Квазимодо на английском как пишется

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Квазимодо – 30 результатов перевода


А где Квазимодо?

— Это не повод для шуток.


Where’s Quasimodo?

— This is not a joking matter.

Он что, Нотрдамский горбун?


На самом деле он и парень с Уолл-Стрит — один и тот же человек.

What is he, the Hunchback of Notre Dame?

The bells.

Him and the guy from the stock market are the same person.

Оно же как из Темных веков.

Эй, Квазимодо, ты дома?


It’s like something out of the Dark Ages.

Hey, Quasimodo, you home?


А я тебе, я тебе дам отпущение грехов сковородкой.

Ты у меня превратишься в Квазимодо из собора Парижской Богоматери!

Я тебе голову обоссу!

— What are you doing?

— Here you go. I’ll teach you to bother me


Он должен подумать, что обнаружил случайно.

План Б, «Квазимодо«.


He needs to think that he’s discovered the break-in by chance.

Plan B, «Quasimono».

Smart ass! Come here, come here.

Он неподвижен.

«Квазимодо» не взял приманку.

Передай им, что приступаем к драке.

Not moving. -Another round!

«Quasimono» didn’t take the bait.

Call out the gang to stage a fight.

Очень модную.

В стиле Квазимодо.

— Знаешь этого парня?

A fashionable one.

Quasimodo style.

— Do you know this guy?

Я к вам скоро присоеденюсь.

Приятно был вновь встретиться, Квазимодо.

— В моей комнате в полночь.

I’ll join you momentarily.

Nice seeing you again, Quasimodo.

My room at midnight?

Скоро я не выдержу и отлуплю тебя.

Клянусь Богом, Квазимодо!

Я хочу вернуться домой, а зтих денег мне хватит на сто таких возвращений.

Listen, I’m about this fonging close, mate.

I swear to God, Quasimodo!

All I want is to go home, and I’ve enough for that trip a hundred times.

Имя ей — старость.

Похоже на монолог Квазимодо.


«Horrible virtue, old age.»

It looks like a line of Quasimodo.


Твоя красавица Эсмеральда —

Помнишь, Квазимодо,

Та, что танцевала там, На своих подмостках? Это я выдал ее палачу,

Your fair Esmeralda

Remember Quasimodo

The one who danced there on her stage I handed her to the executioner

Которые расскажут миру

О том, как Квазимодо любил

Цыганку Эсмеральду,

To tell the whole universe

How much Quasimodo loved

Esmeralda the Zingara

Распевающие стишки,

Передразнивая Квазимодо

С его горбом,

Singing rondos

Mocking Quasimodo

The hunchback

«Anarkia» по-гречески Значит «РОК»

Уж не Квазимодо ли

Там ведут?

The Greek word «Anarkia» signifies «Fate»

is that not Quasimodo

That they’re taking away?

Смилуйся на ним, Господь.

Пожалейте бедного Квазимодо,

Который и так уже Несет на своих плечах

Have mercy on him, good Lord

Mercy for poor Quasimodo

Who carries on his back

Каплю воды

Для Квазимодо


A drop of water only

For Quasimodo

I’m thirsty!

Уже три дня.

Квазимодо грустит.

Квазимодо — дурак.

For the last three days

Quasimodo is sad

Quasimodo is mad

Как стонет сердце Человека-чудовища. Это жалоба


Который изливает в плаче Свою безумную тоску.

The howling heart of the human beast lt’s the plaint

Of Quasimodo

Who cries ln mad despair

Квазимодо несчастен,

Квазимодо влюблен.

Он не звонит В колокола

Quasimodo is miserable

Quasimodo’s in love

He hasn’t rung the bells

Квазимодо грустит.

Квазимодо — дурак.

Потому что он умирает от любви.

Quasimodo is sad

Quasimodo is mad

Because he’s lovesick

Мои подруги, Мои возлюбленные. Я хочу, чтобы они пели, Если Эсмеральда жива,

Чтобы сказать миру о том, Что Квазимодо любит Эсмеральду.

Гренгуар, что ты сделал Со своей женой?

Are my friends, are my lovers I want them to cry out loud lf Esmeralda lives

To tell the world that Quasimodo loves Esmeralda

Gringoire, where is your wife?

Девочки, Вы больше не станете смеяться,

Когда увидите на улице Горбуна Квазимодо.

