Кто написал как приручить дракона книгу


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Самая первая книга, которая положила началу трилогии «Как приручить дракона». Книга была выпущена в 2004 году. Автором книги является Крессида Коуэлл. Большую известность серии книг принесла экранизация именно первой книги.

Так рассказывает историю своих книг писательница

Когда мне было четыре, мою семью высадили, как потерпевших кораблекрушение на острове местные лодочники и забрали снова две недели спустя. В те дни не было мобильных телефонов, так что у нас не было абсолютно никакой возможности связаться с внешним миром в течение этого времени. Если что-то пошло не так, мы просто должны были сидеть и надеяться, что лодка действительно придет, чтобы подобрать нас через две недели.

К тому времени мне было восемь лет, моя семья построила небольшой каменный дом на острове, и мой отец получил лодку, так что мы могли ловить достаточно рыбы, чтобы прокормить семью в течение всего лета.

С тех пор, каждый год мы проводили четыре недели летом и две недели весной на острове. Дом был освещен свечами, и не было никаких телефонов или телевизоров, так что я потратила много времени, рисуя и сочиняя рассказы. Вечером мой отец рассказывал нам истории о викингах, которые вторглись на этот архипелаг островов тысячу двести лет назад, из сварливых племен, которые сражались и обманывали друг друга, легенды о драконах, которые должны были жить в пещерах в скалах.

Казалось, вполне возможно, что драконы могут жить в этой дикой, бурной, местности. Так что мне было всего восемь или девять лет, когда я впервые начала писать рассказы о викингах и драконах.

В 2002 году я начала писать книги для детей старшего возраста. Я вспомнила истории, которые я написала на острове, как ребенок, и перевоплотила эти идеи в книге «Как приручить дракона».


  • Иккинг Кровожадный Карасик III — Будущий вождь племени Лохматых хулиганов — худенький рыжий мальчик который совсем не похож на остальных викингов.
  • Рыбьеног — Лучший друг Иккинга. Рыбьеног — самый худой и хилый мальчик в племени.
  • Стоик — Добродушный, но со взрывным характером отец Иккинга.
  • Старый Сморчок — Дедушка Иккинга.
  • Сморкала Мордоворот — Задиристый, трусливый и хвастливый двоюродный брат Иккинга.
  • Беззубик — маленький Моредраконус Гигантикус Максимус. го все считали Простым Садовым. Заботится сам о себе.

Предисловие автора

« Во времена моей молодости на свете водились драконы. Драконы были разные. Одни, большие и мрачные, парили в небесах и строили гнезда на вершинах утесов, как огромные грозные птицы. Другие, мелкие и проворные, сновали дружными стайками и ловили крыс и мышей. Несусветно громадные Морские Драконы были в двадцать раз крупнее Большою Синего Кита и убивали просто ради потехи, Вам придется поверить мне на слово, потому что драконы быстро исчезают и вскоре могут попасть в Красную книгу. Никто не знает, что с ними происходит Они просто уползают обратно в море, из которого пришли, и не оставляют на память людям ничего: ни косточки, ни единого зуба. Для того, чтобы эти удивительные существа не были забыты, я и пишу эту правдивую повесть о своем детстве. Я был не из тех мальчишек, кто может выдрессировать дракона одним мановением пальца. И для Геройских Дел я был не рожден. Для этого мне пришлось потрудиться. Прочитайте же рассказ о том, как Нелегко Стать Героем. »
— Написал Иккинг



Украина, Харьков

Ожидала другого, но минус ли это



не нашла



Я считала, что первоисточник всегда интереснее. Если фильм ставят по книге, то он редко дотягивает до ее уровня. И есть масса этому подтверждений, вспомнить хотя бы работы Кинга. Поэтому я очень обрадовалась, когда нашла книгу…



Россия, Вологда

шикарные книги, стоят на почётном месте в нашем книжном шкафу!




интересная серия книг для подростков и детей



Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели сайта «Отзовик»! Данный отзыв я решила написать про интереснейшую серию книг «Как приручить дракона». Всего книг в данной серии — 12 штук. Последняя, 12 часть, была переведена и выпущена в тираж весной…

Ламинария Энн


Россия, Ижевск

Ожидала встречи со старыми друзьями — не сложилось…




Качество бумаги,забавные картинки, карта местности


Цена, сюжет

Когда увидела на полке книгу, подумала — как я это пропустила. Мультфильм «Как приручить дракона» снят именно по этому произведению, о чем издательство «Азбука — Аттикус» не преминула сообщить на обложке книги. Мультфильм прекрасен, а…



Россия, Мурманск

Для тех, кто без ума от драконов.



Хорошее детское чтение


Разве у викингов было распространено обращение «сэр»?

Книга ( цикл книг) весьма отличается от мультфильма содержанием. Отличается и дракон Беззубик, как размерами, так и характером — капризным и несговорчивым. Удивляет, что он вообще иногда соглашается помогать своему хозяину. Маленький зеленый дракон чересчур…



Украина, Ко

Сперва поймайте себе дракона!



Герои, сюжет, посыл


Не искала!

Здравствуйте! Эта добрая история про то, как дрессируют драконов или они дрессируют людей)) Чудесная книга с массой смешных моментов про преодоление трудностей, про то, что человек способен достичь всего, если захочет. Если душа хочет доброго…



Россия, Самара

Настоящий восторг



отлично прописаны персонажи, много иллюстраций, оригинальный сюжет, вменяемый перевод с оригинала


своеобразный стиль рисунков, кардинальное отличие книги от известного мультфильма, наличие специфического «мальчикового» юмора

Доброго вечера всем читателям Отзовика! Сегодня я хочу поделится с вами впечатлениями от книги Крессиды Коуэлл «Как приручить дракона». И не буду их долго скрывать — я просто в восторге! Правда, начать придется немного издалека…



Россия, Москва

Неплохой вариант для детского досуга!



Интересно Познавательно


Не обнаружено

Доброго времени суток дорогие читатели и гости сайта Отзовик! С появлением детей я частенько начала задумываясь об их в культурном досуге. Чем старше становится ребёнок тем чаще меня просит почитать ему книги так как боремся…


Увлекательная, поучительная.




Читается на одном дыхании,поучительная книжка, много картинок, обложка красочная.


не нашла.

Добрый вечер. Вот вышла последняя книга из серии книг » Как приручить дракона» книга 12 «Как спасти дракона». История рассказывается так, что думаешь все конец и в самый неожиданный момент идет продолжение. Которое захватывает тебя…



Украина, Староконстантинов

Отличная детская книжка





не обнаружено;

Все началось с мультфильма конечно. Первый раз я прочитал отзыв о нем в блоге Сергея Лукьяненко. С первого раза мультфильм » не пошел». Посмотрел максимум пятнадцать минут и удалил с винчестера. Следующий раз через…



Россия, Отзовик

Весьма интересно и достаточно необычно, но…




Сюжет, герои, юмор


Возможно несколько грубовато местами

Всем привет. Думаю многие смотрели замечательную трилогию «Как приручить дракона» от компании дрим воркс. Отличные мультфильмы, особенно первая часть. На волне удовольствия от просмотра я решил купить для своего старшего пацана книжку на летнее чтение…



Россия, Уфа

Очень сильно отличается от фильма, но интересная, достойна внимания




Интересно, необычный сюжет, юмор, мораль.


Встречаются разные переводы и очень раздражает, когда меняются имена персонажей и юмор плохо переведен.

Сначала мы посмотрели фильм, который так и назывался «Как приручить дракона». Фильм произвел огромное впечатление на мою дочку, мне тоже очень понравился. С тех пор мы не пропускаем ни одной новой серии из сериала с…

Фуфел Муфел


Россия, Ступино

Отличная книга для детей. Для детей постарше и взрослых написано простовато




Интересный мир. Необычный язык изложения. Крутое оформление книги.


Дракончик (который вроде как ключевой персонаж) вызывает лишь недоумение. Написано простовато для взрослой аудитории. Женщины где-то потерялись

Когда-то давно, больше 10 лет назад, эта книжка рекламировалась на развороте одного из любимых мной журналов вместе с книгой «Пиратика» (по ссылке мой отзыв). И «Пиратику» я тогда предпочла «Драконам» — показалось, что она скучноватая…



Россия, Москва

Интересная книжка для мальчишек



Веселая, легкая книжка



Добрый вечер, друзья! Наверно, многие из вас смотрели милый мультфильм про драконов, а есть и книжка, по которой написан сценарий мультика, правда, сюжет в книге совсем не похож. Недавно мой сын (ему 10 лет) прочитал…



Украина, Киев

Почти ничего общего с книгой



Несмотря ни на что интересно. Неожиданно, не похоже на мультфильмы.


Перевод грубоватый.

Я, как, наверное, большинство читателей, после просмотра «Как приручить дракона», «Как приручить дракона-2» и двух сезонов сериала, решила добраться до первоисточника, собственно книги, с которой все начиналось. Найти было не сложно, но меня ожидали сюрпризы…



Россия, Белгород

Не оправдала моих ожиданий.






Этой книгой я осталась скорее разочарованной, чем очарованной. Казалось бы — забавные герои, забавный сюжет, но почему — то все это не вызвало у меня никакого умиления и никакой радости. Герои мне не понравились особо…



Украина, Киев

не орите на дракона



чудесное детское произведение


не для взрослых

— Я пришел, — ответил Иккинг, — чтобы спросить тебя: ты явился с миром или войной? — Само собой, с миром, — ответил Дракон, — Но Вас все таки убью, — добавил он немножко подумав…



Украина, Чернигов

Ожидала лучшего



Не обнаружила.


Книга вообще не понравилась.

«Как приручить дракона» — первая книга из целого цикла, написанного Крессидой Коуелл. Читала книгу уже после просмотра одоименного мультика. Я, конечно знала, что книга очень отличается от мультфильма, но что б так. Общее в них…


книга очень хорошая,хотя некоторые моменты заставляют кринжануть



1.отличный сюжет (особенно для детской книжки) 2.очень притные рисунки внутри книги,разбросанные по всем страницам 3.мир наполнен лором,который можно узнавать даже по самым мелким рисуночкам,что делает мир живым


1.иногда из-за того-что книга детская некоторые моменты могут заставить покринжевать,хоть встречается это ну очень редко 2.не знаю можно ли отнести это к минусам,но у книги очень маленькая фан база,из-за чего обсудить её мало с кем получится

Книга очень хорошая, прочитал уже всю серию, и смело заявляю что не жалею потраченного времени. Рисуночки нарисованные на коленки придают такую уютную атосферу.9/10. Можете смело



Россия, Краснодар

Книга понравилась даже больше, чем мультфильм



Хороший, лёгкий, саркастичный язык; удачные шутки; маленький Беззубик просто чудо; приключения Иккинга и его друзей понравились больше, чем в мультфильме


В сети нашёл лишь шесть из двенадцати частей; некоторые части были переведены не до конца

Обожаю читать книги по фильмам и мультфильмам, честно. И если я вижу их названия в титрах или узнаю о них с посторонних источников, то стараюсь разыскать и прочитать. Так произошло, к примеру, с мультфильмом «Как…



Россия, Москва

добрая оригинальная книга



оформление, креативность и сюжет



Книга супер! Подойдёт в качестве подарка как девочке, так и мальчику, которые любят приключения! Про эту книгу мне рассказала коллега по работе. В этот же день я купила её и только потом посмотрела мультик. Хотя…

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Нижний Новгород,




00_02_Predislovie avtora


01_Pervym delom poymay svoego drakona!


02_V drakonih yaslyah


03_Geroi ili izgnanniki


04_Kak priruchit drakona


05_Chto skazal staryy smorchok


06_Tem vremenem v glubinah okeana:


07_Bezzubik prosypaetsya


08_Trudnyy put priruchenie drakona


09_Strah, tscheslavie, zhazhda mesti i anekdoty


13_Kogda kriki ne pomogayut


14_Dyavolski hitroumnyy plan


15_Bitva u mysa mertvaya golova


16_Dyavolski hitroumnyy plan provalilsya


18_Neobychaynaya hrabrost Bezzubika


19_Ikking nezamenimyy


20_Epilog avtora, Ikkinga Krovozhadnogo Karasika III

Большие отрезки (меньше пауз)

Большие отрезки (меньше пауз):

Добавлена: 19 декабря 2016

Как приручить дракона

Во времена молодости Иккинга Кровожадного Карасика III на свете водились драконы. Драконы были разные. Одни, большие и мрачные, парили в небесах, как огромные грозные птицы, и строили гнезда на вершинах утесов. Другие, мелкие и проворные, сновали дружными стайками и ловили крыс и мышей. Несусветно громадные Морские Драконы были в двадцать раз крупнее Большого Синего Кита и убивали просто ради потехи. Вам придется поверить автору на слово, потому что драконы быстро исчезают и вскоре могут попасть в Красную книгу. Для того, чтобы эти удивительные существа не были забыты, Иккинг Кровожадный Карасик III и написал эту правдивую повесть о своем детстве. Он был не из тех мальчишек, кто может выдрессировать дракона одним мановением пальца. И для Геройских Дел он не был рожден. Для этого ему пришлось потрудиться. Это рассказ о том, как Нелегко Стать Героем.

How to Train Your Dragon

Official Series

1. How to Train Your Dragon
2. How to Be a Pirate
3. How to Speak Dragonese
4. How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse
5. How to Twist a Dragon’s Tale
6. A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons
7. How to Ride a Dragon’s Storm
8. How to Break a Dragon’s Heart
9. How to Steal a Dragon’s Sword
10. How to Seize a Dragon’s Jewel
11. How to Betray a Dragon’s Hero


Cressida Cowell


United Kingdom




Fantasy, young-adult fiction, coming of age


Hodder Children’s Books (UK)
Little, Brown and Company (US)


2003 — 2014

Media type

Print (hardback & paperback)

This article is about the book series. For Cressida Cowell’s novel, see How to Train Your Dragon (novel). For the film based on the book, see How to Train Your Dragon (film).

