Латте как пишется на английском

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Перевод «латте» на английский

Это идеальный подарок для творческих людей, которые любят свой капучино или латте утром.

This is a perfect gift for creative people who love their cappuccino or latte in the morning.

Поэтому не удивляйтесь тому, как хорош здесь может быть латте.

Therefore, do not be surprised at how good latte can be here.

Кофе латте и подобные продукты являются ключевыми элементами в развитии этого бизнеса.

Coffee latte and similar products are key elements in the development of this business.

Я просматривала заголовки, когда ждала латте.

I checked the headlines while I waited for my latte.

У тебя еще нет второго тройного латте.

You haven’t had your second triple latte yet.

Грейпфрутад вкусный и шоколадный латте тоже.

Our grapefruitade is delicious and our chocolate latte is also nice.

Вот ваше латте, платите наличными.

Here’s your latte pay at the cash.

С латте только помочь не смогу.

The latte, I can’t help you with.

Я пила тройной латте по утрам, только чтобы проснуться.

I used to drink a triple latte every morning just to wake up.

Ты, я, пара переоцененных латте.

You, me, a couple of overpriced lattes.

Сказала она, попивая свой латте.

She says, as she drinks her latte.

Тайна исповеди действует даже за чашкой латте.

Seal of confession still applies, even over lattes.

Понадобится два латте, чтобы это прочитать.

It’ll take you two lattes to read it.

Только зашла попрощаться и, взять немного латте в дорогу.

Just came by to say goodbye and, grab a latte for the road.

Думаю, с латте лучше всего творожное пирожное.

I think the cheesecake would suit better with the latte.

Она делает пенные сердечки на латте.

She put a little foam heart on your latte.

Я не хочу носить латте вечно.

I don’t want to fetch lattes forever.

А утром ты пила соевый латте после пробежки.

And in the morning, you had a soy latte after your run.

Но я буду приходить за соевым латте.

I’ll still come in for my soy lattes.

Я буду тройной чай латте с легкой пенкой и дополнительной корицей.

I’ll have a triple, full fat, chai latte with light foam and extra cinnamon.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 1003. Точных совпадений: 1003. Затраченное время: 69 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1
    топографическая рейка

    1. topographic rod

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > топографическая рейка

  • 2

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кофе-латте

  • 3
    опаздывать на работу из-за того, что пил кофе

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > опаздывать на работу из-за того, что пил кофе

  • 4
    машина для закупорки молочных бутылок


    Milk bottle capping machine


    Milchf laschen-kapselmaschine





    per bottiglie da latte

    Russian-English dictionary of packaging machines and equipment > машина для закупорки молочных бутылок

  • 5
    геодезическая рейка

    1. rod
    2. Geodetic staff.
    3. geodetic staff

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > геодезическая рейка

  • 6

    1. broadsword

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > палаш

  • 7

    1. fixed molten pool support
    2. backing strip
    3. backing bar
    4. backing

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > подкладка

  • 8
    флюсо-медная подкладка

    1. combined copper-flux backing

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > флюсо-медная подкладка

См. также в других словарях:

  • latte — [ lat ] n. f. • fin XIIe; bas lat. latta, probablt d o. germ. 1 ♦ Longue pièce de charpente en bois, mince, étroite et plate, et par ext. Pièce de bois de forme semblable. ⇒ planche. Les lattes d un plancher. Lattes orientables d un store. ⇒ lame …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • latté — latte [ lat ] n. f. • fin XIIe; bas lat. latta, probablt d o. germ. 1 ♦ Longue pièce de charpente en bois, mince, étroite et plate, et par ext. Pièce de bois de forme semblable. ⇒ planche. Les lattes d un plancher. Lattes orientables d un store.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • latte — s.m. [lat. lac lactis ]. 1. [liquido prodotto dalle ghiandole mammarie, fondamentale nell alimentazione] ● Espressioni: dare il latte (a qualcuno) ➨ ❑; fig., fare venire il latte alle ginocchia (a qualcuno) ▶◀ annoiare (∅), fare venire la barba,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • latte — LATTE. s. f. Piece de bois de fente longue & platte que l on cloüe sur des chevrons pour porter la tuile ou l ardoise, ou pour servir à des cloisonnages ou à des lambris. Un cent de lattes. des lattes de chesne, de chasteignier. une botte de… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • latte — lat te (l[.a]*t[=a] ), n. Same as {cafe latte}; a type of espresso coffee served with foamy steamed milk, and usually served in a tall glass or mug. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • latte — by 1990, espresso coffee with milk, short for caffè latte, from Italian, lit. milk coffee (see CAFE AU LAIT (Cf. cafe au lait)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Latte — Latte: Zu dem unter ↑ Laden »Geschäft« behandelten Wort, das auf eine Vorform *laÞan »Brett, Bohle« zurückgeht, stellen sich mit Gemination mhd. lat‹t›e, ahd. lat‹t›a, niederl. lat, engl. lath »Latte«. Die außergerm. Beziehungen dieser Sippe sind …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • latte — ► NOUN ▪ a drink of frothy steamed milk to which a shot of espresso coffee is added. ORIGIN Italian, short for caffè latte milk coffee …   English terms dictionary