Я избран

Little girls you won’t mock anymore

When you see me on the streets I’m Quasimodo the Beast

They’ve crowned me

Собор гибнет.

Квазимодо несчастен,

Квазимодо влюблен.

The cathedral silent

Quasimodo is miserable

Quasimodo’s in love

Где ты, звонарь,

Где ты, мой Квазимодо?

Приди, спаси меня от веревки,

Where are you, bell ringer?

Where are you, Quasimodo

Come to save me from the rope

И впрямь — самый страшный урод,

Это — Квазимодо.

И он, к тому же, пялится

The hunchback

He’s certainly the ugliest he is Quasimodo

Now he starts giving

— Ну, ты видел этих двоих? У той, которая с зубами, усы, как у папы. Но у нее хоть шея есть.

Та, что Тарика, выглядит как Квазимодо.

Ах, дети, дети…

The one with the teeth’s got a moustache!

Tariq’s is like Quasimodo!

Oh, kids, eh?

У Питера Дули был горб, как у Чарльза Нотора в фильме «Горбун из Нотр-Дама».

Поэтому его прозвали Квазимодо.

У него было 4 сестры, и у каждой была огромная грудь.

Peter Dooley has a hump like the one Charles Laughton had… in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

That’s why they call him Quasimodo.

Oh, and he has these four sisters with the enormous breasts.

Моим дочерям нельзя даже помыться в пятницу, чтобы вы не пялились на них!

Бедный Квазимодо, он был прав.

Пялиться на своих голых сестер — самый страшный грех.

— Let go! My daughters can’t even wash themselves on a Friday night!

Poor Quasimodo.

He was right. Gawking at your own naked sisters is the worst sin of all.

— Мисс, Я хотел бы задать вам несколько вопросов.

— Фрэнк, да не эта «Квазимода«…

Она сейчас работает с нашим художником.

— Miss, I’d like to ask some questions.

— Not that bad.

She’s being questioned by our sketch artist.

В Курико сбор винограда.

А праздник Квазимодо?

— И обряд УНИТАС.

To Curicó’s grape harvest.

And Cuasimodo’s Feast.

— And the UNITAS Excercise.

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Перевод «Квазимодо» на английский

Фролло и Квазимодо были близки, словно хозяин и собака.

Frollo and Quasimodo were close, like a master and a dog.

Прошло двадцать лет, и Квазимодо превратился в сильного молодого человека.

Twenty years have now passed and Quasimodo has grown into a strong and agile young man.

Квазимодо родился деформированным, имея сгорбленную спину, от которой фильм берет свое имя.

Quasimodo was born deformed, possessing a hunched back, from which the film takes its name.

Квазимодо решил подбодрить ее, сказав, что приведет к ней Феба.

Quasimodo decided to cheer her up by saying he’ll bring Phoebus to her.

Следующая книга посвящена прошлому Квазимодо и Фролло.

The next book was dedicated to Quasimodo’s and Frollo’s past.

Затем история возвращается к Квазимодо, который предстал перед судом за попытку похищения Эсмеральды.

Then the story goes back to Quasimodo that was on a trial for trying to kidnap Esmeralda.

Квазимодо исчезает после этих двух смертей.

Quasimodo disappeared after the two deaths.

Он играет Квазимодо в школьной постановке, знаете, мне бы очень хотелось его увидеть.

He’s playing Quasimodo in the new school play, you know. I wish I could see him.

Приятно был вновь встретиться, Квазимодо.

Я сегодня на кассе стояла, как бабушка Квазимодо.

I looked like Quasimodo’s nan on my till today.

Квазимодо приносил еду и питье, пока она спала, чтобы ей не приходилось смотреть на него.

Quasimodo used to get her food and drinks while she was sleeping so she wouldn’t have to look at him.

Двадцать лет спустя Квазимодо превращается в своего рода еще одного молодого человека, который всю свою жизнь жил в соборе.

Twenty years later, Quasimodo develops into a kind yet isolated young man who has lived inside the cathedral his entire life.

Квазимодо — вымышленный персонаж какой книги?

Quasimodo is a fictional character from what novel?

Фролло сталкивается с Квазимодо и отправляет его обратно в собор.

Frollo then confronts Quasimodo and he returns to the cathedral.

Когда их попытались разъединить, скелет Квазимодо рассыпался в прах.

When they try to separate them, Quasimodo’s bones crumble into dust.