How to Train Your Dragon is a series of twelve children’s books written by British author Cressida Cowell. The books are set in a fictional Viking world and focus on the experiences of protagonist Hiccup and his tribe as they train Dragons as pets. The books were published by Hodder Children’s Books in the UK and by Little, Brown and Company in the US. The first book was published in 2003 and the latest book in the series was published in 2013.
The books have subsequently been made into a franchise consisting of a feature film of the same name, several short stories and an animated television series created by DreamWorks Animation.


Cowell has published eleven full novels to date based around the adventures of Hiccup, the first published in 2003 and the latest published in 2013. The books all have titles based around an instruction guide:

  • How To Train Your Dragon, published in 2003.
  • How To Be A Pirate, published in 2004.
  • How To Speak Dragonese, published in 2005.
  • How To Cheat A Dragon’s Curse, published in 2006.
  • How To Twist A Dragon’s Tale, published in 2007.
  • A Hero’s Guide To Deadly Dragons, published in 2008.
  • How To Ride A Dragon’s Storm, published in 2008.
  • How To Break A Dragon’s Heart, published in 2009.
  • How To Steal A Dragon’s Sword, published in 2011.
  • How To Seize A Dragon’s Jewel, published in 2012.
  • How To Betray A Dragon’s Hero, published in 2013.

In addition to these eleven main novels, Cowell has also published other supplementary stories as part of the series: The Day Of The Dreader is a short story published in 2012 and the novel How To Train Your Viking was published as part of World Book Day 2006 and is claimed to be written by the dragon Toothless and translated by Cowell. A picture book, Hiccup the Seasick Viking published in 2000, is not considered a part of the series despite featuring the same character of Hiccup.
Cowell cites the Inner Hebrides of Scotland and stories Scandinavian Scotland as an inspiration for the book.



  • Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (in books 1–12) is the protagonist. He is unusual for a Viking not only physically, being very thin with red hair, but also intellectually as he thinks before he acts and is abnormally clever. He is one of the only people ever to understand and be able to speak Dragonese, the language of the dragons. He is a good left-handed sword fighter and owns two dragons: hunting dragon Toothless and riding dragon Windwalker (Hiccup’s dragon). In Book 11, he is bitten by one of the witch’s Vampire Spydragons twice, causing him to lose use of his left side.
  • Fishlegs (in books 1–12) is Hiccup’s best friend who is allergic to carni-dragons, like Monstrous Nightmares. He has a squint, asthma and is seen as a wimp, but he has shown himself to be quite cunning when he needs to be. He also has Berserk tendencies, meaning that in the midst of battle he is overcome by bloodlust and becomes extremely dangerous. His dragon is a Basic Brown named Horrorcow. He was washed on the shore of Berk when he was a baby and has no parents, he was taken care of by a caretaker dragon. Now Fishlegs is the master of a Deadly Shadow, a three-headed dragon that could shoot flames and lighting and can camouflage.
  • Camicazi (in books 3–12) is a fierce sword fighter from the tribe of female warriors known as the Bog-Burglars. She is a good friend of Hiccup’s, is very skilled at escapes and burglary, but she does not think very deeply. Her dragon is a rare Mood-Dragon named Stormfly.
  • Stoick the Vast (in books 1–12) is Hiccup’s father and leader of the Hairy Hooligans. Unlike his son, he is incredibly strong and fat but rather unintelligent. He owns three dragons called Newtsbreath, Bullheart and Hookfang. Newtsbreath appears in the first two books, Hookfang is only in the first book, while Bullheart appears in book 9, but he may have more appearances.
  • Snotlout (in books 1–11), or «Snotface Snotlout», is Hiccup’s much despised cousin. He bullies and bosses the others around, especially Hiccup whom he addresses as useless. He is top class at ‘bashyball‘, ‘advanced rudery’ and ‘everything else’. His dragon is a brilliant scarlet Monstrous Nightmare named Fireworm, who because of her breed should technically belong to Hiccup (as son of the chief) according to ancient Viking law. He becomes chief of the Hooligan Tribe at the end of Book 9, but gets killed in an attack at the end of Book 11 in an attempt to help Hiccup become King. Later, Hiccup silently forgives Snotlout for the years of rivalry between them.
  • Dogsbreath the Duhbrain (in books 1–5,7–10) is Snotlout’s friend and sidekick. He is usually seen following Snotlout’s orders, usually the difficult and tedious jobs. He is not very intelligent and does not talk much. His dragon is a Gronckle named Seaslug.
  • Valhallarama (in books 1,5,10-12) is Hiccup’s mother. She appears in only a few books, and is often away questing. She once loved Humungously Hotshot the Hero and gave him a ruby heart necklace. She reappears in Book 10 to help Hiccup become King of the Wilderwest.
  • Mogadon the Meathead (in books 1–2,5,9) is chief of the Meathead Tribe, close neighbors of the Hairy Hooligans. A man with a fake leg and an eye-patch, he shares a sometimes vicious rivalry with Stoick.
  • Thuggory (in books 1,9-12) is Mogadon’s son, and very like Snotlout. Although he is large, muscular, well-respected and has a huge silver Monstrous Nightmare dragon called Killer, he stands up for Hiccup and works with him in the first book. Later, in Book 10, he becomes the first member of Hiccup’s Company of the Dragonmark.
  • Alvin the Treacherous (in books 2–3,5,8–12) is Hiccup’s arch-enemy and uncle. He used to be chief of the Outcasts books 1-2 and was again in books 9-12. Although he is a fantastic sword fighter, he is frequently losing parts of his body such as all of his hair, a hand, a foot, a nose, and an eye. He is also covered in warts, and so his face is swollen, causing him to wear an iron mask to hide it. His various evil plots have included using the Hooligans to steal Grimbeard the Ghastly‘s treasure, using the Romans to burgle all the dragons in the Archipelago, and controlling the deadly Exterminator dragons.
  • Norbert the Nutjob (in books 4–5,7) is the chief of the Hysterical tribe, and Hiccup’s second arch-enemy. Norbert’s father, Bigjob, once went to America and retrieved a potato, but Hiccup took it to cure Fishlegs of Vorpentitis. Norbert later died at the hands of a Leviathorgon dragon on his own expedition to America. As his name suggests, he is insane and uses his giant axe – one gold side and one black side – to decide everything.
  • Humungously Hotshot the Hero (in books 5,8,11) has been trapped on the island of lava-louts for 15 years. He went out on a quest to find the fire stone for Hiccup’s grandfather, Old Wrinkly, so he could marry Hiccup’s mother Valhallarama. He failed, and eventually married Tantrum O’Ugerly, the daughter of Ug the Uglithug in book 8.
  • Big-Boobied Bertha (in books 3–8,11) is the leader of the Bog-Burglars and the mother of Camicazi. As her name indicates, she has very large breasts.
  • Gobber the Belch (in books 1–12) is in charge of the Viking Initiation Program as well as the Pirate Training Program. He is described as being enormous, extremely loud, and having a wild yellow beard.
  • Madguts the Murderous (in books 5–7,9) is the chief of the Murderous tribe. A vicious, frightening, vile smelling man covered in skull tattoos and with «Hate» on both his knuckles, he is considered one of the scariest men in the archipelago. He also never speaks (though he spoke to Mogadon the Meathead in the fifth book) . He has a stealth dragon stolen from him by Bertha and intends to kill her, and later tries to kill Stoick and Bertha. Both times he is stopped by Hiccup. Camicazi supposedly burgles from him regularly.
  • Excellinor (in books 8–12) is Alvin’s mother. She is however pure evil and wants Hiccup’s sword. It is said that she never took any good care of Alvin the Treacherous and never loved him either. She was locked in a tree trunk for twenty years by Ug the Uglithug. Her name was unknown until the ninth book. She is the cause of Alvin’s warts and is covered in them. She uses Vampire Spydragons as spies for her.
  • Old Wrinkly (in books 1–5,7-9,11), 93 years old, is Valhallarama’s father and Hiccup’s grandfather. Old Wrinkly is the soothsayer and doctor of the Hairy Hooligans tribe and only thinker of the tribe. Between the beginning of Book 9 and the end of Book 11, it is unknown what came of him.


  • Toothless (in books 1–12) is Hiccup’s hunting dragon. He appears to be a green and red Common or Garden Dragon, although Fishlegs spread a false story that he is near extinct, more vicious relative of the Monstrous Nightmare breed called the Toothless Daydream and possibly the offspring of the mighty dragon ruler King Daggerfangs. He is one of the King’s Lost Things. In book 11, it is revealed he is a young Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus.
  • Windwalker (in books 5, 8–12) is Hiccup’s flying dragon. He smells of drinking chocolate and is hairy.
  • Horrorcow (in books 1–3,5,9) is Fishlegs’ dragon of the Basic Brown species. She is named ‘Horror’ for effect and ‘Cow’ because she is not dangerous and sleeps a lot. Fishlegs suspects she is a vegetarian. She is three times the size of Toothless and is his best dragon friend. She probably joined the Red-Rage between books nine and ten.
  • Fireworm (in books 1–3,5,8) is Snotlout’s completely immodest and temperamental dragon. She is a red Monstrous Nightmare and immensely dislikes Toothless, often jeering in Dragonese, prodding, and attacking him.
  • Stormfly (in books 6–12) is Camicazi’s dragon. Unusually, Stormfly is a Mood-Dragon, allowing her to change color depending on her mood; when angry, she will turn blue-black instead of her normal golden color. Stormfly is unusual in that she speaks in Norse, but she is a pathological liar despite a change of color (to purple) making it apparent when she is lying. Toothless develops a crush on Stormfly when he meets her for the first time.
  • Wodensfang (in books 9–12) is an ancient brown dragon, living from when Hiccup Horrendous Haddock I lived. He is a wise dragon, whom Hiccup the Third meets while getting the Crown. He is able to understand and speak Norse (happens in the 12th book) and helps Hiccup in his quest to stop the Rebellion. He is an old Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus.
  • Patience, Innocence, and Arrogance (in books 10-12) is a triple-headed Deadly Shadow dragon. He can camouflage. He is an Air dragon. He was Termagant(Fishlegs’s mother)’s riding dragon, and he swore to look after Fishlegs when he was a baby and set out to sea. The two are reunited in book 10 and they officially become Fishleg’s dragon. They have individual personalities.

Plot synopsis

How To Train Your Dragon (2003)

The book follows Hiccup as he captures a dragon as a rite of passage and attempts to train him so that he will not be exiled from Berk, as is tradition. Led by Gobber the Belch, Hiccup manages to catch a small dragon, whom he names Toothless, and attempts to train it through his own methods, when the How To Train Your Dragon book was found to have only one page and therefore unhelpful. During the final part of the rite of passage Toothless offends another dragon and a fight ensues between all the dragons. As this is seen as failure to train the dragons correctly, the boys are exiled, allowed to stay one night while a storm rages. During the storm, two Sea Dragons are washed up on the shore of the island and one seems a threat to the Vikings. Hiccup is chosen to negotiate with the dragon who calls himself the Merciless which proves futile. While the village elders argue over how to attack the Green Death, Hiccup, the boys and their dragons begin a fight with the dragon, resulting in Hiccup nearly being swallowed and having to be rescued by Toothless, killing the Green Death in the process. Hiccup and Toothless become heroes because of their bravery.

Hiccup doesn’t know it yet, but he has found the first of the King’s Lost Things…

How to Be a Pirate (2004)

The sequel to How to Train Your Dragon, it starts during a Sword-fighting-at-Sea lesson during a storm and Hiccup finds himself poor at using the sword. The fight is cut off as the boat tips over and is holed by an object, a coffin, using which Hiccup rides back to the Isle of Berk. On the beach, it is discovered that it is the coffin of Grimbeard the Ghastly, the greatest pirate of all times and Hiccup’s-great-great-grandfather. Soon the coffin is opened and they find out that it contains a living man, named Alvin the Treacherous, who hides his true identity under the name Alvin the Poor-but-Honest-Farmer to the Hooligans.

Alvin tells the Vikings that he was locked in the coffin and sent out to sea by «some very rude people». He claims that he discovered the coffin buried in the Peacable country, and upon opening it, a booby-trap was set off, which cut off his right hand. He also tells the Vikings that in the coffin, he found a riddle that tells where to find the treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly and a map that shows the island where the treasure is buried.

They figure that the treasure is in the Isle of Skullions, an island inhabited by blind, flightless, and deaf dragons called Skullions that are extremely sensitive to smell. According to the riddle, the Heir to the Tribe’s hunting dragon will sniff out the treasure. The Vikings travel to the Isle of the Skullions, where a small treasure chest is found along with Grimbeard’s famous sword, the Stormblade. However, Grimbeard has booby-trapped the chest with a smell that would wake up all of the Skullions on the island, and a brief fight ensues, in which Hiccup dislocates his right arm. A few of the Skullions are killed, and the Vikings escape with the treasure. On reaching close to Berk the Vikings begin fighting over the treasure and as they fight, they are ambushed by a group of cannibalistic Vikings known as the Outcasts. Alvin reveals himself to be the Outcast’s chief , and another fight ensues. The ship soon catches fire and sinks shortly after they board and everyone abandons it, climbing on the Outcasts’ ship to continue the fight; everyone except for Hiccup, Fishlegs, Alvin and Toothless who sink with the ship but are kept alive by an air pocket that forms under the capsized ship.

As the air pocket is finally destroyed by the weight of the capsized ship, Toothless finds an underwater cavern filled with air. As the party begins to explore the cavern they come to a door and upon opening it, they find it filled with mountains of gold and jewels, the real treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly. Alvin turns on Hiccup to kill him. In the sword-fight that follows, Hiccup discovers that he is actually left-handed and hence why he was never good at sword-fighting before. In the middle of that fight Alvin steps on a pile of treasure under which is hidden a Monstrous Strangulator, an octopus-like creature that was placed there by Grimbeard to guard his treasure. It consumes Alvin, and as it comes next for Hiccup, Hiccup tricks the creature into injecting itself with it’s own poison. The creature’s nervous system is destroyed and they escape, but Hiccup decides that the world is not ready for the treasure, and leaves it behind.

They soon surface with the aid of Toothless, and the book ends with Hiccup, Toothless and Fishlegs all getting back to the village and finding that the Hooligans had survived and won the battle with the Outcasts but had set them free.

