeared to be flesh patterns decorating his neck and lower eyelids. However, upon releasing his new kagune, his body appears to have returned to normal, with his hands once again possessing five fingers and being without the previous scales.

Following the six-year timeskip at the end of :re, Kaneki trimmed his hair back to its original length. The flesh patterns under his left eye changed, becoming two thick lines running diagonally from under his left eye all the way down the left side of his face.

Manga Depiction

Tokyo Ghoul

Kaneki vol1

Kaneki’s profile in Vol. 1.

Kaneki vol14

Kaneki as a child in his own hallucination

Kaneki as a child.

Kaneki's introduction

Kaneki Kakugan

Kaneki’s kakugan.

Kaneki's Mask-Manga

Kaneki’s mask.

Kaneki's battle suit

Kaneki’s battle suit.

Kaneki's first kakuja mask

Kaneki’s first kakuja mask.

Kaneki's Kakuja Mask while using his kagune

Kaneki’s second kakuja mask after his first kakuja was destroyed.

Kaneki's Final Kakuja Mask

Kaneki’s third kakuja mask.

Tokyo Ghoul:re

Sasaki's debut

Sasaki meets his mentor, Akira Mado, for the first time.


Sasaki in dress uniform, with medals.

Haise Sasaki Kakugan

Sasaki’s kakugan.

Kaneki as Sasako

Sasaki dressed as a girl.[17]


Sasaki accepting Kaneki’s strength in order to fight Takizawa.

Haise at the ceremony

Sasaki’s post-Auction hairstyle.

TG re Haise Sasaki Mask

Sasaki’s mask.

Black-haired Sasaki with glasses

Sasaki after the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation.

Sasaki's battle suit during Cochlea attack

Sasaki’s battle suit during the Cochlea attack.

Sasaki Kakuja Mask

Sasaki’s fourth kakuja mask.

Sasaki's hair whitens

Sasaki’s hair shown in white again.

Sasaki claims the Title

Kaneki as the One-Eyed King.

Kaneki with old mask and new hairstyle

Kaneki’s appearance during the Clown Siege.

Kaneki fifth Kakuja mask

Kaneki’s fifth kakuja mask.

Dragon Kaneki


Kaneki Post Dragon

Post-Dragon Kaneki.

Kaneki Finale HQ

Kaneki in :re Chapter 179.

Anime Depiction

Tokyo Ghoul

Young Kaneki

Kaneki during his youth.

Kaneki accepting being a ghoul

Kaneki’s kakugan.

Kaneki's Mask

Kaneki’s mask.

Kaneki's Kakuja Mask √A

Kaneki’s kakuja mask.

Tokyo Ghoul:re

Haise Sasaki in PV 1

First look at Haise Sasaki.

Haise Sasaki with his ghoul eye

Sasaki’s kakugan.

Sasaki dressed as a girl re anime

Sasaki dressed as a girl.

Sasaki's post-Auction hairstyle re anime

Sasaki’s post-Auction hairstyle.

Haise Sasaki Mask Anime

Sasaki’s mask.

Kaneki BlackHair V2

Sasaki’s first appearance with black hair.

Black Reaper Anime

Sasaki after the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation.

Kaneki's Kakuja V2 Mask (Anime)

Sasaki’s kakuja V2 mask.

White Haired Kaneki RE S2

Kaneki’s hair shown in white again.

Kaneki post dragon

Post-Dragon Kaneki.

Kaneki finale

Kaneki in the final :re anime episode.



Kaneki was a shy and reserved person, with Hide being his only close friend. He usually spent most of his time reading books, mostly novels. He was extremely gentle and appeared to be optimistic most of the time. Influenced by his mother and a true testament of modesty, he willingly took blame and punishment from others so that he can be someone who does not hurt people, but rather absorb the torment. However, this lack of assertiveness normally got him bullied and taken advantage of.[18][19]

However, beneath his altruistic and gentle nature was an underlying fear of being alone that was aggravated by his mother’s death. He despised the idea of solitude, hence he tried to protect those dear to him so he would not have to face his fear of being alone in the world.

This was perhaps his greatest weakness. Since Kaneki was always trying to protect others, he was essentially trying to protect himself from ever being alone again. Therefore, to escape that scenario, he would shoulder the task of protecting others onto himself, without relying on anyone else. This was also why Kaneki rejected the notion of «living,» because watching others die reminded him of those lonely days without anyone beside him.

After he was turned into a half-ghoul, he clung to his human side. To keep living in the human world, he began to work at Anteiku and established relationships with the ghouls there. He started to develop an interest in becoming stronger and began reading martial art books so he could protect those closest to him. However, he was still troubled with the fact that he was a half-ghoul and wanted to search for a place where he could belong. As much as he treasured his life, if people close to him were threatened, he would not hesitate to put his life on the line.


After being held captive and undergoing intense torture at the hands of Yamori, Kaneki’s personality changed drastically. He trashed his previous ideology of «being hurt rather than hurting others,» pledging to crush those who dared threaten his place of belonging. He adopted the habit of cracking his knuckles from his torturer, Yamori. In his subconscious, Kaneki ate «Rize,» the image of his ghoul self. This displayed that he accepted the «ghoul» within him; instead of being influenced by it, he appeared to have become the one to surpass it. Kaneki became ruthless, cruel, and brutal in order to protect his friends, yet he managed to maintain complete composure. He no longer feared his ghoul side and was more violent during battles, such as when he cannibalized Yamori’s kagune in order to strengthen himself, and mercilessly broke 103 of Ayato’s bones.[20] By embracing his ghoul nature wholeheartedly, Kaneki gave up on being «human.»

Kaneki was still capable of showing his gentle nature in front of people he cared about, but instantly turned merciless against his enemies. He yearned for strength and power, therefore becoming more power-hungry and superficially arrogant. His new creed—that as «the strong» he had the right to «devour the weak»—was originally an ideology held by Yamori. Banjou assumed that Kaneki developed some form of mental instability during his torture in the 11th ward, and that this would gradually wear him down.

Whenever he was near starvation and losing control of his kagune (or half-kakuja), he behaved in a way that emulated another’s, such as Rize or Yamori. He would speak in a crazed disorganized manner, further implying his mental instability during these periods.

After raiding Kanou’s lab and attacking Banjou, Kaneki entered a period of soul-searching. He wished to reclaim his lost «human» side and became uncertain about the path he had taken to become stronger. He started to question and seek answers from individuals such as Uta, Yomo, and Yoshimura in order to understand the incidents that have happened around him since he turned into a ghoul.


The Sasarious

While living under his new identity as Haise Sasaki, he was a self-contained and good-natured individual. He was loyal, devoted, and possessed a good work ethic. Sasaki was very cooperative, as he preferred working in a group rather than working alone. He also showed mercy, as he believed that an investigator should not annihilate ghouls unnecessarily. This was sometimes to the chagrin of his fellow ghoul investigators. Sasaki enjoyed reading books in his free time and had a habit of using puns, shown by his conversation with Akira Mado in the curry restaurant. He tended to scratch the back of his head when he was thinking hard or feeling uneasy. He still had his old habit of scratching or rubbing his chin whenever he was hiding something or lying from his days as Kaneki.

He showed appropriate respect and great concern for his colleagues, especially his underlings. He complied with orders assigned by his seniors and carried them out without hesitation. However, Sasaki’s gentle nature often led his subordinates to constantly disobey him, rendering him ineffective in controlling their actions; he was left to worry about their safety.

In contrast to before his memory loss, Sasaki rejected his ghoul side and was afraid of it. When analyzed by Arima after his capture, Sasaki appeared to retain his introverted nature and lack of assertiveness as Kaneki, along with his yearning for a motherly figure.

However, Sasaki was still prone to losing control, as shown when he fought the Serpent, where he also cracked his fingers during the fight—a habit that he had originally developed as Kaneki in the past. Donato Porpora noted that Sasaki was curious about his memories but also afraid of them, as he worried he could no longer keep his current life in the CCG should he ever recover his memories. Sasaki feared that relying on his ghoul side would make him disappear. After being rescued from Takizawa by Hinami, Sasaki’s perspective on his ghoul nature changed. He concluded that the Kaneki of the past must have been a good person because Hinami cared for him a lot, even though he did not remember. He eventually accepted this ghoul side in order to protect Hinami and Saiko, with the risk of his personality disappearing. He learned about Kaneki, who appeared in his subconscious as a mental construct where «Kaneki» admitted that he was also scared and asked Sasaki to not erase him.

Sasaki meets his projection of Kaneki, as they accept each other.

After the auction, Sasaki was friendlier towards his ghoul side. However, «Kaneki» said the relationship could not last forever, as they were two beings fighting for one body. Sasaki was told to «not erase him» but misheard it as «disappear.» He then remained conflicted about his past, actively searching for information about himself.

Post-Rose Extermination

Kaneki mocking Eto «You’re really just a piece of trash.»

During the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, Sasaki recalled a memory of his past as Ken Kaneki where he had been physically abused by his mother. He also realized that he unconsciously wished to die and had been glad to see Arima during the Owl Suppression Operation. However, that failed, so he believed that burying his past was his salvation, so he chose to forget and live as Haise Sasaki. Upon realizing this, Sasaki accepted his past, resolving to stop «dreaming.»

After regaining his memories, in sharp contrast to his previously gentle personality, Sasaki became colder and much more violent. He fought with more brutal force and was willing to put Tsukiyama’s life at risk, despite already remembering his old acquaintance. He did, however, ensure that Kanae would rescue Tsukiyama before throwing the ghoul off the building. He displayed his cold nature to Urie when the latter blamed him for Shirazu’s death, calmly telling him that it was his fault as he was the one fighting beside Shirazu. He then mourned together with Mutsuki and Saiko, showing that despite his cold demeanor, he still felt sad about Shirazu’s death.

Third Cochlea Raid

During the Cochlea attack, Sasaki displays his deep unhappiness for his own existence, constantly engaged in inner monologue. As he rescues Hinami from her cell, he reveals his own motives that have not changed since the Tsukiyama Investigation. That he wanted to «go out in style.» Meaning to act as a sacrificial pawn with no care for his own life, Sasaki displays regret when Touka tells him to see her later, stating that it is all so unfair and that Touka is a cruel one.

While being torn apart by Arima, Sasaki gives up on living altogether, stating his task was completed. He is interrupted by a projection of «Hide» who tells him to stop being a fool and to listen for once. Once Sasaki realizes what Hide actually meant back in V14, his hair turns white once more due to the stress of being ripped apart by Arima and rises with a newfound will to live wearing a smile on his face.

Goat Wipeout Operation

During his reign as king, Kaneki displays his growing maturity upon taking up the mantle of the «One Eyed King». When meeting with the soon-to-be members of Goat, he addresses all of their concerns, even persuading Naki to join him after a brief scuffle. When dealing with the Clown’s attack on the CCG, Kaneki shows his ability to direct his forces, doing so in a calm and orderly fashion, while at the same time, selecting members to join him in their attempt to obtain the RC suppressants needed to heal Akira. After Goat was forced to move underground as a result of Furuta’s oppressive plan to eradicate the population of ghouls in Tokyo, Kaneki has become more morose. He’s more driven and has a tunnel-vision mentality of wanting to protect the ghouls on his lonesome. This comes back to bite him as he returns to the base by himself in an effort to stop Furuta, only to be beaten in a fierce battle by Juuzou and Abara.

Dragon Arc

While trapped inside the massive appendage known as the Dragon, Kaneki experienced a mental simulation of himself trapped inside a temple, accompanied by an emulation of Rize. She taunted him for being responsible for the deaths of so many civilians, along with being so responsible for the hunting of so many ghouls. She mocks his idea of trying to get the CCG to cooperate, stating that people keep dying because Kaneki keeps doing things, despite him saying that he’s never able to do anything.

It became clear that while Kaneki convinced himself that he wanted to live for others, he only wanted to die a beautiful and fulfilled death. He stated that if he kept on fighting, he would feel needed, and yet never considered the death which would come from it. Upon recognizing these flaws, Kaneki states that despite all of the death that he’s caused, both directly and indirectly, he’ll continue on his path and try to bear the weight of them.

When he’s released from Dragon, Kaneki is regretful upon seeing the damage that he did to both Tokyo and Hide. Despite this, he remains determined to stop Furuta and save both ghouls and humans. However, after losing to Juuzou and Abara and being shown his flaws by Furuta, Kaneki has decided that he’ll do so with the help and support of his friends and family, rather than tackling the issue by himself.

During his final confrontation with Rize, Kaneki reflects on his life. He recognizes that everyone is their own protagonist, and that his tragedy doesn’t make him anymore special than anyone else. He knows that the world is a harsh and unforgiving place, but despite it all, people will still strive to be loved and chosen by those around them. As a result, he’ll carry on and choose and be chosen, nothing more, nothing less.

Psychological Issues

Kaneki’s mental state undergoes extreme changes over the course of the series. Before his torture, Kaneki would at times refer to his actions as «we» or «us,» albeit mostly while in a stressed state. Kaneki personifies his feelings to an extent that they take the form of people existing within his mind. When meeting these mental constructs, Kaneki enters a limbo-like state where he converses with them. Kaneki initially only entered this state when he was under extreme duress or near-death and later included during calm settings for conversation.

During his torture at the hands of Yamori, this construct takes the form of Rize Kamishiro. She taunts him for his weakness and shows memories from his past with his mother, forcing out his anger towards her for not being able to refuse her sister. Through these memories, she gradually convinces Kaneki to abandon his previous ideology of being the one who gets hurt instead of others. By accepting «Rize,» Kaneki embraces a more brutal view of the world and accepts his ghoul powers.

The next time he encounters this alternate self is at V14, after being mortally wounded by Arima. Within his mind, he encounters a child version of himself that he feels the desire to protect. As he comes to accept his failings and similarities to his mother, this self transforms into a version of Kaneki as he existed at the beginning of the series. This more innocent Kaneki accepts him and thanks him for all that he has done to protect them. The two vanish together, resolving to «sleep» for a while.

In Tokyo Ghoul:re, the mental construct took on the appearance of Kaneki, initially appearing as Yamori’s prisoner while donning his kakuja mask. This «Kaneki» torments him, demanding to be accepted and given back his body. Sasaki denied this being, which leads him to moments of instability whenever he uses his ghoul powers. When he is finally forced to accept his past and honor the request to «look» at «Kaneki,» the projection appears to him as a white-haired child who he feels the need to protect. In the months following, Sasaki and «Kaneki» regularly converse with each other. Unlike previous constructs, Sasaki often imagines the child in the real world, picturing the child going through normal activities such as reading. Though they have reached an understanding, the child «Kaneki» tells Sasaki that the two of them cannot continue to co-exist and one will eventually vanish.

During Sasaki’s fight with Karren, a heavily injured Sasaki once again retreats to his mind. The child then confronts him, taunting Sasaki for not being able to protect himself. Sasaki attacks the child, which prompts him to unsuppress his memories of being abused as Kaneki. As these memories came back to him, the child expressed that Kaneki was trying to die during the events at V14. He also desired to be loved by everyone that knows him, regardless of how his actions may obtain the desired result, be them with good or bad intentions, which the mental child Kaneki perceives as salvation. Sasaki regards himself as a «dream,» caused when he began to desire. After Sasaki accepted his past, he resolves to quit «dreaming.»[21]

During Sasaki’s fight with Arima at Cochlea, the latter savagely beats him to the brink of death. As Sasaki was about to succumb to his injuries and die, his mental construct takes the form of Hide. «Hide» scolds him for his selfish excuses, deducing that Sasaki had heard the sound of the compactor and asked whether he was okay with seeing his friends dying and letting his efforts be in vain. «Hide» encouraged Sasaki to live, reminding that he sacrificed himself with the goal of «living together with him» and that living would allow Sasaki to find a purpose in life.[22] Sasaki’s appearance begins to revert back to his post-Aogiri days, with his hair becoming white again.

«Hide’s» advice made Sasaki realize that his mental constructs of «Rize» and «Hide» were all just manifestations of his inner desires and thoughts. Sasaki believed that Hide would stop him if he went beyond his own boundaries, causing Sasaki to deduce that once he began to think this way, he began to desire to live again.

When reduced to only his body and head after being beaten by Juuzou and Abara, Kaneki once again retreats into the inner recesses of his mind. His different personalities convene and discuss what went wrong and what they should’ve done. Eventually, his many personalities begin to argue and the situation erupts into chaos before they all realize that they have one thing in common; they need to save Touka. Upon this realization, Kaneki asks himself under the guise of his various selves if he’s willing to cross the line of killing humans and children. In response, he declares that he will, and that he’ll «press forward, like a centipede».

While Dragon runs rampant throughout Tokyo, Kaneki remains comatose within its recesses. In his mind, he finds himself in a shrine surrounded by an endless ocean. Upon diving in, he finds the bodies of his victims drowning beneath the waves. As he surfaces, he’s greeted by «Rize», who asks him if he remembers the first time they met. While Kaneki doesn’t regret meeting Rize as he’s met many friends along the way, «Rize» states that she hates him as she’d never be reduced to her current state if she’d never met Kaneki at Anteiku. As he’s being pulled out of Dragon, his mental world begins to collapse, and Kaneki leaves declaring that he’ll try to bear the weight of his sins.


Main article: Ken Kaneki/Synopsis


Hideyoshi Nagachika

Kaneki’s best friend, who he calls by his nickname, Hide, has been Kaneki’s closest friend since childhood. Although Kaneki would lack the assertiveness to speak to others, Hide would often speak in his place as his «voice.» Kaneki is willing to fight for his friend, and Hide is able to perceive Kaneki’s emotions. The strong connection between Kaneki and Hide earns Kaneki the capability to refrain from human meat even when driven by ghoul instincts. He cares for Kaneki immensely and did not hesitate to help him even after finding out about Kaneki’s transformation into a ghoul.

Before his first fight with Arima, Hide encouraged Kaneki to eat him for strength, showing how selfless he can be for his best friend. During his time as Scarecrow, he saved Sasaki’s life by activating a microphone which broadcasted Sasaki’s near death at the hands of Takizawa, so that aid could be sent to him.

Upon revealing himself to the CCG, Hide worked closely with Investigator Marude in order to try and free Kaneki from his Dragon form. After Kaneki was rescued from the body of Dragon, Hide and Kaneki reunited and expressed their thankfulness to each other and remained best friends for the rest of their lives.

Touka Kirishima

Initially, the two maintained a neutral relationship between that of waitress and customer until his transformation into a ghoul. Kaneki had at first gone to her for help when his hunger was becoming increasingly worse, but Touka harshly rejected him after he stated he was different from «monsters» like her. She refused to show any compassion and beat him up, telling him to go and die on his own. She thought of him as a fool for his refusal to eat human meat despite being aware he was formerly human. When Kaneki joined Anteiku, Touka had little patience for his mistakes and lack of knowledge of ghoul-related affairs, much to his dismay, causing him to think of her as scary. Despite her constant annoyance with him, Touka agreed to teach him more of what living as a ghoul meant. Later, Uta told Kaneki how hard a worker Touka was and he began to think of her as less frightening.

The two then found middle ground in their care for Hinami after her mother’s death. The event had triggered a desire in Kaneki to become stronger. Thereafter, she agreed to train and instruct him on how to use his kagune, slowly becoming one of the closest people to him. During this time, Kaneki developed his concern for her due to her impulsiveness and a fear that she would die without his knowing. After assisting her in avenging Ryouko’s death, their relationship improved and the two began to care for Hinami together. Although Touka maintained her tough attitude towards him, she became friendlier towards him, and often worried for his safety due to his inexperience and on more than one occasion risked her own life to save him. Kaneki in turn viewed her as someone important to him and tried to put her out of harm’s way. He responded aggressively to anyone who had hurt her, shown when he broke half of Ayato’s bones for hurting Touka and held back from killing him as it would only hurt her more.

Upon leaving Anteiku, Kaneki stayed true to his intent to preserve her safety and protect her, shown when he refused to allow her to come with him and avoided her during the months he was away. This caused Touka to often wonder of his whereabouts and wanted to meet him again, as observed by Hinami. Their first reunion when he returned to the 20th ward concluded in an argument and Touka beating him up.

Years later as Sasaki, he visited :re and experienced a sense of déjà vu. He subconsciously remembered her, the taste of her coffee had brought him to tears and he thought she was very beautiful. From then, Sasaki developed an infatuation for Touka — he often thought of her and visited :re on multiple occasions. She noted that at the time, he looked at her with the same gaze he looked at Rize with in the past. Nonetheless, Touka believed it was best for Sasaki to not remember who he was, but she agreed that if his memories returned, he was welcome in :re.

After regaining his memories, Kaneki met Touka in Cochlea during the Kirishima’s fight with Arima. He originally planned to die at the hands of Arima, however he was brought to tears once again when she told him she would see him later, a cruel act in his mind. After the Cochlea raid, Kaneki initially reverted back to his post-Aogiri treatment towards her, continuing his distance from her. After a month, they finally conversed in a friendly manner in :re, though not ending well, they agreed to have the same ideals towards ghouls and humans’ interactions. After Goat was formed, he repeatedly excluded her from combat and operations of the organization, much to her disappointment and confusion. Following the Clown Siege, during another private talk, she asked about this and his virginity — causing him some obvious nervousness and discomfort. Together, they discovered their fears of losing the other were mutual. And in the conversation she mentioned the look he gave her as Sasaki, a look that embarrassed Kaneki but one that Touka admitted made her happy, indicating her romantic feelings for him. Afterward, he acknowledged her by asking her to go with him to a Goat meeting.

