Обитель зла на английском как пишется

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resident evil


resident evils


I don’t understand how some of my friends cannot bear to even pick up the controller and walk down a hallway in Resident Evil.
И я не понимаю, почему некоторые мои друзья не могут взять джойстик и пройтись по коридору в Resident Evil.

It’s one thing to look over your friend’s shoulder at 3 in the morning as she creeps through Resident Evil, and quite another to watch some rando get 20 headshots in a row in Call of Duty.
Одно дело — смотреть через плечо друга в 3 утра, когда она проползает через Resident Evil, и совсем другое — смотреть, как какой-то посторонний человек получает 20 выстрелов в голову подряд в Call of Duty.

Poverty is the root of all evil.
Бедность — это корень всего зла.

We have therefore decided to hand over our export business to an agent resident in your country.
Мы решили поручить как можно скорее развитие нашей экспортной торговли одному из постоянно живущих в Вашей стране представителей.

Not all people are evil devils.
Не все люди — злые черти.


Бесплатный переводчик онлайн с английского на русский

Хотите общаться в чатах с собеседниками со всего мира, понимать, о чем поет Билли Айлиш, читать английские сайты на русском? PROMT.One мгновенно переведет ваш текст с английского на русский и еще на 20+ языков.

Точный перевод с транскрипцией

С помощью PROMT.One наслаждайтесь точным переводом с английского на русский, а для слов и фраз смотрите английскую транскрипцию, произношение и варианты переводов с примерами употребления в разных контекстах. Бесплатный онлайн-переводчик PROMT.One — достойная альтернатива Google Translate и другим сервисам, предоставляющим перевод с английского на русский и с русского на английский.

Нужно больше языков?

PROMT.One бесплатно переводит онлайн с английского на азербайджанский, арабский, греческий, иврит, испанский, итальянский, казахский, китайский, корейский, немецкий, португальский, татарский, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, украинский, финский, французский, эстонский и японский.

На букву О Со слова «обитель»

Фраза состоит из двух слов и 13 букв без пробелов.

  • Синонимы к фразе
  • Написание фразы наоборот
  • Написание фразы в транслите
  • Написание фразы шрифтом Брайля
  • Передача фразы на азбуке Морзе
  • Произношение фразы на дактильной азбуке
  • Остальные фразы со слова «обитель»
  • Остальные фразы из 2 слов



Видео Обитель проклятых (2014) — русский трейлер (автор: Трейлеры к фильмам)02:44

Обитель проклятых (2014) — русский трейлер

Видео Цитадели - Обитель знаний (Выпуск 65) (автор: Деревушечка)07:23

Цитадели — Обитель знаний (Выпуск 65)

Видео Цитадели - Обитель знаний. Максимальные бонусы (Выпуск 106) (автор: Деревушечка)06:40

Цитадели — Обитель знаний. Максимальные бонусы (Выпуск 106)

Видео Завоеватели - Обитель знаний (Выпуск 3) (автор: Деревушечка)09:18

Завоеватели — Обитель знаний (Выпуск 3)

Видео Тайны Мира с Анной Чапман. Выпуск 56. Шамбала - Обитель Бессмертных (автор: Тайны Мира. Непознанное)47:08

Тайны Мира с Анной Чапман. Выпуск 56. Шамбала — Обитель Бессмертных

Синонимы к фразе «обитель знаний»

Какие близкие по смыслу слова и фразы, а также похожие выражения существуют. Как можно написать по-другому или сказать другими словами.


  • &plus; в сопровождении монаха −
  • &plus; в холле общежития −
  • &plus; кабинет ректора −
  • &plus; крыло замка −
  • &plus; магическая наука −
  • &plus; направиться к аудитории −
  • &plus; новый визитёр −
  • &plus; обитель знаний −
  • &plus; отговориться делами −
  • &plus; открыть телепорт −
  • &plus; переступать порог −
  • &plus; получить расписание −
  • &plus; попасть в библиотеку −
  • &plus; придворный маг −
  • &plus; пыльные фолианты −
  • &plus; сокровищница знаний −
  • &plus; столица гномов −
  • &plus; тренировочный зал −
  • &plus; учебный корпус −
  • &plus; факультет боевой магии −
  • &plus; храм знаний −
  • &plus; хранилище знаний −

Ваш синоним добавлен!

Написание фразы «обитель знаний» наоборот

Как эта фраза пишется в обратной последовательности.

йинанз ьлетибо 😀

Написание фразы «обитель знаний» в транслите

Как эта фраза пишется в транслитерации.

в армянской🇦🇲 ոբիտել զնանիյ

в грузинской🇬🇪 ობითელ ზნანი

в еврейской🇮🇱 וביטאל זנאניי

в латинской🇬🇧 obitel znany

Как эта фраза пишется в пьюникоде — Punycode, ACE-последовательность IDN

xn--90aiinl0a6e xn--80aneerb

Как эта фраза пишется в английской Qwerty-раскладке клавиатуры.


Написание фразы «обитель знаний» шрифтом Брайля

Как эта фраза пишется рельефно-точечным тактильным шрифтом.


Передача фразы «обитель знаний» на азбуке Морзе

Как эта фраза передаётся на морзянке.

– – – – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ – – – ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ – – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – – –

Произношение фразы «обитель знаний» на дактильной азбуке

Как эта фраза произносится на ручной азбуке глухонемых (но не на языке жестов).

Передача фразы «обитель знаний» семафорной азбукой

Как эта фраза передаётся флажковой сигнализацией.


Остальные фразы со слова «обитель»

Какие ещё фразы начинаются с этого слова.

  • обитель блаженных
  • обитель блаженства
  • обитель богов
  • обитель господа
  • обитель демонов
  • обитель духа
  • обитель духов
  • обитель души
  • обитель зла
  • обитель мира
  • обитель пресвятой троицы
  • обитель призраков
  • обитель света
  • обитель скорби
  • обитель смерти
  • обитель теней

Ваша фраза добавлена!

Остальные фразы из 2 слов

Какие ещё фразы состоят из такого же количества слов.

  • а вдобавок
  • а вдруг
  • а ведь
  • а вот
  • а если
  • а ещё
  • а именно
  • а капелла
  • а каторга
  • а ну-ка
  • а приятно
  • а также
  • а там
  • а то
  • аа говорит
  • аа отвечает
  • аа рассказывает
  • ааронов жезл
  • аароново благословение
  • аароново согласие
  • аб ово
  • абажур лампы
  • абазинская аристократия
  • абазинская литература

Как пишется на английском обитель зла @lptxvqp 24.09.2021 17:26

Как пишется на английском обитель зла1


Как пишется на английском обитель зла


У вас есть вопрос или вам нужна помощь?

Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Спасибо, ваш вопрос принят.

Ответ на него появится на сайте в ближайшее время.


Транслит Пьюникод Шрифт Брайля Азбука Морзе Дактильная азбука Семафорная азбука

Палиндромы Сантана

Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Народный словарь великого и могучего живого великорусского языка.

Онлайн-словарь слов и выражений русского языка. Ассоциации к словам, синонимы слов, сочетаемость фраз. Морфологический разбор: склонение существительных и прилагательных, а также спряжение глаголов. Морфемный разбор по составу словоформ.

По всем вопросам просьба обращаться в письмошную.

Лучший ответ

Белла Коптенкова



11 лет назад

Андрей по — английски пишется так : Andrey, но у американцев такого
имени нет, есть имя Andrew ( Эндрю ).

Остальные ответы




11 лет назад

Andrew — Эндрю.




11 лет назад





11 лет назад

«Andrej» Вот тебе показательства !!!

Источник: Какой еще andrew и andry? 0_о




11 лет назад

ANDRY и читается как ЭНДРИ

Андрей Якубович



11 лет назад

Andrei. Меня научили этому иностранцы, когда сдавал экзамен на сертификат в центре Майкрософт.

Автор Сообщение


Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Английский язык

Народ, кто-нибудь пользовался какими либо самоучителями или чем-нибудь?
Учил английский только в школе/институте, немного поднабрался опыта с помощью евро вова, в плане разговоров.
На работе очень нужно знать его на достойном уровне. Пару раз встречал иностранных людей, но чувствую что слабо/вяло отвечаю, веду разговор, хотя после встречи он сказал что все ок, но нехватает грамотности/словарного запаса
Знаю что лучший способ это собственный репетитор, но есть еще что-нибудь что сможет помоч в этом?
Thx :-)

11 фев 2011, 11:48



the observer

Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Попробуй поиграть в интересные игры на английском, помогает :)

11 фев 2011, 11:59



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Читай литературу на английском. Пробуй по учебникам учиться, а не с «самоучителем».
Без репетитора будет не ок. Но прежде чем записываться — поспрашивай по знакомым/почитай отзывы в интернете о языковых школах; может такое случиться, что придёшь к хуй пойми кому и за кучу денег тебя ничему не научат.

btw лучший способ — это съездить на месяцок в языковую школу за бугром, если средства позволяют).

11 фев 2011, 12:11



Повелитель арены

<Фулы с коня>

Сервер: Черный Шрам

Рейтинг поля боя: 958

2х2: 1938

3х3: 1860

5х5: 288

Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

lorti писал(а):

Попробуй поиграть в интересные игры на английском, помогает :)

в школе не учил английский, знаю больше одноклассников которые учили, только это на начальном уровне помогает, обратись к студенткам учащихся на переводчиков там они наверно хотят подработать, если у тебя деньги есть :D Также просмотр разного рода интересных вещей поможет с произношением.

11 фев 2011, 13:23



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Bloodixx`R писал(а):

Знаю что лучший способ это собственный репетитор, но есть еще что-нибудь что сможет помоч в этом?

Но ты поймешь это лишь тогда, когда тебя уволят.

11 фев 2011, 13:26




<PvP Academy>

Сервер: Sylvanas

Рейтинг поля боя: 384

2х2: 384

3х3: 1409

Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Общение с носителем языка.

11 фев 2011, 14:19

Профиль ICQ


Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Xenocidez писал(а):

Общение с носителем языка.

^ и только

11 фев 2011, 14:26



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

В Москве, возможно, и в других городах, есть «посиделки» с носителями языка
например : собирается 10 человек, идут в кофехаус, старбакс, парк еще куда, там общаются на различные темы, при этом темы до встречи не обговариваются. Символическая стоимость такой встречи иногда бывает, но не более 1.000руб(меньше даже)
неплохо практикуется разговорный инглыш, особенно если ты не часто путешествуешь или нет коммуникации с носителями повседневно!

нужно иметь базу, какую-нибудь

11 фев 2011, 14:31

Профиль ICQ


Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Общаться на английском + читать литературу и учить слова.

Мне лично нравится смотреть фильмы в оригинале с английскими сабами: привыкаешь к акценту.

11 фев 2011, 15:01



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

К акценту неверных из США?

11 фев 2011, 15:04



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Американский английский намного проще воспринимать на слух чем оригинальный британский, порой обычных повседневных слов не понимаешь.
В особенности ебанутым диалектом является кокни.

11 фев 2011, 15:25



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

izdi писал(а):

Американский английский намного проще воспринимать на слух чем оригинальный британский, порой обычных повседневных слов не понимаешь.

^ Правда. Помню в начальной школе были у нас аудиокассеты по английскому предмету — в тот самый момент я возненавидел оксфордский акцент. :D

11 фев 2011, 15:30



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Попробуй пройти уроки тут


Найди и купи/скачай адаптированные книги (это типа хрестоматий школьных), выбирай по своему уровню языка, если совсем плохо — начни с таких учебников для школьников 5-6 классов.
Поставь гуглтулбар и читай новости на английском, моментально переводя непонятные слова.
Смотри фильмы с субтитрами, а впоследствии — без.
Еще есть интересный вариант — учить по учебникам Драгункина, но это на любителя.

