Перевод «нетбук» на английский
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Могу ли я использовать нетбук, стоя в переполненном поезде?
Can I use a netbook while standing in a crowded train?
Могу ли я использовать нетбук, стоя в переполненном поезде?
Can I use a netbook while standing in a crowded train?
в его время это означало иметь льняные рубашки, сегодня же, вам по-прежнему нужна рубашка, но вам ещё требуется гибридный автомобиль, HD телевизор, возможность пару раз в год отдохнуть, нетбук и iPad, список можно продолжать и продолжать — практически неистощимый поток товаров, порожден этим страхом.
in his day, what that meant was a linen shirt, and today, well, you still need the shirt, but you need the hybrid car, the HDTV, two holidays a year in the sun, the netbook and iPad, the list goes on — an almost inexhaustible supply of goods, driven by this anxiety.
Ну, с Сереной мы ничего сделать не можем, но я могу организовать видеочат с нетбука и посадить бабушку за один стол с нами.
Well, there’s nothing we can do about serena, But i can set up a video chat on my netbook And give grandma a place at the table.
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Англо-русский синонимический словарь > netbook
cloud computer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cloud computer
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > netbook
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > netbook
Англо-русский современный словарь > netbook
См. также в других словарях:
нетбук — сущ., кол во синонимов: 1 • компьютер (52) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов
НЕТБУК — Миниатюрный компьютер не большой мощности, снабженный QWERTY клавиатурой и, как правило, модулем беспроводной связи. По производительности находится между ноутбуком и смартфоном. Предназначен и работы в Интернете и с офисными приложениями (англ.… … Словарь бизнес-терминов
Нетбук — Acer Aspire One один из нетбуков на базе Intel Atom … Википедия
нетбук — (англ. internet + notebook) маленький ноутбук с диагональю экрана 7 , без дисковода, предназначенный для сёрфинга в интернете и решения небольших офисных задач. Новый словарь иностранных слов. by EdwART, , 2009 … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
Планшетный нетбук — (нетбук трансформер) – это портативный ПК, совмещающий в себе признаки нетбука и интернет планшета. Содержание 1 Основные особенности 2 Сравнение с интернет планшетами … Википедия
Ноутбук — (англ. notebook блокнот, блокнотный ПК) портативный персональный компьютер, в корпусе которого объединены типичные компоненты ПК, включая дисплей, клавиатуру и устройство указания (обычно сенсорная панель, или тачпад), карманный… … Википедия
DELL Inspiron mini — Тип нетбук Выпущен … Википедия
Смартбук — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Smartbook. Wistron Pursebook с тактовой частотой 1 ГГц (апрель 2009) Смартбук (англ. … Википедия
УСУ — Разработчик SKSS … Википедия
Лаптоп — IBM Thinkpad R51 Ноутбук (англ. notebook блокнот, блокнотный ПК) портативный персональный компьютер, в корпусе которого объединены типичные компоненты ПК, включая дисплей, клавиатуру и устройство указания (обычно сенсорная панель или тачпад), а … Википедия
Лэптоп — IBM Thinkpad R51 Ноутбук (англ. notebook блокнот, блокнотный ПК) портативный персональный компьютер, в корпусе которого объединены типичные компоненты ПК, включая дисплей, клавиатуру и устройство указания (обычно сенсорная панель или тачпад), а … Википедия
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «нетбук» на английский
Ваш ребенок также будет любить веб-камеры и функцию микрофона на нетбук.
Your child will also love the webcam and the microphone feature on this netbook.
Этот нетбук отличается от остальных нетбуков, вежливость его впечатляющий дизайн.
This netbook stands apart from the rest of the netbooks, courtesy its impressive design.
Ноутбук или нетбук, так как современный процесс образования предполагает активное использование компьютеров.
A laptop or notebook, as modern education requires the active use of computers.
IdeaPad S12 — первый в мире нетбук, разработанный на платформе NVIDIA ION, которая…
IdeaPad S12 — the world’s first netbuk developed on the platform NVIDIA ION, which is a good performance.
Dell предлагает нетбук в нескольких цветах.
Dell offers the netbook in a number of colors.
Очень сильный соперник для кого-то ждем симпатичный нетбук.
A very strong contender for someone looking forward for a good-looking netbook.
Я залил ее фото с моего телефона в ваш нетбук.
So I downloaded a picture of her From my phone into your netbook.
Компания Samsung готовит новый 10-дюймовый нетбук с маломощным процессором и низкой ценой.
Samsung is preparing a new 10 inch netbook with a low power processor and a low price tag.
Сегодня мы поговорим о том как установить андроид на ноутбук или нетбук.
Today we will talk about how to install Android on a laptop or netbook.
Конечно нельзя отрицать то, что NF210 действительно очень хороший нетбук.
There’s no denying that the NF210 is a very nice netbook indeed.
Компания Fujitsu официально анонсировала первый ультракомпактный нетбук построенный на базе энергосберегающей CULV платформы.
Fujitsu Europe has officially announced the first ultra-compact netbook built on the basis of energy-saving CULV platform.
Они не ограничились тем, что изобрели первый нетбук и время от времени стараются удивлять людей.
They were not limited by the fact that invented the first netbook from time to time try to surprise people.
Это настоящий нетбук и предлагает он именно то, что пользователи ожидают от него.
It is a true netbook and offers just what the users expect from it.
Хотя бы один ноутбук или нетбук на команду.
A laptop or netbook at least.
Со своего телефон к вам в нетбук.
From my phone into your netbook.
Поэтому чаще практикуется другой вариант: настольный компьютер дома и на работе, ноутбук или нетбук — в дороге.
Increasingly, therefore, the other option: a desktop computer at home and at work, a laptop or netbook on the road.
Планшет и нетбук — это такие устройства, которые частично дублируют функции друг друга.
The tablet and the netbook is such devices which partially duplicate functions of each other.
Как будто нетбук переродился в красивом шасси из магния-лития и магния-алюминия — и с действительно достойными компонентами внутри.
It’s as if the netbook has been reborn in a beautiful magnesium-lithium and magnesium-aluminum alloy chassis — and with actually decent parts inside.
Скорее всего цена на новый нетбук будет в диапазоне $300-$350.
Most likely the price of a new netbook will be in the range of $ 300 — $ 350.
Этот нетбук, подобно своим предшественникам собрал всю мощность, которую только можно уместить в его размер.
This netbook, like its predecessors, packs plenty of power for its size.
Результатов: 429. Точных совпадений: 429. Затраченное время: 64 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
нетбук — перевод на английский
Ну, с Сереной мы ничего сделать не можем, но я могу организовать видео-чат с нетбука и посадить бабушку за один стол с нами.
Well, there’s nothing we can do about serena, But i can set up a video chat on my netbook And give grandma a place at the table.
Я залил ее фото с моего телефона в ваш нетбук.
So I downloaded a picture of her From my phone into your netbook.
Ты оставила свой нетбук включённым.
Run a d-dimer and fibrinogen for D.I.C.
Дай мне нетбук.
Now give me the laptop.
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HP 2133 Mini-Note PC netbook |
Type | Laptop computer |
Inception | 2007 |
A netbook is a small and inexpensive laptop designed primarily as a means of accessing the Internet. Netbooks were sold from 2007 until around 2013, when the widespread advent of smartphones eclipsed their popularity. Netbooks generally had lower-end hardware specifications than consumer laptops of the time, being primarily intended as clients for Internet services. While netbook has fallen out of use, these machines evolved into other products including Google’s Chromebook, and mobile devices, particularly tablet computers, often running mobile operating systems such as iOS or Android.
At their inception in late 2007,[1] as smaller-than-typical laptop computers optimized for low weight and low cost,[2] netbooks began appearing without certain then-standard laptop features (such as an optical drive), and with less computing power than in full-sized laptops. Later netbooks ranged in size from below 5″ screen diagonal to 12″. A typical weight was 1 kg (2.2 pounds). Often significantly less expensive than other laptops,[3] by mid-2009, netbooks were often offered by some wireless data carriers «free of charge», with an extended service-contract purchase.[4]
Soon after their appearance, netbooks grew in size and features, and converged with smaller laptops and subnotebooks. By August 2009, when comparing two Dell models, one marketed as a netbook and the other as a conventional laptop, CNET called netbooks «nothing more than smaller, cheaper notebooks», noting: «the specs are so similar that the average shopper would likely be confused as to why one is better than the other», and «the only conclusion is that there really is no distinction between the devices».[5] At their peak, the easy portability of netbooks, and expanding Internet access, gave them a significant portion of the laptop computer market. To protect sales of their more lucrative laptops, manufacturers soon imposed constraints on the hardware of their netbooks, which had the unintended effect of pushing netbooks into a market niche where they had few distinctive advantages over traditional laptops or the newly emerging tablet computer.[6]
By 2011, the increasing popularity of tablet computers (particularly the iPad), which offered a different form factor, but with improved computing capabilities and lower production cost, had led to declining sales of budget netbooks.[7] Meanwhile, the emergence of ultra-light laptops with the dimensions and hardware specifications of high-end laptops, most notably the MacBook Air, allowed fewer sacrifices for a lightweight laptop, at a considerably higher price,[8][9] eating into sales of high-end netbooks. Soon after,[10] Intel promoted the «Ultrabook» as a new high-mobility standard for laptop computers, which some analysts predicted would succeed in markets where netbooks had failed.[11][12][13]
Against these two new rapidly expanding product categories, netbooks, less portable and easy to use than tablet computers and less performant than ultrabooks, rapidly lost market share, with price as their only obvious strong suit by roughly 2011.[14] By the end of 2012, few new laptops were marketed as «netbooks»,[15] and the term disappeared from common usage. The concept of a cheap laptop made primarily for accessing the Internet, however, is at the core of Google’s highly successful Chromebook project.
