Долма́ (далма, дулма, дурма, толма, сарма) — блюдо, представляющее собой начинённые овощи или листья (как правило, виноградные), голубцы в виноградных листьях. Начинка обычно готовится на основе риса, может также содержать отварной мясной фарш. Долма широко распространена в кухнях народов Закавказья, Балканского полуострова, Передней и Центральной Азии, а также Северной Африки. Каждая из национальных кухонь имеет свои варианты приготовления долмы.
Все значения слова «долма»
К долме бабушка подавала соус из йогурта с мятой и чесноком, маринованный кизил и горячий хлеб-тендир, кусочки которого мы обмакивали в зелёный бульон.
Но лучше сразу использовать для приготовления долмы или голубцов.
Например, на протяжении всей жизни мать зачастую готовила любимую сыном долму, даже закатывала летом виноградные листья в банки, чтобы можно было готовить это блюдо зимой, а для отца варила хаш, без которого он не мыслил своего существования.
- (все предложения)
- голубец
- рёбрышко
- корейка
- харчо
- кимчхи
- (ещё синонимы…)
Слово «долма» правильно пишется как «долма», с ударением на гласную — а (2-ой слог).
Оцени материал
6 голосов, оценка 4.333 из 5
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Поставить ударение в другом слове
spring948374 8 лет назад Долма — это традиционное восточное кушанье, главным ингредиентом которого являются виноградные листья. Кушанье это родом из южных стран, где виноград растет давно. Но теперь и жители России, почти всех регионов получили возможность кушать долму приготовленную из свежих листьев винограда, который выращивается на собственном приусадебном участке. Правильно написание этого существительного Долма, и происходит это слово от тюркского слова Долмак, то есть наполнить, так по крайней мере сообщает словарь. Ударение в нем ставится на второй слог: долмА. автор вопроса выбрал этот ответ лучшим комментировать в избранное ссылка отблагодарить Если Вы по поводу того блюда которое делают в Азербайджане, то правильно «долма», от глагола дол — вкладывать, всовывать, заворачивать, в этом случае блюдо с начинкой. В Армении, это блюдо называют толма, и это очевидно и есть правильно, так как толма — блюдо армянское, да простят меня друзья азербайджанцы. Наши голубцы ближайшие родственники толмы. комментировать в избранное ссылка отблагодарить Если возникает трудность, как писать правильно («далма» или «долма»), нужно помнить, что правильным вариантом будет «долма». Не существует такого слова как «далма», поэтому такое написание не будет верным. комментировать в избранное ссылка отблагодарить Знаете ответ? |
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- Слова русского языка
- Д
- долма
Правильно слово пишется: долма́
Ударение падает на 2-й слог с буквой а.
Всего в слове 5 букв, 2 гласных, 3 согласных, 2 слога.
Гласные: о, а;
Согласные: д, л, м.
Номера букв в слове
Номера букв в слове «долма» в прямом и обратном порядке:
- 5
1 - 4
2 - 3
3 - 2
4 - 1
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Долма́ (далма, дулма, дурма, толма, сарма) — блюдо, представляющее собой начинённые овощи или листья (как правило, виноградные), голубцы в виноградных листьях. Начинка обычно готовится на основе риса, может также содержать отварной мясной фарш. Долма широко распространена в кухнях народов Закавказья, Балканского полуострова, Передней и Центральной Азии, а также Северной Африки. Каждая из национальных кухонь имеет свои варианты приготовления долмы.
Все значения слова «долма»
К долме бабушка подавала соус из йогурта с мятой и чесноком, маринованный кизил и горячий хлеб-тендир, кусочки которого мы обмакивали в зелёный бульон.
Но лучше сразу использовать для приготовления долмы или голубцов.
Например, на протяжении всей жизни мать зачастую готовила любимую сыном долму, даже закатывала летом виноградные листья в банки, чтобы можно было готовить это блюдо зимой, а для отца варила хаш, без которого он не мыслил своего существования.
- (все предложения)
- голубец
- рёбрышко
- корейка
- харчо
- кимчхи
- (ещё синонимы…)
Морфологические и синтаксические свойства
падеж | ед. ч. | мн. ч. |
Им. | долма́ | *долмы́ |
Р. | долмы́ | *долм |
Д. | долме́ | *долма́м |
В. | долму́ | *долмы́ |
Тв. | долмо́й долмо́ю |
*долма́ми |
Пр. | долме́ | *долма́х |
Существительное, неодушевлённое, женский род, 1-е склонение (тип склонения 1b– по классификации А. А. Зализняка); формы мн. ч. предположительны или неупотребимы.
Корень: -долм-; окончание: -а.
- МФА: [dɐɫˈma]
Семантические свойства
- кулин. блюдо турецкой и азербайджанской кухни из овощей или листьев (обычно виноградных), начинённых рисом, фаршем и т. п., также вошедшее в армянскую и греческую кухню ◆ Согласись, Арменчик, дорогой, тут и долма, и лобио, и мацун ― всё приготовлено прекрасно. Алексей Грачев, «Ярый против видеопиратов», 1999 г. [НКРЯ] ◆ Приедешь ко мне в Мамедкалу, у меня там виноград растёт, жена долма сделает. Гулла Хирачев (Алиса Ганиева), «Салам тебе, Далгат!» (2009), Октябрь г. [НКРЯ]
- далма, дулма, дурма, толма, сарма, частичн. голубцы
- —
- блюдо; еда
Родственные слова
Ближайшее родство | |
От тюркск. dolmak «наполниться» (т.е. виноградный лист, наполненный мясом, рисом и специями).
Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания
Список переводов | |
- ладом, модал
- догма
Whole stuffed pepper and tomato dolma |
Course | Appetizer or main dish |
Region or state | Eastern Mediterranean, Levant, Anatolia, South Caucasus, Iraq, Iran, Central Asia, Egypt |
Serving temperature | Hot or room temperature |
Main ingredients | Varies |
Variations | vegetables, seafood, fruit, offal |
Dolma making and sharing tradition, a marker of cultural identity | |
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage |
Country | Azerbaijan |
Reference | 1188 |
Inscription history | |
Inscription | 2017 (12th session) |
Dolma (Turkish for «stuffed») is a family of stuffed dishes associated with Ottoman cuisine, and common in modern national cuisines of regions and countries that once were part of the Ottoman Empire.[1] Some types of dolma are made with whole vegetables, fruit, offal or seafood, while others are made by wrapping grape, cabbage, or other leaves around the filling. Wrapped dolma are known as sarma. They can be served warm or at room temperature.
Stuffed vegetable dishes have been a part of Middle Eastern cuisine for centuries.[2][better source needed] Recipes for stuffed eggplant have been found in Medieval Arabic cookbooks and, in Ancient Greek cuisine, fig leaves stuffed with sweetened cheese were called thrion.[3] The word dolma, of Turkish origin, means «something stuffed» or «filled».[4][5] (Turkish taxis are called dolmuş for similar reasons). In some of the former Ottoman countries, native names have been retained or have blended with Turkish language terms, for example, in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf and Damascus, stuffed leaves are called mahshi yabraq or mahshi brag, a combination of the Turkish word for leaf (yaprak) and the Arabic term for stuffed (mahshi).[6]
Several dolma recipes were recorded in 19th-century Iran by Naser al-Din Shah Qajar’s chef, including stuffed vine leaves, cabbage leaves, cucumbers, eggplants, apples, and quinces, with varied fillings prepared with ground meat, sauteed mint leaves, rice and saffron.[7] Iraqi Jewish families have a version of dolma with sweet and sour flavors that were not found in other versions.[8] Dolma are part of cuisine of the Sephardic Jews as well.[9] Jews in the Ottoman Empire used locally grown grape leaves and adopted the Turkish name of the dish.[10]
During winter months cabbage was a staple food for peasants in Persia and the Ottoman Empire, and it spread to the Balkans as well. Jews in Eastern Europe prepared variations of stuffed cabbage rolls with kosher meat—this dish is called golubtsy in Russian, holubtsi in Ukrainian, gołąbki in Polish and holishkes in Yiddish. As meat was expensive, rice was sometimes mixed in with the meat. Jews in Europe would sometimes substitute barley, bread or kasha (barley porridge) for the rice.[10] In the Persian Gulf, basmati rice is preferred, and the flavor of the stuffing may be enhanced using tomatoes, onions and cumin.[2] Cabbage rolls entered Swedish cuisine (where they are known as kåldolmar) after Charles XII, defeated by the Russians at the battle of Poltava, returned to Sweden in 1715 with his Turkish creditors and their cooks.[3]
Dolma dishes are found in Balkan, Southern Caucasian, Middle Eastern, North African, Mesopotamian, Persian, Israeli, Turkish, Maghrebi[11][12] and Central Asian cuisine.[1]
In 2017, dolma making in Azerbaijan was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.[13]
Stuffed green pepper and zucchini
There are many varieties of the zeytinyağlı (with olive oil) and sağyağlı (with clarified butter) dolmas. The zeytinyağlı dolmas are usually stuffed with rice and served cold with a garlic-yogurt sauce, but variations with meat based fillings are served warm, often with tahini or avgolemono sauce.[14][15]
Stuffed vine leaves
Stuffed vine leaves served with yogurt
The origins of stuffed vine leaves are unknown. They can be made with meat or grain fillings, and served with garlic yogurt, tarbiya or sweet and sour sauces made with pomegranate syrup and sour cherries. They are known as dolmeh in Iran, dolmades in Greece, tolma in Armenia, yarpaq dolması in Azerbaijan[16] and yebra in Syria.[17][18] Egyptians call this main course mahshi (also spelled mashi or mashy).[19] but traditionally, cabbage is used in the winter and vine leaves are used in the summer.[20] Stuffed vine leaves without any meat, called yalancı dolma in Turkish, are served at room temperature.