In the epilogue, Hiccup tells us in a secret compartment in the handle of the sword that he used to fight Alvin, he found the last will and testament of Grimbeard the Ghastly. It turns out that the sword was Grimbeard’s favorite sword, because the Stormblade always leaned a little to the left. It is revealed in How to Steal a Dragon’s Sword that the sword’s name is the Dragonsword, but Old Wrinkly names it the Endeavor.

Hiccup has found two of The Kings Lost Things…

How to Speak Dragonese (2005)

The third in the series, it starts during a Boarding-An-Enemy-Ship Lesson. Gobber explains to his students that they will practice on the easy target of a Peaceable fishing boat. Gobber warns his students not to leave the bay, or else they might have an encounter with Sharkworms. Snotlout and Dogsbreath ram their ship at Hiccup and Fishlegs’s ship (known as the Hopeful Puffin) and the ship loses course and they get lost. Fishlegs cannot see through the fog, and mistakes a Roman ship for a Peaceable Fishing boat by accident, and is attacked by the Romans. While on board, Hiccup finds two men (known as the Fat Consul and the Thin Prefect) talking about how they will steal all the dragons in the Inner Isle by kidnapping the Heirs of the Bog-Burglar Tribes and the Hooligans, causing both Tribes to fight, letting the Romans steal all the dragons in the Inner Isles.

To save Fishlegs and escape, Hiccup secretly takes a nanodragon from the bowl of nanodragons the Fat Consul is eating, and replaces it with an Electrisquirm. The Fat Consul is electrocuted and while all the Romans are distracted by this, Hiccup unlocks the dragon’s cages, wreaking havoc, and Hiccup and Fishlegs escape. The Thin Prefect tries to grab Hiccup’s «How to Speak Dragonese» Book, but it instead rips into two. As the two jump into the boat, Toothless gets captured. Hiccup tries to tell his dad what has happened, and tells him to send a War Party to save Toothless. Stoick does not believe him, and is more worried about Hiccup’s grades. The next morning, Hiccup hears someone singing from his coat. He remembers the nanodragon he had rescued. The nanodragon tells Hiccup that its name is Ziggerastica the Living God. The nanodragon promises to do one thing for Hiccup, in return for what he did for her. During a Frightening Foreigners lesson, the Romans, disguised as (in not a really good disguise) Bog-Burglars kidnap him and Fishlegs during a class and take them to Fort Sinister. There they discover Alvin the Treacherous is the Thin Prefect, who cut his way out of the dead Strangler’s stomach, but lost his position as Chief of the Outcasts due to his hair falling out from the Strangler’s stomach juices. He is working with the Romans and trying to learn Dragonese. His plan is to create a dragon army that can swim down to get the treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly (from the previous book) for him. Hiccup tricks the Romans into keeping them alive until the day they are supposed to be killed by gladiators. Until then, they are put in a cell, where they meet Camicazi, the wild female heir to the Bog-Burglars Viking tribe. Hiccup calls on Ziggerastica and his army to form a plan to rescue the three of them and they are taken to the arena. Hiccup, Camicazi and Toothless are surprised to find that there are no gladiators. They realize they have filled the arena with water and find Sharkworms swimming around them. Hiccup launches his plan (Hiccup expected gladiators on the field, so he is not sure if it will work). Hiccup forces Fishlegs and Camicazi to throw him into a barrel, because he has a cut, and Sharkworms are attracted to blood. As the Sharkworms destroy the barrel, Hiccup appears to fly out of the barrel, and makes the spectators believe he is Thor, and orders the Romans to leave, and to give his book back. However, Alvin attempts to shake out a Venomous Vorpent he had put inside, but fails. Hiccup then appears to break the protection net with a hand gesture, and the Sharkworms attack the audience. Hiccup lands on the boat the three were on. Hiccup reveal there are armies of tiny dragons on his shirt, and they are propelling him into the air. Some other armies had chewed on the protection net all night (and the locks of the dragon cages). He and his friends attempt to escape in the boat, but Alvin orders the portcullis to be held down, and the boat is destroyed. They climb the portcullis and enter a Roman observation balloon and escape to find the search parties from both tribes. Alvin chases them but falls into the Sharkworm-infested water. As they land, the Venomous Vorpent crawls out of the book and appears to sting one of them.

The two Tribes realize that their Heirs are back and call off the fight and celebrate the return of the Heirs.

However, it is said at the end that during the balloon landing, one of the heroes was stung by the venomous dragon inside the book, hinting at the book «How To Cheat a Dragon’s Curse.»

How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse (2006)

This book is the fourth in the series. During a hunting-with-bows-and-arrows-on-skis expedition, Hiccup finds Fishlegs acting strangely when they spot a group of Hysterics, a tribe of scary lunatic Vikings. Fishlegs starts attacking the Hysterics with a ski. Hiccup shoots an arrow at a Hysteric (known as Norbert the Nutjob) who stumbles crazily from side to side, knocking down all of the Hysterics. Hiccup and Fishlegs flee on their skis, with the Hysterics behind in hot pursuit. Hiccup falls off the side of a cliff. At first One Eye, the Saber-Toothed Driver dragon which had pulled Hiccup and Fishlegs to the top of the mountain, refuses to rescue Hiccup; but when Hiccup points out that if he does not save him, Snotface Snotlout (who had previously treated One Eye very badly, and given him a good whipping) will become Chief of the Tribe, One Eye saves Hiccup after all, and he and Fishlegs return to the village. Hiccup is worried about Fishlegs, and takes him to see Old Wrinkly. Old Wrinkly examines Fishlegs, and tells Hiccup that Fishlegs is suffering from Vorpentitis, a disease caused by the sting of a Venomous Vorpent, and the only cure to this disease is a vegetable called a potato, which can only be found in America. Hiccup does not believe him, because all Vikings, except the Hysterics, believe that the world is as flat as a pancake, and there is no such place as America. Old Wrinkly tells Hiccup that Norbert the Nutjob (the chief of the Hysteric Tribe)’s father, Bigjob, had actually gone to America and made friends with the Americans, which he called «feather people», and brought back the potato to prove he was right about America being true. However, he was attacked by a Doomfang. Old Wrinkly predicts the potato might be in the Hysteric Territories, and tells him that he must bring it back before ten o’clock the next morning, or else Fishlegs will die.
Hiccup brings Camicazi and Toothless (Toothless was supposed to be hibernating like the other hunting dragons, but he did not dig his hibernating hole deep enough, which could cause him to sleep for a long time, so Hiccup dug him up) on the journey to Hysteria, with One Eye pulling them on a sleigh. The two children enter through the roof of a house where the Hyterics are celebrating Freya’sday Friday. They lower Camicazi through the chimney and Hiccup accidentally falls into a giant pot of onion soup, and gets discovered by Norbert the Nutjob. Hiccup makes Norbert show him the potato by pretending not to believe in the potato. Norbert finally reveals his father’s preserved body, and in Norbert’s father’s hand is a glass case with ice and has an arrow stuck in it. Hiccup tries to persuade Norbert to give him the potato, but Norbert refuses. Norbert soon gets annoyed with Hiccup, and decides whether Hiccup should or should not die by throwing his double-sided axe into the air. If it lands on the black side, Hiccup will die, if it lands on the white side, he will live. Hiccup cheats by catching the axe just as it is about to land on the black. Norbert is annoyed that Hiccup cheated, and locks him in the cage. After the Hysterics fall asleep, Camicazi picks the lock of Hiccup’s cage; freeing him (Toothless took the key to cage from Norbert’s pocket, but swallows it, and accidentally sets fire to a carpet). Camicazi lowers herself down with a rope and grabs the potato, but sees something in the glass case that interests her and it too. Suddenly, the preserved body of Norbert’s father falls on a row of Squealers (a type of dragon that Vikings use as an alarm), who give ear-piercing screams. All the Hysterics suddenly wake up.

Hiccup throws the food on the table at the guards, while Camicazi knocks Norbert out with the frozen potato. Hiccup, Camicazi, and Toothless get out of the Hall through the chimney. The two children ride via food tray down the roof and into Hysteria. The three, along with One Eye, escape in a boat, but get attacked by the Doomfang, which lives under a frozen river called the «Wrath of Thor«. The Doomfang breaks out of the ice and uses its tongue to grab the potato and eats it. Hiccup realizes that his mission has failed and wonders if the Doomfang had Vorpentitis, it showed the symptoms. Once he gets back, he realises that Fishlegs had only caught a cold, and Old Wrinkly had made a mistake. Stoick (Hiccup had lied to Stoick saying that he was spending the night at Snotlout’s house, but instead he went to get the potato) yells at Old Wrinky for making Hiccup go on the quest for nothing and almost get killed by Norbert. Hiccup suddenly falls on the same bed Fishlegs was lying on, and his entire body goes stiff. Old Wrinkly examines Hiccup and says that it is actually Hiccup who has Vorpentitis. Hiccup desperately tries to speak, murmuring «Oot me!», and tries to point at the arrow on the table next to him which had been stuck in the potato for a long time. Fishlegs realizes that Hiccup wants him to shoot him with the arrow. Fishlegs shoots Hiccup on the foot, and Hiccup recovers. In the epilogue, Hiccup buries the arrow that saved his life and a seed on the end of it grows another potato which is used to cover the island with potatoes so no one dies of Vorpentitis ever again.

How to Twist a Dragon’s Tale (2007)

The fifth book in the series. The story begins with the children on a herding exercise for their Pirate Training Program. They are distracted by a huge fire rolling down the mountainside. The fire is found to be the doing of the Extermintators, big evil fire dragons. While most of the kids escape on Gobber’s riding dragon, Goliath, before he is killed by the Exterminators, Hiccup and Gobber are left to defend themselves. Hiccup and Gobber are saved by a mysterious man in a fireproof suit riding a white dragon, whom they at first believe to be a man from the treacherous Lava-Lout tribe. The man soon reveals himself to be Humungously Hotshot, one of the greatest heroes on the planet. Although Hiccup’s father, Stoick, begins to regard Hotshot with jealousy, he hires him as Hiccup’s «bardiguard».

After that, Hotshot saves Hiccup from several deadly situations, all of which are later revealed to be his own doing. Later on at night, Hiccup wakes up to Hotshot looming over him with his swords, arguing with himself whether or not to kill Hiccup. He ultimately decides not to, and Hiccup asks him what he’s doing. Hotshot begins to tell Hiccup his story, of how he fell in love with a Viking woman, but her father wanted her to marry someone clever. The woman’s father sent Hotshot on an Impossible Task to find and bring back the Fire-Stone, and the reward was the woman’s hand in marriage. Hotshot traveled to the volcano where the Fire-Stone was hidden, but he was captured soon after by the Lava-Louts. After a few weeks, he became friends with a jail-keeper named Terrific Al. He asked Terrific Al to bring a half of the ruby heart to his love because she vowed to save him if she received the ruby heart. Terrific Al told Humongous that he would bring the ruby heart to his ladylove if he promised to do something for him and disappeared for fifteen years and came back to tell Humongous Hotshot that his love threw the heart out of the window and married somebody else who had already brought back the Fire-Stone. Terrific Al (who mysteriously has lost a hand, half a leg, an eye and all of his hair) told Humongous the thing he must promise to do is to kill Hiccup, stating that Hiccup is a Prince of Darkness and a Devil Child, who will send terror across the Archipelago. After Hotshot finishes his story Hiccup figures out that the woman Humungous is talking about is Hiccup’s own mother, who had thought he was dead, and that Terrific Al is really Alvin the Treacherous. Hiccup, Fishlegs, Hotshot, Camicazi, the White Dragon and the Windwalker, Hiccup’s riding dragon, travel to Lava-lout Island to put the fire-Stone inside the volcano to stop the volcano from exploding and are attacked by Alvin riding an Exterminator. Alvin reveals the first Sharkworm he met tore out his eye, but he killed it and hid inside. However after he got out on shore the dead Sharkworm’s mouth shut on his leg, but he carved a new one from its teeth. The volcano erupts and the Exterminators hatch. Hiccup manages to put the stone into the volcano. But on contact with the lava, the fire stone hatches into a fire dragon, revealing that the fire stone is actually an egg. The dragon eats all the Exterminators, including the one Alvin is riding, swallowing Alvin. Hiccup and his riding dragon, Windwalker, run down the island away from lava and fall into the sea. Hiccup’s father and others rescue him and everything works out well. In the epilogue, Hiccup tells us that Windwalker turns out to be his faithful flying dragon.

A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons (2008)

The sixth book in the series is the only one not to have «How to» in its title. But it is also named «How Not to Celebrate Your Birthday». Its cover name is named only «A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons» after Hiccup’s informative book inside this book.

Hiccup is lost in the Library Labyrinth and the Driller Dragons and Madguts the Murderous are on the prowl, all because of a book! Hiccup’s birthday is not going to be the quiet affair he might have hoped for. This book contains an open-up map of the Barbaric Archipelago, a Dragonese Dictionary in the back, Dragon Profiles and «Conversations with Toothless».

Hiccup wakes up that morning, wishing for a peaceful birthday. He then tries to persuade Toothless to eat his breakfast, which is spinach and drift wood. Toothless refuses, so Hiccup goes to the Finals of a Burglary Competition between the Bog-Burglars and the Hooligans alone. When Hiccup returns home, he realizes Toothless has eaten three quarters of Stoick’s throne. Stoick comes in the room, and is in a bad temper because he had made a bet to Big-Boobied Bertha that he could prove that the Hooligans were just as good at Burglary as the Bog-Burglars by the end of the day, and also because Hiccup has been researching about dragons and writing in notebooks about them. He throws a tantrum, but remembers that Gobber has stolen the «How to Train Your Dragon» manual from the Meathead Library under the nose of the Hairy Scary Librarian. Stoick tells Hiccup that if Toothless does one more thing like this, he will banish him, and goes off to find the book.

