Килиманджа́ро — высочайший и потенциально активный стратовулкан Африки, находящийся на северо-востоке Танзании, высочайшая точка континента (5895 м над уровнем моря). C 1902 по 1918 годы назывался Вершина Кайзера Вильгельма (нем. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze). Килиманджаро возвышается над плоскогорьем Масаи, которое расположено на высоте 900 метров над уровнем моря. О происхождении названия есть несколько версий. В 2003 году учёные пришли к выводу, что расплавленная лава находится всего в 400 метрах под кратером главной вершины Кибо. Хотя и не прогнозируется другой активности, кроме происходящих сейчас выбросов газа, существуют опасения, что вулкан может обрушиться, что приведёт к крупному извержению наподобие вулкана Сент-Хеленс. Несколько обвалов и сдвигов грунта уже происходили на Кибо в прошлом. В результате одного из них образовалась так называемая «западная брешь».
Все значения слова «Килиманджаро»
Везувий, Этна, Килиманджаро − это стратовулканы.
Изобилие. Запахи мешаются. Мелькают горы съестного: монбланы конфет, эвересты колбас, килиманджаро фруктов, фудзиямы рыбных консервов…
В супермаркете должны стоять «Килиманджаро», «Мокка», «Блю маунтин»…
- (все предложения)
- Фудзияма
- Эльбрус
- Кения
- Камерун
- Везувий
- (ещё синонимы…)
- вулкан
- вершина
- (ещё ассоциации…)
Примеры предложений и цитат из классической литературы, в которых употребляется слово «килиманджаро».
Примеры предложений со словом «килиманджаро»
Везувий, Этна, Килиманджаро − это стратовулканы.
Изобилие. Запахи мешаются. Мелькают горы съестного: монбланы конфет, эвересты колбас, килиманджаро фруктов, фудзиямы рыбных консервов…
Можно подтянуть туда ударный отряд плюсовых с «Килиманджаро».
Покорить «Килиманджаро» нам удалось, но, под холодный душ – гребень волны, мы всё же попали.
Как они танцовщиц из «Килиманджаро» завезли на дачу и издевались над ними два дня?
И всё это, колыхаясь и волнуясь, и едва не задев меня своими «килиманджаро», проплыв мимо, метрах в трёх преспокойно сняло трусики и, присев на корточки, начало писать.
Килиманджаро стал не просто действующим вулканом, а супервулканом!
Со дна красного ящика он достал снайперскую винтовку и телескопическую трекинговую палку «Килиманджаро».
Правильное написание слова Килиманджаро:
Крутая NFT игра. Играй и зарабатывай!
Количество букв в слове: 12
Слово состоит из букв:
К, И, Л, И, М, А, Н, Д, Ж, А, Р, О
Правильный транслит слова: Кilimandzharo
Написание с не правильной раскладкой клавиатуры: Кbkbvfyl;fhj
Тест на правописание
×òî òàêîå «Êèëèìàíäæàðî»? Êàê ïðàâèëüíî ïèøåòñÿ äàííîå ñëîâî. Ïîíÿòèå è òðàêòîâêà.
(àíãë. Kilimanjaro; íà ÿçûêå ñóàõèëè ãîðà áîãà õîëîäà, ïî äð. âåðñèè ñâåðêàþùàÿ ãîðà)
âóëêàíè÷åñêèé ìàññèâ â Âîñòî÷íîé Àôðèêå, â Òàíçàíèè. Âûñîòà 5895 ì (íàèáîëüøàÿ íà ìàòåðèêå). Îáðàçîâàëñÿ èç òð¸õ ñëèâøèõñÿ, íûíå ïîòóõøèõ âóëêàíîâ: Êèáî (5895 ì), Ìàâåíçè (5355 ì) è Øèðà (4006 ì). Êðàòåð Êèáî (äèàìåòð äî 2,5 êì, ãëóáèíà äî 180 ì) èìååò âíóòðåííèé êîíóñ îòíîñèòåëüíîé âûñîòû îêîëî 580 ì ñ êðàòåðîì äèàìåòðîì ñâûøå 800 ì. Ê. ñëîæåí ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì òðàõèáàçàëüòàìè è ôîíîëèòàìè. Íà âëàæíûõ þæíûõ è þãî-çàïàäíûõ ñêëîíàõ (íà âûñîòå îêîëî 3100 ì) âûïàäàåò îò 1000 äî 3000 ìì îñàäêîâ â ãîä. Íà íèõ îò ïîäíîæèÿ äî âûñîòû 1000 ì ñàâàííû, äî 1800 ì ïëàíòàöèè êîôå è áàíàíîâ íà ìåñòå ñâåä¸ííûõ ëåñîâ, äî 3100 ì ãîðíàÿ ãèëåÿ ñ ýïèôèòàìè è ïàïîðîòíèêàìè, äî 4200 ì âûñîêîãîðíàÿ ðàñòèòåëüíîñòü òðîïèêîâ (ïàðàìîñ), äî 4800 ì êñåðîôèòíûå ïîäóøêîâèäíûå çëàêè, äàëåå ëàâîâûå ïîëÿ. Íà âåðøèíàõ ëåäíèêîâûå ôîðìû ðåëüåôà. Ëåäíèêè ñïóñêàþòñÿ äî âûñîòû 4300 ì (íà çàïàäíûõ ñêëîíàõ).
Слово килиманджаро имеет такое значение:
— самая высокая гора Африки;
— гора в Восточной Африке;
Разбор слова «килиманджаро»: для переноса, на слоги, по составу
Объяснение правил деление (разбивки) слова «килиманджаро» на слоги для переноса.
Онлайн словарь Soosle.ru поможет: фонетический и морфологический разобрать слово «килиманджаро» по составу, правильно делить на слоги по провилам русского языка, выделить части слова, поставить ударение, укажет значение, синонимы, антонимы и сочетаемость к слову «килиманджаро».
- 1 Слоги в слове «килиманджаро» деление на слоги
- 2 Как перенести слово «килиманджаро»
- 3 Синонимы слова «килиманджаро»
- 4 Склонение слова «килиманджаро» по подежам
- 5 Как правильно пишется слово «килиманджаро»
- 6 Ассоциации к слову «килиманджаро»
Слоги в слове «килиманджаро» деление на слоги
Количество слогов: 5
По слогам: ки-ли-ма-нджа-ро
н — непарная звонкая согласная (сонорная), примыкает к текущему слогу
д примыкает к этому слогу, а не к предыдущему, так как не является сонорной (непарной звонкой согласной)
Как перенести слово «килиманджаро»
Синонимы слова «килиманджаро»
Склонение слова «килиманджаро» по подежам
Падеж | Вопрос | Единственное числоЕд.ч. | Множественное числоМн.ч. |
Именительный | что? | Килиманджаро | Не имеет множественного числа |
Родительный | чего? | Килиманджаро | |
Дательный | чему? | Килиманджаро | |
Винительный | что? | Килиманджаро | |
Творительный | чем? | Килиманджаро | |
Предложный | о чём? | Килиманджаро |
Как правильно пишется слово «килиманджаро»
Правописание слова «килиманджаро»
Орфография слова «килиманджаро»
Правильно слово пишется:
Нумерация букв в слове
Номера букв в слове «килиманджаро» в прямом и обратном порядке:
Ассоциации к слову «килиманджаро»
Морфемный разбор слова:
Однокоренные слова к слову:
Килиманджа́ро — потенциально активный стратовулкан на северо-востоке Танзании, высочайшая точка Африки над уровнем моря (5895 м [2] ). C 1902 по 1918 годы назывался Вершина Кайзера Вильгельма (нем. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze ). Килиманджаро возвышается над плоскогорьем Масаи, которое расположено на высоте 900 метров над уровнем моря. О происхождении названия есть несколько версий (см. ниже). В 2003 году учёные пришли к выводу, что расплавленная лава находится всего в 400 метрах под кратером главной вершины Кибо. Хотя и не прогнозируется другой активности, кроме происходящих сейчас выбросов газа, существуют опасения, что вулкан может обрушиться, что приведёт к крупному извержению наподобие горы св. Елены. Несколько обвалов и сдвигов грунта уже происходили на Кибо в прошлом. В результате одного из них образовалась так называемая «западная брешь».
У Килиманджаро не было документированных извержений, но местные легенды говорят о вулканической активности 150—200 лет назад, которая пердела в мозгу у носорога.
Высочайшей точкой горы и Африки является пик Ухуру вулкана Кибо, 5895 м, относящийся к «Семи вершинам». Пик был впервые покорён Гансом Мейером в 1889 г. Два остальных пика — это тоже потухшие вулканы: Мавензи (5149 м, третий по высоте пик Африки после Ухуру и горы Кения) и Шира (3962 м).
Первое упоминание об этих заснеженных горах относится ко II веку н. э. Они обозначены на географической карте Птолемея. Но датой открытия Килиманджаро считается 11 мая 1848 г., а автором открытия — немецкий пастор Иоханес Ребман. В 1861 г. покорена высота 2500 м, в 1862 достигнута отметка 4200 м, в 1883, 1884 и 1887 — отметка 5270 м; все эти восхождения совершены венгерским графом Самуэлем Телеки. 5 октября 1889 г. немецкий путешественник Ганс Мейер вместе с австрийским альпинистом Людвигом Пуртшеллером впервые достигли вершины. В 1996 г. в Марангу ещё был жив их товарищ по восхождению из народа чага — Мзее Лауво (Лаво), которому должно было быть более 120 лет. Мавензи была покорена только в 1912 г. Охлером и Клуте. В книге «Жизнь, путешествия и работа в восточной Африке» можно найти описание того, как её автор Чарльз Нью попытался покорить Килиманджаро в 1861 году в тропических шортах и лёгкой рубашке, при этом его 13 портеров были абсолютно нагими. Не удивительно, что они не смогли взойти на вершину, хотя и достигли границы снега.
Происхождение названия
Название происходит из языка суахили и предположительно означает «гора, которая сверкает».
Подъём на Мавензи требует навыков восхождения по скалам и (или) по снегу и льду. Напротив, подъём на более высокий пик Ухуру считается достаточно простым, хотя и требует времени для акклиматизации. По трём самым лёгким маршрутам: Марангу, Ронгаи и Машаме — может взобраться практически любой здоровый человек без альпинистской подготовки. Другие маршруты, такие как «польский ледник» и «западная брешь», гораздо труднее и требуют специальной техники.
Из-за близости горы к экватору и высотной поясности при подъёме человек последовательно преодолевает практически все климатические зоны, имеющиеся на Земле.
Как высочайшая вершина Африки Килиманджаро входит в проект 7 вершин.
Существует возможность подъема на Килиманджаро со стороны Кении, поскольку гора находится на границе Танзании и Кении. Но по договорённости между этими странами восхождения разрешены только со стороны Танзании. Со стороны Кении отсутствует необходимая инфраструктура и расположенны полицейские посты для предотвращения несанкционированных восхождений.
Текущее состояние
Хотя сильной вулканической активности Килиманджаро не проявляет, в последнее время вулкан привлекал к себе внимание многих исследователей. Занимает площадь 97 на 64 км.
1 Килиманджаро
2 Килиманджаро
3 Килиманджаро
4 Килиманджаро
5 Килиманджаро
См. также в других словарях:
Килиманджаро — Местоположнение: Танзания, Африка Высота: 5895 метров Координаты: 03°04′33″S 37°21′12″E … Энциклопедия туриста
килиманджаро — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • вершина (213) • вулкан (118) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов
Килиманджаро — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Килиманджаро (значения). Килиманджаро суахили Kilimanjaro англ. Mount Kilimanjaro … Википедия
Килиманджаро — Предгорья Килиманджаро. Саванновые леса. Танзания. Килиманджаро (Kilimanjaro; на языке народа суахили гора бога холода, по древней версии сверкающая гора), вулканический массив в Восточной Африке, в Танзании. Высота 5895 м… … Энциклопедический справочник «Африка»
Килиманджаро — (Kilimanjaro), вулкан в Восточной Африке, в Танзании. 5895 м (высшая точка материка). На вершине ледники. * * * КИЛИМАНДЖАРО КИЛИМАНДЖАРО (Kilimanjaro), вулкан в Вост. Африке, в Танзании. 5895 м (высшая точка материка). В 2005 вершина полностью… … Энциклопедический словарь
Килиманджаро — (англ. Kilimanjaro; на языке суахили гора бога холода, по др. версии сверкающая гора) вулканический массив в Восточной Африке, в Танзании. Высота 5895 м (наибольшая на материке). Образовался из трёх слившихся, ныне потухших вулканов: Кибо … Большая советская энциклопедия
Килиманджаро — (собственно Килима Нджаро, т. е. Снежная гора ) высочайшая из известных гор Африки, в горной стране Джагга (см.), приблизительно в 300 км к запад северо западу от Момбаса при Индийском океане, в 48 км на юго восток от озера Укереве (Виктория… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Килиманджаро — (Kilimanjaro)Kilimanjaro, гора, потухший вулкан на С. Танзании с двумя вершинами; высочайшая из них Кибо (5895 м), является самой высокой горой в Африке. На юж. склонах выращивают кофе и бананы … Страны мира. Словарь
Фонетический разбор слова «килиманджаро»
Фонетический разбор «килиманджаро»:
Характеристики звуков
Смотрите также:
Синтаксический разбор «Мне всегда больше нравились таинственные персонажи.»
