Мегамозг на английском как пишется

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «мегамозг» на английский

Мегамозг бы тебя не похищал постоянно.

Megamind wouldn’t be kidnapping you all the time.

Мегамозг создал нового супер-героя, и я знаю, зачем.

Megamind’s created a new hero, and I know why.

Тот Мегамозг которого я знала не бегал от драк.

The Megamind I knew would never have run from a fight.

Мегамозг, которого я знала, никогда бы не убежал от боя, даже если б знал, что у него нет ни малейшего шанса на победу.

The Megamind I knew would never have run from a fight, even when he knew he had absolutely no chance of winning.

А это, Мегамозг, за космическую мачеху!

And, Megamind, this one’s for Space Stepmom!

«Мегамозг» писал, что в октябре эксперты оценивали Square в $6 миллиардов.

Megamind wrote that in October, experts estimated Square at $ 6 billion.

«Мегамозг» писал, что во втором квартале 2015 года выручка компании выросла на 47% по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года и достигла 1,57 миллиарда рублей.

Megamind wrote that in the second quarter of 2015, the company’s revenue grew by 47% compared to the same period last year and reached 1.57 billion rubles.

Беги, Мегамозг! Убежать не сможешь!

You can run, Megamind, but you can’t hide!

«Мегамозг» — добрый и красивый мультик, который режиссер МакГрат создал для всех детей, от пяти до девяноста девяти лет и более.

«Megamind» — is a beautiful and kind cartoon which was directed by McGrath- he dedicated the cartoon to all children from five to ninety five years old.

Мегамозг, я не знаю, слышишь ли ты меня или нет, но если слышишь, ты не можешь сдаться.

Megamind, I don’t even know if you’re listening, but if you are, you can’t give up.

Помимо других проектов они вместе сыграли в фильме «Ночь в музее: Секрет гробницы» и озвучили роли в мультике «Мегамозг».

Aside from some other projects, they played together in the film Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb and voiced a character in Megamind.

В первый день работы в качестве защитников Метросити, Мегамозг и Миньоны продают гаджеты от своих злых дел.

For their first day on the job as the new protectors of Metro City, Megamind and Minion are selling off the gadgets from their evil lair.

Вот если бы я был АЛачоменом Мегамозг бы тебя все время не похищал

Well, if I were Metro Man Megamind wouldn’t be kidnapping you all the time.

Уилл Феррелл — Мегамозг (Megamind)

Will Ferrell as Megamind (Megamind)

Брэд Питт (Brad Pitt) и Анджелина Джоли (Angelina Jolie) на парижской премьере мультфильма «Мегамозг»

Brad Pitt (Brad Pitt) and Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) at the Paris premiere of the animated film «Megamind«

Мегамозг, защитник Метро-Сити!

Megamind, defender of Metro City!

Мегамозг: Вдохновленный Эдисоном и Теслой, Наука и DIY

Megamind: Inspired by Edison and Tesla, Science and DIY

Может, Мегамозг не такой уж и плохой.

Мегамозг, почему — то, вызвал у меня добрые чувства.

DAISUKE: Why does that make me feel good.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 65. Точных совпадений: 40. Затраченное время: 67 мс


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Мегамозг перевод на английский

25 параллельный перевод

Я решил выбрать себе имя поскромнее : Мегамозг…

I decided to pick something a little more humble :

Мегамозг бы тебя не поxищал постоянно.

Megamind wouldn’t be kidnapping you all the time.

Перестань, Мегамозг.

Give it up, Megamind.

К нам приехал злобный гений Мегамозг

There he is, Mr. Evil Overlord

Может, Мегамозг не такой уж и плоxой.

Maybe Megamind isn’t so bad after all.

Мегамозг создал нового супер-героя, и я знаю, зачем.

Megamind’s created a new hero, and I know why.

Эй, Мегамозг!

Hey, Megamind!

А это, Мегамозг, за космическую мачеху!

And, Megamind, this one’s for Space Stepmom!

Беги, Мегамозг! Убежать не сможешь!

You can run, Megamind, but you can’t hide!

Мегамозг, я не знаю, слышишь ли ты меня или нет, но если слышишь, ты не можешь сдаться.

Megamind, I don’t even know if you’re listening, but if you are, you can’t give up.

Мегамозг, которого я знала, никогда бы не убежал от боя, даже если б знал, что у него нет ни малейшего шанса на победу.

The Megamind I knew would never have run from a fight, even when he knew he had absolutely no chance of winning.