Cabbage rolls
In Persian cuisine basuts dolma is a dish of cabbage rolls stuffed with beans and tart fruits. It is wrapped with cabbage leaves, and stuffed with red beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, cracked wheat, tomato paste, onion and many spices and flavorings. Cabbage rolls are called Pasuts tolma (պասուց տոլմա) (Lenten dolma) in Armenian where they are of seven different grains – chickpea, bean, lentil, cracked wheat, pea, rice and maize.[citation needed] Armenian cooks sometimes use rose hip syrup to flavor stuffed cabbage rolls.[21] Cabbage rolls also known as kalam dolmasi in Azerbaijan[22]
Mülebbes dolma is a historic recipe from the Ottoman era.[23] Halep dolması—named for Aleppo—is a dish of eggplants stuffed with a meat and rice filling that is flavored with spices and either sour plum flavoring syrup or lemon juice.[24][25] Şalgam dolma are stuffed Russian turnips.[26][27]
Soğan dolması or stuffed onion
Soğan dolması («soğan» meaning «onion» in Turkish), or stuffed onions, are a traditional dish in Bosnia, considered the specialty of Mostar. Ingredients include onions, minced beef, rice, oil, tomato purée, paprika, vinegar or sour cream, strained yogurt (locally known as kiselo mlijeko, literally «sour milk»), black pepper, salt and spices. After the onion’s skin is removed, the larger, external, layers (leaves) of onion bulbs are used as containers, so-called «shirts» (Old Turk. «dolama(n)» for a special kind of Ottoman robe)[citation needed] for the meat stuffing. The remaining part of the onion is also used, mixed with the meat and fried on oil for a couple of minutes, to obtain the base of the stuffing. To extract the separate «shirts», the entire bulbs are cut on the top and then boiled until soft enough to be pried off, layer by layer. In order to prevent a further softening and crumbling, the bulbs should be blanched. The «shirts» are removed from the bulbs by slow and gentle finger pressure. Filled «shirts» («dolme») are boiled slowly at low heat in broth. The level of liquid should be sufficient to cover the dolmas entirely. Sogan-dolma are usually served with dense natural yogurt.[citation needed]
Enginar dolması is stuffed whole artichoke hearts. They may be stuffed with seasoned rice[28] or ground meat cooked in fresh tomato sauce with aleppo pepper.[29] Celery root may be substituted for the artichoke.[30]
A regional specialty from Mardin is a mixed dolma platter. The sumac and Urfa pepper seasoned rice filling is first wrapped with onion layers, vine leaves, and cabbage. The remainder of the rice is used to fill eggplant, zucchini, and stuffing peppers. The wrapped onion dolma are added on the bottom of a deep cooking pot and the stuffed vegetables, cabbage rolls, and stuffed vine leaves are layered on top of the onion dolmas. The entire pot of dolmas are cooked in sumac flavored water.[31]
There are also seafood variants of dolma. Stuffed mussels or Midye dolma may be filled with rice, onion, black pepper and pimento spice
The filling for kalamar dolma (stuffed calamari) is made from Halloumi cheese, onion, fresh bread crumbs, garlic and parsley. The whole tentacle is stuffed with the mixture and fried in a butter, olive oil and tomato sauce.[32] For another variation a whole small squid may be stuffed with a bulgur and fresh herb mixture and baked in the oven.[33]
Uskumru dolma (stuffed mackerel) is a staple of Istanbul cuisine. The version that was traditionally prepared by Armenian cooks is particularly well-regarded. After the fish is prepared by carefully separating the skin from the meat, the meat is sauteed with onions, currants, dried apricots, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ginger, fresh herbs and lemon juice. The entire mixture is stuffed into the whole, intact skin. The stuffed mackerel is then either baked or preferably grilled long enough to brown the skin.[33][34]
Sardines (sardalya) may be stuffed with a filling of kashar cheese, tomato, onion, dill and parsley.[35] In Turkey, stuffed sardines may be served as a mezze platter at traditional taverns called meyhane.[36]
There are several varieties of dolma made with offal. Dalak dolması, widely considered a delicacy of Armenian origin, is spleen stuffed with rice that has been seasoned with allspice, salt, pepper, mint, parsley and onion. It may be served an accompaniment with anise-flavored liquor like arak, rakı, ouzo or oghi.[37][38]
Mumbar dolma is intestine stuffed with a moist mixture of ground meat, rice, pepper, cumin and salt. The stuffed intestine is then boiled in water until it is cooked thoroughly, after which it may be sliced and fried in butter before serving.[39]
Fruit-based dolmas
There are some fruit-based dolmas as well like şekerli ayva dolması (stuffed quinces with a rice and currant filling, flavored with coriander, cinnamon and sugar)[40] and pekmezli ayva dolması (meat and bulgur stuffed quince flavored with a traditional Turkish syrup, similar to molasses, called pekmez).[41] Pekmez is also an ingredient in the meat-based variants of elma dolması (stuffed apples) and sarı erık dolması (stuffed yellow plums).[42] Iranian Azerbaijanis and Persian Jews may serve stuffed quince, called dolma bay, as a Sabbath meal or during Sukkot.[43]
One filling for stuffed apples is made from a high-quality cubed lamb shoulder called kuşbaşı, ground lamb, and rice. First black grapes are boiled together with sumac—the resulting sumac flavored grape juice is drained and reserved. The kuşbaşı lamb is cooked in this sumac flavored grape juice. The apples are stuffed with a mixture of ground lamb combined with rice, salt, pepper and layered in a pot on top of the cooked chunks of kuşbaşı. The apples are cooked in the remaining sumac flavored grape juice. Dried apricots and blanched almonds are added to the pot near the end of the cooking process.[44] A meatless variant of the filling is made from a sauteed mixture of diced apples, diced pears, walnuts, hazelnut, currants, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise. The hollowed out apples are stuffed with the mixture and baked in the oven. This version may be garnished with powdered sugar.[45]
Stuffed melons were part of the Ottoman palace cuisine. The recipe survives in modern Yemenite and Armenian cooking.[46]
Religious celebrations and customs
It is customary for Jewish families to eat stuffed cabbage on Simchat Torah.[10]
Assyrians prepare meatless dolmas for Lent.[47] When traditional ingredients are not available, the Armenian Christian community in West Bengal celebrates Christmas with potoler dorma, a local variation from Anglo-Indian cuisine.[48] Stuffed vegetables called gemista or tsounidis are also common in Greek cuisine.[3]
Muslim families often serve dolma as part of the iftar meal during Ramadan and during the Eid al-Fitr celebrations that mark the end of the holy month. Large pots of dolma are prepared during the Novruz festival.[49]
See also
- Dolma Festival in Armenia
- List of stuffed dishes
- Sheikh al-mahshi, zucchini stuffed with minced lamb meat and pine nuts in yogurt sauce
- ^ a b Davidson, Alan. The Oxford Companion to Food. p. 258.
