Как правильно пишется машаллах на английском

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Mashallah in Arabic calligraphy

Mashallah (Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu), also written Masha’Allah, Maşallah (Turkey and Azerbaijan), Masya Allah (Malaysia and Indonesia), Maschallah (Germany), and Mašallah (Bosnia and Herzegovina), is an Arabic phrase that is used to express a feeling of awe or beauty regarding an event or person that was just mentioned. It is a common expression used throughout the Muslim world and among non-Muslim Arabs to mean, in its literal sense, that «what God has willed [has happened]».


The triconsonantal root of shāʾ is šīn-yāʼ-hamza «to will», a doubly-weak root. The literal English translation is «what God has willed»,[1] the present perfect of God’s will accentuating the essential Islamic doctrine of predestination.

The literal meaning of Mashallah is «what God has willed», in the sense of «what God has willed has happened»; it is used to say something good has happened, used in the past tense. Inshallah, literally «if God has willed», is used similarly but to refer to a future event.

Other uses[edit]

«Masha Allah» can be used to congratulate someone.[2] It is a reminder that although the person is being congratulated, ultimately God willed it.[3] In some cultures, people may utter Masha Allah in the belief that it may help protect them from jealousy, the evil eye or a jinn. The phrase has also found its way into the colloquial language of many non-Arab languages with predominantly Muslim speakers, including Indonesians, Malaysians, Persians, Turks, Kurds, Bosniaks, Azerbaijanis, Somalis, Chechens, Avars, Circassians, Bangladeshis, Tatars, Albanians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Tajiks, Afghans, Pakistanis, and others.

It is also used by some Christians and others in areas which were ruled by the Ottoman Empire: Serbs, Romanians, Christian Albanians, Bulgarians and Macedonians say «машала» («mašala»), often in the sense of «a job well done»;[4] also some Georgians, Armenians, Bosnian Croats, Pontic Greeks (descendants of those that came from the Pontus region), Cypriot Greeks[5] and Sephardi Jews.[6]

See also[edit]

  • Inshallah
  • Tasbih
  • Tahmid
  • Tahlil
  • Takbir
  • Dhikr
  • As-Salamu Alaykum
  • Alayhi as-Salam
  • Salawat
  • B’ezrat Hashem
  • Mazel tov
  • Deo volente
  • Mongrall


  1. ^ MashAllah meaning Islamic-dictionary.com
  2. ^ Bhala, Raj (24 May 2011). Understanding Islamic Law. LexisNexis. p. 1143. ISBN 9781579110420.
  3. ^ Al Subaihi, Thamer (22 May 2013). «Mashallah: what it means, when to say it and why you should». Thenational.ae. Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  4. ^ Karadžić, Vuk (1818). Lexicon serbico-germanico-latinum. Gedruckt bei den P.P. Armeniern.
  5. ^ «μάσιαλλα». Wikipriaka.com.
  6. ^ Naar, Devin E. (2019-01-31). «Sephardic Studies and the boundaries of Jewish Studies: A year in review». jewishstudies.washington.edu.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Mashaallah)

Mashallah in Arabic calligraphy

Mashallah (Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu), also written Masha’Allah, Maşallah (Turkey and Azerbaijan), Masya Allah (Malaysia and Indonesia), Maschallah (Germany), and Mašallah (Bosnia and Herzegovina), is an Arabic phrase that is used to express a feeling of awe or beauty regarding an event or person that was just mentioned. It is a common expression used throughout the Muslim world and among non-Muslim Arabs to mean, in its literal sense, that «what God has willed [has happened]».


The triconsonantal root of shāʾ is šīn-yāʼ-hamza «to will», a doubly-weak root. The literal English translation is «what God has willed»,[1] the present perfect of God’s will accentuating the essential Islamic doctrine of predestination.

The literal meaning of Mashallah is «what God has willed», in the sense of «what God has willed has happened»; it is used to say something good has happened, used in the past tense. Inshallah, literally «if God has willed», is used similarly but to refer to a future event.

Other uses[edit]

«Masha Allah» can be used to congratulate someone.[2] It is a reminder that although the person is being congratulated, ultimately God willed it.[3] In some cultures, people may utter Masha Allah in the belief that it may help protect them from jealousy, the evil eye or a jinn. The phrase has also found its way into the colloquial language of many non-Arab languages with predominantly Muslim speakers, including Indonesians, Malaysians, Persians, Turks, Kurds, Bosniaks, Azerbaijanis, Somalis, Chechens, Avars, Circassians, Bangladeshis, Tatars, Albanians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Tajiks, Afghans, Pakistanis, and others.