By 2014, most laptops that fit the definition of «netbook» were Chromebooks. Others included certain of the HP Essential laptops and various palmtop computers for specialized purposes, such as the GPD Win series of palmtops, which included controls for applications such as portable video gaming. While these laptops and devices are often considered successors to, descendants of, or continuations of the netbook product class, the word «netbook» became a historical term, usually referring to those laptops that were originally marketed as «netbooks».
An Asus Eee PC 700, the first mass-produced netbook, which used a 7-inch screen.
While Psion had unrelated netBook line of machines, the use of the broad marketing term «netbook», began in 2007 when Asus unveiled the Asus Eee PC. Originally designed for emerging markets, the 23 cm × 17 cm (9.1 in × 6.7 in) device weighed about 0.9 kg (2 lb) and featured a 7 in (18 cm) display, a keyboard approximately 85% the size of a normal keyboard, a solid-state drive and a custom version of Linux with a simplified user interface geared towards consumer use.[16] Following the Eee PC, Everex launched its Linux-based CloudBook; Windows XP and Windows Vista models were also introduced and MSI released the Wind—others soon followed suit.
The OLPC project followed the same market goals laid down by the eMate 300 eight years earlier.[17][18] Known for its innovation in producing a durable, cost- and power-efficient netbook for developing countries, it is regarded as one of the major factors that led more top computer hardware manufacturers to begin creating low-cost netbooks for the consumer market.[19]
When the first Asus Eee PC sold over 300,000 units in four months, companies such as Dell and Acer took note and began producing their own inexpensive netbooks. And while the OLPC XO-1 targets a different audience than do the other manufacturers’ netbooks, it appears that OLPC is now facing competition. Developing countries now have a large choice of vendors, from which they can choose which low-cost netbook they prefer.[20]
Netbook market popularity within laptops in second half of 2008 based on the number of product clicks in the Laptop Subcategory per month by PriceGrabber[3]
By late 2008, netbooks began to take market share away from notebooks.[21] It was more successful than earlier «mini notebooks,» most likely because of lower cost and greater compatibility with mainstream laptops.
Having peaked at about 20% of the portable computer market, netbooks started to slightly lose market share (within the category) in early 2010, coinciding with the appearance and success of the iPad.[22] Technology commentator Ross Rubin argued two and a half years later in Engadget that «Netbooks never got any respect. While Steve Jobs rebuked the netbook at the iPad’s introduction, the iPad owes a bit of debt to the little laptops. The netbook demonstrated the potential of an inexpensive, portable second computing device, with a screen size of about 10 inches, intended primarily for media consumption and light productivity.»[23] Although some manufacturers directly blamed competition from the iPad, some analysts pointed out that larger, fully fledged laptops had entered the price range of netbooks at about the same time.[24]
The 11.6-inch MacBook Air, introduced in late 2010, compared favorably to many netbooks in terms of processing power but also ergonomics, at 2.3 pounds being lighter than some 10-inch netbooks, owing in part to the integration of the flash storage chips on the main logic board.[25] It was described as a superlative netbook (or at least as what a netbook should be) by several technology commentators,[26][27][28] even though Apple has never referred to it as such, sometimes describing it—in the words of Steve Jobs—as «the third kind of notebook.»[27] The entry level model had a MSRP of $999,[27] costing significantly more than the average netbook, as much as three or four times more.[23]
In 2011 tablet sales overtook netbooks for the first time, and in 2012 netbook sales fell by 25 percent, year-on-year.[29] The sustained decline since 2010 had been most pronounced in the United States and in Western Europe, while Latin America was still showing some modest growth.[30] In December 2011, Dell announced that it was exiting the netbook market.[31] In May 2012, Toshiba announced it was doing the same, at least in the United States.[32] An August 2012 article by John C. Dvorak in PC Magazine claimed that the term «netbook» is «nearly gone from the lexicon already», having been superseded in the market place largely by the more powerful (and MacBook Air inspired) Ultrabook—described as «a netbook on steroids»—and to a lesser extent by tablets.[13] In September 2012 Asus, Acer and MSI announced that they will stop manufacturing 10-inch netbooks.[33] Simultaneously Asus announced they would stop developing all Eee PC products, instead focusing on their mixed tablet-netbook Transformer line.[33]
With the introduction of Chromebooks, major manufacturers produced the new laptops for the same segment of the market that netbooks serviced. Chromebooks, a variation on the network computer concept, in the form of a netbook, require internet connections for full functionality. Chromebooks became top selling laptops in 2014. The threat of Google ChromeOS based Chromebooks prompted Microsoft to revive and revamp netbooks with Windows 8.1 with Bing. HP re-entered the non-Chromebook netbook market with the Stream 11 in 2014.[34].
A Samsung N130, manufactured in 2010. Although Windows XP was in the process of being supplanted by its successors, Windows Vista and Windows 7, some netbook manufacturers offered the operating system alongside its successors.
Educational Use[edit]
In Australia, the New South Wales Department of Education and Training, in partnership with Lenovo, provided Year 9 (high school) students in government high schools with Lenovo S10e netbooks in 2009, Lenovo Mini 10 netbooks in 2010, Lenovo Edge 11 netbooks in 2011 and a modified Lenovo X130e netbook in 2012, each preloaded with software including Microsoft Office and Adobe Systems’ Creative Suite 4. These were provided under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s Digital Education Revolution, or DER. The netbooks ran Windows 7 Enterprise. These netbooks were secured with Computrace Lojack for laptops that the police can use to track the device if it is lost or stolen. The NSW DET retains ownership of these netbooks until the student graduates from Year 12, when the student can keep it. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago—Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bisseser—is also providing HP laptops to form 1 Students (11-year-olds) with the same police trackable software as above.
Greece provided all 13-year-old students (middle school, or gymnasium, freshmen) and their teachers with netbooks in 2009[35] through the «Digital Classroom Initiative». Students were given one unique coupon each, with which they redeemed the netbook of their choice, up to a €450 price ceiling, in participating shops throughout the country. These netbooks came bundled with localized versions of either Windows XP (or higher) or open source (e.g. Linux) operating systems, wired and wireless networking functionality, antivirus protection, preactivated parental controls, and an educational software package.
In 1996 Psion started applying for trademarks for a line of netBook products that was later released in 1999.[36] International trademarks were issued (including U.S. Trademark 75,215,401 and ) but the models failed to gain popularity[37] and are now discontinued (except for providing accessories, maintenance and support to existing users).[38] Similar marks were recently rejected by the USPTO citing a «likelihood of confusion» under section 2(d).[39][40][41]
Despite expert analysis that the mark is «probably generic»,[42] Psion Teklogix issued cease and desist letters on December 23, 2008.[43][36][44] This was heavily criticized,[45][46][47] prompting the formation of the «Save the Netbooks» grassroots campaign which worked to reverse the Google AdWords ban, cancel the trademark and encourage continued generic use of the term.[37] While preparing a «Petition for Cancellation» of U.S. Trademark 75,215,401 they revealed[48] that Dell had submitted one day before[49] on the basis of abandonment, genericness and fraud.[50] They later revealed Psion’s counter-suit against Intel, filed on February 27, 2009.[51]
It was also revealed around the same time that Intel had also sued Psion Teklogix (US & Canada) and Psion (UK) in the Federal Court on similar grounds.[52] In addition to seeking cancellation of the trademark, Intel sought an order enjoining Psion from asserting any trademark rights in the term «netbook», a declarative judgment regarding their use of the term, attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements and «such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper».[53]
On June 2, 2009, Psion announced that the suit had been settled out of court. Psion’s statement said that the company was withdrawing all of its trademark registrations for the term «Netbook» and that Psion agreed to «waive all its rights against third parties in respect of past, current or future use» of the term.[54]
Netbooks typically have less powerful hardware than larger laptop computers and do not include an optical disc drive that contemporaneous laptop computers often had. Netbooks were some of the first machines to substitute solid-state storage devices, instead of the traditional hard disk drive commonly found on laptop and desktop computers at the time.[55] This was due to solid-state drives being smaller, more power efficient, and more shock resistant. Unlike modern solid-state drives, these early models often did not offer better performance.
Almost all netbooks supported Wi-Fi and some supported Mobile broadband.[56] Some also include ethernet and/or modems.