11 фев 2011, 15:40



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

BeBep писал(а):

izdi писал(а):

Американский английский намного проще воспринимать на слух чем оригинальный британский, порой обычных повседневных слов не понимаешь.

^ Правда. Помню в начальной школе были у нас аудиокассеты по английскому предмету — в тот самый момент я возненавидел оксфордский акцент. :D

вот вот! в британии сколько деревень, столько и акцентов.
а по теме: эти кассеты реально помогают. слушаешь несколько раз её, потом пересказываешь — вот тебе и практика. вроде всё так просто, но эффективность очень высокая. начинается всё с простых рассказов/диалогов, а в конце уже про беседы на сложные разговорные темы.

11 фев 2011, 16:07

Профиль ICQ Skype


Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

на еу рилмы идите учить английский.

11 фев 2011, 16:43



Повелитель арены

<Фулы с коня>

Сервер: Черный Шрам

Рейтинг поля боя: 958

2х2: 1938

3х3: 1860

5х5: 288

Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

со шведской школотой ты такой английский выучишь ;D

11 фев 2011, 16:46




<Герои АТО>

Сервер: Гордунни

Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык


11 фев 2011, 17:55



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Напалм, а зачем тебе английский?
И так возьмут на сезоннные работы по уборке картофеля.

11 фев 2011, 18:01



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

Смотри кабельное ТВ на английском, лучше новости, но не фильмы. Конечно лучший вариант это провести какое-то время за границей.

11 фев 2011, 21:34



Как пишется на английском обитель зла

Сообщение Re: Английский язык

В Ираке, например.

11 фев 2011, 21:35


На сайте использованы материалы, принадлежащие Blizzard Entertainment. Копирование материалов возможно только c разрешения портала. В противном случае это будет называться уже другим словом.

«Обитель зла» (англ. Resident Evil) — фантастический фильм ужасов 2002 года, являющийся адаптацией игры Resident Evil компании Capcom. Большая часть съёмок проходила в Германии. Режиссёром и сценаристом фильма стал Пол Андерсон, известный по фильму «Смертельная битва».
За фильмом последовало три сиквела: «Апокалипсис», который вышел в 2004 году, «Вымирание», который был выпущен 21 сентября 2007 и «Жизнь после смерти» в 2010 году. Андерсон не был режиссёром второй и третьей части, но написал к ним сценарии и стал одним из продюсеров.
Фильм использует различные элементы из игр: Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
Изначально предполагалось, что у названия фильма будет прис…

«Обитель зла» (англ. Resident Evil) — фантастический фильм ужасов 2002 года, являющийся адаптацией игры Resident Evil компании Capcom. Большая часть съёмок проходила в Германии. Режиссёром и сценаристом фильма стал Пол Андерсон, известный по фильму «Смертельная битва».
За фильмом последовало три сиквела: «Апокалипсис», который вышел в 2004 году, «Вымирание», который был выпущен 21 сентября 2007 и «Жизнь после смерти» в 2010 году. Андерсон не был режиссёром второй и третьей части, но написал к ним сценарии и стал одним из продюсеров.
Фильм использует различные элементы из игр: Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
Изначально предполагалось, что у названия фильма будет приставка «Ground Zero» (англ. «отметка ноль»), но эту приставку убрали после событий.
Саундтрек к фильму написали Марко Бельтрами и Мэрилин Мэнсон. В то время, как Бельтрами писал классические элементы, Мэнсон использовал больше электронных и индустриальных звуков.
Интересные факты:
Когда камера лаборатории замечает разбитую ампулу с вирусом, то на экране появляется красная надпись BIOHAZARD (биологическая опасность). Это японское название серии игр Resident Evil.
Элис, героиня Миллы Йовович, одета по ходу фильма также как и героиня Resident evil 2 и 4 — Ада Вонг, то есть, Красное облегающее платье и сапоги.
Код доступа в комнату Красной Королевы — 12177 — отсылка к дате рождения Миллы Йовович — 17.12.75 Число 5 получается в результате сложения цифр 4 и 1, изображённых под табло, на котором высвечивается набранный код.
Один из заголовков в газете — «Мёртвые идут!» (The Dead Walk!). Это — намёк на «День мертвецов» (1985), где в самом начале фильма можно заметить газету с точно таким же заголовком.
После «Смертельной битвы» (1995) «Обитель зла» стала второй экранизацией видеоигры в фильмографии Пола Андерсона.
В фильме содержится множество намёков и ссылок на «Алису в Стране Чудес» и «Алису в Зазеркалье». Например:
Имя главной героини — Элис (Alice).
Имя компьютера — Красная Королева.
Пресс-папье «Алиса в зазеркалье».
Испытания Т-вируса проходят на белом кролике.
Для того, чтобы войти в улей, герои «проходят» через зеркало.
Закадровый голос в начале фильма принадлежит актёру Джейсону Айзексу.
Джереми Болт (продюсер фильма) сыграл одного из многочисленных зомби.
Джеймс Батлер, координатор трюков, сыграл зомби, который нападает на Элис сразу после появления первой собаки-зомби.
За весь фильм ни разу не произносится слово «зомби». Это — намёк на «Ночь живых мертвецов» (1968), где также не упоминается данное слово.
Вороны, которых видит Элис в начале фильма, не настоящие, а компьютерные.
Президентов компании «Capcom Japan and America» можно заметить в фильме в роли зомби. Компания «Capcom» — создатель франчайза «Resident Evil».
В сцене, где происходит мутация Мэтта, практически не использовались компьютерные спецэффекты (лишь только в самой концовке сцены).
В первом варианте сценария все обращались к Каплану как «Двенадцатому». Его полное имя — Исиаб Тагава Меркурио.
Пароль для двери в столовой «Б» тот самый, который забыл Каплан, — 04031965. Пол Андерсон родился 4 марта 1965
(в русском переводе фильма Каплан дважды сказал «0432», а потом вспомнил — 08022369)
Милла Йовович самостоятельно выполняла все трюки в фильме, за исключением прыжка в канализации.
Несмотря на то, что остальные герои картины называют персонажа Колина Салмона «Первым», его настоящее имя — Джеймс Шэйд.
Актёры, сыгравшие коммандос, а также Милла Йовович и Эрик Мабиус прошли специальную недельную подготовку (скалолазание, боевая подготовка, обращение с оружием и т. д.) под присмотром бывшего «морского котика» Джеймса Батлера.
Актёры, исполнившие главные роли в фильме, до начала съёмок должны были сыграть в видеоигру «Resident Evil», более того, они должны были её полностью пройти. Некоторые из них не были уверены, что они смогут выполнить поставленную задачу, поэтому им пришлось просмотреть видео с полным прохождением данной игры.
За время съёмок Милла Йовович поранила режиссёра и трёх членов съёмочной группы.
Имя главной героини, Элис, упоминается только в титрах.
Милла и Пол помолвились после окончания съёмок.
Финальные сцены (выхода Элис в Раккун-сити) снимались в Торонто.
В начале фильма Элис находит записку, в которой говорится «Сегодня все твои мечты осуществятся». Ближе к концу, когда к Спенсеру возвращается память, он вспоминает, как писал эту записку. Почерки на первой и второй заметно отличаются.

Обитель зла 2: Апокалипсис (2004)
Обитель зла 3: Вымирание (2007)
Обитель зла 4: Жизнь после смерти (2010)
Обитель зла 5: Возмездие (2012)

Также существуют:
Короткометражная анимация Обитель зла: 4D Палач (2000).
Полнометражный мультфильм по мотивам игры Обитель Зла: Вырождение (2008).
Второй полнометражный анимационный CG-фильм Обитель зла: Проклятие (2012).

Обитель зла перевод - Обитель зла английский как сказать


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Resident Evil
Resident Evil logo

Biohazard logo

Created by Shinji Mikami
Tokuro Fujiwara
Original work Resident Evil (1996)
Owner Capcom
Years 1996–present
Print publications
Novel(s) Novel list
Comics Comic list
Films and television
  • Live-action series
  • Animated film list
Television series Television list
Video game(s) Game list
Official website

Resident Evil, known in Japan as Biohazard,[a] is a Japanese horror game series and media franchise created by Capcom. It consists of survival horror, third-person shooter and first-person shooter games, with players typically surviving in environments filled with zombies and other creatures. The franchise has expanded into a live-action film series, animated films, television series, comic books, novels, audio dramas, and other media and merchandise. Resident Evil is the highest-grossing horror franchise.

The first Resident Evil was created by Shinji Mikami and Tokuro Fujiwara and released for the PlayStation in 1996.[1][2] It is credited for defining the survival horror genre and returning zombies to popular culture. With Resident Evil 4 (2005), the franchise shifted to more dynamic shooting action; it influenced the evolution of the survival horror and third-person genres, popularizing the «over-the-shoulder» third-person view.[3] Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017) moved the series to a first-person perspective. Capcom has also released three Resident Evil remakes: Resident Evil (2002), Resident Evil 2 (2019) and Resident Evil 3 (2020), with the upcoming Resident Evil 4 scheduled for 2023. Resident Evil is Capcom’s best-selling franchise, with 135 million copies sold worldwide as of December 2022, and is the best-selling horror game series.

The first Resident Evil film was released in 2002, followed by five sequels and a 2021 reboot, Welcome to Raccoon City. The films have received mixed-to-negative reviews, but have grossed more than $1.2 billion, making Resident Evil the second highest-grossing video game film series.


Release timeline

1996 Resident Evil
1998 Resident Evil 2
1999 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
2000 Resident Evil Survivor
Resident Evil – Code: Veronica
2001 Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code: Veronica
Resident Evil Gaiden
2002 Resident Evil (remake)
Resident Evil Zero
2003 Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Resident Evil Outbreak
2004 Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2
2005 Resident Evil 4
2006 Resident Evil: Deadly Silence
2007 Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
2009 Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
2011 Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
2012 Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Resident Evil 6
2015 Resident Evil: Revelations 2
2016 Umbrella Corps
2017 Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
2019 Resident Evil 2 (remake)
2020 Resident Evil 3 (remake)
Resident Evil: Resistance
2021 Resident Evil Village
2022 Resident Evil Re:Verse
2023 Resident Evil 4 (remake)

The development of the first Resident Evil, released as Biohazard in Japan, began in 1993 when Capcom’s Tokuro Fujiwara told Shinji Mikami and other co-workers to create a game using elements from Fujiwara’s 1989 game Sweet Home.[4][5] When in late 1994 marketing executives were setting up to release Biohazard in the United States, it was pointed out that securing the rights to the name Biohazard would be very difficult as a DOS game had been registered under that name, as well as a New York hardcore punk band called Biohazard. A contest was held among company personnel to choose a new name; this competition turned up Resident Evil, the name under which it was released in the west.[6] Resident Evil made its debut on the PlayStation in 1996 and was later ported to the Sega Saturn.

The first entry in the series was the first game to be dubbed a «survival horror», a term coined for the new genre it initiated,[7] and its critical and commercial success[8] led to the production of two sequels, Resident Evil 2 in 1998 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in 1999, both for the PlayStation. A port of Resident Evil 2 was released for the Nintendo 64. In addition, ports of all three were released for Windows. The fourth game in the series, Resident Evil – Code: Veronica, was developed for the Dreamcast and released in 2000, followed by ports of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Resident Evil – Code: Veronica was later re-released for Dreamcast in Japan in an updated form as Code: Veronica Complete, which included slight changes, many of which revolved around story cutscenes. This updated version was later ported to the PlayStation 2 and GameCube under the title Code: Veronica X.

Despite earlier announcements that the next game in the series would be released for the PlayStation 2, which resulted in the creation of an unrelated game titled Devil May Cry, series’ creator and producer Shinji Mikami decided to make the series exclusively for the GameCube.[9] The next three games in the series—a remake of the original Resident Evil and the prequel Resident Evil Zero, both released in 2002, as well as Resident Evil 4 (2005)—were all released initially as GameCube exclusives. Resident Evil 4 was later released for Windows, PlayStation 2, and Wii.

