Мем или мэм как правильно пишется


Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]

падеж ед. ч. мн. ч.
Им. мем ме́мы
Р. ме́ма ме́мов
Д. ме́му ме́мам
В. мем ме́мы
Тв. ме́мом ме́мами
Пр. ме́ме ме́мах


Существительное, неодушевлённое, мужской род, 2-е склонение (тип склонения 1a по классификации А. А. Зализняка).

Корень: -мем-.


  • МФА: ед. ч. [mʲem], мн. ч. [ˈmʲemɨ]

Семантические свойства[править]


  1. единица культурной информации, любая идея, символ, манера или образ действия, осознанно или неосознанно передаваемые от человека к человеку посредством речи, письма, видео, ритуалов, жестов и т. д. ◆ Примеры мемов: музыкальные мелодии, лозунги — заклинания, мода, способы приготовления пищи, архитектура. Ричард Докинз, «Эгоистичный ген», 1993 г.
  2. интернет. то же, что интернет-мем ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).


  1. интернет-мем; жарг.: мемас, мемес



  1. информация
  2. мем I


  1. интернет-мем, микромем
  2. ?

Родственные слова[править]

Ближайшее родство
  • уменьш.-ласк. формы: мемчик, мемас, мемис
  • пр. существительные: меметика, мембот


От англ. meme, далее от ??

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]


  • Английскийen: meme


  • мим, мед, мел, мех, меч


  • Шагалова Е. Н. Словарь новейших иностранных слов. — М. : АСТ-Пресс Книга, 2017. — ISBN 978-5-462-01845-9.

Что такое «мем»? Значение слова в словарях и простыми словами, примеры употребления в тексте

Cлово МЕМ означает:

Мем — единица значимой для культуры информации.

Мемом является любая идея, символ, манера или образ действия, осознанно или неосознанно передаваемые от человека к человеку посредством речи, письма, видео, ритуалов, жестов и т.

Источник: Википедия

Значение термина «мем» в других словарях

единица культурной информации, любая идея, символ, манера или образ действия, осознанно или неосознанно передаваемые от человека к человеку посредством речи, письма, видео, ритуалов, жестов

Источник: Викисловарь

Ассоциации к слову «мем» (слова на тему)

С чем ассоциируется слово мем? В русском языке со словом мем чаще всего ассоциируются следующие слова:

  • Мадам
  • Мемуар
  • Няшный
  • Изображение
  • Смех
  • Картинка

Все ассоциации к слову МЕМ

Сочетаемость слова «мем»

Как правильно употребляется слово мем? Примеры сочетаемости с прилагательными, существительными и глаголами помогут вам это лучше понять.

  • зелёный мем

Полная таблица сочетаемости слова МЕМ

Cлово «мем» является ответом на вопросы

  • Какое понятие, ставшее частью современной массовой культуры благодаря Интернету, ввёл в 1976 году биолог Ричард Докинз? 3 буквы
  • Буква еврейского алфавита
  • Буква в иврите
  • Единица культурной информации, распространяемая от одного человека к другому посредством имитации, научения
  • Единица культурной информации

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Are you one of the millions of Internet users who enjoy their daily stream of «meme» content while harboring a dark secret: that you don’t know how to actually pronounce «meme?» Don’t worry—according to the Oxford English Dictionary (and many other sources), the correct pronunciation for «meme» is «meem» (rhymes with «team»). Now you can comment on the latest online content IRL without fear of embarrassment!

  1. Image titled Image showing that "meme" is pronounced with a long "e" sound.


    Pronounce “meme” with a long “e” sound, like «meem». Although it may not look like it, “meme” should be pronounced with a long “e.” When you say it, you should only be using 1 syllable.[1]

    • Always use the long “e” sound, never the short “e” sound or an “a” sound.
  2. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 2


    Don’t pronounce “meme” like “may may.” While it may look like “meme” should be pronounced this way, “may may” is in fact incorrect. Remember: you should never be using an “a” sound when you’re saying “meme.”[2]

    • It’s helpful to remember that the word «meme» doesn’t have the letter «a» in it, and it also isn’t pronounced with an «a» sound.


  3. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 3


    Avoid pronouncing «meme» like “mee mee.” Pronouncing “meme” like “mee mee” is also a common mispronunciation. To get it right, say it like “meem” with a long “e” sound.[3]

    • Remember that the last “e” in “meme” is silent.
  4. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 4


    Don’t say “mehm” when you’re trying to pronounce “meme.” “Mehm” or «maim» is getting closer, but it’s still incorrect. To pronounce “meme” correctly, you need to use a long “e” sound.

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  1. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 5


    Remember that “meme” rhymes with words like “team” and “beam.” To keep yourself from stumbling over the pronunciation in the future, try to remember different words that “meme” rhymes with. Then, it will be easier to remember the correct way to say the word. Other words that rhyme with “meme” are:[4]

    • Dream
    • Cream
    • Seam
    • Stream
    • Theme
    • Ream
    • Beam
    • Supreme
    • Color scheme
  1. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 6


    Switch the last 2 letters before you pronounce it. Given the way that “meme” is spelled, it’s no surprise that the pronunciation is tricky. One way to overcome this is to get in the habit of switching the last 2 letters, “m” and “e,” whenever you are reading or saying the word. When you switch the last 2 letters, the word looks like “meem,” which is easier to pronounce correctly.

