Как правильно пишется сухум или сухуми

Давайте разберемся в том, как менялось название столицы Абхазии.

Вспоминать греческие колонии и римское владычество я не буду, там еще никакого Сухума и в помине не было, была Диоскуриада и Себастополис. Впервые населенный пункт под названием «цхуми» упоминается в грузинских летописях 8-10 вв. Слово переводится со сванского языка, как «граб». И действительно, в окрестностях Сухума очень много грабов. Есть еще одна версия происхождения название «Цхуми», как эквивалента греческого названия «Диоскуриада», что значит «близнецы».

В 1724 на месте Цхуми турки выстроили свою крепость и назвали ее «Сухум-Кале». Название крепости состояло из трех турецких слов: «су» — вода, «хум» — песок, «кала» — крепость или город.

А потом Кавказ присоединился к Российской империи и название города русифицировали. Он стал Сухумом. В это же время абхазы используют топоним «Акуа», а грузины — «сохуми».

Название «Сухуми» впервые официально стало применяться с 1936 года, однако «Сухум» продолжало использоваться наряду с официальным названием.

Город окончательно стал Сухумом в декабре 1992 года, когда Верховный совет Республики Абхазия издал соответствующее постановление.

Подытожу. Сухум — столица Республики Абхазия, бывший Сухуми. Абхазы отказались от грузинского произношения названия своей столицы. А может быть дело не в произношении, а в происхождении слова. «Сухуми» ведь, скорее всего, грузинское слово, а вот «Сухум» — турецкое. А мы с вами знаем, как абхазы не любят все грузинское, поэтому решили вернуть городу старое турецкое имя. И, кстати, топоним «акуа» также используется.

Вот почему не «Сухуми», а «Сухум». Считаю, что город нужно называть так, как называют его сами абхазы, ведь это их столица.

Ленин на «Амре»

Юмор — последняя реальность оптимизма. Так воспользуемся этой (чуть не сказал «печальной» ) реальностью.

Говорили, что в городе появился Ленин. Говорили, что он ездит на велосипеде и проповеду-ет не слишком открыто, но и не слишком таясь грядущий в недалеком будущем переворот. Говорили, что чаще всего он это делает на «Амре» , верхнем ярусе ресторана под открытым небом, где многие люди, местные и приезжие, едят мороженое, пьют кофе, а иногда и чего-нибудь покрепче.

Сразу оговорюсь, что речь идет о морском ресторане «Амра» , расположенном на старинной пристани в городе Мухусе. Если кто-нибудь имеет на примете какой-нибудь другой ресторан «Амра» в каком-нибудь другом городе, может быть в чем-то и созвучном моему Мухусу, пусть остерегается писать протесты. Мол, у нас на «Амре» подают не так, мол, у нашего кофевара совсем не такой нос, мол, автор всё выдумал и архитектура не та. Так вот еще раз предупреж-даю: речь идет о моей «Амре» в моем Мухусе. Там всё так, как описываю я, и нос у кофевара именно такой, каким его опишу я, если вообще опишу.

Так вот. Говорили, что в городе появился Ленин. Разумеется, речь шла о свихнувшемся человеке, который иногда выдает себя за Ленина, хотя иногда и не выдает. Говорили, что, когда он не выдает себя за Ленина, он выдает себя за величайшего знатока его жизни и может ответить на любой вопрос, касающийся ее.

Хотя он родился в Мухусе и его бедная мать до сих пор жива, он всю свою сознательную жизнь проработал в Москве. Он преподавал марксизм в одном из московских вузов и долгие годы писал книгу, где восстановил жизнь Ленина иногда не только по дням, но и по часам.

Как написать слово «сухумский» правильно? Где поставить ударение, сколько в слове ударных и безударных гласных и согласных букв? Как проверить слово «сухумский»?


Правильное написание — сухумский, ударение падает на букву: у, безударными гласными являются: у, и.

Выделим согласные буквы — сухумский, к согласным относятся: с, х, м, к, й, звонкие согласные: м, й, глухие согласные: с, х, к.

Количество букв и слогов:

  • букв — 9,
  • слогов — 3,
  • гласных — 3,
  • согласных — 6.

Формы слова: суху́мский (от Суху́ми, Суху́м).

Сухум или сухуми как правильно пишется

Определим, какой частью речи является слово, об орфографии которого спрашивает автор.

Зададим к нему вопрос что делать? старат*ся. Данное слово называает действие и отвечает вопрос, характерный для глаголов, следовательно, перед нами именно глагол. Это начальная форма глагола ( или инфинитив ). Данный глагол относится к возвратным, потому что в его состав входит постфикс -ся ( имеющий значение направленности действия на себя ). Вопрос о необходимости постановки мягкого знака в возвратных глаголах возникает достаточно часто.

В неопределенной форме ( в форме инифинитва ) глаголов после т перед постфиксом -ся мягкий знак ставить нужно.

Можно запомнить простое правило: нужно задать к глаголу, орфография которого вызывает сомнение, вопрос. Начальная ( неопределенная )форма глагола отвечает на вопрос что делать? или что сделать?. В вопросе на конце мягкий знак есть, значит, в глаголе его следует ставить. Если нет мягкого знака в вопросе к глаголу, не пишем его и в самом глаголе:

что делать? стараться с мягким знаком,

что делает? старается ( форма настоящего времени третьего лица, единственного числа ) без мягкого знака.

Правильно следует писать с мягким знаком стараться. Формы старатся в русском языке не существует

Сухум или сухуми как правильно пишется

Я не буду водиться с непослушным ребенком.

В этом предложении мы видим неопределенную форму глагола Водиться, которая отвечает на вопрос Что делать? Поскольку в самом вопросе имеется мягкий знак, то он конечно будет использован и в самом слове. Неопределенная форма глагола пишется с мягким знаком.

В наших горах водится снежный человек.

Снежный человек что делает? Водится. Это уже форма настоящего времени, которая отвечает на вопрос без мягкого знака на конце. И в самом глаголе водится мягкий знак не пишется.

Возвратный постфикс СЯ не влияет на постановку мягкого знака.

И напомню, что слово Водица пишется через Ц, и конечно без мягкого знака.

Сухум или сухуми как правильно пишется

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Вводите там имя (фамилию, отчество), выбираете метод подбора иероглифов и подтверждаете. Как результат — имя на катакане и традиционном.

Сухум или сухуми как правильно пишется

Думаю, чтобы как-то объяснить свой непростой выбор,ведь добровольно уйти из жизни нелегко. После такой смерти у всех любящих близких покойного одна мучительная мысль в голове-как так могло случиться? Что мы сделали не так,чем могли бы помочь?Если покойный оставил записку, то этим он либо хотел обвинить тех, кто его до этого довел и таким образом желал, чтобы за него отомстили.Либо хотел, чтобы дорогие его сердцу люди не считали себя виноватыми.

Гораздо хуже в случае, когда у человека вроде бы все в порядке, а он заканчивает свою (особенно молодую) жизнь так нелепо и ужасно,не оставляя никаких намеков на причину своего ухода.

Сухум или сухуми как правильно пишется

Написание слов «рецидив­<wbr />ист» и «дилетант» нужно запомнить, так как проверочных слов они не имеют.

Эти слова иностранного происхождения.

Слово «рецидивист» образовано от слова «рецидив» с помощью суффикса «-ист».

Слово «рецидив» появилось в русском языке во времена Петра I. Пришло к нам из немецкого языка (нем. rezidiv), образовавшись в начале от латинского recidivus (возвратный, возобновляющийся), которое произошло от другого латинского слова recidere (возвращаться, оказываться, впадать, падать вновь).

Слово «дилетант» заимствовано (начало XIX века) из немецкого (нем. dilettant) или французского (фр. dilettante), в которые вошло из итальянского (итал. dilettante — любитель, непрофессионал), образовавшись от итальянского dilettare (развлекать, потешать) или dilettarsi (любить, наслаждаться), взяв начало от латинского delectare.

Сухум — это абхазский вариант, грузины же называют СухумИ (так было принято во времена Советского Союза), сейчас же приемлемы и равноправны оба варианта (точно также Цхинвал и ЦхинвалИ).

автор вопроса выбрал этот ответ лучшим

Город называется Сухум, и на карте обозначается именно таким названием, но мы привыкли говорить Сухуми, потому что раньше так озвучивали слово везде- по тв, по радио, в газетах так писали, но такой вариант отличается от настоящего, абхазского.

Сухум — абхазский вариант названия этого древнего города, ныне столицы Республики Абхазия. После грузино-абхазской войны 1992-1993 годов в непризнанной (до сих пор в большинстве государств мира) республике прошли переименования географических названий, часто убирали «и» («ы») — грузинское окончание. Так Сухуми стали Сухумом, а Гагры — Гагрой. Также в обычной жизни многие названия получают абхазское звучение, всем известные «хачапури» превратились в «хачапур».


4 года назад

Допустимы оба варианта названия города. Сухум — это столица Абхазии и самый крупный город в этой стране. Сухум это абхазский вариант названия, а Сухуми — грузинский. В Грузии многие его так и называют. После 1992 года букву И убрали и официально стали называть Сухум. На картах тоже обозначается Сухум)

Знаете ответ?


Правильное написание слова — Сухуми

Выберите, на какой слог падает ударение в слове — (НА) ПОХОРОНАХ?


Слово состоит из букв:

Похожие слова:


Рифма к слову Сухуми

бабами, столбами, доказательствами, вами, высочествами, канавами, способами, величествами, штабами, нравами, дровами, дубами, судьбами, веществами, правами, церквами, существами, достоинствами, трубами, просьбами, островами, чувствами, ами, ругательствами, рукавами, кружевами, преимуществами, средствами, таинствами, грибами, деревами, сливами, семействами, расстройствами, знакомствами, избами, буквами, жнивами, головами, лекарствами, главами, словами, обстоятельствами, губами, удобствами, богатствами, лбами, зубами, клубами, свойствами

Толкование слова. Правильное произношение слова. Значение слова.