Извини, Мегамозг.

Sorry, Megamind.

Мегамозг, прошу…

Megamind, if you plea…

Мегамозг, защитник Метро-Сити!

Megamind, defender of Metro City!

Стив «Красавец» Смит. И его менеджер, мистер Мегамозг.

Steve «The Total Package» Smith and his manager, Mr. Mastermind.

Мистер Мегамозг присоединился к Лиге Смотрящих!

Mr. Mastermind has defected to the League of Enforcers!

  • перевод на «мегамозг» турецкий

Megamind: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция


Предложения со словом «megamind»

Megamind’s head is not that grossly exaggerated.

Голова у Мегамозга не так отвратительно огромна.

Then in 2010 the cookies collaborated with Dreamworks to add series like Megamind and Shark Tale.

Затем в 2010 году печенье сотрудничало с Dreamworks, чтобы добавить такие серии, Как Megamind и Shark Tale.

He had planned to voice the main character in Megamind , but later dropped out while still remaining a producer and voicing a minor character in the film.

Он планировал озвучить главного героя в фильме Мегамозг , но позже бросил его, все еще оставаясь продюсером и озвучивая второстепенного персонажа в фильме.

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  • «megamind» Перевод на индонезийский
  • «megamind» Перевод на французский
  • «megamind» Перевод на немецкий
  • «megamind» Перевод на корейский
  • «megamind» Перевод на панджаби
  • «megamind» Перевод на маратхи
  • «megamind» Перевод на узбекский
  • «megamind» Перевод на малайский
  • «megamind» Перевод на голландский
  • «megamind» Перевод на польский
  • «megamind» Перевод на чешский


Ничего не найдено.

См. также в других словарях:

  • Мегамозг — англ. Megamind Жанр фантастика боевик комедия семейный …   Википедия

  • мегамозг — сущ., кол во синонимов: 5 • ботан (11) • гений (24) • мозгляк (25) • …   Словарь синонимов

  • Мегамозг: Кнопка смерти — англ. Megamind: The Button of Doom Тип мультфильма Компьютерная анимация Приквелы Мегамозг (2010) …   Википедия

  • DreamWorks Animation SKG — DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc …   Википедия

  • DreamWorks — Pictures Тип …   Википедия

  • Как приручить дракона — How to Train Your Dragon …   Википедия

  • Побег из курятника — Chicken Run Тип мультфильма Пластилиновая анимация Жанр семейная …   Википедия

  • Шрек 2 — англ. Shrek 2 …   Википедия

  • Стиллер, Бен — Бен Стиллер Ben Stiller Бен Стиллер в ноябре 2010 года …   Википедия

  • Шрек Третий — англ. Shrek the Third …   Википедия

  • Подводная братва — англ. Shark Tale Жанр Мультфильм, комедия Режиссёр …   Википедия

Poster showing primary characters; from left to right: Metro Man, Minion, Megamind, Roxanne and Tighten

Theatrical release poster

Directed by Tom McGrath
Written by
  • Alan Schoolcraft
  • Brent Simons
Produced by
  • Lara Breay
  • Denise Nolan Cascino
  • Will Ferrell
  • Tina Fey
  • Jonah Hill
  • David Cross
  • Brad Pitt
Edited by Michael Andrews
Music by
  • Hans Zimmer
  • Lorne Balfe


  • DreamWorks Animation[1]
  • Pacific Data Images[2]
Distributed by
  • Paramount Pictures[1]
  • DreamWorks Animation[1]

Release dates

  • October 28, 2010 (Russia)
  • November 5, 2010 (United States)

Running time

96 minutes[3]
Country United States
Language English
Budget $130 million[4]
Box office $321.9 million[4]

Megamind is a 2010 American computer-animated superhero comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and Pacific Data Images and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Directed by Tom McGrath from a screenplay by Alan Schoolcraft and Brent Simons, the film stars the voices of Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, David Cross, and Brad Pitt.[5] It tells the story of Megamind, a highly intelligent alien supervillain; after defeating his long-time nemesis Metro Man, Megamind creates a new hero to fight, but must act to save the city when his «creation» becomes an even worse villain than he was.

Megamind premiered in Russia on October 28, 2010, and was released in the United States in Digital 3D, IMAX 3D and 2D on November 5, 2010, and was met with generally positive reviews from critics.[6] With a budget of $130 million, the film grossed over $321 million worldwide, becoming one of DreamWorks Animation’s lowest-grossing CG animated films of the 2010s.[4][7]

It later spawned a franchise including three games, and a short film, titled Megamind: The Button of Doom, which released on February 25, 2011, with the film’s DVD and Blu-ray. A follow-up series, Megaminds Guide to Defending Your City, was announced in 2022 for Peacock.