Морфологический разбор слова «килиманджаро»
Фонетический разбор слова «килиманджаро»
Значение слова «килиманджаро»
Синонимы «килиманджаро»
Карточка «килиманджаро»
Звуко буквенный разбор слова: чем отличаются звуки и буквы?
Прежде чем перейти к выполнению фонетического разбора с примерами обращаем ваше внимание, что буквы и звуки в словах — это не всегда одно и тоже.
Буквы — это письмена, графические символы, с помощью которых передается содержание текста или конспектируется разговор. Буквы используются для визуальной передачи смысла, мы воспримем их глазами. Буквы можно прочесть. Когда вы читаете буквы вслух, то образуете звуки — слоги — слова.
Список всех букв — это просто алфавит
Почти каждый школьник знает сколько букв в русском алфавите. Правильно, всего их 33. Русскую азбуку называют кириллицей. Буквы алфавита располагаются в определенной последовательности:
Аа | «а» | Бб | «бэ» | Вв | «вэ» | Гг | «гэ» |
Дд | «дэ» | Ее | «е» | Ёё | «йо» | Жж | «жэ» |
Зз | «зэ» | Ии | «и» | Йй | «й» | Кк | «ка» |
Лл | «эл» | Мм | «эм» | Нн | «эн» | Оо | «о» |
Пп | «пэ» | Рр | «эр» | Сс | «эс» | Тт | «тэ» |
Уу | «у» | Фф | «эф» | Хх | «ха» | Цц | «цэ» |
Чч | «чэ» | Шш | «ша» | Щщ | «ща» | ъ | «т.з.» |
Ыы | «ы» | ь | «м.з.» | Ээ | «э» | Юю | «йу» |
Яя | «йа» |
Всего в русском алфавите используется:
Звуки — это фрагменты голосовой речи. Вы можете их услышать и произнести. Между собой они разделяются на гласные и согласные. При фонетическом разборе слова вы анализируете именно их.
Звуки в фразах вы зачастую проговариваете не так, как записываете на письме. Кроме того, в слове может использоваться больше букв, чем звуков. К примеру, «детский» — буквы «Т» и «С» сливаются в одну фонему [ц]. И наоборот, количество звуков в слове «чернеют» большее, так как буква «Ю» в данном случае произносится как [йу].
Что такое фонетический разбор?
Звучащую речь мы воспринимаем на слух. Под фонетическим разбором слова имеется ввиду характеристика звукового состава. В школьной программе такой разбор чаще называют «звуко буквенный» анализ. Итак, при фонетическом разборе вы просто описываете свойства звуков, их характеристики в зависимости от окружения и слоговую структуру фразы, объединенной общим словесным ударением.
Фонетическая транскрипция
Для звуко-буквенного разбора применяют специальную транскрипцию в квадратных скобках. К примеру, правильно пишется:
В схеме фонетического разбора используются особые символы. Благодаря этому можно корректно обозначить и отличить буквенную запись (орфографию) и звуковое определение букв (фонемы).
Ниже приводятся подробные правила для орфоэпического, буквенного и фонетического и разбора слов с примерами онлайн, в соответствии с общешкольными нормами современного русского языка. У профессиональных лингвистов транскрипция фонетических характеристик отличается акцентами и другими символами с дополнительными акустическими признаками гласных и согласных фонем.
Как сделать фонетический разбор слова?
Провести буквенный анализ вам поможет следующая схема:
Данная схема практикуется в школьной программе.
Пример фонетического разбора слова
Вот образец фонетического разбора по составу для слова «явление» → [йивл’э′н’ийэ]. В данном примере 4 гласных буквы и 3 согласных. Здесь всего 4 слога: я-вле′-ни-е. Ударение падает на второй.
Звуковая характеристика букв:
Теперь вы знаете как сделать звуко-буквенный анализ самостоятельно. Далее даётся классификация звуковых единиц русского языка, их взаимосвязи и правила транскрипции при звукобуквенном разборе.
Фонетика и звуки в русском языке
Какие бывают звуки?
Все звуковые единицы делятся на гласные и согласные. Гласные звуки, в свою очередь, бывают ударными и безударными. Согласный звук в русских словах бывает: твердым — мягким, звонким — глухим, шипящим, сонорным.
— Сколько в русской живой речи звуков?
Правильный ответ 42.
Делая фонетический разбор онлайн, вы обнаружите, что в словообразовании участвуют 36 согласных звуков и 6 гласных. У многих возникает резонный вопрос, почему существует такая странная несогласованность? Почему разнится общее число звуков и букв как по гласным, так и по согласным?
Всё это легко объяснимо. Ряд букв при участии в словообразовании могут обозначать сразу 2 звука. Например, пары по мягкости-твердости:
А некоторые не обладают парой, к примеру [ч’] всегда будет мягким. Сомневаетесь, попытайтесь сказать его твёрдо и убедитесь в невозможности этого: ручей, пачка, ложечка, чёрным, Чегевара, мальчик, крольчонок, черемуха, пчёлы. Благодаря такому практичному решению наш алфавит не достиг безразмерных масштабов, а звуко-единицы оптимально дополняются, сливаясь друг с другом.
Гласные звуки в словах русского языка
Гласные звуки в отличии от согласных мелодичные, они свободно как бы нараспев вытекают из гортани, без преград и напряжения связок. Чем громче вы пытаетесь произнести гласный, тем шире вам придется раскрыть рот. И наоборот, чем громче вы стремитесь выговорить согласный, тем энергичнее будете смыкать ротовую полость. Это самое яркое артикуляционное различие между этими классами фонем.
Ударение в любых словоформах может падать только на гласный звук, но также существуют и безударные гласные.
— Сколько гласных звуков в русской фонетике?
В русской речи используется меньше гласных фонем, чем букв. Ударных звуков всего шесть: [а], [и], [о], [э], [у], [ы]. А букв, напомним, десять: а, е, ё, и, о, у, ы, э, я, ю. Гласные буквы Е, Ё, Ю, Я не являются «чистыми» звуками и в транскрипции не используются. Нередко при буквенном разборе слов на перечисленные буквы падает ударение.
Фонетика: характеристика ударных гласных
Главная фонематическая особенность русской речи — четкое произнесение гласных фонем в ударных слогах. Ударные слоги в русской фонетике отличаются силой выдоха, увеличенной продолжительностью звучания и произносятся неискаженно. Поскольку они произносятся отчетливо и выразительно, звуковой анализ слогов с ударными гласными фонемами проводить значительно проще. Положение, в котором звук не подвергается изменениям и сохранят основной вид, называется сильной позицией. Такую позицию может занимать только ударный звук и слог. Безударные же фонемы и слоги пребывают в слабой позиции.
Разбор по звукам ударных гласных
Гласная фонема [о] встречается только в сильной позиции (под ударением). В таких случаях «О» не подвергается редукции: котик [к о´ т’ик], колокольчик [калак о´ л’ч’ык], молоко [малак о´ ], восемь [в о´ с’им’], поисковая [паиск о´ вайа], говор [г о´ вар], осень [ о´ с’ин’].
Исключение из правила сильной позиции для «О», когда безударная [о] произносится тоже отчётливо, представляют лишь некоторые иноязычные слова: какао [кака’ о ], патио [па’ти о ], радио [ра’ди о ], боа [б о а’] и ряд служебных единиц, к примеру, союз но. Звук [о] в письменности можно отразить другой буквой «ё» – [о]: тёрн [т’ о´ рн], костёр [кас’т’ о´ р]. Выполнить разбор по звукам оставшихся четырёх гласных в позиции под ударением так же не представит сложностей.
Безударные гласные буквы и звуки в словах русского языка
Сделать правильный звуко разбор и точно определить характеристику гласного можно лишь после постановки ударения в слове. Не забывайте так же о существовании в нашем языке омонимии: за’мок — замо’к и об изменении фонетических качеств в зависимости от контекста (падеж, число):
В безударном положении гласный видоизменяется, то есть, произносится иначе, чем записывается:
Подобные изменения гласных в безударных слогах называются редукцией. Количественной, когда изменяется длительность звучания. И качественной редукцией, когда меняется характеристика изначального звука.
Одна и та же безударная гласная буква может менять фонетическую характеристику в зависимости от положения:
Так, различается 1-ая степень редукции. Ей подвергаются:
Примечание: Чтобы сделать звукобуквенный анализ первый предударный слог определяют исходя не с «головы» фонетического слова, а по отношению к ударному слогу: первый слева от него. Он в принципе может быть единственным предударным: не-зде-шний [н’из’д’э´шн’ий].
(неприкрытый слог)+(2-3 предударный слог)+ 1-й предударный слог ← Ударный слог → заударный слог (+2/3 заударный слог)
Любые другие предударные слоги и все заударные слоги при звуко разборе относятся к редукции 2-й степени. Ее так же называют «слабая позиция второй степени».
Редукция гласных в слабой позиции так же различается по ступеням: вторая, третья (после твердых и мягких соглас., — это за пределами учебной программы): учиться [уч’и´ц:а], оцепенеть [ацып’ин’э´т’], надежда [над’э´жда]. При буквенном анализе совсем незначительно проявятся редукция у гласного в слабой позиции в конечном открытом слоге (= в абсолютном конце слова):
Звуко буквенный разбор: йотированные звуки
Фонетически буквы Е — [йэ], Ё — [йо], Ю — [йу], Я — [йа] зачастую обозначают сразу два звука. Вы заметили, что во всех обозначенных случаях дополнительной фонемой выступает «Й»? Именно поэтому данные гласные называют йотированными. Значение букв Е, Ё, Ю, Я определяется их позиционным положением.
При фонетическом разборе гласные е, ё, ю, я образуют 2 звука:
◊ Ё — [йо], Ю — [йу], Е — [йэ], Я — [йа] в случаях, когда находятся:
Как видите, в фонематической системе русского языка ударения имеют решающее значение. Наибольшей редукции подвергаются гласные в безударных слогах. Продолжим звука буквенный разбор оставшихся йотированных и посмотрим как они еще могут менять характеристики в зависимости от окружения в словах.
◊ Безударные гласные «Е» и «Я» обозначают два звука и в фонетической транскрипции и записываются как [ЙИ]:
Примечание: Для петербургской фонологической школы характерно «эканье», а для московской «иканье». Раньше йотрованный «Ё» произносили с более акцентированным «йэ». Со сменой столиц, выполняя звуко-буквенный разбор, придерживаются московских норм в орфоэпии.
Некоторые люди в беглой речи произносят гласный «Я» одинаково в слогах с сильной и слабой позицией. Такое произношение считается диалектом и не является литературным. Запомните, гласный «я» под ударением и без ударения озвучивается по-разному: ярмарка [ йа ´рмарка], но яйцо [ йи йцо´].
Фонетический разбор слов, когда гласные «Ю» «Е» «Ё» «Я» образуют 1 звук
По правилам фонетики русского языка при определенном положении в словах обозначенные буквы дают один звук, когда:
Фонетический разбор: согласные звуки русского языка
Согласных в русском языке абсолютное большинство. При выговаривании согласного звука поток воздуха встречает препятствия. Их образуют органы артикуляции: зубы, язык, нёбо, колебания голосовых связок, губы. За счет этого в голосе возникает шум, шипение, свист или звонкость.
Сколько согласных звуков в русской речи?
В алфавите для их обозначения используется 21 буква. Однако, выполняя звуко буквенный анализ, вы обнаружите, что в русской фонетике согласных звуков больше, а именно — 36.
Звуко-буквенный разбор: какими бывают согласные звуки?
В нашем языке согласные бывают:
Определить звонкость-глухость или сонорность согласного можно по степени шума-голоса. Данные характеристики будут варьироваться в зависимости от способа образования и участия органов артикуляции.
Примечание: В фонетике у согласных звуковых единиц также существует деление по характеру образования: смычка (б, п, д, т) — щель (ж, ш, з, с) и способу артикуляции: губно-губные (б, п, м), губно-зубные (ф, в), переднеязычные (т, д, з, с, ц, ж, ш, щ, ч, н, л, р), среднеязычный (й), заднеязычные (к, г, х). Названия даны исходя из органов артикуляции, которые участвуют в звукообразовании.
Подсказка: Если вы только начинаете практиковаться в фонетическом разборе слов, попробуйте прижать к ушам ладони и произнести фонему. Если вам удалось услышать голос, значит исследуемый звук — звонкий согласный, если же слышится шум, — то глухой.
Подсказка: Для ассоциативной связи запомните фразы: «Ой, мы же не забывали друга.» — в данном предложении содержится абсолютно весь комплект звонких согласных (без учета пар мягкость-твердость). «Степка, хочешь поесть щец? – Фи!» — аналогично, указанные реплики содержат набор всех глухих согласных.
Позиционные изменения согласных звуков в русском языке
Согласный звук так же как и гласный подвергается изменениям. Одна и та же буква фонетически может обозначать разный звук, в зависимости от занимаемой позиции. В потоке речи происходит уподобление звучания одного согласного под артикуляцию располагающегося рядом согласного. Данное воздействие облегчает произношение и называется в фонетике ассимиляцией.
Позиционное оглушение/озвончение
В определённом положении для согласных действует фонетический закон ассимиляции по глухости-звонкости. Звонкий парный согласный сменяется на глухой:
В русской фонетике глухой шумный согласный не сочетается с последующим звонким шумным, кроме звуков [в] — [в’]: вз битыми сливками. В данном случае одинаково допустима транскрипция как фонемы [з], так и [с].
