Наен на английском как пишется

Что означает имя Наен? Что обозначает имя Наен? Что значит имя Наен для человека? Какое значение имени Наен, происхождение, судьба и характер носителя? Какой национальности имя Наен? Как переводится имя Наен? Как правильно пишется имя Наен? Совместимость c именем Наен — подходящий цвет, камни обереги, планета покровитель и знак зодиака. Полная характеристика имени Наен и его подробный анализ вы можете прочитать онлайн в этой статье совершенно бесплатно.

Анализ имени Наен

Имя Наен состоит из 4 букв. Имена из четырех букв говорят об уме и практичности. Такие люди отличаются спокойствием и уравновешенностью, что всегда производит самое выгодное впечатление. То же касается и их внешнего облика – ничего вычурного, кричаще безвкусного. Проанализировав значение каждой буквы в имени Наен можно понять его тайный смысл и скрытое значение.

  • Н — знак неприятия действительности такой, какая она есть; желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Нелюбовь к труду, не вызывающего интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорическое неприятие рутинной работы. Неумение расслабляться в обществе, постоянная напряженность и сомнения.
  • А — самая сильная и яркая буква кириллицы. Личности, обладающие такими буквами в имени, всегда стремятся к лидерству. Нередко они соревнуются с самим собой. Указывает на желание что-то изменить, достичь наивысшего уровня комфорта в физическом проявлении и в духовном.
  • Е — самовыражение, стремление к обмену опытом. Выступают в роли посредника в конфликтах. Проницательны, понимают мир тайн. Болтливы. Сильная любовь к путешествиям, в жизни такие могут часто менять место жительства, непоседливы.
  • Н — знак неприятия действительности такой, какая она есть; желание достичь духовного и физического здоровья. В работе проявляется усердие. Нелюбовь к труду, не вызывающего интереса. Наличие критического ума и категорическое неприятие рутинной работы. Неумение расслабляться в обществе, постоянная напряженность и сомнения.
  • Значение имени Наен в нумерологии

    Нумерология имени Наен может подсказать не только главные качества и характер человека. Но и определить его судьбу, показать успех в личной жизни, дать сведения о карьере, расшифровать судьбоносные знаки и даже предсказать будущее. Число имени Наен в нумерологии — 1. Девиз имени Наен и единиц по жизни: «Я – первый!»

    • Планета-покровитель для имени Наен — Солнце.
    • Знак зодиака для имени Наен — Лев и Овен.
    • Камни-талисманы для имени Наен — аквамарин, берилл, медь, каури, магнит, слюда, мусковит, хризолит, сапфир, песчаник, бирюза.

    «Единица» в числах для имени Наен – Числе Выражения, Числе Души и Числе внешнего облика – говорит о наличии у человека способностей, обеспечивающих его оригинальность и уникальность. Значение цифры 1 — для имени Наен, это прежде всего, способность находить пути и способы самореализации, принципиально отличающиеся от общеизвестных. Обладатели имени Наен свободолюбивы, часто эгоистичны. Такие люди стремятся к независимости, вкладывают силы в саморазвитие и реализацию себя. Способность направлять неуемную энергию в нужное русло поможет единицам добиться больших успехов в жизни. Среди них много творческих натур, активных и нуждающихся в постоянном движении вперед. Единица в имени Наен — это число лидера. Имя Наен обладает мощной энергией, имеет множество идей, которые пытается воплотить самостоятельно. Человек — Единица (Наен) имеет силу воли, харизму, держит свое слово, умело решает проблемы других людей. Его нельзя не заметить. Яркий индивидуалист с гипертрофированным эго. Наен часто ошибается в личной жизни, нередки разводы. Единица с именем Наен не должна быть агрессивной, злиться, иначе она разрушает свое здоровье и выстроенный ранее путь. Порадовать владельца имени Наен можно, дав ему уважение, постоянно отмечать его успехи и заслуги.

    • Влияние имени Наен на профессию и карьеру. Что значит число 1 в имени Наен при выборе сферы деятельности? «Единица» в нумерологическом ядре – это практически всегда потенциально высокий уровень профессионализма. Но профессионализма совершенно особого толка – узконаправленного, избирательного, а иногда – единственного в своем роде. Подходящие профессии для имени Наен: менеджер, руководитель, предприниматель.
    • Влияние имени Наен на личную жизнь. Межгендерные отношения – это сфера, в которой положительные и отрицательные проявления личности настолько видоизменены, что дифференцировать их довольно сложно. В частности, число один для имени Наен наделяет своего обладателя импульсивностью, хвастовством и самоуверенностью. Эти черты характера для обладателя имени Наен обычно считаются недостатками, но «в делах любовных» часто выглядят неотразимыми достоинствами. А склонность к логическим построениям и твердость убеждений – вполне могут быть расценены, как излишняя осторожность и занудство. Единица – символ лидерства, а лидеры по имени Наен чаще всего ищут в отношениях заботу и тепло. Более всего им подходят активные тройки, семерки, девятки, а также спокойные двойки и шестерки.

    Планета покровитель имени Наен

    Число 1 для имени Наен означает планету Солнце. Единица для имени Наен – это изначальное, источник всего. Это число входите состав любого другого числа. Люди с именем Наен, чьей планетой-покровителем является Солнце, по натуре очень сильные личности, как правило – лидеры. Им свойственна импульсивность, они никогда не останутся незамеченными. Они добиваются успехов практически в любом деле. Людям Солнца по имени Наен присущи такие черты характера, как стремление к власти, великодушие, справедливость, ответственность, инициативность. Гармоничные отношения у этой категории сложатся с людьми этой же группы.

    Знаки зодиака имени Наен

    Для имени Наен подходят следующие знаки зодиака:

  • Знак зодиака Лев для имени Наен. Люди с именем Наен и родившиеся под знаком Льва, творческие, любят главенствовать в работе и в жизни, идут к успеху, не задерживаясь на вторых ролях. Обладатели имени Наен ненавидят любые ограничения. К себе относятся требовательно, придирчивы ко внешности, поэтому уделяют ей много внимания. Львы с именем Наен стараются произвести на людей благоприятное впечатление, любят нравиться. Попал в милость ко Льву – считай, повезло. Тебя будут превозносить, везде брать с собой (чтобы похвастаться) и учить манерам – аристократы еще те. А вот ругаться со Львом по имени Наен не рекомендуется: они остры на язык и за словом в карман не полезут. Через пять минут будешь стоять с красными от злости щеками и негодовать, какого черта он смеет с тобой так разговаривать? Причем Лев Наен врать не станет – скажет мало, четко и по делу. С противной ухмылкой. Так что еще сам останешься виноват и в депрессии на тему «куда катится моя жизнь». Владельцы имени Наен жуткие эгоцентрики – обожают комплименты, быть в центре внимания и подарки (хотя им больше нравится слово «подношения»).
  • Знак зодиака Овен для имени Наен. Хотите познакомиться с настоящим безумцем? Овен Наен — это человек с колоссальным запасом энергии, с желанием побеждать, совершать подвиги и импульсивные поступки. По-простому, баран. Обладалели имени Наен — самые упертые люди в мире. Даже если ты уже доказал им свою правоту и они в нее поверили, все равно будут уверять, что это они в белом пальто, а дебил тут ты. Переспорить невозможно, лучше даже не пытаться, сбереги свои нервные клетки, покивай головой на его ахинею и отойди в сторонку. Ненавидят конкуренцию: если кто-то в окружении Овна Наен будет в чем-то лучше него, то тот костьми ляжет, но сделает так, чтобы утереть противнику нос.
  • Цвет имени Наен

    Красный цвет имени Наен. Люди с именем Наен, носящие красный цвет, очень добрые и отзывчивые, они всегда придут на помощь, но будут ждать ответной реакции. И если она не последует, то, возможно, серьёзно обидятся, но не покажут этого, просто отдалятся от человека на некоторое время. Среди обладателей имени Наен много лидеров, ведущих до конца к цели, требуя от ведомых полной отдачи, из-за чего часто их и недолюбливают. Носители имени Наен верные друзья, но, увы, друзей у них не так уж и много. Положительные черты характера для людей с именем Наен – доброта, отзывчивость, лидерство. Отрицательные черты характера для людей с именем Наен – эгоистичность, нетерпимость к порокам других.