Действие романа происходит в средневековый период, и он представляет собой резкую критику общества, которое презирает и избегает горбуна Квазимодо.

Set in the medieval period, the novel presents a harsh criticism of the society that degrades and shuns the hunchback Quasimodo.

Квазимодо поместил ее в колокольной башне.

Quasimodo placed her into the bell tower.

Хореограф позволил танцовщику самому выбрать партию, которую он хотел бы исполнить, и был удивлен его неожиданным выбором — Квазимодо.

The choreographer let Tsiskaridze choose the role he wanted to dance — and was taken aback by his unexpected choice of Quasimodo.

Хоть Эсмеральда и была очень благодарна Квазимодо за ее спасение, но она никак не могла привыкнуть к его внешности.

Esmeralda was very grateful for being saved, but she couldn’t get used to Quasimodo’s appearance.

Много было раненых в бою, и даже Квазимодо бросал камни с собора.

Many were injured in the fight, and Quasimodo was throwing rocks off of the Cathedral.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 156. Точных совпадений: 153. Затраченное время: 106 мс


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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame character

Quasimodo, painting by Antoine Wiertz, 1849

First appearance The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1831)
Created by Victor Hugo
In-universe information
Nickname The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Species Human
Gender Male
Occupation Bell-ringer of Notre Dame cathedral
Family Claude Frollo (adoptive father)
Religion Catholic
Nationality French Romani

Quasimodo (from Quasimodo Sunday[1]) is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831) by Victor Hugo. Quasimodo was born with a hunchback and feared by the townspeople as a sort of monster, but he finds sanctuary in an unlikely love that is fulfilled only in death.

The role of Quasimodo has been played by many actors in film and stage adaptations, including Lon Chaney (1923), Charles Laughton (1939), Anthony Quinn (1956), and Anthony Hopkins (1982) as well as Tom Hulce in the 1996 Disney animated adaptation, and most recently Angelo Del Vecchio in the Notre Dame de Paris revival. In 2010, a British researcher found evidence suggesting there was a real-life hunchbacked stone carver who worked at Notre Dame during the same period Victor Hugo was writing the novel and they may have even known each other.[2]

In the novel[edit]

The deformed Quasimodo is described as «hideous» and a «creation of the devil». He was born with a severe hunchback, a bushy eyebrow covering his left eye while the right eye «disappeared entirely» behind a giant wart. He was born to a tribe of Romani people (in the novel called égyptienne or ‘gypsies’), but due to his monstrous appearance he was switched during infancy with an able-bodied baby girl, Agnes. After being discovered, Quasimodo is exorcised by Agnes’s mother (who believed that the Romani people ate her child) and taken to Paris, where he is found abandoned in Notre Dame (on the foundlings’ bed, where orphans and unwanted children are left to public charity) on Quasimodo Sunday, the First Sunday after Easter, by Claude Frollo, the Archdeacon of Notre Dame, who adopts the baby, names him after the day the baby was found, and brings him up to be the bell-ringer of the cathedral. Due to the loud ringing of the bells, Quasimodo also becomes deaf causing Frollo to teach him sign language. Although he is hated for his deformity, it is revealed that he is kind at heart. Though Quasimodo commits acts of violence in the novel, these are only undertaken when he is instructed by others.

«A tear for a drop of water» Esmeralda gives a drink to Quasimodo in one of Gustave Brion’s illustrations

Looked upon by the general populace of Paris as a monster, he believes that Frollo is the only one who cares for him, and frequently accompanies him when the Archdeacon walks out of Notre Dame. Frollo lusts after a beautiful Romani girl named Esmeralda, and enlists Quasimodo in trying to kidnap her. (She is later revealed to be Agnes, the baby Quasimodo was switched with.) Captain Phoebus de Châteaupers arrives to stop the kidnapping and captures Quasimodo, unaware that Quasimodo was merely following Frollo’s orders. The deaf judge Florian Barbedienne sentences him to an hour of flogging and another hour of humiliation on the pillory. Phoebus ties Quasimodo up and has Pierre Torterue whip him in front of a jeering crowd. When Quasimodo calls to him for help, Frollo allows Quasimodo to be tortured as punishment for failing him. When Quasimodo calls for water, a child throws a wet rag at him. Seeing his thirst, Esmeralda approaches the public stocks and offers him a drink of water. It saves him and she captures his heart.