Successfully escaping an ambush, Kaneki and Touka took shelter in an abandoned building and consummated their relationship after a kiss, officially becoming lovers. As a memento of her, he received her parent’s ring, one that served as a source of strength for her during difficult times. Realizing he truly loved Touka the two became more and more intimate. Kaneki then asked her to marry him in a ghoul ceremony after she revealed she was pregnant with his child.

After being dismembered by Suzuya and Hanbee and cornered by the Oggai, Kaneki started to hallucinate — the multiple personalities of him clashing over the various choices that caused his defeat and he was close to completely giving up. However, when one of them pointed out that they would never see Touka again, all of them came into an agreement to continue to fight for survival in order to see her again, showing how important Touka had become in Kaneki’s mind.

Touka, after Kaneki’s position in the Dragon was revealed, risked her life by clawing into the surface of Dragon, and after an intense struggle, recovered him from Dragon’s body. The two embraced after Kaneki awoke in a hospital. During the epilogue, both happily continue their marriage, taking care of their daughter Ichika, with another child on the way.

Shuu Tsukiyama

When they meet at Anteiku, Kaneki’s first impression of Tsukiyama is that he looks like a model. Even though the others try to convince him that Tsukiyama is bad news, Kaneki still thinks that he seems like a person who he can trust. He goes along with him to have coffee, then plays a game of squash with him without realizing that Tsukiyama is priming him as a meal. After Tsukiyama’s plot is exposed, he feels betrayed by him and becomes wary of him.

After escaping from the Aogiri hideout, Kaneki accepts him into his group, believing that Tsukiyama would make for a powerful ally. His advanced strength makes him stronger than Tsukiyama, so he uses that to threaten him into knowing his place. He is still aware that Tsukiyama wishes to eat him even if he tries to hide it, but Kaneki never shows concern for his own safety, trusting that his strength will intimidate Tsukiyama and keep him in check. In order to prepare himself for upcoming confrontations, he asks Tsukiyama to help him train and develops a tentatively friendly relationship with him, though he is always careful to maintain his distance. He would later see Tsukiyama as a friend, recognizing the latter’s attempt to kill him during the Owl Suppression Operation was Tsukiyama trying to protect him.

In :re as Haise, he meets Tsukiyama in a fragile and sickly state, as he has starved and isolated himself after Kaneki’s disappearance. He does not remember him, although meeting him a few times. Later he asks Tsukiyama to tell him everything about his past as he could not stand avoiding «fate» anymore, having figured that he was one of Kaneki’s friends. During the Tsukiyama Operation, he was reluctant to fight Tsukiyama and hesitated killing him when his inner «Kaneki» repeatedly yells at him not to do it. Shortly after his reawakening, he stabs Tsukiyama in the chest, in order for him to appear seriously wounded and in danger of dying. When Ui arrives at the scene, he decides to give Shuu a chance to escape or die by hurling him off the building, glancing at Kanae in order for her to go save him. Through this, it can be assumed he still holds some regard for Tsukiyama as an individual, but not enough as to actually care about what happens to him ultimately. It is implied further by Chie Hori that Kaneki does seem to still care about him, as she stated that if he really wanted to kill Tsukiyama, he would have done it already.

When Kaneki defects from the CCG and forms Goat, Tsukiyama joins him at his side as his best friend and right-hand man. Tsukiyama is both the financial benefactor of Goat as well as one of Kaneki’s most trusted advisors. He was responsible for helping Goat defend Tokyo from the Clowns as well as providing the materials necessary to rescue Kaneki from Dragon. He was one of the only individuals who cared about Kaneki’s happiness in the vast organization of Goat, him bringing up how unhappy Kaneki must have been as Dragon, as he was unable to read, enjoy coffee, or hold his child in that state.


Kaneki looks up to Yoshimura, and is grateful to him helping him survive being a ghoul. Yoshimura acts as a mentor to Kaneki. He would often provide Kaneki with information regarding the ghoul world and assists in his development. In turn, Kaneki diligently serves and runs errands for him at Anteiku. He provides advice to Kaneki when the latter faces a crisis, and told Kaneki the truth about the One-Eyed Owl when Kaneki inquired him about it. He believes in Kaneki to the extent that he entrusted Kaneki with saving his daughter. When Kaneki heard that the CCG was going to attack Anteiku he immediately decided to go despite the overwhelming number of CCG forces. Even while he was critically wounded by Amon, Kaneki forced himself to go save the manager.

Four years later, Kaneki still has not forgotten his last meeting and talk with the manager, hinting at the importance Yoshimura held for him as an individual. He even remembers Yoshimura’s last wish, even though he sees no reason to fulfill it whatsoever.

Renji Yomo

Initially, Yomo is distant and indifferent towards him when Kaneki first cooperates with him in a body scavenging mission. However, he grew interested in Kaneki’s development after Kaneki’s fight with the Doves. He provides guidance to Kaneki, teaching him how to fight and offers him advice in times where he is conflicted. Yomo played a crucial role in Kaneki’s decision to return to Anteiku, reassuring the latter of his own strength. Yomo trusted him enough to detail some events of Yoshimura’s past to him.

Enji Koma

Kaneki has a relationship with Koma as colleagues, with Koma ocassionally mentoring him in making coffee and parts of the ghoul world. Kaneki also feels most relaxed working with Koma than working with any other members from Anteiku. When leaving on an expedition, Kaneki trusts him and Irimi to defend the last remaining base of Goat.

Nishiki Nishio

At the beginning, Nishiki starts enmity toward Kaneki just because he thought that Kaneki was invading his feeding ground, and as the way he shows his strength to weaker ghouls.

After helping him rescue his girlfriend in the Gourmet Arc, he became more of a close friend to Kaneki. When he was taken by Aogiri, Nishiki showed concern for his well-being and wanted to rescue him.

When they met again as enemies in :re, Haise subconsciously recognized him when his mask fell off, triggering an outburst as he temporarily lost control of his kagune, indicating that Nishio was an acquaintance of his former self. Their encounter sparked the mental struggle for dominance between Sasaki and his former self and has caused Sasaki to reflect on his position at the CCG.

Upon Kaneki’s defection from the CCG, Nishiki joins him in forming Goat and acts as one of his closest friends and allies. Kaneki trusted him enough to bring him along on a scavenging expedition that was supposed to provide food for all of Goat for a long duration of time.

Hinami Fueguchi

Hinami looks up to Kaneki as a big brother. She is aware and interested in his half-human nature as she had few or no interactions with human society. They both share a passion for reading, especially Sen Takatsuki’s works, and he often tutors her in new vocabulary to learn. After her mother’s death, both Touka and Kaneki have been very protective of her and treat each other like family.

Alongside Banjou and Tsukiyama, she joins Kaneki’s group of ghouls. While he often goes on his missions, he still manages to smile and be there for her when he is around, even accompanying her to places such as Sen Takatsuki’s book signing.

As Sasaki, he showed concern for Hinami’s safety when he learned she was acquainted with his past, and he asked her to leave while she was protecting him to prevent her from being hurt any further by Takizawa. Haise also managed to convince Arima to let her be taken captive instead of eliminated on the spot, showing that he still cares for Hinami. After her capture, he shows her the same kindness he did in the past by bringing her books and asking about her condition. While he tells her that he is not the same man she knew in the past, he admits to himself that he is growing attached to her, which troubles him greatly.

After the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, Sasaki seems to have become distant towards Hinami as he has not visited nor talked to her during the six months since the end of the operation. This leaves Hinami in a depressed state as her execution is coming close.[23] However, this was a ruse as later he betrays the CCG in order to save her.[24]

Kazuichi Banjou

Banjou considered Kaneki as a close fellow during their attempt to escape the Aogiri hideout. After Kaneki defeats Yamori and makes his resolve to protect everyone, Banjou gratefully, and grasped by Kaneki’s strength, decides to become his follower.[25] They become close friends during their time together, often sparring with each other[16] and going together on trips and missions. Kaneki also helps Banjou improve his reading comprehension. When Kaneki decides to return to Anteiku he states that he hopes Banjou will come with him.

Rize Kamishiro

Rize was attracted to Kaneki because of his delicious appearance and himself. Both of them shared many interests. After their date, Rize tried to hunt him down, but failed. At the end, she supposedly died and he, heavily injured, was taken to a hospital, where Dr. Kanou decided to transplant her organs into him.

In Kaneki’s mind, during his time locked in Yamori’s hobby room, she appeared before him. They had a sensitive conversation about his past and personality.[19] He attributes her to his ghoul side, as she was the cause of him. Although she was a figment of Kaneki’s imagination, she supported him and strengthened his resolve.

A hallucination of Rize appears to Kaneki earlier in the anime, representing the subconsciousness of Kaneki’s ghoul half. She usually haunts Kaneki when he is hungry and needs to eat human meat.

Kaneki was shocked to learn Rize was still alive in Kanou’s lab as an experiment during the lab raid. Later, while contemplating his previous ideals, he visits Rize in Yomo’s place. Seeing the once strong ghoul in a starving weakened state made him question his own motives for gaining more power.

The two met again during Kaneki’s fight with Nimura Furuta, as the latter called her «his precious dragon». After Kaneki defeated Furuta, he climbed the body of the Dragon until he reached its core, fighting off huge mouthed kagune with hair that resembles Rize’s. It’s revealed that Rize has somehow merged with the Dragon, and appears in front of him with white hair. With a tear rolling down his cheek, Kaneki kills Rize to end the Dragon’s rampage.

Koutarou Amon

Their initial meeting left a strong impression on both, and they serve as foils to each other in the story. It was because of Amon’s passionate speech that Kaneki first began to realize the futility of the endless cycle of revenge trapping humans and ghouls, and determined that his half-breed nature gave him unique insight into both points of view. He has great respect for Amon, and in their final meeting he asked the investigator to allow him to pass — something he knew would not happen. Before they fought, he asked for his long-time rival’s name and wished for him to survive the battle. Amon shared this sentiment, desperate to learn the story of the strange ghoul that spared his life.

Years after the Owl Suppression Operation, Sasaki, after finding Amon reports about his past self, sees «Kaneki» in his mind weeping because of the belief that he killed Amon. Later, however, they meet again in the CCG Laboratory. Of all the investigators he fought before becoming Sasaki, Kaneki believes Amon to be the only one who actually acknowledged him as a person rather than a ghoul, and was angry at what the CCG had done to the former ghoul investigator.

Upon their reunion after Amon’s rescue from the CCG, Kaneki and Amon share an amicable relationship, the two being kindred spirits.

Yakumo Oomori

Yamori saw Kaneki as a good «toy» for his hobby of torturing.[18] He saw him as a weak morally-guided boy and made use of his powerful regenerative ability to satisfy his sadistic pleasures. Ironically, Yamori, who initially believed he had weakened Kaneki, was then overpowered and defeated by him, being the catalyst for his transformation.

Yamori became a figment that constantly harassed Kaneki in his own mind. In :re, Kaneki admits to Naki that he views Yamori as a symbol of his own strength and, in a way, is thankful for having the encounter he did with him.

Mrs. Kaneki

Kaneki initially looked up to his mother, believing she was a hard worker who never failed to help others. He always tried to be a kind person like her, even after her death from overwork. After being tortured by Yamori and influenced by Rize’s manifestation, Kaneki blamed his mother for choosing to financially support her sister — resulting in her death from overwork. He viewed this action as abandoning him, choosing his aunt rather than himself. Kaneki also saw his mother’s actions as those of selfishness and cowardice. He realized that both of them tried to help and protect others just because they both did not want to be alone.

In :re, the truth was that Kaneki’s mother had physically abused him. The trauma caused him to warp his memory so he believed her to be nothing but a gentle woman, whom in reality, never did love and he viewed her as a «maggot.»


Uta helped him in making his mask. Seeing Kaneki as one of his valued customers, Uta aided Anteiku in rescuing Kaneki from Aogiri Tree. He is fond of Kaneki, and shares both advice and stories of his past with him. Despite Uta’s hedonistic nature, along with implications that he enjoyed Kaneki’s suffering, he does care about Kaneki. Uta mentions that during their «encounter» in the Auction Raid, he noticed that he has not changed and that he is still a valued customer of his.

Chie Hori

In Tokyo Ghoul, though their interactions were minimal, Hori will always bring information to him at Tsukiyama’s request. He described her as a reliable person.

In Photography, Hori negotiated with Kaneki that she would work for his team as an informant provided that Kaneki makes all his requests through Tsukiyama. She is fully aware of Tsukiyama’s obsession with Kaneki and therefore utilizes her connection with his group to protect herself from being eaten and influence Tsukiyama to listen to any of her requests.

Kishou Arima

During their initial encounter, Kaneki was both frightened by and fascinated by the legendary investigator. He suffered a brutal defeat, resulting in his subsequent capture by the CCG and loss of identity. Arima was given «ownership rights» over him and was allowed to select a new identity.

As Haise Sasaki, they had a close bond as teacher and student. Haise highly respected and admired Arima to the point he felt that it would be impossible for him to ever surpass his teacher. Akira suggested that Arima had a parental love for him, indicating the especially strong bond between them. This was later confirmed, with Sasaki even referring to Arima as his «father» — the person who saved him and helped him create a new life. They shared a love of reading, resulting in their loaning books between each other. Sasaki also inherited a quinque which Arima used as a teenager, Yukimura 1/3.

Even after regaining his memories and eventually facing Arima in battle, Kaneki still thought of Arima as his father. He mourned the older investigator’s death in anguish as Arima died in his arms. Eto later told him that she and Arima had been purposely «raising» Kaneki, in the hopes they would create a ghoul that would be able to kill him, and become the hope of the ghouls.

Akira Mado

Akira served as his mentor, responsible for training him in the field and helping shape him as an investigator. He has great respect for her, and over the years of working together they have established a strong friendship. When out of the office, he enjoys teasing her with his puns and she responds to them with playful annoyance. However, as his superior she can be harsh to the point of giving him a «Mado Punch» to the stomach to correct his behavior. She warns him that he is too naive, and that his showing mercy towards ghouls will result in his downfall. As her subordinate, he works hard to meet her expectations and describes her as an excellent superior. She is also shown to be someone charged with keeping him under control, as he requests that she be notified prior to using his powers. Because of this, he jokingly refers to her as his «mother,» something she does not seem to appreciate much.

After Sasaki left the Q-squad, it is unknown whether he and Akira had kept in touch. He does however, still care for her. While she was recuperating he was deeply hurt to see her in her grave state, and contacted an unknown organization to put her under normal medical care at the risk of revealing their location or ambushed.

Upon Akira’s recovery, their relationship is strained when she learns that not only did Kaneki defect, but he was also responsible for Arima’s death.

Tooru Mutsuki

Among the Quinx, they have the closest bond and work together on the Torso case after the team becomes splintered. He treats Mutsuki with respect, but also behaves in a somewhat motherly fashion towards him. After Dr. Shiba expressed concern over the young investigator’s health, Sasaki made a point to cook him dinner with plenty of meat and lectured him about needing to strengthen his body. In turn, Mutsuki has great admiration for his mentor and is quick to offer praise or reassurances. If the Quinx team is a family, it could be said that Mutsuki is the good child that always respects and listens to Sasaki.

When Mutsuki goes missing, the colder, merciless Sasaki asks Urie to save him, showing that he still cares about him.

Even after Mutsuki ambushes Kaneki at :re, assists Furuta in destroying Goat, and attacks Touka while she’s pregnant, Kaneki still cares for Mutsuki, displaying no hatred for him.

Kuki Urie

During Urie’s time as the squad leader, their professional and personal relationship is tense, as Urie is prone to challenging Sasaki’s leadership on all fronts. He frequently acts on his own without bothering to consult the rest of the team, leaving Sasaki in the dark about things and deeply frustrated as a result. When the team becomes fractured as a result of Urie’s manipulation, Sasaki calls him a brat and swears to teach him a lesson. Even so, he acknowledges that his troublesome subordinate is highly-skilled with exceptional intuition. That he refuses to cooperate with others, and so frequently criticizes him in front of others, is a great source of frustration for Sasaki. After the Auction Raid, their relationship seems to have improved. Urie shows more trust in Sasaki’s decisions and even comes to him to train. However, during the Tsukiyama Operation, he was about to tell him off for not being there for Shirazu, only for Sasaki to immediately lash out and turn the blame on him for not being strong enough.

Even after he left the Q-squad, Sasaki still cares for Urie as the latter was the only one he met and personally requests him to save Mutsuki, while showing a kind smile. It is also noted that Urie was the only one of the first Q-squad who Sasaki conversed with before defecting from the CCG.

When Kaneki was trapped within Dragon, Urie was among those who were responsible for digging him out of Dragon’s body. Later, when Kaneki asks to see the havoc he’s wrought, Urie volunteers to accompany him under the pretense of making sure he doesn’t go on another rampage. As they are walking, Urie and Kaneki openly talk to one another, signifying that there’s no bad blood between them. When they are cornered by some of Dragon’s golems, Urie is the first to offer himself as a decoy while Kaneki and Saiko retreat.

Ginshi Shirazu

Like Urie, Shirazu was prone to disregarding orders and doing whatever he wanted. Sasaki was frustrated by this inability to control his team, and confused when Shirazu argued with him before storming out. He remained unaware of Shirazu being poisoned against him, but this did not last long. After saving his team from Serpent, their relationship vastly improved. He recognized Shirazu’s ability to consider his surroundings and prioritize his comrades, having faith in his potential as a leader. To this end, he made Shirazu the new squad leader and encouraged him to excel. He also helped Shirazu in dealing with his guilt over killing Nutcracker. After his death, Sasaki mourned him together with his remaining squad mates.

Saiko Yonebayashi

They have a very close, familial sort of relationship. He feels great sympathy for her situation and admits to going easy on her as a result even when her actions cause problems for the team. He acts as a surrogate parent to her, affectionately referred to as «Maman.» (French for «mom») They have a warm and intimate bond, as evidenced by her cuddling with him and asking him to clean her ears. Sasaki is protective of her and often tries to keep her out of battles despite their jobs as ghoul investigators. However, he is aware of her destructive power in battle and brings her along on missions where it is needed.

After Sasaki regained his memories and left the Q-squad, their relationship is now implied to be distant. However, it is also implied he still cares for her. When Kaneki defects from the CCG and is declared a terrorist, Saiko states that she’d rather defect as well than hunt him down.

Saiko is among those who first volunteer to collaborate with the ghouls in freeing Kaneki. She assists Touka and the rest of the Q’s in fighting off Dragon’s defenses while Touka rescues Kaneki. As he lays in a coma, Saiko stays at his side, staying there until she eventually falls asleep. Upon his awakening, she cries tears of joy and the two embrace.

Nobu Shimoguchi

Their professional relationship was strained, with the other investigator not even bothering to hide his disdain for Sasaki. Though well aware of how Shimoguchi looked down on him, Sasaki treated him with politeness and professionalism. Shimoguchi however, did not hesitate to humiliate Sasaki when he got the chance. Sasaki took these actions with minimal response, doing his best to remain professional and courteous. However, when at home he expressed annoyance at the other man and looked forward to the chance to show him up. After Shimoguchi lost his squad however, Sasaki was quick to offer condolences to the man.

Donato Porpora

Donato serves as an informant and adviser, offering insight on investigations and personal advice to Sasaki. He uses the investigator’s personal name, a sign of the close and cordial relationship between them. Donato even refers to him as his «friend,» speaking kindly to him and wishing him well during moments of doubt. Though imprisoned for many years, Donato seems to know many secrets about his past and offers hints about Kaneki’s lost memories and possible future.

Juuzou Suzuya

As Ken Kaneki, Kaneki does not know of Juuzou. Juuzou however, apparently knew by instinct that the Eyepatch ghoul was the same person as Kaneki even though by that time Kaneki’s hair had already turned white, along with the fact that he was donning his mask and Juuzou was observing him on ground running whilst on top of an Aogiri building. This is evidenced by when Juuzou sees him and attempts to remember his name (failing to do so though, as he only remembers that the name starts with a «K») while dragging Yamori’s body around.

As ghoul investigators, both of them are considered unusual in their own ways, and became friendly through prior collaborations. Juuzou considers him as a friend, referring to him by his first name, and is still aware of Sasaki’s true identity, as he repaid the money stolen from Kaneki’s wallet long ago. Sasaki always prepares for meetings with Juuzou by hiding treats in his pockets, letting the other man frisk him as a greeting.

Even during the Goat Extermination Operation, Kaneki and Juuzou display no hate towards each other, only fighting as a result of knowing what needs to be done.