Supervillain Megamind and his arch-nemesis, the superhero Metro Man, are both aliens who were sent to Earth as infants before their planets were sucked into a black hole. Though both land in Metro City at the same time, Metro Man is raised in a mansion, while Megamind is raised in a prison. He goes to the same school as Metro Man, who is well-liked by his classmates. Megamind is bullied by everyone until he concludes his purpose is to be a supervillain, setting off a rivalry between him and Metro Man. As an adult, Megamind, aided by his fish-like companion Minion, frequently and unsuccessfully battles Metro Man for control of the city.

At the grand opening of the new Metro Man Museum, Megamind escapes prison, kidnaps reporter Roxanne Ritchi, and lures Metro Man to an abandoned observatory to rescue her. Once there, Metro Man collapses, claiming the copper-lined observatory roof weakens his powers; Megamind then blasts Metro Man with a sun-powered death ray, apparently killing him. Overjoyed that he has finally won, Megamind takes over the city and goes on a crime spree. However, he eventually becomes depressed and purposeless with no hero to fight.

Megamind decides to blow up the Metro Man museum to forget the hero, but sees Roxanne there and dehydrates the museum’s curator, Bernard, into a small cube. Disguised as Bernard using hologram technology, Megamind talks to Roxanne, whose remarks inspire him to use Metro Man’s DNA to create a new superhero to fight. Megamind perfects the formula, but accidentally injects it into Hal Stewart, Roxanne’s dimwitted cameraman who is infatuated with her.

Disguising himself via hologram as Hal’s «Space Dad», Megamind offers to train Hal to become a superhero. Hal, seeing this as a chance to get with Roxanne, accepts and takes on the name «Titan», though he misspells it as «Tighten». Megamind begins to date Roxanne in the guise of Bernard, and he and Minion have a falling out over Megamind’s apparent lack of interest in committing further crimes. Roxanne rejects Tighten when he comes to court her, and Tighten later witnesses her on a date with «Bernard». After a heartbroken Tighten leaves, Megamind’s «Bernard» disguise fails, and Roxanne rejects him as well.

Megamind arranges to fight Tighten the next day, but Tighten does not show up. Megamind learns that Tighten is now using his powers on a crime spree. Tighten offers to ally with Megamind, but the latter deliberately reveals his disguises and deceptions, hoping to goad Tighten into fighting. Angered, Tighten savagely beats Megamind in the fight. Realizing that Tighten has no interest in justice and means to kill him, Megamind traps Tighten in a ball of copper. However, Tighten easily breaks out. Megamind and Roxanne escape to Metro Man’s old hideout, and discover that Metro Man is still alive, having faked his weakness and death to pursue his dream as a musician. Megamind and Roxanne attempt to enlist his help against Tighten, but he refuses to help. Metro Man tries to encourage Megamind to become the new hero by telling him that a hero will always rise to defeat evil.

Dejected, Megamind willingly returns to prison. Tighten goes on a rampage, and kidnaps Roxanne when she tries to reason with him. On a televised message, Tighten holds Roxanne hostage and demands that Megamind fight him. With Minion’s help, Megamind escapes prison, where he goes to confront Tighten, using holographic disguises to make himself appear as Metro Man, and Minion as Megamind, to frighten Tighten away and rescue Roxanne. However, Megamind’s speech patterns give him away, and Tighten attacks Megamind, throwing him into the stratosphere. Dehydrating himself into a cube and landing safely in a fountain, Megamind rehydrates next to Tighten and extracts the DNA from him, removing his powers. After Hal is arrested, Megamind and Roxanne rekindle their relationship, while the city celebrates Megamind as their new hero. The museum is rebuilt in Megamind’s honor, and a disguised Metro Man cheers for him at the grand opening ceremony.

In a mid-credits scene, Minion discovers the real Bernard has been rehydrated in the washing machine. Bernard complains it has been the worst day of his life, before Minion knocks him out with his forget-me stick.