Esmeralda is later entangled in an attempted murder – committed by Frollo, who had stabbed Phoebus in a jealous rage after spying on Esmeralda and Phoebus having a night of passion – and is sentenced to be hanged. As she is being forced to pray at the steps of Notre Dame just before being marched off to the gallows, Quasimodo, who has been watching the occasion from an upper balcony in Notre Dame, slides down with a rope, and rescues her by taking her up to the top of the cathedral, where he poignantly shouts «Sanctuary!» to the onlookers below.

Esmeralda is terrified of Quasimodo at first, but gradually recognizes his kind heart and becomes his friend. He watches over her and protects her, and at one point saves her from Frollo when the mad priest sexually assaults her in her room. In one instance Esmeralda also sees Phoebus from the cathedral balcony and pleadingly convinces Quasimodo to go down and look for him, but Phoebus is repulsed by Quasimodo’s appearance and refuses to visit Notre Dame to see her.

After an uneasy respite, a mob of Paris’s Truands led by Clopin Trouillefou storms Notre Dame, and although Quasimodo tries to fend them off by throwing stones and bricks down onto the mob and even pours deadly molten lead, the mob continues attacking until Phoebus and his soldiers arrive to fight and drive off the assailants. Unbeknownst to Quasimodo, Frollo lures Esmeralda outside, where he has her arrested and hanged. When Quasimodo sees Frollo smiling cruelly at Esmeralda’s execution, he turns on his master and throws him to his death from the balcony in rage.

Quasimodo cries in despair, lamenting «There is all that I ever loved!» He then leaves Notre Dame, never to return, and heads for the Gibbet of Montfaucon beyond the city walls, passing by the Convent of the Filles-Dieu, a home for 200 reformed prostitutes, and the leper colony of Saint-Lazare. After reaching the Gibbet, he lies next to Esmeralda’s corpse, where it had been unceremoniously thrown after the execution. He stays at Montfaucon, and eventually dies of starvation, clutching the body of the deceased Esmeralda. Years later, an excavation group exhumes both of their skeletons, which have become intertwined. When they try to separate them, Quasimodo’s bones crumble to dust.


In the novel, Quasimodo symbolically shows Esmeralda the difference between himself and the handsome yet self-centred Captain Phoebus, with whom the girl has become infatuated. He places two vases in her room: one is a beautiful crystal vase, yet broken and filled with dry, withered flowers; the other a humble pot, yet filled with beautiful, fragrant flowers. Esmeralda takes the withered flowers from the crystal vase and presses them passionately on her heart.[3]


Among the actors who have played Quasimodo over the years in each adaptation of the novel are:

Actor Version
Henry Vorins 1905 film
Henry Krauss 1911 film
Glen White The Darling of Paris (1917 film)
Booth Conway 1922 film
Lon Chaney 1923 film
Charles Laughton 1939 film
Anthony Quinn 1956 film
Peter Woodthorpe 1966 cartoon TV show
Warren Clarke 1977 TV film
Anthony Hopkins 1982 TV film
Tom Burlinson (voice) 1986 animated film
Ocean Software (studio) Super Hunchback (1992 video game)
Daniel Brochu (voice) The Magical Adventures of Quasimodo (1996 cartoon TV show)
Tom Hulce (voice) 1996 animated Disney film
Mandy Patinkin 1997 TV film
Garou Notre Dame de Paris (1997–2000)
Igo Notre-Dame de Paris (1997 operatic melodrama)
Niks Matvejevs
Patrick Timsit Quasimodo d’El Paris (1999 parody film)
David Bower (voice) 2008 BBC Radio adaptation
Michael Arden 2014–2015 musical
Angelo Del Vecchio Notre Dame de Paris revival (2012–present)

Disney version[edit]

In the first film[edit]

In Disney’s 1996 animated film adaptation of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo is a very different character than in the novel. He was voiced by Tom Hulce and animated by James Baxter. Unlike in the novel, Quasimodo has two eyes, with his left one only partially covered. He is not deaf, and is capable of fluent speech. He has three anthropomorphic gargoyle friends named Victor, Hugo, and Laverne.