  • Latte [1] — Latte, 1) lange dünne Stange od. Leiste; man hat gesägte L n, welche auf der Sägemühle 11/2 Zoll dick, 2–3 Zoll breit u. 16–24 Fuß[150] lang geschnitten werden; u. gerissene od. gespaltene L n, aus jungen Bäumen mit der Lattenaxt od. Lattenhaue… …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Latte [2] — Latte, Insel, so v.w. Latta 1) …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Latte — Latte, langes schmales Bauholz von verschiedener Stärke, wird in der Baukunst zu den verschiedensten Zwecken benutzt …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caffè latte

A cup of latte
Type Hot and iced beverage, milk coffee
Place of origin Italy
Main ingredients espresso, steamed milk
Variations Caffè mocha (chocolate-flavored)
  •   Media: Caffè latte

Caffè latte (Italian: [kafˌfɛ lˈlatte][1][2]), often shortened to just latte ()[3][4] in English, is a coffee beverage of Italian origin made with espresso and steamed milk. Variants include the chocolate-flavored mocha or replacing the coffee with another beverage base such as masala chai (spiced Indian tea), mate, matcha, turmeric or rooibos; alternatives to milk, such as soy milk or almond milk, are also used.

The term comes from the Italian caffellatte[5] or caffè latte, from caffè e latte, literally «coffee and milk»; in English orthography either or both words sometimes have an accent on the final e (a hyperforeignism in the case of *latté, or to indicate it is pronounced, not the more-common silent final e of English). In northern Europe and Scandinavia, the term café au lait has traditionally been used for the combination of espresso and milk. In France, cafè latte is from the original name of the beverage (caffè latte); a combination of espresso and steamed milk equivalent to a «latte» is in French called grand crème and in German Milchkaffee.

Origin and history[edit]

Coffee, which was adopted from the Ottoman empire, and milk have been part of European cuisine since the seventeenth century. Caffè e latte, Milchkaffee, café au lait, and café con leche are domestic terms of traditional ways of drinking coffee, usually as part of breakfast in the home. Public cafés in Europe and the USA seem to have no mention of the terms until the twentieth century, although Kapuziner is mentioned in Austrian coffee houses in Vienna and Trieste in the second half of 1700s as «coffee with cream, spices, and sugar» (being the origin of the Italian cappuccino).

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term caffè e latte was first used in English in 1867 by William Dean Howells in his essay «Italian Journeys».[6] Kenneth Davids maintains that «…breakfast drinks of this kind have existed in Europe for generations, but the (commercial) caffè version of this drink is an American invention».[7][dubious – discuss] The French term café au lait was used in cafés in several countries in western continental Europe from 1900 onward, however, the term café crème was used in France for coffee with milk or cream.

The Austrian-Hungarian empire (Central Europe) had its own terminology for the coffees being served in coffee houses, while in German homes it was still called Milchkaffee. The Italians used the term caffè latte domestically, but it is not known from cafés such as Florian in Venice or any other coffee houses or places where coffee was served publicly. Even when the Italian espresso bar culture bloomed in the years after WWII both in Italy, and in cities such as Vienna and London, espresso and cappuccino are the terms used and latte is missing on coffee menus of that time.

In Italian, latte (pronounced [ˈlatte]) means «milk»—so ordering a «latte» in Italy will get the customer a glass of milk.[8][9]

In Spanish, the phrase café con leche (coffee with milk) is used, which is by default served in a medium or large cup whereas the similar cortado (coffee with less milk) is served in a small cup.

In English-speaking countries, latte is shorthand for caffelatte or caffellatte (from caffè e latte, «coffee and milk»), which is similar to the French café au lait, the Spanish café con leche, the Catalan cafè amb llet, or the Portuguese galão.

The Caffe Mediterraneum in Berkeley, California claims that one of its early owners, Lino Meiorin, «invented» and «made the latte a standard drink» in the 1950s. The latte was popularized in Seattle, Washington in the early 1980s [10] and spread more widely in the early 1990s.[11][12]

In northern Europe and Scandinavia, a similar «trend» started in the early 1980s as café au lait became popular again, prepared with espresso and steamed milk. Caffè latte started replacing this term around 1996–97 but both names often exist side by side and generally are more similar than different in preparation.

Current use[edit]

In Italy, caffè latte is almost always prepared at home, for breakfast only. This coffee beverage is brewed with a stovetop moka pot and poured into a cup containing heated milk. Unlike the «international» latte drink, generally, the milk in the Italian original is not foamed and sugar is added by the drinker, if at all.

Outside Italy, typically a caffè latte is prepared in a 240 mL (8 US fl oz) glass or cup with one standard shot of espresso (either single, 30 mL or 1 US fl oz, or double, 60 mL or 2 US fl oz) and filled with steamed milk, with a layer of foamed milk approximately 12 mm (12 in) thick on the top. In the USA, a latte is often heavily sweetened with 3% sugar (or even more).[13] When wanting to order this beverage in Italy, one should ask for a latte macchiato.