Left to right: Will Ferrell (in costume), Tina Fey, and Jonah Hill at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con

  • Will Ferrell as Megamind, a blue-skinned, humanoid alien supervillain with a large cranium. He is a spoof of Lex Luthor and Brainiac[8] while his «Space Dad» persona is a parody of both the physical resemblance of Jor-El as played by Marlon Brando in the 1978 film Superman and Brando’s voice as Vito Corleone in The Godfather.[9] The home release commentary notes that his costume and showmanship are purposely evocative of Alice Cooper.
  • Brad Pitt as Metro Man, Megamind’s former nemesis who would rather pursue a career in music. He is a spoof of Superman.[10] The home release commentary notes that his costume and showmanship are purposely evocative of Elvis Presley.
  • Tina Fey as Roxanne Ritchi, a TV news reporter who becomes Megamind’s love interest. She is a spoof of Lois Lane.[10]
  • Jonah Hill as Hal Stewart / Tighten,[11] Roxanne’s hapless, dimwitted but nerdy cameraman who has unrequited feelings for her. Given powers by Megamind to become a superhero named Titan (mistaken as «Tighten» by Hal), he instead becomes a supervillain. His name is in reference to Hal Jordan and John Stewart of the Green Lantern Corps.[12]
  • David Cross as Minion, a talking fish who has been Megamind’s sidekick and best friend since childhood. His costume is evocative of Ro-Man from Robot Monster.
  • J. K. Simmons as The Warden, the head of Metro City Prison.
  • Ben Stiller as Bernard, a museum curator whom Megamind impersonates to win Roxanne’s affections.
  • Christopher Knights as Prison Guard
  • Tom McGrath as Lord Scott / Prison Guard
  • Jack Blessing as Newscaster
  • Justin Theroux and Jessica Schulte as Megamind’s parents
  • Rob Corddry as Random Citizen


Director Tom McGrath promoting the film at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International

The film was written by Alan J. Schoolcraft and Brent Simons.[13] It was first titled Master Mind, and then Oobermind.[14] It was originally suggested that Ben Stiller would be cast as Megamind,[15] and later Robert Downey Jr.[16] but Will Ferrell was ultimately given the role, due to «scheduling conflicts» for Downey. Although Stiller was instead cast in a minor role as the curator named Bernard.[5][17] Lara Breay and Denise Nolan Cascino were the film’s producers, and Stiller and Stuart Cornfeld were the executive producers.[14] Justin Theroux and Guillermo del Toro worked as creative consultants on the film. Del Toro only came on board three weeks before the end of production,[18] but went on to have a more substantial role in subsequent DreamWorks Animation films. The opening of the film, where Megamind is falling to his apparent death, was del Toro’s idea.[19]


Megamind: Music from the Motion Picture is a soundtrack to the film of the same name, composed by Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe, and released on November 2, 2010, by Lakeshore Records.
Guns N’ Roses’ Welcome to the Jungle was also used in the scene where Megamind and Tighten have their last battle.[20][21]



Megamind premiered on October 28, 2010, in Russia, and was theatrically released in the United States on November 5, 2010.[22] It was supposed to be released in Japan on March 12, 2011, but because of the earthquake and tsunami a day before, the Japanese release was cancelled.[23][24]


Megamind was promoted at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International, with Tom McGrath, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, and Will Ferrell, who was dressed as Megamind.[25]

Home media[edit]

It was released on both Blu-ray Disc and DVD on February 25, 2011, accompanied with an all-new short titled Megamind: The Button of Doom.[26] The Button of Doom also had its television premiere on Nickelodeon, which was aired on February 26, 2011. It was the seventh-best-selling DVD of 2011 with over 3 million units sold.[27] The film made a total of $70.4 million in DVD and Blu-ray sales.[28] As of November 2012, 5.6 million home entertainment units were sold worldwide.[29]

The film was released on Blu-ray 3D in March 2011 exclusively as a part of Samsung 3D Starter Kits,[30] and on September 11, 2011, exclusively at Best Buy stores.[31] In 2014, the film’s distribution rights were purchased by DreamWorks Animation from Paramount Pictures and transferred to 20th Century Fox;[32] the rights are now owned by Universal Pictures.