A trilogy of GunCon-compatible light gun games known as the Gun Survivor series featured first-person gameplay. The first, Resident Evil Survivor, was released in 2000 for the PlayStation and PC but received mediocre reviews.[10] The subsequent games, Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code: Veronica and Resident Evil: Dead Aim, fared somewhat better.[11] Dead Aim is the fourth Gun Survivor game in Japan, with Gun Survivor 3 being the Dino Crisis spin-off Dino Stalker. In a similar vein, the Chronicles series features first-person gameplay, albeit on an on-rails path. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles was released in 2007 for the Wii, with a sequel, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles released in 2009 (both were later ported to the PlayStation 3 in 2012).[12] Also in 2009, Resident Evil 5 was released for PlayStation 3, Windows and Xbox 360, becoming the best selling game of the franchise despite mixed fan reception.

Resident Evil Outbreak is an online game for the PlayStation 2, released in 2003, depicting a series of episodic storylines in Raccoon City set during the same period as Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. It was the first in the series and the first survival horror title to feature cooperative gameplay.[13] It was followed by a sequel, Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2. Raccoon City is a metropolis located in the Arklay Mountains of the Midwestern United States that succumbed to the deadly T-virus outbreak and was consequently destroyed via a nuclear missile attack issued by the United States government. The town served as a critical junction for the series’ progression as one of the main catalysts to Umbrella’s downfall and the entry point for some of the series’ most notable characters.

Resident Evil Gaiden is an action-adventure game for the Game Boy Color featuring a role-playing-style combat system. There have been several downloadable mobile games based on the Resident Evil series in Japan. Some of these mobile games have been released in North America and Europe through T-Mobile. At the Sony press conference during E3 2009, Resident Evil Portable was announced for the PlayStation Portable,[14][15][16] described as an all-new title being developed with «the PSP Go in mind» and «totally different for a Resident Evil game». No further announcements have been made, and the game is considered to have been canceled.[17][18]

Capcom revealed the third-person shooter Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, which was developed by Slant Six Games for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows and released in March 2012. A survival horror game for the Nintendo 3DS, Resident Evil: Revelations, was released in February 2012.[19] In October of the same year, the next numbered entry in the main series, Resident Evil 6, was released to mixed reviews,[20] but enthusiastic pre-order sales.[21]

In 2013, producer Masachika Kawata said the Resident Evil franchise would return to focus on elements of horror and suspense over action, adding that «survival horror as a genre is never going to be on the same level, financially, as shooters and much more popular, mainstream games. At the same time, I think we need to have the confidence to put money behind these projects, and it doesn’t mean we can’t focus on what we need to do as a survival horror game to meet fan’s needs.»[22] Resident Evil: Revelations 2, an episodic game set between Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, was released in March 2015. A series of team-based multiplayer games were developed beginning with the poorly-received Umbrella Corps, which was released in June 2016.[23] Resident Evil: Resistance was released in April 2020, followed by Resident Evil Re:Verse in October 2022, with both being available for free to those who bought Resident Evil 3 and Village respectively.[24][25]

Using the new RE Engine, which would develop the next generation of Resident Evil games, the series continued to shift back towards more horror elements. The next mainline game, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard was released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in January 2017.[26][27] Set in a dilapidated mansion in Louisiana, the game uses a first-person perspective and emphasizes horror and exploration over action, unlike previous installments.[28][29][30][31] The first-person perspective continued in the eighth mainline game Resident Evil Village. Released in May 2021, the game, set in a mysterious European village, is a direct sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard although it incorporates more action elements inspired from Resident Evil 4.[32][33] The game also marked the franchise’s debut on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S[34]

A new generation of remakes of older entries began in 2019 with a remake of Resident Evil 2, being released for the PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One. The remake outsold the original game within a year, selling over five million copies.[35] Following in the success of the Resident Evil 2 remake, Capcom revealed a remake of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in December 2019, known as Resident Evil 3. It was released in April 2020.[36] In June 2022, a remake of Resident Evil 4 was announced and is expected to be released on March 24, 2023 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.[37]


The early Resident Evil games focused on the Umbrella Corporation, an international pharmaceutical company that secretly develops mutagenic viruses to further their «bio-organic weapons» (BOW) research. The company’s viruses can transform humans into mindless zombies while also mutating plants and animals into horrifying monstrosities. The Umbrella Corporation uses its vast resources to effectively control Raccoon City, a fictional midwestern American city. In the original Resident Evil, members of an elite police task force, Special Tactics and Rescue Service (STARS), are lured to derelict mansion on the outskirts of Raccoon City. The STARS team is mostly decimated by zombies and other BOWs, leaving only a handful of survivors, including Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Albert Wesker. Chris and Jill explore the zombie-infested mansion and uncover a secret underground Umbrella research facility. Wesker reveals himself to be a double agent for Umbrella and betrays his comrades. However, Wesker is seemingly murdered by a Tyrant, a special BOW that is the culmination of the Umbrella Corporation’s research.[38][39]

Chris and Jill escape the mansion, but their testimony is ridiculed by Raccoon City’s officials due to Umbrella’s influence. Meanwhile, a separate viral outbreak occurs in another Umbrella research facility underneath Raccoon City. Most of the city’s residents are infected and become zombies. Resident Evil 2 introduces two new protagonists, Leon S. Kennedy, a rookie police officer and Claire Redfield, the younger sister of Chris. Leon and Claire arrive in Raccoon City amidst the chaos of the viral outbreak. Leon is aided by Ada Wong, a corporate spy posing as an FBI agent, while Claire rescues Sherry Birkin, the daughter of two prominent Umbrella researchers. At the same time, Jill makes her escape from the city in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. She is relentlessly pursued by a new Tyrant, Nemesis, who is deployed by Umbrella to eliminate all surviving STARS members. The U.S. Government destroys Raccoon City with a missile strike to sterilize the viral outbreak.[40] Leon, Claire, Sherry, Ada, and Jill escape the city before its eradication. Claire continues to look for Chris, whereas Leon is recruited to work for the U.S. Government. Resident Evil – Code: Veronica follows Claire as she escapes from a prison camp in the Southern Ocean and later reunites with Chris at an Umbrella research facility in Antarctica. Resident Evil 4 is set six years after the Raccoon City incident and focuses on Leon as he tries to rescue the U.S. President’s daughter from a cult in Spain.[38][39]

A government investigation into the Umbrella Corporation reveals its involvement in the Raccoon City disaster and leads to the company’s dissolution. Despite the downfall of the Umbrella Corporation, the company’s research and BOWs proliferate across the black market and lead to the rise of bioterrorism. Chris and Jill establish the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) to combat these ever-growing threats on a global scale. Wesker is revealed to be alive and involved in the development of new potent viral agents and BOWs. In Resident Evil 5, Wesker seeks to unleash a highly mutagenic virus that will infect all of humanity. Chris and the BSAA confront and kill Wesker in Africa before he can fulfill his mission.[41] Resident Evil 6 features Chris and Leon meeting for the first time in the video game series.[42] The two work separately to triage bioterrorist attacks in the United States, Eastern Europe, and China. They are assisted by Sherry, Jake Muller, Wesker’s illegitimate son, and many members of the BSAA and U.S. government. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and Resident Evil Village introduce a new protagonist, Ethan Winters, who becomes entangled in a bioterrorism incident while searching for his missing wife. He encounters Chris and the BSAA, who help him rescue his wife and defeat Eveline, a powerful BOW. Ethan, Mia, and their newborn daughter, Rosemary, are relocated to Eastern Europe but are abducted by a cult. Ethan ultimately sacrifices himself to destroy a fungal colony being weaponized by bioterrorists and save his family.[38][39][43]


The Resident Evil franchise has had a variety of control schemes and gameplay mechanics throughout its history. Puzzle-solving has figured prominently throughout the series.[44]

Tank controls[edit]

The first game introduced a control scheme that the player community has come to refer to as «tank controls» to the series. In a game with tank controls, players control movement relative to the position of the player character, rather than relative to the fixed virtual camera from which the player views the current scene.[45] Pressing up (for example on a D-pad, analog stick, or cursor movement keys) on the game controller moves the character in the direction being faced, pressing down backpedals, and left and right rotates the character.[45] This can feel counter-intuitive when the character is facing the camera, as the controls are essentially reversed in this state. This differs from many 3D games, in which characters move in the direction the player pushes the controls from the perspective of the camera.[45] Some critics have posited that the control scheme is intentionally clumsy, meant to enhance stress and exacerbate difficulty.[46]

While the first three entries in the series featured this control scheme, the third, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, saw some action-oriented additions. These included a 180 degree turn and dodge command that, according to GameSpot, «hinted at a new direction that the series would go in.» Later games in the series, like Resident Evil 4, would feature a more fluid over-the-shoulder third-person camera instead of a fixed camera for each room, while Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village are played from the first-person perspective.

Third-person shooter gameplay[edit]

Resident Evil 4 saw significant changes to the established gameplay, including switching from fixed camera perspectives to a tracking camera, and more action-oriented gameplay and mechanics. This was complemented by an abundance of ammunition and revised aiming and melee mechanics. Some critics claimed that this overhauled control scheme «made the game less scary.»[46] The next two games in the franchise furthered the action-oriented mechanics: Resident Evil 5 featured cooperative play and added strafing, while Resident Evil 6 allowed players to move while aiming and shooting for the first time, fully abandoning the series’ signature tank controls.[46]

First-person shooter gameplay and VR[edit]

Resident Evil 7 is the first main Resident Evil game to use the first-person perspective and to use virtual reality. It drew comparisons to modern survival horror games such as Outlast and PT.[46] The eighth main-series game, Resident Evil Village, also features a first-person perspective.[47] A VR version of Resident Evil 4 was released on the Oculus Quest 2 on October 21, 2021.[48]

Other media[edit]

The Resident Evil franchise features video games and tie-in merchandise and products, including various live-action and animated films, comic books, and novels.


Live-action films[edit]

The live-action film series logo

From 2002 to 2016, six live-action Resident Evil films were produced, all written and produced by Paul W. S. Anderson. The films do not follow the games’ premise but feature some game characters. The series’ protagonist is Alice, an original character created for the films portrayed by Milla Jovovich. Despite a negative reaction from critics, the live-action film series has made over $1 billion worldwide.[49] They are, to date, the only video game adaptations to increase the amount of money made with each successive film.[50] The series holds the record for the «Most Live-Action Film Adaptations of a Video Game» in the 2012 Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition, which also described it as «the most successful movie series to be based on a video game.»[13]

A reboot, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, was released on November 24, 2021, with Johannes Roberts as writer/director.[51]

Animated films[edit]

The first computer animated film for the franchise was Biohazard 4D-Executer. It was a short 3D film produced for Japanese theme parks and did not feature any characters from the game.[52]

Starting in 2008, a series of feature-length computer animated films have been released. These films take place in the same continuity with the games of the series, and feature characters such as Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Rebecca Chambers.[53][54][55]


Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, a four-part CG anime series, premiered on July 8, 2021, on Netflix. Starring the Resident Evil 2 protagonists Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, the series features both uncovering a worldwide plot. The series released on July 8, 2021[56] on Netflix.[57]

Resident Evil premiered on July 14, 2022, on Netflix. An eight episode live-action series, two plotlines set in 2022 and 2036 follow Albert Wesker and his daughters navigating Umbrella’s experiments in New Raccoon City.[58][59]


Resident Evil theme restaurant

Over the years, various toy companies have acquired the Resident Evil license, with each producing their own unique line of Resident Evil action figures or models.[60] These include, but are not limited to, Toy Biz,[61] Palisades Toys, NECA, and Hot Toys.