    Как правильно пишется имя Наен

    В русском языке грамотным написанием этого имени является — Наен. В английском языке имя Наен может иметь следующий вариант написания — Naen.

    Склонение имени Наен по падежам

    Падеж Вопрос Имя
    Именительный Кто? Наен
    Родительный Нет Кого? Наена
    Дательный Рад Кому? Наену
    Винительный Вижу Кого? Наена
    Творительный Доволен Кем? Наеном
    Предложный Думаю О ком? Наене

    Видео значение имени Наен

    Вы согласны с описанием и значением имени Наен? Какую судьбу, характер и национальность имеют ваши знакомые с именем Наен? Каких известных и успешных людей с именем Наен вы еще знаете? Будем рады обсудить имя Наен более подробно с посетителями нашего сайта в комментариях ниже.

    Если вы нашли ошибку в описании имени, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

    Предлагаю написать отчество Вячеславовна используя транслитерацию на основе таблицы ФМС. Подставив все буквы вы получите VIACHESLAVOVNA. Ниже представлено соответствие каждой буквы этого отчества:

    1) Букву «В» заменяем на «V»;

    2) Букву «Я» заменяем на «IA»;

    3) Букву «Ч» заменяем на «CH»;

    4) Букву «Е» заменяем на «E»;

    5) Букву «С» заменяем на «S»;

    6) Букву «Л» заменяем на «L»;

    7) Букву «А» заменяем на «А»;

    8) Букву «В» заменяем на «V»;

    9) Букву «О» заменяем на «О»;

    10) Букву «В» заменяем на «V»;

    11) Букву «Н» заменяем на «N»;

    12) Букву «А» заменяем на «А».

    Саму таблицу ФМС ищите на вот этом сайте.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    (Redirected from Im Nayeon)


    Nayeon smiling and giving two peace signs while looking at the camera

    Nayeon in July 2022


    Im Na-yeon[a]

    September 22, 1995 (age 27)

    Seoul, South Korea

    Occupation Singer
    Musical career
    • K-pop
    • J-pop
    Instrument(s) Vocals
    Years active 2015–present
    • JYP
    • Warner Japan
    • Republic
    Member of
    • Twice
    • JYP Nation
    Korean name




    Revised Romanization Im Na-yeon
    McCune–Reischauer Im Nayŏn
    Nayeon signature.png

    Im Na-yeon[a] (Korean: 임나연; born September 22, 1995), known mononymously as Nayeon, is a South Korean singer. She became a member of the South Korean girl group Twice, under JYP Entertainment, in 2015 as a winning contestant of the reality survival television show Sixteen.[1]

    In 2022, her eponymous debut extended play (EP), Im Nayeon, peaked at number 7 on the US Billboard 200, making her the first South Korean soloist to enter the chart’s top 10.

    Life and career[edit]

    Early life[edit]

    As a child, Nayeon participated in a modeling contest and was cast by JYP Entertainment (JYPE). Although her mother initially prevented her from entering show business given her young age,[2][3] Nayeon secretly attended the agency’s open audition on September 15, 2010, after which she became a trainee.[4][5][6] In 2013, she was added to the lineup of 6mix, a planned JYPE girl group that never debuted.[7][8][9] She also made an appearance in the second episode of the 2012 television series Dream High 2.[10]

    2015–present: Sixteen, Twice and solo debut[edit]

    Nayeon at Twice’s fan meeting in March 2017

    In 2015, Nayeon participated in the reality television show Sixteen, a competition to determine the members of a new JYP Entertainment girl group called Twice.[11][7][12] As one of the nine successful participants, she made the final lineup.[11] In October, Nayeon officially debuted as a member of Twice with the release of their first extended play (EP), The Story Begins.[13]

    On May 19, 2022, it was announced that Nayeon would debut as a solo artist on June 24 with her EP Im Nayeon.[14] On July 10, 2022, Nayeon earned her first ever music show win on SBS Inkigayo.[15] She won Best Female Artist at the 2022 MAMA Awards.[16]

    Public image and influence[edit]

    In Gallup Korea’s annual music poll for 2017, she was voted the sixth most popular idol in South Korea.[3][17][18] In the 2018 poll, she again ranked sixth, receiving 6.7% of the votes.[3][19][20] In 2019, she placed fifth, receiving 8.2% of the votes,[3][21][22] and ranked as the eighth most popular female K-pop idol in a survey of soldiers completing mandatory military service in South Korea.[23] Nayeon has been noted for being at the «center» of the group’s performances and constantly opening the group’s songs.[11]

    Other ventures[edit]

    Fashion and endorsements[edit]

    Aside from various endorsements with her Twice bandmates, Nayeon has promoted various products and featured in numerous advertisements. During her trainee years, Nayeon was a model for brands such as Smart School Uniform[24] and TN.[25] In May 2021, she became a model and appeared in a promotional video for Chaumet’s Joséphine Collection.[26][27] In August, she became a model for Biotherm Korea, a South Korean beauty brand.[28][29] In September 2022, she became a model of South Korean clothing brand Olive Des Olive.[30] On January 30, 2023, Nayeon was announced as the official muse of Givenchy Beauty.[31]

    Nayeon has also appeared in magazines including Nylon Korea,[32] Cosmopolitan Korea,[33] W Korea,[34] and Elle Korea,[35] as well as for fashion brands such as Ralph Lauren,[36] Jill Stuart,[37] Fendi,[38] and Louis Vuitton.[39] She was featured in the April 2022 issue of Harper’s Bazaar Korea for Chaumet’s Josephine collection. The same month, she was officially named by the brand as the Friend of the Maison.[40][41]


    In March 2020, she donated KR₩50 million to the Community Chest of Korea to help the fight against COVID-19 outbreak.[42]


    For Nayeon’s discography as a member of Twice, see Twice discography.

    Extended plays[edit]


    Other charted songs[edit]

    Songwriting credits[edit]

    All song credits are adapted from the Korea Music Copyright Association’s database unless stated otherwise.[66]


    Television series[edit]

    Television show[edit]

    Web show[edit]

    Music videos[edit]

    Awards and nominations[edit]


    1. ^ a b According to the initial law of the Korean language, the family name Im (Hangul: ) may also be romanized as «Lim».