Toothless guiltily reveals that he also burned the copy of «How To Train Your Dragon». Camicazi suggests that they can go to the Meathead Library, and supposedly there might be another copy of the book, and get back home «in time for tea». Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs go to the Island of Forget Me on a Stealth Dragon Big-Boobied Bertha had stolen from Madguts the Murderous, the Chief of the Murderous Tribe, for the bet with Stoick, to visit the Meathead Public Library. With the help of Stormfly, Camicazi’s dragon, they find the copy of «How to Train Your Dragon», though it is a second edition. The Hairy Scary Librarian catches them stealing the book and fights with Camicazi and Hiccup. Fishlegs throws a book at the Hairy Scary Librarian. However, Stormfly is knocked out in the process, and awakens with no memory of who she is, and how did she get in. The Librarian, who falls onto the floor, which is full of Red Hot Itchyworms (the worms went into his pants, tickling him) runs toward the exit, laughing and screaming. The noise attracts Driller Dragons who are dwelling in the Library.

Hiccup finds a book that was written by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the II called A Hero’s Guide To Deadly Dragons which was exactly the same book that Hiccup the third wrote, which had been taken from him earlier that morning. He pulls the book out and the shelf opens, revealing hole filled with Poisonous Piffleworms, their only exit.

Hiccup takes back the second edition of «How to Train Your Dragon» to the Isle of Berk. Meanwhile, Madguts tracks down the Stealth Dragon and it leads him to the Isle of Forget Me. They find that it has gone to the Isle of Berk and go there. On the Isle of Berk, both Stoick and Bertha find the stolen things they have got for the bet are missing. The Hairy Scary Librarian arrives and shoots Stoick with a Northbow but Hiccup’s handwritten book saves Stoick’s life and Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Camicazi come from the sky and squash the Librarian flat with the Stealth Dragon. Madguts and Gumboil arrive for the Stealth Dragon and are about to kill Bertha. Hiccup saves her by lying to Madguts, telling him that the Scary Hairy Librarian had stolen the Stealth Dragon instead, so she squashed the Librarian. Madguts believes him, and takes the Librarian away. Hiccup persuades Stoick that books are useful and books are unbanned by order of the Thing. At the end of the book, there is Hiccup’s finished A Hero’s Guide To Deadly Dragons, as well as conversation starters with Toothless.

How to Ride a Dragon’s Storm (2008)

This is the seventh book in the series. The story starts at the beach at the bottom the Murderous Mountains. Madguts the Murderous invites two tribes, the Bog-burglars and the Hairy Hooligans to join the Murderous Tribe, over for an Intertribal Friendly Swimming race. The winner may have a single request which will be granted by the three Chiefs of the three tribes. The winner of the swimming race is the one who is the Last Man (or Woman) back. Madguts, Stoick and Big-Boobied Bertha set off to the water more slowly than the others, more certain that they will win the race. Gumboil and Madguts laugh at the fact that Bog-burglars and the Hooligans are all wearing Blubberwing fat to keep themselves warm, and show them the Deepest Purple Fleshfang oil they are wearing,which is so hot, in fact, that a steam is billowing off Madgut’s chest. And then they tell them that there is a pot at the edge of the water. Gumboil assures the two Chiefs that they can go back, because the race does not start until you start swimming. The two Chiefs realize the pot is empty, and also realize that they have been tricked into returning to the beach in three minutes and twenty-two seconds, and become the losers of the Race. Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs have difficulty in swimming the farther waters, even though their hunting dragons are trying to help, especially Fishlegs, who has to swim in armbands. They encounter Snotlout and Dogsbreath, who destroy Fishlegs’s armbands. Camicazi and Fishlegs are pulled underwater after a while. Hiccup also is pulled down, and is pulled back to the surface, realizing that he and his friends have been captured by Raptortongues. They are taken to a ship and tied up. Their hunting dragons are tied up too.

The ship happens to have Madguts, Norbert the Nutjob (Chief of the Hysterics), and Gumboil. Norbert has asked Madguts to take Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs to the boat, and in return letting him rest on the boat for a few hours, before he continues the race, being the Last Man Back. After Madguts and Gumboil leave, Hiccup returns the ticking thing, which he had stolen from Norbert in an earlier adventure. Norbert attempts to use the ticking thing to get to America. Norbert is about to kill the Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs with his Axe of Doom, but is forced to untie the three because he cannot read the ticking thing. Hiccup and his friends explore the boat, finding many interesting contraptions that have been made by Norbert, for example: a machine that generates a high-pitched noise that will startle giant dragons and a flying Machine that is tested by crew members every day, only to crash into the ocean. Hiccup discovers there are slaves called the Northern Wanderers on the boat. He falls into the Salve Hatch by accident one day and meets Bearcub and his grandmother. Hiccup pleads that Wanderers not to kill him, and promises to free them, and is rescued by Norbert. The boat reaches the land of Polar-serpents, where dangerous dragons called Polar-serpents roam. Hiccup decides to use Dragon-nip to make the Hysterics fall asleep and escape with the Wanderers. Hiccup pours dragon-nip into the crew’s dinner, making them all fall asleep. After all Wanderers are safe on the emergency boats, Hiccup falls off the boat and lands on an ice berg, and is chased into a cave by Polar Serpents. Hiccup accidentally wakes up a gigantic dragon, which also chases Hiccup. Hiccup manages to get back onto the boat, and uses the machine that generates a high pitched noise to keep the monster away, identifying it as a Leviathorgan. America is in sight, but a storm breaks out, and the Leviathorgan from the cave attacks the ship. Norbert and Hiccup fight on the top of the ship. Lightning strikes Norbert’s axe and it enters the sea, killing the Leviathorgan. Hiccup falls of the mast, as he swims up he hits his head on a sinking coldrin which shortly gives him amnesia, and then he passes out. He is rescued by Fishlegs and Camicazi. Back at the Murderous Mountains, Madguts is clearly the winner, and demands Stoick and Big-Boobied Bertha to be sacrificed to Sky Dragons. Old Wrinkly announces that Hiccup, Fishlegs and Camicazi have not yet returned, and the race is supposed to be three months, five days and six hours, so they still have to wait for three months, before Madguts is declared winner, and the two other Chiefs will be under temporary custody under Madguts.

Camicazi and Fishlegs are rescued by the Wanderers. The two take Hiccup on board too, and after Bearcub’s grandmother’s medicine, Hiccup awakens. After a long time, the ticking things start to tick louder, because Old Wrinkly had set an alarm on it. With only six hours left, and thinking that Old Wrinkly really did have a reason to set the alarm, the three fly to Berk on Norbert’s flying machine, which the Wanderers had collected. The machine works well, but as they near Berk, the machine breaks and crashes into the ocean. Hiccup and his friends come just in time for the alarm to set off. Because Hiccup is the last person back, he demands Madguts to sing a love song at the next Thing while dressed up as an «ickle pretty shepherdess».

How to Break a Dragon’s Storm (2009)

This is the eighth book in the series. The Hooligans, while searching for Camicazi (who had been shipwrecked during a storm)in the Eastern Archipelago(a dangerous section in the Barbaric Archipelago), accidentally crash their ship into a rock, and the ship sinks in the shallow waters of the Beach of the Broken Heart, a haunted beach belonging to wicked pirates called Uglithugs, forcing the Hooligans to camp there. While on the beach, they find a mysterious object, and they discover it is a throne belonging to Hooligans, as the Hooligan coat of arms is on it.

In the middle of the night, the leader of the Uglithugs, UG, and his men, discover the Hooligans, waking them up. UG tells them that he doesn’t want to kill them, but wants to talk to them about a strange event: a Hooligan has been sending love letters to UG’s daughter, Tantrum O’Ugerly, and explains that if the person is of royal blood, the person can ask for Tantrum’s hand in marriage after the person finishes an Impossible Task, and if not, the person will be killed. Hiccup realizes that Fishlegs is the one who sent the letters, and spares Fishlegs life by telling UG that he himself wrote the letters. UG then tells him the Impossible Task: to give them a barrel of mead made from the honey made by the bees on the Island of Berserk, an island inhabited by crazy lunatics who enjoy feeding people alive to a dragon known as «the Beast» in wicker baskets. UG then tells Hiccup that he should be back at UG’s castle on Midsummer’s day at five o’clock in the morning with five pots of Berserk honey.

Back on Berk, Stoick convinces the other Hooligans to help Hiccup collect the honey. Meanwhile, Fishlegs realizes that he himself is a Berserk,after going berserk himself. And that he had been thrown into the sea in a lobster pot and had been adopted by Hooligans, and goes off to Berserk on his Chickenpoxer dragon. Hiccup and Toothless follow him on the Windwalker.

On Berserk, Fishlegs successfully collect five pots of honey, but gets captured by Berserks. So is Hiccup. At the Berserk Village, Hiccup and Fishlegs meet the other fiances of Tantrum, one of them being Humungously Hotshot the Hero. All of them are to be fed to «the Beast» later in the evening. Hiccup realizes that the chef of the Berserk Chief is actually Alvin the Treacherous (who is in chains). Alvin explains that when he was in the Fire Dragon in Book 5, he had used his sword to pop open the stomach of the Exterminator Dragon he was riding (because there is lots of laughing gas in the stomach of dragons). The Fire dragon burst out in laughter, and Alvin floated out in a bubble, which was later shot down by a Berserk. Alvin then fell from the sky onto the Berserk Chief’s chef, and spared his own life by agreeing to become the Chief’s new chef. Hiccup tells Alvin that he can help him escape if he shows him where Camicazi is imprisoned (Hiccup had already knew that she was imprisoned in Berserk). Alvin agrees but while they are in the woods, he pushed Hiccup into a tree cell, where he meets a witch who introduces herself as Hogtrude(and Hiccup introducing himself as Fishlegs), who helps get some nasty things from Toothless’s tummy. The witch then finds Hiccup suspicious and decides to tell him a story and at the end of the story, they will both guess each other’s names and whoever guesses right will get to kill the other.

The witch then tells Hiccup how Grimbeard the Ghastly had three kids, Thugheart, Chucklehead and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock II. Grimbeard tried to kill the second Hiccup by leaving him in the mountainside, upsetting his wife who left to look for the second Hiccup. Meanwhile, the second Hiccup was adopted by Grimler dragons and learned to speak Dragonese, but was found by Hooligans, and he and his adopted step dragon brother, a Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus named Furious, lived with Grimbeard. One day, Hiccup wanted to hold a petition for the dragons to demand freedom. However, Thugheart tricked Grimbeard into thinking that it was an attack and Grimbeard killed Hiccup, but soon he realizes that Hiccup just wanted a peaceful petition, and regrets his actions and buried his treasures and left in his boat (Furious took the second Hiccup’s corpse away). The witch guesses Hiccup’s correct name, and Hiccup guesses that the witch is Alvin the Treacherous’s mother, both being correct. Hiccup then escapes by using a key that had been in Toothless’ belly to unlock the door to the cell and rescues Camicazi and they return to the Berserk village. Hiccup goes back into his cage just as the feeding of «the Beast» begins. Alvin, surprised that Hiccup has returned, chooses Hiccup to be fed to «the Beast» first. Hiccup realizes that «the Beast» is actually Furious. After realizing that Hiccup is a descendant of a boy he loved, he agrees to help Hiccup if Hiccup sets him free. Hiccup realizes that the key he has can free Furious and they free the fiancés and cause chaos in the village. Furious then breaks the deal he made with Hiccup, and sets fire to the Berserk woods and tells Hiccup that a year after he leaves the Archipelago, he shall return to destroy the humans along with a dragon army. Hiccup, Camicazi, Fishlegs, Toothless, the Windwalker and the Chickenpoxer return to Berk with the honey.

Meanwhile, Humongous bring his five pots of honey to UG’s room and goes on his honeymoon with Tantrum (because Humungous had been the one she had loved).

In the epilogue, Hiccup tells us that sometimes he dreams he is the father of the second Hiccup, and sees him riding on a dragon, promising he will return.

How to Steal a Dragon’s Sword (2011)

This is the ninth book in the series. Bad times come to the Archipelago, and ever since the woods of Berserk burned down it is as if the world is cursed. Hiccup and other young warriors are brought to the island where «Flashburn’s school of swordfighting» waits for them. The children have 3 weeks at the school to train their swordfighting, for New Year’s Day; there will be a swordfighting competition, in which the winner is declared a new warrior of his tribe. The youngsters have to go up the cliff, «The Hard Way», and are attacked by a pack of dragons of different species, which is unusual behavior for dragons. Hiccup’s clever plan saves the lot of them. But once at the school, no one is to be found. Worse still, the only person there, the wicked witch Excellinor (Alvin the Treacherous’s mother) has returned as the castle’s witch. She tells everyone that the dragons are revolting in a «Red Rage» and are led by the dragon Furious, who was one year before released by… Hiccup. She tells the tribes that the swordfighting competition must be used to find the next king of the Wilderwest. She tells them a prophecy which is about the next king: he has a dragon with no teeth, an arrow from a land that does not exist, Grimbeard’s second-best sword, a ticking-thing, a rectangular shield, a throne, a crown, and the Dragon Jewel. Hiccup has got all of these things, except the throne, though he knows where it is, the crown, and the dragon jewel. Meanwhile, the witch makes sure that her son Alvin has no challengers during the competition. Hiccup finds the crown under Flashburn’s school, along with a dragon called the Wodensfang, a very old, ancient dragon that was told to guard the crown by Grimbeard the Ghastly. The Wodensfang tells him he was the one who gave the first Hiccup the Dragon Jewel. He gets back into the hut and the witch attacks him but he was immune to the vorpent venom on her claws gets himself covered in the poison in the struggle, wins the competition, beating his own father. Alvin is third. Hiccup is declared winner and tells the tribes that he wanted to free all dragons so that there would be no revolt in the first place. He wants to abolish slavery for both humans and dragons. Most tribes agree on this, but then, when all looks so well, Snotlout throws a stone at his head, knocking Hiccup’s helmet off, revealing he has the Slavemark. Everyone’s shocked. The Slavemark is the ultimate mark of shame. Since he has the Slavemark, Hiccup is automatically a slave, disqualified from the competition, exiled from his tribe, and could never become chief, let alone a king. Stoick, Hiccup’s father, is also banished, because he knew Hiccup was a ‘runt’, and thus should not have been part of their tribe in the first place, but instead abandoned as a baby. Everyone has to turn their backs, excluding Fishlegs, who gives Hiccup his lobster-claw necklace, the only thing Fishlegs has from his parents. Alvin’s the new king, and declares war on the dragons. Furious arrives and the war begins. Only Windwalker and Toothless stay faithful, and bring Hiccup to safety. He is followed by the dragons, who think he has the Dragon Jewel, the only thing that could stop the dragons now. In mid-chase he falls unconscious on dragonback and wakes up safe in a cave, Hiccup now all alone, an outcast, an exile, no sword, no helmet, only the Windwalker, Toothless and the Wodensfang by his side, Hiccup’s in despair, until he finds he actually has the map to find the Dragon Jewel (which is revealed by the venom on his hands uncovering the secret map on Grimbeard the Ghastly’s will), and triumphantly cries: «This is not the end I will be back!»