Box office[edit]

Megamind opened to $12.5 million on opening day, and earned $46 million over the three-day weekend, taking the No. 1 spot, averaging $11,668 from around 7,300 screens at 3,944 theaters.[33] The opening was a bit higher than fellow DreamWorks Animation film How to Train Your Dragon, which earned $43.7 million back in March 2010.[34] It was the fifth-highest opening for an animated feature in 2010. In its second weekend, it repeated at No. 1 and dropped 37% to $29.1 million for a $7,374 average from 3,949 theaters, and bringing its 10-day cumulative total to $88.8 million.[35] On its third weekend, it fell 45% to $16 million and finished second to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, averaging $4,237 from 3,779 theaters.[36] Over Thanksgiving weekend, it held well with just a 22% drop to $12.6 million and slid to third place behind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Tangled (it earned $17.3 million over the five-day Thanksgiving period).[37] Following Thanksgiving, the film fell a sharp 61% in its fifth weekend to $4.9 million and finished in sixth place.[38]

The film closed in theaters on February 24, 2011 (a day before it was released on DVD and Blu-ray), earning $148.4 million in North America, and $173.5 million in other countries, for a worldwide total of $321.9 million.[4] It is the sixth-highest-grossing animated film from 2010 worldwide, behind Toy Story 3 ($1.063 billion), Shrek Forever After ($753 million), Tangled ($591 million), Despicable Me ($543 million), and How to Train Your Dragon ($494 million), the highest-grossing film worldwide in both Ferrell’s (until 2014’s The Lego Movie) and Fey’s careers,[39][40] as well as the fifth-highest-grossing computer-animated superhero film, behind Incredibles 2, The Incredibles, Big Hero 6 and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Critical response[edit]

On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 72% based on 183 reviews and an average rating of 6.7/10. The site’s consensus states, «It regurgitates plot points from earlier animated efforts, and isn’t quite as funny as it should be, but a top-shelf voice cast and strong visuals help make Megamind a pleasant, if unspectacular, diversion.»[6] On Metacritic the film has a weighted average score of 63 out of 100 based on reviews from 33 critics, indicating «generally favorable reviews».[41] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of «A−» on an A+ to F scale.[42]

Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film three stars out of four, stating, «This set-up is bright and amusing, even if it does feel recycled from bits and pieces of such recent animated landmarks as The Incredibles with its superpowers and Despicable Me with its villain.»[43] Stephen Holden, of The New York Times, positively wrote in his review, «Visually Megamind is immaculately sleek and gracefully enhanced by 3-D.»[44] Entertainment Weekly reviewer Owen Gleiberman graded the film a B+ and wrote, «…too goofy-surreal to pack a lot of emotional punch, but it’s antically light on its feet, with 3-D images that have a lustrous, gizmo-mad sci-fi clarity.»[45] Peter Travers of Rolling Stone commented, «What this raucous 3D animated fun house lacks in originality (think bastard child of The Incredibles and Despicable Me) it makes up for in visual and vocal wit.»[46] Betsy Sharkey of the Los Angeles Times wrote, «Just as Megamind struggles to find his center, at times, so does the film.»[47]

The main point of criticism was the film’s perceived lack of originality. Michael Phillips of the Chicago Tribune wrote: «You have seen all this before».[48] Justin Chang of Variety said: «Though enlivened by some moderately clever twists on the superhero-movie template, Megamind never shakes off a feeling of been-there-spoofed-that.»[49] Claudia Puig of USA Today even asked: «Do we really need Megamind when Despicable Me is around?».[50]


Video games[edit]

Several video game tie-ins published by THQ were released on November 2, 2010, to coincide with the film’s release. An Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 version is titled Megamind: Ultimate Showdown, while the Wii version is titled Megamind: Mega Team Unite and the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS versions are both titled Megamind: The Blue Defender.

Megamind: The Button of Doom[edit]

Megamind: The Button of Doom is a 2011 computer animated short film released on DVD/Blu-ray with Megamind on February 25, 2011, directed by Simon J. Smith and stars Will Ferrell and David Cross with a story by the original writers of the film. Produced by DreamWorks Animation, the short sets after the events of the film to show off Megamind’s first day as Defender of Metro City.[56]


Following the events of the feature film, Megamind and Minion have assumed the challenging role of Protectors of Metro City. They begin by selling off their old gadgets from their former evil lair, as Megamind does not think heroes should use devices associated with evil. All of the items are sold, except for the Death Ray, which Megamind reluctantly keeps. As for the De-Gun, Megamind’s former favorite weapon, it gets sold to a boy named Damien, who accidentally uses it to dehydrate his mother into a cube. After the auction is over, Megamind reveals a supersuit he created, which copies all of Metro Man’s powers and which he intends to wear and defend the city.