It is also used by some Christians and others in areas which were ruled by the Ottoman Empire: Serbs, Romanians, Christian Albanians, Bulgarians and Macedonians say «машала» («mašala»), often in the sense of «a job well done»;[4] also some Georgians, Armenians, Bosnian Croats, Pontic Greeks (descendants of those that came from the Pontus region), Cypriot Greeks[5] and Sephardi Jews.[6]

See also[edit]

  • Inshallah
  • Tasbih
  • Tahmid
  • Tahlil
  • Takbir
  • Dhikr
  • As-Salamu Alaykum
  • Alayhi as-Salam
  • Salawat
  • B’ezrat Hashem
  • Mazel tov
  • Deo volente
  • Mongrall


  1. ^ MashAllah meaning Islamic-dictionary.com
  2. ^ Bhala, Raj (24 May 2011). Understanding Islamic Law. LexisNexis. p. 1143. ISBN 9781579110420.
  3. ^ Al Subaihi, Thamer (22 May 2013). «Mashallah: what it means, when to say it and why you should». Thenational.ae. Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  4. ^ Karadžić, Vuk (1818). Lexicon serbico-germanico-latinum. Gedruckt bei den P.P. Armeniern.
  5. ^ «μάσιαλλα». Wikipriaka.com.
  6. ^ Naar, Devin E. (2019-01-31). «Sephardic Studies and the boundaries of Jewish Studies: A year in review». jewishstudies.washington.edu.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Mashaallah)

Mashallah in Arabic calligraphy

Mashallah (Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ, romanized: mā shāʾa -llāhu), also written Masha’Allah, Maşallah (Turkey and Azerbaijan), Masya Allah (Malaysia and Indonesia), Maschallah (Germany), and Mašallah (Bosnia and Herzegovina), is an Arabic phrase that is used to express a feeling of awe or beauty regarding an event or person that was just mentioned. It is a common expression used throughout the Muslim world and among non-Muslim Arabs to mean, in its literal sense, that «what God has willed [has happened]».


The triconsonantal root of shāʾ is šīn-yāʼ-hamza «to will», a doubly-weak root. The literal English translation is «what God has willed»,[1] the present perfect of God’s will accentuating the essential Islamic doctrine of predestination.

The literal meaning of Mashallah is «what God has willed», in the sense of «what God has willed has happened»; it is used to say something good has happened, used in the past tense. Inshallah, literally «if God has willed», is used similarly but to refer to a future event.

Other uses[edit]

«Masha Allah» can be used to congratulate someone.[2] It is a reminder that although the person is being congratulated, ultimately God willed it.[3] In some cultures, people may utter Masha Allah in the belief that it may help protect them from jealousy, the evil eye or a jinn. The phrase has also found its way into the colloquial language of many non-Arab languages with predominantly Muslim speakers, including Indonesians, Malaysians, Persians, Turks, Kurds, Bosniaks, Azerbaijanis, Somalis, Chechens, Avars, Circassians, Bangladeshis, Tatars, Albanians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, Tajiks, Afghans, Pakistanis, and others.

It is also used by some Christians and others in areas which were ruled by the Ottoman Empire: Serbs, Romanians, Christian Albanians, Bulgarians and Macedonians say «машала» («mašala»), often in the sense of «a job well done»;[4] also some Georgians, Armenians, Bosnian Croats, Pontic Greeks (descendants of those that came from the Pontus region), Cypriot Greeks[5] and Sephardi Jews.[6]

See also[edit]

  • Inshallah
  • Tasbih
  • Tahmid
  • Tahlil
  • Takbir
  • Dhikr
  • As-Salamu Alaykum
  • Alayhi as-Salam
  • Salawat
  • B’ezrat Hashem
  • Mazel tov
  • Deo volente
  • Mongrall


  1. ^ MashAllah meaning Islamic-dictionary.com
  2. ^ Bhala, Raj (24 May 2011). Understanding Islamic Law. LexisNexis. p. 1143. ISBN 9781579110420.
  3. ^ Al Subaihi, Thamer (22 May 2013). «Mashallah: what it means, when to say it and why you should». Thenational.ae. Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  4. ^ Karadžić, Vuk (1818). Lexicon serbico-germanico-latinum. Gedruckt bei den P.P. Armeniern.
  5. ^ «μάσιαλλα». Wikipriaka.com.
  6. ^ Naar, Devin E. (2019-01-31). «Sephardic Studies and the boundaries of Jewish Studies: A year in review». jewishstudies.washington.edu.