Tokyo Marui also produced replicas of the guns used in the Resident Evil series in the form of gas blow-back airsoft guns. Some models included the STARS Beretta featured in Resident Evil 3, and the Desert Eagle in a limited edition that came with other memorabilia in a wooden case, along with the Gold Lugers from Code: Veronica and the «Samurai Edge» pistol from the Resident Evil remake. Other merchandise includes an energy drink called «T-virus Antidote.»

Resident Evil Archives is a reference guide of the Resident Evil series written by staff members of Capcom. It was translated into English and published by BradyGames. The guide describes and summarizes all of the key events that occur in Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, and Code: Veronica. The main plot analysis also contains character relationship charts, artwork, item descriptions, and file transcripts for all five games. A second Archives book was later released in December 2011 and covers Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, the new scenarios detailed in Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, and the 2008 CGI movie, Resident Evil: Degeneration. The second Archives volume was also translated by Capcom and published by BradyGames.

A Resident Evil theme restaurant called Biohazard Cafe & Grill S.T.A.R.S. opened in Tokyo in 2012.[62] Halloween Horror Nights 2013, held at Universal Orlando, featured a haunted house titled Resident Evil: Escape from Raccoon City, based on Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.[63]


The first Resident Evil novel was Hiroyuki Ariga’s novella Biohazard: The Beginning, published in 1997 as a portion of the book The True Story of Biohazard, which was given away as a pre-order bonus with the Sega Saturn version of Biohazard. The story serves as a prelude to the original Resident Evil, in which Chris investigates the disappearance of his missing friend, Billy Rabbitson.

S. D. Perry has written novelizations of the first five games, as well as two original novels taking place between games. The novels often take liberties with the games’ plot by exploring events occurring outside and beyond the games. This often meant that the games would later contradict the books on a few occasions.[64] One notable addition from the novels is the original character Trent, who often served as a mysterious behind-the-scenes string-puller who aided the main characters. Perry’s novels were translated and released in Japan with new cover arts by Wolfina.[65] Perry’s novels, particularly The Umbrella Conspiracy, also alluded to events in Biohazard: The Beginning, such as the disappearance of Billy Rabbitson and Brian Irons’ bid to run for Mayor. A reprinting of Perry’s novels with new cover artwork began in 2012 to coincide with the release of Resident Evil: Retribution and its respective novelization.

There are a trilogy of original Biohazard novels in Japan. Hokkai no Yōjū (北海の妖獣, lit. «The Strange Beast of the North Sea») was published in 1998 and was written by Kyū Asakura and the staff of Flagship. Two additional novels were published in 2002, To the Liberty by Sudan Kimura and Rose Blank by Tadashi Aizawa. While no official English translation of these novels has been published yet, the last two books were translated into German and published in 2006.

Novelizations of three of the six Paul Anderson films; Genesis, Apocalypse, and Extinction, were written by Keith DeCandido. Afterlife did not receive a novelization due to Capcom’s decision to discontinue working with Pocket Books, who had been their primary source of publishing books up to that point, Capcom would later make Titan Books their primary publisher going forth. Retribution was written by John Shirley, while The Final Chapter was written by Tim Waggoner. Genesis was published over two years after that film’s release and coincided with the publication of Apocalypse, Genesis being marketed as a prequel to Apocalypse, while the Extinction novel was released in late July 2007, two months before the film’s release. The Final Chapter was published in December 2016 alongside the film’s theatrical release. There was also a Japanese novelization of the first film, unrelated to DeCandido’s version, written by Osamu Makino. Makino also wrote two novels based on the game Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. The books are a two-part direct novelization of the game and are published in Japanese and German only. The first novel, titled Biohazard: The Umbrella Chronicles Side A in Japan and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles 1 in Germany, was released on December 22, 2007. The second novel, titled Biohazard: The Umbrella Chronicles Side B in Japan and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles 2 in Germany, was published in January 2008.


In 1997, Marvel Comics published a single-issue prologue comic based on the original Resident Evil, released through a promotional giveaway alongside the original PlayStation game.

In 1998, WildStorm began producing a monthly comic book series based on the first two games, titled Resident Evil: The Official Comic Magazine, which lasted five issues. The first four issues were published by Image, while Wildstorm themselves published the fifth and final issue. Each issue was a compilation of short stories that were both adaptations of events from the games and related side stories. Like the Perry novels, the comics also explored events occurring beyond Resident Evil 2 (the latest game during the series’ publication) and thus were contradicted by later games. Wildstorm also published a four-issue miniseries titled Resident Evil: Fire & Ice, which depicted the ordeal of Charlie Team, a third STARS team created specifically for the comic. In 2009, Wildstorm reprinted Fire & Ice in a trade paperback collection.[66]

In Hong Kong, there has been officially licensed Biohazard manhua adaptations of Biohazard 0 by publisher Yulang Group, Biohazard 2 by Kings Fountain, Biohazard 3 Supplemental Edition by Cao Zhihao and, Biohazard 3 The Last Escape, and Biohazard Code: Veronica by Lee Chung Hing published by Tinhangse Publishing. The Code: Veronica manhua was translated into English, formatted to look like an American comic and distributed by WildStorm as a series of four graphic novel collections.

In 2009, Wildstorm began publishing a comic book prequel to Resident Evil 5, titled Resident Evil, which centers around two original members of the BSAA named Mina Gere and Holiday Sugarman. Written by Ricardo Sanchez and illustrated by Kevin Sharpe and Jim Clark, the first issue was published on March 11, 2009. On November 11, 2009, the third issue was released, and the fourth was released March 24, 2010. The sixth and final book was finally published in February 2011.[67]


In the summer of 2000, Bioroid: Year Zero was performed in Japan. It was a musical horror-comedy but took the perspective of the infected. Super Eccentric Theater put on the production under the direction of Osamu Yagihashi. The stage play was performed from early July to late August.[68]

Biohazard The Stage was released in Japan in 2015. The play focused on iconic characters, Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers, as Philosophy University in Australia is experiencing a bioterrorist attack. The production was handled by Avex Live Creative and Ace Crew Entertainment, under supervision from Capcom.[69]

The following year, Musical Biohazard ~Voice of Gaia~ was released in September. It was produced by Umeda Arts Theater by director G2 and composer, Shunsuke Wada.[70]

Biohazard the Experience was the second Resident Evil play produced by Avex Live Creative and Ace Crew Entertainment. The story is set in 2015 and follows a cast of thirteen survivors who were abducted and woke up in a mansion during an outbreak.[71]

Reception and legacy[edit]

Most of the games in the prominent Resident Evil series have been released to positive reviews. Some of the games, most notably Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4, have been bestowed with multiple Game of the Year honors and often placed on lists of the best video games ever made.

In 1999, Next Generation listed the Resident Evil series as number 13 on their «Top 50 Games of All Time», commenting that, «Flawless graphics, excellent music, and a top-notch storyline all combined to make a game of unparalleled atmosphere and suspense.»[72] In 2012, Complex ranked Resident Evil at number 22 on the list of the best video game franchises.[73] That same year, G4tv called it «one of the most successful series in gaming history.»[74]

Commercial performance[edit]

As of September 30, 2021, the series has sold 120 million units worldwide.[75] The first two Resident Evil games had collectively sold approximately 11 million units worldwide by March 1999.[76] By early 2001, the series had sold 17 million units worldwide, earning more than $600 million.[77] By 2011, it had sold about 46 million units and was estimated to have grossed at least more than $1.3 billion in video game sales.[78][79] It is recognized by Guinness World Records as the best-selling survival horror series, with Resident Evil 5 the best-selling survival horror game, as of 2016.[80] Seven of the top ten best-selling horror games in North America are Resident Evil titles, with Resident Evil 5 the best-selling horror game, as of 2019.[81]

The Resident Evil film adaptations also went on to become the highest-grossing film series based on video games by 2012.[82] By 2011, the films had grossed over $600 million at the box office, bringing the franchise’s estimated revenue to at least more than $1.9 billion in combined video game sales and box office gross up until then.[78][79] As of 2020, the films have grossed more than $1.3 billion in box office and home video sales.[83] The success of the video games and films have made Resident Evil the highest-grossing franchise in the horror[84] and zombie genres.[78][79]

Cultural impact[edit]

GameSpot listed the original Resident Evil as one of the fifteen most influential video games of all time. It is credited with defining and popularizing the survival horror genre of games. It is also credited with taking video games in a cinematic direction with its B-movie style cut-scenes, including live-action full-motion video (FMV) footage. Its live-action opening, however, was controversial; it became one of the first action games to receive the «Mature 17+» (M) rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), despite the opening cutscene being censored in North America.[85]

The Resident Evil franchise is credited with sparking a revival of the zombie genre in popular culture, leading to a renewed interest in zombie films during the 2000s.[86][87] Resident Evil also helped redefine the zombie genre,[88] playing an important role in its shift from supernatural themes to scientific themes by using science to explain the origins of zombies.[89] According to Kim Newman in the book Nightmare Movies (2011), «the zombie revival began in the Far East» mainly due to the 1996 Japanese zombie games Resident Evil and The House of the Dead.[90] George Romero, in 2013, said it was the video games Resident Evil and House of the Dead «more than anything else» that popularised his zombie concept in early 21st-century popular culture.[91][92] In a 2015 interview with Huffington Post, screenwriter-director Alex Garland credited the Resident Evil series as a primary influence on his script for the horror film 28 Days Later (2002), and credited the first Resident Evil game for revitalizing the zombie genre.[87] Screenwriter Edgar Wright cited Resident Evil 2 as a primary influence on his zombie comedy film Shaun of the Dead (2004),[93] with the film’s star and co-writer Simon Pegg also crediting the first game with starting the zombie revival in popular culture.[86] The Walking Dead comic book creator Robert Kirkman cited Resident Evil as his favorite zombie game,[94] while The Walking Dead television series director Greg Nicotero credited Resident Evil and The House of the Dead with introducing the zombie genre «to a whole generation of younger people who didn’t grow up watching Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead[95]

The Resident Evil Apocalypse zombies were conceptualized and choreographed by Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland. Through script analysis and movement research a “scientific logic” was devised for the T-Virus accounting for each Zombie behaviour envisioned in Paul W. S. Anderson’s script. Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland then wrote the so-called Undead Bible — a Handbook for the Undead — used as the guide for the nearly 1000 cast under the choreographic department (stunt performers, actors, dancers, extras) to ensure the Undead physicality was performed in a unified way across the picture.  The Stunt and Core teams participated in the “Undead Bootcamp”.  See also 2007 Documentary Undead Bootcamp starring producer Jeremy Bolt, director Alexander Witt, and choreographers Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland.