Аҟәа (Abkhaz)
სოხუმი (Georgian)
Сухум(и) (Russian)

Sokhumi, Aqwa


Colonnade, Embankment, Panoramic, Beach panorama, former building of the Council of Ministers

Colonnade, Embankment, Panoramic, Beach panorama, former building of the Council of Ministers

Coat of arms of Sukhumi

Coat of arms

Sukhumi is located in Abkhazia



Location of Sukhumi in Abkhazia

Sukhumi is located in Georgia



Location of Sukhumi in Georgia

Coordinates: 43°00′12″N 41°00′55″E / 43.00333°N 41.01528°E
Country (de jure)  Georgia
Country (de facto)  Abkhazia[1]
Settled 6th century BC
City Status 1848
 • Mayor Beslan Eshba
 • Total 372 km2 (144 sq mi)
Highest elevation 140 m (460 ft)
Lowest elevation 5 m (16 ft)


 • Total 65,439[2]
Time zone UTC+3 (MSK)
Postal code


Area code +7 840 22x-xx-xx
Vehicle registration ABH
Website www.sukhumcity.ru

Sukhumi or Sukhum (Russian: Суху́м(и), Sukhum(i) [sʊˈxum(ʲɪ)]), also known by its Georgian name Sokhumi (Georgian: სოხუმი, [sɔχumi] (listen)) or Abkhaz name Aqwa (Abkhaz: Аҟәа, Aqwa), is a city in a wide bay on the Black Sea’s eastern coast. It is both the capital and largest city of the Republic of Abkhazia, which has controlled it since the Abkhazia war in 1992–93. However, internationally Abkhazia is considered part of Georgia. The city, which has an airport, is a port, major rail junction and a holiday resort because of its beaches, sanatoriums, mineral-water spas and semitropical climate. It is also a member of the International Black Sea Club.[3]

Sukhumi’s history can be traced to the 6th century BC, when it was settled by Greeks, who named it Dioscurias. During this time and the subsequent Roman period, much of the city disappeared under the Black Sea. The city was named Tskhumi when it became part of the Kingdom of Abkhazia and then the Kingdom of Georgia. Contested by local princes, it became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 1570s, where it remained until it was conquered by the Russian Empire in 1810. After a period of conflict during the Russian Civil War, it became part of the independent Georgia, which included Abkhazia, in 1918.[4] In 1921, the Democratic Republic of Georgia was occupied by Soviet Bolshevik forces from Russia. Within the Soviet Union, it was regarded as a holiday resort. As the Soviet Union broke up in the early 1990s, the city suffered significant damage during the Abkhaz–Georgian conflict. The present-day population of 60,000 is only half of the population living there toward the end of Soviet rule.


In Georgian, the city is known as Sokhumi (სოხუმი), amongst Samurzakans in Megrelian the city is sometimes referred to as Aqujikha (აყუჯიხა),[5][6] and in Russian as Сухум (Sukhum) or Сухуми (Sukhumi). The toponym Sokhumi derives from the Georgian word Tskhomi/Tskhumi (ცხომი/ცხუმი), which in turn is supposed to be derived from Svan tskhum (ცხუმ) meaning «hornbeam tree».[7] In Abkhaz, the city is known as Aqwa (Аҟәа) which is believed to derive from a-qwara (а-ҟәара), meaning «stony seashore».[6] According to Abkhaz tradition Aqwa (Аҟәа) signifies water.[8]

Medieval Georgian sources knew the town as Tskhumi (ცხუმი).[9][10][11] Later, under Ottoman control, the town was known in Turkish as Suhum-Kale, which was derived from the earlier Georgian form Tskhumi or read to mean «Tskhumi fortress».[12][13]

The ending -i in the above forms represents the Georgian nominative suffix. The town was officially called Сухум (Sukhum) in Russian until 16 August 1936, when this was changed to Sukhumi (Сухуми).[14] This remained so until 4 December 1992, when the Supreme Council of Abkhazia restored the previous version.[15] Russia also readopted its official spelling in 2008,[16] though Сухуми is also still being used.

In English, the most common form today is Sukhumi, although Sokhumi is increasing in usage and has been adopted by sources including United Nations,[17] Encyclopædia Britannica,[18] MSN Encarta,[19] Esri[20] and Google Maps.[21]


Coin of Dioscurias, late 2nd century BC. Obverse: The caps (pilei) of Dioscuri surmounted by stars; reverse: Thyrsos, ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΙΑΔΟΣ

The history of the city began in the mid-6th century BC when an earlier settlement of the second and early first millennia BC, frequented by local Colchian tribes, was replaced by the Milesian Greek colony of Dioscurias (Greek: Διοσκουριάς).[22][23] The city is said to have been founded[24][25] and named by the Dioscuri, the twins Castor and Pollux of classical mythology. According to another legend it was founded by Amphitus and Cercius of Sparta, the charioteers of the Dioscuri.[26][27] The Greek pottery found in Eshera, further north along the coast, predates findings in the area of Sukhumi bay by a century suggesting that the centre of the original Greek settlement could have been there.[28]

It became busily engaged in the commerce between Greece and the indigenous tribes, importing salt[29] and wares from many parts of Greece, and exporting local timber, linen, and hemp. It was also a prime center of slave trade in Colchis.[30] The city and its surroundings were remarkable for the multitude of languages spoken in its bazaars.[31]

Although the sea made serious inroads upon the territory of Dioscurias, it continued to flourish and became one of the key cities in the realm of Mithridates VI of Pontus in the 2nd century BC and supported his cause until the end. Dioscurias issued bronze coinage around 100 BC featuring the symbols of the Dioskuri and Dionysus.[32] Under the Roman emperor Augustus the city assumed the name of Sebastopolis[33] (Greek: Σεβαστούπολις). But its prosperity was past, and in the 1st century Pliny the Elder described the place as virtually deserted though the town still continued to exist during the times of Arrian in the 130s.[34] The remains of towers and walls of Sebastopolis have been found underwater; on land the lowest levels so far reached by archaeologists are of the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. According to Gregory of Nyssa there were Christians in the city in the late 4th century.[35] In 542 the Romans evacuated the town and demolished its citadel to prevent it from being captured by Sasanian Empire. In 565, however, the emperor Justinian I restored the fort and Sebastopolis continued to remain one of the Byzantine strongholds in Colchis until being sacked by the Arab conqueror Marwan II in 736.

Afterwards, the town came to be known as Tskhumi.[36] Restored by the kings of Abkhazia from the Arab devastation, it particularly flourished during the Georgian Golden Age in the 12th–13th centuries, when Tskhumi became a center of traffic with the European maritime powers, particularly with the Republic of Genoa. Early in the 14th century the Genoese established their short-lived trading factory in Tskhumi and a Catholic bishopric existed there which is now a titular see.[37] The city of Tskhumi became the summer residence of the Georgian kings. According to Russian scholar V. Sizov, it became an important “cultural and administrative center of the Georgian state.[38] A Later Tskhumi served as capital of the Odishi — Megrelian rulers, it was in this city that Vamek I (c. 1384–1396), the most influential Dadiani, minted his coins.[38]

The Sohum-Kale fort in the early 19th century.

Documents of the 15th century clearly distinguished Tskhumi from Principality of Abkhazia.[39] The Ottoman navy occupied the town in 1451, but for a short time. Later contested between the princes of Abkhazia and Mingrelia, Tskhumi finally fell to the Turks in the 1570s. The new masters heavily fortified the town and called it Sohumkale, with kale meaning «fort» but the first part of the name of disputed origin. It may represent Turkish su, «water», and kum, «sand», but is more likely to be an alteration of its earlier Georgian name.[36]

At the request of the pro-Russian Abkhazian prince, the town was stormed by the Russian Marines in 1810 and turned, subsequently, into a major outpost in the North West Caucasus. (See Russian conquest of the Caucasus). Sukhumi was declared the seaport in 1847 and was directly annexed to the Russian Empire after the ruling Shervashidze princely dynasty was ousted by the Russian authorities in 1864. During the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–1878, the town was temporarily controlled by the Ottoman forces and Abkhaz-Adyghe rebels. After its annexation, Sukhumi became the administrative center of the Sukhumi Okrug of the Kutais Governorate.

Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, the town and Abkhazia in general were engulfed in the chaos of the Russian Civil War. A short-lived Bolshevik government was suppressed in May 1918 and Sukhumi was incorporated into the Democratic Republic of Georgia as a residence of the autonomous People’s Council of Abkhazia and the headquarters of the Georgian governor-general. The Red Army and the local revolutionaries took the city from the Georgian forces on 4 March 1921, and declared Soviet rule. Sukhumi functioned as the capital of the «Union treaty» Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic associated with the Georgian SSR from 1921 until 1931, when it became the capital of the Abkhazian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the Georgian SSR. By 1989, Sukhumi had 120,000 inhabitants and was one of the most prosperous cities of Georgia. Many holiday dachas for Soviet leaders were situated there.

Beginning with the 1989 riots, Sukhumi was a centre of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, and the city was severely damaged during the 1992–1993 War. During the war, the city and its environs suffered almost daily air strikes and artillery shelling, with heavy civilian casualties.[40] On 27 September 1993 the battle for Sukhumi was concluded by a full-scale campaign of ethnic cleansing against its majority Georgian population (see Sukhumi Massacre), including members of the pro-Georgian Abkhazian government (Zhiuli Shartava, Raul Eshba and others) and mayor of Sukhumi Guram Gabiskiria.
Although the city has been relatively peaceful and partially rebuilt, it is still suffering the after-effects of the war, and it has not regained its earlier ethnic diversity. A relatively large infrastructure reconstruction program was launched in 2019–2020 focusing on the renovation of the waterfront, rebuilding city roads and cleaning city parks.[citation needed] Its population in 2017 was 65,716, compared to about 120,000 in 1989. During summer holidays season its population usually doubles and triples with a large inflow of international tourists.[41]

In 2021, there was unrest in the city.[42]



Historic population figures for Sukhumi, split out by ethnicity, based on population censuses:[41]

Year Abkhaz Armenians Estonians Georgians Greeks Russians Turkish Ukrainians Total
1886 Census* 0.1%
1897 Census* 1.8%
1916 almanac[43] 13.3%
1926 Census 3.1%
1939 Census 5.5%
1959 Census 5.6%
1979 Census 9.9%
1989 Census 12.5%
2003 Census 56.3%
2011 Census 67.3%
(42,603 )
  • The Abkhazians were deemed «guilty» from 1877, but officially it was by an order of the tsar of 31 May 1880 that their «guilt» was recognised. Abkhazians were forbidden to settle near the coast (except for the upper classes), or live in Sukhum. The devastated central part of Abkhazia between the rivers Psyrtskha and Kodor became a colonised land-fund of the imperial administration. There was established here a kind of buffer-zone between the Gudauta and Ochamchira Abkhazians. Abkhazians had no right to settle in this part of their own country. Meanwhile, thousands of Armenians, Mingrelians, Greeks, Russians, Estonians, Germans, Moldovans and others who were resettled began from 1879 to take root here in today’s Sukhum and Gulripsh districts.[44]


Most of the inhabitants belong to the Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic Churches, Islam and the Abkhaz traditional religion.