In the beginning of the film, a Romani mother tries to bring the hunchbacked infant into Notre Dame with her for sanctuary, but the antizigan Judge Claude Frollo (Tony Jay) chases and inadvertently kills her. Frollo attempts to drown the baby in a nearby well upon seeing his deformity, but the church’s Archdeacon stops him and demands that he atone for his crime by raising the child as his son. Fearing God’s wrath, Frollo reluctantly agrees, and adopts the child in the hope that he will be useful to him one day. Frollo cruelly names the child Quasimodo, which in the film is Latin for «half-formed». Over the years he raises Quasimodo with cruelty, forbidding him to leave the tower and teaching him that the world is a wicked, sinful place, and that the Parisian people will reject him due to his deformity. He also lies to Quasimodo about his mother, telling him she abandoned him as a baby and that anybody else would have drowned him had Frollo not stepped in and adopted him. Quasimodo nevertheless grows up to be a kind-hearted young man who yearns to join the outside world.

Quasimodo sneaks out of the cathedral during the Festival of Fools, where he is crowned the «King of Fools». While there, he meets Esmeralda, with whom he falls in love. Two of Frollo’s guards ruin the moment where they throw tomatoes at him and bind him to a wheel to torment him. Then everyone joins in. Frollo refuses to help as punishment for his disobedience. Esmeralda takes pity on him and frees him after Phoebus failed to get Frollo to intervene. After Esmeralda escapes, Frollo confronts Quasimodo who apologizes and returns to the bell tower. He later befriends her, and he helps her flee from Frollo’s men in gratitude.

Frollo eventually locates Esmeralda and her lover Captain Phoebus at the Court of Miracles. He sentences Esmeralda to death, and has Quasimodo chained up in the bell tower. Quasimodo breaks free, however, and rescues Esmeralda from execution. Phoebus breaks free from his cage and rallies the citizens of Paris against Frollo’s tyranny. From the bell tower, Quasimodo and the gargoyles watch the citizens fighting Frollo’s army. They pour molten lead onto the streets, preventing Frollo and his soldiers from breaking in. However, Frollo successfully manages to enter the cathedral. He tries to kill Quasimodo, who is mourning Esmeralda, believing her to be dead. The two struggle briefly until Quasimodo throws Frollo to the floor and denounces him, finally seeing him for what he is. Esmeralda awakens and Quasimodo rushes her to safety. He then fights the wrathful Frollo, who reveals the truth about his mother to him. Both fall from the balcony, but Phoebus catches Quasimodo and pulls him to safety, while Frollo falls to his death.

Quasimodo is finally accepted into society by the citizens of Paris as they celebrate Frollo’s death and the liberation of the city.

In the second film[edit]

In Disney’s 2002 direct-to-video sequel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame II, Quasimodo (again voiced by Hulce) reappears as the protagonist. He remains a bell-ringer, still living in Notre Dame with the gargoyles. This time, he is able to move around Paris freely. He finds love in a beautiful circus performer named Madellaine (voiced by Jennifer Love Hewitt), who ultimately reveals that she is aware that the gargoyles are alive. His love for Madellaine is briefly strained when he learns she was actually working on behalf of a greedy magician named Sarousch who plans to steal a particularly valuable bell called La Fidele, from Notre Dame. Madellaine’s true feelings for Quasimodo overcome her reluctant loyalty to Sarousch, however, and she aids Quasimodo in bringing Sarousch to justice. Quasimodo forgives Madellaine and the two pledge their love to each other.

Later appearances[edit]

  • Quasimodo also made some occasional appearances on the animated series House of Mouse. At one point, Jiminy Cricket, when giving advice to the guests, consoles him by saying that some people find someone special and some people do not, poking fun at the fact that Quasimodo and Esmeralda did not fall in love at the end of the original film.
  • Quasimodo is a very rare meetable character at the Disney Parks and Resorts, but can be seen as a figure inside Clopin’s Music Box in Fantasyland.[4]
  • A German musical stage show Der Glöckner von Notre Dame (1999) derived from the Disney movie, restores some of the darker elements of the original novel lost in the film: Esmeralda dies from smoke inhalation at the end, Frollo is revealed to have once been a priest in his past (akin to the novel, where he was an archdeacon), and Frollo dies because Quasimodo throws him from the roof rather than falling by accident.
  • Quasimodo appears in the video game Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance voiced by Ari Rubin. He appears as a supporting character in a world based on the film called «La Cité des Cloches» and plays out a more or less the same role as in the film.
  • In 2014 at the La Jolla Playhouse, Disney premiered a new adaptation of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Like the 1999 German Adaptation, the new adaptation was based on movie but it restored some of the themes, characters, and ending of Hugo’s original book. It later transferred to PaperMill Playhouse in 2015, but was denied to transfer to a theater on Broadway. The musical also establishes Quasimodo as Frollo’s nephew — Jehan runs off with a Gypsy girl, Florika, after being expelled from Notre Dame’s sanctuary. Years later, Frollo receives a letter from him and finds him on his deathbed. It is revealed Florika had died from pox and Jehan eventually dies from it as well, entrusting his brother with his son even though he is an established Gypsy child.
  • Quasimodo appears in the video game Disney Magic Kingdoms as a playable character to unlock for limited time.[5]