Minion finds a stray box with a button on it that he was also unable to sell during the auction. Not remembering what the button does, Megamind pushes it, activating an AI program based on his former evil personality that transfers itself into a giant robot called the Mega-Megamind. After scanning the supersuit, the robot thinks that Megamind is Metro Man and starts attacking him. Megamind fights the Mega-Megamind with his new powers, but is unfamiliar with their use. The Mega-Megamind causes Megamind to crash-land in his own lair. Megamind and Minion hide in the Invisible Car, and Megamind fears they will have to stay there forever, as he programmed the AI to not stop until the hero is dead. Minion suggests that Megamind should stop trying to be Metro Man, and fight the robot in his own way. He also reveals he secretly kept their giant Spider-Bot, having grown fond of it as a pet.

Megamind thanks Minion, and plans to lure the Mega-Megamind to the abandoned observatory in which the real Metro Man faked his death. Megamind, riding the Spider-Bot, succeeds in luring the Mega-Megamind to the spot, but Minion cannot activate the Death Ray because its main controls were smashed by Megamind’s suit when he crash-landed. Megamind has Minion test the contents of a box of old secondary remotes to find the one for the Death Ray. Minion does so, and activates several features in the lair and on the Spider-Bot in the process, allowing the Mega-Megamind to capture the Spider-Bot. Finally finding the correct remote, Minion blasts the giant robot with the ray just as Megamind uses the robot’s own arm-mounted crossbow to launch himself and the Spider-Bot to safety.

Megamind and Minion subsequently recover their old gadgets and re-purpose them for good. Upon finding Damien and the De-Gun, they discover he has dehydrated the parents of several other children as well as his own, and he and the children are throwing a party to celebrate their new freedom. Megamind reclaims the De-Gun, and re-hydrates the parents with a glass of water, much to the children’s dismay. Later, Megamind and Minion see a signal in the sky (a spoof of the Bat-Signal) and ride off in the Invisible Car as they are called to action.


  • Will Ferrell as Megamind and Mega-Megamind
  • David Cross as Minion, Megamind’s assistant
  • Michelle Belforte Hauser as Concerned Mother
  • Jordan Alexander Hauser as Damien
  • Kevin N. Bailey as Kevin
  • Dante James Hauser as Nigel
  • Declan James Swift as Peter
  • Fintan Thomas Swift as Barney


The short film was released on DVD/Blu-ray with Megamind on February 25, 2011.[26] The Button of Doom also had its television premiere on Nickelodeon, which was aired on February 26, 2011, and on Cartoon Network, which was aired on September 5, 2022.

Television series[edit]

On February 11, 2022, it was announced that Peacock had ordered a CG animated series from DreamWorks Animation Television serving as a follow up to the film, originally titled Megamind’s Guide To Defending Your City. As of May 6, 2022, the cast and format have not been revealed. The series will chronicle the new hero’s quest to become a social media influencer and a true superhero. The original writers of the film, Alan Schoolcraft and Brent Simons, are signed on as executive producers with Celebrity Deathmatch creator Eric Fogel. JD Ryznar will be co-executive producer and story editor.[57]

On August 5, 2022, Simons confirmed that the show’s writing was completed and production was moving forward.[58] The series will be released in 2024.[59]