Most netbooks used low-end, x86 processors focused on low power consumption. The majority of early netbooks typically used processors from the Intel Atom line, but some used competing processors from AMD, including netbook APUs,[57][58] or VIA Technologies, including the C7 and Nano. Some very low-cost netbooks use a system-on-a-chip Vortex86 processor designed for embedded systems.[59][60][61][62] A few netbooks used non-x86 processors based on ARM or MIPS architectures.[63][64]
Operating systems[edit]
Microsoft announced on April 8, 2008, that, despite the impending end of retail availability for the operating system that June, it would continue to license low-cost copies of Windows XP Home Edition to OEMs through October 2010 (one year after the release of Windows 7) for what it defined as «ultra low-cost personal computers»—a definition carrying restrictions on screen size and processing power.[65][66] The move served primarily to counter the use of low-cost Linux distributions on netbooks and create a new market segment for Windows devices, whilst ensuring that the devices did not cannibalize the sales of higher-end PCs running Windows Vista.[67] In 2009, over 90% (96% claimed by Microsoft as of February 2009) of netbooks in the United States were estimated to ship with Windows XP.[68][69]
For Windows 7, Microsoft introduced a new stripped-down edition intended for netbooks known as «Starter», exclusively for OEMs. In comparison to Home Premium, Starter has reduced multimedia functionality, does not allow users to change their desktop wallpaper or theme, disables the «Aero Glass» theme, and does not have support for multiple monitors.[70][71]
For Windows 8, in a ploy to counter ChromeOS-based netbooks and low-end Android tablets, Microsoft began to offer no-cost Windows licenses to OEMs for devices with screens smaller than 9 inches in size. Additionally, Microsoft began to offer low-cost licenses for a variant of the operating system set up to use Microsoft’s Bing search engine by default.[34][72][73][74]
Windows CE has also been used in netbooks, due to its reduced feature set.[75]
Google’s Android software platform, designed for mobile telephone handsets, has been demonstrated on an ASUS Eee PC and its version of the Linux operating system contains policies for mobile internet devices including the original Asus Eee PC 701.[76] ASUS has allocated engineers to develop an Android-based netbook.[77] In May 2009 a contractor of Dell announced it is porting Adobe Flash Lite to Android for Dell netbooks.[78] Acer announced Android netbooks to be available in Q3/2009.[79] In July 2009, a new project, Android-x86,[80] was created to provide an open source solution for Android on the x86 platform, especially for netbooks.
In 2011, Google introduced ChromeOS, a Linux-based operating system designed particularly for netbook-like devices marketed as «Chromebooks». The platform is designed to leverage online services, cloud computing, and its namesake Chrome web browser as its shell—so much so that the operating system initially used a full screen web browser window as its interface, and contained limited offline functionality.[81][82] Later versions of ChromeOS introduced a traditional desktop interface[83] and a platform allowing «native» packaged software written in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to be developed for the platform.[84]
Netbooks have sparked the development of several Linux variants or completely new distributions, which are optimized for small screen use and the limited processing power of the Atom or ARM processors which typically power netbooks. Examples include Ubuntu Netbook Edition, EasyPeasy, Joli OS and MeeGo. Both Joli OS and MeeGo purport to be «social oriented» or social networking operating systems rather than traditional «office work production» operating systems. Netbook users can also install other UNIX-based operating systems such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Darwin.[85]
Since 2010, major netbook manufacturers no longer install or support Linux in the United States. The reason for this change of stance is unclear, although it coincides with the availability of a ‘netbook’ version of Windows XP, and a later Windows 7 Starter and a strong marketing push for the adoption of this OS in the netbook market. However, companies targeting niche markets, such as System76 and ZaReason, continue to pre-install Linux on the devices they sell.
The Cloud operating system attempts to capitalize on the minimalist aspect of netbooks. The user interface is limited to a browser application only.
Mac OS X has been demonstrated running on various netbooks as a result of the OSx86 project,[86] although this is in violation of the operating system’s end-user license agreement.[87] Apple has complained to sites hosting information on how to install OS X onto non-Apple hardware (including Wired and YouTube) who have reacted and removed content in response.[88] One article nicknamed a netbook running OS X a «Hackintosh.» The MacBook Air can be considered an expensive netbook.
A June 2009 NPD study found that 60% of netbook buyers never take their netbooks out of the house.[89]
Special «children’s» editions of netbooks have been released under Disney branding; their low cost (less at risk), lack of DVD player (less to break) and smaller keyboards (closer to children’s hand sizes) are viewed as significant advantages for that target market. The principal objection to netbooks in this context is the lack of good video performance for streaming online video in current netbooks and a lack of speed with even simple games. Adults browsing for text content are less dependent on video content than small children who cannot read.
Netbooks are a growing trend in education for several reasons. The need to prepare children for 21st-century lifestyles, combined with hundreds of new educational tools that can be found online, and a growing emphasis on student centered learning are three of the biggest contributing factors to the rising use of netbook technology in schools.[citation needed] Dell was one of the first to mass-produce a ruggedized netbook for the education sector, by having a rubber outlay, touchscreen and network activity light to show the teacher the netbook is online.
Netbooks offer several distinct advantages in educational settings. First, their compact size and weight make for an easy fit in student work areas. Similarly, their small size makes netbooks easier to transport than heavier, larger sized traditional laptops. In addition, prices ranging from $200–$600 mean the affordability of netbooks can be a relief to school budget makers. Despite the small size and price, netbooks are fully capable of accomplishing most school-related tasks, including word processing, presentations, access to the Internet, multimedia playback, and photo management.[90]
See also[edit]
- Comparison of netbooks
- Chromebook
- Mobile broadband
- Mobile Internet device (MID)
- Mobile modem
- Mobile phone
- Nettop, a desktop equivalent of the netbook
- Pay As You Go (phone)
- Smartbook
- SIM card
- Subnotebook
- Tablet Computer
- Tethering
- Thin PC
- Ultra-mobile PC (UMPC), a form factor smaller than the netbook
- Webbook
- ^ «What was the first netbook?». Computerworld. May 11, 2009. Archived from the original on January 30, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2011.
- ^ «Cheap PCs Weigh on Microsoft». The Wall Street Journal. Business Technologies blog. December 8, 2008.
- ^ a b Netbook Trends and Solid-State Technology Forecast (PDF). pricegrabber.com. p. 7. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 26, 2009. Retrieved January 28, 2009.
- ^ Vance, Ashlee; Richtel, Matt (April 1, 2009). «Light and Cheap, Netbooks Are Poised to Reshape PC Industry». The New York Times.
AT&T announced on Tuesday that customers in Atlanta could get a type of compact PC called a netbook for just 50 US$ if they signed up for an Internet service plan…—’The era of a perfect Internet computer for 99 US$ is coming this year,’ said Jen-Hsun Huang, chief executive of Nvidia, a maker of PC graphics chips that is trying to adapt to the new technological order.
- ^ Ogg, Erica (August 20, 2009). «Time to drop the Netbook label». CNN. Retrieved May 20, 2010.
- ^ Charles Arthur (December 31, 2012). «Sayonara, netbooks: Asus (and the rest) won’t make any more in 2013». The Guardian. Retrieved February 10, 2015.
- ^ Caulfield, Brian (November 28, 2011). «The NetBook Is Dead, The iPad Killed It, Don’t Buy One». Forbes. Retrieved June 20, 2012.
- ^ «Apple MacBook Air review (11-inch, Summer 2012)».
Remember Netbooks and ultraportable laptops? Those 10- and 11-inchers were all the rage a few years ago, but thanks to the rise of larger-screened Ultrabook laptops and smaller-screened tablets, they’ve been disappearing from the computer landscape. One significant 11-incher still remains: the 11-inch MacBook Air. When it debuted in late 2010, it was the answer to the Netbook Generation. Now it stands alone, not only as a speedy ultraportable, but as one of the few 11-inch Ultrabook-class laptops around. The closest Windows equivalent we’ve reviewed recently, the Dell XPS 13, is larger and heavier.
- ^ «Life with the MacBook Air: The netbook I’ve been waiting for». TechRepublic. December 21, 2010.
- ^ «MacBook Air vs. Ultrabooks». PC Magazine.
- ^ «Ultrabooks Will Succeed Where Netbooks Failed: 10 Reasons Why». eWeek.
- ^ «The Ultrabook Revolution». PC World. August 21, 2012.
- ^ a b John C. Dvorak (August 23, 2012). «Where Did All the Netbooks Go?». PC Magazine.
- ^ «iPad vs ultrabook vs netbook: Which is right for you?». CNET.
- ^ Arthur, Charles (December 31, 2012). «Asus (and the rest) won’t make any more in 2013». The Guardian.
- ^ Bajarin, Tim (September 12, 2008). «Netbooks vs. Notebooks». PCMagazine.
- ^ Edwards, Benj (December 21, 2012). «The Forgotten eMate 300 — 15 years later». MacWorld.
- ^ «Apple eMate 300 Quick Fact Sheet». Apple. 1996.
- ^ «OLPC: The History Of One Laptop Per Child». TechRadar. Archived from the original on November 17, 2011.
- ^ Kraemer et al.: «One Laptop Per Child: Vision vs. Reality», Communications of the ACM, June 2009.
- ^ Ian Lamont (October 4, 2008). ««Netbooks» Move Up In Notebook Rankings». Slashdot. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
- ^ «Apple’s iPad nabs Netbook market share».
- ^ a b Ross Rubin (July 8, 2012). «Switched On: The Netbook Legacy». Engadget.
- ^ Tim Bajarin (January 30, 2012). «Are Netbooks Finally Dead?». PC Magazine.