Main sights[edit]

Sukhumi theatres which offer classical and modern performances, with the theatre season lasting from September to June. Several galleries and museums exhibit modern and historical Abkhaz visual art. Sukhumi Botanical Garden was established in 1840 and is one of the oldest botanical gardens in the Caucasus.

Sukhumi houses a number of historical monuments, notably the Besleti Bridge built during the reign of queen Tamar of Georgia in the 12th century. It also retains visible vestiges of the defunct monuments, including the Roman walls, the medieval Castle of Bagrat, several towers of the Kelasuri Wall, also known as Great Abkhazian Wall, constructed between 1628 and 1653 by Levan II Dadiani to protect his fiefdom from the Abkhaz tribes;[45] the 14th-century Genoese fort and the 18th-century Ottoman fortress. The 11th century Kamani Monastery (12 kilometres (7 miles) from Sukhumi) is erected, according to tradition, over the tomb of Saint John Chrysostom. Some 22 km (14 mi) from Sukhumi lies New Athos with the ruins of the medieval city of Anacopia. The Neo-Byzantine New Athos Monastery was constructed here in the 1880s on behest of Tsar Alexander III of Russia.

Northward in the mountains is the Krubera Cave, one of the deepest in the world, with a depth of 2,140 meters.[46]


The city hosts a number of research and educational institutions, including the Abkhazian State University, the Sukhumi Open Institute and about a half a dozen of vocational education colleges. From 1945 to 1954 the city’s electron physics laboratory was involved in the Soviet program to develop nuclear weapons. Additionally, the Abkhaz State Archive is located in the city.

Until 19th century young people from Abkhazia usually received their education mainly at religious schools (Muslims at Madrasas and Christians at Seminaries), although a small number of children from wealthy families had opportunity to travel to foreign countries for education.

The first modern educational institutions (both schools and colleges) were established in the late 19th-early 20th century and rapidly grew until the second half of the 20th century. For example, the number of college students grew from few dozens in the 1920s to several thousands in the 1980s.

According to the official statistical data, Abkhazia has 12 TVET colleges (as of 2019, est.) providing education and vocational training to youth mostly in the capital city, though there are several colleges in all major district centers. Independent international assessments suggest that these colleges train in about 20 different specialties attracting between 1200 and 1500 young people annually (aged between 16 and 29) (as of 2019, est.).[47] The largest colleges are as follows:[citation needed]

  • Abkhaz Multiindustrial College (1959) (from 1959 to 1999 – Sukhumi Trade and Culinary School),
  • Sukhumi State College (1904) (from 1904 to 1921 – Sukhumi Real School; from 1921 to 1999 – Sukhumi Industrial Technical School),
  • Sukhumi Art College (1934) (from 1934 to 1966 – Sukhimi Art Studio). This college is also a home for a relatively large collection of local paintings and sculptures accumulated mainly during past 60 years.
  • Sukhum Medical College (1931)

Higher education in Sukhumi currently is represented by one university, Abkhazian State University,[48] which has a special status in the education system in Abkhazia and it manages its own budget.[49]

Abkhaz State University (1979), has its own campus which is a home for 42 departments organized into 8 faculties providing education to about 3300 students (as of 2019, est.).[47]


Sukhumi has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cfa), that is almost cool enough in summer to be an oceanic climate (Cfb).

Climate data for Sukhumi
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Average high °C (°F) 10.0
Average low °C (°F) 2.2
Average precipitation mm (inches) 102
Average rainy days 17 15 16 15 12 11 10 10 10 12 16 16 160
Source 1: climatebase.ru[50]
Source 2: Georgia Travel Climate Information[51]


On 2 February 2000, President Ardzinba dismissed temporary Mayor Leonid Osia and appointed Leonid Lolua in his stead.[52] Lolua was reappointed on 10 May 2001 following the March 2001 local elections.[53]

On 5 November 2004, in the heated aftermath of the 2004 presidential election, president Vladislav Ardzinba appointed head of the Gulripshi District assembly Adgur Kharazia as acting mayor. During his first speech he called upon the two leading candidates, Sergei Bagapsh and Raul Khadjimba, to both withdraw.[54]

On 16 February 2005, after his election as president, Bagapsh replaced Kharazia with Astamur Adleiba, who had been Minister for Youth, Sports, Resorts and Tourism until December 2004.[55] In the 11 February 2007 local elections, Adleiba successfully defended his seat in the Sukhumi city assembly and was thereupon reappointed mayor by Bagapsh on 20 March.[56]

In April 2007, while President Bagapsh was in Moscow for medical treatment, the results of an investigation into corruption within the Sukhumi city administration were made public. The investigation found that large sums had been embezzled and upon his return, on 2 May, Bagapsh fired Adleiba along with his deputy Boris Achba, the head of the Sukhumi’s finance department Konstantin Tuzhba and the head of the housing department David Jinjolia.[57] On 4 June Adleiba paid back to the municipal budget 200,000 rubels.[58] and on 23 July, he resigned from the Sukhumi city council, citing health reasons and the need to travel abroad for medical treatment.[59]

On 15 May 2007, president Bagapsh released Alias Labakhua as First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee and appointed him acting Mayor of Sukhumi, a post temporarily fulfilled by former Vice-Mayor Anzor Kortua. On 27 May Labakhua appointed Vadim Cherkezia as Deputy Chief of staff.[60] On 2 September, Labakhua won the by-election in constituency No. 21, which had become necessary after Adleiba relinquished his seat. Adleiba was the only candidate and voter turnout was 34%, higher than the 25% required.[61] Since Adleiba was now a member of the city assembly, president Bagapsh could permanently appoint him Mayor of Sukhumi on 18 September.[62]

Following the May 2014 Revolution and the election of Raul Khajimba as president, he on 22 October dismissed Labakhua and again appointed (as acting Mayor) Adgur Kharazia, who at that point was Vice Speaker of the People’s Assembly.[63] Kharazia won the 4 April 2015 by-election to the City Council in constituency no. 3 unopposed,[64] and was confirmed as mayor by Khajimba on 4 May.[65] The 6th convocation of the Sukhumi City Council was elected 13 April 2016.

List of mayors[edit]

# Name From Until President Comments
Chairmen of the (executive committee of the) City Soviet:
Vladimir Mikanba 1975 [66] 1985 [66]
D. Gubaz <=1989 >=1989
Nodar Khashba 1991 [66] First time
Guram Gabiskiria 1992 27 September 1993
Heads of the City Administration:
Nodar Khashba 1993 [66] 26 November 1994 Second time
26 November 1994 1995 [66] Vladislav Ardzinba
Garri Aiba 1995 2000
Leonid Osia 2 February 2000 [52] Acting Mayor
Leonid Lolua 2 February 2000 [52] 5 November 2004 [54]
Adgur Kharazia 5 November 2004 [54] 16 February 2005 [55] Acting Mayor, first time
Astamur Adleiba 16 February 2005 [55] 2 May 2007 [57] Sergei Bagapsh
Anzor Kortua May 2007 15 May 2007 Acting Mayor
Alias Labakhua 15 May 2007 29 May 2011
29 May 2011 1 June 2014 Alexander Ankvab
1 June 2014 22 October 2014 Valeri Bganba
Adgur Kharazia 22 October 2014 Present Raul Khajimba Second time


Sukhumi is served by the Sukhumi Trolleybus, consisting of 3 Lines.[67]

There is a railway station in Sukhumi, that has a daily train to Moscow via Sochi.[68]

Babushara Airport now handles only local flights due to the disputed status of Abkhazia.[citation needed]

Notable people[edit]

Notable people who are from or have resided in Sukhumi:

  • Anton Alikhanov (1986–present), Russian politician, governor of Kaliningrad Oblast
  • Alexander Ankvab (1952–present), Abkhaz politician and businessman, Prime Minister of Abkhazia.
  • Beslan Ajinjal (1974–present), is a former Russian footballer.
  • Ruslan Ajinjal (1974–present), is a former Russian-Abkhazian footballer.
  • Otari Arshba (1955–present), Russian politician and member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • Hadzhera Avidzba (1917–1997), Abkhazia’s first professional pianist.
  • Meri Avidzba (1917–1986), Abkhaz female pilot who fought during the Great Patriotic War of 1942–1945.
  • Verdicenan Achba (1825–1889), seventh wife of Sultan Abdulmejid I of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Sergei Bagapsh (1949–2011), Second President of the Republic of Abkhazia
  • Guram Gabiskiria (1947–1993), Mayor of Sukhumi and National Hero of Georgia.
  • Demna Gvasalia (1981–present), Georgian fashion designer.
  • Fazil Iskander (1929–2016), Russian writer and poet.
  • Sergey Kiriyenko (1962–present), Russian politician, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of Russia.
  • Vera Kobalia (1981–present), Georgian politician.
  • Daur Kove (1979–present), current Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia.
  • Kokkai Futoshi (1981–present), former professional sumo wrestler.