    • Over time, you’ll start to automatically pronounce “meme” like “meem.”
  2. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 7


    Remember that the word “meme” was created to be similar to the word “gene.” The word “meme” may have a bizarre spelling, but that’s because the person who created the word, famous author and researcher Richard Dawkins, wanted it to have a similar spelling to “gene.” In the mid-1970s, Dawkins coined the term “meme” to describe ideas that spread between people, kind of like how genes replicate and get passed on to others.[5]

    • If you’re ever struggling to remember the right pronunciation, just think about the origins of the word to help you out. The word “gene” is pronounced with a long “e” sound, and the last “e” is silent, just like how “meme” is pronounced.
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    How do I get my normie friend to learn how to pronounce «meme» and not be an embarrassment?



    Community Answer

    Teach them how to do it with your newfound knowledge, and/or show them this article before they engage in another conversation.

  • Question

    Are others way of pronouncing «meme» acceptable on the internet?

    Community Answer

    Of course not.

  • Question

    What is a dank meme?

    Community Answer

    A dank meme is a meme that has been used so much that it has surpassed all other memes.

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Article SummaryX

To pronounce «meme,» say the word with a long «e,» like «meem.» Remember that the last «e» is silent. Avoid common mispronunciations like «may may,» «mee mee,» and «mehm.» If you need some help remembering how to pronounce «meme» correctly, just remember that it rhymes with words like «team,» «cream,» and «beam.» To learn other helpful tricks for remembering the correct pronunciation, scroll down!

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Are you one of the millions of Internet users who enjoy their daily stream of «meme» content while harboring a dark secret: that you don’t know how to actually pronounce «meme?» Don’t worry—according to the Oxford English Dictionary (and many other sources), the correct pronunciation for «meme» is «meem» (rhymes with «team»). Now you can comment on the latest online content IRL without fear of embarrassment!

  1. Image titled Image showing that "meme" is pronounced with a long "e" sound.


    Pronounce “meme” with a long “e” sound, like «meem». Although it may not look like it, “meme” should be pronounced with a long “e.” When you say it, you should only be using 1 syllable.[1]

    • Always use the long “e” sound, never the short “e” sound or an “a” sound.
  2. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 2


    Don’t pronounce “meme” like “may may.” While it may look like “meme” should be pronounced this way, “may may” is in fact incorrect. Remember: you should never be using an “a” sound when you’re saying “meme.”[2]

    • It’s helpful to remember that the word «meme» doesn’t have the letter «a» in it, and it also isn’t pronounced with an «a» sound.


  3. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 3


    Avoid pronouncing «meme» like “mee mee.” Pronouncing “meme” like “mee mee” is also a common mispronunciation. To get it right, say it like “meem” with a long “e” sound.[3]

    • Remember that the last “e” in “meme” is silent.
  4. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 4


    Don’t say “mehm” when you’re trying to pronounce “meme.” “Mehm” or «maim» is getting closer, but it’s still incorrect. To pronounce “meme” correctly, you need to use a long “e” sound.

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  1. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 5


    Remember that “meme” rhymes with words like “team” and “beam.” To keep yourself from stumbling over the pronunciation in the future, try to remember different words that “meme” rhymes with. Then, it will be easier to remember the correct way to say the word. Other words that rhyme with “meme” are:[4]

    • Dream
    • Cream
    • Seam
    • Stream
    • Theme
    • Ream
    • Beam
    • Supreme
    • Color scheme
  1. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 6


    Switch the last 2 letters before you pronounce it. Given the way that “meme” is spelled, it’s no surprise that the pronunciation is tricky. One way to overcome this is to get in the habit of switching the last 2 letters, “m” and “e,” whenever you are reading or saying the word. When you switch the last 2 letters, the word looks like “meem,” which is easier to pronounce correctly.

    • Over time, you’ll start to automatically pronounce “meme” like “meem.”
  2. Image titled Pronounce Meme Step 7


    Remember that the word “meme” was created to be similar to the word “gene.” The word “meme” may have a bizarre spelling, but that’s because the person who created the word, famous author and researcher Richard Dawkins, wanted it to have a similar spelling to “gene.” In the mid-1970s, Dawkins coined the term “meme” to describe ideas that spread between people, kind of like how genes replicate and get passed on to others.[5]

    • If you’re ever struggling to remember the right pronunciation, just think about the origins of the word to help you out. The word “gene” is pronounced with a long “e” sound, and the last “e” is silent, just like how “meme” is pronounced.
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  • Question

    How do I get my normie friend to learn how to pronounce «meme» and not be an embarrassment?



    Community Answer

    Teach them how to do it with your newfound knowledge, and/or show them this article before they engage in another conversation.

  • Question

    Are others way of pronouncing «meme» acceptable on the internet?

    Community Answer

    Of course not.

  • Question

    What is a dank meme?

    Community Answer

    A dank meme is a meme that has been used so much that it has surpassed all other memes.

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Article SummaryX

To pronounce «meme,» say the word with a long «e,» like «meem.» Remember that the last «e» is silent. Avoid common mispronunciations like «may may,» «mee mee,» and «mehm.» If you need some help remembering how to pronounce «meme» correctly, just remember that it rhymes with words like «team,» «cream,» and «beam.» To learn other helpful tricks for remembering the correct pronunciation, scroll down!

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