How to Seize a Dragon’s Jewel (2012)

This is the tenth book in the series. The Dragon Rebellion has begun. Snotlout is the new Chief of the Hooligan Tribe. Stoick has been banished and given the Slavemark. And Alvin the Treacherous has EIGHT of the King’s Lost Things, and has been proclaimed the new King of the Wilderwest… But what can Hiccup do, now all alone and in exile, hunted by both humans and dragons? Can he find the Dragon Jewel, mankind’s last and only hope? And if he does, what will he do with it?

The book starts with Hiccup in exile. He is nearly killed by his mother, Valhallarama while he deactivates dragon traps, and loses the map to her. He travels to a slave jail under Alvin the Treacherous’s control to spy on Alvin. There, he finds and befriends many slaves, including his father that comb the beaches during low tide, looking for the Dragon Jewel. Alvin discovers Hiccup and makes him look for the Dragon Jewel by himself, with a deadly armed guard. A Deadly Shadow swoops down and snatches Hiccup before he has a chance to look for the Jewel. The dragon brings him to a hill to kill him, but notices that he has the lobster claw necklace. They (the dragon has three heads, Arrogance, Patience, and Innocence) tell him that they had promised to care for a Berserker woman’s baby who was supposed to be killed by drifting through the ocean. They lost sight of the baby however, and it drifted to Berk and grew up to be Fishlegs. Hiccup admits he is not this child, and tells them of Fishleg’s fate (which was to be sucked into a hole in the ground). He goes to this hole and gets pulled in to it by its inhabitant, a large dragon with an eye on each finger. His dragon instincts tell him that this dragon CANNOT BE REASONED WITH, so Hiccup plays dead long enough for the dragon to eat him up to the waist, which is when Hiccup stabs the dragon in a major vulnerable spot. He ventures off into the creature’s maze of glass walls because of a mysterious voice and finds Fishlegs. He also finds the Dragon Jewel. Then they swim to shore through and exit, and the Deadly Shadow picks them up, all flying triumphantly into the distance. Cressida Cowell tells readers to stop reading there if they want a happy story. However Valhallarama finds Hiccup and takes him to the slave jail. There she convinces the slaves and others to join Hiccup against Alvin. The Dragons finally break into the jail and the humans flee. However when Hiccup frees Toothless and the Wodensfang he loses the Dragon Jewel to Alvin. The story ends with Hiccup happily being reunited with his human companions.

How to Betray a Dragon’s Hero (2013)

The eleventh book in the series. While waiting for Vallahallrama (she was going to retrieve the rest of the things from the Alvinsmen- Alvin’s team- so Hiccup would become king), the ten companions of the Dragonmark (Hiccup, Fishlegs, Camicazi, Toothless, Woodensfang, Stormfly, Windwalker, Innocence, Arrogance, and Patience) hear a human calling for help then abruptly stopping. Soon they find Wolf-fangs in the river, showing them why he was screaming. Then they see why he stopped. Thousands of Dragon Rebellion dragons were sleeping on the riverbank. Then they see who the human is…Snotlout.


Main articles: How to Train Your Dragon (film); How to Train Your Dragon 2
DreamWorks Animation released on March 26, 2010 a computer-animated film adaptation How to Train Your Dragon, directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, the directors of Lilo & Stitch. The film features Gerard Butler as Stoick the Vast, Hiccup’s father, Craig Ferguson as Gobber the Belch, and Jay Baruchel as Hiccup. The film proved to be a resounding critical and box office success, and became a major media franchise for DreamWorks Animation including upcoming a 2014 feature film sequel How to Train Your Dragon 2, with Dean DeBlois directing it.

Differences from the book

The plot of the film is almost completely different from the first book in the series. The greatest change is how the Vikings in the book have the custom of capturing and training dragons even before the story begins – but in the film, they are fighting a fierce war against the dragons and only switch to training them after Hiccup shows that this can be done. Furthermore, Toothless is completely re-imagined as an injured Night Fury dragon, a rare larger and highly intelligent breed that is capable of carrying human riders on its back as a flying mount. However, Cowell stated in her blog that she felt approvingly that the film remained «true to the spirit and message of the book». Cowell also explained that she felt that the changing of media (novel to film) triggered a necessary change in plot and characters. The Green Death is renamed the Red Death in the film. Also,at the end of the movie, Hiccup loses his foot.

The most notable character who appears in the film but not in the book is Astrid, a fierce Viking girl and Hiccup’s love interest. However, Astrid may represent the female character Camicazi, who is present in the series of novels. Just like Camicazi, Astrid is a highly skilled warrior and fighter who is a close friend of Hiccup’s. Also, in Gift of the Night Fury, it is revealed that Astrid’s Deadly Nadder dragon is named Stormfly, which is the name of Camicazi’s dragon in the book. However, Camicazi and Astrid have different personalities. Furthermore, Fishlegs, who is portrayed as Hiccup’s friend in the series of novels, is instead merely acknowledged by Hiccup in the film.

How to Train Your Dragon

Official Series

1. How to Train Your Dragon
2. How to Be a Pirate
3. How to Speak Dragonese
4. How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse
5. How to Twist a Dragon’s Tale
6. A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons
7. How to Ride a Dragon’s Storm
8. How to Break a Dragon’s Heart
9. How to Steal a Dragon’s Sword
10. How to Seize a Dragon’s Jewel
11. How to Betray a Dragon’s Hero


Cressida Cowell


United Kingdom




Fantasy, young-adult fiction, coming of age


Hodder Children’s Books (UK)
Little, Brown and Company (US)


2003 — 2014

Media type

Print (hardback & paperback)

This article is about the book series. For Cressida Cowell’s novel, see How to Train Your Dragon (novel). For the film based on the book, see How to Train Your Dragon (film).

How to Train Your Dragon is a series of twelve children’s books written by British author Cressida Cowell. The books are set in a fictional Viking world and focus on the experiences of protagonist Hiccup and his tribe as they train Dragons as pets. The books were published by Hodder Children’s Books in the UK and by Little, Brown and Company in the US. The first book was published in 2003 and the latest book in the series was published in 2013.
The books have subsequently been made into a franchise consisting of a feature film of the same name, several short stories and an animated television series created by DreamWorks Animation.


Cowell has published eleven full novels to date based around the adventures of Hiccup, the first published in 2003 and the latest published in 2013. The books all have titles based around an instruction guide:

  • How To Train Your Dragon, published in 2003.
  • How To Be A Pirate, published in 2004.
  • How To Speak Dragonese, published in 2005.
  • How To Cheat A Dragon’s Curse, published in 2006.
  • How To Twist A Dragon’s Tale, published in 2007.
  • A Hero’s Guide To Deadly Dragons, published in 2008.
  • How To Ride A Dragon’s Storm, published in 2008.
  • How To Break A Dragon’s Heart, published in 2009.
  • How To Steal A Dragon’s Sword, published in 2011.
  • How To Seize A Dragon’s Jewel, published in 2012.
  • How To Betray A Dragon’s Hero, published in 2013.

In addition to these eleven main novels, Cowell has also published other supplementary stories as part of the series: The Day Of The Dreader is a short story published in 2012 and the novel How To Train Your Viking was published as part of World Book Day 2006 and is claimed to be written by the dragon Toothless and translated by Cowell. A picture book, Hiccup the Seasick Viking published in 2000, is not considered a part of the series despite featuring the same character of Hiccup.
Cowell cites the Inner Hebrides of Scotland and stories Scandinavian Scotland as an inspiration for the book.



  • Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (in books 1–12) is the protagonist. He is unusual for a Viking not only physically, being very thin with red hair, but also intellectually as he thinks before he acts and is abnormally clever. He is one of the only people ever to understand and be able to speak Dragonese, the language of the dragons. He is a good left-handed sword fighter and owns two dragons: hunting dragon Toothless and riding dragon Windwalker (Hiccup’s dragon). In Book 11, he is bitten by one of the witch’s Vampire Spydragons twice, causing him to lose use of his left side.
  • Fishlegs (in books 1–12) is Hiccup’s best friend who is allergic to carni-dragons, like Monstrous Nightmares. He has a squint, asthma and is seen as a wimp, but he has shown himself to be quite cunning when he needs to be. He also has Berserk tendencies, meaning that in the midst of battle he is overcome by bloodlust and becomes extremely dangerous. His dragon is a Basic Brown named Horrorcow. He was washed on the shore of Berk when he was a baby and has no parents, he was taken care of by a caretaker dragon. Now Fishlegs is the master of a Deadly Shadow, a three-headed dragon that could shoot flames and lighting and can camouflage.
  • Camicazi (in books 3–12) is a fierce sword fighter from the tribe of female warriors known as the Bog-Burglars. She is a good friend of Hiccup’s, is very skilled at escapes and burglary, but she does not think very deeply. Her dragon is a rare Mood-Dragon named Stormfly.
  • Stoick the Vast (in books 1–12) is Hiccup’s father and leader of the Hairy Hooligans. Unlike his son, he is incredibly strong and fat but rather unintelligent. He owns three dragons called Newtsbreath, Bullheart and Hookfang. Newtsbreath appears in the first two books, Hookfang is only in the first book, while Bullheart appears in book 9, but he may have more appearances.
  • Snotlout (in books 1–11), or «Snotface Snotlout», is Hiccup’s much despised cousin. He bullies and bosses the others around, especially Hiccup whom he addresses as useless. He is top class at ‘bashyball‘, ‘advanced rudery’ and ‘everything else’. His dragon is a brilliant scarlet Monstrous Nightmare named Fireworm, who because of her breed should technically belong to Hiccup (as son of the chief) according to ancient Viking law. He becomes chief of the Hooligan Tribe at the end of Book 9, but gets killed in an attack at the end of Book 11 in an attempt to help Hiccup become King. Later, Hiccup silently forgives Snotlout for the years of rivalry between them.
  • Dogsbreath the Duhbrain (in books 1–5,7–10) is Snotlout’s friend and sidekick. He is usually seen following Snotlout’s orders, usually the difficult and tedious jobs. He is not very intelligent and does not talk much. His dragon is a Gronckle named Seaslug.
  • Valhallarama (in books 1,5,10-12) is Hiccup’s mother. She appears in only a few books, and is often away questing. She once loved Humungously Hotshot the Hero and gave him a ruby heart necklace. She reappears in Book 10 to help Hiccup become King of the Wilderwest.
  • Mogadon the Meathead (in books 1–2,5,9) is chief of the Meathead Tribe, close neighbors of the Hairy Hooligans. A man with a fake leg and an eye-patch, he shares a sometimes vicious rivalry with Stoick.
  • Thuggory (in books 1,9-12) is Mogadon’s son, and very like Snotlout. Although he is large, muscular, well-respected and has a huge silver Monstrous Nightmare dragon called Killer, he stands up for Hiccup and works with him in the first book. Later, in Book 10, he becomes the first member of Hiccup’s Company of the Dragonmark.
  • Alvin the Treacherous (in books 2–3,5,8–12) is Hiccup’s arch-enemy and uncle. He used to be chief of the Outcasts books 1-2 and was again in books 9-12. Although he is a fantastic sword fighter, he is frequently losing parts of his body such as all of his hair, a hand, a foot, a nose, and an eye. He is also covered in warts, and so his face is swollen, causing him to wear an iron mask to hide it. His various evil plots have included using the Hooligans to steal Grimbeard the Ghastly‘s treasure, using the Romans to burgle all the dragons in the Archipelago, and controlling the deadly Exterminator dragons.
  • Norbert the Nutjob (in books 4–5,7) is the chief of the Hysterical tribe, and Hiccup’s second arch-enemy. Norbert’s father, Bigjob, once went to America and retrieved a potato, but Hiccup took it to cure Fishlegs of Vorpentitis. Norbert later died at the hands of a Leviathorgon dragon on his own expedition to America. As his name suggests, he is insane and uses his giant axe – one gold side and one black side – to decide everything.
  • Humungously Hotshot the Hero (in books 5,8,11) has been trapped on the island of lava-louts for 15 years. He went out on a quest to find the fire stone for Hiccup’s grandfather, Old Wrinkly, so he could marry Hiccup’s mother Valhallarama. He failed, and eventually married Tantrum O’Ugerly, the daughter of Ug the Uglithug in book 8.
  • Big-Boobied Bertha (in books 3–8,11) is the leader of the Bog-Burglars and the mother of Camicazi. As her name indicates, she has very large breasts.
  • Gobber the Belch (in books 1–12) is in charge of the Viking Initiation Program as well as the Pirate Training Program. He is described as being enormous, extremely loud, and having a wild yellow beard.
  • Madguts the Murderous (in books 5–7,9) is the chief of the Murderous tribe. A vicious, frightening, vile smelling man covered in skull tattoos and with «Hate» on both his knuckles, he is considered one of the scariest men in the archipelago. He also never speaks (though he spoke to Mogadon the Meathead in the fifth book) . He has a stealth dragon stolen from him by Bertha and intends to kill her, and later tries to kill Stoick and Bertha. Both times he is stopped by Hiccup. Camicazi supposedly burgles from him regularly.
  • Excellinor (in books 8–12) is Alvin’s mother. She is however pure evil and wants Hiccup’s sword. It is said that she never took any good care of Alvin the Treacherous and never loved him either. She was locked in a tree trunk for twenty years by Ug the Uglithug. Her name was unknown until the ninth book. She is the cause of Alvin’s warts and is covered in them. She uses Vampire Spydragons as spies for her.
  • Old Wrinkly (in books 1–5,7-9,11), 93 years old, is Valhallarama’s father and Hiccup’s grandfather. Old Wrinkly is the soothsayer and doctor of the Hairy Hooligans tribe and only thinker of the tribe. Between the beginning of Book 9 and the end of Book 11, it is unknown what came of him.