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    10. ^ a b Hwang, Hyo-jin (May 19, 2015). «JYP의 취향│③ 열여섯 명의 [식스틴] 멤버들을 소개합니다». ize (in Korean). ize Magazine. Archived from the original on February 4, 2016. Retrieved February 4, 2016.
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    15. ^ Ha, Su-jeong (July 10, 2022). ‘인기가요’ 나연, 솔로 데뷔 후 첫 1위..위너·비비지·우주소녀 컴백 [종합] [‘Inkigayo’ Nayeon, first 1st place after solo debut… Winner·Viviz·WJSN comeback [Comprehensive]]. OSEN (in Korean). Retrieved July 10, 2022 – via Naver.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
    16. ^ a b Bowenbank, Starr (November 29, 2022). «Here Are the 2022 MAMA Awards Winners: Full List». Billboard. Archived from the original on November 29, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2022.
    17. ^ «2017년 올해를 빛낸 가수와 가요 – 최근 11년간 추이, 아이돌 선호도 포함» (in Korean). Gallup Korea. December 19, 2017. Archived from the original on September 6, 2019. Retrieved June 1, 2019.
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    24. ^ Jeong, Lucy (December 7, 2020). «Twice members before the fame: how Jihyo, Nayeon, Sana, Tzuyu and the other Korean and Japanese idols made it into K-pop’s favourite nine-piece girl band». South China Morning Post. Archived from the original on December 19, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
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    37. ^ Lee Eun (February 26, 2020). «트와이스 나연, 상큼한 크롭트 톱 패션…포인트는?». Money Today (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 19, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
    38. ^ COSMOPOLITAN KOREA 코스모폴리탄 코리아 (November 3, 2020). «#광고… #FendiFW20 #FendiHoliday #FendiGifts #Fendi». Instagram (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
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    40. ^ @Chaumet (April 7, 2022). «K-pop singer and friend of the Maison #Nayeon crowns her style with our iconic Joséphine collection on the cover of…» (Tweet) – via Twitter.
    41. ^ «트와이스 나연이 가장 좋아하는 주얼리는?» [What is TWICE Nayeon’s favorite jewelry?]. harpersbazaar.co.kr (in Korean). April 1, 2022.
    42. ^ Park Pan-seok (March 2, 2020). «트와이스 나연, 쯔위·다현 이어 코로나19 피해 지원 5천만원 릴레이 기부[공식입장]» (in Korean). OSEN. Archived from the original on September 4, 2022. Retrieved August 30, 2022 – via Naver.
    43. ^ «Im Nayeon» (in Korean). Korea Music Content Association. June 19–25, 2022. Archived from the original on June 30, 2022. Retrieved June 30, 2022 – via Gaon Chart.
    44. ^ «Billboard Canadian Albums: Week of July 9, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
    45. ^ «Im Nayeon» (in Finnish). Musiikkituottajat. Retrieved July 3, 2022.
    46. ^ «Oricon Top 50 Albums: July 25, 2022». Oricon. Archived from the original on July 20, 2022. Retrieved July 20, 2022.
    47. ^ Peak positions on Billboard Japan Hot Albums:
      • «Im Nayeon». June 29, 2022.

    48. ^ Peak positions on Billboard 200:
      • Caulfield, Keith (July 3, 2022). «Bad Bunny Back at No. 1 on Billboard 200 With ‘Un Verano Sin Ti’«. Billboard. Retrieved July 3, 2022.

    49. ^ «World Albums: Week of July 9, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
    50. ^ Accumulated Album sales:
      «2022 Album Chart». Circle Chart. Korea Music Content Association. Archived from the original on January 13, 2023. Retrieved January 13, 2023.
    51. ^ Combined physical sales for Im Nayeon in Japan:
      • «Oricon Top 50 Albums: July 11, 2022». Oricon. Archived from the original on July 6, 2022. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
      • オリコン週間 アルバムランキング 2022年07月11日~2022年07月17日 [Oricon Weekly Album Ranking July 11, 2022 – July 18, 2022] (in Japanese). Oricon. Archived from the original on July 20, 2022. Retrieved July 20, 2022.

    52. ^ Caulfield, Keith (July 3, 2022). «Bad Bunny Back at No. 1 on Billboard 200 With ‘Un Verano Sin Ti’«. Billboard. Retrieved July 3, 2022.
    53. ^ «South Korean album certifications» (in Korean). Korea Music Content Association (KMCA). Retrieved November 10, 2022.
    54. ^ Peak positions on the Circle Digital Chart:
      • «Pop!». July 9, 2022.

    55. ^ «Billboard South Korea Songs – Week of July 16, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 12, 2022.
    56. ^ Peak positions on the Oricon Combined Singles Chart:
      • «Weekly total single ranking July 18, 2022». Oricon. Retrieved July 15, 2022.

    57. ^ Peak positions on the Billboard Japan Hot 100:
      • «Pop!». July 6, 2022.

    58. ^ Peak positions on the RMNZ Hot Singles:
      • «Pop!». July 4, 2022.

    59. ^ Peak positions on the RIAS Top Streaming Chart:
      • «Pop!». June 24–30, 2022. Archived from the original on July 5, 2022.

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    62. ^ «Japanese single streaming certifications – Nayeon – Pop!» (in Japanese). Recording Industry Association of Japan. Retrieved October 26, 2022. Select 2022年9月 on the drop-down menu
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    66. ^ «Songs Registered Under NAYEON (10023501)». Korea Music Copyright Association (in Korean). Archived from the original on June 29, 2020. Retrieved June 26, 2021.
    67. ^ «‘추석특집 2018 아육대’ 트와이스 나연, 감스트, 붐까지! 떠오르는 대세 MC 3인 출격!». Naver (in Korean). May 30, 2019. Archived from the original on August 22, 2019. Retrieved September 21, 2018.
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    71. ^ Kim, Na-yeon (February 18, 2023). «임영웅·트와이스 나연, 올해의 솔로 가수상 수상 [써클차트어워즈]» [Lim Young-woong and Nayeon of Twice, Solo Singer of the Year Award [Circle Chart Awards]] (in Korean). MT Star News. Retrieved February 18, 2023 – via Naver.
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    76. ^ Bowenbank, Starr (October 23, 2022). «BTS, J-Hope, BLACKPINK & More Nominated for 2022 MAMA Awards». Billboard. Archived from the original on October 23, 2022. Retrieved October 23, 2022.
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    79. ^ «The 32nd Seoul Music Awards – Vote». Seoul Music Awards. December 5, 2022. Archived from the original on December 5, 2022. Retrieved December 5, 2022. (Note: Click/tap on the labelled tabs to view nominees for each category)

    External links[edit]

    • Media related to Im Na-yeon at Wikimedia Commons

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    (Redirected from Im Nayeon)


    Nayeon smiling and giving two peace signs while looking at the camera

    Nayeon in July 2022


    Im Na-yeon[a]

    September 22, 1995 (age 27)

    Seoul, South Korea

    Occupation Singer
    Musical career
    • K-pop
    • J-pop
    Instrument(s) Vocals
    Years active 2015–present
    • JYP
    • Warner Japan
    • Republic
    Member of
    • Twice
    • JYP Nation
    Korean name




    Revised Romanization Im Na-yeon
    McCune–Reischauer Im Nayŏn
    Nayeon signature.png

    Im Na-yeon[a] (Korean: 임나연; born September 22, 1995), known mononymously as Nayeon, is a South Korean singer. She became a member of the South Korean girl group Twice, under JYP Entertainment, in 2015 as a winning contestant of the reality survival television show Sixteen.[1]

    In 2022, her eponymous debut extended play (EP), Im Nayeon, peaked at number 7 on the US Billboard 200, making her the first South Korean soloist to enter the chart’s top 10.

    Life and career[edit]

    Early life[edit]

    As a child, Nayeon participated in a modeling contest and was cast by JYP Entertainment (JYPE). Although her mother initially prevented her from entering show business given her young age,[2][3] Nayeon secretly attended the agency’s open audition on September 15, 2010, after which she became a trainee.[4][5][6] In 2013, she was added to the lineup of 6mix, a planned JYPE girl group that never debuted.[7][8][9] She also made an appearance in the second episode of the 2012 television series Dream High 2.[10]

    2015–present: Sixteen, Twice and solo debut[edit]

    Nayeon at Twice’s fan meeting in March 2017

    In 2015, Nayeon participated in the reality television show Sixteen, a competition to determine the members of a new JYP Entertainment girl group called Twice.[11][7][12] As one of the nine successful participants, she made the final lineup.[11] In October, Nayeon officially debuted as a member of Twice with the release of their first extended play (EP), The Story Begins.[13]

    On May 19, 2022, it was announced that Nayeon would debut as a solo artist on June 24 with her EP Im Nayeon.[14] On July 10, 2022, Nayeon earned her first ever music show win on SBS Inkigayo.[15] She won Best Female Artist at the 2022 MAMA Awards.[16]

    Public image and influence[edit]

    In Gallup Korea’s annual music poll for 2017, she was voted the sixth most popular idol in South Korea.[3][17][18] In the 2018 poll, she again ranked sixth, receiving 6.7% of the votes.[3][19][20] In 2019, she placed fifth, receiving 8.2% of the votes,[3][21][22] and ranked as the eighth most popular female K-pop idol in a survey of soldiers completing mandatory military service in South Korea.[23] Nayeon has been noted for being at the «center» of the group’s performances and constantly opening the group’s songs.[11]