Kurona Yasuhisa

They had a hostile relationship in the past due to Kurona and Nashiro’s devotion to Kanou, and had clashed on several occasions. However, they formed a team after Rushima’s Operation, with Kurona following Kaneki as her leader. Kaneki did show a certain amount of affection for Kurona while they were infiltrating one of CCG’s labs to save Akira.[26]

Seidou Takizawa

Takizawa learns about Sasaki through Kanou and Eto, as he is «modeled» after him. As a result of being modeled after a mere test subject, which Kanou refers to as his masterpiece, he wishes to surpass Sasaki, still possessing feelings of inferiority as he did with Akira, who was ranked first, and him second. Takizawa is also aware of Sasaki’s true self, even calling him by name when he hesitates. He does however, show Sasaki a little bit of acknowledgement as a leader, even stating Sasaki is a better leader than his own boss. He appeared to be willing to cooperate with Kaneki as seen with his affiliation to Goat.

Koori Ui

Koori and Sasaki appear to have a professional relationship, knowing each other from their days in S3 squad. Ui however secretly distrusts Sasaki and is wary of both his mental state and his abilities as a ghoul.


In Tokyo Ghoul: Jail, Kaneki encounters Rio as he is searching for the ghoul called Jail, who Kaneki is also searching for. The two meet while Rio is following a lead on Jail, believing the area Kaneki is in to be his turf. Rio comes across Kaneki while he is devouring powerful ghouls in order to become stronger. Seeing that they share a common goal, Kaneki and Rio work together to find Jail. It is through Kaneki that Rio is also introduced to Anteiku.

Hairu Ihei

Sasaki and Hairu used to be in the 0 Squad under Arima together. They get along as co-workers, but Sasaki did not like her violent methods on handling ghouls.

Eto Yoshimura

Even before becoming a ghoul, Kaneki admires Sen Takatsuki greatly, as she is his favorite horror novelist and relates himself to her works, unaware of her true identity. As Haise Sasaki, he still considers her his favorite author, but speculates she is a woman filled with despair and hatred towards the world and has completely abandoned hope long ago.[27]

After regaining his memories, he becomes one of the few aware of her true identity and considers her as an enemy that needs to be eliminated, and seriously wounds her during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation. In the following months, he is pursuing and investigating her to bring her down. They share a cordial relationship, even after he arrested her, and she willingly shared with him information about V, even suggesting that he record Furuta’s conversation with her and later requesting that Sasaki should kill the One-Eyed King.

After meeting with Eto in Cochlea, She told Sasaki that both she and Arima had been raising him in hopes they could create a ghoul strong enough to kill Kishou Arima.

Nimura Furuta

When Kaneki was hallucinating after his defeat at the hands of Arima, he remembered seeing Souta as he and Rize were being crushed by the steel beams.

They share a casual and relaxed partnership after a six month time skip, as seen when he entrusted Furuta to search for Takatsuki’s house, praising his skill in organizing documents, and later requested him to play the «good cop» role. Sasaki often chimes in Furuta’s joke about his boss and seems to not mind. It is unknown what he thinks of Furuta having discovered his involvement with the accident that caused him to become a ghoul or his affiliation with V or the Clowns.

After speaking to Furuta when the two both take their mantles as «Kings,» Kaneki seems to have deduced more about Furuta, even concluding it was most likely beneficial for Furuta to hold power. He does however, not want him to continue having it once things have settled.

Upon being released from Dragon and confronting Furuta in the sewers, Kaneki bears him no ill will and even states that Furuta bests him in intellect and cunning. However, knowing that Furuta stands between him and protecting everyone, Kaneki declares that he’ll defeat Furuta.

At the end of their final battle, Kaneki and Furuta display no animosity towards each other. When asked by Furuta if he’d laugh if Furuta told him all he wanted was to live a normal life, Kaneki smiled and said no.

Take Hirako

As Investigators they were not seen interacting much except for a recollection where Sasaki questioned Hirako about who Arima truly was as a person. Hirako declined to answer.

After Kaneki falsified his killing of Arima, Hirako confronted him and revealed he knew that the young Ghoul had recovered his memories but he informs him that in accordance with Arima’s last wishes he and Squad Zero will aid him in escaping the Cochlea and inciting a revolution. Kaneki seems to respect Hirako as he calls him a friend during the meeting before Goat’s founding.

Powers and Abilities

Ghoul Physiology: After inheriting Rize Kamishiro’s kakuhou, Kaneki has displayed a unique healing factor, as well as a rinkaku kagune consisting of tentacles and increased physical power. Due to the hybrid vigor, Kaneki’s abilities are said to be more potent than those of a natural-born ghoul.

  • Rinkaku Kagune: Kaneki’s kagune is portrayed in the anime as bright red, becoming a darker shade as it neared the tips. In the Tokyo Ghoul:re anime, it has changed to a red-violet color. Kaneki initially displayed his kagune in his fight against Nishiki Nishio, possessing three tails which repeatedly impaled Nishiki before throwing him, saving him and Hide while having little control over them.[28] After his torture, Kaneki was able to produce four tentacles in his battle with Yamori, which were capable of pinning down and overwhelming an incomplete kakuja.[28] During the raid on Kanou’s lab, Kaneki’s kagune further developed into six tentacles, albeit in an unstable mental state,[14] and while he fought Kishou Arima, Kaneki was able to manifest eight tentacles which are able to be shaped into small hands, which have an enormous range and destructive force enough to damage V14’s pillars.[29] As Haise Sasaki, he is able to control and manipulate the shape of his kagune at will, and command the tentacles to process different tasks at once.[12] He is also noted to have a better control over his kagune than natural-born ghouls.[30] In his fight with Karren von Rosewald and Eto Yoshimura, Sasaki was able to shape his kagune into more intricate forms,[31] and his kagune is greatly larger, with the potency of neutralizing Owl’s kakuja.[32] After devouring Eto’s kakuja, his kagune is able to form multiple eyes and mouths. Even while exhausted, he was able to manifest it fast enough that Hajime and the rest of the Oggai could not react, and was able to quickly devastate the vast majority of them. By the time of his final confrontation with Furuta, Kaneki’s kagune had grown to a massive size, it’s thickness dwarfing that of a human being, in addition to it’s length growing as well.
  • Rinkaku Kakuja: After constant cannibalization, Kaneki has developed into an incomplete kakuja. In this form, Kaneki was able to easily overwhelm Yukinori Shinohara, who wielded the Arata armor,[33] and to fight on par with Koutarou Amon while the latter was armed with Arata proto, as well as fatally injure him by ripping his arm off.[34] While using his kakuja, Kaneki goes into a mindless state, losing all aspects of his personality.[35] His fighting style becomes that of a berserker, fighting without any regards to personal injury. In his last confrontation with Kishou Arima, Sasaki’s kakuja was capable of completely destroying IXA and Owl, while maintaining his personality and sanity.[36] In the fight against Suzuya and Abara both clad with Arata armors, he was still able to inflict extensive damage on both investigators, requiring Abara to execute a suicide attack in order to create an opening against Kaneki. When fighting Furuta, Kaneki’s kakuja is able to turn the fight on its head and overwhelm Furuta, who only a few moments before, was beating him in a one-sided brawl, forcing him to activate his own kakuja. Kaneki’s first kakuja takes the form of two large tentacles resembling centipedes and a beak-like structure on his head. His second kakuja forms a carapace covering on his whole face, and a kagune-like claw where his hand is. His third kakuja encases his upper half and forms a koukaku-like blade. The fourth version of his kakuja manifests as bulkier body armor with claws, and the carapace covering his face becomes similar to a one-eyed dragon with a fully fanged jaw. Upon being rescued from Dragon, Kaneki’s kakuja takes the form of a more form-fitting body armor, with intricate designs decorating it, in addition wing-like structures on his back. He also has massive cross-shaped blades attached to them that he can swing around as close range weapons or extend long distances. In addition, he can use these as shields, their defensive power being great enough to withstand attacks from Kichimura Washuu and Dragon.
    • Dragon Form: After consuming the entire Oggai squad and the nucleus embedded in Furuta’s body, Kaneki undergoes a large-scale transformation where his body expands into a ever growing mass of flesh, teeth and eyes that consumes everything in its path. Eventually this mass grows to such an extent that it erupts from the underground 24th ward and overflows into the streets of Tokyo, where it consumes scores of people and destroys everything in its path. Eventually the mass assumes a centipede-like shape with an armored shell, multiple eyes and a head that vaguely resembles a dragon. At this point, its size is big enough to coil around a skyscraper. In this form, Kaneki can generate kagune tentacles that can cut through tanks and upturn portions of concrete. Its armored shell is durable enough to resist artillery fire. It can also generate lifeless husks from its body, which is apparently a trait shared with the King of the Underground at the height of his power. Among other countermeasures, Kaneki can produce golems out of his body in order to defend himself against foes while he is stationary. These golems are capable of killing investigators and ghouls alike, as well as pressure even the most experienced fighters with their large numbers.
  • Superhuman Strength: As Banjou paid a visit to Anteiku, Kaneki accidentally knocked him unconscious with an elbow strike.[37] Kaneki was able to rip a lamp post from asphalt and strike one of the Bin brothers with it.[38] When fighting Ayato Kirishima, Kaneki forcibly smashed Ayato through multiple floors of the 11th ward building.[39] During his sparring sessions with Banjou, Kaneki threw the ghoul around without much effort.[16]
  • Superhuman Speed: Kaneki was capable of evading Narukami’s condensed projectiles, while assaulting Arima.[29] While he engaged Yukinori Shinohara in a fight, Kaneki was traveling at immense speed, quick enough for Shinohara not being able to track his location. In his fight with Karren, Sasaki was able to maneuver and dodge her rapid kagune attacks, swiftly approaching her from behind towards the end of the motion.[31] Sasaki has also shown the ability to parry Arima’s numerous Owl attacks while facing him in Cochlea.[40][41] On his way to meet with Takizawa, Ayato, and Kurona for their infiltration of the CCG laboratory, Kaneki was pursued by V agents and he managed to dodge their attacks while making his escape at the same time. In his conflict with Naki, Kaneki effortlessly dodged Naki’s attempts to assault him.
  • Superhuman Endurance: During his second encounter with Nishiki, Kaneki was able to endure multiple blows from the ghoul in his weakened, starving state.[42] When he was fighting Shachi, Kaneki maintained consciousness after being smashed through the floor and walls of Kanou’s Underground Laboratory.[43] After being pierced through the abdomen by Amon, Kaneki was still able to survive and recover from his injuries, albeit through consuming parts of Hide.[44] During his encounter with Arima at V14, Kaneki continued fighting despite his critical head injures, which would be fatal even to a ghoul.[29] As Sasaki, he survived being pierced by Serpent’s kagune, and eventually overpowered the ghoul despite being grievously wounded.[12] Sasaki overpowered Karren von Rosewald and Eto with a severed hand, gradually using his kagune as replacement. He seemed unfazed when Kishou Arima stabbed him multiple times through the abdomen, as he also took countless severe cuts to his body in his fight with Owl and was still able to keep fighting.[45][32] Even after prolonged fight against Suzuya and Abara which saw Kaneki taking critical damage, getting dismembered and losing his healing factor, he was still able to manifest his kagune and killing Hajime Hazuki and after that, slaughter the rest of the Oggai squad. Later on, Kaneki was able to withstand the onslaught of Furuta and Rize in two consecutive fights.
  • Superhuman Regeneration: During his torture at the hands of Yakumo Oomori, he continously regenerated his fingers and toes for ten days.[18] He easily recuperated from the injuries inflicted by Shachi,[43] and recovered from a hole he received upon fighting Amon through consuming the flesh of Hide. He survives his fight with Arima, and heals his injuries, albeit with the cost of losing his memory.[8] In :re, he recovers from being consecutively pierced by Nishiki’s kagune,[9] as well as surviving an attack from Takizawa.[46] In his final battle with Arima, he had rapidly regenerated his many fatal wounds whilst fighting the investigator. By the end of the Dragon Arc, Kaneki was able to regenerate wounds from Furuta’s kakuja, and later on heal his wounds from Dragon in rapid succession, allowing him to continue on fighting.
  • Kagune Manipulation: After his confrontation with Eto, Sasaki is able to manifest his kagune as the form of his hand, controlling it willingly.[47] During his fight with Arima, Kaneki was using his kagune as replacements for his arms and legs in order to recover more quickly to counter the investigator. He also can create complex structures involving traps and nets. He was also able to command his kagune to speak, using it to great effect against Arima as a distraction which then allowed him to shatter his quinque. He was also able to form a quinque from his kagune and use it to fight against Kichimura Washuu .[48] In addition to forming a Rinkaku kagune, he has also been seen using his kagune to mimic the characteristics and abilities of an ukaku, bikaku, and koukaku in his fight against Dragon.
  • Immense Pain Tolerance: Kaneki has always shown strong tolerance to pain, being able to continue fighting after withstanding multiple blows from Nishiki. This was heightened tremendously after Kaneki’s torture at the hands of Yamori, where he managed to withstand twisting and breaking his own leg in order to land a blow on him. He later demonstrated this again against Naki, his only reaction being a faint smile.[49] He is even able to power on through losing all of his limbs and devour the Oggai. When fighting Dragon, despite his prior battle to the death with Furuta, as well as being overwhelmed by Dragon’s defenses and nearly dying, Kaneki was able to push through the pain and end the threat of Dragon.
  • Expert Hand to Hand Combat: Kaneki is extremely skilled in close combat. With his four-tailed Kagune, he can easily match Yamori’s attacks but soon overpowers them. This is also proven when Kaneki twists and breaks his own left leg after Yamori grabbed it to land a hard right knee strike from his right leg to knock him back. As Haise Sasaki, he was able to fight the entire Quinx squad with the exception of Urie at once during a sparring session, and later during a sparring session with Urie he proved to be heavily superior.
  • Ghoulification Toxin Immunity: After being extracted from Dragon’s body, Kaneki has shown an extreme resistance, if not outright immunity, to the ghoulifying toxin carried by the creatures spawned from Dragon’s oviducts. It is theorized by Kimi Nishino that this is a result of the multiple new organs Kaneki has displayed since his rescue.

Swordsmanship: Using his quinque, Sasaki has been described to have movements as swift as water, being able slice through a ghoul’s kagune and also use it efficiently with his own kagune.[12][50] He was also able to keep up with Kichimura Washuu at the end of the dragon arc through the use of a quinque formed from his Kagune.

  • Yukimura 1/3: A B-rate koukaku quinque passed down from Arima to Sasaki, having a considerably long blade which can easily slice through objects. It was shown to be able to damage Seidou Takizawa despite him being an SS+ rate ghoul.

Keen Intellect: When facing adversaries, Kaneki often used his intellect and careful planning to quickly and efficiently take out his foe. Kaneki comprehends Takatsuki’s in-depth work, and also understands martial arts moves and styles just by reading about them in a book, to the point where he is able to implement them in his fights not long afterwards.

Manga Depiction

Haise Yukimura

Yukimura 1/3.

Kaneki Kagune V1

Kaneki’s kagune, version 1.

Kaneki Original Kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 2.

Kaneki's Kagune3

Kaneki’s kagune, version 3.

Kaneki's Kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 4.

Kaneki's Unstable Kagune

Kaneki’s kagune going out of control.

Kaneki's Evolve Kagune

Sasaki’s kagune, version 5.

Kaneki's winglike kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 6.

Sasaki kagune 2

Sasaki shapes his kagune into a three-fingered claw.

Sasaki kagune 3

Sasaki creates a blade from his kagune.

Sasaki Defeats Kanae

Sasaki shapes his kagune into a skeletal hand.

Sasaki impales Kanae

Sasaki creates a mass of limbs out of his kagune.

Sasaki's Kagune Arm Transformed

Kaneki’s kagune arm transformed.

Sasaki's Kagune Trap Cage

Kaneki surrounds Arima with a cage made of his kagune.

Arima surrounded by Sasaki's kagune trap

Kaneki’s kagune cage becomes a trap.

Sasaki's new centipede tail

Kaneki’s new centipede tail.

Aura defeated by Kaneki

Kaneki’s detached kagune — detached tentacles.

Kaneki substituting yukimura

Kaneki forms a quinque from his kagune.

Kaneki's incomplete Kakuja Kagune

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — one centipede tail.

Twin centipede

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — twin centipede tails.

Kaneki's kakuja V2

Sasaki’s kakuja, version 2.

Sasaki's kakuja develops

Kaneki’s kakuja, version 3.

Sasaki's Stable Kakuja's Blades

Kaneki’s kakuja shaped into sword-like blades.

Kaneki's kakuja version 4

Kaneki’s kakuja, version 4.

Kaneki's humanoid Dragon Kakuja

Kaneki (Post-Dragon) Kakuja, Version 5.

Kaneki's Kakuja (Post-Dragon)

Kaneki preparing to unleash his kakuja.

Kaneki's Kakuja Ver. 5 unleashing it's wings.

Kaneki extending his kakuja’s blades.

K Shield

Kaneki forming a shield from his kakuja.

K Koukaku

Kaneki forms a sword from his kakuja.

K Ukaku

Kaneki forming wings from his kakuja

Kaneki's kagune with mouths

Kaneki’s Dragon Kakuja, version 1.

Kaneki wrapped around a building

Kaneki’s Dragon kakuja wrapped around a building.

Dragon Kaneki

Kaneki’s Dragon kakuja, version 2 head.

Kaneki's centipede kakuja

Kaneki’s Dragon Kakuja, version 2 body.

Kaneki filling the streets

Kaneki’s kakuja consuming the streets.

Kaneki killing S3 Squad members

Deformed creatures produced by Kaneki’s kakuja.

Lifeless husks created by kaneki's kagune

Lifeless humanoid husks generated by Kaneki’s kagune.

Kaneki summoning his golems

Kaneki dispatching his golems to defend himself.

Kaneki creates Golems

Kaneki’s golems from up close.

Rize's Birth from Dragon

Kaneki’s titanic kakuja birthing the newly revived Rize.

Anime Depiction

Kaneki showing his kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 1.

Kaneki's Kagune Anime

Kaneki’s kagune, version 2.

Centipede one tail

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — one centipede tail.

Twin-centipede tails

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — twin centipede tails.

Kaneki's kagune sprouts from his kakuja

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja used alongside his rinkaku kagune.

Kaneki 3 fingered kagune

Haise’s Kagune as a three-fingered claw.

Sasaki Kagune Blade

Haise creates a blade from his kagune.

Haise kagune

Haise’s Kagune.

Kaneki's Kakuja V2 (Anime)

Sasaki’s kakuja, version 2.

Kaneki's Kagune Arm Transformed (Anime)

Kaneki’s kagune arm transformed.

Kaneki Surrounds Arima With A Cage Made Of His Kagune (Anime)

Kaneki surrounds Arima with a cage made of his kagune.

Kaneki's Kagune Cage Becomes A Trap (Anime)

Kaneki’s kagune cage becomes a trap.

Dragon coiled around Tokyo anime

Kaneki’s Dragon kakuja wrapped around a large section of Tokyo.

Ken Kaneki's final kakuja anime

Kaneki (Post-Dragon) Kakuja, Version 5


Kaneki (Post-Dragon) Kakuja, Version 5 Armor

Ken Kaneki Kakuja (143)

Kaneki extending his kakuja’s blades.

Ken Kaneki Kakuja (147)

Kaneki forming a shield from his kakuja.

Ken Kaneki Kakuja Wings 1

Kaneki forming wings from his kakuja


Kaneki’s original kagune used for the last time to kill Rize


  • His biological surname, Kaneki, literally reads «gold/money tree«, containing the kanji for «gold, money«(金)(kane) and «tree«(木)(ki).
  • His real given name, Ken, uses the same kanji for «to sharpen«(研ぐ)(togu), although it could also mean «research«(研)(ken).
  • His other surname, Sasaki, translates to «helpful wood/tree«, containing the kanji for «help, aid«(佐)(sa), with (々) being an iteration mark, and «tree«(木)(ki).
  • His other name, Haise, contains the kanji for «coffee«(琲)(hai) and «world«(世)(se).