  • Toothless (in books 1–12) is Hiccup’s hunting dragon. He appears to be a green and red Common or Garden Dragon, although Fishlegs spread a false story that he is near extinct, more vicious relative of the Monstrous Nightmare breed called the Toothless Daydream and possibly the offspring of the mighty dragon ruler King Daggerfangs. He is one of the King’s Lost Things. In book 11, it is revealed he is a young Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus.
  • Windwalker (in books 5, 8–12) is Hiccup’s flying dragon. He smells of drinking chocolate and is hairy.
  • Horrorcow (in books 1–3,5,9) is Fishlegs’ dragon of the Basic Brown species. She is named ‘Horror’ for effect and ‘Cow’ because she is not dangerous and sleeps a lot. Fishlegs suspects she is a vegetarian. She is three times the size of Toothless and is his best dragon friend. She probably joined the Red-Rage between books nine and ten.
  • Fireworm (in books 1–3,5,8) is Snotlout’s completely immodest and temperamental dragon. She is a red Monstrous Nightmare and immensely dislikes Toothless, often jeering in Dragonese, prodding, and attacking him.
  • Stormfly (in books 6–12) is Camicazi’s dragon. Unusually, Stormfly is a Mood-Dragon, allowing her to change color depending on her mood; when angry, she will turn blue-black instead of her normal golden color. Stormfly is unusual in that she speaks in Norse, but she is a pathological liar despite a change of color (to purple) making it apparent when she is lying. Toothless develops a crush on Stormfly when he meets her for the first time.
  • Wodensfang (in books 9–12) is an ancient brown dragon, living from when Hiccup Horrendous Haddock I lived. He is a wise dragon, whom Hiccup the Third meets while getting the Crown. He is able to understand and speak Norse (happens in the 12th book) and helps Hiccup in his quest to stop the Rebellion. He is an old Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus.
  • Patience, Innocence, and Arrogance (in books 10-12) is a triple-headed Deadly Shadow dragon. He can camouflage. He is an Air dragon. He was Termagant(Fishlegs’s mother)’s riding dragon, and he swore to look after Fishlegs when he was a baby and set out to sea. The two are reunited in book 10 and they officially become Fishleg’s dragon. They have individual personalities.

Plot synopsis

How To Train Your Dragon (2003)

The book follows Hiccup as he captures a dragon as a rite of passage and attempts to train him so that he will not be exiled from Berk, as is tradition. Led by Gobber the Belch, Hiccup manages to catch a small dragon, whom he names Toothless, and attempts to train it through his own methods, when the How To Train Your Dragon book was found to have only one page and therefore unhelpful. During the final part of the rite of passage Toothless offends another dragon and a fight ensues between all the dragons. As this is seen as failure to train the dragons correctly, the boys are exiled, allowed to stay one night while a storm rages. During the storm, two Sea Dragons are washed up on the shore of the island and one seems a threat to the Vikings. Hiccup is chosen to negotiate with the dragon who calls himself the Merciless which proves futile. While the village elders argue over how to attack the Green Death, Hiccup, the boys and their dragons begin a fight with the dragon, resulting in Hiccup nearly being swallowed and having to be rescued by Toothless, killing the Green Death in the process. Hiccup and Toothless become heroes because of their bravery.

Hiccup doesn’t know it yet, but he has found the first of the King’s Lost Things…

How to Be a Pirate (2004)

The sequel to How to Train Your Dragon, it starts during a Sword-fighting-at-Sea lesson during a storm and Hiccup finds himself poor at using the sword. The fight is cut off as the boat tips over and is holed by an object, a coffin, using which Hiccup rides back to the Isle of Berk. On the beach, it is discovered that it is the coffin of Grimbeard the Ghastly, the greatest pirate of all times and Hiccup’s-great-great-grandfather. Soon the coffin is opened and they find out that it contains a living man, named Alvin the Treacherous, who hides his true identity under the name Alvin the Poor-but-Honest-Farmer to the Hooligans.

Alvin tells the Vikings that he was locked in the coffin and sent out to sea by «some very rude people». He claims that he discovered the coffin buried in the Peacable country, and upon opening it, a booby-trap was set off, which cut off his right hand. He also tells the Vikings that in the coffin, he found a riddle that tells where to find the treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly and a map that shows the island where the treasure is buried.

They figure that the treasure is in the Isle of Skullions, an island inhabited by blind, flightless, and deaf dragons called Skullions that are extremely sensitive to smell. According to the riddle, the Heir to the Tribe’s hunting dragon will sniff out the treasure. The Vikings travel to the Isle of the Skullions, where a small treasure chest is found along with Grimbeard’s famous sword, the Stormblade. However, Grimbeard has booby-trapped the chest with a smell that would wake up all of the Skullions on the island, and a brief fight ensues, in which Hiccup dislocates his right arm. A few of the Skullions are killed, and the Vikings escape with the treasure. On reaching close to Berk the Vikings begin fighting over the treasure and as they fight, they are ambushed by a group of cannibalistic Vikings known as the Outcasts. Alvin reveals himself to be the Outcast’s chief , and another fight ensues. The ship soon catches fire and sinks shortly after they board and everyone abandons it, climbing on the Outcasts’ ship to continue the fight; everyone except for Hiccup, Fishlegs, Alvin and Toothless who sink with the ship but are kept alive by an air pocket that forms under the capsized ship.

As the air pocket is finally destroyed by the weight of the capsized ship, Toothless finds an underwater cavern filled with air. As the party begins to explore the cavern they come to a door and upon opening it, they find it filled with mountains of gold and jewels, the real treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly. Alvin turns on Hiccup to kill him. In the sword-fight that follows, Hiccup discovers that he is actually left-handed and hence why he was never good at sword-fighting before. In the middle of that fight Alvin steps on a pile of treasure under which is hidden a Monstrous Strangulator, an octopus-like creature that was placed there by Grimbeard to guard his treasure. It consumes Alvin, and as it comes next for Hiccup, Hiccup tricks the creature into injecting itself with it’s own poison. The creature’s nervous system is destroyed and they escape, but Hiccup decides that the world is not ready for the treasure, and leaves it behind.

They soon surface with the aid of Toothless, and the book ends with Hiccup, Toothless and Fishlegs all getting back to the village and finding that the Hooligans had survived and won the battle with the Outcasts but had set them free.

In the epilogue, Hiccup tells us in a secret compartment in the handle of the sword that he used to fight Alvin, he found the last will and testament of Grimbeard the Ghastly. It turns out that the sword was Grimbeard’s favorite sword, because the Stormblade always leaned a little to the left. It is revealed in How to Steal a Dragon’s Sword that the sword’s name is the Dragonsword, but Old Wrinkly names it the Endeavor.

Hiccup has found two of The Kings Lost Things…

How to Speak Dragonese (2005)

The third in the series, it starts during a Boarding-An-Enemy-Ship Lesson. Gobber explains to his students that they will practice on the easy target of a Peaceable fishing boat. Gobber warns his students not to leave the bay, or else they might have an encounter with Sharkworms. Snotlout and Dogsbreath ram their ship at Hiccup and Fishlegs’s ship (known as the Hopeful Puffin) and the ship loses course and they get lost. Fishlegs cannot see through the fog, and mistakes a Roman ship for a Peaceable Fishing boat by accident, and is attacked by the Romans. While on board, Hiccup finds two men (known as the Fat Consul and the Thin Prefect) talking about how they will steal all the dragons in the Inner Isle by kidnapping the Heirs of the Bog-Burglar Tribes and the Hooligans, causing both Tribes to fight, letting the Romans steal all the dragons in the Inner Isles.

To save Fishlegs and escape, Hiccup secretly takes a nanodragon from the bowl of nanodragons the Fat Consul is eating, and replaces it with an Electrisquirm. The Fat Consul is electrocuted and while all the Romans are distracted by this, Hiccup unlocks the dragon’s cages, wreaking havoc, and Hiccup and Fishlegs escape. The Thin Prefect tries to grab Hiccup’s «How to Speak Dragonese» Book, but it instead rips into two. As the two jump into the boat, Toothless gets captured. Hiccup tries to tell his dad what has happened, and tells him to send a War Party to save Toothless. Stoick does not believe him, and is more worried about Hiccup’s grades. The next morning, Hiccup hears someone singing from his coat. He remembers the nanodragon he had rescued. The nanodragon tells Hiccup that its name is Ziggerastica the Living God. The nanodragon promises to do one thing for Hiccup, in return for what he did for her. During a Frightening Foreigners lesson, the Romans, disguised as (in not a really good disguise) Bog-Burglars kidnap him and Fishlegs during a class and take them to Fort Sinister. There they discover Alvin the Treacherous is the Thin Prefect, who cut his way out of the dead Strangler’s stomach, but lost his position as Chief of the Outcasts due to his hair falling out from the Strangler’s stomach juices. He is working with the Romans and trying to learn Dragonese. His plan is to create a dragon army that can swim down to get the treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly (from the previous book) for him. Hiccup tricks the Romans into keeping them alive until the day they are supposed to be killed by gladiators. Until then, they are put in a cell, where they meet Camicazi, the wild female heir to the Bog-Burglars Viking tribe. Hiccup calls on Ziggerastica and his army to form a plan to rescue the three of them and they are taken to the arena. Hiccup, Camicazi and Toothless are surprised to find that there are no gladiators. They realize they have filled the arena with water and find Sharkworms swimming around them. Hiccup launches his plan (Hiccup expected gladiators on the field, so he is not sure if it will work). Hiccup forces Fishlegs and Camicazi to throw him into a barrel, because he has a cut, and Sharkworms are attracted to blood. As the Sharkworms destroy the barrel, Hiccup appears to fly out of the barrel, and makes the spectators believe he is Thor, and orders the Romans to leave, and to give his book back. However, Alvin attempts to shake out a Venomous Vorpent he had put inside, but fails. Hiccup then appears to break the protection net with a hand gesture, and the Sharkworms attack the audience. Hiccup lands on the boat the three were on. Hiccup reveal there are armies of tiny dragons on his shirt, and they are propelling him into the air. Some other armies had chewed on the protection net all night (and the locks of the dragon cages). He and his friends attempt to escape in the boat, but Alvin orders the portcullis to be held down, and the boat is destroyed. They climb the portcullis and enter a Roman observation balloon and escape to find the search parties from both tribes. Alvin chases them but falls into the Sharkworm-infested water. As they land, the Venomous Vorpent crawls out of the book and appears to sting one of them.

The two Tribes realize that their Heirs are back and call off the fight and celebrate the return of the Heirs.

However, it is said at the end that during the balloon landing, one of the heroes was stung by the venomous dragon inside the book, hinting at the book «How To Cheat a Dragon’s Curse.»

How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse (2006)

This book is the fourth in the series. During a hunting-with-bows-and-arrows-on-skis expedition, Hiccup finds Fishlegs acting strangely when they spot a group of Hysterics, a tribe of scary lunatic Vikings. Fishlegs starts attacking the Hysterics with a ski. Hiccup shoots an arrow at a Hysteric (known as Norbert the Nutjob) who stumbles crazily from side to side, knocking down all of the Hysterics. Hiccup and Fishlegs flee on their skis, with the Hysterics behind in hot pursuit. Hiccup falls off the side of a cliff. At first One Eye, the Saber-Toothed Driver dragon which had pulled Hiccup and Fishlegs to the top of the mountain, refuses to rescue Hiccup; but when Hiccup points out that if he does not save him, Snotface Snotlout (who had previously treated One Eye very badly, and given him a good whipping) will become Chief of the Tribe, One Eye saves Hiccup after all, and he and Fishlegs return to the village. Hiccup is worried about Fishlegs, and takes him to see Old Wrinkly. Old Wrinkly examines Fishlegs, and tells Hiccup that Fishlegs is suffering from Vorpentitis, a disease caused by the sting of a Venomous Vorpent, and the only cure to this disease is a vegetable called a potato, which can only be found in America. Hiccup does not believe him, because all Vikings, except the Hysterics, believe that the world is as flat as a pancake, and there is no such place as America. Old Wrinkly tells Hiccup that Norbert the Nutjob (the chief of the Hysteric Tribe)’s father, Bigjob, had actually gone to America and made friends with the Americans, which he called «feather people», and brought back the potato to prove he was right about America being true. However, he was attacked by a Doomfang. Old Wrinkly predicts the potato might be in the Hysteric Territories, and tells him that he must bring it back before ten o’clock the next morning, or else Fishlegs will die.
Hiccup brings Camicazi and Toothless (Toothless was supposed to be hibernating like the other hunting dragons, but he did not dig his hibernating hole deep enough, which could cause him to sleep for a long time, so Hiccup dug him up) on the journey to Hysteria, with One Eye pulling them on a sleigh. The two children enter through the roof of a house where the Hyterics are celebrating Freya’sday Friday. They lower Camicazi through the chimney and Hiccup accidentally falls into a giant pot of onion soup, and gets discovered by Norbert the Nutjob. Hiccup makes Norbert show him the potato by pretending not to believe in the potato. Norbert finally reveals his father’s preserved body, and in Norbert’s father’s hand is a glass case with ice and has an arrow stuck in it. Hiccup tries to persuade Norbert to give him the potato, but Norbert refuses. Norbert soon gets annoyed with Hiccup, and decides whether Hiccup should or should not die by throwing his double-sided axe into the air. If it lands on the black side, Hiccup will die, if it lands on the white side, he will live. Hiccup cheats by catching the axe just as it is about to land on the black. Norbert is annoyed that Hiccup cheated, and locks him in the cage. After the Hysterics fall asleep, Camicazi picks the lock of Hiccup’s cage; freeing him (Toothless took the key to cage from Norbert’s pocket, but swallows it, and accidentally sets fire to a carpet). Camicazi lowers herself down with a rope and grabs the potato, but sees something in the glass case that interests her and it too. Suddenly, the preserved body of Norbert’s father falls on a row of Squealers (a type of dragon that Vikings use as an alarm), who give ear-piercing screams. All the Hysterics suddenly wake up.