    Other ventures[edit]

    Fashion and endorsements[edit]

    Aside from various endorsements with her Twice bandmates, Nayeon has promoted various products and featured in numerous advertisements. During her trainee years, Nayeon was a model for brands such as Smart School Uniform[24] and TN.[25] In May 2021, she became a model and appeared in a promotional video for Chaumet’s Joséphine Collection.[26][27] In August, she became a model for Biotherm Korea, a South Korean beauty brand.[28][29] In September 2022, she became a model of South Korean clothing brand Olive Des Olive.[30] On January 30, 2023, Nayeon was announced as the official muse of Givenchy Beauty.[31]

    Nayeon has also appeared in magazines including Nylon Korea,[32] Cosmopolitan Korea,[33] W Korea,[34] and Elle Korea,[35] as well as for fashion brands such as Ralph Lauren,[36] Jill Stuart,[37] Fendi,[38] and Louis Vuitton.[39] She was featured in the April 2022 issue of Harper’s Bazaar Korea for Chaumet’s Josephine collection. The same month, she was officially named by the brand as the Friend of the Maison.[40][41]


    In March 2020, she donated KR₩50 million to the Community Chest of Korea to help the fight against COVID-19 outbreak.[42]


    For Nayeon’s discography as a member of Twice, see Twice discography.

    Extended plays[edit]


    Other charted songs[edit]

    Songwriting credits[edit]

    All song credits are adapted from the Korea Music Copyright Association’s database unless stated otherwise.[66]


    Television series[edit]

    Television show[edit]

    Web show[edit]

    Music videos[edit]

    Awards and nominations[edit]


    1. ^ a b According to the initial law of the Korean language, the family name Im (Hangul: ) may also be romanized as «Lim».


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    33. ^ COSMOPOLITAN KOREA 코스모폴리탄 코리아 (October 15, 2020). «볼수록, 알수록 사랑에 빠지게 되는 트와이스 나연(@twicetagram) …» Instagram (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
    34. ^ «Road to Summer (트와이스 나연)». W Korea (in Korean). March 26, 2021. Archived from the original on December 19, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
    35. ^ «사랑스럽고 감각적인 매력 발산! 나연이 전하는 눈부신 미학». Elle Korea (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 19, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
    36. ^ COSMOPOLITAN KOREA 코스모폴리탄 코리아 (February 21, 2020). «#폴로랄프로렌 … @poloralphlauren». Instagram (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
    37. ^ Lee Eun (February 26, 2020). «트와이스 나연, 상큼한 크롭트 톱 패션…포인트는?». Money Today (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 19, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
    38. ^ COSMOPOLITAN KOREA 코스모폴리탄 코리아 (November 3, 2020). «#광고… #FendiFW20 #FendiHoliday #FendiGifts #Fendi». Instagram (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved November 18, 2021.
    39. ^ ELLE KOREA 엘르 코리아 (September 28, 2021). «사랑스러운 나연의 패셔너블한 변신 … @louisvuitton». Instagram (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021.
    40. ^ @Chaumet (April 7, 2022). «K-pop singer and friend of the Maison #Nayeon crowns her style with our iconic Joséphine collection on the cover of…» (Tweet) – via Twitter.
    41. ^ «트와이스 나연이 가장 좋아하는 주얼리는?» [What is TWICE Nayeon’s favorite jewelry?]. harpersbazaar.co.kr (in Korean). April 1, 2022.
    42. ^ Park Pan-seok (March 2, 2020). «트와이스 나연, 쯔위·다현 이어 코로나19 피해 지원 5천만원 릴레이 기부[공식입장]» (in Korean). OSEN. Archived from the original on September 4, 2022. Retrieved August 30, 2022 – via Naver.
    43. ^ «Im Nayeon» (in Korean). Korea Music Content Association. June 19–25, 2022. Archived from the original on June 30, 2022. Retrieved June 30, 2022 – via Gaon Chart.
    44. ^ «Billboard Canadian Albums: Week of July 9, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
    45. ^ «Im Nayeon» (in Finnish). Musiikkituottajat. Retrieved July 3, 2022.
    46. ^ «Oricon Top 50 Albums: July 25, 2022». Oricon. Archived from the original on July 20, 2022. Retrieved July 20, 2022.
    47. ^ Peak positions on Billboard Japan Hot Albums:
      • «Im Nayeon». June 29, 2022.

    48. ^ Peak positions on Billboard 200:
      • Caulfield, Keith (July 3, 2022). «Bad Bunny Back at No. 1 on Billboard 200 With ‘Un Verano Sin Ti’«. Billboard. Retrieved July 3, 2022.

    49. ^ «World Albums: Week of July 9, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
    50. ^ Accumulated Album sales:
      «2022 Album Chart». Circle Chart. Korea Music Content Association. Archived from the original on January 13, 2023. Retrieved January 13, 2023.
    51. ^ Combined physical sales for Im Nayeon in Japan:
      • «Oricon Top 50 Albums: July 11, 2022». Oricon. Archived from the original on July 6, 2022. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
      • オリコン週間 アルバムランキング 2022年07月11日~2022年07月17日 [Oricon Weekly Album Ranking July 11, 2022 – July 18, 2022] (in Japanese). Oricon. Archived from the original on July 20, 2022. Retrieved July 20, 2022.

    52. ^ Caulfield, Keith (July 3, 2022). «Bad Bunny Back at No. 1 on Billboard 200 With ‘Un Verano Sin Ti’«. Billboard. Retrieved July 3, 2022.
    53. ^ «South Korean album certifications» (in Korean). Korea Music Content Association (KMCA). Retrieved November 10, 2022.
    54. ^ Peak positions on the Circle Digital Chart:
      • «Pop!». July 9, 2022.

    55. ^ «Billboard South Korea Songs – Week of July 16, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 12, 2022.
    56. ^ Peak positions on the Oricon Combined Singles Chart:
      • «Weekly total single ranking July 18, 2022». Oricon. Retrieved July 15, 2022.

    57. ^ Peak positions on the Billboard Japan Hot 100:
      • «Pop!». July 6, 2022.

    58. ^ Peak positions on the RMNZ Hot Singles:
      • «Pop!». July 4, 2022.

    59. ^ Peak positions on the RIAS Top Streaming Chart:
      • «Pop!». June 24–30, 2022. Archived from the original on July 5, 2022.