- ^ a b Salloum, Habeeb (2012-02-28). Arabian Nights Cookbook: From Lamb Kebabs to Baba Ghanouj, Delicious Homestyle Arabian Cooking. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4629-0524-9.
- ^ a b c Perry, Charles Perry (2014-11-20). «Dolma». The Oxford Companion to Food. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-967733-7. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ Ayto, John (2013). «Dolmades». The Diner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-964024-9. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ «Dolma». Merriam Webster.
- ^ Davidson, Alan (1999). Oxford Companion to Food. p. 253.
- ^ Ghanoonparvar, M. R. (1995). «DOLMA». In Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.). Encyclopædia Iranica, Volume VII/5: Divorce IV–Drugs. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 478–479. ISBN 978-1-56859-023-3.
- ^ Meri, Josef (2016-06-23). The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations. Routledge. p. 486. ISBN 978-1-317-38321-5.
- ^ Kittler, Pamela Goyan; Sucher, Kathryn P.; Nelms, Marcia (2011-08-22). Food and Culture. Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0-538-73497-4.
- ^ a b c «The Jews, stuffed cabbage and Simchat Torah». Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 2012-10-07. Archived from the original on 2017-11-10. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ Janes, Lauren; Bourguignon, Hélène (2014). «Curiosité gastronomique et cuisine exotique dans l’entre-deux-guerres: Une histoire de goût et de dégoût». Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire (in French). 123 (3): 69. doi:10.3917/vin.123.0069. ISSN 0294-1759.
- ^ «Aubergines à l’algérienne». Le Pot-au-feu: 245. 1934.
- ^ Dolma making and sharing tradition, a marker of cultural identity Archived 2017-12-07 at the Wayback Machine. UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
- ^ Kopka, Deborah (2011-09-01). Passport Series: Middle East. Milliken Publishing Company. ISBN 978-1-4291-2261-0.
- ^ Marks, Gil (2010-11-17). Encyclopedia of Jewish Food. HMH. ISBN 978-0-544-18631-6. Archived from the original on 2016-08-10.
- ^ King, David C. (2006). Azerbaijan. Marshall Cavendish. ISBN 978-0-7614-2011-8.
- ^ Marks, Gil (2008-03-11). Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities Around the World. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 978-0-544-18750-4.
- ^ Marks, Gil (2010-11-17). Encyclopedia of Jewish Food. HMH. ISBN 978-0-544-18631-6.
- ^ Hervé Beaumont (2008). Egypte (in French). Editions Marcus. pp. 36–. ISBN 978-2-7131-0269-1.
- ^ Andrew Humphreys (1998). Cairo. Lonely Planet. p. 156. ISBN 978-0-86442-548-5.
- ^ Duguid, Naomi (2016-09-06). Taste of Persia: A Cook’s Travels Through Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Kurdistan. Artisan Books. ISBN 978-1-57965-727-7.
- ^ King, David C. (2006). Azerbaijan. Marshall Cavendish. ISBN 978-0-7614-2011-8.
- ^ Virgül. Pusula Yayıncılık. 2007. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30.
- ^ Vakfı, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih (1994). Dünden bugüne İstanbul ansiklopedisi. Kültür Bakanlığı. ISBN 978-975-7306-06-1.
- ^ Erdoğdu, Şeref (1999). Ankaram. T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı. ISBN 978-975-17-2180-8.
- ^ Turkish folk culture researches. Halk Kültürünü Araştırma Dairesi. 1990.
- ^ Zat, Vefa (2002). Eski İstanbul meyhaneleri. ISBN 978-975-470-998-8.
- ^ «İzmir Usulü Enginar Dolması». Sabah. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ «Kıymalı enginar dolması tarifi». Mıllıyet Haber — Türkıye’nın Haber Sıtesı. Archived from the original on 2018-06-29. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
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- ^ «Zeytinyağlı Sumaklı Karışık Dolma tarifi — Haber — Mutfağım». Kanal D. 5 April 2013. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ Migros Türkiye. Kalamar Dolması Tarifi. Event occurs at 60 seconds. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ a b Basan, Ghillie (1997-04-15). Classic Turkish Cooking. Macmillan. p. 138. ISBN 978-0-312-15617-6.
- ^ YAŞİN, Mehmet. «Uskumru mu kolyoz mu?». Archived from the original on 2017-11-01. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ «Sardalya Dolma». Sabah. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ Zat, Erdir (2014). Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi: Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi. Overteam Yayınları. ISBN 978-605-5058-11-1.