При разборе по звукам слов: итого, сегодня, сегодняшний и тп, буква «Г» замещается на фонему [в].
По правилам звуко буквенного анализа в окончаниях «-ого», «-его» имён прилагательных, причастий и местоимений согласный «Г» транскрибируется как звук [в]: красного [кра´снава], синего [с’и´н’ива], белого [б’э´лава], острого, полного, прежнего, того, этого, кого. Если после ассимиляции образуются два однотипных согласных, происходит их слияние. В школьной программе по фонетике этот процесс называется стяжение согласных: отделить [ад:’ил’и´т’] → буквы «Т» и «Д» редуцируются в звуки [д’д’], бе сш умный [б’и ш: у´мный]. При разборе по составу у ряда слов в звукобуквенном анализе наблюдается диссимиляция — процесс обратный уподоблению. В этом случае изменяется общий признак у двух стоящих рядом согласных: сочетание «ГК» звучит как [хк] (вместо стандартного [кк]): лёгкий [л’о′х’к’ий], мягкий [м’а′х’к’ий].
Мягкие согласные в русском языке
В схеме фонетического разбора для обозначения мягкости согласных используется апостроф [’].
Примечание: буква «Ь» после согласного непарного по твердости/мягкости в некоторых словоформах выполняет только грамматическую функцию и не накладывает фонетическую нагрузку: учиться, ночь, мышь, рожь и тд. В таких словах при буквенном анализе в квадратных скобках напротив буквы «Ь» ставится [-] прочерк.
Позиционные изменения парных звонких-глухих перед шипящими согласными и их транскрипция при звукобуквенном разборе
Чтобы определить количество звуков в слове необходимо учитывать их позиционные изменения. Парные звонкие-глухие: [д-т] или [з-с] перед шипящими (ж, ш, щ, ч) фонетически заменяются шипящим согласным.
Явление, когда две разных буквы произносятся как одна, называется полной ассимиляцией по всем признакам. Выполняя звуко-буквенный разбор слова, один из повторяющихся звуков вы должны обозначать в транскрипции символом долготы [:].
Шпаргалка по уподоблению согласных звуков по месту образования
Непроизносимые согласные звуки в словах русского языка
Во время произношения целого фонетического слова с цепочкой из множества различных согласных букв может утрачиваться тот, либо иной звук. Вследствие этого в орфограммах слов находятся буквы, лишенные звукового значения, так называемые непроизносимые согласные. Чтобы правильно выполнить фонетический разбор онлайн, непроизносимый согласный не отображают в транскрипции. Число звуков в подобных фонетических словах будет меньшее, чем букв.
В русской фонетике к числу непроизносимых согласных относятся:
Примечание: В некоторых словах русского языка при скоплении согласных звуков «стк», «нтк», «здк», «ндк» выпадение фонемы [т] не допускается: поездка [пайэ´стка], невестка, машинистка, повестка, лаборантка, студентка, пациентка, громоздкий, ирландка, шотландка.
Если вы затрудняетесь выполнить фонетический разбор слова онлайн по обозначенным правилам или у вас получился неоднозначный анализ исследуемого слова, воспользуйтесь помощью словаря-справочника. Литературные нормы орфоэпии регламентируются изданием: «Русское литературное произношение и ударение. Словарь – справочник». М. 1959 г.
Теперь вы знаете как разобрать слово по звукам, сделать звуко буквенный анализ каждого слога и определить их количество. Описанные правила объясняют законы фонетики в формате школьной программы. Они помогут вам фонетически охарактеризовать любую букву.
Килиманджаро | |
Местоположнение: | Танзания, Африка |
Высота: | 5895 метров |
Координаты: | 03°04′33″S 37°21′12″E |
Килиманджаро (Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak) — высшая точка Африки. Высота 5895 метров. Это один из самых больших отдельно стоящих массивов в мире — около 80 километров в длину и 40 километров в ширину. Он включает в себя три вулкана:
Два из которых, Кибо и Мавензи — спящие, а Шира — потухший. Фото кратеров
Точно неизвестно, откуда произошло название Килиманджаро, на этот счёт существует несколько теорий. Многие из этих теорий предполагают, что слово разбивается на Kilima (на суахили «холм, маленькая гора») и Njaro, у которого версии варьируются от древнего слова суахили белый или сверкающий до слова языка Кичагга jaro, означающего караван. Недостаток этих теорий заключается в том, что они не могу объяснить, почему используется уменьшительное слово kilima вместо более подходящего для горы mlima. Другой подход подразумевает, что название происходит из слова Кичагга kilemanjaare или kilemajyaro, означающего «тот, кто побеждает птицу/леопарда/караван». Однако эта теория не объясняет факт, что само название Килиманджаро не использовалось в языке Кичагга до недавнего времени. С языка суахили слово «Килиманджаро» переводится как — «гора бога, несущего холод».
Снега Килиманджаро
Снежная шапка, покрывавшая вершину горы 11 000 лет с последнего Ледникового периода, быстро тает. За последние 100 лет объем снега и льда уменьшился более чем на 80 %. В 2002 году многие эксперты уже предсказывали полное исчезновение ледника в течение 15 лет. В марте 2005 появилось сообщение, что пик практически полностью освободился ото льда, впервые за последние 11 000 лет. Это вызвано не изменением температуры, а сокращением количества снегопадов. По-видимому, сведение лесов в последнее столетие серьезно уменьшило количество водяных паров, достигающих вершины Килиманджаро и выпадающих там в виде снега.
Восхождение на Килиманджаро
Восхождение на Килиманджаро становится все более популярным мероприятием. На вершину проложено несколько маршрутов. Будучи самой высокой горой Африки, этот вулкан возвышается над равниной и на самом деле имеет довольно значительный перепад высот. Во время подъема на Килиманджаро восходители проходят через все климатические зоны: от влажного тропического леса в начале подъема, через пустынную зону покрытую лишайниками к вечным снегам на вершине.
Большинство туристов поднимаются на вершину по маршруту Марангу (Marangu), единственном который полностью оборудован хижинами для ночевок. Также популярным является маршрут Мачаме (Machame), который начинается на западном склоне, а завершается восхождением с юго-востока. Он позволяет увидеть гораздо более впечатляющие панорамы и постепенно акклиматизироваться в процессе самого похода. Жесткие условия Национального Парка ограничивают время пребывания в верхних хижинах и заставляют туристов совершать восхождения без полной акклиматизации. Это приводит к тому, что значительная часть восходителей не доходит до высшей точки.
К горе ведет несколько маршрутов, проходящих по лесам и пустынной местности. Все они приводят на, так называемый, кольцевой маршрут вокруг горы, который состоит из Северной и Южной обходных троп. И три маршрута ведут непосредственно к вершине. Маршруты подходов имеют следующие названия (по ходу часовой стрелки, начиная с Севера):
Если маршрут, по которому Вы пришли к подножию горы не имеет продолжения на вершину, то следует двигаться траверсом к началу ближайшего маршрута восхождения.
Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется килиманджаро правильно, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется килиманджаро правильно», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
Правильное написание слова Килиманджаро:
Криптовалюта за ходьбу!
Количество букв в слове: 12
Слово состоит из букв:
К, И, Л, И, М, А, Н, Д, Ж, А, Р, О
Правильный транслит слова: Кilimandzharo
Написание с не правильной раскладкой клавиатуры: Кbkbvfyl;fhj
Тест на правописание
Слово «Килиманджаро»
Слово состоит из 12 букв, начинается на согласную, заканчивается на гласную, первая буква — «К», вторая буква — «и», третья буква — «л», четвёртая буква — «и», пятая буква — «м», шестая буква — «а», седьмая буква — «н», восьмая буква — «д», девятая буква — «ж», 10-я буква — «а», 11-я буква — «р», последняя буква — «о».
- Написание слова наоборот
- Написание слова в транслите
- Написание слова шрифтом Брайля
- Передача слова на азбуке Морзе
- Произношение слова на дактильной азбуке
- Остальные слова из 12 букв
Килиманджара фильм HD
Килиманджаро (Танзания). Орёл и Решка. Чудеса света — 2 (eng, rus sub)
Вершина мира. Килиманджаро. Документальный фильм.
Филипп Киркоров — Килиманджаро
КАК ЗАБРАТЬСЯ НА КИЛИМАНДЖАРО? ⛰️ (Адвокат Егоров, Двое и Алое, Бантик Бой, Стас Давыдов)
«Мир наизнанку». Африка. 6 выпуск. Килиманджаро
Написание слова «Килиманджаро» наоборот
Как это слово пишется в обратной последовательности.
оражднамилиК 😀
Написание слова «Килиманджаро» в транслите
Как это слово пишется в транслитерации.
в армянской🇦🇲 Կիլիմանջարո
в грузинской🇬🇪 Კილიმანჯარო
в латинской🇬🇧 Kilimandzharo
Как это слово пишется в пьюникоде — Punycode, ACE-последовательность IDN
Как это слово пишется в английской Qwerty-раскладке клавиатуры.
Написание слова «Килиманджаро» шрифтом Брайля
Как это слово пишется рельефно-точечным тактильным шрифтом.
Передача слова «Килиманджаро» на азбуке Морзе
Как это слово передаётся на морзянке.
– ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – – ⋅ – – ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ – ⋅ – ⋅ – – –
Произношение слова «Килиманджаро» на дактильной азбуке
Как это слово произносится на ручной азбуке глухонемых (но не на языке жестов).
Передача слова «Килиманджаро» семафорной азбукой
Как это слово передаётся флажковой сигнализацией.
Остальные слова из 12 букв
Какие ещё слова состоят из такого же количества букв.
- абаксиальный
- абалаковская
- аббатствовав
- аббревиатура
- аббревиатуры
- абброморфема
- абдукционный
- абдулла-наме
- аберрировать
- аберрируемый
- аберрирующий
- аберрометрия
- абиотические
- абиотический
- абитуриентка
- аблактировка
- аблактируясь
- аболиционизм
- аболиционист
- абомазотомия
- абонементная
- абонементное
- абонементный
- абонирование
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Mount Kilimanjaro | |
View of Kibo (5892 m) in 2006. |
Highest point | |
Elevation | 5,895 m (19,341 ft) |
Prominence | 5,885 m (19,308 ft) Ranked 4th |
Isolation | 5,510 km (3,420 mi) |
Listing |
Coordinates | 03°04′33″S 37°21′12″E / 3.07583°S 37.35333°ECoordinates: 03°04′33″S 37°21′12″E / 3.07583°S 37.35333°E |
Geography | |
Mount Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro’s location in Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro (Africa) Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro (Earth) |
Location | Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania |
Parent range | The Eastern Rift mountains |
Topo map | Kilimanjaro map and guide by Wielochowski[2] |
Geology | |
Age of rock | 4 million years |
Mountain type | Stratovolcano |
Last eruption | Between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago |
Climbing | |
First ascent | (European) 6 October 1889 by Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller |
Easiest route | Hiking |
Mount Kilimanjaro from space, illustrating its diverse vegetation zones.[3]
Mount Kilimanjaro ()[4] is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. It has three volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. It is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain above sea level in the world: 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level and about 4,900 metres (16,100 ft) above its plateau base. It is the highest volcano in Africa and the Eastern Hemisphere.
Kilimanjaro is the fourth most topographically prominent peak on Earth. It is part of Kilimanjaro National Park and is a major hiking and climbing destination. Because of its shrinking glaciers and ice fields, which are projected to disappear between 2025 and 2035, it has been the subject of many scientific studies.
An aerial view of Kilimanjaro, taken while departing Amboseli Airport, showing a larger ice and snow cap in 1979.