    60. ^ a b «World Digital Song Sales: Week of July 9, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
    61. ^ «Billboard Global 200: Week of July 9, 2022». Billboard. Retrieved July 6, 2022.
    62. ^ «Japanese single streaming certifications – Nayeon – Pop!» (in Japanese). Recording Industry Association of Japan. Retrieved October 26, 2022. Select 2022年9月 on the drop-down menu
    63. ^ «Songs from Im Nayeon«. June 19–25, 2022. Archived from the original on June 30, 2022. Retrieved June 25, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
    64. ^ «Single Top 40 slágerlista — Hivatalos magyar slágerlisták» (in Hungarian). MAHASZ. Retrieved July 8, 2022.
    65. ^ «RIAS Top Charts Week 26 (24 — 30 Jun 2022)». RIAS. July 5, 2022. Archived from the original on July 5, 2022. Retrieved July 5, 2022.
    66. ^ «Songs Registered Under NAYEON (10023501)». Korea Music Copyright Association (in Korean). Archived from the original on June 29, 2020. Retrieved June 26, 2021.
    67. ^ «‘추석특집 2018 아육대’ 트와이스 나연, 감스트, 붐까지! 떠오르는 대세 MC 3인 출격!». Naver (in Korean). May 30, 2019. Archived from the original on August 22, 2019. Retrieved September 21, 2018.
    68. ^ «Watch: TWICE Opens Up About Struggles And More In «Seize The Light» Documentary Trailer». Soompi. April 9, 2020. Archived from the original on November 29, 2020. Retrieved November 22, 2020.
    69. ^ «NY — POP M/V». Rigend Film (in Korean). Retrieved August 29, 2022.
    70. ^ «【APMA 2022】亚洲流行音乐大奖2022年度获奖名单» [[APMA 2022] Asian Pop Music Awards 2022 Winners List]. Weibo (in Chinese). December 28, 2022. Retrieved December 28, 2022.
    71. ^ Kim, Na-yeon (February 18, 2023). «임영웅·트와이스 나연, 올해의 솔로 가수상 수상 [써클차트어워즈]» [Lim Young-woong and Nayeon of Twice, Solo Singer of the Year Award [Circle Chart Awards]] (in Korean). MT Star News. Retrieved February 18, 2023 – via Naver.
    72. ^ «The Artist of this Year — Global Digital Music Nominees». Circle Chart Music Awards. December 17, 2022. Archived from the original on December 17, 2022. Retrieved December 17, 2022.
    73. ^ «Nominee selection criteria for 2022 Mubeat Global Choice Award with CIRCLE». Mubeat. December 20, 2022. Archived from the original on January 9, 2023. Retrieved December 20, 2022.
    74. ^ «Genie Music Awards 2022». Genie Music (in Korean). September 27, 2022. Retrieved October 6, 2022.
    75. ^ Mathew, Ilin (January 2, 2023). «Golden Disc Awards 2023 Performers, Presenters, Nominees, and More». International Business Times. Archived from the original on January 2, 2023. Retrieved January 2, 2023.
    76. ^ Bowenbank, Starr (October 23, 2022). «BTS, J-Hope, BLACKPINK & More Nominated for 2022 MAMA Awards». Billboard. Archived from the original on October 23, 2022. Retrieved October 23, 2022.
    77. ^ K4US ✨ [@k4usportal] (December 18, 2022). «🏆 #PAK2022 #𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗢𝗥 #𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗥 🏆 HIT DO VERÃO / SUMMER HIT ↳ POP! — #NAYEON👏» (Tweet) (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved February 13, 2023 – via Twitter.
    78. ^ «PAK 2022: veja os indicados à premiação brasileira de k-pop e k-drama» (in Portuguese). Retrieved November 15, 2022.
    79. ^ «The 32nd Seoul Music Awards – Vote». Seoul Music Awards. December 5, 2022. Archived from the original on December 5, 2022. Retrieved December 5, 2022. (Note: Click/tap on the labelled tabs to view nominees for each category)

    External links[edit]

    • Media related to Im Na-yeon at Wikimedia Commons

    For other people known as ‘Nayeon’, see Nayeon.

    Nayeon (Korean: 나연; Japanese: ナヨン) is a South Korean singer and lyricist under JYP Entertainment. She is a member of the girl group TWICE.

    She made her solo debut on June 24, 2022 with the mini album Im Nayeon.


    2015: SIXTEEN, debut with TWICE

    On May 5, 2015, she became a contestant on JYP’s survival show, SIXTEEN. She finished the survival show in 2nd place, hence becoming a member of the girl group TWICE.[1] The group officially debuted on October 20, 2015 with their first mini album The Story Begins.

    2022: Solo debut with Im Nayeon

    On May 19, 2022, a teaser photo was posted on TWICE’s social media accounts announcing that Nayeon will be making her solo debut with her first mini album, Im Nayeon, on June 24, 2022.[2]


    Mini albums

    • Im Nayeon (2022)


    • K/DA — «I’ll Show You»[3] (with Jihyo, Sana, Chaeyoung, Bekuh Boom & Anika Wells) (2020)


    • «Two Yoo Project Sugar Man OST» («Daring Woman» with Jihyo, Tzuyu & Chaeyoung) (2015)



    • Dream High 2 (KBS, 2012) — cameo (Ep. 2)

    Reality shows

    • SIXTEEN (Mnet, 2015) — contestant

    Variety shows

    • Two Yoo Project — Sugar Man (JTBC, 2015) — guest (Ep. 11)
    • Yeri’s Room (YouTube, 2020) — guest (Ep. 1)

    Music video appearances

    • miss A — «Bad Girl Good Girl» (2010)
    • San E — «Please Don’t Go» (2011)
    • GOT7 — «Girls Girls Girls» (2014)
    • Jun. K — «No Love» (2014)
    • miss A — «Only You» (2015)
    • J.Y. Park — «Fire» (feat. Conan O’Brien, Steven Yeun, & Jimin Park) (2016)
    • Jun. K — «Your Wedding» (2017)


    On September 6, 2022, Olive Des Olive revealed that they have selected Nayeon as their new model.[4] On January 17, 2023, Dazed Korea announced that Nayeon was selected as the new muse for Givenchy Beauty.[5]

    • BIOTHERM (2021)
    • Chaumet (2021)
    • Olive Des Olive (2022)
    • Givenchy Beauty (2023)

    Writing credits

    • All credits adapted from KOMCA, unless stated.[6]


    • The name Nayeon means ‘elegant/graceful’ and ‘beautiful’ in Korean.[8]
    • She was originally set to debut in the girl group 6mix.[9]
    • Instead of entering a cram school to study harder, Nayeon secretly attended JYP Entertainment’s 7th Open Audition and became a trainee. She halted university studies during Sixteen, but is majoring in film studies.[10]
    • She is a huge fan of IU.[11]
    • Her left leg is weak due to a car accident when she was young.[12]
    • She is TWICE’s fake maknae (although she is the oldest member of the group, she is well known for her youthful appearance, adorable cheeks, and vibrant, fun personality).[13][14][15][16][17]
    • She found out that she is allergic to sweet chili sauce when Chaeyoung bought the BTS Meal from McDonald’s. [citation needed]
    • According to the Korea Institute of Corporate Reputation, she was at the top of the May data in 2017. 31,424,347 pieces of data were examined from April 12 to May 13. Nayeon had a total of 864,556. This placed her as one of the most desirable female Korean Idols for commercial and modeling campaigns.[18]
    • In Gallup Korea’s annual music polls which interview 1,500 people between the ages 13–29, Nayeon was voted the 11th most popular idol in 2016, only behind Tzuyu, and the 6th in 2017 and 2018, ahead of all her bandmates.[19][20][21]
    • She tried the MBTI test twice, her first MBTI was ESTP-A (Entrepreneur), but when she took it again, the personality changed to ISTP-A (Virtuoso)[22]. She is typed ESFP by fans.[23]
    • She has a birthday on the same day and month as WEi’s Yohan, Stray Kids’ Seungmin, GOT7’s Jinyoung, Girls’ Generation’s Hyoyeon, and Apink’s former member Yookyung.[24]


    Main article: Nayeon/Gallery


    1. (KR) Nate: ‘식스틴’ JYP의 미래 짊어질 9인, 걸그룹 트와이스 탄생 (종합)
    2. @JYPETWICE on twitter (May 19, 2022)
    3. Polygon: K-pop Girl Group Twice Joins the League of Legends K/DA Roster
    4. (KR) Apparel News: 올리브데올리브, 트와이스 나연 모델로 발탁
    5. @DazedKorea on Twitter (January 17, 2023)
    6. KOMCA: Searching Works (search 10023501 under Writers & Publishers)
    7. TWICE JAPAN 4th ALBUM 『Celebrate』 Tracklist. Twice Japan Twitter (2022-07-06). Retrieved on 2022-07-06.
    8. Names.org: What Does The Name Nayeon Mean?
    9. Channel Korea: Several Female Trainees Have Left JYP Entertainment, What Happened?
    10. TWICE TV: Episode 1
    11. Koreaboo: What Dahyun Just Did To Nayeon Is Every Fangirl’s Worst Nightmare
    12. Koreaboo: This Is Why TWICE’s Nayeon Has Trouble Staying Balanced
    13. KpopStarz: 20 K-Pop Idols Who Are The “Fake Maknaes” of Their Groups Due to Their Child-Like Aura
    14. Soompi: 10 K-Pop Idols Who Could Easily Be Mistaken For Being Maknaes Of Their Groups
    15. Koreaboo: TOP 10 Female Fake Maknae Idols Voted By Fans
    16. Koreaboo: 10 K-Pop Idols Who Look Like The Maknaes, But Are Actually The Oldest In Their Group
    17. Koreaboo: Nayeon Has Actually Been TWICE’s Real Maknae This Whole Time
    18. Allkpop: TWICE’s Nayeon tops the brand value ranking for girl group members in May
    19. Soompi: Koreans Choose Top 10 Artists And Top 20 Idols Of 2016
    20. Soompi: Koreans Choose Top Singers, Songs, And Idols Of 2017
    21. Soompi: Koreans Vote For Artists Who Shined The Most + Favorite Songs And Idols Of 2018
    22. Finding TWICE’s MBTI EP.NAYEON
    23. Personality Database: Nayeon (TWICE) is ESFP
    24. Koreaboo: These 8 Dates Have Blessed The K-Pop Industry With The Most Idol Birthdays