International relations[edit]

Twin towns — Sister cities[edit]

Sukhumi is twinned with the following cities:

  • Russia Ufa, Russia[citation needed]
  • Russia Krasnodar, Russia[citation needed]
  • MoldovaTransnistria Tiraspol, Transnistria, Moldova[citation needed]
  • Russia Cherkessk, Russia[citation needed]
  • Russia Podolsk, Russia[69]
  • Russia Volgograd, Russia[citation needed]
  • Russia Grozny, Russia[citation needed]
  • AzerbaijanRepublic of Artsakh Stepanakert, Artsakh/Azerbaijan (disputed)[citation needed]
  • Russia Arkhangelsk, Russia[70]
  • Russia Nizhny Novgorod, Russia[citation needed]
  • Italy Sant’Antioco, Italy[71][72]
  • Turkey Side, Turkey[73]
  • Nicaragua Managua, Nicaragua[74]

See also[edit]

  • Sukhumi District
  • List of twin towns and sister cities in Georgia


  1. ^ The political status of Abkhazia is disputed. Having unilaterally declared independence from Georgia in 1992, Abkhazia is formally recognised as an independent state by 5 UN member states (two other states recognised it but then withdrew their recognition), while Georgia continues to claim it as part of its own territory, designating it as Russian-occupied territory.
  2. ^ «Государственный комитет Республики Абхазия по статистике». ugsra.org.
  3. ^ «International Black Sea Club, members». Archived from the original on 22 July 2011. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
  4. ^ Hoiberg, Dale H., ed. (2010). «Abkhazia». Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. I: A-ak Bayes (15th ed.). Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. pp. 33. ISBN 978-1-59339-837-8.
  5. ^ Otar Kajaia, 2001–2004, Megrelian-Georgian Dictionary (entry aq’ujixa).
  6. ^ a b Abkhaz Loans in Megrelian, p. 65
  7. ^ Assays from the history of Georgia. Abkhazia from ancient times to the present day. Tbilisi, Georgia: Intelect. 2011. ISBN 978-9941-410-69-7.
  8. ^ Colarusso, John. «More Pontic: Further Etymologies between Indo-European and Northwest Caucasian» (PDF). p. 54. Retrieved 22 August 2009.
  9. ^ Vita Sanctae Ninonis Archived 5 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine. TITUS Old Georgian hagiographical and homiletic texts: Part No. 39
  10. ^ Martyrium David et Constantini Archived 5 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine. TITUS Old Georgian hagiographical and homiletic texts: Part No. 41
  11. ^ Kartlis Cxovreba: Part No. 233. TITUS
  12. ^ Goltz, Thomas (2009). «4. An Abkhazian Interlude». Georgia Diary (Expanded ed.). Armonk, New York / London, England: M.E. Sharpe. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-7656-2416-1.
  13. ^ «Путеводитель по городу Сухуму и Сухумскому Округу с историко-этнографическим очерком». Путеводитель по городу Сухуму и Сухумскому Округу с историко-этнографическим очерком.
  14. ^ Заяц, Д.В. (2001). «Изменение административно-территориального деления союзных республик». География (in Russian). 28. Retrieved 10 March 2022.
  15. ^ Сборник законодательных актов Республики Абхазия, выпуск 3. Сухум. 1995. pp. 94–95. Archived from the original on 22 May 2013.
  16. ^ «Абхазию и Южную Осетию на картах в РФ выкрасят в «негрузинские» цвета». NEWSru.com. 13 November 2008.
  17. ^ «Geospatial, location information for a better world». United Nations. UN Geospatial. Retrieved 14 July 2021.
  18. ^ «Sokhumi». (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 6 November 2006, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: Britannica.com
  19. ^ «Sokhumi». (2006). In Encarta. Retrieved 6 November 2006: Encarta.msn.com Archived 30 December 2007 at the Wayback Machine
  20. ^ «Esri ArcGis WebMap». Esri. Retrieved 2 May 2016.
  21. ^ «Google Maps changes Sukhumi to Sokhumi following Georgia’s request». Agenda.ge. 10 February 2015. Retrieved 22 February 2015.
  22. ^ «Περίπλους Ευξείνου Πόντου – Βικιθήκη». el.wikisource.org.
  23. ^ King, Charles (2004). «The Expedition of Flavius Arrianus». The Black Sea. A history. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-924161-3.
  24. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  25. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  26. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  27. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  28. ^ David, Braund (1994). Georgia in Antiquity. A History of Colchis and Transcaucasian Iberia 550 BC AD 562. Calendon Press. pp. 107–108. ISBN 0198144733.
  29. ^ David, Braund (1994). Georgia in Antiquity. A History of Colchis and Transcaucasian Iberia 550 BC AD 562. Calendon Press. p. 58. ISBN 0198144733.
  30. ^ Blair, William (1833). An inquiry into the state of slavery amongst the Romans. T. Clark. p. 25.
  31. ^ «The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Geography of Strabo Vol. II., translated By H. C. Hamilton». www.gutenberg.org.
  32. ^ David, Braund (1994). Georgia in Antiquity. A History of Colchis and Transcaucasian Iberia 550 BC AD 562. Calendon Press. pp. 158–159. ISBN 0198144733.
  33. ^ Hewitt, George (1998) The Abkhazians: a handbook St. Martin’s Press, New York, p. 62, ISBN 0-312-21975-X
  34. ^ Dioscurias. A Guide to the Ancient World, H.W. Wilson (1986). Retrieved 20 July 2006, from Xreferplus.com[permanent dead link]
  35. ^ Vinogradov, Andrey (2014). «Some Notes On The Topography Of Eastern Pontos Euxeinos In Late Antiquity And Early Byzantium».
  36. ^ a b Room, A. (2005), Placenames of the World: Origins and Meanings of the Names for 6,600 Countries, Cities, Territories, Natural Features and Historic Sites. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, North Carolina, and London, ISBN 0-7864-2248-3, p. 361
  37. ^ Alasania, Giuli (August 2016). «Level of Independence in Georgia Throughout the 14th Century» (PDF). Journal of Literature and Art Studies. 6 (8): 974. As it is known, a Catholic bishopric existed in Sukhumi as early as in 1318 and Bernard Morre was appointed as the bishop. Peter Gerald was appointed to the same position in 1330[dead link]
  38. ^ a b «• Papaskiri- ABKHAZIA – UNFALSIFIED HISTORY». 18 April 2010.
  39. ^ «მარიამ ლორთქიფანიძე – აფხაზები და აფხაზეთი». www.amsi.ge.
  40. ^ «The Human Rights Watch report, March 1995 Vol. 7, No. 7». Hrw.org. Retrieved 4 July 2010.
  41. ^ a b «население абхазии». www.ethno-kavkaz.narod.ru.
  42. ^ «Opposition Protests In Georgia’s Breakaway Abkhazia Turn Violent». RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty. Retrieved 22 December 2021.
  43. ^ Кавказский календарь на 1917 год [Caucasian calendar for 1917] (in Russian) (72nd ed.). Tiflis: Tipografiya kantselyarii Ye.I.V. na Kavkaze, kazenny dom. 1917. pp. 363–364. Archived from the original on 4 November 2021.
  44. ^ World, Abkhaz. «Thirty years of «guilt» (1877–1907), by Stanislav Lakoba». Abkhaz World | History, Culture & Politics of Abkhazia.
  45. ^ Ю.Н. Воронов (Yury Voronov), «Келасурская стена» (Kelasuri wall). Советская археология 1973, 3. (in Russian)
  46. ^ Voronya Peshchera. Show Caves of the World. Retrieved on 29 July 2008.
  47. ^ a b «Государственный комитет Республики Абхазия по статистике». ugsra.org.
  48. ^ «The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia». www.tppra.org.
  49. ^ Абхазский государственный университет [Abkhazia State University] (in Russian). Archived from the original on 15 May 2008. Retrieved 27 February 2019.
  50. ^ «Sukhumi». climatebase.ru. Retrieved 23 April 2020.
  51. ^ «Georgia, Sukhumi climate information». Travel-climate.com. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  52. ^ a b c «СООБЩЕНИЯ АПСНЫПРЕСС». Apsnypress. 2 February 2000. Retrieved 21 January 2012.
  53. ^ «Выпуск № 92». Apsnypress. 10 May 2001. Retrieved 24 April 2016.
  54. ^ a b c «MAYOR SUGGESTS ABKHAZ PRESIDENTIAL RIVALS SHOULD WITHDRAW». RFE/RL. 10 November 2004. Retrieved 1 July 2008.
  55. ^ a b c «Указ Президента Абхазии №5 от 16.02.2005». Администрация Президента Республики Абхазия. 16 February 2005. Archived from the original on 21 July 2011. Retrieved 1 July 2008.
  56. ^ «Президент Сергей Багапш подписал указы о назначении глав городских и районных администраций». Апсныпресс. 20 March 2007. Archived from the original on 26 October 2007. Retrieved 1 July 2008.
  57. ^ a b «Abkhazia’s anti-corruption drive». Institute for War & Peace Reporting. 20 March 2007. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
  58. ^ «Экс-мэр Сухуми вернул в бюджет двести тысяч рублей». REGNUM. 5 June 2007. Retrieved 2 July 2008.
  59. ^ «Экс-мэр Сухума намерен покинуть Столичное городское Собрание». Администрация Президента Республики Абхазия. 23 July 2007. Archived from the original on 21 July 2011. Retrieved 2 July 2008.
  60. ^ «Заместителем главы администрации столицы Абхазии назначен Вадим Черкезия». Caucasian Knot. 27 May 2007. Retrieved 18 April 2012.
  61. ^ «АЛИАС ЛАБАХУА ИЗБРАН ДЕПУТАТОМ ГОРОДСКОГО СОБРАНИЯ СУХУМА». Апсныпресс. 3 September 2007. Archived from the original on 28 October 2007. Retrieved 2 July 2008.
  62. ^ «СЕРГЕЙ БАГАПШ ПОДПИСАЛ УКАЗ О НАЗНАЧЕНИИ АЛИАСА ЛАБАХУА ГЛАВОЙ АДМИНИСТРАЦИИ ГОРОДА СУХУМ». Апсныпресс. 18 September 2007. Archived from the original on 31 October 2007. Retrieved 2 July 2008.
  63. ^ «Адгур Харазия назначен исполняющим обязанности главы администрации г. Сухум». Apsnypress. 22 October 2014. Archived from the original on 22 October 2014. Retrieved 22 October 2014.
  64. ^ «Итоги выборов». alhra.org. Избирательная комиссия по выборам в органы местного самоуправления г.Сухум. Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 19 September 2015.
  65. ^ Khajimba, Raul. «УКАЗ О главе администрации города Сухум» (PDF). presidentofabkhazia.org. Retrieved 19 September 2015.
  66. ^ a b c d e Lakoba, Stanislav. «Кто есть кто в Абхазии». Archived from the original on 12 May 2013. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
  67. ^ «Where does the Sukhumi Trolleybus go to?». Нужная газета (in Russian). 18 July 2019. Retrieved 17 November 2022.
  68. ^ RZD, [1] Archived 31 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine, 14.08.2020
  69. ^ «Сайт Администрации г.Подольска – Побратимы». Admpodolsk.ru. 15 June 2016. Archived from the original on 10 July 2015. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  70. ^ «Новости». Apsnypress.info. Archived from the original on 25 June 2011. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  71. ^ «12 мая между городами Абхазии и Италии были подписаны Протоколы о дружбе и сотрудничестве». Mfaapsny.org. Archived from the original on 4 December 2014. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  72. ^ «Il Sulcis rafforza il legame con i paesi dell’Est europeo, sottoscritto questa sera un protocollo d’amicizia con l’Abkhcazia». Laprovinciadelsulcisiglesiente.com. 9 April 2013. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  73. ^ «Viacheslav Chirikba: Our goal is to remove Abkhazia from international isolation». Abkhaz World. 25 November 2012. Retrieved 30 May 2021.
  74. ^ «Managua mit neuer Städtepartnerschaft». amerika21.de. 12 November 2021. Retrieved 15 November 2021.