The origin of the name Kilimanjaro is not known, but a number of theories exist. European explorers had adopted the name by 1860 and reported that Kilimanjaro was the mountain’s Kiswahili name.[5] The 1907 edition of The Nuttall Encyclopædia also records the name of the mountain as Kilima-Njaro.[6]
Johann Ludwig Krapf wrote in 1860 that Swahilis along the coast called the mountain Kilimanjaro. Although he did not offer any support,[7] he claimed that Kilimanjaro meant either mountain of greatness or mountain of caravans. Under the latter meaning, kilima meant mountain and jaro meant caravans.[5] Jim Thompson claimed in 1885, again without support,[7] that the term Kilima-Njaro «has generally been understood to mean» the mountain (kilima) of greatness (njaro). He also suggested «though not improbably it may mean» the white mountain.[8]
Njaro is an ancient Kiswahili word for shining.[9] Similarly, Krapf wrote that a chief of the Wakamba people, whom he visited in 1849, «had been to Jagga and had seen the Kima jajeu, mountain of whiteness, the name given by the Wakamba to Kilimanjaro….»[10] More correctly in the Kikamba language this would be kiima kyeu, and this possible derivation has been popular with several investigators.[7]
Others have assumed that kilima is Kiswahili for mountain. The problem with this assumption is that kilima actually means hill and is, therefore, the diminutive of mlima, the proper Kiswahili word for mountain. However, «[i]t is … possible … that an early European visitor, whose knowledge of [Kiswahili] was not extensive, changed mlima to kilima by analogy with the two Wachagga names: Kibo and Kimawenzi.»[7] A different approach is to assume that the kileman part of Kilimanjaro comes from the Kichagga kileme, which means that which defeats, or kilelema, which means that which has become difficult or impossible. The jaro part would «then be derived from njaare, a bird; or, according to other informants, a leopard; or, possibly from jyaro, a caravan». Considering that the name Kilimanjaro has never been current among the Wachagga people, it is possible that the name was derived from Wachagga saying that the mountain was unclimbable, kilemanjaare or kilemajyaro, and porters misinterpreting this as being the name of the mountain.[7]
In the 1880s, the mountain became a part of German East Africa and was called Kilima-Ndscharo in German following the Kiswahili name components.[11] On 6 October 1889, Hans Meyer reached the highest summit on the crater ridge of Kibo. He named it Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze (Kaiser Wilhelm peak).[12] That name was used until Tanzania was formed in 1964,[13] when the summit was renamed Uhuru Peak, meaning freedom peak in Kiswahili.[14]
Geology and geography[edit]
Kilimanjaro is a large dormant stratovolcano composed of three distinct volcanic cones: Kibo, the highest; Mawenzi at 5,149 metres (16,893 ft);[15] and Shira, the lowest at 4,005 metres (13,140 ft).[16] Mawenzi and Shira are extinct, while Kibo is dormant and could erupt again.[17]
Uhuru Peak is the highest summit on Kibo’s crater rim. The Tanzania National Parks Authority, a Tanzanian government agency,[1] and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization[18] lists the height of Uhuru Peak as 5,895 m (19,341 ft), based on a British survey in 1952.[19] The height has since been measured as 5,892 metres (19,331 ft) in 1999, 5,902 metres (19,364 ft) in 2008, and 5,899 metres (19,354 ft) in 2014.[19]
A map of the Kibo cone on Mount Kilimanjaro was published by the British government’s Directorate of Overseas Surveys (DOS) in 1964 based on aerial photography conducted in 1962 as the «Subset of Kilimanjaro, East Africa (Tanganyika) Series Y742, Sheet 56/2, D.O.S. 422 1964, Edition 1, Scale 1:50,000».[20] Tourist mapping was first published by the Ordnance Survey in England in 1989 based on the original DOS mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, with 100 feet (30 m) contour intervals, as DOS 522.[21] West Col Productions produced a map with tourist information in 1990, at a scale of 1:75,000, with 100 metres (330 ft) contour intervals; it included inset maps of Kibo and Mawenzi on 1:20,000 and 1:30,000 scales respectively and with 50 metres (160 ft) contour intervals.[21] In recent years, numerous other maps have become available, of various qualities.[2]
The volcanic interior of Kilimanjaro is poorly known because there has not been any significant erosion to expose the igneous strata that comprise the volcano’s structure.[22]
Eruptive activity at the Shira centre commenced about 2.5 million years ago, with the last important phase occurring about 1.9 million years ago, just before the northern part of the edifice collapsed.[17] Shira is topped by a broad plateau at 3,800 metres (12,500 ft), which may be a filled caldera. The remnant caldera rim has been degraded deeply by erosion. Before the caldera formed and erosion began, Shira might have been between 4,900 and 5,200 m (16,100 and 17,100 ft) high. It is mostly composed of basic lavas, with some pyroclastics. The formation of the caldera was accompanied by lava emanating from ring fractures, but there was no large scale explosive activity. Two cones formed subsequently, the phonolitic one at the northwest end of the ridge and the doleritic Platzkegel in the caldera centre.[17][22][23]
Both Mawenzi and Kibo began erupting about 1 million years ago.[17] They are separated by the Saddle Plateau at 4,400 metres (14,400 ft) elevation.[24]: 3
The youngest dated rocks at Mawenzi are about 448,000 years old.[17] Mawenzi forms a horseshoe-shaped ridge with pinnacles and ridges opening to the northeast, with a tower-like shape resulting from deep erosion and a mafic dike swarm. Several large cirques cut into the ring. The largest of these sits on top of the Great Barranco gorge. Also notable are the East and West Barrancos on the northeastern side of the mountain. Most of the eastern side of the mountain has been removed by erosion. Mawenzi has a subsidiary peak, Neumann Tower, 4,425 metres (14,518 ft).[17][22][23]
An aerial view of Kilimanjaro in December 2009.
Kibo is the largest cone on the mountain and is more than 24 km (15 mi) wide at the Saddle Plateau altitude. The last activity here, dated to 150,000–200,000 years ago, created the current Kibo summit crater. Kibo still has gas-emitting fumaroles in its crater.[17][22][23] Kibo is capped by an almost symmetrical cone with escarpments rising 180 to 200 metres (590 to 660 ft) on the south side. These escarpments define a 2.5-kilometre-wide (1.6 mi) caldera[25] caused by the collapse of the summit.
Within this caldera is the Inner Cone and within the crater of the Inner Cone is the Reusch Crater, which the Tanganyika government in 1954 named after Gustav Otto Richard Reusch, upon his climbing the mountain for the 25th time (out of 65 attempts during his lifetime).[26][27] The Ash Pit, 350 metres (1,150 ft) deep, lies within the Reusch Crater.[28] About 100,000 years ago, part of Kibo’s crater rim collapsed, creating the area known as the Western Breach and the Great Barranco.[29]
An almost continuous layer of lava buries most older geological features, with the exception of exposed strata within the Great West Notch and the Kibo Barranco. The former exposes intrusions of syenite.[22] Kibo has five main lava formations:[17]
- Phonotephrites and tephriphonolites of the Lava Tower group, on a dyke cropping out at 4,600 metres (15,100 ft), dated to 482,000 years ago.
- Tephriphonolite to phonolite lavas «characterized by rhomb mega-phenocrysts of sodic feldspars» of the Rhomb Porphyry group, dated to 460,000–360,000 years ago.
- Aphyric phonolite lavas, «commonly underlain by basal obsidian horizons», of the Lent group, dated to 359,000–337,000 years ago
- Porphyritic tephriphonolite to phonolite lavas of the Caldera Rim group, dated to 274,000–170,000 years ago
- Phonolite lava flows with aegirine phenocrysts, of the Inner Crater group, which represents the last volcanic activity on Kibo
Kibo has more than 250 parasitic cones on its northwest and southeast flanks that were formed between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago[17] and erupted picrobasalts, trachybasalts, ankaramites, and basanites.[17][22][23] They reach as far as Lake Chala and Taveta in the southeast and the Lengurumani Plain in the northwest. Most of these cones are well preserved, with the exception of the Saddle Plateau cones that were heavily affected by glacial action. Despite their mostly small size, lava from the cones has obscured large portions of the mountain. The Saddle Plateau cones are mostly cinder cones with terminal effusion of lava, while the Upper Rombo Zone cones mostly generated lava flows. All Saddle Plateau cones predate the last glaciation.[22]
According to reports gathered in the 19th century from the Maasai, Lake Chala on Kibo’s eastern flank was the site of a village that was destroyed by an eruption.[30]
An aerial view of the Kibo summit of Kilimanjaro in 1938.
Kilimanjaro’s glaciers retreat in 1912–2018.
Kibo’s diminishing ice cap exists because Kilimanjaro is a little-dissected, massive mountain that rises above the snow line. The cap is divergent and at the edges splits into individual glaciers. The central portion of the ice cap is interrupted by the presence of the Kibo crater.[24]: 5 The summit glaciers and ice fields do not display significant horizontal movements because their low thickness precludes major deformation.[31]
Geological evidence shows five successive glacial episodes during the Quaternary period, namely First (500,000 BP), Second (greater than 360,000 years ago to 240,000 BP), Third (150,000 to 120,000 BP), Fourth (also known as «Main») (20,000 to 17,000 BP), and Little (16,000 to 14,000 BP). The Third may have been the most extensive, and the Little appears to be statistically indistinguishable from the Fourth.[32]
A continuous ice cap covering approximately 400 square kilometres (150 sq mi) down to an elevation of 3,200 metres (10,500 ft) covered Kilimanjaro during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Pleistocene epoch (the Main glacial episode), extending across the summits of Kibo and Mawenzi.[16][25] Because of the exceptionally prolonged dry conditions during the subsequent Younger Dryas stadial, the ice fields on Kilimanjaro may have become extinct around 11,500 years BP.[31] Ice cores taken from Kilimanjaro’s Northern Ice Field (NIF) indicates that the glaciers there have a basal age of about 11,700 years,[33] although an analysis of ice taken in 2011 from exposed vertical cliffs in the NIF supports an age extending only to 800 years BP.[34] Higher precipitation rates at the beginning of the Holocene epoch (11,500 years BP) allowed the ice cap to reform.[31] The glaciers survived a widespread drought during a three century period beginning around 4,000 years BP.[31][35]
In the late 1880s, the summit of Kibo was completely covered by an ice cap about 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) in extent with outlet glaciers cascading down the western and southern slopes, and except for the inner cone, the entire caldera was buried. Glacier ice also flowed through the Western Breach.[16][25] The slope glaciers retreated rapidly between 1912 and 1953, in response to a sudden shift in climate at the end of the 19th century that made them «drastically out of equilibrium», and more slowly thereafter. Their continuing demise indicates they are still out of equilibrium in response to a constant change in climate over the past century.[16]
In contrast to the persistent slope glaciers, the glaciers on Kilimanjaro’s crater plateau have appeared and disappeared repeatedly during the Holocene epoch, with each cycle lasting a few hundred years.[36]: 1088 It appears that decreasing specific humidity instead of temperature changes has caused the shrinkage of the slope glaciers since the late 19th century. No clear warming trend at the elevation of those glaciers occurred between 1948 and 2005. Although air temperatures at that elevation are always below freezing, solar radiation causes melting on vertical faces. Vertical ice margin walls are a unique characteristic of the summit glaciers and a major place of the shrinkage of the glaciers. They manifest stratifications, calving, and other ice features.[37] «There is no pathway for the plateau glaciers other than to continuously retreat once their vertical margins are exposed to solar radiation.»[16] The Kilimanjaro glaciers have been used for deriving ice core records, including two from the southern icefield. Based on this data, this icefield formed between 1,250 and 1,450 years BP.[38]
A vertical glacier margin wall as seen from Gilman’s Point on the crater rim at sunrise in 1998
Almost 85 percent of the ice cover on Kilimanjaro disappeared between October 1912 and June 2011, with coverage decreasing from 11.40 square kilometres (4.40 sq mi) to 1.76 square kilometres (0.68 sq mi).[39]: 423 Between 1912 and 1953, there was about a 1.1 percent average annual loss of ice coverage.[35] The average annual loss for 1953 to 1989 was 1.4 percent, while the loss rate for 1989 to 2007 was 2.5 percent.[35] Of the ice cover still present in 2000, almost 40 percent had disappeared by 2011.[39]: 425 Ice climber Will Gadd noticed differences between his 2014 and 2020 climbs.[40] The glaciers are thinning in addition to losing areal coverage,[35] and do not have active accumulation zones; retreat occurs on all glacier surfaces. Loss of glacier mass is caused by both melting and sublimation.[31] While the current shrinking and thinning of Kilimanjaro’s ice fields appears to be unique within its almost twelve millennium history, it is contemporaneous with widespread glacier retreat in mid-to-low latitudes across the globe.[35] In 2013, it was estimated that, at the current rate of global warming, most of the ice on Kilimanjaro will disappear by 2040 and «it is highly unlikely that any ice body will remain after 2060».[39]: 430
A complete disappearance of the ice would be of only «negligible importance» to the water budget of the area around the mountain. The forests of Kilimanjaro, far below the ice fields, «are [the] essential water reservoirs for the local and regional populations».[41]
Kilimanjaro is drained by a network of rivers and streams, especially on the wetter and more heavily eroded southern side and especially above 1,200 metres (3,900 ft). Below that altitude, increased evaporation and human water usage reduces the water flows. The Lumi and Pangani rivers drain Kilimanjaro on the eastern and southern sides, respectively.[42]
Two of Kilimanjaro’s volcanic cones: Kibo (left) and Mawenzi (right).