  • The name «Haise» was created by combining the kanji from «coffee» and «world». The kanji used for «Ken» is the same one used for «to sharpen» i.e. sharpen one’s fangs.
  • «Kaneki» translates as «gold tree» while «Sasaki» translates to «Helpful Wood».
  • Kaneki has a habit of touching his chin with his left hand when he is hiding something. This habit appears to be subconscious, as he still does it even after his memory loss.[51]
  • In the first character popularity poll, Kaneki was ranked first. In the latest, he was second while Haise Sasaki came third.
  • Kaneki shares the same birthday with Kishou Arima.
  • Kaneki likes reading, beautiful language, intellectual women, and hamburgers.[6]
  • Beginning with the Aogiri arc, Kaneki has been repeatedly associated with the number «12» in panels.[20][52] This is a reference to the tarot card The Hanged Man (XII).
  • Right before fighting Arima for the first time, the number seven can just be seen on his forehead meaning the chariot card which is about moving forward, determination and strength which is a theme of Kaneki moving forward despite everything(also possibly the line one thousand minus seven also ties into this). There are likely other numbers, but the one he is mostly associated with and seen the most is twelve as previoiusly mentioned, but seven seems to be the second most associated number with him.
  • His quinque, Yukimura 1/3, has been used by both Kishou Arima, as a teenager, and Take Hirako, when he was partnered with Arima.
  • Kaneki compares himself to Gregor Samsa, the unfortunate protagonist of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. In the sequel, he briefly discusses Kafka’s A Crossbreed with Arima — another story with strong parallels to his situation.
  • The sudden color changes in Kaneki’s hair are caused by the suppression of his Rc cell activity which has caused temporary melanin production that causes his hair color to change.[53]
  • His surname is a reference to novelist Osamu Dazai, who was born in Kanagi (金木) and most famous for his novel No Longer Human. When they meet at the book signing, Eto briefly discusses this with him.[54]
  • The relationship between Sasaki and his mental projection of «Kaneki» is akin to his relationship with his projection of «Rize» in the past as Kaneki. «Rize» would often tempt Kaneki to give in to his ghoul self, while «Kaneki» tried to have Sasaki accept him. Both projections represent the ghoul side of himself.
  • Both Kaneki and Yamori went through similar torture methods and were both completely changed from their previous selves. Yamori turned into psychotic killer who killed more for fun than to eat, while Kaneki became cold and ruthless, but retained his desire to protect his friends.
  • In Tokyo Ghoul Trump, Kaneki and Sasaki are each featured as the «Ace of Hearts» and Kaneki is also featured on the «Queen of Hearts» card alongside Rize. In a redistributed version, he is also featured as a «White Joker.»
  • In the anime, Kaneki joined Aogiri at the beginning of the second season, which differs greatly from the manga in which Kaneki forms a group with Banjou, Hinami and some other ghouls.
  • In Tokyo Ghoul √A, according to Sui Ishida’s rough drafts, Tatara insisted that Kaneki eat Taguchi to prove his loyalty to Aogiri Tree. However, Noro ate her before Kaneki and Tatara had finished arguing. This scene was cut out from the finalized work.
  • Because of Tooru Mutsuki, Ishida has stated that he often forgets over which eye he needs to put the eyepatch on Kaneki.[55]
  • In the official English translation of :re Volume 1, Haise Sasaki’s birthday is incorrectly given as April 22nd.
  • Kaneki joined Aogiri because they were the only group who posed a threat to Anteiku.
  • Kaneki never actually ate Yamori. He only ate his Kagune and left him for dead, thus allowing Juuzou Suzuya to recover the dying body of Yamori and to make a Quinque of it.
  • Kaneki’s hair being white may be based on the Japanese trope in media that half demons have white hair.
  • Kaneki’s appearance resembles the character Hiroto from Sui Ishida’s previous work from the Penisman manga. He has black hair which then became white and an eyepatch.
  • Kaneki, like Eto, resembles a character from the Japanese horror visual novel Saya No Uta. Fuminori and Kaneki both have had their sense of taste altered by an accident and eventually change to begin eating humans. The hair colour(black) and the fact that his black reaper persona somewhat visually and emotionally resemble him. It is a likely inspiration considering said horror constantly deals with flesh a lot(also both Fuminori and Kaneki are both main characters).
  • Fans tend to compare him to Alex Mercer a lot, considering his flesh tendril based abilities, black hair and hoodie are all possible inspirations.
  • People also compare him to Parasyte’s protagonist Shinichi due to his black hair and becoming less human, as it is also a dark story that questions humanity also another likely inspiration.


Tokyo Ghoul

  • To himself: «I’m not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I’m just a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But… if, for argument’s sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be… a tragedy.»[7]
  • To Touka (desperately clinging to his human self): «Why… Why am I doing this? I-I was wrong to eat that meat after all. That was what I thought, and I desperately looked for another way. Even so, this is not what I want. This is not the way! H-Human meat… there is no way I can eat it. How can I possibly eat it, because, I’m human! I’m different from you monsters!»[56]
  • To himself: «In exchange for the pleasure of living as a person that ghouls can have… we receive this instead. We’re overwhelmed by our appetites. I understand the feeling of sinking into pleasure. In some ways, it’s only natural that… some ghouls like Rize-san exist. However… I’m not going to lose sight of myself. That’s my way of fighting.»[28]
  • To Nishiki (about human and ghoul relations): «I know… there are ghouls who only see humans as targets to be preyed upon — and on the other hand, there are humans who have decided that ghouls are only inhuman monsters… But I don’t think either of those are correct. I think what’s necessary is the ‘right distance.’ Instead of mutually tramping on each others’ existence we should just respect each other a little more.»[57]
  • To Rize (in his hallucination): «I won’t let that happen. Not just Aogiri, anyone who dares to take away my place to be. I won’t forgive anyone who threatens the peace in my life. It’s just like hand-picking coffee beans. For the sake of a good cup of coffee, we pluck out the ones that are trash.»[20]
  • To himself (while cannibalizing Kanou’s failed experiments): «In this world, the strong devour the weak. Who are the strong? I am. I fucking am!»[14]
  • To himself: «Mother, mother, heey~ I’m distorted. Me? Me? Mememe. Because I’m going to protect everyone…»[58]
  • To himself in a lucid state in Tokyo Ghoul √A: «M-my fingers… on the plier… C-centipedes… i-in my ears… [laughs] A thousand minus… A-A thousand minus… s-seven… seven is what…?»[59]

Tokyo Ghoul: Days

  • To Hide: «Cain used to be seen as evil, you know. Well, I mean, he can be understood as being ‘evil’ now, too. But if you just think about Cain, you can kind of see that he had to do what he did to be able to carry on, I think. It would’ve been unbearable for him, you know?»[60]
  • To himself (internally): «I want to be a bridge, telling ghouls how people feel and letting people know what ghouls think and feel. Because there’s nothing but hatred between the two groups now, but if each had an understanding of the other, I think that could change. Even if my presence is unwanted, I still want to be involved with both humans and ghouls.»[61]
  • To Touka: «Fiction books give the reader a chance to step away from their own reality and into the shoes of the characters, and they show you a world that isn’t the one you already know. And sometimes the story’s not so different from you own, and it lets you get closer to your own feelings. So when you close a book you’ve just finished reading and return to reality, all the pain and sadness you couldn’t put into words before are still there on those pages. And that can be comforting.»[61]
  • To himself (internally): «Sometimes you’re confronted with the ugly parts of yourself that you don’t want to see, but books can also tell you a lot about the things you didn’t notice when you’re just trying to get through somehow.»[61]

Tokyo Ghoul:re

  • To Haise (in a dream): «That excellence right now is a nuisance. That’s right. Donato has to keep proving himself. He wants to prove just how valuable he is. Isn’t that the case with you as well? Because you are the same as Donato. All you’re doing is indulging in this twisted self-value that you have to yourself. And if you don’t, you won’t last. Eventually, you will break and become useless. Once that happens, you’ll break and become discarded. Right, Haise?»[62]
  • To himself: «I… might die today. No… to be correct… it’s either I die, or I disappear. There’s only two options. The power I need to deal with him… is way too much… if I have to resort to him… I will… disappear.»[63]
  • To Akira: «Why, why are you hiding it?! Is… Is it because I’m the Eyepatch ghoul? Is it because I was the one who killed Amon Koutarou? The fear of waking up and knowing nothing. Do you know what that’s like? How I can only cling onto what’s given to me… How I don’t even know my own parents… Where did I even come from…? I… I… Who am I? I’m not Haise!! I am… I am…»[64]
  • To Eto: «Actually, I wonder… Why do I have to save trash like you?»
  • To Urie: «All losses in this world are due to a lack of ability. If you want to curse something, curse your own weakness.»[65]
  • To Hide in his thoughts: «…Hide. I… just like you, I want to give my life for someone else (I want to die in style).»[24]
  • To Hide (in his mind): «Hide… You know… I… I’m so lonely without you…»[22]
  • To himself (accepting himself): «Black and blue, turning and over-turning the things I’d chosen countless times, forever repeating the same actions… Ungainly. Awkward. Indecisive. Weak. Endlessly useless. That is what I am.»[41]
  • To himself: «At Death’s door, I finally stumbled upon the twisted truth. Rize, Hide, it was always all inside me, after all. They were nothing but an extension of myself. The people I want to meet. The things I want to be told. ‘Hide’ll stop me for sure.’ As soon as I began to think that somewhere inside me, I myself began wishing for it. Wishing that I’d live.»[41]
  • To Kiyoko and Mougan: «I am the One-Eyed King.»[1]
  • To the ghouls: «I will carry on the last wish of the previous King, and create a world where ghouls and humans can understand each other.»[53]
  • To the ghouls: «‘Ghouls are to be exterminated.’ ‘In order to live, we must kill and eat humans.’ The reason our mutually destructive relationship has never changed is because we have never, together, made an attempt to [make] even the smallest step forward. Ghouls and humans can understand each other… The fact that I, who was once a human, stand here before you is proof enough.»[53]
  • To Amon: «It’s because we’re the same. Isolated from society, able to consume a few specific things… They remind me of myself. I really believed I was a kind hearted human, but… I was mistaken. There were a few humans that were important to me, but I couldn’t care less about the majority of them. I don’t care about taking the side of those I cannot see. I fight for those close to me. And it just so happens that they’re mostly ghouls.»[66]
  • To Shinsanpei: I’m not that much of a pushover, greenhorn.»[67]
  • To himself: «I won’t pull back, I will press forward, like a centipede.»[4]
  • To Furuta: «Furuta, I was the sort of human you’d find anywhere. The kind that just loves reading. But on that fateful day with Rize, I was sundered from the human world. And everything began to change. My life was threatened. I was horrifically tortured, unable to achieve what I wanted, I even lost. But I found a new place I belonged. Allies. Friends. People I could call my teachers. People I love. and even though I have erred so much, and hurt so many, I simply don’t believe that it was all for naught. And that’s why even if I were to know everything that’d happen after, I still would have gone to meet Rize that day. To me, all of it was necessary. This world… This world isn’t wrong. It just is. And even if «eventually» everything will come to naught, I’ll still strive like I did today, Furuta.»[68]
  • To himself: «If, lets say, you were to write a story with me as the main character, it would certainly be a tragedy. No. Everyone’s the same, in fact. He’s the main character of his novel, and she’s the main character of her movie. All those that walk this earth are the main characters of their own tragedies. All steal, and from all, something is stolen. We can’t help it. That’s who we are. Steal, and be stolen. Imprison, and be imprisoned. Follow, and be followed. Do, and be done. Affirm and negate over and over. We fight ceaselessly to save ourselves from loss. And yet the people and places we love will one day surely be lost. We will all surely be forgotten. Life is sad. Empty. But, despite knowing we will one day be bereft, despite knowing we will one day disappear, we still strive in wretched ways. We still wish to be beautiful. And I consider. “Which one?” I choose. “This one.” Forever choosing, forever being chosen. Nothing more. Nothing less.»[69]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 86
  2. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 107
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 44
  4. 4.0 4.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 144
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Haise Sasaki’s character profile in :re Volume 1.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Ken Kaneki’s character profile in Volume 1.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 1
  8. 8.0 8.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 1
  9. 9.0 9.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 9
  10. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 145
  11. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 106
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 7
  13. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 60
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 100
  15. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 3
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 88
  17. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 13
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 61
  19. 19.0 19.1 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 62
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 63
  21. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 53
  22. 22.0 22.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 75
  23. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 59
  24. 24.0 24.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 68
  25. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 79
  26. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 109
  27. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 39
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 26
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 139
  30. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 47
  31. 31.0 31.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 54
  32. 32.0 32.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 56
  33. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 105
  34. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 134
  35. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 103
  36. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 74
  37. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 50
  38. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 58
  39. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 75
  40. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 73
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 76
  42. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 8
  43. 43.0 43.1 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 98
  44. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 135
  45. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 52
  46. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 31
  47. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 61
  48. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 81
  49. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 102
  50. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 41
  51. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 17
  52. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 126
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 99
  54. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 109
  55. Sui Ishida’s comments on the icon stickers celebrating :re Chapter 100.
  56. Tokyo Ghoul Episode 1
  57. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 47
  58. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 101
  59. Tokyo Ghoul Episode 5
  60. Tokyo Ghoul: Days Chapter 1
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 Tokyo Ghoul: Days Chapter 5
  62. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 3
  63. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 27
  64. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 45
  65. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 57
  66. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 119
  67. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 124
  68. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 176
  69. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 177

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[v · e · ?]


Leader: Ken Kaneki
Others: Shuu Tsukiyama  •  Take Hirako  •  Naki  •  Kazuichi Banjou  •  Fuka †  •  Nishiki Nishio  •  Renji Yomo  •  Touka Kirishima  •  Ayato Kirishima  •  Hinami Fueguchi  •  Kaya Irimi †  •  Enji Koma †  •  Kurona Yasuhisa  •  Hooguro  •  Shousei Idera  •  Miza Kusakari  •  Chie Hori  •  Rikai Souzu †  •  Yusa Arima  •  Shio Ihei †  •  Tago †
Former Members: Seidou Takizawa
Associated people: Koutarou Amon  •  Mirumo Tsukiyama  •  Tycho Johannes  •  Hisashi Ogura  •  Akira Mado  •  Yuki

[v · e · ?]

Kaneki’s group

Former Members
Leader: Ken Kaneki
Others: Hinami Fueguchi  •  Ichimi  •  Jiro  •  Kazuichi Banjou  •  Sante  •  Shuu Tsukiyama
Associates: Chie Hori

[v · e · ?]


Former Staff
Manager: Yoshimura
Waiters: Enji Koma  •  Kaya Irimi  •  Ken Kaneki (Formerly)  •  Nishiki Nishio  •  Roma Hoito  •  Touka Kirishima
Others: Hetare (Pet)  •  Renji Yomo

[v · e · ?]


Former Members
Leader: Kazuichi Banjou
Others: Haru † (Anime Only)  •  Ichimi  •  Jiro  •  Ken Kaneki  •  Kei †  •  Kouto †  •  Moku †  •  Sante  •  Shuu † (Anime Only)  •  Tetsu †  •  Usu

[v · e · ?]

Aogiri Tree

Former Members
Leadership: Eto Yoshimura  •  Kishou Arima †
Direct Subordinates: Noro †  •  Tatara †
Executives: Ayato Kirishima  •  Bin brothers †  •  Ken Kaneki (Anime Only, Defected)  •  Miza Kusakari  •  Naki  •  Yakumo Oomori †
Others: Akihiro Kanou †  •  Gagi and Guge †  •  Hinami Fueguchi  •  Hooguro  •  Karao Saeki †  •  Kimi Nishino  •  Mitsushita †  •  Okahira  •  Shikorae  •  Shousei Idera  •  Yuki  •  Yumitsu Tomoe
Former Associates: Ichimi (Defected)  •  Jiro (Defected)  •  Kazuichi Banjou (Defected)  •  Kei (Defected)  •  Kouto (Defected)  •  Matasaka Kamishiro (Defected)  •  Moku (Defected)  •  Nico (Former Associate)  •  Sante (Defected)  •  Seidou Takizawa (Defected)  •  Tetsu (Defected)  •  Usu (Defected)

[v · e · ?]

Commission of Counter Ghoul

Higher Ups
Chairman: Tsuneyoshi Washuu †  •  Yoshiu Washuu †  •  Daikichi Washuu †
Main Office Bureau Director: Kichimura Washuu / Nimura Furuta † (Resigned)  •  Matsuri Washuu (Defected)  •  Yoshitoki Washuu †
Division Directors: Kiyoko Aura (Division I)  •  Itsuki Marude (Division II)
Branch Directors: Mougan Tanakamaru (2nd Ward) (Resigned)  •  Kousuke Houji † (5th Ward)  •  Kamemochi (20th Ward)
Special Class Investigator: Iwao Kuroiwa  •  Juuzou Suzuya  •  Kishou Arima †  •  Kiyoko Aura  •  Koori Ui  •  Kousuke Houji †  •  Mikito Urie †  •  Mougan Tanakamaru (Resigned)  •  Tooru Mutsuki
Associate Special Class Investigator: Arine †  •  Chuu Hachikawa †  •  Daisuke Atou †  •  Kasuka Mado †  •  Shiki Kijima †  •  Kuki Urie  •  Taishi Fura
First Class Investigator: Ayumu Hogi  •  Hairu Ihei †  •  Hidenori Tateshima  •  Hirokazu Tainaka  •  Juuji Isoyama  •  Keijin Nakarai  •  Kenta Isai  •  Kuramoto Itou  •  Kureo Mado †  •  Naoto Hayashimura  •  Niharu †  •  Nobu Shimoguchi †  •  Ryouta Ooshiba †  •  Yanagi  •  Yukio Kurodawara †  •  Yusa Arima
Rank 1 Investigator: Ching-Li Hsiao  •  Fuuma Yukimichi  •  Hanbee Abara  •  Katsuya Mabuchi  •  Miho Toga †  •  Miyuki Mikage  •  Mizurou Tamaki  •  Ryuuta Sawaike †  •  Shinji Michibata †  •  Shion Satomi †  •  Shunichi Shibashi †  •  Takeomi Kuroiwa  •  Tomonori Akai †  •  Tougo Kurumatani
Rank 2 Investigator: Erina Tagata †  •  Ginshi Shirazu †  •  Haru Fujimi  •  Hina Tougi †  •  Jun Numa †  •  Masami Umeno †  •  Misato Gori  •  Saiko Yonebayashi  •  Sakino Mura †  •  Shinsanpei Aura  •  Shougo Kukiyama  •  Toujou  •  Waka Asachi †  •  Yasuhito Nezu †  •  Yuuta Okamochi †
Rank 3 Investigator: Touma Higemaru
Unknown Rank: Hajime Hazuki †  •  Ippei Kusaba †  •  Mayuzumi †  •  Murata  •  Ruisawa  •  Touko Harima †  •  Yasutomo Nakajima  •  Okahira
Former Investigators: Koutarou Amon (Defected)  •  Take Hirako (Resigned)  •  Fujishige Iba (Retired)  •  Akira Mado (Defected)  •  Haise Sasaki (Defected)  •  Yukinori Shinohara (Resigned)  •  Seidou Takizawa (Defected)  •  Shio Ihei † (Defected)  •  Rikai Souzu † (Defected)
Unknown Status: Mutsumi Chino
Other Employees
Laboratory Division: Chieko  •  Kouitsu Chigyou  •  Shiba
Cochlea Wardens: Shinme Haisaki †  •  Kyouji Misaka †
Academy Instructors: Goumasa Tokage †  •  Uchino
Offices: Main Office  •  13th Ward Office  •  20th Ward Office
Training and Education: Academy  •  Training Center  •  Sunlit Garden
Ghoul Detention Centers: Cochlea  •  Corniculum
Other Facilities: Laboratory Division
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Article guidelines

«I’m not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I’m just a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But… if, for argument’s sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be… a tragedy.»— Ken Kaneki, Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 1

Ken Kaneki ( (カネ) () (ケン), Kaneki Ken) is the main protagonist of the Tokyo Ghoul series. He is currently Touka Kirishima’s husband, and the father of Ichika Kaneki. Previously, he was a student who studied Japanese literature at Kamii University, living a relatively normal life. However, this quickly changed after Rize Kamishiro’s kakuhou was transplanted into him and transformed him into a one-eyed ghoul. Kaneki is the first known artificial one-eyed ghoul. His unique half ghoul state is what later inspires the idea of the Quinx. After joining Anteiku as a part-time waiter, he learns how to live as a ghoul and eventually becomes known as Eyepatch (眼帯, Gantai).

After being captured by Aogiri Tree, he underwent a drastic personality change and after escaping, formed a group with the goal of protecting those precious to him and exterminating individuals threatening his place of belonging. His kakuja form’s distinct appearance earned him the alias Centipede (ムカデ, Mukade).[14]

Two years following his defeat against Kishou Arima, he lived under the identity of Haise Sasaki (佐々木 (ササキ) (ハイ) (), Sasaki Haise), a Rank 1 Ghoul Investigator who served as the mentor of the CCG’s Quinx Squad. His memories were initially lost to him, but regained during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation. Six months after the operation, ghouls came to know him by the moniker of the Black Reaper (黒い死神, Kuroi Shinigami).

After defeating Arima and Eto, having unveiled their joint plan to raise a one-eyed ghoul who could stand as the hope for all ghouls, he calls himself the One-Eyed King (隻眼の王, Sekigan no Ō). Kaneki has since then formed the organization he named Goat.

As a result of a plan carried out by Kichimura Washuu, Kaneki morphed into the Dragon (竜, Ryū), a huge, uncontrollable kagune that destroyed large portions of Tokyo. He was later extracted from the monstrous appendage by a collaboration between the remaining members of Goat and the CCG. When the remnants of Dragon began releasing a toxin that threatened humans and ghouls alike, Kaneki ventured down into the depths of the oviduct and nullified the threat after a fierce battle with Kichimura Washuu and Dragon.

After the Defense of Tokyo, Kaneki and Touka currently live happily married, with a daughter and another child coming, with humans and ghouls finally united together.


As a child, Kaneki had all the same features he has now as an adult with black hair. As a normal university student, Kaneki was a somewhat short and scrawny young man with little to no athletic background and preferred to read books. After the steel beam incident, Kaneki bears a scar from the transplant operation on the right side of his abdomen not far from his navel.[15][16] In his free time, he wore casual clothes.

His casual outfit consists of a turquoise hoodie, light black pants, running shoes with a yellow toe and blue outlines reaching the middle of the black base of the soles.