In popular culture[edit]

Hotel Transylvania[edit]

  • Quasimodo appears in Hotel Transylvania, voiced by Jon Lovitz. He is the master chef at the titular hotel who puts up with Count Dracula’s changing taste buds and has a desire to make a dish out of humans. Quasimodo owns a pet rat named Esmeralda who can sniff out humans and tends to abuse one of the gargoyle waiters. When Quasimodo manages to successfully capture Jonathan, Count Dracula uses his abilities to magically freeze Quasimodo. The abused gargoyle then takes the opportunity to put Quasimodo’s finger up his nose. Esmeralda later brought Quasimodo’s petrified body to the party where the Fly translates his frozen language that revealed that Jonathan is a human. Around the end of the movie, Quasimodo is still frozen as Wayne and Wanda’s children are constantly licking him.
  • Although Quasimodo doesn’t appear in Hotel Transylvania 2, he does appear in the video game adaptation where he has reformed.
  • Quasimodo appears in Hotel Transylvania: The Series (which takes place four years before the events of the first movie) voiced by Scott McCord.

The Muppets[edit]

The Muppets have done spoofs of Quasimodo and his story:

  • In episode 509 of The Muppet Show, Mulch played the hunchback during the song «For Me and My Goyle,» accompanied by his gargoyle bride.
  • The Muppet Babies episode «The House That Muppets Built» featured Baby Gonzo as «Quasigonzo».
  • In Muppets Tonight, a «Muppet Classic Theater» sketch called «The Hunchbear of Notre Dame» (based on Victor Hugo’s novel) featured Bobo the Bear as «Quasibobo.» The sketch comes to a halt where Bobo discovers that Andie MacDowell was cast as a cathedral bell for this sketch instead of a southern belle. Bobo then goes to have a word with the Muppets Tonight writers about this mix-up.
  • The Muppet Parodies 1998 Calendar shows Kermit the Frog playing Quasimodo in The Lunchbox of Notre Dame. The lunchbox itself is an homage to the Muppets’ parody of Jean-Honoré Fragonard’s «The Swing,» which was first featured in The Miss Piggy Calendar 1980.

Other appearances[edit]

  • Quasimodo appears in Mad Monster Party? with his vocal effects provided by Allen Swift.
  • Quasimodo appears as a playable character in Shrek SuperSlam voiced by Nolan North. He is also an opponent in the story mode where he moves next door to their swamp. He plays his bells at 4:00 AM when Shrek and Fiona are trying to sleep. When he won’t give up playing his bells, this results in Shrek and Fiona fighting him.
  • Quasimodo appears in an episode of The Beatles cartoon series titled «When I Get Home», in which the Beatles meet him in Notre Dame while exploring the cathedral’s interior during their visit in France.
  • Quasimodo appears as a playable character in the 1983 video game Hunchback, which is based on Victor Hugo’s novel. In this video game, he saves Esmeralda.
  • Quasimodo appears as The Hunchback in the Notre Dame level of TimeSplitters 2′s story mode as a supporting character and additionally as a playable character in arcade mode.