- ^ Kesmez, Melisa; Aydın, Mehmet Said. Rakı Cep Ansiklopedisi: Rakı Cep Ansiklopedisi. Overteam Yayınları. ISBN 978-605-5058-00-5. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30.
- ^ Zat, Erdir (2014). Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi: Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi. Overteam Yayınları. ISBN 978-605-5058-11-1.
- ^ Kaptan, Şükrü Tekin (1988). Denizli’nin halk kültürü ürünleri: bölgesel folklor karakterleri. Ş.T. Kaptan.
- ^ Üçer, Müjgân (2006). Anamın aşı tandırın başı: Sivas mutfağ̮ı : il merkezi ve ilçe yemekleri : gelenek, görenek, inançlar ve sözlü kültür. Kitabevi.
- ^ Toygar, Kâmil; Toygar, Nimet Berkok (2005). Ankara’da bağcılık ve bağ kültürü. Birlik Matbaacılık. ISBN 978-975-95216-5-3.
- ^ Jaine, Tom (1988). Taste: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery. ISBN 9780907325390. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ Marks, Gil (1999-09-02). The: World of Jewish Cooking. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-684-83559-4.
- ^ «Terkib-i Tuffahiyye (Elma Dolması)». Sabah. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ «İçi Dolu Fıçıcık: Elma Dolması». Migros. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ Lovegren, Sylvia (15 April 2016). Melon: A Global History. ISBN 9781780236186.
- ^ Albala, Ken (2011). Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 255. ISBN 9781449618117.
- ^ «It’s Christmas in January for Armenians — Times of India». The Times of India. Retrieved 2018-08-13.
- ^ Albala, Ken (2011). Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-0-313-37626-9.
- Alan Davidson, The Oxford Companion to Food. ISBN 0-19-211579-0.
- Gosetti Della Salda, Anna (1967). Le ricette regionali italiane (in Italian). Milano: Solares.
- Media related to Dolma at Wikimedia Commons
Whole stuffed pepper and tomato dolma |
Course | Appetizer or main dish |
Region or state | Eastern Mediterranean, Levant, Anatolia, South Caucasus, Iraq, Iran, Central Asia, Egypt |
Serving temperature | Hot or room temperature |
Main ingredients | Varies |
Variations | vegetables, seafood, fruit, offal |
Dolma making and sharing tradition, a marker of cultural identity | |
UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage |
Country | Azerbaijan |
Reference | 1188 |
Inscription history | |
Inscription | 2017 (12th session) |
Dolma (Turkish for «stuffed») is a family of stuffed dishes associated with Ottoman cuisine, and common in modern national cuisines of regions and countries that once were part of the Ottoman Empire.[1] Some types of dolma are made with whole vegetables, fruit, offal or seafood, while others are made by wrapping grape, cabbage, or other leaves around the filling. Wrapped dolma are known as sarma. They can be served warm or at room temperature.
Stuffed vegetable dishes have been a part of Middle Eastern cuisine for centuries.[2][better source needed] Recipes for stuffed eggplant have been found in Medieval Arabic cookbooks and, in Ancient Greek cuisine, fig leaves stuffed with sweetened cheese were called thrion.[3] The word dolma, of Turkish origin, means «something stuffed» or «filled».[4][5] (Turkish taxis are called dolmuş for similar reasons). In some of the former Ottoman countries, native names have been retained or have blended with Turkish language terms, for example, in the Arab states of the Persian Gulf and Damascus, stuffed leaves are called mahshi yabraq or mahshi brag, a combination of the Turkish word for leaf (yaprak) and the Arabic term for stuffed (mahshi).[6]
Several dolma recipes were recorded in 19th-century Iran by Naser al-Din Shah Qajar’s chef, including stuffed vine leaves, cabbage leaves, cucumbers, eggplants, apples, and quinces, with varied fillings prepared with ground meat, sauteed mint leaves, rice and saffron.[7] Iraqi Jewish families have a version of dolma with sweet and sour flavors that were not found in other versions.[8] Dolma are part of cuisine of the Sephardic Jews as well.[9] Jews in the Ottoman Empire used locally grown grape leaves and adopted the Turkish name of the dish.[10]
During winter months cabbage was a staple food for peasants in Persia and the Ottoman Empire, and it spread to the Balkans as well. Jews in Eastern Europe prepared variations of stuffed cabbage rolls with kosher meat—this dish is called golubtsy in Russian, holubtsi in Ukrainian, gołąbki in Polish and holishkes in Yiddish. As meat was expensive, rice was sometimes mixed in with the meat. Jews in Europe would sometimes substitute barley, bread or kasha (barley porridge) for the rice.[10] In the Persian Gulf, basmati rice is preferred, and the flavor of the stuffing may be enhanced using tomatoes, onions and cumin.[2] Cabbage rolls entered Swedish cuisine (where they are known as kåldolmar) after Charles XII, defeated by the Russians at the battle of Poltava, returned to Sweden in 1715 with his Turkish creditors and their cooks.[3]
Dolma dishes are found in Balkan, Southern Caucasian, Middle Eastern, North African, Mesopotamian, Persian, Israeli, Turkish, Maghrebi[11][12] and Central Asian cuisine.[1]
In 2017, dolma making in Azerbaijan was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists.[13]
Stuffed green pepper and zucchini
There are many varieties of the zeytinyağlı (with olive oil) and sağyağlı (with clarified butter) dolmas. The zeytinyağlı dolmas are usually stuffed with rice and served cold with a garlic-yogurt sauce, but variations with meat based fillings are served warm, often with tahini or avgolemono sauce.[14][15]
Stuffed vine leaves
Stuffed vine leaves served with yogurt
The origins of stuffed vine leaves are unknown. They can be made with meat or grain fillings, and served with garlic yogurt, tarbiya or sweet and sour sauces made with pomegranate syrup and sour cherries. They are known as dolmeh in Iran, dolmades in Greece, tolma in Armenia, yarpaq dolması in Azerbaijan[16] and yebra in Syria.[17][18] Egyptians call this main course mahshi (also spelled mashi or mashy).[19] but traditionally, cabbage is used in the winter and vine leaves are used in the summer.[20] Stuffed vine leaves without any meat, called yalancı dolma in Turkish, are served at room temperature.