At work, he wore the standard Anteiku waiter uniform, consisting of black trousers and a gray waistcoat over a white dress shirt and a black necktie (brown cravat in the anime). Because he could not yet properly control his single kakugan that manifests in his left eye, he wore a medical eye patch to cover it.

His ghoul mask resembles a leather gimp mask with an eye patch. It bears a lipless mouth with large, gnashing teeth, much like a restrained asylum monster. The bolts sticking out of his neck and the fact that he is an artificial ghoul invoke a Frankenstein-like theme.

After being tortured by Yamori, his appearance changed drastically. His hair became completely white, his nails were blackened, and he developed a more muscular physique. He began to favor monochrome clothing and wore a form-fitting black bodysuit with cutouts when going into battle. His attitude changed as well. He became more cold, and left his innocence behind as he fully embraced his inner ghoul.

In the years since adopting the identity of Haise Sasaki, his hair began to develop black streaks growing out from the crown. He wore the standard business attire of a ghoul investigator, favouring black dress shirts and pinstripe pants with a knee-length white trench coat. He also wears a pair of round eyeglasses when reading. After the events of the Auction Mopping-up Operation, his hair slowly began to revert back to its original color with almost no white remaining.

After the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, his appearance changed drastically again. His hair had completely reverted to its original black colour, and he started wearing his glasses in most scenarios. He wore a black version of the Arima Squad uniform, pairing a black dress shirt with black slacks and a long, black trench coat. In contrast, he wore a pair of red gloves (black gloves in the anime) that disguised his right hand which was covered in reptilian scales. In his second battle with Arima, Sasaki wore a form-fitting black bodysuit underneath his uniform.

Upon regaining his identity as Ken Kaneki, his hair turned completely white again after having his limbs cut off repeatedly by Arima. Unable to heal properly from the incident, both of his arms are covered in reptile-like scales. As a result he continues to wear gloves to cover them with black turtleneck shirts with a pair of white pants. Around his neck, he keeps Touka’s parents’ ring on a chain, and after their marriage, the scar from her bite mark on his right shoulder. For a time, Kaneki wore a collared black coat over his new sleeveless battle suit with dark gloves reaching past his elbows.

After becoming immobilized inside Dragon, Kaneki took on the form of a beast big enough to wrap around skyscrapers, with many huge kakugan protruding from large, black limbs. Kaneki was uncontrollable in this state and kept expanding. He had already completely destroyed a large sector of the 23rd ward and presumably completely collapsed the 24th ward.

Upon being recovered from dragon by Touka Kirishima and the Q’s squad, Kaneki lost much of his muscular mass, and is confirmed to have gained new unidentified organs after his transformation. His entire body from the neck down was covered in kagune-like tissue, along with several black growths running down the front of his upper torso, and his hands possessed three misshapen fingers. His hair was lengthier and hung down below the chin. There appeared to be flesh patterns decorating his neck and lower eyelids. However, upon releasing his new kagune, his body appears to have returned to normal, with his hands once again possessing five fingers and being without the previous scales.

Following the six-year timeskip at the end of :re, Kaneki trimmed his hair back to its original length. The flesh patterns under his left eye changed, becoming two thick lines running diagonally from under his left eye all the way down the left side of his face.

Manga Depiction

Tokyo Ghoul

Kaneki vol1

Kaneki’s profile in Vol. 1.

Kaneki vol14

Kaneki as a child in his own hallucination

Kaneki as a child.

Kaneki's introduction

Kaneki Kakugan

Kaneki’s kakugan.

Kaneki's Mask-Manga

Kaneki’s mask.

Kaneki's battle suit

Kaneki’s battle suit.

Kaneki's first kakuja mask

Kaneki’s first kakuja mask.

Kaneki's Kakuja Mask while using his kagune

Kaneki’s second kakuja mask after his first kakuja was destroyed.

Kaneki's Final Kakuja Mask

Kaneki’s third kakuja mask.

Tokyo Ghoul:re

Sasaki's debut

Sasaki meets his mentor, Akira Mado, for the first time.


Sasaki in dress uniform, with medals.

Haise Sasaki Kakugan

Sasaki’s kakugan.

Kaneki as Sasako

Sasaki dressed as a girl.[17]


Sasaki accepting Kaneki’s strength in order to fight Takizawa.

Haise at the ceremony

Sasaki’s post-Auction hairstyle.

TG re Haise Sasaki Mask

Sasaki’s mask.

Black-haired Sasaki with glasses

Sasaki after the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation.

Sasaki's battle suit during Cochlea attack

Sasaki’s battle suit during the Cochlea attack.

Sasaki Kakuja Mask

Sasaki’s fourth kakuja mask.

Sasaki's hair whitens

Sasaki’s hair shown in white again.

Sasaki claims the Title

Kaneki as the One-Eyed King.

Kaneki with old mask and new hairstyle

Kaneki’s appearance during the Clown Siege.

Kaneki fifth Kakuja mask

Kaneki’s fifth kakuja mask.

Dragon Kaneki


Kaneki Post Dragon

Post-Dragon Kaneki.

Kaneki Finale HQ

Kaneki in :re Chapter 179.

Anime Depiction

Tokyo Ghoul

Young Kaneki

Kaneki during his youth.

Kaneki accepting being a ghoul

Kaneki’s kakugan.

Kaneki's Mask

Kaneki’s mask.

Kaneki's Kakuja Mask √A

Kaneki’s kakuja mask.

Tokyo Ghoul:re

Haise Sasaki in PV 1

First look at Haise Sasaki.

Haise Sasaki with his ghoul eye

Sasaki’s kakugan.

Sasaki dressed as a girl re anime

Sasaki dressed as a girl.

Sasaki's post-Auction hairstyle re anime

Sasaki’s post-Auction hairstyle.

Haise Sasaki Mask Anime

Sasaki’s mask.

Kaneki BlackHair V2

Sasaki’s first appearance with black hair.

Black Reaper Anime

Sasaki after the Tsukiyama Extermination Operation.

Kaneki's Kakuja V2 Mask (Anime)

Sasaki’s kakuja V2 mask.

White Haired Kaneki RE S2

Kaneki’s hair shown in white again.

Kaneki post dragon

Post-Dragon Kaneki.

Kaneki finale

Kaneki in the final :re anime episode.



Kaneki was a shy and reserved person, with Hide being his only close friend. He usually spent most of his time reading books, mostly novels. He was extremely gentle and appeared to be optimistic most of the time. Influenced by his mother and a true testament of modesty, he willingly took blame and punishment from others so that he can be someone who does not hurt people, but rather absorb the torment. However, this lack of assertiveness normally got him bullied and taken advantage of.[18][19]

However, beneath his altruistic and gentle nature was an underlying fear of being alone that was aggravated by his mother’s death. He despised the idea of solitude, hence he tried to protect those dear to him so he would not have to face his fear of being alone in the world.

This was perhaps his greatest weakness. Since Kaneki was always trying to protect others, he was essentially trying to protect himself from ever being alone again. Therefore, to escape that scenario, he would shoulder the task of protecting others onto himself, without relying on anyone else. This was also why Kaneki rejected the notion of «living,» because watching others die reminded him of those lonely days without anyone beside him.

After he was turned into a half-ghoul, he clung to his human side. To keep living in the human world, he began to work at Anteiku and established relationships with the ghouls there. He started to develop an interest in becoming stronger and began reading martial art books so he could protect those closest to him. However, he was still troubled with the fact that he was a half-ghoul and wanted to search for a place where he could belong. As much as he treasured his life, if people close to him were threatened, he would not hesitate to put his life on the line.


After being held captive and undergoing intense torture at the hands of Yamori, Kaneki’s personality changed drastically. He trashed his previous ideology of «being hurt rather than hurting others,» pledging to crush those who dared threaten his place of belonging. He adopted the habit of cracking his knuckles from his torturer, Yamori. In his subconscious, Kaneki ate «Rize,» the image of his ghoul self. This displayed that he accepted the «ghoul» within him; instead of being influenced by it, he appeared to have become the one to surpass it. Kaneki became ruthless, cruel, and brutal in order to protect his friends, yet he managed to maintain complete composure. He no longer feared his ghoul side and was more violent during battles, such as when he cannibalized Yamori’s kagune in order to strengthen himself, and mercilessly broke 103 of Ayato’s bones.[20] By embracing his ghoul nature wholeheartedly, Kaneki gave up on being «human.»

Kaneki was still capable of showing his gentle nature in front of people he cared about, but instantly turned merciless against his enemies. He yearned for strength and power, therefore becoming more power-hungry and superficially arrogant. His new creed—that as «the strong» he had the right to «devour the weak»—was originally an ideology held by Yamori. Banjou assumed that Kaneki developed some form of mental instability during his torture in the 11th ward, and that this would gradually wear him down.

Whenever he was near starvation and losing control of his kagune (or half-kakuja), he behaved in a way that emulated another’s, such as Rize or Yamori. He would speak in a crazed disorganized manner, further implying his mental instability during these periods.

After raiding Kanou’s lab and attacking Banjou, Kaneki entered a period of soul-searching. He wished to reclaim his lost «human» side and became uncertain about the path he had taken to become stronger. He started to question and seek answers from individuals such as Uta, Yomo, and Yoshimura in order to understand the incidents that have happened around him since he turned into a ghoul.


The Sasarious

While living under his new identity as Haise Sasaki, he was a self-contained and good-natured individual. He was loyal, devoted, and possessed a good work ethic. Sasaki was very cooperative, as he preferred working in a group rather than working alone. He also showed mercy, as he believed that an investigator should not annihilate ghouls unnecessarily. This was sometimes to the chagrin of his fellow ghoul investigators. Sasaki enjoyed reading books in his free time and had a habit of using puns, shown by his conversation with Akira Mado in the curry restaurant. He tended to scratch the back of his head when he was thinking hard or feeling uneasy. He still had his old habit of scratching or rubbing his chin whenever he was hiding something or lying from his days as Kaneki.

He showed appropriate respect and great concern for his colleagues, especially his underlings. He complied with orders assigned by his seniors and carried them out without hesitation. However, Sasaki’s gentle nature often led his subordinates to constantly disobey him, rendering him ineffective in controlling their actions; he was left to worry about their safety.

In contrast to before his memory loss, Sasaki rejected his ghoul side and was afraid of it. When analyzed by Arima after his capture, Sasaki appeared to retain his introverted nature and lack of assertiveness as Kaneki, along with his yearning for a motherly figure.

However, Sasaki was still prone to losing control, as shown when he fought the Serpent, where he also cracked his fingers during the fight—a habit that he had originally developed as Kaneki in the past. Donato Porpora noted that Sasaki was curious about his memories but also afraid of them, as he worried he could no longer keep his current life in the CCG should he ever recover his memories. Sasaki feared that relying on his ghoul side would make him disappear. After being rescued from Takizawa by Hinami, Sasaki’s perspective on his ghoul nature changed. He concluded that the Kaneki of the past must have been a good person because Hinami cared for him a lot, even though he did not remember. He eventually accepted this ghoul side in order to protect Hinami and Saiko, with the risk of his personality disappearing. He learned about Kaneki, who appeared in his subconscious as a mental construct where «Kaneki» admitted that he was also scared and asked Sasaki to not erase him.

Sasaki meets his projection of Kaneki, as they accept each other.

After the auction, Sasaki was friendlier towards his ghoul side. However, «Kaneki» said the relationship could not last forever, as they were two beings fighting for one body. Sasaki was told to «not erase him» but misheard it as «disappear.» He then remained conflicted about his past, actively searching for information about himself.

Post-Rose Extermination

Kaneki mocking Eto «You’re really just a piece of trash.»

During the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, Sasaki recalled a memory of his past as Ken Kaneki where he had been physically abused by his mother. He also realized that he unconsciously wished to die and had been glad to see Arima during the Owl Suppression Operation. However, that failed, so he believed that burying his past was his salvation, so he chose to forget and live as Haise Sasaki. Upon realizing this, Sasaki accepted his past, resolving to stop «dreaming.»

After regaining his memories, in sharp contrast to his previously gentle personality, Sasaki became colder and much more violent. He fought with more brutal force and was willing to put Tsukiyama’s life at risk, despite already remembering his old acquaintance. He did, however, ensure that Kanae would rescue Tsukiyama before throwing the ghoul off the building. He displayed his cold nature to Urie when the latter blamed him for Shirazu’s death, calmly telling him that it was his fault as he was the one fighting beside Shirazu. He then mourned together with Mutsuki and Saiko, showing that despite his cold demeanor, he still felt sad about Shirazu’s death.

Third Cochlea Raid

During the Cochlea attack, Sasaki displays his deep unhappiness for his own existence, constantly engaged in inner monologue. As he rescues Hinami from her cell, he reveals his own motives that have not changed since the Tsukiyama Investigation. That he wanted to «go out in style.» Meaning to act as a sacrificial pawn with no care for his own life, Sasaki displays regret when Touka tells him to see her later, stating that it is all so unfair and that Touka is a cruel one.

While being torn apart by Arima, Sasaki gives up on living altogether, stating his task was completed. He is interrupted by a projection of «Hide» who tells him to stop being a fool and to listen for once. Once Sasaki realizes what Hide actually meant back in V14, his hair turns white once more due to the stress of being ripped apart by Arima and rises with a newfound will to live wearing a smile on his face.

Goat Wipeout Operation

During his reign as king, Kaneki displays his growing maturity upon taking up the mantle of the «One Eyed King». When meeting with the soon-to-be members of Goat, he addresses all of their concerns, even persuading Naki to join him after a brief scuffle. When dealing with the Clown’s attack on the CCG, Kaneki shows his ability to direct his forces, doing so in a calm and orderly fashion, while at the same time, selecting members to join him in their attempt to obtain the RC suppressants needed to heal Akira. After Goat was forced to move underground as a result of Furuta’s oppressive plan to eradicate the population of ghouls in Tokyo, Kaneki has become more morose. He’s more driven and has a tunnel-vision mentality of wanting to protect the ghouls on his lonesome. This comes back to bite him as he returns to the base by himself in an effort to stop Furuta, only to be beaten in a fierce battle by Juuzou and Abara.

Dragon Arc

While trapped inside the massive appendage known as the Dragon, Kaneki experienced a mental simulation of himself trapped inside a temple, accompanied by an emulation of Rize. She taunted him for being responsible for the deaths of so many civilians, along with being so responsible for the hunting of so many ghouls. She mocks his idea of trying to get the CCG to cooperate, stating that people keep dying because Kaneki keeps doing things, despite him saying that he’s never able to do anything.

It became clear that while Kaneki convinced himself that he wanted to live for others, he only wanted to die a beautiful and fulfilled death. He stated that if he kept on fighting, he would feel needed, and yet never considered the death which would come from it. Upon recognizing these flaws, Kaneki states that despite all of the death that he’s caused, both directly and indirectly, he’ll continue on his path and try to bear the weight of them.

When he’s released from Dragon, Kaneki is regretful upon seeing the damage that he did to both Tokyo and Hide. Despite this, he remains determined to stop Furuta and save both ghouls and humans. However, after losing to Juuzou and Abara and being shown his flaws by Furuta, Kaneki has decided that he’ll do so with the help and support of his friends and family, rather than tackling the issue by himself.

During his final confrontation with Rize, Kaneki reflects on his life. He recognizes that everyone is their own protagonist, and that his tragedy doesn’t make him anymore special than anyone else. He knows that the world is a harsh and unforgiving place, but despite it all, people will still strive to be loved and chosen by those around them. As a result, he’ll carry on and choose and be chosen, nothing more, nothing less.

Psychological Issues

Kaneki’s mental state undergoes extreme changes over the course of the series. Before his torture, Kaneki would at times refer to his actions as «we» or «us,» albeit mostly while in a stressed state. Kaneki personifies his feelings to an extent that they take the form of people existing within his mind. When meeting these mental constructs, Kaneki enters a limbo-like state where he converses with them. Kaneki initially only entered this state when he was under extreme duress or near-death and later included during calm settings for conversation.

During his torture at the hands of Yamori, this construct takes the form of Rize Kamishiro. She taunts him for his weakness and shows memories from his past with his mother, forcing out his anger towards her for not being able to refuse her sister. Through these memories, she gradually convinces Kaneki to abandon his previous ideology of being the one who gets hurt instead of others. By accepting «Rize,» Kaneki embraces a more brutal view of the world and accepts his ghoul powers.

The next time he encounters this alternate self is at V14, after being mortally wounded by Arima. Within his mind, he encounters a child version of himself that he feels the desire to protect. As he comes to accept his failings and similarities to his mother, this self transforms into a version of Kaneki as he existed at the beginning of the series. This more innocent Kaneki accepts him and thanks him for all that he has done to protect them. The two vanish together, resolving to «sleep» for a while.

In Tokyo Ghoul:re, the mental construct took on the appearance of Kaneki, initially appearing as Yamori’s prisoner while donning his kakuja mask. This «Kaneki» torments him, demanding to be accepted and given back his body. Sasaki denied this being, which leads him to moments of instability whenever he uses his ghoul powers. When he is finally forced to accept his past and honor the request to «look» at «Kaneki,» the projection appears to him as a white-haired child who he feels the need to protect. In the months following, Sasaki and «Kaneki» regularly converse with each other. Unlike previous constructs, Sasaki often imagines the child in the real world, picturing the child going through normal activities such as reading. Though they have reached an understanding, the child «Kaneki» tells Sasaki that the two of them cannot continue to co-exist and one will eventually vanish.

During Sasaki’s fight with Karren, a heavily injured Sasaki once again retreats to his mind. The child then confronts him, taunting Sasaki for not being able to protect himself. Sasaki attacks the child, which prompts him to unsuppress his memories of being abused as Kaneki. As these memories came back to him, the child expressed that Kaneki was trying to die during the events at V14. He also desired to be loved by everyone that knows him, regardless of how his actions may obtain the desired result, be them with good or bad intentions, which the mental child Kaneki perceives as salvation. Sasaki regards himself as a «dream,» caused when he began to desire. After Sasaki accepted his past, he resolves to quit «dreaming.»[21]

During Sasaki’s fight with Arima at Cochlea, the latter savagely beats him to the brink of death. As Sasaki was about to succumb to his injuries and die, his mental construct takes the form of Hide. «Hide» scolds him for his selfish excuses, deducing that Sasaki had heard the sound of the compactor and asked whether he was okay with seeing his friends dying and letting his efforts be in vain. «Hide» encouraged Sasaki to live, reminding that he sacrificed himself with the goal of «living together with him» and that living would allow Sasaki to find a purpose in life.[22] Sasaki’s appearance begins to revert back to his post-Aogiri days, with his hair becoming white again.

«Hide’s» advice made Sasaki realize that his mental constructs of «Rize» and «Hide» were all just manifestations of his inner desires and thoughts. Sasaki believed that Hide would stop him if he went beyond his own boundaries, causing Sasaki to deduce that once he began to think this way, he began to desire to live again.

When reduced to only his body and head after being beaten by Juuzou and Abara, Kaneki once again retreats into the inner recesses of his mind. His different personalities convene and discuss what went wrong and what they should’ve done. Eventually, his many personalities begin to argue and the situation erupts into chaos before they all realize that they have one thing in common; they need to save Touka. Upon this realization, Kaneki asks himself under the guise of his various selves if he’s willing to cross the line of killing humans and children. In response, he declares that he will, and that he’ll «press forward, like a centipede».

While Dragon runs rampant throughout Tokyo, Kaneki remains comatose within its recesses. In his mind, he finds himself in a shrine surrounded by an endless ocean. Upon diving in, he finds the bodies of his victims drowning beneath the waves. As he surfaces, he’s greeted by «Rize», who asks him if he remembers the first time they met. While Kaneki doesn’t regret meeting Rize as he’s met many friends along the way, «Rize» states that she hates him as she’d never be reduced to her current state if she’d never met Kaneki at Anteiku. As he’s being pulled out of Dragon, his mental world begins to collapse, and Kaneki leaves declaring that he’ll try to bear the weight of his sins.


Main article: Ken Kaneki/Synopsis


Hideyoshi Nagachika

Kaneki’s best friend, who he calls by his nickname, Hide, has been Kaneki’s closest friend since childhood. Although Kaneki would lack the assertiveness to speak to others, Hide would often speak in his place as his «voice.» Kaneki is willing to fight for his friend, and Hide is able to perceive Kaneki’s emotions. The strong connection between Kaneki and Hide earns Kaneki the capability to refrain from human meat even when driven by ghoul instincts. He cares for Kaneki immensely and did not hesitate to help him even after finding out about Kaneki’s transformation into a ghoul.

Before his first fight with Arima, Hide encouraged Kaneki to eat him for strength, showing how selfless he can be for his best friend. During his time as Scarecrow, he saved Sasaki’s life by activating a microphone which broadcasted Sasaki’s near death at the hands of Takizawa, so that aid could be sent to him.

Upon revealing himself to the CCG, Hide worked closely with Investigator Marude in order to try and free Kaneki from his Dragon form. After Kaneki was rescued from the body of Dragon, Hide and Kaneki reunited and expressed their thankfulness to each other and remained best friends for the rest of their lives.