  • The Big Bad Beetleborgs episode «Hunchback of Hillhurst» featured a parody of the character named Quincy Modo (performed by Brian Tahash and voiced by Dave Mallow). He was a former fullback for a college football team at the University of Notre Dame until he experienced amnesia after hitting his head on the goal post and took up residence in Hillhurst Mansion’s bell tower.
  • The Courage the Cowardly Dog episode «The Hunchback of Nowhere» featured a hunchback (also a parody of Quasimodo) who lives in Nowhere. In this episode, he stays temporarily in Courage’s house and displays a liking of bells (used as a reference for Quasimodo ringing the bells).
  • The What’s New Scooby Doo? episode «Ready to Scare» featured a parody of the character named Sonny Les Matines (voiced by James Arnold Taylor), a pun on the «Sonnez les matines» line from the popular French nursery rhyme «Frère Jacques» that was used as a reference for Quasimodo ringing the bells. The reference is further alluded to when Shaggy calls him «The Lunchback of Notre Dame».
  • The Madeline TV episode where Madeline dressed as Quasimodo in a parody, just like an actor in «Madeline and the Hunchback of Notre Dame».
  • The TV series Casper’s Scare School featured a parody of the character named Quasi, who is a hunchbacked ogre monster.

Real-life Quasimodo[edit]

In August 2010, Adrian Glew, a Tate archivist, announced evidence for a real-life Quasimodo, a «humpbacked [stone] carver» who worked at Notre Dame during the 1820s.[6] The evidence is contained in the memoirs of Henry Sibson, a 19th-century British sculptor who worked at Notre Dame at around the same time Hugo wrote the novel.[6] Sibson describes a humpbacked stonemason working there: «He was the carver under the Government sculptor whose name I forget as I had no intercourse with him, all that I know is that he was humpbacked and he did not like to mix with carvers.»[6] Because Victor Hugo had close links with the restoration of the cathedral, it is likely that he was aware of the unnamed «humpbacked carver» nicknamed «Le Bossu» (French for «The Hunchback»), who oversaw «Monsieur Trajin».[6] Adrian Glew also uncovered that both the hunchback and Hugo were living in the same town of Saint Germain-des-Prés in 1833, and in early drafts of Les Misérables, Hugo named the main character «Jean Trajin» (the same name as the unnamed hunchbacked carver’s employee), but later changed it to «Jean Valjean».[6]

See also[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Quasimodo.

References and notes[edit]

  1. ^ Harper, Douglas. «quasimodo (n.)». Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved April 24, 2017.
  2. ^ Collet-White, Mike. «UK archivist says uncovers real-life Quasimodo». Reuters Life!. Retrieved August 14, 2021.
  3. ^ «Chapter 46 The Hunchback of Notre Dame». Archived from the original on 2008-07-08. Retrieved 2007-03-20.
  4. ^ «Clopin’s Music Box Adds to Old-World Charm of Fantasy Faire at Disneyland Park».
  5. ^ «Update 65: The Hunchback of Notre Dame | Update Preview». YouTube. December 9, 2022.
  6. ^ a b c d e Nikkhah, Roya (15 August 2010). «Real-life Quasimodo uncovered in Tate archives». The Daily Telegraph. London, England. Retrieved 1 July 2018.
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    Quasimodo, Low Sunday

    Русско-английский словарь религиозной лексики > Квазимодо

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См. также в других словарях:

  • КВАЗИМОДО — (фр. Quasimodo) центральный персонаж романа В.Гюго «Собор Парижской богоматери». Образ поразительной силы, яркий и мощный, одновременно отталкивающий и притягательный. Пожалуй, из всех персонажей романа именно К. более всего соответствует… …   Литературные герои

  • Квазимодо — (безобразный, очень некрасивый человѣкъ). Ср. Отецъ, въ виду уродства спасеннаго (пса), хотѣлъ… прозвать его «Квазимодо». Григоровичъ. Городъ и деревня. 1, 1. Ср. Какъ отвратительно мнѣ было смотрѣть на его вѣчную насмѣшливую улыбку. Это было… …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • КВАЗИМОДО — 1) первое воскресенье после Пасхи у католиков, называемое так по первым словам возгласа латинск. мессы в этот день: Quasi modo geniti infantes alleluia. 2) синоним физическ. и нравственного урода, вошедший в употребление со времени выхода романа… …   Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

  • Квазимодо — Из романа «Собор Парижской Богоматери» (1831) французского писателя романтика Виктора Гюго (1802 1885). Квазимодо горбатый, уродливый звонарь. Имя представляет собой латинский оборот Quasi modo (квази модо) Нечто, вроде… то есть его в данном… …   Словарь крылатых слов и выражений

  • квазимодо — мурло, пугало, чучело, уродина, страшила, рожа, образина, страшилище, как сама смерть, страшило, морда, некрасивый, горбун, урод Словарь русских синонимов. квазимодо см. урод 1 Словарь синонимов русского языка. Практический справочник. М.:… …   Словарь синонимов