A cup of latte, served at Merewether Beach, Australia

The beverage is related to a cappuccino, the difference being that a cappuccino consists of espresso and steamed milk with a 20-millimetre-thick (0.79 in) layer of milk foam. A variant found in Australia and New Zealand that is similar to the latte is the flat white which is served in a smaller ceramic cup with warmed milk (without the layer of foam). In the United States this beverage is sometimes referred to as a wet cappuccino.

Iced latte[edit]

In the United States, an iced latte is usually espresso and chilled milk poured over ice.[14] Unlike a hot latte, it does not usually contain steamed milk or foam.[15] Iced lattes often have sugar or flavoring syrups added, although purists prefer them to consist simply of coffee and milk; they also are served blended with ice.[16] The espresso can be pre-chilled (sometimes as a mixture of espresso and milk) or frozen in advance to avoid warming up the drink.[17]

Serving styles[edit]

A cup of latte made with matcha, called green tea latte, is a popular variation of latte found in East Asian countries.

  • In some establishments, lattes are served in a glass on a saucer with a napkin to hold the (sometimes hot) glass.
  • Sometimes a latte is served in a bowl; in Europe, particularly Scandinavia, this is referred to as a café au lait.
  • Increasingly common in the United States and Europe, latte art has led to the stylization of coffee making, and the creation of which is now a popular art form. Created by pouring steaming, and mostly frothed, milk into the coffee, that liquid is introduced into the beverage in such a way that patterns are distinguishable on the top of coffee. Popular patterns can include hearts, flowers, trees, and other forms of simplistic representations of images and objects.
  • Often iced latte is served unstirred, so that coffee appears to «float» on top of white milk in a glass cup.
  • A Layered Latte reverses the traditional order of creating a Latte. Rather than pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso, pouring hot espresso into a glass of steamed milk will create a combination of temperature and density that will cause the latte to split into multiple density layers. The science behind the Layered Latte is referred to as double-diffusive convection. To make the Layered Latte, pour a shot of espresso into a glass of steamed milk at the same temperature. The layering of the beverage is largely dependent on variables such as glass size as well as the ratio between milk and espresso.[18][19]
  • A variation of the iced latte, known as the «bootleg latte», «ghetto latte», or «poor man’s latte»,[20] is an iced espresso ordered in a larger than normal cup that will be filled up with free milk from the condiment station.[21] The beverage has spawned debate at coffee shops where an iced espresso is considerably cheaper than an iced latte.[22][23][24]
  • In South Asia, East Asia, and North America, local variants of teas have been combined with steamed or frothed milk to create «tea latte». Coffee and tea shops now offer hot or iced latte versions of masala chai, matcha, and Royal Milk Tea. An Earl Grey latte is known as a «London fog».
  • Other flavorings may be added to the latte to suit the taste of the drinker. Vanilla, chocolate, and caramel are all popular variants.
  • In South Africa a red latte is made with rooibos tea and has been known as a caffeine-free alternative to traditional tea or coffee-based latte.[25]
  • An alternative version of latte may be prepared with soy milk or oat milk, as both have the ability to foam in the same way as cow milk, with soy milk versions being more prevalent. Such alternatives are popular among people with lactose intolerance and vegans.
  • The Sea Salt Latte, a famous variation of the traditional style latte made with a salted milk foam over an espresso-based coffee, was invented and popularized by Taiwanese international cafe chain 85C Bakery Cafe.[26][27]

Soy milk latte with latte art


Calling people «latte drinkers» pejoratively has become a common political attack in some Western cultures. The popularity of espresso drinking in large cities, especially among more affluent urban populations, has caused some to consider it elitist behavior. In the United States, conservative political commentators have been known to call their opponents «latte-drinking liberal elites».[28][29][30][31] In Canadian politics, latte drinking is used to portray people as out-of-touch intellectuals and the antithesis of the Tim Hortons coffee drinker who is considered representative of an ordinary Canadian.[32][33]

According to a 2018 study, 16% of liberals in the United States prefer lattes, whereas 9% of conservatives and 11% of moderates do.[34] The study states further that the overwhelming majority of people, whether they are liberal, conservative, or moderate, express a preference for regular brewed coffee.[34]

See also[edit]