  1. ^ a b c «Megamind». American Film Institute. Retrieved October 26, 2016.
  2. ^ «Megamind (2010)«. The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Retrieved July 14, 2019.
  3. ^ «Megamind (2D)». British Board of Film Classification. Retrieved December 11, 2013.
  4. ^ a b c d «Megamind«. Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved April 18, 2022.Edit this at Wikidata
  5. ^ a b SuperHeroHype (August 16, 2009). «Ferrell, Pitt and Hill to voice Oobermind». Superhero Hype!. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  6. ^ a b «Megamind«. Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango Media. Retrieved September 10, 2021. Edit this at Wikidata
  7. ^ Fritz, Ben (January 3, 2011). «‘Megamind’ less than a mega-success overseas». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  8. ^ Greydanus, Steven D. (November 11, 2010). «‘Megamind’ a Clever Spoof». National Catholic Register. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  9. ^ Boucher, Geoff (November 7, 2010). «Will Ferrell channels Brando in ‘Megamind’? ‘Yes, I do, isn’t that weird?’«. Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on October 5, 2018. Retrieved April 23, 2017.
  10. ^ a b Wilkins, Alasdair (July 22, 2010). «Megamind asks the great superhero question: what if Lex Luthor killed Superman?». Gizmodo. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  11. ^ ««Megamind» screenplay». Screenplay Explorer. December 3, 2010. Retrieved December 29, 2011.
  12. ^ Knolle, Sharon (June 17, 2011). «A Moviefone Salute to Guys Named Hal». Moviefone. Archived from the original on January 23, 2013. Retrieved August 29, 2011.
  13. ^ Alex Amelines (August 17, 2009). «DreamWorks reveals voice-cast for Oobermind». One Huge Eye. Retrieved August 18, 2009.
  14. ^ a b Skott Stotland (May 28, 2009). «Master Mind» becomes «Oobermind». Bam! Kapow!. Archived from the original on July 7, 2011. Retrieved August 18, 2009.
  15. ^ Christopher Campbell (April 3, 2007). «Ben Stiller is a Master Mind». MovieFone. Archived from the original on March 10, 2011. Retrieved May 3, 2013.
  16. ^ Debruge, Peter (May 27, 2009). «DreamWorks animates its output». Variety. Retrieved May 21, 2014.
  17. ^ Will Ferrell Replaces Robert Downey Jr. in DreamWorks Animation’s OOBERMIND Retrieved May 3, 2013
  18. ^ Carnevale, Rob. «IndieLondon: Megamind — Tom McGrath interview». Your London Reviews. Retrieved March 23, 2012.
  19. ^ Eisenberg, Eric (November 3, 2010). «Exclusive Interview: Megamind Director Tom McGrath». CinemaBlend.com. Retrieved March 23, 2012.
  20. ^ Jagernauth, Kevin (October 22, 2010). «‘Megamind’ Soundtrack Features Elvis Presley, George Thorogood & Lots Of Hans Zimmer». The Playlist. Archived from the original on March 9, 2013. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  21. ^ «Megamind». Lakeshore Records. Retrieved April 20, 2012.
  22. ^ DreamWorks Animation (September 7, 2010). «Shrek Forever After Becomes DreamWorks Animation’s Biggest International Release Ever». DreamWorks Animation. Archived from the original on December 10, 2013. Retrieved December 10, 2013.
  23. ^ Segers, Segers (November 3, 2011). «Tangled, Megamind Releases in Limbo in Japan». The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on March 13, 2011. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  24. ^ Segers, Frank (March 13, 2011). «Japan’s Earthquake Pushes Down International Box Office 60% From Last Year». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved February 11, 2022. Although DreamWorks Animation’s Megamind had been listed on some overseas schedules as a March 12 opener in Japan, distributor Paramount said the film did not premier in the market on the weekend. Furthermore, said Andrew Cripps, president of Paramount Pictures Int’l., the 3D animation title —winding an overseas campaign begun in October of 2010 — «will not release there.»
  25. ^ Y Thompson, Luke (July 22, 2010). «Comic-Con #3: The ‘Megamind’ Panel». Deadline. Retrieved April 21, 2012.
  26. ^ a b Calonge, Juan (January 4, 2011). «Megamind Blu-ray Announced». Blu-ray.com. Retrieved January 4, 2011.
  27. ^ Top-Selling DVDs of 2011 Retrieved May 3, 2013
  28. ^ Megamind (2010) Retrieved March 15, 2021
  29. ^ «DreamWorks Animation Reports Third Quarter 2012 Financial Results».
  30. ^ Calonge, Juan (March 24, 2011). «Samsung 3D Starter Kit Now with Megamind 3D Blu-ray (Update)». Blu-ray.com. Retrieved October 5, 2011.
  31. ^ Peck, Aaron (September 20, 2011). «Megamind – 3D (Blu-ray)». High-Def Digest. Retrieved October 5, 2011.
  32. ^ Chney, Alexandra (July 29, 2014). «DreamWorks Animation Q2 Earnings Fall Short of Estimates, SEC Investigation Revealed». Variety. Retrieved July 30, 2014.
  33. ^ «Domestic 2010 Weekend 45». Box Office Mojo.
  34. ^ «Domestic 2010 Weekend 13». Box Office Mojo.
  35. ^ «Domestic 2010 Weekend 46». Box Office Mojo.
  36. ^ «Domestic 2010 Weekend 47». Box Office Mojo.
  37. ^ «Domestic 2010 Weekend 48 (Thanksgiving 3-Day weekend)». Box Office Mojo.
  38. ^ «Domestic 2010 Weekend 49 (Post-Thanksgiving)». Box Office Mojo.
  39. ^ «Will Ferrell». The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Retrieved April 18, 2022.
  40. ^ «Tina Fey». The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Retrieved April 18, 2022.
  41. ^ «Megamind«. Metacritic. Fandom, Inc. Retrieved June 8, 2021.
  42. ^ Steven Zeitchik (November 8, 2010). «Company Town: ‘Megamind’ orchestrates a box-office win». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  43. ^ Ebert, Roger (November 3, 2010). «Superman with a great big blue head». RogerEbert.com.
  44. ^ Holden, Stephen (November 4, 2010). «Animated Ambiguity, Featuring a Big Head». The New York Times Company. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  45. ^ Gleiberman, Owen (November 3, 2010). «Megamind». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  46. ^ Travers, Peter. «Megamind». Rolling Stone. Archived from the original on November 6, 2010. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  47. ^ Sharkey, Betsy (November 5, 2010). «Movie review: ‘Megamind’«. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  48. ^ Phillips, Michael (November 4, 2010). «Heroes and villains: A wash of color can’t perk up tired plot lines». Chicago Tribune. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  49. ^ Chang, Justin (November 1, 2010). «Megamind». Variety. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  50. ^ Puig, Claudia (November 6, 2010). «Villainous hero Megamind: Been there, animated that». USA Today. Retrieved August 29, 2012.
  51. ^ «38th Annual Annie Nominations». The Annie Awards. Archived from the original on December 17, 2011. Retrieved September 23, 2012.
  52. ^ «The 2010 WAFCA Award Winners». The Washington DC Area Film Critics Association. December 6, 2010. Retrieved September 23, 2012.
  53. ^ Nickelodeon (February 10, 2011). «Expect the Unexpected as Jack Black Hosts Nickelodeon’s 2011 Kids’ Choice Awards Airing Live From Los Angeles on Saturday, April 2, at 8pm ET». PR Newswire. Retrieved September 23, 2012.
  54. ^ «The King’s Speech wins three National Movie Awards». BBC. May 11, 2011. Retrieved September 23, 2012.
  55. ^ «Nominees». The Comedy Awards. Retrieved September 23, 2012.
  56. ^ «Megamind Blu-ray and DVD Coming February 25th». January 3, 2011.
  57. ^ Del Rosario, Alexandra (February 11, 2022). «Peacock Bolsters Animated Kids Programming Slate With ‘Megamind,’ ‘Abomianble’ Series & More». Deadline. Retrieved February 11, 2022.
  58. ^ Simons, Brent (August 5, 2022). «MEGAMIND’S writer room is wrapping up today as production moves forward. If you’re looking for some wonderfully talented and amazing people to join writing your staff, @alanfofalan and I got some dynamite recommendations. Hit us up!». Twitter. Retrieved August 5, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  59. ^ «Megamind television series print ad (page 57)». Kidscreen (February/March 2023).