Sources and external links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sukhumi.

Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Sukhumi.

  • GigaCatholic for the titular see, linking to incumbent biographies
  • UNOMIG photo gallery of Sukhumi

Coordinates: 43°00′N 41°01′E / 43.000°N 41.017°E


Аҟәа (Abkhaz)
სოხუმი (Georgian)
Сухум(и) (Russian)

Sokhumi, Aqwa


Colonnade, Embankment, Panoramic, Beach panorama, former building of the Council of Ministers

Colonnade, Embankment, Panoramic, Beach panorama, former building of the Council of Ministers

Coat of arms of Sukhumi

Coat of arms

Sukhumi is located in Abkhazia



Location of Sukhumi in Abkhazia

Sukhumi is located in Georgia



Location of Sukhumi in Georgia

Coordinates: 43°00′12″N 41°00′55″E / 43.00333°N 41.01528°E
Country (de jure)  Georgia
Country (de facto)  Abkhazia[1]
Settled 6th century BC
City Status 1848
 • Mayor Beslan Eshba
 • Total 372 km2 (144 sq mi)
Highest elevation 140 m (460 ft)
Lowest elevation 5 m (16 ft)


 • Total 65,439[2]
Time zone UTC+3 (MSK)
Postal code


Area code +7 840 22x-xx-xx
Vehicle registration ABH
Website www.sukhumcity.ru

Sukhumi or Sukhum (Russian: Суху́м(и), Sukhum(i) [sʊˈxum(ʲɪ)]), also known by its Georgian name Sokhumi (Georgian: სოხუმი, [sɔχumi] (listen)) or Abkhaz name Aqwa (Abkhaz: Аҟәа, Aqwa), is a city in a wide bay on the Black Sea’s eastern coast. It is both the capital and largest city of the Republic of Abkhazia, which has controlled it since the Abkhazia war in 1992–93. However, internationally Abkhazia is considered part of Georgia. The city, which has an airport, is a port, major rail junction and a holiday resort because of its beaches, sanatoriums, mineral-water spas and semitropical climate. It is also a member of the International Black Sea Club.[3]

Sukhumi’s history can be traced to the 6th century BC, when it was settled by Greeks, who named it Dioscurias. During this time and the subsequent Roman period, much of the city disappeared under the Black Sea. The city was named Tskhumi when it became part of the Kingdom of Abkhazia and then the Kingdom of Georgia. Contested by local princes, it became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 1570s, where it remained until it was conquered by the Russian Empire in 1810. After a period of conflict during the Russian Civil War, it became part of the independent Georgia, which included Abkhazia, in 1918.[4] In 1921, the Democratic Republic of Georgia was occupied by Soviet Bolshevik forces from Russia. Within the Soviet Union, it was regarded as a holiday resort. As the Soviet Union broke up in the early 1990s, the city suffered significant damage during the Abkhaz–Georgian conflict. The present-day population of 60,000 is only half of the population living there toward the end of Soviet rule.


In Georgian, the city is known as Sokhumi (სოხუმი), amongst Samurzakans in Megrelian the city is sometimes referred to as Aqujikha (აყუჯიხა),[5][6] and in Russian as Сухум (Sukhum) or Сухуми (Sukhumi). The toponym Sokhumi derives from the Georgian word Tskhomi/Tskhumi (ცხომი/ცხუმი), which in turn is supposed to be derived from Svan tskhum (ცხუმ) meaning «hornbeam tree».[7] In Abkhaz, the city is known as Aqwa (Аҟәа) which is believed to derive from a-qwara (а-ҟәара), meaning «stony seashore».[6] According to Abkhaz tradition Aqwa (Аҟәа) signifies water.[8]

Medieval Georgian sources knew the town as Tskhumi (ცხუმი).[9][10][11] Later, under Ottoman control, the town was known in Turkish as Suhum-Kale, which was derived from the earlier Georgian form Tskhumi or read to mean «Tskhumi fortress».[12][13]

The ending -i in the above forms represents the Georgian nominative suffix. The town was officially called Сухум (Sukhum) in Russian until 16 August 1936, when this was changed to Sukhumi (Сухуми).[14] This remained so until 4 December 1992, when the Supreme Council of Abkhazia restored the previous version.[15] Russia also readopted its official spelling in 2008,[16] though Сухуми is also still being used.

In English, the most common form today is Sukhumi, although Sokhumi is increasing in usage and has been adopted by sources including United Nations,[17] Encyclopædia Britannica,[18] MSN Encarta,[19] Esri[20] and Google Maps.[21]


Coin of Dioscurias, late 2nd century BC. Obverse: The caps (pilei) of Dioscuri surmounted by stars; reverse: Thyrsos, ΔΙΟΣΚΟΥΡΙΑΔΟΣ

The history of the city began in the mid-6th century BC when an earlier settlement of the second and early first millennia BC, frequented by local Colchian tribes, was replaced by the Milesian Greek colony of Dioscurias (Greek: Διοσκουριάς).[22][23] The city is said to have been founded[24][25] and named by the Dioscuri, the twins Castor and Pollux of classical mythology. According to another legend it was founded by Amphitus and Cercius of Sparta, the charioteers of the Dioscuri.[26][27] The Greek pottery found in Eshera, further north along the coast, predates findings in the area of Sukhumi bay by a century suggesting that the centre of the original Greek settlement could have been there.[28]

It became busily engaged in the commerce between Greece and the indigenous tribes, importing salt[29] and wares from many parts of Greece, and exporting local timber, linen, and hemp. It was also a prime center of slave trade in Colchis.[30] The city and its surroundings were remarkable for the multitude of languages spoken in its bazaars.[31]

Although the sea made serious inroads upon the territory of Dioscurias, it continued to flourish and became one of the key cities in the realm of Mithridates VI of Pontus in the 2nd century BC and supported his cause until the end. Dioscurias issued bronze coinage around 100 BC featuring the symbols of the Dioskuri and Dionysus.[32] Under the Roman emperor Augustus the city assumed the name of Sebastopolis[33] (Greek: Σεβαστούπολις). But its prosperity was past, and in the 1st century Pliny the Elder described the place as virtually deserted though the town still continued to exist during the times of Arrian in the 130s.[34] The remains of towers and walls of Sebastopolis have been found underwater; on land the lowest levels so far reached by archaeologists are of the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. According to Gregory of Nyssa there were Christians in the city in the late 4th century.[35] In 542 the Romans evacuated the town and demolished its citadel to prevent it from being captured by Sasanian Empire. In 565, however, the emperor Justinian I restored the fort and Sebastopolis continued to remain one of the Byzantine strongholds in Colchis until being sacked by the Arab conqueror Marwan II in 736.

Afterwards, the town came to be known as Tskhumi.[36] Restored by the kings of Abkhazia from the Arab devastation, it particularly flourished during the Georgian Golden Age in the 12th–13th centuries, when Tskhumi became a center of traffic with the European maritime powers, particularly with the Republic of Genoa. Early in the 14th century the Genoese established their short-lived trading factory in Tskhumi and a Catholic bishopric existed there which is now a titular see.[37] The city of Tskhumi became the summer residence of the Georgian kings. According to Russian scholar V. Sizov, it became an important “cultural and administrative center of the Georgian state.[38] A Later Tskhumi served as capital of the Odishi — Megrelian rulers, it was in this city that Vamek I (c. 1384–1396), the most influential Dadiani, minted his coins.[38]

The Sohum-Kale fort in the early 19th century.

Documents of the 15th century clearly distinguished Tskhumi from Principality of Abkhazia.[39] The Ottoman navy occupied the town in 1451, but for a short time. Later contested between the princes of Abkhazia and Mingrelia, Tskhumi finally fell to the Turks in the 1570s. The new masters heavily fortified the town and called it Sohumkale, with kale meaning «fort» but the first part of the name of disputed origin. It may represent Turkish su, «water», and kum, «sand», but is more likely to be an alteration of its earlier Georgian name.[36]

At the request of the pro-Russian Abkhazian prince, the town was stormed by the Russian Marines in 1810 and turned, subsequently, into a major outpost in the North West Caucasus. (See Russian conquest of the Caucasus). Sukhumi was declared the seaport in 1847 and was directly annexed to the Russian Empire after the ruling Shervashidze princely dynasty was ousted by the Russian authorities in 1864. During the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–1878, the town was temporarily controlled by the Ottoman forces and Abkhaz-Adyghe rebels. After its annexation, Sukhumi became the administrative center of the Sukhumi Okrug of the Kutais Governorate.

Following the Russian Revolution of 1917, the town and Abkhazia in general were engulfed in the chaos of the Russian Civil War. A short-lived Bolshevik government was suppressed in May 1918 and Sukhumi was incorporated into the Democratic Republic of Georgia as a residence of the autonomous People’s Council of Abkhazia and the headquarters of the Georgian governor-general. The Red Army and the local revolutionaries took the city from the Georgian forces on 4 March 1921, and declared Soviet rule. Sukhumi functioned as the capital of the «Union treaty» Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic associated with the Georgian SSR from 1921 until 1931, when it became the capital of the Abkhazian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the Georgian SSR. By 1989, Sukhumi had 120,000 inhabitants and was one of the most prosperous cities of Georgia. Many holiday dachas for Soviet leaders were situated there.