Cabbage rolls
In Persian cuisine basuts dolma is a dish of cabbage rolls stuffed with beans and tart fruits. It is wrapped with cabbage leaves, and stuffed with red beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, cracked wheat, tomato paste, onion and many spices and flavorings. Cabbage rolls are called Pasuts tolma (պասուց տոլմա) (Lenten dolma) in Armenian where they are of seven different grains – chickpea, bean, lentil, cracked wheat, pea, rice and maize.[citation needed] Armenian cooks sometimes use rose hip syrup to flavor stuffed cabbage rolls.[21] Cabbage rolls also known as kalam dolmasi in Azerbaijan[22]
Mülebbes dolma is a historic recipe from the Ottoman era.[23] Halep dolması—named for Aleppo—is a dish of eggplants stuffed with a meat and rice filling that is flavored with spices and either sour plum flavoring syrup or lemon juice.[24][25] Şalgam dolma are stuffed Russian turnips.[26][27]
Soğan dolması or stuffed onion
Soğan dolması («soğan» meaning «onion» in Turkish), or stuffed onions, are a traditional dish in Bosnia, considered the specialty of Mostar. Ingredients include onions, minced beef, rice, oil, tomato purée, paprika, vinegar or sour cream, strained yogurt (locally known as kiselo mlijeko, literally «sour milk»), black pepper, salt and spices. After the onion’s skin is removed, the larger, external, layers (leaves) of onion bulbs are used as containers, so-called «shirts» (Old Turk. «dolama(n)» for a special kind of Ottoman robe)[citation needed] for the meat stuffing. The remaining part of the onion is also used, mixed with the meat and fried on oil for a couple of minutes, to obtain the base of the stuffing. To extract the separate «shirts», the entire bulbs are cut on the top and then boiled until soft enough to be pried off, layer by layer. In order to prevent a further softening and crumbling, the bulbs should be blanched. The «shirts» are removed from the bulbs by slow and gentle finger pressure. Filled «shirts» («dolme») are boiled slowly at low heat in broth. The level of liquid should be sufficient to cover the dolmas entirely. Sogan-dolma are usually served with dense natural yogurt.[citation needed]
Enginar dolması is stuffed whole artichoke hearts. They may be stuffed with seasoned rice[28] or ground meat cooked in fresh tomato sauce with aleppo pepper.[29] Celery root may be substituted for the artichoke.[30]
A regional specialty from Mardin is a mixed dolma platter. The sumac and Urfa pepper seasoned rice filling is first wrapped with onion layers, vine leaves, and cabbage. The remainder of the rice is used to fill eggplant, zucchini, and stuffing peppers. The wrapped onion dolma are added on the bottom of a deep cooking pot and the stuffed vegetables, cabbage rolls, and stuffed vine leaves are layered on top of the onion dolmas. The entire pot of dolmas are cooked in sumac flavored water.[31]
There are also seafood variants of dolma. Stuffed mussels or Midye dolma may be filled with rice, onion, black pepper and pimento spice
The filling for kalamar dolma (stuffed calamari) is made from Halloumi cheese, onion, fresh bread crumbs, garlic and parsley. The whole tentacle is stuffed with the mixture and fried in a butter, olive oil and tomato sauce.[32] For another variation a whole small squid may be stuffed with a bulgur and fresh herb mixture and baked in the oven.[33]
Uskumru dolma (stuffed mackerel) is a staple of Istanbul cuisine. The version that was traditionally prepared by Armenian cooks is particularly well-regarded. After the fish is prepared by carefully separating the skin from the meat, the meat is sauteed with onions, currants, dried apricots, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ginger, fresh herbs and lemon juice. The entire mixture is stuffed into the whole, intact skin. The stuffed mackerel is then either baked or preferably grilled long enough to brown the skin.[33][34]
Sardines (sardalya) may be stuffed with a filling of kashar cheese, tomato, onion, dill and parsley.[35] In Turkey, stuffed sardines may be served as a mezze platter at traditional taverns called meyhane.[36]
There are several varieties of dolma made with offal. Dalak dolması, widely considered a delicacy of Armenian origin, is spleen stuffed with rice that has been seasoned with allspice, salt, pepper, mint, parsley and onion. It may be served an accompaniment with anise-flavored liquor like arak, rakı, ouzo or oghi.[37][38]
Mumbar dolma is intestine stuffed with a moist mixture of ground meat, rice, pepper, cumin and salt. The stuffed intestine is then boiled in water until it is cooked thoroughly, after which it may be sliced and fried in butter before serving.[39]
Fruit-based dolmas