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to Megamind.

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Megamind.

  • Official website
  • Megamind interactive trailer
  • Megamind at IMDb
  • Megamind at IMDb
  • Megamind at The Big Cartoon DataBase
  • Megamind at The Big Cartoon DataBase
  • Megamind at AllMovie
  • Megamind at Box Office Mojo

Описание игры Мегамозг: игра в пинбол онлайн.


Game Description Megamind: pinball game online.


But how, why? Maybe Megamind isn’t so bad after all?

Тот Мегамозг которого я знала не бегал от драк.

The Megamind I knew would never have run from a fight.

Then why don’t you rest your talents, Megamind.

Мегамозг должен пролететь мимо различных камней,

осколков и других препятствий, особенно тех, что уготовил ему Мачомен.


Megamind should fly past the various stones,

debris and other obstacles, especially those that have prepared him Machomen.


Роксана обнаруживает, что ранен не Мегамозг, а Прислужник, и понимает, что Метромэн- это замаскированный Мегамозг.

Roxanne discovers that»Megamind»


really an injured Minion in disguise,

Ты дашь бои Мегамозгу и город узнает твое имя.

You will fight Megamind. And the city will know your name.

Мачомена нет и теперь некому бросить вызов Мегамозгу.

Metro Man is gone.

And now there’s no one left to challenge Megamind.

That park, however, had not been envisioned in Olmsted’s plan.

Мультфильм был представлен на San Diego Comic- Con International в 2010 году, где присутствовали Том МакГрат, Тина Фей,

Джона Хилл и Уилл Феррел в образе Мегамозга.

Megamind was promoted at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International, with Tom McGrath, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, and Will Ferrell, who was dressed as Megamind.

Ты станешь на сторону Мегамозга и поможешь ему устоять в войне с Мачоменом, который уже считает себя супергероем.


You will be on the side of Megamind and help him resist the war on Machomenom who considers himself a superhero.


Результатов: 15,
Время: 0.015

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