- ^ Mark Spoonauer (October 21, 2010). «Apple 11-inch MacBook Air Review». Laptopmag.
- ^ Chris Nuttall. «MacBook Air – my new favourite netbook». Financial Times.
- ^ a b c «MacBook Air a great Windows Netbook, for a price». CNET.
- ^ «MacBook Air 11-inch: What a netbook should look like». ZDNet.
- ^ Arthur, Charles (February 3, 2012). «Netbooks plummet while tablets and smartphones soar, says Canalys». The Guardian.
- ^ Loyd Case (February 21, 2012). «Are Netbooks Dead? The Prognosis Is Grim Netbook sales are declining precipitously». PC World.
- ^ Melanie Pinola (December 16, 2011). «Dell Abandons Netbooks in Favor of Ultrabooks». PC World.
- ^ Fingas, Jon. «Toshiba bows out of netbooks in the US, sees Ultrabooks as the wave of the future». Engadget.com. Retrieved December 21, 2013.
- ^ a b Monica Chen; Joseph Tsai (September 3, 2012). «Intel may need to adjust roadmap for PC-use Atom processors». DIGITIMES.
- ^ a b Andrew Cunningham (December 6, 2014). «Don’t call it a netbook (or a «Chromebook killer»)—HP’s $200 Stream 11 reviewed». Ars Technica.
- ^ «Digital Aid S.A». Digitalaid.gr. Archived from the original on May 31, 2009. Retrieved December 21, 2013.
- ^ a b «Psion Continues To Extend The Reach Of E-Business Strategies Beyond The Enterprise…Announces Support For Oracle8i Lite On Its New Netbook Device» (Press release). October 26, 1999. Archived from the original on June 8, 2011.
- ^ a b «Save the Netbooks: fighting a trademark on extinct hardware». February 17, 2009.
- ^ «Psion Teklogix Discontinued Products». Archived from the original on May 17, 2007.
- ^ U.S. Trademark 77,527,311 for ‘G NETBOOK’ rejected October 31, 2008.
- ^ U.S. Trademark 77,580,272 for MSI’s ‘WIND NETBOOK’
- ^ U.S. Trademark 77,590,174 for Coby Electronics’ ‘COBY NETBOOK’ rejected January 13, 2009.
- ^ «How To Lose A Trademark: «Netbook» Is Probably Generic». Patent Hands. Archived from the original on March 24, 2012.
- ^ «Netbook enthusiast web sites getting C & D using term «netbook»«.
- ^ Schofield, Jack (December 24, 2008). «Psion threatens netbook sites over trademarks». The Guardian.
- ^ «‘Netbook’ trademarked already, we’re all doomed». Archived from the original on March 1, 2009.
- ^ Chen, Brian X. «Using the Word ‘Netbook’ Could Get You Sued». Wired.
- ^ «Cease and Desist: the netbook war of words». Archived from the original on March 11, 2009.
- ^ «Dell accuses Psion of «fraud» over netbook claims».
- ^ «Dell fights back against Psion netBook trademark rampage». February 19, 2009.
- ^ «Dell Goes ‘Nuclear’ Over Netbook Trademark». February 20, 2009. Archived from the original on February 23, 2009.
- ^ «Newsflash: Intel counter-sued by Psion in «netbook» trademark lawsuit; jury trial demanded». Save the Netbooks. Archived from the original on March 3, 2009.
- ^ «Intel Wants ‘Netbook’ Trademark Canceled».
- ^ «Complaint for Injunctive Relief, Declaratory Judgment & Cancellation of Federal Trademark» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on March 4, 2009.
- ^ «Psion, Intel settle ‘Netbook’ trademark dispute».
- ^ «What is a Netbook computer?».
- ^ Ganapati, Priya (December 15, 2008). «The Next Netbook Trend: Cellphone-Like Contract Deals». Wired. Retrieved May 20, 2009.
- ^ mehboob (March 12, 2010). «AMD plans to launch Netbooks Processors next year». Processor Discussions. smartbooktalk.com. Archived from the original on June 9, 2011. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ Patrizio, Andy (March 10, 2010). «AMD to Introduce Netbook Chip in 2011». Hardware Central. internet.com. Archived from the original on December 30, 2010. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ «Gateway LT3103u review». CNET.
- ^ Michael A. Prospero (August 19, 2009). «Gateway LT3103u Review]». Laptopmag.
- ^ Cisco Cheng. «Gateway LT3103u review». PC Magazine.
- ^ Catharine Smith (August 26, 2009). «Gateway LT3103u Review». Computer Shopper US. Archived from the original on November 3, 2009.
- ^ Rubin, Ross (December 22, 2008). «Switched On: Alpha 400 pays a high price for low cost». Engadget. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ h3rman (May 21, 2009). «The Loongson-2 MIPS Lemote Yeeloong Netbook». OSNews. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ «Microsoft to keep Windows XP alive—but only for Eee PCs and wannabes». Computerworld. IDG. Retrieved April 8, 2008.
- ^ «Microsoft Extends XP Through 2010 for Ultra-Low-Cost Laptops». PC World. IDG. Retrieved April 4, 2008.
- ^ «Microsoft to limit capabilities of cheap laptops». ITWorld. IDG. May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
- ^ Gralla, Preston (March 3, 2009). «Think Linux Rules on Netbooks? Think Again». PC World. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ McDougall, Paul (April 6, 2009). «Microsoft: 96% Of Netbooks Run Windows». InformationWeek. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ Hachman, Mark (February 5, 2009). «All Windows 7 Versions—What You Need to Know». ExtremeTech. Retrieved August 2, 2010.
- ^ «Windows 7: Which Edition is Right For You?». [[PC World[]]. February 3, 2009. Retrieved February 5, 2009.
- ^ «Microsoft making Windows free on devices with screens under 9 inches». The Verge. April 2, 2014. Retrieved April 2, 2014.
- ^ «Microsoft combats Chromebooks by cutting Windows licensing fees by 70 percent». The Verge. February 21, 2014. Retrieved February 23, 2014.
- ^ «Helping our hardware partners build lower cost Windows devices». Windows Experience Blog. Microsoft Corporation. Archived from the original on May 23, 2014. Retrieved May 23, 2014.
- ^ «Windows CE takes on Linux in low-end netbooks». Windows for Devices. Archived from the original on January 5, 2013.
- ^ Krzykowski, Matthäus & Hartmann, Daniel (January 1, 2009), «Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010», SocialBeat
- ^ Culpan, Tim (February 20, 2009), «Google Android May Run Asus Netbook, Rival Microsoft (Update1)», Bloomberg
- ^ «Bsquare to Port Adobe Flash Lite on New Google Android Netbook for Del», FierceWireless, May 6, 2009, archived from the original on May 13, 2009
- ^ «Acer to sell Android netbook PCs in Q3». Reuters. June 2, 2009.
- ^ «Android-x86 project».
- ^ Smith, William. «8 Things You Need to Know About Chrome OS». Pcgamer. MaximumPC. Retrieved May 14, 2011.
- ^ Sherr, Ian (May 11, 2011). «Google to launch Chrome Laptops in June». Wall Street Journal. Retrieved May 11, 2011.
- ^ Lardinois, Frederic (April 9, 2012). «Google’s Chrome OS Will Soon Look More Like Windows Than A Browser». Techcrunch. Retrieved June 2, 2013.
- ^ Samson, Ted (May 16, 2013). «Google entices Chrome OS developers with prospect of native-like apps». InfoWorld. Retrieved June 5, 2013.
- ^ NetBSD Foundation (July 7, 2011). «See NetBSD in Action». Archived from the original on August 26, 2014. Retrieved January 22, 2014.
- ^ «Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart (Updated)».
- ^ Sorrel, Charlie. «It Lives! Gadget Lab’s Netbook Running OS X Leopard». Wired.
- ^ Chen, Brian X. «Gadget Lab Video: Running OS X on a Netbook». Wired.
- ^ «NPD Finds Consumer Confusion about Netbooks Continues» (Press release). NPD Group. June 22, 2009. Archived from the original on June 25, 2009.
- ^ Descy, D. (2009), «Netbook: Small but Powerful Friends», Tech Trends, 53 (2): 9–10, doi:10.1007/s11528-009-0256-z, S2CID 60084224
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Netbooks.
Look up netbook in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
- «The rise of the Netbook» article at CNET
- «The State of the Netbook» article at Ars Technica
- «The Netbook Effect: How Cheap Little Laptops Hit the Big Time» article at Wired
- «Light and Cheap, Netbooks Are Poised to Reshape PC Industry» article at New York Times
HP 2133 Mini-Note PC netbook |
Type | Laptop computer |
Inception | 2007 |
A netbook is a small and inexpensive laptop designed primarily as a means of accessing the Internet. Netbooks were sold from 2007 until around 2013, when the widespread advent of smartphones eclipsed their popularity. Netbooks generally had lower-end hardware specifications than consumer laptops of the time, being primarily intended as clients for Internet services. While netbook has fallen out of use, these machines evolved into other products including Google’s Chromebook, and mobile devices, particularly tablet computers, often running mobile operating systems such as iOS or Android.