There are some fruit-based dolmas as well like şekerli ayva dolması (stuffed quinces with a rice and currant filling, flavored with coriander, cinnamon and sugar)[40] and pekmezli ayva dolması (meat and bulgur stuffed quince flavored with a traditional Turkish syrup, similar to molasses, called pekmez).[41] Pekmez is also an ingredient in the meat-based variants of elma dolması (stuffed apples) and sarı erık dolması (stuffed yellow plums).[42] Iranian Azerbaijanis and Persian Jews may serve stuffed quince, called dolma bay, as a Sabbath meal or during Sukkot.[43]
One filling for stuffed apples is made from a high-quality cubed lamb shoulder called kuşbaşı, ground lamb, and rice. First black grapes are boiled together with sumac—the resulting sumac flavored grape juice is drained and reserved. The kuşbaşı lamb is cooked in this sumac flavored grape juice. The apples are stuffed with a mixture of ground lamb combined with rice, salt, pepper and layered in a pot on top of the cooked chunks of kuşbaşı. The apples are cooked in the remaining sumac flavored grape juice. Dried apricots and blanched almonds are added to the pot near the end of the cooking process.[44] A meatless variant of the filling is made from a sauteed mixture of diced apples, diced pears, walnuts, hazelnut, currants, cinnamon, cloves, and star anise. The hollowed out apples are stuffed with the mixture and baked in the oven. This version may be garnished with powdered sugar.[45]
Stuffed melons were part of the Ottoman palace cuisine. The recipe survives in modern Yemenite and Armenian cooking.[46]
Religious celebrations and customs
It is customary for Jewish families to eat stuffed cabbage on Simchat Torah.[10]
Assyrians prepare meatless dolmas for Lent.[47] When traditional ingredients are not available, the Armenian Christian community in West Bengal celebrates Christmas with potoler dorma, a local variation from Anglo-Indian cuisine.[48] Stuffed vegetables called gemista or tsounidis are also common in Greek cuisine.[3]
Muslim families often serve dolma as part of the iftar meal during Ramadan and during the Eid al-Fitr celebrations that mark the end of the holy month. Large pots of dolma are prepared during the Novruz festival.[49]
See also
- Dolma Festival in Armenia
- List of stuffed dishes
- Sheikh al-mahshi, zucchini stuffed with minced lamb meat and pine nuts in yogurt sauce
- ^ a b Davidson, Alan. The Oxford Companion to Food. p. 258.
- ^ a b Salloum, Habeeb (2012-02-28). Arabian Nights Cookbook: From Lamb Kebabs to Baba Ghanouj, Delicious Homestyle Arabian Cooking. Tuttle Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4629-0524-9.
- ^ a b c Perry, Charles Perry (2014-11-20). «Dolma». The Oxford Companion to Food. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-967733-7. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ Ayto, John (2013). «Dolmades». The Diner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-964024-9. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ «Dolma». Merriam Webster.
- ^ Davidson, Alan (1999). Oxford Companion to Food. p. 253.
- ^ Ghanoonparvar, M. R. (1995). «DOLMA». In Yarshater, Ehsan (ed.). Encyclopædia Iranica, Volume VII/5: Divorce IV–Drugs. London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 478–479. ISBN 978-1-56859-023-3.
- ^ Meri, Josef (2016-06-23). The Routledge Handbook of Muslim-Jewish Relations. Routledge. p. 486. ISBN 978-1-317-38321-5.
- ^ Kittler, Pamela Goyan; Sucher, Kathryn P.; Nelms, Marcia (2011-08-22). Food and Culture. Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0-538-73497-4.
- ^ a b c «The Jews, stuffed cabbage and Simchat Torah». Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 2012-10-07. Archived from the original on 2017-11-10. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ Janes, Lauren; Bourguignon, Hélène (2014). «Curiosité gastronomique et cuisine exotique dans l’entre-deux-guerres: Une histoire de goût et de dégoût». Vingtième Siècle. Revue d’histoire (in French). 123 (3): 69. doi:10.3917/vin.123.0069. ISSN 0294-1759.
- ^ «Aubergines à l’algérienne». Le Pot-au-feu: 245. 1934.
- ^ Dolma making and sharing tradition, a marker of cultural identity Archived 2017-12-07 at the Wayback Machine. UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
- ^ Kopka, Deborah (2011-09-01). Passport Series: Middle East. Milliken Publishing Company. ISBN 978-1-4291-2261-0.
- ^ Marks, Gil (2010-11-17). Encyclopedia of Jewish Food. HMH. ISBN 978-0-544-18631-6. Archived from the original on 2016-08-10.
- ^ King, David C. (2006). Azerbaijan. Marshall Cavendish. ISBN 978-0-7614-2011-8.
- ^ Marks, Gil (2008-03-11). Olive Trees and Honey: A Treasury of Vegetarian Recipes from Jewish Communities Around the World. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 978-0-544-18750-4.
- ^ Marks, Gil (2010-11-17). Encyclopedia of Jewish Food. HMH. ISBN 978-0-544-18631-6.
- ^ Hervé Beaumont (2008). Egypte (in French). Editions Marcus. pp. 36–. ISBN 978-2-7131-0269-1.
- ^ Andrew Humphreys (1998). Cairo. Lonely Planet. p. 156. ISBN 978-0-86442-548-5.