IUGS geological heritage site[edit]
In respect of it being ‘the highest stratovolcano of the East African Rift that maintains a glacier on its summit’, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) included ‘The Pleistocene Kilimanjaro volcano’ in its assemblage of 100 ‘geological heritage sites’ around the world in a listing published in October 2022. The organisation defines an IUGS Geological Heritage Site as ‘a key place with geological elements and/or processes of international scientific relevance, used as a reference, and/or with a substantial contribution to the development of geological sciences through history.’[43]
Human history[edit]
African culture[edit]
Kilimanjaro is attested to in numerous stories by the peoples who live in East Africa. The Chagga, who traditionally lived on the southern and eastern slopes of the mountain, tell how a man named Tone once provoked a god, Ruwa, to bring famine upon the land. The people became angry at Tone, forcing him to flee. Nobody wanted to protect him but a solitary dweller who had stones that turned miraculously into cattle. The dweller bid that Tone never open the stable of the cattle. When Tone did not heed the warning and the cattle escaped, Tone followed them, but the fleeing cattle threw up hills to run on, including Mawenzi and Kibo. Tone finally collapsed on Kibo, ending the pursuit.[44]
Another Chagga legend tells of ivory-filled graves of elephants on the mountain, and of a cow named Rayli that produces miraculous fat from her tail glands. If a man tries to steal such a gland but is too slow in his moves, Rayli will blast a powerful snort and blow the thief down onto the plain.[45]
Early records[edit]
The mountain may have been known to non-Africans since antiquity. Sailors’ reports recorded by Ptolemy mention a «moon mountain» and a spring lake of the Nile, which may indicate Kilimanjaro, although available historical information does not allow differentiation among others in East Africa like Mount Kenya, the mountains of Ethiopia, the Virunga Mountains, the Rwenzori Mountains, and Kilimanjaro. Before Ptolemy, Aeschylus and Herodotus referred to «Egypt nurtured by the snows» and to a spring between two mountains, respectively. One of these mentions two tall mountains in the coastal regions with a valley with traces of fire between. Martín Fernández de Enciso, a Spanish traveller to Mombasa who obtained information about the interior from native caravans, said in his Summa de Geografía (1519) that west of Mombasa «stands the Ethiopian Mount Olympus, which is exceedingly high, and beyond it are the Mountains of the Moon, in which are the sources of the Nile».[30][46]: 1–5 [47]: 114
European exploration[edit]
The German missionaries Johannes Rebmann of Mombasa and Johann Krapf were the first Europeans known to have attempted to reach the mountain. According to English geographer Halford Mackinder and English explorer Harry Johnston, Rebmann in 1848 was the first European to report the existence of Kilimanjaro.[48][49] Hans Meyer has claimed that Rebmann first arrived in Africa in 1846 and quotes Rebmann’s diary entry of 11 May 1848 as saying,
This morning, at 10 o’clock, we obtained a clearer view of the mountains of Jagga, the summit of one of which was covered by what looked like a beautiful white cloud. When I inquired as to the dazzling whiteness, the guide merely called it ‘cold’ and at once I knew it could be neither more nor less than snow…. Immediately I understood how to interpret the marvelous tales Dr. Krapf and I had heard at the coast, of a vast mountain of gold and silver in the far interior, the approach to which was guarded by evil spirits.[46]: 6
In August 1861, the Prussian officer Baron Karl Klaus von der Decken accompanied by English geologist Richard Thornton[50] made an attempt to climb Kibo but «got no farther than 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) owing to the inclemency of the weather».[46]: 9 [51] In December 1862, von der Decken tried a second time together with Otto Kersten, reaching a height of 4,300 metres (14,000 ft).[52]
In August 1871, missionary Charles New became the «first European to reach the equatorial snows» on Kilimanjaro at an elevation of slightly more than 4,000 metres (13,000 ft).[46]: 11 In June 1887, the Hungarian Count Sámuel Teleki and the Austrian Lieutenant Ludwig von Höhnel made an attempt to climb the mountain. Approaching from the saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo, Höhnel stopped at 4,950 metres (16,240 ft), but Teleki continued until he reached the snow at 5,300 metres (17,400 ft).[53] Later in 1887, the German geology professor Hans Meyer reached the lower edge of the ice cap on Kibo, where he was forced to turn back because he lacked the equipment needed to progress across the ice.[54]: 81 The following year, Meyer planned another attempt with Oscar Baumann, a cartographer, but the mission was aborted after the pair were held hostage and ransomed during the Abushiri Revolt.[54]: 82 In the autumn of 1888, the American naturalist Abbott and the German explorer Otto Ehrenfried Ehlers approached the summit from the northwest. While Abbott turned back earlier, Ehlers at first claimed to have reached the summit rim, but after severe criticism of the claim, withdrew it.[46]: 17–19
In 1889, Meyer returned to Kilimanjaro with the Austrian mountaineer Ludwig Purtscheller for a third attempt.[54]: 82 This attempt was based on the establishment of several campsites with food supplies so that multiple attempts at the top could be made without having to descend too far.[54]: 82 Meyer and Purtscheller pushed to near the crater rim on 3 October but turned back exhausted from hacking footsteps in the icy slope.[54]: 82 Three days later, they reached the highest summit, on the southern rim of the crater.[54]: 82 They were the first to confirm that Kibo has a crater.[54]: 82 After descending to the saddle between Kibo and Mawenzi, Meyer and Purtscheller attempted to climb the more technically challenging Mawenzi but could only reach the top of Klute Peak, a subsidiary peak, before retreating due to illness.[54]: 84 On 18 October, they reascended Kibo to enter and study the crater, cresting the rim at Hans Meyers Notch.[54]: 84 In total, Meyer and Purtscheller spent 16 days above 4,600 metres (15,000 ft) during their expedition.[54]: 84 They were accompanied in their high camps by Mwini Amani of Pangani, who cooked and supplied the sites with water and firewood.[46]: 135–186
The first ascent of the highest summit of Mawenzi was made on 29 July 1912, by the German climbers Eduard Hans Oehler and Fritz Klute, who named it Hans Meyer Peak. Oehler and Klute went on to make the third-ever ascent of Kibo, via the Drygalski Glacier, and descended via the Western Breach.[54]: 85
In 1989, the organizing committee of the 100-year celebration of the first ascent decided to award posthumous certificates to the African porter-guides who had accompanied Meyer and Purtscheller.[55] One person in pictures or documents of the 1889 expedition was thought to match a living inhabitant of Marangu, Yohani Kinyala Lauwo.[55] Lauwo did not know his own age,[55] nor remember Meyer or Purtscheller. He did recall joining a Kilimanjaro expedition involving a Dutch doctor who lived near the mountain, and that he did not wear shoes during the climb.[55] Lauwo claimed that he had climbed the mountain three times before the beginning of World War I.[55] The committee concluded that he had been a member of Meyer’s team and therefore must have been born around 1871.[55] Lauwo died on 10 May 1996, 107 years after the first ascent. It is sometimes suggested that he was a co-first-ascendant of Kilimanjaro.[56]
Fauna and flora[edit]
Large animals are rare on Kilimanjaro and are more frequent in the forests and lower parts of the mountain. Elephants and Cape buffaloes are among the animals that can be potentially hazardous to trekkers. Bushbucks, chameleons, dik-diks, duikers, mongooses, sunbirds, and warthogs have also been reported. Zebras, leopards and hyenas have been observed sporadically on the Shira plateau.[57] Specific species associated with the mountain include the Kilimanjaro shrew[58] and the chameleon Kinyongia tavetana.[59]
The cloud forest on the Marangu route on the south eastern slope
Natural forests cover about 1,000 square kilometres (250,000 acres) on Kilimanjaro.[60] In the foothill area, maize, beans, sunflowers and, on the western side, wheat are cultivated. There are remnants of the former savanna vegetation with Acacia, Combretum, Terminalia and Grewia. Between 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) and 1,800 metres (5,900 ft), coffee appears as part of the «Chagga home gardens» agroforestry. Native vegetation at this altitude range (Strombosia, Newtonia, and Entandrophragma) is limited to inaccessible valleys and gorges[61] and is different from vegetation at higher altitudes. On the southern slope, montane forests first contain Ocotea usambarensis as well as ferns and epiphytes; farther up in cloud forests Podocarpus latifolius, Hagenia abyssinica and Erica excelsa grow, as well as fog-dependent mosses. On the drier northern slopes olive, Croton—Calodendrum, Cassipourea, and Juniperus form forests in order of increasing altitude. Between 3,100 metres (10,200 ft) and 3,900 metres (12,800 ft) lie Erica bush and heathlands, followed by Helichrysum, until 4,500 metres (14,800 ft).[62][63] Neophytes have been observed, including Poa annua.[62]
Records from the Maundi crater at 2,780 metres (9,120 ft) indicate that the vegetation of Kilimanjaro has varied over time. Forest vegetation retreated during the Last Glacial Maximum and the ericaceous vegetation belt lowered by 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) between 42,000 and 30,000 years ago because of the drier and colder conditions.[61]
The Tussock Grassland is an area on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro that contains many unique species of vegetation, such as the water holding cabbage.[citation needed]
A trail runs across the curving side of a dry alpine desert of Mount Kilimanjaro
The climate of Kilimanjaro is influenced by the height of the mountain, which allows the simultaneous influence of the equatorial trade winds and the high altitude anti-trades, and by the isolated position of the mountain. Kilimanjaro has daily upslope and nightly downslope winds, a regimen stronger on the southern than the northern side of the mountain. The flatter southern flanks are more extended and affect the atmosphere more strongly.[24]: 3–4
Kilimanjaro has two distinct rainy seasons, one from March to May and another around November. The northern slopes receive much less rainfall than the southern ones.[60] The lower southern slope receives 800 to 900 millimetres (31 to 35 in) annually, rising to 1,500 to 2,000 millimetres (59 to 79 in) at 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) altitude and peaking «partly over» 3,000 millimetres (120 in) in the forest belt at 2,000 to 2,300 metres (6,600 to 7,500 ft). In the alpine zone, annual precipitation decreases to 200 millimetres (7.9 in).[62]: 18
The average temperature in the summit area is approximately −7 °C (19 °F). Nighttime surface temperatures on the Northern Ice Field (NIF) fall on average to −9 °C (16 °F), with an average daytime high of −4 °C (25 °F). During nights of extreme radiational cooling, the NIF can cool to as low as −15 to −27 °C (5 to −17 °F).[37]: 674
Snowfall can occur at any time of year but is mostly associated with northern Tanzania’s two rainy seasons.[37]: 673 Precipitation in the summit area occurs principally as snow and graupel of 250 to 500 millimetres (9.8 to 19.7 in) per year and ablates within days or years.[31]
Climatic zones[edit]
- Bushland / Lower Slope:, 800 m – 1,800 m (2,600 ft – 5,900 ft);
- Rainforest: 1,800 m – 2,800 m (5,900 ft – 9,200 ft);
- Heather / Moorland: 2,800 m – 4,000 m (9,200 ft – 13,100 ft);
- Alpine Desert: 4,000 m – 5,000 m (13,100 ft– 16,400 ft);
- Arctic: 5,000 m – 5,895 m (16,400 ft – 19,300 ft).[64]
Tourism industry[edit]
Kilimanjaro National Park generated US$51 million in revenue in 2013,[65]: 285 the second-most of any Tanzanian national park.[66]: 258 The Tanzania National Parks Authority reported that the park recorded 57,456 tourists during the 2011–12 budget year, of whom 16,425 hiked the mountain; the park’s General Management Plan specifies an annual capacity of 28,470.[67] The mountain hikers generated irregular and seasonal jobs for about 11,000 guides, porters, and cooks in 2007.[68] Concerns have been raised about their poor working conditions and inadequate wages of these workers.[65]: 287–291 [66]: 259 [68]
Due to Kilimanjaro National Park’s popularity as a destination, the Tanzanian government have invested in road infrastructure to improve accessibility. In Tanzania, Kilimanjaro International Airport also serves as an important transportation hub.[69]
There are seven official trekking routes by which to ascend and descend Kilimanjaro: Lemosho, Lemosho Western-Breach, Machame, Marangu, Mweka, Rongai, Shira, and Umbwe.[70] The Machame route can be completed in six or seven days,[71] Lemosho in six to eight, and the Northern Circuit routes in seven or more days.[72] The Lemosho Route can also be continued via the Western-Breach, summitting via the western side of the mountain. The Western-Breach is more secluded and avoids the 6-hour midnight ascent to the summit (like other routes). The Rongai is the easiest of the camping routes.[73] The Marangu is also relatively easy, if frequently busy; accommodation is in shared huts.[74] The Lemosho Western-Breach Route commences on the western side of Kilimanjaro at Lemosho and continues to the summit via the Western-Breach Route.[64][75]
Climbing records[edit]
Uhuru Peak, December 2020.
The oldest person to climb Mount Kilimanjaro is Anne Lorimor, aged 89 years and 37 days, who reached Uhuru Peak at 3:14 p.m. local time on 18 July 2019.[76][77] The oldest man to summit is American Fred Dishelhorst, who reached the top on 19 July 2017 at the age of 88 years old.[78] The second oldest man to summit the mountain is the American Robert Wheeler, who was 85 years and 201 days when he summited on 2 October 2014.[79] Maxwell J. Ojerholm of Massachusetts, USA, reached Uhuru Peak, the true summit, unassisted, at the age of ten years, on July 4, 2009, taking the difficult Machame Route. Colin M. Barker of Missouri, USA, later completed the same route at the age of ten years on December 22, 2020. Theodore Margaroli from London, age 10, reached the summit unassisted by the Western Breach, the hardest but most scenic route, in 2019.[79][80] Despite an age-limit of 10 years for a climbing permit, Keats Boyd from Los Angeles reached the summit on 21 January 2008 at the age of 7.[79] This record was equaled by Montannah Kenney from Texas in March 2018.[79][81]
The fastest ascent and the fastest round trip have been recorded by the Swiss-Ecuadorian mountain guide Karl Egloff. On 13 August 2014, after guiding a party to the summit the previous days, he ran from Umbwe Gate to the top in 4 hours and 56 minutes and returned to the Mweka Gate at 1,630 metres (5,350 ft) in a total time of 6 hours, 42 minutes and 24 seconds.[82][83] Previous records, using the same route, were held by Spanish mountain runner Kílian Jornet (ascent in 5:23:50, round trip 7:14 on 29 September 2010) and by Tanzanian guide Simon Mtuy (an unsupported round trip in 9:21 on 22 February 2006).[84][79][85]
The female round trip record is held by Fernanda Maciel from Brazil in a time of 10 hours and 6 minutes.[82] Her ascent time of 7:08 was broken on 23 February 2018 by the Danish ultramarathon runner Kristina Schou Madsen with a time of 6:52:54 from Mweka Gate.[82][86]
Several climbs by disabled people have drawn attention. Wheelchair user Bernard Goosen from South Africa scaled Kilimanjaro in six days in 2007. In 2012, Kyle Maynard who has no forearms or lower legs, crawled unassisted to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.[79]
In 2020, a team featuring two double above-knee amputees, Hari Budha Magar and Justin Oliver Davis, summited Kilimanjaro. It took them six days to cover the 56-kilometre (35 mi) distance to the summit.[87]
Though the climb is not technically as challenging as the Himalayas or Andes, the high elevation, low temperature, and occasional high winds can make Kilimanjaro a difficult trek. Acclimatization is required, and even experienced and physically fit trekkers may suffer some degree of altitude sickness.[88][89] A study of people attempting to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro in July and August 2005 found that 61.3 percent succeeded and 77 percent experienced acute mountain sickness (AMS).[90] A retrospective study of 917 persons who attempted to reach the summit via the Lemosho or Machame routes found that 70.4 percent experienced AMS, defined in this study to be headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite.[91]
Kilimanjaro’s summit is well above the altitude at which life-threatening high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), the most severe forms of AMS, can occur.[92] These health risks are increased substantially by excessively fast climbing schedules motivated by high daily national park fees, busy holiday travel schedules, and the lack of permanent shelter on most routes.[93] The six-day Machame route, which involves one day of «climbing high» to Lava Tower (15,190 ft) and «sleeping low» at Barranco Camp (13,044 ft), may delay the onset of AMS but does not ultimately prevent its occurrence.[94][95]
Falls on steep portions of the mountain and rock slides have killed trekkers. For this reason, the route via the Arrow Glacier was closed for several years, reopening in December 2007.[96] The improper disposal of human waste on the mountain environment has created a health hazard, necessitating the boiling of all water.[97]
According to the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Moshi, 25 people died from January 1996 to October 2003 while climbing the mountain. Seventeen were female and eight were male, ranging in age from 29 to 74. Fourteen died from advanced high altitude illness, including one with HACE, five with HAPE, and six with both HACE and HAPE. The remaining eleven deaths resulted from «trauma (3), myocardial infarction (4), pneumonia (2), cardio-pulmonary failure of other underlying cause (1), and acute appendicitis (1). The overall mortality rate was an 13.6 per 100,000 climbers.»[98]
Caution signs at the Machamé trailhead.