At their inception in late 2007,[1] as smaller-than-typical laptop computers optimized for low weight and low cost,[2] netbooks began appearing without certain then-standard laptop features (such as an optical drive), and with less computing power than in full-sized laptops. Later netbooks ranged in size from below 5″ screen diagonal to 12″. A typical weight was 1 kg (2.2 pounds). Often significantly less expensive than other laptops,[3] by mid-2009, netbooks were often offered by some wireless data carriers «free of charge», with an extended service-contract purchase.[4]
Soon after their appearance, netbooks grew in size and features, and converged with smaller laptops and subnotebooks. By August 2009, when comparing two Dell models, one marketed as a netbook and the other as a conventional laptop, CNET called netbooks «nothing more than smaller, cheaper notebooks», noting: «the specs are so similar that the average shopper would likely be confused as to why one is better than the other», and «the only conclusion is that there really is no distinction between the devices».[5] At their peak, the easy portability of netbooks, and expanding Internet access, gave them a significant portion of the laptop computer market. To protect sales of their more lucrative laptops, manufacturers soon imposed constraints on the hardware of their netbooks, which had the unintended effect of pushing netbooks into a market niche where they had few distinctive advantages over traditional laptops or the newly emerging tablet computer.[6]
By 2011, the increasing popularity of tablet computers (particularly the iPad), which offered a different form factor, but with improved computing capabilities and lower production cost, had led to declining sales of budget netbooks.[7] Meanwhile, the emergence of ultra-light laptops with the dimensions and hardware specifications of high-end laptops, most notably the MacBook Air, allowed fewer sacrifices for a lightweight laptop, at a considerably higher price,[8][9] eating into sales of high-end netbooks. Soon after,[10] Intel promoted the «Ultrabook» as a new high-mobility standard for laptop computers, which some analysts predicted would succeed in markets where netbooks had failed.[11][12][13]
Against these two new rapidly expanding product categories, netbooks, less portable and easy to use than tablet computers and less performant than ultrabooks, rapidly lost market share, with price as their only obvious strong suit by roughly 2011.[14] By the end of 2012, few new laptops were marketed as «netbooks»,[15] and the term disappeared from common usage. The concept of a cheap laptop made primarily for accessing the Internet, however, is at the core of Google’s highly successful Chromebook project.
By 2014, most laptops that fit the definition of «netbook» were Chromebooks. Others included certain of the HP Essential laptops and various palmtop computers for specialized purposes, such as the GPD Win series of palmtops, which included controls for applications such as portable video gaming. While these laptops and devices are often considered successors to, descendants of, or continuations of the netbook product class, the word «netbook» became a historical term, usually referring to those laptops that were originally marketed as «netbooks».
An Asus Eee PC 700, the first mass-produced netbook, which used a 7-inch screen.
While Psion had unrelated netBook line of machines, the use of the broad marketing term «netbook», began in 2007 when Asus unveiled the Asus Eee PC. Originally designed for emerging markets, the 23 cm × 17 cm (9.1 in × 6.7 in) device weighed about 0.9 kg (2 lb) and featured a 7 in (18 cm) display, a keyboard approximately 85% the size of a normal keyboard, a solid-state drive and a custom version of Linux with a simplified user interface geared towards consumer use.[16] Following the Eee PC, Everex launched its Linux-based CloudBook; Windows XP and Windows Vista models were also introduced and MSI released the Wind—others soon followed suit.
The OLPC project followed the same market goals laid down by the eMate 300 eight years earlier.[17][18] Known for its innovation in producing a durable, cost- and power-efficient netbook for developing countries, it is regarded as one of the major factors that led more top computer hardware manufacturers to begin creating low-cost netbooks for the consumer market.[19]
When the first Asus Eee PC sold over 300,000 units in four months, companies such as Dell and Acer took note and began producing their own inexpensive netbooks. And while the OLPC XO-1 targets a different audience than do the other manufacturers’ netbooks, it appears that OLPC is now facing competition. Developing countries now have a large choice of vendors, from which they can choose which low-cost netbook they prefer.[20]
Netbook market popularity within laptops in second half of 2008 based on the number of product clicks in the Laptop Subcategory per month by PriceGrabber[3]
By late 2008, netbooks began to take market share away from notebooks.[21] It was more successful than earlier «mini notebooks,» most likely because of lower cost and greater compatibility with mainstream laptops.
Having peaked at about 20% of the portable computer market, netbooks started to slightly lose market share (within the category) in early 2010, coinciding with the appearance and success of the iPad.[22] Technology commentator Ross Rubin argued two and a half years later in Engadget that «Netbooks never got any respect. While Steve Jobs rebuked the netbook at the iPad’s introduction, the iPad owes a bit of debt to the little laptops. The netbook demonstrated the potential of an inexpensive, portable second computing device, with a screen size of about 10 inches, intended primarily for media consumption and light productivity.»[23] Although some manufacturers directly blamed competition from the iPad, some analysts pointed out that larger, fully fledged laptops had entered the price range of netbooks at about the same time.[24]
The 11.6-inch MacBook Air, introduced in late 2010, compared favorably to many netbooks in terms of processing power but also ergonomics, at 2.3 pounds being lighter than some 10-inch netbooks, owing in part to the integration of the flash storage chips on the main logic board.[25] It was described as a superlative netbook (or at least as what a netbook should be) by several technology commentators,[26][27][28] even though Apple has never referred to it as such, sometimes describing it—in the words of Steve Jobs—as «the third kind of notebook.»[27] The entry level model had a MSRP of $999,[27] costing significantly more than the average netbook, as much as three or four times more.[23]
In 2011 tablet sales overtook netbooks for the first time, and in 2012 netbook sales fell by 25 percent, year-on-year.[29] The sustained decline since 2010 had been most pronounced in the United States and in Western Europe, while Latin America was still showing some modest growth.[30] In December 2011, Dell announced that it was exiting the netbook market.[31] In May 2012, Toshiba announced it was doing the same, at least in the United States.[32] An August 2012 article by John C. Dvorak in PC Magazine claimed that the term «netbook» is «nearly gone from the lexicon already», having been superseded in the market place largely by the more powerful (and MacBook Air inspired) Ultrabook—described as «a netbook on steroids»—and to a lesser extent by tablets.[13] In September 2012 Asus, Acer and MSI announced that they will stop manufacturing 10-inch netbooks.[33] Simultaneously Asus announced they would stop developing all Eee PC products, instead focusing on their mixed tablet-netbook Transformer line.[33]
With the introduction of Chromebooks, major manufacturers produced the new laptops for the same segment of the market that netbooks serviced. Chromebooks, a variation on the network computer concept, in the form of a netbook, require internet connections for full functionality. Chromebooks became top selling laptops in 2014. The threat of Google ChromeOS based Chromebooks prompted Microsoft to revive and revamp netbooks with Windows 8.1 with Bing. HP re-entered the non-Chromebook netbook market with the Stream 11 in 2014.[34].
A Samsung N130, manufactured in 2010. Although Windows XP was in the process of being supplanted by its successors, Windows Vista and Windows 7, some netbook manufacturers offered the operating system alongside its successors.
Educational Use[edit]
In Australia, the New South Wales Department of Education and Training, in partnership with Lenovo, provided Year 9 (high school) students in government high schools with Lenovo S10e netbooks in 2009, Lenovo Mini 10 netbooks in 2010, Lenovo Edge 11 netbooks in 2011 and a modified Lenovo X130e netbook in 2012, each preloaded with software including Microsoft Office and Adobe Systems’ Creative Suite 4. These were provided under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s Digital Education Revolution, or DER. The netbooks ran Windows 7 Enterprise. These netbooks were secured with Computrace Lojack for laptops that the police can use to track the device if it is lost or stolen. The NSW DET retains ownership of these netbooks until the student graduates from Year 12, when the student can keep it. The Government of Trinidad and Tobago—Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bisseser—is also providing HP laptops to form 1 Students (11-year-olds) with the same police trackable software as above.
Greece provided all 13-year-old students (middle school, or gymnasium, freshmen) and their teachers with netbooks in 2009[35] through the «Digital Classroom Initiative». Students were given one unique coupon each, with which they redeemed the netbook of their choice, up to a €450 price ceiling, in participating shops throughout the country. These netbooks came bundled with localized versions of either Windows XP (or higher) or open source (e.g. Linux) operating systems, wired and wireless networking functionality, antivirus protection, preactivated parental controls, and an educational software package.