On the DVD Featurette ‘Resident Evil; Game Over’ RE2 Apocalypse director Alexander Witt said the zombies needed to be «more aggressive and more dangerous» than the original film, so they were created by the film’s choreographers Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland as «liquid zombie[s]’ in terms of their relentless forward motion: unstoppable, flowing around any kind of resistance, and then rushing in on the final attack. This is also detailed in the University of Liverpool book Biopunk Dystopias Genetic Engineering, Society, and Science Fiction (Lars Schmeink, 2016, p.214)[96] 

Additionally, the first Resident Evil film adaptation also contributed to the revival of zombie films, with the success of the film and the games resulting in zombies achieving greater mainstream prominence and several zombie films being greenlit, such as the video game film adaptation House of the Dead (2003), the remake Dawn of the Dead (2004) and Romero’s Land of the Dead (2004).[97] The Resident Evil films, 28 Days Later and the Dawn of the Dead remake all set box office records for the zombie genre, reaching levels of commercial success not seen since the original Dawn of the Dead (1978).[98] They were followed by other zombie films such as 28 Weeks Later (2007), Zombieland (2009), Cockneys vs Zombies (2012), and World War Z (2013), as well as zombie-themed graphic novels and television shows such as The Walking Dead and The Returned,[86] and books such as World War Z (2006), Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009) and Warm Bodies (2010).[99] The zombie revival trend was popular across different media up until the mid-2010s.[86] Since then, zombie films have declined in popularity during the late 2010s,[99] but zombie video games have remained popular, as seen with the commercial success of the Resident Evil 2 remake and Days Gone in 2019.[100]

See also[edit]

  • Genetic engineering in fiction
  • List of fictional diseases
  • List of zombie video games
  • Dino Crisis, another horror series by Capcom
  • Devil May Cry, another series by Capcom, initially conceived as the fourth title in the series
  • Onimusha, another series by Capcom with similar gameplay, initially conceived as a spin-off
  • The Evil Within, other horror game made by Shinji Mikami


  1. ^ Japanese: バイオハザード, Hepburn: Baiohazādo


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  95. ^ Hocking, Scott (September 24, 2018). «Interview with Greg Nicotero – The Walking Dead». STACK. Retrieved March 14, 2022.
  96. ^ Schmeink, Lars (2016). Biopunk dystopias : genetic engineering, society, and science fiction. Liverpool. ISBN 978-1-78138-332-2. OCLC 1256592985.
  97. ^ Russell, Jamie (2005). «The Resident Evil Effect». Book of the Dead: The Complete History of Zombie Cinema. FAB Press / Titan Books. pp. 171–178 (178). ISBN 978-1-903254-33-2. Whatever criticism one might want to level against the first Resident Evil movie, it had an undeniably positive effect on the zombie’s fortunes. Dragged into the mainstream by the videogame franchise and Anderson’s blockbuster, the living dead suddenly achieved a degree of respectability they’d never had before. It was as if, after seventy-odd years of being ignored, they’d finally received their invite to the Hollywood party. Within mere weeks of Resident Evils opening came a series of press releases and announcements suggesting that the zombie had finally broken free of its marginal roots: a remake of Dawn of the Dead had received the greenlight, a big-screen adaptation of arcade game The House of the Dead was going into production; and, perhaps most exciting of all, George Romero announced at Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors Convention in August 2002 that he was in serious talks with Twentieth Century Fox to complete the fourth and final installment of his «trilogy» — provisionally dubbed «Land of the Dead,» with a $10 million budget and a planned R-rated release.
  98. ^ Booker, M. Keith (2010). Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels [2 volumes]: [Two Volumes]. ABC-CLIO. p. 662. ISBN 9780313357473.
  99. ^ a b «How ’28 Days Later’ Changed the Horror Genre». The Hollywood Reporter. June 29, 2018. Retrieved May 31, 2019.
  100. ^ «A Discussion of Zombies and the Apocalypse in Video Games». The Hollywood Reporter. April 27, 2019. Retrieved May 31, 2019.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • BioHazard / Resident Evil series at MobyGames
  • Undead Bootcamp — Resident Evil Apocalypse — (2007 — Documentary)
Resident Evil
Resident Evil logo

Biohazard logo

Created by Shinji Mikami
Tokuro Fujiwara
Original work Resident Evil (1996)
Owner Capcom
Years 1996–present
Print publications
Novel(s) Novel list
Comics Comic list
Films and television
  • Live-action series
  • Animated film list
Television series Television list
Video game(s) Game list
Official website

Resident Evil, known in Japan as Biohazard,[a] is a Japanese horror game series and media franchise created by Capcom. It consists of survival horror, third-person shooter and first-person shooter games, with players typically surviving in environments filled with zombies and other creatures. The franchise has expanded into a live-action film series, animated films, television series, comic books, novels, audio dramas, and other media and merchandise. Resident Evil is the highest-grossing horror franchise.

The first Resident Evil was created by Shinji Mikami and Tokuro Fujiwara and released for the PlayStation in 1996.[1][2] It is credited for defining the survival horror genre and returning zombies to popular culture. With Resident Evil 4 (2005), the franchise shifted to more dynamic shooting action; it influenced the evolution of the survival horror and third-person genres, popularizing the «over-the-shoulder» third-person view.[3] Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017) moved the series to a first-person perspective. Capcom has also released three Resident Evil remakes: Resident Evil (2002), Resident Evil 2 (2019) and Resident Evil 3 (2020), with the upcoming Resident Evil 4 scheduled for 2023. Resident Evil is Capcom’s best-selling franchise, with 135 million copies sold worldwide as of December 2022, and is the best-selling horror game series.

The first Resident Evil film was released in 2002, followed by five sequels and a 2021 reboot, Welcome to Raccoon City. The films have received mixed-to-negative reviews, but have grossed more than $1.2 billion, making Resident Evil the second highest-grossing video game film series.


Release timeline

1996 Resident Evil
1998 Resident Evil 2
1999 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
2000 Resident Evil Survivor
Resident Evil – Code: Veronica
2001 Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code: Veronica
Resident Evil Gaiden
2002 Resident Evil (remake)
Resident Evil Zero
2003 Resident Evil: Dead Aim
Resident Evil Outbreak
2004 Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2
2005 Resident Evil 4
2006 Resident Evil: Deadly Silence
2007 Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
2009 Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
2011 Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
2012 Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Resident Evil 6
2015 Resident Evil: Revelations 2
2016 Umbrella Corps
2017 Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
2019 Resident Evil 2 (remake)
2020 Resident Evil 3 (remake)
Resident Evil: Resistance
2021 Resident Evil Village
2022 Resident Evil Re:Verse
2023 Resident Evil 4 (remake)

The development of the first Resident Evil, released as Biohazard in Japan, began in 1993 when Capcom’s Tokuro Fujiwara told Shinji Mikami and other co-workers to create a game using elements from Fujiwara’s 1989 game Sweet Home.[4][5] When in late 1994 marketing executives were setting up to release Biohazard in the United States, it was pointed out that securing the rights to the name Biohazard would be very difficult as a DOS game had been registered under that name, as well as a New York hardcore punk band called Biohazard. A contest was held among company personnel to choose a new name; this competition turned up Resident Evil, the name under which it was released in the west.[6] Resident Evil made its debut on the PlayStation in 1996 and was later ported to the Sega Saturn.

The first entry in the series was the first game to be dubbed a «survival horror», a term coined for the new genre it initiated,[7] and its critical and commercial success[8] led to the production of two sequels, Resident Evil 2 in 1998 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in 1999, both for the PlayStation. A port of Resident Evil 2 was released for the Nintendo 64. In addition, ports of all three were released for Windows. The fourth game in the series, Resident Evil – Code: Veronica, was developed for the Dreamcast and released in 2000, followed by ports of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Resident Evil – Code: Veronica was later re-released for Dreamcast in Japan in an updated form as Code: Veronica Complete, which included slight changes, many of which revolved around story cutscenes. This updated version was later ported to the PlayStation 2 and GameCube under the title Code: Veronica X.

Despite earlier announcements that the next game in the series would be released for the PlayStation 2, which resulted in the creation of an unrelated game titled Devil May Cry, series’ creator and producer Shinji Mikami decided to make the series exclusively for the GameCube.[9] The next three games in the series—a remake of the original Resident Evil and the prequel Resident Evil Zero, both released in 2002, as well as Resident Evil 4 (2005)—were all released initially as GameCube exclusives. Resident Evil 4 was later released for Windows, PlayStation 2, and Wii.

A trilogy of GunCon-compatible light gun games known as the Gun Survivor series featured first-person gameplay. The first, Resident Evil Survivor, was released in 2000 for the PlayStation and PC but received mediocre reviews.[10] The subsequent games, Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code: Veronica and Resident Evil: Dead Aim, fared somewhat better.[11] Dead Aim is the fourth Gun Survivor game in Japan, with Gun Survivor 3 being the Dino Crisis spin-off Dino Stalker. In a similar vein, the Chronicles series features first-person gameplay, albeit on an on-rails path. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles was released in 2007 for the Wii, with a sequel, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles released in 2009 (both were later ported to the PlayStation 3 in 2012).[12] Also in 2009, Resident Evil 5 was released for PlayStation 3, Windows and Xbox 360, becoming the best selling game of the franchise despite mixed fan reception.

Resident Evil Outbreak is an online game for the PlayStation 2, released in 2003, depicting a series of episodic storylines in Raccoon City set during the same period as Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. It was the first in the series and the first survival horror title to feature cooperative gameplay.[13] It was followed by a sequel, Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2. Raccoon City is a metropolis located in the Arklay Mountains of the Midwestern United States that succumbed to the deadly T-virus outbreak and was consequently destroyed via a nuclear missile attack issued by the United States government. The town served as a critical junction for the series’ progression as one of the main catalysts to Umbrella’s downfall and the entry point for some of the series’ most notable characters.

Resident Evil Gaiden is an action-adventure game for the Game Boy Color featuring a role-playing-style combat system. There have been several downloadable mobile games based on the Resident Evil series in Japan. Some of these mobile games have been released in North America and Europe through T-Mobile. At the Sony press conference during E3 2009, Resident Evil Portable was announced for the PlayStation Portable,[14][15][16] described as an all-new title being developed with «the PSP Go in mind» and «totally different for a Resident Evil game». No further announcements have been made, and the game is considered to have been canceled.[17][18]

Capcom revealed the third-person shooter Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, which was developed by Slant Six Games for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows and released in March 2012. A survival horror game for the Nintendo 3DS, Resident Evil: Revelations, was released in February 2012.[19] In October of the same year, the next numbered entry in the main series, Resident Evil 6, was released to mixed reviews,[20] but enthusiastic pre-order sales.[21]

In 2013, producer Masachika Kawata said the Resident Evil franchise would return to focus on elements of horror and suspense over action, adding that «survival horror as a genre is never going to be on the same level, financially, as shooters and much more popular, mainstream games. At the same time, I think we need to have the confidence to put money behind these projects, and it doesn’t mean we can’t focus on what we need to do as a survival horror game to meet fan’s needs.»[22] Resident Evil: Revelations 2, an episodic game set between Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, was released in March 2015. A series of team-based multiplayer games were developed beginning with the poorly-received Umbrella Corps, which was released in June 2016.[23] Resident Evil: Resistance was released in April 2020, followed by Resident Evil Re:Verse in October 2022, with both being available for free to those who bought Resident Evil 3 and Village respectively.[24][25]

Using the new RE Engine, which would develop the next generation of Resident Evil games, the series continued to shift back towards more horror elements. The next mainline game, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard was released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in January 2017.[26][27] Set in a dilapidated mansion in Louisiana, the game uses a first-person perspective and emphasizes horror and exploration over action, unlike previous installments.[28][29][30][31] The first-person perspective continued in the eighth mainline game Resident Evil Village. Released in May 2021, the game, set in a mysterious European village, is a direct sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard although it incorporates more action elements inspired from Resident Evil 4.[32][33] The game also marked the franchise’s debut on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S[34]

A new generation of remakes of older entries began in 2019 with a remake of Resident Evil 2, being released for the PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One. The remake outsold the original game within a year, selling over five million copies.[35] Following in the success of the Resident Evil 2 remake, Capcom revealed a remake of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in December 2019, known as Resident Evil 3. It was released in April 2020.[36] In June 2022, a remake of Resident Evil 4 was announced and is expected to be released on March 24, 2023 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.[37]


The early Resident Evil games focused on the Umbrella Corporation, an international pharmaceutical company that secretly develops mutagenic viruses to further their «bio-organic weapons» (BOW) research. The company’s viruses can transform humans into mindless zombies while also mutating plants and animals into horrifying monstrosities. The Umbrella Corporation uses its vast resources to effectively control Raccoon City, a fictional midwestern American city. In the original Resident Evil, members of an elite police task force, Special Tactics and Rescue Service (STARS), are lured to derelict mansion on the outskirts of Raccoon City. The STARS team is mostly decimated by zombies and other BOWs, leaving only a handful of survivors, including Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Albert Wesker. Chris and Jill explore the zombie-infested mansion and uncover a secret underground Umbrella research facility. Wesker reveals himself to be a double agent for Umbrella and betrays his comrades. However, Wesker is seemingly murdered by a Tyrant, a special BOW that is the culmination of the Umbrella Corporation’s research.[38][39]