    Official links

    • Instagram

    v  e


    Mini albums

    Im Nayeon


    «I’ll Show You»


    «Two Yoo Project Sugar Man OST»

    Related topics

    JYP Entertainment  •  TWICE  •  JYP Nation  •  SIXTEEN

    Official links


    v  e


    Nayeon  •  Jeongyeon  •  Momo  •  Sana  •  Jihyo  •  Mina  •  Dahyun  •  Chaeyoung  •  Tzuyu

    Studio albums

    Twicetagram (Merry & Happy)  •  Eyes Wide Open  •  Formula of Love: O+T=<3

    Special albums

    TWICEcoaster: Lane 2  •  Summer Nights  •  The Year of «Yes»

    Mini albums

    The Story Begins  •  Page Two  •  TWICEcoaster: Lane 1  •  Signal  •  What is Love?  •  Yes or Yes  •  Fancy You  •  Feel Special  •  More & More  •  Taste of Love  •  Between 1&2  •  Ready To Be

    Digital singles

    «Cry For Me»

    Studio albums

    BDZ (BDZ -Repackage-)  •  &TWICE (&TWICE -Repackage-)  •  Perfect World  •  Celebrate

    Best albums

    #TWICE  •  #TWICE2  •  #TWICE3  •  #TWICE4

    Mini albums

    What’s TWICE?


    «One More Time»  •  «Candy Pop»  •  «Wake Me Up»  •  «Happy Happy»  •  «Breakthrough»  •  «Fanfare»  •  «Better»  •  «Kura Kura»  •  «Doughnut»

    Digital singles

    «I Want You Back»  •  «Stay By My Side»  •  «Fake & True»  •  «Just Be Yourself»

    Digital singles

    «More & More (English Ver.)»  •  «I Can’t Stop Me (English Ver.)»  •  «The Feels»  •  «Moonlight Sunrise»

    Remix singles

    «Moonlight Sunrise (The Remixes)»

    Asia tours

    TWICELAND The Opening  •  TWICELAND Zone 2: Fantasy Park

    Japan tours

    BDZ  •  #Dreamday

    Online concerts

    TWICE: World in A Day  •  TWICE in Wonderland

    Showcase tours

    TWICE Showcase Live Tour 2018 «Candy Pop»

    World tours

    TWICELIGHTS  •    •  Ready To Be


    Cheerful TWICE  •  TWICE SUPER EVENT  •  ONCE Begins  •  ONCE Halloween  •  ONCE Halloween 2  •  ONCE Day

    Related topics

    MISAMO  •  Park Jin Young  •  JYP Entertainment  •  Warner Music Japan  •  Republic Records  •  SIXTEEN  •  TWICE: Seize the Light  •  6mix

    Official links

    Website (Japanese)  •  Facebook  •  Instagram (Japanese)  •  JYP Fan’s  •  TikTok (Japanese)  •  Twitter (Japanese)  •  YouTube (Japanese)

    v  e

    JYP Entertainment

    Studio J  •  SQU4D

    2PM  •  DAY6 (DAY6 (Even of Day))  •  TWICE  •  Stray Kids (3RACHA)  •  BOYSTORY  •  ITZY  •  NiziU  •  Xdinary Heroes  •  NMIXX


    J.Y. Park  •  Jun. K  •  Wooyoung  •  Junho  •  Nichkhun  •  Young K  •  Wonpil  •  Dowoon  •  Nayeon


    Project C  •  JYPE LOUD


    Lee Gye Hun  •  Amaru  •  Lee Dong Hyeon  •  Keiju  •  Yoon Min  •  Junil  •  Kim Gyu Rae


    God  •  Wonder Girls  •  2AM (with Big Hit Ent.)  •  miss A  •  15&  •  GOT7


    JJ Project  •  Jus2


    Ryanghyun Ryangha  •  Noel  •  Park Ji Yoon  •  Byul  •  Rain  •  HyunA  •  Jay Park  •  Sohee  •  San E  •  Sunye  •  JOO  •  Jia  •  Jinwoon  •  Changmin  •  Seulong  •  Jun Hyeok  •  Jo Kwon  •  Sunmi  •  HA:TFELT  •  G.Soul  •  Min  •  Somi  •  Suzy  •  Fei  •  Park Jimin  •  Baek Yerin  •  Baek A Yeon  •  Woojin  •  Hyerim  •  Yubin  •  Jae  •  Bernard Park  •  Jinni


    Ahn Heeyeon  •  Ahn Hyo Seop  •  Ahn Yuna  •  Allen Ma  •  Cecillia  •  Cui Wenmeixiu  •  Goo Hara  •  Heo Yoorim  •  Jeon So Mi  •  Kang Hyunwoo  •  Kang Seokhwa  •  Kim Chanmi  •  Kim Eunsuh  •  Kim Hyojung  •  Kong Xue’er  •  Lee Chaerin  •  Lee Chaeyeon  •  Lee Chaeyoung  •  Lee Daehwi  •  Lee Jieeun  •  Lee Jiwoo  •  Lee Mingyu  •  Lee Yeongyung  •  Lim Kyoungmun  •  Natty  •  Park Jiwon  •  Park Sieun  •  Park Yonggeon  •  Ren Sika  •  Sakamoto Mashiro  •  Sohn Hyunwoo  •  Song Jieun  •  Yoo Jeongahn  •  Yoon Dujun  •  Yoon Seobin  •  Youn Dong Yeon  •  Zhou Zhen Nan  •  Zo Doo Hyun

    (as JYP Nation)
    Live albums

    One Mic

    Digital singles

    «This Christmas«  •  «Encore»

    Official links

    Website  •  Facebook  •  Instagram (US)  •  Twitter (Japanese • Thai • US)  •  YouTube

    For other people known as ‘Nayeon’, see Nayeon.

    Nayeon (Korean: 나연; Japanese: ナヨン) is a South Korean singer and lyricist under JYP Entertainment. She is a member of the girl group TWICE.

    She made her solo debut on June 24, 2022 with the mini album Im Nayeon.


    2015: SIXTEEN, debut with TWICE

    On May 5, 2015, she became a contestant on JYP’s survival show, SIXTEEN. She finished the survival show in 2nd place, hence becoming a member of the girl group TWICE.[1] The group officially debuted on October 20, 2015 with their first mini album The Story Begins.