Hiccup throws the food on the table at the guards, while Camicazi knocks Norbert out with the frozen potato. Hiccup, Camicazi, and Toothless get out of the Hall through the chimney. The two children ride via food tray down the roof and into Hysteria. The three, along with One Eye, escape in a boat, but get attacked by the Doomfang, which lives under a frozen river called the «Wrath of Thor«. The Doomfang breaks out of the ice and uses its tongue to grab the potato and eats it. Hiccup realizes that his mission has failed and wonders if the Doomfang had Vorpentitis, it showed the symptoms. Once he gets back, he realises that Fishlegs had only caught a cold, and Old Wrinkly had made a mistake. Stoick (Hiccup had lied to Stoick saying that he was spending the night at Snotlout’s house, but instead he went to get the potato) yells at Old Wrinky for making Hiccup go on the quest for nothing and almost get killed by Norbert. Hiccup suddenly falls on the same bed Fishlegs was lying on, and his entire body goes stiff. Old Wrinkly examines Hiccup and says that it is actually Hiccup who has Vorpentitis. Hiccup desperately tries to speak, murmuring «Oot me!», and tries to point at the arrow on the table next to him which had been stuck in the potato for a long time. Fishlegs realizes that Hiccup wants him to shoot him with the arrow. Fishlegs shoots Hiccup on the foot, and Hiccup recovers. In the epilogue, Hiccup buries the arrow that saved his life and a seed on the end of it grows another potato which is used to cover the island with potatoes so no one dies of Vorpentitis ever again.

How to Twist a Dragon’s Tale (2007)

The fifth book in the series. The story begins with the children on a herding exercise for their Pirate Training Program. They are distracted by a huge fire rolling down the mountainside. The fire is found to be the doing of the Extermintators, big evil fire dragons. While most of the kids escape on Gobber’s riding dragon, Goliath, before he is killed by the Exterminators, Hiccup and Gobber are left to defend themselves. Hiccup and Gobber are saved by a mysterious man in a fireproof suit riding a white dragon, whom they at first believe to be a man from the treacherous Lava-Lout tribe. The man soon reveals himself to be Humungously Hotshot, one of the greatest heroes on the planet. Although Hiccup’s father, Stoick, begins to regard Hotshot with jealousy, he hires him as Hiccup’s «bardiguard».

After that, Hotshot saves Hiccup from several deadly situations, all of which are later revealed to be his own doing. Later on at night, Hiccup wakes up to Hotshot looming over him with his swords, arguing with himself whether or not to kill Hiccup. He ultimately decides not to, and Hiccup asks him what he’s doing. Hotshot begins to tell Hiccup his story, of how he fell in love with a Viking woman, but her father wanted her to marry someone clever. The woman’s father sent Hotshot on an Impossible Task to find and bring back the Fire-Stone, and the reward was the woman’s hand in marriage. Hotshot traveled to the volcano where the Fire-Stone was hidden, but he was captured soon after by the Lava-Louts. After a few weeks, he became friends with a jail-keeper named Terrific Al. He asked Terrific Al to bring a half of the ruby heart to his love because she vowed to save him if she received the ruby heart. Terrific Al told Humongous that he would bring the ruby heart to his ladylove if he promised to do something for him and disappeared for fifteen years and came back to tell Humongous Hotshot that his love threw the heart out of the window and married somebody else who had already brought back the Fire-Stone. Terrific Al (who mysteriously has lost a hand, half a leg, an eye and all of his hair) told Humongous the thing he must promise to do is to kill Hiccup, stating that Hiccup is a Prince of Darkness and a Devil Child, who will send terror across the Archipelago. After Hotshot finishes his story Hiccup figures out that the woman Humungous is talking about is Hiccup’s own mother, who had thought he was dead, and that Terrific Al is really Alvin the Treacherous. Hiccup, Fishlegs, Hotshot, Camicazi, the White Dragon and the Windwalker, Hiccup’s riding dragon, travel to Lava-lout Island to put the fire-Stone inside the volcano to stop the volcano from exploding and are attacked by Alvin riding an Exterminator. Alvin reveals the first Sharkworm he met tore out his eye, but he killed it and hid inside. However after he got out on shore the dead Sharkworm’s mouth shut on his leg, but he carved a new one from its teeth. The volcano erupts and the Exterminators hatch. Hiccup manages to put the stone into the volcano. But on contact with the lava, the fire stone hatches into a fire dragon, revealing that the fire stone is actually an egg. The dragon eats all the Exterminators, including the one Alvin is riding, swallowing Alvin. Hiccup and his riding dragon, Windwalker, run down the island away from lava and fall into the sea. Hiccup’s father and others rescue him and everything works out well. In the epilogue, Hiccup tells us that Windwalker turns out to be his faithful flying dragon.

A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons (2008)

The sixth book in the series is the only one not to have «How to» in its title. But it is also named «How Not to Celebrate Your Birthday». Its cover name is named only «A Hero’s Guide to Deadly Dragons» after Hiccup’s informative book inside this book.

Hiccup is lost in the Library Labyrinth and the Driller Dragons and Madguts the Murderous are on the prowl, all because of a book! Hiccup’s birthday is not going to be the quiet affair he might have hoped for. This book contains an open-up map of the Barbaric Archipelago, a Dragonese Dictionary in the back, Dragon Profiles and «Conversations with Toothless».

Hiccup wakes up that morning, wishing for a peaceful birthday. He then tries to persuade Toothless to eat his breakfast, which is spinach and drift wood. Toothless refuses, so Hiccup goes to the Finals of a Burglary Competition between the Bog-Burglars and the Hooligans alone. When Hiccup returns home, he realizes Toothless has eaten three quarters of Stoick’s throne. Stoick comes in the room, and is in a bad temper because he had made a bet to Big-Boobied Bertha that he could prove that the Hooligans were just as good at Burglary as the Bog-Burglars by the end of the day, and also because Hiccup has been researching about dragons and writing in notebooks about them. He throws a tantrum, but remembers that Gobber has stolen the «How to Train Your Dragon» manual from the Meathead Library under the nose of the Hairy Scary Librarian. Stoick tells Hiccup that if Toothless does one more thing like this, he will banish him, and goes off to find the book.

Toothless guiltily reveals that he also burned the copy of «How To Train Your Dragon». Camicazi suggests that they can go to the Meathead Library, and supposedly there might be another copy of the book, and get back home «in time for tea». Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs go to the Island of Forget Me on a Stealth Dragon Big-Boobied Bertha had stolen from Madguts the Murderous, the Chief of the Murderous Tribe, for the bet with Stoick, to visit the Meathead Public Library. With the help of Stormfly, Camicazi’s dragon, they find the copy of «How to Train Your Dragon», though it is a second edition. The Hairy Scary Librarian catches them stealing the book and fights with Camicazi and Hiccup. Fishlegs throws a book at the Hairy Scary Librarian. However, Stormfly is knocked out in the process, and awakens with no memory of who she is, and how did she get in. The Librarian, who falls onto the floor, which is full of Red Hot Itchyworms (the worms went into his pants, tickling him) runs toward the exit, laughing and screaming. The noise attracts Driller Dragons who are dwelling in the Library.

Hiccup finds a book that was written by Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the II called A Hero’s Guide To Deadly Dragons which was exactly the same book that Hiccup the third wrote, which had been taken from him earlier that morning. He pulls the book out and the shelf opens, revealing hole filled with Poisonous Piffleworms, their only exit.

Hiccup takes back the second edition of «How to Train Your Dragon» to the Isle of Berk. Meanwhile, Madguts tracks down the Stealth Dragon and it leads him to the Isle of Forget Me. They find that it has gone to the Isle of Berk and go there. On the Isle of Berk, both Stoick and Bertha find the stolen things they have got for the bet are missing. The Hairy Scary Librarian arrives and shoots Stoick with a Northbow but Hiccup’s handwritten book saves Stoick’s life and Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Camicazi come from the sky and squash the Librarian flat with the Stealth Dragon. Madguts and Gumboil arrive for the Stealth Dragon and are about to kill Bertha. Hiccup saves her by lying to Madguts, telling him that the Scary Hairy Librarian had stolen the Stealth Dragon instead, so she squashed the Librarian. Madguts believes him, and takes the Librarian away. Hiccup persuades Stoick that books are useful and books are unbanned by order of the Thing. At the end of the book, there is Hiccup’s finished A Hero’s Guide To Deadly Dragons, as well as conversation starters with Toothless.

How to Ride a Dragon’s Storm (2008)

This is the seventh book in the series. The story starts at the beach at the bottom the Murderous Mountains. Madguts the Murderous invites two tribes, the Bog-burglars and the Hairy Hooligans to join the Murderous Tribe, over for an Intertribal Friendly Swimming race. The winner may have a single request which will be granted by the three Chiefs of the three tribes. The winner of the swimming race is the one who is the Last Man (or Woman) back. Madguts, Stoick and Big-Boobied Bertha set off to the water more slowly than the others, more certain that they will win the race. Gumboil and Madguts laugh at the fact that Bog-burglars and the Hooligans are all wearing Blubberwing fat to keep themselves warm, and show them the Deepest Purple Fleshfang oil they are wearing,which is so hot, in fact, that a steam is billowing off Madgut’s chest. And then they tell them that there is a pot at the edge of the water. Gumboil assures the two Chiefs that they can go back, because the race does not start until you start swimming. The two Chiefs realize the pot is empty, and also realize that they have been tricked into returning to the beach in three minutes and twenty-two seconds, and become the losers of the Race. Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs have difficulty in swimming the farther waters, even though their hunting dragons are trying to help, especially Fishlegs, who has to swim in armbands. They encounter Snotlout and Dogsbreath, who destroy Fishlegs’s armbands. Camicazi and Fishlegs are pulled underwater after a while. Hiccup also is pulled down, and is pulled back to the surface, realizing that he and his friends have been captured by Raptortongues. They are taken to a ship and tied up. Their hunting dragons are tied up too.

The ship happens to have Madguts, Norbert the Nutjob (Chief of the Hysterics), and Gumboil. Norbert has asked Madguts to take Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs to the boat, and in return letting him rest on the boat for a few hours, before he continues the race, being the Last Man Back. After Madguts and Gumboil leave, Hiccup returns the ticking thing, which he had stolen from Norbert in an earlier adventure. Norbert attempts to use the ticking thing to get to America. Norbert is about to kill the Hiccup, Camicazi and Fishlegs with his Axe of Doom, but is forced to untie the three because he cannot read the ticking thing. Hiccup and his friends explore the boat, finding many interesting contraptions that have been made by Norbert, for example: a machine that generates a high-pitched noise that will startle giant dragons and a flying Machine that is tested by crew members every day, only to crash into the ocean. Hiccup discovers there are slaves called the Northern Wanderers on the boat. He falls into the Salve Hatch by accident one day and meets Bearcub and his grandmother. Hiccup pleads that Wanderers not to kill him, and promises to free them, and is rescued by Norbert. The boat reaches the land of Polar-serpents, where dangerous dragons called Polar-serpents roam. Hiccup decides to use Dragon-nip to make the Hysterics fall asleep and escape with the Wanderers. Hiccup pours dragon-nip into the crew’s dinner, making them all fall asleep. After all Wanderers are safe on the emergency boats, Hiccup falls off the boat and lands on an ice berg, and is chased into a cave by Polar Serpents. Hiccup accidentally wakes up a gigantic dragon, which also chases Hiccup. Hiccup manages to get back onto the boat, and uses the machine that generates a high pitched noise to keep the monster away, identifying it as a Leviathorgan. America is in sight, but a storm breaks out, and the Leviathorgan from the cave attacks the ship. Norbert and Hiccup fight on the top of the ship. Lightning strikes Norbert’s axe and it enters the sea, killing the Leviathorgan. Hiccup falls of the mast, as he swims up he hits his head on a sinking coldrin which shortly gives him amnesia, and then he passes out. He is rescued by Fishlegs and Camicazi. Back at the Murderous Mountains, Madguts is clearly the winner, and demands Stoick and Big-Boobied Bertha to be sacrificed to Sky Dragons. Old Wrinkly announces that Hiccup, Fishlegs and Camicazi have not yet returned, and the race is supposed to be three months, five days and six hours, so they still have to wait for three months, before Madguts is declared winner, and the two other Chiefs will be under temporary custody under Madguts.

Camicazi and Fishlegs are rescued by the Wanderers. The two take Hiccup on board too, and after Bearcub’s grandmother’s medicine, Hiccup awakens. After a long time, the ticking things start to tick louder, because Old Wrinkly had set an alarm on it. With only six hours left, and thinking that Old Wrinkly really did have a reason to set the alarm, the three fly to Berk on Norbert’s flying machine, which the Wanderers had collected. The machine works well, but as they near Berk, the machine breaks and crashes into the ocean. Hiccup and his friends come just in time for the alarm to set off. Because Hiccup is the last person back, he demands Madguts to sing a love song at the next Thing while dressed up as an «ickle pretty shepherdess».

How to Break a Dragon’s Storm (2009)

This is the eighth book in the series. The Hooligans, while searching for Camicazi (who had been shipwrecked during a storm)in the Eastern Archipelago(a dangerous section in the Barbaric Archipelago), accidentally crash their ship into a rock, and the ship sinks in the shallow waters of the Beach of the Broken Heart, a haunted beach belonging to wicked pirates called Uglithugs, forcing the Hooligans to camp there. While on the beach, they find a mysterious object, and they discover it is a throne belonging to Hooligans, as the Hooligan coat of arms is on it.

In the middle of the night, the leader of the Uglithugs, UG, and his men, discover the Hooligans, waking them up. UG tells them that he doesn’t want to kill them, but wants to talk to them about a strange event: a Hooligan has been sending love letters to UG’s daughter, Tantrum O’Ugerly, and explains that if the person is of royal blood, the person can ask for Tantrum’s hand in marriage after the person finishes an Impossible Task, and if not, the person will be killed. Hiccup realizes that Fishlegs is the one who sent the letters, and spares Fishlegs life by telling UG that he himself wrote the letters. UG then tells him the Impossible Task: to give them a barrel of mead made from the honey made by the bees on the Island of Berserk, an island inhabited by crazy lunatics who enjoy feeding people alive to a dragon known as «the Beast» in wicker baskets. UG then tells Hiccup that he should be back at UG’s castle on Midsummer’s day at five o’clock in the morning with five pots of Berserk honey.