In 1996 Psion started applying for trademarks for a line of netBook products that was later released in 1999.[36] International trademarks were issued (including U.S. Trademark 75,215,401 and ) but the models failed to gain popularity[37] and are now discontinued (except for providing accessories, maintenance and support to existing users).[38] Similar marks were recently rejected by the USPTO citing a «likelihood of confusion» under section 2(d).[39][40][41]
Despite expert analysis that the mark is «probably generic»,[42] Psion Teklogix issued cease and desist letters on December 23, 2008.[43][36][44] This was heavily criticized,[45][46][47] prompting the formation of the «Save the Netbooks» grassroots campaign which worked to reverse the Google AdWords ban, cancel the trademark and encourage continued generic use of the term.[37] While preparing a «Petition for Cancellation» of U.S. Trademark 75,215,401 they revealed[48] that Dell had submitted one day before[49] on the basis of abandonment, genericness and fraud.[50] They later revealed Psion’s counter-suit against Intel, filed on February 27, 2009.[51]
It was also revealed around the same time that Intel had also sued Psion Teklogix (US & Canada) and Psion (UK) in the Federal Court on similar grounds.[52] In addition to seeking cancellation of the trademark, Intel sought an order enjoining Psion from asserting any trademark rights in the term «netbook», a declarative judgment regarding their use of the term, attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements and «such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper».[53]
On June 2, 2009, Psion announced that the suit had been settled out of court. Psion’s statement said that the company was withdrawing all of its trademark registrations for the term «Netbook» and that Psion agreed to «waive all its rights against third parties in respect of past, current or future use» of the term.[54]
Netbooks typically have less powerful hardware than larger laptop computers and do not include an optical disc drive that contemporaneous laptop computers often had. Netbooks were some of the first machines to substitute solid-state storage devices, instead of the traditional hard disk drive commonly found on laptop and desktop computers at the time.[55] This was due to solid-state drives being smaller, more power efficient, and more shock resistant. Unlike modern solid-state drives, these early models often did not offer better performance.
Almost all netbooks supported Wi-Fi and some supported Mobile broadband.[56] Some also include ethernet and/or modems.
Most netbooks used low-end, x86 processors focused on low power consumption. The majority of early netbooks typically used processors from the Intel Atom line, but some used competing processors from AMD, including netbook APUs,[57][58] or VIA Technologies, including the C7 and Nano. Some very low-cost netbooks use a system-on-a-chip Vortex86 processor designed for embedded systems.[59][60][61][62] A few netbooks used non-x86 processors based on ARM or MIPS architectures.[63][64]
Operating systems[edit]
Microsoft announced on April 8, 2008, that, despite the impending end of retail availability for the operating system that June, it would continue to license low-cost copies of Windows XP Home Edition to OEMs through October 2010 (one year after the release of Windows 7) for what it defined as «ultra low-cost personal computers»—a definition carrying restrictions on screen size and processing power.[65][66] The move served primarily to counter the use of low-cost Linux distributions on netbooks and create a new market segment for Windows devices, whilst ensuring that the devices did not cannibalize the sales of higher-end PCs running Windows Vista.[67] In 2009, over 90% (96% claimed by Microsoft as of February 2009) of netbooks in the United States were estimated to ship with Windows XP.[68][69]
For Windows 7, Microsoft introduced a new stripped-down edition intended for netbooks known as «Starter», exclusively for OEMs. In comparison to Home Premium, Starter has reduced multimedia functionality, does not allow users to change their desktop wallpaper or theme, disables the «Aero Glass» theme, and does not have support for multiple monitors.[70][71]
For Windows 8, in a ploy to counter ChromeOS-based netbooks and low-end Android tablets, Microsoft began to offer no-cost Windows licenses to OEMs for devices with screens smaller than 9 inches in size. Additionally, Microsoft began to offer low-cost licenses for a variant of the operating system set up to use Microsoft’s Bing search engine by default.[34][72][73][74]
Windows CE has also been used in netbooks, due to its reduced feature set.[75]
Google’s Android software platform, designed for mobile telephone handsets, has been demonstrated on an ASUS Eee PC and its version of the Linux operating system contains policies for mobile internet devices including the original Asus Eee PC 701.[76] ASUS has allocated engineers to develop an Android-based netbook.[77] In May 2009 a contractor of Dell announced it is porting Adobe Flash Lite to Android for Dell netbooks.[78] Acer announced Android netbooks to be available in Q3/2009.[79] In July 2009, a new project, Android-x86,[80] was created to provide an open source solution for Android on the x86 platform, especially for netbooks.
In 2011, Google introduced ChromeOS, a Linux-based operating system designed particularly for netbook-like devices marketed as «Chromebooks». The platform is designed to leverage online services, cloud computing, and its namesake Chrome web browser as its shell—so much so that the operating system initially used a full screen web browser window as its interface, and contained limited offline functionality.[81][82] Later versions of ChromeOS introduced a traditional desktop interface[83] and a platform allowing «native» packaged software written in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to be developed for the platform.[84]
Netbooks have sparked the development of several Linux variants or completely new distributions, which are optimized for small screen use and the limited processing power of the Atom or ARM processors which typically power netbooks. Examples include Ubuntu Netbook Edition, EasyPeasy, Joli OS and MeeGo. Both Joli OS and MeeGo purport to be «social oriented» or social networking operating systems rather than traditional «office work production» operating systems. Netbook users can also install other UNIX-based operating systems such as FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Darwin.[85]
Since 2010, major netbook manufacturers no longer install or support Linux in the United States. The reason for this change of stance is unclear, although it coincides with the availability of a ‘netbook’ version of Windows XP, and a later Windows 7 Starter and a strong marketing push for the adoption of this OS in the netbook market. However, companies targeting niche markets, such as System76 and ZaReason, continue to pre-install Linux on the devices they sell.
The Cloud operating system attempts to capitalize on the minimalist aspect of netbooks. The user interface is limited to a browser application only.
Mac OS X has been demonstrated running on various netbooks as a result of the OSx86 project,[86] although this is in violation of the operating system’s end-user license agreement.[87] Apple has complained to sites hosting information on how to install OS X onto non-Apple hardware (including Wired and YouTube) who have reacted and removed content in response.[88] One article nicknamed a netbook running OS X a «Hackintosh.» The MacBook Air can be considered an expensive netbook.
A June 2009 NPD study found that 60% of netbook buyers never take their netbooks out of the house.[89]
Special «children’s» editions of netbooks have been released under Disney branding; their low cost (less at risk), lack of DVD player (less to break) and smaller keyboards (closer to children’s hand sizes) are viewed as significant advantages for that target market. The principal objection to netbooks in this context is the lack of good video performance for streaming online video in current netbooks and a lack of speed with even simple games. Adults browsing for text content are less dependent on video content than small children who cannot read.
Netbooks are a growing trend in education for several reasons. The need to prepare children for 21st-century lifestyles, combined with hundreds of new educational tools that can be found online, and a growing emphasis on student centered learning are three of the biggest contributing factors to the rising use of netbook technology in schools.[citation needed] Dell was one of the first to mass-produce a ruggedized netbook for the education sector, by having a rubber outlay, touchscreen and network activity light to show the teacher the netbook is online.
Netbooks offer several distinct advantages in educational settings. First, their compact size and weight make for an easy fit in student work areas. Similarly, their small size makes netbooks easier to transport than heavier, larger sized traditional laptops. In addition, prices ranging from $200–$600 mean the affordability of netbooks can be a relief to school budget makers. Despite the small size and price, netbooks are fully capable of accomplishing most school-related tasks, including word processing, presentations, access to the Internet, multimedia playback, and photo management.[90]
See also[edit]
- Comparison of netbooks
- Chromebook
- Mobile broadband
- Mobile Internet device (MID)
- Mobile modem
- Mobile phone
- Nettop, a desktop equivalent of the netbook
- Pay As You Go (phone)
- Smartbook
- SIM card
- Subnotebook
- Tablet Computer
- Tethering
- Thin PC
- Ultra-mobile PC (UMPC), a form factor smaller than the netbook
- Webbook
- ^ «What was the first netbook?». Computerworld. May 11, 2009. Archived from the original on January 30, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2011.
- ^ «Cheap PCs Weigh on Microsoft». The Wall Street Journal. Business Technologies blog. December 8, 2008.
- ^ a b Netbook Trends and Solid-State Technology Forecast (PDF). pricegrabber.com. p. 7. Archived from the original (PDF) on February 26, 2009. Retrieved January 28, 2009.
- ^ Vance, Ashlee; Richtel, Matt (April 1, 2009). «Light and Cheap, Netbooks Are Poised to Reshape PC Industry». The New York Times.
AT&T announced on Tuesday that customers in Atlanta could get a type of compact PC called a netbook for just 50 US$ if they signed up for an Internet service plan…—’The era of a perfect Internet computer for 99 US$ is coming this year,’ said Jen-Hsun Huang, chief executive of Nvidia, a maker of PC graphics chips that is trying to adapt to the new technological order.
- ^ Ogg, Erica (August 20, 2009). «Time to drop the Netbook label». CNN. Retrieved May 20, 2010.
- ^ Charles Arthur (December 31, 2012). «Sayonara, netbooks: Asus (and the rest) won’t make any more in 2013». The Guardian. Retrieved February 10, 2015.
- ^ Caulfield, Brian (November 28, 2011). «The NetBook Is Dead, The iPad Killed It, Don’t Buy One». Forbes. Retrieved June 20, 2012.
- ^ «Apple MacBook Air review (11-inch, Summer 2012)».
Remember Netbooks and ultraportable laptops? Those 10- and 11-inchers were all the rage a few years ago, but thanks to the rise of larger-screened Ultrabook laptops and smaller-screened tablets, they’ve been disappearing from the computer landscape. One significant 11-incher still remains: the 11-inch MacBook Air. When it debuted in late 2010, it was the answer to the Netbook Generation. Now it stands alone, not only as a speedy ultraportable, but as one of the few 11-inch Ultrabook-class laptops around. The closest Windows equivalent we’ve reviewed recently, the Dell XPS 13, is larger and heavier.