Sign at Uhuru peak, indicating to trekkers that they have reached the top.
Memorial recognizing the German Hans Meyer as the first European to «conquer» Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro’s summit, Uhuru peak
Special events[edit]
- According to the Tanzania National Parks Authority, the first wedding performed on the mountain below the summit took place on 21 September 2014, when an American couple exchanged vows at Shira 2 Camp.[99][100] In 2011, a couple exchanged their vows at the summit.[101]
- On 26 September 2014, a new world record for the highest-ever cricket match was set when a group of international cricketers played on a flat crater on the mountain at an elevation of 5,730 metres (18,800 ft).[102]
See also[edit]
- Balletto Glacier
- Barranco Glacier
- Credner Glacier
- Furtwängler Glacier
- Great Penck Glacier
- List of volcanoes in Tanzania
- Little Penck Glacier
- Rebmann Glacier
- Sacred mountains
- Southeast Africa
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- ^ Eigenberger, Paul; Faino, Anna; Maltzahn, Joanne; Lisk, Christina; Frank, Eddie; Frank, Amy; Loomis, Zoe; Schroeder, Thies; Strand, Matthew; Irwin, David (2014). «A Retrospective Study of Acute Mountain Sickness on Mt. Kilimanjaro Using Trekking Company Data». Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 85 (11): 1125–1129. doi:10.3357/ASEM.4037.2014. PMID 25329946.
- ^ Cymerman, A; Rock, PB. «Medical Problems in High Mountain Environments. A Handbook for Medical Officers». USARIEM-TN94-2. US Army Research Inst. of Environmental Medicine Thermal and Mountain Medicine Division Technical Report. Archived from the original on 7 February 2012. Retrieved 5 March 2009. CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
- ^ Andrew J. Davies; Nicholas S. Kalson; Suzy Stokes; Mark D. Earl; Adam G. Whitehead; Hannah Frost; Ian Tyrell-Marsh; Jon Naylor (2009). «Determinants of Summiting Success and Acute Mountain Sickness on Mt Kilimanjaro (5895 m)» (PDF). Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. 20 (4): 311–317. doi:10.1580/1080-6032-020.004.0311. PMID 20030437. S2CID 13322264. Archived (PDF) from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 28 July 2015.
- ^ Joel Meyer (2012). «Twice-Daily Assessment of Trekkers on Kilimanjaro’s Machame Route to Evaluate the Incidence and Time-Course of Acute Mountain Sickness». High Altitude Medicine & Biology. 13 (4): 281–284. doi:10.1089/ham.2012.1024. PMID 23270446.
- ^ «Machame Route». Kopa Tours. 17 December 2019.
- ^ «Lava Tower en route to Barranco Camp». Africa Travel. About.com. Archived from the original on 27 September 2011. Retrieved 23 March 2011.
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- ^ Markus Hauser, Andreas Mueller, Britta Swai, Sendui Ole Nguyaine (2004). «Deaths Due to High Altitude Illness Among Tourists Climbing Mt Kilimanjaro». Proceedings of the 2004 South African Travel Medicine Society. Archived from the original on 17 November 2015. Retrieved 8 November 2015.
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- ^ «Cricketers play on Kilimanjaro to set new world record». BBC News. 26 September 2014. Archived from the original on 29 September 2014. Retrieved 29 September 2014.
External links[edit]
- «Kilimanjaro». Global Volcanism Program. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 24 June 2021.
- Mount Kilimanjaro National Park
- NASA Earth Explorer page
- Weather forecast for Mount Kilimanjaro (19,565 feet)
- Glacial Recession on Kilimanjaro (pictures of southern icefields) Archived 15 February 2011 at the Wayback Machine
- Mount Kilimanjaro live webcam
- Kilimanjaro flora picture gallery
- Aerial photographs of Mount Kilimanjaro, 1937–38
- Kilimanjaro
- Mr. Ramesh Dharam Chand Sheoran — Oldest Man to Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro honored by World Records India
- Rohit Tiwari Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and Performed 50+ Surayanamaskar honored by World Records India
Mount Kilimanjaro | |
View of Kibo (5892 m) in 2006. |
Highest point | |
Elevation | 5,895 m (19,341 ft) |
Prominence | 5,885 m (19,308 ft) Ranked 4th |
Isolation | 5,510 km (3,420 mi) |
Listing |
Coordinates | 03°04′33″S 37°21′12″E / 3.07583°S 37.35333°ECoordinates: 03°04′33″S 37°21′12″E / 3.07583°S 37.35333°E |
Geography | |
Mount Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro’s location in Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro (Africa) Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Kilimanjaro (Earth) |
Location | Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania |
Parent range | The Eastern Rift mountains |
Topo map | Kilimanjaro map and guide by Wielochowski[2] |
Geology | |
Age of rock | 4 million years |
Mountain type | Stratovolcano |
Last eruption | Between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago |
Climbing | |
First ascent | (European) 6 October 1889 by Hans Meyer and Ludwig Purtscheller |
Easiest route | Hiking |
Mount Kilimanjaro from space, illustrating its diverse vegetation zones.[3]
Mount Kilimanjaro ()[4] is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. It has three volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. It is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain above sea level in the world: 5,895 metres (19,341 ft) above sea level and about 4,900 metres (16,100 ft) above its plateau base. It is the highest volcano in Africa and the Eastern Hemisphere.
Kilimanjaro is the fourth most topographically prominent peak on Earth. It is part of Kilimanjaro National Park and is a major hiking and climbing destination. Because of its shrinking glaciers and ice fields, which are projected to disappear between 2025 and 2035, it has been the subject of many scientific studies.
An aerial view of Kilimanjaro, taken while departing Amboseli Airport, showing a larger ice and snow cap in 1979.
The origin of the name Kilimanjaro is not known, but a number of theories exist. European explorers had adopted the name by 1860 and reported that Kilimanjaro was the mountain’s Kiswahili name.[5] The 1907 edition of The Nuttall Encyclopædia also records the name of the mountain as Kilima-Njaro.[6]
Johann Ludwig Krapf wrote in 1860 that Swahilis along the coast called the mountain Kilimanjaro. Although he did not offer any support,[7] he claimed that Kilimanjaro meant either mountain of greatness or mountain of caravans. Under the latter meaning, kilima meant mountain and jaro meant caravans.[5] Jim Thompson claimed in 1885, again without support,[7] that the term Kilima-Njaro «has generally been understood to mean» the mountain (kilima) of greatness (njaro). He also suggested «though not improbably it may mean» the white mountain.[8]
Njaro is an ancient Kiswahili word for shining.[9] Similarly, Krapf wrote that a chief of the Wakamba people, whom he visited in 1849, «had been to Jagga and had seen the Kima jajeu, mountain of whiteness, the name given by the Wakamba to Kilimanjaro….»[10] More correctly in the Kikamba language this would be kiima kyeu, and this possible derivation has been popular with several investigators.[7]
Others have assumed that kilima is Kiswahili for mountain. The problem with this assumption is that kilima actually means hill and is, therefore, the diminutive of mlima, the proper Kiswahili word for mountain. However, «[i]t is … possible … that an early European visitor, whose knowledge of [Kiswahili] was not extensive, changed mlima to kilima by analogy with the two Wachagga names: Kibo and Kimawenzi.»[7] A different approach is to assume that the kileman part of Kilimanjaro comes from the Kichagga kileme, which means that which defeats, or kilelema, which means that which has become difficult or impossible. The jaro part would «then be derived from njaare, a bird; or, according to other informants, a leopard; or, possibly from jyaro, a caravan». Considering that the name Kilimanjaro has never been current among the Wachagga people, it is possible that the name was derived from Wachagga saying that the mountain was unclimbable, kilemanjaare or kilemajyaro, and porters misinterpreting this as being the name of the mountain.[7]
In the 1880s, the mountain became a part of German East Africa and was called Kilima-Ndscharo in German following the Kiswahili name components.[11] On 6 October 1889, Hans Meyer reached the highest summit on the crater ridge of Kibo. He named it Kaiser-Wilhelm-Spitze (Kaiser Wilhelm peak).[12] That name was used until Tanzania was formed in 1964,[13] when the summit was renamed Uhuru Peak, meaning freedom peak in Kiswahili.[14]
Geology and geography[edit]
Kilimanjaro is a large dormant stratovolcano composed of three distinct volcanic cones: Kibo, the highest; Mawenzi at 5,149 metres (16,893 ft);[15] and Shira, the lowest at 4,005 metres (13,140 ft).[16] Mawenzi and Shira are extinct, while Kibo is dormant and could erupt again.[17]
Uhuru Peak is the highest summit on Kibo’s crater rim. The Tanzania National Parks Authority, a Tanzanian government agency,[1] and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization[18] lists the height of Uhuru Peak as 5,895 m (19,341 ft), based on a British survey in 1952.[19] The height has since been measured as 5,892 metres (19,331 ft) in 1999, 5,902 metres (19,364 ft) in 2008, and 5,899 metres (19,354 ft) in 2014.[19]
A map of the Kibo cone on Mount Kilimanjaro was published by the British government’s Directorate of Overseas Surveys (DOS) in 1964 based on aerial photography conducted in 1962 as the «Subset of Kilimanjaro, East Africa (Tanganyika) Series Y742, Sheet 56/2, D.O.S. 422 1964, Edition 1, Scale 1:50,000».[20] Tourist mapping was first published by the Ordnance Survey in England in 1989 based on the original DOS mapping at a scale of 1:100,000, with 100 feet (30 m) contour intervals, as DOS 522.[21] West Col Productions produced a map with tourist information in 1990, at a scale of 1:75,000, with 100 metres (330 ft) contour intervals; it included inset maps of Kibo and Mawenzi on 1:20,000 and 1:30,000 scales respectively and with 50 metres (160 ft) contour intervals.[21] In recent years, numerous other maps have become available, of various qualities.[2]
The volcanic interior of Kilimanjaro is poorly known because there has not been any significant erosion to expose the igneous strata that comprise the volcano’s structure.[22]
Eruptive activity at the Shira centre commenced about 2.5 million years ago, with the last important phase occurring about 1.9 million years ago, just before the northern part of the edifice collapsed.[17] Shira is topped by a broad plateau at 3,800 metres (12,500 ft), which may be a filled caldera. The remnant caldera rim has been degraded deeply by erosion. Before the caldera formed and erosion began, Shira might have been between 4,900 and 5,200 m (16,100 and 17,100 ft) high. It is mostly composed of basic lavas, with some pyroclastics. The formation of the caldera was accompanied by lava emanating from ring fractures, but there was no large scale explosive activity. Two cones formed subsequently, the phonolitic one at the northwest end of the ridge and the doleritic Platzkegel in the caldera centre.[17][22][23]
Both Mawenzi and Kibo began erupting about 1 million years ago.[17] They are separated by the Saddle Plateau at 4,400 metres (14,400 ft) elevation.[24]: 3
The youngest dated rocks at Mawenzi are about 448,000 years old.[17] Mawenzi forms a horseshoe-shaped ridge with pinnacles and ridges opening to the northeast, with a tower-like shape resulting from deep erosion and a mafic dike swarm. Several large cirques cut into the ring. The largest of these sits on top of the Great Barranco gorge. Also notable are the East and West Barrancos on the northeastern side of the mountain. Most of the eastern side of the mountain has been removed by erosion. Mawenzi has a subsidiary peak, Neumann Tower, 4,425 metres (14,518 ft).[17][22][23]
An aerial view of Kilimanjaro in December 2009.