  • List of coffee drinks


  1. ^ «Caffè». Dizionario d’ortografia e di pronunzia.
  2. ^ «Caffè». dipionline.it.
  3. ^ «Latte – Definition of latte by Merriam-Webster». merriam-webster.com.
  4. ^ «latte – definition of latte in English from the Oxford dictionary». oxforddictionaries.com. Archived from the original on September 21, 2020.
  5. ^ «caffellatte in Vocabolario». Treccani.
  6. ^ «Latte». Oxford English Dictionary (new online ed.). Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2011-11-22.
  7. ^ Davids, Kenneth (2001-05-04). Coffee: A Guide to Buying, Brewing, and Enjoying, Fifth Edition. St. Martin’s Press. pp. 153–. ISBN 978-0-312-24665-5. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  8. ^ Schomer, David (1996). Espresso coffee (second ed.). p. 151. ISBN 1-59404-031-1..
  9. ^ «Coffee traditions in Italy». Ms adventures in Italy. 2007-07-11. Retrieved 2011-11-22.
  10. ^ «Steamed milk nothing new for coffee drinkers». Ocala Star-Banner. Jan 4, 1995..
  11. ^ «Americans wake up and smell the coffee». New York Times. 1992-09-02. … espresso-based drinks with names like caffe latte ….
  12. ^ Brown, Nick (2016-12-12). «Remembering Latte Birthplace and Quintessential Counterculture Destination Caffe Med». Daily Coffee News. Retrieved 2018-09-12.
  13. ^ «Caffè Latte». starbucks.com.
  14. ^ «Iced Caffè Latte». Starbucks.com. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  15. ^ Johns, Sherri (2005). Coffee Cafe. New Holland Publishers. ISBN 978-1-84537-037-4.
  16. ^ Laskin, Avner (2009). Coffee: More Than 65 Delicious & Healthy Recipes. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-4027-4937-7.
  17. ^ Moore, Victoria (Apr 22, 2010). How to Drink. Andrews McMeel Publishing. pp. 144–145. ISBN 978-0-7407-9845-0.
  18. ^ Klein, Joanna (2017-12-12). «How Layers in a Latte Form». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  19. ^ Xue, Nan; Khodaparast, Sepideh; Zhu, Lailai; Nunes, Janine K.; Kim, Hyoungsoo; Stone, Howard A. (2017-12-12). «Laboratory layered latte». Nature Communications. 8 (1): 1960. Bibcode:2017NatCo…8.1960X. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01852-2. ISSN 2041-1723. PMC 5727143. PMID 29234036. S2CID 10345342.
  20. ^ Charles Leroux. 2006. The bootleg latte: Would you make one? October 5. Chicago Tribune.
  21. ^ Ohrt, Andreas (22 November 2006). «Send the Savings to the Poor Dehydrated Children of the World Who Don’t Live Within a Half a Block of a Coffee Shop». Boise Weekly. Archived from the original on 23 August 2018. Retrieved 26 January 2010.
  22. ^ Allison, Melissa (12 September 2006). «Baristas Having a Cow Over Dairy ‘Thefts’«. The Seattle Times. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  23. ^ Glaister, Dan (18 September 2006). «Ghetto-lattes have baristas in a froth». The Guardian. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  24. ^ Leroux, Charles (5 October 2006). «The bootleg latte: Would you make one?». Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2008-07-18.
  25. ^ Brown, Mary Jane (13 November 2018). «5 Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea (Plus Side Effects)». healthline.com. Retrieved 22 May 2020.
  26. ^ Booth, Robert (8 August 2010). «Taiwan launches ‘gastro-diplomacy’ drive». The Guardian. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  27. ^ Ulaby, Neda. «Sea Salt Latte: Is 85C The Next Coffee Craze?». www.npr.org. NPR. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  28. ^ Nunberg, Geoffrey (2007). Talking Right: How Conservatives Turned Liberalism Into a Tax-raising, Latte-drinking, Sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, Body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, Left-wing Freak Show. PublicAffairs. ISBN 978-1-58648-531-3. Retrieved 2013-05-28.
  29. ^ «The politics of me». New York Times. August 18, 1996. …self-indulgent, self-centered, latte-drinking, DKNY-wearing, BMW-driving, inner-child-searching softies..
  30. ^ «The anti-mall». New York Times. October 9, 1994. … hip-hopping community of MTV-watching, planet-saving, latte-sipping individualists…
  31. ^ «The». New York Times. January 11, 2004. …government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New-York-Times-reading…
  32. ^ de la Court, Susan (Apr 6, 2012). «On Twitter, or in Tim Hortons, politicians need to listen». Toronto Star..
  33. ^ «Is the U.S. Tea Party movement seeping into Tim Horton’s territory, Canada?». Toronto Star. Sep 10, 2010..
  34. ^ a b Mutz, Diana C.; Rao, Jahnavi S. (2018). «The Real Reason Liberals Drink Lattes». PS: Political Science & Politics. 51 (4): 762–767. doi:10.1017/S1049096518000574. ISSN 1049-0965. S2CID 52042477.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caffè latte

A cup of latte
Type Hot and iced beverage, milk coffee
Place of origin Italy
Main ingredients espresso, steamed milk
Variations Caffè mocha (chocolate-flavored)
  •   Media: Caffè latte

Caffè latte (Italian: [kafˌfɛ lˈlatte][1][2]), often shortened to just latte ()[3][4] in English, is a coffee beverage of Italian origin made with espresso and steamed milk. Variants include the chocolate-flavored mocha or replacing the coffee with another beverage base such as masala chai (spiced Indian tea), mate, matcha, turmeric or rooibos; alternatives to milk, such as soy milk or almond milk, are also used.

The term comes from the Italian caffellatte[5] or caffè latte, from caffè e latte, literally «coffee and milk»; in English orthography either or both words sometimes have an accent on the final e (a hyperforeignism in the case of *latté, or to indicate it is pronounced, not the more-common silent final e of English). In northern Europe and Scandinavia, the term café au lait has traditionally been used for the combination of espresso and milk. In France, cafè latte is from the original name of the beverage (caffè latte); a combination of espresso and steamed milk equivalent to a «latte» is in French called grand crème and in German Milchkaffee.