Back on Berk, Stoick convinces the other Hooligans to help Hiccup collect the honey. Meanwhile, Fishlegs realizes that he himself is a Berserk,after going berserk himself. And that he had been thrown into the sea in a lobster pot and had been adopted by Hooligans, and goes off to Berserk on his Chickenpoxer dragon. Hiccup and Toothless follow him on the Windwalker.

On Berserk, Fishlegs successfully collect five pots of honey, but gets captured by Berserks. So is Hiccup. At the Berserk Village, Hiccup and Fishlegs meet the other fiances of Tantrum, one of them being Humungously Hotshot the Hero. All of them are to be fed to «the Beast» later in the evening. Hiccup realizes that the chef of the Berserk Chief is actually Alvin the Treacherous (who is in chains). Alvin explains that when he was in the Fire Dragon in Book 5, he had used his sword to pop open the stomach of the Exterminator Dragon he was riding (because there is lots of laughing gas in the stomach of dragons). The Fire dragon burst out in laughter, and Alvin floated out in a bubble, which was later shot down by a Berserk. Alvin then fell from the sky onto the Berserk Chief’s chef, and spared his own life by agreeing to become the Chief’s new chef. Hiccup tells Alvin that he can help him escape if he shows him where Camicazi is imprisoned (Hiccup had already knew that she was imprisoned in Berserk). Alvin agrees but while they are in the woods, he pushed Hiccup into a tree cell, where he meets a witch who introduces herself as Hogtrude(and Hiccup introducing himself as Fishlegs), who helps get some nasty things from Toothless’s tummy. The witch then finds Hiccup suspicious and decides to tell him a story and at the end of the story, they will both guess each other’s names and whoever guesses right will get to kill the other.

The witch then tells Hiccup how Grimbeard the Ghastly had three kids, Thugheart, Chucklehead and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock II. Grimbeard tried to kill the second Hiccup by leaving him in the mountainside, upsetting his wife who left to look for the second Hiccup. Meanwhile, the second Hiccup was adopted by Grimler dragons and learned to speak Dragonese, but was found by Hooligans, and he and his adopted step dragon brother, a Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus named Furious, lived with Grimbeard. One day, Hiccup wanted to hold a petition for the dragons to demand freedom. However, Thugheart tricked Grimbeard into thinking that it was an attack and Grimbeard killed Hiccup, but soon he realizes that Hiccup just wanted a peaceful petition, and regrets his actions and buried his treasures and left in his boat (Furious took the second Hiccup’s corpse away). The witch guesses Hiccup’s correct name, and Hiccup guesses that the witch is Alvin the Treacherous’s mother, both being correct. Hiccup then escapes by using a key that had been in Toothless’ belly to unlock the door to the cell and rescues Camicazi and they return to the Berserk village. Hiccup goes back into his cage just as the feeding of «the Beast» begins. Alvin, surprised that Hiccup has returned, chooses Hiccup to be fed to «the Beast» first. Hiccup realizes that «the Beast» is actually Furious. After realizing that Hiccup is a descendant of a boy he loved, he agrees to help Hiccup if Hiccup sets him free. Hiccup realizes that the key he has can free Furious and they free the fiancés and cause chaos in the village. Furious then breaks the deal he made with Hiccup, and sets fire to the Berserk woods and tells Hiccup that a year after he leaves the Archipelago, he shall return to destroy the humans along with a dragon army. Hiccup, Camicazi, Fishlegs, Toothless, the Windwalker and the Chickenpoxer return to Berk with the honey.

Meanwhile, Humongous bring his five pots of honey to UG’s room and goes on his honeymoon with Tantrum (because Humungous had been the one she had loved).

In the epilogue, Hiccup tells us that sometimes he dreams he is the father of the second Hiccup, and sees him riding on a dragon, promising he will return.

How to Steal a Dragon’s Sword (2011)

This is the ninth book in the series. Bad times come to the Archipelago, and ever since the woods of Berserk burned down it is as if the world is cursed. Hiccup and other young warriors are brought to the island where «Flashburn’s school of swordfighting» waits for them. The children have 3 weeks at the school to train their swordfighting, for New Year’s Day; there will be a swordfighting competition, in which the winner is declared a new warrior of his tribe. The youngsters have to go up the cliff, «The Hard Way», and are attacked by a pack of dragons of different species, which is unusual behavior for dragons. Hiccup’s clever plan saves the lot of them. But once at the school, no one is to be found. Worse still, the only person there, the wicked witch Excellinor (Alvin the Treacherous’s mother) has returned as the castle’s witch. She tells everyone that the dragons are revolting in a «Red Rage» and are led by the dragon Furious, who was one year before released by… Hiccup. She tells the tribes that the swordfighting competition must be used to find the next king of the Wilderwest. She tells them a prophecy which is about the next king: he has a dragon with no teeth, an arrow from a land that does not exist, Grimbeard’s second-best sword, a ticking-thing, a rectangular shield, a throne, a crown, and the Dragon Jewel. Hiccup has got all of these things, except the throne, though he knows where it is, the crown, and the dragon jewel. Meanwhile, the witch makes sure that her son Alvin has no challengers during the competition. Hiccup finds the crown under Flashburn’s school, along with a dragon called the Wodensfang, a very old, ancient dragon that was told to guard the crown by Grimbeard the Ghastly. The Wodensfang tells him he was the one who gave the first Hiccup the Dragon Jewel. He gets back into the hut and the witch attacks him but he was immune to the vorpent venom on her claws gets himself covered in the poison in the struggle, wins the competition, beating his own father. Alvin is third. Hiccup is declared winner and tells the tribes that he wanted to free all dragons so that there would be no revolt in the first place. He wants to abolish slavery for both humans and dragons. Most tribes agree on this, but then, when all looks so well, Snotlout throws a stone at his head, knocking Hiccup’s helmet off, revealing he has the Slavemark. Everyone’s shocked. The Slavemark is the ultimate mark of shame. Since he has the Slavemark, Hiccup is automatically a slave, disqualified from the competition, exiled from his tribe, and could never become chief, let alone a king. Stoick, Hiccup’s father, is also banished, because he knew Hiccup was a ‘runt’, and thus should not have been part of their tribe in the first place, but instead abandoned as a baby. Everyone has to turn their backs, excluding Fishlegs, who gives Hiccup his lobster-claw necklace, the only thing Fishlegs has from his parents. Alvin’s the new king, and declares war on the dragons. Furious arrives and the war begins. Only Windwalker and Toothless stay faithful, and bring Hiccup to safety. He is followed by the dragons, who think he has the Dragon Jewel, the only thing that could stop the dragons now. In mid-chase he falls unconscious on dragonback and wakes up safe in a cave, Hiccup now all alone, an outcast, an exile, no sword, no helmet, only the Windwalker, Toothless and the Wodensfang by his side, Hiccup’s in despair, until he finds he actually has the map to find the Dragon Jewel (which is revealed by the venom on his hands uncovering the secret map on Grimbeard the Ghastly’s will), and triumphantly cries: «This is not the end I will be back!»

How to Seize a Dragon’s Jewel (2012)

This is the tenth book in the series. The Dragon Rebellion has begun. Snotlout is the new Chief of the Hooligan Tribe. Stoick has been banished and given the Slavemark. And Alvin the Treacherous has EIGHT of the King’s Lost Things, and has been proclaimed the new King of the Wilderwest… But what can Hiccup do, now all alone and in exile, hunted by both humans and dragons? Can he find the Dragon Jewel, mankind’s last and only hope? And if he does, what will he do with it?

The book starts with Hiccup in exile. He is nearly killed by his mother, Valhallarama while he deactivates dragon traps, and loses the map to her. He travels to a slave jail under Alvin the Treacherous’s control to spy on Alvin. There, he finds and befriends many slaves, including his father that comb the beaches during low tide, looking for the Dragon Jewel. Alvin discovers Hiccup and makes him look for the Dragon Jewel by himself, with a deadly armed guard. A Deadly Shadow swoops down and snatches Hiccup before he has a chance to look for the Jewel. The dragon brings him to a hill to kill him, but notices that he has the lobster claw necklace. They (the dragon has three heads, Arrogance, Patience, and Innocence) tell him that they had promised to care for a Berserker woman’s baby who was supposed to be killed by drifting through the ocean. They lost sight of the baby however, and it drifted to Berk and grew up to be Fishlegs. Hiccup admits he is not this child, and tells them of Fishleg’s fate (which was to be sucked into a hole in the ground). He goes to this hole and gets pulled in to it by its inhabitant, a large dragon with an eye on each finger. His dragon instincts tell him that this dragon CANNOT BE REASONED WITH, so Hiccup plays dead long enough for the dragon to eat him up to the waist, which is when Hiccup stabs the dragon in a major vulnerable spot. He ventures off into the creature’s maze of glass walls because of a mysterious voice and finds Fishlegs. He also finds the Dragon Jewel. Then they swim to shore through and exit, and the Deadly Shadow picks them up, all flying triumphantly into the distance. Cressida Cowell tells readers to stop reading there if they want a happy story. However Valhallarama finds Hiccup and takes him to the slave jail. There she convinces the slaves and others to join Hiccup against Alvin. The Dragons finally break into the jail and the humans flee. However when Hiccup frees Toothless and the Wodensfang he loses the Dragon Jewel to Alvin. The story ends with Hiccup happily being reunited with his human companions.

How to Betray a Dragon’s Hero (2013)

The eleventh book in the series. While waiting for Vallahallrama (she was going to retrieve the rest of the things from the Alvinsmen- Alvin’s team- so Hiccup would become king), the ten companions of the Dragonmark (Hiccup, Fishlegs, Camicazi, Toothless, Woodensfang, Stormfly, Windwalker, Innocence, Arrogance, and Patience) hear a human calling for help then abruptly stopping. Soon they find Wolf-fangs in the river, showing them why he was screaming. Then they see why he stopped. Thousands of Dragon Rebellion dragons were sleeping on the riverbank. Then they see who the human is…Snotlout.


Main articles: How to Train Your Dragon (film); How to Train Your Dragon 2
DreamWorks Animation released on March 26, 2010 a computer-animated film adaptation How to Train Your Dragon, directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, the directors of Lilo & Stitch. The film features Gerard Butler as Stoick the Vast, Hiccup’s father, Craig Ferguson as Gobber the Belch, and Jay Baruchel as Hiccup. The film proved to be a resounding critical and box office success, and became a major media franchise for DreamWorks Animation including upcoming a 2014 feature film sequel How to Train Your Dragon 2, with Dean DeBlois directing it.

Differences from the book

The plot of the film is almost completely different from the first book in the series. The greatest change is how the Vikings in the book have the custom of capturing and training dragons even before the story begins – but in the film, they are fighting a fierce war against the dragons and only switch to training them after Hiccup shows that this can be done. Furthermore, Toothless is completely re-imagined as an injured Night Fury dragon, a rare larger and highly intelligent breed that is capable of carrying human riders on its back as a flying mount. However, Cowell stated in her blog that she felt approvingly that the film remained «true to the spirit and message of the book». Cowell also explained that she felt that the changing of media (novel to film) triggered a necessary change in plot and characters. The Green Death is renamed the Red Death in the film. Also,at the end of the movie, Hiccup loses his foot.

The most notable character who appears in the film but not in the book is Astrid, a fierce Viking girl and Hiccup’s love interest. However, Astrid may represent the female character Camicazi, who is present in the series of novels. Just like Camicazi, Astrid is a highly skilled warrior and fighter who is a close friend of Hiccup’s. Also, in Gift of the Night Fury, it is revealed that Astrid’s Deadly Nadder dragon is named Stormfly, which is the name of Camicazi’s dragon in the book. However, Camicazi and Astrid have different personalities. Furthermore, Fishlegs, who is portrayed as Hiccup’s friend in the series of novels, is instead merely acknowledged by Hiccup in the film.

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Книга написана своеобразным языком, что является одной из причин почему книга может не понравится.

Я прочитала книги после просмотра мультфильмов (нашла для себя слишком много не состыковок) для ознакомления с первоисточником. Оказалось что книги и мультфильм это 2 разных произведения не имеющих ничего общего (кроме имен). Если вы хотите узнать как выглядели первоначальные приключения Иккинга, и вас не смутит стиль автора, советую все 12 книг. Все 12 книг связаны и ведут к определенному финалу, хотя изначально кажется что книги будут повествовать про разные не связанные между собой приключения Иккинга.

Особенно мне понравились песни и стихи из книг, но этот момент на вкус и цвет читающего.

Очень даже милая детская книга. Такая, для начальной и средней школы. Дети же по разному взрослеют

Это целая серия книг. Сказка, но уже со смыслом.

Есть известный мультфильм с одноимённым названием и я даже его смотрела…

Мультфильм тоже хороший, но книга всё-таки лучше.

Мультфильм всё-таки не передаёт авторские интонации.

А они замечательные. К тому же у детей (маленьких и взрослых) и своей фантазии хватает, чтобы про этому тексту создать в голове такой мультик, что закачаешься .

А главная мысль – ожидания родителей от своих детей и как трудно соответствовать этим ожиданиям, особенно если у тебя успешные и значимые родители…

Тема популярная, но в этой сказке она не испорчена всякими там сексуальными смыслами. Книга-то детская.

Не знаю хватило ли автора на остальные книги серии, но эту, первую, одобряю от всей души.

Если вы пришли сюда как фанат серии мультфильмов, и хотите узнать, какие еще приключения ждали тех героев – проходите мимо, совпадение мультфильма и книги разве что в именах.

Если же вы пришли сюда, чтобы прочитать еще одну отличную детскую книгу – вы по адресу. Книга отличная, детская, а так же полна юмора. Рекомендую всем, без возрастных ограничений.

Естественно, первое что надо понять, так это то, что КНИГА и ФИЛЬМЫ это РАЗНЫЕ вещи. События книги происходят несколько тысяч лет после событий фильма, или же в другой вселенной.

замечательная книга, особенно интересно почитать после просмотра мультфильма, так как обычно очень многие интересные моменты вырезают, видимо, чтобы уложиться по времени

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