Произношение машаллах
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио

машаллах – 19 результатов перевода

Тату из хны.

«Ислам Машаллах«.

Она означает: «радостное изумление».

It’s a henna tattoo.

«Islam Mashallah.»

It connotes joyous amazement.

— Машалла, брат.

— Ага, машалла.


— Mashallah, brother.

— Yeah, Mashallah.



(Фейсал) Машалла, брат Ворон.


Haven’t you?

Mashallah, brother Crow.


Я проинструктирован покарать этот говеный консьюмеристский безбожный фашистский, жрущий свой вонючий сыр применяющий пытки, спонсирующий бойни, кричащий «Смотри на меня, я с писюном наружу пляшу», смотрящий реалити-шоу, говорящий «Кому, бля, дело до убитых афганцев ?» Диснейленд.


— Машалла. брат Омар.

We have instructions to bring havoc to this bullshit, consumerist, godless, Paki-bashing, Gordon Ramsay «Taste the Difference» speciality cheddar, torture-endorsing, massacre-sponsoring, «Look-at-me-dancing-pissed with-my-nob-out», Sky1 Uncovered,

— Mashallah!

— Mashallah, brother Omar.

— Машалла!

Машалла. брат Омар.

— Машалла.

— Mashallah!

— Mashallah, brother Omar.

— Mashallah.

(Фейсал) Машалла, брат Ворон.


Ты делаешь это, брат, чтобы спасти брата Фейсала

Mashallah, brother Crow.


You’re doing this, right, to save brother Faisal.

— Ты вскрыл меня брат.


Вадж, брат…

— You ripped me up, bro.

— Mashallah.

Waj, bro …

Почему бы мне не быть шахидом когда вы обо мне так думаете?

Машалла, брат.

— Ага, машалла.

Why shouldn’t I be a bomber if you treat me like one?

— Mashallah, brother.

— Yeah, Mashallah.

— Машалла. брат Омар.


— (Вадж) На хер Вавилоны карликовые.

— Mashallah, brother Omar.

— Mashallah.

— Fuck mini Babybels.

— Аллах Акбар!

Машалла, брат.

Эй, мужик, ну че там?

Allahu Akbar!

Mashallah, brother.

Oh, what, man?



А это моя дочь…

He’s cute…


Look. This is my daughter…

Что за красавица. Машаллах!


Ада — это твое имя?

Well, aren’t you pretty, darling.

Mashallah! Mashallah!

Your name’s Ada, is it?

Вот ведь понастроили!


Ты говоришь, здесь можно найти все что угодно?

How on earth did they build this place?


You said there’s everything here, didn’t you?

В выходные бывает очень много народу.


Это слишком много для меня, сынок.

Weekends get very crowded.


That’s too much for me, son.

Пусть и тебе целуют руки!



I hope everyone’s as polite to you as you are to me!

Well, aren’t you pretty, darling.

Mashallah! Mashallah!



Это прекрасно.

A good friend?


That’s lovely.

Как у тебя красиво дома.


Прямо как в рекламах…

What a lovely home you have.


It’s just like the advertisements…

В этом и смысл — в нерабочее время безопасней.

Машалл Мэнн, Федеральный Прокурор, Карсон Систулли.

Дай пять, братишка.

Uh, that’s the idea— it’s off hours, more secure.

Ah, Marshall Mann, U.S. Attorney Carson Cistulli.

— Knock it up, Broseph. — Hey.

Моя милая принцесса-жена.


— (абдулла) Мы можем продолжить обсуждение?

My pretty princess wife.


Can we get back to the discussion, please?

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^ what a beautiful story, mashallah.

It was a beautiful experience, mashAllah.

Mashallah, you will be chairing the Non-Aligned Movement for three years.

Машаллах, в течение трех лет Вы будете председательствовать в Движении неприсоединения.

MashAllah, it could affect children, adults, livestock, and any kind of materialistic items, and the most vulnerable are the very young, the wealthy.

МашАллах, это может затронуть детей, взрослых, домашний скот и любые материальные предметы, а самыми уязвимыми являются очень молодые, богатые и красивые.

(Faisal) Mashallah, brother Crow.

(Фейсал) Машалла, брат Ворон.

Mashallah, that was a beautiful debate.

МашаАллах, это было прекрасное чувство.

What a great idea, mashallah!

Zaki is now fulfilling (Mashallah).

Furthermore, the Special Rapporteur raised his concerns for the following three journalists from the daily Tous, who were allegedly arrested after the closing down of the newspaper on 16 September 1998: editor Mashallah Shamsolva’ezin, publishing director Hamid Reza Jalaipour, and sub-editor Mohammad Javadi Hessar.