Origin and history[edit]

Coffee, which was adopted from the Ottoman empire, and milk have been part of European cuisine since the seventeenth century. Caffè e latte, Milchkaffee, café au lait, and café con leche are domestic terms of traditional ways of drinking coffee, usually as part of breakfast in the home. Public cafés in Europe and the USA seem to have no mention of the terms until the twentieth century, although Kapuziner is mentioned in Austrian coffee houses in Vienna and Trieste in the second half of 1700s as «coffee with cream, spices, and sugar» (being the origin of the Italian cappuccino).

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term caffè e latte was first used in English in 1867 by William Dean Howells in his essay «Italian Journeys».[6] Kenneth Davids maintains that «…breakfast drinks of this kind have existed in Europe for generations, but the (commercial) caffè version of this drink is an American invention».[7][dubious – discuss] The French term café au lait was used in cafés in several countries in western continental Europe from 1900 onward, however, the term café crème was used in France for coffee with milk or cream.

The Austrian-Hungarian empire (Central Europe) had its own terminology for the coffees being served in coffee houses, while in German homes it was still called Milchkaffee. The Italians used the term caffè latte domestically, but it is not known from cafés such as Florian in Venice or any other coffee houses or places where coffee was served publicly. Even when the Italian espresso bar culture bloomed in the years after WWII both in Italy, and in cities such as Vienna and London, espresso and cappuccino are the terms used and latte is missing on coffee menus of that time.

In Italian, latte (pronounced [ˈlatte]) means «milk»—so ordering a «latte» in Italy will get the customer a glass of milk.[8][9]

In Spanish, the phrase café con leche (coffee with milk) is used, which is by default served in a medium or large cup whereas the similar cortado (coffee with less milk) is served in a small cup.

In English-speaking countries, latte is shorthand for caffelatte or caffellatte (from caffè e latte, «coffee and milk»), which is similar to the French café au lait, the Spanish café con leche, the Catalan cafè amb llet, or the Portuguese galão.

The Caffe Mediterraneum in Berkeley, California claims that one of its early owners, Lino Meiorin, «invented» and «made the latte a standard drink» in the 1950s. The latte was popularized in Seattle, Washington in the early 1980s [10] and spread more widely in the early 1990s.[11][12]

In northern Europe and Scandinavia, a similar «trend» started in the early 1980s as café au lait became popular again, prepared with espresso and steamed milk. Caffè latte started replacing this term around 1996–97 but both names often exist side by side and generally are more similar than different in preparation.

Current use[edit]

In Italy, caffè latte is almost always prepared at home, for breakfast only. This coffee beverage is brewed with a stovetop moka pot and poured into a cup containing heated milk. Unlike the «international» latte drink, generally, the milk in the Italian original is not foamed and sugar is added by the drinker, if at all.

Outside Italy, typically a caffè latte is prepared in a 240 mL (8 US fl oz) glass or cup with one standard shot of espresso (either single, 30 mL or 1 US fl oz, or double, 60 mL or 2 US fl oz) and filled with steamed milk, with a layer of foamed milk approximately 12 mm (12 in) thick on the top. In the USA, a latte is often heavily sweetened with 3% sugar (or even more).[13] When wanting to order this beverage in Italy, one should ask for a latte macchiato.

A cup of latte, served at Merewether Beach, Australia

The beverage is related to a cappuccino, the difference being that a cappuccino consists of espresso and steamed milk with a 20-millimetre-thick (0.79 in) layer of milk foam. A variant found in Australia and New Zealand that is similar to the latte is the flat white which is served in a smaller ceramic cup with warmed milk (without the layer of foam). In the United States this beverage is sometimes referred to as a wet cappuccino.

Iced latte[edit]

In the United States, an iced latte is usually espresso and chilled milk poured over ice.[14] Unlike a hot latte, it does not usually contain steamed milk or foam.[15] Iced lattes often have sugar or flavoring syrups added, although purists prefer them to consist simply of coffee and milk; they also are served blended with ice.[16] The espresso can be pre-chilled (sometimes as a mixture of espresso and milk) or frozen in advance to avoid warming up the drink.[17]

Serving styles[edit]

A cup of latte made with matcha, called green tea latte, is a popular variation of latte found in East Asian countries.