Beginning with the 1989 riots, Sukhumi was a centre of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, and the city was severely damaged during the 1992–1993 War. During the war, the city and its environs suffered almost daily air strikes and artillery shelling, with heavy civilian casualties.[40] On 27 September 1993 the battle for Sukhumi was concluded by a full-scale campaign of ethnic cleansing against its majority Georgian population (see Sukhumi Massacre), including members of the pro-Georgian Abkhazian government (Zhiuli Shartava, Raul Eshba and others) and mayor of Sukhumi Guram Gabiskiria.
Although the city has been relatively peaceful and partially rebuilt, it is still suffering the after-effects of the war, and it has not regained its earlier ethnic diversity. A relatively large infrastructure reconstruction program was launched in 2019–2020 focusing on the renovation of the waterfront, rebuilding city roads and cleaning city parks.[citation needed] Its population in 2017 was 65,716, compared to about 120,000 in 1989. During summer holidays season its population usually doubles and triples with a large inflow of international tourists.[41]

In 2021, there was unrest in the city.[42]



Historic population figures for Sukhumi, split out by ethnicity, based on population censuses:[41]

Year Abkhaz Armenians Estonians Georgians Greeks Russians Turkish Ukrainians Total
1886 Census* 0.1%
1897 Census* 1.8%
1916 almanac[43] 13.3%
1926 Census 3.1%
1939 Census 5.5%
1959 Census 5.6%
1979 Census 9.9%
1989 Census 12.5%
2003 Census 56.3%
2011 Census 67.3%
(42,603 )
  • The Abkhazians were deemed «guilty» from 1877, but officially it was by an order of the tsar of 31 May 1880 that their «guilt» was recognised. Abkhazians were forbidden to settle near the coast (except for the upper classes), or live in Sukhum. The devastated central part of Abkhazia between the rivers Psyrtskha and Kodor became a colonised land-fund of the imperial administration. There was established here a kind of buffer-zone between the Gudauta and Ochamchira Abkhazians. Abkhazians had no right to settle in this part of their own country. Meanwhile, thousands of Armenians, Mingrelians, Greeks, Russians, Estonians, Germans, Moldovans and others who were resettled began from 1879 to take root here in today’s Sukhum and Gulripsh districts.[44]


Most of the inhabitants belong to the Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic Churches, Islam and the Abkhaz traditional religion.


Main sights[edit]

Sukhumi theatres which offer classical and modern performances, with the theatre season lasting from September to June. Several galleries and museums exhibit modern and historical Abkhaz visual art. Sukhumi Botanical Garden was established in 1840 and is one of the oldest botanical gardens in the Caucasus.

Sukhumi houses a number of historical monuments, notably the Besleti Bridge built during the reign of queen Tamar of Georgia in the 12th century. It also retains visible vestiges of the defunct monuments, including the Roman walls, the medieval Castle of Bagrat, several towers of the Kelasuri Wall, also known as Great Abkhazian Wall, constructed between 1628 and 1653 by Levan II Dadiani to protect his fiefdom from the Abkhaz tribes;[45] the 14th-century Genoese fort and the 18th-century Ottoman fortress. The 11th century Kamani Monastery (12 kilometres (7 miles) from Sukhumi) is erected, according to tradition, over the tomb of Saint John Chrysostom. Some 22 km (14 mi) from Sukhumi lies New Athos with the ruins of the medieval city of Anacopia. The Neo-Byzantine New Athos Monastery was constructed here in the 1880s on behest of Tsar Alexander III of Russia.

Northward in the mountains is the Krubera Cave, one of the deepest in the world, with a depth of 2,140 meters.[46]


The city hosts a number of research and educational institutions, including the Abkhazian State University, the Sukhumi Open Institute and about a half a dozen of vocational education colleges. From 1945 to 1954 the city’s electron physics laboratory was involved in the Soviet program to develop nuclear weapons. Additionally, the Abkhaz State Archive is located in the city.

Until 19th century young people from Abkhazia usually received their education mainly at religious schools (Muslims at Madrasas and Christians at Seminaries), although a small number of children from wealthy families had opportunity to travel to foreign countries for education.

The first modern educational institutions (both schools and colleges) were established in the late 19th-early 20th century and rapidly grew until the second half of the 20th century. For example, the number of college students grew from few dozens in the 1920s to several thousands in the 1980s.

According to the official statistical data, Abkhazia has 12 TVET colleges (as of 2019, est.) providing education and vocational training to youth mostly in the capital city, though there are several colleges in all major district centers. Independent international assessments suggest that these colleges train in about 20 different specialties attracting between 1200 and 1500 young people annually (aged between 16 and 29) (as of 2019, est.).[47] The largest colleges are as follows:[citation needed]

  • Abkhaz Multiindustrial College (1959) (from 1959 to 1999 – Sukhumi Trade and Culinary School),
  • Sukhumi State College (1904) (from 1904 to 1921 – Sukhumi Real School; from 1921 to 1999 – Sukhumi Industrial Technical School),
  • Sukhumi Art College (1934) (from 1934 to 1966 – Sukhimi Art Studio). This college is also a home for a relatively large collection of local paintings and sculptures accumulated mainly during past 60 years.
  • Sukhum Medical College (1931)

Higher education in Sukhumi currently is represented by one university, Abkhazian State University,[48] which has a special status in the education system in Abkhazia and it manages its own budget.[49]

Abkhaz State University (1979), has its own campus which is a home for 42 departments organized into 8 faculties providing education to about 3300 students (as of 2019, est.).[47]


Sukhumi has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cfa), that is almost cool enough in summer to be an oceanic climate (Cfb).

Climate data for Sukhumi
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Average high °C (°F) 10.0
Average low °C (°F) 2.2
Average precipitation mm (inches) 102
Average rainy days 17 15 16 15 12 11 10 10 10 12 16 16 160
Source 1: climatebase.ru[50]
Source 2: Georgia Travel Climate Information[51]


On 2 February 2000, President Ardzinba dismissed temporary Mayor Leonid Osia and appointed Leonid Lolua in his stead.[52] Lolua was reappointed on 10 May 2001 following the March 2001 local elections.[53]

On 5 November 2004, in the heated aftermath of the 2004 presidential election, president Vladislav Ardzinba appointed head of the Gulripshi District assembly Adgur Kharazia as acting mayor. During his first speech he called upon the two leading candidates, Sergei Bagapsh and Raul Khadjimba, to both withdraw.[54]

On 16 February 2005, after his election as president, Bagapsh replaced Kharazia with Astamur Adleiba, who had been Minister for Youth, Sports, Resorts and Tourism until December 2004.[55] In the 11 February 2007 local elections, Adleiba successfully defended his seat in the Sukhumi city assembly and was thereupon reappointed mayor by Bagapsh on 20 March.[56]

In April 2007, while President Bagapsh was in Moscow for medical treatment, the results of an investigation into corruption within the Sukhumi city administration were made public. The investigation found that large sums had been embezzled and upon his return, on 2 May, Bagapsh fired Adleiba along with his deputy Boris Achba, the head of the Sukhumi’s finance department Konstantin Tuzhba and the head of the housing department David Jinjolia.[57] On 4 June Adleiba paid back to the municipal budget 200,000 rubels.[58] and on 23 July, he resigned from the Sukhumi city council, citing health reasons and the need to travel abroad for medical treatment.[59]

On 15 May 2007, president Bagapsh released Alias Labakhua as First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee and appointed him acting Mayor of Sukhumi, a post temporarily fulfilled by former Vice-Mayor Anzor Kortua. On 27 May Labakhua appointed Vadim Cherkezia as Deputy Chief of staff.[60] On 2 September, Labakhua won the by-election in constituency No. 21, which had become necessary after Adleiba relinquished his seat. Adleiba was the only candidate and voter turnout was 34%, higher than the 25% required.[61] Since Adleiba was now a member of the city assembly, president Bagapsh could permanently appoint him Mayor of Sukhumi on 18 September.[62]

Following the May 2014 Revolution and the election of Raul Khajimba as president, he on 22 October dismissed Labakhua and again appointed (as acting Mayor) Adgur Kharazia, who at that point was Vice Speaker of the People’s Assembly.[63] Kharazia won the 4 April 2015 by-election to the City Council in constituency no. 3 unopposed,[64] and was confirmed as mayor by Khajimba on 4 May.[65] The 6th convocation of the Sukhumi City Council was elected 13 April 2016.

List of mayors[edit]

# Name From Until President Comments
Chairmen of the (executive committee of the) City Soviet:
Vladimir Mikanba 1975 [66] 1985 [66]
D. Gubaz <=1989 >=1989
Nodar Khashba 1991 [66] First time
Guram Gabiskiria 1992 27 September 1993
Heads of the City Administration:
Nodar Khashba 1993 [66] 26 November 1994 Second time
26 November 1994 1995 [66] Vladislav Ardzinba
Garri Aiba 1995 2000
Leonid Osia 2 February 2000 [52] Acting Mayor
Leonid Lolua 2 February 2000 [52] 5 November 2004 [54]
Adgur Kharazia 5 November 2004 [54] 16 February 2005 [55] Acting Mayor, first time
Astamur Adleiba 16 February 2005 [55] 2 May 2007 [57] Sergei Bagapsh
Anzor Kortua May 2007 15 May 2007 Acting Mayor
Alias Labakhua 15 May 2007 29 May 2011
29 May 2011 1 June 2014 Alexander Ankvab
1 June 2014 22 October 2014 Valeri Bganba
Adgur Kharazia 22 October 2014 Present Raul Khajimba Second time


Sukhumi is served by the Sukhumi Trolleybus, consisting of 3 Lines.[67]

There is a railway station in Sukhumi, that has a daily train to Moscow via Sochi.[68]

Babushara Airport now handles only local flights due to the disputed status of Abkhazia.[citation needed]

Notable people[edit]

Notable people who are from or have resided in Sukhumi:

  • Anton Alikhanov (1986–present), Russian politician, governor of Kaliningrad Oblast
  • Alexander Ankvab (1952–present), Abkhaz politician and businessman, Prime Minister of Abkhazia.
  • Beslan Ajinjal (1974–present), is a former Russian footballer.
  • Ruslan Ajinjal (1974–present), is a former Russian-Abkhazian footballer.
  • Otari Arshba (1955–present), Russian politician and member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • Hadzhera Avidzba (1917–1997), Abkhazia’s first professional pianist.
  • Meri Avidzba (1917–1986), Abkhaz female pilot who fought during the Great Patriotic War of 1942–1945.
  • Verdicenan Achba (1825–1889), seventh wife of Sultan Abdulmejid I of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Sergei Bagapsh (1949–2011), Second President of the Republic of Abkhazia
  • Guram Gabiskiria (1947–1993), Mayor of Sukhumi and National Hero of Georgia.
  • Demna Gvasalia (1981–present), Georgian fashion designer.
  • Fazil Iskander (1929–2016), Russian writer and poet.
  • Sergey Kiriyenko (1962–present), Russian politician, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of Russia.
  • Vera Kobalia (1981–present), Georgian politician.
  • Daur Kove (1979–present), current Minister for Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia.
  • Kokkai Futoshi (1981–present), former professional sumo wrestler.