  • квазимодо — нескл., м. quasimodo m. 1. Уродливый человек. От имени одного из героев романа Гюго Собор Парижской богоматери . СИС 1954. На Руси не всё есть мода, Только здравых нет идей: К просвещению народа В ней приставлен Квазимодо, Чтобы было почудней.… …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • Квазимодо — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Квазимодо (значения). Квазимодо Quasimodo …   Википедия

  • Квазимодо С. — Сальваторе Квазимодо Salvatore Quasimodo Дата рождения: 20 августа, 1901 Место рождения: Модика, Италия Дата смерти: 14 июня, 1968 Место смерти: Амальфи, Италия Гражданство: Италия …   Википедия

  • квазимодо — безобразный, очень некрасивый человек Ср. Отец, ввиду уродства спасенного (пса), хотел… прозвать его Квазимодо . Григорович. Город и деревня. 1, 1. Ср. Как отвратительно мне было смотреть на его вечную насмешливую улыбку. Это было чудовище,… …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона

  • Квазимодо (значения) — Квазимодо  герой романа «Собор Парижской богоматери» (фр. Notre Dame de Paris) В. Гюго, в силу яркости созданного автором образа в современном обществе является нарицательным именем физического уродства. Квазимодо, Сальваторе (1901… …   Википедия

  • КВАЗИМОДО (Quasimodo) Сальваторе — (1901 68) итальянский поэт, примыкал к герметизму (сборник Эрато и Аполлион , 1936, и др.). Антифашистские, гражданские и патриотические стихи в сборниках Жизнь не сон (1949), Земля несравненная (1958). Нобелевская премия (1959) …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

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Квазимодо — перевод на английский




В стиле Квазимодо.

Quasimodo style.

Приятно был вновь встретиться, Квазимодо.

Nice seeing you again, Quasimodo.

«Ужасная добродетель по имени старость.» Похоже на монолог Квазимодо.

It looks like a line of Quasimodo.

Эй, Квазимодо, ты дома?

Hey, Quasimodo, you home?

Поэтому его прозвали Квазимодо.

That’s why they call him Quasimodo.

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Смотреть что такое QUASIMODO в других словарях:


[ˏkwæsɪ`məʊdəʊ]Фомино воскресеньеКвазимодоопасный трюк


Quasimodo: übersetzung Quasimodo,
Salvatore, italienischer Lyriker, Essayist und Übersetzer, * Modica 20. 8. 1901, ✝ Neapel 14. 6. 1968; war u. a. … смотреть


сущ. 1) рел.; — Quasimodo Sunday Фомино воскресенье ( из лат. quasi modo — как будто бы, почти, подобный; первое воскресенье после Пасхи, Антипасха; праздник посвящен явлению воскресшего Христа своим ученикам, среди которых находился и апостол Фома, до этого не веривший в чудо Воскресения; в русской народной традиции — Красная Горка) Syn: Low Sunday 2) Квазимодо (персонаж романа В.Гюго «Собор парижской богоматери»; уродец-горбун, «недочеловек», найденный в яслях для подкидышей в Фомино воскресенье) 3) опасный трюк (с риском для жизни; в экстремальных видах спорта)… смотреть


Настоящее имя: Петров Алексей ПетровичСм.: КвазимодоПериодические издания:• Будильник, 1884, N 13Источники:• Масанов И.Ф. Словарь псевдонимов русских п… смотреть


[͵kweızaıʹməʋd|əʋ] n (pl -os [-{͵kweızaıʹməʋd}əʋz]) церк.фомино воскресенье


• Bell-ringer, bad back but good heart • Bellman? • Famous character of Victor Hugo • Fictional name literally meaning almost like • Notre Dame backer… смотреть


{ka-}f первое воскресенье после пасхи, фомино воскресенье


Quasimodo [ˏkwɑ:zɪˊməυdəυ] nрел. Фомино́ воскресе́нье


Quasimodo [͵kweızaıʹməʋd|əʋ] n (pl -os [-{͵kweızaıʹməʋd}əʋz]) церк. фомино воскресенье


fпервое воскресенье после пасхи, фомино воскресенье


первое воскресенье после Пасхи
Итальяно-русский словарь.2003.


faire Quasimodo avant Pâques
renvoyer à la Quasimodo

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