Кроме того, Специальный докладчик выразил озабоченность судьбой трех журналистов ежедневной газеты «Тус», которые были якобы арестованы после закрытия газеты 16 сентября 1998 года: редактор Машала Шамсолвазин, директор издательского отдела Хамид Реза Джалайпур и заместитель редактора Мохаммад Джавади Хесар.

You have two fridges, son! Mashallah!

Mashallah, beautifull poem!

I also have never seen so much money raised in such a short amount of time mashallah!

Даже мне никогда не предлагали столько денег за столь короткое произведение в прозе!

This is a beautiful story mashallah!

MashAllah, what great news!

Mashallah! is what we say when we see something good and wonderful happening.

МаашаЛлах — .Так говорят, когда видят что-то красивое или комментируют приятное событие.

Where ever I would go I would see this brother mashallah actively contributing.

On the first day of the contest, popular songs performed byNovruz Huseynov, Sariyya Primova, Miryusif Mirizadeh, Ulviyya Mammadzadeh, Shahmar Hajiyev, Nisbat Sardayeva, Turkay Malikova, Misir Mammadov, Sadaf Budagova and Mashallah Mirzaliyevwere listened and assessed by the jury.

В первый день конкурса жюри послушало и оценило народные песни в исполнении участников — Новруза Гусейнова, Сариййи Пиримовой, Мир-Юсифа Миризаде, Ульвии Мамедзаде, Шахмара Гаджиева, Нисбета Сардаева, Тюркай Меликовой, Садафа Будагова и Машаллаха Мирзалиева.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 20. Точных совпадений: 20. Затраченное время: 35 мс


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From Arabic مَا شَاءَ ٱللّٰه(mā šāʔa llāh).



  1. (Islam) Expressing the speaker’s gratitude for a blessing or their recognition of divine intervention in its occurrence. God willed it.
    • 2019, Maggie Paxson, The Plateau, Penguin, →ISBN, page 308:

      Mashallah, I hear Akhmad say. Mashallah. I ask him what it means. “Mashallah, it’s to be thankful. Something wonderful.” It means, literally, “God wills it.” And yet it seems, there’s a kind of joy inside the word, too. Some large, cosmic gratitude.

  2. (Islam) Expressing the speaker’s wish for a fortune to be maintained, especially against the evil eye; used in congratulation.
    Coordinate term: knock on wood
    • 2014, Na’ima B. Robert, She Wore Red Trainers: A Muslim Love Story, Kube Publishing Ltd, →ISBN:

      Mashallah, fine set of boys you’ve got here, sir,’ he smiled, shaking us all by the hand, and giving Jamal a mock punch on the shoulder. ‘Y’all new to the masjid?’ ‘ Yes, we are,’ Dad answered him. ‘It’s our first time here as a family.’

  3. An indication of excitement, surprise or astonishment. Wow!


  • Allah
  • inshallah
  • what hath God wrought (similar literal meaning and historically in usage)


God has willed it

  • Arabic: مَا شَاءَ ٱللَّه(mā šāʔa l-lah)
  • Azerbaijani: maşallah
  • Armenian: մաշալլա (hy) (mašalla)
  • Bengali: মাশাআল্লাহ্ (bn) (maśaallahô)
  • Finnish: kuten Allah haluaa, masha Allah
  • French: mashallah (fr)
  • Hindi: माशाल्लाह (māśāllāh), माशाअल्लाह (hi) (māśāallāh)
  • Indonesian: masya Allah (id)
  • Kazakh: мәшә Аллаһ (mäşä Allah), машалла (maşalla)
  • Kumyk: машаллагь (maşallah)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: maşelah
  • Ladino: mashala
  • Macedonian: машала (mašala)
  • Malay: masya Allah
  • Marathi: माशाल्लाह (māśāllāh)
  • Pashto: ماشأالله(māšalláh), ماشاء الله(māša’ lláh)
  • Persian: ماشاءالله (fa) (mâšâ’allah)
  • Russian: машалла́х (mašalláx), машаалла́х (mašaalláx)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: машаллах, машалах, машала
    Roman: mašallah, mašalah, mašala (sh)
  • Tajik: мошоллоҳ (mošolloh)
  • Thai: มาชาอัลลอฮ์ (maa-chaa-an-lɔɔ)
  • Turkish: maşallah (tr)
  • Urdu: ماشاءاللہ(māśā’allāh)
  • Uyghur: ماشائاللا(masha’alla)
  • Uzbek: mosholloh


  • mahallahs

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