    2022: Solo debut with Im Nayeon

    On May 19, 2022, a teaser photo was posted on TWICE’s social media accounts announcing that Nayeon will be making her solo debut with her first mini album, Im Nayeon, on June 24, 2022.[2]


    Mini albums

    • Im Nayeon (2022)


    • K/DA — «I’ll Show You»[3] (with Jihyo, Sana, Chaeyoung, Bekuh Boom & Anika Wells) (2020)


    • «Two Yoo Project Sugar Man OST» («Daring Woman» with Jihyo, Tzuyu & Chaeyoung) (2015)



    • Dream High 2 (KBS, 2012) — cameo (Ep. 2)

    Reality shows

    • SIXTEEN (Mnet, 2015) — contestant

    Variety shows

    • Two Yoo Project — Sugar Man (JTBC, 2015) — guest (Ep. 11)
    • Yeri’s Room (YouTube, 2020) — guest (Ep. 1)

    Music video appearances

    • miss A — «Bad Girl Good Girl» (2010)
    • San E — «Please Don’t Go» (2011)
    • GOT7 — «Girls Girls Girls» (2014)
    • Jun. K — «No Love» (2014)
    • miss A — «Only You» (2015)
    • J.Y. Park — «Fire» (feat. Conan O’Brien, Steven Yeun, & Jimin Park) (2016)
    • Jun. K — «Your Wedding» (2017)


    On September 6, 2022, Olive Des Olive revealed that they have selected Nayeon as their new model.[4] On January 17, 2023, Dazed Korea announced that Nayeon was selected as the new muse for Givenchy Beauty.[5]

    • BIOTHERM (2021)
    • Chaumet (2021)
    • Olive Des Olive (2022)
    • Givenchy Beauty (2023)

    Writing credits

    • All credits adapted from KOMCA, unless stated.[6]


    • The name Nayeon means ‘elegant/graceful’ and ‘beautiful’ in Korean.[8]
    • She was originally set to debut in the girl group 6mix.[9]
    • Instead of entering a cram school to study harder, Nayeon secretly attended JYP Entertainment’s 7th Open Audition and became a trainee. She halted university studies during Sixteen, but is majoring in film studies.[10]
    • She is a huge fan of IU.[11]
    • Her left leg is weak due to a car accident when she was young.[12]
    • She is TWICE’s fake maknae (although she is the oldest member of the group, she is well known for her youthful appearance, adorable cheeks, and vibrant, fun personality).[13][14][15][16][17]
    • She found out that she is allergic to sweet chili sauce when Chaeyoung bought the BTS Meal from McDonald’s. [citation needed]
    • According to the Korea Institute of Corporate Reputation, she was at the top of the May data in 2017. 31,424,347 pieces of data were examined from April 12 to May 13. Nayeon had a total of 864,556. This placed her as one of the most desirable female Korean Idols for commercial and modeling campaigns.[18]
    • In Gallup Korea’s annual music polls which interview 1,500 people between the ages 13–29, Nayeon was voted the 11th most popular idol in 2016, only behind Tzuyu, and the 6th in 2017 and 2018, ahead of all her bandmates.[19][20][21]
    • She tried the MBTI test twice, her first MBTI was ESTP-A (Entrepreneur), but when she took it again, the personality changed to ISTP-A (Virtuoso)[22]. She is typed ESFP by fans.[23]
    • She has a birthday on the same day and month as WEi’s Yohan, Stray Kids’ Seungmin, GOT7’s Jinyoung, Girls’ Generation’s Hyoyeon, and Apink’s former member Yookyung.[24]


    Main article: Nayeon/Gallery


    1. (KR) Nate: ‘식스틴’ JYP의 미래 짊어질 9인, 걸그룹 트와이스 탄생 (종합)
    2. @JYPETWICE on twitter (May 19, 2022)
    3. Polygon: K-pop Girl Group Twice Joins the League of Legends K/DA Roster
    4. (KR) Apparel News: 올리브데올리브, 트와이스 나연 모델로 발탁
    5. @DazedKorea on Twitter (January 17, 2023)
    6. KOMCA: Searching Works (search 10023501 under Writers & Publishers)
    7. TWICE JAPAN 4th ALBUM 『Celebrate』 Tracklist. Twice Japan Twitter (2022-07-06). Retrieved on 2022-07-06.
    8. Names.org: What Does The Name Nayeon Mean?
    9. Channel Korea: Several Female Trainees Have Left JYP Entertainment, What Happened?
    10. TWICE TV: Episode 1
    11. Koreaboo: What Dahyun Just Did To Nayeon Is Every Fangirl’s Worst Nightmare
    12. Koreaboo: This Is Why TWICE’s Nayeon Has Trouble Staying Balanced
    13. KpopStarz: 20 K-Pop Idols Who Are The “Fake Maknaes” of Their Groups Due to Their Child-Like Aura
    14. Soompi: 10 K-Pop Idols Who Could Easily Be Mistaken For Being Maknaes Of Their Groups
    15. Koreaboo: TOP 10 Female Fake Maknae Idols Voted By Fans
    16. Koreaboo: 10 K-Pop Idols Who Look Like The Maknaes, But Are Actually The Oldest In Their Group
    17. Koreaboo: Nayeon Has Actually Been TWICE’s Real Maknae This Whole Time
    18. Allkpop: TWICE’s Nayeon tops the brand value ranking for girl group members in May
    19. Soompi: Koreans Choose Top 10 Artists And Top 20 Idols Of 2016
    20. Soompi: Koreans Choose Top Singers, Songs, And Idols Of 2017
    21. Soompi: Koreans Vote For Artists Who Shined The Most + Favorite Songs And Idols Of 2018
    22. Finding TWICE’s MBTI EP.NAYEON
    23. Personality Database: Nayeon (TWICE) is ESFP
    24. Koreaboo: These 8 Dates Have Blessed The K-Pop Industry With The Most Idol Birthdays

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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Nayeon smiling and giving two peace signs while looking at the camera

    Nayeon in July 2022


    Im Na-yeon[a]

    September 22, 1995 (age 27)

    Seoul, South Korea

    Occupation Singer
    Musical career
    • K-pop
    • J-pop
    Instrument(s) Vocals
    Years active 2015–present
    • JYP
    • Warner Japan
    • Republic
    Member of
    • Twice
    • JYP Nation
    Korean name




    Revised Romanization Im Na-yeon
    McCune–Reischauer Im Nayŏn
    Nayeon signature.png

    Im Na-yeon[a] (Korean: 임나연; born September 22, 1995), known mononymously as Nayeon, is a South Korean singer. She became a member of the South Korean girl group Twice, under JYP Entertainment, in 2015 as a winning contestant of the reality survival television show Sixteen.[1]

    In 2022, her eponymous debut extended play (EP), Im Nayeon, peaked at number 7 on the US Billboard 200, making her the first South Korean soloist to enter the chart’s top 10.

    Life and career[edit]

    Early life[edit]

    As a child, Nayeon participated in a modeling contest and was cast by JYP Entertainment (JYPE). Although her mother initially prevented her from entering show business given her young age,[2][3] Nayeon secretly attended the agency’s open audition on September 15, 2010, after which she became a trainee.[4][5][6] In 2013, she was added to the lineup of 6mix, a planned JYPE girl group that never debuted.[7][8][9] She also made an appearance in the second episode of the 2012 television series Dream High 2.[10]

    2015–present: Sixteen, Twice and solo debut[edit]

    Nayeon at Twice’s fan meeting in March 2017

    In 2015, Nayeon participated in the reality television show Sixteen, a competition to determine the members of a new JYP Entertainment girl group called Twice.[11][7][12] As one of the nine successful participants, she made the final lineup.[11] In October, Nayeon officially debuted as a member of Twice with the release of their first extended play (EP), The Story Begins.[13]

    On May 19, 2022, it was announced that Nayeon would debut as a solo artist on June 24 with her EP Im Nayeon.[14] On July 10, 2022, Nayeon earned her first ever music show win on SBS Inkigayo.[15] She won Best Female Artist at the 2022 MAMA Awards.[16]

    Public image and influence[edit]

    In Gallup Korea’s annual music poll for 2017, she was voted the sixth most popular idol in South Korea.[3][17][18] In the 2018 poll, she again ranked sixth, receiving 6.7% of the votes.[3][19][20] In 2019, she placed fifth, receiving 8.2% of the votes,[3][21][22] and ranked as the eighth most popular female K-pop idol in a survey of soldiers completing mandatory military service in South Korea.[23] Nayeon has been noted for being at the «center» of the group’s performances and constantly opening the group’s songs.[11]