- ^ «Life with the MacBook Air: The netbook I’ve been waiting for». TechRepublic. December 21, 2010.
- ^ «MacBook Air vs. Ultrabooks». PC Magazine.
- ^ «Ultrabooks Will Succeed Where Netbooks Failed: 10 Reasons Why». eWeek.
- ^ «The Ultrabook Revolution». PC World. August 21, 2012.
- ^ a b John C. Dvorak (August 23, 2012). «Where Did All the Netbooks Go?». PC Magazine.
- ^ «iPad vs ultrabook vs netbook: Which is right for you?». CNET.
- ^ Arthur, Charles (December 31, 2012). «Asus (and the rest) won’t make any more in 2013». The Guardian.
- ^ Bajarin, Tim (September 12, 2008). «Netbooks vs. Notebooks». PCMagazine.
- ^ Edwards, Benj (December 21, 2012). «The Forgotten eMate 300 — 15 years later». MacWorld.
- ^ «Apple eMate 300 Quick Fact Sheet». Apple. 1996.
- ^ «OLPC: The History Of One Laptop Per Child». TechRadar. Archived from the original on November 17, 2011.
- ^ Kraemer et al.: «One Laptop Per Child: Vision vs. Reality», Communications of the ACM, June 2009.
- ^ Ian Lamont (October 4, 2008). ««Netbooks» Move Up In Notebook Rankings». Slashdot. Retrieved October 23, 2008.
- ^ «Apple’s iPad nabs Netbook market share».
- ^ a b Ross Rubin (July 8, 2012). «Switched On: The Netbook Legacy». Engadget.
- ^ Tim Bajarin (January 30, 2012). «Are Netbooks Finally Dead?». PC Magazine.
- ^ Mark Spoonauer (October 21, 2010). «Apple 11-inch MacBook Air Review». Laptopmag.
- ^ Chris Nuttall. «MacBook Air – my new favourite netbook». Financial Times.
- ^ a b c «MacBook Air a great Windows Netbook, for a price». CNET.
- ^ «MacBook Air 11-inch: What a netbook should look like». ZDNet.
- ^ Arthur, Charles (February 3, 2012). «Netbooks plummet while tablets and smartphones soar, says Canalys». The Guardian.
- ^ Loyd Case (February 21, 2012). «Are Netbooks Dead? The Prognosis Is Grim Netbook sales are declining precipitously». PC World.
- ^ Melanie Pinola (December 16, 2011). «Dell Abandons Netbooks in Favor of Ultrabooks». PC World.
- ^ Fingas, Jon. «Toshiba bows out of netbooks in the US, sees Ultrabooks as the wave of the future». Engadget.com. Retrieved December 21, 2013.
- ^ a b Monica Chen; Joseph Tsai (September 3, 2012). «Intel may need to adjust roadmap for PC-use Atom processors». DIGITIMES.
- ^ a b Andrew Cunningham (December 6, 2014). «Don’t call it a netbook (or a «Chromebook killer»)—HP’s $200 Stream 11 reviewed». Ars Technica.
- ^ «Digital Aid S.A». Digitalaid.gr. Archived from the original on May 31, 2009. Retrieved December 21, 2013.
- ^ a b «Psion Continues To Extend The Reach Of E-Business Strategies Beyond The Enterprise…Announces Support For Oracle8i Lite On Its New Netbook Device» (Press release). October 26, 1999. Archived from the original on June 8, 2011.
- ^ a b «Save the Netbooks: fighting a trademark on extinct hardware». February 17, 2009.
- ^ «Psion Teklogix Discontinued Products». Archived from the original on May 17, 2007.
- ^ U.S. Trademark 77,527,311 for ‘G NETBOOK’ rejected October 31, 2008.
- ^ U.S. Trademark 77,580,272 for MSI’s ‘WIND NETBOOK’
- ^ U.S. Trademark 77,590,174 for Coby Electronics’ ‘COBY NETBOOK’ rejected January 13, 2009.
- ^ «How To Lose A Trademark: «Netbook» Is Probably Generic». Patent Hands. Archived from the original on March 24, 2012.
- ^ «Netbook enthusiast web sites getting C & D using term «netbook»«.
- ^ Schofield, Jack (December 24, 2008). «Psion threatens netbook sites over trademarks». The Guardian.
- ^ «‘Netbook’ trademarked already, we’re all doomed». Archived from the original on March 1, 2009.
- ^ Chen, Brian X. «Using the Word ‘Netbook’ Could Get You Sued». Wired.
- ^ «Cease and Desist: the netbook war of words». Archived from the original on March 11, 2009.
- ^ «Dell accuses Psion of «fraud» over netbook claims».
- ^ «Dell fights back against Psion netBook trademark rampage». February 19, 2009.
- ^ «Dell Goes ‘Nuclear’ Over Netbook Trademark». February 20, 2009. Archived from the original on February 23, 2009.
- ^ «Newsflash: Intel counter-sued by Psion in «netbook» trademark lawsuit; jury trial demanded». Save the Netbooks. Archived from the original on March 3, 2009.
- ^ «Intel Wants ‘Netbook’ Trademark Canceled».
- ^ «Complaint for Injunctive Relief, Declaratory Judgment & Cancellation of Federal Trademark» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on March 4, 2009.
- ^ «Psion, Intel settle ‘Netbook’ trademark dispute».
- ^ «What is a Netbook computer?».
- ^ Ganapati, Priya (December 15, 2008). «The Next Netbook Trend: Cellphone-Like Contract Deals». Wired. Retrieved May 20, 2009.
- ^ mehboob (March 12, 2010). «AMD plans to launch Netbooks Processors next year». Processor Discussions. smartbooktalk.com. Archived from the original on June 9, 2011. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ Patrizio, Andy (March 10, 2010). «AMD to Introduce Netbook Chip in 2011». Hardware Central. internet.com. Archived from the original on December 30, 2010. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ «Gateway LT3103u review». CNET.
- ^ Michael A. Prospero (August 19, 2009). «Gateway LT3103u Review]». Laptopmag.
- ^ Cisco Cheng. «Gateway LT3103u review». PC Magazine.
- ^ Catharine Smith (August 26, 2009). «Gateway LT3103u Review». Computer Shopper US. Archived from the original on November 3, 2009.
- ^ Rubin, Ross (December 22, 2008). «Switched On: Alpha 400 pays a high price for low cost». Engadget. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ h3rman (May 21, 2009). «The Loongson-2 MIPS Lemote Yeeloong Netbook». OSNews. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ «Microsoft to keep Windows XP alive—but only for Eee PCs and wannabes». Computerworld. IDG. Retrieved April 8, 2008.
- ^ «Microsoft Extends XP Through 2010 for Ultra-Low-Cost Laptops». PC World. IDG. Retrieved April 4, 2008.
- ^ «Microsoft to limit capabilities of cheap laptops». ITWorld. IDG. May 11, 2008. Retrieved December 15, 2014.
- ^ Gralla, Preston (March 3, 2009). «Think Linux Rules on Netbooks? Think Again». PC World. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ McDougall, Paul (April 6, 2009). «Microsoft: 96% Of Netbooks Run Windows». InformationWeek. Retrieved January 5, 2011.
- ^ Hachman, Mark (February 5, 2009). «All Windows 7 Versions—What You Need to Know». ExtremeTech. Retrieved August 2, 2010.
- ^ «Windows 7: Which Edition is Right For You?». [[PC World[]]. February 3, 2009. Retrieved February 5, 2009.
- ^ «Microsoft making Windows free on devices with screens under 9 inches». The Verge. April 2, 2014. Retrieved April 2, 2014.
- ^ «Microsoft combats Chromebooks by cutting Windows licensing fees by 70 percent». The Verge. February 21, 2014. Retrieved February 23, 2014.
- ^ «Helping our hardware partners build lower cost Windows devices». Windows Experience Blog. Microsoft Corporation. Archived from the original on May 23, 2014. Retrieved May 23, 2014.
- ^ «Windows CE takes on Linux in low-end netbooks». Windows for Devices. Archived from the original on January 5, 2013.
- ^ Krzykowski, Matthäus & Hartmann, Daniel (January 1, 2009), «Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010», SocialBeat
- ^ Culpan, Tim (February 20, 2009), «Google Android May Run Asus Netbook, Rival Microsoft (Update1)», Bloomberg
- ^ «Bsquare to Port Adobe Flash Lite on New Google Android Netbook for Del», FierceWireless, May 6, 2009, archived from the original on May 13, 2009
- ^ «Acer to sell Android netbook PCs in Q3». Reuters. June 2, 2009.
- ^ «Android-x86 project».
- ^ Smith, William. «8 Things You Need to Know About Chrome OS». Pcgamer. MaximumPC. Retrieved May 14, 2011.
- ^ Sherr, Ian (May 11, 2011). «Google to launch Chrome Laptops in June». Wall Street Journal. Retrieved May 11, 2011.
- ^ Lardinois, Frederic (April 9, 2012). «Google’s Chrome OS Will Soon Look More Like Windows Than A Browser». Techcrunch. Retrieved June 2, 2013.
- ^ Samson, Ted (May 16, 2013). «Google entices Chrome OS developers with prospect of native-like apps». InfoWorld. Retrieved June 5, 2013.