Kibo is the largest cone on the mountain and is more than 24 km (15 mi) wide at the Saddle Plateau altitude. The last activity here, dated to 150,000–200,000 years ago, created the current Kibo summit crater. Kibo still has gas-emitting fumaroles in its crater.[17][22][23] Kibo is capped by an almost symmetrical cone with escarpments rising 180 to 200 metres (590 to 660 ft) on the south side. These escarpments define a 2.5-kilometre-wide (1.6 mi) caldera[25] caused by the collapse of the summit.
Within this caldera is the Inner Cone and within the crater of the Inner Cone is the Reusch Crater, which the Tanganyika government in 1954 named after Gustav Otto Richard Reusch, upon his climbing the mountain for the 25th time (out of 65 attempts during his lifetime).[26][27] The Ash Pit, 350 metres (1,150 ft) deep, lies within the Reusch Crater.[28] About 100,000 years ago, part of Kibo’s crater rim collapsed, creating the area known as the Western Breach and the Great Barranco.[29]
An almost continuous layer of lava buries most older geological features, with the exception of exposed strata within the Great West Notch and the Kibo Barranco. The former exposes intrusions of syenite.[22] Kibo has five main lava formations:[17]
- Phonotephrites and tephriphonolites of the Lava Tower group, on a dyke cropping out at 4,600 metres (15,100 ft), dated to 482,000 years ago.
- Tephriphonolite to phonolite lavas «characterized by rhomb mega-phenocrysts of sodic feldspars» of the Rhomb Porphyry group, dated to 460,000–360,000 years ago.
- Aphyric phonolite lavas, «commonly underlain by basal obsidian horizons», of the Lent group, dated to 359,000–337,000 years ago
- Porphyritic tephriphonolite to phonolite lavas of the Caldera Rim group, dated to 274,000–170,000 years ago
- Phonolite lava flows with aegirine phenocrysts, of the Inner Crater group, which represents the last volcanic activity on Kibo
Kibo has more than 250 parasitic cones on its northwest and southeast flanks that were formed between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago[17] and erupted picrobasalts, trachybasalts, ankaramites, and basanites.[17][22][23] They reach as far as Lake Chala and Taveta in the southeast and the Lengurumani Plain in the northwest. Most of these cones are well preserved, with the exception of the Saddle Plateau cones that were heavily affected by glacial action. Despite their mostly small size, lava from the cones has obscured large portions of the mountain. The Saddle Plateau cones are mostly cinder cones with terminal effusion of lava, while the Upper Rombo Zone cones mostly generated lava flows. All Saddle Plateau cones predate the last glaciation.[22]
According to reports gathered in the 19th century from the Maasai, Lake Chala on Kibo’s eastern flank was the site of a village that was destroyed by an eruption.[30]
An aerial view of the Kibo summit of Kilimanjaro in 1938.
Kilimanjaro’s glaciers retreat in 1912–2018.
Kibo’s diminishing ice cap exists because Kilimanjaro is a little-dissected, massive mountain that rises above the snow line. The cap is divergent and at the edges splits into individual glaciers. The central portion of the ice cap is interrupted by the presence of the Kibo crater.[24]: 5 The summit glaciers and ice fields do not display significant horizontal movements because their low thickness precludes major deformation.[31]
Geological evidence shows five successive glacial episodes during the Quaternary period, namely First (500,000 BP), Second (greater than 360,000 years ago to 240,000 BP), Third (150,000 to 120,000 BP), Fourth (also known as «Main») (20,000 to 17,000 BP), and Little (16,000 to 14,000 BP). The Third may have been the most extensive, and the Little appears to be statistically indistinguishable from the Fourth.[32]
A continuous ice cap covering approximately 400 square kilometres (150 sq mi) down to an elevation of 3,200 metres (10,500 ft) covered Kilimanjaro during the Last Glacial Maximum in the Pleistocene epoch (the Main glacial episode), extending across the summits of Kibo and Mawenzi.[16][25] Because of the exceptionally prolonged dry conditions during the subsequent Younger Dryas stadial, the ice fields on Kilimanjaro may have become extinct around 11,500 years BP.[31] Ice cores taken from Kilimanjaro’s Northern Ice Field (NIF) indicates that the glaciers there have a basal age of about 11,700 years,[33] although an analysis of ice taken in 2011 from exposed vertical cliffs in the NIF supports an age extending only to 800 years BP.[34] Higher precipitation rates at the beginning of the Holocene epoch (11,500 years BP) allowed the ice cap to reform.[31] The glaciers survived a widespread drought during a three century period beginning around 4,000 years BP.[31][35]
In the late 1880s, the summit of Kibo was completely covered by an ice cap about 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) in extent with outlet glaciers cascading down the western and southern slopes, and except for the inner cone, the entire caldera was buried. Glacier ice also flowed through the Western Breach.[16][25] The slope glaciers retreated rapidly between 1912 and 1953, in response to a sudden shift in climate at the end of the 19th century that made them «drastically out of equilibrium», and more slowly thereafter. Their continuing demise indicates they are still out of equilibrium in response to a constant change in climate over the past century.[16]
In contrast to the persistent slope glaciers, the glaciers on Kilimanjaro’s crater plateau have appeared and disappeared repeatedly during the Holocene epoch, with each cycle lasting a few hundred years.[36]: 1088 It appears that decreasing specific humidity instead of temperature changes has caused the shrinkage of the slope glaciers since the late 19th century. No clear warming trend at the elevation of those glaciers occurred between 1948 and 2005. Although air temperatures at that elevation are always below freezing, solar radiation causes melting on vertical faces. Vertical ice margin walls are a unique characteristic of the summit glaciers and a major place of the shrinkage of the glaciers. They manifest stratifications, calving, and other ice features.[37] «There is no pathway for the plateau glaciers other than to continuously retreat once their vertical margins are exposed to solar radiation.»[16] The Kilimanjaro glaciers have been used for deriving ice core records, including two from the southern icefield. Based on this data, this icefield formed between 1,250 and 1,450 years BP.[38]
A vertical glacier margin wall as seen from Gilman’s Point on the crater rim at sunrise in 1998
Almost 85 percent of the ice cover on Kilimanjaro disappeared between October 1912 and June 2011, with coverage decreasing from 11.40 square kilometres (4.40 sq mi) to 1.76 square kilometres (0.68 sq mi).[39]: 423 Between 1912 and 1953, there was about a 1.1 percent average annual loss of ice coverage.[35] The average annual loss for 1953 to 1989 was 1.4 percent, while the loss rate for 1989 to 2007 was 2.5 percent.[35] Of the ice cover still present in 2000, almost 40 percent had disappeared by 2011.[39]: 425 Ice climber Will Gadd noticed differences between his 2014 and 2020 climbs.[40] The glaciers are thinning in addition to losing areal coverage,[35] and do not have active accumulation zones; retreat occurs on all glacier surfaces. Loss of glacier mass is caused by both melting and sublimation.[31] While the current shrinking and thinning of Kilimanjaro’s ice fields appears to be unique within its almost twelve millennium history, it is contemporaneous with widespread glacier retreat in mid-to-low latitudes across the globe.[35] In 2013, it was estimated that, at the current rate of global warming, most of the ice on Kilimanjaro will disappear by 2040 and «it is highly unlikely that any ice body will remain after 2060».[39]: 430
A complete disappearance of the ice would be of only «negligible importance» to the water budget of the area around the mountain. The forests of Kilimanjaro, far below the ice fields, «are [the] essential water reservoirs for the local and regional populations».[41]
Kilimanjaro is drained by a network of rivers and streams, especially on the wetter and more heavily eroded southern side and especially above 1,200 metres (3,900 ft). Below that altitude, increased evaporation and human water usage reduces the water flows. The Lumi and Pangani rivers drain Kilimanjaro on the eastern and southern sides, respectively.[42]
Two of Kilimanjaro’s volcanic cones: Kibo (left) and Mawenzi (right).
IUGS geological heritage site[edit]
In respect of it being ‘the highest stratovolcano of the East African Rift that maintains a glacier on its summit’, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) included ‘The Pleistocene Kilimanjaro volcano’ in its assemblage of 100 ‘geological heritage sites’ around the world in a listing published in October 2022. The organisation defines an IUGS Geological Heritage Site as ‘a key place with geological elements and/or processes of international scientific relevance, used as a reference, and/or with a substantial contribution to the development of geological sciences through history.’[43]
Human history[edit]
African culture[edit]
Kilimanjaro is attested to in numerous stories by the peoples who live in East Africa. The Chagga, who traditionally lived on the southern and eastern slopes of the mountain, tell how a man named Tone once provoked a god, Ruwa, to bring famine upon the land. The people became angry at Tone, forcing him to flee. Nobody wanted to protect him but a solitary dweller who had stones that turned miraculously into cattle. The dweller bid that Tone never open the stable of the cattle. When Tone did not heed the warning and the cattle escaped, Tone followed them, but the fleeing cattle threw up hills to run on, including Mawenzi and Kibo. Tone finally collapsed on Kibo, ending the pursuit.[44]
Another Chagga legend tells of ivory-filled graves of elephants on the mountain, and of a cow named Rayli that produces miraculous fat from her tail glands. If a man tries to steal such a gland but is too slow in his moves, Rayli will blast a powerful snort and blow the thief down onto the plain.[45]
Early records[edit]
The mountain may have been known to non-Africans since antiquity. Sailors’ reports recorded by Ptolemy mention a «moon mountain» and a spring lake of the Nile, which may indicate Kilimanjaro, although available historical information does not allow differentiation among others in East Africa like Mount Kenya, the mountains of Ethiopia, the Virunga Mountains, the Rwenzori Mountains, and Kilimanjaro. Before Ptolemy, Aeschylus and Herodotus referred to «Egypt nurtured by the snows» and to a spring between two mountains, respectively. One of these mentions two tall mountains in the coastal regions with a valley with traces of fire between. Martín Fernández de Enciso, a Spanish traveller to Mombasa who obtained information about the interior from native caravans, said in his Summa de Geografía (1519) that west of Mombasa «stands the Ethiopian Mount Olympus, which is exceedingly high, and beyond it are the Mountains of the Moon, in which are the sources of the Nile».[30][46]: 1–5 [47]: 114
European exploration[edit]
The German missionaries Johannes Rebmann of Mombasa and Johann Krapf were the first Europeans known to have attempted to reach the mountain. According to English geographer Halford Mackinder and English explorer Harry Johnston, Rebmann in 1848 was the first European to report the existence of Kilimanjaro.[48][49] Hans Meyer has claimed that Rebmann first arrived in Africa in 1846 and quotes Rebmann’s diary entry of 11 May 1848 as saying,
This morning, at 10 o’clock, we obtained a clearer view of the mountains of Jagga, the summit of one of which was covered by what looked like a beautiful white cloud. When I inquired as to the dazzling whiteness, the guide merely called it ‘cold’ and at once I knew it could be neither more nor less than snow…. Immediately I understood how to interpret the marvelous tales Dr. Krapf and I had heard at the coast, of a vast mountain of gold and silver in the far interior, the approach to which was guarded by evil spirits.[46]: 6
In August 1861, the Prussian officer Baron Karl Klaus von der Decken accompanied by English geologist Richard Thornton[50] made an attempt to climb Kibo but «got no farther than 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) owing to the inclemency of the weather».[46]: 9 [51] In December 1862, von der Decken tried a second time together with Otto Kersten, reaching a height of 4,300 metres (14,000 ft).[52]
In August 1871, missionary Charles New became the «first European to reach the equatorial snows» on Kilimanjaro at an elevation of slightly more than 4,000 metres (13,000 ft).[46]: 11 In June 1887, the Hungarian Count Sámuel Teleki and the Austrian Lieutenant Ludwig von Höhnel made an attempt to climb the mountain. Approaching from the saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo, Höhnel stopped at 4,950 metres (16,240 ft), but Teleki continued until he reached the snow at 5,300 metres (17,400 ft).[53] Later in 1887, the German geology professor Hans Meyer reached the lower edge of the ice cap on Kibo, where he was forced to turn back because he lacked the equipment needed to progress across the ice.[54]: 81 The following year, Meyer planned another attempt with Oscar Baumann, a cartographer, but the mission was aborted after the pair were held hostage and ransomed during the Abushiri Revolt.[54]: 82 In the autumn of 1888, the American naturalist Abbott and the German explorer Otto Ehrenfried Ehlers approached the summit from the northwest. While Abbott turned back earlier, Ehlers at first claimed to have reached the summit rim, but after severe criticism of the claim, withdrew it.[46]: 17–19
In 1889, Meyer returned to Kilimanjaro with the Austrian mountaineer Ludwig Purtscheller for a third attempt.[54]: 82 This attempt was based on the establishment of several campsites with food supplies so that multiple attempts at the top could be made without having to descend too far.[54]: 82 Meyer and Purtscheller pushed to near the crater rim on 3 October but turned back exhausted from hacking footsteps in the icy slope.[54]: 82 Three days later, they reached the highest summit, on the southern rim of the crater.[54]: 82 They were the first to confirm that Kibo has a crater.[54]: 82 After descending to the saddle between Kibo and Mawenzi, Meyer and Purtscheller attempted to climb the more technically challenging Mawenzi but could only reach the top of Klute Peak, a subsidiary peak, before retreating due to illness.[54]: 84 On 18 October, they reascended Kibo to enter and study the crater, cresting the rim at Hans Meyers Notch.[54]: 84 In total, Meyer and Purtscheller spent 16 days above 4,600 metres (15,000 ft) during their expedition.[54]: 84 They were accompanied in their high camps by Mwini Amani of Pangani, who cooked and supplied the sites with water and firewood.[46]: 135–186