  • In some establishments, lattes are served in a glass on a saucer with a napkin to hold the (sometimes hot) glass.
  • Sometimes a latte is served in a bowl; in Europe, particularly Scandinavia, this is referred to as a café au lait.
  • Increasingly common in the United States and Europe, latte art has led to the stylization of coffee making, and the creation of which is now a popular art form. Created by pouring steaming, and mostly frothed, milk into the coffee, that liquid is introduced into the beverage in such a way that patterns are distinguishable on the top of coffee. Popular patterns can include hearts, flowers, trees, and other forms of simplistic representations of images and objects.
  • Often iced latte is served unstirred, so that coffee appears to «float» on top of white milk in a glass cup.
  • A Layered Latte reverses the traditional order of creating a Latte. Rather than pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso, pouring hot espresso into a glass of steamed milk will create a combination of temperature and density that will cause the latte to split into multiple density layers. The science behind the Layered Latte is referred to as double-diffusive convection. To make the Layered Latte, pour a shot of espresso into a glass of steamed milk at the same temperature. The layering of the beverage is largely dependent on variables such as glass size as well as the ratio between milk and espresso.[18][19]
  • A variation of the iced latte, known as the «bootleg latte», «ghetto latte», or «poor man’s latte»,[20] is an iced espresso ordered in a larger than normal cup that will be filled up with free milk from the condiment station.[21] The beverage has spawned debate at coffee shops where an iced espresso is considerably cheaper than an iced latte.[22][23][24]
  • In South Asia, East Asia, and North America, local variants of teas have been combined with steamed or frothed milk to create «tea latte». Coffee and tea shops now offer hot or iced latte versions of masala chai, matcha, and Royal Milk Tea. An Earl Grey latte is known as a «London fog».
  • Other flavorings may be added to the latte to suit the taste of the drinker. Vanilla, chocolate, and caramel are all popular variants.
  • In South Africa a red latte is made with rooibos tea and has been known as a caffeine-free alternative to traditional tea or coffee-based latte.[25]
  • An alternative version of latte may be prepared with soy milk or oat milk, as both have the ability to foam in the same way as cow milk, with soy milk versions being more prevalent. Such alternatives are popular among people with lactose intolerance and vegans.
  • The Sea Salt Latte, a famous variation of the traditional style latte made with a salted milk foam over an espresso-based coffee, was invented and popularized by Taiwanese international cafe chain 85C Bakery Cafe.[26][27]

Soy milk latte with latte art


Calling people «latte drinkers» pejoratively has become a common political attack in some Western cultures. The popularity of espresso drinking in large cities, especially among more affluent urban populations, has caused some to consider it elitist behavior. In the United States, conservative political commentators have been known to call their opponents «latte-drinking liberal elites».[28][29][30][31] In Canadian politics, latte drinking is used to portray people as out-of-touch intellectuals and the antithesis of the Tim Hortons coffee drinker who is considered representative of an ordinary Canadian.[32][33]

According to a 2018 study, 16% of liberals in the United States prefer lattes, whereas 9% of conservatives and 11% of moderates do.[34] The study states further that the overwhelming majority of people, whether they are liberal, conservative, or moderate, express a preference for regular brewed coffee.[34]

See also[edit]