- ^ NetBSD Foundation (July 7, 2011). «See NetBSD in Action». Archived from the original on August 26, 2014. Retrieved January 22, 2014.
- ^ «Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart (Updated)».
- ^ Sorrel, Charlie. «It Lives! Gadget Lab’s Netbook Running OS X Leopard». Wired.
- ^ Chen, Brian X. «Gadget Lab Video: Running OS X on a Netbook». Wired.
- ^ «NPD Finds Consumer Confusion about Netbooks Continues» (Press release). NPD Group. June 22, 2009. Archived from the original on June 25, 2009.
- ^ Descy, D. (2009), «Netbook: Small but Powerful Friends», Tech Trends, 53 (2): 9–10, doi:10.1007/s11528-009-0256-z, S2CID 60084224
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Netbooks.
Look up netbook in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
- «The rise of the Netbook» article at CNET
- «The State of the Netbook» article at Ars Technica
- «The Netbook Effect: How Cheap Little Laptops Hit the Big Time» article at Wired
- «Light and Cheap, Netbooks Are Poised to Reshape PC Industry» article at New York Times
Есть вероятность, что у вас есть ценные данные, хранящиеся на вашем ПК или нетбук.
Chances are you have precious data stored on your PC or netbook.
Теги: google chrome, google chrome operating system, google,
ос, нетбук, операционная система.
TAGS google chrome, google chrome operating system, google,
ос, нетбук, windows, linux, microsoft, operating system.
Asus Eее PC- это субноутбук/ нетбук.
Качество не удивительно, но это, безусловно, поможет защитить ваш нетбук.
Quality is not a wonder, but will certainly help protect the netbook.
Я думаю, что IPad не, но нетбук наверняка. затем Китай….
I think
iPad doesn’t, but a netbook for sure. In China then….
Ноутбуки вклюает Нетбук Ноутбук Нетбук, UMPC, миниое PC Блокнот, Ультра- мобильные ПК с highquality на низком уровне цена на hktdc. com Small Orders.
Laptops includes Netbook, Laptop, Netbook, UMPC, Mini PC, Notebook, Ultra-Mobile PC with high quality at low price at hktdc. com Small Orders.
Найти Ноутбуки продукты, включая Нетбук Ноутбук Нетбук, UMPC, миниые PC Блокнот, Ультра- мобильные ПК от совсем подтвержено оптом Ноутбук Производители и Ноутбук Поставщики.
Find the Laptops products, including Netbook, Laptop, Netbook, UMPC, Mini PC, Notebook, Ultra-Mobile PC from all verified Wholesale Laptop Manufacturers and Laptop Suppliers.
Недавно я купил нетбук Asus S200e с сенсорным экраном
и беспокоились о царапинах на экране.
Recently bought a netbook Asus S200e with touchscreen
and I was worried about scratches on the screen.
Мой нетбук n150 стар и медленно проходит через,
так что я решил купить SSD родстера памяти в Китае, чтобы дать усиленный.
My netbook n150 is old and walks a little slow,
so I decided to buy a cheap SSD memory in china to give an incremented.
У меня есть нетбук с Android, д имеет только сенсорный экран,
то есть некоторые приложения Q нужно коснуться экрана, чтобы работать правильно?
I have a netbook with android, only q has no touch screen,
so you got some apps need the touch screen to work right?
Для установки этой операционной системы, например, на нетбук, в котором стандартно отсутствует привод DVD,
нужно использовать флешку с интерфейсом USB.
To install the operating system, for example, on a netbook, which does not have a standard DVD drive,
you need to use a USB flash drive.
Во-первых, давайте определим несколько терминов: нетбук представляет собой миниатюрный компьютер с маленьким экраном.
First, let’s define a few terms: a netbook is a tiny PC with a small screen.
Обратите внимание, что если вы идете маршрут нетбук, наряду с меньшим экраном я говорил выше,
ваш процессор будет андерпауэред.
Note that if you go the netbook route, along with the smaller screen I talked about above,
your CPU is going to be underpowered.
В вашем распоряжении тропический душ, кровать размера» king-
size» и нетбук с бесплатным проводным доступом в Интернет.
This suite with earth themes has a rain shower,
a king-size bed and a netbook with free wired internet.
Он должен быть совместим с множеством устройств: Blackberry, iPhone,
iPad, нетбук, Kindle, а также подходить под различные разрешения экрана.
It’s must be compatible with a lot of devices: Blackberry, iPhone,
the iPad, netbook, Kindle and variety of screen resolutions.
Ответ:« Proximity Promoter 24×7»- это программа, установив которую на ваш ПК, ноутбук, нетбук, вы сможете рассылать рекламные и информационные файлы на мобильные телефоны,
смартфоны, КПК.
Answer: With«Proximity Promoter 24×7» installed on your PC, laptop or netbook, you will be able to distribute commercial
and information files to mobile phones, smartphones and PDA.
Это на самом деле потребляет совсем немного оперативной памяти, GPU и процессор пространства-
особенно если вы используете старую машину или менее мощный, как нетбук.
That actually consumes quite a bit of RAM, GPU and processor space- especially if you’re
using an older machine or a less powerful one, like a netbook.
Альтернативно схемы запирания могут передаваться
на PDA( только для гибридных компонентов) или нетбук, коммуникация которого с устройством SmartCD осуществляется через Bluetooth или USB.
Alternatively, lock plans can be
transferred to a PDA(for hybrid components only) or a netbook which communicates with the Smart CD using Bluetooth or USB.
Все началось с моего первого ОГРОМНОГО настольного компьютера, потом были ноутбук, нетбук, а теперь уже третий смартфон.
Starting with my first HUGE desktop, then laptop, netbook, and now my 3rd smart phone.
У меня есть нетбук, на самом деле, и я обнаружил, что этот продукт в сочетании с.
I have a netbook, actually, and I thought I was going to go with this product.
У меня есть такой же нетбук, и сожгли HD, Я могу обменять на ССД гладко?
I have a netbook like, and the hd burned, I can trade for ssd without problems?
В вашем распоряжении собственная гидромассажная ванна на 2 человек, кровать размера» king-
size» и нетбук с бесплатным проводным доступом в Интернет.
The fire-themed suite has
private double spa bath,
king size bed and a netbook with free wired internet.
В конце 2012 года
ведущие производители( ASUS и Acer) заявили о завершении производства моделей категории нетбук.
In September 2012 Asus,
Acer and MSI announced that they will stop manufacturing 10-inch netbooks.
Группы транспондеров и области для отображения структур здания и организации, использование нескольких систем запирания, обмен
данными с мобильными оконечными устройствами( PDA/ нетбук), предпосылка- модули LSM. MONITOR и LSM.
Transponder groups and areas to map building and organisational structures, use of several locking systems,
data exchange with portable terminal devices(PDAs/netbooks); prerequisite are LSM. MONITOR and LSM.
В случае выявления неполадок, связанных с оборудованием, принадлежащим самому Абоненту( компьютер, ноутбук, нетбук и т. п.) устранение неполадок со стороны
Оператора может быть произведено на платной договорной основе в зависимости от характера поломки или неисправности;
Upon detection of the equipment’s fault in the Subscriber’s possession(computer, laptop, NetBook, etc) troubleshooting shall be maid
on a paid contractual basis depending on the nature of failure or trouble;
Первый нетбук— планшет IdeaPad S10- 3t от Lenovo предлагает совершенно новый способ решения привычных
задач: вы можете переключать музыкальные треки, смотреть видео, редактировать фотографии, читать книги и оставлять заметки без помощи клавиатуры и тачпада.
IdeaPad S10-3t, the first tablet netbook from Lenovo, offers new type of day-to-day computing experience:
you browse through music and video files, edit pictures, read books and make notes without the need for keyboard or touchpad.
Face’ m серьезная проблема, я уже установил андроид на свой нетбук плюс Wi- Fi не справиться,
как любой парень будет д и может дать мне помощь oupode сказать мне, какая установка д вы использовали там в чистой vlww abrasss.
Man I’m with serious problem I installed android on my netbook more wifi won’t start man
no way sera q vc can give me a help it was Ringo tell me what installation you used in your net vlww abrasss.
Абоненту, приобретшему портативный( ноутбук, нетбук) или стационарный компьютер у компании“ BestComp Group” предлагается
абонентский номер от компании« Azercell”, Azercell Datakart и ежемесячный лимит в размере 500 МБ для пользования GPRS трафиком данных в течение 12 абонентских месяцев, за ежемесячную плату 7 манатов( включая НДС) в течение 12 месяцев.
Customers, who purchased notebooks, netbooks or desktop PCs from BestComp Group are
offered to get Azercell’s Postpaid Number, Azercell Datakart and 500 MB monthly GPRS traffic during 12 months in exchange of monthly payment of 7 AZN(VAT inclusive) during 12 months.
Слушатели не только внимательно слушали лектора, но и задавали вопросы:» А что лучше:
ноутбук или нетбук?»,» А какой принтер лучше печатает?»,»
А можно ли стереть информацию с флеш- карты?» и многие другие.
They also learned about peripheral devices and various data carriers and asked many questions:“What is better,
laptop computer or a netbook?”,“Which printer ensures better quality?”,“Can
one erase information from
USB flash drive?” and many others.