Chris and Jill escape the mansion, but their testimony is ridiculed by Raccoon City’s officials due to Umbrella’s influence. Meanwhile, a separate viral outbreak occurs in another Umbrella research facility underneath Raccoon City. Most of the city’s residents are infected and become zombies. Resident Evil 2 introduces two new protagonists, Leon S. Kennedy, a rookie police officer and Claire Redfield, the younger sister of Chris. Leon and Claire arrive in Raccoon City amidst the chaos of the viral outbreak. Leon is aided by Ada Wong, a corporate spy posing as an FBI agent, while Claire rescues Sherry Birkin, the daughter of two prominent Umbrella researchers. At the same time, Jill makes her escape from the city in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. She is relentlessly pursued by a new Tyrant, Nemesis, who is deployed by Umbrella to eliminate all surviving STARS members. The U.S. Government destroys Raccoon City with a missile strike to sterilize the viral outbreak.[40] Leon, Claire, Sherry, Ada, and Jill escape the city before its eradication. Claire continues to look for Chris, whereas Leon is recruited to work for the U.S. Government. Resident Evil – Code: Veronica follows Claire as she escapes from a prison camp in the Southern Ocean and later reunites with Chris at an Umbrella research facility in Antarctica. Resident Evil 4 is set six years after the Raccoon City incident and focuses on Leon as he tries to rescue the U.S. President’s daughter from a cult in Spain.[38][39]

A government investigation into the Umbrella Corporation reveals its involvement in the Raccoon City disaster and leads to the company’s dissolution. Despite the downfall of the Umbrella Corporation, the company’s research and BOWs proliferate across the black market and lead to the rise of bioterrorism. Chris and Jill establish the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA) to combat these ever-growing threats on a global scale. Wesker is revealed to be alive and involved in the development of new potent viral agents and BOWs. In Resident Evil 5, Wesker seeks to unleash a highly mutagenic virus that will infect all of humanity. Chris and the BSAA confront and kill Wesker in Africa before he can fulfill his mission.[41] Resident Evil 6 features Chris and Leon meeting for the first time in the video game series.[42] The two work separately to triage bioterrorist attacks in the United States, Eastern Europe, and China. They are assisted by Sherry, Jake Muller, Wesker’s illegitimate son, and many members of the BSAA and U.S. government. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and Resident Evil Village introduce a new protagonist, Ethan Winters, who becomes entangled in a bioterrorism incident while searching for his missing wife. He encounters Chris and the BSAA, who help him rescue his wife and defeat Eveline, a powerful BOW. Ethan, Mia, and their newborn daughter, Rosemary, are relocated to Eastern Europe but are abducted by a cult. Ethan ultimately sacrifices himself to destroy a fungal colony being weaponized by bioterrorists and save his family.[38][39][43]


The Resident Evil franchise has had a variety of control schemes and gameplay mechanics throughout its history. Puzzle-solving has figured prominently throughout the series.[44]

Tank controls[edit]

The first game introduced a control scheme that the player community has come to refer to as «tank controls» to the series. In a game with tank controls, players control movement relative to the position of the player character, rather than relative to the fixed virtual camera from which the player views the current scene.[45] Pressing up (for example on a D-pad, analog stick, or cursor movement keys) on the game controller moves the character in the direction being faced, pressing down backpedals, and left and right rotates the character.[45] This can feel counter-intuitive when the character is facing the camera, as the controls are essentially reversed in this state. This differs from many 3D games, in which characters move in the direction the player pushes the controls from the perspective of the camera.[45] Some critics have posited that the control scheme is intentionally clumsy, meant to enhance stress and exacerbate difficulty.[46]

While the first three entries in the series featured this control scheme, the third, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, saw some action-oriented additions. These included a 180 degree turn and dodge command that, according to GameSpot, «hinted at a new direction that the series would go in.» Later games in the series, like Resident Evil 4, would feature a more fluid over-the-shoulder third-person camera instead of a fixed camera for each room, while Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village are played from the first-person perspective.

Third-person shooter gameplay[edit]

Resident Evil 4 saw significant changes to the established gameplay, including switching from fixed camera perspectives to a tracking camera, and more action-oriented gameplay and mechanics. This was complemented by an abundance of ammunition and revised aiming and melee mechanics. Some critics claimed that this overhauled control scheme «made the game less scary.»[46] The next two games in the franchise furthered the action-oriented mechanics: Resident Evil 5 featured cooperative play and added strafing, while Resident Evil 6 allowed players to move while aiming and shooting for the first time, fully abandoning the series’ signature tank controls.[46]

First-person shooter gameplay and VR[edit]

Resident Evil 7 is the first main Resident Evil game to use the first-person perspective and to use virtual reality. It drew comparisons to modern survival horror games such as Outlast and PT.[46] The eighth main-series game, Resident Evil Village, also features a first-person perspective.[47] A VR version of Resident Evil 4 was released on the Oculus Quest 2 on October 21, 2021.[48]

Other media[edit]

The Resident Evil franchise features video games and tie-in merchandise and products, including various live-action and animated films, comic books, and novels.


Live-action films[edit]

The live-action film series logo

From 2002 to 2016, six live-action Resident Evil films were produced, all written and produced by Paul W. S. Anderson. The films do not follow the games’ premise but feature some game characters. The series’ protagonist is Alice, an original character created for the films portrayed by Milla Jovovich. Despite a negative reaction from critics, the live-action film series has made over $1 billion worldwide.[49] They are, to date, the only video game adaptations to increase the amount of money made with each successive film.[50] The series holds the record for the «Most Live-Action Film Adaptations of a Video Game» in the 2012 Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition, which also described it as «the most successful movie series to be based on a video game.»[13]

A reboot, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, was released on November 24, 2021, with Johannes Roberts as writer/director.[51]

Animated films[edit]

The first computer animated film for the franchise was Biohazard 4D-Executer. It was a short 3D film produced for Japanese theme parks and did not feature any characters from the game.[52]

Starting in 2008, a series of feature-length computer animated films have been released. These films take place in the same continuity with the games of the series, and feature characters such as Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Rebecca Chambers.[53][54][55]


Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness, a four-part CG anime series, premiered on July 8, 2021, on Netflix. Starring the Resident Evil 2 protagonists Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, the series features both uncovering a worldwide plot. The series released on July 8, 2021[56] on Netflix.[57]

Resident Evil premiered on July 14, 2022, on Netflix. An eight episode live-action series, two plotlines set in 2022 and 2036 follow Albert Wesker and his daughters navigating Umbrella’s experiments in New Raccoon City.[58][59]


Resident Evil theme restaurant

Over the years, various toy companies have acquired the Resident Evil license, with each producing their own unique line of Resident Evil action figures or models.[60] These include, but are not limited to, Toy Biz,[61] Palisades Toys, NECA, and Hot Toys.

Tokyo Marui also produced replicas of the guns used in the Resident Evil series in the form of gas blow-back airsoft guns. Some models included the STARS Beretta featured in Resident Evil 3, and the Desert Eagle in a limited edition that came with other memorabilia in a wooden case, along with the Gold Lugers from Code: Veronica and the «Samurai Edge» pistol from the Resident Evil remake. Other merchandise includes an energy drink called «T-virus Antidote.»

Resident Evil Archives is a reference guide of the Resident Evil series written by staff members of Capcom. It was translated into English and published by BradyGames. The guide describes and summarizes all of the key events that occur in Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, and Code: Veronica. The main plot analysis also contains character relationship charts, artwork, item descriptions, and file transcripts for all five games. A second Archives book was later released in December 2011 and covers Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, the new scenarios detailed in Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, and the 2008 CGI movie, Resident Evil: Degeneration. The second Archives volume was also translated by Capcom and published by BradyGames.

A Resident Evil theme restaurant called Biohazard Cafe & Grill S.T.A.R.S. opened in Tokyo in 2012.[62] Halloween Horror Nights 2013, held at Universal Orlando, featured a haunted house titled Resident Evil: Escape from Raccoon City, based on Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.[63]


The first Resident Evil novel was Hiroyuki Ariga’s novella Biohazard: The Beginning, published in 1997 as a portion of the book The True Story of Biohazard, which was given away as a pre-order bonus with the Sega Saturn version of Biohazard. The story serves as a prelude to the original Resident Evil, in which Chris investigates the disappearance of his missing friend, Billy Rabbitson.

S. D. Perry has written novelizations of the first five games, as well as two original novels taking place between games. The novels often take liberties with the games’ plot by exploring events occurring outside and beyond the games. This often meant that the games would later contradict the books on a few occasions.[64] One notable addition from the novels is the original character Trent, who often served as a mysterious behind-the-scenes string-puller who aided the main characters. Perry’s novels were translated and released in Japan with new cover arts by Wolfina.[65] Perry’s novels, particularly The Umbrella Conspiracy, also alluded to events in Biohazard: The Beginning, such as the disappearance of Billy Rabbitson and Brian Irons’ bid to run for Mayor. A reprinting of Perry’s novels with new cover artwork began in 2012 to coincide with the release of Resident Evil: Retribution and its respective novelization.

There are a trilogy of original Biohazard novels in Japan. Hokkai no Yōjū (北海の妖獣, lit. «The Strange Beast of the North Sea») was published in 1998 and was written by Kyū Asakura and the staff of Flagship. Two additional novels were published in 2002, To the Liberty by Sudan Kimura and Rose Blank by Tadashi Aizawa. While no official English translation of these novels has been published yet, the last two books were translated into German and published in 2006.

Novelizations of three of the six Paul Anderson films; Genesis, Apocalypse, and Extinction, were written by Keith DeCandido. Afterlife did not receive a novelization due to Capcom’s decision to discontinue working with Pocket Books, who had been their primary source of publishing books up to that point, Capcom would later make Titan Books their primary publisher going forth. Retribution was written by John Shirley, while The Final Chapter was written by Tim Waggoner. Genesis was published over two years after that film’s release and coincided with the publication of Apocalypse, Genesis being marketed as a prequel to Apocalypse, while the Extinction novel was released in late July 2007, two months before the film’s release. The Final Chapter was published in December 2016 alongside the film’s theatrical release. There was also a Japanese novelization of the first film, unrelated to DeCandido’s version, written by Osamu Makino. Makino also wrote two novels based on the game Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. The books are a two-part direct novelization of the game and are published in Japanese and German only. The first novel, titled Biohazard: The Umbrella Chronicles Side A in Japan and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles 1 in Germany, was released on December 22, 2007. The second novel, titled Biohazard: The Umbrella Chronicles Side B in Japan and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles 2 in Germany, was published in January 2008.


In 1997, Marvel Comics published a single-issue prologue comic based on the original Resident Evil, released through a promotional giveaway alongside the original PlayStation game.

In 1998, WildStorm began producing a monthly comic book series based on the first two games, titled Resident Evil: The Official Comic Magazine, which lasted five issues. The first four issues were published by Image, while Wildstorm themselves published the fifth and final issue. Each issue was a compilation of short stories that were both adaptations of events from the games and related side stories. Like the Perry novels, the comics also explored events occurring beyond Resident Evil 2 (the latest game during the series’ publication) and thus were contradicted by later games. Wildstorm also published a four-issue miniseries titled Resident Evil: Fire & Ice, which depicted the ordeal of Charlie Team, a third STARS team created specifically for the comic. In 2009, Wildstorm reprinted Fire & Ice in a trade paperback collection.[66]

In Hong Kong, there has been officially licensed Biohazard manhua adaptations of Biohazard 0 by publisher Yulang Group, Biohazard 2 by Kings Fountain, Biohazard 3 Supplemental Edition by Cao Zhihao and, Biohazard 3 The Last Escape, and Biohazard Code: Veronica by Lee Chung Hing published by Tinhangse Publishing. The Code: Veronica manhua was translated into English, formatted to look like an American comic and distributed by WildStorm as a series of four graphic novel collections.