  • List of coffee drinks


  1. ^ «Caffè». Dizionario d’ortografia e di pronunzia.
  2. ^ «Caffè». dipionline.it.
  3. ^ «Latte – Definition of latte by Merriam-Webster». merriam-webster.com.
  4. ^ «latte – definition of latte in English from the Oxford dictionary». oxforddictionaries.com. Archived from the original on September 21, 2020.
  5. ^ «caffellatte in Vocabolario». Treccani.
  6. ^ «Latte». Oxford English Dictionary (new online ed.). Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2011-11-22.
  7. ^ Davids, Kenneth (2001-05-04). Coffee: A Guide to Buying, Brewing, and Enjoying, Fifth Edition. St. Martin’s Press. pp. 153–. ISBN 978-0-312-24665-5. Retrieved 18 January 2014.
  8. ^ Schomer, David (1996). Espresso coffee (second ed.). p. 151. ISBN 1-59404-031-1..
  9. ^ «Coffee traditions in Italy». Ms adventures in Italy. 2007-07-11. Retrieved 2011-11-22.
  10. ^ «Steamed milk nothing new for coffee drinkers». Ocala Star-Banner. Jan 4, 1995..
  11. ^ «Americans wake up and smell the coffee». New York Times. 1992-09-02. … espresso-based drinks with names like caffe latte ….
  12. ^ Brown, Nick (2016-12-12). «Remembering Latte Birthplace and Quintessential Counterculture Destination Caffe Med». Daily Coffee News. Retrieved 2018-09-12.
  13. ^ «Caffè Latte». starbucks.com.
  14. ^ «Iced Caffè Latte». Starbucks.com. Retrieved 19 May 2014.
  15. ^ Johns, Sherri (2005). Coffee Cafe. New Holland Publishers. ISBN 978-1-84537-037-4.
  16. ^ Laskin, Avner (2009). Coffee: More Than 65 Delicious & Healthy Recipes. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-4027-4937-7.
  17. ^ Moore, Victoria (Apr 22, 2010). How to Drink. Andrews McMeel Publishing. pp. 144–145. ISBN 978-0-7407-9845-0.
  18. ^ Klein, Joanna (2017-12-12). «How Layers in a Latte Form». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  19. ^ Xue, Nan; Khodaparast, Sepideh; Zhu, Lailai; Nunes, Janine K.; Kim, Hyoungsoo; Stone, Howard A. (2017-12-12). «Laboratory layered latte». Nature Communications. 8 (1): 1960. Bibcode:2017NatCo…8.1960X. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01852-2. ISSN 2041-1723. PMC 5727143. PMID 29234036. S2CID 10345342.
  20. ^ Charles Leroux. 2006. The bootleg latte: Would you make one? October 5. Chicago Tribune.
  21. ^ Ohrt, Andreas (22 November 2006). «Send the Savings to the Poor Dehydrated Children of the World Who Don’t Live Within a Half a Block of a Coffee Shop». Boise Weekly. Archived from the original on 23 August 2018. Retrieved 26 January 2010.
  22. ^ Allison, Melissa (12 September 2006). «Baristas Having a Cow Over Dairy ‘Thefts’«. The Seattle Times. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  23. ^ Glaister, Dan (18 September 2006). «Ghetto-lattes have baristas in a froth». The Guardian. Retrieved 2009-06-29.
  24. ^ Leroux, Charles (5 October 2006). «The bootleg latte: Would you make one?». Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2008-07-18.
  25. ^ Brown, Mary Jane (13 November 2018). «5 Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea (Plus Side Effects)». healthline.com. Retrieved 22 May 2020.
  26. ^ Booth, Robert (8 August 2010). «Taiwan launches ‘gastro-diplomacy’ drive». The Guardian. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  27. ^ Ulaby, Neda. «Sea Salt Latte: Is 85C The Next Coffee Craze?». www.npr.org. NPR. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  28. ^ Nunberg, Geoffrey (2007). Talking Right: How Conservatives Turned Liberalism Into a Tax-raising, Latte-drinking, Sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New York Times-reading, Body-piercing, Hollywood-loving, Left-wing Freak Show. PublicAffairs. ISBN 978-1-58648-531-3. Retrieved 2013-05-28.
  29. ^ «The politics of me». New York Times. August 18, 1996. …self-indulgent, self-centered, latte-drinking, DKNY-wearing, BMW-driving, inner-child-searching softies..
  30. ^ «The anti-mall». New York Times. October 9, 1994. … hip-hopping community of MTV-watching, planet-saving, latte-sipping individualists…
  31. ^ «The». New York Times. January 11, 2004. …government-expanding, latte-drinking, sushi-eating, Volvo-driving, New-York-Times-reading…
  32. ^ de la Court, Susan (Apr 6, 2012). «On Twitter, or in Tim Hortons, politicians need to listen». Toronto Star..
  33. ^ «Is the U.S. Tea Party movement seeping into Tim Horton’s territory, Canada?». Toronto Star. Sep 10, 2010..
  34. ^ a b Mutz, Diana C.; Rao, Jahnavi S. (2018). «The Real Reason Liberals Drink Lattes». PS: Political Science & Politics. 51 (4): 762–767. doi:10.1017/S1049096518000574. ISSN 1049-0965. S2CID 52042477.

Как тебе такой вариант?

Тройной эспрессо-мокка-каппу-латте Мое собственное изобретение, гарантированно приводит людей в чувство


How do you like that option?

Triple espresso mocha cappu latte — my own invention, guaranteed to put the zip-a-dee back in your doo-dah.


В моём черепе трещина!

Можно мне двойной латте?

Эспрессо напополам обычный и без кофеина молоко низкой жирности, а для пены — обезжиренное.

You cracked my skull.

May I get a double latte?

One shot decaf espresso, one shot of regular espresso, streamed low-fat milk and some non-fat foam.

Ты последнее время ходишь в ужасном настроении.

Просто в моё латте налили соевое молоко.

Я не люблю соевое молоко.

You seem like you’ve been in a lousy mood lately.

It’s just that they put soymilk in my latte.

I don’t like soymilk.

Ты тоже не совсем то, на что я надеялся.

Интересно, кому тут нужно отсосать, чтобы получить тройной обезжиренный латте?

Ну, в другой раз…




Ты проспала утреннюю дойку!

Не, я хочу почитать раздел культуры в газете и выпить латте.

— Пойдем! Я покажу тебе ферму.

You missed the first milking session.

I want a newspaper and a cup of café au lait.

I want to show you the farm.


«фраппе латте«, или как там это всё называется.

Да уж, и при том, сколько я сама всего этого тут наливаю, то-то будет отдых для меня.




Ну, как знать, я слышал, что парень, который придумал «Людей-Х», сделал целое состояние.

Слушай, хочешь пойти выпить латте?

Не могу, надо вешать дальше.




Хотя бы восстановись. Получи диплом, чтобы быть уверенным в своем выборе.

Если год подавания латте и умасливания актрисок, чтобы заставить их выйти из трейлера и немного попозировать

И мне не нужно тратить $60,000 семейного бюджета, чтобы убедиться в этом.

At least go back, finish film school to make sure that you’re committed to this thing.

If a year of fetching lattes and cajoling actresses out of their trailer to act didn’t kill my desire to make movies, nothing will. I know that.

I don’t need to spend $60,000 of this family’s money to figure that out.

Она как раз была у нас в ресторане на прошлой неделе.

Вы будете свой латте?

— Нет.

You know, she was in the restaurant last week.

Do you want your latte?

— No.

А если да, то вы схватите меня за нос?

Я возьму Латте, а вы холодный Чаи Чай.

А потом обменяемся.

If I do, you gonna hold my snout?

I’ll get the latte and you get a chai iced tea.