    Other ventures[edit]

    Fashion and endorsements[edit]

    Aside from various endorsements with her Twice bandmates, Nayeon has promoted various products and featured in numerous advertisements. During her trainee years, Nayeon was a model for brands such as Smart School Uniform[24] and TN.[25] In May 2021, she became a model and appeared in a promotional video for Chaumet’s Joséphine Collection.[26][27] In August, she became a model for Biotherm Korea, a South Korean beauty brand.[28][29] In September 2022, she became a model of South Korean clothing brand Olive Des Olive.[30] On January 30, 2023, Nayeon was announced as the official muse of Givenchy Beauty.[31]

    Nayeon has also appeared in magazines including Nylon Korea,[32] Cosmopolitan Korea,[33] W Korea,[34] and Elle Korea,[35] as well as for fashion brands such as Ralph Lauren,[36] Jill Stuart,[37] Fendi,[38] and Louis Vuitton.[39] She was featured in the April 2022 issue of Harper’s Bazaar Korea for Chaumet’s Josephine collection. The same month, she was officially named by the brand as the Friend of the Maison.[40][41]


    In March 2020, she donated KR₩50 million to the Community Chest of Korea to help the fight against COVID-19 outbreak.[42]


    For Nayeon’s discography as a member of Twice, see Twice discography.

    Extended plays[edit]


    Other charted songs[edit]

    Songwriting credits[edit]

    All song credits are adapted from the Korea Music Copyright Association’s database unless stated otherwise.[66]


    Television series[edit]

    Television show[edit]

    Web show[edit]

    Music videos[edit]

    Awards and nominations[edit]


    1. ^ a b According to the initial law of the Korean language, the family name Im (Hangul: ) may also be romanized as «Lim».


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    50. ^ Accumulated Album sales:
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      • «Pop!». July 9, 2022.

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      • «Pop!». July 6, 2022.

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      • «Pop!». July 4, 2022.

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    65. ^ «RIAS Top Charts Week 26 (24 — 30 Jun 2022)». RIAS. July 5, 2022. Archived from the original on July 5, 2022. Retrieved July 5, 2022.
    66. ^ «Songs Registered Under NAYEON (10023501)». Korea Music Copyright Association (in Korean). Archived from the original on June 29, 2020. Retrieved June 26, 2021.
    67. ^ «‘추석특집 2018 아육대’ 트와이스 나연, 감스트, 붐까지! 떠오르는 대세 MC 3인 출격!». Naver (in Korean). May 30, 2019. Archived from the original on August 22, 2019. Retrieved September 21, 2018.
    68. ^ «Watch: TWICE Opens Up About Struggles And More In «Seize The Light» Documentary Trailer». Soompi. April 9, 2020. Archived from the original on November 29, 2020. Retrieved November 22, 2020.
    69. ^ «NY — POP M/V». Rigend Film (in Korean). Retrieved August 29, 2022.
    70. ^ «【APMA 2022】亚洲流行音乐大奖2022年度获奖名单» [[APMA 2022] Asian Pop Music Awards 2022 Winners List]. Weibo (in Chinese). December 28, 2022. Retrieved December 28, 2022.
    71. ^ Kim, Na-yeon (February 18, 2023). «임영웅·트와이스 나연, 올해의 솔로 가수상 수상 [써클차트어워즈]» [Lim Young-woong and Nayeon of Twice, Solo Singer of the Year Award [Circle Chart Awards]] (in Korean). MT Star News. Retrieved February 18, 2023 – via Naver.
    72. ^ «The Artist of this Year — Global Digital Music Nominees». Circle Chart Music Awards. December 17, 2022. Archived from the original on December 17, 2022. Retrieved December 17, 2022.
    73. ^ «Nominee selection criteria for 2022 Mubeat Global Choice Award with CIRCLE». Mubeat. December 20, 2022. Archived from the original on January 9, 2023. Retrieved December 20, 2022.
    74. ^ «Genie Music Awards 2022». Genie Music (in Korean). September 27, 2022. Retrieved October 6, 2022.
    75. ^ Mathew, Ilin (January 2, 2023). «Golden Disc Awards 2023 Performers, Presenters, Nominees, and More». International Business Times. Archived from the original on January 2, 2023. Retrieved January 2, 2023.
    76. ^ Bowenbank, Starr (October 23, 2022). «BTS, J-Hope, BLACKPINK & More Nominated for 2022 MAMA Awards». Billboard. Archived from the original on October 23, 2022. Retrieved October 23, 2022.
    77. ^ K4US ✨ [@k4usportal] (December 18, 2022). «🏆 #PAK2022 #𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗢𝗥 #𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗘𝗥 🏆 HIT DO VERÃO / SUMMER HIT ↳ POP! — #NAYEON👏» (Tweet) (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved February 13, 2023 – via Twitter.
    78. ^ «PAK 2022: veja os indicados à premiação brasileira de k-pop e k-drama» (in Portuguese). Retrieved November 15, 2022.
    79. ^ «The 32nd Seoul Music Awards – Vote». Seoul Music Awards. December 5, 2022. Archived from the original on December 5, 2022. Retrieved December 5, 2022. (Note: Click/tap on the labelled tabs to view nominees for each category)

    External links[edit]

    • Media related to Im Na-yeon at Wikimedia Commons


    Наён улыбается и складывает руки в сердце.

    Наён в июле 2018 года

    Исходная информация
    Имя при рождении Им На Ён
    Родился 22 сентября 1995 г. (26 лет)
    Сеул , Южная Корея
    Род занятий Певица
    Музыкальная карьера
    • K-pop
    • J-pop
    Инструменты Вокал
    Активные годы 2015 – настоящее время
    • JYP
    • Warner Japan
    • Республика
    Связанные действия
    • Дважды
    • JYP Nation
    Корейское имя

    임 나 연



    Пересмотренная романизация Им На Ён
    МакКьюн – Райшауэр Im Nayŏn
    Nayeon signature.svg

    Им На Ён ( кор .  임 나연 ; родился 22 сентября 1995 г.), известная как Наён , — южнокорейская певица. После участия в реалити-шоу на выживание Sixteen в 2015 году она стала певицей южнокорейской женской группы Twice, созданной JYP Entertainment . Она самый старший участник Twice.

    Жизнь и карьера

    Ранние годы

    В детстве она участвовала в конкурсе детских моделей и была выбрана агентством JYP Entertainment. Однако мать сразу же помешала ей начать обучение и заняться шоу-бизнесом, учитывая ее юный возраст. 15 сентября 2010 года она тайно посетила 7-е открытое прослушивание JYP Entertainment, после чего стала стажером. В 2013 году она получила роль участницы 6mix, женской группы JYP, которая была запланирована, но так и не дебютировала. Она также появилась во втором эпизоде корейской драмы KBS2 2012 года Dream High 2 .

    2015 – настоящее время: Sixteen and Twice

    В 2015 году Наён участвовала в реалити- шоу Sixteen , конкурсе, призванном выбрать членов-основателей Twice . Как одна из девяти успешных участниц, она присоединилась к недавно сформированной женской группе Twice . В октябре 2015 года Наён официально дебютировала в составе Twice с их первой расширенной игрой, The Story Begins . В Gallup Korea ежегодном музыкальном опросе «s за 2017 год, Nayeon был признан шестым самым популярным идолом в Южной Корее, впереди всех своих одногруппников. В опросе 2018 года она снова заняла шестое место, набрав 6,7% голосов. В 2019 году она заняла пятое место, набрав 8,2% голосов. В 2019 году Наён также заняла восьмое место среди самых популярных женщин-айдолов K-pop по результатам опроса солдат, проходящих обязательную военную службу в Южной Корее .


    Композиция кредитов

    Все кредиты песен взяты из базы данных Корейской ассоциации авторского права на музыку, если не указано иное.



    Телевизионное шоу


    использованная литература

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