The first ascent of the highest summit of Mawenzi was made on 29 July 1912, by the German climbers Eduard Hans Oehler and Fritz Klute, who named it Hans Meyer Peak. Oehler and Klute went on to make the third-ever ascent of Kibo, via the Drygalski Glacier, and descended via the Western Breach.[54]: 85
In 1989, the organizing committee of the 100-year celebration of the first ascent decided to award posthumous certificates to the African porter-guides who had accompanied Meyer and Purtscheller.[55] One person in pictures or documents of the 1889 expedition was thought to match a living inhabitant of Marangu, Yohani Kinyala Lauwo.[55] Lauwo did not know his own age,[55] nor remember Meyer or Purtscheller. He did recall joining a Kilimanjaro expedition involving a Dutch doctor who lived near the mountain, and that he did not wear shoes during the climb.[55] Lauwo claimed that he had climbed the mountain three times before the beginning of World War I.[55] The committee concluded that he had been a member of Meyer’s team and therefore must have been born around 1871.[55] Lauwo died on 10 May 1996, 107 years after the first ascent. It is sometimes suggested that he was a co-first-ascendant of Kilimanjaro.[56]
Fauna and flora[edit]
Large animals are rare on Kilimanjaro and are more frequent in the forests and lower parts of the mountain. Elephants and Cape buffaloes are among the animals that can be potentially hazardous to trekkers. Bushbucks, chameleons, dik-diks, duikers, mongooses, sunbirds, and warthogs have also been reported. Zebras, leopards and hyenas have been observed sporadically on the Shira plateau.[57] Specific species associated with the mountain include the Kilimanjaro shrew[58] and the chameleon Kinyongia tavetana.[59]
The cloud forest on the Marangu route on the south eastern slope
Natural forests cover about 1,000 square kilometres (250,000 acres) on Kilimanjaro.[60] In the foothill area, maize, beans, sunflowers and, on the western side, wheat are cultivated. There are remnants of the former savanna vegetation with Acacia, Combretum, Terminalia and Grewia. Between 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) and 1,800 metres (5,900 ft), coffee appears as part of the «Chagga home gardens» agroforestry. Native vegetation at this altitude range (Strombosia, Newtonia, and Entandrophragma) is limited to inaccessible valleys and gorges[61] and is different from vegetation at higher altitudes. On the southern slope, montane forests first contain Ocotea usambarensis as well as ferns and epiphytes; farther up in cloud forests Podocarpus latifolius, Hagenia abyssinica and Erica excelsa grow, as well as fog-dependent mosses. On the drier northern slopes olive, Croton—Calodendrum, Cassipourea, and Juniperus form forests in order of increasing altitude. Between 3,100 metres (10,200 ft) and 3,900 metres (12,800 ft) lie Erica bush and heathlands, followed by Helichrysum, until 4,500 metres (14,800 ft).[62][63] Neophytes have been observed, including Poa annua.[62]
Records from the Maundi crater at 2,780 metres (9,120 ft) indicate that the vegetation of Kilimanjaro has varied over time. Forest vegetation retreated during the Last Glacial Maximum and the ericaceous vegetation belt lowered by 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) between 42,000 and 30,000 years ago because of the drier and colder conditions.[61]
The Tussock Grassland is an area on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro that contains many unique species of vegetation, such as the water holding cabbage.[citation needed]
A trail runs across the curving side of a dry alpine desert of Mount Kilimanjaro
The climate of Kilimanjaro is influenced by the height of the mountain, which allows the simultaneous influence of the equatorial trade winds and the high altitude anti-trades, and by the isolated position of the mountain. Kilimanjaro has daily upslope and nightly downslope winds, a regimen stronger on the southern than the northern side of the mountain. The flatter southern flanks are more extended and affect the atmosphere more strongly.[24]: 3–4
Kilimanjaro has two distinct rainy seasons, one from March to May and another around November. The northern slopes receive much less rainfall than the southern ones.[60] The lower southern slope receives 800 to 900 millimetres (31 to 35 in) annually, rising to 1,500 to 2,000 millimetres (59 to 79 in) at 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) altitude and peaking «partly over» 3,000 millimetres (120 in) in the forest belt at 2,000 to 2,300 metres (6,600 to 7,500 ft). In the alpine zone, annual precipitation decreases to 200 millimetres (7.9 in).[62]: 18
The average temperature in the summit area is approximately −7 °C (19 °F). Nighttime surface temperatures on the Northern Ice Field (NIF) fall on average to −9 °C (16 °F), with an average daytime high of −4 °C (25 °F). During nights of extreme radiational cooling, the NIF can cool to as low as −15 to −27 °C (5 to −17 °F).[37]: 674
Snowfall can occur at any time of year but is mostly associated with northern Tanzania’s two rainy seasons.[37]: 673 Precipitation in the summit area occurs principally as snow and graupel of 250 to 500 millimetres (9.8 to 19.7 in) per year and ablates within days or years.[31]
Climatic zones[edit]
- Bushland / Lower Slope:, 800 m – 1,800 m (2,600 ft – 5,900 ft);
- Rainforest: 1,800 m – 2,800 m (5,900 ft – 9,200 ft);
- Heather / Moorland: 2,800 m – 4,000 m (9,200 ft – 13,100 ft);
- Alpine Desert: 4,000 m – 5,000 m (13,100 ft– 16,400 ft);
- Arctic: 5,000 m – 5,895 m (16,400 ft – 19,300 ft).[64]
Tourism industry[edit]
Kilimanjaro National Park generated US$51 million in revenue in 2013,[65]: 285 the second-most of any Tanzanian national park.[66]: 258 The Tanzania National Parks Authority reported that the park recorded 57,456 tourists during the 2011–12 budget year, of whom 16,425 hiked the mountain; the park’s General Management Plan specifies an annual capacity of 28,470.[67] The mountain hikers generated irregular and seasonal jobs for about 11,000 guides, porters, and cooks in 2007.[68] Concerns have been raised about their poor working conditions and inadequate wages of these workers.[65]: 287–291 [66]: 259 [68]
Due to Kilimanjaro National Park’s popularity as a destination, the Tanzanian government have invested in road infrastructure to improve accessibility. In Tanzania, Kilimanjaro International Airport also serves as an important transportation hub.[69]
There are seven official trekking routes by which to ascend and descend Kilimanjaro: Lemosho, Lemosho Western-Breach, Machame, Marangu, Mweka, Rongai, Shira, and Umbwe.[70] The Machame route can be completed in six or seven days,[71] Lemosho in six to eight, and the Northern Circuit routes in seven or more days.[72] The Lemosho Route can also be continued via the Western-Breach, summitting via the western side of the mountain. The Western-Breach is more secluded and avoids the 6-hour midnight ascent to the summit (like other routes). The Rongai is the easiest of the camping routes.[73] The Marangu is also relatively easy, if frequently busy; accommodation is in shared huts.[74] The Lemosho Western-Breach Route commences on the western side of Kilimanjaro at Lemosho and continues to the summit via the Western-Breach Route.[64][75]
Climbing records[edit]
Uhuru Peak, December 2020.
The oldest person to climb Mount Kilimanjaro is Anne Lorimor, aged 89 years and 37 days, who reached Uhuru Peak at 3:14 p.m. local time on 18 July 2019.[76][77] The oldest man to summit is American Fred Dishelhorst, who reached the top on 19 July 2017 at the age of 88 years old.[78] The second oldest man to summit the mountain is the American Robert Wheeler, who was 85 years and 201 days when he summited on 2 October 2014.[79] Maxwell J. Ojerholm of Massachusetts, USA, reached Uhuru Peak, the true summit, unassisted, at the age of ten years, on July 4, 2009, taking the difficult Machame Route. Colin M. Barker of Missouri, USA, later completed the same route at the age of ten years on December 22, 2020. Theodore Margaroli from London, age 10, reached the summit unassisted by the Western Breach, the hardest but most scenic route, in 2019.[79][80] Despite an age-limit of 10 years for a climbing permit, Keats Boyd from Los Angeles reached the summit on 21 January 2008 at the age of 7.[79] This record was equaled by Montannah Kenney from Texas in March 2018.[79][81]
The fastest ascent and the fastest round trip have been recorded by the Swiss-Ecuadorian mountain guide Karl Egloff. On 13 August 2014, after guiding a party to the summit the previous days, he ran from Umbwe Gate to the top in 4 hours and 56 minutes and returned to the Mweka Gate at 1,630 metres (5,350 ft) in a total time of 6 hours, 42 minutes and 24 seconds.[82][83] Previous records, using the same route, were held by Spanish mountain runner Kílian Jornet (ascent in 5:23:50, round trip 7:14 on 29 September 2010) and by Tanzanian guide Simon Mtuy (an unsupported round trip in 9:21 on 22 February 2006).[84][79][85]
The female round trip record is held by Fernanda Maciel from Brazil in a time of 10 hours and 6 minutes.[82] Her ascent time of 7:08 was broken on 23 February 2018 by the Danish ultramarathon runner Kristina Schou Madsen with a time of 6:52:54 from Mweka Gate.[82][86]
Several climbs by disabled people have drawn attention. Wheelchair user Bernard Goosen from South Africa scaled Kilimanjaro in six days in 2007. In 2012, Kyle Maynard who has no forearms or lower legs, crawled unassisted to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.[79]
In 2020, a team featuring two double above-knee amputees, Hari Budha Magar and Justin Oliver Davis, summited Kilimanjaro. It took them six days to cover the 56-kilometre (35 mi) distance to the summit.[87]
Though the climb is not technically as challenging as the Himalayas or Andes, the high elevation, low temperature, and occasional high winds can make Kilimanjaro a difficult trek. Acclimatization is required, and even experienced and physically fit trekkers may suffer some degree of altitude sickness.[88][89] A study of people attempting to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro in July and August 2005 found that 61.3 percent succeeded and 77 percent experienced acute mountain sickness (AMS).[90] A retrospective study of 917 persons who attempted to reach the summit via the Lemosho or Machame routes found that 70.4 percent experienced AMS, defined in this study to be headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite.[91]
Kilimanjaro’s summit is well above the altitude at which life-threatening high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) or high altitude cerebral edema (HACE), the most severe forms of AMS, can occur.[92] These health risks are increased substantially by excessively fast climbing schedules motivated by high daily national park fees, busy holiday travel schedules, and the lack of permanent shelter on most routes.[93] The six-day Machame route, which involves one day of «climbing high» to Lava Tower (15,190 ft) and «sleeping low» at Barranco Camp (13,044 ft), may delay the onset of AMS but does not ultimately prevent its occurrence.[94][95]
Falls on steep portions of the mountain and rock slides have killed trekkers. For this reason, the route via the Arrow Glacier was closed for several years, reopening in December 2007.[96] The improper disposal of human waste on the mountain environment has created a health hazard, necessitating the boiling of all water.[97]
According to the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Moshi, 25 people died from January 1996 to October 2003 while climbing the mountain. Seventeen were female and eight were male, ranging in age from 29 to 74. Fourteen died from advanced high altitude illness, including one with HACE, five with HAPE, and six with both HACE and HAPE. The remaining eleven deaths resulted from «trauma (3), myocardial infarction (4), pneumonia (2), cardio-pulmonary failure of other underlying cause (1), and acute appendicitis (1). The overall mortality rate was an 13.6 per 100,000 climbers.»[98]
Caution signs at the Machamé trailhead.
Sign at Uhuru peak, indicating to trekkers that they have reached the top.
Memorial recognizing the German Hans Meyer as the first European to «conquer» Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro’s summit, Uhuru peak
Special events[edit]
- According to the Tanzania National Parks Authority, the first wedding performed on the mountain below the summit took place on 21 September 2014, when an American couple exchanged vows at Shira 2 Camp.[99][100] In 2011, a couple exchanged their vows at the summit.[101]
- On 26 September 2014, a new world record for the highest-ever cricket match was set when a group of international cricketers played on a flat crater on the mountain at an elevation of 5,730 metres (18,800 ft).[102]
See also[edit]
- Balletto Glacier
- Barranco Glacier
- Credner Glacier
- Furtwängler Glacier
- Great Penck Glacier
- List of volcanoes in Tanzania
- Little Penck Glacier
- Rebmann Glacier
- Sacred mountains
- Southeast Africa
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External links[edit]
- «Kilimanjaro». Global Volcanism Program. Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 24 June 2021.
- Mount Kilimanjaro National Park
- NASA Earth Explorer page
- Weather forecast for Mount Kilimanjaro (19,565 feet)
- Glacial Recession on Kilimanjaro (pictures of southern icefields) Archived 15 February 2011 at the Wayback Machine
- Mount Kilimanjaro live webcam
- Kilimanjaro flora picture gallery
- Aerial photographs of Mount Kilimanjaro, 1937–38
- Kilimanjaro
- Mr. Ramesh Dharam Chand Sheoran — Oldest Man to Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro honored by World Records India
- Rohit Tiwari Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and Performed 50+ Surayanamaskar honored by World Records India