International relations[edit]

Twin towns — Sister cities[edit]

Sukhumi is twinned with the following cities:

  • Russia Ufa, Russia[citation needed]
  • Russia Krasnodar, Russia[citation needed]
  • MoldovaTransnistria Tiraspol, Transnistria, Moldova[citation needed]
  • Russia Cherkessk, Russia[citation needed]
  • Russia Podolsk, Russia[69]
  • Russia Volgograd, Russia[citation needed]
  • Russia Grozny, Russia[citation needed]
  • AzerbaijanRepublic of Artsakh Stepanakert, Artsakh/Azerbaijan (disputed)[citation needed]
  • Russia Arkhangelsk, Russia[70]
  • Russia Nizhny Novgorod, Russia[citation needed]
  • Italy Sant’Antioco, Italy[71][72]
  • Turkey Side, Turkey[73]
  • Nicaragua Managua, Nicaragua[74]

See also[edit]

  • Sukhumi District
  • List of twin towns and sister cities in Georgia


  1. ^ The political status of Abkhazia is disputed. Having unilaterally declared independence from Georgia in 1992, Abkhazia is formally recognised as an independent state by 5 UN member states (two other states recognised it but then withdrew their recognition), while Georgia continues to claim it as part of its own territory, designating it as Russian-occupied territory.
  2. ^ «Государственный комитет Республики Абхазия по статистике». ugsra.org.
  3. ^ «International Black Sea Club, members». Archived from the original on 22 July 2011. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
  4. ^ Hoiberg, Dale H., ed. (2010). «Abkhazia». Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. I: A-ak Bayes (15th ed.). Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. pp. 33. ISBN 978-1-59339-837-8.
  5. ^ Otar Kajaia, 2001–2004, Megrelian-Georgian Dictionary (entry aq’ujixa).
  6. ^ a b Abkhaz Loans in Megrelian, p. 65
  7. ^ Assays from the history of Georgia. Abkhazia from ancient times to the present day. Tbilisi, Georgia: Intelect. 2011. ISBN 978-9941-410-69-7.
  8. ^ Colarusso, John. «More Pontic: Further Etymologies between Indo-European and Northwest Caucasian» (PDF). p. 54. Retrieved 22 August 2009.
  9. ^ Vita Sanctae Ninonis Archived 5 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine. TITUS Old Georgian hagiographical and homiletic texts: Part No. 39
  10. ^ Martyrium David et Constantini Archived 5 October 2012 at the Wayback Machine. TITUS Old Georgian hagiographical and homiletic texts: Part No. 41
  11. ^ Kartlis Cxovreba: Part No. 233. TITUS
  12. ^ Goltz, Thomas (2009). «4. An Abkhazian Interlude». Georgia Diary (Expanded ed.). Armonk, New York / London, England: M.E. Sharpe. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-7656-2416-1.
  13. ^ «Путеводитель по городу Сухуму и Сухумскому Округу с историко-этнографическим очерком». Путеводитель по городу Сухуму и Сухумскому Округу с историко-этнографическим очерком.
  14. ^ Заяц, Д.В. (2001). «Изменение административно-территориального деления союзных республик». География (in Russian). 28. Retrieved 10 March 2022.
  15. ^ Сборник законодательных актов Республики Абхазия, выпуск 3. Сухум. 1995. pp. 94–95. Archived from the original on 22 May 2013.
  16. ^ «Абхазию и Южную Осетию на картах в РФ выкрасят в «негрузинские» цвета». NEWSru.com. 13 November 2008.
  17. ^ «Geospatial, location information for a better world». United Nations. UN Geospatial. Retrieved 14 July 2021.
  18. ^ «Sokhumi». (2006). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 6 November 2006, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: Britannica.com
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  20. ^ «Esri ArcGis WebMap». Esri. Retrieved 2 May 2016.
  21. ^ «Google Maps changes Sukhumi to Sokhumi following Georgia’s request». Agenda.ge. 10 February 2015. Retrieved 22 February 2015.
  22. ^ «Περίπλους Ευξείνου Πόντου – Βικιθήκη». el.wikisource.org.
  23. ^ King, Charles (2004). «The Expedition of Flavius Arrianus». The Black Sea. A history. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-924161-3.
  24. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  25. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  26. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  27. ^ «ToposText». topostext.org.
  28. ^ David, Braund (1994). Georgia in Antiquity. A History of Colchis and Transcaucasian Iberia 550 BC AD 562. Calendon Press. pp. 107–108. ISBN 0198144733.
  29. ^ David, Braund (1994). Georgia in Antiquity. A History of Colchis and Transcaucasian Iberia 550 BC AD 562. Calendon Press. p. 58. ISBN 0198144733.
  30. ^ Blair, William (1833). An inquiry into the state of slavery amongst the Romans. T. Clark. p. 25.
  31. ^ «The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Geography of Strabo Vol. II., translated By H. C. Hamilton». www.gutenberg.org.
  32. ^ David, Braund (1994). Georgia in Antiquity. A History of Colchis and Transcaucasian Iberia 550 BC AD 562. Calendon Press. pp. 158–159. ISBN 0198144733.
  33. ^ Hewitt, George (1998) The Abkhazians: a handbook St. Martin’s Press, New York, p. 62, ISBN 0-312-21975-X
  34. ^ Dioscurias. A Guide to the Ancient World, H.W. Wilson (1986). Retrieved 20 July 2006, from Xreferplus.com[permanent dead link]
  35. ^ Vinogradov, Andrey (2014). «Some Notes On The Topography Of Eastern Pontos Euxeinos In Late Antiquity And Early Byzantium».
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  37. ^ Alasania, Giuli (August 2016). «Level of Independence in Georgia Throughout the 14th Century» (PDF). Journal of Literature and Art Studies. 6 (8): 974. As it is known, a Catholic bishopric existed in Sukhumi as early as in 1318 and Bernard Morre was appointed as the bishop. Peter Gerald was appointed to the same position in 1330[dead link]
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  64. ^ «Итоги выборов». alhra.org. Избирательная комиссия по выборам в органы местного самоуправления г.Сухум. Archived from the original on 8 December 2015. Retrieved 19 September 2015.
  65. ^ Khajimba, Raul. «УКАЗ О главе администрации города Сухум» (PDF). presidentofabkhazia.org. Retrieved 19 September 2015.
  66. ^ a b c d e Lakoba, Stanislav. «Кто есть кто в Абхазии». Archived from the original on 12 May 2013. Retrieved 20 January 2012.
  67. ^ «Where does the Sukhumi Trolleybus go to?». Нужная газета (in Russian). 18 July 2019. Retrieved 17 November 2022.
  68. ^ RZD, [1] Archived 31 May 2021 at the Wayback Machine, 14.08.2020
  69. ^ «Сайт Администрации г.Подольска – Побратимы». Admpodolsk.ru. 15 June 2016. Archived from the original on 10 July 2015. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  70. ^ «Новости». Apsnypress.info. Archived from the original on 25 June 2011. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  71. ^ «12 мая между городами Абхазии и Италии были подписаны Протоколы о дружбе и сотрудничестве». Mfaapsny.org. Archived from the original on 4 December 2014. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  72. ^ «Il Sulcis rafforza il legame con i paesi dell’Est europeo, sottoscritto questa sera un protocollo d’amicizia con l’Abkhcazia». Laprovinciadelsulcisiglesiente.com. 9 April 2013. Retrieved 26 June 2016.
  73. ^ «Viacheslav Chirikba: Our goal is to remove Abkhazia from international isolation». Abkhaz World. 25 November 2012. Retrieved 30 May 2021.
  74. ^ «Managua mit neuer Städtepartnerschaft». amerika21.de. 12 November 2021. Retrieved 15 November 2021.

Sources and external links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sukhumi.

Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Sukhumi.

  • GigaCatholic for the titular see, linking to incumbent biographies
  • UNOMIG photo gallery of Sukhumi

Coordinates: 43°00′N 41°01′E / 43.000°N 41.017°E

Всего найдено: 7

Скажите пожалуйста, слова Сан-Франциско, Сан-Паулу, Сухуми к какому роду относятся?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Названия этих городов – существительные мужского рода.

Здравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, правильное написание:
1) ЦхинваЛ или ЦхинваЛИ, СухуМ или СухуМИ;
2) «у госпожи канцлеР» или «у госпожи канцлеРА»?
Заранее спасибо.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Согласно словарям и справочникам оба варианта правильны: Цхинвали/Цхинвал, Сухуми/Сухум. Правильно: у госпожи канцлера.

К вопросу 210419. Был в Абхазии. Все абхазцы называют свою столицу Сухум, и против грузинского названия Сухуми. Можно нарваться на неприятности. Можно ли писать Сухум?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Словари русского языка (правда, не все) фиксируют оба варианта названия.

Добрый день! Подскажите пожалуйста, как же все-таки надо сейчас писать: г. Сухуми или Сухум, Батуми или Батум? В тексте разное написание, речь идет о конфепенции по озеленению городов. И еще, все-таки — республика Беларусь или Белоруссия? Вот проблема с этими переименованиями! Заранее благодарна.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильное официальное название: _Республика Беларусь_. Города: _Сухуми, Батуми_.

Здравствуйте, тут уже задавали вопрос по поводу правильного образования прилагательного от г. Сухуми (сухумский). Тогда как правильно образовать прилагательное от г. Сухум (которое устарело). Тоже Сухумское шоссе? Разве могут быть одинаковые прилагательные и от г. Сухуми и от г. Сухум?
У нас в Новроссийске уже стычки с таможней, которая утверждает, что правильно Сухумийское шоссе. Хотя даже в приказе Сухумское написано.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Правильно только: _сухумский, Сухумское шоссе_.

Здравствуйте! Проверьте, пожалуйста,согласование прилагательных с существительными: красивый тюль, старая мозоль,мой (моя) протеже, белое паспарту, шерстяное кашне, известный маэстро, пожилая фрау, курортный Сухуми, забавный пони, любимая роман- газета, любимый роман-газета.


Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Предлагаем воспользоваться окном «Проверка слова».

Скажите, пожалуйста, как правильно писать названия Сухуми или Сухум, Цхинвали или Цхинвал, Алматы или Алма-Ата, Белоруссия или Беларусь. Умоляю, срочно: материал — в номер, хочется, чтобы было написано грамотно!!! Спасибо.

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

1. Правильно: _Сухуми_. 2. Верны оба варианта: _Цхинвали_ и _Цхинвал_. 3. Правильно: _Алма-Ата_. 4. См. ответ № 206607 .



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January 19 2006, 14:26

Как правильно,

поселился в СухумЕ, или в СухумИ?

Здание городской администрации

Суху́м (абх. Аҟəа «а́куа»)[1]/Суху́ми (груз. სოხუმი «соху́ми»)[2] — столица Республики Абхазия и одноимённой автономной республики в составе Грузии. Статус города — с 1848 года. Расположен в центральной части республики, в 107 км от границы с Россией на побережье Чёрного моря, на берегу Сухумской бухты. Через город протекают реки Басла (Беслетка) и Сухумка (Хакипсы), с юга его ограничивает река Келасур. Население — 43,7 тыс. чел. (2003).


  • 1 История
    • 1.1 Климат
    • 1.2 XX век
    • 1.3 Имя города
  • 2 Население
    • 2.1 Национальный состав
  • 3 Культура
  • 4 Транспорт
  • 5 Достопримечательности
    • 5.1 Беслетский мост
    • 5.2 Сухумская крепость
    • 5.3 Замок Баграта
    • 5.4 Келасурская (абхазская) стена
    • 5.5 Ботанический сад
    • 5.6 Обезьяний питомник
    • 5.7 Сухумский маяк
    • 5.8 Красный мост
  • 6 Города-побратимы
  • 7 Галерея
  • 8 Примечания
  • 9 См. также
  • 10 Ссылки


Первые поселения на территории города появились ещё в древнем каменном веке в эпоху нижнего палеолита, около 300 тысяч лет назад.

История города насчитывает более 2500 лет. Это один из древнейших городов мира.

На месте большого местного поселения Акуа, у подножия трёх гор Яштхва, Бирцха и Гварда в VI веке до нашей эры греческие купцы из Милета основали колонию Диоскуриада (Диоскурия), назвав её так в честь братьев Диоскуров — Кастора и Полидевка (Поллукса), принадлежавшую затем Понтийскому царству. Топоним «Аку» встречается в греческой надписи на золотых монетах колхидской чеканки (III—II вв. до н. э.) и сопоставляется с абхазским названием города — Акуа. Диоскурия была значительным торговым центром, обеспечивая не только местные нужды региона, но и транзитную торговлю с народами Северного Кавказа. В V—II веках до н. э. Диоскурия играла значительную политическую и экономическую роль на Западном Кавказе. На это указывает древний географ и историк Страбон:

…Диоскурия служит и началом перешейка между Каспийским морем и Понтом, и общим торговым центром для народов, живущих выше её и вблизи; сюда сходятся, говорят, 70 народностей…

В I веке до нашей эры в результате Митридатовых войн и последовавших за ними неурядиц Диоскурия потеряла своё значение. Диоскуриада была разрушена римлянами, но позже восстановлена ими же под названием Себастополис (в честь императора Октавиана Августа Себастоса). Крепостные сооружения Себастополиса сохраняли прочность 200 лет, а затем начали разрушаться. В VI веке на побережье вторглись византийцы и захватили крепость. При императоре Юстиниане I Себастополис был отстроен заново и пережил новый период расцвета. В 30-х гг. VIII века по землям Абхазии прокатились арабы, и, хотя они не смогли здесь обосноваться, зато успели разрушить город.

С 736 поселение известно под названием Цхум в составе Абхазского царства. В средние века — город Цхуми в составе Грузинского царства. К XIV веку превращается в периферийный городок Сабедиано. С XV века — снова важный торговый порт Восточного Причерноморья и основной пункт генуэзской колонизации побережья.

С XVI в. — территория Абхазии под властью турок: в 1578 турки захватили город, назвав его Сухум-Кале, в 1724 крепость была перестроена.

С конца XVIII века до 1808 и с 1864 — столица Абхазии.

В конце XVIII века абхазы отобрали крепость у турок, и владетельный князь Абхазии переносит в неё свою резиденцию и делает столицей Абхазии. В 1805 владетельный князь Абхазии Келешбей Шервашидзе-Чачба решает присоединить свою страну к России, по примеру картлийского и мегрельского царей. Но это удалось сделать только через 5 лет. 17 февраля 1810 был подписан манифест о присоединении Абхазии к России, и уже в июне того же года русский морской десант выбил турецкий гарнизон из города, занял местную крепость и утвердил власть российского императора.

В 1846 Сухум-Кале получает статус торгового порта, а в 1848 — статус портового города, который в 1866 стал называться Сухумом. После упразднения Абхазского княжества в 1864 — центр Сухумского военного отдела (области) в подчинении Кутаисского генерал-губернатора, с 1866 — Сухумского округа Кутаисской губернии.


Климат в Сухуми влажный, средиземноморский субтропический Среднегодовая температура + 16 °C, морская вода прогревается до +26°C — +28 °C. Зима теплая, (+10°C — +12 °C), лето жаркое и сухое (+28°C — +30 °C)

XX век

В советское время осуществлялось благоустройство и реставрация города Сухуми. В это время были построены:

  • Художественная школа (1935 год)
  • Гостиница «Абхазия» (1938 год)
  • Дом правительства Абхазской АССР (1939 год)
  • Железнодорожный вокзал (1951 год)
  • Институт субтропического хозяйства (1968 год)

В 60-х годах активно развернулось строительство типовой жилой и курортной инфраструктуры.

Имя города

В период турецких и арабских завоеваний (средние века), в силу особенностей фонетики тюркских и арабских языков, не принимающих наличия последовательных согласных (ЦХ), отсутствия звука «Ц» и его переход в звук «С», имя города постепенно изменяется — Цхум>Схум>Сухум (Сухум-кале («кале» — крепость (араб. через тюрк.)).

Установление влияния в регионе Российской империи повлекло установление русифицированного названия Сухум. В абхазском языке используется топоним Аҟəа (Акуа), в грузинском — სოხუმი (Сохуми).

В августе 1936 года[4] город был официально переименован в Сухуми на грузинский манер, при этом топоним Сухум фактически продолжал использоваться вместе с новым названием[5]. 4 декабря 1992 на сессии Верховного Совета Республики Абхазия было официально восстановлено название города Сухум[6][7].


Национальный состав

По переписи 2003 население столицы Абхазии включало:[8]

  • Абхазы (56,3 %)
  • Русские (16,9 %)
  • Армяне (12,7 %)
  • Грузины (4,2 %)
  • Греки (1,5 %)

Национальный состав резко изменился впоследствии грузино-абхазского конфликта.


Драмтеатр им. С. Чанба

В 60-х годах XIX века в Сухуме был создан краеведческий музей.

С 1930 года в городе работает Абхазский драматический театр, в 1963 году открылась картинная галерея.

Также в Сухуме находится Центральный выставочный зал Союза художников Абхазии.


Между Сухумом и Сочи возобновлено автобусное сообщение, прерванное в связи с грузино-абхазским конфликтом в начале 1990-х годов. Об этом заявил директор Сухумского пассажирского предприятия Афтандил Ласурия.[1]


Морской вокзал

Беслетский мост

Сухумская крепость

Замок Баграта

Келасурская (абхазская) стена

Ботанический сад

Обезьяний питомник

Сухумский маяк

Красный мост



Вход в Ботанический сад.


Драмтеатр им. Чанба.

Проспект Мира.

Проспект Мира. Около переговорного пункта.

Проспект Мира.

Вид на санатории РВСН и МВО с пристани.

Сухумский Ботанический Сад в 1912.

Здание парламента Абхазии.

Здание мэрии.

Сухум из космоса

Вид Сухума на грузинской купюре достоинством 200 лари.


  1. 1 2 3 Согласно юрисдикции частично признанной Республики Абхазия
  2. 1 2 3 Согласно юрисдикции Грузии
  3. 1 2 Данный населённый пункт расположен в Абхазии. Согласно конституции Грузии, Абхазия входит в состав Грузии как автономная республика. Фактически, Абхазия является частично признанным государством, территория которого Грузией не контролируется.
  4. Изменение административно-территориального деления союзных республик
  5. Союз писателей СССР. Союз писателей РСФСР. Ленинградское отделение, Ленинградская писательская организация Нева. — Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1982. — С. 80.
  6. Сборник законодательных актов Республики Абхазия, выпуск 3. — Сухум: 1995. — С. 94-95.
  7. Шария В. Абхазская трагедия (сборник). — Сочи. 1993. стр.126
  8. Переписи Абхазии: 1886, 1926, 1939, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989, 2003
  9. Данный населённый пункт расположен в Приднестровской Молдавской Республике. Согласно административно-территориальному делению Молдавии бо́льшая часть территории, контролируемой Приднестровской Молдавской Республикой, входит в состав Молдавии как автономное территориальное образование, другая часть входит в состав Молдавии как муниципий Бендеры. Заявленная территория Приднестровской Молдавской Республики, контролируемая Молдавией, расположена на территории Дубоссарского, Каушанского и Новоаненского районов Молдавии. Фактически, Приднестровская Молдавская Республика является непризнанным государством, бо́льшая часть территории которого которого Молдавией не контролируется.
  10. 1 2 Данный населённый пункт расположен в Южной Осетии. Согласно конституции Грузии, Южная Осетия расположена на территории Ахалгорского, Горийского, Джавского, Карельского, Онского и Сачхерского районов Грузии. Официальное используемое грузинское название территории бывшей Юго-Осетинской автономной области — Цхинвальский регион. Фактически, Южная Осетия является частично признанным государством, территория которого Грузией не контролируется.

См. также

  • Площадь Свободы (Сухум)
  • Сухумский троллейбус
  • Абхазский государственный университет
  • Черноморское побережье Кавказа


  • Официальный сайт города Сухум. Администрация города
  • Погода в Сухуме
  • Вебкамера на Проспекте Мира
  • Сухум — столица Абхазии

Флаг Абхазии

Wikimedia Foundation.

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