In 2009, Wildstorm began publishing a comic book prequel to Resident Evil 5, titled Resident Evil, which centers around two original members of the BSAA named Mina Gere and Holiday Sugarman. Written by Ricardo Sanchez and illustrated by Kevin Sharpe and Jim Clark, the first issue was published on March 11, 2009. On November 11, 2009, the third issue was released, and the fourth was released March 24, 2010. The sixth and final book was finally published in February 2011.[67]


In the summer of 2000, Bioroid: Year Zero was performed in Japan. It was a musical horror-comedy but took the perspective of the infected. Super Eccentric Theater put on the production under the direction of Osamu Yagihashi. The stage play was performed from early July to late August.[68]

Biohazard The Stage was released in Japan in 2015. The play focused on iconic characters, Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers, as Philosophy University in Australia is experiencing a bioterrorist attack. The production was handled by Avex Live Creative and Ace Crew Entertainment, under supervision from Capcom.[69]

The following year, Musical Biohazard ~Voice of Gaia~ was released in September. It was produced by Umeda Arts Theater by director G2 and composer, Shunsuke Wada.[70]

Biohazard the Experience was the second Resident Evil play produced by Avex Live Creative and Ace Crew Entertainment. The story is set in 2015 and follows a cast of thirteen survivors who were abducted and woke up in a mansion during an outbreak.[71]

Reception and legacy[edit]

Most of the games in the prominent Resident Evil series have been released to positive reviews. Some of the games, most notably Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4, have been bestowed with multiple Game of the Year honors and often placed on lists of the best video games ever made.

In 1999, Next Generation listed the Resident Evil series as number 13 on their «Top 50 Games of All Time», commenting that, «Flawless graphics, excellent music, and a top-notch storyline all combined to make a game of unparalleled atmosphere and suspense.»[72] In 2012, Complex ranked Resident Evil at number 22 on the list of the best video game franchises.[73] That same year, G4tv called it «one of the most successful series in gaming history.»[74]

Commercial performance[edit]

As of September 30, 2021, the series has sold 120 million units worldwide.[75] The first two Resident Evil games had collectively sold approximately 11 million units worldwide by March 1999.[76] By early 2001, the series had sold 17 million units worldwide, earning more than $600 million.[77] By 2011, it had sold about 46 million units and was estimated to have grossed at least more than $1.3 billion in video game sales.[78][79] It is recognized by Guinness World Records as the best-selling survival horror series, with Resident Evil 5 the best-selling survival horror game, as of 2016.[80] Seven of the top ten best-selling horror games in North America are Resident Evil titles, with Resident Evil 5 the best-selling horror game, as of 2019.[81]

The Resident Evil film adaptations also went on to become the highest-grossing film series based on video games by 2012.[82] By 2011, the films had grossed over $600 million at the box office, bringing the franchise’s estimated revenue to at least more than $1.9 billion in combined video game sales and box office gross up until then.[78][79] As of 2020, the films have grossed more than $1.3 billion in box office and home video sales.[83] The success of the video games and films have made Resident Evil the highest-grossing franchise in the horror[84] and zombie genres.[78][79]

Cultural impact[edit]

GameSpot listed the original Resident Evil as one of the fifteen most influential video games of all time. It is credited with defining and popularizing the survival horror genre of games. It is also credited with taking video games in a cinematic direction with its B-movie style cut-scenes, including live-action full-motion video (FMV) footage. Its live-action opening, however, was controversial; it became one of the first action games to receive the «Mature 17+» (M) rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), despite the opening cutscene being censored in North America.[85]

The Resident Evil franchise is credited with sparking a revival of the zombie genre in popular culture, leading to a renewed interest in zombie films during the 2000s.[86][87] Resident Evil also helped redefine the zombie genre,[88] playing an important role in its shift from supernatural themes to scientific themes by using science to explain the origins of zombies.[89] According to Kim Newman in the book Nightmare Movies (2011), «the zombie revival began in the Far East» mainly due to the 1996 Japanese zombie games Resident Evil and The House of the Dead.[90] George Romero, in 2013, said it was the video games Resident Evil and House of the Dead «more than anything else» that popularised his zombie concept in early 21st-century popular culture.[91][92] In a 2015 interview with Huffington Post, screenwriter-director Alex Garland credited the Resident Evil series as a primary influence on his script for the horror film 28 Days Later (2002), and credited the first Resident Evil game for revitalizing the zombie genre.[87] Screenwriter Edgar Wright cited Resident Evil 2 as a primary influence on his zombie comedy film Shaun of the Dead (2004),[93] with the film’s star and co-writer Simon Pegg also crediting the first game with starting the zombie revival in popular culture.[86] The Walking Dead comic book creator Robert Kirkman cited Resident Evil as his favorite zombie game,[94] while The Walking Dead television series director Greg Nicotero credited Resident Evil and The House of the Dead with introducing the zombie genre «to a whole generation of younger people who didn’t grow up watching Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead[95]

The Resident Evil Apocalypse zombies were conceptualized and choreographed by Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland. Through script analysis and movement research a “scientific logic” was devised for the T-Virus accounting for each Zombie behaviour envisioned in Paul W. S. Anderson’s script. Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland then wrote the so-called Undead Bible — a Handbook for the Undead — used as the guide for the nearly 1000 cast under the choreographic department (stunt performers, actors, dancers, extras) to ensure the Undead physicality was performed in a unified way across the picture.  The Stunt and Core teams participated in the “Undead Bootcamp”.  See also 2007 Documentary Undead Bootcamp starring producer Jeremy Bolt, director Alexander Witt, and choreographers Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland.

On the DVD Featurette ‘Resident Evil; Game Over’ RE2 Apocalypse director Alexander Witt said the zombies needed to be «more aggressive and more dangerous» than the original film, so they were created by the film’s choreographers Sharon B. Moore and Derek Aasland as «liquid zombie[s]’ in terms of their relentless forward motion: unstoppable, flowing around any kind of resistance, and then rushing in on the final attack. This is also detailed in the University of Liverpool book Biopunk Dystopias Genetic Engineering, Society, and Science Fiction (Lars Schmeink, 2016, p.214)[96] 

Additionally, the first Resident Evil film adaptation also contributed to the revival of zombie films, with the success of the film and the games resulting in zombies achieving greater mainstream prominence and several zombie films being greenlit, such as the video game film adaptation House of the Dead (2003), the remake Dawn of the Dead (2004) and Romero’s Land of the Dead (2004).[97] The Resident Evil films, 28 Days Later and the Dawn of the Dead remake all set box office records for the zombie genre, reaching levels of commercial success not seen since the original Dawn of the Dead (1978).[98] They were followed by other zombie films such as 28 Weeks Later (2007), Zombieland (2009), Cockneys vs Zombies (2012), and World War Z (2013), as well as zombie-themed graphic novels and television shows such as The Walking Dead and The Returned,[86] and books such as World War Z (2006), Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009) and Warm Bodies (2010).[99] The zombie revival trend was popular across different media up until the mid-2010s.[86] Since then, zombie films have declined in popularity during the late 2010s,[99] but zombie video games have remained popular, as seen with the commercial success of the Resident Evil 2 remake and Days Gone in 2019.[100]

See also[edit]

  • Genetic engineering in fiction
  • List of fictional diseases
  • List of zombie video games
  • Dino Crisis, another horror series by Capcom
  • Devil May Cry, another series by Capcom, initially conceived as the fourth title in the series
  • Onimusha, another series by Capcom with similar gameplay, initially conceived as a spin-off
  • The Evil Within, other horror game made by Shinji Mikami