Touka Kirishima

Initially, the two maintained a neutral relationship between that of waitress and customer until his transformation into a ghoul. Kaneki had at first gone to her for help when his hunger was becoming increasingly worse, but Touka harshly rejected him after he stated he was different from «monsters» like her. She refused to show any compassion and beat him up, telling him to go and die on his own. She thought of him as a fool for his refusal to eat human meat despite being aware he was formerly human. When Kaneki joined Anteiku, Touka had little patience for his mistakes and lack of knowledge of ghoul-related affairs, much to his dismay, causing him to think of her as scary. Despite her constant annoyance with him, Touka agreed to teach him more of what living as a ghoul meant. Later, Uta told Kaneki how hard a worker Touka was and he began to think of her as less frightening.

The two then found middle ground in their care for Hinami after her mother’s death. The event had triggered a desire in Kaneki to become stronger. Thereafter, she agreed to train and instruct him on how to use his kagune, slowly becoming one of the closest people to him. During this time, Kaneki developed his concern for her due to her impulsiveness and a fear that she would die without his knowing. After assisting her in avenging Ryouko’s death, their relationship improved and the two began to care for Hinami together. Although Touka maintained her tough attitude towards him, she became friendlier towards him, and often worried for his safety due to his inexperience and on more than one occasion risked her own life to save him. Kaneki in turn viewed her as someone important to him and tried to put her out of harm’s way. He responded aggressively to anyone who had hurt her, shown when he broke half of Ayato’s bones for hurting Touka and held back from killing him as it would only hurt her more.

Upon leaving Anteiku, Kaneki stayed true to his intent to preserve her safety and protect her, shown when he refused to allow her to come with him and avoided her during the months he was away. This caused Touka to often wonder of his whereabouts and wanted to meet him again, as observed by Hinami. Their first reunion when he returned to the 20th ward concluded in an argument and Touka beating him up.

Years later as Sasaki, he visited :re and experienced a sense of déjà vu. He subconsciously remembered her, the taste of her coffee had brought him to tears and he thought she was very beautiful. From then, Sasaki developed an infatuation for Touka — he often thought of her and visited :re on multiple occasions. She noted that at the time, he looked at her with the same gaze he looked at Rize with in the past. Nonetheless, Touka believed it was best for Sasaki to not remember who he was, but she agreed that if his memories returned, he was welcome in :re.

After regaining his memories, Kaneki met Touka in Cochlea during the Kirishima’s fight with Arima. He originally planned to die at the hands of Arima, however he was brought to tears once again when she told him she would see him later, a cruel act in his mind. After the Cochlea raid, Kaneki initially reverted back to his post-Aogiri treatment towards her, continuing his distance from her. After a month, they finally conversed in a friendly manner in :re, though not ending well, they agreed to have the same ideals towards ghouls and humans’ interactions. After Goat was formed, he repeatedly excluded her from combat and operations of the organization, much to her disappointment and confusion. Following the Clown Siege, during another private talk, she asked about this and his virginity — causing him some obvious nervousness and discomfort. Together, they discovered their fears of losing the other were mutual. And in the conversation she mentioned the look he gave her as Sasaki, a look that embarrassed Kaneki but one that Touka admitted made her happy, indicating her romantic feelings for him. Afterward, he acknowledged her by asking her to go with him to a Goat meeting.

Successfully escaping an ambush, Kaneki and Touka took shelter in an abandoned building and consummated their relationship after a kiss, officially becoming lovers. As a memento of her, he received her parent’s ring, one that served as a source of strength for her during difficult times. Realizing he truly loved Touka the two became more and more intimate. Kaneki then asked her to marry him in a ghoul ceremony after she revealed she was pregnant with his child.

After being dismembered by Suzuya and Hanbee and cornered by the Oggai, Kaneki started to hallucinate — the multiple personalities of him clashing over the various choices that caused his defeat and he was close to completely giving up. However, when one of them pointed out that they would never see Touka again, all of them came into an agreement to continue to fight for survival in order to see her again, showing how important Touka had become in Kaneki’s mind.

Touka, after Kaneki’s position in the Dragon was revealed, risked her life by clawing into the surface of Dragon, and after an intense struggle, recovered him from Dragon’s body. The two embraced after Kaneki awoke in a hospital. During the epilogue, both happily continue their marriage, taking care of their daughter Ichika, with another child on the way.

Shuu Tsukiyama

When they meet at Anteiku, Kaneki’s first impression of Tsukiyama is that he looks like a model. Even though the others try to convince him that Tsukiyama is bad news, Kaneki still thinks that he seems like a person who he can trust. He goes along with him to have coffee, then plays a game of squash with him without realizing that Tsukiyama is priming him as a meal. After Tsukiyama’s plot is exposed, he feels betrayed by him and becomes wary of him.

After escaping from the Aogiri hideout, Kaneki accepts him into his group, believing that Tsukiyama would make for a powerful ally. His advanced strength makes him stronger than Tsukiyama, so he uses that to threaten him into knowing his place. He is still aware that Tsukiyama wishes to eat him even if he tries to hide it, but Kaneki never shows concern for his own safety, trusting that his strength will intimidate Tsukiyama and keep him in check. In order to prepare himself for upcoming confrontations, he asks Tsukiyama to help him train and develops a tentatively friendly relationship with him, though he is always careful to maintain his distance. He would later see Tsukiyama as a friend, recognizing the latter’s attempt to kill him during the Owl Suppression Operation was Tsukiyama trying to protect him.

In :re as Haise, he meets Tsukiyama in a fragile and sickly state, as he has starved and isolated himself after Kaneki’s disappearance. He does not remember him, although meeting him a few times. Later he asks Tsukiyama to tell him everything about his past as he could not stand avoiding «fate» anymore, having figured that he was one of Kaneki’s friends. During the Tsukiyama Operation, he was reluctant to fight Tsukiyama and hesitated killing him when his inner «Kaneki» repeatedly yells at him not to do it. Shortly after his reawakening, he stabs Tsukiyama in the chest, in order for him to appear seriously wounded and in danger of dying. When Ui arrives at the scene, he decides to give Shuu a chance to escape or die by hurling him off the building, glancing at Kanae in order for her to go save him. Through this, it can be assumed he still holds some regard for Tsukiyama as an individual, but not enough as to actually care about what happens to him ultimately. It is implied further by Chie Hori that Kaneki does seem to still care about him, as she stated that if he really wanted to kill Tsukiyama, he would have done it already.

When Kaneki defects from the CCG and forms Goat, Tsukiyama joins him at his side as his best friend and right-hand man. Tsukiyama is both the financial benefactor of Goat as well as one of Kaneki’s most trusted advisors. He was responsible for helping Goat defend Tokyo from the Clowns as well as providing the materials necessary to rescue Kaneki from Dragon. He was one of the only individuals who cared about Kaneki’s happiness in the vast organization of Goat, him bringing up how unhappy Kaneki must have been as Dragon, as he was unable to read, enjoy coffee, or hold his child in that state.


Kaneki looks up to Yoshimura, and is grateful to him helping him survive being a ghoul. Yoshimura acts as a mentor to Kaneki. He would often provide Kaneki with information regarding the ghoul world and assists in his development. In turn, Kaneki diligently serves and runs errands for him at Anteiku. He provides advice to Kaneki when the latter faces a crisis, and told Kaneki the truth about the One-Eyed Owl when Kaneki inquired him about it. He believes in Kaneki to the extent that he entrusted Kaneki with saving his daughter. When Kaneki heard that the CCG was going to attack Anteiku he immediately decided to go despite the overwhelming number of CCG forces. Even while he was critically wounded by Amon, Kaneki forced himself to go save the manager.

Four years later, Kaneki still has not forgotten his last meeting and talk with the manager, hinting at the importance Yoshimura held for him as an individual. He even remembers Yoshimura’s last wish, even though he sees no reason to fulfill it whatsoever.

Renji Yomo

Initially, Yomo is distant and indifferent towards him when Kaneki first cooperates with him in a body scavenging mission. However, he grew interested in Kaneki’s development after Kaneki’s fight with the Doves. He provides guidance to Kaneki, teaching him how to fight and offers him advice in times where he is conflicted. Yomo played a crucial role in Kaneki’s decision to return to Anteiku, reassuring the latter of his own strength. Yomo trusted him enough to detail some events of Yoshimura’s past to him.

Enji Koma

Kaneki has a relationship with Koma as colleagues, with Koma ocassionally mentoring him in making coffee and parts of the ghoul world. Kaneki also feels most relaxed working with Koma than working with any other members from Anteiku. When leaving on an expedition, Kaneki trusts him and Irimi to defend the last remaining base of Goat.

Nishiki Nishio

At the beginning, Nishiki starts enmity toward Kaneki just because he thought that Kaneki was invading his feeding ground, and as the way he shows his strength to weaker ghouls.

After helping him rescue his girlfriend in the Gourmet Arc, he became more of a close friend to Kaneki. When he was taken by Aogiri, Nishiki showed concern for his well-being and wanted to rescue him.

When they met again as enemies in :re, Haise subconsciously recognized him when his mask fell off, triggering an outburst as he temporarily lost control of his kagune, indicating that Nishio was an acquaintance of his former self. Their encounter sparked the mental struggle for dominance between Sasaki and his former self and has caused Sasaki to reflect on his position at the CCG.

Upon Kaneki’s defection from the CCG, Nishiki joins him in forming Goat and acts as one of his closest friends and allies. Kaneki trusted him enough to bring him along on a scavenging expedition that was supposed to provide food for all of Goat for a long duration of time.

Hinami Fueguchi

Hinami looks up to Kaneki as a big brother. She is aware and interested in his half-human nature as she had few or no interactions with human society. They both share a passion for reading, especially Sen Takatsuki’s works, and he often tutors her in new vocabulary to learn. After her mother’s death, both Touka and Kaneki have been very protective of her and treat each other like family.

Alongside Banjou and Tsukiyama, she joins Kaneki’s group of ghouls. While he often goes on his missions, he still manages to smile and be there for her when he is around, even accompanying her to places such as Sen Takatsuki’s book signing.

As Sasaki, he showed concern for Hinami’s safety when he learned she was acquainted with his past, and he asked her to leave while she was protecting him to prevent her from being hurt any further by Takizawa. Haise also managed to convince Arima to let her be taken captive instead of eliminated on the spot, showing that he still cares for Hinami. After her capture, he shows her the same kindness he did in the past by bringing her books and asking about her condition. While he tells her that he is not the same man she knew in the past, he admits to himself that he is growing attached to her, which troubles him greatly.

After the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, Sasaki seems to have become distant towards Hinami as he has not visited nor talked to her during the six months since the end of the operation. This leaves Hinami in a depressed state as her execution is coming close.[23] However, this was a ruse as later he betrays the CCG in order to save her.[24]

Kazuichi Banjou

Banjou considered Kaneki as a close fellow during their attempt to escape the Aogiri hideout. After Kaneki defeats Yamori and makes his resolve to protect everyone, Banjou gratefully, and grasped by Kaneki’s strength, decides to become his follower.[25] They become close friends during their time together, often sparring with each other[16] and going together on trips and missions. Kaneki also helps Banjou improve his reading comprehension. When Kaneki decides to return to Anteiku he states that he hopes Banjou will come with him.

Rize Kamishiro

Rize was attracted to Kaneki because of his delicious appearance and himself. Both of them shared many interests. After their date, Rize tried to hunt him down, but failed. At the end, she supposedly died and he, heavily injured, was taken to a hospital, where Dr. Kanou decided to transplant her organs into him.

In Kaneki’s mind, during his time locked in Yamori’s hobby room, she appeared before him. They had a sensitive conversation about his past and personality.[19] He attributes her to his ghoul side, as she was the cause of him. Although she was a figment of Kaneki’s imagination, she supported him and strengthened his resolve.

A hallucination of Rize appears to Kaneki earlier in the anime, representing the subconsciousness of Kaneki’s ghoul half. She usually haunts Kaneki when he is hungry and needs to eat human meat.

Kaneki was shocked to learn Rize was still alive in Kanou’s lab as an experiment during the lab raid. Later, while contemplating his previous ideals, he visits Rize in Yomo’s place. Seeing the once strong ghoul in a starving weakened state made him question his own motives for gaining more power.

The two met again during Kaneki’s fight with Nimura Furuta, as the latter called her «his precious dragon». After Kaneki defeated Furuta, he climbed the body of the Dragon until he reached its core, fighting off huge mouthed kagune with hair that resembles Rize’s. It’s revealed that Rize has somehow merged with the Dragon, and appears in front of him with white hair. With a tear rolling down his cheek, Kaneki kills Rize to end the Dragon’s rampage.

Koutarou Amon

Their initial meeting left a strong impression on both, and they serve as foils to each other in the story. It was because of Amon’s passionate speech that Kaneki first began to realize the futility of the endless cycle of revenge trapping humans and ghouls, and determined that his half-breed nature gave him unique insight into both points of view. He has great respect for Amon, and in their final meeting he asked the investigator to allow him to pass — something he knew would not happen. Before they fought, he asked for his long-time rival’s name and wished for him to survive the battle. Amon shared this sentiment, desperate to learn the story of the strange ghoul that spared his life.

Years after the Owl Suppression Operation, Sasaki, after finding Amon reports about his past self, sees «Kaneki» in his mind weeping because of the belief that he killed Amon. Later, however, they meet again in the CCG Laboratory. Of all the investigators he fought before becoming Sasaki, Kaneki believes Amon to be the only one who actually acknowledged him as a person rather than a ghoul, and was angry at what the CCG had done to the former ghoul investigator.

Upon their reunion after Amon’s rescue from the CCG, Kaneki and Amon share an amicable relationship, the two being kindred spirits.

Yakumo Oomori

Yamori saw Kaneki as a good «toy» for his hobby of torturing.[18] He saw him as a weak morally-guided boy and made use of his powerful regenerative ability to satisfy his sadistic pleasures. Ironically, Yamori, who initially believed he had weakened Kaneki, was then overpowered and defeated by him, being the catalyst for his transformation.

Yamori became a figment that constantly harassed Kaneki in his own mind. In :re, Kaneki admits to Naki that he views Yamori as a symbol of his own strength and, in a way, is thankful for having the encounter he did with him.

Mrs. Kaneki

Kaneki initially looked up to his mother, believing she was a hard worker who never failed to help others. He always tried to be a kind person like her, even after her death from overwork. After being tortured by Yamori and influenced by Rize’s manifestation, Kaneki blamed his mother for choosing to financially support her sister — resulting in her death from overwork. He viewed this action as abandoning him, choosing his aunt rather than himself. Kaneki also saw his mother’s actions as those of selfishness and cowardice. He realized that both of them tried to help and protect others just because they both did not want to be alone.

In :re, the truth was that Kaneki’s mother had physically abused him. The trauma caused him to warp his memory so he believed her to be nothing but a gentle woman, whom in reality, never did love and he viewed her as a «maggot.»


Uta helped him in making his mask. Seeing Kaneki as one of his valued customers, Uta aided Anteiku in rescuing Kaneki from Aogiri Tree. He is fond of Kaneki, and shares both advice and stories of his past with him. Despite Uta’s hedonistic nature, along with implications that he enjoyed Kaneki’s suffering, he does care about Kaneki. Uta mentions that during their «encounter» in the Auction Raid, he noticed that he has not changed and that he is still a valued customer of his.

Chie Hori

In Tokyo Ghoul, though their interactions were minimal, Hori will always bring information to him at Tsukiyama’s request. He described her as a reliable person.

In Photography, Hori negotiated with Kaneki that she would work for his team as an informant provided that Kaneki makes all his requests through Tsukiyama. She is fully aware of Tsukiyama’s obsession with Kaneki and therefore utilizes her connection with his group to protect herself from being eaten and influence Tsukiyama to listen to any of her requests.

Kishou Arima

During their initial encounter, Kaneki was both frightened by and fascinated by the legendary investigator. He suffered a brutal defeat, resulting in his subsequent capture by the CCG and loss of identity. Arima was given «ownership rights» over him and was allowed to select a new identity.

As Haise Sasaki, they had a close bond as teacher and student. Haise highly respected and admired Arima to the point he felt that it would be impossible for him to ever surpass his teacher. Akira suggested that Arima had a parental love for him, indicating the especially strong bond between them. This was later confirmed, with Sasaki even referring to Arima as his «father» — the person who saved him and helped him create a new life. They shared a love of reading, resulting in their loaning books between each other. Sasaki also inherited a quinque which Arima used as a teenager, Yukimura 1/3.

Even after regaining his memories and eventually facing Arima in battle, Kaneki still thought of Arima as his father. He mourned the older investigator’s death in anguish as Arima died in his arms. Eto later told him that she and Arima had been purposely «raising» Kaneki, in the hopes they would create a ghoul that would be able to kill him, and become the hope of the ghouls.

Akira Mado

Akira served as his mentor, responsible for training him in the field and helping shape him as an investigator. He has great respect for her, and over the years of working together they have established a strong friendship. When out of the office, he enjoys teasing her with his puns and she responds to them with playful annoyance. However, as his superior she can be harsh to the point of giving him a «Mado Punch» to the stomach to correct his behavior. She warns him that he is too naive, and that his showing mercy towards ghouls will result in his downfall. As her subordinate, he works hard to meet her expectations and describes her as an excellent superior. She is also shown to be someone charged with keeping him under control, as he requests that she be notified prior to using his powers. Because of this, he jokingly refers to her as his «mother,» something she does not seem to appreciate much.

After Sasaki left the Q-squad, it is unknown whether he and Akira had kept in touch. He does however, still care for her. While she was recuperating he was deeply hurt to see her in her grave state, and contacted an unknown organization to put her under normal medical care at the risk of revealing their location or ambushed.

Upon Akira’s recovery, their relationship is strained when she learns that not only did Kaneki defect, but he was also responsible for Arima’s death.

Tooru Mutsuki

Among the Quinx, they have the closest bond and work together on the Torso case after the team becomes splintered. He treats Mutsuki with respect, but also behaves in a somewhat motherly fashion towards him. After Dr. Shiba expressed concern over the young investigator’s health, Sasaki made a point to cook him dinner with plenty of meat and lectured him about needing to strengthen his body. In turn, Mutsuki has great admiration for his mentor and is quick to offer praise or reassurances. If the Quinx team is a family, it could be said that Mutsuki is the good child that always respects and listens to Sasaki.

When Mutsuki goes missing, the colder, merciless Sasaki asks Urie to save him, showing that he still cares about him.

Even after Mutsuki ambushes Kaneki at :re, assists Furuta in destroying Goat, and attacks Touka while she’s pregnant, Kaneki still cares for Mutsuki, displaying no hatred for him.

Kuki Urie

During Urie’s time as the squad leader, their professional and personal relationship is tense, as Urie is prone to challenging Sasaki’s leadership on all fronts. He frequently acts on his own without bothering to consult the rest of the team, leaving Sasaki in the dark about things and deeply frustrated as a result. When the team becomes fractured as a result of Urie’s manipulation, Sasaki calls him a brat and swears to teach him a lesson. Even so, he acknowledges that his troublesome subordinate is highly-skilled with exceptional intuition. That he refuses to cooperate with others, and so frequently criticizes him in front of others, is a great source of frustration for Sasaki. After the Auction Raid, their relationship seems to have improved. Urie shows more trust in Sasaki’s decisions and even comes to him to train. However, during the Tsukiyama Operation, he was about to tell him off for not being there for Shirazu, only for Sasaki to immediately lash out and turn the blame on him for not being strong enough.

Even after he left the Q-squad, Sasaki still cares for Urie as the latter was the only one he met and personally requests him to save Mutsuki, while showing a kind smile. It is also noted that Urie was the only one of the first Q-squad who Sasaki conversed with before defecting from the CCG.

When Kaneki was trapped within Dragon, Urie was among those who were responsible for digging him out of Dragon’s body. Later, when Kaneki asks to see the havoc he’s wrought, Urie volunteers to accompany him under the pretense of making sure he doesn’t go on another rampage. As they are walking, Urie and Kaneki openly talk to one another, signifying that there’s no bad blood between them. When they are cornered by some of Dragon’s golems, Urie is the first to offer himself as a decoy while Kaneki and Saiko retreat.

Ginshi Shirazu

Like Urie, Shirazu was prone to disregarding orders and doing whatever he wanted. Sasaki was frustrated by this inability to control his team, and confused when Shirazu argued with him before storming out. He remained unaware of Shirazu being poisoned against him, but this did not last long. After saving his team from Serpent, their relationship vastly improved. He recognized Shirazu’s ability to consider his surroundings and prioritize his comrades, having faith in his potential as a leader. To this end, he made Shirazu the new squad leader and encouraged him to excel. He also helped Shirazu in dealing with his guilt over killing Nutcracker. After his death, Sasaki mourned him together with his remaining squad mates.

Saiko Yonebayashi

They have a very close, familial sort of relationship. He feels great sympathy for her situation and admits to going easy on her as a result even when her actions cause problems for the team. He acts as a surrogate parent to her, affectionately referred to as «Maman.» (French for «mom») They have a warm and intimate bond, as evidenced by her cuddling with him and asking him to clean her ears. Sasaki is protective of her and often tries to keep her out of battles despite their jobs as ghoul investigators. However, he is aware of her destructive power in battle and brings her along on missions where it is needed.

After Sasaki regained his memories and left the Q-squad, their relationship is now implied to be distant. However, it is also implied he still cares for her. When Kaneki defects from the CCG and is declared a terrorist, Saiko states that she’d rather defect as well than hunt him down.