- ^ Duguid, Naomi (2016-09-06). Taste of Persia: A Cook’s Travels Through Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Kurdistan. Artisan Books. ISBN 978-1-57965-727-7.
- ^ King, David C. (2006). Azerbaijan. Marshall Cavendish. ISBN 978-0-7614-2011-8.
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- ^ Vakfı, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih (1994). Dünden bugüne İstanbul ansiklopedisi. Kültür Bakanlığı. ISBN 978-975-7306-06-1.
- ^ Erdoğdu, Şeref (1999). Ankaram. T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı. ISBN 978-975-17-2180-8.
- ^ Turkish folk culture researches. Halk Kültürünü Araştırma Dairesi. 1990.
- ^ Zat, Vefa (2002). Eski İstanbul meyhaneleri. ISBN 978-975-470-998-8.
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- ^ Zat, Erdir (2014). Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi: Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi. Overteam Yayınları. ISBN 978-605-5058-11-1.
- ^ Kesmez, Melisa; Aydın, Mehmet Said. Rakı Cep Ansiklopedisi: Rakı Cep Ansiklopedisi. Overteam Yayınları. ISBN 978-605-5058-00-5. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30.
- ^ Zat, Erdir (2014). Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi: Türkiye Meyhaneler Rehberi. Overteam Yayınları. ISBN 978-605-5058-11-1.
- ^ Kaptan, Şükrü Tekin (1988). Denizli’nin halk kültürü ürünleri: bölgesel folklor karakterleri. Ş.T. Kaptan.
- ^ Üçer, Müjgân (2006). Anamın aşı tandırın başı: Sivas mutfağ̮ı : il merkezi ve ilçe yemekleri : gelenek, görenek, inançlar ve sözlü kültür. Kitabevi.
- ^ Toygar, Kâmil; Toygar, Nimet Berkok (2005). Ankara’da bağcılık ve bağ kültürü. Birlik Matbaacılık. ISBN 978-975-95216-5-3.
- ^ Jaine, Tom (1988). Taste: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery. ISBN 9780907325390. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
- ^ Marks, Gil (1999-09-02). The: World of Jewish Cooking. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-684-83559-4.
- ^ «Terkib-i Tuffahiyye (Elma Dolması)». Sabah. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ «İçi Dolu Fıçıcık: Elma Dolması». Migros. Archived from the original on 2018-06-30. Retrieved 2018-06-30.
- ^ Lovegren, Sylvia (15 April 2016). Melon: A Global History. ISBN 9781780236186.
- ^ Albala, Ken (2011). Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 255. ISBN 9781449618117.
- ^ «It’s Christmas in January for Armenians — Times of India». The Times of India. Retrieved 2018-08-13.
- ^ Albala, Ken (2011). Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-0-313-37626-9.
- Alan Davidson, The Oxford Companion to Food. ISBN 0-19-211579-0.
- Gosetti Della Salda, Anna (1967). Le ricette regionali italiane (in Italian). Milano: Solares.
- Media related to Dolma at Wikimedia Commons
- долма
долм’а, -‘ы
Русский орфографический словарь. / Российская академия наук. Ин-т рус. яз. им. В. В. Виноградова. — М.: «Азбуковник».
Смотреть что такое «долма» в других словарях:
долма — Блюдо закавказской и ближневосточной кухни, по типу близкое к голубцам, то есть состоящее из растительной оболочки и мясо зерновой начинки. Растительной оболочкой долмы могут быть не только листья овощных культур, но и чаще всего фруктовых и … Кулинарный словарь
долма — голубец Словарь русских синонимов. долма сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • голубец (28) • еда (82) … Словарь синонимов
долма — ы; ж. [тур. dolma нечто наполненное] Блюдо закавказской кухни, напоминающее голубцы, в котором вместо капустных листьев используются виноградные … Энциклопедический словарь
ДОЛМА — или толма (арм.), род голубцов, обёрнутых в виноградные листья, у народов Кавказа и Ближнего Востока … Этнографический словарь
долма — долма, толма (арм.), род голубцов, обёрнутых в виноградные листья, у народов Кавказа и Ближнего Востока … Энциклопедия «Народы и религии мира»
Долма — Классическая турецкая долма (sarma) Долма (толма, сарма) блюдо, представляющее собой начинённые овощи или листья (как правило, виноградные), голубцы в виноградных листьях. Начинка обычно готовится на основе риса … Википедия
ДОЛМА — Блюдо закавказской и ближневосточной кухни, по типу близкое к голубцам, т. е. состоящее из растительной оболочки и мясо зерновой начинки. Растительной оболочкой долмы могут быть не только листья овощных культур, но и чаще всего фруктовых… … Большая энциклопедия кулинарного искусства
Долма — Тип блюда: Категория: Рецепт приготовления … Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов
ДОЛМА-БАХЧЕ — Летний дворец турецкого султана у Босфора. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав русского языка. Чудинов А.Н., 1910. ДОЛМА БАХЧЕ летний дворец султана в окрестности Константинополя у Босфора. Словарь иностранных слов, вошедших в состав… … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
Долма с бараниной — Тип блюда: Категория: Время приготовления (минуты): 5 Продукты: Рецепт приготовления … Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов
Долма овощная — Тип блюда: Категория: Время приготовления (минуты): 5 Рецепт приготовления … Энциклопедия кулинарных рецептов