  1. ^ Japanese: バイオハザード, Hepburn: Baiohazādo


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  95. ^ Hocking, Scott (September 24, 2018). «Interview with Greg Nicotero – The Walking Dead». STACK. Retrieved March 14, 2022.
  96. ^ Schmeink, Lars (2016). Biopunk dystopias : genetic engineering, society, and science fiction. Liverpool. ISBN 978-1-78138-332-2. OCLC 1256592985.
  97. ^ Russell, Jamie (2005). «The Resident Evil Effect». Book of the Dead: The Complete History of Zombie Cinema. FAB Press / Titan Books. pp. 171–178 (178). ISBN 978-1-903254-33-2. Whatever criticism one might want to level against the first Resident Evil movie, it had an undeniably positive effect on the zombie’s fortunes. Dragged into the mainstream by the videogame franchise and Anderson’s blockbuster, the living dead suddenly achieved a degree of respectability they’d never had before. It was as if, after seventy-odd years of being ignored, they’d finally received their invite to the Hollywood party. Within mere weeks of Resident Evils opening came a series of press releases and announcements suggesting that the zombie had finally broken free of its marginal roots: a remake of Dawn of the Dead had received the greenlight, a big-screen adaptation of arcade game The House of the Dead was going into production; and, perhaps most exciting of all, George Romero announced at Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors Convention in August 2002 that he was in serious talks with Twentieth Century Fox to complete the fourth and final installment of his «trilogy» — provisionally dubbed «Land of the Dead,» with a $10 million budget and a planned R-rated release.
  98. ^ Booker, M. Keith (2010). Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels [2 volumes]: [Two Volumes]. ABC-CLIO. p. 662. ISBN 9780313357473.
  99. ^ a b «How ’28 Days Later’ Changed the Horror Genre». The Hollywood Reporter. June 29, 2018. Retrieved May 31, 2019.
  100. ^ «A Discussion of Zombies and the Apocalypse in Video Games». The Hollywood Reporter. April 27, 2019. Retrieved May 31, 2019.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • BioHazard / Resident Evil series at MobyGames
  • Undead Bootcamp — Resident Evil Apocalypse — (2007 — Documentary)
Оставив нас, Ты в этот час Летишь в обитель зла, Чтоб в вышине, Горя в огне, Душа спастись могла. Through paths unknown Thy soul hath flown, To seek the realms of woe, Where fiery pain Shall purge the stain Of actions done below.
Правильно, – согласился лавочник Базфорд, уставившись в столешницу. – Что и говорить, Кэстербридж – старая, закоснелая обитель зла. “True,” said Buzzford, the dealer, looking at the grain of the table. “Casterbridge is a old, hoary place o’ wickedness, by all account.
Я уже исправил серию “Матрица”, серию “Обитель зла” и “челюсти”. I’ve already fixed The Matrix series, Resident Evil series, and Jaws.
Другие результаты
Поступи в одну из женских обителей строжайшего ордена, и там будет тебе время замолить свои грехи и подвергнуться достойному покаянию. In some sisterhood of the strictest order, shalt thou have time for prayer and fitting penance, and that repentance not to be repented of.
Я, Дэррель Стэндинг, обитатель многих плотских обителей, напишу еще несколько строк этих воспоминаний, а затем в свою очередь исчезну. I, Darrell Standing, the tenant of many fleshly tenements, shall write a few more lines of these memoirs and then pass on my way.
“В доме Отца моего обителей много”, – сказано в Библии. There are many dwellings in my Father’s house, says the Bible.
От фундамента, заложенного на земле для небесной обители? My foundation laid on earth for a mansion in heaven?
Я несказанно рад приветствовать вас в своей скромной обители. I am truly honoured to be able to welcome you to my humble abode!
Защита этой священной обители была моей главной обязанностью в течение последних двадцати лет. The protection of this sanctuary has been my sole charge for over two decades.
Юный послушник постучал в открытую дверь частных апартаментов Омеги в Обители. The young acolyte tapped once on the open door to Omega’s private tabernacle quarters.
В обители было тихо и темно, но пророк Омега, несомненно, ожидал их. The tabernacle was quiet and dark, but the Prophet Omega was indeed waiting for them.
Ваше эссе по Пармской обители готово? Have you prepared your essay on The Charterhouse of Parma?
Приветствую Праджапати Дакшу и мудреца Бхригу в скромной обители мудреца. Prajapati daksha and sage bhrigu are welcome to this poor sage’s hermitage.
Когда я писал сценарий, создавал и снимался в “Обители Тьмы” в 1980-ых, то давал каждому эпизода главную идею, даже если было поздно или я валился с ног от усталости. When I wrote, directed and starred in Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace in the 1980s, I gave every episode a theme, even when we were late or I was tired.
“Ло, я вижу, как в этой обители скорби женщина со светильником легко ступает из комнаты в комнату сквозь мерцающий мрак.” “Lo, in that house of misery, the lady with a lamp, I see pass through the glimmering gloom and flit from room to room.”
Все обители острова должны будут, подобно вам, дать отчет о том, что они делали сегодня утром с десяти сорока пяти до одиннадцати сорока. Every one on the island will be asked to account for his or her movements between a quarter to eleven and twenty minutes to twelve this morning.”
После падения Дома нашего клана я переехал в Эдо и нашел прибежище в неприглядной обители. After the fall of my master’s house, I moved here to Edo and found shelter in a back-alley tenement.
Как, и в этой обители мрака, где бесчестье заставило меня похоронить себя, нет для меня отдыха от мук и надежды? In the gloom of this abode, where shame has drove me to bury myself, are my sufferings to have no respite; is hope to be for ever banished?
Если ты меня не вытащишь из этой обители скуки, я совершу какой-нибудь безумный поступок. If you don’t pull me out of this swamp of boredom, I’m gonna do something drastic.
Вся история в том и заключается, что Ательстана Конингсбургского похоронили в обители святого Эдмунда. “Why, the tale is but this-Athelstane of Coningsburgh was buried at Saint Edmund’s.”
В ней была какая-то святость, тишина, если угодно – глядя на нее, ты невольно думал, что она закончит жизнь в обители монахиней, в белом куафюре. She seemed to have an odd quality of sainthood, as if she must inevitably end in a convent with a white coif framing her face.
Вместо того чтобы остаток жизни спасаться бегством, он искал убежища в самом неожиданном месте, в обители наиболее ненавистных врагов его народа. Instead of fleeing for the rest of his life he sought shelter in the one place no one expected him to go. in a stronghold of his people’s most hated enemies.
Я -могу завоевать ее дом, но она убежит до того, как я успею назвать себя хозяином ее обители. Conqueror I might be of the house; but the inmate would escape to heaven before I could call myself possessor of its clay dwelling-place.
Вам больше понравятся объяснения, что вся эта сцена была разработана в вашей святой обители флорентийцем,находящимся в камере одиночного заключения? Your preferred explanation is that this entire scene was engineered in your inner sanctum by a man that all Florence knows is in solitary confinement?
Я воспитывался в обители святого Витольда, что в Бертоне, – отвечал Седрик. “I was bred in the convent of St Withold of Burton,” answered Cedric.
В проклятой обители, можете себе представить? In a damn convent, for God’s sake.
Живя в обители, я научилась никого не посвящать в свои тайньi. I learned in the convent never to confide in anyone.
Она положила у ног Девы Марии. ключ от сейфа обители. She placed at her feet the key to the convent safe.
За время нашего совместного пребывания в этой зелёной обители, должен признаться, у меня возникло к тебе нечто вроде нежности. During our time together in this verdant bower, I must confess, I’ve developed something of a fondness for you.
Значит, остается лишь назначить место, приличное для битвы, а также, если понадобится, то и для казни. Где прецептор здешней обители? It remains but to name a fitting place of combat, and, if it so hap, also of execution.-Where is the Preceptor of this house?”
За несколько дней до Рождества Бекки с мужем и сыном собрались ехать в Королевское Кроули, чтобы провести праздники в обители своих предков. A day or two before Christmas, Becky, her husband and her son made ready and went to pass the holidays at the seat of their ancestors at Queen’s Crawley.
На самом деле, находясь в сей благословенной обители, я сознательно умеряю свои способности дабы случайно не вторгнутся в личное пространство моих сотоварищей In actual fact, when I’m in these hallowed environs, I deliberately tamp down my abilities so as not to violate my fellows’ privacy.
Ищите настоятеля обители Ульриха ибо он хранит секрет Камня в сердце своем. “Seek out the abbot of the Cloister of Ulrich for he keeps the secret of the Stone close to his heart.”
У них царил покой монашеской обители – шторы опущены, ни пылинки, ни пятнышка, как в операционной. With them reigned the peace of a monastic cloister-drawn blinds, not a speck, not a spot, as in an operating room.
Даже в раю слышны глухие содроганья -предвестие грядущих бедствий: ведь и в том, предначальном Эдеме, обители совершенства, росло ужасное древо. Even that paradise itself contains the rumour or beginning of that danger, just as the Eden that was made for perfection contained the terrible tree.
Тишина спустилась на город после взрыва воплей и стенаний, пролетевших над рекой, как порыв ветра из обители скорби. ‘A hush had fallen upon the town after the outburst of wailing and lamentation that had swept over the river, like a gust of wind from the opened abode of sorrow.
Приветствую Праджапати Дакшу и мудреца Бхригу в скромной обители мудреца. Prajapati daksha and sage bhrigu are welcome to this poor sage’s hermitage.
Был гидом Корделии в ее восхождении, видел как он уходила в высшие обители. You were there guiding Cordelia to her ascension, seeing her off to a higher plane.
Более того, Лоренцо Бернини практически всю свою жизнь провел за стенами папской обители. He practically lived inside Vatican City his entire life!”
Леса – обители тайны и ужаса, трепет крыл младенческой души подобен предсмертному вздоху под их чудовищным сводом. Forests are apocalypses, and the beating of the wings of a tiny soul produces a sound of agony beneath their monstrous vault.
И как они поняли после 9/11, в обители смелых ничего не работает так хорошо, как старый добрый страх. And as they learned after 9/11, nothing works better in the home of the brave than some good old fashioned fear.
Впоследствии я покинул владения и направился сюда, в Эдо, где нашел себе пристанище в неприглядной обители. I subsequently left the domain and moved here to Edo, where I found shelter in a back-alley tenement.
Я не позволю ребенку находиться около женской обители. I Am Not Having A Child Poke Around In Lady Town.
То ты пожимаешь руку, А то лежишь в обители с червями Now you bound in haste Now worms lay you to waste
Так как она воспитывалась в этой обители и сохранила привычку ездить туда от времени до времени, ее приняли, как всегда, и она всем показалась спокойной и здоровой. As she was educated in that house, and occasionally came to visit there, she was received as usual, and appeared to every one in good health and very quiet.
Ты должен понять ту тяжелую ответственность, которая лежит на моих плечах, брат Руалд о духовном благополучии этой обители You must understand the very heavy responsibility that bears upon my shoulders, Brother Ruald, for the spiritual wellbeing of this House.
Едва выйдя из стен святой обители, она тут же замкнулась в стенах родительского дома, который был едва ли не большей кельей, чем любой женский монастырь. Coming straight from the convent, she had gone in behind the high walls of the manor-house that was almost more cloistral than any convent could have been.
Будешь отдавать мне деньги в обители. Then you give the money to me at the seminary.
Окей, выпьем за нового гения обители зла Каскадии Okay. To SadTec’s new Cascadia resident evil genius.
Прочь от земной обители душа моя ушла. “I’ve give my heart to Jesus, so Jesus take me home.
Последнее слово Щупальца — возрадуемся же теперь в обители Щупальца! Thus say of the Tentacle. Therely thou shalt rejoice in the House of the Tentacle.
Изволите видеть, преподобный отец, – сказал старый Деннет, – к пономарю в обители святого Эдмунда пришел в гости один пьяный поп. “An please your reverence,” said Dennet, “a drunken priest came to visit the Sacristan at Saint Edmund’s-“
И все же девушки оставили о себе в этой суровой обители много прелестных воспоминаний. Nonetheless, these young girls filled this grave house with charming souvenirs.
Давным-давно, неподалеку отсюда, в кармелитской обители. жила молоденькая монашка, очень добрая, очень надежная. которая вела все финансовые дела. It happened long ago not far from here, in a Carmelite convent. There was a young sister, very good and sensible, who looked after expenses.
Тирумал, живший до сих пор в Шри Рангаме, счел его недостойным своей обители из-за проступков тамошних жрецов. Thirumal, dwelling at Sri Rangam hitherto, found it unworthy of his abode because of the misdeeds of the priests there.
Дворец Потала, названный в честь горы Потала, обители Ченрезига или Авалокитешвары, был главной резиденцией Далай-ламы. The Potala Palace, named after Mount Potala, the abode of Chenresig or Avalokitesvara, was the chief residence of the Dalai Lama.
Лучи кристаллизовались в обители Катьяяны Риши, которая придала ей надлежащую форму, поэтому ее также называют Катьяяни. The rays crystallized in the hermitage of Kātyāyana Rishi, who gave it proper form therefore she is also called Katyayani.
На обращенном на восток фронтоне Южной библиотеки изображен Шива, сидящий на вершине горы Кайласа, своей мифологической обители. The east-facing pediment on the southern library shows Śiva seated on the summit of Mount Kailāsa, his mythological abode.
Из этого употребления происходит Христианское обозначение Рая как обители блаженных. From this usage, comes Christianity’s denotation of Paradise as the abode of the blessed.
Когда он был принят в небесной обители, его женщины и дети на земле интернировали его золотое тело, воздвигли храм и регулярно проводили праздники. When he was received in the celestial abode, his women and children on earth interned his golden body, erected a temple and conducted celebrations regularly.

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обитель зла

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    Обитель зла

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Обитель зла

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Произношение Обитель зла
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио

Обитель зла – 7 результатов перевода

Призраки встревожены, разъярены.

Сегодня смерть снова придёт в эту обитель зла.

Мне вдруг стало очень холодно.

The ghosts are restless, angry.

Tonight death walks again in this evil house.

Suddenly I… I became cold.

Какая игра тебе особенно нравится?

Мне нравится «Обитель зла 2″

Что-то, где ты можешь использовать свое воображение, правильно?

Any particular game you like?

I like «Resident Evil 2.»

Anything where you can use your imagination, right?


Эй, я собираюсь совершить поездку в Обитель зла

— Мне понадобится помощь

Oh, no.

Hey, I’m taking a trip to Anger Trigger City.

— I’m gonna need backup.

Так, работаем!

Ненавижу это место, как обитель зла.

Похоже только в этих двух фильмах

Back to work.

I hate it here. This place is evil.

— I think these are the only two films

Это Дженни Боувен.

У неё тело Лары Крофт, надутые губки Джилл Валентайн из Обители Зла, и откровенная эротичность Роузи

Боже, как бы я хотел нагнуть Роузи О’Доннел через кухонный стол… и разрешить ей есть всё, что она захочет.

It’s Jenny Bowen.

She’s got the body of Lara Croft,the pouty good looks of Resident Evil‘s Jill Valentine, and the frank eroticism of Rosie O’Donnell.

God,I’d love to bend Rosie O’Donnell over a buffet table and just let her eat all she wants.

Твою ж мать!

Что за монстр мог устроить тут такую обитель зла?

Я разговариваю с друзьями.

I forgot to vote for you.

— Holy [Bleep]! — What kind of monster would do something so resident evil?

— Sadie! — I’m talking to my friends.

Я ему не верю.

Окей, выпьем за нового гения обители зла Каскадии

Уж не каждый день мой лучший друг получает доступ к миллиардам кредитов.

I don’t trust him.

Okay… To SadTec’s new Cascadia resident evil genius.

It’s not every day my best friend gets access to billions of credits.

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Мы используем только переведенные профессиональными переводчиками фразы Обитель зла для формирования нашей постоянно обновляющейся базы. Это позволяет максимально точно переводить не просто слова, но и целые фразы, учитывая контекст и особенности их использования.

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