Saiko is among those who first volunteer to collaborate with the ghouls in freeing Kaneki. She assists Touka and the rest of the Q’s in fighting off Dragon’s defenses while Touka rescues Kaneki. As he lays in a coma, Saiko stays at his side, staying there until she eventually falls asleep. Upon his awakening, she cries tears of joy and the two embrace.

Nobu Shimoguchi

Their professional relationship was strained, with the other investigator not even bothering to hide his disdain for Sasaki. Though well aware of how Shimoguchi looked down on him, Sasaki treated him with politeness and professionalism. Shimoguchi however, did not hesitate to humiliate Sasaki when he got the chance. Sasaki took these actions with minimal response, doing his best to remain professional and courteous. However, when at home he expressed annoyance at the other man and looked forward to the chance to show him up. After Shimoguchi lost his squad however, Sasaki was quick to offer condolences to the man.

Donato Porpora

Donato serves as an informant and adviser, offering insight on investigations and personal advice to Sasaki. He uses the investigator’s personal name, a sign of the close and cordial relationship between them. Donato even refers to him as his «friend,» speaking kindly to him and wishing him well during moments of doubt. Though imprisoned for many years, Donato seems to know many secrets about his past and offers hints about Kaneki’s lost memories and possible future.

Juuzou Suzuya

As Ken Kaneki, Kaneki does not know of Juuzou. Juuzou however, apparently knew by instinct that the Eyepatch ghoul was the same person as Kaneki even though by that time Kaneki’s hair had already turned white, along with the fact that he was donning his mask and Juuzou was observing him on ground running whilst on top of an Aogiri building. This is evidenced by when Juuzou sees him and attempts to remember his name (failing to do so though, as he only remembers that the name starts with a «K») while dragging Yamori’s body around.

As ghoul investigators, both of them are considered unusual in their own ways, and became friendly through prior collaborations. Juuzou considers him as a friend, referring to him by his first name, and is still aware of Sasaki’s true identity, as he repaid the money stolen from Kaneki’s wallet long ago. Sasaki always prepares for meetings with Juuzou by hiding treats in his pockets, letting the other man frisk him as a greeting.

Even during the Goat Extermination Operation, Kaneki and Juuzou display no hate towards each other, only fighting as a result of knowing what needs to be done.

Kurona Yasuhisa

They had a hostile relationship in the past due to Kurona and Nashiro’s devotion to Kanou, and had clashed on several occasions. However, they formed a team after Rushima’s Operation, with Kurona following Kaneki as her leader. Kaneki did show a certain amount of affection for Kurona while they were infiltrating one of CCG’s labs to save Akira.[26]

Seidou Takizawa

Takizawa learns about Sasaki through Kanou and Eto, as he is «modeled» after him. As a result of being modeled after a mere test subject, which Kanou refers to as his masterpiece, he wishes to surpass Sasaki, still possessing feelings of inferiority as he did with Akira, who was ranked first, and him second. Takizawa is also aware of Sasaki’s true self, even calling him by name when he hesitates. He does however, show Sasaki a little bit of acknowledgement as a leader, even stating Sasaki is a better leader than his own boss. He appeared to be willing to cooperate with Kaneki as seen with his affiliation to Goat.

Koori Ui

Koori and Sasaki appear to have a professional relationship, knowing each other from their days in S3 squad. Ui however secretly distrusts Sasaki and is wary of both his mental state and his abilities as a ghoul.


In Tokyo Ghoul: Jail, Kaneki encounters Rio as he is searching for the ghoul called Jail, who Kaneki is also searching for. The two meet while Rio is following a lead on Jail, believing the area Kaneki is in to be his turf. Rio comes across Kaneki while he is devouring powerful ghouls in order to become stronger. Seeing that they share a common goal, Kaneki and Rio work together to find Jail. It is through Kaneki that Rio is also introduced to Anteiku.

Hairu Ihei

Sasaki and Hairu used to be in the 0 Squad under Arima together. They get along as co-workers, but Sasaki did not like her violent methods on handling ghouls.

Eto Yoshimura

Even before becoming a ghoul, Kaneki admires Sen Takatsuki greatly, as she is his favorite horror novelist and relates himself to her works, unaware of her true identity. As Haise Sasaki, he still considers her his favorite author, but speculates she is a woman filled with despair and hatred towards the world and has completely abandoned hope long ago.[27]

After regaining his memories, he becomes one of the few aware of her true identity and considers her as an enemy that needs to be eliminated, and seriously wounds her during the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation. In the following months, he is pursuing and investigating her to bring her down. They share a cordial relationship, even after he arrested her, and she willingly shared with him information about V, even suggesting that he record Furuta’s conversation with her and later requesting that Sasaki should kill the One-Eyed King.

After meeting with Eto in Cochlea, She told Sasaki that both she and Arima had been raising him in hopes they could create a ghoul strong enough to kill Kishou Arima.

Nimura Furuta

When Kaneki was hallucinating after his defeat at the hands of Arima, he remembered seeing Souta as he and Rize were being crushed by the steel beams.

They share a casual and relaxed partnership after a six month time skip, as seen when he entrusted Furuta to search for Takatsuki’s house, praising his skill in organizing documents, and later requested him to play the «good cop» role. Sasaki often chimes in Furuta’s joke about his boss and seems to not mind. It is unknown what he thinks of Furuta having discovered his involvement with the accident that caused him to become a ghoul or his affiliation with V or the Clowns.

After speaking to Furuta when the two both take their mantles as «Kings,» Kaneki seems to have deduced more about Furuta, even concluding it was most likely beneficial for Furuta to hold power. He does however, not want him to continue having it once things have settled.

Upon being released from Dragon and confronting Furuta in the sewers, Kaneki bears him no ill will and even states that Furuta bests him in intellect and cunning. However, knowing that Furuta stands between him and protecting everyone, Kaneki declares that he’ll defeat Furuta.

At the end of their final battle, Kaneki and Furuta display no animosity towards each other. When asked by Furuta if he’d laugh if Furuta told him all he wanted was to live a normal life, Kaneki smiled and said no.

Take Hirako

As Investigators they were not seen interacting much except for a recollection where Sasaki questioned Hirako about who Arima truly was as a person. Hirako declined to answer.

After Kaneki falsified his killing of Arima, Hirako confronted him and revealed he knew that the young Ghoul had recovered his memories but he informs him that in accordance with Arima’s last wishes he and Squad Zero will aid him in escaping the Cochlea and inciting a revolution. Kaneki seems to respect Hirako as he calls him a friend during the meeting before Goat’s founding.

Powers and Abilities

Ghoul Physiology: After inheriting Rize Kamishiro’s kakuhou, Kaneki has displayed a unique healing factor, as well as a rinkaku kagune consisting of tentacles and increased physical power. Due to the hybrid vigor, Kaneki’s abilities are said to be more potent than those of a natural-born ghoul.

  • Rinkaku Kagune: Kaneki’s kagune is portrayed in the anime as bright red, becoming a darker shade as it neared the tips. In the Tokyo Ghoul:re anime, it has changed to a red-violet color. Kaneki initially displayed his kagune in his fight against Nishiki Nishio, possessing three tails which repeatedly impaled Nishiki before throwing him, saving him and Hide while having little control over them.[28] After his torture, Kaneki was able to produce four tentacles in his battle with Yamori, which were capable of pinning down and overwhelming an incomplete kakuja.[28] During the raid on Kanou’s lab, Kaneki’s kagune further developed into six tentacles, albeit in an unstable mental state,[14] and while he fought Kishou Arima, Kaneki was able to manifest eight tentacles which are able to be shaped into small hands, which have an enormous range and destructive force enough to damage V14’s pillars.[29] As Haise Sasaki, he is able to control and manipulate the shape of his kagune at will, and command the tentacles to process different tasks at once.[12] He is also noted to have a better control over his kagune than natural-born ghouls.[30] In his fight with Karren von Rosewald and Eto Yoshimura, Sasaki was able to shape his kagune into more intricate forms,[31] and his kagune is greatly larger, with the potency of neutralizing Owl’s kakuja.[32] After devouring Eto’s kakuja, his kagune is able to form multiple eyes and mouths. Even while exhausted, he was able to manifest it fast enough that Hajime and the rest of the Oggai could not react, and was able to quickly devastate the vast majority of them. By the time of his final confrontation with Furuta, Kaneki’s kagune had grown to a massive size, it’s thickness dwarfing that of a human being, in addition to it’s length growing as well.
  • Rinkaku Kakuja: After constant cannibalization, Kaneki has developed into an incomplete kakuja. In this form, Kaneki was able to easily overwhelm Yukinori Shinohara, who wielded the Arata armor,[33] and to fight on par with Koutarou Amon while the latter was armed with Arata proto, as well as fatally injure him by ripping his arm off.[34] While using his kakuja, Kaneki goes into a mindless state, losing all aspects of his personality.[35] His fighting style becomes that of a berserker, fighting without any regards to personal injury. In his last confrontation with Kishou Arima, Sasaki’s kakuja was capable of completely destroying IXA and Owl, while maintaining his personality and sanity.[36] In the fight against Suzuya and Abara both clad with Arata armors, he was still able to inflict extensive damage on both investigators, requiring Abara to execute a suicide attack in order to create an opening against Kaneki. When fighting Furuta, Kaneki’s kakuja is able to turn the fight on its head and overwhelm Furuta, who only a few moments before, was beating him in a one-sided brawl, forcing him to activate his own kakuja. Kaneki’s first kakuja takes the form of two large tentacles resembling centipedes and a beak-like structure on his head. His second kakuja forms a carapace covering on his whole face, and a kagune-like claw where his hand is. His third kakuja encases his upper half and forms a koukaku-like blade. The fourth version of his kakuja manifests as bulkier body armor with claws, and the carapace covering his face becomes similar to a one-eyed dragon with a fully fanged jaw. Upon being rescued from Dragon, Kaneki’s kakuja takes the form of a more form-fitting body armor, with intricate designs decorating it, in addition wing-like structures on his back. He also has massive cross-shaped blades attached to them that he can swing around as close range weapons or extend long distances. In addition, he can use these as shields, their defensive power being great enough to withstand attacks from Kichimura Washuu and Dragon.
    • Dragon Form: After consuming the entire Oggai squad and the nucleus embedded in Furuta’s body, Kaneki undergoes a large-scale transformation where his body expands into a ever growing mass of flesh, teeth and eyes that consumes everything in its path. Eventually this mass grows to such an extent that it erupts from the underground 24th ward and overflows into the streets of Tokyo, where it consumes scores of people and destroys everything in its path. Eventually the mass assumes a centipede-like shape with an armored shell, multiple eyes and a head that vaguely resembles a dragon. At this point, its size is big enough to coil around a skyscraper. In this form, Kaneki can generate kagune tentacles that can cut through tanks and upturn portions of concrete. Its armored shell is durable enough to resist artillery fire. It can also generate lifeless husks from its body, which is apparently a trait shared with the King of the Underground at the height of his power. Among other countermeasures, Kaneki can produce golems out of his body in order to defend himself against foes while he is stationary. These golems are capable of killing investigators and ghouls alike, as well as pressure even the most experienced fighters with their large numbers.
  • Superhuman Strength: As Banjou paid a visit to Anteiku, Kaneki accidentally knocked him unconscious with an elbow strike.[37] Kaneki was able to rip a lamp post from asphalt and strike one of the Bin brothers with it.[38] When fighting Ayato Kirishima, Kaneki forcibly smashed Ayato through multiple floors of the 11th ward building.[39] During his sparring sessions with Banjou, Kaneki threw the ghoul around without much effort.[16]
  • Superhuman Speed: Kaneki was capable of evading Narukami’s condensed projectiles, while assaulting Arima.[29] While he engaged Yukinori Shinohara in a fight, Kaneki was traveling at immense speed, quick enough for Shinohara not being able to track his location. In his fight with Karren, Sasaki was able to maneuver and dodge her rapid kagune attacks, swiftly approaching her from behind towards the end of the motion.[31] Sasaki has also shown the ability to parry Arima’s numerous Owl attacks while facing him in Cochlea.[40][41] On his way to meet with Takizawa, Ayato, and Kurona for their infiltration of the CCG laboratory, Kaneki was pursued by V agents and he managed to dodge their attacks while making his escape at the same time. In his conflict with Naki, Kaneki effortlessly dodged Naki’s attempts to assault him.
  • Superhuman Endurance: During his second encounter with Nishiki, Kaneki was able to endure multiple blows from the ghoul in his weakened, starving state.[42] When he was fighting Shachi, Kaneki maintained consciousness after being smashed through the floor and walls of Kanou’s Underground Laboratory.[43] After being pierced through the abdomen by Amon, Kaneki was still able to survive and recover from his injuries, albeit through consuming parts of Hide.[44] During his encounter with Arima at V14, Kaneki continued fighting despite his critical head injures, which would be fatal even to a ghoul.[29] As Sasaki, he survived being pierced by Serpent’s kagune, and eventually overpowered the ghoul despite being grievously wounded.[12] Sasaki overpowered Karren von Rosewald and Eto with a severed hand, gradually using his kagune as replacement. He seemed unfazed when Kishou Arima stabbed him multiple times through the abdomen, as he also took countless severe cuts to his body in his fight with Owl and was still able to keep fighting.[45][32] Even after prolonged fight against Suzuya and Abara which saw Kaneki taking critical damage, getting dismembered and losing his healing factor, he was still able to manifest his kagune and killing Hajime Hazuki and after that, slaughter the rest of the Oggai squad. Later on, Kaneki was able to withstand the onslaught of Furuta and Rize in two consecutive fights.
  • Superhuman Regeneration: During his torture at the hands of Yakumo Oomori, he continously regenerated his fingers and toes for ten days.[18] He easily recuperated from the injuries inflicted by Shachi,[43] and recovered from a hole he received upon fighting Amon through consuming the flesh of Hide. He survives his fight with Arima, and heals his injuries, albeit with the cost of losing his memory.[8] In :re, he recovers from being consecutively pierced by Nishiki’s kagune,[9] as well as surviving an attack from Takizawa.[46] In his final battle with Arima, he had rapidly regenerated his many fatal wounds whilst fighting the investigator. By the end of the Dragon Arc, Kaneki was able to regenerate wounds from Furuta’s kakuja, and later on heal his wounds from Dragon in rapid succession, allowing him to continue on fighting.
  • Kagune Manipulation: After his confrontation with Eto, Sasaki is able to manifest his kagune as the form of his hand, controlling it willingly.[47] During his fight with Arima, Kaneki was using his kagune as replacements for his arms and legs in order to recover more quickly to counter the investigator. He also can create complex structures involving traps and nets. He was also able to command his kagune to speak, using it to great effect against Arima as a distraction which then allowed him to shatter his quinque. He was also able to form a quinque from his kagune and use it to fight against Kichimura Washuu .[48] In addition to forming a Rinkaku kagune, he has also been seen using his kagune to mimic the characteristics and abilities of an ukaku, bikaku, and koukaku in his fight against Dragon.
  • Immense Pain Tolerance: Kaneki has always shown strong tolerance to pain, being able to continue fighting after withstanding multiple blows from Nishiki. This was heightened tremendously after Kaneki’s torture at the hands of Yamori, where he managed to withstand twisting and breaking his own leg in order to land a blow on him. He later demonstrated this again against Naki, his only reaction being a faint smile.[49] He is even able to power on through losing all of his limbs and devour the Oggai. When fighting Dragon, despite his prior battle to the death with Furuta, as well as being overwhelmed by Dragon’s defenses and nearly dying, Kaneki was able to push through the pain and end the threat of Dragon.
  • Expert Hand to Hand Combat: Kaneki is extremely skilled in close combat. With his four-tailed Kagune, he can easily match Yamori’s attacks but soon overpowers them. This is also proven when Kaneki twists and breaks his own left leg after Yamori grabbed it to land a hard right knee strike from his right leg to knock him back. As Haise Sasaki, he was able to fight the entire Quinx squad with the exception of Urie at once during a sparring session, and later during a sparring session with Urie he proved to be heavily superior.
  • Ghoulification Toxin Immunity: After being extracted from Dragon’s body, Kaneki has shown an extreme resistance, if not outright immunity, to the ghoulifying toxin carried by the creatures spawned from Dragon’s oviducts. It is theorized by Kimi Nishino that this is a result of the multiple new organs Kaneki has displayed since his rescue.

Swordsmanship: Using his quinque, Sasaki has been described to have movements as swift as water, being able slice through a ghoul’s kagune and also use it efficiently with his own kagune.[12][50] He was also able to keep up with Kichimura Washuu at the end of the dragon arc through the use of a quinque formed from his Kagune.

  • Yukimura 1/3: A B-rate koukaku quinque passed down from Arima to Sasaki, having a considerably long blade which can easily slice through objects. It was shown to be able to damage Seidou Takizawa despite him being an SS+ rate ghoul.

Keen Intellect: When facing adversaries, Kaneki often used his intellect and careful planning to quickly and efficiently take out his foe. Kaneki comprehends Takatsuki’s in-depth work, and also understands martial arts moves and styles just by reading about them in a book, to the point where he is able to implement them in his fights not long afterwards.

Manga Depiction

Haise Yukimura

Yukimura 1/3.

Kaneki Kagune V1

Kaneki’s kagune, version 1.

Kaneki Original Kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 2.

Kaneki's Kagune3

Kaneki’s kagune, version 3.

Kaneki's Kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 4.

Kaneki's Unstable Kagune

Kaneki’s kagune going out of control.

Kaneki's Evolve Kagune

Sasaki’s kagune, version 5.

Kaneki's winglike kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 6.

Sasaki kagune 2

Sasaki shapes his kagune into a three-fingered claw.

Sasaki kagune 3

Sasaki creates a blade from his kagune.

Sasaki Defeats Kanae

Sasaki shapes his kagune into a skeletal hand.

Sasaki impales Kanae

Sasaki creates a mass of limbs out of his kagune.

Sasaki's Kagune Arm Transformed

Kaneki’s kagune arm transformed.

Sasaki's Kagune Trap Cage

Kaneki surrounds Arima with a cage made of his kagune.

Arima surrounded by Sasaki's kagune trap

Kaneki’s kagune cage becomes a trap.

Sasaki's new centipede tail

Kaneki’s new centipede tail.

Aura defeated by Kaneki

Kaneki’s detached kagune — detached tentacles.

Kaneki substituting yukimura

Kaneki forms a quinque from his kagune.

Kaneki's incomplete Kakuja Kagune

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — one centipede tail.

Twin centipede

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — twin centipede tails.

Kaneki's kakuja V2

Sasaki’s kakuja, version 2.

Sasaki's kakuja develops

Kaneki’s kakuja, version 3.

Sasaki's Stable Kakuja's Blades

Kaneki’s kakuja shaped into sword-like blades.

Kaneki's kakuja version 4

Kaneki’s kakuja, version 4.

Kaneki's humanoid Dragon Kakuja

Kaneki (Post-Dragon) Kakuja, Version 5.

Kaneki's Kakuja (Post-Dragon)

Kaneki preparing to unleash his kakuja.

Kaneki's Kakuja Ver. 5 unleashing it's wings.

Kaneki extending his kakuja’s blades.

K Shield

Kaneki forming a shield from his kakuja.

K Koukaku

Kaneki forms a sword from his kakuja.

K Ukaku

Kaneki forming wings from his kakuja

Kaneki's kagune with mouths

Kaneki’s Dragon Kakuja, version 1.

Kaneki wrapped around a building

Kaneki’s Dragon kakuja wrapped around a building.

Dragon Kaneki

Kaneki’s Dragon kakuja, version 2 head.

Kaneki's centipede kakuja

Kaneki’s Dragon Kakuja, version 2 body.

Kaneki filling the streets

Kaneki’s kakuja consuming the streets.

Kaneki killing S3 Squad members

Deformed creatures produced by Kaneki’s kakuja.

Lifeless husks created by kaneki's kagune

Lifeless humanoid husks generated by Kaneki’s kagune.

Kaneki summoning his golems

Kaneki dispatching his golems to defend himself.

Kaneki creates Golems

Kaneki’s golems from up close.

Rize's Birth from Dragon

Kaneki’s titanic kakuja birthing the newly revived Rize.

Anime Depiction

Kaneki showing his kagune

Kaneki’s kagune, version 1.

Kaneki's Kagune Anime

Kaneki’s kagune, version 2.

Centipede one tail

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — one centipede tail.

Twin-centipede tails

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja — twin centipede tails.

Kaneki's kagune sprouts from his kakuja

Kaneki’s incomplete kakuja used alongside his rinkaku kagune.

Kaneki 3 fingered kagune

Haise’s Kagune as a three-fingered claw.

Sasaki Kagune Blade

Haise creates a blade from his kagune.

Haise kagune

Haise’s Kagune.

Kaneki's Kakuja V2 (Anime)

Sasaki’s kakuja, version 2.

Kaneki's Kagune Arm Transformed (Anime)

Kaneki’s kagune arm transformed.

Kaneki Surrounds Arima With A Cage Made Of His Kagune (Anime)

Kaneki surrounds Arima with a cage made of his kagune.