— We’ll switch after.

Вообще-то я почти закончила подготовку к свадьбе.

Надо только с парой вишенок на торте решить, детали типа посыпки-на-латте доделать, но экзамены гораздо

Поэтому я… посыплю этот свадебный латте сама.

The wedding planning is actually almost done.

There’s just a couple of cherry-on-the-sundae, nutmeg-on-the-latte things to get done, but finals are way more important.

So… I will… nutmeg this wedding latte myself.

Надо только с парой вишенок на торте решить, детали типа посыпки-на-латте доделать, но экзамены гораздо важнее.

Поэтому я… посыплю этот свадебный латте сама.

Вот поэтому я и делаю всё сама.

There’s just a couple of cherry-on-the-sundae, nutmeg-on-the-latte things to get done, but finals are way more important.

So… I will… nutmeg this wedding latte myself.

So I’m handling it all myself.

Линда, не оглядывайся.

Мне нужен еще один двойной латте, без пенки, без сливок, без кофеина.

Эй ребята, знаете что? Я собираюсь использовать эту идею видео-свидания что вы подарили мне на прошлое Рождество.

Linda, don’t look over.

I need another double latte, no cream, skim milk, decaf.

I’m going to use that video date you got me last Christmas.

В чём дело?

Они недовольно корчат рожи, потому что я выпил несколько бесплатных латте.

Но я могу брать столько латте, сколько захочу.

What’s the matter?

They’re making faces because I’ve had some café lattes.

But I can have as many café lattes as I want.

Так, давайте проверим, всё ли правильно.

Это полу-кофеиновое, двойное, немного ореховое обезжиренное, без пенки, со шляпкой, подогретое латте,


Let me just see if I’ve got this right.

So this is a half-caf, double-tall, easy hazelnut nonfat, no foam, with whip, extra-hot latte, right?


Я так счастлива тебе видеть.

Кофе с обезжиренным молоком. …и одно Латте.

— Это с обезжиренным молоком?

So good to see you.

A Skinny Latte and one Latte.

Is that with skimmed milk?

Ты пьёшь слишком много кофе.

Это не кофе, это латте.

Тот же кофе, только стоит пять баксов.




О, Боже!

Ты пролил на них латте!

Они испорчены!

My suede shoes.

You’ve spilled latte over them!

They’re ruined!

— О, привет, Роз.

Одно латте с собой, пожалуйста.

Ну так, Фрейзер здесь?

— Oh, hi, Roz.

Decaf latte to go, please.

So is Frasier here?

Что ж, выходит я — сукин сын.

Латте, пожалуйста.

Мартин, почему бы вам не поделиться с Найлсом своей идеей?

Well, I’ll be a son of a bitch.

Latte, please.

Martin, why don’t you tell Niles your new idea?

Подожди, для этой истории мне понадобится носовой платок.

Латте, пожалуйста.

На вынос.

Wait, I can see I’m gonna need a hanky for this.

Latte, please.

To go.

Мне, конечно, нравится шоу-бизнес, но я никак не привыкну к ругательствам.

Латте, пожалуйста.

А не вашу фотографию я видела в сегодняшней газете?

I love show folk, but I’ll never get used to the cursing.

Latte, please.

Didn’t I see your picture in the paper today?

Доброе утро.

Ванильный «гранде латте«, обезжиренный.

Отличный выбор.

Good morning.

Vanilla grande no-foam latte.

That’s a wonderful choice.

— Знаю.

Пожалуйста, клюквенный кекс и ванильный латте.

Да ты заедаешь сладостями стресс.

— I know.

Cranberry muffin, please, and, uh, a vanilla latte.

Oh, dear, comfort food.

— Что-нибудь ещё?

— Сэм, сделай большой соевый «латте«. — Только не клади сверху крем.

— Я стараюсь всё делать быстро.

Maybe you want something else.

Sam, I need a grande soy latte… but don’t put any whipped cream or foam on it.

I’m just trying to go really fast.


Лана, латте не интересует?

Я пас – плохие официантские воспоминания.


Lana, can I interest you in a latte?

I’ll pass. Bad waitressing flashbacks.

— Ах да, Тед.

От его взгляда идёт такой пар, что вспушивается пенка на моём латте.

— Почему бы тебе не подойти и не поговорить с ним?

Oh, yes, Ted.

Well, his gaze is so steamy, it’s re-foaming my latte. (both laugh)

Why don’t you go over there and talk with him?

Не кори себя, я тоже всё забываю.

Я, пожалуй пойду спрошу, где там мой латте.

Роз, покараулишь столик?

Don’t feel bad. I’m forgetful, too.

You know, I think I’ll just go… see what’s keeping my latte.

Would you watch my table, please, Roz?

— Что тебе принести?

— Обезжиренный латте.

Сейчас будет.

— What can I get you?

— Oh, a non-fat latte for me.

Coming right up.

Такое случается в начале отношений.

— Можно мне бескофеиновый латте?

— А мне как обычно.

Uh… Well, that’s what happens at the beginning of relationships.

Can I have a decaf latte, please?

Yes, and I’ll have my usual.

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