Kaneki's Kagune Cage Becomes A Trap (Anime)

Kaneki’s kagune cage becomes a trap.

Dragon coiled around Tokyo anime

Kaneki’s Dragon kakuja wrapped around a large section of Tokyo.

Ken Kaneki's final kakuja anime

Kaneki (Post-Dragon) Kakuja, Version 5


Kaneki (Post-Dragon) Kakuja, Version 5 Armor

Ken Kaneki Kakuja (143)

Kaneki extending his kakuja’s blades.

Ken Kaneki Kakuja (147)

Kaneki forming a shield from his kakuja.

Ken Kaneki Kakuja Wings 1

Kaneki forming wings from his kakuja


Kaneki’s original kagune used for the last time to kill Rize


  • His biological surname, Kaneki, literally reads «gold/money tree«, containing the kanji for «gold, money«(金)(kane) and «tree«(木)(ki).
  • His real given name, Ken, uses the same kanji for «to sharpen«(研ぐ)(togu), although it could also mean «research«(研)(ken).
  • His other surname, Sasaki, translates to «helpful wood/tree«, containing the kanji for «help, aid«(佐)(sa), with (々) being an iteration mark, and «tree«(木)(ki).
  • His other name, Haise, contains the kanji for «coffee«(琲)(hai) and «world«(世)(se).


  • The name «Haise» was created by combining the kanji from «coffee» and «world». The kanji used for «Ken» is the same one used for «to sharpen» i.e. sharpen one’s fangs.
  • «Kaneki» translates as «gold tree» while «Sasaki» translates to «Helpful Wood».
  • Kaneki has a habit of touching his chin with his left hand when he is hiding something. This habit appears to be subconscious, as he still does it even after his memory loss.[51]
  • In the first character popularity poll, Kaneki was ranked first. In the latest, he was second while Haise Sasaki came third.
  • Kaneki shares the same birthday with Kishou Arima.
  • Kaneki likes reading, beautiful language, intellectual women, and hamburgers.[6]
  • Beginning with the Aogiri arc, Kaneki has been repeatedly associated with the number «12» in panels.[20][52] This is a reference to the tarot card The Hanged Man (XII).
  • Right before fighting Arima for the first time, the number seven can just be seen on his forehead meaning the chariot card which is about moving forward, determination and strength which is a theme of Kaneki moving forward despite everything(also possibly the line one thousand minus seven also ties into this). There are likely other numbers, but the one he is mostly associated with and seen the most is twelve as previoiusly mentioned, but seven seems to be the second most associated number with him.
  • His quinque, Yukimura 1/3, has been used by both Kishou Arima, as a teenager, and Take Hirako, when he was partnered with Arima.
  • Kaneki compares himself to Gregor Samsa, the unfortunate protagonist of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. In the sequel, he briefly discusses Kafka’s A Crossbreed with Arima — another story with strong parallels to his situation.
  • The sudden color changes in Kaneki’s hair are caused by the suppression of his Rc cell activity which has caused temporary melanin production that causes his hair color to change.[53]
  • His surname is a reference to novelist Osamu Dazai, who was born in Kanagi (金木) and most famous for his novel No Longer Human. When they meet at the book signing, Eto briefly discusses this with him.[54]
  • The relationship between Sasaki and his mental projection of «Kaneki» is akin to his relationship with his projection of «Rize» in the past as Kaneki. «Rize» would often tempt Kaneki to give in to his ghoul self, while «Kaneki» tried to have Sasaki accept him. Both projections represent the ghoul side of himself.
  • Both Kaneki and Yamori went through similar torture methods and were both completely changed from their previous selves. Yamori turned into psychotic killer who killed more for fun than to eat, while Kaneki became cold and ruthless, but retained his desire to protect his friends.
  • In Tokyo Ghoul Trump, Kaneki and Sasaki are each featured as the «Ace of Hearts» and Kaneki is also featured on the «Queen of Hearts» card alongside Rize. In a redistributed version, he is also featured as a «White Joker.»
  • In the anime, Kaneki joined Aogiri at the beginning of the second season, which differs greatly from the manga in which Kaneki forms a group with Banjou, Hinami and some other ghouls.
  • In Tokyo Ghoul √A, according to Sui Ishida’s rough drafts, Tatara insisted that Kaneki eat Taguchi to prove his loyalty to Aogiri Tree. However, Noro ate her before Kaneki and Tatara had finished arguing. This scene was cut out from the finalized work.
  • Because of Tooru Mutsuki, Ishida has stated that he often forgets over which eye he needs to put the eyepatch on Kaneki.[55]
  • In the official English translation of :re Volume 1, Haise Sasaki’s birthday is incorrectly given as April 22nd.
  • Kaneki joined Aogiri because they were the only group who posed a threat to Anteiku.
  • Kaneki never actually ate Yamori. He only ate his Kagune and left him for dead, thus allowing Juuzou Suzuya to recover the dying body of Yamori and to make a Quinque of it.
  • Kaneki’s hair being white may be based on the Japanese trope in media that half demons have white hair.
  • Kaneki’s appearance resembles the character Hiroto from Sui Ishida’s previous work from the Penisman manga. He has black hair which then became white and an eyepatch.
  • Kaneki, like Eto, resembles a character from the Japanese horror visual novel Saya No Uta. Fuminori and Kaneki both have had their sense of taste altered by an accident and eventually change to begin eating humans. The hair colour(black) and the fact that his black reaper persona somewhat visually and emotionally resemble him. It is a likely inspiration considering said horror constantly deals with flesh a lot(also both Fuminori and Kaneki are both main characters).
  • Fans tend to compare him to Alex Mercer a lot, considering his flesh tendril based abilities, black hair and hoodie are all possible inspirations.
  • People also compare him to Parasyte’s protagonist Shinichi due to his black hair and becoming less human, as it is also a dark story that questions humanity also another likely inspiration.


Tokyo Ghoul

  • To himself: «I’m not the protagonist of a novel or anything. I’m just a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But… if, for argument’s sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be… a tragedy.»[7]
  • To Touka (desperately clinging to his human self): «Why… Why am I doing this? I-I was wrong to eat that meat after all. That was what I thought, and I desperately looked for another way. Even so, this is not what I want. This is not the way! H-Human meat… there is no way I can eat it. How can I possibly eat it, because, I’m human! I’m different from you monsters!»[56]
  • To himself: «In exchange for the pleasure of living as a person that ghouls can have… we receive this instead. We’re overwhelmed by our appetites. I understand the feeling of sinking into pleasure. In some ways, it’s only natural that… some ghouls like Rize-san exist. However… I’m not going to lose sight of myself. That’s my way of fighting.»[28]
  • To Nishiki (about human and ghoul relations): «I know… there are ghouls who only see humans as targets to be preyed upon — and on the other hand, there are humans who have decided that ghouls are only inhuman monsters… But I don’t think either of those are correct. I think what’s necessary is the ‘right distance.’ Instead of mutually tramping on each others’ existence we should just respect each other a little more.»[57]
  • To Rize (in his hallucination): «I won’t let that happen. Not just Aogiri, anyone who dares to take away my place to be. I won’t forgive anyone who threatens the peace in my life. It’s just like hand-picking coffee beans. For the sake of a good cup of coffee, we pluck out the ones that are trash.»[20]
  • To himself (while cannibalizing Kanou’s failed experiments): «In this world, the strong devour the weak. Who are the strong? I am. I fucking am!»[14]
  • To himself: «Mother, mother, heey~ I’m distorted. Me? Me? Mememe. Because I’m going to protect everyone…»[58]
  • To himself in a lucid state in Tokyo Ghoul √A: «M-my fingers… on the plier… C-centipedes… i-in my ears… [laughs] A thousand minus… A-A thousand minus… s-seven… seven is what…?»[59]

Tokyo Ghoul: Days

  • To Hide: «Cain used to be seen as evil, you know. Well, I mean, he can be understood as being ‘evil’ now, too. But if you just think about Cain, you can kind of see that he had to do what he did to be able to carry on, I think. It would’ve been unbearable for him, you know?»[60]
  • To himself (internally): «I want to be a bridge, telling ghouls how people feel and letting people know what ghouls think and feel. Because there’s nothing but hatred between the two groups now, but if each had an understanding of the other, I think that could change. Even if my presence is unwanted, I still want to be involved with both humans and ghouls.»[61]
  • To Touka: «Fiction books give the reader a chance to step away from their own reality and into the shoes of the characters, and they show you a world that isn’t the one you already know. And sometimes the story’s not so different from you own, and it lets you get closer to your own feelings. So when you close a book you’ve just finished reading and return to reality, all the pain and sadness you couldn’t put into words before are still there on those pages. And that can be comforting.»[61]
  • To himself (internally): «Sometimes you’re confronted with the ugly parts of yourself that you don’t want to see, but books can also tell you a lot about the things you didn’t notice when you’re just trying to get through somehow.»[61]

Tokyo Ghoul:re

  • To Haise (in a dream): «That excellence right now is a nuisance. That’s right. Donato has to keep proving himself. He wants to prove just how valuable he is. Isn’t that the case with you as well? Because you are the same as Donato. All you’re doing is indulging in this twisted self-value that you have to yourself. And if you don’t, you won’t last. Eventually, you will break and become useless. Once that happens, you’ll break and become discarded. Right, Haise?»[62]
  • To himself: «I… might die today. No… to be correct… it’s either I die, or I disappear. There’s only two options. The power I need to deal with him… is way too much… if I have to resort to him… I will… disappear.»[63]
  • To Akira: «Why, why are you hiding it?! Is… Is it because I’m the Eyepatch ghoul? Is it because I was the one who killed Amon Koutarou? The fear of waking up and knowing nothing. Do you know what that’s like? How I can only cling onto what’s given to me… How I don’t even know my own parents… Where did I even come from…? I… I… Who am I? I’m not Haise!! I am… I am…»[64]
  • To Eto: «Actually, I wonder… Why do I have to save trash like you?»
  • To Urie: «All losses in this world are due to a lack of ability. If you want to curse something, curse your own weakness.»[65]
  • To Hide in his thoughts: «…Hide. I… just like you, I want to give my life for someone else (I want to die in style).»[24]
  • To Hide (in his mind): «Hide… You know… I… I’m so lonely without you…»[22]
  • To himself (accepting himself): «Black and blue, turning and over-turning the things I’d chosen countless times, forever repeating the same actions… Ungainly. Awkward. Indecisive. Weak. Endlessly useless. That is what I am.»[41]
  • To himself: «At Death’s door, I finally stumbled upon the twisted truth. Rize, Hide, it was always all inside me, after all. They were nothing but an extension of myself. The people I want to meet. The things I want to be told. ‘Hide’ll stop me for sure.’ As soon as I began to think that somewhere inside me, I myself began wishing for it. Wishing that I’d live.»[41]
  • To Kiyoko and Mougan: «I am the One-Eyed King.»[1]
  • To the ghouls: «I will carry on the last wish of the previous King, and create a world where ghouls and humans can understand each other.»[53]
  • To the ghouls: «‘Ghouls are to be exterminated.’ ‘In order to live, we must kill and eat humans.’ The reason our mutually destructive relationship has never changed is because we have never, together, made an attempt to [make] even the smallest step forward. Ghouls and humans can understand each other… The fact that I, who was once a human, stand here before you is proof enough.»[53]
  • To Amon: «It’s because we’re the same. Isolated from society, able to consume a few specific things… They remind me of myself. I really believed I was a kind hearted human, but… I was mistaken. There were a few humans that were important to me, but I couldn’t care less about the majority of them. I don’t care about taking the side of those I cannot see. I fight for those close to me. And it just so happens that they’re mostly ghouls.»[66]
  • To Shinsanpei: I’m not that much of a pushover, greenhorn.»[67]
  • To himself: «I won’t pull back, I will press forward, like a centipede.»[4]
  • To Furuta: «Furuta, I was the sort of human you’d find anywhere. The kind that just loves reading. But on that fateful day with Rize, I was sundered from the human world. And everything began to change. My life was threatened. I was horrifically tortured, unable to achieve what I wanted, I even lost. But I found a new place I belonged. Allies. Friends. People I could call my teachers. People I love. and even though I have erred so much, and hurt so many, I simply don’t believe that it was all for naught. And that’s why even if I were to know everything that’d happen after, I still would have gone to meet Rize that day. To me, all of it was necessary. This world… This world isn’t wrong. It just is. And even if «eventually» everything will come to naught, I’ll still strive like I did today, Furuta.»[68]
  • To himself: «If, lets say, you were to write a story with me as the main character, it would certainly be a tragedy. No. Everyone’s the same, in fact. He’s the main character of his novel, and she’s the main character of her movie. All those that walk this earth are the main characters of their own tragedies. All steal, and from all, something is stolen. We can’t help it. That’s who we are. Steal, and be stolen. Imprison, and be imprisoned. Follow, and be followed. Do, and be done. Affirm and negate over and over. We fight ceaselessly to save ourselves from loss. And yet the people and places we love will one day surely be lost. We will all surely be forgotten. Life is sad. Empty. But, despite knowing we will one day be bereft, despite knowing we will one day disappear, we still strive in wretched ways. We still wish to be beautiful. And I consider. “Which one?” I choose. “This one.” Forever choosing, forever being chosen. Nothing more. Nothing less.»[69]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 86
  2. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 107
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 44
  4. 4.0 4.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 144
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Haise Sasaki’s character profile in :re Volume 1.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Ken Kaneki’s character profile in Volume 1.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 1
  8. 8.0 8.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 1
  9. 9.0 9.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 9
  10. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 145
  11. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 106
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 7
  13. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 60
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 100
  15. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 3
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 88
  17. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 13
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 61
  19. 19.0 19.1 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 62
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 63
  21. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 53
  22. 22.0 22.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 75
  23. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 59
  24. 24.0 24.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 68
  25. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 79
  26. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 109
  27. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 39
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 26
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 139
  30. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 47
  31. 31.0 31.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 54
  32. 32.0 32.1 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 56
  33. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 105
  34. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 134
  35. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 103
  36. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 74
  37. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 50
  38. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 58
  39. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 75
  40. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 73
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 76
  42. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 8
  43. 43.0 43.1 Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 98
  44. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 135
  45. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 52
  46. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 31
  47. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 61
  48. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 81
  49. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 102
  50. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 41
  51. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 17
  52. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 126
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 99
  54. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 109
  55. Sui Ishida’s comments on the icon stickers celebrating :re Chapter 100.
  56. Tokyo Ghoul Episode 1
  57. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 47
  58. Tokyo Ghoul Chapter 101
  59. Tokyo Ghoul Episode 5
  60. Tokyo Ghoul: Days Chapter 1
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 Tokyo Ghoul: Days Chapter 5
  62. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 3
  63. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 27
  64. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 45
  65. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 57
  66. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 119
  67. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 124
  68. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 176
  69. Tokyo Ghoul:re Chapter 177

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[v · e · ?]


Leader: Ken Kaneki
Others: Shuu Tsukiyama  •  Take Hirako  •  Naki  •  Kazuichi Banjou  •  Fuka †  •  Nishiki Nishio  •  Renji Yomo  •  Touka Kirishima  •  Ayato Kirishima  •  Hinami Fueguchi  •  Kaya Irimi †  •  Enji Koma †  •  Kurona Yasuhisa  •  Hooguro  •  Shousei Idera  •  Miza Kusakari  •  Chie Hori  •  Rikai Souzu †  •  Yusa Arima  •  Shio Ihei †  •  Tago †
Former Members: Seidou Takizawa
Associated people: Koutarou Amon  •  Mirumo Tsukiyama  •  Tycho Johannes  •  Hisashi Ogura  •  Akira Mado  •  Yuki

[v · e · ?]

Kaneki’s group

Former Members
Leader: Ken Kaneki
Others: Hinami Fueguchi  •  Ichimi  •  Jiro  •  Kazuichi Banjou  •  Sante  •  Shuu Tsukiyama
Associates: Chie Hori

[v · e · ?]


Former Staff
Manager: Yoshimura
Waiters: Enji Koma  •  Kaya Irimi  •  Ken Kaneki (Formerly)  •  Nishiki Nishio  •  Roma Hoito  •  Touka Kirishima
Others: Hetare (Pet)  •  Renji Yomo

[v · e · ?]


Former Members
Leader: Kazuichi Banjou
Others: Haru † (Anime Only)  •  Ichimi  •  Jiro  •  Ken Kaneki  •  Kei †  •  Kouto †  •  Moku †  •  Sante  •  Shuu † (Anime Only)  •  Tetsu †  •  Usu

[v · e · ?]

Aogiri Tree

Former Members
Leadership: Eto Yoshimura  •  Kishou Arima †
Direct Subordinates: Noro †  •  Tatara †
Executives: Ayato Kirishima  •  Bin brothers †  •  Ken Kaneki (Anime Only, Defected)  •  Miza Kusakari  •  Naki  •  Yakumo Oomori †
Others: Akihiro Kanou †  •  Gagi and Guge †  •  Hinami Fueguchi  •  Hooguro  •  Karao Saeki †  •  Kimi Nishino  •  Mitsushita †  •  Okahira  •  Shikorae  •  Shousei Idera  •  Yuki  •  Yumitsu Tomoe
Former Associates: Ichimi (Defected)  •  Jiro (Defected)  •  Kazuichi Banjou (Defected)  •  Kei (Defected)  •  Kouto (Defected)  •  Matasaka Kamishiro (Defected)  •  Moku (Defected)  •  Nico (Former Associate)  •  Sante (Defected)  •  Seidou Takizawa (Defected)  •  Tetsu (Defected)  •  Usu (Defected)

[v · e · ?]

Commission of Counter Ghoul

Higher Ups
Chairman: Tsuneyoshi Washuu †  •  Yoshiu Washuu †  •  Daikichi Washuu †
Main Office Bureau Director: Kichimura Washuu / Nimura Furuta † (Resigned)  •  Matsuri Washuu (Defected)  •  Yoshitoki Washuu †
Division Directors: Kiyoko Aura (Division I)  •  Itsuki Marude (Division II)
Branch Directors: Mougan Tanakamaru (2nd Ward) (Resigned)  •  Kousuke Houji † (5th Ward)  •  Kamemochi (20th Ward)
Special Class Investigator: Iwao Kuroiwa  •  Juuzou Suzuya  •  Kishou Arima †  •  Kiyoko Aura  •  Koori Ui  •  Kousuke Houji †  •  Mikito Urie †  •  Mougan Tanakamaru (Resigned)  •  Tooru Mutsuki
Associate Special Class Investigator: Arine †  •  Chuu Hachikawa †  •  Daisuke Atou †  •  Kasuka Mado †  •  Shiki Kijima †  •  Kuki Urie  •  Taishi Fura
First Class Investigator: Ayumu Hogi  •  Hairu Ihei †  •  Hidenori Tateshima  •  Hirokazu Tainaka  •  Juuji Isoyama  •  Keijin Nakarai  •  Kenta Isai  •  Kuramoto Itou  •  Kureo Mado †  •  Naoto Hayashimura  •  Niharu †  •  Nobu Shimoguchi †  •  Ryouta Ooshiba †  •  Yanagi  •  Yukio Kurodawara †  •  Yusa Arima
Rank 1 Investigator: Ching-Li Hsiao  •  Fuuma Yukimichi  •  Hanbee Abara  •  Katsuya Mabuchi  •  Miho Toga †  •  Miyuki Mikage  •  Mizurou Tamaki  •  Ryuuta Sawaike †  •  Shinji Michibata †  •  Shion Satomi †  •  Shunichi Shibashi †  •  Takeomi Kuroiwa  •  Tomonori Akai †  •  Tougo Kurumatani
Rank 2 Investigator: Erina Tagata †  •  Ginshi Shirazu †  •  Haru Fujimi  •  Hina Tougi †  •  Jun Numa †  •  Masami Umeno †  •  Misato Gori  •  Saiko Yonebayashi  •  Sakino Mura †  •  Shinsanpei Aura  •  Shougo Kukiyama  •  Toujou  •  Waka Asachi †  •  Yasuhito Nezu †  •  Yuuta Okamochi †
Rank 3 Investigator: Touma Higemaru
Unknown Rank: Hajime Hazuki †  •  Ippei Kusaba †  •  Mayuzumi †  •  Murata  •  Ruisawa  •  Touko Harima †  •  Yasutomo Nakajima  •  Okahira
Former Investigators: Koutarou Amon (Defected)  •  Take Hirako (Resigned)  •  Fujishige Iba (Retired)  •  Akira Mado (Defected)  •  Haise Sasaki (Defected)  •  Yukinori Shinohara (Resigned)  •  Seidou Takizawa (Defected)  •  Shio Ihei † (Defected)  •  Rikai Souzu † (Defected)
Unknown Status: Mutsumi Chino
Other Employees
Laboratory Division: Chieko  •  Kouitsu Chigyou  •  Shiba
Cochlea Wardens: Shinme Haisaki †  •  Kyouji Misaka †
Academy Instructors: Goumasa Tokage †  •  Uchino
Offices: Main Office  •  13th Ward Office  •  20th Ward Office
Training and Education: Academy  •  Training Center  •  Sunlit Garden
Ghoul Detention Centers: Cochlea  •  Corniculum
Other Facilities: Laboratory Division

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